
Smoke and The Moon II: Ignoring the Psychopaths’ World

“Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world … as it is in being to remake ourselves.”

  – Mahatma Ghandi

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You ever feel like that hamster in the above wheel? An activist, scholar, occultist or journalist getting high on the cause and feeling like you’re making a difference until the spin throws you half way across the cage?

And yet, we seem to just get up and do it all over again, usually because we cannot face the awful truth that what we do makes no difference at all. It’s not that funny really. Though no doubt the cosmic trickster is doubling up with hilarity. This is however the truth. This is the story of humanity for the last two thousands years. Around and around in a loop where soul and spirit are still caught between materialism and religious extremism; where awakening minds are caught between CoIntelpro and more sophisticated paranormal forces of control which as yet, won’t fit inside the collective mind.

I know what you’re thinking. This is wrong. It’s not that bleak. I’m being a major party pooper and unjustly raining on your unique parade.

i.e. Fuck you dude. We CAN change the world.

Perhaps.  But maybe not quite in the way that Alex Jones would have you believe.

I actually quite like Nafeez Ahmeds’ contribution to the subject of “changing the world” which is simple and concise: One — Start with you  Two — Continue with those around you and Three — Create something new.  Seeing the world in all its negative and positive glory doesn’t mean sitting on your arse and navel-gazing about how wonderful / horrific it all is. But the key thing to remember is to educate ourselves regarding how DEEP the darkness truly is and how clever it’s machinations. Without this comprehension we cannot fully realise the light potential within and ignite it in others. It’s like we have too many shutters and buffers to truth. It’s only a logical differential after all.

That said, the object of this article is not to send you into a tailspin of interminable depression. It’s always paradoxical. When you comprehend just how far down in the collective poop we are, this realisation offers an instant candle to light your way out of that stinky gloom. And one way is to observe our emotional reactions in relation to psychopathy and its related pathology that presses in on our minds. By choosing not to engage and by learning the ways of the psychopaths and authoritarian followers within our institutions and how we have allowed them to distort our vision of the world, we gain the ability to divert much needed inner energy so that we may cope with reality – as it is. This economy of energy is akin to a akido maneuver which allows us to dip under the radar of “The Matrix”. This is the first step to true independence.


Smoke and the Moon I

By M.K. Styllinski


© infrakshun

“The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears.”

– Hunter S. Thompson

 Some recent news articles and reports which were gathered at random:

The secret epidemic of Police domestic violence: Cops up to 15x more likely than general public to be domestic abusers

Japan: Fingerprints to Be Tested as ‘currency’

Federal Business Opportunities: 994 Tons of Weapons Shipped to al-Qaeda in Syria

4-Year-Old Alameda County Boy On Terrorist Watchlist

Drone kill list: UK Parliament deceived on ‘medieval assassination’ program

Hillary Clinton Fundraiser Hosted by All-Star Cast of Financial Regulators Who Joined Wall Street

Mind Control Microscope Changes Behavior of Mice: Scientists Say They Will Soon “treat the brain as the keyboard of a piano”

US-NATO Plans for a New War in Libya

Wi-Fi exposure is more dangerous to kids than previously thought

Greenpeace Helps Corporations Destroy the Planet


The Apex

The above articles offer a glimpse into a rising tide of pathology scorching the global consciousness. There is a veritable storm of complex forces presently battling, appeasing, joining, consuming, subsuming or resisting.  The friction is electric out there. No doubt you feel it impinging on awareness in a variety ways.  It feels like an apex of change is in sight.

We have US police brutality and abuse which almost defies description, symptomatic of a nation engineered for decline; various countries (in this case, Japan) pushing state surveillance and SMART society programming;  clear evidence of US-NATO, Turkey, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia working on behalf of their Western masters to supply weapon shipments to Daesh / ISIS and Al-Qaeda affiliated mercenary  groups – all handsomely paid for their trouble; more evidence of the United States extrajudicial assassination program mirrored in the UK assisted by the growing obsession with drone technology; yet another ridiculous case of a “terrorist” appears on the ever-burgeoning Terror Watch List, this time in the guise of a 4-year old; US-NATO Establishment cartels busy expanding their wars for corporate profits and psychopathic ideology of total control, while the health effects of Wi-Fi continue to raise alarm bells just as they did with mobile phone use and a growing realisation that genuine environmental activism is being ponerised toward corporate interests and the Establishment agenda of UN Agenda 21 and their “one world” SMART society.


Technocracy XIV: Psycho-Civilised

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards”

Aldous Huxley

Note: A re-read of ‘Satan’s Little Helpers VII: Mind War’ is advised.


The SMART-Surveillance Grid allows improvements in telecommunications, electricity provision and home functionality. It offers an exciting integration of eco-economics and energy saving technology along with the “Internet of Things” (IoT) and “Network of Things” (NoT) which is offering to revolutionise transport, communications and urban infrastructure as a whole. With embedded surveillance it permits advertisers, marketeers to access human minds as never before. Authorities can also tap in and use this consumerist techtopia to trap criminals and would-be “terrorists”. It requires that the State and Official Culture become so integrated through technology that the line will be blurred. Security and collectivism will be encouraged to a degree that compliance will be seen as good citizenship insofar as it maintains the urban environment and social provision. A new social contract will be loaded in favour of the State through a form of satiated servitude. (The Illuminist-Enlightenment thinkers would be well pleased).

So-called terrorists, dissidents/activists, protestors and ordinary citizens will need to be very concerned indeed on the road to SMART society as true individual thinking outside the box will slowly become frowned upon since it will not be conforming to the precept of a “psycho-civilised” society. The path of access to this dystopian view starts with ubiquitous surveillance.

As one short example illustrates, Britain’s Leeds-based Metropolitan Police Force is using a surveillance system procured from Datong plc., past customers of which have been the US Secret Service, the Ministry of Defence and unsavory regimes in the Middle East. The system is disguised as a mobile phone network which transmits a signal allowing the police or any other authority: “… to shut off phones remotely, intercept communications and gather data about thousands of users in a targeted area,” … “Strictly classified under government protocol as “Listed X”, it can emit a signal over an area of up to an estimated 10 sq.km, forcing hundreds of mobile phones per minute to release their unique IMSI and IMEI identity codes, which can be used to track a person’s movements in real time.” [1]

This is just one regional police force.

While the online company Amazon will track you via your Kindle reader for targeted advertising pathway prediction, the authorities will do the same based on the accumulated data to which it has access. It will not be for what you might buy, rather it will access what you may be thinking and your likely course of action on the “threat assessment” scale. There is precious little happening to prevent Google and other information technology companies from rolling out the SMART Internet of Things infrastructure which has enormous implications for a privacy and collective freedoms. Wi-Fi is destined to play a huge role.

militarysmartcityUrban law enforcement and Telephone towers with technology which allows multiple receive-transmit capability 

The social benefits of providing free access to Wi-Fi hot spots for those in low-income brackets and incentives for business travellers are shielding plans by the U.S. Department of Defence: “… to build robots that configure themselves into ad hoc wireless networks within urban areas” which were already well underway in 2007. Seizing control of internet communications and tracking individuals in urban areas is a necessary by-product of the technocratic SMART society. If that fails, the military are well placed to set up these Wi-Fi networks in a matter of hours or less. The Department of Defence (DOD) Homeland Security, Canadian, Israeli and NATO forces regularly conduct war-game exercises with Wi-Fi networks at the heart of operations. A DOD announcement for contractors as described by journalist Mark Baard discloses operations whereby:

“… soldiers will be able to drop robots, called LANdroids … when they arrive in a city. The robots will then scurry off to position themselves, becoming nodes for a wireless communications network…The Wi-Fi antennae dotting the urban landscape will serve not only as communications relays, but as transponders that can pinpoint the exact positions of individual computers and mobile phones…where GPS loses site of a device (and its owner), Wi-Fi will pick up the trail. The antennae will also relay orders to the brain-chipped masses, members of the British Ministry of Defense and the DOD believe.” [2]

As people become more accustomed to SMART technology and RFID tagging this will lead to the acceptance of our “need” to ensure greater technological “freedom.” As well as the technological capabilities of HAARP lying in the background in some form or another and married to these advances in technology, is it such a huge leap of imagination to think that once we are fully enmeshed in this SMART society where everything is habitually integrated that it would not be easy to begin directly assessing, monitoring and “downloading” material directly into the mass mind? Television has already served this purpose well, albeit in a more indirect fashion. With this in mind, though some have since expired and at least one is no longer listed (as of 1990) the US patent office listed the following successful registrations dating back to 1992:

U.S. Patent 5159703: Silent Subliminal Presentation System. (issued 1992) U.S. Patent 5507291: Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to a person’s emotional state. (issued 1996) U.S. Patent 5629678: Implantable transceiver – apparatus for Tracking and Recovering Humans. (issued 1997) U.S. Patent 6014080: Body worn active and passive tracking device (issued 2000) U.S. Patent 5868100: Fenceless Animal control system using GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) Location information. (issued 1999) [3]

US patent No. 5507291 filed on April 5, 1994 shows the level advancement at the public level. What goes on beyond top secret levels of the National Security State is anyone’s guess. The patent’s “abstract” is described as follows:

“In a method for remotely determining information relating to a person’s emotional state, an waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual’s emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compared with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating interviewee’s responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas.” [4] [Emphasis mine]

And US patent No. 5159703, filed on December 28, 1989:

“A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.” [5] [Emphasis mine]

In the late Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino’s book: Mind War he explores psychological operations in combination with emerging technologies such as EM waves, Silent Sound and ionospheric mind control. Let’s not underestimate the power inherent within the human body /mind complex. After all, the electrical energy that powers each cell in our bodies works out at 30 million volts per metre, the equivalent voltage of a bolt of lightning. [6]Power within can be, as it were, reverse-engineered. From a footnote in the same chapter if you didn’t catch the first time, read it again in this context:

“… the NSA’s electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24hrs a day. […]

“When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person’s brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.”

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA) supports many of the claims of systematic surveillance stalking and virtual torture from electromagnetic waves and interference. According to one researcher amongst many, Dr. Armen Victoria’s  1998 essay regarding ‘The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technologystates the capability of cloning human EEGs for targeted mind control purposes where a variety of emotional responses and instinctive reactions: “… have been identified and isolated from the EEG, as ’emotion signature clusters’. Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured, then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesised and stored on another computer, each one of these negative emotions properly and separately tagged. ‘They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.” [7]

It appears that The Tri-Service Electromagnetic Advisory Panel (TERP) represents the interests of all three military services in the US. It is still conducting some of the most advanced research in the world which in turn, stems from the investigations made by the Russian pioneers in mind control technology during the early 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. Air Force has been researching ocular injury by exposure to millimetre wave system, bio-effects of High Power Microwave in low microwave regions (S band) and Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR). The use of High Power Microwave (HMP), by each of the military services seems to be commonplace. Judging by the wealth of research on the subject the US Navy is also getting extremely excited at the prospect of utilising electro-magnetic waves as a psychotronic weapon. We may then understand that the invasion of Iraq not only represented an opportunity to plunder a nation for resources and stake claim to a long held geopolitical prize, but to test out new developments in microwave weaponry and experiment with the latest PSYOPS.
As Guardian columnist John Sutherland put it: “The battlefield will be the testing ground for the US samurai. No more rhesus monkeys or pigs but real, live Iraqis.” [8]

According to Dr. Oliver Lowry who has had the dubious honour of working for the US military on several classified projects, Iraqi soldiers were the latest unwitting guinea pigs to further such advances, one of those being Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called SQUAD:

… According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency “Silent Sounds” or “Silent Subliminals”. Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by PSYOPS psychologists were clearly perceived by subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds. [9]

Humans are highly sensitive and susceptible to a variety of electromagnetic frequencies – natural or artificial. The human body is a highly sensitive package of water, bio-chemicals, and electromagnetic energies. The introduction and exposure to various kinds of external micro or EM waves of any kind whether from mobile phones RFIDs or even wind-farm infra-sound does and will have an effect on the human being in ways we do not understand. Consider also that the geo-magnetic sensitivity in animals and other living organisms concentrations of ferromagnetic material – most notably magnetite. The same levels of magnetite conductor / receptor bio-mineralization were discovered to exist in the human brain in the early 1990s. The authors of one paper say that the presence of the particles may account … for a variety of biological effects of low-frequency magnetic fields.” [10]


Electric field of the heart on the surface of the thorax, recorded by Augustus Waller (1887).

Weapons which target the mind and nervous system of selected individuals also has a long tradition. Reports of systematic mind stalking, harassment of individuals, testing and deployment of electronic and electromagentic devices (EMF) by government/outsourced agencies have been surfacing in the United States, North/South Korea and various countries in Europe. This has eroded human rights comprehensively with the added bonus for the persecutors that it is almost impossible to confirm and verify that which is literally “all in the mind”.

Though information in electronic/electromagentic or “non lethal Weaponry” is largely classified there is sufficient evidence from modern history and individual reports to reach the conclusion in a court of law that the targeted, micro-social use of behaviour modification technology is being used against individuals and activist groupings.

Interest in a variety of EMF weaponry had already begun at the beginning of the 20th Century with the genuis of Nikola Tesla and his experiments with radar and electrical energy. Concentrating and directing a beam of electromagnetic energy over a certain distance took hold of Tesla’s mind until his death in 1943. It seems the military-industrial complex heavily saturated in Nazi philosophy and science simply subverted Tesla’s genius and extended his advances in the field.

DARPA have been on the case since the Cold War with their 1958 research into combating Soviet advances in electromagnetic weapons and defenses. The capability to disrupt human emotions, inflict pain and fragment the personality was already well underway during pre and post-war experimentation under Operation MK-ULTRA, Project MONARCH, Project PANDORA and the development of PSYOPS and CoIntelpro emerging against the background of the civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s; behaviour modification had a new platform to play with.

Since that time with the enormous advances in “new concept” warfare there is every likelihood that a fusion of this military-intel science is not only being used as form of macro-social engineering and a monopoly of media-led propaganda, but the use of mass mind, ionosphere technology (fomerly labelled HAARP) to influence whole regions, even countries. It is therefore not a huge leap of imagination to recognise that the precision use of psychotronic weaponry to target selected individuals by the National Security State apparatus is in existence and heavily funded by black budgets.

Well in advance of the war on terror hoopla, Neo-Conservative regime change and the sky-rocketing increase in human/drug trafficking, mind control technologies were telegraphed to the military-intelligence faithful as the tool of choice to keep the world in line. The Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, published in 1994: ‘The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War’ by LTC James Kievit, Dr. Steven Metz. In the paper, the authors state the following drawn from their “hypothetical future scenario”:

The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs)… it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic… Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic ”consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed. As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the ‘warfighter’ mentality became irrelevant. […] Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each“. So the Institute of Strategic Studies supposed that in the year 2000 those technologies would be that advanced that it will be possible to deprive human being of his freedom and adjust his personality to the needs of ruling elite. Most probably those technologies were at this level already in 1994.

Put this together with Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), the SMART grid, MAIN CORE, biological and PSYOPS warfare and you begin to get the idea that the technology of assymetric warfare isn’t just about geostrategy to dis-empower traditional enemies such as Iran, Russia and China. It is about war against domestic population by stealth and in plain sight. According to Project Censored’s 2006 paper titled: ‘US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ offers a broad brush synthesis of the field and confirms the black budget capabilities available since the Zio-Conservative false-flag coup of 9/11:

“Michael Vickers, senior adviser to the Secretary of Defensefor the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review and principal strategist for the largest covert action program in the CIA’s history, recently testified on the importance of black operations: “US Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) emphasis after 9/11 has been to make white SpecialOperations Forces (SOF) more gray and black SOF more black. It is imperative, however, that white and black SOF be integrated fully from a strategic perspective.” [11]

CongnitiveMappingSource: Petri Ticklen at http://alicefish.net/MindAttack.htm Original source: Against Electronic Mind-Control International /http://againstmindcontrol.tripod.com/liber.html

Since the war on terror propaganda has now made sure that activists, dissidents and indeed anyone overtly successful in criticising government policy is shut down, detained or harassed it is hardly shocking to discover that some of these covert programs have been targeting people for experimentation in CIA rendition centres, prisons, psychiatric wards and across the general public with immunity. Project Censored authors state:

“…Hundreds of people continue to assert that a person or persons, whom they do not know,have been targeting them with electromagnetic weapons in a widespread campaign of either illegal experimentation or outright persecution. These experiences involved a number of discrete phenomena:

  • Hearing voices when no one was present.
  • Feeling sensations of burning, itching, tickling, or pressure with no apparent physical cause.
  • Sleeplessness and anxiety as a result of “humming” or “buzzing”.
  • Loss of bodily control, such as twitching or jerking of an arm or leg suddenly and without control.
  • Unexpected emotional states, such as a sudden overwhelming feeling of dread, rage, lust or sorrow that passes as quickly as it arises. [12]

And the industry of non-lethal weaponry (NLW) is steadily increasing playing a dominant role in asymmetric warfare abroad as well as crowd control closer to home. The market for NLW will apparently double by 2020. [13] That means big money. Almost ten years ago:

“…the Air Force issued $24 million in contracts for “Electro Magnetic Effects Research and Development” to Northrup Gruman, Voss Scientific, Lockheed Martin, ElectroMagnetic Applications, and SAIC among others. The DOD viewed electromagnetic research and development as a key component in future wars as early as the 1990s. Emmett Paige Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence declared in 1996 that, ‘Well over a decade ago, a Soviet general reportedly said something like ‘to prevail in the next conflict, one must control the electromagnetic spectrum.’ That statement proved true in the Bacca Valley and on deserts in Iraq. The Department of Defense is committed to ensuring that ‘in the next conflict it is we who will control the spectrum. We know its value’. Increasingly, the value of non lethal weapons continues to rise as they produce fewer images of death in the media than traditional weapons.’

In addition to DOD contractors, the realm of non-lethal weapons extends into the universities with millions of dollars in scholarships and research fellowships. Pennsylvania State University, sponsors the Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies (INLDT), the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey has the Stress and Motivated Behavior Institute, University of New Hampshire houses the Non-lethal Technology Innovation Center, and many US military schools have classes directly related to non-lethal weapons technology. There are also numerous conferences each year hosted by the Department of Defense, contractors and universities. The business of non-lethal weapons is expanding and will continue to grow. In 2006, the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate received $43.9 million compared to $25.8 million in 2000. [14]

By 2011, this had increased to $138 million, reaching $140 million in 2013. [15] If we read the US Department of Defence’s Annual Non-Lethal Weapons Program Annual reports, it would leave you feeling suitably humbled and sentimental, beaming with national pride that Uncle Sam and its numerous military bases are making the world a less lethal. Apart from such delusions, what is more interesting is how such NLW advances are leaking into law enforcement and perceived “National Security.” A passage from Project’s Censored’s report concerning one Eldon Byrd a medical engineer, underscores this point:

“After working on the Polaris submarine, which carried long-range nuclear weapons, Byrd developed non-lethal weapons with reversible effects. He regarded this as a humanitarian alternative to ‘punching holesin people and having their blood leak out’ in battle. His inventions used magnetic fields at biologically active wave frequencies to affect brain function. Byrd could put animals to sleep at a distance and influence their movements. When the success of his research became evident, suddenly he was pulled off the project and it went “black.” He believes the electromagnetic resonance weapons he developed have been used for psychological control of civilians rather than for exigencies in battle. That is, to ensure his participation, he was uninformed about the true nature of the project. Byrd’s case also illustrates how morally tolerable operations may transition to morally intolerable operations, or at least rise above the atrocity line.” [16]

It is this intentional compartmentalisation and factional nature of operations and directives within military and  intelligence agencies which allows pathological leadership to develop.

Back in 2006, Congress and George W. Bush signed the Military Commission Act of 2006. which allowed torture and suspension of due process as acceptable. Since that time, torture apologists from law, academia and the military have come out to justify such actions as necessary for the “greater good” once again, trashing the very concept of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and basic notions of conscience. The Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment is perfectly happy to use all and everything in its means to achieve its ends including the use of technology that cannot be detected nor recognised by Official Culture.

The somewhat infamous Dr. José Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School in the 1960s and 70s, and later Professor of Neurobiology in Madrid, Spain, had gained quite an internet following of shock and revulsion based around his similar pathological view of the capabilities of psychosurgery. He urged the U.S. government to make “control of the mind” a national goal. [17] He cheerily – and perhaps ill-advisedly – voiced his opinion and those of his superiors regarding the future:

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday, armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain”. [18]

Dr. José Delgado was nothing if not thorough in his research. In 1965, The New York Times reported on Delgado’s successful experiment in the use of electronic implants connected to the motor nervous system of a bull – the unfortunate animal was stopped from charging by remote radio-control. The bizarre capabilities of surveillance was demonstrated when he surgically implanted a cat with an electronic implant which transmitted everything the poor moggy was seeing and hearing to a TV monitor.

The Doctor’s foray into publishing produced Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-civilized Society (1969) which helped to confirm his Dr. Evil status on the net – not without justification. The doc is messianic in his belief that humans will undergo “psycho-civilization” by uploading the contents of their brains directly to machines and vice versa. With statements like that it is unlikely that he limited his experiments to animals. According to a 2001 interview for Cabinet magazine conducted by artists and writers Magnus Bärtås and Fredrik Ekman there are still many of Delgado’s descriptions in his own articles and reports of how he moved from animals to humans in contemporary American medical libraries. The reporters relate how Delgado, Dr. Mark, and other colleagues: “describe what was the first clinical use of Intracerebral Radio Stimulation (IRS) on a human being. The stimoceiver itself only weighed 70 grams and was held fast by a bandage.”

Dr. Jose Delgado, deep brain stimulation (DBS) researcher at Yale University and author of the book, Physical Control of the Mind (1986)

Dr. Jose Delgado, deep brain stimulation (DBS) researcher at Yale University and author of the book, Physical Control of the Mind (Third Edition: 1986)

In an article called “Radio Control Behavior” in the February 1969 issue of The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease there are descriptions of patients who had undergone procedures to attach the device to their brains.

Case studies include:

… A black fourteen-year-old girl on the border of developmental disability who grew up in a foster home suddenly goes into a fury that leads to the death of her two stepsisters. A thirty-five-year old white industrial designer who ends up killing his wife and children flies into a rage when other motorists try to overtake him and he chases them and tries to run them off the road. Their aggressive behavior is supposed to be registered by the stimoceiver in the way a seismograph registers the earth’s tremors and the same stimoceiver is then to “turn them off” via the FM transmitter. [19]

In the interview Delgado admits that as far as he was aware nothing came of the IRS device due to the complexity of the brain and the unreliability of the mapping: “We never knew which parts of the brain we were stimulating with the stimoceiver. We didn’t even manage to prevent epileptic attacks, which we thought would be the simplest of things. We never found the area where epilepsy attacks originate.” [20]

The authors reveal their surprise at his: “casual attitude towards the stimoceiver which was heralded as a great contribution to science.” Although Delgado’s attitude conforms to later developments regarding the brains plasticity and almost holographic nature, normal practice for radar experiments in psychological control were to appropriate and integrate into covert programs. After all, mind control operations were/are still continuing. It was at the congressional hearings on the CIA sponsored MK-ULTRA operations that Delgado made his famous declaration of psychosurgery. It seems highly improbable that such experiments were ignored especially when they often yielded startling results.

To illustrate the effectiveness of electro-stimulation Delgado and his colleagues: “… orchestrated violent scenes in the lab” descriptions of which were captured in the book: The Brain Changers: Scientists and the New Mind Control (1973) by Maya Pine who relates one incident typical of the research in question:

As the film opens, the patient, a rather attractive young woman, is seen playing the guitar and singing “Puff, the Magic Dragon.” A psychiatrist sits a few feet away. She seems undisturbed by the bandages that cover her head like a tight hood, from her forehead to the back of her neck. Then a mild electric current is sent from another room, stimulating one of the electrodes in her right amygdala. Immediately, she stops singing, the brainwave tracings from her amygdala begin to show spikes, a sign of seizure activity. She stares blankly ahead. Suddenly she grabs her guitar and smashes it against the wall, narrowly missing the psychiatrist’s head. [21]

As the authors delved deeper into the experiments on people Delgado became suspicious and tense. He terminated the interview not long after. Rather than regretting his time of psychosurgery innovation it is likely that Delgado was feeling petulant about being left out of the loop after his data was integrated into the continuing experimentation. He may have had considerable lack of success with the vagaries of brain plasticity but his work on animals was highly valued during the parallel mind control work of MK-ULTRA and other operations. Though unconfirmed, it is thought that Delgado worked on Project PANDORA as part of the CIA’s experiments into electromagnetic modulation with particular attention to scrambling the minds of soldiers on the battlefield. It was at exactly the same time that the CIA began to conduct radiation experiments on the US population, just prior to Delgado starting his research on electro-magnetic radiation and its capacity for influencing people’s consciousness.

After the 1974 congressional hearings the Doctor continued his animal research managing to link his brain implants with computers. This was documented in “Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the Brain” published in 1975 where he stated:

“The most interesting aspect of the transdermal stimoceivers is the ability to perform simultaneous recording and stimulation of brain functions, thereby permitting the establishment of feedbacks and ‘on-demand’ programs of excitation with the aid of the computer. With the increasing sophistication and miniaturization of electronics, it may be possible to compress the necessary circuitry for a small computer into a chip that is implantable subcutaneously. In this way, a new self-contained instrument could be devised, capable of receiving, analyzing, and sending back information to the brain, establishing artificial links between unrelated cerebral areas, functional feedbacks, and programs of stimulation contingent on the appearance of pre-determined patterns” [22]

In true “mad professor” fashion, Delgado continued his experimentation  on an island in Bermuda, where a group of gibbons were placed at his disposal. Naturally, the doctor had them all fixed with electronic brain implants which led him to discover how to build and destroy social orders using electrical brain boosts. [23] This would have been right up the technocratic street that was emerging in the warfare-ridden 1970s. So, this begs the question: after over thirty years of electronic implant tinkering what has the Pentagon, DARPA, NSA and unknown agencies come up with besides the RFID tagging systems? Our old friend the Nazi-tainted IBM needs to be brought in here.

Reflect on this confidential memo covertly obtained all the way back from October, 1995 from INTELLI-CONNECTION, a Security Division of IBM. In the form of an office memo, it reveals some interesting information. An edited extract follows:



   “Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but we have entered into contractual testing of our product. We have also had major successes in privately owned sanitariums with implant technology… In California, several prisoners were identified as members of a security threat group, EME, or Mexican Mafia.

   They were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories.

   The implant procedure takes about 60-90 minutes depending on the experience of the technician. We are working on a device that will reduce that time by as much as 60 per cent. The results of implants on 8 prisoners yielded the following:

   Implants served as surveillance monitoring devices for threat group activity. Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff. Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealed that when the implant was set to 116 Mhz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of 18-22 hours per day. All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 116 Mhz test evaluation…”

   Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period and the findings are conclusive that 7 out of 8 test subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked. Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment.

   Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment. The security windfall from the brief test period was tremendous. Security officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into their correctional facilities … In Massachusetts, the Department of Corrections had already entered into high level discussions about releasing certain offenders to the community with the 2020 neural chip implants.” [24]

What is the probability that such technology has been way in advance of anything we see from outsourced DOD departments which are overt and relatively open to public discourse? What of deep black projects far away from any oversight? Might we assume that such R & D may be in development, the results of which could be used on the potential activist, dissident or “terrorist” when the SMART-Surveillance society (SSS) is fully integrated into a comfortable, consumerist paradise?

If we take the infestation of Satanic Ritual Abuse networks which appear to be seated in most centres of power and seeping into the waiting SSS managed by mind control technology both overt and covert, this is surely worse than any science-fiction novel we can imagine. If we are to give credence to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s visions, which in any case, may simply be explanatory notes to his fellow comrades signalling what will happen, the technology may already be in place and operational.

In his 1970 book Between Two Ages Brzezinski writes:

“… of a future at most only decades away,” upon which he related the opinion of an experimenter in intelligence control who asserted: ‘I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.” [25]

This is the darker side of the transhumanism crowd and which permeates social network corporations, military-intelligence and the DARPA inspired National Surveillance state. The music emanating from SMART grid technology is that of the Pied Piper lulling his followers into a false dawn. Saturating ourselves in W-Fi and locking ourselves into a EMF grid; making our gadgets indispensable for our most basic daily needs is exactly what this mainframe seduction is all about.

Part of being psycho-civilised is that we become seduced by the promise of more and more access, increasing efficiency and the ever smaller distance between “want” and “have.” The problem is, it appears to be an illusion, engineered with great precision, doffing it’s hat to ecological principles and economic alternatives whilst retaining a core-machine centralisation.

If we do not see the Magician behind these pretty lights and virtual enticements, these amenities offering a New Order of efficiency and ease, we will end up exactly as Henry David Thoreau wrote about his fellow man whom he believed had become : “… as tools of their tools.” When that happens and in combination with our illustrious pathocratic leaders, there may be very few choices to think freely, let alone act. We will be quite literally lost in the “simulation and simulacra”.

That is the antithesis of SMART.

See also: Satan’s Little Helpers VI: Sleepers and Electro-Shocks



[1] ‘Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones’ The Guardian October 3, 2011.
[2] ‘Urban Wireless to Serve Intel and PSYOP forces’ by Mark Baard parallelnormal.com, July 19, 2007.
[3] http://www.patft.uspto.gov/
[4] ‘Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to person’s emotional state’ Inventors: Stirbl; Robert C. (New York, NY), Wilk; Peter J. (New York, NY) Appl. No.: 08/222,835 Filed: April 5, 1994 / 5,507,291 Stirbl et al. April 16, 1996. www. patft.uspto.gov/
[5] ‘Silent subliminal presentation system’ Inventors: Lowery; Oliver M. (Norcross, GA) Appl. No.: 07/458,339 Filed: December 28, 1989, issued as United States Patent 5,159,703, October 27, 1992. www. patft.uspto.gov/
[6] Utility Services in India’ | http://www.indiaonline.in/About/utilities/index.html
[7] The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technology’ by Dr Armen Victorian Lobster Magazine 1998. [8] ‘Horrifying US Secret Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad’ By Bill Dash, rense.com August 25, 2003.
[9] .‘Ariel Mind Control’ by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group http://www.raven1.net/commsolo.htm
[10] ‘Magnetite Biomineralization in the Human Brain’ by Joseph L. Kirschvink, Atsuko Kobayashi-Kirschvink and Barbara J. Woodford, National Academy of Sciences. | Vol. 89. Biophysics, 1992.
[11]’US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, As Study of the History of US In telligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons, Completed December 2006, Sonoma State University, Project Censored Media Freedom Foundation.http://www.projectcensored.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/ElectromegnaticWeapons.pdf
[12] Ibid.
[13] ‘Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW): Industry, Technologies & Global Market’ 2014-2020 Aug 19, 2014 |http://www.marketwatch.com/story/non-lethal-weapons-nlw-industry-technologies-global-market-2014-2020-2014-08-19
[14] Ibid.
[15] http://jnlwp.defense.gov/Portals/50/Documents/Press_Room/Annual_Reviews_Reports/2013/DoD_Non-Lethal_Weapons_Program_Annual_Review_11.19.2012_HTML_format_v1.pdf
[16] Many accounts on psychotronic abuse are available to read in books and online. Some links: http://mindjustice.org/ | http://freedomfightersforamerica.com/victims_statements_pg1 [16] op.cit Philips, Brown, Thornton.
[17]The People Shapers by Vance Packard, published by Little, Brown & Co., 1977, (p.4).
[18] Joseph Delgado February 24, 1974 edition of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (MKULTRA hearings) No. 26, Vol.118.
[19] ‘Psychocivilization and Its Discontents: An Interview with José Delgado’ by Magnus Bärtås and Fredrik Ekman, Cabinet magazine, Issue 2 Mapping Conversations Spring 2001.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Ibid.
[22] ‘Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the Brain,’ Delgado, Lipponen, Weiss, del Pozo, Monteagudo, and McMahon, a co-operative publication of the Medical University of Madrid, Spain, and Yale University Medical School, 1975.
[23] Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness Jim Keith, IllumiNet Press, 1999. (p.99)
[24] ‘The IBM 2020 Neural Implant’ The Phoenix Project, Dr. Al Overholt, quoting from The California Sun, by Herb Dorsey, Feb. 1997. See also: (http://www.trufax.org/reports/2020.html)
[25] op. cit. Brzezinski (p.15) (Between Two Ages)

Technocracy XI: Social (SMART) Grid and “Cognitive Infiltration”

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

thSocial networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Yahoo! and others have offered new ways to chat, make friends, speed-date and keep in touch with family wherever you are. It has revolutionized information in ways which we are only just beginning to understand. The networks have become such a normal part of our daily lives in such a short time that it is only recently that serious questions about privacy and surveillance have filtered through to the MSM. But ethical questions are being left behind as the Information Age surges ahead. Indeed, if you don’t have a Facebook account then you have already consigned yourself to the hinterlands of suspicion and abnormality. According to some, this may even be a red-flag for suspected terrorist or paedophile. Such is the power of social networking websites on society and the ridiculous assumptions now circulating. [1] $billion companies like Twitter and Facebook have become the largest database on the global population, representing a free and easy resource for intelligence agencies to data-mine. With over 900 million active users it is not difficult to see how useful data catchment could be.

Growing awareness that social networks are being used by intelligence agencies to monitor citizens’ activities prompted cyber-consumer advocate Electronic Frontier foundation (EFF) to file requests in October 2009 to provide records about federal guidelines on the use of social networking sites for investigative or data-gathering purposes. Among other issues related to surveillance as discussed previously, they sued the CIA, the US Department of Defence, Department of Justice and three other government agencies for allegedly refusing to release information on their involvement in social networks. The cases are on-going.

There are so many dubious aspects to Facebook aside from its intelligence connections and origins it is hard to know where to start. We will pinpoint a few however.

The company makes no secret of is its drive to know everything about its members. It wants to extract and mine as much the data from them as is humanely possible and then make it available to all kinds of interested parties. The implications of their drive to happily make your social life – including information you might not ordinarily reveal – fully integrated into the net experience is of course, never discussed. Facebook has been busily creating “Shadow Profiles” in a bid to extract even more information. Using various functions on the software interface which encourages users to share personal data of other users and non-users of Facebook such as mobile phone synchronization, search queries, friend invitations, email-provider imports and instant messaging means that even if you don’t use Facebook you may have a profile nonetheless. [2]

Since Facebook is such a fan of being “social by default” then it shouldn’t be concerned when the tables are turned. Since Facebook revealed in 2012 that more than 83 million Facebook accounts (8.7% of total users) were fake accounts, ongoing controversies with privacy issues, class action lawsuits and litigation as well as the virtual ownership of members’ profiles, it is hardly surprising this was reflected in the stock value which dropped below $20 in the same year. [3]

th“You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content.”

– Facebook Terms of Service. (It has since been updated yet protests groups claim little has changed).

When independent software developer Pete Warden crawled all the data that Facebook’s privacy settings changes had made public, the company sued him. This occurred before the Open Graph API system which means they were planning to make the data publicly available anyway. As Vice President of Engineering at Border Stylo Dan Yoder comments: “Their real agenda is pretty clear: they don’t want their membership to know how much data is really available,” stating further: “It’s one thing to talk to developers about how great all this sharing is going to be; quite another to actually see what that means in the form of files anyone can download and load into MatLab.” [4]

In 2010, a Canadian security researcher Ron Bowes created a specific crawler script which he then used to take information from Facebook’s open access directory. He managed to download 2.8Gb of personal details including credit card numbers, account names, profile URLs and contact details; names of those users’ friends, (even with hidden profiles) and more intimate photos of over 100 million Facebook users. This cache of private information gold was then dumped on P2P file-sharing service BitTorrent, which was subsequently downloaded by scores of major corporations many hundreds of times. The point was not the relative ease by which such data was “stolen,” though this is an important issue, it was the fact that the data is already publicly available, provided Facebook members have not chosen to hide their profile from search results. [5]

As of 2012, there are now a raft of members, celebrities, underwriters and advertisers all taking a cut of Facebook profits. On the management board is co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg with the largest ownership percentage of an individual at 28% (he is worth $33.1Billion) with co-founders Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, Sean Parker taking between 6-4%.  Venture capital company Accel Partners, Russian internet firm Mail du Ru take 10% repsectively and former PayPal CEO and venture capitalist Peter Thiel 3%. Thiel sums up Facebook’s history of double-dealing and entrepreneurship very well.

mark-zuckerbergCEO Mark Zuckerberg

The first lump sum from his venture capital funding amounted to $500,000 – a tidy sum no doubt drawn from his £3bn hedge fund Clarium Capital Management and a venture capital fund called Founders Fund. Thiel is the Author of an anti-multicultural missive The Diversity Myth and on the board of VanguardPAC a radical internet-based Neo-Conservative pressure group that was apparently set up to attack MoveOn.org, a left-liberal pressure group website. VanguardPAC’s mission is to “reshape America and the globe” according to Neo-Conservative values – the type of values which are still carving up the Middle East. Thiel is certainly not the shy and retiring type and promotes a New World Technocracy laced with transhumanist and right-wing conservatism. The Guardian’s Tom Hodgkinson summarises Thiel’s curious mélange of fascist views: “… since the 17th century, certain enlightened thinkers have been taking the world away from the old-fashioned nature-bound life, and here he quotes Thomas Hobbes’ famous characterisation of life as ‘nasty, brutish and short’, and towards a new virtual world where we have conquered nature. Value now exists in imaginary things.” [6]


Peter Thiel: Technocratic Neo-Conservative

From where did Theil obtain his inspiration? Stanford’s University’s René Girard and his mimetic theory that states all cultures and ancient societies were built on the victimisation and an eventual sacrifice of the innocent, even though they believed they were guilty. Mythology was used to legitimise and rationalise the fact that society was founded on violence. If Girard believes that people are sheep and will follow the one strongest in the herd then according to Hodgkinson:

“The theory would also seem to be proved correct in the case of Thiel’s virtual worlds: the desired object is irrelevant; all you need to know is that human beings will tend to move in flocks. Hence financial bubbles. Hence the enormous popularity of Facebook. Girard is a regular at Thiel’s intellectual soirees. What you don’t hear about in Thiel’s philosophy, by the way, are old-fashioned real-world concepts such as art, beauty, love, pleasure and truth.” [7]

Perhaps this is something that may be said for much of the neo-feudalist collectives currently infiltrating our social systems?

Consider the other board member of Facebook, Jim Breyer a partner in the venture capital firm Accel Partners who put $12.7m into Facebook in April 2005:

“…. On the board of such US giants as Wal-Mart and Marvel Entertainment, he is also a former chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA). Now these are the people who are really making things happen in America, because they invest in the new young talent, the Zuckerbergs and the like. Facebook’s most recent round of funding was led by a company called Greylock Venture Capital, who put in the sum of $27.5m. One of Greylock’s senior partners is called Howard Cox, another former chairman of the NVCA, who is also on the board of In-Q-Tel. What’s In-Q-Tel? Well, believe it or not (and check out their website), this is the venture-capital wing of the CIA. After 9/11, the US intelligence community became so excited by the possibilities of new technology and the innovations being made in the private sector, that in 1999 they set up their own venture capital fund, In-Q-Tel, which “identifies and partners with companies developing cutting-edge technologies to help deliver these solutions to the Central Intelligence Agency and the broader US Intelligence Community (IC) to further their missions”. [8] [Emphasis mine]

With significant lobbying costs totalling over $41,000 in just one quarter of 2010 the focus of their expenditure was primarily intelligence agencies such as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was the only internet company to do so out of Google, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. The DNI is an umbrella office founded in the wake of 9/11 synthesizing intelligence from 17 agencies (including the CIA) and advises the President on privacy and federal cyber-security policy.

Which begs the question: Is Facebook lobbying merely to keep their operations free from interference for their Intel handlers?

Meanwhile, Facebook, Blogs, newspapers, radio TV channels, and internet chat rooms are poured over and monitored by the Open Source Centre or “vengeful librarians” – even the constant “tweets” from the Twitter network reaching over 5 million per day. Information is gathered by an army of analysts to find the low-down on the emotional level of a certain city demographic or whether a country is ready to be invaded or …”Democratised.”


 “Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine.”

– Richard Stallman, software freedom activist

It is now common knowledge that The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s command centre monitors blogs, forums newsgroups and message boards on a daily basis. Scores of popular websites, including Twitter, Facebook, WikiLeaks, Hulu, and many alternative and left-leaning news sites also come under the umbrella of US surveillance.

Among the many examples that the Obama Administration has provided and which go above and the beyond the Neo-Conservative crimes of the Bush-Cheney cabal is President Obama’s regulatory Czar and legal scholar Cass Sunstein. Just before his appointment as Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, this gentleman managed to add to the grand façade that is American democracy by writing a 30-page academic paper co-authored with Adrian Vermule entitled: “Conspiracy Theories.” In the paper he suggested the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. This “cognitive infiltration,” according to Sunstein, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.” This ban would be imposed on such heresies as anti-anthropocentric global warming; the World Trade Centre attacks on 911 were an inside job; Al-Qaeda is a US government-created mercenary unit for hire and a range of other proven conspiracy facts, most of which feature on this blog. By “conspiracy theory” Sunstein defines it as “an effort to explain some event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.”

Heaven forbid we should try to expose that …

And of course, Sunstein implies that that there are no conspiracies operating in government, banking and corporate activities and if you are one of the mentally deranged few that believe so, then medical help and a good psychologist is the only path open to you. It seems everyone is a potential extremist if you are aren’t giving the government a virtual back-rub. He further suggests: ““… a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” [9]

Cass SunsteinCass Sunstein 2011, (AP Photo)

Sunstein’s objective is to raise: “… doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action,” which places a whole new angle on some of many trolls and trouble-makers who periodically appear on website forums to sow seeds of discontent in ways which follow distinct patterns of emotional programming indicative of paid disinformation agents. Indeed, PSYOPS targeting the web have been in operation for several years, possibly since the internet’s inception in some form or another.  Sunstein’s suggestions are merely an updating of the US Dept. Defence’s Information Operations Road Map of the future. [10]

To make sure such a future – and the mass mind – is firmly where it should be DARPA means to keep biometrics and the internet connected to the same port (which, one day soon, may be located at the back of our skulls). Pentagon scientists are helpfully creating a program to use biometrics as a platform for creating a “cognitive fingerprint” which would dispense with all those passwords building up in our little black books. Which means, according to their website: “… validating any potential new biometrics with empirical tests to ensure they would be effective in large scale deployments.” Named the Active Authorisation Program (AAP) it offers deep analysis of the user’s cognitive processes and thus their online behaviour in the hope of inventing new forms of biometrics so that your identity can be ascertained.

Parallel to this grateful assistance in making our lives so much more efficient and safe, online tech journal Security Ledger reported in April 2013 on one time hacker and DARPA’s cyber chief Peiter “Mudge” Zatko heading to Google Inc. Joining Google’s Motorola Mobility’s Advanced Technology & Projects (ATAP) group, it has a mission to deliver “breakthrough innovations to the company’s product line on seemingly impossible short time-frames.” While Microsoft continues to track users of the Windows phones which have a unique ID that interacts with Wi-Fi locations and GPS to know anyone’s longitude and latitude. Customer privacy isn’t a big issue for Microsoft and really any of the big internet companies. Google knows the password of every Android device (phone or tablet) which has ever logged on to a particular Wi-Fi network. (Android accounts for 79 per cent of phones shipped worldwide).

Business Insider’s article of August 14th, 2013 alerted us to the fact that if you are one of 400 million persons who chose Gmail then you can also expect no privacy at all. In a class action complaint of 2013 Google responded by claiming “a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties.” So, be warned, even though it is unlikely you’ll be able to avoid Google even if you wanted to.

It seems Google and DARPA are courting each other for good reason.



[1] Is not joining Facebook a sign you’re a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is ‘suspicious’ Daily Mail, 6 August 2012.
[2] ‘Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users’ October 18 2011, http://www.slashdot.org
[3] “Facebook: About 83 million accounts are fake”. USA Today. August 3, 2012.
[4] ‘Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook’ by Dan Yoder http://www.gizmodo.com May 3 2010.
[5] ‘How 100 million Facebook users ended up in a list on BitTorrent’ Jemima Kiss, The Guardian, 29 July 2010.
[6] ‘With friends like these …’ by Tom Hodgkinson, The Guardian May 2010.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] ‘Conspiracy Theories’ by Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard Law School) and Adrian Vermeule (Harvard Law School) January 15, 2008, Harvard Public Law Working Paper No. 08-03, U of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper No. 199 U of Chicago Law & Economics, Olin Working Paper No. 387. [ During my own experience in working for several alternative news websites there was no question that persistent problems from site “trolls” on the relevant forums fell into this category. Some exhibited high knowledge on certain specialist subjects and exhibited a standard formula for contouring ideas and concepts which included the very same “cognitive infiltration” tactics cited by Sunstein and often in a highly elaborate form. Once “outed” they were gone but often the damage was already done].
[10] As part of the “Information Dominance” strategy of the Pentagon, ‘The Information Operation Road Map’ was a paper commissioned in 2003 and declassified in 2006. It was personally approved by the then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld. It included details of major PSYOPS disinformation campaigns to place false stories in newspapers and the internet as well as the kind of beginings of “cognitive infiltration” that Sunstein was so keen to see materialise.


Technocracy III: Tagged (and Bagged?)

“The lessons learned from the adoption of other technologies suggest that radio frequency identification will be more important than anyone currently imagines.”

– Mark Roberti, founder and editor of RFID Journal


© infrakshun

As American infrastructure crumbles under the weight of trillions of dollars of debt accumulated from largely illegal and spurious wars abroad, automation is biting further into the human labour market. Parallel advances in data-collection, surveillance and monitoring continue to build a “soft” police state, all of which must be paid for. New ways of fleecing the populace must be found which means we will be seeing more examples of SMART applications roll-out across a broad range of societal domains.

Hot on the heels of issuing digital licence plates in California, a little black box has made an appearance that will fit neatly by the dashboard of your car. An October 2013 Los Angeles Times report: ‘A black box in your car? Some see a source of tax revenue’ Evan Halper tell us: “The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives and transmit that information to bureaucrats, are at the center of a controversial attempt in Washington and state planning offices to overhaul the outdated system for funding America’s major roads.” The idea is to extract more money out of the hapless US citizen by allowing the government to keep track of the miles they drive in order to draw up yet another tax bill.

No doubt when this is integrated into “the internet of things” then every little iota of information about where you go and what you spend your money and who you decide to see will be factored in to the bill with increases, decreases and penalties and pluses accordingly. This initiative has its blessing from libertarians and lobbying from environmental groups. The former has a SMART techtopia informing its idealism while the latter sees Agenda 21 and sustainable development as the medium by which their own complimentary ecotopia can manifest. Despite protestations from the American Civil Liberties Union, both camps are blind to the undercurrents of Pathocracy in this context.

Keen to do its part for the SMART revolution the European Union has proposed a scheme which would see cars fitted with camera systems that ‘read’ the limits displayed on road signs and automatically apply the brakes. Supposedly in a bid to cut the number of deaths in car accidents the scheme labelled ‘Intelligent Speed Adaptation’ would use GPS satellites to transmit data to automatically limit the driver’s speed along with verbal computer commands to slow down. Or, according to The Telegraph’s September 2013 report: ‘EU plans to fit all cars with speed limiters,’ drivers can be given “… a warning of the speed limit, or their speed could be controlled automatically under the new measures.” [1]

RFID-TagsVariety of RFID retail tags


The merging of SMART society and surveillance already has a formidable momentum in America. These examples are the tip of an emerging philosophy of data collection and surveillance which is making inroads into every facet of our once relatively free existence. For instance, just in case you were in any doubt that vaccinations are always a gift from God, registry systems have been set up to track your vaccination status so that you can continue to do as you’re told. Or perhaps you’ve come across the biometrics programs currently being tinkered with in US schools which will “… track students’ eye movements, monitor their conversations or even measure their smiles.” Turning the classroom into a tech-lab paradise of attentive drones is easy – and profitable. In the same month, online journal The Future Is Now ran an article entitled: ‘Biometrics Help Teachers Track Students’ Every Move.’ Sheila Dharmarajan writes: “When the student is looking up at the teacher, the teacher score goes up. If she looks down at the computer, the computer score goes up. So we’re tracking facial expressions. If she makes a smile, it might be indicative that is enthusiastic about the topic.” [2]

Ah, the simple world of binary perception …

But it isn’t only in the US. While the UK’s ID scheme has been temporarily jettisoned, other countries are pushing ahead. Journalist Katitza Rodriguez, writing for the Electronic Frontier Foundation on January 10, 2012 highlighted Argentina’s resurrected and mandatory National Registry of Persons (RENAPER) which had lain dormant from the era of military dictatorship. Facial recognition and finger-printing are part of a security-surveillance system which is about to be integrated into the Federal System of Biometric Identification (SIBIOS) used by existing police and military networks. The registration of new-born babies’ biometric information has taken place since 2012 with projections that the SIBOS database will reach over 40 million within the next two years.

In January 2012, all 1.2 billion residents of India were the lucky beneficiaries of a nationwide program overseeing the allocation of a Unique Identification Number (UID). Each number will be fixed to the biometric data of the recipient utilizing using three different modes of information detection: fingerprints, iris scans, and face recognition. The implementation of RFID (radio-frequency identification) is the next stage for India’s flourishing biometric industry.

RFID stands for “Radio Frequency Identification”. With the advent of Wi-Fi and SMART applications the platform for RFID is expanding to include SMART labels for consumer products, assest tracking, secuirity and data retrieval for business. Then we have the more invasive tagging  with computer chips implanted into physical objects, animals, livestock and human beings. The Electronic Product Code that lies within the chip can be “read” when the device emits a radio signal. The chips contain electronically stored information which can be read up to several meters away. Active tags are self-powered and have a long range, particularly useful for surveillance. Passive tags are without battery source and use a local power source, the range being variable.

Some Christians have long been frothing at the mouth at the prospect of micro-chipping and what they consider to be the proverbial “Mark of the Beast” from The Book of Revelations, without which: “no man might buy or sell save he that had the Mark.” To be fair, it does sound remarkably similar. The Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility (AIM) sees biometric identification in true technocratic form where federal, state, local governments, military and commercial applications should join together and embrace the SMART culture without a care in the world. According to AIM, the RFID-chipped “SMART cards” and the biometric revolution “are set to pervade nearly all aspects of the economy and our daily lives.”  [3]The selling pitch goes like this: The tagging of products from razor blades to underwear represents enormous benefits to consumers, protecting us against fraud and theft as well as providing cost reduction and convenience. What could be simpler? And because it is so simple and so convenient given the fast-paced nature of our modern society, doesn’t it make sense to get yourself tagged too? Efficiency, efficiency and more efficiency …

As a precursor to this we have contactless technology being pushed by companies such as Google, with the majority of mobile network companies getting in on the act because data – your data – is king. Disney’s electronic “MagicBand” illustrates why. In the summer of 2013, the Disney corporation announced the use of an electronic wristband for all visitors to its theme parks. First introduced at Disney World in Florida it can be used at rides, hotel doors, stores and allow Disney staff to greet you using your first name. Who needs a wallet when everything is done for you? The downside to this of course, is a marketing coup d’état where Disney will be able to track what you purchased, which stores you visited, which rides you enjoyed and when, at which hotel you stayed and a vast collection of data to provide valuable insights into social psychology of visitors.

So, what’s a little data between friends and theme parks? Quite a lot actually.

RFID_Wristband_braceletmickeyRFID Tracking bracelets for amusement parks, hospitals and children’s playgrounds. It’s all good clean fun kids!

If you really want to take technology to the heights of efficiency in order to go about your business without a care in the world then your very heart might offer the ultimate hub for hands-free, contactless connection to the New Synthetic World. Canadian biometric company Bionym introduced us to the unnerving offer that: ”Your pulse could be your new Password.” Indeed, every number and code that you currently use to live your life could be distant memory if people such as Bionym chief executive officer Karl Martin has his way. “Pulse passwords” could be the new ultra-convenience. [4]

The heart has unique characteristics relating to size, position and physiology so those clever bods at Bionym have developed a wristband which recognises the pattern of an individual pulse. The transmission of information allows the user to carry out all the usual transactions and internet-based activities which require a password. And it also pleases those worried about security as heartbeats cannot be replicated. Furthermore, as every heartbeat is unique, should the wristband become lost or stolen, it would not function for another user. And on the market in 2014 at $100 many will see the benefits of such an appendage.

Tattoos used to be a tribal marking of religious or sacred significance. In Western culture gangs, dockers and truckers were some of the groups who took to marking themselves to tell their peers who they were and what they’d been through. Now, tattoos are big business and a fashion statement for the young. As luck would have it, electronic tattoos are now appearing from telecommunications companies like Motorola who are working on a version that contains a computer chip and an antenna. Just to give us an idea what to expect in the new future to complement these tattoos there is also: “A pill that dissolves and turns the entire body into a transmitter …” If they can be used to replace all those dozens of pesky passwords then there is money to be made and an interaction with the internet of things (IOT).

We will not need to identify ourselves because we will be integrated into the system.

As discussed previously, Mike Orcutt’s March 2013 article for MIT Technology Review explored John Roger’s work as a materials scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is one of those experimenting with “epidermal electronics” where applications can be printed directly onto the skin. Rogers tells us that these new devices will be very useful to the medical industry and explains: “You can use a rubber stamp to just deliver the ultrathin mesh electronics directly to the surface of the skin.” And by using “spray-on bandage” products a thin protective layer acts to “… bond the system to the skin in a ‘very robust way.’”

Smart-skin-1Back in November 2003, The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse – a non-profit, grant-supported advocacy and consultancy organisation for consumer awareness – had already produced the “Position Statement on the Use of RFID on Consumer Products.” In the study, they concluded the following:

  • Hidden placement of tags. RFID tags can be embedded into/onto objects and documents without the knowledge of the individual who obtains those items. As radio waves travel easily and silently through fabric, plastic, and other materials, it is possible to read RFID tags sewn into clothing or affixed to objects contained in purses, shopping bags, suitcases, and more.
  • Unique identifiers for all objects worldwide. The Electronic Product Code potentially enables every object on earth to have its own unique ID. The use of unique ID numbers could lead to the creation of a global item registration system in which every physical object is identified and linked to its purchaser or owner at the point of sale or transfer.
  • Massive data aggregation. RFID deployment requires the creation of massive databases containing unique tag data. These records could be linked with personal identifying data, especially as computer memory and processing capacities expand.
  • Hidden readers. Tags can be read from a distance, not restricted to line of sight, by readers that can be incorporated invisibly into nearly any environment where human beings or items congregate. RFID readers have already been experimentally embedded into floor tiles, woven into carpeting and floor mats, hidden in doorways, and seamlessly incorporated into retail shelving and counters, making it virtually impossible for a consumer to know when or if he or she was being “scanned.”
  • Individual tracking and profiling. If personal identity were linked with unique RFID tag numbers, individuals could be profiled and tracked without their knowledge or consent. For example, a tag embedded in a shoe could serve as a de facto identifier for the person wearing it. Even if item-level information remains generic, identifying items people wear or carry could associate them with, for example, particular events like political rallies. [5]

Not that these warnings have made a whole lot of difference to the momentum of such technology.

American and European governments’ expenditure of billions of taxpayer’s money on creating these new systems “for our protection” is unjustified for a multitude of reasons. One of these shows how particularly ridiculous the whole scenario really is. If someone wishes to read the biometric information from our passport, driving licence or ID card they need only to purchase a reader device and scan the information without the individual ever knowing. Of course, the government and their spooks have been extracting information in a similar fashion from so called “secure” systems of information for decades. As outsourcing of the state to private companies is becomes the norm, it is hardly likely that governments could stem the tide of information theft should they even want to.

In February 2007, the electronics corporation Hitachi proudly revealed the development and successful testing of the world’s smallest and thinnest class of “non-contact RFID Powder IC (integrated circuit) Chip.” It measures just 0.05 x 0.05 millimetres, which is about the size of a pin-head or less. We read on their website in a Research & Development report that their aim is: “… to embed the chip in thin paper, a practice that is already in general use,” informing us that: “These technologies are expected to be seen in a wider range of applications.” [6]

In 2015 this became a reality. The chips have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38 digit number and can indeed be worked into any product at all. Since these chips are “already in use” it begs the question: what other applications are they thinking about? The military surveillance uses are well ahead of the consumer game. As one writer on the chips mused: “… suppose you participated in some sort of protest or other organized activity. If police agencies sprinkled these tags around, every individual could be tracked and later identified at leisure, with powerful enough tag scanners.” [7]

This echoes trans-national corporation IBM and their business relationship with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich in the 1930s and their subsequent collaboration during World War II. Investigative journalist and author Edwin Black explained how IBM’s technology helped facilitate Nazi genocide against Jews and other undesirables through the creation and tabulation of punch cards based upon national census data. Aside from administrative and logistical support, IBM machines were used in concentration camps. Many prisoners had their details passed through the Labour Assignment Office and assigned a characteristic five-digit IBM Hollerith machine number, 44673. This five-digit number in the punch card system was designed to track prisoners in the camps, most notably the slave labour camp at Auschwitz. The number was the precursor to the numerical tattoo stamped upon the arm of an individual and deemed more cost-effective and efficient.

ibmachineIBM Hollerith Card Processing Machine used by the Nazis circa 1940s

There is no doubt that the targeted identification of Jews and other racial groupings for: “… asset confiscation, ghettoisation, deportation, and ultimately extermination” took place in a way that is logistically and insanely ambitious. The Nazis were able to kill as many as they did with the help of IBM’s pioneering computer work which required: “… generations of communal, church, and governmental records all across Germany—and later throughout Europe—[to be cross-indexed] a task so monumental, it called for a computer. But in 1933, no computer existed.” [8] That’s where IBM came in. And its legacy for number crunching computation has remained, the profits of its participation in the logistical side of the holocaust having kept it afloat for all these years.

So, what has IBM been up to recently?

Harking back to their darker history, the corporation has finished patenting their “Identification and Tracking of Persons Using RFID-Tagged Items in Store Environments.” Security and Privacy analyst Katherine Albrecht, founder of the consumer pressure group CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) writes about RFID’s potential for surveillance: “… where networked RFID readers called ‘person tracking units’ would be incorporated virtually everywhere people go – in “shopping malls, airports, train stations, bus stations, elevators, trains, airplanes, restrooms, sports arenas, libraries, theaters, museums, to closely monitor people’s movements.”

You can already see the acclimatisation taking place with i-phone apps scanning capabilities in billboard ads in bus shelters and shopping malls. When RFID tag scanners are located in the required locations, they scan the RIFID tags on a person. Albrecht continues: “As that person moves around the store, different RFID tag scanners located throughout the store can pick up radio signals from the RFID tags carried on that person and the movement of that person is tracked based on these detections … The person tracking unit may keep records of different locations where the person has visited, as well as the visitation times.” What is more, if personal data does not register on the tag, no problem, IBM tells us: “the personal information will be obtained when the person uses his or her credit card, bank card, shopper card or the like.” [9] Which means a person’s unique RFID number and his or her identity will merge into the overall techno-identity of our SMART society.

Although slower than the technocrats would like, the implantation of RFID’s in the global population is making progress. Alongside marketing tattoos a much vaunted fashion statement, another method of gradualism was to implant pets and farmyard animals as part of an agribusiness efficiency and as a prelude to human implantation.

In January 2007 Business Week reported on the Federal mandated National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and their desire to digitally tag “… 40 million farm animals to enable regulators to track and respond quickly to disease, bioterrorism, and other calamities.” The report rightly highlights the fears of the more informed which it summarises thusly: “You test it on the animals first, demonstrating the viability of the radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs) to monitor each and every animal’s movements and health history from birth to death, and then move on to people.”  The report mentions the ambitions of one Scott Silverman who runs a: “… company that sells the rice-size people chips, which are the only ones with Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval, for implantation in an individual’s right biceps. They carry an identity marker that would be linked to medical records. His goal is to create ‘the first RFID company for people.’” [10] More from Mr. Silverman presently.

cow1© infrakshun

Things have progressed since 2007 and we can now see implementation of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and RFID chips in a fusion of agribusiness and SMART technology called by French technocrats as “SMART Agrimatics”. A paper hot of the press at the time of writing is about as innovative as you are going to get on the subject of agribusiness and technocracy. The culmination of a pilot project research, it involves the application and use of RFID tags for “ruminants” (cows, sheep and goats to you and me) the studies of which were conducted between 2005 and 2010. This includes discussions on the relevant use of RFID; use of RFID for feeding automates on farm; use of RFID for performances control; use of RFID for animal trade; use of RFID for slaughter chain and supervision for RFID devices.

The paper reads like a machine mind designing for another machine mind, except there are – inconveniently it seems – sentient beings involved. For the farmer scratching his head as to whether he is a human being raising animals or an engineer maintaining “automated consumption units” and keen to make the leap to SMART-Agrimatics, then obviously this dossier would be invaluable for setting his mind straight – one way or another.

With “ear-tag and detection cell” and “fixed readers integrated in the environment” agri-business and GM technology are well placed to maximize their efficiency ratios. Once all cattle have been tagged logged and every aspect of their cellular structure analysed then the collection and transfer of said data can be uploaded to the national database “… the weight linked to the official animal identification number from RFID reading.” [11] Driven by economic incentives and inventory control, larger farms all over Europe and the US are signing on to RFID.

Now, how would that play out for humans?

If we were learn from automated factory farming and now SMART-Agrimatics, the key term here, once again, is efficiency.

How does one maximize the efficiency in automated methods of keeping an awakening population asleep to a minority of psychopaths?  The technocratic, sensual and pharmaceutical amusements of Huxley’s Brave New World should give you some idea. The following picture from the above report might easily apply to the “sheep” in the human population who believe in the authoritarian structures they have grown up with. Wolves come in many disguises.

clip_image002.gif“The Future Sheeple?”

Over in the UK, after a series of well reported dangerous dog attacks new legislation has gone ahead that forces dog owners to pay between £20 – £30 to have a RFID chip injected under the skin of their pooch while still a puppy. As one animal welfare spokesman mentioned: “It’s not so much the dogs that should be targeted, but the owners who train them to be vicious.” (A metaphor for psychopaths and their societies perhaps?) Implantation of RFIDs has predominantly taken place within security firms, the military and various dance clubs in European countries whose clientele find it convenient to speed their entry. These are the voluntary lab-rats.

The Verichip Corporation and their various subsidiaries has been one of the leaders in RFID technology with their flagship product the Verichip ™ manufactured by Digital Angel. PositiveID, a developer of medical technologies for diabetes management, clinical diagnostics and bio-threat detection is the company that uses its patented VeriPay system where the chip can be used like a credit card to authorise financial transactions. It is currently being used by the Baja Beach Club in Spain to the delight of many happy party goers.


The Verichip was initially foreseen as a device for retrieving medical records, having received FDA approval for medical use in 2004. But the vision was never designed to stop there. The size of a grain of rice it is easily implanted just under the skin in the arm or hand so that the device can monitor human biometric functions and transmit the data with GPS technology. Thousands of Mexicans have since been implanted, from law enforcement workers to ordinary citizens. The latter are doing so in increasing numbers due to a 317 per cent rise in kidnappings, 20 per cent of which has involved corrupt police officers. Many US companies are dubious that the chips actually work in combination with GPS devices but payments of up $2000 are being handed over nonetheless. One slight wrinkle in the chip means that confirmation of identity can only be confirmed when the body has been found. [12]

Currently in talks with the Pentagon to implant Verichip into all 1.4 million US soldiers, PositiveID has also been delighted to receive bulk orders from the Israeli military not wishing to be left out of technocratic party. Marc Poulshock, PositiveID’s Vice President of Business Development, said: “We believe there are many important applications for the VeriChip and our associated intellectual property including next-generation identification and bio-sensing capabilities. Our partner is looking to help healthcare organizations, militaries including the IDF, and governments with their disaster preparedness and emergency response needs.” [13]

VeriCorp insists that the Verichip is very difficult to steal despite two hackers showing just how easy it really was to steal a person’s identity via the RFID. Annalee Newitz and Jonathan Westhues gave a special demonstration at the HOPE Number Six conference in New York City in July 2008. Newitz had the VeriChip RFID implanted in her right arm. Westhues then proceeded to clone the chip by reading Newitz’s arm with an RFID reader, scanning it with a homemade antenna connected to his laptop which recorded the signal from the chip. Finally, he used the same RFID reader to obtain the signal from his laptop, which then gave Newitz’s “unique” ID. Verichip had no comment to make other than they had been too busy to look at their evidence.

That hasn’t prevented the idea that new-borns should be protected from nefarious activities of the public. Ronald Kane, Vice President of CUBIC Corp., a major manufacturer of implantable chips, while discussing the profit margins on RFID tags enthusiastically stated: “If we had our way, we’d implant a chip behind everyone’s ear in the maternity ward.” [14]

According to RFID News Student ID cards equipped with RFID chips are becoming more common sight on schools and college campuses. Education officials are “… adopting RFID technology to track everything from student attendance to valuable assets.” [15]It is part of a wide-ranging rollout of SMART technology including Iris recognition software and cameras which monitor the emotional states of students, both of which have caused considerable controversy, not least at the idea of turning schools into virtual prisons.

A similar efficiency-ratio mentality is being employed in business training software offered by online technology company Mindflash. FocusAssist is a new feature designed for i-Pad which tracks the user’s eye movements via the tablet’s on-board camera. When you’ve looked away for several seconds the course is paused. This apparently forces you to pay attention so that you can finish the assignment. One wonders how long it will be before computers are teaching children and adopting a similar attention mechanism.

The contradictions and double-speak that are on display from the Verichip advocates is quite a show. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave a 2002 ruling that that: “VeriChip is not a regulated device with regard to its security, financial, personal identification/safety applications … VeriChip’s healthcare information applications are subject to regulation by the FDA in the United States.’ As author and journalist Uri Dowbenko mentions: “It’s OK if the VeriChip tracks your credit report history, but not OK if it’s used to inform doctors you’re diabetic? This will undoubtedly be used as an argument to justify the VeriChip as a so-called ‘medical device’ in the future.” [16]

verichipmicrochip / verichip ™

The stages which the RFID tags have followed have moved through: pets = cattle = criminals = military = business workers towards the longer more drawn out process of finally chipping the mass population. Biometric passports, national ID cards and then gracefully having your palm over the supermarket scanner will make things so easy! So easy in fact, that perception management will tell you the next logical step in this New World of SMART design is to be “SMART” yourself and integrate your body into the system, and then you will be “free.” Notwithstanding the potency of such an illusion, there is another problem. Verichip and other companies love to tell us about the medical and community benefits of tagging which include the monitoring of heart troubles, children safety, pet protection and the like, what of the health issues related to RFID tags?

In 2007 the Verichip Corporation and other related companies were dealt a severe blow to their credibility when Katherine Albrecht’s CASPIAN consumer pressure group released a 48-page paper entitled “Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990–2006”. Based on a dense review of academic research on the subject, the causal link between implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip transponders and cancer in laboratory rodents and dogs could not be clearer. Dr. Robert Benezra, head of the Cancer Biology Genetics Program at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, said: “There’s no way in the world, having read this information, that I would have one of those chips implanted in my skin, or in one of my family members.” Given the preliminary animal data it looks to me that there is definitely cause for concern.” [17]

CEO and Chairman of Verichip Corporation Scott R. Silverman played his part in a disinformation campaign launched by RFID companies in response to the findings. Silverman is quoted in a Time article as saying that in the “… second study, conducted in France in 2006, two years after VeriChip’s FDA application was approved, found that while 4 per cent of the 1,260 mice in the study developed tumors, none of them were malignant.” [18]The truth is a little different. The tumours were indeed malignant sarcomas and most of the animals in question died prematurely as a result of the microchip-associated tumours. Destron Fearing, makers of the HomeAgain pet implant came in a close second when they ignored a finding of fibrosarcoma – a highly lethal cancer – as “benign” in a recent report. Katherine Albrecht stated: “Either VeriChip and the makers of HomeAgain actually don’t understand the difference between a benign fibroma and a malignant fibrosarcoma, or they’re deliberately lying to the public. Either way, it’s clear they can’t be trusted. We hope our new report will set the record straight.” [19]

Despite this, Silverman was correct in that overall, the incidences of cancer in dogs after over 10 million injections is relatively small, which means that this scare is not enough to put off either the medical establishment, security companies and the potential benefits to consumers in a variety of social situations.

This brings us back to the National Security State; the various World State advocates that would like to see the global population “culled” and the war on terror tool that has allowed a technocratic Police State infrastructure to rise up virtually unopposed. When SMART, surveillance society arrives on the back of a few more mini-911-type scenarios, there may come a stage where, if you want to eat, you must acquire a chip. It’s a logical step that once mass acceptance of RFID tagging has gradually taken place anyone that is deemed a “terrorist”, “subversive” or merely suspiciously expressing a “radical” opinion on Facebook can be easily tracked and controlled. (See Police State Amerika I: Facebook Thought Police). The next step from targeting dissidents is the expansion of powers to include a wide range of groups or organisations that come under the vague and nebulous definitions of terrorism. Everything that doesn’t fit into that SMART design will be well … switched off.

Technocracy is essential to the smooth running of the Elite-collectivist model and as we have seen so far in this series, the younger generations are the primary targets for social engineering. With a sizable marketing drive underway headed by the Verichip slogan: “Get chipped,” RFID tags are being marketed as chic and trendy, cool and desirable. If the recent surge in tattoos is anything to go by, the microchip might be the next fashion statement for those too young (or programmed) to have awareness of the implications.

Despite loud mutterings of discontent in the US and the European Union the advances in SMART tech will not be going away. Ideologically driven technology and enormous amounts of money to be made will mean that regulations are unlikely to be enforced. The health hazards of mobile phone use and GMOs are well known but we still use them because society itself is being redesigned to make life unlivable without them. It seems we are no longer human beings but living bar-codes programmed to proffer feedback loops of data in a vast auto-matrix of supply and demand. It should come as no surprise that corporations and their governments are seeking ways to extract more profits from the New Technological Order that is rising up from the shopping mall.

See also: They’re Spending Billions to Chip Our Brains


[1] ‘EU plans to fit all cars with speed limiters’ By Claire Carter, The Telegraph, Sep 2013.
[2] ‘Biometrics Help Teachers Track Students’ Every Move’ By Sheila Dharmarajan, The Future Is Now,September 17, 2013.
[3] aimglobal.org
[4] http://www.privacyrights.org/
[5] ‘Seen At 11: Getting Personal – Your Pulse Could Be Your New Password’ Pin Numbers, Credit Cards, And Passwords Could Soon Be A Thing Of The Past, CBS News, September 16, 2013.
[6]‘Operation of World’s Smallest Class Noncontact RFID Powder IC Chip Successfully Tested’ hitachi.com 2008/2009 Research & Development paper: http://www.hitachi.com/rev/archive/2008/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2008/07/24/r2008_technology_rd.pdf
[7] ‘RFID ‘Powder’ – World’s Smallest RFID Tag’ by Bill Christensen, technovelgy.com February 14, 2007.
[8] IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation. By Edwin Black, Second paperback edition. Washington, DC: Dialog Press, 2009; (introduction).
[9] ‘How RFID Tags Could Be Used to Track Unsuspecting People’ by Katherine Albrecht, Scientific American, August 21, 2008.
[10] Animal Tags for People? by David E. Gumpert, Business Week, January 11, 2007.
[11] ‘Conclusions from the French pilot projects for the use of RFID for ruminants’ by the Institut de l’élevage-France Louise Marguin, Marion Dang. June 14, 2012. | http://www.smartagrimatics.eu/Portals/66/Smartpercent20AgriMaticspercent205_3_RFID_Paris_2012-MD.pdf
[12] ‘Thousands of Mexicans Implanting Tracking Devices- But experts say they are not likely to work’By Evann Gastaldo, newser.com, Aug 22, 2011.
[13] ‘positiveID Corporation Receives VeriChip Order for Use With Israeli Military’ MarketWatch, October 11, 2011.
[12] ‘The IBM 2020 Neural Implant’ The Phoenix Project, Dr. Al Overholt, quoting from The California Sun, by Herb Dorsey, Feb. 1997.
[14] ‘Schools add RFID tagging to student IDs’ RFID News / CR80 News June 18 2012.
[15] ‘VeriChip: RFID Microchip Implants for Humans’ by Uri Dowbenko, conspiracyplanet.com
[16] ‘Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990–2006’ by Katherine Albrecht, Ed.D. November 19, 2007.
[17] ‘Are Microchip Tags Safe?’ By Siobhan Morrissey Time Magazine, http://www.time.com, Oct. 18, 2007.
[18] ‘CASPIAN Releases Microchip Cancer Report’ antichips.com November 19 2007.
[19] op.cit Albrecht

Technocracy II: Big Brother in your Bag and the Auto-Matrix

“Society is progressively moving towards a socio-technical ecosystem in which the physical and virtual dimensions of life are more and more intertwined and where people interaction, more often than not, takes place with or is mediated by machines.

Our goal is to move towards hybrid systems where people and machines tightly work together to build a smarter society. We envision a new generation of Collective Adaptive Systems where humans and machines synergically complement each other and operate collectively to achieve their, possibly conflicting, goals, but which also exhibit an emergent behaviour that is in line with their designers’ objectives.”


Are you ready to “exhibit an emergent behaviour that is in line with their designers’ objectives”?

The more your behaviour mimics artificial intelligent systems the easier it will be for us all to conform to the required “synergy” needed for a “hybrid society.” Or if you prefer, our inevitable embrace of “hybrid and diversity-aware collective adaptive systems.”

This is where authoritarian geeks take over the world starting with endless SMART word-salad.

At this point something like this may be going through your mind:

Oh, stop being such a kill-joy, doom and gloom stick-in-the-mud and get with the SMART picture. Don’t you know it’s inevitable? What do you want us to do? Stop using technology? You’re just a Luddite afraid of change.

Well, let’s see how you feel as we proceed.

SMART society is not a dream but an inevitable symptom of the technocratic arm of the Establishment. A large proportion of the public consciousness and the purse-strings of business enterprise are behind the philosophy of SMART. The rest of us are following along just as we did with credit cards, mobile phones and every other technological innovation. The off-the-shelf opinion of frustration above is fairly standard and quite understandable given our circumstances. Why would anyone doubt the benefits of SMART visions, especially when the younger generation have pretty much known nothing else? Why would you want to pay attention to the dark underside of your i-pad sensibilities?

That sums up the whole trajectory of wilful blindness and hubris which has characterised the rise and fall of civilisations for millennia. There’s always a love affair with the God of the moment that leads to the crash and burn. But let’s continue observing a bit more of that underside since its actually rather … huge.

In 2012, the vulnerability of SMART TVs was brought into relief when it was proven that hackers could easily compromise, in this case, various parts of Samsung’s new TVs which would allow them to: “… remotely turn on the TVs’ built-in cameras without leaving any trace of it on the screen.” A hacker (government or otherwise) had the capability to watch you while you watched your favourite programme or internet web page. Hackers could also re-routed users to a convenient website in order to obtain their bank account data or other private information. The company apparently fixed the flaws with a worrying proviso: “We know that the way we were able to do this has been fixed; it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways that could be discovered in the future.”orwellsmarttvSMART TV c/o of Samsung | © infrakshun

Similarly, By 2015, nothing much has improved. Indeed, it’s got worse. Televisions can actively monitor what users say and transmit that information to third parties. Samsung attempted to put these grievances to rest by saying that the latest models are all encrypted, unlike earlier versions. Unfortunately, that was a lie. Reporters from online journal Extreme Tech contacted security researchers at Pentest Partners to retrieve information regarding the brand and model of the TV which had undergone these tests:

The initial model was a UE46ES8000, a top-end TV for its day, but now two years old. This time around, the team tested a UE55HU7500. This screen currently retails for £1,569.86 in the UK according to Amazon. Reviews date from June 2014 through Jan 2015 and the unit is widely available — it is, in other words, a “current” Samsung TV by any reasonable sense of the word.

The team tested the new television in the same manner as the old and found that data is still being transferred in plaintext.

Since SMART technology means that most home-based gadgets and business networks are connected to the internet in some way, technology experts and hackers have cautioned that it is highly likely that the idea of network security is fast becoming a misnomer as the principle of the flaws in the Samsung TVs can be replicated across a broad spectrum of internet-connected platforms. In summary: Devices are unsecured.

Moreover, as one researcher observes:

Many of these unsecured devices can be found with a simple search. In fact, there’s a search engine devoted just to scouring the so-called “Internet of things” called Shadon Playing around with it is an eye-opener. For example, in late July a writer for Forbes discovered an entire home automation product line with Internet-connected features that could be set up without a default password, and were visible to search engines. This would enable a hacker to search and find these systems on the Net, then access them at will. To prove her point, Kashmir Hill breached the home automation systems of random strangers, called them on the phone and demonstrated the vulnerability by turning their lights on and off. [1]

Before we get on to how far the rabbit hole of integration between SMART enthusiasm, monitoring and surveillance goes, it may be worthwhile considering how corporate UK and US are data-mining the minds of Joe and Jeanette public.

Remember your useful supermarket “loyalty” card lurking in your wallet or at the bottom of your handbag? This little critter provides enormous amounts of information about your shopping habits which is retained in a large marketing database and shared by a multitude of interested parties – from advertisers to law enforcement. Your transactions, the frequency of purchases and your preferences are all used to create a customer profile that is mapped into various demographic and psychological analyses very useful for sales and marketing strategies. You are walking psychological real estate for the corporate world and they just love to extract as much as they can from your sub prime mind.

Take another British wallet-hugger – the Nectar card. This is a ubiquitous piece of plastic which is used by over 10 million people in the United Kingdom. Information is compiled from a range of shops visited and offers a nice readout along with a pretty graph of a cardholder’s shopping habits. Though Nectar insists the information is strictly for customers only, data is increasingly flying about the consumer and corporate world, regardless.


Intrusion is a very profitable business. As we saw in the first posts about Official Culture, the constant and pervasive presence of advertising seeks to colonise any and all of the latest advances in information technology, from the internet to bill-board hoardings with literally no place to hide. For instance, CAT, PET, MRI brain imaging scanners have fast made the transition from clinical tools to advertisers and marketing weaponry. When it was known that certain regions of the brain “light up” when a person thinks of a pleasurable experience or the solving of a puzzle this means that such knowledge could be applied to advertising. The new jargon speaks of “neuromarketing” or “neuroeconomics” as the next field of mind colonisation. SMART eh?

According to Technology Advice magazine from October 15th 2013, Japan was taking the lead in so called “SMART shelves,” which began appearing in some US grocery stores at the start of 2015. Run by Mondelez International, the shelves operate at the checkout line using various tech tools to identify the sex and age of the shoppers. From the information stored a custom made advert is then  displayed according to that particular person’s demographic. Marketing data will also be collected from how long the advert was watched. If a shopper picks up the item information will be relayed from weight sensors to indicate a potential purchase. Coupons and store discounts can be displayed in order to encourage a sale.

If you want to get the public used to something then the usual mode of “softening” for the future comes via Hollywood and glamour. Otherwise known as “predictive programming” this was used to great effect by butchering Philip K. Dick’s book and making it into Minority Report (2002) starring Tom Cruise and directed by Steven Spielberg. It was here that concept of “Pre-Crime” and biometric surveillance was given a thorough airing.  In the shopping mall scene Cruise’s character is stopped in his tracks by an interactive advert which had been scanned by iris recognition technology. A voice shouts: “John Anderton, you could use a Guinness!” If that sounds too nightmarish to contemplate, most of that futuristic, pop-corn-munching entertainment has become reality in just under ten years. And now it’s all so … passé. The algorithmic software isolates the face, measures the features and extracts it from the scene. Once a match has been found data is flooded in to complete the profile. Think CSI and various other glamorous TV shows that feature all kinds of whizz-bang gadgetry in the hunt for criminals.

Facial recognition and Iris scanning technology is already present at airports and passport control in the UK. Advanced versions are being rolled out at a terminal in Love Field, Dallas, Texas consisting of “… 500 high-definition security cameras sharp enough to read an auto license plate or a logo on a shirt. The International Air Transport Association, or IATA, which represents airlines globally, calls it “the checkpoint of the future,” with the PR for the initiative going for the speed angle where passengers will move almost “non-stop” through security. Meanwhile, they “… would identify themselves not with driver’s licenses and paper boarding passes, but by scanning fingerprints or irises to prove they have an electronic ticket.” [2]

(Even Homeland Security has been beavering way since at least 2011 to apply this technology in defending the Fatherland. It seems logical that this is where the real action lies, namely, in bolstering law enforcement and the military-intelligence apparatus).

Along side “Intelligent” transport systems we have Intelligent digital billboards which have been the first in line for this advertising gold-rush, being fitted with cameras that can discern the gender and age group of passers-by who look at them. The idea is to tailor the messages to the onlooker in real time. Toyko has road tested a collection of billboards of varying size and at different locations. A spokesman for the project said: “The camera can distinguish a person’s sex and approximate age, even if the person only walks by in front of the display, at least if he or she looks at the screen for a second.” And the data stored will obviously stay in responsible hands, advertisers being extremely responsible people, as we know… [3]

Germany has also been getting in on the act with a intelligent billboard designed for dog owners using “hot technology of location-based social networking,” to sell Granata Pet brand dog food. “As owners pass by with their dogs they can stop in front of it, use their mobile phones to check in on Foursquare and as soon as they do, a dog treat will pop out of the billboard and the dog – or I guess owner – can sample the product before deciding to buy it.” [4]

Or course, targeting your bemused pooch is small fry.

Ad agency BBDO (also from Germany) and broadcaster Sky Deutschland have joined forces to target work weary passengers on commuter trains. When they rest their heads against a window instead of the promise of pleasant dreams they will hear messages beamed into the brains. The advertising platform uses a small box attached to the surface of the window which sends out vibrations which the brain translates into sound. Called “bone conduction” technology, it promises to be used across a range of info-tainment services.

Less invasive is the introduction of “Smell-vertising” which had its first test run by food company McCain and its frozen jacket potatoes. A display of 3D fibreglass models of baked potatoes were installed at bus stops in London, York, Glasgow, Manchester and Nottingham which released an aroma of oven-baked potato when a button is pressed.

According to a report published in 2011 by the Centre for Future Studies, 3D outdoor ads that can recognise people’s moods and were tested on the streets in 2012. Called “gladadvertising,” the software picks up on facial expressions associated with certain moods and once it has analysed what the victim is feeling, advertisers move in for the kill, delivering the programmed advert straight into the frontal lobe. The study also concluded that the accessing of personal data from social networks through your mobile phone could be combined with “holograms, mood lighting and smells.” [5] This form of “targeted marketing or “dynamic advertising” has some of us – though clearly not enough – concerned.

personalisedlipsThe Washington-based privacy advocate organisation the Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC) warned that: “… this type of surveillance encroaches on civil liberties,” adding that: “Such face, voice and behaviour technology could be a means of tracking individuals on a mass level across their entire lives.” The organisation believes that the demands from advertisers and security-minded governments have made technologies: “… so increasingly SMART and intrusive that they now resemble something out of science fiction.”

As we become assaulted by smells, images and voices in our heads, these will be increasingly tailored towards the particular demographic in which we reside. And depending how much of our individual data has become available – probably without our consent. Accordingly, even the gender focus can become another marketing dollar. Initially however, it was a charity which was chosen to launch a face recognition billboard in London’s Oxford St. to highlight gender discrimination. (Nothing like blending social conscience and marketing – everyone’s a winner.) On February 23rd 2012, The Independent  newspaper reported on an advert that “plays only to women.” The first of its kind, the technology: “… works by scanning faces before measuring the distance between the viewer’s eyes, width of the nose, length of jaw line and shape of cheekbone to compare the data and estimate their gender.”

Back in November 12, 2008, an Agence France Press ran the report: ‘Firms scan brain waves to improve ads in Japan.’ US Market research company Neilsen and its partner Neurofocus obligingly offered a brain-scanning “service” for the Japanese marketing industry. The technology scans brains waves and the physical features of potential customers in order to accurately study the effects of advertising messages and their products. Attention level, message retention level and emotional involvement of customers is measured the data of which is collected and analysed.

Meanwhile, Londoners can’t even take out their rubbish without being targeted by the ad-men and their SMART toys. Before the Olympics of 2012, Renew, a company who manufactures recycling bins installed over 100, 12 of which had digital tracking devices so that customers were effectively stalked in order to roll out personal advertising in the “real world.” As ludicrous as it may sound – yet perhaps fitting given the product – the little digital screens display Youtube updates, news and of course, targeted ads. According to Sam Shead of online magazine Techworld,an experiment to place tracking devices in recycling bins in order to spy on Londoner’s smartphones was well underway. The report explained how it worked: The 12 bins with the technology record a unique identification number, known as a MAC address, for mobile devices in the vicinity that have Wi-Fi switched on. This enables the Renew bins to monitor data including the ‘movement, type, direction, and speed of unique devices’”. The experiment was terminated by early 2013. Don’t worry there are still the London SMART bins.[6] (See below)

Smart Cities: BinsDan Kitwood/Getty Images Europe

“In London’s Square Mile there are already more than 100 “smart bins”. As well as being a receptacle for recycling, they feature digital screens broadcasting a live channel of breaking headline news and live traffic information. They can also communicate directly with mobile devices through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology.” Source: ‘Cities get smart: urban innovation.

 “Identity will become embedded in devices” and “propagated into all applications.”

The appetite for data from advertisers and marketers is as insatiable as the NSA’s. The objective is to create a rich data base for “predictive analytics” where a precise knowledge of each individual’s “event” (places they have dined, visited etc.) and who has purchased online in the past can be targeted with advertising which knows your behaviour and personal preferences inside out. The report goes on to say: “In tests occurring between 21-24 May and 2-9 June, over four million events were observed, with over 530,000 unique devices monitored.”

Advertisers may enjoy the innovation but the SMART technology they are riding and driving serves another purpose above and beyond selling products. The software and the desires behind it will always advance and so too the more macro-social SMART planning that is on the pathocratic excel sheet; something advertisers will obviously not have considered and even if the awareness was present, probably wouldn’t care. As Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer of BT points out: “Once the cameras are installed and operational, once they’re networked to central computers, then it’s a simple matter of upgrading the software,” … “And if they can do more — if they can provide more ‘value’ to the advertisers — then of course they will. To think otherwise is simply naïve.” [7]

The Centre for Future Studies produced a recent summary of key trends in social media that showed how advertising and marketing will dove-tail perfectly into the Technocrats’ dream of an automated society or, as the report states, thanks to Facebook, Twitter etc.: “Identity will become embedded in devices” and “propagated into all applications.” The SMART systems will allow us to bypass these sites and will “seamlessly access your profile.” They further suggest that once social identity has become embedded in our devices, online sharing will become fused to media life, where DVDs TV, i-Pod music and internet “sync preferences to preferred identity.”

Back to The Internet of Things (IOT) and uploading and integrating our identity with SMART world until they are fully synonymous.

As the embedding continues and the reliance and surveillance that goes with it, our location will be omnipresent and available: “Location aware devices will employ pre-emptive use of location to alert the user to things or people nearby that may be of interest.” – Along with those listening in and observing. Marketers will start salivating here when they can offer a discount at a nearby MacDonald’s store: Hey Dude! There’s a Double Royale Burger with extra fries half price deal on 5th Avenue if you hurry! Just Lovin’ it!

mcdonaldspersonalisedThis “dual use” technology allows a double agenda to come into play. Once again, we have the Brave New (SMART) world lurking in perceived innocence and purity just behind the scenes approaching full integration with satellite and terrestrial appliances:

“SMART devices and web apps will automatically check-in and post updates: Identity aware devices, empowered by embeddable RFID tags, (Radio Frequency Identification Chip) will allow this type of technology to spread beyond the mobile phone. A SMART coffee thermos, for example, could enable auto-check ins and send coupons to your phone as you enter your favourite coffee shop.” [8]

And entering our favourite coffee shop with your favourite thermos may be the least of our worries if Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) does indeed spread beyond the mobile phone. Like your arm, for example. In the technocratic future, entering the shop by choice would fast become a luxury. It is at precisely this juncture, where SMART technologies and consumerism suggest how to live your life and where true choices becomes somewhat progressively ill-defined. It’s already too much. And such a level of invasive consumerism blended with the surveillance state can only work if one’s brain has been suitably primed to function in a similar fashion to a small bucket of silica.

What of the workforce in the face of these rapid advances?

A recent report from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology based at Oxford University suggests that 45 per cent of the jobs in the United States will be automated within the next twenty years. Using a standard statistical modelling method, data was accrued from more than 700 jobs on ONet, an online career network. The skills, education and many other variables were all taken into account. With already massive unemployment problems and part-time workers scratching around for jobs automation will force more and more people into the mega-cities and into a managed system – for their own welfare.

Echoing Jeremy Rifikin’s seminal book: The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era (1995) the professor explored the clear delineation between a disenfranchised global workforce and an Information Elite. The results yielded a change that would likely happen in two stages:

1) Computers replacing people. Vulnerable fields like transportation/logistics, production, construction, services, sales and administration will all be affected causing a massive increase in the unemployed. The pace of change will then slow and progress in fits and starts according to the particular field.

2) Artificial Intelligence. As the sophistication of computerisation continues to grow, a second tier of work will be under threat including the sciences, management, engineering, and the arts.

Obvious maybe, but in 1995 it was hard to imagine. Manufacturing is in a bad way having shed 6 million jobs since 2000 and as production soars ahead despite trillions of debt in both the US and Europe. The robot revolution and the SMART visions will only continue the erosion of mass employment. The speed at which this will happen, especially regarding stage two depends on access to cheap labour, resources and social, geo-political and environmental instability. It could be much quicker or considerably longer but the direction is clear.

factoryautomation© infrakshun

“The new law of the economic jungle is this: either write the software that eats the world, or be eaten.”

Professor Erik Brynjolfsson from MIT Sloan School of Management, and his co-author Andrew McAfee have come to much the same conclusions. They believe most of the unemployment stagnation is due to the inexorable rise of robotics and factory automation. According to their research the future is very bleak for a much wider range of jobs, from law, financial services, education, and medicine. More controversially for some, they show that there has been a divergence or “great decoupling” beginning in 2000 – 2011 where economic growth is indicated but with no parallel increase in job creation. Productivity continues to rise as does the long-term unemployed. While Brynjolfsson believes technology does make nations wealthier overall, there is an undeniable paradox at work. He observes: “Productivity is at record levels, innovation has never been faster, and yet at the same time, we have a falling median income and we have fewer jobs. People are falling behind because technology is advancing so fast and our skills and organizations aren’t keeping up.” [9]

Earlier in 2013 Israeli company Rethink Robotics illustrated what will surely become the norm before very long. “Baxter” a foot high service robot retailing at $22,000 can take on most menial tasks from serving coffee, to fetching the post. Software applications are swiftly being developed to make sure that such robots will be able to take ever more sophisticated jobs from assembly line work in factories to flipping burgers in McDonalds. According to a Fiscal Times report Baxter is being overtaken: “MIT already has a BakeBot that can read recipes, whip together cookie dough and place it in the oven. The University of California at Berkeley has a robot that can do laundry and fold T-shirts. Robot servers have started waiting tables at restaurants in Japan, South Korea, China and Thailand …” [10]  Indeed, US agriculture which has already undergone massive monopolisation by five major agribusiness companies is taking the next step in the robotics revolution in keeping with a future collective herding of humanity. Over in California the Lettuce Bot is one such example, where the machines  “… can ‘thin’ a field of lettuce in the time it takes about 20 workers to do the job by hand.” [11]

Though a new sector of employment is emerging comprising Robot IT and maintenance personnel, security developers, designers and salespeople for robot accessories, software, and apps, it will not ameliorate the millions of blue collar workers whose talents and working wage is outside specialist technology. (This does not even include the rising immigration problem from nations ransacked by western backed regime change).  As automated vehicles begin to replace truck drivers and better software obviates the need for lawyers, bartenders and burger flippers and even some medical care workers then the divide between the rich and the poor will become a case of who has access to technology and who does not; who is living on the edges of society and who lives at its core. As one tech journalist Jon Evans commented: “The new law of the economic jungle is this: either write the software that eats the world, or be eaten.”

Author and technology journalist Nicolas Carr has written about the dark side of the approaching revolution in automation. Carr opines that in putting our knowledge in the hands of machines, we are inadvertently – and ironically – signing away our greatest potential.  In his 2010 book: The Shallows: How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember he provides an overview of what automation is doing to a number of sectors in society and how they are altering the nature of work. For instance, air accidents are revealed to be have been caused by pilot error, which in turn, was caused by overly-sophisticated software which has by-passed normal human reaction and good old fashioned intuition working in unison with years of experience. Now they are essentially computer operators.

Aviation and automation experts have found that what the accidents had in common (when human error was a factor) was that: “Overuse of automation erodes pilots’ expertise and dulls their reflexes,” which leads “a de-skilling of the crew.” And since pilots hold the controls on a typical flight for only three minutes such is the state of software sophistication it means that the problem isn’t likely to get better. Unless that is, you get rid of pilots all together. What will this do to the knowledge of flying? Will flying be yet another skill that becomes the province of the computer and will go much the same way as the art of hand-writing? The stakes are a little higher with the former however… 

The overuse of automation may be putting lives at risk. Faith in such technology could be misplaced if we compare it to the beliefs of the Industrial Revolution from which most of these ideas derive. The scope and magnitude of automated tasks has taken on an entirely different mandate. Software is increasingly rendering the presence of humans unnecessary even for intellectual tasks which until recently were considered strictly human-based. As our focus narrows, we are moving into a technocratic army of workers who do nothing more than monitor and input data rather than truly engage in creative activities which require the friction of challenge and stimulation. Routine will inevitably supplant the nourishing of talent even more than the mechanical assembly line.


Automation: the future of manufacturing. Where do all the people go?

The cause of this drive to automate our lives is based on a trenchant fallacy of a machine-based future that will naturally provide for us all and cater for our every mental, emotional and even spiritual needs. As Carr suggests, this is merely another “substitution myth” which fails to address core issues at the heart of change and adaptation. He further states: “A labor-saving device doesn’t just provide a substitute for some isolated component of a job or other activity. It alters the character of the entire task, including the roles, attitudes, and skills of the people taking part.” It is this mass alteration combined with power-hungry individuals presently infesting our social systems which will spell disaster for the human condition if we don’t – somehow – apply the brakes.

Meantime, this will inevitably lead to what psychologists have called complacency and bias leading to poor performance. A false sense of security will descend which over time, leads to an erosion of our levels of attention and awareness. As our trust and faith in automated systems increases so too our hard talents and instincts atrophy, where other informational sources become secondary. This does not absolve us from ignoring incorrect or subtle mistakes in computational data however and a vicious circle is enacted.

But there is also a deeper problem as Carr explains:

Automation turns us from actors into observers. Instead of manipulating the yoke, we watch the screen. That shift may make our lives easier, but it can also inhibit the development of expertise. Since the late 1970s, psychologists have been documenting a phenomenon called the “generation effect.” It was first observed in studies of vocabulary, which revealed that people remember words much better when they actively call them to mind—when they generate them—than when they simply read them. The effect, it has since become clear, influences learning in many different circumstances. When you engage actively in a task, you set off intricate mental processes that allow you to retain more knowledge. You learn more and remember more. When you repeat the same task over a long period, your brain constructs specialized neural circuits dedicated to the activity. It assembles a rich store of information and organizes that knowledge in a way that allows you to tap into it instantaneously. Whether it’s Serena Williams on a tennis court or Magnus Carlsen at a chessboard, an expert can spot patterns, evaluate signals, and react to changing circumstances with speed and precision that can seem uncanny. What looks like instinct is hard-won skill, skill that requires exactly the kind of struggle that modern software seeks to alleviate.

Translating information into applied knowledge is fast becoming an obstacle to achieving not only a place in society but a deeper sense of fulfilment. With an already growing malaise of narcissism afflicting our present generations this does not bode well for the coming technocratic age. In our enthusiasm to replace pilots with programs and suitable algorithms so that diagnoses can take doctors out of the equation entirely the vacuum to which we are all being drawn is based on a cure that is nothing more than total automation which is by definition a technocracy. How on earth do we prevent our distinctly unique talents disappearing as rapidly as technology has arisen? As a consequence, it has comes down to a question of existential meaning. Carr asks: “Does our essence still lie in what we know, or are we now content to be defined by what we want? If we don’t grapple with that question ourselves, our gadgets will be happy to answer it for us.” It doesn’t matter from what cultural origins we derive our sense of meaning and place in the world, the eternal constant is that “knowing demands doing.” [12]

If we embrace the riptide of total automation where the notion of personal vocation is becoming refined and narrowed into software programs in the name of efficiency and ease, then our definition of who we are will be dangerously tied up with the instantaneous result – at the expense of the journey. What we may be losing in return for this new Official Culture and its addictive race for results will only be known when we begin to wonder what it was like to live without the screen. Creativity, meaning and a real world connection may be difficult to claw back when we have become a mirror of the machines we seem to covet.

But the blind drive to a SMART society and automation isn’t the only change that is pressing down on human consciousness. The urge to actually merge our bodies with machines by allowing incremental integration is already taking place.


[1] ‘In 21st century America, Samsung TV watches YOU!’ chron.com, August 5, 2013.
[2] ”Checkpoint of the future’ takes shape at Texas airport’ USA Today June 21, 2012.
[3] ‘Tokyo’s intelligent digital billboards can tell gender, age of passerby’ by Andrew Nusca, http://www.smartplanet.com, 15 Jul 2010.
[4] ‘Intelligent Billboard gives you dog treats: truly the future is here.’ By Anna Leach, March 30 2011. http://www.shinyshiny.tv.com.
[5] ‘Emotion Recognition Software Will Tailor Digital Out-of-Home Advertising Messages to a Person’s Mood’ March 3 2011, http://www.screenmediadaily.com
[6] ‘Tracking devices in recycling bins spy on Londoner’s smartphones’ By Sam Shead Tech World | Aug 10, 2013.
[7] ‘Big Brother is watching you shop’ By Michael Fitzpatrick, BBC News, October 2, 2009.
[8] Insights – centreforfuturestudies strategic futures consultancy, 21 September 2010, http://www.futurestudies.co.uk/files/Centrepercent20forpercent20Futurepercent20Studies/INSIGHTpercent20Socialpercent20Media.pdf

[9] ‘How Technology Is Destroying Jobs’ By David Rotman MIT Tech Review June 2013.
[10]’The Robot Reality: Service Jobs are Next to Go’ By Blaire Briody, Fiscal Times March 26, 2013.
[11]‘Robots revolutionize farming ease labor’ Phys.org July 2013.
[12] ‘All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines’ By Nicolas Carr, The Atlantic Monthly, Oct.23rd 2013.

Technocracy I

By M.K. Styllinski

“Technopoly is a state of culture. It is also a state of mind. It consists in the deification of technology, which means that the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology. This requires the development of a new kind of social order, and of necessity leads to the rapid dissolution of much that is associated with traditional beliefs.”

– Neil Postman

Under the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) heavily funded by the Rockefeller Foundation we see the centralisation of food under agribusiness merging with SMART society. Technology is the key to delivering a world of plenty according to these scientists and financial backers. On the website we read: “The Rockefeller Foundation envisions a world with SMART Globalisation – a world in which globalisation’s benefits are more widely shared and social, economic, health, and environmental challenges are more easily weathered.” Recall too, our exploration into the scare-tactics of global warming, the implementation of UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development (SD) all of which is hijacking genuine concern for our planet in order to use it to advance a New World Control System, by stealth. On the one hand, we have overt geo-political deception forcing chaos into being upon which a Hegelian solution for that post-war (post-catastrophe?) world can be laid. On the other hand, the requisite, centralised “New International Order” is delivered as a “benign” ecological, socio-cultural and economic template incorporating urban, energy efficient and sustainable “human habitat” zones requiring a high-level population density.

2012-07-21 18.22.48© infrakshun

After great disasters, there are always great opportunities to create new institutions and infrastructure predicated on elite ideologies.  World War I and II were prime examples, and indeed partly initiated for this very purpose. Humanity’s spirit must be broken in order that such phases of a New Order are welcomed, albeit with inclusive-sounding labels for peace and prosperity. The aftermath of intense Earth changes and asymmetric warfare will provide the same opportunities for another phase in the Pathocratic encroachment over normal human beings. And what might we expect?

Think of it this way:

If the Pathocrats have their way, we will be carefully managed into SMART operated high-rises with uniform amenities and leisure parks, where metered energy consumption, automation and hyper-digitisation will be encased in an overarching surveillance – for your own “protection.” Only the new technocratic gentry will inhabit lands deep in the countryside. For the rest of us it will be off limits, our movements strictly monitored. In accordance with New World Religion protocols and the New World Civil Servant Resolutions Nature will be protected as “sacred” and barred from the mass of humanity. These Mega-cities will provide for our every need … Provided that is, conformity and compliance remains paramount for the New Collective and the maintenance of a group consciousness duly cultivated, as envisoned by Zone Council Resolutions. This will ensure the efficiency of our SMART society, the most important precept in the New Age.

Break consensus and community cracks. Serve the individual and promote the Self, SMART grid dysfunction and the potential for overall system failure is inevitable and thus a return to fragmentation and dissociation of the past. This cannot be permitted – for the good of the whole. Resistance is like an infection, before you know it, the whole grid would be infected.  As such, we must be treated like the historical virus that we are and protected from ourselves by the guiding hand of the Priesthood, otherwise, the potential despoiling of Mother Earth will occur. Accordingly, a vast number of protective measures have been put in place to maintain efficiency and inner happiness. We will want for nothing. To maintain optimum levels of sensate satisfaction, human habitats will have their own integrated “Malware” and “anti-virus” enforcement systems in place as envisioned and voted for by Neighbourhood, Zone Councils and Regional Elects – for the good of all. Community is all, group consciousness is all … Love life, the New SMART Consensus.

You can probably continue the narrative with all kinds of creative allusions inspired by various books and Hollywood flicks. This is the real inverted totalitarianism that both Orwell and Huxley warned about and countless myths and oral traditions.

So, are the checks and balances in place to prevent such a future? Or is it just a silly Dystopian fantasy?

When SD and SMART systems are set against the strangle-hold that our power brokers still maintain currently manifesting as ubiquitous surveillance and the erosion of civil liberties, then questioning the direction this form of technology is taking  becomes an absolute imperative. For once we have passed a certain point in technological know-how, artificial intelligence will offer us no way to turn back without wholesale destruction.

Society is rapidly changing thorough technological innovation advancing in ways that challenge the imagination. The horizon is limitless as to how technology will be used. The important question to ask is: do we have any say in how technological knowledge is being applied in the present and thus how it will shape our future? As with most things in life, there are always positives and negatives to any new innovation on a mass scale,  but it remains to be seen which one will gain ascendance. As always, this is dependent on who holds the overall power of technology and its uses. So far, we have an appalling track record. As it stands, the advantages are set to provide unquestionable benefits in the medical field communications sectors. But what are the dangers of an over reliance on digital technology applied to all other sectors of society? Will it augment the path to true freedom or be its demise? Already there are serious questions being asked on a number of issues from health to civil liberties, artificial intelligence to cyber warfare, all of which we will explore.


As this silicon revolution continues to submerge us in an ocean of Wi-Fi waves there are signs that our intense reliance on SMART networks may not be the most expedient way to take humanity forward. Nonetheless, selling the idea of convenience and efficiency is proving extremely seductive. It also offers untold benefits to intelligence agencies, in particular the National Security Agency (NSA) to complete its mission to own information and predict behaviour of every individual in America and the globe.

The acronym “SMART” is the new mnemonic buzzword which is being used to describe a network of gadgets, utilities, services, weapons, energy systems and new forms of governance bound together in a sea of digital and Wi-Fi-based technology. Each letter in the acronym stands for a particular objective which can be loosely interpreted. They are typically defined as follows:

S = Specific / Significant

M = Measurable / Motivational

A = Attainable / Assignable

R = Relevant / Realistic

T = Time-bound / Time-Related

The technology promises a broad range of practical and philosophical ideas which are already re-shaping the very concept of communication, travel, agriculture, medicine and city infrastructure. SMART uses computerised systems which incorporate digital metering to monitor and control energy from power plants to appliances within the home.  Another acronym used to describe this technological structure of Web-connected appliances and in-home devices is the “Internet of things” (IOT). Although domestic appliances such as fridges, freezers, lighting and televisions fall under the IOT, it is the energy companies and infrastructure –  including transportation, health, oil, gas and alternative energy systems – which are being incorporated into a vast SMART grid awash with Wi-Fi technology that will connect to the internet and allow devices to “speak to each other.”

Many corporations such as AT&T, General Electric, are changing their present system of distribution, storage, administration and the very core of their manufacturing towards the IOT and SMART philosophy. For software companies such as Cisco, IBM, Siemens, Microsoft and Intel, this is a lucrative time. As a September 2013 article by online magazine Standard Digital entitled: ‘Tomorrow’s smart cities’ explained: “In Singapore, Stockholm and California, IBM is gathering traffic data and running it via algorithms to predict where a traffic jam will occur an hour before it has happened. Meanwhile in Rio (Brazil), it has built a NASA-style control room where banks of screens suck up data from sensors and cameras located around the city.” IBM has 2,500 smarter cities projects worldwide and is confident in financial future of redesigning cities. To that end it has trademarked the term “smarter cities”.

The article also quotes Anthony Townsend, director of the Institute of the Future and author of Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia. Townsend puts his finger on the pulse when he states: “Some people want to fine tune a city like you do a race car but they are leaving citizens out of the process…” And in relation to a China’s massive new city building projects and huge central control rooms, one of which is already operational in Rio, Brazil: “The control room in Rio was created by a progressive mayor but what if the bad guys get in? Are we creating capabilities that can be misused?” Constant attempts to try and get the UK public to adopt a bio-metric, National ID card have failed, though a foreign ID card for immigrants was unveiled in 2008 as a possible “softening up” exercise for a re-introduction of the scheme. This seems to be one branch in the creation of database state in the UK and abroad. When all the databases are indexed by what is known in the UK as the National Identity Register (NIR) it is then that our lives will be defined by our NIR number and a host of invasive surveillance which may come into play.

The UK organization NO2ID which campaigns against the Database State sees “Transformational Government” as not just a threat to our civil liberties but a whole way of life. Indeed they state: “… what is being transformed is not government but its power over you.” The reason for this increasing disquiet over State interference in the lives of British people is drawn from broad range of measures integral to the emerging SMART society.

NO2ID outlines just some of the UK government’s plans currently evolving:

  • ID interrogation centres, for passports and ID cards
  • ePassports that help collect data about your travel
  • International eBorders schemes that exchange Passenger Name Record information with foreign countries as well as collecting them
  • Recording of all car journeys, using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
  • ‘Entitlement cards’ as part of, or linked to the ID scheme, logging use of public services
  • Centralised medical records without privacy
  • Biometrics in schools — fingerprinting children as young as 4 or 5
  • ‘ContactPoint’, a database collecting sensitive information on every child
  • Fingerprinting in pubs and bars — landlords forced to monitor their patrons
  • A greatly expanded National DNA Database (NDNAD)
  • New police powers to check identity
  • Increasing Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks for employees and volunteers
  • Businesses under pressure to verify ID of staff and customers with the government  [1]

Neil Postman’s reference to a “Technopoly” as a state of culture is another consolidation of Official Culture. It is a description of an emerging Pathocracy with emphasis on the scientific technique underpinning the dominance of technology and its applications. When combining the  Surveillance State, and SMART society we fuse Technopoly and Pathocracy to form: Technocracy. a system of society according to which government is controlled by scientists, engineers, and other experts. It is a scientific dictatorship as discussed in ‘World State Policies III: The Scientific Technique’ and to which UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is integrated.


Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert founded the Technocracy movement in 1932 during the Great Depression and produced what is seen by many as the Bible of the movement: The Technocracy Study Course. Rather than the “price system” the design was based on the metrics of energy and considered apolitical. It was primarily a technological panacea for global economic problems based on energy production and distribution together with precise monitoring and measuring as the pillars of its potential success.

It was a techno-Marxist plan which included nationalising public utilities abandoning the gold standard (which the financial oligarchs loved) and suspending the stock exchange. Why would you need one when the new currency was mainframe of automation and “digital” currency?

The Technocracy Study Course reads like a strange amalgamation of bureaucratic fundamentalism grafted on to a engineer/mathematician/accountant’s world view of humans as binary energy units. (Perfect for the Lucis Trust’s New World [Civil] Servants). They outline their meter reading diagnosis for society in typically precise fashion:

  • “Register on a continuous 24 hour per day basis the total net conversion of energy.
  • “By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.
  • “Provide a continuous inven­tory of all production and consumption
  • “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used.
  • “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.” [2]

Many younger online users attracted to hacktivism, spirituality and social networking have been taken in by the recent manifestation of technocracy in the very slickly produced and marketed Zeitgeist films and the affiliated Venus Project founded by Jasque Fresco. The first film included some excellent truths regarding the nature of the economic world in which we live, as well as an incisive deconstruction of government influence and false flag operations. But the second film entitled: “Addendum” revealed that it had some fatal flaws. Zeitgeist was designed to grab our attention and prime the not so discerning members of the public to accept another version of Elite control this time through systemic technology as saviour, where computers make key decisions. It is the same techno-Marxism that assumes everyone will be thoroughly happy with such a Brave New World of regimented, rule-based precision; where individuals become numbers integrated into a game theory mainframe of “efficiency.”


Source: DefenseForumIndia.com

Naturally, no mention is made of authoritarians and social dominators pre-disposed to the distortion and co-option of well-intentioned technocrats. To say that such a scenario is unrealistic and naïve seems obvious, not least the undesirability of such a sterile future. It is the same old approach to people management with the blessing of the Rockefeller class, all of whom have been extremely active in the “information dominance” brand of social engineering. When you know the awareness is changing the mass mind then you offer the World State scenario under a different guise and adapt good intentions accordingly.

The Zeitgeist Mission Statement gives us all we need to know:

“This ‘Resource-Based Economic Model’ is about taking a direct technical approach to social management as opposed to a monetary or even political one. It is about updating the workings of society to the most advanced and proven methods Science has to offer, leaving behind the damaging consequences and limiting inhibitions which are generated by our current system of monetary exchange, profits, corporations and other structural and motivational components.”

The term “Technocracy” in Zeitgeist terms, is really another way of referring to the “scientific technique” dipped in coating of trans-humanist fervour. Think eco-aware, engineering geek meets bank manager, meets human resource chief. Throw in a goatee and there you have it. It’s the same story different wardrobe.

In America, appealing to the new generations born in the digital world is a vital part of the social engineering project reaching its apotheosis of the Rockefeller Foundation. The GMO/agriculture research arm of IRRI calls it: “SMART Globalisation”, a corporatist-collectivist vision that sounds wonderfully benign on the face of it. It is the latest meme designed to channel human activity into local, national and global SMART systems from which our finances, health and autonomy would be under complete and automatic control. In other words, a Global SMART Grid. It is here that we see technocracy and neo-feudalism come together in virtual “harmony,” developed with the best of intentions at the lower end of awareness but guided by the worst from the top. The current crisis in the capitalist economic order is all part of the phase to replace the old world with this new vision. Let’s just recall that David Rockefeller has been a long-time admirer of communist China and the hybrid vision of the capitalist-collectivist philosophy.


David Rockefeller and Mao’s deputy Zhou Enlai 1973.| The Rockefellers have been hard at work engineering this World State based on the Chinese model for many decades. For more information see Rockefeller Internationalism by William Banyan

Author Naomi Klein alerted us to the fact that Chinese authorities have taken SMART society to their hearts and created a “model city” of the future re-affirming the Rockefeller and Elite vision for the world. It only took 30 years, for Shenzen to be transformed from a barren wasteland to a SMART city of 21.4 million occupants who are living the “dream” and where 200,000 cameras currently monitor and survey the populace with over 2 million more planned. What this SMART Society provides is a police State testing ground comprising of “central planning, merciless repression and constant surveillance.” Fortune 500 technology companies are watching very closely indeed. So closely, in fact, that high-tech surveillance and censorship programs were provided by IBM, Honeywell, and GE people under the generic name of “Golden Shield,” and used as a test run for what will is envisaged for the US population (once it has been thoroughly broken by social and economic chaos that is…) [3]

Recall former US National Security State advisor under Carter and Obama head hunter Zbigniew Brzezinski and his 1968 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. It was a call to re-envision the technetronic era after a few abortive attempts during the 1930s depression. It was to be the inspiration and backbone to the formation of the Trilateral Commission and its support of the Tiger economies of Asia. It was no coincidence that the book was extraordinarily prescient. Brzezinski, like so many geo-political establishment intellectuals often broadcasts Elite visions under a predictive and softly critical narrative. The intent is to broadcast formulas to the faithful and engage a populist understanding of the principles and their future objectives. And by “populist” we mean not just the public but those who may be termed the worker bees in the hive mind of the global Establishment.  Between Two Ages served to ignite the fuse of a Technocracy, the seeds of which were planted in another era of economic depression and ready to download directly into our minds. Brzezinski writes: “In the technetronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.” [4]

between two agesWe are already immersed in the “ether” of radio, micro and now Wi-Fi waves * indicating that not only is this foundation for a Technocracy present, it is accelerating exponentially. For this growth to continue unabated, Brzezinski posits another future scenario that has come to pass, involving: “… the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values (of Liberty). Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” [5]

He warns us with apparent gravitas:

“Another threat, less overt but no less basic, confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific knowhow. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits.” [6]

There are two ways in which this Technocracy is being implemented both of which naturally intersect:

1) Economics and energy

2) Surveillance and state controls.

In the first instance, the energy issue is being promoted and reorganized via the digital automation of SMART technologies. The US Department of Energy defines these technologies as: “… an electrical grid that uses computers and other technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviours of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.” [7]A similar grid is underway in Europe under “SMART Grids European Technology Platform.” [8]

America’s old and out-dated power grid is ready for an overhaul and the SMART Grid technology will mean the installation of digital meters in each home and business and 24hr monitoring of energy consumption that goes with it. What SMART means in this context is that there can be communication with other related devices within the home to relay support data information without any contact with the customer. Rather like Homeland Security and its agencies, The SMART Grid Task Force “… is responsible for coordinating standards development, guiding research and development projects, and reconciling the agendas of a wide range of stakeholders.” [9]

SMART Grid technology is big money and represents a revolution, particularly in telecommunications and energy. In 2010, the countries investing the most in SMART grid systems were China at $7.32 billion, closely followed by the United States $7.09 billion, Japan at $807 million with Spain, South Korea, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Brazil all spending millions on transforming their societies’ infrastructure. [10]

Like so much of the post-911, military-corporate infrastructure outsourced both home and abroad, the Department of Energy’s mandate to push ahead with this overhaul did not get Congressional hearing. From October 2009 – January 2010 SMART grid project funding ear-marked for 183 projects in 43 states totalled $3.4 billion thanks to the Obama Administration picking up where the Bush Administration left off with the creation of The Office of Electricity Delivery in 2003. The Department of Energy’s press release gives details of what this will mean for the average electricity consumer:

  • More than 850 sensors called “Phasor Measurement Units” to monitor the overall power grid nationwide
  • 200,000 SMART transformers
  • 700 auto­mated sub­stations (about 5 per cent of the nation’s total)
  • 1,000,000 in-home displays
  • 345,000 load control devices in homes [11]

smartgridvillageThe SmartHouse/SmartGrid Vision c/o The 7th Framework Programme funded European Research and Technological Development from 2007 until 2013 Link: http://www.smarthouse-smartgrid.eu/index.php?id=245

Systems theory and cybernetics had always been attractive to technocrats as a web of relationships that facilitate economic and social control. “The Web of Life” concept of interdependence and interrelatedness of all things within ecological systems was taken on by a number of ecologists and New Age seers. The concept of equilibrium and balance was in fact, determined by vastly unpredictable and creative confluence of non-linear principles, which is why attempts to bottle such non-linear systems into a means of socio-economic control can never work. However, this is where the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Network of Things (NOT) comes in. It is essential to the mind-set who see people as numbers and assigned values to be moved around on a computer screen like a game of SIMS.


Ready to become part of a virtuality and SIMS-SMART?

With NOT, technocrats wish to bathe us in a sea of Wi-Fi waves, with cities and homes awash with wireless networks where automation rules. From your dimmer switch to powering your juicer; the garage door to the security code on the residential gates. No human intervention is necessary. With strict guidelines as to what they will be programming, the new armies of programmers will be told to download exactly what they want you to see and hear, changing it as they see fit and without your knowledge. If you refuse and wish to take it to an ombudsman or even a civil action, how are you going to watch your T.V. or eat your food if your utilities are switched off? Look at the nature of banking. When did you last see your bank manager or get a problem resolved whilst speaking to some low-wage slave in India you cannot understand? Distance is designed.

The SMART Grid is married to the Wi-Fi Alliance which is readying itself to implement Wi-Fi circuitry in every conceivable device in the home and business sector. It will operate in exactly the same way as Wi-Fi-enabled network modems and routers for personal computers to mobile phones currently being used by homes and businesses globally. Telecommunications electricity, and renewable energy resources will be functionally integrated into a system automatic provision, payment and monitoring. Gmail, i-Pod applications, your fridge and T.V. and the Wi-Fi “ether” that will activate them are ready to be absorbed into the SMART Grid where literally everything communicates with each other in a fully-automated, seamlessly connected world of man and machine.

And now, it means you can literally become part of the very fabric of SMART willingly and forever with electronic senors printed directly onto your skin… Oh, the convenience! Mike Orcutt of MIT’s Technology Review comments: “Such systems could be used to track health and monitor healing …” Sure. And if you fall on the wrong side of your friendly SMART government tracking and monitoring takes on a whole different meaning. But having your i-pad on your wrist as opposed to freedom of movement is clearly more important… More on this later. [12]

printable.skin_.electronics.2x299Now, you too can become SMART!

Another aspect of the Wi-Fi revolution that is not being talked about is the health effects of living our daily immersed in this type of constant radiation. There is a glut scientific, peer-reviewed papers out there which are unsurprisingly, barely receiving a whiff of recognition that they sorely deserve. Adverse biological effects from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz) have been complied by the UK campaign group Wi-Fi in Schools (You can visit them at http://www.wifiinschools.org.uk and print out as many as you like). The many examples of extensive research undertaken by University and independent scientific research institutes provides disturbing evidence across a broad range of experiments carried out on mice, rats and tadpoles.

Some of the findings included:

  • Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices.
  • Decreases in human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation from the use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi.
  • Oxidative injury in rat testis and on oxidative stress in blood induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices.WI-FI_ZONE_01
  • A provocation study using heart rate variability shows Negative effects on autonomic nervous system from microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone.
  • Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG
  • 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells.
  • Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice
  • Cognitive impairment in rats was shown after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation.
  • Stimulation of production of tumor necrosis when exposed in vivo and in vitro to weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range
  • Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. [Source: wifiinschools.org.uk]

Bearing in mind that 16v/m is the average level of exposure for these experiments and that when using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer we can be exposed to electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. This is only the beginning of research into these areas but the evidence for serious problems on the subtle layers of our biological and neurological make-up is already overwhelming. If we don’t put the brakes on for the health issues alone, then we will be looking at generations with behavioural difficulties, infertility, impaired cognitive ability and an epidemic of endemic brain tumours.

As smartphones begin to rain down from the technocratic ether, the most convincing evidence that mobile phones are causing brains tumours in the young has arrived from Dr. Boian Alexandrov from the Centre for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. His team have shown that terahertz (THz) waves gradually destroy human DNA which is fairly terminal for the human race. Since chips broadcasting THz waves are being considered for use in mobile phones as imaging systems tool across this SMART society and THZ scanner technology is already being used by the TSA at most of our airports, the question as to whether there are any health issues concerning terahertz technologies seems unimportant as the great wave of innovation roars ahead.

The medical establishment is encouraging the use for operations in which scanning will prove highly useful for otherwise invasive procedures while “exciting” innovations in consumer freedom will allow us all to see through objects and walls to find our lost car keys should we choose to buy into the gadget craze. Dr. Alexandrov and his team’s ground-breaking study (among others)  is lurking in the background as a minor impediment to the euphoria of “progress.” His team discovered that exposure to THz radiation builds cumulatively and affects human and animal tissue DNA, effectively “unzipping” the DNA molecule. In their paper ‘DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field,’ Alexandrov et al conclude:

“We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA. We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism. Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.” [13]

So, if we continue to breathe in the SMART hype, we’ll soon see where the real growth lies.


* “Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections.

See also:

TruthStream’s  Forcing a Total, Saturated 5G Future… Without Safety Checks

5 Ways Smart Phones Are Dumbing People Down


[1] http://www.no2id.net/
[2] p.232; The Technocracy Study Source, by Howard Scott and M.King Hubbard, published by Technocracy Inc. 1940 edition.
[3] ‘China’s All-Seeing Eye’ By Naomi Klein, Rolling Stone, May 14, 2008.
[4] Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski 1970 / ISBN-10 0313234981 (p.11)
[5] Ibid.(p.97)
[6] Ibid. (p252-253).
[7] U.S. Department of Energy. ‘Smart Grid / Department of Energy’ http://energy.gov/oe/technology-development/smart-grid.
[8] http://www.smartgrids.eu”. smartgrids.eu. 2011.
[9] Smart grid: an introduction US State Department.
[10] http://www.zprymeconsulting.com
[11] ‘Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?’ By Patrick Wood, August Review 03 March 2010.
[12] ‘Electronic Sensors Printed Directly on the Skin’ MIT Tech, Mike Orcutt, March 11, 2013.
[13] ‘DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field’ by B. S. Alexandrov, V. Gelev, A. R. Bishop, A. Usheva, K. O. Rasmussen. (Submitted on 28 Oct 2009) Biological Physics (physics.bio-ph); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) Journal reference: Physics Letters A, Volume 374, Issue 10, 2010. Abstract: We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA. We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism. Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.

Satan’s Little Helpers VII: Mind War

“An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person’s head. “The signal can be a ‘message from God’ that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender.” In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head. The patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects.

   — Washington Post article on electronic harassment and voices in the head, January 14, 2007.

In 1991, Paul Vallely, a one-time senior military analyst for FOX News, retired from the US Army as Deputy Commanding General, US Army, and Pacific. He served 32 years, more than 15 of them in Special Operations, Psychological and Civil-Military Operations. After co-authoring Endgame – Blueprint for Victory for Winning the War on Terror, he wrote a military paper with the late Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in 1980 entitled: From PSYOPS to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory.

In the introduction we read:

“Like the sword Excalibur, we have but to reach out and seize this tool; and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and the integrity to change civilization with it. If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If they then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish level.” [1] [Emphasis mine]

The above text is breath-taking in its assumed superiority and delusional romanticism in keeping with present authoritarianism. Mind War has a lot to do with deception and perception management. It is also about tactical and strategic war for the mass mind. Most importantly, it concerns the imposition of a neo-feudalist mentality that naturally sees others as inferior and in desperate need of management. You might say this is military PSYOPS from a Neo-Conservative perspective. It does not exclude the use of a chilling warning that they must descend to a level that is “brutish” in order to fulfil their aims.

This seems to be what is taking place within the military-intelligence apparatus at this time – the philosophy of the brute who masks his core deviance in “civilised” forms that must be must be let loose in response to the “unsatisfactory” moralities of normal people which make no sense at all to the psychopath. It is the management and eventual eradication of those that harbour conscience as the only option open to them.  Not only is this a typical regurgitation of an American fascist doctrine so popular with the Straussian Zio-Cons, it could also said to fit in rather nicely with the principles of a Satanic path where the perceived “whole truth” is “forced into existence” arrogantly attempting to displace the will of Creation.

satan-shown-as-the-fallen-angel-after-having-been-smittenThose following a form of existential Satanism view themselves as the subjective centre of the universe, and strive to elevate the individual Self as a form of exclusive “self-love.” A Satanist views him/herself as his or her own god of matter in waiting. The La Veyian Satanist maintains that those who find themselves naturally aligned with Satanism should strive to separate themselves from the herd mentality adopting an “enlightened individualism”; to maintain it as much as possible in order to learn to exploit the naïveté and misguided altruism of the masses. This was exactly the same belief which came out of the Age of Enlightenment and the Illuminism responsible for its development. As Anton LaVey states: “Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If humans ceased wholly from preying upon each other, could they continue to exist?”

A fairly succinct description from the ceremonial psychopath.

According to the Temple of Set website there is an impression of romantic science and freedom fighting for the soul which has its roots in the original LaVey Church of Satan where this God of the Material plane was understood to be “an authentic metaphysical presence: a being not evil, but rather independent, assertive, and creative – a true Prince of Darkness after the imagery of Milton, Blake, Baudelaire, and Twain.”

Quite true. However, if it were just a question of “personal Godhood” and the observation of ethics and responsibility then there would be no distinction to make save the semantics of individual and collective freedom. Knowledge as a means for self-sucking power and knowledge as an energy disbursement based around sharing seems to be the obvious and key distinction. In other words: service to self or service to others? The Satanist as deceiver has been left out of the seemingly pious and humble explanations of practicing Satanists, most of who are pandering to the dilettante. Embroider the concepts with suitable romance and chemistry of the cool and the pied piper wins every time.

Regardless, on the lower tiers of such occult theology, Aquino and his ilk will no doubt attract their naïve followers charmed by flowery words and earnest intentions. They are nevertheless, the “Chosen Ones” and part of the pyramid of diminishing returns; a monolithic culture of predation that requires more and more amounts of energy in order to sustain itself. Deception is the primary mode of acquiring such energy.

In summary, “the world inside the devil” is concerned with the occult maxim of “Will to Power,” tied as it is to one’s own individualistic intent and will – which is effectively a God in Diapers spellbound by phenomena and manipulation of the material and para-physical worlds. Therefore, for those who are by nature, self-seeking adherents to an exclusive Self-Godhood, the results will be strictly material in every sense of the word, which is why “The Absolute” of the material plane is worshipped in Satanism with an inherent and chosen blindness to its obvious limitations. The tangible effects of individual power as the arbiter of one’s own “truth” is entirely subjective thus insubstantial and transistory. One’s psychic power will be impressive as long as one relishes the Kundalini-chemicals and the biology to sense it. Once these feats of daring-do expire as a flame that rapidly burns up a limited provision of “fuel,” one can imagine that such a Faustian bargain will require recompense. The worshipping of personal power will then give you the same – a primal and ultimate absorption into Dark matter.

In reality, whether on the periphery in the early stages, it is conceivable that such Satanic outposts are openings to the honeycomb networks of further recruits to be controlled in a variety of ways once they have reached a suitable “degree.” This “brutish level” of which Aquino and Vallely speak incorporates all manner of propaganda operations spawned from a shadow government’s obsession with mass mind control experiments so valued by the CIA and NSA. Propaganda is never enough. Controlling the mind, body and soul of the populace is the goal.

If that sounds as if it’s veering into conspiratorial paranoia, let’s not forget the history of deep black operations in America. Richard M. Dolan’s research reminds us: “By early 1969, teams within the CIA were running a number of bizarre experiments in mind control under the name Operation Often. In addition to the normal assortment of chemists, biologists, and conventional scientists, the operation employed psychics and experts in demonology.” [2] Indeed, Operation Often had its roots in the 1950 and 60s mind control experiments of Dr. Ewan Cameron and the LSD experiments of Sidney Gottlieb, mentioned previously. The evolution of extremes meant that the CIA behaviourists studied the arcana of the occult underground in the hope of utilising its principles. [3]

Returning to Mind War the following extract is equally pertinent:

For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening drugs such as those explored by the CIA; in fact the exposure of a single such method would do unacceptable damage to Mind War’s reputation for truth. Existing PSYOP identifies purely-sociological factors which suggest appropriate idioms for messages. Doctrine in this area is highly developed, and the task is basically one of assembling and maintaining individuals and teams with enough expertise and experience to apply the doctrine effectively. This, however, is only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and Mind War should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves.  [Emphasis mine] [4]

As we have seen, behaviour modification, ultrasonics and brain stimulation obsessively researched in pre and post-war Britain and America was followed by the study of the effects of very-low-frequency sound (VLF)—the opposite of ultrasonics—as a new tool for war and social control. Declassified Pentagon reports show the application of Lowe Frequency Sound (LFS) for interrupting and eliminating the productive capacity of civilian populations during war time. It has been known since at least the experimental days of Nikola Tesla, that natural wave formation exists between the earth and the ionosphere which could be used to propagate very-low-frequency radiation and direct it to pre-selected coordinates on the earth. Further studies have shown that this had massive implications for mind control in that such low frequencies have a profound capacity to affect the electrical behaviour of the brain. As the alpha waves of the human brain oscillate at 8-12 hertz per second and ionospheric waves at 8 hertz this indicates that the latter is an excellent harmonic carrier of LFS waves which are near on impossible to detect due to their size. Manipulating the minds of a large number of people is therefore not so fantastic.


© infrakshun

The Establishment and its military-intelligence apparatus has assiduously fought public and media attention on foreign or domestic capabilities of microwave and radiation technology since the early 1960s. This is true even for government departments, partly in fear of provoking restrictions on the use of radar but more importantly, drawing attention to its own experimentation in these fields, including the rise in so-called “non-lethal” weaponry. Though occasional fears were voiced in the US Senate and European governments about the effects of radiation from televisions and partial concerns about microwave ovens, very little action was taken to investigate the sources and possible dark-side applications of this technology at the military level.

Most scientists dismiss the idea that electromagnetic radiation beamed at the brain can alter the brain and produce changes in behaviour. Environmental degradation and economic disparity prove much more of an impediment to innovation let alone the advancement of technology developing along sinister lines. It is a favourite blind-spot of the liberal left as it is the moderate Conservative. Once again, this is testament to human wishful thinking. The parasite, if it reaches significant numbers and continues to feed on its host will pay no heed to its demise. It will willingly go down with the ship if need be. Similarly, expenditure and innovation in the wrong hands follows the path of least resistance and in this case it is ignorance which furnishes the needed circumnavigation of checks and balances which the general public assumes to be in place.

From an array of source publications at the back of Mind War it is obvious that Aquino was drawing from information illustrated in the following extract which shaped his vision of the future and the basis from which one branch of current mind technology is developing.

We are told that:

“ELF (extremely low frequency) waves (up to 100 Hz) … are naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially … ELF waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well.” [5]

If the human brain can be aligned to infrasound through media broadcasts, what does that say about our ability to think critically and access thoughts which are truly our own? What is the stage and level of application after more than thirty years since the publication of MindWar ? Moreover, would we even know if we were on the receiving end of this “doctrine”?


c/o http://www.narda-sts.us/ High Frequency and Low Frequency effects on the human body

Advocates of a world-wide conspiracy of Satanic Ritual Abuse believed that the reason that cases have not resulted in prosecution is due to the accused having the protection of the courts and the government. This is undoubtedly true in some, perhaps even the majority of cases. However, as we have discovered, the divide and rule formula of the Pathocracy keeps all parties blind.

As Aquino was busy clearing “his good name” however unconvincingly, he rightly mentioned a book called Michelle Remembers which started the whole hysteria of “satanic panic.” Countless accusations and allegations led to the imprisonment of the innocent, while giving cover to the guilty. It was in fact, a work of fiction that was presented as fact and later shown to be a hoax. [6]

Author and historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk offers up a controversial hypothesis in relation to the so-called grey alien abduction theory *and SRA,[7] both of which arrived on the scene at exactly the same time. Allegations of SRA were whipped up into a frenzy of religious persecution and “‘moral entrepreneurs’ both fed the fires of prosecution and earned a good living from it.” She asks: “If there are thousands of baseless accusations of SRA and thousands upon thousands of cases of unverifiable alien abductions, from where do they originate?” [8]

Knight-Jadczyk reiterates the puzzle that children would not make up stories of such bizarre acts of abuse which are often so explicit and beyond the knowledge of children of preschool age. Stories are also taken at face value by prosecutors, therapists, police officers and parents. Sometimes they are correct but frequently they are wrong. While establishing that many ufology and New Age operatives are often part of counter-intelligence programs (CoIntelpro) designed to hoodwink the populace into dead-end alley ways of awareness, she mentions certain figures coming together at the same juncture, suggestive of intelligence manoeuvres designed to manipulate the public mind.

In keeping with Mind War and the above hypothesis, Richard M. Dolan offers us more to chew on:

By the early 1970s, there were already means available to alter the moods of unsuspecting persons. A pocket-sized transmitter generating electromagnetic energy at less than 100 milliwatts could do the job. This is no pie-in-the-sky theory. In 1972, Dr. J.F. McDonald testified before the House Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment on the issue of electromagnetic weapons used for mind control and mental disruption. He stated:
[T]he basic notion was to create, between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the Earth, this neutral cavity, to create waves, electrical waves that would be tuned to the brain waves. …About ten cycles per second. …You can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses.

The following year, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, at Walter Reed Hospital, while in a soundproof room, was able to hear spoken words broadcast by ‘pulsed microwave audiogram.’ These words were broadcast to him without any implanted electronic translation device. Rather, they reached him by direct transmission to the brain. [9] [Emphasis mine]

Aquino’s prescient statement that psychological operations: “… should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves,” then takes on a much richer meaning. This posits the idea that a mass mind control program may be in operation where some Satanic Ritual Abuse and alien abduction scenarios are beamed into our very heads. [10]


Gwen Towers and satellite networks

Unlikely as that may seem, the technology to manipulate our collective minds is already in operation in the military-corporate sector. Moreover, commercial patents finding their way to the public arena are many years, possibly several decades behind military applications. New innovations away from the media and public scrutiny will be far in advance of anything available in the market place and will not be designed for wholly benevolent applications – of that we can be certain. For instance, the NSA’s electronic surveillance system is already monitoring and handling millions of data on the global population every hour of every day. Despite the revelations from Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers before him we may have a way to go before we hit the bottom of this particular deep, dark barrel.

Consider this:

“Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24hrs a day.” [11]

Michael Persinger is a Canadian clinical neurophysicist and professor of neuroscience with over 200 peer-reviewed publications based around his work on the effects of electromagnetic fields upon biological organisms and human behaviour. Persinger also has voluminous work in the field of parapsychology and altered states of consciousness and has worked closely with the US Navy after attracting their attention with his paper entitled ‘Possible cardiac driving by an external rotating magnetic field’ in 1973. It is said that Persinger’s experiments were able to replicate alien abduction, and offer evidence of telepathy and remote viewing through the use of what he calls a “Magic Helmet” which is equipped with magnets allowing a low-level magnetic field to be generated and beamed at the temporal lobe.

Persinger’s work with the military comprised of using varying fields of low intensity in the ultra-low frequency (ELF) range and where he was able to make numerous rats sick and with consistent results. As a result, he is alleged to have been one of those who took part in Project Sleeping Beauty which was created by the NSA to develop electromagnetic weapons for behaviour modification. [12]  A participant in one of Persinger’s experiments in the 1990s, Dr. Susan Blackmore of Plymouth University was in no doubt that by applying a “silent and invisible force” into her brain he was able to create a specific experience for her.

Blackmore states:

“He claimed that he was imitating the basic sequences of the processes of memory and perception and that, by varying those sequences, he could control my experience. Could he have done it from a distance? Could it be done on a wider scale? Suddenly prospects of magnetic mind control seem an awful lot worse than the idea of being abducted by imaginary aliens…” [13]

That is not to say that all “alien” abductions are imaginary. However, what we can imagine is how such “progress” could be manifesting in our present era of rapid technological advancement and it doesn’t look pretty. We are in the technotronic era of mass mind control with the possibility that applications have advanced to such a degree that instead of targeting just individuals, whole populations can be affected.

Up until 2013, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was a vital piece of experimental armoury in U.S. military defence officially designated as an advanced weather research project focused on the ionosphere. Based in Garkona, Alaska, it is jointly funded by the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Its true nature has always been cloaked in mystery due in part, to an official stance of “national security.” It seems part of the experimentation involves the use of electromagnetic frequencies and directed energy beams pulsed into the delicate upper layer of the atmosphere called the ionosphere around 1000 km above the Earth’s surface. The aim is to heat up specific areas which can create lenses of magnified effects. On the official website at http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/we can read: “HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.”

Though the creation and development of HAARP is shrouded in secrecy, Physicist Dr. Bernard Eastlund has given us a lot of food for thought from his US patent entitled: “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere” filed in 1985. If such a patent can be made available publicly you can be sure classified research is well in advance of similar prototypical research.

From the patent, he states:

[The] temperature of the ionosphere has been raised by hundreds of degrees in these experiments.

A means and method is provided to cause interference with or even total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth. This invention could be employed to disrupt not only land based communications, both civilian and military, but also airborne communications and sea communications. This would have significant military implications.

It is possible … to take advantage of one or more such beams to carry out a communications network even though the rest of the world’s communications are disrupted.

[This invention] can be used to an advantage for positive communication and eavesdropping purposes.

Exceedingly large amounts of power can be very efficiently produced and transmitted.

This invention has a phenomenal variety of … potential future developments. Large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpectedly high altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces with resultant destruction or deflection. Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device. Ozone, nitrogen, etc. concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased.

Electromagnetic pulse defenses are also possible. The earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic field.

Though differing in scope and logistical capabilities, this is exactly the type of experimentation which HAARP is exploring,  building on Nicola Tesla’s extraordinary research into electromagnetism, earth energies and its relationship to the bio-chemical nature of the human body. Though many researchers posit HAARP was in reality a vast geo-engineering project linked to reducing climate change by saturating the atmosphere with specific chemicals – the infamous chemtrails controversy – it seems this was a sub-division of experimental research and a likely cover for something far sinister. The real action was in long rumoured experimental mass mind control and in line with the US military’s goal of “full-spectrum dominance” by 2020.

HAARPThe High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

Author and researcher Nick Begich Jr. and his influential book: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP suggested that experiments in vibrating the ionosphere have greatly advanced  to the extent that earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes can be triggered (Hurricane Katrina, 2005, Haitian earthquake of 2009) and localised as part of an on-going geostrategy. More importantly, he theorises that it is the product of decades of research which has resulted in a mind control device of considerable power. The HAARP system is capable of transmitting on an array of frequencies – including that of the human brain.

But is that true? Conclusive evidence is obviously hard to come by. However, reading between the lines of decades of proven experiments in mind programming, huge advances in military technology such as Silent Sound Spectrum is very far from fantasy. Begich’s claims and that of other researchers are supported by public patents relating to HAARP, which include:

  • C. W. Hansell (1945) “Communication system by pulses through the Earth”, U.S. Patent 2,389,432.
  • R. L. Tanner (1965) “Extremely low-frequency antenna”, U.S. Patent 3,215,937.
  • G. F. Leydorf (1966) “Antenna near field coupling system”, U.S. Patent 3,278,937.
  • B. J. Eastlund (1987). “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the Earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere”, U.S. Patent 4,686,605.
  • B. J. Eastlund (1991). “Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface”, U.S. Patent 5,038,664.

The history of DARPA’s main avenue of research has always been neuroscience, nanoscience and cybernetics adapted to military applications. Though often designated as a classic conspiracy theory and therefore with a “nothing- to-see-here” implications, it appears even the European Parliament expressed unease at the HAARP project in January 28 1999 stating in the minutes of the document “Resolution on the environment, security and foreign policy A4-0005/1999” that it: “… considers HAARP by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing.” It highlights the United States’ refusal to give more information on the nature of HAARP as “regrettable.”

The late Rauni Kilde MD, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, lectured and wrote about an NSA Mind Control system using radio implants and microchips connected to satellites that are similar to what can be find in past “NSA PSYOPS” documents. Kilde writes: “With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare.” Most certainly. And this form of extreme harassment is increasing, though by its very nature, it is notoriously difficult to obtain the evidence, assuming of course that prosecution is a viable option.

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA) supports many of the claims of systematic surveillance stalking and virtual torture via electromagnetic waves and electronic interference not just within the U.S. The disturbing nature of the NSA and its famously secret activities no doubt produces its fair share of internet bunkum. Equally, there is far too much correlative and corroborative evidence from a variety of sources to suggest that it is merely conspiracy “cranking” at work. It may well be all in the mind, but not in the way some may prefer to think. The capabilities of the U.S. military’s on going EMF strategies to harass, intimidate and even murder selected individuals was highlighted in a Project Censored paper from a human rights perspective and also explores the testing and deployment of these weapons.


Author of The Mind Controllers Dr. Armen Victorian wrote about the military use of electromagnetic microwave and mind control technology in a 1998 article for Lobster Magazine called: ‘Microwave and Mind Control Technology.’ He explores the capability of cloning human EEGs for targeted mind control purposes where a variety of emotional responses and instinctive reactions: “… have been identified and isolated from the EEG, as ‘emotion signature clusters’.” He goes on to state: “Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured, then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesised and stored on another computer, each one of these negative emotions properly and separately tagged. “They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.” [14]

It appears that The Tri-Service Electromagnetic Advisory Panel (TERP) represents the interests of all three military services in the U.S. It is still conducting some of the most advanced research in the world which in turn stems from the investigations made by the Russian pioneers in mind control technology during the early 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. Air Force has been research into ocular injury by exposure to millimetre wave system, bio-effects of High Power Microwave in low microwave regions (S band) and Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR). The use of High Power Microwave (HMP), by each of the military services seems to be commonplace. Judging by the wealth of research on the subject the US Navy is also getting extremely excited at the prospect of utilizing electro-magnetic waves as a psychotronic weapon.

We may then understand how invasions like Iraq represented an opportunity to test out new developments in scalar and microwave weaponry and other aberrations. As Guardian columnist John Sutherland put it: “The battlefield will be the testing ground for the U.S. samurai. No more rhesus monkeys or pigs but real, live Iraqis.” According to Dr. Oliver Lowry who has had the dubious honour of working for the U.S. military on several classified projects, Iraqi soldiers may have been unwitting guinea pigs to further such advances.

These include:

… Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called SQUAD…’According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency “Silent Sounds” or “Silent Subliminals”. Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by PSYOPS psychologists were clearly perceived by subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds.” [15]

We live our lives inside the earth’s magnetic field, with its waves descending into the North Pole and emerging from the South Pole. The electromagnetic-wave conduction of the ionosphere is made up of electrically charged particles which protect us from solar winds. The Schumann Waves and their resonance consist of various natural waves produced by electrical discharge in this part of the atmosphere, the strongest of which is about 7.8 Hz. The electromagnetic space between the earth and he ionosphere contain these naturally occurring waves which occur at extremely low frequency (ELF).

What is interesting for those seeking new ways to control is the fact that the waves of the earth correspond exactly to human brain waves. As decades of hypno-programming and mind control research has shown governments are fascinated by biorhythms, magnetism, blood and geomagnetic resonance. Combine this with high-end advances in military applications gift-wrapped in a transhumanist belief system – we have a recipe for a technocratic control system that is historically unparalleled.

One theory for HAARP is based around the long held view that if these technophiles can create an artificial grid of geomagnetic waves by contouring and the earth’s natural geomagnetic field, then manipulating humanity’s brain waves would be the ultimate prize. This would take care of a lot of messy problems such as independent thinking and the common man’s quest for freedom. Obedience to the World State in formation would  be child’s play.  Such a scenario would mean that an artificial grid would be created by employing very low frequency (VLF) ground waves on the ground by a network of Ground Wave Emergency Network transmitters (GWEN). Constructed in 1980 around 58 have been officially erected across the United States, though 300 has been the aim. The GWEN towers were officially built in order to maintain defence communications in case of nuclear war, yet they have been plagued by the same problems from which they were designed to protect telecommunication systems. Yet, VLF is known to alter human brain waves with transmissions between 150 and 175 KHz.

According author and expert in electrical engineering and human biorhythms Dr. Robert O. Becker the purpose of GWEN is unequivocal, describing them as: “… a superb system, in combination with cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioural alterations in the civilian population.”  In his book Crosscurrents: The Perils of Electro-pollution  he wrote:

“The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United States. Therefore, if one wished to resonate a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be ‘tailored’ to the geomagnetic-field strength in each GWEN area.” [16]

More interesting still is the fact that the electromagnetic VLF signal travels via waves that stay close to the ground rather radiating out into our atmosphere; hanging heavy at the height of cities and homes. An artificially induced magnetic cavity straddles the whole of the United States saturating land and people in radio, Wi-Fi and low frequency waves.

Researcher and author C.B. Baker from his article ‘New World Order & ELF Psychotronic Tyranny’ observes:

“The alpha-wave frequency of the human brain is eight to twelve hertz (cycles per second). The ionospheric wave guide oscillates at eight hertz, making it a good harmonic carrier of low-frequency sound (LFS) waves (infrasound). These are such long waves that they are virtually impossible to detect. Pentagon reports apply LFS to demobilising the productive capacity of a civilian population in time of war.”

Working in partnership with HAARP, the GWEN towers may be acting as transducers for specifically modified electromagnetic waves which are then programmed to change the mood of people in specific states to an entire nation. In the realm of speculation but a very real possibility nonetheless. In combination with a new technocracy our technology in the military and defence sector desperately needs further exploration and oversight from independent monitors, backed up by law.


© infrakshun

And so here we are in 2013. Could HAARP be doing exactly the same by targeting vast numbers of people at specific coordinates? Geoengineering the weather seems to be the dominant theme in relation to HAARP objectives, but is it the primary purpose? We must bear in mind that most of the patents in the public domain are unlikely to reflect the true picture. Rather, they may be largely disinformation, damage control or tangential research deemed nonthreatening and which camouflage deep black operations far from oversight. If the capture and modulation of electromagnetic fields is taking place to control brainwave patterns on a massive scale then it logically follows that it is part of the same recurring desire for complete control of the global population.

Generating enormous amounts of fear from an epidemic of Satanic abuse, alien abductions, paedophile predators; climate change; religious Jihad and Judgement Day, all filtered through a compliant and solipsistic media is the order of the day. It doesn’t mean that there is no truth to the accusations and that they do not take place – perhaps all the above examples have some aspect of a core truth. But what if these memes are reinforced by beaming them straight into our heads? Perhaps it is more about the way in which these facts and hypotheses are presented, riding as they do atop the runaway trains of personal beliefs and assumptions; that the frequency, context and root cause for such horrors may be very different than we think. Qui bono? Who benefits? This is the question that needs to be asked over and over.

For persons such as Aquino and so many other occultists deep in the pit of military-intelligence, they are waiting to make their move to exert total control which is rationalised through philosophy, religion or corporatism. As occult expert Peter Levenda stated there is: “… a peculiar breed of dark magician …who are little more than frustrated SS officers yearning for the day when a magically oriented totalitarianism regime takes the field once more and settles the world’s problems by the oldest and simplest expedient available, the two step formula of exclusion and annihilation.” [17]


* Alien Abduction: “subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one have will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures.” (The Abduction Experience: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Evidence by Stuart Appelle, Journal of UFO Studies, n.s. 6, 1995/96, pp. 29–78).


[1] p.7; From PSYOPS to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory by Colonel Paul E. Valley and Major Michael A. Aquino, 1980. | http://www.xeper.org/maquino/nm/MindWar.pdf
[2] op. cit. Dolan (p. 361)
[3] Even as early as 1964 the use of Occult rituals and themes was an accepted part of Psychological warfare and planning. Africa was a continent that was not only exploited for its resources and people but for “Witchcraft, Sorcery, Magic and Other Psychological Phenomena” which was one study underwritten by the same CIA front, the (MKULTRA) Human Ecology Fund. This gathered valuable data for the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR) the source of countless studies of Psychological Warfare on Eastern European countries. The Belgian administration in the Congo was one beneficiary of such studies allowing the power struggle within the Republic to side with a pro-US government.
op. cit. Valley, Aquino (pp.9-10)
op. cit. Marshall
‘Michelle Remembers: the Debunking of a Myth’ by Denna Allen and Janet Midwinter, The Mail on Sunday, Spetember 30, 1990; and from the Pagan Protection Centre an article by Kerr Cuhulain ‘Michelle Remembers’excerpt from reader comments, on the online bookstore Amazon.com: “I am speaking as a former ‘ritual abuse survivor’ who has now disavowed all of my ‘repressed memories’. This book is dangerous. And, I completely disagree with everyone who says ‘doesn’t matter if it’s fact or fiction’? Are you nuts?? People have had their lives ruined over allegations like this. This book played a major part in my ‘memories’. My advice is that ‘ritual abuse survivors’ need to find decent therapists.’”
“The Greys (or Grays, also known as Roswell Blue-Greys, Zetas or Reticulians after the ζ Reticuli star system) are a type of alleged intelligent extraterrestrial life that appears most commonly in modern UFO conspiracy theories and other UFO-related paranormal phenomena, especially the alien abduction phenomenon. Greys have largely replaced “little green men” as the stereotypical extraterrestrial of popular culture.” – (Wikipedia online encyclopaedia at wikipedia.org).
‘CoIntelpro is at work in the New Age’ By Laura Knight-Jadczyk , June 12, 2003. http://www.cassiopaea.org.
[9] op. cit. Dolan (p. 382)
While the use of HAARP and “chemtrails,” ionsphere applications are not within the remit of this book to explore further, readers are encouraged to do their own research into these subjects as the implications are far from pie in the sky.
[11] “When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. || Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person’s brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.” – from ‘Microchip Implants, Mindcontrol, and Cybernetics’ by Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, SPEKULA, 3rd Quarter, October 23, 1999.
[12]‘Mind control’ by Glenn Krawczyk, New Scientist, 17 December 1994, Magazine issue 1956.
[13] ‘Alien abduction’ By Susan Blckmore New Scientist, 19 November 1994, 29-31.
[14] The Mind Controllers By Dr. Armen Victorian, Lobster Magazine,1998.
[15] Ibid.
[16] p.303; Becker, Robert Crosscurrents: The Perils of Electro-pollution (1990).
[17] p.343; Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda, published by Continuum books, 2002 | ISBN-10: 0826414095