Dark Green VIII: Waldheim’s UN, Lebensräum and Sustainable Development

The-United-NationsBy M.K. Styllinski

“Governments must take action to support institutions and mechanisms that will improve coherence, as well as bring about integrated policy and action across the social, economic and environmental pillars.

Current understanding supports the creation of a Sustainable Development Council within the UN system to integrate social, economic and environmental policy at the global level.”

State of the Planet Declaration

Strains of eco-fascism have been worming their way through the insides of the United Nations and genuine initiatives since it first arrived on the scene, care of Rockefeller funding. The Malthusian influence didn’t fully get underway until 1967 with the Trust Fund for Population Activities, a result of the 2nd World Population Conference in Belgrade, two years earlier. After this, a steady outflow of population bomb hysteria linked with environmentalism, education, international aid and health began to emerge. Ever looking for a way to push through its “scientific technique” of humanism, UNESCO held their conference on the Scientific Basis for the Rational Use and Conservation of the Resources of the Biosphere in 1968, complementing the publication of Paul Erhlich’s book The Population Bomb in the same year and The World Population Conference in Bucharest which followed in 1974. [1]

Pertinent to our exploration of Elite-induced eco-fascism, Austrian-Czech Kurt Waldheim seems to have played an important part in its genesis when he became General Secretary of the United Nations from 1972 – 1981. When we look at his background it is not hard to understand why.

After the German annexation of Austria in 1938 Waldheim was attending the Boltzmangasse Consular Academy and the University of Vienna’s Law Faculty which had built a tradition of Nazi recruitment and indoctrination.[2] In the same year, 20-year old Waldheim became a member in the National Socialist German Students’ League (NSDStB), a division of the Nazi Party. Not long after, he applied to become a member of the mounted corps of the SA but it is not clear if he actually became a member.[3] In early 1941, he then served as a squad leader in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front and soon discharged from further service after being wounded, spending the rest of the war studying for a law degree at the University of Vienna. He also married Elizabeth Ritschel in 1944 who was uncompromising in her belief in Nazism. [4]

It seems Waldheim did rather well as an intelligence officer of the Wehrmacht obtaining the rank of Oberleutnant. According to The International Commission of Historians Waldheim’s functions in the German Army Group E from 1942 – 1945 were as: “… an Interpreter and liaison officer with the 5th Alpine Division (Italy) in April/May 1942, O2 officer (communications) with Kampfgruppe West in Bosnia in June/August 1942, Interpreter with the liaison staff attached to the Italian 9th Army in Tirana in early summer 1942, O1 officer in the German liaison staff with the Italian 11th Army and in the staff of the Army Group South in Greece in July/October 1943 and O3 officer on the staff of Army Group E in Arksali, Kosovska Mitrovica and Sarajevo from October 1943 to January/February 1945.” [5]

Kurt Waldheim

Kurt Waldheim

By 1943 he was in Yugoslavia and embroiled in the massacres carried out by the German and Croatian military. Waldheim claimed no direct knowledge of these atrocities but had heard such things took place. He stated he had been “horrified” but believed he was powerless to prevent such things from happening, which was probably true. [6]However, as author William Walter Kay mentions, this was standard protocol in German Army units in which Waldheim served. He tells us: “In 1942 the multi-national Axis army enacted a system of reprisals for acts of resistance including punitive executions of suspects. SS units randomly lynched Serbs from Belgrade street-posts to meet quota. Worse atrocities were committed by the Axis puppet state of Croatia – a front for the genocidal Ustasha movement …”

Walter Kay also notes: On March 19, 1942, after a spike in resistance, the German 12th Army decreed: ‘The most minor case of rebellion, resistance or concealment of arms must be treated immediately by the strongest deterrent methods… It is better to liquidate 50 suspects than have one soldier killed’ ” These standards were mild. In Bosnia, where Waldheim was, ratios were: ‘100 Serbs to be executed for every German killed, 50 Serbs for every German wounded.’ ” [7]

What came under the spotlight more than any other period of Waldheim’s history is his role in Operation Kozara in 1942. Also known as Operation West-Bosnian by the Axis, fierce fighting took place around the mountain of Kozara in North-Western Bosnia involving Yugoslav Partisan resistance against the Germans, Croatians and Chetniks. Over 25,000 Serbs were sent to concentration camps and many civilian atrocities carried out by the invading forces [8]

One of the biggest and most notorious camps was Jasenovac based in Ustaše (Croatia).

In 1942, when victory over the Bosnian Resistance had been declared, Waldheim was cited for valour before joining General von Stahl’s 72,000-troop Battle Group in West Bosnia in order to rout the partisans once and for all. The General went to work in no uncertain fashion, ringing the surrounding area with barbed wire before advancing. The aftermath saw: “4,735 insurgents/suspects were executed and 70,000 civilians were shipped to camps. Rape and robbery were rampant.” Indeed, Waldheim’s role as an intelligence officer was to keep casualty statistics and to organise transportation for detainees. His name appears on a fine paper commemorative ‘list of honour’ a Wehrmacht document for distinguished service in Kozara. The Croatians awarded him a silver Crown of King Zvonimir medal “for courage in the battle against the rebels in West Bosnia.” [9]

Not exactly standing on the side-lines.

Yet, once again, Waldheim claimed ignorance even though he was in the thick of atrocities and as an intelligence officer it was his job to collate statistics and be acutely aware of the numbers game relating to all aspects of operations. One such operation took place in the Greek city port of Salonika on July 11, 1942 where: “… several thousand Jewish men were corralled into the city square and forced to perform difficult yoga positions under the hot sun while German soldiers hooted, clapped and took photographs. Elderly Jews died on the spot. The photos circulated widely in the Axis press including in a Croatian newspaper popular where Waldheim was then stationed.” [10]

If not directly involved, Waldheim was part of the enabling intelligence apparatus which had detailed knowledge of atrocities. As Walter Kay highlights: “Deporting Jews was a labour intensive operation, much discussed by the soldiers, and unavoidable to an intelligence officer like Waldheim who later pled ignorance.” [11]  Without such enthusiastic support for Croatian fascism Waldheim’s name would scarcely have appeared on the Wehrmacht’s “honor list” of those responsible.

In the same year and probably as a reward for a job well done, Kurt Waldheim was allowed time off to complete his PhD thesis ‘The Concept of Reich according to Konstantin Frantz.’” In it he argued that “… the Germanic Reich was the new ‘body of Christ’ inspired by the theory of Prussian statesman Konstantin Frantz (1817-1891) who was part of the Lebensräum ethic of a Greater Germany extending to across Western and central Europe. Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, the Balkans, and the Netherlands were all to be absorbed into the Reich according to Waldheim’s thesis.[12]

Part of the problem with Waldheim’s denial of his own history is the access he had to military information, special briefings, reconnaissance reports, logistics and statistics. As an intelligence officer he was at the sharp end of covert operations. This was best represented by his position as an “O3” officer which: “… were the army’s best informed men.” Walter Kay’s research reveals that Yugoslavian authorities accused Waldheim of involvement in the destruction of villages and massacring civilians, stating: “Orders were planned in detail with the cooperation of the [intelligence] unit at the army corps headquarters, and in particular with the collaboration of Lieutenant Waldheim.” They relied on numerous direct witnesses including three officers from General Loehr’s staff who confirmed Waldheim’s job was “to offer suggestions for reprisals, the fate of prisoners of war and imprisoned civilians.” [13]

Two years after the war Waldheim’s record was formally presented to UN War Crimes Commission by the Yugoslav delegation. 75 percent of Yugoslav prosecution requests were rejected by the British-chaired UN Commission. Yet the following year prosecution was recommended in part from British and US veterans’ eyewitness reports and persistent allegations of “putting hostages to death and murder.” [14]And here’s where Waldheim managed to get away with the biggest conjuring trick of his life, which would eventually result in the helmsman ship of the United Nations.

After the summer of 1945 where he had spent most of it in a POW camp he cut a deal with Anglo-American Intel and offered all he knew. In return, Waldheim gained safe passage back to Austria and a new life knowing that various intelligence agents had powerful bargaining chips over his destiny. With the War Crimes Commission concluded by the end of the 1940s with over 36,000 accused Nazi criminals dismissed without trial communism took over as the new bogeyman and Nazis disappeared into the system. His fate was very much in their hands. Like the Nazis of Operation Paperclip and those that fled to Brazil and Argentina it was life that could be both lucrative and powerful provided you would play ball. Waldheim was no different to many who had their war experiences washed cleaned in return for determining policy for vested interests. The next step was to get Waldheim into a position where he could be useful.

After Austria joined the UN in 1955, it was Waldheim who led Austria’s UN delegation until in 1965, whereupon he took up the post of Austrian diplomat in Czechoslovakia. With a failed bid for the Austrian Presidency with an ultra-right wing People’s Party in 1971, he was ushered into pole-position as an authentic candidate for UN Secretary-General.

Quite apart from the fact that Waldheim had a negative reputation within the UN itself (in one individual’s opinion: “a scheming, ambitious, duplicitous egomaniac ready to do anything for advantage or public acclaim.”) he presided over the greening of the institution in ways that established a cast iron, bureaucratic platform for the global warming industry and subsequent green washing in general. [15] In effect, Waldheim used the UN to usher in his global Lebensräum, a practical expression of Nazi land ethic and race theory.

EU states supplied 40 percent of the UN’s budget and 50 percent for funding and programmes, with most UN head offices located in Europe and two-thirds of environment offices and staff situated in Europe.  A prominence and complete bias of European Elite dominated the UN during his tenure. American and Russian influence was eroded by allowing mini-states to enter the consensus building process and creating complex and protracted meetings within the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

Meanwhile, Waldheim allowed a particular brand of European environmentalism to take precedence within the UN. Euro-Environmentalism and the UN are now one and the same with the UN’s Economic Commission of Europe (ECE) – which works closely with European Environment Agency (EEA) headquarters in Copenhagen – forging major treaties and subsidiaries for their implementation sourced from a £30 million annual budget. It is linked to the UN Millennium goals project by overseeing better coordination and continuing to usurp its otherwise economic mandate by making sure the “rational use of natural resources and sustainable development” continues apace. [16]

UN Agenda 21 and sustainable Development being the pinnacle of elite objectives. More on this in future posts.

In 1971, Maurice Strong had commissioned a report on the state of the planet, entitled “Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet” co-authored by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. 152 experts had given their analyses as to the “State of the Earth”, the first report of its kind. This was to act as a foundation report for the first major UN meeting on the environment in Stockholm the following year.

When Waldheim chaired the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 it was attended by 113 states, setting for a global environmental textbook for a new industry of activism, operations, institutions and organisations. Twenty-six principles were listed which member states needed to focus their attention, with education, overpopulation, awareness of biodiversity and conversation as the key proponents of a green campaign. Science and society did not feature. The framework for change was predicated on maintaining a capitalist system but placing the ecological principles in the consciousness so that they may be later expanded. In other words, exploitation of resources was fine as long as reserves were not depleted or the environment polluted.

UNESCO’s roots in depopulation, eugenics and humanism was dipped in Waldheim-Green and found to fit remarkably well. Mass education on the perils of global warming and ecological disaster was implemented. The world was running out of oil and radical change was needed in societies. Climate change became an eco-cause.

1971-72 saw a veritable explosion of environmental awareness. Limits to Growth was published, and Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headed by Maurice Strong all arrived just a few months apart. The UNEP covers a complex range of issues including: the atmosphere, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, environmental governance and green economy. Developing international environmental conventions, promoting environmental science, information and policy integration with national governments, regional institutions and in conjunction with environmental NGOs occupies the headquarters, six regional offices and various country offices around the world. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, with offices worldwide, UNEP’s task was to: “organize regulation of industrial agricultural products, gather data on the detriments of mining, and formulate a global energy balance sheet. UNEP’s inaugural budget financed 100 air pollution measuring stations and 10 stations to record environmental change.” [17]We will be coming back to the UNEP presently. For now, we must jump forward fifteen years.

dreamstime_l_33071801© Cienpiesnf | Dreamstime.com – Go Green Transparent Colorful City

Happy colours! Volunteering and a bright fresh, SMART future for all! I wish that were the reality.

This isn’t about tearing down optimistic, and sincere concern for our environment. It’s about calling out elite pathology masquerading as constructive discourse and positive action – and it goes deep indeed. Stay with me here as it’s going to be a long haul.

A Trojan Horse?

The term “sustainable development” emerged from the 1987 report of the UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) (otherwise known as the Brundtland Commission) chaired by CoR member Javier Perez de Cuellar, of which Maurice Strong was also a member. (Surprise!) The report was entitled: “Our Common Future” and placed sustainability and the focus on environmental resource management at the forefront of UN projects.

The report stated that the governments of the world have a responsibility to “… maintain eco-systems and ecological processes for the functioning of the biosphere, shall preserve biological diversity, and shall observe the principle of optimum sustainable yield in the use of living natural resources and eco-systems.” [18] Sounds logical and responsible, as all these initiatives do until you read the small print and place it in context. The report defined sustainable development (SD) to mean: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This means that: “Sustainable global development requires that those who are more affluent adopt lifestyles within the planet’s ecological means.” Which is an admirable desire though contradicted when: “Sustainable development can only be pursued if population size and growth are in harmony with the changing productive potential of the ecosystem.” Hence, the targeting of the third world and very little targeting of those who create and keep the systems in place that defines such a world.  [19]

Due to the vague definition of what constitutes SD, there is still no consensus as to what fulfills the criteria for sustainable practice. Consequently, it has been used to denote and define a wide variety of different beliefs and eco-ideologies from eco-psychology to green capitalism. It even includes sectors which have nothing to do with environmental concerns but may feature in the grand scheme of what is perceived as “sustainable.” After all, the architecture of global economics and the dynamics of geo-political strategies connected to securing the world resources can in no way be said to be sustainable. They are based on a “grab and run” mentality. But they both derive their impetus from the environmental fruits of water, energy and food. The sustainable development issue can be used to justify a form of security on the part of the Establishment in order to secure future generations (i.e. their families) with sustainable supplies, despite those resources being finite. That is not to say that SD should not be a vital part of humanity’s endeavours at the local and global level.

However, “sustainable” is not synonymous with “green” but it can be a darn good pitch for neo-imperialism.

The recycling and alternative-energy industries employ millions while The World Bank and the UNEP use SD to select which projects to finance. So, if the company walks the green talk and donates to saving a patch of rainforest in the South, he receives the World Bank stamp of approval whilst the company continues to “slash and burn” the Northern section of the forest. Know that your massive mining project will be viewed with disdain by the Structural Adjustment Team? Create a tree foundation and pay the fine. Business will continue as usual, provided you have a good PR dept. Thus a new “Green Capitalism” emerged at the end of the Wall St. eighties which promoted “pollution control pays” as a slogan and where big multi-nationals realised: “environmental management is a powerful corporate tool for improving efficiency” and improving public image even if there was no real change in corporate objectives, commonly known as “green washing”. Which meant the greater the benefits the more willing corporations would be to pay a fine and everyone would be happy. This hasn’t stopped some of the biggest environmental organisations from happily snuggling up to the corporate sponsors.

Mike Wright editor of Green Futures magazine recently commented: “… when it comes to working with business in general, one thing is certain. If our society is to make the decisive shift towards a sustainable future which is so urgently needed, then we need business – including the world’s major corporations – to play a key role in making that happen.” [20] Unfortunately, the nature of the corporation and the financial architecture from which they are birthed simply cannot entertain such a “key role” no matter how hard its employees, environmentalists and the public may want it to happen. Unless that is such dynamics can be turned on its head so that new industries can be borne, tied into the exact same market wheel. If psychopaths cannot be cured and nor can business models cast in their image.

While corporations were “greening” so too was their counterparts in crime.

The World Bank, IMF and UN were tinged with green as part of the international environmental movement’s on going penetration of ecological reform set in motion by the UN’s own Kurt Waldheim. The irony is that advocates of sustainability and self-sufficiency for the developed and underdeveloped world alike see no problem working away within the Structural Adjustment Team who despite every green initiative and conference declaration remain a part of the very economic architecture they wish to dismantle. While the Establishment and the wealthy stay the same, the working class and poor bear the brunt of new ecological systems designed to bring the world closer to a sustainable vision.

One example of the SD complexity inherent in non-linear eco-systems is the latest excitement that is producing ethanol from corn to make fuel. This product was once heralded as a saviour of environmentally sound agriculture in much the same cynical way as GMO foods were for feeding the world’s poor. Although corn is a renewable resource and replacing petrol with corn ethanol seems like a reason to be hopeful. But the cultivation, harvesting and conversion of corn is extremely energy intensive. Even if you succeed in making ethanol more sustainable than petrol you will leave a trail of environmental and social carnage behind you. When you divert corn to make ethanol it translates as less corn to feed your cattle, less corn to feed people which means the cost of corn goes up. That means more land is needed to turn into farmland and depending on the country and / or region that can mean more pressure on fallow or rainforest land which is razed to the ground once more. Open to alternatives sources of fuel and energy still inside the insatiable market maw cannot work unless the root perceptions and thus the economic frameworks upon which they are based has also changed. There lies the real “World Problematique.”

Sustainable Development is a buzzword with the best of intentions behind it. But it remains to be seen how much authentic sustainability can truly take hold in the present. The depletion of natural resources is a reality as is the scope for implementing solutions, from permaculture to woodland management. The dark side sees SD fall into the hands of the World State advocates and their technocrats who see it as an opportunity not just to protect Nature over man, but as another avenue from which humanity can find themselves (literally) trapped.



[1] p. 637; Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreements By Edmund Osmancyzk, Routledge, New York, 2003 | ISBN 0415939208.
[2] ‘Austrian university confronts Nazi past’ by Wolfgang Freidl, The Lancet, Volume 356, Issue 9246, Page 1994, 9 December 2000.
[3] Report of the International Historical Commission of 8 February 1988, section on “Membership in National Socialist Organizations”, as cited for example in http://www.nationalsozialismus.at/Themen/Umgang/waldheim.htm
[4] Quoted in William Walter Kay’s article: ‘Waldheim’s Monster: United Nations’ Ecofascist Programme’ 2009. This was in turn sourced from; Waldheim; Bernhard; Rosenzweig Luc, Adama Books, New York, 1987 (p. 18)
[5] The Waldheim Report. Submitted 8 February 1988 to Federal Chancellor Dr. Franz Vranitzky (p.39).
[6] ‘Kurt Waldheim: Austrian head of the UN who as president of his country was later tainted by charges of complicity in Nazi atrocities’. The Times 15 June 2007.
[7] Ibid. (Walter Kay quoting: Herzstein, Robert; Waldheim, The Missing Years; Arbor House/William Morrow; New York; 1988 (p.60 and p. 67).
[8] Bosworth, R.J.B. (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Fascism. Oxford University Press. p. 431. ISBN 978-0-19-929131-1.
[9] op. cit. Walter Kay.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid. (Walter Kay quoting Cohen p.85-87)
[14] Ibid. (Walter Kay quoting Cohen p 79 – 80)
[15] Ibid. (Walter Kay quoting Hazzard, Shirley; Countenance of Truth: The United Nations and the Waldheim Case; Viking Penguin; New York; 1990( p. 91)
[16] op. cit Walter Kay
[17] Ibid.
[18] Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future, Transmitted to the General Assembly as an Annex to document A/42/427 – Development and International Co-operation: Environment. (1987) http://www.un-documents.net/wced-ocf.htm
[19] http://www.earthcharter.org 2009.
[20] ‘Sponsorship: green wave or greenwash?’ by Martin Wright, Green Futures, 19th July, 2012.

Dark Green VII: The Club of Rome and “World Problematique” (2)

By M.K. Styllinski

Every man is a moon and has a dark side which is turned towards nobody- you have to slip around behind if you want to see it.”

Mark Twain

Eco-fascism and World State advocates incorporate a host of well-intentioned people. Such movements work, precisely because the genuine emotions behind the propaganda have been tapped. It does not mean every person involved is somehow part of a nefarious conspiracy – it’s cleverer than that. Knowledge of mass psychology ensures compliance; self-censorship and our adherence to comfortable belief and authority usually proves enough. It is also true that many of those doing their part under the Club of Rome and other organisations we have discussed may be subconsciously aware of these authoritarian principles and have the make up of an authoritarian follower. This doesn’t necessarily make them pathological but it does make them ignorant of the wider spheres of manipulation, thus easily swayed, whether academic or layman, politician or scientist. After all, we tend to jump on the band-wagon of belief that most readily conforms to our childhood programming and personality desires.

The Club of Rome is an outfit designed to appeal to the green arm of those romantic visions of one world unity and eco-authoritarian sensibilities. If World State principles are to have a chance they need to adapt quickly and conform to the Rockefeller ideal of a corporatist-collectivist hybridisation which can foster the needed economics, just as they did after World War II. The directive for institution building was “peace,” here, it is “environmental catastrophe” – regardless of the validity. The psychopath’s mind piggy-backs macro-social imperatives in order to extract the best possible outcome for its minority species. In this case, the survival and dominance of their genetic code, not that of normal people.

The CoR authors state:

“The period of absence of thought and a lack of common vision – not of the world of tomorrow will be, but of what we want it to be, so we can shape it – is a source of discouragement, even despair. […] It seem would that many men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act together. In the vacuum such motivations seem to have ceased to exist – or have yet to be found.” [Emphasis mine]

This harks back to the stanza of “Remoulding it to the heart’s desire” and the allusions to commonality, consensus, communitarianism etc. (Remember Common Core and Common Purpose?) Nothing wrong with any of those things but just who is doing the “shaping” here on behalf of humanity? The same movers and shakers are still in control. It’s the difference between self-organised communities independent of State controls or inverted totalitarianism hijacking truth and so far, every indication seems to be it is the latter.

It seems the Club of Rome and its various offshoots have arrived at the idea that we need a “common motivation” being so disempowered and bereft of ideas of our own. Further, we need an “adversary” in order to act together and get organised just like we need an adversary in the shape of a terrorist threat or the nonsense of Vladimir Putin as a Hitlerian instigator of a new cold war. It’s exactly the same dynamic used to hoodwink the mass mind. The CoR is using in plain sight, the same technique to elicit a Pavlovian response from the populace to create the groundswell to “save the planet” and prevent an ecological catastrophe. In the “vacuums” created by power structures and with psychopaths at specific nodes of influence almost anything can be inserted into the mass mind with enough appeal to instinct (fear) and emotion (altruistic desire) to create a potent force upon which the Elite can ride to fruition. We find the same “scientific technique” so favoured by governments everywhere:

“The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself – when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose.”

No arguments there. Rather than moving away from such a manipulation they decide to employ the exact same tactics simply because it is “green” and the future of the planet is at stake. And here we come to the whole point underlying much of the global warming hysteria of the last twenty years:

Can we live without enemies? Every state has been so used to classifying its neighbours as friend or foe that the sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void to fill. New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined and new weapons devised. The new enemies are different in their nature and location but they are no less real. They threaten the whole human race and they are and their names are pollution, water shortage, famine, malnutrition, illiteracy and unemployment.  [Emphasis mine]

Finally, the dénouement arrives:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” [1]

Transmute our need for bogeyman and graft them onto a sensible, ecological salvation. Notice how State and society are one in the authors’ minds. To combat the perceived threat to the human race deception is necessary for the good of the whole – i.e. The Elite. Similarly, true to eco-fascist principles, the Establishment are not the enemies but “humanity itself” who has been raised and inculcated along the very same lines of perception management that the CoR is proposing here.

Indeed, taking his cue from this propaganda was the late CoR member Prof. Stephen Schneider of Stanford Professor of Biology and Global Change who claimed: “We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination … So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts … Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” [2] However, in order to achieve this aim, notions of democracy and freedom must be turned on their heads for the greater good.

In the 1991 edition, (though carefully re-worked in the 1993 edition) we find:

But freedom alone cannot reorganise a state, write a constitution, create a market and establish economic growth, rebuild industry and agriculture and or build a new social structure. It is a necessary and noble, inspirational force but it is far from being an operating manual for a new government. This is why the concept of human rights simply initiates but cannot implement the process of democratization […] The old democracies have functioned reasonably well over the last 200 years, but they appear now to be in a phase of complacent stagnation with little evidence of real leadership and innovation. The slowness of decision-making in a democratic system is particularly damaging at the international level. […]

Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today’s problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time.” [3]

They are right: “Democracy is not a Panacea.” Yet, these proffered “Global Revolutions” – as every managed and co-opted revolution in the past – are not offering progressive change that lies with the people but the exact same notions of change residing in global governance and a New Renaissance of World State dreams percolating in the minds of leaders. They are advocating tighter centralisation grafted onto and through the ideological medium of regionalism and Communitarianism. As the “wise man” of new age environmentalism Maurice Strong mentioned in a recent essay for the World Policy Journal: “… our concepts of ballot-box democracy may need to be modified to produce strong governments capable of making difficult decisions.” [4]

When you place this in context you see a pattern and you slowly realise that this is ditching democracy in order to replace it with a re-packaging of the 4C’s with the exact same management team that will preside over a new Social Contract using ecological catastrophe as the “enemy”. This is a ruse to seemingly “unite us” but it is a unity that serves the few. The same is happening with economics (manipulated collapse) and society as a whole (SMART growth/sustainable development).

In similar fashion, the UN as a policing body which is, in principle at least, concerned with the enforcement of world disarmament as an achievable goal. Now, think about this from a minority psychopath’s point of view. What would the psychopath do if he wanted to ride normal humanity’s back without the possibility of being discovered? Further, when he was revealed, you could no longer cause him harm? He would feed humanity an array of enticing “foods”  and cultivate distractions that would make make it progressively docile and asleep to psycho-spiritual danger. A mass condition of Stockholm Syndrome would arrive, effectively disabling humanity’s ability to SEE evil in its midst. While sleeping, the psychopath caused us to to gorge on mental, emotional and physical inducements devoid of nourishment while eventually removing our teeth under cover of night. When and if we finally awake our will and ability to defend ourselves from psychic infection would be gone.

Whilst violence is not the answer, disarming the population is a standard, historical tactic of the Establishment and ensures compliance to a World Order with the minimum of resistance, both in terms of the mind and regarding the possibility of civil unrest. A future armed resistance from those who would rather have the choice as to whether they are embedded in a pathocratic “SMART society” is an understandable reaction. Yet, even here the fostering of “revolution” in the minds of the masses is also a part of social engineering and a veritable smoke and mirrors of conflicting desires, since every revolution is designed to break down Official culture so that the Establishment can introduce their own “solutions.”

If you think the CoR is doing its level best to defer to those with conscience and use language that would buffer the true meaning – then you would be correct. The real intention is stated far more bluntly by Fred G. Thompson in his article for the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome:

[W]e have temporarily acquired the means to defy Nature, it is only for a short time. If we do not design policies to halt, and then reverse population growth, Nature by default will soon exact a most punishing solution. […] The reduction of human population by default means in plain language the reduction of human numbers by war, disease and famine. […]

Over-consumption is, of course, the basic cause of polluting the atmosphere and global warming. So it must be dealt with.

One possible scenario would be the imposition of birth control by a world government which possesses the capacity to enforce it globally. Not a pretty scene, but an alternative to global war, disease and starvation. [5]
[Emphasis mine]

And yet, global war, disease and starvation are exactly the methods and effects which have been used by those that govern us for centuries. Talk about a contradiction! Despite the insistence that: “ ‘Global ‘governance’ in our vocabulary does not imply a global ‘government’ but rather the institutions set up for cooperation, coordination, and common action between durable sovereign states” it is one of many disingenuous statements which amount to semantics.  How likely is such a global scenario to play out when those same players that coordinated past disasters are still residing at the top of these institutions which are attempting to become supra-global and when democracy is deemed inefficient and out-dated? How likely is any notion of success to be realised when deception, bad science and blatant determinism is used as the arbiters of a perceived truth?

Democracy has indeed succumbed to the very same forces proposing global consciousness along eco-fascist principles. Democratic decision-making is seen as “damaging at the international level” because of its slow pace. It can also be argued that it can act as a safeguard to precipitous decisions and runaway policies based on reaction and reflex instead of careful thought and transparent arbitration.

The Club of Rome subsequently founded two sister organisations, the Club of Budapest which focuses on social and cultural issues and the Club of Madrid which has a more political emphasis. Both follow the same themes of sustainability and developing new socio-political and ecological frameworks which leave capitalism and democracy behind.

The CoR has also established a network of over 35 National Associations. Although, as of writing, the “Ex Officio membership” at the CoR website is conveniently blank which would have otherwise given a snapshot of the kind of belief from which the CoR has traditionally drawn. A brief summary of current and past members from CoR and its sister organisations include:

Al Gore – former VP of the USA, leading climate change campaigner, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Academy Award winner and Emmy winner. Gore led the US delegations to the Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Climate Change conference and chaired a meeting of the full Club of Rome held in Washington DC in 1997. Stating in Grist Magazine in 2006: “I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are…” He is most well-known for being opposition candidate to the Bush-Cheney Reich in 2004 and for producing the scientifically compromised but multi-award-winning global warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

Javier Solana – is a Spanish physicist and Socialist politician. Secretary General of the Council of the European Union, High Representative for EU Foreign Policy. He is a frequent speaker at the prestigious U.S. based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was also Secretary-General of NATO from 1995-1999 and gave the Clinton led go ahead for the bombing campaign of the former Yugoslavia as well as giving full support for the invasion of Iraq under the illusion of full European support: “Today’s message to Baghdad is very clear: the UN Security Council resolution expresses the unity and determination of the entire international community to assume its collective responsibility.” [6]

Mikhail Gorbachev – The big Daddy of New World Order change; a CoR executive member, former President of the Soviet Union, founder of Green Cross International and the Gorbachev Foundation, Nobel Peace Prize winner, co-founder (with Hidalgo) of the Club of Madrid, co-author (with Maurice Strong) of the Earth Charter. Gorby has come out with some memorable statements: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order.”

Most recently the Russian elder statesman had this to say at Lafayette College commenting on the Occupy Wall St. Movement:

“Others, including myself, have spoken about a new world order, but we are still facing the problem of building such a world order…problems of the environment, of backwardness and poverty, food shortages…all because we do not have a system of global governance. We cannot leave things as they were before, when we are seeing that these protests are moving to even new countries, that almost all countries are now witnessing such protests, that the people want change. As we are addressing these challenges, these problems raised by these protest movements, we will gradually find our way towards a new world order.” [7]

Diego Hidalgo SchnurCutting his teeth at the World Bank from 1968 to 1977, he is the founder and president of FRIDE, (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior), of the Club of Madrid. He is the Chairman of the Board for DARA (international organization) and Concordia 21. He is also a founding member and senior fellow of the Gorbachev Foundation of North America (GFNA).

Ervin Laszlo – Concert pianist, scientist and philosopher. Founding member of the CoR, founder and President of the Club of Budapest, founder and Chairman of the World Wisdom Council.

Anne Ehrlich – Population Biologist. Married to Paul Ehrlich with whom she has authored many books on human overpopulation. Also a former director of Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club, and a member of the UN’s Global Roll of Honour.

Sir Crispin Ticknell – former British Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Permanent Representative on the Security Council, Chairman of the ‘Gaia Society’, Chairman of the Board of the Climate Institute, leading British climate change campaigner. Ticknell is a keen believer in Gaia theory stating that: “Gaia has no particular tenderness for humans. We are no more than a small, albeit immodest, part of her.” [8]

Maurice Strong – Described by the New York Times as the “Custodian of the Planet” Strong has been Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Chief Policy Advisor to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the Rio Earth Summit, co-author (with Gorbachev) of the Earth Charter, co-author of the Kyoto Protocol, founder of the Earth Council. He is also a devout follower of the Baha’i religion and propagator of Gaian theology. Strong has also long been a Rockefeller agent of change, having been financially backed by the family since he was knee-high to an oil drum. Yes, Strong, had his beginnings in oil. It is for this reason that Strong has managed to create environmental organisations, think-tanks and foundations as well as being on the board of almost every other environmental initiative and enterprise. (For more on the eco-Intelpro background of Strong please watch James Corbett’s video series on Big Oil).

Here’s what Mr. Strong said in his autobiography, in a section described as a report to the shareholders, Earth Inc, dated 2031: “And experts have predicted that the reduction of the human population may well continue to the point that those who survive may not number more than the 1.61 billion people who inhabited the Earth at the beginning of the 20th century. A consequence, yes, of death and destruction — but in the end a glimmer of hope for the future of our species and its potential for regeneration.” [9] A “glimmer of hope” after death and destruction over which he is not only happy to preside,  but to encourage. This is key to understanding the impetus behind global warming and other forms of eco-Intelpro: it is eco-fascism of the highest order. Yet commenting on Strong’s legacy of environmentalism Kofi Anaan thought: “It would be a mistake to think of Maurice solely as one of the world’s leading environmentalists. His main cause has been people.” [10] It’s a “cause” all right, just one that ignores the true roots of the global crises while promoting Nature over humans.

Robert Muller – former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, founder and Chancellor of the UN University of Peace. No surprise that we found the late Mr. Muller working his magic here and who observed:

“In my view, from all perspectives — scientific, political, social, economic and ideological — humanity finds itself in the pregnancy of an entirely new and promising age: the global, interdependent, universal age … the birth of the global brain, heart, senses and soul to humanity, of a holistic consciousness of our place in the universe and on this planet, and of our role and destiny in them.”

Which may well be, but such gushing statements are quite useful for those wish to build a global consciousness based on the opposite. Muller’s World Core Curriculum was based directly on the Alice Bailey teachings. His role seems to have been to plant the seeds of a New World Religion in the faithful: “We must, together, create an agency within the U.N. and perhaps an independent United Religions Secretariat. What an incredible challenge that would offer to the United Nations, and what untold good it would bring to humanity, which desperately needs a moral and spiritual Renaissance.” [11]

Which of course means supporting the CoR and all it stands for.

Other Club of Rome members include Kofi Anaan, Lionel Jospin, George Soros, Hassan bin Talal, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Jose Maria Anzar, Bill Gates, The Dalai Lama, Garret Hardin, King Juan Carlos of Spain and his wife Queen Sophia, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Prince Philippe of Belgium and many more. And of course, as ever, David Rockefeller, whom we know a little about.

Project partners and funding for the organisations comes from a variety of foundations and government bodies which by their mere presence is enough to conclude that such organizations cannot be trusted: Cisco Systems; International Economic Club of China; Turkish Future Researches Foundation (TUGAV) United Nations Foundation (UNF) Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists; Bertelsman Stiftung; Hunt Alternatives Fund; The Cousin’s Charitable Foundation; Institute for Security Studies (South Africa) Institute on Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) Brookings Institution; Centre for Concern Rethinking Bretton Woods Project. With annual conference sponsorship from the Rockefeller Foundation; Google; Samsung; Microsoft; McKinsey & Co and GDF Suez.

The Rockefeller funding is present in all three CoR organisations.

rio-earth-tio1Rio Earth Summit 1992

Blame it on Rio

The drive to protect the Earth and Nature under attack is obviously an admirable one. The destruction of the rainforests is something that gives me a literal pain in my heart when I see it. But how is all this mass emotional energy actually being used? The last thing the pathocratic Establishment want is an informed and thinking public who are able to discern signposts to eco-social engineering. It seems we still have a long way to go when it comes to green issues and notions of just who is “healing the Earth”.

When the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit arrived in 1992 it was chaired under  the ubiquitous Maurice Strong. The Convention on Biological Diversity; The Framework Convention on Climate Change; and the UN Agenda 21 were all birthed there on a wave of green emotion and a sincere desire to take action. Psychological seeding was the intent rather than rapid change. Since then, in concert with SMART society initiatives and land use redevelopment cartels these policies have redrawn the framework of local and national government policy. Regardless of whether they understood the nature of the green mask, change agents were needed; what counted was their iconic presence.

In 1994, Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev, formally introduced the Earth Charter as a civil society initiative and part of the declaration of Rio. The independent Earth Charter Commission, “… was convened by Strong and Gorbachev with the purpose of developing a global consensus on values and principles for a sustainable future. The Commission continues to serve as the steward of the Earth Charter text.” [12]  Now, one of the principle creators of the Earth Charter was… (drum-roll) … Steven Clark Rockefeller! He was chairman of the Earth Charter international drafting committee and member of the Earth Charter Commission and Steering Committee. He also happens to be an advisory trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund while still finding time to act as professor emeritus of Religion at Middlebury College. The ideal person to create such a UN-driven declaration that: “we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny,” and that a “change of mind and heart” is needed for this global undertaking.

Like Alice Bailey’s “New Group of World Servers,” – who and what exactly, are we ultimately following?

Towards the end of the Earth charter we are provided with more “choices” dressed up as no choices at all:

As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is the promise of these Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we must commit ourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter. This requires a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must imaginatively develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, and globally. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. We must deepen and expand the global dialogue that generated the Earth Charter, for we have much to learn from the ongoing collaborative search for truth and wisdom.”

“In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfil their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development. Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.” [13] [Emphasis mine]

When we come to talk about the UN Agenda 21 and its push for SMART growth redevelopment within urban centres and suburbia, you will see why the above is dangerous manipulation – a green diversion, if you will.

By 2000, the Earth Charter text had been taken to activists, NGOs and governments hearts appealing to both romantic and ideological aspirations, with huge glut of conferences, seminars, neighbourhood meetings all attended by suitably paid “facilitators” and lobbyists. Sustainable development in the 1990s was only the first stage. Once SMART growth and society were not merely buzzwords but the technology was there to support it, SD and SMART fused into one. The Earth dialogues followed in 2002, launched by Strong and Gorby as an outgrowth of Green Cross International. These series of annual public forums sought to: “… bring together civil society and the private and public sectors in the search for solutions to resolve the most pressing and interconnected challenges of insecurity, poverty and environmental degradation.” [14]

Sounds inspiring doesn’t it? It’s a shame this is another lie. It seems the young have been sucked into yet another Strong/Gorby production: the Earth Charter Initiative where children are sought as “change agents” for the new “Global ethic.” According to the website description:

“The Earth Charter Initiative is the collective name for an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions who participate in promoting the Earth Charter, and in implementing its principles in practice. The Initiative is a broad-based, voluntary, civil society effort, but participants include leading international institutions, national governments, university associations, NGOs, cities, faith groups, and many well-known leaders in sustainable development.” [15]

Its objectives regarding education is an example of a familiar dogma:

“The Earth Charter values and principles must be taught, contemplated, applied and internalized. To this end, the Earth Charter needs to be incorporated into both formal and non-formal education. This process must involve various communities, continue to integrate the Charter into the curriculum of schools and universities, and constitute an on-going process of life-long learning.” [16]

The best way to gain a commitment from the awakening mass mind is to appeal to their values and shared commonality. The Earth Charter text and initiative are worded in such a way that a form of entrainment occurs which fits seamlessly into grass roots aspirations. Social transformation of young minds can then fit into the Agenda 21 structures currently being implemented. After all, according to Strong: “The real goal of the Earth Charter, is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.” [17]

Once again, this isn’t about saving the planet or offering a new template that will empower people to find creative solutions outside of the Establishment. This is about the exact reverse: to homogenise thought and action related to green issues and ecological science by contouring focus into pre-designed, socially engineered parameters, where national parks, land allocation, land resource, the prohibition of private property and SMART ghettoization takes place by stealth. This society will be supremely green and highly efficient but lacking any freedom to choose. Indeed, the whole concept of sustainability and SMART is are already being sold as desirable – even inevitable – choices when in fact, it has all been based on another dialectical formula to herd the population.

New World (Eco) Indoctrination

The reader may remember the late former Assistant-Secretary of the UN Robert Muller, who was a highly influential spiritual guru within the institution and a follower of the Alice Bailey teachings explored in a previous post. The Earth Charter Initiative is overseen by the United Nations University of Peace founded by Muller (yes, Maurice Strong is the President) its governing council a veritable honey-pot of Club of Rome members, including the now retired Secretary-General Martin Lees.

Like the Earth charter initiatives in education, Robert Muller schools continue to pop up all over the world “educating” children towards a singular perception of reality. Yet, the more we look into Muller’s background and what he is advocating, the more troubling it becomes. The laudable sentiments for world peace and harmony on earth are undercut by the same spiritual fascism that we can find in the Bailey writings and militant environmentalists.  What is more, it presents a spiritual narcissism so extreme it defies belief that such a man until recently, had such power over the decision-making process in UN circles. Yet it is this very genuine and highly devotional personality that is so often useful in promoting a fake agenda.

clip_image002_thumb.jpgThe ubiquitous Maurice Strong

clip_image004_thumb.jpg“global visionary” Robert Muller

On Muller’s website goodmorningworld.org a series of personal conversations with God ensue:

God: “Dear Robert, congratulations for having finished your 4000 ideas. May I ask you: which one do you consider the most important?”

I: Well, my most important idea and conclusion after all my adult life as a world civil servant is this: The United Nations must be vastly strengthened to resolve the major global problems henceforth increasingly confronting humanity and the Earth. It must be empowered to adopt and enforce world laws and regulations.

God: “Thank you, dear Robert, for what you are recommending. Perhaps after all, the greatest jewel of my Creation, the Earth, can be saved.” […]

Under these circumstances I cannot accept that you consider your 4000 ideas to be the end. You should, you must continue and work hard on implementation. I will help you from heaven, creating the right circumstances and ensuring that your ideas and efforts will be known at the right, highest world levels.”  [18] [Emphasis mine]

Notwithstanding the assumption that Muller has been hand-picked by God because of the quality of his ideas which will work at the “highest world levels,” he proceeds to enthusiastically trumpet his visions which include the United Nations mandating: “… urgency plans or conferences to halt the rapid decline of Plane Earth’s life giving capacities and wealth,” such as a: “… world emergency plan to stop for at least five years the human population explosion;” “… a world emergency plan for the more rapid reduction of carbon dioxide emissions;” and “… a world emergency plan to avoid further risks of climatic changes;” and many other “ideas” which are, by now, quite familiar. [19] All of this, with the enforcement of “world laws and regulations.

It seems Robert Muller’s delight at being a “world civil servant” is genuine… Is this global governance to be made up of an eco-technocratic elite of civil servants, traditional Iagos and Machiavellian snakes which inhabit all the quangos and corridors of political power, easing, oiling and subverting where necessary? It would seem so. This is not to say that Muller isn’t sincere. He may be a thoroughly decent man. But that isn’t the issue.

Good intentions never have been.

While there is much to praise in Muller’s stream of ideas, his ignorance of the nature of ecology and non-linear change – and more importantly geo-politics – is truly frightening considering the position he found himself. The level of spiritual egocentrism is profound. For example, his comments on population:

“Perhaps the recent increase of terrorism is the beginning of that revolution. The attacks against the US World Trade Centre and the Pentagon were perhaps the opening of it. Among the measures, which can reduce this new world danger, the UN should urgently convene a World Emergency Population Conference. Another is a new, immediate World Marshall Plan, as recommended by the Club of Budapest.” [20]

And the Club of Budapest is Muller’s own bar-code of approval touting the same centralisation and homogenization of human creativity. To Muller, unless we get with the picture, it is not just a danger but a “New World danger!” Is there a New World toaster perhaps? Or a New World Supermarket with New World Baked Beans? Has Muller exhausted the call for a New World —– (fill in the blank) enough?

Urgently convening conferences based on Elite blessings and interminable calls for New World authorities and centralisations were Muller’s speciality and therefore, while fairly meaningless, were no less fanatical.

Everything in Muller’s vision is sourced from Alice Bailey and molded into his own prolific worldview which is dangerously naïve, messianic, blind to the dangers inherent in the ideas he is proposing. His impression of humanity is that we: “… are still a very primitive, underdeveloped species” which needs the stewardship of folks like himself desperate for a singular type of New World. Muller further believes: “Communism has died. It is now the turn of capitalism to change or die. The new ideology should be Earthism, the proper management and conservation of our precious, life-nurturing and sustaining Earth. Capital should be used to save the Earth and become eco-capitalism.” Not a word on ponerology, not a word about the fact the very challenges we face are not sourced from the human species but a minority who soil the sandpit. The underdeveloped species of course, clearly doesn’t include Muller who sits on the right hand of God and is therefore his valuable conduit outside such nastiness. [21]

This isn’t education. It’s indoctrination.

“New” is prefixed in front of every possible discipline and domain, from a new political system to a new economics; a new education and a new media and new communications to a new democracy and a new global leadership; a new science and technology to a new anthropology, sociology and new ways of life; a new human biology and a new philosophy, cosmology and long term, view of evolution to a new world ethics and justice and a new world psychology all connected under “the art of planetary management” and group  consciousness. A vast homogenous mass – collectivism at the ground level of a clinical, urban wasteland with romantic, warm and fuzzy trigger words to engender conformity. Will you become one of the chosen few who will be living in the assigned zones of ecotopia; with their neighbourhood police and gated SMART-buildings with round the clock security?

The Earth Charter is a set of principles which enhances and streamlines Agenda 21 which is a framework by which a re-shaping of society according to sustainable principles can be implemented. They go hand in hand. The International Covenant on Environment and Development allows a smooth passage of laws in relation to Charter to go through unimpeded and is being prepared by the Commission on Environmental Law at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) which is a monolithic agency straddling more than 700 other international agencies. (You will not be surprised to hear that Maurice Strong is giving the Rockefellers a run for their money by being on the board of the directors of the IUCN as well as everywhere else…)

Alongside corporations who are also patrons of the very same UN philosophies and providers of education materials with their logos stamped on every page, thousands of schools and educational organisations are currently promoting Earth Charter materials. Children are being exposed to entrainment that subtly conforms to the habitual group think and group consciousness hitherto discussed. Many of the themes and principles in the Earth Charter are sound and practical – even visionary – but they sourced from a purview of highly contested computer modelling techniques of the Club of Rome, UNEP and the IPCC who work together to fuel fear and alarm alongside the imperative for change via global governance. Underpinning New Age declarations for Global unity is bad science and cynical perception management that most assuredly does not have the best interests of humanity at heart.


Seat of the Universal House of Justice, governing body of the Bahá’ís, in Haifa, Israel

Of utmost importance is education towards the idea of a World State and the imposition of a New World Religion or “spirituality” depending on which agency you are involved in. As such, standard religion has to be side-lined or preferably done away with all together. After all, according to commongood.org a forum for Inter-Religious Groups and Spiritual Leaders “… it is clear that our religious institutions have barely begun to articulate the core values of sustainable development.” [22]

It seems the Bahá’í Faith is one of the models which is deemed an exception to the rule.

The New World Religion that is doing the rounds at the UN offices and heavily promoted by Strong and Gorby is the Bahá’í faith. Founded by Bahá’u’lláh in 19th century, it is a monotheistic religion with, of course, a strong emphasis on world government. This is why New Agers, collectivists and UN acolytes have been persuaded (mostly by Strong) to embed the Bahá’í religion within the UN.  Much like the Lucis Trust, it is permitted to have consultative status with the following organisations: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM); United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); World Health Organization (WHO).

The Bahá’í International Community is an agency under the direction of the Universal House of Justice in Haifa, Israel. Drums, rituals and sacred messages at numerous conferences organised by Strong have featured a background of Bahá’í-inspired rituals in praise of Gaia and Mother Earth. Similar to the Lucis Trust and its “Great Invocation” the Bahá’í religion adds a further layer of institutionalised ritual to the UN.

Perhaps we could say that there’s nothing wrong with a bit of ritual and the rehashing of ancient wisdom. After all, don’t we want to live in a world of peace, harmony, tolerance and social justice? Don’t we want to preserve our emerald lands and provide a sustainable way of life which includes access to clean water and plentiful food for the planet’s inhabitants?

Even if it were based upon entirely authentic intentions, forcing it into being won’t work, and it will be especially hollow if we allow a monoculture of laws alongside a ritually-based platform for an authoritarian band of Word Civil Servants” to control the mass of humanity.

See also:

Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome

Dark Green X: UN Agenda 21 and SMART Growth

Why Big Oil Conquered the World (Video)


[1] Ibid. (p.85)
[2] Schneider SH (August/September 1996). “Don’t Bet All Environmental Changes Will Be Beneficial”. APS News (American Physical Society): 5.
[3] op. cit. King; Schneider, 1991 edition: (pp.82 and 159) Interestingly, the 1993 version is worded differently but says exactly the same thing.
[4] ‘Facing Down Armageddon: Our Environment at a Crossroads’ by Maurice Strong, World Policy Journal, May 2009.
[5] ‘Turning the Elephant Around’ By Fred G. Thompson Canadian Association for the Club of Rome, Proceedings: Analysis of the Human Predicament, VoSeries 3 / Number 10 May 2007. (p.17).
[6] Disarming Iraq by George Sedall, p.53.
[7] ‘Mikhail Gorbachev Says Uprisings Signal an Emerging New World Order’ October 20, 2011, Layfayette College, Philadelphia.
[8] p.224; Scientists Debate Gaia: The Next Century By Stephen Henry Schneider, Published by MIT Press 2004.| ISBN-0262-19498-8|
[9] Where on Earth are we Going? By Maurice Strong 2000. Published by Vintage Canada.
[10] http://www.mauricestrong.net
[11] Spring 1995 issue of The Temple of Understanding newsletter under the headline, ‘Preparing for the Next Millenium.’
[12] http://www.earthcharterinaction.org/
[13] Ibid.
[14] http://www.gcint.org/what-we-do/earth-dialogues
[15] Ibid.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Maurice Strong on “A People’s Earth Charter” Interview with Maurice Strong Chairman of the Earth Council and Co-Chair of the Earth Charter Commission. | www. http://www.earthcharterinaction.org/
March 5, 1998
[18] ‘Paradise Earth Robert Muller’s Ideas & Dreams Nurturing Our Home’ http://www.paradiseearth.us/
[19] http://www.robertmuller.org/ideas/
[20] Idea 2055 http://www.robertmuller.org/ideas/
[21] Idea 6335 Robert Muller ‘s Good Morning World Today’s Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller, Friday, August 10, 2007. http://www.goodmorningworld.org/blog
[22] http://www.commongood.info/cooperation

Dark Green VI: The Club of Rome and “World Problematique” (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 “The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”

Edmund Burke

According to the Club of Rome’s (CoR) own website the global think-tank was founded in April 1968 by: “… a small international group of professionals from the fields of diplomacy, industry, academia and civil society met at a quiet villa in Rome.” This villa was none other than the Rockefeller brother’s estate in Bellagio, with brainstorming sessions at the neighbouring Accademia dei Lincei.

The CoR describes itself as “a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity” who aim:

“… to identify the most crucial problems which will determine the future of humanity through integrated and forward-looking analysis; to evaluate alternative scenarios for the future and to assess risks, choices and opportunities; to develop and propose practical solutions to the challenges identified; to communicate the new insights and knowledge derived from this analysis to decision-makers in the public and private sectors and also to the general public and to stimulate public debate and effective action to improve the prospects for the future.” [1]

From its website we can also read that they are now focusing on:

“…on the root causes of the systemic crisis by defining and communicating the need for, the vision and the elements of a new economy, which produces real wealth and wellbeing; which does not degrade our natural resources and provides meaningful jobs and sufficient income for all people. The new programme will also address underlying values, beliefs and paradigms.”

The above sounds wonderfully inspiring until you look at the background of the CoR.

logo_web_whiteAlthough claiming to be a non-governmental, non-partisan organisation, this is not the case. The organisation has numerous connections with both NATO and government-related bodies and think-tanks: the Bilderberg Group, the UN, Trilateral Commission, and the Royal Institute of International affairs all of whom feature heavily in its networking memberships. A cross-fertilisation takes place drawn from what is essentially the same mix of global government, population control and social engineering outfits. An imposition of a singular type of International order is their remit – this time through the hijacking of environmentalism and ecology.

It would have been illuminating to be a fly-on-the-wall on that idyllic spring day. Members sipping vino blanco and munching the odd olive or two, were Erich Jantsch, Hugo Thiemann, Lauro Gomes-Filho, Jean Saint-Geours and Max Kohnstamm. They were met by their hosts the Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish scientist Alexander King, who: “… came together to discuss the dilemma of prevailing short-term thinking in international affairs and, in particular, the concerns regarding unlimited resource consumption in an increasingly interdependent world.”  [2] They decided that each participant would do their best to influence world leaders and decision-makers with growing “global interdependence” and the application of “systems-thinking” to light the road ahead. The “originality of their approach” however, was not so much that it was innovative, rather it was bad science tailored to an agenda. Peccei was an ardent supporter of a one world government and it becomes clear that this was the primary reason for his creation of the Club.

One of the flagship books to be commissioned by the CoR is The Limits to Growth (LtG) written in 1972 by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers, and William W. Behrens III. The book served up dire consequences for industrialised society and the world should the growth of the human population continue on its present course. The associated issues of economics and the demand for finite resources would ensure the inevitability of an ecological collapse within the next one-hundred years. Translated into more than forty languages with sales at more than 30 million the book certainly tapped into the genuine wish that lies within most responsible people that we must seek ways to reduce our ecological impact and not continue to despoil our own backyard. Their lies its success. Take a genuine truth and then apply a subtle bell curve towards the proposed model of your choosing.

Of course, can anyone really disagree with the logic that we do not live on a planet with infinite resources and that we must work with Nature instead of against her?

An extract from the book gives the overall design of its message:

“If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years. The most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.”

“It is possible to alter these growth trends and to establish a condition of ecological and economic stability that is sustainable far into the future. The state of global equilibrium could be designed so that the basic material needs of each person on earth are satisfied and each person has an equal opportunity to realize his individual human potential.”

“The overwhelming growth in world population caused by the positive birth-rate loop is a recent phenomenon, a result of mankind’s very successful reduction of worldwide mortality. The controlling negative feedback loop has been weakened, allowing the positive loop to operate virtually without constraint. There are only two ways to restore the resulting imbalance. Either the birth rate must be brought down to equal the new, lower death rate, or the death rate must rise again.”

“The result of stopping population growth in 1975 and industrial capital growth in 1985 with no other changes is that population and capital reach constant values at a relatively high level of food, industrial output and services per person. Eventually, however, resource shortages reduce industrial output and the temporarily stable state degenerates.”

“Man possesses, for a small moment in his history, the most powerful combination of knowledge, tools, and resources the world has ever known. He has all that is physically necessary to create a totally new form of human society – one that would be built to last for generations. The two missing ingredients are a realistic, long-term goal that can guide mankind to the equilibrium society and the Human Will to achieve that goal.”

“Without such a goal and a commitment to it, short-term concerns will generate the exponential growth that drives the world system toward the limits of the earth and ultimate collapse. With that goal and that commitment, mankind would be ready now to begin a controlled, orderly transition from growth to global equilibrium.” [3]

Now come along…there’s a good population, nice and controlled and orderly please….

At first glance, it’s difficult to argue with the above. But did you catch the emphasis on global growth and global equilibrium? In this scenario population explosion is the cause rather than the multiplicity of factors that actually show that population growth is not as relevant as we imagine. As we saw in a previous post, while global population is slowly rising birth rates are falling across the globe. Today, women have only 2.7 children on average and sometimes as low as 1. In the 1970s women around the world had six children each. The United Nations has marked 1.5 as the crisis point for population growth. For the first time on record, birth rates in Southern and Eastern Europe have dropped below 1.3 – well below the 1.5 mark, which means that population there will be cut in half in around 45 years if things continue on their present course.

In Italy, population growth has been steadily declining at 1.2 and 1 – the lowest birth rates in the world. Italy, Spain, Greece and Germany are all losing 100,000 people a year while Russia, Romania and Bulgaria’s populations are set to decrease by half. Japan too has seen fewer families due to a fertility rate that declined by nearly a third between 1975 and 2001, from 1.91 to 1.33.[4] East Asia’s birth rate has fallen with the fertility dropping from 2.4 in 1970 to 1.5 today. Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan and Burma are all around 1.5 with South Korea bring up the rear at only 1.1 children per couple. China’s rate is down from 6.06 to 1.8 and declining though with the past stringent one-child birth control policy it is not hard to see why. Now they have a desperate shortage of females.

The United Nations had predicted world population would reach 11.5 billion by 2050. Due to the population decline this has been revised to 9.5 billion. According Dr David Coleman, Professor of Demography at Oxford University global population will begin to decline at around 2070.[5]  While overall, the rate is down, African countries still have significant population growth at 2.6 percent a year. India is set to overtake China by 2050 and the United States coming in at as the third biggest nation of people at 420 million. In the UK, France, the Netherlands and Scandinavia birth rates are all steadily increasing. Yet rarely do we hear about depopulation of these countries. Rather, the developing world is singled out as the over-breeding culprit. The incredible adaptability of humans and resource and technology alternatives which are waiting to be applied means that the most serious demographic problem in the West is ultimately not a population explosion that competes for resources and produces waste but the plummeting fertility rate that is too low to sustain a healthy workforce and the economic architecture that encourages criminal mismanagement of human lifestyles.

Is it not ironic that the perpetrators of a system of cartel capitalism which has forced millions into poverty and debt are still at the head of a population reduction drive targeting the third world? And this is being pushed through in order to continue this economic model at a higher rate of commercialisation, consolidation and centralisation. And when we realise the upper classes in Europe have more children than the lower classes, this increases the blatant hypocrisy still further: “Twenty years ago fertility started to decline in Nepal and Bangladesh when they were still poor. Korea wasn’t rich when fertility declined. By contrast, the Gulf oil states continued with high birth-rates long after they got huge wealth.” So, said professor of Medical Demography at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, John Cleland, who thinks that falling population levels occur in richer families is: “… the biggest lie that’s ever been perpetrated.” [6]

Invasive methods to sterilize the world’s populations is a mix of faulty science, the well-intentioned and covert psychopathy. The macabre irony is that resource scarcity, economic disparity and crippling debt all contribute to the unnatural rise in populations. Thus the methods of population control implemented by neo-liberalist visions or the “globalist Elite” are a consequence of their own misunderstandings of human nature and the natural world; a result of their imposition of an ultra-materialist agenda and the inevitable effects it produces. Ultimately, for the psychopath this is about reducing the numbers of normal people in the global population. *

The LtG’s credibility and its sequels twenty and thirty years later – is founded on computer modelling which is notorious for not describing the real world in which we live and bypassing a non-linear reality which offers a profusion of things we do not yet understand. Trying to predict the future or even offer worst case-scenarios by feeding mathematical formulas into computers and excluding a host of equally important variables, exacerbates bias and belief within the minds of the modellers and those who do the commissioning, presumably with their own waiting solutions in mind.[7]  Yale economist Henry Wallich reviewed LtG and concluded: “… the quantitative content of the model comes from the authors’ imagination, although they never reveal the equations that they used.”

LtG forecasts were very carefully assessed by Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University William D. Nordhaus in his paper “World Dynamics: Measurement Without Data.” The LtG authors employed the “world dynamics” model developed by Jay Forrester, an MIT engineering professor who had employed systems dynamics or the use of differential equations which is standard in economic theory. The model he proposed and which underlay LtG suffered from a multitude of serious scientific flaws among which were the lack of: “… effort in ‘World Dynamics’ to identify any relation between his model and the real world.”

The professor continued:

There is no explicit or apparent reference to data or existing empirical studies. […]

“… the methodology of modelling in World Dynamics differs significantly from other studies of economic systems. World Dynamics constructs a world model using assumptions which are intuitively plausible to the author, but without reference to current knowledge. The behaviour of this world model is then examined by calculating the dynamic path of the variables. Whereas most scientists would require empirical validation of either the assumptions or the predictions of the model before declaring its truth content, Forrester is apparently content with subjective plausibility. This discrepancy in scientific standards of acceptability is probably what lies behind the dispute about the value of World Dynamics.

“… the predictions of the world’s future are highly sensitive to the specification of the model. Simulations given above indicate that if assumptions regarding population, technological change, or substitution are changed, Forrester’s model behaves in a dramatically different manner.” [8]

This same system of computer modelling has been used to promote human-influenced global warming under the all-seeing-eye of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) and taken up exactly the same message as the Club of Rome.

Journalist Donna LaFramboise discusses these computers programmed with complex mathematical formulas which “confirm” the evil nature of more CO2 in the atmosphere and constitute “hard evidence,” that nevertheless: “… requires a rather large leap of faith.” LaFramboise points out: “If math and computing power were the only things necessary to predict the future, investors would already know the price at which gold will be trading five, ten, and twenty years hence. But the world is chaotic and unpredictable. It rarely unfolds in the manner that even the smartest people, aided by graphs, charts, and computers, think it will.” [9]

The problem is that extrapolation of the computer modelling data lends itself to a linear interpretation without accounting for unknown variables from a multitude of sources. The favourite example of the UN, UNICEF, UNESCO and the Club of Rome is population growth which, according to their computer modelling data, will mean a world population of around 12 billion by the year 2025 with over a 100 percent increase in resource demand, which is obviously unsustainable. This is fallacious reasoning since the Earth and its people operate on unpredictable changes which take place in a system far removed from equilibrium. Not only is unpredictability not accounted for it is actively avoided.  Such narrow, linear thinking amounts to denial that the world is in a constant state of flux and adaptation based on natural cycles of change. What is more, nothing that the Club of Rome offers in its double speak and carefully chosen words approaches anything like true alternatives: only a very Darwinist centralisation under cover of emotional appeal to world unity.

What we discover is that The Limits to Growth is the phase in a Malthusian agenda placing the blame on the poor, not as victims of capitalism but as perpetrators of environmental destruction while a Western Elite can defer land reform and bolster existing rural class structures. [10] The overemphasis on the environmental impact of over-population obscures the real cause and effect while eclipsing many alternative solutions to deal with finite resources and the failure of the present economic model. This overarching desire to protect the environment, resources and “feed the world” has nothing to do with saving the earth and its environment but quite a lot to do with maintaining control of the mass mind and claiming global resources for the Establishment’s survival when the inevitable changes do arrive – as they surely will.

From on an article on the CoR website we read:

“Prophets of doom, nowadays, are not stoned to death, at least not usually. Demolishing ideas that we don’t like is done in a rather subtler manner. The success of the smear campaign against the LTG ideas shows the power of propaganda and of urban legends in shaping the public perception of the world, exploiting our innate tendency of rejecting bad news. Because of these tendencies, the world has chosen to ignore the warning of impending collapse that came from the LTG study. In so doing, we have lost more than 30 years. Now, there are signs that we may be starting to heed the warning, but it may be too late and we may still be doing too little. Cassandra’s curse may still be upon us.”

Well, there can certainly be “smear” campaigns based on fear and reflex. That may have been the case from conservative reactionaries. However, if “we have lost more than 30 years” in tackling the problem of climate change and innumerable other problems then it wasn’t due to a refusal to listen to the message of LtG. It was due to a recurrent and persistent lack of understanding of psychopathy within our Establishment; the way our social systems reflect their values and how they work through institutions exactly like the Club of Rome, to hijack and enforce agendas through otherwise well-meaning folks.  Anything else is window dressing and distraction.

Climate modelling is only as good as the objective science behind it. And there were plenty criticising it for precisely this reason. Yet, the simplistic notions behind LtG remain in their updated versions. They appear to have no awareness that social trajectories are engineered, financial crises are manipulated and designed. The onus is placed firmly on the public and the natural flow of social science as though divorced completely from any notion of social control. It is not just that the LtG’s focus was wrong, rather it is the absolute omission of the psycho-spiritual causes of our predicament which allows solutions to be so neatly streamlined into a pathocratic definition of ecological balance and sustainability. You can be sure that with resource scarcity, overpopulation and imminent collapse touted for so long, the promotion of specific solutions will be ONLY those that align themselves to Earth Summit, UN Agenda 21 and SMART protocols. One world themes still permeate CoR initiatives and without any reference or awareness of institutional psychopathy nor its eco-fascistic presence. Aside from purposeful obfuscation, we can only assume this is because it part of the agenda, unconsciously or otherwise. There is also a second component to this distraction we will come to presently.


This imminent collapse  termed the ‘World Problematique’ and their proposed solution the ‘World Resolutique’ was tailored towards their own carefully engineered alternative of a truly global society interdependent and “organic.” The Limits to Growth: The first Report to the Club of Rome represented the first phase in a comprehensive eco-social engineering exercise was which would alert humanity to the urgency of the problem. The second phase arrived with a book entitled Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome (1974) culminating in a third phase: The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome (1991).

In Mankind at the Turning Point gloves are removed and it is here that you see the Establishment objective shining through. Remember the emphasis on global governance/world government,  global economics, a global religion and a global consciousness all presided over by the same Council of the Club of Rome and their various Elite members? Using the same flawed system of computer modelling, the infiltration of New Age terms and neo-pagan philosophies begins to make an appearance, unveiling and hijacking  ancient wisdom concerning a genuine “holism” and “organicism” that was also appropriated by fascists for their own aims.

The objective is to promote the idea of a Master Plan or blueprint which exists in Nature and to encourage the idea of interdependence and interrelatedness as key principles. Why? “Such a ‘master plan’ is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system.” [11] Would that include The Plan and Great Invocation that Bailey proposed? Does that include the dissolving of sovereignty and nations as a perquisite of that Plan? It seems the usual euphemisms indicate precisely that because:

“Cooperation by definition connotes interdependence. Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence.” […] “…the statement acknowledged, even if unintentionally, the dawn of an era of limits to independence – even for the strongest and biggest nations of the world.” [12]

I wonder if this applies to the Elite and already formed, covert network of global governors? If there is a decrease in independence towards an increase in inter-dependence then where exactly is the cut-off point where this slips into eco-SMART totalitarianism?

The only course of action open to us is away from a particular mindset that seeks control through the auspices of benign solutions. That means grassroots, creative community empowerment fully cognizant of the issues previously discussed. Before that happens, a collapse of the old order will be necessary. Who rises from the chaos to redesign society will either be those with the conscience and perspicacity to have truly learned from the recent past or those who will gladly turn over the reins of self-empowerment to those offering the exact same plans as they always have: to initiate change through a cycle of DIS-empowerment where collapse and rejuvenation redefine the “resolutique;” actually permitting greater and greater consolidation and centralisation while offering its exact opposite. This is how it has always been and characterises the rise of Empires. Limits to Growth? Yes, but limits to the rise of institutional psychopaths in our midst and who turn our cultures into unsustainable and chaotic systems which must end in collapse.

The real waste of 30 years’ of research was not the modelling of population growth and the consumption of resources but the systematic withholding of knowledge concerning cyclic catastrophe borne from the alleviation of psychopaths in power. Once again, the ultimate focus of LtG and Club of Rome mentality serves as a monumental distraction from the real issues, diverting attention to humanity as pariah rather than our pathocratic Establishment who remain locked into the same continuum, at both ends of the green and corporate wheel.

Though all of us have a responsibility to engage our ecological conscience and the promotion of holistic values, it is is not people per se, who are the direct cause, most of whom are struggling to survive, it is sourced from the very institutions aligned to the CoR and which likely have the same seeds of ponerisation. The real collective error is not to see the Magician behind the curtain who still manages both the world problematique and resolutique toward the same patterns of collapse at ever greater turns of the spiral. Until we breakthrough this pattern of cyclic ignorance to which ancient history attests, all such re-inventions will move toward the same scenario, the usual suspects at the helm all over again.

The problems highlighted in Limits to Growth – whether pollution or resource depletion – will not be solved by encouraging the exact same forces who perpetrated these social dynamics to appeal to the eco-conscience of the public at large. How can the latter truly tackle these problems when even activism is shackled by eco-fascist visions about which they remain largely unaware and which the Club of Rome and the United Nations actively embrace?

Having scanned briefly the importance of organicism in Nazi aristocracy and Establishment circles and the perennial attraction to fascist organisations, the theme of an “organic” global society is exactly what the Club of Rome is pushing. And what does such a society under the auspices of Elite control usually mean?

Let’s go back to Bertrand Russell whom we explored in a previous chapter:

“Totalitarianism has a theory as well as a practice. As a practice, it means that a certain group, having by one means or another seized the apparatus of power, especially armaments and police, proceed to exploit their advantageous position to the utmost, by regulating everything in the way that gives them the maximum of control over others. But as a theory it is something different: it is the doctrine that the State, or the nation, or the community is capable of a good different from that of individual and not consisting of anything that individuals think or feel. This doctrine was especially advocated by Hegel, who glorified the State, and thought that a community should be as organic as possible. In an organic community, he thought, excellence would reside in the whole. An individual is an organism, and we do not think that his separate parts have separate goods: if he has a pain in his great toe it is he that suffers, not specially the great toe. So, in an organic society, good and evil will belong to the whole rather than the parts. This is the theoretical form of totalitarianism. …In concrete fact, when it is pretended that the State has a good different from that of the citizens, what is really meant is that the good of the government or of the ruling class is more important than that of other people. Such a view can have no basis except in arbitrary power. … I do not believe that dictatorship Is a lasting form of scientific society – unless (but this proviso is important) it can become world-wide.” [Emphasis mine] [13]

Obviously this embracing of our benevolent “World State” of plenty depends on “Whether or not [humanity] … embark[s] on the path of organic growth” and “…a question of mankind’s very survival…” [14] This is the danger of having holistic concepts and ancient wisdom principles in the hands of pathocratic human beings – they become something entirely different and though masked by “double-speak.” Even lauded philosoper Russell was quite happy to embrace totalitarianism as long as it was “worldwide” and if it was dressed up as necessary for “…mankind’s survival.”

As with the Lebensräume of Nazi Germany and the Land ethic of American conservationists later imbued with deep ecology and holism, the “whole” is always in danger of subsuming the individual and notions of independence. Add together constant brainwashing of global consciousness and global governance you have a recipe for totalitarianism by the eco-friendly garden gate. In other words, ecologists, environmental activists – and particularly conservationists – praise the “meta-organismic” processes in nature, which means the individual component parts are lost in a “web of life.” While lip-service is given to honouring of local,  individual independence, in reality, holistic, macro-ecology takes precedence. And this is a theme we see over and over again from the members of the Club of Rome, the Sierra Club, as well as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and WWF, many of whom do not have the slightest awareness of ponerology or even a basic understanding or knowledge of social engineering. Yet, they do exhibit a rather militant form of green awareness which makes it almost impossible to approach their cherished beliefs rationally since they are often completely identified with sanctity and sacredness of Mother Earth. Thus, any perceived move away from that trajectory is seen as an attack on the Goddess/eco-psychology/eco-science etc.

(Having been both a Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth activist I can assure you fanatical thinking most assuredly exists in these organisations).

The American philosopher John Baird Callicot, had this to say on the preference for a ‘biotic right’ to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community, a right which tends to “species, not to specimens.” Conservationists and ecologists: “… are professionally concerned about biological and ecological wholes – populations, species, communities and ecosystems – not their individual constituents. For example, the conservation of endangered plant species is often most directly and efficiently affected by the deliberate eradication of the feral animals that threaten them.” In response to Aldo Leopold’s vision he stated succinctly:

“If members of overpopulous species, such as deer, ought to be ‘culled’ or ‘harvested,’ in the name of preserving the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community, and if staggeringly over-populous Homo sapiens is also but “a plain member and citizen” of the biotic community, then why should culling and harvesting humans be any less obligatory?” Further, if “… preserving the integrity of a biotic community often requires reducing the population of some component species…” [15]

We may then ask: what would happen if humanity itself was seen as the greatest impediment to the survival of Planet Earth and where you saw yourself not only as a superior being granted a divine right to rule but your duty to cull the population by any means necessary to ensure that your survival is at the top of the pile?

Callicott believes that accusations toward notions of land ethic and deep ecology are weak because such eco-ideology lacks any notions of nationalism and militarism. He also believes that  ecological movements do not seek to replace a code of ethics but add to the underlying ethical discourse already present. This is the same ignorance on display that somehow means such movements are immune from ponerisation. This becomes especially problematic when humanity is held in obvious contempt by so many in the ecological or environmental Establishment. Sacrificing human beings to the God of Nature is an inversion and just another expression of the “ends justify the means”, creating the groundswell for fascistic thought inside an emerging “global consciousness”. After all, according to the authors of Mankind at the Turning Point: “The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.” The CoR would no doubt agree with Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepard Conservation Society who said: “Curing a body of cancer requires radical and invasive therapy, and therefore, curing the biosphere of the human virus will also require a radical and invasive approach.” [16]

Does that mean a form of chemotherapy is being enacted on the global populace?

Developing a “one world consciousness” and a global ethic where every individual realises his role as a member of the world community… and where such an ideology “… must become part of the consciousness of every individual” doesn’t sound something aligned to democratic freedoms. Especially as this can only happen if: “… the basic unit of human cooperation and hence survival is moving from the national to the global level.” [17] Which means a linear and narrow move from the individual, which for the Club of Rome script is equated with selfishness rather than a healthy autonomy within the whole. Indeed, we all need to forget about our petty concerns and give ourselves over to the “… necessity of a change in the man-nature relationship and the emergence of a new perception of mankind as a living global system.”

Sure, but what will underlie this new global SYSTEM? Sustainable development programs and SMART growth, which as we will discover is very from an ideal template, despite the buffering effect of such buzzwords.

It seems we won’t have time to answer that question because doomsday is so urgent that: “… the use of human resources and the survival of the human species” will dominate this new apocalypse where “personality and social classes” will not feature.[18] These “one world” ideas are not about joining together in genuine unity but establishing a homogeneous world order of bland mediocrity and uniformity, where conformity replaces true unity. This prescriptive ideology has nothing to do with true community but an imposed form of communitarianism where centralisation and individual freedom are the causalities – by (SMART) design. These ideas are the soft, gradualist version of green militancy that is particular to Liberal Establishment machinations.

The following declarations from Dave Forman, co-founder of Earth First! proves this point when he states: “My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”

Or in another fit of inspiration he proclaimed: “We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land.” [19]

What about Gaia theorist and biologist Sir James Lovelock who suggested: “The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil.”

And our depopulationist friend Professor Paul Ehrlich: “A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.”

Whilst Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defence Fund chimes in with: “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.”

Not leaving the eco-feminists outside in the cold, theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether also follows the humanity-as-amoeba approach and cheerfully uses a gardening metaphor to illustrate her point: “We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people … In place of the pro-life movement we need to develop the ‘spirituality of recycling’ … a spirituality that includes ourselves in the renewal of earth and self. We need to compost ourselves.” [20]

Not elucidating exactly how we must evaporate the population surplus to requirements, Ruether nevertheless breezily told the liberal Catholic organisation, “Call To Action” that “We must return to the population level of 1930.” [21]  Would this mean that roughly 2 billion people are stamped for termination and consigned to the big compost heap in the sky?

All of the above green advocates are happy to wipe away industrialisation – something I have some sympathy for – but when ideology meets reality on the ground the usual result is more chaos. Artificially restrict and interfere with the natural order in an attempt to reverse already pathological human constructs with more of the same will not work. Yet, returning power to people and their communities outside of elite designs will offer more hope. For now, however, the United Nations and most environmental movements are entirely ponerised and embedded in eco-intelpro, whether they are aware of it or not.

To illustrate a more classic example of modern-day eco-fascism, Deep Ecologist Pentti Linkola is a text book social dominator who just happens to be drawn to ecology as the belief, which might as well be as random as falling leaves. He has no problem in voicing his opinions, stripped down of the kind of euphemistic camouflage so typical of Club of Rome adherents. The Finnish ecologist advocates the enforced stoppage of immigration; downsizing the population; the killing of “defectives” and the halting of “rampant technology.” He also thinks in order to combat the encroachment of industrialisation cities they should be attacked with nuclear weapons. I kids you not.

As with so many eco-fascists, Linkola has interesting perspectives and genuine insights into the ecology of the Earth but they are crushed under the jackboot of his own tyrannical obsession to protect Nature. Sure enough, the same “humans-as-cancer” meme is dragged up as a reason to eliminate everyone who doesn’t tow the ecological line. Accordingly, when any act of genocide, war and natural disaster befalls humankind, you will find Linkola rubbing his hands together in glee. To say he is a cold rationalist would be the kindest of labels. For instance, in the context of the Madrid terrorist Bombing he stated in a televised interview that: “Every act which disrupts the progress of Earth’s life-destroying Western culture is positive.” [22] 

The following passage comes from his book Can life Prevail? Written in 2009:

Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be so incompetent a dictator that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. The best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and where government would prevent any economic growth. We will have to learn from the history of revolutionary movements — the national socialists, the Finnish Stalinists, from the many stages of the Russian revolution, from the methods of the Red Brigades — and forget our narcissistic selves. A fundamental, devastating error is to set up a political system based on desire. Society and life have been organized on the basis of what an individual wants, not on what is good for him or her. Just as only one out of 100,000 has the talent to be an engineer or an acrobat, only a few are those truly capable of managing the matters of a nation or mankind as a whole. In this time and this part of the World we are headlessly hanging on democracy and the parliamentary system, even though these are the most mindless and desperate experiments of mankind. In democratic countries the destruction of nature and sum of ecological disasters has accumulated most. Our only hope lies in strong central government and uncompromising control of the individual citizen. [23]

Where have we heard that before? Nazi Germany perhaps? Prince Philip?

From “narcissism” to overt totalitarianism where the former is merely the results of a covert totalitarianism. And so the wheel goes around so fast that no sensible, creative solutions are allowed access. Indeed, it’s becoming difficult to see where some quarters of the Western Establishment begins and Nazi ethos ends. Perhaps because the mind-set and direction is the same, only differing by degree. While the above may appear as a brutal example of eco-fascism as is possible to find, it follows exactly the same beliefs and wishes of the Club of Rome, the only difference being that Linkola has dispensed with the use of euphemisms, jargon, double-speak, NLP, and Delphi methods by going straight for the jugular.

Now take the view of perhaps the most influential man in the UN-mandated environmentalist/New Age movement Mr. Maurice Strong, who essentially follows the same line of thought as Linkola, if we follow the implications of what he is saying. In a 1992 interview, the founder of the UNEP was discussing a possible plot-line of a book he would like to write:

“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no’. The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” [24]

What he doesn’t mention is what will replace such a collapse brought about by manipulation and the possibility he is merely being used to consolidate and centralise control still further.

Though clearly passé for the likes of Linkola, a third phase of green hijacking called for the 1991 book entitled The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome. It was co-authored by one of the founders of The Club of Rome, Alexander King and euro economist Bernard Scheider. It had been decided that this book would increase the fear and threat factor, this time proposing that environmental destruction was the new terrorist; time is up and radical changes needed to be made. Failure to do so would produce dire consequences for all. Just like the members of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Round Table and the Royal Institute for International Affairs – they deem democracy as outmoded and ineffective when it comes to dealing with the global  problematique, therefore, world government is the only solution.

Before the foreword on the first page there is a reminder of where the CoR’s ideological allegiance lies with the following quotation from Edward Fitzgerald’s The Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam:

Ah love! Could thou and I with fate conspire,

To grasp this sorry state of things entire,

Would not we shatter it to bits and then,

Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire?

Where have we seen this before?

In none other than the Fabian Society’s cherished stained-glass window created by George Bernard Shaw. The Earth is on an anvil being shattered into bits by Fabian leaders so that they may remold it to their heart’s desire – A New World Government or World State. It would be well to keep this in mind when reading the Club of Rome literature – it sounds great on paper but needs a finely-tuned attention to “double-speak” in order to extract the underlying thinking from the euphemisms and mechanistic platitudes.

After the foreword we have a quotation included from our friend Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh who dispensed his usual wisdom in the following way: “No generation has ever liked its prophets, least of all those who point out the consequences of bad judgement and lack of foresight. The Club of Rome can take pride in the fact that it has been unpopular for the last twenty years. I hope it will continue for many years to come to spell out the unpalatable facts and to unsettle the conscience of the smug and the apathetic.” [25]

Knowing what we know about the Duke of Edinburgh’s heritage and true beliefs it is a bit rich to consider that he is not, at the very least, one of the “smug” and “apathetic” that characterises the very essence of the Establishment of which he is a part. Secondly, would you really want someone of this nature blessing a book unless you followed the exact same precepts yourself?

Let’s have a look at what Mr. King and Mr. Schneider are broadcasting to their fellow members and the environmental movement they wish to influence:

Order in society is determined by the cohesion of its members… Thus a vacuum has been created in which both the order and the objectives in society are being eroded. […] The opposition of two political ideologies no longer exists, leaving nothing but a crass materialism. Nothing within the governmental system and its decision-making process seems capable of opposing or modifying those trends which raises questions about our common future and indeed about the very survival of the race. […] The task is indeed formidable but if we show no sign of accepting its challenge it is likely that people may panic, lose faith in their leaders, give in to fear and offer support to extremists…[…] Capitalist and free-market economies have found it necessary to make adjustments so as to survive while socialist systems also made adjustments belatedly did not survive. […]  [26]

Unfortunately, the obsession with “order in society” is borne from their own technocratic beliefs and has little to do with reality. A natural order has to arrive naturally without such “cohesion” being imposed. Vacuums are created as a routine by-product of geo-political policy sourced from exactly the same Establishment circles that commissioned The First Global Revolution. What is  suggested here is that if we do not jettison the democratic process and all that goes with it then the only avenue is fear, panic and headless-chicken extremism. What a very dim view of people, a view no doubt that his viral-highness Prince Philip would endorse. Actually, faith in our leaders is exactly why we are in this predicament. The only realisation that needs attention is that people have the power rather than a minority of psychopaths who are the designated “leaders.”


* = If the reader is unconvinced please read Kevin Magur Galalae’s Killing us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy (2013). Prior to reading a warning must be attached to the book in that after a detailed analysis of the historical methods of GPC the author advocates much the same methods though with the caveat of transparency which does not automatically mean a correct path, as we are discovering. As such, he acts as a supporter of population control methods and buys into the myth. These problems will not be solved by adopting the same methods, however “transparent.” A whole new perception across all societal domains is necessary. Nonetheless, this is an excellent work and well worth the read. The e-book can be found available online through any search engine.


[1] http://www.clubofrome.org/
[2] Ibid.
[3] The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind by
D.H. Meadows. Published by Macmillan 1972 Revised Edition 1979.
[4] ‘Population Paradox: Europe’s Time-Bomb’ by Paul Vallely, The Independent, August 9, 2008.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘Lethal Model 2: The Limits to Growth Revisited’ by William Nordhaus, Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Volume 23 Issue 2, 1992.
[8] ‘World Dynamics: Measurement Without Data’ William D. Nordhaus, The Economic Journal, Vol. 83, No. 332. (Dec., 1973), pp. 1182-1183.
[9] p.23; The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert by Donna Laframboise. Published by Createspace, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1466453486.
[10] The Malthus Factor: Poverty, Politics and Population in Capitalist Development by Eric B. Ross. Zed Books; First Edition edition, 1998 | ISBN-10: 1856495647.
[11] pp. 39, 144 ; Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome, 1974. By Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel | ISBN 0-525-03945-7
[12] op. cit. Mesarovic; Pestel (p.7, p.21)
[13] op. cit. Russell
[14] Ibid. (p.70)
[15] “Holistic Environmental Ethics and the Problem of Ecofascism.” Pages 59-76 in J. Baird Callicott. p.60; Beyond the Land Ethic: More Essays in Environmental Philosophy. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press. 1999| ISBN 0-7914-4084-2. The Case for Animal Rights. Berkeley: by Tom Regan, University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-049047
[16] ‘The Beginning of the End for Life as We Know it on Planet Earth? There is a Biocentric Solution.’ Commentary by Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, May 4 2007.
[17] op. cit. Mesarovic; Pestel (p.146)
[18] Ibid.
[19] Earth First! Confessions of an Eco-Warrior By David Foreman, 1993. | Sourced also from: ‘This Land is OUR Land – Untamed nature & the removal of humans.’ By Tim Findley Range Magazine, http://www.rangemagazine.com/archives/stories/fall03/fall03_this_land.shtml
[20] Michael S. Rose, “Feminist Theologian Urges Religious To Find A Way To ‘Weed Out People’,” The Wanderer, June 11, 1998, (p.1)
[21] Ann Sheridan, “CTA Conference Presents The Reality of Unreality,” The Wanderer, November 12, 1998,( p.1)
[22] On Madrid bombing in “Persona non grata” –show, 2004.
[23] pp. 13 and 177; Can Life Prevail? By Pentti Linkola Published by Arktos Media Ltd; 2009. ISBN-10: 1907166009 | The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome: A Strategy for Surviving the World by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, 1993.
[24] p.95; Environmentalism: ideology and power By Donald Gibson. Nova Publishers, 2002 | ISBN1590331494.
[25] Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh’s Message to the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Club of Rome, Paris, 1988.
[26] p.79; The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome: A Strategy for Surviving the World By Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider. Published by Orient Longman, 1993 edition| ISBN-10: 0679738258.

Dark Green II: Roots of Eco-Fascism

By M.K. Styllinski

Eco-fascism: “… A totalitarian government that requires individuals to sacrifice their interests to the well-being and glory of the “land”, understood as the splendid web of life, or the organic whole of nature, including peoples and their states”

– Michael E. Zimmerman, pp. 531-532 in Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature

Before looking at how environmentalism and ecological thinking operates today in some sectors of the world, we need to jump back and take a look at some of its roots.

Ecology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology exploring the relationships between living organisms and their natural environment. Even though he was not an ecologist, biologist and philosopher Ernst Haeckel coined the word “oekologie,” in 1866 from the Greek oikos meaning “house” and logos meaning “science.”  The doctrine of Vitalism has strong ties to the evolution of ecology which states that “living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things” [1] It incorporates the idea of “the soul” and “Spirit” as well as the theory of “ether” that bound all living things together; the elusive fifth element in Hermetic philosophy.

This is a very old idea that can be traced back to the philosopher/surgeon Galen of Pergamon of 2nd Century Turkey. Ecology of the mind, land and social systems have tended to go hand in hand with the development of holism or “holistic thinking” so popular in complementary medicine and new science. This theory posits that parts of a whole have an intimate interconnection to each other and as such, cannot exist or be understood independently of that whole. Much work has been done on the validity of this theory that sees the biological organisation of life self-organising: “… into layers of emergent whole systems that function according to non-reducible properties.” [2] This has never been more applicable to physical and mental disease and in sharp contrast to Cartesian and reductionist theories of mind and matter.

Distinct from environmentalism (philosophy, ideology and social movement) and environmental science, ecology attempts to explain life processes and adaptations; the distribution and abundance of organisms; the movement of materials and energy through living communities and the long-term development of biodiversity in the environment.

A number of disciplines come under the umbrella of ecology including: behavioural ecology; community ecology (or synecology); ecophysiology; ecopsychology; ecosystem ecology; evolutionary ecology; global ecology; population ecology; human ecology and social ecology.

monolith Sculptures Near Amsterdam, Holland | © infrakshun

Whether ecology actually is a science is still hotly debated. The fact that it appeals to the wise and benevolent as much as the ignorant and evil is probably due to its diverse mix of disciplines. Whether physiology, evolutionary biology, genetics, or ethology, any science can be made to work for an ideology usually at the cost of truth.  When a passionate love of “pure Nature” is present all that is needed to transform that belief into a toxic time-bomb is to mix in some neo-feudalism, Marxist theory and a touch of occultism and the race is on to control the “viral” spread of humanity under the guise of healing the planet. Though Darwinism and Malthusianism had little to do with ecology, they have often sat alongside ecological thinking and the fascist/collectivist policies that slowly rose up through their ranks.

Historian Anna Bramwell’s The Fading of the Greens: Decline of Environmental Politics in the West , a mammoth trilogy on ecology and environmental activism, shows that ecologists were constantly aligned with fascist parties, fascistic philosophy, the aristocracy and Establishment.[3]   These often anti-transcendent thinkers were both pro-rural and anti-capitalist naturalists and according to Bramwell, this desire to re-discover Nature meant to learn and: “… return with the recommendation that one clings to the wheel because it is the most sensible path of action. To do so requires sweeping away past identities, past traditions and past errors.” In effect, such a personality is: “… a natural protestor.” [4]

Traditionally the seeds of fascistic thinking in ecology and environmental movements began to appear in Europe after the growth of the natural sciences in the 17th and 18th centuries and in the reaction to the exploitation of the land and communities that the Industrial Revolution eventually reconfigured, or swept away entirely. Britain’s artists such as William Blake raged against the machine of industry as “Dark Satanic Mills” with pioneers such as John Ruskin, William Morris, Edward Carpenter and Henry Williamson continuing the struggle. Americans too were equally aghast at the destruction and consequent  “desacralisation” of Nature with the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman and Henry Thoreau offering activist wings to ecological thoughts.

This helped to give rise to the environmental movement headed by such people as Arthur Tansley who coined the term “eco-system” and Aldo Leopold who championed the cause of “land ethics” closely mirroring the Back to the Land Movement first initiated by Ruskin, though with a somewhat more scientific focus. Indeed, scientists were beginning to offer the world an ecological framework including Charles Elton’s animal ecology and food chains, along side Alexander Stuart Watt’s plant ecology. By the middle of the 20th Century, humanism and the environment were getting closer and the World State policies trumpeted by biologist Julian Huxley as head of the UN’s UNESCO agency reflected this change. Huxley’s naturalist and ethological background (the study of animals in their natural habitats) fed into his vision of humanity on a petri-dish which needed to be ordered and managed. Since the board of UNESCO saw fit to make him the Chairman, they obviously felt the same way.

In Britain, in the early part of the 20th century the growth of various environmental movements were largely in response to the economic depression which had hit farming hard after the prosperous years of the mid-19th century. The Dartington Trust founded in the 1920s to promote rural regeneration; The Garden City movement which placed a magnifying glass on town and garden design in urban areas; The Council for the Protection of Rural England and The Ramblers Association in the 1930 concentrated on town planning and the relationship to the countryside. Landowners and farmers had to cope with falling prices, lower rents and untenanted farms. Back to the Land came into its own with The English Land Colonisation Society creating 400 farming communities. Cooperatives were formed and derelict land and run-down farms were taken over; Arts and Crafts were revived and community increased. This was something undeniably anti-industry and a healthy reversal of the “filthy tide” of industrialisation which was making the British Empire the uncontested global manager.  The money came predominantly from the wealthy and those with aristocratic connections who were intent on “preserving the countryside, controlling development and shifting the population out of big cities.” [5]

According to Bramwell’s research, ecologists were mostly conservative, monarchist and staunch traditionalists of the “green and pleasant land” mythology which derived from the same traditions as the German Romantic Movement which in turn, came from immensely deep roots in German society. This revival of the land and nature began to be part of the green social movement which meant resisting the inexorable drive of the industrialists. But there was a shadow side. This “Blood and Soil” romanticism became a powerful influence not just in Britain but across all of Europe and America.

Drawn from the Völkisch or “Völk” in German culture, it refers to ethnicity from the “Blood” as ancestral descent and the homeland or “Soil”. It places a vital importance on the notion of rural living and the place humans occupy in relation to Nature and their immediate environment. It was made more popular during the rise of the Nazi Third Reich by Richard Walther Darré a Nazi party member, race theorist and eugenics advocate. Yet the Blood and Soil sentiment had been present in pagan cults embedded in the ecological fabric of Germany and thus a potential political force deep in the psyche of Germans outside the cities. (We will come back to Darré and Germany’s influence on Eco-Fascism later on).

Literature from the 1880s – 1940s was infused with folklore, countryside mythology and a pagan sensuality of nature. D.H. Lawrence was one of  the best examples of this new ecological vision. It was through such persons that the emerging environmental and nature activists re-learned vitalism and the “God in Nature.” His wife, Frieda von Richtofen, introduced Lawrence to an artist colony which had a: “… distinctive German brand of serious nature-worship and sun-worship”. This seems to have been a significant influence in his art and according to Bramwell: “appears to resemble the language of the proto-Nazis.”[6] Whether or not that is true, the link between English and German fascism and the art of the European intelligentsia  was very strong indeed.

19th century author and poet Ernst Moritz Arndt and journalist and novelist Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl seemed to personify the eco-fascism of the pre-war period in Germany. Arndt seemed to write beautifully and movingly about the plight of Nature under the Industrial Revolution and the importance of ecological awareness, yet he seemed to despise human beings. He was anti-French, anti-Slav, anti-Semitic and xenophobic, placing German land and people at the forefront of perfection. Riehl learned from his teacher Arndt but differed in focus. The same nationalism and anti-Semitism was present but he leaned towards an early version of environmental activism in which he advocated a fight for “the rights of wilderness.” This was to be for the well-being of the German people alone, however.

Blut und Boden / “Blood and Soil” propaganda card.

The Völkisch movement welcomed them with open arms and as humanist writer Peter Staudenmaier comments: “… it pointedly refused to locate the sources of alienation, rootlessness and environmental destruction in social structures, laying the blame instead to rationalism, cosmopolitanism, and urban civilization. The stand-in for all of these was the age-old object of peasant hatred and middle-class resentment: the Jews.” [7]

A good example of the latent fascism residing in aristocracy and the Establishment was charismatically expressed through politician Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, 6th Baronet, of Ancoats, who founded the BUF. On 11 May 1920 he married Lady Cynthia Curzon second daughter of George Curzon, Lord Curzon of Kedleston and married his mistress in 1933 in Germany on 6 October 1936, in the Berlin home of Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels. Adolf Hitler was one of the guests.

Mosley was a distinguished orator and and one of the youngest MPs to be elected to represent his constituency of Harrow in 1918. He began as a conservative then joined the Labour Party by 1924 immediately changed his allegiance to the Independent Labour Party (ILP). Mosley and his wife Cynthia were committed Fabians right up to the start of the 1930s. [8] When Labour won the 1929 general election he was appointed to the post of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. However, his presence in government was to be short-lived. Mosley put forward a whole scheme in the ‘Mosley Memorandum’ only to find it soundly rejected, despite the fact it preceded much of the socialist policy in the intervening years. [9]

After resigning from the cabinet in 1930 he founded the New Party which gradually warmed to fascist policies. The momentum stalled due to the General Election the following year so Mosley took the opportunity to take a tour of Mussolini’s Italy which finalised his desire to pursue overtly fascist politics back in the UK. So, the British Union of Fascists was born. His corps of black-uniformed paramilitary stewards, or “blackshirts” was constantly in the news for being involved in violent confrontations between Communist or Jewish groups which would eventually lead to the downfall of Mosley’s party. When the government passed the Public Order Act 1936 which came into into effect the following year, it marked the end for his para-military brigade.

Rather ironically, Mosley embarked on a peace campaign throughout the war and was finally interned on May 1940 along with his wife Diana Mitford and other active fascists in the grounds of Holloway prison. After the War the baron rejoined active politics and formed the Union Movement, calling for a European Super-State covering the continent of Europe (known as Europe a Nation), and later attempted to launch a National Party of Europe to this end. This time his fascism was expressed through Synarchy.

At his core, Mosley had a genuine desire to better peoples’ lives, but his powerful drive was also technocratic in that he had a precise understanding of the bureaucratic and economic machinery of his day. [10]His socialism was based on re-imagining the state towards a greater British Empire that moved into Europe and further colonised Africa as “the breadbasket for the West.”sup>[11] Thus he had a lot in common with the likes of Cecil Rhodes and his later Round Table compatriots and would be very influential for authoritarian personalities who embraced fascism in the future. Though overt environmental sympathies were missing in Mosley’s political ambitions his supporters made up for it. In fact, there have been a raft of individuals rather than groups who have both a history of environmentalist views being held by the far-right in the UK.


Sir Oswald Mosely and Diana circa 1936

Jorian Jenks was a farmer, environmentalist and political activist, serving as Mosley’s agricultural advisor in the BUF. He was “one of the most dominant figures in the development of the organic movement” [12]and yet another of the fascists who found themselves detained by the government in 1940, this time at Walton Prison and released a year later. It was after the war that Jenks moved “…  from politics to ‘meta-politics’ evolving a more spiritual ‘spiritual ecologism’ which would address the cause of national disintegration and replenish the bond between man and soil.” [13]

Niece of Lord Arthur Balfour of the Balfour declaration fame, and English farmer and organic farming pioneer, the visionary Lady Eve Balfour and her Soil Association provided Jenks with an outlet to pursue the science and practice of organic farming. He served as editorial secretary and published the association’s journal Mother Earth through which his eco-fascist views could be heard much to the delight (or consternation) of those reading the material. He stated: “An anti-modernist philosophy embracing land reform the paramountcy of agriculture; the subordination of mechanisation to organicism; the localisation of economies and the cultivation of the consciousness of the ties of blood and soil.” Jenks saw the Soil Association policy as “pure Aryan”… “though they don’t make a point of it.” [14]

Despite Jenk’s clear fascism his contribution to agricultural policy and the scientific experiments exploring the differences between organic and non-organic foods were extremely influential, as were his warnings on the dangers of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. He found his way to the Soil Association via Kinship in Husbandry which he had joined in 1942. This group had been founded by Rolf Gardiner with support from H. J. Massingham and Lord Lymington. It was essentially a platform for eco-fascist principles which had bubbled up into the Soil Association to the extent that Gardiner became co-founder; such was his passion for the future of organic farming. He was also an avid English folk dancer, naturist  and active in far right politics. Gardiner’s passion for English folk dancing helped to revive the Morris dance which was inflicted on Germany and the emerging Hitler Youth of the time. Despite the homoerotic overtones he insisted this was a thoroughly masculine and virile ritual of pagan nature worship. (The latter was part of the Third Reich’s inspirations, though it remains to be seen if they were impressed by the Morris dancing…)


D.H. Lawrence

A one-time Kibbo Kift member as a Cambridge University student Gardiner had also greatly admired D.H. Lawrence  whom he visited in 1928 while in Switzerland. Their teacher-student relationship blossomed into a long lasting friendship that was based on:

“… a shared faith in the organic which was by no means confined to their descriptions of the landscape or nature. By seeking organic solutions to the problems of contemporary life – emphasising the important of ‘natural’ hierarchies, for instance, or the ‘rootedness’ of culture in the native soil, or the ties that bind language, culture and racial destiny – Lawrence and Gardiner found themselves drawing from the same wellspring which nourished Völkisch and fascist movements. Indeed in 1953, Bertrand Russell famously wrote that Lawrence’s views led straight to Auschwitz.”  [15]

Although highly ironic coming from Mr. Russell who was hoisted on the same humanist-Fabian pole, the above passage sums up perfectly the problem of the naturalists and those sensitive to the destruction of Nature who may in some instances also harbour authoritarian traits: they inevitably gravitated towards the rich history of the Völkisch and the New Order proposed by National Socialism. It was both a product of the times and a trigger which seemed to draw out the latent fascism waiting to leak from otherwise natural and healthy principles.

Writer, naturalist and farmer Henry Williamson who wrote Tarka the Otter (1927) and many other classics, supported the BUF and was greatly impressed after visiting the National Socialist Congress in 1935. (We don’t know what he thought of Gardiner’s Morris dancing, however). His growing fascist views, led him to be detained during World War II, like Mosley, under the Defence Regulation 18B. He contributed to the Anglo-German Review for whom “… the Anglo-German sympathizers of the period were united by a common interest in nature and ecology.” [16] The same Germanic sun-worshipping and pagan revivalism was found in his writings most particularly where the ancient light of the sun represented the real meaning of his own existence by illuminating his ancestral past and revealing the truth of redemption through Nature.” [17]

Like many artists of post-World War I his experiences of death and horror culminating in the Christmas truce of 1918 helped him to see Germans and the Nature worship embedded in their culture as a new light for the world. He had been seduced by the seemingly vibrant economic and cultural renaissance best symbolised by the Hitler youth with “faces that looked to be breathing extra oxygen; people free from mental fear.” Williamson was certain that National Socialism was the answer and echoed D. H Lawrence’s obsession with “blood and soil” believing that they represented: “… a race that moves on the poles of mystic, sensual delight. Every gesture is a gesture from the blood, every expression a symbolic utterance … Everything is of the blood, of the senses.” [18]

He seemed to remain a fan despite the failure of the Nazi ideal by protesting against the unjust nature of the Nuremburg trials. Although these were indeed a showpiece to cover up the fact that many of the Nazis Elite were absorbed into the American National Security State, it nevertheless showed that his sympathies remained strong. It is this paradoxical eco-fascist romanticism as sweet as syrup yet cast in molten metal that often remains impervious to any change. Just as the seeds of psychopathy have long been exposed to the right Anglo-American conditions for various strains to multiply like fungi on an otherwise healthy tree, this ecological inversion has continued from its romantic pre-war passion to much more subtle expressions. Similar to eugenics, it has insinuated itself into the fabric of society with respectable sounding names, sacred philosophies and philanthropic causes. But it is essentially the same ponerisation, yearning to control human beings, now under the cover of Gaia. [19]

That is not to say that all environmentalism has at its root latent fascism, only that we need to be aware of this inversion – roots can grow in a variety of soils given the right conditions.

In 1970, the first issue of The Ecologist magazine appeared in the UK, with genuinely fascinating and productive articles. Nevertheless, its underlying theme of “humans as virus” and ecological parasites was common throughout and a direct link back to fascistic beliefs, albeit largely unconscious.  The magazine’s founder, the late Edward Goldsmith, displayed the same beliefs as Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, in that humanity was a disease which had to be halted. Like so many who seemed to have authoritarian tendencies he displayed a frequent wish to control and micro-manage the lives of others. Government, in Goldsmith view should mimic his own patriarchal leanings and become a “schoolmaster” to “an ever more demanding and self-indulgent electorate.” In other words, we all needed to be horse-whipped into submission so that we may break free from our wicked ways. Indeed, Goldsmith went further, suggesting  that: “… radical change in our way of looking at man’s relationship with his environment, … must involve taking measures that in many cases are contrary to our accepted values. Thus, to control population we may have to interfere with ‘personal liberty’, while to reduce economic expansion we are forced to curb ‘the march of ‘progress.’” [20]

It is hear that we come to the crux of the problem with such thinking since it perfectly aligns with elite beliefs that demand populations are suppressed and managed in much the same way as Nature has been through the centuries.  The dividing line between co-creating with the planet and bending it to our will is blurred. The wild sanctity and purity of the biosphere is set against the population who are despoilers and viri – a disease to cut out so that Nature may reign once more. The problem is clear. Such binary thinking can very easily mixed up with good intentions leading catastrophic results as we have seen time and time again. The only disease is that of ponerological strains within humanity whose job it is to subvert and invert.  Ideologies born from socio-economic distress and spiritual vacuity are blended in the minds of authoritarians and their followers and grafted onto passions and beliefs which would have otherwise remained connected to a benign and rejuvenating force.

2013-05-27 17.21.56

© infrakshun

Germany also had a pronounced tradition of controlling Nature. For over 250 years it had radically drained mash and fenlands, exploited vast tracts of Bavarian moorland, managed rivers and built dams in high valleys. The impact of hydrological dams after the 1750s was enormous, changing the face of the German landscape. Where once there was fear of the vast tracts of wilderness, for some they became the new source of romanticism, especially when they began to disappear. This was paradoxical and as historian David Blackbourne asks: “Why did the pace of moorland drainage and colonization increase after the First World War? Because Germans began to see themselves after the Treaty of Versailles as a ‘people without space,’ a Völkohne Raum, so that every cultivated acre counted.” [21]

The Conquest of the Europe meant the conquest of nature which seemed to run counter to the ecological ethos that Nazism promoted. Historians Groninga and Joachim Wolscheke-Bulmanha wrote in an article in Planning Perspectives journal of 1987: “… to explain the destruction of the countryside and environmental damage, without questioning the German people’s bond to nature, could only be done by not analysing environmental damage in a societal context and by refusing to understand them as an expression of conflicting social interests. Had this been done, it would have led to criticism of National Socialism itself since that was not immune to such forces.” [22]

Though it was not to be.

At the same time technocratic and authoritarian, in order for Nature to be returned to the romantic myth of Germanic perfection the space had be created for the German people as guardians and worshippers of Nature so that the former Edenic state could return. Once cleansed of “weeds” and the uniformity of human design the superiority of the Aryan race could stand at the head of a New World Order which would necessarily mean harmony between land and people, inseparable in the National Socialist mind.

The man who had most power in the Reich second to Hitler was probably SS Field Marshall Heinrich Himmler who epitomised classic eco-fascist ideology when he mused:

“The peasant of our racial stock has always carefully endeavoured to increase the natural powers of the soil, plants, and animals, and to preserve the balance of the whole of nature. For him, respect for divine creation is the measure of all culture. If, therefore, the new Lebensräume (living spaces) are to become a homeland for our settlers, the planned arrangement of the landscape to keep it close to nature is a decisive prerequisite. It is one of the bases for fortifying the German Völk.” [23]

The adaptation of biological concepts to social systems tied up with romantic verbiage led to the strategic importance of environmental resources. This was the official policy of Lebensräume or “Living space”. Expansionist politics would mean that the Balkans would be chosen as the provider and coincide with the extermination of the Slavic races, which they deemed inferior. As Hitler stated: “Every healthy Völk sees the right to expansion of its living space as something natural.” [24]

Land, conquest and ethnic cleansing became inextricably linked with a spiritual mission.

By the time Ernst Haeckel had invented the term “ecology” there was the appearance at least, of a “… scientifically based ecological holism with Völkisch social views,” which consisted of a potent mixture of “… nineteenth century cultural prejudices, romantic obsessions with purity [and] anti-Enlightenment sentiment,” fused with “aggressive nationalism, mystically charged racism, and environmentalist predilections.” [25]Haeckel was also responsible for merging Social Darwinism and ecology into his own philosophy of “Monism” which provided an outlet and scientific cover for his belief in Nordic racial superiority. The Third Reich’s obsession with the occult was in large part due to the Germanic nature worship and which had given rise to revivalism and green politics in the intelligentsia. This was reflected in Haeckel’s decision to join the Thule Gesellschaft or Thule Society founded by Bavarian occultist and freemason Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff an instrumental in the formation of the Nazi Party. [26] The Society was the organisation that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party).

The Youth movement of the Weimar Republic or the Wandervögel (‘wandering free spirits’) was a fusion of almost every type of transcendent, occult and folklore ideology that was available. Reason and rational discourse were rejected. It was effectively a nature cult elevating peasantry to mythical status joined with the authoritarian impetus of the State which was needed to show people the way. Peter Staudenmaier believes this heralded an important: “… shift from nature worship to Führer worship,” where National Socialism’s adoption of environmentalist themes of nationalism and sacred naturalism “… was a crucial factor in its rise to popularity and state of power.” [27]

The foundation of these beliefs was made concrete through two levels of ecological support within the core of the Third Reich. These were at the ministerial and planning and administrative levels, evidence of which can be found in the archives of the Reich. Agrarian romanticism and anti-urbanism was dominant and central in Nazi ideology so that most of the leading members were ecologically aware or had some overlapping naturist belief. 60 percent of the membership rolls of several Naturschutz (nature protection) organizations during the Weimar era had joined the National Socialist Party in 1939. [28]

Gleichklang Alfred Bernert‘Gleichklang’ by Alfred Bernert

Hitler as a vegetarian and an animal lover was a believer in the Völk and the value of Nature but he was also a pragmatic strategist. However, three other notable players close to Hitler represented various shades of dark green belief within the Third Reich.  His deputy, Rudolf Hess, was an enthusiastic fervent devotee of naturism, anthroposophy and homeopathy. Working for Hesse were leading ecologists who produced draft reports on the necessity for “organic, ecologically sound land use and planning.” Hess’s top land planning officer called soil: “… the foundation of the formation of the community”.[29]

Hermann Göering was a nature conservationist, animal husbandrist and the Reich’s Chief Huntsman. He favoured the forest over the rights of the farmers and their fields. He organised many International Hunting Exhibitions for the wealthy. Hitler once referred to these groups as “the green Freemasonry”. As Air Force commander he discontinued the use of animals to test weapons and used people instead. [30]

Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler had a degree in agriculture, was a farmer, an occultist and neo-pagan. Power over the concentration camps, death squads and the liquidation of the Jews and other minorities lay at his door. And he, like Hitler, valued animals over people, being responsible for the Third Reich’s anti-vivisection legislation which was the first law of its kind. While Hitler soared into the mysticism of the Völk, Himmler’s beliefs veered towards theosophy, anthroposophy, astrology, Wicca, herbalism, organicism, astrology and homeopathy. He was the first true New Age Nazi with power at his hands, his interests of which inspired him to follow in Blavatsky’s footsteps by sending an SS team to Tibet in 1938 led by zoologist Ernst Schäfer, officially to conduct anthropological experiments, unofficially to open a dialogue between Tibetan Monks of Agharti which were following the “Black arts.” [31] (See: The Light Bringer)

With the infiltration of the Agriculture Ministry and National Food Estate by the SS under Himmler’s say so. When East Europe would be conquered and ethnically cleansed of undesirables a new race of farmers would be deposited on the land and given free farms, provided they passed the eugenics check list set up by the newly created Racial Office was created within the SS. [32]

Therefore three main green beliefs were personified within the Reich: The Aristocratic-freemasonic eco-conservativism of Göering; the folklore, anthroposophy and organicism of Hesse and the occult-neo-pagan beliefs of Himmler.

By 1937 Poland was under Himmler’s settlement program using state funds and seized land while Race and Settlement officers were busy searching for “… farms that could be farmed organically”. After all, it was only SS farmers who could understand “…the superiority of organic farming methods as opposed to artificial fertilisers”. And Chemical fertilizers were criminalised under Himmler’s land planning laws. [33] The SS-owned Institute for the Study of Medicinal and Alimentary Plants, (ISMAP) was an SS owned research organisation where German scientists, physicians, botanists, and chemists conducted research into medicinal properties of plants and many other agrarian experiments. An experimental farm called “Plantage” was based in the surrounding fields of the Dachau death camp and was the brainchild of Himmler but operated by ISMAP.

Marcus J. Smith, a US military doctor who was assigned to Dachau after it was liberated, was told by the former inmates that:

“… many ambitious projects were undertaken, such as the production of artificial pepper, the evaluation of seasoning mixtures, the extraction of Vitamin C from gladioli and other flowers, the potentiation of plant growth by hormone-enriched manure, and of most importance to Germany, the development of synthetic fertilizer. As a profitable side-line, garlic, malva, and other medicinal plants, and vegetable seeds, were cultivated by the prisoners and then sold; the profits went to the SS.” [34]

Other experimental farms were set up at Auschwitz concentration camp and Mauthausen concentration camps in Austria where experiments were conducted by the SS on different kinds of diets including “famine experiments” on Russian POWs. [35]

In 1935, Himmler, founded the Nazi think-tank Ahnenerbe to “study society for Intellectual Ancient History.” The goal was to find confirmation of the myths and philosophies relating to the Aryan race and Nordic populations from an anthropological and cultural perspective. With Himmler’s fascination with the Catharism, Norse mythology and the Knights Templars it led him to expend time and money attempting to uncover many of the alleged secrets behind the legends of the Holy Grail. Indeed, many voyages to a variety of destinations across the globe were carried out and funded by the SS. Among a handful of founding members included SS-Obergruppenführer Richard Walther Darré, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture, animal breeder and one of the leading promoters of Nazi “blood and soil” ideology.

As a young man Darré was another Völkisch acolyte who joined the Artaman League, the same back-to-the-land movement of which Himmler was a member. This eventually led him to concoct the theory that the future of the Nordic race was deeply connected to soil and which subsequently led to “Blut and Boden” or the “Blood and Soil” meme. According to Nazi ideology, while the relationship to the environment over time becomes embedded in the consciousness of the dweller and vice versa, Germans, due to their Nordic ancestry had a peculiar, almost mystical connection to the land. German soil was sacred, in direct opposition to the “wandering Jew.” Nordicism or “Nordic Theory” claims that a Nordic race, within the greater Caucasian race constituted a master race, and it is this ethnic purity that Darré believed could be found once again.


Richard Walther Darré, Reich Reichsminister of Food. “The unity of blood and soil must be restored” (photo: wikipedia)

“The unity of blood and soil must be restored” was a phrase that resonated throughout the Gothic halls of the Reich and came from Darré’s 1930 book called Neuadel aus Blut und Boden (A New Nobility Based On Blood And Soil) describing a systemic eugenics program partnered with careful environmental awareness which would clear up the problem of racial impurity and return Germany to its glorious ancient past. With a keen interest and training in farming, animal husbandry and breeding Darré merely adapted his knowledge into the human world and injected it with the usual racist ideology. Geo-political conquest was justified through: “The concept of Blood and Soil [which] gives us the moral right to take back as much land in the East as is necessary to establish a harmony between the body of our Völk and the geopolitical space.” [36]

He was also a fan of the theosophical offshoot of Anthroposophy established by Rudolf Steiner despite National Socialist ideologues being hostile to the movement. Unfortunately for Darré, anthroposophy considered “Blood, Race and Folk” as primitive instincts that must be overcome. [37] Clearly, this short-coming was not enough to quash his enthusiasm for anthroposophical principles with its emphasis on Nature, art, medicine and biodynamic agriculture all based on the theory that there is an unseen spiritual world comprising a variety of “subtle realms.” As bio-dynamic farming involved a holistic view of organic agriculture the rejection of chemical fertilisers and insecticides and by extension, the trappings of industrial capitalism it was tailor-made to elevate the mythical status of the German peasant and therefore be absorbed into Nazi ideology. Racial health and ecological sustainability would be assured. Darré even “… commissioned a top anthroposophist to start a bio-dynamic farm at Marienhole. [East Germany] The farm’s journal, Demeter, had the motto: “Health through Natural Living – Harmony between Blood, Soil and Cosmos.” [38]

The anthroposophist in question, Dr. Edhart Bartsch and his biodynamic farm was run by the research group “The Imperial Association for Biodynamic Agriculture” and was closely followed by Darré and another anthroposophical convert Rudolf Hess both of whom had substantial success in pioneering bio-dynamic principles and products. However, as anthroposophy was not following Nazi principles it was all wound up by 1941. [39] The large-scale organic farming methods and ecologically sound farming practices which Darré pioneered are still in evidence in Germany and much of Europe today.

It seems eco-fascism in Nazi ideology, while no means embraced by all, (Goebbels, Boorman, Speer) was nevertheless crucial in the implementation of Nazi designs. By using potent myths and archetypes of Nature and race which had particular appeal in the German psyche these acted as part of the moral imperative to save not just the German nation but the world. It became a mystical dogma of the most virulent kind hijacked by psychopaths happy to use any and all ideologies to manifest Pathocracy. On the one hand, you had uniforms and jackboots, on the other, a symbolic return to green wellies and haystacks. Manly blond, blue-eyed Supermen working in the fields in manly union; the conservation of nature and animal husbandry on the one hand and on the other: the systematic destruction of land and people if they did not conform. It was a mass psychosis predicated on preference for ideals which have very little to do with objective reality. These are the same influences at work today the only difference being that they are more subtle and sophisticated in their manifestations.

The ideological marriage between National Socialism, nature conservation, ecology and green issues is a cast iron one. Fascism goes hand in hand with green issues and as such we need to be more prudent when those issues become politicised by any one organisation or grouping. The Nazis were a huge, technicolor warning to that end.

Once you had a confluence of Social Darwinism, politics, a green culture and occult ideology which busily distorted an otherwise healthy attention to nature then it is inevitable that it would continue to be used as a pretext for many other directives for social control. “The Natural Order” would be synonymous with a “New World Order” where “scientific technique” of race-biology would force man into their “natural” roles. Or, in the words of the National Socialist Teachers Association: “National Socialism is politically applied biology.”  [40]



[1] Vitalism. In E. Craig (Ed.), William Bechtel and Robert C. Richardson, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge, 1998 | http://www.mechanism.ucsd.edu/teaching/philbio/vitalism.htm
[2] Liu, J.; Dietz, Thomas; Carpenter, Stephen R.; Folke, Carl; Alberti, Marina; Redman, Charles L.; Schneider, Stephen H.; Ostrom, Elinor et al. (2009). “Coupled human and natural systems”. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36.
[3] Blood and Soil, Richard Walter Darre and Hitler’s ‘Green Party’, Published by Kensall Press, Buckinghamshire, 1985 | Ecology in the 20th Century, A History, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1989 | The Fading of the Greens, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1994 | All by Anna Bramwell.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘Fascist Ecology: The ‘Green Wing’ of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents’ By Peter Staudenmaier taken from Eco-Fascism: Lessons from the German Experience. By Janet Beihl and Peter Staudenmaier. 1995. Published by AK Press. | ISBN 1-873176 73 2. | http://www.spunk.org/texts/places/germany/sp001630/peter.html
[8] Mosley’s name can be seen in a list of Fabians from Fabian News and Fabian Society Annual Report 1929–31.
[9] p.44; Mosley By Nigel Jones, Published by Lite & Times Haus Publishing, 2004 | ISBN-10: 1904341098
[10] Sir Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists by Robert Edwards, Published by League Enterprises, 2002. (introduction) | http://www.oswaldmosley.net/rome-revisited-1933.php
[11] p.64; Very Deeply Dyed in Black: Sir Oswald Mosley by Graham Macklin, Published by I.B.Tauris, 2007. | ISBN-10: 1845112849
[12] R. More-Collyer, ‘Towards “Mother Earth”: Jorian Jenks, Organicism, the Right and the British Union of Fascists’, Journal of Contemporary History, 2004, (p.39)
[13] op. cit. Macklin (p.64)
[14] Ibid. (p.65)
[15] p.6; Rolf Gardiner: Folk, Nature and Culture in In Interwar Britain by Matthew Jefferies, Mike Tyldesley2011 | ISBN-10: 1409412040
[16] op. cit. Bramwell, Ecology, (p. 173-4)
[17] ‘Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary’ by Mark Deavin, National Vanguard Magazine, Number 117 March-April 1997.
[18] Ibid.
[19] “The Gaia theory was developed in the late 1960’s by Dr. James Lovelock, a British Scientist and inventor, shortly after his work with NASA in determining that there was probably no life on Mars. The theory gained an early supporter in Lynn Margulis, a microbiologist at the University of Massachusetts. […] “The Gaia Theory posits that the organic and inorganic components of Planet Earth have evolved together as a single living, self-regulating system. It suggests that this living system has automatically controlled global temperature, atmospheric content, ocean salinity, and other factors, that maintains its own habitability. In a phrase, “life maintains conditions suitable for its own survival.” In this respect, the living system of Earth can be thought of analogous to the workings of any individual organism that regulates body temperature, blood salinity, etc. So, for instance, even though the luminosity of the sun – the Earth’s heat source – has increased by about 30 percent since life began almost four billion years ago, the living system has reacted as a whole to maintain temperatures at levels suitable for life.”- http://www.gaiatheory.org/synopsis.htm
[20] ‘Living with Nature’ by Edward Goldsmith, The Ecologist July 1, 1970 (www.edwardgoldsmith.org/)
[21] p.5; The Conquest Of Nature: Water, Landscape, and the Making of Modern Germany, by David Blackbourn, Published by Pimlico, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0712667261
[22] ‘Politics, planning and the protection of nature: Political abuse of early ecological ideas in Germany, 1933–45’ by Gert Gröninga & Joachim Wolschke‐Bulmahna Planning Perspectives Volume 2, Issue 2, 1987.
[23] Peter Staudenmaier Quoting from Heinz Haushofer, Ideengeschichte der Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik im deutschen Sprachgebiet, Band II, München, 1958, (p. 266).
[24] Hitler Speech, Völkischer Beobachter, 11 November 1931.
[25] Ibid.
[26] Ibid.
[27] op.cit; Staudenmaier.
[28] p.107;The Environmental Movement in Germany: Prophets and Pioneers, 1871–1971 by Raymond H. Dominick III Indiana University Press, 1992.
[29] op.cit. Bramwell; Ecology (p. 197-8)
[30] pp 182-190; Goring, a Biography, by David Irving. Published William Morrow and Co., New York, 1989.
[31] Himmler’s Crusade: The True Story of the 1938 Nazi Expedition into Tibet.by Christopher Hale, London: Transworld Publishers | ISBN 0-593-04952-7.
[32] op. cit. Bramwell, Blood and Soil (p. 132-8)
[33] op. cit. Bramwell, Ecology, (p. 202-4) | 0p. cit. Bramwell, Blood and Soil (p.132-38)
[34] ‘Work in the Dachau camp’ http://www.scrapbookpages.com
[35] ‘Using Science For The Greater Evil,’ Newsweek, Dec 1, 2003.
[36] op. cit. Janet Biehl, Peter Staudenmaier (p.19).
[37] Report of the SD-Hauptamtes Berlin: “Anthroposophy”, May 1936, BAD Z/B I 90.
[38] op. cit. Bramwell, Blood, (p. 203).
[39] http://www.demeter.net/ | “Biodynamic Agriculture: The Journey from Koberwitz to the World, 1924-1938”, By John Paul, Journal of Organic Systems, 2011, 6(1):27-41.
[40] Hans Schemm, Founder and Head of the National Socialist Teachers Association from Ernst Haeckel’s The History of Creation. 2 vols. (New York: D. Appleton, 1876), vol. I, p. 11.

World State Policies VIII: Depopulation

“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine.

georgia-guidestonesThe Georgia Guide Stones

In Elbert County, Georgia, United States in a secluded field lies a 19 foot, granite monument called “The Georgia Stones” or sometimes known as the “American Stonehenge” erected by “philanthropists” with a strangely familiar ideology. A message comprising ten inscribed propositions in eight modern languages, and a shorter message at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Ostensibly, it is nothing more than a plea for humanity to live in harmony with Mother Earth. However, the inscription also reads: “Maintain humanity under 500,000, in perpetual balance with nature.” Delightful. Except that is, if you are not listed as one of those granted access to the penthouse suites of the lucky 1/2 a million. Needless to say that the benefactor behind these stones, one R.C. Christian doesn’t say how he would like to eliminate the pesky populations of the world.

The rest of the messages are as follows:

  • Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  • Unite humanity with a living new language.
  • Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  • Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  • Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  • Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  • Balance personal rights with social duties.
  • Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  • Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature.

At the centre of each slab is a small circle, containing a letter representing the respective compass direction (N, S, E and W). And at the top centre of the tablet is written: “The Georgia Guidestones, Center cluster erected March 22, 1980.” Underneath this inscription is a square inside of which is written: “Let these be guide stones to an Age of Reason.” This looks suspiciously like a message from a collection of the usual suspects from the Eugenics or Fabian Society; a gaggle of population control advocates, a dash of Illuminism and a sop to balance, harmony and ecological respect, to round it all off. [1]  (A further small square inscribed with “2014” was also in place in the same year, presumably placed their by the same patrons.  Clearly, 2014 is a pivotal year for someone…)

The average number of children per woman has been declining rapidly for decades. According to official UN data, [2]the average number of children per woman worldwide for the period 1965 to 1970 was 4.85. Yet 40 years later, for the period of 2005 to 2010, that number dropped nearly 50 percent to 2.52. This trend has nothing to do with the interference of families like the Rockefellers, but everything to do with a natural self-regulating decrease. These facts however, have little impression on depopulationist beliefs. That is not to say that there are unsustainable levels of population in various countries around the globe but this has everything to do with socio-economic and ecological  factors which, if addressed would significantly alleviate the problem.

English scholar Thomas R. Malthus’ theories on population growth have been greatly influential on the minds of world controllers. His Essay on the Principles of Population published between 1798 and 1826 maintained that populations were chaotic and unprincipled without any constraints on their growth so that eventually famine and poverty would naturally arrive and cull the populations down to size. Like Nature, they had to be tamed and regulated. He predicted that the population growth rate would exceed the growth of the food supply. These flawed ideas concerning population dynamics inevitably fed into the desire for conquest and land acquisition. The leaders of any invasion are always looking for pretexts. Land grabs to support an expanding population that would inevitably spill over its borders became justification enough.

Naturalists and biologists Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin both acknowledged their debt to Malthus whom they saw as an inspiration in the development of their own ideas, Darwin wrote: “In October 1838 … I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population … it at once struck me that under these circumstances favourable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavourable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species.”[3]

Followers of Malthus, like acolytes of Freud, reduced everything down to the sexual drive and its spiritual vacuum that would place the 19th and 20th century in a stranglehold of determinism. It was to be a convenient belief for building, colonialism and state domination. The ordinary man became the experiment and the target of Elite subjugation and their self-protection. There would be no room for complex, non-linear set of variables we now know to exist in the formation and maintenance of living systems of ecology.

As we saw with psychoanalysis, the narrow definitions that force beliefs into the category of science are woefully premature. However, it proved very appealing indeed to those stuck in the paradigm of superiority and the potential of a Master Race. Like so many collectivists like  John Ruskin and Bertrand Russell, Malthus was an idealist stuck on the idea of a socialist Utopia. Science had little to do with his theories, however logical they seemed. The Darwinist belief-train was already hurtling at full speed towards shaping a future society by synthesizing Malthusian and Darwinist schools producing Social Darwinism. This fed straight into the fertile ground of Elitism already looking around for a scientific validation for their lofty place on the ladder of evolution.

As we have seen, Thomas Huxley, president of the Royal Society, and Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton were instrumental in the development and academic progression of eugenic and population control and their legacy remains strong in the fields of ecology and politics. Yet, in reality, most population experts agree that global population will level out by about 2100 at 10 billion with further decreases following. Global population growth has been steadily declining for decades and it has nothing to do with dramatic attempts to halt it based on hysterical and ideological drives. According to official UN data, the average number of children per woman worldwide for the period 1965 to 1970 was 4.85. From 2005 to 2010, that number dropped nearly 50% to 2.52. That is eminently supportable, especially if we are able to change direction away from the reins of elite psychopaths who created so many of these iniquitous conditions in the first place. [4]


Professor of global health at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute, Dr. Hans Rosling’s work focuses on dispelling common myths about the so-called developing world and presents convincing evidence that global populations are decreasing as a natural cycle stating: “The number of children is not growing any longer in the world. We are still debating peak oil, but we have definitely reached peak child.”  The professor is one of many academics discarding the accepted belief in extreme population reduction policies. [5]

This brings us to Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population by Matthew Connelly, an associate professor of history at Columbia University. The author does an extraordinary job in tracking the truth of the movement and its current incarnations in some of the most influential institutions of the 21st century. He explores the vast scope of the population control movement and the pressure it brought to bear on any institution, organization and government which could be used to expand the population control agenda and its directives. Foreign aid, feminism, environmentalism, corporatism and non-governmental organisations were merged into a cohesive global propaganda exercise so pernicious and pervasive that it is seen as quite normal today, even though the science is more than suspect. (The applied formula can be likened to the tactics of human-influenced global warming hysteria that we see being employed to great affect). [6]

After World War II and throughout the 1950s there was a population explosion across the world, most notably in the United States and Europe. Causes for this stemmed from an improvement in public health, reduced infant mortality, the development of antibiotics, certain vaccines, pesticides and the invention of DDT and programs to wipe out malaria-causing mosquitoes. It was at the International Congress on Population and World Resources in Relation to the Family held in Cheltenham, UK, in 1948, where the population control planners produced some of the groups and organisations we have explored so far. Julian Huxley and his colleague Joseph Needham head of UNESCO science had their chance to hob-knob with Rockefeller representatives who had already chosen Japan as their first target for experimentation and were at the conference to finalise directives.

Margaret Sanger would immediately form Planned Parenthood after consultations with others in the movement, while the sociologist, economist and eventual noble laureate Gunnar Myrdal also attended on behalf of Sweden. It would be his wife politician and diplomat Alva Myrdal who would become director of social sciences at UNESCO in 1952. Feminism and a high degree of propaganda as proposed by Huxley was thought by Myrdal to be crucial in developing a comprehensive “family Planning” and “family reduction” offensive while also providing for women’s rights.

By 1955, though Russia was among only a very few countries who resisted UN-based population control programs the vast majority of nations in the developing world proved to be easy prey. International Planned Parenthood Federation, United Nations agencies, the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, and the major American and European drug companies flocked to vulnerable continents of Asia and India. They began by funding local population studies discovering that population growth rates were increasing in many Third World countries. Connelly’s research shows similar comprehensive Rockefeller-funded studies were carried out on birth control, frequency of sexual intercourse, women’s menstrual cycles, miscarriages, births, and contraceptive use. In the end, India proved extremely resistant to this interference due in part, to the complexities of data gathering that were founded on assumptions and simplistic cultural evaluations which were eventually highlighted by subsequent anomalies and paradoxes. For instance, one village and one region differed so dramatically that it proved difficult to formulate a working blueprint for the programs. Understandably, Indian people did not like interlopers placing them in a sexual laboratory. The sponsored programs were a failure. So much so, that the foundations decided to go about their business in a far more “discreet” way. Population control was about to enter new ground as the revolutionary 1960s moved into view.

Fear-mongering on behalf of the eugenicists’ pet project of controlling the population had a huge boost from over 100 scientists and 39 Nobel Prize winners who signed a petition to the UN urging the organization to take action to protect the world’s resources and achieve a balanced population. The petition predicted dire, even apocalyptic consequences for all if the plea fell on deaf ears: “… there is in prospect a Dark Age of human misery, famine, under-education and unrest which would generate panic, exploding into wars fought to appropriate the dwindling means of survival.” [7] This seems to be a fair assessment of what has happened since, the only difference being it has been perpetrated by legions of corporations, and private armies sanctioned by an Anglo-American, geo-strategic alliance. Population control has proven useful as a justification for all kinds of corruption and misguided thinking, nowhere more so than on the African continent.

It was during the 1960s push that the appeals for funds began to pluck the heartstrings of the well-intentioned. This was especially curious because Africa at that time had both a low birth rate and healthy rate of exports with Africans consuming a very small portion of the world’s resources.
Connelly observes:

“[Africa] featured some of the lowest rates of growth in the world. It is also odd that even sophisticated analysts continued to assume that starvation would represent the first constraint on continued population increases. A broader view of the earth’s “carrying capacity” might have noted declines in commodity prices as well as the fact that poor countries consumed relatively little and their share had actually been shrinking.” [8]

Catch phrases such as “human tidal wave” that would “explode out of national boundaries” and “the decline of civilization” that would follow as a consequence of all these inconveniently coloured poor people who would be labelled both a threat and a victim – “family planning” was the only solution. Where the initial Rockefeller mission failed in India, by 1963, Ford Foundation funding had achieved success in creating programs to distribute IUDs and conduct sterilization programs with further IUD programs promoted by the Foundation in Pakistan, Korea and Taiwan. The success of the Intrauterine Device (IUD) was another matter.

Planned Parenthood President Alan Guttmacher whom we met previously, came up with the idea to use the long discredited product en masse, despite being fraught with a multitude of risks including a high percentage of expulsions, infections, bleeding and pain. At the outset, it seemed that no one but the (male) inventor believed it could work – and of course, Alan Guttmacher. This may have been in part because of the 1962 Population Council convened to assess how the World (de)population programs were fairing country by country.

Bending the ear of Guttmacher at the conference was Mr. J. Robert Willson, Chair of Obstretrics and Gynaecology at Temple University who agreed with the Doctor stating a common perception in medical and academic circles: “We have to stop thinking like doctors … Now obviously we are going to use these devices, they are occasionally going to be put in the wrong patient. Again, if we look at this from an overall, long-range view – these are the things I have never said out loud before and I don’t know how it is going to sound – perhaps the individual patient is expendable in the scheme of things, particularly if the infection the patient acquires is sterilizing but not lethal.” [9]

Eminently logical – unless that is, you happen to be the expendable statistic which rapidly grew from the “individual” to the many.

Foreign aid and the economic framework were tied closely to population control and the multi-million profits that could be made from bogus science and racist ideology. If India did didn’t wish to play ball then all US President Lyndon Johnson had to do was to threaten to withhold U.S. grain supplies and encourage the spectre of starvation. India was boxed in to aid that was inseparable from controlled performance. USAID (with some members often acting as part of a CIA front) would soon have millions more to play with as the lobbyists began to do their work in Congress. New countries were sought so that the family planning model could be introduced. Massive public funding meant massive propaganda and the subsequent ill-informed but greedy exodus of consultants, educationalists, public health officials, activists and scholars eager to cash in, while believing their conscience clean.

The justification for this great leap forward was that every birth prevented was a boon to society. From this calculus emerged the doctrine that having children was anti-social and not having children promoted social good. People naturally began to have fewer children as economic growth accelerated. This had nothing to do with population control programs. Fertility rates had been declining since the end of the 1950s with a peak at in 1957 with 123 births per thousand women. By 1976, there were 76 births per thousand women.

Despite this, the darling of the social biologist Establishment Professor Paul Ehrlich and his 1968 book The Population Bomb was highly influential. Ehrlich presented a hypothesis that had eugenicists and depopulationists clapping in the audience: unless population growth was reduced to zero in America – by compulsory methods if necessary – it would the end of the world as we knew it. Here, we see the China template once again. For Ehrlich: “Population control is the conscious regulation of the number of human beings to meet the needs not just of individual families, but of society as a whole.” Society, always society. And it is people like this esteemed biologist who think that it is up to them to decide: “… how to give societies the number of children they need,” otherwise: “…people would still be multiplying like rabbits.” It seems we must all toe the line and: “… hopefully through changes in our value system, but by compulsion if voluntary methods fail.” [10]

The control of the American populace is the first step in a wider set of measures, the message of which, for Ehrlich is: “… based on ‘do as we do’ – not ‘do as we say.’” Obviously, the concept of values and ethics take on epic proportions of flexibility in Ehrlich’s mind. Sure enough, indoctrination of population control and the related methods of sex education should begin before junior school. The UN should administer a global program, along with financial coercion and incentives. But Dr. Ehrlich goes further:

“If we could, somehow, get a program underway in which the ODCs made a genuine attempt to aid the UDCs [underdeveloped countries], what form might that program take? The specific requirements of the program would vary from area to area. Possibly the first step in all areas would be to set up relay stations and distribute small transistorized TV sets to villages for communal viewing of satellite-transmitted programs… TV programs would explain the rehabilitation plan for each area. These programs would have to be produced with the combined skills of people with great expertise in the subject to be presented and intimate knowledge of the target population. The programs could be presented both “straight” and as “entertainment.”… The programs would use the prospect of increased affluence as a major incentive for gaining cooperation. It seems unlikely that the threat of future starvation would have much impact. If necessary, however, the TV channel could be used to make it clear that the continuance of food supplies depends on the cooperation of the people in the area…” [11]

Ehrlich has either read Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World for inspiration or he was just born that way. He pushes his grand authoritarian vision into the info-tainment arena with Big Brother healthcare making a 24hr appearance: “Obviously, such measures should be coordinated by a powerful governmental agency,” he says, “A federal Bureau of Population and Environment [BPE] should be set up to determine the optimum population size for the US and devise measures to establish it.”

The Population BombJulian Huxley, Bertrand Russell, a host of Fabian socialists and Rockefeller agents of change all agree that the best pathway for their propaganda to take seed is through the education system. Ehrlich is no different when he states: “It is now imperative that we restrict the reproductive function of sex while producing a minimum of disruption in the others.” The professor then conforms to the plan of conjoining the New World of emasculation and gender confusion along seemingly benign lines of female emancipation. In one fell swoop he manages to disparage and denigrate traditional gender roles, the institution of family and thereby community. What he is referring to has nothing to do with true freedom for men and women but a socialised conformity. Motherhood is marginalized and trivialized in favour of a ill-defined “gender equality”:

With a rational atmosphere mankind should be able to work out the problems of deemphasizing the reproductive role of sex. These problems include finding substitutes for the satisfaction and rewards that women derive from childbearing and for the ego satisfaction that often accompanies excessive fatherhood. Implicit attitudes and social pressures within our society toward parenthood, especially motherhood, add up to an even more powerful prenatal policy than our legal system represents. Equal opportunities and salaries for women in business and the professions, which are now being sought by the women’s liberation movement, would strongly encourage them to seek other outlets for their energy and talents besides motherhood. Society would greatly benefit both from the resulting lowered fertility and the productive contributions of women.[12] [Emphasis mine]

Who would argue against the right for women to seek other ways of fulfillment besides motherhood? Yet, in this context that is not the desired objective. After trashing marriage as a licence for sex and accidental births, he offers the solution to society’s population problem (which is really the wish to get rid of “undesirables”) by offering a greater availability of contraceptives and abortion. Dr. Ehrlich suggests halting foreign aid for countries that are “beyond help,” while suggesting the development of mass sterilization agents.

When The Population Crisis Committee decided that juvenile delinquents, drug addicts, and idle welfare recipients were a potential population threat you can see clearly that underlying eugenics meme of “desirables contaminating the gene pool” was resurfacing once again. Listen folks, if you leave it up to us to decide who gets to live and die (with concurrent penalties should people resist) then we could reduce crime and save lots of cash for federal government and welfare programs… What could be more ethical?

Thankfully, some scientists were not taken in by the politics of population control. Much like the issues of global warming, as science began to dig deeper, factual inconsistencies flew in the face of population control advocates. One example from demographic research showing that high fertility was not closely correlated with poverty. Several scientists offered thorough rebuttals of Ehrlich’s “science” to the extent he was roundly discredited. Yet the population control myth persists.

In the 1970s The UN Fund for Population Activities increased funding and so too the propensity for corruption and competition from both UN agencies and foreign governments and their bureaucrats. As increased funding hit record levels and a problem that characterizes so many governmental agencies was how to spend the money fast enough to justify an increased allocation for next year. When research universities and pharmaceutical companies started to get involved in the easy money network, then UN bureaucrats began to invent methods to deflect criticism and keep the media and public away from any snooping. After all, the UN agencies were working to reduce population levels to protect the planet and future generations, what could there be to criticize?

In 1973, some were beginning to question these intentions behind PC, not least the science upon which their ideas were based. The Rockefeller foundation, The Brain Trust and other philanthropic, UN agency minions, could not prove the causal links to justify further fertility programs and therefore the basis for advising governments how to control population growth was somewhat shaky. Yet it was onwards and upwards for the over 900 world-wide projects in operation.

By the end of the 1970s there were accusations of neo-Malthusian agendas from Africa and from some quarters in Europe yet massive propaganda initiatives and programs continued in India. The 1980s saw international sterilization programs being funded to the tune of $35 million worldwide. [13] In the end, a widespread revolt against the population controllers’ directives erupted from the developing world. Matthew Connelly highlights the economic segment of the PC pie-chart where leaders wanted to marry PC and economic development under free trade. The US delegates tried to sell the idea that to push down world fertility made plain economic sense. If not, food riots and revolutions would ensue placing the stability of foreign markets and US investment in a New Economic Order at risk. However, the nepotistic, cosy relationships that existed at the UN for many officials were also beginning to cause opposition.

In 1974, at the World Population Conference in Bucharest, feminists were ironically allowed to assume a population control mandate as representative of women’s collective desire when prominent feminists attacked advocates for conspiring to have an all-male cast. They were so roundly accused of imperialism and colonialism by various delegate groups that International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and speaker David Rockefeller had to hastily backtrack with substantial amounts of egg on their faces. A rethink was in order.

As Indira Gandhi was fighting a rear-guard action of corruption charges and arresting her many accusers causing all kinds of chaos, the population controllers saw their chance to act: Parents who had three children and did not accept sterilization were now jailed. Indian bureaucrats elevated a ‘right to progress’ as superseding individual rights. The new program raised incentive payments for sterilization as well as the age of marriage and women’s literacy. Then things became nasty. In scenes reminiscent of Nazi Germany Indira Gandhi’s State of emergency saw neighbourhoods demolished, human rights trampled on and many people killed in the riots that followed, all for resisting sterilization programs. The World Bank’s response was to provide another $26 million in aid for India based on a precondition that they commit to a sterilization programs. That plan was to take the India and China model world-wide.

The problem of global fertility rates falling and the dire prediction of global famine absent did not help the legitimacy of the world-wide expansion of these programs. Economic development was touted as justification of their continuance but as the Population Council floundered and the IPPF was investigated by Congress after denying that any sterilizations were forced, profits and progress began to wane. 80, ooo sterilizations that took place in 1976 were certainly forced and Congress in a rare state of clarity had evidence to prove it. [14]

populationindiaSource: ‘Population alarmists disregard human feelings’ Canberra Times,

A huge backlash against the depopulationists was beginning and by 1977 the hidden agenda was truly out in the open courtesy of Rimert Ravenholt, head of USAID Office of Population, during an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Ravenholt said that 25 percent of all the fertile women in the world must be sterilised in order to meet the U.S. goals of population control and to maintain “the normal operation of U.S. commercial interests around the world.” According to Ravenholt, these measures were required to contain the “population explosion” which, if left unchecked, would so reduce living standards abroad that revolutions would break out “against the strong U.S. commercial presence.” [15]

The Rockefeller Foundation and The United Nation’s World Health Organization have worked together since 1972 working their birth control “magic” on developing nations parallel to GM crop research. In the 1990s Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines were under the cross- hairs of population reduction from vaccination campaigns, ostensibly against tetanus. On the rare occasions that independent bodies have tested certain vaccines they have tended to harbour less than innocent ingredients, the tetanus vaccine was no exception. Strangely enough, none of these vaccines were offered to men and boys – only women and girls of child-bearing age from 15-45. The Roman Catholic organisation Comité Pro Vida de Mexico, had the vaccine tested and found it contained Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG, a hormone necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy. What was it doing in a vaccine destined to combat tetanus?

When hCG is combined with a tetanus toxid carrier, antibodies are produced against hCG actually reversing the role of the hormone and making pregnancy impossible. None of the women were told that this was effectively an abortion vaccine. Studies in Nicaragua and the Philippines also found the vaccine to contain hCG hormones. In 1995 the discovery of hidden sterilization programs under cover of vaccine initiatives did not go down well with the public and lay clergy in the Philippines. Catholic Women`s League of the Philippines took on UNICEF’s anti-tetanus program and won a court order halting it’s tracks due to the inclusion of undisclosed B-hCG in the vials. “The Supreme Court of the Philippines found the surreptitious sterilization program had already vaccinated three million women, aged 12 to 45. B-hCG-laced vaccine was also found in at least four other developing countries.” This Recombinant birth control vaccine still has a functioning patent. The debate rages on as to whether this was mere Catholic propaganda or a genuine “well-intentioned” subterfuge by our global managers. [16] [17]

Screen-shot from: Paradise Stolen – The Myth of Overpopulation by Stephen Verstappen

The science behind the scare-mongering of a “population bomb” has been comprehensively rebutted and debunked for many years. It is another important example of social engineering designed to provide excuses for systematic depopulation and macro-managment of societies. That’s the goal when you strip it all down to the bare essentials. The simple facts are that the rate of population growth was already long since declining when Ehrlich penned his doomsday scenario. It was also a deeply unoriginal idea having been culled from the warnings of an earlier eugenicist William Vogt and his highly influential book Road to Survival (1948), the biggest environmental best-seller of all time until the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. Vogt, like so many other Malthusian-ecologists placed all the world’s problems on the population explosion, the weak and the poor being the culprits who had to be stopped from breeding uncontrollably otherwise everyone’s future would be in jeopardy. But the data simply didn’t add up. Evidence actually showed that people who had a comfortable standard of living had fewer children despite access to a healthier and more abundant food supply, the latter being a most important point to remember.

According to Vogt and Ehrlich and other Neo-Malthusians and eugenicists, industrialisation equalled an increasing birth rate. In fact, this could be observed only in the early stages of the process, followed by a clear and steady decrease. Around the world there is also a large decrease in the number of children women are having as well as a decline in the size of families generally. As one commentator recently penned: “The big story is that rich or poor, socialist or capitalist, Muslim or Catholic, secular or devout, with tough government birth-control policies or none, most countries tell the same story: Small families are the new norm.” [18]

The many other invasive methods to poison and sterilise the world’s population is a mix of faulty science, the well-intentioned and covert psychopathy. The macabre irony is that resource scarcity, economic disparity and crippling debt all contribute to the unnatural rise in populations directly attributed to cartel capitalism. Thus the methods of population control implemented by neo-liberalist visions or the “globalist Elite” are a direct consequence of their own misunderstandings of the human and natural world; a result of their imposition of materialist agenda of the 4C’s and the inevitable effects it produced. Ultimately, for the psychopath, this is about reducing the numbers of normal people in the global population by using direct and indirect methods of depopulation policies on a global scale.

Author and philosopher Stephan Verstappen makes the entirely valid point that if we had not had psychopaths holding the reins of power the trillions upon trillions spent on the weapons industry (and wasteful economic debt slavery) each and every American could each have had a small house and plot of land through which to be self-sufficient. Verstappen highlights a common argument that there isn’t enough room to provide decent homes in similarly decent communities. As he makes clear, this is simply more lies and propaganda where we have been made to believe that everyone must live shoulder to shoulder in high-density dwellings. And of course, the SMART technocrats and eco-Intelpro agents would love to continue this argument under the guise of protecting the planet and social welfare. Let’s quote Mr. Verstappen from his recent video: The Myth of Overpopulation:

“If we assume and average of 3 people per family – or one home for every three people – that would mean about 750 people live there [in an average communiity] Including parks and playgrounds, the whole community sits on 12 acres of land. Now let’s take the U.S. population of 320 million and divide them into communities of 750 people each, which gives us: 426, 666 villages. Each village sits on 12 acres so multiply that by 12 which equals 5, 119, 992 acres. Convert acres to square miles and we have just under 8,000 square miles. That means we could fit everyone in America, in a one-storey home, with a front yard and a back yard, with plenty of parks and playgrounds and waterways for every 750 people and it would all fit easily on the available land mass of the state of New Hampshire, and still have a thousand square miles to spare. That could leave the entire rest of the country, including Alaska, without a single person living there. See now how ridiculous it is to think the entire land mass of the U.S. cannot provide the needs and resources for a low density population taking up less room than New Hampshire.”

Logically, Verstappen takes this further:


Screen-shot from: Paradise Stolen – The Myth of Overpopulation by Stephen Verstappen

“…That means we could fit everyone in the world … in a one storey home, with a front yard and a back yard with plenty of parks and playgrounds and waterways for every 750 people; and the entire world population would all fit easily on less than 75% of the available land mass …. of the State of Texas and still have 80,000 sq. miles of Texas to spare.”

Overpopulation? Maybe, but let’s be honest about the root causes and the clear solutions available. Moreover, we must see exactly how this is being used to corral populations into accepting policies which will make life considerably worse with no prospect of escape.


Note: For more data on depopulation please read Kevin Magur Galalae’s Killing us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy (2013). Prior to reading a warning must be attached to the book in that after a detailed analysis of the historical methods of GPC the author advocates much the same methods though with the caveat of transparency which does not automatically mean a correct path. As such, he acts as a supporter of population control methods and buys into the myth. These problems will not be solved by adopting the same methods, however “transparent.” Transparency laid over a gullible populace does not equate to accountability. A whole new perception across all societal domains is necessary. The data in the book is often erroneously interpreted and filtered through his own beliefs in order to support what he perceives as a benevolent set of policies to save humanity from itself. He even manages to tie in global warming and cognitive dissonance of the public in misunderstanding the issue of population growth. This is gross naiveté or intentional deception on the part of the author. But this does not discount the research if viewed with a discerning eye. The e-book can be found available online through any search engine.



[1] Some have suggested that the messages listed and the themes therein refer to the secret society of Rosicrucians, a parallel branch of Illuminism, long thought to have been spearheaded by Sir Francis Bacon who then became the medium for a new Baconian philosophy of reason or scientific materialism. Whether this is true or not is impossible to say, though Bacon’s book The New Atlantis portrays a land ruled by Rosicrucians. pp.61–68; The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, By Frances Yates, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 2001 | ISBN-10: 0415254094
[2] United Nations Population Division Depart of Economic and Social Affairs: World Population Prospect 2010 revision / April 2011. http://www.esa.un.org/
[3] p.120; The autobiography of Charles Darwin. By Nora Barlow, 1958. New edition 1993 | ISBN-10: 0393310698
[4] For further news on the Population expansion myth see UN data studies here: esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/DB01_Period_Indicators/WPP2010_DB1_F01_TOTAL_FERTILITY.XLS | Global Population projections from: ‘Seven billion and counting’ By Jeff Tollefson, 19 October 2011, Nature 478, 300 (2011) doi:10.1038/478300a.
[5] See also Has Rosling’s TED Talks at http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_religions_and_babies.html
[6] Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population by Matthew Connelly, Published by Harvard University Press, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0674024230.
[7] op. cit. Connelly (p.190)
[8] Ibid.
[9] op. cit. Connelly (pp.202-203)
[10] p.79; The Population Bomb By Paul Erhlich. Buccaneer Books Inc; 1968. Reprint edition Dec 1995 | ISBN-10: 1568495870.
[11] op. cit. Erhlich (p.150)
[12] Ibid. (p.139)
[13] op. cit. Connelly (p.129)
[14] ‘Relying on Hard and Soft Sells India Pushes Sterilization,’ New York Times, June 22, 2011.
[15] The New Atlantis: Society and Technology ‘The Population Control Holocaust’ by Robert Zubrin. Number 35, Spring 2012.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Recombinant birth control vaccine United States Patent 5733553: Talwar, Gursaran Prasad (c/o National Institute of Immunology, Shadid Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi, IN) Srinivasan, Jay (Dept. of Biology, Washington University Campus, Box No:1137, One Brookings, St. Louis, MO, 63130-4899) Chakrabarti, Sekhar (c/o The National Institutes of Health, (Room 237, Building 4), Bethesda, MD, 20892) Application Number: 08/263483 Publication Date: 03/31/1998 Filing Date: 06/21/1994 freepatentsonline.com
[18] ‘On World Population Day, take note: population isn’t the problem’ By Fred Pearce, grist.com, Jully 11 2010.

For a more esoteric overview of depopulation and eugenics see: Mark Passio – The Unholy Feminine – Neo-Feminism & The Satanic Epi-Eugenics Agenda

See also:

Western Civillisations Will Go Extinct

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience charlatan

Don’t Panic – The Truth About Population


World State Policies VII: Planned Parenthood, UNESCO and “New-Genics”

“I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”

Planned Parenthood Federation Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola

planned-parenthoodDuring the 1930s as Rockefeller funding was supporting research into molecular biology for new ways to implement social control, another pseudo-scientific outfit sprang up from the mind of one Margaret Sanger. Ms. Sanger favoured “The elimination of ‘human weeds,’ for the ‘cessation of charity’ because it prolonged the lives of the unfit, for the segregation of ‘morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,’ and for the sterilization of genetically inferior races.’” And this gentle parent’s views were to be the inspiration for “Planned Parenthood.” [1]

Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which in 1942, became part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America formerly created ten years later in 1952 at a conference in Bombay, India. She is widely regarded as the founder of the modern birth control movement and a tireless activist for women’s rights, helping to put a stop to the practice of back-alley abortions that claimed so many lives.

Her drive to promote birth control was perhaps due in part, to her mother who suffered greatly in her 18 pregnancies and later died of tuberculosis. However, despite Sanger’s obvious positive intentions she was for all intents and purposes a full-blown authoritarian who was a big fan of the Nazis. She also had a strange blend of occult/theosophical and collectivist beliefs which led her to harbour increasingly extremist views, where the extermination of those she deemed less pure than her Caucasian, white, spiritually advanced self was eminently acceptable. Her engineering of the human race to a spiritual and genetic perfection was merely another form of Social Darwinism with a feminist bent. She felt the reason for the spiritual and biological demise of her brethren was due to contamination by “unfit” genes and as such, her mission was to rid the world of such undesirables.

In the 1930’s, while Sanger praised Adolf Hitler’s Racial purity program and the Aryan dream of a snow-white New World Order, she commissioned the aforementioned Nazi eugenicist Ernst Rudin to be an advisory member of her organization. Nine years later Sanger began work on saving the world from the copulating practices of the black man whom she believed to be an “inferior race.” The “Negro project,” was a program designed to vastly reduce or indoctrinate under the pretext of religious instruction.

She declared:

“The masses of Negroes … particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit …” […]

“The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” ” [2]

And from her biography:

“The eugenists wanted to shift the birth control emphasis from less children for the poor to more children for the rich. We went back of that and sought first to stop the multiplication of the unfit. This appeared the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.” Quite simply, in Sanger’s view quoted in Birth Control Review, December 1920: “Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.” And in summarising an address to New History Society, in April 1932, the object for the Population Congress would be: “… to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.” ” [3]

Some choice.

In a 1985, Planned Parenthood annual report board members claimed that they were: “Proud of our past, and planning for our future.” [4]


        Margaret Sanger

The eugenic imperative lent further energy to the World State in waiting and the intelligentsia ran around doing what they could to create networks of grand visionaries that would carry the flame into the future. Collectivism and the New Social Order lay on the foundations of gradualism, after all. They knew that persons would have to be carefully selected through the generations so that organisations would adhere to the original plan. Margaret Sanger had joined the Socialist Party and was eventually well connected with the Fabian Elite including: H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Bennett, Arbuthnot Lane, and Norman Haire. It was through these “relationships” that she was able to finally meet Havelock Ellis, author of the Psychology of Sex and with whom she had an affair.

In 1922 she wrote the book The Pivot of Civilization in which she laid bare her love of Malthusian and eugenic principles. In 1925, she was in full spate and penned a rant that would have given Pol Pot a run for his money, stating: “We can all vote, even the mentally arrested. And so it is no surprise to find that the moron’s vote is as good as the vote of the genius. The outlook is not a cheerful one.” She continued her rant claiming: “The dullard, the gawk, the numbskull, the simpleton, the weakling, and the scatterbrain are amongst us in overshadowing numbers–intermarrying, breeding, inordinately prolific, literally threatening to overwhelm the world with their useless and terrifying get.” [5] Let’s keep in mind that Frederick Jaffe the head of Planned Parenthood research in 1969 floated several proposals in a memo which seemed to continue the above sentiments which included “compulsory sterilization for those who have already had two children” as well as “compulsory abortion for out-of-wedlock pregnancies,” federal entitlement “payments to encourage abortion,” and “tax penalties” for existing large families. [6]

With friends like Fred who needs families?

According to the Planned Parenthood Federation website at http://www.plannedparenthood.org today, Margaret Sanger’s reasons for building her birth control empire have been airbrushed away. She was: “… one of the movement’s great heroes,” where her: “… early efforts remain the hallmark of Planned Parenthood’s mission: providing contraception and other health services to women and men; funding research on birth control and educating specialists and the public about the results; advancing access to family planning in the United States and around the world.”

But is this advice based on good science or ideology?

Planned Parenthood (PP) as the largest provider and promoter of abortion and “… the largest provider of sex education in America,” has expanded from its humble beginnings into a multi-billion-dollar international conglomerate with centres in 50 states; national headquarters in New York, a legislative centre in Washington and programs and activities in 134 nations on every continent. [7]They have over 922 clinics in almost every major metropolitan area in the United States while their international centres can be found in London, Nairobi, Bangkok, and New Dehli. [8] 

PP lobbies for abortions within the second trimester and associate resistance to this policy from pro-life extremists who wish to be rid of all abortions: “… abortion after the first trimester remains a necessary option for some women. Unfortunately, anti-choice zealots seek to limit access to abortion through, among other means, laws imposing a fixed date for fetal viability and bans that would outlaw safe, medically appropriate abortions in the second trimester. The hidden agenda of these zealots is to make all abortions illegal.” [9]

Just as the answer does not lie with anti-abortionists, it does beg the question whether PP are also there for humanitarian reasons given its history. In her book Woman and the New Race, Sanger observed: “The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it,” and we can see by the slick marketing and multi-million dollar yearly profits nothing much has changed except the lure of the dollar sign. [10]From 2000 – 2010 there was a steady rise in the number of abortions PP undertook increasing from 197,070 to 329,445 by the end of the decade with the dispensing of 131,638 to 1,461,816 Morning After pills. [11]Planned Parenthood Federation of America classified as a non-profit organisation revealed in its 2008 report that income generated from their yearly abortion drives netted a total income of $1.02 billion—with reported profits of nearly $115 million. Taxpayers pay for around $336 million worth of government grants and contracts at both the state and federal levels. That is a sizable chunk of Planned Parenthood’s projected profits. [12]

Upon visiting their websites today, it’s almost as if the subject of abortion is celebrated. Email alerts! Get Involved! Job opportunities! Providing access to reproductive health care so that women they can “control their bodies and their futures.”

Or rather than appealing to a feminist perception of emancipation, is it that those behind Planned Parenthood can control their bodies and their futures?

Rather than eugenics, depopulation and enforced abortion being a thing of the past perhaps it has been pushed under the carpet of highly paid advertising campaigns, pretty colours and a whole lot of profit.  Women must have the freedom to do as they will with their own bodies, yet when this support becomes a corporation with cash as the bottom line and eugenics at its historical roots, more questions need to be asked.

As to whether Planned Parenthood are fulfilling a useful role in today’s world based on a natural evolution of society then we would have to say “no” because society has been wholly manipulated by the very same people who have set up these institutions. Is it habituation to abortion and so-called sexual liberation or merely the right to choose? The question is not that it does not offer women more “reproductive choice” but for what is the core reason such education is being promoted? What does such an international ideal serve? If you want to make a population less loving, more sexualised and narcissistic and thus more malleable, the gross result may be more babies in the short term but with large-scale abortion clinics on standby as branches of a larger corporatist ethos who will they look to for further inspiration?

All roads lead to the Rockefeller ideal of China as the Pathocratic template of the future.

Alan Guttmacher, who took on a ten year presidency of PP provides an example of this ubiquitous China-think. He stated: “Each country will have to decide its own form of coercion, determining when and how it should be employed,” reminding us that: “… the means presently available are compulsory sterilization and abortion.” He then enlightened an already open-mouthed journalist that this Planned Parenthood’s values of compassion, love, health and women’s rights may have to be jettisoned for coercion and force that might be especially needed “… in areas where the pressure is the greatest, possibly in India and China.” [13]

In 1984, PP had written in support of China’s brutal one-child per couple policy, where sterilisation and forced abortions are mandatory [14] and were quite excited about such a possibility arriving in the United States (keer-ching! $$$$) which is why they battled to restore U.S. funding to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) which had already committed $100 million to this Chinese program. [15] Twenty-six years later we hear from another ex-Planned Parenthood director Norman Fleishman writing to President Obama about the recent decision to force insurance companies to cover birth control and drugs that can cause abortion: “Unless we act (this legislation, along with China’s “one child” policy, is a start), the world is doomed to strangle among coils of pitiless exponential growth.” [16]

Now it seems, Planned Parenthood has come out fighting and is actively against this line – at least on their website. We can now read: “Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) opposes coercive and inhumane reproductive policies and practices, including China’s one-child policy and the illegal practices of forced abortion and coerce birth control reported in some localities. We believe in reproductive self-determination and we advocate for public policies that guarantee these rights and ensure access to safe and legal services.” [17]

Whether this is just good PR and represents more than just indignant-soon-to-be-leaving directors of PP remains to be seen. But large-scale profits from equally large-scale abortion will doubtless continue. However, if you want to see the truly abhorrent face of Planned Parenthood then we need look no further than the recent secret recording of Planned Parenthood Federation Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing the side business in fetal parts. Let’s include a few choice quotes from the video:

“I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.

“The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part. …

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact. And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex. …

“So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.” [18]

Mirroring illegal partial-birth abortions and taking full advantage of their equally partial government funding there speaks the voice of greed and science conjoined. You don’t need any more obvious evidence to abort babies for profit. As the Free thought project reports:

According to 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2:

It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.

The legal issues were seemingly addressed during the conversation when Nucatola says, “At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now.”

Lila Rose, Live Action President responded to the disturbing video:

This investigation by the Center for Medical Progress reveals the unimaginable horror that is Planned Parenthood. The exploitation of human life, the cover-up, and the black market profiteering by America’s largest abortion chain is not only egregious and heartbreaking, but exposes how the abortion giant is corrupt to the core

— from the CEO, Cecile Richards, down to the local clinic. [19] 

Watch the video HERE.


What is certain, China’s one-child policy has been a disaster for women with the equivalent of the entire female population of the United States missing. According to Mara Hvistendahl’s book Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men she places the source of the problem squarely on the one-child policy which has its roots in the population control advocacy in the West. It has exponentially increased the number of men and turned the remaining women into commodities, adding to the already significant increase in global sex-trafficking. Not only that but: “Between 1992 and 2004 China’s crime rate nearly doubled. In India from 2003 to 2007 rape cases surged over 30 percent and abductions by over 50 percent prompting the government to unveil female-only trains.” [20]The conclusion is that while China’s population police themselves in this regard, as Hvistendahl reminds us: “In a world in which women are unnaturally scarce, the right to abort will be the least of our worries.” [21]  Thankfully, this led China to rethink its policy in 2009 with Shanghai as the template for a two child policy. The Telegraph reported: “Experts predicted earlier this week that there will be zero growth in China’s population of 1.3 billion people by 2030.” [22]

The one child policy was so appealing to Western elites due to the similar short-sighted and misplaced view of how nature operates which is non-linear, self-organising and adaptive. Which is why a recent study commissioned by the BBC in September 2012 discovered that: “… China’s fertility would have declined at a similar rate without the one-child policy and would continue to decline even if the policy was discarded.” [23]


How did the one-child policy affect population levels? | Ageing China: Changes and challenges”

One of the key proposals in this post for the reader to consider is that the institutions and well-known organisations of today – though inhabited by honest, sincere and selfless individuals – are nonetheless steered by ideologies and strategies (and market-led greed) from the top which have not changed for many decades. While social engineering carries on at one level, another tier maybe involved in the imposition of a world philosophy and culture that ostensibly seems a wonderful thing. An example of this can be found from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley, elder brother of author Aldous Huxley was a giant in the humanist and eugenics movements. He held several important posts including the Secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-42), first president of the British Humanist Association (1963), Vice-President (1937-44) and President of the British Eugenics Society (1959-62). He was also co-founder of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Huxley was also the recipient of several awards aligned to his areas of interest including UNESCO’s Kalinga Prize (1953) (as did Bertrand Russell); the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society (1956), and the Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population (1959).

As the first director of the organisation Sir Julian Sorell Huxley wrote a paper entitled “UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy” published in 1946. In the paper he shared his vision for the future of the international organisation and what he hoped it would achieve. Huxley believed its philosophy should be “… based on a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background” or a grand design of World Evolutionary Humanism.

From ‘UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy’ he states:

It is essential for Unesco to adopt an evolutionary approach. If it does not do so, its philosophy will be a false one, its humanism at best partial, at worst misleading…. in the last few decades it has been possible to develop an extended or general theory of evolution which can provide the necessary intellectual scaffolding for modern humanism. It not only shows us man’s place in nature and his relations to the rest of the phenomenal universe, not only gives us a description of the various types of evolution and the various trends and directions within them, but allows us to distinguish desirable and undesirable trends […]

Objectively speaking, the new method consists of cumulative tradition, which forms the basis of that social heredity by means of which human societies change and develop. But the new method also has a subjective aspect of great importance. Cumulative tradition, like all other distinctively human activities, is largely based on conscious processes – on knowledge, on purpose, on conscious feeling, and on conscious choice. Thus the struggle for existence that underlies natural selection is increasingly replaced by conscious selection, a struggle between ideas and values in consciousness.

Evolution in the human sector consists mainly of changes in the form of society; in tools and machines, in new ways of utilising the old innate potentialities, instead of in the nature of these potentialities, as in the biological sector. […] Nor does it mean that man’s innate mental powers could not be improved. They certainly were improved (presumably be [sic] natural selection) in the earliest stages of his career, […] and they could certainly be improved further by deliberate eugenic measures, if we consciously set ourselves to improve them. Meanwhile, however, it is in social organisation, in machines, and in ideas that human evolution is mostly made manifest.” [24] [Emphasis mine]

So, an almost word for word reiteration of Bertrand Russell’s “scientific dictatorship” was also being developed by Huxley where it is assumed that natural selection, a social struggle and the eugenic improvement of humans are part of UNESCO’s mission. They also happen to be key words in both collectivist, humanist and atheist thinking where human beings are not only devoid of the consciousness as he mentions but must be developed along the lines of a faulty machine.


Sir Julian Sorrell Huxley

It is the arrogant imposition of dogma within a soon to be highly influential institution that belies a certain confidence that he is surrounded by those who think the same. And for an educational, scientific and cultural organisation to be founded on eugenics to then speak of equality and emancipation … This goes only so far before doubts set in as to the authenticity of its participants but not the artfulness of its propaganda. Yet he qualifies his exuberant idealism: “… with equality of opportunity [which] must be amended to read ‘equality of opportunity within the limits of aptitude.’ Which means opportunity – but only for those who come up to scratch.

He further informs us:

“… it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for Unesco to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” [25]

As with most of these people, they know that most normal individuals see the manipulation of the human psychology and physiology based on class and race superiority as naturally abhorrent, so Huxley is really saying that acceptance of radical eugenics policies is not yet possible so let’s introduce it along the lines of gradualism so that “greatest care” may furnish the “unthinkable.”

What is radical eugenics if it is not coercive altering of the human mind and body under certain Elitist beliefs?
To promote what Huxley calls an “adjustment” to these eugenic ideals, he calls for “a great deal of education of the general public” resting upon the fallacy that evolutionary biology is the only means by which we can measure the progress of humanity, or as he states: “…judging the rightness or wrongness of our aims and activities.” For this peculiar brand of reductive determinism to play out, according to Huxley there should be an extension of: “… personal ethical judgements and responsibilities to many collective and apparently impersonal actions” and further “… to undertake a considerable socialisation of ethics.”

What the director is advocating is an ethics of the “scientific technique” whereby rights of the individual are submerged into a World Evolutionary State of Government. Progress for Huxley is a narrow pathway indeed:

… the more united man’s tradition becomes, the more rapid will be the possibility of progress: several separate or competing or even mutually hostile pools of tradition cannot possibly be so efficient as a single pool common to all mankind. And secondly, that the best and only certain way of securing this will be through political unification. As history shows, unifying ideas can exert an effect across national boundaries. But, as history makes equally evident, that effect is a partial one and never wholly offsets the opportunities for conflict provided by the existence of separate sovereign political units.

The moral for UNESCO is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realised through the means assigned to it – education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise, as the only certain means for avoiding war. However, world political unity is, unfortunately, a remote ideal, and in any case does not fall within the field of UNESCO’s competence. This does not mean that UNESCO cannot do a great deal towards promoting peace and security. Specifically, in its educational programme it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarise all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization. But, more generally, it can do a great deal to lay the foundations on which world political unity can later be built. [26]

By using the biological metaphor of a the struggling human gene “pool,” Huxley introduces the real “moral” task of UNESCO which is not the promotion of education, culture and science but the engineering of collectivist dogma which requires the dissolution of sovereign states for a (humanist) world government. The avoidance of war is the caveat that is wheeled in for justification for such a program, but it remains disingenuous as it is ignorant.

Obviously wishing to get all the juicy morsels of propaganda into the paper for posterity, Huxley believes that such “unification in the things of the mind is not only also necessary but can pave the way for other types of unification.” A global religion, global army, global economy and global government will finally lead to “full world unity” but not until that pesky global mind has been unified no doubt under the arch-deacons of the “scientific technique” and their instruments of coercion. For Huxley, the administering of education is merely another tool to facilitate that end by “improving the technique of education…” and to “…help in the speedy and satisfactory realisation of this process,” with “… special attention to international education – to education as a function of a world society.” [27] In order to make sure that the uneducated and developing nations are fully indoctrinated into an homogenised slush upon wish the World State will float; a fundamental education must evolve that has been paired down enough for the inclusion of a “common scale of values.” And on what basis might those be formed? Huxley has the answer: “One other item which Unesco should put on its programme as soon as possible is the study of the application of psycho-analysis and other schools of “deep” psychology to education. […] This would mean an extension of education backwards from the nursery school to the nursery itself.”

It was only a matter of time before the fusion of the scientific technique, Freud and the discredited psychoanalysis popped up as it usually usually does at some point in Elite initiatives, so why not as the education fundamentals of UNESCO?

Julian Huxley’s position as chairman of the Eugenics society (1959-62) comes through vividly in his recommendations for the use of media and public relations as tools of propaganda and a “mass creed” for the greater good. He even manages a little doffing of the hat to Lenin:

“Taking the techniques of persuasion and information and true propaganda that we have learnt to apply nationally in war, and deliberately bending them to the international tasks of peace, if necessary utilising them, as Lenin envisaged, to ‘overcome the resistance of millions’ to desirable change. Using drama to reveal reality and art as the method by which, in Sir Stephen Tallent’s words, ‘truth becomes impressive and living principle of action,’ and aiming to produce that concerted effort which … needs a background of faith and a sense of destiny. This must be a mass philosophy, a mass creed, and it can never be achieved without the use of the media of mass communication. Unesco, in the press of its detailed work, must never forget this enormous fact. [Emphasis mine]

And what is this “mass creed”? World evolutionary Darwinism twined with a World State. The actual inspiration for Huxley’s turn of phrase was probably inspired by the work of Charles Galton Darwin ex-eugenics society president who wrote about the importance of “creeds” in shaping human perceptions in his book The Next Million Years (1952):

The detailed march of history will depend a great deal on the creeds held by the various branches of the human race. It cannot be presumed with any confidence that purely superstitious creeds will always be rejected by civilized communities, in view of the extraordinary credulity shown even now by many reputedly educated people. It is true that there may not be many at the present time, whose actions are guided by an inspection of the entrails of a sacrificial bull, but the progress has not been very great, for there are still many believers in palmistry and astrology. It is to be expected then that in the future, as in the past, there will be superstitions which will notably affect the course of history, and some of them, such as ancestor-worship, will have direct effects on the development of the human species. But superstitious creeds will hardly be held by the highly intelligent, and it is precisely the creed of these that matters. Is it possible that there should arise a eugenic creed, which – perhaps working through what I have called the method of unconscious selection – should concern itself with the improvement of the inherent nature of man, instead of resting content with merely giving him good but impermanent acquired characters?  [28] [Emphasis mine]

The UNESCO humanism and eugenics perception of the mind and body has now morphed into futurism, care of the transhumanists a large proportion of whom carry the same ideological torch.

Ethical constraints are vital as advances in human genetics advance towards an obvious array of medical benefits and when the direction and ideology is still firmly in the grip of Wall St. and the same “philanthropic” families. Edwin Black makes the important point that a “‘newgenics’ has risen again to persecute and discriminate on the basis of blood ancestry. Insurance companies, employers and others want to exclude those deemed to be insurance risks and even socially unacceptable and legislators complain that this will create a new ‘genetic ghetto.’” [29]

dnaspiralThere are plenty of individuals that believe they are Gods in the making and have the right to tinker with the human genome in order to enhance humanity’s genetic profile and eradicate “imperfections.” The film Welcome to Gatacca was a thought-provoking study of the long-term future of eugenics that slipped towards a definitely dystopic scenario. There is no doubt that we are already easing down a slippery slope of eugenics care of technocratic science. Designer babies are not a pipe-dream. Some clinics are already offering the chance to alter the genes of your future child.

Professor Julian Savulescu of Oxford University and editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics, sees the genetic engineering of “ethical” babies as a moral obligation and genetically screening our offspring to make them better people is just “responsible parenting.” Screening in and screening out certain genes begins the process of designing our babies and our future societies. If we are considering the psychopath as the primary cause of the ills of our societies is it not logical that we should eradicate the possibility of psychopaths even entering the world? Savulescu, like so many other academics considers such a move in strictly altruistic terms in that “rational design” will deliver more intelligent and less violent people for the future. He believes it is just a natural extension of the process which presently screens for conditions such as cystic fibrosis, Down’s syndrome and various forms of cancer.

He explains his view with persuasive logic:

“Surely trying to ensure that your children have the best, or a good enough, opportunity for a great life is responsible parenting? … So where genetic selection aims to bring out a trait that clearly benefits an individual and society, we should allow parents the choice. To do otherwise is to consign those who come after us to the ball and chain of our squeamishness and irrationality.

Indeed, when it comes to screening out personality flaws, such as potential alcoholism, psychopathy and disposition to violence, you could argue that people have a moral obligation to select ethically better children.” [30]

Unlike the forced system of eugenics, the professor believes the system he envisages would be voluntary and allow parents to choose the characteristics of their children. “Whether we like it or not, the future of humanity is in our hands now. Rather than fearing genetics, we should embrace it. We can do better than chance.”

Is it not correct that the influences of the psychopath and the almost unimaginable havoc they create on this earth, means that we should make sure that if there is a screening process then it must be implemented for the psychopath genes alone? After all, these people are like cancer cells within the host of an organism and death is the only result. Is it not our duty to turn the corner and release us all from the burden of history?

There are many problems with this line of reasoning. Firstly, even though idea of exclusively criminal genes has rightly been consigned to the bin, the notion that there may be heritable genes determining psychopathy has proved more convincing, not least least through the advances in epigenetics. [31] We are still at an early stage in finding cast iron proof however, due to a number of complex factors. The implications of the genetic component to psychopathy are vital to work through but there is still considerable disagreement between psychologists as to how to approach this problem. It is also true that genes alone do not determine behaviour in normal individuals, yet in the psychopath the genetic component may be the defining factor. However, surrounding the notion of genetic tinkering of the human genome, where do we draw the line? Discrimination on the basis of physical traits will also follow the already well-defined divide between wealthy families and their offspring who receive genetic enhancement, inevitably leading to a new breed of genetically enhanced humans or “Post Humans” as the transhumanists prefer; a form of genetic aristocracy that will have implications in terms of unfair advantage and gender bias that would descend upon almost every field of human endeavour. This unfair advantage already exists but it would be taken to a whole new level that would likely form a breakaway civilisation – if it hasn’t happened already.

The point to remember here is that while we are still inside the world of the psychopath, the chances of achieving an equitable and ethical balance of voluntary and informed choices remains slim. Knowledge of the science of psychopathy needs to become water-tight so that there can be no question of just how powerfully invasive their presence is in the world today. Once we have this widespread understanding decisions as to how we screen and insulate society against the psychopath will take on new and more creative solutions. Meantime, eugenics in the hands of conscience-less individuals represents a very real threat for any hope of equality in the life of the human race. Indeed, it is probable that we have been living under such a nightmare scenario for sometime, where the screening out of normal people in favour of psychopathic dominance has advanced to a considerable degree.

See also: The Feds Are Investigating Allegations That Planned Parenthood Has Been Selling Baby Body Parts For Profit



[1] Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthood’s Founder, Margaret Sanger By George Grant, Cumberland House Publishing; Revised edition, 2001 | ISBN-10: 1581821506
[2] Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon.
[3] pp. 374-375; Chapter 30, Now Is the Time for Converse
[4] Planned Parenthood of Houston, Annual Report, 1985.
[5] Margaret Sanger, International Aspects of Birth Control: The International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference (New York: American Birth Control League, 1925).
[6] Examples of proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, a Planned Parenthood memo written by Frederick Jaffe (Planned Parenthood head of research), 1969.
[7] http://www.plannedparenthood.org
[8] http://www.plannedparenthood.org annual report 2010.
[9] Planned Parenthood Federation of American, Abortions Facts, Abortion After the First Trimester in the United States | http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/PPFA/fact_abortion_1st_tri_2010-09.pdf.
[10] Women and the New Race by Margaret Sanger
[11] Planned Parenthood annual report 2008 http://www.lifeissues.org
[12] Ibid.
[13] 6. Richard D. Glasow, Ph.D., Ideology Compels Fervid PPFA Abortion Advocacy, National Right to Life News (March 28, 1985), p. 5.
[14] The Wall Street Journal, December 19, 1984 cited in Chapter 64: of Planned Parenthood: The World ‘s Premier Anti-Life Organization, Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League | http://www.ewtn.com/
[15] ‘New Battle Looms Over U.S. Aid for U.N. Agency Supporting Coerced Abortion’, By Douglas Johnson, National Right to Life News (May 1, 1986), p. 1.
[16] ‘The Laborer in the Vineyard’By George Neumayr, The American Spectator, August 25 2011.
[17] ‘Planned Parenthood Statement in Support of Chen Guangcheng Denounces Coercive Reproductive Health Policies in China’May5 2012.
[18]BREAKING: ‘Planned Parenthood Busted on Hidden Camera Trying to Sell Aborted Baby Parts’ By Matt Agorist on July 14, 2015.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men by Mara Hvistendahl’s PublicAffairs; 1 edition (7 Jun 2011).
[21] Ibid.
[22] ‘China begins lifting strict one-child policy’ By Malcolm Moore 24 Jul 2009,The Telegraph.
[23] ‘UNESCO: Its Purpose and its Philosophy By Julian Huxley Preparatory Commission of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’ 1946. / (p.21)
[24] ‘Ageing China: Changes and challenges’ BBC News, 20 September 2012.
[25] Ibid.
[26] op. cit. UNESCO (p.13)
[27] Ibid. (p.60)
[28] The Next Million Years By Charles Galton Darwin. Interestingly, the googledocs.online PDF version has decided to expunge this passage from the book. How many times has this kind of censorship of history happened I wonder?
[29] op. cit. Black
[30] ‘The Maverick: ‘It’s Our Duty to Have Designer Babies’’ September Issue, Reader’s Digest, August 21 2012.31
[31]‘The Psycho Gene’ By Philip Hunter, Nature, EMBO reports, January 22, 2010. | http://www.nature.com/embor/journal/v11/n9/full/embor2010122.html

The Light Bringer II: The Lucis Trust

“Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer as one of the solar Angels, those advanced Beings Who Theosophy says descended (thus “the fall”) from Venus to our planet eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. In the theosophical perspective, the descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name “Lucifer” which means light-bearer.”

– lucistrust.org

After years of contact with her “spirit masters” Russian esotericist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was contacted by the Master Morya in 1851. A co-founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875, she went on to publish the hugely influential Isis Unveiled in 1877 while establishing Lucifer, an occult magazine in London in the same year. The equally controversial and occult classic The Secret Doctrine followed in 1888.

clip_image002Alice Ann Bailey and her husband 32° mason Foster Bailey had become acquainted with students of Madam H.P. Blavatsky and joined the Theosophical Society soon after in 1917. Master Koot Humi had apparently been in “telepathic contact” with Bailey since 1895 which paved the way for contact with another hierarchical master, “the Tibetan” otherwise known as Master Djwhal Khul who asked her to assist him in some dictation work in 1919. As this was all carried out via telepathy it is hardly surprising that Bailey who had been raised a devout Christian, was little put out. Her refusal to act as a PA to Khul’s esoteric “overshadowing” was short-lived, apparently “persuaded” by Koot Humi to be the needed channel for telepathic dictation.

Twenty-four books of esoteric philosophy were produced by Bailey over the next thirty years and would become the foundation of much of the New Age or Human Potential Movement. The basic premise behind these 24 tomes was to prepare humanity for the “re-appearance of the Christ” and “the externalization of the Hierarchy.” This is to include several of the Masters descending from “the etheric plane” and setting up shop in cities around the globe. With what appears to be an army of planetary civil servants rather than spiritual advisors, these Masters will begin reshaping economics, religion, education and politics and everything else on their own particular anvil of reality so that they can usher in their New World Order for us all, which would lead to peace, prosperity and right human relations …


Artist’s rendering of alleged Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul

To that end, the Baileys founded The Lucis Trust in 1922, as a non-profit service organisation incorporated in the United States with headquarters in New York City, London, and Geneva. The trust was primarily set up to further the distribution and dissemination of the books under the banner of the “ageless wisdom teachings” which served as a template for affiliated organisations which included:

The Arcane School – “The Arcane School was established by Alice A. Bailey in 1923 to help meet an obvious and growing demand for further teaching and training in the science of the soul. The Arcane School was created as a training school for adult men and women in meditation techniques and the development of spiritual potentiality. The School provides sequential courses of study and meditation, and practical training in group service.” [1] The school had 20,000 graduates by 1954. A veritable occult university, its remit is to continue to be the main training ground for New Age disciples.

World Goodwill – founded in 1932, has been recognized by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), and is represented during regular briefing sessions for NGOs at the United Nations. The Lucis Trust has consultative status at the roster level with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The dropping of the atomic bomb is seen by freemasonic initiates as the spiritual manifestation of Luciferian light. The UN is seen as the harbinger and enforcer of a monopoly over all countries so that global governance and One World principles can supersede national sovereignty. It is a Federalist dream. Consequently, World Goodwill works directly with the “world federalists,” and follows closely the explication as found in Bailey’s The Externalisation of the Hierarchy that gives the work of the UN and its agencies to externalize a so-called Hierarchy of “Illumined Minds,” bringing forth an “Age of Maitreya,” an esoteric label for the return of Christ.


Lucis Trust insignia

Triangles – Founded in 1937, is the name for a global network of cells, whose members use a prayer called the “Great Invocation,” [2] especially on the night of the full moon, when members can be influenced by the astrological signs of the zodiac. “A triangle is a group of three people who link each day in thought for a few minutes of creative meditation. They invoke the energies of light and goodwill, visualising these energies as circulating through the three focal points of each triangle, and pouring out through the network of triangles surrounding the planet.” [3]

The Beacon magazine – “Alice and Foster Bailey established The Beacon in 1922. They conceived it as a forum for esotericists to contribute their visions, share their experiences and develop their ideas about the evolution of humanity and the unfolding Plan for our world. The quarterly magazine “… focusses its work on the nature of man, of God and the universe, on the Plan for humanity, the Hierarchy of Masters, the reappearance of the Christ, the emergence of new age principles in the world…” [4]

The Findhorn Foundation deserves a mention here, a magical place on the one hand and fairly compromised on the other. While the Lucis trust could be said to the intellectual centre of the New Age movement the Findhorn Foundation could be seen as its emotional centre.

Formed in 1962 and famous for being the “Vatican of the New Age” it is one of the first of such centres in the world. The foundation offers an eclectic mix of nature-based, ecological and spiritual courses, out-reach programmes, seminars and workshops. It has a community eco-village and plays host to conferences on a range of topics from “Angels,” “Sexing the Spirit” to “Love, Magic, Miracles” promoting the idea of a “New Spirituality” in line with the the core philosophy of the Lucis Trust.

Like the Lucis Trust, Findhorn has enormous potential and creativity, heavily focussed on what are termed the realm of angelic and nature spirits which brought it initial fame care of its now deceased owners Eileen and Peter Caddy. Experiments in ecology and “co-creating” with Nature had impressive, if not phenomenal results. However, like any movement that becomes popular and starts to expand – most especially when it has a spiritual in focus and therefore threatening to darker forces –  without sufficient understanding of either negative para-physical realms and knowledge of ponerology, then corruption is inevitable.

I attended three conferences and found many wonderful people there. After attending several workshops and conferences in the late 1990s I also found a high proportion of participants exhibiting various stages of mental illness ranging from delusional to psychotic states. This appeared to be drawn from the sensitivity of the individuals’ personality married to an insufficient knowledge of non-physical realms and a naive embrace of that which was assumed to be “spiritual” which was quite clearly to me – and I suspect a few others – anything but.

The notion of deception as the primary mode of attack appears to be entirely blanketed with a feeling-based interpretation of phenomena. Angels, earth spirits, and new age speakers are embraced without any psychic protection or analysis whatsoever. And when certain psycho-physiological symptoms of what might called possession occurred, this was put down to various rationalisations ranging from “etheric adjustment” or unresolved “karmic resistance”.

The New Age movement contains some extraordinary people who are inspiring and gifted in their teachings and intutive renderings of new visions. It is also wide open to various forms of abuse at the emotional and para-physical levels which has effectively derailed an awful lot of good work.

It is for this reason that the new age centres remain the primary mode of spiritual obfuscation and deception in our current times. Which brings us back to the Lucis Trust as the foundation to such centres and its subtle twists on ancient wisdom and perennial philosophy.


“The Fallen Angel” by Gustave Doré | “Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer as one of the solar Angels, those advanced Beings Who Theosophy says descended (thus “the fall”) from Venus to our planet eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. In the theosophical perspective, the descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name ‘Lucifer’ which means light-bearer. ” lucistrust.org

Perhaps a small hiccup and indication of where their sentiments lay was seen in the naming of The Lucifer Publishing Co. in the early 1920s. Probably realising that this was a little inflammatory even for their theosophical brethren, they changed the name to Lucis Publishing Co. in 1925. In Latin lucern ferre translates to “light-bearer” and lucis means “of light.” However, we read on the Lucis Trust website that: “The Baileys’ reasons for choosing the original name are not known to us, but we can only surmise that they … Sought to elicit a deeper understanding of the sacrifice made by Lucifer.” [5]

It is certainly true that “Lucifer” means Lightbringer, Lightbearer, Bringer of Dawn or Morning Star. The latter meaning having its origins in the planet Venus. There are also those who associate the Fallen Angel of Lucifer to the Fall of Man or humanity. The negative attributes – as with all the shadow sides of archetypes, Gods and Goddesses – are used on the left hand path of black magick. It is also safe to say that Lucifer and its various cultural incarnations have become associated with a strictly satanic pathway long before the Bailey’s arrived on the scene. So, why choose this emblem? What quality of Promethean light is it bringing? Is it an alchemical fire or the fire of inversion which distracts and deceives – “even the very elect”?

Nonetheless, the objectives of the Lucis Trust as stated in its charter are:

“To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, science and art; to encourage every line of thought tending to the broadening of human sympathies and interests, and the expansion of ethical religious and educational literature; to assist or to engage in activities for the relief of suffering and for human betterment; and, in general, to further worthy efforts for humanitarian and educational ends.” [6]

It all sounds thoroughly noble and worthy. *

We can, however, read the same nebulous sentiments and platitudes from affiliated think-tanks and clubs, ostensibly for world economic and geo-political harmony from the likes of Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) Trilateral Commission (TC) and Bilderberg Group (BG). A cursory look at all four websites (with the exception of BG who decided not to give us that pleasure) the average person would come away thinking very little was amiss and nothing but butter would melt in their mouths. Dig a little deeper however and something is very much amiss with some obvious red flags, right from the get-go.


Alice A. Bailey circa 1930s

“The Plan” as espoused by the Lucis Trust appears to be a direct mirror of Establishment worldviews. Freemasons and New Agers have joined the throng in propagating collectivist symbolism and motifs that are both pagan and pantheistic. Nothing wrong with nature-religions but animal totems and the God of Materialism also have pride of place in existential Satanism. It is no coincidence that the Lucis Trust lies at the heart of the occult foundation of New World Order philosophy which has been enthusiastically embraced by all the usual globalist suspects, in full awareness – or inexcusable ignorance.

This fact alone should give us pause.

The Lucis Trust is intensely political as it is occultly religious. Globalist ideology can be read on every page of its books and articles promoting centralisation and group consciousness – something quite different to being group conscious – at the expense of individuality.

The Trust founded its “World Goodwill” initiative in 1937 which just so happens to be embraced by a host of pathological signatories for whom corporatism, exploitation and globalism is the prime-mover of their beliefs. Anyone with a modicum of awareness should have their alarm-bells ringing at such a discovery. Some of these luminaries are: Helmut Schmidt, former Chancellor of West Germany; Malcolm Frasier, former Australian Prime Minister; Robert McNamara, former US Foreign policy advisor and Secretary of Defence; Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve and recent chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under President Barack Obama. And of course, elder statesman and psychopathic insider: Henry Kissinger.

The Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefeller, Norman Cousins, Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow) and Henry Clauson, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, and Southern District Scottish Rite.

“World Goodwill’s activities are essentially educational” and it has three main purposes:

  • To help mobilise the energy of goodwill;
  • To cooperate in the work of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ;
  • To educate public opinion on the causes of the major world problems and to help create the thought form of solution.” [7]

Lucis Trust programming is essential for a New World Religion and a New Social paradigm to be sold to the masses. It’s template must tick all the feel good boxes for aspiring neophytes whilst appealing to the metaphysical-freemasonic intelligentsia who have attained certain degrees from other esoteric schools. Then there are the children, the new generations to which the Lucis Trust and it’s United Nation vehicle must direct its spiritual energies.

In 1968, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) spearheaded a lobbying effort – along with the United Nations Economic and Social Council headed by new age educational guru Robert Muller – to adopt Resolution 1296 which grants “consultative” status to certain NGOs. In 1970, the Lucis Trust was one of the first to be granted such a status on the UN roster. Muller, a former Assistant Secretary General to the U.N., had good reason to set about his task in further integrating the Lucis Trust with the United Nations. As a devoted disciple of Alice Bailey, he took inspiration from her book A Treatise on White Magic, and “Education in the New Age” in order to create his vision of education for the world. This eventually formed the basis for the Robert Muller schools.[8]

In 1995, Muller delivered a speech at the University of Denver from which we can glean some understanding as to what brand of education he and UNESCO were preparing for the world’s generation of children.

He stated:

“I had written an essay which was circulated by UNESCO, and which earned me the title of “Father of Global Education.” I was educated badly in France. I’ve come to the conclusion that the only correct education that I have received in my life was from the United Nations. We should replace the word politics by planetics. We need planetary management, planetary caretakers. We need global sciences. We need a science of a global psychology, a global sociology, a global anthropology. Then I made my proposal for a World Core Curriculum.” [Emphasis mine] [9]

Muller’s Curriculum offers a primary objective which involves:

“… Assisting the child in becoming an integrated individual who can deal with personal experience while seeing himself as a part of … the greater whole. In other words, promote growth of the group idea, so that group good, group understanding, group interrelations and group goodwill replace all limited, self-centred objectives, leading to group consciousness.”

The World Core Curriculum Manual says: “The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey, by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul.” This “enlightened” individual wants a New World Order ethos which displaces diversity and the “one in manyness” in favour of ONE THOUGHT expressed through regulated building-blocks of servitude dressed up as spiritual holism. This is global, One World philosophy which lends itself to something diammetrically opposite to “holding hands across the ocean.” This is a curricula for homogenity of the kind where bland conformity is the new normal. (For Muller’s work in environmentalism along aide Maurice Strong see: Dark Green VII: The Club of Rome and “World Problematique”)

Muller’s ideas simply mirror the Alice Bailey teachings where “World Citizenship” and a “World Federation” will begin to manifest as a result of the activation of the “World Brain” developed by so-called “enlightened” individuals or “World Servers.” [10]

And who would preside over this “enlightened” Synarchy?

Once again, the constant harping on global consciousness as the only way to be harmonious means subservience to a centralised global order where the individual is secondary to the Group Mind. Education is a means to introduce uniformed thinking where diversity and creativity exist insofar that it conforms to One World philosophy. This description could be straight out of a Marxist or Fabian treatises tied up with a rainbow ribbon of New Age floss. (Keep in mind the agency of UNESCO which served to introduce the same agenda from a humanist perspective. (It is also interesting in terms of Common Purpose in the UK and Common Core education initiatives causing so many problems in the U.S.


The Tetrahedron or “triangular pyramid” logo of the World Core Curriculum

This is where fascist Synarchists, elements of Theosophy and the gradualism of Fabian socialists had close ties precisely due to their common ground on forging a World State. Unusually for a woman, Annie Besant founded the British Federation of the International Order of Co-Freemasonry and was heavily involved with Fabian socialism, eventually co-founding the Fabian Society.

This potent occult mix drew together Gnostic Christians and Spiritualists, including Frank Podmore, later Lord and Lady Passfield, the Freemason William Clarke, Viscount and Viscountess Snowden, British Prime Minister J. Ramsay Macdonald, Lord Sidney Oliver, Lord Thomson and Soviet agent Lord Haldane, and others.  In the same year, Scottish noble Douglas Dunglas Home – who had sponsored Blavatsky as early as 1858 and given séances for the Czar – returned to Great Britain, where, with support of the Cecil family, he founded the Society for Psychical Research, whose members included Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord Balfour, John Dewey, William James and Lord Bertrand Russell.

Along with 33rd degree mason C.W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant joined the theosophical society in 1907 after digesting Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, finally becoming the leader of the movement. Besant cultivated further cult status by grooming a young Indian adept Jiddu Krishnamurti as the new messiah. As is often the case with best laid plans, the no-nonsense Indian rejected the mantle much to the chagrin of Besant and her followers. With no love lost between her rival, Bailey was able to take over the theosophical Plan allowing it to continue on its way, despite these messianic setbacks.

By the 1930s, the British Establishment and intelligence services employed Satanist Edward Aleister Crowley and his Order of the Golden Dawn (or Stella Matutina) which joined hands with his aforementioned off-shoot of Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) Germany’s Thule Society which, in turn, oversaw the rise of the Nazi Party. The Corporatists and International bankers did the rest. Much of the re-building from World War II came directly from occult imperatives, the principles of which overshadowed ALL of the new institutions that arose out of its purposely created ashes.


Whitehall, London

Any directive must allow free-will and the opportunity for humanity to decide their own destiny without interference. As the Lucis Trust works with such people who support the principles behind an authoritarian brand of a New World Order, then we have to question what kind of spirituality the trust is really promoting. As the vast majority of global governments and their leaders are, without doubt psychopaths or sub-categories of psychologically deviant individuals, then what kind of Plan do we think is going to manifest?

World Good Will to all men?

The Lucis Trust would likely give all kinds of esoteric reasoning that the old world is dying and the New World Servers are ushering the New Age of true spiritual freedom and “right human relations”. However, real spiritual guidance needs no subtle forms of coercion and what amounts to forced choices. To that end, it is very clear to see which “Plan” is in operation at this present time characterised as it is by certain themes and signs which denote status, hierarchy, centralisation, group consciousness and an entirely autocratic brand of spirituality.

What underlies the Lucis Trust’s particular type of “education” is the placing of our energy, faith and responsibility in an external authority; a force of “supermen” based on hierarchical principles instead of our own independent and collective empowerment. Surely, if there is such a thing as “Christ consciousness” then it will manifest through a co-linear network of like minds where “right human relations” can emerge naturally without systems of belief instead of being focused in a “divine” saviour or group of “Ascended Masters” now so ubiquitous in the New Age Movement as a whole.


Arcane School Triangles – disbursing energy to crumble the Old Order… But do we know who is behind this New Order? A Treatise on white magick or merely a more sophisticated rendering of black magick?

Corralling human thought into a prescribed and rigid belief system is seldom creative or sustainable but often incendiary, as it is drawn from invocations from so called “white magic.” The Lucis Trust describes occult meditation as: “a means of consciously and purposefully directing energy from a recognized source to the creation of some specific effect.” And this is the essential problem with “Magick” of any kind, (the “k” emphasizes occult ritualistic elements involved) especially with its focus on group consciousness and status. It seeks to create effects in the external world; to manipulate matter to gain some specific outcome and to “invoke” a particular thought form and/or entity. Whether it is a Baal or a Lord Maitreya is irrelevant. White and black magick are two sides of the same coin. White magick is simply more coy about its intent to manipulate matter towards its perception of what is perceived as “good.”

There is no need to base Synarchist precepts upon a world that does not operate according to elitist beliefs systems whether termed “spiritual” or otherwise. The implicit message from the Lucis Trust is that ordinary men and women need to be schooled and instructed by those in the know, which at the moment comprises authoritarian followers and social dominators of various degrees. The last thing humanity needs is to have its spirituality defined by more authority, yet that is exactly what the Lucis Trust and the United Nations would have us adopt.

Working on ourselves can naturally manifest the effects in the outer world without recourse to a centralised belief system and it’s hierarchy of spiritual administrators. We surely have to be extremely careful that such a funnelling of potent human energy is being directed to the correct quarters and to pose the question: for what purpose? No such public discussion has taken place as to whether organisations like the Lucis Trust should be sitting at the table of hundreds of influential think-tanks and NGOs, not least the United Nations. We only have Alice Bailey’s word that what she was channelling was indeed benevolent. And given the evidence, it appears slick and heavy with a technical integration of Western magick and Eastern techniques but ultimately devoid of anything approaching spiritual emancipation.

Given the nature of “The Absolute” and the Mixtus Orbis of this world characterised by deception so that we may learn to see the unseen, do we really think that such monolithic expressions of occult authority are actually offering something genuinely liberating? Or are they merely offering the illusion of such a possibility?

In order to try and answer that question we will have to look at the possible roots of Alice Bailey’s “overshadowing” Tibetan.


* I must confess some personal interest in the Lucis Trust. I was a member of the Arcane School for five years in my early twenties and attended many of their seminars and conferences based in Whitehall, London. It is only now in hindsight that I realise what an extremely clever and high-level disinformation project it truly is.  This does not discount the many and varied expositions on esoteric truth contained within. However, it’s important to be aware exactly how spiritual information of this kind can be co-opted and distorted exactly because so much of the nature of our hyperdimensional reality has been left out.

It is especially sad, since there are many genuine and well-intentioned people within its ranks who come from a variety of backgrounds. An overwhelmingly white, middle-class demographic, many are drawn from UN-linked NGOs, the civil service and corporate machine. What defines this group is a centre of gravity focused in the intellect, a strong pull towards status (though often subconscious) and a genuine desire to serve humanity. These of course, can be recognised at the lower and mid tiers of the freemasonic degree process. An overriding emphasis on a Christ figurehead and his hierarchy of “Masters” is the proffered carrot despite the insistence on inner work and soul integration.  In my view, the original ancient wisdom – even from the mix of theosophy from which the Bailey works were drawn – suggests that a “Christ consciousness” will manifest through a network of individuals rather than focused in an architecture of authority managed through a network of a New Group of World Servers structured around magical invocation, often at the Establishment level.  At the higher levels of freemasonic operations, it is anyone’s guess what is occurring, but given what we know about ponerology and the red flags all over the Lucis Trust itself, the prognosis isn’t good.

However, I would urge readers to discover the nature of Alice Bailey / D.K. material in order to judge for yourselves. It  will require deep study in parallel to other esoteric systems and with a keen inner eye cognizant of  how such a system of spiritual teaching is now being used in our present culture.  There is, at one level, much to commend it – up to a point.  Then you might like to compare it to Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way Teachings and the latter day Fourth Way School of paleo-Christianity, both of which can be found at cassiopaea.org and paleochristianity.org.



[2] ‘The Great Invocation’
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
[3] http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/triangles
[4] http://www.lucistrust.org/en/books/the_beacon_magazine
[5] ‘The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer’ – http://www.lucistrust.org/en/arcane_school/talks_and_articles/the_esoteric_meaning_of_lucifer
[6] Luci Trust Charter | http://www.lucistrust.org
[7] http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/world_goodwill/purposes_objectives
[8] A Treatise on White Magic By Alice A. Bailey, Published by Lucis Publishing Co. 1934. http://www.alice.bailey.it/testi…/A-Treatise-on-White-Magic.pdf
[9] ‘A World Core Curriculum for Global Education Framework of Our Global Knowledge| http://www.unol.org/rms/wcc.html | http://www.robertmuller.org/rm/R1/World_Core_Curriculum.html
[10] Education for a New Age By Alice A. Bailey, Published by Lucis Publishing Co. 1954 | Updated in PDF online version 1998: http://www.bailey.it/images/testi-inglese/Education-in-the-New-Age.pdf

