The Hissy Fit Generation and the Loss of Free Speech V: Infantilism in America and Beyond

By M.K. Styllinski

Let me tell you about Preschool Mastermind, a daycare for adults in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is not, as I had thought, an April Fool’s joke or even a fetish den but an actual thing. Tall, hairy, wrinkled Americans — I’m assuming they have jobs because you can’t get student loans for kindergarten — pay a grand to recreate their happiest times, spending their days as four-year-olds: fingerpainting, show-and-telling, playing musical chairs, napping with a blankie and a Fig Newton.

— Heather Mallick, ‘The growing childishness of American adults’

Columnist Heather Mallick quoted above comments on mass infantilism and political disengagement which can only lead to the erosion of our civil liberties. She highlights a recent interview of whistleblower Edward Snowden by John Oliver of The Intercept who took a camera to Times Square and asked people who “Edward Snowden” was. Not one person knew. However, when asked if it was okay for the NSA to store photos of their genitals  they were vehemently indignant. As Mallick observes: “This is how you get toddlers upset; you mention swimsuit areas.”Hugely important issues that strike at the very heart of our freedoms barely register, unless it’s to do with personal shame.

The freedom to exhibit one’s tackle and the shame of it being viewed (with probable hilarity) by State minions certainly throws up a tangled mess of mixed Freudian messages….

If you think the world is going insane then you can be sure that much of this is due to an inability to process deep change and the horror of having to confront one’s own psychology in the face of uncertainties and shocks. The net result of cultural narcissism means an arrested emotional development which has led to a widespread absence of maturity and responsibility. Nonetheless, you don’t have to be a pathological narcissist to find yourself grappling with such things. Since we live in such a culture, it is probable that all of us have had to confront narcissistic traits and various degrees of trauma in order to truly move forward with our lives. As those who have finally tackled such an ambitious objective can attest – it is not a pleasant experience, which is why those exhibiting symptoms of infantilism find it doubly difficult to claw their way back to adulthood without some appropriate form of therapy. For older individuals who have spent a life time sucking on the dummy of victimhood and entitlement this may be a tall order indeed, since it has become their personality with little room for change.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of an adult is “a fully developed and mature: grown-up”. What does it mean to be grown up? Robert A. Hall’s article in the American Thinker gives a suitable description of what an ideal adult might be, taking into account that none of us can live up to this ideal all or even some of the time. The key is to strive to do so, both for yourself and your children since they will follow your example and define the next generation. He lists several descriptors which define a normal adult including: resilience; patience; disciplined; openness; consideration; supporting themselves and their family; altruistic in day to day life and most importantly, they do not take on a victim status but cultivate a sense of responsibility. In a word: true adults have integrity; they have a healthy ego that is kept in check by humility knowing that it’s not all about them and they are aware of their weaknesses but strive to overcome them. As discussed previously, many parents and the cultural cross-currents under which they were immersed in the 60s and 70s were exposed to a range of detrimental social changes which ultimately did no favours for them or their children.

Marketing Infantilism

Our body-centric focus is certainly over-developed alongside an elevated egotism. This infantilism is presiding over the male-female removal of body hair to the normalisation of paedophilia in law and academia. We are seeing generations of men and women who are personifying the psycho-spiritual chaos that has been wrought over the last several decades through emotional impairment, missing certain stages of neurological development through experiences in childhood and beyond. Factor in social engineering, postmodernist inculcation and a legion of other psychic pressures, the concept of adulthood has been twisted out of shape to induce a total reliance on the State for all one’s provisions. The government as provider of social welfare has fed into an assumed right to be taken care of, further eroding the potential of community and the lost creative power of people to nurture, support and nourish each other financially and spiritually.


Neuro-Hacking the Mass Mind (I)

By M.K. Styllinski

“…brain-hacking through social engineering and other processes is already a reality, and hackers are our brains. This ‘neuro-hacking’ can involve acting on the hardware, that is to say on the biological and genetic substrate of the brain, but it can also involve acting on the software, that is to say, on the communication code that we learn from society.” – Lucien Cerise

One of the breakthroughs in understanding the level of influence of the Deep State and Overworld dynamics has been through the recent revelations from Wikileaks’ Podesta emails. A veritable Pandora’s Box of connections has led to Pizzagate – now Pedogate – blackmail, corruption, child pornography, sex trafficking, black magick rituals and a plethora of other sordid revelations fanning out from the quest for regime change and the battle for resources in the Middle East. After researchers from all political persuasions and beliefs had been highlighting these horrors for years, these leaked emails, now being sat on by the FBI, are the closest yet to offering proof of the mechanisms which are passed from one Establishment/Deep State generation to the next like a dark baton slippery with blood.

Slowly but surely the why, who and how of our Official Culture and the drivers which ensure that humanity remains under the yoke of  World State cartels is being revealed in a way that hasn’t been seen before. Oil/Gas, weapons, drugs, and sex/organ trafficking lie at the top of multi-tiered resource pyramid. The financial architecture that perpetuates these unimaginably toxic channels is achieved through a long tradition of social engineering by Elite factions, the puppets & players of which follow a revolving door of power, irrespective of a President and his administration. This is the facade, the entrenched and inevitable outgrowth of the State that permits a shadow government to remain forever at the control panel of perpetual war and social disruption. As top-level power brokers between the CIA, the NSA and FBI jostle for supremacy let’s not forget that overall, these agencies are primarily engaged in a war for our minds as their primary reason for being.

However, let’s not imagine that the Wikileaks organisation and their poster-child Edward Snowden are somehow working for the greater good, although many in their staff may think so. I suspect that this period of permitted leaks is very probably nothing more than a psychological operation, a limited hangout of the CIA and thus an attempt to acclimatize populations to the ubiquity of surveillance and intelligence that is literally inside your home, phone, T.V. and anything else connected to the internet and the emerging SMART society.  This is one facet of the same social engineering project that we’ll discuss below.

It’s a risky game managing the flow of “leaks.” Allow too much information to seep into public consciousness and a momentum begins to emerge, not enough information and they can’t pursue their time-table of phased objectives. Which is why the hacking of lap-tops, smart phones and T.V.’s merely mirrors the hacking of our minds and beliefs – a potentially far more dangerous state of affairs then data mining. For example, the core roots of progressivism and the left have now been infected by ponerological streams of political correctness and narcissism, working in concert with CoIntelpro agents in much the same way as the New Age or Human potential movement as a whole. Thus, social movements such as LGBT, Black Lives Matter and Soros-led “social justice” organisations such as tune into a genuine desire for social equity and “rights” but are created or hijacked early on, driven by Deep State directives that desire the chaos of tribalism as a default setting for society. The younger generation of Millennials – who should be the hope of the world – appear incapable of exploring this dichotomy because they have already been programmed to embody and act out these inverted social-cultural beliefs, ethics and activism. The rise in an epidemic of narcissism in this demographic further encourages feel-good sensation, and a technology-driven buffer to the acknowledgement of nuance, complexity and attention to objective reality. The ability to think outside the box against ingrained conditioning becomes severely limited because it is perceived as an attack against the collective ego mask of self-entitlement.

Thus, Millennials and older generations of the well-intentioned (and not so well-intentioned) are already falling into the many traps, the escape from which will be extremely difficult since the these info-tainment led emotional hooks of manipulation offer benign moral imperatives to seduce a collective projection of unresolved shadows out into the world, thus turning ideology and justice on its head. Controlled opposition has therefore been easy to manufacture, backed up as it is by fake news of the corporate media. Those that are paying attention can see this formula everywhere you look: whether it is the BBC or CNN that promote the Establishment’s agenda of anti-Russian rhetoric to University Campuses engaging in an Orwellian re-branding of vocabulary in an tragi-comic and painfully ironic stand against racsim and bigotry.  Such tactics focus away from what really matters and into the realm of skin-deep analysis of feeling and sensation. This bio-chemical template that is burned into the young brains of new generations is the neural pathway upon which social engineering functions and thrives. Indeed, it seems much of the left, new age/green and “socially aware” are now the unconscious cultural foot-soldiers of the Deep State. This is why social engineering has been adopted with such pin-pointed skill and precision over the years and why it needs to be confronted and thoroughly explored.

The awakening to the nature of the MSM as a monolithic exercise in propaganda and thought control is gaining ground, thanks largely to the internet. It is becoming less easy to monopolise information and applied knowledge in this age of independent news feeds, FOI requests, forum research, whistle-blowers and leaked documents, despite the signs of psyops constantly filtering the truth. There is a real chance for moderates from the left and right (and many shades inbetween) to turn down the volume of their beliefs and collaborate against a common foe – that of institutionalised psychopathy. Which is why the war is being fought through the inner shadows and unresolved issues that we all have. These weaknesses can be exploited and used by the Elite through suitably prolonged exposure to new forms of social engineering. It is for this reason that lines between awareness, knowledge and apathy and ignorance are being drawn.

And so to neuro-hacking…


Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (3)

“Over the past decade, the influence of Chabad cultists in the world has not only grown but also entrenched. This is the only Jewish religious sect, which, assuming the role of leader of world Jewry, climbed into world politics. Its presence greatly affected American politics. In addition, the heads of state of the former Soviet Union are listening to Chabad.”

– Ukrainian author /activist Rabbi Baron Eduard Hodos

Factions of those in the domination game include persons within Chabad Lubavitch and Zionist infiltrators. A Messianic Jewish theocracy is very much part of the overall, top level psychopathic designs merging into the totality that is Pathocracy. More importantly, these factions are nodes within an overarching global occult influence as will discover in greater detail further along. As one faction of this emergence, these would-be-leaders of Chabad working within Judaism have definite objectives tied to foundational beliefs. Let’s remind ourselves what some of those beliefs are:

  • The abolition of Christmas.
  • The labelling of Christians or Gentiles as “idol worshippers.”
  • The instruction to all Christians to give up their religion or be put to death.
  • The education and instruction of a belief that Jesus practiced sorcery; worshipped stone idols and was sexually immoral.
  • To establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion.
  • The forcing of US citizens to adopt a synthesized “religion” invented for a servant class.
  • A World theocratic Jewish State [1]

As bizarre as it may sound, these are all part and parcel of Chabad Lubavitch literature, most typically the Noahide (or Noachide) Laws which are revered, respected and taken very seriously indeed. As German author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert reminds us:

“By 1723 freemasonry had already incorporated the Noachidic statutes into its Constitutions… Charges & Regulations; freemasons have always called themselves ‘Noachids’. In 1991 when the first war on Iraq was started, George Bush Senior forwarded this peculiar “blessing” to the whole nation: The seven Noachidic laws were solemnly declared to be the foundation of the United States by the Congress and the President.” [2]

Which may, in part, offer an insight as to why the Jewish Kabbalah has been so important in freemasonry and how Zio-Conservatism has comprehensively infiltrated US politics. Lubavitchers – or if you prefer, Chabadniks – are also embedded in the socio-political infrastructure of the United States.

Now, doesn’t that feed into the red herring “conspiracy theory” of Jews hoping to control the world?

Hopefully, at this stage the reader will know it is much more complex than that. Ponerology dictates which cluster of psychopaths will mount the best defence of their realm, and it appears the religious authoritarian megalomaniacs within the rabbinical hierarchy of Chabad Lubavitch and Ashkenazi Revisionist Zionism are major candidates for that particular mantle. So, to imply that it is strictly a “Jewish conspiracy” across the military-corporate and media complex is to do a huge injustice to ordinary Jews. Similarly, the conspiracy at work is largely public having been normalised by a variety of puppets and players within the 3EM. In order to see their various strains of psychopathy within our culture, entrenched beliefs and parallel taboos cannot be ignored. Hence the exploration of Chabad Lubavitch.


With Chabad Lubavitch rabbis from around the world, U.S. President George W. Bush signs a presidential proclamation in honor of Education and Sharing Day, highlighting the important work of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. | Joyce N. Boghosian—Offical White House Photo

While many Hassidic Jews would not associate themselves with such beliefs. Others go further, interpreting Lubavitch doctrine in the strictest terms. Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman made an interesting comment in 2009 from the Jewish magazine Moment perfectly illustrating the minds of elder Chabadniks: “I don’t believe in Western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” [3] It seems that Friedman has taken his bizarre inspiration from the Yahweh-driven bloody wars of the ancient Israelites. The rabbi issued a statement not long after – in all probability at the request of Chabad hierarchy – so that he could “clarify” his initially, revealing prose. He was at pains to say that his opinion was his alone and that it did: “… not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.” [4]

Despite this, his statements are mild compared to what we would find in classical Jewish doctrine of the Talmud, the Tanya and a succession of Grand Rebbes’ proclamations. It seems he also forgot the legacy of Schneerson. Though he paid lip service to “compassion” it was clearly the words rather than the basic premise that gave rise to the invective which was “irresponsible” and “misleading.” Another fine example of paralogical and paramoralistic discourse at work. Like the banking, oil and weapons and hedge fund billionaires of today, philanthropy conceals a multitude of sins. With the Establishment hierarchy it is a conscious means to and end which has little to do with alleviating humanity’s suffering rather, philanthropy offers a way to  keep the illusion of altruism in place and to buffer the disconnect between what they say and what they do. Organised Religion, with its cults and sects are no different. The hierarchical structure comes first regardless of whether the moral and ethical pillars have long since been eaten away by parasites. The vast majority of responses from presumably Jewish readers condemned the Rabbi’s views in the strongest possible terms. Though there were scattered posts praising or excusing what are essentially statements celebrating a cold-bloodied religious psychopathy.


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

For high level Chabadniks and Zionists who lobbied the Bush Administration and now Barack Obama, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was more than a spiritual inspiration, he was perfection embodied; the Messiah or “Moshiach”. Accordingly, what he said was taken very seriously and encouraged to be interpreted literally. The “Great Rebbe” told his followers “The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the Golus,* to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries.” [5] Schneerson was telling the present generation of Jews to go out and “conquer and purify” the Gentile (non-Jew) nations as laid down in the Noahide Laws. Lubavitcher Bryan Ellison tells us that Chabad followers have a special duty; the generation of Jews after the creation of Israel:

“… is the last generation of exile and darkness, and the first generation of Moshiach and the Redemption. All of us — Jews and Noachides — have an urgent responsibility to transform the world immediately in order to bring Moshiach, and this involves going well beyond the minimum of the Law.” [6]

During the Bush Administration key positions were taken up by Chabadniks. Among those handed the keys to Office were Press Officer Ari Fleischer, Chief of Staff Joshua Bolton and Vice-Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. All three were great admirers of Schneerson and believed in his Messianic vision. Though Fleischer, Bolton and many others were highly effective in contouring political opinion and military support for Chabad designs it was Lubavitcher devotee Wolfowitz who was considered one of the key intermediaries between, Chabad, the Israeli-Zionist lobby and Neo-Conservative ideology and practice.


Paul Wolfowitz (wikipedia)

Whereas Dov Zakheim’s task was to oversee US Depart of Defence fiscal policy tipping the balance toward weapons shipments into Israeli hands, Wolfowitz’s influence and power extended into higher realms of foreign policy and geo-political strategy. His major contribution to the militarisation of the American energy policy necessarily included foreign interventions which were integrated into Cheney’s much quoted doctrine of perpetual war to defend and protect newly acquired resources. Wolfowitz was renowned for being the intellectual force behind radical Neo-Conservatism, the maturing of which was fostered by the late Albert Wohlstetter during his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the late 1960’s. Wohlstetter worked for the cold war strategy think tank the RAND Corp, [7] and besides being steeped in Zionist ideology, was a believer in the view that nuclear deterrence was not a satisfactory basis for strategic doctrine; the United States actually had to be not only the best in nuclear strategy but prepared to unleash the dogs of war in order deter the enemy –no doubt wiping out Israel’s perceived enemies in the process. (Consequently, the craziness of Wohlstetter was one of the inspirations for the film Dr. Strangelove.)

As Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz were transforming a largely Jewish, right wing agenda into Neo-Conservatism, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith – both fanatical Zionists – had already worked in high level positions in both the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Perle was also a protégé of Wohlstetter, bringing together two minds with a singular purpose: an Israeli-driven world revolution and a personal association that would remain through the intervening years. It was Wohlstetter, with the encouragement of Zionist insider and intellectual Bernard Lewis that lurked in the shadows encouraging Feith, Perle and Wolfowitz to help create the Iraq WMDs deception and the installation of CIA-stooge Ahmed Chalabi who would later become Prime Minister in Iraq. [8]

Albert Wohlstetter 1969

Albert Wohlstetter 1969 – (Source: wikipedia)

In the mid-1980s working as Middle East analyst at the National Security Council Douglas Feith was found to be passing classified information to the Israelis and was fired after a low-key FBI investigation. The fact that Neo-Conservative allies had multiplied in federal agencies, think-tanks and government it meant that Feith was back into power in just a few years, this time as undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon. Similarly, with Feith’s help Perle was able to attain a position at the Defence Policy Board.

Like Feith, Perle had long been seen as a possible Israeli agent since he had been doing exactly the same as Dov Zakheim and attempting to move all armaments purchasing to Israeli companies. The only differences to be seen was in the somewhat more prominent position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for international security policy in the Reagan administration and that he made sure he received a direct cut of profits. [9] As a veteran advisor he was able to transform Neo-Conservatism into a radical expression of Revisionist Zionism. He was a latter-day Jabotinsky with a supremely Machiavellian take on politics and warfare. The Zio-Conservative networks came alive through Perle and others, mostly through flagship lobbying think-tanks such as the Heritage Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) Hudson Institute, Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf and Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, to name but a few. Slowly, Zio-Conservative radicals were moving into key positions, with foreign policy as the prize.  Conveniently, when the New Pearl Harbour arrived, the PNAC dreams of pre-emptive attack were realised.


Douglas Feith (left) and Richard Perle

Richard Perle was to be the mentor for both Feith and Wolfowitz. As September 11th 2001 came and went, Feith and Wolfowitz worked together to make the invasion of Iraq and other countries a sure-fire reality by creating an official philosphical and ideological mandate for Empire. Yet, the evolution of what was to be called the “Wolfowitz doctrine” started long before the invasion policies of the Bush Reich and the police state which followed. This particular plan for American military domination came to fruition during the administration of George H.W. Bush Sr.

In 1992, Wolfowitz was working in the Department of Defence and was asked to write the first draft of a new national security strategy, a document entitled “The Defense Planning Guidance.” It was here that the full force of Neo-Con ideology took shape, pushing for dramatic increases in defence spending, pre-emptive attack and the use of unilateral military force with or without the support of allies. Perle had been working for Benjamin Netanyahu, who was Prime Minister of Israel by 1996. “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was their policy which set out a game plan that would solve Israel’s security problems in the Middle East by emphasising “Western Values.” It was another example of using the USA as a proxy nation to its bidding. The removal of Saddam Hussein and aggressive policies of invasion in the Middle East were advocated. One particular passage from the document openly reveals its agenda where “peace” was transformed into economic support from US taxpayers in order to increase a political ideology: “While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform.” [10]

By the year 2000, George W. Bush Jr. had taken office and the foundation of Jewish, Neo-Conservative power fused with the National Security State and its military-intelligence apparatus. This was to oversee the rise of ruthless corporate psychopaths Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, and Chabad supporter Deputy Secretary for Defence Paul Wolfowitz, all of whom had cut their teeth on the past administrations of Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr.

Paul Wolfowitz2

Paul Wolfowitz at a Friends of Israel meeting 2009


Zionist enablers out for all they can get – former Vice President Dick Cheney talks with his partner in crime the then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a video teleconference, 2006. (White House photo by David Bohrer)

As Michael Chertoff was busy reordering America’s fear and loathing into the Homeland Security State, 2005 saw the departure of Douglas Feith leading eventually to the Directorship of the Center for National Security Strategies and as a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Wolfowitz headed to  the World Bank in order to do further incalculable damage to any hint of normal human progress.

Having honed his knowledge of globalisation by redefining American dominance so that international treaties, the United Nations and World economic policy could benefit US neo-liberalism and Israeli economic and foreign policy. He was able to implement economic configurations such as “public-private partnerships” which not only placed corporations in the front line of a socio-cultural imperialism but allowed global warming legislation to mix with corporatism. The plan was scuppered just two years later resulting in: “Wolfowitz’s resignation and departure in disgrace over a sordid corruption scandal involving his role in securing improper salary raises for his mistress, and trying to cover it all up.” Columnist Dr. Srdja Trifkovic explained: “According to the Bank insiders, however, her employment contract was used as the handy pretext to get rid of Wolfowitz, the true reasons being gross mismanagement, utter misunderstanding the Bank’s role in the world, and an extreme display of arrogance.” [11]

The Wolf marking his territory once again?

Wolfowitz and his colleagues managed to fuse corporatist, Zionist, Chabad Lubavitch and other highly influential Zio-Conservative-based think-tanks into a powerful force for war. The Wolfowitz Doctrine lay behind  “Clear break” and PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defences” which defined the blueprint for Zio-Con conquest well into the future. The latter document was written in September of 2000, one year before the 9/11 attacks, where they acknowledged: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. …” And just one year later, their most pressing desire was fulfilled.

Paul Wolfowitz played a major role in the genesis of the 9/11 attacks either in its creation or taking full advantage of all the opportunities such a “catalysing event” could offer. What the Doctrine proved that this was an ideology of Straussian authoritarianism inspired by the Hegelian solution. By using the US as a proxy war machine the Zionists had pulled off a major coup in toppling Saddam Hussein and invading Iraq with their sites on monopolising oil reserves, the driving interest for corporatists like Rumsfeld and Cheney. But the full force of a religious-occult imperative would be revealed in the 9/11 false flag ritual which heralded the destruction of Iraq – the first phase of biblical and Chabad-led, Talmudic prophecy.

As reported by Munich-based author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert an “occult summit” was convened on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, February 21st, 2003. In attendance were: 0297829947.02.LZZZZZZZ

“… the head of the Operations Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose name wasn’t published and seven leading representatives of military intelligence, amongst them the three-star general Lowell ‘Jake’ Jacoby, Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency and Wolfowitz’ deputy Dr Linton Wells who manages the ‘nerve centre’ of the Pentagon” and mostly notably “Bible code specialist” Michael Drosnin and Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz.” [12]

The fact that top members of US government would be willing to trust the advice of Drosnin’s highly controversial study of predictive word codes is worrying enough. What is more concerning is the reliance not only on Biblical prophecy but the fusion of both Christian Evangelism, Jewish Messianism and occult Zionsim. Eggert explains that there was “only one item on the agenda” and that was to discover what the Bible said:

“… about the present situation in the Middle East, terrorism and about the fate of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden … It is said that a special interest was taken in decoding when devastation was expected to descend upon the Iraqi president. Result: the Jewish year of 5763 which corresponds to the year 2003 of the Christian calendar. The outcome of this conference is said to have been analysed immediately after by American and Israeli intelligence. The Americans “took it very seriously”, Drosnin later said. The White House started the campaign “Iraqi Freedom” within the prophesised time frame.” [13]

And they “took it seriously” because Zio-Conservatives and military-intelligence apparatus is saturated in occult workings all of which are underpinned by the Jewish Kabbalah in some form. One of these is based around the Jewish calendar of the Shemitah, its origins in the Old Testament. Originally a form of agricultural divination focused around debts and  blessings to it is now used as a tool of prediction for world events and calamitous occurrences. As Eggert observes, Chabad Lubavitch saw 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq as one long mythical war prophesised long ago and even cited in the sect’s magazine Emes News which stated: “While the press doesn’t foresee such a move and while the US-State-Department is denying any plan of attack against Iraq, those who know about the Lubavitcher Rebbe know quite well, that when he said, America would wage war against Basra [a city in Iraq], nothing in the world could stop such an event coming true.” [14]  It is for this reason that the Christian Zionists and Fundamentalists are so crucial to the Chabad’s messianic drive since they are well aware that they make up around 37 percent of voters in America. Head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder reaffirmed this strategic link in a recent interview where he said: “Evangelicals … are the critical support for Israel…We have one great friend: Evangelicals.” [15]


© infrakshun

Crucial to the End Times tribulation is the yearned for second coming induced by conflict at Temple Mount. The Iraq war started one and half years later on March 20th 2003, the Holy Day of Purim care of one of the main instigators of a Chabad ritual and the needed outbreak of war: Paul Wolfowitz. During the aftermath of the Iraq war, Chabad supporters Joseph Lieberman and Senator John McCain were the allotted PR figureheads for announcing that: “… the Iraqi conflict-based-strategy followed exactly that line which he himself together with his colleague had imposed in the US Congress by pushing through the ‘Iraq Liberation Act’.” [16]

At this point, the reader may be forgiven for thinking that all these war-mongering corporatists, Zionists and rapacious banksters are simply in it for the money and the power. Important as those things are for essential psychopaths there is also the underlying foundation of the military-occult complex suffused with a masonic branch of Existential Satanism which have traditionally relied on psychological warfare to achieve their ends. Within the Zionist Establishment, the Mossad hierarchy and Chabad Lubavitch is a form of Kabbalistic Satanism with links to Order of Zion freemasonry, in turn, connected to the overall global occult elite. Those whose personalities have been irrevocably altered and fragmented as a part of MK-ULTRA programs (which are the ones we know about) have undoubtedly been carefully positioned within the political establishment. This brings us back to the testimony of Kay Griggs and which will prepare us for the final series of posts exploring the occult significance of 9/11.


The Hebrew Kabbalah or Tree of Life / © Infrakshun

As you may recall, Griggs endured 11 years of bizarre behaviour and emotional abuse from her Navy SEAL husband, who was a victim of mind control operations inflicted on children of the military-intelligence apparatus from the 1950s to the 197os. Evidence has been mounting over the years that such programs resulted in a large number of assassins programmed to kill, commonly known as “Manchurian candidates.” After her husband went missing Griggs decided to go public after receiving death threats and psychological intimidation from members of military intelligence.

In 1996 she took her story to Sarah McClendon, a former senior member of the White House press corps and gained protection, as well as a wise confidante who gave her experienced advice on how to stay alive when dealing with military intelligence agents. By 1998 Griggs had sufficient confidence to make an eight hour video recording of her experiences for Pastor Strawcutter which found their way to the internet adding vital pieces of the puzzle regarding the hidden workings of military-intelligence groupings. Griggs, a committed Christian, gave evidence that was at times clearly difficult for her to relate due to the nature of the information. This included confirmation of government hit squads, Zionist cabals, brain-washing, murder and organised sex-cults of “Cap and Gown, and Skull and Bone society,” though not exclusive to the US Navy to which her husband and other high level Marine officials belonged.

Griggs’ information is derived from her discussions with the wives of US Army and Navy personnel, the harrowing experiences with her tragic husband and the details she was able to glean from his diary which was left behind following his disappearance. From the knowledge she was able to piece together Griggs believes that the handlers of these covert cults as well as the programmed child-victims who do their bidding for many decades: “…are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. PSYOPS is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player.” Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld are also named as those with German-Jewish origins, chosen for their psychological make-up to be handlers and/or operators assigned with particular roles.

Recall the testimony of Dr. Corey Hammond and his revelation of Greenbaum mind programming which provided evidence of a Hassidic element to “Dr. Green” – a probable codename for a group of programmers across the spectrum of mind control operations and which continues to this day. At root, the pathogenic nature of this psychological deviance manifested through a direct transference of Zio-Nazi black arts and their technology of mind. In other words, via Operation PAPERCLIP and the installation of numerous intelligence officers, psychologists and scientists, most importantly perhaps, the Nazi SS General Reinhard Gehlen, who was head of German intelligence operations. Under the cover and success of this Nazi brain drain he went on to be one of the leading architects of the modern CIA. The General was only one of numerous high level Germans who were to define the future of America.


Wolfowitz on 9/11 Commission: How we laughed.

Finding out who the various kingpins of the September 11th attacks is an impossible task as they will always be one step ahead, as the present disinformation and managed perceptions within the 9/11 truth movement attests. What we do know is that any well-known public figures which have been mentioned throughout this blog are likely not the true perpetrators of this crime against humanity. What we do have is a Catholic-based Nazism, tied to a Anglo-American Liberal-collectivism further complicated by Zionism – all of whom have their own take on building a New Order Empire, that will lock in once and for all a Golden Age of neo-feudalism where psychopaths rule.

9/11 was the global turning point.

The occult lies behind all major cabals, religions and organisation in the 21st Century ranging from the amateur to the sophisticated; forms of freemasonic Satanism, the maturation of various brotherhoods of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism. Dispense with all the manufactured labels and “- isms” and the simple truth is a increasing psychopathy with its long term plan to dominate ordinary humanity. THAT is the real Secret of the Ages and the only conspiracy worth considering, everything else is just window-dressing. It is the probable mass inculcation of disturbed, pathological individuals who are insinuated into the social fabric and attached to suitable ideologies so that they may act as channels for ponerogenesis.

In one sense, all that has gone before in this series represents a careful, methodical prelude before presenting this information on occult Zionism since it is a tough one to contemplate, not least because it is using Judaism and the Jewish tribe as its vehicle. Zionists and Ashkenazis – Khazars – are not the ordinary Jewish people. Palestinians and Jews lived together for centuries, and there is good reason to believe that ordinary Jews and Muslims are still keen to live together in peace. They hold much more in common than we may think – not least their shared Semitic genes. Zionists however, by brainwashing Jews in particular, have effectively encouraged moral blindness and victimhood. Peace between these peoples is anathema for the pathological aggression that is the life-blood of Zionist existence.

Those psychopaths who lie within the middle and higher tiers of the Chabad/Zionist pyramid thrive on maximising conflict between the two Semitic peoples. History and myth reveal that they have socially-engineered Jewish culture to accept this conflict as a fight for survival while in reality it is merely another geo-political ruse to extend their rule over ordinary people. Consequently, it is metaphorically correct to call such actions “Satanic.” Futhermore, as we look deeper into the nature of occult forces which surround the nationalistic violence of Zionism and the theology of the upper most hierarchy within Chabad Lubavitch, we will see quite clearly that it is the influence of the Babylonian Talmud with its Levitical roots in Black Magick and Satanic lore which informs their operations in the 21st Century.

Admittedly, this is a very hard fact to swallow for most, since a) we have been awash with cultural conditioning and a superficial history told by the victorious that prohibits such discussions of occult practice, though its presence lies directly or indirectly behind all of our socio-political and economic institutions; and b) the Jewish culture of victimhood and inculcated ethnocentrism has similarly prevented any constructive criticism, reinforced by the Jewish cultural Marxism of political correctness. Once we accept such a hypothesis as at least a possibility, we will then be better able to absorb the information regarding the events of September 11th as the grand occult ritual that it was.

Before we do so, we need to take a closer look at the Talmud.  


* Golus is Hebrew for “exile” usually referring to the exile of the Jewish people from their perceived homeland. The word avodah means “work” and of a type that is carried out as a service to God.


[1] Paraphrased from ‘Merry Christmas, and Off With Your Head!’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc., May 15, 2002.
[2] op. cit. Eggert | See also: ‘Patronymic Paralogy’ – Excerpt: “March 20, 1991 President Bush signed into law a Congressional Joint Resolution entitled, “A Joint Resolution To Designate March 26, 1991, As Education Day, USA”. This joint resolution became Public Law 102-14. Public Law 102-14 states emphatically that all civilization from the beginning has been based upon a set of laws entitled “The Seven Noahide Laws” and thus officially put the United States under Noahide Law. These seven supposed universal laws, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, p. 737, state that they are “a Jewish Babylonian Talmudic designations for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently, binding upon all mankind.” The Encyclopedia Americana continues its explanation of the Noahide Laws, “Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all.” They are meant to be a substitute for the Ten Commandments. They are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind. According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called “B’nei Noach” (Children of Noah) or “Noahides” and may often network in Jewish synagogues.”-
[3] ‘Ask the Rabbis: How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?’Moment Magazine, May/June 2009. Rabbi Manis Friedman, Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, St. Paul, MN.
[4] ‘A Statement from Rabbi Friedman’ June 5, 2009 by maxinesp, Moment Magazine|
[5] Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746. |
[6] ‘The Law is Only a Minimum’ By Bryan J. Ellison.
[7] [RAND] had established itself as the leading think-tank for Pentagon, and had access to all its secrets. They were mainly economists by training, and had developed a vocabulary for ‘thinking about the unthinkable’ which had all the weaknesses of economic jargon. The universe of nuclear strategy was so difficult to comprehend, and the horrors it contained were so repugnant to normal people, that its study required the same clinical detachment as the study of venereal disease. But that very detachment tended to blind the experts to the human realities, and to enslave them to abstract concepts, the validity of which had never been tested.” – Denis Healey, The Time of My Life . Published by Penguin, 1989 ( p.246).
[8] p. 287; Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella. Published by Harcourt, 2008.
[9]  “Aide Urged Pentagon to Consider Weapons Made by Former Client”, By Jeff Gerth, New York Times, 17 April 1983.
[10] ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ – “Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.” The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.” – The Institute for Advanced and Strategic Political Studies, Jerusalem, Washington.|
[11] ‘Wolfowitz the Undead’ by Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles Magazine February 7, 2008. |
[12] op. cit Eggert
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ronald Lauder: ‘We have one great friend: the Evangelicals’ World Jewish Congress
[16] Ibid. Wolfgang Eggert quoting Rainer Apel, Eurasien ist gegen Irakkrieg, in: Neue Solidarität, February 6th, 2003.

Osama and Al-Qaeda V: Pass the Pop-Corn

 ‘It’s one big lie, not one word of it is true’

– Seymour Hersh on the death of Osama bin Laden

Seymour Hersh is one of a dying breed of investigative journalists with genuine integrity and a nose for truth. A five-time winner of the Polk Award in 1969, 1973, 1974, 1981, and 2004; winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and recipient of the George Orwell Awardafter blowing the whistle on the serious abuse of prisoners by the U.S. Military at Abu Graib prison in 2004. As the above quotation shows, Regarding the bin Laden raid in which the terrorist mastermind was apparently killed, he didn’t believe a word of it, like any one who has cast a careful eye over the story will attest. 

Hersh has very little time for the Obama administration whom he likens to the Bush government in that it “lies systematically”, and where the US media does little in the face of this corruption. In a Guardian interview By Lisa O’Carroll, on September 27, 2013 the veteran journalist claims: “It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama].” And regarding the state of America in general he is unequivocal: “… we lie about everything, lying has become the staple.” But it is more than that. Mainstream media is thoroughly shackled and has been for a long time.

Milking the Osama Bin Laden myth and the promotion of the “hunt for Bin Laden” had to come to end one day and it seems 2011 was the year for a theatrical propaganda exercise to send him off with some fireworks and military whoops and bangs. On May 2, 2011, two helicopters from the 160th Special Ops Air Regiment, serving the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) took off from a base in Afghanistan loaded with around 40 US Navy SEALs. Code named Operation Neptune Spear, they were part of a carefully selected group named SEAL Team 6 which was dissolved and renamed “Naval Special Warfare Development Group” tasked with hunting down Osama Bin Laden who was said to have been be holed up in a private, secure compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. [1]

They flew over the residential area and target location. At 1:00am local time, the team apparently stormed the compound and after a brief but intense fire-fight, four occupants were killed. One of these targets was alleged to have been Osama bin Laden, 54, whose body was then taken into custody by the US team. We were told that 40 minutes was spent on the ground searching the compound for information and clues to ascertain Al-Qaeda’s fiendish plans for the future.


The Hollywood propganda machine went into overdrive to reinforce total fantasy. Firtly, with “Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden” (2012) and the multi-award-winning and CIA sponsored “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012) billed as: “the story of history’s greatest manhunt for the world’s most dangerous man”. In fact it offered the official story of the killing of bin Laden as well as a tacit approval – even glorification – of torture which led to the capture and execution of bin Laden, neither or which took place. The latter film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow of “The Hurt Locker” fame which gave an equally myopic view of the reality of the Iraq war.

President Obama announced bin Laden’s death, with suitably vengeful gravitas: “His demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. Justice has been done.” Jaw-flexing and with eyes moist (perhaps from auto-cue strain) he continued: “We are reminded that we are fortunate to have Americans who dedicate their lives to protecting ours. We may not always know their names, we may not always know their stories, but they are there every day on the front lines of freedom and we are truly blessed.” [2]

The loved ones who are left behind to cope with the fall-out from war and covert operations is always tragic but what cheapens and debases those deaths is when the official stories don’t match reality. The above sentiments then become cynical and hollow. Obama repeated the same weary script, describing the event as “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al-Qaeda”, and seen as a “significant turning point for global security and the War on Terror.” [3] As journalist James Corbett reminds us, when Obama pronounced bin Laden dead this would be: “… at least the ninth major head of state or high-ranking government official to have done so.” [4]

Now why would that be?

Since French intelligence disclosed that Osama bin Laden had been treated at a Dubai hospital in July 2001 for kidney failure, Hepatitis B and other serious ailments, he was thought to have no more than two years to live.[5] It is common knowledge in military and intelligence fields worldwide that he died in December of that year, yet to suggest such a thing in public is to offer peals of incredulous laughter. This is a largely thanks to the MSM and its love affair with the terror industry. Nonetheless, there are many instances of officials, analysts and a wide range of academics speaking out against this propaganda.

In the following year the FBI’s top counter-terrorism official, Dale Watson, said, “I personally think he is probably not with us anymore,” an affirmation of which was also repeated by Afghan President Hamid Karzai in October of 2002.[6]

In July 2002, New York Times journalist Amir Taheri also highlighted the psychology of the situation by observing: “With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?”

Originally cited in the Pakistan Observer a report surfaced in December 2001, that bin Laden had “died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication.” The statement came from an unlikely but more believable source: that of a Taliban leader who had everything to gain by not revealing the truth. Nonetheless, he states that bin Laden was indeed dead and that he had “… succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora Mountains,” further claiming that “… bin Laden was laid to rest honourably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.” The source further reported: “About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al-Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some ‘Taliban friends,’ attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the ‘great leader.’ [7]

The late former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto, confirmed this from her own pronouncements in an interview recorded in 2007 where she stated that Osama bin Laden had been killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a man convicted of kidnapping and killing journalist Daniel Pearl. Bhutto also repeated before her death that bin Laden’s ghost was being used as a pretext to destabilise Pakistan. It has since been proven conclusively that “under cover of a ‘suicide bombing’ she was shot in the neck and head from close range.” Bhutto’s bodyguard Khalid Shahenshah a key witness to her murder was also killed in a drive-by shooting at his home on Karachi. He was expected to be called to give evidence in a United Nations probe into her death. [8]


Still from an interview with Benazir Bhutto by Sir David Frost in 2007 in which the late politician also claimed bin Laden had been dead since 2001; killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh

The death of Bhutto removed the chance for Pakistan to release itself from Pakistani-ISI-CIA led control and the Bush-Cheney administration’s manoeuvring to strengthen their political control of Pakistan by expanding the War on Terror across the region. Of course, the assassinations were predictably blamed on Al-Qaeda, without any mention of the fact that the organisation has long been an American military-intelligence operation.

Bhutto’s statements were echoed in January 2002 in an interview with CNN, by Pakistan’s President General Pervez Musharraf who thought that bin Laden was probably dead because he has been unable to get treatment for his kidney disease. He commented: “I think now, frankly, he is dead for the reason he is a … kidney patient.” [9] Musharraf, a onetime CIA asset was also targeted as he fell out of favour with Anglo-American powers.

In April 2002, top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, gave valuable public support to the consensus that Osama bin Laden died in 2001 stating he had been “dead for months” and that the CIA knew the Al-Qaeda leader’s death represented significant, mileage in the propaganda war. Pieczenik, who served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations still works as a consultant for the Department of Defence and is not someone easily ignored. Responsible for developing strategies for hostage rescue which were employed around the world, he also formulated: “… the basic tenets for psychological warfare, counter terrorism, strategy and tactics for transcultural negotiations for the US State Department, military and intelligence communities and other agencies of the US Government.”

Having personally met Osama Bin Laden during the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s and worked with Elite brokers James Baker, George Schultz, Cyrus Vance and Kissinger et al, he is one of the most connected military intelligence men ever to go public on the Osama myth. The former intelligence officer believes that Osama died from Marfan syndrome, an incurable degenerative genetic disease which severely shortens the life span of the sufferer. Pieczenik is certain that George W. Bush and the intelligence community knew perfectly well that bin Laden had died shortly after 9/11 in his Tora Bora cave complex and proceeded to build and “doctor up the situation” for geo-political ends. It was not necessary to kill him because he had already died of natural causes. [10]


“The U.S. national security team gathered in the White House Situation Room to monitor the progress of Operation Neptune Spear.” (Source: wikipedia) Unfortunately, it was all a staged photo-op.

Images released by the White House in May 2011 (see above) show a tension-filled room full of senior US government officials including Joe Biden, Robert Gates, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton staring fixedly ahead at the live enactment of the operation to assassinate Osama via video feeds on the Navy SEAL’s helmets.

If the photos looked staged, it’s because they were.

According to Pieczenik:

“This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen and they look as if they’re intense, that’s nonsense,” … “It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an American theater of the absurd … why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people, [?]” […] This is orchestrated, I mean when you have people sitting around and watching a sitcom, basically the operations center of the White House, and you have a president coming out almost zombie-like telling you they just killed Osama Bin Laden who was already dead nine years ago …” [11]

This mini-PSYOPS operation, pre-packaged for the media which had President Obama and his national security team watching events unfold in real time had to be quickly abandoned. Former Reagan Administration economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts explains why: “If Obama was watching the event as it happened, he would have noticed, one would hope, that there was no firefight and thus, would not have told the public that bin Laden was killed in a firefight. Another reason the story had to be abandoned is that if the event was captured on video, every news service in the world would be asking for the video, but if the event was orchestrated theater, there would be no video.” [12]


Still from “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012) depicting the Navy SEAL team tracking down bin Laden

Indeed, the whole story of the Osama hit became an embarrassing media spectacle because the official narrative changed so many times. First there was a fire-fight. Then there wasn’t. Bin Laden was armed. Then he wasn’t. His wife was there as a human shield, then she wasn’t. She was killed then she wasn’t. His sons were present and killed, then they weren’t. In fact, they weren’t there at all. Oh, and the helicopter that was lost due to mechanical failure? No. Actually, it crashed because it was the wrong kind of temperature in Osama’s compound. Tricky these terrorist micro-climates … [13]

Finally, with so many falsifications, contradictions, inconsistencies and amendments the original story became unrecognisable. As it progressed into the arena of farce with Barack Obama’s feeble reasoning that it was due to the “fog of war” which was enthusiastically taken up by much of the US media, the President and US officials refused to offer more details, explanations or more disturbingly, any photos or other evidence to support the official story. Since there was no “fog” or no “war” and a bullet caused the demise of the most valuable intelligence asset ever to be captured, it is more than confusing as to what the President was referring to.

As Paul Craig Roberts notes:

When such a foundational story as the demise of bin Laden cannot last 48 hours without acknowledged “discrepancies” that require fundamental alternations to the story, there are grounds for suspicion in addition to the suspicions arising from the absence of a dead body, from the absence of any evidence that bin Laden was killed in the raid or that a raid even took place. The entire episode could just be another event like the August 4, 1964, Gulf of Tonkin event that never happened but succeeded in launching open warfare against North Vietnam at a huge cost to Americans and Vietnamese and enormous profits to the military/security complex. [14]

It wouldn’t be the first time, as Craig Roberts reminds us. False flags and government duplicity is standard practice for the state. Rather than an occasional aberration during times of war, in soft totalitarianism brought on by the presence of many psychopaths wielding power, it becomes a way of life. Obama’s photo op was merely a microcosm of far bigger lies; one of many addictions to deceit which has taken America into a irreversible tail-spin.

“Known and documented, Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda is a construct of the US intelligence apparatus. His essential function is to give a face to the “war on terrorism”. The image must be vivid.”

– Michel Chossudovsky, economist, geo-political analyst

More embarrassment followed the Osama bin Laden raid in Pakistan, with the mass publishing of a photo purporting to be a dead bin Laden which was obviously fraudulent having been circulated on the internet since 2009. The New York Times published another fake photo from a separate source and by then the media was awash in obviously phony images. On May 4 2011, Obama wisely decided not to release any photos or anything else connected to the operation. The hole was alredy deep enough. [15]

On May 3, just a day before the announcement, journalist Patrick Henningsen, Editor of 21st Century Wire created a stir when he gave Russia Today TV an interview on the raid and stated conclusively, “There will be no photos or video released at all.” Henningsen explained how he was able to make such a prediction: “If you have been paying attention to this story over the last 8 years, then it’s not very difficult to predict this. If you apply basic common sense, the evidence weighs in favour of Osama bin Laden having died years ago. Or you can choose to believe the Hollywood version of events that we have been fed over the years, one which requires no effort.” [16]

More recently in March 2012, Iranian intelligence minister Heidar Moslehi joined the chorus claiming that Osama had died way before the storming of his alleged Abbottabad compound. Moslehi said that Iran has: “credible information that bin Laden died some time ago of a disease,” furthering pointing out in a Cabinet meeting that: “If the US military and intelligence apparatus have really arrested or killed bin Laden, why don’t they show him [his body]? Why have they thrown his corpse into the sea? [17]


 Osama bin Laden’s compound (Photo by Sajjad Ali Qureshi, (Wikimedia)


The USS Carl Vinson which was said to be the vessel which carried the body of bin Laden dumping him at sea. Unfortunately, the US Dpartment of Defence cannot find any record of the event. Oops. I wonder why that would be? (wikipedia)

The issue of military incompetence is not only believable but expected given the history US military operations, but to suggest that there was a rationale behind the hasty dumping of the mythical terrorist’s body in the sea and dispensing with what would surely have been a primary vindication of intelligence and military prowess, is a much harder tale to swallow. It only makes sense if there was something to hide. The exact same insults to the intelligence are at play here just as they are surrounding the events of 9/11. The proffered reason for doing so in the original storyline was that no country would accept the body in accordance with Islamic traditions and customs – so read Obama’s auto-cue info from which he read so dutifully. However, headaches soon arrived. Prominent Muslim academics and leaders swiftly repudiated this latest offering, explaining that a sea burial of  bin Laden was actually a violation of Islamic tenets which prompted the in-house scriptwriters to carry out more hasty re-writes coming up with the idea that it was actually a “shrine.” As journalist at the New American Alex Newman commented: “That lie fell apart, too, when it was widely reported that bin Laden’s brand of Islam calls for unmarked graves — building any sort of shrine would have been blasphemous. So far, no new excuses have been concocted for allegedly feeding the body to the fish.” [18]

And surprise, surprise, heavily redacted internal military emails obtained by the Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act in 2012, reveal no sailors witnessed the burial at sea nor could the US Department of Defence find any images or videos of bin Laden’s aboard USS Carl Vinson, the vessel which is alleged to have carried the body of the dead bin Laden. [19] Furthermore, it explained why the Pentagon not only failed to produce an autopsy report and death certificate but refused to provide the results of DNA tests. Presumably, this tests were not carried out. How can you do tests on a body that doesn’t exist? Once you do so, it is clear that the whole narrative would be seen for what it is: a total fiction. This didn’t stop more attempts to fill in the gargantuan holes in the official story.

On May 6, 2011, the Obama administration released a short video recording from an original five. It was edited by the Pentagon without sound and what US officials said was footage of Osama watching TV with a remote in his hand, in the Jalalabad compound flat sometime before the raid. Numerous reports immediately cried foul. For example, the real bin Laden was left-handed, the man in the video is holding a remote control in his right hand. The ears, nose – in fact, almost everything about this individual – in these “new videos” screams fakery.

Pakistani residents weren’t having any of it either as a BBC News report revealed just a few days later. A neighbour of Osama bin Laden, a Pakistani man named Shabir told the BBC that the man in the video is actually a friend of his and not the Al-Qaeda founder. “His name is Akhbar Khan (Han), He owns the house that was Osama’s house. I know him very well,” Another Abbottabad resident Mohammed, “who has been selling newspapers in the two for the last 50 years” said: “It’s all a fake, nothing happened.” The report further stated that: “Out of the 50 Abbottabad residents interviewed by the BBC, only one believed that Osama bin Laden was in their town. Others claimed the pictures and video of bin Laden in his home are fakes made with a computer.” [20]


“Bin Laden” watches TV in the compound (top)


“bin Laden” with school-girl ear compared to the more Vulcan-like example from the real bin Laden below:


The decision to launch a hoax on the back of Osama’s death was taken to boost Obama’s approval ratings which had become dangerously low, or as Dr. Steve Pieczenik claims, to make Obama – as the latest monkey in front of the organ grinder – appear “viable.” It was also entirely in line with the foreign policy objective to isolate and destabilize Pakistan put into motion by banking and Zio-Conservative cartels which ran the Bush-Cheney gang.

Another reason for implanting the dénouement of an 8-year PSYOPS operation was Pakistan’s increasing opposition to the Predator drone program, which had killed hundreds of Pakistanis. Since government departments crowed that the success of the operation was directly sourced from data drawn from enhanced interrogation techniques inflicted on rendition victims in secret CIA prisons, (“torture” to you and I) they wanted the American public to see the value and success in those methods too. By extension, the practice of extrajudicial killings abroad and the intelligence that goes with it could be vindicated in such a grand spectacle of “justice” simultaneously bolstering Obama’s standing as a leader at home and abroad. Sure enough, once the dramatic assassination of bin Laden was aired on all media channels Obama’s ratings shot up. Spontaneous celebrations erupted in the streets of New York and outside the White House in true Pavlovian style.


President Barack Obama showing his auto-cue and acting skills once again when he announced the death of Osama bin Laden on May 1st, 2011. With a reminder about 9/11 and the loss of life telegraphed on a May Day holiday what better way to ensure a tearful catharsis?

Obama’s “historic” announcement according to The Washington Post produced: “… a rare moment of national unity at a time of deep divisions on many domestic and foreign policy issues,” all of which was prime political capital against the record unemployment figures, the continuing descent of the dollar, fracturing infrastructure and trillions in government debt – the Obama administration needed to build on the quintessential American propensity for illusion programmed by 9/11 fear and vengeance, it was bound to work. A heightened security level status was introduced with the media excited at the prospect of possible retaliatory attacks from Al-Qaeda. The US population was primed and on alert, while the Obama Administration and the intelligence community sat back and had a beer.

Playing the patriot card on the back of the September 11th anniversary of the attacks is a potent opportunity for more manipulations. There is also propaganda investment in the death of Osama bin Laden as justification for a future false flag attack on United States soil, should it be deemed necessary. We have been told by US officials that alleged 9/11 ring-leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told Guantanamo Bay interrogators Al-Qaeda would detonate nuclear devices if bin Laden was captured or killed. Mohammed told his jailers they would unleash a “nuclear hellstorm” if Osama bin Laden was ever captured. [21] All this leaves the field open for new enemies to arrive. In the same global theatre with different characters, Iran may yet be ushered onto centre stage for a starring role.

Steve Pieczenik explained in a radio interview that 9/11 was a similar operation on a much grander scale, naming it a “stand down … false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses …” […] “I taught stand down and false flag operations at the national war college, I’ve taught it with all my operatives so I knew exactly what was done to the American public…” [22]

No Easy Day  written under the pseudonym of “Mark Owen”, an apparent Navy SEAL who was part of the alleged team who killed Osama Bin Laden was published in index_thumb.jpgSeptember 2012, with suitable “controversy.” However, rather than addressing the whole suspect nature of the operation itself, a big fuss was made about certain minor contradictions by the media which had the effect of leaving the basic premise of the official story unquestioned and strengthened, by default. If the author claims that “… the raid was being reported like a bad action movie” this, and many other criticisms simply vector the attention away from the whole reasons for such an operation. In this light, Mr. Owen may have even believed he had the body of bin Laden under foot when the reality may have been very different. Whether by default or design, the whole book (and others like it) acts as a PSYOPS operation from start to finish. [23]

Unfortunately, not many members are left alive to comment either way. 

On August 6, 2011, 30 US special forces, a civilian interpreter and seven Afghan commandos were killed in the Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan, right around the time that Washington’s official version of the Osama Bin Laden hit was falling apart at the seams. Among the 38 dead were also 25 US Navy Seals. The helicopter went down during a military operation to give support for a US Army unit engaged in battle with Afghan militants in Wardak Province, West of the capital, Kabul. [24] The single largest loss of life in the ten year war in Afghanistan, it was reported that the Taliban shot down the helicopter with a rocket launcher, later admitted by US officials without confirming the source of the attack. What they did reveal, after the fact, was that the dead Navy Seals were part of the Team Six unit allegedly involved in the May 2011 assassination of bin Laden. However, according to an MSNBC report: “None of those killed in the crash is believed to have been part of the SEALs mission that killed bin Laden, but they were from the same unit as the bin Laden team.” [25] No confirmation of this belief has been forthcoming especially since Team 6 identities are officially classified.


Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan, a type that was apparently shot down by Taliban militants killing all 38 Special Forces aboard.

Quite apart from the fact this is certainly odd that against military protocol, the crème de la crème of Special forces were all crammed into a Chinook and sent out into a hot zone, it brings us back to the alleged helicopter crash which took place during the bin Laden raid. 

As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts stated in his much quoted article:

“In the immediate aftermath of bin Laden’s alleged murder by the SEALs, Pakistani TV interviewed the next door neighbor to bin Laden’s alleged compound. Someone supplied the video with an English translation running at the bottom of the video. According to the translation, the next door neighbor, Mr. Bashir, said that he watched the entire operation from the roof of his house. There were 3 helicopters. Only 1 landed. About a dozen men got out and entered the house. They shortly returned and boarded the helicopter. When the helicopter lifted off it exploded, killing all aboard. Mr. Bashir reports seeing bodies and pieces of bodies all over.

The US government acknowledges that it lost a helicopter, but claims no one was hurt. Obviously, as there were no further landings, if everyone was killed as Mr. Bashir reports, there was no body to be dumped into the ocean. [26]

Assuming of course, there was ever an Osama bin Laden to bring back in the first place.

In July 2013, Navy Vice Admiral William McRaven was given the job of removing secret military files concerning the Navy SEAL raid from the Pentagon’s data banks and placing them in the safe hands of the CIA. Despite President Barack Obama’s now tragically hilarious pledge to make his administration the most transparent in US history, orders were given to ignore rules governing federal records and violate the Freedom of Information Act, such was the urgency to make sure no one knew the truth. Although the Pentagon denied any wrongdoing regarding the removal, these actions simply underscore the continuing attempts by government to keep the public away from any covert activities. The rather lame reasoning given to the MSM was to protect personnel involved in the raid but as most of them have since met their deaths in sometimes suspicious circumstances, it makes little sense. Professor Michel Chossudovsky pointed out the more likely reason: “The files of the bin Laden SEAL operation had to be removed to sustain the Big Lie.”

To round off the Obama Administration’s adherence to the theatre of the unreal and perhaps one of the most blatant pieces of movie propaganda pieces on the scale of Jerry Bruckheimer’s pre-9/11 Pearl Harbour (2001) Seal Team 6: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden graced our screens in 2012. Produced by one of Hollywood’s biggest backers Harvey Weinstein, who rushed the film forward so that it was on TV screens two days before Obama’s election-day, it was universally panned by even the most IQ-challenged entertainment critics. Barack Obama has an “edited-in” role in the film which boasted such one-liners as: “In this world you don’t get to live free without working for it. You gotta earn it every day, and that day we did.”

Obama, pass the pop-corn.pop-corn1


[1] ‘Spec ops raids into Pakistan halted’ Navy Times, September 2008: “The United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), also known as DEVGRU for short, or more commonly by its former name, SEAL Team Six (ST6) is one of the United States’ four secretive counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units (SMUs).” | ‘Osama Bin Laden Operation Ended With Coded Message ‘Geronimo-E KIA’’By Jake Tapper, ABC News, May 2 2011.
[2] ‘Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 False Flag Attack’ By Paul Joseph Watson 4 May 2011.
[3] ‘Osama bin Laden buried at sea after being killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan’ By Philip Rucker, Scott Wilson and Anne E. Kornblut, The Washington Post, May 2, 2011.
[4] ‘Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time’ By James Corbett, The Corbett Report, May 2, 2011.
[5] ‘CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July’ French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital By Anthony Sampson, The Guardian, November 1st 2001.
[6] ‘Bin Laden ‘probably’ dead’BBC News,18 July, 2002. | ‘Karzai: bin Laden ‘probably’ dead’, October 7, 2002.
[7] ‘Report: Bin Laden Already Dead’, December 26, 2001.
[8] ‘Benazir Bhutto – A Warning To Us All’ By Joe Quinn,, December 27, 2007.
[9] ‘Pakistan’s Musharraf: Bin Laden probably dead’, January 18, 2002.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘SKEPTICISM: The Agendas Behind the Bin Laden News Event: When the Lie Becomes the Truth…’ By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, May 04, 2011.
[13] ‘The killing of Osama bin Laden: how the White House changed its story’- Bin Laden not armed and did not use woman as human shield, US admits; Barack Obama’s spokesman blames ‘fog of war’By Robert Booth, The Guardian, May 4, 2011.
[14] op. cit Craig Roberts.
[15] ‘Fake out: Senators confused over bin Laden photos’ By Kelly O’Donnell and Libby Leist, MSNBC, May 5, 2011.| ‘Web’s bin Laden ‘death photo’ (just the photo) is fake’ By Stokes Young, May 3, 2011.
[16] ‘The Osama bin Laden Media Scoop: “No photos or videos will be released.” By Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire 5 May 2011.
[17] ‘Military emails show that NO U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden’s secret burial at sea,’ Daily Mail, .
[18] ‘Iranian Intelligence Minister Claims Bin Laden Was Dead Long Before U.S. Raid’ By Alex Alvarez USA Today, May 11, 2011.
[19] ‘Media Scrambles as Bin Laden Story Crumbles’ By Alex Newman, The New American 6 May 2011.
[20] ‘Osama Bin Laden: Pakistan’s scepticism over videos’ BBC News, (video) 8 May 2011. “The release of video footage seized from Osama bin Laden’s compound in northern Pakistan was part of the continuing effort by the US to convince doubters that the al-Qaeda leader was killed in last Monday’s raid.But people in Abbottabad seem sceptical about the authenticity of the films, as Orla Guerin discovered when she took to the streets of the town where bin Laden was said to have been hiding.”
[21] ‘WikiLeaks: Guantanamo Bay terrorist secrets revealed’ By Christopher Hope, Robert Winnett, Holly Watt and Heidi Blake, The Telegraph, April 25, 2011.
[22] Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Alex Jones Show May 3,2011.
[23] ‘Bin Laden book No Easy Day ‘contradicts official account’ BBC News, August 29 2012.
[24] ‘25 Navy SEALs Killed in Afghanistan Chopper Crash: “Taliban is claiming responsibility for U.S. chopper crash, more than 30 dead.”ABC News, (VIDEO) |‘30 Americans Killed in Afghanistan Helicopter Crash’ By News Desk, PBS, August 6, 2011.
[25] ‘31 US troops, mostly elite Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan’ MSNBC staff and news service reports, August 6, 2011.
[26] op. cit Craig Roberts. The crash incident was further confirmed by May 17 article in Navy Times: “Aboard two Black Hawk helicopters were 23 SEALs, an interpreter and a tracking dog named Cairo. Nineteen SEALs would enter the compound, and three of them would find bin Laden, one official said, providing the exact numbers for the first time. Aboard the Chinooks were two dozen more SEALs, as backup.  […] The plan unraveled as the first helicopter tried to hover over the compound. The Black Hawk skittered around uncontrollably in the heat-thinned air, forcing the pilot to land. As he did, the tail and rotor got caught on one of the compound’s 12-foot walls. The pilot quickly buried the aircraft’s nose in the dirt to keep it from tipping over, and the SEALs clambered out into an outer courtyard.  […] It took approximately 15 minutes to reach bin Laden, one official said. The next 23 or so were spent blowing up the broken chopper, after rounding up nine women and 18 children to get them out of range of the blast.

Osama and Al-Qaeda IV: The Bogeyman

“I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act.”

– Osama bin Laden, October, 2001.

The hunt for Osama Bin Laden cost the US government about the same amount of time and money it took to send men to the moon: ten years and $100 billion. But for some, this is a conservative estimate with more probable figures reaching as high as a trillion dollars. [1] This makes the behaviour of successive US administrations even more inexplicable until that is you accept the high probability that Osama bin Laden – the former CIA asset in 1980s Afghanistan and whose oil-banking family did business with the Bush dynasty – almost certainly died in the latter half of September 2001 from kidney failure. [2] There was even a funeral announcement published in the December 26, 2001 in an edition of the Egyptian newspaper Al Wafdeven.  

Though clearly a faithful of supporter of a Holy War against the United States and Zionism he did not take responsibility for the September 11th attacks, and actually expressed contempt toward the actions of whoever did perpetrate the atrocity. As a follower of Qutbism, a violent resistance against what he saw as the moral and spiritual decadence of the United States was unavoidable in order to be true to the tenets of Islam. This did not however extend to civilians, the deaths of which are traditionally a state-sponsored action to gain needed emotional ammunition from its population.

113634012-HOsama bin Laden: CIA asset that was setup?

In a rare interview, in all probability shortly before his death, bin Laden stated:

I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle. It is the United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children and common people of other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All that is going on in Palestine for the last 11 months is sufficient to call the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel. There is also a warning for those Muslim countries, which witnessed all these as a silent spectator. What had earlier been done to the innocent people of Iraq, Chechnya and Bosnia? Only one conclusion could be derived from the indifference of the United States and the West to these acts of terror and the patronage of the tyrants by these powers that America is an anti-Islamic power and it is patronizing the anti-Islamic forces. Its friendship with the Muslim countries is just a show, rather deceit. By enticing or intimidating these countries, the United States is forcing them to play a role of its choice. Put a glance all around and you will see that the slaves of the United States are either rulers or enemies of Muslims. […]

… we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in control of the American-Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word. [3]


Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633 Translation of article title: “News of Bin Laden’s Death and Funeral 10 days ago”  Read more

Though many will not agree with the above sentiments and an argument can be made that bin Laden exhibits the traits of classic religious fanaticism, the above does not fit with the history of what we know of the real bin Laden. Many of his statements are grounded in fact. He knew very well the nature of Anglo-American governments and their business interests believing that “[The American system] sacrifices soldiers and populations to achieve the interests of the major corporations.” He was deeply cognizant of contemporary Western thinkers and praised liberal academics like Noam Chomsky stating: “Chomsky is amongst the greatest [thinkers] of the West.” Bin Laden expressed repugnance at what he saw as American hypocrisy masquerading as a global moral crusade while creating the exact opposite in the world. It was not that Muslims hated them for their freedoms but how a nation pretending to be a democracy was imposed on others. In bin Laden’s eyes the US was indeed “The Great Satan.” He stated: “A man with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia. So how can we believe your claims … while you kill our children in all of those places?” [4]

Contrary to attempts by US media to extract a “confession” from spurious interviews no evidence ever came to light that bin Laden was involved with the attacks on 9/11 which was why, despite being on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list, no mention of 9/11 is made. There is no “hard evidence.” [5] However misguided and ruthless, bin-Laden was fully aware of the nature of the forces arraigned against him and his beloved Islam: “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse.” It was the strength of Islam viewed through his own beliefs which allowed his destiny to become the primary icon of CIA induced “blowback”; to be used as the perfect tool in a major false flag operation.

For a myth to continue to hold its power it must be injected with the requisite emotional ingredients and stirred for maximum effect, which is where PSYOPS comes in.

clapper-boardEveryone knows how easy it is to manipulate images. Whether using Photoshop for your holiday photos or the Computer Generated Images (CGI) of the Hollywood blockbusters which can literally create new worlds, reality can be malleable in ways undreamt of. In the hands of the military-intelligence apparatus with technological applications far in advance of the public market it is not just easy to align multi-media sophistication with public relations, but a necessity. No one can seriously entertain the idea that such possibilities are off limits to those without any scruples and who are willing to use technology to further their own desires.

The myth-making machine has been working over-time in relation to the Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden story with a blend of CIA-MOSSAD inspired PSYOPS. The nature of any kind of genuine fundamentalism – Islamic or otherwise – means that it reaches a crescendo of conflict where it is difficult to know what is fake and what is real. Jihad martyr videos are liberally uploaded to the internet, often after Intel agents have manipulated the content. Sleeper agents or unconscious dupes already integrated into Al-Qaeda cells can then carry out their duties on behalf of their paymasters – or Allah. It has never been easier to pull the wool over our eyes, even when video manipulation is shoddy in the extreme.

Recall the 1999 Washington Post article by William Arkin “When Seeing and Hearing isn’t Believing,” where he described the new technology of ‘voice morphing’ or ‘voice synthesizing’, explaining that, “if audio technicians have a recording of your voice, then they can create a tape in which your authentic voice says anything they wish.” [6] What we can be sure of is that a large proportion of videos circulated on the internet at politically opportune moments have proven to be fake.

In early 2003, Iraq provided another testing ground for not just planting stories in the world’s media but to create fake videos to keep the war on terror narrative alive in the public’s mind and therefore promote the objective of regime change and the toppling of Saddam Hussein. The CIA’s Iraq Operations Group floated ideas to show Hussein as a paedophile molesting a boy and “… to flood Iraq with the videos…” As cultural constraints made this concept unworkable, it was soon dropped. Other ideas included the interruption of Iraqi television programming with a fake special news bulletins and fake inserts or “crawls”—messages at the bottom of the screen—into Iraqi newscasts. The CIA also began playing with the idea of an Osama bin laden impersonator. The Washington Post reports that the CIA abandoned the projects leaving the way open for their revival in military circles. As one military official comments: “The military took them over,” due to the “… assets in psy-war down at Ft. Bragg,” at the Army’s Special Warfare Centre.[7] (One wonders how many paid bin Laden, Hussein and other high profile figures have been paraded for media consumption).


Hot on the heels of September 11th attacks, the CIA embarked on a massive propaganda campaign to fuse Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. With the help of Britain’s Tony Blair, the idea of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) was cooked up as a further PR exercise.

This matches the production quality of subsequent videos which appeared on the scene as the CIA project was taken over by the Pentagon at some point after 2003. This is most evident in the video released just prior to the 2004 election and an obviously digitally manipulated duplicate from 2007, in which bin Laden is sporting a trimmed, dyed beard and a bottled sun-tan. It was not just Intel groups having fun with their video collections. At the level of the mainstream US and British media videos were often edited in line with government policy.

When Osama Bin Laden videos periodically surfaced throughout the Iraq war and up to his alleged Hollywood-esque death it was inevitable that they would be thoroughly cleansed of all references and remarks that might prove problematic to the accepted “Osama-under-the-bed” formula. Obviously doctored and fully fabricated videos would be given unfettered access to the mass media outlets, with the Bush Administration taking media propaganda to new heights. From 2001–2011 more than 30 audio and video recordings were released, most of which found their way to the internet.

In October 2001, bin Laden appeared on Al Jazeera, in a pre-recorded video statement shortly after US-led strikes on Afghanistan begin. It was the first time the Al-Qaeda leader had apparently spoken after the 9/11 attacks. Sitting in a flack-jacket next to his right hand man Ayman al-Zawahiri he proceeds to softly berate the United States. No responsibility for the 9/11 attacks is forthcoming. A common and frustrating characteristic of the video and subsequent offerings was the lack of date or time stamp which meant there was no way to know when and where it was made. Bin Laden states: “What the United States tastes today is a very small thing compared to what we have tasted for tens of years.” He praises those responsible, saying, “I ask God Almighty to elevate their status and grant them paradise.” [8] Zionist and Bush Administration Press Secretary wasted no time in drawing our attention to the obvious fact that bin Laden “virtually took responsibility” for 9/11, despite explicitly denying his involvement. This soon turned bin Laden into designated arch-terrorist No.1 commensurate with Zion-Conservative planning. [9]

Saudi-born alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Lad

Osama bin Laden speech released October 2001. Date of video: unknown (AFP/Getty Images)

On December 13, 2001, a home video was apparently filmed without his knowledge and conveniently found in a house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. It was reportedly delivered to the CIA; by whom, no one knows. The video shows a conversation between Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda spokesman Suliman abu Ghaith, and Al-Qaeda veteran Khaled al-Harbi. The Pentagon delivered what could be loosely called a “translation” to all major news outlets which was so in line with the official 9/11 story of the day and similarly riven with errors and fallacies as to be wholly unbelievable. The Bush Administration screamed from their Neo-Con pulpit that this was definitive proof, effectively calling for an end to any doubts as to the intent of Al-Qaeda and their culpable Commander-in-Chief. However, it wasn’t long before even some within the MSM began to have serious doubts about its authenticity. So many people began scratching their heads that Bush was forced to comment exclaiming in true reactionary form that it was: “preposterous for anybody to think this tape was doctored. Those who contend it’s a farce or a fake are hoping for the best about an evil man.” [10]

Apart from the obvious fact this video could easily have been faked by anyone, it is also true that previous videos had usually been given their formal consent by bin Laden and passed through to the Arabic Al-Jazeera network. It didn’t happen on that occasion and subsequently many others. More importantly, the person in the video is clearly not bin laden no matter how hard the Bush administration and 9/11 debunkers scream and shout that it is. As 9/11 journalist and Islamic studies historian Dr. Kevin Barrett noted, the person in the video is “at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier, and his facial features [are] obviously different…” all of which led the video to be dubbed the “Fatty Bin-Laden tape” and widely ridiculed. [11]


A still from the “confession” video showing advisor Khaled al-Harbi speaking with “Osama bin Laden”. (

Dr. David Ray Griffin offered another problem with the video by pointing out that:

“… its stocky bin Laden praised two of the alleged hijackers, Wail M. Al-Shehri and Salem al-Hazmi, by name, and yet both the London Telegraph and the Saudi embassy reported several days after 9/11 that al-Hazmi was still alive and working in Saudi Arabia. Given the fact that the earlier video in which Osama confessed was clearly a fake, we should be suspicious of this latest apparent confession.” [12]

We then come to what this imposter actually said. The latest “bin-Laden” gave a convenient up-date on the technical details of the 9/11 narrative as if to quell any criticism of the official story :

“[W]e calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all… (inaudible)… due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is what we had hoped for.” He continues: “We had notification since the previous Thursday that the event would take place that day. We had finished our work that day and had the radio on. It was 5:30 p.m. our time.… Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We turned the radio station to the news from Washington.… At the end of the newscast, they reported that a plane just hit the World Trade Center … After a little while, they announced that another plane had hit the World Trade Center. The brothers who heard the news were overjoyed by it.” [13] [Emphasis mine]

The above passage is distinctive for its hackneyed attempts at creating a 9/11 script and placing it at the foot of bin Laden. Firstly, sentences in italics referring to the reasons and causes for the WTC destruction, are so closely aligned to the official story that it becomes far too pat. It is especially odd that “bin Laden” refers to the Twin Towers as made of iron rather than steel. For a trained civil engineer as he was, this is nonsensical. [14] The reference to not revealing information to the “brothers” until: “… just before they boarded the planes,” is also curious as all of the alleged hijackers bought their tickets for the 9/11 flights two weeks in advance, not forgetting flight training for the leaders. The pilots and the hijackers all knew each other and had contact with each other prior and during the flights which is the opposite to what is said in the video. [15]


Spot the Bin Laden. Clue: He isn’t on the left. Yet, US authorities would like you to believe that this is the same man captured on video in December 2001. Source: Reuters

A German TV show also confirmed that the translation provided by the Pentagon was seriously flawed. Professor Gernot Rotter, scholar of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the University of Hamburg found that the: “… tape is of such poor quality that many passages are unintelligible. And those that are intelligible have often been taken out of context, so that you can’t use that as evidence. The American translators who listened to the tape and transcribed it obviously added things that they wanted to hear in many places.”  [16]

Further incredulity was to arrive in January 2004, as research into several audio recordings allegedly made by bin Laden was carried out. Professor Richard Muller of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concluded there was evidence of “cut and paste” editing from past recordings, believing that the audio examples are fake and bin Laden either “dead or injured.” He pointed the finger at Al-Qaeda’s difficulties in countering American counter-terrorism rather than CIA fabrication. [17]

In the same year on October 29, immediately prior to the US elections (a curiously common occurrence for Al-Qaeda audio and video messages) an alleged bin Laden video recording was

released which came to be known as the “Towers of Lebanon Speech” in which he explained his vengeful reasons for planning 9/11: “As I looked at those destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the oppressor in kind by destroying towers in America, so that it would have a taste of its own medicine and would be prevented from killing our women and children.” The individual also heavily criticised Bush by highlighting some of his bizarre actions on that day: “It did not occur to us that the commander in chief of the American armed forces would leave fifty thousand of his citizens in the two towers to face this great horror on their own, just when they needed him most. It seems that a little girl’s story about a goat and its butting was more important than dealing with airplanes and their butting into skyscrapers.” [18] This was referring to Bush’s behaviour when told that America was under attack he continued reading to the class of schoolchildren and sat in the class for another half an hour so as not to “scare them.” The speech also criticised security, corporate control and US–Israel imperialism.

Perhaps the most important question to ask is who benefited from this particular video at pre-election time? It is widely accepted at the time that rather than hurting Bush’s popularity it would actually help to ensure his re-election by stirring the memories of 9/11 and America under attack, thus fuelling the fires of religious nationalism. [19] Bush sailed on to victory with ghost runner and fellow Bonesman John Kerry left in his wake.

An audio recording from May 2006 arrived in the post claiming to be the latest sermon from Osama. It asserts that Guantanamo Bay terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui could not have been involved in 9/11, because he had personally assigned the 19 hijackers involved in those events. The latest bin-Laden therefore contradicts his original and authentic message of December 2001 and suddenly confesses his responsibility for orchestrating the attacks. [20]

Sure, he just forgot…

And what of the identities of the hijackers themselves? It seems that seven of those he ‘personally assigned’ had nothing at all to do with 9/11 and turned out to be alive and well. More coincidences? Or flaws in an extensive cover-up characterised by an ever-present ineptitude?


Previous releases of tapes by Intelcenter the U.S. monitoring group which describes its role as providing: “counterterrorism intelligence when, where & how you need it” extends to manufacturing and fabricating video tapes on behalf of “Al-Qaeda.” The company delivered several videos to the Western media press from 2006–2008, even selling them on their website at Most of the videos have been conclusively proven to be culled together from old footage dating from five years previously, yet they continue to be seen as authentic by the MSM. [21]

Intelcenter is an offshoot of IDEFENSE, a web security company that monitors intelligence from the Middle East. It is positively crawling with ex-military intelligence veterans, US Army and Defence Intelligence Agency individuals, many of whom have ties to Zio-Conservatives of the last Bush Administration. IntelCenter has been caught red-handed fabricating video evidence in order to attribute it to Al-Qaeda terrorist networks on a number of occasions. 

siteIt was on another anniversary on September 11th 2007 that we saw another video shunted off the Al-Qaeda-CIA home movie production line with a contribution credit to Intelcenter. The “video” consisted of a still picture of Osama “provided” by the controversial US-Based SITE Institute and given to Associated Press on 7 September of that year. Describing itself as an organization “that provides information related to terrorist networks to the government, news media, and general public,” SITE’s non-profit status has earned it more than $500,000 from the government”, with “over $273,000” coming directly from taxpayers in 2004. [22] But “the organization believes such work is consistent with its exempt purposes”, which of course it would, raking in that amount of money.  [23]

SITE Executive Director Rita Katz co-founded the intelligence company with her husband and senior analyst Josh Devon, both committed Zionists with links to Israeli intelligence. Having worked with former terrorism Czar Richard Clarke and his staff in the White House, the Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Homeland Security garnering: “… wide attention by publicizing statements and videos from extremist chat rooms and Web sites, while attracting controversy over the secrecy of SITE’s methodology.” [24]  Professor Bruce Hoffman is also listed as a senior advisor and “currently a tenured professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Washington, DC.” Not only has Hoffman residing at the notorious recruiting ground for the Liberal arm of the 3EM, but had a post as Corporate Chair in Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency and a directorship
of the Rockefeller/Rothschild connected RAND Corporation, also conveniently in Washington DC. Recall that RAND has a long association with PSYOPS research. (Indeed, the description of the corporation’s successful PSYOPS implementation can be read in a 2007 178 page document originally prepared for the US Air Force titled: Project Air Force by Stephen T. Hosmer).


Rita Katz co-founder of the SITE Institute doing what she does best: keeping the war on terror narrative flowing by propagating (and possibly creating) numerous Al-Qaeda videos made fresh for the internet. BE AFRAID! Is the message. SITE is likely a PSYOPS front for MOSSAD masquerading as a legitimate intelligence gathering operation for mainstream media. By 2015, we have seen Katz getting behind the new bogeyman meme this time in the guise of ISIS/ISIL, better known as Islamic State, the new kids on the propaganda block designed to up the ante in emotional horror in the mass mind. 

Previous to her post as SITE director Katz worked as Research Director of “The Investigative Project on Terrorism” and served as a counsel for the plaintiffs—Families of victims of September 11 terrorist attacks who happen to be suing Saudi princes for $116 trillion of damages from the loss of life in September 11. She was also hired by 1,000 relatives of those who died on September 11th in order to research terrorism. A civil lawsuit was filed in 2002 against those suspected of financing terror plots. No doubt spurred on by the legacy of the Muslim Brotherhood, Katz however continued to earn substantial sums of money from the Homeland Security and intelligence raids on Muslim think tanks and institutions, much of it based on her own research alone.

She is also the author of Terrorist Hunter: The Extraordinary Story of a Woman who Went Undercover to Infiltrate the Radical Islamic Groups Operating in America published 2003 by HarperCollins, owned by ardent Israel supporter Rupert Murdoch. To say that this should be categorised as a work of fiction is an understatement. The breathless title gives you all you need to know as to the plot, and is thus utterly false since gender restriction means that fundamentalist gatherings would allow no woman to be present save Katz taking on some of the false beards and make-up seen in her own videos. Regardless, she has managed to create quite a money spinner. And like so many in the terror industry, the SITE Institute has much to gain financially by keeping the Intel flowing into American and Israeli military-security complex.

Katz and Devon are part of an outsourced unit that is effectively part of the Zio-Conservative and government intelligence apparatus. The website describes itself as a “monitoring service” on the Jihadist threat,” which is severely problematic considering the couple’s obvious lack of impartiality against anything associated with the Arab nationalism, let alone the war on terror. One might even say this is about as obvious an Israeli PSYOPS operation as its possible to be.  In other words, Katz’s handlers are MOSSAD.

With a fat new propaganda bogeyman in the guise of ISIL tearing up the Middle East it seems the SITE Institute’s PR role for the terror industry is set to continue. Geo-political analyst Professor James F. Tracey summed the sad state of affairs within the MSM: “Since mid-August 2014 major news organizations have conveyed videos allegedly found online by the SITE Intelligence Group. Unsurprisingly the same media have failed to closely interrogate what the private company actually is and whether the material it promotes should be accepted as genuine.” [25]


From one fake brand to another: Osama to ISIL hatchet man “Jihadi John”

This manufacturing of threats and the subsequent erosion of civil liberties has been going on a long time now. Timothy H. Edgar, National Security Policy Counsel for the ACLU testified in April 2005 before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security of the House Committee on the Judiciary stating:

“… federal agents seized confidential files, computer hard drives, books, and other materials from some of the most respected Islamic think tanks and organizations in the United States and raided the homes of many of the leaders involved in those organizations. The search warrants targeted two entities whose main purpose involves activities at the core of the First Amendment: the Graduate School of Islamic Thought and Social Sciences (GSITSS), an institute of higher education, and the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), an Islamic research institute and think tank, as well as the private homes of a number of their employees and scholars,”

Apart from the danger of slipping into “witch-hunts” on a whim and therefore breaching civil rights, it seems the evidence against the organisations was less than substantial. Mr. Edgar pressed on to highlight the most important points:

“The complaint in the civil rights action says the affidavit in support of the search warrants contained fabricated material facts regarding non-existent overseas transactions. The complaint also says the search warrant affidavit was drafted with the help of private author and self-styled ‘terrorist hunter’ Rita Katz, who was paid $272,000 for her advice by the federal government and has made much more in a book deal and as a consultant for news organizations. According to federal investigators, Katz ‘lost the trust of some investigators from the FBI and Justice Department’ as a result in part of the ‘reckless conclusions’ she drew in her book, …” [Emphasis mine]

With SITE as the only source for the video and disregarding other influences, surely we could be forgiven for thinking there are not only are there severe conflict of interests but financial and public relation concerns that cast serious doubt on the authenticity of the recording.

What of the video itself? Needless to say, a few “problems” came to light.

It seems the devoutly religious and moral “Osama” has suddenly undergone a midlife crisis and sort refuge in a make-over for his adoring minions. This has resulted in a chocolate brown dyed hair and a beard suitably clipped into a more suburban, Muslim-terrorist-about-town style, topped off with a garish gold ring just to show that his taste in contemporary jewellery and his adherence to Islam do not clash. It appears the rationale of wearing of a ring which is forbidden by Muslim law, and the magical transformation of a left-handed Osama to a right-handed one is all perfectly understandable in the world that some analysts prefer to inhabit.

The SITE Institute happily made up the claim that it is “common practice” amongst Muslim men to dye their hair when in fact, the opposite is the case. According to one BBC report other analysts: “… have suggested that rather than being dyed, it may be actually false, and that to help avoid detection he is clean-shaven these days.”  [26]  Ah, of course, the old false beard trick. Works well in the caves of Afghanistan or the market streets of Pakistan. If he was a paid Osama look-alike then you have to go with what’s available. Times are hard, after all…

Given the satellite and surveillance technology that is at least sophisticated enough to read the newsprint as you sit on the John, it appears it isn’t up to the job of finding a Muslim terrorist dressed in yellow grab and a false beard. Of course, if a gaggle of Muslim terrorists are intelligent enough to pull off the biggest false flag in history and penetrate the most heavily defended region on Earth then it is probable that they would have thought about the idea of sophisticated surveillance. Yet, we asked to place our trust in the logic of a false beard nonetheless.

Moreover, the tape itself has been so hacked, chopped and generally messed around with, that it represents a frozen CGI image manipulated to give the illusion of a living, speaking human being. In the whole 26-minute recording, two short sections are sandwiched into the 26 minute recording where the man said to be bin Laden is seen talking: one at the beginning and one towards the middle. For the remaining 23 minutes of the tape we are invited to watch a still image of the speaker. (It is all the more extraordinary that no one in the MSM considers this odd. If they did, they weren’t about to say so, for obvious reasons). Apparent to anyone who has been exposed to the usual diet of a TV we can see cuts and edits all over the place, even the introduction of sections which appear to be from different recordings altogether. As noted by computer analyst Dr. Neal Krawetz of the University of Winnipeg: “… the new audio has no accompanying ‘live’ video and consists of multiple audio recordings… and there are so many splices that I cannot help but wonder if someone spliced words and phrases together. I also cannot rule out a vocal imitator during the frozen-frame audio. The only way to prove that the audio is really bin Laden is to see him talking in the video.”  [27]

That seems to be a tall order since Osama appears to have long since met his Maker.


(left) “Osama bin Laden” makes his Towers of Lebanon Speech in 2004 Source: Al-Jazeera | (right) A frame from “Osama bin Laden’s” 2007 video. Source: Intelcenter

Krawetz also noticed remarkably similar themes and technical details from bin Laden’s previous video, released in 2004, a few days before the US presidential election:

“[T]his is the same clothing [a white hat, white shirt and yellow sweater] he wore in the 2004-10-29 video. In 2004 he had it unzipped, but in 2007 he zipped up the bottom half. Besides the clothing, it appears to be the same background, same lighting, and same desk. Even the camera angle is almost identical.” Krawetz also comments, “if you overlay the 2007 video with the 2004 video, his face has not changed in three years—only his beard is darker and the contrast on the picture has been adjusted.”  [28]

If the Pentagon can concoct fake Al-Zarqawi letters boasting about suicide attacks and then leak them to The New York Times, to be printed on the front page the next day, it is much more than probable that videos would most certainly not be off limits.

Now, take this analysis and apply it to the present chaos that is ISIL. We have had mass civilian carnage on a scale all supported by extremely fake-looking videos, with hostages likely agreeing to stage mock set ups over a year before the televised “beheadings”. The first high profile beheading victim, journalist and anti-Assad James Foley is an example. A UK Times article reported on the findings of forensic analysts’ conclusion that the video of Foley’s beheading” was staged. Several points are made to explain why this is so, including:

  • The sounds made by Foley are not consistent with beheadings.foley1
  • There is no blood shed while ‘several cuts’ are made to the neck of Foley.
  • Foley’s words appear to have been scripted.
  • The analysis highlights a blip in the imagery that could indicate the journalist had to repeat a line.
  • Sounds made by Foley do not appear consistent with what might be expected.
  • The video begins with a clip of President Barack Obama. This footage appears to have been downloaded directly from the White House website. [29]


The propaganda video by ISIL with the victim James Foley 2014. His murder likely took place off camera.

Apart from embedded journalism which was the first red flag, Foley also worked in Iraq for a known CIA front USAID in 2009. By 2011, he had been kidnapped by Gaddafi’s military and then happened to repeat a round of bad luck with his capture in Syria. As a hostage in Libya, then again in Syria and finally beheaded by ISIS. This is a little far-fetched to say the least. As journalist Michael Krieger notes, his resume: “… reads more like a James Bond film script than that of a journalist with a teaching background.” Proof of complicity? Not really. It’s usually a mix of lies and truth with patsies not even knowing they’ve been sacrificed until it is too late.

Regardless of whether individuals were CIA/MOSSAD agents as some have suggested, they had, in truth, been murdered a long time before their few minutes of tragic fame. Once again, agents and patsies are collateral for the greater vision which follows exactly the same formula every time:

  • create / fuel radicalism through a complex mix of genuine cells and manufactured ones
  • = embed agents in chosen grouping to incite ideology to fever pitch and making sure to eject moderates
  • = Make sure a good cluster of psychopaths are present for the bloodletting and ensuing mayhem
  • = supply with bombs and assorted weaponry
  • = direct toward geopolitical aims
  • = ensure propagandized coverage via mainstream media.

Nothing has changed. The same people are in charge as they were during Al-Qaeda’s reign. The revolving door of politics has no effect on shadow government machinations. If these shoddy attempts at video manipulation are the best that outsourced military PSYOPS can come up with and the public still believes that the enemy is “out there” rather than the government and its agencies, then we are surely in for a very dark future. [30]


[1] ‘Apollo 11 Moon landing: ten facts about Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins’ mission’ The Telegraph, July 18, 2009 | See also:
[2] Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? By David Ray Griffin, Published by Olive Branch Press July 2009. ISBN-10: 1566567831. Also read a great summary found surprisingly in The Daily Mail, not noted for the finest journalistic standards. This article is however, an exception: ‘Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years – and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?’ By Sue Reid
Daily Mail, 11 September 2009.
[3] Bin Laden: Authentic Interview by Carol A. Valentine, Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum, October, 2001.
[4] ‘Transcript of Osama Bin Ladin interview by Peter Arnett’The first-ever television interview with Osama Bin Ladin was conducted by Peter Arnett in eastern Afghanistan in late March 1997. Questions were submitted in advance. Bin Ladin responded to almost all of the questions. CNN was not allowed to ask follow up questions. The interview lasted just over an hour. | ‘CNN Transcript of Osama Bin Laden’s October Interview’ with Taseer Allouni February 5, 2002. Al-Jazeera reporter Allouni was sent to jail for having links to Al-Qaeda and financial irregularities. The interview in question is used by US authorities as proof that 9/11 was carried out by Bin Laden but no such proof is in evidence and allusions of which go counter to bin laden’s previous claims.
[5] ‘Osama bin Laden, among the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives”: Why was he never indicted for his alleged role in 9/11?’ By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 17, 2006.
[6] ‘When Seeing and Hearing Isn’t Believing’ By William M. Arkin, The Washington Post, Feb. 1, 1999.
[7] ‘CIA unit’s wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay’ By Jeff Stein, The Washington Post, May 25 2010.
[8] ‘Bin Laden Taunts US and Praises Hijackers’ By John F.Burns, The New York Times, October 8, 2001. | ‘Bin Laden’s warning: full text’ BBC News, 7 October, 2001.
[9] ‘Bush: Bin Laden “virtually took responsibility” October 8, 2001.
[10] ‘US urged to detail origin of tape’ By Steven Morris, The Guardian, December 15, 2001.
[11] p.179; Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie By Kevin Barrett Published by Progressive Press, 2007.
[12] ‘Osama Tape Appears Fake, Experts Conclude’June 1st, 2006,
[13] TRANSCRIPT OF USAMA BIN LADEN VIDEO TAPE (“Transcript and annotations independently prepared by George Michael, translator, Diplomatic Language Services; and Dr. Kassem M. Wahba, Arabic language program coordinator, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. They collaborated on their translation and compared it with translations done by the U.S. government for consistency. There were no inconsistencies in the translations).
[14] National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005,( p. 6 ) | op.cit US Department of Defense, December 13, 2001.
[15] op.cit US Department of Defense, December 13, 2001. | Flight tickets booked: |, ‘The British Breeding Ground’ By Neil Mackay, The Sunday Herald September 30, 2001.
[16] ‘Bin Laden Video: Faulty Translation as evidence?’By George Restle and Ekkehard Seiker, Monitor TV December 20, 2001.
[17] ‘The Voice of Osama bin Laden: Osama’s voice on tape proves that the leader of al Qaeda is still alive. Or does it?’ By Richard A. Muller, MIT Technology Review, Communications News, January 23, 2004.
[18] p.237; Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden, By Osama bin Laden (Author), Bruce Lawrence (Editor), James Howarth (Translator) Published by Verso, 2005. | ISBN-10: 1844670457.
[19] ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ -Recent Video of Bin Laden Airs; Iraq Missing Explosives Still an Issue Aired October 29, 2004. Transcript: www.
[20] ‘Osama Tape Appears Fake, Experts Conclude ’US government fabricating evidence to manipulate American public, scholars say. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) May 30, 2006.
[21] ‘CIA-Linked Intel Center Releases Highly Suspicious Bin Laden Tape’ By Paul Joseph Watson Prison, September 14, 2009.
[22] Ibid.
‘SO, A ‘Charitable Organization’ (The SITE Institute) Released the Bin Laden Video…,’ By Berni McCoy, Berni McCoy’s Journal/Democratic Underground, September 10, 2007 | ‘Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda’s Secrets. Firm Says Administration’s Handling of Video Ruined Its Spying Efforts,’ By Joby Warrick, Washington Post, October 9, 2007.
[25] ‘Who is Behind the Islamic State (ISIL) Beheadings? Probing the SITE Intelligence Group’ By Prof. James F. Tracy, Global Research, September 15, 2014
[26] ‘Trimmed Bin Laden in media-savvy war’ By Frank Gardner, BBC News, September 8, 2007.
[27] ‘Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. – by Robert Vamosi,, September 12, 2007. | op.cit BBC News, (Gardener.)
[28] Ibid.
[29] ‘Foley video with Briton was staged, experts say’ By Deborah Haynes, The Times, August 25 2014.
[30] For further analysis of the video fakery see this article from 2011: ‘Exclusive: Osama bin Laden’s Nose and Left Ear’ By Joe Quinn 08 May 2011.

The Terror Industry (2)

“The FBI isn’t nabbing would-be terrorists so much as setting up mentally ill or economically desperate people to commit crimes they could never have accomplished on their own”

– Trevor Aaronson: The Sting: How the FBI Created a Terrorist


The Seal of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Politics of Entrapment explored US, British and European sting operations against sex offenders and would-be terrorists. We re-visit the subject from the standpoint of  global terrorism in order to take a more detailed look at the FBI’s role and the historical basis of a strategy of tension, a formula which has been a standard tactic for as long as the State has existed. Indeed, one cannot exist without the other it seems. The American public remains ill-informed about the billions of dollars taken from tax payers to keep the treadmill of the perpetual war on terror and security framework operational. Perhaps this is no surprise, since the censorship in the mainstream media reached No.4 on Project Censored’s most under-reported stories of 2012.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is sitting astride a network of 15,000 spies, most of whom are criminals who have infiltrated a cross-section of ethnic communities in an attempt to uncover terrorist plots. Rather than foiling potential terrorism  – most of which would have been as a direct result of American foreign policy in the first place i.e. “blowback” – these agents provocateurs are responsible for encouraging crimes against civilians and government with a substantial cash reward should they deliver. Since 9/11, over 150 men have been caught in FBI terrorism entrapment operations receiving a sentence of 25 years or more in prison. These unhappy young men had their lives ruined whilst providing essential PR for the FBI and substantial profits for security firms, law enforcement, weapons manufacturers and the US military, justifying the flow of tax dollars, funnelled from a treasury that continues to print money out of thin air.

Although there are many books that cover the complex history of state-sponsored terrorism today, award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson was one of the first to fully document the FBI’s endeavours in fake terror plots in his 2013 book The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism. [1] Interviewing case officers and FBI Task Force leaders as well as informants themselves, he documents case after case of undercover agents groomed for entrapment operations. One of these was Quazi Nafis who received 30 years for planning to bomb the New York Stock Exchange in 2012. A fake Al-Qaeda operative and informant known as “Kareem,” was instrumental in his grooming and subsequent capture.

Nafis didn’t have any explosives nor the finances or contacts to acquire it, he was merely a disaffected youth of meagre intelligence, burning with understandable hatred for Western imperialism. Through Kareem, the FBI would provide him with all he needed to carry out the attack which included: “… not only the storage facility and supposed explosives, but also the detonator and the van that Nafis believed would deliver the bomb. …” But it was not to be: “On the morning of October 17, Nafis and Kareem drove the van to Lower Manhattan and parked it in front of the Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty Street. Then they walked to a nearby hotel room, where Nafis dialed on his cellphone the number he believed would trigger the bomb, but nothing happened. He dialed again, and again. The only result was Nafis’ apprehension by federal agents.” [2]


© Davidalary | – Fingerprint Photo

Some of the more high profile cases include the conviction of a group of young black men known as the Newburgh Four who were jailed in June of 2011 for an alleged 2009 terrorist plot to fire a Stinger missile at US military planes. Career FBI informant and petty criminal Shahed Hussain was responsible for putting them there, offering enormous financial inducements to carry out the plot. The sum of money amounted to $250,000 for one man, free holidays and top of the range cars. He cruised the mosques looking for likely men with radical chips on their shoulders and who could be groomed accordingly. Yet, the men that he managed to find were not radical Islamists bent on terrorist atrocities but, as Paul Harris described, writing for The Guardian, on December 12, 2011, these were: “… impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh’s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.” The report stated further: “As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets.” Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University observed: ‘There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided…” [3]

Now, “unique” has become pedestrian.

The case of the Fort Dix Five also deserves a mention. Arrested in May of 2007, on charges of plotting to kill US soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, a DOJ press report from June 5 read: “The five defendants are charged with conspiracy and other charges related to their plans to kill as many soldiers at the Army base as possible. A sixth man was indicted for aiding and abetting the illegal possession of firearms by three members of the group.” Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer (an ethnic Jordanian) and Albanians Dritan Duka, and Eljvir Duka, Serdar Tatar (a Turk) and were charged with: “conspiracy to murder members of the uniformed services” along with the “unlawful possession of machine guns” and “illegal alien” status. The fifth member, Agron Abdullahu an ethnic Kosovar was charged with “aiding and abetting the Duka brothers’ illegal possession of weapons.”

The Jewish Anti Deformation League (ADL), the right-wing evangelist Pat Robertson and a coterie of authoritarian organisations displayed a vengeful glee at what were clearly trumped up charges. Referring to the ADL’s gloating of the defendants sentences of life imprisonment in 2008, geopolitical analyst Stephen Lendmen commented: “Imagine their comments if five Israeli Jews had been convicted on the same charges instead of Muslims: “No plot, No crime, so the FBI invents guilt with an entrapment sting operation – its usual modus operandi to ensnare the innocent.”

In his 2008 article on the Fort Dix Five he describes the entrapment narrative which trapped the men:

At a Cherry Hill, NJ Circuit City store in January 2006, Mohamad Shnewer innocently wanted a home video transfered to DVD. It showed men shooting weapons at a Pocono Mountains firing range, playing paintball (an innocent game in which opposing teams try to eliminate opponents by marking them with water-soluble dye shot in capsules from air guns), and repeating Arabic phrases like Allah Akbar (meaning God is Greatest). The store clerk called the police. They notified the FBI. They began investigating and recruited two dubious informants to help.

Each knew nothing about the other. One was Besnik Bakalli, an ethnic Albanian, who falsely told defendants he was a Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veteran – the US/Germany supported terrorist group recruited to destabilize Kosovo/Serbia in the 1990s. At trial, however, he testified that he fought for no group and knew nothing about Islam or extremists calling for jihad.

Mahmoud Omar was the other informant, an Egyptian-born used car salesman/mechanic on probation for bank fraud. He and Bakalli entered the US illegally and faced likely deportation or worse. They were easily recruited, so cooperated, and were well compensated for their efforts – thousands of dollars a month, and according to defense lawyers, Omar (from when recruited in March 2006) will have earned $238,000 for his efforts. believes more – over $240,000 plus rent and other expenses, and, of course, leniency in handling their charges. Bakalli was used for a shorter period and reportedly was paid about $150,000. The FBI also relocated his parents to America as an added incentive to cooperate. [4]

Perusing the trial evidence it was clear that there was no plot except what the FBI could dig out of their bag of tricks to justify their entrapment program and the subsequent arrests. Though hostile to America’s wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and an obvious faith in the religion of Islam, all five maintained their innocence, a certainty that remained throughout their arrest and trial.


It seems the FBI can disrupt service utilities to a house and pretend to be helpful technicians in order to gain entry and covertly search the premises in order to “find” evidence that might later justify a search warrant. [5]

Five black US citizens and two Haitian nationals from Liberty City one of the poorest sections of Miami were arrested in 2006 and accused by the FBI of attempting to blow up the Sears Tower and several federal buildings. Known as the Liberty City Seven, two mistrials from 2007 – 2008 was followed by a third trial which ended on May 12, 2009. Naudimar Herrera was acquitted but the five remaining defendants Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Burson, Augustin and Rothschild Augustine all received prison sentences between from 6-14 years and lengthy supervised release orders. Yet, it was perhaps one of the most blatant cases of corrupt entrapment practices yet seen.

Announced with the usual triumphant propaganda from government sponsored media lackeys and commentators, the foiled plot was hailed as a triumph against an attack which could have been “bigger than September 11th.” As the prime mover in the alleged cell was an FBI informant posing as an Al-Qaeda go-between, the “evidence” was likely concocted by FBI informants rather than the existence of any tangible threat.

According to the press release ‘Transcript of Press Conference Announcing Florida Terrorism Indictments’ from the Department of Justice on 23 June 2006, payments for services rendered by four informants amounted to over $160,000. Deputy Director John Pistole even admitted that the so-called plot was: “… more aspirational than operational.” The accused did not have any genuine contact with Al-Qaeda, nor did they have explosives or weapons since the only source would have been through the FBI’s informant. The director assured the press that the individuals posed no danger. After the indictments two local community activists were interviewed by Democracy Now! Online news and summarised the ludicrous nature of the charges:

“a lot of show has been made about the militaristic boots that they had… [I]t turns out… the FBI bought them the boots. If you look at the indictment, the biggest piece of evidence… is that the group ,may have taken pictures of a bunch of targets in South Florida. But the guys couldn’t afford their own cameras, so the federal government bought them the cameras… The federal government rented them the cars that they needed to get downtown in order to take the pictures. In addition… the men provided the FBI informant with a list of things they needed in order to blow up these buildings, but in the list they didn’t include any explosives or any materials which could be used to make explosives. So now everyone in Liberty City is joking that the guys were going to kick down the FBI building with their new boots, because they didn’t have any devices which could have been used to explode…” [6]

As many of the informants are illegal immigrants waiting on their entry status or criminals given immunity in return for working for the FBI, there is a ready and willing supply for identifying potential terrorists and as Trevor Aaronson explains: “… in some cases even planting specific ideas for attacks.” He also poses questions that politicians, many academics and the majority of mainstream journalists have not seen fit to ask, namely: “How many of these would-be terrorists would have acted were it not for an FBI agent provocateur helping them? Is it possible that the FBI is creating the very enemy we fear?” And most importantly: “Federal officials say they are protecting Americans with these operations—but from whom? Real terrorists, or dupes like Nafis, who appear unlikely to have the capacity for terrorism were it not for FBI agents providing the opportunity and means?” [7]

Occupy Wall Street© unknown

Even the Occupy Wall Street Movement has been embroiled in the same entrapment procedures. The FBI has blew its own its own trumpet all over the media and claimed it had once again foiled a terrorist plot, this time, to blow up a Cleveland bridge. Five members of Occupy Cleveland: Douglas Wright, 26, Brandon Baxter, 20, Connor Stevens, 20, Anthony Hayne, 35, and Joshua Skelly 24, were each sentenced to between 6-11 years charged with conspiracy and the use of explosive materials. Despite cooperating with plea deals given by three of the men, so-called “terrorism enhancements” were used by the presiding judge to increase sentences. Douglas, Brandon and Connor’s appeals were denied. Skelly rejected a plea bargain and chose to take it to trail. Consequently, he was found guilty on all counts and received a ten year sentence. As of early 2015, he is still waiting for his appeal.

As with so many similar “plots” the usual paid FBI informant featured heavily.  Shaquille Azir had a criminal history (leverage for bargaining) and was placed undercover within the Occupy Movement for several months. He eventually delivered the defendants to the FBI as ready-made “terrorists” all of whom had at one time been homeless or without work. Not only had the FBI provided alcohol, drugs and accommodation for the young men, through Azir, but they told the informant to create a sense of dependency within the group with various promises of assistance tailored to their individual needs. It seems Azir had his job cut out to get them interested.  According to the website: set up as a campaign to free the men: “They all continue to fight against the government’s attempt to brand them as terrorists and to expose the techniques of entrapment employed by the FBI and their informants.”  The case of one of many, all of which follow the same patterns. [8]

occupycleveland5L-R: Connor Stevens, Brandon Baxter, Douglas Wright, Anthony Hayne (now released) and Joshua Stafford

There are many other cases popping up in America and Europe. One of the most important was the April 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings which saw the entrapment and framing of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – a classic false flag operation designed to dupe the public and engender maximum reaction for domestic and geopolitical ends. [9]

So, how did it come to this? Like most ponerological symptoms they infect the body politik very quickly.

Stemming from the 1970’s and 80’s sting operations of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) the FBI gradually came under its jurisdiction in the face of increasing trade in illicit drugs. The terrorist sting is based on these drug raids with certain differences that make the practice highly controversial. Briefcases full of cocaine or heroin were substituted with empty ones in front of hidden surveillance cameras after which the agents would pounce on their unsuspecting criminals. This defined raids for decades and which were faithfully reproduced in Hollywood cinemas. Now, the terrorist sting generally involves faulty guns and dud bombs. Aaronson points out the fundamental flaw in terrorist stings compared to drugs raids and that which leads to a progressive corruption of the already faulty principles on which they are based:

“In drug stings, federal law enforcement officials assume that any buyer caught in a sting would have been able to buy or sell drugs elsewhere had they not fallen into the FBI trap. The numbers support this assumption. In 2010, the most recent year for which data is available, the DEA seized 29,179 kilograms, or 64,328 pounds, of cocaine in the United States.

In terrorism stings, however, federal law enforcement officials assume that any would-be terrorists caught would have been able to acquire the means elsewhere to carry out their violent plans had they not been ensnared by the FBI. The problem with this assumption is that no data exists to support it—and in fact what data is available often suggests the opposite.

Few of the more than 150 defendants indicted and convicted this way since 9/11 had any connection to terrorists, evidence showed, and those that did have connections, however tangential, lacked the capacity to launch attacks on their own. Of the more that 150 defendants, an FBI informant not only led one of every three terrorist plots, but also provided all the necessary weapons, money, and transportation.

The informant goaded them on the whole time, encouraging the pair with lines like: ‘We will teach these bastards a good lesson.” For his work on the case, he received $100,000 from the FBI.’ ” [10]

Indeed, with an annual budget of $3 billion the FBI has both an ideological and financial incentive for keeping the war on terror mythology entrenched in the American public’s psyche. In order to find out how many of these “terrorists” would have acted without the entrapment ruse, Aaronson, with the help of a research assistant: “… built a database of more than 500 terrorism prosecutions since 9/11, looking closely and critically at every terrorism case brought into federal courts during the past decade.” Thousands of pages of court records were carefully analysed until a coherent pattern emerged. They found that: “… nearly half of all terrorism cases since 9/11 involved informants, many of them paid as much as $100,000 per assignment by the FBI.” The research team also found that: “… 49 defendants had participated in plots led by an FBI agent provocateur, and that number has continued to rise since.” What is more, as Muslim targets held particular personality types so too the informants. A typical pattern and profile of each were matched together.

The following typifies the patterns and personality profiles involved:

The Gold digger: Pattern: Target is broke and thinks he can make big money by catering to informant’s suggestions.

The Convert: Pattern: Target is a newcomer to Islam with only a rudimentary understanding of the religion; often also broke and/or homeless.

The Oath Taker: Pattern: Target swears a fictitious Al Qaeda oath made up by informant; is charged and convicted based on that oath

The Car Bomber: Pattern: Target and informant hatch plot together; FBI supplies vehicle, “explosives,” and phone to trigger the supposed bomb.

The Trainee: Pattern: FBI agent or informant offers to train target as a jihadist, most often via weapons instruction and bodybuilding.

The Subway Bomber: Pattern: With the exception of one attempt to bomb the New York City subway, all the headline-grabbing subway “plots” you’ve heard of were FBI-led nonstarters. [11]

The New York Times in 2012 reiterated the suspicion that it is highly unlikely that these young men would have had the means to execute terrorist plots “… without substantial assistance from the government.” [12] 

Just like the sexual predators in society, from occult ritual abuse to inter-generational abuse the idea promoted is that the lone paedophile and child rapist generally act alone. So too with the “lone wolf” terrorist as a useful asset to keep the cogs turning. Dupes or patsies need to found and groomed which is why the FBI uses its vast network of spies and the NSA’s surveillance to identify locate and monitor tomorrow’s disenfranchised Muslims with chips on their shoulders. Spies are embedded in every Mosque in the US are paid to profile those young men with anti-American views and ripe for radicalisation, thus suitable for sting operations. This is also occurring online across the breadth of social networks (See: Police State Amerika I: Facebook Thought Police…)

Under President Barack Obama’s National Security and Surveillance State, entrapment continues to grow, with a very wide definition as to who exactly is a terrorist. During the tail-end of the George W. Bush’s tenure the number of operations markedly decreased but since Obama’s presidency in January 2009, sting operations have not only resumed but increased in frequency. During Obama’s first term in office, the Justice Department prosecuted more than 75 targets of terrorism stings. Trevor Aaronson discovered that as an adjunct to Obama’s extrajudicial assassination teams, arrests from terrorism stings occur: “… at a rate of about one every 60 days, suggesting either that there are a lot of ineffective terrorists in the United States, or that the FBI has become effective at creating the very enemy it is hunting.”


Global Terrorism 2013. Red hotspots are combinations of incidents, fatalities and injuries. Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the primary countries exhibiting terrorism hotspots. | Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from

Even if we were to believe that somehow the history of terrorism is defined purely in terms of religious extremism seeking to enforce its will, we’d be barking up the wrong tree on this one too. Religious fundamentalism does not spontaneously arrive. In the vast majority of historical cases a vacuum emerges out of the chaos of economic depression, famine and most frequently from the influence of invading forces. In the last forty years British and American invasions have increased the likelihood of religious fundamentalism and the rise of terrorist groups simply through their neo-colonial ambitions. Consequently. these terrorist groups have been indirectly or directly created and further encouraged by Western powers.

It is foreign occupation which fuels terrorism not the perceived spectre of Islamism or any other extremist grouping; they are secondary results of policies which destabilise, balkanise and create collective trauma. These conclusions have been stated by researchers across the political divide for some years but only recently has it been shown beyond any doubt, that engaging in drone strikes and so-called interventionist polices in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism, without exception. At higher levels of Pathocracy this is fully understood and required while at the lower levels of their followers’ greed and ignorance is enough to maintain these destructive dynamics. Factor in geopolitical plans stretching back many decades to claim the Middle East for ideological aims, to exploit resources such as natural gas, oil and minerals and you have all the reasons you need for the continuance of civilian atrocities, year after year.

Taking into account the presence of intelligence operatives and informants responsible for encouraging suicide attacks and those which occur “spontaneously”, extensive research published by the University of Chicago prove that over 95 percent of all attacks are in response to foreign occupation. [13]  The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) the Global Terrorism Database hosted at the University of Maryland has precise statistical data which supports the University of Chicago’s own findings. It is the most comprehensive open source terrorism database available to journalists and civilians alike. The results are a clear indictment of US and NATO foreign policy, all of which show a massive increase in terrorism since the Global War on Terror began 14 years ago. These charts below show the number of terrorist attacks recorded in the following countries:



terrorism_in_the_Middle-EastMiddle East



terrorism_worldwideSharp rise in Global terrorism since 2004

Notice the sharp peak in each region. For the Middle East and predominantly Iraq, so-called terrorism shot up during 2002-2003, the year of the Invasion by US and coalition forces. Afghanistan saw a sharp ascent from 2001 and another rapid incline in 2010 following the large-scale increases in military operations against the Taliban by the Afghan and US coalition forces. Obama sent a further 30,000 troops in that year. Asia and Africa in 2004 both saw massive geo-strategic grab for resources by US-NATO under cover of humanitarian pretexts and false flag events. United States Africa Command, (U.S. AFRICOM) was operational by 2007 and established as cover for strategic control of the Continent. It is in this year we see a huge spike lasting until 2013. This has obviously excluded the horror of ISIL – the latest creation of Western Intelligence black operations. Judging by the events of 2014 we can only summise that we will see a huge corresponding spike when the new data is in.

All the charts show a parallel increase in terrorism and / or insurgency. Have a look at the following chart which illustrates just how false flag terrorism and grassroots insurgency follows the US and NATO forces around and directly related to power plays for their resources. Cause and effect?


Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from

alqaeda_incidentsovertimeGlobal Al-Qaeda attacks since 1990s – 2012

isis attacks2007_2013ISIS/ISIL attacks in Iraq 2006 -2012

alqaedaincidentsovertime_iraqAl-Qaeda attacks in Iraq from September 2001-2013

privatecitizensAttacks on Private Citizens & Property  (Most attacks in Pakistan and Iraq)

In these set of charts we can see a similar trajectory. As Al-Qaeda has outlived its usefulness in the region, covert funding by Western governments’ military intelligence and private outsourcing were stepped up for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) taking over the mantle of the Global Terror demon. Just as Al-Qaeda begins to wane, ISIL begins its rapid ascent with billions of dollars seemingly arriving from nowhere in 2006, to reach a peak in 2009 with the subsequent tales of horror and atrocity, all of which is entirely authentic, though not the methods of media propagation. This is designed to ramp up the emotional response which military powers can use to ride their imperial desires. The sharp dip in incidents was merely a re-fuelling prior to another sharp increase in terror across the Middle East and Africa in 2014-2015. Through all this, carefully designed civilian attacks and the loss of property has suffered an exponential rise for several decades. Once again, this took off in 2004 as the West and its banks launched their quest for perpetual war.The Global population bears the brunt of these crimes. | Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from

Now that Al-Qaeda, as America’s primary outsourced terror collective has been transferred to ISIL it seems the war hawks at the Council on Foreign Relations want to let bygones be bygones and make the terrorist organisation a firm friend so that things aren’t too complicated for us all. Barek Mendelsohn writing in CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs that due understanding should be exercised since Al-Qaeda is after all the “enemy of our enemy” and that:

“… the instability in the Middle East following the Arab revolutions and the meteoric rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) require that Washington rethink its policy toward al Qaeda, particularly its targeting of Zawahiri. Destabilizing al Qaeda at this time may in fact work against U.S. efforts to defeat ISIS … [America’s] interests would be better served by keeping the terrorist organization afloat and Zawahiri alive.” [14]

The irony is so pathological you just couldn’t make it up.

Foreign occupation is the main cause of terrorism. It is expedient for invading powers to keep populations back home locked in fear and seeking revenge while the youth of both domestic and foreign populations become open to radicalisation, similarly encouraged by entrapment plots by the FBI and world intelligence agencies. Regimes with suitably strategic dividends are destabilised and plunged into civil war so that resources can be extracted. Selling these invasions under humanitarian interventions or seeking retribution for a perceived atrocity against “democracy” are the usual pretexts.

This is the state of the world we live in. It is a direct result of the Grand-Daddy of false-flag attacks which took place on September 11th, 2001 and which re-ordered the world according to pathocratic principles of paranoia, greed, separation and asymmetric warfare. Thanks to the Israel and its Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden administrations, the constitution and Bill of Rights have been shredded, where inverted totalitarianism is becoming normalised.

The next post will see, in graphic detail, how the United States of America is sliding into a full-blown police state.



[1]Terror Factory, The: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism By Trevor Aaronson, IG Publishing (2015 edition)| ISBN-10: 1935439960.
[2] ‘Inside the Terror Factory’ By Trevor Aaronson, January 11, 2013, Mother Jones|
[3] ‘Newburgh Four: poor, black, and jailed under FBI ‘entrapment’ tactics’ By Paul Harris, The Guardian, December 12, 20013. |
[4] ‘It’s the Wrong Time to be a Muslim in America – The Troubling Case of the Fort Dix Five’ by Stephen Lendman, Counterpunch, December 31 2008.
[5]’Can Authorities Cut Off Utilities And Pose As Repairmen To Search A Home?’ October 29, 2014. NPR News.
[6]‘Aspirational Rather than Operational’ – 7 Arrested in Miami Terror Plot. Democracy Now! 2007.
[7]op.cit. Aaronson.
[8]’Did the FBI Use Occupy Cleveland Case to Equate Activism with Terrorism?’ By Kris Hermes, Alternet, September 12, 2012.]
[9]The event demands a book in itself and due to brevity, it will not be covered in this present series. Suffice to say, if you wish follow up and research this subject yourself the following books and articles are recommended: Manufactured Terror: The Boston Marathon Bombings, Sandy Hook, Aurora Shooting and Other False Flag Terror Attacks by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley; ‘False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage’ By Shelia Casey, May 8, 2013| ‘Boston Bombings ‘set-up’: Mother of patsies says sons groomed by FBI ‘Russia Today, 20 Apr 2013. | “False-flag” meme goes mainstream with Boston Marathon bombing, Kevin Barrett, Veteran’s Today/Press TV, 17 Apr 2013 | ‘Boston Bombings: The most obvious staged event since 9/11’, The Caterpillar Flys, 29 Apr 2013. | ‘Were The Boston Marathon Bombers ‘Mind Controlled’?’ By Joe Quinn,, 11 Jan 2014.
[10] p.32; Aaronson; The Terror Factory.
[11] ‘The Best Terrorists Money Can Buy’ – Broke-ass losers. Big talkers. Ninja wannabes. How dangerous are the FBI’s sting targets?’ By Trevor Aaronson, Mother Jones, September/October 2011 Issue.
[12] ‘Man Is Charged With Plotting to Bomb Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan’ By MOSI SECRET and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUMOCT.The New York Times 2012. October 17, 2012.
[13]Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It (2010) by Robert A. Pape and James K. Feldman, Chicago University press.
[14] ‘Accepting Al Qaeda’ The Enemy of the United States’ Enemy’ By Barak Mendelsohn, Foreign Affairs, March 9, 2015.

The Terror Industry (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great,’ cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.”

former FBI assistant director Thomas Fuentes

twin-towersIt took over 35 years for the majority of Americans to realise that factions within their own government assassinated John F. Kennedy. Not exactly a hopeful premise from which to start. It was at this juncture that the ground was laid for a more serious threat to the freedoms of not just the American Republic but to the stability of the whole world. More than 14 years have passed since the September 11 attacks and more people than ever are studying the official story and coming away with many more questions than answers.

Opinion polls on 911 vary greatly, both in terms of the questions asked and the size of the number of respondents. Back in 2006 more than a third of the American public suspected that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East. [1] One in seven people in the UK believe the US government staged 9/11 and a recent poll sponsored by the German magazine Welt der Wunder resulted in 89 percent of the respondents saying they don’t believe the US government has told the whole truth about 9/11. [2] Interestingly, for the purveyors of State protection, a 2012 online poll by The Franklin Centre Library revealed that 77 percent thought 11 years after 9/11 that we were all less safe than before. [3]

With 75 top professors and leading scientists claiming  9/11 was ‘inside job’ in 2014, it appears academia is catching up with the public, though at a snails space. A more respectable 2,322 architects and structural engineers have also expressed their disbelief in all or some of the aspects of the official story over at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth ( There are hundreds of other 9/11 website organisations and non-profit educational charities who take issue with the governments version ranging from grassroots to academic.

The online encyclopedia of Wikipedia, (censored and guarded by suitable official story gatekeepers) provides the best summary of the US government and media-led “conspiracy theory” which has lodged itself in the public mind. The following represents the standard synopsis which is constantly wheeled out from media outlets and taken as the consensus.

Once upon a time…

“The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11) were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally flew two of those planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers also intentionally crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and intended to pilot the fourth hijacked jet, United Airlines Flight 93, into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; however, the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers attempted to take control of the jet from the hijackers. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, including all 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes. At the time of the attacks, media reports suggested that perhaps tens of thousands might have been killed, and the total number of casualties remained unclear for several days.

Suspicion quickly fell on Al-Qaeda, and in 2004, the group’s leader, Osama bin Laden, who had initially denied involvement, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives for the attacks. The United States responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, which had harbored Al-Qaeda. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. In May 2011, after years at large, bin Laden was located and killed.” [4]

So, let’s get this straight…

… What we are being told is that a handful of mostly Saudi Arabians without military or intelligence training, acting independently of government or Intel agencies, managed to outsmart the whole Anglo-American Intelligence network, Israel’s MOSSAD and NATO; as well as the National Security Agency with its massive surveillance of connected networks spanning the globe. Let’s add to this the so-called “failures” from the National Security Council; US Airport security; NORAD, Air Traffic Control and the US Air Force. Let’s not forget the world’s most powerful defence system overseen by the world’s greatest superpower which just happened to allow a handful of Arabs with minimal pilot’s training, armed with box-cutters fly two jumbo jet airliners into the financial heart of downtown New York exploding into the most famous icons of world trade, whilst another employed an impossible flight manoeuvre in order to crash into the military defence centre of the most powerful nation on earth. Then, just before Obama’s election time, Osama Bin Laden, a known CIA asset and a former close business associate of the Bush family is conveniently found after over a decade of being “on the run”. Despite being the most wanted terrorist on earth, he is not questioned – like so many in Guantanamo Bay who appear to be mostly innocent yet tortured nonetheless – he is assassinated and promptly dumped at sea. Mission accomplished.


© Rkaphotography | – US Wars Are State Sponsored Terrorism Photo

That has to be the worst conspiracy theory ever to insult the intelligence of a sixth grader.

Yet, that is the official story we are expected to accept – without question. Most shocking of all, that’s exactly what so many people do: accept a story that simply cannot be true. Moreover, to add insult to injury and the memory of the dead, no proposal for an independent investigation into why the most monumental “failure” in National Security could have happened has arisen from the President, Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the MSM; nor has anyone been reprimanded, let alone prosecuted. The reality has been constant resistance, stone-walling, disinformation, propaganda, threats, suicides, and murders. Add to the mix are the corrupted commissions and inquiries whose only remit is to push the official story that must be made to fit into official culture. Of course, such a coup d’état could never have been accomplished if societies hadn’t been suitably tenderized by decades of social engineering. Part of that success has been due to the global War on Terror, or “overseas contingency operations” as Obama likes to call it.

Al-Qaeda and the global war on terror is the continuance of a “Strategy of Tension,” which refers to a period in Italy from 1969 to 1974, which suffered a series of terrorist attacks with heavy civilian casualties. It was an offshoot of what has been called Operation Gladio and their state-sponsored terror teams in Europe. [5] The strategy had its roots in fascist beliefs of Synarchism within government, military and intelligence networks. Their objective was to ruthlessly exploit underlying fears and grievances in European nations so that people would believe that the attacks were carried out by a communist insurgency within Europe. Many of these terrorist organisations went underground and resurfaced to be periodically stimulated by their masters for bespoke objectives. They do not just arise out of the blue. Much like the ebb and flow of paedophile and sex abuse networks, terrorist atrocities are given the required camouflage so that the perpetrators and their handlers remain in the shadows.

There are many populist and academic sources that will prove the phoney nature of Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. Of particular note is the acclaimed UK documentary The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis Top where CIA officials openly admit that the creation and history of Al-Qaeda as a terrorist network is a fabrication. [6] As former French intelligence officer Major Pierre-Henry Bunel confirms:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” [7]

The CIA has used this ghost to buttress the fantasy that is Al-Qaeda (and the new proxy private army called ISIL), employing fake media reports and video appearances clearly from persons other than bin Laden himself which have fed into the aftermath of the new pearl harbour that was 9/11. [8] Even the name of “Al-Qaeda/Al-Qaida” has produced confusion, even dark amusement in Arab circles as one commentator wryly observed: “You have heard before that ‘Al-Qaeda’ roughly translates into ‘the base,’ but were you aware that ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is Arabic colloquial for ‘I’m going to the toilet’? Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit?” [9]

A fair point.

The common tactic that has been referred to before is known as the Hegelian Dialectic, though in truth Hegel described social changes rather than pointed manipulation in this context. However, it serves a suitable framework for the thinking behind state-sponsored terrorism which goes something like this:

1. The government creates or exploits a problem then attributes blame to others.

2. The populace react by asking the government for protection and help.

3. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.

4. Outcome: Rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

This is the geopolitical paradigm of our times largely unknown by the public, though thanks to the internet this is gradually changing. Government and military agencies at the mid to lower levels are equally unaware of this old formula which writer G. Edward Griffin described as: “… not a war on terrorism to defend freedom, but a war on freedom that requires the defense of terrorism.” [10] Meantime, the PR from the MSM and academia is still pushing the idea that America and Europe are overrun with teeth-gnashing terrorists hell-bent in renting asunder the fabric of our Western way of life. Since what is left of any civil rights in Europe and the US constitution has been eviscerated by the very same authorities who peddle these myths then might there be some mileage in the idea that they have something to gain from it all? For anyone who has taken the time to research the genesis of terrorism and the present-day nonsense passing for terrorist laws in the United States it is beyond doubt that the only thing American and European people need to fear is their governments.

According to a basic statistical analysis from 2013 the actual percentage of the US population who may be classified as a terrorist is around 0.00016%, or about 1 in 624,297 people. In this context, the writer Marc Salvo makes a pertinent observation about this topsy-turvy terror game when he said just a few months ago: “We’re not suggesting that terrorism doesn’t exist, but considering that 1 in 1000 Americans in 2010 were the subject of police misconduct ranging from excessive force beatings and murder to sexual assault and false arrest, perhaps the government should turn its surveillance on itself, rather than the 99.9% of Americans who want nothing more than to be left alone.” [11]

That is not to say there are not genuine terrorist plots, but the key issue here is what prevents terrorism from occurring and what actively encourages it? We know that invading Syria or Iraq has provided a massive surge of terrorist cells in those countries as a result and a bleed-through must have occurred in America and Europe. However, like some police trawling and entrapment operations in the UK, the lines between what is a genuine terrorist plot and creating home grown fanatics is more than blurred, it continues to stoke the needed fear and high profits necessary to sustain a terror industry.

As Al-Qaeda is wound down, ISIS takes over, funded with billions of dollars: a new brand with new bloody atrocities to market …



[1] ‘New National Poll: 36percent of Americans Believe 9/11 Was an Inside Job’ By Thomas Hargrove, Scripps Howard News Service Seattle. August 2, 2006.
[2] ‘One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy’- The belief is more common among younger people, with a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory By Alanah Eriksen, Daily Mail, 29 August 2011 | ‘German Poll: 89percent Question 9/11’ Welt-der-Wunder, January 24, 2011, 9/11 Truth News.
[3] ‘9/11 Online Poll’ The Franklin Center, September 11, 2012.
[4] ‘September 11th Attacks’ ( A far better starting point for an alternative “wikipedia” version of 9/11 can be found at wikispooks.)
[5] “Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.
The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. … The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.” – Operation GladioNATO/CIA “Stay-Behind” Secret Armies/ Truth Move / International Truth Movement,
[6] A partial listing for your own research follows: The Power of Nightmares BBC documentary by Adam Curtis. This is freely available to watch from various sources on the internet. ‘Al Qaeda and the ‘War on Terrorism’’ By Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2008. The Centre for Global Research: and read the updated version of his 2005 book: America’s War on Terrorism by Michel Chossudovsky,| ISBN 0-9737147-1-9 2005. “…new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy. According to Chossudovsky, the ‘war on terrorism’ is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.” | See also: ‘Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project’ by Andrew G. Marshall, Global Research, July 10, 2008 and ‘The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber’ By Joe Quinn,, 29 Jan 2007.
[7] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ by Pierre-Henry Bunel, Wayne Masden report November 18 2005. “In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.”
[8] ‘Researcher: Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ – Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. September 12, 2007.
[9] ‘Existence of ‘Al-Qaeda’ Is Crap; Quite Literally’ – Did Osama really choose to name his terror network after potty humor or was it a computer database he used to chat with his CIA handlers? By Paul Joseph Watson,| October 6 2006: “The origins of the name “Al-Qaeda,” and its real arabic connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News, or any individual who cites the threat of ‘Al-Qaeda,’ as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism, they are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.
An organization by the name of “Al-Qaeda” does not exist and has never existed outside a falsely coined collective term for offshoot loose knit terror cells, the majority of which are guided by the Pakistani ISI, Mossad, the Saudis, MI6 and the CIA, that were created in response to America’s actions after 9/11 – as the recent NIE report shows. According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous footage of Bin Laden marching around with armed soldiers was a ruse on the part of Osama himself, graciously propagated by the lapdog press, in which actors were hired off the streets, given uniforms and guns and told to look aggressive.” […]
[10] ‘The Chasm: The Future Is Calling’ (Part One) by G. Edward Griffin 2003, Revised March 17, 2011.
[11] ‘Odds That You Are a Terrorist: 1 in 624,297’ By Mac Slavo,, October 18th, 2013.


Bernays and Tavistock

By M.K. Styllinski

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. … We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.

Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. … In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

One of the most common questions regarding the nature of 9/11 is how could anyone pull the wool over the eyes of the populace so comprehensively? If the events of 9/11 were engineered and were indeed an “inside job,” how was it possible to conduct such a complex operation without political, military and intelligence personnel blowing the whistle? Such a conspiracy  surely would not be feasible?

Quite apart from the fact that many persons did act as whistle-blowers from an array of government departments, the nature of the media network, law and justice system always censors and restricts any serious breaches and thus threats to its own existence. Effective dissemination of information and awareness is therefore limited unless painted with various colours of propaganda. Perhaps most importantly of all, the firewall of standard beliefs is the most effective method to ensure that state-sponsored atrocities remain in the realm of fantasy.

As we will discover, an effective blackout on 9/11 issues along with a concerted disinformation campaign has dogged any real breakthroughs in achieving an independent inquiry into the events of that day. Furthermore, what applies to the media is the same for any domain within our present culture which prevents the free-flow of ideas and accountability so that any threats to the structure of the status quo are, if not instantly dissolved, gradually eroded by various belief systems. The cultivation of negative myths and memes in the aftermath of a traumatic event has the effect of sealing in the cracks where truth might seep out. As John F. Kennedy wisely stated: “The greatest enemy of the truth is not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic.”

consumerism1Still from “They Live” (1988) Directed by John Carpenter

Propaganda techniques are now the province of a melding between outsourced PR companies and lobbying groups and the Top Secret actions of military PSYOPS which use highly sophisticated methods of media manipulation and electronic warfare to influence mass consciousness. It is common to misunderstand the nature of belief in 21st Century America and the level of socio-cultural engineering which has occurred since the early 1930s. The media’s role has been crucial in weaving an official story which has little connection to facts on the ground. Carefully selected words and images obliterate objective reality, something which one man knew very well indeed. Much of these initial techniques were drawn from Edward Bernays’ insights and taken to stratospheric levels. 911 cannot be understood without this knowledge. So, let’s have a brief refresher.

Jewish Austrian-American Edward Louis Bernays was a pioneer in the manipulation of the mass mind. His techniques have been used by successive governments, oppressive regimes, advertising agencies and intelligence agencies the world over. With a mix of concepts inspired by the psychology of Gustave Le Bon, Wilfred Trotter and his uncle Sigmund Freud he became known as the “the father of public relations” and the darling of the Establishment. “Propaganda” would morph into “Public Relations” under Bernays’ definition.

The man himself appeared to lack any conscience or sense of responsibility for his experiments and willingly sold his ideas to the highest bidder, whether they were an aspiring despot or corporate racketeer. His influences from psychoanalysis and  B.F. Skinner’s behaviourism meant that he saw manipulation as a necessity in society. He saw ordinary people as part of a wild and selfish group-mind that needed to be controlled, preferably by Elite stewards who could steer society in a “superior” direction of their choosing. As with all the other neo-feudalists whom we have explored so far, he had an extremely dim view of humanity and believed his “engineering of consent” was vital to maintain order and direct its evolution. Accordingly, he was to be hugely useful to the emerging Elite who took Bernays and his “enlightened despotism” to their hearts. [1]


Edward L. Bernays

One of Bernays techniques was the “third-party authority” whereby traditionally independent and trusted members of society are bought and paid for by PR firms to promote a particular product or political spin for their clients. If a doctor, scientist, or journalist gives their seal of approval then the public is more likely to believe what is being said. Although nowadays the public is a little more savvy and cynical regarding these basic methods, in previous years it proved extremely successful for a range of products. The third party technique is obviously still employed though with much greater subterfuge, where government or corporate clients will often keep their PR and lobbying connections hidden from prying eyes – the money involved is often too seductive to declare these conflicts of interest.

The instinct of fear as a linchpin of Freudian thought was integral to Bernay’s methods. He believed it was key to the success of propaganda techniques and urged the US government to ratchet up the fear quota in relation to communism so that the public would become more compliant and malleable to suggestion. He was employed by marketing and advertising companies as well as celebrities, charities and government agencies. Soap, perfume, cigarettes and commerce were all used as an experimental testing ground which proved time and again to be successful in predicting and leading public desires to prearranged outcomes.

Working for the Woodrow Wilson government he was yet another rising star to attend the infamous Paris Peace Conference in 1919 along with all the other World government advocates, international bankers and industrialist families who would later go on to form the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, and the House of Rothschilds’ Round Table Group   Bernays was crucial to the development and formation of social engineering that would be tested on the American people. It was to be the same promotion of the “scientific technique” underpinned by psychoanalysis, the hub of which was found at the Tavistock Institute in England.

The manipulation of the American public saw great strides under Bernays and his colleagues, CFR man Walter Lippmann, and media magnate Lords Rothmere (Harold Harmsworth) and Lord Northcliffe. The latter individuals were employed by Britain’s War Propaganda Bureau otherwise known as Wellington House founded in 1913 and named after the Duke of Wellesly. His task was to assist in the preparation of the American mind to accept and support entry into the First World War. Brainstorming sessions took place where the main target of propaganda operations were young working class men who were required to become machine-gun and cannon fodder on the fields of Flanders and the Somme, all of which was unknown to the American public.

The funding came firstly, from the British Royal Family, Rockefeller family trusts and several years later from the Rothschilds, to whom Lord Rothmere was related by marriage.  As the members of the board had links to Lord Milner’s Oxford set, the Round Table group, the Fabian Society, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the formation of “mass brain washing” meant that Bernays and his set of skills was employed directly in the service of the Establishment’s emerging Pathocrats. The tripartite relations of the arms industry, banking and Elite designs is a lucrative ideological and geopolitical formula that have defined the financial architecture up to the present day.

War propaganda also came under the guidance of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIAA) whose director of Future Studies, Fabian historian Alfred Toynbee acted as an important liaison. As Lord Rothmere owned both The Times of London and the Daily Mail it was deemed more than feasible that the shaping of the Anglo-American mind in favour of war could proceed.

Various propaganda techniques were tried out through Rothmere’s newspapers under Bernays’ expert tutelage. They discovered that the ability to reason was poor amongst the population, especially the uneducated which made up the vast majority of conscripts. It was the stimulation of mass emotional reaction accompanied by appropriate slogans and images of national pride and family protection that proved the greatest success.* As author and anarchist Edward Abbey has pointed out: “The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other – instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals.” This applied not just to seducing young men to fight wars but to all aspects of society that indirectly contribute to such a conclusion.


The headquarters of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations

The late ex-Intelligence analyst Dr. John Coleman and his own research tells us:

With the Tavistock plan modified to suit American conditions, Bernays and Lippmann led President Woodrow Wilson to set up the very first Tavistock methodology techniques for polling (manufacturing) so-called public opinion created by Tavistock propaganda. They also taught Wilson to set up a secret body of “managers” to run the war effort and a body of “advisors” to assist the President in his decision-making. The Creel Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States.  [2]

In 1921, the ideology of Woodrow Wilson’s handlers met the Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, who gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shell-shock on British soldiers who survived World War I. The British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare sent for Sir John Rawlings-Reese who was given the job of discovering the threshold or “breaking point” of men under severe stress. This was the official starting point, but the ambitions of the Institute were far broader.

Edward Bernays helped to spread Freud’s theories into the USA while assisting the rise of a particular brand of corporatism and social science based on the same. His books Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) became bibles of manipulation in business and government circles alike, spawning the growth of Public Relations in Europe and America. In 1919, he had opened for business as a Public Relations Counsellor in New York, with clients falling over themselves to learn the art of engaging the public mind, tailoring their goals to want what they didn’t need. Selfishness, instinct, fear and the importance of Pavlovian responses sat upon an abiding materialism and distrust in human nature, all of which served to feed the machine of the 4Cs. **

German-born Dr. Kurt Lewin became director of Tavistock in 1932. He went on to set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which worked closely with Edward Bernays’ propaganda campaign to make the American mind amenable to war with Germany. A ratline of psychologists began to create a conduit between the US and UK. By 1937, Wellington House had transferred operations to the Tavistock Clinic which became the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in 1946. The Climax of Civilization (1917) by Correa Moylan Walsh and Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of Western Civilization (Untergange des Abenlandes) were incorporated into an ideological model which included world government and the precepts of A New World Order. Both authors drew from the usual neo-feudal beliefs which augmented the need to regulate and shape societies. This led to the Institute becoming host to renowned behavioural psychologists and the study of group psychodynamics.  [3] The founding members of the Tavistock Institute were dispatched across the world stage to tweak social and political policy. Brigadier John Rawlings Rees was psychiatrist to Rudolph Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy whilst Ronald Hargreaves became deputy director of the World Health Organization (WHO).

As another round of economic destabilisation was required as per the “break and make” formula, World War II loomed into view and the same techniques were employed. The key to this success was to place undue emphasis on the irrationality of the human mind; to elevate this “natural human flaw” to a level that was abnormal in the public consciousness, so much so, that we would all come to believe that this made up a large proportion of the human condition. This implanted conditioning meant that it became easier and easier to manipulate through an array of Pavlovian distractions. In combination with the Hegelian formula, human psychology was like putty in the controllers’ hands.

Tavistock was at the centre of the Nazi elite exodus after of the war and acted as the lab for the continuation of Nazi experimentation in psychology already advanced in wartime Germany through the discoveries of Josef Mengele  in the concentration camps. Tavistock gave the psychological foundation for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) the precursor to CIA, which continued to work from Tavistock guidelines.

ossWith the 1938 Special Operations Executive agreement between Roosevelt and Churchill already in place allowing British interests to dominate American operations, Dr. Lewin took on the directorship of the Strategic Bombing Survey, which was tasked with bombing civilian housing and avoiding military targets and munition depots inside Germany. As we have established, World War II was a bonanza for the international bankers who did not want to see their liquid assets destroyed. Germany had always been a national asset to be preserved for a long term economic power base within Europe. Instead, the ordinary German populace was to be the bulls-eye. Women, children and old people perished in their thousands amid urban fire-storms perpetrated by the Royal Air Force and the celebrated Sir Arthur Travers “Bomber” Harris. Such carnage was celebrated in war-time news reels as inflicting crucial blows against Germany’s war machine. The truth was rather different. The machine was to remain intact – it was far too useful, the truth of which was buried.  Germany was a vast experiment with Tavistock collecting valuable data for future operations.


Diagram of Tavistock connections from ex-Intel operative John Coleman’s: “The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300” (2000).

The Rockefeller impetus to shape the sexual behaviour of Britain and America stemmed from their meetings with their members at the Tavistock Institute. By inverting sexual and social mores, weakening the public’s ability to think critically and breaking down the family unit, ethics and the concept of the sacred, new forms of mass identity and psychological states of mind were inculcated which would best serve the Elite. (See: The Sex Establishment)

Cultural Marxism conjoined with psychoanalysis, and psychodynamics would eventually be used as part of the National Security State, from MK-ULTRA to present day torture techniques in a variety of rendition nations. Freudian psychology would form the basis of a mass defragmentation of character by implanting new socio-sexual “norms” and the introduction of the LSD “counter-culture” fused with New Age psychedelia. A distinctly Kinseyian “revolution” became not so much about love but a mechanistic tool for gratification which further eroded meaning, male and female identity and the proliferation of tribal labels and groupings. The net result was confusion, nihilism, narcissism and the consequent loss of meaning in society. And all that meant populations much easier to control in the face of rising fields of information.


The Tavistock network is firmly embedded in the UK-US institutions, extending from Britain’s University of Sussex to America’s Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen Institute who have garnered a reputation for mind control studies linked to CoIntelpro operations within the New Age movement. The Heritage Foundation, MIT, Hudson Institute, Centre of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at Georgetown, where US State Dept. personal are trained and US Air Force Intelligence who joined hands with the RAND corporation: all these were foci for crowd psychology, the experimentation of which was – and still is -visited on the American public.

Today, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is still very much involved in research and consultancy work in social science and applied psychology. The organisation claims its clients are: “international agencies, the EU and its research bodies, UK local and central government and UK research bodies, … private sector and other clients such as regional agencies, health authorities, local authorities, charities and small family firms … and some private clients. In other words, pretty much anyone. Alongside ownership of the international social sciences journal, Human Relations, it owns none other than a very popular and substantial conspiracy forum: “Godlike Productions”.

It is an extremely high probability that this forum is the product of a social experiment devised by Tavistock in order to not only monitor the pulse of alternative and conspiracy-minded individuals in cyberspace, but to muddy the waters of such research. Why else would an institute rooted in unpleasant social engineering programs on behalf of the UK government own such a forum? Moreover, since Godlike Productions has built a considerable reputation as a primary CoIntelpro honey-pot and a major source of the most abject disinformation available on the internet, it is more than curious that Tavistock has ownership. And as one commentator noted: “If it’s happening in the backwoods of the internet, in a place like Godlike Productions, what does that say about the Facebooks and Twitters of the world?” Not that you would have any suspicion of Tavistock’s dark history and present government connections. Upon visiting their website at it offers a suitably clinical yet wholesome image of sociocultural assistance. [4]

Tavistock’s behavioural psychology and social engineering advances are ensconced in the minds of various Anglo-American think-tanks. These in turn, are associated with political old boys’ clubs like the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome, who then come up with mass mind memes designed to create the required responses. This is, in part, Bernays’ legacy, where the relationship is one of a constant feedback loop of information design adhering to the mix of occult “Olympian” belief systems.

In his ground-breaking book entitled: Propaganda (1928) Bernays argued that manipulation of the public was natural and necessary in the maintenance of democracy:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. [5]

conform2Still from “They Live” (1988) Directed by John Carpenter

If it was so in the early part of the last century, it is has become turbo-charged in today’s society with the advent of many sophisticated psychological techniques which have trickled into the commercial and public realm. One such operation was under Dwight Eisenhower’s administration who was duped into giving the go ahead for a program of “psychological warfare and political action” and “subversion,” dubbed Operation PBSUCCESS against the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán.

With the help of Guatemalan military general Carlos Castillo Armas, who formed a military junta, the president and his government were removed and replaced with a military junta which was all based on Bernays’ carefully constructed package of lies and manipulation predicated on the already sensitive fear of Communism. Arbenz was branded a communist in the US and European media until “Reds-under-the-bed” paranoia was clamouring for his removal. In truth, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán’s social welfare policies proved highly successful in providing work and a variety of social benefits which were eventually deemed a threat Western interests, in particular the multinational corporation United Fruit Company (today’s Chiquita Brands International). [6]  We have seen the same formula play out over Latin America for decades and most particularly with the late Hugo Chavez and other South American leaders finally taking the courageous step to reject the role of lap dogs for Anglo-American imperialism. (Yet, it seems the CIA finally had its way as Venezuela descends into another round of chaos).

Propaganda has been used to plant false stories in the media to oust legitimate governments and whip up collective fears so that the suppression populations around the globe with violence and intimidation can take place without there being much of a hue and cry. Latin America in the 1970’s and 1980’s was perhaps the most vicious and sustained attack against the right of peoples to determine their own destiny. The USA used the spread of Communism as justification for banking and resource control. It was this experimentation that provided much of the groundwork for what was to come.

Secrecy of the National Security State has fused with the corporate world and private security firms, allowing unfettered greed and power to multiply as cancer in a vast petri-dish. It is for this reason that enormous PR companies like Burston-Marsteller can straddle the world acting as channels for immoral and corrupt influence. The ambitious engineering of 9/11 would simply not have been possible to pull off without this groundswell of financial, military and PR power to back it up. As writer John Stauber observes: “Public relations is now inseparable from the business of lobbying, creating public policy, and getting candidates elected to public office. The PR industry just might be the single most powerful political institution in the world. It expropriates and exploits the democratic rights of millions on behalf of big business by fooling the public about the issues.” [7] When this is combined with an intelligence apparatus, think-tanks and global policy institutions, it represents another indicator of a breakaway society completely set apart from civil society. We are all forced to indulge their psychopathic fantasies for ultimate control, which of course, can never work despite creating untold destruction along the way.

Since the days of Bernays, virtual reality is not found within the software of new technology but is hardwired into our very brains. Our perceptions have been managed with greater alacrity by the advent of transhumanist technology but it is the principles of American education which have been responsible for eroding understanding and independence of mind in favour of info-tainment and the cult of artifice. It is belief and iconography that is the arbiter of reality in ways which have become so ingrained it is difficult to see how it can be outgrown.

Official culture grows not just from a habitual mediocrity and fear of change but a gradual disabling of our ability to think. This stems from dissociative states drawn from trauma and slow-burn, emotional hurts accumulated over decades from the encroachment of societal pathology. A link to meaning and the promise of something more than materialism is suffocated by the sheer speed of a technocratic mainframe designed to change the very cognitive processes involved in learning. Education in America has been dumbed down since the invasion of the industrialist families and Rockefeller-Tavistock agents got to work to shape the public mind in concert with Bernays-led Public Relations.

So, in this way, it is no surprise that, in combination with the deep state and pervasive corruption as a way of life, the events of 9/11 were permitted to run their criminal course. This has been a long-term experiment which culminated in an ambitious false flag terrorist attack designed to take the world into the next phase of global operations.


* Peter Francis in article commemorating the centenary of the First Great War puts it all into perspective when he states: “If all the British Empire’s dead of the First World War were to march four abreast down Whitehall, it would take them almost four days and nights to pass the Cenotaph.” – ‘Mapping the Impact of the Great War’ ,August 16, 2012, by Peter Francis |

** 4Cs = commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control.


[1] ‘The Century of the Self: The Untold History Of Controlling The Masses Through The Manipulation Of Unconscious Desires’ By Adam Curtis, BBC Documentary, 2006. [2] The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations : Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of The USA by John Coleman. Published by Joseph Holding Corporation, Incorporated, 2005 | ISBN 0963401971, 9780963401977.
[3] ‘Tavistock: The Best Kept Secret in America’ Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001.

[4] A list of articles on why it is better to steer clear of GLP:  ‘Why can’t you say “Tavistock” on Godlike Productions?’ By Rob Daven, September 2012, Rob Daven I ‘Godlike Productions and the Science of Shill’ By Frater Isla|’Beware of GodLikeProductions’: |Will the REAL “Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)” please stand up? By Joe Quinn, June 6, 2004 | ‘How to Spot CoIntelpro Agents’
[5] p. 10; Propaganda By Edward L. Bernays, 1928.
[6] ‘War on Truth: The Secret Battle for the American Mind’ by John Stauber, The Sun, March 1999.
[7] CIA and Assassinations: The Guatemala 1954 Documents. U.S. National Archive.
[8] op.cit Stauber.


9/11: The Point of No Return?

By M.K. Styllinski

 “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.”

 – President G.W. Bush, at the United Nations, November 10, 2001

9-11_Truth_2Note: Let it be said right at the start: I am no 9/11 scholar. This is merely an attempt to refresh our minds about the nature of the September 11th attacks in the context of an emerging Pathocracy and the subjects previously discussed. Therefore, what follows in this series is in no way a comprehensive analysis of what is, after all a vast topic. That said, as part of an exploration of why humanity stands at the threshold of massive change, it would be foolish not to include a summary of the key elements involved in such a global marker. I hope the following posts help to at least clarify the subject for those beginning to take a serious look at the nature of our reality in this context.

September 11th 2001 and the World Trade Centre attacks are a signpost in the fortunes of social control. It was the day – perhaps more than any other in the last two hundred years – that saw geo-strategy and our societies change for the worse. With any major act of synthetic terror there is a window of opportunity to perceive the objective reality behind the noise and smoke before Official Culture brings the shutters down once more. Since 2001, anyone who has taken the time to carefully sift through the discrepancies, distortions and obvious lies of the official conspiracy theory will have to navigate through the minefield of individual and collective belief as to how the world works. We bridle at accusations that our thinking is often just second or third hand opinion lifted from mainstream radio, T.V., newspapers or blogs. Seldom do we truly question what we are being force-fed through the constant osmosis of “news”. What the mainstream media (MSM) and most of current academia believe doesn’t just impinge on our own evaluations but very often exclusively determines the quality and direction of our opinions. This is why the media has such a crucial role to play in the correct presentation and dissemination of information.

Unfortunately, we cannot trust the MSM to provide unbiased and objective analysis due to a variety of conflicting interests from corporate, government and Psychological Operations teams (PSYOPS) embedded in media institutions for decades and the internet since its inception. Our news is layered over with self-censorship and journalistic pride that will not touch subjects deemed taboo for fear of losing their job or even worse, losing respect and prestige so coveted in their respective fields. As a result, there are well-known journalists and academics for which the subject of 9/11 is off-limits because it is has evolved into such a “hot potato” of controversy that to address it would mean the end of their social standing.

It is also true that certain persons still operate from a hopelessly juvenile dictionary which they still prefer to use when appraising personal and external realities. They derive comfort in overly simplistic versions of national and international events, despite the apparent expertise and erudition in their chosen field. Their beliefs come first and reality is tailored towards it. They cannot and will not sanction the idea that a coup d’état could have taken place on September 11th and no amount of reasoning will alter such a position. The often smug, post-modern denials and ad hominem attacks are used as a battering ram against those wishing to find the truth and if you start to make some headway in connecting the dots you will likely be on the end of carefully targeted character assassination by the fearful and ill-informed.

Official Culture determines what is or isn’t possible regarding the nature of governments and the military-intelligence apparatus, which means an almost impenetrable wall preventing critical analysis and reasoned discourse. What is now labelled the 9/11 Truth Movement is no exception, having been thoroughly infiltrated by paid CoIntelpro agents tasked with sowing the seeds of in-fighting and disinformation.

Talk show host and “king of conspiracy theory”, Alex Jones is a prime example. Famous for his cringe-making rants and bombastic behaviour and extremely commercial internet websites, he manages to switch off anyone interested in discovering the objective truth about our world, though he naturally appeals to those of high school age just waking up to the world.  Jones exists to hoover up any and all information pertaining to conspiracy-related topics and thus helps to tarnish these subjects by association. If he happens to get invited on mainstream television he is so over the top and reactionary that any rational conversation is impossible. This is how CoIntelpro works: whether a conscious or unconscious agent, both will assist to deflect, distort and disinform.


Alex Jones Talk show host and “conspiracy king”.

Similarly, Go to the internet pages of the very popular encyclopaedia Wikipedia and search for the pages on 9/11 and you will come away thinking that the 9/11 Truth Movement is inhabited only by delusional nerds, that the official story is beyond repute and supported by cast-iron facts. Wikipedia is visited by millions of people every day who might be persuaded by the obviously skewed presentation; where voluminous pages expound on the official story, affording little time for critical appraisal and alternative arguments.

In reality, there are many well qualified, experienced, rational and sincere persons for whom the official story of 9/11 does not and cannot possibly be anything but a fictional account. Anyone who approaches the subject with an open but skeptical mind and are able to think critically about this issue will inevitably come away with the disturbing conclusion that something is very wrong with the narrative we have been sold. Yet, there is a constant maintenance of the official story by the MSM and governments world-wide.

Once you start digging, the propaganda, blatant lies, fallacies and distortions are so painfully obvious to those who take the time, that it becomes truly shocking how deeply managed our culture truly is. And be assured, you don’t have to go very far before the central premise of the official story shows itself to be no more than a house of cards waiting to tumble. But fear is the cement upon which the bricks of belief can be constructed. And it is sometimes terrifying to have all that one thought good and true scattered to the wind. But it must be done if we are to have any hope at all going beyond an illusion of democracy.

“I Believe…”

Two words which have determined the course of history.

We humans have a curious predisposition to seek belief instead of facts. All actions or non-actions are based around either direct verification by experience and attention to supporting evidence or a preference for belief which includes neither. Belief systems set a demarcation line that cannot be crossed. One is happy in one’s belief and reality defines it.  Our wishful thinking tends to offer temporary comfort from the demons in our subconscious shadows. The wish to believe provides it with a formal structure which we can re-affirm in the outer world, surrounding ourselves with others who have chosen the same “consensus” through which to live their lives. Threats to those constructs are often resisted with logical fallacies and emotional reactions:

“Because the Bible says so and the Bible is the word of God.”

“I believe in Science. If there is no empirical proof then as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t exist.”

“You don’t believe in all that 911 conspiracy theory nonsense do you?”

Peer groups and tribal memberships provide a rich reservoir of socio-cultural knowledge offering a ready template for custom-made ideologies. This is gradually adapted to one’s own personality and conditioned by long-term memory. If it fits with our need to survive in society, perhaps buffering us from pain, fear and uncertainty, then our social position, values, and objectives will conform to it. Conformity – at whatever degree or level – is a defining factor accompanied by a dictionary of interpretation which must exclude other forms of knowledge. When such a dictionary becomes out-dated and in conflict with the facts – even though new knowledge lies alongside it – that interpretation becomes a juvenile one, locked into the past and resistant to change.

Change, as we all know, can be very painful.

dreamstime_m_20965675© Krutoeva | – Through Rose Colored Glasses Photo

When assumption and ignorance are chosen as a way to protect ourselves from uncertainty, responsibility and unpleasant memories then abstract ideas provide the tool for social engineering and the seeds for ponerological influences. It logically follows that one’s beliefs can facilitate directions which – though founded on good intentions and “Christian principles” – may not be in the individual’s, groups’ or societies’ best interests. Any belief tends to reduce the potential for creative choices by limiting the field of awareness and therefore the quality of consciousness.

Psychopaths, social dominators and authoritarian personalities cling to their beliefs as a confirmation of their chosen, highly subjective reality. They serve any figure of authority be it a new age guru, academic lecturer or any type of leader that confers rewards for obedience. They prefer fantasy rather than what is, especially if, in the authoritarian’s case, it provides certainty against the unknown, however simplistic.

The psychopath will create reality according to his instinctive, primal desires which exclude all else. He will bend and force life into his twisted conceptions, whatever the cost and whatever the stakes. He turns the world into a poker game with guns and aces up his sleeve. Our wish to believe lends him momentum to achieve his goals; the projection of his self-belief is willingly received by those whose inner nature is vulnerable and without foundation. Belief restricts an open system of learning, which often includes suffering. Suffering accompanies self-growth as we discover what is, rather than what we would like it to be.

The world is conspiratorial by nature though this fact has been successfully glossed over by a combination of wishful thinking and perception management. After all, if you want to suggest that the government and its agencies have our best interests at heart then the denigration of those who offer an unprejudiced search for truth outside of traditional corporate controlled media is a standard tactic. It is also pertinent to mention recent university studies which reveal that the 9/11 official story “gatekeepers” fit the profile of irrational and emotionally unstable individuals when exposed to an alternative view of reality, no matter how sensible or logical that reality may be.  In June 17, 2013 online journal 21st Century Wire included a post entitled: ‘New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane, while government dupes are crazy and hostile’. Psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent found that:

“The research … showed that people who favoured the official account of 9/11 were generally more hostile when trying to persuade their rivals.” […] “For people who think 9/11 was a government conspiracy, the focus is not on promoting a specific rival theory, but in trying to debunk the official account.”

In other words, the stereotype of the conspiracy theorist as lunatic, fringe-fanatic, in fact generally described those who defend the official conspiracy theory provided by the governments and their media outlets.

Political scientist Professor Lance deHaven-Smith’s book Conspiracy Theory in America (2013) published by University of Texas Press provides further insights into the term “conspiracy theory.”

It is a matter of historical record, albeit widely unknown, that the CIA embarked on an illegal propaganda campaign to circulate the phrase so that it became a pejorative term. (See: “In 1967, the CIA Created the Label ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ … to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the ‘Official’ Narrative). So, when people began to question the 1963 assassination of J.F. Kennedy they would be ridiculed and defamed thus providing a psycho-social protection for the subject. As we know, there is nothing more powerful than the herd instinct for self-preservation. In the Professor’s own words: “The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.”


September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, 2001.

Studies have also shown cognitive dissonance and “confirmation bias” dominates the perceptions of those who prefer to believe in the 9/11 official story and many other official versions of historical conspiracies, despite many of those “theories” since proven to have been conspiracy fact. While hard-core skeptics and self-avowed debunkers tend to exhibit an absolutist  persona backed up by a militant belief in materialist science, what may be at the root of this apparent quest to find the truth is nothing more than an abnormal emphasis on the left brain, a neurological deficiency which limits the ability to see beyond their own authoritarian beliefs. This was revealed in spectacular fashion by Professor Bob Altemeyer’s studies on authoritarian followers.

There remains today a wealth of information on the internet and in published books regarding the events of September 11th 2001. You may be one of those people who consider themselves open-minded and well-read, willing to take on new sources of information in order to learn about our world in order to expand your awareness. Although there has been a sea-change in collective awareness you would still be in the minority. When we approach the subject with an open but skeptical mind, and sift through the media and US government’s official story of September 11th, then we will come up against a “conspiracy theory” that is logically inconsistent, defies the laws of physics, flies in the face of rational, deductive observations and fails to explain the reasons and causes of these events on so many different levels that we will likely suffer a change in our world-view. Depending how inured one is in Official Culture this will result in two emotional responses and the choices which must follow:

1) Shock and cognitive dissonance as a result of one’s cherished beliefs about the world coming under attack and the fear and stress induced. A shoring up of those beliefs may occur, calling a halt to any further research and a determined crystallisation of the official story. Depending on how deep the threat to one’s beliefs the information presents, the seeking out of groups and persons who can bolster and buffer those beliefs will take place where ridicule, disinformation and authoritarian precepts rule the day. No matter how illogical or irrational the stance, nothing must be allowed to penetrate these beliefs since they are bound up with identity.

2) A period of disbelief and sadness, perhaps even an initial rejection, followed by an interlude of reflection and soul-searching. This might lead to a re-visiting of the subject and the determination to find answers. The choice is made to seek a better understanding of the issues involved and arrive at more objective appraisal. The only way to do this properly is to network with others who have also recognised that something is seriously amiss.

That does not imply that all the answers are immediately forthcoming or even correct, only that the government story cannot be true and therefore a new, independent investigation must take place, however improbable such a possibility may be.

This brings us back to the idea that there are two types of people who will gravitate to either an a priori belief and the comfort it offers at the expense of truth, or the ability to think critically while maintaining an open mind – a healthy skepticism if you will. Authoritarians, drawn from both conservative and the liberal, function largely on emotions which are used to defend their worldview. The intent behind any assessment of new information is based not on the search for truth but the need to maintain that belief and thus to “feel good”. Unexamined assumptions inform the reality of fundamentalists or absolutists who prefer order and error to complex truth. Since irrational criteria is used for assessing facts which are filtered through the controlling belief, they cannot be aware of their own indoctrination and dogma.


Freedom lights anniversary (wikipedia)

Ideally, true critical thinkers, with a broad knowledge of many fields test the certitude of their conclusions. Experiential knowledge and networking without prejudice acts as the litmus test for evaluations. Lying to themselves does not feature and nor do manipulative appeals to the emotions. Impartiality and objective observation of each opposing camp is analysed while using their heads and their hearts to position themselves fairly, even if it leads to the break-down of a hidden bias or the discovery of a set of assumptions. They are aware of how easily it is to deceive themselves. This latter grouping is lacking in relation to the 9/11 inquiries and related fields – most especially ponerology.

This is what makes the events of 9/11 a highly controversial issue because it is not simply a matter of addressing the gargantuan holes in the government story; it is akin to peeling away the outer layers of an onion which can stimulate a parallel process to occur within ourselves. It is here that we find the crux of the challenge: this process of discovery is potentially more painful than simply pointing out errors in logical reasoning and scientific principles; far more sensitive than addressing social, cultural and geo-political justifications for why the official story doesn’t make sense. As you dig deeper you realise that what we considered to be truth and reality is turned upside down and that is akin to experiencing a form of withdrawal from our addictive, Official Culture. Our faith and trust in our valued institutions and the beliefs – so often based on a false interpretation of history – can be shaken to the core. So much so, that our world-view begins to unravel and thus our sense of self.

If you are one of those who consider themselves outside such cultural shocks then perhaps your particular belief hasn’t been discovered yet. The deceptions inherent in the 9/11 attacks may be easy for you to take on board but there are sure to be other “sacred cows” lying buried …We all have them. When we have not been suitably prepared and these revelations happen too quickly we can fall into loneliness, sadness and even depression as a result of knowing what we would rather not know, perhaps having shielded ourselves from what we knew to be true deep down. Or, we can go to the other extreme and become drunk on the new information, our intellect inflating to the extent it squeezes out emotional nuance and thus proper communication. We become trapped in that particular mirror and over identify with the subject in question, becoming fundamentalist in our quest. 

This is the greatest challenge to the uncovering of information and knowledge regarding 9/11 and other crimes, as it demands that we shine the light on the darkness in the outer world thereby highlighting our own inner complacency. Those factions within the Establishment who may have sanctioned and perpetrated the events of 9/11 rely on the fact that many will not go against a complex and tightly-woven set of beliefs and their societal constructs. This programming instinctively resists any attempts at disclosure and investigation in favour of the status quo. 


© Alphaspirit | – Businessman Like An Ostrich Photo

The events of 9/11 are unquestionably a rich field of discourse not just because the world changed into a more paranoid and dangerous place since that tragic event, but because the answers to so many questions about the role and function of government, the media and commerce lie within it. It is the central core from which various paths of deleterious influence fan out, and which can be traced back to providing tangible benefits to a select few. Machiavellian strategies are always in the shadows stimulating these collective traumas in the mass mind and suitably conditioned to accept the solutions proffered, however ridiculous. Qui bono always applies.

After the whitewash of the 9/11 commission, the still deafening silence of much of the MSM and infiltration of the 9/11 Truth Movement by CoIntelpro, it may be that researchers and investigative journalists have lost the initiative they might have had. Every year which goes by gives an advantage to those who perpetrated this ambitious crime. The dire consequences for the American people and for the world in general cannot be overstated. The present police state in the USA and geopolitical events in the Middle East and the Ukraine are testament to this fact.

Despite this, there is hope. More and more people are deciding to think critically about the events of that day and the surrounding geo-political narratives. It will be an arduous task to produce a consensus where it counts regarding the events of that day, let alone push for an independent investigation. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that our social systems have largely evolved to keep us compliant and docile and/or pathological and disturbed. The tranquility of mind and openness necessary to make informed choices on this subject must be hard won, especially when Establishment dynamics largely operate in secrecy along with policies in plain sight which require an understanding of their vocabulary and insider language. Thanks to independent internet journalism the blindfold might be slipping … slowly but surely.

As noted in previous posts, secrecy and conspiracy are the standard pillars holding up our Official Culture. A reminder from historian and researcher Richard M. Dolan will underscore the fact:

“Nearly everything of significance undertaken by the military and intelligence community in the past half-century has occurred in secrecy. The undertaking to build an atomic weapon, better known as the Manhattan Project, remains the great model for all subsequent activities. For more than two years not a single member of Congress knew about it, although its final cost exceeded the then incredible total of $2 billion. During and after the Second World war, other important projects, such as the development of biological weapons, the importation of Nazi scientists, terminal mind control experiments, nationwide interception of mail and cable transmissions of an unwitting populace, infiltration of the media and universities, secret coups, secret wars and assassinations all took place far removed not only from the American public, but from most members of Congress and a few presidents. Indeed, several of the most powerful intelligence agencies were themselves established in secrecy, unknown by the public or Congress for many years.” [1]

Undue secrecy and manipulation on the part of Empire always fails in the end, albeit going underground. The trick will be to predict how and when those roots may rise again. Hindsight is after all, a wonderful thing. But thanks to pioneers in the fields of psychopathy and ponerology we are now seeing a return to ancient wisdom, which, down through the ages may have been alerting us to the evil in our midst. That’s where a finely-tuned psycho-social conscience is crucial in preventing the ascendance of psychopaths in power, and when it becomes a matter of soul survival for the individual and his culture.

So, with this in mind, how did it get to a state of affairs where the American public (and much of the world) could so easily accept the Hollywood version of 9/11?

To answer this question, we must take a brief detour back to Mr. Edward Bernays who contributed to a very modern psychological coup against the US population and the consequent systematic dumbing down of its education.



[1] p.23; introduction; UFOs and the National Security State Chronology of a Cover-up – 1941-1973 (2002) By Richard M. Dolan. Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Co.

Technocracy XIV: Psycho-Civilised

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards”

Aldous Huxley

Note: A re-read of ‘Satan’s Little Helpers VII: Mind War’ is advised.


The SMART-Surveillance Grid allows improvements in telecommunications, electricity provision and home functionality. It offers an exciting integration of eco-economics and energy saving technology along with the “Internet of Things” (IoT) and “Network of Things” (NoT) which is offering to revolutionise transport, communications and urban infrastructure as a whole. With embedded surveillance it permits advertisers, marketeers to access human minds as never before. Authorities can also tap in and use this consumerist techtopia to trap criminals and would-be “terrorists”. It requires that the State and Official Culture become so integrated through technology that the line will be blurred. Security and collectivism will be encouraged to a degree that compliance will be seen as good citizenship insofar as it maintains the urban environment and social provision. A new social contract will be loaded in favour of the State through a form of satiated servitude. (The Illuminist-Enlightenment thinkers would be well pleased).

So-called terrorists, dissidents/activists, protestors and ordinary citizens will need to be very concerned indeed on the road to SMART society as true individual thinking outside the box will slowly become frowned upon since it will not be conforming to the precept of a “psycho-civilised” society. The path of access to this dystopian view starts with ubiquitous surveillance.

As one short example illustrates, Britain’s Leeds-based Metropolitan Police Force is using a surveillance system procured from Datong plc., past customers of which have been the US Secret Service, the Ministry of Defence and unsavory regimes in the Middle East. The system is disguised as a mobile phone network which transmits a signal allowing the police or any other authority: “… to shut off phones remotely, intercept communications and gather data about thousands of users in a targeted area,” … “Strictly classified under government protocol as “Listed X”, it can emit a signal over an area of up to an estimated 10, forcing hundreds of mobile phones per minute to release their unique IMSI and IMEI identity codes, which can be used to track a person’s movements in real time.” [1]

This is just one regional police force.

While the online company Amazon will track you via your Kindle reader for targeted advertising pathway prediction, the authorities will do the same based on the accumulated data to which it has access. It will not be for what you might buy, rather it will access what you may be thinking and your likely course of action on the “threat assessment” scale. There is precious little happening to prevent Google and other information technology companies from rolling out the SMART Internet of Things infrastructure which has enormous implications for a privacy and collective freedoms. Wi-Fi is destined to play a huge role.

militarysmartcityUrban law enforcement and Telephone towers with technology which allows multiple receive-transmit capability 

The social benefits of providing free access to Wi-Fi hot spots for those in low-income brackets and incentives for business travellers are shielding plans by the U.S. Department of Defence: “… to build robots that configure themselves into ad hoc wireless networks within urban areas” which were already well underway in 2007. Seizing control of internet communications and tracking individuals in urban areas is a necessary by-product of the technocratic SMART society. If that fails, the military are well placed to set up these Wi-Fi networks in a matter of hours or less. The Department of Defence (DOD) Homeland Security, Canadian, Israeli and NATO forces regularly conduct war-game exercises with Wi-Fi networks at the heart of operations. A DOD announcement for contractors as described by journalist Mark Baard discloses operations whereby:

“… soldiers will be able to drop robots, called LANdroids … when they arrive in a city. The robots will then scurry off to position themselves, becoming nodes for a wireless communications network…The Wi-Fi antennae dotting the urban landscape will serve not only as communications relays, but as transponders that can pinpoint the exact positions of individual computers and mobile phones…where GPS loses site of a device (and its owner), Wi-Fi will pick up the trail. The antennae will also relay orders to the brain-chipped masses, members of the British Ministry of Defense and the DOD believe.” [2]

As people become more accustomed to SMART technology and RFID tagging this will lead to the acceptance of our “need” to ensure greater technological “freedom.” As well as the technological capabilities of HAARP lying in the background in some form or another and married to these advances in technology, is it such a huge leap of imagination to think that once we are fully enmeshed in this SMART society where everything is habitually integrated that it would not be easy to begin directly assessing, monitoring and “downloading” material directly into the mass mind? Television has already served this purpose well, albeit in a more indirect fashion. With this in mind, though some have since expired and at least one is no longer listed (as of 1990) the US patent office listed the following successful registrations dating back to 1992:

U.S. Patent 5159703: Silent Subliminal Presentation System. (issued 1992) U.S. Patent 5507291: Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to a person’s emotional state. (issued 1996) U.S. Patent 5629678: Implantable transceiver – apparatus for Tracking and Recovering Humans. (issued 1997) U.S. Patent 6014080: Body worn active and passive tracking device (issued 2000) U.S. Patent 5868100: Fenceless Animal control system using GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) Location information. (issued 1999) [3]

US patent No. 5507291 filed on April 5, 1994 shows the level advancement at the public level. What goes on beyond top secret levels of the National Security State is anyone’s guess. The patent’s “abstract” is described as follows:

“In a method for remotely determining information relating to a person’s emotional state, an waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual’s emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compared with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating interviewee’s responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas.” [4] [Emphasis mine]

And US patent No. 5159703, filed on December 28, 1989:

“A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.” [5] [Emphasis mine]

In the late Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino’s book: Mind War he explores psychological operations in combination with emerging technologies such as EM waves, Silent Sound and ionospheric mind control. Let’s not underestimate the power inherent within the human body /mind complex. After all, the electrical energy that powers each cell in our bodies works out at 30 million volts per metre, the equivalent voltage of a bolt of lightning. [6]Power within can be, as it were, reverse-engineered. From a footnote in the same chapter if you didn’t catch the first time, read it again in this context:

“… the NSA’s electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24hrs a day. […]

“When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person’s brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.”

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA) supports many of the claims of systematic surveillance stalking and virtual torture from electromagnetic waves and interference. According to one researcher amongst many, Dr. Armen Victoria’s  1998 essay regarding ‘The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technologystates the capability of cloning human EEGs for targeted mind control purposes where a variety of emotional responses and instinctive reactions: “… have been identified and isolated from the EEG, as ’emotion signature clusters’. Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured, then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesised and stored on another computer, each one of these negative emotions properly and separately tagged. ‘They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.” [7]

It appears that The Tri-Service Electromagnetic Advisory Panel (TERP) represents the interests of all three military services in the US. It is still conducting some of the most advanced research in the world which in turn, stems from the investigations made by the Russian pioneers in mind control technology during the early 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. Air Force has been researching ocular injury by exposure to millimetre wave system, bio-effects of High Power Microwave in low microwave regions (S band) and Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR). The use of High Power Microwave (HMP), by each of the military services seems to be commonplace. Judging by the wealth of research on the subject the US Navy is also getting extremely excited at the prospect of utilising electro-magnetic waves as a psychotronic weapon. We may then understand that the invasion of Iraq not only represented an opportunity to plunder a nation for resources and stake claim to a long held geopolitical prize, but to test out new developments in microwave weaponry and experiment with the latest PSYOPS.
As Guardian columnist John Sutherland put it: “The battlefield will be the testing ground for the US samurai. No more rhesus monkeys or pigs but real, live Iraqis.” [8]

According to Dr. Oliver Lowry who has had the dubious honour of working for the US military on several classified projects, Iraqi soldiers were the latest unwitting guinea pigs to further such advances, one of those being Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called SQUAD:

… According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency “Silent Sounds” or “Silent Subliminals”. Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by PSYOPS psychologists were clearly perceived by subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds. [9]

Humans are highly sensitive and susceptible to a variety of electromagnetic frequencies – natural or artificial. The human body is a highly sensitive package of water, bio-chemicals, and electromagnetic energies. The introduction and exposure to various kinds of external micro or EM waves of any kind whether from mobile phones RFIDs or even wind-farm infra-sound does and will have an effect on the human being in ways we do not understand. Consider also that the geo-magnetic sensitivity in animals and other living organisms concentrations of ferromagnetic material – most notably magnetite. The same levels of magnetite conductor / receptor bio-mineralization were discovered to exist in the human brain in the early 1990s. The authors of one paper say that the presence of the particles may account … for a variety of biological effects of low-frequency magnetic fields.” [10]


Electric field of the heart on the surface of the thorax, recorded by Augustus Waller (1887).

Weapons which target the mind and nervous system of selected individuals also has a long tradition. Reports of systematic mind stalking, harassment of individuals, testing and deployment of electronic and electromagentic devices (EMF) by government/outsourced agencies have been surfacing in the United States, North/South Korea and various countries in Europe. This has eroded human rights comprehensively with the added bonus for the persecutors that it is almost impossible to confirm and verify that which is literally “all in the mind”.

Though information in electronic/electromagentic or “non lethal Weaponry” is largely classified there is sufficient evidence from modern history and individual reports to reach the conclusion in a court of law that the targeted, micro-social use of behaviour modification technology is being used against individuals and activist groupings.

Interest in a variety of EMF weaponry had already begun at the beginning of the 20th Century with the genuis of Nikola Tesla and his experiments with radar and electrical energy. Concentrating and directing a beam of electromagnetic energy over a certain distance took hold of Tesla’s mind until his death in 1943. It seems the military-industrial complex heavily saturated in Nazi philosophy and science simply subverted Tesla’s genius and extended his advances in the field.

DARPA have been on the case since the Cold War with their 1958 research into combating Soviet advances in electromagnetic weapons and defenses. The capability to disrupt human emotions, inflict pain and fragment the personality was already well underway during pre and post-war experimentation under Operation MK-ULTRA, Project MONARCH, Project PANDORA and the development of PSYOPS and CoIntelpro emerging against the background of the civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s; behaviour modification had a new platform to play with.

Since that time with the enormous advances in “new concept” warfare there is every likelihood that a fusion of this military-intel science is not only being used as form of macro-social engineering and a monopoly of media-led propaganda, but the use of mass mind, ionosphere technology (fomerly labelled HAARP) to influence whole regions, even countries. It is therefore not a huge leap of imagination to recognise that the precision use of psychotronic weaponry to target selected individuals by the National Security State apparatus is in existence and heavily funded by black budgets.

Well in advance of the war on terror hoopla, Neo-Conservative regime change and the sky-rocketing increase in human/drug trafficking, mind control technologies were telegraphed to the military-intelligence faithful as the tool of choice to keep the world in line. The Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, published in 1994: ‘The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War’ by LTC James Kievit, Dr. Steven Metz. In the paper, the authors state the following drawn from their “hypothetical future scenario”:

The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs)… it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic… Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic ”consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed. As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the ‘warfighter’ mentality became irrelevant. […] Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each“. So the Institute of Strategic Studies supposed that in the year 2000 those technologies would be that advanced that it will be possible to deprive human being of his freedom and adjust his personality to the needs of ruling elite. Most probably those technologies were at this level already in 1994.

Put this together with Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), the SMART grid, MAIN CORE, biological and PSYOPS warfare and you begin to get the idea that the technology of assymetric warfare isn’t just about geostrategy to dis-empower traditional enemies such as Iran, Russia and China. It is about war against domestic population by stealth and in plain sight. According to Project Censored’s 2006 paper titled: ‘US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ offers a broad brush synthesis of the field and confirms the black budget capabilities available since the Zio-Conservative false-flag coup of 9/11:

“Michael Vickers, senior adviser to the Secretary of Defensefor the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review and principal strategist for the largest covert action program in the CIA’s history, recently testified on the importance of black operations: “US Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) emphasis after 9/11 has been to make white SpecialOperations Forces (SOF) more gray and black SOF more black. It is imperative, however, that white and black SOF be integrated fully from a strategic perspective.” [11]

CongnitiveMappingSource: Petri Ticklen at Original source: Against Electronic Mind-Control International /

Since the war on terror propaganda has now made sure that activists, dissidents and indeed anyone overtly successful in criticising government policy is shut down, detained or harassed it is hardly shocking to discover that some of these covert programs have been targeting people for experimentation in CIA rendition centres, prisons, psychiatric wards and across the general public with immunity. Project Censored authors state:

“…Hundreds of people continue to assert that a person or persons, whom they do not know,have been targeting them with electromagnetic weapons in a widespread campaign of either illegal experimentation or outright persecution. These experiences involved a number of discrete phenomena:

  • Hearing voices when no one was present.
  • Feeling sensations of burning, itching, tickling, or pressure with no apparent physical cause.
  • Sleeplessness and anxiety as a result of “humming” or “buzzing”.
  • Loss of bodily control, such as twitching or jerking of an arm or leg suddenly and without control.
  • Unexpected emotional states, such as a sudden overwhelming feeling of dread, rage, lust or sorrow that passes as quickly as it arises. [12]

And the industry of non-lethal weaponry (NLW) is steadily increasing playing a dominant role in asymmetric warfare abroad as well as crowd control closer to home. The market for NLW will apparently double by 2020. [13] That means big money. Almost ten years ago:

“…the Air Force issued $24 million in contracts for “Electro Magnetic Effects Research and Development” to Northrup Gruman, Voss Scientific, Lockheed Martin, ElectroMagnetic Applications, and SAIC among others. The DOD viewed electromagnetic research and development as a key component in future wars as early as the 1990s. Emmett Paige Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence declared in 1996 that, ‘Well over a decade ago, a Soviet general reportedly said something like ‘to prevail in the next conflict, one must control the electromagnetic spectrum.’ That statement proved true in the Bacca Valley and on deserts in Iraq. The Department of Defense is committed to ensuring that ‘in the next conflict it is we who will control the spectrum. We know its value’. Increasingly, the value of non lethal weapons continues to rise as they produce fewer images of death in the media than traditional weapons.’

In addition to DOD contractors, the realm of non-lethal weapons extends into the universities with millions of dollars in scholarships and research fellowships. Pennsylvania State University, sponsors the Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies (INLDT), the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey has the Stress and Motivated Behavior Institute, University of New Hampshire houses the Non-lethal Technology Innovation Center, and many US military schools have classes directly related to non-lethal weapons technology. There are also numerous conferences each year hosted by the Department of Defense, contractors and universities. The business of non-lethal weapons is expanding and will continue to grow. In 2006, the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate received $43.9 million compared to $25.8 million in 2000. [14]

By 2011, this had increased to $138 million, reaching $140 million in 2013. [15] If we read the US Department of Defence’s Annual Non-Lethal Weapons Program Annual reports, it would leave you feeling suitably humbled and sentimental, beaming with national pride that Uncle Sam and its numerous military bases are making the world a less lethal. Apart from such delusions, what is more interesting is how such NLW advances are leaking into law enforcement and perceived “National Security.” A passage from Project’s Censored’s report concerning one Eldon Byrd a medical engineer, underscores this point:

“After working on the Polaris submarine, which carried long-range nuclear weapons, Byrd developed non-lethal weapons with reversible effects. He regarded this as a humanitarian alternative to ‘punching holesin people and having their blood leak out’ in battle. His inventions used magnetic fields at biologically active wave frequencies to affect brain function. Byrd could put animals to sleep at a distance and influence their movements. When the success of his research became evident, suddenly he was pulled off the project and it went “black.” He believes the electromagnetic resonance weapons he developed have been used for psychological control of civilians rather than for exigencies in battle. That is, to ensure his participation, he was uninformed about the true nature of the project. Byrd’s case also illustrates how morally tolerable operations may transition to morally intolerable operations, or at least rise above the atrocity line.” [16]

It is this intentional compartmentalisation and factional nature of operations and directives within military and  intelligence agencies which allows pathological leadership to develop.

Back in 2006, Congress and George W. Bush signed the Military Commission Act of 2006. which allowed torture and suspension of due process as acceptable. Since that time, torture apologists from law, academia and the military have come out to justify such actions as necessary for the “greater good” once again, trashing the very concept of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and basic notions of conscience. The Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment is perfectly happy to use all and everything in its means to achieve its ends including the use of technology that cannot be detected nor recognised by Official Culture.

The somewhat infamous Dr. José Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School in the 1960s and 70s, and later Professor of Neurobiology in Madrid, Spain, had gained quite an internet following of shock and revulsion based around his similar pathological view of the capabilities of psychosurgery. He urged the U.S. government to make “control of the mind” a national goal. [17] He cheerily – and perhaps ill-advisedly – voiced his opinion and those of his superiors regarding the future:

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday, armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain”. [18]

Dr. José Delgado was nothing if not thorough in his research. In 1965, The New York Times reported on Delgado’s successful experiment in the use of electronic implants connected to the motor nervous system of a bull – the unfortunate animal was stopped from charging by remote radio-control. The bizarre capabilities of surveillance was demonstrated when he surgically implanted a cat with an electronic implant which transmitted everything the poor moggy was seeing and hearing to a TV monitor.

The Doctor’s foray into publishing produced Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-civilized Society (1969) which helped to confirm his Dr. Evil status on the net – not without justification. The doc is messianic in his belief that humans will undergo “psycho-civilization” by uploading the contents of their brains directly to machines and vice versa. With statements like that it is unlikely that he limited his experiments to animals. According to a 2001 interview for Cabinet magazine conducted by artists and writers Magnus Bärtås and Fredrik Ekman there are still many of Delgado’s descriptions in his own articles and reports of how he moved from animals to humans in contemporary American medical libraries. The reporters relate how Delgado, Dr. Mark, and other colleagues: “describe what was the first clinical use of Intracerebral Radio Stimulation (IRS) on a human being. The stimoceiver itself only weighed 70 grams and was held fast by a bandage.”

Dr. Jose Delgado, deep brain stimulation (DBS) researcher at Yale University and author of the book, Physical Control of the Mind (1986)

Dr. Jose Delgado, deep brain stimulation (DBS) researcher at Yale University and author of the book, Physical Control of the Mind (Third Edition: 1986)

In an article called “Radio Control Behavior” in the February 1969 issue of The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease there are descriptions of patients who had undergone procedures to attach the device to their brains.

Case studies include:

… A black fourteen-year-old girl on the border of developmental disability who grew up in a foster home suddenly goes into a fury that leads to the death of her two stepsisters. A thirty-five-year old white industrial designer who ends up killing his wife and children flies into a rage when other motorists try to overtake him and he chases them and tries to run them off the road. Their aggressive behavior is supposed to be registered by the stimoceiver in the way a seismograph registers the earth’s tremors and the same stimoceiver is then to “turn them off” via the FM transmitter. [19]

In the interview Delgado admits that as far as he was aware nothing came of the IRS device due to the complexity of the brain and the unreliability of the mapping: “We never knew which parts of the brain we were stimulating with the stimoceiver. We didn’t even manage to prevent epileptic attacks, which we thought would be the simplest of things. We never found the area where epilepsy attacks originate.” [20]

The authors reveal their surprise at his: “casual attitude towards the stimoceiver which was heralded as a great contribution to science.” Although Delgado’s attitude conforms to later developments regarding the brains plasticity and almost holographic nature, normal practice for radar experiments in psychological control were to appropriate and integrate into covert programs. After all, mind control operations were/are still continuing. It was at the congressional hearings on the CIA sponsored MK-ULTRA operations that Delgado made his famous declaration of psychosurgery. It seems highly improbable that such experiments were ignored especially when they often yielded startling results.

To illustrate the effectiveness of electro-stimulation Delgado and his colleagues: “… orchestrated violent scenes in the lab” descriptions of which were captured in the book: The Brain Changers: Scientists and the New Mind Control (1973) by Maya Pine who relates one incident typical of the research in question:

As the film opens, the patient, a rather attractive young woman, is seen playing the guitar and singing “Puff, the Magic Dragon.” A psychiatrist sits a few feet away. She seems undisturbed by the bandages that cover her head like a tight hood, from her forehead to the back of her neck. Then a mild electric current is sent from another room, stimulating one of the electrodes in her right amygdala. Immediately, she stops singing, the brainwave tracings from her amygdala begin to show spikes, a sign of seizure activity. She stares blankly ahead. Suddenly she grabs her guitar and smashes it against the wall, narrowly missing the psychiatrist’s head. [21]

As the authors delved deeper into the experiments on people Delgado became suspicious and tense. He terminated the interview not long after. Rather than regretting his time of psychosurgery innovation it is likely that Delgado was feeling petulant about being left out of the loop after his data was integrated into the continuing experimentation. He may have had considerable lack of success with the vagaries of brain plasticity but his work on animals was highly valued during the parallel mind control work of MK-ULTRA and other operations. Though unconfirmed, it is thought that Delgado worked on Project PANDORA as part of the CIA’s experiments into electromagnetic modulation with particular attention to scrambling the minds of soldiers on the battlefield. It was at exactly the same time that the CIA began to conduct radiation experiments on the US population, just prior to Delgado starting his research on electro-magnetic radiation and its capacity for influencing people’s consciousness.

After the 1974 congressional hearings the Doctor continued his animal research managing to link his brain implants with computers. This was documented in “Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the Brain” published in 1975 where he stated:

“The most interesting aspect of the transdermal stimoceivers is the ability to perform simultaneous recording and stimulation of brain functions, thereby permitting the establishment of feedbacks and ‘on-demand’ programs of excitation with the aid of the computer. With the increasing sophistication and miniaturization of electronics, it may be possible to compress the necessary circuitry for a small computer into a chip that is implantable subcutaneously. In this way, a new self-contained instrument could be devised, capable of receiving, analyzing, and sending back information to the brain, establishing artificial links between unrelated cerebral areas, functional feedbacks, and programs of stimulation contingent on the appearance of pre-determined patterns” [22]

In true “mad professor” fashion, Delgado continued his experimentation  on an island in Bermuda, where a group of gibbons were placed at his disposal. Naturally, the doctor had them all fixed with electronic brain implants which led him to discover how to build and destroy social orders using electrical brain boosts. [23] This would have been right up the technocratic street that was emerging in the warfare-ridden 1970s. So, this begs the question: after over thirty years of electronic implant tinkering what has the Pentagon, DARPA, NSA and unknown agencies come up with besides the RFID tagging systems? Our old friend the Nazi-tainted IBM needs to be brought in here.

Reflect on this confidential memo covertly obtained all the way back from October, 1995 from INTELLI-CONNECTION, a Security Division of IBM. In the form of an office memo, it reveals some interesting information. An edited extract follows:



   “Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but we have entered into contractual testing of our product. We have also had major successes in privately owned sanitariums with implant technology… In California, several prisoners were identified as members of a security threat group, EME, or Mexican Mafia.

   They were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories.

   The implant procedure takes about 60-90 minutes depending on the experience of the technician. We are working on a device that will reduce that time by as much as 60 per cent. The results of implants on 8 prisoners yielded the following:

   Implants served as surveillance monitoring devices for threat group activity. Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff. Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealed that when the implant was set to 116 Mhz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of 18-22 hours per day. All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 116 Mhz test evaluation…”

   Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period and the findings are conclusive that 7 out of 8 test subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked. Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment.

   Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment. The security windfall from the brief test period was tremendous. Security officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into their correctional facilities … In Massachusetts, the Department of Corrections had already entered into high level discussions about releasing certain offenders to the community with the 2020 neural chip implants.” [24]

What is the probability that such technology has been way in advance of anything we see from outsourced DOD departments which are overt and relatively open to public discourse? What of deep black projects far away from any oversight? Might we assume that such R & D may be in development, the results of which could be used on the potential activist, dissident or “terrorist” when the SMART-Surveillance society (SSS) is fully integrated into a comfortable, consumerist paradise?

If we take the infestation of Satanic Ritual Abuse networks which appear to be seated in most centres of power and seeping into the waiting SSS managed by mind control technology both overt and covert, this is surely worse than any science-fiction novel we can imagine. If we are to give credence to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s visions, which in any case, may simply be explanatory notes to his fellow comrades signalling what will happen, the technology may already be in place and operational.

In his 1970 book Between Two Ages Brzezinski writes:

“… of a future at most only decades away,” upon which he related the opinion of an experimenter in intelligence control who asserted: ‘I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.” [25]

This is the darker side of the transhumanism crowd and which permeates social network corporations, military-intelligence and the DARPA inspired National Surveillance state. The music emanating from SMART grid technology is that of the Pied Piper lulling his followers into a false dawn. Saturating ourselves in W-Fi and locking ourselves into a EMF grid; making our gadgets indispensable for our most basic daily needs is exactly what this mainframe seduction is all about.

Part of being psycho-civilised is that we become seduced by the promise of more and more access, increasing efficiency and the ever smaller distance between “want” and “have.” The problem is, it appears to be an illusion, engineered with great precision, doffing it’s hat to ecological principles and economic alternatives whilst retaining a core-machine centralisation.

If we do not see the Magician behind these pretty lights and virtual enticements, these amenities offering a New Order of efficiency and ease, we will end up exactly as Henry David Thoreau wrote about his fellow man whom he believed had become : “… as tools of their tools.” When that happens and in combination with our illustrious pathocratic leaders, there may be very few choices to think freely, let alone act. We will be quite literally lost in the “simulation and simulacra”.

That is the antithesis of SMART.

See also: Satan’s Little Helpers VI: Sleepers and Electro-Shocks



[1] ‘Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones’ The Guardian October 3, 2011.
[2] ‘Urban Wireless to Serve Intel and PSYOP forces’ by Mark Baard, July 19, 2007.
[4] ‘Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to person’s emotional state’ Inventors: Stirbl; Robert C. (New York, NY), Wilk; Peter J. (New York, NY) Appl. No.: 08/222,835 Filed: April 5, 1994 / 5,507,291 Stirbl et al. April 16, 1996. www.
[5] ‘Silent subliminal presentation system’ Inventors: Lowery; Oliver M. (Norcross, GA) Appl. No.: 07/458,339 Filed: December 28, 1989, issued as United States Patent 5,159,703, October 27, 1992. www.
[6] Utility Services in India’ |
[7] The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technology’ by Dr Armen Victorian Lobster Magazine 1998. [8] ‘Horrifying US Secret Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad’ By Bill Dash, August 25, 2003.
[9] .‘Ariel Mind Control’ by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
[10] ‘Magnetite Biomineralization in the Human Brain’ by Joseph L. Kirschvink, Atsuko Kobayashi-Kirschvink and Barbara J. Woodford, National Academy of Sciences. | Vol. 89. Biophysics, 1992.
[11]’US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, As Study of the History of US In telligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons, Completed December 2006, Sonoma State University, Project Censored Media Freedom Foundation.
[12] Ibid.
[13] ‘Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW): Industry, Technologies & Global Market’ 2014-2020 Aug 19, 2014 |
[14] Ibid.
[16] Many accounts on psychotronic abuse are available to read in books and online. Some links: | [16] op.cit Philips, Brown, Thornton.
[17]The People Shapers by Vance Packard, published by Little, Brown & Co., 1977, (p.4).
[18] Joseph Delgado February 24, 1974 edition of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (MKULTRA hearings) No. 26, Vol.118.
[19] ‘Psychocivilization and Its Discontents: An Interview with José Delgado’ by Magnus Bärtås and Fredrik Ekman, Cabinet magazine, Issue 2 Mapping Conversations Spring 2001.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Ibid.
[22] ‘Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the Brain,’ Delgado, Lipponen, Weiss, del Pozo, Monteagudo, and McMahon, a co-operative publication of the Medical University of Madrid, Spain, and Yale University Medical School, 1975.
[23] Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness Jim Keith, IllumiNet Press, 1999. (p.99)
[24] ‘The IBM 2020 Neural Implant’ The Phoenix Project, Dr. Al Overholt, quoting from The California Sun, by Herb Dorsey, Feb. 1997. See also: (
[25] op. cit. Brzezinski (p.15) (Between Two Ages)

Technocracy XI: Social (SMART) Grid and “Cognitive Infiltration”

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

thSocial networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Yahoo! and others have offered new ways to chat, make friends, speed-date and keep in touch with family wherever you are. It has revolutionized information in ways which we are only just beginning to understand. The networks have become such a normal part of our daily lives in such a short time that it is only recently that serious questions about privacy and surveillance have filtered through to the MSM. But ethical questions are being left behind as the Information Age surges ahead. Indeed, if you don’t have a Facebook account then you have already consigned yourself to the hinterlands of suspicion and abnormality. According to some, this may even be a red-flag for suspected terrorist or paedophile. Such is the power of social networking websites on society and the ridiculous assumptions now circulating. [1] $billion companies like Twitter and Facebook have become the largest database on the global population, representing a free and easy resource for intelligence agencies to data-mine. With over 900 million active users it is not difficult to see how useful data catchment could be.

Growing awareness that social networks are being used by intelligence agencies to monitor citizens’ activities prompted cyber-consumer advocate Electronic Frontier foundation (EFF) to file requests in October 2009 to provide records about federal guidelines on the use of social networking sites for investigative or data-gathering purposes. Among other issues related to surveillance as discussed previously, they sued the CIA, the US Department of Defence, Department of Justice and three other government agencies for allegedly refusing to release information on their involvement in social networks. The cases are on-going.

There are so many dubious aspects to Facebook aside from its intelligence connections and origins it is hard to know where to start. We will pinpoint a few however.

The company makes no secret of is its drive to know everything about its members. It wants to extract and mine as much the data from them as is humanely possible and then make it available to all kinds of interested parties. The implications of their drive to happily make your social life – including information you might not ordinarily reveal – fully integrated into the net experience is of course, never discussed. Facebook has been busily creating “Shadow Profiles” in a bid to extract even more information. Using various functions on the software interface which encourages users to share personal data of other users and non-users of Facebook such as mobile phone synchronization, search queries, friend invitations, email-provider imports and instant messaging means that even if you don’t use Facebook you may have a profile nonetheless. [2]

Since Facebook is such a fan of being “social by default” then it shouldn’t be concerned when the tables are turned. Since Facebook revealed in 2012 that more than 83 million Facebook accounts (8.7% of total users) were fake accounts, ongoing controversies with privacy issues, class action lawsuits and litigation as well as the virtual ownership of members’ profiles, it is hardly surprising this was reflected in the stock value which dropped below $20 in the same year. [3]

th“You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content.”

– Facebook Terms of Service. (It has since been updated yet protests groups claim little has changed).

When independent software developer Pete Warden crawled all the data that Facebook’s privacy settings changes had made public, the company sued him. This occurred before the Open Graph API system which means they were planning to make the data publicly available anyway. As Vice President of Engineering at Border Stylo Dan Yoder comments: “Their real agenda is pretty clear: they don’t want their membership to know how much data is really available,” stating further: “It’s one thing to talk to developers about how great all this sharing is going to be; quite another to actually see what that means in the form of files anyone can download and load into MatLab.” [4]

In 2010, a Canadian security researcher Ron Bowes created a specific crawler script which he then used to take information from Facebook’s open access directory. He managed to download 2.8Gb of personal details including credit card numbers, account names, profile URLs and contact details; names of those users’ friends, (even with hidden profiles) and more intimate photos of over 100 million Facebook users. This cache of private information gold was then dumped on P2P file-sharing service BitTorrent, which was subsequently downloaded by scores of major corporations many hundreds of times. The point was not the relative ease by which such data was “stolen,” though this is an important issue, it was the fact that the data is already publicly available, provided Facebook members have not chosen to hide their profile from search results. [5]

As of 2012, there are now a raft of members, celebrities, underwriters and advertisers all taking a cut of Facebook profits. On the management board is co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg with the largest ownership percentage of an individual at 28% (he is worth $33.1Billion) with co-founders Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, Sean Parker taking between 6-4%.  Venture capital company Accel Partners, Russian internet firm Mail du Ru take 10% repsectively and former PayPal CEO and venture capitalist Peter Thiel 3%. Thiel sums up Facebook’s history of double-dealing and entrepreneurship very well.

mark-zuckerbergCEO Mark Zuckerberg

The first lump sum from his venture capital funding amounted to $500,000 – a tidy sum no doubt drawn from his £3bn hedge fund Clarium Capital Management and a venture capital fund called Founders Fund. Thiel is the Author of an anti-multicultural missive The Diversity Myth and on the board of VanguardPAC a radical internet-based Neo-Conservative pressure group that was apparently set up to attack, a left-liberal pressure group website. VanguardPAC’s mission is to “reshape America and the globe” according to Neo-Conservative values – the type of values which are still carving up the Middle East. Thiel is certainly not the shy and retiring type and promotes a New World Technocracy laced with transhumanist and right-wing conservatism. The Guardian’s Tom Hodgkinson summarises Thiel’s curious mélange of fascist views: “… since the 17th century, certain enlightened thinkers have been taking the world away from the old-fashioned nature-bound life, and here he quotes Thomas Hobbes’ famous characterisation of life as ‘nasty, brutish and short’, and towards a new virtual world where we have conquered nature. Value now exists in imaginary things.” [6]


Peter Thiel: Technocratic Neo-Conservative

From where did Theil obtain his inspiration? Stanford’s University’s René Girard and his mimetic theory that states all cultures and ancient societies were built on the victimisation and an eventual sacrifice of the innocent, even though they believed they were guilty. Mythology was used to legitimise and rationalise the fact that society was founded on violence. If Girard believes that people are sheep and will follow the one strongest in the herd then according to Hodgkinson:

“The theory would also seem to be proved correct in the case of Thiel’s virtual worlds: the desired object is irrelevant; all you need to know is that human beings will tend to move in flocks. Hence financial bubbles. Hence the enormous popularity of Facebook. Girard is a regular at Thiel’s intellectual soirees. What you don’t hear about in Thiel’s philosophy, by the way, are old-fashioned real-world concepts such as art, beauty, love, pleasure and truth.” [7]

Perhaps this is something that may be said for much of the neo-feudalist collectives currently infiltrating our social systems?

Consider the other board member of Facebook, Jim Breyer a partner in the venture capital firm Accel Partners who put $12.7m into Facebook in April 2005:

“…. On the board of such US giants as Wal-Mart and Marvel Entertainment, he is also a former chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA). Now these are the people who are really making things happen in America, because they invest in the new young talent, the Zuckerbergs and the like. Facebook’s most recent round of funding was led by a company called Greylock Venture Capital, who put in the sum of $27.5m. One of Greylock’s senior partners is called Howard Cox, another former chairman of the NVCA, who is also on the board of In-Q-Tel. What’s In-Q-Tel? Well, believe it or not (and check out their website), this is the venture-capital wing of the CIA. After 9/11, the US intelligence community became so excited by the possibilities of new technology and the innovations being made in the private sector, that in 1999 they set up their own venture capital fund, In-Q-Tel, which “identifies and partners with companies developing cutting-edge technologies to help deliver these solutions to the Central Intelligence Agency and the broader US Intelligence Community (IC) to further their missions”. [8] [Emphasis mine]

With significant lobbying costs totalling over $41,000 in just one quarter of 2010 the focus of their expenditure was primarily intelligence agencies such as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was the only internet company to do so out of Google, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. The DNI is an umbrella office founded in the wake of 9/11 synthesizing intelligence from 17 agencies (including the CIA) and advises the President on privacy and federal cyber-security policy.

Which begs the question: Is Facebook lobbying merely to keep their operations free from interference for their Intel handlers?

Meanwhile, Facebook, Blogs, newspapers, radio TV channels, and internet chat rooms are poured over and monitored by the Open Source Centre or “vengeful librarians” – even the constant “tweets” from the Twitter network reaching over 5 million per day. Information is gathered by an army of analysts to find the low-down on the emotional level of a certain city demographic or whether a country is ready to be invaded or …”Democratised.”


 “Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine.”

– Richard Stallman, software freedom activist

It is now common knowledge that The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s command centre monitors blogs, forums newsgroups and message boards on a daily basis. Scores of popular websites, including Twitter, Facebook, WikiLeaks, Hulu, and many alternative and left-leaning news sites also come under the umbrella of US surveillance.

Among the many examples that the Obama Administration has provided and which go above and the beyond the Neo-Conservative crimes of the Bush-Cheney cabal is President Obama’s regulatory Czar and legal scholar Cass Sunstein. Just before his appointment as Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, this gentleman managed to add to the grand façade that is American democracy by writing a 30-page academic paper co-authored with Adrian Vermule entitled: “Conspiracy Theories.” In the paper he suggested the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. This “cognitive infiltration,” according to Sunstein, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.” This ban would be imposed on such heresies as anti-anthropocentric global warming; the World Trade Centre attacks on 911 were an inside job; Al-Qaeda is a US government-created mercenary unit for hire and a range of other proven conspiracy facts, most of which feature on this blog. By “conspiracy theory” Sunstein defines it as “an effort to explain some event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.”

Heaven forbid we should try to expose that …

And of course, Sunstein implies that that there are no conspiracies operating in government, banking and corporate activities and if you are one of the mentally deranged few that believe so, then medical help and a good psychologist is the only path open to you. It seems everyone is a potential extremist if you are aren’t giving the government a virtual back-rub. He further suggests: ““… a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” [9]

Cass SunsteinCass Sunstein 2011, (AP Photo)

Sunstein’s objective is to raise: “… doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action,” which places a whole new angle on some of many trolls and trouble-makers who periodically appear on website forums to sow seeds of discontent in ways which follow distinct patterns of emotional programming indicative of paid disinformation agents. Indeed, PSYOPS targeting the web have been in operation for several years, possibly since the internet’s inception in some form or another.  Sunstein’s suggestions are merely an updating of the US Dept. Defence’s Information Operations Road Map of the future. [10]

To make sure such a future – and the mass mind – is firmly where it should be DARPA means to keep biometrics and the internet connected to the same port (which, one day soon, may be located at the back of our skulls). Pentagon scientists are helpfully creating a program to use biometrics as a platform for creating a “cognitive fingerprint” which would dispense with all those passwords building up in our little black books. Which means, according to their website: “… validating any potential new biometrics with empirical tests to ensure they would be effective in large scale deployments.” Named the Active Authorisation Program (AAP) it offers deep analysis of the user’s cognitive processes and thus their online behaviour in the hope of inventing new forms of biometrics so that your identity can be ascertained.

Parallel to this grateful assistance in making our lives so much more efficient and safe, online tech journal Security Ledger reported in April 2013 on one time hacker and DARPA’s cyber chief Peiter “Mudge” Zatko heading to Google Inc. Joining Google’s Motorola Mobility’s Advanced Technology & Projects (ATAP) group, it has a mission to deliver “breakthrough innovations to the company’s product line on seemingly impossible short time-frames.” While Microsoft continues to track users of the Windows phones which have a unique ID that interacts with Wi-Fi locations and GPS to know anyone’s longitude and latitude. Customer privacy isn’t a big issue for Microsoft and really any of the big internet companies. Google knows the password of every Android device (phone or tablet) which has ever logged on to a particular Wi-Fi network. (Android accounts for 79 per cent of phones shipped worldwide).

Business Insider’s article of August 14th, 2013 alerted us to the fact that if you are one of 400 million persons who chose Gmail then you can also expect no privacy at all. In a class action complaint of 2013 Google responded by claiming “a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties.” So, be warned, even though it is unlikely you’ll be able to avoid Google even if you wanted to.

It seems Google and DARPA are courting each other for good reason.



[1] Is not joining Facebook a sign you’re a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is ‘suspicious’ Daily Mail, 6 August 2012.
[2] ‘Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users’ October 18 2011,
[3] “Facebook: About 83 million accounts are fake”. USA Today. August 3, 2012.
[4] ‘Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook’ by Dan Yoder May 3 2010.
[5] ‘How 100 million Facebook users ended up in a list on BitTorrent’ Jemima Kiss, The Guardian, 29 July 2010.
[6] ‘With friends like these …’ by Tom Hodgkinson, The Guardian May 2010.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] ‘Conspiracy Theories’ by Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard Law School) and Adrian Vermeule (Harvard Law School) January 15, 2008, Harvard Public Law Working Paper No. 08-03, U of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper No. 199 U of Chicago Law & Economics, Olin Working Paper No. 387. [ During my own experience in working for several alternative news websites there was no question that persistent problems from site “trolls” on the relevant forums fell into this category. Some exhibited high knowledge on certain specialist subjects and exhibited a standard formula for contouring ideas and concepts which included the very same “cognitive infiltration” tactics cited by Sunstein and often in a highly elaborate form. Once “outed” they were gone but often the damage was already done].
[10] As part of the “Information Dominance” strategy of the Pentagon, ‘The Information Operation Road Map’ was a paper commissioned in 2003 and declassified in 2006. It was personally approved by the then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld. It included details of major PSYOPS disinformation campaigns to place false stories in newspapers and the internet as well as the kind of beginings of “cognitive infiltration” that Sunstein was so keen to see materialise.


Technocracy VI: The Technocrats Tap in (3)

“Surveillance induced morality: relics of cultural retardation”.
– Marc Maron

How many times have we heard the response: “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear”?

This almost child-like wish to place faith in the unsullied purity of the authorities and Daddy State seems to know no bounds.

The success of mass surveillance is defined by the same gradualism. Endless new devices and gadgetry help to insulate our concerns about technology and how it can be used. It doesn’t matter how altruistic the intent is, whether it means to reduce suffering or create a more socially responsible culture, social justice is a concept struggling to keep its head above the water of pathogenic pollution. Whether biotech or nano-tech, since military, geo-political strategies and social pathologies dominate they will be pulled into the same codes of conduct mandated under Official Culture. Suffering will continue under flares of revolution until the psychopath is denied influence in ALL spheres. Access to technology which will disburse wealth and true freedom cannot take place until such a realisation manifests to the extent it dismantles traditional power structures. To think otherwise, will simply perpetuate the cover. Such a trajectory has only been possible due to the relatively rapid rise of the National Security State apparatus rooted in the 3EM riding high on updated myths propagated to ensure a smooth transition.

In combination with ECHELON and or MAIN CORE we have a global surveillance grid sitting on top of European and US intelligence mining that is the most invasive in history. This technological construct is imbued with power from a perception that can only multiply and augment in the same way we continually seek new “apps” and add-ons to our consumerist ethos.  A technocratic centralisation is the only direction. The promise of open source software will only prove liberating when the central mainframe of core influence is dismantled. Otherwise…Open source initiatives will operate within carefully defined parameters, in much the same way as our credit cards, cell phones and i-pads. Technology is not the culprit here – it is the reliance on the limited applications which is displacing our incredible, untapped creative power. This displacement only leads to the atrophying of our individual and collective creativity. And this is where artificial intelligence and transhumanist ideology offers an unprecedented threat.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. More on this later.


RAF Menwith Hill, a large site in the United Kingdom, part of ECHELON and the UKUSA Agreement. Photo Credit: Matt Crypto (wikipedia).

The International Campaign Against Mass Surveillance (ICAMS) produced the excellent document: ‘The Emergence of a Global Infrastructure for Mass Registration and Surveillance’ back in April 2005 which detailed in precise terms the nature of these myths, edited extracts of which will serve as an adequate summary of what this transition really means:

Myth #1: We are merely being asked to sacrifice some of our privacy and convenience for greater security.

“The object of the infrastructure that is being constructed is not ordinary police or intelligence work but, rather, mass surveillance of entire populations. In this infrastructure, everyone will be treated as a suspect, and state agents will maintain data profiles on all of us. […] The elimination of risk Indeed, it is now evident and documented that the United States and other countries are acting aggressively on information, seizing and detaining people without reasonable grounds, and “rendering” them to third countries or extraterritorial camps run by the U.S., where they face torture during interrogation and indefinite detention. Alongside the global system for mass registration and surveillance is emerging what some commentators are calling a “global gulag”,4 in which unknown numbers of people are languishing. What is at stake in this new world order is more than mere privacy, or even democratic processes, legal systems, and civil liberties. Basic human rights are in jeopardy.”

The document also lists the The Registrations of Populations as integral to the surveillance state with a long history of isolated test-runs across the world and with the shadow of abuse inherent in such data mining. Examples are given of Japanese internment in America the Second World War, the 1994 genocide that took place in Rwanda and the Pass Laws of apartheid South Africa. Such highly detailed information derived from Registration: “… is the tool by which those in power can easily single out and target certain kinds of people – not for what they have done, but for who they are.” And further: “By creating inclusion, the system also creates exclusion. For practical purposes, a person without a mandatory identity document will not exist – or will exist only as a risk to the state.”

Myth #2: These initiatives facilitate travel.

“But something else is happening, too. The private sector is being pressed into service as the state’s eyes and ears. Just as it has done with the acquisition of private-sector databases and airline passenger record systems, the state is using the private sector to exponentially increase its surveillance capacity in the realm of electronic communications and financial transactions. And, instead of relying on the inconsistent practices of businesses, governments are starting to tell businesses how to design their information systems, what information to gather, how long it must be stored, what must be checked and reported, and what must be given directly to state officials.

Compelling service providers to “build in” surveillance capacity to their systems means that within minutes of receiving a warrant from a court, real-time interception of a person’s Internet or voice over Internet use can be implemented with just a few computer strokes, making a connection between the computerized listening stations of law enforcement and the service provider’s system.”

The FBI’s various software can be used to search for keywords in the trillions of gigabytes of information that is continuously vacuumed up whether from your bank accounts or blogs. Data mining is the future of crime prevention which is already merging with the dubious practice of entrapment. In George Orwell’s 1984 Winston, the main protagonist in the novel appears to describe the present: “It was inconceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live – did live from the habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard.” The only difference in our world, our surveillance will comprise of various degrees of robot and artificial intelligence from the basic models already appearing in our malls to sophisticated androids capable of human simulation. They will assess are bio-signatures and voluminous data files and make mathematical probabilities of threats to the system which will slowly build itself around us.

Myth #3: If one has nothing to hide, one has nothing to worry about.

“An example of the many mistakes that were made in that era was the naming of academic Owen Lattimore as the Soviet Union’s top spy in the U.S. He later was fully cleared of the charges. In his account of the affair he noted that the F.B.I. and other agencies had ‘built up on him a dossier of ‘a man who might have existed’. Again, as a historian of the period has observed, ‘that phrase catches the very essence of the creation of the national insecurity state: a data world that shadows, mimics, and caricatures the real world’ We may think that anyone looking at our personal data with the proper explanation would conclude we are innocuous, but, in fact, in the data world we have no control over our “virtual identities” or the interpretations that others make of them.”

This goes to the central premise of conditioning that comes about from living under inverted totalitarianism and the necessary glut of authoritarian followers who allow its manifestation. We do not notice the dismantling of the foundation upon which are human values and ethics reside due to the buffering of our intuition and conscience. This is achieved through propaganda, psychic driving and memetic engineering of our consciousness all cemented with the human propensity for wishful thinking and denial.

We keep coming back to the uncomfortable fact that we naturally seek sanctuary in the delusion that there is nothing to worry about because we cannot entertain the possibility that we may have to alter our beliefs and attempt a deconstructive introspection. When such a painful process begins it can shatter the ego-mask that buffers us from the terror of the situation. When our personality is largely empty of substance this can be akin to inviting death of identity and belonging. So, having nothing to worry about is a preferable hook upon wish we can willingly attach.

In modern times, nothing comes closer to a collective seduction than the human races’ relationship to technology. We are firmly caught in its web of convenience, innovation and compliance in much the same way we are enthralled by the chemical hit of sex. In that sense, the surveillance state is just another compromise on the road to achieving the new nirvana of the post-human.

Have we really learned those lessons? Or have we merely changed our focus?


“The worldwide heat map from the NSA’s data visualisation tool BOUNDLESSINFORMANT, showing that during a 30-day period, 97 billion internet data records (DNI) and 124 billion telephony data records (DNR) were collected.” (wikipedia, creative commons | Source Author National Security Agency)

Myth# 4: The technology being used is objective and reliable.

“First, the factual base on which the technology rests is unreliable. The ‘best information available’ on which data mining or risk-scoring technology depend is often inaccurate, lacking context, dated, or incomplete. It might even be dirty information – extracted by torture, or offered by an informant who is vulnerable or is acting in bad faith. Secondly, the criteria used to sort masses of data will always be over-inclusive and mechanical. Data mining is like assessing ‘guilt by Google’ key-word search. And since these systems use broad markers for predicting terrorism, ethnic and religious profiling are endemic to them. … a precautionary principle is at work when human beings are making the risk assessments.”

A surveillance state is surely an oxymoron by virtue of the fact it is created not from the wish to protect but the incentive to control. Technology is only as trustworthy as its programmer and by extension, the context in which the capabilities of technology are applied. By the same token, human beings are fallible and since machines are born from the quality of our own minds they will mirror the glitches and unpredictable anomalies so much are part of a learning universe – despite protestations to the contrary. The more complicated and sophisticated machines become the more they will transcend their in-built limitations – that is spark that consciousness seeks. But the Surveillance State is linked to wider philosophical beliefs where development and trust in technology is based on the notion of an evolutionary salvation. Such a suggestion is usually rejected by transhumanists who insist that technology is merely the next stage in human evolution; our destiny is to embrace singularity and merge with the machine for optimum transcendence. By implication, the surveillance state will cease to exist since it will become superfluous to our needs.

Once again, this presupposes that such a system of malevolence will naturally evolve into one of benevolence and those at key nodal points of its power will simply transcend along with us. More likely is that the rooted dominance that gave rise to inversion will offer more of the same, where the worm-hole of singularity is really nothing more than a sublime devolution by delusion, the end result of which is absorption of all that is individual and original in exchange for group-think and technocratic compliance. Sophisticated, yes, even ecstatic at times, but like an addictive drug, when you realise you are hooked and seek to escape in search of authentic experience, it will be too late. From reliability and trust projected onto the machine will ultimately invite the law of repulsion.

Myth #5 and 6: Terrorist watch lists are a reliable product of international intelligence cooperation and consensus / Governments want to implement these systems to protect their citizens from terrorists.

“There is no due process afforded individuals or groups to allow them to challenge the inclusion of their names on a list. And, once the “terrorist” label is fastened to them, actions are taken against them without normal legal protections being afforded (protections such as presumption of innocence, the right to know the evidence and allegations against one and to respond, the right to remain silent, and habeas corpus). This is the essence of the risk assessment model: it treats as intolerable risks the very legal protections that are fundamental to free and democratic societies. In short, the U.S. lists have “been created haphazardly and without the carefully constructed checks and balances that such powerful instrument[s] demand.” And the lists are certainly bloated. At various times, news reports have put the numbers of names on the U.S. lists in the millions.”

Despite the fact that 99.9 per cent of those listed are largely innocent of any crimes at all, the Terrorist Watch List is drawn directly from the idea that al-Qaeda/ISIL and most terrorist atrocities are representative of a real, external threat. Such a disastrous policy has shown to be a cynical manipulation of the mass mind and comprehensively debunked if one reads the research from authors and experts in the field alongside the current geo-strategy and its outcomes in the last one hundred years.

The official story of global terrorism is a monumental fabrication – a product of a compartmentalised mutation of myth used to promote the economic and socio-cultural status quo. It is a cleverly disguised tool of opportunism for social control with the rise of police states and war without end as the norm. Indeed, such an inversion is truly insidious as the pathology begins to make inroads into the psyche of normal human beings. As the ICAMS authors state: “As people begin to realize that every transaction in their personal lives is potentially being watched – and that their innocent actions and beliefs can be easily misconstrued by risk assessors in their own and other countries, they will begin to internalize the social control that is being exerted by governments, watching what they say, what they criticize, who they associate with, and what they profess to believe in.”


Germans protesting against the NSA surveillance program PRISM at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. (wikipedia,)

This is happening fast. The official culture of psychopathy requires these myths not only to keep populations in a state of fear and disempowerment but more importantly, so that the banking architecture and profits from the arms race, weapons manufacturing, narcotics, human and organ trafficking continues until nothing more can be squeezed out of the husk. Implosion is the only avenue left. Yet, from this breakdown, will we have a true community template of freedom which encourages a free-flowing exchange or will we walk as somnambulists into a mainframe of control from which comfort and efficiency is a high-resolution mask? This set of technocratic controls represent both the future safeguards against this implosion and the ultimate resource of future exploitation when machine-based society dominates over a depopulated world.

Other myths include that of “Western Democracies defending democracy and human rights around the world”; “such initiatives make us safer”; “Guaranteeing security is the paramount responsibility of governments” and the platitude that “at least, these initiatives are better than doing nothing.” All of which are much propagated lies within the MSM, think-tanks and PR outfits which prey on the naive and ill-informed. As ICAMS asserts:

“Careful examination shows that the global, mass registration and surveillance initiatives that have been described in this document are not “better than doing nothing”. They divert resources away from activities that would provide us with better security, they are not effective, and the harm they do to democracies, individuals, the rule of law, and global security is not proportional to their utility, or even to the risk they are supposedly addressing.”

Biotechnology and transhumanist discourse in general, is wholly identified with the idea of accelerating human design and manipulating the rate of perceived evolution. This is in accordance with a one-dimensional philosophy that discards the idea of natural rhythms and cycles that may have their own rates of change and which may not be immediately accessible to the fallible and very subjective human mind. This is hardly surprising due to the movement’s secular roots. However, what if – as a very rich tradition of often suppressed ancient wisdom suggests – there is indeed a precise symmetry and purpose in the way the planet, cosmos and Universe functions and organises itself? Most transhumanists appear to reject this possibility and assume that a “genetic designer label” can be stamped onto biology based on what they consider to be a sacred evolutionary direction. As with most strictly materialist perceptions, in true Baconian tradition the control of matter, mind and Nature is the objective divorced from the idea of consciousness existing outside the constraints of matter. A Masters-of-the-Universe mentality seeks to upstage Nature and the planet itself, bending it to their “post-human” will.

That is not to say there are not some great minds in the transhumanist movement and that there is nothing of value to be found there. But when there is no real discernment between what is considered to be pathology and normalcy and where beliefs are already predisposed to psychological corruption, then it just becomes yet another hijacked ideology. There is also the opportunity to ask questions as to whether we base our future on the lessons of the past or presume to forge ahead and base our decisions on a technological train of wishful thinking. Will we be downloading and uploading a reality that is sacrificing authenticity for artifice?

Can we say that the Elite families of the West have changed; that all is in the past and they have comprehensively turned over a new leaf? Evidence so far suggests that this particular mind-set has merely adapted and refined its methods. Depopulating the world, identifying, logging, tagging and micro-chipping the remaining populace and herding them into tightly controlled mega-cities via economic hardship is one future the Pathocrats envision. Meanwhile, buying up vast tracts of land under the banner of environmentalism will provide them with suitable means to live with the benefits of advanced bio-genetic/cyber technology at their fingertips – most likely with the view to extending their life-spans. Far-fetched or not, psychopaths and those drunk on power seldom think of failure. Vast amounts of money has been channelled for decades into massive underground bunkers presently dotted around the US and Europe some of which can house over 2 million people. To bring “Order out of Chaos” one must first introduce the Chaos to the extent that all manner of alternatives are wiped clean, leaving only one Singularity. They intend to be safe and warm away from all their created carnage and for as long as it takes.

The same vision that has hijacked the normal expressions of creativity for the last two hundred years or more has embraced the Information Age. If a virus goes unnoticed within all societal domains and even begins to define the nature of society, then any future innovations and apparent evolutionary surges will be made under the impetus of the same macro-social pathogen and thus subverted towards anti-human goals until such time it begins to lose its grip. The internet provides us with an immense opportunity to access massive amounts of information and turn it into knowledge through clusters of networks. We have the opportunity to develop and apply that knowledge/awareness in ways undreamt of. Consequently, a real battle for freedom is already taking place in various fields of technology between what we might call the entropic /machine consciousness which seeks to dominate and coerce reality into its tiny perceptions and the human / creative consciousness that seeks to co-create, disburse and expand alongside the Earth and Universe. As a very real human global brain awakens it remains to be seen how it will be wired up and if those “synapses” will be able to make unbreakable bonds based on freedom, truth, responsibility and love.

Technocracy V: The Technocrats Tap in (2)

“What is the society we wish to protect? Is it the society of complete surveillance for the commonwealth? Is this the wealth we seek to have in common – optimal security at the cost of maximal surveillance?”
– Tom Stoppard, author, playwright


                                      Image credit: | infrakshun

In 2003, under the Bush Administration, the Total Information Awareness program was introduced in order to provide “large, distributed repositories” including “biometric signatures of humans” and “human network analysis and behavior modeling” provided by DARPA. It was a reiteration of what ECHELON and MAIN CORE had been doing for years. Congress defunded the program in the same year, prohibiting any such activities to target Americans.

The Total Information Awareness Office run by convicted Iran-Contra felon John Poindexter and featured a logo on its website resembling the popular occult mythology of the Illuminati. It was so blatant that some visitors thought it was a bad attempt at political satire. It wasn’t. It did however, beg the question as to why such a revealing caricature and its objectives was allowed the go ahead? Moreover, why was it derailed so quickly when other draconian legislation – including the highly controversial PATRIOT act – sailed through without any problems?

The reason for this was to provide a distraction so that yet another surveillance hub could be built away from the spotlight.

A 2012 article by online tech magazine Wired reports on Intel journalist James Bamford’s sources who claim that once again, NSA has been continuing its surveillance operations with a new spy data centre based in Utah: “… capable of breaking almost any encryption, reading any email and recording any phone call anywhere in the world, even if it’s not made over the Internet.” Where have we heard that before? This hub is just one of a number of networked sites based around a similar network 0f “ultra-sensitive satellites … with the unique ability to sniff electronic communications from a massive distance.” [1]Bamford’s sources say that the NSA is routinely violating the US constitution by dumping all of America’s communications data into the system for analysis. Perhaps most importantly, and which goes to the heart of the premise of this book is the opinion of another covert source to which Bamford made contact who claimed that: “… the NSA is on the verge of a massive coup, putting the U.S. inches away from ‘a turnkey totalitarian state.’” [2]


The Total Information Awareness logo as compared to the Great Seal found on the US dollar bill, a freemasonic emblem. A purposeful distraction?

Another heavy-weight whistleblower, William Binney, decided to grab the gauntlet and go against his superiors to warn of an Orwellian Superstate which is “ready” and “set up” so that one has to just “turn the key” and this would be an immediate reality. [3] A specialist in traffic analysis, Binney worked for the NSA for 37 years and knows its capabilities and technical now-how inside out. He joined Electronic Frontier Foundation’s case against the National Security Agency (Jewel v. NSA) filed in July 2, 2012, and their illegal domestic surveillance programs which, according to Binney, “are consistent, as a mathematical matter, with seizing both the routing information and the contents of all electronic communications” inside the U.S. He has stated that over 20 trillion files have been created since the September 11th attacks.[4]Amid significant civil liberty concerns, NSA head and commander of US Cyber Command department General Keith Alexander is still seeking to redesign the internet’s infrastructure so that the NSA may: “… know instantly when overseas hackers might be attacking public or private infrastructure and computer networks.” A trial of 17 US defence companies is already underway.

Tom Simonite from Technology Review tells us:

“Under the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Pilot, Lockheed Martin and other companies set up their computer security systems to automatically alert the agency when the alarm is tripped. They automatically pass a summary of what was detected and the IP address associated with the event to the NSA over the Internet. ‘All you need to pass is the fact of a signature and IP address in real time, and we can take it from there,’ said Alexander.” [5]

Yet, there is more to MAIN CORE than high-level data collection and future detention. First, we need to keep in mind that targeting the thinking population is not just an Orwellian fantasy but an objective reality. The NSA and Homeland Security is collecting massive amounts of data on the US and European populations for another purpose which may well have something to do with “Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation” or (SEAS). From their celebratory website we read: “What happens when you take gaming technology, inject it with the latest discoveries in management, economics, and psychology, and apply it to business, political, and social situations? The answer is Simulex’s Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), the result of ten years of research conducted at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management, in association with the United States Department of Defence and several Fortune 500 companies.” [6]

Looking at Simulex Inc. client base it is fairly easy to guess. As the bold heading that greets us on the client page attests, SEAS has a top heavy bias for the telecommunications industry. It assists the United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) to “model the volatile regions of the world” while also providing their services to United States Department of Homeland Security in preparing “… for bio-terrorist attacks, and by Fortune 500 companies for strategic planning.”[7]Other clients include: United States Department of Defence, United States Department of Justice, United States Army Recruiting Command and Crane Naval Surface Warfare Centre. Their private sector clients are global pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and our old weapons friend Lockheed Martin who got rid of whistleblower Margaret Newsham for blabbing to the press about unwarranted surveillance.

Is it coincidence Lockheed turns up here?

Other Fortune 500 companies are apparently clients but we are not given a list. However, it would be right up the social engineering alley of the Rockefeller Foundation and Monsanto Corp.

(Photo: Mönch / STN)

Which brings us to another 2005 whistleblower Russell D. Tice, a former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and NSA Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) officer. His statements in an interview to online journal Think Progress claimed that the surveillance discovered so far was “… only the tip of the iceberg,” and there was “… an angle that you haven’t heard about yet…” [8]In another interview with the online culture journal Reason just prior to a congressional hearing on the NSA wiretapping scandal (which went nowhere) Tice infers that the wire-tapping was not the main issue and that he needed: “… to tell Congress that no one knows yet, which is only tertiarily connected to what you know about now … In my case, there’s no way the programs I want to talk to Congress about should be public ever, unless maybe in 200 years they want to declassify them. You should never learn about it; no one at the Times should ever learn about these things.”[9]

So, surveillance was only scratching the surface. What then, are we to make of this military-corporate complex outsourcing in conjunction with MAIN CORE? What would you do if you wanted to predict how each of us may act in the future, most especially if your main objective was to control population in the face of a real or imagined threat against the Establishment power-base?

What is it that we “should never learn about?”

Could that be that each and every one of us who has expressed a level of awareness that thinks out of the box has an electronic kindle file packed full of interesting data? Moreover, this data is part of complex synergy of multi-layered simulations that uses a form of mass “pre-crime” software with a supercomputing power undreamt of.

>Blogger and commentator Kevin Flaherty from makes it clear in the following analysis:

We must assume that They are using the full spectrum of surveillance information to try to PREDICT HOW EACH OF US IS LIKELY TO BEHAVE ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS. Where we go. Which routes we take. What we buy. Etc. All of these things can be broken down into a kind of moving average that wiggles around between an upper band and a lower band, kind of like a standard deviation from a mean. Stay within the bands, and the Magic 8 Ball probably won’t bother to flag your profile for closer analysis by some genius at the Terrorist Screening Center.

Obviously, most of us aren’t worth the attention of a human analyst, and They know it. Most of the sheep just go with the herd. They do what they’re told, shop at Wal-Mart, pay their taxes, go to church, the end. More educated sheep read Business Week or the New York Times, etc. Within a fairly wide range of activities, it’s no more complicated, for the vast majority of the people out there, than the way pool balls behave as they bounce around the table and each other.

This is a key point, so I’m going to emphasize it: These systems would excel at finding the artifacts, the outliers, the people who haven’t internalized the programming, but continue to act ‘normal.’ [10] [Emphasis mine]

Journalist and author Walter Bowart who wrote the seminal classic Operation Mind Control (1978) the NSA of the 1960s had computer systems decades in advance of public and governmental agencies of the time. And let’s not forget the capabilities of “Quantum Light Harvesting” which offers a revolutionary way to advance computational power to undreamt of levels and in a short space of time. That being so, what systems do we imagine the NSA playing with now in 2015?

Having explored the notions of depopulation or “managed genocide” and psychological operations in this series, Flaherty makes an interesting observation on the nature of this total surveillance and so called resource-grabbing. He draws our attention to a recent and on-going SEAS project in partnership with the US Department of Defence (DOD) called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). According to the concept paper for the project, a parallel Planet Earth is being developed: “… with billions of individual ‘nodes’ to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR… It will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information.” Apparently, the simulation: “… provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP),” so that military leaders can “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners”.

SWS also:

“… replicates financial institutions, utilities, media outlets, and street corner shops. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors.

SEAS can display regional results for public opinion polls, distribution of retail outlets in urban areas, and the level of unorganization of local economies, which may point to potential areas of civil unrest. Yank a country’s water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next.

“The idea is to generate alternative futures with outcomes based on interactions between multiple sides,” said Purdue University professor Alok Chaturvedi, co-author of the SWS concept paper. [11]

However, the Pentagon still isn’t content. Hundreds of additional spies are being sent overseas as part of a new espionage network that is set to rival the CIA in size according to the Washington Post. The report informs us that the a transformation of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) is underway having been “dominated for the past decade by the demands of two wars” and which will now be a “spy service focused on emerging threats and more closely aligned with the CIA and elite military commando units.” With “collectors” numbering as many as 1,600 all over the world this is no small project. In fact, as we have explored, it seems to be part of an expansive operation to merge military and intelligence agencies into a more centralised system of espionage and domestic surveillance. As the Post mentions: “… the Pentagon’s plan to create what it calls the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS) reflects the military’s latest and largest foray into secret intelligence work. The DIA overhaul — combined with the growth of the CIA since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — will create a spy network of unprecedented size.” [12]

illustrationPhoto from Simulex, Inc. advert

On top of all this, in 2012, former CIA intelligence analyst turned Whistleblower Edward J. Snowden leaked more than 50,00 classified documents to the Wikileaks organisation and journalist Glenn Greenwald revealing in black and white just how pervasive and all-encompassing the surveillance capabilities of America’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ truly is. For some, the jury is still out on Snowden’s motives, primarily due to the fact that much of this information had been known for many years by independent journalists and alternative media who had been trying to get the attention of the mainstream media, but to no avail. So, it was a little fishy that Snowden was all over every possible media outlet in a very short space of time as though he had single-handedly dismantled the apparatus himself. Yet, he is the first CIA agent to do so. Is he a patsy, a conscious agent or a hero?

Whether the NSA is using him to test the demographic water of mass perception is unclear. For one thing, it allows the public to ease their way into deeper issues surrounding the whole arena of US policy from drone attacks to terrorism. The latter reason has been trotted out to justify all kinds of unconstitutional measures and many are waking up to this fact. After all, so-called “terrorists” are acutely aware that they are always monitored. What Snowden has done is to show how surveillance is targeting innocent people, not the terrorists. The NSA, in all probability, may be extremely peeved that their methods have been revealed. Whether this is a CIA-NSA turf war suggested by some commentators remains to be seen. As the CIA grapples with increasing revelations about its torture and rendition programs and the NSA continues to try and stem the flow of leaked cables on its surveillance capabilities, the leviathan of soft totalitarianism still lumbers forward.


© infrakshun

By 2013, while the magnitude of surveillance of all and everyone was being digested it is true to say that there may be much more to be drawn out of the NSA shadows. On November 28th,the BBC’s Hardtalk programme, Glenn Greenwald stated that there are still thousands of leaked cables to go through and make public. As it stands, the leaks have not made the slightest difference to its illegality as some commentators have been saying for quite some time. Far from being chastened, the NSA has romped ahead by creating a secret body of law which gives the agency carte blanche in accessing data on Americans justified by the war on terror and the threat of cyber-terrorism and underground nuclear proliferation.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) has eleven members whose job it was to approve illegal wire-tapping orders and which have  now been expanded to allow the NSA to do as it pleases while doffing its hat to feeble attempts to regulate intelligence surveillance. In a Guardian piece by Spencer Ackerman on August 16, 2013, it was reported that thousands of annual violations of its own restrictions continue to mount as reported by two US senators who sit on the US intelligence committee. As Rice, they stated that these were, also: “the tip of the iceberg.”

The bottom line is that everyone is presumed guilty rather than innocent simply due to the vast amount of data building on every citizen. The NSA can effectively trap you into suspected wrongdoing. As we have seen, the ubiquitous rise of entrapment operations may reflect something much deeper. Just because you have led a law-abiding life, it is no protection against mass spying programs seeping into every corner of our lives care of SMART technology. Indeed, the very definition of “law abiding” is changing; contoured towards government policy rather than what is ethically and morally sound. Whistleblower William Binney has warned for several years that the government is storing literally everything and creating a highly sophisticated, searchable database to be used for anything it wants. Snowden says much the same thing in an interview on June 12, 2013:

Because even if you’re not doing anything wrong you’re being watched and recorded. And the storage capability of these systems increases every year consistently by orders of magnitude … to where it’s getting to the point where you don’t have to have done anything wrong. You simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody – even by a wrong call. And then they can use this system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with. And attack you on that basis to sort to derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer. [13]

On July 6, 2013, Eric Lichtblau writng for the New York Times commented on officials’ statements that: “… the court’s still-secret decisions go far beyond any single surveillance order.” Indeed, though European countries such as France and Spain have been found spying on their own citizens, even handing over data to the NSA it is the United States that has led the charge against the global population’s privacy. This in turn, has led the Surveillance State seeping into every avenue of American life. Even the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has routinely been snooping in order to extract largely unconstitutional taxation claims. It believes that it can continue to operate quite happily without using a warrant to read people’s emails and text messages. Just like the search engine Google Inc. (whom we will turn to presently) the Fourth Amendment and every person’s right to basic privacy is deemed irrelevant to the IRS and it’s highly dubious definitions of taxations laws. In summary, they have their ears and eyes tapped into every conceivable communication source while making up their own laws to maintain this illegal surveillance  well into the future. If you listened to the BBC you would think that it is Glenn Greenwald who should be on trial for daring to suggest that intelligence chiefs “routinely lie.”

But the shadow government and the NSA isn’t content – it needs more and more. Research into weaponisation, military capabilities and surveillance has now encompassed much of society. Corporations, multinational security firms and private contractors who act as “digital blackwaters” are all in the NSA bag. Outsourcing is key in terms of diluting accountability whilst encouraging innovation. In just a few examples from many, military-intel company Raytheon has “… secretly developed software capable of tracking people’s movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites.” The company admitted that it was a joint research & development project shared with the US government sincce 2010 in order “… to help build a national security system capable of analysing ‘trillions of entities’ from cyberspace.

WilliamBinney-EdwardSnowdenWhistleblowers William Binney (left) and Edward J. Snowden (right)

The security of biometric data is a bad joke since the sale of private data is open to lucrative profits. In 2013, Richard Kerbaj and Jon Ungoed-Thomas reported in the May 13th, edition of The Sunday Times that data of 27m mobile phone users had been: “… offered for sale to the Metropolitan police, private companies and other bodies, enabling them to track users’ movements.” The company involved in the potential sale is: “Ipsos Mori, one of Britain’s biggest research firms, … claimed in meetings that every movement by users can be tracked to within 100 metres.” According to the newspaper, the company: “shelved any deal after being contacted by The Sunday Times.” The report continued: “Documents to promote the data reveal that it includes ‘gender, age, postcode, websites visited, time of day text is sent [and] location of customer when call is made’. They state that people’s mobile phone use and location can be tracked in real time with records of movements, calls, texts, also available for the previous six months.” [14]

To carry out these  games in order to “protect us” the NSA has resorted to impersonating Google in order to obtain its information and swell its billions of files.  Named in the business as a “man in the middle attack” it involves a hacker technique of “… using a fake security certificate to pose as a legitimate Web service, bypass browser security settings, and then intercept data that an unsuspecting person is sending to that service.” Once passwords have been collected users can then log in to genuine banking websites thereby acting as intermediary or “middle man” and re-routing requests to their bank and returning the information to the customer while gathering highly personal data from both participants without either having the slightest clue what has happened. (It also applies to email servers). This time it is not a lone hacker but the NSA and GCHQ, where massive amounts of information is being channelled back to their central hubs. [15]

The idea that informational roadmap of cyberspace has been compromised by Intel PSYOPS and NSA surveillance has become more of a probability that a possibility. It is foolish to believe that anything we do online is secure or private. Not only is the NSA breaking most forms of encryption on the internet but is likely replacing intercepting downloads of open-source encryption software and silently replacing these with their own versions. The NSA is re-calibrating the internet towards its own perception of reality.

Illegality is justified with the favourite canard that it is all to protect us from terrorism. It was confirmed just how manufactured the threat truly is when online journal reported in October 2013 that NSA Director Keith Alexander admitted before a congressional committee that he lied when he claimed the agency’s wire-tapping program had thwarted 54 terrorist “plots or events.”  In June of 2013, while the Obama administration was busy denouncing the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden and locking away Bradley Manning for 35 years, the NSA was lying through its teeth once again. Only 13 of the 54 cases were connected to the United States and just one or two suspected plots were: “… identified as a result of bulk phone record collection.” This was nothing new. The head was merely following the “terrorist-under-your-bed” justification for all manner of constitutional abuses practiced by the government and military-intelligence apparatus.

Lying is an inherent part of the deal. Apart from using data and surveillance as a means to implement propaganda, cyber-warfare and the harassment of those deemed “enemies,” mass surveillance is key to Obama’s assassination programs still carried out without oversight. In combination with the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) the NSA and CIA effectively make a private army outside any democratic accountability. Special operations units utilising drones and US soldiers are deployed all around the globe, from Somalia to Yemen, Afghanistan to Iraq. The coordination and logistical support is given by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) who essentially decides who might be a suitable target and the means by which he or she will be murdered.

According to Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) the true purpose of the NCTC is the:

“massive, secretive data collection and mining of trillions of points of data about most people in the United States” …. In particular, the NCTC operates a gigantic data-mining operation, in which all sorts of information about innocent Americans is systematically monitored, stored, and analyzed. This includes “records from law enforcement investigations, health information, employment history, travel and student records” – “literally anything the government collects would be fair game”. In other words, the NCTC – now vested with the power to determine the proper “disposition” of terrorist suspects – is the same agency that is at the center of the ubiquitous, unaccountable surveillance state aimed at American citizens.

Worse still, as the ACLU’s legislative counsel Chris Calabrese documented back in July in a must-read analysis, Obama officials very recently abolished safeguards on how this information can be used. Whereas the agency, during the Bush years, was barred from storing non-terrorist-related information about innocent Americans for more than 180 days – a limit which “meant that NCTC was dissuaded from collecting large databases filled with information on innocent Americans” – it is now free to do so. Obama officials eliminated this constraint by authorizing the NCTC “to collect and ‘continually assess’ information on innocent Americans for up to five years”. [16]

As the NSA and Homeland Security can now, on a whim, label any American a potential terrorist, the most obvious question to ask is how long will it be before American citizens are assassinated on their own soil? (Assuming it hasn’t happened already).


Obama’s Drones ready to assassinate from a distance without trial or jury. Based on the woeful intelligence of the last decade chances are you are likely to be an innocent civilian.

Perhaps no better example illustrates how the NSA should be the last people we trust is from the recent confirmation that the agency wishes to defend none other than Wall Street. Rather than wire-tapping genuine criminals infesting the world of cartel economics, this bastion of financial terrorism is deemed worthy of protection.

Salon, journalist Natasha Lennard details how the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released a statement in early 2013 noting: “It is not a secret that the Intelligence Community collects information about economic and financial matters, and terrorist financing. We collect this information for many important reasons: for one, it could provide the United States and our allies early warning of international financial crises which could negatively impact the global economy. It also could provide insight into other countries’ economic policy or behavior which could affect global markets.” [17]

The NSA could no doubt collect vast amounts of information on the continuing “irregularities” and corporate crimes still devouring any chance of a healthy economy. As journalist Michael Degerald mentioned regarding the admission: “If any part of American society or business had shown itself to be corrupt to the core, and thus in need of surveillance, it’s Wall Street.” [18]



[1] ‘The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)’ By James Bamford, Wired, March 15, 2012.
[2] Ibid.
[3] RT report July 2012.
[4] ‘Sworn Declaration of Whistleblower William Binney on NSA Domestic Surveillance Capabilities’ July 16 2012. Public,
[5] ‘NSA Boss Wants More Control Over the ‘Net’by Tom Simonite,, July 27, 2012.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] ‘NSA Whistleblower To Expose More Unlawful Activity: ‘People…Are Going To Be Shocked’’ By Faiz Shakir, Thnik Progress Security, May 12, 2006.
[9]‘Inside the Puzzle Palace’ – A Reason interview with NSA whistleblower Russell Tice, by Julian Sanchez,, January 13, 2006.
[10] ‘Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation’ By Kevin Flaherty,, June 30th, 2007.
[11] ‘Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale – Sim Strife’ By Mark Baard, The Register, 23rd June 2007.
[12] ‘DIA sending hundreds more spies overseas’ By Greg Millar, The Washington Post, December 2.
[13] See: ‘Full Interview with Edward Snowden’at:
[14] ‘Secrets of 27m mobile phones offered to police’ by Richard Kerbaj and Jon Ungoed-Thomas Sunday Times, 12 May 2013.
[15] ‘NSA Disguised itself as Google’ by Edward Moyer, September 2013.
[16] “The President’s Private Army”: NSA-CIA Spying is Central to Carrying Out the Obama Administration’s Assassination Program. By Washington’s Blog / Global Research, September 29, 2013.
[17] ‘Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper on Allegations of Economic Espionage’
Sunday, September 08, 2013.
[18] ‘Why doesn’t NSA spy on Wall Street?’by Michael Degerald Sep 11, 2013.

Puppets & Players VI: Council on Foreign Relations

 “The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded … states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies … Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker … The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy.”

– Richard Haas CFR President February 12 2006.

infinite-cash.comProfessor Carroll Quigley described in Tragedy and Hope the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as “… the American Branch of a society which originated in England [and] believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.” [1]The founding members of CFR were some of the same members involved in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and the Round Table movement of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner. Many members were drawn from the emerging Military-Industrial complex, incorporating the fresh young blood of the intelligence apparatus of the US government. The CIA’s Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles had both been at the Paris Peace conference along with so many other world government enthusiasts and were founding members of the CFR. Allen Dulles became a member of CFR in 1926 and later its president. His brother John Foster, an in-law of the Rockefellers, Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was well placed for CFR steerage by the time he was Secretary of State under President Eisenhower. From a 1993 Annual report: “The Council on Foreign Relations is a non-profit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.”

This is vague enough to encompass almost any ideological and political persuasion while giving the impression of unsullied innocence. True to its Round Table origins its actual objectives are to forge a centralised system of global government based on an inter-locking financial and corporate architecture policed by a world Army. As Senator Earnest Hollings of South Carolina bluntly put it for the Congressional Record, June 30, of the same year: “If you ever run for President, you get very wonderful, embossed invitations from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, and you get the coffee and fine china, and, man, you are really a high muckety-muck. And then what they do is get you to swear on the altar of free trade an undying loyalty and support—free trade, free trade. That is all they want. And they co-opt every one of these young Senators that want to run for President.” [2]

Today, CFR membership is made up of presidents past and present, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, Joint Chiefs of Staff, international bankers, executives, ambassadors, think-tank executives, lobbyists, lawyers, NATO officiandos, Pentagon military leaders, Establishment press, media owners, academics, novelists, entertainers, university presidents, senators, and Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, and rich businessmen of every creed and colour. An ex-CFR member who seemed to wake up to the reality of what the organisation was promoting was former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, Retired Navy Admiral Chester Ward who wrote a scathing critique of CFR stating that their objective is the: “… submergence of U. S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government…” [3]

The overriding principles of a world government that would be based on the Chinese template of communist world state or world government and capitalist economy is still the dream of the CFR globalists as it was with J.D. Rockefeller. In 1962 a study titled, A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield states: “… if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government.” And of course, in order to achieve world government and its interlocking “unions” it is necessary to dispense with the idea of sovereignty, economic or otherwise. The CFR members espouse just such a directive for their brand of globalisation.In April 1974, former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner published an article in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs entitled: ‘The Hard Road to World Order’ in which he declared: “… the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down … but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”


Screen shots from the film clip: Council on Foreign Relations


The usual suspects crop up again and again …

Since the creation of the Office of Secretary of Defence in 1947, 14 DoD secretaries have been CFR members. Since 1940, every Secretary of State, except James Byrnes, has been a CFR member and/or a member of the Trilateral Commission. Equally, for the past 80 years, almost every key US National Security and Foreign Policy Advisor has been a member. The majority of top generals and admirals and many former presidential candidates were/are CFR, including Herbert Hoover, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter (and TC member), George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and John McCain.

CIA directors were/are CFR, including Richard Helms, James Schlesinger, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates, James Woolsey, John Deutsch, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta. Many Treasury Secretaries were/are also in the Club such as Douglas Dillon, George Schultz, William Simon, James Baker, Nicholas Brady, Lloyd Bentsen, Robert Rubin, Henry Paulson, and Tim Geithner. [4]

Virtually everyone who has held a position at the US administrative level in the US has been a member of the CFR. Some past and present members include: David Rockefeller, Thomas Foley, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Paul A. Volcker, Prince Edward, Prince Charles of Wales, Madeleine K. Albright, Robert S. McNamara, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George H.W. Bush, Donald E. Graham, Henry A. Kissinger, Richard N. Perle, George Soros, Lawrence H. Summers, John D. Rockefeller IV. Bankers, Alan Greenspan, and World Bank President Robert Zoellick. Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton. MSM CFR includes Katie Couric, Bill Moyers, Diane Sawyer, Tom Brokaw as well as foreign heads of state Mikhail Gorbachev, Benyamin Netanyahu and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and even the Dalai Lama. Corporate membership spans most of the Fortune 500 companies such as BP, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, Merck, NASDAQ, Pfizer and VISA.

One only has to take a look at the Council on Foreign Relations website to see that it has developed a sophisticated propaganda machine. Simply read the associated blogs and you’ll get an immediate flavour of what their objectives are all about. Unlike Le Cercle or Skull & Bones and occult groupings, this is indeed an open conspiracy. They are happy to court those in the entertainment business who usually have a very superficial understanding of Anglo-American designs but nevertheless due to their mass appeal and willingness to feed their egos and perceived social conscience, promote highly simplistic “solutions” while admirably serving the hidden interests of their backers.Actors such as George Clooney and Angelina Jolie are a case in point, the latter having become a satisfied CFR member last year and is busy doing her best to promote the organisation’s principles. She has very broad social appeal and represents quite a coup for the media focused think-tank.

To that end, social engineering and “information dominance” through the world’s media is essential part of CFR operations and has always played a major part in the shaping the minds of both old and new members so they may in turn, mould the public mind. As Quigley mentions: “The American branch of this ‘English Establishment’ exerted much of its influence through five American newspapers (The New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post, and the lamented Boston Evening News).” The RAND Corporation is most closely associated with the group and its expertise in PSYOPS is routinely used by a various members of the American Establishment and their promotional arms; from the internet to carefully stage-managed media press conferences. [5]

Most importantly for the CFR and other groups, the decision to infiltrate the left-wing and liberal leaning political movements as far back as 1917 by Round Table and J.P Morgan agents proved hugely important as the MSM evolved. Wall St. was a vital component in the placing of editors and staff amenable to their vision. A Congressional record verifies this fact from statements made by Congressman Oscar Callaway who stated: “… the J.P. Morgan [banking] interests …. and their subsidiary organizations got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the US … They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. … an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information …” [6] Quigley observes that the“… purpose was not to destroy … or take over but was really threefold:

(1) to keep informed about the thinking of Left-wing or liberal groups;

(2) to provide them with a mouthpiece so that they could “blow off steam,” and

(3) to have a final veto on their publicity and possibly on their actions, if they ever went “radical.” [7]

Sociologist Hadley Cantril wrote in his 1967 book The Human Dimension – Experiences in Policy Research: “Psycho-political operations are propaganda campaigns designed to create perpetual tension and to manipulate different groups of people to accept the particular climate of opinion the CFR seeks to achieve in the world.” They have been supremely successful in doing just that. Their policy of non-attribution where nothing that is said in public contradicts their message of openness and transparency as does their numerous secret meetings not open to the public. Twenty years ago, the CFR was relatively unknown. Now, with the information age, there is much greater awareness, which is why its slick media campaigns are highly sophisticated in order to match the changing times.

See also: Behind the Big News: Propaganda and the CFR  and The Mainstream Media (MSM)



[1] pp.951-952; Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope (1966)
[2] Senator Earnest Hollings (D) of South Carolina, Congressional Record, June 30, 1993, S8315.
[3] CFR Annual Report 1993-1994.
[4] The True Story of the Bilderberg Group By Daniel Estulin. Published by Trine Day, 2nd edition 2009. | ISBN-10: 0979988624.
[5] op. cit. Quigley The Anglo-American Establishment (1981).
[6] Congressman Oscar Callaway statements were included in the Congressional Record, vol. 54, February 9, 1917, p. 2947.
[7] op. cit. Quigley (1966)

Puppets & Players V: Skull & Bones


The logo of Skull and Bones (wikipedia)

 “The method they use is that of the Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis, play it against an anti-thesis which leads to a synthesis. In other words, for Hegel, for history to make progress you have to have conflict. And when you look at the key people in the order you will find that they generate conflict … Conflict leads to the New Synthesis …”

Anthony C. Sutton

Firmly in the Anglo-American Establishment camp and an express pathway to power for those deemed useful on the Chessboard, Skull & Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is an American secret society which started in the bowels of undergraduate Yale University. Known as “Bonesman” and sworn to secrecy and silence, members represent a mix of Bilderberg-meets-Illuminati-meets-American Pie.

Members have included most of America’s white, protestant, all-male Power Elite of the last 150 years. Each Skull & Bones class convenes every Thursday and Sunday night during the senior year, with new members elected every spring as part of Yale University’s “Tap Day”, a public day for to replenish membership which has taken place since 1879. Since 1992 women have now been allowed to enter the society. Fifteen men and women are selected or “tapped” to join the Society’s ranks annually.[1] Since the early 1990s every occupant of the White House has held a Yale degree with over 2,500 members on the Skull & Bones roster. [2] There are also rumours that all these allusions to gothic, pagan, black magick and Nazism stems from the affiliation and homage to the Thule and Vril Societies two secret fraternities which have been integral in securing Hitler’s rise to power and providing the inspiration for subsequent occult experiments conducted by Heinrich Himmler’s SS. [3]

Originally going by the name of the “Order of the Skull & Bones,” the society was founded by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft in 1832 and the successor of the 1790 society of Phi Beta Kappa which ran along much the same pseudo-gothic lines. In 1856, The Russell Trust was founded by Russell and Daniel Coit Gilman, member of Skull and Bones and later president of the University of California, first president of Johns Hopkins University and the founding president of the Carnegie Institute – all bastions of Elite world ordering. (In 1943, the trustees didn’t need to file corporate reports like every other company suggesting significant string pulling from the Secretary of State.) [4] From 1978 to the present day, the Russell Trust Association was overseen by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. partner John B. Madden who had worked with Senior partner Prescott Bush as far back as 1946. Russell’s cousin, Samuel, earned a fortune from his forays into US opium smuggling-trade with China, allowing the Trust to construct the Skull & Bones Hall otherwise known as the “Tomb,” a Gothic, mausouleum-type structure built out of Portland brownstone in an Egypto-Doric style. [5]

Prominent alumni read like a catalogue of presidents and top-brass from the conservative corporate and military Establishment including William Howard Taft, Son of Alphonso Taft and Former President and Supreme Court Justice; George H. W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush; James Jesus Angleton, chief of the CIA’s counterintelligence (CI) staff from 1954 to 1975; Henry Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War (1940-1945); Robert A. Lovett, United States Secretary of Defence, who directed the Korean War; Senator John Kerry; Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers; Harold Stanley, co-founder of Morgan Stanley and Frederick W. Smith, founder of Fedex.

John Kerry

Current US Secretary of State and “Bonesman” John Kerry

The significance of the number 322 as the emblem of its Chapter has fuelled all kinds of speculative theories, the most popular and logical of which is the year, 322 B.C. which refers to the death of Alexander of Demosthenes who was a prominent Greek statesman of ancient Athens and seen by many as one of the greatest orators that ever lived. He has been a source of inspiration for the authors of the Federalist Papers (a series of 85 articles arguing for the ratification of the United States Constitution) and for the major orators of the French Revolution, which is entirely in line with Illuminist philosophy where oratory forms one of the greatest tools to sway the mass mind and initiate Revolution for the Elite, rather than for the people.

Documents found in the Society hall in the early part of the last Century were found dated to “Anno-Demostheni” [6] Or, perhaps more simply, 1832, as the founding year. “32” and the extra “two” refers to the idea that Skull and Bones is in second place to a larger international Lodge thus completing “322”. There is also the possibility of “one” = a German Lodge “two” = the Skull & Bones Lodge and “3” = another US lodge . [7]There was thought to be only one chapter which existed outside of Yale at Wesleyan University 40 years later called the Beta of Skull and Bones, only to become independent a few years later revamping itself as Theta Nu Epsilon. [8]

Though senior societies are unique to Yale, there are other supposedly rival societies at Yale called The Scroll & Key and Wolf’s Head founded in the mid-19 the century. According to author Anthony C. Sutton these are part of the same network and: “… that anyone in the Eastern Liberal Establishment who is not a member of Skull & Bones is almost certainly a member of either Scroll & Key or Wolf’s Head.” Sutton goes on to say that: “The most likely potential member is from a Bones family, who is energetic, resourceful, political and probably an amoral team player. … Honors and financial rewards are guaranteed by the power of The Order. But the price of these honors and rewards is sacrifice to the common goal, the goal of The Order. Some, perhaps many, have not been willing to pay this price.” [9]

The same old family lineage is in operation here, as in many freemasonic lodges acting as a conveyor belt to positions of power should members have the required character flaws useful for the Order’s designs. Among these Sutton lists “Whitney, Perkins, Stimson, Taft, Wadsworth, Gilman, Payne, Davidson, Pillsbury, Sloane, Weyerhaeuser, Harriman, Rockefeller, Lord, Brown, Bundy, Bush and Phelps.” [10] Author and journalist Alexandra Robbins has described the nature of high-level membership which is both juvenile and chilling where: “Members are assigned nicknames. ‘Long Devil’ is assigned to the tallest member; ‘Boaz’ goes to any member who is a varsity football captain.

Many of the chosen names are drawn from literature (‘Hamlet’,’Uncle Remus’)and from religion and myth. The banker Lewis Lapham passed on his nickname, ‘Sancho Panza’ to the political adviser Tex McCrary. Averill Harriman was ‘Thor’, Henry Luce was ‘Baal’, McGeorge Bundy was ‘Odin’, and George H. W. Bush was ‘Magog’. [11]

Bonesman meet and discuss their plans in a lodge on Deer Island next to the St. Lawrence River in upstate New York. The Russell Trust has owned the island for several decades though a centre of opulence it is not. Robbins tells us: “The 40 acre retreat is intended to give Bonesmen an opportunity to ‘get together and rekindle old friendships.’ A century ago the island sported tennis courts and its softball fields were surrounded by rhubarb plants and gooseberry bushes. Catboats waited on the lake. Stewards catered elegant meals. Although each new Skull and Bones member still visits Deer Island, the place leaves something to be desired.” One of Robbins’ interviewees wistfully exclaims: ‘It’s basically ruins,’ whilst another Bonesman says: “… that to call the island ‘rustic’ would be to glorify it. ‘It’s a dump, but it’s beautiful.’” [12]

Somehow, rekindling “old friendships” isn’t the only thing that went on at these meetings given the nature of what we know about a Society that was once known as the “Brotherhood of Death.” It is the perfect breeding ground for virtually any kind of financial, social and political fraud and deception that may offer itself. It has a Skull and Bones as an emblem, obvious allusions to Egypt, Gothic influences, nicknames from Gods and Goddesses associated with evil and a list of lineage families connected with financial corruption, corporate psychopathy and social engineering as long as your arm. You don’t have to be deep in the shadows of conspiracy reflex to be suspicious with a resume like that.

Some believe Russell had been given the job of founding the freemasonic offshoot and satanic Order of the Illuminati in America. Separate investigations by various journalists, researchers and authors such as Alexandra Robbins, Kris Millegan, Paul Goldstein, Jeffery Steinberg and Fritz Springmeier show compelling connections in Skull & Bones symbolism, initiations and rituals, as well as frequent indications of masonic and Illuminati influences featuring heavily in the Russell bloodline. Anthony C. Sutton opines that there is an Illuminist flavour to the organisation of the Order which is based on the same cellular construction used by the Jacobites during the French Revolution and in a similar way the Skull & Bones might be seen as the continuance of corporate and political thugs for hire. [13]

When Russell studied for a year in Berlin, soaking up the philosophy of Hegel which was doing the rounds of Europe at the time, he was armed with a philosophical and perhaps familial mandate which in turn led to contacts with the 19th Century version of the Bavarian Illuminati. [14] Towards the end of the 18th Century the Russell clan moved to Germany from Scotland and as time passed the Russell family name kept cropping up in relation to World State and Masonic World Order ideology. And we also have the Pirate icon of the Skull and Crossbones symbol so clear in the Illuminati Crest of Arms and just happens to have been on the Russell Trust Association fleet when they participated in the opium trade. The promotion of conflicting mythologies is a hallmark of Illuminati subterfuge just as it is with many PSYOPS operations of the present day.[15]

clip_image004Skull & Bones 1947. George H.W. Bush stands on the left of the clock.

Like the Illuminists, Bonesman keep a tight rein on the lineage which has been handed down through White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) elite (Anglo-American Axis) which grew in stature during the Age of Reason and beyond. It now forms a network of cloistered aristocracy and members of the East coast Liberal and Conservative Establishment model. Though American Zionists have entered the Society there is apparently a traditional mistrust on both sides, which keeps Jewish membership to a minimum. [16]

Ron Rosenbaum, a Jewish sophomore insider (a significance that is not without importance) wrote the ground-breaking article “The Last Secrets of the Skull and Bones” for Esquire in 1977, filling in many of the details of the bizarre induction sessions and rituals taking place within the inner circle. According to the article, one session from 1940 reads: “New man placed in coffin-carried into central part of the building. New man chanted over and ‘reborn’ into society. Removed from coffin and given robe with symbols on it. A bone with his name on it is tossed into bone heap at start of every meeting. Initiates plunged into mud pile” The juniors are, almost, “beaten to death,” which was designed to be a metaphor for the death of the individual in order to be reborn into something new – quite what that was, remains a mystery.[17]

(It is not a coincidence that  very similar rituals occur within Navy circles as described by Kay Griggs – see: Satan’s Little Helpers VIII: Weimar, Magick and Cherry Marines).

Whether this is true is open to debate. It is far more likely to be a red herring where true rituals would be carried out at a location far more secure and undisturbed by prying eyes. As with any occult secret society members have to be kept in line and secrecy assured as well as the possibility of blackmail as a back-up. The ritual of masturbation whilst lying in a coffin and spilling the beans of their sexual history is seen as a test of their will – not least their capacity to resist humiliation and to seal in their membership with a commitment and loyalty fitting for such a role. [18]  This takes on a new significance when we realise that Yale alumni have featured strongly in the presidential race for almost 40 decades culminating in the position of president or vice-president.

All this certainly fits with the evidence that Skull and Bones is a glorified Klan of WASP Nazism with elements of Aryanism predicated on a New World military Order. It is the same old romance of the Teutonic mythology; Nazi eco-fascism, at one with the Gods of hunting and warrior-hood; laced with visions of homo-erotic manliness that would forge a New Revolution of authoritarianism by stealth. This is why military service is greeted with gold stars by senior Bonesmen and older members of the Bush family. [19]

All of which explains the close links with Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Trilateral Commission (TC) and the Big Daddy of Anglo-American Elite: the Bilderberg Grp (BB) from which the Skull & Bones’ originate. As such, it is a clearing house for the fascistic WASP elite and the continuation of malleable power brokers for the future, tinctured with a distinct bloodline of Neo-Nazi/Illuminist leanings.

See also: Antony Sutton – The Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]



[1] ‘Tombs and Taps: An inside look at Yale’s Fraternities, Sororities and Societies’ Yale University Archives. The url can no longer be found so http://www.conspiracyarchive has a copy here: /
[2]. ‘Is There a Yale Presidential Conspiracy?’ By H.D.S. Greenway, The Boston Globe, 10 Sep. 2004.
[3] ‘Peter Levenda and the Magickal Roots of Nazism.’ An interview by Tracy R. Twyman | See also: Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult By Peter Levenda.
[4] op. cit Robbins (p. 56)
[5] ‘Yale’s Lost Landmarks’ at
[6] p. 340; Cyclopedia of Fraternities: A Compilation of Existing Authentic Information and the Results of Original Investigation as to the Origin, Derivation, Founders, Development, Aims, Emblems, Character, and Personnel of More Than Six Hundred Secret Societies in the United States. E. B. Treat and Company. By Albert C. Stevens, New York: E. B. Treat and Company 1907.
[7] op. cit. Marrs (p.91)
[8] ‘History of Theta Nu Epsilon and connection to Skull & Bones’ Wesleyan Argus, February 7, 1992, (p.6).
[9] America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones By Anthony C. Sutton, Published by Trine Day 2004. | ISBN-10: 0972020748 (Preface).
[10] Ibid.
[11] ‘George W., Knight of Eulogia’. By Alexandra Robbins,The Atlantic Monthly, May 2000.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 | ISBN-10: 0966353323
[14] ‘George W.Bush and the Brotherhood of Death ‘Secrets of the Tomb’ Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power.’ Truthout, 4 Sep. 2002. | Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society By Kris Millegan Published by Trine Day 2004. ISBN-10: 0975290606.
[15] op. cit Millegan, Robbins, Springmeier.
[16] ‘George Bush, Skull & Bones, and the New World Order: A New American View – International White Paper.’ By Paul Goldstein, and Jeffery Steinberg. Executive Intelligence Review, April 1991.
[17] ‘Last Secrets of Skull and Bones.’ By Ron Rosenbaum, Prison Planet, Sep. 1977. |‘Inside George W’s Secret Crypt.’ The New York Observer, March 1st 2000.
[18] op. cit Robbins.
[19] op. cit Goldstein; Steinberg.