sexual abuse

Strive For Simplicity, Economise on Energy (6)

The Kiss (Lovers), Gustav Klimt, oil and gold leaf on canvas, , 1907–1908.

“Behind every shallow sexual interaction, there hides a person who does not want to see or be seen at a deeper level.”

Michael Mirdad, An Introduction To Tantra And Sacred Sexuality

Reading time: 30 mins

Brain Power

Before we continue exploring the vital role of simplifying and economising through attention to sexual energy let’s take a brief detour into the brain and the spaghetti junction of incessant thoughts.

An enormous amount of energy is expended in thinking deeply about a subject and still more when our thoughts are a product of stress and anxiety. Factor in low-grade fantasy and you have a major energy drain in the mind-body system. With such a breach, our perception, impressions – what we give out and receive – and ability to think critically is seriously impaired by subjective evaluations, warped still further by defensive mechanisms and stagnant beliefs.

The brain is a big, jelly-like battery making up 2 per cent of our body weight. Even at rest, this incredible hub gobbles up a whopping 20% of the body’s energy. [1] It’s long been known that the brain uses more energy than any other human organ, – up to 20 per cent of the body’s total output., with two-thirds of that energy used to help neurons or nerve cells “fire” the remaining third devoted to general “housekeeping,” and cell-health maintenance. [2]

Each neuron has a small voltage 70 millivolts or 0.07 volts. That may not seem much when compared to the 1.5 volts of a AA battery or the 115 volts from a wall socket, but at the microscopic scale, which is where it functions, it’s pretty impressive. In fact, when you take into account that the brain is made of 80 billion neurological batteries each of which contains four times the electrostatic force that normally results in lightning during a thunderstorm.  [3]

Our brains pack a powerful punch.

And when the procreative urge gets in on the act, usually as a form of grounding all that “electrostatic” tension, then a massive explosion of neurochemicals occurs at the point of climax. Sexual saiety is the result – or offspring.

The point is, this is a major “charge” which has a major downside and may not only be exhausting your physiological responses and your nervous system but re-wiring the neurology of the brain toward habituation. We become addicts to what is a very narrow mental and biological mechanism rationalised by the intellect, fuelled by ignorance.


Strive For Simplicity, Economise on Energy (5)

Infrakshun /

‘In order to make gold, you need to have gold.’

— Medieval alchemist

Reading time: 20 mins

Energy Matrix

Eastern philosophy and medicine has been well in advance of the West when it comes to recognising the energy of the body and mind. For thousands of years Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Indian practitioners had knowledge of the channels or meridians which carried two kinds of force, yin and yang, which flow along a network of energy pathways which map the entire body.

It is now accepted that our bodies are electromagnetic in nature with these energy pathways acting as electricity conductors, a fact of which acupuncturists take full advantage in order to regulate and “unblock” certain imbalances in the energy field. Knowledge of the energy network of meridians forms the diagnostic methodology behind Shiatsu/Acupressure, Qigong, Tai Chi and Yoga. Indeed, science seems to be catching up with what the ancients have already known for thousands of years.

As no anatomical foundation was perceived to exist for the meridian network in our current Darwinian-saturated science establishment the concept had been discarded and ignored as the Newtonian/Cartesian mindset held sway. However, a flurry of new experiments emerged in 2013 which produced a new anatomical foundation called the ‘Primo Vascular System’. Researchers at the Seoul National University in South Korea describe the PVS as “… a previously unknown system that integrates the features of the cardiovascular, nervous, immune, and hormonal systems. It also provides a physical substrate for the acupuncture points and meridians.” They propose “…a new vision of the anatomical basis for the PVS and the vital energy—called “Qi”—as an electromagnetic wave that is involved very closely with the DNA in the PVS.”

What is most fascinating is the duplication of the PVS by the vascular and the nervous systems during the very early stage of body development. Consequently: “… the PVS combines the features of the vascular, nervous, immune, and hormonal systems. The PVS in all its aspects is understood as a system that covers the entire body, and regulates and coordinates all biological life processes.” [1]

This was followed in 2016 with discoveries on the microstructure of the PVS via the use of a patented microscopy system by Professor Vitaly Vodyanoy of Auburn University in Alabama. He revealed for the first time “the microstructure of the miniscule, translucent system of vessels, subvessels and stem cell-filled nodes—together making up the primo-vascular system…” which appears in and on blood vessels, organ tissue and the lymphatic system. As for less complex biological of rats, it too features in the human system. [2]

Instead of a simplistic version of meridians lying on the surface of the skin, classical Chinese texts have always indicated the three-dimensional nature of energy pathways which carry liquid Chi to the internal organs. This liquid is made of stem-cells packed with DNA. And we know the enormous healing and regeneration properties of stem-cells and the mysterious nature of DNA as one factor in the interface of consciousness with knowledge and reality.

Now, keep in mind the importance of liquid in our bodies and its role in carrying protective and nourishing information.


Strive For Simplicity, Economise on Energy (4)

© Creator76 |

“A man builds a fine house; and now he has a master, and a task for life: he is to furnish, watch, show it, and keep it in repair, the rest of his days.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reading time: 15-18 mins

Energy Conservation

To conserve our energy in the way we think, feel and act we need to know how they might all relate in simple terms. So, let’s simplify it.

Think of energy efficiency (upgrades) and energy conservation (energy use) leading to the correct economy for your life. The home can be thought of as a metaphor or symbol of your mind and body. (If you like, this is an extension of Jordan Peterson’s thinking of tidying up your room).

Energy conservation involves using less energy by changing your behaviours and habits. Energy efficiency, on the other hand, involves using techniques, traditional systems of knowledge and new technologies that requires less energy to perform the same function.

Energy efficiency = all those qualities and techniques you can find to maximize your potential and minimize chaos. Accumulate energy for creativity and minimize loss from internal and external entropy.

Energy Conservation = simplifying your life through judicious, careful attention and limiting unnecessary drains on energy. employing measures which ensure you are not only efficient but have a constant supply on tap. Conservation sometimes means getting very creative. The more you conserve, the more likely that can be!

In other words, to be energy efficient means looking at ways your personality system can be upgraded so that less energy is needed to perform certain functions and which provides qualitatively better results. This can be “costly” in the short-term but requires much less effort in the long-term. This includes insulation, replacements, careful monitoring and upgrades.

Energy conservation involves actively seeking new ways to on your internal efficiency. You change your relationship to energy within your home. You seek ways to receive energy for minimum loss and a minimum amount of effort. It is strategic, long-term and eminently practical. It requires a re-calibration of existing appliances (organs of perception; centres) in order to extract a maximum amount of energy. The energy that you have is used wisely.

In other words, it means a change in overall behaviour through commitment and a creative application of knowledge.

How might we use our energy more efficiently?

Insulate, upgrade and monitor.

Insulate your mind and body from that which would drain but remain porous enough to let constructive influences through. And if you have good quality insulation then you have more energy to produce warmth and proper flow of electricity and therefore creative potential. (It might be stretching this metaphor to its limit but it’s no coincidence that key brain areas found to have more nerve fibre insulation or “myelination” equates to advantageous personality traits!)


Official Culture Reprise I: (Or… Don’t reach for the tranquilizers just yet)

 By M.K. Styllinski

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

William Blum, author and Former U.S. State Dept. Employee


© infrakshun

“In 1984, the government continually changed its past by creating new historical fictions to justify its present. I wondered if we had already gone beyond 1984, where, as Orwell said, “truth is falsehood,” and “ignorance is strength.”

Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control (1978)

As the Greek Philosopher Phaedrus wisely stated: “The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.”

Inducing insanity hasn’t been the aim of this blog, but after reading about many of these subjects (let alone experiencing them) it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise to succumb to a heavy heart after being confronted with so many entrenched iniquities. However, the Dark Night of the Soul should eventually liberate not imprison; providing a stepping stone to a richer, fuller appraisal of our world and ourselves. There are demons stalking the souls of our ancestors and the children of our modern world and it must cause concern, but not to the point it induces paranoia and paralysis. We cannot defend and then integrate the shadowlands if we are not aware that they exist and once we see them we do not understand their behaviour. We must become tacticians of the soul if we are to survive.

We have the chance to see evil for what it is – simply the natural expression of a dynamic which has been allowed to reach its extreme. Paradoxically, this also reaffirms the opportunity to reduce darkness and its destroyers and enhance the light with laser-like precision. Perhaps when we look at what is, we are in a better place to use the knowledge we have to imagine what could be. Having observed extreme negativity and its psychopathic stimulus, perhaps we are gradually becoming forewarned and forearmed, ready to break the chains of our psychological and spiritual slavery. This becomes a positive affirmation of the potential of humanity.

Yet, it is true to say that we have left it a little late…

You have to think positive. Things are never that bad.”

Despite this cliché being wheeled out in response to the fact that things ARE “that bad” and actually much worse for the majority of people, there is truth in the statement. The idea that balanced, positive thinking improves health and affects the lives of others in beneficial ways is now proven both clinically and experientially. It requires effort and persistence but it can be done. It’s just one of those essential ingredients in the cooking pot of emotional and mental defence which will decide whether we are victors in the face of evil, or its perpetual victims. Conversely, for that positivity to be worth anything at all it must lead to an application of knowledge that is based on as close approximation to objective reality as possible, otherwise, we are merely listening with our fingers in our ears.

As long as we are not blinded by the dazzle of our carefully cultivated inner suns, perhaps we can to do great things in the future. As Helen Keller once said: “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” And as the cycle turns – so shall we. But first we must be able SEE how inured in this manufactured reality we have become.

Until then no escape is possible.

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It may seem as though I am vociferously anti-Western and see everything as shadow devoid of any light. This is not the case. What I do see is the enormous potential of humanity and just how suppressed, dumbed down, weakened, maligned and soul-destroyed it has been for tens of hundreds of years. No more so than in the last century, although the methods by which we are kept asleep have become more sophisticated. I’ve also seen myself as an exact replica of those very qualities from which I’m slowly extricating myself. Once we begin to dig deep and actually start to shed those layers that make up our false, conditioned selves, there is the potential to realise that we are so much more than we are led to believe. What is more, we have chosen to love our ignorance, servitude and the formation of societal structures which lock us into an exclusively materialist definition of what it means to be human. And this has meant untold suffering and misery for so many souls. Therefore, our responsibility for the choices we make in our lives have repercussions for ALL since we are inextricably connected to the elected or forsaken responsibilities of others.

We can never exist in isolation however much at times, we wish it were so.

This time, I think there is an opportunity in the face of coming global changes, not for some utopia re-cast in a different guise but to go to the heart of the problem and take back the gold that we have allowed to be stolen from us. Knowledge of how psychopathy and its tributaries of evil manifests in the collective mind and its external realities is something so important that the ancients made it an integral part of their oral traditions whether we focus on Sufism of Persia to Native Americans, the Celts of Britain or the German fairy tales of the 18th Century – the akido of the soul is an art that is slowly being rediscovered.

At this stage, even though it may seem that the global horse has long since bolted and everything seems inevitable, not only is pragmatic optimism required for a richer and more fulfilling life it may also be a scientific inevitability that the fruits of that hope will descend when we least expect it. The unpredictable is not part of a psychopathic blueprint but is part of the Creative Universe. Whether or not we all overcome what is a concerted effort of the few to co-opt and destroy the creativity and peaceable nature of the majority, will depend on whether we can all work together to address the shadow side of humanity and acknowledging our part in its ascendance – wherever and whomever we are.

At the same time, when we decide not to follow what has become Official Culture and not to believe the lies, we necessarily go against the accepted beliefs of the day. This brings us face to face with our own deception – the lies we have told ourselves perhaps over many years which initially helped us survive but have now proved toxic, dimming the light of the soul as each day goes by. As African-American novelist James Baldwin observes it is: “Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience you must find yourself at war with your society.”

And with yourself.

This “war” should not be one of violence but a psychic battle between truth and lies which necessarily takes place through us, something I am belatedly discovering along my own path. Sometimes you cannot be shown, rather it must come from your self-inflicted lessons which are a natural “becoming.” A choice must then be made to allow such a process of inner change to proceed. Yet, strangely it is not something that can be initiated at will. To bring our accumulated shadows safely and effectively into conscious awareness must be carried out slowly and methodically over time and at different speeds for different people. We must acknowledge that we are far from whole, and to begin gathering in the scattered parts of our psyche so that we differentiate what is truly a part of our own experience and to thereby set some boundaries. Conscious and willed effort as part of a framework of sincerity to change is essential, even though the process is not actually under the control of the will. As Jungian psychologist M. Esther Harding mentions, to find a semblance of wholeness within oneself and therefore more resistance to forces that would turn one into bio-chemical play-thing, such a process: “… originates autonomously from a movement in the unconscious, and may be likened to physiological processes that go on without conscious control or assistance.” [1]

Nonetheless, understanding that our choices are, to a great degree, derived from the matrix of Official Culture, is our starting point. This can lead to the beginnings of an initial spark deep within our own being and will determine how our choices – therefore the quality of our awareness – will develop.We cannot hope to suitably address the external world with tangible results without having first addressed all manner of conflict within.

This is when the real journey begins.

 rainbow_landscape© infrakshun

The events of 9/11 represented a watershed in the fortunes of America and the world.

When faced with questions which are born from objective evidence from not just the few, but from the many, we may then ask ourselves what in all conscience, are we prepared to accept? This includes taking on board the possibility that what we assumed to be true was in fact false; that the trust we placed in those currently in power may be wholly unfounded. It requires that we face the high probability that we have been lied to, beyond the bounds of mere coincidences and “failures of intelligence,” but from a systematic, purposeful propaganda strategy designed to fulfil a set of long known ideological and geo-political objectives. We have an opportunity to discover how much of this proffered evidence impinges on lives. However, we may have to re-evaluate the way in which we have understood the workings of democracy, government, media and human nature – even our own place in society and the world.

While uncertainty, fear and conflict have increased significantly since 9/11, the individual and collective responses to this important event will reveal how creatively we can act for freedom and truth, or how deeply we have chosen to believe the Lie. Pull a thread hard enough and for long enough, it will eventually reveal more than we might care to know. Yet when our preconceived ideas are shattered it can also open our minds, shock us into realisations and more choices as to what we can do with this information. We have the opportunity to see things as they really are which in turn will offer a chance to understand who we are and what we choose to see.

In the context of 9/11 and geo-politics if a pathological perception exists at the highest level of government, the logical conclusion is that there are people drawn from all political and religious persuasions who are psychopaths first, and who will adopt whatever belief will serve their predatory behaviour best. In one sense it doesn’t matter who’s on first: the only underlying constant is age-old predatory behaviour of the psychopath and sub categories of psychological deviance that lie behind all the manifestations of evil we see today. Factions with the US government and its agencies consciously engineered of the 9/11 attacks with many low level US officials unknowingly assisting in its final climax, partly due to the belief that it was yet another military exercise. The primary architects have elements within the Israeli government and intelligence apparatus. There is evidence of both a circumstantial and deductive nature that places Israel firmly at the scene of the crime not least because they had everything to gain from such a tragic event.

The information explored on 9/11 hasn’t even come close to scratching the surface. At the very top of our psychic food chain lies an occult body who enacted a huge sacrifice or “Mega-Ritual” designed to appease and invoke the archetypal forces associated with a variety of Gods and Goddesses and in line with Illuminist traditions of the 3EM. We may never know exactly who were responsible for this attack against humanity, so vast is the net of converging interests. It is also likely that while those at the top of this Pyramid are few indeed, the psychological footprint of their effects can be likened to slow-motion release of a neutron bomb, spreading a psycho-spiritual toxicity as dangerous as any radioactive cloud.

Whether we believe in any of the religio-occult principles which have surfaced over the course of this series, they are taken seriously by many members of international governments and military who are currently deciding the fate of nations.  9/11 is the most potent expression of orchestrated evil for centuries. It represents a nexus of aligned interests with occultism at its core and surrounded by strategies which buffer the observer from the true ritualistic nature of the operation. Yet, it is only one phase in a long tradition of social engineering that is about to reach its apotheosis over the next decade.

So, let’s summarise, very simply some of the themes which have appeared so far.


Spheres of Influence | © infrakshun

“The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults. We have been blinded to the depravity of our ruling elite by the relentless propaganda of public relations firms that work on behalf of corporations and the rich.”

— Chris Hedges

9/11 Occult Mega-Ritual: orchestrated as a monumental ritual sacrifice in plain sight. The source of this atrocity was carried out by a conglomeration of members drawn from the upper echelons of the Three Establishment Model of Liberal, Conservative and Zionist members. These are in turn, are filtered through memberships of freemasonic branches of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism under various names and lodges. In all probability there is a grouping entirely unknown and without any labels who oversee the whole Big Show. Their beliefs are a form of existential Satanism drawing from an archaic techno-sorcery: an intense and a sophisticated mastery of science, psychology and cosmology which effectively marks them out as the leaders of a breakaway society. They are essential psychopaths and the perfect embodiment of the dark side of humanity and its collective shadow. In one sense, they serve a spiritual purpose in the balancing of negative and positive poles. Hence the need to re-establish a level playing field where negative forces can be objectively SEEN and understood.

Military-Occult Intelligence groups: are the key players and intermediaries between governments, think tanks and the military. They are perhaps closet to the core, inner workings though highly compartmentalised and tightly controlled. The MI6-CIA/NSA-MOSSAD triangle is on first, linking hands with the Anglo-American banking families and US Zionist influences. They are the tools which enable mind control/PSYOPS operations, media propaganda, CoIntelpro, Eco-Intelpro, coloured revolutions and false flag terrorism whilst working through the economic architecture of the 4C’s and geostrategy. They are the key cogs on the vast turning wheel.

Organised Religion: Embedded in the 3EM. They are the strings which are attached to a complex system of puppetry which make up the beliefs and myths of religious indoctrination and scientific thought police. Most potent in this bunch are the religious fanatics on the Christian and Islamic divide which has been so carefully nurtured over the centuries. Chabad Lubavitch, Catholic Cults (Opus Dei) Christian Zionism; Neo-Conservatism, Christian Evangelism and various other sub-groupings of right wing authoritarianism are key in the development, disbursement and maintenance of anger, fear, suppressed emotion and thus a variety sexual pathologies. This sustains the negative clouds of emotion needed to prop up the many headed hydra of the “End Times” war. Aside from paid agents (spellbinders) such groupings are largely unconscious of the deeply rooted occult connections.

Corporatism: The 9/11 Mega-Ritual enabled the 4Cs of commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control to move ahead with unparalleled success employing a cross fertilisation of all the above groupings into food, oil, agribusiness, asymmetric warfare, weapons, bio and smart technology, banking, security and the tripartite consumption of human and narcotics trafficking which underpins them all.  Stimulated crisis and conflict through the “Shock Doctrine” is the route to further centralisation of all the above. Think tanks and private armies are both political and corporate tools, the presence of which is dictated by money and profits in a self-sustaining – but ultimately finite – feedback system; a symbiotic relationship between governments and big business. The State is the corporation and the corporation is the State. The Underworld has now fused with mainstream geopolitics to produce deep politics and the “Overworld.”

 “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”

— Frederic Bastiat

The terrorist threat is a vast and complex fabrication which has been entrenched in the collective consciousness through Hollywood programming and decades of largely British, American and Israeli psychological operations. The myth of an outside enemy is self-propagating. We tend to believe what the media and authoritative statements made by government officials and academics tell us until it becomes part of our own belief system. But if we look closely at history, it is a story of our governments fabricating, distorting and creating terrorist movements and the horrendous suffering they inflict on ordinary people. The  9/11 attacks and the spectre of Al-Qaeda (and now ISIL) have been the modern day tools of perception management used to justify all kinds of atrocities and anti-human actions at the local, national and international level.

If the knowledge that organised religion and global economics has been manipulated into a poker game that is loaded for the Establishment to win while everyone ultimately dies at the table, then the house of cards would begin to tumble very quickly. People would see through the media propaganda and learn the language of deceit, which would mean there would be no pretexts for waging war; no justification for the doctrine of pre-emption or the building and maintenance of vast network of bases around the world; no reason for mass surveillance or the hoax that is the War on Terror.

It would all be seen as a sham.

There are key beliefs promoted and created as a resource for World State ideologies. At there inception, they were benevolent and creative. With varying twists and turns in their evolution – some ancient, some more recent – they have all succumbed to forms of pathogenic infection by psychopaths otherwise known as “ponerisation.” The ideology of a World State is promoted primarily through the auspices of apparently benign, philanthropic and altruistic endeavours at both the local and international level. With advanced knowledge of crowd psychology, suppressed technology and occult directives, this minority of psychopaths have been allowed to initiate a phase by phase of extinction of the global population.

Global Strategy of Tension: A War against the People

The emerging Global Pathocracy has kept populations asleep, fearful, unthinking, addicted and poverty-stricken. Tribalism, religious extremism and a spiritually dead secularism has turned the family unit and the community ethos inside out. It has achieved this through a variety of tried and tested methods across the centuries and about which many artists, philosophers, and mystics have tried to warn us. A brief summary of some of the major components involved follows, and describes a national and international Hegelian formula for a “Strategy of Tension.” These various tools of social management and manipulation obviously interpenetrate and overlap.  They comprise:

Synthetic Terror“Strategy of Tension” the “Hegelian Dialectic” or “Problem-Reaction-Solution” and various false flag scenarios. This produces anger, fear, distrust, shock, grief, trauma and revenge. The net result is social dislocation and psychological weakness open to auto-suggestion and thus to ponerological influences. Religious fundamentalism is always waiting in the wings to invert conscience and morality toward the myopia of absolutism. Indeed, intel agencies have traditionally had many agents working within their ranks as part of the process of domestic entrapment. The Terror industry is lucrative, both financially and politically. Terrorism becomes an archetypal external threat which offers the public backing for the fulfillment of geopolitical goals lying behind coloured revolutions and regime changes. The extraction of negative human emotion is the most effective and potent means to justifying the unjustifiable. It is a tried and tested formula that the populace is slowly beginning to understand. That being so, bigger and better atrocities and greater distractions will be applied to keep pace with an increasingly aware public.

Social Engineering Culture, academia, social sciences, green issues, entertainment and education Includes: CoIntelpro and Eco-Intelpro. A subversion of normal development within societies – ethical, spiritual and civic movements; the elevation of belief and emotional reflex partnered with the lowest common denominator of human instincts. Sexuality is progressively ponerised so that there are no limits; where more extreme pathologies become mainstreamed disrupting natural development and causing loss of identity, psychological disorientation – in particular narcissism and addictive behaviour. The entertainment industries are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques and child abuse networks. Semiotics, psychic driving, Pavlovian conditioning, subliminals and Neuro-Lingusitic programming, Delphic technique – all hijack the sub-strata of instinctive symbolism and iconography as a form of double-think where words and images mean something entirely different to what is seen and heard. Destruction of religious/spiritual beliefs replaced with a materialist perception of reality and the promotion of “group-think” tribalism. Dispersal of memes such as “One world” “global governance” “global warming” etc. and a high level media propaganda. There is literally a social engineering program for everyone. There are key beliefs which are currently most suitable to promote One World philosophy and practice. These include:

  • Transhumanism / SMART society (SMART energy grid; infrastructure, etc.) and Sustainable Development – infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro so as to speed the delivery of technological mainframe for complete surveillance and containment under cover of “saving the world” through technology. The metaphor for this is akin to farming sheep – feeding, watering and making sure protection is given through biometric welfare so that they become not only docile but happy in their domestication. Meanwhile they “progressively” sheared of awareness.
  • Climate Change industry and environmental activism infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro and eco-fascistic principles where human beings are seen as viri and thus less important to the preservation of Nature. (The United Nations’ Agenda 21 and urban development is key in this regard – and no, while right wing patriots do embrace this reality it is not a conservative plot). This feeds into multiple vested interests on both sides of the divide.
  • New Age or Human Potential Movement infiltrated by agents of CoIntelpro to limit quality of consciousness and thus the potential for genuine expansion of awareness. This is achieved in much the same way as the subversion of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The exact same scenario as the transhumanist movement except through spiritual rituals.

State-Sanctioned Mind Control experiments / Ritual Sexual Abuse – Military use of mind control technology targeting populations worldwide (HAARP, MK ULTRA, MONARCH, biowarfare, etc.) Historical tradition of military families being used for mind control experimentation including assassinations and black operations on domestic targets. Child abuse networks are a source of Elite indulgence and fodder for future covert military training. (See Satan’s Little Helpers IV and read David McGowan’s Programmed to Kill ) Extensive internet-based propaganda serves to confuse and disorientate supporting both the “discourse of disbelief” and unsubstantiated conspiracies. Existence of intra-familial/generational Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) are extended and enhanced within the military-intelligence apparatus with crossovers between various religious and occult groupings from inherited “bloodlines”. Abuse in society is encouraged to provide cover for the Elite. The entertainment industries (popular music, movies) are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques which are both purposely designed and others which are symptomatic of the focus inherent in the medium. All indirectly encourage pathologies such as ADS, depression, narcissistic tendencies and dissociative disorders.

(Asymmetric) WarOrganised and facilitated by governments, corporations and the banking cartels in order to maximise and expand profits. A primary tool for ensuring the majority of the global population remains disempowered whislt extracting material and psychic capital. Culling and sterilisation of populations heads off cyclic disturbance in status quo such as group awareness, genuine revolutionary and social recovery leading to potentially dangerous levels of empowerment which would threaten the monopoly of the 0.01%. To ignite the need for war humanitarian pretexts and false flag atrocities are used. Methods of balkanisation and civil war are carried out along with heavy media and outsourced PSYOPS and PR companies on the ground. Obvious fallout from war is: Poverty, hunger, disease, individual and collective psycho-physiological trauma and a massive rise in pathologies; mass death, mass immigration and exodus of refugees; environmental destruction; opportunities to reconfigure tribal and political alliances and objectives; rape of societies and cultures and replacement with cartel capitalism and monoculture of the 4C’s. This proceeds to a critical breakdown resulting in social compliance to the new established order and eventually seen as normal. Through the creation and/or exacerbation of the division between rich and poor, a vacuum is always created where uncertainty and economic insecurity invites crime and social unrest which can then be manipulated according to elite directives.

Debt slavery – IMF/ World Bank/UN-International Banking cartels. Once war has broken the spirit, these organisations move in to create the conditions by which the newly “democractised” countries sign on to the neo-liberal model of economic slavery. Massive profits can be made from a corporate colonisation of virgin cultures. Multiple dividends for economic destabilisation through debt control by the Structural Adjustment Team of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Health Organisation, (WHO) and the United Nations. (See: The Shock Doctrine By Naomi Klein (2010) and Confessions of an Economic Hit-man by John Perkins). High frequency trading and speculation driven by artificial intelligence technology maintains the “Boom-bust cycles” and debt bubbles which ensure dividends for the 0000.1%.  A comprehensive rigging of every market exists from currency to gold/silver so that during each bubble burst “austerity measures” can be introduced in order to obtain funds from the public purse to repair the excess of the banking industry and maintain the global financial architecture. This cartel capitalism is overseen by the Bank of England in the City of London and the Federal Reserve in the United States which operate under exceptional laws and rulings effectively allowing these bodies to exist as private entities which serve corporate and banking interests. They are two of the primary wheels upon which a legion of banks, hedge funds, financial brokers, think tanks and government agencies inexorably turn. The dynasties of the Rothschilds, Morgans,  Rockefellers, Oppenheimers, along with European royalty and many other wealthy families are the nodes in a circuit of wealth and power within Official Culture that ensures the fiat currency of credit and debt slavery, as well as a concurrent monopolisation of all resources that remain entrenched. Governments already operate as global entities and offer periodic elections to keep the illusion of working democracies. Members of the state are usually deluded by their own lies, ignorance and self-importance thus oiling the wheels of World State operations. Very few in power realise what part they play in the wider game. Government and their federal/civil service personnel ensure the age-old key objectives remain fixed i.e. to disempower the public through information dominance, consumerism and debt.

Food monopoly / Food Contamination – Fast-food society with agri-business, genetically modified foods, chemical industry, animal foodstuffs and factory farming defining its expansion. This has led to severe environmental degradation of soil and desertification; destruction of forests and river pollution which destabilises the balance of eco-systems and expose populations to natural disasters. Mass migration to cities and expansion of slums results. International immigration inevitably increases placing further pressure on other countries’ infrastructure. Severe health problems from agricultural practices (pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilisers) chemical additives, irradiated and genetically modified food is visited on the economically disadvantaged which makes up most of world’s population. Supermarket culture displaces local businesses and increases total reliance on corporations who practice global trade divorced from socio-economic values. Self-sufficiency, autonomy are further eroded in favour of narrow dependence on exports. The nature of fast food causes dietary problems further exacerbating mental health issues. Endemic animal cruelty in factory farming is a reflection of a mechanistic and materialist view of animals as products. It also reinforces our disconnection from nature and ecologically responsible alternatives. The mind-body split is part of the formula for control as is the maxim of “Divide and Rule” and obviously has consequences for the healthy functioning of both. The food industry is to be integrated into SMART agrimatics utilising biotechnology and biometrics for maximum output and efficiency but yielding the minimum nutritional quality due to a purposeful exclusion of essential nutrients.

Depopulation through mass sterilisation, food as a weapon and indirect forms of reduction (economic disparities, debt slavery, war and GMOs) drawn from a resurgence in the support for genetic engineering and eugenics. The co-option of the well-intentioned with NGOs and the United Nations offers a platform of legitimacy. Such a worldview requires a reduction in specific racial types alongside colonisation and resource monopoly. Genocide, tribal warfare, gender imbalance, distortion of science by corporate interests, population anomalies, religious extremism, and profits for governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry are the net effects of such actions. The much promoted bad science of overpopulation is used to increase the pressure on scientists and environmentalists to push through predesignated “solutions”. In truth, with a radical return to just and equitable socio-cultural and economic principles much of the overpopulation propaganda would be overturned. The dysfunctional nature of our current economic and social infrastructures comprehensively limit truly creative solutions which would allow a natural return to balanced populations levels.

Big Pharma / Medical Establishment – medicalisation of health is drawn from the same formula for domination which can be seen in the banking industry and other sectors of society. The net result is an undue dependence on pharmaceutical corporations who, in combination with the insurance industry, have state health care and doctors inside their pocket. Greater privatisation and fake social benefits (such as Obamacare) ensure vulnerable sectors of society who are unable to pay, cannot access the health care they need. Just as arm manufacturers and financial institutions are intimately tied to global governments so too the huge profits are made by Big Pharma are accrued from their relationship to the medical establishment. Curing people is the last thing the medical cartels would like to see – quite the opposite. The marginalisation of complementary medicine continues with Big Pharma paying so called medical websites to indulge in propaganda and attacks on alternative healing modalities. Scientific reductionism and a serious abuse of the scientific method can be evidenced and used to support profit at the expense of healing and palliative care. Corruption in science is intimately linked to corruption throughout the corporatised medical establishment. Profit is obviously the overriding aim where natural and sometimes innovative methods of care have been overlooked. Campaigns of character assassination and disinformation are routinely used against those who go against this orthodoxy. This has resulted in a negative feedback loop between the mentally and physically ill who represent numbers on a spreadsheet for Big Pharma companies and state care. As society becomes more prone to infection by the dominating psychopathy then more symptoms will begin to appear in normal people thus increasing the profits of Big Pharma which, acting as a corporate predator in its perceptions will take out anything which threatens its monopoly. Dependence and over-reliance is secured if drugs and psychiatry are joined at the hip. An ill population is an essential revenue stream for Big Pharma. (A similar framework exists in vaccination programs whose overarching agenda is to lessen the integrity of DNA and resistance to specific viri as per psycho-social engineering for docility, sterility and depopulation agenda).

Technocracy – implementation of a “Smart Society” which integrates principles of sustainable development, state surveillance, invasive perception management and virtual reality leisure time. Economic parity and ultimate efficiency are the by-words for acceptance. It is a new form of materialist seduction with technology as the panacea for all ills. The glut of gadgets are showing highly negative effects on the neurology of the very young. Brain growth and the arc of developmental learning is suffering. Narcissism is enhanced in a push-button culture of synthetic networks divorced from the real. Great progress can be seen through internet-based journalism and information dissemination. This is one aspect of technology that for now permitted until it is possible that dissent of this kind can be eliminated. Firstly, the infrastructure and lifestyle must be tied to essential requirements such as income generation, energy in the home and health. Once these are inseparable from survival then if someone is not behaving, his ability to exist in such an etheric web of Wi-Fi relations will simply be switched off. A transposition of elite perception is set to move seamlessly into the new SMART societies.

Inducements of technological benefits will anaesthetise new generations into blindly accepting a total reconfiguration and restructuring of urban life. As a consequence, it will be increasingly difficult to opt out in favour of a genuinely self-sufficient and autonomous lifestyle. This will be equated with subversive and suspicious behaviour and thus citizens will be encouraged to alert the authorities for the good of the whole. Those who wish to opt out of this all encompassing bio-metric lifestyle will be seen as the new terrorists or “organics” strangely rejecting the post-human world of biogenetic integration with the digital world. Targeted through “Pre-Crime” software, they will be seen as the new bogeymen.

Paradoxically, by moving closer to a literal connection into a cybernetic machine of convenience we will be further disconnected from authenticity and the natural world. Objective reality will be replaced with subjective dream world  – a virtuality. This is exactly what the pathocrats would love to see. Transhumanism is the philosophy created to sell their group-think, collectivist dream. Once Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been allowed to proceed, innovation in the military and consumer worlds will tip the balance towards a redefinition of a host of principles and values attached to what it means to be human. You can be assured in such a scenario this will mean much, MUCH less freedom.

All the above listed strategies will be heightened and expanded under such a technocracy.

 “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death. It is easy to say you believe a rope is strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But, suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice? Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?”

— C.S. Lewis


Don those masks and look straight ahead…

One World?

Well, not at this level – not yet. But we might find the inversion of such a principle looming rather large in the near future.

All the above strategies are needed to promote the “One World” philosophy which appears so warm and fuzzy at first glance. But it requires the dissolution of national borders, self-determination and independence in favour of a homogenous, group consciousness which replicates across all societal domains. It demands an extreme deference to political correctness and liberalism while at the same time using conservative – even fascistic formulas – to enforce such directives. In truth, no political belief or philosophy is exempt from being used as a temporary tool to lever this One World Order into place. One World, One Humanity, One World Religion, One World Army are all euphemisms for a gradual, phase by phase implementation of a global, centralised control system across all sectors of human endeavour. Eventually, these people wish to see everything interlocking into a seamless, artificial World State of homeostatic, human management, where we will be literally cared for like pets: fed, watered and given our basic comforts. But only as long as we keep our place in this new techno-Feudalism. And keeping our place will mean allowing a Huxleyian slavery of docile “post-humans” to merge into the SMART framework with ultimate ease. If not, then you are “switched off” until you learn to be a good citizen. If the present American police state is anything to go by it will be a case of trading one Orwellian order for another.

It is the the noble aspiration of a world of interconnected and interrelated “Oneness” that serves as the platform for its inversion. It seems humanity has yet to grasp that such a concept is derived from ancient spiritual wisdom that describes what could be termed higher dimensions of consciousness rather than physical plane directives, where opposites collide and choices are known.

The above realities and possible futures describe our current reality but it need not necessarily continue.

Though the ideal of ultimate oneness may not be possible at this level of reality, that doesn’t mean to say that we cannot attain a more balanced civilisation – where even the word “unity” would exist in clusters. Before we can allow a hard-won pragmatism guided by an innate and natural guidance to take over, we must let go of our collective Messiah Complex where every charismatic leader is deified and seen as the next demi-God to lead us into a New Way. We must find our own path of access. And it is that process that will bind us to others searching for the Way, without beliefs which hinder and with a new socio-political and cultural imperative which leaves behind the dead-ends of Liberalism, Communism and Fascism and their various children. Maybe in that frightening void of acceptance and non-anticipation we will learn to find the balance between the sovereign rights of the individual married to the collective. That is, to become group conscious and to realise the value of networking as opposed to being submerged in group consciousness and our individuality squashed by instinct of the herd.

Before we can do this we perhaps we need to discover why it is that notions of authority have loomed so large in our minds and have given the illusion of free-will, from cradle to grave.



[1] (p.309) Harding, M.Esther; Psychic Energy (1962) Second Edition.

Occult Zionism IV: Ritual Sacrifice

 “Why accusation of Blacks in ritual murder is taken so easily, while accusation of a Jew creates waves in the conscience? Can we deal with the accusation of Jews in the same straightforward, unattached and business like manner The Observer and the Scotland Yard dealt with similar accusation of Blacks? For if not, our self-declared anti-racism is not worth a penny.”

– Israel Shamir, “Bloodcurdling Libel (a Summer Story)”

As we trace the hijacking and development of Judaism by psychopathic pathogens under the foundational influence of the Talmud, it necessarily brings us face to face with the slow inversion of spiritual sacrifice to one of human sacrifice to the gods of old.

The Pharisees were rather big on easing moral transgressions through animal sacrifice which was thought to absolve both individual problems as well as the overall weight of original sin. The sacrificial rites and rituals of the Babylonian Levite priests held sway, including the mandatory deliverance of the Jewish first born to Jehovah, despite the protests of some Israelites who desired “… mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” They understandably desired “justice and righteousness”, “loving kindness and compassion and faithfulness” as the rules to live by rather than “discrimination and contempt.” [1] But first we must back up a bit and briefly revisit some of the history which led to this point.


Yahweh: laying down the law (Wikipedia)

Although the idea of totalitarian imposition of Yahweh/Jehovah may have had its genesis in North-East Africa even the original Mosaic Law was probably borrowed from earlier myths. The Judeo-Christian Bible is a collection of non-linear copy and paste jobs incorporating the illusion of narrative for reasons of control of populations at various points in our history. The ancient Israelites merely built on the legend of similar “commandments” of the Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrians which led them to formulate the idea of a Universal God for all.

Then, as Douglas Reed explains:

“… Judah put the process into reverse, so that the effect is that of a film run backward. The masters of Judah, the Levites, as they drew up their Law also took what they could use from the inheritance of other peoples and worked it into the stuff they were moulding”. They began with the one just God of all men, whose voice had been briefly heard from the burning bush (in the oral tradition) and in the course of five books of their written Law turned him into the racial, bargaining Jehovah who promised territory, treasure, blood and power over others in return for a ritual of sacrifice, to be performed at a precise place in a specified land. [2] […]

The claims of the Levite priesthood moved them to these protests, particularly the priestly c1aim to the firstborn (“That which openeth the womb is mine,” Exodus), and the priestly insistence on sacrificial rites. The Israelite expostulants (to whom this “so-called law of Moses” was unknown, according to Mr.Montefiore) saw no virtue in the bloodying of priests, the endless sacrifice of animals  [3]

Ritual ablutions and sacrificial altars of worship were an extremely important part of the Torah and later Talmudic programming, not least the introduction of blood sacrifice:

The Levitical authorship of the Torah is indicated, again, by the fact that more than half of the five books are given to minutely detailed instructions, attributed directly to the Lord, about the construction and furnishings of altars and tabernacles, the cloth and design of vestments, mitres, girdles, the kind of golden chains and precious stones in which the blood-baptized priest is to be arrayed, as well as the number and kind of beasts to be sacrificed for various transgressions, the uses to be made of their blood, the payment of tithes and shekels, and in general the privileges and perquisites of the priesthood. Scores of chapters are devoted to blood sacrifice, in particular. [4]

Reed correctly intuits what most people think when he imagines that “God probably does not so highly rate the blood of animals or the fine raiment of priests.” It depends whether one is following God or something quite different. And ironically enough, it was: “…the very thing, against which the Israelite ‘prophets’ had protested. It was the mummifying of a primeval tribal religion; yet this is still The Law of the ruling sect and it is of great potency in our present-day world.” [5]

For Jews isolated in Judah and Babylon, the “swell and crescendo” of “fanatical tribalism” was harnessed in the books of Deuteronomy and Leviticus and Numbers. Although Exodus and Genesis came after, the same injunction to blood sacrifice and exclusive nationalism is present:

Thus in Genesis the only fore-echo of the later sound and fury is, “And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing; and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. . . and the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land. . .” Exodus is not much different: for instance, “If thou shalt indeed, . . do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies. . . and I will cut them off”; and even these passages may be Levitical interpolations.

But in Exodus something of the first importance appears: this promise is sealed in blood, and from this point on blood runs like a river through the books of The Law. Moses is depicted as “taking the blood and sprinkling it on the people” and saying, “Behold the blood of the covenant, which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words”.

The hereditary and perpetual office of the Aaronite priesthood is founded in this blood-ritual: Jehovah says unto Moses, “And take unto thee Aaron thy brother and his sons with him that he may minister unto me in the priest’s office”.The manner of a priest’s consecration is then laid down in detail by Jehovah himself, according to the Levitical scribes:

He must take a bullock and two rams “without blemish”, have them butchered “before the Lord”, and on the altar burn one ram and the innards of the bullock. The blood of the second ram is to be put “upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons and upon the thumb of their right hands and upon the great toe of their right foot” and sprinkled “upon the altar round about. . . and upon Aaron, and upon his garments, and upon his sons and the garments of his sons”.

The picture of blood-bespattered priests, thus given, is worth contemplation. Even at this distance of time the question prompts itself: why was this insistent emphasis laid on blood-sacrifice in the books of the Law which the Levites produced[?]. The answer seems to lie in the sect’s uncanny genius for instilling fear by terror; for the very mention of “blood”, in such contexts, made the faithful or superstitious Judahite tremble for his own son!

It is all spelt out in Exodus, this claim of the fanatical priests to the firstborn of their followers: “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine”.

According to the passage earlier quoted from Micah, this practice of sacrificing the human firstborn long continued, and the sight of the bloodied Levite must have had a terrible significance for the humble tribesman, for in the words attributed to God, quoted above, the firstborn “of man and of beast” are coupled.

This significance remained long after the priesthood … contrived to discontinue human sacrifice while retaining the prerogative. Even then the blood which was sprinkled on the priest, though it was an animal’s, was to the congregation still symbolically that of their own offspring! [6] [Emphasis mine]

The Talmud appears to have been a primary receptacle for a modern day continuance of both a literal form of sacrifice in the shape of the Zionists and Chabad sects (and with the unconscious support of  religious and secular Jews) who have along been duped into the thinking it is they that will reign over a messianic sacrifice of gentiles. However, it seems remnants of a more literal echo of Jehoavah/ Yahweh “blood and soil” (so favoured by the Nazi Volk) was carried on by Ashkenazi Jews in the modern era. The Question is: does this represent an unbroken thread of ritual murder at the elite Establishment level or an aberration of an otherwise unsullied set of teachings? The latter point is generally false, so the only conclusion is that the history and pathological currents within the Talmud merely encourages extreme manifestations of past realities to occur in modern times.


The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk

The practice of human sacrifice in a Jewish context is surely a misnomer since the whole story of Mosaic law and Talmudic programming is one long bloody sacrifice of innocents. The 3EM as a whole is still conducting a collective sacrifice of normal humanity on the altar of warfare and greed, after all. Our questions however, are focused on the influence of Occult Zionism and its relation to the ritual sacrifice underlying the events of 9/11, which we will come to soon enough. But before we do so, let’s look a little closer at its overt expression in the form of Jewish human sacrifice and the consequent accusations of “blood libel.”

Blood libel is understandably a highly controversial term for Jews. It stems from the “myth” that Jewish people were prone to sacrifice Christian children for Passover in order to obtain their blood according to ritualistic law of the Talmud and black magick offshoots. Hence, this is viewed as a crime of a blood libel against a whole people. The ADL has condemned the whole notion of blood sacrifice as “… a false incendiary claim against Jews” and a notion which can only fuel anti-Semitism. In a brief article on their website it also reads: “The blood libel is particularly appalling in light of the fact that Jews follow the Hebrew Bible’s law to not consume any blood, which is found in the book of Leviticus. In order for an animal to be considered kosher, all its blood must have been drained and discarded.”

In one obvious sense, this is very understandable as many cases down through history have demonstrated that could  indeed have been used as an excuse to unjustly accuse and persecute Jewish peoples of blood sacrifice where none was present. There are some who would no doubt see this whole series as “fuelling anti-Semitism” but I’m afraid that only has validity if we are to confuse the search for truth selectively and in service to our innate bias. Evil should be called out no matter what type of belief it has hijacked and in whatever socio-cultural context it may hide.

If we read what the Jewish Encyclopaedia has to say, the “libel” against Jews committing acts of human sacrifice is the most disgusting fiction designed to blacken the name of Jews everywhere. It is quite simply nothing more than: “… a complex of deliberate lies, trumped-up accusations, and popular beliefs about the murder-lust of the Jews and their bloodthirstiness, based on the conception that Jews hate Christianity and mankind in general.”

Well, this is correct and incorrect. The hatred of Christianity and non-Jews is built in to the Talmud which is the foundation of Judaism and followed to the letter of the law by a siginficant number of Jewish people. This “hatred” may emerge as no more than a resentment for some but it is Judaic law along with other unsavory dictates. This camouflaged hatred and tribal supremacy is still practiced by some Hassidic sects, elements of Ashkenazi Jews and certainly by the Zionist Establishment. Yet, it would be absurd to suggest that all Jews hate other people just as it would be absurd to say all Catholic priests are homosexual child abusers. I think for the vast majority of Jews such silliness plays no part in their lives.  It doesn’t mean to say that any number of horrible activities do not occur, the difference being that such anomalies are explicitly part of the Jewish doctrine – including sacrifice – painful as that may be to acknowledge. It doesn’t take a huge leap of imagination to understand that such absolutism will harbour all kinds of psychological anomalies which which must manifest literally in the hands of psychopaths.

The Jewish Virtual Library has this to say on the subject:

“It is combined with the delusion that Jews are in some way not human and must have recourse to special remedies and subterfuges to appear, at least outwardly, like other men. The blood libel led to trials and massacres of Jews in the Middle Ages and early modern times; it was revived by the Nazis. Its origin is rooted in ancient, almost primordial, concepts concerning the potency and energies of blood. In the early 2000s a controversy among scholars surrounded the argument that the blood libel began in the Middle Ages in the wake of the sacrifice of Jewish children by their parents during Crusaders raids on Jewish communities on their way to the Holy Land.” [7]  [Emphasis mine]

We will look at this latter point in a moment. It does beg the question: is it merely a case of being unfairly victimised, serving as the convenient pariah, as that’s what Jews have become since they are “special”, or, is there a whiff of Talmudic magick lurking around some elements of the Jewish tribe? Does their own moral exceptionalism hide some rather dark corners of the Talmud? Since all other ideologies and beliefs – religious or otherwise – have their own identified shadows why is it so forbidden to shine a light on Jewish crimes? No smoke without fire – seems to be apropos given our context.

Once again, acknowledging that those bigots with only hate in their hearts have used the opportunity to hugely exaggerate the presence of ritual murder and abuse as innately Jewish and that somehow most Jews are involved should be treated with the derision it deserves. At the same time, there are cases through history of satanic acts across the board of belief. Judaism is no different. And the Occult-Zionist Establishment continues that tradition just as all elements of the Global Occult elite do so, all of whom hail from particular religious beliefs that shaped their respective paths. I would submit that that is its remit after all – to concentrate, embody and anchor the negative polarity on planet Earth.


Painting of blood libel in Sandomierz Cathedral (wikipedia)

This is about a minority of ceremonial psychopaths seeded in certain belief systems. It is concerned with implanted religious laws which have shaped the collective trajectory and the effects of which are obvious to see. Ritual murder of children on a large scale happens all the time, though on a grander scale than groups running about during the dead of night. The genocidal wars in Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, East Ukraine – all of these conflicts have been needlessly created by US-NATO-Israeli foreign policy with the vast numbers of civilians killed in the process. (It also places a further dimension on the story of Israeli military and certain hospitals taking part in organised organ trafficking deceased Palestinians). These are ritualistic murders on a mass scale since they are part of a existential occult philosophy which require the very same blood sacrifice, the only difference is scale and focus.

But the question remains: is there historical evidence of a conscious, “Satanic” ritual murder of children rooted in occult Zionism and occurring on a large scale?

The answer is an unequivocal “yes”.

Michael Hoffman offers just a few of the reported cases of Ashkenazi/Jewish ritual murder through the centuries:

  • “Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln: St. Hugh (feast day July 27) was the son of a poor woman of Lincoln named Beatrice; born 1246; died in 1255. A Jew named Copin enticed the child into his house. A large number of Jews were gathered there and they tortured the nine year old Christian boy, scourged and crowned him with thorns, and crucified him in mockery of Christ’s death. Copin was accused of murder, confessed the crime when threatened with death, and stated that it was a Judaic custom to crucify a boy once a year. Miracles were said to have been wrought at the child’s tomb, and the canons of Lincoln translated the body from the church of the parish to which Hugh belonged, and buried it in the cathedral. Hugh’s martyrdom was documented by the medieval historian Matthew Paris. Chaucer immortalized him in The Canterbury Tales: ‘O young Hugh of Lincoln, also slain, by cursed Jews…’ “The Prioress Tale,” Geoffrey Chaucer, (ca. 1343-1400).’ [8]
  • “St. William of Norwich: on Holy Saturday, 25 March, 1144, the body of a 12 year old Christian boy, showing signs of a violent death, was discovered in Thorpe Wood near Norwich. The body was recognized as that of William, a tanner’s apprentice. On the Monday in Holy Week, 1144, he was decoyed away from his mother. Next day William was seen to enter a Judaic’s house and from that time he was never again seen alive. On March 29, after a ceremony in the local synagogue, the Talmudists lacerated William’s head with thorns, crucified him, and pierced his side. When his corpse was washed in the cathedral, thorn points were found in the head and traces of torture in his hands, feet, and sides. A few days later the diocesan synod met under Bishop Eborard, and the Judaics were accused of the murder. But the case was postponed due to the payment by the Judics of bribe money to the king and his counselors. Those who investigated the murder case included Bishop Turbe, who succeeded to the See of Norwich in 1146, Richard de Ferraiis, who became prior in 1150 after the translation to the chapter-house, and the medieval historian Thomas of Monmouth and all affirmed the culpability of the Judaics. In 1154, William’s remains were transfered to the local cathedral’s chapel of the Holy Martyrs. In the wake of St. William’s murder, Theobald, a converted Judaic monk of the Norwich Priory, informed Church authorities that ‘in the ancient Jewish texts it was written that the Jews, without the shedding of human blood, could neither obtain their freedom, nor could they ever return to their fatherland. Hence it was laid down by them in ancient times that every year they must sacrifice a Christian in some part of the world.’ (Source: Thomas of Monmouth, Vita et Passio, II, 2). [9]
  • “Blessed Andrew of Rinn: The report of the murder in Austria of three year old Andrew or ‘Anderl’ von Rinn … has its origins in the chronicles of the 15th century. Andrew was born November 16, 1459; he was the son of peasants, Simon Oxner and Maria. In 1619 Dr. Hippolyt Guarinoni (1571-1654) learned of an account of a little boy who was buried in Rinn and had been murdered in 1462. In 1642 Guarinoni wrote a history of the murder, Triumph Cron Marter Vnd Grabschrift des Heilig Unschuldigen Kindts (“Triumph and Martyrdom of the Holy Innocent Child”), citing “Jews” as the perpetrators. Also cf. Andrew Kempter’s 1745 work, Acta pro veritate martyrii corporis and cultus publici B. Andreae Rinnensis. In official, pre-Vatican Council II Catholic hagiographies, Anderl is listed as “Blessed Andrew of Rinn” (1459–1462) ‘…put to death by Jews out of hatred for Christ at Rinn near Innsbruck, Austria.’ During the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XIV (1740-58), Andrew was beatified (in 1752). […] [10]
  • “Saint Gavril Belostoksky: In 1690, a few days before the beginning of the Talmudic version of the Passover, six year old Gavril Belostoksky was found murdered in Zverki, a Belarussian village in Poland. Vladimir Dal’s 1844 book, An Investigation of the Murder of Christian Babies by the Jews, provides an account of the murder. … According to researcher Alexei Melnikov, the child’s ritual murder took place on March 21, 1690, on the eve of Christ’s resurrection (Good Friday). Six-year-old Gavril underwent tortures similar to Christ’s. The boy was crucified, his side was pricked, and then he was pierced with different tools until all his blood was spilled. Among the church publications that have attested to the ritual murder of St. Gavril is the 1992 edition of the Tsar koinae Slova (‘Word of the Church’). [11]

More examples of ritual killings:

  • Richard of France, killed 1179.
  • Herbert of Huntingdon, killed 1180.
  • Dominic of Val, killed 1250 (Spain). Val’s feast day is August 31. He was a 7-year-old altar boy at the cathedral of Saragossa, who was kidnapped by Talmudists and nailed against a wall. His feast was celebrated throughout Aragon.
  • Rudolf of Berne, killed 1294.
  • Conrad of Weissensee, killed 1303.
  • Ludwig von Bruck of Ravensburg, killed 1429. Feast Day April 30. Murdered at Easter. Lorenzino Sossio, killed Good Friday, 1485, age 5. Feast Day April 15. [12]

One might say that all the above can be conceivably explained away, especially after the passage of time, by the simple mixture of hearsay, rivalry of business competitors and malicious intent to blame Jews for murder. These cases may be true, but can it be definitively proven?

This brings us to the tale of Dr. Ariel Toaff.

The son of Elio Toaff, former Chief Rabbi of Rome, the professor holds tenure at Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University, near Tel Aviv, in Israel. He was a respected scholar in his field of Medieval Jewry in Italy’s Umbria region, having published a three-volume collection titled: Love, Work, and DeathJewish Life in Medieval Umbria. All was well in Toaff’s world until that is, he published what was to become a veritable neutron-bomb of controversy straight into the heart of Jewish consciousness. He then became the crack in the mirror of Jewish identity and which inevitably unleashed the full might of ADL and Orthodox Jewish outrage. Poor Toaff had hugely underestimated the power of the Israeli lobby and its various global satellites which automatically exploded with righteous indignation on behalf of Jews everywhere. After all, the mantle of collective victim-hood and oppression had to be maintained at all costs, regardless of the facts. Since the nature of the Talmud and most of Jewish history has been covered over with the same well-oiled propaganda machine it wasn’t difficult to mobilise the forces to squash Toaff and his research. The last thing that was needed was a respected Jewish academic proving that the blood libel had more than a grain of truth and thereby opening the potential for more people to connect other historical dots in the Jewish narrative faded by time and purposeful obfuscation.


“From an 18th-century etching from Brückenturm. Above: The murdered body of Simon of Trent. Below: The ‘Judensau.'” (wikipedia)

Toaff’s 2007 book ‘Pasque di sangue.’ Ebrei d’Europa e omicidi rituali (“Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders”) laid out his macabre discoveries of medieval Ashkenazi Jewish communities in Northern Italy who had abducted, crucified and collected the blood of countless Christian children as part of inter-generational ritual sacrifice. The reason? To hone their black magick skills in order to wreak voodoo-like revenge against those that happened by an accident of birth, not to be Ashkenazi “Jews.”

Toaff chose to focus on St Simon of Trent as a case study among many. On the eve of Passover 1475 AD, a two year-old child from the Italian town of Trent was abducted from his home at night by a group of Ashkenazi Jews. They tortured him with needles, syphoned off the blood and crucified him upside down while shouting various Talmudic/Schizoidal declarations of abuse against the dastardly Goyim. This was their celebration at Passover. Biblical prohibitions against the use of blood appeared not to have worked …

Thankfully, the murderers were caught, tried and found guilty by the Bishop of Trent but it wasn’t long before Jews petitioned Pope Sixtus IV for “justice.” After the Bishop of Ventimiglia was sent to investigate, a legal commission chaired by six cardinals was set up and quickly found the murderers guilty. Yet, their admissions of guilt were apparently extracted by torture and as we all know by now, since Anglo-American-Israeli war hawks are very keen on torture to root out Islamic terrorists – it doesn’t work. Bear in mind in the 15th Century there was no Israeli lobby or ADL on hand to explain away Palestinian genocides, justify crimes by the threat of suicide bombs and encourage turning a blind eye to sexual malpractices of Rabbis. Although these procedures are horrible, they were in standard use and recognised as a part of process of discovering the truth and were observed in the Trent trials. It was not some glitch in a pristine system of law, so one can hardly use it as an anomaly and project it onto our modern morals. The might of Rome could not be dissuaded. Well, not for several centuries.


Ariel Toaff

In the 1960s the Catholic Church was suitably spooked by the Liberal arms of Zionist propaganda to formally retract the position and brush St. Simon of Trent’s martyrdom under the now bulging carpet of best forgotten history and move on. After all, it was torture and thus suspect. The only problem was, as Dr. Toaff combed through the trial papers he found ample evidence outside of the accusations of torture that supported the initial finding.

Journalist and author Israel Shamir takes up the story:

… the confessions of the killers contained material totally unknown to the Italian churchmen or police. The killers belonged to the small and withdrawn Ashkenazi community, they practiced their own rites, quite different from those used by the native Italian Jews; these rites were faithfully reproduced in their confessions, though they were not known to the Crime Squad of the day. ‘These liturgical formulas in Hebrew with a strong anti-Christian tone cannot be projections of the judges who could not know these prayers, which didn’t even belong to Italian rites but to the Ashkenazi tradition,’ Toaff wrote. A confession is of value only if it contains some true and verifiable details of the crime the police did not know of. This iron rule of criminal investigation was observed in Trent trials.

Moreover, this Trento crime was not an exception: Toaff discovered many cases of such bloody sacrifices connected with the mutilation of children, outpouring of blood and its baking in Matzo (unleavened bread) spanning five hundred years of European history. Blood, this magic drink, was a popular medicine of the time, and of any time: Herod tried to keep young bathing in blood of babies, alchemists used blood to turn lead into gold. Jewish wizards meddled in magic and used it as much as anybody. There was a thriving market in such delicacies as blood, powder made of blood and bloody matzo. Jewish vendors sold it accompanied with rabbinic letters of authorization; the highest value was blood of a goy katan, a gentile child, much more usual was blood of circumcision. Such blood sacrifices were ‘instinctive, visceral, virulent actions and reactions, in which innocent and unknowing children became victims of the love of God and of vengeance,’ Toaff wrote in the book’s preface. “Their blood bathed the altars of a God who, it was believed, needed to be guided, sometimes impatiently pushed to protect and to punish.’” [13]

Much like the cry of anti-Semitism, shrieking “blood libel” is also useful when you want to bomb or massacre Palestinians and cover up your crimes. It also adds a whole new dimension to why a dead Palestinian child is not a big deal for many IDF soldiers. To believe that a psychopath who has happened to be born into the Jewish tribe can in no way be found guilty of the most grotesque acts – within a clear and present framework of doctrinal justification borne out by history – is simply preposterous. It is the worst kind of naiveté because it allows such ritual crimes to continue unabated. And frankly, with the amount of dead Palestinian children piling up from just the bombardment of Gaza alone last year, what is the difference between a group of Satanic Ashkenazi psychopaths crucifying a defenceless child and the daily bombing of a civilian population hemmed in by a vast wall and barely able to provide for their families the most basic necessities?

Scale and focus.

toaffbook1Shamir builds on Toaff’s research by drawing our attention to the Israeli professor Israel Yuval’s book Two Nations in Thy Womb which goes into the theological basis for “Divine Vengeance” against non-Jews and the blood libations necessary for the ritual sacrifice. Yuval’s seems to have learned from Toaff’s lesson, according to Shamir by: “…stressing the ordinary magic use of blood by Jews in the Middle Ages, and by allowing for the anti-Christian element: crucifixion of victims and the cursing of Christ and Virgin” Alongside: “strange rituals: flagellation of the Virgin, destruction of crucifixes and the beating up and killing Christians” which formed the subject of Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence by Elliott Horowitz.

Although Toaff made it clear from the outset that he was not tarring Jews and Judaism with the same brush, the onslaught from Jewish gatekeepers proved too much and the professor caved in. Clarifications, apologies and back-tracking ensued, resulting in a more sanitised second edition in 2008, with an afterword responding to his critics.  With suitable deference to Jewish authorities he retracted the idea that any Jews were involved in the Trent case but held on ( somewhat timidly) to the view that: “…certain criminal acts, disguised as crude rituals, were indeed committed by [Ashkenazi] extremist groups or by individuals demented by religious mania and blinded by desire for revenge against those considered responsible for their people’s sorrows and tragedies.” [14]

Apparently this was vague enough to appease the gatekeepers and the Jewish stockade.

As Shamir eloquently points out it is easy to highlight cases of ritual abuse down through the ages from secular, tribal and religious fanatics alike. Clear evidence of the sacrifice of young children by Nigeria’s Yoruba tribe has also taken place in London in the last several years but to even intimate that the same practice could part of one of the oldest religions on the planet is simply not permitted. What made Jews so special? God apparently. So, how do you get around that form of spiritual aggrandisement and when the very source of such a dogma has almost nothing related to concepts of compassion and love for others except their own?

Hoffam cites Elena Maffei’s From Crime to the Judgment: The Criminal Trial in the Communal who urges “… to search for the heterogenous elements and particular historical-religious experiences which are alleged to have made the killing of Christian children for ritualistic purposes appear plausible, during a certain period, within a certain geographical area (i.e., the German speaking regions of trans-Alpine and Cisalpine Italy and Germany, or wherever there were strong ethnic elements of German Jewish origin, any time between the Middle Ages and the early modern era) …” [15]

Maffei alerts us to the obvious that is screaming for attention when, in light of the Trent trials, she states:

“In this research, we should not be surprised to find customs and traditions linked to experiences…which were to prove more deeply rooted than the standards of religious law itself, although diametrically opposed in practice, accompanied by all the appropriate and necessary formal and textual justifications. […] At the same time, we must keep in mind that, in the German-speaking Jewish communities, the phenomenon, where it took root, was generally limited to groups in which popular tradition, which had, over time, distorted, evaded or replaced the ritual standards of Jewish halakha, in addition to deeply-rooted customs saturated with magical and alchemical elements, all combined to form a deadly cocktail when mixed with violent and aggressive religious fundamentalism. [16]

Now, lest this kind of extremism appears utterly outrageous – even horrific – keep in mind one Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira who caused an outcry in Israel when he published his book ,Torat Ha’Melech published in 2009. Notorious for his ultra-fundamentalist opinions, the West bank settler provided a virtual “guide to killing non-Jews.”

An article at Maariv gave a synopsis of the book an extract of which follows:

In any situation in which a non-Jew’s presence endangers Jewish lives, the non-Jew may be killed even if he is a righteous Gentile and not at all guilty for the situation that has been created…When a non-Jew assists a murderer of Jews and causes the death of one, he may be killed, and in any case where a non-Jew’s presence causes danger to Jews, the non-Jew may be killed…The [Din Rodef] dispensation applies even when the pursuer is not threatening to kill directly, but only indirectly…Even a civilian who assists combat fighters is considered a pursuer and may be killed. Anyone who assists the army of the wicked in any way is strengthening murderers and is considered a pursuer. A civilian who encourages the war gives the king and his soldiers the strength to continue. Therefore, any citizen of the state that opposes us who encourages the combat soldiers or expresses satisfaction over their actions is considered a pursuer and may be killed. Also, anyone who weakens our own state by word or similar action is considered a pursuer…Hindrances—babies are found many times in this situation. They block the way to rescue by their presence and do so completely by force. Nevertheless, they may be killed because their presence aids murder. There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.”…In a chapter entitled “Deliberate harm to innocents,” the book explains that war is directed mainly against the pursuers, but those who belong to the enemy nation are also considered the enemy because they are assisting murderers. [17]

Psychopaths exist in concentrated clusters within the political arenas of our modern world just as much as they did in the Middle Ages. The call for the murder of babies according to “written law” is the continuance of the same unbroken line of psychopathy. This type of ultra-orthodox, theocratic madness is extremely influential in both Israel and America care of Revisionist Zionism, Chabad Lubavitch and related Hassidic sects. To imagine the mind-set is somehow different to the examples of blood sacrifice listed above … that is delusional. To claim that a reflex reaction of “blood libel” to any and all references to such Jewish extremism is necessary to counter anti-Semitism does great damage to everyone’s future as well as the Jewish tribe. Ritual blood sacrifice clearly existed in the Middle Ages and exists in variety of forms today.

Ask yourself this: if individual sexual psychopaths like Sir Jimmy Savile – a TV and radio personality, darling of British Royalty, the media establishment and a host of charitable organisations – could get away with serial sexual abuse and necrophilia for decades, what do you think an ancient global religious cult can do?

If there are psychological pathogens which lie at the inception of any monotheistic order with black magick elements incorporated into an already authoritarian framework, who do you think is going to be attracted to spell-bind on behalf of those age-old beliefs? It certainly isn’t going to be anything remotely connected to a God of Love, light and Knowledge.

If they can’t create the very social systems and institutions we live by then they destroy from the inside those founded on any degree of merit and recruit their own kind. We live inside belief systems controlled by various degrees of psychopathy and we are still refusing to see their dynamics for what they are.

THAT is the only “covenant” operating at the moment.

So, what does all this have to do with 9/11?  We’ll find out soon enough.


See also:

Fundamental Need for Human Sacrifice by Abrahamic Religions – Vital prerequisite for sustainable global civilization? by Laetus in Praesens

From Saturn to Babylon and Beyond by Chaos Navigator at |

FDA Asks Old People To Stop Infusing Children’s Blood To Prevent Aging



[1] p.3;The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed (1956)
[2] Ibid. p.9.
[3] Ibid.p.3
[4] Ibid. p.27
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid. pp..26-27
[8] op.cit Hoffman paragraph 2.1069.
[9]   Ibid; paragraph 2.1071
[10] Ibid; paragraph 2.1072
[11] Ibid; paragraph 2.1074
[12] Ibid; paragraph 2.1075
[13] ‘The Bloody Passovers of Dr Toaff’ By Israel Shamir, 2007 |
[14] Ariel Toaff, ‘Trials and Historial Methodology: In Defence of Pasque di sangue,’ p. 2
[15] op.cit Hoffman; paragraph 2.1136
[16] Ibid; paragraph 1032.4 / 2342 quoting (E. Maffei, Dal reato alla sentenza. Il processo criminale in età communale, [From crime to the judgment. The criminal trial in the communal] [Rome, 2005], pp. 98-101)
[17] ‘How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book’s Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews’ -A rabbinical guidebook for killing non-Jews has sparked an uproar in Israel and exposed the power a bunch of genocidal theocrats wield over the government. | By Max Blumenthal | AlterNetAugust 29, 2010.


Occult Zionism III: Magica Sexualis

“Judaism secretly teaches, as have the occult secret societies throughout the ages (in our time, Hindu Tantrism and the Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO), that the mystic can find redemption through a heroic willingness to do evil for the sake of a subsequent redemptive ascent to the highest spiritual good; immersion in the lowest of the low thus becomes a path to redemption …”

author/historian, Michael Hoffman

Superstition, pagan inversions and various forms of black magick comprise the core of Judaism’s oral traditions. Displacing the older Palestinian Talmud, the Babylonian Talmud remains a foundational pillar of Rabbinical study and discourse, as influential now as it was at its inception in Babylon over eighteen hundred years ago.

In his Magnum Opus Judaism Discovered (2008) Michael Hoffman draws our attention to the prominence of magica sexualis  (sex magick) in the Talmud which was so much a part of the Babylonian religions. The Kabbalah laid the groundwork with abstruse mystical expositions offering windows into mystical conjunctions, alchemical formuale and the evolution of necromancy. This also includes raising the dead, demonic invocation, psychic spells to cause harm upon their enemies; creation of the homunculus/golem, the development of thaumaturgy (“miracles” i.e.the manipulation of matter) and various exegesis on raising the Kundalini.

A few examples:

  • Rabbi Simon ben Yohai used magic to turn an opponent into a “heap of bones” (Shevi’it 38d).
  • To call up the demons to assist in sorcery is not idolatry, because the demons are not worshipped as divinities. (Rashi’s commentary on BT Sanhedrin 65a: Cf. footnote b (1) in the Soncino edition of BT Sanhedrin 65a).
  • Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Oshaia spent every Sabbath eve in studying the ‘Book of Creation,’ by means of which they created a third-grown calf and ate it. (BT Sanhedrin 65b).
  • If a corpse is raised from the dead by means of magical incantations, the dead person does not rise up in the usual manner, but upside down and furthermore, he does not rise up on the Sabbath. But, if he is raised from the dead by means of a “skull” (sphere, i.e. crystal ball), then he rises from the dead in the usual manner and even on the Sabbath. (BT Sanhedrin 65b [Steinsaltz]).
  • A me’onen is “someone who passes seven kinds of semen from seven different animals over his eyes for magical purposes. (BT Sanhedrin 65b [Steinsaltz]).
  • Rava once created a person, after having studied the Book of Creation, and learned to combine the letters of the divine name. (BT Sanhedrin 65b) [Steinsaltz]). [1]

Ten Sefirot “Tree of Life”: Keter (supernal crown, representing above-conscious will) Chochmah (the highest potential of thought) Binah (the understanding of the potential) Daat (intellect of knowledge) Chesed (sometimes referred to as Gedolah-greatness) (loving-kindness) Gevurah (sometimes referred to as Din-justice or Pachad-fear) (severity/strength) Rachamim also known as Tiphereth (mercy) Netzach (victory/eternity) Hod (glory/splendour) Yesod (foundation) Malkuth (kingdom)

One could say that all this is irrelevant since we have all moved on and the above examples are not at all part of Kabbalistic law. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Directly and indirectly, Kabbalistic practice is both the inspiration and template behind many more unsavory expressions. The Kabbalah has elements of Eastern and Hindu magical practices mixed with traditional Medieval Rabbinic exhortations for the raising of Kundalini fire, a recognised practice for those consciously (or unconsciously) seeking the fast track to “enlightenment,” with all the danger that implies.

Not that the Kabbalah is all bad. It isn’t. There are some fascinating and profound elements within this vast collection. However, it does depend who is using it and how …The Talmud and its Kabbalistic magick forms the backbone of Judaism and applied by some Hassidic, Chabad and Zionist ambitions.

This should at least give pause for thought.

The explosion of magick in the Middle Ages which saw the creation of so many occult arts was borne from the same influence of Jewish Kabbalists. By the 1400s, the Mediterranean countries of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Southern France were common strongholds. There is a scholarly consensus that the Kabbalah was largely put together in its current form by Isaac Luria the Rabbi and Jewish mystic from the mid 16th Century (hence the reference to the “Lurianic Kabbalah.”) His source was the 13th Century Zohar published by the Spanish Jew Moses de Leon, an esoteric form of the Torah’s Midrash. He in turn, ascribed the work to Shimon bar Yochai a rabbi of the 2nd century.

The Jewish Mystery schools that grew around what was now the Lurianic or modern Kabbalah, were a veritable honey-pot of black magick and effectively forms of religious CoIntelpro. The left and right hand paths, are all bound up in complex magical formulas and systems of divination which go around and around in endless circles to tempt and stimulate the would be initiate. The message is that there is no evil per se, morality is relative where the shadow side of one’s life has to to be seen and integrated. These are half-truths missing context. In the cultural milieu of the day, the nuances of these estoteric principles were soon lost in the race up the ladder of magickal power – much like today. Some things never change.

Communing with “God,” angels, daemons and predicting the future also has an easily accessible flip-side …Darkness was indeed acknowledged and then fully embraced rather than integrated. The “keep busy” activity that the Kabbalah promoted offered a marketing dream in talismans and amulets as spin-off merchandise.  As ideas were drawn from extremely ancient wisdom they were gradually updated and muddied with magick and mystical Messiansim, so it was understandable that the Sephardic Jewish leaders in Moorish Spain saw the Zohar as phoney and banned it – which obviously made it even more popular.

It wasn’t long before the Kabbalah attracted its fair share of cultists, the most prominent and radical being Sabbatai Zevi. A Sephardic Rabbi and avid Kabbalist magician, Zevi‘s claim to fame was that he believed he was the Jewish Messiah. The Jewish Sabbatean movement was the result and with an ever burgeoning flck of followers, he was able to spread his cult (and the kabbalah) far and wide. Much to the shock of his beloved supporters he converted to Islam.

Eugene Canseliet’s preface to the Second Edition Le Mystere des Cathedrales, by the grand alchemist Fulcanelli, an important difference is made between “Kabbalah” and “Cabala” explaining the spiritual distinction between the two as well as the reasons for the Kabbalah’s hijacking of a more authentic spiritual Gnostic thought:

“… the Jewish Kabbala is full of transpositions, inversions, substitutions and calculations, as arbitrary as they are abstruse. This is why it is important to distinguish between the two words, CABALA and KABBALA in order to use them knowledgeably. Cabala derives from cadallhz or from the Latin caballus, a horse; kabbala is from the Hebrew Kabbalah which means tradition. Finally, figurative meanings like coterie, underhand dealing or intrigue, developed in modern usage by analogy, should be ignored so as to reserve for the noun cabala the only significance which can be assured for it.” [2]

In Nesta Webster’s 1924 Secret Societies and Subversive movements she states:

…it was…in Italy that, a century later, the modern Cabalistic school was inaugurated by Isaac Luria …. whose doctrines were organized into a practical system by the Hasidim of Eastern Europe for the writing of amulets, the conjuration of devils, mystical jugglery with numbers and letters, etc… Italy in the fifteenth century was thus a centre from which Cabalistic influences radiated, and it may be that the Italians who indoctrinated Gilles de Rais had drawn their inspiration from this source. Indeed Eliphas Lévi, who certainly cannot be accused of “Anti-Semitism,” declares that “…the Jews, the most faithful trustees of the secrets of the Cabala, were almost always the great masters of magic in the Middle Ages… [3]

The Kabbalah had already evolved into an assemblage of doctrines and speculations thanks to the Talmud, the secrecy of its existence was in full force due to the nature of its heretical ideas. Webster quotes Gougenot des Mousseaux on the definition of the Kabbalah, meaning to receive, transmit, and which “represented the spiritual traditions transmitted from the earliest ages, although mingled in the course of time with impure or foreign elements.” There were in fact, two Cabalas, the other doctrine formed from an oral tradition, an “ancient sacred tradition handed down from the first patriarchs of the human race; and the evil Cabala, wherein the sacred tradition was mingled by the Rabbis with barbaric superstitions, combined with their own imaginings and henceforth marked with their seal.” [4]

We say that the true esotericism might be an older Arabic “Cabala” while the imposter retains the Talmudic, Hebrew spelling of “Kabbalah.” It was here that the Kabbalah hitched a ride from the initiated excess of Babylon via the Pharisees in Jerusalem, through the Talmudists of Spain; the rabbis of Russia right up to the Zionists still busy fermenting pain and suffering on a grand scale. (It is only Putin who has been able to carefully reign in the Russian-Jewish Mafia and oligarchical power in Russia).

It’s contemporary popularity and alignment with Zionism was thanks largely to two Zionists who saw a good propaganda ploy and the gullibility from a new generation of romantics and occultists hungry for meaning. Kabbalah had enough cryptic, codified “wisdom” to keep everyone from academia to magazine and agony aunt bloggers busy. It would also provide the needed haze of mysticism to bolster the nationalistic drive of Zionists who lacked any association with spirituality. This mysticism and associated freemasonry appealed to the romantics in Europe and America so that many more would be available to be used and abused by Zionist mendacity.


Title page of the first printed edition of the Zohar, Mantua, 1558. Library of Congress.

Herz Imber injected the needed imagination and national fervour into Zionist Israel by writing its National Anthem Hatikvah. By 1892 he had settled in New York and was busy publishing a newsletter propagating his interest in Kabbalah and the mystical arm of the fight for a State of Israel. He was a key element in the introduction of occult concepts to the US. The German-born historian Gershom Scholem was perhaps the most influential in making sure Kabbalah gained scholarly respect and increasing the romantic struggle for the Zionist rationale. Edward Rothstein writes in a New York Times Article of 1999: “Scholem, who moved to Palestine from Germany in the 1920s when Zionism was winning support among European Jewish intellectuals, interpreted Jewish mysticism to suit Zionist ideology. He moulded the history of Jewish mysticism into a story about national and spiritual evolution.” [5]

Rothstein mentions another Kabbalah worshipper Mose Idels and his 1988 collection of papers, Kabbalah: New Perspectives  which argues that “nearly everything about Scholem’s interpretation of mysticism, from his emphasis on the exile of the Jews to his focus on textual interpretation rather than ecstatic experience, was a reflection of his intellectual origins in German Romanticism.” It led to many English and American gentlemen in high society prone to right-wing religio-occult romance to rally to the cause of Christian Zionism and the signing of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the gateway to British Middle East monopoly.

Kabbalistic thought, despite its fascinating mysticism was, in the final analysis, sourced from the pathology of Babylonian Talmudism and adapted to the politicised racism of the Zionists. Designed to buffer and distract from true spirituality, the Jewish Kabbalah and all its distortions serve to mask the nature of an authentic Arabic influenced version of the phonetically more accurate “Cabala.” Jewish peoples everywhere are just as much victims of Zionist designs as the “gentiles” that, according to the Zohar, the five volume tome of Kabbalistic thought, should be “wiped off the face of the Earth.” (Z.,I,25a). The commercial Kabbalah is now the New Age associate of Zionism, the results of which are as fraudulent as the political machinations of the latter.

At this stage of the game with the background of blood and carnage that is Zionism, one has to wonder, why so many Hollywood celebrities seem to be embracing the new fad of the Kabbalah. From the late Michael Jackson to Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor to Demi Moore. The Queen of the music Industry manipulation is Madonna, who has taken to the “Kabbalah for dummies” ethos and the exorbitant charges of tuition that go with it: “You absolutely are the master of your destiny,” she remarked on music channel MTV, “You have to take responsibility for your life”. Such new age candyfloss sits easily with the image of feminist emancipation whilst being a willing Grand Priestess for music business occultism throughout her career. [6]

It was inevitable that the occult theology of a strand of Jewish Kabbalism would find its way into popular culture and its mass programming appeal after skirting around the shadows for so long. It purports to be system of spiritual knowledge but is in effect a spider’s web of anaesthesia designed to appeal to the mass movement of New Age advocates.


Kabbalah devotee Madonna performs yet another Grammy award ritual in 2014 (left) Whether S & M bondage or a Nazi fashion show (right) in many of her videos Madonna is one of a host of pop stars pushing the dark side of the occult and Kabbalah and a host of other unhealthy forms of mass entertainment programming.

Commensurate with the rise of psychopathy and schizoidal tracts designed to elevate psychopaths to power, the suppression of certain forms of pantheistic Goddess worship often most closely aligned to matriarchy has taken place. What appears to go hand in in hand with the worst aspects of patriarchy in monotheism is no less raw in the Talmud. It is an obvious truism that arcane study and social rule has been the province of men. As such, women and children are exploited as tools for sex magick, and their perceived inferior status must be constantly reinforced. As former Knesset politician and journalist Yossi Sarid summarised: “Treating women as impure and filthy begins with halakha and continues with actions. As long as the religious and ultra-Orthodox parties – Shas, United Torah Judaism, Habayit Hayehudi and National Union, none of which have any women in the Knesset – are not disqualified, their nakedness will continue to sing out and the nakedness of the land will be revealed.” [7]

Whilst condemning all women in general as witches Rabbinical writings offer very few examples of dolling out punishments to Jewish women. There are however, plenty of instances where Gentile women are given a taste of Talmudic retribution.  Even the apparently saintly Rabbi Moses Maimonides who is assumed to be above superstition entirely, does in fact, decree an exemption from punishment for those who practice witchcraft. But only for Jews. But Jewish women are seen as equally undeserving of special treatment since it is Jewish men who hold the keys to messianic salvation. Otherwise, the culprit should be whipped. [8]

This is just one example which indicates the opposite meanings behind Christian and Jewish renderings of religious indoctrination, as Hoffman explains:

Tikkun olam is the name for the alleged Kabbalistic “redemption of the world,” but the rabbinic concept of redemption is very different from what that term signifies to Christians. A deeper understanding can be gleaned from the teachings of one of the major Kabbalistic “sages,” Rabbi Isaac Luria, who said that after tikkun was accomplished the spirit of Cain would prevail on earth. 424 Sanhedrin 25d comments on the Talmudic observation that most Judaic women are witches by observing that “such is the way of the world.”

By Talmudic standards, Judaic female witchcraft is not something extraordinary; it is an inherent quality of Judaic women, along with other problems endemic to this “sack of excrement” (BT Shabbat 152b) and “valueless treasure” (BT Sanhedrin 100b), including a proclivity for murder (Peskita Rabbati, 107b). These supposed female attributes ascribed by the rabbis are regarded as ineradicable and a foreshadowing of qualities that will predominate once the “tikkun olam” is implemented.

Moreover, witchcraft in the Talmud is not exclusively an attribute of Judaic women. The rabbinic books of black magic of the Babylonian era, such as the Sefer HaRazim and Harba de Mosheh, were compiled by Judaic males. BT Sanhedrin 17a decrees that to be qualified for appointment to the Sanhedrin (religious court), a man must be a practitioner of sorcery. [9]

Excerpt from Harba de'Moshe ,The Sword of Moses

Excerpt from Harba de’Moshe ,The Sword of Moses

It is in the following passage that we see once again, another extraordinary repetition of a techo-scorcery to which we are now accustomed. Yet, religion dressed up as moral code is closely aligned to the occult equally dressed up as liberation for those “in the know”. Both have a symbiotic pathology in terms of injecting the mass mind with the instinct of fear and the abdication of responsibility. The  fascination with bio-engineering, and artificial intelligence is now beginning to dominate Western elite societies is apparent in the philosophy and Jewish Marxist ideology of transhumanism. (see Technocracy I) The same alchemical, “topological metaphor” is played out in the Talmud as part of a template of future manipulation. The world is imperfect, but Talmudic law will force into being the subjective “perfection” in the manner of a snake eating its own tail; it is perceived as the perfect authority of Yahweh channelled through the “chosen ones” and no reflection of objective reality is permitted lest the mirror of such a vicious circle is broken.

We know that Yahweh/Jehovah is a rather different God of the Christ Consciousness, the conscience grown to facilitate service to others. The Talmudic doctrine is the personification of service to self, thus, the “Alchemy” here is of an entirely different quality.

Hoffman explains how hubris runs through the entire doctrine in the form of Merkervah magick and a singularly Jewish form of alchemy:

Here we see Kabbalistic sorcery appearing in the Talmud, reflecting the unbound, Promethean man-is-god philosophy which stems from the rabbinic doctrine that: everything that G-d created needs completion (hashlamah) and repair (tikkun). G-d initated, but did not perfect the work of creation (ma’aseh bereshit); the universe created by G-d is imperfect and will be made perfect (bara la-asot), by Klal Yisroel (the Judaic people).

Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Oshaia’s act of magical proto-cloning of a calf is viewed in Orthodox Judaism by such luminaries as Menachem HaMeiri, as a proud accomplishment. Whereas in the literature of western civilization from Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, tampering with God’s creation was depicted as an unmitigated disaster. [10]

One of the oldest repositories of Babylonian magic in Judaism are the texts, Sifrei ha-Iyyun, the Sefer ha-Bahir and the Hilkoth Yesirah (also known as the Sefer Yetzirah), circa 200 A.D.; the earliest extant copy of the latter is the Genizah ms., tenth century. “…the practice associated with this school of thought is magical/theurgic, even including the attempt to make a golem.” The “strand of earlier tradition is that of Merkavah mysticism. Merkavah designates a form of visionary mystical praxis that reaches back into the Hellenistic era but was still alive as late as tenth-century Babylonia…the old Merkavah and magical literature was preserved among the earliest Ashkenazic Jews…” [11]

Merkavah/Merkaba mysticism is now a strong part of new age CoIntelpro care of Dan Winter and Drunvalo Melchizedek and their “Flower of Life” money spinner which is without question the worst examples of delusional new age dogma I have ever witnessed (but that’s another story). The golem is probably another version of the Homunculus, though with a vital difference.  In the latter Western Hermetic tradition it refers to the building of New Man and his transformation into a symbol of the Holy Grail or Philosopher’s Stone. In the Talmud, as the doctrine of a Divinely chosen people destined to bring about a Jewish Utopia on earth, the golem is a not too veiled reference to create the Jewish people anew and at the same time, a mechanism to cope with life in a Gentiles’ world. The golem can also be seen as both the Gentile and repository of an almost Freudian vessel of Jewish neuroses and imagination.


1987 Kabbalah Centre promotional literature

Tractate Sanhedrin 38b sees Adam as a golem “a body without a soul” when his dust was “kneaded into a shapeless husk”. In Hebrew “golem” stands for “shapeless mass”. [12] All golems are created from mud, by those close to divinity, namely the Rabbis – but no golem is fully human – or thereby Jewish. Magical invocations are performed with Hebrew letters of the alphabet and dancing around the object. Other stories have the magician write the letters aleph, mem, tav, and emet on the golem’s forehead in order to fire up the life forces. (It’s all in the magickal invocation apparently)  Ashkenazi Hassidic folklore has the golem appear in many of its stories as a servant or slave assigned to do various menial tasks and to protect Jewish communities from dangers.

According to the Virtual Jewish Library:

“The most well-known story of the golem is connected to Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the Maharal of Prague (1513-1609). It was said that he created a golem out of clay to protect the Jewish community from Blood Libel and to help out doing physical labor, since golems are very strong. Another version says it was close to Easter, in the spring of 1580 and a Jew-hating priest was trying to incite the Christians against the Jews. So the golem protected the community during the Easter season. Both versions recall the golem running amok and threatening innocent lives, so Rabbi Loew removed the Divine Name, rendering the golem lifeless.” [13]

It’s fairly obvious that “golem” is little too close to “goyim” for it to be coincidence. The golem serves as a Frankenstein figure upon which Jews were able to project their frustrations and fantasies concerning their lot in the world and their relationship to non-Jews. It is a form of cathartic release; a voodoo doll to bolster faith and defence against “the other”, a literary device to exorcise doubt and a mirror of Jewish collective shadows. Yet, these are never truly acknowledged since the fear and narcissism inherent in Talmudic doctrine can never see itself as it is. The golem is always fear personified: what if we become this? What if we become like THEM? G-d will never forgive us! For instance, the golem’s lack of intellectual ability and animalistic impulses is compared with the Jew’s which is naturally of a higher order.


Rabbi Loew and Golem by Mikoláš Aleš, 1899.

The Journal of New York Folklore mentions the oral legends with their root source as the Talmud, and where: “…the golem’s ‘gruff appearance permits him to infiltrate the gentile community’ as a spy.” The tradition states that an enlightened Jew – a master magician – is the only one who can create the gentile-like anthropoid of the golem. [14] Is this really the action of an enlightened individual? To create a being as a slave, as a vessel for one’s emotional, unresolved shadows and to reinforce the idea that all non-Jews are merely the external bootstraps required to lead them to God and rulership? Such a dissonance set up between objective reality and subjective programming shows the golem as a: “… perfect medium through which Jews could express and debate anxiety about adopting the tactics of what had been seen as the inferior other, the gentile.” [15]

As mentioned, we know that according to the Halakah Jewish women are of a lower order, thus seen as a creation of the male semen which imbues the female into something useful, on a par with gentiles. They are therefore, considered crypto-golems: ‘For your maker is your husband; the Lord of Hosts is His name’ (Isaiah 54:5) (Sanhedrin 22b}”. Similarly, the renowned Rabbi Bezalel Loew wrote in his book Be’er Hagolah: “…that men, through sexual intercourse, endow women with spirit and physical form.” [16]

The Jewish female is akin to a “lesser other” of the golem’s world and purely a tool for progeny. So, it seems even Jewish women can’t endow Jewish men with anything of consequence, in much the same way as Gentiles are automatically of no use, except perhaps in terms of taking full advantage of their golemic ways. It is not symbiosis that Talmudic programming demands, but a parasitical relationship to others, a metaphor for when Jews are the rulers and the Goyim are in their pre-ordained place as slaves:

““… as one who does work that Jews, by tradition, are prevented from doing themselves, the golem can be compared to the shabbes goy, or Sabbath goy. (Because Orthodox Jews are prohibited from performing certain tasks on the Sabbath, such taboo work was performed by gentiles; thus, “shabbes goy.”) In one early Polish golem legend, the golem serves as a shabbes goy and is put to work lighting ovens. …In the more complex works by Leivick, Singer, and Wiesel treated here, the golem performs other more complex but equally taboo behaviors Jews were prevented, by tradition, from performing themselves.

The golem in Yudl Rosenberg’s 1909 version was an innocuous figure. He could not speak. The closest he comes to any significant contact with a woman is his rescue of the living Christian girl who was assumed to have been sacrificed and his delivery of her to the proper authorities. Rosenberg’s golem is merely a “domestic android whose programming needs fine tuning.” [17]


Golem of Prague reproduction (wikipedia)

We have already established that non-Jews are considered satanic in the Talmud and therefore interaction is only condoned in order to gain something that will benefit Jews and thereby the collective Jewish destiny. (The” end justifies the means” so much a part of Zio-Conservative ideals is perfectly at home in the Talmud). Non-Jews are more akin to animals since they have no souls; they are artificial creatures who can only have the Divine breathed into them by the chosen. Since God is the ultimate creator of life and God in the Talmud is synonymous with Rabbinical magic and the Jewish soul, then the only hope for gentiles is to accept the representatives of the  coming New Order of Jewish Utopia as their lords and masters. But even then, there seems little hope for the non-Jew as the golem/goyim remains a lifeless and unthinking as a zombie, despite vain attempts to educate and imbue him/her with Jewish law. Such is the irrevocable fundamentalism hewn into the rock of the Talmud and Hassidic consciousness.

The gentiles serve only one purpose in Talmudic law – the energy needed for an End Times sacrifice. Not only does this parallel the “useless eaters” philosophy of the 3EM: the depopulationists and eco-fascists who see humanity as a virus to extinguish, it aligns with occult-transhumanism, those for whom the human body is weak and inherently worthless; where consciousness – if it exists at all – cannot possibly trump a black-hole of bio-centrism. But most importantly, a Singularity of alchemical transformation for the individual and the world can only be achieved by the arrival of robots and a final battle between human and artificial life, leading to the inevitable fusion of mind and machine – over which will preside the designated theocracy of cyborgs.

In each case, salvation is through the focus on matter, symbolically and literally; a salvation that inverts the true meaning, that such a transformation lies not in one’s own self-development and service to others, but via a dualistic and parasitical supremacy over each grouping – through the ultimate fear of death. 

As pathocratic controllers remain at the helm of such advances, genetic engineering and the rise of SMART technology can be seen as a very real expression of black magick. The impetus behind this Cartesian obsession with technology derives from those who do not have the best interests at heart for humankind. Equally, since it is the manipulation of matter for self-enhancement at the cost of the alchemical change which comes from within – not from without, these advances are pushing the mass mind down a dark valley of diminishing returns. They are able to do this through a collective willful blindness. As discussed in the Technocracy series, such manipulations amount to a simulacra of spirituality in order to gain knowledge through power – a Will to Power – an echo of the Pharisees overshadowing the modern desires of occult-Zionists.

Hoffman correctly draws our attention to the idea of a “redemption through evil” as a formal Satanic practice of initiation which runs through the Talmud. Yet, it is a redemption where the energy of humanity is used for their own selfish ends, as both “nourishment” and sacrifice.  This no different to the Hegelian Order through Chaos, or the transhumanist intention to become superhuman through a merging of the machine and human mind. Hubris connects them all.

Hoffman reminds us that these facets are part of a continuum:

Judaism secretly teaches, as have the occult secret societies throughout the ages (in our time, Hindu Tantrism and the Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO), that the mystic can find redemption through a heroic willingness to do evil for the sake of a subsequent redemptive ascent to the highest spiritual good; immersion in the lowest of the low thus becomes a path to redemption: “…the concept of the descent of the Zaddiq, which is better known by the Hebrew phrase, Yeridah zorekh Aliyah, namely the descent for the sake of the ascent, the transgression for the sake of repentance…Much attention has been paid to this model because of its essential affinities with Zoharic and Lurianic Kabbalah…this model was a very important one in Hasidic thought…” [18]

Just as we saw the repetition of unresolved disasters in the collective human psyche tend to repeat through generations – like a psycho-spiritual virus – so too, we have the same lessons repeated in the guise of Prometheus/Lucifer the Bringer of Light (misuse of technology) and the Zionist hubris that goes with it. Current absolutist manipulations of matter as a new form of worship can easily be likened to a return to Rosicrucian magick, in turn, a throw-back to Babylonian, Egyptian and Atlantean ancestors who all practiced the same art of sorcery. These repeating cycles had a common theme: the progenitors of ancient Egyptian/Judaic Royalty or Priesthood which ruled through totalitarianism and ultimately destroyed itself over and over again through an ebb and flow of empires. The freemasonic line continued, splitting into two streams: Service to Self via Rosicrucian (illuminati) / Order of Zion; and Service to others through the lesser known freemasonic movements dedicated to humankind’s collective ascension. (Yes they do exist).

Khajuraho sculpture

Hindu Tantra Sex Magic (Khajuraho sculpture, India)

So, we had a core source of pagan rituals synthesised from a potpourri of Egyptian, Hindu, South Asian Tantra and Indian yogic techniques into the “science” of Kabbalah and formalised into a code of law in the Babylonian Talmud. It was the Kabbalah that provided a more refined instruction (and distraction) for sex magick, repeating the past origins of Canaanite excess. One avenue used for the contouring of human sexuality and by extension, spiritual potential, takes place through the practice of ritual magick. These now form a part of romantic aspiration in New Age circles where raising the Kundalini is something very far from reaching enlightenment. Rather, it encourages us to play with a misunderstood “energy” that effectively burns away the etheric webs separating the centres/chakras to alight the “fire of consciousness” as it travels up the spine to the brain.

In fact, this energy rises naturally, gently and without assistance and as consequence of self-development, not the other way around, despite what the many books on the market will tell us.  

The Tantric aspect of Kabbalistic magick includes the act of Maithuna meaning “sexual union” and is one of four other techniques: matsya, mamsa, madya and mudra. The Christian tendency to scriptural puritanism to which Hoffman ascribes, means that this is automatically “sinful”. However, prudishness apart, the Tantra as an esoteric practice with the correct teacher may offer constructive outcomes. The tantric context of spiritual transformation is hardly going to be a realistic outcome cast adrift in the ocean of Talmudic authoritarianism. Perhaps this is the problem with a pic ‘n mix combination of esoteric doctrines from Asia, India and the Middle East: absorbing other cultures’ paths to spiritual transformation with its emphasis on physical union which may or not be valid in their cultural context, means that all those intrinsic distortions are brought with it, as are the more positive attributes which are inevitably lost in translation – sometimes quite literally – and through adaptation, are inverted to something quite different. The result is a hybrid form of ascension grafted onto an authoritarian instruction manual that elevates race supremacy, patriarchical values and physical and sexual abuse as part of the underlying qualities required for doctrinal obedience.

The Lilith Goddess of pagan belief and moon worship is integral part of the Talmud, particularly in Orthodox Judaism, since this appropriated Goddess rules over the sexual organs and sexual acts for the male. As such, she was seen as demonic. As natural sexuality is viewed as part of the world of the gentile and therefore dirty and forbidden, Lilith has come to represent a deity that must be kept at bay with talismans and amulets. This is another belief that encourages neurosis and anxiety, particularly concerning masturbation and nocturnal emissions; even the admiration of female beauty requires unhealthy superstitions to ward off Lilith’s dark seductions. In transhumanism, updated technology is used to ward off death and the promise of longevity, here, this archaic “technology” of talismans and amulets serve to keep the aspirant “pure” by denying the shadow self and therefore falling back into the Talmudic stockade on consciousness – the real definition of what it means to be ritually, magically bound. [19]

In a similar vein, the Goddess Shekinah – a feminine word in Hebrew and alter ego of Lilith – represents the feminine attributes of God, according to the Talmud. It is the feminine presence during temple rites and is an important part of the Kabbalah. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia: “The Shekinah is often portrayed as a bride or princess whose male lover is the composite of the nine upper sefirot, represented by the prince/bridegroom Tiferet.” Shekinah is also equated with the land of Israel and “‘Keneset Yisrael,’ the personified spirit of the People of Israel” in order to act as a kind of spiritual crutch for the trials and tribulations of Jewish people in exile. [20]  She is symbolic of only true and spiritual sacrifice as bestowed by the Shekhinah Fire. Significantly, Lilith/Shekinah are symbolised by the moon and the left hand path. It is also a common inspiration for ritual sacrifice associated with war for Zionists, something that was personified in the blood and fire of the Iraq invasion.


Lilith (1892) by John Collier in Southport Atkinson Art Gallery  (wikipedia)

Though not always associated with black magick, moon worship certainly has a chequered history. The moon has an archetypal legacy of death, the ebb and flow of lifeforce; qualities connected with creative imagination, fantasy, lunacy and the home of negative entities in various cultures. Such attributes don’t exactly give us a happy outcome, given the Lurianic context.

Many left and right hand paths in secret societies keep a close watch on the waxing and waning of the moon since it is during the full moon that “etheric energies” are at their height and where the veil between higher dimensions is said to be thinner, thus conducive to invocation. Thus, if one wishes to send “love and light”, manipulate matter or say hello to Baal  – this is the time to do it. Either way, black or white magic comes to the same thing: manipulation. Sure enough, the Kabbalah is big on moon-lit rituals:  “The performance of the lunar Shekhinah ritual known as Kiddush Levanah is dependent on the visibility of moonlight because, according to the Kabbalah, it is by this means that the goddess is made manifest.” [21]

The idea of the true sacrifice has been inverted to represent literal blood sacrifice, in turn aligned to satanic rituals which gain psychic nourishment from such a release; a conjunction of endocrine chemicals, negative emotion and adjoining “receptors” in dark realms. (Yet, there doesn’t have to be sacrifice for structured rituals linked to organised religio-occult practice for it to be harmful in a psycho-spiritual sense. Rituals bound to magic formulas ultimately restrict consciousness). We then have the “Holy Spirit” manifesting by the light of the moon and widely seen as an invisible presence of God …  

But the question is, if these rituals are at root, based on the collection of amalgamated writings of the Talmud with so many allusions to the dark half of its many gods and deities  – what exactly are they likely to be manifesting based on current evidence?

I’d like to quote what I wrote in Technocracy XVI: Occult Transhumanism (1) regarding Babylon’s Tower of Babel myth in this context:

“It was this alchemical sacrifice of the lower personality and the accumulation of energy for service to others that was inverted to manifest as a literal physical human sacrifice to appease the Gods. Original sacrifice was … of deeper significance in that it symbolised cosmically as primary differentiation of matter into form and diversity; God’s sacrifice to know Himself further – through us. This sacrificial alchemy can be seen in the neophyte’s descent into the Underworld as well as the archetypal boiling of bones and flesh of the initiate in Siberian shamanism.”

This inversion of pre-history truths incorporating alchemical transformation and a knowledge of a human-cosmic cycle where the Earth was periodically “re-set” according to the behaviour of its inhabitants has been progressively distorted in order to be interpreted in strictly materialist terms. This has allowed the same cyclic manifestation of pathocratic “priesthoods”  to inveigle their way into power by hijacking perennial truths that seek to liberate humankind and replacing them with magick and authoritarian myth to imprison it. The Talmud is a primary marker in such programming and provides the root source to many of our modern expressions of the same old Yahwehic sacrifice.

The question is: does ritual human sacrifice still exist at the heart of Occult Zionism?


 “Tetragrammaton [or YHWH] by Francisco Goya: “The Name of God”, YHWH in triangle, detail from fresco Adoration of the Name of God, 1772.” […] It is one of the names of the national God of the Israelites used in the Hebrew Bible.” (wikipedia)


See also: The Saker interviews Michael A. Hoffman II


[1] paragraph 2.753 Judaism Discovered By Michael Hoffman (2008) (kindle edition)
[2] p.17; Le Mystère Des Cathédrales: Esoteric Interpretation of the Hermetic Symbols of the Great Work | 2nd Edition ,Published by Brotherhood of Life 1984.
[3] p.78’’; Secret Societies and Subversive movements (1924) By Nesta Webster Published by Book Tree in 2000 edition.
[4] Ibid; p.11.
[5] ‘From Celebrities to Zionists, Kabbalah an Endless Source of Solace’ By Edward Rothstein,  New York Times/March 20, 1999.
[6] ‘The 2009 VMAs: The Occult Mega-Ritual’ The Vigilant Citizen Articles Compilation (3rd edition) May 2014. | See also:
[7] ‘Orthodox Judaism treats women like filthy little things’ By Yossi Sarid, Haaretz, | Dec. 30. 2011.
[8] BT Sanhedrin 65b, Steinsaltz, v. 18, p. 209.
[9] BT Sanhedrin 17a
[10] op. cit Hoffman paragraph 2.750 | Gershom Scholem, (Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1965).
[11] Ibid.
Modern Jewish History: ‘The Golem’ by Alden Oreck |
[14] ‘Golem as Gentile, Golem as Sabra: An Analysis of the Manipulation of Stereotypes of Self and Other in Literary Treatments of a Legendary Jewish Figure, New York Folklore XXIII:1-4 (1997):39-64.
[15] Ibid.| Byron Sherwin, The Golem Legend : Origins and Implications (New York: University Press of America, 1985).
[16] Ibid. | Isaac Bashevis Singer “The Golem is a Myth for Our Time” The New York Times 12 August, 1984, 2:1.
[17] Ibid. | Arnold L. Goldsmith, The Golem Remembered, 1909 – 1980 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1981),p.41
[18] op.cit Hoffman paragraph 2.512 | p. 205. Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis, (2007), p. 199
[21] op.cit N.Y. Folklore.

Occult Zionism II: The Schizoidal Legacy

I had personally witnessed an ultra-religious Jew refuse to allow his phone to be used on the Sabbath in order to call an ambulance for a non-Jew who happened to have collapsed in his Jerusalem neighbourhood. Instead of simply publishing the incident in the press, I asked for a meeting which is composed of rabbis nominated by the State of Israel. I asked them whether such behavior was consistent with their interpretation of the Jewish religion. They answered that the Jew in question had behaved correctly, indeed piously, and backed their statement by referring me to a passage in an authoritative compendium of Talmudic laws, written in this century.

Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years

Political author, activist and polish holocaust survivor Israel Shahak made an enormous contribution to the understanding of Jewish history, politics and culture. In his seminal work Jewish History, Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years (1994) he offers an in-depth analysis of the Babylonian Talmud and its influence on orthodox Judaism and politics. In Chapter 5: “The Laws Against Non-Jews.” Shahak places Taldmudic discourse into several categories or themes to which he attributes some of the worst disputations in the Halakhah (or “Halacha” – “Jewish Law”) the compendium of the written and Oral Torah and Talmudic and rabbinic law. These include the works by Moses Maimonides (mentioned in the last post) a medieval Spanish, Sephardic Jewish philosopher and astronomer who remains one of the most influential contributors to Torah and Talmudic philosophy and who had a particular distaste for those who didn’t resonate to the Talmud.

The Rabbinical law that is supposed to be a book of religious instruction appears to have an awful lot of instruction on ways to deceive non-Jews. In fact, Shahak’s research is structured on nine categories which only skirt around what are examples of astonishing maleficence directed to those who do not happen to practice Judaism and Talmudic principles.

These are:

    1. Murder and Genocide
    2. Saving of a life (or not)
    3. Sexual offences
    4. Status
    5. Money and Property
    6. Gentiles in Israel
    7. Abuse

These descriptions offer a perfect example of schizoidal psychopathy on show in much of the Halakhah. It is no exaggeration to say that this form is extremely prevalent within the religious authoritarianism of Zionist and Orthodox Judiasm. The defining characteristic of this form of pathology is the overriding conviction that its sufferers are the only ones who can deliver and preach the truth. No other person has such “inside knowledge”. This is a product of their own distorted views on reality borne of hypersensitivity and ultra-pessimism. Yet, they believe it is only through their judgement and knowledge that all problems will be ultimately fixed – through agreement with their theoretical rules. Such people have a limited capacity for real emotion and empathy as one would expect, and which is useful for intellectual reasoning aligned to zealotry and fanaticism. Areas of activity which require diplomacy, caring and compassion hold no interest. Their weak self-esteem is buttressed by an unceasing intellectual restlessness and hyperactivity which brooks no interference – they have all the answers, after all.

This perceived intellectual superiority defines their narcissistic sense of power which is usually through the written word or some platform that allows them to formulate theoretical ideas for their audience. The authority of their ideas is vital. And since their concepts and theories are often convoluted and complex, people are bamboozled by their intensity, hyperbole, and austere attention to detail. (Mein Kampf, Communist Manifesto, Protocols of Zion, and Deuteronomy come to mind…) What is so dangerous about this form of pathology and with just the sufficient amount of gaps in their awareness – or a similar quota of reciprocal deformations in their own make-up – normal persons project their own ideas and predilections onto the schizoidal’s pathological material which, if a large cluster of such people are involved, can result in the needed support and energy of “converts”. These individuals do not realise that they have been taken in by something that is quite opposite to what they supposed. Once a person has been overpowered by the sheer tenacity and persistence of their efforts, the effects of their minds become progressively adapted to the pathology of the doctrine with an inability to think critically further induced. What is even more interesting is the presence of schizoidal persons who are attracted to religious dogma within Evangelism and Zionist circles. The disconnect is between the apparently “moral” concepts they espouse and the rigid structure of contempt which underlies it.

Zionism and the evolution of Talmudic law were only successful due to the tumultuous times in which ancient people lived. With conflict and trauma, engendered and opportunistic, the laws of the Talmud arose, in spite of and due to its presence in Babylonia, the seat of a legendary decadence and decay – the perfect soil in which Rabbinical law could seed. The schizoidal declarations of Deuteronomy did their work, feeding off fear and the loss of meaning prevalent at the time. The tactics for filling the vacuum created by war and conflict is easy to do against disenfranchised people. It was the same then as it is today since fear and loss of meaning will always find pathological partners. And the evolution of Judaism – or monotheistic religion in general – is one long story of pathogenic infection.

Andrew Lobaczewski who inaugurated the new discipline of ponerology in his extensive studies of psychopathy, described such individuals at the forefront of propaganda literature. Their view of human nature is so bad that they choose themselves as the only candidates qualified to act as intermediaries for “revolutionary” ideas. Lobaczewski calls this type of expression the “schizoid declaration.” The Talmud and Old Testament lore is replete with such declarations. Before continuing it might be instructive to include an extract from Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology to illustrate the real dangers of a “schizoidally impoverished psychological world-view” and how centuries of Talmudic programming falls precisely into this psychological anomaly:

The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races and nations: low among Blacks, the highest among Jews. Estimates of this frequency range from negligible up to 3 %. In Poland it may be estimated as 0.7 % of population. My observations suggest this anomaly is autosomally hereditary. […]

In spite of their typical deficits, or even an openly schizoidal declaration, their readers do not realize what the authors’ characters are like; they interpret such works in a manner corresponding to their own nature. The minds of normal people tend toward corrective interpretation thanks to the participation of their own richer, psychological world-view. However, many readers critically reject such works with moral disgust but without being aware of the specific cause. […]

[Schizoidal individuals] are psychological loners who feel better in some human organization, wherein they become zealots for some ideology, religious bigots, materialists, or adherents of an ideology with satanic features. If their activities consist of direct contact on a small social scale, their acquaintances easily perceive them to be eccentric, which limits their ponerogenic role. However, if they manage to hide their own personality behind the written word, their influence may poison the minds of society in a wide scale and for a long time. […]

In spite of the fact that the writings of schizoidal authors contain the above described deficiency, or even an openly formulated schizoidal declaration which constitutes sufficient warning to specialists, the average reader accepts them not as a view of reality warped by this anomaly, but rather as an idea to which he should assume an attitude based on his convictions and his reason. That is the first mistake.

The oversimplified pattern, devoid of psychological color and based on easily available data, exerts an intense influence upon individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies. Others are provoked to criticism based on their healthy common sense, also they fail to grasp this essential cause of the error.

We can distinguish two distinctly different apperception types among those persons who accept the contents of such works: the critically-corrective and the pathological.

People whose feel for psychological reality is normal tend to incorporate chiefly the more valuable elements of the work. They trivialize the obvious errors and complement the schizoid deficiencies by means of their own richer world-view. This gives rise to a more sensible, measured, and thus creative interpretation, but is not free from the influence of the error frequently adduced above.

Pathological acceptance is manifested by individuals with diverse deviations, whether inherited or acquired, as well as by many people bearing personality malformations or who have been injured by social injustice. […]

Schizoidia has thus played an essential role as one of the factors in the genesis of the evil threatening our contemporary world. Practicing psychotherapy upon the world will therefore demand that the results of such evil be eliminated as skillfully as possible. [1] [Emphasis mine]

In the context of Judaism and the legacy of the Talmud this is a truly fascinating piece of field study from Lobaczewski, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and psychological hygiene in the face of imposed ideologies, religious or philosophical. In times of economic uncertainty, social unrest and uncertainty this danger becomes heightened. Recall this sentence regarding schizoidal propaganda: “…the average reader accepts them not as a view of reality warped by this anomaly, but rather as an idea to which he should assume an attitude based on his convictions and his reason. That is the first mistake.” Can you imagine just how many groups and individuals – having been under the yolk of a materialist and narcissistic culture since their birth and have been molded to accept schizoidal programming of our our modern day institutions and political ideologies? These are the initial foot-soldiers sent out from essential psychopathy to seed the warped ideas and lay the foundation for Global Pathocracy.

Primed with ponerology and schizoidia in our minds, let’s move on to the aforementioned Mr. Shahak and his appraisal of Talmudic programming. (The edited extracts that follow have their original footnotes at the end).

Murder and genocide

“A Jew who murders a Gentile is guilty only of a sin against the laws of Heaven, not punishable by a court. To cause indirectly the death of a Gentile is no sin at all.

Thus, one of the two most important commentators on the Shulhan Arukh explains that when it comes to a Gentile, ‘one must not lift one’s hand to harm him, but one may harm him indirectly, for instance by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice … there is no prohibition here, because it was not done directly.’

He points out, however, that an act leading indirectly to a Gentile’s death is forbidden if it may cause the spread of hostility towards Jews.”  [2]

“A Gentile murderer who happens to be under Jewish jurisdiction must be executed whether the victim was Jewish or not. However, if the victim was Gentile and the murderer converts to Judaism, he is not punished.”

“… various rabbinical commentators in the past drew the logical conclusion that in wartime all Gentiles belonging to a hostile population may, or even should be killed.” [3]

Since 1973 this doctrine is being publicly propagated for the guidance of religious Israeli soldiers. The first such official exhortation was included in a booklet published by the Central Region Command of the Israeli Army, whose area includes the West Bank. In this booklet the Command’s Chief Chaplain writes:

“When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as there is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our  forces, then according to the Halakhah they may and even should be killed… Under no circumstances should an Arab be trusted, even if he makes an impression of  being civilized … In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good.”  [4]

“’According to the commentators of the Tosafot, a distinction must be made between wartime and peace, so that although during peace time it is forbidden to kill Gentiles, in a case that occurs in wartime it is a mitzvah [imperative, religious duty] to kill them.” [5]

Saving a life

“According to the Halakhah, the duty to save the life of a fellow Jew is paramount. … It supersedes all other religious obligations and interdictions, excepting only the prohibitions against the three most heinous sins of adultery (including incest), murder and idolatry.

As for Gentiles, the basic talmudic principle is that their lives must not be saved, although it is also forbidden to murder them outright. The Talmud itself …expresses this in the maxim ‘Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]’. Maimonides … explains:

‘As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war … their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’ but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow.’” [6]

“In cases where you must treat a gentile (all non-Jews) then payment must be offered otherwise to do so is against Talmudic law. the Halakhah could have been progressively liberalized. But as a matter of fact the majority of later halakhic authorities, far from extending Rivkes’ * leniency to other human groups, have rejected it altogether.” [7]

[* = R. Moses Rivkes, author of a minor commentary on the Shulhan Arukh]

Desecrating the Sabbath to save life

“…certain important rabbinical authorities had to relax the rules to some extent and allowed Jewish doctors to treat Gentiles on the sabbath even if this involved doing certain types of work normally banned on that day. This partial relaxation applied particularly to rich and powerful Gentile patients, who could not be fobbed off so easily and whose hostility could be dangerous.” [8]

Sexual offences

“Sexual Intercourse between a married Jewish woman and any man other than her husband is a capital offense for both parties, and one of the three most heinous sins.

The status of Gentile women is very different. The Halakhah presumes all Gentiles to be utterly promiscuous and the verse ‘whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue [of semen] is like the issue of horses’ … is applied to them.

Whether a Gentile woman is married or not makes no difference, since as far as Jews are concerned the very concept of matrimony does not apply to Gentiles (‘There is no matrimony for a heathen’). Therefore, the concept of adultery also does not apply to intercourse between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman; rather, the Talmud equates such intercourse to the sin of bestiality. (For the same reason, Gentiles are generally presumed not to have certain paternity.)”

“…the main punishment is inflicted on the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was raped by the Jew:

If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only nine years and one day – because he had willful coitus with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble’ …

The Jew, however, must be flogged, and if he is a Kohen (member of the priestly tribe) he must receive double the number of lashes, because he has committed a double offense: a Kohen must not have intercourse with a prostitute, and all Gentile women are presumed to be prostitutes.” [9]


“According to the Halakhah, Jews must not (if they can help it) allow a Gentile to be appointed to any position of authority, however small, over Jews. … Significantly, this particular rule applies also to converts to Judaism and to their descendants (through the female line) for ten generations or ‘so long as the descent is known’.”

“Gentiles are presumed to be congenital liars, and are disqualified from testifying in a rabbinical court.”

“A Jewish woman is nowadays admitted as a witness to certain matters of fact, when the rabbinical court ‘believes’ her; a Gentile – never.”

“… by Jewish religious law, a woman can be declared a widow – and hence free to re-marry – only if the death of her husband is proven with certainty by means of a witness who saw him die or identified his corpse. However, the rabbinical court will accept the hearsay evidence of a Jew who testifies to having heard the fact in question mentioned by a Gentile eyewitness, provided the court is satisfied that the latter was speaking casually (goy mesiah lefi tummo) rather than in reply to a direct question; for a Gentile’s direct answer to a Jew’s direct question is presumed to be a lie…” [10]

Money and property

(1) Gifts The Talmud bluntly forbids giving a gift to a Gentile. However, classical rabbinical authorities bent this rule because it is customary among  businessmen to give gifts to business contacts. It was therefore laid down that a Jew may give a gift to a Gentile acquaintance, since this is regarded not as a true gift but as a sort of investment, for which some return is expected. Gifts to ‘unfamiliar Gentiles’ remain forbidden. […]

(2) Taking of interest. Anti-Gentile discrimination in this matter has become largely theoretical, in view of the dispensation … which in effect allows interest to be exacted even from a Jewish borrower. However, it is still the case that granting an interest-free loan to a Jew is recommended as an act of charity, but from a Gentile borrower it is mandatory to exact interest. In fact, many – though not all – rabbinical authorities, including Maimonides, consider it mandatory to exact as much usury as possible on a loan to a Gentile.

(3) Lost property. If a Jew finds property whose probable owner is Jewish, the finder is strictly enjoined to make a positive effort to return his find by advertising it publicly. In contrast, the Talmud and all the early rabbinical authorities not only allow a Jewish finder to appropriate an article lost by a Gentile, but actually forbid him or her to return it. […]

(4) Deception in business. It is a grave sin to practice any kind of deception whatsoever against a Jew. Against a Gentile it is only forbidden to practice direct deception. Indirect deception is allowed, unless it is likely to cause hostility towards Jews or insult to the Jewish religion. […]

(5) Fraud. It is forbidden to defraud a Jew by selling or buying at an unreasonable price. However, ‘Fraud does not apply to Gentiles, for it is written: “Do not defraud each man his brother”; … but a Gentile who defrauds a Jew should be compelled to make good the fraud, but should not be punished more severely than a Jew [in a similar case].’

(6) Theft and robbery. Stealing (without violence) is absolutely forbidden – as the Shulhan ‘Arukh so nicely puts it: ‘even from a Gentile’. Robbery (with violence) is strictly forbidden if the victim is Jewish. However, robbery of a Gentile by a Jew is not forbidden outright but only under certain circumstances such as ‘when the Gentiles are not under our rule’, but is permitted ‘when they are under our rule’. Rabbinical authorities differ among themselves as to the precise details of the circumstances under which a Jew may rob a Gentile, but the whole debate is concerned only with the relative power of Jews and Gentiles rather than with universal considerations of justice and humanity. This may explain why so very few rabbis have protested against the robbery of Palestinian property in Israel: it was backed by overwhelming Jewish power.”  [11]

Gentiles in the land of Israel

“In addition to the general anti-Gentile laws, the Halakhah has special laws against Gentiles who live in the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisra’el) or, in some cases, merely pass through it. These laws are designed to promote Jewish supremacy in that country. The exact geographical definition of the term ‘Land of Israel’ is much disputed in the Talmud and the talmudic literature, and the debate has continued in modern times between the various shades of zionist opinion. […]

“The Halakhah forbids Jews to sell immovable property – fields and houses – in the Land of Israel to Gentiles. In Syria, the sale of houses (but not of fields) is permitted. Leasing a house in the Land of Israel to a Gentile is permitted under two conditions. First, that the house shall not be used for habitation but for other purposes, such as storage. Second, that three or more adjoining houses shall not be so leased.” […]

“It is therefore clear that – exactly as the leaders and sympathizers of Gush Emunim say – the whole question to how the Palestinians ought to be treated is, according to the Halakhah, simply a question of Jewish power: if Jews have sufficient power, then it is their religious duty to expel the Palestinians. All these laws are often quoted by Israeli rabbis and their zealous followers. For example, the law forbidding the lease of three adjoining houses to Gentiles was solemnly quoted by a rabbinical conference held in 1979 to discuss the Camp David treaties. The conference also declared that according to the Halakhah even the ‘autonomy’ that Begin was ready to offer to the Palestinians is too liberal. Such pronouncements – which do in fact state correctly the position of the Halakhah – are rarely contested by the Zionist ‘left’.” [12]


“In one of the first sections of the daily morning payer, every devout Jew blesses God for not making him a Gentile.” […]

“The concluding section of the daily prayer … opens with the statement: ‘We must praise the Lord of all … for not making us like the nations of [all] lands … for they bow down to vanity and nothingness and pray to a god that does not help.’

“The last clause was censored out of the prayer books. But in Eastern Europe it was supplied orally, and has now been restored into many Israeli-printed prayer books. In the most important section of the weekday prayer – the ‘eighteen blessings’ – there is a special curse, originally directed against Christians, Jewish converts to Christianity and other Jewish heretics: ‘And may the apostates’ … have no hope, and all the Christians perish instantly’. […]

“Apart from the fixed daily prayers, a devout Jew must utter special short blessings on various occasions, both good and bad … Some of these occasional prayers serve to inculcate hatred and scorn for all Gentiles, [for example] a pious Jew must utter curse when passing near a Gentile cemetery, whereas he must bless God when passing near a Jewish cemetery …

“…when seeing a large Jewish population a devout Jew must praise God, while upon seeing a large Gentile population he must utter a curse.

“…the Talmud lays down that a Jew who passes near an inhabited non-Jewish dwelling must ask God to destroy it, whereas if the building is in ruins he must thank the Lord of Vengeance. (Naturally, the rules are reversed for Jewish houses.) This rule was easy to keep for Jewish peasants who lived in their own villages or for small urban communities living in all-Jewish townships or quarters.”

“…it became customary to spit (usually three times) upon seeing a church or a crucifix, as an embellishment to the obligatory formula of regret. … Sometimes insulting biblical verses were also added.”

“There is also a series of rules forbidding any expression of praise for Gentiles or for their deeds, except where such praise implies an even greater praise of Jews and things Jewish. This rule is still observed by Orthodox Jews.”

“… it is forbidden to join any manifestation of popular Gentile rejoicing, except where failing to join in might cause ‘hostility’ towards Jews, in which case a ‘minimal’ show of joy is allowed. In addition to the rules mentioned so far, there are many others whose effect is to inhibit human friendship between … Jew and Gentile. […]

“A religious Jew must not drink any wine in whose preparation a Gentile had any part whatsoever. Wine in an open bottle, even if prepared wholly by Jews, becomes banned if a Gentile so much as touches the bottle or passes a hand over it.” […] “…it is permitted to cook food on a holy day for a [Gentile], provided he is not actively encouraged to come and eat.”

“An important effect of all these laws – quite apart from their application in practice – is in the attitude created by their constant study which, as part of the study of the Halakhah, is regarded by classical Judaism as a supreme religious duty. Thus an Orthodox Jew learns from his earliest youth, as part of his sacred studies, that Gentiles are compared to dogs, that it is a sin to praise them, ….” […]

“In §322, dealing with the duty to keep a Gentile slave enslaved for ever (whereas a Jewish slave must be set free after seven years), the following explanation is given:

And at the root of this religious obligation [is the fact that] the Jewish people are the best of the human species, created to know their Creator and worship Him, and worthy of having slaves to serve them. And if they will not have slaves of other peoples, they would have to enslave their brothers, who would thus be unable to serve the Lord, blessed be He. Therefore we are commanded to possess those for our service, after they are prepared for this and after idolatory is removed from their speech so that there should not be danger in our houses, … and this is the intention of the verse ‘but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigor’, … so that you will not have to enslave your brothers, who are all ready to worship God.

In §545, dealing with the religious obligation to exact interest on money lent to Gentiles, the law is stated as follows: ‘That we are commanded to demand interest from Gentiles when we lend money to them, and we must not lend to them without interest,’ The explanation is:

“And at the root of this religious obligation is that we should not do any act of mercy except to the people who know God and worship Him; and when we refrain from doing merciful … deed to the rest of mankind and do so only to the former, we are being tested that the main part of love and mercy to them is because they follow the religion of God, blessed be He. Behold, with this intention our reward [from God] when we withhold mercy from the others is equal to that for doing [merciful deeds] to members of our own people. Similar distinctions are made in numerous other passages. The ban against following Gentile customs (§262) means that Jews must not only ‘remove themselves’ from Gentiles, but also ‘speak ill of all their behavior, even of their dress’.” [13]

As an addition to Shahak’s summary of abuse, Rabbincal law also permits recurrent attempts to either mollify or encourage child abuse. Rather than the best that the Christian Bible has to offer, its replacement is buffered by obscure mystical overtures which nevertheless seep through into the crude and direct echoes of Babylonian black magick. This has obviously been covered up for decades by religious authorities and the Jewish “stockade.”

In developmental psychology age nine is about the time when children begin to gain a sense of self or when the personality starts to assert itself. It is especially troubling then to discover that nine-year old boys come under lengthy discussion as to the ideal age of sexual relations with child molestation seen as an “insignificant act” throughout the Talmud. One might say that this is an archaic left-over of a primitive barbarism. But tragically, as we know by now, this is a standard playground for the Establishment rooted in religio-occult justifications as cover for simple psychopathic predation. When such a foundation is the source of a highly influential faction of our present homicidal overseers then we need to take it very seriously indeed.

  If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should put on dirty clothes and go to a city where he is not known, and do the evil there.  (BT Moed Kattan 17a)

As we continue our look at the Babylonian Talmud this is not to denigrate the average Jewish man or woman, (though undoubtedly some will take it that way) it is to highlight the nature of the Talmud and Judaism in the context of the chaos which has continued to unfold in the world, expressly encouraged by those within the Zionist Establishment, many of whom are of Kharzarian origins and not even Jews as commonly defined.

After looking at Israel Shahak’s analysis of less well known instructions within the Talmud, he did not delve as deeply as Michael Hoffman in weeding out controversies. Shahak’s work may be more refined and readable yet, in Judaism Discovered which is well over 900 pages in total, there is a wealth of research that prises open the Talmud’s secrets and they are not pleasant to behold, the encouragement of child abuse being one:

“… intercourse with a boy under nine years old is not considered a significant sexual act…” (BT Ketubot 11b)

“… a child less than nine years old cannot…be the object of sodomy” (even if he has been sodomized) (BT Sanhedrin 54b)

image_thumb1(BT Sanhedrin 54b)

From the homosexual abuse of children, we go to a recurrent theme of women who are seen as mere chattel and associated with witchcraft. This is not unusual for its day, however sexual exploitation extends from women to little girls, the abuse of which is similarly permitted under the ancient laws of Orthodox Judaism:

  • The birth of a girl is a sad occurrence. (BT Baba Bathra 16b).
  • Women are a “vain treasure” to their fathers. (BT Sanhedrin 110b).
  • A Jewish male is obligated to say the following prayer every day: “Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.” (BT Menahoth 43b-44a). 418
  • “If two women sit at a crossroads, one on this side and the other on the other side, and they face one another, they are certainly witches.” (BT Pesahim 111a).
  • A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest. (BT Yebamoth 59b).
  • It is not good to talk to women, not even your own wife. (BT Aboth).
  • Women are lightheaded. (BT Kiddushin 80b).
  • Walking behind a woman on the road is sinful. (BT Erubin 18b).
  • It is forbidden to teach the Law to a woman. (BT Kiddushin 29b).
  • It is permissible to divorce your wife if she burns your dinner, or if you see a prettier girl. (BT Gittin 91a). 419
  • Deafness is caused by couples talking during sexual intercourse. (BT Nedarim 20a).
  • Jews are commanded by Rabbinic Law to have sexual intercourse only in If these are the requirements for women and girls one shudders to think what protocols are afforded to Gentile women: the dark. (BT Shabbath 86a). [14]

In the eyes of these Talmudic lawyers women are “sack[s] of excrement” (BT Shabbat 152b) and lesser beings only to serve Jehovah’s will in propagating his chosen people. If these are the requirements for women and girls one shudders to think what protocols are afforded to Gentile women. It doesn’t take too long to find out: “The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft.” (Kiddushin 66c)

Sex, magick and sexual abuse appear to be synonymous, numerous definitions of the correct type of sexual intercourse can be found in the Halakah. With the most incredible display of psychopathic paralogic, it is deemed quite normal for girls below the three to be used as playthings since they are not sexually mature so  it is therefore deemed permissible:

If a girl is less than three years old, it is permitted to be secluded with her. Likewise, if a boy is less than nine years old a woman is permitted to be alone with him.”  — Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: Classic guide to Jewish Law (Metsudah Publications, 1996), v. 2, p. 1023

“If a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than three years old is like putting a finger in the eye.” (BT Ketubot 11b)

From Jane Rachel Litman’s 2001 article “Working with Words of Torah” submitted to the S’hma: A Journal of Jewish Ideas the ancient Rabbis’ veneration creates some cognitive dissonance when students and teachers alike are confronted with such examples:

“The background sound in the small library is muted but intense. Pairs of scholars lean over their texts whispering energetically, trying to puzzle out the meaning of the particular sugya, passage. The teacher directs them back toward the group and asks for questions.

One student raises a hand: ‘I don’t understand verse 5:4 of the tractate Niddah. What does the phrase ‘it is like a finger in eye’ mean?

The teacher responds, ‘This refers to the hymen of a girl younger than three years old. The Sages believed that in the case of toddler rape, the hymen would fully grow back by the time the girl reached adulthood and married. Therefore, though violated, she would still technically be counted as a virgin and could marry a priest. It’s an analogy: poling your finger in the eye is uncomfortable, but causes no lasting harm. There is a collective gasp of breath among students. Their dismay is palpable.

They do not like this particular text or the men behind it. But its authors, the rabbis, hardly wrote it with this particular group of students in mind – mostly thirty- and forty-year old women in suburban Philadelphia taking a four-week class titled ‘Women in Jewish Law’ at their Reform synagogue. The questioner persists. ‘I don’t understand. Are you saying this refers to the rape of a three year-old girl?’

“Or younger,’ the teacher responds dryly.

‘I don’t see how it says anything about rape and hymens. You must be mistaken. I don’t believe the rabbis are talking about rape at all. I think this statement has nothing to do with the rest of the passage.’

The teacher (I’ll admit now that it was me, a second-year rabbinic student) responds, ‘Well, that’s the common understanding. What do you think it means?’

The woman is clearly agitated, ‘I don’t know, but I do know that it couldn’t be about child rape.’ This is week three of the class. The woman does not return for week four. Denial.” [15]

Litman eloquently describes this “denial” in terms of placing it all in perspective. She correctly believes that there is both wisdom and humour in the Torah and Talmud because human beings are fallible. But then she goes onto replay the exact same denial of what are obviously degenerate acts. She believes it is surely natural that we must not throw the baby out with the bath-water when approaching revered sacred Jewish texts which “… are violent or xenophobic, that speak of child abuse, human slavery, or homophobia with gross insensitivity.”

This is not about “gross insensitivity”; it is surely concerned with facing the reality that a religious instruction manual on living your life from so-called “spiritual” men are actively condoning and encouraging child abuse. (You can see one result of these archaic instructions in The Z Factor XI: Chabad Networks). This is not a question of ordinary people speaking of such things in a brusque manner and glossing over crimes. This is about Rabbis setting themselves up as intermediaries of sacred texts and teaching those crimes as somehow a normal.  Apparently incorporating elements of a “secret” oral Torah, the Talmud has been described as “… an immense superstructure of precedents [16] and “precedents” in Judaism is literally: “instruction.” So, we can safely say that the Talmud is a vast book on “how to …” according to Rabbinical law. How then, does this square with the the sacred and profane; when sexual pathology is indelibly part of the very foundation of Judaism and bound up with a history of bloody conquest on behalf of Yahweh? (The very same God who likes to lob off babies foreskins).

That is not to say that Christianity and Islam do not suffer from the same symptoms of ponerisation where the original perennial truths were masked and omitted by religious oligarchs. Yet, there appears to be no such masking here other than a careful sanitisation over the centuries. There is an explicit difference sourced from the Talmud and Jewish theology as a whole, where such aberrations have a centuries old tradition in the guise of Occult Zionism and its modern Mossad contractor as one of the most powerful arms of the Establishment today.

As Jesus discovered, the schizoidal propaganda of the Levites still holds sway. “Taking the good with the bad” is only possible if we are thoroughly sure that we know which is which. Being faced with “human nastiness” only leads to the transformative, “constructive change” of which Litman cites if we know we have been truly objective about what we have embraced. Otherwise, it is just another type of rationalisation which Litman claims to be calling out. Her get-out clause in the face of this dissonance is “equanimity in [her] response.” It is precisely this preference to psychological stability and composure that has led us all into a state of wilful blindness which has encouraged Zionists, international banks and the Catholic Church to get away with indulging their emotional, sexual and financial abuse. And they are allowed to do so because the very foundations of our belief systems have been created so that such impunity is institutionalised.

Though Judaism believes it has THE truth and separates itself from other religions, most of which respect that there are many paths to truth at their core, Judaism and its Talmudic foundation is singularly different. Believing that any text is “God’s Word” is an absolutist heaven for such “equanimity” and invites all the pathological distortions we have been exploring.


Samuel Hirszenberg, Talmudic School, c. 1895-1908. (wikipedia)

The Talmud is awash with minute attention to bodily functions, and an underlying currents of repression, perversity and prurience, the results of which can only result in sexual pathology. What of the mandatory rules for young Jewish boys having already passed through the infant trauma of circumcision, guaranteed to affect their sensitive psycho-emotional development, you then have a multitude of regulations restricting any kind of natural sexual functioning, where a joyful sexual identity cannot be allowed to grow unless it is through hateful masochistic and misogynist means. It effectively sets the child up for neuroses and unhealthy preoccupations which may crystallise in later life.

Michael Hoffman’s research offers an example of this neuroses:

“The laws of Orthodox cohabitation demand (that)…(a) man must never see his wife undressed. So when they actually arrive in bed, the idea is to keep her covered by the sheet at all times. However, since propagation is essential, and decreed by law, there’s a hole at the appropriate place so that the commandments can be fulfilled…They don’t know how to please a woman, how to understand what she wants, how to listen to what she is saying. Sex is simply a right for them, a way of creating more sons. If they follow the laws, they fulfill their sexual duties in the dark, thinking religious thoughts and never speak to their wives about their feelings…”

“One is forbidden to have sex in lamplight unless one makes a partition to block the light from illuminating the body directly. It is prohibited to have sex in the daylight unless the room is darkened with a shade. 883 Sex at the beginning and the end of the night is also forbidden. [17]

This is not extreme modesty since other exhortations include eroticism and sexual obsession which is enough to make anyone dizzy with confusion. Imagine how this affects a child?

For example, BT Baba Kamma 27a sets up a situation in which a Judaic man falls from the top of a roof and in the course of his fall accidentally inserts his penis inside a woman passerby upon whom he falls! This precipitates a tedious legal analysis of who is liable for what damages. It’s a spin on the classic dirty joke motif, only this is from Judaism’s holiest book. When Prof. Graydon Snyder of the Chicago Theological Seminary related this Talmud passage to his class, a complaint of sexual harassment was brought against him by a female student.

“Professor Snyder said the woman in his class told him that the story from the Talmud, and his selection of it, conveyed the message that it was permissible to harm women as long as it was unwitting.”

“Unwitting” homosexual intercourse is also mitigated in Judaism by its “accidental” nature. Then there’s the Midrash on Genesis that holds that Abel was quarreling with Cain over which brother would have Eve sexually, although in the rabbinic mind by this time Lilith was synonymous with Eve, so they were arguing over who would have coitus with Lilith. [18]

Then there are various amusing descriptions of auto-erotic porn dressed up as mysticism which include “Nebuchadnezzar’s Prodigious Member” and tales of his serial sodomy:

“When that wicked man (Nebuchadnezzar) wished to treat that righteous one (Zedekiah) thus (i.e. submit him to sexual abuse), his membrum was extended three hundred cubits and wagged in front of the whole company (of captive kings), for it is said, Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and be as one uncircumcised (he’orel): the numerical value of ‘orel is three hundred.” [19]

There are many more such passages.It would actually be darkly amusing if these instructions were not taken so seriously and had such a profound impact on the development of civilisations. Now place this in context with our 21st Century sexual abuse epidemic which is currently being exposed. It’s source comes from the Establishment, staining society from the top down.

The legacy of Freud and psychoanalysis provided undoubted innovations into the workings of the unconscious and our instinctive drives.  Freud is also a product of Jewish culture and thereby Talmudic programming. No where is it clearer than in the instructions and dictums of the Talmud. This clears up a lot of the reasons why Freud’s cult of psychoanalysis made such errors in focusing predominantly on sexual neuroses as the cause of all our maladies. These diagnoses were largely predicated on Jewish case studies who in turn, were the result of the same Talmudic programming.

As a left-over of totalitarian Levite law passed on to generations of Rabbis, who in turn conditioned their brethren, it was also applied to non-Jews who had no such inculcation. It therefore muddied the waters terribly for those who were not shackled by such religious indoctrination passing for science. Instead whole generations were subjected to a panoply of diagnostic caricatures with an overemphasis on sex within dreams, an obsessive hunt for latent incest, penis-envy and Oedipal complexes which were not necessarily part of the possibility of a collective genetic inheritance. Suppression of “primitive instincts” were only a part of the overall picture, as contemporary psychology has discovered.

What might science have discovered if it had not been held back?

Other psychotherapeutic modalities may have balanced the influence of psychoanalysis by offering more comprehensive insights into the adaptive unconscious. The wholly subjective nature of interpretation within which Freud promoted served as a further stockade, feeding the already conditioned neuroses in Rabbincal teachings and Jewish culture. Instead of adopting a more holistic and objective appraisals of mental illness, the Freudian pact with the Talmud was applied to everyone. 

 “When urinating it is forbidden to hold the penis even to facilitate urination. If you are married and your wife is halachically clean [not menstruating], it is permitted to hold your penis [when urinating]. When not urinating it is forbidden to hold his penis.”

(Kitzur Shulchan Aruch II:151)

“It is forbidden to look at your wife’s genital area.” … “Any [husband] who does look there is devoid of shame.”

(Kitzur Shulchan Aruch II:150). [3]

“It is forbidden to bring on an erection in vain, or to cause yourself to think about women. You should be extremely careful to avoid an erection. Therefore, it is forbidden to sleep on your back facing upward or to sleep (on your stomach) facing downward. To avoid an erection you should keep on our side.”

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch II:151.

Psychoanalytical discourse was emboldened by behaviourism, the largely Jewish Cultural Marxism, the rise of “scientific technique” and the  subsequent Rockefeller-Kinsey social programming which laid waste to traditional human values. This is where psychopathy had its way in and the decline of conscience and the erosion of a moral dimension in the life of Western humanity. Perversity was apparently not pathology so it became normalised, with fragmentation, separation and a new narcissism fuelling sexual confusion along side the much vaunted sexual revolution. The social implications for this new, unlimited expression was encouraged in way that went far beyond healthy experimentation and the reaction to conservative prudishness. Talmudism was clearly aligned to a darker version of sexual magick which was then mainstreamed into society over time. It is now very easy to simply blame it on knee-jerk reactions of conservatives and/or anti-Semitism as an evil reaction against progressive left-liberal values. It is neither, though the former obviously exists. That is the nature of Talmudic conditioning which is used to great effect by Zionists. Stockholm syndrome mixed with innate subservience to Religious authoritarianism ensures compliance.

Shahak emphasises the fact that some of the explanations given by contemporary rabbis for the Halakhah are incorrect. He makes the point that “apologetic ‘scholars of Judaism’” know this and seek to insulate understanding from the outside world, though allowing dissent within the Jewish community. But since the thought police are powerful, Jews who share their disquiet with Gentiles are vilified and all manner of denials are issued. Philanthropy, love, brotherhood and mercy are all brought out as evidence for the sanctity and wisdom of Talmudic literature without mentioning that this applies to Jews alone. The author – who surely has enough scholarly and personal experience of his own to make the above analyses – makes further observation regarding this deception of one rule for Jews and quite another for Gentiles. He takes Israel as an example, making the claim that the: “… attitudes of hatred and cruelty to towards all Gentiles are among the majority of Israeli Jews,” latent and disguised. No such social etiquette is evident with Zionists whom, according to Shahak have driven the ultra-right wing religious precepts of the Gush Emunim movement of the 1960s and 1970s out across the socio-political sphere. This has given justification for assassinations, human rights abuse and a rise in the building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land. 

As economic difficulties increase in Israel this is encouraging a reaction against Netanyahu but not necessarily because there is more resistance against Palestinian oppression, though that is undoubtedly a factor, rather, it is due to ordinary Israelis’ standard of living being affected.  Jewish self-interest as a much encouraged tenet of ethnocentric values, continues to inform many Israeli citizens perception of reality just as it does the Zionist drive in politics. In relation to Palestinians, ethics and human rights is an irrelevance for the majority, it seems. Left-wing, seemingly “moderate” Zionists are no different. The only thing that matters is Israel since giving in to even the simplest appeal to humane treatment of Palestinians is perceived as a slippery slope to assimilation and disappearance of the Jewish identity. Survival is the overriding directive which trumps all else.



[1] pp.123-125; Political Ponerology – A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (2007) By Andrew M. Lobaczewski; Red Pill Press; 2nd edition (April 4, 2007 ISBN-10: 1897244258.
[2] Ibid; pp.75-76 | R. Yo’el Sirkis, Bayit Hadash, commentary on Beyt Josef, yoreh De’ah’ 158. The two rules just mentioned apply even if the Gentile victim is ger toshav, that is a ‘resident alien’ who has undertaken in front of three Jewish witnesses to keep the ‘seven Noahide precepts’ (seven biblical laws considered by the Talmud to be addressed to Gentiles).
[3] Ibid; p.76 | “For example, R. Shabbtay Kohen (mid 17th century), Siftey Kohen on Shulhan ‘Arukh, ‘Yoreh De’ah, 158: ‘But in times of war it was the custom to kill them with one’s own hands, for it is said, “The best of Gentiles – kill him!”‘ Siftey Kohen and Turey Zahay … are the two major classical commentaries on the Shulhan ‘Arukh.”
[4] Ibid. | Colonel Rabbi A. Avidan (Zemel), ‘Tohar hannesheq le’or hahalakhah’ (= ‘Purity of weapons in the light of the Halakhah’) in Be’iqvot milhemet yom hakkippurim – pirqey hagut, halakhah umehqar (In the Wake of the Yom Kippur War – Chapters of Meditation, Halakhah and Research), Central Region Command, 1973: quoted in Ha’olam Hazzeh, 5 January 1974; also quoted by David Shaham, ‘A chapter of meditation’, Hotam, 28 March 1974; and by Amnon Rubinstein, ‘Who falsifies the Halakhah?’ Ma’ariv”, 13 October 1975. Rubinstein reports that the booklet was subsequently withdrawn from circulation by order of the Chief of General Staff, presumably because it encouraged soldiers to disobey his own orders; but he complains that Rabbi Avidan has not been court-martialled, nor has any rabbi – military or civil – taken exception to what he had written.”
[5] Ibid; p.78.
[6] Ibid. Leviticus, 19:16. Concerning the rendering ‘thy fellow’ […]
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid; p.82
[9] Ibid; p. 87 | Ezekiel, 23:20. |  Tractate Berakhot, p. 78a.| Talmudic Encyclopedia, ‘Eshet Ish’ (‘Married Woman’). |  Exodus, 20:17. | 44 Genesis, 2:24. |  Maimonides, op. cit., ‘Prohibitions on Sexual Intercourse’ 12; 10; Talmudic | Encyclopedia, ‘Goy’. |  Maimonides, op. cit., ibid., 12, 1-3. “As a matter of fact, every Gentile woman is | regarded as N.Sh.G.Z. – acronym for the Hebrew words niddah, shifhah, goyah, zonah (unpurified from menses, slave, Gentile, prostitute). Upon conversion to Judaism, she ceases indeed to be niddah, shifhah, goyah but is still considered zonah (prostitute) for the rest of her life, simply by virtue of having been born of a Gentile mother. In a special category is a woman ‘conceived not in holiness but born in holiness’, that is born to a mother who had converted to Judaism while pregnant. In order to make quite sure that there are no mix-ups, the rabbis insist that a married couple who convert to Judaism together must abstain from marital relations for three months.”
[10] Ibid; p.88 | “Characteristically, an exception to this generalization is made with respect to Gentiles holding legal office relating to financial transactions: notaries, debt collectors, bailiff~ and the like. No similar exception is made regarding ordinary decent Gentiles, not even if they are friendly towards Jews.”
[11] Ibid; p.89 | Leviticus, 25:14. This is a literal translation of the Hebrew phrase. The King James Version renders this as ‘ye shall not oppress one another’; ‘oppress’ is imprecise but ‘one another’ is a correct rendering of the biblical idiom ‘each man his brother’. As pointed out in Chapter 3, the Halakhah interprets all such idioms as referring exclusively to one’s fellow Jew. | Shulhan ‘Arukh, ‘Hoshen Mishpat’ 227.
[12] Ibid. p.90 | “This view is advocated by H. Bar-Droma, Wezeh Gvul Ha’aretz (And This Is the Border of the Land), Jerusalem, 1958. In recent years this book is much used by the Israeli army in indoctrinating its officers. | Maimonides, op. cit., ‘Idolatry’ 10, 3-4. |  Exodus, 23:33.| Maimonides, op. cit., ‘Idolatry’ 10, 6.
[13] Ibid; pp.92-96 | “This is followed by a blessing ‘for not making me a slave’. Next, a male must add a blessing ‘for not making me a woman’, and a female ‘for making me as He pleased’. | In eastern Europe it was until recent times a universal custom among Jews to spit on the floor at this point, as an expression of scorn. This was not however a strict obligation, and today the custom is kept only by the most pious. | The Hebrew word is meshummadim, which in rabbinical usage refers to Jews who become ‘idolators’, that is either pagan or Christians, but not to Jewish converts to Islam. | The Hebrew word is minim, whose precise meaning is ‘disbelievers in the uniqueness of God’. | Tractate Berakhot, p. 58b. | According to many rabbinical authorities the original rule still applies in full in the Land of Israel. | This custom gave rise to many incidents in the history of European Jewry. One of the most famous, whose consequence is still visible today, occurred in 14th century Prague. King Charles IV of Bohemia (who was also Holy Roman Emperor) had a magnificent crucifix erected in the middle of a stone bridge which he had built and which still exists today. It was then reported to him that the Jews of Prague are in the habit of spitting whenever they pass next to the crucifix. Being a famous protector of the Jews, he did not institute persecution against them, but simply sentenced the Jewish community to pay for the Hebrew word Adonay (Lord) to be inscribed on the crucifix in golden letters. This word is one of the seven holiest names of God, and no mark of disrespect is allowed in front of it. The spitting ceased. Other incidents connected with the same custom were much less amusing. | The verses most commonly used for this purpose contain words derived from the Hebrew root shaqetz which means ‘abominate, detest’, as in Deuteronomy, 7:26: ‘thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.’ It seems that the insulting term sheqetz, used to refer to all Gentiles (Chapter 2), originated from this custom. | Talmud, Tractate Beytzah, p. 21a, b; Mishnah Berurah on Shulhan ‘Arukh, ‘Orah Hayyim’ 512. Another commentary (Magen Avraham) also excludes Karaites.”
[14]  paragraph 2.740; Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit (2008) By Michael Hoffman. (kindle edition)
[15] ‘Working With the Words of Torah’ April 1, 2001, Jane Rachel Litman
[16] Frederic W. Farrar, History of Interpretation, p.112.
[17] op.cit. Hoffman; paragraph 2.1486 | Note: Mishnah Berurah, Laws of Daily Conduct, v. 2, C [202-241] sec. 6
[18] Ibid. paragraph 2.1488 | Note: Conduct, v. 2, C [202-241] sec. 4. Dirk Johnson, “A Sexual Harassment Case to Test Academic Freedom,” May 11, 1994
[19] Ibid; paragraph 2.1490 | Note: (op. cit.), pp. 98-99.

The Terror Industry (2)

“The FBI isn’t nabbing would-be terrorists so much as setting up mentally ill or economically desperate people to commit crimes they could never have accomplished on their own”

– Trevor Aaronson: The Sting: How the FBI Created a Terrorist


The Seal of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Politics of Entrapment explored US, British and European sting operations against sex offenders and would-be terrorists. We re-visit the subject from the standpoint of  global terrorism in order to take a more detailed look at the FBI’s role and the historical basis of a strategy of tension, a formula which has been a standard tactic for as long as the State has existed. Indeed, one cannot exist without the other it seems. The American public remains ill-informed about the billions of dollars taken from tax payers to keep the treadmill of the perpetual war on terror and security framework operational. Perhaps this is no surprise, since the censorship in the mainstream media reached No.4 on Project Censored’s most under-reported stories of 2012.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is sitting astride a network of 15,000 spies, most of whom are criminals who have infiltrated a cross-section of ethnic communities in an attempt to uncover terrorist plots. Rather than foiling potential terrorism  – most of which would have been as a direct result of American foreign policy in the first place i.e. “blowback” – these agents provocateurs are responsible for encouraging crimes against civilians and government with a substantial cash reward should they deliver. Since 9/11, over 150 men have been caught in FBI terrorism entrapment operations receiving a sentence of 25 years or more in prison. These unhappy young men had their lives ruined whilst providing essential PR for the FBI and substantial profits for security firms, law enforcement, weapons manufacturers and the US military, justifying the flow of tax dollars, funnelled from a treasury that continues to print money out of thin air.

Although there are many books that cover the complex history of state-sponsored terrorism today, award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson was one of the first to fully document the FBI’s endeavours in fake terror plots in his 2013 book The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism. [1] Interviewing case officers and FBI Task Force leaders as well as informants themselves, he documents case after case of undercover agents groomed for entrapment operations. One of these was Quazi Nafis who received 30 years for planning to bomb the New York Stock Exchange in 2012. A fake Al-Qaeda operative and informant known as “Kareem,” was instrumental in his grooming and subsequent capture.

Nafis didn’t have any explosives nor the finances or contacts to acquire it, he was merely a disaffected youth of meagre intelligence, burning with understandable hatred for Western imperialism. Through Kareem, the FBI would provide him with all he needed to carry out the attack which included: “… not only the storage facility and supposed explosives, but also the detonator and the van that Nafis believed would deliver the bomb. …” But it was not to be: “On the morning of October 17, Nafis and Kareem drove the van to Lower Manhattan and parked it in front of the Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty Street. Then they walked to a nearby hotel room, where Nafis dialed on his cellphone the number he believed would trigger the bomb, but nothing happened. He dialed again, and again. The only result was Nafis’ apprehension by federal agents.” [2]


© Davidalary | – Fingerprint Photo

Some of the more high profile cases include the conviction of a group of young black men known as the Newburgh Four who were jailed in June of 2011 for an alleged 2009 terrorist plot to fire a Stinger missile at US military planes. Career FBI informant and petty criminal Shahed Hussain was responsible for putting them there, offering enormous financial inducements to carry out the plot. The sum of money amounted to $250,000 for one man, free holidays and top of the range cars. He cruised the mosques looking for likely men with radical chips on their shoulders and who could be groomed accordingly. Yet, the men that he managed to find were not radical Islamists bent on terrorist atrocities but, as Paul Harris described, writing for The Guardian, on December 12, 2011, these were: “… impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh’s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.” The report stated further: “As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets.” Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University observed: ‘There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided…” [3]

Now, “unique” has become pedestrian.

The case of the Fort Dix Five also deserves a mention. Arrested in May of 2007, on charges of plotting to kill US soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, a DOJ press report from June 5 read: “The five defendants are charged with conspiracy and other charges related to their plans to kill as many soldiers at the Army base as possible. A sixth man was indicted for aiding and abetting the illegal possession of firearms by three members of the group.” Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer (an ethnic Jordanian) and Albanians Dritan Duka, and Eljvir Duka, Serdar Tatar (a Turk) and were charged with: “conspiracy to murder members of the uniformed services” along with the “unlawful possession of machine guns” and “illegal alien” status. The fifth member, Agron Abdullahu an ethnic Kosovar was charged with “aiding and abetting the Duka brothers’ illegal possession of weapons.”

The Jewish Anti Deformation League (ADL), the right-wing evangelist Pat Robertson and a coterie of authoritarian organisations displayed a vengeful glee at what were clearly trumped up charges. Referring to the ADL’s gloating of the defendants sentences of life imprisonment in 2008, geopolitical analyst Stephen Lendmen commented: “Imagine their comments if five Israeli Jews had been convicted on the same charges instead of Muslims: “No plot, No crime, so the FBI invents guilt with an entrapment sting operation – its usual modus operandi to ensnare the innocent.”

In his 2008 article on the Fort Dix Five he describes the entrapment narrative which trapped the men:

At a Cherry Hill, NJ Circuit City store in January 2006, Mohamad Shnewer innocently wanted a home video transfered to DVD. It showed men shooting weapons at a Pocono Mountains firing range, playing paintball (an innocent game in which opposing teams try to eliminate opponents by marking them with water-soluble dye shot in capsules from air guns), and repeating Arabic phrases like Allah Akbar (meaning God is Greatest). The store clerk called the police. They notified the FBI. They began investigating and recruited two dubious informants to help.

Each knew nothing about the other. One was Besnik Bakalli, an ethnic Albanian, who falsely told defendants he was a Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veteran – the US/Germany supported terrorist group recruited to destabilize Kosovo/Serbia in the 1990s. At trial, however, he testified that he fought for no group and knew nothing about Islam or extremists calling for jihad.

Mahmoud Omar was the other informant, an Egyptian-born used car salesman/mechanic on probation for bank fraud. He and Bakalli entered the US illegally and faced likely deportation or worse. They were easily recruited, so cooperated, and were well compensated for their efforts – thousands of dollars a month, and according to defense lawyers, Omar (from when recruited in March 2006) will have earned $238,000 for his efforts. believes more – over $240,000 plus rent and other expenses, and, of course, leniency in handling their charges. Bakalli was used for a shorter period and reportedly was paid about $150,000. The FBI also relocated his parents to America as an added incentive to cooperate. [4]

Perusing the trial evidence it was clear that there was no plot except what the FBI could dig out of their bag of tricks to justify their entrapment program and the subsequent arrests. Though hostile to America’s wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and an obvious faith in the religion of Islam, all five maintained their innocence, a certainty that remained throughout their arrest and trial.


It seems the FBI can disrupt service utilities to a house and pretend to be helpful technicians in order to gain entry and covertly search the premises in order to “find” evidence that might later justify a search warrant. [5]

Five black US citizens and two Haitian nationals from Liberty City one of the poorest sections of Miami were arrested in 2006 and accused by the FBI of attempting to blow up the Sears Tower and several federal buildings. Known as the Liberty City Seven, two mistrials from 2007 – 2008 was followed by a third trial which ended on May 12, 2009. Naudimar Herrera was acquitted but the five remaining defendants Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Burson, Augustin and Rothschild Augustine all received prison sentences between from 6-14 years and lengthy supervised release orders. Yet, it was perhaps one of the most blatant cases of corrupt entrapment practices yet seen.

Announced with the usual triumphant propaganda from government sponsored media lackeys and commentators, the foiled plot was hailed as a triumph against an attack which could have been “bigger than September 11th.” As the prime mover in the alleged cell was an FBI informant posing as an Al-Qaeda go-between, the “evidence” was likely concocted by FBI informants rather than the existence of any tangible threat.

According to the press release ‘Transcript of Press Conference Announcing Florida Terrorism Indictments’ from the Department of Justice on 23 June 2006, payments for services rendered by four informants amounted to over $160,000. Deputy Director John Pistole even admitted that the so-called plot was: “… more aspirational than operational.” The accused did not have any genuine contact with Al-Qaeda, nor did they have explosives or weapons since the only source would have been through the FBI’s informant. The director assured the press that the individuals posed no danger. After the indictments two local community activists were interviewed by Democracy Now! Online news and summarised the ludicrous nature of the charges:

“a lot of show has been made about the militaristic boots that they had… [I]t turns out… the FBI bought them the boots. If you look at the indictment, the biggest piece of evidence… is that the group ,may have taken pictures of a bunch of targets in South Florida. But the guys couldn’t afford their own cameras, so the federal government bought them the cameras… The federal government rented them the cars that they needed to get downtown in order to take the pictures. In addition… the men provided the FBI informant with a list of things they needed in order to blow up these buildings, but in the list they didn’t include any explosives or any materials which could be used to make explosives. So now everyone in Liberty City is joking that the guys were going to kick down the FBI building with their new boots, because they didn’t have any devices which could have been used to explode…” [6]

As many of the informants are illegal immigrants waiting on their entry status or criminals given immunity in return for working for the FBI, there is a ready and willing supply for identifying potential terrorists and as Trevor Aaronson explains: “… in some cases even planting specific ideas for attacks.” He also poses questions that politicians, many academics and the majority of mainstream journalists have not seen fit to ask, namely: “How many of these would-be terrorists would have acted were it not for an FBI agent provocateur helping them? Is it possible that the FBI is creating the very enemy we fear?” And most importantly: “Federal officials say they are protecting Americans with these operations—but from whom? Real terrorists, or dupes like Nafis, who appear unlikely to have the capacity for terrorism were it not for FBI agents providing the opportunity and means?” [7]

Occupy Wall Street© unknown

Even the Occupy Wall Street Movement has been embroiled in the same entrapment procedures. The FBI has blew its own its own trumpet all over the media and claimed it had once again foiled a terrorist plot, this time, to blow up a Cleveland bridge. Five members of Occupy Cleveland: Douglas Wright, 26, Brandon Baxter, 20, Connor Stevens, 20, Anthony Hayne, 35, and Joshua Skelly 24, were each sentenced to between 6-11 years charged with conspiracy and the use of explosive materials. Despite cooperating with plea deals given by three of the men, so-called “terrorism enhancements” were used by the presiding judge to increase sentences. Douglas, Brandon and Connor’s appeals were denied. Skelly rejected a plea bargain and chose to take it to trail. Consequently, he was found guilty on all counts and received a ten year sentence. As of early 2015, he is still waiting for his appeal.

As with so many similar “plots” the usual paid FBI informant featured heavily.  Shaquille Azir had a criminal history (leverage for bargaining) and was placed undercover within the Occupy Movement for several months. He eventually delivered the defendants to the FBI as ready-made “terrorists” all of whom had at one time been homeless or without work. Not only had the FBI provided alcohol, drugs and accommodation for the young men, through Azir, but they told the informant to create a sense of dependency within the group with various promises of assistance tailored to their individual needs. It seems Azir had his job cut out to get them interested.  According to the website: set up as a campaign to free the men: “They all continue to fight against the government’s attempt to brand them as terrorists and to expose the techniques of entrapment employed by the FBI and their informants.”  The case of one of many, all of which follow the same patterns. [8]

occupycleveland5L-R: Connor Stevens, Brandon Baxter, Douglas Wright, Anthony Hayne (now released) and Joshua Stafford

There are many other cases popping up in America and Europe. One of the most important was the April 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings which saw the entrapment and framing of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – a classic false flag operation designed to dupe the public and engender maximum reaction for domestic and geopolitical ends. [9]

So, how did it come to this? Like most ponerological symptoms they infect the body politik very quickly.

Stemming from the 1970’s and 80’s sting operations of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) the FBI gradually came under its jurisdiction in the face of increasing trade in illicit drugs. The terrorist sting is based on these drug raids with certain differences that make the practice highly controversial. Briefcases full of cocaine or heroin were substituted with empty ones in front of hidden surveillance cameras after which the agents would pounce on their unsuspecting criminals. This defined raids for decades and which were faithfully reproduced in Hollywood cinemas. Now, the terrorist sting generally involves faulty guns and dud bombs. Aaronson points out the fundamental flaw in terrorist stings compared to drugs raids and that which leads to a progressive corruption of the already faulty principles on which they are based:

“In drug stings, federal law enforcement officials assume that any buyer caught in a sting would have been able to buy or sell drugs elsewhere had they not fallen into the FBI trap. The numbers support this assumption. In 2010, the most recent year for which data is available, the DEA seized 29,179 kilograms, or 64,328 pounds, of cocaine in the United States.

In terrorism stings, however, federal law enforcement officials assume that any would-be terrorists caught would have been able to acquire the means elsewhere to carry out their violent plans had they not been ensnared by the FBI. The problem with this assumption is that no data exists to support it—and in fact what data is available often suggests the opposite.

Few of the more than 150 defendants indicted and convicted this way since 9/11 had any connection to terrorists, evidence showed, and those that did have connections, however tangential, lacked the capacity to launch attacks on their own. Of the more that 150 defendants, an FBI informant not only led one of every three terrorist plots, but also provided all the necessary weapons, money, and transportation.

The informant goaded them on the whole time, encouraging the pair with lines like: ‘We will teach these bastards a good lesson.” For his work on the case, he received $100,000 from the FBI.’ ” [10]

Indeed, with an annual budget of $3 billion the FBI has both an ideological and financial incentive for keeping the war on terror mythology entrenched in the American public’s psyche. In order to find out how many of these “terrorists” would have acted without the entrapment ruse, Aaronson, with the help of a research assistant: “… built a database of more than 500 terrorism prosecutions since 9/11, looking closely and critically at every terrorism case brought into federal courts during the past decade.” Thousands of pages of court records were carefully analysed until a coherent pattern emerged. They found that: “… nearly half of all terrorism cases since 9/11 involved informants, many of them paid as much as $100,000 per assignment by the FBI.” The research team also found that: “… 49 defendants had participated in plots led by an FBI agent provocateur, and that number has continued to rise since.” What is more, as Muslim targets held particular personality types so too the informants. A typical pattern and profile of each were matched together.

The following typifies the patterns and personality profiles involved:

The Gold digger: Pattern: Target is broke and thinks he can make big money by catering to informant’s suggestions.

The Convert: Pattern: Target is a newcomer to Islam with only a rudimentary understanding of the religion; often also broke and/or homeless.

The Oath Taker: Pattern: Target swears a fictitious Al Qaeda oath made up by informant; is charged and convicted based on that oath

The Car Bomber: Pattern: Target and informant hatch plot together; FBI supplies vehicle, “explosives,” and phone to trigger the supposed bomb.

The Trainee: Pattern: FBI agent or informant offers to train target as a jihadist, most often via weapons instruction and bodybuilding.

The Subway Bomber: Pattern: With the exception of one attempt to bomb the New York City subway, all the headline-grabbing subway “plots” you’ve heard of were FBI-led nonstarters. [11]

The New York Times in 2012 reiterated the suspicion that it is highly unlikely that these young men would have had the means to execute terrorist plots “… without substantial assistance from the government.” [12] 

Just like the sexual predators in society, from occult ritual abuse to inter-generational abuse the idea promoted is that the lone paedophile and child rapist generally act alone. So too with the “lone wolf” terrorist as a useful asset to keep the cogs turning. Dupes or patsies need to found and groomed which is why the FBI uses its vast network of spies and the NSA’s surveillance to identify locate and monitor tomorrow’s disenfranchised Muslims with chips on their shoulders. Spies are embedded in every Mosque in the US are paid to profile those young men with anti-American views and ripe for radicalisation, thus suitable for sting operations. This is also occurring online across the breadth of social networks (See: Police State Amerika I: Facebook Thought Police…)

Under President Barack Obama’s National Security and Surveillance State, entrapment continues to grow, with a very wide definition as to who exactly is a terrorist. During the tail-end of the George W. Bush’s tenure the number of operations markedly decreased but since Obama’s presidency in January 2009, sting operations have not only resumed but increased in frequency. During Obama’s first term in office, the Justice Department prosecuted more than 75 targets of terrorism stings. Trevor Aaronson discovered that as an adjunct to Obama’s extrajudicial assassination teams, arrests from terrorism stings occur: “… at a rate of about one every 60 days, suggesting either that there are a lot of ineffective terrorists in the United States, or that the FBI has become effective at creating the very enemy it is hunting.”


Global Terrorism 2013. Red hotspots are combinations of incidents, fatalities and injuries. Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the primary countries exhibiting terrorism hotspots. | Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from

Even if we were to believe that somehow the history of terrorism is defined purely in terms of religious extremism seeking to enforce its will, we’d be barking up the wrong tree on this one too. Religious fundamentalism does not spontaneously arrive. In the vast majority of historical cases a vacuum emerges out of the chaos of economic depression, famine and most frequently from the influence of invading forces. In the last forty years British and American invasions have increased the likelihood of religious fundamentalism and the rise of terrorist groups simply through their neo-colonial ambitions. Consequently. these terrorist groups have been indirectly or directly created and further encouraged by Western powers.

It is foreign occupation which fuels terrorism not the perceived spectre of Islamism or any other extremist grouping; they are secondary results of policies which destabilise, balkanise and create collective trauma. These conclusions have been stated by researchers across the political divide for some years but only recently has it been shown beyond any doubt, that engaging in drone strikes and so-called interventionist polices in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism, without exception. At higher levels of Pathocracy this is fully understood and required while at the lower levels of their followers’ greed and ignorance is enough to maintain these destructive dynamics. Factor in geopolitical plans stretching back many decades to claim the Middle East for ideological aims, to exploit resources such as natural gas, oil and minerals and you have all the reasons you need for the continuance of civilian atrocities, year after year.

Taking into account the presence of intelligence operatives and informants responsible for encouraging suicide attacks and those which occur “spontaneously”, extensive research published by the University of Chicago prove that over 95 percent of all attacks are in response to foreign occupation. [13]  The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) the Global Terrorism Database hosted at the University of Maryland has precise statistical data which supports the University of Chicago’s own findings. It is the most comprehensive open source terrorism database available to journalists and civilians alike. The results are a clear indictment of US and NATO foreign policy, all of which show a massive increase in terrorism since the Global War on Terror began 14 years ago. These charts below show the number of terrorist attacks recorded in the following countries:



terrorism_in_the_Middle-EastMiddle East



terrorism_worldwideSharp rise in Global terrorism since 2004

Notice the sharp peak in each region. For the Middle East and predominantly Iraq, so-called terrorism shot up during 2002-2003, the year of the Invasion by US and coalition forces. Afghanistan saw a sharp ascent from 2001 and another rapid incline in 2010 following the large-scale increases in military operations against the Taliban by the Afghan and US coalition forces. Obama sent a further 30,000 troops in that year. Asia and Africa in 2004 both saw massive geo-strategic grab for resources by US-NATO under cover of humanitarian pretexts and false flag events. United States Africa Command, (U.S. AFRICOM) was operational by 2007 and established as cover for strategic control of the Continent. It is in this year we see a huge spike lasting until 2013. This has obviously excluded the horror of ISIL – the latest creation of Western Intelligence black operations. Judging by the events of 2014 we can only summise that we will see a huge corresponding spike when the new data is in.

All the charts show a parallel increase in terrorism and / or insurgency. Have a look at the following chart which illustrates just how false flag terrorism and grassroots insurgency follows the US and NATO forces around and directly related to power plays for their resources. Cause and effect?


Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from

alqaeda_incidentsovertimeGlobal Al-Qaeda attacks since 1990s – 2012

isis attacks2007_2013ISIS/ISIL attacks in Iraq 2006 -2012

alqaedaincidentsovertime_iraqAl-Qaeda attacks in Iraq from September 2001-2013

privatecitizensAttacks on Private Citizens & Property  (Most attacks in Pakistan and Iraq)

In these set of charts we can see a similar trajectory. As Al-Qaeda has outlived its usefulness in the region, covert funding by Western governments’ military intelligence and private outsourcing were stepped up for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) taking over the mantle of the Global Terror demon. Just as Al-Qaeda begins to wane, ISIL begins its rapid ascent with billions of dollars seemingly arriving from nowhere in 2006, to reach a peak in 2009 with the subsequent tales of horror and atrocity, all of which is entirely authentic, though not the methods of media propagation. This is designed to ramp up the emotional response which military powers can use to ride their imperial desires. The sharp dip in incidents was merely a re-fuelling prior to another sharp increase in terror across the Middle East and Africa in 2014-2015. Through all this, carefully designed civilian attacks and the loss of property has suffered an exponential rise for several decades. Once again, this took off in 2004 as the West and its banks launched their quest for perpetual war.The Global population bears the brunt of these crimes. | Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from

Now that Al-Qaeda, as America’s primary outsourced terror collective has been transferred to ISIL it seems the war hawks at the Council on Foreign Relations want to let bygones be bygones and make the terrorist organisation a firm friend so that things aren’t too complicated for us all. Barek Mendelsohn writing in CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs that due understanding should be exercised since Al-Qaeda is after all the “enemy of our enemy” and that:

“… the instability in the Middle East following the Arab revolutions and the meteoric rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) require that Washington rethink its policy toward al Qaeda, particularly its targeting of Zawahiri. Destabilizing al Qaeda at this time may in fact work against U.S. efforts to defeat ISIS … [America’s] interests would be better served by keeping the terrorist organization afloat and Zawahiri alive.” [14]

The irony is so pathological you just couldn’t make it up.

Foreign occupation is the main cause of terrorism. It is expedient for invading powers to keep populations back home locked in fear and seeking revenge while the youth of both domestic and foreign populations become open to radicalisation, similarly encouraged by entrapment plots by the FBI and world intelligence agencies. Regimes with suitably strategic dividends are destabilised and plunged into civil war so that resources can be extracted. Selling these invasions under humanitarian interventions or seeking retribution for a perceived atrocity against “democracy” are the usual pretexts.

This is the state of the world we live in. It is a direct result of the Grand-Daddy of false-flag attacks which took place on September 11th, 2001 and which re-ordered the world according to pathocratic principles of paranoia, greed, separation and asymmetric warfare. Thanks to the Israel and its Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden administrations, the constitution and Bill of Rights have been shredded, where inverted totalitarianism is becoming normalised.

The next post will see, in graphic detail, how the United States of America is sliding into a full-blown police state.



[1]Terror Factory, The: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism By Trevor Aaronson, IG Publishing (2015 edition)| ISBN-10: 1935439960.
[2] ‘Inside the Terror Factory’ By Trevor Aaronson, January 11, 2013, Mother Jones|
[3] ‘Newburgh Four: poor, black, and jailed under FBI ‘entrapment’ tactics’ By Paul Harris, The Guardian, December 12, 20013. |
[4] ‘It’s the Wrong Time to be a Muslim in America – The Troubling Case of the Fort Dix Five’ by Stephen Lendman, Counterpunch, December 31 2008.
[5]’Can Authorities Cut Off Utilities And Pose As Repairmen To Search A Home?’ October 29, 2014. NPR News.
[6]‘Aspirational Rather than Operational’ – 7 Arrested in Miami Terror Plot. Democracy Now! 2007.
[7]op.cit. Aaronson.
[8]’Did the FBI Use Occupy Cleveland Case to Equate Activism with Terrorism?’ By Kris Hermes, Alternet, September 12, 2012.]
[9]The event demands a book in itself and due to brevity, it will not be covered in this present series. Suffice to say, if you wish follow up and research this subject yourself the following books and articles are recommended: Manufactured Terror: The Boston Marathon Bombings, Sandy Hook, Aurora Shooting and Other False Flag Terror Attacks by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley; ‘False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage’ By Shelia Casey, May 8, 2013| ‘Boston Bombings ‘set-up’: Mother of patsies says sons groomed by FBI ‘Russia Today, 20 Apr 2013. | “False-flag” meme goes mainstream with Boston Marathon bombing, Kevin Barrett, Veteran’s Today/Press TV, 17 Apr 2013 | ‘Boston Bombings: The most obvious staged event since 9/11’, The Caterpillar Flys, 29 Apr 2013. | ‘Were The Boston Marathon Bombers ‘Mind Controlled’?’ By Joe Quinn,, 11 Jan 2014.
[10] p.32; Aaronson; The Terror Factory.
[11] ‘The Best Terrorists Money Can Buy’ – Broke-ass losers. Big talkers. Ninja wannabes. How dangerous are the FBI’s sting targets?’ By Trevor Aaronson, Mother Jones, September/October 2011 Issue.
[12] ‘Man Is Charged With Plotting to Bomb Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan’ By MOSI SECRET and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUMOCT.The New York Times 2012. October 17, 2012.
[13]Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It (2010) by Robert A. Pape and James K. Feldman, Chicago University press.
[14] ‘Accepting Al Qaeda’ The Enemy of the United States’ Enemy’ By Barak Mendelsohn, Foreign Affairs, March 9, 2015.

Satan’s Little Helpers IV: The Manchurian Reality (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“I never thought about laying down my life, but maybe I laid down a lot more than my life in service to my country. My soul?”

US Air-force Service man and mind control victim

“The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating multi-personality, with the aid of hypnotism. This is not science fiction. I have done it.”

George Estabrooks, Harvard University graduate, Rhodes Scholar, and chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University who hypnoprogrammed U.S. government agents during World War II.


© infrakshun

Mind control is very much in the public consciousness, largely as a product of Hollywood. Films such as Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971) or The Bourne Identity (2004) paint a specific picture of secret government mind control operations all of which fascinate us, not just for their brutality but because they are drawn from easily verifiable, historical facts. Though disinformation and distortion surround the issue of mind control in the past, the questions regarding how much investment has been devoted to the development of technology for individual and mass mind control applications remain as relevant as ever. Since the private sector and outsourcing has taken over a multitude of US government departments it is only logical that experimental data which was accrued over the cold war years was simply continued within deep black projects in known and unknown R & D companies. Taking a cursory look at marketing and advertising innovations it is clear that military technology is continuing to seep into the public domain. Once the province of conspiracy mythology, mind control and behaviour modification is as powerful as it ever was. But just how far has military-intelligence come with their dreams of automated assassins?

Organised religion, cults and self-help gurus have all used various psychological techniques to assist or control the devotee’s mind for the good of the group or attached belief system. Assimilation to a cause and strength in numbers is as old as the hills. But mind control for political ends using cutting edge experimentation of behaviour modification, neuro-psychopharmacology and even the occult, is something relatively new. And for it to be part of government black operations perhaps reaching a state of unimaginable sophistication is something profoundly disturbing. But it must be addressed if we are to have a chance to counter it.

Written by Richard Condon and published in 1958, The Manchurian Candidate is the definitive book about mind control and brainwashing. It was made into a film of the same name a few years later. The movie resonated with the public already immersed in Cold War fears and the US propaganda of brainwashing techniques by the Russian and Chinese communists.

The-Manchurian-Candidate_1962_thumb.jpgIt told the story of a US Army sergeant on active service during the Korean War, captured by the enemy and subjected to deep hypnosis. The idea was to ensure that the solider had no recollection of his actions which were buried deep behind a wall of amnesia. He is programmed to murder through carefully designed cues. On his return to the United States he kills a candidate for the Presidency and several other people who were threats to his secret mission.

Condon’s book was a work of fiction though extraordinarily accurate in all but the true pioneers of specific techniques of manipulating the human mind. Rather than the pesky “reds” who were out to brainwash the brave men and women of Uncle Sam, something more sinister was lying in wait much closer to home.

Out of print and hard to come by, Operation Mind Control (1978) by Walter Bowart exemplified the kind of investigative journalism which is so desperately needed in the mainstream media today. It remains a classic in mind control research. Using the Freedom of Information Act, a good measure of patience, tenacity and expensive payments to several researchers he managed to unearth many declassified documents and obscure government reports. He interviewed long forgotten victims for case studies drawn from mostly from Vietnam and Korean War veterans to US Army and Air-force military personnel. Bowart painstakingly cross-checked testimony of what remained in the federal archives, recording their stories in order to weave it into a polished narrative of non-fiction. After two years of research studying science reports and government documents from libraries he was able to piece together not only why it was that so many victims had amnesia but what type of behaviour had been controlled and to what end. Bowart’s research has been built upon by other researchers and victims and his findings remain just as pertinent and shocking as they did in the tumultuous 70’s.

 Operation & Mind Control

Mind control had already been perfected by the late 1940s and early 1950s by the use of drugs, knowledge of Pavlovian conditioning and the behavioural science of B.F. Skinner. The latter was to be one of the pillars of an extreme materialistic social biology used to experiment on the US population in order to “psycho-civillise” it to specific objectives. The brainwashing imagery was a useful mythology held to be almost a kind of magic that would control the victim’s mind. In fact, as Bowart states: “It was … none of these things. Techniques which seemed to change the beliefs of American POWs and others behind the Iron Curtain employed no hypnosis, no drugs, no new methods for the control of the mind and certainly nothing magical.” It was a supremely effective method of “fueling a home-grown fear of the Communists upon which the Cold War so greatly depended.” [1]

The author informs us:

The US used classic projection to take the potential heat from themselves by inventing the idea of brainwashing which was in fact practised by America vare of nazi techniques more than any other country. “They did not use drugs or hypnosis, nor did they invent any mysterious new devices for breaking the mind and will of a man.”

“The United States government did not have to stoop to the slow and exhausting process the Chinese and Russians used. In the age of electronic brain stimulation, neuro-psychopharmacology, and advanced methods of behavior modification and hypnosis, the government certainly didn’t have to resort to methods as unsophisticated as brainwashing. The techniques of mind control developed, even by 1967, were making brainwashing seem like the metaphor it was: a washboard and scrub-bucket technique which had little use in a world where the sonic cleaner, with high” frequency sound, higher than the human ear can hear, vibrates the dirt from the very molecules of matter—or the mind. [2]

Brainwashing was psychological indoctrination which can be said to take place in our religious and pop-cultures on a daily basis and as an adjunct to something quite different. It was the USA who had perfected not a system of brainwashing but a comprehensive system of mind control where a person was not only broken but a new personality installed and programmed. This was much more than torture and indoctrination this was mind rape; an emptying of the essence of the individual.

At the time and for many today, the idea of hypno-programmed political assassins is still the province of pulp fiction and conspiracy lore. Yet, it is beyond question that millions of dollars were spent on breaking persons within the military and civilian life so that they might create “zombies” who were designed to be conscienceless with dual or multiple personas in order to carry the bequests of their programmers. Essentially, sociopaths – made to order.

ThatsMyFace_lifesize_wearable_facemask.jpgPerhaps one of the most important points to remember from Bowart’s research is the realisation that mind control covers a multitude of domains and multidisciplinary branches operating under cover or within the public domain and with suitable fronts which accelerate the momentum of behaviour modification for the State. In much the same way as the defence or weapons industry, various levels of work take place which could be termed as benign right up to the morally dubious and criminal experimentation well beyond democratic purview. Each researcher, foundation and outsourced agency is allowed to know only what is necessary to know to accomplish the segment of research or testing which ultimately complements the whole. This now applies to technology in a way that did not during post-war America and Europe. As Bowart discovered mind control programs did not have a “single originating source, but several.” He further states:

“The operation is too widespread and complex for it to be created by a ‘cult.’ If a cult there must be, then it is a cult within a cult, in an interlocking chain of invisible minigovernments with unwritten rules, unwritten plans, and unwritten loyalties. It is the plan of a secret bureaucracy—what I call a cryptocracy—which conspires against our laws and our freedoms.

‘Cryptocracy’ is a compound of crypto, meaning ‘secret,’ and -cracy, meaning “rule, government, governing body. The cryptocracy, then, is the secret government whose identity and whereabouts have slowly and reluctantly been hinted at by the Congress through its investigations into Watergate, the CIA, and the rest of the intelligence community.” [3]

In other words, Cryptocracy is an outgrowth of Pathocracy.

As present events have revealed so clearly with the whistle-blower and former CIA intelligence analyst Edward Snowden the National Security Agency is far more likely to be the source of the financing and promotion of mind control operations large and small than the CIA which has traditionally been labelled the “baddie” of the intelligence underworld. Given the extraordinary depth of surveillance and snooping by the NSA and its feelers into future technology and Pentagon’s DARPA it is safe to say that only the very tip of a very cold iceberg has been revealed so far. (To that end, some may say Edward Snowden may yet prove to be a patsy in a turf war between the CIA and NSA. But that’s another story).

Whatever the case, an alliance still exists not just between factions within the NSA, CIA and Defence Intelligence Agency, the Office of Naval Intelligence and subsidiaries in military intelligence, but also within the civil service, private contractors, academic institutions and corporations. Psychopaths operate by clustering together and allowing a pathogenic infection to spread. There are no borders to ponerological ascendance once it has taken hold and mind control techniques are fully embedded in the emerging Pathocracy.

The creation of Manchurian candidates or “zombies” who serve to oil the wheels of geo-political strategy or contour the mass mind to accept new laws have a particular type of personality which is best suited to such endeavours. They are usually highly suggestible, sensitive, from abusive backgrounds, with low-self-esteem and even naïve. Other types may have sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies offering further possibilities. 99 percent of these testimonies had some form of amnesia in common. Memory from early childhood was mostly if not entirely absent and recollection as to their specific “secret” work alongside their standard posting was fragmentary or missing. In the US chosen guinea pigs of the pre-and post-war era were usually drawn from the US Army and US Air-force. Special barracks and locations for training and experimentation were set up with suitable cover such as supply men or nondescript administration jobs.

behravesh20110710205727530.jpgWalter Bowart related numerous cases of military men following a pattern of highly disturbing dreams in which they kill a friend, family member or unknown person in a variety of ways: “In their sleep, the memories of atrocities surface to vivid awareness among the victims of mind control. Night after night terrible images, suppressed by deeply conditioned responses, emerge as terrifying nightmares. Are they mythological? The stuff of dreams? Or are they recovered memories?” [4]

Back in the 1940s Dr. George Estabrooks chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University helped set the hypno-programming snowball in motion. The foremost expert on hypnosis he was brought to Washington immediately after the Pearl Harbour attack as an advisor in Washington. Estabrooks was obviously in his element telling his masters that he “… could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columnists,” if they so wished which evidently got them salivating at the prospect. [5] The creation of programmed assassins was about to commence and communist paranoia fed into the urgency for unquestioning mind control research and experimentation in the minds of the civil service and lower level contractors who had been taken in by the propaganda of highly advanced brainwashing techniques of the Soviets and Chinese.

Estabrooks was the first to suggest mass hypnosis experimentation on an easily accessible resource: the US Army. Numerous presentations of the power and efficacy of hypnosis were given by the Doctor as declassified and public documents attest. In one such demonstration he describes the possibility of mind controlled saboteurs already ensconced in the heart of America primed and ready to carry out their missions. In one demonstration he stated:

“Let us suppose that in a certain city there lives a group of a given foreign extraction. They are loyal Americans but still have cultural and sentimental ties to the old country. A neighborhood doctor, working secretly for a foreign power, hypnotizes those of his patients who have ties favorable to his plans. Having done this he would, of course, remove from them all knowledge of their ever having been hypnotized.

“Next comes a one-month period of indoctrination under hypnosis. By various means, including the offer of substantial rewards and educational processes designed to strengthen their ancestral loyalties, their cooperation is obtained.” […]

“All right, you say. This sounds beautiful on paper. But what about the well-known ‘psychological principle’ that no one will do anything under hypnosis that he wouldn’t do when he’s awake?” … “My experiments have shown this assumption is poppycock. It depends not so much on the attitude of the subject as on that of the operator himself … In wartime, the motivation for murder under hypnosis doesn’t have to be very strong,”… I am convinced that hypnosis is a bristling, dangerous armament which makes it doubly imperative to avoid the war of tomorrow.[6] [Emphasis mine]

This was akin to saying to a bunch of waiting wolves please don’t eat these lambs they are far too delicious to ensure a sound digestion. The direction of mind control research was set.


Dr. George Estabrooks

Eastabrooks continued to feed all kinds of nightmarish scenarios which could befall America. The ultimate irony is that he assisted in making these worst case scenarios real with the emergence of the OSS, then the CIA and the National Security State several years later. In effect, mind control was institutionalised at the start. And since the intelligence and shadow government apparatus had been infected with the psychopathy of Nazi influence – the pioneers of mind control experimentation – this was like pouring kerosene on growing embers.

By the early 1950s, electro-shock treatment and drugs as an aid to hypnotic induction caused the research to take on an unstoppable momentum. Eastabrookes had suggested: “… that new drugs would be discovered which would be capable of inducing deep hypnosis in virtually any individual regardless of his degree of cooperativeness.” [7]

By 1953, after Dr. Albert Hoffman had discovered the hallucinogenic and mind expanding properties of LSD the CIA had invested in the drug in order to corner the market and to use it in drug experiments with animals and human beings. With the eventual rise of LSD, cocaine and other designer chemicals as the drugs of choice for the Revolution it seems that this particular experiment had fast run away from them. After all, if LSD – despite its toxic effects – proved to expand the mind and thus allow the ability to see the folly of authority in all its guises this would eventually prove to be a major problem, as indeed it did. )The massive protest movement against the Vietnam War and the corollary of social reforms was one such unforeseen effect). This is why, in part at least, the New Age and the “psychedelia” or counter-culture movement was embedded with government informants and disinformation agents in order to defang and discredit their often genuine wish to expand the awareness and freedoms of the mass population. It became not a bastion of true spiritual freedom but a quagmire of dangers for the spiritually naive.


Albert Hoffman

Now that LSD and its associations were becoming emancipatory impure heroine certainly helped reverse the trend. Once the CIA controlled the distribution and availability of drugs it was free to use it as a resource and a tool of targeted social change. LSD began to dry up and became illegal by 1966. Heroine fresh from the CIA controlled Golden Triangle in Asia took over and was pushed particularly hard in ethnic minority towns and cities across the US. The youth caught between the utopian promise of drug-based counter-culture assumed heroine would do the same. A generation of addicts were created and awareness derailed once again. Even towards the end of the 1950s think-tanks had already been suggesting that addiction was a potent way to keep societies passive and malleable. (This was already well known to PR guru Edward Bernays with his perception management techniques for encouraging acceptance for commercial cigarette use). And since heroine did not “expand consciousness” it was a doubly effective on top of the daily inducements of alcohol and consumerism.

It was only by June, 1975, that the public was able to officially confirm in the mainstream media that government that the CIA had been using the US population as a drugs laboratory and feeding behaviour-influencing drugs to ordinary citizens for more than twenty years. The Rockefeller Report of 1975 revealed at least some of the details. The report stated that the drug research: “… was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behavior. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric shock, ultra-sound, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and harassment substances.” [8]

The fact that Rockefeller is headlining such a report should indicate the nature of the accountability. Nothing has changed with so called reports, commissions and suitably skewed media appraisals which are largely exercises in damage control so that the public is given a bone to chew and business returns to normal. Subsequent FOI requests from journalists for documentation on the Rockefeller report certainly revealed more information which was nonetheless, heavily redacted. This was closely followed by CIA director Richard Helms departure and not before he ordered the shredding of a huge quantity of files pertaining to mind control experiments. Nevertheless, what information did remain was disturbing enough.

“In 1949 the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) undertook the analysis of foreign work on certain unconventional warfare techniques, including behavioural drugs, with an initial objective of developing a capability to resist or offset the effect of such drugs. Preliminary phases included the review of drug-related work at

institutions such as Mount Sinai Hospital, Boston Psychopathic Hospital, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, Valley Forge General Hospital, Detroit Psychopathic Clinic, Mayo Clinic, and the National Institute of Health.

“This first project, code-named Project BLUEBIRD, was assigned the function of discovering means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction of information from them by known means. It was further assigned to investigate the possibility of control of an individual by application of special interrogation techniques, memory enhancement, and establishing defensive means for preventing interrogation of agency personnel.” [9]

Project Bluebird became Project ARTICHOKE which would handle most of the developments of hypno-programming and drug-enhanced behaviour modification. According to CIA documents by 1953 a cryptonym was in circulation named MKDELTA which evolved to become Project MKULTRA: “… an umbrella project for funding sensitive projects … approved by Allen Dulles on April 3, 1953. It’s remit covered: … policy and procedure for use of biochemicals in clandestine operations …” with experimentation in: “… radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, harassment substances” along with “paramilitary devices and materials.” [10]

The compartmentalised intelligence imperative has remained the same since the 1940s to the present day. Bowart reminds us of this fact by distilling the intent behind the experimentation into three key questions which they have been asking in order to direct their research:

  • Can accurate information be obtained from willing or unwilling individuals?
  • Can agency personnel (or persons of interest to this agency) be conditioned to prevent any unauthorized source or enemy from obtaining information from them by any known means?
  • Can we obtain control of the future activities (physical and mental) of any individual, willing or unwilling, by application of [mind-control] techniques?

If it sounds too Hollywood, this is entirely due to the diet of movies and pulp fiction we have grown up with since the late 1950s onwards. The fascination with something so insidious has always captured the public attention but only as a means of cathartic entertainment rather than an acceptance that such fictionalised accounts were based on real events, sometimes far more horrific than authors and film-makers could imagine. Yet, this is the inheritance of the Anglo-American and Conservative Establishments who welcomed the Nazi exodus and its development of the National Security State.

The military, mental institutions, hospitals, government agencies and civilians had become a vast resource of men and women who would become career-zombies for the state, often unaware of their double lives and clueless about the missions they undertook. The 1960s was positively awash with drugs and behaviour modification. Case studies in FOI requests documents reviewed in both Operation Mind Control and many other more recent literature on the subject have sourced official declassified documents. Though many of these are in the public domain still more documents were heavily redacted suggesting the advances and those responsible go much deeper.

Since many of the most sensational murders are perpetrated by psychopaths who have “broken down” and exhibit an inability to control their primitive desires, it seems the essential psychopath not only has a high degree of control in maintaining his “mask of sanity” but must remain attentive to his camouflage in all other endeavours. This includes those  employed at high level posts and those undertaking missions of a highly sensitive nature.

Since the world operates like a machine for the pathocrats, then its cogs and wheels must be finely tuned. Which is why the US Army and prisons are an ideal recruiting ground for those with a predisposition to violence and even accustomed to killing, but not necessarily psychopathic. An unpredictable, criminal psychopath was not an asset for mind control. Anti-social personality disorders and authoritarian followers with a high degree of emotional suppression are ideal since they are more likely to follow commands rather than act on impulse.

Once training is completed the individuals are selected for their particular talents, be it for assassination team-based black operations and sexpionage. Agents are often teamed together as male and female so that should the sexual urge raise its head, then each could service the other so that the mission had less chance of being compromised by the “primitive mind.”

Since the Anglo-American-Israeli nexus is the leader in such operations it brings into relief how darkly amusing International laws and treaties truly are. They are routinely flouted on a daily basis, whether it is engineering a coup, deploying PSYOPS units or engineering false-flag events in domestic or foreign settings. As is so often the case with the global state and its institutions, they serve to offer the illusion of civilisation while offering leverage to their psychopathic designers to corral the public and fatten it for the kill.


[1] (p.45) Bowart, Walter; Operation Mind Control (1978)
[2]   Ibid. (p.54)
[3]   Ibid. (p.24)
[4]   Ibid. (p.26)
[5]   Ibid. (p.59)
[6]   Ibid. (p.60)
[7]   Ibid. (p.72)
[8]   Ibid. (p.87)
[9]   Ibid. (p.101)
[10] Ibid. (p.102)

Satan’s Little Helpers III: Nazi-Occult and Mind Control

“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes – crimes that infinitely out-distance every human measure – reach the light of day?”

The White Rose Society, a German resistance group whose members were imprisoned and executed during Hitler’s reign for creating and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets.

In his farewell address to the nation in 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower gave his famous warning about the military industrial complex. Eisenhower was a man who, like Woodrow Wilson many years before him, had a up-close-and-personal knowledge of whom he spoke:

“Our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime—or,indeed, by fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Eisenhower’s warnings were too little too late but they remain a stark description of the last fifty years. Those with authoritarian and fascistic perception of life have always been ready and willing to be used as tools for psychopathy to fully manifest. The US military in particular has come under the heat of such influences most notably in the wave of Nazi fascism which engulfed the Western world in the 1930s.


General Smedley D. Butler

General Smedley D. Butler a recipient of two esteemed Medals of Honor (the highest military honor in the U.S.) exposed major war corruption after retiring from the military. In 1933, under U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Butler was invited into a conspiracy to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship. Known as the “Business Plot” and funded by many Pilgrim Society members he shrewdly pretended to accept membership into this fifth column in order to discover its inner workings. To his shock, the same Wall St. insiders who had financed the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany (most notably Prescott Bush, Grandfather of George W. H. Bush) had been behind this bid to topple the US Presidency and Congress in line with increasing power of international banking. Amazingly, his 1934 testimony to Congress on the matter was blocked. However, according to Harper’s Magazine Butler’s testimony was reported: “in the New York Times and several other newspapers … and a special Congressional committee was created to conduct an investigation. The records of this committee were scrubbed and sealed away in the National Archives, where they have only recently been made available.” [1]

The point to remember in the above is that Smedley was a highly decorated military man with high code of ethics and patriotism and not one to fabricate. It was also Smedley who wrote the now famous 1935 book War is a Racket which has since become a classic exposé of the emerging military-corporate machine and a testament to how acutely aware this man was about politics and war, not least the mechanisms in place which make pathological infection inevitable.

In an excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by the General it gives an idea just how accurate his words have proved to be:

War is just a racket. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

The above is important for several reasons. Not only does it show that there are military men of conscience who do stand up for truth when they see it but that the presence of psychopathy in government and the military means that a complete descent into authoritarianism and  inverted totalitarianism is only a step away from manifestation. Yet, this is seldom revealed to the public until too late. Butler’s experience and doubtless many others since (military intelligence officer and whistle-blower Bradley Manning could be classed as a modern equivalent of Butler) have shown that Nazism did not die after the Second World War – but diversified its camouflage.

The United States has long historical ties with pre-war and post-war German Nazis. This example is but one of many where authoritarian followers are merging with this Nazi ethos. Their visions of eugenics are not so far away.

Just after the Second World War, when the Rockefellers and the House of Rothschild were busy building their corporate empires with help from Nazi Germany and the deaths of millions, US officials got in on the act and collaborated with the Third Reich to purloin their scientists and doctors. Only one day after Germany’s surrender, on May 10, 1945, under Operation OVERCAST, “the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to arrest all suspected war criminals, though advising him “… to make such exceptions as you deem advisable for intelligence and other military reasons.” Or, as another memo explained: “exploit chosen rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use.” [2] Which means: haggle with the Nazis and appropriate their talent. The Third Reich intelligentsia and their new advances in science and psychology were absorbed and pay-rolled into the Military-Industrial framework.

OVERCAST evolved into the 1946 “Operation / Project PAPERCLIP which oversaw the mass exodus of many hundreds of top Nazi scientists who would form the basis of a new experimentation into a range of advanced disciplines, from new technology to mass mind control. There was much more to PAPERCLIP than rocket science. This was an important bid to get to the crème de la crème of Nazi Elite and their research before the Russians. Nazi medical personnel, spies, saboteurs, assassins and psychological warfare experts were all invited into the warm, protective embrace of Uncle Sam. This was to be a key reason for the genesis of the American Pathocracy.


“President George W. Bush, Laura Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and former President George H.W. Bush sit surrounded by family in the Red Room, Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. Friends and family joined former President Bush and Mrs. Bush in celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary during a dinner held at the White House. Also pictured are, from left, Georgia Grace Koch, Margaret Bush, Walker Bush, Marvin Bush, Jenna Bush, Doro Koch, Barbara Bush, Robert P. Koch, Pierce M. Bush, Maria Bush, Neil Bush, Ashley Bush, Sam LeBlond, Robert Koch, Nancy Ellis LeBlond, John Ellis Bush, Jr., Florida Gov. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, Mandi Bush, George P. Bush, and Columba Bush.” – (wikipedia)

Perhaps the most notorious vessel for the relatively small clique of psychopaths who warmed to Nazi fascism as a natural expression is the Bush dynasty and who will be mentioned frequently in subsequent posts. However, if you wish to bring yourself up-to-date on the historical legacy of the Bush dynasty then authors Glen Yeadon and John Hawkin’s book: A The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century (2008) is an excellent overview of how Nazi philosophy and its corporatism has been allowed to infect the United States.


© infrakshun

Eventually, the Military-Corporate complex and the soon to follow National Security State would have key positions held by former Nazis principally in advanced aerospace and the weapons industry. Many of these high-ranking, Nazi intelligentsia had been exposed to, or were proponents of the Thule Society (German: Thule Gesellschaft) [3] having been embraced with particular fervour by Himmler’s SS and Rudolf Hess. Other sympathizers and /or members within the Third Reich included Hitler’s astrologer and advisor Dietrich Eckart, propagandist and Alfred Rosenberg,  intellectuals Julius Lehmann, Hans Frank, Gottfried Feder, and Karl Harrer. The psychic warfare of the CIA and NSA came directly from such Nazi traditions, a form of black Gnosticism, in other words: Satanism. [4]

While the War Department’s Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists, then director of the CIA, Allen Dulles had other ideas. Nazi Intelligence leader and PSYOPS expert Reinhard Gehlen met with the director and formed a close working relationship. As a master spy for the Third Reich he had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network which Dulles was keen to incorporate into the “New Amerika.” He effectively integrated Gehlen’s Intelligence unit into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) later to become the CIA, while covering up incriminating evidence regarding scientists’ and doctors’ case histories.

The existence of the Nazi Intelligence unit within the CIA was to lead to many umbrella projects inspired by their research discoveries. These included the notorious MK-ULTRA which arose from the 1951 Project ARTICHOKE along with other projects running from the 1940s through to the late 1960s. Despite growing disquiet in the 1970s and partial investigations by Congress they didn’t simply stop because they were told to. The CIA and especially the NSA have always been a law unto themselves. Under the Information Age and a new Technocratic imperative has built on the experimentation of the past and extended its reach in ways that boggle the mind. Research continues evolve under different code names. (More on this later).

The Nazi brain-drain also included doctors which were conducting mind control and eugenics experiments in the concentration camps. A potent mixture of Cold War paranoia, a home-grown Neo-Fascism and Nazi know-how created a US Shadow Government, with people moving behind the scenes to capture and enlist children to fight the Russian threat. A hidden lab-rat generation was produced, comprising of successful and aborted hypnotised operatives, assassins and couriers. This is the source of the popularised concept of the “Manchurian Candidate” from which the likes of Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley Jr., Timothy McVeigh and an untold number of soldiers have been associated. The Hollywood myth-making machine bases its movie formula around this factual byte which is often trivialised in the process. Nevertheless, the idea that intelligence agencies are involved in such activities are not based on fact not Hollywood fiction.

It is no secret that some of the CIA mind-control apparatus documents have been released and available since 1975, under Freedom of Information Act requests. MK-ULTRA, the CIA’s infamous research into behavioural modification, [5] vigorously explored the capabilities of drugs, radiation and electronic brain manipulation on military personnel, doctors, government agents, prostitutes, mentally ill patients, and members of the general public in the United States. Victims were subjected to induced amnesia in order to prevent recall of these invasive experiments.


Richard M. Helms

The major players involved included Richard Helms former head of the CIA, Chemist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who managed the day to day running of MK-ULTRA activities and Dr. John Gittinger, his assistant and protégé. With a substantial amount of money from an ignorant Congress, most, if not all of the experimentation took place without the subjects’ consent.

The bulk of the documents have still not been released due to the sadistic nature of the experimentation which very probably included more extreme examples of the torture already listed. To cover his own and many others’ reputations, Helms ordered the destruction of most of the documents in 1972. The program’s objective was find drugs that facilitated an alteration of the human neurological and sensory apparatus, the aim of which was to be used in military applications.

The unease around the rumours surfacing about mind control research was taken up by a few members of Congress over the subsequent decades, including Senator Ted Kennedy. They discovered from the Deputy Director of the CIA that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program: “… which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.’ Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations.’ At least one death, that of Dr. Frank Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.” [6] *

With a title that conjured up associations with low-budget pornography, Operation Midnight Climax was officially a branch of sex and drug research and a sub-division of MKULTRA. Unsurprisingly, none of the documents relating to the operation survived Helm’s shredding. Yet participants and agents involved with the experimentation mention a series of CIA run brothels in San Francisco and New York. While being guaranteed impunity from arrest and prosecution should the operation be discovered by outside law enforcement units, prostitutes were paid $100 a day to act as entrapment madams for unsuspecting participants. These unsuspecting victims who had their drinks spiked with LSD, prior to the subsequent sex “research.” CIA agents settled down for the night, armed with cigarettes, booze and clipboards; shielded from the action behind one-way mirrors. You can imagine the vast potential for blackmail and extortion.

Both operations ran from 1953 to at least, 1968, though we would be foolish to imagine that such experimentation has stopped. Virtually nothing is known of the NSA’s role in all this. It is highly probable that the operations were submerged into this shadow executive apparatus. In summary, no area of human experimentation was restricted. The extraction of information needed to keep ahead of the Russian and Chinese was all-consuming. Maintaining America as the supreme power (and unwittingly allowing further entry points for psychopathic dominance) reigned supreme. Hallucinogenic drugs, electro-shock and memory exploration sandwiched between a pot-pourri of occult rituals and chemicals of every variety continued to expand.

Underpinning all this was a foundation of Psychiatry headed by Dr. Ewan Cameron. It was this man who provided critical work on the MK-ULTRA projects and was an advocate of behaviourist and clinical psychiatry harbouring a powerful interest in unlocking the secrets of memory. It would be this fascination that would make up most of his contribution to the experiments.


Dr. Ewan Cameron

With Rockefeller Money he founded the Allan Memorial Institute on Mont Royal, Montreal Canada. And it was here while working for the CIA that he would subject his patients to his own experimentation, unaware of his true intent. Since his test subjects were outside the US it served as an added protection against liability as the illegality of such testing could be dismissed. It was while the Allan Memorial Institute was basking in its new findings from electro-shock treatment memory re-patterning and chemical and drug regimens that another form of institutional abuse was being unleashed.

In post-war Montreal, funding for orphanages was non-existent but funding for hospitals was readily available. So, the Catholic Church decided to class all its orphans (numbering more than 5,000) as “mentally deficient” thus winning government subsidies and unimpeded paperwork, where whole orphanages were converted into mental asylums for the young. This was to initiate some of the worst abuse cases ever recorded in Canada at the hands of sadistic nuns across many orders including: The Gray Nuns of Montreal, the Sisters of Providence, the Sisters of Mercy, the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, the Little Franciscans of Mary, and two orders of monks. Ice baths, sodomy, solitary confinement and beatings were routine. Children either died from the attacks or were scarred for life. [7]

The civil lawsuits started by those abused mirrored the cases of the 1990s and beyond. The medical profession were also implicated in aiding and abetting the abuse by signing perfectly healthy children as restarted or brain damaged. In reality, the children had never seen a doctor or been examined.

For over twenty years nuns and monks abused their flock, while other more purposeful, though no less sadistic abuse was taking place at the Allan Memorial Institute. There would have been no shortage of children or problems with access if Cameron had sought a steady supply of test subjects.

On March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation, [8] the late New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA brainwashing programs as young children. Radiation research was carried out, mostly on cancer patients, this was however a cover for a wide ranging system of projects. This proved to be decisive regarding the progressive disclosure of institutionalised mind control with not least the rumour and disinformation surrounding the whole idea of mind control programs.

Claudia de Mullin and Chris De Nicola recounted testimony which was later collated and set down in a book by John Rappaport in which the original committee documents are included. They make interesting, if harrowing reading. [9] Questions still remain how it was that Wolf’s patients were able to appear before the committee at all. It may have been due to Clinton’s proclivity to go his own way or simply damage control to prevent further encroachments into modern day state secrets of mind control projects. In any event, all of the committee testimony was ignored and no real action taken.

In summary, beginning in 1948 during the period of post war upheaval and when so much of the world was being redrawn under pathocratic lines, the Nazi inspired mind control program was initiated. Over a period of 4 decades, children from the US, Mexico and South America, were used as experimental fodder. The original reasons for the research were to control the minds of these children in order to create flesh and blood “robots” for a range of missions that would not be recalled because of hypnotically induced amnesia. This could be removed by their controllers and reinstalled at will, rather like a computer programme. Children were raised and conditioned to be hard core sexpionage agents with a view to blackmailing Establishment Americans or foreign dignitaries. But it did not stop there: “Eventually, people from the inner core of the CIA program filmed each other, and some of the centres where children were used as sex agents got out of control and turned into CIA-operated sex rings. Some children were considered expendable and simply murdered.” [10]

During Rappoport’s research with Valerie Wolf and her patients, one victim recounted that brainwashing techniques were applied to children from Mexico and South America and that: “They were considered expendable.” If we remember the rape camps of San Diego that enslaved many Mexican children this becomes less and less improbable. America’s “best and brightest” were saved for a different purpose though the patient could not remember what their ultimate objective was. Nonetheless, it was not to produce agents to combat the Soviets at that time, the aims were much more far-reaching. The subversion and control of the movers and shakers of our world is a primary goal of any covert dictatorship. The Nazi manipulation of their culture and intelligentsia was a key step in their dominance and later total ponerisation of a nation to become the “willing executioners” of history. Nazi scientists were not the only ones to hitch a ride on Uncle Sam’s gravy train.There were large-scale, state by state operations starting with children when they were very young until they effectively owned their minds. More than 150 sub-projects under the MK-ULTRA banner were initiated with the commensurate failures and “successes” unknown. We can however guess at the details by watching present world events and piecing together much of the puzzle.


President Bill Clinton’s Human Subjects Review Memo for Vice President and Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies in February 1994.

“Natural human reactions … strike the psychopath as strange, interesting, and even comical. They therefore observe us … They become experts in our weaknesses and sometimes effect heartless experiments.”

– Andrew Łobaczewski, p.90; Political Ponerology


Many mind control subjects still alive from the 1950s to the late 60s, often mentioned under hypnosis an individual named “Dr. Green” or “Greenbaum,” though it may have been a cover for a group team of experimenters. Carol Rutz, one former child victim of the MK-ULTRA experiments was certain that her programmer – going by the aliases of both Dr. Black and Dr. Green – was indeed, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the “Angel of Death” by World War II concentration camp victims.

Following his disappearance from Auschwitz on January 18, 1945, it is rumoured that he worked extensively on mind control operations for US Shadow Government agencies. Though the knowledge of their use of Nazis in such activity was common place and the chronological history of the time adds to the speculation, there is no evidence other than witness testimony that the doctor was present during the subsequent experiments. According to Rutz: “Trauma based programming was theoretically the reason for some of the torturous things perpetrated on survivors. It was the cruellest form of mental brainwashing, and left the child completely disassociated and open to programming. Josef Mengele was a master at this.” [11]


Josef Mengele, happy in his work

Psychologist Dr. D Corey Hammond’s data including many other doctors’ confirm Rutz’s assertions that the many layers of programming encountered by therapists is extremely difficult to dismantle and required a high level of patience from both participants. There were cases where intense pain or terror was experienced during hypnosis sessions if an attempt was made to go directly to the core source of programming installed by the MK-ULTRA doctors. On many occasions this proved impossible to reverse, some cases indicating a danger to the patient if attempts to de-programme were continued, even to the extent of death. Hammond went on to mention the creation of powerful unconscious programmes within the victim producing multiple personalities that were assigned specific tasks and jobs. These “programmed alters” fell into several levels. (See table below).

Other experiments took place in Tuscon, Arizona in the desert. Chris De Nicola testified before the President’s Committee that her controller was also a “Dr. Greene” who used her  during childhood in radiation experiments to determine effects on the body parts and as a further method of trauma induction. De Nicola told the committee she was taught how to: “… pick locks, be secretive, use [her] photographic memory to remember things and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to [her]self.” Forms of torture as punishment were also used if the children were not cooperative: ‘I was caught twice and Dr. Greene tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning on a table, putting shots in my stomach, in my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal …’ [12]

De Nicola related how her father was also involved in the experiments confirming generational involvement, from military and agency families which has proven to be a common pattern. Yet, the cultural and political climate is not conducive to open debate about state-sanctioned crimes, especially when it is likely that for a Nazi philosophy and practice to take place, it must have the fertile ground by which it can seed. What we are seeing now are full grown branches extending into many offices and departments, the most open expression is within the US, British and Israeli governments with their CIA/MI6/MOSSAD spider’s web of malignancy. Jon Rappoport commented on his work with the late Dr. Valerie Wolf and the fear involved with speaking up about State crimes:

“Dr. Wolf told me that when word got around she was going to testify before the president’s committee, she was contacted by about 40 therapists ‘in just the 10 days leading up to my trip to Washington.’ The therapists had heard similar CIA mind-control stories from their own patients. Many of these professionals are afraid to go on the record about their patients’ stories, as censure from their professional societies is a reality. The political mood these days is not conducive to granting an aura of credibility to revelations of CIA brainwashing.” [13]

Programming name



General programming within the control personality.


Sexual programming, i.e. producing and directing child   pornography, prostitution and sexual training for blackmail or personal use. All ethical and moral behaviour are eliminated to produce conscienceless “robots” (sociopaths) so that all functions can be carried out without emotional inhibition.


Sleeping assassin who feels no fear. They are trained in the use of specialist arms and combat.


Psychic killing and a product of a variety of occult traditions – from voodoo to Sex Magick; hermetic to Golden Dawn initiations. Most victims with THETA programming exhibit an unusually high level of extra Sensory perception or ESP in their daily lives and chosen because of this innate ability.


Self-destruct programming used to prevent victims going public. If the patient began to remember or a therapist was poking around a little too expertly, this programme would be initiated often utilising intense pain and fear as a precursor.

Table 1. MK-ULTRA programming. Testimony revealed an umbrella of programming names with key objectives

If we now compare the above information with a 1992 lecture given by Dr. Corey Hammond called the “Greenbaum Speech,” it all sounds remarkably similar.

An extract from Dr. Hammond’s lecture follows:

Along with them was a young boy, a teenager, who had been raised in a Hasidic Jewish tradition [**] and a background of Cabalistic mysticism that probably appealed to people in the Cult because at least by the turn of the century Aleister Crowley had been introducing Cabalism into Satanic stuff, if not earlier. I suspect it may have formed some bond between them. But he saved his skin by collaborating and being an assistant to them in the death-camp experiments. They brought him with them.

They started doing mind-control research for Military Intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of cult programming today. His name is known to patients throughout the country.

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this, in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, ‘You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.’ [14] [Emphasis mine]

The above confirms that the “name that is known to patients throughout the country” was “Dr. Green” or the German-Jewish variation of “Greenbaum” a man who may represent a collective of programmers or an individual. Dr. Ewan Cameron headed the American Psychiatric Association and was a Kinseyian advocate under long-term CIA contract playing a key part in the mind control of American children. Claudia Mullin, the other of Wolf’s patients who testified related her experiences with Cameron which started when she was only 7 years-old:

“In 1958, 1 was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called the ‘Society’ [the Human Ecology Society, a CIA front]. I was told to cooperate; answer any of their questions. Then, since the test ‘might hurt,’ I would be given ‘shots, x-rays, and a few jolts of electricity.’ I was instructed not to look at anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names,’ as this was ‘a very secret project’ but to be brave an all those things would help me forget …

‘A Dr. John Gittinger tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr. Greene the x-rays … By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath [of Tulane Medical School] gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind!

‘The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to ‘sexually please men.’ Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms (Deputy Director of the CIA), Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible…I was to become a regular little ‘spy’ for them, after that summer, eventually entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine when this kind of sexual humiliation began.’ [15]

Dr Hammond had the uncomfortable feeling that: “… from some past experience…when you look at this you will find the large proportion of ritual-abuse victims in this country [US] are having their on-going therapy monitored.”

He continues:

I remember a woman who came in about twenty-four years old, claimed her father was a Satanist. Her parents divorced when she was six. After that it would only when her father had visitation and he would take her to rituals sometimes up until age fifteen. She said, “I haven’t gone to anything since I was fifteen.” Her therapist believed this at face value. We sat in my office. We did a two-hour inquiry using hypnosis. We found the programming present.

In addition to that we found that every therapy session was debriefed and in fact they had told her to get sick and not come to the appointment with me. Another one had been told that I was Cult and that if she came I would know that she’d been told not to come and I would punish her. If anything meaningful comes out in a patient who’s being monitored like that — from what I’ve learned thus far, they’re tortured with electric shocks — my belief is if they’re in that situation you can’t do meaningful therapy other than being supportive and caring and letting them know you care a lot and you’ll be there to support them. But I wouldn’t try to work with any kind of deep material or deprogramming with them because I think it can do nothing but get them tortured and hurt unless they can get into a safe, secure inpatient unit for an extended period of time to do some of the work required. [16]

We could understandably take this as a collective moral panic if historical data were not available to support a percentage of what the patients are saying. An interview conducted a senior level Navy Captain’s wife, with Kay Griggs in 1998, also gives similar statements. (We’ll take a closer look at Griggs in the post after next). Here, we have data that comes from two disparate sources: a military housewife giving details from her husband’s diary and a respected psychiatrist and hypnotherapist providing testimonies from hypnotised abuse witnesses. This is set against the well-known historical perspective of US and Nazi associations culminating in shared mind control programs. The subject then begins to look more compelling. (Yet, keep in mind, this is the ABC introduction to the subject of mind control. The deeper you dig the more endemic is seems to be).

It is sexual humiliation and even sex magick that defines the parameters of so called “science” in this context. For Establishment neo-Nazis (as a generic term for pathocratic perception) any experience, no matter how sordid or cruel can be explained away under the rigours of the “scientific method” or for the glory of America the ends of which nobly justifies the means. It must also be remembered that the many books on the market that tout the: “I was a mind control victim” may be factually accurate, partially true or wholly delusional – even a mixture of all three. Such a field of secrecy will always have its opportunists. This cannot be taken as a negation of the central premise of mind/body programming that was launched against the US population without their knowledge, the legacy and new models of which are no doubt being honed and utilised if we are pay attention to current events.

We cannot also deny that the subject of mind control is seen as an opportunity to ridicule and disparage. This, in some ways, is justified due to many unsubstantiated accusations flying about hither and thither, adding to the confusion and disinformation. Judicially recognised in federal and state courts as an expert on mind and behaviour control, Professor Alan Scheflin reiterates the danger of disinformation – especially if you are one of its many victims:

“MK-ULTRA was a program of the CIA which had 149 sub-projects on every avenue of mind and behaviour control. We know that was a real project, and we know what the sub-projects under it are, but there are many names that have been circulated of other projects and they cannot be verified, and if they cannot be verified, and you can’t prove them, your belief in them will hurt you in a court of law and also in doing good therapy. ” [17]

Nevertheless, the above evidence so far, offers interesting implications regarding the nature of ritual abuse and how some cases remain resistant to any real understanding and appraisal. If some ritual abuse utilises programming and is an essential part of the bloodline of intra-familial and generational abuse, it gives a whole new dimension to the “discourse of disbelief” and the considerable control exerted by members of such cultic networks largely outside government influence.


* Frank Olson, a United States Army biochemist and biological weapons researcher, was given LSD without his knowledge or consent in 1953 as part of a CIA experiment, and allegedly committed suicide a week later following a severe psychotic episode. A CIA doctor assigned to monitor Olson’s recovery was supposedly asleep in another bed in a New York City hotel room when Olson jumped through the window to fall ten stories to his death. Many commentators believe Olson was assassinated which is a far more likely scenario than the CIA’s suicide as the cause of death. See: . ‘What did the C.I.A. do to Eric Olson’s father?’ Michael Ignatieff, April 1, 2001; The New York Times Magazine.
** Given our recent discussion on the origins and practice of Hassidic Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch this is an interesting connection. We will return to this and other possibilities in later posts.


[1] ‘1934: The Plot Against America’ Harper’s magazine, July 28, 2007. |
[2] ‘Our Nazi allies’ by Ken Silverstein, Salon at, May 3, 2000.
[3] The Thule Society (German Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group for Germanic Antiquity’, was a German occultist and Völkisch group in Munich, notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. Many of the occult ideas found favour with Heinrich Himmler who, like Hitler, had a great interest in mysticism.
[4] The Occult and the Third Reich: the mystical origins of Nazism and the search for the Holy Grail. By Jean-Michel Angebert, Published by Macmillan Publishing 1974 | ISBN 0-02-502150-8.
[5] A List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents (including subprojects) is available from the National Security Archive. The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research institute and library that collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, a public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information through the FOIA, and an indexer and publisher of the documents in books, microfische, and electronic formats. The National Security Archive was founded in 1985 by a group of journalists and scholars who had obtained documentation under the FOIA and sought a centralized repository for these materials.
[6] U.S Department of Energy: Supreme Court Dissents Invoke the Nuremberg Code: CIA and DOD Human Subjects Research Scandals.
[7] ‘Orphans of the 1950’s, Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec’ By Clyde H. Farnsworth, The New York Times, May 21, 1993.
[8] Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments set up by President Clinton in 1994.
[9] US Government and Mind Control Experiments on Children e-book by John Rappoport.
[10] ‘CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children’ by Jon Rappoport, October 2006.
[11] A Nation Betrayed, The Chilling and true story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People by Carol Rutz Fidelity Publishing, 2001 ISBN: 0-9710102-0-X.| Based on 18,000 pages of FOIA documents from the CIA and other sources
[12] p.37; In the Statement made by Chris De Nicola to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15, 1995.
[13] Ibid.
[14] ‘The Greenbaum Speech’ Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse By D. C. Hammond Ph.D. delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992. at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. Originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech.”
[15] p7. in the Statement made by Claudia S. Mullin to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15 1995 (inserts by Jon Rappoport, from his extract of the same in Oct. 2006).
[16] Ibid. C. Hammond, 1992.
[17] op. cit. Scheflin; International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) and International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).

Satan’s Little Helpers II: Uncle Sam

 “… if purely material implements are capable of blowing up, from a few corners, the greatest cities of the globe, provided the murderous weapons are guided by expert hands – what terrible dangers might not arise from magical occult secrets being revealed, and allowed to fall into the possession of ill-meaning persons!”

– Helena Blavatsky, Studies in Occultism

Government, industry and intelligence agencies harbour pathological infections which have for several decades been channelled through the potency of occult activities. A potent mix of occult ritual spiced up with a ready supply of sexual abuse buffered by the military codes and high-level protection make it the ceremonial psychopath’s dream. Once again, as an arm of the Pathocracy, much of the the US military is suffering from ponerisation in a similar fashion to the Catholic Church and organised religion as a whole. Indeed, the military and religion have an obvious historical link for the  infection to spread.

Occult societies – in particular freemasonry – have been a open door for corruption and pathological contouring of its values. Hubris determines how severe the manifestation. Experiments in remote viewing and psychic powers [1]as well as advances in the application of neurological interface systems combining solider and machine have been well documented. The influence of Black Magick within corporate and military circles is less well known. It has become a label for many secret societies and cults which have been fused together over this century and the last, operating within a complex web of differing objectives and beliefs. [2] We’ll begin to take a necessarily brief look at some of these over the next few posts in the context of child abuse and mind control.

The influence of occult secret societies is ancient and pervasive having lodged itself in the majority of the Establishment institutions and centres of learning around the world. Though knowledge of the occult has increased through Hollywood and literature seldom has it explored the presence of military occultism in contemporary America. It seems that factions within the military operate a peculiar brand of Satanic occultism. What is known about the incidences of wide scale and systematic abuse within the military and its intersection with society has been researched by authors with much witness testimony to be found but the Establishment unsurprisingly keeps an extremely tight reign on its neophytes and initiaties since such a code of secrecy is already bound into the very notion of occult membership. Sexual abuse is a by-product of Satanic practice in mostly covert and sometimes overt forms. We will look at just a few examples suggestive of military-occult involvement.

1bMcMartin Pre-School

In 1983, 460 children were reported to have been sexually abused at the McMartin pre-school and Manhattan Ranch pre-school in Manhattan Beach; California. Many believe this was the spark that lit the Satanic abuse “witch hunts” and others consider it to show a true glimpse behind organised SRA.

Therapists at the Children’s Institute International interviewed and video-taped 400 children and another 60 at the Manhattan preschool. Over 410 children described being sexually abused. According to official correspondence between a Sergeant at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and an agent at the Academy of Behavioural Sciences Unit at the FBI:

Most children state they were photographed in the nude… They mention drinking a red or pink liquid that made them sleepy… Children disclose animal sacrificing (bunnies, ponies, turtles, etc.) and some of this occurred in Churches. Victims describe sticks put in their vaginas and rectums and also being ‘pooped’ and ‘peed’ on. Children say that the adults sometimes dressed in black robes, formed a circle around them and chanted. […] Children’s Institute International determined ‘a full eighty percent displayed physical symptoms, including vaginal or rectal scarring, anal bleeding, painful bowel movements, and the ‘anal wick reflex’ associated with violent penetration.’ [3]

Canandian journalist and author David McGowan states: “Some of the witnesses were former students in their teens and twenties and their stories corroborated those of the children. The older witnesses were not allowed to testify at the McMartin trials, however, as the statute of limitations for the crimes committed against them had expired.” This is loophole in the law that has been relied on by abusers time and time again.

Another supporting theory that was subsequently ridiculed as evidence of a hoax was the claims by children, that there were tunnels under the day care school itself where much of the abuse took place and supported by independent corroboration. After a survey was commissioned by the district attorney and used to officially disprove the idea of tunnels by concentrating work outside the building, McMartin parents hired their own independent and highly-respected archaeologist, E. Gary Stickel, PhD. This time their efforts would be focused inside the building. In 1990, they cut through the concrete slab and found accurate corroborations of the children’s’ pre-dig observations. What follows are extracts from a first-hand account by Dr. Roland Summit who personally examined the tunnels:

Joanie, 12 years old, was visiting her old preschool with her mother.  Dr. Stickel asked her, “Can you tell us where it was that you entered the tunnels and which way you turned?”  Joanie gave a meticulous description of every step along the way.  […] Under the classroom to the west the tunnel proceeded into a wide, room-like potential space of earth fill bearing remnants of timber, plywood, and tar paper which appeared to have shored up the ceiling of a ‘secret’ room. […]

The pattern of tunnels had absolutely no architectural or structural purpose.  The tunnels did not conform to expected trenching for foundations or utilities.  In fact, the profile of the shallow trench dug to accommodate the waste pipe leading across the main tunnel (Joanie’s reach-up-and-touch pipe) was clearly distinguishable as mechanically dug, showing the sharp angulation characteristic of a backhoe, whereas the tunnels had a rounded floor contour and shovel marks, showing that they had been dug by hand, presumably under the pre-existing concrete.

Two of the tunnel’s most definitive items were found just inside the foundation.  One, a tree root described by Joanie which had originally grown across the tunnel before being sawed away.  The proximal section of that root, still feeding the distant avocado tree, had partially healed and sent out new sprouts where it had been cut some years before.  The distal section, isolated at the other side of the tunnel was withered and dead.  Secondly, stainless steel pipe clamps joining an angle of the pipe where it crossed through the tunnel space had a different quality from the clamps elsewhere which had remained buried since installation. The other clamps were corroded from years of soil contact, while those crossing the tunnel looked shiny and new. [4]

The archaeological team itself found correspondences of the children’s descriptions including: two tunnel complexes, unrecognised structural features, multiple access routes and a “large cavernous artefact or “secret room.” Stickel himself concludes:

The McMartin Tunnel Project confirms that a functional pattern of tunnels once existed under the McMartin Preschool, that the tunnels provided access outside the walls of the structure, that they must have been constructed after the structure was built in 1966, and that they were subsequently completely repacked with extraneous soil and implanted artifacts at some time prior to May, 1990. While this project had no way of determining who dug these tunnels, or for what purpose, the discoveries stand in stark contrast to the sceptical position that the children only imagined what they described as activities underground.

If the stories of the children were bogus fantasies, there is no excuse for the tunnels discovered under the school. If there really were tunnels, there is no excuse for the glib dismissal of any and all of the complaints of the children and their parents. [5]

Though by no means definitive proof, the excavation turned up many artefacts and what appeared to be “occult-related objects” one of which was a toy tea-set plate – painted with three pentagrams – and an iron cauldron.  Some of these artifacts were mentioned in the children’s testimonies. This particular tunnel had a vital part to play in the abuse according to several of the McMartin children. They told their parents that they were led through the tunnel into the adjacent building and promptly loaded onto a van. (Remember, these are preschool children independently describing the same journey).

Various acts of necrophilia were described while another place called ‘the doctor’s house’ was consistently mentioned. Further details given by children led the parents to a mortuary and crematory as well as the aforementioned doctor’s residence. Interestingly, it was located in a wealthy community 20 miles away. It matched the description given by the children while police confirmed that the house was owned by a doctor.

The investigation was completed before the McMartin trails were over, but the evidence was refused by the prosecution and not reported by the local or national media. Other suspects independently verified by witnesses were left to fade into the background, much like the case itself. One of these was Robert Winkler who was recognised by McMartin children in news footage as the man they had known as the “Wolfman.” (Abusers often dress up in costumes to evade detection and play on the natural disbelief present in the public and some investigating teams. Hence children’s reports describing abuse from lions and gorillas etc.) Winkler had run a baby-sitting service in nearby Torrance, California at the Coco Palms Motel and was arrested for operating a paedophile ring. Children said that Winkler had often visited the school and had been responsible for supplying the drugs for use in ritual abuse. This abuse was said to have been conducted in churches, a cemetery, or a crematorium.

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The Wolfman would not be the only one to turn up dead (allegedly of a drug overdose) on the eve of his trial. Judy Johnson, a key prosecution witness, whose initial complaint caused the McMartin preschool teachers to be arrested, was found dead in her home, right before her scheduled testimony hearing. Media and attorneys decried her alcoholism and mental problems all of which were untrue, at least prior to the abuse her child had suffered. That Johnson was frequently followed and received frequent threats before her death was never discussed in the media though other parents expressed their scepticism about her death. [6] Paul Bynum, who had been hired by parents of victims was also found dead just before his testimony with a gunshot to the head. He was about to testify about the disputed tunnels.

In 1984, Dr. Roland Summit who personally consulted Judy Johnson (and confirmed her sanity) was contacted by a mother of her two preschool aged clients. She believed her estranged husband was involved in drug dealing and large scale child prostitution. The children had told their mother that their father had taken them to a prearranged location for encounters with naked adults and other young boys and girls. The testimony of these children also confirmed the existence of the “Wolfman” and independent verification of the building known as the Coco Palms Motel. Seven area preschools would be linked under this corroboration. No action was taken with the evidence provided by Summit. The children recanted their complaints soon after the “Wolfman’s” death, a recantation that must be viewed as highly suspicious.

Presidio and the Colonel

The Presidio Affair is perhaps the most famous for alleged military-based satanic/ sexual abuse, this time in a child development centre run by the US military in San Francisco. Gary Hambright, a day-care teacher, was charged with 12 counts of sodomy, oral copulation, and lewd conduct. Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, his wife Lilith and another man were identified by some of the children as those involved in the molestations. No formal charges were ever brought against Aquino, and the case against Hambright was later dismissed.

maquino_lgvdNoreen Gosch, who we may remember as the mother of Jeff Gannon aka: James Guckert, made a point of singling out Aquino at Paul Bonacci’s civil action and was adamant that Aquino was a key player in a nationwide Satanic ritual abuse ring. She told the court:

“We have investigated, we have talked to so far, 35 victims of this said organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul, and they can verify everything that has happened,’ …

Gosch explained to the jury about the CIA’s involvement through MK-ULTRA and its offshoot programs before arriving at Michael Aquino:

“He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He’s founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. [Leader of the Church of Satan] The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children.” Once the personalities of the victims had been deliberately split into multiple identities questioning under oath, or hooked up to a lie-detector was a waste of time. Without knowledge of multiple personality disorder (MPD) no information will be forthcoming. Gosch continued: “They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white.” [7]

Allegations about persistent abuse began to surface in November 1986. One report was taken seriously concerning a boy who was alleged to have been sexually abused by the day care teacher. The Army was criminally lax in their response to the abuse. One parent described how it took 12 days to form a strategy group and a month for the Army “… to notify the parents of other children who had been in ‘Mr. Gary’s’ class that the incident had taken place, that their children might be at risk.” [8]

Nearly a year would pass before more than 59 other victims had been identified from children between the ages of 3 and 7 with more allegations surfacing from the children themselves. While the Army assured them that it was a one off case, the parents’ own children were already showing signs of sexual abuse. Even more strangely, the Presidio centre stayed open for over a year after one of the boys claimed that ‘Mr. Gary’ had hurt him.

Some of the key allegations were summarized by Linda Golton’s extensive report in the San Jose Mercury News:

  • Some of the children said they were taken from the day care center to private homes on the Presidio where they were sexually abused. Two houses were singled out on the Army post and at least one home off-post, in San Francisco.
  • One girl said she played ‘poopoo baseball’ at the home of one of her female teachers. The girl said the game involved throwing feces at the teacher.
  • Other children talked about playing the ‘googoo game’ with ‘Mr. Gary’. It involved Hambright having the children urinate and defecate on him. Then he would do the same to them. Sometimes, the children said, they were forced to drink urine and eat feces.
  • Some said they had blood smeared on their bodies.
  • One 3-year-old boy said he was sexually abused on his first visit to the center. That day was also his birthday.
  • A 3-year-old girl said ‘Mr. Gary’ used special pens, black, blue, pink and red — to doodle on her, starting at her legs and moving up over her genitals. The same child said she saw one of her friends at the center cry when ‘Mr. Gary’s’ friend, a woman, pointed a gun at the friend.
  • There were five confirmed cases of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, including two of the four daughters of one family.
  • Some children said they had guns pointed at them. Others said they were told they or their parents would be killed if they told what happened. [9]

There was plenty of evidence that serious molestation and child rape occurred at the centre, yet it was ignored in favour of promoting, once again, the “lone paedophile” scenario so enamoured of the law, justice and now the military. Just to make sure that Aquino and the military would remain outside further scrutiny, a convenient fire erupted which destroyed the Army Community Services building right next to the Presidio centre and with it the child development centre records. Three weeks later the four classroom day care centre itself was burned to the ground. According to the San Jose Mercury News, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms found that: “… both fires, contrary to the Army’s finding, had been arson.” [10]

A damning report completed in 1987 by Col. William J. Shaffer and which was never released, showed just how duplicitous the military had been in citing: “Dead Spots at nursery school where children-adults could hide, where some incidents of child molestation took place.” [11] (Shaffer is now dead according to the Air force Memorial Foundation).

The Presidio child day-care centre and its victims were left to fade away but the credibility of the accusations directed at Aquino still remains and are worth revisiting.

A former stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, former student at the National Defence University; holder of two advanced degrees in political science and a highly decorated military man who served in the Green Berets, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino managed to surface in all areas most secretive and unsavoury therefore arousing the most suspicion. A specialist in Psychological Warfare, he served as Liaison officer to NATO countries. A consulting faculty member of U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, he believes in the by now familiar looniness of a “Coming Apocalypse with annihilation except for a few elect.” Obviously, Aquino believes he is one of these “elect.” He worked with Anton LaVey the creator of the Church of Satan and writer of The Satanic Bible until 1975, (La Vey was associated with Roman Polanski, the Manson Family, Son of Sam etc.) until his initiation as a high priest and leader of his own church of the Temple of Set, a Satanic Church with its headquarters in San Francisco. [12] [13]

La Vey apparently conducted occult rituals patterned on ceremonies led by Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler in his own castle in Germany during the Third Reich. Aquino performed the rituals “to recreate an order of knighthood for followers of Satan,” a kind of inverted Knights of Camelot, if you will. He then encouraged his followers to study the beliefs of the Nazi terrorist group, the Vehm, the Thule Gesellshaft and the Ahnenerbe, three fanatically right wing, Aryan groups that existed before and during Hitler’s reign. Aquino’s book list for the Church of Set, includes Mein Kampf, Hitler: The Occult Messiah, and The Occult Roots of Nazism. It would seem reasonable to assume that Aquino had more than a passing interest in Nazism and thus its uses and applications. [14]


Anton LaVey

One of the crucial pieces of evidence that linked the Colonel to the case in the first place was the parents of one child who had noticed: “changes in their daughter’s behaviour after placing her in Gary Hambright’s class four or five times in September and October of 1986. The girl, who turned 3 in October, had begun having nightmares and would wet herself when frightened.” Eventually they took their daughter to a therapist at Letterman Army Medical Centre in February of 1987. Under therapy, the child talked of a man called ‘Mikey’ and another woman, as ‘Shamby’ at the military commissary:

On Aug. 12, 1987, the [parents] Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. Michael Aquino.

‘Yes, that’s Mikey,’ the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, ‘he’s a bad man and I’m afraid.’ As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino’s wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman.

‘Yes, that’s Shamby,’ the girl said.

The family went home and called the FBI. [15]

Later in the therapy she described their home, with black walls, cross-over ceiling, a distinct bathtub and the Satan rituals which were performed on her. San Francisco Police raided the apartment of Aquino only to find a description identical to the child’s:

When interviewed by authorities the next day, the girl identified Gary Hambright from a photo lineup and said she had been driven to Mikey and Shamby’s home by Hambright. There, she said, she was abused by Hambright, Mikey and Shamby in a room with black walls. She said that she had been photographed. She said Hambright and Mikey were dressed in women’s clothes and Shamby was dressed in man’s clothes.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth, the girl identified the house as the one where she met ‘Mikey’ and ‘Shamby.’ It was the Aquino’s house. […] [16]

No action was taken.

Much has been written about Aquino’s involvement and though there is proof of complicity for a court case he was protected by the military-occult complex until his death in October 2011. The circumstantial evidence and Aquino’s shadowy history alone do little to limit the “bad taste” one gets when presented with the cases like Presidio or McMartin pre-school. One Army spokesmen at the Pentagon label said regarding Aquino’s military career as “extraordinary” but that he was entitled to his religious beliefs. Concerning his top security clearance, they saw his openness about being a Satanist “made him much less of a security risk than a homosexual or someone with drug or money problems would be.” [17]

Be that as it may, the man had become a byword for Satanism, intelligence, mind control, assassinations and all things nefarious yet he remained untouchable, even appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show to protest his innocence and extol the virtues of the much misunderstood Satan. If Sammy Davis Jr. had been an esteemed member of his Church want on earth was all the fuss about? [18]

The uses of reverse psychology or making a person or populace believe one thing while doing another in “plain sight,” was second nature to men such as Aquino and he never concealed it – it was his bread and butter after all. He was the archetype of the dark lord with bony finger in every power-filled pie. He had been “investigated” by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in paedophile cases while carrying out his Satanic duties as leader of the Temple of Set, the most popular religion in the US. In addition to this, Aquino’s pioneering work in military PSYOPS whilst retaining the highest-level security clearances confirmed the nature of his role as a strange personification of all that one should distrust about Establishment and military-occult America, even to the point of obvious caricature. Aquino was a trickster in a manner befitting a black ops operative and sort after military asset.


Aquino and wife “Lilith”

The Colonel and his wife Lilith carefully refuted the many allegations. His consequent responses to internet allegations were found both at and David McGowan’s website  which proves interesting reading indeed. Aquino raises some valid points concerning the hysteria which sprang up around SRA with manufactured evidence and sensationalist reporting whipped up by Christian fundamentalists. In the Colonel’s words: “A review of my attorney’s district & appeals briefs & orals will glaringly expose what was actually taking place: a court cover-up of blatant Senatorial/Sec Army/CID misconduct – and simultaneous brushing-aside of numerous illegal actions against an Army officer and his wife of a ‘politically incorrect religion.’” He then proceeds to list his US military citations and awards, with further verbiage promoting the view that he is clearly a valuable asset and respected pillar of the community, which says little since most sexual predators cultivate such a social status, and hardly proof of anything other than an old boys’ network at play.

The nature of his work and associations will always cast a literal shadow on his proclamations of innocence in this matter and others like him. Conversely, the fact that Aquino was a member of the Temple Of Set and a high ranking military official is disturbing enough, but it does not necessarily equate his actions with ritual sexual abuse per se. What it does provide is a “turf war” between branches of pseudo-freemasonic Satanists and Christians where the alleged crimes of Aquino and the military apparatus in general become lost in “Satanic rituals,” while the real reason for such activities continue to be obscured. One cannot escape the fact that such perceptual cross-fires are Aquino’s speciality. The principles of Niccoli Machiavelli’s The Prince are the basic tenets of PSYOPS, closely related to the Black arts and mind control. Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was a primary specialist in this field.

It may well have been true that Aquino was drawn into a military sex ring which, with his delusions of priestly grandeur, looking down at ordinary folk from his Setian ebony tower. Given the nature of his role it is far more probable that Aquino was the designated and willing focus to deflect attention and attacks away from the presence of Satanic abuse networks in the military as a whole. Appearing on Oprah Winfrey show as the flamboyant Satanist advocating simply another religion and replying to online accusations claiming innocence may have all been part of the package of distraction for those who prey on children at the top of the pathocratic pile.



[1] The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex by W. Adam Mandelbaum. Published by Saint Martin’s Press, 2000 | ISBN-10: 031220955X.
[2] In the words of British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli during an address to the House of Commons in 1856: “It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads…. They do not want constitutional government; they do not want ameliorated institutions… they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil, and to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments … ”
[3] op. cit. McGowan (p.47)
[4] ‘The dark tunnels of McMartin.’ By Roland Summit, Journal of Psycho-history, Vol. 21.  397-406, 1994.
[5] ‘Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool site, Manhattan Beach, California,’ by E. Gary Stickel, Ph.D.
[6] ‘Sex Case Accuser is Discovered Dead.’ The New York Times, December 20 1986.
[7] “Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military” by Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, July 2, 1999. (Extracts can also be found in John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover up).
[8] ‘Army of the Night: Child Abuse at the Presidio, the Parents’ Agony, the Army’s Cover-Up, The Prosecution’s Failure By Linda Goldston, San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] ‘Scathing Report on Presidio Child-Care Center’ SA Chronicle, March 21, 1988.
[12] “Set was depicted most commonly as a human form with some sort of animal head, featuring a long, curved snout and upright ears. He was a god that went through periods of extreme popularity and unpopularity in Egypt, depending on the beliefs of the prevailing ruling class. At times Set was widely worshipped as a god representing individual consciousness, as well as the darker forces of nature (thunder, deserts, etc.). During other periods Set was looked at as being a god of evil, violence, and hostility. In some Egyptian myths, Set was born by violently bursting out of the side of his mother’s womb, killed his brother Osiris, and was in the business of stealing dead people’s souls in the underworld.” ( Not exactly a glowing endorsement for the US Army…
[13] Aquino stepped down in 1996 and handed over the reins to Don Webb who later handed on the beastly baton to High Priestess Zeena Schreck in September 2002. Zeena, Magister Aaron Besson, Magister Nikolas Schreck, and Magister Michael Kelly all resigned on 8 November 2002 as well as four other Priests. Temple of Set sources have claimed that perhaps sixty of the adepts, initiates and Setian high degrees have left the Church over the past several years. Obviously, Set drives a hard bargain.
[14] The Last Circle By Carol Marshall 1994 | | ‘The Pedophocracy’ Chapter III: ‘Uncle Sam Wants Your Children’ by David McGowan, August 2001.
[15] ‘Army of the Night: Child Abuse at the Presidio, the Parents’ Agony, the Army’s Cover-Up, The Prosecution’s Failure By Linda Goldston, San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid.

Satan’s Little Helpers I

 I am completely convinced that there is a small amount of organised and ritual abuse in this country [U.K.] which, I think, has a definitely Satanist belief in it or is used by paedophiles to make their rituals more terrifying.”

– ‘Children born for sacrifice’, by David Taylor, The Daily Mail,  February 10, 2000.

All right, so the UK’s Daily Mail isn’t exactly a reliable source for such claims.

However, in amongst it’s heavy conservative bias and xenophobic “Little-Britain” mentality, it has the occasional gem. And Mr. Taylor is correct on this one.

A case can certainly be made for the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) within society as a whole with tributaries to formalised networks laid down by the Establishment. There is enough Black Magick folklore and cultural influences to stimulate those who are attracted to such things. It is also a very big part of what we may call the ceremonial psychopath’s leisure time.

The perpetrators of ritualistic abuse appear to fall into five categories:

  • The lone teenager or the twenty-something loner which seems to be the most common form.
  • A mixed gender gang practising small time ritual abuse separated from any external network.
  • The extended community network of intra-familial ritual abuse.
  • Family inter-generational ritual abuse that remains strictly within that family.
  • The male and female duo. The male frequently perpetrates the actual crimes where the female assists. She may also be the instigator and subsequent observer.

All five categories are separated from Establishment and high-level activity and therefore act as a reflection (and a deflection) of the former, while underscoring the psychopathology that has been progressively seeded in our societies.

Sociologist Dr. Sara Scott’s extensive interviews with British intra-familial ritual abuse victims show a wariness and reluctance to give the abuse a wider context by attaching it to a particular belief system. There is a common assumption from sceptics and full-time detractors of SRA that all ritual abuse is part of a network of international Satanists. While the latter is not untrue, there is a grey aread or middle ground to be found, as is usually the case.

Scott claims her interviewees had “little knowledge about how their abusers networked with others,” their main concern was how they coped with assimilating what was done to them and how to manage their lives. They also gave several different reasons as to why they thought their abusers were carrying out such acts against them, reinforcing the idea that most abusers use the mantle of satanic practices to indulge their psychopathic whims. While one was driven by “greed and lust” another was a “true believer,” honour bound to continue the tradition.

Scott asks her young interviewee:

And what was this for, were you told what any of this was meant to be about?

Well I was told it was Lucifer, but I was never told in great Detail, apart from about eating the flesh. ‘Cos my Gran thought she would be immortal if she ate human flesh. That’s proved wrong ‘cos my Grandma died this winter. [1]

A lesson there, for grandma.

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The loner type with a background of Black Magick is common. Returning to the United States, a report from 1997 in the Daville; Illinois; described the conviction of Robbie Moore who was jailed on three counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault and one count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. Several children, some as young as 4 years old, complained of being sexually abused after joining an informal witchcraft club led by Moore. He was sentenced to a total of 67 years. [2]

Over in Arkansas three 8-year-old boys, Steve Branch, Christopher Byers and Michael Moore disappeared while riding their bicycles in May 1993. Their naked bodies were found the next day in a watery drainage ditch. The boys had been bound, raped and beaten and one child sexually mutilated. In the following month Jessie Lloyd Misskelley, 17; Michael Wayne Echols, 18; and Charles Jason Baldwin, 16, were arrested: “During the trial prosecutors presented evidence suggesting that Echols was a Satanist. Acquaintances said Echols carried a cat’s skull to school, wrote satanic poems, and claimed to worship the devil.” The Chicago Tribune also reported that Jessie Lloyd Jr. “related that the cult held orgies in the woods, and that to join, members had to kill dogs and eat their back legs…” […] ‘We go out, kill dogs and stuff, and then carry girls out there …’ and we have an orgee (sic) and stuff like that,…’[3]

Not exactly an example of a well-adjusted youth…but quite a sound indication of clustered psychopathy.

Moving to Jordan, Minnesota, in 1984, 27-year-old James John Rud, gave police a 113-page statement in which he described sadistic assaults on children. The garbage collector already had a history of sex abuse convictions. Knowing he would be in for a long stretch, he agreed to plead guilty and testify against 24 other adults charged with molesting 37 children – from 2 to 17 years old – in ritualistic orgies. By doing this he would receive a reduced sentence.

Following Rud’s arrest: “a police officer reported seeing a stack of approximately 12 VCR cassette tapes, a large box containing pornographic magazines, two green garbage bags of pornographic material,…and numerous items of children’s clothing.”  Rud’s parents interrupted the search and became “so abusive and threatening” that the officer “vacated the premises to avoid an altercation.”  When he returned the next day, all the above items had disappeared.  In a subsequent search of another suspect’s home, police did retrieve candles and miniature bowling pins children alleged were used to violate them. Lab tests confirmed the objects were contaminated with human faeces. [4] Parents, relatives and family friends were all said to be involved in the abuse. Pornographic photography, sexual assaults and the use of drugs and alcohol were described by the children, some of which took place inside Rud’s trailer.[5]

One child witness recanted his accusation of abuse against two defendants who were acquitted. This led to Attorney General. Hubert Humphrey III formally asking Scott County Prosecutor Kathleen Morris “…to explain publicly why she suddenly dropped all criminal charges against 22 remaining defendants,” even though a 126 pages of police notes contained allegations that implicated some of the former defendants in ritualistic child murders.[6]Rud was sentenced to 40 years in January 1985.

In February 1984, in Virginia, Richmond, 12 year old Jessica Hatch had set out to walk to her grandmother’s house. She never arrived. The upper torso was discovered outside the city with wounds and markings suggestive of ritual abuse. Just a few months previous to the murder, two children, ages 7 and 5, were taken into care after allegations that their mother and her boyfriend had been sexually abusing them. The children said they were forced to witness the murder of a 12-year-old girl during a cult ritual. While the police later found occult paraphernalia, at the home of the abused children testimonies were unforthcoming as they would “would freeze up…” and the police “couldn’t tell whether they were telling the truth or fantasizing.” The sexual abuse charges were dismissed. [7]

convicted sex offender and friend of the two suspects Gary Jay Beattie was: “arrested for making indecent proposals to a 9-year-old girl and two 13-year-old girls. All three girls knew Jessica Hatch and said that Beattie had also propositioned her. Beattie was acquitted of accosting the 9-year-old, but entered a plea bargain on outstanding sex charges involving the 13-year-old victims. His 5-year prison sentence was suspended.”  [8]

Beattie continued to be in and out of court on multiple charges of voyeurism which is hardly indicative of satanic abuse. However, he was seen as the closest thing to a suspect, although his history and character did not fit the butchering and mutilation characterised by the Hatch case. According to the local magazine in the area, it was not until a Richmond homicide detective “leaked” the true story that the crime was officially labelled as a satanic sacrificial killing. The police officers who were interviewed claimed there was a certain “police dilemma” in handling the ritual-in-progress situations which meant that the “police couldn’t legally interrupt a Satanic sacrifice ritual until the High Priest’s hand is actually seen arching downward toward the sacrifice-victim-to-be.” [9] Constitutional protections of the free exercise of religion were cited.

While important constitutional rights continue to disappear we have the exercise of freedoms for those to prey upon others still in place. Ergo, Jessica Hatch murder remains unsolved.

We now cross over to Toronto, and memories of Canada’s longest child welfare trial. The book Ritual Abuse (2006) describes the a women known as “Sharon Wells” a mother in need of a kidney donation from her own daughters. The only problem was that her daughters had accused her of horrific abuse and satanic murders almost 20 years previously.

The three young sisters were taken away from their mother by a judge who ruled she had sexually abused them in what was known as the infamous Cannibalism Case. Claims of sexual orgies, graveside Satanic murders, pornography and bestiality were recounted. The videos were alleged to have often been filmed at their home or at Hamilton TV station’s studio.

7-year-old Janis and 5-year-old Linda gave graphic descriptions of “midnight graveyard scenes with dancing and singing, of people with masks, of opening of graves and coffins together with gross sexual activities suggests cult activities,” …the murder of children as well as adults, of dismemberment, of cutting flesh from bones. ‘They have a camera,’ the foster mother quoted Janis telling her.

At the end of the 18 month welfare hearing Wells always protested her innocence despite her own history of trauma from an abusive father. Their stepfather was alleged to have been an equal partner in the crimes. The police never fully believed the children’s stories and no charges were ever laid. However, Judge Thomas Beckett “was convinced that the children’s ‘rich detail’ was evidence enough of deep trauma. [10]

Although a 1993 survey by the American Bar Association’s Center on Children and Family Law determined that 26 percent of prosecutors nationwide have handled cases involving ritualistic or sexual abuse, the cases that are genuine and not confused with what we may call “standard” sexual abuse, these seldom obtain prosecutions due to the disbelief of authorities and the possibility that severely traumatised children will be able to withstand cross-examination. Despite victims’ accounts indicating ritualistic abuse the clear categorisation and focus is missing in most cases.

There are some court cases that are dismissed or convictions overturned due to the tiniest of technicalities, thus allowing the perpetrators to freely abuse again. Cases that stretch to two or three retrials on the defence purposely using loopholes and technicalities to nullify the prosecutor’s case are a common tactic. They know that the parent’s love of their already traumatised children will not put them through a third trial.

One thing is certain, when enough cases of Satanic abuse are proved to be hoaxes, a highly subjective purview on the part of authorities and an unnecessary muddying of sexual abuse with Satanic themes, this allows a very effective buffer in society that equates all Satanic abuse with disbelief and delusion. There are no shortages of cases that show the stigma of these associative factors. The FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) statistics list only 16,504 total homicides reported to law enforcement in 2003 while the FBI officially believes a satanic conspiracy to be untenable, as do many academic institutions and organisations.

SRA lends itself to what has been called “satanic panic” and not without good reason. The hysteria induced by the religious right and Christian fellowships further complicates the matter. If one believes in Satan and God then it often follows that ritual abuse not only exists but is to be found everywhere. A religious belief in the hierarchy of angels and demonic forces battling each other through the human world is a common belief in many Christian minds. For those of a more secular persuasion, this so-called evidence of a “demon-haunted world” is nothing more than the same irrational belief that places its faith in Jesus walking on water, and by extension, conspiracy theories of SRA.

baphometEliphas Levi’s representation of Baphomet from “Transcendental Magic” (1854)

“Levi’s image of Baphomet is not a representation of the Christian Devil but a symbol of the astral light, the dual current of occult force behind all magical work. This force may be employed for either good or evil ends, but is neither good nor evil in itself.”  – Michael Osiris Snuffin

The late scientist Carl Sagan passionately believed similar superstitions were bringing the world into a New Dark Age and had to be resisted at all costs. But is it not possible that between the stigma of the religious label of “Satan” and the hysteria from Christian reactions and over-zealous researchers that there is a source of compelling testimony, where ritual abuse is a reality? All abuse could be seen to be Satanic in the sense that it is birthed from evil and produces evil effects. We may just as easily call it “ceremonial psychopathy” – the results are the same.

Examples of this confusion include the infamous trails in Nottingham, Rochdale and the Orkney Islands which were akin to the Salem Witch trials of old. While intra-generational abuse may have been a reality in the Nottingham cases, it was side-lined when Satanic ritual abuse was brought into the mix. In fact, during the 1980s and 90s there were scores of high profile cases which saw many persons spend a number of years in jail who were completely innocent. Sex abuse has often been thrown out when the more “risky” accusations of SRA surface.

Since that time, there have been less cases of Satanic networks of the kinds that were alleged to have been operating, further suggesting signs of panic, a subsection of the wider “discourse of disbelief” that partly gave rise to the “moral panic”  discussed in Crowd Control. Suggestive interrogation techniques used on children have added to the confusion causing many a case to dissolve into farce. Even if abuse was present, without physical evidence, cases often start placing exclusive importance on child testimony alone, which eventually leads to the dismissal of the case.

One possible example of Satanic panic follows.

In 1994, Canadian Darren Koehn was baby-sitting his 3 year-old son Jeremy who was poorly. He had taken a nap and had awoken to the cries of his son needing “the puke bucket.” He instinctively hopped over the coffee table to attend to his son and no doubt retrieve the receptacle. In his haste to do so, he landed on Jeremy who had been lying on the floor behind the table. Koehn checked his son to see if he was unhurt. The baby appeared to be fine, a conclusion of negligence that would cost Jeremy dear. In fact, he had internal injuries in his abdominal area. A couple of hours after the accident, his son had a convulsion and aspirated on his own vomit. When the paramedics arrived, Koehn and his neighbour were desperately trying to revive him, but to no avail.

By the time Darren and his son were at hospital in the emergency room, suspicions were being voiced from the doctor and emergency crews about the minor scrapes and bruises on Jeremy which “fit the profile” of potential abuse. Koehn was arrested at the hospital and charged with negligence. The charges were to become much more serious based on a catalogue of flawed evidence, bias from police, the courts, the pathologist and Koehn’s vindictive in-laws. According to one report on the case, a “hand-picked” pathologist was chosen with a clear bias towards SRA and where “her extraordinary testimony was needed to convict in a ‘satanic ritualistic crime’.”  Her work as an impartial and objective pathologist was therefore called into question along with errors, distortions and contamination of key evidence that was not discovered as false until after the trial.

The New-Age items and décor also helped to categorise Koehn’s tragic mistake as a profile for a “Satanic Crime.” Koehn and his mother were Wiccans, (Wicca is a Neo-pagan religion found in many different countries and with a generally benign history). With potential abuse already foremost in the investigating police officers’ minds, they arrived to investigate Koehn and his mother whom they had been living with since a custody battle with in-laws. It would be these in-laws, devastated by the loss of their nephew that would accuse Koehn of Satanism, adding further fuel to an already hysterical mob clamouring for blood. With grossly distorted forensic evidence which was not presented in court, Darren Koehn remains in prison with little chance for an appeal lawyer. [11]

From his own independent investigations which included Pamela Hudson’s research into child ritual abuse cases in the 1980s and spanning some 35 years of experience working in mental health for both in-patient and out-patient, SRA Researcher James Quan is in no doubt about: “the internal consistency present in current reports of SRA” which he describes as “astounding.”

Quan offers one example from Hudson’s research:

“In 1988, she conducted a telephone survey of one set of parents from each of 10 day care cases and the non-offending parent of two brothers from a coven case – for a total of 12 children representing 11 locations – on the East Coast, Texas, and up and down the West Coast. No parent knew beforehand that she would be calling, and therefore no one had an opportunity to compare responses before her call. She spoke only to the parents, not the children.”  [12]

37 Adults from 5 separate wards in 4 separate hospitals across the country were surveyed over the course of two years of treatment. There were extensive correlations and similarities between child survivors from 11 locations and adult survivors from 4 hospitals across the country, both within each study and between the two studies. [13]

In fact, it may be something more complex that is allowed to hide behind normalised dynamics. But the systematic and organised networks of sexual abuse using Satanism as a convenient method of “masking” may not be a fantasy. Or as Quan eloquently suggested, perhaps the: “…consistent symptoms do reflect a sadistic reality of a self-perpetuating addiction to power through sexualized evil, in which there is a confirmed code of secrecy.” [14]

Unless accompanied with suitable “conspiracy theory” derision, Satanism in the media is taboo partly due to sensationalism and the seemingly outlandish claims described by some victims. To be fair, SRA has in the past become a classic example of tabloid journalism, which of course it is. Picture busty High Priestess torch-lit with skulls and candles strategically placed in foreground under a banner: “Horror of Blood-soaked Bedlam in Bedford: Suburban Housewife conducts Black Magick Rituals against Estranged Husband!” It works perfectly as a double layer, with isolated cases of paedophilia and incompetent police investigations, or community “network” loosely termed. A satanic element to the crimes can be revealed and lurid details are splashed across the newspapers. All this may serve to keep a lid on the true nature of satanic abuse that can often be enmeshed with organised crime, blackmail and mind control all of which are considered the province of conspiracy theorists and thus not worth pursuing. The mainstream media do their best to see that such a perception continues.

What is now being discovered is that ritual abuse in a Satanic context may actually be a form of international ritual abuse beyond the confines of the lone paedophile but well within the context of child rape network and human trafficking.

Various strains of existentialism and Kabbalistic cross-overs can all be blended into forms of Satanic occultism. It has become a generic term for certain forms of occult practice known as “the left-hand path” where the God of Matter is worshipped and manipulation for selfish ends takes precedent. Can we not label any ponerised results of ideologies and political or social practices which induce large-scale pathology as “Satanic”? Dictionary definitions characterise Satan as: “extremely wicked; devil-like; diabolical” with “Satan” sourced from “Abrahamic origins … traditionally applied to an angel, demon, or minor god in many belief systems.” The manifestations of Satanism can be seen clearly enough, in both implicit and explicit terms. It matters little what labels are used. A deeper definition of Satanism, beyond the confines of masks and robes could be said to be the form of evil that induces aberrant forms of pathology in the populace on its behalf. This serves to keep such evil firmly ensconced behind whatever organisation, government body or Establishment institution deemed suitable.

If we are to look for more overt examples we need only follow the recent history of the military-corporate complex, a Nazi heritage of which forms the background of much of the Conservative and Anglo-American Establishment. Could it be that Satanic rituals practiced by the SS and high ranking officers of the Third Reich continue under the auspices of NATO and the US military?

It may not be as far-fetched as it sounds.



[1] op. cit. Scott (p. 90) (see Sex, Lies and Society.)
[2] ‘Ritual child-abuse allegations draw attention to Danville case.’ By M. Kelley, Associated Press, January 27, 1997.
[3] ‘Murders of 8-year-olds reportedly a cult ritual,’ Chicago Tribune, Jun 8, 1993.
[4] Moss, D.C. ‘Are the children lying?’ by D.C. Moss, ABA Journal, May 1,59-62. 1987.
[5] ‘Sexual abuse case continues to haunt town in Minnesota.’ By J. Crewdson, J., Emmerman, and E. Ogintz, Chicago Tribune, December 16, 1984.
[6] ‘Dropping of sex cases investigated’ by Eileen Ogintz, Chicago Tribune, Oct 17, 1984.
[7] ‘Sensational cases across the country.’ By A. Ross, San Francisco Examiner, September 29, 1986.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Style Weekly, Richmond, Issue January 19, 1988,
[10] Daughters asked to donate kidney to ailing mother they accused of horrific sexual abuse, By Michele Mandel, Toronto Sun, January 29, 2006.
[11] For more information about Darren Koehn visit the website The website links to an Online Petition demanding attention to the appeal and the case reopened.
[12] ‘A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data.’ By James Quan, November 1996. (various websites).
[13] ‘Ritual child abuse: A survey of symptoms and allegations,’ by Pamela Hudson, Journal of Child and Youth Care, Special Issue, 27-53.
[14] op. cit. Quan

The Z Factor X: Chabad Lubavitch (3)

“The abuse and its cover-up are symptoms of wider political dysfunction—or, more precisely, symptoms of socially disastrous political control by religious elites.”

Journalist, Christopher Ketchum

While the cult of Chabad Lubavitch has considerable reach within the US government what is even more astonishing is the evidence that some sections of the movement may be nothing more than an organised crime syndicate acting as an ideological parasite accruing billions of dollars in the process. Leading Lubavitchers have on many occasions been convicted of money laundering, drug trafficking and connections to various Mafia. [1]

Then there is the matter of sexual abuse.

When you peruse certain extracts from the Talmud it is not an exaggeration to say that many forms of sexual abuse are not only condoned but encouraged within its pages. This may go some way in explaining why is it that so many Chabad house leaders and other Jewish Rabbis have been accused of paedophilia and sexual assault: there is a subconscious rationalisation that somehow this is sanctified.

Indeed, some District Attorney’s allow plea deals that keep them out of prison and off sex offender registries. Some rabbis act as gatekeepers to prevent awareness of the issue of abuse in Hasidic circles as soon as reports arrive at the police. Today there is still a media blackout on Jewish child abuse. Child abuse scandals in the Catholic Church get extensive media coverage, yet abuse from Hasidic / Chabad or Haredi children is wholly absent from most of the popular sources of the MSM. [2]

In Israel October of 2006, Rabbi Yoram Aberjil was accused of cult-like practices, sexual harassment of young women and threatening the lives of the survivors and those who support them. One witness who tried to escape the ultra-orthodox community with her family related a conversation she had had with the Rabbi in which he stated: “I want you to know that your children are precious to me,” he said. “I won’t let anyone pick the fruit I planted. The next conversation will be really painful. I will follow you. I have ways of making you disappear in a hit-and-run accident. I will curse your children. I’m telling you, I have powers. Your children will be orphans.” [3]

In October 12 2002 Rabbi Baruch Lanner was convicted of sexually abusing two teenage girls at a religious school where he was the principal. “Mr. Lanner was convicted on June 27 of charges that stem from incidents from 1992 to 1997, when he was principal of the Hillel Yeshiva High School in Ocean Township, Monmouth County.” [4]According to the website and their voluminous investigations of child rape and paedophilia within the Jewish religion, Lanner had been heavily protected by fellow Rabbis and his victims ignored: “Lanner stayed at NCSY. He was not reported to police. No provisions were made to protect the children in NCSY’s care… But victims went public. The Orthodox Union (OU) responded by smearing them.

After initial successes, including a rigged beit din (religious court) run by Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Modechai Willig, the OU’s attempts to smear victims failed. Lanner was arrested, tried and convicted. In the aftermath, a small number of Lanner’s enablers were forced out of the OU.” [5] By December 2008 Rabbi Lanner was honoured by both the OU and the NCSY and given a National Award for his services. The NCSY’s maxim of “inspiring the Jewish Future” takes on somewhat bizarre connatations in light of this fact.

Rabbi Aryeh Blaut AKA: Louis Steven Blaut of Seattle USA was: “… a past principal of a Jewish Day School in Seattle, WA. He was originally arrested in November 2003 for possession of child pornography. He pled guilty in July, 2004 and sentenced on Sept. 24, 2004. Rabbi Blaut spent 21 months in a federal prison in New Jersey.” According to the United States Department of Probation, “Blaut is not allowed contact with anyone under the age of eighteen on the internet or in person.” According to one blog for Jewish survivors of sexual abuse: “… there was no press coverage on this case, yet a reliable source stated that 1800 individuals in the community received a letter.” [6]
Other cases that are almost impossible to find in MSM and internet sources yet can be verified by state legislator and penitentiary records are the following from the awareness

  • Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (AKA: Lippa Brenner) (Brooklyn, NY) Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years’ probation.
  • Case of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Brizel (Jerusalem, Israel) Accused of child molestation.
  • Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach There is a Call for Action on this case. Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young adult women.
  • Case of Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen – (Montreal and Toronto Canada) Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants.
  • Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Israel) Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University.
  • Case of Rabbi Asher Dahan, (Beersheva), Israel Arrested after being accused of raping and sexually abusing two 17-year-old girls after he offered “to redeem them of sin and evil inclinations.”
  • Case of Rabbi Anthony Dee (Blackpool England; Portsmouth, England) Former synagogue minister Reverend Anthony Dee found guilty of sexually abusing two boys and a girl in Blackpool and Portsmouth, England. This is the first set of convictions, there was a second set of convictions in 1997.
  • Case of Cantor Stuart Friedman (Halifax, -Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston, Los Angeles, Baltimore) Convicted and sentanced to 15 months in federal prison on one count of distributing child pornography. [7]

More recent reports include Christopher Ketcham’s expose on the Hasidic ritual bathhouses and the “Child Rape Assembly Line” published by online society and culture magazine in November 2013.

Ketchum interviewed one Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg a member of Brooklyn’s Satmar Hasidim fundamentalist branch of Orthodox Judaism. His job is to design and repair mikvahs which are Jewish bathhouses used for ritualistic purification and cleansing. Rosenberg proceeds to divulge graphic details of systematic rape by spiritual elders within these establishments with such a ring of authenticity that it is hard to dispute.

large_rabbi-rosenbergWhistleblower Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg, © photo by Christian Storm.

Parallels to the Catholic Church are obvious as is the target for the “rites of passage” which are predominantly young boys from ages 7-14. In fact, according to Rosenberg: “… around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community—the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders.” Familiar to the discourse of disbelief in the face of authority, Ultra-Orthodox Jews have the same problems when they attempt to speak out about the abuse in their midst. They are ostracised and their careers are ruined. Rosenberg suffered the same consequences after he began blogging on the abuse and opened a New York City hotline for victims. As Ketchum describes, to go against what is seeded psychopathy inside what is masquerading as a societal vessel for spiritual purity and sustenance is no greater example of evil. As is the case time and time again, people will maintain the integrity of the initial message even if the structure that professed to house it has long since gone.

Rabbi Rosenberg is loathed and hated by his own community even feared as if he is a walking contagion:

“He receives death threats on a regular basis. In Yiddish and Hebrew newspapers, advertisements taken out by the self-described ‘great rabbis and rabbinical judges of the city of New York’ have denounced him as ‘a stumbling block for the House of Israel,’ ‘a public rebuker and preacher of ethics’ who ‘persists in his rebelliousness’ and whose ‘voice has been heard among many Jewish families, especially young people in their innocence… drawn to listen to his poisonous and revolting speeches.’

Cut off from practising his religion and ironically seen as a corrupter of Jewish youth regarding the true nature of Orthodox Jewish Establishment he remains an outcast. It is a classic example of ponerology where paramoralism becomes the norm leading to the lancing of those who have the temerity to give voice to their conscience.

Politics, privilege and related sweeteners which arise from both determine an unspoken acceptance of what must be. In the Catholic Church, religion and authority were used in order to in order to gain trust and thus access to the family and the children. In Chabad and Orthodox Jewish circles Ketchum’s research indicates that the goal of of the men-only Rabbinical Courts is to firstly: “… excise the mother from the child’s life,” with immediate effects which may be likened to a parental circumcision.

Just as we have seen with cases of abuse networks with procurers such as Jerry Sandusky, Jimmy Savile, Marc Dutroux and legion of others, it is the silence of denial that such a thing could be happening in the world at large and worst of all right at the heart of our most trusted institutions that allows such practices to continue.

When Rosenberg caught a Rabbi raping a seven year-old boy and intervened, he could not have known that he had dramatically changed his life. Yet, this is the result for so many whistleblowers within the Jewish community and who call out psychopathy when they see it. More often than not, it is the “pillars of the community” and those afforded the most respect and influence who are most guilty, which Rosenberg discovered to his horror. After all, is this not simply a mirroring of organised religion as a whole? A monolithic belief system which purports to represent God and His spiritual rule for living a spiritual life when in truth, it is nothing more than a mask for its opposite?

When Rosenberg took his complaint about his fellow rabbi to the rabbinate in Israel:

“… he was brought up on charges by the mishmeres hatznuis, the arch-conservative Orthodox ‘modesty squad,’ which regulates, often through threats of violence, proper moral conduct and dress in the relations between men and women. The modesty squad is a sort of Jewish Taliban. According to Rabbi Rosenberg, the rapist he caught in the act was a member of the modesty squad, which charged him with the unconscionable offense of having previously been seen walking down a street in Jerusalem with a married woman. ‘But it’s OK to molest children,’ he adds.

Ketchum then explains the reasons behind such actions and what underpins the central premise of this blog by stating: “The abuse and its cover-up are symptoms of wider political dysfunction—or, more precisely, symptoms of socially disastrous political control by religious elites.” Yet, psychological deviance traverses all societal domains using politics as a tool rather than the corruption of politics as the starting point. These are religious symptoms uniquely manifesting within a fertile field of psychopathy, the results of which feed into a further degradation of Orthodox Jewish religious authority – with Chabad Lubavitch at the zenith of corruption. It is no coincidence that this cult is at the centre of American political power brought up on the same endemic abuse.

Judaism’s roots as a monotheistic religion carved out by war, conquest and totalitarianism is simply attuning to its original extremes once again. Therefore, it is inevitable that such pathology will infect more moderate expression of Jewish identity as we have already seen. The same patterns of victim hood and blind faith will continue to imbue authority with Freudian hue of misplaced trust. And since nothing is done without the consent of the Rabbinical Authority the mental instability and social dysfunction will continue to rise just as Ketchum recounts:

Families saddled with an increasing number of children soon enter into a cycle of poverty. There is simultaneously an extreme separation of the sexes, which is unprecedented in the history of the Hasidim. There is limited general education, to the point that most men in the community are educated only to the third grade, and receive absolutely no sexual education. No secular newspapers are allowed, and internet access is forbidden. “The men in the community are undereducated by design,” Ben said. “You have a community that has been infantilized. They have been trained not to think. It’s a sort of totalitarian control.” [Emphasis mine]

The Jewish writers of have drawn our attention to the criminal activities and complexities regarding Chabad Lubavitch and the infiltration into Hasidic clans. Quite apart from the lucre needed to fund the burgeoning Chabad Houses all over the globe, it does beg the question how it’s possible that Chabad Lubavitch can fund an average school intake of 400 students at roughly $10,000-$15,000 per year with thousands of schools the length and breadth of the United States and the world, most of which is offered for free? Where do they find millions of dollars needed for so vast an enterprise? offer up some possibilities:

“… most of these Chabad houses are located in remote places where there are no Jews, such as rural parts of South East Asia and South America. According to Chabad, the purpose of these Chabad houses is to provide kosher food and free housing to Jewish travelers if they go to those places. But once again, where do they get all the money for all these Chabad houses? And why would anyone want to build a free Kosher restaurant that also provides free housing to the occasional Jewish traveler, in a remote place where there are no Jews?

Chabad houses have been strategically located in areas where there is a high volume of illegal drugs activity. Take for example the city of Tijuana in Mexico, a city where there are no Jews. The Chabad house in Tijuana is the oldest Chabad house in Mexico, and Tijuana is the most important city for drug traffickers moving their drugs from Mexico to the USA. Chabad houses also provide money laundering services to drug dealers and other criminals. [8]

With over 3,600 Chabad-Lubavitch centres in over 70 countries and all continents of the world, it is no coincidence that international Chabad Houses are also strategically located on all of the major drug trafficking routes. One of the policies of the Chabad is to send Rabbis across the world to set up Chabad houses. This movement, known as “Shilchus”, has given Chabad a global support network. There is a long history of Chabad Houses not only being used as safe houses and logistics centres for Israeli intelligence but as storefronts for criminal activity. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that “Chabad Houses are fronts for Israeli military intelligence and Mafia activities in… Asian cities.” [9]  Judging by the copious crimes by Chabad rabbis over the last decade it seems this is just the overflow from an inner core of corruption.

In Bolivia, 2009, authorities conducted a raid on a Chabad House headed Rabbi Aharon Freiman and his wife who were “… convinced they had been sent to Rurrenabaque, by the deceased Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Amid rumours of drug trafficking and an assassination attempt against the country’s president, Bolivian police closed the House for several weeks. [10]

It seems the Chabad House in the Village of Kfar also had quite a reputation. In 2007 it was the centre of major tax fraud allegations against top level Chabad officials. Arrested at Ben-Gurion Airport upon returning from a fundraising tour in the United States, the “… airport intelligence unit received information that an association linked to young Chabad members was being used to cover up tax evasion.” The main target of an eight-year investigation “…used fictitious bank accounts for money laundering purposes” whereby “funds raised by the association in the past few years for education, aid and charity activities were transferred to ‘straw accounts’ in Israel and abroad and were withdrawn for private purposes, including payments to the association members.” [11]

In Israel, July 2010, Israeli District Police arrested “… three Jewish men suspected of smuggling over $1 million worth of cocaine. One of the suspects, a resident of Kfar Chabad, is suspected of orchestrating the deal.” [12] Four months later, an Israeli Chabad emissary was arrested at Madrid airport after being found to have hidden 4kg of cocaine in one of his suitcases. “Eliyahu Hecht, 57, a father of six who works for the global charity organization Kollel Chabad, was returning to Israel from Costa Rica, where he was fund-raising for a soup kitchen operated by Kollel Chabad in Safed.” [13] He was later vindicated of all charges, though suspicion remains.


Chabad Lubavitcher International centres are located on all the major trafficking routes – city by city.| Source: Princeton University/CIA source-Book

During the late 1980s in the United States, it was business as usual with the breaking up of a major international money laundering operation linked to drugs trafficking in Panama and Colombia. Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin, a regional director of the Lubavitch Hasidic community in Seattle, several other Chabad House residents and Israeli nationals were arrested. The Assistant U.S. Attorney Ron Friedman who was prosecuting the defendants said:

“… they had been involved for at least 11/2 years in shipments of hundreds of thousands of dollars from New Jersey to Seattle …” with $350,000 to $400,000 a week … sent in cash to Seattle and converted to cashier’s checks that were hidden in magazines before being shipped by air freight to Panama and Colombia. […] federal prosecutors in New Jersey said as much as $25 million in cashier’s checks and money orders may have been sent to the two countries, as well as to banks in London, West Germany and Israel.” [14]

The authorities discovered that most of the cheques were finding their way to: “Banco Cafetero in Panama City or to Enrique Korc, the alleged kingpin of the operation in Cali, Colombia.”

What is noticeable in this and many other similar reports is the reaction from Hassidic leaders and the Jewish communities as a whole: Disbelief. Yet, this is the policy of messianic Chabad Lubavitch mandated by Rabbi Scheerson himself. The humanitarianism acts as a perfect cover. The religious intent may be genuine but the means used to fulfil prophecy appears to be without limit; yet another example of “the ends justify the means.” What makes it so easy is wilful blindness and inability to believe.

Some of the reactions to Chabad corruption:

“ ‘When I heard this, I couldn’t believe it,’ said Rabbi Anson Laytner, director of the Jewish Federation’s Community Relations Council. “ ‘This is totally out of keeping from the man that I know,’ he said. ‘To my mind he is a scholar and a very spiritual person, a community activist in terms of helping people in need.’ Levitin, the father of nine children, founded the Chabad House in the early 1970s. It is known as a place where Jewish people can seek emergency housing, food or money and receive outreach services. Several hundred Hasidic Jews live in Seattle, most in the area of Chabad House.’ ” [15]

That is not to say that there are not indeed great drug “outreach” centres that provide valuable outposts for care and support. Yet, there also remains strong evidence that many locations are anything but. Such is the nature of religious ponerisation: the genuine exist side by side with the pathological, the former proving a useful in denying the existence of the latter.

Rabbi Ronald Greenwald was a major example of political power meets Jewish mafia. Known to do business with mafia figures and the criminal underworld it was a coup d’état for such a man when offered a position in Richard Nixon’s administration allowing him to protect his mafia friends business interests and line his own pockets:

“Greenwald was a major player in CREEP, the re-election campaign for Richard Nixon in 1972. Greenwald was used heavily by Nixon and other Republicans to gain the Jewish vote, which he doubled for Nixon during that election… in the state of New York. Soon, the rabbi was given a post as an “advisor” to Nixon on “Jewish poverty programs,” a post which certainly made some snicker at the time, though it was clear that Nixon owed Greenwald, and the rabbi made quick use of his new found powers. He used his power to protect the mafia’s bilking of Medicaid programs and other crimes that were never investigated by the authorities. His post as head of the “Jewish poverty” initiative permitted him to shield those involved with such financial scams, as well as call off any and all FBI investigations of his friends. Part of the rise of Jewish mafia groups was the protection afforded it by Greenwald’s political connections. [16]

As we have seen, longstanding ties between Russian-Zionist oligarchs have also been well documented. Russian Jews were never disengaged from Jewish philanthropy. Throughout the 1990s, the oligarchs who made money quickly and in great quantities invested in resuscitating Jewish communal life, from establishing the Russian Jewish Congress, to building synagogue and community centres and sponsoring Chabad Lubavitch missions throughout the former Soviet Union. Indeed, it seems that the cult’s reach has overtaken mainstream Judaism and: “…continues to boom in Russia, dominating the Jewish scene in every Russian city.” [17]

David Shneer professor of History at Denver University recounts what he heard while attending a World Union for Progressive Judaism conference in Moscow: “I heard stories about Reform rabbis being driven out of their synagogues by Chabadniks, about how Chabad uses its cozy relationship with the federal government to take over Jewish institutions around the country. To the Union of Progressive Judaism, Chabad sounded like Al Capone’s mafia of 1920s Chicago.” Shneer is dismissive of this, putting it down to the fact that: “Chabad was already building an underground infrastructure for Jewish life in the Soviet Union” in the 1980s and believes it was more a product of the Chabad faithful’s work ethic and dedication than any nefarious designs for political power.

This seems woefully naive in respect of their longstanding association with crime, their messianic beliefs and racist values. It does explain why so much of the Jewish community is unaware of the danger that such extremism poses to their religion. It represents the same ignorance and naivety that exists in contemporary society about the nature of power brokers in general. No one is exempt from the effects of psychopathy “chosen” or not.

Away from media fears of anti-Semitism, the Russian, Ukrainian Mafia and the Jewish mafia are fairly synonymous. Scores of anti-Zionists in Russia have been murdered by car bombs or other devices, and none of the cases have been solved. The massive oil and mineral wealth in the country is just too big a bonanza and acts as a major ideological funding resource for Zionists and Israel. To keep the monopoly on Russia’s resources and the exploitation tributaries into other countries open the Russian Mafia has eclipsed other crime groups by becoming the most ruthless and cold blooded. There is no code of honour regarding other Mafia clans or families. They will kill men, women and children without hesitation while embarking on any methods suitable to remain ahead of the field. In other words, the Russian-Jewish Mafia is the closest you can get to the embodiment of the collective psychopath in crime.

With no conscience or codes, no limits need apply.


See also: Orthodox Advocates Push for Sex Abuse Reform in New York  |   In the Name of the Father Part I

For a similar example of mafia-like corruption within an ostensibly pious and religious movement see: The Mennonite Drug Connection by The Fifth Estate. Again, the purer the movement’s claims the greater the vulnerability ponerological infection.



[1] Internet website run by an ex-Lubavitcher has an enormous archive of Chabad crimes going back several years including child labour, sexual abuse, paedophilia and drug trafficking.[2] ‘Brooklyn DA Launches Push to Stop Sex Abuse in Haredi Community’ – Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes has 19 actives cases in haredi community. April 01, 2009.
[3] ‘Not-so-saintly Rabbi in Netivot’By Tamar Rotem , Haaretz, October 12 2006.
[4] ‘Rabbi Convicted of Sexual Abuse Is Freed on Bail Pending Appeal’ By Ronald Smothers, The New York Times, October 12, 2002.
[5] ‘OU-NCSY Honors Child Sexual Abuser Rabbi Baruch Lanner’s Chief Enabler – Committee Members Include Cream Of Modern Orthodox Leadership’, December 2008.
[6] ‘Jewish Survivors of Sexual Abuse Speak Out’
[7] Ibid.
[9] ‘Chabad House: Terror, Ecstasy, Heroine, Prostitution, Espionage & Money Laundry’ by Wayne Madsen, November 28 2008. The “In March 1989, U.S. law enfocement rounded up a criminal network in Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Colombia, and Israel that involved a Chabad House that was involved in money laundering and currency violations.”
[10] ‘Bolivian policemen close local Chabad house’ By Matthew Wagner, The Jerusalem Post, April 23, 2009.
[11] ‘Senior Chabad official suspected of evading millions in taxes’”Man arrested at Ben-Gurion Airport upon returning from fundraising tour in US. Simultaneously, dozens of detectives raid Kfar Chabad, detain several people for questioning.” By Eli Senyor, Israel News November 14, 2007.
[12] ‘Tel Aviv – Three Arrested in Drug Bust Smuggling $1M Worth of Cocaine’ http://www.vosizneias.comvia Haaretz, July 8 2010.
[13] ‘Israeli Chabad emissary nabbed in Madrid with 4kg of cocaine’ Friends of the arrested man say he was fooled into smuggling the cocaine as he was returning to Israel after a fund-raising trip to Costa Rica. By Eli Ashkenazi, Haaretz, Dec.07, 2010. | ‘Jailed Fundraiser is Vindicated’ 27, 2012.
[14] ‘Seattle Rabbi is Arrested 13 Acussed of an International Plot to Launder Money’ By Steve Miletich, Seattle PI, March 19, 1988. Section: News, Page: A1.
[15] Ibid.
[16] ‘The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion’, by Y M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D. Barnes Review, May 27, 2006,[17] ‘Why Chabad Excels in Russia, And Why Reform Judaism Doesn’t’ by David Shneer, April 16, 2007,

In the Name of the Father III: Flood-Gates Open

Angel Vatican 04 weba“… members of the Catholic Church should ‘weep before the execrable acts of abuse which have left life-long scars”

Pope Francis

Record payments for damages against the Catholic Church continue to pour in. A recent bill of $3.3 million for a Santa Rosa woman (the highest of its kind) brought the total to more than $24 million in settlements and jury verdicts paid by the Catholic Church in the past year. This is from seven Northern California cases alone. Globally the figure is set to rise substantially. But for a vast religious corporation whose income in 2010 was $97 billion, they will no doubt be able to accommodate more settlements as they arise. [1]

It would be wrong to think that only the major city dioceses were prone to the kinds of corruption and paedophile rings we have become used to hearing about over the years. Similar cases are being picked up on the radar of Christian and law enforcement awareness. Many of these cases are falling out of the “norm” of paedophilia abuse or being made to fit the safer category of the lone paedophile. The instances of ritual abuse have also appeared in small towns and communities across America. It seems religion, incest and the occult have a small-town tradition in some parts.

The one time thriving Church of Hosanna, Ponchatoula, home of antique shops and the host of Louisiana’s annual strawberry festival, was the centre of a scandal that underlined the power of communal secrecy. In June 2005, the town was “stunned” by a “Child Sex Ring” in which the pastor, his wife, the sheriff’s deputy and nine other pillars of the community “were accused of engaging in cult-like sexual activity with children and animals inside the hall of worship. Eight face child rape charges that could bring the death penalty.”

The report from the Associated Press went on to say that:

… witnesses have described the use of robes, pentagrams on the church floor, sex with a dog and the sacrifice of cats. The alleged victims, suspected to number up to two dozen, include children ranging from infants to young teens — some of them the offspring of those accused. […]

Investigators believe the abuse began in 1999 and continued until the church closed in 2003. But it was not until a woman called from Ohio in April, saying she had fled to protect her child, that police claim they had even an inkling of what was happening. […]

Glynn Fendlason served as pastor of the church, then known as First Assembly of God…. The active membership dispensed thousands of meals to the poor and elderly. […] “We all knew something wasn’t right,” Fendlason said. “Not something like this, though.” [2]

Suppressed knowledge on the nature of programmed narcissism and psychopathy in society is serving these predators extremely well.  They play us all like the concertinas that we are with ignorance as the tuning fork. Statements from a former deputy Sheriff commenting on an accused sited in the above report illustrate the point: “He seemed real Christian;”…”He never cursed. When we went out to eat, he’d bow his head and say his prayers.” [3]

As part of a haven of child molesters within the Church, a particularly vicious priest was sent to a rehabilitation centre set up by the Catholic Church for the treatment of paedophilic priests. Two evaluations came to the conclusion that he was a serious risk to re-offend. However, the charming and affable Father Drove had managed to persuade the treatment centre that this had all been a terrible injustice. How could such a personable man have done such a thing? It was impossible wasn’t it?

After a brief course of ‘treatment’ the center declared the previous evaluations dead wrong about Father Drove’s interest in adolescent boys. […] Later [he] was charged with eighteen additional counts of sexual abuse and he was accused by four more victims.[…]  He  repeatedly befriended children – often from poor and troubled families – who were in counselling with him, and he lavished gifts, presents and affection on them. Then he would molest them in callous and sometimes brutal ways. For example, one boy was crying in a counselling session about his increasing drug problem and family difficulties. Father Drove got up, undid the boy’s pants and started performing fellatio on him. On another occasion he was performing fellatio on a boy when he suddenly left the room. Another priest came in and finished the job. On yet another occasion, he took a boy to a rectory for an overnight visit where two other men were allowed to anally rape the boy that night. ….Many of the children he molested were in counselling for emotional or drug and alcohol problems. [Emphasis mine] [4]

And it was only by the lack of knowledge concerning such people that the priest was able to repeat the pattern of trust with led to more boys being abused.

priest-boy© infrakshun

One psychopathic priest was convicted of raping and killing women he chained in his Philadelphia church-home basement and received a 2nd death sentence; a Catholic priest who headed the psychiatric unit at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, California, who sexually exploited a woman for 5 years starting when she was 13; another Reverend was convicted by a jury of sexually abusing a 5 year old girl and her 7 year old brother during visits in the rectory; a catechism instructor charged with coercing 10 boys to perform sex acts; an evangelist who received a 20 year prison sentence for running a child prostitution ring of 800 victims; a bible school teacher, who was sentenced to more than 2,000 years in prison for molesting, sodomizing and photographing them in sexual acts.  “He beat one victim, tape-recording it for sexual gratification: ‘Ten seconds of indiscretion is ruining my entire life,’ he complained, referring to oral sex with a boy, 10. He told the judge: ‘But I have an illness. You cannot make me a criminal.’ ”

At the time of writing, the scandals are still flooding in, this time from Brazil where the Vatican, reports that 10 per cent of the country’s clergy are sex offenders or one in 10 of Brazil’s priests are involved in some form of sexual misdemeanour. A Vatican commission sent to Brazil to investigate reports in September 2005 found a 70 per cent increase in the number of priests involved in cases of sexual misbehaviour and this during the heighted awareness that such abuse was receiving in the media. [5]

While the Church is still held in high esteem in the so-called “developing world,” this too is faltering after the discovery that abuse in the Brazilian Catholic Church could be even more of a problem than in the United States. That poverty is recognised as a vital link in the prevalence and continuation of child abuse this is not so revelatory. As is often true in cases of systematic abuse, the victims are from the lower end of the social scale with little or no recourse to the law. The ability to defend oneself as a last resort is frequently denied, or as the same report stated: “Brazil’s wealth gap made it easier for priests to exploit youngsters with impunity.”

Familiar tactics of cover-ups, intimidation of witnesses and clergy diocese transference has also taken place, though with a high ratio of heterosexual abuse of women and children. The commission also found that “… in the last three years at least 200 Brazilian priests had been referred to church psychological institutions following cases involving paedophilia. Ten clerics were in jail and a further 40 were on the run from the law.”

A recurring pattern found amongst clerical child molesters was the conscious planning of their actions down to the very last detail. Such meticulous planning is a hallmark of the essential psychopath. In one case a Father Tarcisco Tadeu Spricigo was jailed for 14 years and eight months for sexually abusing boys, one of them a five year old:

In his diary, obtained by police in Sao Paulo, the 48-year-old priest stressed the need ‘to have boys who can keep a secret and without sexual scruples’.

He recommended: ‘Always present oneself as the dominator. Be caring and not hurried. Never ask questions, but have certainties. Get secure and needy boys, who don’t have fathers and who are poor. Never get involved with rich kids.’

[Regina Soares Jurkwicz, author of Unveiling the Politics of Silence: Sexual Abuse of Women by Priests in Brazil] said: ‘The number of cases seems to be rising … [but] this is not a new problem. It has just been something that nobody dared talk about and, to a certain extent, that is still the way it is.’ [6]

And the “way it is” extends from Boston to Brazil, Dublin to Düsseldorf.

If we jump across the globe to the United Kingdom, the late Cardinal Basil Hume left a question mark as to his role in yet another possible cover-up. As one of the most respected and well-loved leaders of over 4 million Roman Catholics in England and Wales, this caused some controversy.

Ampleforth college, a top Catholic public school, has admitted that since 1966-1995 at least 30 to 40 boys, some as young as ten years old, were sexually abused by the monks who worked there, though former pupils believe the figure could be over 100 or more. It was established by police that by 1975 that Hume: “… was aware of the risk that at least one monk, Father Piers Grant-Ferris, posed to pupils. Yesterday Grant-Ferris, 72, pleaded guilty at Leeds crown court to abusing 15 boys at Ampleforth’s prep school over a nine-year period up to 1975. Some of these boys, boarders aged between eight and 10, were beaten for his sexual gratification. [7]

Cardinal Hume banished Grant-Ferris but did not inform social services or police. As the report points out, this would have led to a far greater risk of abuse within the school, which nevertheless continued for a 20 year period with more boys being abused, in some cases to the point of rape. Only by 2003 were the signs so evident that action was taken.

Are we meant to believe that Hume was unaware of the problem? According to the Church elect we are meant to justify the secrecy by claiming it all took place in an era of different sensibilities and social mores, or that it was through a collective misunderstanding of the 1962 directive of silence by the Vatican.

By 2010, the Vatican’s active attempts to protect child molesters within the Church was becoming a standard practice and obvious to everyone, not least the new victims who were unfortunate enough to fall into the path of these predators. An Associated Press investigation found that 30 cases of priests accused of paedophilia and pederasty had been transferred or moved abroad. Former Benedictine monk Richard Sipe and critic of the effective protection of priests was interviewed in the AP reports and stated: “The pattern is if a priest gets into trouble and it’s close to becoming a scandal or if the law might get involved, they send them to the missions abroad … Anything to avoid a scandal.” [8]

What has changed is the number of high-ranking clergy beginning to speak out about the deception. The archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland had refused to turn over records on priests who abused children perpetuating the grief of the victims and allowing priests to continue to abuse. All that changed when Diarmuid Martin was appointed Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin.

We only have to test the authenticity of the Catholic Church’s claim that they are doing everything to eradicate sexual abuse with the April 2014 report from UK’s The Independent:

Italy’s bishops have adopted a policy, with backing from the Vatican, that states they are not obliged to inform police officers if they suspect a child has been molested.,/span>

The Italian Bishops’ Conference said the guidelines published on Friday reflected suggestions from the Vatican’s office that handles sex abuse investigations.

Victims have denounced how bishops systematically covered up abuse by moving priests while keeping prosecutors in the dark.

Only in 2010 did the Vatican instruct bishops to report abuse to police — but only where required by law.

Italian guidelines cite a 1985 treaty between the Vatican and Italy stipulating that clergy aren’t obliged to tell magistrates about information obtained through their religious ministry. The guidelines remind bishops, however, they have a ”moral duty“ to contribute to the common good.

Clearly, the Catholic Church’s power and wealth is more important than it’s congregation. But it may even more sinister than that.

In 2012, Martin was featured in a CBS News 60 minutes TV special which revealed how the Archbishop had “… provided tens of thousands of pages of evidence against specific priests” and directly challenged the cover-up of his archdiocese and the behaviour of the Catholic Church, which according to Martin is at “breaking point” from the effects of the longstanding sexual scandals. In the programme, the Dublin Archbishop made it very clear what sexual abuse means when perpetrated by predators masquerading as priests: “Abuse isn’t [just] the actual sexual acts, which are horrendous, but sexual abuse of a child is … a total abuse of power. It’s actually saying to a child, ‘I control you.’ And that is saying to the child, ‘You’re worthless.’” [9] Back in the US in 2012, a landmark case was heard with the first Roman Catholic priest to be convicted for his part in covering up sexual abuse of children by priests. More is set to follow.  [10]

When those who set themselves up as spiritual leaders and choose to keep silent while boys are abused and refuse to speak out against crime within one’s own family, it could be said to be “against God.” What does it say about the basic building blocks of an age old religious doctrine of spiritual guidance that harbours such an endemic legacy of abuse and then proceeds to lie about it for decades?

What message does this give people desperately in need of spiritual succour?

One is forced to question the foundations of such a religion that would allow abuse and deception to exist. The only reason it has now been revealed was largely due to the victims finally having the courage to speak out which gave courage to others. It did not come from within the Church that was satisfied with its age-old secrecy to which generations of children have become sacrificed – deeply and irrevocably.

There are those within the Church who have the temerity to set themselves up as “God’s intermediaries” while consciously forcing all to remain silent about institutional crimes against those they were meant to protecting and assisting. By remaining silent, one becomes a willing accomplice to child abuse perpetuating its presence within.

Destroying children’s lives under the cover of religion is nothing more than a evil in action.



[1] “In 2010, the Catholic Church had an income of $97 billion.” From Alain de Botton’s TED talk on Atheism:
[2] ‘Church sex case allegedly involving children, animals stuns Louisiana town’ By Alan Sayre, Associated Press, June 10, 2005.
[3] Ibid.
[4] op. cit. Salter (pp. 22-23),
[5] ‘Scandal of sexual abuse by priests shocks Brazil’s 125 million Catholics’ by Tom Phillips and John Hooper, The Guardian, November 26, 2005.
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘Silence and secrecy at school where child sex abuse went on for decades’- Yesterday’s revelations cast a cloud over the late Cardinal Hume’s former role at a top Catholic college, by Ian Cobain, The Guardian, November 18, 2005.
[8] ‘Predator Priests Shuffled Around Globe’ CBS News / Associated Press, April 14, 2010. |
[9] ‘The Archbishop of Dublin challenges the Church’ CBS News | 60 minutes, (transcript) March 4 2012. |
[10] ‘Monsignor convicted of child endangerment in priest abuse coverup’ Los Angeles Times, June 22, 2012. |

In the Name of the Father II: The Pink Church?

“At the Vatican, a significant number of gay prelates and other gay clerics are in positions of great authority. They may not act as a collective but are aware of one another’s existence. And they inhabit a secretive netherworld, because homosexuality is officially condemned … For gay clerics at the Vatican, one fundamental condition of their power, and of their priesthood, is silence, at least in public, about who they really are.”

Michael Joseph Gross, The Vatican’s Secret Life

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By the end of 2002, some 1,200 priests had been accused of abuse nationwide with millions of dollars of compensation being paid to victims. Although five US prelates resigned in the ensuing maelstrom, this is a rather weak result when set against the sheer scale of abuse. The same story has been repeated in Europe accusations of which led to prosecutions and a sprinkling of cases where evidence was lacking. Bishops from Argentina, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Wales, Scotland, Canada, Switzerland and Austria were also forced out of the church. More than 80 per cent of the church’s victims were male.

It is worth noting that Catholic Church in Ireland has been particularly high up on the league tables of general crimes and conspiratorial wrangling. Humiliation, terror, violent rape and long term molestation matched the US experience when four decades of abuse by 21 priests at the Ferns diocese in the East Ireland town of Wexford was discovered. [1] The practice of moving priests away from positions which had become “unfriendly” for abuse, led to the molesters being placed in posts at schools or other local parishes. This was followed by allegations against a total of 27 priests who served in the archdiocese of Tuam, though six are now dead. Eight clerics left the priesthood in Tuam “after a ‘reasonable suspicion’ that child abuse had taken place was established. Three clerics have already been convicted of horrific child sex abuse charges. The earliest case revealed… date[d] back to 1940.”  Other claims against seven priests from other dioceses were also lodged. [2]

An April 2005 report in The New York Times gave details about a three-member panel appointed by the Irish government, showed that the Catholic Church hierarchy in Ireland: “… was only one part of a system that enabled cover-ups allowing known sexual predators to retain their positions within the church – and their access to young victims.”

The report continued:

“Before 1990, the panel found, the police were reluctant to investigate claims of sexual abuse by the clergy because they were fearful of challenging the privileged position of Roman Catholic Church authorities.
Most schools in Ireland are run by the Catholic Church, so even lay teachers found it difficult to sound alarms. In addition, public health authorities failed to follow up on some accusations of abuse and cut short other inquiries.
For nearly three years, the commission, led by a former Supreme Court judge, heard more than 100 accusations of abuse against 26 priests over a 40-year period in one diocese, Ferns, on Ireland’s southeast coast.

One-fifth of the report’s 271 pages are taken up by testimony, often verbatim and frequently explicit, from the victims. It includes accounts of priests at a Catholic boarding school who measured boys’ penises at night, of boys who were forced to perform oral sex on priests and of girls who were molested during confession, one even on a church altar.

An investigation of 60 accusations of abuse in the Dublin archdiocese began this week, and a public debate has begun about whether to end the Catholic Church’s role in the Irish education system. About 95 per cent of Ireland’s elementary schools are state-financed but run by Catholic authorities.” [3]


In April 2002, Bishop Wilton Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other Church leaders finally summoned by the Pope told a news conference that they had all signed a letter vowing that: “we stand ready to take the steps needed to strengthen our past resolve and to keep children and young people safe for the future and to help heal those so tragically hurt by this abuse.” Obviously this was due to media pressure rather than any sudden development of conscience. Despite this attendance they felt that sexual predation by “men of God” did not merit a “zero tolerance” approach, although a handful of archdiocese took up the gauntlet.

Overall, the rules fell way short and once again, harked back to the same rapid back-peddling enacted by Ratzinger and Cardinal Law that prolonged the cover-up as a whole. A zero tolerance policy and a national policy on dealing with allegations of sexual abuse was formally agreed – on paper at least – at a U.S. Conference of Bishops in late June 2002. However, by June 2005, while setting aside a welcome $1 million to “partially finance a broad study of the causes of abuse within the nation’s largest religious denomination,” considerable tinkering with the wording of the national policy had taken place resulting in what many believe to be a somewhat diluted version. One leading victim advocacy organization said these new changes approved by the bishops weakened the abuse policies, first adopted in 2002. But the bishops, seemingly overjoyed by their “decisive response” dismissed the critics’ fears with Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago, viewing such criticism issuing only from the “enemies of the church.”

Despite ostensible improvements in policy (which appear open to erosion) many critics cite the Church’s refusal to publicly identify all abusive priests; the failure to seek special penalties for bishops who abused minors or for bishops who failed to remove abusive priests from the ministry as yet more reasons to distrust the motives of Catholic Church hierarchy. Church bureaucracy and the implementation of waivers via their Statutes of limitations, along with the aforementioned revisions in national policies have caused serious concern among former victims: “George, the vice president of the bishops conference and the bishops’ lead negotiator with the Vatican on sexual abuse policy, said he did not believe the proposed revisions would lead to any change in the way bishops handle allegations against priests. And, he said, the National Review Board’s status would not change. He said that the board was never independent of the bishops and that all appointments to national posts by the bishops’ conference are already vetted by local bishops.” [4]

Did the rot not set in precisely due to the fact that there was vetting biased towards preferences and proclivities? George seemed to be celebrating the fact of the old boy’s network in action. An independent review board consisting of a mix of priests, theologians and civic representatives was obviously too threatening.

Reports from 2005 – 2007 found that hundreds of priests accused of abuse had been moved from country to country, allowing them to start new lives in unsuspecting communities while continuing to work in church ministries. Other findings reported in 2002 identified 200 cases involving clergy who had tried to elude law enforcement. Many priests remained free in one country while facing on-going criminal inquiries, arrest warrants or convictions in another. The research found that “Although most runaway priests remain in the church and should be easier to locate than other fugitives, police and prosecutors often fail to take basic steps to catch them. Dozens of priests who are no longer eligible to work in the United States have found sanctuary abroad.” [5]

It is also the fantasies of the “flock” that exacerbate the problem of bringing those responsible to justice. Many cannot bring themselves to accept that the dear old white, wispy-haired Reverend may have sat their niece or nephew on his knee for reasons diametrically opposite to goodness and service. However, investigations have been carried out where priests have been wholly innocent of any wrong doing. Accusations do seem to have the same effect of instantaneous guilt. Though looking at the history so far, the prevalence of the guilty far outweighs those who have been wrongfully accused. The case of Rev. Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany’s Diocese in New York, who was cleared of any wrongdoing with overwhelming support of his congregation, may be a case in point, or it may be more evidence of primary psychopathy.


Rev. Bishop Howard Hubbard

From his staunchly Catholic and conservative stronghold the backing comes from what his congregation say is Hubbard’s consistent example that has shown in his work for the poor and oppressed. Indeed, in Rev. Hubbard’s own words: “I stand before you today with a clear conscience,”… “I am at peace with God and within myself, because there is absolutely no truth to the allegations which have been levelled against me.” [6] And there many members of Albany’s public who were not so quick to defend the priest. Nonetheless, there are still a host of questions to be answered which may prove to have a bearing on the Reverend’s denials.

Andy Zalay came forward with:

“… allegations that his brother Tom, who committed suicide in 1978, had a sexual relationship with Bishop Hubbard. On Friday, 42-year-old Anthony Bonneau said he was paid for sex by Hubbard.” […] Catholic Agnes Bopp said, ‘It’s terrible. The bishop is the most wonderful person in the world. He is the best bishop we’ve ever had.’” [7]

Born-again Christian, Anthony Bonneau, finally spoke publicly in opposition to the tide of support for Hubbard, whom he called “a Washington Park predator.” Bonneau claimed to have been a 16-year-old runaway “when the Albany bishop twice paid him for sex in Albany’s Washington Park. Bonneau told the Times-Union that he recognized Hubbard as one of his johns about ten years ago when he saw the bishop on television. At the time, he said he told only his wife.” [8]Like Andy Zalay, Bonneau had no interest in pursuing allegations to claim compensation. It was Hubbard’s public statement of denials which compelled him to come forward. His motivation was “out of a sense of Christian duty in hopes of protecting other children.”

Hubbard always remained adamant that he was innocent of the allegations made against him. What casts a shadow over his now successful quest to clear his name is the strange death of Fr. John Minkler who was found dead at his home on Sunday, February 15, 2004. Two days before, the dead priest had taken part in a television news programme which explored his own 1995 report addressed to New York’s Cardinal John J. O’Connor. What was interesting about this report was the fact that it contained information regarding “a ring of homosexual Albany priests.” This included Bishop Howard Hubbard’s alleged long-term homosexual relationships with two younger priests.

Journalist Paul Likoudis, writing for The Wanderer (an online Newspaper of the National Catholic Weekly) had worked closely with Fr. John Minkler for 13 years to “expose the corrupt clerical culture in Albany.” Minkler was one of four priests who provided the bulk of the chancery “inside information” for The Wanderer’s 1991, ten-week series, “Agony in Albany.” He related how, in his view, the death of Minkler was far from coincidental. He was certainly in the position to know, having been closely acquainted with the deceased.


photos of eight victims out of many thousands

The story begins with the Priest returning from a retreat. He had been ordered to the Chancery for an urgent meeting by his friend and colleague Fr. Kenneth Doyle, Albany diocesan spokesman and a civil and canon lawyer. Minkler was presented with an affidavit by Doyle where it was declared that: “…he never wrote the letter to O’Connor; that he had never spoken with attorney John Aretakis (who handed out two copies of the letter to reporters, some of whom already had it) — which was true; that he had never made such allegations against Hubbard; and that he had “never, in writing or otherwise, communicated with the Archdiocese of New York regarding such allegations.”

The affidavit concluded:

“I make this statement of my own free will and I know that making a false statement is a crime.” Contrary to Fr. Minkler’s recollection to this reporter, made six hours after his visit to the chancery, Hubbard told reporters at a press conference after Minkler’s death was reported: “Fr. Minkler made an appointment to see me and he told me that he did not author the letter, and he wanted to be with me face to face and to assure me that he had not written anything to Cardinal O’Connor about me. He did not know the priests that were named in the letter, and he did not know how his name got associated with the letter.”

The meeting with Doyle was very brief, and he only saw Hubbard from a hallway, Minkler told this reporter, “Fr. Doyle had this disclaimer all made out, and he said, ‘Sign it’. “I signed it with mental reservations, and now I’m going to have to go to Confession down in New York, because I can’t go in this diocese,” Minkler said. [9] [Emphasis mine]

However, Likoudis relates how Minkler, one of the Bishop’s major detractors “sounded scared” during their Friday evening conversation. The cause of this fear stemmed from the disclosure of the letter he had been requested to write to Cardinal O’Connor in June 10, 1995 and how he feared it would be prove “disastrous” for him. The Priest had worked for the Cardinal as a private secretary when O’Connor was head of the military vicariate. Apprehensive about a scheduled meeting with Rev. Hubbard on February 16th Minkler had contacted Likoudis for advice:  “I suggested that he pre-empt the meeting by holding his own press conference ‘and let everything out.’ His response was that if he did that, ‘I’d be dead.’”

The claims of abuse by a select group of priests under the Albany’s Hubbard and Rochester’s Bishop Matthew Clark had been circulating for some time. In confiding to Likoudis, Minkler also mentioned that O’Connor had “told him to prepare a brief on Hubbard that he would personally turn over to Pope John Paul II.” According to Minkler: “O’Connor, during a visit to the Vatican made a personal appeal to John Paul II to remove both Hubbard and Clark, and the Holy Father told O’Connor, “There’s nothing I can do.”

The majority of the letter – which included names – concentrated on allegations of recruiting homosexual men to the diocesan priesthood while at the same time turning away heterosexual men from applying; recruiting seminarians from other dioceses who had been reported and fired for homosexual activity; a kind of homosexual nepotism with solicitations from former or present “lovers” for the priesthood. The letter also focused on allegations that: “doctors and other professional health care workers had reported seeing AIDS patients who claimed they had relationships with Albany priests…”  Hubbard featured prominently in the letter where it was stated that he had long-term, homosexual relations with two young priests. According to Likoudis, Minkler also “provided names and proclivities of the homosexual priests in the diocese.” [10]

Fr. Joseph F. Wilson of the Diocese of Brooklyn spoke with Fr. Minkler by telephone on the evening of his death and found that he had “no reservations whatsoever about his state of mind when I finished talking to him that night.” As Paul Likoudis mentioned, Fr. Minkler was a “trusted source of inside information in the Diocese of Albany” … critical of Bishop Howard Hubbard.” The cause of death was a heart attack, though there appears to have been some confusion as to whether it was initially a suicide.

“A disproportionate number of homosexuals are being recruited into our seminaries. I know of one seminary, where two years ago, 60 percent of the students identified themselves as “gay”, 20 percent were confused about their sexual identity, and only 20 percent considered themselves to be heterosexual.”

– Pastor Ignotus, ‘What are we Advertising?’ The Tablet, April 24th 1999

Michael J. Rose of online journal informs us of another suspicious death from 1998 and the subject of one of the most extensive FBI investigations in Wisconsin history. The crime involved a Fr. Alfred Kunz who was murdered at his rural parish from a slice to the throat with a razor blade. The priest had bled to death before being discovered the following morning. Kunz, an accomplished canon lawyer: “… investigated homosexual corruption in the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois. Less than two years after the death of Fr. Kunz, Springfield’s Bishop Daniel Ryan resigned after Frank Bergen, a former male prostitute, identified the bishop as one of his regular high-paying clients for 11 years, going so far as to describe in detail the bishop’s private residence. Bishop Ryan, however, steadfastly denied that charge and others for years before he resigned.” [11]

Either way, Hubbard is fully exonerated while the puzzle remains. The priest’s alleged promotion of a homosexual agenda or his opposition to the “zero tolerance” policy can only heighten the mystery surrounding Minkler’s death, which was in the middle of seeking reformative changes in the Albany diocese. Given that two of the three accusers against the bishop are dead – questions will naturally remain. The gay-friendly reputation of the Diocese of Albany and of neighbouring Rochester is not the problem. The circumstances of Minkler’s death set against a history of global homosexual and/or paedophile rings in the Church suggests deception and cover-up that begins to relate to a wider macro-social pattern.

Bishop Hubbard and others of his ilk may be exactly as they say they are – men with a clear conscience. We must then look at why the persistent accusations keep returning and with substantial cause. If nothing else, the Hubbard case does show how difficult it is to restore trust when such an institution remains shrouded in secrecy and lies.

Most theology historians worth their salt will tell you that Christianity has been replete with homosexual priests. A high proportion of priests are gay and have been open to the accusation that they are hostile to the ordination of women priests and antagonistic to idea of marriage among the clergy, not simply due to catholic doctrine.  It should come as no surprise that if the Catholic Church can be against child abuse while harbour child rapists within their ranks then they even more likely to countenance a “gay lobby” in their corridors of power while preaching anti-gay dogma.

The well recognized prominence of homosexuality in Church and politics could be seen as a major factor in abuse though not a reason for paedophilia and child molestation. Jason Berry, the Christian author of Lead us not into temptation found 40 to 50 per cent of Christian clergy to be overtly homosexual. (a further summary of homosexual priest statistics can be found at religious Politically, paedophilia has been sort after for those to occupy key positions in government as a means for blackmail. In the Church the core infection of such a practice is a by-product of its hierarchical structure and secretive traditions. Predators go where they can best pursue their prey from the shadows of authority and since authority breeds the same predilection for abuse it veers toward a chicken-and-egg situation.

There is a distinction between actual paedophilia and pederasty which often gets confused. Relationships with teenagers (pederasty) according to one study formed over 81 per cent of discovered abuse. [12] With the new directives prohibiting gay men or “anyone who has been part of a gay subculture or had lived promiscuously as a heterosexual would be refused admittance into the Catholic priesthood” one can only wonder if this isn’t missing the point. [13] Preferences for male or female is not the issue. Rather, the issue of the Catholic Church itself that harbours such psychopathy and indeed may have found itself comprehensively ponerised by elements of the same.

In 2013, nothing has changed to allay fears of the Catholic faithful that abuse has stopped and that a gay lobby has been disbanded. In the UK, Cardinal Keith O’Brien resigned having been accused of “homosexual misconduct” whilst another priest in Scotland is suspended for daring to suggest that “homosexual priests intimidate others in the clergy.”  More importantly, back in New York’s Albany diocese was ordered by a Federal judge to turn over its clergy abuse files spanning 40 years. However, it seems this too favours the guilty. The request includes a sealing order which will keep the records from being made public. The request came from Albany diocese diocese and none other than  Gary J. Mercure who is “… an imprisoned Albany priest who is accused of systematically raping and abusing altar boys for years.”

It seems the Church and State never separated after all.



[1] Francis D. Murphy, Helen Buckley, and Larain Joyce, The Ferns Report, presented by the Ferns Inquiry to the Minister for Health and Children (Dublin: Government Publications, October 2005).
[2] ‘New abuse timebomb’by Brian MacDonald, Irish Independent, October 31, 2005.
[3] ‘Ireland shaken by sex abuse report’ By Brian Lavery, The New York Times, November 13, 2005.
[4] ‘Catholic bishops retain ‘zero tolerance’ policy’ – Will set aside $1m for sex abuse study By Michael Paulson, The Boston Globe, June 18, 2005.
[5] ‘Untouchable – Runaway Priests hiding in plain sight’, By Reese Dunklin. The Dallas Morning News June 20, 2004.
[6] ‘In Albany, sexual accusations raise a bishop’s high profile’ By Darryl McGrath, The Boston Globe, March 14, 2004.
[7] Capital News 9, Feb 8, 2004.
[8] ‘Priest’s mysterious death complicates’ Albany bishop’s quest to clear his name Michael S. Rose, 27 February 2004.
[9] ‘Mystery Surrounds Death Of Priest’ By Paul Likoudis, The Wanderer Newspaper Online, February 26, 2004.
[10] ‘Priest’s mysterious death complicates’ Albany bishop’s quest to clear his name Michael S. Rose, 27 February 2004.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘Catholic bishops retain ‘zero tolerance’ policy Will set aside $1m for sex abuse study’ By Michael Paulson, The Boston Globe, June 18, 2005.
[13] Ibid.