civil liberties

Reality Change II: “Hope for the best, Prepare for the Worst.”

“Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances.”

– ‘Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies’


“Don’t trust the banks. Most are bankrupt. Don’t put your gold and silver coins in the safe deposit box. Keep them at home and keep them secret. Don’t keep more cash in the bank than is necessary to cover about a month’s worth of bills. This is a flashing red alert. Many tens of thousands of people who have their trust in the government system (U.S. currency) are headed dead ahead into impoverishment.”

– Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty Digest

Not a pretty picture.

The above nebulous language introduced in recently amended regulations in the US code of military operations on domestic soil conveniently skipped over what these “activities” would be in order to quell civil disturbances. What it does do is give the US military carte blanche to do as they please in such a scenario which won’t exactly reassure American citizens that they are safe. Indeed, it suggests that the only “unexpected” thing here is just what the US military has planned in the face of the inevitable break down in social “order.” And when we factor in all kinds of natural disasters on the horizon you can understand why so many folks are leaving cities with high density populations and even leaving the country completely.

Not all of the disaster events in the last post will occur but since the main points on this list was first compiled in 2011, we are already seeing some of these scenarios playing out. And who knows? They may all arrive within a year… It really is a case of “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” as some bright spark once said …

Returning to our Machiavellian friend and insider Zbigniew Brzezinski, this man has had his finger on the pulse between pathocrat and the global public for several decades. Driven by an irrational and all-consuming hatred of Russia, Brzezinski is a master tactician and highly astute at deciphering the many possible futures currently jostling for supremacy.  If he is worried about the scope and depth of changes taking place, then you can be fairly certain he’ll telegraph his concerns to the pathocratic faithful so that contingencies can be updated.


Official Culture Reprise I: (Or… Don’t reach for the tranquilizers just yet)

 By M.K. Styllinski

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

William Blum, author and Former U.S. State Dept. Employee


© infrakshun

“In 1984, the government continually changed its past by creating new historical fictions to justify its present. I wondered if we had already gone beyond 1984, where, as Orwell said, “truth is falsehood,” and “ignorance is strength.”

Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control (1978)

As the Greek Philosopher Phaedrus wisely stated: “The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.”

Inducing insanity hasn’t been the aim of this blog, but after reading about many of these subjects (let alone experiencing them) it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise to succumb to a heavy heart after being confronted with so many entrenched iniquities. However, the Dark Night of the Soul should eventually liberate not imprison; providing a stepping stone to a richer, fuller appraisal of our world and ourselves. There are demons stalking the souls of our ancestors and the children of our modern world and it must cause concern, but not to the point it induces paranoia and paralysis. We cannot defend and then integrate the shadowlands if we are not aware that they exist and once we see them we do not understand their behaviour. We must become tacticians of the soul if we are to survive.

We have the chance to see evil for what it is – simply the natural expression of a dynamic which has been allowed to reach its extreme. Paradoxically, this also reaffirms the opportunity to reduce darkness and its destroyers and enhance the light with laser-like precision. Perhaps when we look at what is, we are in a better place to use the knowledge we have to imagine what could be. Having observed extreme negativity and its psychopathic stimulus, perhaps we are gradually becoming forewarned and forearmed, ready to break the chains of our psychological and spiritual slavery. This becomes a positive affirmation of the potential of humanity.

Yet, it is true to say that we have left it a little late…

You have to think positive. Things are never that bad.”

Despite this cliché being wheeled out in response to the fact that things ARE “that bad” and actually much worse for the majority of people, there is truth in the statement. The idea that balanced, positive thinking improves health and affects the lives of others in beneficial ways is now proven both clinically and experientially. It requires effort and persistence but it can be done. It’s just one of those essential ingredients in the cooking pot of emotional and mental defence which will decide whether we are victors in the face of evil, or its perpetual victims. Conversely, for that positivity to be worth anything at all it must lead to an application of knowledge that is based on as close approximation to objective reality as possible, otherwise, we are merely listening with our fingers in our ears.

As long as we are not blinded by the dazzle of our carefully cultivated inner suns, perhaps we can to do great things in the future. As Helen Keller once said: “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” And as the cycle turns – so shall we. But first we must be able SEE how inured in this manufactured reality we have become.

Until then no escape is possible.

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It may seem as though I am vociferously anti-Western and see everything as shadow devoid of any light. This is not the case. What I do see is the enormous potential of humanity and just how suppressed, dumbed down, weakened, maligned and soul-destroyed it has been for tens of hundreds of years. No more so than in the last century, although the methods by which we are kept asleep have become more sophisticated. I’ve also seen myself as an exact replica of those very qualities from which I’m slowly extricating myself. Once we begin to dig deep and actually start to shed those layers that make up our false, conditioned selves, there is the potential to realise that we are so much more than we are led to believe. What is more, we have chosen to love our ignorance, servitude and the formation of societal structures which lock us into an exclusively materialist definition of what it means to be human. And this has meant untold suffering and misery for so many souls. Therefore, our responsibility for the choices we make in our lives have repercussions for ALL since we are inextricably connected to the elected or forsaken responsibilities of others.

We can never exist in isolation however much at times, we wish it were so.

This time, I think there is an opportunity in the face of coming global changes, not for some utopia re-cast in a different guise but to go to the heart of the problem and take back the gold that we have allowed to be stolen from us. Knowledge of how psychopathy and its tributaries of evil manifests in the collective mind and its external realities is something so important that the ancients made it an integral part of their oral traditions whether we focus on Sufism of Persia to Native Americans, the Celts of Britain or the German fairy tales of the 18th Century – the akido of the soul is an art that is slowly being rediscovered.

At this stage, even though it may seem that the global horse has long since bolted and everything seems inevitable, not only is pragmatic optimism required for a richer and more fulfilling life it may also be a scientific inevitability that the fruits of that hope will descend when we least expect it. The unpredictable is not part of a psychopathic blueprint but is part of the Creative Universe. Whether or not we all overcome what is a concerted effort of the few to co-opt and destroy the creativity and peaceable nature of the majority, will depend on whether we can all work together to address the shadow side of humanity and acknowledging our part in its ascendance – wherever and whomever we are.

At the same time, when we decide not to follow what has become Official Culture and not to believe the lies, we necessarily go against the accepted beliefs of the day. This brings us face to face with our own deception – the lies we have told ourselves perhaps over many years which initially helped us survive but have now proved toxic, dimming the light of the soul as each day goes by. As African-American novelist James Baldwin observes it is: “Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience you must find yourself at war with your society.”

And with yourself.

This “war” should not be one of violence but a psychic battle between truth and lies which necessarily takes place through us, something I am belatedly discovering along my own path. Sometimes you cannot be shown, rather it must come from your self-inflicted lessons which are a natural “becoming.” A choice must then be made to allow such a process of inner change to proceed. Yet, strangely it is not something that can be initiated at will. To bring our accumulated shadows safely and effectively into conscious awareness must be carried out slowly and methodically over time and at different speeds for different people. We must acknowledge that we are far from whole, and to begin gathering in the scattered parts of our psyche so that we differentiate what is truly a part of our own experience and to thereby set some boundaries. Conscious and willed effort as part of a framework of sincerity to change is essential, even though the process is not actually under the control of the will. As Jungian psychologist M. Esther Harding mentions, to find a semblance of wholeness within oneself and therefore more resistance to forces that would turn one into bio-chemical play-thing, such a process: “… originates autonomously from a movement in the unconscious, and may be likened to physiological processes that go on without conscious control or assistance.” [1]

Nonetheless, understanding that our choices are, to a great degree, derived from the matrix of Official Culture, is our starting point. This can lead to the beginnings of an initial spark deep within our own being and will determine how our choices – therefore the quality of our awareness – will develop.We cannot hope to suitably address the external world with tangible results without having first addressed all manner of conflict within.

This is when the real journey begins.

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The events of 9/11 represented a watershed in the fortunes of America and the world.

When faced with questions which are born from objective evidence from not just the few, but from the many, we may then ask ourselves what in all conscience, are we prepared to accept? This includes taking on board the possibility that what we assumed to be true was in fact false; that the trust we placed in those currently in power may be wholly unfounded. It requires that we face the high probability that we have been lied to, beyond the bounds of mere coincidences and “failures of intelligence,” but from a systematic, purposeful propaganda strategy designed to fulfil a set of long known ideological and geo-political objectives. We have an opportunity to discover how much of this proffered evidence impinges on lives. However, we may have to re-evaluate the way in which we have understood the workings of democracy, government, media and human nature – even our own place in society and the world.

While uncertainty, fear and conflict have increased significantly since 9/11, the individual and collective responses to this important event will reveal how creatively we can act for freedom and truth, or how deeply we have chosen to believe the Lie. Pull a thread hard enough and for long enough, it will eventually reveal more than we might care to know. Yet when our preconceived ideas are shattered it can also open our minds, shock us into realisations and more choices as to what we can do with this information. We have the opportunity to see things as they really are which in turn will offer a chance to understand who we are and what we choose to see.

In the context of 9/11 and geo-politics if a pathological perception exists at the highest level of government, the logical conclusion is that there are people drawn from all political and religious persuasions who are psychopaths first, and who will adopt whatever belief will serve their predatory behaviour best. In one sense it doesn’t matter who’s on first: the only underlying constant is age-old predatory behaviour of the psychopath and sub categories of psychological deviance that lie behind all the manifestations of evil we see today. Factions with the US government and its agencies consciously engineered of the 9/11 attacks with many low level US officials unknowingly assisting in its final climax, partly due to the belief that it was yet another military exercise. The primary architects have elements within the Israeli government and intelligence apparatus. There is evidence of both a circumstantial and deductive nature that places Israel firmly at the scene of the crime not least because they had everything to gain from such a tragic event.

The information explored on 9/11 hasn’t even come close to scratching the surface. At the very top of our psychic food chain lies an occult body who enacted a huge sacrifice or “Mega-Ritual” designed to appease and invoke the archetypal forces associated with a variety of Gods and Goddesses and in line with Illuminist traditions of the 3EM. We may never know exactly who were responsible for this attack against humanity, so vast is the net of converging interests. It is also likely that while those at the top of this Pyramid are few indeed, the psychological footprint of their effects can be likened to slow-motion release of a neutron bomb, spreading a psycho-spiritual toxicity as dangerous as any radioactive cloud.

Whether we believe in any of the religio-occult principles which have surfaced over the course of this series, they are taken seriously by many members of international governments and military who are currently deciding the fate of nations.  9/11 is the most potent expression of orchestrated evil for centuries. It represents a nexus of aligned interests with occultism at its core and surrounded by strategies which buffer the observer from the true ritualistic nature of the operation. Yet, it is only one phase in a long tradition of social engineering that is about to reach its apotheosis over the next decade.

So, let’s summarise, very simply some of the themes which have appeared so far.


Spheres of Influence | © infrakshun

“The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults. We have been blinded to the depravity of our ruling elite by the relentless propaganda of public relations firms that work on behalf of corporations and the rich.”

— Chris Hedges

9/11 Occult Mega-Ritual: orchestrated as a monumental ritual sacrifice in plain sight. The source of this atrocity was carried out by a conglomeration of members drawn from the upper echelons of the Three Establishment Model of Liberal, Conservative and Zionist members. These are in turn, are filtered through memberships of freemasonic branches of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism under various names and lodges. In all probability there is a grouping entirely unknown and without any labels who oversee the whole Big Show. Their beliefs are a form of existential Satanism drawing from an archaic techno-sorcery: an intense and a sophisticated mastery of science, psychology and cosmology which effectively marks them out as the leaders of a breakaway society. They are essential psychopaths and the perfect embodiment of the dark side of humanity and its collective shadow. In one sense, they serve a spiritual purpose in the balancing of negative and positive poles. Hence the need to re-establish a level playing field where negative forces can be objectively SEEN and understood.

Military-Occult Intelligence groups: are the key players and intermediaries between governments, think tanks and the military. They are perhaps closet to the core, inner workings though highly compartmentalised and tightly controlled. The MI6-CIA/NSA-MOSSAD triangle is on first, linking hands with the Anglo-American banking families and US Zionist influences. They are the tools which enable mind control/PSYOPS operations, media propaganda, CoIntelpro, Eco-Intelpro, coloured revolutions and false flag terrorism whilst working through the economic architecture of the 4C’s and geostrategy. They are the key cogs on the vast turning wheel.

Organised Religion: Embedded in the 3EM. They are the strings which are attached to a complex system of puppetry which make up the beliefs and myths of religious indoctrination and scientific thought police. Most potent in this bunch are the religious fanatics on the Christian and Islamic divide which has been so carefully nurtured over the centuries. Chabad Lubavitch, Catholic Cults (Opus Dei) Christian Zionism; Neo-Conservatism, Christian Evangelism and various other sub-groupings of right wing authoritarianism are key in the development, disbursement and maintenance of anger, fear, suppressed emotion and thus a variety sexual pathologies. This sustains the negative clouds of emotion needed to prop up the many headed hydra of the “End Times” war. Aside from paid agents (spellbinders) such groupings are largely unconscious of the deeply rooted occult connections.

Corporatism: The 9/11 Mega-Ritual enabled the 4Cs of commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control to move ahead with unparalleled success employing a cross fertilisation of all the above groupings into food, oil, agribusiness, asymmetric warfare, weapons, bio and smart technology, banking, security and the tripartite consumption of human and narcotics trafficking which underpins them all.  Stimulated crisis and conflict through the “Shock Doctrine” is the route to further centralisation of all the above. Think tanks and private armies are both political and corporate tools, the presence of which is dictated by money and profits in a self-sustaining – but ultimately finite – feedback system; a symbiotic relationship between governments and big business. The State is the corporation and the corporation is the State. The Underworld has now fused with mainstream geopolitics to produce deep politics and the “Overworld.”

 “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”

— Frederic Bastiat

The terrorist threat is a vast and complex fabrication which has been entrenched in the collective consciousness through Hollywood programming and decades of largely British, American and Israeli psychological operations. The myth of an outside enemy is self-propagating. We tend to believe what the media and authoritative statements made by government officials and academics tell us until it becomes part of our own belief system. But if we look closely at history, it is a story of our governments fabricating, distorting and creating terrorist movements and the horrendous suffering they inflict on ordinary people. The  9/11 attacks and the spectre of Al-Qaeda (and now ISIL) have been the modern day tools of perception management used to justify all kinds of atrocities and anti-human actions at the local, national and international level.

If the knowledge that organised religion and global economics has been manipulated into a poker game that is loaded for the Establishment to win while everyone ultimately dies at the table, then the house of cards would begin to tumble very quickly. People would see through the media propaganda and learn the language of deceit, which would mean there would be no pretexts for waging war; no justification for the doctrine of pre-emption or the building and maintenance of vast network of bases around the world; no reason for mass surveillance or the hoax that is the War on Terror.

It would all be seen as a sham.

There are key beliefs promoted and created as a resource for World State ideologies. At there inception, they were benevolent and creative. With varying twists and turns in their evolution – some ancient, some more recent – they have all succumbed to forms of pathogenic infection by psychopaths otherwise known as “ponerisation.” The ideology of a World State is promoted primarily through the auspices of apparently benign, philanthropic and altruistic endeavours at both the local and international level. With advanced knowledge of crowd psychology, suppressed technology and occult directives, this minority of psychopaths have been allowed to initiate a phase by phase of extinction of the global population.

Global Strategy of Tension: A War against the People

The emerging Global Pathocracy has kept populations asleep, fearful, unthinking, addicted and poverty-stricken. Tribalism, religious extremism and a spiritually dead secularism has turned the family unit and the community ethos inside out. It has achieved this through a variety of tried and tested methods across the centuries and about which many artists, philosophers, and mystics have tried to warn us. A brief summary of some of the major components involved follows, and describes a national and international Hegelian formula for a “Strategy of Tension.” These various tools of social management and manipulation obviously interpenetrate and overlap.  They comprise:

Synthetic Terror“Strategy of Tension” the “Hegelian Dialectic” or “Problem-Reaction-Solution” and various false flag scenarios. This produces anger, fear, distrust, shock, grief, trauma and revenge. The net result is social dislocation and psychological weakness open to auto-suggestion and thus to ponerological influences. Religious fundamentalism is always waiting in the wings to invert conscience and morality toward the myopia of absolutism. Indeed, intel agencies have traditionally had many agents working within their ranks as part of the process of domestic entrapment. The Terror industry is lucrative, both financially and politically. Terrorism becomes an archetypal external threat which offers the public backing for the fulfillment of geopolitical goals lying behind coloured revolutions and regime changes. The extraction of negative human emotion is the most effective and potent means to justifying the unjustifiable. It is a tried and tested formula that the populace is slowly beginning to understand. That being so, bigger and better atrocities and greater distractions will be applied to keep pace with an increasingly aware public.

Social Engineering Culture, academia, social sciences, green issues, entertainment and education Includes: CoIntelpro and Eco-Intelpro. A subversion of normal development within societies – ethical, spiritual and civic movements; the elevation of belief and emotional reflex partnered with the lowest common denominator of human instincts. Sexuality is progressively ponerised so that there are no limits; where more extreme pathologies become mainstreamed disrupting natural development and causing loss of identity, psychological disorientation – in particular narcissism and addictive behaviour. The entertainment industries are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques and child abuse networks. Semiotics, psychic driving, Pavlovian conditioning, subliminals and Neuro-Lingusitic programming, Delphic technique – all hijack the sub-strata of instinctive symbolism and iconography as a form of double-think where words and images mean something entirely different to what is seen and heard. Destruction of religious/spiritual beliefs replaced with a materialist perception of reality and the promotion of “group-think” tribalism. Dispersal of memes such as “One world” “global governance” “global warming” etc. and a high level media propaganda. There is literally a social engineering program for everyone. There are key beliefs which are currently most suitable to promote One World philosophy and practice. These include:

  • Transhumanism / SMART society (SMART energy grid; infrastructure, etc.) and Sustainable Development – infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro so as to speed the delivery of technological mainframe for complete surveillance and containment under cover of “saving the world” through technology. The metaphor for this is akin to farming sheep – feeding, watering and making sure protection is given through biometric welfare so that they become not only docile but happy in their domestication. Meanwhile they “progressively” sheared of awareness.
  • Climate Change industry and environmental activism infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro and eco-fascistic principles where human beings are seen as viri and thus less important to the preservation of Nature. (The United Nations’ Agenda 21 and urban development is key in this regard – and no, while right wing patriots do embrace this reality it is not a conservative plot). This feeds into multiple vested interests on both sides of the divide.
  • New Age or Human Potential Movement infiltrated by agents of CoIntelpro to limit quality of consciousness and thus the potential for genuine expansion of awareness. This is achieved in much the same way as the subversion of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The exact same scenario as the transhumanist movement except through spiritual rituals.

State-Sanctioned Mind Control experiments / Ritual Sexual Abuse – Military use of mind control technology targeting populations worldwide (HAARP, MK ULTRA, MONARCH, biowarfare, etc.) Historical tradition of military families being used for mind control experimentation including assassinations and black operations on domestic targets. Child abuse networks are a source of Elite indulgence and fodder for future covert military training. (See Satan’s Little Helpers IV and read David McGowan’s Programmed to Kill ) Extensive internet-based propaganda serves to confuse and disorientate supporting both the “discourse of disbelief” and unsubstantiated conspiracies. Existence of intra-familial/generational Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) are extended and enhanced within the military-intelligence apparatus with crossovers between various religious and occult groupings from inherited “bloodlines”. Abuse in society is encouraged to provide cover for the Elite. The entertainment industries (popular music, movies) are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques which are both purposely designed and others which are symptomatic of the focus inherent in the medium. All indirectly encourage pathologies such as ADS, depression, narcissistic tendencies and dissociative disorders.

(Asymmetric) WarOrganised and facilitated by governments, corporations and the banking cartels in order to maximise and expand profits. A primary tool for ensuring the majority of the global population remains disempowered whislt extracting material and psychic capital. Culling and sterilisation of populations heads off cyclic disturbance in status quo such as group awareness, genuine revolutionary and social recovery leading to potentially dangerous levels of empowerment which would threaten the monopoly of the 0.01%. To ignite the need for war humanitarian pretexts and false flag atrocities are used. Methods of balkanisation and civil war are carried out along with heavy media and outsourced PSYOPS and PR companies on the ground. Obvious fallout from war is: Poverty, hunger, disease, individual and collective psycho-physiological trauma and a massive rise in pathologies; mass death, mass immigration and exodus of refugees; environmental destruction; opportunities to reconfigure tribal and political alliances and objectives; rape of societies and cultures and replacement with cartel capitalism and monoculture of the 4C’s. This proceeds to a critical breakdown resulting in social compliance to the new established order and eventually seen as normal. Through the creation and/or exacerbation of the division between rich and poor, a vacuum is always created where uncertainty and economic insecurity invites crime and social unrest which can then be manipulated according to elite directives.

Debt slavery – IMF/ World Bank/UN-International Banking cartels. Once war has broken the spirit, these organisations move in to create the conditions by which the newly “democractised” countries sign on to the neo-liberal model of economic slavery. Massive profits can be made from a corporate colonisation of virgin cultures. Multiple dividends for economic destabilisation through debt control by the Structural Adjustment Team of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Health Organisation, (WHO) and the United Nations. (See: The Shock Doctrine By Naomi Klein (2010) and Confessions of an Economic Hit-man by John Perkins). High frequency trading and speculation driven by artificial intelligence technology maintains the “Boom-bust cycles” and debt bubbles which ensure dividends for the 0000.1%.  A comprehensive rigging of every market exists from currency to gold/silver so that during each bubble burst “austerity measures” can be introduced in order to obtain funds from the public purse to repair the excess of the banking industry and maintain the global financial architecture. This cartel capitalism is overseen by the Bank of England in the City of London and the Federal Reserve in the United States which operate under exceptional laws and rulings effectively allowing these bodies to exist as private entities which serve corporate and banking interests. They are two of the primary wheels upon which a legion of banks, hedge funds, financial brokers, think tanks and government agencies inexorably turn. The dynasties of the Rothschilds, Morgans,  Rockefellers, Oppenheimers, along with European royalty and many other wealthy families are the nodes in a circuit of wealth and power within Official Culture that ensures the fiat currency of credit and debt slavery, as well as a concurrent monopolisation of all resources that remain entrenched. Governments already operate as global entities and offer periodic elections to keep the illusion of working democracies. Members of the state are usually deluded by their own lies, ignorance and self-importance thus oiling the wheels of World State operations. Very few in power realise what part they play in the wider game. Government and their federal/civil service personnel ensure the age-old key objectives remain fixed i.e. to disempower the public through information dominance, consumerism and debt.

Food monopoly / Food Contamination – Fast-food society with agri-business, genetically modified foods, chemical industry, animal foodstuffs and factory farming defining its expansion. This has led to severe environmental degradation of soil and desertification; destruction of forests and river pollution which destabilises the balance of eco-systems and expose populations to natural disasters. Mass migration to cities and expansion of slums results. International immigration inevitably increases placing further pressure on other countries’ infrastructure. Severe health problems from agricultural practices (pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilisers) chemical additives, irradiated and genetically modified food is visited on the economically disadvantaged which makes up most of world’s population. Supermarket culture displaces local businesses and increases total reliance on corporations who practice global trade divorced from socio-economic values. Self-sufficiency, autonomy are further eroded in favour of narrow dependence on exports. The nature of fast food causes dietary problems further exacerbating mental health issues. Endemic animal cruelty in factory farming is a reflection of a mechanistic and materialist view of animals as products. It also reinforces our disconnection from nature and ecologically responsible alternatives. The mind-body split is part of the formula for control as is the maxim of “Divide and Rule” and obviously has consequences for the healthy functioning of both. The food industry is to be integrated into SMART agrimatics utilising biotechnology and biometrics for maximum output and efficiency but yielding the minimum nutritional quality due to a purposeful exclusion of essential nutrients.

Depopulation through mass sterilisation, food as a weapon and indirect forms of reduction (economic disparities, debt slavery, war and GMOs) drawn from a resurgence in the support for genetic engineering and eugenics. The co-option of the well-intentioned with NGOs and the United Nations offers a platform of legitimacy. Such a worldview requires a reduction in specific racial types alongside colonisation and resource monopoly. Genocide, tribal warfare, gender imbalance, distortion of science by corporate interests, population anomalies, religious extremism, and profits for governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry are the net effects of such actions. The much promoted bad science of overpopulation is used to increase the pressure on scientists and environmentalists to push through predesignated “solutions”. In truth, with a radical return to just and equitable socio-cultural and economic principles much of the overpopulation propaganda would be overturned. The dysfunctional nature of our current economic and social infrastructures comprehensively limit truly creative solutions which would allow a natural return to balanced populations levels.

Big Pharma / Medical Establishment – medicalisation of health is drawn from the same formula for domination which can be seen in the banking industry and other sectors of society. The net result is an undue dependence on pharmaceutical corporations who, in combination with the insurance industry, have state health care and doctors inside their pocket. Greater privatisation and fake social benefits (such as Obamacare) ensure vulnerable sectors of society who are unable to pay, cannot access the health care they need. Just as arm manufacturers and financial institutions are intimately tied to global governments so too the huge profits are made by Big Pharma are accrued from their relationship to the medical establishment. Curing people is the last thing the medical cartels would like to see – quite the opposite. The marginalisation of complementary medicine continues with Big Pharma paying so called medical websites to indulge in propaganda and attacks on alternative healing modalities. Scientific reductionism and a serious abuse of the scientific method can be evidenced and used to support profit at the expense of healing and palliative care. Corruption in science is intimately linked to corruption throughout the corporatised medical establishment. Profit is obviously the overriding aim where natural and sometimes innovative methods of care have been overlooked. Campaigns of character assassination and disinformation are routinely used against those who go against this orthodoxy. This has resulted in a negative feedback loop between the mentally and physically ill who represent numbers on a spreadsheet for Big Pharma companies and state care. As society becomes more prone to infection by the dominating psychopathy then more symptoms will begin to appear in normal people thus increasing the profits of Big Pharma which, acting as a corporate predator in its perceptions will take out anything which threatens its monopoly. Dependence and over-reliance is secured if drugs and psychiatry are joined at the hip. An ill population is an essential revenue stream for Big Pharma. (A similar framework exists in vaccination programs whose overarching agenda is to lessen the integrity of DNA and resistance to specific viri as per psycho-social engineering for docility, sterility and depopulation agenda).

Technocracy – implementation of a “Smart Society” which integrates principles of sustainable development, state surveillance, invasive perception management and virtual reality leisure time. Economic parity and ultimate efficiency are the by-words for acceptance. It is a new form of materialist seduction with technology as the panacea for all ills. The glut of gadgets are showing highly negative effects on the neurology of the very young. Brain growth and the arc of developmental learning is suffering. Narcissism is enhanced in a push-button culture of synthetic networks divorced from the real. Great progress can be seen through internet-based journalism and information dissemination. This is one aspect of technology that for now permitted until it is possible that dissent of this kind can be eliminated. Firstly, the infrastructure and lifestyle must be tied to essential requirements such as income generation, energy in the home and health. Once these are inseparable from survival then if someone is not behaving, his ability to exist in such an etheric web of Wi-Fi relations will simply be switched off. A transposition of elite perception is set to move seamlessly into the new SMART societies.

Inducements of technological benefits will anaesthetise new generations into blindly accepting a total reconfiguration and restructuring of urban life. As a consequence, it will be increasingly difficult to opt out in favour of a genuinely self-sufficient and autonomous lifestyle. This will be equated with subversive and suspicious behaviour and thus citizens will be encouraged to alert the authorities for the good of the whole. Those who wish to opt out of this all encompassing bio-metric lifestyle will be seen as the new terrorists or “organics” strangely rejecting the post-human world of biogenetic integration with the digital world. Targeted through “Pre-Crime” software, they will be seen as the new bogeymen.

Paradoxically, by moving closer to a literal connection into a cybernetic machine of convenience we will be further disconnected from authenticity and the natural world. Objective reality will be replaced with subjective dream world  – a virtuality. This is exactly what the pathocrats would love to see. Transhumanism is the philosophy created to sell their group-think, collectivist dream. Once Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been allowed to proceed, innovation in the military and consumer worlds will tip the balance towards a redefinition of a host of principles and values attached to what it means to be human. You can be assured in such a scenario this will mean much, MUCH less freedom.

All the above listed strategies will be heightened and expanded under such a technocracy.

 “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death. It is easy to say you believe a rope is strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But, suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice? Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?”

— C.S. Lewis


Don those masks and look straight ahead…

One World?

Well, not at this level – not yet. But we might find the inversion of such a principle looming rather large in the near future.

All the above strategies are needed to promote the “One World” philosophy which appears so warm and fuzzy at first glance. But it requires the dissolution of national borders, self-determination and independence in favour of a homogenous, group consciousness which replicates across all societal domains. It demands an extreme deference to political correctness and liberalism while at the same time using conservative – even fascistic formulas – to enforce such directives. In truth, no political belief or philosophy is exempt from being used as a temporary tool to lever this One World Order into place. One World, One Humanity, One World Religion, One World Army are all euphemisms for a gradual, phase by phase implementation of a global, centralised control system across all sectors of human endeavour. Eventually, these people wish to see everything interlocking into a seamless, artificial World State of homeostatic, human management, where we will be literally cared for like pets: fed, watered and given our basic comforts. But only as long as we keep our place in this new techno-Feudalism. And keeping our place will mean allowing a Huxleyian slavery of docile “post-humans” to merge into the SMART framework with ultimate ease. If not, then you are “switched off” until you learn to be a good citizen. If the present American police state is anything to go by it will be a case of trading one Orwellian order for another.

It is the the noble aspiration of a world of interconnected and interrelated “Oneness” that serves as the platform for its inversion. It seems humanity has yet to grasp that such a concept is derived from ancient spiritual wisdom that describes what could be termed higher dimensions of consciousness rather than physical plane directives, where opposites collide and choices are known.

The above realities and possible futures describe our current reality but it need not necessarily continue.

Though the ideal of ultimate oneness may not be possible at this level of reality, that doesn’t mean to say that we cannot attain a more balanced civilisation – where even the word “unity” would exist in clusters. Before we can allow a hard-won pragmatism guided by an innate and natural guidance to take over, we must let go of our collective Messiah Complex where every charismatic leader is deified and seen as the next demi-God to lead us into a New Way. We must find our own path of access. And it is that process that will bind us to others searching for the Way, without beliefs which hinder and with a new socio-political and cultural imperative which leaves behind the dead-ends of Liberalism, Communism and Fascism and their various children. Maybe in that frightening void of acceptance and non-anticipation we will learn to find the balance between the sovereign rights of the individual married to the collective. That is, to become group conscious and to realise the value of networking as opposed to being submerged in group consciousness and our individuality squashed by instinct of the herd.

Before we can do this we perhaps we need to discover why it is that notions of authority have loomed so large in our minds and have given the illusion of free-will, from cradle to grave.



[1] (p.309) Harding, M.Esther; Psychic Energy (1962) Second Edition.

9/11: An Occult Ritual? I

By M.K. Styllinski

 “… the picture that emerges is that of 9/11 as an ultra-powerful mind-control and propaganda weapon—a psychological warfare tool of enormous proportions—infused with techno-sorcery and deep-level occult programming. 9/11 was a global MegaRitual

– occult investigative researcher, S.K. Bain

If the reader has problems in accepting the certainty that the official narrative of 9/11 is bogus, then I recommend you don’t read any further as it will either make you chuckle with derisive incredulity or make your head explode. Or both.

You might say everything that has gone before in this blog has been a primer in order to ease the mind into accepting the following scenario as at least, a possibility. None of this stuff is easy to digest and I recommend reading the introduction to this blog and as much as you can of the first few series before tackling the following pages.

It hasn’t escaped my notice that if people find it a challenge to process the idea that elements within government would willingly perpetrate a vast hoax and murder almost 3,000 people, then they are not going to embrace the deeper dimension that it was another example of a Grand Mega-Ritual sacrifice.

Out there right?

Padded_roomOur collective padded room (Source:

Well, you know what they say: truth be stranger than fiction.  And the more layers you peel away the stranger it gets until you reach a state of “High strangeness”. That may leave you with the realisation that the inmates took over the asylum we call society, a very long time ago. Welcome to the Real World as they also say…

With that little primer dispensed with, let’s move on.

The focus has been placed on occult Zionism due to it being in my view, the most pervasive and influential arm of the 3EM and thus the cause of the majority of our religious and geopolitical conflicts, which impacts all our lives to a greater or lesser degree. We have also traced the extremism of Zio-Conservative foreign and domestic policy; US Zionist spy networks and the presence of a Zionist 5th column within successive US administrations. The dominance of Jewish persons within media, Hollywood, politics and socio-cultural discourse is also extremely powerful. This does not mean that American-Jews are somehow all in cahoots with the Zionist Establishment but it does mean that the normal Jews and Jewish culture is used and exploited by psychopaths in a way that is intrinsically different to other forms of Establishment dynamics, as explored in previous posts. That being so, it means that the occult aspects of 9/11 must be viewed along side the obvious Zionist manipulations throughout history and which form an overall broader perspective.

With such an enormously strong history of macrocosmic inversion across the history of our Empire builders we see the same “chosen people” rising to the surface and used expertly by Zionist handlers who embody the original sin of the Pharisees and Levite Priesthood. Their mind-set reoccurs again and again, flowing through streams of freemasonic lineage and religio-occult groupings. 9/11 may have been one vast ritual sacrifice sanctioned by the highest echelon Establishment occultists, signalling a crucial phase in the progression of pathocratic rulership.

If we have been reading with an open mind, it will have been obvious that governments’ story of the 9/11 attacks is a conspiracy theory so silly as to insult the intelligence of anyone who is able to think critically. As illustrated in 9/11: The Point of No Return? our reaction to the attacks are as much about how we process reality as the veracity of what did or did not happen on that day. Perhaps it offers the opportunity for a vast mirror of self-reflection regarding what we choose to believe about 9/11 and the very nature of our social systems in which we live and have our being. Our choices regarding 9/11 – assuming we give it any attention at all – will determine where we are on the arc of awakening; whether we choose the official theory or stand up for an independent investigation (however unlikely). But letting your own voice be heard is vital. Whether we choose to remain silent or contribute to resisting lies, it is a descriptor of our worldview and thus offers an insight into the kind of person we are. And therein lies the opportunity.

To explain: What if all the gaping holes in the official story were entirely purposeful, merely acting as a smokescreen for the true nature of the tragedy? When are persistent patterns of “coincidence” transformed into realisations that there are hidden layers at work beneath the facade?

For some, that is not something to contemplate as it implies a whole world of change that is deeply uncomfortable. It is preferable to adhere to the official view (even some of the standard views within the 9/11 Movement) in order to maintain aligned beliefs which permit such a fraud to work in the first place. If that becomes broken what else will have to be addressed deep within ourselves? This is the main obstacle to uncovering the truth behind the 9/11 atrocity – our own self-importance and cherished beliefs.

Unexpected change is very hard for most of us. It took me a very long time to embrace uncertainty and change, whatever the situation. I only managed to do it due to several major shocks to the system which shattered the false part of myself so that there was no way for me to carefully piece them together again. A new self could be grown that was a little closer to the authenticity I hoped to embody. In the same way, 9/11 is one big shock to the collective human system that will ultimately force us all to make a choice: to follow the Official Culture of normalised lies and by default support it, or join together with others – whatever their race or creed – in order to draw a line in the sand which might be verbalised:

“I reject propaganda and lies. This is not the kind of world I want to support and I will peacefully defend the human conscience any way I can.”


© infrakshun

Before we continue to go deeper let’s review the 9/11 basics with a lengthy extract from journalist James Corbett at With appropriately wry humour he perfectly summarises the preposterous nature of the official story while providing a nice reminder of 9/11 events as a whole:

“On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with box-cutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.

These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst officewhere DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.

Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidenceliterally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.

The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish. It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to mention the existence of WTC7, Able Danger, Ptech, Sibel Edmonds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same time that those events were actually happening. It was lied to by the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Bush Administration and as for Bush and Cheney…well, no one knows what they told it because they testified in secret, off the record, not under oath and behind closed doors. It didn’t bother to look at who funded the attacks because that question is of “little practical significance“. Still, the 9/11 Commission did brilliantly, answering all of the questions the public had (except most of the victims’ family members’ questions) and pinned blame on all the people responsible (although no one so much as lost their job), determining the attacks were “a failure of imagination” because “I don’t think anyone could envision flying airplanes into buildings” except the Pentagon and FEMA and NORAD and the NRO. The DIA destroyed 2.5 TB of data on Able Danger, but that’s OK because it probably wasn’t important.

The SEC destroyed their records on the investigation into the insider trading before the attacks, but that’s OK because destroying the records of the largest investigation in SEC history is just part of routine record keeping. NIST has classified the data that they used for their model of WTC7′s collapse, but that’s OK because knowing how they made their model of that collapse would “jeopardize public safety“. The FBI has argued that all material related to their investigation of 9/11 should be kept secret from the public, but that’s OK because the FBI probably has nothing to hide. This man never existed, nor is anything he had to say worthy of your attention, and if you say otherwise you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist and deserve to be shunned by all of humanity. […]

Osama Bin Laden lived in a cave fortress in the hills of Afghanistan, but somehow got away. Then he was hiding out in Tora Bora but somehow got away. Then he lived in Abbottabad for years, taunting the most comprehensive intelligence dragnet employing the most sophisticated technology in the history of the world for 10 years, releasing video after video with complete impunity (and getting younger and younger as he did so), before finally being found in a daring SEAL team raid which wasn’t recorded on video, in which he didn’t resist or use his wife as a human shield, and in which these crack special forces operatives panicked and killed this unarmed man, supposedly the best source of intelligence about those dastardly terrorists on the planet. Then they dumped his body in the ocean before telling anyone about it. Then a couple dozen of that team’s members died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch. If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever. [1]

So, what were the effects of this momentous event? Did it change your life in any tangible way?  The fact is, the so-called attack on American soil on September 11th fundamentally altered the way of life for almost everyone on the globe, whether we realise it or not.

In subsequent years we have seen:

  • The elimination of habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights and the Fourth Amendment and the subsequent imposition of draconian laws. Similar clampdowns on the freedom of speech using the pretext of the War on Terror have also been enacted in Europe with humanitarian and civil liberties further eroded.
  • The militarisation of the police and the arrival of the police state and commensurate brutality.
  • The use and justification of torture.
  • The push for global resources under the pretext of humanitarian aid and the use of “coloured revolutions” for regime change. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and invasions of Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Syria with state-sanctioned assassinations and an increase in boarder conflicts are all part of a long term Anglo-American-Israeli doctrine for “perpetual war.”
  • Asymmetric proxy wars fought through private armies or mercenaries
  • The fermenting of a new cold war between Russia and her allies.
  • The rise of the surveillance state and technocracy.
  • An exponential rise in state-sponsored terrorism from Al-Qaeda to ISIL.
  • Mass exodus of refugees fleeing the Western-backed terror groups and more pressure on immigration issues.
  • A rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
  • A massive increase in high level propaganda via outsourced consultancies, lobbyists, think-tanks and mainstream media.
  • The further domination of transnational corporations in banking, food, oil, agribusiness over government policy.
  • Huge increases in military spending from governments worldwide at the behest of arms manufacturers and banking cartels.
  • The discovery of banking and corporate fraud as a symptom of the mainstreaming of the underworld to “overworld” economy.
  • The highlighting of the core corruption, insider trading and manipulation of the world markets by Wall Street and the global banking cartels as a way of life.
  • A continuous net increase of wealth to the richest on the planet while those in poverty get still poorer. (And this leap in affluence and ownership for the ooooooo.1% of the planet has occurred in particular since the last economic crash of 2008).
  • A serious escalation of the threat of nuclear war by US-NATO as an attempt to globalise conflict into a World War III scenario.

I’m sure you can include many other sub-categories, all of which have been directly and indirectly made possible from the events of 9/11.


The shrouded bodies of Iraqi civilians killed during fighting between insurgents and American Marines in Haditha, on Nov. 12, 2005.

We have explored the roots of the religio-occult and mythological significance of a possible Saturn-moon worship and its core links to the Establishment of today, most notably its pale reflection in Hassidic sects within Judaism such as Chabad Lubavitch and elite Zionism and even within the hierarchy of the Mossad – perhaps the modern equivalent of the “Saturn’s Children” of old. Clearly, they are not the only players. The fire-Prometheus-Lucifer-Sun cults upon which the Catholic Church is based is a far cry from Christ’s message. Militant Islam and Western intelligence’s fascist outpost of the Muslim Brotherhood are also represented. The structure and icons of all these religions and their off-shoots could show the remnants of a Saturnine past and the consequent cover up of our true spiritual origins.

What binds the 3EM together is occult Babylonian sourced magick – the root source of materialism, “temporal power” and the ceremonial psychopath’s heritage. That is the whole raison d’etre of the minority ruling elite: in order to maintain the illusion of these ancient  “intermediaries” there must always be a suitable incentive for the masses to place their trust in the structures of authority otherwise there will be chaos and violent “anarchy”. Yet, spiritual nourishment and societal order does not come from the rules set down by ancient totalitarian priesthoods and royal bloodlines of oligarchs and banking cartels. True anarchy shows us that hierarchical leaders are not needed though this does not exclude leadership and structure. Yet, this is what they would have us believe – for their own survival. As the character of high chancellor Adam Sutler tell us in the film adaption of Alan Moore’s graphic novel: V for Vendetta:

“I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want everyone to remember why they need us!”

And ritual blood sacrifice drawn from the population is the much needed “energy” to maintain their parasitical and vampiric place within the biosphere of humanity and Earth. Thus, their essential nature – much like their ideologies – has to be camouflaged with masks of sanity which inevitably slip much of the time and if we have cultivated the discernment to see it.  Nowhere do we find this more powerfully expressed than in the slow ponerisation of organised religion and materialist science, both two sides of a lost Truth: Religion as an echo of archetypal myths offering an emotional and mystical connection to higher densities of Being and orthodox science as a distant reflection of an ancient techno-science of alchemy. Only by a marriage of both can we begin to remember our past. And remembrance and redemption of a once sacred spiritual science is firmly under lock and key of the Elite.

cloudkey1© infrakshun

Meantime, overt occultism becomes a  commonly accepted part of culture, whether Wiccan or Freemasonry, Jewish Kabbalah or Theosophy, they are the scraps from the global priesthood which serve to keep the mass mind occupied and “in the know.” The psychopath and his worldview is often: “… transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) and yet he is the personification and channel for Non-Being and darkness. Deception is only useful if it successfully substitutes art for artifice, lies for truth, hierarchy and spiritual dogma for a living personal connection with Spirit.  And this is where the use of symbols, emblems, amulets, talismans, motifs and modern iconography comes in. These is the medium by which Brotherhood of Saturn/Satan/Serpent telegraph phases of progression within occult theology and practice.

Our culture is saturated in updated versions of ancient symbolism in much the same way as the supra-ancient six-pointed star as endless variations on that geometrical template has shown. After all, remember that part of the reason our paleolithic and neolithic ancestors  carved symbols into rock was so that they could interpret earth changes and the clash of the celestial Titans. They did so because it was both a creative imperative and a warning for future communities. This time the symbolism is displayed through corporatism, pop culture and ritual motifs. It is plastered all over the events of 9/11, perhaps as echoes of those past epochs and as a game of numbers and messages by an elite that is impressed by its own deranged self-importance.


© infrakshun

Why is it that the occult psychopath is so enamoured of symbols and alchemical formulas?

It is rather like the tripartite relationship of the key, the lock and the door. Symbols and their numerology were formulated by observing, attuning and communing with Nature where all knowledge lies (“as above, so below”.) Occult magicians are obsessed with deciphering the keys, finding the locks and opening the doors (portals) between different locations of reality where an array of “Gods” resided and that were naturally attuned through our bodies and minds – through our very DNA – during the Golden Age.

Like all things, symbols can be inverted toward a perceived destination and contact that is somewhat different. And if one is interested in observing the ancient power-sharing practice of Saturnine ritual sacrifice you can imagine what kind of invocations are necessary and by extension, the type of demands which needed to be met with whomever they made “contact.” We might also say that “energy follows thought” and the application of primal energy such as sexual desire – a bio-chemical kundalini and the instinct of fear – appear to have a strange power when married to the presence of blood sacrifice, a throw back to the dark magickal rituals which unlocked particular “powers.”

In other words, it may not be simply symbolic but the use of codified information that quite literally allows the correct configuration of keys to access certain demonic archetypes built up over time. Whether or not this is objectively true I’ll leave it up to the reader to decide.  Suffice to say, that this is a simple description of a more complex belief system which will assist us in understanding why 9/11 was a “key” event in occult ritualism and which unlocked much more than we may realise.


Magical symbolism and sacred geometry represents the belief that certain fundamental laws of the Universe can be unlocked. Perhaps they can…but be careful which door you open….| © infrakshun

So, we might see “sacred geometry” and “words of power” act as codified rotes of information locked into the symbol, rather like the hieroglyphics of old and even modern day algebraic and trigonometric mathematics where one single equation can embody a raft of meanings.  We might even say that much of our quantum technology can bundle information into a smaller and smaller “space” in much the same way as an ancient symbol bundles concepts and laws which then need the right keys to unlock them, though beyond the usual laws of space-time.

What better way to encrypt “alchemical” secrets and Universal laws of access through a series of interlocking shapes which both conceal and reveal to a suitably primed initiate?

Perhaps the Golden and Silver Ages of humanity saw ancient science and technology far in advance to what we have today. The limitation of the five senses is transcended through the medium of symbolic designs and may hark back to a time when humanity used sigils and symbology much more than vocal language. And this does not mean all alchemical and magical symbolism is inherently evil (unless you are a religious evangelist) since benign custodians of the past may have also used the language of symbols to protect spiritual knowledge. 21st Century occultism is merely a degenerate form of an ancient science in this context, with institutionalised rituals offering a custodial role of knowledge transference to benefit only a psychopathic minority.

And of course, symbols of power have built-in safeguards to lead dilettantes away from danger in much the same way as Baconian Ciphers in the Elizabethan era. Icons and geometric-mathematical shapes may act as keys to higher levels of awareness and also believed to transmit or transduce “energies” or frequencies which have been built up over time in the same way that an electrical circuit can be charged and/or earthed by turning on the mains supply. And the quality of that flow depends on our depth of Being – or Non-being. This can be applied symbolically but for occultists, most literally, drawing their beliefs from the remnants of an ancient science which gave rise to a tradition of inscribing stones, floors and landmarks because they were seen as power points on a “circuit board”. Specific cosmograms or glyphs offered a programmed purpose such as locking in ritual “spells” and/or releasing them at certain junctures; unlocking certain energies (geopathic, electromagnetic, Schumann Waves etc.) which were somehow utilised. Could that be true? Is there evidence that suggests such a thing was possible? Well, again that line of research is too much for this post but therein lies a great Secret of the Ages: how stones, symbols, energy, sound and human consciousness may have literally formed a different kind of civillisation at critical junctures.

Orthodox science is catching up with esoteric science in the sense that the latter seeks to set down in writing certain psycho-spiritual treatises for the individual and group to attain liberation from matter i.e. by developing a REAL self, the growth of the soul, as opposed to an amalgamation of conditioning and survival instincts which keep us “asleep”. Science uses largely reductive methods to pick Nature apart in order to understand her and thereby improve our own lot (or the profit margins of the overshadowing sponsor).

For most of science man is a machine and consciousness is a by-product of a neurological Skinner box or the transhumanist avatar. Esoteric science and its knowledge is experiential and intuitive, practical and entirely objective in the correct setting. This can only be proven by applying the knowledge, it seems. Occult brotherhoods predicated on white, black, grey or Satanic magick place ritual invocation as a primary benchmark of control and are thus ultimately inviting the same quality of control back into their lives.

The Grand Magician cannot see past his own self-absorbed choices. 

As occult beliefs play a huge part in the Three Establishment Order and its geo-political aspirations we must entertain the possibility that some form of occult psychological warfare reached its destructive apotheosis on the morning of September 11th 2001 and beyond. There is a certain music of chance which may exist in the events and occurrences in and around 9/11 expressed as a mathematical probability, interwoven with apparent signs and portents which, on their own, are nothing. However, taken together and with much of the information covered in this blog so far, it becomes somewhat more compelling.


© infrakshun

In fact, for experts in the occult and politics – nothing happens by chance. Meaning can be seen in the most random events and symbolism ascribed to the seemingly mundane. Granted, if we are mystically-minded one can see almost anything we wish in the ocean of numbers and formulae which make up the “ethers” of our daily lives. Regardless of whether we are atheist, agnostic or religious, occult belief exists in the world in a way that is largely hidden from ordinary people but nevertheless permeates almost every facet of society.

Now, whether occultism is founded on principles which have an ancient scientific basis is irrelevant. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. What is important is that many of the psychopathic insiders of our world do believe it and use forms of magick as a primary tool in their operations. Accordingly, they affix meaning and power to astrology, cosmology, human psychology, sexuality, death and blood ritual. Symbolism, esoteric cycles and timing is a vital part of that grandiose game. What is beyond doubt is the power of the human mind to affect potent changes imbued by the strength of belief. Only when we discard the evidence of the occult and seek to trivialise its influence as a parlour game with silly costumes and lighted candles (though this exists as well) do we become prey to the same comfortable fantasies and illusions that prove so useful for those who corral and control.

What emerges in the 21st Century is the cool, calculating logic of machine-consciousness and mapped to the esoteric science of ancient wisdom. We are talking about people who have an entirely different take on reality to our own. So much so, that they effectively exist as a breakaway civilisation living apart in both a material and perceptual sense.

What if it were indeed true that the suppression of technology and ancient knowledge had been taking place for centuries? Do you think that such a possibility is rational or is it just a product of our overactive imaginations?

Judging from the way history has clearly shown us that the long-term hoarding and suppression of knowledge not only took place but is actively occurring today, it is a strong probability that the elite manifestation of wealth consolidation is a descriptor pointing to something much deeper. Namely, an esoteric knowledge linked to Earth Changes and celestial catastrophism and the pathological hubris that they can lie safely in their bunkers and ride out the storm. They hope to rise phoenix-like from the ashes they have helped to create. Hence the importance of 9/11 as ritual ignition which aligns with the caricatures of religious fundamentalist eschatology and the promise of a New World.

If a collection of psychopathic cabals have technology and power to make fantasy and illusion appear real, at least for a while, and to wreak the destruction that they have, we could also posit the idea that there is the kind of knowledge and technology which would appear as “magical” to us as a computer would have done to Medieval man. In this context, the occult symbolism may align to such a destructive technology /weaponry which blurs the boundary between mind and matter. In the hands of psychopaths we have seen the very gates of hell opened.

And we may wonder indeed what we have allowed in.

Exactly who these people are is immaterial as we will only ever see the barest trace of their footprints by the light the moon, and their Saturnine calling card is played out through Kabbalistic numerology and sacred geometry.

And what fun they have with the masses!


© infrakshun

This, unfortunately is the literal gateway to host of other numerical matches, symbols and metaphors that pile up one after the other until finally, there is a coherent framework of occult meaning. Yet we cannot see the significance because most of us have not been educated to understand symbolism both in terms of the occult and in terms of the more simple motifs which arise from the landscape of our inner life in general. Therefore, as part of our cultural paradigm of Cartesian/Darwinian materialism we are educated to believe that such things cannot possibly play a part in our lives.

When a practical, community-centered living and healthy connection to nature and art was replaced by the “Age of Reason” and the onset of an extreme scientific rationalism, it helped to banish harmful superstitions but to also sever the connection to Universal Creativity and myth. This change in human focus eventually led to a pathological emphasis on materialism as the source of meaning. Over time we have been shaped into a techno-narcissistic culture bereft of the significance of ancient wisdom based on service; the oral tradition and relevance of dreams; the lost knowledge of social and community relationships which without using rose-coloured spectacles, nonetheless provided emotional nourishment and spiritual pragmatism. Carefully managed belief systems by perception management teams since the early part of the 20th Century have determined what we consider worthy for our attention without our even knowing that these thought streams our not our own. Cultural osmosis does the rest.

Whereas Freud embraced the nihilistic dead-end of psychoanalysis and its obsession with death and sex, Swiss psychologist Car Jung based much of his life’s work on the importance of the soul and a re-enchantment of the concept of Self, which he believed worked through the unconscious and a rich dream symbology. The loss of awareness concerning cultural motifs, archetypes and metaphor has left us at the mercy of those who have retained such knowledge having inverted it towards their own twisted visions. The occultists – black and white – had already been accessing these archetypes, elemental motifs and Gods and Goddesses in order to “create reality” according to their wishes for a very long time. Jung’s genius was to formalise some of the mechanisms and processes whilst offering some academic credence along the way.

Occult historian and symbologist Michael Tsarion suggests that we are suffering from “a chronic symbol illiteracy” largely drawn from the use of subliminal persuasion in media and advertising which he terms: “a psychic dictatorship.” He explains how our present culture uses: “… the deliberate and subversive manipulation and public purveyance of words, images, numbers, colors, rhythms, and symbols which are subsequently directed, via ubiquitous media oracles, toward the limbic areas of the human brain.” Tsarion believes that this is in part the cause of many physical and psychological disorders, especially in the young, bombarded as they are by: “elaborate and insidious cryptic language specifically designed to stimulate conflict between fantasy and reality” which over time, eventually undermines healthy drives and normal functioning of the human unit. As we have witnessed, the young are primary targets of exploitation at virtually every level of human endeavour. Hardly surprising then that we have all been led down a singular path toward a very bleak future.

He further explains:

The young are, by definition, closer to the creative force than the average adult. They are also more influenced by the limbic brain and, therefore, respond with greater zeal to the erotic and even perverse symbolic messages which have become increasingly pervasive in their life- and think-space. The invasive, clandestinely directed, content has been adroitly designed to bypass their moral conscience and rational filters. The results of this psychic dictatorship are devastating. […]

Subliminal messages permeate television programs, computer games, magazines, billboards, products, and musical productions. They are, however, not limited to the ambience of the young. They are just one of the weapons in the arsenal of psychopathic corporations whose entire modus operandi concerns profit and dehumanization. All that is truly aesthetic, traditional, cultural or substantial merely stands in the way of their monopolistic stratagems, their aggressive, relentless efforts at reducing the entire human race to a body of narcissistic, sense-infatuated, desensitized, amoral, immoral or actively criminal ‘smiling depressives.’” [2]

The author makes a point of describing the coordinators and designers of certain mass-appeal programmes such as MTV, Big Brother, X-Factor and others as the product of “technological witchdoctors and cyber-space sorcerers” using a variety of techniques: “… such as Tele-hypnosis, Metacontrast, Hemisync, Synaesthenia, and Embedding … with the same deadly effect as any past voodoo, sorcery, or telepathy.” [3]

Let’s also remember the pernicious infection of Nazi ideology that has seeped into ritual symbolism and mind control and contributed to the entrainment of a whole population. The same principles have been in operation, most aggressively, since after the Second World War. It was not that the Anglo-American-Israeli Elite were new to such occult inversions but that they actively encouraged the Germanic revival, precisely because they were historically its designated carriers, and cognizant of the power of symbols.

Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light c. 1937

Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light, c. 1937: “.I’m beginning to comprehend some of the reasons for Hitler’s success. He is restoring pageantry and color and mysticism to the drab lives of 20th century Germans.” – William L. Shirer| Source: Rare Historical Photos at:


The Tribute in Light on the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center. This commemoration may have occult significance for a minority who saw September 11th as a sacrificial ritual marking and the next phase in the “restoration” of a World State. (The lights also reinforce the numerology of 11, the symbolism of which we will explore later). photo: David Shankbone (cropped) (wikipedia) 

When advertisers, marketers and public relations are under the guiding hand of this oligarchical patronage then it is easy to understand why numbers and symbols play such an important role in societal programming. It is for this reason that signs and symbols which have become part of the collective unconscious and cultural fabric of everyday life can be flipped on their head and manipulated to produce a particular response.

As we have seen, the ubiquitous presence of freemasonic / Illuminist lore is founded on the magickal formulas of the Kabbalah which in turn, is drawn from the influence of Babylonian Talmudism from over two thousand years ago. It has since permeated both Jewish and Catholic traditions,  the entertainment culture forming the basis of occult magick across all Establishment lines. It is the esoteric language of the Elite which author Philip D. Collins believes can be deciphered, provided we have a basic awareness of the language of signs, otherwise known as “semiotics”.

The study of esoteric signs falls into three categories which Collins outlines as:

Iconic: These signs normally resemble something else. They are approximations, facsimiles. Examples: statues, pictures.

Indexical: Like the index in the back of a book, these signs refer the percipient to something else. They are used to establish causal or physical relationships. Examples: Smoke is commonly an indexical sign for fire. A shadow is normally an indexical sign for a physical body in front of some light source.

Symbols: These signs express some convention and hold a shared meaning for those interpolated into the culture. These signs must be learned. Examples: Words, numbers, flags.

Complementing this is also “Intertextual reference” which denotes the creative “… correlation between more than one text, thus augmenting a sign’s meaning.” [4]

Collins provides examples of many narratives within media and entertainment which: “‘… embody the paradigmatic character of the situation and images surrounding 9-11” where such “… synchronicities were consciously engineered by the entertainment industrial complex.” Intrinsic to certain films’ blatant and subtle imaging such as the ‘America under attack’ meme in Pearl Harbour (2001); Independence Day (2001); along with the more esoteric examples such as 2001 A Space Odyssey (1969). Most of the literature and later films of H.G. Wells are all also examples of “paradigmatic templates” which were then promulgated vigorously by Establishment media organs in order to be “… instrumental in creating a cultural milieu that would be hospitable to future media manipulations.” And perhaps most importantly: “By the time of the WTC attacks, the collective subconscious of America was fertile with memes (contagious ideas) planted by [such films].” [5]

In the same vain, Collins includes an example of intertextual referencing care of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s seminal book: The Grand Chessboard where the statesman delineated the geo-strategy by which America would attain global primacy and eventual one world government. He states: “… as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, exception the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.” [6]

In other words, he is saying “listen guys: the next phase is approaching for manufacturing that next “threat”.  Here’s how….


US Department of Justice 1997 Emergency Response to Terrorism self study manual (1997)


“Illuminati” is a stand alone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG) in 1995 and inspired by the 1975 book, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. (wikipedia)

We have looked at the idea of Hollywood engineering in ‘Official Culture: “Lights, Camera, Reaction!” From a variety of cultural sources ranging from films, literature and US Department training manuals there are many examples of what amounts to intentional “psychic entraining” “Predictive programming” or on occasion, perhaps the innocent intuition of future events, which is much more common than we may think.

Filmed in January 2000 and aired on US TV networks in April 3 2001, an episode of The Lone Gunman [7]  – a spin off from the X-files series – told of a plot to hijack planes and crash them into the World Trade Centre.

Here’s a short extract from the transcript: 

What is Scenario 1 2D? We know it’s a war-game scenario that it has to do with airline counterterrorism…. Why is it important enough to kill for?

Because it’s no longer a game.

But if some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario why target you for assassination?

Depends on who your terrorists are.

The men who conceived of it in the first place….. You’re saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline —

There you go, indicting the entire government as usual. It’s a faction, a small faction.

For what possible gain?

The cold war’s over John but with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market’s flat. But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City and you’ll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world just clamoring to take responsibility and begging to be smart-bombed.

I can’t believe it.

This is about increasing arms sales.

An astonishingly accurate appraisal of the situation, I think you’ll agree. If the writers of the series dealing with conspiracy plot-lines can predict such a thing, one might ask why the US military-intelligence did not? (Perhaps because they were already involved in making it a reality?)  You can see James Corbett’s analysis of the actors and writers involved and how they handled such a highly accurate rendering of what took place just four and half months later.

Innocent coincidence? Psychic “bleed-through”? Or just another one of those occasions where an insider has a little game with the public?


“Diehard” (1988)

Two years before heralded the Die Hard film franchise which involved a very successful blend of high suspense, evil European terrorists and a very tall building. It was another case of intertextual and symbolic entrainment. There are also literal references to September 11th in the script itself all packaged up with flying, terrorists, towers and 9/11. It has been one of the most popular series of films ever made firmly implanting the idea of terrorists as independent external threats to government and law and order. The terrorist meme has been replayed in countless, films and T.V. shows ever since. There are many more examples too numerous to mention with the shadow of Pentagon help looming large in the background.

The key protagonist and inspiration for this occult-propaganda onslaught was provided by the occultist and British intelligence operative Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) who famously appointed himself as the “Great Beast.” Crowley’s views meshed neatly with much of early Illuminism which rode the resurgence in occult practice in the 19th and twentieth centuries: depopulation, elitism, sex magick, ritual invocation, all tied up with the same Weishauptian principles of Revolution. The masses were viewed by Crowley in much same way as any other members of the puppet Elite from Kissinger to Rockefeller, Prince Philip to Brzezinski. He stated: “We should have no compunction in utilising the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. We do not insist in trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well-being and enjoy their wool and mutton. In this way, we shall have a contented class of slaves who accept the conditions of their existence as they really are and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of the cattle.” [8]


Aleister Crowley in 1912 and the doyen of Anglo-American occult

Once you have researched every aspect and nuance of the September 11th attacks for many years the feeling one derives from the theories, evidence, science (and endless noise) is that all of it is somehow designed to be suspicious. It is meant to be confusing, silly and almost satirical in its cruelty; placing clues and smokescreens to distract and misinform. Much of the official story is so obviously hackneyed in its planning where non-sequiturs and logical fallacies abound that the researcher is led to a mix of truth and lies in equal measure. It is a masterly exercise in the tradition of an occult trickster, worthy of Hermes himself and implies a keen understanding of crowd psychology and the internet society.

Historian Michael A. Hoffman II characterises the depth of the game to which we are, to a greater or lesser degree all unconscious participants in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (1989) which, although written well before September 11th confirms: “… a physical, technological tyranny as well as a tyranny of the mind,” where: “The issue of controlling humanity with esoteric words and symbols encoded within a play, a media spectacular or a ritual is one of the most difficult for people to comprehend … Even as [we] dance… to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, [we] scoff… with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from the media and government.” [9]

Hoffman is convinced that the power of ritual murder has enormous psychological repercussions upon a clueless populace, wholly unaware that technology is now enmeshed with ritualistic programming via music, media, advertising and false-flag military operations equalling a physical and psychic attack on a mass scale. He asserts that these “mega-rituals” are: “… not solely bound to the achievement of the immediate effects of the attack on the victim, but may in fact be a part of a larger, symbolic ritual magnified by the power of the electronic media, for the purpose of the alchemical processing of the subconscious Group Mind of the masses.” Hoffman tells us that “it is the subconscious that is being addressed in occult ritual, in a process CIA behavioural scientist Dr. Ewan Cameron termed, ‘psychic driving.’” [10]

It is this process that by-passes critical thinking, making discussion on subjects such as the 9/11 attacks almost impossible in Official Culture. It is clear that “The Black Arts adepts” and their involvement in the orchestration of 9/11 along occult lines are not mad in the sense of mindless lunacy. They are in fact responsible for: “…a brilliantly orchestrated ritual whose ceremonial aspects were as precise and detailed as the internal workings of a clock.” [11]

We would do well to be cognizant of this possibility and never underestimate the ritualistic nature of mass mind control.



[1] ‘A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory’ By James Corbett (video)
[2] ‘Symbolic Literacy’ by Michael Tsarion 2008 |
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘The Semiotic Deception of September 11th’ by Phillip D. Collins, December 31st, 2004.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] The Lone Gunman (2001) ‘Did you Know?’ |
pp. 199-200; The Law is For All: The Authorized Popular Commentary on Liber Al Vel Legis Sub Figura CCXX, The Book of Law. Phoenix Ariz. 1996; Quoted in ‘False flag Terror – the Occult Connection’ by William Ramsey from his book Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order.
[9] A. Hoffman II, Michael ; Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 1989. July 2001.
[10] Ibid
[11] Ibid.



Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (2)

““Megabucks, rather than forces of Cabala, move the events in the Middle East.”

– Israel Shamir

Once the security had been taken over then planning could proceed accordingly. When the Towers did come down then ALL the evidence had to be cleared away and dispensed with, which indeed it was. The 9/11 terror architects had to be very sure that their meticulous operation was not discovered in the aftermath. The steel had to be quickly cut up, shipped off to Asian smelters so that it could be dealt with far from the prying eyes of forensic investigators. Christopher Bollyn’s meticulous research detailed in his book Solving 9-11 (2010) pinpoints several characters who spirited away any damning evidence that would connect them to the scene of the crime, all of whom were surrounding New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani like spokes to a wheel.

The Hugo Neu Schnitzer company run by Robert Kelman received, processed and shipped almost 230,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Centre with some of the steel transported directly from ground zero to waiting barges which were then ferried to Kelman’s New Jersey junk-yard. It was here that everything was cut, mixed and shipped to Asia including countries such as Malaysia, China, South Korea and Japan. Hugo Neu processed 250,000 tons (88%) of WTC steel in a severely depressed scrap market. As Bollyn remarks: “The price of scrap steel for export in 2001-2003 was at its lowest level in 50 years, between $70-80 per ton. Why would a steel trader in New Jersey spend $25 per ton to ship the WTC steel to distant Asian smelters when it could have been shipped for a fraction of the cost to U.S. steel companies?” [1]

Ten years later Hugo Neu has major shares in Agua-Agro Fund, an Israeli venture capital outfit. Managed by Nir Belzer who is co-founder of Israel’s Millennium Materials Technologies Funds with Oren Gafri who is particularly interesting in light of nanotechnology:

From 1979 to 1989, Gafri served as an executive of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Ltd (IAI), Bedek Division, as the Manager of Materials and Process, in charge of the Chemical, Metallurgical, Composite and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) facilities, Labs and R&D. He trained at Israel’s Nuclear Research Center (Dimona) in the Negev Desert. Gafri is a specialist in energetic nano-composite coatings exactly like the one that pulverized the 220 acres of concrete floors in the World Trade Center. Belzer and Gafri’s MMT Fund is invested in several companies that produce such coatings. [2]

Hardly coincidental one would think.


Evidence at Ground Zero being destroyed and shipped away as scrap metal (Source:

Other less well-known individuals in the Giuliani Partners consulting company all seemed to play crucial roles in the cover up and destruction of evidence. Two of these players were: “Pasquale J. D’Amuro, the FBI inspector in charge of the 9/11 investigation, who supervised the ‘non-investigation’ at the World Trade Centre, and Richard Sheirer, the ‘Jewish knight’ who oversaw the removal and destruction of the crucial steel evidence by having it sent to Zionist-run scrapyards in New Jersey…” [3] The Mayor had been a long time Zionist tool and Neo-Conservative war-hawk on Iraq and Iran for some time, regularly back-slapping the Israeli lobby and ADL. As Paul Craig Roberts asserts: “… practically every Giuliani advisor is a member of the Lobby.”  [4] It is not an exaggeration to say that without Giuliani much of the 9/11 cover up could never have run as smoothly as it did.

At a press briefing on the recovery operations at the World Trade Centre disaster area September 21, 2001 at the Emergency Operations Centre in New York City, Giuliani was accompanied by then Jerusalem Mayor and future Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert. Bollyn raises a vital question: when scores of Israeli agents were already being found to be running around military infrastructure of the United States, why did Giuliani hide: “… the fact that Olmert had been in New York City on the day before 9/11 and probably on the day itself.” And further: “Why was Olmert in New York City on 10 September 2001, and why has his visit been kept secret?” [5] (Since corruption is a normal state of affairs in politics, Olmert must have ruffled someone’s feathers since then, as he was given a six year sentence and fined $290,000 for accepting bribes).


Ultra-right wing trio: Likud’s Ehud Olmert mayor of Jerusalem with mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani and Republican Sen. John McCain at the Emergency Operations Center in New York on September 21, 2001. What was Olmert doing in a secret meeting one day before the 9/11 attacks? Why no mention of this apparent coincidence?

None of this would have been able to happen if Billionaire Chabad Lubavitcher Ronald Lauder of perfume corporation Estée Lauder had not been on the New York State Research Council on Privatization and lobbied for the privatization of the WTC.  [6] An active member of the Jewish National Fund, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the ADL, Jewish Theological Seminary and elected President of the World Jewish Congress in June 2007, Ronald Lauder was well-placed within the sayanim support network. The MOSSAD’s use of the art world as cover crops up again with Lauder who, as former US Ambassador to Austria: “…has a fabulous collection of paintings that has made him one of the most envied and influential figures on the world art market.”  [7] Enter Lauder’s secretive mistress Daniella Luxembourg and her business partner Amalia Dayan, both from art auctioneers Phillips, de Pury & Luxembourg. Dayan is the grand-daughter of Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defence Forces in the 1950s and later Defence Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel.


Ronald Lauder

The descendants of PNAC, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy think tanks are part of Lauder’s ideological base. As is the case with all his colleagues – he has the financial and military intelligence clout to assist the MOSSAD machine. As another Bush supporter who praised his “ideological vision,” a principle of Chabadism that demands an active ideology to supplant all else, Lauder reiterates the force tabled by the Great Rebbe:

“I am convinced that Israelis desire, and have a right to ask for, such a newly-invigorating ideological vision. They demand it from their leaders. Israelis want to know – Jews the world over want to know! — not only how the army is going to be strengthened or the financial system reformed, but where Israel is going. Why we are going there. What do we believe in – and how this is manifested in policy. Israelis need to believe in the justness, correctness and moral superiority of their path, and this can only come from a shared and well-tended ideological vision.”  [8]

This “moral superiority” is still being “manifested in policy” to a most dangerous degree from the likes of Lauder and his immense political leverage within Zionist and Lubavitch circles. With close ties to Benjamin Netanyahu and family links to the Federal Reserve, the cosmetics magnate is currently president of the World Jewish Congress, with multiple interests in real estate and Israeli media. As a dedicated follower of Chabad Lubavitch, he helped set up many Lauder Chabad elementary and high schools in Vienna, Austria. In 2009, he inaugurated the first Jewish University in the city “with a curriculum drawing on methods and courses used at the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania” and which includes a heritage centre directed by a Chabad rabbi. One article on the Chabad Lubavitch website reported on dinner in his honour following the event where he stated: “… that he owes all of his accomplishments in establishing Jewish education to the merit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. ‘Without me meeting his emissary, Rabbi Biderman, 20 years ago in this city (Vienna),’ said Lauder, ‘all of that I have done would not have happened.’”  [9]

It was also Lauder’s Chabadism which led him to endorse propaganda think-tank EMET which was aimed at buttressing support for Likudnik Ariel Sharon’s plans to scupper the Middle East peace process. Lauder: “… met with Sharon in September 2000—just before the latter staged his provocation at the Islamic holy sites on the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, triggering the on-going violence.” [10]

The foundation to EMET was drawn from billionaire members of the Zionist spy-group “Mega” headed by Edward Bronfman to which Lauder had direct links due to his fanatical devotion to the ideology of Lubavitch war. Or as Israel Shamir described: “The megabucks call themselves ‘Mega group.’ This name appeared in the media … as a name for the secret Israeli mole in the upper reaches of the U.S. establishment. It came up in an overheard phone conversation, later denied by the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The newshounds and spook watchers got it wrong. ‘Mega’ was not an agent, Mega was the boss.”  [11]


President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder in September 2014
(Photo: Michael Thaidigsmann via Wikimedia Commons)

It was in May 2001 at the Manhattan mansion of Edgar Bronfman, the head of the World Jewish Congress, where Lauder found himself amongst 50 of the “… richest and most powerful Jews of the U.S. and Canada. There was no press coverage, no limelight, just a few lines in the newspapers… They agreed to launch a PR program under the Orwellian codename of ‘Truth’ with the purpose of influencing American public opinion regarding Israeli policies.” Shamir goes on to say: “Megabucks, rather than forces of Caballa, move the events in the Middle East.” [12]  However, this would be to hugely underestimate the power of Zionism in the world today. Yes, there is a lot of money involved from the likes of 50 billionaires but this is only half the story as we consider the events of 9/11.

Not to be outdone by Frank Lowy’s Institute, Lauder founded the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy based in Herzliya, Israel. It is one of the most prestigious Universities in Israel and the US. With a great emphasis on psychology and counter-terrorism. With more than an obvious Israeli bias it effectively acts as a recruitment university for the IDF and the MOSSAD whose headquarters are just down the road. Uzi Arad is director of the institute of policy and strategy at the school after being a senior official in MOSSAD for 25 years. [13]

As with so many Israeli software companies, Odigo’s Research and Development (R&D) centre is based in Herzliya, North of Tel Aviv. It was the Israeli Odigo company who received at least two warnings two hours before that the 9/11 attacks were imminent and failed to alert the authorities. In fact, South East Asia News Corp tells us that more than 4000 Hebrew-speaking persons were warned of the impending attacks by Odigo’s messaging system. Nationality and religion had nothing to do it, despite the ADL attempting to paint such “conspiracy theories” as anti-Semitic rants. According to Bollyn: “Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by more than $267 million from ‘insider trading.’” A former Israeli military officer, the CEO of Comverse, Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, was charged on several counts of fraud but allowed to escape. (This did not stop him wiring $7 million to his his account before absconding to Nambia). [14]


Yakobi Alexander

As explored in The Z Factor series many scores of Israeli-based telecommunications and software companies are operating in the United States which are: “… sponsored by Mossad funding sources such as Cedar Fund, Stage One Ventures, Veritas Venture Partners, and others.”

Bollyn continues, that unsurprisingly:

“… the portfolios of these Mossad-linked funding companies contain only Israeli-based companies, such as Odigo. Reading through the strikingly similar websites of these Israeli ‘VC’ funds and their portfolio companies, one can’t help but notice that the key ‘team’ players share a common profile and are often former members of ‘Israel’s Intelligence Corps’ and veterans of the R&D Department of the Israel Air Force or another branch of the military. Most are graduates of Israel’s ‘Technion’ school in Haifa, Mossad’s Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) [15]

And under the Interdisciplinary Centre (IDC) also based in Herzliya, a private, non-profit university with a “research institute” which was headed by Shabtai Shavit, former head of the MOSSAD from 1989- 1996 is called the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism. The Lauder school comes under its auspices. With assets like this straddling the telecommunications and software infrastructure of Israel and the US what other utilities were monopolised during 9/11?

Quite a lot, it seems.

Ptech Software systems had the FAA, NATO, USAF, Congress, the White House and virtually all US Federal departments as clients during September, 2001. MITRE an important defence contractor were deeply connected to CIA/ MOSSAD front outfits and dual nationality, Zionist personnel. In fact, it seems: “Ptech software [was] loaded with trapdoors and Trojan Horses … sold and loaded onto the MOST sensitive computer systems that failed miserably, or performed well (depending on your view), on September 11, 2001. Ptech was with the MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency.”  [16]


NORAD emblem

It was the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) and the FAA who presided over so many delays and failures of procedure in tracking, intercepting and communicating the hijackings to relevant authorities. Claiming there were “oversights” or “errors of judgment” do not stand up to even the lightest scrutiny. NORAD has still not explained its role in the serious time lags and breakdown in protocol during the 9/11 attacks and remains one of the most suspect players in the whole charade. Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee; CFR member and Chabad supporter Sen. Carl Levin is of central importance on this issue. When Time Magazine named him “one of America’s 10 best senators” this was the moment that Levin had official Establishment approval, and it is not difficult to see why. The Michigan Senator is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation’s military, including military research and development, nuclear energy and the Department of Defence, National Security, military benefits and the Selective Service System. He is also an ex-officio on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and most importantly perhaps – the Select Committee on Intelligence. That’s a lot of power for a man who has publicly lauded Chabad Lubavitch in the Senate and has made a pastime of covering up Israeli financial transgressions. [17]  It appears these skills were honed during the 9/11 operation and beyond.


Senator Carl Levin during a Senate confirmation hearing

On September 13, 2001, when Vice-Chairman of the JCS, Gen. Richard Myers, and NORAD Commander Ralph Eberhart were meant to be grilled as to why, how and what went wrong regarding the hijacked flights, it was Sen. Carl Levin’s committee that allowed them to walk away without so much as a reprimand. Caroline A. Valentine was one of the first to alert us to the behaviour of Levin and rightly points out that a major part of the 9/11 hearing was vectored away from finding the truth just as it was with every other tightly controlled internal “commission” and “inquiry.”

Valentine includes a letter in her 2002 article “Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch” [18] from her fellow 9/11 investigator Dick Eastman who, on June 10, 2002 wrote an open letter to the editor of The Village Voice clearly showing how Levin “shielded” General Myers from critical questions from other panel members. General Myers appeared to be bumbling, unsure and could barely remember his name. But it was not a question of nervousness. Myers is not a delicate wall-flower but approved as one of the most capable men in the US military. Therefore, this was a case of intentional and disingenuous stalling fully aware of the stakes at hand. Valentine notes the discrepancy in her own forthright and humorous way:

Note how Levin jumped in to save Myers from Senator Nelson’s pointed questions getting at the heart of the matter of “what happened to the response of the defense establishment,” of WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED THAT THE MILITARY SUCKED EGGS FOR 40 MINUTES AFTER TOWER TWO WAS HIT LETTING THE PENTAGON EVENT HAPPEN. Levin very cleverly takes over the conversation — gets Myers off the spot — and diverts everything onto the trivial small picture detail question of the time of specific phone calls from Specific agencies — rather than the all-important broad system questions Nelson was going for. In fact, Levin, thinking that he was quicker than Myers, here jumped in with an answer that Myers could use to evade the really important and critical questions of Sen. Nelson. […] Senator Levin, you would not have jumped in with that remark if you were at all interested in getting to the bottom of the mystery of the 40 minute failure of the Air Force to intercept a plane attacking the Pentagon in Washington D.C. [19]

The dialogue effectively saved Myers from any more nonsensical blustering with Senator Levin’s remark drawing a line under any more questioning: “And in any event, but more important, if you could get us that information.” The subject of why jets were not scrambled; who phoned whom and when, and why NORAD did nothing as two jet-airliners cruised into the Twin Towers obviously wasn’t of sufficient importance for Myers to remember the basic facts. He was allowed to march happily away and criminality was set free. Needless to say, no other information was ever forthcoming, thanks to Levin.


Richard Bowman Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in September 2002.

The fact that General Myers’ behaviour was so odd and the whole committee meeting a waste of time prompted another cardboard cut-out, military brass-tack to be shoved into the spot-light to provide a get-out clause for all the non-answers.

Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, the French-Canadian second-in-command of the North American Aerospace Defence Command, suspected “… there might have been more than just the four aircraft involved.” Suspicions were drawn from the fact that: “… passengers left a grounded plane on Sept. 11, somewhere in North America.” And could the good Lieutenant-General provide the committee with answers as how 40 minutes of thumb-twiddling preceded two jet-airliners crashing into what should have been the most heavily defended location on globe? The General too, it seems, thought this quite normal stating: “From our perception, we think our reaction on that day was sufficiently quick that we may well have precluded at least one other hijacking. We may not have. We don’t know for sure.” [20]

One thing of which we can be sure, those “perceptions” didn’t include anything approaching the facts at the time of the attacks nor in front of the committee, which made the General’s testimony of no use at all. This may have been the real goal. But Pennie made another blunder. If, as the General mentioned: “In the minutes after the Sept. 11 attacks, control of the continent’s airspace was turned over to NORAD” and the last attack occurred at 9:38am, then as Valentine points out: “… it means NORAD did not respond until after the last hit, until after 9:38 a.m. Ahhh, so that means… Oui? Lt. Gen. Pennie thus contradicts American generals Myers and Eberhart. The operations officer at the time that control of North America’s airspace was transferred to NORAD happened to be a Canadian naval captain, Gen. Pennie said.” [21]

What was a Canadian Naval Captain doing responding to an air attack on the United States? The General wasn’t there just to look after his own skin but follow the implicit cues from Carl Levin, General  Myers and Ralph Eberhart.

Let us also remember that it was Senator Levin and co-conspirator John McCain who were given the job of drafting the National Defence Authorization Act bill, (NDAA) which permits the worldwide provision of indefinite detention without charge or trial of those far from any battlefield. The bill was passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without a single hearing. This gives us some idea as to whom such a bill would benefit: exactly the players who pulled off 9/11. [22] McCain’s lobbying companion Chabad-Zionist Joe Lieberman – who thankfully retired the Democratic party at the end of 2012 – is a supporter of the Iraq war and like all Likud accolytes, has urged action against Iran. Vehemently opposed to freedom of speech and any form of dissent, equating it with “terrorism” and drafting bills to hack away citizens’ rights, Lieberman was also famous for ordering search engine giant Google to flag blogs with a “terrorist content” icon. [23] Not content with supporting warrantless spy-tapping against American citizens, during a July 2012 press conference on Capitol Hill, Lieberman: “…urged fellow lawmakers to pass his Internet spying bill in order to prevent what he dubbed ‘a cyber 9/11 or a 9/11 Pearl Harbour.’” [24]

Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman

Where have we heard that before?

It was the actions of Levin and NORAD which prompted panel members Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton to begin to question the whole premise of the 9/11 Commission Report. Kean stated: “We to this day don’t know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth.” [25] Whilst senior counsel to the Report John Farmer, Jr. supported the misgivings of his colleagues going further by stating that “… what government and military officials had told Congress, the Commission, the media, and the public about who knew what when—was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue.” Farmer believed that “… the (NORAD) tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public.” [26]

Zionist appointees were scattered all over 9/11 panels, commissions and committees which sprang up immediately after the attacks, so it is not surprising that the heat remained directed toward Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and later the less than innocent Saudi Royal family. Meanwhile, Zionists and their relgious fanatics on the Chabad and Evangelical divide provide the perfect cover.



[1] ‘Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, April 18, 2011 |
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘Leaderless and Clueless: America Heads for the Trash Can of History’ By Paul Craig Roberts, Information Clearing House, November 28, 2007.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Governor George Pataki, Acting governor Di Francesco Laud Historic Port Authority Agreement to Privatize World trade Center, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Jul 24, 2001, Press Release Number: 101-2001.
[7] ‘Estee’s son and heir on the scent of a new life’ Daily Mail, March 14, 2006.
[8] Lecture Summary, 7th Conference 2007, Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, Founder, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya. |
[9] ‘Cosmetics Magnate Inaugurates Vienna’s Only Jewish University’ By Shmulik Laster, October 29, 2007.
[10] ‘Israeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss’’by Jeffrey Steinberg, Aug. 31, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[11] ‘Kugel Eaters’ By Israel Shamir, May 6,
[12] Ibid.
[14] ‘Mossad – The Israeli Connection To 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, Exclusive to American Free Press April 14 2005.
[15] Ibid.
[16] Ibid.
[17] ‘Senator Carl Levin’s,Arlen Specter’s ‘Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory’ vs JFK ‘Magic Bullet’ Assassination Theory’ by Tony Ryals, Philidelphia Independent Media Centre, August 20, 2009.
[18] ‘Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc. June 15, 2002.
[19] Ibid.
[20] ‘General suspects Sept. 11 plot was wider’ By Tu Thanhha, Montreal, Globe and Mail, Jun. 13 2002 / Apr. 22 2009.
[21] op. cit Valentine.
[22] “On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield.”
[23] ‘Joe Lieberman Wants Terrorist Labels on Blogs’ |
[24] ‘Lieberman claims his Internet spying bill would prevent ‘a 9/11 Pearl Harbor’’ By Stephen C. Webster, The Raw Story, July 24, 2012.
[25] The Ground Truth: The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11. By John Famer Jr.; Published by Riverhead Books. 2009. | ISBN 1-59448-894 (intro).
[26] Ibid. (p. 261) | ‘The Ground Truth’. By Harry Levins, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 6, 2009.

Police State Amerika IV: The New Brutality

 “All I kept hearing from him was, ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.'”

– Valencia Griffin, witness to the police assault of Eric Garner who died on the spot.

The 2014 unrest in Ferguson, Missouri led to serious riots and protests as a result of the apparent police execution of unarmed Michael Brown and subsequent acquittal of the police officer. The event highlighted a legion of other crimes committed against civilians including the death of Eric Garner, an asthmatic father who died as a result of a police choke-hold – an unwarranted assault, caused outrage prompting global protests against police brutality. [1]

This was only the latest in hundreds of similar crimes against Americans which continue to take place day after day. For all the cases that do reach the headlines there are many more that do not. SWAT Raids on family homes with no warnings, and sometimes no warrants are justified by the discredited war on drugs and the war on terror. Add to this the unnecessary and excessive use of the taser leading in many cases to death and verbal and physical harassment in the street. What is especially disturbing is in the majority cases it is children, the elderly and mentally ill who suffer these attacks. Police officers seldom receive a reprimand let alone a prosecution, mirroring the lack of accountability of our leaders and their agencies.


Eric Garner begged NYPD police for air 8 times before falling silent. (Source: Ramsey Orta) (Persons within the New York Police Department have even been accused of editing the Wikipedia pages of some of the more infamous recent events to involve extreme  police force, including the Eric Garner case).  [2]

Hyper-aggression from police departments has risen exponentially since 9/11, with police on the street prone to violence against the American public as never before. A brief description of four cases from the many reports which reached the news in 2013-2014 is followed by a headline collection of the stories from the last few years. Hopefully, this will give readers a taste of the problem facing American society at this time.

We start with a report concerning 25-year-old paraplegic Nicholas Kincade who needs a motorised mobility scooter to get about and had the unfortunate luck to run into police officer Lt. Tom Davidson. Kincade was checked out by a group of  Indiana’s Lafayette police officers after reports surfaced that he was carrying a gun (He was not). After the discussion which took place on a suburban sidewalk, the young man accidentally grazed Davidson’s foot as he attempted to pass by. Kincade became the object of an extraordinary display of uncontrolled rage by the officer who, with both hands, pushed the young man out of his scooter and onto the road. A shocked Kincade protested his innocence claiming it was only an accident. The video of the incident can be viewed HERE.

To be fair to the Lafayette Police Department, the Mayor and Police Chief’s determined that Davidson should be fired citing  excessive force and behaviour unbecoming of a police officer. Although Davidson’s actions should have resulted in instant dismissal he was demoted, took a cut in pay and was allowed to keep his job due to the Civilian Review Board blocking the move. Ironic? Kincade thought so and decided to file suit alleging First and Fourth Amendment violations as well as violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  [3]

21-year-old Brenda Hardaway found out the hard way that even if you are pregnant it will not protect you from excessive police force. An unidentified Rochester police officer was seen trying to control Hardway after she came to the assistance of her brother who had been arrested for disorderly conduct. Hardaway did not comply with the officer and apparently resisted arrest. As the video from a bystander clearly shows, after several minutes into the fracas she becomes afraid and voices her concern: “Get off of me, you’re gonna kill my baby.” “I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant …” The response of the officer was to punch the back of the women’s head and not long after and with the weight of his body bearing down on the woman – slams her to the sidewalk, landing on her back. He places his forearm against the back of the woman’s neck and head, forcing her into the ground. Many onlookers were shocked at such an unnecessary display of force.

You can watch the video HERE. [4]


Screen shots from the video: An unidentified Rochester police officer slams pregnant Brenda Hardaway to the ground after punching her in the back of the head

On the evening of May 11th 2014, Ron Hillstrom was experiencing a nervous breakdown. The 44 year-old man from University Place, Washington State was obviously delusional and in need of help. Instead he received quite the opposite. As family attorney Nathan Roberts states: “It appears that this [was] a guy who was reaching out for help, literally requesting help and instead of getting help was given a death sentence.”

Around 9:45 p.m., Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies approached Mr. Hillstrom. According to the many witnesses who were disturbed by the chaos outside, Hillstrom was running around as though panicked, believing that the police were out to “set him up”; or out to get him. Four deputies began to remorselessly taser and beat the victim whilst he pleaded for help. Police defended the murder of a vulnerable man by saying he was a threat and was resisting arrest, despite all the witnesses which came forward offering an entirely different story.

 “… then they started beating him. And they just weren’t done until he was dead. Bam, bam, bam. It was horrible. It was absolutely horrific.”

witness to Ron Hillstrom murder by police

Hillstrom’s neighbour Ashley Patterson was unequivocal: “I knew last night they were gonna kill that man,” …  “You beat this man to death last night for no reason and we caught you. Period.” Unfortunately, no action was taken against the sheriff’s deputies in question. [5]

Another old man became the victim of psychopathic police officers out to have some fun.

In Homer, Louisiana on February 20th, 2009, a family was having a “cook-out”. Already harassed by police for suspected drug use, though no evidence suggested this was the case, 38-year-old Shaun Monroe was in attendance along with Bernard Monroe, Sr., and his wife Louise who were hosting the get-together with Shaun’s elderly parents. In fact, it was a pleasant family celebration with about 33 children present.

Shaun’s father, 73 year-old, retired electrical utility worker Bernard Monroe Sr. was no longer able to speak due to surgeries for throat cancer, but was enjoying himself as he sat in the shade watching his relatives. When Homer Police Department Officers Tim Cox and Joseph Henry marched into the family gathering with the intent of harassing Shaun Monroe as an “easy target for arrest,” the atmosphere, unsurprisingly, turned sour. Shaun became spooked and ran through the Monroe’s residence. The presence of the policeman was an unprovoked action without justification escalating the fear and tension. The New York Times describes what happened next:

Shaun Monroe burst out of the front door and was at the front gate when Officer Henry, who was in the yard, hit him with a Taser. Seconds later, Officer Cox reached the front screen door from the inside, witnesses said, as the elder Mr. Monroe was walking up the steps to the porch.

Officer Cox told investigators that the elder Mr. Monroe had picked up a pistol he kept on the porch and was aiming it at Officer Henry. All of the civilian witnesses say Mr. Monroe was carrying only a sports drink bottle.

But this is not in dispute: Mr. Cox shot Mr. Monroe seven times in the chest, side and back. Several witnesses said they saw a police officer later place the pistol next to Mr. Monroe’s body, but the police officers said that was because it had been moved when they were checking his wounds. [6]

And the Los Angeles Times:

The witnesses said the second officer [Joseph Henry] picked up a handgun that [Bernard] Monroe, an avid hunter, always kept in plain sight on the porch for protection. Using a latex glove, the officer grasped the gun by its handle, the witnesses said, and ordered everyone to back away. The next thing they said they saw was the gun next to Monroe’s body.

“I saw him pick up the gun off the porch,” Marcus Frazier said. “I said, ‘What are you doing?’ The cop told me, ‘Shut the hell up, you don’t know what you’re talking about.’”. [7]


Mr. Bernard Monroe Sr. was shot and killed by police officers who then planted “evidence” to cover up their own crimes.

In a deprived neighbourhood where black people are routinely harassed and stopped for no reason, it seems obvious that planting a gun on an old black man was the route Joseph Henry decided to take. Covering your own back by planting or making up the “evidence” on the spot is not uncommon. Along with assault and murder, police are getting away with it as the following summary of cases suggest:

Innocent pedestrian attacked by police, framed with charges, imprisoned for 15 months

“Police attempted to deliberately ruin a man’s life with a concocted story, yet no one faced justice.”

San Diego police raid strip club and take photos for ‘investigative purposes’

“One dancer says police photographed “every single one of my tattoos.”

Five Cops Beat Innocent, Unarmed Father to Death Outside Cinemas

“’Five guys got on top of him, beating him ruthlessly. On the head– just pow, pow, pow.’ “…he was disfigured, you couldn’t recognize him,”.

Police Beat up 84 year-old man for jay-walking

“‘The guy didn’t seem to speak English,’ said a witness.”

Woman’s face shattered after being launched into concrete jail cell bench

“An unprovoked attack left a woman requiring facial reconstructive surgery.”

Atlantic City officers brutally beat man, release an attack dog to gnaw on his neck

“After bludgeoning, attacking, and mauling the man with a dog, officers stood around and laughed and took pictures.”

Distraught family members were pepper-sprayed, chained to a bench while daughter was dying of self-inflicted gunshot wound

“My daughter died at the hospital while my son and I were chained to a bench.”

Woman brutally face-planted into pavement during arrest; charged with battering police

“Don’t you f***ing touch me!” roared the officer, before delivering a crushing blow to the woman’s face.”

Video shows cop choking out child until he goes limp, child left with brain injury

 “[Metro Police officer Jonathan Hardin] was also named in a civil suit with two other officers who have been accused of verbally and physically abusing children during a summer program.”


“Christina West after being brutalized by Tallahassee Police.” (Source: Police state USA via Leon County Crt. Records)

“The officers are then seen forcefully slamming the 5′-6″, 130 pound woman face-first to the hard ground, followed by a giving her a gratuitous knee to the back of her head, exacerbating her facial trauma. She can be heard screaming in pain as she is being pressed into the road by two male assailants.  Officer Ormerod continued to press her face into the ground with his arm.”

Police state USA

scott video1

At the time of writing more and more cases are coming to light reinforcing how out of control US police are becoming. The above shows a still from a video which emerged revealing an execution-style killing. The victim was 50 year-old Walter Scott who was shot eight times as he ran away from police officer Michael Slager who has since been charged with his murder. Originally Slager lied that his gun went off in a struggle over his taser. (photo still from video)

Putting aside the politics of multiculturalism and its strengths and weaknesses, we can say that most crime appears to be  committed from the African-American demographic. One only has to look back at the recent history of the civil rights movement and the legacy of black slavery to understand that these seeds of oppression run deep. It is not the fact that ordinary people today must be held morally responsible for the state crimes of the past but we must be prepared to evaluate our institutions and recognise when those ponerological seeds are sprouting again and moreover, how these divisions are used against ALL of us, not just black Americans, Hispanics or Asians. One sector of society suffers, we all suffer because whether we like it or not, regardless of political and religious beliefs, we are all part of the human species connected and interrelated through our DNA, enmeshed in the vital energy of nations and the planet itself. In the end, intense pain of one part of the organism will manifest in another.

Similarly, a cancer in the form of a cluster of minority psychopaths weakening the integrity of a village, town, city, country and finally the biosphere itself, must be addressed. If not, the parasite will kill the host. This is the danger we are facing.

Let’s also not forget that movements such as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) do not help heal the divisions or assist in seeking accountability for Police actions. In fact, such movements do the opposite because they are often part of government’s CoIntelpro, which is very possibly the case with the BLM movement. Take these salient facts from the Washington Post’s Marshall Project:

  • American police killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015.
  • More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks.
  • Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers
  • Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
  • In New York City alone, comprising 23 percent of the city’s population blacks “commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime”.

Doesn’t quite square with the Black Lives Matter message does it?

And this is how divide and rule works: it brings out extremism on both sides where the complex nuances of reasoned discourse is shredded in the mainstream media and lost amongst the rising grief and anger of the families.  With the current 000.1% holding the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth and with racism and corruption within police, judiciary and federal agencies at an all time high, it is inevitable that social unrest will erupt. It should also be noted from the above that crying “racist!” against police merely trying to do their job also occurs as an easy escape route for those who have no social conscience and are merely seeking to profit from chaos. This is a concurrent adaptive behaviour and another symptom – but it is not remotely the cause.

Yet, let us also remember that the so-called “war on police” is also a nonsense. Crime against police is down to record lows  which does tarry with the FACT that minority groups are targeted with more frequency, end up in prison more often and are on the sharp end of severer punishment.

Witness the riots and looting which occurred in both white and black communities across the United Kingdom in 2011 and the rioting in Ferguson in 2014 and other states. This can be explained away as the understandable boiling over of frustration and anger at the clear disparity between those that have and those that have very little, and the power of violent protest to send a message. The riots in the UK also involved so-called middle-class youth who were better off in monetary terms than many. Thus it bespoke of a deeper malaise going well beyond material concerns; a profound loss of meaning which is still not addressed in our current social systems. Unfortunately, the message of this type of violent protest merely reinforced stereotypes of race and class, especially those of colour, quickly diluting the essential message: that there is real change desperately needed.

Fundamental racism is real yet so are dynamics on both sides of the endless binary divide who encourage it. The focus on keeping racism and division alive is the issue here. Our present institutions affect ALL people, regardless of race. Our global Establishment benefits from an excess of social movements and the kind of diversity which promotes cooperation and understanding yet, at the same time, implicitly reinforces separation by claiming exclusive “rights” at the expense of human rights.


The prison population mirrors are own prisoner mind |© infrakshun

In other words, psychopaths don’t discriminate – prey is prey. But they can have a lot of fun cleaving natural cooperation and creating tribal factions to work against each other. In this sense, African-American social movements  are seeking to redress the balance but missing the point that this is a problem of pathology which includes discrimination against ethnic groupings or race, but reflects a more hidden source of discrimination against normal majority of the human species from a minority of psychopaths, presently holding the reins of power. This is the core problem, a solution to which will naturally begin to resolve the sub-categories of racialism and so many other equally important “infections” of the human spirit.

If racism disappeared tomorrow, there would remain the problem of institutionalised psychopathy from which ALL entropic patterns originate. Social divides based on class, money and race will only be dissolved through education and cooperative experience, something that is socially-engineered not to occur. When we begin to look at the core problem that gives rise to all these iniquities, the various other rights and demands to be heard, understood and treated with dignity will begin to be addressed. Yet, it may mean some key collective shocks along the way so that humanity begins to recognise where and how it has been duped.

Social fragmentation and the normalisation of divided communities have deep-rooted socio-economic causes. The desperate loss of meaning and lack of a spiritual nourishment is also key. (By “spiritual” this does not mean “religious.”) There is no doubt that in the USA, African-American people bear the brunt of this burden at the present time. No race has a natural crime bell-curve. Such trends stem from a deep-seated malaise. More disturbing still, is the prison-security complex which had grown out of the pain of a society lost in inculcated pathology. The mentally ill and those stricken by poverty and economic hardship are now a profitable commodity for corporatists. Brutalisation of the American people is fertile ground for instigating new Establishment projects, after all.

On the other side of the coin is how different cultural groups and minorities feeling victimised react to the ponerisation process. After all, as a Kenyan friend of mine recently reminded me: “Black folks are some of the most racist people I know.” A sweeping statement for sure, but the concept of taking on the oppressors’ methods for divide and rule is something to acknowledge since we are all prone to hypocrisy on a smaller scale, often unconsciously. The African-American community has to face the danger of relying on the victim mentality and using it as a political tool where every crime is racially motivated. When a state tool like the police is so obviously loaded against people of colour it is tempting to assume that ALL cases can be categorised under this banner. The same dynamic has allowed the Jewish tribe to rule by victim-hood; an adapted cultural Marxism and political correctness which has provided an industry of entitlement out of all proportion; defying constructive criticism as it uses the historic shield of anti-Semitism to protect and elevate tribal privileges and a “cognitive elite” (recently updated in this context by Gilad Atzmon). Tribal divisions and “rights” can also be warped into further isolated units of aggression that lose sight of the core problem: normal humanity subjugated and oppressed by psychopaths. This has to be reiterated again and again.

 “Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries. […] The United States … has 751 people in prison or jail for every 100,000 in population. (If you count only adults, one in 100 Americans is locked up.) The median among all nations is about 125, roughly a sixth of the American rate.”

– ‘U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations,’ New York Times

Over the last two decades various statistical studies and reports have all come to roughly the same conclusion: there is a serious race disparity regarding crime and incarceration with the prison-security complex booming as a result. One 2012 research study drawn from 58,000 federal criminal cases found that this disparity between sentencing of blacks and whites was so severe that African-American prison time was: “… almost 60% longer” than it is for Caucasians. M. Marit Rehavi of the University of British Columbia and Sonja B. Starr, who teach at criminal law at the University of Michigan Law School describe the reasons for racial disparities in this way:  “in a single prosecutorial decision: whether to file a charge carrying a mandatory minimum sentence … Black men were on average more than twice as likely to face a mandatory minimum charge as white men were, holding arrest offense as well as age and location constant.”

The report further concluded that disparities can be explained by three factors:

  1. the original arrest offense,
  2. the defendant’s criminal history,
  3. and the prosecutor’s initial choice of charges. [8]

And these three factors create a feedback loop that is almost unbreakable. And it’s designed that way.

The Centre for American Progress offered these statistical conclusions also from 3 years ago to ponder: 

  1. While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned.
  2. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime.
  3. Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated.
  4. According to recent data by the Department of Education, African American students are arrested far more often than their white classmates.
  5. African American youth have higher rates of juvenile incarceration and are more likely to be sentenced to adult prison.
  6. As the number of women incarcerated has increased by 800 percent over the last three decades, women of color have been disproportionately represented.
  7. The war on drugs has been waged primarily in communities of color where people of color are more likely to receive higher offenses.
  8. Once convicted, black offenders receive longer sentences compared to white offenders.
  9. Voter laws that prohibit people with felony convictions to vote disproportionately impact men of color.
  10. Studies have shown that people of color face disparities in wage trajectory following release from prison.  [9]

(This is an edited summary for brevity. Go here for the full version)

When we understand that the prison-security complex demands a steady stream of “criminals” to support a private industry worth billions, it begins to make horrible sense.  With the help of expensive lobbying groups and corrupt politicians the prison-security sector is set to explode. The largest for-profit prison and immigration detention facilities in the US is Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). It made $300 million in 2013 with an overall revenue at $1.7 billion. Do you know how those profits were paid for? By the American tax payer through government contracts.  [10] incratesAnd Europe is set to follow America’s lead.

If that sends you reeling, the latest report encompassing a wide constellation of studies is provided by the ACLU. They have distilled a high volume of information into a digestible infographic which certainly makes interesting reading. In summary: Incarceration can actually cause more crime. (oh, the shock).

Probation recidivism rates fell by 12% as opposed to an increase of 21% from time in prison.  Longer prison sentences also increased recidivism by 3% and many US states after cutting incarceration have seen a significant decrease in crime. For example, New Hampshire, which favours private prisons came in at a 10% increase with a parallel rise in violent crime at 17%. Property crime reached a 13% increase.In comparison, Massachusetts lowered its incarceration rate by 15% and achieved a 16% reduction in violent crime and an 18% drop in property crime. The patterns are the same for other states showing even more dramatic differences.

 “As more and more government functions get privatized, states become pay-to-play paradises, in which both political contributions and contracts for friends and relatives become a quid pro quo for getting government business. Are the corporations capturing the politicians, or the politicians capturing the corporations?”

– Prisons, Privatization, Patronage’ New York Times

This is yet another fleecing of the taxpayer who is helping government and their out-sourced cartels make massive profits by increasing the perpetrators and the victims of crime in an endless cycle. But what do you know? Crime has actually been decreasing steadily for decades, as many studies have highlighted. Much as the FBI and law enforcement in general would like us to forget this fact, the ACLU puts the figures at a 50% decline nationwide since 1990. So, here we have a natural expression of human equilibrium trying to find its way out of all the conflict, and psychopaths are trying to turn it around in virtually every sector in society. The time is approaching when it will not be just black or Hispanic peoples getting it the neck.

There is a collective time-bomb that will have repercussions for us all.

civil-liberties(click on Image)

Democracy in Retreat: US ranks 46th in the world for civil liberties |Courtesy of Mark Rice from

On October 21st 2011, Keith Timmerman reported in the online magazine The Daily Caller the Obama administration’s policy of removing references to Islam in terror training manuals and expanding the definition to encompass a large proportion of the American population. If we have learned anything from history it is that demonisation precedes persecution. Official US government documents obtained by Judicial Watch through Freedom of Information requests detail what the US government considers to be “extremist” or “potential terrorist” beliefs and which therefore, require special attention. Under the current auspices of the Surveillance State, this does not bode well for civil liberties.

Based on these documents, Economist and blogger Michael Snyder lists 72 main targets for inclusion in the New Order, all of which are culled from mainstream media and government websites:

1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”

2. Those that advocate for states’ rights

3. Those that want “to make the world a better place” May-Day-police-brutality-in-Zurich-Switzerland

4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”

5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists” 

6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”

7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful or undesirable.”

8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”

9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”

10. “Anti-Gay”

11. “Anti-Immigrant” twin-towers-obama-bush

12. “Anti-Muslim”

13. “The Patriot Movement”

14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians”

15. Members of the Family Research Council

16. Members of the American Family Association

17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”

18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol

19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform

20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition

21. Members of the Christian Action Network ©

22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order”

23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”

24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21

25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps Police_Swat_armoured_SUV

26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations” 

27. The militia movement

28. The sovereign citizen movement

29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”

30. Anyone that “complains about bias”

31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”

32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”

33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”

34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”

35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”

36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance” American-Flag_Union_jack

37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance”

38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons” 

39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology” 

40. “Militia or unorganized militia” 

41. “General right-wing extremist”

42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N.

43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”

44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”

45. Those that are “anti-global”

46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”

47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty” dreamstime_m_40957630222

48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”

49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack”

50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”

51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)” 

taser1-vert52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”

53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion” 

54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy” 

55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion”

56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”

57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear”

58. “Rightwing extremists” 

59. “Returning veterans” 

60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration” 

61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms” 

62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling” May-Day-police-brutality-in-Zurich-Switzerland

63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes”

64. “Anti-abortion activists”

65. Those that are against illegal immigration 

66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner

67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations

68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”

69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)

71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies

72. Evangelical Christians. [11]© infrakshun

In other words, pretty much everyone who isn’t waving an American flag and praising the government.

We can see that the list is very broad indeed, redefining the terrorist towards the dissident, activist and indeed, anyone exercising their right to free speech. Notice too, that these government alerts are bi-partisan – left and right is meaningless when it comes to profiling the population. In true Orwellian style, anything that lies outside what the government considers “normal” is characterised as a threat.

Such a blanket paranoia and authoritarianism means that many federal agencies and Justice departments willingly apply these strictures. This says something about the nature of those employed and those who decide they cannot work in the job they used to love. People work within the system under the illusion that they can change it or decide to turn a blind eye in favour of financial security or just give up and acquiesce to peer pressure. Alternatively, those lawyers, advocates, police-officers and soldiers who cannot stand it anymore vacate their posts and individuals aligned to various degrees of pathology gradually fill their places, thus contributing further to a psychologically compromised State. These are the familiar patterns of pathocracies using the cover of the war on drugs, war on terror, constant surveillance and the prison-security complex.

Nonetheless, there are surely many cops and military men and women out there with conscience. Since the level of corruption and instinctive deference to authority is so strong it is going to be more difficult for these individuals to speak out. It will take great courage. They need to be given the support from activist groups and whistleblowing organisations so that they can do so, or else there will be little chance to take action in the future.

A Police State has arrived and it is going to get worse very soon. This isn’t pessimism – it is simply reading the writing on the wall, and interpreting the numerous other warnings from those who have tried to warn us. Such writing fades all too easily in our ever so distracted consciousness. Recall the last words of Eric Garner before he was choked to death by a policeman: ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.'” It was also a metaphor for the human race – above colour, race or creed – that is being slowly crushed by the jackboot of psychopaths whom we have allowed to create the mechanisms through which they may gain positions of power. It doesn’t matter if it is the President of the United States or the President of your local Neighbourhood Council – the infection is the same. We literally cannot breathe, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Poor Eric Garner’s death can be likened to a collective symbolism – a potent archetype of sacrifice – whether the victims of the American police state, the Palestinians in Gaza or the victims of ISIL in Iraq – they serve to alert us to the nature of our world, acting as as a profound wake-up call to resist in the name of conscience. 

Let’s hope we can heed their sacrifice and lend our voice in whatever way we can. 

Which brings us back to the events of 9/11 – the day the world changed.

Now that we have touched on the extent to which the US State is gradually declaring war on its inhabitants, we will return to how the coup d’etat of 9/11 which enabled such a rapid descent to take place. The more people can begin to make the step towards understanding what really took place on that day the more all the denials, repressions and lies can be exorcised and driven into the light.

See also:

First of Its Kind Study Shows 55,400 People Hospitalized or Killed by US Cops in a Single Year 

America in 2017: Almost 100 times more people were killed by police than terrorists


[1] ‘Grand Jury: No Charges In New York Police Chokehold Death Of Eric Garner’ Police State Daily, December 2014.
[2 ] ‘NYPD accused of editing Wikipedia pages for Eric Garner death, other scandals’ RT | March 13, 2015.
[3] ‘Lafayette man files lawsuit after officer pushes him from wheelchair’ WTHR News, Jul 10, 2014.
[4] ‘Rochester cop punches pregnant woman in back of head, body-slams her to sidewalk’ August 28, 2013
[5] ‘University Place man dies after being tased by deputies’ By Russ Bowen, KOMO News,  May 12, 2014.
[6] ‘An Officer Shoots, a 73-Year-Old Dies, and Schisms Return’ By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON February 14, 2010.
[7] ‘Louisiana shooting puzzles witnesses’ Family and friends watched as an elderly man was shot by police at a cookout. They say he was killed without justification. State and federal officials are on the case | Los Angeles Times, Howard Witt, March 17, 2009.
[8] ‘Black Americans Given Longer Sentences than White Americans for Same Crimes’  February 04, 2012.
[9] ‘ The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the United States’ By Sophia Kerby, Center for American Progress, | March 13, 2012.
[10] Corrections Corporation of America, Form 10-K, SEC filing, fiscal year ended December 31, 2013.
[11] ‘72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents’ By Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse Blog, August 26th, 2013.





Police State Amerika III: “Non-Lethal” Tasers

  “In a police state, there is no need for judges, juries or courts of law, because the police act as judge, jury and law, and their version of justice is one-sided, delivered at the end of a gun, taser or riot stick,”

– attorney and author John W. Whitehead

As a back up to the riot police’s favourite tactic of pepper spraying you in the face, the so-called “non-lethal weapon” of choice marketed for more than 11,000 law enforcement agencies – is the taser. Under the umbrella term for Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) this electro-shock gun with targeting laser has the capacity to inflict up to 50,000 volt by firing two small darts attached to wires. With a maximum reach of 35ft, it paralyses the central nervous system and can be used to “incapacitate” any unsuspecting driver, homeowner, pedestrian or protestor. 

Although marketed by Taser manufacturers as a much safer choice to presumably gunning down the public (which still occurs with greater and greater frequency) the net result of this mass deployment has been the replacement of due caution and sensible policing with a policy of tasing first and asking questions later. More worryingly still, Amnesty International found that unarmed suspects bore the brunt of tasers, with 36% of individuals tased merely for the crime of “verbal non-compliance.” Where the officers’ lives might be in danger from a deadly assault the average was only 3% of cases. [1] Even though you are well within your rights not to give your name or identity if you are lawfully going about your business, the nature of policing is breaking with tradition in alarming ways. 


Alongside the taser, pepper spray is the preferred choice at peaceful protests: “Former campus officer John Pike, the “Pepper Spray Cop,” received $8,000 more in workers’ compensation pay than peaceful protesters he sprayed.” Source: ‘Occupy Victims Burned By Settlement For Pepper-Spray Cop’ By Katie Rucke, Mint Press News.

Since over 500 people have died in taser-related incidents since 2001 and others having suffered serious injuries, it suggests that tasers are very far from “non-lethal”. [2] A large proportion of cases also involve those with health problems already present, thus exacerbated the likelihood of injury or death. A 2008 study by UCSF and cited in the Journal of American Cardiology found: “… a sixfold increase in sudden deaths during the first year of taser use – amounting to nearly 6 deaths per 100,000 arrests.” [3]

hc-ed-police-taser-stun-gun-deaths-call-for-more-controls-20150311Taser companies pay lip-service to the safety that is said to be built in to the guns. There is indeed a button on all models which, when lightly pressed gives a five second burst ostensibly designed to limit excessive use. However, this “tool” is being routinely abused. It has been shown that it’s far more expedient in the minds of some police to hold down that button and deliver the maximum burst. Yet, because the signs of abuse are difficult to locate it raises serious questions not only of basic human rights but police accountability. Even more troubling is the decision by Taser International to market the sale of modified tasers to the general public.

It seems we can seek to ban e-cigarettes but having a taser in your handbag is apparently fine.

When reviewing the following cases where the public have obviously been victimised by the police, it is very hard not to come away thinking that many officers are itching to use their tasers at every opportunity – usually against the most vulnerable – rather than actually do their job properly. Moreover, when circumstances point to excessive use of tasers, even in cases of death, police officers are very rarely prosecuted or disciplined repeating the same pattern of closed ranks in law enforcement as a whole. In exactly the same vein as no-knock raids, it matters little whether you are elderly, mentally impaired, pregnant or a child – the taser appears to be a reflex-response from a culture saturated in fear. Or else, it is simply a whole lot of fun for your resident psychopathic policeman who appears to use it as cat would its prey before killing it. And as the ACLU like to remind us when engaging in a tense police intimidation:

“You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home. – If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.” [4]

Sadly, knowing your rights is no protection against some police officers.

In March 2015, Connecticut police were once again in the headlines when two of their officers from Branford County shot David Werblow with a taser for refusing to leave his car. Consistent with taser-related deaths where individuals have mental disability or addiction problems (or both) Werblow was not actively resisting arrest. Yet, he was tased anyway. According to the local Hartford Courant quoting the police report: “A Branford Police Officer successfully deployed his department issued TASER to gain control of Werblow,” … “Officers were able to remove Werblow from the vehicle and place him in handcuffs.” [5]

Gaining control of individuals, regardless of their civil liberties or constitutional rights appears to be the overriding priority in these cases, where the police officers’ willfulness determines the outcome of such cases. Since officers are the ones with tasers and firearms we know how the statistical pattern will likely play out.

mn_bart07_ph3_ta_0499627869_par.jpgBack in 2011, cases like these went through the roof, with the elderly and mentally ill as victims of hyper-aggressive policing. Take two separate incidents in different states: one suffering from dementia and another from Alzhiemer’s disease.

Albert Flowers, then 66 years old, was involved in a dispute. Police officer Derek Middendorf from Melbourne, Florida had been called to the scene primed with information that Flowers had in his possession a small pocket-knife and was in an angry state of mind. When the officer arrived, Flowers slowly approached him and when a few feet away the burly Middendorf suddenly ran towards him delivering a full kick to the old man’s chest causing him to fly backwards collapsing on the ground – as one might expect.  If that wasn’t enough, the policeman pounced on Flowers punching him repeatedly about the head with the old man weakly trying to defend himself. Turning him onto his stomach the officer continued to rain down blows on his head and abdomen. With Flowers still lying face down in the road and Middendorf straddling his back, a second officer approached from the nearby police cruiser and proceeded to taser the old man in the face.

Officer Middendorf had disabled the in-car dash cam before exiting his vehicle so it was clear what he had in mind and did not want it recorded. The information was nonetheless extracted from the hard drive. According to the police report “Flowers walked towards him in an aggressive manner” and that he “refused to stop at a safe distance.” This was the initial reason for arresting Flowers and charging him with assault on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest.

Middendorf received a reprimand and all charges were dropped against Albert Flowers while was in hospital recovering from his injuries. [6]

albert flowers

Stills taken from the in-car dash cam video | Melbourne police Officer Derek Middendorf kicks Albert Flowers in the chest then repeatedly punches him in the head, chest and stomach while straddling his body. Flowers is then tasered in the face.

The next senior citizen to become victim of police aggression was 67 year-old Alzheimer’s patient Dolores Seyfried and her husband David. In a bizarre interpretation of the code to “serve and protect”, City of Lewisville Police Department, Dallas physically and emotionally abused the couple in a fashion astonishing for its brutality.

On May 29th 2013, Dolores Seyfried had become agitated with her husband David and held a 4-5 five-inch letter opener in her hand. The Dallas Alzheimer’s Association was contacted by Mr. Seyfriend and in a response that mirrored the kind of reflex action of the CPS, promptly called the police without his consent. The couple were in the backyard to their house when police officers George Reed and Sgt. Courtney Letalien arrived. Instead of maintaining a sensitive distance and allowing David the time to calm his wife down – something he had no doubt done many times before –  Letalien  immediately tried to remove David from the vicinity.  He repeatedly tried to explain to the officers that he could defuse the situation and calm her down, but the policemen had other ideas. It was clear from lawsuit reports that Mr. Seyfried was being maneuvered to the front of the house so that he did not witness the forced disarming and subjugation of his wife.

As David was attempting to reason with Letalien it was then that he heard Officer Reed firing his taser at Dolores. As she remained standing he then shot at her three times with an orange non-lethal shotgun, which uses rubber bullets. Now on the ground, officer Reed attempted to cuff Mrs. Seyfried, stepping on her wrist to do so, breaking it in two places. Just for good measure he tased her a second time, imagining she was resisting arrest. Dolores also received a wound to her head which required seventeen stitches. As if this weren’t enough, ignoring Mr. Seyfried’s protests, the police then conducted a warrantless search of their premises violating their Fourth Amendment rights. The final insult was to come, however.

According to Dallas Courthouse News:

“While David continued to shout his disapproval at the officers, he was told that they ‘saved his ass today,'” the complaint states. Reed then called the Dallas Alzheimer’s Association and reported that David could not take care of Delores, David says. “This action was unnecessary and … it was done with actual malice,” David says. [7]

David Seyfried sought “punitive damages for excessive force and wrongful search and seizure.” At the time of writing it is not known if he was successful in that claim.

Police_issue_X26_TASER-white© infrakshun

As we saw in the last post, being elderly or having a neurological disorder is no protection against some members of the police force. It would seem more psychopathic-minded individuals gain intense satisfaction from torturing the vulnerable. All too frequently their masks slip to reveal their true nature. Using a taser on someone who is African-American, hand and ankle-cuffed and who is mentally ill was obviously a lot of fun for Chicago jailers. It also led to the death of Philip Coleman.

A University of Chicago graduate and masters graduate of UIC, Coleman had never been in trouble and was a model citizen. On December 12, 2012, all that changed and he suffered a nervous breakdown, striking his mother and exhibiting symptoms of delusion. When police arrived it was obvious that Coleman was not in control of his senses, uttering nonsense, bleeding from his mouth and generally showing signs of distress. His father, Percy Coleman, wanted to see his son taken to hospital immediately. Jail was not the place for him. The police disagreed, stating: “We do not do hospitals, we do jail.”  [8] All he could do was to try and mitigate the end result by attempting to calm down both the police and his son. According to a WYWLAS Radio network the situation became more volatile as Coleman become more incoherent and unstable: 

An officer pulled his gun and “I got in front of my son and said ‘You are not going to shoot him,’” Coleman said. “I told him, ‘How are you going to give him orders when he don’t understand?’”

He said he calmed his son down, but then an officer shouted at his son, agitating him. Coleman said he rushed his son and took him down and got a neighbor to sit on Philip so they could hold him down until police handcuffed him. [9]

It was when Coleman was in jail that the torture started. He was awoken at night and deliberately tased. In the morning as he was transferred to County Hospital he was again tased and once more on arrival at the hospital. In fact, according to CBS Chicago News, Coleman was tased 16 times in 22 hours. [10]

A police station video allegedly shows six officers entered Coleman’s cell as he lay sleeping and used a TASER on him three times after they told him to stand up. Attorney Ed Fox filed a lawsuit for the Coleman family and is fighting to get the video released. He says after the TASER was used on Coleman the officers reacted. “Some of them were laughing,” Fox says. “He was treated like an animal.” [11]

His father, former Chicago Housing Authority police chief Percy Coleman filed suit against the police in December 2012, the results of which are still pending.


Philip Coleman giving a presentation during his university days Source: Youtube CBS News

The cases just keep coming in, all of which follow the same pattern of total disregard, even contempt for human life and sensibility:

  • A family who sought help for their son Michael who was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia called the police. Officers tased the young man until the battery was drained and when the victim tried to escape they shot at him repeatedly until dead. “My son did not deserve 11 shots to his head, and we have to find out from the media how many times he was shot in that bathroom. … All that we’re asking is that someone recognizes what we recognize. That was brutality at its finest in that bathroom that day,” -mother, Kimberly Blair-Olaniyi.”  [12]
  • Electric shocks and clubs were used by a group of six policemen on an unarmed, homeless man leading to his death. Kelly Thomas was known to the area and diagnosed as schizophrenic. He was not prone to violence. “See my fists, they’re going to f*** you up,” said one of the officers sliding his hands into rubber gloves.” The last words of Thomas before lapsing into a coma and later death were: ‘Please sir,’ ‘I’m  sorry,’ ‘I can’t breathe.’” The police officers responsible  walked free.  [13]
  • 44 year old Michael Angel Ruizd had climbed onto the roof of his apartment and was behaving erratically. When Phoenix police arrived he was tased several times on the roof before consenting to come down. After giving himself up, he dropped down to the balcony and was immediately placed in a choke-hold by an officer who was then joined by others. With no aggression shown by Michael and with no history of violence he was tased once again while still in a choke-hold as they descended the adjoining staircase. By the time they got to the ground, he was dead. “Witnesses say they could audibly hear the lifeless man’s skull thumping across the staircase.”   [14]
  • Police tased and arrested father Ryan Miller who was trying to save his 3-year-old son, Riley from a house fire. A city police officer stunned Riley’s stepfather Ryan Miller with a Taser gun three times as he tried to enter the burning house. “He tried to get back in the house to get the baby,” … “They took my son to jail because he tried to save his son.”- Gandmother Lori Miller  […] “It’s just heartless. How could they be so heartless?” … “And while they all just stood around and waited for the fire department, what kind of police officer wouldn’t try and save a three year old burning in a house?” – Emily Miller, sister-in-law. [15]
  • A 10-year-old boy who only weighed 42 kg was tased by police at a day care centre by two Indiana policeman because he was “out of control.”  [16]

stungun1Still from Prime News

“What this means is that all of us need to be very afraid now,” “Its carte blanche for police officers everywhere to kill us, beat us, whatever they want. It has been proven right here today that they’ll get away with it.”

Ron Thomas, father of Kelly Thomas beaten and tased to death by LAPD police officers.

In one sense, the  problem is not so much the tool itself, though there are plenty of arguments to suggest that its use is inappropriate. Rather, it is a large proportion of police officers themselves who pose a threat to the public. The irony is that your local cop has pledged an oath to serve the public yet the National Safety Council tells us you are 9 times more likely to die at the hands of a US law enforcement then any terrorist – with or without a taser. [17] Another statistic underscores the growing realisation that we have more to fear from law enforcement then any terrorist or criminal as more than 5,000 American citizens have been killed by police since 9/11. [18]  What’s the argument? Guns are not the problem it’s the mind behind the weapon. The same could undoubtedly be said about both the militarisation of police forces. With pathological individuals gravitating toward avenues which provide an opportunity to act as state enforcers they are liable to turn a baby’s rattle into a lethal weapon, let alone a taser.

The situation is no better in Europe, in particular the United Kingdom. Benevolence shone through the UK courts in 2007 when legislation permitted tasers to be against the under 18’s. Statistics from 2011show that 323 victims of tasers for that year equates to one child a day tased by police, some as young as 11 years-old. [19] As we have seen, this pales in comparison to the US, where age at both ends of the spectrum is no protection against state control.  Conforming to police officers’ requests, unreasonable or not, is the primary objective as befitting the emergence of Pathocracy. Civilian rights are simply not relevant.

Conformity is the prime directive. 


[1] ‘Amnesty International Urges Stricter Limits on Police Taser Use as U.S. Death Toll Reaches 500’ by Suzanne Trimel, February 15, 2012. |
[2] Quoted at: ‘You’re More Likely to Die from Brain-Eating Parasites, Alcoholism, Obesity, Medical Errors, Risky Sexual Behavior or Just About Anything OTHER THAN Terrorism,’April 28, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog.
[4] ‘Know Your Rights: What To Do If You’re Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents or the FBI’
[5] ‘Unarmed Man Dies After Being Shot With Taser By Branford Police’  By Gregory B. Hladky Hartford Courant, March 16 2015.
[6] ‘VIDEO: Charges dropped against Melbourne man seen beaten by officer’ By Britt Kennerly, FLORIDA TODAY, Jan. 18, 2012.
[7] ‘Cops Accused of Overkill on Sick Woman’ By CAMERON LANGFORD Courthouse News, September 2013.
[8] ‘We Don’t Do Hospitals,’ Police Allegedly Told Philip Coleman’s Dad’ By Wendell Hutson DNAInfo, December 18, 2012.
[9] ‘Father Seeks Justice For Death of Son’ WLAS January 10 2013 at:
[10] ‘2 Investigators: Cops Used TASER Several Times On Mentally Ill Man, Family Says’ CBS News, Chicago Dave Savini May 16, 2014.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘VIDEO: Family Releases Video of Man Being Killed by Fort Bend Officer’  By Jay Syrmopoulos May 10, 2014.
[13] ‘Ex-Fullerton Officers Found Not Guilty In Beating Death Of Kelly Thomas’ CBS News, Los Angeles, January 13, 2014.
[14] ‘Man dies after being taken into custody in Phoenix’, Aug 20, 2013.
[15] ‘Family: Louisiana Police stun father as son died in house fire’ by Kris Wernowsky, KHQA November 1st, 2013.
[16] ‘Cops Taser 10 year-old boy at day-Care Centre’
[17] op.cit Washington’s Blog.
[18] ‘US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11’ By Katie Rucke  Mint Press News, November 6, 2013.
[19] ‘UK Police Taser One Child Per Day’ Concern as new information reveals tasers used on as young as 11By Sav D’Souza, International Business Times, October 26, 2013.

Technocracy XIV: Psycho-Civilised

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards”

Aldous Huxley

Note: A re-read of ‘Satan’s Little Helpers VII: Mind War’ is advised.


The SMART-Surveillance Grid allows improvements in telecommunications, electricity provision and home functionality. It offers an exciting integration of eco-economics and energy saving technology along with the “Internet of Things” (IoT) and “Network of Things” (NoT) which is offering to revolutionise transport, communications and urban infrastructure as a whole. With embedded surveillance it permits advertisers, marketeers to access human minds as never before. Authorities can also tap in and use this consumerist techtopia to trap criminals and would-be “terrorists”. It requires that the State and Official Culture become so integrated through technology that the line will be blurred. Security and collectivism will be encouraged to a degree that compliance will be seen as good citizenship insofar as it maintains the urban environment and social provision. A new social contract will be loaded in favour of the State through a form of satiated servitude. (The Illuminist-Enlightenment thinkers would be well pleased).

So-called terrorists, dissidents/activists, protestors and ordinary citizens will need to be very concerned indeed on the road to SMART society as true individual thinking outside the box will slowly become frowned upon since it will not be conforming to the precept of a “psycho-civilised” society. The path of access to this dystopian view starts with ubiquitous surveillance.

As one short example illustrates, Britain’s Leeds-based Metropolitan Police Force is using a surveillance system procured from Datong plc., past customers of which have been the US Secret Service, the Ministry of Defence and unsavory regimes in the Middle East. The system is disguised as a mobile phone network which transmits a signal allowing the police or any other authority: “… to shut off phones remotely, intercept communications and gather data about thousands of users in a targeted area,” … “Strictly classified under government protocol as “Listed X”, it can emit a signal over an area of up to an estimated 10, forcing hundreds of mobile phones per minute to release their unique IMSI and IMEI identity codes, which can be used to track a person’s movements in real time.” [1]

This is just one regional police force.

While the online company Amazon will track you via your Kindle reader for targeted advertising pathway prediction, the authorities will do the same based on the accumulated data to which it has access. It will not be for what you might buy, rather it will access what you may be thinking and your likely course of action on the “threat assessment” scale. There is precious little happening to prevent Google and other information technology companies from rolling out the SMART Internet of Things infrastructure which has enormous implications for a privacy and collective freedoms. Wi-Fi is destined to play a huge role.

militarysmartcityUrban law enforcement and Telephone towers with technology which allows multiple receive-transmit capability 

The social benefits of providing free access to Wi-Fi hot spots for those in low-income brackets and incentives for business travellers are shielding plans by the U.S. Department of Defence: “… to build robots that configure themselves into ad hoc wireless networks within urban areas” which were already well underway in 2007. Seizing control of internet communications and tracking individuals in urban areas is a necessary by-product of the technocratic SMART society. If that fails, the military are well placed to set up these Wi-Fi networks in a matter of hours or less. The Department of Defence (DOD) Homeland Security, Canadian, Israeli and NATO forces regularly conduct war-game exercises with Wi-Fi networks at the heart of operations. A DOD announcement for contractors as described by journalist Mark Baard discloses operations whereby:

“… soldiers will be able to drop robots, called LANdroids … when they arrive in a city. The robots will then scurry off to position themselves, becoming nodes for a wireless communications network…The Wi-Fi antennae dotting the urban landscape will serve not only as communications relays, but as transponders that can pinpoint the exact positions of individual computers and mobile phones…where GPS loses site of a device (and its owner), Wi-Fi will pick up the trail. The antennae will also relay orders to the brain-chipped masses, members of the British Ministry of Defense and the DOD believe.” [2]

As people become more accustomed to SMART technology and RFID tagging this will lead to the acceptance of our “need” to ensure greater technological “freedom.” As well as the technological capabilities of HAARP lying in the background in some form or another and married to these advances in technology, is it such a huge leap of imagination to think that once we are fully enmeshed in this SMART society where everything is habitually integrated that it would not be easy to begin directly assessing, monitoring and “downloading” material directly into the mass mind? Television has already served this purpose well, albeit in a more indirect fashion. With this in mind, though some have since expired and at least one is no longer listed (as of 1990) the US patent office listed the following successful registrations dating back to 1992:

U.S. Patent 5159703: Silent Subliminal Presentation System. (issued 1992) U.S. Patent 5507291: Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to a person’s emotional state. (issued 1996) U.S. Patent 5629678: Implantable transceiver – apparatus for Tracking and Recovering Humans. (issued 1997) U.S. Patent 6014080: Body worn active and passive tracking device (issued 2000) U.S. Patent 5868100: Fenceless Animal control system using GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) Location information. (issued 1999) [3]

US patent No. 5507291 filed on April 5, 1994 shows the level advancement at the public level. What goes on beyond top secret levels of the National Security State is anyone’s guess. The patent’s “abstract” is described as follows:

“In a method for remotely determining information relating to a person’s emotional state, an waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual’s emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compared with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating interviewee’s responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas.” [4] [Emphasis mine]

And US patent No. 5159703, filed on December 28, 1989:

“A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.” [5] [Emphasis mine]

In the late Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino’s book: Mind War he explores psychological operations in combination with emerging technologies such as EM waves, Silent Sound and ionospheric mind control. Let’s not underestimate the power inherent within the human body /mind complex. After all, the electrical energy that powers each cell in our bodies works out at 30 million volts per metre, the equivalent voltage of a bolt of lightning. [6]Power within can be, as it were, reverse-engineered. From a footnote in the same chapter if you didn’t catch the first time, read it again in this context:

“… the NSA’s electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24hrs a day. […]

“When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person’s brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.”

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA) supports many of the claims of systematic surveillance stalking and virtual torture from electromagnetic waves and interference. According to one researcher amongst many, Dr. Armen Victoria’s  1998 essay regarding ‘The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technologystates the capability of cloning human EEGs for targeted mind control purposes where a variety of emotional responses and instinctive reactions: “… have been identified and isolated from the EEG, as ’emotion signature clusters’. Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured, then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesised and stored on another computer, each one of these negative emotions properly and separately tagged. ‘They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.” [7]

It appears that The Tri-Service Electromagnetic Advisory Panel (TERP) represents the interests of all three military services in the US. It is still conducting some of the most advanced research in the world which in turn, stems from the investigations made by the Russian pioneers in mind control technology during the early 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. Air Force has been researching ocular injury by exposure to millimetre wave system, bio-effects of High Power Microwave in low microwave regions (S band) and Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR). The use of High Power Microwave (HMP), by each of the military services seems to be commonplace. Judging by the wealth of research on the subject the US Navy is also getting extremely excited at the prospect of utilising electro-magnetic waves as a psychotronic weapon. We may then understand that the invasion of Iraq not only represented an opportunity to plunder a nation for resources and stake claim to a long held geopolitical prize, but to test out new developments in microwave weaponry and experiment with the latest PSYOPS.
As Guardian columnist John Sutherland put it: “The battlefield will be the testing ground for the US samurai. No more rhesus monkeys or pigs but real, live Iraqis.” [8]

According to Dr. Oliver Lowry who has had the dubious honour of working for the US military on several classified projects, Iraqi soldiers were the latest unwitting guinea pigs to further such advances, one of those being Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called SQUAD:

… According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency “Silent Sounds” or “Silent Subliminals”. Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by PSYOPS psychologists were clearly perceived by subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds. [9]

Humans are highly sensitive and susceptible to a variety of electromagnetic frequencies – natural or artificial. The human body is a highly sensitive package of water, bio-chemicals, and electromagnetic energies. The introduction and exposure to various kinds of external micro or EM waves of any kind whether from mobile phones RFIDs or even wind-farm infra-sound does and will have an effect on the human being in ways we do not understand. Consider also that the geo-magnetic sensitivity in animals and other living organisms concentrations of ferromagnetic material – most notably magnetite. The same levels of magnetite conductor / receptor bio-mineralization were discovered to exist in the human brain in the early 1990s. The authors of one paper say that the presence of the particles may account … for a variety of biological effects of low-frequency magnetic fields.” [10]


Electric field of the heart on the surface of the thorax, recorded by Augustus Waller (1887).

Weapons which target the mind and nervous system of selected individuals also has a long tradition. Reports of systematic mind stalking, harassment of individuals, testing and deployment of electronic and electromagentic devices (EMF) by government/outsourced agencies have been surfacing in the United States, North/South Korea and various countries in Europe. This has eroded human rights comprehensively with the added bonus for the persecutors that it is almost impossible to confirm and verify that which is literally “all in the mind”.

Though information in electronic/electromagentic or “non lethal Weaponry” is largely classified there is sufficient evidence from modern history and individual reports to reach the conclusion in a court of law that the targeted, micro-social use of behaviour modification technology is being used against individuals and activist groupings.

Interest in a variety of EMF weaponry had already begun at the beginning of the 20th Century with the genuis of Nikola Tesla and his experiments with radar and electrical energy. Concentrating and directing a beam of electromagnetic energy over a certain distance took hold of Tesla’s mind until his death in 1943. It seems the military-industrial complex heavily saturated in Nazi philosophy and science simply subverted Tesla’s genius and extended his advances in the field.

DARPA have been on the case since the Cold War with their 1958 research into combating Soviet advances in electromagnetic weapons and defenses. The capability to disrupt human emotions, inflict pain and fragment the personality was already well underway during pre and post-war experimentation under Operation MK-ULTRA, Project MONARCH, Project PANDORA and the development of PSYOPS and CoIntelpro emerging against the background of the civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s; behaviour modification had a new platform to play with.

Since that time with the enormous advances in “new concept” warfare there is every likelihood that a fusion of this military-intel science is not only being used as form of macro-social engineering and a monopoly of media-led propaganda, but the use of mass mind, ionosphere technology (fomerly labelled HAARP) to influence whole regions, even countries. It is therefore not a huge leap of imagination to recognise that the precision use of psychotronic weaponry to target selected individuals by the National Security State apparatus is in existence and heavily funded by black budgets.

Well in advance of the war on terror hoopla, Neo-Conservative regime change and the sky-rocketing increase in human/drug trafficking, mind control technologies were telegraphed to the military-intelligence faithful as the tool of choice to keep the world in line. The Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, published in 1994: ‘The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War’ by LTC James Kievit, Dr. Steven Metz. In the paper, the authors state the following drawn from their “hypothetical future scenario”:

The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs)… it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic… Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic ”consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed. As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the ‘warfighter’ mentality became irrelevant. […] Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each“. So the Institute of Strategic Studies supposed that in the year 2000 those technologies would be that advanced that it will be possible to deprive human being of his freedom and adjust his personality to the needs of ruling elite. Most probably those technologies were at this level already in 1994.

Put this together with Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), the SMART grid, MAIN CORE, biological and PSYOPS warfare and you begin to get the idea that the technology of assymetric warfare isn’t just about geostrategy to dis-empower traditional enemies such as Iran, Russia and China. It is about war against domestic population by stealth and in plain sight. According to Project Censored’s 2006 paper titled: ‘US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ offers a broad brush synthesis of the field and confirms the black budget capabilities available since the Zio-Conservative false-flag coup of 9/11:

“Michael Vickers, senior adviser to the Secretary of Defensefor the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review and principal strategist for the largest covert action program in the CIA’s history, recently testified on the importance of black operations: “US Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) emphasis after 9/11 has been to make white SpecialOperations Forces (SOF) more gray and black SOF more black. It is imperative, however, that white and black SOF be integrated fully from a strategic perspective.” [11]

CongnitiveMappingSource: Petri Ticklen at Original source: Against Electronic Mind-Control International /

Since the war on terror propaganda has now made sure that activists, dissidents and indeed anyone overtly successful in criticising government policy is shut down, detained or harassed it is hardly shocking to discover that some of these covert programs have been targeting people for experimentation in CIA rendition centres, prisons, psychiatric wards and across the general public with immunity. Project Censored authors state:

“…Hundreds of people continue to assert that a person or persons, whom they do not know,have been targeting them with electromagnetic weapons in a widespread campaign of either illegal experimentation or outright persecution. These experiences involved a number of discrete phenomena:

  • Hearing voices when no one was present.
  • Feeling sensations of burning, itching, tickling, or pressure with no apparent physical cause.
  • Sleeplessness and anxiety as a result of “humming” or “buzzing”.
  • Loss of bodily control, such as twitching or jerking of an arm or leg suddenly and without control.
  • Unexpected emotional states, such as a sudden overwhelming feeling of dread, rage, lust or sorrow that passes as quickly as it arises. [12]

And the industry of non-lethal weaponry (NLW) is steadily increasing playing a dominant role in asymmetric warfare abroad as well as crowd control closer to home. The market for NLW will apparently double by 2020. [13] That means big money. Almost ten years ago:

“…the Air Force issued $24 million in contracts for “Electro Magnetic Effects Research and Development” to Northrup Gruman, Voss Scientific, Lockheed Martin, ElectroMagnetic Applications, and SAIC among others. The DOD viewed electromagnetic research and development as a key component in future wars as early as the 1990s. Emmett Paige Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence declared in 1996 that, ‘Well over a decade ago, a Soviet general reportedly said something like ‘to prevail in the next conflict, one must control the electromagnetic spectrum.’ That statement proved true in the Bacca Valley and on deserts in Iraq. The Department of Defense is committed to ensuring that ‘in the next conflict it is we who will control the spectrum. We know its value’. Increasingly, the value of non lethal weapons continues to rise as they produce fewer images of death in the media than traditional weapons.’

In addition to DOD contractors, the realm of non-lethal weapons extends into the universities with millions of dollars in scholarships and research fellowships. Pennsylvania State University, sponsors the Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies (INLDT), the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey has the Stress and Motivated Behavior Institute, University of New Hampshire houses the Non-lethal Technology Innovation Center, and many US military schools have classes directly related to non-lethal weapons technology. There are also numerous conferences each year hosted by the Department of Defense, contractors and universities. The business of non-lethal weapons is expanding and will continue to grow. In 2006, the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate received $43.9 million compared to $25.8 million in 2000. [14]

By 2011, this had increased to $138 million, reaching $140 million in 2013. [15] If we read the US Department of Defence’s Annual Non-Lethal Weapons Program Annual reports, it would leave you feeling suitably humbled and sentimental, beaming with national pride that Uncle Sam and its numerous military bases are making the world a less lethal. Apart from such delusions, what is more interesting is how such NLW advances are leaking into law enforcement and perceived “National Security.” A passage from Project’s Censored’s report concerning one Eldon Byrd a medical engineer, underscores this point:

“After working on the Polaris submarine, which carried long-range nuclear weapons, Byrd developed non-lethal weapons with reversible effects. He regarded this as a humanitarian alternative to ‘punching holesin people and having their blood leak out’ in battle. His inventions used magnetic fields at biologically active wave frequencies to affect brain function. Byrd could put animals to sleep at a distance and influence their movements. When the success of his research became evident, suddenly he was pulled off the project and it went “black.” He believes the electromagnetic resonance weapons he developed have been used for psychological control of civilians rather than for exigencies in battle. That is, to ensure his participation, he was uninformed about the true nature of the project. Byrd’s case also illustrates how morally tolerable operations may transition to morally intolerable operations, or at least rise above the atrocity line.” [16]

It is this intentional compartmentalisation and factional nature of operations and directives within military and  intelligence agencies which allows pathological leadership to develop.

Back in 2006, Congress and George W. Bush signed the Military Commission Act of 2006. which allowed torture and suspension of due process as acceptable. Since that time, torture apologists from law, academia and the military have come out to justify such actions as necessary for the “greater good” once again, trashing the very concept of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and basic notions of conscience. The Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment is perfectly happy to use all and everything in its means to achieve its ends including the use of technology that cannot be detected nor recognised by Official Culture.

The somewhat infamous Dr. José Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School in the 1960s and 70s, and later Professor of Neurobiology in Madrid, Spain, had gained quite an internet following of shock and revulsion based around his similar pathological view of the capabilities of psychosurgery. He urged the U.S. government to make “control of the mind” a national goal. [17] He cheerily – and perhaps ill-advisedly – voiced his opinion and those of his superiors regarding the future:

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday, armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain”. [18]

Dr. José Delgado was nothing if not thorough in his research. In 1965, The New York Times reported on Delgado’s successful experiment in the use of electronic implants connected to the motor nervous system of a bull – the unfortunate animal was stopped from charging by remote radio-control. The bizarre capabilities of surveillance was demonstrated when he surgically implanted a cat with an electronic implant which transmitted everything the poor moggy was seeing and hearing to a TV monitor.

The Doctor’s foray into publishing produced Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-civilized Society (1969) which helped to confirm his Dr. Evil status on the net – not without justification. The doc is messianic in his belief that humans will undergo “psycho-civilization” by uploading the contents of their brains directly to machines and vice versa. With statements like that it is unlikely that he limited his experiments to animals. According to a 2001 interview for Cabinet magazine conducted by artists and writers Magnus Bärtås and Fredrik Ekman there are still many of Delgado’s descriptions in his own articles and reports of how he moved from animals to humans in contemporary American medical libraries. The reporters relate how Delgado, Dr. Mark, and other colleagues: “describe what was the first clinical use of Intracerebral Radio Stimulation (IRS) on a human being. The stimoceiver itself only weighed 70 grams and was held fast by a bandage.”

Dr. Jose Delgado, deep brain stimulation (DBS) researcher at Yale University and author of the book, Physical Control of the Mind (1986)

Dr. Jose Delgado, deep brain stimulation (DBS) researcher at Yale University and author of the book, Physical Control of the Mind (Third Edition: 1986)

In an article called “Radio Control Behavior” in the February 1969 issue of The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease there are descriptions of patients who had undergone procedures to attach the device to their brains.

Case studies include:

… A black fourteen-year-old girl on the border of developmental disability who grew up in a foster home suddenly goes into a fury that leads to the death of her two stepsisters. A thirty-five-year old white industrial designer who ends up killing his wife and children flies into a rage when other motorists try to overtake him and he chases them and tries to run them off the road. Their aggressive behavior is supposed to be registered by the stimoceiver in the way a seismograph registers the earth’s tremors and the same stimoceiver is then to “turn them off” via the FM transmitter. [19]

In the interview Delgado admits that as far as he was aware nothing came of the IRS device due to the complexity of the brain and the unreliability of the mapping: “We never knew which parts of the brain we were stimulating with the stimoceiver. We didn’t even manage to prevent epileptic attacks, which we thought would be the simplest of things. We never found the area where epilepsy attacks originate.” [20]

The authors reveal their surprise at his: “casual attitude towards the stimoceiver which was heralded as a great contribution to science.” Although Delgado’s attitude conforms to later developments regarding the brains plasticity and almost holographic nature, normal practice for radar experiments in psychological control were to appropriate and integrate into covert programs. After all, mind control operations were/are still continuing. It was at the congressional hearings on the CIA sponsored MK-ULTRA operations that Delgado made his famous declaration of psychosurgery. It seems highly improbable that such experiments were ignored especially when they often yielded startling results.

To illustrate the effectiveness of electro-stimulation Delgado and his colleagues: “… orchestrated violent scenes in the lab” descriptions of which were captured in the book: The Brain Changers: Scientists and the New Mind Control (1973) by Maya Pine who relates one incident typical of the research in question:

As the film opens, the patient, a rather attractive young woman, is seen playing the guitar and singing “Puff, the Magic Dragon.” A psychiatrist sits a few feet away. She seems undisturbed by the bandages that cover her head like a tight hood, from her forehead to the back of her neck. Then a mild electric current is sent from another room, stimulating one of the electrodes in her right amygdala. Immediately, she stops singing, the brainwave tracings from her amygdala begin to show spikes, a sign of seizure activity. She stares blankly ahead. Suddenly she grabs her guitar and smashes it against the wall, narrowly missing the psychiatrist’s head. [21]

As the authors delved deeper into the experiments on people Delgado became suspicious and tense. He terminated the interview not long after. Rather than regretting his time of psychosurgery innovation it is likely that Delgado was feeling petulant about being left out of the loop after his data was integrated into the continuing experimentation. He may have had considerable lack of success with the vagaries of brain plasticity but his work on animals was highly valued during the parallel mind control work of MK-ULTRA and other operations. Though unconfirmed, it is thought that Delgado worked on Project PANDORA as part of the CIA’s experiments into electromagnetic modulation with particular attention to scrambling the minds of soldiers on the battlefield. It was at exactly the same time that the CIA began to conduct radiation experiments on the US population, just prior to Delgado starting his research on electro-magnetic radiation and its capacity for influencing people’s consciousness.

After the 1974 congressional hearings the Doctor continued his animal research managing to link his brain implants with computers. This was documented in “Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the Brain” published in 1975 where he stated:

“The most interesting aspect of the transdermal stimoceivers is the ability to perform simultaneous recording and stimulation of brain functions, thereby permitting the establishment of feedbacks and ‘on-demand’ programs of excitation with the aid of the computer. With the increasing sophistication and miniaturization of electronics, it may be possible to compress the necessary circuitry for a small computer into a chip that is implantable subcutaneously. In this way, a new self-contained instrument could be devised, capable of receiving, analyzing, and sending back information to the brain, establishing artificial links between unrelated cerebral areas, functional feedbacks, and programs of stimulation contingent on the appearance of pre-determined patterns” [22]

In true “mad professor” fashion, Delgado continued his experimentation  on an island in Bermuda, where a group of gibbons were placed at his disposal. Naturally, the doctor had them all fixed with electronic brain implants which led him to discover how to build and destroy social orders using electrical brain boosts. [23] This would have been right up the technocratic street that was emerging in the warfare-ridden 1970s. So, this begs the question: after over thirty years of electronic implant tinkering what has the Pentagon, DARPA, NSA and unknown agencies come up with besides the RFID tagging systems? Our old friend the Nazi-tainted IBM needs to be brought in here.

Reflect on this confidential memo covertly obtained all the way back from October, 1995 from INTELLI-CONNECTION, a Security Division of IBM. In the form of an office memo, it reveals some interesting information. An edited extract follows:



   “Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but we have entered into contractual testing of our product. We have also had major successes in privately owned sanitariums with implant technology… In California, several prisoners were identified as members of a security threat group, EME, or Mexican Mafia.

   They were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories.

   The implant procedure takes about 60-90 minutes depending on the experience of the technician. We are working on a device that will reduce that time by as much as 60 per cent. The results of implants on 8 prisoners yielded the following:

   Implants served as surveillance monitoring devices for threat group activity. Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff. Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealed that when the implant was set to 116 Mhz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of 18-22 hours per day. All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 116 Mhz test evaluation…”

   Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period and the findings are conclusive that 7 out of 8 test subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked. Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment.

   Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment. The security windfall from the brief test period was tremendous. Security officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into their correctional facilities … In Massachusetts, the Department of Corrections had already entered into high level discussions about releasing certain offenders to the community with the 2020 neural chip implants.” [24]

What is the probability that such technology has been way in advance of anything we see from outsourced DOD departments which are overt and relatively open to public discourse? What of deep black projects far away from any oversight? Might we assume that such R & D may be in development, the results of which could be used on the potential activist, dissident or “terrorist” when the SMART-Surveillance society (SSS) is fully integrated into a comfortable, consumerist paradise?

If we take the infestation of Satanic Ritual Abuse networks which appear to be seated in most centres of power and seeping into the waiting SSS managed by mind control technology both overt and covert, this is surely worse than any science-fiction novel we can imagine. If we are to give credence to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s visions, which in any case, may simply be explanatory notes to his fellow comrades signalling what will happen, the technology may already be in place and operational.

In his 1970 book Between Two Ages Brzezinski writes:

“… of a future at most only decades away,” upon which he related the opinion of an experimenter in intelligence control who asserted: ‘I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.” [25]

This is the darker side of the transhumanism crowd and which permeates social network corporations, military-intelligence and the DARPA inspired National Surveillance state. The music emanating from SMART grid technology is that of the Pied Piper lulling his followers into a false dawn. Saturating ourselves in W-Fi and locking ourselves into a EMF grid; making our gadgets indispensable for our most basic daily needs is exactly what this mainframe seduction is all about.

Part of being psycho-civilised is that we become seduced by the promise of more and more access, increasing efficiency and the ever smaller distance between “want” and “have.” The problem is, it appears to be an illusion, engineered with great precision, doffing it’s hat to ecological principles and economic alternatives whilst retaining a core-machine centralisation.

If we do not see the Magician behind these pretty lights and virtual enticements, these amenities offering a New Order of efficiency and ease, we will end up exactly as Henry David Thoreau wrote about his fellow man whom he believed had become : “… as tools of their tools.” When that happens and in combination with our illustrious pathocratic leaders, there may be very few choices to think freely, let alone act. We will be quite literally lost in the “simulation and simulacra”.

That is the antithesis of SMART.

See also: Satan’s Little Helpers VI: Sleepers and Electro-Shocks



[1] ‘Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones’ The Guardian October 3, 2011.
[2] ‘Urban Wireless to Serve Intel and PSYOP forces’ by Mark Baard, July 19, 2007.
[4] ‘Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to person’s emotional state’ Inventors: Stirbl; Robert C. (New York, NY), Wilk; Peter J. (New York, NY) Appl. No.: 08/222,835 Filed: April 5, 1994 / 5,507,291 Stirbl et al. April 16, 1996. www.
[5] ‘Silent subliminal presentation system’ Inventors: Lowery; Oliver M. (Norcross, GA) Appl. No.: 07/458,339 Filed: December 28, 1989, issued as United States Patent 5,159,703, October 27, 1992. www.
[6] Utility Services in India’ |
[7] The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technology’ by Dr Armen Victorian Lobster Magazine 1998. [8] ‘Horrifying US Secret Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad’ By Bill Dash, August 25, 2003.
[9] .‘Ariel Mind Control’ by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
[10] ‘Magnetite Biomineralization in the Human Brain’ by Joseph L. Kirschvink, Atsuko Kobayashi-Kirschvink and Barbara J. Woodford, National Academy of Sciences. | Vol. 89. Biophysics, 1992.
[11]’US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, As Study of the History of US In telligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons, Completed December 2006, Sonoma State University, Project Censored Media Freedom Foundation.
[12] Ibid.
[13] ‘Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW): Industry, Technologies & Global Market’ 2014-2020 Aug 19, 2014 |
[14] Ibid.
[16] Many accounts on psychotronic abuse are available to read in books and online. Some links: | [16] op.cit Philips, Brown, Thornton.
[17]The People Shapers by Vance Packard, published by Little, Brown & Co., 1977, (p.4).
[18] Joseph Delgado February 24, 1974 edition of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (MKULTRA hearings) No. 26, Vol.118.
[19] ‘Psychocivilization and Its Discontents: An Interview with José Delgado’ by Magnus Bärtås and Fredrik Ekman, Cabinet magazine, Issue 2 Mapping Conversations Spring 2001.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Ibid.
[22] ‘Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the Brain,’ Delgado, Lipponen, Weiss, del Pozo, Monteagudo, and McMahon, a co-operative publication of the Medical University of Madrid, Spain, and Yale University Medical School, 1975.
[23] Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness Jim Keith, IllumiNet Press, 1999. (p.99)
[24] ‘The IBM 2020 Neural Implant’ The Phoenix Project, Dr. Al Overholt, quoting from The California Sun, by Herb Dorsey, Feb. 1997. See also: (
[25] op. cit. Brzezinski (p.15) (Between Two Ages)

Technocracy XIII: All the way down to our DNA …

 “The year is 2025. The population is 325 million, and the FBI has the DNA profiles of all of them. Unlike fingerprints, these profiles reveal vital medical information. The universal database arrived surreptitiously. First, the Department of Defense’s repository of DNA samples from all military personnel, established to identify remains of soldiers missing from action, was given to the FBI. Then local police across the country shadowed individuals, collecting shed DNA for the databank. On the way, thousands of innocent people were imprisoned because they had the misfortune to have race-based crime genes in their DNA samples. Sadly, it did not have to be this way. If only we had passed laws against collecting and using shed DNA….”

—Professor David H. Kaye, ‘Science Fiction and Shed DNA’, 2006


The structure of part of a DNA double helix (wikipedia)

If you are not quite into tattoos and are repulsed by the idea of implanting your body with anything, then this will probably tip you over the edge. It seems that tagging our bodies just doesn’t cut the mustard and something even deeper is required. Consumerism and crime prevention is to be the precursor.

Recalling our brief foray into Verichip and Positive ID marketing, work at the University of Aveiro in Portugal intends to add to that obsession. Researchers are busy developing DNA barcode tags that will soon be applied to a wide variety of products from foodstuffs to toiletries. Each tag in question has: “… a unique combination of DNA base pairs that attach to most surfaces, and can later be collected, amplified, and sequenced.”

So, how might these DNA tags might be used?

“… in some schemes a DNA “fog” might be used to spray violent protesters when there are not enough law enforcement personnel to immediately subdue the lot of them. That tag will be unique, and mark anyone who bears it, at least for a while. Over time however, the signal will spread and degrade. Multiple tags could be used to mark multiple events or increase reliability of a single event. Clearly though, finding a way to contain your marking agent at the outset is the cleanest option. [1]

Drawing our attention to the parallel practice of tracking animals and identifying species by biologists over the years, John Hewitt of Extreme Tech mentions the barcode of life, a project with: “… over 200,000 animals catalogued in a searchable database.” He makes the chilling analogy: “Since things like animals already come pre-barcoded, all one need do is find some region in their DNA that tends to mutate fast enough over time so that each species can be expected to show enough variation.”

In 2012, proposals were published by the UK government outlining the creation of a DNA database of the British population within the National Health System (NHS) complementing the Police National DNA Database which at 5,950,612 individuals, has more samples per head of population than any other country. [2]The European Court of Human Rights forced the British government to water down the reach of the Nationwide DNA data base. By way of response to the Strasbourg ruling, the government launched a “consultation exercise” in May of 2009 (which can be read as a PDF document online). The case that ruffled the feathers of the UK government so comprehensively was caused by two plaintiffs who had been arrested but proven innocent, and further, had been told police would be holding on to their DNA profiles indefinitely. The two individuals argued that this was a breach of their human rights. The court ruled in their favour and ordered the DNA profiles be removed and that the DNA samples have a cut off period.

The government have been doing their level best to justify the DNA database and the retention of DNA samples based on a similar position to the US Dept. of Homeland Security. Officials believe that even when people are arrested and cleared of any wrongdoing they are just as likely to commit future crimes as those who have been convicted. More Pre-Crime thinking? The basis for this conclusion came from the government’s own consultation paper which was heavily sourced from the work by criminologist Professor Ken Pease. Based largely on statistical evidence, the science in the paper was so shoddy that it caused The Guardian’s journalist and science writer Ben Goldacre to brand it: “… possibly the most unclear and badly presented piece of research I have ever seen in a professional environment”. [3]

Lancaster University Professors Brian Francis and Keith Soothill from their research carried out by the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods concluded that the six year retention of DNA data was based on “flawed evidence.” They launched a withering attack on the validity of the paper, stating:

The notion of ‘arrest’ is the main criterion used for action in the consultation document. While police arrests are not whimsical, they come at the beginning and not the end of the criminal justice process. Some people are disproportionately at risk of being taken into questioning by the police and being arrested. In contrast, a conviction is the outcome of evidence being tested in court. In fact, arrests are useful indicators of police action but not of guilt. Re-arrests are dangerous indicators and making arrests the pivotal criterion encourages the notion that we are moving towards becoming a police state. [4] [Emphasis mine]

The push to expand the DNA databases both in the UK and in the US is understandable since the logic appears to be sound. Similarly, it is very difficult to argue against victims’ family who have had their sons, daughters and loved ones murdered by criminals who may have been caught prior to the event had DNA profiling been more rigorous and well established. The Story of a State of Virginia mother and her fight to see the DNA database expanded to include people convicted of Class 1 misdemeanors stems from her sincere hope that it will save lives and produce some good from the murder and abduction of her 20 year-old daughter.

Many criminals will be arrested and duly placed on the database. No doubt persons will be trapped by DNA evidence and crimes solved. But the Home Office intends to keep all DNA profiles for at least six years with innocent persons still classed as criminals. Therefore, there will be no distinction between the guilty and the innocent where potentially important nuances in a case will be deemed immaterial. An innocent bystander? Too late, you’re on the DNA database as a criminal or even worse, sexual offender. What of activists, protesters and a whole host of extenuating circumstances that are difficult to address in a court of law? How would this affect the outcome of a case where the jury knows that the person accused is already listed? DNA science is in its infancy and there is still much to learn. The key change in the law meshes conveniently with terrorism and civil liberties in that everyone is now presumed guilty rather than presumed innocent before a trial. This is a significant change, both in terms of perception and profits.

Remember that the security complex in the USA is a huge business which the UK government intends to emulate. Therefore, for the Home Office everyone is a potential criminal and by extension, a source of revenue, though you obviously won’t find any civil servant admitting to such a heinous accusation. But that is the trajectory – a corporate push to privatize the prison industry where crime is profitable. For the authorities, just as soon as everyone is on the data base the better for society. And their stock options.

Over 70,000 under-16s have now had their genetic fingerprints recorded and as of writing, Police authorities have yet to delete more than 165,000 innocent people from their records. [5]As UK politician for the Liberal Democrat party Lynne Featherstone said: “There is no purpose or justification for keeping the DNA record of anyone who is not charged with an offence,” adding: “With the growing concern about racial profiling and disproportionality in criminal investigations, the need to keep innocent people on the DNA database is questionable.” [6]

The United States has the largest DNA database in the world, with 10.7 million offender profiles and 1.8 million arrestee profiles.[7]  The US has the highest number of prisoners in the world at over 2 million and thethird largest incarceration rate. This translates as 1 in every 31 adults or half the world’s prison population of about 9 million held in the US. The prison-security complex rakes in billions of dollars a year, with the corruption of the law enforcement and justice system at all time highs the question of DNA profiling becomes ever more problematic.

1024px-CBP_chemist_reads_a_DNA_profileU.S. Customs and Border Control chemist reads a DNA profile to determine the origin of a commodity. (wikipedia)

The FBI has been collecting one million DNA samples a year under a new program that allows federal agents to take cheek swabs from people arrested for any crime including non-US citizens. They can also take DNA from any arrestee or ‘detained’ non-citizen and upload it to the FBI’s CODIS database networked to law enforcement authorities in over 50 states. In June of 2013, the United States Supreme Court ruled it constitutional to take DNA samples from people who have been arrested for serious crimes without a warrant, let alone a conviction. The federal government and 28 states across America already collect genetic samples from people arrested for crimes (felonies, certain misdemeanors) with the remaining 22 states that only take samples from people convicted of those crimes.

DNA profiles and their genetic markers can provide excellent supporting material when there is scientifically valid evidence in a case overall, such as placing a suspect at the scene of the crime. It becomes problematic when a jury assumes that DNA evidence is incorruptible and scientifically unassailable. Mistakes continue to occur and the probability will increase as the database expands. When you search for a match in an ocean of profiles the likelihood of finding an innocent person along with the perpetrator of the crime also increases. And what if the perpetrator is not in the database, but you still find a sequence of markers that denote a match?

This has been dubbed the “CSI Effect” when a jury places too much emphasis on DNA evidence. In one case, a 22-year old Farrah Jama, a Somali immigrant was sent to prison for 16 months for the rape of a 48-year-old woman – a rape that didn’t happen. A report in The Australian described how the prison sentence was quashed: “… after it was discovered the DNA sample that incriminated him was contaminated.” Although a cultural bias of the jury was also probably operating “… the Somali migrant was successfully prosecuted based solely on his DNA being found on the victim, despite the fact he had an alibi and there was no other evidence to connect him to the alleged crime.” [8]

A study from the New Scientist magazine in 2010 found DNA fingerprinting to be “highly subjective and prone to error,” which due to: ” incredibly small amounts of DNA in samples and pressure to gain a conviction can lead to bias…” The study involved DNA from a real crime scene which was sent to 17 experienced analysts in an U.S. laboratory. The results were a resounding failure since all the scientists conclusions were different:

The sample, from a gang rape, had already been used to convict a man  –  but only one of the 17 scientists came to the same conclusion. Four said the evidence was inconclusive and 12 said he could be excluded.

Itiel Dror, a University College London scientist who helped set up the investigation, said: ‘It is time DNA analysts accept that under certain conditions, subjectivity may affect their work.’

Christine Funk, a defence lawyer in the U.S., said: ‘The difference between prison and freedom rests in the hands of the scientist assigned the case.’ [9]

Jeremy Gruber, as President of the Council for Responsible Genetics is in no doubt that miscarriages of justice will occur more often as symptomatic of a system predicated on the very core problems that give rise to serious crimes in the first place.

He states:

We are not only building bigger and bigger databases, but expanding collection practices as well. Police are now using DNA dragnets, where DNA is taken from a selected population without individualized suspicion or of individuals who happen to live near a crime scene or who happen to match a certain physical profile. Some police departments are operating their own “off grid” DNA databases with little oversight and police and prosecutors in some cities and counties (such as Orange County, CA) are taking DNA “voluntarily” from individuals arrested for petty crimes in exchange for dropping charges against them.

Familial searching, a deliberate search of a DNA database conducted for the intended purpose of potentially identifying close biological relatives to the unknown forensic profile obtained from crime scene evidence, is becoming more widespread. Such searches virtually guarantee that DNA databases will create suspects out of innocent people, and because of the composition of DNA databases, those innocent suspects will disproportionately be people of color. Crime scene DNA has also been used to predict physical characteristics, such as certain shades of hair color, and to draw broad conclusions about genetic ancestry. Concerns have been raised about these predictions being used for crude profiling, potentially racially tinged, which have led Germany and several U.S. states to bar their use by police. Even so, new research on “molecular photofitting” (producing a crude image of a suspect’s face from DNA left at the crime scene) suggests that such reconstructions may soon be possible, giving police another investigative tool that could result in wrongful arrests and unjustified searches. [10]

Andrew Pollack writing in the New York Times was already sounding the alarm on DNA profiling back in 2009. Indeed, scientists “fabricated blood and saliva samples containing DNA from a person other than the donor of the blood and saliva,” and with access to: “…a DNA profile in a database, they could construct a sample of DNA to match that profile without obtaining any tissue from that person.” In effect, the danger of being framed and set up via a fabricated crime scene is very real. [11]This is precisely what happened to David Butler who was wrongfully jailed by UK courts for murder, spending eight months in prison on remand whilst facing murder charges: “after his DNA was allegedly found on the victim.”  He was accused of murdering Anne-Marie Foy in 2005 and arrested by Merseyside Police with “poor quality” DNA evidence and sourced from his DNA sample, already on record. According to a BBC report: “… he remained in prison – despite other CCTV evidence allegedly placing Mr Butler in the area where the murder took place being disproved.” [12] 

At the same time, exoneration of those who were thought to have committed crimes is an undeniable outcome of DNA profiling. The Innocent Project is a case in point, with over 325 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States in the last several years. So, DNA profiling is overturning convictions and setting people free on the one hand, and on the other, it is putting innocent people away based on faulty science and a corrupt intelligence apparatus, the latter of which is not decreasing but naturally increasing as a consequence of the push to profit and ubiquitous surveillance.

The FBI, who are the biggest supporters and sellers of the terror industry, are also a major force behind the expansion of DNA databases. Indeed, it seems the Bureau is still updating its whole retrieval and storage protocols under a CODIS Core Loci Working Group operational since May 2010. Ostensibly, this is an exercise in improving the system though in effect, it is an expansion until international data-sharing efforts are optimised. This is also about where massive amounts of data can be stored about the population and stored indefinitely. Once again, the State has all your information and the public has nothing. Given the current condition of government this is far from reassuring.


Clearly, this isn’t about throwing DNA analysis out of the window, nor any form of technology. What is needed is to see it in the context of what has gone before and to forestall a certain trajectory that falls straight into the hands of those overseeing societies and for whom long-term objective of social control is the prime directive. The justification for creating this huge database of samples is to combat crime and prevent terrorist acts.  Overall, crime is decreasing however and we know all about the nature of the Terror industry as a manufactured strategy of tension … When macro-social imperatives are still firmly inside Official Culture, discrimination and utmost caution is needed to keep such Establishment directives from ensnaring those most vulnerable. As we saw in The Politics of Entrapment despite safeguards in place, the wider awareness of ponerological forces is missing.

In general, the DNA database will probably lower crime as well as decreasing privacy. Yet, since the root causes of crime are not addressed the very need for a DNA database will inevitably morph overtime into a repressive tool of the state. Minimising risk by destroying DNA samples after cases have finished and even reducing the storage of sensitive information only needs a suitably horrific set of crimes and a large-scale terror attack for such measures to be repealed. This would follow the NDAA and Patriot Act rationalisations which have nothing to do with protection or civil liberties and everything to do with state control of the population.

This is why humans must become “pre-barcoded” as part of sequential phase of identifying, cataloging, tagging and monitoring. A global neo-feudal State requires a distinct species, separate from the Establishment Elite who consider themselves genetically superior. It may well be that the various strains of psychopathy currently jostling for supremacy in the corridors of power are merely seeking to expand their numbers. Surveillance is part of the armoury of technocratic science which gathers data and seduces the populace to regard this intrusion as normal and more importantly, something that is desired. The terror industry and national crime augment this propaganda.

As Jeremy Gruber summarises:

“We are at a critical juncture in the United States, as law and policy are rapidly allowing law enforcement greater access to Americans’ DNA with limited public discussion and debate. Continued expansion of the power of law enforcement to collect and store DNA must be guided by a transparent debate that balances legitimate public safety concerns with human rights and privacy interests and that is honest about the value of forensic DNA, recognizing the limited benefits of expansion beyond likely re-offenders.” [13]

There is a huge momentum currently behind new technology and the speed of its arrival in so many avenues of our lives. Networked databases present clear advantages in the hands of a benevolent culture – something that is however, only a working hypothesis.  Time is getting short for ethical safeguards and preventative measures to be implemented that could ensure this forensic tool is kept out of the hands of Pathocratic ideology.



[1] ‘Scientists create DNA tracking tags, might soon be used to track protesters as well as animals’ By John Hewitt,, on September 30, 2013.
[2] ‘Government revives plan for greater data-sharing between agencies’ The Guardian, by Alan Travis, 24 April 2012 | ‘The UK Police National DNA Database’ Gene Watch,
[3] ‘DNA database plans based on ‘flawed science’, warn experts’ The Guardian, July 19, 2009.
[4] ‘Reviewing the DNA database’Impact Case Study by Professors Brian Francis and Keith Soothill Lancaster University, ESCR Economics and Social Research Council. 2009.
[5] ‘Details of innocent people are still being held on DNA database’ The Independent, June 5 2012 | ‘Another 165,000 innocent people put on DNA database despite Coalition vow to wipe details’ By Rebecca Camber, The Daily Mail, 4 June 2012.
[6] ‘DNA database continues to swell’ BBC News, 4 January 2006.
[7]See FBI, CODIS-NDIS Statistics,
[8] Networked Knowledge, Media Report by Dr. Robert N Moles
[9] ‘DNA fingerprinting techniques ‘can sometimes give the wrong results’,By Fiona Macrae for the Daily Mail
18 August 2010.
[10]THE POLICE WANT YOUR DNA By Jeremy Gruber, GeneWatch 27-1 | Jan-Apr 2014.

[11] ‘DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show’ By Andrew Pollack, August 17, 2009.
[12] ‘DNA test jailed innocent man for murder’by Hannah Barnes, 31 August 2012,BBC News
[13] op.cit Gruber.

Technocracy XI: Social (SMART) Grid and “Cognitive Infiltration”

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

thSocial networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Yahoo! and others have offered new ways to chat, make friends, speed-date and keep in touch with family wherever you are. It has revolutionized information in ways which we are only just beginning to understand. The networks have become such a normal part of our daily lives in such a short time that it is only recently that serious questions about privacy and surveillance have filtered through to the MSM. But ethical questions are being left behind as the Information Age surges ahead. Indeed, if you don’t have a Facebook account then you have already consigned yourself to the hinterlands of suspicion and abnormality. According to some, this may even be a red-flag for suspected terrorist or paedophile. Such is the power of social networking websites on society and the ridiculous assumptions now circulating. [1] $billion companies like Twitter and Facebook have become the largest database on the global population, representing a free and easy resource for intelligence agencies to data-mine. With over 900 million active users it is not difficult to see how useful data catchment could be.

Growing awareness that social networks are being used by intelligence agencies to monitor citizens’ activities prompted cyber-consumer advocate Electronic Frontier foundation (EFF) to file requests in October 2009 to provide records about federal guidelines on the use of social networking sites for investigative or data-gathering purposes. Among other issues related to surveillance as discussed previously, they sued the CIA, the US Department of Defence, Department of Justice and three other government agencies for allegedly refusing to release information on their involvement in social networks. The cases are on-going.

There are so many dubious aspects to Facebook aside from its intelligence connections and origins it is hard to know where to start. We will pinpoint a few however.

The company makes no secret of is its drive to know everything about its members. It wants to extract and mine as much the data from them as is humanely possible and then make it available to all kinds of interested parties. The implications of their drive to happily make your social life – including information you might not ordinarily reveal – fully integrated into the net experience is of course, never discussed. Facebook has been busily creating “Shadow Profiles” in a bid to extract even more information. Using various functions on the software interface which encourages users to share personal data of other users and non-users of Facebook such as mobile phone synchronization, search queries, friend invitations, email-provider imports and instant messaging means that even if you don’t use Facebook you may have a profile nonetheless. [2]

Since Facebook is such a fan of being “social by default” then it shouldn’t be concerned when the tables are turned. Since Facebook revealed in 2012 that more than 83 million Facebook accounts (8.7% of total users) were fake accounts, ongoing controversies with privacy issues, class action lawsuits and litigation as well as the virtual ownership of members’ profiles, it is hardly surprising this was reflected in the stock value which dropped below $20 in the same year. [3]

th“You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content.”

– Facebook Terms of Service. (It has since been updated yet protests groups claim little has changed).

When independent software developer Pete Warden crawled all the data that Facebook’s privacy settings changes had made public, the company sued him. This occurred before the Open Graph API system which means they were planning to make the data publicly available anyway. As Vice President of Engineering at Border Stylo Dan Yoder comments: “Their real agenda is pretty clear: they don’t want their membership to know how much data is really available,” stating further: “It’s one thing to talk to developers about how great all this sharing is going to be; quite another to actually see what that means in the form of files anyone can download and load into MatLab.” [4]

In 2010, a Canadian security researcher Ron Bowes created a specific crawler script which he then used to take information from Facebook’s open access directory. He managed to download 2.8Gb of personal details including credit card numbers, account names, profile URLs and contact details; names of those users’ friends, (even with hidden profiles) and more intimate photos of over 100 million Facebook users. This cache of private information gold was then dumped on P2P file-sharing service BitTorrent, which was subsequently downloaded by scores of major corporations many hundreds of times. The point was not the relative ease by which such data was “stolen,” though this is an important issue, it was the fact that the data is already publicly available, provided Facebook members have not chosen to hide their profile from search results. [5]

As of 2012, there are now a raft of members, celebrities, underwriters and advertisers all taking a cut of Facebook profits. On the management board is co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg with the largest ownership percentage of an individual at 28% (he is worth $33.1Billion) with co-founders Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, Sean Parker taking between 6-4%.  Venture capital company Accel Partners, Russian internet firm Mail du Ru take 10% repsectively and former PayPal CEO and venture capitalist Peter Thiel 3%. Thiel sums up Facebook’s history of double-dealing and entrepreneurship very well.

mark-zuckerbergCEO Mark Zuckerberg

The first lump sum from his venture capital funding amounted to $500,000 – a tidy sum no doubt drawn from his £3bn hedge fund Clarium Capital Management and a venture capital fund called Founders Fund. Thiel is the Author of an anti-multicultural missive The Diversity Myth and on the board of VanguardPAC a radical internet-based Neo-Conservative pressure group that was apparently set up to attack, a left-liberal pressure group website. VanguardPAC’s mission is to “reshape America and the globe” according to Neo-Conservative values – the type of values which are still carving up the Middle East. Thiel is certainly not the shy and retiring type and promotes a New World Technocracy laced with transhumanist and right-wing conservatism. The Guardian’s Tom Hodgkinson summarises Thiel’s curious mélange of fascist views: “… since the 17th century, certain enlightened thinkers have been taking the world away from the old-fashioned nature-bound life, and here he quotes Thomas Hobbes’ famous characterisation of life as ‘nasty, brutish and short’, and towards a new virtual world where we have conquered nature. Value now exists in imaginary things.” [6]


Peter Thiel: Technocratic Neo-Conservative

From where did Theil obtain his inspiration? Stanford’s University’s René Girard and his mimetic theory that states all cultures and ancient societies were built on the victimisation and an eventual sacrifice of the innocent, even though they believed they were guilty. Mythology was used to legitimise and rationalise the fact that society was founded on violence. If Girard believes that people are sheep and will follow the one strongest in the herd then according to Hodgkinson:

“The theory would also seem to be proved correct in the case of Thiel’s virtual worlds: the desired object is irrelevant; all you need to know is that human beings will tend to move in flocks. Hence financial bubbles. Hence the enormous popularity of Facebook. Girard is a regular at Thiel’s intellectual soirees. What you don’t hear about in Thiel’s philosophy, by the way, are old-fashioned real-world concepts such as art, beauty, love, pleasure and truth.” [7]

Perhaps this is something that may be said for much of the neo-feudalist collectives currently infiltrating our social systems?

Consider the other board member of Facebook, Jim Breyer a partner in the venture capital firm Accel Partners who put $12.7m into Facebook in April 2005:

“…. On the board of such US giants as Wal-Mart and Marvel Entertainment, he is also a former chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA). Now these are the people who are really making things happen in America, because they invest in the new young talent, the Zuckerbergs and the like. Facebook’s most recent round of funding was led by a company called Greylock Venture Capital, who put in the sum of $27.5m. One of Greylock’s senior partners is called Howard Cox, another former chairman of the NVCA, who is also on the board of In-Q-Tel. What’s In-Q-Tel? Well, believe it or not (and check out their website), this is the venture-capital wing of the CIA. After 9/11, the US intelligence community became so excited by the possibilities of new technology and the innovations being made in the private sector, that in 1999 they set up their own venture capital fund, In-Q-Tel, which “identifies and partners with companies developing cutting-edge technologies to help deliver these solutions to the Central Intelligence Agency and the broader US Intelligence Community (IC) to further their missions”. [8] [Emphasis mine]

With significant lobbying costs totalling over $41,000 in just one quarter of 2010 the focus of their expenditure was primarily intelligence agencies such as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was the only internet company to do so out of Google, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. The DNI is an umbrella office founded in the wake of 9/11 synthesizing intelligence from 17 agencies (including the CIA) and advises the President on privacy and federal cyber-security policy.

Which begs the question: Is Facebook lobbying merely to keep their operations free from interference for their Intel handlers?

Meanwhile, Facebook, Blogs, newspapers, radio TV channels, and internet chat rooms are poured over and monitored by the Open Source Centre or “vengeful librarians” – even the constant “tweets” from the Twitter network reaching over 5 million per day. Information is gathered by an army of analysts to find the low-down on the emotional level of a certain city demographic or whether a country is ready to be invaded or …”Democratised.”


 “Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine.”

– Richard Stallman, software freedom activist

It is now common knowledge that The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s command centre monitors blogs, forums newsgroups and message boards on a daily basis. Scores of popular websites, including Twitter, Facebook, WikiLeaks, Hulu, and many alternative and left-leaning news sites also come under the umbrella of US surveillance.

Among the many examples that the Obama Administration has provided and which go above and the beyond the Neo-Conservative crimes of the Bush-Cheney cabal is President Obama’s regulatory Czar and legal scholar Cass Sunstein. Just before his appointment as Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, this gentleman managed to add to the grand façade that is American democracy by writing a 30-page academic paper co-authored with Adrian Vermule entitled: “Conspiracy Theories.” In the paper he suggested the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. This “cognitive infiltration,” according to Sunstein, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.” This ban would be imposed on such heresies as anti-anthropocentric global warming; the World Trade Centre attacks on 911 were an inside job; Al-Qaeda is a US government-created mercenary unit for hire and a range of other proven conspiracy facts, most of which feature on this blog. By “conspiracy theory” Sunstein defines it as “an effort to explain some event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.”

Heaven forbid we should try to expose that …

And of course, Sunstein implies that that there are no conspiracies operating in government, banking and corporate activities and if you are one of the mentally deranged few that believe so, then medical help and a good psychologist is the only path open to you. It seems everyone is a potential extremist if you are aren’t giving the government a virtual back-rub. He further suggests: ““… a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” [9]

Cass SunsteinCass Sunstein 2011, (AP Photo)

Sunstein’s objective is to raise: “… doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action,” which places a whole new angle on some of many trolls and trouble-makers who periodically appear on website forums to sow seeds of discontent in ways which follow distinct patterns of emotional programming indicative of paid disinformation agents. Indeed, PSYOPS targeting the web have been in operation for several years, possibly since the internet’s inception in some form or another.  Sunstein’s suggestions are merely an updating of the US Dept. Defence’s Information Operations Road Map of the future. [10]

To make sure such a future – and the mass mind – is firmly where it should be DARPA means to keep biometrics and the internet connected to the same port (which, one day soon, may be located at the back of our skulls). Pentagon scientists are helpfully creating a program to use biometrics as a platform for creating a “cognitive fingerprint” which would dispense with all those passwords building up in our little black books. Which means, according to their website: “… validating any potential new biometrics with empirical tests to ensure they would be effective in large scale deployments.” Named the Active Authorisation Program (AAP) it offers deep analysis of the user’s cognitive processes and thus their online behaviour in the hope of inventing new forms of biometrics so that your identity can be ascertained.

Parallel to this grateful assistance in making our lives so much more efficient and safe, online tech journal Security Ledger reported in April 2013 on one time hacker and DARPA’s cyber chief Peiter “Mudge” Zatko heading to Google Inc. Joining Google’s Motorola Mobility’s Advanced Technology & Projects (ATAP) group, it has a mission to deliver “breakthrough innovations to the company’s product line on seemingly impossible short time-frames.” While Microsoft continues to track users of the Windows phones which have a unique ID that interacts with Wi-Fi locations and GPS to know anyone’s longitude and latitude. Customer privacy isn’t a big issue for Microsoft and really any of the big internet companies. Google knows the password of every Android device (phone or tablet) which has ever logged on to a particular Wi-Fi network. (Android accounts for 79 per cent of phones shipped worldwide).

Business Insider’s article of August 14th, 2013 alerted us to the fact that if you are one of 400 million persons who chose Gmail then you can also expect no privacy at all. In a class action complaint of 2013 Google responded by claiming “a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties.” So, be warned, even though it is unlikely you’ll be able to avoid Google even if you wanted to.

It seems Google and DARPA are courting each other for good reason.



[1] Is not joining Facebook a sign you’re a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is ‘suspicious’ Daily Mail, 6 August 2012.
[2] ‘Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users’ October 18 2011,
[3] “Facebook: About 83 million accounts are fake”. USA Today. August 3, 2012.
[4] ‘Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook’ by Dan Yoder May 3 2010.
[5] ‘How 100 million Facebook users ended up in a list on BitTorrent’ Jemima Kiss, The Guardian, 29 July 2010.
[6] ‘With friends like these …’ by Tom Hodgkinson, The Guardian May 2010.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] ‘Conspiracy Theories’ by Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard Law School) and Adrian Vermeule (Harvard Law School) January 15, 2008, Harvard Public Law Working Paper No. 08-03, U of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper No. 199 U of Chicago Law & Economics, Olin Working Paper No. 387. [ During my own experience in working for several alternative news websites there was no question that persistent problems from site “trolls” on the relevant forums fell into this category. Some exhibited high knowledge on certain specialist subjects and exhibited a standard formula for contouring ideas and concepts which included the very same “cognitive infiltration” tactics cited by Sunstein and often in a highly elaborate form. Once “outed” they were gone but often the damage was already done].
[10] As part of the “Information Dominance” strategy of the Pentagon, ‘The Information Operation Road Map’ was a paper commissioned in 2003 and declassified in 2006. It was personally approved by the then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld. It included details of major PSYOPS disinformation campaigns to place false stories in newspapers and the internet as well as the kind of beginings of “cognitive infiltration” that Sunstein was so keen to see materialise.


Technocracy VIII: DARPA’s Technophilia (2)

“Twenty-five years from now, we may be to the point where the sensors are embedded in the skin and the person becomes the processor …

– Tod Lovell, a technology director at Raytheon

It is no secret that DARPA was at the forefront of electronically tagging US combat soldiers parallel to the initiative of tagging criminals in the prison industry currently making huge profits. The chipping project is called “Individual Force Protection System”, the manufacture of which was gleefully taken on by US defence contractor Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). In January 2007, a presentation was delivered outlining IFPS details later found in a PDF document freely available on the internet. It described a 3-inch tag “without GPS” attached to a soldiers uniform with a “LOS range = 113 miles.” The wholesale cost is “$100 per tag.” [1]

As we have seen, Verichip and RIFD technology has its physical drawbacks aside from its ethical and civil liberty implications. From creating a “sixth sense” brain implant through which infrared light can be detected to implanting a chip that controls the brain; allowing thoughts, memory and behaviour to be transferred from one brain to another, these DARPA teamsters are riding high with possibilities. However, in the latter case it was scientists working at the University of Southern California, home of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Centre for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events which came up with that little gem. Working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems,” chips which have been implanted into rats’ brains can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. Attempts to record, download and transfer memories into other rats with the same chip implanted.

A microchip implanted into a rat’s brain can take on the role of the hippocampus—the area responsible for long-term memories—encoding memory brain wave patterns and then sending that same electrical pattern of signals through the brain. Back in 2008, Berger told Scientific American, that if the brain patterns for the sentence, “See Spot Run,” or even an entire book could be deciphered, then we might make uploading instructions to the brain a reality.

In one study the scientists had rats learn a task, pressing one of two levers to receive a sip of water. Scientists inserted a microchip into the rat’s brain, with wires threaded into their hippocampus. The chip recorded electrical patterns from two specific areas labeled CA1 and CA3 that work together to learn and store the new information regarding which lever to press to obtain water. Scientists then shut down CA1 with a drug and built an artificial hippocampal part that could duplicate such electrical patterns between CA1 and CA3, and wihch was inserted it into the rat’s brain. With this artificial part, rats whose CA1 had been pharmacologically blocked, could still encode long-term memories. And in those rats who had normally functioning CA1, the new implant extended the length of time a memory could be held.

In terms of the new cyborg, it opens up huge potentials for brains training and entrainment. It also gives an extremely updated version of an Orwellian “thought Police” as an adjunct Pre-Crime technology, the fine tuning and enhancements of which are in parallel development.

According to a Los Angeles Times report in 2002, when Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary for Defence in the Bush-Cheney Administration he made it his priority to “… redesign the U.S. military to make ‘information warfare’ central to its functions.” [2] The strategy of “information dominance,” according to American military experts, consists of 1) Building up and protecting friendly information and degrading information received by your adversary. 2) The ability to deny, degrade, destroy and/or effectively blind enemy capabilities. [3]


‘DARPA’s Squad X initiative seeks ‘innovative’ tech to enhance troops’ real-time situational awareness’ – DARPA’s Squad X initiative is inviting bright minds to submit their ideas for an integrated digital system to enhance situational awareness on the squad level. Squad X hopes to combine the cornucopia of different technologies into one grand “system of systems” to “organically extend squad awareness and influence” on the battlefield.”

PSYOPS and Information Dominance was ex-U.S. Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld’s favourite playground. His enthusiasm gave rise to Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) which encompasses everything from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to nanotechnology, robotics, and biotechnology. RMA is full of wild beliefs about the future of warfare, modern information, communications, and space technology. “Transformation” and “total systems integration” are keywords that make the military technophiles shudder with delight. The defeat of US foreign or domestic adversaries through surveillance technologies, advanced weaponry and the suppression and degradation of communications networks is all part of the RMA and DARPA vision of technological supremacy.

The project which has caught RMA and DARPA’s attention is the “network-centric warfare” designed to turn cities, any city, into a limitless “battlespace.” And the evolution of ID alongside information warfare:

As urbanization has changed the demographic landscape, potential enemies recognize the inherent danger and complexity of this environment to the attacker, and may view it as their best chance to negate the technological and firepower advantages of modernized opponents. Given the global population trends and the likely strategies and tactics of future threats, Army forces will likely conduct operations in, around, and over urban areas–not as a matter of fate, but as a deliberate choice linked to national security objectives and strategy, and at a time, place, and method of the commander’s choosing.  [4]

From DARPA’s own website at these include various programs and projects supported by millions of dollars of tax-payers money. We have the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO); Cognitive Systems Office working on a project called “Learning Applied to Ground Robots” and the Command & Control brief described as “the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of a mission.” This comprises of “Deep Green” an “innovative approach to using simulation to support on-going military operations while they are being conducted.”


Promotional still from Elysium (2013) in which the film’s protagonist is fused with cybernetic “enhancements” to carry out an important mission. DARPA’s dream on celluloid.

Then there is the Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance Team (HART) which is due to:

“… the complexity of counter-insurgency operations especially in the urban combat environment demands multiple sensing modes for agility and for persistent, ubiquitous coverage. The HART system implements collaborative control of reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) assets, so that the information can be made available to warfighters at every echelon.”

Alongside this program are Persistent Operational Surface Surveillance and Engagement (POSSE), which involves:

“… building a real-time, all-source exploitation system to provide Indications and warnings of insurgent activity derived from airborne and ground-based sensors. Envisioning a day when our sensors can be integrated into a cohesive ‘ISR Force’, it’s building an integrated suite of signal processing, pattern analysis, and collection management software that will increase reliability, reduces manpower, and speed up responses.”

Ready to track those pesky dissidents fully integrated into SMART society?

UrbanScape offers the capability to “provide the warfighters patrolling an urban environment with an up-to-date, high resolution model of the urban terrain that can be viewed, manipulated and analyzed.” Whereas the Strategic Technology Office (STO) will “… focus on technologies that have a global or theater-wide impact and that involve multiple Services.”

Other programs well underway with funding from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman include: Integrated Sensor Is Structure (ISIS) whose goal is to develop and deploy a “stratospheric airship based autonomous unmanned sensor with years of persistence in surveillance and tracking of air and ground targets;” and VisiBuilding, which will cater for “a pressing need in urban warfare [by] seeing inside buildings.” [5]

One of the main programs which DARPA provided for the TIAO was called “Combat Zones That See” (CTS). Journalist and author on police state surveillance Tom Burghardt reveals the details:

The plan was to install thousands of digital CCTV networks across occupied cities in the belief that once the system was deployed they would provide ‘warfighters’ with ‘motion-pattern analysis across whole city scales.’ CTS would create a nexus for mass tracking of individual cars and people through algorithms linked to the numeric recognition of license plate numbers and scanned-in human profiles.

The program was denounced by privacy and civil liberties advocates’ for its potential use as a mass surveillance system that could just as easily be deployed on the streets of American cities. In theory CTS, or a similar program could be further ‘enhanced’ by Scaleable Network Social Analysis (SSNA)… SSNA’s aim is ‘to model networks of connections like social interactions, financial transactions, telephone calls, and organizational memberships,’ according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s 2003 analysis. Once license plate numbers are ‘mined’ from raw CCTV footage, investigators could: a) identify a car’s owner; b) examine her/his web-surfing habits; c) scan e-mail accounts for traces of ‘inflammatory rhetoric;’ d) monitor recent purchases for ‘suspicious’ items. [6]

A check-point police state is hardly something that comes to the ordinary person’s mind as they go about their daily life but the end of privacy is fast approaching if governments continue to have their way. Location analysis, DNA, retinal scans, fingerprints and tagging and now chemical profiling of subject.

A laser-based “molecular strip-search” was the latest bright idea to be rolled out by the US government’s Homeland Security Agency and implemented across airports, check-points, large-scale venues and anyway that government sought an opportunity for surveillance. The technology has the capacity to instantly scan the bio-molecular structure of your body which includes the prescription drugs in your bag; cocaine residue on your dollar bills and any trace substance that we have come into contact with such as marijuana or gun powder. Ten million times faster and one million times more sensitive than any other system currently available, it can do all this invisibly and from a range of up to 50 metres.

tsascanner1The technology is a “scanner … called the Picosecond Programmable Laser. The device works by blasting its target with lasers which vibrate molecules that are then read by the machine that determine what substances a person has been exposed to. This could be Semtex explosives to the bacon and egg sandwich they had for breakfast that morning.” [7]

So, what will happen if you’ve been smoking pot that day or been down at the firing range? You will be tagged and “detained.” And in a climate of social unrest and false flag terrorism it is likely to be promoted as an unfortunate but necessary part of the world in which we live. We will have to be willing to give up some of our freedoms if the government is to protect us and retain the integrity of the greater good… And so the media will sell it …

By 2015 however there had been such a backlash against the privacy and health concerns that many of the x-ray scanners were taken out of airports and the hands of the The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). This is likely to be only a minor setback before the re-introduction of scanners which have been suitably modified.

As the government document: ‘Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights’ attests, the technocrats are losing no time in finding ways to merge technology and social engineering. Looking to make society much more “efficient,” we can add the latest bright idea by the federal government to hire a “Behavioural Insights Team” (BIT) to change US behaviour, taking its lead from the UK who spearheaded the initiative. Its own Behavioural Insight Team has been up and running for several years.

Commensurate with Common Core education the Obama administration took the opportunity to implement a new executive order in October 2011, after the Bradley/Chelsea Manning whistleblowing scandal. This Orwellian initiative aims to target future whistle-blowers, leaks and security violations by ordering federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues, all of which is based on the very shaky science of BIT. It is part of what is called the “Insider Threat Program”, which covers every federal department and agency and where: “millions of federal officials, bureaucrats and contractors must keep their eyes peeled for watch “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Failure to report could result in “penalties” or “criminal charges.” Such reports are bolstered by an integrated computer network monitoring system which detects “suspicious user behaviour” linked to Insider Threat personnel.

Seeing people as numbers in a Game Theory algorithm is bound to cause problems, not least the obvious flaws in trying to predict the future with unproven psychological techniques. Wide open to the usual privacy and civil liberty violations a National Research Council Report highlighted by McClatchy News on July 9 20013, was just one of many science bodies which saw no value in such initiatives stating in 2008: “There is no consensus in the relevant scientific community nor on the committee regarding whether any behavioral surveillance or physiological monitoring techniques are ready for use at all.” Quite apart from the fact that this executive order is on top of some of the most draconian legislation ever enacted in law and which continues to be rolled out in the face of continuing State violations against civil rights.

policestate2The marketing of the Obama myth has permitted the enactment of the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) which destroys due process and the Bill of Rights. Since your profile indicates dissension and disagreement with government policy then you will be labelled a “terrorist-sympathiser,” “terrorist enabler,” or prone to “incitement” or any other nonsense deemed subversive in order to detain you much longer, without any rights to a phone-call or access to a lawyer. Even if you are not a drug-user the laser will reveal what prescription drugs you are currently using to what stage you at in your ovulation cycle to the presence of cancer. A comprehensive bio-psychological profile will be created ready to be used against you should you become a non-compliant citizen able to think for him or herself. Used cocaine in the past? Then your civil action against the government for abuse of civil liberties is dead in the water. Since traces of cocaine exist on all forms of paper currency so theoretically anybody can be detained and charged with possession should it deemed expedient to do so. This technology will become a useful political tool with almost endless “Big Brother” applications.

As Noel Sharkey, professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield said of the new military “Cheetah” robot which can run faster than a human: “an incredible technical achievement, but it’s unfortunate that it’s going to be used to kill people”. [8]  The same could be said for the intention behind all the above technology. Put it all together with a rising Police State, social engineering and a SMART growth society, the outlook doesn’t look good for the ordinary citizen. It is however, a perfect direction for the technocratic psychopath to take and his intent to centralise and consolidate power through technology.

See also: Cyborgs 2030: The Military’s Vision of Remote Controlled Soldiers


[1] Individual Force Protection System (IFPS)Overview2007 Worldwide Personnel Recovery Conference. |
[2] ‘The Office of Strategic Influence Is Gone, But Are Its Programs In Place?’, November 27 2002.
[3] ‘Information dominance,’ by David Miller, The Guardian, January 8, 2004
[4] Urban Operations, Field Manual No. 3-06, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.,October 26, 2006.
[6] ‘America’s Cyborg Warriors’ by Tom Burghardt, Global Research, July 23, 2008.
[7] ‘New Homeland Security Laser Scanner “Reads People At Molecular Level” declares a CBS News headline’ CBS local, via GIZMODO July 11, 2012.
[8] ‘Cheetah robot “’runs faster than Usain Bolt”’BBC News, September 6 2012.

Technocracy VI: The Technocrats Tap in (3)

“Surveillance induced morality: relics of cultural retardation”.
– Marc Maron

How many times have we heard the response: “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear”?

This almost child-like wish to place faith in the unsullied purity of the authorities and Daddy State seems to know no bounds.

The success of mass surveillance is defined by the same gradualism. Endless new devices and gadgetry help to insulate our concerns about technology and how it can be used. It doesn’t matter how altruistic the intent is, whether it means to reduce suffering or create a more socially responsible culture, social justice is a concept struggling to keep its head above the water of pathogenic pollution. Whether biotech or nano-tech, since military, geo-political strategies and social pathologies dominate they will be pulled into the same codes of conduct mandated under Official Culture. Suffering will continue under flares of revolution until the psychopath is denied influence in ALL spheres. Access to technology which will disburse wealth and true freedom cannot take place until such a realisation manifests to the extent it dismantles traditional power structures. To think otherwise, will simply perpetuate the cover. Such a trajectory has only been possible due to the relatively rapid rise of the National Security State apparatus rooted in the 3EM riding high on updated myths propagated to ensure a smooth transition.

In combination with ECHELON and or MAIN CORE we have a global surveillance grid sitting on top of European and US intelligence mining that is the most invasive in history. This technological construct is imbued with power from a perception that can only multiply and augment in the same way we continually seek new “apps” and add-ons to our consumerist ethos.  A technocratic centralisation is the only direction. The promise of open source software will only prove liberating when the central mainframe of core influence is dismantled. Otherwise…Open source initiatives will operate within carefully defined parameters, in much the same way as our credit cards, cell phones and i-pads. Technology is not the culprit here – it is the reliance on the limited applications which is displacing our incredible, untapped creative power. This displacement only leads to the atrophying of our individual and collective creativity. And this is where artificial intelligence and transhumanist ideology offers an unprecedented threat.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. More on this later.


RAF Menwith Hill, a large site in the United Kingdom, part of ECHELON and the UKUSA Agreement. Photo Credit: Matt Crypto (wikipedia).

The International Campaign Against Mass Surveillance (ICAMS) produced the excellent document: ‘The Emergence of a Global Infrastructure for Mass Registration and Surveillance’ back in April 2005 which detailed in precise terms the nature of these myths, edited extracts of which will serve as an adequate summary of what this transition really means:

Myth #1: We are merely being asked to sacrifice some of our privacy and convenience for greater security.

“The object of the infrastructure that is being constructed is not ordinary police or intelligence work but, rather, mass surveillance of entire populations. In this infrastructure, everyone will be treated as a suspect, and state agents will maintain data profiles on all of us. […] The elimination of risk Indeed, it is now evident and documented that the United States and other countries are acting aggressively on information, seizing and detaining people without reasonable grounds, and “rendering” them to third countries or extraterritorial camps run by the U.S., where they face torture during interrogation and indefinite detention. Alongside the global system for mass registration and surveillance is emerging what some commentators are calling a “global gulag”,4 in which unknown numbers of people are languishing. What is at stake in this new world order is more than mere privacy, or even democratic processes, legal systems, and civil liberties. Basic human rights are in jeopardy.”

The document also lists the The Registrations of Populations as integral to the surveillance state with a long history of isolated test-runs across the world and with the shadow of abuse inherent in such data mining. Examples are given of Japanese internment in America the Second World War, the 1994 genocide that took place in Rwanda and the Pass Laws of apartheid South Africa. Such highly detailed information derived from Registration: “… is the tool by which those in power can easily single out and target certain kinds of people – not for what they have done, but for who they are.” And further: “By creating inclusion, the system also creates exclusion. For practical purposes, a person without a mandatory identity document will not exist – or will exist only as a risk to the state.”

Myth #2: These initiatives facilitate travel.

“But something else is happening, too. The private sector is being pressed into service as the state’s eyes and ears. Just as it has done with the acquisition of private-sector databases and airline passenger record systems, the state is using the private sector to exponentially increase its surveillance capacity in the realm of electronic communications and financial transactions. And, instead of relying on the inconsistent practices of businesses, governments are starting to tell businesses how to design their information systems, what information to gather, how long it must be stored, what must be checked and reported, and what must be given directly to state officials.

Compelling service providers to “build in” surveillance capacity to their systems means that within minutes of receiving a warrant from a court, real-time interception of a person’s Internet or voice over Internet use can be implemented with just a few computer strokes, making a connection between the computerized listening stations of law enforcement and the service provider’s system.”

The FBI’s various software can be used to search for keywords in the trillions of gigabytes of information that is continuously vacuumed up whether from your bank accounts or blogs. Data mining is the future of crime prevention which is already merging with the dubious practice of entrapment. In George Orwell’s 1984 Winston, the main protagonist in the novel appears to describe the present: “It was inconceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live – did live from the habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard.” The only difference in our world, our surveillance will comprise of various degrees of robot and artificial intelligence from the basic models already appearing in our malls to sophisticated androids capable of human simulation. They will assess are bio-signatures and voluminous data files and make mathematical probabilities of threats to the system which will slowly build itself around us.

Myth #3: If one has nothing to hide, one has nothing to worry about.

“An example of the many mistakes that were made in that era was the naming of academic Owen Lattimore as the Soviet Union’s top spy in the U.S. He later was fully cleared of the charges. In his account of the affair he noted that the F.B.I. and other agencies had ‘built up on him a dossier of ‘a man who might have existed’. Again, as a historian of the period has observed, ‘that phrase catches the very essence of the creation of the national insecurity state: a data world that shadows, mimics, and caricatures the real world’ We may think that anyone looking at our personal data with the proper explanation would conclude we are innocuous, but, in fact, in the data world we have no control over our “virtual identities” or the interpretations that others make of them.”

This goes to the central premise of conditioning that comes about from living under inverted totalitarianism and the necessary glut of authoritarian followers who allow its manifestation. We do not notice the dismantling of the foundation upon which are human values and ethics reside due to the buffering of our intuition and conscience. This is achieved through propaganda, psychic driving and memetic engineering of our consciousness all cemented with the human propensity for wishful thinking and denial.

We keep coming back to the uncomfortable fact that we naturally seek sanctuary in the delusion that there is nothing to worry about because we cannot entertain the possibility that we may have to alter our beliefs and attempt a deconstructive introspection. When such a painful process begins it can shatter the ego-mask that buffers us from the terror of the situation. When our personality is largely empty of substance this can be akin to inviting death of identity and belonging. So, having nothing to worry about is a preferable hook upon wish we can willingly attach.

In modern times, nothing comes closer to a collective seduction than the human races’ relationship to technology. We are firmly caught in its web of convenience, innovation and compliance in much the same way we are enthralled by the chemical hit of sex. In that sense, the surveillance state is just another compromise on the road to achieving the new nirvana of the post-human.

Have we really learned those lessons? Or have we merely changed our focus?


“The worldwide heat map from the NSA’s data visualisation tool BOUNDLESSINFORMANT, showing that during a 30-day period, 97 billion internet data records (DNI) and 124 billion telephony data records (DNR) were collected.” (wikipedia, creative commons | Source Author National Security Agency)

Myth# 4: The technology being used is objective and reliable.

“First, the factual base on which the technology rests is unreliable. The ‘best information available’ on which data mining or risk-scoring technology depend is often inaccurate, lacking context, dated, or incomplete. It might even be dirty information – extracted by torture, or offered by an informant who is vulnerable or is acting in bad faith. Secondly, the criteria used to sort masses of data will always be over-inclusive and mechanical. Data mining is like assessing ‘guilt by Google’ key-word search. And since these systems use broad markers for predicting terrorism, ethnic and religious profiling are endemic to them. … a precautionary principle is at work when human beings are making the risk assessments.”

A surveillance state is surely an oxymoron by virtue of the fact it is created not from the wish to protect but the incentive to control. Technology is only as trustworthy as its programmer and by extension, the context in which the capabilities of technology are applied. By the same token, human beings are fallible and since machines are born from the quality of our own minds they will mirror the glitches and unpredictable anomalies so much are part of a learning universe – despite protestations to the contrary. The more complicated and sophisticated machines become the more they will transcend their in-built limitations – that is spark that consciousness seeks. But the Surveillance State is linked to wider philosophical beliefs where development and trust in technology is based on the notion of an evolutionary salvation. Such a suggestion is usually rejected by transhumanists who insist that technology is merely the next stage in human evolution; our destiny is to embrace singularity and merge with the machine for optimum transcendence. By implication, the surveillance state will cease to exist since it will become superfluous to our needs.

Once again, this presupposes that such a system of malevolence will naturally evolve into one of benevolence and those at key nodal points of its power will simply transcend along with us. More likely is that the rooted dominance that gave rise to inversion will offer more of the same, where the worm-hole of singularity is really nothing more than a sublime devolution by delusion, the end result of which is absorption of all that is individual and original in exchange for group-think and technocratic compliance. Sophisticated, yes, even ecstatic at times, but like an addictive drug, when you realise you are hooked and seek to escape in search of authentic experience, it will be too late. From reliability and trust projected onto the machine will ultimately invite the law of repulsion.

Myth #5 and 6: Terrorist watch lists are a reliable product of international intelligence cooperation and consensus / Governments want to implement these systems to protect their citizens from terrorists.

“There is no due process afforded individuals or groups to allow them to challenge the inclusion of their names on a list. And, once the “terrorist” label is fastened to them, actions are taken against them without normal legal protections being afforded (protections such as presumption of innocence, the right to know the evidence and allegations against one and to respond, the right to remain silent, and habeas corpus). This is the essence of the risk assessment model: it treats as intolerable risks the very legal protections that are fundamental to free and democratic societies. In short, the U.S. lists have “been created haphazardly and without the carefully constructed checks and balances that such powerful instrument[s] demand.” And the lists are certainly bloated. At various times, news reports have put the numbers of names on the U.S. lists in the millions.”

Despite the fact that 99.9 per cent of those listed are largely innocent of any crimes at all, the Terrorist Watch List is drawn directly from the idea that al-Qaeda/ISIL and most terrorist atrocities are representative of a real, external threat. Such a disastrous policy has shown to be a cynical manipulation of the mass mind and comprehensively debunked if one reads the research from authors and experts in the field alongside the current geo-strategy and its outcomes in the last one hundred years.

The official story of global terrorism is a monumental fabrication – a product of a compartmentalised mutation of myth used to promote the economic and socio-cultural status quo. It is a cleverly disguised tool of opportunism for social control with the rise of police states and war without end as the norm. Indeed, such an inversion is truly insidious as the pathology begins to make inroads into the psyche of normal human beings. As the ICAMS authors state: “As people begin to realize that every transaction in their personal lives is potentially being watched – and that their innocent actions and beliefs can be easily misconstrued by risk assessors in their own and other countries, they will begin to internalize the social control that is being exerted by governments, watching what they say, what they criticize, who they associate with, and what they profess to believe in.”


Germans protesting against the NSA surveillance program PRISM at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. (wikipedia,)

This is happening fast. The official culture of psychopathy requires these myths not only to keep populations in a state of fear and disempowerment but more importantly, so that the banking architecture and profits from the arms race, weapons manufacturing, narcotics, human and organ trafficking continues until nothing more can be squeezed out of the husk. Implosion is the only avenue left. Yet, from this breakdown, will we have a true community template of freedom which encourages a free-flowing exchange or will we walk as somnambulists into a mainframe of control from which comfort and efficiency is a high-resolution mask? This set of technocratic controls represent both the future safeguards against this implosion and the ultimate resource of future exploitation when machine-based society dominates over a depopulated world.

Other myths include that of “Western Democracies defending democracy and human rights around the world”; “such initiatives make us safer”; “Guaranteeing security is the paramount responsibility of governments” and the platitude that “at least, these initiatives are better than doing nothing.” All of which are much propagated lies within the MSM, think-tanks and PR outfits which prey on the naive and ill-informed. As ICAMS asserts:

“Careful examination shows that the global, mass registration and surveillance initiatives that have been described in this document are not “better than doing nothing”. They divert resources away from activities that would provide us with better security, they are not effective, and the harm they do to democracies, individuals, the rule of law, and global security is not proportional to their utility, or even to the risk they are supposedly addressing.”

Biotechnology and transhumanist discourse in general, is wholly identified with the idea of accelerating human design and manipulating the rate of perceived evolution. This is in accordance with a one-dimensional philosophy that discards the idea of natural rhythms and cycles that may have their own rates of change and which may not be immediately accessible to the fallible and very subjective human mind. This is hardly surprising due to the movement’s secular roots. However, what if – as a very rich tradition of often suppressed ancient wisdom suggests – there is indeed a precise symmetry and purpose in the way the planet, cosmos and Universe functions and organises itself? Most transhumanists appear to reject this possibility and assume that a “genetic designer label” can be stamped onto biology based on what they consider to be a sacred evolutionary direction. As with most strictly materialist perceptions, in true Baconian tradition the control of matter, mind and Nature is the objective divorced from the idea of consciousness existing outside the constraints of matter. A Masters-of-the-Universe mentality seeks to upstage Nature and the planet itself, bending it to their “post-human” will.

That is not to say there are not some great minds in the transhumanist movement and that there is nothing of value to be found there. But when there is no real discernment between what is considered to be pathology and normalcy and where beliefs are already predisposed to psychological corruption, then it just becomes yet another hijacked ideology. There is also the opportunity to ask questions as to whether we base our future on the lessons of the past or presume to forge ahead and base our decisions on a technological train of wishful thinking. Will we be downloading and uploading a reality that is sacrificing authenticity for artifice?

Can we say that the Elite families of the West have changed; that all is in the past and they have comprehensively turned over a new leaf? Evidence so far suggests that this particular mind-set has merely adapted and refined its methods. Depopulating the world, identifying, logging, tagging and micro-chipping the remaining populace and herding them into tightly controlled mega-cities via economic hardship is one future the Pathocrats envision. Meanwhile, buying up vast tracts of land under the banner of environmentalism will provide them with suitable means to live with the benefits of advanced bio-genetic/cyber technology at their fingertips – most likely with the view to extending their life-spans. Far-fetched or not, psychopaths and those drunk on power seldom think of failure. Vast amounts of money has been channelled for decades into massive underground bunkers presently dotted around the US and Europe some of which can house over 2 million people. To bring “Order out of Chaos” one must first introduce the Chaos to the extent that all manner of alternatives are wiped clean, leaving only one Singularity. They intend to be safe and warm away from all their created carnage and for as long as it takes.

The same vision that has hijacked the normal expressions of creativity for the last two hundred years or more has embraced the Information Age. If a virus goes unnoticed within all societal domains and even begins to define the nature of society, then any future innovations and apparent evolutionary surges will be made under the impetus of the same macro-social pathogen and thus subverted towards anti-human goals until such time it begins to lose its grip. The internet provides us with an immense opportunity to access massive amounts of information and turn it into knowledge through clusters of networks. We have the opportunity to develop and apply that knowledge/awareness in ways undreamt of. Consequently, a real battle for freedom is already taking place in various fields of technology between what we might call the entropic /machine consciousness which seeks to dominate and coerce reality into its tiny perceptions and the human / creative consciousness that seeks to co-create, disburse and expand alongside the Earth and Universe. As a very real human global brain awakens it remains to be seen how it will be wired up and if those “synapses” will be able to make unbreakable bonds based on freedom, truth, responsibility and love.

Technocracy V: The Technocrats Tap in (2)

“What is the society we wish to protect? Is it the society of complete surveillance for the commonwealth? Is this the wealth we seek to have in common – optimal security at the cost of maximal surveillance?”
– Tom Stoppard, author, playwright


                                      Image credit: | infrakshun

In 2003, under the Bush Administration, the Total Information Awareness program was introduced in order to provide “large, distributed repositories” including “biometric signatures of humans” and “human network analysis and behavior modeling” provided by DARPA. It was a reiteration of what ECHELON and MAIN CORE had been doing for years. Congress defunded the program in the same year, prohibiting any such activities to target Americans.

The Total Information Awareness Office run by convicted Iran-Contra felon John Poindexter and featured a logo on its website resembling the popular occult mythology of the Illuminati. It was so blatant that some visitors thought it was a bad attempt at political satire. It wasn’t. It did however, beg the question as to why such a revealing caricature and its objectives was allowed the go ahead? Moreover, why was it derailed so quickly when other draconian legislation – including the highly controversial PATRIOT act – sailed through without any problems?

The reason for this was to provide a distraction so that yet another surveillance hub could be built away from the spotlight.

A 2012 article by online tech magazine Wired reports on Intel journalist James Bamford’s sources who claim that once again, NSA has been continuing its surveillance operations with a new spy data centre based in Utah: “… capable of breaking almost any encryption, reading any email and recording any phone call anywhere in the world, even if it’s not made over the Internet.” Where have we heard that before? This hub is just one of a number of networked sites based around a similar network 0f “ultra-sensitive satellites … with the unique ability to sniff electronic communications from a massive distance.” [1]Bamford’s sources say that the NSA is routinely violating the US constitution by dumping all of America’s communications data into the system for analysis. Perhaps most importantly, and which goes to the heart of the premise of this book is the opinion of another covert source to which Bamford made contact who claimed that: “… the NSA is on the verge of a massive coup, putting the U.S. inches away from ‘a turnkey totalitarian state.’” [2]


The Total Information Awareness logo as compared to the Great Seal found on the US dollar bill, a freemasonic emblem. A purposeful distraction?

Another heavy-weight whistleblower, William Binney, decided to grab the gauntlet and go against his superiors to warn of an Orwellian Superstate which is “ready” and “set up” so that one has to just “turn the key” and this would be an immediate reality. [3] A specialist in traffic analysis, Binney worked for the NSA for 37 years and knows its capabilities and technical now-how inside out. He joined Electronic Frontier Foundation’s case against the National Security Agency (Jewel v. NSA) filed in July 2, 2012, and their illegal domestic surveillance programs which, according to Binney, “are consistent, as a mathematical matter, with seizing both the routing information and the contents of all electronic communications” inside the U.S. He has stated that over 20 trillion files have been created since the September 11th attacks.[4]Amid significant civil liberty concerns, NSA head and commander of US Cyber Command department General Keith Alexander is still seeking to redesign the internet’s infrastructure so that the NSA may: “… know instantly when overseas hackers might be attacking public or private infrastructure and computer networks.” A trial of 17 US defence companies is already underway.

Tom Simonite from Technology Review tells us:

“Under the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Pilot, Lockheed Martin and other companies set up their computer security systems to automatically alert the agency when the alarm is tripped. They automatically pass a summary of what was detected and the IP address associated with the event to the NSA over the Internet. ‘All you need to pass is the fact of a signature and IP address in real time, and we can take it from there,’ said Alexander.” [5]

Yet, there is more to MAIN CORE than high-level data collection and future detention. First, we need to keep in mind that targeting the thinking population is not just an Orwellian fantasy but an objective reality. The NSA and Homeland Security is collecting massive amounts of data on the US and European populations for another purpose which may well have something to do with “Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation” or (SEAS). From their celebratory website we read: “What happens when you take gaming technology, inject it with the latest discoveries in management, economics, and psychology, and apply it to business, political, and social situations? The answer is Simulex’s Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), the result of ten years of research conducted at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management, in association with the United States Department of Defence and several Fortune 500 companies.” [6]

Looking at Simulex Inc. client base it is fairly easy to guess. As the bold heading that greets us on the client page attests, SEAS has a top heavy bias for the telecommunications industry. It assists the United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) to “model the volatile regions of the world” while also providing their services to United States Department of Homeland Security in preparing “… for bio-terrorist attacks, and by Fortune 500 companies for strategic planning.”[7]Other clients include: United States Department of Defence, United States Department of Justice, United States Army Recruiting Command and Crane Naval Surface Warfare Centre. Their private sector clients are global pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and our old weapons friend Lockheed Martin who got rid of whistleblower Margaret Newsham for blabbing to the press about unwarranted surveillance.

Is it coincidence Lockheed turns up here?

Other Fortune 500 companies are apparently clients but we are not given a list. However, it would be right up the social engineering alley of the Rockefeller Foundation and Monsanto Corp.

(Photo: Mönch / STN)

Which brings us to another 2005 whistleblower Russell D. Tice, a former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and NSA Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) officer. His statements in an interview to online journal Think Progress claimed that the surveillance discovered so far was “… only the tip of the iceberg,” and there was “… an angle that you haven’t heard about yet…” [8]In another interview with the online culture journal Reason just prior to a congressional hearing on the NSA wiretapping scandal (which went nowhere) Tice infers that the wire-tapping was not the main issue and that he needed: “… to tell Congress that no one knows yet, which is only tertiarily connected to what you know about now … In my case, there’s no way the programs I want to talk to Congress about should be public ever, unless maybe in 200 years they want to declassify them. You should never learn about it; no one at the Times should ever learn about these things.”[9]

So, surveillance was only scratching the surface. What then, are we to make of this military-corporate complex outsourcing in conjunction with MAIN CORE? What would you do if you wanted to predict how each of us may act in the future, most especially if your main objective was to control population in the face of a real or imagined threat against the Establishment power-base?

What is it that we “should never learn about?”

Could that be that each and every one of us who has expressed a level of awareness that thinks out of the box has an electronic kindle file packed full of interesting data? Moreover, this data is part of complex synergy of multi-layered simulations that uses a form of mass “pre-crime” software with a supercomputing power undreamt of.

>Blogger and commentator Kevin Flaherty from makes it clear in the following analysis:

We must assume that They are using the full spectrum of surveillance information to try to PREDICT HOW EACH OF US IS LIKELY TO BEHAVE ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS. Where we go. Which routes we take. What we buy. Etc. All of these things can be broken down into a kind of moving average that wiggles around between an upper band and a lower band, kind of like a standard deviation from a mean. Stay within the bands, and the Magic 8 Ball probably won’t bother to flag your profile for closer analysis by some genius at the Terrorist Screening Center.

Obviously, most of us aren’t worth the attention of a human analyst, and They know it. Most of the sheep just go with the herd. They do what they’re told, shop at Wal-Mart, pay their taxes, go to church, the end. More educated sheep read Business Week or the New York Times, etc. Within a fairly wide range of activities, it’s no more complicated, for the vast majority of the people out there, than the way pool balls behave as they bounce around the table and each other.

This is a key point, so I’m going to emphasize it: These systems would excel at finding the artifacts, the outliers, the people who haven’t internalized the programming, but continue to act ‘normal.’ [10] [Emphasis mine]

Journalist and author Walter Bowart who wrote the seminal classic Operation Mind Control (1978) the NSA of the 1960s had computer systems decades in advance of public and governmental agencies of the time. And let’s not forget the capabilities of “Quantum Light Harvesting” which offers a revolutionary way to advance computational power to undreamt of levels and in a short space of time. That being so, what systems do we imagine the NSA playing with now in 2015?

Having explored the notions of depopulation or “managed genocide” and psychological operations in this series, Flaherty makes an interesting observation on the nature of this total surveillance and so called resource-grabbing. He draws our attention to a recent and on-going SEAS project in partnership with the US Department of Defence (DOD) called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). According to the concept paper for the project, a parallel Planet Earth is being developed: “… with billions of individual ‘nodes’ to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR… It will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information.” Apparently, the simulation: “… provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP),” so that military leaders can “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners”.

SWS also:

“… replicates financial institutions, utilities, media outlets, and street corner shops. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors.

SEAS can display regional results for public opinion polls, distribution of retail outlets in urban areas, and the level of unorganization of local economies, which may point to potential areas of civil unrest. Yank a country’s water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next.

“The idea is to generate alternative futures with outcomes based on interactions between multiple sides,” said Purdue University professor Alok Chaturvedi, co-author of the SWS concept paper. [11]

However, the Pentagon still isn’t content. Hundreds of additional spies are being sent overseas as part of a new espionage network that is set to rival the CIA in size according to the Washington Post. The report informs us that the a transformation of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) is underway having been “dominated for the past decade by the demands of two wars” and which will now be a “spy service focused on emerging threats and more closely aligned with the CIA and elite military commando units.” With “collectors” numbering as many as 1,600 all over the world this is no small project. In fact, as we have explored, it seems to be part of an expansive operation to merge military and intelligence agencies into a more centralised system of espionage and domestic surveillance. As the Post mentions: “… the Pentagon’s plan to create what it calls the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS) reflects the military’s latest and largest foray into secret intelligence work. The DIA overhaul — combined with the growth of the CIA since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — will create a spy network of unprecedented size.” [12]

illustrationPhoto from Simulex, Inc. advert

On top of all this, in 2012, former CIA intelligence analyst turned Whistleblower Edward J. Snowden leaked more than 50,00 classified documents to the Wikileaks organisation and journalist Glenn Greenwald revealing in black and white just how pervasive and all-encompassing the surveillance capabilities of America’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ truly is. For some, the jury is still out on Snowden’s motives, primarily due to the fact that much of this information had been known for many years by independent journalists and alternative media who had been trying to get the attention of the mainstream media, but to no avail. So, it was a little fishy that Snowden was all over every possible media outlet in a very short space of time as though he had single-handedly dismantled the apparatus himself. Yet, he is the first CIA agent to do so. Is he a patsy, a conscious agent or a hero?

Whether the NSA is using him to test the demographic water of mass perception is unclear. For one thing, it allows the public to ease their way into deeper issues surrounding the whole arena of US policy from drone attacks to terrorism. The latter reason has been trotted out to justify all kinds of unconstitutional measures and many are waking up to this fact. After all, so-called “terrorists” are acutely aware that they are always monitored. What Snowden has done is to show how surveillance is targeting innocent people, not the terrorists. The NSA, in all probability, may be extremely peeved that their methods have been revealed. Whether this is a CIA-NSA turf war suggested by some commentators remains to be seen. As the CIA grapples with increasing revelations about its torture and rendition programs and the NSA continues to try and stem the flow of leaked cables on its surveillance capabilities, the leviathan of soft totalitarianism still lumbers forward.


© infrakshun

By 2013, while the magnitude of surveillance of all and everyone was being digested it is true to say that there may be much more to be drawn out of the NSA shadows. On November 28th,the BBC’s Hardtalk programme, Glenn Greenwald stated that there are still thousands of leaked cables to go through and make public. As it stands, the leaks have not made the slightest difference to its illegality as some commentators have been saying for quite some time. Far from being chastened, the NSA has romped ahead by creating a secret body of law which gives the agency carte blanche in accessing data on Americans justified by the war on terror and the threat of cyber-terrorism and underground nuclear proliferation.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) has eleven members whose job it was to approve illegal wire-tapping orders and which have  now been expanded to allow the NSA to do as it pleases while doffing its hat to feeble attempts to regulate intelligence surveillance. In a Guardian piece by Spencer Ackerman on August 16, 2013, it was reported that thousands of annual violations of its own restrictions continue to mount as reported by two US senators who sit on the US intelligence committee. As Rice, they stated that these were, also: “the tip of the iceberg.”

The bottom line is that everyone is presumed guilty rather than innocent simply due to the vast amount of data building on every citizen. The NSA can effectively trap you into suspected wrongdoing. As we have seen, the ubiquitous rise of entrapment operations may reflect something much deeper. Just because you have led a law-abiding life, it is no protection against mass spying programs seeping into every corner of our lives care of SMART technology. Indeed, the very definition of “law abiding” is changing; contoured towards government policy rather than what is ethically and morally sound. Whistleblower William Binney has warned for several years that the government is storing literally everything and creating a highly sophisticated, searchable database to be used for anything it wants. Snowden says much the same thing in an interview on June 12, 2013:

Because even if you’re not doing anything wrong you’re being watched and recorded. And the storage capability of these systems increases every year consistently by orders of magnitude … to where it’s getting to the point where you don’t have to have done anything wrong. You simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody – even by a wrong call. And then they can use this system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with. And attack you on that basis to sort to derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer. [13]

On July 6, 2013, Eric Lichtblau writng for the New York Times commented on officials’ statements that: “… the court’s still-secret decisions go far beyond any single surveillance order.” Indeed, though European countries such as France and Spain have been found spying on their own citizens, even handing over data to the NSA it is the United States that has led the charge against the global population’s privacy. This in turn, has led the Surveillance State seeping into every avenue of American life. Even the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has routinely been snooping in order to extract largely unconstitutional taxation claims. It believes that it can continue to operate quite happily without using a warrant to read people’s emails and text messages. Just like the search engine Google Inc. (whom we will turn to presently) the Fourth Amendment and every person’s right to basic privacy is deemed irrelevant to the IRS and it’s highly dubious definitions of taxations laws. In summary, they have their ears and eyes tapped into every conceivable communication source while making up their own laws to maintain this illegal surveillance  well into the future. If you listened to the BBC you would think that it is Glenn Greenwald who should be on trial for daring to suggest that intelligence chiefs “routinely lie.”

But the shadow government and the NSA isn’t content – it needs more and more. Research into weaponisation, military capabilities and surveillance has now encompassed much of society. Corporations, multinational security firms and private contractors who act as “digital blackwaters” are all in the NSA bag. Outsourcing is key in terms of diluting accountability whilst encouraging innovation. In just a few examples from many, military-intel company Raytheon has “… secretly developed software capable of tracking people’s movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites.” The company admitted that it was a joint research & development project shared with the US government sincce 2010 in order “… to help build a national security system capable of analysing ‘trillions of entities’ from cyberspace.

WilliamBinney-EdwardSnowdenWhistleblowers William Binney (left) and Edward J. Snowden (right)

The security of biometric data is a bad joke since the sale of private data is open to lucrative profits. In 2013, Richard Kerbaj and Jon Ungoed-Thomas reported in the May 13th, edition of The Sunday Times that data of 27m mobile phone users had been: “… offered for sale to the Metropolitan police, private companies and other bodies, enabling them to track users’ movements.” The company involved in the potential sale is: “Ipsos Mori, one of Britain’s biggest research firms, … claimed in meetings that every movement by users can be tracked to within 100 metres.” According to the newspaper, the company: “shelved any deal after being contacted by The Sunday Times.” The report continued: “Documents to promote the data reveal that it includes ‘gender, age, postcode, websites visited, time of day text is sent [and] location of customer when call is made’. They state that people’s mobile phone use and location can be tracked in real time with records of movements, calls, texts, also available for the previous six months.” [14]

To carry out these  games in order to “protect us” the NSA has resorted to impersonating Google in order to obtain its information and swell its billions of files.  Named in the business as a “man in the middle attack” it involves a hacker technique of “… using a fake security certificate to pose as a legitimate Web service, bypass browser security settings, and then intercept data that an unsuspecting person is sending to that service.” Once passwords have been collected users can then log in to genuine banking websites thereby acting as intermediary or “middle man” and re-routing requests to their bank and returning the information to the customer while gathering highly personal data from both participants without either having the slightest clue what has happened. (It also applies to email servers). This time it is not a lone hacker but the NSA and GCHQ, where massive amounts of information is being channelled back to their central hubs. [15]

The idea that informational roadmap of cyberspace has been compromised by Intel PSYOPS and NSA surveillance has become more of a probability that a possibility. It is foolish to believe that anything we do online is secure or private. Not only is the NSA breaking most forms of encryption on the internet but is likely replacing intercepting downloads of open-source encryption software and silently replacing these with their own versions. The NSA is re-calibrating the internet towards its own perception of reality.

Illegality is justified with the favourite canard that it is all to protect us from terrorism. It was confirmed just how manufactured the threat truly is when online journal reported in October 2013 that NSA Director Keith Alexander admitted before a congressional committee that he lied when he claimed the agency’s wire-tapping program had thwarted 54 terrorist “plots or events.”  In June of 2013, while the Obama administration was busy denouncing the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden and locking away Bradley Manning for 35 years, the NSA was lying through its teeth once again. Only 13 of the 54 cases were connected to the United States and just one or two suspected plots were: “… identified as a result of bulk phone record collection.” This was nothing new. The head was merely following the “terrorist-under-your-bed” justification for all manner of constitutional abuses practiced by the government and military-intelligence apparatus.

Lying is an inherent part of the deal. Apart from using data and surveillance as a means to implement propaganda, cyber-warfare and the harassment of those deemed “enemies,” mass surveillance is key to Obama’s assassination programs still carried out without oversight. In combination with the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) the NSA and CIA effectively make a private army outside any democratic accountability. Special operations units utilising drones and US soldiers are deployed all around the globe, from Somalia to Yemen, Afghanistan to Iraq. The coordination and logistical support is given by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) who essentially decides who might be a suitable target and the means by which he or she will be murdered.

According to Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) the true purpose of the NCTC is the:

“massive, secretive data collection and mining of trillions of points of data about most people in the United States” …. In particular, the NCTC operates a gigantic data-mining operation, in which all sorts of information about innocent Americans is systematically monitored, stored, and analyzed. This includes “records from law enforcement investigations, health information, employment history, travel and student records” – “literally anything the government collects would be fair game”. In other words, the NCTC – now vested with the power to determine the proper “disposition” of terrorist suspects – is the same agency that is at the center of the ubiquitous, unaccountable surveillance state aimed at American citizens.

Worse still, as the ACLU’s legislative counsel Chris Calabrese documented back in July in a must-read analysis, Obama officials very recently abolished safeguards on how this information can be used. Whereas the agency, during the Bush years, was barred from storing non-terrorist-related information about innocent Americans for more than 180 days – a limit which “meant that NCTC was dissuaded from collecting large databases filled with information on innocent Americans” – it is now free to do so. Obama officials eliminated this constraint by authorizing the NCTC “to collect and ‘continually assess’ information on innocent Americans for up to five years”. [16]

As the NSA and Homeland Security can now, on a whim, label any American a potential terrorist, the most obvious question to ask is how long will it be before American citizens are assassinated on their own soil? (Assuming it hasn’t happened already).


Obama’s Drones ready to assassinate from a distance without trial or jury. Based on the woeful intelligence of the last decade chances are you are likely to be an innocent civilian.

Perhaps no better example illustrates how the NSA should be the last people we trust is from the recent confirmation that the agency wishes to defend none other than Wall Street. Rather than wire-tapping genuine criminals infesting the world of cartel economics, this bastion of financial terrorism is deemed worthy of protection.

Salon, journalist Natasha Lennard details how the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released a statement in early 2013 noting: “It is not a secret that the Intelligence Community collects information about economic and financial matters, and terrorist financing. We collect this information for many important reasons: for one, it could provide the United States and our allies early warning of international financial crises which could negatively impact the global economy. It also could provide insight into other countries’ economic policy or behavior which could affect global markets.” [17]

The NSA could no doubt collect vast amounts of information on the continuing “irregularities” and corporate crimes still devouring any chance of a healthy economy. As journalist Michael Degerald mentioned regarding the admission: “If any part of American society or business had shown itself to be corrupt to the core, and thus in need of surveillance, it’s Wall Street.” [18]



[1] ‘The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)’ By James Bamford, Wired, March 15, 2012.
[2] Ibid.
[3] RT report July 2012.
[4] ‘Sworn Declaration of Whistleblower William Binney on NSA Domestic Surveillance Capabilities’ July 16 2012. Public,
[5] ‘NSA Boss Wants More Control Over the ‘Net’by Tom Simonite,, July 27, 2012.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] ‘NSA Whistleblower To Expose More Unlawful Activity: ‘People…Are Going To Be Shocked’’ By Faiz Shakir, Thnik Progress Security, May 12, 2006.
[9]‘Inside the Puzzle Palace’ – A Reason interview with NSA whistleblower Russell Tice, by Julian Sanchez,, January 13, 2006.
[10] ‘Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation’ By Kevin Flaherty,, June 30th, 2007.
[11] ‘Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale – Sim Strife’ By Mark Baard, The Register, 23rd June 2007.
[12] ‘DIA sending hundreds more spies overseas’ By Greg Millar, The Washington Post, December 2.
[13] See: ‘Full Interview with Edward Snowden’at:
[14] ‘Secrets of 27m mobile phones offered to police’ by Richard Kerbaj and Jon Ungoed-Thomas Sunday Times, 12 May 2013.
[15] ‘NSA Disguised itself as Google’ by Edward Moyer, September 2013.
[16] “The President’s Private Army”: NSA-CIA Spying is Central to Carrying Out the Obama Administration’s Assassination Program. By Washington’s Blog / Global Research, September 29, 2013.
[17] ‘Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper on Allegations of Economic Espionage’
Sunday, September 08, 2013.
[18] ‘Why doesn’t NSA spy on Wall Street?’by Michael Degerald Sep 11, 2013.

Dark Green X: UN Agenda 21 and SMART Growth

By M.K. Styllinski

economist_566Promotional advertising for Smart Housing Conferences

Eco-fascism has blended with the usual collectivist and corporatist ethos to produce UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development (SD). Such an exercise in mass manipulation under cover of altruistic and benevolent enterprise is nothing new. The population at large cannot be trusted and must be managed; individual rights must be laid waste for a New World Communitarianism as determined by the State rather than grassroots, normal people – a blatant hijacking of a pragmatic philosophy. By taking advantage of the “humans as virus” meme and laying on guilt, fear and culpability of both the affluent and the poor alike, the  burgeoning sub-class and the pounding of the middle class will be standardised. The selling point is a wholesale redistribution of wealth so that ostensibly, poorer people will have more capital thus economic disparity will be alleviated. This is not about uncovering a socialist plot or adhering to a tribal belief of right-wing values. This is about the subversion of the best qualities within the left and right belief system and using such beliefs and principles to bolster globalism and the imposition of the World State.

Pushing the idea of postmodern social justice is a large part of Agenda 21 and is understandably appealing to those sincerely wishing to help their neighbourhood and global initiatives. It is however, a ruse. Conservation and ecological awareness is crucial but not at the cost of our civil liberties and the erosion of our basic humanity.

This is very important to understand, which is why I stress it over and over: if you are overly-identified with a belief and thus a tribe, then your perceptions will already be skewed and resistant to seeing the signs of emotional manipulation. This is an omni-directional deception which uses ANY belief to oil the wheels of its progress. Get out of the mind-set that left, right or centrist views have the answer. Psychopaths are predatory opportunists and are happily free from such belief constraints and they use that mental freedom mercilessly.

Governments are taking control of all land use in order to exclude private property owners from having any say in the future. If you want to be off-grid or truly independent, the coming SMART infrastructure will make it purposely difficult – if not impossible – to opt out. Independence and freedom of mind is a threat to the emerging eco-technocratic World State. Remember Food as a Weapon? Well, this naturally extends to land use and urban redevelopment. Gradualism is the only suitable method to affect change of this kind since they know that most people wouldn’t accept it otherwise. However, things are rapidly moving ahead toward a highly ambitious objective.


© infrakshun

People will be herded into concentrated zones of urban “human habitation” (in UN-speak) while rural communities who choose to live outside such a system will be progressively isolated and cut off from earning a living. Self sufficiency of the kind that will offer complete independence from the SD-SMART grid will be prohibited, simply due to the state of infrastructure technology. Don’t have an i-phone to swipe your bar-code and obtain food?  Don’t have your global ID? Then how can we check your health/licence/carbon credit quota and therefore allow you to buy your food/gas?

The 1960s and early 1970s saw a huge expansion of global awareness which was comprehensively co-opted by psychopathic leaders and their intelligence apparatus. The flowering of human consciousness which led to human potential movements were co-opted quite early on. When you are able to plan and preempt such cycles of creative expansion you then set about ways of “de-fanging” it, so that the threat of human emancipation does not threaten the minority psychopath’s hold on power at the top. (See David McGowan’s book on Laurel Canyon for but one description of this process and re-read ‘The Light Bringer’).

The Club of Rome, Limits to Growth and a clustered emergence of green organisations (most of whom were genuine with great successes early on) were later taken over and slowly moved away from their founding principles. UN policies on ecological imperatives mostly date back to the early 1970s. it was not until the Rio de Janerio Earth Summit in 1992 that green consciousness started to take hold in our minds.

In order to make sure this trajectory was maintained and to take advantage of the environmental inspiration to save the planet, Agenda 21’s power was codified by the American Planning Association and their legislative document: Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Model Statutes for Planning and the Management of Change. It was not codified in the same way as European legislation which is binding by law, but through a process of complete camouflage and obfuscation. Finally completed in 2002, taking almost ten years to produce the final version, this blueprint for radical change is jam-packed full of ordinances, regulations and statutes that would have made Napoleon balk. What is more, all these rules are to be incorporated into the general town and city planning of every city in America. Consequently, every federal department that governs land use has this particular “bible” somewhere in the office and whose “requirements” are being  implemented, whether at the local or state level. Similarly, the education system has the same simplified version of Growing Smart on its curricula taking up a big part in outcome based education and Common Core, hence the now familiar buzzword of “SMART growth” on everyone’s lips.

Typical SMART style designing of public buildings in US.

The International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) was created in Germany solely in order to implement Agenda 21. It takes its role very seriously by ensuring that this “guidebook” becomes doctrine alongside Agenda 21, with the cost paid by the US tax payer. With over 1000 cities and counties claiming membership, it seems it is having an effect but not for the beneficial reasons many green advocates would imagine. Its purpose is to dilute and invalidate boundaries and national restrictions so that global governance can enter unimpeded. This is where SMART societies and Agenda 21 come together in all their chilling exactitude.

The planning revolution across the United States in the 1990s and 2000s saw a glut of apartments sprouting up miraculously in the middle of towns and cities. Thanks to the Growing Smart blueprint, vast tracts of cities and great chunks of towns were re-zoned to ‘mixed use’ in order to conform to the new regulations. In combination with government funding, the Redevelopment Agency in partnership with private businesses/corporations are driving a transformation of the urban environment toward an expensive, eco-standardised design which often has retail space at the bottom with residential floors above. I’m sure you can recall seeing these new streamlined, soulless designs all over the United States and European cities. These blocks have a high density of people so that the retail can be justified. Usually, these end up bankrupt, resulting in a swath of empty condos or apartments. But that’s part of the policy. The designs all look the same because they all have the same marketing behind it, from national workshops, seminars and training programs, federal, national redevelopment associations – they are all feeding from the same bag of ideological oats and funded by the public from property taxes.

On top of austerity measures in Europe and massive economic debt in the US, the money that should be going toward the upkeep and betterment of basic infrastructure is going into the banks’ coffers to prop up a failing economic system and ear-marked for the Redevelopment Agency under the euphemism of “urban renewal.” (European equivalents come under local development agencies and councils funded by the European Regional Development Fund). And here’s the kicker: with this brand of redevelopment cities and councils have the right to take private property by what’s called “eminent domain” and sell it on to a private developer – effectively out-sourcing the overall strategy to developers who build “cheap” housing, adhering to strict Agenda 21/Smart Growth designs – all under mixed use. Privacy and originality is literally thrown out of the window. Want a little garden? Forget it. Community gardening? Dream on. There are countless newspaper reports of homes and community gardens being levelled and destroyed due to an infringement of these obscure regulations.

With such redevelopment regulations comes a plethora of other land use restrictions all of which are gradually limiting the possibility of eating locally produced food and the cultivation of local markets. This also applies to farmers in both rural America and Europe. Already beholden to corporations, they are now having to take further pressures from unyielding rules that restrict water and land use, all enforced by hefty fines. The Wildlands Network ensures intense restriction on the one hand for independent farmers, while on the other, corporations have a free rein to pollute and utilise land while paying a paltry fine if caught.

Agricultural Land Trusts not only define the borders of farmers’ land use but impose generational regulations which make it inevitable that independent farming and the ability to actually feed ourselves without agribusiness and corporate food chains quite impossible. This is the 4C’s and 3E’s working in concert. No more independent, organic produce passed down the family line – the farmer’s property will likely have been sold.


Copenhagen, Denmark. Designed by the Bjarke Ingels Group, with nearly 500 apartments and incorporates a commercial district

A key part of this urban process is to declare it a “blighted” area as justification for funnelling taxes into redevelopment schemes. This vampiric extraction of crucial funds from communities, towns and cities is directly contributing and creating real impoverishment, where local services are cut, hospitals closed, roads left in disrepair, schools unsupported and social services suffering. Meantime, as discontent and alienation continue to fester, law enforcement is militarised and departments merged in order to counter this social distress.

Our urban environment is intimately connected to this state of affairs and it is under attack. Yet, the marketing and countless neighbourhood meetings and facilitation of such schemes continually claim that this is “renewal” when it is quite the reverse: it is social engineering in order to streamline cities into the UN Agenda 21, SD/SMART cities of the future. One criterion used to initiate a blighted area is that there are too many local businesses – I kid you not.

Ironically, the wheels of this eco-fascism are continually oiled by environmental community groups and NGOs who are still under the illusion that this is all for the betterment of their cities and nature in general. It is not about making a better world, it is about re-designing cities and towns – even demolishing whole areas liberally labelled “blighted” – in accordance with a sustainable, SMART model. This has been easier and easier to do since the 2008 manipulated economic depression where so many homes were lost to the sub-prime housing crisis and where anyone at all could ask for an exorbitant loan. There is massive ideological and financial incentive in creating poverty and rebuilding it along the rigid lines of Agenda 21 and Smart Growth regulations.

It is a highly ambitious plan employing a systems theory view of implementation across a wide range of societal domains, all of which, by necessity, must be integrated into this sustainable model for it to succeed, and succeeding it is, at least in the short-term. And the reason this brand of redevelopment is gaining ground is primarily due to the ignorance of the hijacking of genuine green sentiment and the distracting rise in technology that can seemingly solve all our problems. These are fertile grounds for the use of social engineering techniques so beloved of the Establishment. The ICLEI continues to step up SD and climate change brainwashing, wrapping up the ecotopian packaging so that regulation ensures a greater dependence on the State.

And this is what it’s about: as populations become more dependent, more disenfranchised, laden with an impossible debt burden increasing numbers of the population will be forced into high density cities and towns, plugged in, by default, to the SMART grid and SMART systems networked over every domain, from supermarket foods to healthcare. But a manipulated financial meltdown and social unrest must come first to truly break the spirit and conform.  The true “Social Equity” will demand that everyone will be in the same dependent boat, except those who are the technocratic managers and eco-enthusiasts who will preside over the motherboard of game theory management.

As we saw previously, the four pillars of Agenda 21 are Economy, Ecology and Social Equity – the 3E’s. As before, they merge easily into the cartel capitalism and cultural Marxism of what I call the 4C’s – Commercialisation, Consolidation and Centralisation, leading ultimately to overall Control. Recall the quotation to be found at the start of this post. Private property, business and industry can all be sequestered, bought up or removed entirely under eminent domain, conservation easement and land use restriction, all justified under Social Equity whereas in fact, the poorest and most vulnerable will suffer through a form of lego-land ghettoization.


Porta Nuova Isola, Milan | photo: © Arup

The next questions to pose are these: How do they get this legislation through at the local level?

How does it get so far?

Building Consensus and The Delphi Technique

As mentioned in the previous post, establishing “common consensus” where it matters is where social engineering and psychological techniques come into their own. To dilute suspicion that all is not what it appears to be, the use of jargon, buzzwords, sound bites and interminable vagueness is essential. New Age word salad and pseudo-science floated atop neuro-linguistic programming to trigger feel good emotions rather than cold blooded critical analysis of what is actually being presented – is key. After all, many community members and representatives of the neighbourhood attend meetings are naturally attuned to a positive outcome and looking to confirm their beliefs that anything seemingly “Green” is inherently “progressive” and a natural way to go for their respective neighbourhoods. (In a less psychopathically compromised society, this would be true, of course).

It is the nature of Agenda 21 to actively engage with NGOs and community groups as possible offering the illusion of citizen involvement. However, due to the massive increase in associated boards, regional agencies, commissions, trusts, programs and non-profit organisations the result is a melee of information with no one it seems tracking the true source. Exhaustion and confusion results, with a sense that communities are becoming more psychologically isolated. Instead of real answers disorientation and interminable platitudes constantly circle around the subject. This is purposely encouraged by paid lobbyists, fake neighbourhood groups and their ever-present “facilitators” who make sure the consensus stays on course without revealing who pays their fees. All these various regulated meetings are marketed as “spontaneous” or “grassroots” while being carefully engineered.

A process of vetting takes place when community leaders attend such meetings and paid shills scattered in the audience to shout down dissenters and encourage group-think. Similarly, formal sounding commissions and boards are created with those that have proved themselves either power-hungry, militant and clueless or what a piece of the green gravy train and are thus reliable “team players.” These same people are then able to enter the existing political infrastructure designed to weed out persons with ability and conscience in favour of those with the needed immorality.

Real town and city citizens don’t stand a chance against such a monolithic propaganda outfit. It is testament to the fact that you never hear about Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development on any mainstream media whether conservative or left-liberal. There is an unspoken blackout on the subject which explains just how important this SD/SMART blueprint for change truly is.

issaquah-highlands-towering-wall-clearcut-rr1Smart Modernism © courtesy of Tom Lane

A collaborative consensus arrived at by omitting essential knowledge is merely a form of manipulation designed to subvert democratic principles, a dynamic which are fast becoming normalised in the Eurozone and downtown USA. The consensus does not allow for dissent. Indeed, green protest itself has become subsumed into corporate green-washing whilst the very framework for ecological change has been compromised. SD and Smart Growth is already deeply embedded in our societies to the point where it is difficult to know who is working for who, where the lines between government, NGOs and corporations begin and end. The answer is: they don’t. Which is why the desperate state of our societies under the yoke of this spider’s web is making inroads into every way of life, tragically enabled by a lack of awareness from those who genuinely have the best interests of the planet and others at heart.

Group think programming develops a “consensus” that is founded on manipulation rather than truth. As a result, in meetings and in media reports, such programming encourages isolation of individuals who feel something is amiss and the easier facilitation of authoritarian followers to rise to the top. This applies from the local to more governmental meetings. Consensus building and visioning techniques, although benign in the right setting, have been twisted in service to Agenda 21. The Delphi Method/technique is certainly the psychological manipulator of choice in the context of SMART growth presentations and Agenda 21 streamlining. We can also see it being used to great effect in Common Purpose meetings as well as Common Core open education meetings in the US.

Rosa Koire is the executive director of The Post Sustainability Institute and a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specialising in eminent domain valuation. Her 2011 book: Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development written with Barry N. Nathan, has been the source for some of the material in this post and represents a rare insight into the nature of eco-intelpro. Koire believes this is a key component in the “rapid change” focus of Agenda 21 and SMART growth philosophy which routinely dupes communities into formally accepting pre-decided implementations. The appearance of groups having a say is just for show.


© Rawpixelimages | – Business Conference Meeting Seminar Team Concept Photo

Delphi was developed by the RAND corporation as a cold war mind control technique. Its objective was to channel group thinking and emotional desire towards the prepared point of view already developed by facilitators, and in such a way that the invited group believed it was their own idea. Public meetings appear to be the favoured forum to achieve their goals. Trained facilitators present a range of choices to a group, presenting a rich format for discussion.What the audience do not realise is that these “choices” have all been weighted in favour of the facilitators and their prepared outcome – the only one they want to see adopted. The audience is immersed in a form of entrainment with tried and tested techniques such as “visioning” used to create the correct emotional atmosphere ultimately conducive not to the participants but the conveners. (This is essentially how the local primaries work in US elections).

Delphi is used widely in school board meetings, training groups neighbourhood association meetings and every place where the end goal is to placate community concerns and contour thinking toward Agenda 21 objectives – without them ever knowing. Whether in Europe or America, there is an intentional camouflage of names and labels seemingly different but singing the exact same SD tune. There are so many different names for the same thing that it is very easy to be duped. Consequently, SMART growth and SMART initiatives in business, project management and civil society are awash with Delphi techniques. You can see an example HERE.

With substantial financing given to local government from federal agencies and the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) the meetings are cynically billed as an opportunity for the citizens of their town or city to: Get involved! Re-design your city! Become part of our shared, green future! A redevelopment project or regional transportation plan is usually the precursor to more radical change which inevitably involves housing and/or land use restrictions. They are often Trojan Horses for larger development goals.

Rosa Koire is unequivocal about the Delphi Technique and it’s common use to subvert meetings.

She states:

“The key thing to know about this is that of course you have no input. Only comments and observations that support the pre-approved plan will be supported. All others will be written on a big pad of paper and discarded later. The illusion of public buy-in is all that is needed. The organizers can later point to the fact they held a public meeting, a certain number of residents attended, a public comment was taken, and the community approved the plan. The facilitator is often a private consultant who has been professionally trained in running and managing a meeting. This consultant has been hired by your city to fulfill the requirement that the project has been seen and supported by its citizens —- it’s YOUR plan. If the project is a controversial one the city may have put out the call for non-profit groups, neighborhood associations, and city employees to send members to seed the audience and outnumber potential opponents. This is war. On those few occasions when the majority of the attendees object to the planned outcome, the facilitator will close the meeting and reschedule it for another time and place. You are experiencing the new consensus.”


© Heavyrobbie |

As ever, communitarianism infused with Establishment precepts is the underlying framework through which inverted totalitarianism is floated. Individual rights are a threat to group consciousness, and the emerging “global community” – a one world ethos.  It encompasses the Hegelian dialectic and its updated version of 1. a problem is created 2. an emotional reaction is engendered 3. the prepared “solution” is delivered amid the chaos. The solution becomes the “new normal” – corporatocracy meets pathocracy all painted in green chilac.

Koire stresses that everyone is affected by UN Agenda 21 and SD programming but it hides behind this SMART green jargon. “Insidious” is an apt word because it is so difficult to see unless you have built your knowledge base and taken steps to become aware.

Behind the Green Mask is an excellent primer for understanding how green hijacking works. Though there is much more to absorb in the book, as well as strategies to counteract these subversion, it might be helpful at this stage to quote Korie’s brief synopsis of Agenda 21 and SD process and what it means for the average person on the ground:

  • Step by step: UN Agenda 21 sets the stage for high density development in cities.

  • Redevelopment agencies subsidize development for Smart Growth. Only some favoured builders are in on the money train.

  • Banks were urged in the Clinton administration to loosen their loan criteria and let the money flow.

  • Developers built more and more commerical and residential buildings, glutting the market.

  • The economic collapse was engineered to cover the migration of business and production out of the US.

  • The stock market crash was engineered to suck wealth out of the middle class and destabilize their retirement.

  • The TARP bail-out was pay-back for the banks and consolidated their power by allowing them to take over smaller banks.

  • The crashed economy is a staged event and encourages agitation for more social programs, along with the vilification of property ownership. Those who own private property are ‘greedy.’

  • As people lose their homes to foreclosure and their steady employment vanishes, they will be more willing to live in government subsidized apartments in the center of cities. Neighbourhood cohesiveness will be a thing of the past. There will be less people to object to loss of private property rights. proposals to stop the federal mortgage interest tax deduction will be more easily accepted thus threatening private home ownership. The press obligingly writes about the miseries of home ownership and extols the virtues of living in a condo (maintenance free!) or apartment (move when you want!) next to the train tracks.

  • Instead of ‘social equity’ we’re seeing a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich, as foreclosed property gets snapped up at deep discounts by those with cash.

  • High unemployment and government assistance contributes to overall government indebtedness and continues the spiral of reducing our standard of living.

  • Private car ownership will become unaffordable through high gasoline prices, high parking costs in city centers,  and vehicle miles traveled taxes, and wages can be lowered to reflect the ‘savings.’

  • The redfields to greenfields conversions in the suburbs allow cities to demolish buildings and close off services to those areas. Redevelopment dollars, your property tax dollars, will be used for these projects.

  • Rural roads will not be paved, making rural property less valuable, banks will foreclose and local government will buy for pennies on the dollar. Less and less land will be available for agriculture, for production, for small scale living. Government-owned land will be managed by or given to non-profit land trusts in public private partnerships.

  • Lands will be closed off to public use. Rural areas closed. Suburban areas closed. Forest areas closed. Rural roads closed. Logging roads closed. Camping areas closed. State park areas closed.

  • Restrictions on travel. Personal identification required at all times. Health records. School records. Communication records. Email, Facebook, Global positioning mapping, virtual reality, —all serve to narrow your world.

  • Community oriented policing, Fusion centers, expanded domestic surveillance powers for the FBI, redefining torture, continuous war for peace, eternal war on terror, regular renewal of the USA Patriot Act.

  • Picking winners and losers is the official blood sport of the Agenda of the 21st Century.

Welcome to Smart Growth, UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, ready-made and waiting at a local neighbourhood and council meeting near you.

Communitarianism under SMART society and SMART technology will conform to Chinese and Stalinist Russian models – a SMART gulag of assigned leisure, total dependence and de-natured existence. With surveillance and biometric recognition and likely a global ID an d/or SMART chips under the skin, the “simulacra and simulation” will be complete.

Having got this far, if you suddenly have an overwhelming urge to wrinkle your nose and scoff  I would politely assure you this is happening under your very nose – probably in your own town. Don’t worry if this is all news to you. UN Agenda 21 has a pedigree camouflage. Let’s face it, there are some truly inspirational people who work under its auspices and passionately believe in the whole kit and caboodle. Blind belief is a powerful thing, as is the will to follow others’ lead. It is a rare thing indeed to find an ecologist or environmentalist who can see … the wood for the trees.

In the next post we will look at the Establishment’s take on Climate change.

Marxist Serfdom: “The answer is that we all own nothing.”

See also:

Singapore Is Taking the ‘Smart City’ to a Whole New Level

Six Issues that are Agenda 21

U.N. Policy Paper Outlines 7 Building Blocks for ‘Heavy-Handed’ World Government

Essential viewing: What Is Sustainable Development? (2017)


Dark Green IX: UN Agenda 21 and US Land Grab

By M.K. Styllinski

“One of the big lies about UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is that it ‘builds strong communities’. It does. But not in the way you would expect. It is managed democracy and manufactured consensus.”

– Rosa Koire, Executive Director, Post-Sustainability Institute

If we are to live our lives supporting and deriving benefit from Nature’s bounty, sustainable development must be an essential part of human destiny. However, in the hands of our leaders the concept of sustainability in its present incarnation may be very far from what many environmental activists believe it to be.

One of the many initiatives to come out of the Rio conference in 1992 was a 300 page document called Agenda 21 which the UN defines as: “… a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and major groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” Out of the summit came a National Strategy for a Sustainable America which led to the announcement in July 1993 by US President Bill Clinton of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) to implement a “national Strategy” for sustainable development. By 2010, this had advanced to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s mission of advancing the principles and goals of sustainable development through partnerships, collaboration, and outreach. [1]

The 1992 Earth summit’s Rio Declaration on Environment and Development set out 27 principles intended to guide future sustainable development around the world. The PCSD also had a set of “We Believe Statements” outlining 16 principles which paraphrase the Rio Declaration. Both these sets of principles are incorporated into Agenda 21 (“21” refers to the 21st Century).

The Agenda 21 document comprises of 40 chapters grouped into 4 sections:

  • Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions
  • Combating poverty in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.
  • Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
  • Includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution and the management of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes.
  • Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
  • The roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and workers and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.
  • Section IV: Means of Implementation Science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and financial mechanisms. [2]

In the above, we find the complement to the Earth Charter, where the opposite poles of political beliefs come together to create maximum noise ratios and thus obscure any rational discourse on the issue. A “divide and rule” friction is set up between so called “lefties” and “right-wing whackos” for which Agenda 21 is the devil incarnate or a practical framework for a sustainable future. Is Agenda 21 an innocent “soft law” platform for change? Or are the “radical right, conspiracy theorists” correct and this is an an attempt to impose a vast template for technocratic global governance?

treeeee © infrakshun

The UN Commission on Global Governance established in 1992 with full support from then Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali published a report in 1995 called “Our Global Neighbourhood.” Sustainable development (SD) and environmental protection are seen as integral step to the long-term security of that vision. As the report confirms: “The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation.” And further: “Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself.” [3]

The problem that many have with this process as it is being developed in both EU and the United States, is that it removes the public from the decision-making process, by default. If elected officials are by-passed by non-elected officials who have been tasked with an agenda, however well-intentioned, it means that democracy and civil liberty is side-lined in favour of a consensus that may have no relation at all to the values, culture and self-determination of the country involved. Regionalism and the communitarianism are fine ideas – even welcome theories for socio-economic development. However, the devil is in the details. The overriding importance for members of the UN and Establishment circles is the dismantling of national sovereignty and the absolute control of the domestic population with the means to see that come about. When you get these people whole-heartedly supporting such potentially massive changes you can be absolutely sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with the greater good but the interests of the “lesser evil.”

Areas which are prompting most concern involve policy making procedures defined by collaborative consensus building a conflict resolution label appropriated by SD and SMART redevelopment and is inaugurating drastic changes in the way public policy is created in the United States. This consensus process as defined in Agenda 21 and the “We Believe” Statements of the PCSD serves to circumnavigate elected officials and place power in the hands of unelected officials who then determine Agenda 21 policy. This gives a free reign to a multitude of SMART redevelopment programs, where government and the corporate sector merge in ethically compromised, ideologically questionable ways.

With the United States having already had much of its constitution eviscerated by both the Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden Administrations, the legitimate concern here for this one-time Republic and for the nations of Europe is that governments are exercising entirely undemocratic powers through seemingly benign programs. They do this because such passion can be usefully diverted to agendas which piggy-back the initial intent from public and officials, which is sincere. The Agenda 21 platform certainly has collectivist principles to its policy changes which immediately causes the political right to raise its hackles at the merest hint of such a thing. Since the US has an appalling record on global resource use and environmental safeguards in general, the kinds of changes which are being demanded under Agenda 21 will mean that there will be a forced redistribution of wealth and the confiscation of private property under the guise of “protecting the environment.” Therefore, the “social equity” in such a context, is a collectivist dream.

The concept of sustainable development does require a system of governance that is even more centralised under an integrated package of social equity, environmental protection and economic activity. (And we haven’t even looked at carbon tax yet). The PCSD brought the concept of Sustainable Development (SD) into the policy process of every agency in the US federal government. In partnership with the same environmental organisations who drafted Agenda 21, federal government agency grants are allowing SD programs to be seeded into the infrastructure of American life. So, while the UN cannot impel communities to adopt Agenda 21 policies its influence and beliefs are outsourced to hundreds of environmental groups and NGOs – the latter often paid quangos for government meddling – who carry out its operations so that Agenda 21 dove-tails seamlessly into future SMART growth infrastructure.

As a prelude to the Agenda 21 framework and The Convention on Bio-Diversity which has yet to be ratified, the Ecosystem Management Policy spear-headed by the UNEP is up and running in many US states. This means that where federal management of ecosystems exists it would inevitably expand federal control of the use of privately owned land and increased restrictions on the use of public lands for economic purposes. Since ecosystems do not have a defining boundary, private lands would be included in an expanded regulatory framework with the imposition of restrictions and guidelines mandated by law. The scope for the abuse of power would be limitless.

In Agenda 21’s vision for America, the protection of the ecosystem and sustainable development would take precedence over economic activity and private property rights. If the authority for implementing ecosystem management eventually meshed with Agenda 21 and continues to lie with the federal government, the vested interests of stakeholder input and authoritarian environmental activists, a massive transfer of power from the individual to the state is the only possible outcome.

The political and social equality pushed in Agenda 21 does not necessarily equate with a free society.

The repeated statement that a “transformation of society” is required includes an irreversible change in the process through which decisions affecting citizens are made. Extensive land use planning delivering SD to local communities dispenses with these democratic processes, or as commentator Henry Lamb correctly observes: “The fundamental principle that government is empowered by the consent of the governed is completely by-passed in the process … the natural next step is for government to dictate the behavior of the people who own the land that the government controls.” [4]

The lure of partnership-privatisation, be it water or forestry management and the wider issues involved, are often eclipsed by the approach of financial dividends. Everyone is always keen to make a buck and nothing is more seductive when one’s conscience is perceived to be clean while doing it. Bailing out bankers is a euphemism for maintaining an exploitative system. Such bailouts can operate under corporate lawyers and foundation executives offering financial assistance while making sure that they can gain much more for their money in return. Local officials and rural communities are seldom aware of what they are being “sold” and wouldn’t know a biodiversity clause or an Agenda 21 stipulation if it was deftly flashed in front of them on an i-pad screen. But it would sure look benevolently green.

One of the most surprising and little known facts related to SD and the present land grabs which are now taking place in the USA are the Executive Orders No.11490 and No.11647 enacted by President Richard Nixon on February, 10, 1972. The United States was divided into 10 Regional Councils, each federally controlled by bureaucrats for the improvement of coordination of activities between different levels of government. These 10 federal regions were to be given powers over everything pertaining to regionalism. Within those regional divisions, this included conservation, land use, water and all other natural resources within the United States. Fairly momentous and dramatic contributions to the US yet very few people know about it thanks to a compliant media and a corrupt Congress.

fedregional Standard Federal Regions

A bureaucratic binding has now arrived in the form of four federally chartered regional commissions: the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), signed into effect by President Kennedy in 1963 and amended numerous times up until the present; The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) signed into effect by President Ronald Reagan (1988) and the Northern Great Plains Regional Authority (NGPRA) signed into effect in 1994 and the Denali Commission (DC) signed into effect in 1998 – both by President Clinton, the latter being the only commission targeting a single state (Alaska).

Each commission is responsible for a variety of legislative operations and procedures implementing a long term economic plan:

  • ARC: On top of a mandate to improve “regional infrastructure, reducing regional isolation; water and wastewater management resources; natural resources development; and human resources development, including housing, education, job skills, and health care” the Truman Administration expanded this to “… promot[e] economic development in the region; and establishing a framework for joint federal and state efforts in developing basic facilities essential to promoting coordinated regional responses to the region’s problems.”
  • DRA: “The Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY1989.9 Title II of that act, known as the Lower Mississippi Delta Development Act, authorized the creation of the Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission (LMDDC […] the Commission’s legislative mandate was to identify the economic needs and priorities of the Lower Mississippi Delta region, and to develop a 10-year economic development plan for the region.
  • NGPRA: “… directed it to study and make recommendations for improving the economic development prospects of residents of rural Northern Great Plains communities. The Commission was charged with developing a 10-year rural economic development plan for Northern Great Plains (NGP) with the assistance of interested citizens, public officials, groups, agencies, businesses, and other entities. […] “The act charged the NGPRDC with developing a 10-year plan that would address economic development, technology, transportation, telecommunications, employment, education, health care, housing, and other needs and priorities of the five-state region. The act encouraged the NGPRDC to develop the plan in collaboration with Native American tribes, federal agencies, non-profit and specific issue areas: value-added agriculture, international trade, business development, telecommunications, transportation infrastructure, health care, and civic and social capacity.”
  • DC: “… the Commission’s mission included providing job training and other economic development assistance to distressed rural areas in the state. The act also charged the Commission with providing for rural power generation and transmission facilities, modern communication systems, water and sewer systems, and other infrastructure needs of remote areas in the state.” [5]

All these Commissions are in turn, focused on a highly complicated jumble of state and local county development programs many of which are integrated or in the process of being integrated into the Agenda 21 blueprint. What Nixon and the Clinton-Gore administration did was to create a new government eco-bureaucracy or “regional” government placing the states into the aforementioned Ten Regions and their requisite federal funding. However, as regional government was the assigned vehicle for federal fund distribution it meant that local government officials were unaware that they were effectively reducing their power by being answerable to administrators of regions. Local authorities would be bypassed in favour of regionalism which isn’t just a system of grant distribution but an extension of State power.

The justification for all these eco-imperatives comes from the United Nations which – in much the same way as the Eurocrats in Brussels – overrides democratically elected decision-makers in favour of SD and SMART associated stake-holder legislations. Fusing management and administration systems based on new technology, redevelopment and eco-imperatives are making regionalism very far from democracy and constitutional accountability. We are faced with a situation where decisions are rubber-stamped by international regional government administrators and their connected councils serving a desperately hierarchical world management system which has nothing whatsoever to do with serving Mother Earth or its people.

The concept of Sustainable Development as it was sold to the public was never a grassroots ignition. It is a top-down product of a world management system dressed up in green language which will allow yet another vast channel of technocratic control to merge with fake land ethics, laws, and regulations. Environmental protection of fauna and flora will certainly take place but society will be in no position or have the legal right to enjoy it! Nature’s new found liberalisation, sagely bestowed by global stewards will always know best it seems.

The UN works through the emerging civil society which is actually made up of thousands of NGOs with largely the same beliefs as UN personnel. They are not necessarily representative of society as a whole. Via summits, national and international conferences, seminars and local outreach groups policy documents are formulated drawn from the gospel of Agenda 21, they are all overseen by Maurice Strong’s UNEP. Under the ever-present influence of NGOs and environmental pressure groups, local governments become un-elected members of “stakeholder councils” managing “empowerment zones”, or “enterprise committees” and “visioning councils” determined to adhere to the concepts of SMART growth. *

Despite many recommendations still to be implemented, the UN has spent – and continues to spend – millions of dollars whilst holding various international meetings which are attended by hundreds of political leaders, corporate CEOs and thousands of other non-governmental organizations who expend equal amounts of time drafting massive policy documents. Clearly, this is much more than a whimsical green distraction. They mean business. Although Agenda 21 is entirely “voluntary” and “non-binding” that is not how it’s playing out on the ground. Using an array of Delphi-based psychological techniques a veritable army of “facilitators” are descending on American cities and part of the neighbourhood councils and planning associations. Often, eco-SMART NGOs are nothing more than pincer movements into communities in order to extract support for redveelopment proposals under Agenda 21/SMART auspices.  Most importantly, they represent a fusion of corporate and government sponsorship which stands to make a lot of money for both parties at great expense to specific communities, most notably in suburbia.  As these new vested interests are drawn from Rockefeller-type Foundations and corporate CEOs it does not bode well for the future that will be defined by the disempowerment of civil society and the dilution, if not disappearance of truly representative local government and community.

The ubiquity of SD activists and advocates becomes especially problematic when so many of these people are tuning in to what is after all, a genuine wish to protect the environment and improve the quality of societies for future generations. Yet there is a refusal and a lack of knowledge as to how an ideology and system can be co-opted and used for something quite different. The young’s natural passion to protect the Earth is strong, so too are the dangers of the dogma and fascism that are intimately connected to the history of the environmental movement. With the present global economic system in terminal decline and media propaganda as potent as it has ever been, we are reminded of Peter Staudenmaier’s observation in the context of rising fascism: “The attraction such perspectives exercised on idealistic youth is clear: the enormity of the crisis seemed to enjoin a total rejection of its apparent causes. It is in the specific form of this rejection that the danger lies.” [6]

So Agenda 21 network continues to infiltrate by stealth every aspect of society and local development plans from biosphere reserves, wetlands, greenways, railways, carbon footprints, partnerships, conservation /environmental protection, land use, heritage areas and planning, to name but a few. While securing more legislation and government control it reduces the rights of the individual and usurps power from local, democratically elected councils. Perhaps most importantly, after our exploration of eco-fascism and depopulation we should be extremely concerned when a vast blueprint for ecological management and sustainable development is sourced from those who cheerily support perpetual war, state-sponsored terror, cartel capitalism, eugenics, forced sterilisation; a global tax, (usually on those who will be least able to pay) and massive reduction of the human population by any and all means to reach that objective.

So, the perceived belligerent fears from the right-wing resistance to Agenda 21 stems from a much more complex dynamics playing out in plain sight. Therefore, there needs to be much more bipartisan support for rooting out what really gives on this issues both politically and within the public. The refusal to address legitimate fears from liberal and left-wing groups displays the same tunnel vision.

UN-Logo© infrakshun

Building on the advances made from the 1992 Rio summit, the Rio+20 Summit on Environmental Sustainability took place in late June of 2012. Though no real breakthroughs or commitments were forthcoming, the “larger achievement [may have been] making global sustainable development goals a priority on the international agenda” according to a recent Council on Foreign Relations report. The summit produced Rio+20’s outcome document, The Future We Want the greatest contribution of which “… catalyses a global call to make sustainable development priorities central to global thinking and action.” [7]

Whether this is a turn for the better for humanity is entirely dependent on whom we choose to preside over this transformation. Some of the perceived enemies of environmental activism such as large polluting corporations and bureaucratic government departments also play a part as effective double agents on the panoramic stage of social engineering. Presenting and even encouraging the rifts between the two serves to prop up the illusion that the overall conflict is real when it is all part of the programming. That is not to say that is ALL a conscious ruse. Clearly not. But we can hopefully begin to see how these ambitious macro-social projects connect like a vast net across the globe. And a big part of this eco-Intelpro involves the confiscation of land.

The rush to grab land and resources across the world has defined a new form of colonialism in the 21st century. China, America, Britain and other European countries are leading the way in carving up African land under the pretext of offering environmental or humanitarian assistance. [8]But how many of us know about the vast tracts of land which are being bought up by federal government programs in partnership with Establishment families, and hundreds of conservation trusts and environmental groups a bit closer to home?  In the US these “buffer zones” and “rural corridors”; heritage sites and designated conservation areas of “re-wilding” which are falling under the protection of SD and biological diversity legislation sometimes run into anything from 100,000 to 25 million acres where human presence is seen as “interference.” [9]

The re-introduction of species which have died out in specific regions, the management of forests and lakes, reservoirs and various types of land reclamation rides on the powerful and deep-seated wish for people to care for their environment. Difficult as it may be to accept – especially for ecologists and environmentalists who are traditionally some of the most passionate in their beliefs – the US is experiencing a gradual but inexorable large-scale theft of US land by those with money and power in order to turn almost 50 percent of America into protected habitats and reserves for the good of biological diversity. It is a theft because the vast majority of the public has neither access to, nor the necessary information to make an informed decision as to where they stand on the issue. Thanks to the usual lack of proper investigative reporting by the US media and the constant noise and distraction of Republican and Democrat knockabouts, the required public awareness on this agenda is non-existent and thus proceeds with ease, with locals and their councils oblivious to the larger implications, all too often embroiled in the impenetrable bureaucracy that SD has spawned.

The Wildlands Network (formerly the Wildlands Project) is more radical than the vision of SD though it is sitting alongside its ideological platform quite comfortably. The United Nations gave its seal of approval in its “Global Biodiversity Assessment” when it mentioned The Wildlands Project as a possible approach to preserving biological diversity. [10]  It is vast in scope, extending from one end of the continent to the other. Equally impressive is the enormous list of Wildlands Network affiliated organisations and groups, councils and foundations which in turn have sub-categories of affiliates which are thousands in number. And what do you know? The Rockefeller Foundation is there among the donators as is The Turner Foundation, from media mogul and depopulation advocate Ted Turner, the largest sponsor of environmental causes in the country. The Environmental Grantmakers Association makes sure a steady stream of cash keeps this long-term project afloat and on course.

The network was created from the concept of “re-wilding” a term first coined by conservationist and activist Dave Forman, one of the founders of the group Earth First! The term described the creation of “reserve networks” across the United States which would provide vast areas of wildlife habitat, the goal being to maximize biological diversity across the land. Humans, however, do not feature in this grand plan. Having laid the blueprint for the Wildlands Network in the 1980’s with colleagues Howie Wolke, and Bart Koehler, conservation biologists Michael Soulé and Reed Noss continued to build on the ideas, most notably in an influential paper published in 1998. [11]While Forman’s involvement has faded somewhat, Reed Noss, has become the leading spokesman for the Plan, expanding the possibilities with federal government support.

The philosophy which suffuses the Wildlands Network is Deep Ecology. In the words of Forman, from his popular 1991 book Confessions of an Eco-Warrior: “The only hope of the Earth is to withdraw huge areas as inviolate natural sanctuaries from the depredations of modern industry and technology. Move out the people and cars. Reclaim the roads and the plowed lands.” Deep Ecology is essentially a mix of the rich tradition of Pantheistic nature worship with streams of Taoism, Buddhism and American and German eco-revivalism thrown in. It is in fact, a beautiful philosophy. However, in radical hands it becomes something quite different.

Norway’s premier Philosopher Arne Naess and recognised pioneer of the Deep Ecology movement drew up eight basic principles that describe the philosophy:

  • The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves. These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes.
  • Richness and diversity of life forms contribute to the realisation of these values and are also values in themselves.
  • Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity except to satisfy vital needs.
  • The flourishing of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human population. The flourishing of nonhuman life demands such a decrease.
  • Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening.
  • Policies must therefore be changed. These policies affect basic economic, technological, and ideological structures. The resulting state of affairs will be deeply different from the present.
  • The ideological change is mainly in appreciating life quality rather than adhering to an increasingly higher standard of living. There will be a profound awareness of the difference between big and great.
  • Those who subscribe to the foregoing points have an obligation directly or indirectly to try to implement the necessary change. [Emphasis mine]

Eminently sensible. Except that this same philosophy is also embraced by eco-fascists who define our “obligations”, in slightly more authoritarian ways thereby hoping to change political policies to a situation “deeply different from the present.” We might hazard a guess what they might be prepared to do to get that ideal differential.

Deep Ecology has many positive connections to past traditions which involve co-creating with Nature rather than exploiting it, thus exhibiting a much needed humility. Nonetheless, since it appeals to those harbouring eco-fascistic views and authoritarian designs it is easily absorbed into the Agenda 21 framework.  Despite the central premise of Deep Ecology as philosophical (which often means impractical) and a guide to a deeper awareness of nature and our relationship to it, in the context of Pathocracy it becomes another nail in the coffin of true awareness; the case of the horse bolting before the cart. When Deep Ecology becomes grafted on to the State – much like anything other truth – it cannot become anything else but subverted.  The radicalism of the Wildlands Network in combination with Agenda 21 and Deep ecology advocates has the potential to become something quite different to the romance of us all returning to a more harmonious connection to the Earth. Such radicalism invites it as John Davis, editor of Wild Earth magazine exemplifies: “Does all the foregoing mean that Wild Earth and The Wildlands Project advocate the end of industrialized civilization? Most assuredly. Everything civilized must go …”

So, to what does the Wildlands Network comprise? Reed Noss defines it in the following terms: “A wilderness recovery network is an inter-connected system of strictly protected areas (core reserves), surrounded by lands used for human activities compatible with conservation that put biodiversity first (buffer zones), and linked together in some way that provides for functional connectivity of populations across the landscape.” [12]

 agenda21wildlandssustainabilitydiagramThe 4C’s meets the 3E’s 

The characteristics of these core areas include the expansion of parks and “wilderness areas to include adjacent old growth, roadless areas, and ecological areas,” where size means “bigger is better.” (So much for E.F. Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful) Existing roads would be closed and “Human access greatly reduced or eliminated altogether.” Noss interjects that: “Many ecologists (myself included) would just as soon see huge areas of land kept off limits to human activities of any kind.” [13] “Buffer zones” allow for some human activity, while “corridors” permit wildlife to travel freely from one core area to another, extend reserve habitats; allow seasonal migration genetic interchange between core reserves; “provide for long distance migration in response to climate change” with the average width of corridor one mile wide where little or no human use is encouraged. All of which seems to confirm the idea of that humans are to be controlled and managed in order to preserve Nature. The Integration and marriage of the natural world of which we are a part seems an unworkable hypothesis, but such segregation would certainly appeal to a super-rich Elite who have made it their long-term purpose to live in these reserve habitats while the rest of us get used to living in Mega-cities.

SD principles and the parallel visions of conservation biology share a special place in collectivist minds. The three pillars of SD which can be found in almost every article or paper related to Agenda 21, ecology and environmental ethics are: “Equity”, “Economy” and “Environment” or “The three E’s of Sustainability.” (See above). Each sector requires a total transformation towards global government. The “transformation of society” under the auspices of the UN and its agencies, the Club of Rome and many other think tanks and non-elected institutions and NGOs is not about a paradigm shift to more freedom and ecological emancipation but to accept a carefully engineered set of beliefs in order to welcome its exact opposite. Equity, Economy and Environment are embedded in the collectivist-corporatist ethos of the 4Cs of: commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control. Equity is about social justice that will put nature before humans and thus create the conditions by which private ownership is diluted and eventually seen as “eco-unfriendly” and against the “greater good”. Integrated into a SMART infrastructure a police state will be relatively “soft” due to the pervasive sanitising of consciousness drawn from socio-eco-engineering principles. In this way, Fabian economics has always been behind much of the new ecological visions currently capturing the minds of the Western young bureaucrats and technocrats. It is the core force behind the 4Cs, the 3Es and the 3EM.

Ecologists, environmental activists, politicians and bureaucrats are so bound up in green visions or the cash incentives for green technology that they cannot seem to entertain the possibility that such huge projects may serve a totalitarian game-plan. As discussed the shadow of right-wing paranoia and conspiracy theory lunacy, rather than a cold-bloodied appraisal of some obvious sign-posts holds sway.  One wonders if the Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, Windsor, and Rothschild dynasties and the protégés of One World, eco-fascists are going to be inhabiting the carefully regulated, SD-designed SMART cities of the future where everything conforms to a bland monotony of ecological and technocratic “efficiency”. I doubt it. The poor of course will remain where they always have – in centralised systems, on the margins of society scratching a living without access to nature (or nurture) while the middle class will be suffocated under more and more eco-SMART technocracy with very little ability to free themselves from  biometric “convenience.” The Elite will be residing in “secure zones” with grand ranches, mansions and resorts set deep in the wilderness away from the human species that does not respect her; like demi-Gods on earth whose stewardship and spiritual status demand their presence as custodians of the New World Religion. The World State writ large. Meantime, the rest of humanity will be corralled into cities known as “safe zones” and far away from “sacred” wild lands. These mega-cities will house what’s left of the human populations, after wars, disease and manufactured crises have done their work…

Dystopian fantasy? Hysterical hyperbole?  Or perhaps we really believe that all of this is really for us, and everyone will be happily paragliding, hiking and rafting the rapids at their leisure from core wilderness centres to the grand corridors of their choosing?

In the next post we will look deeper into the Sustainable Development, UN Agenda 21 and how it is currently affecting cities in America.


* In the unlikely event that you still unclear as to what SMART growth actually means, wikipedia provides as good a summary as I can come up with describing it as:

“… an urban planning and transportation theory that concentrates growth in compact walkable urban centers to avoid sprawl. It also advocates compact, transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly land use, including neighborhood schools, complete streets, and mixed-use development with a range of housing choices. The term ‘smart growth’ is particularly used in North America. In Europe and particularly the UK, the terms ‘Compact City’ or ‘urban intensification’ have often been used to describe similar concepts, which have influenced government planning policies in the UK, the Netherlands and several other European countries.”

As we get to the section on Technocracy you’ll see how snugly all this “exciting” and “liberating” SMART technology fits into Sustainable Development and Agenda 21.

See also: What Is Sutainable Development? By James Corbett


[1] ‘Sustainable development,’ U.S. Department of Agriculture.
[3] The Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighbourhood, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
[4] ‘Is your private property in jeopardy?’ By Henry Lamb, October 31, 2005 |
[5] CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web, Federal Regional Authorities and Commissions: Their Function and Design Updated September 21, 2006, By Eugene Boyd, Analyst, Government and Finance Division.
[6] op. cit. Staudenmaier.
[7] ‘Examining Rio+20’s Outcome’ Authors: Suan Ee Ong, Senior Research Analyst, Multilateralism Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University Rômulo S. R. Sampaio, Professor of Environmental Law, Getulio Vargas Foundation Andrei Marcu, Senior Advisor and Head of Carbon Market Forum, Centre for European Policy Studies Agathe Maupin and Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Research Fellow and National Director, South African Institute of International Affairs. July 5, 2012.
[8] The Land Grabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns The Earth by Fred Pearce. Published by Eden Project Books. 2012.
[9] The Wildlands Project: Summary:
[10] Section, page 993, ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment’ Cambridge University Press, 1995.
[11] Michael Soulé and Reed Noss, “Rewilding and Biodiversity: Complementary Goals for Continental Conservation,” Wild Earth 8 (Fall 1998) 19-28.
[12] “The Wildlands Project: Land Conservation Strategy, ”by Ross F. Need, Wild Earth Journal, .January 1992.
[13] Maintaining Ecological Integrity in Representative Reserve Networks by R. Noss, World Wildlife Fund Canada Discussion Paper, 1995. p.12.