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SMOKING GUN: German Professor in the German Parliament Explains All.

Cultivate Attention and Discernment (3)

Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

“There is no consistent, integrated conception of the world which serves as the foundation on which our edifice of belief rests. And therefore… we are more naive than those of the Middle Ages, and more frightened, for we can be made to believe almost anything.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1985)

Reading time: 20-25 mins

Fear, Superstimuli, Indoctrination

Fear is a wake-up call to pay attention and see truth. But this instinct can be easily subverted to an irrational and automatic body-mind reaction for survival and self-protection against a perceived threat. The father of propaganda Edward Bernays, the Rockefeller dynasty and their social science directives; Freud and psychoanalysis; Alfred Kinsey and his sexual revolution and the ever-present mainstreaming of occult directives have flowed through the mass mind and shaped Western societies toward a highly narrow conception of reality.

Education, mainstream media, entertainment, art, fashion, advertising, marketing, public relations – even our family unit, peer groups and working life – all reflect the above directors of an Official Culture. All are defined by consumption, commodity, image, sensation and artifice. The original source of these traditions and pursuits have lost their psycho-spiritual meaning and now float in a sea of narcissistic irrelevancy.

Instead of bringing out the true meaning of human existence – to love, learn, bond, create and commune –  our current reality is a constellation of subverted constructs which are pathological due to a predominance of psychopathic and sub-deviant human beings who have taken control of societies. They have continually re-interpreted and subverted the best of human ingenuity and innovation toward their own conscienceless, machine-like perception. This continuing psycho-materialist paradigm has been translated and mediated into so-called normative social, political and cultural structures. They continue to exist purely due to a consensus trance reinforced by cultural hypnosis, of which most people are entirely unaware.

“Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958), Chapter 3, p. 19

The overriding and long-term objective behind this inculcation is toward complete control of the mass mind. The Three Establishment Model via their corporate oligarchs and power-brokers are the aforementioned 4C’s alongside economic, political and sociocultural warfare using three main prongs of attack:


Cultivate Attention and Discernment (2)

“Dark ages are times of forgetting, when the advancements of the past are underutilized. If we forget how to use our powers of deep focus, we’ll depend more on black-and-white thinking, on surface ideas, on surface relationships. That breeds a tremendous potential for tyranny and misunderstanding. The possibility of an attention-deficient future society is very sobering.”

Maggie Jackson, Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age

Reading time: 10-15 mins

Cultural Hypnosis / Consensus Trance

What are we paying attention to?

21st Century culture is a pseudo or secondary reality in which we are all deeply immersed.

Although it might seem illogical, our present social and cultural constructs are birthed from a world of inductive economic and political ideas amounting to a form of hypnosis. The behavioural dynamics of this reality exist in the mass and individual mind with no proof or experience to validate it. In order to make sure that our attention never gets out of the nose-bag of fear, sex, hunger and i-phones, it is imperative that our generational rulers keep cultural hypnosis firmly in place.

According to master hypnotist Mark Anthony, this is a:  “… catch-all term that covers the mass of influence from a wide range of people, institutions and situations that each human being is affected by from the moment of conception till death within a given, definable and limited culture matrix. Less euphemistically, cultural hypnosis is aka PROGRAMMING.” [1]  Similarly, the consensus trance that eventuates, is defined as “normal” consciousness wholly adapted to current sociocultural constructs. Or as psychologist Charles T. Tart describes it: “… when you automatically think, behave, and feel “normally,” when the internal workings of your mind automatically echo most of the values and beliefs of your culture”. [2]

Cultural hypnosis leads to the induction of a consensus trance and its perceived “normality” which leads to a consensus reality. When we interface with reality through trance-like states we are not thinking for ourselves, we are not questioning that consensus – our minds are not working consciously.

We will take a generalised look at how the social dominators use various methods of cultural induction, inculcation and conditioning to induce mass hypnosis and the resulting trance in Western civillisation and in varying degrees, global populations.


Everyone daydreams to the point of distraction at some point during the day. Many of us experience mild dissociative episodes for much of lives and can function within the social norms of society without too many problems. Lesiure pursuits from golf to cinema allow us respite from the rigours of work and other demands on our energy so that relaxation and imagination can take over. Watching TV or sitting in front of a movie screen are good examples of temporarily suspending our relationship to consensus reality. When we relax and enter into these movie states, our conscious awareness is literally absent – we are fully running, laughing, feeling and fearing all that happens in front of us, whether we intellectualise it or not. We are hypnotised by light and sound and dissociate one part of consciousness from another. It would be a form of psychosis if certain triggers were not present. But the TV is switched off, the credits roll and the lights come up. We stretch and yawn and make our way home.


The Hissy Fit Generation and The Loss of Free Speech VI: The Jekyll & Hyde of Social Media (3)

Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash

“People will accept ideas presented in technological form that would be abhorrent in any other form. It is utterly strange to hear my many old friends in the world of digital culture claim to be the true sons of the Renaissance without realizing that using computers to reduce individual expression is a primitive, retrograde activity, no matter how sophisticated your tools are.”

  — Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget

Censorship and Fakebook News

Since the fake news trope has been doing the rounds Facebook is now the Establishment’s social media tool of choice to combat the rise of alternative news outlets, as well as more mainstream but editorially more responsible news rooms such as Russia’s wildly popular flagship news network RT.  Under the banner of “tackling fake news” Zuckerberg’s crusade is the perfect platform for the terminally offended and the easily swayed by the vast echo chamber of predominantly left-liberal delusions that make up Facebook’s political discourse. News is further filtered, sanitised and put through the algorithmic grinder of FB’s ideology.

It doesn’t matter whether you are left or right leaning in your views  – one political belief censored in favour of another is bad news for free speech and democracy. Indeed, in late 2016 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to employ a few websites that would have the honour of labelling stories as “fake news” according to an agreed media consensus. These include ABC News, and PolitiFact, and the so-called myth-busting website According to conservative website The Daily Caller there is a problem:Almost all of the writers churning out fact checks for Snopes have a liberal background, and many of them have expressed contempt for Republican voters. The Daily Caller could not identify a single Snopes fact-checker who comes from a conservative background. Snopes did not respond to a list of questions from The DC regarding the site’s ideological leaning.” [1] Match this with Facebook curators and you are unlikely to get unbiased news, rather  it will be selected according to what is deemed acceptable to modern day, left-liberal thinking. As discussed previously such thinking is no longer the kind of leftism that values free speech but has slipped into opinion-hungry authoritarianism.  

Debunking spurious news stories is less admirable when it comes from mega-corporations who are walking in step with Establishment, the cogs of which are greased by psychopathic perceptions. Thankfully, a large proportion of the public are simply not buying it.[2] This is due to the hard evidence provided by independent media of the very thing of which it has been accused: propagating lies and fake news propaganda. This is what makes it so painfully ironic. The mainstream media is, and has always been fake news. It has been caught red-handed, with its pants down  on numerous occasions, peddling sometimes subtle psyops and on other occasions ludicrous BS that would have made Machiavelli cry with shame. Whether it’s 24hr fear-mongering, Deep State anti-Russian propaganda, paid-up editorials, or the ping-pong of culture wars,  the MSM has been at the forefront of the most atrocious fake news for many decades.

Facebook has elected to take on the “disinformation” circulating from alternative news outlets and conveniently forget the most obvious examples of fake news which was spread by most of the corporate-chained MSM. The explosive details of tacit media support and collusion for the Clinton election campaign exposed in the Wikileaks Podesta emails and by The Intercept was purposely omitted and suppressed by Facebook, Google and Twitter as a matter of policy – policy which is founded on personal opinion of their CEOs and shaped by the Liberal arm of the Establishment.  This included drafting news pieces and handing them to suitably “friendly” media plants dotted around MSM outlets. [3] An internal strategy document dated January 2015 reads: “As we discussed on our call, we are all in agreement that the time is right [to] place a story with a friendly journalist in the coming days that positions us a little more transparently while achieving the above goals.” [4] All of this and more was happily shared on social networks with Facebook as the primary disseminator.


Occult Zionism VII: Hexagrams and Comets

 “The Israeli national talisman is the hexagram which is called the Magen or “Star of David” and is supposed to be the ancient symbol of Israel. However, such an occult symbol is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. It was ‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia and formally adopted as ‘the Star of David’ in 1898 at the Second Zionist Congress in Switzerland.”

Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered

Star_of_DavidThe Star of David; David’s Shield or Magen Dawld

If you have have read through much of this series, you might see a certain divergence occurring within Saturn Worship toward cults of Sun/fire and moon worship. In fact, by the time the Silver Age had ended and the Bronze Age of man had begun, history had delineated a clear distinction between fire worship and other residues of Saturn Worship. Sun Cults and Saturn cults had begun to form, each descending further and further into their negative associations. Thus it could be said that early Christianity emerged from the Egyptian myths of the Fire/Sun cults whilst Islam and Judaism had their roots in Saturn, moon rituals. Each were birthed from the same Star-God which gradually diverged over the centuries. The Egyptian Sun cult was the basis for Christianity, with the Jesus myth as “saviour” and “the light of the world”; cyclic rebirth dominating and battling the “Satan” of Saturnine cults. One can see clear freemasonic, Establishment distinctions of a ruling “priesthood” derived from the super-ancient origins of Saturn as our original brown dwarf star-sun.

Whether it is the Roman Sun god of Apollo, the 18th Century fire worship of the Illuminists or the Arabian followers of Saturnine Ishtar and Israelite cult of Baal or the Elohim, all of these descendants are now fully “satanic” in the sense that the Light was Luciferian – a “Black Sun” which became contoured toward the worship of darkness as an end in itself. Their New World International Order was one of a ruling EL-ite warring amongst themselves yet moving collectively toward what they denote as the next New Age of Man – the Synthetic Age (or “Synthesis”) and their return as the original overshadowing “gods.” Which is why we have such a seemingly bizarre sharing of cultural iconography in the two religio-occult affiliations within the 3EM and the fractal replications on the sun/moon theme. It doesn’t matter if it is the Western Hermetic tradition or the Hassidic cult of Chabad Lubavitch, each seeks to enforce the same totalitarian doctrines upon humanity and their respective inversions of a cosmic spirituality, way beyond the mixtus orbis of duality.

And one particular icon has remained a shared focus of power throughout.

The Star of David (or David’s Shield) is more accurately a hexagram. Dispensing with the mythology of King David, it is unquestionably an extremely ancient symbol dating back many thousands of years. If we keep in mind the Four Ages of Man and the probability that a global culture distributed cultural icons between different peoples – hence the similarity of cultural disjecta membra – it means the hexagram represented something common to all, with Saturn/Moon worship and the accoutrements of magical inversion arriving later. It has been present in most cultures as far back as 3,000 B.C. including the Sumerian tablets and as a template design of Stone Henge, thus it was never a uniquely Jewish symbol.

0001The hexagram-hexagon star symbolism occurs throughout Vedic literature and is known as Shaktona. In the Hindu religion it plays a vital part in their iconography of the gods being found right across the Near and Far East; the Indian and African continents. It is also a common symbol in Buddhism, Islam, Jainsim, Japanese Shintoism and the Chinese “Book of Changes” or Yi Ching. It can be seen in European and North American Churches, Christian iconography and the Catholic Church, as well as the Great Seal on the US dollar bill. The symbolism of the star even crops up in the brewery tradition!


“The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.” (wikipedia, public domain)

The hexagram star has a very long history indeed but its association with Israel amounts to a clever mix of public relations and a tradition of ritual invocation. During the Second World War Jews were made to where the yellow star as a badge of death. When the war ended it became a symbol of Jewish resurrection and life. Yet, the Nazi use of the symbol – whilst abhorrent – was more accurate because of its ancient association to Saturn worship and death which was both the end desire of the Nazis and a pointed link to the tribe as a chosen people of Saturn rather than of G-d.

The question is, do most Jewish people realise the source of their emblem?

The magick associated with the six-pointed star and its hexagram were constantly found in talismans and amulets, largely for protection a key feature of the Talmud’s Jewish hijacking of the Medieval Arabic Cabala into the popular usage of the Kabbalah. The design appears in much of the Medieval Arabian traditions and was known as “Solomon’s Seal” which was mostly engraved on drinking cups and serving dishes. Jewish occultists saw the opportunity for another industry to form and began selling the seal as a from of magickal protection. King Solomon was likely another propaganda creation but the character’s mythology of occult nastiness provided centuries of inspiration for the Kabbalah and Western Hermeticism in general.

Nevertheless, despite King Solomon as the alleged builder of the first Temple in Jerusalem, King of Israel and a black magick practitioner (an interesting red flag in itself) the Talmud lauds Solomon as one of the 48 prophets, as does the Koran. Although mentioned in the Talmud and Midrash, Medieval Jewish mysticism incorporated the idea of Solomon’s magic rings into Kabbalah merchandizing ensuring the mythos of Solomon – and the concentration of magick that surrounded him – would reign supreme.

Solomon’s rings bestowed all kinds of occult feats of magical daring-do, giving further protective power to the Jewish tribe in the face of intermittent persecution and by extension, conferring the same powers onto those who bought the sales pitch. When set in a circle the six pointed star and hexagram is thought to act as a primary tool for the invocation of elementals and demonic entities. After all, in common magical parlance we: “… cast a spell on someone” or more accurately, “place a hex” upon them, the latter word derives from the divinatory “hexagram.” It is thus found in every kind of esotericism, white / black magick and New Age philosophy from Wicca to Raelianism; Theosophy to Martinism and of course, the Jewish Kabbalah.

German-born Israeli philosopher and historian Professor Gershom Scholem who wrote about these “amulets and protective charms” within Judaism were: “… found side by side with the invocation of demons, incantations…and even sexual magic and necromancy…”. The professor further states that these demons and devils were apparently under the rule of the Talmud and submitted to the Torah and thus: “… there were also good-natured devils who are prepared to help and do favors to men. This is supposed to be particularly true of those demons ruled by Ashmedai (Asmodeus) who accept the Torah and are considered ‘Jewish demons.’ Their existence is mentioned by the Hasidei Ashkenaz as well as in the Zohar.” [1]

sattalThe pentacle (left) The six-pointed star (right) (wikipedia) Notice the bull of Taurus-baal in the centre surrounded by planetary glyphs.

It is from the depictions of the seal of Solomon upon which the hexagram or “Star of David”, was eventually modelled to become the the symbol of Judaism in the modern period and placed on the flag of Israel. It was precisely because of its Medieval use and symbol of magick and its Saturnine origins that it was chosen as the emblem. In 1354, King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David’s shield and Solomon’s seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars.  Thus Israel’s magick and Saturn worship became synonymous with the State of Israel. [2]

Saturn’s star has never been an exclusively Jewish symbol. No Jewish authority knows exactly when and where Jews chose to make the six-pointed star or hexagram their own, although the 14th century was one of the first references  Although Jews were happy to stick with the 7 candles of the Menorah as their emblem, and which could be said to be the true symbol of Judaism, “modern” references cite the formal blessing of the star as “‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia.” (See quote above) Yet, the  the six-sided hexagram really took off as the Jewish emblem care of the Talmud and Lurianic Kabbalah in 17th Century Germany, kicking off the long tradition of German-Jewish freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. According to a variety of sources, it was the Viennese Jesuits at the behest of freemason German Emperor Ferdinand III who offered the hexagram as a mark of honour for the Jews of Prague for their assistance in the Thirty Years War.

Despite strong opposition to the hexagram star from many Rabbis due to is obvious pagan roots, the symbol spread within the Jewish communities most notably with the rise of the ambitious and Talmudic follower Mayer Amschel Bauer. He pointedly advertised his allegiance to Ashkenazi Jews and occult Zionism by changing his family name to “Rothschild” (‘Red Shield’) and incorporating the star of David hexagram into his family coat of arms. As he started up his financial brokering business in Frankfurt, it is said that the red shield emblazoned with the hexagram hung over the door. (This was not unnatural since the hexagram was hung outside synagogues and during Jewish festivals not long after its introduction – See House of Rothschild). Heavily funded by the Rothschilds, by 1897 the six-pointed star had become the insignia of Zionism; the iconic emblem of Israel and the international symbol of Jewish people everywhere.


Sefer_raziel_segulotSample page of Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, a medieval work of Jewish mysticism (wikpedia, public domain)

The hexagram contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. Rather than a microchip or bar-code so often attributed to the Mark of the Beast, perhaps it is the six-pointed star of a hexagram that is the culprit considering its dark history? It is rather alarming with all that we know up to this point about the authoritarianism of basic Judaism, the dark occult roots of the Talmud, and the input of Ashkenazi-Khazar Jews, we then discover that the Biblical warnings of the number of the beast (666) can be seen as the current Hexagram flying defiantly or brazenly on the Israeli flag. This is further evidence that Israel and the Jewish people have been led astray by a Kabbalistic magickal working overlaid onto the original Saturn King.

Keep in mind that we also have Cassiel for whom the Gnostics called “an angel of matter”, who appropriated the melancholy and darkness of the Saturn star. He is of particular importance within the Kabbalah, being one of the seven archangels of Sephiroth acting as intermediaries between “God” and physical life. Cassiel controls the moon, karma, time and presides over the death of Kings. The angel rules over the ancient Hebrew, ‘Shabbathai’ (Saturn) and Satur-day’s “Holy Sabbath.” Magic spells using his name are cast to create destruction, to scatter crowds, to cause a person to wander aimlessly, or to fall from a position of power. [3]

The archangel Azrael or more accurately “Azriel”, is often identified with the Archangel of Death in Hebrew, Sikhism lore, as well as Islam. The Qur’an never uses this name, rather referring to Malak al-Maut (which translates directly as Angel of Death). Also spelled Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azriel, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel, the Chambers English dictionary uses the spelling Azrael. The name literally means “One Whom God Helps” [4] in an adaptive form of Hebrew.

Azrael = Israel? Is it the shadow of Saturn as death over Israel or its protector? If protection, for what? Divine providence or a collective ritual sacrifice? There are hints that the latter may be the chilling reality.

KaphtzielQafsiel amulet from the 15th century (wikipedia)

Chapter 8 of the Book of Enoch (of John Dee’s Enochian Magick fame) assigns certain teachings to specific fallen angels:

“And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. … And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, , and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven …” [5]

But we are straying off the path somewhat a much more important facet of the six-pointed star and its origins needs to be told.



Saturn’s north polar vortex seen in (infrared) (animation) (wikipedia) Notice the obvious shape of a hexagram and an “All-Seeing-Eye” of Horus in the centre …

There are increasing numbers of academics in the last few decades who have been building on Immanuel Velikosvkys’ work of cyclic catastrophe, along with the importance of cometary swarms and the validity of an “Electric Universe”. Bill Napier, Victor Clube, Jim McCannery, Laura Knight-Jadczyk have all posited the idea that the role of the planets, Gods and certain Biblical narratives were scattered mythologising of pre-history cataclysmic earth changes heralded by electrically-charged comets. Put another way, star images were originally used to represent comets, and the names of planets were assigned to these fiery harbingers of change and later transferred back to planets, including people and events which formed our dominant myths.

And myths of course, can be used politically.


What is even more extraordinary is that we now have visual confirmation of such a relationship. On October 29th 2006 the infrared mapping spectrometer on NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured a clear six-sided hexagram (and thus the six pointed star) encircling the north pole of Saturn at around 78 degrees north latitude. Although discovered by NASA’s Voyager excursions in the early 1980’s, these photos, as NASA states that: “…that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn.” [6] | Saturn – North polar hexagon and vortex as well as rings (2 April 2014) (Wikipedia)

Similarly, it is clear that human sacrifice was undoubtedly associated with Saturn and its offshoots as it moved further away from the original custodial teachings. The root source of the names of the Babylonian ‘gods’ may have originally been names of comets/comet fragments. These meteors and comet swarms heralded catastrophic change which then became seared into the consciousness of the population of the time. These messenger comets were assigned certain “divine” names in accordance with the qualities and the effects of their arrival. Saturn is thus seen as a giant progenitor comet who burned a powerful presence into the psyche of humanity of the Age, to become a star-God with assigned psycho-spiritual attributes, most notably its massive size and brilliance which prompted ancient man to describe it as a second sun.

There are other possibilities in different cultures such as the presence of solar eclipses. For instance, in Mesoamerican mythology there is a “Black Sun” symbolised by the god Quetzalcoatl or the Plumed Serpent and his relationship to the Underworld. For the Aztecs there were indeed two suns: the young Day Sun and the ancient Dark Sun, the latter of which came about from the passage of total eclipses symbolised by the rebirth archetype of a butterfly.

Historian and metaphysician Laura Knight-Jadczyk explains the nature of ancient images, motif and myth which has given rise to “‘torches’, ‘bearded stars’ and ‘smoking stars’, ‘long-haired stars’ or ‘a great star scattering its flame in fire’, and … representations of Venus as a flaming serpent or dragon in the sky…” [7] How confusing it all becomes when planets are associated with these descriptions. Could it be that changes related to the Saturn brown dwarf sun, were deeply connected to the arrival of comets?

She offers the following table to make sense of the chronology and attributions:


Babylonian Divine name (very old, cannot be precisely dated)

Babylonian scientific name and late association with planets

Divine names used at the time of Plato, c. 430 BCE

Scientific names used in Greece after 200 BCE

Names of Roman gods attached to planets after 100 BCE



Star of Chronos





Star of Zeus





Star of Ares





Star of Aphrodite





Star of Hermes



From Comets and the Horns of Moses By Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Kindle Edition – 2013) ref: paragraph: 2.514

Knight-Jadczyk draws our attention to the time of Plato where ‘Star of____’ was still being used and representative of the: “…brilliant nature of the comets that had evoked these names. But by 200 BCE, the term ‘Star of’ had been dropped, and by 100 BCE, probably no one even remembered that the names had once belonged to comets.” [8]

She also presents some fascinating research on interpretations of the Saturn-King star-Comet as adopting various roles through time including Jerusalem temple worship of Salim, or the ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’ and Saturn as Ningirsu or Ninurta as protector of the Babylonian city of Lagas. Similar to Moses’ parting of the seas and consistent with tsunamis and floods after commentary bombardment: “… the cometary Saturn as Ninurta/Ningursu was hailed as ‘he who restrains the raging water’ and was credited with having ended the flood by ‘building a wall of stones.’” The pattern of catastrophe, and the consequent reconstruction and re-location becomes: “… conflated with the gods who had originally been the cause of the destruction.” [9]


Comet 17P/Holmes with blue Ionised Tail 2007| Image from Ivan Eder

Insipired by the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy, Knight-Jadcyzk goes on to describe the mythology of comets and Gods in great detail from Sumerian Ninurta epic to Phoenician legends. What is more interesting in the context of Saturn and comets is the “… well-known tendency of Greek writers to depict the ancient gods as human beings to whom divine honors were accorded after their death. A similar tendency is traceable in the Bible. …” [10] As time marches on, the mythological legends in popular culture transforms past deities into human beings thereby incorporating them into their national folklore.  This tendency is a repetition of how the “Star of Kronos” is transformed into the planet Saturn, not least the descent into child sacrifice which appears to be a consistent presence. It was not simply as a form of idolatrous worship and the wish for a better harvest and community cohesion for instance, it was largely based on a deep generational legacy of fear in the face of massive earth changes as a result of later cometary impact and cataclysm.

Quoting Lewy:

If, in consequence of a war, pestilence, or other public calamity, Saturn’s congregation was threatened with catastrophe, it was customary that the ruler of the respective community sacrificed his most beloved child to that planet. This custom, in turn, is explained by the legend that Saturn himself sacrificed his son on an altar when pestilence threatened his congregation. In fact, child-sacrifices appear to have been so typical a trait of the cult of the planet Saturn that still in the Middle Ages this star was known as the “children-devouring planet”. [11]

Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s Secret History of the World (Volume I) reiterates the likelihood that the original god of the peoples of Palestine and early Hebrews was a Saturn-God who demanded human sacrifice. She notes the similarities between the story of Jepthah’s daughter as a variation of the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham discussed previously and almost identical to a Vedic story of Manu.

She explains further that:

These acts were based on what was called sraddha, which is related to the words fides, credo, ‘faith’, ‘believe’ and so on. The word sraddha was, according to Dumezil and Levi, too hastily understood as ‘faith’ in the Christian sense. Correctly understood, it means something like the trust a workman has in his tools and techniques as acts of magic! It is, therefore, part of a ‘covenant’, wherein the sacrificer knows how to perform a prescribed sacrifice correctly, and who also knows that if he performs the sacrifice correctly, it must produce its effect. In short, it is an act that is designed to gain control over the forces of life that reside in the god with whom one has made the covenant. Such gods as make covenants have a tendency to get out of control if the sacrifices are not performed correctly, which can certainly describe our ‘comet gods’.

Mediaeval Arabic sources include legendary memories of the pre-Islamic Arabian religions, as practiced in the Near East before the Turks extinguished the last remnants of the ancient Semitic religions. Ad-Dimisqui … devotes a full chapter of his Cosmography to this star – or comet, as we should say – worship. He notes that a temple of Saturn ‘was built in the form of a hexagon, black [was] the color of the stone work and the curtains’. In the cuneiform sources, Saturn is known as the ‘black’ or ‘dark’ star. Al-Masudi suggests that, in the opinion of the worshippers of the stars, the Kaaba at Mecca used to be a shrine of Saturn, referring to the presence of the sacred black stone within the sanctuary. The name of the stone-idol was Hagar al-aswad. It appears that the Black Stone was worshipped in the Kaaba in pre-Mohammedan times. It was called Hubal then, a name that has the meaning of ‘He who violently deprives the mother of her children’.

There is a well-known legend about Mohammed’s grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, who was reported to have vowed to sacrifice one of his sons to Hubal if he would be blessed with ten sons. … In short, the god worshipped in the Kaaba accepted or even demanded, child sacrifice and such sacrifices were a trait of the worship of Saturn; thus, the Kaaba is also a sanctuary of Saturn. [12] [Emphasis mine]

ark3The cube within the Star-Hexagram| © infrakshun


A leather bound cube called “Tefillin” in Aramaic (“Totafot” in Hebrew) and sourced from the Jewish Ashkenazi tradition. The cube contains scrolls of verses from the Torah. | Deuteronomy 11:13-21 Ve-haya Im Shamoa states: “God’s assurance of reward for observance of the Torah’s precepts and warning of retribution for disobedience. […] tie them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be “totafot” between your eyes.” 

And on the other hand, we have Islam’s most esteemed religious structure, the black cube of the Kaaba set with a black stone. in Mina, Mecca:


The Kaaba in the Masjid el Haram, Mecca, 2010 | Mosquée Masjid el Haram à la Mecque (wikipedia)

“The ‘Kabballah’ of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from Kabba-Allah or “Cube-God” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles.” – Jordan Maxwell

According to Knight-Jadcyzk there are consistent relationships between wells, water (by inference the moon?) with the worship of Saturn which connects to “… the water miracles and words of power of Mithraism and Moses” with a further relationship to the Arabic legends which passed into the occultism of the Seal of Solomon myth.

She explains:

The six-pointed star, or hexagram, was believed by the Arabs to have given Solomon command over the whole Earth and over spirits, good and evil. There is a story in the Arabian Nights about a ghost who, having rebelled against King Solomon, was imprisoned in a bottle. The container was eventually found by a fisherman, and was sealed by a lead plug bearing ‘the seal of our lord, Solomon’. Exactly as Ninurta-Šulmânu confined the hostile spirits of the flood in the shaft of a well which was sealed by a stone, so Solomon by means of the six-pointed star emblem of Saturn, could confine a rebellious spirit to a bottle. Another tale is that the great god, by entrusting to Solomon the ring bearing his emblem, delegated part of his power to the king he had chosen to rule in his name over the inhabited Earth. Interestingly, the name Solomon is a diminutive of Šalmân, ‘little Šalmân’, implying that ‘great Šalmân’ was the god who chose Solomon.

So, just as the image of the god Hubal stood over the well in the Kaaba, connecting the sanctuary with the nether waters, so was Yahweh enthroned above the opening to the nether waters in the temple at Jerusalem. However, before Yahweh had the job of holding back the flood, the Eben Šetîįâ apparently held the position with the weighty sigil … of Saturn inscribed thereon. Both stony gods were wont to receive offerings of sacrificial blood and incense and, apparently, this was still going on in Jerusalem as late as 333 CE, as reported by the Itinerarium Burdigalense, which is the oldest known Christian itinerary that tells of the writer’s journey to the Holy Land. …What is so interesting about it all is the fact that this central element of Israelite worship was considered by the writers of the Old Testament to be objectionable and so it was redacted completely from the Old Testament, even if it was not removed from the customs and beliefs of the people. [13] [Emphasis mine]

As well as celestial bodies, the parallel worship of stones seems to have taken place among the same peoples. Falling meteorites or ‘stars fallen from the air’ was described by the Phoenician Sanchuniathon (also known as Sancuniates) whose lost works have survived via partial paraphrase and summary of a Greek translation by Philo of Byblos, according to the Christian bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. The essence of the Gods were thought to reside within the stones thus giving rise to the idea of scared stones to be worshipped. The Hağar al-aswad, the black stone in the Kaaba in Mecca, is one example of a possible meteorite that was revered in a sanctuary dedicated to the ‘Black Planet’, Saturn.

Therefore, we may suppose that the stone was thought to be a piece of the ‘Black Planet’, a part of the body of the great god, which therefore deserved the same veneration as the great Comet Saturn itself. This connects us back to the issue of the sealing of the nether waters in the well – waters that were undoubtedly released during some cometary cataclysm in the past – and, after the danger had passed, it was thought that one or another of the parts of the body of the god that may have fallen to Earth, could be assumed to be capable of stopping floods or bringing rain or preventing famine, and so on. [14]

Having a “piece of the god in the form of a meteorite” designated an immediate form of veneration without the need of a craven image. Knight-Jadczyk reinforces the clear link between such stone veneration and the presence of wells. It seems that some “holy” stones have been placed at certain locations in or besides wells as an act of mystical allegiance to the god in question but also as a ritual to manage/appease the gods creating these inundations and floods as they wreaked their “vengeance” upon the earth. Once the catastrophe passed the stones and wells lost, these locations were replaced with statues a symbolic reflection of the god in question. In this sense, she believes that in many cases the old religion of Saturn worship hadn’t been broken; the new regime was the old regime only camouflaged. She offers evidence “… that the legends surrounding the temple in Jerusalem and its divine founder are identical to the stories told about other centers of the Saturn cult …” along with a tradition of human sacrifice at the site and therefore Saturn worship. Most intriguingly: “… the temple of Solomon story was originally created to propagate the worship of the comet-god Saturn, and the six-pointed shield of David or Seal of Solomon is, in fact, a representation of their favored deity: Saturn in his comet incarnation and later, in the astral version of the religion connected to the planet then named Saturn, a dark lord indeed.” [15]


The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon’, oil on canvas painting by Edward Poynter, 1890 | Source: Edward PoynterArt Gallery of New South Wales (wikipedia)

Remember that the supposed Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (also known as the First Temple) was/is a large part of Jewish Kabbalah and freemasonic lore and pretty much the same “keep busy” activity to deflect and obfuscate the core truths within esoteric wisdom and Saturn Worship. The Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem, the seat of ritual sacrifice on Temple Mount, was destroyed by after the Siege of Jerusalem of 587 B.C. The Jews then slowly assimilated the mix of ancient comet religions and the astral religions from the ancient Near East. The Sumero-Akkadian-Assyro-Babylonian religion influenced Achaemenid-era Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and together with Egyptian and Greek traditions, in turn, strongly influenced Christianity, Mandeanism and Islam – all sourced from Comet-Gods and the disjecta membra of catastrophism. And it is here perhaps that we may see a turning point in the evolution of tribal Judaism and occult Zionism which may still continue to practice Satan/Saturn worship.

It all started in Babylon after the Jewish King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and when: “… the idea took hold that Yahweh was just a certain part of the body of the cosmic Saturn who had come to represent the whole universe”. [16]   As the Jews assimilated all and every aspect of ancient comet-nature religions into blood sacrifice and Mosaic Law, Yahweh/Jehovah as but one aspect of a Universal God had now come the monotheistic enforcer which had appropriated all the later unsavoury Saturnine influences which have eventually surfaced in the religio-occult and political ideology of Zionists. The Saturn God of pre-history, perhaps a super-ancient comet, was not a universal God of Creativity but the source of earthly totalitarianism, where satanic rituals were performed to invoke power manifesting under a diverse set of mystical accoutrements.

The idea that minor deities are part of the supreme god’s body, and thus executors of his will, implicitly suggests a universal supreme god. It is taken for granted in the Septuagint [The ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament Jewish scriptures] that El Elion, the Most High, assigned different peoples to different gods, and Yahweh was one of the lower deities assigned to the Jews. It was assumed that when a nation gained ascendency over other nations, its national god also assumed rule over the other gods of those people and places. Conversely, it might also be thought that a people wishing to gain control over the whole world might claim that their god is the sole universal god, as the authors of the Septuagint actually did. In their view, since the Jews had conquered Jerusalem in their re-writing of history, their god Yawheh was now conceived of as the supreme deity and other gods were just supposed to carry out his wishes, including the now demoted Šalim. Curiously, this replacement did not deprive Šalim of any of his characteristics; the name of the city was never changed. Extra-biblical evidence shows that such things as the Eben Šetîįâ and the related cycle of legends were still going as late as medieval times and must have featured as well-known ritual in the temple at Jerusalem throughout its existence. In spite of the Jews’ aversion to representations of the deity, they used a stone with the six-pointed star graven into it – the symbol of the Black Comet, Saturn – as an image of their faith. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jews were known as ‘the people of Saturn’ to astrologically-minded people who thought in terms of ‘planetary influences’ on the lives of individuals and peoples; they just didn’t know how accurate the appellation actually was, nor was it exclusive to the Jews. [17] [Emphasis mine]

This brings us back to the beginning and the origins of the six-pointed star or Mâgên Dâwîd. Central to the idea of Saturn/Moon worship, ritual sacrifice and present Establishment designs is the idea of cyclic cosmic catastrophe and the transmogrification of comets and stars into Kings, Stones and certain mythical narratives. These terrifying events burned themselves into the collective consciousness which were then identified in certain symbols such as the star of David, the focus and intention of which can be used for good or for ill. In combination with electro-plasma and electrophonic interactions could be “… perceived by humans as the ‘speech’ of the gods, and a dramatic electrical exchange at that scale would likely produce equally dramatic sound effects, including roaring that might sound like a cosmic bull.” [18] (strange humming and other anomalous sounds have been recorded over the last decade) A slow process of cultural adaption to spellbinding rulers and leaders reinventing these myths into their own religious doctrines saw the slow amalgamation of earthly gods like Baal and Moloch into a Primary God – complete with the same debased rituals and secret orders though covertly integrated, in true ponerological form.


The crescent moon and star pentegram symbol which pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. | © infrakshun

The origins of the hexagram star or “Mâgên Dâwîd” may be the iconic encapsulation of cataclysms heralded by the fiery power of comets. Knight-Jadczyk cites the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy’s comparisons between Judaism and Islam in this context:

In modern times, we find that Muslim mosques are topped by a crescent moon while Jewish synagogues are topped by the six-pointed star that is usually referred to as the Mâgên Dâwîd (Mogen David) or ‘the shield of David’ AKA the ‘Seal of Solomon’. Both stars and the symbol for the Moon are found in Mithraism and other ancient cults. Lewy notes that the same symbol of the Mâgên Dâwîd is found on two Old Assyrian seal impressions on cuneiform tablets now residing in the Louvre. On the first of the tablets, the Mâgên Dâwîd is in front of a god who is carrying in two hands something that looks like a Menora, or seven-branched candlestick. There is no evidence for the practice of the Jewish religion in the Old Assyrian period so we might speculate that both objects represent a comet … and its effects, possibly one with 7 tails or one that broke into seven pieces.

On the second tablet, the Mâgên Dâwîd is placed with the lunar crescent and the solar disc. So, we have a star, a sun, and the Moon which, again, suggests to me that the ‘star’ is a comet since stars, per se, would not ordinarily be presented as equivalent luminaries with the Moon and Sun, nor would planets. There would really have been no reason for the ancient astronomers to have singled out any of the fixed stars that blanket the sky unless there was something truly unusual about its behavior. Even the slow-traveling planets would not have excited much attention. But rapidly traveling comets with a dramatic appearance would definitely have been something that excited both attention and the necessity for recording same. Otherwise, a ‘star’ symbol on a tablet or monument or seal would have been just one of ‘billions and billions’ with nothing in particular to identify it or set it apart. The ancient astronomers were recording things they saw and a star that was as big and bright as the Sun and/or the Moon would be represented in this way. Again, these same elements are present in the Mithraic iconography. [19]

Such specific symbols might not only represent three planets known to the ancients: Jupiter, Mars and Saturn but could have all have been: “… names applied to a single, reappearing comet that rapidly changed form due to disintegration. The same could have originally been true of Mercury and Venus.” [20]All of the mythology appears to point to the cyclic return of comets heralding massive earth changes and molding culture and consciousness with their arrival and departure. Thus much of the Bible lore of the Temple of Solomon and the kingdom of Israel ruled by King David were actually historicized comet legends mixed in with a multitude of other narratives designed to propagandise and control:

One of the clues to this earlier layer of tradition is that Solomon was engaged in the practice of offering sacrifices on ‘high places’, which was the normal practice of celestial religions: the top of a mountain or hill (or Ziggurat) was the place to worship or confer with such gods. Of course, with the understanding that these gods were actually comets and not planets, the ‘worship’ on mountains and hills could have originated as astronomical observation points utilized as a sort of ‘early warning’ system. […]

In respect of Jerusalem, the alleged city of the Jews, it is recorded in the Old Testament that this land was ‘given’ to the Jews by Yahweh. One would then assume that he was the tutelary deity who had Palestine in his gift. But that actually turns out not to be the case, unless, of course, Yahweh was just another name for Saturn because the god who apparently ‘owned’ Jerusalem can be inferred from the name of the city as Ur-sa-li-im-mu which means that a god named Šalim was considered to be the creator and protector of Jerusalem. The city is even mentioned in one of the Amarna letters …. as Bît Šulmâni, or ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’. That is, the god Šalim or Šulmânu was the principal deity of Jerusalem, which was edited out of the ancient texts used during the writing of the Old Testament, as Russell Gmirkin proposes. The Assyrians identified him with their god, Ninurta who was, effectively, Saturn (though in comet form, certainly, not planetary). One bit of evidence that it was a comet is that the Assyrian astronomers and astrologers referred to Saturn as ‘the nocturnal sun’, or an object shining as bright as the sun in the night sky, a characteristic of a Giant Comet, for sure! [21]


The two faces of the god Janus / Apollo (sun and moon) and the Babylonian Nimrod otherwise known as Ninurta – both interpretations of King Saturn. There are endless cycles of names which lead back to the ultimate source.

Šalim, or the Šulmânu God during the time of King David’s “conquest of Israel” could have been the Saturn God-King that was worshipped down through the centuries, and via the Assyrians and their totalitarian impositions, it was absorbed by the religiously authoritarian followers of the tribal god Yahweh, who formed a cultic centre at Babylonian Jerusalem. The Levite Priesthood and the dark half of the Saturnine Talmud would set the course of history. She states: “It was members of this cult that later utilized many ancient texts to literally create the false history of Israel and it was in those stories that the names were forever inscribed in the minds of the people and could not be erased, nor changed, leaving testimony to the truth.” [22]

This brings us back to the source of the Babylonian Temple:

A very ancient temple in the environs of Jerusalem is known to have been built by the Hyksos but it was never a temple of Yahweh until extremely late, if it was ever a temple of Yahweh at all. It may very well be that the first temple of Yahweh was actually the one built by the small number of individuals who were sent to Palestine from Babylonian ‘captivity’ by Cyrus. The archaeological record shows that no more than 25% of the population was actually deported, and when descendants of this select group were sent back to establish an outpost of the Persian empire to guard the trade routes, they refused to integrate with the people of the land – the descendants of the 75% of people that had not been deported. That suggests strongly that the Yahweh cult had actually grown up and refined itself in Babylon and was not, actually, the religion of the ancient Hebrews resident in Palestine. However, even now it is uncertain what god was actually worshipped in the new temple, considering some later evidence that we will get to shortly. It is entirely possible that Herod’s alleged temple was the first, truly Jewish – as in, exclusive worship of Yahweh-Jehovah – temple ever built, and it was built based on myth and legend that a former temple of Yahweh had existed since the time of Solomon. [23]

What a tangled web we weave.

(More on Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s extraordinary work can be found at and further books at:

So, we see from this that Saturn may have either been one big comet or set against the background of massive cometary bombardment. Saturn worship wasn’t simply a case of a descent into black magick from day one. It was bound up with earth changes, cataclysm and cometary bombardment, in turn, segregating and facilitating an elite generation of “priests” and their accompanying religio-occult traditions which camouflaged essential psychopathy.

So, we have a large-scale cultural-tribal mythology from Arabia to Indo-Europe, which may have taken Saturn as a comet and metaphorically shattered an all encompassing reality into separate pieces, reflecting these core truths but adapted to the particular belief system and its subsequent evolution. Eclipses, black shrines, black cubes, star-shapes, All seeing eyes and all manner of “sacred” geometric symbolism was like a form of spiritual back-engineering, codified into forms of rituals including invocation and divination. This would depend on what quality of consciousness within the tribe or ruling elite had tapped into; whether fire/Sun or Earth/Moon worship – it was all from the Saturn’s entry into humanity’s consciousness in pre-history and the following companion stars.

The descent into literal black arts and blood sacrifice was a subversion which saw Saturn becoming the “devourer of children”, and something that populations through history embraced and took as an reality of appeasement. Similarly, it was Yahweh as a “lower god” and that was originally just one of many  in “… the body of the cosmic Saturn” and who became metastasized into a topological metaphor of monstrous proportions and a consistent element of ancient Israelite worship. This continued into the Middle Ages with Jews being labelled as the “Children of Saturn.” One thinks perhaps it wasn’t due to their famous acts of altruism not least, since the Levites set about re-writing history centuries before.

If the King David myth and other narratives were epic characterisations of a very ancient residue of cometary change then it is true enough to say it was not, at origin, a formation of a magickal working. That arrived later, as it became associated with the distortion of perennial symbols and ritual blood sacrifice and still later appropriated for world Jewry – for their ultimate sacrifice, by and for the very same psychopaths.


The Mâgên Dâwîd is an ancient template symbol that is not evil in the same way that a gun is not evil. However, it can be transformed from an inert piece of metal to a weapon of death when supplied with the ammunition of specific kinds of knowledge. So too, some invocational designs with certain esoteric formulae can facilitate material effects in the wrong hands. Communication with the Gods through the circuits of symbols has always been around. The question of who or what one contacts is a bit more problematical.

Our history attests to Priesthoods of Grand Masters of the black and white magical arts from East and West who think they are in control and unlocking the Secrets of the Ages. Yet they are deluded. The comets come and go, as they have always done and will underscore such delusion with a natural “invocation” of their own. Our human-cosmic connection goes far beyond symbols in matter since the communication we need is etched into our very DNA and the growth – or atrophy – of the soul. That needs only the water of humility to begin the journey, a laughable anathema to psychopaths in power.

In the next post we will turn to the possibility that the same ancient Babylonian and later Thelemic Magick can be discerned in the events of the 9/11 attacks and how the dark cults of Saturn worship are still alive and well and performing acts of weaponised sacrifice.



[1] p. 184; Gershom Gerhard Scholem, (1977) Kabbalah (Library of Jewish Knowledge)
[3]Gaster, (1998), The Wisdom of the Chaldeans,pp. 17-18,Holmes Pub Grou Llc, ISBN 1-55818-399-X
[5]The Book of Enoch, by R.H. Charles, [1917], at
[7] paragraph 2.513; Knight-Jadczyk, Laura, (2013) Comets and the Horns of Moses (kindle edition)
[8] Ibid. paragraph 2.514
[9] Ibid. paragraph 2.1012
[10] Ibid, paragraph 2.1026 quoting Lewy, Hildegard (1950) ‘Origin and Significance of the Magen Dawld’.
[11] Ibid. paragraph 2.1028
[12] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1029-2.1031
[13] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1038 – 2.1039
[14] Ibid. paragraph 2.1043
[15] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1046-2.1047
[16] Ibid. paragraph 2.1048
[17] Ibid. paragraph 2.1049
[18] Ibid. paragraph 2.991
[19] ibid. paragraphs 2.993 – 2.994
[20] Ibid. paragraph 2.996
[21] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1000 and 2.1008
[22] Ibid. 2.1010
[23] Ibid. 2.1011

Occult Zionism VI: MOLOCH and BAAL

 “All human beings that are doomed lose the right to be redeemed; they must be put to death.”  

– Leviticus 27:28-29

So much for God’s benevolence.

It seems that child sacrifice of the pagan religions wasn’t so different to Old Testament proclamations forcing families to offer up their first born babies based on a tyrannical rule-book of who was considered “doomed.” Rather useful to smite your tribal competitors, if nothing else.  Yet, we are told that the Bible was against such idolatry. It depends on which God you think is on first, most especially when we consider that the Bible itself has been tampered with over centuries.

One example is the story of the exodus out of Egyptian slavery which is very unlikely to be true as is most of the history which makes up the roots of Judaism. (See The “Z” Factor XII) Though there is compelling evidence that these are myths describing interactions between planets (in particular Venus) and associated cometary phenomena, there is also a strong case for manipulation closer to Earth. After all, legendary epics are often the stuff of indoctrination by the victorious regardless of the veracity of truth. Or in the words of Egyptian author and researcher Dr. Ashraf Ezzat “… most archeologists didn’t set out to seek the historical truth, rather to enforce their Biblical narrative on the ancient history of Egypt and Palestine.” [1] Like other academics, he has discovered that Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor any Israelites offering some nice twists along the way.

On the exodus event so integral to Judiac mythology, Ezzat explains further:

“… the Hebrew book of tales, also known as the Hebrew Bible, never referred to Egypt as the land of the Exodus. The Story of Pharaoh and Moses according to the Hebrew book happened in a place called ‘Mizraim/Misrim’. … an obscure little village in south west of ancient Arabia and Faraon/فرعون (according to classical Arabic historians) was the Arabic title of its chieftain.

Some might wonder what on earth ancient Arabia has to do with Moses and Pharaoh. Actually, it was in ancient Arabia and North Yemen where the Israelites and Judaism really first appeared (Nothing in this world works in the way you think it does; history included)

Judaism is one of ancient Arabia’s cults that had absolutely nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Church or its Christianity. (Linking Judaism to Christianity is the result of a later Roman-Jewish deception) Hence the ‘Old-New Testament / Judeo-Christian’ epithet is nothing but a political setup. Actually the fraud kicked off by the Jewish-Greek complicity during the translation of the Hebrew book to the Greek language.

In the second century BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated to Greek at the legendary library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes, hence the designation Septuagint Bible, were assigned this task by the Ptolemies (Greek monarchy of Egypt) in which they cunningly replaced this obscure Mizraim and its Faraon with the mighty Egypt and its king (Rulers of ancient Egypt were called kings and queens and not Pharaohs).

Generations after generations have been fed this fake story of Pharaoh of Egypt and Moses of the Israelites. What added to the drama and made it all the more mesmerizing is the fact that Egypt, with its fame and glory in the ancient world, had been the theatre of the Exodus story.[2]


Promotional poster for Ridley Scott’s “Exodus” (2014) More myth than reality?

In the same way, the Ammonites, the hated enemy of the Israelites first mentioned in the Book of Genesis are given the Israel propaganda treatment that we are so familiar with today. Although initially ruling over the Israelites and also a Semitic race, thus closely related genetically, they were described as incestuous idolaters who worshipped false gods with their roots in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. According to the Book of Deuteronomy (23:3-4) the Ammonites were punished by Yahweh for not assisting the Israelites during their Exodus from Egypt and sworn away from marrying into such people. Wars continued between the two peoples which eventually saw the Ammonites as vassals to King Saul. [3]

Since the exodus almost certainly never happened it makes one wary of the connected stories which serve to elevate the Israelite destiny to mythical proportions.  The truth is, child sacrifice – with or without the influence from Ammon – was occurring within Israelite tribes and the Canaanites in general.

As author Douglas Reed also points out in his Controversy of Zion the myth of Exodus was in all likelihood, added to the narrative by Levite priests to exert control over their Jewish flock and plans for their future. Which makes sense as: “Baal-worship was extensively practised throughout Canaan, and the competition of this cult with Jehovah-worship was a particular grievance of the Levites.” Most importantly and something to remember throughout this series: “Whatever has survived of the former Israelite tradition is in Genesis and Exodus, and in the enlightened passages of the Israelite prophets. These more benevolent parts are invariably cancelled out by later, fanatical ones, which are presumably Levitical interpolations. [4]

The Levite priesthood are the closest you are going to get to occult Zionist ancestors of black arts in Babylon and their promotion of certain blood sacrifices. After all, this priesthood with its roots in Judah was all about enforcing their “statutes and judgments” with the use of terror and blood to program their people to “utterly destroy”, “pull down” and “root out”. Therefore, as Reed states – “Judah was destined to produce a nation dedicated to destruction.” And it was this that has determined the destiny of the Jewish people ever since. [5]

The point of highlighting the above is to show that pretty much the whole narrative of Israelite evolution describes the long process of manipulation of Jewish tribes as a whole. In terms of the tradition of ritual sacrifice and its relationship to modern occultism, the same lens of suspicion regarding its “prohibition” and its apparent demise must be used. The result of these sociopolitical wranglings heavily influenced by epic communications with certain “gods” caused a major erosion in the already fading knowledge of earth changes and the human-cosmic connection. Comets and planetary interactions were replaced with a Supreme deity exercising his power. If he was displeased he showed it; if he was satisfied he bestowed bountiful crops and a successful outcome for conquests. The prefix used with the Yahweh/Jehovah model is always “Do this or else!”.

In other words, an all-powerful God became the ultimate authority figure and a tool for tribal politics with a long-term agenda. Levite priests turned collective prescience based on cosmic knowledge into a ring-fence for self-aggrandisement and personal power. Saturn and all other manifestations of the Cosmos and earth were tools in their hands and a strictly tyrannical exercise. The way was then open for a new, emboldened ruling priesthood borne from the blood of tribalism to act as “intermediaries”, rubber-stamped by a Universal God. And this chance for a peaceable Universalism certainly envisaged in some groups within the Israelites was quickly co-opted into One God that would brook no other – on pain of retributive death and appeasement.  Therefore, this could not be allowed to revert to individual and direct communion since these self-elected intermediaries would lose their power. Rituals became more complex and understanding the messages hidden in physical and celestial events required new texts and codes which needed to be deciphered by the self-proclaimed “chosen”.

Welcome to organised religion.


“See, the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.” (Isiah. 66.15-18) A monotheistic conquest on behalf of fire-God Yahweh and its ritual sacrifice of babies is not so different to the same rituals of warfare we carry out in the name of democracy and Israeli rights of determination today. The same distorted Mosaic Law and the flames of Moloch sear the flesh of thousands of children in Iraq and Palestine just as they did in our Ancient past. The difference is that now, we are blind to it.

Monotheism would be a psychopath’s dream. The All-Seeing Eye of God had arrived and He had chosen a people to do his bidding. At least, that was the selling point from the Levites which the Israelites bought, lock stock and barrel. Esoteric redemption through psycho-spiritual sacrifice became a potent ritual on a bloody altar. It became an important tool for the ruling elite as did genocide and ethnic cleansing as ways to enforce this new religious authoritarianism where the spilling of the blood would further their power whilst appeasing Yahweh. It was the defining moment in the fortunes of God’s “chosen people” and the template for the Babylonian magick of the Talmud.

We can certainly see where the inversion of the topological metaphor can be seen in the myth of Saturn and its descent into idol worship. The ebb and flow of Saturn/ Chronus and degrees of benign (and not so benign) Moon worship appears to continue through the Canaanite version of the Egyptian god Set, a storm-and-fertility deity Ba’al-Hadad, and other more local manifestations of this “one god” such the variant of Beelzebub identified in the New Testament as another label for Satan, while the pre-Israelite epoch saw Baal as the weather-god of Syria-Palestine. [6] There is also strong evidence that Persian Mithraism and their rituals were adapted and refined by the Jewish Babylonian priests as further versions of Baal worship as was the Persian Ahura-Mazda which was reformed into a fire/Sun God. [7]  Since Baal and Yahweh tend to be fused with fire worship it was likely due to cometary bombardment impacting the region and interpreted as the wrath of Yahweh. [8]

The Levite priests were masters at adapting, integrating and re-working disparate beliefs into a workable formula for control. And here’s where the Babylonian Talmud and the connection to Israel – with implications for the modern state – begins to take form. The Canaanite sects in the Levantine region (which include the Phoenicians) were also using the blanket prefix of “ʾĒl” which still appears in modern English today, initially surfacing through much of the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and Kabbalistic lore for gods, angels and demons. Saturn/El fathered his sons Yam, Mot and the most popular: Ba’al Hadad Hadad, with horns featuring prominently in pictorial representations of the time. Ring a bell? 

Remember that Israel was constantly at war with its neighbours and taking an extreme moral high ground when the Israelite tribes where very far removed from Godliness. What they were accusing others of doing (blood sacrifice, rape, pillage, false idols etc.) was manifestly obvious in their own behaviour. Thus, it is no surprise that the name “ISRAEL” = IS-RA-EL is made up of the very same proto-gods of old.  Namely, the death cult of later dynastic families of ancient Egypt. The following is paraphrased from Betty Rhodes’ discoveries over at

A brief trip over to ancient Egypt is called for:



IS = Egyptian Goddess “ISIS”

Isis was an Egyptian Goddess dating back to the 5th dynasty and who ruled over nature, royalty, fertility, protection, magic and a Pharaoh’s power. Remembered as the High Priestess wife of Horus, or, in later periods, as the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, and was worshiped as the archetypal wife and mother. In Egyptian mythology Isis is also considered Saturn’s eldest daughter:

“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods” [9]

RA = Egyptian God “RA”

A sun-god of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt his peak of popularity was also in the 5th dynasty.  He represented both the power of the Word and ruled over the midday Sun, the underworld and all of Creation. His daughters were the later underworld goddesses often associated with demonology in the wrong hands: Bastet symbolised as a cat and Ra’s instrument of vengeance, the sun-god’s eye.  Sekhmet is another warrior daughter of Ra. Sekhmet was depicted as a lioness and was an “eye of Ra”, also an instrument of the Ra’s vengeance. Finally Hathor (Venus) commonly depicted as a cow goddess and symbolised joy, beauty, sexuality, and motherhood.


Ra – A reworking of Saturn in Ancient Egypt | Image by Jeff Dahl – Own work redrawing of Amon-Re (Budge 1904), based on New Kingdom tomb paintings.

Ra was a Sun-God par excellence and the iconography included the golden disk and a circle with the point in the centre.

EL = source of Elill and Enlil According to Encyclopedia Mythica:


“The Akkadian god of earth and wind. He is the son of Ansar and Kisar, the primordial deities, and the father of the moon god Sin. [Original?]Together with Ea and Anu he forms a powerful triad of gods in the ancient Mesopotamian religion. He is represented wearing a headband which is decorated with horns. He is equivalent to the Sumerian god Enlil.”


“In ancient Sumero-Babylonian myth, Enlil (“lord wind”) is the god of air, wind and storms. Enlil is the foremost god of the Mesopotamian pantheon, and is sometimes referred to as Kur-Gal (“great mountain”). In the Sumerian cosmology he was born of the union of An heaven and Ki earth. These he separated, and he carried off the earth as his portion. In later times he supplanted Anu as chief god. His consort is Ninlil with whom he has five children: Nanna, Nerigal, Ningirsu, Ninurta, and Nisaba.

Enlil holds possession of the Tablets of Destiny which gives him power over the entire cosmos and the affairs of man. He is sometimes friendly towards mankind, but can also be a stern and even cruel god who punishes man and sends forth disasters, such as the great Flood which wiped out humanity with the exception of Atrahasis. Enlil is portrayed wearing a crown with horns, symbol of his power. His most prestigious temple was in the city Nippur, and he was the patron of that city. His equivalent is the Akkadian god Ellil.”

Betty Rhodes suggests that “El” and Yahweh are different Gods: the latter Levitical war god of Jehovah/Yahweh hailing from southern Palestine and who ended up in Judah, while the former El, had its home in Israel in Mesopotamia.

The Saturnine God “El” as a root word has come down to us in all languages and unsurprisingly, appearing in the context of law and various forms of education, instruction and religious and governmental authority. The most obivous examples are: elite, elder, elegy, elemental, elucidation, and more phonetic allusions such as evil (eve-el) temple (tem-pel)  bible (bi-bel) cathedral (cathe-drel) and even the cauldron of our dark elite:  Babylon (Ba-bel-on) and perhaps even the fire god Baal (ba-el) whom we will look at presently.

A further layer to add to the heady brew of subverted Saturnine influence is the little matter of the El-ohim the ancient Hebrew word for “gods” with its emergence in 7th to 6th century BCE in the Kingdom of Judah and Babylonian “captivity”. Though popular in the pantheon of Canaanite Gods, Rabbinical Judaism fell in love with the Elohim as a literary tool in the 2nd century CE and used to further muddy the waters in an already phantasmagorical potpourri of black magick, wisdom and authoritarianism. There are plenty of studies out there that see the Elohim as the original fallen angels and in some circles even clear myths of ultra-terrestrial or hyperdimensional entities of a negative orientation. But that is getting a little too far from our narrative for now ….


The fallen Angels of the Elohim? Detail from an illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”.

The point is, we can say that these are all interpretations on a slow arc of erosion, where the original spiritual principles of the Four Ages were reaching a Zenith of pathological decay. They derivatives of Saturn Worship – the original brown dwarf sun – which travelled through the pantheon of spin-off Saturn Gods, gradually moving away from the original meanings and closer and closer to the shadows of blood sacrifice and war, where a particular people were “chosen” to be the carriers of that change.

It is in this sense that fire worship of Baal and his cousin Moloch were hugely popular as Saturn/Satanic gods across ancient Mesopotamia and proved a popular form of social engineering to streamline the masses. Divide and Rule was in play just as much as it is today. The potency of the totalitarian God of Yahweh was only as effective as the next sacrifice (for or against) and the accompanying signs and portents as to whether or not the people had collectively erred by not doing his will. Divination and magick were useful to this end as was playing off different tribes against each other.

Encyclopedia Mythica’s author Alan G. Hefner summarises their influence:

“As far apart as Carthage and Palmyra were temples dedicated to Baal-Hammon, ‘the lord of the altar of incense,’ whom the Greeks identified with Cronos. On Mount Carmel it was the prophet Elijah who discredited King Ahab’s belief in the power of Baal, when at his request “the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice,” and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. Afterwards Elijah had the people slay “the prophets of Baal,” thereby assuring the survival of the worship of Yahweh in Israel. […]

Both Baal and his cohort Ashtoreth, or Astarte, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, were both Phoenician fertility symbols. Baal, the sun god, was fervently prayed to for the protection of livestock and crops. Priests instructed the people that Baal was responsible for droughts, plagues, and other calamities. People were often worked up into great frenzies at the prospects of displeasing Baal. In times of great turbulence human sacrifices, particularly children, were made to the great god Moloch.” [9]

Saturn’s sacrificial legacy was passed on in wrathful style via the Levites and the Old Testament and littered with exhortations to violence, war, animal and human sacrifice deleting earlier Israelite sects, some of whom reverenced a Universal God of love and compassion. Indeed, Ancient Israel was in the thick of ritual human sacrifice just like so many in the bronze age period.  The Hebrew Bible frequently mentions sacrifice as standard practice  in Leviticus 20:2; Deuteronomy, 12:31; 2 Kings, 16:3; 17:31; 23:10; Jeremiah, 7:30-32; 19:3-5 and Ezekiel, 16:20-21.

There is no doubt about the archaeological evidence either. Across Mesopotamia and Jerusalem, Phoenician Carthage, Canaanite Israel, Palestinian Megiddo, Gezer and Ta’anach all attest to the burnt offerings of sacrificial victims in honour of “false Gods.” Far from being a foreign practice as the Bible likes to confirm, it was in fact, a common expression of deity worship in Judah – the seat of Jewish populations, among many others. [10]


stone tablet image of Baal from Syria, in Damascus Museum. Image credit:

Israelite child sacrifice In the Valley of Hinnom, near Judah, Tophet/Topheth meaning “roasting place” or “drum” was the designated place for the ritual sacrifice of animals and children to idols of Baal and Moloch, derivations of Saturn worship. Historians have discovered that Baal (meaning “Bull”) was probably a large-scale statue of the same, children being delivered into its mouth and burned alive. Gruesome indeed. Thankfully, the practice in this region seems to have waned after the religious reforms of Josiah the King of Judah. 

Phoenicians in Carthage (essentially the same culture as the early Canaanites) are the most infamous for their worship of Baal and as Mr. Hefner mentioned, it seems there was a competition between Saturnine idols of Baal, Melek/Moloch/Molech and other derivations in approximately 9 B.C. (Kings 18). And both competing forces offered animal and child sacrifices in order to see which God would respond most favourably. Although there is evidence that the Hebrew Bible Tanakh and the Torah prohibited human sacrifice many historians are convinced that child sacrifice occurred across the Israelite religion.

The infamous biblical story of Abraham’s close call with his son Isaac is a rather bizarre example which smacks of later “editing” to soften this Baal/Molochian influence. This particular voice of God stated: “Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you.” (Genesis 22:1-18) So, Abraham dutifully drags his son up a mountain, gets this son to assist him in building his own pyre and once done ties him to the altar. He then brandishes a knife to his throat ready to take his life, a theme that occurs all over the Old Testament. God then changes his mind at the last minute and orders roasted ram instead. It was apparently all just a simple test of faith.

One can’t help but consider the possibility that in the end, with the help of corrupt Levites, it was this cruelty and barbarism that informed the God of the Israelites and laid the foundations of Talmudic programming up to the present day.

Even though the books of the Old Testament prohibit sacrifice to Yahweh, in reality sacrifices to both Baal, Moloch (Yahweh) took place between various sects with or without permission of the elect priests. It is quite obvious from the books of Jeremiah VII. 31 and Ezekiel XX. 25 and 26, that both prophets saw human sacrifices as the natural thing to do. Namely, to offer and animals and children to Yahweh because that was how things were done. There appears to be some solipsistic reasoning from both Jeremiah and Ezekiel which amounts to semantics. Jeremiah claims no orders from Yahweh were forthcoming, while Ezekiel claims first-born sacrifices were permitted by Yahweh in order to serve as an example in intuiting who is the real Yahweh as opposed to the false one!  That’s some reverse psychology to beat them all.

Once again, there is no evidence at all that ritual sacrifice was introduced from foreign elements, rather it is probable that it was an outgrowth from the Israelite tribes upon which the Levite priesthood cynically capitalised. That does not mean that there were not prophets and priests who objected to it, but to imply that it was wholly an external phenomena that somehow polluted an original purity doesn’t hold water. (That said, and it bears repeating, there is an enormous difference between the ancient hebrews and the Canaanites who did indeed practice torture, contrary to some teachings of Judaism. But we are concerned with the strain that did not. And when it comes down to it, we are not talking about Jews or non-Jews – we are simply tracing a complex line of psychopathy and how it expresses itself through particular beliefs, most notably it seems, in modern Establishment Zionism. This is, after all, the primary vector to which some groupings of Ashkenazi, Chabad Lubatich and Jewish extremism have been drawn).


Moloch-Baal ritual sacrifice of the first-born

Baal and Moloch often followed the same variations on a theme of a calf/Bull statue made of bronze and hollowed out so that a fire could burn within, effectively turning it into a furnace. The heat of the fire was purposefully reflected within the eyes and mouth of the statue whilst other parts became so hot they glowed red, offering a macabe demonic vision of power for its worshippers. Researchers believe that some of these statues may have even been mechanical so that once children were placed on the hands of the statue, they could be raised to the mouth by a system of pullies upon which the children were deposited into the furnace against a backdrop of music, chanting and feverish praise by surrounding crowds.

The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated: “‘Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.'” [11] And further: “… he who approached the fire would receive a light from divinity” and “through divine fire all the stains produced by generations could be purged away.”

In essence: “children were made to pass through the fire unto Molech” (Jeremiah. 32:35) where fire worship was simply another re-enactment of a bizarre inversion of purification and redemption based on the “original sin.” Do evil to appease evil and so it goes around and around. This is ever the psychopath spell: to makes us think through fear and emotional dissociation that a culture becomes immune to conscience and embraces pathology while thinking it is what their chosen authority wants and decrees.


“An 18th-century German illustration of Moloch (“Der Götze Moloch” i.e. The Idol Moloch).” (wikipedia)

Moloch appears to be the closet derivation of Saturn/Satan Worship and like Baal fire rituals, was incorporated into the bloody proceedings. Whatever Babylonian God we are talking about from Nimrod, Baal, Moloch and other offshoots within North Africa and the Levant, a continuation of the original sin/myth is being played out as a terrible distortion in favour of a literal interpretation. Chronos / Saturn devours his children all over again whilst they are cleansed by fire –a thorough fusion of both Babylonian idolatry, corrupted Mosaic Law and pagan / occult ceremonies.

Journalist and author Carol A. Valentine brings more evidence to the table that the much vaunted testimonies of prohibition in the Old Testament are not as watertight as they may seem.  She points out that in one book (Judges 30) “God” accepts human sacrifice (in this case a virgin) and in another (Samuel 21) is appeased by it.[12] This is logical if we are aware of the nature of ponerology and the pathogenic nature of psychopathy, it is highly unlikely that such monotheism was able to restrict this corruption metastasizing into more virulent forms. She gives further convincing evidence from two passages from the Old Testament concerning child sacrifices to Moloch where the words “seed” and “children” are synonymous. Passages from the Talmud’s Gemara and Mishnah are then included.

One of the translators of the Soncino Tractate Sanhedrin (1934) Rabbi Dr. Freedom clarifies the passages under consideration highlighting: “… the fine point of distinction being drawn in the Mishnah and subsequent debates among the sages” and regarding the nature of the offence and penalties, in this case. He states: “As two separate offences, proving that giving one’s seed to Molech is not idolatry. The differences [sic] is, that if one sacrificed to Molech, or caused his son to pass through the fire to some other deity, he is not punished.” [13]

Valentine urges us to see for ourselves by reading the full Sanhedrin 64a and 64b which contain “… a rousing debate between the Sages concerning:

  • the circumstances under which worshipping an idol is idolatry,
  • which idols may be worshipped without indulging in idolatry,
  • which parts of child sacrifice in what combination are punishable, and
  • how children may be sacrificed without violating Leviticus.”  [14]

Similarly, is it just an odd coincidence that the 18th Century founder of Hassidic Judaism Rabbi Yisroel (Israel) ben Eliezer is often called “Baal Shem Tov” or the better known to many religious Jews as “the holy Baal Shem”? According to wikipedia, the Bibilcal rendering of Baal is drawn from: “… a North-West Semitic title meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu. A Baalist or Baalite means a worshipper of Baal.”

So, why on earth would the founder of Orthodox Judaism willingly be associated with honoring blood sacrifice by using the namesake of a one of Saturn’s demonic proto-Gods?

Does this not make the shrieking of “blood libel” at the merest hint of a continuing tradition of ritual sacrifice rather an odd coincidence in modern times?

If these distinguished Rabbis are translating the Talmudic instructions which are applied daily and directly to Orthodox Jewish thought and indirectly to the average Jew; where there is a clear instruction in the art of getting around penalties regarding acts of child sacrifice, what does this say to those already predisposed to the dark face of Kabbalistic occultism?

Stated another way: what does it say to those ceremonially inclined psychopaths who are embracing a book predicated on Saturn/moon worship, where the foundation of Judaism is saturated in magickal practices? Does it not offer an open door to the resonance of Moloch and its other deities? Talmudic demonology is then offering an open portal into contemporary society. (See Occult Zionism V: Ritual Sacrifice and Israel’s geopolitcal carnage in the Middle East for the evidence).


The familiar “Flower of Life pattern with the ten-point Kabbalah or “Tree of Life” overlaid.


According to some researchers the 10-pointed Hebrew Kabbalah is a false template, the real form having 12 points instead of ten. This indicates a possible manipulation since the number ten doesn’t appear to be a natural number in sacred geometry the 12 point template including the circle and the number six at its base. Although speculative, and much new age mumbo jumbo surrounds this possibility, it supports the idea of a separate Jewish “Kabbalah” and  Arabic “Cabala,” the latter being a more authentic companion to the Western tradition of alchemy. Does the present Lurianic Kabbalah truly represent the Tree of Life and thus spiritual emancipation? Or is it another reflection of the entwined serpent of Saturn/Moon Worship and the kind of mysticism that keeps you forever spinning in the wheel of endless occult promises and thus far removed from true inner work?

So, where does all this leave us?

We have a host of proto-Gods who have sprung out of a core Saturn worship, with left over remnants now mixed together in formal doctrines within Persian, Hindu and Judeo-Christian schools of thought. We have the Old man of Time Kronos/Chronus, Rhamiphan, Remphan Baal, Moloch, Chiun, Nimrod, Brahman, Sanat Kumara and Yahweh/Jehovah – all of whom were derivations of the original Saturn Sun (or even a comet?) which was the huge inspiration for an initial ascent and the distortion of a collective “alchemosexual” redemption of humanity.

The inexorable rise of ceremonial psychopaths who routinely seek to hijack spiritual truths – and every other principle of Truth – have twisted otherwise sincere ideologies and beliefs into service for a longstanding financial architecture of debt slavery, conceived in the Mystery traditions of Babylon and the Priestly orders of the Levites and Nicolaitans. These were but two of the ruling Priesthoods who played pivotal roles in the ancient development of psychopathic dominance and its relevance in myth and socio-political manipulation leading to the modern day equivalents within militant Zionism today. Weapons, slavery, religious authoritarianism and sexual perversion were pushed to their limits which is why, like any organism or system reflecting service to self or the law of entropy – it eventually falls into its own black hole.

The Priesthood lineage of Babylonian magicians drawn from Jewish cults of Israelite tribes continued to flourish, albeit camouflaged. Psychopathy had found a ruling class from which it could direct affairs in order to introduce more of its kind. After the fall of Babylon the seeds of pathology were sown into the ascendency of the Roman Empire which would ultimately lead to the Dark Ages and a response called forth from the Cosmos where comets, earth changes and significant revisions to the narrative of History took place.

Since we are exploring the residues of a pre-history, the development of blood sacrifice, occultism and the Zionist Establishment, it will be no surprise that the power of symbolism has served to personify and resonate a collective thought pattern regarding the above. Perhaps the most recognised and oldest example happens to be the emblem of Israel and the Jewish people: the six pointed “Star of David” or Mâgên Dâwîd and its relationship to Saturn.

Now go back and read Religious Authoritarians VI: Temple Mount …Temple Might VI: for context and the desire for the renewal of animal sacrifice on the Dome of Rock and the shrine located at Temple Mount in the City of Jerusalem. The return to the rites of the old Solomonic sacrificial altar of the temple may be an echo from the past that resonates to the present. Such ritual sacrifice may not lie purely within the minds of Jewish and Islamist extremist groups but the existential satanism of occult zionists in our modern age.


Update: Interestingly, we now have a blatant homage to the Zionist occult Establishment in the form of the God Baal now fittingly placed in none other than downtown New York… It’ll be right at home with all the other monuments to Saturn strewn across Washington D.C. and various other cities in our modern day Babylon…

April 2016: The Temple Of Baal Will Be Erected In Times Square In New York City

Replicas of the Temple of Baal Unveiled in New York and London on an Important Occult Date


[1] Exodus the True Story  By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat |
[2] Ibid.
[3] New World Encyclopedia: “Ammon” |
[4] p.23; Douglas Reed; The Controversy of Zion (1956) Also from Chapter 4: “Forging of the Chains”: “… the Levites in Babylon added Exodus, Genesis, Leviticus and Numbers to Deuteronomy. Genesis and Exodus provide a version of history moulded to fit the “Law” which the Levites by then had already promulgated, in Deuteronomy. This goes right back to the Creation, of which the Scribes knew the exact date (however the first two chapters of Genesis give somewhat different accounts of the Creation and the Levitical hand, as scholars believe, is more to be seen in the second chapter than the first).”
[5] Ibid; p.7.
[6] Jewish Virtual Library – “Encyclopedia Judaica: Baal Worship” |
[8] See Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive (2006) Comets and the Horns of Moses (2013) and Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection By Pierre Lescaudron (2014)
[9] p.80; Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy (2011)
[10] Encyclopedia Mythica; Alan G. Hefner at
[11] p.283; Francesca Stavrakopoulou; King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities (2004).
[12]  Bible Gateway at
[13] ‘Blood Ritual 3: Human Sacrifice, the Talmud, and the Moloch Problem’ By Carol A. Valentine at
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ibid.





Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

– Voltaire

We have explored the influences of Dominionism and Authoritarianism in the United States, and there was also a brief look at  the powerful Jewish sect of Chabad Lubavitch presently embedded in Europe, the US government and part of the rising tide of religious extremism currently jostling for supremacy. Lubavitchers – or Chabadniks – draw their beliefs from the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and other classical works of Judaism with a strong emphasis on apocalyptic redemption which they hope will pave the way for a distinctly Jewish theocratic World Order. Recall that many high-level US officials are still keen supporters of Chabad Lubavitch such as Paul Wolfowitz, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Senator / retired General Carl Levin, and Orthodox Jewish rabbi Dov Zakheim whom we met previously.

On March 11, 2002, Zakheim gathered with over 500 emissaries of Chabad from all corners of the world in order to celebrate the birthday of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the spiritual guru of Chabad. The big bash took place just opposite the Pentagon 9/11 crash site. Considering what we have discovered so far about Chabad Lubavitch and Zionism it is more than a little ironic that there was a party for a guru who extolled the virtues of a messianic Jewish theocracy hosted by insider Dov Zakheim who had managed to furnish Israel with more weapons than any other Jewish individual in the history of arms brokering. As Journalist and historian Caroline A. Valentine observes: “Islam is the most vigorous religious rival to Judaism. How does the ‘peace for Israel’ sung about in ‘Oseh Shalom’ relate to 9-11? Think back to the massive slaughter of Palestinians (and other Muslims) Israel has been able to effect since 9/11. There is no sweeter peace to be found than at the graveyard of one’s enemy …”  [1]

Let’s just remind ourselves of the nature of the “spirituality” being taught by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson whose beliefs remained consistent throughout his long life and which gave rise to the official Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine so prominent in US politics and Chabad centres round the world. In his book Gatherings of Conversations (1965) we get to read exactly what the Rabbi believed.

The “Great Rebbe” states:

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…

…An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.” [2] [Emphasis mine]

There is little doubt that the vast majority of Jews have no idea what this man has been saying on their behalf. Yet, further analysis of these statements isn’t necessary since anyone who is able to to think rationally can see that the above takes the notion of Jewish tribal exclusivity and supremacy to new heights, specifically mentioning that anyone who isn’t Jewish naturally has one’s spiritual origins in “satanic spheres”. It will become apparent just how serious these statements are as we proceed.

In 1995, a year after the death of Schneerson the yearly commemorations took off with a posthumous award by Congress: the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honour possible for a civilian in the United States. The Baltimore Jewish Times, (who it seems, were equally perplexed) reported: “More than a year of intensive lobbying by Chabad forces generated some 225 House co-sponsors of the authorizing legislation” which made it possible for Schneerson to become the first religious leader to be the recipient of the coveted award. Furthermore, it seems the lobbying had a financial incentive whereby: “Copies of the gold medal — which was underwritten by donations from admirers of Rabbi Schneerson — are being sold by the Treasury Department. According to Washington sources, that could be a big money-maker for the federal government.” [3]


Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Chief, circa 2007.

In 2006, Chabad Lubavitch supporters and Zio-Conservative Michael Chertoff, then Homeland Security secretary and Joshua Bolton, the White House chief of staff had high-level talks with Chabad emissaries during a two-day commemoration of the 12th anniversary of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s death. Bolton and other White House officials “… assured Chabad representatives that President Bush would never force Israel to concede territory to the Palestinians without a quid pro quo,”… where Bolton admitted that: “Bush would follow Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s lead in deciding what concessions to support.” [4] Since Olmert is a militant Zionist that wouldn’t give Palestinians much to hope for. One might also ask the question right there: if the preceding information wasn’t known, how it is that that an honour of this kind can be given to Schneerson who presided over a sect that is evidently, at its root, one of the most racist and fascist movements on the planet?

The only change which has occurred under Barack Obama is that Chabad Lubavitch has grown stronger.

The American Friends of Lubavitch (AFL) was set up by leading Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Abraham Shemtov, one of the closest aides to the late Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Shemtov’s interests are adopted by the National Security Council and the State Department in that he has regular access and contact with a few dozen ambassadors. [5] It is ostensibly a humanitarian, educational and Jewish facilitation hub, but in reality, it is a Chabad indoctrination outfit extending deep into the heart of international politics with its: “… 3000 affiliated centres across the country and around the world,” and where:“… requests for assistance from the Washington Office arrive in a steady stream, often urgent in nature.”  [6]

This urgency takes on new meaning when we recognise how much influence Israeli lobby groups an religious organisations have over American politics. If we are to believe the “Great Rebbe” Schneerson is revered as the New Jewish Messiah, then it is his doctrine that pervades Chabad Lubavitch’s religious imperative as the following statement by a Lubavitcher confirms:

“Our supreme obligation is to submit to the orders. Only later on we can ask for explanations. As was said at the Sinai mountain, we will do and then listen. […] Today, we should insist and demand and not to ask and try to convince or negotiate, but demand. Demand as much as it is possible to obtain, and the most difficult part is, everything that is possible to obtain, the more the better.”  [7]

In June 2012, the lobbying continued under the AFL conference named “The Living Legacy” which saw Congressional leaders and top Obama administration officials rubbing shoulders with “… several hundred Chabad emissaries from across the United States.” Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the majority leader in the US House of Representatives, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the House minority whip; lawmakers such as Jeremy Bash, the Chief of Staff to Defence Secretary Leon Panetta; Bruce Reed, Vice President Joe Biden’s chief were all in attendance and dolling out the required applause. [8] Most importantly, all this socialising was to make sure that the US administration kept the “… bipartisan commitment to the US-Israel relationship” firmly handcuffed to fiscal policy and the need to keep that money flowing. [9]


Rabbi Abraham Shemtov speaks to supporters at the Hilton New York. (wikipedia)

In September 2001, Chabad Lubavitch already had its supporters in politics way before Bush or Obama and who may have proven to be crucial lynchpins in the 9/11 cover up. Remember Larry Silverstein, owner of Silverstein Properties, most of the World Trade Centre and close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu? Like Bibi, presently gunning for a conflagration with Iran as per Lubavitch prophecy, it seems Silverstein is also a closet Lubavitcher, at least when it benefits his financial goals. If Jewish businessmen and Chabad supporters suffered during 9/11 and the 2008 crash, after his billion dollar pay-out, Larry was certainly not amongst them. Nonetheless, never one to turn down a freebie, he turned up for some kosher nibbles at the Chabad House on Wall St. run by Rabbi Katz and his wife Rachel who, according to Chabad Lubavitch’s official website: “… maintains a dawn to midnight schedule of classes and tefillin regulars in some of New York City’s most high-powered corner offices. His Chanukah menorah lighting venues have become something of a legend.” Before 9/11, Rabbi Katz invited Silverstein to light the Chabad Wall St. Menorah (which must have been the most supremely ironic moment, even for Larry). This was followed by many other prominent Wall St. big-wigs showing their support for Chabad such as philanthropist George Rohr in the New York Stock Exchange boardroom and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg who hosted a menorah lighting ceremony in 2007.  [10]

Silverstein is just one part of a substantial network of Zionist-Lubavitcher businessmen who may have enabled the corporate-logistical elements of the 9/11 attacks to take place. They represent the “asset assistance” group for Zionist operations. Frank Lowy owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world; Ronald Lauder of Estée Lauder fame and Lewis Eisenberg who was the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during the attack on the World Trade Centre – all feature as businessmen whose wealth has been put to great use for the Chabad-Zionist cause in America.


Frank Lowy 2011 (wikipedia)

Ranked as #2 in’s list of Australia and NZ’s richest individuals, ex-Goldman Sacs Lowy, partnered Silverstein in the 99 year leasing arrangement and rented a shopping concourse area called the Mall at the WTC. Made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space it was just one in a number of retail outlets based in the US and Australasia. Bull-horned in one of their own press releases, Westfield America assets is: “… worth $59 billion, representing 124 shopping centres in four countries with over 10 million square meters of retail space. It is the world’s largest retail property group by equity market capitalization”. [11] Nothing unusual there, but it takes on a slightly different hue when we realise Lowy was also a member of the Jewish terrorist group Haganah and fought in the Israeli war of independence as a member of the Golani Brigade, one of the most highly decorated infantry units in the Israel Defence Forces – and the most questionable when it comes to Zionist fanaticism. [12]

With a military-corporate history like Lowy’s it will not come as a shock that he has fingers in both banking and politics. Having immigrated to Australia in the 1950s where he became chums with another tycoon Zionist Rupert Murdoch, he has been moving in banking circles for decades ending up on the board of Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia, which are effectively Australia’s Federal Reserve System and issuer of Australian dollars. Founded with his own money Lowy presides over the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, based at Tel Aviv University in Israel, an extension of the kind of academic Zionism that Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz would appreciate. Spending a few months of the year in Israel it gives him time to catch up with old friends which used to include Ariel Sharon and now Benyamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, all of whom are Chabad supporters and right-wing Likud Party militants. It was Avinoam Brog, Barak’s brother, who told the Sydney Morning Herald that Lowy’s “influence is such that if he wanted to talk to any politician in Israel, then he could. And they will listen.”  [13]

While Lowy has kept a very low profile indeed in relation to his involvement with 9/11 he has been busy behind the scenes in gathering together those that would have benefited from the attacks. The Lowy Institute for International policy is another “who’s who” of Zio-Conservatives, military intelligence, banking, corporate directors CEOs and Elite families coming together to direct global policy from an Australian perspective. It is the Asian stronghold of Brezezinskian economics. The RAND corporation, Brookings Institute, JP Morgan, Chevron, former Goldman Sacs executives and Homeland Security officials – they’re all there and more besides. [14] Most notably, Martin Indyk, former US Ambassador to Israel, President and Director of the Foreign Policy Program at the pro-Israel Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. Indyk’s right to use classified information was re-instated by then Secretary of State Madeline Albright in 2000 citing the turmoil in Israel and the Gaza Strip and “…for compelling national security reasons.” Nonetheless, the FBI still considers Indyk to be one of the prime suspects in the hunt for the Israeli spy known as “Mega.”  [15]  [16]

Assuming that the hunt wasn’t compromised from the start…


Martin Indyk

But should there be any PR problems then Likud supporter and media mogul Zionist Rupert Murdoch is always on hand. He has been associated with all three men and the recipient of awards from the ADL, the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), and the New York-based Museum of Jewish Heritage, mostly due to the substantial donations he has given to the organisations over the years.

Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn quoted Sam Kiley, veteran journalist on the Middle East for the London Times who wrote about the mogul’s involvement of the newspaper:

“‘Murdoch is a close friend of Ariel Sharon.’ Kiley said Murdoch’s friendship with Sharon, led senior staff at the paper to rewrite important copy. ‘Murdoch’s executives were so afraid of irritating him that, when I pulled off a little scoop of tracking down and photographing the unit in the Israeli army that killed Mohammed al-Durrah, the 12-year-old boy whose death was captured on film and became the iconic image of the conflict, I was asked to file the piece ‘without mentioning the dead kid,’ ” Kiley wrote. “After that conversation, I was left wordless, so I quit.’  [17]

The visit with Sharon included a trip for Murdoch and his editors from New York and London that ‘took them on a bird’s-eye tour of Israel aboard a helicopter gunship, flying over the Golan Heights, West Bank and settlements.’” 


The late Ariel Sharon (left) and media tycoon Rupert Murdoch were close friends

Like Lowy, another employee on the Goldman Sacs cartel conveyor belt and currently working as a senior adviser at a private equity firm, Lewis M. Eisenberg is an ardent Zionist and member of the planning board of the United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli pressure group. A financial supporter of the Bush-Cheney campaign and Dov Zakheim’s 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Eisenberg is your classic PNAC, Zio-Conservative and Wall St. predator. He believes that bankers have had a hard rap and unfairly “demonised” which should give you some idea as to where his loyalties lie. [18]

The crucial role that Eisenberg played as New York Port Authority Chairman was to make sure that Silverstein Properties had an exclusive deal on the 99 year-old lease for the WTC, dropping at the last minute a higher bid from opposing company Vornado Realty Trust and imposing a news blackout to safeguard discussions. He managed to give his view immediately after the 9/11 attacks claiming: “I just saw my two towers fall. I’m devastated beyond belief. In many respects this is significantly worse than Pearl Harbor, and we don’t know who the enemy is.” [19]

An early example of the Pearl Harbour script once again…

Lewis Eisenberg former Chairman of the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Chairman at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack of the World Trade Centre. More importantly, he was man repsonsible for transferring the lease for World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein.

Lewis Eisenberg former Chairman of the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Chairman at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack of the World Trade Centre.

How devastating could it really be when Governor George Pataki appointed yet another Goldman Sacs chief John Whitehead in 2001 as chairman of the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corp., who then received a $2 billion of New York’s $8.2 billion federal aid? It was obvious from the start the rebuilding of lower Manhattan was a lucrative exercise for the Zionist tag teams, much to the dismay of civic groups, and the families of victims and survivors of the attack. Understandably, they thought Silverstein wanted to avoid their own development plan which may have limited his profits.

When Silverstein went ahead and begin construction on the site of WTC Building 7 in July of 2002, Eisenberg was appointed head of the LNRC in order to keep things in the family. [20] (It is also interesting to note that on Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings). MOSSAD explosives experts were crawling all over the site immediately after the destruction of the Twin Towers. Was the security management of the WTC complex designed to be in the hands of the controllers who could then allow access to all necessary areas of the WTC complex for preparation?

The attempt to gain control of the New York Port Authority (PA) had been an on-going project since at least the 1980s. Recalling Isser Harel’s “prescient” prediction in 1979, it was just seven years later that would see an intelligence team of senior agents – who had worked directly under Harel for decades – obtain the security contract for the Port Authority of New York. That company was Atwell Security from Tel Aviv. It was not to last however, when Edward J. O’Sullivan, director of the Office of Special Plans at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, cancelled the contract shortly thereafter when it was discovered that it was merely a front for the MOSSAD. [21] Even before the contract had been awarded, most of the board of directors of the PA were Jewish with Zionist affiliations.

The late Peter “Zvi” Malkin was the security consultant and intermediary between Atwell Security and the PA, negotiating on the company’s behalf. Malkin had long been known as an Israeli intelligence officer famous for kidnapping notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960. Bollyn surmises that: “Malkin’s artist disguise is probably the inspiration for the ‘art student’ operation to infiltrate DEA offices in 2001. … Michael Chertoff’s mother, Livia Eisen, one of the first MOSSAD agents, owned an art gallery in Elizabeth, New Jersey, when Malkin was posing as a painter in nearby New York”. [22]

Like so many Zionists involved in PA security and transport infrastructure, PA executive director Stephen Berger and later Stanley Brezenoff, (1990-1995) Deputy Mayor for Operations and First Deputy Mayor under Mayor Edward Irving Koch, must have been fully aware of Malkin’s background and Atwell Security’s history but allowed the contract through, nonetheless.


Maurice “Hank” Greenberg

The recipient of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money for the bailout scam before it was sacrificed, AIG Corporation and its CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg joined forces with Silverstein buddy Israeli intelligence spook Jules Kroll and his investigative and security consulting firm Kroll Inc., becoming partner and co-owner in 1993. This took place prior to Greenberg forming a joint venture with the owner of MOSSAD run Amdocs telecommunications and provider of White House tele-software. [23] Greenberg is up to his neck in Chabad, Zionist and Israeli intelligence friends including Henry Kissinger who sat on the board of AIG and MOSSAD agent Shaul Eisenberg who had been responsible for the Asian division of Israel’s intel operations. He was also the owner of Atwell Security.


Jules Kroll

Kroll Associates have many friendships and business connections, all of whom have links to Zionist think-tanks, Israeli intelligence fronts and Jewish organisations, in turn leading back to the Goldman Sacs cartel. It has thus been described as a “private CIA.” [24] Which makes it all the more suspect when, following the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, Jules & Jeremy Kroll of Kroll Inc. was asked by the New York Port Authority to help design new security measures for the WTC complex paying them $2.5 million for the privilege. (Shades of the Silverstein formula?) Included in this massive overhaul was an extensive analysis of future terrorist threats and how they might be addressed, with assessments concluding that a second terrorist attack against the WTC was probable. Even more incredible, is the specific citing of terrorists deliberately flying a plane into the WTC towers.  [25]


John O’Neill, former New York FBI Counter terror chief responsible for the investigation into Osama bin Laden.

The managing director of Kroll at the time was militant Zionist Jerome M. Hauer who just happened to be the candidate chosen to run Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. It was here that former FBI chief of counterterrorism and specialist on Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden John O’Neill was invited by Hauer, then Managing director of the Kroll security, to be head of security for the World Trade Centre.

What makes this even more curious is that O’Neill was: 

“… Not only the world’s leading expert on bin Laden, but he was also regarded as a ‘loose cannon’, because of his record of working outside normal channels when normal channels were ‘blocked’. He knew FBI investigations into bin Laden and al-Q’aeda had been shut down in the summer of 2001 and it is extremely unlikely that he would have remained quiet about it. He also knew whether or not Osama bin Laden was capable of inflicting the amount of damage the US suffered on 9/11. In other words, if the conspirators were hoping to spread a Big Lie about Osama bin Laden, they would have had a short list of things they absolutely had to do.

Surely, one of the items on that list would be to silence John O’Neill.  And what better way than to entomb him at the scene of the crime?  [26]

O’Neill’s investigations into the roots of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the 2000 USS Cole bombing in Yemen – proven to have been carried out by MOSSAD – all led him into serious confrontations with the FBI and federal government. He was sacked from the Bureau in 2001 and by the end of the year he was dead, killed on his first day at work on September 11th. O’Neill is memorialised at the North Pool, on Panel N-63.

Not only was Hauer responsible for placing O’Neill in his own forensic crime scene and thus getting rid of a major detractor of the official story, he managed to be an “expert” on that official story even before it was public knowledge. On the morning of September 11th, 2001 Hauer read the same script to anchor man Dan Rather on CBS News, dutifully remembered though nervously imparted:

Dan Rather: Based on what you know, and I recognize we’re dealing with so few facts, is it possible that just a plane crash could have collapsed these buildings, or would it have required the, sort of, prior positioning of other explosives in the, uh, in the buildings? I mean, what do you think?


Jerome M. Hauer

Jerome Hauer: No, I, uh, my sense is just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building, uh, that burned, uh, the velocity of that plane, uh, certainly, uh, uh, had an impact on the structure itself, and then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat, uh, probably weakened the structure as well, uh, and I think it, uh, was, uh, simply the, uh, the planes hitting the buildings, and, and causing the collapse.

Dan Rather: What perspective can you give us? I mean, there have been these repeated reports that, well, yes, Osama Bin Laden, but some think he’s been over-emphasized as, as responsible for these kinds of events. I know many intelligence, uh, people at very high levels who say, listen, you can’t have these kinds of attacks without having some state, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, somebody involved. Put that into perspective for us.

Jerome Hauer: Yeah, well I’m not sure I agree that, umm, this is necessarily state-sponsored. Umm, it, as I mentioned earlier, certainly has, umm, the, uh, fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden.  [27]

A fairly shoddy example of the “Arabs-did-it” script backed up with the official story even before most people had barely the time to process these events. All presented by non-expert Hauer for prime-time TV.  After being brainwashed by these associations, what the public didn’t know was that Hauer was introduced to TV audiences as a former director of NYC’s Office of Emergency management (OEM). In fact, he was the managing director of the security company responsible for the Twin Towers.

Now, that would have been interesting to know.

Two months later, along with “peace” experts like Henry Kissinger, Jerome Hauer went on to capitalise on the all-knowing, all-seeing nature of his expertise by participating in the CFR sponsored white paper called “Independent Task Force on America’s Response to Terrorism.”

Their objectives were to explain:

“…our goals and rationale for the war in Afghanistan, and [outline] the evidence that the Al-Qaeda network was responsible for the 9/11 attacks; disseminate stories of particular victims to convey the range of people killed in the 9/11 attacks — stress range of religions, races, income levels, etc.; counteract [the] myth that Mossad was behind the attacks by showing Jews killed, etc.” and “Routinely monitor the regional press in real time to enable prompt responses.”

They did a fine job. We never hear any mention of Israel and 9/11 in the same sentence. And thanks to the ADL, B’Rin B’Raith and AIPAC, the spectre of anti-Semitism accusations and expert propaganda is a tight nut to unscrew.



[1] ‘Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc. June, 2002.
[2] The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson quoted from pp.58-62; Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky Published by Pluto Press, 1999.
[3] ‘Washington Honors Lubavitcher Rabbi,’ By James Besser, Baltimore Jewish Times, June 6, 1995, p.32.
[4] ‘White House to Chabad: Bush won’t press Israel.’ Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) June 27, 2006.
[5] The Jerusalem Post October 22, 2000.
[7] The Man and Century Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
[8] ‘Chabad emissaries meet with lawmakers, Obama officials’ – The keynote speech was by Talmud scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz., The Times of Israel, June 25, 2012.
[9] Ibid.
[10] ‘Chabad of Wall Street Moves On, Does Not Forget 9/11’ by R. C. Berman – NYC, NY, September 10, 2008, Chabad Lubavitch World HQ,
[11] ‘The Westfield Group’s shopping centre portfolio is one of the largest in the world.” (Press release). Westfield Group. 20 August 2011.
[12] “Following the deployment of Golani soldiers in Hebron in December 2011, it has been reported that city residents have sensed a ‘manifest worsening of soldiers behavior’, as a result of ‘detention, intimidation, provocation and arrest of children and teenagers; arbitrary detention of Palestinians or blocking access to roads; beating or threatened beating of detained residents; religion-based provocation and insults; forcible entry into homes and violation of Palestinian property’ and ‘reprisals against local and international human rights activists.’” – ‘IDF brigade leaves an impression in Hebron’. Haaretz, By Amira Hass, Feb.13, 2012.
[13] ‘The quiet benefactor: Lowy’s close ties with Israel’ The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29, 2008.
[15] ‘U.S. Envoy to Israel Regains Clearance–for Duration of Crisis’ By Norman Kempster, Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2000
[16] ‘Israeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss’ by Jeffrey Steinberg EIR, August 31 2001.
[17] ‘Media Mogul’s Sinister Links to September 11: The Aussie Connection’ to – Exclusive to American Free Press, By Christopher Bollyn, July 10, 2003.
[18] ‘Lewis Eisenberg, Major Romney Donor, Accuses Obama Of Demonizing Wall Street’ (video) Huffington Post
[19] ‘World Trade Center Deal Remains in Doubt’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, March 17, 2001.
[20] ‘Downtown Renewal Head Vows Independent Effort’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, December 20, 2001 | ‘Developer’s Pace at 7 World Trade Center Upsets Some’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, January 31, 2002.
[21] op. cit. Bollyn.
[22] p.156; Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. By Christopher Lee Bollyn. Published by Christopher Bollyn, 2012.
[23] Extract from Christopher Bollyn’s 2012 book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World showing the dizzying connections of financial benefits accrued by the Kroll family prior to, during and after the events of 9/11:
• Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates “was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures.” “We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations,” Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.
• Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex in 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O’Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, who died on 9/11, reportedly his first day on the new job.
• Jerome M. Hauer, the former director of Mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management, was responsible for having the command bunker built in Larry Silverstein’s WTC 7. Hauer was a managing director for Kroll in 2001.
• Kroll revamped security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing. Kroll was reportedly responsible for security at the World Trade Center on 9/11. “Over the last two years, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has paid Kroll $2.5 million to overhaul security at the World Trade Center and evaluate procedures at the agency’s bridges, tunnels and airports,” the New York Times reported on September 1, 1994.
• Kroll was hired by Kuwait in October 1990 to find the hidden wealth of Saddam Hussein.
• Kroll began profiting from the war in Iraq in April 2003 when it received contracts to provide protection and security for government agencies and companies in Iraq.
• Jeremy Kroll serves on the board of the Israel-based Challenge Fund with Israeli government officials from the highest level, including Israel’s National Security Advisor and Head of the National Security Council, a former head of Shin Bet, former Directors General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, former Commanders of the Israel Air Force, Central Command, and the Technology and Logistic Branch of the IDF, as well as the head of Boeing (Israel) and the son of Yitzhak Shamir. The Challenge Fund uses money raised through the Bronfman and Andreas (ADM) families to fund Israeli companies, like ViryaNet.
[24] op.cit Bollyn
[25] ‘The Secret Keeper: Jules Kroll and the world of corporate intelligence.’ by William Finnegan. The New Yorker, October 19, 2009. /
[26] op. cit. Bollyn.
[27] ‘Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment’ February 26, 2007

Hello Israel II: Zakheim, Zelikow and the ADL

 By M.K. Styllinski

“‘According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’ Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.”

— CBS News, 1/29/02

A day before the September 11 attacks in an impossible proclamation of openness, the Secretary of State for Defence Donald Rumsfeld humbly acknowledged that the Pentagon had made a tinsy-winsy error and “could not track some $2.3 trillion in transactions” (one thousand times one billion = one trillion) the worst of the rot having set in during the Clinton Administration. This figure came from the Pentagon’s own Inspector General where according to a CBS News report: “Its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.” [1] Though the issue had been raised before, with explanations given that it was a systems and bureaucracy problem rather than core corruption, it still begs the question: why announce it then? Or was it another coincidence to add to the burgeoning pile? Looks like Rummie was taking the opportunity to announce wholesale corruption amidst the shock of 9/11.

Just add it to the mounting list of Zio-Conservative state crimes.

Donald Rumsf 2-3 Trillions Missiing

Donald Rumsfeld

$2.3 trillion is an almost unimaginable amount of money. In fact, it is equivalent to the entire budget of the U.S. government simply vanishing. It is also true that the Resource Services Washington, accounting offices and records at the Pentagon were destroyed along with the deaths of 34 0f 65 individuals most of whom happened to be civilian accountants, book-keepers and budget analysts, who were sitting at their desks when disaster struck. [2]

There are many researchers who have found convincing evidence that the 9/11 attacks were also planned as a cover-up for financial crimes dating back to 1991. Though by no means the only reason for engineering 9/11, one investigator in particular, Mr. E.D. Heidner, has provided compelling evidence that the secretive Black Eagle Trust Fund was at the centre of a huge money laundering operation totalling $200 billion in bonds. On the board were some of the most well-known US government hawks including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage and Paul Wolfowitz.

Funding a covert economic war against the Soviet Union beginning in 1991, such financial corruption required a massive laundering of money well outside of congressional and federal oversight. Wall Street and corporate investors pillaged Soviet oil, gas industries and destabilised the Soviet infrastructure while lining the coffers of Western government officials and related interests. The 9/11 attacks served to cover-up all the evidence and derail multiple federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation.

Heidner states:

“… hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically ‘cleared’ without anyone asking questions – which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its ‘emergency powers that very afternoon.’ ” [3]

Ending the Cold War and dismantling the Soviet Union required massive amounts of covert securities which were housed in the brokers’ vaults of the World Trade Centre. Just like everything else, they were pulverised on September 11th before they could be settled and cleared which was scheduled for September 12th. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) had been tasked with investigating these bonds and it is just so happens that the ONI headquarters was the primary target and completely destroyed during the Pentagon attack.


The Pentagon attack after the collapse of a section of the outer ring. The Naval Command centre was the hardest hit with all but one of the 30 ONI employees surviving the attack.

The three major securities brokers in the World Trade Centre were Eurobrokers, Garbon Inter Capital and Cantor Fitzgerald, the latter being the largest securities dealer in the US.

Heidner also found that:

“… 41 percent of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 24 percent of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 29 of 30 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. The Naval Command Center had been moved into that newly opened section of the Pentagon only a month earlier. And in the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed.

On that fateful day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership.” [4]

If you were similarly struck by a bolt of conspiratorial speculation you might even consider that incompetent accounting and securities fraud could conceal a host of operations that needed paying for. You might also recall that unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAP), better known as “black projects”, have currently siphoned off several trillion since 1998-2002. God only knows how much has been sucked out of the Amercian tax payer after another 13 years. (See Table below).





$3.4 trillion

Washington Times


$2.3 trillion

Congressional meeting


$1.1 trillion

Congressional meeting; Insight Magazine


$2.3 trillion

CBS quoting Rumsfeld


$1+ trillion

San Francisco Chronicle; CBS

Source: The Institute of Globalisation and Covert Politics [5]

Not a whisper of this astounding criminality reached the prime-time news. If it did gain a story it was wrapped up in bias which suggested this was a bureaucratic problem rather than systematic fraud that was part of “normal” government life.

One person to swiftly resign when the $2.3 missing trillions was announced was Rabbi Dov S. Zakheim the Comptroller of the Pentagon during the attacks. We must add another $1 trillion that was lost under Zakheim’s watch during his tenure from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Not only could he not account for this truly massive monetary drain of financial transactions, but dozens of missing tanks, missiles and planes. [6]

An adjunct scholar of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, he has published over 200 articles and monographs on defence issues. Zakheim is also a CFR member and signatory of the PNAC keynote paper “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” in 2000, which as the reader might recall, pushed for “a New Pearl Harbor.” [7] Zakheim’s resumé reads like a John le Carré novel, full of insider posts and covert dealing. If you were looking for a MOSSAD mole within the US administration allowed to do precisely as he pleased then Zakheim seemed to fit the bill.

zakheimDov Zakheim at a White House press briefing in 2002.

From 1985-1987 he was Deputy Under Secretary of Defence for Planning and Resources, before nesting down at the Congressional Budget Office. In 1998, Zakheim worked as a policy advisor during the Bush 2000 campaign and did such a good job that he was sworn in by the Bush Administration as Under Secretary of Defence (Comptroller) of the DOD in the following year. Zakheim also just happens to be an expert in ballistic missile technology which is somewhat unusual for a campaign advisor and Comptroller. Zakheim, who had been hob-knobbing around the Pentagon and US administrations for over 25 years had also been supplying the latest in offensive and defensive missile systems to Israel including F-15’s, F-16’s, patriot missiles, Merkava tanks, ICBM’s, nuclear smart bombs and even space satellite technology worth billions – a huge proportion of which was paid for with American tax dollars. [8] This would explain why Israel has become the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid, receiving close to $3 billion in largely military assistance each year. No wonder too, that Israel has one of the biggest air forces in the world. [9]


Israeli Merkava Mk I MBT in Yad la-Shiryon Museum, Israel. 2005. (wikipedia)

The Rabbi had been working very hard behind the scenes to benefit Israeli military interests. This, despite Navy Intelligence Analyst and Israeli mole Jonathan Jay Pollard who was discovered and arrested for stealing “… vast quantities of classified information on Israel’s behalf for almost 18 months.” He was also linked to another US national Ben-ami Kadish, who pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified information to Israel in the same year. [10]  Dov Zakheim had no need to carry out Pollard’s remit when he had clearance to do as he wished.

It becomes somewhat clearer when we look further back to 1996 when The Washington Post reported on a Defence Investigative Service’s confidential memo warning military contractors that the Israeli government was: “’aggressively’ trying to steal U.S. military and intelligence secrets, partly by using its ‘strong ethnic ties’ to the United States to recruit spies.” When we remember the MOSSAD’s intelligence operations within the US, employing thousands of sayanim * from a Jewish socio-cultural foundation, then the “ethnic ties” becomes easier to understand.

The Post’s report continued:


U.S. Peacekeeper missile after silo launch (wikipedia)

“…Israel ‘aggressively collects [U.S.] military and industrial technology,’ including spy satellite data, missile defense information, and data on military aircraft, tanks, missile boats, and radars.

Drawing on the example of the Pollard case and of other Israeli espionage operations in the United States, the memo said that the country’s recruitment techniques include ‘ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties’ of US citizens.

‘Placing Israeli nationals in key industries … is a technique utilized with great success,’ the memo said.” [11]

Sounds like Zakheim to me. The memo warning was nonetheless cancelled for reasons we will look at further on.

According to artist and author Uri Dowbenko in an article from Government Executive magazine, Zakheim admitted: “… we are in the business of fighting wars” which fits like a glove into the PNAC doctrine and explains his true role within the US administration. After Zakheim conveniently resigned and washed his hands of the little matter of the missing $3 trillion, Online Journal’s Jerry Mazza states: “In May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world. One of its clients then was Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama bin Laden. Booz, Allen & Hamilton then also worked closely with DARPA, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is the research arm of the Department of Defense.” [12]


Dov S. Zakheim giving a talk the Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy Initiative 2013 forum: “What Defense Does America Need?” Zakheim’s quote:  “There are things we can do, but what we shouldn’t do… is eliminate those capabilities that we will bitterly regret not having should some new contingency come up that of course we did not foresee.”  Zakheim is very big on “contingency.” Militarising America means strengthening Israel at any cost, both financially and ideologically.

Having retired as Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton in 2010, he became Senior Fellow at the CNA Corporation which operates the Centre for Naval Analyses a federally funded research and development centre founded in 1942 and serves the Departments of the Navy and other agencies. The centre pioneers research into: “… military preparedness, operations evaluation, systems analysis, foreign affairs, strategic relationships, humanitarian operations and logistics.” It has special field research studies dedicated to the Marine Corps and the “role of China in the International Order.” Their customers are essentially everyone operating within US intelligence and the Department of Defence. Its contract is administered by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) “which allows for task order awards via a DD Form 448 MIPR.” [13] (The latter being a military interdepartmental purchase request or MIPR).

Zakheim also finds time to act as a Senior Advisor at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies a right wing think-tank, and a Co-Vice Chair of Global Panel America (Global Panel Foundation) a corporate and ex-government think-tank with a globalist vision. Going back further, Dov’s grand-father Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka) was a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx and had a leading role in paving the way for the Bolshevik Revolution. Dov’s father Rabbi Jacob I. Zakheim on the hand, was a hard core Zionist and an active member of Betar terrorist organisation which forged links with Haganah, Irgun and the Stern gangs. [14]

Aside from this background which is alarming enough, what is a dual nationality Zionist rabbi doing in control of the accounting of the United States of America?

Is that not just slightly strange notwithstanding the uneasy spy vs. spy nature of America and Israel?

Why is it that our Dov keeps coming up time and again in connection to financial irregularity and the 9/11 attacks?

spcWhat is even more interesting is that before becoming the Pentagon’s financial Tzar, he was chief executive officer and president of SPC International and an executive at System Planning Corporation, (SPC) linked to DARPA, a weapons contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. The company specialises in advanced Command Transmitter Systems, designed to provide: “remote control and flight termination functions through a fully redundant, self-contained solid state system.” Although designed to control unmanned flights such as Global hawk from remote positions on the ground, one British aviation engineer said after 9/11: “the planes used in the attacks could have been equipped with, or suitable for, such remote control units.” [15]

If anyone was going to provide the technical and financial know how to turn hijacked planes into remotely controlled projectiles from the ground with hijackers as suicide patsies, then Zakheim was the man. Clearly, there should be a heavy weight suspicion concerning the role of Dov Zakheim, not just in the loss of inordinate amounts of American tax-payers’ money, his ties to militant Zionism and dubious weapons shipments to Israel, but his role in the 9/11 attacks.

Jerry Mazza mentions, coincidentally:

“… in May 2001, when Dov served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s) subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation of the first ‘terrorist’ attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center. From the ’90s through 2001, WTC Security was handled by Securacom, a Kuwait-American firm, on whose board Marvin Bush, the president’s brother, sat. After 9/11, Securacom was let go, changed its name to Stratosec, and was delisted from the Stock Exchange in 2002.” [16]

It is Securacom that was hired by owner of the World Trade Centre Towers, Larry Silverstein among whose closest friends is none other than former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was nearly falling over himself to suppress his glee on September 11th. As we might recall, when asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations: He replied: “It’s very good … Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel].” It was also Mr. Netanyahu, who back in 1986, coined the phrase “the War on Terror” and who is presently a stalwart supporter of messianic cult of Chabad Lubavitch who is also calling for the destruction of Iran as part of a divine prophecy. [17] (More on this in later posts).


Benjamin Netanyahu and Dov Zakheim cut from the same cloth – the difference is largely one of IQ.

Rabbi Dov Zakheim was merely a more obvious indication of the takeover of American politics by the Zio-Conservatives and their plans to set the USA on the road to perpetual war against Islam. Jewish-American top level posts within the administrations such as Elliot Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and more recently Rahm Emmanuel, all have their allegiance first and foremost to Israel. Everything was in place to launch “a catastrophic and catalyzing event” to move forward and actualise a Greater Anglo-American-Israeli domination of the Middle East.

Geo-political analyst Professor James Petras explains the broader rationale behind the 9/11 false flag:

The key to the success of the operation was to encourage terrorists and to facilitate calculated and systematic ‘neglect’ – to deliberately marginalize intelligence agents and agency reports that identified the terrorists, their plans and methods. In the subsequent investigatory hearings, it was necessary to foster the image of ‘neglect’, bureaucratic ineptness and security failures in order to cover up Administration complicity in the terrorists’ success. An absolutely essential element in mobilizing massive and unquestioning support for the launching of a world war of conquest and destruction centered in Muslim and Arab countries and people was a ‘catastrophic event’ that could be linked to the latter. [18]

And it was this “neglect” and the Intel/security “failures” which may have allowed a joint operation – despite the uneasy alliance with Israel – between top level officials of the US military, CIA, FBI and other US agencies and the MOSSAD to carry out the greatest false flag attack ever on US soil.

There is no doubt that members of the Bush Administration not only had access to intelligence reports and prior common knowledge of imminent attacks but lied under oath to the 9/11 Commission. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice among many others all covered up the fact that they knew at some point this was going to happen and likely had some part to play in its formation. However, they were clearly not the major players.

 “Al-Qaeda is the enemy,” they are an unslayable power.”

– Philip D. Zelikow, Honors College Commons lecture 2011

In 2011, author, academic, diplomat and arch-propagandist Philip D. Zelikow (another with dual US-Israel nationality) was wooed from his post as associate Professor for graduate academic programs in the University of Virginia, and appointed by President Barack Obama to his Intelligence Advisory Board. Zelikow’s special talents were crucial in persuading the public that America was on a Wild-West road to vengeful redemption and a cathartic reclamation of American values, but only if it was imposed with blood and bombs on the rest of the world. [19]

In the best tradition of Hollywood script-writing Zelikow was able to weave a fantasy for the 9/11 operation with a flourish of his propaganda quill that would have made Edward Bernays swoon with paternal pride. In a Millar Report from 1999 Zelikow writes of the importance of beliefs about history, calling attention to “‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events [that] take on ‘transcendent’ importance and, therefore, retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene.” [20] To that end, he also described himself: “as an expert in the ‘creation and maintenance of public myths.’ He defines ‘public myth’ as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.” [21] This is probably why he remains consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defence and offers his expertise to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

He became the natural choice for the appointment of architect and head of the 9/11 Commission Report, leading a grouping of suitably debriefed and/or clueless ex-government officials and Congressman who could be relied upon to tow the official line and support its findings. Zelikow was tasked with writing a report that would keep the truth about 9/11 from the scrutiny of the public, civil society and wayward journalists. Given Zelikow’s skills in formulating doctrines aligned to Zio-Conservative policy he was the perfect man for the job. Indeed, according to New York Times Investigative reporter Philip Shenon: “Zelikow had written all of the chapter outlines of the 9/11 Commission Report before the Commission even began its investigation. Zelikow completely controlled the investigation, ordering underlings to basically just fill in the chapter outlines of his pre-scripted novel. The Report became a “surprise bestseller” because it reads like a novel – which is exactly what it is.” [22]


Philip D. Zelikow, Like Dov Zakheim, is big on contingency and external threats – to Israel. The latter uses financial, geopolitical  and business strategy, the former uses propaganda and myth-making talents to maintain a fictional narrative. For Israel, he was the perfect man to act as executive director for the 9/11 Commission.

It’s also worth mentioning that several members and officials related to the Commission made it quite clear that they were extremely unhappy with almost every aspect of the Report. After the Report was finally released to the press, Former New Jersey Governor and Commission Chair Thomas Kean and Vice Chair Lee H. Hamilton, former Democratic U.S. Representative from the 9th District of Indiana wrote a book in 2006 about their experiences during and after the 9/11 Commission Report. They accuse officials and authorities within the Pentagon and FAA of ignoring their recommendations, putting out disinformation and misstatements to the media and overseeing systematic obstruction during the investigations. In summary, they charge that the 9/11 Commission Report was “set up to fail” right from the start. [23]

In a world where conflicts of interest are the norm when it comes to matters even partially related to 9/11, Zelikow’s meteoric rise from genius academic to Bush /Obama favourite not only shows the illusion of Republican and Democrat differences but his talent for telegraphing future scenarios. In that sense, he operates in much the same way as Zbigniew Brzezinski during his time at the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and in his influential books on geo-strategy. Propaganda and myth-making are cornerstones of the Zelikow world-view as it is with any Machiavellian neophyte.

In a 1998 issue of the PNAC Mark II think-tank magazine Foreign Affairs, he co-authored an article entitled: “Catastrophic Terrorism” where Zelikow served up what appeared to be a “warning” to the faithful, but was in fact a narrative of Zio-Conservative ideology and future policy, yet again mentioning that well-worn phrase: “Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States (sic) might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force…” He further states: “Belatedly, Americans would judge their leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more urgently.” [24]

Which then might lead to a situation of eyebrow-raised finger-wagging, followed by a decree to hand over ALL our freedoms and stop whining…

Zelikow was ordered by his colleague Condoleezza Rice to re-write America’s national security strategy immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was to be the sequel to PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” and equally important in priming minds still reeling from fear and anger from the events of 9/11. The document, “The National Security Strategy of the United States of America” was issued on September 17, 2002, and represented a turning point in the realisation of perpetual war for the world’s resources, under the guise of exporting American democracy. It would give significant credence to the formula of the “War on Terror” functioning as a propaganda nail driven into an already traumatised public mind. It was designed to bolster support for “future crime” scenarios where rogue nations would harbour Weapons of Mass Destruction intent on using them against an unprepared United States. [25]


Zelikow delivering a lecture at the University of Virginia, July 2010.

Although Zelikow had been against CIA torture during the Bush years and had actively written against “enhanced interrogation”– at least as official policy – it was only due to the fact that the fear and anxiety induced would eventually prove counter-productive and “be exploited by zealots and fools.” [26] Zelikow is a perfect example of Brzezinskian pragmatism. Yet for his 9/11 Commission fantasy to work, certain torture related “successes” had to be made viable. For instance, the whole official story, as 9/11 academic and journalist Keith Barrett explains, hangs on “… third-hand testimony taken under brutal torture from [supposed 9/11 mastermind] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who apparently had to be waterboarded 183 times in one month in order to brainwash him into remembering and parroting the details of Zelikow’s novel.” [27] Whether that is precisely true, Mohammed certainly claimed he provided a lot of false information which he assumed the interrogators wanted to hear in order to stop the torture, something that can be used as metaphor for almost every aspect of Zio-Conservative support for pre-emptive politics. [28]


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

It was for this reason that the 9/11 Commission proved to be nothing short of a whitewash thanks largely to the talents of Zelikow and his legion of presstitutes. Anyone who could think critically (which meant the MSM and Congress were automatically excluded) immediately saw the gaping holes and errors and which conveniently side-lined any reference to government culpability. To those who were naturally sceptical of the 9/11 Commission’s findings James Petras describes Zelikow’s response which was extremely telling in that he:

“… went on an insane rage, calling the sceptics ‘pathogens’ or germs whose ‘infection’ needed to be contained. With language reminiscent of a Social Darwinist diatribe, he referred to criticisms of the Commission cover up as ‘a bacteria (that) can sicken the larger body (of public opinion)’. Clearly Zelikow’s rant reflects the fear and loathing he feels for those who implicated him with a militarist regime which fabricated a pretext for a catastrophic war for Zelikow’s favourite state – Israel.” [29]

It is not simply fear and hatred operating here. We might be discerning a standard slipping of a “Mask of Sanity” so characteristic of embedded psychopaths who otherwise project an icy demeanour of clinical control and confidence. What is intriguing in the context of ponerology is the use of the exact same language, thoughts, ideas and concepts of their perceived enemies, projecting onto their accusers the very crimes of which they are guilty. In truth, Zelikow, Cheney, Karl Rove and so many others in successive US Administrations personify those “pathogens” who “sicken the larger body” of government. It is also clear that Zelikow’s allegiance is not to either the US constitution or the American people. While speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts regarding the possible implications of the September 11th attacks, he told a crowd at the University of Virginia on September 10, 2002: “I’ll tell you what I think the real threat [is] and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel …” [30]

Recall Prime Minister Netanyahu who told an audience at Bar Ilan University in September 2008 when he was acting head of the Likud party: “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” and further added that the events had “swung American public opinion in our favor.” [31] If a politician can so brazenly cater to cheap political ambitions in public it does make one wonder what he would be willing to sanction in private. And it is very obvious indeed that Israel has a huge stake in the “Clash of Civilisations” shtick, the “War on Terror” and the whole 9/11 charade.


Netanyahu embarrassing himself in front of the UN. Since Iran is on the list of regimes to topple Netanyahu must keep pressing for an attack on Iran to fulfil Ultra-Zionist religio-political imperatives. In the same way, the events of 9/11 were a vital phase in achieving the long sought after domination of the Middle East and the extermination of Arabs, seen as the ancient Amalekites. (Photo Source: AP)

With a history of involvement in the far-right politics overseeing intelligence agencies Shin Bet, the MOSSAD and serving as Israel’s Prime Minister at the time of the 9/11 attacks, Netanyahu is the most likely candidate as one of its primary insiders or architects. He has been a major mover in politics and a prominent member of the Likud Government since 1993. The Likud Party evolved from the Irgun Jewish terrorist organisation created by Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the  Jewish Self-Defense Organization and ODESSA fame and is enmeshed in covert Zionist operations abroad.

Though there was the Israeli concept of “TNT,” Hebrew for “Terror Neged Terror” (“terror against terror”) which existed in the 1970s [32] it was Netanyahu’s own book Terrorism: How the West Can Win written in 1986 which first introduced the term: “War on Terror.” With undercurrents of Straussian and ultra-right aspirations throughout, he explains how the West needs “a better understanding of terrorism” in order to mobilise against it, clearly desperate for “… a coherent and united international response” so that: “… a broad-based, vigorous campaign against the terrorists and their sponsors,” can begin to take place. In other words, it provides another clarion call for both the creation of and “resistance” to a joint Western-Israeli manufactured Global War on Terror and the manifesto for a Greater Israel. [33]


Vladimir Jabotinsky (Wikipedia)

The late expert on Arab-Israeli relations Edward W. Said spoke of the “low-level oddities” in the book which marked it out as a propaganda exercise:

Very few efforts are made to convince readers of what is being said: sources and figures are never cited; abstractions and generalizations pop up everywhere; and, except for three essays on Islam, historical argument is limited to the single proposition that terrorism has never before presented such a threat to ‘the democracies.’ I was also struck that the verb in the book’s subtitle, How the West Can Win, doesn’t seem to have an object: Win what? One wonders. So great is the number of contributors, so hortatory the tone, so confident and many the assertions, that in the end you retain little of what has been said, except that you had better get on with the fight against terrorism, whatever Netanyahu says it is. [34]

Obviously, whatever the threat may be, you can be sure it’s against Israel and we all have to step into its shadow.

Likud_Logo.svgLikud Party Logo

The forging of US-Israeli leadership in tackling the nature of terrorism was given major boost at the close of the 1970s when Netanyahu and Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak founded the Jonathan Institute named after Bibi’s brother Yoni, who was killed in the Israeli anti-terrorist raid in Entebbe, Uganda. This was partly thanks to the mentoring of Netanyahu by Betchtel board member and Reagan’s Secretary of State, George P. Shultz who saw Bibi’s fascist record as an effective tool in re-working the World Order and thus a another tool for Anglo-American dominance. To do that, he needed Zionism as much as Zionism needed the American Establishment. At that moment, Netanyahu was flavour of the month.

In June 1984, an international conference on terrorism was held in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Institute at which Shultz gave a keynote address to announce Paul Wolfowitz’s policy of pre-emptive force. He stated: “… a purely passive defense does not provide enough of a deterrent to terrorism and the states that sponsor it. It is time to think long, hard, and seriously about more active means of defense—defense through appropriate preventive or pre-emptive actions against terrorist groups before they strike.” [35] It was as if Bibi’s book and Wolfowitz’s vision had become one – all for Israel.

The conference was also the breeding ground for implementing the cooked up Intel for what would become the “axis of evil” and the invasion and destruction of Iraq. In relation to 9/11, many speculate that this was a centre for not just studying terrorism but planning it. Egyptian Intellectual, Dr. Hassan al Bana in a televised interview with a Middle Eastern TV station stated publicly that he thought Netanyahu planned 9/11 at the 1984 conference with other Establishment and Zio-Conservative luminaries.  [36] (See footnote for complete extract).


George P. Shultz circa early 80s and Paul Wolfowitz  (right)

Isser Harel, the recognised founder of Israeli intelligence; former head of Shin Bet, (1948–1952) and director of Mossad, (1947-1963) was likely the inspiration – if not one of the original architects – of an ambitious attack on US soil. Journalist and author Christopher Bollyn describes a dinner meeting between Harel and American Zionist Michael D. Evans where he is told that terrorism would come to America in no uncertain terms:


Isser Harel spymaster and Director of the MOSSAD

“Arab terrorists would strike the tallest building in New York City, ‘a symbol of your fertility,’ Harel said. Harel had dinner with Evans on September 23, 1979, according to Evans, and told him that America’s alliance with Saudi Arabia ‘was dangerous and would develop a tolerance for terror among Americans.’ Harel went on to say that ‘Islamic fundamentalists would ultimately strike America.’

When Evans asked where the Arab terrorists would strike, Harel said: ‘In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit.’

… ‘Isser Harel prophesised that the tallest building in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic fundamentalists twenty-one years ago,’ Evans said in the 2004 interview.” [37]

Unless Harel was psychic, there is little doubt that one of the first intelligence agents in the world knew about the long-term planning of such an Islamic terrorist attack, if he didn’t have a hand in the planning himself. As we continue we will see that the foundation and implementation of such a design was right under everyone’s noses.

The history of Zionist influence in contemporary America and the domination of Jewish thought in the media, entertainment and political lobbying acted as the backdrop to the presence of a vast Israeli spy ring and a Zionist “fifth Column” in the US government. It has allowed individudals like Zelikow and Zakheim to work their way up through the ranks with an agenda that is not only anti-American but fanatically pro-Israel to the exclusion of all else. For the planning and execution of September 11th attacks the US needed to be infiltrated not just within the departments of military intelligence but at the level of propaganda, the legacy of which had already been firmly pioneered by the genius of Edward Bernays and others.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has played a significant part in spying since its founding in 1913. It also happened to be the creation of B’nai B’rith founded in New York in 1843, by German-Jewish immigrants. Known as the “Sons of the Covenant” and rooted in a Jewish branch of freemasonry, it is the oldest “Jewish service organisation” in the world. [38] The House of Rothschild was involved in the manufacture of the religion which was a direct product of the criminal network agency of the Order of Zion and organised as a “covert intelligence front” to extend its PR financial Empire. [39]

ADL logoThe ADL describes itself as a “… civil rights/ human relations agency”, which “fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all,” doing so through: “information, education, legislation, and advocacy.” [40] This however, had to be squared with San Francisco Bay area activists who were spied upon by the ADL and who sued the organisation for violation of their privacy rights as provided under California law. The 1993 ruling by the District of Attorney of San Francisco: “… released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel’s policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments.” [41] The extensive nature of ADL’s spying activities included not just Arab Americans but “…members of Greenpeace, NAACP, the Mills College faculty and various other institutions, groups and individuals.” Political pressure caused Smith to later drop the charges settling the suit out of court in February 2002. [42]

During these investigations one of ADL’s operatives Roy Bullock was found to have been involved in CoIntelpro activities since 1960 and which even suggested an involvement in murder:

“Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country’s president, was trailed by Bullock on a trip through California who reported on it to the South African government.” […] After Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh was murdered, Bullock was discovered to have a key, and a floor plan, of the murdered man’s office.  This is evidence that ADL operatives may have helped plan and execute political assassinations in the US and abroad.  But don’t hold your breath for the FBI to investigate or charge Bullock, or any other ADLer, in connection to these murders.” [43]

The fact that the ADL can continue to operate under the status of a tax-exempt “religious and charitable” organisation is drawn from an historic court case where B’nai B’rith could have been prosecuted for failing to register as agents of a foreign power under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. A sworn testimony was given at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 1961, where Saul Joftes – former director general of the B’nai B’rith’s Office of International Affairs – revealed that B’nai B’rith “engages in international politics and more often than not does the bidding of the government of Israel. Its leaders make frequent trips to Israel for indoctrination and instructions.” [44]

By the 1970s however, the potato was too hot to touch and B’nai B’rith and the ADL were not prosecuted. This allowed them to carry on pretending they were charitable, religious and educational organisations rather than propaganda outposts of the Israeli government. The job of B’nai B’rith/ADL is to restrict all and every form of criticism levelled at Israel using the tools of anti-Semitism and psychological coercion.

“B’nai B’rith International’s Israel/Middle East policy includes issues such as fighting terrorism; supporting Israel’s right to defend itself; preventing Iran’s efforts to acquire nuclear weapons; preserving the unity of Jerusalem; promoting the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries; and supporting direct negotiations between the parties to the Middle East conflict while affirming the importance of Israel’s critical security needs.”


B’nai B’rith International logo

 (Since there inherent assumptions in this description from B’nai B’rith International’s website, we can deduce that Middle East policy actually serves not as a peace-making initiative for all peoples but yet another arm of Israeli propaganda, distorted geo-political ideology and Jewish ethnocentrism.

“B’nai B’rith Europe (BBE) is represented in 29 countries, with 7,000 members in more than 150 associations or lodges.  Based in Brussels, BBE has delegations at the European Parliament, the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the United Nations in Geneva, and UNESCO in Paris.”

That belies some serious political leverage.

You might be thinking what has this got to do with the war on terror and 9/11? Quite a lot. The ADL,  B’nai B’rith and other orgranisations like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) serve as powerful buffers to Zionist and Jewish supremacy using intimidation tactics which include spying on activists and academics critical of Israel’s lobbying and the treatment of the Palestinians, all of which has increased since 9/11. According to a Counterpunch report: “… at least 51 percent of the activities at its San Francisco office were devoted to defending Israel.” Its self-anointed role as an “education organization” seems tenuous in light of its activities or, as the report bluntly stated: “The settlement offered by the ADL is recognition on its part that it could not afford to go to a trial in front of a jury and face the likelihood that more of its dirty secrets would be revealed.” [45]

There has also been a curiously close relationship between the ADL and the FBI which has oiled the wheels of the organisation on more than one occasion. The FBI routinely display ADL posters in FBI offices throughout the country and have hosted ceremonies and conferences at FBI headquarters. One such event in 2000 saw an ADL press release announcing the participation of more than 500 representatives from Law Enforcement agencies from across The U.S. in a Joint ADL-FBI Conference on Terrorism in New York. The conference was held at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA titled: “Extremist and Terrorist Threats: Protecting America After 9/11.” This was apparently an: “outgrowth of ADL’s long-time involvement in providing information and training to law enforcement on threats posed by extremists.” Subjects under discussion were extremist groups, investigative techniques, counterterrorism strategies, domestic security and threat assessment.” [46]

ADL’s National Director Abraham H. Foxman proceeded to teach the FBI to suck eggs, exclaiming:

“Now more than ever, law enforcement must have the resources and know-how to prevent future acts of terrorism. In order to assess threats against the United States, law enforcement must have credible information about domestic and foreign extremists whose rhetoric promotes violence. Through our network of regional offices and our experts in the field, ADL is uniquely suited to aid in the war against terrorism.” Foxman went on to say that the conference was: “… an opportunity for law enforcement and extremism watchdogs to compare notes and forge alliances.” [47] [Emphasis mine]

What was being said in the above was not a plea to work together but a barely veiled command. What is a self-appointed human rights education and advocacy group doing sitting in the lap of the FBI? Could it be that the only reason for “comparing notes” and “forging alliances” from ADL’s perspective is to monitor and then subvert any FBI investigations that may be potentially threatening to the anti-Semitic barrier used to insulate it from criticism on Israel’s foreign and domestic policies?

On May 7, 2002, Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the FBI (someone who regularly lied about what he knew and didn’t know during 9/11 Congressional reports) addressed the ADL’s 24th National Leadership Conference where he said:

“A few months ago, Abe [Abraham H. Foxman] and Jess [Jess N. Hordes, ADL Washington representative] came by my office for a visit.  I appreciated their taking the time to meet with me. I have long admired and respected the work of ADL, and I appreciate your longstanding support of the FBI.  I know that under my predecessor, Louis Freeh, this partnership reached new heights. As I told Abe and Jess, I am absolutely committed to building on that relationship.” [48]

Appreciated them taking the time to meet him? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? This is the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation speaking as though he is about to take a scented bubble bath with dear old Abe and Jess and reveal more than just FBI secrets. The ADL now has access to government’s confidential investigative files with ADL employees even invited to take a ride with FBI agents making raids or arrests which are of interest to the organisation. The FBI is not wearing the trousers in this “relationship.”

It seems the FBI is still in the pocket of the ADL in 2015. Mueller’s successor was former US Deputy Attorney General during the Bush years and Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin weapons manufacturer James Comey Jr. who has been told to continue the obsequious tradition. In a speech to ADL members he reiterated that the organisation: “… has even greater reach;” which has meant the training of “…12,000 law enforcement personnel last year alone” and the mandatory programs on the  “Hate Crimes Training Manual” developed by the ADL and FBI. With the definitions of “terrorist” suitably blurred and the FBI’s penchant for entrapment formulas, this is nothing more than indoctrination which ensures a hyper-vigilance on anti-Semitism and politically correct reflexes out of all proportion. It does however, increase Israel’s bubble of socio-cultural protection against any and all criticism. [49]


Abraham H. Foxman National Director of the Anti-Defamation League; FBI director James Comey Jr. (top left) and former FBI Director Robert S. Muelller (top right) 

The ADL’s response to the Defence Investigative Service memo mentioned previously and reported by The Washington Post was an example of how to utilise the anti-Semitism canard in the face of more accusations of an Israeli spy ring. It was highly effective. Journalist R. Jeffrey Smith writes: “The warning, which described Israel as a ‘non-traditional adversary’ in the world of espionage, was circulated by the Defence Investigative Service with a memo noting similar intelligence ‘threats’ from other close U.S. allies. The warning about Israel was ‘cancelled’ and withdrawn by the Pentagon in December after senior officials decided its author had improperly singled out Jewish ‘ethnicity’ as a specific counterintelligence concern.” [50]

In a letter to Defence Secretary William J. Perry, the ADL Director Abraham Foxman launched into his job description which requires him to deflect any further scrutiny away from Zionist infiltration claiming: “This is a distressing charge which impugns American Jews and borders on anti-Semitism,” and earlier complaining about its reference to Israeli recruitment techniques but also its “harsh tone.” This thumb-sucking outrage and the mere thought that Israelis could ever employ recruitment techniques even though they are famous the world over for doing just that, all point to the real intent of the ADL. Therefore, it was of no consequence that: “Many military counterintelligence officials remain[ed] scarred by the 1985 revelation that Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Jay Pollard stole what the memo refers to as ‘vast quantities of classified information’ on Israel’s behalf…” [51]

When society is so fearful of being labelled anti-Semitic when levelling criticism of anything remotely Jewish and/or Israeli, then the outlook is bleak when it comes to exploring 9/11 and Israel’s role. It is for this reason that all the forces of the Israeli lobbies are committed to the prohibition of any and all discussion concerning Israel and 9/11 in the mainstream media. With social surveillance riding knee-jerk PC conformity across American society it is hardly shocking that an extensive Israeli spy ring was operating all over the US and in preparation for the participation in the events of September 11th.  Does that mean that acts of anti-Semitism do not occur? We know very well that they do. Yet, we must look at the ADL in context, as arms of the overall Israeli lobby and intelligence apparatus. Anti-Semitism is as essential to the perpetuation of cultural victim-hood and geo-political ideology as entrapment is to the FBI or CIA regime change. It all feeds into the vast illusion of the terror industry and the role of state sponsorship – most importantly, the role of Israel’s MOSSAD. Unless we understand this, we are doomed to fall into their ever-present engineering of the mass mind.

The military love-hate affair with Israel continues according to a 2012 Washington Post report where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “… plans to supervise the construction of a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex … at an Israeli Air Force base near Tel Aviv.” Operating under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program (FMS) the project is thought to be the largest yet, costing $100 million dollars of American tax payers’ money. The facility is no slap-dash affair with “… classrooms on Level 1, an auditorium on Level 3, a laboratory, shock-resistant doors, protection from non-ionizing radiation and very tight security. Clearances will be required for all construction workers, guards will be at the fence and barriers will separate it from the rest of the base.” [52]

The name of this base: “Site 9/11”.


* Sayanim – Describes persons of Jewish origin living outside Israel as foreign citizens and who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This includes medical care, financial support, research; intelligence gathering i.e. anything that can aid the Mossad in their global operations. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. This is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer agents than other intelligence agencies.

Update: See also: The dark history of the ADL: Terrorism, organized crime, pedophilia and murder


[1] ‘CBS Reports Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion’ “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’” Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.” CBS News January 29 2002. | ‘Defense Dollars’ PBS Online News Hour, February 12, 2001.
[2] South Coast Today Pittsburgh Post-Gazette December 20, 2001. |
[3] For much more information on securities fraud and Black Eagle Trust cover up read E.P. Heidner’s meticulously researched article: ‘Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001’ By E.P. Heidner:
[4] Ibid.
[5] ‘Unacknowledged Special Access Programs: US deep black programs out of control?’ By Joël van der Reijden, September 10, 2005. Institute for the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics. www. Veteran journalist Seymour Hersh has reported on just one USAP that he discovered set up to circumvent national and international humanitarian laws with full knowledge from Condeleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld, whereby in late 2001, early 2002 President Bush: “…had signed a top-secret finding, as required by law, authorizing the Defense Department to set up a specially recruited clandestine team of Special Forces operatives and others who would defy diplomatic niceties and international law and snatch — or assassinate, if necessary — identified ‘high-value’ Al Qaeda operatives anywhere in the world. Equally secret interrogation centers would be set up in allied countries where harsh treatments were meted out, unconstrained by legal limits of public disclosure. The program was hidden inside the Defense Department as an ‘unacknowledged’ special-access program, or SAP, whose operational details were known only to a few in the Pentagon, the CIA and the White House.” This would come under the net of subsequent drone attacks in Pakistan under the Obama administration amid condemnation by most people of conscience.
[6] ‘Military waste under fire / $1 trillion missing — Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting’ By Tom Abate, SanFrancisco Chronicle May 18, 2003.
[7] Radar Physics Group,, [cached] | Flight Termination System,, [cached] via http://www.911research ‘Missing Trillions Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01’
[8] ‘US: The Fatal Flaws in the Patriot Missile System’ by Jeffrey St. Clair, Counterpunch, April 17th, 2003. |‘Israel’s Palmachim Spaceport’ Space Today, 2005. “Israel is developing an Ofeq-7 spysat and a radar satellite known as Techstar, a radar satellite, both for launch in 2008.” | Judicial Inc. http://www.
[9] ‘Israel To Receive $8 Billion’ By Adam Entous March 18, Reuters, 2003.
[10] ‘Defense Memo Warned of Israeli Spying; ‘Ethnic Ties’ Charge Draws ADL Rebuke’By R. Jeffrey Smith, The Washington Post, January 30, 1996, p. A1.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘Following Zakheim And The Pentagon Trillions To Israel And 911’ By Jerry Mazza, Online Journal Associate Editor March 28, 2007.
[13] | 448 MIPR or “Department of Defence Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request” is a standard for the ease of transfer of funds between U.S. military organizations rather than limited to funding within a single entity. If one reads the reglulations and loopholes inherent in such a method it is easy to see how trillions can go missing. See: ‘Code of Federal Regulations, Title 48 – Federal Acquisition Regulations System – DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request.
[14] Ibid.
[15] ‘Dov Zackheim, Pentagon Comptroller, Has Misplaced A Trillion $’ by Likud Watch Monday, Jan. 31, 2005. Cleveland Indymedia.
[16] Op.cit. Mazza.
[17] A Day of Terror: The Israelis; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer’ By James Bennet, The New York Times, September 12, 2001.
[18] ‘Provocations as Pretexts for Imperial War: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11.’ May 25, 2008.
[19] ‘Zelikow Appointed to Obama’s Intelligence Advisory Board.’ By Rob Segal, UVA Today,
[20] ‘Thinking About Political History’. By Philip Zelikow. Miller Center Report, Winter 1999.
[21] ‘Zelikow: 9/11 Master Criminal Appointed By Obama’ Obama appoints 9/11 scriptwriter & master criminal Zelikow to Intelligence Advisory Board, by Kevin Barrett, September 2011, Veterans Today.
[22] p. 111; The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation By Philip Shenon. Published by Twelve, 2008. | ISBN-10: 0446580759.
[23 p.14; Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission By Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamiliton. Published by Alfred A. Knopf 2006.
[24] ‘Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger’. By Ashton B. Carter, John Deutch, and Philip Zelikow. Foreign Affairs, November/December 1998.
[25] ‘The National Security Strategy of the United States of America’. The Washington Post. September 17, 2002. “To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively.”
[26] ‘Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of the Dark Side’ By Scott Horton, Harper’s Magazine, 14 July 2008
[27] op. cit Barrett
[28] ‘ICRC Report on the Treatment of Fourteen “High Value Detainees” in CIA Custody’ (PDF).
[29] op. cit. Petras.
[30] p.456; Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil By Michael C. Ruppert. Published by New Society Publishers, 2004.
[31] ‘Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel’ “According to Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion.” By Haaretz Service and Reuters, April16, 2008.
[32] Brother Against Brother:Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination By Ehud Sprinzak Published by Free Press, 1999.
[33] Terrorism: How the West Can Win By Benjamin Netanyahu. Published by Douglas & McIntyre, 1986. (Preface)
[34] ‘The Essential Terrorist’ By Edward W. Said, The Nation, August 14, 2006.
[35] ‘Netanyahu’s Fascist Record: All Roads Lead to Shultz’ by Steven Meyer February 24, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[36] Egyptian Intellectual: Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Planned 9/11| September 11, 2004 TV Clip No. 278. The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian intellectual Hassan Al-Bana, that aired on Sahar 1 TV:
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “This is a book written by Benjamin Netanyahu on the uprooting of terrorism. He talks about attacking the Twin Towers. He talks about attacking the U.S. National Security Council, and about attacking the U.N. Take, for example, the Twin Towers operation. Such an operation doesn’t require placing a car bomb under the two towers but placing small nuclear bombs and detonating them. The scenarios were ready. This scenario was prepared by the Jews at the Jonathan Institute.”
Interviewer: “What scenario are you talking about?”
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “The scenario of bombing [the WTC]. I’m talking now about the bombing scenario and how it was a planned operation, and not an act of revenge. He had to find an excuse; a reason for intervention.”
Interviewer: “Dr. Hassan, you talk of the perpetrator. Are you saying there was an Israeli plan ready for operation?”
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “The scenario was prepared by Israel and the U.S. Henry Ford and George Bush attended the Jonathan Conference in 1984. They agreed with Netanyahu on the scenario for the bombing of the Twin Towers. When Netanyahu was asked how a force can be mobilized… He said: ‘In America you have religious factions that oppose abortions in hospitals. This religious sentiment can be exploited and channelled into these kinds of operations.’ This all exists [in writing]. Anybody who read Uprooting Terrorism [sic] and many other American books [would understand]. “Moreover, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. What conspiracy? George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. are the only American presidents to control the CIA. George Bush Jr. declared that the Twin Towers operation would remain completely secret.”
[37] ‘The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, July 25, 2008.|
[38] “In 2000 it was reported that Mr. Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, was working with the Grand Master of Anglo-American Freemasonry HRH The Duke of Kent, the founder of the Jerusalem Lodge, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy Count Giuliano di Bernardo, and the Worshipful Master of the prestigious Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge Lord Northhampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount conducting studies. Evidently these mystical adepts intend to reconstruct the 2,500 year old King Solomons Temple. It seems the brethren are anticipating a forthcoming resurrection of Grand Master Abiff’s architectural endevours.” – ‘British Masons And US Fundis Launch Apocalypse’ by Mark Sonnenblick Executive Intelligence Review Nov. 1, 2000 | From B’nai B’rith – The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Appleton-Century, New York 1966: From the Forward pg. xi: “Those whose responsiblity it is to interpret B’nai B’rith to the public have a formidable task… from small beginnings, has grown into a vast enterprise of nearly half million men, women, and young people in forty-four countries. It has become so complex in its structure and activities that most of its members-to say nothing of others-have only a limited knowledge of its achievements, purposes, and scope. This book, the first full-length history of B’nai B’rith,…”
…From Chapter 2 – The very beginning: “B’nai B’rith was founded on October 13, 1843, for the expressed purpose of ending, or at least reducing, the chaos and anarchy in Jewish life-or, as one of the founders put it, of “uniting and elevating the Sons of Abraham. […] There were twelve founders, all in their twenties or thirties. All had been born in Germany, and had come to New York in the late 1820’s or 1830’s. All lived on the lower East Side, where most of them, at the time, were petty shopkeepers. The majority had not known one another in Germany, and only a few were acquainted before 1843…” […]  Those few included Henry Jones, Isaac Rosenbourg, William Renau, and Reuben Rodacher. They met, apparently, because they were members of the Free Masons or Odd Fellows, as well as of several secret benevolent socities…[…]  …There is a legend, which is occasionally mentioned to this day, that B’nai B’rith was founded because in 1843 Jews were barred from membership in the Masonic orders and the Odd Fellows. Obviously, that was not the case, since several of the Order’s founders were themselves members of those organizations. We have fragments of memoirs written by Jones, Rosenbourg, and Renau, as well as by others who joined B’nai B’rith soon after it was founded, which leave no doubt about this…
[39] p.27; Dope Iinc: Britain’s opium war against the U.S by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team directed by Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg. Konstandino. 1978.
[41] ‘Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case -The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues’ by Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier And Steve Zeltzer Plaintiffs In The Of ADL Spying Case, Counterpunch, February 25, 2002.
[42] ‘The Changing Role of B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League’ By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal,,June 1993,
[43] Ibid.
[44] ‘ADL -A History of Disinformation and Intimidation’ www.
[45] Ibid.
[46] ADL Press Release: June 6 2002: ‘Law Enforcement From Across The U.S. Participate In Joint ADL-FBI.
Conference On Terrorism’
[47] Ibid.
[48] Robert S. Mueller, III Director Federal Bureau of Investigation, Anti-Defamation League’s 24th Annual National Leadership Conference, Washington, D.C. May 07, 2002.
[49] ‘Remarks by James B. Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (As Prepared)To ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., April 28, 2014
[50] op. cit R. Jeffrey Smith.
[51] Ibid.
[52] ‘U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel’ By Walter Pincus, Washington Post, November 29. 2012.

Osama and Al-Qaeda V: Pass the Pop-Corn

 ‘It’s one big lie, not one word of it is true’

– Seymour Hersh on the death of Osama bin Laden

Seymour Hersh is one of a dying breed of investigative journalists with genuine integrity and a nose for truth. A five-time winner of the Polk Award in 1969, 1973, 1974, 1981, and 2004; winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and recipient of the George Orwell Awardafter blowing the whistle on the serious abuse of prisoners by the U.S. Military at Abu Graib prison in 2004. As the above quotation shows, Regarding the bin Laden raid in which the terrorist mastermind was apparently killed, he didn’t believe a word of it, like any one who has cast a careful eye over the story will attest. 

Hersh has very little time for the Obama administration whom he likens to the Bush government in that it “lies systematically”, and where the US media does little in the face of this corruption. In a Guardian interview By Lisa O’Carroll, on September 27, 2013 the veteran journalist claims: “It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama].” And regarding the state of America in general he is unequivocal: “… we lie about everything, lying has become the staple.” But it is more than that. Mainstream media is thoroughly shackled and has been for a long time.

Milking the Osama Bin Laden myth and the promotion of the “hunt for Bin Laden” had to come to end one day and it seems 2011 was the year for a theatrical propaganda exercise to send him off with some fireworks and military whoops and bangs. On May 2, 2011, two helicopters from the 160th Special Ops Air Regiment, serving the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) took off from a base in Afghanistan loaded with around 40 US Navy SEALs. Code named Operation Neptune Spear, they were part of a carefully selected group named SEAL Team 6 which was dissolved and renamed “Naval Special Warfare Development Group” tasked with hunting down Osama Bin Laden who was said to have been be holed up in a private, secure compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. [1]

They flew over the residential area and target location. At 1:00am local time, the team apparently stormed the compound and after a brief but intense fire-fight, four occupants were killed. One of these targets was alleged to have been Osama bin Laden, 54, whose body was then taken into custody by the US team. We were told that 40 minutes was spent on the ground searching the compound for information and clues to ascertain Al-Qaeda’s fiendish plans for the future.


The Hollywood propganda machine went into overdrive to reinforce total fantasy. Firtly, with “Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden” (2012) and the multi-award-winning and CIA sponsored “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012) billed as: “the story of history’s greatest manhunt for the world’s most dangerous man”. In fact it offered the official story of the killing of bin Laden as well as a tacit approval – even glorification – of torture which led to the capture and execution of bin Laden, neither or which took place. The latter film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow of “The Hurt Locker” fame which gave an equally myopic view of the reality of the Iraq war.

President Obama announced bin Laden’s death, with suitably vengeful gravitas: “His demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. Justice has been done.” Jaw-flexing and with eyes moist (perhaps from auto-cue strain) he continued: “We are reminded that we are fortunate to have Americans who dedicate their lives to protecting ours. We may not always know their names, we may not always know their stories, but they are there every day on the front lines of freedom and we are truly blessed.” [2]

The loved ones who are left behind to cope with the fall-out from war and covert operations is always tragic but what cheapens and debases those deaths is when the official stories don’t match reality. The above sentiments then become cynical and hollow. Obama repeated the same weary script, describing the event as “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al-Qaeda”, and seen as a “significant turning point for global security and the War on Terror.” [3] As journalist James Corbett reminds us, when Obama pronounced bin Laden dead this would be: “… at least the ninth major head of state or high-ranking government official to have done so.” [4]

Now why would that be?

Since French intelligence disclosed that Osama bin Laden had been treated at a Dubai hospital in July 2001 for kidney failure, Hepatitis B and other serious ailments, he was thought to have no more than two years to live.[5] It is common knowledge in military and intelligence fields worldwide that he died in December of that year, yet to suggest such a thing in public is to offer peals of incredulous laughter. This is a largely thanks to the MSM and its love affair with the terror industry. Nonetheless, there are many instances of officials, analysts and a wide range of academics speaking out against this propaganda.

In the following year the FBI’s top counter-terrorism official, Dale Watson, said, “I personally think he is probably not with us anymore,” an affirmation of which was also repeated by Afghan President Hamid Karzai in October of 2002.[6]

In July 2002, New York Times journalist Amir Taheri also highlighted the psychology of the situation by observing: “With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?”

Originally cited in the Pakistan Observer a report surfaced in December 2001, that bin Laden had “died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication.” The statement came from an unlikely but more believable source: that of a Taliban leader who had everything to gain by not revealing the truth. Nonetheless, he states that bin Laden was indeed dead and that he had “… succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora Mountains,” further claiming that “… bin Laden was laid to rest honourably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.” The source further reported: “About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al-Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some ‘Taliban friends,’ attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the ‘great leader.’ [7]

The late former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto, confirmed this from her own pronouncements in an interview recorded in 2007 where she stated that Osama bin Laden had been killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a man convicted of kidnapping and killing journalist Daniel Pearl. Bhutto also repeated before her death that bin Laden’s ghost was being used as a pretext to destabilise Pakistan. It has since been proven conclusively that “under cover of a ‘suicide bombing’ she was shot in the neck and head from close range.” Bhutto’s bodyguard Khalid Shahenshah a key witness to her murder was also killed in a drive-by shooting at his home on Karachi. He was expected to be called to give evidence in a United Nations probe into her death. [8]


Still from an interview with Benazir Bhutto by Sir David Frost in 2007 in which the late politician also claimed bin Laden had been dead since 2001; killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh

The death of Bhutto removed the chance for Pakistan to release itself from Pakistani-ISI-CIA led control and the Bush-Cheney administration’s manoeuvring to strengthen their political control of Pakistan by expanding the War on Terror across the region. Of course, the assassinations were predictably blamed on Al-Qaeda, without any mention of the fact that the organisation has long been an American military-intelligence operation.

Bhutto’s statements were echoed in January 2002 in an interview with CNN, by Pakistan’s President General Pervez Musharraf who thought that bin Laden was probably dead because he has been unable to get treatment for his kidney disease. He commented: “I think now, frankly, he is dead for the reason he is a … kidney patient.” [9] Musharraf, a onetime CIA asset was also targeted as he fell out of favour with Anglo-American powers.

In April 2002, top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, gave valuable public support to the consensus that Osama bin Laden died in 2001 stating he had been “dead for months” and that the CIA knew the Al-Qaeda leader’s death represented significant, mileage in the propaganda war. Pieczenik, who served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations still works as a consultant for the Department of Defence and is not someone easily ignored. Responsible for developing strategies for hostage rescue which were employed around the world, he also formulated: “… the basic tenets for psychological warfare, counter terrorism, strategy and tactics for transcultural negotiations for the US State Department, military and intelligence communities and other agencies of the US Government.”

Having personally met Osama Bin Laden during the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s and worked with Elite brokers James Baker, George Schultz, Cyrus Vance and Kissinger et al, he is one of the most connected military intelligence men ever to go public on the Osama myth. The former intelligence officer believes that Osama died from Marfan syndrome, an incurable degenerative genetic disease which severely shortens the life span of the sufferer. Pieczenik is certain that George W. Bush and the intelligence community knew perfectly well that bin Laden had died shortly after 9/11 in his Tora Bora cave complex and proceeded to build and “doctor up the situation” for geo-political ends. It was not necessary to kill him because he had already died of natural causes. [10]


“The U.S. national security team gathered in the White House Situation Room to monitor the progress of Operation Neptune Spear.” (Source: wikipedia) Unfortunately, it was all a staged photo-op.

Images released by the White House in May 2011 (see above) show a tension-filled room full of senior US government officials including Joe Biden, Robert Gates, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton staring fixedly ahead at the live enactment of the operation to assassinate Osama via video feeds on the Navy SEAL’s helmets.

If the photos looked staged, it’s because they were.

According to Pieczenik:

“This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen and they look as if they’re intense, that’s nonsense,” … “It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an American theater of the absurd … why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people, [?]” […] This is orchestrated, I mean when you have people sitting around and watching a sitcom, basically the operations center of the White House, and you have a president coming out almost zombie-like telling you they just killed Osama Bin Laden who was already dead nine years ago …” [11]

This mini-PSYOPS operation, pre-packaged for the media which had President Obama and his national security team watching events unfold in real time had to be quickly abandoned. Former Reagan Administration economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts explains why: “If Obama was watching the event as it happened, he would have noticed, one would hope, that there was no firefight and thus, would not have told the public that bin Laden was killed in a firefight. Another reason the story had to be abandoned is that if the event was captured on video, every news service in the world would be asking for the video, but if the event was orchestrated theater, there would be no video.” [12]


Still from “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012) depicting the Navy SEAL team tracking down bin Laden

Indeed, the whole story of the Osama hit became an embarrassing media spectacle because the official narrative changed so many times. First there was a fire-fight. Then there wasn’t. Bin Laden was armed. Then he wasn’t. His wife was there as a human shield, then she wasn’t. She was killed then she wasn’t. His sons were present and killed, then they weren’t. In fact, they weren’t there at all. Oh, and the helicopter that was lost due to mechanical failure? No. Actually, it crashed because it was the wrong kind of temperature in Osama’s compound. Tricky these terrorist micro-climates … [13]

Finally, with so many falsifications, contradictions, inconsistencies and amendments the original story became unrecognisable. As it progressed into the arena of farce with Barack Obama’s feeble reasoning that it was due to the “fog of war” which was enthusiastically taken up by much of the US media, the President and US officials refused to offer more details, explanations or more disturbingly, any photos or other evidence to support the official story. Since there was no “fog” or no “war” and a bullet caused the demise of the most valuable intelligence asset ever to be captured, it is more than confusing as to what the President was referring to.

As Paul Craig Roberts notes:

When such a foundational story as the demise of bin Laden cannot last 48 hours without acknowledged “discrepancies” that require fundamental alternations to the story, there are grounds for suspicion in addition to the suspicions arising from the absence of a dead body, from the absence of any evidence that bin Laden was killed in the raid or that a raid even took place. The entire episode could just be another event like the August 4, 1964, Gulf of Tonkin event that never happened but succeeded in launching open warfare against North Vietnam at a huge cost to Americans and Vietnamese and enormous profits to the military/security complex. [14]

It wouldn’t be the first time, as Craig Roberts reminds us. False flags and government duplicity is standard practice for the state. Rather than an occasional aberration during times of war, in soft totalitarianism brought on by the presence of many psychopaths wielding power, it becomes a way of life. Obama’s photo op was merely a microcosm of far bigger lies; one of many addictions to deceit which has taken America into a irreversible tail-spin.

“Known and documented, Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda is a construct of the US intelligence apparatus. His essential function is to give a face to the “war on terrorism”. The image must be vivid.”

– Michel Chossudovsky, economist, geo-political analyst

More embarrassment followed the Osama bin Laden raid in Pakistan, with the mass publishing of a photo purporting to be a dead bin Laden which was obviously fraudulent having been circulated on the internet since 2009. The New York Times published another fake photo from a separate source and by then the media was awash in obviously phony images. On May 4 2011, Obama wisely decided not to release any photos or anything else connected to the operation. The hole was alredy deep enough. [15]

On May 3, just a day before the announcement, journalist Patrick Henningsen, Editor of 21st Century Wire created a stir when he gave Russia Today TV an interview on the raid and stated conclusively, “There will be no photos or video released at all.” Henningsen explained how he was able to make such a prediction: “If you have been paying attention to this story over the last 8 years, then it’s not very difficult to predict this. If you apply basic common sense, the evidence weighs in favour of Osama bin Laden having died years ago. Or you can choose to believe the Hollywood version of events that we have been fed over the years, one which requires no effort.” [16]

More recently in March 2012, Iranian intelligence minister Heidar Moslehi joined the chorus claiming that Osama had died way before the storming of his alleged Abbottabad compound. Moslehi said that Iran has: “credible information that bin Laden died some time ago of a disease,” furthering pointing out in a Cabinet meeting that: “If the US military and intelligence apparatus have really arrested or killed bin Laden, why don’t they show him [his body]? Why have they thrown his corpse into the sea? [17]


 Osama bin Laden’s compound (Photo by Sajjad Ali Qureshi, (Wikimedia)


The USS Carl Vinson which was said to be the vessel which carried the body of bin Laden dumping him at sea. Unfortunately, the US Dpartment of Defence cannot find any record of the event. Oops. I wonder why that would be? (wikipedia)

The issue of military incompetence is not only believable but expected given the history US military operations, but to suggest that there was a rationale behind the hasty dumping of the mythical terrorist’s body in the sea and dispensing with what would surely have been a primary vindication of intelligence and military prowess, is a much harder tale to swallow. It only makes sense if there was something to hide. The exact same insults to the intelligence are at play here just as they are surrounding the events of 9/11. The proffered reason for doing so in the original storyline was that no country would accept the body in accordance with Islamic traditions and customs – so read Obama’s auto-cue info from which he read so dutifully. However, headaches soon arrived. Prominent Muslim academics and leaders swiftly repudiated this latest offering, explaining that a sea burial of  bin Laden was actually a violation of Islamic tenets which prompted the in-house scriptwriters to carry out more hasty re-writes coming up with the idea that it was actually a “shrine.” As journalist at the New American Alex Newman commented: “That lie fell apart, too, when it was widely reported that bin Laden’s brand of Islam calls for unmarked graves — building any sort of shrine would have been blasphemous. So far, no new excuses have been concocted for allegedly feeding the body to the fish.” [18]

And surprise, surprise, heavily redacted internal military emails obtained by the Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act in 2012, reveal no sailors witnessed the burial at sea nor could the US Department of Defence find any images or videos of bin Laden’s aboard USS Carl Vinson, the vessel which is alleged to have carried the body of the dead bin Laden. [19] Furthermore, it explained why the Pentagon not only failed to produce an autopsy report and death certificate but refused to provide the results of DNA tests. Presumably, this tests were not carried out. How can you do tests on a body that doesn’t exist? Once you do so, it is clear that the whole narrative would be seen for what it is: a total fiction. This didn’t stop more attempts to fill in the gargantuan holes in the official story.

On May 6, 2011, the Obama administration released a short video recording from an original five. It was edited by the Pentagon without sound and what US officials said was footage of Osama watching TV with a remote in his hand, in the Jalalabad compound flat sometime before the raid. Numerous reports immediately cried foul. For example, the real bin Laden was left-handed, the man in the video is holding a remote control in his right hand. The ears, nose – in fact, almost everything about this individual – in these “new videos” screams fakery.

Pakistani residents weren’t having any of it either as a BBC News report revealed just a few days later. A neighbour of Osama bin Laden, a Pakistani man named Shabir told the BBC that the man in the video is actually a friend of his and not the Al-Qaeda founder. “His name is Akhbar Khan (Han), He owns the house that was Osama’s house. I know him very well,” Another Abbottabad resident Mohammed, “who has been selling newspapers in the two for the last 50 years” said: “It’s all a fake, nothing happened.” The report further stated that: “Out of the 50 Abbottabad residents interviewed by the BBC, only one believed that Osama bin Laden was in their town. Others claimed the pictures and video of bin Laden in his home are fakes made with a computer.” [20]


“Bin Laden” watches TV in the compound (top)


“bin Laden” with school-girl ear compared to the more Vulcan-like example from the real bin Laden below:


The decision to launch a hoax on the back of Osama’s death was taken to boost Obama’s approval ratings which had become dangerously low, or as Dr. Steve Pieczenik claims, to make Obama – as the latest monkey in front of the organ grinder – appear “viable.” It was also entirely in line with the foreign policy objective to isolate and destabilize Pakistan put into motion by banking and Zio-Conservative cartels which ran the Bush-Cheney gang.

Another reason for implanting the dénouement of an 8-year PSYOPS operation was Pakistan’s increasing opposition to the Predator drone program, which had killed hundreds of Pakistanis. Since government departments crowed that the success of the operation was directly sourced from data drawn from enhanced interrogation techniques inflicted on rendition victims in secret CIA prisons, (“torture” to you and I) they wanted the American public to see the value and success in those methods too. By extension, the practice of extrajudicial killings abroad and the intelligence that goes with it could be vindicated in such a grand spectacle of “justice” simultaneously bolstering Obama’s standing as a leader at home and abroad. Sure enough, once the dramatic assassination of bin Laden was aired on all media channels Obama’s ratings shot up. Spontaneous celebrations erupted in the streets of New York and outside the White House in true Pavlovian style.


President Barack Obama showing his auto-cue and acting skills once again when he announced the death of Osama bin Laden on May 1st, 2011. With a reminder about 9/11 and the loss of life telegraphed on a May Day holiday what better way to ensure a tearful catharsis?

Obama’s “historic” announcement according to The Washington Post produced: “… a rare moment of national unity at a time of deep divisions on many domestic and foreign policy issues,” all of which was prime political capital against the record unemployment figures, the continuing descent of the dollar, fracturing infrastructure and trillions in government debt – the Obama administration needed to build on the quintessential American propensity for illusion programmed by 9/11 fear and vengeance, it was bound to work. A heightened security level status was introduced with the media excited at the prospect of possible retaliatory attacks from Al-Qaeda. The US population was primed and on alert, while the Obama Administration and the intelligence community sat back and had a beer.

Playing the patriot card on the back of the September 11th anniversary of the attacks is a potent opportunity for more manipulations. There is also propaganda investment in the death of Osama bin Laden as justification for a future false flag attack on United States soil, should it be deemed necessary. We have been told by US officials that alleged 9/11 ring-leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told Guantanamo Bay interrogators Al-Qaeda would detonate nuclear devices if bin Laden was captured or killed. Mohammed told his jailers they would unleash a “nuclear hellstorm” if Osama bin Laden was ever captured. [21] All this leaves the field open for new enemies to arrive. In the same global theatre with different characters, Iran may yet be ushered onto centre stage for a starring role.

Steve Pieczenik explained in a radio interview that 9/11 was a similar operation on a much grander scale, naming it a “stand down … false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses …” […] “I taught stand down and false flag operations at the national war college, I’ve taught it with all my operatives so I knew exactly what was done to the American public…” [22]

No Easy Day  written under the pseudonym of “Mark Owen”, an apparent Navy SEAL who was part of the alleged team who killed Osama Bin Laden was published in index_thumb.jpgSeptember 2012, with suitable “controversy.” However, rather than addressing the whole suspect nature of the operation itself, a big fuss was made about certain minor contradictions by the media which had the effect of leaving the basic premise of the official story unquestioned and strengthened, by default. If the author claims that “… the raid was being reported like a bad action movie” this, and many other criticisms simply vector the attention away from the whole reasons for such an operation. In this light, Mr. Owen may have even believed he had the body of bin Laden under foot when the reality may have been very different. Whether by default or design, the whole book (and others like it) acts as a PSYOPS operation from start to finish. [23]

Unfortunately, not many members are left alive to comment either way. 

On August 6, 2011, 30 US special forces, a civilian interpreter and seven Afghan commandos were killed in the Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan, right around the time that Washington’s official version of the Osama Bin Laden hit was falling apart at the seams. Among the 38 dead were also 25 US Navy Seals. The helicopter went down during a military operation to give support for a US Army unit engaged in battle with Afghan militants in Wardak Province, West of the capital, Kabul. [24] The single largest loss of life in the ten year war in Afghanistan, it was reported that the Taliban shot down the helicopter with a rocket launcher, later admitted by US officials without confirming the source of the attack. What they did reveal, after the fact, was that the dead Navy Seals were part of the Team Six unit allegedly involved in the May 2011 assassination of bin Laden. However, according to an MSNBC report: “None of those killed in the crash is believed to have been part of the SEALs mission that killed bin Laden, but they were from the same unit as the bin Laden team.” [25] No confirmation of this belief has been forthcoming especially since Team 6 identities are officially classified.


Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan, a type that was apparently shot down by Taliban militants killing all 38 Special Forces aboard.

Quite apart from the fact this is certainly odd that against military protocol, the crème de la crème of Special forces were all crammed into a Chinook and sent out into a hot zone, it brings us back to the alleged helicopter crash which took place during the bin Laden raid. 

As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts stated in his much quoted article:

“In the immediate aftermath of bin Laden’s alleged murder by the SEALs, Pakistani TV interviewed the next door neighbor to bin Laden’s alleged compound. Someone supplied the video with an English translation running at the bottom of the video. According to the translation, the next door neighbor, Mr. Bashir, said that he watched the entire operation from the roof of his house. There were 3 helicopters. Only 1 landed. About a dozen men got out and entered the house. They shortly returned and boarded the helicopter. When the helicopter lifted off it exploded, killing all aboard. Mr. Bashir reports seeing bodies and pieces of bodies all over.

The US government acknowledges that it lost a helicopter, but claims no one was hurt. Obviously, as there were no further landings, if everyone was killed as Mr. Bashir reports, there was no body to be dumped into the ocean. [26]

Assuming of course, there was ever an Osama bin Laden to bring back in the first place.

In July 2013, Navy Vice Admiral William McRaven was given the job of removing secret military files concerning the Navy SEAL raid from the Pentagon’s data banks and placing them in the safe hands of the CIA. Despite President Barack Obama’s now tragically hilarious pledge to make his administration the most transparent in US history, orders were given to ignore rules governing federal records and violate the Freedom of Information Act, such was the urgency to make sure no one knew the truth. Although the Pentagon denied any wrongdoing regarding the removal, these actions simply underscore the continuing attempts by government to keep the public away from any covert activities. The rather lame reasoning given to the MSM was to protect personnel involved in the raid but as most of them have since met their deaths in sometimes suspicious circumstances, it makes little sense. Professor Michel Chossudovsky pointed out the more likely reason: “The files of the bin Laden SEAL operation had to be removed to sustain the Big Lie.”

To round off the Obama Administration’s adherence to the theatre of the unreal and perhaps one of the most blatant pieces of movie propaganda pieces on the scale of Jerry Bruckheimer’s pre-9/11 Pearl Harbour (2001) Seal Team 6: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden graced our screens in 2012. Produced by one of Hollywood’s biggest backers Harvey Weinstein, who rushed the film forward so that it was on TV screens two days before Obama’s election-day, it was universally panned by even the most IQ-challenged entertainment critics. Barack Obama has an “edited-in” role in the film which boasted such one-liners as: “In this world you don’t get to live free without working for it. You gotta earn it every day, and that day we did.”

Obama, pass the pop-corn.pop-corn1


[1] ‘Spec ops raids into Pakistan halted’ Navy Times, September 2008: “The United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), also known as DEVGRU for short, or more commonly by its former name, SEAL Team Six (ST6) is one of the United States’ four secretive counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units (SMUs).” | ‘Osama Bin Laden Operation Ended With Coded Message ‘Geronimo-E KIA’’By Jake Tapper, ABC News, May 2 2011.
[2] ‘Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 False Flag Attack’ By Paul Joseph Watson 4 May 2011.
[3] ‘Osama bin Laden buried at sea after being killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan’ By Philip Rucker, Scott Wilson and Anne E. Kornblut, The Washington Post, May 2, 2011.
[4] ‘Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time’ By James Corbett, The Corbett Report, May 2, 2011.
[5] ‘CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July’ French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital By Anthony Sampson, The Guardian, November 1st 2001.
[6] ‘Bin Laden ‘probably’ dead’BBC News,18 July, 2002. | ‘Karzai: bin Laden ‘probably’ dead’, October 7, 2002.
[7] ‘Report: Bin Laden Already Dead’, December 26, 2001.
[8] ‘Benazir Bhutto – A Warning To Us All’ By Joe Quinn,, December 27, 2007.
[9] ‘Pakistan’s Musharraf: Bin Laden probably dead’, January 18, 2002.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘SKEPTICISM: The Agendas Behind the Bin Laden News Event: When the Lie Becomes the Truth…’ By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, May 04, 2011.
[13] ‘The killing of Osama bin Laden: how the White House changed its story’- Bin Laden not armed and did not use woman as human shield, US admits; Barack Obama’s spokesman blames ‘fog of war’By Robert Booth, The Guardian, May 4, 2011.
[14] op. cit Craig Roberts.
[15] ‘Fake out: Senators confused over bin Laden photos’ By Kelly O’Donnell and Libby Leist, MSNBC, May 5, 2011.| ‘Web’s bin Laden ‘death photo’ (just the photo) is fake’ By Stokes Young, May 3, 2011.
[16] ‘The Osama bin Laden Media Scoop: “No photos or videos will be released.” By Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire 5 May 2011.
[17] ‘Military emails show that NO U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden’s secret burial at sea,’ Daily Mail, .
[18] ‘Iranian Intelligence Minister Claims Bin Laden Was Dead Long Before U.S. Raid’ By Alex Alvarez USA Today, May 11, 2011.
[19] ‘Media Scrambles as Bin Laden Story Crumbles’ By Alex Newman, The New American 6 May 2011.
[20] ‘Osama Bin Laden: Pakistan’s scepticism over videos’ BBC News, (video) 8 May 2011. “The release of video footage seized from Osama bin Laden’s compound in northern Pakistan was part of the continuing effort by the US to convince doubters that the al-Qaeda leader was killed in last Monday’s raid.But people in Abbottabad seem sceptical about the authenticity of the films, as Orla Guerin discovered when she took to the streets of the town where bin Laden was said to have been hiding.”
[21] ‘WikiLeaks: Guantanamo Bay terrorist secrets revealed’ By Christopher Hope, Robert Winnett, Holly Watt and Heidi Blake, The Telegraph, April 25, 2011.
[22] Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Alex Jones Show May 3,2011.
[23] ‘Bin Laden book No Easy Day ‘contradicts official account’ BBC News, August 29 2012.
[24] ‘25 Navy SEALs Killed in Afghanistan Chopper Crash: “Taliban is claiming responsibility for U.S. chopper crash, more than 30 dead.”ABC News, (VIDEO) |‘30 Americans Killed in Afghanistan Helicopter Crash’ By News Desk, PBS, August 6, 2011.
[25] ‘31 US troops, mostly elite Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan’ MSNBC staff and news service reports, August 6, 2011.
[26] op. cit Craig Roberts. The crash incident was further confirmed by May 17 article in Navy Times: “Aboard two Black Hawk helicopters were 23 SEALs, an interpreter and a tracking dog named Cairo. Nineteen SEALs would enter the compound, and three of them would find bin Laden, one official said, providing the exact numbers for the first time. Aboard the Chinooks were two dozen more SEALs, as backup.  […] The plan unraveled as the first helicopter tried to hover over the compound. The Black Hawk skittered around uncontrollably in the heat-thinned air, forcing the pilot to land. As he did, the tail and rotor got caught on one of the compound’s 12-foot walls. The pilot quickly buried the aircraft’s nose in the dirt to keep it from tipping over, and the SEALs clambered out into an outer courtyard.  […] It took approximately 15 minutes to reach bin Laden, one official said. The next 23 or so were spent blowing up the broken chopper, after rounding up nine women and 18 children to get them out of range of the blast.

Unanswered Questions

 By M.K. Styllinski

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

9/11 was an attack against the minds of the American people.

Shock, fear and anger were the intended by-products of a Hollywood-style production which was delivered to mobilise the mass consciousness towards accepting long-term social and geo-political objectives. Once this programming was in place it was relatively easy to begin pointing fingers at an historical bogey-man which has been carefully cultivated as the Muslim terrorist. What rapidly followed was the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and the later invasions of Libya and covertly Syria. Along with Russia, the destabilisation and ransacking of Iran remains an important goal for the Three Establishment Model. As a consequence, literally hundreds of thousands of civilians – most of whom were children – were killed, maimed and psychologically traumatised, with others suffering from intractable health problems.

The core planners of the September 11th attacks were a combination of audacity, ambition, years of careful planning and the reliance on the inculcation of an Official Culture to carry out their plans. The hackneyed displays of “evidence” were designed to appeal to those eager to believe the official story. Shoddiness of this kind is an indication of how blasé and arrogant the architects of this coup really were. Leaving pristine passports lying around in the rubble to be found and copies of the Koran liberally sprinkled everywhere just to reinforce the idea that all roads led to Al-Qaeda, as but two such examples. “Mistakes” like these do not conform to the ambition and precision of the false flag operation. However, if you wanted to falsely blame it on Muslim terrorists as the history of Al-Qaeda operations shows, then such “blunders” begin to make sense.

So, who would benefit from blaming the Islamic world, its fundamentalism having been fuelled by the very same forces?

The Three Model Establishment of Liberalism, Conservative and Zionist factions. It was their crowing achievement, or – depending on which side of the fence one is – the beginning of their eventual demise.

What should have been the most rigorous and extensive international forensic operation ever conducted was turned into the biggest media circus and cover up in modern times. Ground Zero became a travesty of justice with no attempts to maintain the integrity of what was a vast crime scene. Thanks to Mayor Rudy Giuliani and friends, all the evidence was shipped away before forensics could sift through it. [1]  It is only after almost fourteen years that enormous amounts of data has been pieced together by scientists, academics and the general public who may not all agree with the various conclusions, but a broad consensus exists: that the official story is not only suspect but patently false from whichever angle you approach. Various 9/11 commissions merely extended and built on what is already monumental lie, quickly accepted by the MSM and the majority of the public and which remains entrenched in contemporary beliefs. Recently, certain members of those commissions have begin to speak out, reporting on the restrictive nature and manipulation of data. Indeed, it has even been reported that most 9/11 commissioners do not believe the official story either. [2]

Image programming is immensely powerful. Replaying the destruction of the Twin Towers over and over and thus stimulating the instinct of fear and the emotions of anger and pain is not conducive to object study and reflection. As Historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk observes:

“Brain studies show that what is suggested during a period of pain or shock becomes MEMORY. The brain sort of ‘traps’ the ideas being assimilated at times of pain and shock into permanent ‘synaptic patterns of thought/memory.’ The conditions surrounding the events of 9-11 were perfect for creating specific impressions and memories – manipulation of the minds of the masses by shocking events and media spin.” [3]

And so it is.


Let’s see why this programming has been so successful by taking a cursory look at some of the most glaring issues surrounding 9/11.

Since at least 1996, Federal authorities were aware that suspected terrorists had ties to Osama bin Laden and had been receiving flight training at schools in the US and abroad. There was even an account by one terrorist that his mission was to fly a plane into CIA headquarters.[4] In fact, there were multiple reports of bin Laden’s location given to both the CIA and the FBI between 1996 and right up to the day before September 11th, 2001. Agents’ reports were ignored or they were actively prevented from taking out bin Laden by top brass. The New York Times reported that:

 [5]“… at least three occasions between 1998 and 2000, the C.I.A. told the White House it had learned where Mr. bin Laden was and where he might soon be. Each time, Mr. Clinton approved the strike. Each time, George Tenet, the director of central intelligence, called the president to say that the information was not reliable enough to be used in an attack, a former senior Clinton administration official said.”

Among the numerous failures in basic protocol and administrative procedures that allowed the hijackers a literal free pass to do as they pleased, one report shows 15 of the 19 hijackers did not fill in visa documents properly in Saudi Arabia. (Yes, that’s right 15 of them) and only six were interviewed. Why were 15 of these hijackers not denied entry into the US? [6] It was reported just a few days after the attacks that several of the 9/11 hijackers, including leader Mohamed Atta, may have had training at secure US military installations and when many of the hijackers’ mug-shots were lifted from the University campus yearbooks. The 911 Commission Report was destined to be a laughing stock. [7] According to a 2001 report in The Times of London: “Five of the alleged hijackers have emerged, alive, innocent and astonished to see their names and photographs appearing on satellite television … The hijackers were using stolen identities.” [8]

By 2000 and 2001, the military were conducting simulation exercises where hijacked airliners were crashing into targets causing mass casualties. Those targets included the World Trade Centre (WTC) and the Pentagon. If we are to believe White House and security officials, they were as shocked as little Bo Beep at such wildly improbable scenarios. [9] The politicians followed the same script with President George W. Bush stating with wide-eyed innocence: “nobody in our government at least, and I don’t think the prior government, could envisage flying air planes into buildings.” National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice also exclaimed: “… no one could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.” Which is curious, considering CIA director George Tenet’s intelligence summary was prepared for Condoleezza Rice on June 28 and read: “It is highly likely that a significant Al-Qaeda attack is in the near future, within several weeks.” [10] And just to make sure the same memo was received by all; FBI Director Robert Mueller added his chorus line soon after the attacks with: “there were no warning signs that I’m aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country.”

Actually, it was common knowledge that ideas had been seeded in terrorists’ minds to use planes as weapons since 1995. So, our Bob was either lying or so ignorant that he was only the head of the FBI due to his ability to stack paperclips. Even an Air Force general stretched credulity still further with his variation on a theme by stating: “… something we had never seen before, something we had never even thought of.”  [11]


According to 9/11 expert and author Dr. David Ray Griffin it gets much worse:

“… in 1993 a panel of experts commissioned by the Pentagon suggested that airplanes could be used as missiles to bomb national landmarks. However this notion was not published in its report, Terror 2000, because, said one of its authors: ‘ We were told by the Department of Defense not to put it in.’ […] In that same year, there were three planes hijacked with the intent to use them as weapons, including a highly publicized plan of a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda to crash one into the Eiffel Tower. In 1995, Senator Sam Nunn, in Time magazine’s cover story, described a scenario in which terrorists crash a radio-controlled airplane into the US Capitol building.”  [12]

There was also the little matter of another training exercise, this time by a US intelligence agency set for Sept 11th at 9am in which a jet airliner would crash into one of its buildings near Washington, DC. The chances of military drill exercises taking place at the same time as a real-time attack is so statistically improbable as to be impossible. As it happens, one chance in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000 – to be precise. [13] Strangely enough, this is precisely what occurred in the 7/7 London bombings in 2005. A private consultancy agency called Visor Consultants, linked to the government and police was also running a 1,000 person exercise for an unnamed company adopting the exact same scenario with the Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as the attacks on the morning of July 7th.  [14]

Just another improbable “coincidence” or a tactic for creating confusion within agencies as well as the general public? Actually, training exercises are incredibly common in many false flag attacks in general (See: False Flags? 63 Terrorism Incidents & Training Exercises)

In 2012, the National Security Archive released 120 previously secret documents concerning the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the United States. They showed yet again that President George W. Bush was lying through his teeth. The documents showed:

“From June to September 2001, a full seven CIA Senior Intelligence Briefs detailed that attacks were imminent, an incredible amount of information from one intelligence agency. One from June called ‘Bin-Ladin and Associates Making Near-Term Threats’ writes that ‘[redacted] expects Usama Bin Laden to launch multiple attacks over the coming days.’ The famous August brief called ‘Bin Ladin Determined to Strike the US’ is included. ‘Al-Qai’da members, including some US citizens, have resided in or travelled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure here,’ it says.”  [15]

It’s not just America’s intelligence personnel who are silenced. Britain, Germany, France, Sudan, Egypt, Israel and Russian intelligence agencies warned of impending attacks on the US, all of whom were ignored. [16] Russian President Vladimir Putin later stated that in August of 2001, he ordered his intelligence: “… to warn President Bush in the strongest terms that 25 terrorists were getting ready to attack the US, including important government buildings like the Pentagon.” The head of Russian intelligence also said: “We had clearly warned them on several occasions, but they did not pay the necessary attention.” [17]

Britain’s contribution to the warnings was in the form of an official memo included in an intelligence briefing for President Bush on August 6th which said that: “… Al-Qaeda had planned an attack in the United States involving multiple airplane hijackings.” However: “The White House kept this warning secret, with the President repeatedly claiming after 9/11 that he had received no warning of any kind. On May 15, 2002, CBS Evening News revealed the existence of the memo from British intelligence … [The US administration] refused to release the memo while claiming there was nothing specific in it.”[18]

Compartmentalisation of intelligence managed by strategically placed high-level personnel allowed the plans for 9/11 to proceed with relatively little resistance. Official Culture of programmed belief systems did the rest.

 “I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/11. It’s not just the obvious non sequiturs: where are the aircraft parts (engines, etc.) from the attack on the Pentagon? Why have the officials involved in the United 93 flight (which crashed in Pennsylvania) been muzzled? Why did flight 93’s debris spread over miles when it was supposed to have crashed in one piece in a field?”

journalist, Robert Fisk

As 2001 entered the picture a long-time tradition of leaving the oil-rich Saudis alone took on epic proportions of favouritism. The CIA and FBI ordered its employees to avoid the bin Laden’s and Saudi royals – they were untouchable. When the House and Senate Intelligence Committees’ final report of the Joint Inquiry into 9/11 eventually arrived in 2003, some 28 pages had been redacted. These reportedly dealt primarily with Saudi Arabia and three Saudi princes who were suspected of being involved in the financing of 9/11 hijackers. They were to die in 2002, within days of each other and in mysterious circumstances. [19]

In 2000, The French intelligence agency, the DGSE, as part of a claim that they regularly pass on intelligence to the CIA, published a 13-page classified report entitled “The Networks of Osama bin Laden.” In the report, a wealth of detailed information about Al-Qaeda is described including the payment of $4.5 million from the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) to bin Laden. However, the IIRO is off limits to US investigations due to its close ties with the Saudi government. [20] The report also casts doubt on Osama bin Laden as the “black sheep” of the family and cultivating the idea of “good and bad” bin Ladens. French journalist Guillaume Disquié writing for La Monde observed: “It seems more and more likely that bin Laden had maintained contacts with certain members of his family, although the family which directs one of the largest groups of public works in the world, has officially renounced him. One of his brothers apparently plays a role as intermediary in its professional contacts or the monitoring of its business.” [21]

It was the same story with the Taliban in Afghanistan. In 1998, Julie Sirrs was a military analyst for the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and travelled to the country on various missions from 1997 – 2001. On the part of her superiors and CIA top brass she encountered disinterest and apathy regarding Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts and actions.


Osama Bin Laden’s family had longstanding oil connections to the Bush Dynasty.

In early 2001, she travelled undercover to meet Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Shah Massoud and observed a terrorist training centre in Taliban-controlled territory. Sirrs later claimed: “The Taliban’s brutal regime was being kept in power significantly by bin Laden’s money, plus the narcotics trade, while [Massoud’s] resistance was surviving on a shoestring. With even a little aid to the Afghan resistance, we could have pushed the Taliban out of power. But there was great reluctance by the State Department and the CIA to undertake that.” [23]  According to Sirrs and many other commentators, this was primarily due to the US State Department’s interest in securing the trans-Afghanistan pipeline under contract in the region to the American Unocal Corporation. Political stability of the Taliban regime was essential to that end.[23]

Despite returning with a “treasure trove” of photos, maps and interview recordings, her security clearance was pulled and materials confiscated. She was later accused of being a spy, prompting her resignation from the DIA in 1999.  Sirr’s discovery of collusion in CIA and Afghanistan drug lines as well as the protection of Osama as a long-time CIA asset was the probable cause. [24]

It appears that protecting the bin Ladens was a top level directive which meant many FBI agents were blocked in their efforts to investigate and who often resigned disillusioned and frustrated. Reports of FBI units in Phoenix, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York being obstructed in their duty surfaced in 2001, with reassignments, stone-walling and the alteration and/or deletion of data connected to the bin Ladens and Saudi nationals was carried out.  [25]

bushladen-networkSource: (now defunct)

Let’s not forget that the bin Ladens, as one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia had business dealings with the Bush family for over twenty years. Following the week after the attacks it was learned that bin Laden’s family had been taken under the wing of a branch of FBI supervision and escorted out of the country by private plane, before the national air ban was lifted.

Perhaps the Bush and bin Laden family ties to oil exploration might have had something to do with it? [26] 

The disclosure of 52 intelligence warnings to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the threat of terrorist hijackings between April and September, 2001, makes this somewhat easier to understand. [27] Resources, from oil, gas, food and water have always been one of the primary objectives of Anglo-American expansionism and World Order philosophy.

In the Spring of 2001, military and governmental policy documents revealed the implementation of PSYOPS to legitimize the use of US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas. This was an extension of the Neo-Conservative, National Security strategy of preemption. A Council on Foreign Relations darling Mr. Jeffrey Record advocated: “… the acceptability of presidential subterfuge in the promotion of a conflict” and further: “… urged painting over the US’s actual reasons for warfare with a nobly high-minded veneer, seeing such as a necessity for mobilising public support for a conflict.” [28]

Donald Rumsfeld and other Bush officials stated that the whereabouts of bin Laden were unknown. Yet, a very ill Osama bin Laden had received kidney treatment from Canadian-trained Dr. Terry Calloway in July 2001, at the American Hospital in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. He had also been treated to a visit by CIA agents and the head of Saudi Intelligence. [29] [30] Meanwhile, A CBS News report headed by soon to be sacked Dan Rather claimed bin Laden was back in hospital on September 10, one day before the 9/11 attacks and in the process of being safely tucked up in bed by the CIA’s Intel ally the Pakistani Military Intelligence (ISI). The CBS report revealed that bin Laden had received further dialysis treatment in Rawalpindi, at Pak Army’s headquarters, under the jurisdiction of Pakistani Armed forces with close ties to the Pentagon. [31]

Why was no attempt made to arrest the nations “most wanted terrorist”? Why lie about Osama’s whereabouts? Unless that is, he was serving a greater purpose.

Though the reports were denied by the CIA, the hospital and bin Laden himself, Dr. Calloway reportedly refused to comment, and the media outlets who ran the stories stood by them. After all, the US authorities could easily have ordered his arrest and extradition in Dubai July 2001, but they did not. Volumes of other evidence suggest that, in the words of Alex Standish of Jane’s Intelligence Review: “The attacks of 9/11 were not an intelligence failure but the result of a political decision not to act against bin Laden.”

Without a pretext, there would have been no war on terror and no Grand Plan for the monopolisation of the Middle East.

On the morning of September 11th a cosy breakfast rendezvous had been arranged on Capitol Hill with head of Pakistan’s military intelligence General Mahmoud Ahmad, members of the Senate and House Intelligence committees and several other attendees, including senator Bob Graham, subsequent CIA head Porter Goss; senator John Kyl and Pakistan’s ambassador to the US, Maleeha Lodhi. [32]  Despite the CIA and Pakistani ISI working in hand in hand for decades, ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad’s cheery presence over orange-juice and pancakes takes on a brevity when we realise that the General not only: “… ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban,” but was alleged to have organised the wiring of $100,000 to WTC hijacker Mohamed Atta from Pakistan via Intel asset Ahmad Umar Sheikh. [33]

What were Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham and other members of the Senate and House intelligence committees doing together with the alleged 9/11 “money-man” at breakfast on the morning of 9/11? More importantly, what were the same individuals (Goss and Graham) who had developed a personal rapport with General Ahmad, doing on the joint committee inquiry into 911? Conflict of interest would be an understatement.

On September 12th General Mahmoud Ahmad had negotiations at the office Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and again with Secretary of State Colin Powell on the 13th as though the attacks were a mere fomality.  Just what was this General doing meeting with such a wide ranging set of top of officials and despite the greatest “terrorist” attack on American soil?


One month later in August 2001, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US,” was the title of the intelligence briefing Bush received which also mentioned the World Trade Centre as a possible target. In 2004, Bush was busy lying so atrociously it placed the media in the spotlight for their purposeful ineptitude rather than the fact that George W. clearly knew he was going to get away with it. He claimed it: “… said nothing about an attack on America,” even though the subject of the briefing was about just such an attack. [34]

As the big day approached it seems there were plenty of people who knew that something dramatic was about to happen; so many in fact, it fell way beyond the bounds of mathematical probability. Just a day before the attacks several top Pentagon officials abruptly cancelled their travel plans for the following morning due to “security concerns.” Several other officials were also told not to fly by persons unknown.

At 1.00am in the morning of September 11th San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, scheduled to fly to New York that morning, received a warning from his “security people at the airport” advising him to be cautious in his travelling. Although later reports would claim that this was due to picking up on a State Department warning of September 7 which focused on the threat to military personnel in Asia, why it was personally issued to Brown, remains unknown. Attorney General John Ashcroft had also been warned by the FBI in August 2001 to avoid commercial airlines, but this information never made it to the media until much later. Indeed, it seemed Ashcroft was hiding something.[35]

David Ray Griffin observed:

In late July… the Taliban’s Foreign Minister informed US officials that Osama bin Laden was planning a ‘ huge attack ‘ inside America that was imminent and would kill thousands. That the information indicated that the attack was to involve commercial airlines is suggested by the fact that on July 26, CBS News reported that Attorney General Ashcroft had decided to quit using this mode of travel because of a threat assessment – although neither the FBI nor the Justice Departmentwould identify what the threat was, when it was detected, or who made it.’

In May of 2002, it was claimed that the threat assessment had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, but Ashcroft, according to the Associated Press, walked out of his office rather than answer questions about it. The San Francisco Chronicle complained: ‘The FBI obviously knew something was in the wind…. The FBI did advise Ashcroft to stay off commercial aircraft. The rest of us just had to take our chances.’ CBS’s Dan Rather later asked, with regard to this warning: ‘ Why wasn’t it shared with the public at large?’  [36] [Emphasis mine]

Presumably, for the same reason so much other information wasn’t shared with the public.

As if this wasn’t strange enough, on September 11th aftermath, data extracted from 32 damaged computer hard drives revealed evidence of an unusual rise in financial transactions peaking just before the attacks. Over $100 million of illegal transfers were made through WTC computer networks immediately before and during the 911 attacks. [37]

Insider trading suggesting foreknowledge of the attack was also evidenced from huge surges in purchases of put options on stocks of the two airlines used in the attack United Airlines and American Airlines; on stocks of Munich Re and the AXA Group reinsurance companies expected to pay out billions to cover losses from the attack; stocks of financial services companies Merrill Lynch & Co., and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, (which occupied 22 stories of the WTC) and Bank of America incurring losses from the attack; on stocks of a weapons manufacturer Raytheon expected to reap massive rewards from the disaster and major surges in purchases of 5-Year US Treasury Notes. Indeed, the overall level of put option trading was up by “1,200 percent” in the three days prior to the World Trade Centre attacks. [38]

Though the amount of money made does not show definitive foreknowledge – as billions could have been made from trading on a catastrophic event not just millions – it does suggest a strange confluence of interest, or as University of Illinois’s Professor Allen M Poteshman states from the conclusion of his own research: “… there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks.” [39]

Financial parasites profiting from tragedy is quite different to Bush officials and intelligence agents having foreknowledge. The latter may be just another red herring as it not only offers credence to Al-Qaeda bogeyman as the evil enemy of apple-pie freedoms but serves to distance the common knowledge that successive US administrations have consistently supported Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network as part of their foreign policy agenda. The US military and intelligence Establishment have been complicit in providing continuity of this agenda. That being so, it immediately places “foreknowledge” of the attacks in quite a different light.

The above points have barely scratched the surface. So, before we go any further let’s remind ourselves of the key moments of the “Day of Infamy” with a timeline of September 11, 2001. [40]

 9/11 Timeline

7:59: Flight 11 takes off 14 minutes late
8:14: Flight 175 takes off 16 minutes late
8:20: Flight 77 takes off 10 minutes late
8:28: Flight 11 is confirmed as hijacked
8:37: Flight 11 enters New York control space; Boston flight control notifies NORAD
8:42: Flight 93 takes off 41 minutes late
8:46: Flight 11 hits the North Tower of the World Trade Centre
8:50: Flight 175 en route to New York City
8:54: Flight 77 strays off course
8:56: Flight 77 transponder signal disappears; Flight 77 disappears from radar screens
9:03: Flight 175 crashes into WTC South Tower; shown on international TV networks
9:06 Bush starts photo op at school; thinks WTC Crash Is Accidental
9:06-9:16: Bush told of second plane crash, continues photo op; reads pet goat story for almost ten minutes; Secret agents as per protocol do not remove him from the room; Ari Fleischer holds up sign saying “do not say anything yet”
9:16-9:29: Bush works on a formulating a speech with staff; no decisions are made
9:20: Barbara Olson, a passenger on Flight 77 is said to have called her husband Ted Olson, solicitor general at the Justice Department. Account is full of contradictions
9:28: Sounds of a struggle are heard at Cleveland Flight Control as Flight 93 is hijacked
9:29: Speech by Bush declaring a terrorist attack
9:30: Langley fighters take off toward Washington; Instead of arriving in the usual 6 minutes, they could reach city in six minutes but take 30 minutes. The jets were redirected east over the Atlantic Ocean and were 150 miles from the Pentagon when it is hit
9:30: After 25 minutes the Secret Service finally decide to hustle Bush out of the school
9:37: Flight 77 disappears from radar; Flight 77 crashes into reinforced section of the Pentagon
After 9:37: FBI confiscates film of Pentagon crash
9:40: Flight 93 transponder signal turned off; flight still closely tracked
9:42: Mark Bingham calls his mother From Flight 93
9:45: White House Evacuated
9:45 – 9:56 Counterterrorism ‘Tsar’ Clarke Initiates Continuity of Government Plan; Senior FAA Manager, on His First Day on the Job, Orders All Planes Out of the Sky Nationwide
9:45 – 9.58 Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer speaks to GTE customer service supervisor Lisa Jefferson and FBI, gives contradictory statements
9:50: Molten metal pours from WTC South Tower
9:52: Fire-fighters reach 78th floor of South Tower; two isolated fires are found
9:55-10:15: Langley fighters reach Washington after considerable delay; contradictory accounts of time lag;
9:57: Passengers Begin Attempt to Regain Control of Flight 93
9:58: Call from Ed Felt on Flight 93, describes explosion
Before 9:59: Gold Transported Through WTC Basement; EMT Worker Given Message That WTC Towers Are Going to Collapse; High-Level Officials Evacuate Lobby of North Tower; Mayor Giuliani apparently told WTC towers will collapse when fire chiefs think otherwise
9:59: Explosions heard in South Tower just before collapse; South Tower of WTC collapses into its own footprint
9:59-10:28: Fire-fighters receive no messages to evacuate North Tower
10.00: Hijackers respond to passenger revolt
10:06: Flight 93 crashes into a Pennsylvanian field; Reports of light 93 Breaking Up Prior to Crash; timing of the crash disputed
Before/After 10:06: Second plane, described “as a small, white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings,” is seen by at least ten witnesses over the crash site within minutes of United Flight 93 crashing.
After 10:06: Fighter flies past Flight 93 crash site; witnesses report lack of plane wreckage at Flight 93 crash scene
After 10:06: Bush is told of Flight 93 crash, wonders if it was shot down
10:15: Pentagon Section Collapses
10:28: WTC North Tower collapses; Many witnesses hear explosions during the collapse of the north WTC tower.
11:45: Air Force One, with President Bush on board, lands at Barksdale Air Force Base
12:00 Noon: Senator Hatch repeats intelligence community’s conclusion that Osama bin Laden is responsible
After 12:00 Larry Silverstein Tells fire department commander to ‘pull’ WTC 7
12:16 US airspace cleared of all civilian aircraft
13:02: Defence Secretary Rumsfeld Calls for War; President Bush Says there will be a counterattack
14.00 – 14:30 Chief Fire Officer makes decision to abandon WTC 7
14:50 President Bush arrives in Nebraska; enters Strategic Command Centre
14:40 Rumsfeld is told Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11 attacks but wants to blame Iraq
16:30: WTC Building 7 Area Is Evacuated Due to Anticipated Collapse
17:20: WTC Building 7 Collapses; Cause Remains Unclear
18:42 Rumsfeld, Shelton, White, and Senators give news briefing on attacks
18:54 President Bush returns to White House
20:30: President Bush gives third speech, declares Bush Doctrine
21:00: President Bush meets with advisers, declares war without barriers
23:30: President Bush sees 9/11 as New Pearl Harbour


[1] ‘Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11’ April 18, 2011, By Christopher Bollyn,
[2] ‘Most 9/11 Commissioners Don’t Buy The Official Story – Why Do You?’ 9/11 Blogger
[3] ‘Comments on the Pentagon Strike’ By Laura Knight-Jadczyk, September 25, 2002. |
[4] ‘FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools’ By Steve Fainaru and James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writers , September 23, 2001; Page. | ‘FBI Chief Acknowledges FBI Errors’CBS News May 30 2002 /updated 2009.
[5] ‘Why I Resigned From the CIA’ by Michael Scheuer, The Los Angeles Times, December 05, 2004. | ‘Many Say U.S. Planned for Terror but Failed to Take Action’ The New York Times, December 30, 2001.
[6] ‘Hijackers Got Visas With Little Scrutiny, GAO Reports’ By Dan Eggen, Washington Post, October 22, 2002; Page A07.
[7] ‘Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained At U.S. Bases’ Newsweek, Sep 14, 2001.| ‘Alleged 9/11 Hijackers Trained at U.S. Military Bases?’ 2nd Witness Arrested 25 Held for Questioning by Guy Gugliotta and David S. Fallis Washington Post, September 16, 2001; Page A29.
[8] ‘9/11 Hijackers Still Alive’ by Dominic Kenndy / Suicide hijackers hid behind stolen Arab identities; America at war: New York agony; Terror in new York, Edition 5LTHU 20 SEP 2001, Page 3. “Five of the hijackers were using stolen identities, and investigators are studying the possibility that the entire suicide squad consisted of impostors. Details are emerging of the killers’ humdrum final weeks in the US suburbs – joining gyms, eating pizzas and visiting an “adult video” store.”
[9] ‘NORAD had drills of jets as weapons,’ By Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri, USA Today, April 19, 2004. | ‘A Nation Challenged: Warnings; Earlier Hijackings Offered Signals That Were Missed’ By Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times, October 3, 2001.
[10] p.68; The New Pearl Harbor – Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin Published by Olive Branch Press; 2004 | ISBN 1566565529.
[11] ‘Fried Rice: Condi’s Coming 9/11 Firestorm’ Perspectives, February 11, 2005 | ‘Terrorist Plan to Use Planes as Weapons Dates to 1995’ WTC bomber Yousef confessed to US agents in 1995. Public Information Center. December 8, 2002.
[12] op. cit Griffin.
[13] Miami Science Museum www. – c/o ‘Probability of 7/7 War Games and Attacks happening at the same time (Impossible)’ September 2011.
[14] London Underground Bombing ‘Exercises’ Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack – Culpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 13 2005.
[15] ‘New NSA docs contradict 9/11 claims’ By Jordan Michael Smith, Jun 19, 2012.
[16] ‘Resentful west spurned Sudan’s key terror files’ War on Terrorism – Observer special The secret war. Part 1 By David Rose, The Observer, Sunday 30 September 2001. | ‘Revealed: The Taliban minister, the US envoy and the warning of September 11 that was ignored’ By Kate Clark in Kabul, The Independent, 07 September 2002. | ‘Report cites warnings before 9/11’ CNN News, September 19, 2002.
[17] op. cit. Griffin, (p.70)
[18] Ibid.
[19] ‘The Kingdom and the Towers’ By Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan Vanity Fair, August 2011.
[20] ‘Two Suspected Charities Apparently Protected by Saudi Government Ties’ October 12, 2001. timeline.
[21] ‘September 11 2001: How much the French knew’ by Guillaume Dasquié Le Monde (Paris) April 15, 2007. | ‘The House of bin Laden – A family’s, and a nation’s, divided loyalties’.by Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, November 12, 2001. “two of Osama’s sisters apparently taking cash to an airport in Abu Dhabi [United Arab Emirates], where they are suspected of handing it to a member of bin Laden’s al-Qaeda organization.”
[22] ‘Ex-Spook Sirrs: Early Osama Call Got Her Ejected’ by Gail Sheehy New York Observer, March 2004.
[23] Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 by Steve Coll, Published by Penguin books, 2004. ISBN-10: 0143034669 (p. “Robin Raphel, Deputy Secretary of State for South Asia, speaks to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister about Afghanistan. She says that the US government ‘now hopes that peace in the region will facilitate US business interests,” i.e. the Unocal gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. (p.330).
[24] op. cit. Sheehy; New Yorker.
[25] op. cit. Griffin (p.152)
[26] ‘Bin Laden Kin Flown Back to Saudi Arabia’ by Kevin Cullen, The Boston Globe, September 20, 2001.Page: A29. | ‘A |Nation Challenged: The Family. ‘Fearing Harm, Bin Laden Kin Fled From U.S.’ The New York Times, By Patrick E. Tyler, September 30, 2001. | ‘Has someone been sitting on the FBI?’ By Greg Palast, Newsnight programme for the BBC. Transcript at BBC News: November 6, 2001.
[27] op. cit. Perspectives, 2005.
[28] ‘Defence redefined means securing cheap energy’ The Sydney Morning Herald, December 26 2002.
[29] ‘CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July’ French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital, by Anthony Sampson, The Guardian, 1 November 2001. | ‘Ailing bin Laden ‘treated secretly for kidney disease’ By Adam Sage, Times of London Edition 5L November 2001, Page 5.
[30] ‘Hospital Worker: I Saw Osama’ CBS News February 11, 2009.
[31] ‘Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill’ by Michel Chossudovsky Global Outlook,Winter 2003,,August 4, 2003. |
[32] ‘India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links’, The Times of India, 9 October 2001. | “French author Bernard-Henri Levy later claims to have evidence from sources inside both Indian and US governments of phone calls between Sheikh and Mahmood Ahmed, head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, during this same time period, and he sees a connection between the timing of the calls and the money transfers (see Summer 2000). [Frontline, 10/13/2001; Daily Excelsior (Jammu), 10/18/2001; Levy, 2003, pp. 320-324] From
[33] ‘Bush: Memo had no “actionable intelligence”’CNN, April 12, 2004. | Declassified and Approved for Release, 10 April 2004 – ‘Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US’ “Clandestine, foreIgn government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997′ has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin implied in US televisioni nterviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Youse! and ‘bring the fighting to America.’”
[34] ‘Willie Brown Got Low-Key Early Warning About Air-Travel’ by Philip Matier and Andrew Ross, San Francisco Chronicle, September 12, 2001 | ‘Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies’ by Dennis Ryan MDW NEWS 3 Nov 2000 3 April 2004.
[35] op. cit. Griffin (p.70)
[36] Ibid.
[37] ‘We’ve Hit the Targets’ By Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, Sept. 13 issue, 2003. […] “Could the bombers have been stopped? NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill.” | ‘German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals’ Reuters, December 17, 2001. | ‘Insider Trading Apparently Based on Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks, The Times,(London) September 18, 2001.
[38] ‘Insider Trading Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge’ 911 Research,
[39] ‘Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11 2001.’ By Allen M. Poteshman. University of Illinois.
[40] Grateful assistance from that wonderful online resource: 911 and other related timelines and reports which made up the summary.

The Terror Industry (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great,’ cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.”

former FBI assistant director Thomas Fuentes

twin-towersIt took over 35 years for the majority of Americans to realise that factions within their own government assassinated John F. Kennedy. Not exactly a hopeful premise from which to start. It was at this juncture that the ground was laid for a more serious threat to the freedoms of not just the American Republic but to the stability of the whole world. More than 14 years have passed since the September 11 attacks and more people than ever are studying the official story and coming away with many more questions than answers.

Opinion polls on 911 vary greatly, both in terms of the questions asked and the size of the number of respondents. Back in 2006 more than a third of the American public suspected that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East. [1] One in seven people in the UK believe the US government staged 9/11 and a recent poll sponsored by the German magazine Welt der Wunder resulted in 89 percent of the respondents saying they don’t believe the US government has told the whole truth about 9/11. [2] Interestingly, for the purveyors of State protection, a 2012 online poll by The Franklin Centre Library revealed that 77 percent thought 11 years after 9/11 that we were all less safe than before. [3]

With 75 top professors and leading scientists claiming  9/11 was ‘inside job’ in 2014, it appears academia is catching up with the public, though at a snails space. A more respectable 2,322 architects and structural engineers have also expressed their disbelief in all or some of the aspects of the official story over at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth ( There are hundreds of other 9/11 website organisations and non-profit educational charities who take issue with the governments version ranging from grassroots to academic.

The online encyclopedia of Wikipedia, (censored and guarded by suitable official story gatekeepers) provides the best summary of the US government and media-led “conspiracy theory” which has lodged itself in the public mind. The following represents the standard synopsis which is constantly wheeled out from media outlets and taken as the consensus.

Once upon a time…

“The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11) were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally flew two of those planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers also intentionally crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and intended to pilot the fourth hijacked jet, United Airlines Flight 93, into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; however, the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers attempted to take control of the jet from the hijackers. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, including all 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes. At the time of the attacks, media reports suggested that perhaps tens of thousands might have been killed, and the total number of casualties remained unclear for several days.

Suspicion quickly fell on Al-Qaeda, and in 2004, the group’s leader, Osama bin Laden, who had initially denied involvement, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives for the attacks. The United States responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, which had harbored Al-Qaeda. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. In May 2011, after years at large, bin Laden was located and killed.” [4]

So, let’s get this straight…

… What we are being told is that a handful of mostly Saudi Arabians without military or intelligence training, acting independently of government or Intel agencies, managed to outsmart the whole Anglo-American Intelligence network, Israel’s MOSSAD and NATO; as well as the National Security Agency with its massive surveillance of connected networks spanning the globe. Let’s add to this the so-called “failures” from the National Security Council; US Airport security; NORAD, Air Traffic Control and the US Air Force. Let’s not forget the world’s most powerful defence system overseen by the world’s greatest superpower which just happened to allow a handful of Arabs with minimal pilot’s training, armed with box-cutters fly two jumbo jet airliners into the financial heart of downtown New York exploding into the most famous icons of world trade, whilst another employed an impossible flight manoeuvre in order to crash into the military defence centre of the most powerful nation on earth. Then, just before Obama’s election time, Osama Bin Laden, a known CIA asset and a former close business associate of the Bush family is conveniently found after over a decade of being “on the run”. Despite being the most wanted terrorist on earth, he is not questioned – like so many in Guantanamo Bay who appear to be mostly innocent yet tortured nonetheless – he is assassinated and promptly dumped at sea. Mission accomplished.


© Rkaphotography | – US Wars Are State Sponsored Terrorism Photo

That has to be the worst conspiracy theory ever to insult the intelligence of a sixth grader.

Yet, that is the official story we are expected to accept – without question. Most shocking of all, that’s exactly what so many people do: accept a story that simply cannot be true. Moreover, to add insult to injury and the memory of the dead, no proposal for an independent investigation into why the most monumental “failure” in National Security could have happened has arisen from the President, Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the MSM; nor has anyone been reprimanded, let alone prosecuted. The reality has been constant resistance, stone-walling, disinformation, propaganda, threats, suicides, and murders. Add to the mix are the corrupted commissions and inquiries whose only remit is to push the official story that must be made to fit into official culture. Of course, such a coup d’état could never have been accomplished if societies hadn’t been suitably tenderized by decades of social engineering. Part of that success has been due to the global War on Terror, or “overseas contingency operations” as Obama likes to call it.

Al-Qaeda and the global war on terror is the continuance of a “Strategy of Tension,” which refers to a period in Italy from 1969 to 1974, which suffered a series of terrorist attacks with heavy civilian casualties. It was an offshoot of what has been called Operation Gladio and their state-sponsored terror teams in Europe. [5] The strategy had its roots in fascist beliefs of Synarchism within government, military and intelligence networks. Their objective was to ruthlessly exploit underlying fears and grievances in European nations so that people would believe that the attacks were carried out by a communist insurgency within Europe. Many of these terrorist organisations went underground and resurfaced to be periodically stimulated by their masters for bespoke objectives. They do not just arise out of the blue. Much like the ebb and flow of paedophile and sex abuse networks, terrorist atrocities are given the required camouflage so that the perpetrators and their handlers remain in the shadows.

There are many populist and academic sources that will prove the phoney nature of Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. Of particular note is the acclaimed UK documentary The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis Top where CIA officials openly admit that the creation and history of Al-Qaeda as a terrorist network is a fabrication. [6] As former French intelligence officer Major Pierre-Henry Bunel confirms:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” [7]

The CIA has used this ghost to buttress the fantasy that is Al-Qaeda (and the new proxy private army called ISIL), employing fake media reports and video appearances clearly from persons other than bin Laden himself which have fed into the aftermath of the new pearl harbour that was 9/11. [8] Even the name of “Al-Qaeda/Al-Qaida” has produced confusion, even dark amusement in Arab circles as one commentator wryly observed: “You have heard before that ‘Al-Qaeda’ roughly translates into ‘the base,’ but were you aware that ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is Arabic colloquial for ‘I’m going to the toilet’? Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit?” [9]

A fair point.

The common tactic that has been referred to before is known as the Hegelian Dialectic, though in truth Hegel described social changes rather than pointed manipulation in this context. However, it serves a suitable framework for the thinking behind state-sponsored terrorism which goes something like this:

1. The government creates or exploits a problem then attributes blame to others.

2. The populace react by asking the government for protection and help.

3. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.

4. Outcome: Rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

This is the geopolitical paradigm of our times largely unknown by the public, though thanks to the internet this is gradually changing. Government and military agencies at the mid to lower levels are equally unaware of this old formula which writer G. Edward Griffin described as: “… not a war on terrorism to defend freedom, but a war on freedom that requires the defense of terrorism.” [10] Meantime, the PR from the MSM and academia is still pushing the idea that America and Europe are overrun with teeth-gnashing terrorists hell-bent in renting asunder the fabric of our Western way of life. Since what is left of any civil rights in Europe and the US constitution has been eviscerated by the very same authorities who peddle these myths then might there be some mileage in the idea that they have something to gain from it all? For anyone who has taken the time to research the genesis of terrorism and the present-day nonsense passing for terrorist laws in the United States it is beyond doubt that the only thing American and European people need to fear is their governments.

According to a basic statistical analysis from 2013 the actual percentage of the US population who may be classified as a terrorist is around 0.00016%, or about 1 in 624,297 people. In this context, the writer Marc Salvo makes a pertinent observation about this topsy-turvy terror game when he said just a few months ago: “We’re not suggesting that terrorism doesn’t exist, but considering that 1 in 1000 Americans in 2010 were the subject of police misconduct ranging from excessive force beatings and murder to sexual assault and false arrest, perhaps the government should turn its surveillance on itself, rather than the 99.9% of Americans who want nothing more than to be left alone.” [11]

That is not to say there are not genuine terrorist plots, but the key issue here is what prevents terrorism from occurring and what actively encourages it? We know that invading Syria or Iraq has provided a massive surge of terrorist cells in those countries as a result and a bleed-through must have occurred in America and Europe. However, like some police trawling and entrapment operations in the UK, the lines between what is a genuine terrorist plot and creating home grown fanatics is more than blurred, it continues to stoke the needed fear and high profits necessary to sustain a terror industry.

As Al-Qaeda is wound down, ISIS takes over, funded with billions of dollars: a new brand with new bloody atrocities to market …



[1] ‘New National Poll: 36percent of Americans Believe 9/11 Was an Inside Job’ By Thomas Hargrove, Scripps Howard News Service Seattle. August 2, 2006.
[2] ‘One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy’- The belief is more common among younger people, with a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory By Alanah Eriksen, Daily Mail, 29 August 2011 | ‘German Poll: 89percent Question 9/11’ Welt-der-Wunder, January 24, 2011, 9/11 Truth News.
[3] ‘9/11 Online Poll’ The Franklin Center, September 11, 2012.
[4] ‘September 11th Attacks’ ( A far better starting point for an alternative “wikipedia” version of 9/11 can be found at wikispooks.)
[5] “Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.
The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. … The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.” – Operation GladioNATO/CIA “Stay-Behind” Secret Armies/ Truth Move / International Truth Movement,
[6] A partial listing for your own research follows: The Power of Nightmares BBC documentary by Adam Curtis. This is freely available to watch from various sources on the internet. ‘Al Qaeda and the ‘War on Terrorism’’ By Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2008. The Centre for Global Research: and read the updated version of his 2005 book: America’s War on Terrorism by Michel Chossudovsky,| ISBN 0-9737147-1-9 2005. “…new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy. According to Chossudovsky, the ‘war on terrorism’ is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.” | See also: ‘Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project’ by Andrew G. Marshall, Global Research, July 10, 2008 and ‘The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber’ By Joe Quinn,, 29 Jan 2007.
[7] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ by Pierre-Henry Bunel, Wayne Masden report November 18 2005. “In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.”
[8] ‘Researcher: Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ – Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. September 12, 2007.
[9] ‘Existence of ‘Al-Qaeda’ Is Crap; Quite Literally’ – Did Osama really choose to name his terror network after potty humor or was it a computer database he used to chat with his CIA handlers? By Paul Joseph Watson,| October 6 2006: “The origins of the name “Al-Qaeda,” and its real arabic connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News, or any individual who cites the threat of ‘Al-Qaeda,’ as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism, they are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.
An organization by the name of “Al-Qaeda” does not exist and has never existed outside a falsely coined collective term for offshoot loose knit terror cells, the majority of which are guided by the Pakistani ISI, Mossad, the Saudis, MI6 and the CIA, that were created in response to America’s actions after 9/11 – as the recent NIE report shows. According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous footage of Bin Laden marching around with armed soldiers was a ruse on the part of Osama himself, graciously propagated by the lapdog press, in which actors were hired off the streets, given uniforms and guns and told to look aggressive.” […]
[10] ‘The Chasm: The Future Is Calling’ (Part One) by G. Edward Griffin 2003, Revised March 17, 2011.
[11] ‘Odds That You Are a Terrorist: 1 in 624,297’ By Mac Slavo,, October 18th, 2013.


Bernays and Tavistock

By M.K. Styllinski

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. … We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.

Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. … In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

One of the most common questions regarding the nature of 9/11 is how could anyone pull the wool over the eyes of the populace so comprehensively? If the events of 9/11 were engineered and were indeed an “inside job,” how was it possible to conduct such a complex operation without political, military and intelligence personnel blowing the whistle? Such a conspiracy  surely would not be feasible?

Quite apart from the fact that many persons did act as whistle-blowers from an array of government departments, the nature of the media network, law and justice system always censors and restricts any serious breaches and thus threats to its own existence. Effective dissemination of information and awareness is therefore limited unless painted with various colours of propaganda. Perhaps most importantly of all, the firewall of standard beliefs is the most effective method to ensure that state-sponsored atrocities remain in the realm of fantasy.

As we will discover, an effective blackout on 9/11 issues along with a concerted disinformation campaign has dogged any real breakthroughs in achieving an independent inquiry into the events of that day. Furthermore, what applies to the media is the same for any domain within our present culture which prevents the free-flow of ideas and accountability so that any threats to the structure of the status quo are, if not instantly dissolved, gradually eroded by various belief systems. The cultivation of negative myths and memes in the aftermath of a traumatic event has the effect of sealing in the cracks where truth might seep out. As John F. Kennedy wisely stated: “The greatest enemy of the truth is not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic.”

consumerism1Still from “They Live” (1988) Directed by John Carpenter

Propaganda techniques are now the province of a melding between outsourced PR companies and lobbying groups and the Top Secret actions of military PSYOPS which use highly sophisticated methods of media manipulation and electronic warfare to influence mass consciousness. It is common to misunderstand the nature of belief in 21st Century America and the level of socio-cultural engineering which has occurred since the early 1930s. The media’s role has been crucial in weaving an official story which has little connection to facts on the ground. Carefully selected words and images obliterate objective reality, something which one man knew very well indeed. Much of these initial techniques were drawn from Edward Bernays’ insights and taken to stratospheric levels. 911 cannot be understood without this knowledge. So, let’s have a brief refresher.

Jewish Austrian-American Edward Louis Bernays was a pioneer in the manipulation of the mass mind. His techniques have been used by successive governments, oppressive regimes, advertising agencies and intelligence agencies the world over. With a mix of concepts inspired by the psychology of Gustave Le Bon, Wilfred Trotter and his uncle Sigmund Freud he became known as the “the father of public relations” and the darling of the Establishment. “Propaganda” would morph into “Public Relations” under Bernays’ definition.

The man himself appeared to lack any conscience or sense of responsibility for his experiments and willingly sold his ideas to the highest bidder, whether they were an aspiring despot or corporate racketeer. His influences from psychoanalysis and  B.F. Skinner’s behaviourism meant that he saw manipulation as a necessity in society. He saw ordinary people as part of a wild and selfish group-mind that needed to be controlled, preferably by Elite stewards who could steer society in a “superior” direction of their choosing. As with all the other neo-feudalists whom we have explored so far, he had an extremely dim view of humanity and believed his “engineering of consent” was vital to maintain order and direct its evolution. Accordingly, he was to be hugely useful to the emerging Elite who took Bernays and his “enlightened despotism” to their hearts. [1]


Edward L. Bernays

One of Bernays techniques was the “third-party authority” whereby traditionally independent and trusted members of society are bought and paid for by PR firms to promote a particular product or political spin for their clients. If a doctor, scientist, or journalist gives their seal of approval then the public is more likely to believe what is being said. Although nowadays the public is a little more savvy and cynical regarding these basic methods, in previous years it proved extremely successful for a range of products. The third party technique is obviously still employed though with much greater subterfuge, where government or corporate clients will often keep their PR and lobbying connections hidden from prying eyes – the money involved is often too seductive to declare these conflicts of interest.

The instinct of fear as a linchpin of Freudian thought was integral to Bernay’s methods. He believed it was key to the success of propaganda techniques and urged the US government to ratchet up the fear quota in relation to communism so that the public would become more compliant and malleable to suggestion. He was employed by marketing and advertising companies as well as celebrities, charities and government agencies. Soap, perfume, cigarettes and commerce were all used as an experimental testing ground which proved time and again to be successful in predicting and leading public desires to prearranged outcomes.

Working for the Woodrow Wilson government he was yet another rising star to attend the infamous Paris Peace Conference in 1919 along with all the other World government advocates, international bankers and industrialist families who would later go on to form the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, and the House of Rothschilds’ Round Table Group   Bernays was crucial to the development and formation of social engineering that would be tested on the American people. It was to be the same promotion of the “scientific technique” underpinned by psychoanalysis, the hub of which was found at the Tavistock Institute in England.

The manipulation of the American public saw great strides under Bernays and his colleagues, CFR man Walter Lippmann, and media magnate Lords Rothmere (Harold Harmsworth) and Lord Northcliffe. The latter individuals were employed by Britain’s War Propaganda Bureau otherwise known as Wellington House founded in 1913 and named after the Duke of Wellesly. His task was to assist in the preparation of the American mind to accept and support entry into the First World War. Brainstorming sessions took place where the main target of propaganda operations were young working class men who were required to become machine-gun and cannon fodder on the fields of Flanders and the Somme, all of which was unknown to the American public.

The funding came firstly, from the British Royal Family, Rockefeller family trusts and several years later from the Rothschilds, to whom Lord Rothmere was related by marriage.  As the members of the board had links to Lord Milner’s Oxford set, the Round Table group, the Fabian Society, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the formation of “mass brain washing” meant that Bernays and his set of skills was employed directly in the service of the Establishment’s emerging Pathocrats. The tripartite relations of the arms industry, banking and Elite designs is a lucrative ideological and geopolitical formula that have defined the financial architecture up to the present day.

War propaganda also came under the guidance of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIAA) whose director of Future Studies, Fabian historian Alfred Toynbee acted as an important liaison. As Lord Rothmere owned both The Times of London and the Daily Mail it was deemed more than feasible that the shaping of the Anglo-American mind in favour of war could proceed.

Various propaganda techniques were tried out through Rothmere’s newspapers under Bernays’ expert tutelage. They discovered that the ability to reason was poor amongst the population, especially the uneducated which made up the vast majority of conscripts. It was the stimulation of mass emotional reaction accompanied by appropriate slogans and images of national pride and family protection that proved the greatest success.* As author and anarchist Edward Abbey has pointed out: “The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other – instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals.” This applied not just to seducing young men to fight wars but to all aspects of society that indirectly contribute to such a conclusion.


The headquarters of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations

The late ex-Intelligence analyst Dr. John Coleman and his own research tells us:

With the Tavistock plan modified to suit American conditions, Bernays and Lippmann led President Woodrow Wilson to set up the very first Tavistock methodology techniques for polling (manufacturing) so-called public opinion created by Tavistock propaganda. They also taught Wilson to set up a secret body of “managers” to run the war effort and a body of “advisors” to assist the President in his decision-making. The Creel Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States.  [2]

In 1921, the ideology of Woodrow Wilson’s handlers met the Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, who gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shell-shock on British soldiers who survived World War I. The British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare sent for Sir John Rawlings-Reese who was given the job of discovering the threshold or “breaking point” of men under severe stress. This was the official starting point, but the ambitions of the Institute were far broader.

Edward Bernays helped to spread Freud’s theories into the USA while assisting the rise of a particular brand of corporatism and social science based on the same. His books Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) became bibles of manipulation in business and government circles alike, spawning the growth of Public Relations in Europe and America. In 1919, he had opened for business as a Public Relations Counsellor in New York, with clients falling over themselves to learn the art of engaging the public mind, tailoring their goals to want what they didn’t need. Selfishness, instinct, fear and the importance of Pavlovian responses sat upon an abiding materialism and distrust in human nature, all of which served to feed the machine of the 4Cs. **

German-born Dr. Kurt Lewin became director of Tavistock in 1932. He went on to set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which worked closely with Edward Bernays’ propaganda campaign to make the American mind amenable to war with Germany. A ratline of psychologists began to create a conduit between the US and UK. By 1937, Wellington House had transferred operations to the Tavistock Clinic which became the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in 1946. The Climax of Civilization (1917) by Correa Moylan Walsh and Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of Western Civilization (Untergange des Abenlandes) were incorporated into an ideological model which included world government and the precepts of A New World Order. Both authors drew from the usual neo-feudal beliefs which augmented the need to regulate and shape societies. This led to the Institute becoming host to renowned behavioural psychologists and the study of group psychodynamics.  [3] The founding members of the Tavistock Institute were dispatched across the world stage to tweak social and political policy. Brigadier John Rawlings Rees was psychiatrist to Rudolph Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy whilst Ronald Hargreaves became deputy director of the World Health Organization (WHO).

As another round of economic destabilisation was required as per the “break and make” formula, World War II loomed into view and the same techniques were employed. The key to this success was to place undue emphasis on the irrationality of the human mind; to elevate this “natural human flaw” to a level that was abnormal in the public consciousness, so much so, that we would all come to believe that this made up a large proportion of the human condition. This implanted conditioning meant that it became easier and easier to manipulate through an array of Pavlovian distractions. In combination with the Hegelian formula, human psychology was like putty in the controllers’ hands.

Tavistock was at the centre of the Nazi elite exodus after of the war and acted as the lab for the continuation of Nazi experimentation in psychology already advanced in wartime Germany through the discoveries of Josef Mengele  in the concentration camps. Tavistock gave the psychological foundation for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) the precursor to CIA, which continued to work from Tavistock guidelines.

ossWith the 1938 Special Operations Executive agreement between Roosevelt and Churchill already in place allowing British interests to dominate American operations, Dr. Lewin took on the directorship of the Strategic Bombing Survey, which was tasked with bombing civilian housing and avoiding military targets and munition depots inside Germany. As we have established, World War II was a bonanza for the international bankers who did not want to see their liquid assets destroyed. Germany had always been a national asset to be preserved for a long term economic power base within Europe. Instead, the ordinary German populace was to be the bulls-eye. Women, children and old people perished in their thousands amid urban fire-storms perpetrated by the Royal Air Force and the celebrated Sir Arthur Travers “Bomber” Harris. Such carnage was celebrated in war-time news reels as inflicting crucial blows against Germany’s war machine. The truth was rather different. The machine was to remain intact – it was far too useful, the truth of which was buried.  Germany was a vast experiment with Tavistock collecting valuable data for future operations.


Diagram of Tavistock connections from ex-Intel operative John Coleman’s: “The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300” (2000).

The Rockefeller impetus to shape the sexual behaviour of Britain and America stemmed from their meetings with their members at the Tavistock Institute. By inverting sexual and social mores, weakening the public’s ability to think critically and breaking down the family unit, ethics and the concept of the sacred, new forms of mass identity and psychological states of mind were inculcated which would best serve the Elite. (See: The Sex Establishment)

Cultural Marxism conjoined with psychoanalysis, and psychodynamics would eventually be used as part of the National Security State, from MK-ULTRA to present day torture techniques in a variety of rendition nations. Freudian psychology would form the basis of a mass defragmentation of character by implanting new socio-sexual “norms” and the introduction of the LSD “counter-culture” fused with New Age psychedelia. A distinctly Kinseyian “revolution” became not so much about love but a mechanistic tool for gratification which further eroded meaning, male and female identity and the proliferation of tribal labels and groupings. The net result was confusion, nihilism, narcissism and the consequent loss of meaning in society. And all that meant populations much easier to control in the face of rising fields of information.


The Tavistock network is firmly embedded in the UK-US institutions, extending from Britain’s University of Sussex to America’s Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen Institute who have garnered a reputation for mind control studies linked to CoIntelpro operations within the New Age movement. The Heritage Foundation, MIT, Hudson Institute, Centre of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at Georgetown, where US State Dept. personal are trained and US Air Force Intelligence who joined hands with the RAND corporation: all these were foci for crowd psychology, the experimentation of which was – and still is -visited on the American public.

Today, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is still very much involved in research and consultancy work in social science and applied psychology. The organisation claims its clients are: “international agencies, the EU and its research bodies, UK local and central government and UK research bodies, … private sector and other clients such as regional agencies, health authorities, local authorities, charities and small family firms … and some private clients. In other words, pretty much anyone. Alongside ownership of the international social sciences journal, Human Relations, it owns none other than a very popular and substantial conspiracy forum: “Godlike Productions”.

It is an extremely high probability that this forum is the product of a social experiment devised by Tavistock in order to not only monitor the pulse of alternative and conspiracy-minded individuals in cyberspace, but to muddy the waters of such research. Why else would an institute rooted in unpleasant social engineering programs on behalf of the UK government own such a forum? Moreover, since Godlike Productions has built a considerable reputation as a primary CoIntelpro honey-pot and a major source of the most abject disinformation available on the internet, it is more than curious that Tavistock has ownership. And as one commentator noted: “If it’s happening in the backwoods of the internet, in a place like Godlike Productions, what does that say about the Facebooks and Twitters of the world?” Not that you would have any suspicion of Tavistock’s dark history and present government connections. Upon visiting their website at it offers a suitably clinical yet wholesome image of sociocultural assistance. [4]

Tavistock’s behavioural psychology and social engineering advances are ensconced in the minds of various Anglo-American think-tanks. These in turn, are associated with political old boys’ clubs like the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome, who then come up with mass mind memes designed to create the required responses. This is, in part, Bernays’ legacy, where the relationship is one of a constant feedback loop of information design adhering to the mix of occult “Olympian” belief systems.

In his ground-breaking book entitled: Propaganda (1928) Bernays argued that manipulation of the public was natural and necessary in the maintenance of democracy:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. [5]

conform2Still from “They Live” (1988) Directed by John Carpenter

If it was so in the early part of the last century, it is has become turbo-charged in today’s society with the advent of many sophisticated psychological techniques which have trickled into the commercial and public realm. One such operation was under Dwight Eisenhower’s administration who was duped into giving the go ahead for a program of “psychological warfare and political action” and “subversion,” dubbed Operation PBSUCCESS against the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán.

With the help of Guatemalan military general Carlos Castillo Armas, who formed a military junta, the president and his government were removed and replaced with a military junta which was all based on Bernays’ carefully constructed package of lies and manipulation predicated on the already sensitive fear of Communism. Arbenz was branded a communist in the US and European media until “Reds-under-the-bed” paranoia was clamouring for his removal. In truth, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán’s social welfare policies proved highly successful in providing work and a variety of social benefits which were eventually deemed a threat Western interests, in particular the multinational corporation United Fruit Company (today’s Chiquita Brands International). [6]  We have seen the same formula play out over Latin America for decades and most particularly with the late Hugo Chavez and other South American leaders finally taking the courageous step to reject the role of lap dogs for Anglo-American imperialism. (Yet, it seems the CIA finally had its way as Venezuela descends into another round of chaos).

Propaganda has been used to plant false stories in the media to oust legitimate governments and whip up collective fears so that the suppression populations around the globe with violence and intimidation can take place without there being much of a hue and cry. Latin America in the 1970’s and 1980’s was perhaps the most vicious and sustained attack against the right of peoples to determine their own destiny. The USA used the spread of Communism as justification for banking and resource control. It was this experimentation that provided much of the groundwork for what was to come.

Secrecy of the National Security State has fused with the corporate world and private security firms, allowing unfettered greed and power to multiply as cancer in a vast petri-dish. It is for this reason that enormous PR companies like Burston-Marsteller can straddle the world acting as channels for immoral and corrupt influence. The ambitious engineering of 9/11 would simply not have been possible to pull off without this groundswell of financial, military and PR power to back it up. As writer John Stauber observes: “Public relations is now inseparable from the business of lobbying, creating public policy, and getting candidates elected to public office. The PR industry just might be the single most powerful political institution in the world. It expropriates and exploits the democratic rights of millions on behalf of big business by fooling the public about the issues.” [7] When this is combined with an intelligence apparatus, think-tanks and global policy institutions, it represents another indicator of a breakaway society completely set apart from civil society. We are all forced to indulge their psychopathic fantasies for ultimate control, which of course, can never work despite creating untold destruction along the way.

Since the days of Bernays, virtual reality is not found within the software of new technology but is hardwired into our very brains. Our perceptions have been managed with greater alacrity by the advent of transhumanist technology but it is the principles of American education which have been responsible for eroding understanding and independence of mind in favour of info-tainment and the cult of artifice. It is belief and iconography that is the arbiter of reality in ways which have become so ingrained it is difficult to see how it can be outgrown.

Official culture grows not just from a habitual mediocrity and fear of change but a gradual disabling of our ability to think. This stems from dissociative states drawn from trauma and slow-burn, emotional hurts accumulated over decades from the encroachment of societal pathology. A link to meaning and the promise of something more than materialism is suffocated by the sheer speed of a technocratic mainframe designed to change the very cognitive processes involved in learning. Education in America has been dumbed down since the invasion of the industrialist families and Rockefeller-Tavistock agents got to work to shape the public mind in concert with Bernays-led Public Relations.

So, in this way, it is no surprise that, in combination with the deep state and pervasive corruption as a way of life, the events of 9/11 were permitted to run their criminal course. This has been a long-term experiment which culminated in an ambitious false flag terrorist attack designed to take the world into the next phase of global operations.


* Peter Francis in article commemorating the centenary of the First Great War puts it all into perspective when he states: “If all the British Empire’s dead of the First World War were to march four abreast down Whitehall, it would take them almost four days and nights to pass the Cenotaph.” – ‘Mapping the Impact of the Great War’ ,August 16, 2012, by Peter Francis |

** 4Cs = commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control.


[1] ‘The Century of the Self: The Untold History Of Controlling The Masses Through The Manipulation Of Unconscious Desires’ By Adam Curtis, BBC Documentary, 2006. [2] The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations : Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of The USA by John Coleman. Published by Joseph Holding Corporation, Incorporated, 2005 | ISBN 0963401971, 9780963401977.
[3] ‘Tavistock: The Best Kept Secret in America’ Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001.

[4] A list of articles on why it is better to steer clear of GLP:  ‘Why can’t you say “Tavistock” on Godlike Productions?’ By Rob Daven, September 2012, Rob Daven I ‘Godlike Productions and the Science of Shill’ By Frater Isla|’Beware of GodLikeProductions’: |Will the REAL “Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)” please stand up? By Joe Quinn, June 6, 2004 | ‘How to Spot CoIntelpro Agents’
[5] p. 10; Propaganda By Edward L. Bernays, 1928.
[6] ‘War on Truth: The Secret Battle for the American Mind’ by John Stauber, The Sun, March 1999.
[7] CIA and Assassinations: The Guatemala 1954 Documents. U.S. National Archive.
[8] op.cit Stauber.


9/11: The Point of No Return?

By M.K. Styllinski

 “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.”

 – President G.W. Bush, at the United Nations, November 10, 2001

9-11_Truth_2Note: Let it be said right at the start: I am no 9/11 scholar. This is merely an attempt to refresh our minds about the nature of the September 11th attacks in the context of an emerging Pathocracy and the subjects previously discussed. Therefore, what follows in this series is in no way a comprehensive analysis of what is, after all a vast topic. That said, as part of an exploration of why humanity stands at the threshold of massive change, it would be foolish not to include a summary of the key elements involved in such a global marker. I hope the following posts help to at least clarify the subject for those beginning to take a serious look at the nature of our reality in this context.

September 11th 2001 and the World Trade Centre attacks are a signpost in the fortunes of social control. It was the day – perhaps more than any other in the last two hundred years – that saw geo-strategy and our societies change for the worse. With any major act of synthetic terror there is a window of opportunity to perceive the objective reality behind the noise and smoke before Official Culture brings the shutters down once more. Since 2001, anyone who has taken the time to carefully sift through the discrepancies, distortions and obvious lies of the official conspiracy theory will have to navigate through the minefield of individual and collective belief as to how the world works. We bridle at accusations that our thinking is often just second or third hand opinion lifted from mainstream radio, T.V., newspapers or blogs. Seldom do we truly question what we are being force-fed through the constant osmosis of “news”. What the mainstream media (MSM) and most of current academia believe doesn’t just impinge on our own evaluations but very often exclusively determines the quality and direction of our opinions. This is why the media has such a crucial role to play in the correct presentation and dissemination of information.

Unfortunately, we cannot trust the MSM to provide unbiased and objective analysis due to a variety of conflicting interests from corporate, government and Psychological Operations teams (PSYOPS) embedded in media institutions for decades and the internet since its inception. Our news is layered over with self-censorship and journalistic pride that will not touch subjects deemed taboo for fear of losing their job or even worse, losing respect and prestige so coveted in their respective fields. As a result, there are well-known journalists and academics for which the subject of 9/11 is off-limits because it is has evolved into such a “hot potato” of controversy that to address it would mean the end of their social standing.

It is also true that certain persons still operate from a hopelessly juvenile dictionary which they still prefer to use when appraising personal and external realities. They derive comfort in overly simplistic versions of national and international events, despite the apparent expertise and erudition in their chosen field. Their beliefs come first and reality is tailored towards it. They cannot and will not sanction the idea that a coup d’état could have taken place on September 11th and no amount of reasoning will alter such a position. The often smug, post-modern denials and ad hominem attacks are used as a battering ram against those wishing to find the truth and if you start to make some headway in connecting the dots you will likely be on the end of carefully targeted character assassination by the fearful and ill-informed.

Official Culture determines what is or isn’t possible regarding the nature of governments and the military-intelligence apparatus, which means an almost impenetrable wall preventing critical analysis and reasoned discourse. What is now labelled the 9/11 Truth Movement is no exception, having been thoroughly infiltrated by paid CoIntelpro agents tasked with sowing the seeds of in-fighting and disinformation.

Talk show host and “king of conspiracy theory”, Alex Jones is a prime example. Famous for his cringe-making rants and bombastic behaviour and extremely commercial internet websites, he manages to switch off anyone interested in discovering the objective truth about our world, though he naturally appeals to those of high school age just waking up to the world.  Jones exists to hoover up any and all information pertaining to conspiracy-related topics and thus helps to tarnish these subjects by association. If he happens to get invited on mainstream television he is so over the top and reactionary that any rational conversation is impossible. This is how CoIntelpro works: whether a conscious or unconscious agent, both will assist to deflect, distort and disinform.


Alex Jones Talk show host and “conspiracy king”.

Similarly, Go to the internet pages of the very popular encyclopaedia Wikipedia and search for the pages on 9/11 and you will come away thinking that the 9/11 Truth Movement is inhabited only by delusional nerds, that the official story is beyond repute and supported by cast-iron facts. Wikipedia is visited by millions of people every day who might be persuaded by the obviously skewed presentation; where voluminous pages expound on the official story, affording little time for critical appraisal and alternative arguments.

In reality, there are many well qualified, experienced, rational and sincere persons for whom the official story of 9/11 does not and cannot possibly be anything but a fictional account. Anyone who approaches the subject with an open but skeptical mind and are able to think critically about this issue will inevitably come away with the disturbing conclusion that something is very wrong with the narrative we have been sold. Yet, there is a constant maintenance of the official story by the MSM and governments world-wide.

Once you start digging, the propaganda, blatant lies, fallacies and distortions are so painfully obvious to those who take the time, that it becomes truly shocking how deeply managed our culture truly is. And be assured, you don’t have to go very far before the central premise of the official story shows itself to be no more than a house of cards waiting to tumble. But fear is the cement upon which the bricks of belief can be constructed. And it is sometimes terrifying to have all that one thought good and true scattered to the wind. But it must be done if we are to have any hope at all going beyond an illusion of democracy.

“I Believe…”

Two words which have determined the course of history.

We humans have a curious predisposition to seek belief instead of facts. All actions or non-actions are based around either direct verification by experience and attention to supporting evidence or a preference for belief which includes neither. Belief systems set a demarcation line that cannot be crossed. One is happy in one’s belief and reality defines it.  Our wishful thinking tends to offer temporary comfort from the demons in our subconscious shadows. The wish to believe provides it with a formal structure which we can re-affirm in the outer world, surrounding ourselves with others who have chosen the same “consensus” through which to live their lives. Threats to those constructs are often resisted with logical fallacies and emotional reactions:

“Because the Bible says so and the Bible is the word of God.”

“I believe in Science. If there is no empirical proof then as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t exist.”

“You don’t believe in all that 911 conspiracy theory nonsense do you?”

Peer groups and tribal memberships provide a rich reservoir of socio-cultural knowledge offering a ready template for custom-made ideologies. This is gradually adapted to one’s own personality and conditioned by long-term memory. If it fits with our need to survive in society, perhaps buffering us from pain, fear and uncertainty, then our social position, values, and objectives will conform to it. Conformity – at whatever degree or level – is a defining factor accompanied by a dictionary of interpretation which must exclude other forms of knowledge. When such a dictionary becomes out-dated and in conflict with the facts – even though new knowledge lies alongside it – that interpretation becomes a juvenile one, locked into the past and resistant to change.

Change, as we all know, can be very painful.

dreamstime_m_20965675© Krutoeva | – Through Rose Colored Glasses Photo

When assumption and ignorance are chosen as a way to protect ourselves from uncertainty, responsibility and unpleasant memories then abstract ideas provide the tool for social engineering and the seeds for ponerological influences. It logically follows that one’s beliefs can facilitate directions which – though founded on good intentions and “Christian principles” – may not be in the individual’s, groups’ or societies’ best interests. Any belief tends to reduce the potential for creative choices by limiting the field of awareness and therefore the quality of consciousness.

Psychopaths, social dominators and authoritarian personalities cling to their beliefs as a confirmation of their chosen, highly subjective reality. They serve any figure of authority be it a new age guru, academic lecturer or any type of leader that confers rewards for obedience. They prefer fantasy rather than what is, especially if, in the authoritarian’s case, it provides certainty against the unknown, however simplistic.

The psychopath will create reality according to his instinctive, primal desires which exclude all else. He will bend and force life into his twisted conceptions, whatever the cost and whatever the stakes. He turns the world into a poker game with guns and aces up his sleeve. Our wish to believe lends him momentum to achieve his goals; the projection of his self-belief is willingly received by those whose inner nature is vulnerable and without foundation. Belief restricts an open system of learning, which often includes suffering. Suffering accompanies self-growth as we discover what is, rather than what we would like it to be.

The world is conspiratorial by nature though this fact has been successfully glossed over by a combination of wishful thinking and perception management. After all, if you want to suggest that the government and its agencies have our best interests at heart then the denigration of those who offer an unprejudiced search for truth outside of traditional corporate controlled media is a standard tactic. It is also pertinent to mention recent university studies which reveal that the 9/11 official story “gatekeepers” fit the profile of irrational and emotionally unstable individuals when exposed to an alternative view of reality, no matter how sensible or logical that reality may be.  In June 17, 2013 online journal 21st Century Wire included a post entitled: ‘New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane, while government dupes are crazy and hostile’. Psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent found that:

“The research … showed that people who favoured the official account of 9/11 were generally more hostile when trying to persuade their rivals.” […] “For people who think 9/11 was a government conspiracy, the focus is not on promoting a specific rival theory, but in trying to debunk the official account.”

In other words, the stereotype of the conspiracy theorist as lunatic, fringe-fanatic, in fact generally described those who defend the official conspiracy theory provided by the governments and their media outlets.

Political scientist Professor Lance deHaven-Smith’s book Conspiracy Theory in America (2013) published by University of Texas Press provides further insights into the term “conspiracy theory.”

It is a matter of historical record, albeit widely unknown, that the CIA embarked on an illegal propaganda campaign to circulate the phrase so that it became a pejorative term. (See: “In 1967, the CIA Created the Label ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ … to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the ‘Official’ Narrative). So, when people began to question the 1963 assassination of J.F. Kennedy they would be ridiculed and defamed thus providing a psycho-social protection for the subject. As we know, there is nothing more powerful than the herd instinct for self-preservation. In the Professor’s own words: “The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.”


September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, 2001.

Studies have also shown cognitive dissonance and “confirmation bias” dominates the perceptions of those who prefer to believe in the 9/11 official story and many other official versions of historical conspiracies, despite many of those “theories” since proven to have been conspiracy fact. While hard-core skeptics and self-avowed debunkers tend to exhibit an absolutist  persona backed up by a militant belief in materialist science, what may be at the root of this apparent quest to find the truth is nothing more than an abnormal emphasis on the left brain, a neurological deficiency which limits the ability to see beyond their own authoritarian beliefs. This was revealed in spectacular fashion by Professor Bob Altemeyer’s studies on authoritarian followers.

There remains today a wealth of information on the internet and in published books regarding the events of September 11th 2001. You may be one of those people who consider themselves open-minded and well-read, willing to take on new sources of information in order to learn about our world in order to expand your awareness. Although there has been a sea-change in collective awareness you would still be in the minority. When we approach the subject with an open but skeptical mind, and sift through the media and US government’s official story of September 11th, then we will come up against a “conspiracy theory” that is logically inconsistent, defies the laws of physics, flies in the face of rational, deductive observations and fails to explain the reasons and causes of these events on so many different levels that we will likely suffer a change in our world-view. Depending how inured one is in Official Culture this will result in two emotional responses and the choices which must follow:

1) Shock and cognitive dissonance as a result of one’s cherished beliefs about the world coming under attack and the fear and stress induced. A shoring up of those beliefs may occur, calling a halt to any further research and a determined crystallisation of the official story. Depending on how deep the threat to one’s beliefs the information presents, the seeking out of groups and persons who can bolster and buffer those beliefs will take place where ridicule, disinformation and authoritarian precepts rule the day. No matter how illogical or irrational the stance, nothing must be allowed to penetrate these beliefs since they are bound up with identity.

2) A period of disbelief and sadness, perhaps even an initial rejection, followed by an interlude of reflection and soul-searching. This might lead to a re-visiting of the subject and the determination to find answers. The choice is made to seek a better understanding of the issues involved and arrive at more objective appraisal. The only way to do this properly is to network with others who have also recognised that something is seriously amiss.

That does not imply that all the answers are immediately forthcoming or even correct, only that the government story cannot be true and therefore a new, independent investigation must take place, however improbable such a possibility may be.

This brings us back to the idea that there are two types of people who will gravitate to either an a priori belief and the comfort it offers at the expense of truth, or the ability to think critically while maintaining an open mind – a healthy skepticism if you will. Authoritarians, drawn from both conservative and the liberal, function largely on emotions which are used to defend their worldview. The intent behind any assessment of new information is based not on the search for truth but the need to maintain that belief and thus to “feel good”. Unexamined assumptions inform the reality of fundamentalists or absolutists who prefer order and error to complex truth. Since irrational criteria is used for assessing facts which are filtered through the controlling belief, they cannot be aware of their own indoctrination and dogma.


Freedom lights anniversary (wikipedia)

Ideally, true critical thinkers, with a broad knowledge of many fields test the certitude of their conclusions. Experiential knowledge and networking without prejudice acts as the litmus test for evaluations. Lying to themselves does not feature and nor do manipulative appeals to the emotions. Impartiality and objective observation of each opposing camp is analysed while using their heads and their hearts to position themselves fairly, even if it leads to the break-down of a hidden bias or the discovery of a set of assumptions. They are aware of how easily it is to deceive themselves. This latter grouping is lacking in relation to the 9/11 inquiries and related fields – most especially ponerology.

This is what makes the events of 9/11 a highly controversial issue because it is not simply a matter of addressing the gargantuan holes in the government story; it is akin to peeling away the outer layers of an onion which can stimulate a parallel process to occur within ourselves. It is here that we find the crux of the challenge: this process of discovery is potentially more painful than simply pointing out errors in logical reasoning and scientific principles; far more sensitive than addressing social, cultural and geo-political justifications for why the official story doesn’t make sense. As you dig deeper you realise that what we considered to be truth and reality is turned upside down and that is akin to experiencing a form of withdrawal from our addictive, Official Culture. Our faith and trust in our valued institutions and the beliefs – so often based on a false interpretation of history – can be shaken to the core. So much so, that our world-view begins to unravel and thus our sense of self.

If you are one of those who consider themselves outside such cultural shocks then perhaps your particular belief hasn’t been discovered yet. The deceptions inherent in the 9/11 attacks may be easy for you to take on board but there are sure to be other “sacred cows” lying buried …We all have them. When we have not been suitably prepared and these revelations happen too quickly we can fall into loneliness, sadness and even depression as a result of knowing what we would rather not know, perhaps having shielded ourselves from what we knew to be true deep down. Or, we can go to the other extreme and become drunk on the new information, our intellect inflating to the extent it squeezes out emotional nuance and thus proper communication. We become trapped in that particular mirror and over identify with the subject in question, becoming fundamentalist in our quest. 

This is the greatest challenge to the uncovering of information and knowledge regarding 9/11 and other crimes, as it demands that we shine the light on the darkness in the outer world thereby highlighting our own inner complacency. Those factions within the Establishment who may have sanctioned and perpetrated the events of 9/11 rely on the fact that many will not go against a complex and tightly-woven set of beliefs and their societal constructs. This programming instinctively resists any attempts at disclosure and investigation in favour of the status quo. 


© Alphaspirit | – Businessman Like An Ostrich Photo

The events of 9/11 are unquestionably a rich field of discourse not just because the world changed into a more paranoid and dangerous place since that tragic event, but because the answers to so many questions about the role and function of government, the media and commerce lie within it. It is the central core from which various paths of deleterious influence fan out, and which can be traced back to providing tangible benefits to a select few. Machiavellian strategies are always in the shadows stimulating these collective traumas in the mass mind and suitably conditioned to accept the solutions proffered, however ridiculous. Qui bono always applies.

After the whitewash of the 9/11 commission, the still deafening silence of much of the MSM and infiltration of the 9/11 Truth Movement by CoIntelpro, it may be that researchers and investigative journalists have lost the initiative they might have had. Every year which goes by gives an advantage to those who perpetrated this ambitious crime. The dire consequences for the American people and for the world in general cannot be overstated. The present police state in the USA and geopolitical events in the Middle East and the Ukraine are testament to this fact.

Despite this, there is hope. More and more people are deciding to think critically about the events of that day and the surrounding geo-political narratives. It will be an arduous task to produce a consensus where it counts regarding the events of that day, let alone push for an independent investigation. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that our social systems have largely evolved to keep us compliant and docile and/or pathological and disturbed. The tranquility of mind and openness necessary to make informed choices on this subject must be hard won, especially when Establishment dynamics largely operate in secrecy along with policies in plain sight which require an understanding of their vocabulary and insider language. Thanks to independent internet journalism the blindfold might be slipping … slowly but surely.

As noted in previous posts, secrecy and conspiracy are the standard pillars holding up our Official Culture. A reminder from historian and researcher Richard M. Dolan will underscore the fact:

“Nearly everything of significance undertaken by the military and intelligence community in the past half-century has occurred in secrecy. The undertaking to build an atomic weapon, better known as the Manhattan Project, remains the great model for all subsequent activities. For more than two years not a single member of Congress knew about it, although its final cost exceeded the then incredible total of $2 billion. During and after the Second World war, other important projects, such as the development of biological weapons, the importation of Nazi scientists, terminal mind control experiments, nationwide interception of mail and cable transmissions of an unwitting populace, infiltration of the media and universities, secret coups, secret wars and assassinations all took place far removed not only from the American public, but from most members of Congress and a few presidents. Indeed, several of the most powerful intelligence agencies were themselves established in secrecy, unknown by the public or Congress for many years.” [1]

Undue secrecy and manipulation on the part of Empire always fails in the end, albeit going underground. The trick will be to predict how and when those roots may rise again. Hindsight is after all, a wonderful thing. But thanks to pioneers in the fields of psychopathy and ponerology we are now seeing a return to ancient wisdom, which, down through the ages may have been alerting us to the evil in our midst. That’s where a finely-tuned psycho-social conscience is crucial in preventing the ascendance of psychopaths in power, and when it becomes a matter of soul survival for the individual and his culture.

So, with this in mind, how did it get to a state of affairs where the American public (and much of the world) could so easily accept the Hollywood version of 9/11?

To answer this question, we must take a brief detour back to Mr. Edward Bernays who contributed to a very modern psychological coup against the US population and the consequent systematic dumbing down of its education.



[1] p.23; introduction; UFOs and the National Security State Chronology of a Cover-up – 1941-1973 (2002) By Richard M. Dolan. Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Co.

Dark Green XVIII: The IPCC’s All-Seeing-Eye (2)

By M.K. Styllinski

All_seeing_eye2 © infrakshun

To reiterate, tearing strips off the IPCC is not some exercise in criticising for its own sake but to highlight where science has been politicised and corrupted. Similarly, there is obviously a huge need to care for our environment and everything else in this precious biosphere. We cannot do this until we have climate science firmly outside activism and where ecological conservation has been innoculated against corporatism and Establishment influence.

If we go back to the Climategate 2.0 scandal, we can see that some of the emails relating to the IPCC are quite illuminating on these points. For example, Professor Jonathan Overpeck of the University of Arizona’s Department of Geosciences deciding what shouldn’t go into the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4):

“The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guide what’s included and what is left out. For the IPCC, we need to know what is relevant and useful for assessing recent and future climate change.”

Commenting on another section of an IPCC report he states:

“Need to convince readers that there really has been an increase in knowledge – more evidence. What is it?” [1]

Or Professor Phil Jones of East Anglia University searching for a suitable hurricane paper that dovetails into his beliefs and thus the IPCC AR4 report:

“Seems that this potential Nature paper may be worth citing, if it does say that GW is having an effect on TC [Tropical Cyclone] activity.” [2]

Each of the climate reports (CRs) are weighty, no more so than the 2007 report at 3,000 pages. No one is going to wade through all of that, least of all the sound-bite media. What is more concerning and goes straight to the heart of why science plays so little part in climate change policy, is the IPCC executive summaries which it prepares for the smaller reports that make up the CRs as a whole. Not more than 35 pages in length, this is called “Summary for Policymakers” which gives you an idea how the IPCC wants these summaries to be used, even though the depth of understanding and contextual analysis may be missing.

Scientists are tasked with drafting these documents which are then passed on to those who meticulously pore over each line so that a cleansed and white-washed copy can be presented for inspection by a clueless media and public. So, these will not be scientific documents at all. These “cleansing” meetings are not open to anyone but IPCC staff and suitably vetted observers from environmental groups or organisations. The media are not permitted entry. A core group of IPCC bureaucrats decide what goes into the reports.

A Climategate 2.0 email by Tim Carter of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and Climate Change Programme, writing to IPCC authors seems to confirm this fact even within the AGW brethren:

“Regarding the phrase ‘IPCC position’? Would it be wise to check that McCarthy /Watson have the same understanding as we do.”

And the reply:

[TC] You could try, but it has been tricky getting anyone to make statements about anything. It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core group.” [3]

Governments and organisations like the IPCC are complicit in the cover up and manipulation of scientific facts. Scientists who contribute to the CRs are being played and used for a political agenda and the short-term greed and the MSM has cheer-led this subterfuge from the beginning. A summary document given out as a press release to the world’s media and public has been put through the politician, bureaucrat and diplomat’s PR machine, vetted to make sure that it conforms to the AGW paradigm in secret and without oversight.

Devoid of facts but replete with conjecture, the media simply parrots the information and goes back to sleep. Indeed, regarding the draft reports the IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri openly stated that they are altered, stating: “we necessarily have to ensure that the underlying report conforms to the refinements.” [4]This means regardless of the validity (or not) of expert science, the authors are side-lined and what they have written is tweaked to give unanimous support to the political agenda, an agenda that has been crystallized within the IPCC for more than twenty years.

vendetta3IPCC as authoritarian climate science?

Scientists within the IPCC also have misgivings, such as Mike Hulme Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia. Commenting in a Climategate 2.0 email, he states: “I am increasingly unconvinced by the majority of climate impact studies – including some of those I am involved in – and feel we are not really giving the right message to our audiences.” [5]

There’s an understatement to beat them all.

One of the holy grails of climate change science is computer modelling which has been responsible for much of the perceived advances in recent years. As we saw with the Club of Rome, the nature of computer modelling is fraught with assumption yet fully embraced as if the world operated on perfectly plotted principles. Evolution of any system is defined by its creative unpredictability a mathematical complexity of non-linear and often chaotic events far from equilibrium. In climate modelling a virtual world is set up that seems to be insulated from the “flies-in-the ointment” that may appear in long-term predicative analysis. The opinions of modellers then become a new science divorced from the observational inquiry. As LaFramboise asserts, the climate modelling science of opinion: “… is a recipe for tunnel-vision. It is group think waiting to happen,” and yet another example of the “group mind” steamrolling the creative sparks of objective thought which are not only needed in science but are essential to its healthy functioning so that it remains free from a political and belief-driven consensus.

No rigorous evaluation of climate modelling by independent parties has taken place. (This is presumably due to the love affair our culture is undergoing in relation to technology in general). Instead, the IPCC asks the same modellers to evaluate their own work. This is hardly scientific. Lead author roles for modellers is not the way forward, as there is little chance of them coming to the conclusion that climate modelling may be barking up the wrong tree. Since no true cold-blooded analysis of these models has taken place there is no way to know if they are even useful.

LaFramboise has also discovered that sections in the attribution chapter of the IPCC CRs are also written by climate modellers, the most crucial part of the report which decides the direction of global warming and if it is a man-made or natural cycle. Christopher Monckton and Garth W. Paltridge discovered that is wasn’t just the unreliability of climate modelling that is cause for concern but a strange coded bureaucracy that goes with it. The authors point out:

The big danger is that, with the increasing model complexity and cost, the number of truly independent climate models around the world is decreasing. This is because great slabs of the computer code of a model are often exchanged between research groups so as to avoid writing the stuff from scratch. This sort of exchange satisfies a general bureaucratic tendency to abhor what seems to be a duplication of effort. The net result must surely be a natural decrease in the spread of total feedback over the various remaining models and a consequent joy at the apparent tightening of the range of forecast temperature rise – a tightening that may have nothing at all to do with an improvement in the representation of the physics. [6]

Climate modelling does not ensure the validity of human-influenced global warming claims but rather fits neatly into circumscribed beliefs waiting in the wings. That does not mean to say that global warming is not a reality in some form, but to leave it to climate modelling to define all the parameters by which we can make informed decisions is dangerous because the solutions will lean hugely towards the overarching agenda explored previously. After all, even a minor tweak in feedback representations covering temperature rises can drastically alter a given a picture which can stretch from 1 degree celsius to infinity and beyond. That means that only thing we can be sure of is the fact that the much trumpeted “consensus” on global warming remains a myth.


“Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid motion, and chemistry. To ‘run’ a model, scientists divide the planet into a 3-dimensional grid, apply the basic equations, and evaluate the results. Atmospheric models calculate winds, heat transfer, radiation, relative humidity, and surface hydrology within each grid and evaluate interactions with neighboring points.” (wikipedia)

Climate modelling also fails an important test when it comes to CO2 and temperature increase. In the 2007 IPCC report it even admits that the models do not seem to show the extra heat that should be there if we are to believe the theory. But they believe that the models are still correct and somehow the data out there in the real world is at fault. [7]

And here we come to a few important points relating to climate modelling and the temperature rise hysteria that the media and most academic establishments take for granted. Firstly, and very simply: Positive feedback = the reinforcement or magnification of disturbance. Secondly, Negative feedback = disturb the balance – a counteraction occurs. Thirdly, we have the greenhouse gas theory and the doubling of CO2 which might cause some warming of one degree celsius over a century. But there is the assumption that the climate responds to minute changes resulting in amplification of these changes by hundreds of percent. Positive feedback. But negative feedback is the dominant factor in almost every process in nature yet in climate science positive feedback is assumed to the culprit. Law professor Jason Johnston found in his study that: “climate catastrophe is not an “output of climate analysis but an input.” [8] In other words, the science is based on an assumption with no mention of the positive-negative feedback dichotomy anywhere in the reports.

LaFramboise points out the inevitable conclusion that:

“… the only reason climate models tell us we are at risk of eco apocalypse is because the climate modellers believe our climate system behaves in a manner that is opposite to the way most natural systems behave. If the modellers had split themselves into two groups, half programming-in negative feedback and half programming-in positive feedback, the first group of models would predict nothing alarming.” [9]

Yet, when we add this to protective bureaucracy, conflict of interest in both journals, media and activist-scientists in educational institutions and further include those IPCC personnel who “systematically conceal or minimize what appear to be fundamental scientific uncertainties,” in IPCC reports, it is a clarion call for major change. [10]

And major change is the selling point at UN conferences. But rather than practical and preventative solutions emerging from such meetings, there is a lot of talk and a lot of political posturing with non-elected representatives of civil society pushing a consensus that doesn’t exist, except for those with a political agenda. What does happen is the organisation and allocation of mountains of CASH. The UN conferences in this respect are like a vast auction of clamouring NGOs and eco-activist groups seeking a top-up or first time injection for the cause, but it is the green of the dollar bill that informs the climate industry more than anything else.

dollarbillClimate Change is a multi-billion dollar industry

As we have seen, the United Nations and the UNEP are green-dipped in the New Age tank so that the various beliefs stick like parasites to the decision-making process. Not to mention the corruption and sexual abuse scandals which have dogged the UN for years. When you have a vast bureaucracy and a constant stream of money flowing into and out of the body sitting on top a system which has virtually no accountability any issue – no matter how noble – is going to be contaminated by politics, power and greed. It is about as basic a human fable as it gets. Add ponerology to the mix and you have a UN with its charters and declarations which work on paper only.

Like the perpetual rubber-stamping of the IPCC and other agencies, it is a symbiotic relationship of collusion rather than transparency. If you are not the most morally responsible individual and the rules do not apply to you by virtue of your status and you know you can get away with all kinds of back-handers and bribes, the system actively encourages you to maintain that trajectory. This is so often the nexus point for international decisions that determine the fate of nations. If there is no accountability, why should it be any different for UN bureaucrats who juggle the money flow?


We have barely touched the surface regarding the problems within the IPCC. What should be clear by now is that it is not a scientific body but a political one fused with the beliefs of scientist-activists. This was illustrated by a Climategate 2.0 email from Professor Heinz Wanner of the University of Bern. On reporting his National Academy of Sciences panel critique of Michael Mann to the media: “I just refused to give an exclusive interview to SPIEGEL because I will not cause damage for climate science.” [11]
In the same way, politicians and environmental activists determine the form, content and outcome of IPCC reports that have been seen as the gospel truth for decades. Political discourse from more than 100 countries determines the direction. After all, it is worth potentially billions with a lot of academic posts, consultancies and companies riding on the AGW slipstream. Sounding the global warming bells in a variety of alarmist ways feeds into multiple agendas which have nothing to do with the truth. Consequently, to speak ill of AGW is to commit the outrageous sin of attacking the religious zeal of green militancy that has had a long and dark history.

wfarmsbirdsBirds flying into a wind turbines. Symbolic of IPCC climate science?

Is there any possibility that the IPCC can promote the same “radical shift” and “New value system” within its own ranks and which it insists society should adopt? Can it clean its own house to become the body of open-minded science that is so desperately needed?

Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer believes thinks the organisation can never be fixed for the simple reason:

“… that its formation over 20 years ago was to support political and energy policy goals, not to search for scientific truth. I know this not only because one of the first IPCC directors told me so, but also because it is the way the IPCC leadership behaves. If you disagree with their interpretation of climate change, you are left out of the IPCC process. They ignore or fight against any evidence which does not support their policy-driven mission, even to the point of pressuring scientific journals not to publish papers which might hurt the IPCC’s efforts.” [12]

The organisation has embraced the same constructs that every co-opted movement has done in the past, whilst avoiding the opportunity to lead by example and follow the principles it continually demands from society. [13]The inherent danger of science and political ecology is what historian Anna Bramwell calls “a value-saturated creed” which acts like an open door for the movement to become fully ponerised. [14] Science is infused not with objectivity and a quest for truth but with subjective desires peculiar to a historical mind-set of authoritarianism, regardless of the root values present at its inception. This is the story of ponerology.

The legion of World State rulers in waiting would be very happy that a scientific elite is redefining human values for us. The myth that governments respond to the will of the people has never been clearer. The real choices and thus the potential solutions have been denied to us all.  As the Under-Secretary to one time UN Chief Kurt Waldheim, Brian Urquhart declared: “The worst way to make an argument is by reason and good information. You must appeal to emotions and to their fears of being made to appear ridiculous.” [15]Irony aside, so it is with the IPCC and so many other connected bodies inhabited by the same men and women willing to stoop to the lowest common denominator.

The IPCC plays an extremely important role in the disseminating information on the science of climate change. If we cannot place our trust and faith in institutions who set themselves up to discover new solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time then it means precious resources of creative energy is being wasted and re-directed into collective gutters of non-action and short-term gain. It becomes yet another example of pathological infection striking at the heart of what we consider to be our mentors, protectors and pioneers; expert minds dedicated to improving humanities lot. That means acknowledging the danger that ecology, environmental activism and any scientific discipline exposed to ponerological influences, must come under the same scrutiny.

If a deep love of Nature and the environment can historically sit side by side with the most virulent form of fascism then it behooves us all to guard against its all too easy re-appearance.

Pol Pot, the Cambodian dictator was responsible for the deaths of 21% of his country’s people.  He was also a former geography teacher.


[1] Email #4755 and email #1922 Jonathan Overpeck
[2] Email #0170 Phil Jones
[3] email #3066 Tim Carter.
[4] ‘Food, Water Security threatened by Warming UN Panel says’ by Alex Morales,Bloomberg, February 16, 2011.
[5] email #0419 Mike Hulme.
[6] p.28; The Climate Caper: Facts and Fallacies of Global Warming by Garth W. Paltridge. Published by Taylor Trade Publishing, 2010. ISBN-10: 1589795482
[7] op. cit. LaFramboise (p.69)
[8] ‘Global Warming Advocacy Science: a Cross Examination’ by Jason S. Johnston, Law University of Pennsylvania Law School | “Legal scholarship has come to accept as true the various pronouncements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientists who have been active in the movement for greenhouse gas (ghg) emission reductions to combat global warming. The only criticism that legal scholars have had of the story told by this group of activist scientists – what may be called the climate establishment – is that it is too conservative in not paying enough attention to possible catastrophic harm from potentially very high temperature increases.”
“This paper departs from such faith in the climate establishment by comparing the picture of climate science presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other global warming scientist advocates with the peer-edited scientific literature on climate change. A review of the peer-edited literature reveals a systematic tendency of the climate establishment to engage in a variety of stylized rhetorical techniques that seem to oversell what is actually known about climate change while concealing fundamental uncertainties and open questions regarding many of the key processes involved in climate change. Fundamental open questions include not only the size but the direction of feedback effects that are responsible for the bulk of the temperature increase predicted to result from atmospheric greenhouse gas increases: while climate models all presume that such feedback effects are on balance strongly positive, more and more peer-edited scientific papers seem to suggest that feedback effects may be small or even negative. The cross-examination conducted in this paper reveals many additional areas where the peer-edited literature seems to conflict with the picture painted by establishment climate science, ranging from the magnitude of 20th century surface temperature increases and their relation to past temperatures; the possibility that inherent variability in the earth’s non-linear climate system, and not increases in CO2, may explain observed late 20th century warming; the ability of climate models to actually explain past temperatures; and, finally, substantial doubt about the methodological validity of models used to make highly publicized predictions of global warming impacts such as species loss.
Insofar as establishment climate science has glossed over and minimized such fundamental questions and uncertainties in climate science, it has created widespread misimpressions that have serious consequences for optimal policy design. Such misimpressions uniformly tend to support the case for rapid and costly decarbonization of the American economy, yet they characterize the work of even the most rigorous legal scholars. A more balanced and nuanced view of the existing state of climate science supports much more gradual and easily reversible policies regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction, and also urges a redirection in public funding of climate science away from the continued subsidization of refinements of computer models and toward increased spending on the development of standardized observational datasets against which existing climate models can be tested.”
[9] op.cit La Framboise (p.70)
[10] op. cit. Johnston.
[11] Email #1104 Heinz Wanner
[12] ‘Climategate 2.0: Bias in Scientific Research’ November 23rd, 2011 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D.
[13] ‘Western Lifestyle unsustainable says climate expert Rajendra Pachauri’ The Guardian, June 20, 2011.
[14] The Fading of the Greens, by Anna Bramwell, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1994.(p.28)
[15] ‘The UN and Its Discontents’: An Exchange April 26, 1990 Shirley Hazzard, reply by Brian Urquhart The New Yorker March 15, 1990 issue.

Dark Green XVII: The IPCC’s All-Seeing-Eye (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

All_seeing_eye© infrakshun

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave its full blessing to the Al Gore power-point revival as he made his merry way to a carbon trading pot of gold. However, before kneeling down at the altar of the IPCC we must have a peek behind the doors of an institution that has presided over a fiefdom of green belief.

The IPCC has been lauded for over twenty years as the guardian and protector of the planet, a scientific beacon in a dark age of industry and corporate irresponsibility. It has served as the primary reference for ecologists and environmentalists buttressing the religion of anthropocentric climate change. But does this organisation truly merit the global mantle of scientific authority it now enjoys? Or is it a pretender to the throne of open-minded science? A closer examination of the facts shows that the latter is closer to the truth, with serious consequences for climate science and environmental studies worldwide.

Maurice Strong’s United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) set up the IPCC in 1988 with a later endorsement from the United Nations General Assemblythrough Resolution 43/53. With 195 members worldwide, the intergovernmental body is currently chaired by Rajendra K. Pachauriwho steers the mission: “… to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts.” The IPCC describes itself as a scientific body which “… reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change.” [1] Scientists voluntarily contribute to the work of the body where an “objective” and “complete assessment of current information” takes place. In the IPCC’s view, due to its scientific and intergovernmental status, it embodies: “… a unique opportunity to provide rigorous and balanced scientific information to decision makers. By endorsing the IPCC reports, governments acknowledge the authority of their scientific content. The work of the organization is therefore policy-relevant and yet policy-neutral, never policy-prescriptive.” [2]

As a consequence of this so called objectivity and impartial information presented to policy makers, an international acceptance of its claims is now in place and supported by an overall “consensus” (there’s that word again…) from leading climates scientists and participating governments. Further, in recognition of its work, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was shared between the IPCC and Al Gorethe IPCC acting as the source for most of the information found in An Inconvenient Truth. This fact is enough to plant a question in any informed person’s mind about the nature of the science the IPCC advocates. So, let’s see if the self-penned, glowing descriptions of the organisation stand up to scrutiny.

The IPCC reports also known as “The Climate Bible” – which we will call the “CRs” – are produced every year and represent an unassailable doctrine of climate science which cannot be challenged and to do so amounts to a form of heresy. The CRs have had an enormous effect on government policy around the world and are routinely cited as the most authoritative source on Climate change. CO2 emissions as the greatest evil known to man and the reason carbon taxes exist are all down to these reports. It is a climate science lovingly fawned over by the world’s media, much of university and think-tank academia, the same people who believe unquestioningly in Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth. The problem is, they believe that all those reports have been toiled over by thousands of experts who are holding hands in a sacred communion of consensus across the world; they believe that the science is water-tight and anyone but a fool would think otherwise.

Rajendra Pachauri has chaired the IPCC since 2002 and in one sense, is the personification of the IPCC in much the same way that Prince Philip was for the WWF. He has fuelled the belief that the IPCC and their CRs are full to the brim with thousands of the best scientists, the finest quality expertise at the cutting edge of climate science which is all parroted ad nauseum by the world’s media. [3] Unfortunately, many scientists and their papers have been ignored. Whether it is hurricane research, tropical diseases or oceanography, unless the scientists tow the official party line of anthropocentric global warming (AGW) then they can expect a cold response indeed to submitted papers.

Pachauri has since been accused of “inappropriate” sexual behaviour by several women who worked at the IPCC and TERI a non-profit, scientific and policy research organisation which Pachauri is Director-General. According to one alleged victim as part of her testimony from 2005: “A sexual harasser 10 years back, a sexual harasser today. He did it to me and others then. He has done it to her and possibly others now … His physical advances and sexual innuendos and acts, often reduced to as ‘inappropriate behaviour’, have been common knowledge and corridor gossip.” [4]

As a result, Pachuari finally stepped down in March 2015.

This appears appropriately symbolic of the IPCC’s place in climate science.

Rajendra-Pachauri_ipccstructureRajendra Pachauri, still going strong as Chairman of the IPCC

With 40 years of experience in tropical diseases Paul Reiter thinks the papers on his specialist subject found in the CRs are full of inaccuracies and incorrect conclusions, made worse by the fact that none of the lead authors had actually penned a research paper. Much of the information in the CRs are not written by experts at all and gave testimony to that fact to the UK House of Lords. [5]

One would think that the IPCC would have been keen to recruit the best experts they could find but it appears they prefer students and the inexperienced rather than the world class scientists spoken of in the mainstream media. The UN seems quite happy that its organisation continues to promulgate lies on this point while peddling unsubstantiated and very biased beliefs instead.

Journalist Donna LaFramboise’s searing indictment of the IPCC highlighted the fact that “the world’s finest scientific minds” have been culled from a reservoir of young and inexperienced students and activists such as 25 year-old Richard Klein, a Master Degree student and Greenpeace campaigner drafted in to serve as IPCC lead author on what was eventually to be six reports, six years prior to the completion of his PhD. [6] Laurens Bouwer served as an IPCC lead author before he had completed his Masters in 2001. To compound the confusion still further, the chapter to which he was given responsibility dealt with financial services whilst his “expertise” was in climate change and water resources. [7] In 2008, Lisa Alexander was a research assistant at Monesh University, Australia and went on to earn her PhD in 2009. Yet from 2001 and 2007 she had been plucked from obscurity by the IPCC to author two reports, one as lead author and the other in a contributory role – all ten years before she had claimed her doctorate. [8] Sari Kovats hadn’t earned her PhD until 2010 yet 16 years previously before any academics papers had been written: “Kovats was one of only 21 people in the entire world selected to work on the first IPCC chapter that examined how climate change might affect human health.” Lead author twice and contributing author once, all before the completion of her PhD. [9]Nor are these exceptions to the rule. This has been normal practice for the body since the early 1990s.

So, what’s going on?

LaFramboise describes how the analyses of IPCC policies and procedures were to come under the microscope, but perhaps not in the way it would have liked. In 2010, an international science body called The Inter-Academy Council took the bold step in establishing the first committee to investigate the quality and structure of IPCC research which resulted in an extensive questionnaire on its website to which people were encouraged to respond. Over the last few years a wealth of interesting data totalling over 678 pages has accumulated for the dogged researcher to peruse.

Many recurrent gripes which surfaced amongst respondents’ answers was the lack of qualifications from lead authors; decisions being political rather than scientific and undue political correctness regarding gender and multiculturalism at the expense of science. Among these problems follows the deeper more intransigent factor of activism married with science. The IPCC tells the world it is a scientific body tasked with sifting conjecture and assumption to produce as much as is possible, scientific fact. Yet, the institution is infested with activists from top to bottom. How can this be an impartial and politically neutral body offering reputable science when beliefs are colouring the overall picture?

Environmental activist organisations cross-fertilise IPCC conclusions in the CRs and other publications citing each others papers to bolster predetermined results. Rajendra Pachauri routinely writes forewords and editorials for activist groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. As LaFramboise observes: “The IPCC’s role is similar to that of a trial judge. It examines the scientific evidence and decides whether or not human-produced carbon dioxide is guilty of triggering climate change. How much faith would you have in the impartiality of a murder trial if the judge was hearing evidence during the day and partying with the prosecution team during the evening?” [10]

A new breed of “activist scientist” is happiest hanging out in activist groups, universities and agenda-ridden institutions like the IPCC. Objectivity regarding scientific results is the first casualty. Scientific judgement is wide open to abuse from emotionally-driven views which consciously or unconsciously select the data that reinforces their beliefs. They often have access to a wide cross-section of interested parties from government to an annual influx of university students. Scientific credentials merely serve to reinforce beliefs and fit the data with a mind already made up. If it doesn’t fit, then it is made to fit through mental gymnastics and cherry-picking the data. Of course, this can work both ways. However, whereas many groups who do not follow the AGW line and do not have links to the fossil fuel agenda state their case with proven scientific data and expertise, the same cannot be said for the IPCC which sets itself up as an impartial arbiter when it is nothing of the kind. It is clearly AGW-biased, hiding behind the bogus claims of rigorous and objective research supported by “world class scientists.”

Michael Oppenheimer is one such example. A Director of Science, Tech. Environmental Policy, at Princeton University; Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Prior to the above posts and 20 years as Chief Scientist to Environmental Defence Fund (EDF). He is a lead author IPCC report 2007 and a Senior Author of the IPCC report in  2011. Remember his words when speaking on behalf of the EDF? “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.” Regardless whether one agrees or disagrees with this statement it is hardly the position required of a scientist let alone one who contributes regularly to the IPCC. He is an activist-scientist and thus seriously biased.

A sample of other activists working for the IPCC include:

  • Bill Hare – Greenpeace spokesperson 1992; Chief climate negotiator 2007 / Key member of Greenpeace International Climate team; Lead author IPCC reports 2007 Expert reviewer 2007.
  • Malte Meinhausen – Key member of Greenpeace International Climate team; Greenpeace spokesman 2002-2003; Co-author Kyoto Protocol Analysis; contributing author of IPCC reports 2007.
  • Ove Hoegh-Guldberg – Marine Biologis, Reef expert Greenpeace funded reports on coral reefs and climate change 1994-2000 WWF funded reports; Contributing author 2007; Coordinating author 2011.
  • Richard Moss – One time WWF vice-president; IPCC senior personnel.
  • Jennifer Morgan – WWF chief spokesperson; WWF Kyoto Protocol Delegation; WWF Global Climate Change Program; Climate Action Network; Director of Climate program World Resources Institute. IPCC report 2010.

The process by which CR authors are selected – for an organisation who claims to be transparent and open – is highly secretive. No one seems to know how top decisions are actually made. The Inter-Academy Council questionnaire makes interesting reading in this respect, with some of the respondents giving answers such as: “Selection of lead authors in my view is the most important decision in the IPCC process, and it is not transparent,” or: “After being [a lead author or contributing author] several times, I still have no idea how I was selected. This is unacceptable.” Another participant states: “It has always been unclear how this has been undertaken.” [11]Not a huge crime for any other low-level institution but the IPCC isn’t just anybody. It has told us that it is open, transparent and scientifically credible and wields enormous influence because of it.


The United Nations, UNEP, WHO and the IPPC are all closely related, as are their worldviews.

The IPCC receives nominations from governments but does not make it public the names of the nominees; it does not explain the selection criteria and when successful nominees are announced only the country of origin is mentioned, qualifications and credentials are nowhere to be seen. Based on past evidence one can see why they would want the secrecy to remain in place. Apparently, we are meant to guess that the candidates are experts and trust the IPCC’s word.

What makes matters worse is the organisation’s history of refusing to help journalists, researchers and academics in their quests to scrutinize sources, reports and data. Moreover, when problems have been raised with the report content, such as out-of-date source papers, incorrect citations or quoting from papers yet to be published, the shutters came down with a the rigidity of a spoilt child folding its arms and pouting. If you begin to rock the boat too much then you are stone-walled or threatened with expulsion. [12]

Yet, according to John Holdren, President Barack Obama’s science advisor the IPCC is: “… an immense edifice of painstaking studies published in the world’s leading peer-reviewed scientific journals. They have been vetted and documented in excruciating detail by the largest, longest, costliest, most international, most interdisciplinary, and most thorough formal review of a scientific topic ever conducted.” [13]Holdren has been told some porkies. In reality, the IPCC does none of the above and has no quality control procedures at all. Or, as one IPCC respondent states on page 384 of the public questionnaire: “Quality assurance and error identification is non-existent…” [14]  Which means when the body claims it uses peer-reviewed literature we find this is also incorrect. [15]The amount of peer-reviewed sources to support the findings in the IPCC reports is very low indeed; yet, people continue to believe it is true because it operates on the same belief as Al Gore. [16]IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri: “… has a history of systematically misrepresenting the process by which his organization produces reports. His declaration that the IPCC does not settle for anything less than peer-reviewed sources is wrong. Nor is it wrong by a trivial amount. When 21 out of 44 chapters have so few peer-reviewed references they score an F, a serious disjuncture exists between the facts and the IPCC’s fiction.” [17]

Nor is peer-review a fail-safe mechanism for detecting research misconduct and malpractice. The only way to safe-guard such problems is fully independent, scientific review where an assumption of the reliability of research papers before they have even appeared in print is not seen as the norm. Peer-reviewed science is only as good as the structure upon which it sits. If that is rotten then you have nothing. If Al Gore published papers for peer-review it would matter little that his credibility is zero because his talents lie in the performance designed to create maximum emotional response. Facts are secondary.

When trusts, foundations and institutions presenting themselves as scientific bodies dedicated to objective scientific analysis merge with the beliefs of green activism, however laudable, it produces a dangerous politicisation. Organising communication between professions and the media then becomes an exercise in maintaining the demands of lobbying. When substantial amounts of money are involved then science is just another tool for exploitation. Just as high quality journalism should inform activism so too science must act as the primary foundation to issues with science at their core. Without objective knowledge of the highest quality charges of passion without reason and the effects they induce cannot be countered.

LaFramboise, with an enormous network of voluntary assistance, found that 30 percent of the IPCC 2007 report was non-peer-reviewed. The sources which were included comprised of “… newspaper and magazine articles, unpublished masters and doctoral theses, Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund documents and yes, press releases.” The journalist highlights several points that should make us all think twice about the proclamations of unimpeachable sources and credentials when the media, UN and governments wax lyrical about the IPCC’s standing.

LaFramboise further observes:

Climate sceptics are frequently asked why they imagine their own judgment to be more reliable than the judgment of such esteemed bodies. The answer to that question is this: No science academy noticed that one in three references in the 2007 Climate Bible is actually to grey literature. [unpublished papers] If these academies are so well-informed why did it take a group of Internet-linked volunteers to bring this to the world’s attention? Why didn’t even one of these science academies subject chairman Pachauri’s rhetoric to rudimentary fact-checking? [18]

Could it be that IPCC personnel simply don’t care enough to have a hand in changing the direction of this behemoth and are quite comfortable with the way things are?

Not content with preaching to the rest of us on impeccable standards in climate research to which we must all adhere, the IPCC’s treatment of its voluntary army of expert reviewers falls very short of fair. The 2007 report invited reviewers to offer comments which were responded to by IPCC authors. Yet, unsurprisingly, they are at liberty to ignore most, if not all of the comments that don’t fit with their “group-think.” The body freely inserts new material in reports, rejects reviewer opinions and essentially undermines the whole review process which was designed to prove the rigorous and objective nature of the CR science.

Group think rises up through the ranks of academic journals which instead of being independent and thus offering valuable critiques, appear to be chosen for reviews, citations and source material because an IPCC insider is Editor-in-Chief. As LaFramboise comments on the late founding editor of Climatic Change Stephen Schneider and Club of Rome member: “The fact that Schneider, a senior figure at the IPCC, was routinely deciding what would – and would not – make it into the same scientific literature the IPCC would later cite as evidence doesn’t appear to have caused anyone concern.” [19]

Nor is this an isolated incident. In the next post, we’ll see why.



[2] Ibid.(organisation)
[3] ‘The Science is absolutely first rate’ June 5 2007, The Rediff Interview with Rajendra K. Pachauri | ‘The Rajendra Pachauri Interview’ by Amitabh Pal, The Progressive, May 2009 issue.
[4] ‘Harasser’ who lifts staff like little girls’ The Telegraph, Calcutta, India, Ananya Sengupta and G.S. Mudur, February 22 , 2015.
[5] Select Committee on Economic Affairs Written Evidence – Memorandum by Professor Paul Reiter, Institut Pasteur; Paris THE IPCC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. EXAMPLE: IMPACTS ON HUMAN HEALTH
[6] p.8; The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert by Donna Laframboise. Published by Createspace, 2011.
[7] Ibid. (p.9)
[8] Ibid. (p.10)
[9] Ibid. (p.11)
[10] Ibid. (p.18)
[11] Ibid. (pp. 185, 180 and p.28) | Review of the IPCC InterAcademy Council
[12] Ibid Chapter 8: “Clear as mud” See example 1: Steve McIntyre of p.30-35 correspondance between Susan Solomon.
[13] Ibid. (p.34)
[15] Ibid. (p.43) – Richard Tol found that in the Climate Bible (CRs) 2007 “IPCC authors had ignored the findings of peer-reviewed studies and had instead cited non-peer-reviewed material to make the opposite case.”
[16] Ibid. (pp.43 -50: “The Peer Review Fairy-Tale”)
[17] Ibid. (p.48)
[18] ‘Book excerpt: Conspiracy of silence Special to Financial Post, By Donna La Framboise, Oct 22, 2011.|
[19] Ibid. (p.62)