Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep-State Part II

By M.K. Styllinski

Trump1© infrakshun

“That’s why we’ve witnessed such fury from her supporters – they had wrapped themselves so tightly in the Hillary flag that a rejection of her felt like a rejection of them. And when you consider that many American colleges gave their students Wednesday off  class because they were too ‘upset’ to study, you can see that this wasn’t a battle for the White House – this became a genuine battle for America’s future direction. And, indeed, for the West.”

‘Two Fingers to a Politically Correct Elite’ by Ian O’Doherty

Image is everything in America right?

Bill Clinton’s jazz-cool sax playing and predatory behaviour towards women; Barack Obama’s winning smile and languid nonchalance care of a marketing ploy of the first Black American fused with mythic qualities of JFK and Martin Luther King…. Who wouldn’t want such a man proclaiming “Hope and Change” after the Organ Grinder and Monkey of the Bush-Cheney years?

Well, that fell as flat as a week old soda. But not before havoc and mayhem was caused on behalf of Deep State movers.


In the heady days of Obamamania – so cool so fake. See: OBAMA: A LEGACY OF ASHES (2017)

Obama was a gargantuan disappointment failing to deliver on his stunningly hyped message of progressive change as an antidote to the Bush Junta. In particular, African-American supporters were thrown into tail-spins of disillusionment or a psychosis of denial because he gave the U.S. population the exact opposite of emancipation and liberal dreams of equality: he became the figurehead of the same regime change foreign policy strategy killing hundreds of thousands in the process. Our ex-human rights lawyer tipped this country into a full-blown police state and allowed the NSA to transform America into a surveillance society. Despite Edward Snowden, Bradley/Chelsea Manning and other whistle-blowers the dark maneuvers of the NSA  became public knowledge but didn’t change. If anything, it got worse.

Barack Obama’s presidency, (as was his diabolical Nobel Peace Prize) was a carefully managed stage show, the same shadow marketing which has shaped successive presidents to ensure a role designed to whittle away corporate accountability and dismantle the constitution;  to preempt and degauss a restless population and enforce compliance by stealth on behalf of their banking masters.

The same worship of authoritarianism is as relevant now as it was just after the Industrial Revolution and the outgrowth of elite institutional directives post World War II.  Accordingly, the same divide and rule formula in combination with the conditioned “normality” of statism had been used against a dumbed down populace for more than one hundred and fifty years. Yet, we live in the Information Age, an equivalent to an internal expansion of the mind in the same vain that the Industrial Revolution was an expansion of external control. And yet, still – STILL – you have terminally deluded individuals who feel duty-bound to support and defend this war criminal against all the bloody evidence. Such objective proof batters on the door of people with conscience up and down the country pleading to be recognised. Unfortunately, it seems denial and lies have been inculcated to such an extent that a collective Stockholm Syndrome is still holding sway.


Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep State Part I

By M.K. Styllinski

“I’m a bit of a P. T. Barnum.” Trump, 1991

Indeed he is – and so the show goes on.

Whether you like or loathe Donald Trump he appears to have been the first in a long time to have been democratically elected offering a platform of nationalist capitalism. It remains to be seen if this trajectory will oppose the hybrid blend of cultural Marxism and cartel capitalism which has been destroying the socio-cultural fabric of America for decades. Although Trump, with help from the media is perceived as a sexist, racist and bigoted demagogue (all, or some of which may be true) he is getting down to business and attempting change, despite the media-led hysteria and propaganda. What I want to do in these series of articles is not just explore whether Donald Trump is the caricature of the ivory tower rich but to question the hysteria and focus of the the left in light of their rude awakening to such a presidency. Moreover, how this cognitive dissonance is actually feeding into the Establishment’s wishes.

It’s proving a very tough call indeed for many who consider themselves “progressive” and “left-liberal” to see the wood for the trees. Indeed, it seems the very notion of “wood” or “trees” simply doesn’t register. Gee, we gotta have the first female president already…That’s all that matters right? The fact that Hillary Clinton is one of the most repellent criminals ever to stain politics seems to be of secondary importance. And it was the same PR/marketing brand of an Establishment candidate that propelled Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” into office. “Wouldn’t it be neat to have the first black president and then the first female president? Keewwwwl.”  And when that didn’t work out the encroachment of reality meant collective fingers were thrust into ears and screaming tantrums exploded into protests; calls for a democratic re-vote were screamed from behind balaclavas contradicting the whole basis of democracy in the first place: Whaaaaaaaaaaa! – cue toys thrown out of pram.

If that wasn’t enough, then the predominantly twenty-something middle class voters accuse “fascist pig Trump” of exactly the same style of group-think fascism in calling for his assassination and abusing anyone who has the temerity to think differently. So much for free speech. It appears as if inclusiveness and cooperation, tolerance and humanitarianism is only for those in your own tribe. Otherwise, you can apparently “Go fuck yourself.”

The videos here here, and here  pretty much sum up the petulance and hypocrisy on display to the point where self-entitled snowflakes hurl abuse at all and everyone and self-proclaimed “anarchists” decide to trash property and commit violence on Trump supporters. Now, despite having a few issues with Conservative and Libertarian views, when Barack Obama was elected there was no such reaction from this sector of belief nor did they have very public and attention-seeking meltdowns of the kind we are getting from the left in tandem with usual MSM editorials. I resonate to anarchism in its original meaning, the origins of which these spoiled young narcissists appear to have no clue at all, preferring to vomit their unresolved issues everybody else. Be the change you’d like to see in the world? If that’s the case then America’s fallen into the path of Non-being…


9/11: An Occult Ritual? I

By M.K. Styllinski

 “… the picture that emerges is that of 9/11 as an ultra-powerful mind-control and propaganda weapon—a psychological warfare tool of enormous proportions—infused with techno-sorcery and deep-level occult programming. 9/11 was a global MegaRitual

– occult investigative researcher, S.K. Bain

If the reader has problems in accepting the certainty that the official narrative of 9/11 is bogus, then I recommend you don’t read any further as it will either make you chuckle with derisive incredulity or make your head explode. Or both.

You might say everything that has gone before in this blog has been a primer in order to ease the mind into accepting the following scenario as at least, a possibility. None of this stuff is easy to digest and I recommend reading the introduction to this blog and as much as you can of the first few series before tackling the following pages.

It hasn’t escaped my notice that if people find it a challenge to process the idea that elements within government would willingly perpetrate a vast hoax and murder almost 3,000 people, then they are not going to embrace the deeper dimension that it was another example of a Grand Mega-Ritual sacrifice.

Out there right?

Padded_roomOur collective padded room (Source: creepypasta.wikia.com)

Well, you know what they say: truth be stranger than fiction.  And the more layers you peel away the stranger it gets until you reach a state of “High strangeness”. That may leave you with the realisation that the inmates took over the asylum we call society, a very long time ago. Welcome to the Real World as they also say…

With that little primer dispensed with, let’s move on.

The focus has been placed on occult Zionism due to it being in my view, the most pervasive and influential arm of the 3EM and thus the cause of the majority of our religious and geopolitical conflicts, which impacts all our lives to a greater or lesser degree. We have also traced the extremism of Zio-Conservative foreign and domestic policy; US Zionist spy networks and the presence of a Zionist 5th column within successive US administrations. The dominance of Jewish persons within media, Hollywood, politics and socio-cultural discourse is also extremely powerful. This does not mean that American-Jews are somehow all in cahoots with the Zionist Establishment but it does mean that the normal Jews and Jewish culture is used and exploited by psychopaths in a way that is intrinsically different to other forms of Establishment dynamics, as explored in previous posts. That being so, it means that the occult aspects of 9/11 must be viewed along side the obvious Zionist manipulations throughout history and which form an overall broader perspective.

With such an enormously strong history of macrocosmic inversion across the history of our Empire builders we see the same “chosen people” rising to the surface and used expertly by Zionist handlers who embody the original sin of the Pharisees and Levite Priesthood. Their mind-set reoccurs again and again, flowing through streams of freemasonic lineage and religio-occult groupings. 9/11 may have been one vast ritual sacrifice sanctioned by the highest echelon Establishment occultists, signalling a crucial phase in the progression of pathocratic rulership.

If we have been reading with an open mind, it will have been obvious that governments’ story of the 9/11 attacks is a conspiracy theory so silly as to insult the intelligence of anyone who is able to think critically. As illustrated in 9/11: The Point of No Return? our reaction to the attacks are as much about how we process reality as the veracity of what did or did not happen on that day. Perhaps it offers the opportunity for a vast mirror of self-reflection regarding what we choose to believe about 9/11 and the very nature of our social systems in which we live and have our being. Our choices regarding 9/11 – assuming we give it any attention at all – will determine where we are on the arc of awakening; whether we choose the official theory or stand up for an independent investigation (however unlikely). But letting your own voice be heard is vital. Whether we choose to remain silent or contribute to resisting lies, it is a descriptor of our worldview and thus offers an insight into the kind of person we are. And therein lies the opportunity.

To explain: What if all the gaping holes in the official story were entirely purposeful, merely acting as a smokescreen for the true nature of the tragedy? When are persistent patterns of “coincidence” transformed into realisations that there are hidden layers at work beneath the facade?

For some, that is not something to contemplate as it implies a whole world of change that is deeply uncomfortable. It is preferable to adhere to the official view (even some of the standard views within the 9/11 Movement) in order to maintain aligned beliefs which permit such a fraud to work in the first place. If that becomes broken what else will have to be addressed deep within ourselves? This is the main obstacle to uncovering the truth behind the 9/11 atrocity – our own self-importance and cherished beliefs.

Unexpected change is very hard for most of us. It took me a very long time to embrace uncertainty and change, whatever the situation. I only managed to do it due to several major shocks to the system which shattered the false part of myself so that there was no way for me to carefully piece them together again. A new self could be grown that was a little closer to the authenticity I hoped to embody. In the same way, 9/11 is one big shock to the collective human system that will ultimately force us all to make a choice: to follow the Official Culture of normalised lies and by default support it, or join together with others – whatever their race or creed – in order to draw a line in the sand which might be verbalised:

“I reject propaganda and lies. This is not the kind of world I want to support and I will peacefully defend the human conscience any way I can.”


© infrakshun

Before we continue to go deeper let’s review the 9/11 basics with a lengthy extract from journalist James Corbett at www.corbettreport.com. With appropriately wry humour he perfectly summarises the preposterous nature of the official story while providing a nice reminder of 9/11 events as a whole:

“On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with box-cutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.

These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst officewhere DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.

Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidenceliterally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.

The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish. It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to mention the existence of WTC7, Able Danger, Ptech, Sibel Edmonds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same time that those events were actually happening. It was lied to by the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Bush Administration and as for Bush and Cheney…well, no one knows what they told it because they testified in secret, off the record, not under oath and behind closed doors. It didn’t bother to look at who funded the attacks because that question is of “little practical significance“. Still, the 9/11 Commission did brilliantly, answering all of the questions the public had (except most of the victims’ family members’ questions) and pinned blame on all the people responsible (although no one so much as lost their job), determining the attacks were “a failure of imagination” because “I don’t think anyone could envision flying airplanes into buildings” except the Pentagon and FEMA and NORAD and the NRO. The DIA destroyed 2.5 TB of data on Able Danger, but that’s OK because it probably wasn’t important.

The SEC destroyed their records on the investigation into the insider trading before the attacks, but that’s OK because destroying the records of the largest investigation in SEC history is just part of routine record keeping. NIST has classified the data that they used for their model of WTC7′s collapse, but that’s OK because knowing how they made their model of that collapse would “jeopardize public safety“. The FBI has argued that all material related to their investigation of 9/11 should be kept secret from the public, but that’s OK because the FBI probably has nothing to hide. This man never existed, nor is anything he had to say worthy of your attention, and if you say otherwise you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist and deserve to be shunned by all of humanity. […]

Osama Bin Laden lived in a cave fortress in the hills of Afghanistan, but somehow got away. Then he was hiding out in Tora Bora but somehow got away. Then he lived in Abbottabad for years, taunting the most comprehensive intelligence dragnet employing the most sophisticated technology in the history of the world for 10 years, releasing video after video with complete impunity (and getting younger and younger as he did so), before finally being found in a daring SEAL team raid which wasn’t recorded on video, in which he didn’t resist or use his wife as a human shield, and in which these crack special forces operatives panicked and killed this unarmed man, supposedly the best source of intelligence about those dastardly terrorists on the planet. Then they dumped his body in the ocean before telling anyone about it. Then a couple dozen of that team’s members died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch. If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever. [1]

So, what were the effects of this momentous event? Did it change your life in any tangible way?  The fact is, the so-called attack on American soil on September 11th fundamentally altered the way of life for almost everyone on the globe, whether we realise it or not.

In subsequent years we have seen:

  • The elimination of habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights and the Fourth Amendment and the subsequent imposition of draconian laws. Similar clampdowns on the freedom of speech using the pretext of the War on Terror have also been enacted in Europe with humanitarian and civil liberties further eroded.
  • The militarisation of the police and the arrival of the police state and commensurate brutality.
  • The use and justification of torture.
  • The push for global resources under the pretext of humanitarian aid and the use of “coloured revolutions” for regime change. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and invasions of Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Syria with state-sanctioned assassinations and an increase in boarder conflicts are all part of a long term Anglo-American-Israeli doctrine for “perpetual war.”
  • Asymmetric proxy wars fought through private armies or mercenaries
  • The fermenting of a new cold war between Russia and her allies.
  • The rise of the surveillance state and technocracy.
  • An exponential rise in state-sponsored terrorism from Al-Qaeda to ISIL.
  • Mass exodus of refugees fleeing the Western-backed terror groups and more pressure on immigration issues.
  • A rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
  • A massive increase in high level propaganda via outsourced consultancies, lobbyists, think-tanks and mainstream media.
  • The further domination of transnational corporations in banking, food, oil, agribusiness over government policy.
  • Huge increases in military spending from governments worldwide at the behest of arms manufacturers and banking cartels.
  • The discovery of banking and corporate fraud as a symptom of the mainstreaming of the underworld to “overworld” economy.
  • The highlighting of the core corruption, insider trading and manipulation of the world markets by Wall Street and the global banking cartels as a way of life.
  • A continuous net increase of wealth to the richest on the planet while those in poverty get still poorer. (And this leap in affluence and ownership for the ooooooo.1% of the planet has occurred in particular since the last economic crash of 2008).
  • A serious escalation of the threat of nuclear war by US-NATO as an attempt to globalise conflict into a World War III scenario.

I’m sure you can include many other sub-categories, all of which have been directly and indirectly made possible from the events of 9/11.


The shrouded bodies of Iraqi civilians killed during fighting between insurgents and American Marines in Haditha, on Nov. 12, 2005.

We have explored the roots of the religio-occult and mythological significance of a possible Saturn-moon worship and its core links to the Establishment of today, most notably its pale reflection in Hassidic sects within Judaism such as Chabad Lubavitch and elite Zionism and even within the hierarchy of the Mossad – perhaps the modern equivalent of the “Saturn’s Children” of old. Clearly, they are not the only players. The fire-Prometheus-Lucifer-Sun cults upon which the Catholic Church is based is a far cry from Christ’s message. Militant Islam and Western intelligence’s fascist outpost of the Muslim Brotherhood are also represented. The structure and icons of all these religions and their off-shoots could show the remnants of a Saturnine past and the consequent cover up of our true spiritual origins.

What binds the 3EM together is occult Babylonian sourced magick – the root source of materialism, “temporal power” and the ceremonial psychopath’s heritage. That is the whole raison d’etre of the minority ruling elite: in order to maintain the illusion of these ancient  “intermediaries” there must always be a suitable incentive for the masses to place their trust in the structures of authority otherwise there will be chaos and violent “anarchy”. Yet, spiritual nourishment and societal order does not come from the rules set down by ancient totalitarian priesthoods and royal bloodlines of oligarchs and banking cartels. True anarchy shows us that hierarchical leaders are not needed though this does not exclude leadership and structure. Yet, this is what they would have us believe – for their own survival. As the character of high chancellor Adam Sutler tell us in the film adaption of Alan Moore’s graphic novel: V for Vendetta:

“I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want everyone to remember why they need us!”

And ritual blood sacrifice drawn from the population is the much needed “energy” to maintain their parasitical and vampiric place within the biosphere of humanity and Earth. Thus, their essential nature – much like their ideologies – has to be camouflaged with masks of sanity which inevitably slip much of the time and if we have cultivated the discernment to see it.  Nowhere do we find this more powerfully expressed than in the slow ponerisation of organised religion and materialist science, both two sides of a lost Truth: Religion as an echo of archetypal myths offering an emotional and mystical connection to higher densities of Being and orthodox science as a distant reflection of an ancient techno-science of alchemy. Only by a marriage of both can we begin to remember our past. And remembrance and redemption of a once sacred spiritual science is firmly under lock and key of the Elite.

cloudkey1© infrakshun

Meantime, overt occultism becomes a  commonly accepted part of culture, whether Wiccan or Freemasonry, Jewish Kabbalah or Theosophy, they are the scraps from the global priesthood which serve to keep the mass mind occupied and “in the know.” The psychopath and his worldview is often: “… transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) and yet he is the personification and channel for Non-Being and darkness. Deception is only useful if it successfully substitutes art for artifice, lies for truth, hierarchy and spiritual dogma for a living personal connection with Spirit.  And this is where the use of symbols, emblems, amulets, talismans, motifs and modern iconography comes in. These is the medium by which Brotherhood of Saturn/Satan/Serpent telegraph phases of progression within occult theology and practice.

Our culture is saturated in updated versions of ancient symbolism in much the same way as the supra-ancient six-pointed star as endless variations on that geometrical template has shown. After all, remember that part of the reason our paleolithic and neolithic ancestors  carved symbols into rock was so that they could interpret earth changes and the clash of the celestial Titans. They did so because it was both a creative imperative and a warning for future communities. This time the symbolism is displayed through corporatism, pop culture and ritual motifs. It is plastered all over the events of 9/11, perhaps as echoes of those past epochs and as a game of numbers and messages by an elite that is impressed by its own deranged self-importance.


© infrakshun

Why is it that the occult psychopath is so enamoured of symbols and alchemical formulas?

It is rather like the tripartite relationship of the key, the lock and the door. Symbols and their numerology were formulated by observing, attuning and communing with Nature where all knowledge lies (“as above, so below”.) Occult magicians are obsessed with deciphering the keys, finding the locks and opening the doors (portals) between different locations of reality where an array of “Gods” resided and that were naturally attuned through our bodies and minds – through our very DNA – during the Golden Age.

Like all things, symbols can be inverted toward a perceived destination and contact that is somewhat different. And if one is interested in observing the ancient power-sharing practice of Saturnine ritual sacrifice you can imagine what kind of invocations are necessary and by extension, the type of demands which needed to be met with whomever they made “contact.” We might also say that “energy follows thought” and the application of primal energy such as sexual desire – a bio-chemical kundalini and the instinct of fear – appear to have a strange power when married to the presence of blood sacrifice, a throw back to the dark magickal rituals which unlocked particular “powers.”

In other words, it may not be simply symbolic but the use of codified information that quite literally allows the correct configuration of keys to access certain demonic archetypes built up over time. Whether or not this is objectively true I’ll leave it up to the reader to decide.  Suffice to say, that this is a simple description of a more complex belief system which will assist us in understanding why 9/11 was a “key” event in occult ritualism and which unlocked much more than we may realise.


Magical symbolism and sacred geometry represents the belief that certain fundamental laws of the Universe can be unlocked. Perhaps they can…but be careful which door you open….| © infrakshun

So, we might see “sacred geometry” and “words of power” act as codified rotes of information locked into the symbol, rather like the hieroglyphics of old and even modern day algebraic and trigonometric mathematics where one single equation can embody a raft of meanings.  We might even say that much of our quantum technology can bundle information into a smaller and smaller “space” in much the same way as an ancient symbol bundles concepts and laws which then need the right keys to unlock them, though beyond the usual laws of space-time.

What better way to encrypt “alchemical” secrets and Universal laws of access through a series of interlocking shapes which both conceal and reveal to a suitably primed initiate?

Perhaps the Golden and Silver Ages of humanity saw ancient science and technology far in advance to what we have today. The limitation of the five senses is transcended through the medium of symbolic designs and may hark back to a time when humanity used sigils and symbology much more than vocal language. And this does not mean all alchemical and magical symbolism is inherently evil (unless you are a religious evangelist) since benign custodians of the past may have also used the language of symbols to protect spiritual knowledge. 21st Century occultism is merely a degenerate form of an ancient science in this context, with institutionalised rituals offering a custodial role of knowledge transference to benefit only a psychopathic minority.

And of course, symbols of power have built-in safeguards to lead dilettantes away from danger in much the same way as Baconian Ciphers in the Elizabethan era. Icons and geometric-mathematical shapes may act as keys to higher levels of awareness and also believed to transmit or transduce “energies” or frequencies which have been built up over time in the same way that an electrical circuit can be charged and/or earthed by turning on the mains supply. And the quality of that flow depends on our depth of Being – or Non-being. This can be applied symbolically but for occultists, most literally, drawing their beliefs from the remnants of an ancient science which gave rise to a tradition of inscribing stones, floors and landmarks because they were seen as power points on a “circuit board”. Specific cosmograms or glyphs offered a programmed purpose such as locking in ritual “spells” and/or releasing them at certain junctures; unlocking certain energies (geopathic, electromagnetic, Schumann Waves etc.) which were somehow utilised. Could that be true? Is there evidence that suggests such a thing was possible? Well, again that line of research is too much for this post but therein lies a great Secret of the Ages: how stones, symbols, energy, sound and human consciousness may have literally formed a different kind of civillisation at critical junctures.

Orthodox science is catching up with esoteric science in the sense that the latter seeks to set down in writing certain psycho-spiritual treatises for the individual and group to attain liberation from matter i.e. by developing a REAL self, the growth of the soul, as opposed to an amalgamation of conditioning and survival instincts which keep us “asleep”. Science uses largely reductive methods to pick Nature apart in order to understand her and thereby improve our own lot (or the profit margins of the overshadowing sponsor).

For most of science man is a machine and consciousness is a by-product of a neurological Skinner box or the transhumanist avatar. Esoteric science and its knowledge is experiential and intuitive, practical and entirely objective in the correct setting. This can only be proven by applying the knowledge, it seems. Occult brotherhoods predicated on white, black, grey or Satanic magick place ritual invocation as a primary benchmark of control and are thus ultimately inviting the same quality of control back into their lives.

The Grand Magician cannot see past his own self-absorbed choices. 

As occult beliefs play a huge part in the Three Establishment Order and its geo-political aspirations we must entertain the possibility that some form of occult psychological warfare reached its destructive apotheosis on the morning of September 11th 2001 and beyond. There is a certain music of chance which may exist in the events and occurrences in and around 9/11 expressed as a mathematical probability, interwoven with apparent signs and portents which, on their own, are nothing. However, taken together and with much of the information covered in this blog so far, it becomes somewhat more compelling.


© infrakshun

In fact, for experts in the occult and politics – nothing happens by chance. Meaning can be seen in the most random events and symbolism ascribed to the seemingly mundane. Granted, if we are mystically-minded one can see almost anything we wish in the ocean of numbers and formulae which make up the “ethers” of our daily lives. Regardless of whether we are atheist, agnostic or religious, occult belief exists in the world in a way that is largely hidden from ordinary people but nevertheless permeates almost every facet of society.

Now, whether occultism is founded on principles which have an ancient scientific basis is irrelevant. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. What is important is that many of the psychopathic insiders of our world do believe it and use forms of magick as a primary tool in their operations. Accordingly, they affix meaning and power to astrology, cosmology, human psychology, sexuality, death and blood ritual. Symbolism, esoteric cycles and timing is a vital part of that grandiose game. What is beyond doubt is the power of the human mind to affect potent changes imbued by the strength of belief. Only when we discard the evidence of the occult and seek to trivialise its influence as a parlour game with silly costumes and lighted candles (though this exists as well) do we become prey to the same comfortable fantasies and illusions that prove so useful for those who corral and control.

What emerges in the 21st Century is the cool, calculating logic of machine-consciousness and mapped to the esoteric science of ancient wisdom. We are talking about people who have an entirely different take on reality to our own. So much so, that they effectively exist as a breakaway civilisation living apart in both a material and perceptual sense.

What if it were indeed true that the suppression of technology and ancient knowledge had been taking place for centuries? Do you think that such a possibility is rational or is it just a product of our overactive imaginations?

Judging from the way history has clearly shown us that the long-term hoarding and suppression of knowledge not only took place but is actively occurring today, it is a strong probability that the elite manifestation of wealth consolidation is a descriptor pointing to something much deeper. Namely, an esoteric knowledge linked to Earth Changes and celestial catastrophism and the pathological hubris that they can lie safely in their bunkers and ride out the storm. They hope to rise phoenix-like from the ashes they have helped to create. Hence the importance of 9/11 as ritual ignition which aligns with the caricatures of religious fundamentalist eschatology and the promise of a New World.

If a collection of psychopathic cabals have technology and power to make fantasy and illusion appear real, at least for a while, and to wreak the destruction that they have, we could also posit the idea that there is the kind of knowledge and technology which would appear as “magical” to us as a computer would have done to Medieval man. In this context, the occult symbolism may align to such a destructive technology /weaponry which blurs the boundary between mind and matter. In the hands of psychopaths we have seen the very gates of hell opened.

And we may wonder indeed what we have allowed in.

Exactly who these people are is immaterial as we will only ever see the barest trace of their footprints by the light the moon, and their Saturnine calling card is played out through Kabbalistic numerology and sacred geometry.

And what fun they have with the masses!


© infrakshun

This, unfortunately is the literal gateway to host of other numerical matches, symbols and metaphors that pile up one after the other until finally, there is a coherent framework of occult meaning. Yet we cannot see the significance because most of us have not been educated to understand symbolism both in terms of the occult and in terms of the more simple motifs which arise from the landscape of our inner life in general. Therefore, as part of our cultural paradigm of Cartesian/Darwinian materialism we are educated to believe that such things cannot possibly play a part in our lives.

When a practical, community-centered living and healthy connection to nature and art was replaced by the “Age of Reason” and the onset of an extreme scientific rationalism, it helped to banish harmful superstitions but to also sever the connection to Universal Creativity and myth. This change in human focus eventually led to a pathological emphasis on materialism as the source of meaning. Over time we have been shaped into a techno-narcissistic culture bereft of the significance of ancient wisdom based on service; the oral tradition and relevance of dreams; the lost knowledge of social and community relationships which without using rose-coloured spectacles, nonetheless provided emotional nourishment and spiritual pragmatism. Carefully managed belief systems by perception management teams since the early part of the 20th Century have determined what we consider worthy for our attention without our even knowing that these thought streams our not our own. Cultural osmosis does the rest.

Whereas Freud embraced the nihilistic dead-end of psychoanalysis and its obsession with death and sex, Swiss psychologist Car Jung based much of his life’s work on the importance of the soul and a re-enchantment of the concept of Self, which he believed worked through the unconscious and a rich dream symbology. The loss of awareness concerning cultural motifs, archetypes and metaphor has left us at the mercy of those who have retained such knowledge having inverted it towards their own twisted visions. The occultists – black and white – had already been accessing these archetypes, elemental motifs and Gods and Goddesses in order to “create reality” according to their wishes for a very long time. Jung’s genius was to formalise some of the mechanisms and processes whilst offering some academic credence along the way.

Occult historian and symbologist Michael Tsarion suggests that we are suffering from “a chronic symbol illiteracy” largely drawn from the use of subliminal persuasion in media and advertising which he terms: “a psychic dictatorship.” He explains how our present culture uses: “… the deliberate and subversive manipulation and public purveyance of words, images, numbers, colors, rhythms, and symbols which are subsequently directed, via ubiquitous media oracles, toward the limbic areas of the human brain.” Tsarion believes that this is in part the cause of many physical and psychological disorders, especially in the young, bombarded as they are by: “elaborate and insidious cryptic language specifically designed to stimulate conflict between fantasy and reality” which over time, eventually undermines healthy drives and normal functioning of the human unit. As we have witnessed, the young are primary targets of exploitation at virtually every level of human endeavour. Hardly surprising then that we have all been led down a singular path toward a very bleak future.

He further explains:

The young are, by definition, closer to the creative force than the average adult. They are also more influenced by the limbic brain and, therefore, respond with greater zeal to the erotic and even perverse symbolic messages which have become increasingly pervasive in their life- and think-space. The invasive, clandestinely directed, content has been adroitly designed to bypass their moral conscience and rational filters. The results of this psychic dictatorship are devastating. […]

Subliminal messages permeate television programs, computer games, magazines, billboards, products, and musical productions. They are, however, not limited to the ambience of the young. They are just one of the weapons in the arsenal of psychopathic corporations whose entire modus operandi concerns profit and dehumanization. All that is truly aesthetic, traditional, cultural or substantial merely stands in the way of their monopolistic stratagems, their aggressive, relentless efforts at reducing the entire human race to a body of narcissistic, sense-infatuated, desensitized, amoral, immoral or actively criminal ‘smiling depressives.’” [2]

The author makes a point of describing the coordinators and designers of certain mass-appeal programmes such as MTV, Big Brother, X-Factor and others as the product of “technological witchdoctors and cyber-space sorcerers” using a variety of techniques: “… such as Tele-hypnosis, Metacontrast, Hemisync, Synaesthenia, and Embedding … with the same deadly effect as any past voodoo, sorcery, or telepathy.” [3]

Let’s also remember the pernicious infection of Nazi ideology that has seeped into ritual symbolism and mind control and contributed to the entrainment of a whole population. The same principles have been in operation, most aggressively, since after the Second World War. It was not that the Anglo-American-Israeli Elite were new to such occult inversions but that they actively encouraged the Germanic revival, precisely because they were historically its designated carriers, and cognizant of the power of symbols.

Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light c. 1937

Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light, c. 1937: “.I’m beginning to comprehend some of the reasons for Hitler’s success. He is restoring pageantry and color and mysticism to the drab lives of 20th century Germans.” – William L. Shirer| Source: Rare Historical Photos at: www.rarehistoricalphotos.com


The Tribute in Light on the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center. This commemoration may have occult significance for a minority who saw September 11th as a sacrificial ritual marking and the next phase in the “restoration” of a World State. (The lights also reinforce the numerology of 11, the symbolism of which we will explore later). photo: David Shankbone (cropped) (wikipedia) 

When advertisers, marketers and public relations are under the guiding hand of this oligarchical patronage then it is easy to understand why numbers and symbols play such an important role in societal programming. It is for this reason that signs and symbols which have become part of the collective unconscious and cultural fabric of everyday life can be flipped on their head and manipulated to produce a particular response.

As we have seen, the ubiquitous presence of freemasonic / Illuminist lore is founded on the magickal formulas of the Kabbalah which in turn, is drawn from the influence of Babylonian Talmudism from over two thousand years ago. It has since permeated both Jewish and Catholic traditions,  the entertainment culture forming the basis of occult magick across all Establishment lines. It is the esoteric language of the Elite which author Philip D. Collins believes can be deciphered, provided we have a basic awareness of the language of signs, otherwise known as “semiotics”.

The study of esoteric signs falls into three categories which Collins outlines as:

Iconic: These signs normally resemble something else. They are approximations, facsimiles. Examples: statues, pictures.

Indexical: Like the index in the back of a book, these signs refer the percipient to something else. They are used to establish causal or physical relationships. Examples: Smoke is commonly an indexical sign for fire. A shadow is normally an indexical sign for a physical body in front of some light source.

Symbols: These signs express some convention and hold a shared meaning for those interpolated into the culture. These signs must be learned. Examples: Words, numbers, flags.

Complementing this is also “Intertextual reference” which denotes the creative “… correlation between more than one text, thus augmenting a sign’s meaning.” [4]

Collins provides examples of many narratives within media and entertainment which: “‘… embody the paradigmatic character of the situation and images surrounding 9-11” where such “… synchronicities were consciously engineered by the entertainment industrial complex.” Intrinsic to certain films’ blatant and subtle imaging such as the ‘America under attack’ meme in Pearl Harbour (2001); Independence Day (2001); along with the more esoteric examples such as 2001 A Space Odyssey (1969). Most of the literature and later films of H.G. Wells are all also examples of “paradigmatic templates” which were then promulgated vigorously by Establishment media organs in order to be “… instrumental in creating a cultural milieu that would be hospitable to future media manipulations.” And perhaps most importantly: “By the time of the WTC attacks, the collective subconscious of America was fertile with memes (contagious ideas) planted by [such films].” [5]

In the same vain, Collins includes an example of intertextual referencing care of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s seminal book: The Grand Chessboard where the statesman delineated the geo-strategy by which America would attain global primacy and eventual one world government. He states: “… as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, exception the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.” [6]

In other words, he is saying “listen guys: the next phase is approaching for manufacturing that next “threat”.  Here’s how….


US Department of Justice 1997 Emergency Response to Terrorism self study manual (1997)


“Illuminati” is a stand alone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG) in 1995 and inspired by the 1975 book, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. (wikipedia)

We have looked at the idea of Hollywood engineering in ‘Official Culture: “Lights, Camera, Reaction!” From a variety of cultural sources ranging from films, literature and US Department training manuals there are many examples of what amounts to intentional “psychic entraining” “Predictive programming” or on occasion, perhaps the innocent intuition of future events, which is much more common than we may think.

Filmed in January 2000 and aired on US TV networks in April 3 2001, an episode of The Lone Gunman [7]  – a spin off from the X-files series – told of a plot to hijack planes and crash them into the World Trade Centre.

Here’s a short extract from the transcript: 

What is Scenario 1 2D? We know it’s a war-game scenario that it has to do with airline counterterrorism…. Why is it important enough to kill for?

Because it’s no longer a game.

But if some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario why target you for assassination?

Depends on who your terrorists are.

The men who conceived of it in the first place….. You’re saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline —

There you go, indicting the entire government as usual. It’s a faction, a small faction.

For what possible gain?

The cold war’s over John but with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market’s flat. But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City and you’ll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world just clamoring to take responsibility and begging to be smart-bombed.

I can’t believe it.

This is about increasing arms sales.

An astonishingly accurate appraisal of the situation, I think you’ll agree. If the writers of the series dealing with conspiracy plot-lines can predict such a thing, one might ask why the US military-intelligence did not? (Perhaps because they were already involved in making it a reality?)  You can see James Corbett’s analysis of the actors and writers involved and how they handled such a highly accurate rendering of what took place just four and half months later.

Innocent coincidence? Psychic “bleed-through”? Or just another one of those occasions where an insider has a little game with the public?


“Diehard” (1988)

Two years before heralded the Die Hard film franchise which involved a very successful blend of high suspense, evil European terrorists and a very tall building. It was another case of intertextual and symbolic entrainment. There are also literal references to September 11th in the script itself all packaged up with flying, terrorists, towers and 9/11. It has been one of the most popular series of films ever made firmly implanting the idea of terrorists as independent external threats to government and law and order. The terrorist meme has been replayed in countless, films and T.V. shows ever since. There are many more examples too numerous to mention with the shadow of Pentagon help looming large in the background.

The key protagonist and inspiration for this occult-propaganda onslaught was provided by the occultist and British intelligence operative Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) who famously appointed himself as the “Great Beast.” Crowley’s views meshed neatly with much of early Illuminism which rode the resurgence in occult practice in the 19th and twentieth centuries: depopulation, elitism, sex magick, ritual invocation, all tied up with the same Weishauptian principles of Revolution. The masses were viewed by Crowley in much same way as any other members of the puppet Elite from Kissinger to Rockefeller, Prince Philip to Brzezinski. He stated: “We should have no compunction in utilising the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. We do not insist in trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well-being and enjoy their wool and mutton. In this way, we shall have a contented class of slaves who accept the conditions of their existence as they really are and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of the cattle.” [8]


Aleister Crowley in 1912 and the doyen of Anglo-American occult

Once you have researched every aspect and nuance of the September 11th attacks for many years the feeling one derives from the theories, evidence, science (and endless noise) is that all of it is somehow designed to be suspicious. It is meant to be confusing, silly and almost satirical in its cruelty; placing clues and smokescreens to distract and misinform. Much of the official story is so obviously hackneyed in its planning where non-sequiturs and logical fallacies abound that the researcher is led to a mix of truth and lies in equal measure. It is a masterly exercise in the tradition of an occult trickster, worthy of Hermes himself and implies a keen understanding of crowd psychology and the internet society.

Historian Michael A. Hoffman II characterises the depth of the game to which we are, to a greater or lesser degree all unconscious participants in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (1989) which, although written well before September 11th confirms: “… a physical, technological tyranny as well as a tyranny of the mind,” where: “The issue of controlling humanity with esoteric words and symbols encoded within a play, a media spectacular or a ritual is one of the most difficult for people to comprehend … Even as [we] dance… to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, [we] scoff… with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from the media and government.” [9]

Hoffman is convinced that the power of ritual murder has enormous psychological repercussions upon a clueless populace, wholly unaware that technology is now enmeshed with ritualistic programming via music, media, advertising and false-flag military operations equalling a physical and psychic attack on a mass scale. He asserts that these “mega-rituals” are: “… not solely bound to the achievement of the immediate effects of the attack on the victim, but may in fact be a part of a larger, symbolic ritual magnified by the power of the electronic media, for the purpose of the alchemical processing of the subconscious Group Mind of the masses.” Hoffman tells us that “it is the subconscious that is being addressed in occult ritual, in a process CIA behavioural scientist Dr. Ewan Cameron termed, ‘psychic driving.’” [10]

It is this process that by-passes critical thinking, making discussion on subjects such as the 9/11 attacks almost impossible in Official Culture. It is clear that “The Black Arts adepts” and their involvement in the orchestration of 9/11 along occult lines are not mad in the sense of mindless lunacy. They are in fact responsible for: “…a brilliantly orchestrated ritual whose ceremonial aspects were as precise and detailed as the internal workings of a clock.” [11]

We would do well to be cognizant of this possibility and never underestimate the ritualistic nature of mass mind control.



[1] ‘A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory’ By James Corbett (video) http://www.corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/
[2] ‘Symbolic Literacy’ by Michael Tsarion 2008 |www.taroscopes.com
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘The Semiotic Deception of September 11th’ by Phillip D. Collins, December 31st, 2004. http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] The Lone Gunman (2001) ‘Did you Know?’ | http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0243069/trivia
pp. 199-200; The Law is For All: The Authorized Popular Commentary on Liber Al Vel Legis Sub Figura CCXX, The Book of Law. Phoenix Ariz. 1996; Quoted in ‘False flag Terror – the Occult Connection’ by William Ramsey from his book Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order.
[9] A. Hoffman II, Michael ; Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 1989. July 2001.
[10] Ibid
[11] Ibid.



Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (2)

““Megabucks, rather than forces of Cabala, move the events in the Middle East.”

– Israel Shamir

Once the security had been taken over then planning could proceed accordingly. When the Towers did come down then ALL the evidence had to be cleared away and dispensed with, which indeed it was. The 9/11 terror architects had to be very sure that their meticulous operation was not discovered in the aftermath. The steel had to be quickly cut up, shipped off to Asian smelters so that it could be dealt with far from the prying eyes of forensic investigators. Christopher Bollyn’s meticulous research detailed in his book Solving 9-11 (2010) pinpoints several characters who spirited away any damning evidence that would connect them to the scene of the crime, all of whom were surrounding New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani like spokes to a wheel.

The Hugo Neu Schnitzer company run by Robert Kelman received, processed and shipped almost 230,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Centre with some of the steel transported directly from ground zero to waiting barges which were then ferried to Kelman’s New Jersey junk-yard. It was here that everything was cut, mixed and shipped to Asia including countries such as Malaysia, China, South Korea and Japan. Hugo Neu processed 250,000 tons (88%) of WTC steel in a severely depressed scrap market. As Bollyn remarks: “The price of scrap steel for export in 2001-2003 was at its lowest level in 50 years, between $70-80 per ton. Why would a steel trader in New Jersey spend $25 per ton to ship the WTC steel to distant Asian smelters when it could have been shipped for a fraction of the cost to U.S. steel companies?” [1]

Ten years later Hugo Neu has major shares in Agua-Agro Fund, an Israeli venture capital outfit. Managed by Nir Belzer who is co-founder of Israel’s Millennium Materials Technologies Funds with Oren Gafri who is particularly interesting in light of nanotechnology:

From 1979 to 1989, Gafri served as an executive of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Ltd (IAI), Bedek Division, as the Manager of Materials and Process, in charge of the Chemical, Metallurgical, Composite and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) facilities, Labs and R&D. He trained at Israel’s Nuclear Research Center (Dimona) in the Negev Desert. Gafri is a specialist in energetic nano-composite coatings exactly like the one that pulverized the 220 acres of concrete floors in the World Trade Center. Belzer and Gafri’s MMT Fund is invested in several companies that produce such coatings. [2]

Hardly coincidental one would think.


Evidence at Ground Zero being destroyed and shipped away as scrap metal (Source: 911research.wtc7.net)

Other less well-known individuals in the Giuliani Partners consulting company all seemed to play crucial roles in the cover up and destruction of evidence. Two of these players were: “Pasquale J. D’Amuro, the FBI inspector in charge of the 9/11 investigation, who supervised the ‘non-investigation’ at the World Trade Centre, and Richard Sheirer, the ‘Jewish knight’ who oversaw the removal and destruction of the crucial steel evidence by having it sent to Zionist-run scrapyards in New Jersey…” [3] The Mayor had been a long time Zionist tool and Neo-Conservative war-hawk on Iraq and Iran for some time, regularly back-slapping the Israeli lobby and ADL. As Paul Craig Roberts asserts: “… practically every Giuliani advisor is a member of the Lobby.”  [4] It is not an exaggeration to say that without Giuliani much of the 9/11 cover up could never have run as smoothly as it did.

At a press briefing on the recovery operations at the World Trade Centre disaster area September 21, 2001 at the Emergency Operations Centre in New York City, Giuliani was accompanied by then Jerusalem Mayor and future Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert. Bollyn raises a vital question: when scores of Israeli agents were already being found to be running around military infrastructure of the United States, why did Giuliani hide: “… the fact that Olmert had been in New York City on the day before 9/11 and probably on the day itself.” And further: “Why was Olmert in New York City on 10 September 2001, and why has his visit been kept secret?” [5] (Since corruption is a normal state of affairs in politics, Olmert must have ruffled someone’s feathers since then, as he was given a six year sentence and fined $290,000 for accepting bribes).


Ultra-right wing trio: Likud’s Ehud Olmert mayor of Jerusalem with mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani and Republican Sen. John McCain at the Emergency Operations Center in New York on September 21, 2001. What was Olmert doing in a secret meeting one day before the 9/11 attacks? Why no mention of this apparent coincidence?

None of this would have been able to happen if Billionaire Chabad Lubavitcher Ronald Lauder of perfume corporation Estée Lauder had not been on the New York State Research Council on Privatization and lobbied for the privatization of the WTC.  [6] An active member of the Jewish National Fund, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the ADL, Jewish Theological Seminary and elected President of the World Jewish Congress in June 2007, Ronald Lauder was well-placed within the sayanim support network. The MOSSAD’s use of the art world as cover crops up again with Lauder who, as former US Ambassador to Austria: “…has a fabulous collection of paintings that has made him one of the most envied and influential figures on the world art market.”  [7] Enter Lauder’s secretive mistress Daniella Luxembourg and her business partner Amalia Dayan, both from art auctioneers Phillips, de Pury & Luxembourg. Dayan is the grand-daughter of Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defence Forces in the 1950s and later Defence Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel.


Ronald Lauder

The descendants of PNAC, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy think tanks are part of Lauder’s ideological base. As is the case with all his colleagues – he has the financial and military intelligence clout to assist the MOSSAD machine. As another Bush supporter who praised his “ideological vision,” a principle of Chabadism that demands an active ideology to supplant all else, Lauder reiterates the force tabled by the Great Rebbe:

“I am convinced that Israelis desire, and have a right to ask for, such a newly-invigorating ideological vision. They demand it from their leaders. Israelis want to know – Jews the world over want to know! — not only how the army is going to be strengthened or the financial system reformed, but where Israel is going. Why we are going there. What do we believe in – and how this is manifested in policy. Israelis need to believe in the justness, correctness and moral superiority of their path, and this can only come from a shared and well-tended ideological vision.”  [8]

This “moral superiority” is still being “manifested in policy” to a most dangerous degree from the likes of Lauder and his immense political leverage within Zionist and Lubavitch circles. With close ties to Benjamin Netanyahu and family links to the Federal Reserve, the cosmetics magnate is currently president of the World Jewish Congress, with multiple interests in real estate and Israeli media. As a dedicated follower of Chabad Lubavitch, he helped set up many Lauder Chabad elementary and high schools in Vienna, Austria. In 2009, he inaugurated the first Jewish University in the city “with a curriculum drawing on methods and courses used at the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania” and which includes a heritage centre directed by a Chabad rabbi. One article on the Chabad Lubavitch website reported on dinner in his honour following the event where he stated: “… that he owes all of his accomplishments in establishing Jewish education to the merit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. ‘Without me meeting his emissary, Rabbi Biderman, 20 years ago in this city (Vienna),’ said Lauder, ‘all of that I have done would not have happened.’”  [9]

It was also Lauder’s Chabadism which led him to endorse propaganda think-tank EMET which was aimed at buttressing support for Likudnik Ariel Sharon’s plans to scupper the Middle East peace process. Lauder: “… met with Sharon in September 2000—just before the latter staged his provocation at the Islamic holy sites on the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, triggering the on-going violence.” [10]

The foundation to EMET was drawn from billionaire members of the Zionist spy-group “Mega” headed by Edward Bronfman to which Lauder had direct links due to his fanatical devotion to the ideology of Lubavitch war. Or as Israel Shamir described: “The megabucks call themselves ‘Mega group.’ This name appeared in the media … as a name for the secret Israeli mole in the upper reaches of the U.S. establishment. It came up in an overheard phone conversation, later denied by the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The newshounds and spook watchers got it wrong. ‘Mega’ was not an agent, Mega was the boss.”  [11]


President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder in September 2014
(Photo: Michael Thaidigsmann via Wikimedia Commons)

It was in May 2001 at the Manhattan mansion of Edgar Bronfman, the head of the World Jewish Congress, where Lauder found himself amongst 50 of the “… richest and most powerful Jews of the U.S. and Canada. There was no press coverage, no limelight, just a few lines in the newspapers… They agreed to launch a PR program under the Orwellian codename of ‘Truth’ with the purpose of influencing American public opinion regarding Israeli policies.” Shamir goes on to say: “Megabucks, rather than forces of Caballa, move the events in the Middle East.” [12]  However, this would be to hugely underestimate the power of Zionism in the world today. Yes, there is a lot of money involved from the likes of 50 billionaires but this is only half the story as we consider the events of 9/11.

Not to be outdone by Frank Lowy’s Institute, Lauder founded the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy based in Herzliya, Israel. It is one of the most prestigious Universities in Israel and the US. With a great emphasis on psychology and counter-terrorism. With more than an obvious Israeli bias it effectively acts as a recruitment university for the IDF and the MOSSAD whose headquarters are just down the road. Uzi Arad is director of the institute of policy and strategy at the school after being a senior official in MOSSAD for 25 years. [13]

As with so many Israeli software companies, Odigo’s Research and Development (R&D) centre is based in Herzliya, North of Tel Aviv. It was the Israeli Odigo company who received at least two warnings two hours before that the 9/11 attacks were imminent and failed to alert the authorities. In fact, South East Asia News Corp tells us that more than 4000 Hebrew-speaking persons were warned of the impending attacks by Odigo’s messaging system. Nationality and religion had nothing to do it, despite the ADL attempting to paint such “conspiracy theories” as anti-Semitic rants. According to Bollyn: “Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by more than $267 million from ‘insider trading.’” A former Israeli military officer, the CEO of Comverse, Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, was charged on several counts of fraud but allowed to escape. (This did not stop him wiring $7 million to his his account before absconding to Nambia). [14]


Yakobi Alexander

As explored in The Z Factor series many scores of Israeli-based telecommunications and software companies are operating in the United States which are: “… sponsored by Mossad funding sources such as Cedar Fund, Stage One Ventures, Veritas Venture Partners, and others.”

Bollyn continues, that unsurprisingly:

“… the portfolios of these Mossad-linked funding companies contain only Israeli-based companies, such as Odigo. Reading through the strikingly similar websites of these Israeli ‘VC’ funds and their portfolio companies, one can’t help but notice that the key ‘team’ players share a common profile and are often former members of ‘Israel’s Intelligence Corps’ and veterans of the R&D Department of the Israel Air Force or another branch of the military. Most are graduates of Israel’s ‘Technion’ school in Haifa, Mossad’s Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) [15]

And under the Interdisciplinary Centre (IDC) also based in Herzliya, a private, non-profit university with a “research institute” which was headed by Shabtai Shavit, former head of the MOSSAD from 1989- 1996 is called the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism. The Lauder school comes under its auspices. With assets like this straddling the telecommunications and software infrastructure of Israel and the US what other utilities were monopolised during 9/11?

Quite a lot, it seems.

Ptech Software systems had the FAA, NATO, USAF, Congress, the White House and virtually all US Federal departments as clients during September, 2001. MITRE an important defence contractor were deeply connected to CIA/ MOSSAD front outfits and dual nationality, Zionist personnel. In fact, it seems: “Ptech software [was] loaded with trapdoors and Trojan Horses … sold and loaded onto the MOST sensitive computer systems that failed miserably, or performed well (depending on your view), on September 11, 2001. Ptech was with the MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency.”  [16]


NORAD emblem

It was the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) and the FAA who presided over so many delays and failures of procedure in tracking, intercepting and communicating the hijackings to relevant authorities. Claiming there were “oversights” or “errors of judgment” do not stand up to even the lightest scrutiny. NORAD has still not explained its role in the serious time lags and breakdown in protocol during the 9/11 attacks and remains one of the most suspect players in the whole charade. Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee; CFR member and Chabad supporter Sen. Carl Levin is of central importance on this issue. When Time Magazine named him “one of America’s 10 best senators” this was the moment that Levin had official Establishment approval, and it is not difficult to see why. The Michigan Senator is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation’s military, including military research and development, nuclear energy and the Department of Defence, National Security, military benefits and the Selective Service System. He is also an ex-officio on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and most importantly perhaps – the Select Committee on Intelligence. That’s a lot of power for a man who has publicly lauded Chabad Lubavitch in the Senate and has made a pastime of covering up Israeli financial transgressions. [17]  It appears these skills were honed during the 9/11 operation and beyond.


Senator Carl Levin during a Senate confirmation hearing

On September 13, 2001, when Vice-Chairman of the JCS, Gen. Richard Myers, and NORAD Commander Ralph Eberhart were meant to be grilled as to why, how and what went wrong regarding the hijacked flights, it was Sen. Carl Levin’s committee that allowed them to walk away without so much as a reprimand. Caroline A. Valentine was one of the first to alert us to the behaviour of Levin and rightly points out that a major part of the 9/11 hearing was vectored away from finding the truth just as it was with every other tightly controlled internal “commission” and “inquiry.”

Valentine includes a letter in her 2002 article “Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch” [18] from her fellow 9/11 investigator Dick Eastman who, on June 10, 2002 wrote an open letter to the editor of The Village Voice clearly showing how Levin “shielded” General Myers from critical questions from other panel members. General Myers appeared to be bumbling, unsure and could barely remember his name. But it was not a question of nervousness. Myers is not a delicate wall-flower but approved as one of the most capable men in the US military. Therefore, this was a case of intentional and disingenuous stalling fully aware of the stakes at hand. Valentine notes the discrepancy in her own forthright and humorous way:

Note how Levin jumped in to save Myers from Senator Nelson’s pointed questions getting at the heart of the matter of “what happened to the response of the defense establishment,” of WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED THAT THE MILITARY SUCKED EGGS FOR 40 MINUTES AFTER TOWER TWO WAS HIT LETTING THE PENTAGON EVENT HAPPEN. Levin very cleverly takes over the conversation — gets Myers off the spot — and diverts everything onto the trivial small picture detail question of the time of specific phone calls from Specific agencies — rather than the all-important broad system questions Nelson was going for. In fact, Levin, thinking that he was quicker than Myers, here jumped in with an answer that Myers could use to evade the really important and critical questions of Sen. Nelson. […] Senator Levin, you would not have jumped in with that remark if you were at all interested in getting to the bottom of the mystery of the 40 minute failure of the Air Force to intercept a plane attacking the Pentagon in Washington D.C. [19]

The dialogue effectively saved Myers from any more nonsensical blustering with Senator Levin’s remark drawing a line under any more questioning: “And in any event, but more important, if you could get us that information.” The subject of why jets were not scrambled; who phoned whom and when, and why NORAD did nothing as two jet-airliners cruised into the Twin Towers obviously wasn’t of sufficient importance for Myers to remember the basic facts. He was allowed to march happily away and criminality was set free. Needless to say, no other information was ever forthcoming, thanks to Levin.


Richard Bowman Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in September 2002.

The fact that General Myers’ behaviour was so odd and the whole committee meeting a waste of time prompted another cardboard cut-out, military brass-tack to be shoved into the spot-light to provide a get-out clause for all the non-answers.

Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, the French-Canadian second-in-command of the North American Aerospace Defence Command, suspected “… there might have been more than just the four aircraft involved.” Suspicions were drawn from the fact that: “… passengers left a grounded plane on Sept. 11, somewhere in North America.” And could the good Lieutenant-General provide the committee with answers as how 40 minutes of thumb-twiddling preceded two jet-airliners crashing into what should have been the most heavily defended location on globe? The General too, it seems, thought this quite normal stating: “From our perception, we think our reaction on that day was sufficiently quick that we may well have precluded at least one other hijacking. We may not have. We don’t know for sure.” [20]

One thing of which we can be sure, those “perceptions” didn’t include anything approaching the facts at the time of the attacks nor in front of the committee, which made the General’s testimony of no use at all. This may have been the real goal. But Pennie made another blunder. If, as the General mentioned: “In the minutes after the Sept. 11 attacks, control of the continent’s airspace was turned over to NORAD” and the last attack occurred at 9:38am, then as Valentine points out: “… it means NORAD did not respond until after the last hit, until after 9:38 a.m. Ahhh, so that means… Oui? Lt. Gen. Pennie thus contradicts American generals Myers and Eberhart. The operations officer at the time that control of North America’s airspace was transferred to NORAD happened to be a Canadian naval captain, Gen. Pennie said.” [21]

What was a Canadian Naval Captain doing responding to an air attack on the United States? The General wasn’t there just to look after his own skin but follow the implicit cues from Carl Levin, General  Myers and Ralph Eberhart.

Let us also remember that it was Senator Levin and co-conspirator John McCain who were given the job of drafting the National Defence Authorization Act bill, (NDAA) which permits the worldwide provision of indefinite detention without charge or trial of those far from any battlefield. The bill was passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without a single hearing. This gives us some idea as to whom such a bill would benefit: exactly the players who pulled off 9/11. [22] McCain’s lobbying companion Chabad-Zionist Joe Lieberman – who thankfully retired the Democratic party at the end of 2012 – is a supporter of the Iraq war and like all Likud accolytes, has urged action against Iran. Vehemently opposed to freedom of speech and any form of dissent, equating it with “terrorism” and drafting bills to hack away citizens’ rights, Lieberman was also famous for ordering search engine giant Google to flag blogs with a “terrorist content” icon. [23] Not content with supporting warrantless spy-tapping against American citizens, during a July 2012 press conference on Capitol Hill, Lieberman: “…urged fellow lawmakers to pass his Internet spying bill in order to prevent what he dubbed ‘a cyber 9/11 or a 9/11 Pearl Harbour.’” [24]

Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman

Where have we heard that before?

It was the actions of Levin and NORAD which prompted panel members Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton to begin to question the whole premise of the 9/11 Commission Report. Kean stated: “We to this day don’t know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth.” [25] Whilst senior counsel to the Report John Farmer, Jr. supported the misgivings of his colleagues going further by stating that “… what government and military officials had told Congress, the Commission, the media, and the public about who knew what when—was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue.” Farmer believed that “… the (NORAD) tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public.” [26]

Zionist appointees were scattered all over 9/11 panels, commissions and committees which sprang up immediately after the attacks, so it is not surprising that the heat remained directed toward Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and later the less than innocent Saudi Royal family. Meanwhile, Zionists and their relgious fanatics on the Chabad and Evangelical divide provide the perfect cover.



[1] ‘Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, April 18, 2011 |www.bollyn.com
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘Leaderless and Clueless: America Heads for the Trash Can of History’ By Paul Craig Roberts, Information Clearing House, November 28, 2007.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Governor George Pataki, Acting governor Di Francesco Laud Historic Port Authority Agreement to Privatize World trade Center, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Jul 24, 2001, Press Release Number: 101-2001. http://www.panynj.gov/
[7] ‘Estee’s son and heir on the scent of a new life’ Daily Mail, March 14, 2006.
[8] Lecture Summary, 7th Conference 2007, Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, Founder, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya. | http://www.herzliyaconference.org.
[9] ‘Cosmetics Magnate Inaugurates Vienna’s Only Jewish University’ By Shmulik Laster, http://www.chabad.org October 29, 2007.
[10] ‘Israeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss’’by Jeffrey Steinberg, Aug. 31, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[11] ‘Kugel Eaters’ By Israel Shamir, May 6, http://www.mediamonitors.net
[12] Ibid.
[13] http://www.portal.idc.ac.il/
[14] ‘Mossad – The Israeli Connection To 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, Exclusive to American Free Press April 14 2005.
[15] Ibid.
[16] Ibid.
[17] ‘Senator Carl Levin’s,Arlen Specter’s ‘Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory’ vs JFK ‘Magic Bullet’ Assassination Theory’ by Tony Ryals, Philidelphia Independent Media Centre, August 20, 2009.
[18] ‘Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc. http://www.Public-Action.com June 15, 2002.
[19] Ibid.
[20] ‘General suspects Sept. 11 plot was wider’ By Tu Thanhha, Montreal, Globe and Mail, Jun. 13 2002 / Apr. 22 2009.
[21] op. cit Valentine.
[22] “On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield.” http://www.aclu.org/blog/tag/ndaa
[23] ‘Joe Lieberman Wants Terrorist Labels on Blogs’ http://www.unelected.org | http://www.unelected.org/joe-lieberman-wants-terrorist-label-on-blogs
[24] ‘Lieberman claims his Internet spying bill would prevent ‘a 9/11 Pearl Harbor’’ By Stephen C. Webster, The Raw Story, July 24, 2012.
[25] The Ground Truth: The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11. By John Famer Jr.; Published by Riverhead Books. 2009. | ISBN 1-59448-894 (intro).
[26] Ibid. (p. 261) | ‘The Ground Truth’. By Harry Levins, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 6, 2009.

Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

– Voltaire

We have explored the influences of Dominionism and Authoritarianism in the United States, and there was also a brief look at  the powerful Jewish sect of Chabad Lubavitch presently embedded in Europe, the US government and part of the rising tide of religious extremism currently jostling for supremacy. Lubavitchers – or Chabadniks – draw their beliefs from the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and other classical works of Judaism with a strong emphasis on apocalyptic redemption which they hope will pave the way for a distinctly Jewish theocratic World Order. Recall that many high-level US officials are still keen supporters of Chabad Lubavitch such as Paul Wolfowitz, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Senator / retired General Carl Levin, and Orthodox Jewish rabbi Dov Zakheim whom we met previously.

On March 11, 2002, Zakheim gathered with over 500 emissaries of Chabad from all corners of the world in order to celebrate the birthday of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the spiritual guru of Chabad. The big bash took place just opposite the Pentagon 9/11 crash site. Considering what we have discovered so far about Chabad Lubavitch and Zionism it is more than a little ironic that there was a party for a guru who extolled the virtues of a messianic Jewish theocracy hosted by insider Dov Zakheim who had managed to furnish Israel with more weapons than any other Jewish individual in the history of arms brokering. As Journalist and historian Caroline A. Valentine observes: “Islam is the most vigorous religious rival to Judaism. How does the ‘peace for Israel’ sung about in ‘Oseh Shalom’ relate to 9-11? Think back to the massive slaughter of Palestinians (and other Muslims) Israel has been able to effect since 9/11. There is no sweeter peace to be found than at the graveyard of one’s enemy …”  [1]

Let’s just remind ourselves of the nature of the “spirituality” being taught by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson whose beliefs remained consistent throughout his long life and which gave rise to the official Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine so prominent in US politics and Chabad centres round the world. In his book Gatherings of Conversations (1965) we get to read exactly what the Rabbi believed.

The “Great Rebbe” states:

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…

…An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.” [2] [Emphasis mine]

There is little doubt that the vast majority of Jews have no idea what this man has been saying on their behalf. Yet, further analysis of these statements isn’t necessary since anyone who is able to to think rationally can see that the above takes the notion of Jewish tribal exclusivity and supremacy to new heights, specifically mentioning that anyone who isn’t Jewish naturally has one’s spiritual origins in “satanic spheres”. It will become apparent just how serious these statements are as we proceed.

In 1995, a year after the death of Schneerson the yearly commemorations took off with a posthumous award by Congress: the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honour possible for a civilian in the United States. The Baltimore Jewish Times, (who it seems, were equally perplexed) reported: “More than a year of intensive lobbying by Chabad forces generated some 225 House co-sponsors of the authorizing legislation” which made it possible for Schneerson to become the first religious leader to be the recipient of the coveted award. Furthermore, it seems the lobbying had a financial incentive whereby: “Copies of the gold medal — which was underwritten by donations from admirers of Rabbi Schneerson — are being sold by the Treasury Department. According to Washington sources, that could be a big money-maker for the federal government.” [3]


Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Chief, circa 2007.

In 2006, Chabad Lubavitch supporters and Zio-Conservative Michael Chertoff, then Homeland Security secretary and Joshua Bolton, the White House chief of staff had high-level talks with Chabad emissaries during a two-day commemoration of the 12th anniversary of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s death. Bolton and other White House officials “… assured Chabad representatives that President Bush would never force Israel to concede territory to the Palestinians without a quid pro quo,”… where Bolton admitted that: “Bush would follow Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s lead in deciding what concessions to support.” [4] Since Olmert is a militant Zionist that wouldn’t give Palestinians much to hope for. One might also ask the question right there: if the preceding information wasn’t known, how it is that that an honour of this kind can be given to Schneerson who presided over a sect that is evidently, at its root, one of the most racist and fascist movements on the planet?

The only change which has occurred under Barack Obama is that Chabad Lubavitch has grown stronger.

The American Friends of Lubavitch (AFL) was set up by leading Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Abraham Shemtov, one of the closest aides to the late Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Shemtov’s interests are adopted by the National Security Council and the State Department in that he has regular access and contact with a few dozen ambassadors. [5] It is ostensibly a humanitarian, educational and Jewish facilitation hub, but in reality, it is a Chabad indoctrination outfit extending deep into the heart of international politics with its: “… 3000 affiliated centres across the country and around the world,” and where:“… requests for assistance from the Washington Office arrive in a steady stream, often urgent in nature.”  [6]

This urgency takes on new meaning when we recognise how much influence Israeli lobby groups an religious organisations have over American politics. If we are to believe the “Great Rebbe” Schneerson is revered as the New Jewish Messiah, then it is his doctrine that pervades Chabad Lubavitch’s religious imperative as the following statement by a Lubavitcher confirms:

“Our supreme obligation is to submit to the orders. Only later on we can ask for explanations. As was said at the Sinai mountain, we will do and then listen. […] Today, we should insist and demand and not to ask and try to convince or negotiate, but demand. Demand as much as it is possible to obtain, and the most difficult part is, everything that is possible to obtain, the more the better.”  [7]

In June 2012, the lobbying continued under the AFL conference named “The Living Legacy” which saw Congressional leaders and top Obama administration officials rubbing shoulders with “… several hundred Chabad emissaries from across the United States.” Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the majority leader in the US House of Representatives, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the House minority whip; lawmakers such as Jeremy Bash, the Chief of Staff to Defence Secretary Leon Panetta; Bruce Reed, Vice President Joe Biden’s chief were all in attendance and dolling out the required applause. [8] Most importantly, all this socialising was to make sure that the US administration kept the “… bipartisan commitment to the US-Israel relationship” firmly handcuffed to fiscal policy and the need to keep that money flowing. [9]


Rabbi Abraham Shemtov speaks to supporters at the Hilton New York. (wikipedia)

In September 2001, Chabad Lubavitch already had its supporters in politics way before Bush or Obama and who may have proven to be crucial lynchpins in the 9/11 cover up. Remember Larry Silverstein, owner of Silverstein Properties, most of the World Trade Centre and close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu? Like Bibi, presently gunning for a conflagration with Iran as per Lubavitch prophecy, it seems Silverstein is also a closet Lubavitcher, at least when it benefits his financial goals. If Jewish businessmen and Chabad supporters suffered during 9/11 and the 2008 crash, after his billion dollar pay-out, Larry was certainly not amongst them. Nonetheless, never one to turn down a freebie, he turned up for some kosher nibbles at the Chabad House on Wall St. run by Rabbi Katz and his wife Rachel who, according to Chabad Lubavitch’s official website: “… maintains a dawn to midnight schedule of classes and tefillin regulars in some of New York City’s most high-powered corner offices. His Chanukah menorah lighting venues have become something of a legend.” Before 9/11, Rabbi Katz invited Silverstein to light the Chabad Wall St. Menorah (which must have been the most supremely ironic moment, even for Larry). This was followed by many other prominent Wall St. big-wigs showing their support for Chabad such as philanthropist George Rohr in the New York Stock Exchange boardroom and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg who hosted a menorah lighting ceremony in 2007.  [10]

Silverstein is just one part of a substantial network of Zionist-Lubavitcher businessmen who may have enabled the corporate-logistical elements of the 9/11 attacks to take place. They represent the “asset assistance” group for Zionist operations. Frank Lowy owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world; Ronald Lauder of Estée Lauder fame and Lewis Eisenberg who was the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during the attack on the World Trade Centre – all feature as businessmen whose wealth has been put to great use for the Chabad-Zionist cause in America.


Frank Lowy 2011 (wikipedia)

Ranked as #2 in Forbes.com’s list of Australia and NZ’s richest individuals, ex-Goldman Sacs Lowy, partnered Silverstein in the 99 year leasing arrangement and rented a shopping concourse area called the Mall at the WTC. Made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space it was just one in a number of retail outlets based in the US and Australasia. Bull-horned in one of their own press releases, Westfield America assets is: “… worth $59 billion, representing 124 shopping centres in four countries with over 10 million square meters of retail space. It is the world’s largest retail property group by equity market capitalization”. [11] Nothing unusual there, but it takes on a slightly different hue when we realise Lowy was also a member of the Jewish terrorist group Haganah and fought in the Israeli war of independence as a member of the Golani Brigade, one of the most highly decorated infantry units in the Israel Defence Forces – and the most questionable when it comes to Zionist fanaticism. [12]

With a military-corporate history like Lowy’s it will not come as a shock that he has fingers in both banking and politics. Having immigrated to Australia in the 1950s where he became chums with another tycoon Zionist Rupert Murdoch, he has been moving in banking circles for decades ending up on the board of Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia, which are effectively Australia’s Federal Reserve System and issuer of Australian dollars. Founded with his own money Lowy presides over the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, based at Tel Aviv University in Israel, an extension of the kind of academic Zionism that Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz would appreciate. Spending a few months of the year in Israel it gives him time to catch up with old friends which used to include Ariel Sharon and now Benyamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, all of whom are Chabad supporters and right-wing Likud Party militants. It was Avinoam Brog, Barak’s brother, who told the Sydney Morning Herald that Lowy’s “influence is such that if he wanted to talk to any politician in Israel, then he could. And they will listen.”  [13]

While Lowy has kept a very low profile indeed in relation to his involvement with 9/11 he has been busy behind the scenes in gathering together those that would have benefited from the attacks. The Lowy Institute for International policy is another “who’s who” of Zio-Conservatives, military intelligence, banking, corporate directors CEOs and Elite families coming together to direct global policy from an Australian perspective. It is the Asian stronghold of Brezezinskian economics. The RAND corporation, Brookings Institute, JP Morgan, Chevron, former Goldman Sacs executives and Homeland Security officials – they’re all there and more besides. [14] Most notably, Martin Indyk, former US Ambassador to Israel, President and Director of the Foreign Policy Program at the pro-Israel Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. Indyk’s right to use classified information was re-instated by then Secretary of State Madeline Albright in 2000 citing the turmoil in Israel and the Gaza Strip and “…for compelling national security reasons.” Nonetheless, the FBI still considers Indyk to be one of the prime suspects in the hunt for the Israeli spy known as “Mega.”  [15]  [16]

Assuming that the hunt wasn’t compromised from the start…


Martin Indyk

But should there be any PR problems then Likud supporter and media mogul Zionist Rupert Murdoch is always on hand. He has been associated with all three men and the recipient of awards from the ADL, the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), and the New York-based Museum of Jewish Heritage, mostly due to the substantial donations he has given to the organisations over the years.

Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn quoted Sam Kiley, veteran journalist on the Middle East for the London Times who wrote about the mogul’s involvement of the newspaper:

“‘Murdoch is a close friend of Ariel Sharon.’ Kiley said Murdoch’s friendship with Sharon, led senior staff at the paper to rewrite important copy. ‘Murdoch’s executives were so afraid of irritating him that, when I pulled off a little scoop of tracking down and photographing the unit in the Israeli army that killed Mohammed al-Durrah, the 12-year-old boy whose death was captured on film and became the iconic image of the conflict, I was asked to file the piece ‘without mentioning the dead kid,’ ” Kiley wrote. “After that conversation, I was left wordless, so I quit.’  [17]

The visit with Sharon included a trip for Murdoch and his editors from New York and London that ‘took them on a bird’s-eye tour of Israel aboard a helicopter gunship, flying over the Golan Heights, West Bank and settlements.’” 


The late Ariel Sharon (left) and media tycoon Rupert Murdoch were close friends

Like Lowy, another employee on the Goldman Sacs cartel conveyor belt and currently working as a senior adviser at a private equity firm, Lewis M. Eisenberg is an ardent Zionist and member of the planning board of the United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli pressure group. A financial supporter of the Bush-Cheney campaign and Dov Zakheim’s 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Eisenberg is your classic PNAC, Zio-Conservative and Wall St. predator. He believes that bankers have had a hard rap and unfairly “demonised” which should give you some idea as to where his loyalties lie. [18]

The crucial role that Eisenberg played as New York Port Authority Chairman was to make sure that Silverstein Properties had an exclusive deal on the 99 year-old lease for the WTC, dropping at the last minute a higher bid from opposing company Vornado Realty Trust and imposing a news blackout to safeguard discussions. He managed to give his view immediately after the 9/11 attacks claiming: “I just saw my two towers fall. I’m devastated beyond belief. In many respects this is significantly worse than Pearl Harbor, and we don’t know who the enemy is.” [19]

An early example of the Pearl Harbour script once again…

Lewis Eisenberg former Chairman of the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Chairman at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack of the World Trade Centre. More importantly, he was man repsonsible for transferring the lease for World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein.

Lewis Eisenberg former Chairman of the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Chairman at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack of the World Trade Centre.

How devastating could it really be when Governor George Pataki appointed yet another Goldman Sacs chief John Whitehead in 2001 as chairman of the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corp., who then received a $2 billion of New York’s $8.2 billion federal aid? It was obvious from the start the rebuilding of lower Manhattan was a lucrative exercise for the Zionist tag teams, much to the dismay of civic groups, and the families of victims and survivors of the attack. Understandably, they thought Silverstein wanted to avoid their own development plan which may have limited his profits.

When Silverstein went ahead and begin construction on the site of WTC Building 7 in July of 2002, Eisenberg was appointed head of the LNRC in order to keep things in the family. [20] (It is also interesting to note that on Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings). MOSSAD explosives experts were crawling all over the site immediately after the destruction of the Twin Towers. Was the security management of the WTC complex designed to be in the hands of the controllers who could then allow access to all necessary areas of the WTC complex for preparation?

The attempt to gain control of the New York Port Authority (PA) had been an on-going project since at least the 1980s. Recalling Isser Harel’s “prescient” prediction in 1979, it was just seven years later that would see an intelligence team of senior agents – who had worked directly under Harel for decades – obtain the security contract for the Port Authority of New York. That company was Atwell Security from Tel Aviv. It was not to last however, when Edward J. O’Sullivan, director of the Office of Special Plans at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, cancelled the contract shortly thereafter when it was discovered that it was merely a front for the MOSSAD. [21] Even before the contract had been awarded, most of the board of directors of the PA were Jewish with Zionist affiliations.

The late Peter “Zvi” Malkin was the security consultant and intermediary between Atwell Security and the PA, negotiating on the company’s behalf. Malkin had long been known as an Israeli intelligence officer famous for kidnapping notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960. Bollyn surmises that: “Malkin’s artist disguise is probably the inspiration for the ‘art student’ operation to infiltrate DEA offices in 2001. … Michael Chertoff’s mother, Livia Eisen, one of the first MOSSAD agents, owned an art gallery in Elizabeth, New Jersey, when Malkin was posing as a painter in nearby New York”. [22]

Like so many Zionists involved in PA security and transport infrastructure, PA executive director Stephen Berger and later Stanley Brezenoff, (1990-1995) Deputy Mayor for Operations and First Deputy Mayor under Mayor Edward Irving Koch, must have been fully aware of Malkin’s background and Atwell Security’s history but allowed the contract through, nonetheless.


Maurice “Hank” Greenberg

The recipient of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money for the bailout scam before it was sacrificed, AIG Corporation and its CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg joined forces with Silverstein buddy Israeli intelligence spook Jules Kroll and his investigative and security consulting firm Kroll Inc., becoming partner and co-owner in 1993. This took place prior to Greenberg forming a joint venture with the owner of MOSSAD run Amdocs telecommunications and provider of White House tele-software. [23] Greenberg is up to his neck in Chabad, Zionist and Israeli intelligence friends including Henry Kissinger who sat on the board of AIG and MOSSAD agent Shaul Eisenberg who had been responsible for the Asian division of Israel’s intel operations. He was also the owner of Atwell Security.


Jules Kroll

Kroll Associates have many friendships and business connections, all of whom have links to Zionist think-tanks, Israeli intelligence fronts and Jewish organisations, in turn leading back to the Goldman Sacs cartel. It has thus been described as a “private CIA.” [24] Which makes it all the more suspect when, following the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, Jules & Jeremy Kroll of Kroll Inc. was asked by the New York Port Authority to help design new security measures for the WTC complex paying them $2.5 million for the privilege. (Shades of the Silverstein formula?) Included in this massive overhaul was an extensive analysis of future terrorist threats and how they might be addressed, with assessments concluding that a second terrorist attack against the WTC was probable. Even more incredible, is the specific citing of terrorists deliberately flying a plane into the WTC towers.  [25]


John O’Neill, former New York FBI Counter terror chief responsible for the investigation into Osama bin Laden.

The managing director of Kroll at the time was militant Zionist Jerome M. Hauer who just happened to be the candidate chosen to run Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. It was here that former FBI chief of counterterrorism and specialist on Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden John O’Neill was invited by Hauer, then Managing director of the Kroll security, to be head of security for the World Trade Centre.

What makes this even more curious is that O’Neill was: 

“… Not only the world’s leading expert on bin Laden, but he was also regarded as a ‘loose cannon’, because of his record of working outside normal channels when normal channels were ‘blocked’. He knew FBI investigations into bin Laden and al-Q’aeda had been shut down in the summer of 2001 and it is extremely unlikely that he would have remained quiet about it. He also knew whether or not Osama bin Laden was capable of inflicting the amount of damage the US suffered on 9/11. In other words, if the conspirators were hoping to spread a Big Lie about Osama bin Laden, they would have had a short list of things they absolutely had to do.

Surely, one of the items on that list would be to silence John O’Neill.  And what better way than to entomb him at the scene of the crime?  [26]

O’Neill’s investigations into the roots of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the 2000 USS Cole bombing in Yemen – proven to have been carried out by MOSSAD – all led him into serious confrontations with the FBI and federal government. He was sacked from the Bureau in 2001 and by the end of the year he was dead, killed on his first day at work on September 11th. O’Neill is memorialised at the North Pool, on Panel N-63.

Not only was Hauer responsible for placing O’Neill in his own forensic crime scene and thus getting rid of a major detractor of the official story, he managed to be an “expert” on that official story even before it was public knowledge. On the morning of September 11th, 2001 Hauer read the same script to anchor man Dan Rather on CBS News, dutifully remembered though nervously imparted:

Dan Rather: Based on what you know, and I recognize we’re dealing with so few facts, is it possible that just a plane crash could have collapsed these buildings, or would it have required the, sort of, prior positioning of other explosives in the, uh, in the buildings? I mean, what do you think?


Jerome M. Hauer

Jerome Hauer: No, I, uh, my sense is just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building, uh, that burned, uh, the velocity of that plane, uh, certainly, uh, uh, had an impact on the structure itself, and then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat, uh, probably weakened the structure as well, uh, and I think it, uh, was, uh, simply the, uh, the planes hitting the buildings, and, and causing the collapse.

Dan Rather: What perspective can you give us? I mean, there have been these repeated reports that, well, yes, Osama Bin Laden, but some think he’s been over-emphasized as, as responsible for these kinds of events. I know many intelligence, uh, people at very high levels who say, listen, you can’t have these kinds of attacks without having some state, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, somebody involved. Put that into perspective for us.

Jerome Hauer: Yeah, well I’m not sure I agree that, umm, this is necessarily state-sponsored. Umm, it, as I mentioned earlier, certainly has, umm, the, uh, fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden.  [27]

A fairly shoddy example of the “Arabs-did-it” script backed up with the official story even before most people had barely the time to process these events. All presented by non-expert Hauer for prime-time TV.  After being brainwashed by these associations, what the public didn’t know was that Hauer was introduced to TV audiences as a former director of NYC’s Office of Emergency management (OEM). In fact, he was the managing director of the security company responsible for the Twin Towers.

Now, that would have been interesting to know.

Two months later, along with “peace” experts like Henry Kissinger, Jerome Hauer went on to capitalise on the all-knowing, all-seeing nature of his expertise by participating in the CFR sponsored white paper called “Independent Task Force on America’s Response to Terrorism.”

Their objectives were to explain:

“…our goals and rationale for the war in Afghanistan, and [outline] the evidence that the Al-Qaeda network was responsible for the 9/11 attacks; disseminate stories of particular victims to convey the range of people killed in the 9/11 attacks — stress range of religions, races, income levels, etc.; counteract [the] myth that Mossad was behind the attacks by showing Jews killed, etc.” and “Routinely monitor the regional press in real time to enable prompt responses.”

They did a fine job. We never hear any mention of Israel and 9/11 in the same sentence. And thanks to the ADL, B’Rin B’Raith and AIPAC, the spectre of anti-Semitism accusations and expert propaganda is a tight nut to unscrew.



[1] ‘Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc.
http://www.Public-Action.com June, 2002.
[2] The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson quoted from pp.58-62; Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky Published by Pluto Press, 1999.
[3] ‘Washington Honors Lubavitcher Rabbi,’ By James Besser, Baltimore Jewish Times, June 6, 1995, p.32.
[4] ‘White House to Chabad: Bush won’t press Israel.’ Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) June 27, 2006.
[5] The Jerusalem Post October 22, 2000.
[6] http://www.afldc.org/
[7] The Man and Century Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
[8] ‘Chabad emissaries meet with lawmakers, Obama officials’ – The keynote speech was by Talmud scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz., The Times of Israel, June 25, 2012.
[9] Ibid.
[10] ‘Chabad of Wall Street Moves On, Does Not Forget 9/11’ by R. C. Berman – NYC, NY, September 10, 2008, Chabad Lubavitch World HQ, http://www.lubavitch.com
[11] ‘The Westfield Group’s shopping centre portfolio is one of the largest in the world.” (Press release). Westfield Group. 20 August 2011.
[12] “Following the deployment of Golani soldiers in Hebron in December 2011, it has been reported that city residents have sensed a ‘manifest worsening of soldiers behavior’, as a result of ‘detention, intimidation, provocation and arrest of children and teenagers; arbitrary detention of Palestinians or blocking access to roads; beating or threatened beating of detained residents; religion-based provocation and insults; forcible entry into homes and violation of Palestinian property’ and ‘reprisals against local and international human rights activists.’” – ‘IDF brigade leaves an impression in Hebron’. Haaretz, By Amira Hass, Feb.13, 2012.
[13] ‘The quiet benefactor: Lowy’s close ties with Israel’ The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29, 2008.
[14] http://www.lowyinstitute.org/
[15] ‘U.S. Envoy to Israel Regains Clearance–for Duration of Crisis’ By Norman Kempster, Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2000
[16] ‘Israeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss’ by Jeffrey Steinberg EIR, August 31 2001.
[17] ‘Media Mogul’s Sinister Links to September 11: The Aussie Connection’ to – Exclusive to American Free Press, By Christopher Bollyn, americanfreepress.com July 10, 2003.
[18] ‘Lewis Eisenberg, Major Romney Donor, Accuses Obama Of Demonizing Wall Street’ (video) Huffington Post
[19] ‘World Trade Center Deal Remains in Doubt’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, March 17, 2001.
[20] ‘Downtown Renewal Head Vows Independent Effort’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, December 20, 2001 | ‘Developer’s Pace at 7 World Trade Center Upsets Some’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, January 31, 2002.
[21] op. cit. Bollyn.
[22] p.156; Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. By Christopher Lee Bollyn. Published by Christopher Bollyn, 2012.
[23] Extract from Christopher Bollyn’s 2012 book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World showing the dizzying connections of financial benefits accrued by the Kroll family prior to, during and after the events of 9/11:
• Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates “was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures.” “We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations,” Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.
• Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex in 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O’Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, who died on 9/11, reportedly his first day on the new job.
• Jerome M. Hauer, the former director of Mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management, was responsible for having the command bunker built in Larry Silverstein’s WTC 7. Hauer was a managing director for Kroll in 2001.
• Kroll revamped security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing. Kroll was reportedly responsible for security at the World Trade Center on 9/11. “Over the last two years, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has paid Kroll $2.5 million to overhaul security at the World Trade Center and evaluate procedures at the agency’s bridges, tunnels and airports,” the New York Times reported on September 1, 1994.
• Kroll was hired by Kuwait in October 1990 to find the hidden wealth of Saddam Hussein.
• Kroll began profiting from the war in Iraq in April 2003 when it received contracts to provide protection and security for government agencies and companies in Iraq.
• Jeremy Kroll serves on the board of the Israel-based Challenge Fund with Israeli government officials from the highest level, including Israel’s National Security Advisor and Head of the National Security Council, a former head of Shin Bet, former Directors General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, former Commanders of the Israel Air Force, Central Command, and the Technology and Logistic Branch of the IDF, as well as the head of Boeing (Israel) and the son of Yitzhak Shamir. The Challenge Fund uses money raised through the Bronfman and Andreas (ADM) families to fund Israeli companies, like ViryaNet.
[24] op.cit Bollyn
[25] ‘The Secret Keeper: Jules Kroll and the world of corporate intelligence.’ by William Finnegan. The New Yorker, October 19, 2009. /www.newyorker.com/
[26] op. cit. Bollyn.
[27] ‘Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment’ February 26, 2007 http://www.winterpatriot.com

Hello Israel II: Zakheim, Zelikow and the ADL

 By M.K. Styllinski

“‘According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’ Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.”

— CBS News, 1/29/02

A day before the September 11 attacks in an impossible proclamation of openness, the Secretary of State for Defence Donald Rumsfeld humbly acknowledged that the Pentagon had made a tinsy-winsy error and “could not track some $2.3 trillion in transactions” (one thousand times one billion = one trillion) the worst of the rot having set in during the Clinton Administration. This figure came from the Pentagon’s own Inspector General where according to a CBS News report: “Its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.” [1] Though the issue had been raised before, with explanations given that it was a systems and bureaucracy problem rather than core corruption, it still begs the question: why announce it then? Or was it another coincidence to add to the burgeoning pile? Looks like Rummie was taking the opportunity to announce wholesale corruption amidst the shock of 9/11.

Just add it to the mounting list of Zio-Conservative state crimes.

Donald Rumsf 2-3 Trillions Missiing

Donald Rumsfeld

$2.3 trillion is an almost unimaginable amount of money. In fact, it is equivalent to the entire budget of the U.S. government simply vanishing. It is also true that the Resource Services Washington, accounting offices and records at the Pentagon were destroyed along with the deaths of 34 0f 65 individuals most of whom happened to be civilian accountants, book-keepers and budget analysts, who were sitting at their desks when disaster struck. [2]

There are many researchers who have found convincing evidence that the 9/11 attacks were also planned as a cover-up for financial crimes dating back to 1991. Though by no means the only reason for engineering 9/11, one investigator in particular, Mr. E.D. Heidner, has provided compelling evidence that the secretive Black Eagle Trust Fund was at the centre of a huge money laundering operation totalling $200 billion in bonds. On the board were some of the most well-known US government hawks including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage and Paul Wolfowitz.

Funding a covert economic war against the Soviet Union beginning in 1991, such financial corruption required a massive laundering of money well outside of congressional and federal oversight. Wall Street and corporate investors pillaged Soviet oil, gas industries and destabilised the Soviet infrastructure while lining the coffers of Western government officials and related interests. The 9/11 attacks served to cover-up all the evidence and derail multiple federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation.

Heidner states:

“… hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically ‘cleared’ without anyone asking questions – which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its ‘emergency powers that very afternoon.’ ” [3]

Ending the Cold War and dismantling the Soviet Union required massive amounts of covert securities which were housed in the brokers’ vaults of the World Trade Centre. Just like everything else, they were pulverised on September 11th before they could be settled and cleared which was scheduled for September 12th. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) had been tasked with investigating these bonds and it is just so happens that the ONI headquarters was the primary target and completely destroyed during the Pentagon attack.


The Pentagon attack after the collapse of a section of the outer ring. The Naval Command centre was the hardest hit with all but one of the 30 ONI employees surviving the attack.

The three major securities brokers in the World Trade Centre were Eurobrokers, Garbon Inter Capital and Cantor Fitzgerald, the latter being the largest securities dealer in the US.

Heidner also found that:

“… 41 percent of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 24 percent of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 29 of 30 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. The Naval Command Center had been moved into that newly opened section of the Pentagon only a month earlier. And in the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed.

On that fateful day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership.” [4]

If you were similarly struck by a bolt of conspiratorial speculation you might even consider that incompetent accounting and securities fraud could conceal a host of operations that needed paying for. You might also recall that unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAP), better known as “black projects”, have currently siphoned off several trillion since 1998-2002. God only knows how much has been sucked out of the Amercian tax payer after another 13 years. (See Table below).





$3.4 trillion

Washington Times


$2.3 trillion

Congressional meeting


$1.1 trillion

Congressional meeting; Insight Magazine


$2.3 trillion

CBS quoting Rumsfeld


$1+ trillion

San Francisco Chronicle; CBS

Source: The Institute of Globalisation and Covert Politics [5]

Not a whisper of this astounding criminality reached the prime-time news. If it did gain a story it was wrapped up in bias which suggested this was a bureaucratic problem rather than systematic fraud that was part of “normal” government life.

One person to swiftly resign when the $2.3 missing trillions was announced was Rabbi Dov S. Zakheim the Comptroller of the Pentagon during the attacks. We must add another $1 trillion that was lost under Zakheim’s watch during his tenure from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Not only could he not account for this truly massive monetary drain of financial transactions, but dozens of missing tanks, missiles and planes. [6]

An adjunct scholar of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, he has published over 200 articles and monographs on defence issues. Zakheim is also a CFR member and signatory of the PNAC keynote paper “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” in 2000, which as the reader might recall, pushed for “a New Pearl Harbor.” [7] Zakheim’s resumé reads like a John le Carré novel, full of insider posts and covert dealing. If you were looking for a MOSSAD mole within the US administration allowed to do precisely as he pleased then Zakheim seemed to fit the bill.

zakheimDov Zakheim at a White House press briefing in 2002.

From 1985-1987 he was Deputy Under Secretary of Defence for Planning and Resources, before nesting down at the Congressional Budget Office. In 1998, Zakheim worked as a policy advisor during the Bush 2000 campaign and did such a good job that he was sworn in by the Bush Administration as Under Secretary of Defence (Comptroller) of the DOD in the following year. Zakheim also just happens to be an expert in ballistic missile technology which is somewhat unusual for a campaign advisor and Comptroller. Zakheim, who had been hob-knobbing around the Pentagon and US administrations for over 25 years had also been supplying the latest in offensive and defensive missile systems to Israel including F-15’s, F-16’s, patriot missiles, Merkava tanks, ICBM’s, nuclear smart bombs and even space satellite technology worth billions – a huge proportion of which was paid for with American tax dollars. [8] This would explain why Israel has become the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid, receiving close to $3 billion in largely military assistance each year. No wonder too, that Israel has one of the biggest air forces in the world. [9]


Israeli Merkava Mk I MBT in Yad la-Shiryon Museum, Israel. 2005. (wikipedia)

The Rabbi had been working very hard behind the scenes to benefit Israeli military interests. This, despite Navy Intelligence Analyst and Israeli mole Jonathan Jay Pollard who was discovered and arrested for stealing “… vast quantities of classified information on Israel’s behalf for almost 18 months.” He was also linked to another US national Ben-ami Kadish, who pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified information to Israel in the same year. [10]  Dov Zakheim had no need to carry out Pollard’s remit when he had clearance to do as he wished.

It becomes somewhat clearer when we look further back to 1996 when The Washington Post reported on a Defence Investigative Service’s confidential memo warning military contractors that the Israeli government was: “’aggressively’ trying to steal U.S. military and intelligence secrets, partly by using its ‘strong ethnic ties’ to the United States to recruit spies.” When we remember the MOSSAD’s intelligence operations within the US, employing thousands of sayanim * from a Jewish socio-cultural foundation, then the “ethnic ties” becomes easier to understand.

The Post’s report continued:


U.S. Peacekeeper missile after silo launch (wikipedia)

“…Israel ‘aggressively collects [U.S.] military and industrial technology,’ including spy satellite data, missile defense information, and data on military aircraft, tanks, missile boats, and radars.

Drawing on the example of the Pollard case and of other Israeli espionage operations in the United States, the memo said that the country’s recruitment techniques include ‘ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties’ of US citizens.

‘Placing Israeli nationals in key industries … is a technique utilized with great success,’ the memo said.” [11]

Sounds like Zakheim to me. The memo warning was nonetheless cancelled for reasons we will look at further on.

According to artist and author Uri Dowbenko in an article from Government Executive magazine, Zakheim admitted: “… we are in the business of fighting wars” which fits like a glove into the PNAC doctrine and explains his true role within the US administration. After Zakheim conveniently resigned and washed his hands of the little matter of the missing $3 trillion, Online Journal’s Jerry Mazza states: “In May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world. One of its clients then was Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama bin Laden. Booz, Allen & Hamilton then also worked closely with DARPA, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is the research arm of the Department of Defense.” [12]


Dov S. Zakheim giving a talk the Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy Initiative 2013 forum: “What Defense Does America Need?” Zakheim’s quote:  “There are things we can do, but what we shouldn’t do… is eliminate those capabilities that we will bitterly regret not having should some new contingency come up that of course we did not foresee.”  Zakheim is very big on “contingency.” Militarising America means strengthening Israel at any cost, both financially and ideologically.

Having retired as Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton in 2010, he became Senior Fellow at the CNA Corporation which operates the Centre for Naval Analyses a federally funded research and development centre founded in 1942 and serves the Departments of the Navy and other agencies. The centre pioneers research into: “… military preparedness, operations evaluation, systems analysis, foreign affairs, strategic relationships, humanitarian operations and logistics.” It has special field research studies dedicated to the Marine Corps and the “role of China in the International Order.” Their customers are essentially everyone operating within US intelligence and the Department of Defence. Its contract is administered by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) “which allows for task order awards via a DD Form 448 MIPR.” [13] (The latter being a military interdepartmental purchase request or MIPR).

Zakheim also finds time to act as a Senior Advisor at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies a right wing think-tank, and a Co-Vice Chair of Global Panel America (Global Panel Foundation) a corporate and ex-government think-tank with a globalist vision. Going back further, Dov’s grand-father Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka) was a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx and had a leading role in paving the way for the Bolshevik Revolution. Dov’s father Rabbi Jacob I. Zakheim on the hand, was a hard core Zionist and an active member of Betar terrorist organisation which forged links with Haganah, Irgun and the Stern gangs. [14]

Aside from this background which is alarming enough, what is a dual nationality Zionist rabbi doing in control of the accounting of the United States of America?

Is that not just slightly strange notwithstanding the uneasy spy vs. spy nature of America and Israel?

Why is it that our Dov keeps coming up time and again in connection to financial irregularity and the 9/11 attacks?

spcWhat is even more interesting is that before becoming the Pentagon’s financial Tzar, he was chief executive officer and president of SPC International and an executive at System Planning Corporation, (SPC) linked to DARPA, a weapons contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. The company specialises in advanced Command Transmitter Systems, designed to provide: “remote control and flight termination functions through a fully redundant, self-contained solid state system.” Although designed to control unmanned flights such as Global hawk from remote positions on the ground, one British aviation engineer said after 9/11: “the planes used in the attacks could have been equipped with, or suitable for, such remote control units.” [15]

If anyone was going to provide the technical and financial know how to turn hijacked planes into remotely controlled projectiles from the ground with hijackers as suicide patsies, then Zakheim was the man. Clearly, there should be a heavy weight suspicion concerning the role of Dov Zakheim, not just in the loss of inordinate amounts of American tax-payers’ money, his ties to militant Zionism and dubious weapons shipments to Israel, but his role in the 9/11 attacks.

Jerry Mazza mentions, coincidentally:

“… in May 2001, when Dov served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s) subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation of the first ‘terrorist’ attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center. From the ’90s through 2001, WTC Security was handled by Securacom, a Kuwait-American firm, on whose board Marvin Bush, the president’s brother, sat. After 9/11, Securacom was let go, changed its name to Stratosec, and was delisted from the Stock Exchange in 2002.” [16]

It is Securacom that was hired by owner of the World Trade Centre Towers, Larry Silverstein among whose closest friends is none other than former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was nearly falling over himself to suppress his glee on September 11th. As we might recall, when asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations: He replied: “It’s very good … Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel].” It was also Mr. Netanyahu, who back in 1986, coined the phrase “the War on Terror” and who is presently a stalwart supporter of messianic cult of Chabad Lubavitch who is also calling for the destruction of Iran as part of a divine prophecy. [17] (More on this in later posts).


Benjamin Netanyahu and Dov Zakheim cut from the same cloth – the difference is largely one of IQ.

Rabbi Dov Zakheim was merely a more obvious indication of the takeover of American politics by the Zio-Conservatives and their plans to set the USA on the road to perpetual war against Islam. Jewish-American top level posts within the administrations such as Elliot Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and more recently Rahm Emmanuel, all have their allegiance first and foremost to Israel. Everything was in place to launch “a catastrophic and catalyzing event” to move forward and actualise a Greater Anglo-American-Israeli domination of the Middle East.

Geo-political analyst Professor James Petras explains the broader rationale behind the 9/11 false flag:

The key to the success of the operation was to encourage terrorists and to facilitate calculated and systematic ‘neglect’ – to deliberately marginalize intelligence agents and agency reports that identified the terrorists, their plans and methods. In the subsequent investigatory hearings, it was necessary to foster the image of ‘neglect’, bureaucratic ineptness and security failures in order to cover up Administration complicity in the terrorists’ success. An absolutely essential element in mobilizing massive and unquestioning support for the launching of a world war of conquest and destruction centered in Muslim and Arab countries and people was a ‘catastrophic event’ that could be linked to the latter. [18]

And it was this “neglect” and the Intel/security “failures” which may have allowed a joint operation – despite the uneasy alliance with Israel – between top level officials of the US military, CIA, FBI and other US agencies and the MOSSAD to carry out the greatest false flag attack ever on US soil.

There is no doubt that members of the Bush Administration not only had access to intelligence reports and prior common knowledge of imminent attacks but lied under oath to the 9/11 Commission. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice among many others all covered up the fact that they knew at some point this was going to happen and likely had some part to play in its formation. However, they were clearly not the major players.

 “Al-Qaeda is the enemy,” they are an unslayable power.”

– Philip D. Zelikow, Honors College Commons lecture 2011

In 2011, author, academic, diplomat and arch-propagandist Philip D. Zelikow (another with dual US-Israel nationality) was wooed from his post as associate Professor for graduate academic programs in the University of Virginia, and appointed by President Barack Obama to his Intelligence Advisory Board. Zelikow’s special talents were crucial in persuading the public that America was on a Wild-West road to vengeful redemption and a cathartic reclamation of American values, but only if it was imposed with blood and bombs on the rest of the world. [19]

In the best tradition of Hollywood script-writing Zelikow was able to weave a fantasy for the 9/11 operation with a flourish of his propaganda quill that would have made Edward Bernays swoon with paternal pride. In a Millar Report from 1999 Zelikow writes of the importance of beliefs about history, calling attention to “‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events [that] take on ‘transcendent’ importance and, therefore, retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene.” [20] To that end, he also described himself: “as an expert in the ‘creation and maintenance of public myths.’ He defines ‘public myth’ as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.” [21] This is probably why he remains consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defence and offers his expertise to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

He became the natural choice for the appointment of architect and head of the 9/11 Commission Report, leading a grouping of suitably debriefed and/or clueless ex-government officials and Congressman who could be relied upon to tow the official line and support its findings. Zelikow was tasked with writing a report that would keep the truth about 9/11 from the scrutiny of the public, civil society and wayward journalists. Given Zelikow’s skills in formulating doctrines aligned to Zio-Conservative policy he was the perfect man for the job. Indeed, according to New York Times Investigative reporter Philip Shenon: “Zelikow had written all of the chapter outlines of the 9/11 Commission Report before the Commission even began its investigation. Zelikow completely controlled the investigation, ordering underlings to basically just fill in the chapter outlines of his pre-scripted novel. The Report became a “surprise bestseller” because it reads like a novel – which is exactly what it is.” [22]


Philip D. Zelikow, Like Dov Zakheim, is big on contingency and external threats – to Israel. The latter uses financial, geopolitical  and business strategy, the former uses propaganda and myth-making talents to maintain a fictional narrative. For Israel, he was the perfect man to act as executive director for the 9/11 Commission.

It’s also worth mentioning that several members and officials related to the Commission made it quite clear that they were extremely unhappy with almost every aspect of the Report. After the Report was finally released to the press, Former New Jersey Governor and Commission Chair Thomas Kean and Vice Chair Lee H. Hamilton, former Democratic U.S. Representative from the 9th District of Indiana wrote a book in 2006 about their experiences during and after the 9/11 Commission Report. They accuse officials and authorities within the Pentagon and FAA of ignoring their recommendations, putting out disinformation and misstatements to the media and overseeing systematic obstruction during the investigations. In summary, they charge that the 9/11 Commission Report was “set up to fail” right from the start. [23]

In a world where conflicts of interest are the norm when it comes to matters even partially related to 9/11, Zelikow’s meteoric rise from genius academic to Bush /Obama favourite not only shows the illusion of Republican and Democrat differences but his talent for telegraphing future scenarios. In that sense, he operates in much the same way as Zbigniew Brzezinski during his time at the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and in his influential books on geo-strategy. Propaganda and myth-making are cornerstones of the Zelikow world-view as it is with any Machiavellian neophyte.

In a 1998 issue of the PNAC Mark II think-tank magazine Foreign Affairs, he co-authored an article entitled: “Catastrophic Terrorism” where Zelikow served up what appeared to be a “warning” to the faithful, but was in fact a narrative of Zio-Conservative ideology and future policy, yet again mentioning that well-worn phrase: “Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States (sic) might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force…” He further states: “Belatedly, Americans would judge their leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more urgently.” [24]

Which then might lead to a situation of eyebrow-raised finger-wagging, followed by a decree to hand over ALL our freedoms and stop whining…

Zelikow was ordered by his colleague Condoleezza Rice to re-write America’s national security strategy immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was to be the sequel to PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” and equally important in priming minds still reeling from fear and anger from the events of 9/11. The document, “The National Security Strategy of the United States of America” was issued on September 17, 2002, and represented a turning point in the realisation of perpetual war for the world’s resources, under the guise of exporting American democracy. It would give significant credence to the formula of the “War on Terror” functioning as a propaganda nail driven into an already traumatised public mind. It was designed to bolster support for “future crime” scenarios where rogue nations would harbour Weapons of Mass Destruction intent on using them against an unprepared United States. [25]


Zelikow delivering a lecture at the University of Virginia, July 2010.

Although Zelikow had been against CIA torture during the Bush years and had actively written against “enhanced interrogation”– at least as official policy – it was only due to the fact that the fear and anxiety induced would eventually prove counter-productive and “be exploited by zealots and fools.” [26] Zelikow is a perfect example of Brzezinskian pragmatism. Yet for his 9/11 Commission fantasy to work, certain torture related “successes” had to be made viable. For instance, the whole official story, as 9/11 academic and journalist Keith Barrett explains, hangs on “… third-hand testimony taken under brutal torture from [supposed 9/11 mastermind] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who apparently had to be waterboarded 183 times in one month in order to brainwash him into remembering and parroting the details of Zelikow’s novel.” [27] Whether that is precisely true, Mohammed certainly claimed he provided a lot of false information which he assumed the interrogators wanted to hear in order to stop the torture, something that can be used as metaphor for almost every aspect of Zio-Conservative support for pre-emptive politics. [28]


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

It was for this reason that the 9/11 Commission proved to be nothing short of a whitewash thanks largely to the talents of Zelikow and his legion of presstitutes. Anyone who could think critically (which meant the MSM and Congress were automatically excluded) immediately saw the gaping holes and errors and which conveniently side-lined any reference to government culpability. To those who were naturally sceptical of the 9/11 Commission’s findings James Petras describes Zelikow’s response which was extremely telling in that he:

“… went on an insane rage, calling the sceptics ‘pathogens’ or germs whose ‘infection’ needed to be contained. With language reminiscent of a Social Darwinist diatribe, he referred to criticisms of the Commission cover up as ‘a bacteria (that) can sicken the larger body (of public opinion)’. Clearly Zelikow’s rant reflects the fear and loathing he feels for those who implicated him with a militarist regime which fabricated a pretext for a catastrophic war for Zelikow’s favourite state – Israel.” [29]

It is not simply fear and hatred operating here. We might be discerning a standard slipping of a “Mask of Sanity” so characteristic of embedded psychopaths who otherwise project an icy demeanour of clinical control and confidence. What is intriguing in the context of ponerology is the use of the exact same language, thoughts, ideas and concepts of their perceived enemies, projecting onto their accusers the very crimes of which they are guilty. In truth, Zelikow, Cheney, Karl Rove and so many others in successive US Administrations personify those “pathogens” who “sicken the larger body” of government. It is also clear that Zelikow’s allegiance is not to either the US constitution or the American people. While speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts regarding the possible implications of the September 11th attacks, he told a crowd at the University of Virginia on September 10, 2002: “I’ll tell you what I think the real threat [is] and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel …” [30]

Recall Prime Minister Netanyahu who told an audience at Bar Ilan University in September 2008 when he was acting head of the Likud party: “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” and further added that the events had “swung American public opinion in our favor.” [31] If a politician can so brazenly cater to cheap political ambitions in public it does make one wonder what he would be willing to sanction in private. And it is very obvious indeed that Israel has a huge stake in the “Clash of Civilisations” shtick, the “War on Terror” and the whole 9/11 charade.


Netanyahu embarrassing himself in front of the UN. Since Iran is on the list of regimes to topple Netanyahu must keep pressing for an attack on Iran to fulfil Ultra-Zionist religio-political imperatives. In the same way, the events of 9/11 were a vital phase in achieving the long sought after domination of the Middle East and the extermination of Arabs, seen as the ancient Amalekites. (Photo Source: AP)

With a history of involvement in the far-right politics overseeing intelligence agencies Shin Bet, the MOSSAD and serving as Israel’s Prime Minister at the time of the 9/11 attacks, Netanyahu is the most likely candidate as one of its primary insiders or architects. He has been a major mover in politics and a prominent member of the Likud Government since 1993. The Likud Party evolved from the Irgun Jewish terrorist organisation created by Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the  Jewish Self-Defense Organization and ODESSA fame and is enmeshed in covert Zionist operations abroad.

Though there was the Israeli concept of “TNT,” Hebrew for “Terror Neged Terror” (“terror against terror”) which existed in the 1970s [32] it was Netanyahu’s own book Terrorism: How the West Can Win written in 1986 which first introduced the term: “War on Terror.” With undercurrents of Straussian and ultra-right aspirations throughout, he explains how the West needs “a better understanding of terrorism” in order to mobilise against it, clearly desperate for “… a coherent and united international response” so that: “… a broad-based, vigorous campaign against the terrorists and their sponsors,” can begin to take place. In other words, it provides another clarion call for both the creation of and “resistance” to a joint Western-Israeli manufactured Global War on Terror and the manifesto for a Greater Israel. [33]


Vladimir Jabotinsky (Wikipedia)

The late expert on Arab-Israeli relations Edward W. Said spoke of the “low-level oddities” in the book which marked it out as a propaganda exercise:

Very few efforts are made to convince readers of what is being said: sources and figures are never cited; abstractions and generalizations pop up everywhere; and, except for three essays on Islam, historical argument is limited to the single proposition that terrorism has never before presented such a threat to ‘the democracies.’ I was also struck that the verb in the book’s subtitle, How the West Can Win, doesn’t seem to have an object: Win what? One wonders. So great is the number of contributors, so hortatory the tone, so confident and many the assertions, that in the end you retain little of what has been said, except that you had better get on with the fight against terrorism, whatever Netanyahu says it is. [34]

Obviously, whatever the threat may be, you can be sure it’s against Israel and we all have to step into its shadow.

Likud_Logo.svgLikud Party Logo

The forging of US-Israeli leadership in tackling the nature of terrorism was given major boost at the close of the 1970s when Netanyahu and Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak founded the Jonathan Institute named after Bibi’s brother Yoni, who was killed in the Israeli anti-terrorist raid in Entebbe, Uganda. This was partly thanks to the mentoring of Netanyahu by Betchtel board member and Reagan’s Secretary of State, George P. Shultz who saw Bibi’s fascist record as an effective tool in re-working the World Order and thus a another tool for Anglo-American dominance. To do that, he needed Zionism as much as Zionism needed the American Establishment. At that moment, Netanyahu was flavour of the month.

In June 1984, an international conference on terrorism was held in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Institute at which Shultz gave a keynote address to announce Paul Wolfowitz’s policy of pre-emptive force. He stated: “… a purely passive defense does not provide enough of a deterrent to terrorism and the states that sponsor it. It is time to think long, hard, and seriously about more active means of defense—defense through appropriate preventive or pre-emptive actions against terrorist groups before they strike.” [35] It was as if Bibi’s book and Wolfowitz’s vision had become one – all for Israel.

The conference was also the breeding ground for implementing the cooked up Intel for what would become the “axis of evil” and the invasion and destruction of Iraq. In relation to 9/11, many speculate that this was a centre for not just studying terrorism but planning it. Egyptian Intellectual, Dr. Hassan al Bana in a televised interview with a Middle Eastern TV station stated publicly that he thought Netanyahu planned 9/11 at the 1984 conference with other Establishment and Zio-Conservative luminaries.  [36] (See footnote for complete extract).


George P. Shultz circa early 80s and Paul Wolfowitz  (right)

Isser Harel, the recognised founder of Israeli intelligence; former head of Shin Bet, (1948–1952) and director of Mossad, (1947-1963) was likely the inspiration – if not one of the original architects – of an ambitious attack on US soil. Journalist and author Christopher Bollyn describes a dinner meeting between Harel and American Zionist Michael D. Evans where he is told that terrorism would come to America in no uncertain terms:


Isser Harel spymaster and Director of the MOSSAD

“Arab terrorists would strike the tallest building in New York City, ‘a symbol of your fertility,’ Harel said. Harel had dinner with Evans on September 23, 1979, according to Evans, and told him that America’s alliance with Saudi Arabia ‘was dangerous and would develop a tolerance for terror among Americans.’ Harel went on to say that ‘Islamic fundamentalists would ultimately strike America.’

When Evans asked where the Arab terrorists would strike, Harel said: ‘In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit.’

… ‘Isser Harel prophesised that the tallest building in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic fundamentalists twenty-one years ago,’ Evans said in the 2004 interview.” [37]

Unless Harel was psychic, there is little doubt that one of the first intelligence agents in the world knew about the long-term planning of such an Islamic terrorist attack, if he didn’t have a hand in the planning himself. As we continue we will see that the foundation and implementation of such a design was right under everyone’s noses.

The history of Zionist influence in contemporary America and the domination of Jewish thought in the media, entertainment and political lobbying acted as the backdrop to the presence of a vast Israeli spy ring and a Zionist “fifth Column” in the US government. It has allowed individudals like Zelikow and Zakheim to work their way up through the ranks with an agenda that is not only anti-American but fanatically pro-Israel to the exclusion of all else. For the planning and execution of September 11th attacks the US needed to be infiltrated not just within the departments of military intelligence but at the level of propaganda, the legacy of which had already been firmly pioneered by the genius of Edward Bernays and others.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has played a significant part in spying since its founding in 1913. It also happened to be the creation of B’nai B’rith founded in New York in 1843, by German-Jewish immigrants. Known as the “Sons of the Covenant” and rooted in a Jewish branch of freemasonry, it is the oldest “Jewish service organisation” in the world. [38] The House of Rothschild was involved in the manufacture of the religion which was a direct product of the criminal network agency of the Order of Zion and organised as a “covert intelligence front” to extend its PR financial Empire. [39]

ADL logoThe ADL describes itself as a “… civil rights/ human relations agency”, which “fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all,” doing so through: “information, education, legislation, and advocacy.” [40] This however, had to be squared with San Francisco Bay area activists who were spied upon by the ADL and who sued the organisation for violation of their privacy rights as provided under California law. The 1993 ruling by the District of Attorney of San Francisco: “… released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel’s policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments.” [41] The extensive nature of ADL’s spying activities included not just Arab Americans but “…members of Greenpeace, NAACP, the Mills College faculty and various other institutions, groups and individuals.” Political pressure caused Smith to later drop the charges settling the suit out of court in February 2002. [42]

During these investigations one of ADL’s operatives Roy Bullock was found to have been involved in CoIntelpro activities since 1960 and which even suggested an involvement in murder:

“Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country’s president, was trailed by Bullock on a trip through California who reported on it to the South African government.” […] After Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh was murdered, Bullock was discovered to have a key, and a floor plan, of the murdered man’s office.  This is evidence that ADL operatives may have helped plan and execute political assassinations in the US and abroad.  But don’t hold your breath for the FBI to investigate or charge Bullock, or any other ADLer, in connection to these murders.” [43]

The fact that the ADL can continue to operate under the status of a tax-exempt “religious and charitable” organisation is drawn from an historic court case where B’nai B’rith could have been prosecuted for failing to register as agents of a foreign power under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. A sworn testimony was given at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 1961, where Saul Joftes – former director general of the B’nai B’rith’s Office of International Affairs – revealed that B’nai B’rith “engages in international politics and more often than not does the bidding of the government of Israel. Its leaders make frequent trips to Israel for indoctrination and instructions.” [44]

By the 1970s however, the potato was too hot to touch and B’nai B’rith and the ADL were not prosecuted. This allowed them to carry on pretending they were charitable, religious and educational organisations rather than propaganda outposts of the Israeli government. The job of B’nai B’rith/ADL is to restrict all and every form of criticism levelled at Israel using the tools of anti-Semitism and psychological coercion.

“B’nai B’rith International’s Israel/Middle East policy includes issues such as fighting terrorism; supporting Israel’s right to defend itself; preventing Iran’s efforts to acquire nuclear weapons; preserving the unity of Jerusalem; promoting the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries; and supporting direct negotiations between the parties to the Middle East conflict while affirming the importance of Israel’s critical security needs.”


B’nai B’rith International logo

 (Since there inherent assumptions in this description from B’nai B’rith International’s website, we can deduce that Middle East policy actually serves not as a peace-making initiative for all peoples but yet another arm of Israeli propaganda, distorted geo-political ideology and Jewish ethnocentrism.

“B’nai B’rith Europe (BBE) is represented in 29 countries, with 7,000 members in more than 150 associations or lodges.  Based in Brussels, BBE has delegations at the European Parliament, the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the United Nations in Geneva, and UNESCO in Paris.”

That belies some serious political leverage.

You might be thinking what has this got to do with the war on terror and 9/11? Quite a lot. The ADL,  B’nai B’rith and other orgranisations like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) serve as powerful buffers to Zionist and Jewish supremacy using intimidation tactics which include spying on activists and academics critical of Israel’s lobbying and the treatment of the Palestinians, all of which has increased since 9/11. According to a Counterpunch report: “… at least 51 percent of the activities at its San Francisco office were devoted to defending Israel.” Its self-anointed role as an “education organization” seems tenuous in light of its activities or, as the report bluntly stated: “The settlement offered by the ADL is recognition on its part that it could not afford to go to a trial in front of a jury and face the likelihood that more of its dirty secrets would be revealed.” [45]

There has also been a curiously close relationship between the ADL and the FBI which has oiled the wheels of the organisation on more than one occasion. The FBI routinely display ADL posters in FBI offices throughout the country and have hosted ceremonies and conferences at FBI headquarters. One such event in 2000 saw an ADL press release announcing the participation of more than 500 representatives from Law Enforcement agencies from across The U.S. in a Joint ADL-FBI Conference on Terrorism in New York. The conference was held at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA titled: “Extremist and Terrorist Threats: Protecting America After 9/11.” This was apparently an: “outgrowth of ADL’s long-time involvement in providing information and training to law enforcement on threats posed by extremists.” Subjects under discussion were extremist groups, investigative techniques, counterterrorism strategies, domestic security and threat assessment.” [46]

ADL’s National Director Abraham H. Foxman proceeded to teach the FBI to suck eggs, exclaiming:

“Now more than ever, law enforcement must have the resources and know-how to prevent future acts of terrorism. In order to assess threats against the United States, law enforcement must have credible information about domestic and foreign extremists whose rhetoric promotes violence. Through our network of regional offices and our experts in the field, ADL is uniquely suited to aid in the war against terrorism.” Foxman went on to say that the conference was: “… an opportunity for law enforcement and extremism watchdogs to compare notes and forge alliances.” [47] [Emphasis mine]

What was being said in the above was not a plea to work together but a barely veiled command. What is a self-appointed human rights education and advocacy group doing sitting in the lap of the FBI? Could it be that the only reason for “comparing notes” and “forging alliances” from ADL’s perspective is to monitor and then subvert any FBI investigations that may be potentially threatening to the anti-Semitic barrier used to insulate it from criticism on Israel’s foreign and domestic policies?

On May 7, 2002, Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the FBI (someone who regularly lied about what he knew and didn’t know during 9/11 Congressional reports) addressed the ADL’s 24th National Leadership Conference where he said:

“A few months ago, Abe [Abraham H. Foxman] and Jess [Jess N. Hordes, ADL Washington representative] came by my office for a visit.  I appreciated their taking the time to meet with me. I have long admired and respected the work of ADL, and I appreciate your longstanding support of the FBI.  I know that under my predecessor, Louis Freeh, this partnership reached new heights. As I told Abe and Jess, I am absolutely committed to building on that relationship.” [48]

Appreciated them taking the time to meet him? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? This is the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation speaking as though he is about to take a scented bubble bath with dear old Abe and Jess and reveal more than just FBI secrets. The ADL now has access to government’s confidential investigative files with ADL employees even invited to take a ride with FBI agents making raids or arrests which are of interest to the organisation. The FBI is not wearing the trousers in this “relationship.”

It seems the FBI is still in the pocket of the ADL in 2015. Mueller’s successor was former US Deputy Attorney General during the Bush years and Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin weapons manufacturer James Comey Jr. who has been told to continue the obsequious tradition. In a speech to ADL members he reiterated that the organisation: “… has even greater reach;” which has meant the training of “…12,000 law enforcement personnel last year alone” and the mandatory programs on the  “Hate Crimes Training Manual” developed by the ADL and FBI. With the definitions of “terrorist” suitably blurred and the FBI’s penchant for entrapment formulas, this is nothing more than indoctrination which ensures a hyper-vigilance on anti-Semitism and politically correct reflexes out of all proportion. It does however, increase Israel’s bubble of socio-cultural protection against any and all criticism. [49]


Abraham H. Foxman National Director of the Anti-Defamation League; FBI director James Comey Jr. (top left) and former FBI Director Robert S. Muelller (top right) 

The ADL’s response to the Defence Investigative Service memo mentioned previously and reported by The Washington Post was an example of how to utilise the anti-Semitism canard in the face of more accusations of an Israeli spy ring. It was highly effective. Journalist R. Jeffrey Smith writes: “The warning, which described Israel as a ‘non-traditional adversary’ in the world of espionage, was circulated by the Defence Investigative Service with a memo noting similar intelligence ‘threats’ from other close U.S. allies. The warning about Israel was ‘cancelled’ and withdrawn by the Pentagon in December after senior officials decided its author had improperly singled out Jewish ‘ethnicity’ as a specific counterintelligence concern.” [50]

In a letter to Defence Secretary William J. Perry, the ADL Director Abraham Foxman launched into his job description which requires him to deflect any further scrutiny away from Zionist infiltration claiming: “This is a distressing charge which impugns American Jews and borders on anti-Semitism,” and earlier complaining about its reference to Israeli recruitment techniques but also its “harsh tone.” This thumb-sucking outrage and the mere thought that Israelis could ever employ recruitment techniques even though they are famous the world over for doing just that, all point to the real intent of the ADL. Therefore, it was of no consequence that: “Many military counterintelligence officials remain[ed] scarred by the 1985 revelation that Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Jay Pollard stole what the memo refers to as ‘vast quantities of classified information’ on Israel’s behalf…” [51]

When society is so fearful of being labelled anti-Semitic when levelling criticism of anything remotely Jewish and/or Israeli, then the outlook is bleak when it comes to exploring 9/11 and Israel’s role. It is for this reason that all the forces of the Israeli lobbies are committed to the prohibition of any and all discussion concerning Israel and 9/11 in the mainstream media. With social surveillance riding knee-jerk PC conformity across American society it is hardly shocking that an extensive Israeli spy ring was operating all over the US and in preparation for the participation in the events of September 11th.  Does that mean that acts of anti-Semitism do not occur? We know very well that they do. Yet, we must look at the ADL in context, as arms of the overall Israeli lobby and intelligence apparatus. Anti-Semitism is as essential to the perpetuation of cultural victim-hood and geo-political ideology as entrapment is to the FBI or CIA regime change. It all feeds into the vast illusion of the terror industry and the role of state sponsorship – most importantly, the role of Israel’s MOSSAD. Unless we understand this, we are doomed to fall into their ever-present engineering of the mass mind.

The military love-hate affair with Israel continues according to a 2012 Washington Post report where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “… plans to supervise the construction of a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex … at an Israeli Air Force base near Tel Aviv.” Operating under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program (FMS) the project is thought to be the largest yet, costing $100 million dollars of American tax payers’ money. The facility is no slap-dash affair with “… classrooms on Level 1, an auditorium on Level 3, a laboratory, shock-resistant doors, protection from non-ionizing radiation and very tight security. Clearances will be required for all construction workers, guards will be at the fence and barriers will separate it from the rest of the base.” [52]

The name of this base: “Site 9/11”.


* Sayanim – Describes persons of Jewish origin living outside Israel as foreign citizens and who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This includes medical care, financial support, research; intelligence gathering i.e. anything that can aid the Mossad in their global operations. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. This is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer agents than other intelligence agencies.

Update: See also: The dark history of the ADL: Terrorism, organized crime, pedophilia and murder


[1] ‘CBS Reports Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion’ “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’” Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.” CBS News January 29 2002. | ‘Defense Dollars’ PBS Online News Hour, February 12, 2001. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/jan-june01/dollars_2-12.html
[2] South Coast Today Pittsburgh Post-Gazette December 20, 2001. | http://www.s-t.com/daily/12-01/12-20-01/a02wn018.htm
[3] For much more information on securities fraud and Black Eagle Trust cover up read E.P. Heidner’s meticulously researched article: ‘Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001’ By E.P. Heidner: http://www.wanttoknow.info/911/Collateral-Damage-911-black_eagle_fund_trust.pdf
[4] Ibid.
[5] ‘Unacknowledged Special Access Programs: US deep black programs out of control?’ By Joël van der Reijden, September 10, 2005. Institute for the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics. www. wikispooks.com/ISGP/index.html Veteran journalist Seymour Hersh has reported on just one USAP that he discovered set up to circumvent national and international humanitarian laws with full knowledge from Condeleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld, whereby in late 2001, early 2002 President Bush: “…had signed a top-secret finding, as required by law, authorizing the Defense Department to set up a specially recruited clandestine team of Special Forces operatives and others who would defy diplomatic niceties and international law and snatch — or assassinate, if necessary — identified ‘high-value’ Al Qaeda operatives anywhere in the world. Equally secret interrogation centers would be set up in allied countries where harsh treatments were meted out, unconstrained by legal limits of public disclosure. The program was hidden inside the Defense Department as an ‘unacknowledged’ special-access program, or SAP, whose operational details were known only to a few in the Pentagon, the CIA and the White House.” This would come under the net of subsequent drone attacks in Pakistan under the Obama administration amid condemnation by most people of conscience.
[6] ‘Military waste under fire / $1 trillion missing — Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting’ By Tom Abate, SanFrancisco Chronicle May 18, 2003.
[7] Radar Physics Group, sysplan.com, [cached] | Flight Termination System, sysplan.com, [cached] via http://www.911research ‘Missing Trillions Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01’
[8] ‘US: The Fatal Flaws in the Patriot Missile System’ by Jeffrey St. Clair, Counterpunch, April 17th, 2003. |‘Israel’s Palmachim Spaceport’ Space Today, 2005. “Israel is developing an Ofeq-7 spysat and a radar satellite known as Techstar, a radar satellite, both for launch in 2008.” | Judicial Inc. http://www.
[9] ‘Israel To Receive $8 Billion’ By Adam Entous March 18, Reuters, 2003.
[10] ‘Defense Memo Warned of Israeli Spying; ‘Ethnic Ties’ Charge Draws ADL Rebuke’By R. Jeffrey Smith, The Washington Post, January 30, 1996, p. A1.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘Following Zakheim And The Pentagon Trillions To Israel And 911’ By Jerry Mazza, Online Journal Associate Editor March 28, 2007.
[13] http://www.cna.org/centers/cna | 448 MIPR or “Department of Defence Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request” is a standard for the ease of transfer of funds between U.S. military organizations rather than limited to funding within a single entity. If one reads the reglulations and loopholes inherent in such a method it is easy to see how trillions can go missing. See: ‘Code of Federal Regulations, Title 48 – Federal Acquisition Regulations System – DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request.
[14] Ibid.
[15] ‘Dov Zackheim, Pentagon Comptroller, Has Misplaced A Trillion $’ by Likud Watch Monday, Jan. 31, 2005. Cleveland Indymedia. http://www.cleveland.indymedia.org/news/2005/01/14509.php
[16] Op.cit. Mazza.
[17] A Day of Terror: The Israelis; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer’ By James Bennet, The New York Times, September 12, 2001.
[18] ‘Provocations as Pretexts for Imperial War: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11.’ May 25, 2008. http://www.petras.lahaine.org/
[19] ‘Zelikow Appointed to Obama’s Intelligence Advisory Board.’ By Rob Segal, UVA Today, http://www.news.virginia.edu
[20] ‘Thinking About Political History’. By Philip Zelikow. Miller Center Report, Winter 1999.
[21] ‘Zelikow: 9/11 Master Criminal Appointed By Obama’ Obama appoints 9/11 scriptwriter & master criminal Zelikow to Intelligence Advisory Board, by Kevin Barrett, September 2011, Veterans Today. wwwveteranstoday.com
[22] p. 111; The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation By Philip Shenon. Published by Twelve, 2008. | ISBN-10: 0446580759.
[23 p.14; Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission By Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamiliton. Published by Alfred A. Knopf 2006.
[24] ‘Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger’. By Ashton B. Carter, John Deutch, and Philip Zelikow. Foreign Affairs, November/December 1998.
[25] ‘The National Security Strategy of the United States of America’. The Washington Post. September 17, 2002. “To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively.”
[26] ‘Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of the Dark Side’ By Scott Horton, Harper’s Magazine, 14 July 2008
[27] op. cit Barrett
[28] ‘ICRC Report on the Treatment of Fourteen “High Value Detainees” in CIA Custody’ (PDF).
[29] op. cit. Petras.
[30] p.456; Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil By Michael C. Ruppert. Published by New Society Publishers, 2004.
[31] ‘Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel’ “According to Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion.” By Haaretz Service and Reuters, April16, 2008.
[32] Brother Against Brother:Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination By Ehud Sprinzak Published by Free Press, 1999.
[33] Terrorism: How the West Can Win By Benjamin Netanyahu. Published by Douglas & McIntyre, 1986. (Preface)
[34] ‘The Essential Terrorist’ By Edward W. Said, The Nation, August 14, 2006. http://www.thenation.com
[35] ‘Netanyahu’s Fascist Record: All Roads Lead to Shultz’ by Steven Meyer February 24, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[36] Egyptian Intellectual: Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Planned 9/11| September 11, 2004 TV Clip No. 278. The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian intellectual Hassan Al-Bana, that aired on Sahar 1 TV:
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “This is a book written by Benjamin Netanyahu on the uprooting of terrorism. He talks about attacking the Twin Towers. He talks about attacking the U.S. National Security Council, and about attacking the U.N. Take, for example, the Twin Towers operation. Such an operation doesn’t require placing a car bomb under the two towers but placing small nuclear bombs and detonating them. The scenarios were ready. This scenario was prepared by the Jews at the Jonathan Institute.”
Interviewer: “What scenario are you talking about?”
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “The scenario of bombing [the WTC]. I’m talking now about the bombing scenario and how it was a planned operation, and not an act of revenge. He had to find an excuse; a reason for intervention.”
Interviewer: “Dr. Hassan, you talk of the perpetrator. Are you saying there was an Israeli plan ready for operation?”
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “The scenario was prepared by Israel and the U.S. Henry Ford and George Bush attended the Jonathan Conference in 1984. They agreed with Netanyahu on the scenario for the bombing of the Twin Towers. When Netanyahu was asked how a force can be mobilized… He said: ‘In America you have religious factions that oppose abortions in hospitals. This religious sentiment can be exploited and channelled into these kinds of operations.’ This all exists [in writing]. Anybody who read Uprooting Terrorism [sic] and many other American books [would understand]. “Moreover, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. What conspiracy? George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. are the only American presidents to control the CIA. George Bush Jr. declared that the Twin Towers operation would remain completely secret.”
[37] ‘The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, July 25, 2008.| http://www.bollyn.com
[38] “In 2000 it was reported that Mr. Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, was working with the Grand Master of Anglo-American Freemasonry HRH The Duke of Kent, the founder of the Jerusalem Lodge, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy Count Giuliano di Bernardo, and the Worshipful Master of the prestigious Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge Lord Northhampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount conducting studies. Evidently these mystical adepts intend to reconstruct the 2,500 year old King Solomons Temple. It seems the brethren are anticipating a forthcoming resurrection of Grand Master Abiff’s architectural endevours.” – ‘British Masons And US Fundis Launch Apocalypse’ by Mark Sonnenblick Executive Intelligence Review Nov. 1, 2000 | From B’nai B’rith – The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Appleton-Century, New York 1966: From the Forward pg. xi: “Those whose responsiblity it is to interpret B’nai B’rith to the public have a formidable task… from small beginnings, has grown into a vast enterprise of nearly half million men, women, and young people in forty-four countries. It has become so complex in its structure and activities that most of its members-to say nothing of others-have only a limited knowledge of its achievements, purposes, and scope. This book, the first full-length history of B’nai B’rith,…”
…From Chapter 2 – The very beginning: “B’nai B’rith was founded on October 13, 1843, for the expressed purpose of ending, or at least reducing, the chaos and anarchy in Jewish life-or, as one of the founders put it, of “uniting and elevating the Sons of Abraham. […] There were twelve founders, all in their twenties or thirties. All had been born in Germany, and had come to New York in the late 1820’s or 1830’s. All lived on the lower East Side, where most of them, at the time, were petty shopkeepers. The majority had not known one another in Germany, and only a few were acquainted before 1843…” […]  Those few included Henry Jones, Isaac Rosenbourg, William Renau, and Reuben Rodacher. They met, apparently, because they were members of the Free Masons or Odd Fellows, as well as of several secret benevolent socities…[…]  …There is a legend, which is occasionally mentioned to this day, that B’nai B’rith was founded because in 1843 Jews were barred from membership in the Masonic orders and the Odd Fellows. Obviously, that was not the case, since several of the Order’s founders were themselves members of those organizations. We have fragments of memoirs written by Jones, Rosenbourg, and Renau, as well as by others who joined B’nai B’rith soon after it was founded, which leave no doubt about this…
[39] p.27; Dope Iinc: Britain’s opium war against the U.S by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team directed by Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg. Konstandino. 1978.
[40] http://www.adl.org/about_more.asp
[41] ‘Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case -The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues’ by Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier And Steve Zeltzer Plaintiffs In The Of ADL Spying Case, Counterpunch, February 25, 2002. http://www.counterpunch.org.
[42] ‘The Changing Role of B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League’ By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, http://www.wrmea.org,June 1993,
[43] Ibid.
[44] ‘ADL -A History of Disinformation and Intimidation’ www. archive.org/stream/AdlAnti-defamationLeagueOfBnaiBrithNewsArticles/ADL_djvu.txt
[45] Ibid.
[46] ADL Press Release: June 6 2002: ‘Law Enforcement From Across The U.S. Participate In Joint ADL-FBI.
Conference On Terrorism’ http://www.adl.org/presrele/Mise_00/4108_00.asp
[47] Ibid.
[48] Robert S. Mueller, III Director Federal Bureau of Investigation, Anti-Defamation League’s 24th Annual National Leadership Conference, Washington, D.C. May 07, 2002.
[49] ‘Remarks by James B. Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (As Prepared)To ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., April 28, 2014 http://www.adl.org/press-center/c/fbi-director-james-b-comey-adl-summit.html#.U162xTgU_IU
[50] op. cit R. Jeffrey Smith.
[51] Ibid.
[52] ‘U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel’ By Walter Pincus, Washington Post, November 29. 2012.

Hello Israel I: Dancing Israelis and Artistic Pursuits

 By M.K. Styllinski

We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq. [The events] swung American public opinion in our favor.

– Benyamin Netanyahu, April 2008 


It’s very good.” … “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.

– Benyamin Netanyahu’s response after being asked what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel. [1] [2] 

Andrey Kosyakov, former assistant to the chairman of the Russian Congress and a specialist in International Security was in no doubt that only one state and one intelligence grouping could have the capability and knowledge to pull off the monumental false flag operation that was 9/11. With factions within the US administration and an extensive Israeli spy ring already ensconced within it, the logistical support and overall high level access was already present.

If you were told that a group of five “Middle Eastern men” had set up their video cameras prior to the attack and had been observed laughing, joking and video-taping themselves immediately after the two planes hit, you would be forgiven for being slightly sceptical, even bewildered by such a story. [3] According to many eye-witness reports this was no aberration or childish attempt to shock but a virtual celebration which continued against the backdrop of the smouldering Twin Towers for several hours.

New Jersey residents described their observations of the men who were : “… going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage,” and “… shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.” [4] Liberty State Park, a roof in Weehawken and later on in the day a Jersey City parking lot were all eye-witness scenes of laughter, “high fives” and general merriment. In particular, an eyewitness named “Maria” who had written down the license plate number of the van and called the police, later recalled: “They seemed to be taking a movie. They are taking video or photos of themselves with the WTC burning in the background.” Maria remembered their expressions which were: “… happy, you know… They didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange.” [5]

An anonymous phone-call also led police to be on the look-out for a white, 2000 Chevrolet van with “Urban Moving Systems” driven by “Arabs” acting suspiciously. Tunnels and Bridges in the New York area were closed and before the long the van was stopped on Route 3 in East Rutherford area and the eight occupants apprehended, minutes after the first plane hit. Rather than Muslims as one might expect, the five men first claimed to be Israeli tourists though later they admitted they worked for a moving company based in New Jersey. Sivan Kurzberg, the driver of the van told police officers: “We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.” [6] Strange, in view of the fact that the Palestinian struggle was hardly a pressing concern to NYPD officers. Unless of course, it was a projected concern of the Israelis who had just been laughing their heads off at the WTC destruction.

The other passengers were Sivan’s brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari all of whom were in possession of maps, with certain places highlighted and box cutters (as the alleged hijackers were meant to have used) foreign passports, photos of the men standing in front of the smouldering WTC grinning and the presence of explosives as indicated by sniffer dogs. [7] A top-level investigator from Bergen County law stated in 2006, that: “There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted … It looked like they’re hooked in with this [referring to the 9/11 attacks]. It looked like they knew what was going to happen…It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.” [8]

After weeks of interrogation the FBI concluded that at least two of the five were MOSSAD agents and all were on a MOSSAD surveillance mission with the Urban Moving Company providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation:

After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban Moving’s Weehawken, N.J., offices. The FBI searched Urban Moving’s offices for several hours, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The FBI also questioned Urban Moving’s owner. His attorney insists that his client answered all of the FBI’s questions. But when FBI agents tried to interview him again a few days later, he was gone.

Three months later 2020’s cameras photographed the inside of Urban Moving, and it looked as if the business had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the warehouse. The owner [Dominick Suter] had also cleared out of his New Jersey home, put it up for sale and returned with his family to Israel.” [9]

Recalling former MOSSAD agent Victor Ostrovsky’s observations, we see that this may not have been an isolated incident but rather a normal part of MOSSAD’s operating protocol from the Collections or “LAPS Dept.”where:  “Some business sayanim have a bank of 20 operators answering phones, typing letters, faxing messages, all a front for the MOSSAD. The joke is that 60 percent of the business of those telephone answering companies in Europe comes from the MOSSAD. They’d fold otherwise.” [10] One of the men later stated that: “our purpose was to document the event.” Although they were Initially held on immigration violation charges, they were released 71 days later and deported to Israel.

This should not be surprising either, since the FBI’s record on terrorism and CoIntelpro is widely known and best summed by a ridiculous statement from an FBI official who, after being asked to comment on the release of so many detained Israelis and the suggestion of foreknowledge told ABC News: “To date, this investigation has not identified anybody who in this country had pre-knowledge of the events of 9/11.” [11] It seems to have escaped the elite brains of the FBI as to how the Israelis would know there was an event to document without such foreknowledge. Since evidence abounds that this is clearly the case, the FBI proves yet again to exhibit stunning ignorance and naivety. More probable is that certain individuals were involved in a cover-up. Meanwhile, hundreds of MOSSAD agents appeared to be crawling all over the urban American landscape with moving companies and telecommunications serving as fronts.

The most widely referenced and oft quoted piece of reporting came from Carl Cameron’s December 2001, four-part news item which documented the existence of the largest spy ring ever to be uncovered in the history of US espionage. A total of 200 Israeli spies were arrested. [12] Ironically aired on Fox News, it was not long before the transcript was hurriedly removed from its own website closely followed by rapid attempts to purge the video and articles from all other media websites, with threats to prosecute should unauthorised use of the video and transcript be breached. Behind this panic attempt at erasing the report were the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and various other Jewish groups intimidating free speech. Fox News was running scared. Obviously, Cameron had touched a nerve.


Far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the report who said: “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.” Cameron carefully documents the presence of Israeli agents masquerading as art students just prior to the September 11th attacks which was part of an extensive intelligence operation designed to circumvent federal drug investigations. Parallel to these findings was the massive takeover of the telecommunications industry as cover for a network of eaves-dropping via companies such as Amdocs Ltd. [13]

It was in January 2000, that these Israeli “art students” began appearing at the offices of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in teams of eight each with an assigned team leader. Their apparent goal was to sell their artwork but when teams began appearing in over 42 towns and cities across the US with claims that students were enrolled in non-existent Universities that suspicions became more pronounced. [14] Sightings of the students were also reported in and around 36 Department of Defence locations leading to over 140 arrests and detainments of Israelis from March 2001 up to the day of the 9/11 attacks. In one KHOU Channel 11 report, Dallas was also targeted where: “… so-called students hit early this year at the city’s FBI building, the Drug Enforcement Administration and at the Earle Cabell Federal building, where guards found one student wandering the halls with a floor plan of the building.” [15] A further 60 found working at shopping mall kiosks were also detained and deported. [16]

A detailed 2002, DEA report was subsequently leaked to media and the internet which revealed the vast majority of Israeli art students interviewed by US investigators not only had family and security connections to the Israeli Army but specialist military backgrounds which included expertise in intelligence, electronic surveillance and explosives. The report concluded: “That these people are now traveling in the U.S. selling art seems not to fit their background.” [17]

You don’t say?

All this begs the question why an obvious Israeli spy ring was examined at the highest levels of the Bush administration, and with Intelligence Online editor Guillaume Dasquié in March 10, 2002: “… was informed by a Justice Department official that the DEA report had been handed over to the Department’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and that same day at a DEA press conference, Asa Hutchinson, the DEA head, said that he had passed the document along to ‘other agencies’ working on the matter.”

But nothing happened.

Investigative journalist Tom Flocco makes the inevitable conclusions:

“The evidence raises serious questions as to how the French government was able to report strong evidence of Israeli espionage in America, yet the FBI, CIA, NSA, Justice Department and the White House were unable to identify the spies while denying the existence of Israeli espionage despite a multi-billion dollar budget and the finest equipment and training.

Guillaume Dasquié reported that the Israeli operatives were living close to Arabs in San Diego, Little Rock, Irving, Texas and in South Florida where 10 of the 19 September 11 “hijackers” lived, speculating that the Israelis had advanced knowledge of the attacks but had not passed on the critical intelligence to the Bush administration who would likely spend blood and treasure to retaliate against Muslim terrorists—notwithstanding a little war profiteering on the side.

The independent AFP said “What is not clear is what the ring of more than 120 agents was up to and why some Israelis linked to the attacks in New York and Washington, DC were allowed to flee or were sent back to Israel after 9/11 on visa violations, rather than being charged and prosecuted.

According to other reports, alleged lead “hijacker” Mohammed Atta lived at 3389 Sheridan St. in Hollywood, Florida while a team of Israeli operatives lived a few blocks away at 4220 Sheridan.” [18] [Emphasis mine]

The classified military operation “Able Danger” created by the Joint Chief of Staff in 1999 and led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) was said to have uncovered various Al-Qaeda cells, including the 9/11 suspects in New Jersey. Yet, the key hijackers were allowed to move and around freely without interference from intelligence and US authorities. The fact that American intelligence operatives were routinely blocked and stone-walled has an enormous body of evidence, largely from intelligence whistle-blowers.  Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer is one of many who has publicly expressed serious doubts about the government’s version of 9/11, suggesting that some within the FBI and CIA were facilitating the 9/11 plot. [19]

Why is it beyond the realms of possibility that Israeli Zionists not only had “advanced knowledge of the attacks” but had a hand in the operation? Why else would MOSSAD agents be carting around explosives and ordinance maps in more than one white van? [20] But this is still classified, and according to Carl Cameron: “Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying is considered career suicide.” [21] It is little wonder that Zionist influence in the US is as strong as it has ever been and its relationship to the events of 9/11 remain unchallenged, the media judging it unimportant for public awareness.

mossad-sealAlthough many in the alternative media highlighted the presence of Israeli spies within the US pre and post-9/11 perhaps one of the most comprehensive and objective summaries given to the 9/11 Commission Report was the Shea Memorandum penned by Gerald Shea, a retired corporate lawyer. An alumnus of Phillips Academy, Yale and Columbia Law School, with many years experience working in the best Paris and New York law firms, Shea brought his considerable skills to bear on the subject of Israeli spies, offering a cogent and compelling evaluation of the facts. What follows is a lengthy extract from page 49 of the memorandum and which offers a 13-point summary of his findings:

Set forth below is a detailed summary of the tentative conclusions reached in this memorandum, which amply illustrate the urgent need for a public inquiry into the activities of the Israeli DEA Groups and the Israeli New Jersey Group. The inquiry must include, without limitation, the examination of members of the Israel Groups and related persons; officials of the Israeli government and certain of its agencies, including Mossad; FBI suspects, agents of the DEA, the INS and the FBI; certain local law enforcement officials; agents of the CIA (in camera to the extent required); other intelligence sources cited by the public press to the extent possible; the boxes of documents and computer hard drives (referred on page 29) seized by the FBI from the Israeli New Jersey Group; and of all other relevant documents, reports, communiqués and information.–

1. The Israeli DEA Groups were spying on the Drug Enforcement Agency and thus upon the United States. The DEA itself has concluded that they were probably engaged in organized intelligence gathering on our soil.

2. A highly regarded American journal knowledgeable about Israeli affairs, has concluded (a) based on its own sources, that the Israeli DEA Groups were spying on radical Islamic networks suspected of links to Middle East terrorism, and (b) based on the representations of a former American intelligence official regularly briefed on these matters by law enforcement officials, that (i) at least two members of the Israeli New Jersey Group were Mossad operatives, (ii) Urban Moving, the company used by the Israeli New Jersey Group, was a front for Mossad and its operatives, and (iii) the Israeli New Jersey Group was spying on local Arabs.

3. The intelligence sources of a substantial American television network report that the Israeli DEA Groups may have gathered information about the September 11 attacks in advance, and not shared it with the United States. One investigator said that evidence linking the Israeli DEA Groups to such intelligence gathering was classified and could not be disclosed.

4. The Israeli DEA Groups were comprised of 125 or more Israelis operating on our soil. Their leaders and apparent associates included military commanders and experts with military backgrounds in intelligence, electronic intercepts and telecommunications.

5. The wiretapping and intelligence expertise of members of both Israeli Groups, and the use of vans in local neighborhoods where the future hijackers were planning the attacks, and the extensive use by the hijackers of cell phones and land lines, made the Israeli Groups ideally suited to gather information regarding the hijackers’ plans.

6. The principal operation of the Israeli DEA Groups was located in and around Hollywood, Florida, the central training and staging ground for the hijacking of North and South Tower Planes and the Pennsylvania Plane. The addresses and places of residence of the members of the Israeli DEA Groups in Hollywood itself were within hundreds of yards those of the future hijackers.

7. The operations of both the Israeli New Jersey Group and the hijackers of the Pentagon Plane were centered in Hudson and Bergen Counties in New Jersey, within a common radius of about six miles.

8. All five celebrating members of the Israeli New Jersey Group arrested on September 11 were aware, when the North Tower Plane struck the World Trade Center, based on their immediate reaction to the attack and the information said to be contained in their van, that the attack had been planned and carried out by Arab terrorists.

9. After being questioned by the FBI on September 11, the leader of the Israeli New Jersey Group immediately fled the United States to Israel. His name and aliases appear, along with those of the hijackers and other FBI suspects, on the May 2002 FBI Suspect list.

10. Israeli intelligence officials have reported that two senior officials of Mossad warned the United States in August 2001 that as many as 200 terrorists on American soil were planning an imminent large-scale attack on high visibility targets on the American mainland. One press report states that in August Mossad provided the CIA with the names of future hijackers Khaled al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi.

11. The CIA’s explanation of how Mihdhar’s and Hazmi’s names were placed on the Watchlist through the spontaneous efforts of CIA and FBI agents is not only difficult to follow but, as the sole reason for the Watchlisting, hardly credible.

12. Mossad’s own information appears to have come from its sources inside the United States. All of the facts and circumstances set forth in this memorandum appear to show that Mossad’s two likely sources of information were: (a) the Israeli DEA Groups, comparable in number to that of the Arab suspects and who appear to have tracked the future hijackers in their central places of operation and in other states, and (b) the Israeli New Jersey Group, operating through their Mossad front in another principal locus of operations of the future hijackers, two of whom were Mossad agents, and five of whom appeared immediately aware of the origin of the attacks on September 11.

13. While little direct evidence supports the contention that the CIA was aware of or condoned the Israeli Groups’ tracking of Arab terrorist groups in the United States prior to September 11, the CIA’s pressing for the expulsion of members of the Israeli DEA Groups when they were detained before September 11, their failure to cooperate with the FBI, their circuitous explanation of how the above two hijackers were placed on the Watchlist, and other relevant considerations require that the issue be taken up as a part of the public inquiry into these painful events.

Unfortunately, Shea’s contribution to the 9/11 Commission missed the final report deadline, though it is doubtful the material would ever have been included should it have been submitted from the start.

What appears to be beyond doubt is that a very large Israeli spy ring with a specific remit regarding 9/11 was actively engaged within the United States several months prior to September 11th.  Moreover, Israeli agents were located in Hollywood, Fla., and in New Jersey, Bergen and Hudson – exactly the same areas where the alleged 9/11 hijackers lived and prepared their attacks.  None of this information was shared with US authorities, although some key officials were in the know.

If the Israeli spy ring was initially working with the CIA as an outsourced body whose task it was to monitor and collect data on Arab terrorism, there appears to have been a 5th column within American intelligence working with Israel on a huge entrapment/facilitation operation and/or the complete creation of the 9/11 false flag itself. Able Danger might have circumnavigated this large-scale black ops by converging with the covert planning of the attacks and therefore had to be reeled in. It was likely to be a very fine balance of “need-to-know” parried with downright obstruction of duty. This included willful ignorance of lead hijacker Mohammed Atta, who appeared to have  been given a free reign to do as he pleased.

Were they fully paid up agents sacrificed at the eleventh hour?

Indeed, like Lt. Colonel Shaffer and others,  J.D. Smith, was a defense contractor who also worked on “Able Danger” helping to gather open source information, analysis of government spending and statistics for the unit. He claims that he was: “…absolutely positive that he [Atta] was on our chart among other pictures and ties that we were doing mainly based upon [terror] cells in New York City…”  [22] Yet, he was purposefully ignored – even protected – by Israelis and high-level directors within the CIA and FBI, much to the frustration of many operatives.

To see how and why such a lop-sided state of affairs could exist, we have to go deeper into the various Israeli players operating as a social, political and economic fifth column inside the United States.



[1] ‘Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel’ According to Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion.’ By Haaretz Service and Reuters | Apr. 16, 2008.
[2] ‘A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer’ By JAMES BENNET, New York Times, September 12, 2001.
[3] ‘One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports,’ September 14, 2001, FoxNews.com | ‘After the Attacks: The Investigation; Bin Laden Tie Cited.’ By David Johnston and James Risen, The New York Times, September 13, 2001.
[4] ‘U.S. arrests of Israelis a mystery – Most charged with immigration violations either have been deported or will be’ By Doug Sanders, The Globe and Mail, With a report from Associated Press, December 17, 2001 – Print Edition, Page A7. | ‘Five Israelis detained for ‘puzzling behavior’ after WTC tragedy’ By Yossi Melman, Ha’aretz September 17, 2001.
[5] ‘Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?’ By ABC News ABC20/20, June 21, www. abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123885&page=1#.UI6e_2eItdo
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘Dozens of Israeli Jews are being Kept in Federal Detention’ By Tamar Lewin and Alison Leigh Cowan, The New York Times, November 21, 2001. | ‘Spy Rumours Fly on Gusts of Truth: Americans probing reports of Israeli Espionage.’by Marc Perelman, Forward March 15, 2002.
[8] ‘Five men detained as suspected conspirators’ By Paulo Lima Staff Writer Bergen Record, (New Jersey), September 12, 2001.
[9] op.cit ABC News
[10] op.cit Ostrovsky.
[11] op.cit ABC News.
[12] Part 1: Carl Cameron Investigates FNC December 17, 2001. This partial transcript of Special Report with Brit Hume, Dec. 11, was provided by the Federal Document Clearing House. c/o http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/Israeli-Spying-Part-1.htm
[13] ‘Congress hides Israeli telecom spying, permits ‘classified’ FISA evidence’ By Tom Flocco, October 4, 2012. www. councilforthenationalinterest.org/
[14] ‘Intelligence agents or art students?’ by Paul M. Rodriquez, Insight on the News, April 1, 2002.
[15] ‘Hundreds of MOSSAD Agents Caught Running Wild in America’ By Warren Royal, Originally posted at http://www.la.indymedia.org/news/2003/07/74953_comment.php?theme=1| ‘Israeli Caught up in Terror Sweep’ The Austin American-Statesman, November 25, 2001, pg. A-11.
[16] ‘The Israeli ‘Art Student’ Mystery,’ by Christopher Ketcham, Salon.com, May 8, 2002.
[17] ‘U.S. Deports Dozens of Israelis,’ by Ted Bridis, Associated Press, March 6, 2002.
[18] op. cit Flocco.
[19] See profile on http://patriotsquestion911.com/
[20] ‘Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aKj6uJ5Mt4 | “Rare recording of Police radio from September 11th 2001. Police capture 2 Mossad agents caught delivering a Truck Bomb next to the WTC building in New York City. Even though they were caught by Police and arrested, they were then let go back to Israel by the Bus administration.”
[21] op. cit Cameron.
[22] ‘Third Source Backs ‘Able Danger’ Claims About Atta’ August 28, 2005, FoxNews.com

Osama and Al-Qaeda I

By M.K. Styllinski

“The idea which is critical to the FBI¹s prosecution that bin Laden ran a coherent organisation with operatives and cells all around the world of which you could be a member is a myth. There is no Al Qaeda organisation. There is no international network with a leader, with cadres who will unquestioningly obey orders, with tentacles that stretch out to sleeper cells in America, in Africa, in Europe. That idea of a coherent, structured terrorist network with an organised capability simply does not exist.”

Jason Burke, author, quoted in The Power of Nightmares, documentary

The key to understanding some of the key reasons for the September 11th attacks lies in the history of bin Laden and the creation of Al-Qaeda. The problem is still perpetuated by a common public misconception that there is still a case of “us and them” between government forces and Al-Qaeda terrorism. The American public and some within the 911 Truth Movement and MSM are pressing for culpability for members of the Bush Administration and their part in allowing Al-Qaeda to launch attacks on the United States. So called politicians turned whistleblowers are largely criticising failure of intelligence or incompetence without seeing the root causes which lies at the heart the War on Terror as a piece of large-scale propaganda of which Edward Bernays would have been proud. As author and economist Professor Michel Chossudovsky mentions: “… in a bitter irony, the very process of revealing these lies and expressing public outrage has contributed to reinforcing the 9/11 cover-up. ‘Revealing the lies’ serves to present Al-Qaeda as the genuine threat, as an ‘outside enemy’, which threatens the security of America, when in fact Al-Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus.” [1]

Al-Qaeda is more of a mercenary tool of global intelligence than a real terrorist threat. Regime change and resource exploitation are some of its goals. This necessarily incorporates radicalised individuals who serve as patsies and agents furthering the overall geo-strategy. They are a common form of collateral and cannon fodder. There is a wealth of evidence  for the interested researcher confirming the myth of Al-Qaeda from the mouths of whistleblowers, ex-Intel operatives, politicians, statesmen, authors and academics.

Leonid Shebarshin ex-chief of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence Service, who heads the Russian National Economic Security Service consulting company, said in an interview for the Vremya Novostei newspaper, that Al-Qaeda was an “all-mighty ubiquitous myth deliberately linked to Islam” in order to target “… the oil-rich Muslim regions.” He further commented: “The U.S. has usurped the right to attack any part of the globe on the pretext of fighting the terrorist threat…” and with military bases in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, Shebarshin said, “the United States has already established control over the Caspian region — one of the world’s largest oil reservoirs.” [2]


The Shahada – the Flag of Jihad often seen flying with Al-Qaeda, Taliban and ISIL (Source: wikipedia)

It is here that the Three Establishment Model (3EM) interests converge. They do so from the seemingly innocuous beginnings of the Safari Club which had its relatively humble beginnings in homage to the colonial hunters of the British Elite, Cecil Rhodes and the Round Table.

Russell E. Train (cousin of John Train, the Pilgrims Society member and former financial advisor to CIA-ally John Hay Whitney) was a co-founder of the African Wildlife Foundation set up since 1961. According to Train’s biography his foundation had drifted away from the Safari Club which was in existence before 1958 and coyly described by him as “a newly formed organization set up by a local group of businessmen who had gone on a hunt together in Mozambique.” [3] Although certainly a white man’s big-game hunting troupe for Pan-European and Anglo-American big-wigs, one of these businessmen and founders was Kermit Roosevelt Jr. who had set up the club as an anti-communist outpost, the evolution of which was given the seal of approval by Henry Kissinger several years later. Among other states, Saudi Arabia had a large hand in financing operations in Morocco, Egypt and Iran, with a view to countering Soviet operations in the Middle East and Africa. [4]

The other important founder was Count Alexandre de Marenches, the director of French intelligence services representing Pan-European Synarchism in the region. It would thus represent the next phase in Anglo-American dominance in Africa. The WWF and the 1001 club were involved in its formation via Train, Arthur Windsor Arundel and Sue Erpf van de Bovenkamp [5]

With Nixon booted out over the Watergate Scandal 1974, this saw the arrival of a new breed of psychopaths in power who would preside over criminal rule just as they did on 9/11: Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld; Chief of Staff, Dick Cheney; Vice president Nelson Rockefeller (brother of David) and George H.W. Bush as CIA Director, who joined the Ford Administration and the Kissinger cabal. Under this motley crew, 1976 would see the consolidation of a coalition of intelligence agencies that would begin the comprehensive carving up of Africa. The Safari Club would become the central hub for American intelligence financing; the organisation of an international network of terrorists; the CIA’s role in the global drug trade; the emergence of the Taliban and the origins of Al-Qaeda.

The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) formerly a small Pakistani merchant bank was transformed into an ISI/CIA front for the biggest world-wide money laundering enterprise in history. Its job was to accrue a network of banks to finance intelligence in Africa and other nations. Under Bush, the intelligence groups in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran worked closely with the CIA who found could out-source their Intel operations through these nations which otherwise have been logistically difficult not least because French intelligence was still at the helm of the Safari Club.

1977 was the year that the Trilateral Commission were able to exercise their power more actively through Jimmy Carter’s administration, though in truth, the real power was sourced from Zbigniew Brzezinski as National Security Advisor, just one of many Trilaterals which infested the government at that time. Foreign policy would be steered towards Trilateral objectives which saw the colonisation of Eurasia as vital in eroding the power of the Soviet Union, seen as a continuing threat to US supremacy and resource scarcity. Iran would become the fulcrum of revolution which would lead to the destabilisation of Russia and her interests. “There was this idea that the Islamic forces could be used against the Soviet Union. The theory was, [that] there was an arc of crisis, and so an arc of Islam could be mobilized to contain the Soviets. It was a Brzezinski concept.” [6] The same old patterns of interference ensued.


Zibigniew Brzezinski 1977 (wikipedia)

In 1953, the United States’ CIA initiated a coup in Iran under the codename of Operation AJAX, which sought to remove the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh. Almost thirty years later the Royal Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the dictator of Iran was suddenly no longer useful and Anglo-American allegiances now supported the fundamentalist Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini in favour of containment regarding Russia and access to oil. The media propaganda went into full swing for Revolution as preparations for a military coup inside Iran. In 1979, a coup proved unnecessary and Ayatollah Khomeini was smoothly installed as the Ayatollah of an Islamic Republic of Iran.

Much like the kinds of US-NATO-led incursions we saw in Libya and Syria in the last few years, human rights abuses, real and imagined, were floated excessively in the media. As social tensions rose in Iran the Shah’s secret police the notorious SAVAK were encouraged by US diplomats to embark on a campaign: “of ever more brutal repression, in a manner calculated to maximize popular antipathy to the Shah.”

True to form, the Shah fell into the trap laid by Zbigniew Brzezinski who had advised him: “… to be firm” in the face of demonstrations. [7]

After assisting the installation of fundamentalist Islam and just prior to the Iran-Iraq war Brzezinski met with Saddam Hussein and gave his support for the war ensuring that arms would be secured with the support of Arab oil-producing nations such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. [8] Though this war provided a bonanza for weapons manufacturers in the US, Britain and Russia it also served the American interests in fermenting continuing radicalism in the region so that pockets of conflict and the background of war would serve as cover for securing economic interests.

Meanwhile, as Islamic fundamentalism had been seeded and watered in Iran, Osama bin Laden had left Saudi Arabia to train the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan which the US government were training, arming, and funding to the tune of $3 billion thanks again to Brzezinski transplanting the Islamic foreign policy over to the “holy War.” Very soon, as the late Robert I. Freidman describes in The CIA’s Jihad: “… young Muslim men from across the Arab world, as well as from the U.S., flocked to Mujahedeen base camps outside Peshawar, Pakistan, where they were instructed in everything from making car bombs to shooting down Russian MiGs with U.S.-made Stinger missiles. Most of these recruits were fanatical Islamic fundamentalists who despised America just as much as they hated the Communist occupiers, but the CIA was willing to overlook that.” [9]

Osama bin Laden’s leadership in Afghanistan was vital in driving out Russia. The pretext used on this occasion was that the incumbent Afghan government was communist, which it wasn’t. The enormous investment handled by the CIA meant the creation and consolidation of bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda terrorist network with the blessing of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – and American tax-payers’ money. [10]  Brzezinski’s strategy to lay a trap for Russia whereby the Mujahedeen’s guerrilla war would embroil the Soviet Union in their own Vietnam was supremely successful, leading to its withdrawal and eventual collapse. [11]


Afghan Mujahedeen,October 1987. By Erwin Lux (Wikipedia)

Now that the Safari Club had managed to send out word through its extensive network of intelligence, numerous new recruits were harvested for the glorious jihad and holy war taking place in Afghanistan. Ahmed Rashid writing in Foreign Affairs explained: “With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI, who wanted to turn the Afghan Jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan’s fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually, more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.” [12] Islamic fundamentalism provided ample opportunity for martyrdom with a fantasy paradise of umpteen virgins waiting for their courageous warriors should they take up arms against the Russian infidels.

Bcci_logoBy the time the Reagan Administration took over Vice President George H.W. Bush made sure the BCCI banking funds were on hand for an expansion of operations in Afghanistan and other regions primed for divide and conquer tactics. Journalist Seymour Hersh termed the Safari Club a “private intelligence group [which was] one of George H. W. Bush’s many end-runs around congressional oversight of the American intelligence establishment and the locus of many of the worst features of the mammoth BCCI scandal.” [13]

Australian journalist John Pilger also placed the onus firmly on the Anglo-American intelligence structure: “More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, in camps overseen by CIA and MI6, with the SAS [British Special Forces] training future al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts. Their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia. This was called Operation Cyclone and continued long after the Soviets had withdrawn in 1989.” [14]


Taliban fighters

In the early 1980’s Osama bin Laden already had firmly established ties between Saudi intelligence agency (GIP) their favourite Afghan warlord Abdul Rasul Sayyaf and the Intel chief, and possible middle man for the Mujahedeen groups – Prince Turki al-Faisal, bin Laden’s friend. Though bin Laden “… did have a substantial relationship with Saudi intelligence,” as journalist Steve Coll stated, he was likely not an agent. The CIA and the Safari Club were both working through al-Faisal and “ISI stooge and creation” war-lord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in Afghanistan as well as the Pakistani ISI which had now become a powerful adjunct to the CIA thanks to General (later President) Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s military coup of 1977 who assumed the presidency in 1978. [15] It was no coincidence that Haq passed pro-Islamic legislation, created Islamic banking systems, and Islamic courts and introduced a new religious tax for the creation of tens of thousands of madrassas, or religious boarding schools. This was an offshoot of US policy to build radical Islam, via education that would indoctrinate generations of future Islamic militants for decades to come. This extended to the Pakistani military where “Radical Islamist ideology began to permeate the military and the influence of the most extreme groups crept into the army…” [16]

In 1984, bin Laden moved to Peshawar, a Pakistani town on the border of Afghanistan, so that he could help set up and run Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) (meaning “Services Office” in English). This was a front organisation for the Mujahideen which funnelled weapons, money, and willing Jihad fighters from all over the burgeoning militant Islamic network straight into the increasingly ferocious Afghan war. [17] Meantime, Pakistan’s General Akhtar Abdul-Rahman met bin Laden on a regular basis in the city for Intel and financial dealings related to drug profits from the opium fields which by then were totalling around $100 million. By 1985, bin Laden and the ISI – effectively the CIA – were splitting the proceeds. [18]


George H. W. Bush and BCCI

Rahman was a close friend of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who by now, was a CIA asset and recognised as an international drug trafficker at Interpol. A top US official said that Haq “was our man … everybody knew that Haq was also running the drug trade” and that “BCCI was completely involved.” [19] Then CIA Director William Casey and Vice President George H. W. Bush were fully aware of the connection and while meeting Haq in Pakistan allowed him to move his drug money through the BCCI in return for his role in the program which was to provide Intel, keep the radical Islamic factions at fever pitch and finance the war on terror network. On one such secret visit to training camps near the Afghan border in 1984, the CIA director spoke of a strategy to “… take the Afghan war into enemy territory—into the Soviet Union itself. Casey wanted to ship subversive propaganda through Afghanistan to the Soviet Union’s predominantly Muslim southern republics.” [20] It proved easy to do so. However, it would only be 3 years later that the two Generals Rahman and Haq would both be killed in a plane crash in 1988, widely believed to have been sabotage conducted by the MOSSAD who were concerned about Pakistan’s nuclear proliferation instigated by Haq. [21]


Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq circa 1977

In 1990, the blind Egyptian cleric, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was travelling to the United States in style – and on a CIA-supported, one-year visa as a reward for his propagandizing lectures in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Much to the confusion and consternation of many intelligence agents he was also on a State Department terrorism watch list that should have barred him from the country. Hand-picked as a spellbinder in order to whip up disaffected Arab immigrants for the required Holy War and in turn, to stir the support for Muslim rebels needed to topple the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan, Rahman was proving an extremely useful part of a burgeoning Islamist network of agents. There were “Jihad offices” in Atlanta, Jersey City, and Dallas, the most important being the “Al-Kedah” (meaning “struggle”) set up in Brooklyn, New York, as the Al-Kedah Refugee Centre which served as fertile ground for Rahman and others’ spellbinding skills.

However, the winds of “blowback” were beginning to whistle through the ranks of Arab-CIA assets, most of whom gave lectures at Al-Kedah which would eventually be implicated in the World Trade Centre Bombings in 1993. Over $600 million was funnelled to this precursor organisation to Al-Qaeda and from several smaller outfits benefiting from CIA funds along with rich Pakistani and Saudi Arabian donors. [22] It would continue to be the main financial hub for CIA chaperoned, Al-Qaeda terrorists so that they could form the so-called network of cells within the United States, heavily monitored and managed by the FBI and CIA. In the words of private Washington attorney and former investigative counsel for the Senate Foreign Relation, Jack Blum: “We steered and encouraged these people. Then we dropped them. Now we’ve got a disposal problem. When you motivate people to fight for a cause – jihad – the problem is, how do you shut them off?” [23]


World Trade Centre Bombings 1993 – Another FBI entrapment set up?

But it was much more than simply forgetting to switch off a tap. This was adapted to a much larger, long-term objective where Al-Qaeda would come home to roost and serve as the bogeyman for a highly ambitious attack on American soil. The object of the CIA exercise was to keep other US agencies and even certain team members from looking too closely into the various issues related to assassinations and terrorist attacks on the homeland. As a growing number of FBI and CIA whistleblowers have proven – not always an easy thing to accomplish.

Another CIA asset rubbing shoulders with bin Laden was Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian preacher/spellbinder recruited from a small village Jenin, ostensibly as a diplomatic tool for uniting squabbling rebel factions in Pakistan. He became bin-Laden’s mentor persuading him to join the Jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Azzam was asset gold due to his connections the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi intelligence, and the Muslim World League and the Islamic Coordination Council in Peshawar, which supervised the military activities of the Arab Mujahedeen. Meantime, he could sip martinis and chat with the air stewardesses as he travelled for his frequent lectures in New York, at Al-Kifah and the Al-Farooq Mosque in Brooklyn and the Al-Salam Mosque in Jersey City calling for the “spark” of revolution “… that may one day burn Western interests all over the world.” As Freidman wryly mentions, a fact which drew so many of the CIA assets: “Azzam then asked his audience for donations, made out to his personal account at the Independent Savings Bank.” [24]

Having got too big for his Keffiyeh, Azzam was eventually murdered in a car bomb after accruing many enemies, including Osama bin Laden. No one really knew who had pressed the button but most were glad someone had. As with all allegations of foreknowledge and duplicity the CIA always plays dumb. As a New York investigator observed: “Left with the choice between pleading stupidity or else admitting deceit, the CIA went with stupidity.” [25]

From 1984 onwards, the CIA’s ability to twist itself into a spaghetti junction of lies became tragi-comic. As covert importation of Al-Qaeda terrorist and Islamic militants continued via MAK, one Ali Mohammed came to the attention of the media. A  major in the Egyptian army and a US operative he was tasked with training Islamic militants within the US. As yet another visitor to the Al-Kifah Centre and part of the army unit that was responsible for the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat he was involved in a special training program for foreign officers at the US Army Special Forces School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, as far back as 1981. Mohammed was apparently purged from the Egyptian Army after the assassination and joined the Green Berets, reportedly travelling to Afghanistan in 1992 to aid the Mujahedeen.

In 1984, US officials told the media that they were forced to remove Mohammed due to his religious beliefs which were considered too extreme. Mohamed found his way to the CIA in Egypt and asked to join as a spy. (It’s as easy as that). CIA subsequently decided that he couldn’t be trusted on account of his associations with Hezbollah. He found himself on a terrorist watch list order to prevent him from coming to the US. However, Mohamed turned up with a brand new visa and moved to America sailing through customs without any problems, with the US State Department choosing not to explain to a thoroughly confused media. [26] Like so many of these stories, they are quickly forgotten.

In 1995, it was revealed at the trial of terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, that Mohammed had been admitted to the US under a special visa program controlled by the CIA’s clandestine service. A subsequent search of his New Jersey home turned up forty boxes of evidence which had the D.A.’s office and the FBI looked at it more carefully, would have revealed an active terrorist conspiracy about to boil over in New York. In addition to discovering thousands of rounds of ammunition and hit lists with the names of New York judges and prosecutors, investigators found amongst the evidence classified U.S. military-training manuals. They also found a video made at Fort Bragg featuring the Green Beret Ali Mohammed lecturing U.S. officers and officials on the politics of Jihad. On the video, Ali Mohammed sounds oddly like a radical fundamentalist himself, declaring that the Muslim world will never accept the existence of Israel.

The CIA was lying again and not quite getting away with it. Nonetheless, no action was taken and before long, Mohammed had found himself a wife and had settled into the American dream.


cook_robinRobin Cook

The late Robin Cook as UK Foreign Secretary, was outspoken in his resistance to the Iraq war and the lies of the then Prime Minister Tony Blair. Cook was one of the very few who resigned over the issue to become an ordinary back-bencher, stating: “I can’t accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain now to military action in Iraq without international agreement or domestic support.” Cook also wanted to stop the export of aerospace jet fighters to General Suharto’s repressive regime in Indonesia. As he told the Guardian: “we will not permit the sale of arms to regimes that might use them for internal repression or international aggression. We shall spread the values of human rights, civil liberties and democracy which we demand for ourselves”. He was to be a vehement opponent and thorn in the side of the Blair government before his untimely death.

Many insiders believed that Cook was destined for a senior Cabinet post under the Brown premiership but this would have been problematic for the British Establishment who was set on Middle Eastern conquest. As Foreign Secretary, Cook would have had plenty of access to intelligence reports and related operations abroad. He is known to have considerably ruffled some feathers by breaking the official secrets act and discussing policy and future proposals. He was to do this in spectacular fashion by courageously speaking the truth regarding the War on Terror and the nature of Al-Qaeda which was “literally ‘the database’, and in Cook’s words: “… originally the computer file of the thousands of Mujahedeen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.” [27] The Guardian article appeared just after the 7/7 bombings and the incendiary speeches by Cook. Whatever ball the respected politician had started to roll it was not to last.

Robin Cook’s legacy in standing for truth was corroborated by a former French Intelligence agent Pierre-Henri Bunel, who wrote an article for the World Affairs journal based in New Dehli in 2004 where he repeated so many top level analysts’ conclusions: “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.[28]

This is where global drugs market comes in …



[1] ‘“Revealing the Lies” on 9/11 Perpetuates the “Big Lie”’ by Michel Chossudovsky – Text of Michel Chossudovsky’s keynote presentation at the opening plenary session (27 May 2004) to The International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11, Toronto, 25-30 May 2004. http://www.globalresearch.ca 27 May 2004.
[2] ‘Russian Intelligence Chief Says Al-Qaeda A Myth,’ MosNews| March 21, 2005.
[3] p.39; Politics, Pollution, and Pandas: An Environmental Memoir By Russell E. Train, Published by Island Press 2003.
[4] Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War and the roots of Terror by Mahmood Mamdani, Published by Three Leaves Publishing; Reprint edition, 2005. ISBN-10: 0385515375. (p.84)
[5] ‘World Wildlife Fund: The 1001 Club Mafia dons, intelligence agents, and raw materials executives striving for a sustainable future’ http://www.whale.to
[6] p.67; Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale-Scott, Published by University of California Press, 2008. ISBN-10: 0520258711.
[7] Ibid. (p.81)
[8] The eight year Iran/Iraq war (1980-1988) is remembered as one of the most shockingly harrowing conflicts of the 20th century. It was reminiscent of the First World War in terms of sheer numbers of dead; territory shifting back and forth between the two sides like bone-dry seas, heavy with the burden of teenage corpses and the endless pain of grieving families. It was a lucrative time for the US, Russia, and various European nations eager to extend this barbarism in order to squeeze out the highest profits from a whole generation of beleaguered youths. Meanwhile, the rest of the Middle East looked on, until the final combined casualty list total reached one million. The combined profit from these arms deals however, is unknown, but we can guess at the obscene sums of money accrued. To further compound the misery and the arrogance of its leaders, nightmarish monuments were erected on the backs of an already broken people: the fountain of blood in Teheran, the soldier statuaries in Basrah and two giant crossed swords clasped by equally giant arms modelled on Hussein himself. They were also cast in a British foundry. It is testament to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s skill as a geo-political tactician and strategist as it is his cold absence of conscience.
[9] ‘The CIA’s Jihad’ By Robert I. Friedman, June 30, 2002. Current View Point -www.currentviewpoint.com
[10] ‘Who is Osama Bin Laden? BBC News, 18 September, 2001.
[11] ‘The Soviets’ Vietnam’. Richard Cohen Washington Post. April 22, 1988.
[12] ‘The Taliban: Exporting Extremism’, by Ahmed Rashid, Foreign Affairs, Issue November-December 1999.
[13] ‘Seymour Hersh and the men who want him committed’, Salon.com by Matthew Phelan, February 28 2011.
[14] ‘Why Good Friends left behind.” By John Pilger, The Guardian, September 20, 2003.
[15] ‘It ain’t over till it’s over’ By Marc Erikson Asia Times November 15 2001.
[16] I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror: 18 Years Inside Afghanistan by Kathy Gannon, Published by Public Affairs, 2005. |ISBN-10: 1586483129. | (pp.138-142)
[17] ‘The Real Bin Laden’ by Mary Jane Weaver, The New Yorker, 2000.
[18] p. 29; Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11. By Gerald Posner, Published by Random House, 2003.| ISBN-10: 0375508791.
[19] op. cit. Dale-Scott, (pp. 73-75).
[20] ‘Anatomy of a Victory, the CIA’s Covert Afghan War’ by Steve Coll Washington Post, July 19 1992.
[21] ‘Editorial:Another clue into General Zia’s death’ Daily Times Pakistan, December 2005. […] “former US ambassador to India, John Gunther Dean, suspects that General Zia ul Haq was killed by the Israelis. This is interesting enough but perhaps would not have made it beyond the slew of conspiracy theories that have been cropping up since Zia was killed in a C-130 plane crash if the US State Department had not chosen to ignore Mr Dean and later cashier him on grounds of being mentally imbalanced.
According to Ms Crossette’s account under the title ‘Reflections — Who Killed Zia?’, Mr Dean suspects that General Zia, his top commanders, the US ambassador to Pakistan, Arnold Raphael, and a US brigadier-general were killed by the Israeli secret agency Mossad because Tel Aviv was concerned about Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions following a statement by General Zia in 1987 that Pakistan was a “screwdriver’s turn away from the bomb”.But when Mr Dean expressed his views to the State Department at the time and insisted that the US must thoroughly investigate the Israeli-Indian axis, the Department accused him of mental imbalance and relieved him of his duties; this, despite that fact that Mr Dean was a distinguished diplomat who had garnered more ambassadorships than most envoys. Ms Crossette says that Mr Dean, now 80, wants the stigma of mental imbalance removed and is collecting his papers and is ready to share his thoughts. He lost his medical and security clearance because of his views and was forced to seek retirement in 1988.”[…]
[22] pp. 279-280; Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam by Robert Dreyfuss (American Empire Project) Published by Metropolitan Books; 2005 | ISBN-10: 0805076522.
[23] op. cit. Freidman.
[24] Ibid.
[25] Ibid.
[26] ‘The Masking of a Militant’ By Benjamin Weiser and James Risen – A Soldier’s Shadowy Trail In U.S. and in the Mideast The New York Times, December 1, 1998.
[27] ‘The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means – The G8 must seize the opportunity to address the wider issues at the root of such atrocities’ By Robin Cook, The Guardian, July 8, 2005.
[28] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ By Pierre-Henri Bunel, Global Research, May 12, 2011 | Wayne Madsen Report 20 November, 2005.

Flight 93 and Shanksville

By M.K. Styllinski

Are you ready guys? Let’s roll.”

alleged words of passenger Todd Beamer, United Airlines Flight 93

The official story for United Airlines Flight 93 goes like this: on September 11th 2001, on a scheduled flight from Newark to San Francisco the jet-airliner crashed into a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania after passengers and crew overpowered Al-Qaeda terrorists and prevented the plane reaching its targeted destination of Washington D.C. All 38 passengers, five flight attendants, two pilots and four hijackers were killed.

True to all the other gaping holes in the official theory, Flight 93 proved no different. Two main problems quickly became apparent. Firstly, the debris from the Boeing 757-222’s remains were spread over such a large area that it was immediately obvious that this was not a crash but clear evidence that Flight 93 had been shot down. Eyewitness reports seemed to confirm this possibility with sightings of a fighter jet prior to and immediately after the event.

At 8:42am United Airlines Flight 93 took off from Newark International Airport, 41 minutes late. Between 9:16 am and 9:20 am the FAA informed NORAD that flight 93 may have been hijacked, with fighters scrambled. By 9:30 am, Flight 93’s transponder signal ceased and five minutes later it had begun flying in an entirely different direction towards the Capitol. It was at this time that General Haugen reported that: “A person came on the radio, and identified themselves as being with the Secret Service and he said, ‘I want you to protect the White House at all costs.’ [1] At 9:58 am passenger Todd Beamer’s last call terminated and the fight between passengers and hijackers is said to have begun. By 10:06 am Flight 93 had crashed near Shanksville, 124 miles from Washington D.C. [2]

United Airlines Flight 93

United Airlines Flight 93

The 9/11 Commission Report gave an extensive account of the hijackers’ movements inside all the planes on September 11th based on cell and air phone conversations between passengers and their partners and family members. The 9/11 Commission’s Report provides a vivid, almost Hollywood-esque descriptions of the evil Arabs going about their business, depicting the drama of the passengers’ conversations in juxtaposition to the knives and box-cutter wielding Allah-worshippers, and building the evidence accordingly. [3]


UA 93’s flight path on September 11, 2001, from Newark, New Jersey, to Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania. | 9/11 Commission (updated 2011 (wikipedia)

As we explored in relation to Flight 77, the notion that cell phone use was as easy as calling a friend down the street is untenable. The technology at that time was not available to allow passengers to make a wireless cell phone call from aircrafts travelling at high speed above 8,000 feet. The wireless industry was also surprised on hearing the ease to which cell phone calls had been made on all flights. They viewed the 9/11 Commission descriptions and findings as a “fluke” that calls were able to function at such high altitudes, though at lower levels a certain degree of functionality could be maintained “for a little while” especially if “close to the ground” which of course, they were not. [4] In fact, according to those working in the cellphone industry: “Once above 10,000 feet … calls rarely get through, if ever.” One experienced airline pilot agrees: “The idea of being able to use a cellphone while flying is completely impractical. Once through about 10,000 feet, the thing is useless, since you are too high and moving too fast for the phone to provide a signal.”  [5]

The credibility of the Commission Report took a further hammering when American Airlines and Qualcomm, a wireless technology company announced in July 2004 that: “Travelers could be talking on their personal cellphones as early as 2006. Earlier this month, American Airlines conducted a trial run on a modified aircraft that permitted cell phone calls.”  [6]

Gosh really? Here we were thinking that  calls with good audio clarity were possible back in 2001. After all, a whole official conspiracy theory has been built on it…

According to the time-lines, flight transponder and cell phone call data, United Airlines Flight 175 calls had to have been received from an altitude between 25–30,000 ft. Before the transponder was turned off at 8:56 am, American Airlines Flight 77 calls would have to come from an altitude that was higher but no lower than 7,000 ft. The 9/11 Commission Report confirmed that on United Airlines Flight 93 passengers began calling their loved ones with cell and air phones just after 9.32am, four minutes after the Report’s confirmation of the plane’s attitude of 35,000 feet. [7]

flight93bannerFlight 93 Commemorative banner Source: History Channel

Two of the longest calls from Flight 93 and which were subsequently milked to support the official story, were allegedly from Edward Felt and Todd Beamer on their respective airfones. The latter was transferred to a Verizon supervisor Lisa Jefferson who engaged an individual claiming to be Beamer in conversation from 9:45 ending his call at 9.58 am “… before saying that the passengers planned ‘to jump’ the hijacker in the back of the plane, then uttered his famous words: ‘Are you ready guys? Let’s roll.’” This was followed at just after 9:47, with another alleged caller Jeremy Glick telling his wife that all the men had decided to attack the hijackers. His last words from his final call at 9:54: “I know we’re all going to die. There’s three of us who are going to do something about it.” [8]

There are several problems with the Beamer story.

Explaining details about the hijacking, describing his family all punctuated by information from a flight attendant who was apparently sitting next to him, Beamer then asks Jefferson to recite the Lord’s Prayer with him, followed by Psalm 23. Given that the length of the conversation at an uninterrupted 13 minutes is incredible in itself, air phones were not available on Boeing 757s in 2001. His wife Lisa Beamer states that Jefferson had told her: “… it was a miracle that Todd’s call hadn’t been disconnected,” and further: “Because of the enormous number of calls that day, the GTE systems overloaded and lines were being disconnected all around her as she sat at the operator’s station outside of Chicago, talking to Todd. [Jefferson] kept thinking, this call is going to get dropped! Yet Todd stayed connected … all the way to the end.”  [9]

Beamer stated: “I know we’re not going to make it out of here …” which makes it even more confusing as to why he would refuse offers to be put through to his wife during such an extraordinary “lucky” and long telephone conversation. Why waste time reading out Psalms when you could have spoken to your wife which in all likelihood you knew you would never be seeing again? The reason given, according to Jefferson, was that: “… he did not want to upset her as they were expecting their third child in January.”  [10]

Todd Beamer

Todd Beamer

This makes little sense either. If the evidence from the trial of alleged hijacker Zacharias Moussaoui is correct, Beamer tried telephoning his wife three times before 9:44 am with conflicting accounts from when and from which device he tried calling from. Apart from the puzzle as to why he would be confused about the device, why would he even do that if he was so concerned about protecting her feelings? What about all his other family members? Were they off limits too?

The crux of the matter is if a family member had spoken to the person claiming to be Todd Beamer on the end of that miracle phone line, perhaps they would have known it wasn’t him.

It seems talking to a total stranger was enough for the last call Beamer would ever make and from which he would sign off with a call to arms of “let’s roll.” Indeed, it seems that phrase became another tool of Bush propaganda on a par with “Bring ‘em on” which spawned a new wave of chest beating patriotism “ as journalist Peter Perl indicated, where the phrase became: “… emblazoned on Air Force fighter planes, city firetrucks, school athletic jerseys, and countless T-shirts, baseball caps and souvenir buttons. It’s also commemorated in popular songs.”  [11]

As 9/11 journalist Ted Rall commented in his article of March 2006:

“The legend of Flight 93 had everything a nation caught with its pants down [and] needed to feel better about itself: guts, heroism, self-sacrifice. Best of all, it was marketable–by Hollywood and by a president willing to surf on a kind of heroism notably absent from his own life. … Lisa Beamer, widow of the passenger credited with the call-to-arms “let’s roll,” wrote a bestselling book by the same name, applied for a trademark on the expression, and is now working the Christianist lecture circuit.”  [12]

The  next anomaly is concerned with the timing of the calls and the presumed timing of the crash itself.

According to 9/11 Commission Report’s own data, Todd Beamer’s last call on United Airlines Flight 93 could not have happened when it purportedly did because two of Beamers calls are listed as occurring at the exact same time. [13] A summary of the passenger phone calls presented at the 2006 trial of Zacharias Moussaoui, Beamer’s call lasts for “3,925 seconds.”  [14] As it began just before 9:44 am, this would mean the call had to have finished at about 10:49 a.m. If the Flight 93 reportedly crashed at 10:03 am then something is amiss. Moreover, if one peruses Beamer’s cell phone records throughout the day and night of September 11th 2001, numerous calls continue after the purported crash as late as 20.58.  [15]

After whomever it was using the name: “Todd Beamer,” signed off from his 13 minute conversation, Lisa Jefferson tells us:

“After he said, ‘Let’s roll,’ he left the phone, and I would assume that’s at the point that they went to charge the cockpit. And I was still on the line and the plane took a dive, and by then, it just went silent. I held on until after the plane crashed–probably about 15 minutes longer and I never heard a crashit just went silent because–I can’t explain it. We didn’t lose a connection because there’s a different sound that you use. It’s a squealing sound when you lose a connection. I never lost connection, but it just went silent.”  [16]


Alleged 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui

So, now we have a silent crash along with phantom calls. And true to form, the FBI has decided to ignore all requests for clarification, which is about the only consistent theme in the whole 9/11 charade.

Delving superficially into Todd Beamer’s work background provides more questions. One 9/11 researcher found that Larry Ellison, the CEO at the software company Oracle Corporation who has had had ties with intelligence agencies for some considerable time, seemed to have a little more insider knowledge than the rest of us. Even Todd.

On September 13 2001: Larry Ellison sent an email to Oracle employees praising Beamer for his: “… heroic actions in fighting the terrorists and in stopping the plane from reaching its destination in Washington DC.”  However, according to one commentator, there was a problem:

“No authority from United Airlines or from the government had yet announced to Todd Beamer’s family or to the public that Todd Beamer had been involved in fighting the terrorists. In fact, Lisa Beamer was told by a United Airlines employee in the evening of 9/14/2001 that the FBI had just publicly released information about Todd’s heroics. So Lisa wonders, as we all do, how did Larry Ellison know about Todd’s heroics one day before the FBI released the information to the public?”  [17]

During the first week of September 2001, Todd and his wife Lisa Beamer were in Italy enjoying a business trip organised by America’s third richest person and who until recently, was Oracle Corp. CEO Larry Ellison. On the trip was colleague Jonathan Oomrigar, now solution specialist vice president at Oracle,  who: “… worked in one of Oracle’s California offices and was one of Todd Beamer’s favourite Oracle co-workers.” Before the trip to Italy, Jonathan and Todd had travelled together on business to Israel. Calls were made to Oomrigar on the morning of September 11th and important meetings had been scheduled previously in San Francisco, the reason for Todd’s booking on Flight 93. Larry Ellison also owned 70 percent of an Israeli company called Quark Biotech. (Israel’s presence all over various aspects of the 9/11 attacks can be discerned time and time again, as we shall see later on).  [18]

oomrigar-EllisonJonathan Oomrigar (left) and Larry Ellison (right)

At 9.58am the other caller Mr. Edward Felt managed to make a 9-1-1 emergency call from the toilet to John W. Shaw. Felt repeatedly cried “hijack, hijack, hijack”, without describing the hijackers.” He also mentioned that there were “lots of individuals on the plane” and most importantly hearing an explosion and smoke on-board. Shaw was interviewed three times by the FBI on September 11th and again on March 25, 2002. [19] Just eight minutes before the reported time of the crash at 10.06 am, Glenn Cramer, an emergency supervisor who had been monitoring the call confirmed Shaw’s testimony. Not only did this call not make it into the 9/11 Commission Report, the tape recording of Felt was confiscated and Mr. Cramer subsequently gagged by the FBI.  [20]


Edward Felt

The redacted transcript of Felt’s phone call was released by the FBI yet bore no resemblance to Shaw’s and Cramer’s accounts nor did it contain any mention of an explosion or smoke. [21] After the FBI’s insistence that “Under no circumstance is Newark to provide [the family of] Felt with a copy of the recording or a copy of the transcript” and after a non-disclosure signature had been obtained from Felt’s wife, Sandra Felt, a supervised meeting was allowed to take place where members of the Felt family and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reporters were permitted to hear cockpit voice recording from Edward Felt on Flight UA93; the only cock-pit voice recorder to have been retrieved from any of the 9/11 flights.

On April 18 2002, in a small conference room at the Princeton hotel they were joined by two FBI agents and a victim-assistance counsellor: “Sitting around a polished wood table, the agents handed each of the Felts a typed transcript of the 911 call, and then played it. Ed’s call was made at 9:58 a.m. [H]e spoke in a quivering voice saying, ‘We are being hijacked. We are being hijacked.’ He went on to describe an “explosion” that he heard, and then white smoke on the plane from an undetermined location. Then the line went dead.” [22] The flight recording also indicates a three-minute gap at 10:03am – between the time the tape goes silent and the time that top scientists have pinpointed for the crash, at 10:06:05 am – but FBI and other agencies have refused repeated requests to explain the discrepancy. [23]

It seems there were two versions of the Edward Felt call: one with evidence of an explosion and smoke and a doctored recording, without.

Three key questions remain unanswered:

1) Was Flight 93 shot down?

2) If it was, did this happen because the hijackers were imminent danger of crashing it into the White House?

3) Or, was shot it down because the passengers were about to take control and thus present a threat to the whole official conspiracy theory were they allowed to live?

  “Ultimately, what actually happened to Flight 93 – missile, bomb, passenger heroes, etc. – is not fundamentally significant to the question of government complicity in 9/11. Ultimately, what is most compelling, is the fact that the government lied. The airplane was allowed to fly around our airspace for almost two full hours after the onset of the attacks. Why? And why have we been told some absurd narrative of switched off transponders, lost aircraft, and military confusion? Why were we told the airplane crashed into a field because of the actions of a few ‘heroes’ when all available evidence points to a much simpler explanation? Why the lies? Why the convoluted fabrications? Why the lack of accountability? Clearly the truth about Flight 93 reveals something the government wants covered up. The task of pulling off those covers is ours.”



Promotional material for the movie “United 93” (2006) directed by Paul Greengrass. Catchline: September 2001: “Four planes were hijacked. Three of them reached their target. This is the story of the fourth.”

The Tragedy of United Airlines flight 93 received the inevitable Hollywood treatment. As a standard pop-corn entertainment it was reasonable fare. As an accurate representation of what occurred during that day, it was an appalling piece of propaganda.

At 9:57 one of the hijackers was heard saying that there was fighting outside the cockpit. A voice from outside said: ‘Let’s get them.’  It was one minute later that Todd Beamer was alleged to have ended his call while another passenger was saying to her husband: “I think they’re going to do it. They’re forcing their way into the cockpit … and a short time later: “They’re doing it! They’re doing it! They’re doing it!” However, this was closely followed somewhat chillingly by screaming in the background accompanied by a “whooshing sound, a sound like wind” then more screaming, after which he lost contact.” [24]

According to the San Francisco Chronicle: “The silence last[s] two minutes, then there [is] screaming. More silence, followed by more screams. Finally, there [is] a mechanical sound, followed by nothing.” Another chronicler reports that: “Near the end of the cockpit voice recording, loud wind sounds can be heard.” [25] While The Philadelphia Daily News observes that: “[R]elatives of Flight 93 passengers who heard the cockpit tape … said government officials laid out a timetable for the crash in a briefing and in a transcript that accompanied the recording. Relatives later reported they heard sounds of an on-board struggle beginning at 9:58 a.m., but there was a final ‘rushing sound’ at 10:03, and the tape fell silent.” [26] The “rushing sound” could have indicated a de-pressurisation occurred, or as journalist Paul Thompson suggested, following the sound of wind as last thing to be heard on the cock pit recorder because “the plane had been holed.” [27]

There are various differing accounts regarding jet fighters in the vicinity of Flight 93. Two days after the 9/11 attacks an unnamed New England air traffic controller ignored a ban on controllers speaking to the media, saying that an F-16 fighter closely pursued Flight 93 and made a 360-degree turn to remain close to the commercial jet. He added that the fighter pilot “must’ve seen the whole thing.” Assuming of course, we know the nature of his mission. [28]

F-16-911F16 Fighter Jet

Almost a week after September 11th CBS News reported that two F-16s tailed Flight 93 and were within 60 miles of it when it went down. Witnesses on the ground claimed to have seen and heard a fighter plane in the area. The UK’s Independent reported that: “At least half a dozen named individuals…have reported seeing a second plane flying low…over the crash site within minutes of the United Flight crashing. They describe the plane as a small, white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings. The FBI are happy with the idea of it being a Fairchild Falcon business jet yet do not explain why it was there when airspace was restricted. [29] Others disagreed, including witness Jim Bryant who thought: “It reminded [him] of a fighter jet,” and workers Dennis Decker, and Rick Chaney who were located about a mile north of the crash site and heard an explosion. They ran outside and saw a large mushroom cloud spreading over the ridge. As soon as they looked up they: “…saw a midsized jet flying low and fast,” where: “It appeared to make a loop or part of a circle, and then it turned fast and headed out.”  [30]

Witness Susan McElwain also disagreed with the FBI, stating:

“There’s no way I imagined this plane – it was so low it was virtually on top of me. It was white with no markings but it was definitely military, it just had that look. It had two rear engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two upright fins at the side. I haven’t found one like it on the internet. It definitely wasn’t one of those executive jets. The FBI came and talked to me and said there was no plane around. Then they changed their story and tried to say it was a plane taking pictures of the crash 3,000ft up. [31]

Further evidence that Flight 93 was shot down includes many reports on the debris which was scattered over an eight miles radius and indicated a breakup of the aeroplane prior to impact and in line with a missile attack. Further support for this comes from the bizarre evidence that there seems to be nothing left at all at the actual crash site on the periphery of the town of Shanksville, except for one half-ton piece of engine found over a mile away prior to “burning debris falling from the sky.”  [32] According to one report this is consistent with effects of “the heat-seeking, air-to-air Sidewinder missiles aboard an F-16 [which] would likely target one of the Boeing 757’s two large engines.”  [33]

Even though both the FBI and NORAD have said the aircraft was not shot down, there scores of witness statements which point to Flight 93 being downed by a missile. Though there are many witnesses who report hearing strange noises and flying erratically. There are also witnesses who say that Flight 93 in its final descent did not show any indications of having been hit by a missile because there were “no pieces flying” and that it was “intact.” However, commercial passenger planes hit by missiles continue to fly erratically for several minutes before crashing. An example is Korean Airliner 747 which was hit by two Russian missiles in 1983, yet continued to fly for two more minutes. [34] Debris can also descend after an initial strike some distance away. The debris would drop but not necessarily the whole plane instantaneously.

Witness Kelly Laura Temyer did not see the plane but heard its engine which she described as: “… a loud thump that echoed off the hills …” She heard two more “loud thumps” and then nothing more. Temyer was also told the same thing by “… people she knows in state law enforcement” namely, that: “… the plane was shot down and that decompression sucked objects from the aircraft, explaining why there was a wide debris field.”  [35]

77 year-old World War II veteran and Mayor of Shanksville Ernie Stuhl told Philadelphia Daily News that he knew: “…of two people – I will not mention names – that heard a missile. They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards … This one fellow served in Vietnam and he says he’s heard them, and he heard one that day.”  [36] One of those individuals may have been Joe Wilt: “… who lives a quarter-mile from the crash site” and who remembers hearing “‘whistling like a missile, then a loud boom.” … “The first thing I thought it was, was a missile.”  [37]

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that the Residents outside Shanksville discovered “… clothing, books, papers, and what appeared to be human remains. Some residents said they collected bags-full of items to be turned over to investigators. Others reported what appeared to be crash debris floating in Indian Lake, nearly six miles from the immediate crash scene. Workers at Indian Lake Marina said that they saw a cloud of confetti-like debris descend on the lake and nearby farms minutes after hearing the explosion…”  [38]

However, as John Carlin of the Independent accurately said, so much of the events and confusion surrounding Flight 93 is speculation. There is very little information from which we can make concrete conclusions. He correctly summarises the whole problem when he states:

“… unless the US government reveals more of what it knows, provides a detailed account of the last 10 minutes in the life of Flight 93 and the 44 people who were aboard, there will not only be scope but sound reasons for the conspiracy theorists to continue to speculate as to what really happened in those last few minutes before the plane plunged into the earth; to cast doubts on the soft-focus legend that the traumatised American public has seized upon so gratefully.” [39]

 debrisfieldsImage Source: http://www.911research.wtc7.net/

Nevertheless, while that may be true for much of Flight 93, when a bird’s-eye view is adopted over the 9/11 attacks as a whole, a definite picture of collusion and treason comes into focus, not least when we cast an eye back to the morning of September 11th and replay some of the reports from then President George W. Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheney. who stated: “Well, I discussed it with the president. Are we prepared to order our aircraft to shoot down these airliners that have been hijacked? He said yes… I–it was my advice. It was his decision.” And how did Bush feel about that decision? He stated: “That’s a sobering moment, to order your own combat aircraft to shoot down your own civilian aircraft. But it was an easy decision to make, given the – given the fact that we had learned that a commercial aircraft was being used as a weapon. I say easy decision. It was – I didn’t hesitate; let me put it to you that way. I knew what had to be done.” [40]

Though accounts differ on the timing and identity of the plane, when fighters were finally given the order to shoot down aeroplanes apparently under the control of hijackers at 9:56am a military aide had thereafter said to Vice President Cheney: “There is a plane 80 miles out. There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?” Cheney responded “Yes” after which an F-16 went in pursuit of Flight 93. It was also reported that as the fighter got nearer to flight 93, Cheney was asked twice to confirm that the fighter should engage, which Cheney did … Furthermore, when President Bush was told of the crash of Flight 93 at 10:08, he reportedly asked: ‘Did we shoot it town or did it crash?’ ”  [41]

Either way, Cheney is nicely covered and acting out the role as elder statesman doing his god-fearing duty for the American public. He states: “If we had been in a position to intercept one of those, to keep it from striking its target; would we have done it? Absolutely, and what I did was pass on the President’s approval of the basic proposition we would in fact authorise our people to shoot down aircraft that had been hijacked and had refused to divert …”  Very nice dick.

Nonetheless, all the evidence points to the fact light 93 was shot down though very probably outside of the official chain of command as were most of the choreographed events of the day, at least those that were within shadow government control. Whether Cheney was aware of that particular nugget of information we will probably never know.

Donald Rumsfeld unwittingly opened his big mouth once more in a televised speech in which he underscored the remarks of his colleagues when he spoke to US soldiers in Mosul, Iraq in 2004: “And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon…”  [42]


Donald Rumsfeld: Like most garden-variety psychopaths they can’t help revealing their lies

On National Public Radio (NPR), anchorman Robert Siegel acknowledged the gaff while attempting to carry on with “business as usual”: “The people who shot down the plane over Pennsylvania.” He was presumably speaking of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on 9/11. No US official has ever credited theories that the plane was shot down. We’ve been unable to get clarification from the Pentagon.” [43]

By 2008, another confirmation that Flight 93 was shot down came from a National Security Agency source bringing the total to three independent testimonies from within NSA.

journalist and intelligence analyst Wayne Madsen:

“An F-16 scrambled from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia returned to base minus one air-to-air missile but the National Security Agency CRITIC report specified the interceptors that downed United 93 took off from Andrews. […] a number of personnel who were on watch at the Meade Operations Center (MOC) [at the NSA] … were aware that United 93 was brought down by an Air Force air-to-air missile. Personnel within both the MOC and NSOC have reported the doomed aircraft was shot down.” [44]

The official version from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks was much more in keeping with the “they-hate-us-for our-freedoms” script and which the government wanted the public to so desperately accept: “The airplane rolled onto its back, and one of the hijackers began shouting, ‘Allah is the Greatest’. With the sounds of the passenger counter-attack continuing, the aircraft plowed into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 580 miles per hour….”  [45]  Interestingly, a Muslim member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Muhammad Columbo has said that “Allah akbar! Allah akbar!” translated as “God is great! God is great!” was entirely incorrect. They would never have said this. Columbo explained: “The last words of a Muslim cannot be these! They are used in the call to prayer or in an attack at war. On the moment of death, a Muslim must confirm that ‘There is but one God, Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet!’ This means that someone was either not an Arab-Muslim hijacker or those writing this particular script made a bit of a blunder. [46]

Perhaps the most mysterious presence of a cover-up and similar to the attempts to suggest a Boeing 757 crashed at the Pentagon is the alleged resting place of Flight 93. Many researchers have highlighted significant problems with the crash site, one of which is the apparent absence of the plane itself. The Boeing 757, heavily laden with jet fuel hit the ground at 575 mph spinning 180 degrees landing upside in a coal strip-mine, sending out a fireball across a nearby forest, setting alight many trees. According to a press report from The Age: “The fuselage burrowed straight into the earth so forcefully that one of the ‘black boxes’ was recovered at a depth of 25 feet under the ground.” The 9/11 Commission gives an outline of the Flight 93’s impact trajectory in which: “The airplane headed down; the control wheel was turned hard to the right. The airplane rolled onto its back …” hitting the ground at around 10:03 am 125 miles from Washington, D.C.

The coroner Wallace Miller who was one of the first on the scene of the 20 acre plot of land, recounted how all 33 passengers, seven crew and four hijackers had essentially been “cremated” upon impact with only 8 percent of the total found. He was also: “… stunned at how small the smoking crater looked … ‘like someone took a scrap truck, dug a 10-foot ditch and dumped all this trash into it.’”  The 757 was allegedly swallowed up by the sheer force of the impact and the type of spongy, limestone soil which allowed deep penetration until hitting rock 23 metres down. According to one report: “It was as if a marble had been dropped into water,” with: “… so-called black boxes … excavated [at] fifteen feet into the crater and the cockpit voice recorder at twenty-five feet.”  [47] Wallace Miller said: “I’ve seen a lot of highway fatalities where there’s fragmentation,”… “The interesting thing about this particular case is that I haven’t, to this day, 11 months later, seen any single drop of blood. Not a drop.” [48]

Subsequent studies of the crash site by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have also confirmed that there was no residue from the jet fuel that would have been spread across the length and breadth of the crash site had a Boeing 757 actually crashed there.

The only excavation team to work with the FBI was J & J Svonavec Excavating, headed by Jim Svonavec, his wife Sally and son Jamie who refused previous requests for interviews due to the fact: “they wanted to tell their story to a Catholic publication” and were apparently (and most conveniently) “Men of few words.” Sally Svonavec: “… remembers Jamie phoning them from the site and saying: “There is no plane there, believe me.’” But this is because: “the ground had swallowed up much of the wreckage,” the apparently logical reason being that the plane: “… went in the ground so fast it didn’t have a chance to burn,” while the cock-pit section broke off and hurled itself into the woods shattering into many little bits.  [49]

If you feel that this is another moment where the laws of physics are trashed in favour of abject nonsense then you are not alone.

Following on from this curious description of an excavation team working closely with the FBI, Shanksville’s “Ambassadors” at the annual memorial of Flight 93 “… have participated in rigorous educational training to become familiar with details of Flight 93 and the passengers and crew members to inform visitors about what happened here on 9/11.” Just to make sure that there are no irritating loose ends “on the ground” as it were, it seems folks have been “educated” to tell visitors that more than 80 percent of this aircraft was buried underground, which would mean more than 51 tons of a Boeing 757 managed to be sucked into what is shaping up to be a magnetic vortex of enormous power. Before this took place however, the velocity of that impact managed to send debris spiralling off into space to land eight miles away from the crash scene.

More than a little odd for an aircraft that allegedly nosedived into the ground.


Does that look like the crash site of a Boeing 747 jet airliner?

CNN news anchor Daryn Kagan spoke to correspondent Brian Cabell reporting from the supposed Shankville crash site on September 13, 2001. The “breaking news” supports the evidence that Flight 93 did not crash but was shot down:

CABELL: Well, Daryn, in the last hour or so, the FBI and the state police here have confirmed that have they cordoned off a second area about six to eight miles away from the crater here where plane went down. This is apparently another debris site, which raises a number of questions. Why would debris from the plane — and they identified it specifically as being from this plane — why would debris be located 6 miles away. Could it have blown that far away. It seems highly unlikely. Almost all the debris found at this site is within 100 yards, 200 yards, so it raises some question. We don’t want to over speculate of course. But there were some cell phone callers, one cell phone caller in particular, who said saw a bomb, or something that looked like a bomb with one of the hijackers. Also, the man who took over the plane apparently announced at one point, he had –there was a
bomb on board the plane. Again, we don’t want to speculate, we don’t want to jump to conclusions. But what we do know is that there’s a site about half mile behind me, where the plane went down, where most of the debris is, and then about six miles away up by a lake, there is another area that’s been cordoned off, and state police and the FBI have said definitely there is debris from the plane located there. […]

KAGAN: […] WE don’t want to speculate about this large debris field. But it seems to me from covering a number of plane crashes on the scene, that if nothing else, this is not typical for a plane crash to be spread across an area this large.

CABELL: It’s certainly doesn’t make sense, because most of the debris has been found in a very compact area, within 100 yards, 200 yards, maybe a little bit beyond that. Then all of a sudden they’re telling us six miles away, they have another concentration of debris, very small pieces. Most peoples here no bigger than the size of briefcase. The debris six miles away may be smaller. We have talked to a number of individuals here. They say they have talked to people who saw this plane during the final moments. They haven’t confirmed whether they saw — whether they talked to anybody who saw this plane actually land, or crash rather, and as to whether it broke up on the way, we don’t know that. The FBI being very tight-lipped about that. But again, it leads to that possibility. It certainly leads to a number of questions.”  [50] [Emphasis mine]

There is also the issue of registration details and evidence confirming the crash remains are that of UA Flight 93. The FBI has yet to do so. Federal authorities reported that the flight was a Boeing 757-222 with a registration number N591UA.

Yet, as retired Colonel George Nelson (USAF) explains:

“If an aircraft crash caused the hole in the ground, there would have literally hundreds of serially-controlled time-change parts within the hole that would have proved beyond any shadow of doubt the precise tail-number or identity of the aircraft. However, the government has not produced any hard evidence that would prove beyond a doubt that the specifically alleged aircraft crashed at that site. On the contrary, it has been reported that the aircraft, registry number N591UA, is still in operation.” [51]

Ariel photos of the crash site in a Pennsylvania farm field were made available to the public in 2001 showing a hole in the ground gently smouldering. Perhaps the reasons that fighter pilots were given authorisation to shoot down hijacked airplanes after Flight 93 was the only one left in the sky, and given that the passengers were successfully taking control of the plane away from the hijackers meant that the aircraft was in danger of being landed safely. Hijackers would have been interrogated, passengers debriefed, leading to a widespread media interest that would have very possibly led to the unravelling of the official story from WTC to the Pentagon and beyond.

P200058_1united93_governmentphotoThese are government exhibit photos. They are designed to show us that a Jumbo jet crash-landed at this spot. We are also told that the reason there is no debris, wings, engine or any sign at all that an aircraft landed there, is due to the whole plane was sucked into the soft earth. It is a return to their tried and tested formula used with Flight 77 which we are told was both sucked into a 18 ft. and vapourised at the same time. Why break a winning formula?


FEMA personnel offering a fine impression of forensic examination of the “crash site.”

And here we have some photos of real crash sites:

crashes1Source: infrakshun notes

Instead of photos showing evidence of Flight 93’s final resting place this is more likely to be a hastily created site by FEMA. Take a look at these photos of ordinance explosions. (below) The central image is by Val McClatchey titled: “End of Serenity” and was used in most of the mainstream media in the hope that most people would believe that this was the smoke plume rising from the crash. The other images are various ordinance explosions from around the world.

Now, does this look like the smoke plume from the aftermath of a Boeing jumbo jet airliner which has just impacted the ground, producing a raging fire-ball of jet-fuel, or does it look like your ordinary ordinance explosion?


With PSYOPS worshipper Karl Rove and his Executive Director Philip D. Zelikow overseeing the 9/11 Commission, they made sure not to interview the on-duty signals intelligence personnel who were aware that United Flight 93 was brought down by Air Force jets. [52] Though the passengers very probably did struggle with hijackers, the cover-story arrived to suggest that they flew the plane into the ground as a sacrifice. The 8-mile debris appears to show that this story is part of a hoax with the probable involvement and careful planning from factions in the US military which extended across all aspects of the 9/11 attacks. If anything, Flight 93 proved that such planning had glitches in its execution. Such is the nature of psychopaths in power – their worst enemy is over confidence and the inability to foresee the natural manifestation of unpredictability which can overturn even the best laid plans.

With Flight 93 and every facet of the September 11th attacks the official story is problematic. An entire book on Flight 93 alone could be filled with troubling questions which have yet to be answered by the relevant authorities. This series has barely touched the surface of contradictory, fallacious and unsatisfactory explanations tossed the public’s way from US federal agencies like stale scraps from a bountiful table. The answers are most certainly there. It is in the best interests of  readers to do their own research and network with others to bring the facts into the light of day.



[1] ‘We Have Some Planes,’ Hijacker Told Controller’ By Matthew L. Wald with Kevin Sack, The New York Times, October 16, 2001.
[2] ‘From Take-off to Take Over – Putting it all Together’ Pittsburgh Post Gazette on October 29, 2001.| ‘Officials: Government failed to react to FAA warning’ CNN.com September 17, 2001.
[3] 9/11 Commission Report, Chapter 1, http://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report_Ch1.pdf
[4] ‘Final Contact’ By Betsy Harter, November 1, 2001 | http://www.connectedplanetonline.com/wireless/ar/wireless_final_contact/
[5] ‘The Cellphone and Airfone Calls from Flight UA93’ by A. K. Dewdney, 2003. Physics911.net, http://www.physics911.net/cellphoneflight93/
[6] ‘Inflight Cell Phone Use Dies’ By Patty Donmoyer & Jessica Kirshner August 01, 2005 Buisness Travel news. http://www.topics.businesstravelnews.com/business/qualcomm.htm | See also: ‘5th April 2005 AeroMobile™ chooses picocell from ip.access™ for new Inflight Mobile Phone Service’ “The first mobile phone service for passengers on commercial airlines will use miniature cellular technology developed just for inflight operation.”
[7]  http://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report_Ch1.pdf (p. 7)
[8] Op. cit. Griffin; (p.50)
[9] Let’s Roll!: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage. By Lisa Beamer and Ken Abraham, Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2002, (p. 217).
[10] ‘The Final Moments of United Flight 93’ By Karen Breslau Newsweek MSNBC, Sep. 22, 2001. | Probe reconstructs horror, calculated attacks on planes’ By Glen Johnson, The Boston Globe, November 2, 2001.
[11] ‘Hallowed Ground’ By Peter Perl, Washington Post, May 12, 2002; Page W32.
[12] ‘The Legend of United Flight 93’- by Ted Rall. http://www.911Truth.org, March 8, 2006.
[13] Scholars Call Moussaoui Trail a “Charade” See Constitutional Rights on Trial; Describe Accused as Patsy, Witness tampering, faked evidence, inflammatory testimony display political motives and confirm Charlie Sheen’s concerns, experts claim. Washington, DC (PRWEB) April 22, 2006.
[14] United States v. Zacharias Moussaoui Criminal No. 01-455-A Prosecution Trial Exhibits: www. vaed.uscourts.gov/notablecases/moussaoui/exhibits/prosecution/flights/P200055.html
[15] http://www.intelfiles.egoplex.com/2001-09-29-FBI-phone-records.pdf
[16] ‘I Promised I Wouldn’t Hang Up’ – “Lisa Jefferson, the phone supervisor who took Todd Beamer’s call on Flight 93, believes God called her for a purpose.” By Wendy Schumann, June 2006. http://www.belief.net
[17] ‘Let’s Roll: The Todd Beamer Mystery’ | ‘More on Todd Beamer,his timeline on the lead up to 9/11 & his connection to Oracle Corporation’ April 4, 2012, by Stark Naked Truth – http://www.starknakedtruth.blogspot.co.uk
[18] Ibid.
[19]‘Evidence that Ed Felt’s phone call was doctored’ by Elias Davidsson, 20 October 2012, http://www.aldeilis.net/ quoting: FBI Documents 265A-NY-280350-302-3725, 302-38710 and 302-107608 of September 11, 200. | FBI Newark from Pittsburgh Squad 4/JTTF to Counterterrorism, New York, March 26, 2002. Bates ,344. PG 3585.
[20] ‘What Happened to Flight 93’ by Richard Wallace Daily Mirror, 12 September 2002 | ‘Day of Terror: Outside tiny Shanksville, a fourth deadly stroke,’ by Jonathan Silver, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 12, 2001. http://www.post-gazette.com/headlines/20010912crashnat2p2.asp
[21] op. cit. Davidsson.
[22] Ibid. Quoting: Steve Levin, “It hurts to listen”, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 21, 2002, at http://www.post-gazette.com/nation/20020421flight930421p1.asp
[23] ‘Three-minute discrepancy in tape – Cockpit voice recording ends before Flight 93’s official time of impact’ By William Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News Sep. 16, 2002.
[24] Ibid.
[25] ‘Bound by fate, determination / The final hours of the passengers aboard S.F.-bound Flight 93’ by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle, September 17, 2001.| Among the Heroes: United Flight 93 and the Passengers and Crew Who Fought Back by Jere Longman, HarperCollins 2002, (pp. 270-271).
[26] op. cit. Bunch.
[27] ‘What Happened to Flight 93?’ by Richard Wallace Daily Mirror, September 12, 2002.
[28] ‘As attacks unfolded, FAA was left guessing’ By Albert McKeon, The Telegraph, September 11, 2011. | ‘FAA employee: Hijacked jets almost collided’ USA Today, September 14, 2001.
[29] ‘Unanswered Questions: The Mystery of Flight 93’ By John Carlin, Independent, 13 August 2002.
[30] ‘NYC Photos, Flight 93 Witnesses Identify 9/11 White Jet by From Jon Carlson, rense.com, http://rense.com/general64/white.htm
[31] op. cit. Wallace.
[32] op. cit. Griffin (p.51)
[3310] op. cit. Carlin.
[34] op. cit. Bunch.
[35] ‘CVR transcript from Korean Air Flight 007 August 31, 1983’ August 31, 1983. Via http://www.historycommons.org
[36] ‘We know it crashed, but not why’ – FBI is silent, fueling “shot down” rumors By William Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News, November 15, 2001.
[37] Ibid.
[38] ‘Frantic 911 call preceded crash outside Pittsburgh’ By Anne Michaud, The Boston Globe, September 12, 2001.
[39] ‘Investigators locate ‘black box’ from Flight 93; widen search area in Somerset crash’ By Tom Gibb, James O’Toole and Cindi Lash, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Staff Writers, September 13, 2001.
[40] op. cit. Carlin.
[41] Vice President Dick Cheney, CBS News September 11, 2001.| President George W. Bush, CBS News September 11, 2001.
[42] Donald Rumsfeld, speech to US troops in Mosul, Iraq, December 24, 2004. The speech was broadcast by CNN. For complete transcript of Rumsfeld’s speech see also: Slip of the tongue? Rumsfeld admits that “Flight 93″ was shot down’ VIDEO Footage and transcripts By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 12, 2007. [text revised on May 14, 2007]
[43] National Public Radio (NPR), All Things Considered 8:00 PM EST NPR, Donald Rumsfeld’s surprise visits to US troops in Iraq, December 24, 2004, Anchor: Robert Siegel.
[44] ‘Third NSA Source Confirms: Flight 93 Shot Down By Air Force Jet’ By Wayne Madsen, April 20, 2008, http://www.opednews.com
[45] National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, July 2004, Chapter 1,www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report_Ch1.pdf
[46] ‘The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What happened to Flight 93?’ by Dean Hartwell (with Jim Fetzer) March 12 2012. http://www.veterans today.com
[47] op. cit. Longman.
[48] ‘Hallowed Ground’ The Age, September 9, 2002.
[49] ‘Sacred Ground in Pennsylvania’ By Mary Jo Dangel, http://www.americancatholic.org/
[50] ‘America Under Attack: FBI and State Police Cordon Off Debris Area Six to Eight Miles from Crater Where Plane Went Down’ CNN Transcript September 13 2001.
[51] ‘Aircraft Parts and the Precautionary Principle – Impossible to Prove a Falsehood True: Aircraft Parts as a Positive Clue to Aircraft Identity’ by George Nelson Colonel, USAF (ret.) 2003. http://www.physics911.et
[52] op. cit. Madsen.

Flight 77 and the Pentagon

By M.K. Styllinski

“All of this is physically impossible, plain and simple. The wings of a 757 can’t hit a concrete building at more than 500 mph without leaving a mark. And they certainly won’t be vaporized by exploding jet fuel.”

Craig McKee, 9/11 Researcher at Truth and Shadows

Whilst Building 7 appears to represent the more opportunistic aspect of the 9/11 attacks, the Twin Towers acting as the psychological centre piece for maximum effect, the official story of Flight 77 and its alleged impact of the Pentagon goes even further into the realms of the bizarre. Unlike the WTC, very little evidence was available through which to sift. This is more than a little strange since at 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001, a Boeing jet airliner Flight 77 apparently crashed into the reinforced section of the Pentagon, killing 189 people.

At 8:20 am on September 11, American Airlines Flight 77 left Dulles Airport in Washington DC, veering off course at 8:46 for several minutes. By the time the plane had returned to its original flight path at 8.50 am radio contact had been lost, the transponder switched off and by 8.56 am the plane had vanished from radar. [1] Curiously, by 9:09 am FAA chief Jane Garvey had notified the White House that there may have been another plane down. At 9:25 am air traffic controllers at Dulles Airport issued a warning to the White House that a plane was approaching them at considerable speed. According to the 9/11 Commission, NORAD was not told that Flight 77 had been hijacked at this time or at any time prior to impact. However, the FAA has claimed they officially warned NORAD at 9:24 am and informally warned them even earlier.

The same questions asked of Flights 11 and 175 can be levelled at the response to Flight 77: What on earth were the authorities doing for half an hour? Why had no jets been scrambled? [2]

American Airlines Flight 77

American Airlines Flight 77

Andrews Air Base in the District of Columbia houses the 121st Fighter Squadron of the 113th Fighter Wing equipped with F-16 fighters; Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 321, supported by a reserve squadron; the Air National Guard (DCANG) which provides: “…combat units in the highest possible state of readiness.” Yet Washington remained undefended. A stated delay in Air Traffic clearance simply doesn’t cut the mustard when the biggest emergency of modern times was underway. As one ex-Pentagon employee observes: ““ATC Radar images were (and are) available in the under structures of the Pentagon, and any commercial flight within 300 miles of DC that made an abrupt course change toward Washington, turned off their transponder, and refused to communicate with ATC, would have been intercepted at supersonic speeds within a max of 9 minutes by a Fighter out of Andrews. Period. Why these planes weren’t, baffles me. If we could get fighters off the ground in 2 minutes then, we could now.” [3]

At 9:25 Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice were ensconced in a bunker below the Whitehouse. Cheney is said to have been warned of an aircraft approaching Washington and confirmed by radar evidence tracking the plane as it reached a distance of 30 miles to Washington. [4] Meanwhile, air traffic controllers at Washington Dulles saw an unidentified plane (due to its transponder being turned off) or as David Ray Griffin mentions: “…shortly after AA 77’s transponder signal was lost, the flight was also lost to primary radar. So there was no ‘blip’ until much later, when a high-speed primary target… …is seen moving toward Washington.” [5]

This is later confirmed as Flight 77 travelling at such high speed (500 mph) and with a distinctive manoeuvrability that the experienced Dulles Air traffic controllers thought it was a military fighter plane. One controller also expressed reservations about Flight 77 being a commercial flight: “Nobody knew that was American 77.… I thought it was a military flight. I thought that Langley [Air Force Base] had scrambled some fighters and maybe one of them got up there.… It was moving very fast, like a military aircraft might move at a low altitude.” [6]

Accordingly, the “commercial Jet airliner” Flight 77 was seen by radar making for the Pentagon, which it reached at 9:35 before making an extremely – if not impossible – 300 degree loop reportedly flying: “several miles south of the restricted airspace around the White House.” It performs rapid downward spiral: “dropping the last 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes,” accelerating to 530 mph before crashing into the West wing of the Pentagon at 9:37 am. [7]

Attack Path

Flight Path of American Airlines Flight 11. Such a maneuver is impossible for a expert pilot let alone an amateur one. It is also against the law of aviation physics. | “At 9 11, four planes for two hours were able to drive around, fly around even one hour in the direction going toward the west and then turn around and then comeback. The military air force was not able to interdict them. It’s [un]imaginable.” – Andreas Von Buelow, Former assistant German defense minister, director of the German Secret Service, minister for research and technology, and member of Parliament for 25 years.

Before getting into just a few of the countless oddities that make up the Pentagon attacks, let’s return to the overriding question and which has never been convincingly answered: how on earth did a Boeing 757 jet airliner penetrate the most heavily protected US military citadel on earth? When the aircraft breached White House airspace then why didn’t the automated missile system shoot it down?

There are claims by 9/11 debunkers who cling to the official conspiracy theory that there is no evidence that these defence systems exist, hence the problem. It would surely be against the most basic military-intelligence protocol to telegraph where these defence systems are located. According to Navy Combat Systems Specialist Dennis Cimino: “The sabotage of routine protective systems, controlled by strict hierarchies would never have been contemplated let alone attempted absent the involvement of the supreme US military command.” He states further that this would include:  “…President George Bush, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the then-acting Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Meyers.” [8]

The Pentagon is protected by State-of-the-Art antimissile batteries or Raytheon Basic Point Defence missile battery armaments embedded on several building rooftops. Cimino adds: “With anti-aircraft missile defences installed in rooftops in the Washington, D.C. area since the mid 1980’s” and likely versions of the “PAC-3 ‘Patriot’ Missile systems and Secret Service agents on the roof with shoulder fired STINGER Missiles, protecting the White House, the claims that the capability did not exist is an untenable assertion. [9]

Cimino further explains that the Sea Sparrow air defines missiles are used:

“… much in the same fashion that Moscow has a system that NATO code named ‘Yo Yo’ that maintains radar surveillance and provides protection to the Kremlin and other high value targets from military incursions. A ‘MODE 4A military I.F.F. response’ (identify friendly or foe – enemy aircraft) which requires special encryption and restricted to use by military aircraft with an additional ‘mission specific MODEX aka SEDSCAF number’ assigned for each plane’ if it is required to ‘meet PLAN OF THE DAY for the area.’”

Cimino tells us it is this number which “… enables an aircraft then to penetrate prohibited or military restricted airspace such as that which surrounds both the White House and the Pentagon, as well as a number of military installations around the globe.” Without this IFF any aircraft would be shot down.” [10]

The question remains: Who “unplugged” the defence systems? The night cleaner?

pentagon-path-markerThe Pentagon aftermath from overhead video footage

When 130 billion of US tax dollars were funnelled into the Pentagon’s Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars) during the Reagan years, US officials claimed the system could detect and intercept missiles fired from an unknown destination traveling at well over 10 times the speed of a commercial airliner, and to shoot them down in 15 minutes or less, before they reached their US targets. [11] What is more, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) tells us that: “a defensive system may need to hit a warhead smaller than an oil drum that is traveling above the atmosphere at speeds greater than 13,000 miles per hour.” The CBO report states that missile defines and intercept systems must take down an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) in a matter of minutes, or its curtains. [12]

Journalist and ex-US government employee Fred Burkes summarises the mystery:

“If these sophisticated military systems were designed to detect missiles fired from unknown locations at over 13,000 mph and shoot them down in mere minutes, why on 9/11 could they not detect any one of the four large airliners traveling at a mere 600 mph, especially when two of them were known to be lost for over 40 minutes before they crashed? … How is it possible that the Pentagon’s highly touted missile detections systems could not locate Flight 77 in the 42 minutes it was known to be lost before it crashed into the heart of the defense system of the U.S.?” [13]

Which is why a Pentagon spokesman’s response that they were: “… simply not aware that this aircraft was coming our way… ” is a load of hokum. How is it possible that with the highly sophisticated radar systems such as the PAVE PAWS which “does not miss anything occurring in North American airspace” yet couldn’t detect a huge Boeing 757 on a crash course to the Pentagon with ample amounts of time to do so? [14] If the plug had somehow been pulled on that system, then are we expected to believe that the Pentagon’s National Military Command Centre, NORAD and the FAA had all decided to have an extended coffee break where standard operating procedures suddenly didn’t apply?


PAVE PAWS radar system | Source: globalsecuirty.org

Griffin underscores this confusion when he states: “… if F-16s were airborne by 9:30, as alleged, they would have to travel slightly over 700 mph to reach Washington before Flight 77 does. The maximum speed of an F-16 is 1,500 mph. Even at traveling 1,300 mph, these planes could have reached Washington in six minutes – well before any claim of when Flight 77 crashed. […] Why is the emergency considered important enough to stop all takeoffs from Washington at this time, but not important enough to scramble even a single plane to defend Washington?” [15]

There was also ample time to evacuate all Pentagon personnel. Top officials were well aware of the WTC attacks with air traffic controllers having spotted an unidentified fast-flying aircraft heading towards the Pentagon and the White House at 9:25. By the time of the crash at 9.37am the Pentagon’s ‘War Room’ or Executive Support Centre (ESC) had been in session for at least half an hour watching WTC footage. [16] 30 minutes to a minimum of 12 minutes before the Pentagon was hit, almost everyone could have been evacuated or at least attempts could have been made by a so-called military machine priding itself on safety protocols. Apparently, those in the ESC didn’t even know that they had been hit and it is only when Donald Rumsfeld enters the War Room after thoroughly annoying everyone at the crash scene that anyone knew anything was amiss. If Donald knew all about it and half the Pentagon was smashed in you’d think the heart of the defensive nexus would have at least known the whereabouts of the Secretary of Defence.[17]

Firstly, notwithstanding the fact that Flight 77 was able to hit the Pentagon by executing an almost impossible downward spiral, it is incredible that so little damage was done. The pilot, Hani Hanjour, was not just an amateur but painfully inept. Peggy Chevrette, Arizona Flight School Manager stated in a New York Times piece: “I’m still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon … He could not fly at all … “I couldn’t believe he had a commercial license of any kind with the skills that he had”. [18]


Pentagon aftermath. We are meant to believe that a Boeing Jet Airliner hit the outer wall and vapourised – including wings, undercarriage and engines.  (Source: top: 9/11Review.org | Bottom: Alex Wong/Getty Images

The impact targeted the first floor of the Pentagon’s reinforced west wall, the only part of the Pentagon having recently undergone extensive renovation, causing heavy damage to the building’s three outer rings. Destruction ploughed a path through Army accounting offices on the outer E Ring, the Navy Command Centre on the D Ring, and the Defence Intelligence Agency’s comptroller’s office on the C Ring. It seems nonsensical that the terrorists would aim the plane at an 8ft façade in the process of being renovated and reinforced – and therefore with less people present – when they could have crashed into the roof, a far more expansive target with the possibility of killing far more military personnel. As it happens, most of those killed were civilians.

Now, here’s where it gets truly surreal, as Griffin explains:

“…since the aircraft penetrated only the first three rings of the Pentagon, only the nose of a Boeing 757 would have gone inside…The rest of the airplane would have remained outside. […] ‘While the plane’s nose is made of carbon and the wings, containing the fuel, can burn, the Boeing’s fuselage is aluminium and the jet engines are built out of steel. At the end of the fire, it would necessarily left a burnt-out wreck.” […]

… on a Boeing 757,…the jet engines, made of steel, are attached to the wings, so the wings would hit the facade with great force. And yet prior to the collapse…the photos reveal no visible damage to the facade on either side of the orifice, even where the engines would have hit the building…the fact that the photographs clearly show that the facade above the opening is completely intact and even unmarked creates a still more insuperable problem, given Boeing 757’s big tail.”[19]

Furthermore, for a Boeing 757 in excess of 63 tons (virtually empty) to over 100 tons (full) it makes little sense that only the first ring of the building was destroyed so that the second and third rings would only reveal a hole about seven feet in diameter. [20]

In the immediate aftermath of the explosion one would have expected a vast amount of material evidence to have come from a massive 63 ton Boeing 757 Jet airliner crashing into a federal building at a speed of over 530 mph. An aircraft of this size as well as the history of plane crashes show that a huge quantity of debris and smouldering destruction would be spread over a significantly wide area. With no clusters of fires except on the Pentagon itself, only a few pieces of the alleged plane remained, exhibiting no scorching from the alleged “fireball” and which were picked up by hand. What about the thousands of gallons of jet fuel that would have been spilled across the crash site? There was no clean-up of the ground in evidence at any time. If the Boeing 757’s fuselage is made from aluminium and engines made from steel, then no hydrocarbon fire is going to melt them let alone leave no trace as we are being asked to believe.


The tiny remains of so-called plane debris. But is it from American Airlines?


This is the Pentagon lawn immediately outside the Pentagon and after the crash of Flight 77. Fancy a game of golf?

This also leaves the question of the upper floors which survived this elusive inferno. There was no evidence of the sort of intense heat required to completely vanish a jet airliner leaving virtually no debris behind on the Pentagon lawn. More than 35 minutes after the crash at 10.15 am the front section of the Pentagon which had been hit by Flight 77 collapsed exposing the interior. Computers, office furniture and even books and files could clearly be seen and were perfectly intact showing no signs of fire damage. [21]


This is the approx, 20ft, ground floor hole that American Airlines Flight 77 is said to have vanished into. No damage from he wings either side, no damage on the front lawn.

What was perhaps the most glaring anomaly in the whole media-led illusion was the 18 foot diameter impact hole on the second floor which the jet airliner was meant to have squeezed itself into. If the building’s façade was about 18 feet in diameter and the diameter of the fuselage of Flight 77 around 12 feet; wingspan about 125 feet, with the tip of the tail is about 44 feet from the ground, it begs the question if it did miraculously suck itself into the length of the impact pathway then all those plane parts had to have been left behind. [22] But there was nothing of the kind. The condition of the Pentagon lawn was so pristine lawn that it could have hosted a golfing tournament. The official theory would like us to believe that the 6 ton titanium engines, the wings and the tail simply vaporised. They say this, because no sign of them can be found at the crash site. Not even the seat cushions. [23] Or, as Jamie McKintyre of CNN News observed: “[F]rom my close up inspection there’s no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon… …The only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you could pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage— nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon.” [24] 

So, perhaps the wings were vapourised whilst being sucked into the 18 ft. hole which was in fact a worm-hole?

What is more, there is no sign that there were even any people on board the plane unless they were travelling extremely light as no luggage of any kind was found; no suitcases, shoes, clothing, or anything resembling personal effects that would indicate passengers were aboard. Though there were many victims inside the Pentagon, no bodies or body parts were recovered from the crash site. Alleged passengers were identified from DNA samples yet we are told that most of the Boeing 757 simply vaporised or evaporated which somehow left all the bodies intact yet invisible.


A mock-up by a French 9/11 researcher to illustrate how ridiculous the idea is that a Boeing 747 jet-airliner fuselage can somehow vanish into a 20ft to lie comfortably within the interior of the Pentagon, leaving no essential parts behind. Yet, at the same time we are told to believe that Flight 77 powered its flimsy way through three of the five concentric rings of the Pentagon complex.


The orange fireball which people believe is evidence of the net result of a Boeing 747 hitting the outer wall. Where is exactly is all the jet fuel? The wings? Fuselage? wheels? Chairs? Tail-fin? Engine?

The credulity needed to accept the kind of reality where a 125-foot-wide airplane created and then went inside a hole less than 20-feet wide, is beyond anything approaching logic and rationale. Yet, that is apparently what we are expected to believe – even within much of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

9/11 investigators have commented on why the videos surrounding the Pentagon approach were either not working or had been confiscated by the FBI allegedly for analysis. None of the confiscated surveillance and security video tapes from hotels and gas stations, traffic cameras, have been released. Although after much pressure from 9/11 Truth Movement and certain sections of the political and public arena the Department of Defence finally released two clips from Pentagon security cameras no doubt chosen due to the fact they show absolutely nothing.

The standard cry from those confronted with the hint of a possibility that something other than a jet aircraft hit the Pentagon is a hands-on-hips question of: “Well, what happened to the plane and all the people?” This question alone is deemed more than enough proof that to contemplate any other scenario is both silly and pointless. Along with what can be seen and verified at the crash site the US authorities have refused to give any evidence to prove that Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon. Despite the FBI and the CIA having a record of lying as long as your arm, they expect us to dutifully trust them in the face of the most obvious evidence that something is very, very wrong.

It is clear from the voluminous analysis now available on internet journals that various examples of obfuscation and blocking by US and government agency officials have continued to this day. On October 14, 2001, flight control transcripts for the 9/11 aeroplanes were finally released. Yet the data on Flight 77 ends almost 20 minutes before it crashes. Could it be, out of many floated explanations that government officials simply didn’t want the press and public to hear what actually took place during the final 20 minutes of Flight 77?

 “After five years of talking to many individuals in the intelligence community, in the military, foreign intelligence agencies, and a whole host of other people, people from the air traffic control community, the FAA, I came to the conclusion that after five years what we saw happen on that morning of September 11, 2001, was the result of a highly-compartmentalized covert operation to bring about a fascist coup in this country … These people need to be brought to justice, if not by our own Congress, then by an international tribunal in the Hague…”

Wayne Madsen, Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, specialist in electronic surveillance and security. Formerly assigned to the National Security Agency and the State Department

At 9:37 am September 11, the Pentagon’s ‘War Room’ otherwise known as the Executive Support Centre (ESC) was in session. Torie Clarke, the Assistant Secretary of Defence for public affairs, describes the capabilities of the War room as having: “… instant access to satellite images and intelligence sources peering into every corner of the globe” and where: “… the building’s top leadership goes to coordinate military operations during national emergencies.” That being the case, it is doubly strange that no one realised the Pentagon had been hit, or if they did, nobody stirred. Some of the individuals present included Clarke, Stephen Cambone, Donald Rumsfeld’s closest aide, and Larry Di Rita, Rumsfeld’s personal chief of staff, all of whom decided it was either a bomb or “the heating and cooling systems.” Indeed, Clarke would claim that the first they heard it was a possible “plane” was from Rummie himself half an hour after the attack was heard and while the ESC team were still “glued to television screens showing two hijacked planes destroying the World Trade Center,” (no doubt with pop-corn in hands).


The Usual Suspects: Clueless authoritarians or did some have the inside scoop?

Rumsfeld decided to arrive at the ESC at 10.15 am after running about the crash scene; getting in the way of rescue teams and interfering with a crime scene.  It was also Rumsfeld who first made the executive decision in less than 30 minutes that the Pentagon had been struck by an aeroplane. [25] [26] Like so many of the Bush Administration officials, Torie Clarke followed the Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice school of dramatic denial in claiming the notion of a jet airliner attacking was “unfathomable,” when it has been proven beyond doubt that the opposite was the case. [27] As we have seen, the US government had long since created simulations and models to predict what would happen if terrorist flew planes into the White House, The Twin Towers and the Pentagon, including intelligence reports illustrating how “Al-Qaeda could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives … into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the White House.” [28]

first-response1Donald Rumsfeld “lending a hand” outside the Pentagon

Just one example in an ocean of foreknowledge includes the more peculiar case of Charles Burlingame who in 1990 participated in a department of Defence exercise called “Project MASCA” in which a commercial jet airliner is deployed as a weapon and crashed into the Pentagon. Charles Burlingame was found to be none other than the Captain who supposedly flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon. [29]

In creating distractions to reinforce the official story on 9/11 there are plenty of people on hand to deliver. Though most of the sources for making the link between AA Flight 77 and whatever struck the Pentagon came from military personnel, Ted Olson, Republicrat, U.S. Solicitor General and his wife Neo-Con author Barbara Olson became the designated pillars of truth linking Flight 77 with the Pentagon attack. There were other calls reportedly made by passengers and flight attendants, but Ted Olson was the only person to receive calls from his wife at around 9:25 and 9:30am.

According to a CNN report, Ted Olson maintained that his wife had: “called him twice on a cell phone from American Airlines Flight 77,” further stating that: “all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers. The only weapons she mentioned were knives and cardboard cutters.” [30] This helped to produce the outpourings of indignation and collective revenge surrounding the death of Olson’s wife who had been downed by foaming-at-the-mouth Muslim terrorists, the antithesis of American Christian values. The highbrow “bring ‘em on” philosophy of Bush which seeped into middle town America’s vengeance meant that the “War on Terror” took on new vigour.

barbara-ted-olsonBarbara and Ted Olson

Ted Olson was a faithful supporter of Bush and Neo-Conservatism which right then and there, allows some scepticism about his claims. David Ray Griffin reminds us that he: “… pleaded George W. Bush’s cause before the Supreme Court in the 2000 election dispute” and also: “… defended Vice President Cheney’s attempt to prevent the release of papers from his energy task force to the committee investigating the Enron scandal.” [31] While adoration of the Bush Doctrine isn’t enough to place him under suspicion of lying, the contradictions and constant changes and vagueness in his story certainly are.

The claim that his wife had called him twice from a cell phone via the Department of Justice collect was contradicted on a Hannity and Colmes, Fox News interview on September 14. Olson thought she must have used the aeroplane phone because for some reason her credit cards were inaccessible. This doesn’t work either because a credit card is still needed to activate a passenger-seat phone.  [32] No doubt realising he was digging a hole for himself, when giving an interview to American talk show host Larry King, he said that the call went dead because “the signals from cell phones coming from airplanes don’t work that well” which was a huge understatement considering that high-altitude cell phone calls from jet airliners were not possible until 2004.  [33] Olson’s statement is contradicted a second time by American Airlines who are on record saying that no Boeing 757s had phones at that time: “The passengers on flight 77 used their own personal cellular phones to make out calls during the terrorist attack.” [34]

Perhaps, Mrs. Olson used her cell phone after all? Taking into account the improbability of such a move given the state of technology, an FBI report at the 2006 trial of alleged hijacker Zacharias Moussaoui added to the weakening of Olson’s story still further by attributing one “unconnected call” to Barbara Olson lasting “o seconds”. According to the FBI report, there was no incoming call from Flight 77 to Ted Olson or anyone else from a cell phone or passenger phone. Why was this total refutation of Ted Olson’s famous “two calls from his wife” not reported?

The nail in the coffin of Ted Olson’s story is the sheer absurdity of the hijack scenario that Ted and Barbara Olson would like us to believe, yet remains a fundamental pillar of the official 9/11 narrative. According to Olson his wife had said that: ‘all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers.’ This is barely credible. 60+ people are hardly likely to be held against their will by 3-4 armed with knives and “box-cutters.” (Actually box-cutters were not allowed on any aircraft from 1994 onwards, so this is another fantasy).  Further, the hijackers had previously been described by the 9/11 Commission as: “… not physically imposing, … the majority of them were between 5’5” and 5’7” in height and slender in build’…” If Charles Burlingame had been aboard as claimed, as a weight-lifter and boxer it is distinctly unlikely he would have suddenly turned into a pussy-cat. His brother also dismissed this scenario who said: “I don’t know what happened in that cockpit, but I’m sure that they would have had to incapacitate him or kill him because he would have done anything to prevent the kind of tragedy that befell that airplane.”  [35]

Either Ted Olson was lying or he was a useful idiot. Probably both. The story which he has given to the media doesn’t hold up under any kind of scrutiny though it did provide suitable distraction. But this still leaves us with the burning question:

What was it that hit the Pentagon?

This perhaps:


See: Truth and Consequences: A Watershed Moment for Rebuilding a Movement by Scott Creighton | Though the tiny amount of debris that was found does not fit the wreckage profile of a jet airliner by any stretch of the imagination, it certainly conforms to the idea of a drone.

Or even a cruise missile such as this one?


During an October 2001 interview U.S. Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld made a revealing remark:

“They [find a lot] and any number of terrorist efforts have been dissuaded, deterred or stopped by good intelligence gathering and good preventative work. It is a truth that a terrorist can attack any time, any place, using any technique and it’s physically impossible to defend at every time and every place against every conceivable technique. Here we’re talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building [the Pentagon] and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them.”  [36]

Did Rumsfeld “misspeak”? Was the reference to a missile hitting the Pentagon just an innocent slip of the tongue or did it reveal a deeper truth? If it was truly a jet airliner how could anyone confuse this with a missile unless it is a truth that slipped out unconsciously – a common trait of the psychopath.

Recall that the nose of the Boeing 757 is composed of carbon fibres and thus very fragile. It is physically impossible to suggest that the most fragile part of the aircraft could have piled through three rings of the Pentagon to create a seven-foot exit hole in the inside wall of the third ring. The head of a missile however, would be a much more logical conclusion. The fire produced at the Pentagon shows red flames which are consistent with the type of AGM Maverick, Tomahawk or Russian/Soviet Granit missile which would indicate a hotter and more instantaneous fire.  [37]

Short video clips from Pentagon security videos were leaked by an alleged whistleblower in 2002 from which the most pertinent five frames were analysed and pored over, (as it turned out, to little avail) showing something hitting the Pentagon but very likely not a Boeing 757. On May 16th 2006, the U.S. Department of Defence released two more short video clips apparently to placate those calling for the release of all security tapes. Officials declared that these clips show conclusively AA Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. Once again, there is an explosion but it certainly doesn’t show anything resembling a Boeing 757. What the images do seem to resemble on the so-called crash site is a cruise missile or carrier drone.


The so-called “leaked” video of a “Boeing 747” hitting the Pentagon. The smoke and fireball however, looks suspiciously like some variety of tomahawk or stinger missile.

The manoeuvre seen in the security video clips is straight as an arrow and typifies the trajectory and behaviour of a missile, as researcher Peter Wakefield Sault explains:

“The reason it could not be an airplane is that airplanes swoop up and down, always pointing in the direction of flight, unlike cruise missiles which, because they are pilotless, can perform violent maneuvres known as ‘bump up/down’ wherein the attitude of the missile does not change while the missile changes its line of attack. A cruise missile is steered with one or more onboard devices known as ‘Control Moment Gyroscopes’ (CMGs). These control the direction that the missile points in, its attitude, and thereby its course. The wings, which swivel laterally in their entirety, can be used to cause a sudden rapid ascent or descent while the gyroscopes force the missile to maintain the same attitude. This is the maneuvre shown as ‘bump up/down’ … Cruise missiles are designed to hug the ground (or sea) at a height of 6 feet (2 metres) during their final approaches, employing radars and high-speed electronics to achieve this.”  [38]

The vapour trail which can be seen in the security camera video clips and stills has also been listed as singular proof of the Aircraft’s presence before slamming into the Pentagon, riding heavily on the power of suggestion, as with most of the 9/11 images. However, jet airliners do not produce vapour trails below 30,000 ft. which must therefore exclude any kind of aeroplane, though the US State Department very much wanted us to believe otherwise. A cruise missile is propelled by a rocket motor and could be seen if launched from a relatively short-distance from the Pentagon. Though speculative, the Army and Navy Club, less than two miles away is one location where a possible missile trajectory can be traced and which may have served as the missile launch zone. [39]

Wakefield-Sault also alerts us to considerable evidence concerning the presence of an aeroplane which passed low and nearby a press conference sometime between 09:31 and 09:38 on the morning of September 11th 2001. Then Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Porter Goss, had convened the conference over three miles North-East of the Pentagon.

According to taxi-driver Lloyde England a large airplane flew very low across State Route 27 taking out five lampposts as it approached the Pentagon, one of which hit Mr. England’s car. According to his testimony on the now defunct website of The Survivors’ Fund Project:

“As [Lloyde] approached the Navy Annex, he saw a plane flying dangerously low overhead. Simultaneously, the plane struck a light pole and the pole came crashing down onto the front of Lloyde’s taxi cab, destroying the windshield in front of his eyes. Glass was everywhere as he tried to stop the car. Another car stopped and the driver helped move the heavy pole off Lloyde’s car. As they were moving the pole, they heard a big boom and turned to see an explosion. The light pole fell on Lloyd and he struggled to get up from underneath, wondering what had happened.”  [40]

Given the trajectory of the flight-path it is highly probable that this is the same plane heard at the Porter Goss press conference and does mean that there was not some kind of aircraft approaching the Pentagon. However, the timings are wrong since “… the flight time from the highway to the Pentagon is about one second. Clearly then, if Mr England is correct about the sequence of events, the explosion could not have taken place at the same time that the airplane flew over the Pentagon.”  [41]

Furthermore, “…at least half of the “north side flyover” witnesses also claim to have seen the airplane they saw flying over hit the Pentagon, … which is contradicted by the physical evidence of the damage path both inside and outside the Pentagon, hence diminishing their credibility as witnesses to a great big zero.”

lloyd-england-taxiLloyde England’s Taxi which was used to justify the direction and trajectory of the alleged Flight 77. Unfortunately, for the official story, this too is riven with contradictions.

“National Security Alert” a short documentary film made by Citizen Investigation Team claims to have established that witnesses supported a banking north side approach to the Pentagon, with nothing on the South side, “this means the damage to the light-poles and taxi-cab had to have been staged.” The video extract continues: “As unanimously demonstrated by the witnesses, the plane was nowhere near the downed light poles, but it was furthest from light pole no.1 which is what cab-driver Lloyde England claims he lifted out of the windshield of his cab minutes after the attack.” In June of 2008 the CIT confronted England with the information, but before the interview began audio test recording picked up a “strange reaction.” Saying “… he knew that his cab and light pole were on the bridge.” Here is short transcript of what he had to say:

L: One guy who took..um..the pictures lives right over here on 17th street

CIT: He took pictures of your cab?

L: and, um…. he took pictures … He was up on the bridge. He took pictures of the pole, he took pictures of the car.

CIT: Oh, right.

L: And as far as I know he still has them.

When cameras started rolling England states the exact opposite and refused to admit he was anywhere near the bridge. Later on in the film he becomes more candid:

L: I’m not supposed to be involved in all this… This is their thing.

CIT: Meaning they are doing it for their own reasons?


Lloyd England by his car after the Pentagon attack and before the collapse.

L: That’s right. I’m not supposed to be in.

CIT: But they used you right?

L: I’m in it.

CIT: You’re in it?

L: Yeah, we came across … across the highway together.

CIT: You and their “event”?

L: That’s right.

CIT: Then they must have planned it?

L: It was planned. […] One thing about it you gotta understand something, when people do things and get away with it – you…eventually it’s going to come to me. And when it comes to me it’s going to be so big I can’t do nothin’ about it …. So, it has to be stopped in the beginning when it’s small, you see, to keep it from spreading.”  [42]

CIT claim that England was cautious not to “outright confess,” working hard to distance himself from the planners while admitting it was planned. They believe this is corroboration for other witness statements in the film testifying to a North side approach, the staging of the light-poles and cab event and thus the plane could not have hit the Pentagon.

One researcher Gerard Holmgren and his brilliant analysis found that many of the testimonies were seriously flawed or in Holmgren words: “What appeared at first reading to be 19 eyewitness accounts … actually turned out to be none.” Yet he was open-minded and aware that: “Eyewitnesses who are vague on fine details are generally more likely to be telling the truth than those who claim to have meticulously taken in everything. But there should be some indication that the object was a large passenger jet, and could not have been a much smaller jet, a military craft, a light plane, a helicopter or a cruise missile.” His meticulous findings concluded that such indications did not materialise.  [43]

The source of his initial research of eyewitness accounts focused on a website called http://www.urbanlegends.about.com, which included a rebuttal of the theory that Flight77 did not hit the Pentagon. The main evidence presented was the listing of 19 web-linked eyewitness accounts of the event which appeared to be compelling at first glance. On closer inspection Holmgren found they were all missing a “basic condition” in that: “the witnesses did not actually claim to see the Pentagon hit by the plane. What they claimed was to have seen a plane flying way too low, and then immediately afterwards to have seen smoke or an explosion coming from the direction of the Pentagon which was out of sight at the time of the collision.” This became a familiar theme which could not be in anyway termed “evidence” and thus had to be ruled out. This, in addition to logistical and photographic inconsistencies, non-existent witnesses, tampering with witness reports and possible examples of CoIntelpro, led Holmgren to conclude: “… that there is no eyewitness evidence to support the theory that F77 hit the Pentagon …”  [44]


After the collapse of the outer ring. Of course, that’s where all the plane wreckage is buried…But didn’t they say the plane reached two inner rings of the Pentagon? Did they collapse? Nope. Any wreckage there? Nope.

An enormous contribution to 9/11 official theory derives from witness testimony disseminated by the MSM has come down to us as fact when it is more often a product of trauma-induced confusion sitting alongside careful disinformation. Most of these witnesses were either Pentagon employees, thus unreliable, or USA Today reporters such as Walters whose statements have been heavily referenced. However, as Canadian author and independent journalist Dave McGowan points out, knowing what we know about media complicity in PSYOPS, can we trust what these reporters have to say about the events, given the newspaper’s background and a distinct pattern of USA Today interest which has emerged?

McGowan explains: “USA Today and Navy Times are both part of the Gannett family of news outlets. … Gannett also publishes Air Force Times, Army Times, Marine Corp Times, Armed Forces Journal, Military Market, Military City, and Defence News. In other words, it’s just your typical independent, civilian media organization. Having established that, let’s now take a look at who our group of mystery witnesses are (or who they were at the time of the Pentagon attack):

  • Bob Dubill was the executive editor for USA Today.
  • Mary Ann Owens was a journalist for Gannett.
  • Richard Benedetto was a reporter for USA Today.
  • Christopher Munsey was a reporter for Navy Times.
  • Vin Narayanan was a reporter for USA Today.
  • Joel Sucherman was a multimedia editor for USA Today.
  • Mike Walters was a reporter for USA Today.
  • Steve Anderson was the director of communications for USA Today.
  • Fred Gaskins was the national editor for USA Today.
  • Mark Faram was a reporter for Navy Times. [45]

The odds of all those USA Today reporters being on sight and in such numbers and touting the same story counter to the evidence is a stretch. Or as McGowan reiterates: “So unless USA Today staff was holding its annual company picnic on the Pentagon lawn that morning, it seems to me that there is something seriously wrong with this story.” [46] This is the same newspaper which reported that Andrews Air Base: “… had no fighters assigned to it,” and in a later piece, that Andrews did have fighters present “but those planes were not on alert” both statements of which were wholly untrue. As evidence from multiple reports that immediately after the attack on the Pentagon, F-16s from Andrews were flying over Washington. [47]

It is also true to say that this doesn’t mean that USA Today was necessarily in on the official story conspiracy. As Holmgren mentions: “if a newspaper gives a one line quote from an anonymous witness and gives no details of when, where or how the quote was gathered, does not specify who wrote the story and gives no other details, then this is not an eyewitness account. It is hearsay.” And the vast majority of eyewitness accounts which support the official story are precisely that.


The total lack of evidence of anything remotely fitting the description of a jet airliner being found at the scene should be the defining characteristic of the Pentagon attacks. Yet, the 9/11 Truth Movement cries “disinformation!” at the merest hint of such a suggestion since it opens a veritable hornet’s nest of uncomfortable questions which apparently, cannot be answered. (i.e. Where did Flight 77 go? What happened to the passengers? – and other conundrums.)

Just because this raises more complicated questions and “reinforces conspiracy theory” doesn’t mean that we should shy away from appraising a crime scene and reaching conclusions based on what is. Digging for truth is a dirty job and doesn’t necessarily fit into neat boxes with nice little ticks. Sometimes all we have is a framework upon which we can build further answers. Yet, the framework is crucial. If that is wrong then we are led down avenues of exploration which must be wrong too. And so it is with Flight 77 and the Pentagon.



[1] ‘FAA Summary of Air Traffic Hijack Events September 11 2001 http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB165/faa7.pdf
[2] ‘ “We have planes. Stay quiet” – Then silence’ by Michael Ellison, The Guardian, 17 October 2001. | ‘Timeline in Terrorist Attacks of Sept. 11, 2001’ Staff and Wire Reports, Washington Post, September 12, 2001 | ‘9/11 commission staff statement No. 17,’ NBC News, http://www.msnbc.msn.com June 17, 2004.
[3] http://www.flight93crash.com/flight93_timeline.html
[4] 9/11 National Commision on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Public Hearing Friday, May 23, 2003. http://www.9-11commission.gov/ | ‘Clear the skies’ September 8, 2002 http://www.mnet.co.za
[5] p.232; Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the .Official Conspiracy Theory by David Ray Griffin,, Olive Branch Press, 2007 | ISBN-10: 156656686X
[6] ‘Get These Planes on the Ground’ Air Traffic Controllers Recall Sept. 11: ABC News October 24, 2001.| MSNBC Transcript: ‘American Remembers, Air Traffic Controllers Describe How Events Unfolded As They Saw Them on September 11th.’ MSNBC Dateline. September 11, 2002.
[7] ‘Probe reconstructs horror, calculated attacks on planes’ By Glen Johnson, The Boston Globe, November 23, 2001. | ‘Primary Target’ CBS News, February 11, 2009 | ‘Primary Target’ CBS News, February 11, 2009. | ‘Part I: Terror attacks brought drastic decision: Clear the skies’ By Alan Levin, Marilyn Adams and Blake Morrison, USA Today, August 12, 2002 | National Transportation and Safety Board, Office of Research and Engineering, Washington D.C. 20594, Febraury 19 2002. Flight Path Study American Airlines Flight 77. http://www.ntsb.gov/info/Flight_ Path_ Study_AA77.pdf
[8] ‘The Official Account of the Pentagon Attack is Fantasy’ March 3, 2012. http://www.veteranstoday.com By Dennis Cimino and Jim Fetzer,| Dennis Cimino, A.A., EE; 35-years EMI/EMC testing, field engineering; FDR testing and certifications specialist; Navy Combat Systems Specialist; 2,000 hours, Pilot in Command, Commercial Instrument Single and Multi-Engine Land Pilot, Eastern Airlines 727-200, Second Officer. Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer and founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] ‘Ill-Starred ‘Star Wars’ Tests’ Los Angeles Times, December 20, 2004.
[12] ‘Alternatives for Boost-Phase Missile Defense’ CBO Report, July 1, 2004. http://www.cbo.gov/publication/15852
[13] ‘9/11, Pentagon, and Missile Defense: $130 Billion on Pentagon’s Missile Defense Fails to Stop Four Airliners on 9/11’ By Fred Burkes, http://www.wanttoknow.info.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Paul Thompson (9:03-9:08 AM), citing USA Today, September 12 and 13, 2002.
[16] U.S. Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Speech Testimony Prepared for Delivery to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States | http://www.defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=105 | Testimony Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Washington, DC, Tuesday, March 23, 2004.
[17] p.5; Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy By Andrew Cockburn, Published by Scribner 2007. | ISBN-10: 1416535748.
[18] ‘A Trainee Noted for Incompetence’ By Jim Yardley, New York Times, May 4, 2002.
[19] 9/11:The Big Lie By Thierry Meyssan Published by Carnot Editions 2003. ISBN-10: 1592090265 | p.22.
[20] Aircraft Information Boeing 757/767: http://www.simviation.com/rinfo75767.htm
[21] op. cit. LeLong (p.118)
[22] ‘Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11and Neither Did a Boeing 757’ by Joe Quinn, Sott.net, June 9, 2006.
[23] http://www.911hardfacts.com/report_16.htm
[24] ‘Live CNN Report of Jamie McIntyre at the Pentagon’ | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C02dE5VKeck
[25] op. cit. Griffin (2004; p.34)
[26] Ibid. | TV Transcipt: ‘The Pentagon Goes to War’ National Military Command Centre, CNN American Morning with Paula Zahn | ‘Keeping the Heart of the Pentagon Beating’ By Jim Garamone, American Airforces Press Service, July 9 2006.
(p.219 – 221) Lipstick on a Pig: Winning In the No-Spin Era by Someone Who Knows the Game By Torie Clarke, Published by Free Press, 2006.
[28] ‘1999 Report Warned of Suicide Hijack’ By John Soloman, AP Press, April 18 2002. (The report can be found in the Library of Congress, Federal Research Division, entitled: ’The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism.’) George W. Bush denied he had ever seen such a report despite the fact it is was commonly known to intel personnel and available all over the internet. | p.175; Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections: A Collection of Passionate and Professional Perspectives Elliott Masie (Editor) Paul L. Nenninger: “Simulation at the Secret Service – As Real as it Gets” Published by Pfeiffer, 2005 | ISBN-10: 0787973025.
[29] ‘Ex-Navy Pilot Flies Flight 77’ http://www.911lies.org/was_911_an_inside_job.html
[30] ‘Wife of Solicitor General Alerted Him of Hijacking from Plane,’ by Tim O’Brien, CNN, September 11, 2001. (http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/09/11/pentagon.olson).
[31] op. cit. Griffin; (2004; p.28)
[32] Hannity & Colmes, Fox News, September 14, 2001 | http://www.s3.amazonaws.com/911timeline/2001/foxnews091401.html.
[33] ‘America’s New War: Recovering from Tragedy,’ Larry King Live, CNN, September 14, 2001 http://www.edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/14/lkl.00.html | ‘Ted Olson’s Report of Phone Calls from Barbara Olson on 9/11: Three Official Denials’ by David Ray Griffin, Global Research, April 01, 2008.
[34] Ibid.
[35] ‘Ted Olson’s Report of Phone Calls from Barbara Olson on 9/11: Three Official Denials’ By David Ray Griffin, Global Research, April 01, 2008.
[36] U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) News Transcript: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Parade Magazine, Interview with Lyric Wallwork Winik. October 12 2001. http://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=3845
[37] 9/11 Deceptions by M.P.LeLong Published by XLibris 2011. (p.260)
[38] ‘September 11th 2001: A Cruise Missile at The Pentagon’ by Peter Wakefield Sault, http://www.odeion.org/ updated August 2012.
[39] Ibid.
[40] ‘Pentagon Attack Cab Driver Lloyde England’s Virtual Confession’ Citizen Investigation Team http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GHM5f9lVho | See the complete interviews with Lloyde here: thepentacon.com/eyeofthestorm.htm
Perdue Universities RCAC center produced this Pentagon FEA simulation. Originally produced in 2003, before the 9/11 Truth movement, this groundbreaking FEA based simulation was followed by the more famous WTC North simulation, presented on Youtube. This simulation pioneered mass data input for 3D modeling and input, and developed file formats that allow universities to create, trade, and build a library of huge digital models of 3D aircraft, ships and buildings. By V. Popescu, C. Hoffmann, S. Kilic, M. Sozen, S. Meador, “Producing High-Quality Visualizations of Large-Scale Simulations”, Proc. of IEEE Visualization, Oct., 2003.
[42] op. cit pentacon.com
‘Did F77 hit the Pentagon? Eyewitness accounts examined: Examines the apparent contradiction between photographic evidence and eyewitness evidence.’ by Gerard Holmgren. 5 ’03)
[44] http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/lofiversion/index.php?t4603.html
[45] ‘September 11, 2001 Revisited’ By Dave McGowan, The Center for an Informed America Newsletter #68E April 12, 2005. http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr68e.html
[46] Ibid.
[47] ‘Military now a presence on home front’ By Andrea Stone, USA Today,September 16, 2001.

Unanswered Questions

 By M.K. Styllinski

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

9/11 was an attack against the minds of the American people.

Shock, fear and anger were the intended by-products of a Hollywood-style production which was delivered to mobilise the mass consciousness towards accepting long-term social and geo-political objectives. Once this programming was in place it was relatively easy to begin pointing fingers at an historical bogey-man which has been carefully cultivated as the Muslim terrorist. What rapidly followed was the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and the later invasions of Libya and covertly Syria. Along with Russia, the destabilisation and ransacking of Iran remains an important goal for the Three Establishment Model. As a consequence, literally hundreds of thousands of civilians – most of whom were children – were killed, maimed and psychologically traumatised, with others suffering from intractable health problems.

The core planners of the September 11th attacks were a combination of audacity, ambition, years of careful planning and the reliance on the inculcation of an Official Culture to carry out their plans. The hackneyed displays of “evidence” were designed to appeal to those eager to believe the official story. Shoddiness of this kind is an indication of how blasé and arrogant the architects of this coup really were. Leaving pristine passports lying around in the rubble to be found and copies of the Koran liberally sprinkled everywhere just to reinforce the idea that all roads led to Al-Qaeda, as but two such examples. “Mistakes” like these do not conform to the ambition and precision of the false flag operation. However, if you wanted to falsely blame it on Muslim terrorists as the history of Al-Qaeda operations shows, then such “blunders” begin to make sense.

So, who would benefit from blaming the Islamic world, its fundamentalism having been fuelled by the very same forces?

The Three Model Establishment of Liberalism, Conservative and Zionist factions. It was their crowing achievement, or – depending on which side of the fence one is – the beginning of their eventual demise.

What should have been the most rigorous and extensive international forensic operation ever conducted was turned into the biggest media circus and cover up in modern times. Ground Zero became a travesty of justice with no attempts to maintain the integrity of what was a vast crime scene. Thanks to Mayor Rudy Giuliani and friends, all the evidence was shipped away before forensics could sift through it. [1]  It is only after almost fourteen years that enormous amounts of data has been pieced together by scientists, academics and the general public who may not all agree with the various conclusions, but a broad consensus exists: that the official story is not only suspect but patently false from whichever angle you approach. Various 9/11 commissions merely extended and built on what is already monumental lie, quickly accepted by the MSM and the majority of the public and which remains entrenched in contemporary beliefs. Recently, certain members of those commissions have begin to speak out, reporting on the restrictive nature and manipulation of data. Indeed, it has even been reported that most 9/11 commissioners do not believe the official story either. [2]

Image programming is immensely powerful. Replaying the destruction of the Twin Towers over and over and thus stimulating the instinct of fear and the emotions of anger and pain is not conducive to object study and reflection. As Historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk observes:

“Brain studies show that what is suggested during a period of pain or shock becomes MEMORY. The brain sort of ‘traps’ the ideas being assimilated at times of pain and shock into permanent ‘synaptic patterns of thought/memory.’ The conditions surrounding the events of 9-11 were perfect for creating specific impressions and memories – manipulation of the minds of the masses by shocking events and media spin.” [3]

And so it is.


Let’s see why this programming has been so successful by taking a cursory look at some of the most glaring issues surrounding 9/11.

Since at least 1996, Federal authorities were aware that suspected terrorists had ties to Osama bin Laden and had been receiving flight training at schools in the US and abroad. There was even an account by one terrorist that his mission was to fly a plane into CIA headquarters.[4] In fact, there were multiple reports of bin Laden’s location given to both the CIA and the FBI between 1996 and right up to the day before September 11th, 2001. Agents’ reports were ignored or they were actively prevented from taking out bin Laden by top brass. The New York Times reported that:

 [5]“… at least three occasions between 1998 and 2000, the C.I.A. told the White House it had learned where Mr. bin Laden was and where he might soon be. Each time, Mr. Clinton approved the strike. Each time, George Tenet, the director of central intelligence, called the president to say that the information was not reliable enough to be used in an attack, a former senior Clinton administration official said.”

Among the numerous failures in basic protocol and administrative procedures that allowed the hijackers a literal free pass to do as they pleased, one report shows 15 of the 19 hijackers did not fill in visa documents properly in Saudi Arabia. (Yes, that’s right 15 of them) and only six were interviewed. Why were 15 of these hijackers not denied entry into the US? [6] It was reported just a few days after the attacks that several of the 9/11 hijackers, including leader Mohamed Atta, may have had training at secure US military installations and when many of the hijackers’ mug-shots were lifted from the University campus yearbooks. The 911 Commission Report was destined to be a laughing stock. [7] According to a 2001 report in The Times of London: “Five of the alleged hijackers have emerged, alive, innocent and astonished to see their names and photographs appearing on satellite television … The hijackers were using stolen identities.” [8]

By 2000 and 2001, the military were conducting simulation exercises where hijacked airliners were crashing into targets causing mass casualties. Those targets included the World Trade Centre (WTC) and the Pentagon. If we are to believe White House and security officials, they were as shocked as little Bo Beep at such wildly improbable scenarios. [9] The politicians followed the same script with President George W. Bush stating with wide-eyed innocence: “nobody in our government at least, and I don’t think the prior government, could envisage flying air planes into buildings.” National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice also exclaimed: “… no one could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.” Which is curious, considering CIA director George Tenet’s intelligence summary was prepared for Condoleezza Rice on June 28 and read: “It is highly likely that a significant Al-Qaeda attack is in the near future, within several weeks.” [10] And just to make sure the same memo was received by all; FBI Director Robert Mueller added his chorus line soon after the attacks with: “there were no warning signs that I’m aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country.”

Actually, it was common knowledge that ideas had been seeded in terrorists’ minds to use planes as weapons since 1995. So, our Bob was either lying or so ignorant that he was only the head of the FBI due to his ability to stack paperclips. Even an Air Force general stretched credulity still further with his variation on a theme by stating: “… something we had never seen before, something we had never even thought of.”  [11]


According to 9/11 expert and author Dr. David Ray Griffin it gets much worse:

“… in 1993 a panel of experts commissioned by the Pentagon suggested that airplanes could be used as missiles to bomb national landmarks. However this notion was not published in its report, Terror 2000, because, said one of its authors: ‘ We were told by the Department of Defense not to put it in.’ […] In that same year, there were three planes hijacked with the intent to use them as weapons, including a highly publicized plan of a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda to crash one into the Eiffel Tower. In 1995, Senator Sam Nunn, in Time magazine’s cover story, described a scenario in which terrorists crash a radio-controlled airplane into the US Capitol building.”  [12]

There was also the little matter of another training exercise, this time by a US intelligence agency set for Sept 11th at 9am in which a jet airliner would crash into one of its buildings near Washington, DC. The chances of military drill exercises taking place at the same time as a real-time attack is so statistically improbable as to be impossible. As it happens, one chance in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000 – to be precise. [13] Strangely enough, this is precisely what occurred in the 7/7 London bombings in 2005. A private consultancy agency called Visor Consultants, linked to the government and police was also running a 1,000 person exercise for an unnamed company adopting the exact same scenario with the Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as the attacks on the morning of July 7th.  [14]

Just another improbable “coincidence” or a tactic for creating confusion within agencies as well as the general public? Actually, training exercises are incredibly common in many false flag attacks in general (See: False Flags? 63 Terrorism Incidents & Training Exercises)

In 2012, the National Security Archive released 120 previously secret documents concerning the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the United States. They showed yet again that President George W. Bush was lying through his teeth. The documents showed:

“From June to September 2001, a full seven CIA Senior Intelligence Briefs detailed that attacks were imminent, an incredible amount of information from one intelligence agency. One from June called ‘Bin-Ladin and Associates Making Near-Term Threats’ writes that ‘[redacted] expects Usama Bin Laden to launch multiple attacks over the coming days.’ The famous August brief called ‘Bin Ladin Determined to Strike the US’ is included. ‘Al-Qai’da members, including some US citizens, have resided in or travelled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure here,’ it says.”  [15]

It’s not just America’s intelligence personnel who are silenced. Britain, Germany, France, Sudan, Egypt, Israel and Russian intelligence agencies warned of impending attacks on the US, all of whom were ignored. [16] Russian President Vladimir Putin later stated that in August of 2001, he ordered his intelligence: “… to warn President Bush in the strongest terms that 25 terrorists were getting ready to attack the US, including important government buildings like the Pentagon.” The head of Russian intelligence also said: “We had clearly warned them on several occasions, but they did not pay the necessary attention.” [17]

Britain’s contribution to the warnings was in the form of an official memo included in an intelligence briefing for President Bush on August 6th which said that: “… Al-Qaeda had planned an attack in the United States involving multiple airplane hijackings.” However: “The White House kept this warning secret, with the President repeatedly claiming after 9/11 that he had received no warning of any kind. On May 15, 2002, CBS Evening News revealed the existence of the memo from British intelligence … [The US administration] refused to release the memo while claiming there was nothing specific in it.”[18]

Compartmentalisation of intelligence managed by strategically placed high-level personnel allowed the plans for 9/11 to proceed with relatively little resistance. Official Culture of programmed belief systems did the rest.

 “I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/11. It’s not just the obvious non sequiturs: where are the aircraft parts (engines, etc.) from the attack on the Pentagon? Why have the officials involved in the United 93 flight (which crashed in Pennsylvania) been muzzled? Why did flight 93’s debris spread over miles when it was supposed to have crashed in one piece in a field?”

journalist, Robert Fisk

As 2001 entered the picture a long-time tradition of leaving the oil-rich Saudis alone took on epic proportions of favouritism. The CIA and FBI ordered its employees to avoid the bin Laden’s and Saudi royals – they were untouchable. When the House and Senate Intelligence Committees’ final report of the Joint Inquiry into 9/11 eventually arrived in 2003, some 28 pages had been redacted. These reportedly dealt primarily with Saudi Arabia and three Saudi princes who were suspected of being involved in the financing of 9/11 hijackers. They were to die in 2002, within days of each other and in mysterious circumstances. [19]

In 2000, The French intelligence agency, the DGSE, as part of a claim that they regularly pass on intelligence to the CIA, published a 13-page classified report entitled “The Networks of Osama bin Laden.” In the report, a wealth of detailed information about Al-Qaeda is described including the payment of $4.5 million from the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) to bin Laden. However, the IIRO is off limits to US investigations due to its close ties with the Saudi government. [20] The report also casts doubt on Osama bin Laden as the “black sheep” of the family and cultivating the idea of “good and bad” bin Ladens. French journalist Guillaume Disquié writing for La Monde observed: “It seems more and more likely that bin Laden had maintained contacts with certain members of his family, although the family which directs one of the largest groups of public works in the world, has officially renounced him. One of his brothers apparently plays a role as intermediary in its professional contacts or the monitoring of its business.” [21]

It was the same story with the Taliban in Afghanistan. In 1998, Julie Sirrs was a military analyst for the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and travelled to the country on various missions from 1997 – 2001. On the part of her superiors and CIA top brass she encountered disinterest and apathy regarding Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts and actions.


Osama Bin Laden’s family had longstanding oil connections to the Bush Dynasty.

In early 2001, she travelled undercover to meet Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Shah Massoud and observed a terrorist training centre in Taliban-controlled territory. Sirrs later claimed: “The Taliban’s brutal regime was being kept in power significantly by bin Laden’s money, plus the narcotics trade, while [Massoud’s] resistance was surviving on a shoestring. With even a little aid to the Afghan resistance, we could have pushed the Taliban out of power. But there was great reluctance by the State Department and the CIA to undertake that.” [23]  According to Sirrs and many other commentators, this was primarily due to the US State Department’s interest in securing the trans-Afghanistan pipeline under contract in the region to the American Unocal Corporation. Political stability of the Taliban regime was essential to that end.[23]

Despite returning with a “treasure trove” of photos, maps and interview recordings, her security clearance was pulled and materials confiscated. She was later accused of being a spy, prompting her resignation from the DIA in 1999.  Sirr’s discovery of collusion in CIA and Afghanistan drug lines as well as the protection of Osama as a long-time CIA asset was the probable cause. [24]

It appears that protecting the bin Ladens was a top level directive which meant many FBI agents were blocked in their efforts to investigate and who often resigned disillusioned and frustrated. Reports of FBI units in Phoenix, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York being obstructed in their duty surfaced in 2001, with reassignments, stone-walling and the alteration and/or deletion of data connected to the bin Ladens and Saudi nationals was carried out.  [25]

bushladen-networkSource: http://www.questionsquestions.net/ (now defunct)

Let’s not forget that the bin Ladens, as one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia had business dealings with the Bush family for over twenty years. Following the week after the attacks it was learned that bin Laden’s family had been taken under the wing of a branch of FBI supervision and escorted out of the country by private plane, before the national air ban was lifted.

Perhaps the Bush and bin Laden family ties to oil exploration might have had something to do with it? [26] 

The disclosure of 52 intelligence warnings to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the threat of terrorist hijackings between April and September, 2001, makes this somewhat easier to understand. [27] Resources, from oil, gas, food and water have always been one of the primary objectives of Anglo-American expansionism and World Order philosophy.

In the Spring of 2001, military and governmental policy documents revealed the implementation of PSYOPS to legitimize the use of US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas. This was an extension of the Neo-Conservative, National Security strategy of preemption. A Council on Foreign Relations darling Mr. Jeffrey Record advocated: “… the acceptability of presidential subterfuge in the promotion of a conflict” and further: “… urged painting over the US’s actual reasons for warfare with a nobly high-minded veneer, seeing such as a necessity for mobilising public support for a conflict.” [28]

Donald Rumsfeld and other Bush officials stated that the whereabouts of bin Laden were unknown. Yet, a very ill Osama bin Laden had received kidney treatment from Canadian-trained Dr. Terry Calloway in July 2001, at the American Hospital in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. He had also been treated to a visit by CIA agents and the head of Saudi Intelligence. [29] [30] Meanwhile, A CBS News report headed by soon to be sacked Dan Rather claimed bin Laden was back in hospital on September 10, one day before the 9/11 attacks and in the process of being safely tucked up in bed by the CIA’s Intel ally the Pakistani Military Intelligence (ISI). The CBS report revealed that bin Laden had received further dialysis treatment in Rawalpindi, at Pak Army’s headquarters, under the jurisdiction of Pakistani Armed forces with close ties to the Pentagon. [31]

Why was no attempt made to arrest the nations “most wanted terrorist”? Why lie about Osama’s whereabouts? Unless that is, he was serving a greater purpose.

Though the reports were denied by the CIA, the hospital and bin Laden himself, Dr. Calloway reportedly refused to comment, and the media outlets who ran the stories stood by them. After all, the US authorities could easily have ordered his arrest and extradition in Dubai July 2001, but they did not. Volumes of other evidence suggest that, in the words of Alex Standish of Jane’s Intelligence Review: “The attacks of 9/11 were not an intelligence failure but the result of a political decision not to act against bin Laden.”

Without a pretext, there would have been no war on terror and no Grand Plan for the monopolisation of the Middle East.

On the morning of September 11th a cosy breakfast rendezvous had been arranged on Capitol Hill with head of Pakistan’s military intelligence General Mahmoud Ahmad, members of the Senate and House Intelligence committees and several other attendees, including senator Bob Graham, subsequent CIA head Porter Goss; senator John Kyl and Pakistan’s ambassador to the US, Maleeha Lodhi. [32]  Despite the CIA and Pakistani ISI working in hand in hand for decades, ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad’s cheery presence over orange-juice and pancakes takes on a brevity when we realise that the General not only: “… ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban,” but was alleged to have organised the wiring of $100,000 to WTC hijacker Mohamed Atta from Pakistan via Intel asset Ahmad Umar Sheikh. [33]

What were Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham and other members of the Senate and House intelligence committees doing together with the alleged 9/11 “money-man” at breakfast on the morning of 9/11? More importantly, what were the same individuals (Goss and Graham) who had developed a personal rapport with General Ahmad, doing on the joint committee inquiry into 911? Conflict of interest would be an understatement.

On September 12th General Mahmoud Ahmad had negotiations at the office Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and again with Secretary of State Colin Powell on the 13th as though the attacks were a mere fomality.  Just what was this General doing meeting with such a wide ranging set of top of officials and despite the greatest “terrorist” attack on American soil?


One month later in August 2001, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US,” was the title of the intelligence briefing Bush received which also mentioned the World Trade Centre as a possible target. In 2004, Bush was busy lying so atrociously it placed the media in the spotlight for their purposeful ineptitude rather than the fact that George W. clearly knew he was going to get away with it. He claimed it: “… said nothing about an attack on America,” even though the subject of the briefing was about just such an attack. [34]

As the big day approached it seems there were plenty of people who knew that something dramatic was about to happen; so many in fact, it fell way beyond the bounds of mathematical probability. Just a day before the attacks several top Pentagon officials abruptly cancelled their travel plans for the following morning due to “security concerns.” Several other officials were also told not to fly by persons unknown.

At 1.00am in the morning of September 11th San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, scheduled to fly to New York that morning, received a warning from his “security people at the airport” advising him to be cautious in his travelling. Although later reports would claim that this was due to picking up on a State Department warning of September 7 which focused on the threat to military personnel in Asia, why it was personally issued to Brown, remains unknown. Attorney General John Ashcroft had also been warned by the FBI in August 2001 to avoid commercial airlines, but this information never made it to the media until much later. Indeed, it seemed Ashcroft was hiding something.[35]

David Ray Griffin observed:

In late July… the Taliban’s Foreign Minister informed US officials that Osama bin Laden was planning a ‘ huge attack ‘ inside America that was imminent and would kill thousands. That the information indicated that the attack was to involve commercial airlines is suggested by the fact that on July 26, CBS News reported that Attorney General Ashcroft had decided to quit using this mode of travel because of a threat assessment – although neither the FBI nor the Justice Departmentwould identify what the threat was, when it was detected, or who made it.’

In May of 2002, it was claimed that the threat assessment had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, but Ashcroft, according to the Associated Press, walked out of his office rather than answer questions about it. The San Francisco Chronicle complained: ‘The FBI obviously knew something was in the wind…. The FBI did advise Ashcroft to stay off commercial aircraft. The rest of us just had to take our chances.’ CBS’s Dan Rather later asked, with regard to this warning: ‘ Why wasn’t it shared with the public at large?’  [36] [Emphasis mine]

Presumably, for the same reason so much other information wasn’t shared with the public.

As if this wasn’t strange enough, on September 11th aftermath, data extracted from 32 damaged computer hard drives revealed evidence of an unusual rise in financial transactions peaking just before the attacks. Over $100 million of illegal transfers were made through WTC computer networks immediately before and during the 911 attacks. [37]

Insider trading suggesting foreknowledge of the attack was also evidenced from huge surges in purchases of put options on stocks of the two airlines used in the attack United Airlines and American Airlines; on stocks of Munich Re and the AXA Group reinsurance companies expected to pay out billions to cover losses from the attack; stocks of financial services companies Merrill Lynch & Co., and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, (which occupied 22 stories of the WTC) and Bank of America incurring losses from the attack; on stocks of a weapons manufacturer Raytheon expected to reap massive rewards from the disaster and major surges in purchases of 5-Year US Treasury Notes. Indeed, the overall level of put option trading was up by “1,200 percent” in the three days prior to the World Trade Centre attacks. [38]

Though the amount of money made does not show definitive foreknowledge – as billions could have been made from trading on a catastrophic event not just millions – it does suggest a strange confluence of interest, or as University of Illinois’s Professor Allen M Poteshman states from the conclusion of his own research: “… there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks.” [39]

Financial parasites profiting from tragedy is quite different to Bush officials and intelligence agents having foreknowledge. The latter may be just another red herring as it not only offers credence to Al-Qaeda bogeyman as the evil enemy of apple-pie freedoms but serves to distance the common knowledge that successive US administrations have consistently supported Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network as part of their foreign policy agenda. The US military and intelligence Establishment have been complicit in providing continuity of this agenda. That being so, it immediately places “foreknowledge” of the attacks in quite a different light.

The above points have barely scratched the surface. So, before we go any further let’s remind ourselves of the key moments of the “Day of Infamy” with a timeline of September 11, 2001. [40]

 9/11 Timeline

7:59: Flight 11 takes off 14 minutes late
8:14: Flight 175 takes off 16 minutes late
8:20: Flight 77 takes off 10 minutes late
8:28: Flight 11 is confirmed as hijacked
8:37: Flight 11 enters New York control space; Boston flight control notifies NORAD
8:42: Flight 93 takes off 41 minutes late
8:46: Flight 11 hits the North Tower of the World Trade Centre
8:50: Flight 175 en route to New York City
8:54: Flight 77 strays off course
8:56: Flight 77 transponder signal disappears; Flight 77 disappears from radar screens
9:03: Flight 175 crashes into WTC South Tower; shown on international TV networks
9:06 Bush starts photo op at school; thinks WTC Crash Is Accidental
9:06-9:16: Bush told of second plane crash, continues photo op; reads pet goat story for almost ten minutes; Secret agents as per protocol do not remove him from the room; Ari Fleischer holds up sign saying “do not say anything yet”
9:16-9:29: Bush works on a formulating a speech with staff; no decisions are made
9:20: Barbara Olson, a passenger on Flight 77 is said to have called her husband Ted Olson, solicitor general at the Justice Department. Account is full of contradictions
9:28: Sounds of a struggle are heard at Cleveland Flight Control as Flight 93 is hijacked
9:29: Speech by Bush declaring a terrorist attack
9:30: Langley fighters take off toward Washington; Instead of arriving in the usual 6 minutes, they could reach city in six minutes but take 30 minutes. The jets were redirected east over the Atlantic Ocean and were 150 miles from the Pentagon when it is hit
9:30: After 25 minutes the Secret Service finally decide to hustle Bush out of the school
9:37: Flight 77 disappears from radar; Flight 77 crashes into reinforced section of the Pentagon
After 9:37: FBI confiscates film of Pentagon crash
9:40: Flight 93 transponder signal turned off; flight still closely tracked
9:42: Mark Bingham calls his mother From Flight 93
9:45: White House Evacuated
9:45 – 9:56 Counterterrorism ‘Tsar’ Clarke Initiates Continuity of Government Plan; Senior FAA Manager, on His First Day on the Job, Orders All Planes Out of the Sky Nationwide
9:45 – 9.58 Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer speaks to GTE customer service supervisor Lisa Jefferson and FBI, gives contradictory statements
9:50: Molten metal pours from WTC South Tower
9:52: Fire-fighters reach 78th floor of South Tower; two isolated fires are found
9:55-10:15: Langley fighters reach Washington after considerable delay; contradictory accounts of time lag;
9:57: Passengers Begin Attempt to Regain Control of Flight 93
9:58: Call from Ed Felt on Flight 93, describes explosion
Before 9:59: Gold Transported Through WTC Basement; EMT Worker Given Message That WTC Towers Are Going to Collapse; High-Level Officials Evacuate Lobby of North Tower; Mayor Giuliani apparently told WTC towers will collapse when fire chiefs think otherwise
9:59: Explosions heard in South Tower just before collapse; South Tower of WTC collapses into its own footprint
9:59-10:28: Fire-fighters receive no messages to evacuate North Tower
10.00: Hijackers respond to passenger revolt
10:06: Flight 93 crashes into a Pennsylvanian field; Reports of light 93 Breaking Up Prior to Crash; timing of the crash disputed
Before/After 10:06: Second plane, described “as a small, white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings,” is seen by at least ten witnesses over the crash site within minutes of United Flight 93 crashing.
After 10:06: Fighter flies past Flight 93 crash site; witnesses report lack of plane wreckage at Flight 93 crash scene
After 10:06: Bush is told of Flight 93 crash, wonders if it was shot down
10:15: Pentagon Section Collapses
10:28: WTC North Tower collapses; Many witnesses hear explosions during the collapse of the north WTC tower.
11:45: Air Force One, with President Bush on board, lands at Barksdale Air Force Base
12:00 Noon: Senator Hatch repeats intelligence community’s conclusion that Osama bin Laden is responsible
After 12:00 Larry Silverstein Tells fire department commander to ‘pull’ WTC 7
12:16 US airspace cleared of all civilian aircraft
13:02: Defence Secretary Rumsfeld Calls for War; President Bush Says there will be a counterattack
14.00 – 14:30 Chief Fire Officer makes decision to abandon WTC 7
14:50 President Bush arrives in Nebraska; enters Strategic Command Centre
14:40 Rumsfeld is told Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11 attacks but wants to blame Iraq
16:30: WTC Building 7 Area Is Evacuated Due to Anticipated Collapse
17:20: WTC Building 7 Collapses; Cause Remains Unclear
18:42 Rumsfeld, Shelton, White, and Senators give news briefing on attacks
18:54 President Bush returns to White House
20:30: President Bush gives third speech, declares Bush Doctrine
21:00: President Bush meets with advisers, declares war without barriers
23:30: President Bush sees 9/11 as New Pearl Harbour


[1] ‘Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11’ April 18, 2011, By Christopher Bollyn, http://www.bollyn.com
[2] ‘Most 9/11 Commissioners Don’t Buy The Official Story – Why Do You?’ 9/11 Blogger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdqIzc4TZAY
[3] ‘Comments on the Pentagon Strike’ By Laura Knight-Jadczyk, September 25, 2002. | http://www.cassopaeia.org
[4] ‘FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools’ By Steve Fainaru and James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writers , September 23, 2001; Page. | ‘FBI Chief Acknowledges FBI Errors’CBS News May 30 2002 /updated 2009.
[5] ‘Why I Resigned From the CIA’ by Michael Scheuer, The Los Angeles Times, December 05, 2004. | ‘Many Say U.S. Planned for Terror but Failed to Take Action’ The New York Times, December 30, 2001.
[6] ‘Hijackers Got Visas With Little Scrutiny, GAO Reports’ By Dan Eggen, Washington Post, October 22, 2002; Page A07.
[7] ‘Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained At U.S. Bases’ Newsweek, Sep 14, 2001.| ‘Alleged 9/11 Hijackers Trained at U.S. Military Bases?’ 2nd Witness Arrested 25 Held for Questioning by Guy Gugliotta and David S. Fallis Washington Post, September 16, 2001; Page A29.
[8] ‘9/11 Hijackers Still Alive’ by Dominic Kenndy / Suicide hijackers hid behind stolen Arab identities; America at war: New York agony; Terror in new York, Edition 5LTHU 20 SEP 2001, Page 3. “Five of the hijackers were using stolen identities, and investigators are studying the possibility that the entire suicide squad consisted of impostors. Details are emerging of the killers’ humdrum final weeks in the US suburbs – joining gyms, eating pizzas and visiting an “adult video” store.”
[9] ‘NORAD had drills of jets as weapons,’ By Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri, USA Today, April 19, 2004. | ‘A Nation Challenged: Warnings; Earlier Hijackings Offered Signals That Were Missed’ By Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times, October 3, 2001.
[10] p.68; The New Pearl Harbor – Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin Published by Olive Branch Press; 2004 | ISBN 1566565529.
[11] ‘Fried Rice: Condi’s Coming 9/11 Firestorm’ Perspectives, February 11, 2005 | ‘Terrorist Plan to Use Planes as Weapons Dates to 1995’ WTC bomber Yousef confessed to US agents in 1995. Public Information Center. December 8, 2002.
[12] op. cit Griffin.
[13] Miami Science Museum www. miamisci.org/ – c/o alienscientist.com ‘Probability of 7/7 War Games and Attacks happening at the same time (Impossible)’ September 2011.
[14] London Underground Bombing ‘Exercises’ Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack – Culpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 13 2005.
[15] ‘New NSA docs contradict 9/11 claims’ By Jordan Michael Smith, Salon.com Jun 19, 2012.
[16] ‘Resentful west spurned Sudan’s key terror files’ War on Terrorism – Observer special The secret war. Part 1 By David Rose, The Observer, Sunday 30 September 2001. | ‘Revealed: The Taliban minister, the US envoy and the warning of September 11 that was ignored’ By Kate Clark in Kabul, The Independent, 07 September 2002. | ‘Report cites warnings before 9/11’ CNN News, September 19, 2002.
[17] op. cit. Griffin, (p.70)
[18] Ibid.
[19] ‘The Kingdom and the Towers’ By Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan Vanity Fair, August 2011.
[20] ‘Two Suspected Charities Apparently Protected by Saudi Government Ties’ October 12, 2001. historycommons.org timeline.
[21] ‘September 11 2001: How much the French knew’ by Guillaume Dasquié Le Monde (Paris) April 15, 2007. | ‘The House of bin Laden – A family’s, and a nation’s, divided loyalties’.by Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, November 12, 2001. “two of Osama’s sisters apparently taking cash to an airport in Abu Dhabi [United Arab Emirates], where they are suspected of handing it to a member of bin Laden’s al-Qaeda organization.”
[22] ‘Ex-Spook Sirrs: Early Osama Call Got Her Ejected’ by Gail Sheehy New York Observer, March 2004.
[23] Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 by Steve Coll, Published by Penguin books, 2004. ISBN-10: 0143034669 (p. “Robin Raphel, Deputy Secretary of State for South Asia, speaks to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister about Afghanistan. She says that the US government ‘now hopes that peace in the region will facilitate US business interests,” i.e. the Unocal gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. (p.330).
[24] op. cit. Sheehy; New Yorker.
[25] op. cit. Griffin (p.152)
[26] ‘Bin Laden Kin Flown Back to Saudi Arabia’ by Kevin Cullen, The Boston Globe, September 20, 2001.Page: A29. | ‘A |Nation Challenged: The Family. ‘Fearing Harm, Bin Laden Kin Fled From U.S.’ The New York Times, By Patrick E. Tyler, September 30, 2001. | ‘Has someone been sitting on the FBI?’ By Greg Palast, Newsnight programme for the BBC. Transcript at BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/events/newsnight/1645527.stm November 6, 2001.
[27] op. cit. Perspectives, 2005.
[28] ‘Defence redefined means securing cheap energy’ The Sydney Morning Herald, December 26 2002.
[29] ‘CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July’ French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital, by Anthony Sampson, The Guardian, 1 November 2001. | ‘Ailing bin Laden ‘treated secretly for kidney disease’ By Adam Sage, Times of London Edition 5L November 2001, Page 5.
[30] ‘Hospital Worker: I Saw Osama’ CBS News February 11, 2009.
[31] ‘Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill’ by Michel Chossudovsky Global Outlook,Winter 2003, http://www.globalresearch.ca,August 4, 2003. |
[32] ‘India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links’, The Times of India, 9 October 2001. | “French author Bernard-Henri Levy later claims to have evidence from sources inside both Indian and US governments of phone calls between Sheikh and Mahmood Ahmed, head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, during this same time period, and he sees a connection between the timing of the calls and the money transfers (see Summer 2000). [Frontline, 10/13/2001; Daily Excelsior (Jammu), 10/18/2001; Levy, 2003, pp. 320-324] From historycommons.com.
[33] ‘Bush: Memo had no “actionable intelligence”’CNN, April 12, 2004. | Declassified and Approved for Release, 10 April 2004 – ‘Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US’ “Clandestine, foreIgn government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997′ has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin implied in US televisioni nterviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Youse! and ‘bring the fighting to America.’” http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB116/pdb8-6-2001.pdf
[34] ‘Willie Brown Got Low-Key Early Warning About Air-Travel’ by Philip Matier and Andrew Ross, San Francisco Chronicle, September 12, 2001 | ‘Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies’ by Dennis Ryan MDW NEWS 3 Nov 2000 http://www.globalresearch.ca 3 April 2004.
[35] op. cit. Griffin (p.70)
[36] Ibid.
[37] ‘We’ve Hit the Targets’ By Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, Sept. 13 issue, 2003. […] “Could the bombers have been stopped? NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill.” | ‘German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals’ Reuters, December 17, 2001. | ‘Insider Trading Apparently Based on Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks, The Times,(London) September 18, 2001.
[38] ‘Insider Trading Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge’ 911 Research, http://www.911research.wtc7.net
[39] ‘Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11 2001.’ By Allen M. Poteshman. University of Illinois. http://www.scribd.com/doc/11079387/Unusual-Option-Market-Activity-and-the-Terrorist-Attacks-of-September-11-2001
[40] Grateful assistance from that wonderful online resource: wwwhistorycommons.org 911 and other related timelines and reports which made up the summary.

Police State Amerika II: No-Knock Raids

“Police violently broke in on a couple of men watching television, exploded concussion grenades, and shot one man roughly a second after entry. The fatal, under-investigated raid yielded no arrests and led to the shooter being named “Officer of the Year.” All because someone was suspected of getting high without government permission.”

– Police State USA

During the April 2013 Boston Bombings and the hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Boston suburbia was effectively in lock-down with thousands of National Guard troops, FBI and other federal agents, state and local police, all creating virtual martial law in a matter of hours. Units conducted house to house searches, often heavily armed whilst residents were told to stay inside with their doors locked and not open them to anyone but identified police officers. This was part of an official order called “shelter in place” enacted by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and which was gradually extended over 100 square miles of the Boston metropolitan area, housing over 1 million people. Local reporters compared the scene to videos of US-occupied Baghdad.  [1]

It seems this was a taste of what was to come. With an operation such as this, following hot on the heels of a so-called terrorist attacks with a tragic loss of life, one might say that such martial law was justified in order to catch the perpetrators. Yet, even if we were to discard evidence that the Tasarnaev brothers were set up, the same patterns of deception found similar to every false flag operation, we would surely have to arrive at the conclusion that this was an utterly over-the-top response. What this military deployment did achieve, was to stoke the fear of authority and its capabilities. There has never been a more dangerous time to be poor, elderly or the recipient of SWAT teams’ persistent encroachment into civilian life. For every one of these examples – whether black, white, Army veteran, elderly man or woman, babies, children or the mentally disabled – there are hundreds of similar cases.

SWAT raids are truly terrifying for those unfortunate enough to experiences them. Arriving in armoured personnel carriers, usually in the dead of night or early morning, a team of 8-10 heavily armed, andrenalin-pumped young men break down your door, and/or smash your windows, hurl incendiary devices into the interior regardless of the presence of children or elderly folk and frequently move to kill your pets.  Whilst securing the house and if you are not dead already, you are made to lie face down in blood and glass with your arms tied behind your back. Armour-clad soldiers carrying sub-machine guns shout at you to remain where you are, often during the aftermath of a violent physical assault. It is not uncommon for SWAT members to brutalise homeowners in their search for suspects.

But what of the individual cases? How far has this phenomena encroached into everyday American lives?


SWAT team smashes into a grandmother’s home Image credit: offthegridnews.com

“Not having proper security on your Wi-Fi router can lead to a SWAT team raid on your house, as one family in Evansville, Indiana, discovered. Louise Milan learned this the hard way when SWAT officers smashed through her door and threw flash-bang grenades into her house in a case that is getting attention again because of court action this month in a lawsuit.” – David Jennings, Off the Grid News, August 2014.

We will start off this brief survey with a tragedy that occurred in 2008, when homeowner Ronald Terebesi was relaxing in his living room with friend, 33-year-old Gonzalo Guizan. The peace was shattered by a nine man SWAT team with a “no-knock search warrant for narcotics”. After police had tossed in three flash-bang grenades through the windows the team battered down the door and after almost 2 seconds inside Mr. Guizan had been shot six times and Terebesi hit with a rifle butt and pinned to the floor. The rest of the team trashed the house looking for concealed drugs.

It became apparent that the SWAT team had burst in so quickly that a grenade denoted in close proximity to the officers causing its fragments to hit Officer Sweeney who claimied he’d been hit, therey firing a volley of bullets into Guizan. According to later testimonies by Sweeny, Terebesi and Guizan had tried to attack him despite the absence of any corroborating evidence. Since the whole event lasted less around 2 seconds it seems like a feeble allegation to cover up incompetence. The Connecticut Post reported attorney for Terebesi Gary Mastronardi stating: “There is undisputed evidence Guizan and Terebesi were huddled in a corner when police shot,” which makes Sweeney’s claims even more unlikely.

Neither man had criminal records. Their only “crime” was to enjoy a small quantity of drugs for personal use, but it was enough to cause a SWAT team to burst into their own home, murder one man and assault another. Terebesi is still seeking compensation for “emotional suffering” while Guizan’s family received a $3.5 million pay out in February 2013.  [2]

“It looked like the Russian army had approached,” … “This was overkill.”

neighbor of Terebsi, Drew Clark

If a police team is out and about and your house has been targeted – prepare to pray.

In 2013, an 80 year-old retiree barely had time to do that before being shot six times as he lay in his bed. The reason? Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department deputies thought they could smell a meth lab. In fact, when no meth operation was found they decided to clutch at the fact that a small quantity of marijuana was discovered in another part of the property. A $50 million civil lawsuit was served by the widow Tonya Pate and her attorney James Bergener. County sheriffs say that the deceased, Eugene Mallory had raised a gun at deputies whilst his wife is adamant that her husband, a former engineer at Lockheed Martin would never have taken such action. “He was shot in his bed before there was any warning given,” Bergener said. [3]

From an old age pensioner to a mentally disabled youth found dead after strong-arm tactics by police officers.

Robert Ethan Saylor was found to have suffered a fractured throat cartilage after being suffocated to death by police officers who sought to remove him from a cinema. Saylor, who had Downs Syndrome and a low IQ had thoroughly enjoyed the film he had been watching and wanted a repeat performance. Saylor and his caretaker did not have enough money and since he did not understand the concept of tickets, he became upset and refused to leave. Though the caretaker pleaded for patience and warned that he was very sensitive to being touched, in the end police moved in. As he was wrestled to the ground not understanding what was going on, there were reports from witnesses that officers told Saylor that he was going to jail, as he struggled in obvious pain. He last words were: “Mommy! It hurt!” as he died of asphyxiation.  [4]

Although the death was ruled a homicide, the 3 police deputies in question received no criminal charges and remained on active duty. They were however, enrolled on a training class to learn how to interact with people with low intelligence. Somehow such a move won’t be much consolation for Saylor’s mother nor will it make the slightest difference to the police in question.

Iraq veterans are also at risk.

We go back a few years to May 5, 2011 and the case of Jose Guerena. The former marine was shot and killed by SWAT team members when they raided his house.

After working the night shift at the local copper mine he and his wife were awakened by voices and loud noises. Assuming that there were intruders he retrieved his rifle and hid his wife Vanessa and his 4-year old son in the closet. He then checked the house. As he stood in the hallway the SWAT team fired off 71 rounds and hit Guerena 22 times. His wife and child were unharmed. No drugs were found.

dreamstime_m_40957630© Zabelin | Dreamstime.com – SWAT Team Photo

Fancy meeting these guys in your living room? Your friendly neighbourhood SWAT team on a street or home near you.

By all accounts, Guerena had no idea that this was the police, nor did he realise that the detonation of concussion grenades in their back yard were the cause of his awakening. Seconds before an armoured truck had arrived in their front yard and a SWAT team was already preparing to break down his door. To compound the tragedy, as he lay  bleeding in the hallway, it appears the police did everything they could to prevent ambulance services from reaching Guerena. According to an ABC News report his wife claimed she called 9-1-1 for an ambulance yet it was over one hour 14 minutes before any paramedics could get to Guerena. This was due to the evacuation of neighbouring houses and the deployment of two robotic drones to check the house interior. One wasn’t enough it seems. The clock ticked by. After that, the bomb squad was called in and the deployment of robotic scouts was set in motion. Only then did the SWAT team re-enter the house to sweep the rooms. By this time, Jose Guerena had bled to death. Deputy Tracy Suitt on behalf of the The Pima County Sheriff’s Department strongly believed: “… the events of May 5, 2011, were unfortunate and tragic, but the officers performed that day in accordance with their training and nationally recognized standards…”.  [5]

These “Nationally recognised standards” were employed with the shooting of two members of Vanessa Guerena’s sister-in-law’s family, Cynthia and Manny Orozco, last year. A small bag of pot was discovered along with $94,000. Though members of the family were allegedly involved with the smuggling of marijuana, such a case requires due diligence and extreme caution which was clearly not the case here. Raids with trigger-happy teams of paramilitary men storming suburbia is common place. Once again, no reprimands or arrests were forthcoming. The Guerena family proceeded with a civil lawsuit and settled at $3.4 million dollars. It seems one can survive two tours in Iraq but not your own law enforcement.

Next in line for raid treatment were two grand-parents shot by DEA agents in their own homes, one fatally and within one month of each other.

In August 2014, New Hampshire Grandmother Lilian Alonzo was looking after her grandchildren aged, 1, 4 and 10 years old. At around 7.00pm the door was opened by a family member and the DEA raided the third story apartment looking for drugs. Alonzo was fired at twice by an agent and was hit in the torso by one of the bullets. The Grandmother’s son later told reporters that all she had been attempting to do was to pick up the baby, a natural reaction one might think when a group of strangers barge into your home. Ms. Alonso had no criminal or previous arrest record and was not arrested or charged following the raid.

Why was this grandmother put in hospital?

It was apparently part of a series of 13 raids carried out: “… to investigate several people allegedly selling prescription painkillers without government authorization.” [6]


Nor is this an isolated incident. From one of many incidences, Three people were killed and four wounded in October 2013 when yet another no-knock raid turned to tragedy. Reason? The illegal distribution of prescription pills.

From tracking those dastardly crimes of painkiller users, to taking the word of a meth addict and thief in order to raid a Grandfathers home, unannounced.

In September 2014, David Hooks, 59, was awakened by his wife who said the thieves who had earlier stolen their SUV were back. Hooks picked up his gun in order to protect his wife and his home from further intruders. Little did he know that Rodney Garrett had stolen their vehicle, the same man who had tipped off the police that he had seen illegal drugs on the Hooks’ property. Meanwhile, a SWAT team of sheriff deputies broke down the door, firing sixteen shots leaving David Hooks dead. No drugs were found. According to the widow’s lawyer, the Sheriff’s Department then “mislead the public” about the shooting and raid. [7]

Finally, the killing of a 7 year-old girl in a raid by the Detroit Police Department in May, 2010.

Looking for a wanted man on the evening of May 16, 2010, the Detroit Police Department’s Special Response Team (SRT) were preparing for a dawn no-knock raid on a duplex where the man was said to live. The house having been under close surveillance throughout the day, the police nonetheless disregarded any safety measures for the likelihood of children being present at the address, even though children’s toys were littered around the front of the residence. With a warrant to arrest Chauncey Owens and armed with MP5 sub-machine guns and even a Reality TV crew, the SRT team approached the house.

A pedestrian out walking his dog was held back by police and unnecessarily pinned to the ground with police boots on his neck and back. (Gosh, those brave, virile policeman putting on a real show for reality TV). Despite this, he repeatedly told officers that there were children in the house. Bizarrely, officers broke into two locations: the suspect’s and the next door neighbour’s downstairs apartment. Windows were smashed, a concussion grenade thrown which lit up the porch. The door was kicked down and after just over 30 seconds from the start of the raid, a gunshot was heard and Aiyana Stanley-Jones lay dead from a bullet through he neck. It took only six seconds for the girl to be killed from the moment the police entered the home.

 “They blew my granddaughter’s brains out,” …  “They killed her right before my eyes. I watched the light go out of her eyes.”

Ms. Mertilla Jones, Grandmother of  Aiyana Stanley-Jones

She had been sleeping on a couch next to her Grandmother Mertilla Jones who had dived to the floor when the grenade had hit the couch, scorching it in the process. It is then that the police began to lie about the events of that early morning preferring to blame the Grandmother by saying that the man responsible for discharging his weapon – 37-year-old Officer Joseph Weekley – had lost control of his weapon due to contact with Ms. Jones whom, he said, had tried to grab the gun. The Grandmother’s story is the exact opposite to the officer’s and much more believable. She explained that she tried to protect Aiyana after being shocked awake by the grenade and the sound of broken glass. She reached for the girl and made no contact with the officer or his gun. This was later corroborated by the absence of Jones’ fingerprints on the weapon.

Although Weekly had a dubious record of hyper-aggression against children and the shooting of animals during no-knock raids, he was to escape any punishment for this latest tragedy. Both trials in 2013 and 2014 were eventually declared mistrials, as the juries on both occasions were unable to reach unanimity. Finally, in January 2015, the case was dismissed and the Jones family had to pay costs. A civil suit has been filed and an appeal to the U.S. attorney general. [8]

Family spokesman Ron Scott commented on the injustice of the law: “Weekley doesn’t have to pay but the family that lost a child has to pay,” I think it’s abominable. I think it’s evil. I think it’s one of the lowest things I have ever seen.” [9]

(For more on this story go here.)


7 year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones killed by Detroit Police Department’s Special Response Team (SRT)


In a photograph from May 2010, Dominika Stanley and Charles Jones hold a picture of their daughter, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, in a Detroit courtroom.” Source: Guardian|Photograph: Mandi Wright/AP.

As you can now imagine, there are hundreds of these stories. The following are just a selection of “no-knock raids”  conducted by police, SWAT, SRT’s and DEA teams taken from the last two years with similar catastrophic results.

No-knock SWAT raid leaves Texas father dead, family traumatized

“When they came in, they had their weapons drawn like we were members of a drug cartel.”

Police burst into wrong apartment, shoot innocent woman hiding in closet

“I told them I was afraid and do not shoot me, and one officer screamed at me to put my hands above my head… That’s when I heard the shot.”

Innocent homeless family’s wooden shack raided by police

Victim, shot at 15 times: ‘They just continued to fire’

Trooper cleared after stomping on innocent man’s skull while handcuffed

“I saw him lift his head and spit blood and teeth onto the kitchen floor.”

Mother and 4 children terrified during late night police raid on wrong apartment

A young mother explains how her evening bath was disturbed by armed men who forced her to the floor half-naked.

Empty home destroyed in 4-hour SWAT siege, innocent woman left with $100,000 in damages

“They wiped my whole life from underneath me and now I’m trying to pick it up and move on.”

SWAT team throws concussion grenade into baby playpen during no-knock raid

“Bad things happen to good people,” says the Sheriff, with every intention of continuing the raids.

Feds perform guns-drawn SWAT raid while investigating campaign finance allegation

“If they’ll do it to me, they’ll do it to anybody,” said the former attorney general.

Texas grandmother, autistic man held at gunpoint in wrong-door police raid

“They had guns directly at me and my son…There were guns everywhere. I mean, the long guns with lights on them. I was crying hysterically.”

DHS ransacks Florida couple’s home without explanation, strips woman naked

“They busted in like I was a terrorist or something.”

Texas SWAT team brutalizes innocent man in no-knock wellness check, concocts charges

“These cops are out of control. They are ruining good people’s lives.”

Utah rave party raided by SWAT team, helicopter, police dogs

A chopper hovered overhead as soldier-wannabes violently shut down the “illegal mass gathering.”

“They told me that they had taken my baby to the hospital. They said he was fine he had only lost a tooth, but they wanted him in for observation,” Phonesavanh said. When she got to the hospital she was horrified by what she saw. Bou Bou was in a medically-induced coma in the intensive care unit of Brady Memorial hospital. “His face was blown open. He had a hole in his chest that left his rib-cage visible.”

victim of SWAT raid Alecia Phonesavanh whose baby, 18-month-old Bou-Bou was on the receiving end of flash-bomb which was thrown into his cot. TheSWAT team who executed a no-knock warrant on their Georgia property on May 28 will face no charges. | Source: ‘Outrage as SWAT officers who disfigured toddler with grenade in botched drug raid will face NO charges’ Daily Mail.


Bou Bou Phonesavanh who is now thankfully recovering image credit: Justiceforbabyboubou.com

Rather than some overseas combat zone Americans can expect this ordeal to occur all over the United States an estimated 45,000 times every year, mostly in the search for drugs and disproportionately focused within minorities. [10]  Although the failure of the “War on Drugs” was always a certainty and remains deeply unpopular, it was never designed to be a genuine solution to a criminal enterprise, since the traditional role of intelligence agencies and law enforcement has been to profit from the support and sale of drugs on the street. 


The creation of SWAT teams originated in the 1960s, the brainchild of the Los Angeles Police Department who were seeking ways to assist officers in high-risk situations such as a lone shooter, riots and hostage-taking. In the 21st Century they are no longer used for such specialised situations but for the average citizen and the search for drugs. According to a new study of 800 such raids conducted by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 79% of raids were focused on private homes and: “… only 7% of the time were heavily armed SWAT teams used for their original purposes: hostage and barricade situations.” [12]

And the reason for this explosion in state-mandated home invasions?

Aside from the aforementioned militarisation of law enforcement [8] it is partly to habituate the idea of the State as ultimate authority and the acquiescence required to justify its existence. It isn’t about finding a solution as we have surely surmised by now, it is about extending conflict in perpetuity so that the human spirit is further fragmented and broken. Secondly, as the ACLU points out, Departments of Justice, Defence, and Homeland Security make sure billions of dollars are lavished on law enforcement in order for it to complete the loop of weapons and associated military hardware contracts. The government is now merely another corporation, after all.

Tragedy and brutalisation breeds fear and compliance for some sectors of the population. For others, it ensures the propagation of the revolution meme which in turn, demands martial law and unleashing of the power of the state to enforce a return to “social cohesion.”

Continuing our look at post-9/11 rise of the police state in America, the next post will explore the use of tasers and the fallacy of non-lethality.



[1] ‘Bombing suspect captured after military-police lockdown of Boston’ By Alex Lantier and Kate Randall WSWS, 20 April 2013.
[2] ‘$3.4M settlement in deadly 2011 SWAT raid near Tucson’ By Joe Ferguson, Arizona Daily Star, September 20, 2013.
[3] ‘Widow to Sue Over Fatal Shooting of Husband, 80, by Sheriff’s Deputies’ KTLA, October 10 2013.

[4] ‘Grand jury rejects criminal charges in death of Robert Saylor, man with Down syndrome’ Washington Post, By Theresa Vargas March 22, 2013.
[5] ‘Arizona SWAT Team Defends Shooting Iraq Vet 60 Times’, By Ellen Tumposky, ABC News, May 20, 2011.

[6] ‘Woman Shot during Beech Street drug raid’ by: Carol Robidoux, August 29, 2014. Manchester inklink.com
[7] ‘SWAT Team Shot David Hooks At Home After Tip From Meth Addict’ by Michael McLaughlin The Huffington Post, 10 August, 2014.
[8] Family grieves death of girl, 7, in police raid’  Doug Guthrie and Valerie Olander, The Detroit News, May 17, 2010.
[9] ‘’She was only a baby’: last charge dropped in police raid that killed sleeping Detroit child, The Guardian,  “Aiyana Stanley-Jones was 7 years old when she was killed by a single bullet to the head. As officer Joseph Weekley walks free, another community is demanding answers about the increasing militarisation of law enforcement.” By Rose Hackman, Saturday 31 January 2015.
[10] ‘Another Day, Another 124 Violent SWAT Raids’ By Kara Dansky, American Civil Liberties Union, http://www.aclu.org/ June 26, 2014.
[11] Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America By Peter Dale-Scott (Updated Edition Paperback – April 10, 1998) University of California Press. ISBN-10: 0520214498. |Gary Webb’s Dark Alliance Stories on Establishment drug corruption: http://www.narconews.com/darkalliance/drugs/start.htm |’CIA funnels drugs into poor US neighborhoods’: http://rt.com/usa/usa-cia-drugs-poor-americas/
[12] op.cit Dansky.

[13] ‘War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Police June 2014: Report: https://www.aclu.org/criminal-law-reform/war-comes-home-excessive-militarization-american-police-report

Police State Amerika I: Facebook Thought Police and CPS Blues

By M.K. Styllinski

“The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.”

– Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels

As a direct result of the Global War on Terror we are seeing the militarisation of law enforcement, the shocking rise of police brutality and an out of control US Army. The inevitable result is not merely the erosion of civil liberties but the very real danger of no civil liberties at all. America is at a crossroads with numerous symptoms of soft totalitarianism converging to meet its overt, classical form.  In other words, A Brave New World of social engineering and transhumanist-led SMART society converging with an Orwellian rule of martial law. This is getting more likely by the day and in Europe life is changing in more gradualist terms, but changing nonetheless.

Perhaps one of the clearest signs of psycho-pathogenic infection of the US government can be seen in who is deemed terrorist material. If entrapment doesn’t get you then considering yourself a “normal” citizen seems to be no protection either. The definition of the word “terrorist” has been stretched so far that anyone who doesn’t conform to the Establishment perception of reality is effectively a potential threat. As we know, Pre-Crime and mass surveillance is a much loved principle. The events of 9/11 seemed to open a a door to psychopathy and authoritarianism in a way that harks back to the both the building and collapse phases of historical Empires with each transition exhibiting a huge increase in pathology. It is my contention that we are transforming to toward a global consolidation arising from manipulated chaos, or we are going to see this attempt swing to the other polarity where the Pathocrats will lose control of their Grand Project and fall into their own entropic footprint.

Either way, big Change is ‘a comin.

Since America is the primary source of Pathocracy at this time, the disintegration of which is required for the Establishment to extend its reach globally, it is little wonder that clear signs of a police state are not being reported in the MSM and if they are, it is with a broad strokes that exclude any historical perspective and analyses that could counter the official line. Only the most outrageous events are reported to give the impression that they are the exception to the rule when the opposite is the case. To that end, let’s explore thematically some of the police crimes taken at random from a variety of newspapers and online journals to illustrate the audacity of this emerging war against the people.

USApolicestate1© infrakshun

In early 2014, Pentagon directives advanced greater contingency powers for the war on terror on domestic soil. A particular focus of these new powers is the targeting of the civilian population and the enforcement of martial law through convenient loop-holes through the updating of the Insurrection Act of 1807 and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. In the new DoD Directive 3025.18: Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) the ill-defined, nebulous language allows “federal military commanders” these new powers, namely, anyone who happens to be in command can enforce military law against civilians according to their say so and without presidential authorisation. One section reads: “In these circumstances, those Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances.”  Naturally, the severity of that scenario is not discussed nor why it is that presidential authority is suddenly “impossible.” Vague wording without legal meaning is a back door for emergency powers to arrive in favour of the military to do as they please, when and where they like.

Oddly enough, while the American public’s trust in the government and media is at record lows, the military fairs better. [1] This maybe due to the lack of psychological and financial support given to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans upon returning home and the sense of nationalistic pride that tends to surround them in the community. What this means when the military is not only employed on the streets but when they are an everyday presence, may change this perception.

Meanwhile, not content with performing invasive criminal background checks on passengers exercising their right to travel, the Transport and Security Administration (TSA) has expanded its duties beyond airports and is now armed and allowed to roam in public to conduct “suspicionless searches” on demand. They even carry out searches of cars at airport car-parks – without a warrant. (Oh, and make sure you have your papers i.e your biometric identity card otherwise you won’t be travelling anyway). Parallel with these inspection powers checkpoints have been popping up in various states used to “Dominate, Intimidate, & Control”. ‘Sneak & peek’ warrants allow police and FBI to secretly enter homes without notice; the IRS can seize entire bank accounts of unsuspecting citizens if there is sufficient reason for suspicion. There is no sign that these patterns of surveillance and intimidation have any intention of slowing. Indeed, it is getting worse very quickly. [2] [3] [4]

shocked emoji

Internet emoji used in social network messaging. Even this harmless symbol may get you into trouble with the thought police.

As we know, this trend has been allowed to target the internet, with federal and intelligence agencies monitoring and commandeering the freedom of expression on social networks in order to fine those – mostly young people – critical of the government. 

A 19 year old was jailed for leaving a sarcastic comment on Facebook regarding “shooting up a kindergarten”. He did so after being embroiled in a spat between other gamers who questioned his mental state. He responded: “I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them.” He received 9 months in prison for the trouble. [5]

The ability to understand irony appears to be missing in the minds of police and judiciary.

Even posting rap lyrics on Facebook can get you branded as a “terrorist threat” it seems. When high school student Cameron D’Ambrosio, 18, posted this little missive on his account: “F— a boston bombinb [sic] wait til u see the sh– I do, I’ma be famous for rapping, and beat every murder charge that comes across me…” It was enough to land him front of a grand jury, though he was thankfully acquitted after members had the wit to reflect on the First amendment. [6]

Over in the United Kingdom the same level of insanity has also gripped the authorities. 19 year-old Matt Woods was sentenced to three months in jail for making sick jokes about missing children on Facebook. His comments focused on missing children April Jones and Madeline McCann including the following: “I woke up this morning in the back of a transit van with two beautiful little girls, I found April in a hopeless place.” and “Who in their right mind would abduct a ginger kid?” [7] He was apparently inspired to do so by a website called Sickipedia, where tasteless jokes are the norm. It seems his comments were enough to have a lynch mob at his door baying for blood which ultimately led to his arrest after the comments received a wider circulation. The judge called it: “ a disgusting and despicable crime,” sentencing him to 3 months in jail. [8]

Tasteless and silly, but a “despicable crime”? Hardly. What are becoming when we begin to send young people to jail for doing nothing more than exercising their right to free speech?

Then we mustn’t forget one of the most ridiculous attempts to drum up more cash for the Terror Industry when even using words – sick or otherwise – isn’t necessary for you to be handcuffed and led away.

After NYPD police were conducting a “routine Facebook monitoring” – and oxymoron in itself – Osiris Aristy, 17, was arrested at his home and charged: “with making ‘terrorist threats’ due to his use of emojis, posting photos of himself with a gun and therefore a criminal possession of a weapon, criminal use of drugs and criminal possession of marijuana” – all from the catalyst of using … emojis. The criminal complaint stated: “As a result of this conduct, the defendant has caused informant and other New York City police officers to fear for their safety, for public safety, and to suffer alarm and annoyance…” [9]


The FBI also likes to flex their muscles by tracking down Facebook users.  Within 24 hours of posting a comment about the “American Police State” Blaine Cooper, 33, was interviewed for 45 minutes by Prescott Valley Police Department based in Arizona with the FBI sitting in. Satisfied that he wasn’t a threat Cooper was Released. after Cooper contacted the website policestateusa.com and revealed further details:

“They had every Facebook post I had ever made in a huge file, along with all my wife’s information, and parent’s information…” Cooper said that he was told that without “defusing the situation” by complying with the interview, his house might have been raided. “The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” [10]

As legalisation of marijuana laws gains momentum, this hasn’t slowed down the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in matching the FBI’s penchant for snooping, this time to support the tangential nonsense of the “War on Drugs.” Setting up fake Facebook accounts to impersonate and spy ona victim’s friends was a normal part of DEA work load it seems.

It was back in 2010, when Sondra Arquiett was arrested by the DEA and along with her boyfriend, charged for distributing drugs. Special Agent DEA Special Agent Timothy Sinnigen took it upon himself to purloin her cell phone (apparently with consent) in order to access the wealth of personal information. The phone was returned only after all her private photos, addresses, emails and records had been copied, a fact about which Arquiett was entirely unaware. The agent then created the online Facebook account and pretended to be Arquiett by contacting her friends, posting photos, sending messages and making friend requests. A high level of personal information was used to create the illusion that this was Sondra Arquiett – AKA Sondra Prince.

Arquiett only became aware of the false account when one of her friends alerted her to the fact. Since she had not even registered for a Facebook account this was doubly shocking. After the drug case had been concluded and she had served weekend jail terms for several months, she filed a lawsuit at a New York, Syracuse District Court in June 2013. Arquiett, now 28, cited emotional distress and the perceived cooperation with the DEA that might endanger her life and that of her child. 

What is perhaps more troubling is the clear breech of ethical guidelines where law enforcement not only mimics crime but once again sees no problem in actively creating it. The government, using the same para-logistical arguments to which we should now be well accustomed, defended the DEA and their methods by claiming that Arquiett “implicitly consented” by allowing agents and police access to her phone reinforcing their belief that these actions were carried out “for a legitimate law enforcement purpose.”  If such implicit consent and standardised legitimacy is now seen as normal, then American law has set the bar extremely low indeed. Many privacy experts agree.  Anita L. Allen, a professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School commenting on the case said: “It reeks of misrepresentation, fraud, and invasion of privacy.”  [11]


The Facebook page set up by the DEA impersonating Sondra Arquiett AKA Sondra Prince. (Source: Associated Press)

Despite the obvious trashing of the principle of free speech anyone with a normal ability to discriminate between a terrorist threat, taking advantage of potential petty criminals and the ever-present noise of teenagers and their hormonal spats would have swiftly moved on, bored out of their minds. Such is the extreme paranoia coupled with profit margins the government prefers to waste billions of tax dollars on creating a climate of fear in the younger members of society. When the right to be silly and say inane and even controversial comments on the “privacy” of one’s social networking page is restricted and monitored then it is no distance at all to censorship, control of information and using the internet as a cynical opportunity to blur the lines between crime and prevention. Free speech then becomes a quaint afterthought.

Compliance becomes the norm.


The corruption of Law and the family Courts is now common place. It seems the Child Protection Services (CPS) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) appear to be working in tandem to make the lives of ordinary children, new born babies and their families an utter misery. That is not to say that these services do not offer protection and care for the young in many, perhaps still the majority of cases. However, there is a large body of evidence to suggest that this is changing – and changing fast. This is unsurprising given the fact that the CPS and DHS are tied to the hip with Big Pharma and the Medical Establishment which routinely enforce mandatory vaccination, orthodox medical procedures  and the growing seizure of children, despite and often due to the fact that parents have the temerity to call them out on their failures. The CPS in particular, shows itself to be a cartel with profits as the primary mover. It has come under the intense scrutiny of concerned citizens across America who have suffered a severe abuse of their human and civil rights. The reports are so alarming that it you’d be forgiven for harbouring doubts. Unless that is, you talk to those who have been on the sharp end of totalitarianism camouflaging itself as social care.  A few examples follow.


Erica May Carey “escorted” away from her child by police

“The police literally ripped 14 month old Levi from his mother’s breast, reports Erica May Carey, as she was nursing him in the car at a California gas station. Her baby was screaming, and she says her breast was exposed as the officers dragged her from the car. As she recounted the events of last Thursday, Erica began weeping, saying that she was “hogtied like an animal, when moments before I was nursing my infant.” She was arrested and jailed for fighting to keep her children with her.

Erica and Cleave Rengo were the subject of national interest as reports of them fleeing Washington CPS [Child Protection Services] made the headlines. Last November, the holistic, devoutly Christian couple’s three breastfed babies were taken amidst accusations of neglect for choosing alternative remedies such as calendula and coconut oil for their older baby’s eczema and preferring not to take their newborn twins to the hospital after an unassisted homebirth, even though they were reportedly healthy.” (Source: Epic Times)

You might think you would have the freedom of choice to forgo vaccines for your new born baby but this wasn’t the case for Aliea Bidwell and Ben Gray, who became parents on March 14th, 2014. Unfortunately, the parents had the bad luck to come up against a doctor who took exception to the fact that they did not wish to inject drugs into their son. Despite this vaccine not even required by law in Alabama state, Dr. Terry M. Bierd, MD, staff pediatrician at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, gave them an ultimatum: take the Hepatitis B vaccine or lose your baby to the Child Protection Services (CPS). The family is filing suit against the doctor and also set up a Web site to raise awareness of this medical blackmail and aggression. Donations are accepted to assist with legal costs.  [12] (A detailed account of their experience can be found at The INQUISITR).

It is completely understandable that parents do occasionally opt to refuse the Hepatitis B injection for their sons and daughters given the evidence of its toxicity and record of related deaths.  In June 2014, Lorie Blalock’s baby suffered an adverse reaction after being vaccinated with the drug against the mother’s wishes whereupon the infant was abruptly taken into medical foster care. They are still waiting to have their baby back. [13] [14] [15]

Then we must also mention Rebekah McClain was made a victim of the medical establishment after having her baby removed by the CPS despite demonstrable evidence that vaccinations were having adverse reactions. McClain was later accused of abuse. Her tale is an horrific one, detailing medical malpractice and vindictive behaviour that you would expect to find in a bizarre horror film. [16]

In a similar case which beggars belief, the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) subjected a Tacoma foster mother and her baby to a bureaucratic attack on her civil rights to refuse influenza vaccinations. They gave her the same ultimatum so common in these cases by insisting that the entire family have the shots and if they refused, the baby would be seized by the state. In the end, Jamie Smith the boy’s foster mother, reluctantly complied stating: “I’ve done a lot of research on it and I don’t like some of the side effects that it has,” …. “I’ve thought about that a lot. Unfortunately, I have to think about our kids who are in the house first and to me they’re more important, their safety, than trying to fight to keep this little guy.”  [17]

She is not the first mother to be threatened with kidnap if the vaccinations are not accepted nor will she be the last. Not only babies are being snatched from their mothers to cover up malpractice and to fall in line with mandatory vaccinations, refusal to have chemotherapy treatment can also be considered abnormal, where the strong arm of the law must force you to comply.

An Amish family and their daughter suffering from leukaemia were initially forced to flee the United States, despite the ruling from an Ohio Judge supporting their right to halt all chemotherapy treatment. The parents of Sarah Hershberger believed that drug treatment would have produced more suffering and likely killed her rather than cure the disease.

According to one report:

“An appeals court issued a ruling granting an attorney for Akron Children’s Hospital, Maria Schimer, temporary guardianship over 11-year-old Sarah Hershberger after she begged her parents to discontinue the toxic drugs being administered to fight cancer. ‘Parental rights, even if based upon firm belief and honest convictions can be limited in order to protect the ‘best interests’ of the child,’ the court ruled.”  [18]

When sheriffs and CPS representatives came to take the child, the family had already left the country. Maurice Thompson the Hershberger’s attorney claimed: “It’s the constitutional right, but [there’s a] moral right to refuse conventional medical treatment,”. Thankfully, the family was able to return to the United States after grassroots protests and a successful legal battle. Sarah is now cancer-free. However, many are still not able to express their right to have a say in what happens to their own bodies in the event of a serious illness. Especially, it seems, where money is to be made.

Another instance of State coercion was visited upon 17 year old Cassandra from Connecticut State who was taken away from her mother and forced to receive chemotherapy that she vehemently opposed.

Diagnosed with Stage 3/4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma by Connecticut Children’s Medical Centre (CCMC)  doctors opted to remove some of Cassandra’s lymph node. This is where the chemotherapy drugs came in. Cassandra was opposed to this form of treatment, viewing the side effects as too dangerous, an opinion she had had for several years, according to her mother. As pressure from doctors mounted the family decided to seek a second opinion elsewhere. Meanwhile, the CCMC contacted Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) alleging “parental medical neglect.” A Superior Court ruling swiftly followed, forcing Cassandra’s mother to return her daughter for chemotherapy treatment she had no wish to have.

After two chemotherapy treatments at the end of 2014, Cassandra was desperate and ran away from home to avoid any more interference. Upon her return she still refused treatment. Yet, at the conclusion of a CPS session and the CCMC doctors testimonies, the trial court subsequently ordered her “removed from her home and that she remain in DCF’s care and custody.” Which meant that Cassandra was hospitalised as a ward of the state with “all medical decisions made on her behalf.” She was then forced to endure further unwanted surgery and chemotherapy treatment.  [19]

To any normal person, having the choice as to whether or not you wish your kids to be vaccinated with toxic drugs, the chance to exercise your right to take care of your own children when it is self-evident that you are a responsible parent, or if your right to reject potentially dangerous treatment, is of supreme ethical and moral importance. Apparently, the CPS and similar social services and members of the medical Establishment disagree. What is more, should you have the audacity to question their Orwellian procedures you better make sure you have a lot of money and a suitable support system.

Cassandra and her mother committed the cardinal sin of seeking a second opinion which meant that the CPS/medical cartel went into overdrive. Since they have unlimited resources the sheer tripartite power of medical, judicial and law enforcement tag team is frightening to the ordinary family who ends up the object of their ire. For all the high profile cases that gain momentum on the internet or in local newspapers there are thousands of other cases that do not receive the headlines they sorely need. 

The Connecticut Children’s Medical Centre was in the news again in March 2015, this time for separating a 3 year-old cancer patient from his mother and accusing her of child abuse when it was nothing more than a diaper rash. Known to be a dedicated and loving mother by her friends and family, no charges were filed but Wendy Lamarre is still fighting to get her child back.  [20]

Here is a very brief round up of just some of the cases where people exercised their rights and dared to take a second opinion:

Teenager Isaiah Rider Speaks Out After Being Taken From His Mom In Medical Kidnapping Case

“Dissatisfied with her 16-year-old son’s medical care, Michelle Rider was preparing to transfer him from Lurie Children’s Hospital when a doctor delivered staggering news: The teen had been placed in temporary protective custody.

“They accused me of medical (child) abuse,” Rider said of that morning last month. “I said, ‘What is that?’ They told me to Google it. I was not allowed to have contact with my

Eight year old Jaxon Taken By Hospital When Parents Ask For Second Opinion

A Missouri doctor recently told a little boy that, if she had it her way, he would never see his mommy and daddy again. This was after 8 year old Jaxon was seized from his parents’ custody based solely on a statement from this single doctor. His parents, Tiffany and Jason Adams, are desperately trying to bring him home after what appears to be his doctor’s retaliation because they “dared to seek a second opinion.”

Teen indefinitely detained in psych ward after parents seek 2nd medical opinion

A judge has ruled that a Boston teen may continue to be held captive in a hospital and forcibly drugged… indefinitely.  The tragic series of events began when a doctor discarded an earlier medical diagnosis and declared another, prompting objections from her parents and threats to discharge her from Boston Children’s Hospital to take her to get a second opinion.  An epic battle of egos ensued, and the hospital decided that the parents’ insolence in challenging the doctor was tantamount to child abuse.  Without a trial or having broken a specific law, the girl was stripped from her parents’ custody and the state of Massachusetts has kept her indefinitely detained in a hospital since February 2013.  Based on the latest ruling, the girl may very well be locked in a psychiatric ward until she turns 18 years old.

The above  case of 15 year-old Justin Pelletier is a tragic summary of the authoritarian crimes of the CPS and Medical Establishment. Please visit the website http://justiceforjustina.com/ and donate to their cause.

Not only do we have these cartels gnashing their teeth at families who seek a second opinion in the face of their extreme behaviour but it seems smoking pot, drinking raw milk, perceived mental disability, hanging around with black kids, swearing on camera and even giving birth at home can land you in jail or facing the seizure of your children:

CPS snatched infant because of legal medical marijuana prescription

A man was placed into handcuffs, a woman sobbed uncontrollably, and their 11-month-old boy was seized by social workers and put into foster care — all because of legally prescribed medical marijuana.  It didn’t matter that no law had been broken; Child Protective Services has the power to split apart families in an instant without a trial, and regularly does across the country.

This heartbreaking situation happened to California couple Shawnee Anderson, 27, and Aaron Hillyer, 34.  After a nosy neighbor called the police because of a loud argument, cops arrived and found doctor-prescribed cannabis — legal for medicinal use in a total of 20 states. […]

The commonly-used cannabis plant is an easy target for child-snatching agencies — even if it is legal.  The agency can deem virtually anything “abusive” or “neglectful” at their discretion.  The targets of CPS are punished first, then attempt to prove their innocence later.  The American tradition of treating people as if they are “innocent until proven guilty” is lost on CPS.

“There are families out there … destroyed over a medicinal plant,” said Hillyer to CNN. “It’s baffling.”

Mom gets investigated by social workers after advocating marijuana reform and for in-depth: Fighting FIRES: Branden the Brave’s Battle for Medical Cannabis Access

“I feel like our family was targeted, just because I’m doing what our beautiful country is built on: Freedom of Speech.” […]

A child-abuse investigation has been launched on a Florida mom after she made some public statements in support of medical freedom. Social workers intruded into her life in order to look for excuses to seize her children.

This is the situation that Renee Petro is facing.  She is the mother of a boy with a terrible illness.  Branden, age 12, has been diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy which results in uncontrolled seizures and can be fatal.  Her desperate quest to save him is also what has drawn the scornful eye of the state.

Healthy girl confiscated from parents who smoked pot, given to murderous foster mother

A little girl was confiscated from her loving parents because they smoked marijuana, and given away to a foster mother who put her into a coma and killed her. Alexandria “Alex” Hill, age 2, succumbed to her injuries after being “thrown to the ground.”

“We never hurt our daughter. She was never sick, she was never in the hospital, and she never had any issues until she went into state care,” said the girl’s father, Joshua Hill, to KVUE.

Alex was seized by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Service (TDFPS) after her parents were accused of smoking marijuana while the girl slept. She was taken into state custody in November 2012.

Mr. Hill said that she was put into more than one dangerous foster home.

Breastfeeding 2-day Old Newborn Seized From Parents Because Mother Has Disability :

“A Florida couple is devastated. Child Protective Services just took their breastfeeding newborn from her mother’s arms at the hospital. She was is not even two days old, but parents Tracey and Freddie Verzosa of Kissimmee, Florida will now only be able to visit their baby for feedings, under supervision. The accusations against them, according to the parents’ story, boil down to the facts that Tracey is a slow learner, they are poor, and the baby was born too quickly for them to make it to the hospital.”

DHHS accused of abusing authority with Brooklin teen who feeds baby goat milk formula

A young Brooklin mother who feeds her baby a goat milk-based formula, missed doctor appointments and refuses to have her child vaccinated is accusing the Maine Department of Health and Human Services of overreaching its authority by investigating her son’s well-being.

Family and supporters of Alorah Gellerson, 17, and her 4-month-old son, Carson, held a rally Thursday at Cascade Park in Bangor to make a statement against DHHS, which the young mother says has completed its investigation and given the baby a clean bill of health.

“We must send Maine DHHS a message that this overreach of authority is not acceptable,” the family wrote of the event on their farm’s Facebook page.

Many in the group who gathered at the park wore pins that read, “Goat milk formula is not a crime.”

CPS seizes toddler for saying naughty words on video

“A 2-year-old toddler has been seized by Child Protective Services when a clip surfaced of him using “inappropriate” language in a video posted on the internet.  The standard for breaking apart families has become so broad that it now covers politically incorrect speech.

The events began when the Omaha Police Department discovered a YouTube video of a diaper-wearing child using profanity at the encouragement of two adults.  OPD posted the video to its website, saying it was an example of the “cycle of violence and thuggery” in the community.”

CPS nabs teenager because she was hanging out with black people

A teenage dance student took a trip out of state with two fellow dancers to spend a weekend taking classes with some of the top professionals in the industry.  The weekend came to an abrupt end when she was seized by police and put into the hands of Child Protective Services because of the way her companions looked.

Young dancer Landry Thompson, 13, and her two companions departed from Tulsa, OK, and headed down to Houston for a weekend of professional dance instruction.  Her mother trusted Emmanuel Hurd, 29, and Josiah Kelly, 22, and had given her full consent to the trip.

The group spent all day Saturday in dance class.  Exhausted, they departed for their hotel.   But they struggled to find their destination. “We were on the GPS trying to figure out where the hotel was.  And we sat there and we dozed off,” said Hurd, her instructor.

The next thing the group knew, there were police surrounding the vehicle.  They apparently didn’t think Thompson had any business in a car with her companions, based on nothing but the way they looked.

[…] “‘Are you aware your daughter is with two Black men?’ When I said, Yes, I’m aware of that, he called into questioning [my] parenting,” the mother said. […]

A woman who wished to remain anonymous recounted her story of authoritarian abuse on a blog (now defunct) subsequently reported by Police State USA. After delivering her baby naturally at home she and her partner were surprised to find themselves putting up with a flood of visits from social workers checking to see that the baby was “healthy and “under government-approved medical supervision.” The mother was happy with the birth and both she and her husband were keen to avoid “unnecessary medical interventions”, hence the reason for a natural home birth. They had the baby checked out on the 6th day. It was then that things began to get disturbing:

Police State USA takes up the story:

The hospital experience, according to the mother, was infuriating. When doctors found out they had performed a home-birth, she and her husband were allegedly treated as if they were “crazy” and “incompetent fools.”

While at St. Joseph’s Hospital ER in Philadelphia, after some brief checks, the mother said that doctors rudely told her that her baby would be transferred — without permission — to another hospital. The supposed reasoning was that St. Joseph’s did not have a dedicated pediatric center. The mom says the decision was made behind their backs and an ambulance was already dispatched by the time she was informed.

Even though nothing was found wrong with her baby, the mother said that rejecting the transfer was not an option. A staff member named Dr. Elisa Evans allegedly “came in the room with a stern look and said, ‘If you refuse to transfer her, we WILL CONTACT DHS AND THE POLICE,’” she recalled.

The mom says that cops appeared and blocked the exit. “The officers stood in front of the emergency room doors — arms crossed and said you cannot leave with your child”.

The baby was involuntarily transported by ambulance to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (costing the parents $3,320.00). The mother said that doctors performed “test after test, hoping to find something.” For four hours this process went on, without the parents’ consent and under the threat of government compulsion. The parents had walked into St. Joseph’s at 10:00 a.m. and were not allowed to leave Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia until 9:30 p.m.

This is the same political correctness and paranoia gone mad that we explored in The Rule of Law , Sex, Lies and Society and The Politics of Entrapment. The confusion and mixed messages within such state departments and institutions is breath-taking. Real child abuse is covered up while the innocent are persecuted through a convergence of ineptitude, ignorance, bureaucracy and deception. They may even use these labels to cover their own tracks and maintain authority. Higher up the chain of command there are no doubt reasons to suspect elements of social engineering and ideology steering the DHS and CPS ships.

Now keep in mind Surveillance Society and All the Way Down to our DNA... and you may now have a better idea as to how ordinary people are being made to conform to Official Culture. Can you see how this plays an important part in a new form of technocratic centralisation? The Medical Establishment is no exception to this ideology.

Which brings us to this little item:

Secret list: Having your name on this secret Michigan list of 275,000 people could cost you your job (video included at source)

It’s a secret list that can cost you your family or your job.  Once you’re on it, it can be very hard to get off.   While some changes are being made to the law, many experts say it doesn’t go far enough.

The state maintains something called the Michigan Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry and the sole power to label you an abuser lies not with a judge or a jury, but with child protective services workers.

And you may be surprised at how the state can define “abuse.”

Anita Belle says she’s never been convicted of a crime.  But Belle’s name has been put on the Central Registry as a child abuser.

“Where is the due process,” asked Belle.

The Central Registry is maintained by Child Protective Services workers inside Michigan’s Department of Human Services, or DHS.

Something to remember next time you consider placing efficiency before freedom – such as it is. Making false diagnoses, suppressing evidence, refusing to hear medical testimony and harassing families and their children appears to be business as usual for many members of the CPS and DHS departments fully mandated by the government. Independence and self-sufficiency covers all avenues. The more outside society you can be whilst cultivating a large network of like-minded friends, the better the potential for your future. 

In the next post we’ll look further at the rise of the police state after 9/11, with stories from those who have come under the baton and jackboot of the police and SWAT teams.


See also: Public School System Exposed for Reporting Parents to CPS for Homeschooling


[1] ‘I Can’t Breathe’: Eric Garner’s Last Words Symbolize Our Predicament’ By Rev. Jesse Jackson and Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Huffington Post,  12/18/2014| Updated: 02/17/2015.
[2] ‘Security Check Now Starts Long Before You Fly’ By SUSAN STELLIN, New York Times, OCT. 21, 2013.
[3] ‘T.S.A. Expands Duties Beyond Airport Security’ By RON NIXON, New York Times,  AUG. 5, 2013.
[4] ‘Sneak & peek’ warrants allow police to secretly enter homes without notice -Covert tactics have become legally accepted and increasingly popular. Police State USA, June 27, 2014.
[5] ’When A Teen’s ‘Sarcastic’ Facebook Message Goes Terribly Wrong’ Daily Mail, Jul. 8, 2013.
[6] ‘Grand Jury Rejects Indictment of Teen Arrested for Rap Lyrics’ Massachusetts student’s arrest for alleged ‘terroristic threats’ raised First Amendment concerns, By John Knefel, Rolling Stone, June 6, 2013.
[7] ‘Teenager jailed over offensive April Jones Facebook posts’ By Kim Pilling, The Independent,  08 October 2012.
[8 ]‘Unemployed teenager sent to prison for three months for vile Facebook posts about missing children April Jones and Maddie Mccann’ Daily Mail, By Emily Allen, 8 October 2012.
[9] ‘Teen Arrested for His Choice of Emojis in a Facebook Post, By Cassandra Rules, January 23, 2015. The Free Thought Project at www.freethoughtproject.com.
[10] ‘FBI interrogated man after comment about American ‘Police State’ on Facebook’ -Man’s fears are confirmed when the FBI wanted to interrogate him within hours of making an impassioned comment, www.policestateusa.com August 27, 2013.
[11] ‘Government Set Up A Fake Facebook Page In This Woman’s Name’ By Chris Hamby, http://www.buzzfeed.com/ October 7, 2014.
[12] ‘Parents Blackmailed By Doctor: Consent To Vaccine Or We Take Your Newborn’ The Inquistr, May 23 2014.
[13] ‘Grassroots Effort To Fight Medical Kidnapping Of Baby Kathryn By UMC Children’s Hospital And CPS In Texas’ The Inquitr, October 26, 2014.
[14] ‘Social Services To Family: ‘Get Flu Shots Or We’re Taking Your Baby’ By Mac Slavo, January 18th, 2015 | SHTFplan.com.
[15] ‘Vaccine-Injured Child Kidnapped from Family by Child Protective Services’ by Augustina Ursino,www.vactruth.com,  November 15 2014.
[16] ‘4 Month Old Texas Baby Seized from Parents in Medical Dispute’ By Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News, December 2014.
[17] ‘Amish family forced into hiding to avoid court-ordered chemotherapy treatment’  December 1, 2013. www.policestateusa.com
[18] ‘Connecticut Supreme Court Upholds Ruling That State Can Force Chemotherapy On Teen’ By Josh Kovner, www.courant.com/
[19] ‘No Charges Filed, But 3-year Old Cancer Child Taken from Mother over “Diaper Rash”  by Terri LaPoint, March 14, 2015, healthimpactnews.com/
[20] ‘Medical Kidnap: CPS Worker Makes False Medical Diagnosis to Seize 4 Year-old Child from Family’  Terri LaPoint, March 14, 2015.



The Terror Industry (2)

“The FBI isn’t nabbing would-be terrorists so much as setting up mentally ill or economically desperate people to commit crimes they could never have accomplished on their own”

– Trevor Aaronson: The Sting: How the FBI Created a Terrorist


The Seal of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Politics of Entrapment explored US, British and European sting operations against sex offenders and would-be terrorists. We re-visit the subject from the standpoint of  global terrorism in order to take a more detailed look at the FBI’s role and the historical basis of a strategy of tension, a formula which has been a standard tactic for as long as the State has existed. Indeed, one cannot exist without the other it seems. The American public remains ill-informed about the billions of dollars taken from tax payers to keep the treadmill of the perpetual war on terror and security framework operational. Perhaps this is no surprise, since the censorship in the mainstream media reached No.4 on Project Censored’s most under-reported stories of 2012.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is sitting astride a network of 15,000 spies, most of whom are criminals who have infiltrated a cross-section of ethnic communities in an attempt to uncover terrorist plots. Rather than foiling potential terrorism  – most of which would have been as a direct result of American foreign policy in the first place i.e. “blowback” – these agents provocateurs are responsible for encouraging crimes against civilians and government with a substantial cash reward should they deliver. Since 9/11, over 150 men have been caught in FBI terrorism entrapment operations receiving a sentence of 25 years or more in prison. These unhappy young men had their lives ruined whilst providing essential PR for the FBI and substantial profits for security firms, law enforcement, weapons manufacturers and the US military, justifying the flow of tax dollars, funnelled from a treasury that continues to print money out of thin air.

Although there are many books that cover the complex history of state-sponsored terrorism today, award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson was one of the first to fully document the FBI’s endeavours in fake terror plots in his 2013 book The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism. [1] Interviewing case officers and FBI Task Force leaders as well as informants themselves, he documents case after case of undercover agents groomed for entrapment operations. One of these was Quazi Nafis who received 30 years for planning to bomb the New York Stock Exchange in 2012. A fake Al-Qaeda operative and informant known as “Kareem,” was instrumental in his grooming and subsequent capture.

Nafis didn’t have any explosives nor the finances or contacts to acquire it, he was merely a disaffected youth of meagre intelligence, burning with understandable hatred for Western imperialism. Through Kareem, the FBI would provide him with all he needed to carry out the attack which included: “… not only the storage facility and supposed explosives, but also the detonator and the van that Nafis believed would deliver the bomb. …” But it was not to be: “On the morning of October 17, Nafis and Kareem drove the van to Lower Manhattan and parked it in front of the Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty Street. Then they walked to a nearby hotel room, where Nafis dialed on his cellphone the number he believed would trigger the bomb, but nothing happened. He dialed again, and again. The only result was Nafis’ apprehension by federal agents.” [2]


© Davidalary | Dreamstime.com – Fingerprint Photo

Some of the more high profile cases include the conviction of a group of young black men known as the Newburgh Four who were jailed in June of 2011 for an alleged 2009 terrorist plot to fire a Stinger missile at US military planes. Career FBI informant and petty criminal Shahed Hussain was responsible for putting them there, offering enormous financial inducements to carry out the plot. The sum of money amounted to $250,000 for one man, free holidays and top of the range cars. He cruised the mosques looking for likely men with radical chips on their shoulders and who could be groomed accordingly. Yet, the men that he managed to find were not radical Islamists bent on terrorist atrocities but, as Paul Harris described, writing for The Guardian, on December 12, 2011, these were: “… impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh’s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.” The report stated further: “As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets.” Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University observed: ‘There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided…” [3]

Now, “unique” has become pedestrian.

The case of the Fort Dix Five also deserves a mention. Arrested in May of 2007, on charges of plotting to kill US soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, a DOJ press report from June 5 read: “The five defendants are charged with conspiracy and other charges related to their plans to kill as many soldiers at the Army base as possible. A sixth man was indicted for aiding and abetting the illegal possession of firearms by three members of the group.” Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer (an ethnic Jordanian) and Albanians Dritan Duka, and Eljvir Duka, Serdar Tatar (a Turk) and were charged with: “conspiracy to murder members of the uniformed services” along with the “unlawful possession of machine guns” and “illegal alien” status. The fifth member, Agron Abdullahu an ethnic Kosovar was charged with “aiding and abetting the Duka brothers’ illegal possession of weapons.”

The Jewish Anti Deformation League (ADL), the right-wing evangelist Pat Robertson and a coterie of authoritarian organisations displayed a vengeful glee at what were clearly trumped up charges. Referring to the ADL’s gloating of the defendants sentences of life imprisonment in 2008, geopolitical analyst Stephen Lendmen commented: “Imagine their comments if five Israeli Jews had been convicted on the same charges instead of Muslims: “No plot, No crime, so the FBI invents guilt with an entrapment sting operation – its usual modus operandi to ensnare the innocent.”

In his 2008 article on the Fort Dix Five he describes the entrapment narrative which trapped the men:

At a Cherry Hill, NJ Circuit City store in January 2006, Mohamad Shnewer innocently wanted a home video transfered to DVD. It showed men shooting weapons at a Pocono Mountains firing range, playing paintball (an innocent game in which opposing teams try to eliminate opponents by marking them with water-soluble dye shot in capsules from air guns), and repeating Arabic phrases like Allah Akbar (meaning God is Greatest). The store clerk called the police. They notified the FBI. They began investigating and recruited two dubious informants to help.

Each knew nothing about the other. One was Besnik Bakalli, an ethnic Albanian, who falsely told defendants he was a Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veteran – the US/Germany supported terrorist group recruited to destabilize Kosovo/Serbia in the 1990s. At trial, however, he testified that he fought for no group and knew nothing about Islam or extremists calling for jihad.

Mahmoud Omar was the other informant, an Egyptian-born used car salesman/mechanic on probation for bank fraud. He and Bakalli entered the US illegally and faced likely deportation or worse. They were easily recruited, so cooperated, and were well compensated for their efforts – thousands of dollars a month, and according to defense lawyers, Omar (from when recruited in March 2006) will have earned $238,000 for his efforts. NewJersey.com believes more – over $240,000 plus rent and other expenses, and, of course, leniency in handling their charges. Bakalli was used for a shorter period and reportedly was paid about $150,000. The FBI also relocated his parents to America as an added incentive to cooperate. [4]

Perusing the trial evidence it was clear that there was no plot except what the FBI could dig out of their bag of tricks to justify their entrapment program and the subsequent arrests. Though hostile to America’s wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and an obvious faith in the religion of Islam, all five maintained their innocence, a certainty that remained throughout their arrest and trial.


It seems the FBI can disrupt service utilities to a house and pretend to be helpful technicians in order to gain entry and covertly search the premises in order to “find” evidence that might later justify a search warrant. [5]

Five black US citizens and two Haitian nationals from Liberty City one of the poorest sections of Miami were arrested in 2006 and accused by the FBI of attempting to blow up the Sears Tower and several federal buildings. Known as the Liberty City Seven, two mistrials from 2007 – 2008 was followed by a third trial which ended on May 12, 2009. Naudimar Herrera was acquitted but the five remaining defendants Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Burson, Augustin and Rothschild Augustine all received prison sentences between from 6-14 years and lengthy supervised release orders. Yet, it was perhaps one of the most blatant cases of corrupt entrapment practices yet seen.

Announced with the usual triumphant propaganda from government sponsored media lackeys and commentators, the foiled plot was hailed as a triumph against an attack which could have been “bigger than September 11th.” As the prime mover in the alleged cell was an FBI informant posing as an Al-Qaeda go-between, the “evidence” was likely concocted by FBI informants rather than the existence of any tangible threat.

According to the press release ‘Transcript of Press Conference Announcing Florida Terrorism Indictments’ from the Department of Justice on 23 June 2006, payments for services rendered by four informants amounted to over $160,000. Deputy Director John Pistole even admitted that the so-called plot was: “… more aspirational than operational.” The accused did not have any genuine contact with Al-Qaeda, nor did they have explosives or weapons since the only source would have been through the FBI’s informant. The director assured the press that the individuals posed no danger. After the indictments two local community activists were interviewed by Democracy Now! Online news and summarised the ludicrous nature of the charges:

“a lot of show has been made about the militaristic boots that they had… [I]t turns out… the FBI bought them the boots. If you look at the indictment, the biggest piece of evidence… is that the group ,may have taken pictures of a bunch of targets in South Florida. But the guys couldn’t afford their own cameras, so the federal government bought them the cameras… The federal government rented them the cars that they needed to get downtown in order to take the pictures. In addition… the men provided the FBI informant with a list of things they needed in order to blow up these buildings, but in the list they didn’t include any explosives or any materials which could be used to make explosives. So now everyone in Liberty City is joking that the guys were going to kick down the FBI building with their new boots, because they didn’t have any devices which could have been used to explode…” [6]

As many of the informants are illegal immigrants waiting on their entry status or criminals given immunity in return for working for the FBI, there is a ready and willing supply for identifying potential terrorists and as Trevor Aaronson explains: “… in some cases even planting specific ideas for attacks.” He also poses questions that politicians, many academics and the majority of mainstream journalists have not seen fit to ask, namely: “How many of these would-be terrorists would have acted were it not for an FBI agent provocateur helping them? Is it possible that the FBI is creating the very enemy we fear?” And most importantly: “Federal officials say they are protecting Americans with these operations—but from whom? Real terrorists, or dupes like Nafis, who appear unlikely to have the capacity for terrorism were it not for FBI agents providing the opportunity and means?” [7]

Occupy Wall Street© unknown

Even the Occupy Wall Street Movement has been embroiled in the same entrapment procedures. The FBI has blew its own its own trumpet all over the media and claimed it had once again foiled a terrorist plot, this time, to blow up a Cleveland bridge. Five members of Occupy Cleveland: Douglas Wright, 26, Brandon Baxter, 20, Connor Stevens, 20, Anthony Hayne, 35, and Joshua Skelly 24, were each sentenced to between 6-11 years charged with conspiracy and the use of explosive materials. Despite cooperating with plea deals given by three of the men, so-called “terrorism enhancements” were used by the presiding judge to increase sentences. Douglas, Brandon and Connor’s appeals were denied. Skelly rejected a plea bargain and chose to take it to trail. Consequently, he was found guilty on all counts and received a ten year sentence. As of early 2015, he is still waiting for his appeal.

As with so many similar “plots” the usual paid FBI informant featured heavily.  Shaquille Azir had a criminal history (leverage for bargaining) and was placed undercover within the Occupy Movement for several months. He eventually delivered the defendants to the FBI as ready-made “terrorists” all of whom had at one time been homeless or without work. Not only had the FBI provided alcohol, drugs and accommodation for the young men, through Azir, but they told the informant to create a sense of dependency within the group with various promises of assistance tailored to their individual needs. It seems Azir had his job cut out to get them interested.  According to the website:  www.cleveland4solidarity.org set up as a campaign to free the men: “They all continue to fight against the government’s attempt to brand them as terrorists and to expose the techniques of entrapment employed by the FBI and their informants.”  The case of one of many, all of which follow the same patterns. [8]

occupycleveland5L-R: Connor Stevens, Brandon Baxter, Douglas Wright, Anthony Hayne (now released) and Joshua Stafford

There are many other cases popping up in America and Europe. One of the most important was the April 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings which saw the entrapment and framing of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – a classic false flag operation designed to dupe the public and engender maximum reaction for domestic and geopolitical ends. [9]

So, how did it come to this? Like most ponerological symptoms they infect the body politik very quickly.

Stemming from the 1970’s and 80’s sting operations of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) the FBI gradually came under its jurisdiction in the face of increasing trade in illicit drugs. The terrorist sting is based on these drug raids with certain differences that make the practice highly controversial. Briefcases full of cocaine or heroin were substituted with empty ones in front of hidden surveillance cameras after which the agents would pounce on their unsuspecting criminals. This defined raids for decades and which were faithfully reproduced in Hollywood cinemas. Now, the terrorist sting generally involves faulty guns and dud bombs. Aaronson points out the fundamental flaw in terrorist stings compared to drugs raids and that which leads to a progressive corruption of the already faulty principles on which they are based:

“In drug stings, federal law enforcement officials assume that any buyer caught in a sting would have been able to buy or sell drugs elsewhere had they not fallen into the FBI trap. The numbers support this assumption. In 2010, the most recent year for which data is available, the DEA seized 29,179 kilograms, or 64,328 pounds, of cocaine in the United States.

In terrorism stings, however, federal law enforcement officials assume that any would-be terrorists caught would have been able to acquire the means elsewhere to carry out their violent plans had they not been ensnared by the FBI. The problem with this assumption is that no data exists to support it—and in fact what data is available often suggests the opposite.

Few of the more than 150 defendants indicted and convicted this way since 9/11 had any connection to terrorists, evidence showed, and those that did have connections, however tangential, lacked the capacity to launch attacks on their own. Of the more that 150 defendants, an FBI informant not only led one of every three terrorist plots, but also provided all the necessary weapons, money, and transportation.

The informant goaded them on the whole time, encouraging the pair with lines like: ‘We will teach these bastards a good lesson.” For his work on the case, he received $100,000 from the FBI.’ ” [10]

Indeed, with an annual budget of $3 billion the FBI has both an ideological and financial incentive for keeping the war on terror mythology entrenched in the American public’s psyche. In order to find out how many of these “terrorists” would have acted without the entrapment ruse, Aaronson, with the help of a research assistant: “… built a database of more than 500 terrorism prosecutions since 9/11, looking closely and critically at every terrorism case brought into federal courts during the past decade.” Thousands of pages of court records were carefully analysed until a coherent pattern emerged. They found that: “… nearly half of all terrorism cases since 9/11 involved informants, many of them paid as much as $100,000 per assignment by the FBI.” The research team also found that: “… 49 defendants had participated in plots led by an FBI agent provocateur, and that number has continued to rise since.” What is more, as Muslim targets held particular personality types so too the informants. A typical pattern and profile of each were matched together.

The following typifies the patterns and personality profiles involved:

The Gold digger: Pattern: Target is broke and thinks he can make big money by catering to informant’s suggestions.

The Convert: Pattern: Target is a newcomer to Islam with only a rudimentary understanding of the religion; often also broke and/or homeless.

The Oath Taker: Pattern: Target swears a fictitious Al Qaeda oath made up by informant; is charged and convicted based on that oath

The Car Bomber: Pattern: Target and informant hatch plot together; FBI supplies vehicle, “explosives,” and phone to trigger the supposed bomb.

The Trainee: Pattern: FBI agent or informant offers to train target as a jihadist, most often via weapons instruction and bodybuilding.

The Subway Bomber: Pattern: With the exception of one attempt to bomb the New York City subway, all the headline-grabbing subway “plots” you’ve heard of were FBI-led nonstarters. [11]

The New York Times in 2012 reiterated the suspicion that it is highly unlikely that these young men would have had the means to execute terrorist plots “… without substantial assistance from the government.” [12] 

Just like the sexual predators in society, from occult ritual abuse to inter-generational abuse the idea promoted is that the lone paedophile and child rapist generally act alone. So too with the “lone wolf” terrorist as a useful asset to keep the cogs turning. Dupes or patsies need to found and groomed which is why the FBI uses its vast network of spies and the NSA’s surveillance to identify locate and monitor tomorrow’s disenfranchised Muslims with chips on their shoulders. Spies are embedded in every Mosque in the US are paid to profile those young men with anti-American views and ripe for radicalisation, thus suitable for sting operations. This is also occurring online across the breadth of social networks (See: Police State Amerika I: Facebook Thought Police…)

Under President Barack Obama’s National Security and Surveillance State, entrapment continues to grow, with a very wide definition as to who exactly is a terrorist. During the tail-end of the George W. Bush’s tenure the number of operations markedly decreased but since Obama’s presidency in January 2009, sting operations have not only resumed but increased in frequency. During Obama’s first term in office, the Justice Department prosecuted more than 75 targets of terrorism stings. Trevor Aaronson discovered that as an adjunct to Obama’s extrajudicial assassination teams, arrests from terrorism stings occur: “… at a rate of about one every 60 days, suggesting either that there are a lot of ineffective terrorists in the United States, or that the FBI has become effective at creating the very enemy it is hunting.”


Global Terrorism 2013. Red hotspots are combinations of incidents, fatalities and injuries. Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the primary countries exhibiting terrorism hotspots. | Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd

Even if we were to believe that somehow the history of terrorism is defined purely in terms of religious extremism seeking to enforce its will, we’d be barking up the wrong tree on this one too. Religious fundamentalism does not spontaneously arrive. In the vast majority of historical cases a vacuum emerges out of the chaos of economic depression, famine and most frequently from the influence of invading forces. In the last forty years British and American invasions have increased the likelihood of religious fundamentalism and the rise of terrorist groups simply through their neo-colonial ambitions. Consequently. these terrorist groups have been indirectly or directly created and further encouraged by Western powers.

It is foreign occupation which fuels terrorism not the perceived spectre of Islamism or any other extremist grouping; they are secondary results of policies which destabilise, balkanise and create collective trauma. These conclusions have been stated by researchers across the political divide for some years but only recently has it been shown beyond any doubt, that engaging in drone strikes and so-called interventionist polices in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism, without exception. At higher levels of Pathocracy this is fully understood and required while at the lower levels of their followers’ greed and ignorance is enough to maintain these destructive dynamics. Factor in geopolitical plans stretching back many decades to claim the Middle East for ideological aims, to exploit resources such as natural gas, oil and minerals and you have all the reasons you need for the continuance of civilian atrocities, year after year.

Taking into account the presence of intelligence operatives and informants responsible for encouraging suicide attacks and those which occur “spontaneously”, extensive research published by the University of Chicago prove that over 95 percent of all attacks are in response to foreign occupation. [13]  The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) the Global Terrorism Database hosted at the University of Maryland has precise statistical data which supports the University of Chicago’s own findings. It is the most comprehensive open source terrorism database available to journalists and civilians alike. The results are a clear indictment of US and NATO foreign policy, all of which show a massive increase in terrorism since the Global War on Terror began 14 years ago. These charts below show the number of terrorist attacks recorded in the following countries:



terrorism_in_the_Middle-EastMiddle East



terrorism_worldwideSharp rise in Global terrorism since 2004

Notice the sharp peak in each region. For the Middle East and predominantly Iraq, so-called terrorism shot up during 2002-2003, the year of the Invasion by US and coalition forces. Afghanistan saw a sharp ascent from 2001 and another rapid incline in 2010 following the large-scale increases in military operations against the Taliban by the Afghan and US coalition forces. Obama sent a further 30,000 troops in that year. Asia and Africa in 2004 both saw massive geo-strategic grab for resources by US-NATO under cover of humanitarian pretexts and false flag events. United States Africa Command, (U.S. AFRICOM) was operational by 2007 and established as cover for strategic control of the Continent. It is in this year we see a huge spike lasting until 2013. This has obviously excluded the horror of ISIL – the latest creation of Western Intelligence black operations. Judging by the events of 2014 we can only summise that we will see a huge corresponding spike when the new data is in.

All the charts show a parallel increase in terrorism and / or insurgency. Have a look at the following chart which illustrates just how false flag terrorism and grassroots insurgency follows the US and NATO forces around and directly related to power plays for their resources. Cause and effect?


Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd

alqaeda_incidentsovertimeGlobal Al-Qaeda attacks since 1990s – 2012

isis attacks2007_2013ISIS/ISIL attacks in Iraq 2006 -2012

alqaedaincidentsovertime_iraqAl-Qaeda attacks in Iraq from September 2001-2013

privatecitizensAttacks on Private Citizens & Property  (Most attacks in Pakistan and Iraq)

In these set of charts we can see a similar trajectory. As Al-Qaeda has outlived its usefulness in the region, covert funding by Western governments’ military intelligence and private outsourcing were stepped up for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) taking over the mantle of the Global Terror demon. Just as Al-Qaeda begins to wane, ISIL begins its rapid ascent with billions of dollars seemingly arriving from nowhere in 2006, to reach a peak in 2009 with the subsequent tales of horror and atrocity, all of which is entirely authentic, though not the methods of media propagation. This is designed to ramp up the emotional response which military powers can use to ride their imperial desires. The sharp dip in incidents was merely a re-fuelling prior to another sharp increase in terror across the Middle East and Africa in 2014-2015. Through all this, carefully designed civilian attacks and the loss of property has suffered an exponential rise for several decades. Once again, this took off in 2004 as the West and its banks launched their quest for perpetual war.The Global population bears the brunt of these crimes. | Source: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2013). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd

Now that Al-Qaeda, as America’s primary outsourced terror collective has been transferred to ISIL it seems the war hawks at the Council on Foreign Relations want to let bygones be bygones and make the terrorist organisation a firm friend so that things aren’t too complicated for us all. Barek Mendelsohn writing in CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs that due understanding should be exercised since Al-Qaeda is after all the “enemy of our enemy” and that:

“… the instability in the Middle East following the Arab revolutions and the meteoric rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) require that Washington rethink its policy toward al Qaeda, particularly its targeting of Zawahiri. Destabilizing al Qaeda at this time may in fact work against U.S. efforts to defeat ISIS … [America’s] interests would be better served by keeping the terrorist organization afloat and Zawahiri alive.” [14]

The irony is so pathological you just couldn’t make it up.

Foreign occupation is the main cause of terrorism. It is expedient for invading powers to keep populations back home locked in fear and seeking revenge while the youth of both domestic and foreign populations become open to radicalisation, similarly encouraged by entrapment plots by the FBI and world intelligence agencies. Regimes with suitably strategic dividends are destabilised and plunged into civil war so that resources can be extracted. Selling these invasions under humanitarian interventions or seeking retribution for a perceived atrocity against “democracy” are the usual pretexts.

This is the state of the world we live in. It is a direct result of the Grand-Daddy of false-flag attacks which took place on September 11th, 2001 and which re-ordered the world according to pathocratic principles of paranoia, greed, separation and asymmetric warfare. Thanks to the Israel and its Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden administrations, the constitution and Bill of Rights have been shredded, where inverted totalitarianism is becoming normalised.

The next post will see, in graphic detail, how the United States of America is sliding into a full-blown police state.



[1]Terror Factory, The: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism By Trevor Aaronson, IG Publishing (2015 edition)| ISBN-10: 1935439960.
[2] ‘Inside the Terror Factory’ By Trevor Aaronson, January 11, 2013, Mother Jones| http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/01/terror-factory-fbi-trevor-aaronson-book
[3] ‘Newburgh Four: poor, black, and jailed under FBI ‘entrapment’ tactics’ By Paul Harris, The Guardian, December 12, 20013. | http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/dec/12/newburgh-four-fbi-entrapment-terror
[4] ‘It’s the Wrong Time to be a Muslim in America – The Troubling Case of the Fort Dix Five’ by Stephen Lendman, Counterpunch, December 31 2008.
[5]’Can Authorities Cut Off Utilities And Pose As Repairmen To Search A Home?’ October 29, 2014. NPR News. http://www.npr.org/
[6]‘Aspirational Rather than Operational’ – 7 Arrested in Miami Terror Plot. Democracy Now! 2007.
[7]op.cit. Aaronson.
[8]’Did the FBI Use Occupy Cleveland Case to Equate Activism with Terrorism?’ By Kris Hermes, Alternet, September 12, 2012.]
[9]The event demands a book in itself and due to brevity, it will not be covered in this present series. Suffice to say, if you wish follow up and research this subject yourself the following books and articles are recommended: Manufactured Terror: The Boston Marathon Bombings, Sandy Hook, Aurora Shooting and Other False Flag Terror Attacks by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley; ‘False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage’ By Shelia Casey, May 8, 2013| ‘Boston Bombings ‘set-up’: Mother of patsies says sons groomed by FBI ‘Russia Today, 20 Apr 2013. | “False-flag” meme goes mainstream with Boston Marathon bombing, Kevin Barrett, Veteran’s Today/Press TV, 17 Apr 2013 | ‘Boston Bombings: The most obvious staged event since 9/11’, The Caterpillar Flys, 29 Apr 2013. | ‘Were The Boston Marathon Bombers ‘Mind Controlled’?’ By Joe Quinn, Sott.net, 11 Jan 2014.
[10] p.32; Aaronson; The Terror Factory.
[11] ‘The Best Terrorists Money Can Buy’ – Broke-ass losers. Big talkers. Ninja wannabes. How dangerous are the FBI’s sting targets?’ By Trevor Aaronson, Mother Jones, September/October 2011 Issue.
[12] ‘Man Is Charged With Plotting to Bomb Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan’ By MOSI SECRET and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUMOCT.The New York Times 2012. October 17, 2012.
[13]Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It (2010) by Robert A. Pape and James K. Feldman, Chicago University press.
[14] ‘Accepting Al Qaeda’ The Enemy of the United States’ Enemy’ By Barak Mendelsohn, Foreign Affairs, March 9, 2015.

The Terror Industry (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great,’ cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.”

former FBI assistant director Thomas Fuentes

twin-towersIt took over 35 years for the majority of Americans to realise that factions within their own government assassinated John F. Kennedy. Not exactly a hopeful premise from which to start. It was at this juncture that the ground was laid for a more serious threat to the freedoms of not just the American Republic but to the stability of the whole world. More than 14 years have passed since the September 11 attacks and more people than ever are studying the official story and coming away with many more questions than answers.

Opinion polls on 911 vary greatly, both in terms of the questions asked and the size of the number of respondents. Back in 2006 more than a third of the American public suspected that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East. [1] One in seven people in the UK believe the US government staged 9/11 and a recent poll sponsored by the German magazine Welt der Wunder resulted in 89 percent of the respondents saying they don’t believe the US government has told the whole truth about 9/11. [2] Interestingly, for the purveyors of State protection, a 2012 online poll by The Franklin Centre Library revealed that 77 percent thought 11 years after 9/11 that we were all less safe than before. [3]

With 75 top professors and leading scientists claiming  9/11 was ‘inside job’ in 2014, it appears academia is catching up with the public, though at a snails space. A more respectable 2,322 architects and structural engineers have also expressed their disbelief in all or some of the aspects of the official story over at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth (ae911truth.org/). There are hundreds of other 9/11 website organisations and non-profit educational charities who take issue with the governments version ranging from grassroots to academic.

The online encyclopedia of Wikipedia, (censored and guarded by suitable official story gatekeepers) provides the best summary of the US government and media-led “conspiracy theory” which has lodged itself in the public mind. The following represents the standard synopsis which is constantly wheeled out from media outlets and taken as the consensus.

Once upon a time…

“The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11) were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally flew two of those planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers also intentionally crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and intended to pilot the fourth hijacked jet, United Airlines Flight 93, into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; however, the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers attempted to take control of the jet from the hijackers. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, including all 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes. At the time of the attacks, media reports suggested that perhaps tens of thousands might have been killed, and the total number of casualties remained unclear for several days.

Suspicion quickly fell on Al-Qaeda, and in 2004, the group’s leader, Osama bin Laden, who had initially denied involvement, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives for the attacks. The United States responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, which had harbored Al-Qaeda. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. In May 2011, after years at large, bin Laden was located and killed.” [4]

So, let’s get this straight…

… What we are being told is that a handful of mostly Saudi Arabians without military or intelligence training, acting independently of government or Intel agencies, managed to outsmart the whole Anglo-American Intelligence network, Israel’s MOSSAD and NATO; as well as the National Security Agency with its massive surveillance of connected networks spanning the globe. Let’s add to this the so-called “failures” from the National Security Council; US Airport security; NORAD, Air Traffic Control and the US Air Force. Let’s not forget the world’s most powerful defence system overseen by the world’s greatest superpower which just happened to allow a handful of Arabs with minimal pilot’s training, armed with box-cutters fly two jumbo jet airliners into the financial heart of downtown New York exploding into the most famous icons of world trade, whilst another employed an impossible flight manoeuvre in order to crash into the military defence centre of the most powerful nation on earth. Then, just before Obama’s election time, Osama Bin Laden, a known CIA asset and a former close business associate of the Bush family is conveniently found after over a decade of being “on the run”. Despite being the most wanted terrorist on earth, he is not questioned – like so many in Guantanamo Bay who appear to be mostly innocent yet tortured nonetheless – he is assassinated and promptly dumped at sea. Mission accomplished.


© Rkaphotography | Dreamstime.com – US Wars Are State Sponsored Terrorism Photo

That has to be the worst conspiracy theory ever to insult the intelligence of a sixth grader.

Yet, that is the official story we are expected to accept – without question. Most shocking of all, that’s exactly what so many people do: accept a story that simply cannot be true. Moreover, to add insult to injury and the memory of the dead, no proposal for an independent investigation into why the most monumental “failure” in National Security could have happened has arisen from the President, Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the MSM; nor has anyone been reprimanded, let alone prosecuted. The reality has been constant resistance, stone-walling, disinformation, propaganda, threats, suicides, and murders. Add to the mix are the corrupted commissions and inquiries whose only remit is to push the official story that must be made to fit into official culture. Of course, such a coup d’état could never have been accomplished if societies hadn’t been suitably tenderized by decades of social engineering. Part of that success has been due to the global War on Terror, or “overseas contingency operations” as Obama likes to call it.

Al-Qaeda and the global war on terror is the continuance of a “Strategy of Tension,” which refers to a period in Italy from 1969 to 1974, which suffered a series of terrorist attacks with heavy civilian casualties. It was an offshoot of what has been called Operation Gladio and their state-sponsored terror teams in Europe. [5] The strategy had its roots in fascist beliefs of Synarchism within government, military and intelligence networks. Their objective was to ruthlessly exploit underlying fears and grievances in European nations so that people would believe that the attacks were carried out by a communist insurgency within Europe. Many of these terrorist organisations went underground and resurfaced to be periodically stimulated by their masters for bespoke objectives. They do not just arise out of the blue. Much like the ebb and flow of paedophile and sex abuse networks, terrorist atrocities are given the required camouflage so that the perpetrators and their handlers remain in the shadows.

There are many populist and academic sources that will prove the phoney nature of Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. Of particular note is the acclaimed UK documentary The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis Top where CIA officials openly admit that the creation and history of Al-Qaeda as a terrorist network is a fabrication. [6] As former French intelligence officer Major Pierre-Henry Bunel confirms:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” [7]

The CIA has used this ghost to buttress the fantasy that is Al-Qaeda (and the new proxy private army called ISIL), employing fake media reports and video appearances clearly from persons other than bin Laden himself which have fed into the aftermath of the new pearl harbour that was 9/11. [8] Even the name of “Al-Qaeda/Al-Qaida” has produced confusion, even dark amusement in Arab circles as one commentator wryly observed: “You have heard before that ‘Al-Qaeda’ roughly translates into ‘the base,’ but were you aware that ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is Arabic colloquial for ‘I’m going to the toilet’? Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit?” [9]

A fair point.

The common tactic that has been referred to before is known as the Hegelian Dialectic, though in truth Hegel described social changes rather than pointed manipulation in this context. However, it serves a suitable framework for the thinking behind state-sponsored terrorism which goes something like this:

1. The government creates or exploits a problem then attributes blame to others.

2. The populace react by asking the government for protection and help.

3. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.

4. Outcome: Rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

This is the geopolitical paradigm of our times largely unknown by the public, though thanks to the internet this is gradually changing. Government and military agencies at the mid to lower levels are equally unaware of this old formula which writer G. Edward Griffin described as: “… not a war on terrorism to defend freedom, but a war on freedom that requires the defense of terrorism.” [10] Meantime, the PR from the MSM and academia is still pushing the idea that America and Europe are overrun with teeth-gnashing terrorists hell-bent in renting asunder the fabric of our Western way of life. Since what is left of any civil rights in Europe and the US constitution has been eviscerated by the very same authorities who peddle these myths then might there be some mileage in the idea that they have something to gain from it all? For anyone who has taken the time to research the genesis of terrorism and the present-day nonsense passing for terrorist laws in the United States it is beyond doubt that the only thing American and European people need to fear is their governments.

According to a basic statistical analysis from 2013 the actual percentage of the US population who may be classified as a terrorist is around 0.00016%, or about 1 in 624,297 people. In this context, the writer Marc Salvo makes a pertinent observation about this topsy-turvy terror game when he said just a few months ago: “We’re not suggesting that terrorism doesn’t exist, but considering that 1 in 1000 Americans in 2010 were the subject of police misconduct ranging from excessive force beatings and murder to sexual assault and false arrest, perhaps the government should turn its surveillance on itself, rather than the 99.9% of Americans who want nothing more than to be left alone.” [11]

That is not to say there are not genuine terrorist plots, but the key issue here is what prevents terrorism from occurring and what actively encourages it? We know that invading Syria or Iraq has provided a massive surge of terrorist cells in those countries as a result and a bleed-through must have occurred in America and Europe. However, like some police trawling and entrapment operations in the UK, the lines between what is a genuine terrorist plot and creating home grown fanatics is more than blurred, it continues to stoke the needed fear and high profits necessary to sustain a terror industry.

As Al-Qaeda is wound down, ISIS takes over, funded with billions of dollars: a new brand with new bloody atrocities to market …



[1] ‘New National Poll: 36percent of Americans Believe 9/11 Was an Inside Job’ By Thomas Hargrove, Scripps Howard News Service Seattle. August 2, 2006.
[2] ‘One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy’- The belief is more common among younger people, with a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory By Alanah Eriksen, Daily Mail, 29 August 2011 | ‘German Poll: 89percent Question 9/11’ Welt-der-Wunder, January 24, 2011, 9/11 Truth News.
[3] ‘9/11 Online Poll’ The Franklin Center, September 11, 2012. http://www.franklincenterblog.wordpress.com
[4] ‘September 11th Attacks’www.wikipedia.com ( A far better starting point for an alternative “wikipedia” version of 9/11 can be found at wikispooks.)
[5] “Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.
The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. … The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.” – Operation GladioNATO/CIA “Stay-Behind” Secret Armies/ Truth Move / International Truth Movement, http://www.truthmove.org/content/operation-gladio/
[6] A partial listing for your own research follows: The Power of Nightmares BBC documentary by Adam Curtis. This is freely available to watch from various sources on the internet. ‘Al Qaeda and the ‘War on Terrorism’’ By Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2008. The Centre for Global Research: http://www.globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=7718 and read the updated version of his 2005 book: America’s War on Terrorism by Michel Chossudovsky,| ISBN 0-9737147-1-9 2005. wwwglobalresearch.ca.: “…new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy. According to Chossudovsky, the ‘war on terrorism’ is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.” | See also: ‘Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project’ by Andrew G. Marshall, Global Research, July 10, 2008 and ‘The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber’ By Joe Quinn, Sott.net, 29 Jan 2007.
[7] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ by Pierre-Henry Bunel, Wayne Masden report November 18 2005. “In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.”
[8] ‘Researcher: Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ – Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. Cnet.com September 12, 2007.
[9] ‘Existence of ‘Al-Qaeda’ Is Crap; Quite Literally’ – Did Osama really choose to name his terror network after potty humor or was it a computer database he used to chat with his CIA handlers? By Paul Joseph Watson, PrisonPlanet.com| October 6 2006: “The origins of the name “Al-Qaeda,” and its real arabic connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News, or any individual who cites the threat of ‘Al-Qaeda,’ as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism, they are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.
An organization by the name of “Al-Qaeda” does not exist and has never existed outside a falsely coined collective term for offshoot loose knit terror cells, the majority of which are guided by the Pakistani ISI, Mossad, the Saudis, MI6 and the CIA, that were created in response to America’s actions after 9/11 – as the recent NIE report shows. According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous footage of Bin Laden marching around with armed soldiers was a ruse on the part of Osama himself, graciously propagated by the lapdog press, in which actors were hired off the streets, given uniforms and guns and told to look aggressive.” […]
[10] ‘The Chasm: The Future Is Calling’ (Part One) by G. Edward Griffin 2003, Revised March 17, 2011.
[11] ‘Odds That You Are a Terrorist: 1 in 624,297’ By Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com, October 18th, 2013.
