human trafficking

Neuro-Hacking the Mass Mind (I)

By M.K. Styllinski

“…brain-hacking through social engineering and other processes is already a reality, and hackers are our brains. This ‘neuro-hacking’ can involve acting on the hardware, that is to say on the biological and genetic substrate of the brain, but it can also involve acting on the software, that is to say, on the communication code that we learn from society.” – Lucien Cerise

One of the breakthroughs in understanding the level of influence of the Deep State and Overworld dynamics has been through the recent revelations from Wikileaks’ Podesta emails. A veritable Pandora’s Box of connections has led to Pizzagate – now Pedogate – blackmail, corruption, child pornography, sex trafficking, black magick rituals and a plethora of other sordid revelations fanning out from the quest for regime change and the battle for resources in the Middle East. After researchers from all political persuasions and beliefs had been highlighting these horrors for years, these leaked emails, now being sat on by the FBI, are the closest yet to offering proof of the mechanisms which are passed from one Establishment/Deep State generation to the next like a dark baton slippery with blood.

Slowly but surely the why, who and how of our Official Culture and the drivers which ensure that humanity remains under the yoke of  World State cartels is being revealed in a way that hasn’t been seen before. Oil/Gas, weapons, drugs, and sex/organ trafficking lie at the top of multi-tiered resource pyramid. The financial architecture that perpetuates these unimaginably toxic channels is achieved through a long tradition of social engineering by Elite factions, the puppets & players of which follow a revolving door of power, irrespective of a President and his administration. This is the facade, the entrenched and inevitable outgrowth of the State that permits a shadow government to remain forever at the control panel of perpetual war and social disruption. As top-level power brokers between the CIA, the NSA and FBI jostle for supremacy let’s not forget that overall, these agencies are primarily engaged in a war for our minds as their primary reason for being.

However, let’s not imagine that the Wikileaks organisation and their poster-child Edward Snowden are somehow working for the greater good, although many in their staff may think so. I suspect that this period of permitted leaks is very probably nothing more than a psychological operation, a limited hangout of the CIA and thus an attempt to acclimatize populations to the ubiquity of surveillance and intelligence that is literally inside your home, phone, T.V. and anything else connected to the internet and the emerging SMART society.  This is one facet of the same social engineering project that we’ll discuss below.

It’s a risky game managing the flow of “leaks.” Allow too much information to seep into public consciousness and a momentum begins to emerge, not enough information and they can’t pursue their time-table of phased objectives. Which is why the hacking of lap-tops, smart phones and T.V.’s merely mirrors the hacking of our minds and beliefs – a potentially far more dangerous state of affairs then data mining. For example, the core roots of progressivism and the left have now been infected by ponerological streams of political correctness and narcissism, working in concert with CoIntelpro agents in much the same way as the New Age or Human potential movement as a whole. Thus, social movements such as LGBT, Black Lives Matter and Soros-led “social justice” organisations such as tune into a genuine desire for social equity and “rights” but are created or hijacked early on, driven by Deep State directives that desire the chaos of tribalism as a default setting for society. The younger generation of Millennials – who should be the hope of the world – appear incapable of exploring this dichotomy because they have already been programmed to embody and act out these inverted social-cultural beliefs, ethics and activism. The rise in an epidemic of narcissism in this demographic further encourages feel-good sensation, and a technology-driven buffer to the acknowledgement of nuance, complexity and attention to objective reality. The ability to think outside the box against ingrained conditioning becomes severely limited because it is perceived as an attack against the collective ego mask of self-entitlement.

Thus, Millennials and older generations of the well-intentioned (and not so well-intentioned) are already falling into the many traps, the escape from which will be extremely difficult since the these info-tainment led emotional hooks of manipulation offer benign moral imperatives to seduce a collective projection of unresolved shadows out into the world, thus turning ideology and justice on its head. Controlled opposition has therefore been easy to manufacture, backed up as it is by fake news of the corporate media. Those that are paying attention can see this formula everywhere you look: whether it is the BBC or CNN that promote the Establishment’s agenda of anti-Russian rhetoric to University Campuses engaging in an Orwellian re-branding of vocabulary in an tragi-comic and painfully ironic stand against racsim and bigotry.  Such tactics focus away from what really matters and into the realm of skin-deep analysis of feeling and sensation. This bio-chemical template that is burned into the young brains of new generations is the neural pathway upon which social engineering functions and thrives. Indeed, it seems much of the left, new age/green and “socially aware” are now the unconscious cultural foot-soldiers of the Deep State. This is why social engineering has been adopted with such pin-pointed skill and precision over the years and why it needs to be confronted and thoroughly explored.

The awakening to the nature of the MSM as a monolithic exercise in propaganda and thought control is gaining ground, thanks largely to the internet. It is becoming less easy to monopolise information and applied knowledge in this age of independent news feeds, FOI requests, forum research, whistle-blowers and leaked documents, despite the signs of psyops constantly filtering the truth. There is a real chance for moderates from the left and right (and many shades inbetween) to turn down the volume of their beliefs and collaborate against a common foe – that of institutionalised psychopathy. Which is why the war is being fought through the inner shadows and unresolved issues that we all have. These weaknesses can be exploited and used by the Elite through suitably prolonged exposure to new forms of social engineering. It is for this reason that lines between awareness, knowledge and apathy and ignorance are being drawn.

And so to neuro-hacking…


The Z Factor VI: MAFIYA (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel.”

Red Mafiya: by Robert I. Friedman

According to the UN Development Fund for Women, trafficking in women for prostitution is one of the fastest-growing organised criminal activities in the world, and follows, in frequency, only the trade in narcotics and weapons. The sex trade brings in $7-12 billion annually rising every year. While Israel is far from the only country to profit from this trade it remains one of the primary destination and transfer points from Russia and the Middle East with the US State Department listing this little country on the second tier of human trafficking around the world. Tel Aviv’s lucrative sex trade industry made over $1 billion in 2005, profits of which are largely supported by a constant flow of trafficked women from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Russia with many smuggled in across the Egyptian border. [1]

This has continued to increase over the intervening years. The women, many of whom are young girls, are routinely subjected to violence, sexual abuse and rape which often ends in murder. There are hundreds of legal brothels in Israel with predominantly Slavic girls who sell for about $10,000 to $15,000 apiece. They are bought and sold by Russian-Jewish mafia figures and sent to Israel, America and Britain to work. No substantial effort from Tel Aviv has sought to stem this tide. Smuggling, fraudulent documents, and the collaboration between police and brothel owners is still commonplace. While progress has been made it has been painfully slow and Israeli law and protection for prostitutes and vulnerable women remains weak and ineffective. [2] So much so that even Israel’s own women are now being sold abroad. [3]

Over two thousand women each year are trafficked to Israel. Indeed, during the last decade, hundreds of thousands of women from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania in particular have been sold into slavery as prostitutes. Israel is one of the key centres for human trafficking where a hasty and inadequate law was passed only in July 2000 to make trafficking in women illegal. Before this date the buying and selling of women was not considered legal or even worth discussing. The law was only passed due to a paper by Amnesty International which strongly criticised Israeli authorities for allowing widespread trafficking of women to continue unabated.


Information poster on Ukranian Prostitutes in Israel: The poster reads: “Unlike Drugs a woman’s body can be sold over and over. Owners of Israeli brothels like this one in Tel Aviv can buy young women from Moldova or Ukraine for around $4,000 each. With ten prostitutes to service customers , even a small operation can make a million dollars a year. Traffickers posing as employment agents find victims in poor Eastern European towns and lure them abroad with the promise of good jobs. When the women arrive – in Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, the U.S. – they’re delivered to buyers who typically beat, rape, or terrorize them into compliance.”

With the breakdown of the Soviet Union in the late eighties, former soldiers, disenfranchised industrial workers and large numbers of prisoners released from penitentiaries contributed to a massive rise in crime. The ascendency of Russian-Jewish oligarchs living in the West, the Russian mafia has infused the global underworld, with special attention to Israel. Reports from over fifteen years ago show that this consolidation is complete with various Russian mafia groupings comprehensively controlling prostitution, arms, drugs and human trafficking. As emigration policies were relaxed in the 1990s, over half the population of Russian Jews left the country heading primarily for Israel, along with the United States, Germany, Canada, and Australia. However, the largest populations of Jewish peoples still reside in the nations of Russia.

Professor Ethan S. Burger, Senior Lecturer Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention at the University of Wollongong made a useful study of the Russian Mafia groups presented at the 2010 International Serious Organized Crime Conference in Melbourne, Australia. While he revealed just how little we know about the subject, what is certain is that the emergence of mafia states and “deep politics” – where the criminal underworld becomes the “Overworld” – is virtually complete.  Government, commerce and corporations are effectively filtered through criminal networks which means that there are now factions inside federal departments and intelligence agencies who are involved in turf wars directly related to organised crime, terrorism and political extremism. Quite a heady brew. These are signs that ponerological influences are reaching their apotheosis with consequences for for us all.

In his study, Burger highlights the possibility that Russia has inevitably become a “criminal state” with the dividing line between government and mafia groupings “not readily discernable.” Russian, Chechen, Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani criminal groups are separate but work together under the direction of the Solntsevskaya Bratva, the most powerful Jewish and Slavic grouping closely associated with Jewish mobster Semion Mogilevich. It is this group that sits at the top of a loosely defined hierarchy. In much the same way as Bolshevism was a predominately Jewish phenomenon * so too the present day Russian mafia and their the top leaders Ludwig Fainberg, Marat Balagula, Monya Elson, Vyacheslav Ivankov Vladimir Ginsberg, and of course, Mogilevich – are all Jewish. That isn’t designed to set the anti-Semites nodding happily, it is simply relying a fact.

Since we are exploring the background of Russian mafia and Zionist connections it is also important to point out that ethnic divisions are not a problem when it comes to creating empires of crime. However, the most powerful mafia groupings and oligarchs seem to be predominantly Jewish and/or Zionist since this is the most effective way extending reach, both culturally, economically and as a consequence of an historically nomadic and opportunistic tribal imperative.

As waves of anti-Jewish pogroms and expulsions from the countries of Western Europe marked the last centuries of the Middle Ages, a sizable portion of the Jewish populations moved to the more tolerant countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Many settled in Poland and Hungary which then led to Jews from Poland migrating in large numbers to the lightly populated areas of Ukraine and Lithuania.

Late in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Jews dominated and controlled the trade in white slavery or prostitution, running brothels in Shanghai, India, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil and New York City. It steadily increased in scope and complexity, with brothels serving the primary means of financial gain, as is still the case today. This formed an extensive network based in Eastern and Central Europe, trafficking women to all corners of the globe including all parts of North and South Africa, to India, China, Japan, Philippine Island, North and South America, and many European countries. Primary cities acting as transfer points included Bulgaria, Bosnia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. Although mainly non-Jewish women were the victims, the Jewish criminal underworld procured young women from their own communities who were often poor and with considerable societal pressure to either accept prostitution or succumb to the the extreme poverty existing at the time.

Poland became a major focus for bonded prostitution as early as 1899 with the city of Warsaw acting as the primary location. According to Edward Bristow one of the acknowledged 20th century experts in white slavery:

In 1905 the respectable part of the Jewish Warsaw community rioted against the brothels; 40 whorehouses — legal and illegal — were reported destroyed, 8 persons killed, and 100 injured). […] In Minsk, Jews ran all four legitimate houses of ill repute. In the Russian province of Kherson (which includes the city of Odessa) 30 of 36 licensed brothels were Jewish-owned. The American Consul in Odessa wrote in 1908 that the “whole ‘business’ of prostitution is almost exclusively in the hands of the Jews.” […] In Vienna, authorities knew of about 50 Jewish prostitution traffickers based in Czernowitz, “and they were a very inbred lot extending over two generations.” The most publicized ‘white slavery’ trial occurred in 1892, in Lemberg (once also called Lvov, then a Polish provincial capital, today called Lviv in Ukraine), where 27 traffickers — all Jews — were prosecuted for ensnaring women to go to Constantinople, Egypt, and India. Some of the women recruits understood their tasks, but others “were maids, others fieldworkers, one a butcher’s helper, all apparently promised honest jobs. [4]

Bristow confirms that this method of entrapment has not changed at all in over one hundred and fifty years. From Europe to Latin America, the Jewish Mafia was expanding their operations and by 1909 they owned half of the two-hundred brothels licensed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With the financial help from the United Jewish Philanthropies of Germany, Austria, France and Britain, and even after the persecution from the Russian and Polish pale the mafia were on hand to turn refugees into profitable commodities. This included Jewish ties in Cuba who established a trade route for prostitutes from Poland and the Balkans.

Russia and Eastern Europe had become an increasingly hostile place for Jews. Several 19th-century Russian writers, among them Dostoyevski and Gogol, have described the crime-wave from the Jewish underworld and destructive effects on Slavic peasant society as well as the perpetual condition of mutual hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs. The Mafia, and crime syndicates within Jewish communities knew how to exploit the suffering, including that of their own people.


New York: Lower East side’s Russian-Jewish “ghetto” of 1908

According to Dr. Mordechai Zalkin, senior lecturer in the Department of the History of the Jewish People at Ben-Gurion University, until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. Zalkin believes that the late 19th and early 20th century were bad years, in which the Jews of Eastern Europe did their best simply to survive. Between 1888 and the outbreak of World War I, in 1914, two million Jews from Eastern Europe moved to America. Perhaps mass poverty on such a scale produces methods of survival where those who can adapt in a strictly Darwinian sense do so. And they thrive. This was the hard won roots of the Jewish mafia where thrive they certainly did, with a particular ruthlessness borne from intense hardship:

“… The major catalyst for the consolidation of the Jewish criminal organizations was poverty, poverty so profound that there was no chance to break out of it. The Jews had it even harder, because they were a minority within a majority that placed restrictions on them. […] Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members. The large organizations operated in the cities, which they divided into sectors among themselves. Each organization had a charter, a clear hierarchy and internal courts, and its work was divided according to different areas, such as theft, protection money, prostitution, pick-pocketing and murder. The art of crime was treated seriously, as it was a major source of livelihood for many people. Between the world wars the idea was even raised of establishing a school for thieves in Vilna. [in Lithuania] It’s not known if the idea was put into practice.” [5]

However, although poverty was certainly the cause of widespread crime and prostitution Bristow argued that the 1914 League of Nations survey of 25 Jewish prostitutes in Buenos Aires showed that only 4 of them claimed to be poor before their new trade. Nine, however, stated that their family lives had been “immoral or abusive in some way.”

Similarly, Prof. Robert Rockaway, from the department of Jewish history at Tel Aviv University notes that Detroit’s Jewish Purple Gang members “were not products of crushing poverty, broken homes, or widespread economic despair. Most of them had been raised in lower middle class households where the father had a steady, if not well-paying, job.” (Interestingly, the centre of the Jewish trade in Polish girls was in a little town called Oswiecim or – “Auschwitz.”)

Essentially, the oppressive period of communism was also a time for the Jewish Bolsheviks to exercise their control within Russia, the Ukraine and the Slavic countries, coming down hard on the growing capitalism which included their Jewish compatriots in human trafficking. Enter the historical period of slave labour camps where many Russian and Ukrainian nationalists perished and for whom the Jewish identity and its underworld had become synonymous. Many enemies of the Jews died in these camps enabling in part, the Russian/Jewish underworld to gain a lasting ascendance. It was here that the roots of Russian crime – well established within Soviet bureaucracy – began to fuse with the extensive underworld and Zionist global connections. With the collapse of communism and the Soviet Union, the Jewish Networks and the Russian Mafia became one. As the late Russian-Jewish magnate and fervant Zionist Boris Berezovsky declared in 1996, and a candid response to his critics at the height of his obligarchal control: “Every Jew, regardless of where he is born or lives, is de facto a citizen of Israel,” …“The fact that I have annulled my Israeli citizenship today in no way changes the fact that I am a Jew and can again become a citizen of Israel whenever I choose. Let there be no illusions about it, ‘every Jew in Russia is a dual citizen’ ”.

Young students and those from poor backgrounds in Russia, Ukraine and the Slavic countries are still being lured by promises of big money and/or paid blue collar work only to find themselves working in brothels with no way out until their debt for the travel costs are paid back in full. Even then, the chances are that freedom will mean transportation to a new region and a new brothel to begin it all over again. One could see why Hitler and his twisted form of Gnostic fascism ostensibly chose the underworld Jewish mafia of the time as a caricature of the Jewish people as a whole and the pariah and projection of all the German peoples’ ills and frustrations. Obviously, many Jewish peoples wanted nothing to do with such crime and its Zionist roots, as is the case today. As Bristow mentions: “Jews were already blamed in central Europe for a financial crash in 1873 and economic competition between Jews and non-Jews was heightening. In Chicago, by 1907 Rabbi Emil Hirsch declared that 75 per cent of the “white slavery” in his city was controlled by Jews.

It was no accident that The Jewish Kehillah in New York City was formed together with the American Jewish Committee. The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies – religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah reached 688, and by 1921 over 1,000. An aggressive program from the Kehillah was implemented to make New York “a Jewish city”, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country. In the 1920s the United States of America had fielded a vast exodus of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe which brought with it an extensive network of mafia links which laid the foundations for a new form of crime organisation. They were by no means the only crime network, but they were certainly the most powerful.

1917 saw the Balfour Declaration and a home grown Zionist dream of a State of Israel was the beginning of a long cherished plan from a host of diverse parties all with their respective goals. The Protestants in Britain and forerunners of the Christian Zionists of today implemented the declaration itself, identifying themselves as the inheritors of the Israelites or the lost ten tribes. This support grew for restoration of the Jews as the rightful owners of “the Holy Land.” The movement was given succour by many that were that were distinctly unfriendly in their intentions. As we have noted, some branches of Protestantism posit that the Second Coming of Christ would only come only after the Jews were re-established in their land. Then there was the rising anti-Semitic backlash made up of individuals who saw the established Jewish homeland as a perfect solution to ridding the Europe of Jews. The British Empire also hoped that a Jewish Palestine would be an excuse for a British protectorate there, and would establish a power base in the Middle East that would ensure geo-political leverage well into the future. Once Israel was firmly established as a thriving hub of allegiance between crime networks in America, Israel’s “business” began to flourish and diversify from the HQ of a “promised” homeland.

Professor Rockaway believes that those coming straight from the survivalist rigours of their former homeland knew full well that economic advancement was not going to be an option. The underworld ties still in place abroad and the particular brand of US capitalism which was busy sharpening its teeth, offered a seamless homogenization and extension of Jewish crime organizations which had first been seeded in Russia and Eastern Europe. Zionist gangsters were among the frontline of organized crime during the start of the twentieth century. For an example, among many, Rockaway states: “Arnold Rothstein, was the head of the New York underworld in the 1920s. He created the largest gambling empire the U.S. had ever seen until then. He controlled most of the gangs in New York, including drugs and liquor. Rothstein was the first entrepreneur in the U.S. who created a well-oiled organization to smuggle liquor during Prohibition.” [6]

Criminals such as Abner Zwillman, Joseph Reinfeld, Bugsy Seigel and later Julius Berstein were at the forefront of US crimes including everything from extortion, contraband, gambling and the still rising profits of prostitution. Jewish-American gangsters such as the notorious Meyer Lansky who underpinned much of the outgrowth of Jewish crime had strong links to Israel and its development. His life-long associate Joe Stacher (the first official Israeli mobster) also helped in the struggle for Israel’s creation during the 1940s, by providing shipments of weapons and military hardware to the pre-state Haganah defense organization, the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces. According to Rockaway, tens of thousands of dollars from other Jewish underworld figures helped in the establishment of the new Zionist settlements. World War II only increased the cover of the Zionist movement as a whole.


(left) Meyer Lansky (right) Bugsy Siegel


(Left) Arnold Rothstein (right) Julius Bernstein

It was around the 1960s that leading figures in the Irgun Jewish terrorist group by suggestion or by their own volition, decided to bring key players within Jewish organized crime from the West into the heart of Israel, most notably Tel Aviv. This was due to the fact that key movers within the Irgun or “The Organization” were active in the underworld and fascist at their roots. They obviously abhorred anti-Semitism but aligned themselves with elements of the Mussolini doctrine. Arms, drug running and money laundering grew to staggering proportions, the latter being particularly notorious amongst Russian/Jewish banks within Israel and Wall Street.

Back in 1968, Israeli Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir, the creator of Israel’s “offshore” banking system, sponsored the first of many “millionaires conferences” in Jerusalem. All in attendance were in one way or another connected to the Israeli intelligence apparatus responsible for the weapons and money that helped create Israel in 1948. Among them were: Louis Boyar and Sam Rothberg, Max Fisher, Philip Klutznik, Henry Crown, Raphael Recanati, Ray Wolfe and Shaul Eisenberg. (If we remember from a previous post Eisenberg’s Israel Corporation had it’s beginnings in this secret meeting and which led to the Banque du Credit International money laundering scandal set up by Tibor Rosenbaum). The injection of capital into the designs of Israel is on-going and underworld crime naturally benefits. Indeed, if it is correct that 50 per cent of Russian wealth is owned by Russian Jews then it’s only logical that the capital – political and otherwise – is increasingly a factor in Israel’s ideological designs; not forgetting since 1973, Israel has cost the United States alone about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today’s population, that is more than $5,700 per person.

The Club of Isles (which allegedly has one time friend of Eisenberg and “philanthropist” Jewish George Soros as an active member) the Carlyle Group, Bilderberg Grp., The Club of Rome, or the Trilateral Commission and other glorified Old Boys’ Clubs all have members of a Zionist Elite. Not forgetting the ever present and hugely influential House of Rothschild dynasty …

Once again, our mixed up and fluid reality ensures that objectivity regarding the Jewish role is a veritable mine-field of beliefs and emotional reactions. This goes a long way in explaining its ascendency and continuing hold on most of the world’s future, let alone the lives of Palestinians. Israel and the Russian underworld are brothers in arms, trafficking and narcotics all of which merge into the intelligence apparatus.


Robert I. Friedman

Robert I. Friedman, the late Jewish, Ukrainian-American investigative journalist and expert on the Russian “Mafiya” – and who was murdered by poisoning in 2002 [7] was told by US State Department crime expert Jonathan Winer that: “There is not a major Russian organized crime figure whom we are tracking who does not also carry an Israeli passport.” He believed – and authorities concur – that Israel and Russia are the “principle residences of most Russian crime bosses…” and further: “Of all the nations where the Russian mob has established a presence, none has been more deeply compromised than the State of Israel,” which has led to the Russian mafia becoming: “… a grave threat to the stability of Israel.” [8] In fact, Friedman’s research confirms that: “… all 75 of the top Russian and Ukrainian crime kingpins the U.S. government was tracking worldwide at the end of the 1990s were citizens of Israel.” (More from Friedman in the next post)

Rather like Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, US Federal law enforcement’s efforts to investigate Russian Mafia leaders have been continually thwarted by high level officials in the US government or the tried and tested pretense of the anti-Semitism meme. Friedman believed that within the stocks, insurance, Medicare and credit card industries some of the biggest frauds in US history have been carried out by these Mafia groups and their respectable – often Jewish – fronts. The author explains how their dealings branch into counterfeit currencies, money laundering, narcotics and weapons trafficking, gambling and protection rackets, prostitution rackets and sex slave industries, and the appropriation of gasoline and other fuels. In fact, just about anything which can be criminalised the profit extracted as quickly as possible then the Russian Mafia have either cornered, stolen or created the market. To that end, the author states: “Ukrainian Jewish mafia kingpins also reportedly laundered about $9 billion through the Bank of New York during Russia’s financial meltdown in 1998, and are believed to be fixing games in the National Hockey League. Outside the United States, these crime syndicates are supplying weapons to insurgents, paramilitaries and drug traffickers in Colombia, Brazil and the Andean region.” [9]

If it wasn’t present at its inception, Zionism has now clearly merged with underworld financing with money laundering, sex slavery and narcotics as a few of the primary activities of Israeli crime syndicates. [10]


* The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Two volume work Two Hundred Years Together published in 2001-2002 provides the definitive open and shut case for Bolshevism and its Jewish roots in both belief and the eventual revolution itself. Yet, of course, Zionists and academic Jews had to come down hard on the Nobel Laureate and accuse him very quickly of anti-Semitism. Thankfully, most people were not convinced. In a recent guardian article Solzhenitsyn states:

“My book was directed to empathise with the thoughts, feelings and the psychology of the Jews – their spiritual component,” he said. “I have never made general conclusions about a people. I will always differentiate between layers of Jews. One layer rushed headfirst to the revolution. Another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back. The Jewish subject for a long time was considered prohibited. Zhabotinsky [a Jewish writer] once said that the best service our Russian friends give to us is never to speak aloud about us.”

‘Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution’ The Guardian, Nick Paton Walsh, January 2003.

And so it is with the Russian-Jewish mafia.


[1] ‘Human trafficking in Israel rakes in more than USD billion a year, findings in annual parliamentary survey show’ Miri Hasson, Israel News, March 23, 2005.
[2] Amnesty International 2000 report: “Israel’s Sex Industry”.
[3] ‘Israeli women being trafficked abroad’ The Jerusalem Post. March 13 2007.
[4] Prostitution and Prejudice: the Jewish Fight against White Slavery – 1870-1939, Edward J. Bristow.
[5] ‘World of our (god)fathers’ Basing his conclusions on carefully culled scraps of evidence, historian Mordechai Zalkin states that until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. By ‘our’ people. By Coby Ben-Simhon Haaretz, Oct. 21, 2004. |
[6] ‘Segodnya’ Today, Nov. 14, 1996.
[7] But He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters by Prof. Robert Rockaway, Department of Jewish history, Aviv University, Gefen Publishing House, 2000.
[8] “The investigative stories of Robert I. Friedman (1951-2002) appeared from the early 1980s. Allegedly, he died of a tropical blood disease. But many had their doubts and believed he was poisoned. The daring Jewish journalist made headlines exposing politicians, bankers and mobsters who preyed on the powerless. The ADL maligned him, death threats poured in, and he was badly beaten by West Bank thugs. Friedman warned the FBI of the threat posed by the first World Trade Center bombers and delivered vital reports on the long arms of the Russian Jewish mafia, which offered $100,000 to have him killed.” – Y M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D
[9] p. 65; Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman, published by Little, Brown and Company; 1st edition, 2000 | ISBN-10: 0316294748
[10] ‘Russian Ukrainian Crime Groups Set to Corner Global Drug Market,’ Strategic Forecasting, April 8, 2002.


The Z Factor I

By M.K. Styllinski

 “The nature and history of the Judaic assassin was known by our civilization’s greatest artists and poets and imparted through the classics of western literature. Today however, the myriad “classical Christian” advocates … who quack their support for western civilization and its canon, have about the same fidelity to it as Donald Duck.”

Michael A. Hoffman II

zfactor1One intelligence agency renowned for its ruthless self-serving agenda is the MOSSAD. Having successfully co-opted the globe with their pre-emptive operations across all political and social domains the extraordinary influence this Israeli intelligence agency has had in the present and preceding century regarding geopolitical strategies, cannot be overstated. It has been at the centre of most of the state sponsored terrorist acts and the ensuing conflicts that have arisen from them.

Israel’s reputation as a haven for sexual slavery and Russian-Zionist mafia influence is well-documented and would suggest that the MOSSAD is involved in human trafficking, narcotics and arms as means for financing their powerful leveraging of the geopolitical scene. The enormous power of Israeli lobbyists in the United States as well as their traditional role in media and entertainment provide a reliable source for the furtherance of underworld financing of ideological objectives. The assassination of Canadian arms inventor Gerald Bull in Brussels on March 22, 1990, is instructive on this point and revealed just how cemented all three activities seem to be.

Gerald Bull was an internationally known astrophysicist, arms dealer, genius of military hardware and the inventor of the notorious “Super Gun” under Project Babylon. Bull’s friends and associates included major players within the CIA and he was not above using these contacts to secure favours in order circumnavigate legal problems or easing the passage of arms sales, though clearly, this did not always work. (His long term business dealings with South Africa landed him in jail for smuggling despite the CIA’s attempts to have his sentence quashed).

Although many of Bull’s colleagues and business associates thought his links to the agency were exaggerated, his final end suggests that this was not the case. In fact, Bull had contacts with both former CIA directors William E. Colby and Stansfield Turner, the latter dating back to the late 1960s before he became head of the agency. Colby, Like Bull, died under mysterious circumstances in 1996 while on a solo canoe outing in Maryland. What is even more interesting is that his death followed closely on from his dealings with John Decamp the Nebraska senator who came to notoriety through his determination in raising awareness of the paedophile rings thorough successive administrations, up to and including the present. (See The Franklin Cover up).

It is not by coincidence that Bull was based in Brussels, long recognized as a hub of illicit arms deals. Bull’s deal with Iraq had been bankrolled by the Société Générale, the banking arm of the Société Générale de Belgique, a holding company of the Belgian Royal Family which owns 40 percent of the country’s industry. Being the backbone behind Belgium’s financial prosperity it is a corporation that has considerable leverage in global finance said to have been established by William of Orange back in 1822 with the task of financing Belgian industry.

Aside from the Belgian Royals, the Vatican has been a faithful shareholder along with the powerful business interests of the Rothschilds, Solvays, the Boels and the Janssens. [1]Prince Bernhard of Netherlands also had a slice of the pie, having his own substantial interest in the oil industry. With such dubious friends as Joseph H. Retinger, co-creator of the Bilderberg Group in Europe, the Elite membership was early on mired in petroleum interests and corporate colonialism.

The Belgian Royal family and the Solvay family appear to be the only major shareholders in SGB apart from cross holdings within the group, which inevitably led to a “self-perpetuating oligarchy” so favoured by the rising monolith of Russian mafia expansionism. [2]Furthermore, SGB exerts considerable control over the second major arms producer, Fabrique Nationale, which produces the Browning pistol under licence from the United States. The US and Israel have had a special relationship with Belgium using it as a major supplier and broker for weapons sales. In 1989, Bull was working for Belgium’s premier arms manufacturer Poudrieres Reunies de Belgique (PRB).

There were also significant business dealings with the late billionaire and leading arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg, who had brokered a sale in Gerald Bull’s Space Research Corporation for South Africa’s state owned arms manufacturing company, Armscor. Eisenberg happened to be a high level MOSSAD operative and a key figure in Israel’s nuclear development programs, though his primary role had been to secure Israeli interests in China dating back to the Cold War. Eisenberg, (whose Wikipedia entry is periodically re-written by Israeli propagandists) also “… controlled Israel Aircraft Industries and Zim Israel Navigation Shipping Company” according to intelligence journalist Wayne Madsen, and “… was able to provide needed nuclear weapons components from Operation Phoenix to China and two of its major allies, North Korea and Pakistan.” [3]


Shaul Eisenberg

His financial enabler and fellow agent was banker Tibor Rosenbaum, head of the Geneva based Banque du Credit international (BCI) [4] which during the late fifties and sixties was actively involved in laundering money from the criminal empire of Meyer Lansky. Like Rosenbaum, Lansky was a fierce Zionist. His financial contributions to the “cause” ensured his protection from the MOSSAD. Tibor Rosenbaum funded and supported Eisenberg giving the tycoon enormous financial leverage and covert influence over global business politics. [5] The corporations and companies owned by Eisenberg and now under his son Erwin’s control include: Iron Mt Recordkeeping, Iron Mtn mining, Rotron, Wackenhut, Israel Chemicals, Eisenberg Industries of Israel, Permindex, Legacy foundation of Nevada, Eisenberg Satellite and Telecom.

What should not be forgotten is MOSSAD’s well-known tactic of using front companies within the telecommunications industry for spying and blackmail. As we saw in a previous post, private security contractors in Iraq are used extensively by the US and make up a convenient resource for black operations. As Mark Shapiro, a spokesman for Wackenhut stated: “Security officers now outnumber law enforcement by three to one.” Wackenhut’s ease in collecting telephone records for its less than legal investigations from another Eisenberg owned corporation, AT&T, fuels speculation that this is a network of corporate businesses fused with Israeli intelligence interests, a mirror image of Eisenberg own dealings.

From the moment Donald Rumsfeld shook Saddam’s hand in 1983, delivering the promised chemical weapons shipments along with the CIA-led support for his regime, Gerald Bull was being groomed for chemical weaponry work in Iraq. Meanwhile, Eisenberg was busy expanding “Israel Chemicals” now owned by a Canadian company [6] With the rise of Neo-Conservatism, the infiltration of the Bush administration from die-hard Zionists took a major leap forward. As far back as 1988, Israel was busy implementing its plan to maintain the illusion that it was the only “democracy” in the Middle East and to ensure an end to any and all possibilities for lasting peace within the region. After all, they believed that such moves would eventually mean the corrosion of its military presence and the eventual demise of the State of Israel.

Feeding into the parallel force of the extreme right in America, the phony war on terrorism was beginning to take shape. A new bogey man was required and the Likud and Neo-cons were to begin an uncomfortable and complex fusion of interests which would culminate in the attacks of September 11th, the most audacious propaganda coup since Pearl Harbour[7]and all doors for coercion, blackmail and information gathering would be open. If new doors needed to be unlocked, then new “keys” were made. Thus it came to be, that Saddam Hussein was considered a primary asset for CIA-MOSSAD tag-team and the assurance that Israel would maintain its military and ideological position in the region. Hussein was to become an integral part of the new deception to turn back the clock and prevent any emergence of “a leader who might be more palatable to the West and still be a threat to Israel.” [8]


Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein circa 1983 in relation to chemical weapons contract

Ex-MOSSAD agent Victor Ostrovsky outlines the background to the Iraq Invasion in his second book The Other Side of Deception (1995). He writes about the intelligence agency’s long-term project to portray Hussein as a tyrant and a “danger to the world” beginning in the late 1980’s and which was to continue right up to the Gulf war in 1990/91 and beyond. To that end: “The MOSSAD activated every asset it had, in every place possible, from volunteer agents in Amnesty International to fully bought members of the US Congress. Saddam had been killing his own people, the cry went; what could his enemies expect?”

Ostrovsky reveals the context behind the propaganda coup of the Kurdish massacre and its relation to Iraq:

The gruesome photos of dead Kurdish mothers clutching their dead babies after a gas attack by Saddam’s army were real, and the acts were horrendous. But the Kurds were entangled in an all-out guerrilla war with the regime in Baghdad and had been supported for years by the MOSSAD, who sent arms and advisers to the mountain camps of the Barazany family; this attack by the Iraqis could hardly be called an attack on their own people. But, as Uri said to me, once the orchestra starts to play, all you can do is hum along.

The media was supplied with inside information and tips from reliable sources on how the crazed leader of Iraq killed people with his bare hands and used missiles to attack Iranian cities. What they neglected to tell the media was that most of the targeting for the missiles was done by the MOSSAD with the help of American satellites. The MOSSAD was grooming Saddam for a fall, but not his own. They wanted the Americans to do the work of destroying that gigantic army in the Iraqi desert so that Israel would not have to face it one day on its own border. That in itself was a noble cause for an Israeli, but to endanger the world with the possibility of global war and the deaths of thousands of Americans was sheer madness. [9]

And it is in 2013 with Syria’s President Assad that we see the same tawdry attempts at PSYOPS with fake chemical attacks and media propaganda desperately trying to push through a new war in the Middle East. The Israeli lobby is beside themselves with frustration because at the time of writing this usually successfully tactic has failed as a direct result of public pressure in turn the exposure to alternative media exposing false flag operations for what they are. Yet, endangering the world with deception after deception is exactly what extreme elements in Israel’s government and MOSSAD operatives have continued to do from the disaster that was the Iraq invasion to the present day sabre-rattling and MOSSAD incursions into Iran – the next target on the map of a Greater Israel.

In order to follow through on their psychological operations the Israelis introduced the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” meme to the press and to further implant the idea of an imminent threat to all democracies from Saddam’s developing programs of nuclear chemical and biological weaponry. The propaganda train was set in motion, exaggerating and distorting Iraq’s true capability. The MOSSAD was about show its expertise in “false-flag” operations.

According to Ostrovsky, Gerald Bull was visited by Israeli friends from his past who were also MOSSAD officers, of which Bull was very probably aware. They had come to give him a warning having been thoroughly debriefed by MOSSAD’s psychological department and who had: “… studied the position Bull was in and analysed what was known about his character. It arrived at the conclusion that, even if threatened, he wouldn’t pull out of the program but would instead carry on his work with very little regard for his personal safety.” [10]

Ostrovsky believed that:

“Bull’s continuing with the program would play right into the MOSSAD’s hands. Through the bullet riddled body of Gerald Bull the world would be made to focus on his work: the Iraqi giant gun project. The timing had to be right though; Bull’s well publicised demise had to come right after an act of terror by the Baghdad regime, an act that could not be mistaken for an accident or a provocation. The hanging of the Observer reporter on March 15 was such an act.

After the reporter’s execution in Baghdad, a Kidon (MOSSAD assassination) team arrived in Brussels and cased the apartment building where Bull lived. It was imperative that the job be done in a place where it would not be mistaken for a robbery or an accident. At the same time, an escape route was prepared for the team and some old contacts in the Belgian police were revived to make sure they were on duty at the time of Bull’s elimination so that, if there was a need to call on a friendly police force, they’d be on call. They weren’t old of the reason for the alert, but would learn later and keep silent. [11]

Twelve years later in May 2003, a Belgian State Prosecutor considered reopening a probe into the murder having found new information that MOSSAD was indeed, involved. His consideration did not last long. In July 18, 1991, Belgian politician André Cools who had been investigating the murder of Bull a year earlier became the next high profile assassination. Two Tunisian men who carried out the murder were thought to have been employed by a Gladio group [12]which in turn led back to the CIA/MOSSAD. André Cools had not only met and interviewed Shaul Eisenberg as part of his investigations into the case, but the Iraqi banker Abdullah Zilka. Foolishly, he announced that he would shortly be providing evidence on Belgian, Canadian and American corruption in the arms industry, the latter of which extended to some very elevated names within the British arms industry and the Bush Administration including Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and certainly the enigmatic Frank Carlucci. His interviews with the two men were never published. The Belgian judge presiding over the murder case issued arrest warrants for mafia bosses connected to Toto Riina, the head of the Italian mafia.

Jean-Marc Connerotte, the courageous Belgian judge found himself dismissed from the Cools murder case before he could issue indictments on leading politicians. His removal was to be repeated several years later in the Dutroux case, when another similar list of high-profile names would appear, only to disappear into the night from whence they came. Alain Van der Biest, and a one-time political ally of Andre Cools and a shareholder in Poudrieres Reunies de Belgique, along with several associates, was accused of the murder by – you guessed it – an anonymous informer. By March 2002, while waiting to hear if he would go on trial in connection with the murder, Van der Biest was found dead from a “drug overdose” and with a suicide letter to his wife.

In October 2003 only five of the nine accused stood trial the others choosing to remain in various countries in Europe rather than to acquiesce to the law. It is not hard to see why. Finally, by January 2004 two had been acquitted and six men sentenced to 20 years in prison. They included his former aide, Richard Taxquet, chauffeur Giuseppe di Mauro, and two men tried in their absence, Cosimo Solazzo, Domenico Castellino. A “former aide” and his “chauffeur” with Italian mafia connections: this was hardly a resounding victory – rather a damp squib excuse that “justice be done.”

André Cool’s murder had thrown the Walloon socialist party into chaos and the subsequent investigation revealed not only several minor league sexual scandals but the payment of more than £2 billion in bribes made by French aerospace manufacturer Dassault and Italian helicopter firm Agusta to secure equipment orders from the Belgian armed forces, via socialist politicians. This bought down the Belgian Secretary-General to NATO and certainly put the spotlight on Belgian weapons manufacturing and the vested interests involved. But has anything changed? As in the Dutroux case, those on the outer ring of corruption took the rap and those who had a little more pertinent information were taken care of. And thus the world of arms, sexploitation and paedophilia continues to spin.

As we have explored, the manufactured nature of Belgium (not dissimilar to Israel) shows that Brussels and all its military agencies enjoy a disproportionate amount of power within the European Union. The 1970s and 1980s was particularly favourable for the development of institutional corruption and the fostering of ponerogenic networks. After the decision to set up the European headquarters of NATO otherwise known as Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) the CIA, along with the fascist network Gladio became concerned by the geo-political “prostitution” of Belgium to all and sundry, including Soviet spies. Gladio has all but been merged into the Zionist mafia consortiums that sub-contract assassins and various brokers within their respective fields.

With the collapse of the USSR the underworld is flowing freely into the Balkans; into Belgian’s military-industrial Establishment and fanning out across Europe. It seems that Brussels is a nexus point in the transference and brokerage of a major number of shadowy deals which extend far beyond the daily abuse of market capitalism. Israel’s MOSSAD and its extensive networks of sayanim * are central to this trade.


* Sayanim – Describes persons of Jewish origin living outside Israel as foreign citizens and who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This includes medical care, financial support, research; intelligence gathering i.e. anything that can aid the Mossad in their global operations. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. This is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer agents than other intelligence agencies.



[1] p. 345; The Barons Of European Industry, by Anthony Rowley, 1974.
[2] Ibid. (p.356)
[3] ‘CIA Report: Israel Guilty of Nuclear Proliferation’ By Wayne Madsen, Veterans Today, January 20th, 2013.
[4] This bank was the forerunner to the Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) which collapsed in the late 90s after being discovered as a major intelligence drug money laundering bank.
[5] Shaul Eisenberg was also a partner in Perminidex.
[6] ‘The Saddam in Rumsfeld’s Closet’ by Jeremy Scahill, Common Dreams, August 2, 2002. |
[7] For further reading see: The New Pearl Harbor – Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin and 911: The Ultimate Truth by Joe Quinn and Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
[8] The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda by Victor Ostrovsky, Harpercollins, 1995.
[9]  Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] “‘You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force … the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.’ – Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra. “Operation Gladio is a decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit directed by the intelligence services of the West – against their own populations. Hundreds of innocent people were killed or maimed in terrorist attacks — on train stations, supermarkets, cafes and offices – which were then blamed on ‘leftist subversives’ or other political opponents.[…] Originally set up as a network of clandestine cells to be activated behind the lines in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, Gladio quickly expanded into a tool for political repression and manipulation, directed by NATO and Washington.” quoted from Global Eye: ‘Sword Play’ By Chris Floyd, The Moscow Times.


See Spanish version at La Verdad Nos Espera

Outsourcing Abuse II: Dyncorp Revealed

By M.K. Styllinski

“The people of DynCorp International (DI) leverage our global presence and reach, international business experience, language capabilities, and deep cultural understanding to benefit every mission. We provide the highest level of professional intelligence training, collection and analysis, and mission support to meet the intelligence needs of our customers. The team also delivers flexible and rapidly-deployable, integrated security solutions to suit any situation in any part of the world.”

– Dyncorp International  

The above quote can be summarised in a sentence: “We outsource American Empire”. And of course, since the Establishment in America is concerned with invading and stealing other nation’s resources under the pretext of democratic intervention, then it stands to reason that what “needs” Dyncorp is delivering to their “intelligence customers” is simply more of the same morally bankrupt dynamics employed by the World state psychopaths in power. I’m quite sure their “deep cultural understanding” helps intel operatives enormously as they find new ways to extend their reach.

Outsourcing and private security contracts have boomed over the last decade. The United Nations isn’t the only Establishment organisation to have suffered from the effects of institutional sexual abuse and expanded these pathologies via outsourced channels. A cross fertilization is taking place between Private securities companies (private armies) prisons, the military and intelligence agencies.

A revealing January 2002 article by Insight magazine’s Kelly Patricia O’Meara (below) was followed up in November of the same year with The Guardian’s piece on the American defence and security contractor DynCorp. This opend the proverbial can of beans…The corporation had branches in Salisbury, UK and dealt with the contracts of American officers working for the international police force in Bosnia. Dyncorp unfairly dismissed Kathryn Bolkovac, a UN police officer for reporting colleagues involved in the Bosnian sex trade and threatening their “lucrative contact” to supply officers to the UN mission. According to the report: “UN peacekeepers went to nightclubs where girls as young as 15 were forced to dance naked and have sex with customers, and those UN personnel and international aid workers were linked to prostitution rings in the Balkans. The employment tribunal accepted that Ms Bolkovac, an American who was employed by DynCorp and contracted to the UN, had been dismissed for whistle blowing.” [1]


‘US: DynCorp Disgrace’ by Kelly Patricia O’Meara, Insight Magazine January 14th, 2002

DynCorp had the contract to provide police officers for the 2,100-member UN international police task force in Bosnia which was supposedly created to restore law and order after the civil war. In the British tribunal Ms Bolkovac’s evidence highlighted the underground sex trade that was “thriving among the 21,000 NATO peacekeepers and thousands of international bureaucrats and aid workers” and that still remains one of the most extensive trades in the world. [2]

Dyncorp forged documents, trafficked women, aided illegal cross-border transports and tipped off sex club owners about imminent raids. Bolkovac also described how UN police, NATO troops and humanitarian, NGO employees were “regular customers.” [3] Bolkovac uncovered evidence “of girls being beaten and raped in bars by their pimps while peacekeepers stood and watched.” Even one UN policeman who was meant to be investigating the sex trade: “paid £700 to a bar owner for an underage girl who he kept captive in his apartment to use in his own prostitution racket.”[4] Ultimately, the company fired the eight employees for their alleged involvement in sex trafficking and illegal arms deals. Madeleine Rees, the head of the UN Human Rights Commission office in Sarajevo, was:  “… in no doubt that trafficking in women started with the arrival of the international peacekeepers in 1992.” [5]

Again we find that where sexual abuse is occurring the police are not far behind and unfortunately on the wrong side of the law. After a two year battle at an employment tribunal court, testimony was heard that one of the most senior UN officials Dennis Laducer, Deputy Commissioner of the International Police Task Force, was found to attending one of the most notorious brothels. He was subsequently sacked and Kathryn Bolkovac finally awarded $110.000 [some reports say $173,000] in 2002, with DynCorp forced to foot the bill. [6] Inspired by the story of Bolkovac, The Whistleblower hit the cinemas in 2010. Directed by Larysa Kondracki, written by Eilis Kirwan and Kondracki with Rachel Weisz playing Bolkovac, the film is a largely fictionalised dramatization of Bolkovac’s experiences in Bosnia though with enough mixing of fact and fiction to lend teeth to the film’s central premise: that sex trafficking, rape and murder took place under the eyes of the UN and with active involvement of an outsourced security firm Dyncorp (given the moniker “DemocraCorp” in the film). The end result is a motion picture which does an admirable job of raising awareness of the problem despite senior UN officials’ attempts to belittle it and play down the facts upon which the film is based. Similarly, rather than paying attention to one woman’s courage and the appalling suffering she brought to the world’s attention, the UN allowed the shutting down of anti-trafficking initiatives by its own gender affairs chief in Bosnia even though it was deemed to be producing tangible results. The chief in question Madeline Rees was then fired by the UN for “poor performance” but took her case to a UN disputes tribunal and won.  She is now General Secretary for the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

Kathryn Bolkovac

Former police investigator Kathryn Bolkovac. |

One of Bolkovac’s allies during the ordeal and played by Vanessa Redgrave in the film, Rees had been the UN Officer for gender issues for many years and supported her attempts to raise awareness of what was taking place under the cover of UN humanitarian aid. Rees commented:  “I went to work with large numbers of women who had been the victims of rape during the war but I ended up working as much with women who were being trafficked and raped by soldiers and police officers sent to keep the peace.” [7]  She described the mechanisms by which such crimes and corruption was able to take place:

“Countries get rated by the US Trafficking in Persons report on their records in dealing with trafficking, for which you need to show results. If you don’t prosecute or repatriate enough people, your rating is downgraded, thereby your financial support. So when there were raids, the girls would be shipped home to Ukraine or wherever, probably to be retrafficked. It was a repatriation factory, run by people who had an anti-immigration approach, and didn’t want women to try to get into western Europe – no focus on the system or rights of the women. Our approach, by contrast, was slow and beginning to work, so it had to be killed off.” [8]

The Whistleblower

DVD and Poster promotion for The WhistleBlower

Former General Secretary Kofi Annan and successor Ban Ki-moon are fond of promoting the idea that these crimes are a result of a “few rotten apples” rather than the obvious endemic and systematic effects of a much deeper malaise. As Rees points out regarding the UN hierarchy: “They have to understand that this outrageous practice is endemic in the male hegemony of a militarised environment – it’s part of locker-room bravado and the high levels of testosterone in fighting armies. These crimes are perpetrated by individual men who rape and torture girls on mission, then go home to their wives. And it’ll carry on until there’s a knock at the door and they find themselves getting arrested in front of the wife and kids.” [9]

While the UN claimed to have dealt with the rotten apples and Dyncorp professed to have made a thorough and “aggressive” investigation into the crimes, the trafficking still continues right under the UN’s nose. As the film’s director stated in her address to the UN leadership at a screening which the organisation grudgingly agreed to:  “I know we are going to hear a lot about what has been done since the time depicted in this film, but rhetoric only goes so far. The situation has escalated.” [10] (In 2010 sexually related allegations against U.N. military forces rose by 12 percent with some of the allegations involving minors). [11]

The UN investigator was not the first to blow the whistle on the corporation. Ben Johnson, a former Texan helicopter mechanic won his lawsuit just hours after Bolkovac where his claims included allegations of men having sex with girls as young as 12. His claims also concerned a nightclub in Bosnia frequented by DynCorp employees, where young women were sold “hourly, daily or permanently”.[12] Johnson believes Dyncorp was not only dealing in illicit arms and fraud but heavily involved in the peddling and promoting of the burgeoning sex trade that was thriving precisely because this was a war torn region.

Where there is war there is a surplus of the vulnerable and a perfect cover for trafficking. The sex slaves were ordered from Russia, Romania and the primary trafficking hub of Moldova, being imported directly by Dyncorp and the Serbian Mafia working in concert:  “These guys would say ‘I gotta go to Serbia this weekend to pick up three girls.’ They talk about it and brag about how much they pay for them usually between $600 and $800. In fact, there was this one guy who had to be 60 years old who had a girl who couldn’t have been 14. DynCorp leadership was 100 % in bed with the mafia over there. I didn’t get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone’s houses who owned women and weapons.’ ” [13]

Since 1998, several DynCorp employees have been sent home from Bosnia but none have been prosecuted. All this scandal led George W. Bush to respond by creating the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) established in March 2003 “as the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security,… comprising of four integrated divisions that form a 21st century law enforcement agency with broad responsibilities for a number of key homeland security priorities.” [14] The amount of assets seized from human smugglers and human trafficking organizations totalled 27 million in 2005 and with no seizures at all for 2003.  Compared to the billions of dollars circulating, this is the equivalent of loose change. Far from suggesting a major improvement, it shows a dismal response on the part of the State Department even while it cheerfully reported with no hint of irony that: “Since ICE was created, more than a dozen child sex tourists seeking to exploit children in eight separate countries have been arrested and now face justice in the US.” [15]

With sex tourism proving to be a major problem in the West we are supposed to believe that the arrest of 12 child sex tourists since 2003 is an example of “significant law enforcement progress”?

We also have the proud declaration of “investigations into human trafficking and the related crime of human smuggling, [which] have resulted in more than 5,400 arrests, 2,800 criminal indictments, and 2,300 criminal convictions.” [16] These successes were diluted by contractors and security firms which are mostly extensions of the US government.

Indeed, the corporate-security complex aggressively lobbied for provision after provision until, according to a Chicago Tribune report: “…significant aspects of the Pentagon’s proposed policy might actually do more harm than good unless they’re changed. These experts have told the Pentagon that the policy would merely formalize practices that have allowed contractors working overseas to escape punishment for involvement in trafficking, the records show.” [17] And it was probably designed that way.


Human trafficking main origin, transit, and destinations

On March 11th 2005, in a House Hearing on FY06 Department of Defence Budget hearing Senator Cynthia McKinney focused on the Dyncorp scandal, taking then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld and General Carl Myers to task, in no uncertain terms. (see end of article). It was a rare opportunity to see a lone voice in politics trap Rumsfeld and place him firmly in the hot seat. The Neo-Con war hawk bridled as he was forced to listen to the facts.

Not only has the Pentagon yet to ban contractors from using forced labour, but the same corporations are being effectively rewarded for their past and present criminal behaviour, by obtaining contracts set far into the future. (As part of a consortium of bidders, the British government’s Ministry of Defence awarded the company a 60m contract to supply support services for military firing ranges. [18] With the help of lobbyists from Dyncorp and Halliburton, subsidiaries such as KBR has over 200 subcontractors carrying out the multibillion-dollar US Army contract for privatization of military support operations in the war zone. Trafficking and bonded labour appear inconsequential in the face of exorbitant profits. Yet the US military continue to deny responsibility for its out-sourcing of conflict even when there are continuing and numerous incidents that show the liability of its sub-contractors. [19]

Dyncorp represents the new breed of private contracts taking the place of traditional forces most recently employed by the United Nations itself. Once again we can see how sexual exploitation can be used as a political and corporate terrorism outside military and international law. But security firms also represent that same homogenization of the private sector funnelled into new forms of political control.

If we were to visit the California-based Computer Sciences Corporation website ( we might be forgiven for thinking this is a financial services company humbly dedicated to bettering the world as well as its investors. Unfortunately, the low key nature of the site design masks the meaning of this fortune 500 multi-national with its high-level enabling skills for U.S. Federal government. The corporation currently holds contracts with more than 40 federal agencies including the Pentagon, State Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Energy and Justice Departments.

This giant government contractor bought Dyncorp on March 7th 2003, creating “a company that ranks as one of the top information technology and outsourcing services providers to the U.S. federal government.” The revenues from the federal sector alone were estimated to be around $6 billion at the end of that fiscal year, with projections in excess of $14.5 billion at the end of 2004. 2005 saw a steady increase in profits due to its monopoly on US Government contracts which are now expanding into Europe. This net profit was more than $810.2 million during fiscal year 2005, an increase of 56 percent over 2004. [20] The purchase of Dyncorp not only saved its bacon but allowed it to claim the dubious honour of being the third largest IT services provider behind Lockheed Martin and second place provider EDS Corp.

CSC Chief Executive Van B. Honeycutt gave a wonderful example of the art of masking with his comments on why the Dyncorp merger went ahead: “‘DynCorp, with approximately 98 percent of its total revenue coming from the U.S. federal government, complements our overall federal business, allowing a great breadth of end-to-end solutions and significantly increasing our exposure to the growth area of federal government, IT and functional outsourcing…”  He continued: “The capabilities of the new federal sector organization will allow CSC to provide more comprehensive services and solutions to our government customers…” These “customers” are none other than the US military and the Department of Homelands Security who will apparently benefit from: “… the resources and security expertise of CSC, coupled with those of DynCorp, will position us extremely well as the federal government expands and accelerates its efforts to enhance U.S. national security.’ ” [21]

No doubt.

It sounds reasonable enough if we don’t think about what this actually means. “The growth area of federal government” and “U.S. National Security” is intimately linked to the “War on Terrorism,” numerous examples of human rights abuses and the dismantling of the constitution from within.

When the United States created the Office of Homeland Security, CSC chairman Van B. Honeycutt was one of the first advisers to the new agency having already handled the position of Chair of the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC) under President Clinton. Effectively, the corporation is an extension of the government and its policies, with an incestual exchange of employees and profit, which the website tenderly calls “client intimate organizations.” With its headquarters in Reston, Virginia, close to the CIA and the Pentagon, there is no doubt that Dyncorp has a deeply intimate (and lucrative) connection that is mutually binding.

Dyncorp contractor in Afghanistan

Dyncorp contractor in Afghanistan

Prior to the merger, DynCorp was among the largest employee-owned technology and out-sourcing firms headquartered in the United States, with approximately 26,000 employees in some 550 locations throughout the world. According to CSC: “… the U.S. Department of Defense represented 49 percent of DynCorp’s revenue in 2001, which before the merger netted 2.3 billion.” [22]

During 2008–2010, CSC was heavily criticised for spending $4.39 million on lobbying and not paying any taxes which is nonetheless standard practice for most large corporations. In fact, the company received $305 million in tax rebates, on top of a profit of $1.67 billion. [23]

By the end of 2004 CSC had sold off units of Dyncorp to private equity firm Veritas Capital for $850 million. With Dyncorp International eventually dropping under the net of private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management $1 billion and finalised in the summer of 2010. CSC still retains the rights to the name “DynCorp” while the new company became DynCorp International now listed on the New York Stock Exchange despite receiving 96% of its more than $3 billion in annual revenues from the US federal government. [24] Dyncorp Inc. earned a whopping $2,398,874,000 from its “defence” contracts alone in 2011.

The number of lawsuits and scandals hitting Dyncorp International range from allegations of sex trafficking to a variety of human rights abuses and black operations involving drugs and military targets. This is largely due to the hiring of former Special Operations military personnel and CIA personnel. One would think that the screening of employees would have been stepped up after so much bad publicity. Yet why should they worry when the biggest contractors are the US and its war machine driven by the arms industry itself? Logistical and IT services may well be a great part of the civilised PR of Dyncorp but in reality, the real focus of this corporation could be categorized as “private mercenaries” which allows operations to be sub-contracted to the bidder that is most ideologically and professionally sound. It also conveniently abdicates responsibility for the US army and their civilian deaths while avoiding unnecessary media spotlights. Outsourcing their wars beyond the prying eyes of press and congress is an effective way to ensure the success of geo-political policies such as regime change.

Secrecy is obviously an important part of the company’s rules. If employees happen to get rubbed out on their various covert “missions” then the paper trail is as sparse as possible. Janet Wineriter, a spokeswoman at DynCorp’s headquarters frequently tells the media that she cannot discuss the company’s operations because of its contractual obligations to its client – the State Department. When this fails then black-outs are affected. Information regarding the real activities of these private mercenaries is intentionally obscure and shielded from investigations. There is no “right to know.” The last people they want to inform are Congress or the public. As a Guardian article stated “Today’s mercenaries in the drug war are provided by private companies selling a service and are used as a matter of course by both the state and defence.” [25]

Dyncorp has little to do with “Information Systems, Information Technology Outsourcing and Technical Services” though this certainly plays a part in extending its monopolistic war games. Controlling and monitoring information systems for federal agencies such as the FBI, DOJ and SEC, are within the corporation’s remit which is rather handy should any “impropriety” surface – which of course is the name of the game. Subversion and corruption is endorsed and legitimized via a corporate and federal relationship that gives the Cosa Nostra a run for its money.


Cynthia McKinney does what she does best and grills Donald Rumsfeld over Dyncorp’s activities. This is the only time we are likely to see this psychopath get hauled over the coals for any of his state-sponsored crimes.


Update 2017: See: BOMBSHELL: Solving The Puzzle – “It’s DynCorp behind the mass shootings you see in America”


[1] ‘American firm in Bosnia sex trade row poised to win MoD contract’ by Jamie Wilson and Kevin Maguire, The Guardian, November 29, 2002.
[2] ‘British firm accused in UN ‘sex scandal’: International police in Bosnia face prostitution claims By Antony Barnett and Solomon Hughes, The Observer, London, 29th July 2001.
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘Woman sacked for revealing UN links with sex trade’ By Daniel McGrory How a tribunal vindicated an investigator who blew whistle on workers in Bosnia, The Times, August 07, 2002.
[5] Ibid.
[6] ‘Sins of the peacekeepers’ Sunday Herald, 30 June 2002.
[7] ‘Has the UN learned lessons of Bosnian sex slavery revealed in Rachel Weisz film?’By Ed VulliamyThe Observer, January 15, 2012.
[8] Ibid.
[9]   Ibid.
[10]    Ibid.
[11]  ‘U.N. Mum on Probes of Sex-Abuse Allegations’ By Steve Stecklow and Joe Lauria, Africa News, March 21, 2010.
[12] ‘American firm in Bosnia sex trade row poised to win MoD contract’ by Jamie Wilson and Kevin Maguire, The Guardian, November 29, 2002.
[13] ‘DynCorp Disgrace’ Jan. 14, 2002, Insight magazine, By Kelly Patricia O Meara.
[14]  Bureau of International Information Programs, US Department of State. Web site:
[15] ‘US Law Enforcement Steps Up Hunt for Human Traffickers’ 11 January, 2006
[16] Ibid.
[17] ‘US stalls on human trafficking – Pentagon has yet to ban contractors’ from using forced labor By Cam Simpson December 27, 2005.
[19] But one example from The Chicago Tribune which: “retraced the journey of 12 Nepali men recruited from poor villages in one of the most remote and impoverished corners of the world and documented a trail of deceit, fraud and negligence stretching into Iraq. The men were kidnapped from an unprotected caravan and executed en route to jobs at an American military base in 2004.”“Dyncorp and Friends: Securing Private Politics” (2007) an article written by the author which fleshes out Dyncorp and other UK and US private companies.
[20] Data Monitor /Computer Wire / 2005.
[21] ‘CSC and DynCorp Combine to Create Federal IT Powerhouse’ –
[23] ‘30 Major U.S. Corporations Paid More to Lobby Congress Than Income Taxes, 2008-2010’ By Ashley Portero, International Business Times,, December 9, 2011.
[24] ‘Cerberus completes DynCorp acquisition’ Washington Business Journal, July 7, 2010.| Washington Tech. Top 100:
[25] ‘A Plane is Shot Down and the US Proxy War on Drugs Unravels’ by Julian Borger, The Guardian, June 2, 2001.







Outsourcing Abuse I

By M.K. Styllinski

[NATO soldiers, UN police, and Western aid workers] “operated with near impunity in exploiting the victims of the sex traffickers.”

– Amnesty International


In 2003, Kenneth Cain joined forces with former UN officials Heidi Postlewaite and Andrew Thomson, to write a book called Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Matters [1] which hit the shops in June of 2004. The book detailed widespread sexual abuse within the UN and its peace missions. It received significant exposure on many a Neo-Conservative website and newspaper and was gleefully pounced on by ardent anti-UN detractors. Mr. Cain, a Harvard law-school graduate and full time writer paints an unrelenting picture of decadence and corruption where drugs, alcohol and sex are the mainstay of some nations’ peace keeping forces. Dr. Thomson, a U.N. physician was equally unflattering about the world organization describing his missions in Haiti and the Dominican Republic as a “frustrating exercise in futility.”

An uncharacteristically vehement Kofi Annan tried to have the publication banned and then heavily censored, threatening the employees with redundancy if they did not reconsider. According to the UN they “violated staff rules” though in truth, the book is merely a distillation of widespread reports which began to gather pace long before the controversial book went to print. In 2001, about a half-dozen investigators from the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services in New York and investigators from the Office of the Inspector-General of the U.N. High Commissioner of Refugees finally examined the allegations. Despite the deluge of referrals and submitted cases surrounding the inquiry the book gave substantial weight to the criticism levelled at the organisation for being far too slow in its general investigations. Dileep Nair, U.N. Undersecretary General and Chief of OIOS said: “We can barely cope with the cases that are being referred to us” with over 400 cases were demanding attention. [2]

Bearing in mind that these are only the recorded cases, the findings that the UN consistently ignored claims of abuse and refused to take action, dating back as far as the late eighties parallels the same methods of denial of the Catholic Church and other institutions. Aid workers for Non-Governmental Organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) and Save the Children UK were also implicated. A full copy of the joint study sponsored by the UNHCR and SC-UK noted the following: “Agency workers from the international and local NGOs as well as U.N. agencies were ranked as among the worst sex exploiters of children, often using the very humanitarian aid and services intended to benefit the refugee population as a tool of exploitation.” The findings further revealed: “In order for a refugee to make a report, they would have to go through the same persons who themselves are perpetrators of sexual exploitation. Most staff appear to connive to hide the actions of other staff.” [3]

Note the ponerisation of not only UN staff but affiliated NGO agencies. This made it easy for UN officials to keep it  quiet, narrow down the scope of investigations and cover-up the abuse. Interestingly enough, the investigator himself, Dileep Nair was investigated after the UN Staff Council, the equivalent of a union, alerted Secretary-General Kofi Annan about alleged “violations of appointments and promotions rules in OIOS, as well as allegations of corrupt practices in the Office and “other misconduct” by Mr. Nair.”[4] However, no “credible” evidence of wrongdoing was found. Whether a smear campaign was enacted against Nair in order to deflect further investigations by discrediting his probe or that the allegations had some grain of truth was never established.

No place to HideNo Place to Hide (2013)

“They took us to a small house. Then they tore the clothes from our bodies and raped us. I was just 17 and still a virgin!” Joari and her friend were raped by men thought to be their saviours: UN peacekeepers. Since 1999, the United Nations has maintained a peace keeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It aims to bring stability to the region and protect the civilian population from attacks and sexual violence of the warring parties. But many of the 20,000 peacekeepers become perpetrators, exploiting the extreme distress and poverty of women and girls.In addition to showing victims of UN soldiers’ sexual attacks for the first time, the film also proves that the issue of sexual violence by peacekeepers has long been known at UN headquarters in New York. For years, the UN has been trying to combat the abuse by increasing staff training and introducing a zero-tolerance policy. Officials claim that the number of incidents has been drastically reduced. At local level however, UN insiders tell us, these measures have no effect at all.”

Over four million people have been killed by war and preventable diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the past eight years, or as one UN humanitarian chief mentioned: “…the equivalent of six Rwandan genocides”, where the ‘Military and civilian authorities are still virtually unaccountable for crimes against civilians…’” [5] The institutionalised abuse by UN personnel is a large part of that desperate picture. Didier Bourguet, a U.N. senior logistics officer was charged with running an internet paedophile ring in the region, where he established a sophisticated porn studio for the procurement of young boys and girls in a multi-media operation. Videos were freely available to buy. According to Human Rights Watch, some of the female victims were as young as eleven years old.

While Bourguet had engaged in similar activity in a previous UN posting in the Central African Republic, he was not alone in his endeavours. Claude Deboosere-Lepidi, Bourguet’s lawyer, said his client admitted he assaulted minors and that his sex crime spree included other U.N. officials. He was insistent in his belief that the UN as a whole was partly to blame for tolerating the continued attacks on Congolese women and young girls. The UN has since confirmed this belief admitting that its peacekeepers regularly raped, abused and prostituted children in their care. A range of sexual abuses from UN troops and aid workers were catalogued including: “Reported rapes of young Congolese girls by blue-helmeted U.N. troops as well as aid workers; a colonel from South Africa accused of molesting his teenage male translators; hundreds of under-age girls having babies fathered by U.N. soldiers who have been able to simply leave their children and their crimes behind. Despite the UN’s official policy of “zero-tolerance” there were 68 allegations of misconduct in the town of Bunia alone. Another case included a 14-year-old girl who had told UN investigators that “she had sex with a UN peacekeeper in exchange for two eggs. Her family was starving.” [6]

A sex trade flourished in Monuc where scores of local women and girls had been made pregnant by Moroccan and Uruguayan peace keeping soldiers as well as two UN officials. One Ukrainian and a Canadian were obliged to leave the country after getting local women pregnant and two Russian pilots based in Mbandaka paid young girls with jars of mayonnaise and jam in order to have sex with them. [7] It appears that a virtual industry has grown up, including the production and selling of pornography and bartering goods for sex.

The lack of screening of UN peace keeping soldiers provided a new opportunity for rebuilding more than just infrastructure and aid. It can hardly be surprising if sexual exploitation infiltrates institutions on the ground, regardless of their humanitarian intentions. It is the proverbial honey-pot for those who have no conscience, or as a Times report so aptly quoted: ‘Never forget this is Heart of Darkness country. People do things here just because they can,” one female UN employee said, in a reference to Joseph Conrad’s novel about the abuses of the former Belgian Congo.” [8]

With UN officials accused and suspended after scores of abuses, one would have thought that it may have dawned on Kofi Annan that these crimes had been occurring for a number of years. Annan was previously head of the UN’s peacekeeping force and acknowledged that “acts of gross misconduct have taken place”. Asked whether he could have, given his experience, done more to prevent abuse in Congo, he said: “You never know when you send that many people out. There may be one or two bad apples.” [9]

Annan is being a little disingenuous to say the least. There is no question that this was a systematic manifestation of variable abuse which the UN consistently hushed up for many years. As such, he is ultimately responsible and should have resigned. Instead, after 150 reported claims of abuse, many of them involving minors, he continued the tradition of secrecy and suppression further damaging what remains of the UN’s standing. A hotline set up to receive complaints about past and future abuse was a case of too little too late.


Kofi Annan

In March of 2006 another report, this time on the military arm of the UN, concluded: “deeply flawed and recommends withholding salaries of the guilty and requiring nations to pursue legal action against perpetrators.” It also included a host of other recommendations to be fully implemented by 2007. However, as a recent report in May from the Associated Press shows, far from coming down hard on such crimes, the activities actually doubled in 2004. Though this may in part, be due to the heightened awareness of such activities, the vast majority of allegations were still levelled at UN peace keepers. In 2002, the UN was beginning to form its defence against shocking abuse allegations in the Congo. It would finally send an investigation team in 2004 after a seemingly “outraged” Annan decided enough was enough. Whether this was due to media pressure or concerns about his own image, is far from clear.

In any event, within the same year, an exact same pattern of abuse surfaced in Sierra Leone where the UN and NGOs were running programmes to reintegrate former child soldiers from the bloody civil war between the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels and the Civil Defence Force (CDF) a pro-government militia known as the Kamajors. Both committed atrocities that are astonishing for their ferocity. Child protection agencies estimated that the warlords abducted as many as 6,000 children, out of which about 3,500 actually fought in the war. The rest were used for sex and for carrying weapons. Sierra Leone was plagued by the slow deployment of UN troops and the apathetic defence of civilians habitually caught in the cross-fire between the warring sides. One NGO chief executive described the reality: “These atrocities are taking place practically under the noses of government and international troops …Innocent civilians are suffering, and it’s the responsibility of these troops to protect them. They should do their job.”[10]

These atrocities included systematic rape of women and girls, some as young as ten, and the murder of whole families. Infants and children were thrown into burning houses, the hands of toddlers as young as two were severed with machetes and girls as young as eight were sexually assaulted. A newspaper reporter in Sierra Leone told Human Rights Watch: “There was rampant raping. I saw a fifteen-year-old girl raped right before me. They left her, but they captured others, and among them was a seven-year-old girl.” [11]

Amputation of limbs came to be the most prominent horror of the ten year old war but sexual abuse was actually more common. As discussed in Rape: Corporate Camouflage and Across the Gender Divide  the practice of rape as a strategic weapon is no longer rare. By forcing members of families to rape each other and to watch the atrocity, the belief was that this would reduce the likelihood of support for military operations. Even worse was the evidence of sexual atrocities being committed by troops from the regional intervention force, Ecomog, and the UN peacekeeping mission: “Women were used by all sides as chattels, kidnapped from their homes often in rural areas and forced to act as sex slaves for the troops as well as domestic maids responsible for cooking and household chores.” [12]

In 2004 The UN’s UNICEF reported that Sierra Leone, led the world in child mortality with one in four children dying before the age 5, while in Iraq, one in 10 do not make it to their fifth birthday. The UN has within its ranks those that were willing and able to mop up what was left of the shells that were once children. Yet despite the UN “Personnel Conduct Officers” representing system-wide focal points designed to deal with charges of gender-based violence and abuse, the United Nations is facing new allegations of sexual misconduct by U.N. personnel in Burundi, Haiti, and Liberia. This is probably due to the familiar buffering of the fact that such measures alert patterns of abuse but do not address the key issues as to why they arise. Even if this is known, it represents a flow that is hard to stem.

This is exacerbated by the rhetoric of Annan’s earnest bulletin setting out directives for UN personnel yet excluding military troops who are only answerable to their own national military authorities. This amounts to more tinkering at the edges of the cause. With sex workers appearing en masse at the borders needing to feed their families and with thousands of peace keeping soldiers present, the market and so will extensive forms of abuse. Reports of these abuses continued to surface though this was not limited to UN military deployments and operations.

One case in many includes the presence of a weapons inspector who led several sado-masochistic sex rings. “Harvey ‘Jack’ McGeorge, a former US Marine and Secret Service agent, [was] a founding officer of ‘Leather Leadership Conference Inc.’” and recommended by the US State Department.[13] Another report showed UN personnel who were involved in bringing girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes. As abuse allegations have increased, so too the variable unsuitability of those employed by the UN. [14]

NATO forces, UN peace-keepers and the local mafia have all been implicated in sex slavery in Kosovo. UN personnel exploited the victims of sex traffickers for their own ends, adding to the already dire situation in the Balkans since NATO troops and UN administrators took over the province in 1999. The question of why patients at United Nations mental institutions in Kosovo were raped and physically attacked under the eyes of UN staff, also suggests that this was more than an isolated incident but part of a well formed network. [15]

And what of the progress being made to stem this tide? Well, UN soldiers forcing young women and minors to have sex in exchange for material aid still appears to be occurring more than ten years after these initial reports. A UN report interviewed over 200 Haitian women—a third of whom were minors and collated enough data to suggest this was systematic and organised. [16]

While the spectre of sexual abuse is being tackled by UN officials, disturbing questions still remain about the overall functioning of an institution that is seen by many to be dangerously flawed, contributing to chaos rather than the betterment of nations and their peoples. What are we to make of the United Nations that cries out to be a beacon for the world’s poor and oppressed when the reality sees it failing those who are most need of its protection and support? Is this rot from within a mere blip or a peek behind the curtain?



[1] Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Matters – A true Story from Hell on Earth’ By Kenneth Cain, Heidi Postlewait, Andrew Thomson 2004 published by Miramax books/Hyperion ISBN 140135201-4
[2] ‘U.N. Finally Forced to Probe Its Paedophilia Scandal’ Wires and, Tuesday, May 7, 2002.
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘Thorough probe finds no evidence of wrongdoing by UN official’ 16 UN News Centre, November 2004,
[5] UN calls rape ‘a cancer’ in DRC, BBC News, 15 September 2006.
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘UN moves to answer child sex allegations’ Sydney Morning Herald, February 18 2005.
[8] ‘Sex scandal in Congo threatens to engulf UN’s peacekeepers’ The Times, December 23, 2004
[9] ‘Secretary-General ‘absolutely outraged’ by gross misconduct by peacekeeping personnel in Democratic Republic of Congo UN Press Release, 19/11/2004.
[10] Peter Takirambudde, Executive Director of the Africa division of Human Rights Watch, quoted from Focus on Human Rights: ‘Civil War in Sierra Leone Rebel Abuses Near Sierra Leone Capital’ United Nations Should Act, Says Rights Group, (New York, March 3,
[11] Human Rights Watch, ‘Getting Away with Murder, Mutilation, and Rape: New Testimony from Sierra Leone’ (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1999), p. 50.
[12] ‘UN troops accused of ‘systematic’ rape in Sierra Leone’ by Tim Butcher, The Daily Telegraph, January 17, 2003.
[13] ‘UN weapons inspector is leader of S&M sex ring’, The Washington Post, November 30, 2002.
[14] ‘UN ship ‘carried child prostitutes’ August 21, 2003
[15] ‘UN ‘ignored’ abuse at Kosovo mental homes,’ The Guardian, August 8, 2002.
[16] ‘UN peacekeepers sexually abused hundreds of Haitian women & girls – report’. RT, June 10, 2015.

Amerikan Beauty II: Civilised Slavery

“Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.
– Edmund Burke


We have discussed the networks of Establishment led child abuse. But what of other streams of exploitation which inevitably provide a steady supply of victims of cross-cultural victims with home grown pathologies adapting and shifting to the demands of globalisation? Rapid transformation from the underworld of crime into an overworld of deep politics fusing with mafia-led supply and demand. It is this criminal psychopathy which is determining the trajectory of the vulnerable and dispossessed, assisted by the Structural Adjustment Team, world state policies and trans-national corporations.

Commensurate with this change is the lucrative slaved trade which is back with a vengeance. In fact it never went away, it adapted to the rapid global changes that have swept the globe in the last few decades resulting in more then 35. 8 million adults and children classed as slaves worldwide. [1] Human trafficking, immigration, narcotics, bonded labour, prostitution, money laundering, the weapons industry – all interconnect and weave in and out of each respective well of misery  since they are all rooted in the same toxic dance of perennial exploitation. As the disasters of Shock Doctrine economic plunder reverberate around the world we are seeing the tangible results come home to roost. Be it the mass exodus of displaced populations in Africa and the Middle East from the West’s manipulated wars, or the destruction of social welfare in countries of Europe, the steady rise of human trafficking and its brutal slavery is rising up through the tattered cloth of Western cultures in ways which will not be ignored for much longer.

With the disappearance of border controls in Europe and and new countries keen to join the European Union there is effectively nothing to stop the commensurate trade in humans feeding this demand. Deregulated capitalism as given a green light to organised crime. Many young men and women desperate to leave their homelands due to high unemployment and poverty the American Dream is an alluring prospect. However, this idealism can become a literal death trap for the vulnerable, most of whom have no idea of the realities of exploitation. Nor is this restricted to those without income or struggling to survive, and where visions of “the grass is always greener” often determine choices made.

Author Victor Malarek described it in the following terms:

“Crime syndicates use a variety of methods to capture young women. A girl walking down a road in Moldova is forced into a car. An overflowing Romanian orphanage receives a visit from ‘social workers’ offering ‘apprentice programs’ for adolescent girls. A young Ukrainian woman desperate to help her starving parents responds to a newspaper advertisement for au pairs to work in Germany. An ambitious young graduate signs up with what appears to be a legitimate foreign corporation at a job fair at a Russian university.” [2]

The vulnerable are the new commodity in the 21st century. According to the U.S. Department of Justice human trafficking is the second fastest growing criminal industry – just behind drug trafficking – with children accounting for roughly half of all victims. Of the 2,515 cases under investigation in the U.S. in 2010, more than 1,000 involved children. [2] For an industry now worth at least $32-billion worldwide and surpassing the sale of arms, it is the new source of shadow employment set to engage law and justice authorities well into the future – that is, if they are not partaking in the dividends themselves.

The United States has another form of slavery which is perhaps more Orwellian/Huxleyian than overt slavery. But the two authoritarian mindsets are inextricably linked.

 79072591_global_slavery_20141711_624v4Global Slavery Index 2014

1280px-Map3.3Trafficking_compressedWomen’s Stats project (wikipedia)

Modern_incidence_of_slaveryWalk Free Foundation (2013) Wikipedia

A March 2002 report from The Coalition against Trafficking in Women found that trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation is a national problem, and one that is increasing in scope and magnitude. The U.S. government estimates that 50,000 women and children are trafficked each year into the United States, primarily from “Latin America, countries of the former Soviet Union and Southeast Asia.” Their report was the first of its kind drawn from national and international data along with interviews with prostitutes themselves. However, NGO’s and charities put the total number of women and children trafficked into the US as 100,000 with speculation that this is another conservative estimate. Six years later up to 2.5 million people trafficked were from 127 different countries into 137 countries around the world. [3]  By 2013, the number of UK-born children trafficked for sexual exploitation had doubled in 2013 – a rise of 155% according to the National Crime Agency.

If there is a problem with obtaining accurate statistics for any issue then human trafficking will be found at the top of such a list. This is due to both confusion between the terms “trafficking” which uses forms of transport and coercion and “smuggling” which implies voluntary acts and financial remuneration. Trafficking itself is also a highly dynamic process interconnected with a host of other entities which oil the wheels of its progress. Corrupt governments, outsourced agencies and other lesser-known financial intermediaries ensure that trafficking and other crimes necessarily intersect making real statistical analyses of the problem fraught with difficult. Where does it end and begin?

It is also true that figures tend to be inflated in much the same way as the Climate Change industry – if there is money to be made from erecting a vast subset of anti-trafficking NGOs and related bureaucracies then money tends to flow in greater quantities when figures are high. Even by 2009, The Global Report on Trafficking in Persons admitted that the exact scope of international trafficking is still “one of the key unanswered questions.” [4]

 “[S]ex trafficking and mass rape should no more be seen as women’s issues than slavery was a black issue or the Holocaust was a Jewish issue. These are all humanitarian concerns, transcending any one race, gender, or creed.”

Mexico and South America as a whole has historically been a place of exploitation for the North America. With sex trafficking businesses burgeoning in Colombia and Venezuela and with Curacao or Aruba within sight of the Caribbean Islands “Spotters,” can be paid to watch for women on vacation as potential sex slaves. Guiding them into situations which leave them drugged and transported to a waiting car and boat for transportation to the mainland or island brothels is a relatively easy enterprise. Yet this is simply mirroring the developing trade within the US itself.

Back in 1997 one San Francisco resident, 36 year-old Catalina Suarez, testified before the United Nations about her ordeal as a sex slave. She told the San Francisco Examiner how she was 9 years old when “… a grandfatherly neighbour lured her with a gift, kidnapped her and kept her chained her to a bed in a rural Puerto Rico shack, forcing the child to have brutal sex with a succession of men.” There are hundreds of similar accounts. Federal and State officials told the San Francisco Examiner that: “The multimillion-dollar sex-slave trafficking stretches from Thailand to San Francisco, from Russia to New York City. The U.S. Justice Department in Washington, D.C., is conducting a nationwide investigation of the prostitution slavery of Thai women and girls.” [5]

This report is over ten years old and since that time, the market has steadily and significantly increased.

US Human rights groups, immigration attorneys and former workers have revealed that thousands of domestic servants are being brought into the United States from impoverished countries and then severely exploited by foreign employers, many of whom work for embassies and international organisations, particularly in the Washington area. [6] There have been a number of prosecutions involving the trafficking and/or forced prostitution of children. For example:

  • two defendants in Maryland who brought a 14-year-old girl from Cameroon and, with threats and sexual and physical assaults, forced her to be their domestic servant.
  • A businessman in California trafficked numerous young girls into the United States to work in prostitution and a group of defendants recruited approximately 40 girls aged 12-17 from Georgia for prostitution, threatening them with violence if they tried to leave.
  • A wealthy landlord from Berkley, California was charged with buying two teenage girls in India and bringing them to the United States for forced labour.
  • A couple in Eastern New York State pleaded guilty to a variety of charges related to smuggling Peruvians into the United States with the same intention.

These cases have resulted in jail sentences for the defendants and orders that restitution be paid to the victims. Such examples are typical.

Washington State is reported to be a hotbed of trafficking in brides, sex workers, domestic workers and children. The director of the US State Department, John Miller was forced to confront the issue that slavery was “still alive”: ‘I’m reading about how they lured these girls from Asian nations, promised them restaurant jobs, modelling jobs, … seized their passports, beat them, raped them, moved them from brothel to brothel,’ he said. This was not happening in some distant Third World nation, however. ‘There it was in civil Seattle …’ [7]

The US government would have us believe that forced prostitution and trafficking is predominantly an external problem. This is far from the truth. The international trade in women and children is fast becoming more prevalent in the US than many other destination and transit countries. Jody Raphael, of the Women and Girls Prostitution Project at the Centre for Impact Policy Research, based in Chicago, believes that this control extends across all levels of the industry:

“‘For example, police who pick women up from the ‘stroll’ on Halsted and North/Clybourn (west of downtown Chicago) say a lot of the girls are from Milwaukee or Tennessee. They’re being moved around. It helps them avoid detection and gives the customers a variety of new girls. From our grassroots studies, I’m learning to no longer make such a distinction between local and international trafficking.’ […]

‘Men will go to recruit girls at shopping malls, places like that, they’ll find girls who have run away from home,’ explains Raphael. ‘They’ll say you can earn a lot of money, it will be really glamorous, they’ll tell a girl she’s beautiful and does she want to be in a movie or make a music video. Then they’ll drive her to Chicago and not let her leave. She’ll be watched day and night by these goons. This happens with more frequency than people want to admit.’ [8]

Women and children within the United States of America and abroad who are locked into poverty are far more likely to become victims of exploitation, most particularly trafficking. This inevitably  leads to a catch-22 of long-lasting physical and psychological trauma; disease (including HIV/AIDS), violence/abuse; drug addiction; unwanted pregnancy; malnutrition; social ostracism; and in many cases, death. All this is exacerbated and prolonged by the growing market in sex tourism from both the United States and Europe. [9]

One journalist described sex trafficking as “systemic rape for profit” the likes of which hasn’t stopped the profit-making prison business cashing in.  One would think that victims of trafficking would receive counselling in government sponsored facility but this is not the case. Trafficked children inside the US are frequently arrested on prostitution charges, incarcerated and treated like criminals despite being minors. Juvenile detention is the next port of call where more stress and trauma is overlaid on already deep wounds.

According to The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking America’s Prostituted Children: “… they typically are given a quota by their trafficker/pimp of 10 to 15 buyers per night. Utilizing a conservative estimate, a domestic minor sex-trafficking victim would be raped by 6,000 buyers during the course of her victimization through prostitution.” [10]  Change is coming albeit slowly. In 2008, “New York established a Safe Harbor Law to decriminalize underage victims of sexual exploitation. Since then, 9 states have followed suit, but in the remaining states, children who are bought and sold for sex are still sent to jail.” [11]


Visit and help to stop sexual exploitation of children

chart-image-822097305760-site_display_607-race-and-human-traffickingimage credit: Natalie Lubsen | Sources:

Perhaps one of the most shocking stories to finally receive some public attention in recent years are the child rape camps of San Diego County, California, involving hundreds of Mexican girls between 7 and 18 that were kidnapped or subjected to entrapment by organised criminal sex trafficking gangs.

According to (now defunct) who have tried to campaign for this information to be given a mainstream hearing, the victims: “were brought to San Diego County, California. Over a 10 year period these girls were raped by hundreds of men per day in more than 2 dozen home based and agricultural camp based brothels.” [12] The girls were sold to farm workers – between 100 and 300 at a time – in small “caves” made of reeds in the fields. Many of the girls had babies, who were used as hostages with death threats against them, so their mothers would not try to escape. It was only in January of 2003 when the Mexican paper El Universal published a three part series on the trafficking and brothel camps that interest began to take place further afield.

The cover-up was evident not just for the zero coverage from the MSM but for another reason: A Latina medical doctor employed by a U.S. federal agency provided condoms to the victims for years, and was told by her supervisors not to speak out and organise efforts to rescue the victims. This doctor was ordered under threat of legal action to keep quiet about the mass victimization of children in “rape camps.”  Numbers of murdered immigrant teen girls are still being found in San Diego, possibly linked to trafficking rings. Despite a programme filmed by a local T.V. station and occasional arrests of supposed ring leaders who only receive minor jail terms – the camps continue to exist.

With crime networks emerging as the channels for the new and strengthened forms of trafficking, narcotics and arms we can see parallel increase in the commercial sector – the seemingly “presentable” face of exploitation. In the United States research has revealed that between 244,000 and 325,000 American children are at risk of being victimized by commercial sexual exploitation each year.

Dr. Melissa Farley of Prostitution Research and Education, and Dr. Richard Estes of the University of Pennsylvania have provided the American public with a snapshot of the commercial sex trade in the US today. Dr. Farley’s interviews with 130 people working as prostitutes in the San Francisco area revealed that:

  • 83 percent have been threatened with a weapon;
  • 82 percent have been physically assaulted
  • 68 percent have been raped (59 percent of these have been raped four or more times)
  • 84 percent reported past or current homelessness.
  • 49 percent reported that pornography was made of them in prostitution
  • 75 percent have a drug abuse problem
  • 50 percent now have a physical health problem
  • 88 percent want to leave prostitution
  • 57 percent were sexually abused as children. [13]

This latter figure confirms a correlation with the sexual abuse in society and its connections to other forms of non-familial systems of exploitation.

If the US government’s “ownership society” is allowed to continue, where the richest 1 percent of households already owns more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined; one out of six Americans has no health insurance and one out of eight Americans live below the official poverty line, then exploitation can only increase still further. (This equally applies to Europe, the Latin American and African continents).

We should not be surprised that The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services program Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking, remains terminally under-funded. [14] Indeed, the Bush Administration’s feckless attempts to prove their credentials regarding the slave trade went the way of most of their legislative promises by waiving any financial sanctions on Saudi Arabia. Up until to this year, the Saudis were one of the closest Arab allies in the phony “War on Terrorism so it made perfect sense for the Neo-Cons and why ”The Saudi government has consistently failed to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade in prostitutes, child sex workers and forced labourers. [15] Despite falling out with its oil-hungry allies it remains one of the most repressive regimes on the planet.


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Ten years later and President Obama has at least taken the step to address this particular issue (if nothing else) stating in a recent speech for the Clinton Global Initiative: “For the first time, at Hillary’s direction, our annual trafficking report now includes the United States, because we can’t ask other nations to do what we are not doing ourselves.” (Once this is extended to almost every foreign and domestic policy in the US there may well be the kind of hope and change we can all believe in.)

Perhaps the most contentious response to human trafficking in the US is California’s recently passed Proposition 35 which has dropped like a large stone into a very complex set of influences that make up pornography, sex workers and human trafficking. The law exacts harsher sentences on human traffickers, requiring them to register as sex offenders and disclose internet activities and identities. The maximum sentence for traffickers is now 12 years with crimes involving children extended to a life sentence. For a first time offence the fines have increased from $100,000 to $1.5 million. [16]

Aside from the possibility that such huge sums would “wipe out traffickers’ assets and prevent victims from suing for restitution” Prop 35 also expands the trafficking definition to include the distribution of child pornography. If the reader recalls the difficulties and corruption associated with anti-sexuality and child pornography operations discussed previously we can see the same misunderstanding of the issues appearing in this legislation which probably does very little to either address the issues as to why trafficking is present in societies and on the increase. Although marketed as a bill targeting human traffickers it is actually targeting those most vulnerable and operating at the margins of society. Confusion stems from US states which have their own trafficking laws which blur the lines between existing laws covering child labour and prostitution. Much of the advocacy is concerned with purely increasing penalties and allocating more resources for Federal authorities to enforce these emerging laws. Relying on greater power for law enforcement to place more traffickers in prison amounts to bailing out a boat which fills up with water day and day out – the faster you do it the more water comes seeping in. Since Prop 35 is founded on the erroneous premise that tougher sentencing prevents crime it is destined to fail.

In response to the primary campaigner of Prop 35, John Vanek, a retired lieutenant from the San Jose Police Department’s human trafficking task force asked: “how has higher sentencing worked for our war on drugs on California? It may cut down on recidivism when that person is in custody, but it doesn’t prevent crime. That thinking is flawed…” [17]

Author and journalist Melissa Gira Grant’s excellent article on Prop 35 goes to the heart of the matter and reveals why US laws so often fail to address serious social problems due to ignorant, though well-intentioned wishes coupled with the inevitable politicization it attracts.

Backed by millions from Chief Privacy Officer of Facebook Chris Kelly and Daphne Phung, executive director of the new non-profit Californians Against Slavery who had no previous experience working on trafficking and no legal qualifications it follows the same pattern  of community (or celebrity) reaction against issues which need both the expertise and financial support of civic society not the Rule of Law as advocated by law enforcement and government who are more often than not taking a slice of the pie themselves aside from the legislative issues which give rise to the problems in the first place.

Rather than protecting Californians, Grant’s research has shown that “… it will expose their communities to increased police surveillance, arrest, and the possibility of being labeled a ‘sex offender’ for the rest of their lives.” What the anti-trafficking advocates are trying to legislate for in many states is a standard law along the lines of Prop 35 which is part of an emerging “war on trafficking.” If there is one thing that anyone worth their salt knows in law, justice and social work is that a “war” on anything never works – it only exacerbates the problem.

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Melissa Gira Grant explains that under the current Under Prop 35 legislation “… anyone involved in the sex trade could potentially be viewed as being involved in trafficking, and could face all of the criminal penalties associated with this redefinition of who is involved in ‘trafficking,’ which include fines of between $500,000 and $1 million and prison sentences ranging from five years to life.” Grant reminds us that this is quite apart from the mandatory registering as a sex offender which will mean the person accused will have to: “… surrender to lifelong internet monitoring: that is, turning over all of one’s ‘internet identifiers,’ which includes ‘any electronic mail address, user name, screen name, or similar identifier used for the purpose of Internet forum discussions, Internet chat room discussion, instant messaging, social networking, or similar Internet communication.’ ” [18]

The end result is that the conflation of the sex trade which will endanger sex workers and prove counterproductive for survivors of trafficking, where the merging of very different crimes that merit very different charges will inevitably produce many miscarriages of justice. Grant underlines the fact that retroactive charges will be enforced under the law which means: “… anyone in California convicted of some prostitution-related offenses as far back as 1944 to also register as a sex offender and submit to lifelong internet monitoring.” [19]

She relates the example of Naomi Akers, the Executive Director of St. James Infirmary, an occupational health and safety clinic run by and for sex workers in San Francisco, who [came] out hard against the bill. In a Facebook image that spread quickly through sex worker communities online, Akers wrote: “I have a previous conviction for 647a” – that is, lewd conduct, one of several common charges brought by California law enforcement against sex workers – “when I was a prostitute on the streets and if Prop 35 passes, I will be required to register as a sex offender.” [20]

The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California were also against the Prop 35 precisely because: “the measure requires that registrants provide online screen names and information about their Internet service providers to law enforcement – even if their convictions are very old and have nothing to do with the Internet or children.” [21]

Finally, Grant summarizes the problem of moral panic in addressing societal issues which can so easily be used for the opposite of their intended purpose. She states: “Historically and to this day, these charges have been used disproportionately against women in sex work (cisgender and transgender), transgender women whether or not they are sex workers, and women of color, as well as gay men and gender non-conforming people. This is a misguided and dangerous overreach in a bill ostensibly aimed at protecting many of these same people.” [22]

And as one sex trade survivor worker commented on the nature of these laws: “It’s frightening. There’s a sense of emotional reaction, married to this really strong anti-sex worker rights agenda. And it’s playing on the public’s emotions.” [23]

This is exactly why it is so easy to keep the public and political change permanently ring-fenced from real transformation.


See also: Modern-Day Child Slavery: Sex Trafficking of Underage Girls in the US



[1]The Natashas: The New Global Sex Trade by Victor Malarek, Arcade Publishing 2004.|ISBN: 1904132545.
[2] ‘Human trafficking a growing crime in the U.S.’ By Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press January 22, 2012.
[3] ‘UN-backed container exhibit spotlights plight of sex trafficking victims’. February 6, 2008.
[4] ‘Dark Numbers: Challenges in measuring human trafficking’ By Erin O’Brien 2010 |
[5] ‘Global Sex Slavery’ by Seth Rosenreid, San Francisco Examiner, 6 April 1997.
[6]  Hidden Slaves: Forced Labour in the United States. A 2004 report from the Human Rights Center at University of California – Berkeley and the Free the Slaves organization, concerning contemporary trafficking and slavery in the United States.
[7] ‘The Abolitionist’ by Anne Morse, World Magazine, October 2004.
[8] ‘Women and Children First: The Economics of Sex Trafficking’ by Kari Lydersen, Women and Girls Prostitution Project, Center for Impact Policy Research, April 15, 2002.
[9] A largely Western influx of men are fuelling the demand for sex tourism. Many find their victims via the internet. An extract from one of these websites follows: “This web site is an interactive discussion and archive database dedicated to providing information about prostitution, escort services and sex tourism. Here you will find articles both past and present providing information about escorts throughout the world. This is not a porno site that boasts millions of “hardcore” images. Rather, it is a place where fellow hobbyists gather to share information with one another through real time discussion boards on a variety of topics that deal with prostitution, escort services and sex tourism.” Upon viewing some of the topics and “exploits” I found the first-hand accounts detail how and where to pick up often underage prostitutes by city and country.
[10] The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (2009) By: Linda A. Smith, Samantha Healy Vardaman and Melissa A. Snow for Shared Hope International |
[11] ‘Selling American Girls: The Truth About Domestic Minor Sex-Trafficking’ By Brooke Axtell Contributor, March 12, 2012.
[12] Latino Women and Children at risk: ‘The San Diego Child Sex Trafficking Scandal’ updated article: November 2005 by
[13] Statement of Joseph Mettimano Child Protection Policy Advisor, World Vision Before the Subcommittee on the Constitutional, Civil Rights and Property Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate July 7, 2004.
[14] ‘Anti-Sex-Slave Trafficking Program Underfunded’, January 2006.
[15]  ‘Bush Waives Saudi Trafficking Sanctions’, Associated Press, September 21, 2005.
[16] ‘Prop 35 Passes: California Voters Approve Harsher Sentencing For Human Traffickers’ The Huffington Post, By Anna Almendrala, November 7, 2012.
[17] ‘Proposition 35 All Sex is now called Human Trafficking’ By Melissa Gira Grant, Truth Out republished from RH Reality Check, a progressive online publication covering global reproductive and sexual health news and information.
[18] Ibid.a
[19] Ibid.b
[20] Ibid.c
[21] Ibid.d
[22] Ibid.e
[23] Ibid.f


Europhilia I

By M.K. Styllinski

“Part of the great mystery and scandal that accompanied the [Dutroux] case was the relentless incompetence of the authorities, at that time led by the Justice Minister, Melchior Wathelet. For years, as victims were kidnapped and murdered, police files were full of reports and tip-offs that Dutroux was selling young girls. Yet Dutroux stayed free.

In the end Mr Wathelet was forced to resign in disgrace. And his reward for incompetence in the administration of Justice was – to be appointed a judge at the European Court of Justice. That would be like our chief executive of the Financial Regulator, Patrick Neary, being appointed head of NAMA. Which would be a joke. But having anyone involved in any way with the horrors of the bungled Dutroux investigation appointed to one of Europe’s most senior judicial positions is no joke. It is, however, a good measure of the arrogance of the euro-elite towards what might be called the plain people of Europe.”

– Mary Ellen Synon, Irish Daily Mail

mitsuo susuki plants

The Marc Dutroux child abduction and murder case caused the police and judicial systems to spring into action across Europe, forming closer connections and joint initiatives with law enforcement agencies world-wide. New operational procedures and affiliations came into being and whole new departments were created tasked with the investigation and prosecution of human traffickers and internet-based paedophile rings. There have been successes, of that there is no doubt. While many innocent persons have been convicted, along with opportunistic and small-time paedophiles without convictions or any violent tendencies, one wonders just how many of those with higher profiles were prosecuted. Very few, it seems, if any.

As mentioned, 1996 was a pivotal year for an explosion of child murder and abuse related cases. It was a year that saw hidden networks unravelling, at least in the lower tiers of the social pyramid. It may also have been a year when those in Establishment circles decided to employ specific tactics to further scapegoat society and thereby protect themselves from the inevitable information explosion care of the internet. As we may recall, the corruption of law enforcement authorities and intelligence agencies and their highly suspect methods for dealing with the commercial proliferation in child pornography is open to question. Nevertheless, the trade and exchange of child pornography remains a reality. Investigations over what was known as the Orchid Club hit the headlines.

Live Internet, real-time transmissions of children being sexually abused, ranging in age from five to ten years, formed the basis of membership. At least eight children were known to have been molested in connection with the secret club. A typical example was that of a 5-year old somewhere in the Mid-western United States who was molested while at least 11 men watched and asked for specific types of abuse to be carried out. Digital technology was also utilized allowing many of the images to be displayed in real time and with optimum quality. A password restricted chat room acted as the primary cyber location for members to exchange child pornography and to share their various tales of the sexual abuse of children. The images were sent over the Internet to Orchid Club members in nine states and four countries, where descriptions of their most recent sexual molestation would grant them membership. Sixteen men were subsequently indicted for their involvement to produce pornographic images and videotapes.

Of the known countries, the ring extended into the United States, United Kingdom, Finland, Canada and Australia. Over an eighteen month period some prosecutions were made possible, though many members proved untraceable due to the use of anonymous re-mailers, which means another computer acts as mediator and blocks the identity of the user.

In 1998 investigations of three British members of Orchid led police to the Wonderland Club. This was to be touted as the world’s most sophisticated child pornography ring, which needed the same extensive link-up between European police forces including Interpol, US Customs and UK National Criminal Intelligence Service, all of whom assisted in the organization of simultaneous arrests.

The Wonderland Club had over 180 members in the United States, Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Finland, Norway, Italy, France, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Membership was by invitation only with a mandatory nomination and approval of prospective candidates. A special requirement for membership was to own and display at least 10,000 child pornographic images that had to be original and without duplications of images already present within the Club. This was a ring that was marketing and selling images of some horrific forms of abuse with a very steady market demand. Members had access to some extremely sophisticated computer equipment and security systems including network encrypted files and codes developed by the Soviet KGB. [1] One member from the United States was found with a database of more than 100,000 pornographic images of children.

Coordination of the operation code named “Cathedral” was carried out by the newly formed unit of the National Crime Squad based in London. On the first day over 100 suspected paedophiles/child molesters in 12 countries were arrested. Police in Germany arrested 10 persons in raids across seven states. These raids indicated that 200 people were involved in making child pornographic videos for the Internet. In the initial sweep, there were 11 arrests in UK, 32 in the United States, 8 in Norway, 3 in Italy, and 5 in France. More arrests were made in the days that followed the initial crackdown.

How many were guilty of serious crimes is still a moot point. What is highly probable is that high ranking Wonderland members who inhabited sensitive posts within Whitehall or the Oval Office were quietly side-lined for blackmail purposes and/or immediate protection. Meanwhile, the Joe-six-pack paedophile carried the can for the raids.

The sentencing imposed on those found guilty is also indicative of a certain judicial predisposition. From a report during the trials in the UK: “The maximum sentence they can receive is three years in prison and they are likely to serve much less. The tariff is due to be raised soon to ten years but too late for these men. And it may not be the end of the club. David Hines says, ‘ they’ll hide up and then they’ll go looking for each other and they’ll regroup and the group will eventually be as big as it was, with new members and with all the old pictures still floating around out there.’ ” [2] And further: An enormous amount of pictures were uncovered from the defendants’ homes, as well as computerised videos depicting children suffering degrading sexual abuse. Passing sentence at Kingston Crown Court, Judge Kenneth Macrae told the seven men: ‘You directly or indirectly exploited the most vulnerable in our society. Children represent the future. They should be cared for and protected.’ […] All of the children involved were under the age of 16 and in one case the child was only three months.” [3]

The highest sentence given to the organizers and perpetrators of these crimes was a mere two years. The leniency shown at such sentencing was mystifying to all. They are now, no doubt continuing their trade. The director of child protection charity Kidscape, Dr Michelle Elliott, said: “You would get a longer sentence for accumulating masses of parking tickets or for burglary. It sends a clear message that these crimes are not being taken seriously.” [4]

 “The governments of the European Union avert their gaze when it comes to trafficking children, despite having signed on to the Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Trafficking and Child Pornography. A 2002 report by Europol, the European Law Enforcement Agency, on the trafficking of human beings into the EU, shows that most of the 15 member states keep no relevant statistics at all. Only four provide any concrete information, with the majority reporting that figures are ‘not available’ or ‘not given.’ ”

– ‘Trafficking Human Misery’ By Richard Tyler WSWS, 25 October, 2003

In July 1998, The Morkhoven child protection group, handed over CD-ROM computer disks that Dutch police believed to be “crucial evidence in their investigation of an international paedophile ring, circulating child pornography on the Internet.” [5] More than 9,000 images were found in the Zandvoort, Netherlands in the apartment of paedophile, Gerrie Ulrich who had co-run the child pornography ring. This evolved into the investigation of The Netherlands Club.

The disks contained images of child abuse with names and addresses of a child porn/vice ring which was operating in the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, Israel and Russia. Morkhoven also discovered lists of American, Russian, German and Israeli citizens, who, it says, received the material over the Internet. It was to be the largest cache of paedophiliac material ever seized. [6]  The short films and photographs found by the police were so shocking they caused one psychologist and police consultant to comment: “‘for professional reasons I have seen a lot of such porn,’” he said, ‘but this left me speechless. It looks like the perpetrators are not dealing with human beings but with objects.’” Some of the children being abused are infants and toddlers, he said.” [7] Some of the pornography was made with babies ranging from 12 to 15 months old. One film, titled “Oh Daddy,” shows balding middle-aged men raping 5-and 8-year old girls. It seems from the footage viewed, sedation may have been used on many of the babies and toddlers as their reactions during the torture and abuse were barely noticeable. Although most of the material was found in the Netherlands it was believed that the bulk of the finds was Eastern Europe and posted on the net in the United States.

In March 2001, due to the familiar heel-dragging of authorities on this and the associated elements within the Dutroux case, legal advisor to the Morkhoven Group, Patricia van der Smissen wrote on their behalf to the Minister of Justice and the President of the European Parliament. She requested support in carrying out systematic research to identify the children and adults seen in the material that contained graphic scenes of rape and torture on children. Action on the whereabouts and identity of these children was painfully slow and to this day remains unknown.

Van der Smissen also asked for resources for the Neufchâteau Public Prosecutor’s Department in where many files had been opened as a consequence of the Dutroux case. Smissen hoped for an office to be opened specifically charged with professionally analysing this material. It was not until several years later that the CD ROMS and the files from the Dutroux case would lead back to more high level child rape networks extending from Belgium, The Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, France, Australia, Germany, and the United Nations; finally leading back to the centralized vacuum of the USA from which most of the networks originally began.

Most European countries in any one month will have a case of child pornography in a “professional” or amateur capacity. The repeating link with the Balkans cropped up as a major nexus point for child pornography on top of the already expanding trade in human trafficking. This is understandable being a traditional stronghold of Russian-Jewish and Albanian mafia markets in these regions.

In August of 1999, Latvia police uncovered a child prostitution/porn ring in Riga involving over 2,000 children. Latvian officials were rumoured to be connected with the abuse and a parliamentary commission was set up and a report issued in the following year linking a number of high level officials, military, policemen and politicians – including the Prime Minister and Justice Minister. A smear campaign was swiftly launched against the commission chairman to distract attention away from the evidence. Latvia’s laws make it easy for child molesters to access children. One man ran a photo-video agency which prosecutors say was also “involved in supplying models for child porn and abuse both to prominent members of Latvian society and to visiting foreigners. Many of the children featured were from orphanages.” [8]

Rivalry between Belarus and Latvia is claimed by some to be behind some of the allegations including the recent furore regarding the second secretary of the Latvian Embassy who was accused of starring in “a dirty homosexual orgy” and distributing pornography. [9] This followed on from the jailing of Belarusian based company executives totalling 25 years for running a child porn ring from the US which catered to thousands of subscribers worldwide and depicting “images of children engaged in sexually explicit conduct.” The Belarus firm and Connections USA in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, collected $3 million in credit-card memberships to various pornographic Web sites during a six-month period ending in August, where fifteen persons were arrested in New Jersey as part of the scheme, including: “a family physician, three previously convicted sex offenders, a campus minister, part-time teacher and church youth coordinator and an 85-year-old retired engineer.” [10]

In the neighbouring country of Estonia child abuse remains an acute problem. This was highlighted by the arrest of an executive director of a crisis hotline service in 2006. According to Estonian media, the charity executive was preying on young boys who had phoned the crisis hotline. He invited them to his home and “made photos with them naked, abused them sexually and filmed porn movies with them. He was also searching for boys through fashion internet portals.” [11]

Slovakian police cooperated with forces in 11 other EU countries and the US to arrest nine men ranging in age from 30 to 52 years, all of them Slovak citizens, on May 10 of 2006. All were charged with the distribution of child pornography.

Belgian and Dutch paedophile groups have long been operating in Portugal. Like Belgium and Holland, the particularly lax laws and indifference of the courts regarding child abuse have resulted in traceable evidence of paedophiles filming young children on the island of Madeira. [12]

But perhaps the most worrying aspect of this techno-pathology and the entrepreneurial nature of this crime was found after a Croatian police sting targeting amateur operations. The trail eventually led back to a Glasgow History and Philosophy student who admitted running a 389 strong international child porn ring from a city centre internet café. [13]

See also: The Netherlands: A Leading Distributor And Producer of Child Pornography


[1]  Global Crime Report: ‘The Wickedness of Wonderland’ BBC News, 1998.
[2] BBC TV Panorama programme, ‘The Wonderland Club’ reporter: Jane Corbin, aired Sunday  February 11, 2001 and on  February 14, 2001. Child rights groups in the UK criticise the Wonderland Club jail sentences as a “joke” which sends out the wrong message to paedophiles.
[3] ‘Paedophiles jailed for porn ring’ BBC News, 13 February, 2001.
[4] ‘Porn ring ‘was real child abuse’ BBC News, 10 January, 2001.
[5] ‘New evidence in paedophile investigation’ BBC News, July 22, 1998
[6] ‘Dutch Say a Sex Ring Used Infants on Internet’ The New York Times, July 19 1998
[7] Ibid.
[8] ‘Latvian orphans bought for sex’ by Sue Lloyd-Roberts, BBC News, 26 May, 2000.
[9] ‘Belarus Boots Out Latvian “Porn Dealer”’, By Charles Hawley, Speigel Online August 2, 2006.
[10] ‘Belarusian executives get 25 years for child porn’ By Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, August 10, 2006.
[11]  ‘Estonian Crisis Hotline Boss Arrested for Child Porn’, March 2, 2006.
[12] ‘Dutch Say a Sex Ring Used Infants on Internet’ New York Times, July 19 1998.
[13] ‘Child porn ring run from net café’ BBC News, 14 October 2005.

Rape of a Nation: The Invasion of Iraq

By M.K. Styllinski

“A couple of days ago I went out on a foot patrol in Sadr City with a young a soldier and noticed the tattoo on his arm, featuring a rosary and the words ‘Forgive Me.’  I asked him what the story behind it was.  He said, ‘After my first tour in Iraq, I went back home to the states and all my friends called me a murderer and killer.  I guess I started thinking a lot about all the things I had done over here…you know.'”

ZORIAH, photojournalist

It’s never a bad thing to remember how we came to this point; how we let a minority of evil men and women turn our world inside out, with the once fine nation of America serving as the central nexus of pathological extremes.

In 2001, due to the hypocrisy of its own actions, the United States lost its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission after a vote by the UN Economic and Social Council. The US has long since taken on the mantle of accuser while ignoring the mounting violations of human rights abuses in its own back yard, firmly believing that its record is beyond reproach. The reality is somewhat different.

The US has only 5% of the world’s population, but 25% of its prisoners at almost two million. Excessive force, torture and sexual misconduct is an increasing problem. This is a clear reflection not only of a society in decline but the governing structure upon which it is based. [1] A discriminatory or excessively violent death penalty and unlawful judicial practices; police brutality and disputed police killings; the implementation of draconian laws and a systematic dismantling of the constitution is common place. The invasion of Iraq provides an instructive insight into the underbelly of the US bodypolitic.

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Between 2002 and 2004 the slaughter of civilian Iraqis reached initial estimates of 300, 000 to over 655,000 of total civilians murdered by US forces, most of whom were children. [2] According to the prestigious British polling group, Opinion Research Business (ORB) over one million Iraqis have met violent deaths as a result of the 2003 war, these numbers indicating: “that the invasion and occupation of Iraq rivals the mass killings of the last century—the human toll exceeds the 800,000 to 900,000 believed killed in the Rwandan genocide in 1994, and is approaching the number (1.7 million) who died in Cambodia’s infamous ‘Killing Fields’ during the Khmer Rouge era of the 1970s.” [3]

The figures remained contentious, especially to now retired Lieutenant General Tommy Franks, one time head of US Central Command, who once barked in response to a question about civilian casualties: “We don’t do body counts.” [4] This appears to be the dominating consensus within US government circles. The absence of civilian death toll records suggests a preference for silence on this issue that can only benefit an invader. A lesson learnt from Vietnam and numerous other invasions inflicted on vulnerable nations?

What makes the carnage in Iraq even more ironic is the standard tactic of using “humanitarian intervention” as a pretext for colonial invasion which inevitably exacts a massive humanitarian toll. There is also no doubt that there US soldiers who have fought in both Iraq and Afghanistan who were unaware that they were merely being used as pawns on a chessboard. Perhaps they really believed they were protecting America’s idea of democracy. In the end, many of the military ended up helping their brothers in arms to survive the tours of duty – nothing more. There were and are acts of heroism in this context and where many began to question why it was they were in Iraq at all. If the jingoism and warfare did not attract a high quota of psychopaths within the US military then it certainly created psychopathic tendencies in many young soldiers, not just due to the horror of war that favours the erosion of conscience but the importation of a ponerised American culture that so willingly believed the sales pitch delivered by the Neo-Conservative hawks.

The symptoms of psychopathy infecting so much of the US military at that time brought to us the torture and sexual abuse of prisoners in the Abu Ghraib jails. This led to the incarceration of a “renegade gang” of abusers who were clearly and weakly following orders from high. Unfortunately, this was no exception. It was systematic and carefully mandated.

Amongst the 1,800 pictures taken by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib, there were also examples of female torture and rape. While these were seen by Congress they were not released to the public. What is worse, the women prisoners – if and when they were released – suffered the spectre of “honour killings” by some Iraqi families where sexual dishonour is viewed as a fate worse than death, the latter often being chosen for the wife or daughter.

Bandits and criminals were dominating the public spaces in Baghdad since the “end” of the war. In mid-July 2003, there were over 25 rapes and kidnappings of women in the city from the end of May to the end of June 2003. This was in marked contrast to the average of one a month before the war.  Since then, there have been over 400 women in Baghdad alone who have suffered rape, kidnapping and the growing victimization of being sold and trafficked overseas. [5] As of 2012, the kidnapping, rape and murder of children in Iraq’s second largest city Basra – an otherwise relatively peaceful city – has become so bad that parents are leaving having lost faith in the security forces to protect their children. [6]

The Real Statue of “Liberty”

On the right, Staff Sgt. Ivan “Chip” Frederick clips  his fingernails while Satar Jabar, imprisoned for carjacking, is wired up for electrocution at Abu Ghraib prison,November 4, 2003.

To cap it all, children, are still subject to abuse while being detained in U.S. prisons in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, with the Pentagon lowering the cut-off for incarceration to 16 instead of 18.  A June 2005 article in The New York Times reported that the International Committee of the Red Cross registered: “‘…107 detainees under 18 during visits to six prisons controlled by coalition troops. Some detainees were as young as 8. Since that time, Human Rights Watch reports that the number has risen.” The article furthered reported: “… Juvenile detainees in American facilities like Abu Ghraib and Bagram Air Base have been subject to the same mistreatment as adults.

The International Red Cross, Amnesty International and the Pentagon itself have gathered substantial testimony of torture of children, bolstered by accounts from soldiers who witnessed or participated in the abuse. A memo addressed to Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld shortly after the 2001 invasion reported ‘800-900 Pakistani boys 13-15 years of age in custody.’” [7]

The atrocities which took place at the Abu Ghraib prison are still seen by many as a momentary aberration rather than a standard procedure used by CIA and the MOSSAD. Indeed, many believe that such photos were leaked precisely because it served as a warning at a deep, unconscious level that anyone daring to cross the might of American Empire would have this in store for them. As such, it could represent a branch of psychological operations designed to place fear in the enemy whether civilian or soldier, government or media.

The iconic hooded figure of prisoner Satar Jabar with wires attached to his person and described by many Iraqis as the “Statue of Liberty” was done so for good reason. So too, the alleged acts against children surfacing in July 2004 had a disturbingly authentic ring of truth. For a military that uses napalm, microwave weaponry and black ops against civilians defending themselves against an invasion force, with the commensurate targeting of journalists which continues to this day,  it comes as no real surprise that children are at serious risk in one of the most dangerous places on earth. (In 2015, the legacy of American imperialism is the transference of Al-Qaeda proxy terrorism to another Frankenstein creation of ISIS/ISIL by Western intelligence agencies in order to rout President Al-Bashir Assad of Syria. Iraq is now dominated by Islamic State militants and their reign of terror.

abugharibinfrakshun notes 2011

The investigative journalist Seymour Hersh was largely responsible for bringing to light the atrocities of the US military and their total disregard for the Geneva Convention protocols. Most of us saw the photos and the actions of some rather disturbed people. Of course, these lines of inquiry led nowhere and those in the photos carried the can for the higher-ups once again. But more was to come. Hersh, speaking at an ACLU event in the same year said the US government had videotapes of children being raped at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq:

‘Some of the worst things that happened you don’t know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib … The women were passing messages out saying ‘Please come and kill me, because of what’s happened’ and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It’s going to come out.’

As Republican Senator, Lindsay Graham remarked: “The American public needs to understand, we’re talking about rape and murder here. We’re not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience. We’re talking about rape and murder and some very serious charges.” It seems that Hersh’s allegations were borne out by the Taguba Report which gave detailed witness statements and interviews in over 6.000 pages which dwarfed the 50 page excerpts in the media. Excerpt from statement provided by Kasim Mehaddi Hilas, Detainee #151108, on January 18 2004:

‘I saw [name deleted] fucking a kid, his age would be about 15 – 18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [name deleted] who was wearing the military uniform putting his dick in the little kid’s ass. I couldn’t see the face of the kid because his face wasn’t in front of the door. And the female soldier was taking pictures. [name deleted], I think he is [deleted] because of his accent, and he was not skinny or short, and he acted like a homosexual (gay). And that was in cell #23 as best as I remember.’

Another testimony alleging abuse of minors from a statement provided by Thaar Salman Dawod, Detainee #150427, on January 17, 2004:

‘I saw lots of people getting naked for a few days getting punished in the first days of Ramadan. They came with two boys naked and they were cuffed together face to face and Grainer was beating them and a group of guards were watching and taking pictures from top and bottom and there was three female soldiers laughing at the prisoners. The prisoners, two of them, were young. I don’t know their names.’

One report from the UN Office of humanitarian Affairs’ Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) shows prison abuse is just another indicator of a wider form of exploitation.  With official government figures putting youth employment at almost 50 percent with poverty continuing to spiral, this undoubtedly helps to feed the rising commercial sex trade. Many children are forced into prostitution by criminal gangs through threats and violence and intimidation. New prostitution rings of every variety have sprung up all over Iraq since the fall of Saddam. Girls below the age of 16 are a prize commodity for the gangs with up to 70 percent of girls being sold and around 30 percent of boys. Street children are most at risk from sexual abuse and have no protection. A spokeswoman for Women for Peace, a local NGO devoted to women’s issues, reports: “‘We have at least one case of a girl raped per week and one boy every two weeks,’…’The most worrying thing is that they’re afraid their fathers will kill them because of a perceived loss of honour.’” [8]  As well as girls, gay adolescents are threatened both from the sex trade and later from their families.

Former high-ranking Baathists from Saddam’s regime have been rumoured to be behind some of the criminal gangs abducting, raping and selling young girls in Iraq. The Mukhabarat (secret police) often rounded up Kurdish women in the 1980s and sold them to clubs in Egypt. This is all the more believable when the Mukhabarat’s old identification actually said “Profession: rape.” The Major Crimes Directorate of the Iraqi Police has recently been set up under the supervision of U.S. Army Military Police. Yet there is no framework or persons responsible for dealing with cases of rape or sexual violence.

No one really knows how many young women have been kidnapped and sold since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. The U.S. State Department’s June 2005 trafficking report says the extent of the problem in Iraq is ‘difficult to appropriately gauge’ but cites an unknown number of Iraqi women and girls being sent to Yemen, Syria, Jordan and Persian Gulf countries for sexual exploitation. The US military will not be the one to address the crimes, judging by its current record it is one of the primary reasons why such crimes continue.

In late September 2005, the following story surfaced. The U.S. military claimed it was investigating reports that soldiers based in Iraq were posting photographs of dead Iraqis, including explicit shots of severed body parts and internal organs on a Florida-based, amateur porn website. American soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan took photographs of dead bodies, many of which were in states of decomposition and horribly mutilated and send them to Chris Wilson, owner of the site. On receiving these images Wilson allows soldiers free access to his site. In other words, the US military were using dead Iraqis to buy porn.

According to one article: “Some of the graphic website images are accompanied by openly racist comments from the soldiers who posted them. “What every Iraqi should look like,” is the commentary next to a picture of a corpse whose brains and entrails are spilling out. In another image, six men wearing US Marine uniforms are smiling for the camera as they point to a burned body at their feet. The caption: ‘Cooked Iraqi.’” Elsewhere, site visitors are invited to guess which body part is being depicted.” As the site is registered in the Netherlands the US legal system had no jurisdiction.

What is more disturbing is that there is a demand for such images. As a litmus test for the severe ponerisation of a society, this would have to be a “code red” indicator.

In 2008, CNN revealed that four in 10 women at a veterans’ hospital reported being sexually assaulted while in the military, alongside a government study concluding that figures could be much higher. [9] By 2012, a new documentary film entitled Invisible War reiterated the findings in a more comprehensive investigation, exposing the inaction and apathy by authorities regarding what appears to be an epidemic of rape in the Army.

Director Kirby Dick interviewed victims from the Navy, Marine, Coast Guard, Army and Air Force veterans who were assaulted by fellow officers, supervisors or recruits, all of whom recount their experiences in shocking detail. What we discover is that these are not isolated incidents but a long-standing “tradition” of violence and rape accepted as part of military milieu. The victims who chose to take part in the film had all suffered greatly from their attacks and had their lives virtually destroyed. This was in part, due to the indifference and prejudice meted out by the US military authorities and the denial of justice these women so desperately deserved. All the women felt they had no choice but to leave the military.

According to a report in the Chicago Tribune:

“One Marine, Ariana Klay, was raped by a fellow officer in the elite Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C. A Navy officer, Trina McDonald, was drugged and raped repeatedly by fellow officers on a remote base in Alaska. Coast Guard recruit Kori Cioca was raped and then assaulted — smacked so hard in the face that it dislocated her jaw, causing her permanent damage and pain for which the Veterans Administration declines to provide medical coverage. […] Almost none of the alleged perpetrators were brought up on charges or punished in any way.” [10]


The Invisible War

Whether the act of rape takes place in a state of “blind” panic, of conquest, or sadist aggression, they all express this essential exploitation towards the weak; the rapist often turning himself in knots to avoid culpability or to claim diminished responsibility – the exact dynamic we see in the geo-political world today, where sex is still used as a weapon of control.

Psychologist Dr. A. Nicholas Groth, Director of the Sex Offender Program for the State of Connecticut’s Department of Corrections, separates rape into three distinct types: anger, power and sadistic rape. In the case of anger, the rape is a discharge of intense resentment which may include revenge and the subsequent degrading treatment towards the victim:

The anger rapist’s relationships to important persons in his life are frequently fraught with conflict, irritation and aggravation. The anger, resentment, hostility and frustration engendered in this relationships is often displaced onto other individuals, and, therefore the victim may be a complete stranger to the offender, someone who has been unfortunate enough to be in his presence at the point at which his controls begin to fail and his rage erupts. Although she has done nothing to warrant it she becomes the target of his revenge – not revenge in a calculated planned fashion but, instead, the recipient of an impulsive action precipitated by a situation she has no part in. [11]

Here we can see the decline of America and the impulsive projection from much of the American electorate to blame Muslims and Islamists for an essentially fake democracy. We can also transpose the psychopathology of the Bush Administration and the Iraq invasion which used the promotion of a Jihad against America as the means to garner global support. Hot on the heels of 9/11 this conveniently led to the bogus “War on Terror” designed to maximize geostrategy and financial leverage. The “calculation” has its place in sadistic and power rape. Conquest is the primary drive, which includes the capture and control of the victim while compensating for a deep inadequacy. To do this, physical force and threats play the dominant role though manipulation towards the peak moment of domination may be used:

Physical aggression is used to overpower and subdue the victim and its use is directed towards achieving sexual submission. The intent of the offender is to usually achieve sexual intercourse with his victim as evidence of conquest, and to accomplish this, he resorts to whatever force he finds necessary to overcome his victim’s resistance and to render her helpless. Very often the victim is kidnapped all held captive in some fashion and she may be subjected to repeated assaults over an extended period of time.

Such offenders entertain obsessional thoughts and masturbatory fantasies about sexual conquest and rape. The characteristic scenario is one in which the victim initially resists the sexual advances of her assailant; he overpowers her and achieves sexual penetration; in spite of herself, the victim cannot resist her assailant’s sexual prowess and becomes sexually aroused and receptive to his embrace. […] In reality, the offender tends to find little sexual satisfaction in the rape. The assault is disappointing, for it never lives up to his fantasy. [12]

The compulsive nature of the power rapist means that nothing can fill the emotional void other than the acts of violence, the only measure of a primal excitement that is very quickly dissipated and thus “He may commit a whole series of rapes over a relatively short period of time.” [13] This may also increase aggression as the satisfaction wanes, thus building to more extremes which are both opportunistic and premeditated.

The above can be transposed once again, towards the dynamics of the US role in Iraq. The former attacks a weaker smaller country as a suitable victim with which it can satisfy an ideological and material hunger. (“‘As one rapist said: I always looked for a victim that was smaller than me’”) This hunger or drive to feel power has consumed anything resembling emotional reciprocity or the capacity to feel empathy for another. The actions are the drives of the addict seeking a fix, a quest based on a wholly subjective appraisal of reality and relationships and an inability to acquire the attributes of conscience.

The September 11th attacks were an opportunistic event or a well-organised conspiracy to ensure a constant supply of victims – a state of perpetual war. [14] This is the prelude and excuse for legitimized rape of conscience on a grand scale. Others who dissent and are “different” also become targets of the power rapist as they remind them of what they lack and what they covet. The power rapist needs to believe the victim enjoyed it. Just as the US military, much of the American public needs to believe they are bringing democracy to Iraq instead of the obvious rape of a nation.[15]

There is the rare form of rape expressed through sadism, where sex and aggression become fused and expressed violently. This violence is then laced with a false eroticism, where suffering and pain becomes sexually gratifying for the perpetrator:

The offender may subject his victims to curious actions….such as clipping her hair, washing or cleansing her body, or forcing her to dress in some specific fashion or behave in some specified way. Such indignities are accompanied by explicitly abusive acts, such as biting, burning the victim with cigarettes and flagellation. Sexual areas of the vicitm’s body (her breast genitals and buttocks) become a focus of injury or abuse. In some cases, the rape may not involve the offender’s sexual organs. Instead he may use some type of instrument or foreign object, such as a stick or a bottle, with which to penetrate his victim sexually. […]

Usually, he captures his victim and then works himself into a frenzy as he assaults her. The rape experience for the sexual sadist is one of intense and mounting excitement. Excitement is associated with the inflicting of pain upon his victim. Such abuse is usually a combination of the physical and the psychological. Hatred and control are eroticized, so that he finds satisfaction in abusing, degrading, humiliating and, in some cases, destroying his captive. [16] 

Forensic psychologist Dr. Reid J. Meloy wrote that “Sadistic control is also an element of perversion and pathognomonic of psychopathic disturbance.” [17] There have been a number of studies that suggest that sadism is a strong component of psychopathy or is actually the same disorder, a variance stemming only from personality and socio-environmental preferences. [18] Sadists conform to the same trajectory of psychopathic needs and desires and also seek social openings where they can exert maximum control over others in exactly the same fashion as psychopaths. In other words, sadism could be viewed as another form of psychopathy alongside pathological narcissism, borderline and anti-social. [19]

The American oligarchy is busy doing what it does best: a power rape of humanity as an initiation to full blown pathocracy.

 “One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. ”

― George W. Bush

Dissenting voices who were against the lies, manipulations and propaganda circus by America and its allies knew exactly what the future would be. I was working in Madrid at the time and decided to join the tens of thousands of ordinary people who were protesting against the war in the strongest possible terms. We also knew that governments would likely ignore the will of people. This is what happens when those devoid of conscience inhabit our systems of government. The only way such protests can be effective is if they are underscored with knowledge of the psychopath in our institutions and backed up by civil action that paralyses the banking and corporate sector.

At the beginning of 2003, numerous accounts of abuse and torture of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq began to surface. Photographs of degradation and torture of a purposely sadistic nature were discovered. The acts were committed by personnel of the 372nd Military Police Company, with directives from CIA officers, and private contractors involved in the occupation. Far from being an accident or lapse in command procedures this was a systematic and conscious use of torture with the blessing of Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defence. [20]

Far from introducing democracy they used gullible soldiers and willing psychopaths to invade a country and install US puppets to direct affairs that would profit military-corporate complex in the future. It is an outpost of updated colonialism intent on dominating the resources in the Middle East. While Saddam Hussein’s regime was certainly an example of extreme repression, members of the society in general were treated better with greater civil rights and a higher standard of living, than under the present US dominated government. Their culture and history and artifacts of an illustrious past was also intact. Not so after the invasion. With Iraq social services plummeting, healthcare system in deep crisis; torture and human rights abuses far worse than under Saddam; child malnutrition more than doubling and the economy wilting under a constant war-zone, it is little wonder that Iraqis are now 58 times more likely to die. [21]

The Bush-Cheney administration liked to trumpet the fact that it was the leading exemplar of a bonafide democracy. Yet what are we to make of statements like this from Bush in 1999: “One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief. If I have a chance to invade….if I had that much capital, I’m not going to waste it. I’m going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I’m going to have a successful presidency.” A “successful presidency” for George Bush and his cronies was to murder, maim and kill thousands of defenceless women and children like all good psychopaths do when they indeed, have “the chance.” Which explains Dr. Hare’s own conclusion that psychopathic individuals’ favourite occupation is to target “The weak and the vulnerable — whom they mock, rather than pity…” [22]

And Iraq’s continuing chaos is the pure personification of social and cultural rape.


Photo taken on Jan. 15, 2014 shows the blast site in Kirkuk, northern Iraq. At least 24 people were killed and 55 others wounded in violent attacks across Iraq on Tuesday, most of them in and around the capital city of Baghdad, police said. (Xinhua/Dena Assad)

Lest we think this is strictly a Bush/Obama problem, the military are warming to their leaders’ ways with continuing sexual abuse at service academies, in units stationed abroad in Kuwait, Afghanistan Bahrain, and at military installations. Detainee abuse allegations have also included sexual assaults. As tools of the Pathocracy their pathogenic impulses cannot be confined to one outpost. If it occurs in one, it will occur in the majority. [23]

UK author and journalist Richard Webster wrote on the etymology of hatred and the underlying misogyny of those who loathe everything, including women and their bodies. He believes “sexual obscenities and war-mongering are intimately related” defining the same expression of insecurity, ignorance and aggressive projection. He then quoted the following email received from a journalist who criticised US Foreign Policy in the Middle East and immediately after September 11th: “how many dogs had to fuck your mom for you to happen?’… ‘I just don’t understand why you have a job in the free world,” said another. “You should slither on back into your sand-encrusted cunthole you ungrateful fuck.’” One can see the words of this individual are acting like indiscriminate bullets, spraying all with his invective. The target can be anyone, just as long as the expression is fulfilled.

Webster believes this kind of hatred is not a “hatred of peace, or hatred of the left, or hatred of Muslims, or even hatred of Guardian journalists. It is hatred of the body – and of the sexual bodies of women in particular, something which belies the schizophrenic nature of religious authoritarian personalities which make up so much of the social landscape of the United States and its military.

It is not only angry American readers of the Guardian who sometimes imagine war as a form of intimate violence directed against a hated human body. At the outset of the 1991 Gulf War the late General Norman Schwarzkopf said: ‘I want every Iraqi soldier bleeding from every orifice.’” [24] More accurately, this would suggest severely damaged individuals who are reflecting their own self-loathing on the one hand and on the other, damaged individuals giving vent to their cravings to abuse and defile the body and human sensibilities. Or, those for whom the use of biological metaphor simply reveals their primary focus: the God of the material world.

Individuals harbouring such tendencies seem to rise to the surface whatever the authoritative system, be it regional council, military division or department. Even a whole nation can convince itself through paramoralistic assertions that another nation is not suffering from their blatant acts of aggression, and even that such a nation wants it to happen; to have a form of exquisite, inquisitorial conversion. All those who gravitate towards the front line of inquisitors have an array of suitable weapons to do “God’s will,” and naturally occupy the positions in the army and government that best service their brand of pathology.

When we think of the genocide committed by troops in Iraq is it so different, this “service”? How can we reconcile the fact that there is an element of pure sadistic psychopathy in the micro and macro-social phenomena of hate that we are witnessing, and which justifies the sexual exploitation and destruction of innocent lives for money and power? Granted, not all are sadists, but if psychopaths are not present the shortfall of soldiers are damaged at best, and made sociopathic at worst. That is the nature of 21 century warfare.

Ponder this confession from a serial sadistic rapist of children and transfer the description to the civilians in Iraq or the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation:

If a child was screaming, I would tell myself – you know – the child’s not really hurting because I know that in reality I was hurting the child. But the only way I could continue the act was to tell myself I wasn’t hurting the child…I found the more I told myself that the more I believed it. And then I found it the child tried to pull away, or screamed, hollered, cried, then all my lying to myself would enhance it and made it more arousing to me. […] After a while I could actually take it and turn it around. Because the child was screaming that he wanted more – actually because they liked it. The child was screaming because he wanted me to continue. [25]

With the exception of Israel, nowhere can we see this kind of pathology more clearly than in the United States of America, the self-proclaimed exemplar of democratic and humanitarian ideals forged in the Statue of Liberty for all to see. Unfortunately, psychopathy nests itself in seemingly elevated ideals until the truth of the situation becomes more and more difficult to mask. It is then that the full force of ponerogenesis becomes known and expresses itself via various forms of fascism most often via the liberal back door.

Creating law enforcement agencies which use sexual humiliation as a way to control society is now a reality. In 2012, the US Supreme Court decided that that anyone can be strip-searched upon arrest for any offense, however minor, at any time. Add to this the NDAA which lets anyone be arrested forever at any time; the “trespass bill” HR 347 which gives you a 10-year sentence for protesting anywhere near someone with secret service protection and the Obama administration’s decision to activate an assassination team to murder American citizens if they are suspected of being a terrorist. These rulings alone indicate an inverted totalitarian government masquerading as a democracy. As journalist, author and activist Naomi Wolf states regarding invasive x-ray scanning at US airports: “Believe me: you don’t want the state having the power to strip your clothes off. Yet that is exactly what’s happening. History shows that the use of forced nudity by a state that is descending into fascism is powerfully effective in controlling and subduing populations.” [26] So, what are the symptoms of this fascistic infection? In her recent book The End of America, She has pin-pointed the 10 key signposts of a country’s descent into fascist control:

1) Invoke an External and Internal Threat
2) Establish Secret Prisons
3) Develop a Paramilitary Force
4) Surveil Ordinary Citizens
5) Infiltrate Citizen’s Groups
6) Arbitrarily detain and release Citizens
7) Target Key Individuals
8) Restrict the Press
9) Cast Criticism as “Espionage” and Dissent as “Treason”
10) Subvert the Rule of Law

All the above examples are occurring in the United States and are serious enough to eclipse the positive actions on the part of groups and individuals attempting to address these iniquities. However, it is the recognition of the depth of pathology that now exists and how it functions within our own lives that will determine the future. The greater awareness of the root courses of endemic lies and manipulation can ultimately create conditions favourable for resisting state-sanctioned behaviour.


It is said that victims of rape need to understand exactly why the rape happened in order to facilitate healing. Gaining knowledge about the attack to reduces the shock of the inevitable reaction of “why me”?  Similarly, as we are all, in one sense, “victims” of a collective “mind rape” we too must address the causes that we have grown up with in order to fully appreciate the implications of our thoughts and actions which may not be our own. Otherwise, we will forever remain prey for the pathocratic rapist that lives in the shadows of our ignorance. We must understand that the nature of evil is just as much a reality as the possibility of love and goodness. Author and child advocate, Andrew Vachss discusses this very point:

“Evil is a choice.  What distinguishes evil is that it is a decision. It’s not in any way involuntary conduct. What Americans do, and this is completely understandable, is they confuse “sick” and “sickening.”  So if something is sufficiently repulsive to them, the response is, “That’s sick!”  So if you’re trying a case, and the accused has sexually assaulted twenty-five little boys, tortured them, taken photographs of them, sold the photographs  —the more gross, the more grotesque, the more bizarre, the more  reprehensible the conduct, the more likely the jury is to conclude that only a sick person would do that. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

I know people don’t like the word “evil,” because, to them, it has a religious context. And also it’s overused. But you have to distinguish from “sick,” because a sick person doesn’t plot and doesn’t plan and doesn’t profit. Plot, plan, profit. If you see those words, you’re not dealing with somebody who’s sick. You’re dealing with somebody who’s evil. And that distinction has habitually been lost on Americans, because the media has muddled it so much. [27] [Emphasis mine]

The psychopath does know the difference between right and wrong. He chooses “wrong” because it is his nature to embody the opposite of those with conscience. And the plotting, planning and profiting from the most extraordinary suffering is routinely rationalized as somehow essential to the survival of democracy, when in fact, what we consider to be an inevitable trade-off to secure all our freedoms is simply another ruse in the well-oiled machine of pathocratic rule. We must un-muddle our ideas about good and evil, and unravel the knots we have created regarding their influence.

Now that we have the patterns of pathology firmly in our minds we can turn to some of the specific causes and their recurrent effects within contemporary society in Europe and America.



[1] ‘The US has only 5% of the world’s population, but almost 25% of it is in prison’ The Economist, May 19 2012. |
[2] Though originally reported by The Lancet almost two years ago, the figure of 100,000 is obviously out-of-date. This estimate was before many of the crimes committed by US troops, the Iraqi so-called Army and the Government militias. The number could easily be at least 200,000. According to the UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) humanitarian news agency reported on April 26 that “More than 90 women become widows each day due to continuing violence countrywide, according to government officials and non-governmental organizations devoted to women’s issues.” The Ministry of Women’s Affairs says that there are at least 300,000 widows in Baghdad alone. There may also be as much as eight million throughout the country. | ‘2,660 Iraqi Civilians Killed in Sept.’ By Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Lee Keath Associated Press, October 11, 2006.  “…a controversial new study contends that nearly 655,000 Iraqis have died in the three-year-old conflict in Iraq — more than 10 times higher than other independent estimates of the toll.”
[3] ‘Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation’ – ‘Projected Censored top 25 media stories of 2009.’
[4] ‘Counting the civilian cost in Iraq’ BBC News, June 6, 2005.
[5] ‘Iraqi Women Kidnapped, Raped,’ Agence France Presse, August 24, 2003.
[6] ‘Child rapes, killings terrify parents in Iraq’ USA Today, November 9, 2012.
[7] ‘Arrested Development’ By Arlie Hochschild, The New York Times, June 29, 2005.
[8] ‘Street children face hunger and abuse,’ (IRIN) 26 December, 2006.
[9] ‘Sexual Assault In Military Jaw Dropping’ July 31, 2008.
[10] ‘’Invisible War’ exposes widespread rape in U.S. military’ Chicago Tribune, January 22, 2012. | See also the 2012 film at
[11] p.16; Men Who Rape – The Psychology of the Offender by A. Nicholas Groth with H. Jean Birnbaum. Published by Basic Books, 1979. | ISBN 0-7382-0624-5.
[12] op.cit. Groth (pp.26-27).
[13] Ibid.
[14] ‘In Iraq: The Neo-Con Perpetual War Policy’ by Carl Osgood, October 1, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review: [The Perpetual War policy] “…was elaborated in the now-infamous ‘Clean Break’ document in 1996… authored by former Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle and a team of fellow neo-cons, [who] called for: 1) the destruction of Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority,…2) inducing the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq; 3) launching war against Syria after Saddam is overthrown; 4) parlaying the overthrow of the regimes in Syria and Iraq into the ‘democratization’ of the entire Muslim world,…blaming them for every act of Palestinian terrorism, including the attacks from Hamas; including further military actions against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and even Egypt.”
[15] A Harris Poll® #57, July 21, 2006: “Seventy-two percent believe that the Iraqis are better off now than they were under Saddam Hussein.” In reality, they are worse off in almost every aspect of the occupation see: ‘Blix: Iraq Worse Off Now Than With Saddam’ Associated Press, April 6, 2004; ‘U.N.: Iraq kids suffer from malnutrition’ – “Almost twice as many Iraqi children are suffering from malnutrition since the US-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein” USA Today, March 30, 2005; ‘Iraq death toll “soared post-war”’ BBC News, 29 October, 2004.
[16] op. cit. Groth (pp.44-45)
[17] p.338; The Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment by Reid J. Meloy. Published by Jason Aronson, Inc.; 1 edition, 1988. | ISBN-10: 0876683111.
[18] Holt SE, Meloy JR, Strack S: Sadism and psychopathy in violent and sexually violent offenders. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 27:23–32, 1999.
[19] Murphy C, Vess J: Subtypes of psychopathy: proposed differences between narcissistic, borderline, sadistic, and antisocial psychopaths. Psychiatry Q 74:11–29, 2003.
[20] ‘How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib’ by Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker, May 24, 2004. “…the Pentagon’s operation, known inside the intelligence community by several code words, including Copper Green, encouraged physical coercion and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in an effort to generate more intelligence about the growing insurgency in Iraq. A senior C.I.A. official, in confirming the details of this account last week, said that the operation stemmed from Rumsfeld’s long-standing desire to wrest control of America’s clandestine and paramilitary operations from the C.I.A.”
[21] ‘Iraq economy falls below pre-war levels’ By Guy Dinmore, February 16, 2006. “The Bush administration on Thursday conceded that key sectors of the Iraqi economy had fallen below pre-war levels because of the insurgency, but insisted it was making enough progress on the political and security fronts to press ahead with reductions in US forces.” | See also: Iraq death toll ‘soared post-war’ BBC News, 29 October 2004.
[22] op. cit. Hare (p.44) | See also: ‘Bush’s Iraq WMDs joke backfires’ BBC News, March 26, 2004: “US President George W Bush has sparked a political row by making a joke about the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. At a black-tie dinner for journalists, Mr Bush narrated a slide show poking fun at himself and other members of his administration.One pictured Mr Bush looking under a piece of furniture in the Oval Office, at which the president remarked: “Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere.”After another one, showing him scouring the corner of a room, Mr Bush said: “No, no weapons over there,” he said. And as a third picture, this time showing him leaning over, appeared on the screen the president was heard to say: “Maybe under here?”
[23] ‘Military Sexual Assault Reports Up 40 Pct’ By Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press, March 17, 2006.
[24] ‘Of love, war and obscenity: a perspective on the fall of Baghdad’ by Richard Webster, The Guardian, April 12, 2003.
[25] op. cit. Salter (p.109-110)
[26] ‘How the US uses sexual humiliation as a political tool to control the masses’ By Naomi Wolf, The Guardian, April 5, 2012.
[27]  ‘The World As They See It: Andrew Vachss’ by Ken Kesegich, Case Magazine, Autumn, 2004.