
Cultivate Attention and Discernment (3)

Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

“There is no consistent, integrated conception of the world which serves as the foundation on which our edifice of belief rests. And therefore… we are more naive than those of the Middle Ages, and more frightened, for we can be made to believe almost anything.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1985)

Reading time: 20-25 mins

Fear, Superstimuli, Indoctrination

Fear is a wake-up call to pay attention and see truth. But this instinct can be easily subverted to an irrational and automatic body-mind reaction for survival and self-protection against a perceived threat. The father of propaganda Edward Bernays, the Rockefeller dynasty and their social science directives; Freud and psychoanalysis; Alfred Kinsey and his sexual revolution and the ever-present mainstreaming of occult directives have flowed through the mass mind and shaped Western societies toward a highly narrow conception of reality.

Education, mainstream media, entertainment, art, fashion, advertising, marketing, public relations – even our family unit, peer groups and working life – all reflect the above directors of an Official Culture. All are defined by consumption, commodity, image, sensation and artifice. The original source of these traditions and pursuits have lost their psycho-spiritual meaning and now float in a sea of narcissistic irrelevancy.

Instead of bringing out the true meaning of human existence – to love, learn, bond, create and commune –  our current reality is a constellation of subverted constructs which are pathological due to a predominance of psychopathic and sub-deviant human beings who have taken control of societies. They have continually re-interpreted and subverted the best of human ingenuity and innovation toward their own conscienceless, machine-like perception. This continuing psycho-materialist paradigm has been translated and mediated into so-called normative social, political and cultural structures. They continue to exist purely due to a consensus trance reinforced by cultural hypnosis, of which most people are entirely unaware.

“Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958), Chapter 3, p. 19

The overriding and long-term objective behind this inculcation is toward complete control of the mass mind. The Three Establishment Model via their corporate oligarchs and power-brokers are the aforementioned 4C’s alongside economic, political and sociocultural warfare using three main prongs of attack:


Cultivate Attention and Discernment (2)

“Dark ages are times of forgetting, when the advancements of the past are underutilized. If we forget how to use our powers of deep focus, we’ll depend more on black-and-white thinking, on surface ideas, on surface relationships. That breeds a tremendous potential for tyranny and misunderstanding. The possibility of an attention-deficient future society is very sobering.”

Maggie Jackson, Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age

Reading time: 10-15 mins

Cultural Hypnosis / Consensus Trance

What are we paying attention to?

21st Century culture is a pseudo or secondary reality in which we are all deeply immersed.

Although it might seem illogical, our present social and cultural constructs are birthed from a world of inductive economic and political ideas amounting to a form of hypnosis. The behavioural dynamics of this reality exist in the mass and individual mind with no proof or experience to validate it. In order to make sure that our attention never gets out of the nose-bag of fear, sex, hunger and i-phones, it is imperative that our generational rulers keep cultural hypnosis firmly in place.

According to master hypnotist Mark Anthony, this is a:  “… catch-all term that covers the mass of influence from a wide range of people, institutions and situations that each human being is affected by from the moment of conception till death within a given, definable and limited culture matrix. Less euphemistically, cultural hypnosis is aka PROGRAMMING.” [1]  Similarly, the consensus trance that eventuates, is defined as “normal” consciousness wholly adapted to current sociocultural constructs. Or as psychologist Charles T. Tart describes it: “… when you automatically think, behave, and feel “normally,” when the internal workings of your mind automatically echo most of the values and beliefs of your culture”. [2]

Cultural hypnosis leads to the induction of a consensus trance and its perceived “normality” which leads to a consensus reality. When we interface with reality through trance-like states we are not thinking for ourselves, we are not questioning that consensus – our minds are not working consciously.

We will take a generalised look at how the social dominators use various methods of cultural induction, inculcation and conditioning to induce mass hypnosis and the resulting trance in Western civillisation and in varying degrees, global populations.


Everyone daydreams to the point of distraction at some point during the day. Many of us experience mild dissociative episodes for much of lives and can function within the social norms of society without too many problems. Lesiure pursuits from golf to cinema allow us respite from the rigours of work and other demands on our energy so that relaxation and imagination can take over. Watching TV or sitting in front of a movie screen are good examples of temporarily suspending our relationship to consensus reality. When we relax and enter into these movie states, our conscious awareness is literally absent – we are fully running, laughing, feeling and fearing all that happens in front of us, whether we intellectualise it or not. We are hypnotised by light and sound and dissociate one part of consciousness from another. It would be a form of psychosis if certain triggers were not present. But the TV is switched off, the credits roll and the lights come up. We stretch and yawn and make our way home.


The Hissy Fit Generation and the Loss of Free Speech VII: The Subversion of Social Justice (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

How can Free Speech be conditional? (Photo: Michael Barera Wikimedia Commons)

“The intellectual battlefields today are on college campuses, where students’ deep convictions about race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation and their social justice antipathy toward capitalism, imperialism, racism, white privilege, misogyny and “cissexist heteropatriarchy” have bumped up against the reality of contradictory facts and opposing views, leading to campus chaos and even violence.”

— Michael Shermer

We have explored the toxic effects of postmodernism; the change in culture and left-liberal politics toward infantilism; the influence of cultural narcissism and the role of social media in shaping the younger generations. Now, we’ll have a look at how all these various factors are producing a singular form of millennial activism in our universities and colleges.

Social Justice, it seems, has gone the same way of so many traditional beliefs and traditions in society in that it doesn’t necessarily refer to upholding justice at all. Rather, it has become another way to virtue-signal and reinforce a tribal grouping above and beyond reason and facts. After observing this phenomena over the past several years it is still stunning to behold this level of cognitive degeneracy when faced with the vocal and often violent forms of this new activism – the Social Justice Warrior or SJW.

A term which began as a positive description of young activists was later used as a pejorative term by their detractors. It describes those who prefer emotion and group-think over reason and truth, whilst claiming the latter. They are the natural – often well-intentioned – product of all that’s been discussed hitherto. This umbrella term is equated with left-liberal issues which typically include (what used to be) socially progressive views such as 3rd wave feminism, multiculturalism, gender equality, identity politics, sexism, racism etc. Unfortunately, all of these issues are riven with assumptions, myths and opinion which have been propagated as fact by the MSM.

SJWs gained notoriety in the wake of the Trump election for their inability to accept the result and engaging in monumental hissy fits as objective reality came crashing down. The fact that this was, in all probability one of the rare occasions that democracy actually functioned made no difference at all; it didn’t match their reality so a collective tantrum ensued and the pathology of the SJW was seared into public consciousness. The Trump election acted as one collective macroaggression that triggered all those fully invested in a social justice that was based on a misreading of reality. It didn’t matter that Hillary Clinton is a criminal and sociopath, Trump was the personification of everything that the left loathed – the facts be damned.  Therefore, nuance and Deep State realities were irrelevant, if knowledge of these issues even featured at all. As one mainstream media presenter commented after the result: “Everybody is crying and so upset – it is the end of their world.”


Or as another feminist pundit put it: “Get your abortions now, because we going to be fucked and we are going to have to live with it.”


We then have the radical left and “anarchist” group Antifa who sit alongside SJWs and have about as much to do with true anarchism as reality TV has to do with talent. Both are utterly bereft of any semblance of creativity and thrive on sensation. This group therefore represents the subversion of true activism and civil disobedience which, until the coming of age of millennials, was still relatively focused, even as recent as 2010. No longer. The dark side of the left has been fully unleashed and has remained on show ever since. Now that the Dark Triad appears to have successfully taken over, it’s no wonder that so many are re-evaluating what “progressive” and “left” really means today.


Technocracy VIII: DARPA’s Technophilia (2)

“Twenty-five years from now, we may be to the point where the sensors are embedded in the skin and the person becomes the processor …

– Tod Lovell, a technology director at Raytheon

It is no secret that DARPA was at the forefront of electronically tagging US combat soldiers parallel to the initiative of tagging criminals in the prison industry currently making huge profits. The chipping project is called “Individual Force Protection System”, the manufacture of which was gleefully taken on by US defence contractor Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). In January 2007, a presentation was delivered outlining IFPS details later found in a PDF document freely available on the internet. It described a 3-inch tag “without GPS” attached to a soldiers uniform with a “LOS range = 113 miles.” The wholesale cost is “$100 per tag.” [1]

As we have seen, Verichip and RIFD technology has its physical drawbacks aside from its ethical and civil liberty implications. From creating a “sixth sense” brain implant through which infrared light can be detected to implanting a chip that controls the brain; allowing thoughts, memory and behaviour to be transferred from one brain to another, these DARPA teamsters are riding high with possibilities. However, in the latter case it was scientists working at the University of Southern California, home of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Centre for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events which came up with that little gem. Working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems,” chips which have been implanted into rats’ brains can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. Attempts to record, download and transfer memories into other rats with the same chip implanted.

A microchip implanted into a rat’s brain can take on the role of the hippocampus—the area responsible for long-term memories—encoding memory brain wave patterns and then sending that same electrical pattern of signals through the brain. Back in 2008, Berger told Scientific American, that if the brain patterns for the sentence, “See Spot Run,” or even an entire book could be deciphered, then we might make uploading instructions to the brain a reality.

In one study the scientists had rats learn a task, pressing one of two levers to receive a sip of water. Scientists inserted a microchip into the rat’s brain, with wires threaded into their hippocampus. The chip recorded electrical patterns from two specific areas labeled CA1 and CA3 that work together to learn and store the new information regarding which lever to press to obtain water. Scientists then shut down CA1 with a drug and built an artificial hippocampal part that could duplicate such electrical patterns between CA1 and CA3, and wihch was inserted it into the rat’s brain. With this artificial part, rats whose CA1 had been pharmacologically blocked, could still encode long-term memories. And in those rats who had normally functioning CA1, the new implant extended the length of time a memory could be held.

In terms of the new cyborg, it opens up huge potentials for brains training and entrainment. It also gives an extremely updated version of an Orwellian “thought Police” as an adjunct Pre-Crime technology, the fine tuning and enhancements of which are in parallel development.

According to a Los Angeles Times report in 2002, when Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary for Defence in the Bush-Cheney Administration he made it his priority to “… redesign the U.S. military to make ‘information warfare’ central to its functions.” [2] The strategy of “information dominance,” according to American military experts, consists of 1) Building up and protecting friendly information and degrading information received by your adversary. 2) The ability to deny, degrade, destroy and/or effectively blind enemy capabilities. [3]


‘DARPA’s Squad X initiative seeks ‘innovative’ tech to enhance troops’ real-time situational awareness’ – DARPA’s Squad X initiative is inviting bright minds to submit their ideas for an integrated digital system to enhance situational awareness on the squad level. Squad X hopes to combine the cornucopia of different technologies into one grand “system of systems” to “organically extend squad awareness and influence” on the battlefield.”

PSYOPS and Information Dominance was ex-U.S. Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld’s favourite playground. His enthusiasm gave rise to Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) which encompasses everything from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to nanotechnology, robotics, and biotechnology. RMA is full of wild beliefs about the future of warfare, modern information, communications, and space technology. “Transformation” and “total systems integration” are keywords that make the military technophiles shudder with delight. The defeat of US foreign or domestic adversaries through surveillance technologies, advanced weaponry and the suppression and degradation of communications networks is all part of the RMA and DARPA vision of technological supremacy.

The project which has caught RMA and DARPA’s attention is the “network-centric warfare” designed to turn cities, any city, into a limitless “battlespace.” And the evolution of ID alongside information warfare:

As urbanization has changed the demographic landscape, potential enemies recognize the inherent danger and complexity of this environment to the attacker, and may view it as their best chance to negate the technological and firepower advantages of modernized opponents. Given the global population trends and the likely strategies and tactics of future threats, Army forces will likely conduct operations in, around, and over urban areas–not as a matter of fate, but as a deliberate choice linked to national security objectives and strategy, and at a time, place, and method of the commander’s choosing.  [4]

From DARPA’s own website at http://www.darpa.gov these include various programs and projects supported by millions of dollars of tax-payers money. We have the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO); Cognitive Systems Office working on a project called “Learning Applied to Ground Robots” and the Command & Control brief described as “the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of a mission.” This comprises of “Deep Green” an “innovative approach to using simulation to support on-going military operations while they are being conducted.”


Promotional still from Elysium (2013) in which the film’s protagonist is fused with cybernetic “enhancements” to carry out an important mission. DARPA’s dream on celluloid.

Then there is the Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance Team (HART) which is due to:

“… the complexity of counter-insurgency operations especially in the urban combat environment demands multiple sensing modes for agility and for persistent, ubiquitous coverage. The HART system implements collaborative control of reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) assets, so that the information can be made available to warfighters at every echelon.”

Alongside this program are Persistent Operational Surface Surveillance and Engagement (POSSE), which involves:

“… building a real-time, all-source exploitation system to provide Indications and warnings of insurgent activity derived from airborne and ground-based sensors. Envisioning a day when our sensors can be integrated into a cohesive ‘ISR Force’, it’s building an integrated suite of signal processing, pattern analysis, and collection management software that will increase reliability, reduces manpower, and speed up responses.”

Ready to track those pesky dissidents fully integrated into SMART society?

UrbanScape offers the capability to “provide the warfighters patrolling an urban environment with an up-to-date, high resolution model of the urban terrain that can be viewed, manipulated and analyzed.” Whereas the Strategic Technology Office (STO) will “… focus on technologies that have a global or theater-wide impact and that involve multiple Services.”

Other programs well underway with funding from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman include: Integrated Sensor Is Structure (ISIS) whose goal is to develop and deploy a “stratospheric airship based autonomous unmanned sensor with years of persistence in surveillance and tracking of air and ground targets;” and VisiBuilding, which will cater for “a pressing need in urban warfare [by] seeing inside buildings.” [5]

One of the main programs which DARPA provided for the TIAO was called “Combat Zones That See” (CTS). Journalist and author on police state surveillance Tom Burghardt reveals the details:

The plan was to install thousands of digital CCTV networks across occupied cities in the belief that once the system was deployed they would provide ‘warfighters’ with ‘motion-pattern analysis across whole city scales.’ CTS would create a nexus for mass tracking of individual cars and people through algorithms linked to the numeric recognition of license plate numbers and scanned-in human profiles.

The program was denounced by privacy and civil liberties advocates’ for its potential use as a mass surveillance system that could just as easily be deployed on the streets of American cities. In theory CTS, or a similar program could be further ‘enhanced’ by Scaleable Network Social Analysis (SSNA)… SSNA’s aim is ‘to model networks of connections like social interactions, financial transactions, telephone calls, and organizational memberships,’ according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s 2003 analysis. Once license plate numbers are ‘mined’ from raw CCTV footage, investigators could: a) identify a car’s owner; b) examine her/his web-surfing habits; c) scan e-mail accounts for traces of ‘inflammatory rhetoric;’ d) monitor recent purchases for ‘suspicious’ items. [6]

A check-point police state is hardly something that comes to the ordinary person’s mind as they go about their daily life but the end of privacy is fast approaching if governments continue to have their way. Location analysis, DNA, retinal scans, fingerprints and tagging and now chemical profiling of subject.

A laser-based “molecular strip-search” was the latest bright idea to be rolled out by the US government’s Homeland Security Agency and implemented across airports, check-points, large-scale venues and anyway that government sought an opportunity for surveillance. The technology has the capacity to instantly scan the bio-molecular structure of your body which includes the prescription drugs in your bag; cocaine residue on your dollar bills and any trace substance that we have come into contact with such as marijuana or gun powder. Ten million times faster and one million times more sensitive than any other system currently available, it can do all this invisibly and from a range of up to 50 metres.

tsascanner1The technology is a “scanner … called the Picosecond Programmable Laser. The device works by blasting its target with lasers which vibrate molecules that are then read by the machine that determine what substances a person has been exposed to. This could be Semtex explosives to the bacon and egg sandwich they had for breakfast that morning.” [7]

So, what will happen if you’ve been smoking pot that day or been down at the firing range? You will be tagged and “detained.” And in a climate of social unrest and false flag terrorism it is likely to be promoted as an unfortunate but necessary part of the world in which we live. We will have to be willing to give up some of our freedoms if the government is to protect us and retain the integrity of the greater good… And so the media will sell it …

By 2015 however there had been such a backlash against the privacy and health concerns that many of the x-ray scanners were taken out of airports and the hands of the The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). This is likely to be only a minor setback before the re-introduction of scanners which have been suitably modified.

As the government document: ‘Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights’ attests, the technocrats are losing no time in finding ways to merge technology and social engineering. Looking to make society much more “efficient,” we can add the latest bright idea by the federal government to hire a “Behavioural Insights Team” (BIT) to change US behaviour, taking its lead from the UK who spearheaded the initiative. Its own Behavioural Insight Team has been up and running for several years.

Commensurate with Common Core education the Obama administration took the opportunity to implement a new executive order in October 2011, after the Bradley/Chelsea Manning whistleblowing scandal. This Orwellian initiative aims to target future whistle-blowers, leaks and security violations by ordering federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues, all of which is based on the very shaky science of BIT. It is part of what is called the “Insider Threat Program”, which covers every federal department and agency and where: “millions of federal officials, bureaucrats and contractors must keep their eyes peeled for watch “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Failure to report could result in “penalties” or “criminal charges.” Such reports are bolstered by an integrated computer network monitoring system which detects “suspicious user behaviour” linked to Insider Threat personnel.

Seeing people as numbers in a Game Theory algorithm is bound to cause problems, not least the obvious flaws in trying to predict the future with unproven psychological techniques. Wide open to the usual privacy and civil liberty violations a National Research Council Report highlighted by McClatchy News on July 9 20013, was just one of many science bodies which saw no value in such initiatives stating in 2008: “There is no consensus in the relevant scientific community nor on the committee regarding whether any behavioral surveillance or physiological monitoring techniques are ready for use at all.” Quite apart from the fact that this executive order is on top of some of the most draconian legislation ever enacted in law and which continues to be rolled out in the face of continuing State violations against civil rights.

policestate2The marketing of the Obama myth has permitted the enactment of the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) which destroys due process and the Bill of Rights. Since your profile indicates dissension and disagreement with government policy then you will be labelled a “terrorist-sympathiser,” “terrorist enabler,” or prone to “incitement” or any other nonsense deemed subversive in order to detain you much longer, without any rights to a phone-call or access to a lawyer. Even if you are not a drug-user the laser will reveal what prescription drugs you are currently using to what stage you at in your ovulation cycle to the presence of cancer. A comprehensive bio-psychological profile will be created ready to be used against you should you become a non-compliant citizen able to think for him or herself. Used cocaine in the past? Then your civil action against the government for abuse of civil liberties is dead in the water. Since traces of cocaine exist on all forms of paper currency so theoretically anybody can be detained and charged with possession should it deemed expedient to do so. This technology will become a useful political tool with almost endless “Big Brother” applications.

As Noel Sharkey, professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield said of the new military “Cheetah” robot which can run faster than a human: “an incredible technical achievement, but it’s unfortunate that it’s going to be used to kill people”. [8]  The same could be said for the intention behind all the above technology. Put it all together with a rising Police State, social engineering and a SMART growth society, the outlook doesn’t look good for the ordinary citizen. It is however, a perfect direction for the technocratic psychopath to take and his intent to centralise and consolidate power through technology.

See also: Cyborgs 2030: The Military’s Vision of Remote Controlled Soldiers


[1] Individual Force Protection System (IFPS)Overview2007 Worldwide Personnel Recovery Conference. | http://proceedings.ndia.org/7040/11percent20IFPSpercent20bypercent20Marshall.pdf
[2] ‘The Office of Strategic Influence Is Gone, But Are Its Programs In Place?’ fair.org, November 27 2002.
[3] ‘Information dominance,’ by David Miller, The Guardian, January 8, 2004
[4] Urban Operations, Field Manual No. 3-06, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.,October 26, 2006.
[5] http://www.darpra.gov
[6] ‘America’s Cyborg Warriors’ by Tom Burghardt, Global Research, July 23, 2008.
[7] ‘New Homeland Security Laser Scanner “Reads People At Molecular Level” declares a CBS News headline’ CBS local, via GIZMODO July 11, 2012.
[8] ‘Cheetah robot “’runs faster than Usain Bolt”’BBC News, September 6 2012.

Technocracy VI: The Technocrats Tap in (3)

“Surveillance induced morality: relics of cultural retardation”.
– Marc Maron

How many times have we heard the response: “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear”?

This almost child-like wish to place faith in the unsullied purity of the authorities and Daddy State seems to know no bounds.

The success of mass surveillance is defined by the same gradualism. Endless new devices and gadgetry help to insulate our concerns about technology and how it can be used. It doesn’t matter how altruistic the intent is, whether it means to reduce suffering or create a more socially responsible culture, social justice is a concept struggling to keep its head above the water of pathogenic pollution. Whether biotech or nano-tech, since military, geo-political strategies and social pathologies dominate they will be pulled into the same codes of conduct mandated under Official Culture. Suffering will continue under flares of revolution until the psychopath is denied influence in ALL spheres. Access to technology which will disburse wealth and true freedom cannot take place until such a realisation manifests to the extent it dismantles traditional power structures. To think otherwise, will simply perpetuate the cover. Such a trajectory has only been possible due to the relatively rapid rise of the National Security State apparatus rooted in the 3EM riding high on updated myths propagated to ensure a smooth transition.

In combination with ECHELON and or MAIN CORE we have a global surveillance grid sitting on top of European and US intelligence mining that is the most invasive in history. This technological construct is imbued with power from a perception that can only multiply and augment in the same way we continually seek new “apps” and add-ons to our consumerist ethos.  A technocratic centralisation is the only direction. The promise of open source software will only prove liberating when the central mainframe of core influence is dismantled. Otherwise…Open source initiatives will operate within carefully defined parameters, in much the same way as our credit cards, cell phones and i-pads. Technology is not the culprit here – it is the reliance on the limited applications which is displacing our incredible, untapped creative power. This displacement only leads to the atrophying of our individual and collective creativity. And this is where artificial intelligence and transhumanist ideology offers an unprecedented threat.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. More on this later.


RAF Menwith Hill, a large site in the United Kingdom, part of ECHELON and the UKUSA Agreement. Photo Credit: Matt Crypto (wikipedia).

The International Campaign Against Mass Surveillance (ICAMS) produced the excellent document: ‘The Emergence of a Global Infrastructure for Mass Registration and Surveillance’ back in April 2005 which detailed in precise terms the nature of these myths, edited extracts of which will serve as an adequate summary of what this transition really means:

Myth #1: We are merely being asked to sacrifice some of our privacy and convenience for greater security.

“The object of the infrastructure that is being constructed is not ordinary police or intelligence work but, rather, mass surveillance of entire populations. In this infrastructure, everyone will be treated as a suspect, and state agents will maintain data profiles on all of us. […] The elimination of risk Indeed, it is now evident and documented that the United States and other countries are acting aggressively on information, seizing and detaining people without reasonable grounds, and “rendering” them to third countries or extraterritorial camps run by the U.S., where they face torture during interrogation and indefinite detention. Alongside the global system for mass registration and surveillance is emerging what some commentators are calling a “global gulag”,4 in which unknown numbers of people are languishing. What is at stake in this new world order is more than mere privacy, or even democratic processes, legal systems, and civil liberties. Basic human rights are in jeopardy.”

The document also lists the The Registrations of Populations as integral to the surveillance state with a long history of isolated test-runs across the world and with the shadow of abuse inherent in such data mining. Examples are given of Japanese internment in America the Second World War, the 1994 genocide that took place in Rwanda and the Pass Laws of apartheid South Africa. Such highly detailed information derived from Registration: “… is the tool by which those in power can easily single out and target certain kinds of people – not for what they have done, but for who they are.” And further: “By creating inclusion, the system also creates exclusion. For practical purposes, a person without a mandatory identity document will not exist – or will exist only as a risk to the state.”

Myth #2: These initiatives facilitate travel.

“But something else is happening, too. The private sector is being pressed into service as the state’s eyes and ears. Just as it has done with the acquisition of private-sector databases and airline passenger record systems, the state is using the private sector to exponentially increase its surveillance capacity in the realm of electronic communications and financial transactions. And, instead of relying on the inconsistent practices of businesses, governments are starting to tell businesses how to design their information systems, what information to gather, how long it must be stored, what must be checked and reported, and what must be given directly to state officials.

Compelling service providers to “build in” surveillance capacity to their systems means that within minutes of receiving a warrant from a court, real-time interception of a person’s Internet or voice over Internet use can be implemented with just a few computer strokes, making a connection between the computerized listening stations of law enforcement and the service provider’s system.”

The FBI’s various software can be used to search for keywords in the trillions of gigabytes of information that is continuously vacuumed up whether from your bank accounts or blogs. Data mining is the future of crime prevention which is already merging with the dubious practice of entrapment. In George Orwell’s 1984 Winston, the main protagonist in the novel appears to describe the present: “It was inconceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live – did live from the habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard.” The only difference in our world, our surveillance will comprise of various degrees of robot and artificial intelligence from the basic models already appearing in our malls to sophisticated androids capable of human simulation. They will assess are bio-signatures and voluminous data files and make mathematical probabilities of threats to the system which will slowly build itself around us.

Myth #3: If one has nothing to hide, one has nothing to worry about.

“An example of the many mistakes that were made in that era was the naming of academic Owen Lattimore as the Soviet Union’s top spy in the U.S. He later was fully cleared of the charges. In his account of the affair he noted that the F.B.I. and other agencies had ‘built up on him a dossier of ‘a man who might have existed’. Again, as a historian of the period has observed, ‘that phrase catches the very essence of the creation of the national insecurity state: a data world that shadows, mimics, and caricatures the real world’ We may think that anyone looking at our personal data with the proper explanation would conclude we are innocuous, but, in fact, in the data world we have no control over our “virtual identities” or the interpretations that others make of them.”

This goes to the central premise of conditioning that comes about from living under inverted totalitarianism and the necessary glut of authoritarian followers who allow its manifestation. We do not notice the dismantling of the foundation upon which are human values and ethics reside due to the buffering of our intuition and conscience. This is achieved through propaganda, psychic driving and memetic engineering of our consciousness all cemented with the human propensity for wishful thinking and denial.

We keep coming back to the uncomfortable fact that we naturally seek sanctuary in the delusion that there is nothing to worry about because we cannot entertain the possibility that we may have to alter our beliefs and attempt a deconstructive introspection. When such a painful process begins it can shatter the ego-mask that buffers us from the terror of the situation. When our personality is largely empty of substance this can be akin to inviting death of identity and belonging. So, having nothing to worry about is a preferable hook upon wish we can willingly attach.

In modern times, nothing comes closer to a collective seduction than the human races’ relationship to technology. We are firmly caught in its web of convenience, innovation and compliance in much the same way we are enthralled by the chemical hit of sex. In that sense, the surveillance state is just another compromise on the road to achieving the new nirvana of the post-human.

Have we really learned those lessons? Or have we merely changed our focus?


“The worldwide heat map from the NSA’s data visualisation tool BOUNDLESSINFORMANT, showing that during a 30-day period, 97 billion internet data records (DNI) and 124 billion telephony data records (DNR) were collected.” (wikipedia, creative commons | Source http://jobkaster.com/ Author National Security Agency)

Myth# 4: The technology being used is objective and reliable.

“First, the factual base on which the technology rests is unreliable. The ‘best information available’ on which data mining or risk-scoring technology depend is often inaccurate, lacking context, dated, or incomplete. It might even be dirty information – extracted by torture, or offered by an informant who is vulnerable or is acting in bad faith. Secondly, the criteria used to sort masses of data will always be over-inclusive and mechanical. Data mining is like assessing ‘guilt by Google’ key-word search. And since these systems use broad markers for predicting terrorism, ethnic and religious profiling are endemic to them. … a precautionary principle is at work when human beings are making the risk assessments.”

A surveillance state is surely an oxymoron by virtue of the fact it is created not from the wish to protect but the incentive to control. Technology is only as trustworthy as its programmer and by extension, the context in which the capabilities of technology are applied. By the same token, human beings are fallible and since machines are born from the quality of our own minds they will mirror the glitches and unpredictable anomalies so much are part of a learning universe – despite protestations to the contrary. The more complicated and sophisticated machines become the more they will transcend their in-built limitations – that is spark that consciousness seeks. But the Surveillance State is linked to wider philosophical beliefs where development and trust in technology is based on the notion of an evolutionary salvation. Such a suggestion is usually rejected by transhumanists who insist that technology is merely the next stage in human evolution; our destiny is to embrace singularity and merge with the machine for optimum transcendence. By implication, the surveillance state will cease to exist since it will become superfluous to our needs.

Once again, this presupposes that such a system of malevolence will naturally evolve into one of benevolence and those at key nodal points of its power will simply transcend along with us. More likely is that the rooted dominance that gave rise to inversion will offer more of the same, where the worm-hole of singularity is really nothing more than a sublime devolution by delusion, the end result of which is absorption of all that is individual and original in exchange for group-think and technocratic compliance. Sophisticated, yes, even ecstatic at times, but like an addictive drug, when you realise you are hooked and seek to escape in search of authentic experience, it will be too late. From reliability and trust projected onto the machine will ultimately invite the law of repulsion.

Myth #5 and 6: Terrorist watch lists are a reliable product of international intelligence cooperation and consensus / Governments want to implement these systems to protect their citizens from terrorists.

“There is no due process afforded individuals or groups to allow them to challenge the inclusion of their names on a list. And, once the “terrorist” label is fastened to them, actions are taken against them without normal legal protections being afforded (protections such as presumption of innocence, the right to know the evidence and allegations against one and to respond, the right to remain silent, and habeas corpus). This is the essence of the risk assessment model: it treats as intolerable risks the very legal protections that are fundamental to free and democratic societies. In short, the U.S. lists have “been created haphazardly and without the carefully constructed checks and balances that such powerful instrument[s] demand.” And the lists are certainly bloated. At various times, news reports have put the numbers of names on the U.S. lists in the millions.”

Despite the fact that 99.9 per cent of those listed are largely innocent of any crimes at all, the Terrorist Watch List is drawn directly from the idea that al-Qaeda/ISIL and most terrorist atrocities are representative of a real, external threat. Such a disastrous policy has shown to be a cynical manipulation of the mass mind and comprehensively debunked if one reads the research from authors and experts in the field alongside the current geo-strategy and its outcomes in the last one hundred years.

The official story of global terrorism is a monumental fabrication – a product of a compartmentalised mutation of myth used to promote the economic and socio-cultural status quo. It is a cleverly disguised tool of opportunism for social control with the rise of police states and war without end as the norm. Indeed, such an inversion is truly insidious as the pathology begins to make inroads into the psyche of normal human beings. As the ICAMS authors state: “As people begin to realize that every transaction in their personal lives is potentially being watched – and that their innocent actions and beliefs can be easily misconstrued by risk assessors in their own and other countries, they will begin to internalize the social control that is being exerted by governments, watching what they say, what they criticize, who they associate with, and what they profess to believe in.”


Germans protesting against the NSA surveillance program PRISM at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. (wikipedia,)

This is happening fast. The official culture of psychopathy requires these myths not only to keep populations in a state of fear and disempowerment but more importantly, so that the banking architecture and profits from the arms race, weapons manufacturing, narcotics, human and organ trafficking continues until nothing more can be squeezed out of the husk. Implosion is the only avenue left. Yet, from this breakdown, will we have a true community template of freedom which encourages a free-flowing exchange or will we walk as somnambulists into a mainframe of control from which comfort and efficiency is a high-resolution mask? This set of technocratic controls represent both the future safeguards against this implosion and the ultimate resource of future exploitation when machine-based society dominates over a depopulated world.

Other myths include that of “Western Democracies defending democracy and human rights around the world”; “such initiatives make us safer”; “Guaranteeing security is the paramount responsibility of governments” and the platitude that “at least, these initiatives are better than doing nothing.” All of which are much propagated lies within the MSM, think-tanks and PR outfits which prey on the naive and ill-informed. As ICAMS asserts:

“Careful examination shows that the global, mass registration and surveillance initiatives that have been described in this document are not “better than doing nothing”. They divert resources away from activities that would provide us with better security, they are not effective, and the harm they do to democracies, individuals, the rule of law, and global security is not proportional to their utility, or even to the risk they are supposedly addressing.”

Biotechnology and transhumanist discourse in general, is wholly identified with the idea of accelerating human design and manipulating the rate of perceived evolution. This is in accordance with a one-dimensional philosophy that discards the idea of natural rhythms and cycles that may have their own rates of change and which may not be immediately accessible to the fallible and very subjective human mind. This is hardly surprising due to the movement’s secular roots. However, what if – as a very rich tradition of often suppressed ancient wisdom suggests – there is indeed a precise symmetry and purpose in the way the planet, cosmos and Universe functions and organises itself? Most transhumanists appear to reject this possibility and assume that a “genetic designer label” can be stamped onto biology based on what they consider to be a sacred evolutionary direction. As with most strictly materialist perceptions, in true Baconian tradition the control of matter, mind and Nature is the objective divorced from the idea of consciousness existing outside the constraints of matter. A Masters-of-the-Universe mentality seeks to upstage Nature and the planet itself, bending it to their “post-human” will.

That is not to say there are not some great minds in the transhumanist movement and that there is nothing of value to be found there. But when there is no real discernment between what is considered to be pathology and normalcy and where beliefs are already predisposed to psychological corruption, then it just becomes yet another hijacked ideology. There is also the opportunity to ask questions as to whether we base our future on the lessons of the past or presume to forge ahead and base our decisions on a technological train of wishful thinking. Will we be downloading and uploading a reality that is sacrificing authenticity for artifice?

Can we say that the Elite families of the West have changed; that all is in the past and they have comprehensively turned over a new leaf? Evidence so far suggests that this particular mind-set has merely adapted and refined its methods. Depopulating the world, identifying, logging, tagging and micro-chipping the remaining populace and herding them into tightly controlled mega-cities via economic hardship is one future the Pathocrats envision. Meanwhile, buying up vast tracts of land under the banner of environmentalism will provide them with suitable means to live with the benefits of advanced bio-genetic/cyber technology at their fingertips – most likely with the view to extending their life-spans. Far-fetched or not, psychopaths and those drunk on power seldom think of failure. Vast amounts of money has been channelled for decades into massive underground bunkers presently dotted around the US and Europe some of which can house over 2 million people. To bring “Order out of Chaos” one must first introduce the Chaos to the extent that all manner of alternatives are wiped clean, leaving only one Singularity. They intend to be safe and warm away from all their created carnage and for as long as it takes.

The same vision that has hijacked the normal expressions of creativity for the last two hundred years or more has embraced the Information Age. If a virus goes unnoticed within all societal domains and even begins to define the nature of society, then any future innovations and apparent evolutionary surges will be made under the impetus of the same macro-social pathogen and thus subverted towards anti-human goals until such time it begins to lose its grip. The internet provides us with an immense opportunity to access massive amounts of information and turn it into knowledge through clusters of networks. We have the opportunity to develop and apply that knowledge/awareness in ways undreamt of. Consequently, a real battle for freedom is already taking place in various fields of technology between what we might call the entropic /machine consciousness which seeks to dominate and coerce reality into its tiny perceptions and the human / creative consciousness that seeks to co-create, disburse and expand alongside the Earth and Universe. As a very real human global brain awakens it remains to be seen how it will be wired up and if those “synapses” will be able to make unbreakable bonds based on freedom, truth, responsibility and love.

Technocracy V: The Technocrats Tap in (2)

“What is the society we wish to protect? Is it the society of complete surveillance for the commonwealth? Is this the wealth we seek to have in common – optimal security at the cost of maximal surveillance?”
– Tom Stoppard, author, playwright


                                      Image credit: gizmag.com | infrakshun

In 2003, under the Bush Administration, the Total Information Awareness program was introduced in order to provide “large, distributed repositories” including “biometric signatures of humans” and “human network analysis and behavior modeling” provided by DARPA. It was a reiteration of what ECHELON and MAIN CORE had been doing for years. Congress defunded the program in the same year, prohibiting any such activities to target Americans.

The Total Information Awareness Office run by convicted Iran-Contra felon John Poindexter and featured a logo on its website resembling the popular occult mythology of the Illuminati. It was so blatant that some visitors thought it was a bad attempt at political satire. It wasn’t. It did however, beg the question as to why such a revealing caricature and its objectives was allowed the go ahead? Moreover, why was it derailed so quickly when other draconian legislation – including the highly controversial PATRIOT act – sailed through without any problems?

The reason for this was to provide a distraction so that yet another surveillance hub could be built away from the spotlight.

A 2012 article by online tech magazine Wired reports on Intel journalist James Bamford’s sources who claim that once again, NSA has been continuing its surveillance operations with a new spy data centre based in Utah: “… capable of breaking almost any encryption, reading any email and recording any phone call anywhere in the world, even if it’s not made over the Internet.” Where have we heard that before? This hub is just one of a number of networked sites based around a similar network 0f “ultra-sensitive satellites … with the unique ability to sniff electronic communications from a massive distance.” [1]Bamford’s sources say that the NSA is routinely violating the US constitution by dumping all of America’s communications data into the system for analysis. Perhaps most importantly, and which goes to the heart of the premise of this book is the opinion of another covert source to which Bamford made contact who claimed that: “… the NSA is on the verge of a massive coup, putting the U.S. inches away from ‘a turnkey totalitarian state.’” [2]


The Total Information Awareness logo as compared to the Great Seal found on the US dollar bill, a freemasonic emblem. A purposeful distraction?

Another heavy-weight whistleblower, William Binney, decided to grab the gauntlet and go against his superiors to warn of an Orwellian Superstate which is “ready” and “set up” so that one has to just “turn the key” and this would be an immediate reality. [3] A specialist in traffic analysis, Binney worked for the NSA for 37 years and knows its capabilities and technical now-how inside out. He joined Electronic Frontier Foundation’s case against the National Security Agency (Jewel v. NSA) filed in July 2, 2012, and their illegal domestic surveillance programs which, according to Binney, “are consistent, as a mathematical matter, with seizing both the routing information and the contents of all electronic communications” inside the U.S. He has stated that over 20 trillion files have been created since the September 11th attacks.[4]Amid significant civil liberty concerns, NSA head and commander of US Cyber Command department General Keith Alexander is still seeking to redesign the internet’s infrastructure so that the NSA may: “… know instantly when overseas hackers might be attacking public or private infrastructure and computer networks.” A trial of 17 US defence companies is already underway.

Tom Simonite from Technology Review tells us:

“Under the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Pilot, Lockheed Martin and other companies set up their computer security systems to automatically alert the agency when the alarm is tripped. They automatically pass a summary of what was detected and the IP address associated with the event to the NSA over the Internet. ‘All you need to pass is the fact of a signature and IP address in real time, and we can take it from there,’ said Alexander.” [5]

Yet, there is more to MAIN CORE than high-level data collection and future detention. First, we need to keep in mind that targeting the thinking population is not just an Orwellian fantasy but an objective reality. The NSA and Homeland Security is collecting massive amounts of data on the US and European populations for another purpose which may well have something to do with “Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation” or (SEAS). From their celebratory website we read: “What happens when you take gaming technology, inject it with the latest discoveries in management, economics, and psychology, and apply it to business, political, and social situations? The answer is Simulex’s Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), the result of ten years of research conducted at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management, in association with the United States Department of Defence and several Fortune 500 companies.” [6]

Looking at Simulex Inc. client base it is fairly easy to guess. As the bold heading that greets us on the client page attests, SEAS has a top heavy bias for the telecommunications industry. It assists the United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) to “model the volatile regions of the world” while also providing their services to United States Department of Homeland Security in preparing “… for bio-terrorist attacks, and by Fortune 500 companies for strategic planning.”[7]Other clients include: United States Department of Defence, United States Department of Justice, United States Army Recruiting Command and Crane Naval Surface Warfare Centre. Their private sector clients are global pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and our old weapons friend Lockheed Martin who got rid of whistleblower Margaret Newsham for blabbing to the press about unwarranted surveillance.

Is it coincidence Lockheed turns up here?

Other Fortune 500 companies are apparently clients but we are not given a list. However, it would be right up the social engineering alley of the Rockefeller Foundation and Monsanto Corp.

(Photo: Mönch / STN)

Which brings us to another 2005 whistleblower Russell D. Tice, a former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and NSA Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) officer. His statements in an interview to online journal Think Progress Security.org claimed that the surveillance discovered so far was “… only the tip of the iceberg,” and there was “… an angle that you haven’t heard about yet…” [8]In another interview with the online culture journal Reason just prior to a congressional hearing on the NSA wiretapping scandal (which went nowhere) Tice infers that the wire-tapping was not the main issue and that he needed: “… to tell Congress that no one knows yet, which is only tertiarily connected to what you know about now … In my case, there’s no way the programs I want to talk to Congress about should be public ever, unless maybe in 200 years they want to declassify them. You should never learn about it; no one at the Times should ever learn about these things.”[9]

So, surveillance was only scratching the surface. What then, are we to make of this military-corporate complex outsourcing in conjunction with MAIN CORE? What would you do if you wanted to predict how each of us may act in the future, most especially if your main objective was to control population in the face of a real or imagined threat against the Establishment power-base?

What is it that we “should never learn about?”

Could that be that each and every one of us who has expressed a level of awareness that thinks out of the box has an electronic kindle file packed full of interesting data? Moreover, this data is part of complex synergy of multi-layered simulations that uses a form of mass “pre-crime” software with a supercomputing power undreamt of.

>Blogger and commentator Kevin Flaherty from cryptogon.com makes it clear in the following analysis:

We must assume that They are using the full spectrum of surveillance information to try to PREDICT HOW EACH OF US IS LIKELY TO BEHAVE ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS. Where we go. Which routes we take. What we buy. Etc. All of these things can be broken down into a kind of moving average that wiggles around between an upper band and a lower band, kind of like a standard deviation from a mean. Stay within the bands, and the Magic 8 Ball probably won’t bother to flag your profile for closer analysis by some genius at the Terrorist Screening Center.

Obviously, most of us aren’t worth the attention of a human analyst, and They know it. Most of the sheep just go with the herd. They do what they’re told, shop at Wal-Mart, pay their taxes, go to church, the end. More educated sheep read Business Week or the New York Times, etc. Within a fairly wide range of activities, it’s no more complicated, for the vast majority of the people out there, than the way pool balls behave as they bounce around the table and each other.

This is a key point, so I’m going to emphasize it: These systems would excel at finding the artifacts, the outliers, the people who haven’t internalized the programming, but continue to act ‘normal.’ [10] [Emphasis mine]

Journalist and author Walter Bowart who wrote the seminal classic Operation Mind Control (1978) the NSA of the 1960s had computer systems decades in advance of public and governmental agencies of the time. And let’s not forget the capabilities of “Quantum Light Harvesting” which offers a revolutionary way to advance computational power to undreamt of levels and in a short space of time. That being so, what systems do we imagine the NSA playing with now in 2015?

Having explored the notions of depopulation or “managed genocide” and psychological operations in this series, Flaherty makes an interesting observation on the nature of this total surveillance and so called resource-grabbing. He draws our attention to a recent and on-going SEAS project in partnership with the US Department of Defence (DOD) called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). According to the concept paper for the project, a parallel Planet Earth is being developed: “… with billions of individual ‘nodes’ to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR… It will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information.” Apparently, the simulation: “… provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP),” so that military leaders can “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners”.

SWS also:

“… replicates financial institutions, utilities, media outlets, and street corner shops. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors.

SEAS can display regional results for public opinion polls, distribution of retail outlets in urban areas, and the level of unorganization of local economies, which may point to potential areas of civil unrest. Yank a country’s water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next.

“The idea is to generate alternative futures with outcomes based on interactions between multiple sides,” said Purdue University professor Alok Chaturvedi, co-author of the SWS concept paper. [11]

However, the Pentagon still isn’t content. Hundreds of additional spies are being sent overseas as part of a new espionage network that is set to rival the CIA in size according to the Washington Post. The report informs us that the a transformation of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) is underway having been “dominated for the past decade by the demands of two wars” and which will now be a “spy service focused on emerging threats and more closely aligned with the CIA and elite military commando units.” With “collectors” numbering as many as 1,600 all over the world this is no small project. In fact, as we have explored, it seems to be part of an expansive operation to merge military and intelligence agencies into a more centralised system of espionage and domestic surveillance. As the Post mentions: “… the Pentagon’s plan to create what it calls the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS) reflects the military’s latest and largest foray into secret intelligence work. The DIA overhaul — combined with the growth of the CIA since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — will create a spy network of unprecedented size.” [12]

illustrationPhoto from Simulex, Inc. advert

On top of all this, in 2012, former CIA intelligence analyst turned Whistleblower Edward J. Snowden leaked more than 50,00 classified documents to the Wikileaks organisation and journalist Glenn Greenwald revealing in black and white just how pervasive and all-encompassing the surveillance capabilities of America’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ truly is. For some, the jury is still out on Snowden’s motives, primarily due to the fact that much of this information had been known for many years by independent journalists and alternative media who had been trying to get the attention of the mainstream media, but to no avail. So, it was a little fishy that Snowden was all over every possible media outlet in a very short space of time as though he had single-handedly dismantled the apparatus himself. Yet, he is the first CIA agent to do so. Is he a patsy, a conscious agent or a hero?

Whether the NSA is using him to test the demographic water of mass perception is unclear. For one thing, it allows the public to ease their way into deeper issues surrounding the whole arena of US policy from drone attacks to terrorism. The latter reason has been trotted out to justify all kinds of unconstitutional measures and many are waking up to this fact. After all, so-called “terrorists” are acutely aware that they are always monitored. What Snowden has done is to show how surveillance is targeting innocent people, not the terrorists. The NSA, in all probability, may be extremely peeved that their methods have been revealed. Whether this is a CIA-NSA turf war suggested by some commentators remains to be seen. As the CIA grapples with increasing revelations about its torture and rendition programs and the NSA continues to try and stem the flow of leaked cables on its surveillance capabilities, the leviathan of soft totalitarianism still lumbers forward.


© infrakshun

By 2013, while the magnitude of surveillance of all and everyone was being digested it is true to say that there may be much more to be drawn out of the NSA shadows. On November 28th,the BBC’s Hardtalk programme, Glenn Greenwald stated that there are still thousands of leaked cables to go through and make public. As it stands, the leaks have not made the slightest difference to its illegality as some commentators have been saying for quite some time. Far from being chastened, the NSA has romped ahead by creating a secret body of law which gives the agency carte blanche in accessing data on Americans justified by the war on terror and the threat of cyber-terrorism and underground nuclear proliferation.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) has eleven members whose job it was to approve illegal wire-tapping orders and which have  now been expanded to allow the NSA to do as it pleases while doffing its hat to feeble attempts to regulate intelligence surveillance. In a Guardian piece by Spencer Ackerman on August 16, 2013, it was reported that thousands of annual violations of its own restrictions continue to mount as reported by two US senators who sit on the US intelligence committee. As Rice, they stated that these were, also: “the tip of the iceberg.”

The bottom line is that everyone is presumed guilty rather than innocent simply due to the vast amount of data building on every citizen. The NSA can effectively trap you into suspected wrongdoing. As we have seen, the ubiquitous rise of entrapment operations may reflect something much deeper. Just because you have led a law-abiding life, it is no protection against mass spying programs seeping into every corner of our lives care of SMART technology. Indeed, the very definition of “law abiding” is changing; contoured towards government policy rather than what is ethically and morally sound. Whistleblower William Binney has warned for several years that the government is storing literally everything and creating a highly sophisticated, searchable database to be used for anything it wants. Snowden says much the same thing in an interview on June 12, 2013:

Because even if you’re not doing anything wrong you’re being watched and recorded. And the storage capability of these systems increases every year consistently by orders of magnitude … to where it’s getting to the point where you don’t have to have done anything wrong. You simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody – even by a wrong call. And then they can use this system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with. And attack you on that basis to sort to derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer. [13]

On July 6, 2013, Eric Lichtblau writng for the New York Times commented on officials’ statements that: “… the court’s still-secret decisions go far beyond any single surveillance order.” Indeed, though European countries such as France and Spain have been found spying on their own citizens, even handing over data to the NSA it is the United States that has led the charge against the global population’s privacy. This in turn, has led the Surveillance State seeping into every avenue of American life. Even the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has routinely been snooping in order to extract largely unconstitutional taxation claims. It believes that it can continue to operate quite happily without using a warrant to read people’s emails and text messages. Just like the search engine Google Inc. (whom we will turn to presently) the Fourth Amendment and every person’s right to basic privacy is deemed irrelevant to the IRS and it’s highly dubious definitions of taxations laws. In summary, they have their ears and eyes tapped into every conceivable communication source while making up their own laws to maintain this illegal surveillance  well into the future. If you listened to the BBC you would think that it is Glenn Greenwald who should be on trial for daring to suggest that intelligence chiefs “routinely lie.”

But the shadow government and the NSA isn’t content – it needs more and more. Research into weaponisation, military capabilities and surveillance has now encompassed much of society. Corporations, multinational security firms and private contractors who act as “digital blackwaters” are all in the NSA bag. Outsourcing is key in terms of diluting accountability whilst encouraging innovation. In just a few examples from many, military-intel company Raytheon has “… secretly developed software capable of tracking people’s movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites.” The company admitted that it was a joint research & development project shared with the US government sincce 2010 in order “… to help build a national security system capable of analysing ‘trillions of entities’ from cyberspace.

WilliamBinney-EdwardSnowdenWhistleblowers William Binney (left) and Edward J. Snowden (right)

The security of biometric data is a bad joke since the sale of private data is open to lucrative profits. In 2013, Richard Kerbaj and Jon Ungoed-Thomas reported in the May 13th, edition of The Sunday Times that data of 27m mobile phone users had been: “… offered for sale to the Metropolitan police, private companies and other bodies, enabling them to track users’ movements.” The company involved in the potential sale is: “Ipsos Mori, one of Britain’s biggest research firms, … claimed in meetings that every movement by users can be tracked to within 100 metres.” According to the newspaper, the company: “shelved any deal after being contacted by The Sunday Times.” The report continued: “Documents to promote the data reveal that it includes ‘gender, age, postcode, websites visited, time of day text is sent [and] location of customer when call is made’. They state that people’s mobile phone use and location can be tracked in real time with records of movements, calls, texts, also available for the previous six months.” [14]

To carry out these  games in order to “protect us” the NSA has resorted to impersonating Google in order to obtain its information and swell its billions of files.  Named in the business as a “man in the middle attack” it involves a hacker technique of “… using a fake security certificate to pose as a legitimate Web service, bypass browser security settings, and then intercept data that an unsuspecting person is sending to that service.” Once passwords have been collected users can then log in to genuine banking websites thereby acting as intermediary or “middle man” and re-routing requests to their bank and returning the information to the customer while gathering highly personal data from both participants without either having the slightest clue what has happened. (It also applies to email servers). This time it is not a lone hacker but the NSA and GCHQ, where massive amounts of information is being channelled back to their central hubs. [15]

The idea that informational roadmap of cyberspace has been compromised by Intel PSYOPS and NSA surveillance has become more of a probability that a possibility. It is foolish to believe that anything we do online is secure or private. Not only is the NSA breaking most forms of encryption on the internet but is likely replacing intercepting downloads of open-source encryption software and silently replacing these with their own versions. The NSA is re-calibrating the internet towards its own perception of reality.

Illegality is justified with the favourite canard that it is all to protect us from terrorism. It was confirmed just how manufactured the threat truly is when online journal allgov.net reported in October 2013 that NSA Director Keith Alexander admitted before a congressional committee that he lied when he claimed the agency’s wire-tapping program had thwarted 54 terrorist “plots or events.”  In June of 2013, while the Obama administration was busy denouncing the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden and locking away Bradley Manning for 35 years, the NSA was lying through its teeth once again. Only 13 of the 54 cases were connected to the United States and just one or two suspected plots were: “… identified as a result of bulk phone record collection.” This was nothing new. The head was merely following the “terrorist-under-your-bed” justification for all manner of constitutional abuses practiced by the government and military-intelligence apparatus.

Lying is an inherent part of the deal. Apart from using data and surveillance as a means to implement propaganda, cyber-warfare and the harassment of those deemed “enemies,” mass surveillance is key to Obama’s assassination programs still carried out without oversight. In combination with the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) the NSA and CIA effectively make a private army outside any democratic accountability. Special operations units utilising drones and US soldiers are deployed all around the globe, from Somalia to Yemen, Afghanistan to Iraq. The coordination and logistical support is given by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) who essentially decides who might be a suitable target and the means by which he or she will be murdered.

According to Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) the true purpose of the NCTC is the:

“massive, secretive data collection and mining of trillions of points of data about most people in the United States” …. In particular, the NCTC operates a gigantic data-mining operation, in which all sorts of information about innocent Americans is systematically monitored, stored, and analyzed. This includes “records from law enforcement investigations, health information, employment history, travel and student records” – “literally anything the government collects would be fair game”. In other words, the NCTC – now vested with the power to determine the proper “disposition” of terrorist suspects – is the same agency that is at the center of the ubiquitous, unaccountable surveillance state aimed at American citizens.

Worse still, as the ACLU’s legislative counsel Chris Calabrese documented back in July in a must-read analysis, Obama officials very recently abolished safeguards on how this information can be used. Whereas the agency, during the Bush years, was barred from storing non-terrorist-related information about innocent Americans for more than 180 days – a limit which “meant that NCTC was dissuaded from collecting large databases filled with information on innocent Americans” – it is now free to do so. Obama officials eliminated this constraint by authorizing the NCTC “to collect and ‘continually assess’ information on innocent Americans for up to five years”. [16]

As the NSA and Homeland Security can now, on a whim, label any American a potential terrorist, the most obvious question to ask is how long will it be before American citizens are assassinated on their own soil? (Assuming it hasn’t happened already).


Obama’s Drones ready to assassinate from a distance without trial or jury. Based on the woeful intelligence of the last decade chances are you are likely to be an innocent civilian.

Perhaps no better example illustrates how the NSA should be the last people we trust is from the recent confirmation that the agency wishes to defend none other than Wall Street. Rather than wire-tapping genuine criminals infesting the world of cartel economics, this bastion of financial terrorism is deemed worthy of protection.

Salon, journalist Natasha Lennard details how the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released a statement in early 2013 noting: “It is not a secret that the Intelligence Community collects information about economic and financial matters, and terrorist financing. We collect this information for many important reasons: for one, it could provide the United States and our allies early warning of international financial crises which could negatively impact the global economy. It also could provide insight into other countries’ economic policy or behavior which could affect global markets.” [17]

The NSA could no doubt collect vast amounts of information on the continuing “irregularities” and corporate crimes still devouring any chance of a healthy economy. As journalist Michael Degerald mentioned regarding the admission: “If any part of American society or business had shown itself to be corrupt to the core, and thus in need of surveillance, it’s Wall Street.” [18]



[1] ‘The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)’ By James Bamford, Wired, March 15, 2012.
[2] Ibid.
[3] RT report July 2012.
[4] ‘Sworn Declaration of Whistleblower William Binney on NSA Domestic Surveillance Capabilities’ July 16 2012. Public Intelligence.net, http://www.publicintelligence.net.
[5] ‘NSA Boss Wants More Control Over the ‘Net’by Tom Simonite, technologyreview.com, July 27, 2012.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] ‘NSA Whistleblower To Expose More Unlawful Activity: ‘People…Are Going To Be Shocked’’ By Faiz Shakir, Thnik Progress Security, wwwthinkprorgess.org May 12, 2006.
[9]‘Inside the Puzzle Palace’ – A Reason interview with NSA whistleblower Russell Tice, by Julian Sanchez, http://www.reason.org, January 13, 2006.
[10] ‘Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation’ By Kevin Flaherty, http://www.cryptogon.com, June 30th, 2007.
[11] ‘Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale – Sim Strife’ By Mark Baard, The Register, 23rd June 2007.
[12] ‘DIA sending hundreds more spies overseas’ By Greg Millar, The Washington Post, December 2.
[13] See: ‘Full Interview with Edward Snowden’at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdPbvKeRgpk
[14] ‘Secrets of 27m mobile phones offered to police’ by Richard Kerbaj and Jon Ungoed-Thomas Sunday Times, 12 May 2013.
[15] ‘NSA Disguised itself as Google’ by Edward Moyer CNET.com, September 2013.
[16] “The President’s Private Army”: NSA-CIA Spying is Central to Carrying Out the Obama Administration’s Assassination Program. By Washington’s Blog / Global Research, September 29, 2013.
[17] ‘Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper on Allegations of Economic Espionage’
Sunday, September 08, 2013.
[18] ‘Why doesn’t NSA spy on Wall Street?’by Michael Degerald Salon.com Sep 11, 2013.

World State Policies I

 By M.K. Styllinski

“There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists – to their mutual benefit. This alliance has gone unobserved largely because academic historians have an unconscious Marxian bias and are thus locked into the impossibility of any such alliance existing.”

Anthony C. Sutton, Wall St. And the Bolshevik Revolution (1974)

The David Rockefellers of this world have a long history of managing the hoi-polloi of ordinary folk like you and I who consider “auto-determination” a human right rather than a quaint historical footnote. Once we understand that such a perception of smug superiority is not a passing whim but an indelible stamp of elite-thinking that holds normal humanity in absolute contempt, then we will begin to understand that such people seek to bend the world to a singular reality without majority consent. And because they have been practicing this art of modern manipulation for at least 150 years, with access to cutting-edge resources from psychology to technology, history to economics – they have become exceedingly good at it.

So what is the objective of this Plan? We’ll look at a few of the main building blocks of Pathocratic rule such as the relationship between capitalism and collectivism, the role of a peculiar vision of science including eugenics; food as a weapon and advocates of depopulation. Once again, various ideologies, institutions, criminal cartels and political and social movements will be used as tools to achieve those ends. Certain themes can be discerned that will be obvious to everyone, the methods and the effects of which have been briefly discussed in previous posts.

We might call the broad brush changes that have helped to take over the world of normal people as the “4Cs” which can be viewed as both chronological and non-linear in nature whereby each gives rise to the other in an ascending spiral.

These are:

1. Commercialisation through deregulated capitalism

2. Consolidation through cartel corporatism and financial warfare

3. Centralisation through the transfer of power from local to global

4. Control and its maintenance once achieved.

Extreme commercialisation has affected every aspect of our lives from the quality of food we eat to the type of education our children receive. We are no longer people but “consumers.” The commoditisation of life and the short-term gains it offers relies on economic disparities, debt enslavement and perpetual war to keep the illusion of choice and economic growth in place. However, most of us are firmly trapped in this economic and materialist model that offers nothing more than a serious reduction in the quality of life for most on the planet. While it is true that capitalism has been the model for the rise of the West and as a result of the present increase in prosperity being enjoyed by Asia, the ecological, social and spiritual consequences of this economic paradigm have been disastrous. Yet nothing is allowed to challenge the concept of this version of cartel-capitalism which still determines the economic machinery of global economics. A widespread acceptance of models that would drastically improve the lives of millions is purposely avoided to maintain the status quo. Not only do alternative modes of commerce and more localised, community-based economies exist they are eminently workable.

wallpaper-127321-horz_thumb.jpg© infrakshun

Viable alternatives are shackled by a mix of conscious and unconscious conditioning and the beliefs that rise up out of such insecurity. In the face of change at the local level which may be derived from models which go counter to the dominant systems of the 4Cs operating at national and global levels, it is extraordinarily difficult to implement and sustain alternative methodologies no matter how practical or sensible they may be. Opting out of this entrenched system is now no longer possible for most, economically and psychologically as we are completely inside the concept of market demand.

The rise of cartel-capitalism is a gargantuan pathology based on the exact same personality traits of the psychopath. When populations have to fight their way out of poverty and squalor only to be given the chance to inflict the same economic footprint of their eventual capitalist success on others, we see that this system is designed to erode responsibility, increase unsustainability and create a cycle of perpetual boom and bust; where the haves and have nots dance in an eternal cycle of resource competition. All of which, is inevitably and perhaps literally – soul-destroying.

“Globalisation,” “globalism” and “World State” mean the 4Cs. Your personal life and personal goals are unimportant to the planners unless those goals are consistent with the sociological, economic and “religious” goals of their global vision. To be useful to the Pathocrats you must be like a number in an algorithm, to be herded and managed into units of consumption. Is this the real goal of commercialisation: to dehumanize and devalue so that humanity become the products that they covet, so that psychopaths can roam free and increase their numbers finally eclipsing normal humanity completely?

Consolidation has been taking place at an ever faster rate since the Industrial Revolution and represents the move towards greater and greater centralisation. Corporate mergers trans-national entities, mass privatisation, monolithic agribusiness and media empires are all products of this phase of consolidation. In the manipulated economic crisis of 2008 (which is still continuing) JP Morgan, Citibank and Goldman Sacs were among the top mega-companies to make a killing in the wake of the crisis after having used billions of dollars of tax payers’ money given to them by the governments. Trillions were sunk into a “bailout” black-hole to keep the international banking system and its corporate partners afloat while the global economy began its final push towards even greater centralisation. What amounted to a form of financial warfare saw the asset spoils going to the bigger companies who bought up the bankrupted losers thereby consolidating their new positions. What’s more, societies of ordinary people were duped into paying for these “bail-outs” with “austerity measures”. How many of the elite do you think were effected by this imposition? Billions were wiped off social welfare, hikes in taxes, food prices and oil were imposed all of which maintained the financial system that bit longer so that they could extract more dividends and cream off what is left of the old crony capitalism before the final meltdown. In combination with the West’s proxy wars, Homelessness, repossessions, mass unemployment and an immigration exodus were the result.

Meanwhile, the rich are getting richer. The 1 percent of the wealthiest have made more profit from this global recession than ever before. The only ones pulling in the purse-strings are the middle and working classes. Ordinary people are being asked to “tighten their belts” work harder for less pay in the West so that the iniquitous banking model can be allowed to consolidate and centralise their operations still further. This translates into business as usual for countries like Africa which continue to be despoiled and invaded by Western corporations looking for the next consolidated “hit” backed by the same Banks who have been pleading governments to help them “survive.”

None of this is about improving the lot of humanity. It is about maintaining pure, legitimized greed which is then mandated by law. We are so irrevocably enmeshed in the system of the 4Cs that any attempts to jump ship at the national or individual level, creates insurmountable problems. The Establishment must convince its populations that their way is the only way and like good little school children you must obey Teacher. According to the “elected” authorities, we cannot and must not attempt to be the architects of the school itself.

The United States has been the defining inspiration for the capitalist model for over a hundred years. While it has been the source of all that is best in humanity, the country has declined since the Kennedy brothers assassinations and sharply after the September 11th Attacks on the Twin Towers. This deep-seated tendency to authoritarianism has given the American people a perverse rendering of history and an almost indelible stamp of para-moral rectitude. As we have seen, even more shocking is the realization that the form of government that dominates today is National Socialism which was of course, the socio-political ideology of choice for the Nazis. It was Benito Mussolini who suggested that fascism, was corporatism or as author and journalist Jim Marrs points out: “… in countries such as Italy and Germany before World War II the State took over the corporations. In the United States today, the corporations have taken over the State, but the end result is the same.” [1] We may not have the jackboots and swastikas but the suits and ties and thought police work just as well.

In a nut-shell, elite psychopaths can choose to employ past and the present, “traditional” and “progressive” according to their needs. (See below).

Inverted Totalitarianism / Huxleyian

Classical Totalitarianism / Orwellian

Corporate domination of State and economy

State domination of economy and business

Political apathy and ignorance

Active political mobilisation of the populace

Mask of Democracy

Open rejection of democracy

Classical and Inverted Totalitarianism

The ponerisation of the United States of America is what we have likened to a “soft” or inverted totalitarianism. It is because this descent is not obvious that it becomes more dangerous, lying as it does behind infotainment, corporatism and ponerised cultural “norms.” Political philosopher Sheldon Wolin refers to just such an inversion taking place but with distinct differences compared to more classical forms of totalitarianism as seen under Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union. [2]  Whereas in the Nazi Third Reich’s dictatorship it exercised State power over the economy and its players, with inverted totalitarianism, it is the corporate model which dominates the State. Similarly, where the Nazis were masters of propaganda aimed at mobilising the power of the people the reversal of totalitarian dynamics serves to put the people to sleep under a mass inversion. Here, it is the recurrent theme of sensation, pleasure and ignorance which keeps people in a state of servitude through an official culture founded on narcissism and the consequent open door to a range of mental and emotional addictions.

Finally, whereas democracy is openly rejected under classical forms of totalitarianism, the inverted model hides behind a mask of democracy where democratic principles exist only on paper, soon to be dispensed with altogether with the right “crisis.” This is perhaps the most important distinction between the past and the present. Pathocracy uses an inversion of known totalitarian principles so that it perfectly adapts to both the emerging culture of the Information Age whilst adhering to more Orwellian methods of the past.

 “The rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let society work for you. So long as we see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point….a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit.”

Frederick C. Howe, Confessions of a Monopolist (1906)

The Corporatist-Collectivist Chess board

A key ingredient in the capitalist-collectivist hybrid that currently infects societies today is the rise of Marxism, the important Hegelian tool of choice for Elite objectives.

Preceding World War I, Marxist theory was all the rage but the Zionist / Wall St. funded Communist revolution didn’t quite work out as planned in terms of mass appeal because workers could see that it wasn’t a panacea – it simply couldn’t deliver, and most certainly not in the West. Which is why cultural Marxism and its Fabian agents took gradualism to its heart in order to reshape the mass mind of the West toward Marxist principles by stealth while encouraging corporatism to grow alongside it. In fact, the European Union was founded on exactly the same principles that gave rise to both the U.S.S.R and the Nazi Third Reich. Indeed, the latter was instrumental in the visionary ideas that saw the development of the European Union as we have come to recognise it now. It is no surprise that Germany is its most powerful leader since the back-up plan of the Nazis was precisely this: if they could not win the war logistically and strategically then dominance would come in the future via economic power.

(For more on this see The EU: The Truth about the Fourth Reich How Adolf Hitler Won the Second World War By Daniel J. Beddowes and Flavio Cipollini).

It was this root that the same Synarchist-Fascist impulse was to create the European formation of the Gladio terrorist networks which sprung up in the 1950s and 60s and that saw American conservatives effect massive Cold War witch-hunts against a so-called Communist conspiracy. Their hunches were far more accurate than we realise if somewhat simplistic and to which huge derision was drawn from the liberal left. But they were wrong overall – they did not understand the hybrid of extremes which were attempting to join.

So, what form has this “socialism” in the West actually taken? Simply put, collectivism is the opposite of individualism, where group thought, philosophy, action and principle overrides the needs of the individual. The term can be divided into horizontal collectivism and vertical collectivism. The former is collective decision-making among largely equal individuals, and is therefore based on decentralisation, while the latter is drawn from hierarchical power structures and socio-cultural conformity, and is based on centralisation. [3] While such a drive to group endeavour can bring out the positive aspects of our interdependence and our shared experiences across the planet, the kind of collectivism we will explore is an overreaching form that employs both vertical and distorted horizontal forms into one vast entity – its expression having been ponerised by emerging strains of psychopathy. The onset of ponerogenesis will manifest by whatever channels deemed suitable in order to achieve Pathocracy. Remember that none of these ideologies are evil in themselves, but used in a pathocratic context, they become tools of destruction.

The war between collectivism and individualism continues to rage in the West, while in the Middle East, Asia and Africa a blend of Anglo-American influences amid certain theocracies combine Church and State, compelling citizens to accept a particular religious doctrine set against radical secularism – a fine breeding ground for numerous civil wars. We are all immersed in an array of belief systems from Conservatism to Liberalism, Communism, Neo-Conservatism and Zionism and on and on so that division is the keynote for Establishment leverage. To that end, money is the denominator in all things which goes way beyond simplistic ideas of trickle down. The state-shadowed Communism and corporate capitalism are blood brothers. As the late German historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler remarked in his Decline of the West (1991) “There is no proletarian, not even a Communist, movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, in the direction indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money–and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.”

While many globalists officially discard Stalinism they embrace collectivism and Marxist ideology quite happily. It is collectivism which is ideally suited to the more Huxleyian or inverted form of totalitarianism. If we take a look at the sprawling mess of the European Union we see the same hybrid of totalitarianism at work, this time from a mix of both the Liberal Establishment and European Synarchy. Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky warned in a speech that the European Union: “… represents a continuation of the totalitarian vision he had fought against in Russia … The former Soviet president Mikhail S. Gorbachev put it more succinctly when he told the official Russian news agency, Ria Novosti, last week that ‘It is all about influence and domination in Europe.’ ” [4]

Bukovsky is no reactionary. After the Soviets expelled him to the West in 1976 he has offered unique insights into the nature of the Soviet Communist Party drawn from direct experience of the regime. He was the one of the first to expose the use of psychiatric imprisonment against political prisoners in the former USSR and according to journalist Belgian Paul Belien: “… spent a total of twelve years (1964-1976), from his 22nd to his 34th year, in Soviet jails, labour camps and psychiatric institutions.” [5] In 1992 he was invited by the Russian government to serve as an expert at a trial to ascertain whether or not the Communist Party had been a criminal institution, Bukovsky was permitted access to a great many classified documents from secret Soviet archives. Only a handful of people have seen this information. What he managed to scan for his own records has become an intriguing confirmation of the pathology shaping the beliefs of collectivism as a tool for Pathocracy.

The Russian dissident takes up the story:

“In 1992 I had unprecedented access to Politburo Central Committee secret documents which have been classified, and still are even now, for 30 years. These documents show very clearly that the whole idea of turning the European common market into a federal state was agreed between the left-wing parties of Europe and Moscow as a joint project which [Soviet leader Mikhail] Gorbachev in 1988-89 called our common European home.

“The idea was very simple. It first came up in 1985-86, when the Italian Communists visited Gorbachev, followed by the German Social-Democrats. They all complained that the changes in the world … were threatening to wipe out the achievement (as they called it) of generations of Socialists and Social-Democrats – threatening to reverse it completely. Therefore the only way to withstand this onslaught of wild capitalism (as they called it) was to try to introduce the same socialist goals in all countries at once. Prior to that, the left-wing parties and the Soviet Union had opposed European integration…. From 1985 onwards they completely changed their view. The Soviets came to a conclusion and to an agreement with the left-wing parties that if they worked together they could hijack the whole European project and turn it upside down. Instead of an open market they would turn it into a federal state.” [6]

Many of these documents are freely available on a variety of websites on the internet. Interestingly, we see the same power brokers such as the Trilateral Commission and the Rockefellers in the thick of it:

“In January of 1989, for example, a delegation of the Trilateral Commission came to see Gorbachev. It included [former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro] Nakasone, [former French President Valéry] Giscard d’Estaing, [American banker David] Rockefeller and [former US Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger. They had a very nice conversation where they tried to explain to that Soviet Russia had to integrate into the financial institutions of the world, such as Gatt, the IMF and the World Bank…

“…the original idea was to have what they called a convergency, whereby the Soviet Union would mellow somewhat and become more social-democratic, while Western Europe would become social-democratic and socialist…. This is why the structures of the European Union were initially built with the purpose of fitting into the Soviet structure. This is why they are so similar in functioning and in structure.

“It is no accident that the European Parliament, for example, reminds me of the Supreme Soviet. It looks like the Supreme Soviet because it was designed like it. Similarly, when you look at the European Commission it looks like the Politburo. I mean it does so exactly, except for the fact that the Commission now has 25 members and the Politburo usually had 13 or 15 members. Apart from that they are exactly the same, unaccountable to anyone, not directly elected by anyone at all.” [7]

Vladimir Bukovsky’s point is crucial. Rather than revealing a communist conspiracy a totalitarian structure was carefully nurtured and organised by proponents of socialist and capitalist ideologies, the bridge between the two being Pathocratic objectives camouflaged by tailored belief systems:

“When you look into all this bizarre activity of the European Union with its 80,000 pages of regulations it looks like Gosplan … an organisation which was planning everything in the economy, to the last nut and bolt, five years in advance. Exactly the same thing is happening in the EU. When you look at the type of EU corruption, it is exactly the Soviet type of corruption, going from top to bottom rather than going from bottom to top.

“If you go through all the structures and features of this emerging European monster you will notice that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union. Of course, it is a milder version … It has no KGB – not yet – but I am very carefully watching such structures as Europol for example. That really worries me a lot because this organisation will probably have powers bigger than those of the KGB…. Can you imagine a KGB with diplomatic immunity?

“They will have to police us on 32 kinds of crimes – two of which are particularly worrying, one is called racism, another is called xenophobia. … Someone from the British government told us that those who object to uncontrolled immigration from the Third World will be regarded as racist and those who oppose further European integration will be regarded as xenophobes….

“The Soviet Union used to be a state run by ideology. Today’s ideology of the European Union is social-democratic, statist, and a big part of it is also political correctness. I watch very carefully how political correctness spreads and becomes an oppressive ideology

Look at this persecution of people like the Swedish pastor who was persecuted for several months because he said that the Bible does not approve homosexuality. France passed the same law of hate speech concerning gays. Britain is passing hate speech laws concerning race relations and now religious speech …. What you observe, taken into perspective, is a systematic introduction of ideology which could later be enforced with oppressive measures. Apparently that is the whole purpose of Europol ….

“It looks like we are living in a period of rapid, systematic and very consistent dismantlement of democracy. Look at this Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill. It makes ministers into legislators who can introduce new laws without bothering to tell Parliament or anyone. … This can make a dictatorship out of your country in no time.

“Major political parties have been completely taken in by the new EU project….. They have become very corrupt. Who is going to defend our freedoms?… The most likely outcome is that there will be an economic collapse in Europe, which in due time is bound to happen with this growth of expenses and taxes. The inability to create a competitive environment, the over regulation of the economy, the bureaucratisation, it is going to lead to economic collapse. Particularly the introduction of the euro was a crazy idea….

“Look to the huge number of immigrants from Third World countries now living in Europe. This was promoted by the European Union. What will happen with them if there is an economic collapse? … In no other country were there such ethnic tensions as in the Soviet Union…. This huge edifice of bureaucracy is going to collapse on our heads…. We are losing and we are wasting time.” [8] [Emphasis mine]

So far, with the likely collapse of the euro at some point in the near future and widespread economic hardship in Europe, the above analysis from 2006 has proved quite correct. Bukovsky is no politically motivated dissident on a mission of vengeance against modern Russia, a entirely different animal of the Soviet past. He sees the totalitarian structures, ideologies, plans in much the same way that Łobaczewski sees inevitable expansion of ponerogenic influences to which such bureaucracies are wide open. It is not a coincidence that the Soviet Union’s elimination of nationhood in favour of “Unions” and “blocs” is the same goal of the Anglo-American Liberal Establishment. On this point Bukovsky further observed:

“The ultimate purpose of the Soviet Union was to create a new historic entity, the Soviet people, all around the globe. The same is true in the EU today. They are trying to create a new people. They call this people ‘Europeans’, whatever that means.

“According to Communist doctrine as well as to many forms of Socialist thinking, the… national state, is supposed to wither away. In Russia, however, the opposite happened. Instead of withering away the Soviet state became a very powerful state, but the nationalities were obliterated….” [9]

Bukovsky  is convinced that the European Union “cannot be democratized” due to its latent totalitarian structure. So, why are we now so polarised between the myths of socialism and capitalism not seeing the how the web of neo-liberal economics offers the building blocks for a global power structure?


In fact, the idea of eliminating national boundaries and nation states was proposed from all sectors of the Establishment coloured with their respective ideologies. It is a matter of historical record but you won’t find it on most educational curricula. After the Second World War in that frenzied opportunity to build their edifices of future control, there were many voices suggesting blueprints for the elimination of nation states and the formation of vast federal Unions built on top of the NATO military alliance. A European Union did come out of it, even though the original Atlantic Union – as a precursor to an eventual Global Union – didn’t see the light of day – at least in that incarnation. But the Cold War wasn’t just about reflexive paranoia. Underneath Anglo-American and European elites was a persistent wish to see nation states disappear so that a capitalist-collectivist vision could manifest globally.

Journalist Matt Stoller’s article published in salon.com September 20th 2013, placed the Establishment in the spotlight by revisiting history amid the Edward Snowden revelations of NSA surveillance and the attempted invasion of Syria. “The Elites’ strange plot to take over the world” described just one of the influences from those steeped in Cold War paranoia, this time from journalist, Clarence Streit who contributed to the ideologues who were buzzing the honey-pot of the mass mind and waiting to shape it into the required form. Since it was broken it was highly suggestible and easily managed. Now was the time to erect the institutions of future authority.

Streit wrote a book called Union Now (1939) which, according to Stoller:

“… had a galvanizing effect on the anti-fascist youth of the time, a sort of cross between Thomas Friedman’s ‘The World Is Flat’ and Naomi Klein’s ‘The Shock Doctrine.’ Streit served in World War I in an intelligence unit, and saw up close the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles. He then became a New York Times journalist assigned to cover the League of Nations which led him to the conclusion that the only way to prevent American isolationism and European fascism was for political and economic integration of the major ‘freedom-loving’ peoples, which he described as America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and most of Western Europe. The Five Eyes surveillance architecture was created just a few years later, as was the international monetary regime concocted at Bretton Woods.”

Streit was yet another example of individuals having suffered the effects of war and basted in intelligence training and its tools of PR propaganda. He was present at the gathering together of a large number of social dominators at two of the most important meetings of the 20th Century: Versailles and The Paris Peace Conference which led to the League of Nations organisation and the impetus to reshape the geo-political fortunes of the world. Though Streit’s pitch was to fight totalitarianism wherever “civilised society” found it, ironically perhaps, it was used as a plan for precisely the same, by political and diplomatic leaders of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, many of whom went on to craft the multilateral institutions and international policies of the Cold War and the push for an Atlantic Union. Though many of these leaders were well-intentioned in their wish to head off a Communist take-over as they saw it, there were others who were equally cognizant of the need for the first phase in a Global Union /World State to expand the principles of world government which would eventually incorporate the Soviet Russia and Maoist China.

The 1970s were full of resolutions and hearings designed to make the Atlantic Union and nation states a thing of the past but firmly under the yoke of an Anglo-American trajectory. Federalism would be the socio-economic and political framework by which countries would be redesigned. Indeed, in 1971, a House Concurrent Resolution 163 was proposed: “… to create an ‘Atlantic Union Delegation,’ a committee of 18 ‘eminent citizens’ to join with other NATO country delegations and negotiate a plan to unite. According to the sub-Committee chairman Donald Fraser, it was to be an: “international convention to explore the possibility of agreement on a declaration to transform the present Atlantic alliance into a federal union, set a timetable for transition to this goal and to prescribe democratic institutions under which the goal would be achieved.”

It was no coincidence that the Establishment presidents and European leaders were on board and ambitious to change society. The mass of politicians were fairly clueless about the underlying psychopathy which was piggybacking such ideological drives for Union. The Two World Wars, the Cold War the Great Depression of 1929 and the rise of corporatism proved that nations were already suffering from exploitation driven by rapacious greed. Manipulation and distortion of otherwise sound principles was becoming the norm. Thus it offered a logical basis upon which the concept of political union, could be rationalised and extended. Though many politicians rightly saw the Depression as a result of failed monetary policies at the domestic level, which it was, they were not able to also see that for the bankers and the industrial powers of the time it was one of the effects of the 4C’s coming home to roost and a significant bonanza which would offer future opportunities to tweak the system in their favour.Though it drastically affected the common man and the fabric of society it only allowed the super-rich families of the day to regroup and start the process all over again.

Leaders assumed that calling for greater union would automatically mean greater economic certainty and stability. Yet, they failed to see that the economic crashes and poverty that were induced were part of a system of boom and bust; a debt-based framework by which a fiat currency could be made to work for the tiniest percentage of the population by exploiting the majority. Union would merely extend the 4C’s and its exploitation through gradual deregulation further afield and limiting self-sufficiency, autonomy and economic independence in a box. The objective was a Global Union of the 4C’s which had nothing to do with a socio-economic equilibrium. This was purposefully or naively lost on persons like Streit.

The same ill-informed romanticism of economic parity fuelled their dreams of an Atlantic Union which was to be grafted onto the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. The ‘Structural Adjustment Team’ of the IMF, the World Bank, The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or GATT and the The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were all partly inspired by the ideal of an Atlantic Union. The latter organisation was used as a tool by a Anglo-American Conservative-Synarchist drive to establish a European Super-state which could eventually form part of that Union.

Throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the Cold War provided the incentive and rationale for closer integration and a trans-Atlantic Union to freeze out Communist aspirations. Traditionally, the far right hated the idea on principle, as it was indicative of a socialist coup under cover of liberty and welfare, when in fact it was just another tool for eroding national sovereignty. In the future, the disappearance of the Nation State might arrive as a natural consequence of a family of societies whose psycho-spiritual maturity has come of age, but sadly this is not the reality. We are governed by very different persons whose objectives are clearly not focused on emancipation.

As Stoller mentions, though their intentions were faulty there was an important irony here:

“… as liberals gently chuckle at right-wing paranoia about what they perceive as an imagined plot to create a world government, it is the conservatives who have a more accurate read on history. There was a serious plan to get rid of American sovereignty in favor of a globalist movement, and the various institutions the right wing hates — the IMF, the World Bank, the U.N. — were seen as stepping stones to it. Where the right wing was wrong is in thinking that this plot for a global government was also a communist plot; it wasn’t, it was motivated by anti-communism. The proponents of the Atlantic Union in fact thought that this was the only way to defeat the USSR.”

Though Streit believed that an Atlantic Union would decrease the threat of dictatorship he had not seen that the seeds of an inverted totalitarianism lay within the very antidote he and so many others were proposing and which was doing the job of the Pathocrats so admirably. Federalism under such individuals could only lead one way.

(Thankfully, Vladimir Putin has comprehensively tackled the Russian Oligarchs and apparently outside the one world government ideology. He and his advisors appear to be the only people to whom we can rely upon to halt this reckless Anglo-American-Zionist hegemony. Putin is not perfect by any means, but he is all we have. Russia may yet be the Big Bear of Salvation having gone through decades of ponerisation and come out the other side.)

By the 1980s however, the push for Unions had become more complex and nuanced. The 3EM had clear lines of demarcation when it came to how it envisaged its capitalist-collective hybrid. Nationalist terrorism had a resurgence under the Conservatives and Synarchists while Anglo-American liberalism roared ahead with the Atlantic Unionists, even straddling American Zionism who favoured any kind of integration while extending its own separatism to further its interests. None of these concerns have disappeared. On the contrary, they have adapted and kept pace with the ebb and flow of domestic and foreign policy. Deregulation of the Reagan, Carter and Clinton years ensured that the Federal Reserve and the corporate-banking oligarchical influence dominated through their many varied social engineering interests, which could now take on new vigour.

The quest for global governance, a global economic infrastructure, a “global consciousness” and global ecology” under these terms has infiltrated all societal domains. The double-think ruse of international integration does not mean a furthering of human values but an increase in the 4C’s which leads to further economic slavery, and an unnatural homogenisation since it derives from poverty, mass unemployment, mass immigration and a boom and bust of national destabilisation. World government and the globalisation of an Official Culture of psychopathy already exists but is yet to be formalised and publically acknowledged in an open framework of apparent necessity.

As we have seen, the promise of an Atlantic and Americas Union has been comprehensively dismantled thanks largely to the late Hugo Chavez and other Latin American leaders. We must also not forget the recent BRICS partnership which will surely act as a welcome alternative to the US dollar reserve currency. However, a Global Union is still trying to be born, a gestation that is drawn from the presence of a military-intelligence and surveillance apparatus, where the global economy of the 4C’s is as ubiquitous and damaging as it ever was.  This is not something the pathocratic mind will relinquish any time soon.


[1] Jim Marrs, quoted in the documentary “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism Produced by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz 16:04 Jim Marrs – Corporate control of the state. Socialism and Fascism to benefit corporations. “National Socialism” (fascism is corporatism).
[2] Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism, By Sheldon Wolin, 2008.
[3] Horizontal and vertical dimensions of individualism and collectivism: A theoretical and measurement refinement Singelis, By T. M., Triandis, H. C., Bhawuk, D. P. S., & Gelfand, M. J. 1995. | http://www.ccr.sagepub.com/content/29/3/240.abstract
[4] ‘Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship’ by Paul Belien, Brussels Journal, February 27, 2006.
[5]  Ibid.
[6]  Ibid.
[7]  Ibid.
[8]  Ibid.
[9]  Ibid.


Puppets & Players I

By M.K. Styllinski

“What differentiates a sociopath who lives off the labors of others from one who occasionally robs convenience stores, or from one who is a contemporary robber baron – or what makes the difference between an ordinary bully and a sociopathic murderer – is nothing more than social status, drive, intellect, blood lust, or simple opportunity What distinguishes all of these people from the rest of us is an utterly empty hole in the psyche, where there should be the most evolved of all humanizing functions.”

Dr. Martha Stout, “The Sociopath Next Door”


“To give you some idea of the enormity of the problem that faces us, consider that there are at least 2 million psychopaths in North America; the citizens of New York City have as many as 100,000 psychopaths among them. And these are conservative estimates. Far from being an esoteric, isolated problem that affects only a few people, psychopathy touches virtually every one of us. Consider that the prevalence of psychopathy in our society is about the same as that of schizophrenia, a devastating mental disorder that brings heart-wrenching distress to patient and family alike. However, the scope of the personal pain and distress associated with schizophrenia is small compared to the extensive personal, social and economic carnage wrought by psychopaths. They cast a wide net, and nearly everyone is caught in it one way or another.”

Dr. Robert Hare, “Without Conscience”



Moloch of Totalitarianism – A Memorial dedicated to the victims of totalitarian regimes. Situated at Levashovo, Saint Petersburg, Russia. (wikipedia)

Perhaps all the empires of ancient and modern history were test runs for the psychopath; the ebb and flow of their rule as valuable cycles to hone their skills in understanding the curious majority of humanity who harbour conscience and creativity.

Pathocracy has been fleshed out under a variety of names most notably the New World Order, Globalisation, World State and the Last Great Empire. Total world domination amusingly popularised by James Bond villains and countless mercurial, dark-cloaked figures cackling at their own despotic genius simply harks back to a very real and ancient archetype of evil, tenaciously holding onto the long-term prize of absolute control by the select few.

The question is not whether the psychopath’s dream of ultimate control will succeed because we know it will not since the very nature of entropy means that it must eventually collapse. The concern is how much chaos they will stimulate during their deluded rise to omnipotence and whether or not we can modify and ameliorate the worst of its effects. To outwit the anti-humans we cannot become like them which is what they would heartily wish. We must learn to know their ways just as thoroughly as they know ours. We must start with plumbing the depths of their evil by comprehending that there is literally no limit for the psychopath, no depths to which he will not stoop to achieve his ends and no reasoning which might persuade him to give up.

Our first realisation is that the psychopath blends in with normal human beings in order to fit in. Once this is accomplished the institutional and ceremonial (occult) psychopaths set about subverting them. Meantime, he goes about his business unnoticed and unhindered, often seen as a trusted pillar of the community. As masters of mimicry and manipulation, he can insinuate himself into groups, organisations and institutions. His – or her – charisma, cold efficiency and fearless demeanour can serve to short-circuit the intuitions of his normal associates who might sense that something is “off.” However, when the dopamine and serotonin are flowing, critical faculties are replaced by wishful thinking and the projection of our values and conscience takes place and it is then that psychopath knows that he has us in the palm of his hand.

Official Culture is designed to deify the alpha male and the femme-fatale so that competitive dominance of the lowest instincts continues to appeal to the lowest yardstick of human aspiration. Who could believe that such a dynamic philanthropist and family man could be nothing more than a reaction-machine seeking to feed? Yet, you will find their footprints – known or unknown – in the blood of all the atrocities, genocides, wrong-doings and pointless wars throughout history. No historian will mention such a repeating pattern; no social scientist will attribute this to the presence of the psychopath endlessly doing “what he wilt,” safe in the knowledge of human ignorance.

Nothing is more useful to the psychopath than the mantle of the holy or just. Our incredulity is his most effective weapon for the continuance of emotional and physical carnage. Psychologist Dr. Andrew Łobaczewski mentions that when a suitable ground has been laid for ponerological influences to seed: “… one kind of evil feeds and opens doors for others regardless of any individual or doctrinal motivations.” Once the psychopath has been invited in, due primarily to a lack of psychological knowledge, it is almost impossible to prevent the fulfilment of his desires. Łobaczewski further states: “Since pathological factors are present within the syntheses of most instances of evil, they are also present in its continuum.” [1]

Hence the problem of our hamster-wheel of repeating lessons where the most vulnerable continually suffer.

When psychopaths rule society, their worldview is inevitably expressed to the detriment of us all. And because deceit is the means by which they enforce their will, it appears to be humane and eminently logical because we are not used to encountering such bare-faced lies and deception. In front of the psychopathic personality our ability to think critically is severely curtailed, thus paramoralisms, paralogical discourse and “doublethink” becomes institutionalised so that ethics and morality are steadily inverted eventually signifying the exact opposite of their original meaning. The spread of pathological disease follows the same vacuum, until: “The actions of this phenomenon affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every village, small town, factory, business, or farm. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country, creating a ‘new class’ within the nation. This privileged class of deviants feels permanently threatened by the ‘others.’” [2]

This time, instead of the Jews, Poles, gypsies and homosexuals – we are ALL in the psychopaths’ sights.


The Three Establishment Model (3EM)

Frequent mention of the word “Establishment” has been made in this series and it is time to look at its internal constituents. Although differing in methods and ideological roots, there are many groups and sub-factions seeking to herd humanity, all of whom are defined by the principles of neo-feudalism as a common objective. Whether it is Chabad Lubavitch or the Council on Foreign Relations, all believe in an ideal which encompasses occult, religious, corporate and military objectives and which guarantees some order of Elite rule over the mass of humanity. Isn’t that inevitable? Isn’t a certain amount of autocracy necessary? Not one our social systems are pathologically compromised and when both lead to and from each other.

In order to make at least a partial attempt at making sense of where all these players are on the field of psychopathy, talented Dutch researcher Joël van der Reijden of the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics has made and excellent structural contribution and it is from this that the following information is largely based. (You can find a mirror site now taken on by WikiSpooks here)

Reijden has created the template of a “Three Establishment Model” (3EM) which comprises of three major lines of force dominant in the world today, each of which has an ideology and belief system which stretches back centuries. These are Liberal, Conservative and Zionist each of which has a complex set of sub-groups, linked in common purpose though experiencing varying degrees of harmony or friction. Due to their close religious and political aims the United States and Europe are combined. The category boundaries are more blurred than they may appear, with all the groups and sub-groups working with each other when expedient.

I have used my own template from the same source information and with minor additions of my own below. This is obviously not a definitive version since no one can really know the nature of this occult body as it uses convenient proxy organisations and committees to act as vehicles for its social engineering which then filter into public life, with various degrees of success. It is probable that this upper most occult body has very few members indeed.


Source: M.K. Styllinski PDF notes.

© infrakshun


Magnification of Round Table Movement and Rothschild origins within Anglo-American/Liberal Establishment 

© infrakshun

The Liberal Establishment comprises the Anglo-American / Venetian Nobility with their spheres of influence predominantly focused within banking and commerce. British royalty, The Bank of England, The House of Rothschild, The Federal Reserve cartel, Goldman Sacs, JP Morgan Chase and Rockefeller-Kissinger interests are also to be found in this grouping. Round Table membership, The Royal Institute for International Affairs, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Grp. and Council on Foreign Relations are also here busy thinking ahead to the incremental deployment of their plans, perhaps more than 100 years in advance. (Yes, that’s right). One World Religion, New Age CoIntelpro and liberal-collectivist networks which have initiated so much social engineering are also to be found within this section. All have strong links to Freemasonic European occultism. Hundreds of NGOs under the umbrella of the United Nations derive their support and succour from this model with George Schultz’s Bechtel corporatism promoting Arab oil interests as the focus rather than Israeli expansionism. Eco-fascism and the 1001 Club while present, has a stronger connection to the Conservative Model, many of whom hold in disdain the gradualist, progressive and New Age elements.

Diplomacy over pre-emptive strike is preferred but the corporate fascism is exactly the same as the Conservative model. Most of the key members are found within The Pilgrim’s Society. The type of envisaged totalitarianism is Huxleyian / Fabian rather than Leninist / Orwellian in that social engineering is driven by developing a sensate culture that will be “Amused to Death” witht symptoms of Stockholm syndrome, where authority is exercised through dumbing down and Pavlonian pleasure techniques which delivers long-term servitude through proffered lifestyles of leisure and pleasure and which come to define individual and collective reality. The Technocratic-Google-based PR and transhumanist ethos is very much a part of this model and the emphasis on SMART/Sustainable Development.

Although essential psychopathy is clustered across the whole of the 3EM, we might venture to say that there is a predominance of pathological narcissists, schizoidal and aesthenic psychopaths or the more mentally polarized types of psychopathy found here.

The Conservative Establishment might best be summed up by the famous Statement of Dwight Eisenhower who warned against the uncontrolled power of the “defence establishment” or “military-industrial complex.” The military has a large undercurrent of occult and religious fascism sourced largely from the Nazi-nexus of Pentagon-CIA and Vatican influences most notably from Operation PAPERCLIP, ODESSA and the Rat Lines during and after the Second World War. Contained within Vatican and Synarchist objectives is the most secretive group: Le Cercle (The Circle) who represents the most fascist elements within European geo-politics via NATO and CIA–MI6 intelligence. Historically working with many fascist regimes of the past, Le Cercle is known for its protection of European child rape networks to drugs and arms running in Africa and Saudi Arabia. Sir Julian Amery was a powerful intermediary of Le Cercle liaising between 100 Club, the Safari Club, Round Table and Rothschild interests.

The Pan-European Synarchists also have an enormous influence in both politics and freemasonry. The American Security Council, National Security Apparatus, Police State crackdowns, and the emergence of Zionism working with Neo-Conservatism define the aggressive short-term strategies of this model. Due to the predominance of right wing religious authoritarianism there will be a high incidence of essential psychopaths and social dominators on the frontlines. Generally, this is the brutish, Leninist version of collectivism and Mussolini’s definition of fascism as corporatism that uses immediate crushing force to achieve its ends.

The loss of human and civil rights, the rise of Big Brother surveillance within the US and Europe are formulated in this model, though there are obvious ties across the 3EM as a whole. The Cult of the CIA and links to MI6 Synarchist factions are key in the continuation of the “War on Terror” and false–flag attacks with an uneasy assistance from the MOSSAD spy-network. Major child abuse networks of a non-ritual or occult ritualistic nature are found in all models but particularly prominent in Conservatism. Knights of Malta and Opus Dei express their designs within the Vatican Pan-European Networks with the late Otto von Habsburg, a traditional fascist, the last crown prince of the Vatican-allied Austro Hungarian Empire as a key mover and shaker. According to Reijden: “Its primary interest has been the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire by manipulating the European Union, although this agenda has met with stiff resistance from the Liberal Establishment.”

The Zionist Establishment has a Jewish socio-cultural platform in both Israel and America. It has a most effective 5th column which has been ensconced within successive US administrations (fiscal and defence departments) further complemented by an Israeli Lobby and the Ultra-Right wing, Messianic cult of Chabad Lubavitch at the highest levels of US politics.

Thanks to the advanced techniques and know-how of MOSSAD intelligence and American Zionism channelled through corporate and banking families established since the turn of the last century, the power of Israel’s political and economic leverage is considerable. Propaganda and lobbying are given particularly large teeth through media outlets which are designed to be sympathetic to Israeli policies over Palestinian human rights. Israel is also a destination and transfer hub for drugs and human trafficking via the Jewish-Russian Mafia which has its home in Russia (much to the Chagrin of Putin) the US and Israel acting as the biggest and most extensive International mafia organization. Though with far less think-tanks and organisations, the web of interconnected assets within both MOSSAD and American-Jewish sayanim networks makes the Zionist Establishment models one of the most far-reaching, complex and coercive methods of mass control in the world today.

Of course, the House of Rothschild empire has made its purpose to act as the primary financier of the Three Model Establishment and as such, has an unassailable position with the ever-present, latent animosity toward their Gentile comrades within the ruling Elite branches. They have their fingers in every possible monetary pie with older members of the board liasing with high level members of MOSSAD who is alleged to be involved with an Occult Zionism based on the black magick principles of the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah.

The Western tradition of freemasonic Illuminism / Rosicrucianism and its relationship to Occult Zionism is purely in the realms of even more speculation. My hunch is that the two paths are largely separate but come together in some form higher up within the small capstone of the overall pyramid – the Global Occult Body itself.



[1] p. 132; Łobaczewski; Political Ponerology.
[2] Ibid; p.117.

The Light Bringer IV: Dugpas and Deception

  “It is for you to ascertain their truth by right practice and the exercise of the intuition …. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let the teaching be accepted. But not otherwise,”

– the alleged Tibetan “Master Djwhal Khul”

The above quotation can be found in all 24 books of esoteric philosophy by Alice Bailey. As a young, fresh-faced 21 year old, I read this and thought: “Well, it must be authentic …”

I know, I was very naive about spiritual deception, as most of us are. That’s why genuine spiritual masters refer to this subject so much since they know from experience that not only does evil dominate the world of matter, it also exists at a higher density of being and it is from here that much of the deception takes place. This may be why the person receiving “inspired” information needs to be of a sufficient quality and wisdom to able to discern truth from lies, which – as in the case of the Bailey books – can be highly sophisticated. And it needs to be if you are part of the hierarchy of service to self deceivers who are in the business of derailing a collective upsurge in human awareness. After all, those within high level freemasonry as much as the ordinary man and woman are also hoodwinked by the complex “levels” of initiation and process of alchemy promising all kinds of esoteric jewels.

Unfortunately, regarding the idea of “intuition” mentioned in the quotation, this is routinely confused with the chemical “flashing forth” of emotional belief, so it’s a rather flimsy basis upon which to unquestioningly dedicate one’s life. This is not a religion. This is an occult or esoteric science. Once our intellect is captured by reams of juicy esoteric theory strewn with shiny diamonds of truth, it becomes more and more difficult to discern the subtle twists here and there when the intellectual centre is thoroughly entrained to function in a particular way and to progressively take on faith what is presented as fact. In this way, it’s no different to religious myth, yet, in some ways more dangerous since it appeals ever more to the intellect of the ego, as well as the occult meditation training leading to definite psycho-physiological changes.

How can one know that this is deception?

By ruthless, cold-bloodied examination which is compared and networked, without the burden of belief. And this is surely one of the messages from Illion’s journey: he came face to face with the realisation that beings of light were “flashing forth” enormously seductive false light in order to trap and feed on awareness. He felt the tragedy deeply, as he was unable to help his well-meaning friend who was trapped in a ritualistic spell.

You can see the parallels with the Christian ideas of damnation and redemption which are merely cruder renderings of the idea that the soul has to be cultivated, grown and defended. And we do that by learning to distinguish lies from truth in order to make real choices rather than falling into carefully laid traps.  Once you willingly give away your free-will then it can be a very rapid descent. And it is all the more delicious for those on the path of entropy, since their target has no idea at all that s/he is in thrall to darkness so sweetly camouflaged as light.

That means we have to obtain the kind of self-knowledge which pin-points the weaknesses within our personality or gaps in our awareness through which the forces of deception can slip through and poison the promise of soul growth.

For the spiritual seeker – It’s a jungle out there!

angel22© infrakshun


The Nazis were said to have become particularly interested in Illion’s discoveries sending teams in search of the ultimate occult power. H.P. Blavatsky too just happened to have been globe-trotting around Tibet and received her teachings from similar inhabitants. Then comes Bailey to present us with Synarchist-occult teachings purporting to be from a “Great White Brotherhood” or “Ascended Masters,” and which have now seeded themselves “within the little minds of men.”

A far more likely scenario was the possibility that Blavatsky’s original contact may have been largely authentic, while the influence of Leadbeater, Besant and finally Bailey’s teachings from the “Tibetan” were not the next phase in a continuing occult tradition of the Perennial wisdom teachings, but a sophisticated subversion or Cosmic CoIntelpro by unwitting channels.

The probable culprits according to many critics within early Theosophy would have been the Dugpas or Dad-Dugpa, Druk-pa, the Bhons and also known as members of The Drukpa Church of Bhutan, or “the Red Cap (or ‘Hat’) sect,” a branch of the four main sects: the Kagyü-pa, Nyingma, Sakya  and the largest one known as the “Yellow hats” to which the Dalai Lama belongs – the Geluk (or “Virtuous Way” sect). Active since the 14 Century, comprise of mostly Eastern Tibetan monks who follow the “left-hand path” (sorcery, black magic) which include some forms of Buddhist Sex Tantra. The Dugpas resisted the religious reform of the Tsong-kha-pa tradition and stayed with the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism and were also said to be responsible for development of monasteries in the Lahul area of Himachal Pradesh, India.[1]

It is fair to say that Madame Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled are generally seen as ground-breaking tomes in the field of esoteric and occult wisdom. They are indeed fascinating treatises and very likely built on core truths yet sprinkled with unconscious distortions. Unlike Alice Bailey, Blavatsky and her “Masters of Wisdom” were extremely wary of the Dugpas as black magic adepts and whom she frequently referred to as the “Brother of the Shadow.”

At Theosophy wiki we read:

Dugpas (Tib.). Lit., “Red Caps,” a sect in Tibet. Before the advent of Tsong-ka-pa in the fourteenth century, the Tibetans, whose Buddhism had deteriorated and been dreadfully adulterated with the tenets of the old Bhon religion,—were all Dugpas. From that century, however, and after the rigid laws imposed upon the Gelukpas (yellow caps) and the general reform and purification of Buddhism (or Lamaism), the Dugpas have given themselves over more than ever to sorcery, immorality, and drunkenness. Since then the word Dugpas has become a synonym of “sorcerer”, “adept of black magic” and everything vile. There are few, if any, Dugpas in Eastern Tibet, but they congregate in Bhutan, Sikkim, and the borderlands generally. […]

Mme. Blavatsky wrote another article more in line with this view, where she uses the term “dugpa” in a more restricted way, applying it to the Nyingmapas and Shammars in Bhutan:

The “Dug-pa or Red Caps” belong to the old Nyang-na-pa sect, who resisted the religious reform introduced by Tsong-kha-pa between the latter part of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries. It was only after a lama coming to them from Tibet in the tenth century had converted them from the old Buddhist faith so strongly mixed up with the Bhon practices of the aborigines–into the Shammar sect, that, in opposition to the reformed “Gyelukpas,” the Bhootanese set up a regular system of reincarnations.

The term “Dug-pa” in Tibet is deprecatory. They themselves pronounce it “Dög-pa” from the root to “bind” (religious binders to the old faith): while the paramount sect–the Gyeluk-pa (yellow caps)–and the people, use the word in the sense of “Dug-pa” mischief-makers, sorcerers. The Bhootanese are generally called Dug-pa throughout Tibet and even in some parts of Northern India.

And in reference to the Bhutan-based “Brother of the Shadow” Blavatsky placed emphasis on the “élite of their Lamaseries, of a nucleus of priests, “devil-dancers,” and fetish worshippers, whose dreadful and mysterious rites are utterly unknown to the greater part of the population.” [2]

It seems the ancient Dugpas practiced all manner of Black Magick ritualism as a short-cut to power and its accompanying forms of phenomena or “maya.” This describes fairly well the experiences of Illion in Darkness Over Tibet. Blavatsky has no hesitation in alerting her readers of this fact very early on when she states:

“It was because, among many other reforms, Tsong-kha-pa forbade necromancy (which is practiced to this day with the most disgusting rites, by the Bhons – the aborigines of Tibet –  with whom the Red Caps, or Shammars, had always fraternized), that the latter resisted his authority. Separating entirely from the Gyelukpas, the Dugpas (Red Caps) – from the first in a great minority – settled in various parts of Tibet ….”  [3]

These Dugpa fellows have been immersed in black magick for so long they are some of the primary contactees for spiritual subversion. Such “lost souls” seek a way to extend their presence in the physical world by striving for physical immortality at this level of existence as well as the para-physical planes vibrating closest to the Earth. One might even say that they could infiltrate an elaborate system of human potential by slowly subverting its core principles and using those whose reception of the required qualitative energies for telepathy and “overshadowing” was “off.” Once gaps in awareness were found – usually through notions of glamour and ego – then the belief system created could be slowly contoured away from the original intentions; assuming at the very inception, the source was true.

As any open-minded person will agree, the core truths lost in the fear and dogma that is organised religion is a prime example. So, why should we not entertain the possibility that exactly the same process of corruption has resulted here? Since the occult is dealing, shall we say, “directly” with elementals, powerful archetypes and the esoteric science of “energy that follows thought,” then the stakes are even higher for disinformation and trickery. As every spiritual leader has found when a group is formed around them – especially when they have passed on and are no longer around to ensure purity of intent – it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the integrity of the vision. Wishful thinking and pride slowly creep in and with it numerous distortions. During the late 19th and 20th Centuries where interest in metaphysics, spiritualism and the occult was on the rise, the time was ripe for revolutionary leaps forward in collective awareness. Once again, the amount of Truth imparted was proportionate to the level of awareness of their messengers.

While Christians and Fundamentalist Christians alike are happy to rage against the occult in general, it is also interesting to note there were many theosophists and occultists who were very worried at what they saw was a move away from the more rigorous and balanced spirituality that Blavatsky espoused. While supporting what they believed to be a re-discovery of a vast treatise on the cosmic evolution of man, the planet and the universe, they had little time for Alice A. Bailey and her “Tibetan” whom they saw as nothing less than counterfeit.


Zhitro deities in Tibetan Buddhism

Theosophist Alice Leighton Cleather was one of the first members of the Branch of the Trans-Himâlayan Esoteric School established in England by Madame Blavatsky. In 1888: “… she was chosen as one of the twelve members of the Inner Group…” presided over by the Russian teacher. However we view their beliefs, Cleather and her companion Basil Crump were rather serious about their spiritual calling. From the introduction to their article we read that both: “… went to India in 1918, and there the three were initiated into the Tibetan Gelugpa (Yellow Cap) Order, at Buddha Gaya, in 1920. In 1926 they were received, and their membership ratified, at Peking, China, by His Serene Holiness the Tashi Lama of Tashi-Lhumpo, Tibet, who is the Head of the Gelugpa Order throughout Asia. […] Thus it will be seen that they possess exceptional qualifications for judging anything purporting to emanate from Tibetan sources.” [4]

Cleather and Crump penned an article outlining their grievances against what they called the “pseudo-occultism of Alice Bailey.” They focus on A Treatise on Cosmic Fire which was offering “the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation.” These students and many theosophists strongly disagreed. Ms. Cleather was not impressed with the Bailey “dictations” and similarly reiterates the messages from Blavatsky’s “Masters” who warned about “… the dangers of psychic communications and the work of the Dugpas – “the infamous Shammars” – the “Red-capped Brothers of the Shadow … whose pernicious work is everywhere in our way.”

Cleather saw Bailey’s contribution as part of:

“… the efforts now being made by the enemies of the Masters … to focus the attention of the whole thinking world of the West on the “Christ-World-Teacher” idea … and here shown to be a leading feature in Mrs. Bailey’s scheme … Nor is it any less dangerous to the progress of humanity, although the intellectual form in which it is so ably presented tends to disarm criticism and conceal the cloven hoof.[5]

Cleather and other Theosophists take great exception to what they consider to be a distortion of the original Blavatsky teachings and she highlights the idea of intellectual feats of daring-do that covers up what is essentially occult propaganda. The idea of a “Christ-World Teacher” embodied as an individual leads us away from self-responsibility, self-development and Christ consciousness materialising through networks of co-linear consciousness units. Instead it places the focus on externals and a deification-based authority. In the Bailey books, couched in unnecessarily complex esoteric jargon the whole thrust of the new dispensation is to: “… to prepare the world on a large scale for the coming of the World Teacher”. She opines that Bailey is now the “Blind leader of the Blind” who possesses some of the requisites of a writer of fiction. But, ‘Oh, the pity of it,’ that it should need but barefaced and entirely unsupported assertions, coupled with the detailed descriptions so greedily absorbed by the novel reading public, to completely impose upon the foolish multitude.”  In Cleather’s view it is a fruitless exercise to go over point by point of Bailey’s Cosmic Fire because: “… truth and error are so ingeniously mingled that to separate the chaff from the grain would need another volume of the same length.” [6]

And there lies the strength of spiritual cointelpro down through the ages.

Alice Cleather decries the following information given by Bailey regarding the “Kundalini fire” which Blavatsky defines as: “… the serpent power or mystic fire; it is called the serpentine or annular power on account of its spiral-like working or progress in the body of the ascetic developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult, or fohatic power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter.” [7]  Although Bailey also warns of the dangers of raising the Kundalini energy without taking into consideration many other factors she nevertheless provides inordinate amount of information regarding its possible journey for the disciple and thus invites experimentation.

Cleather is dismissive:

No words of mine could be half strong enough to condemn the advice here given to all and sundry in a printed book. The “transference” advised is probably the most dangerous in the process of Black Magic, which is distinguished from White by its use of the sex forces. It is found in such Tantrik works as The Serpent Power, by ‘Arthur Avalon’ … against the terrible dangers of which H.P. Blavatsky so constantly warns her readers and pupils. In most cases she says that such an attempt as above described would have a fatal result. For this one passage alone Mrs. Bailey deserves the severest condemnation. She is indeed playing with fire – the Fire of Kundalini, which, as H.P. Blavatsky says, ‘can as easily kill as it can create’.”  [8]

There were others who expressed their grave disquiet over the years. These included Theosophist Victor Endersby who in 1963, commented:

“There is a gulf as wide as the world between the presentation by H.P.B. and that of Bailey, in the matter of mode alone. H.P.B.’s was accompanied by voluminous evidence from many sources… Nothing of this appears in the Bailey output… the entire structure rests on her ipse dixit alone. One thing is certain: whatever her “K.H.” and “Djwhal Khul” may have been, they were not the mentors of H.P.B. That much is surely proven by the texts as anything could be.” [9]

Another more recent opinion from an American theosophist vented her spleen in no uncertain terms, claiming:

“The alleged Tibetan is probably a Jesuit priest, or someone akin to it, who preaches very freely about the coming of the Christ, and so far, he has been able to divert a great number of good students into his clerical and anthropomorphic views. The thorough study of the … ‘Classical Theosophical Literature’ is enough to show unmistakably that Alice Bailey is not a development of H.P.B. but its antithesis.” [10]

The warnings from Darkness Over Tibet and from the many critics within Theosophy place the Lucis Trust, The New Group of World Servers and thousands of members at the Arcane School reciting daily the “Great Invocation,” in an entirely different light. At the very least, it suggests reasons for the utmost caution, especially as these occult doctrines operate at the highest institutional levels. Remember too, that you have an explicit use of occult techniques along with networks set up to facilitate the creation of “special effects” via the use of “invocation.” Not only is this highly subjective and based on a foundation of occult principles that are designed to produce certain effects, nowhere do we find any questioning as to whether international institutions should be operating in this way and without any oversight or accountability regarding these effects and the true intentions of the freemasonic architects.

Anyone with a modicum of knowledge regarding magick of any kind will know that such a realm is fraught with danger whether you believe in its efficacy or not. The power of the mind is immense and when combined with any kind of ritualistic practice and certain geometric formulae (married to rather large egos) then certain doors can be opened which are best left closed. Using religious terminology, there is a very fine line indeed between the overshadowing light or angelic energy and the invocation of darkness and demonic influence. The quality of one’s consciousness will define whether one is duped into a belief trap or given the tools and knowledge to discern the objective truth of a situation. The present New Age teachings offered by Bailey and others require submission and acquiescence to principles based entirely on group consciousness and the Hierarchy of nebulous Masters and their “Plan.” Group consciousness – read: The Hive Mind – group endeavour, New World Servers, New World Religion, A UN-led New World military, a New World Government all represent the manifestation of a New World Order of a kind that has little to do with true spiritual emancipation. It does however, conform to a New World Slave State, where the power of your personal will and opportunity to choose will be lost in a techno-spiritual centralisation to beat them all.  This is the psychopath’s dream of Pathocratic Rule.

Is that over the top?  Perhaps. Or, it might not have even scratched the surface.

If we are able to read the writing on the walls of both ancient and modern history, the signs and portents told the same story over and over again: If we fail to understand the past and what leads to the rise and fall of Empires and their destructive effects we will be the victims of a kidnapped future where the whole cycle starts all over again, mirroring the very “meat wheel” of karmic entrapment.

Perhaps the only Master we need is the guidance of our own souls, pulling our personalities up by the bootstraps. As more networks of the like-minded cluster together devoid of limiting beliefs and armed with a true psychological awareness, there may yet be a chance for a more level playing field.



[1] Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary (Krotona, CA: Theosophical Publishing House, 1973), 105-106.
[2] http://tswiki.net/mywiki/index.php?title=Dugpa#cite_note-0 | Who Are the Dugpas in Theosophical Writings? by David Reigle
[3]  Theosophy and the ‘Bardo Thodol’ Or Examining Some Affinities Between Carl G. Jung And a Certain Tibetan Sect By Carlos Cardoso Aveline. | he quotes a footnote source as follows:  “Reincarnations in Tibet”, an article by H.P. Blavatsky, published in “Theosophical Articles”, volume III,  see pp. 358-359.
[4] p. 127; Buddhist Monasteries of Himachal By C.O. Handa, Indus Publishing, 2006| ISBN 978-81-7387-170-2.
[5] ‘A comparison between H.P.Blavatsky & Alice Bailey -‘The Pseudo-Occultism of Alice Bailey’ by Alice Leighton Cleather and Basil Crump, Peking, February, 1929 | 2001 Online Teosofiska Kompaniet Malmö http://www.teosofiskakompaniet.net/
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] op. cit. Cleather | A Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Section One, Division D, Kundalini and the Spine. | http://www.lucistrust.org:8081/obooks/?q=node/311
[9] Theosophical Notes Special Paper, Sept. 1963, 40.
10] The High Country Theosophist Vol 16 no. 4 April 2001. | http://www.hctheosophist.com/archives/pdf/hc200104.pdf

The Z Factor V: Terror Tactics

 “The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.

— Josef Stalin

“Terrorism” (Latin for terreō meaning “I frighten”) derives from the French word “terrorisme,” its origins drawn from the state terrorism practiced by the French government of Robespierre during and after the 1789 Revolution and its “Reign of terror.” Although many of us see these as a product of nationalistic, religious zealotry or anarchistic aggression, “terrorism” originally meant acts committed by a government but the origins became completely reversed now referring to the killing of innocent people by an external group outside government. The acts perpetrated were often shocking in their brutality, always ending in the respective government’s favour as the impeachable symbol of democracy and freedom. Sadly, the historical origins of these state dynamics have been continually altered and air-brushed away so that in the end, the truth is often the exact reverse of what we have been taught.

FlagjasperjohnsJasper Johns: “Flag”

A United Nations Secretary General report from November 2004, described terrorism as any act “… intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act.” [2] In fact, we can word this passage more accurately: “Terrorism are acts directly or indirectly instigated by governments intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act that is deemed counter to those governments, international banking cartels and corporate interests.”

Going hand in hand with this shock treatment is our beloved media searing the images into the public’s consciousness along with the requisite perception management comprising of a) a simplistic presentation either devoid of facts or the sins of omission and b) complete authoritative fabrications. This formula has been enormously successful reinforced by a legion of Hollywood films, all of which subtly or crudely reinforce the myth of Al-Qaeda/ISIL as the designated evil terrorist group bent on attacking America. Indeed, the FBI routinely hatches terrorists plots in order to keep the myth alive with “… undercover agents and informers pos[ing] as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training.”  Suspects naïvely play their parts until arrested. [1]

The Miami 7, the Fort Dix 6, the Newburgh 4, the Underwear Bomber, the Portland Car Bomber – all were set up with straw men so that they would be easily foiled, with the MSM singing the praises of brave intelligence men protecting the sanctity of the free world.  If the drama isn’t injected into the bloodstream of US consciousness on a regular basis then fear and ignorance begins to erode. You have to justify those devaluing tax dollars after all.

Something that must not be forgotten and which is already employed by the MOSSAD to great affect is the idea of double agents working within enemy organisations and terrorist groupings. Usually, agents act to promote the interests of the opposing side by carrying out acts of terror that serve to ostracise and de-legitimise both ethically and morally, the wider cause for which it is fighting, whether it is Irish or Iraqi freedom; Palestinian liberation or African independence. PSYOPS create lies and propaganda to bolster acts of terror in order to manage and contour public perception towards the idea that it is always the proponents of resistance who are fighting against the path of democracy, therefore to be mistrusted if not hated, which is easy if the terrorist atrocity is suitably shocking.

If the “terrorist” groups happen to conform to Anglo-American policy or have been paid or infiltrated sufficiently, they are “freedom fighters.” If however, they are counter to hegemonic designs then they are usually called “terrorists” or the more useful term of “insurgents” which allows for more invasive PR as and when needed.

Al-Qaeda (and now ISIL) are the main ingredients for the global “War on Terror” and the continuance of a “Strategy of Tension,” the forerunner of which were the stay behind,  anti-Communist terror teams of Europe, collectively known as Operation Gladio.[3] Its roots are drawn from a mixture of entirely fabricated justifications and a ruthless exploitation of underlying fears and grievances with roots in colonialism, Cold war and Empire building up to the present day. Islamic extremism is a prime pathology to foster as it widens the psychic wound in the mass mind still further after the trauma of war and generational socio-economic suffering. Manipulation of religious precepts based on centuries of genocide and war is a potent cocktail. It requires a keen knowledge of mass psychology, propaganda and the interlocking systems of finance, mafia, mercenaries and religious-political groupings to be able to apply this knowledge effectively. Fear is the only currency that routinely provides the best emotional exchange rate. The more fear is engendered, the better you can mould the perceptions and get away with mass murder and pass it off as a strictly homegrown act of terror set against the civilised West.

In the acclaimed UK documentary The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis Top CIA officials openly admit that the creation and history of Al-Qaeda as a terrorist network is a fabrication, though there are many other populist and academic sources that will prove the phony nature of Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden as the root of all the terror nonsense equally well. [4]

As former French intelligence officer Major Pierre-Henry Bunel states:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” [5]

The CIA has used his ghost to buttress the fantasy that is Al-Qaeda, employing fake media reports and video appearances clearly from persons other than Bin Laden himself which all fed into the aftermath of the new pearl harbour that was 911. [6]

Even the name of Al-Qaeda has produced confusion and even dark amusement in Arab circles as one commentator wryly observed: “You have heard before that ‘Al-Qaeda’ roughly translates into ‘the base,’ but were you aware that ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is Arabic colloquial for ‘I’m going to the toilet’? Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit?” [7]

A fair point.

The common tactic that has been referred to before is known as the Hegelian Dialectic, (though in truth, Hegel described social changes rather than pointed manipulation in this context). However, it serves a suitable framework for the thinking behind state-sponsored terrorism which goes something like this:

  • The government creates or takes advantage of an opportunity to exploit a problem then blames it on a target “enemy”.
  • The public reacts with anger and outrage and demands the government take action in the form of assistance, protection or overt action against the “evil doers.”
  • The government happily offers the solution that was waiting in the wings and planned long before the crisis in question.
  • Conclusion: civil rights and liberties are willingly exchanged for the illusion of government assistance, protection and action. Unfortunately, it’s all a sham.

 “To prohibit free speech is the first act of terrorism.”


This is the geo-political paradigm of our times largely unknown by the public, though hopefully this is slowly beginning to change for the younger generations of our Information Age. Government and military agencies at the mid to lower levels are also equally unaware of this old formula which writer G. Edward Griffin described as: “… not a war on terrorism to defend freedom, but a war on freedom that requires the defense of terrorism.” [8]

Flag_of_Israel.svg© infrakshun

For those still unconvinced that governments are incapable of killing their own citizens – en masse – for long and short-term political dividends, then please look at Washington’s Blog and their list of 42 admitted false flag attacks.

State-sponsored terror campaigns are not the exclusive domain of Zionists or Israeli extremists. However, the MOSSAD and Zionism have cornered the market in expertise having had a rich history in psychological operations, perception management and propaganda tactics. That being so, they have both the socio-political, ideological and professional passion to do what it takes to push through their singular agenda on the rest of the world.  That said, as I constantly reiterate, the only conspiracy worth paying attention to is that of the psychopaths in power. It matters little which political label he has temporarily created or hijacked. The Zionist Establishment is simply one facet of a overarching Global Establishment which has many psychopathic players. We’ll look at those dominant forces later in this series.

PSYOPS and false flag operations have been a specialty of the MOSSAD for some considerable time. These operations have created enormous pain and conflict the effects of which exist as social scars, warping perceptions, creating factional hatreds and civil wars. Though terrorist acts have extended back into biblical history the last fifty years has seen some of the worst with the MOSSAD either directly or indirectly involved. We will explore just a few of the more well-known operations.

In April 1950, a series of anti-Jewish bombings occurred in Iraq. At the time there were several thousand Jews living in the country who interestingly considered themselves “… as Arabs of the Jewish faith, rather than as a separate race or nationality.” [9] This integration would have been less than palatable to the Zionist underground which was already well established. During the intense exodus period that Zionist spellbinders were trying to encourage there was however, little enthusiasm for Jews to pack their bags to the recently colonised Palestine a repeating pattern in the Jewish diaspora generally. Despite the denaturalisation law due to expire in March 1951 and the growing fear by Iraqi Jews that large-scale pogroms were about to arrive, the attacks by many historians and commentators were later attributed to the MOSSAD. Despite a secret Israeli inquiry in 1960 which found no evidence that Israel was involved in the bombings, one always has to beg the question – the impartiality problem aside – who would gain the greatest benefit from such attacks?

InJuly 22, 1946 The King David hotel was ripped apart by a powerful bomb killing 92 British soldiers and wounding 58 who then initially blamed the atrocity on Arabs. Although members of the Jewish terror group Irgun Z’vai Leumi took responsibility for this crime, they also later made it public that they obtained the consent and approval of the Haganah Command (the forerunner of the Israeli Defence Force). The motive was to destroy all evidence the British had gathered proving that the terrorist crime waves in Palestine were not merely the actions of “fringe” groups such as the Irgun and Stern Gang, but were committed in collusion with the Haganah and Palmach groups and under the direction of the highest political body of the Zionist establishment. Then Prime Minister Anthony Eden was asked for his opinion after the bombing: “… It appears that, after exploding a small bomb in the street, presumably as a diversionary measure … a lorry drove up to the tradesmen’s entrance of the King David Hotel and the occupants, after holding up the staff at pistol point, entered the kitchen premises carrying a number of milk cans. At some stage of the proceedings, they shot and seriously wounded a British soldier who attempted to interfere with them. All available information so far is to the effect that they were Jews.” [10]

The Chief Secretary for the Government of Palestine, Sir John Shaw, spoke of his personal friends and colleagues who died in the attack comprising of: “British, Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Armenians; senior officers, police, my orderly, my chauffeur, messengers, guards, men and women – young and old – they were my friends. No man could wish to be served by a more industrious, loyal and honest group of ordinary decent people. Their only crime was their devoted, unselfish and impartial service to Palestine and its people. For this they have been rewarded by cold-blooded mass murder.” [11]

The failed 1954 Israeli Operation Savannah in Egypt where U.S. and U.K. targets were bombed and evidence left implicating the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, was a textbook false flag operation. One of the bombs detonated prematurely allowing the Egyptians to capture one of the agents and an eventual breaking up of yet another Israeli spy ring. The assignment was “To undermine Western confidence in the existing [Egyptian] regime by generating public insecurity and actions to bring about arrests, demonstrations, and acts of revenge, while totally concealing the Israeli factor. The team was accordingly urged to avoid detection, so that suspicion would fall on the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, ‘unspecified malcontents’ or ‘’local nationalists’.” [12]

The Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon was forced to resign over the incident. Thereafter, the scandal became known as “The Lavon Affair”. In March 2005, Israeli President Moshe Katzav presided over a ceremony honouring the bombers who carried out the attack saying that the Israeli government has “decided now to express our respect for these heroes.” [13]


Damaged USS Liberty one day (9 June 1967) after attack. (wikipedia)

On June 6 1967 during the Arab-Israeli war six mirage jets, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters initiated an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty killing 34 servicemen. Israel said its military had been confused by an out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier the El Quseir and thus a legitimate target, despite the fact that the vessel “was approximately one-quarter of the Liberty’s tonnage, about one-half its length, and offered a radically different silhouette.” Admiral Thomas H. Moorer was quoted in a 1991 Washington Post report that: “To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn’t identify the ship is … ridiculous. … Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument.” [14]

Another give away sign that this was a false flag came from the fact that the jets were unmarked. The only reason for such an anomaly was that Israel knew the ship was American, had planned to sink it and blame it on Egypt in the hope of pulling in US support for the Arab-Israeli war. Further evidence came 15 years later in the unlikely approach of an Israeli pilot to the Liberty survivors who then talked to former Congressman Paul N. McCloskey about his role.

The pilot said he had:

“… recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested. Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot’s radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.

The pilot’s protests also were heard by radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter has confirmed this. Porter told his story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak and offered to submit to further questioning by authorities. Unfortunately, no one in the U.S. government has any interest in hearing these first-person accounts of Israeli treachery.” [15]

True to form, rather than admitting the truth, the US embarked on a cover-up.

Retired Capt. Ward Boston in a signed affidavit released at a Capitol Hill news conference, said that President Lyndon Johnson and Defence Secretary Robert McNamara ordered the Navy’s inquiry at the time to: “…conclude that the attack was a case of ‘mistaken identity’ ” despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. US crewman Phil Tourney in collaboration with journalist Mark Glenn’s wrote the 2005 book: What I saw that day – Israel’s June 8th 1967 holocaust of US Servicemen aboard the USS Liberty. Tourney is no doubt what happened and who was responsible: He states: “You have to remember,” … “our ship had been on fire with napalm, and Liberty’s fuel tanks were burning. I was filled with rage and anger. We’re the greatest nation on Earth, and no one came to help. . . At that point I realized: We’re going to have to do this on our own. My biggest fear, though, was that the Israelis would return and finish us off. Plus, let’s be clear, every crew member knew Israel was responsible, because we saw their flag on the torpedo boats.” [16]

 “Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.

– Adolph Hitler

The Italian cruise ship the Achille Lauro was apparently hi-jacked on October 7 1985 by “members of the Palestine Liberation Front as retaliation for the bombing of PLO headquarters by Israeli forces in ‘Operation Wooden Leg.’ However, Israeli Defence Force arms dealer Ari Ben-Menashe in his 1992 book, Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, disclosed that the hijack had been organised and funded by MOSSAD. It was another attempt to cast Palestinians as the archetypal terrorist and to create a negative image of Arabs in the public.

Ben-Menashe wrote that the black operation was organised by Israeli agents via:

“… Abu-l-Abbas [or Mohammed Abbas Zaydan] who, to follow such orders was receiving millions from Israeli intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas . . . gathered a team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked on an elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, killed him, and threw his body overboard. They made their point. But for Israel, it was the best kind of anti-Palestinian propaganda.”

Abbas later apologised for the killing of the Jewish-American passenger Leon Klinghoffer mentioning: “The hi-jacking was a mistake, and there were no orders to kill civilians.” Though he was sentenced to five life terms in Italy, and was wanted in the United States, Abbas remained a free man. Egyptian Prime-Minister Hosni Mubarak allowed Abbas and other terrorists to fly to Tunisia while President Ronald Reagan sent U.S. warplanes to intercept the flight, forcing it to land at a US-Italian air base in Sicily. An extradition battle ensued but Italians refused to extradite any of the men. Then, in a move that was even more bizarre, Abbas was allowed to go to Yugoslavia while an Italian court convicted the hijackers – including Abbas – in absentia and found them guilty. Since the Italian court ruling Abu Abbas was still wanted in Italy but Israel’s agents in both the former Yugoslavia and in Italy did not hand him over to authorities very possibly due to Israel’s complicity in the operation which would have been raised in court.[17] Abbas died on March 9, 2004, in while in Iraq and in U.S. custody which had become a hotbed of MOSSAD-CIA-MI5 actvities.

It was highly probable that Abbas was in fact a MOSSAD asset all along. As Middle East expert Patrick Seale wrote concerning Abu Nidal and Palestinian terrorism: “Israeli penetration of Palestinian organizations was common, but it was clearly not the whole story. Most intelligence sources I consulted agreed that it was standard practice to use penetration agents not simply to neutralize or destroy the enemy but to try to manipulate him so that he did one’s bidding without always being aware of doing.” [18]

Another Israeli false flag worth mentioning is the bombing of another American ship, the Navy destroyer USS Cole on the morning of October 12, 2000. While harbored at the Yemeni port of Aden, a small craft, approached the port side of the destroyer and minutes later an explosion occurred which resulted in the deaths of 17 American sailors with 39 injured. The blast hit the ship’s galley, where crew were lining up for lunch. [19] Al-Qaeda apparently claimed responsibility. Several points were anomalous regarding the incident.


The 40-foot-wide hole near the waterline of the USS Cole

Firstly, the damage to the engine room was extreme, “with a 20 x 40 foot hole in the hull, main engines destroyed, bulkheads torn apart, and severe damage inflicted on the keel. Significantly, although the strike was on the engine room(s), there was no fire. This particular point will make sense to explosives experts.” [20]Moreover, the pattern of the damage along with forensic evidence recovered from the scene: “… suggests the USS Cole was struck by a television guided Rafael Popeye 2. The Popeye 2 differs only slightly from the American AGM 142A Raptor, being a little shorter in overall length and with a slightly smaller warhead. Popeye 2 is designated AGM 142B by the US military, but has never been purchased by American forces. The only nations currently known to possess and use this missile are Israel, Turkey and North Korea.” [21]

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh saw MOSSAD’s involvement as “probable” and accused the Israel’s agency of planning the attack since 1997 due to the infiltration of Israeli intelligence agents in “… Islamic movements such as Islamic Jihad … during their stay in Afghanistan” in the 1980s …” [22]

The Zionist influence inside the US administration helps to ensure such false flag operations have zero coverage – only that which helps the Zionist cause. In Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharatt’s personal diaries an excerpt from May of 1955 quotes Moshe Dayanstating: “[Israel] must see the sword as the main, if not the only, instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may, no — it must — invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation-and-revenge…And above all — let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries, so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space.” [23]

There are many more well-known and less well-known examples of MOSSAD’s presence regarding so-called terrorist atrocities and suicide bombings of the past. The World Trade Centre attacks of September 11th may have been the mother of all operations to date, which comprehensively changed not only the geo-political landscape of the world but more importantly the perceptions of the global population. Evidence of Israeli complicity is compelling, the success of which would have been impossible without assistance from rogue factions within the US military and Bush-Cheney administration. Consequently, it would be wrong to infer that Israeli intelligence and its handlers – despite its enormous sayanim / spy network – are the only ones blowing up innocent civilians for geo-political strategies. State sponsored terrorism has flourished under America’s CIA, Britain’s MI6 and MI5 all of whom have a long tradition of atrocity, though never reaching the high standards of Israeli Intel.

map34According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches:

“From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

– The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan” By Israel Sharak.

(Source: Greater Israel – The Zionist Plan for the Middle East By Michel Chossudovky)

Sometimes all three agencies work together out of necessity rather than any idea of trust which is an anathema given the nature of their objectives. The use of double agents is essential for marketing the War on Terror as a viable cover story. There is always a mix of Intel agents; Jewish-Americans and outsourced mercenaries posing as Al-Qaeda operatives. [24]

Among the “jewels” of false flag history include the much documented facts of the Gladio terrorist teams whose task it was to instil fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities. The famous Operation Northwoods paper also showed how psychopathology could insinuate its way into American politics with relative ease. This document called for acts of mass terrorism such as hijackings and bombings against American citizens in United States cities which could then be blamed on Cuba as a prelude to invasion. In fact, in 2002, the US administration was handed yet more evidence that “… the Israeli Mossad and other Israeli intelligence services [had] been involved in a 13-month effort to ‘recruit’ an Israeli-run, phony ‘Al-Qaeda cell’ among Palestinians, so that Israel could achieve a frontline position in the U.S. war against terrorism and get a green light for a worldwide ‘revenge without borders’ policy.” [25]

(Revenge appears to be a very strong psychological facet for some Zionist and Jewish mentalities as we will discover as it seems to crop up a great deal as a justification for war crimes against Palestinians and actions of the Jewish Mafia. We will explore both of these in further detail later on).

Meanwhile, yet another botched attempt by British MI5 operatives aka “Special Forces” in Basra, Iraq in 2005 saw the capture by Iraqi police of two Caucasian men dressed as cartoon Arabs, and were found with Arab disguises and advanced weapons stashed in the boot of their car. They had been merrily carrying out fake ‘insurgent’ attacks, including ‘car suicide bombings’ against Iraqi policemen and Iraqi civilians.

This even led to the British army storming the Iraqi police prison where the two were held and forcibly removing them. Such was there concern that covert operations might be revealed. [26] Albeit unusual, this was all reported in the online pages of BBC News.

These terrorist acts have also focused on ordinary Shia and Sunni Iraqis where funerals, marriages, market places and civilian meetings were deemed legitimate targets since the US-led invasion several years ago. These tactics are designed to provide continued justification for the US, and British military presence so that they are able to carry out their plan of terrorizing the population and igniting religious hatred, the results of which will see the country descending into chaos and if necessary, civil war thus paving the way for the balkanisation of Iraq into more manageable states. Corporate “reconstruction” continues to make a (literal) killing for overseas share-holders. Anglo-American-Israeli interests will continue to mine Iraq’s resources, while a once sovereign country is stamped with: “Property of Zion’s Greater Israel.”

An objective of false flag operations in this context would be, as Zio-Con strategist Michael Ledeen mentioned: “instability in the Middle East,” which he believes: “… is the preferred political state because it facilitates U.S. control of the region.” Ledeen who has extensive ties to Israel mentions without a trace of embarrassment: “Stability is an unworthy American mission and a misleading concept to boot, the real issue is not whether, but how to destabilize.” [27]  And false flag terror tactics fulfil that role precisely. (More on Leeden in a previous post)

With such a feeding frenzy of vested interests operating, a note of extreme caution must surely be directed at Israel and its MOSSAD. From such conscious drives to control others it might be said that an almighty fall usually results, the toxic effects of which return not only to the sender but a large proportion of humanity.  Victor Ostrovsky relates an eerie warning sign of one possible future:  “The one problem with the system is that the MOSSAD does not seem to care how devastating it could be to the status of the Jewish people in the diaspora if it was known. The answer you get if you ask is: “So what’s the worst that could happen to those Jews?’ They’d all come to Israel – Great.”

And in the face of geopolitical manipulations and interference, religious extremism and economic disintegration that is exactly what is happening. The MOSSAD may well find itself outmanoeuvred on the global chess board with catastrophic results.  Just imagine what would happen if suddenly all the fingers pointed to Israel and MOSSAD as the masterminds of Global Terrorism?

In typical Machiavellian fashion, those that are experts in deceiving, may themselves deceived.



[1] ‘Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.’ By David K. Shipler New York Times, April 28 2012.
[2] ‘UN Reform’. United Nations. March 21 2005.
[3] “Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.
The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. … The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.” – Operation GladioNATO/CIA “Stay-Behind” Secret Armies/ Truth Move / International Truth Movement, http://www.truthmove.org/content/operation-gladio/
[4] A partial listing for your own research follows: The Power of Nightmares BBC documentary by Adam Curtis. This is freely available to watch from various sources on the internet. ‘Al Qaeda and the ‘War on Terrorism’’ By Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2008. The Centre for Global Research: http://www.globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=7718 and read the updated version of his 2005 book: America’s War on Terrorism by Michel Chossudovsky,| ISBN 0-9737147-1-9 2005. wwwglobalresearch.ca.: “…new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy. According to Chossudovsky, the ‘war on terrorism’ is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.” | See also: ‘Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project’ by Andrew G. Marshall, Global Research, July 10, 2008 and ‘The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber’ By Joe Quinn, Sott.net, 29 Jan 2007.
[5] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ by Pierre-Henry Bunel, Wayne Masden report November 18 2005. “In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.”
[6] ‘Researcher: Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ – Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. Cnet.com September 12, 2007.
[7] ‘Existence of ‘Al-Qaeda’ Is Crap; Quite Literally’ – Did Osama really choose to name his terror network after potty humor or was it a computer database he used to chat with his CIA handlers? By Paul Joseph Watson, PrisonPlanet.com| October 6 2006: “The origins of the name “Al-Qaeda,” and its real arabic connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News, or any individual who cites the threat of ‘Al-Qaeda,’ as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism, they are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.
An organization by the name of “Al-Qaeda” does not exist and has never existed outside a falsely coined collective term for offshoot loose knit terror cells, the majority of which are guided by the Pakistani ISI, Mossad, the Saudis, MI6 and the CIA, that were created in response to America’s actions after 9/11 – as the recent NIE report shows.
According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous footage of Bin Laden marching around with armed soldiers was a ruse on the part of Osama himself, graciously propagated by the lapdog press, in which actors were hired off the streets, given uniforms and guns and told to look aggressive.” […]
[8] ‘The Chasm: The Future Is Calling’ (Part One) by G. Edward Griffin 2003, Revised March 17, 2011.
[9] ‘The Forgotten Refugees: The causes of the post-1948 Jewish Exodus from Arab Countries,’ by Philip Mendes, Latrobe University. A paper presented at the 14 Jewish Studies Conference Melbourne March 2002.
[10] ‘The Bomb Outrage in Jerusalem’ HL Deb 23 July 1946 vol 142 cc801-4 801| http://www.hansard.millbanksystems.com/
[11] The Chief Secretary for the Government of Palestine, Sir John Shaw, quoted in a BBC Broadcast..
[12] p. 81; Ben-Gurion’s Spy, by Shabtai Teveth ,Columbia University Press, 1996.
[13] ‘Israel Honours nine Egyptian spies’ Reuters, March 30 2005.
[14] The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14.
[15] Ibid.
[16] BBC Documentary on the USS Liberty: ‘Dead in the Water’ 2002. By Christopher Mitchell.
[17] April 23, 1996, Associated Press.
[18] Abu Nidal : A Gun for Hire : The Secret Life of the World’s Most Notorious Arab TerroristBy Patrick Seale Published by Random House; 1st edition, 1992, ISBN-10: 0679400664.
[19] ‘I Survived a Terrorist Attack: Jennifer Kudrik talks about the attack on the USS Cole’. Cosmopolitan. September 1, 2001.
[20] ‘USS Cole in Aden – Another USS Liberty?’ By Joe Vialls, mail-archive.com, 15 October, 2000.
[21] Ibid.
[22] ‘Yemeni Minister: USS Cole Blast in Planning Since 1997’ Middle East and Arab World Headlines: Albwaba News, December 12th, 2000.
[23] Israel’s Sacred Terrorism by Livia Rokach, Third Edition, University Graduates Inc. Belmont, Massachusetts. AAUG Press c1980, 1982, 1986 by the Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. ISBN 0-937694-70-3.
[24] ‘Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent’ The Sunday Times, “Allies say warnings were ignored. One of al-Qaeda’s most dangerous figures has been revealed as a double agent working for MI5, raising criticism from European governments, which repeatedly called for his arrest. Britain ignored warnings — which began before the September 11 attacks — from half a dozen friendly governments about Abu Qatada’s links with terrorist groups and refused to arrest him. Intelligence chiefs hid from European allies their intention to use the cleric as a key informer against Islamic militants in Britain. Abu Qatada boasted to MI5 that he could prevent terrorist attacks and offered to expose dangerous extremists, while all along he was setting up a haven for his terror organisation in Britain. […] | In Baguio City: Israeli terror suspect falls; cops eye link to al-Qaeda By Aris Ilagan, June 14, 2004. http://www.mb.com.ph/PROV2004061411759.htm |“Philippine National Police (PNP) operatives apprehended an Israeli suspected to be a member of the al-Qaeda terror network in in Baguio City on June 7.”
[25] “Mossad Exposed in Phony ‘Palestinian-Qaeda’ Caper by Michele Steinberg and Hussein Askary, December 20, 2002, issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[26] ‘British soldiers arrested over alleged killing’ Staff and agencies, September 19, 2005. “The fighting broke out after two British soldiers, allegedly dressed as Arabs, opened fire on a police patrol killing one officer and wounding another.” / ‘British Smash Into Iraqi Jail To Free 2 Detained Soldiers’ By Ellen Knickmeyer and Jonathan Finer, Washington Post Foreign Service, September 20, 2005. – “Iraqi security officials on Monday variously accused the two Britons they detained of shooting at Iraqi forces or trying to plant explosives.”
[27] Michael Leeden quoted in ‘The Zionist Occupation of Iraq – Is the ‘War in Iraq’’ by Christopher Bollyn, 10 January 2007.