
Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (3)

“Over the past decade, the influence of Chabad cultists in the world has not only grown but also entrenched. This is the only Jewish religious sect, which, assuming the role of leader of world Jewry, climbed into world politics. Its presence greatly affected American politics. In addition, the heads of state of the former Soviet Union are listening to Chabad.”

– Ukrainian author /activist Rabbi Baron Eduard Hodos

Factions of those in the domination game include persons within Chabad Lubavitch and Zionist infiltrators. A Messianic Jewish theocracy is very much part of the overall, top level psychopathic designs merging into the totality that is Pathocracy. More importantly, these factions are nodes within an overarching global occult influence as will discover in greater detail further along. As one faction of this emergence, these would-be-leaders of Chabad working within Judaism have definite objectives tied to foundational beliefs. Let’s remind ourselves what some of those beliefs are:

  • The abolition of Christmas.
  • The labelling of Christians or Gentiles as “idol worshippers.”
  • The instruction to all Christians to give up their religion or be put to death.
  • The education and instruction of a belief that Jesus practiced sorcery; worshipped stone idols and was sexually immoral.
  • To establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion.
  • The forcing of US citizens to adopt a synthesized “religion” invented for a servant class.
  • A World theocratic Jewish State [1]

As bizarre as it may sound, these are all part and parcel of Chabad Lubavitch literature, most typically the Noahide (or Noachide) Laws which are revered, respected and taken very seriously indeed. As German author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert reminds us:

“By 1723 freemasonry had already incorporated the Noachidic statutes into its Constitutions… Charges & Regulations; freemasons have always called themselves ‘Noachids’. In 1991 when the first war on Iraq was started, George Bush Senior forwarded this peculiar “blessing” to the whole nation: The seven Noachidic laws were solemnly declared to be the foundation of the United States by the Congress and the President.” [2]

Which may, in part, offer an insight as to why the Jewish Kabbalah has been so important in freemasonry and how Zio-Conservatism has comprehensively infiltrated US politics. Lubavitchers – or if you prefer, Chabadniks – are also embedded in the socio-political infrastructure of the United States.

Now, doesn’t that feed into the red herring “conspiracy theory” of Jews hoping to control the world?

Hopefully, at this stage the reader will know it is much more complex than that. Ponerology dictates which cluster of psychopaths will mount the best defence of their realm, and it appears the religious authoritarian megalomaniacs within the rabbinical hierarchy of Chabad Lubavitch and Ashkenazi Revisionist Zionism are major candidates for that particular mantle. So, to imply that it is strictly a “Jewish conspiracy” across the military-corporate and media complex is to do a huge injustice to ordinary Jews. Similarly, the conspiracy at work is largely public having been normalised by a variety of puppets and players within the 3EM. In order to see their various strains of psychopathy within our culture, entrenched beliefs and parallel taboos cannot be ignored. Hence the exploration of Chabad Lubavitch.


With Chabad Lubavitch rabbis from around the world, U.S. President George W. Bush signs a presidential proclamation in honor of Education and Sharing Day, highlighting the important work of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. | Joyce N. Boghosian—Offical White House Photo

While many Hassidic Jews would not associate themselves with such beliefs. Others go further, interpreting Lubavitch doctrine in the strictest terms. Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman made an interesting comment in 2009 from the Jewish magazine Moment perfectly illustrating the minds of elder Chabadniks: “I don’t believe in Western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” [3] It seems that Friedman has taken his bizarre inspiration from the Yahweh-driven bloody wars of the ancient Israelites. The rabbi issued a statement not long after – in all probability at the request of Chabad hierarchy – so that he could “clarify” his initially, revealing prose. He was at pains to say that his opinion was his alone and that it did: “… not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.” [4]

Despite this, his statements are mild compared to what we would find in classical Jewish doctrine of the Talmud, the Tanya and a succession of Grand Rebbes’ proclamations. It seems he also forgot the legacy of Schneerson. Though he paid lip service to “compassion” it was clearly the words rather than the basic premise that gave rise to the invective which was “irresponsible” and “misleading.” Another fine example of paralogical and paramoralistic discourse at work. Like the banking, oil and weapons and hedge fund billionaires of today, philanthropy conceals a multitude of sins. With the Establishment hierarchy it is a conscious means to and end which has little to do with alleviating humanity’s suffering rather, philanthropy offers a way to  keep the illusion of altruism in place and to buffer the disconnect between what they say and what they do. Organised Religion, with its cults and sects are no different. The hierarchical structure comes first regardless of whether the moral and ethical pillars have long since been eaten away by parasites. The vast majority of responses from presumably Jewish readers condemned the Rabbi’s views in the strongest possible terms. Though there were scattered posts praising or excusing what are essentially statements celebrating a cold-bloodied religious psychopathy.


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

For high level Chabadniks and Zionists who lobbied the Bush Administration and now Barack Obama, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was more than a spiritual inspiration, he was perfection embodied; the Messiah or “Moshiach”. Accordingly, what he said was taken very seriously and encouraged to be interpreted literally. The “Great Rebbe” told his followers “The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the Golus,* to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries.” [5] Schneerson was telling the present generation of Jews to go out and “conquer and purify” the Gentile (non-Jew) nations as laid down in the Noahide Laws. Lubavitcher Bryan Ellison tells us that Chabad followers have a special duty; the generation of Jews after the creation of Israel:

“… is the last generation of exile and darkness, and the first generation of Moshiach and the Redemption. All of us — Jews and Noachides — have an urgent responsibility to transform the world immediately in order to bring Moshiach, and this involves going well beyond the minimum of the Law.” [6]

During the Bush Administration key positions were taken up by Chabadniks. Among those handed the keys to Office were Press Officer Ari Fleischer, Chief of Staff Joshua Bolton and Vice-Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. All three were great admirers of Schneerson and believed in his Messianic vision. Though Fleischer, Bolton and many others were highly effective in contouring political opinion and military support for Chabad designs it was Lubavitcher devotee Wolfowitz who was considered one of the key intermediaries between, Chabad, the Israeli-Zionist lobby and Neo-Conservative ideology and practice.


Paul Wolfowitz (wikipedia)

Whereas Dov Zakheim’s task was to oversee US Depart of Defence fiscal policy tipping the balance toward weapons shipments into Israeli hands, Wolfowitz’s influence and power extended into higher realms of foreign policy and geo-political strategy. His major contribution to the militarisation of the American energy policy necessarily included foreign interventions which were integrated into Cheney’s much quoted doctrine of perpetual war to defend and protect newly acquired resources. Wolfowitz was renowned for being the intellectual force behind radical Neo-Conservatism, the maturing of which was fostered by the late Albert Wohlstetter during his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the late 1960’s. Wohlstetter worked for the cold war strategy think tank the RAND Corp, [7] and besides being steeped in Zionist ideology, was a believer in the view that nuclear deterrence was not a satisfactory basis for strategic doctrine; the United States actually had to be not only the best in nuclear strategy but prepared to unleash the dogs of war in order deter the enemy –no doubt wiping out Israel’s perceived enemies in the process. (Consequently, the craziness of Wohlstetter was one of the inspirations for the film Dr. Strangelove.)

As Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz were transforming a largely Jewish, right wing agenda into Neo-Conservatism, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith – both fanatical Zionists – had already worked in high level positions in both the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Perle was also a protégé of Wohlstetter, bringing together two minds with a singular purpose: an Israeli-driven world revolution and a personal association that would remain through the intervening years. It was Wohlstetter, with the encouragement of Zionist insider and intellectual Bernard Lewis that lurked in the shadows encouraging Feith, Perle and Wolfowitz to help create the Iraq WMDs deception and the installation of CIA-stooge Ahmed Chalabi who would later become Prime Minister in Iraq. [8]

Albert Wohlstetter 1969

Albert Wohlstetter 1969 – (Source: wikipedia)

In the mid-1980s working as Middle East analyst at the National Security Council Douglas Feith was found to be passing classified information to the Israelis and was fired after a low-key FBI investigation. The fact that Neo-Conservative allies had multiplied in federal agencies, think-tanks and government it meant that Feith was back into power in just a few years, this time as undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon. Similarly, with Feith’s help Perle was able to attain a position at the Defence Policy Board.

Like Feith, Perle had long been seen as a possible Israeli agent since he had been doing exactly the same as Dov Zakheim and attempting to move all armaments purchasing to Israeli companies. The only differences to be seen was in the somewhat more prominent position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for international security policy in the Reagan administration and that he made sure he received a direct cut of profits. [9] As a veteran advisor he was able to transform Neo-Conservatism into a radical expression of Revisionist Zionism. He was a latter-day Jabotinsky with a supremely Machiavellian take on politics and warfare. The Zio-Conservative networks came alive through Perle and others, mostly through flagship lobbying think-tanks such as the Heritage Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) Hudson Institute, Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf and Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, to name but a few. Slowly, Zio-Conservative radicals were moving into key positions, with foreign policy as the prize.  Conveniently, when the New Pearl Harbour arrived, the PNAC dreams of pre-emptive attack were realised.


Douglas Feith (left) and Richard Perle

Richard Perle was to be the mentor for both Feith and Wolfowitz. As September 11th 2001 came and went, Feith and Wolfowitz worked together to make the invasion of Iraq and other countries a sure-fire reality by creating an official philosphical and ideological mandate for Empire. Yet, the evolution of what was to be called the “Wolfowitz doctrine” started long before the invasion policies of the Bush Reich and the police state which followed. This particular plan for American military domination came to fruition during the administration of George H.W. Bush Sr.

In 1992, Wolfowitz was working in the Department of Defence and was asked to write the first draft of a new national security strategy, a document entitled “The Defense Planning Guidance.” It was here that the full force of Neo-Con ideology took shape, pushing for dramatic increases in defence spending, pre-emptive attack and the use of unilateral military force with or without the support of allies. Perle had been working for Benjamin Netanyahu, who was Prime Minister of Israel by 1996. “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was their policy which set out a game plan that would solve Israel’s security problems in the Middle East by emphasising “Western Values.” It was another example of using the USA as a proxy nation to its bidding. The removal of Saddam Hussein and aggressive policies of invasion in the Middle East were advocated. One particular passage from the document openly reveals its agenda where “peace” was transformed into economic support from US taxpayers in order to increase a political ideology: “While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform.” [10]

By the year 2000, George W. Bush Jr. had taken office and the foundation of Jewish, Neo-Conservative power fused with the National Security State and its military-intelligence apparatus. This was to oversee the rise of ruthless corporate psychopaths Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, and Chabad supporter Deputy Secretary for Defence Paul Wolfowitz, all of whom had cut their teeth on the past administrations of Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr.

Paul Wolfowitz2

Paul Wolfowitz at a Friends of Israel meeting 2009


Zionist enablers out for all they can get – former Vice President Dick Cheney talks with his partner in crime the then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a video teleconference, 2006. (White House photo by David Bohrer)

As Michael Chertoff was busy reordering America’s fear and loathing into the Homeland Security State, 2005 saw the departure of Douglas Feith leading eventually to the Directorship of the Center for National Security Strategies and as a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Wolfowitz headed to  the World Bank in order to do further incalculable damage to any hint of normal human progress.

Having honed his knowledge of globalisation by redefining American dominance so that international treaties, the United Nations and World economic policy could benefit US neo-liberalism and Israeli economic and foreign policy. He was able to implement economic configurations such as “public-private partnerships” which not only placed corporations in the front line of a socio-cultural imperialism but allowed global warming legislation to mix with corporatism. The plan was scuppered just two years later resulting in: “Wolfowitz’s resignation and departure in disgrace over a sordid corruption scandal involving his role in securing improper salary raises for his mistress, and trying to cover it all up.” Columnist Dr. Srdja Trifkovic explained: “According to the Bank insiders, however, her employment contract was used as the handy pretext to get rid of Wolfowitz, the true reasons being gross mismanagement, utter misunderstanding the Bank’s role in the world, and an extreme display of arrogance.” [11]

The Wolf marking his territory once again?

Wolfowitz and his colleagues managed to fuse corporatist, Zionist, Chabad Lubavitch and other highly influential Zio-Conservative-based think-tanks into a powerful force for war. The Wolfowitz Doctrine lay behind  “Clear break” and PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defences” which defined the blueprint for Zio-Con conquest well into the future. The latter document was written in September of 2000, one year before the 9/11 attacks, where they acknowledged: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. …” And just one year later, their most pressing desire was fulfilled.

Paul Wolfowitz played a major role in the genesis of the 9/11 attacks either in its creation or taking full advantage of all the opportunities such a “catalysing event” could offer. What the Doctrine proved that this was an ideology of Straussian authoritarianism inspired by the Hegelian solution. By using the US as a proxy war machine the Zionists had pulled off a major coup in toppling Saddam Hussein and invading Iraq with their sites on monopolising oil reserves, the driving interest for corporatists like Rumsfeld and Cheney. But the full force of a religious-occult imperative would be revealed in the 9/11 false flag ritual which heralded the destruction of Iraq – the first phase of biblical and Chabad-led, Talmudic prophecy.

As reported by Munich-based author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert an “occult summit” was convened on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, February 21st, 2003. In attendance were: 0297829947.02.LZZZZZZZ

“… the head of the Operations Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose name wasn’t published and seven leading representatives of military intelligence, amongst them the three-star general Lowell ‘Jake’ Jacoby, Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency and Wolfowitz’ deputy Dr Linton Wells who manages the ‘nerve centre’ of the Pentagon” and mostly notably “Bible code specialist” Michael Drosnin and Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz.” [12]

The fact that top members of US government would be willing to trust the advice of Drosnin’s highly controversial study of predictive word codes is worrying enough. What is more concerning is the reliance not only on Biblical prophecy but the fusion of both Christian Evangelism, Jewish Messianism and occult Zionsim. Eggert explains that there was “only one item on the agenda” and that was to discover what the Bible said:

“… about the present situation in the Middle East, terrorism and about the fate of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden … It is said that a special interest was taken in decoding when devastation was expected to descend upon the Iraqi president. Result: the Jewish year of 5763 which corresponds to the year 2003 of the Christian calendar. The outcome of this conference is said to have been analysed immediately after by American and Israeli intelligence. The Americans “took it very seriously”, Drosnin later said. The White House started the campaign “Iraqi Freedom” within the prophesised time frame.” [13]

And they “took it seriously” because Zio-Conservatives and military-intelligence apparatus is saturated in occult workings all of which are underpinned by the Jewish Kabbalah in some form. One of these is based around the Jewish calendar of the Shemitah, its origins in the Old Testament. Originally a form of agricultural divination focused around debts and  blessings to it is now used as a tool of prediction for world events and calamitous occurrences. As Eggert observes, Chabad Lubavitch saw 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq as one long mythical war prophesised long ago and even cited in the sect’s magazine Emes News which stated: “While the press doesn’t foresee such a move and while the US-State-Department is denying any plan of attack against Iraq, those who know about the Lubavitcher Rebbe know quite well, that when he said, America would wage war against Basra [a city in Iraq], nothing in the world could stop such an event coming true.” [14]  It is for this reason that the Christian Zionists and Fundamentalists are so crucial to the Chabad’s messianic drive since they are well aware that they make up around 37 percent of voters in America. Head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder reaffirmed this strategic link in a recent interview where he said: “Evangelicals … are the critical support for Israel…We have one great friend: Evangelicals.” [15]


© infrakshun

Crucial to the End Times tribulation is the yearned for second coming induced by conflict at Temple Mount. The Iraq war started one and half years later on March 20th 2003, the Holy Day of Purim care of one of the main instigators of a Chabad ritual and the needed outbreak of war: Paul Wolfowitz. During the aftermath of the Iraq war, Chabad supporters Joseph Lieberman and Senator John McCain were the allotted PR figureheads for announcing that: “… the Iraqi conflict-based-strategy followed exactly that line which he himself together with his colleague had imposed in the US Congress by pushing through the ‘Iraq Liberation Act’.” [16]

At this point, the reader may be forgiven for thinking that all these war-mongering corporatists, Zionists and rapacious banksters are simply in it for the money and the power. Important as those things are for essential psychopaths there is also the underlying foundation of the military-occult complex suffused with a masonic branch of Existential Satanism which have traditionally relied on psychological warfare to achieve their ends. Within the Zionist Establishment, the Mossad hierarchy and Chabad Lubavitch is a form of Kabbalistic Satanism with links to Order of Zion freemasonry, in turn, connected to the overall global occult elite. Those whose personalities have been irrevocably altered and fragmented as a part of MK-ULTRA programs (which are the ones we know about) have undoubtedly been carefully positioned within the political establishment. This brings us back to the testimony of Kay Griggs and which will prepare us for the final series of posts exploring the occult significance of 9/11.


The Hebrew Kabbalah or Tree of Life / © Infrakshun

As you may recall, Griggs endured 11 years of bizarre behaviour and emotional abuse from her Navy SEAL husband, who was a victim of mind control operations inflicted on children of the military-intelligence apparatus from the 1950s to the 197os. Evidence has been mounting over the years that such programs resulted in a large number of assassins programmed to kill, commonly known as “Manchurian candidates.” After her husband went missing Griggs decided to go public after receiving death threats and psychological intimidation from members of military intelligence.

In 1996 she took her story to Sarah McClendon, a former senior member of the White House press corps and gained protection, as well as a wise confidante who gave her experienced advice on how to stay alive when dealing with military intelligence agents. By 1998 Griggs had sufficient confidence to make an eight hour video recording of her experiences for Pastor Strawcutter which found their way to the internet adding vital pieces of the puzzle regarding the hidden workings of military-intelligence groupings. Griggs, a committed Christian, gave evidence that was at times clearly difficult for her to relate due to the nature of the information. This included confirmation of government hit squads, Zionist cabals, brain-washing, murder and organised sex-cults of “Cap and Gown, and Skull and Bone society,” though not exclusive to the US Navy to which her husband and other high level Marine officials belonged.

Griggs’ information is derived from her discussions with the wives of US Army and Navy personnel, the harrowing experiences with her tragic husband and the details she was able to glean from his diary which was left behind following his disappearance. From the knowledge she was able to piece together Griggs believes that the handlers of these covert cults as well as the programmed child-victims who do their bidding for many decades: “…are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. PSYOPS is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player.” Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld are also named as those with German-Jewish origins, chosen for their psychological make-up to be handlers and/or operators assigned with particular roles.

Recall the testimony of Dr. Corey Hammond and his revelation of Greenbaum mind programming which provided evidence of a Hassidic element to “Dr. Green” – a probable codename for a group of programmers across the spectrum of mind control operations and which continues to this day. At root, the pathogenic nature of this psychological deviance manifested through a direct transference of Zio-Nazi black arts and their technology of mind. In other words, via Operation PAPERCLIP and the installation of numerous intelligence officers, psychologists and scientists, most importantly perhaps, the Nazi SS General Reinhard Gehlen, who was head of German intelligence operations. Under the cover and success of this Nazi brain drain he went on to be one of the leading architects of the modern CIA. The General was only one of numerous high level Germans who were to define the future of America.


Wolfowitz on 9/11 Commission: How we laughed.

Finding out who the various kingpins of the September 11th attacks is an impossible task as they will always be one step ahead, as the present disinformation and managed perceptions within the 9/11 truth movement attests. What we do know is that any well-known public figures which have been mentioned throughout this blog are likely not the true perpetrators of this crime against humanity. What we do have is a Catholic-based Nazism, tied to a Anglo-American Liberal-collectivism further complicated by Zionism – all of whom have their own take on building a New Order Empire, that will lock in once and for all a Golden Age of neo-feudalism where psychopaths rule.

9/11 was the global turning point.

The occult lies behind all major cabals, religions and organisation in the 21st Century ranging from the amateur to the sophisticated; forms of freemasonic Satanism, the maturation of various brotherhoods of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism. Dispense with all the manufactured labels and “- isms” and the simple truth is a increasing psychopathy with its long term plan to dominate ordinary humanity. THAT is the real Secret of the Ages and the only conspiracy worth considering, everything else is just window-dressing. It is the probable mass inculcation of disturbed, pathological individuals who are insinuated into the social fabric and attached to suitable ideologies so that they may act as channels for ponerogenesis.

In one sense, all that has gone before in this series represents a careful, methodical prelude before presenting this information on occult Zionism since it is a tough one to contemplate, not least because it is using Judaism and the Jewish tribe as its vehicle. Zionists and Ashkenazis – Khazars – are not the ordinary Jewish people. Palestinians and Jews lived together for centuries, and there is good reason to believe that ordinary Jews and Muslims are still keen to live together in peace. They hold much more in common than we may think – not least their shared Semitic genes. Zionists however, by brainwashing Jews in particular, have effectively encouraged moral blindness and victimhood. Peace between these peoples is anathema for the pathological aggression that is the life-blood of Zionist existence.

Those psychopaths who lie within the middle and higher tiers of the Chabad/Zionist pyramid thrive on maximising conflict between the two Semitic peoples. History and myth reveal that they have socially-engineered Jewish culture to accept this conflict as a fight for survival while in reality it is merely another geo-political ruse to extend their rule over ordinary people. Consequently, it is metaphorically correct to call such actions “Satanic.” Futhermore, as we look deeper into the nature of occult forces which surround the nationalistic violence of Zionism and the theology of the upper most hierarchy within Chabad Lubavitch, we will see quite clearly that it is the influence of the Babylonian Talmud with its Levitical roots in Black Magick and Satanic lore which informs their operations in the 21st Century.

Admittedly, this is a very hard fact to swallow for most, since a) we have been awash with cultural conditioning and a superficial history told by the victorious that prohibits such discussions of occult practice, though its presence lies directly or indirectly behind all of our socio-political and economic institutions; and b) the Jewish culture of victimhood and inculcated ethnocentrism has similarly prevented any constructive criticism, reinforced by the Jewish cultural Marxism of political correctness. Once we accept such a hypothesis as at least a possibility, we will then be better able to absorb the information regarding the events of September 11th as the grand occult ritual that it was.

Before we do so, we need to take a closer look at the Talmud.  


* Golus is Hebrew for “exile” usually referring to the exile of the Jewish people from their perceived homeland. The word avodah means “work” and of a type that is carried out as a service to God.


[1] Paraphrased from ‘Merry Christmas, and Off With Your Head!’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc., http://www.Public-Action.com May 15, 2002.
[2] op. cit. Eggert | See also: ‘Patronymic Paralogy’ – Excerpt: “March 20, 1991 President Bush signed into law a Congressional Joint Resolution entitled, “A Joint Resolution To Designate March 26, 1991, As Education Day, USA”. This joint resolution became Public Law 102-14. Public Law 102-14 states emphatically that all civilization from the beginning has been based upon a set of laws entitled “The Seven Noahide Laws” and thus officially put the United States under Noahide Law. These seven supposed universal laws, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, p. 737, state that they are “a Jewish Babylonian Talmudic designations for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently, binding upon all mankind.” The Encyclopedia Americana continues its explanation of the Noahide Laws, “Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all.” They are meant to be a substitute for the Ten Commandments. They are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind. According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called “B’nei Noach” (Children of Noah) or “Noahides” and may often network in Jewish synagogues.”- http://www.files.meetup.com/1503563/Your%20Name%20Under%20the%20Law.pdf
[3] ‘Ask the Rabbis: How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?’Moment Magazine, May/June 2009. Rabbi Manis Friedman, Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, St. Paul, MN.
[4] ‘A Statement from Rabbi Friedman’ June 5, 2009 by maxinesp, Moment Magazine| http://www.momentmagazine.wordpress.com/2009/06/03/a-statement-from-rabbi-friedman/
[5] Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746. | http://www.noahide.com/rebbe.htm
[6] ‘The Law is Only a Minimum’ By Bryan J. Ellison. http://www.noahide.com/minimum.htm
[7] [RAND] had established itself as the leading think-tank for Pentagon, and had access to all its secrets. They were mainly economists by training, and had developed a vocabulary for ‘thinking about the unthinkable’ which had all the weaknesses of economic jargon. The universe of nuclear strategy was so difficult to comprehend, and the horrors it contained were so repugnant to normal people, that its study required the same clinical detachment as the study of venereal disease. But that very detachment tended to blind the experts to the human realities, and to enslave them to abstract concepts, the validity of which had never been tested.” – Denis Healey, The Time of My Life . Published by Penguin, 1989 ( p.246).
[8] p. 287; Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella. Published by Harcourt, 2008.
[9]  “Aide Urged Pentagon to Consider Weapons Made by Former Client”, By Jeff Gerth, New York Times, 17 April 1983.
[10] ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ – “Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.” The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.” – The Institute for Advanced and Strategic Political Studies, Jerusalem, Washington.| http://www.iasps.org/strat1.htm
[11] ‘Wolfowitz the Undead’ by Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles Magazine February 7, 2008. | http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/2008/02/07/wolfowitz-the-undead/
[12] op. cit Eggert
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ronald Lauder: ‘We have one great friend: the Evangelicals’ World Jewish Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJA7KhYvZIY
[16] Ibid. Wolfgang Eggert quoting Rainer Apel, Eurasien ist gegen Irakkrieg, in: Neue Solidarität, February 6th, 2003.

The Z Factor IX: Chabad Lubavitch (2)

“Ideological concept of Lubavitch clan (the concept of Judeo-Nazism) is presented in the book “Tanya”, written by founder of Chabad-Lubavitch – Rabbi Schneur Zalman Schneerson.  According to Chabad canon, developed by Shneur Zalman, God created the world solely for the Jews ; Jews possess Divine soul, the goyim (gentiles) have the soul of a lowest order – animal soul; Jews are the only ones to whom we can apply the concept of Man. The other nations of the world are compared to vomiting and filth. [The] Book called Tanya is the main subject of study in Chabad schools on a par with the Torah and Talmud.”

Rabbi Eduard Hodos from ‘Jewish Hurricane’

As far as Eduard Hodos is concerned Zionists and Chabadniks are the two major causes for the current chaos which has engulfed the globe. And it’s all to do with supremacy. It is interesting that Zionism and Chabad Lubavitch appear at odds with each other since they are both fascistic philosophies predicated on a Jewish supremacy. But these are really theological semantics which belies the fact that they work together if need be to achieve the ultimate end of greater political control. But for that very reason, you will hear from moderate rabbis and ordinary Jews that neither of these extremist groupings are “Jewish” as they understand it, for they have no real compassion or love for their fellow man. The problem is, ordinary Jews are not aware of just how much influence they hold and how these power brokers hide behind philanthropy and compassionate platitudes.

George Bush Sr. signed the Noachide Laws Legislation in March 26th 1991. It become known as Presidential Proclamation 5956, recalling Joint House Resolution 173 reinforcing the principle that the ethical and moral principles of all civilizations come in part from the Seven Noachide Laws. This signing day of March 26 is now seen as “Education Day, U.S.A” which also happens to coincide with Public Law 102 as the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s birthday. “… Without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos”, … “society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society” [1]

The Lurianic Kabbalah named after 16th Century Jewish mystic Isaac Luria forms a large part of Chabad and Hasidic West Bank settler movement, and derived from the Babylonian Talmudic school of Jewish mysticism that saw a resurgence from the late 16th to the early 19th century. Middle Eastern Scholar Israel Shahak described its remit:

“One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Cabbala is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Cabbala, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews; the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary. If an influential Christian bishop or Islamic scholar argued that the difference between the superior souls of non-Jews and the inferior souls of Jews was greater than the difference between the human soul and souls of cattle, he would incur the wrath of all and be viewed as an anti-Semite by most Jewish scholars regardless of whatever less meaningful, positive statements he included.” [2]

This is something you don’t hear so often though it remains a central pillar of wisdom in both Hasidic and Chabad beliefs. The latter grouping attaches particular significance to the fact that non-Jews have “satanic souls” and therefore serve a role in the final conflagration if conversion is not an option. It runs parallel to the Catholic and Evangelist version of the damned where non-Jews are Satan embodied a theme that is common to both the Talmud and Halacha. Separatism is part and parcel of Judaism and thus lends itself to extremism. But this is seldom aired in polite Hebrew discussion on talk shows and synagogue community meetings.

Countless quotations of the true nature of Chabad Lubavitch seem to follow in the wake of rabbis when they give interviews to Jewish journals and periodicals. One such example comes from a leading Lubavitch Rabbi Yitshak Ginsburgh in 1996 and for whom the distinctions between Gentiles and Jews led to some very revealing proclamations:

“Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. […] If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. [3]

Charges of endemic racism in the teachings of Judaism and the purloining of these as central tenets of indoctrination by Chabad Lubavitch seem to get very little media airplay due to the constant fear of being branded anti-Semitic. Yet the charges have validity and remain problematic for Jewish academics. When such teachings are used in the hands of fanatics with considerable financial and political power then the Jewish community needs to sit up and take careful notice, for all our sakes.

1024px-Rabi_ginsburg_02Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg

Officially sanctioned for English translation by the Kehot Publication Society in New York, the Chabad Lubavitch’s publishing house, the primary texts of ‘Likkutei-Amarim Tanya’ or ‘The Tanya’ are prime examples.[4] Here’s a small nugget of the kind of racism which is littered throughout:

“The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean ‘kelipot’ (evil forces) which contain no good whatever,” […] “However, the ‘kelipot’ are subdivided into two grades, one lower than the other. The lower grade consists of the three ‘kelipot’ which are altogether unclean and evil, containing no good whatever. … From them flow and derive the souls of all the nations of the world and the existence of their bodies, and also the souls of all living creatures that are unclean and unfit for consumption” [5]

This belief seems to place “evil forces” and sentient life that is “unclean and unfit for consumption” into an arbitrary mixing bowl that contains other religious denominations and non-Jews.

It continues:

“To elucidate still further, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the verse, ‘The candle of God is the soul of (neshamah) of man.’ What it means is that the souls of Jews, who are called ‘man,’ are, by way of illustration, like the flame of the candle, whose nature it is always to scintillate upwards… Now this is a general principle in the whole realm of holiness… This stands in direct contrast to the so-called ‘kelipah’ (evil forces) and ‘sitra achara’ (the other, evil side), wherefrom are derived the souls of the Gentiles… Therefore they (the Gentiles) are called ‘dead’…” [6]

For Chabad Lubavitch, this means that only Jews are considered human. They teach that non-Jews are sub-human creatures who are thus called ‘dead’. Followers tend to draw out the plentiful examples of racism, Jewish pre-eminence and monotheistic extremism that would make many Jews wide-eyed with horror. Yet the fact that such ethnocentrism is present at all within much of standard Judaism and Revisionist Zionism should give cause for alarm not just for the cult of Chabad Lubavitch but the fertile nature of Judaic thought which has allowed such extremism to be fostered from its own monotheistic beliefs.

A Judeo-fascist theocracy to be established in the aftermath of an apocalypse and the return of a Jewish Messiahis very much the ideological goal of Lubavitchers. As Jewish Messianists see it: “In simple terms, we are at war. It is not a struggle merely for power, wealth, or some other material advantage; it is a titanic clash over the future of world civilization … This war has already spread into every nation, ever social institution, every human activity. It has thus become a world war in the ultimate sense.” [7] And it is this war that must see the simultaneous crumbling of Christianity while setting up the Clash of Islam as the fire that ignites the world – and their “Moshiach”.


Mass murderer Baruch Goldstein perpetrator of the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre | Source: La Storia / Baruch Goldstein, Falafel Cafè (March 2, 2010) (wikipedia)

American-Israeli Baruch Goldstein shot 29 Muslims to death as they prayed during Ramadan at the al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron in 1994. He was also an avowed Lubavitcher. Chabad Rabbis play a key role in Israel’s right-wing settler movement where atrocities such as Goldstein’s are merely part of campaign of terror against Palestinians encouraged by some Chabad leaders.  Indeed, Goldstein’s actions have passed into heroic mythology and is venerated as a saint by many orthodox and Hassidic Jews. Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba described Goldstein as “holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust, whilst Samuel Hacohen, a teacher at a Jerusalem college, said that he was “the only one who could do it, the only one who was 100 percent perfect.” [8] [9] Chabad followers in particular celebrated Goldstein’s actions by singing and dancing around his grave for months afterwards. [10]

In Israel Rabbi Sholom Dov Wolpo of Kiryat Gat and Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg of Kfar Chabad exert considerable influence. Wolpo is head of SOS-Israel an organisation against government opposition to illegal settlements. Ginsburg is leader of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, outside Nablus and came to notoriety by writing a book in praise of Baruch Goldstein. Chabad’s American leadership has publicly distanced itself from Wolpo and Ginsburg, yet both continue to enjoy wide acceptance in Israel.

Despite Israeli teachers devoting classes to explaining why such an atrocity had no place in a civilised society, in some schools there was still resistance to the idea that he was not in fact a martyr to the cause of Jewish supremacy. Journalist Larry Derfner describes it in the following way: “The level of support for a murderous lunatic and the identification with [Goldstein] among some sectors of the public have been greater than I’d estimated at first. I see in this the danger of an Israeli racism, or to be more precise, a Jewish racism.” [11]

Indeed, even the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin by a military-trained orthodox student, Yigal Amir took his cues from the standard teachings of the Babylonian Talmud where violence and extremism is enshrined as a normative tradition. This will confirm that it is not just Chabad Lubavitch that is the problem but the core of Jewish orthodoxy that has allowed such violence to manifest.

Rabbi Meir Lockshin believes that some serious soul searching is in order:

One just can’t ignore the fact that Amir and the other famous Orthodox murderer of the nineties, Baruch Goldstein, attended the finest modern Orthodox schools and excelled in their studies. They were not sociopaths. They were well-integrated and respected members of their communities; it was impossible to tell them apart from their colleagues and friends. As Rabbi Lichenstein said on the day before the assassination, the nationalist Orthodox community in Israel would have gladly shown off Yigal Amir as one of the great successes of its educational system. It is absurd then for the Orthodox community to say that he and Goldstein are not representative. [12]

Whether or not they were sociopaths is up for debate, but such an educational system can certainly assist in the fostering of latent pathologies. Returning to Chabad Lubavitch and spiritual leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson, we gain something of the nature of their beliefs behind the much lauded benevolence and why some in mainstream Judaism are waking up to the fact that this a dangerous cult.

If we have a look at the official website of JAHG-USA “Jews and Hasidic Gentiles United to Save America” at noahide.org, we find the following 1998 article entitled: “The Final War for Jerusalem – Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach” by the Committee for Israeli Victory. After indulging in a rousing call to arms so that a Lubavitch Elite may reign by divine right, they make it clear how these ends may be achieved: “… as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, by transforming the gentiles we can quickly create a vast army of supporters who will help us reveal Moshiach and bring all Jews back to the Torah … “Specifically, the Rebbe has emphasized that the ‘peace process’ in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles – especially through the campaign to teach the Noahide Laws.” [13]

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Like many of the Christian fundies, the peace process is not something Lubavitchers are keen to support as it is counter to the required chaos they seek. The Babylonian Talmud says that Gentiles will be permitted to enter Judaism as “proselytes” (converts) in the present or in the future messianic realm of milk and honey as long as these seven Noachide laws or commandments are followed to the letter.

So, what are these laws exactly?

They are listed in the Talmud as: Prohibition of Idolatry, Prohibition of Murder, Prohibition of Theft, Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity, Prohibition of Blasphemy and Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals. The seventh law is a judiciary to police the other laws. From a Chabad Lubavitch perspective many rabbis believe Gentiles should be forced to comply and given the right circumstances, conversion will happen either way. For such a Jewish Utopia to exist compliance is necessary. In other words, more authoritarianism. And no one else has done more to spread worldwide Noahide observance than the authoritarian personality of the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.

Jewish people enthusiastically anticipate the Second Coming of a Messiah they believe will bestow a Hebraic monotheism that will dominate the nations. For Chabad Lubavitch adherents, the peace process isn’t part of the equation as perpetual conflict in the Middle East is favourable for this “Final War.” Indeed, conflict is encouraged so that all true Jews are “liberated,” and and where they claim that such a: “’peace process’ in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles.” Similarly, in a Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2000 Allan Brownfeld stated: “Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the Suez area. He promised Israel divine favors if it persisted in occupying the land. After his death, thousands of his Israeli followers played an important role in the election victory of Binyamin Netanyahu. [14]

Judaism, according to Rabbi Schneerson, has to take care of the ones rejected by God, so that they may fulfil their prophesied task and render support, respect and earthly riches to the chosen ones. Chabad then selectively draws upon the non-biblical Noachidic laws in order to make sure that the Gentiles (everyone else) is bound and beholden to blood and brimstone Yahweh to the Israelite god of the Old Testament. Noachidism becomes the required religion for ordinary Gentiles while those of Jewish origins perform their destined role as a superior priesthood which gathers in the flock along pre-destined lines. Too bad if they are all cast into the hell as sacrificial lambs. Rabbi Schneerson taught: “It is obvious and self-evident that in modern times we must carry out the Divine Command we received through Moshe: ´To compel all human beings to accept the commandments enjoined upon the descendants of Noach.” [15]

If we place this in context with Rabbi Schneerson’s assertions, persistent cases of crime and abuse from Chabad Houses and high level activities surrounding Dov Zakheim, Paul Wolfowitz and others who manipulated public and political players into the Iraq war and funnelled US dollars and weapons to Israel – Chabad Lubavitch takes on a different hue. If these politicians condone their beliefs whilst sharing their public events and acting on their behalf, this may go some way in explaining why there is still so little peace in the Middle East. Remember too that although ostensibly anti-Zionist, both ideologies are aggressively political and both networks are merged in order to serve both messianic and geopolitical designs. To that end, leading Lubavitch and “unofficial rabbi of the Capitol” Levi Shemtov stated:  “… that the vast network of shlichim (emissaries) inside the US generates his political power… “We have shelichimin forty-seven states and in [at least] 310 districts. … People sometimes view the world of shelichim as three thousand people, but it’s not only three thousand people, its three thousand interconnected networks. So we can place a call from a constituent to almost any member of Congress.” [16]

According to the Jerusalem Post Thomas Kahn, Staff Director of the Democratic Budget Committee in the Congress, “There’s nobody who is more widely respected and warmly received in Congress, the administration, and the diplomatic corps.” The Post further describes his office in the Chabad “embassy” in Washington and photos of Sehmtov cheesing it with politicians: “… including former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a close personal friend. On the walls … a bipartisan array of other VIPs including President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.” [17]

Yet, ordinary Jewish people insist this sect has no undue influence in contemporary politics or Noachide laws and even less to do with mainstream Judaism.

Clearly, this is not the case.



[1] Bill 102nd Congress (1991-1992) H.J.RES.104.ENR.
[2] P.176; Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel By Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. London: Pluto Press, 1999.
[3 Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, April 26, 1996 – the largest Jewish publication in the United States.
[4] The Tanya (תניא) is an early work of Hasidic philosophy, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, first published in 1797. Its formal title is Likkutei Amarim (ליקוטי אמרים, Hebrew, “collection of statements”), but is more commonly known by its opening word, Tanya, which means “it was taught in a beraita”. It comprises five sections that define Hasidic mystical psychology and theology as a handbook for daily spiritual life in Jewish observance. The Tanya is the main work of the Chabad approach to Hasidic mysticism, as it defines its general interpretation and method.(Wikipedia).
[5] (Chapter 1 p.5 & Chapter 19, pp.77 and 79) Likkutei-Amarim Tanya Kehot Publications.
[6] Ibid. (Chapter 6, p. 25).
[7] ‘The Final War for Jerusalem – Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach’ 1998 by the Committee for Israeli Victory, http://www.noahide.com
[8] ‘Ruth Calderon in the wonderland of mutilated Israeli ideology,’ By Sefi Rachlevsky, Haaretz, 10 April 2013
[9] Brownfeld, Allan C. (March 1999). “Growing Intolerance Threatens the Humane Jewish Tradition”. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.
[10] ‘Hundreds Of Jews Gather To Honor Hebron killer’, By Clyde Haberman, New York Times, April 1, 1994.
[11] ‘Adulation of Goldstein Permeates Israeli Schools. Jewish Bulletin, by Larry Derfner, April-1-129924.
[12] ‘Orthodox Rabbis Muse Do Some Soul Searching’ by Meir Lockshin, Canadian Jewish News, January 18, 1996.
[13] The Seven Universal Laws of Man as listed by the Talmud (Sanh. 56a): Prohibition of Idolatry, Prohibition of Murder, Prohibition of Theft, Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity, Prohibition of Blasphemy, Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals. Requirement to have Just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly. These laws along with those who promote them, are telling people there are two sets of laws. One for the Jews (Yahudim) and the other for Gentiles (goyim). The Mishneh Torah written by Maimonides 12th century says that Gentiles should be compelled by Jews to practice Noahide law. This book is still extremely influential in contemporary Judasim4.
[14] Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2000, pp.105-106, Book Review: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel By Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. by Allan C. Brownfeld.
[15] Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21th Day of Kislev, 5745c in Sichos in English, vol. 24.
[16] ‘Jewish Agency Expands Israel Emissary Program in North America’ AP /PRWeb, Tue, Jun 26, 2012.
[17] Archived feature, Jerusalem Post By Janine Zacharia, October 22, 2000 | http://www.public-action.com/x/nh-jpost/

Religious Authoritarians VI: Temple Mount …Temple Might VI

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”

– Corinthians 3:16


Apparently the message from Corinthians above, might as well have been scrawled on a latrine for all the lack of attention it received. Temple Mount and the Dome of Rock remain the primary portal of enormous conflict where the indwelling spirit of God seems to be the last thing on the minds of the warring tribes of cultish monotheism.

One of the two most important lynch-pins of End Times prophecy in Judaism and Christian belief is firstly, the rebirth of Israel, support for which has become the central nexus of foreign policy and the jewel in the crown of religious fundamentalist prophecy. Secondly, the idea of the Anti-Christ in Dominionism and Rapture theory who signs a seven year peace treaty with Israel – before its annihilation. The rebuilding of Temple Mount in Jerusalem with support from both Muslims and Jews is part of this deal. This is necessary because the Anti-Christ’s double-cross involves its desecration with all manner of apocalyptic calamities drawn from the traditions of Moses so that Christ will be suitably impressed and venture forth to provide the Second Coming carnival. The eschatological rules must be obeyed and it seems for the Christian Fundies, Jews must convert at the last minute to save more Gentiles, while Israel is busy being purged and sacrificed for God’s Kingdom to reign once more.

The Jewish Messianics and Lubavitchers  however, see it in reverse.  Christians and Gentiles will be sacrificed with Israel reigning supreme over a Greater Israel. Armageddon does not feature. At least, certainly not in the sense that they are the main course.

The Temple Mount has been a sacred religious site for Judaism, Christianity, Islam and pagan cults for thousands of years. Despite the accuracy of the geographical location being called into question it remains the inspiration for the final curtain of the End Times. For Judaism it is the birthplace of the world, a place which brought forth the sacred book of the Talmud; Abraham’s sacrificial and ritualistic binding of Isaac. [1] Orthodox Jewish beliefs assign meaning to the Temple in the shape of a “… figurative ‘footstool’ of God’s presence.” [2]

Most importantly, it is considered to be the location for Solomon’s Temple a site which has significance for religion, freemasonry and other occult groups. [3] British freemasonry in particular and the most “lunatic elements” within the fraternity have been involved in ensuring that the destinies of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” and the Royal bloodlines conform to the prophecies stretching back to Babylon and ancient Egypt.

51ypKU42fxL._In Judeo-Christian theology The Temple of Solomon is thought to have been built by King Solomon, son of Davidin 957 BCE and represented the First Temple in eschatological thought. After being destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the Second Temple was apparently constructed on the same site first by the Persian King Cyrus the Great, (515 BC) completed under the reign of King Darius I (522 BC) and rebuilt and reconstructed by King Herod by 37 BC. The First Jewish-Roman war and The Siege of Jerusalem in the year 70 saw the destruction of the Second Temple. In Jewish traditions it is said that the Third and final Temple will be built on the same sacred site.

Islam’s contribution to the Temple mythology came from the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 637 BC and the subsequent construction of the Dome of the Rock on the site completed by 692 BC. This is where the Bible states that the Holy third Temple be built, which is why Sunni Muslims see this as the holiest site in Islam.

So, we have Christians, Muslims, Palestinians and Jews all claiming religious sovereignty over the site. We also have an alliance between ultra-right Christian Fundamentalists and Militant Zionists. The Christian Zionist and messianic sects in the US government – with particular attention to Chabad Lubavitch – require a precise biblical working out of a very, VERY old agenda with a spy vs. spy manipulation on a grand scale, with a global holocaust as their shared objective. For the Christian fundies, if Jews do not convert then they will be destroyed and the inherent anti-Semitism present in the religious right will be seen in all its Christian glory. Since these cycles of millennialism come and go and the world obviously doesn’t end, there is nonetheless, widespread carnage when shock, abandonment and disillusion sets in from what doesn’t happen, as much as what does.

If you find the notion that individuals and groups are actively seeking to stimulate World War III in the 21st Century a little hard to swallow, one of the best investigations of the subject is by Israeli author Gershom Gorenberg who confirms that this is indeed the dominant reality, where Christian Zionists, Jewish messianists and Muslim apocalyptic preachers are converging to do battle on the sacred site of Temple Mount with the rest of us as global collateral.

In this extract from Gorenberg’s book The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount he describes the reworking of eschatological scripts and the strange apocalyptic dances of the protagonists in question:

At the ‘End of the World,’ the believers of three faiths will watch the same drama, but with different programs in their hands. In one, Jesus is Son of God; in another he is Muslim prophet. The Jews messiah is cast in the Muslim script as the dajjal – another name for the Antichrist, the deceiver predicted by Christian tradition. The infidels in one script are the true believers of another. If your neighbor announces that the End has come, you can believe him, even if he utterly misunderstands what is happening.

It makes sense: Christianity’s scriptwriters reworked Judaism and Islam rewrote both. David Cook notes that from the start, apocalyptic ideas moved back and forth between the faiths; the global village is older than we realize. Some of the early spokesmen of Islamic apocalyptic thinking were converted Jews and Christians; they arrived with histories of the future in their saddlebags.

What’s more, a story’s end is when the truth comes out, the deceived realize their mistake. The deep grievance at the start of both Christianity and Islam is that the Jews refused the new faith – so the Jews must appear in both religion’s drama of the End, to be punished or recognize their error.

And the setting of the End is also shared. The crucial events take place in or near Jerusalem. After all, the script began with the Hebrew prophets, for whom Jerusalem was the center not only of their world but of God’s, and everyone else worked from their material. Isaiah’s announcement of the End of Days comes directly after he laments that the ‘faithful city [has] become a harlot.’ That sets up the contrast: In the perfected age,’ the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the top of the mountains’ and ‘out of Zion shall go forth the law.’ The Messiah’s task is to end the Jews’ exile and reestablish David’s kingdom – in his capital.

Christianity reworked that vision. Jesus, says the New Testament, was not only crucified and resurrected in the city, he ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives – and promised to return there. Without the Jews’ national tie to the actual Jerusalem, Christians could allegorized such verses. The Jerusalem of the end could be built on other shores, and countless millennial movements have arisen elsewhere. But the literal meaning is there to be reclaimed, particularly in a time of literalism, such as our own.

Most striking of all is Islam’s adoption of the same setting. For Muslim apocalyptic believers, Jerusalem is the capital in the messianic age. At the end of time, say Muslim traditions, the Ka’ba – Islam’s central shrine in Mecca – will come to Jerusalem. The implication is that in Islam, speaking of the apocalypse at least hints at Jerusalem – and a struggle over Jerusalem alludes to the last battle.

Curiously, academic experts often say that Islam assigns scant space to apocalypse. In the religion’s early centuries, believers attributed a vast body of contradictory traditions to the Prophet. Early Islamic scholars winnowed the sayings, establishing which were most reliable. Meanwhile, Islam became the faith of an empire, and it was time to talk softly of overthrowing the given order. So the authors of books containing the ‘most accurate’ traditions, the pinnacle of the canon, said little of the End. ‘High’ Islam appears un-apocalyptic. [4] [Emphasis mine]

So, we see the reason for Christians becoming Christian Zionists and the Dominionists jumping in bed with the Jewish Messianists – they seek to ditch the Jews at the last moment unless they fully repent and convert, which obviously isn’t going to happen. Meantime, they are useful players in this Biblical saga, as they are integral to the narrative of final redemption. Christian Zionists believe that the Second Coming will only take place if an “ingathering” of Jews is initiated in accordance with what they see as Biblical prophecy. They are the “chosen people of God” all right, but not quite in the way that Jews see themselves


© infrakshun

Described as the Father of Christian Zionism, Texan Evangelist Hal Lindsey gleefully exclaimed: “Only 144,000 Jews will remain alive after the battle of Armageddon. These remaining Jews – every man, woman and child among them – will bow down to Jesus. As converted Christians, all the adults will at once begin preaching the gospel of Christ. Imagine! They will be like 144,000 Billy Grahams turned loose at once!” [5]

The Late Great Planet Earth (1970) has been described by the New York Times as the “#1 Non-fiction Bestseller of the Decade.” and with approximately 35 million books sold worldwide [6] Lindsey taps into the sub-strata of collective fears and reaping not only huge profits but fanning the flames of dangerous sectarianism. Like so many End Times writers constant revisions of prophecies that never come to be make it an exercise in hyperbole, self-justification and prevarication further underscores his opinions, the sources and footnotes of which are absent.

Lindsey’s business acumen and clever marketing strategy is in keeping with End Times non-fiction. His extraordinary reach and popularity however is in part, a result of his ascent to power care of the Reagan Administration of the early 1980s and he was not alone in that revival. According to Presbyterian Minister and writer Don Wagner:

“The election of Ronald Reagan ushered in not only the most pro-Israel administration in history but gave several Christian Zionists prominent political posts … Once the Reagan Administration opened the door, leading Evangelical Christian Zionist televangelists and writers were given direct access to the President and cabinet members. Rev. Jerry Falwell, Christian Zionist televangelist Mike Evans and author Hal Lindsey among them” [7]

Despite the professed love for Jews by fundamentalist and Catholic Christianity the history of the Church paints a different picture. As anti-Semitism has been used by Jewish power brokers and Israel to do as exactly as they please to whomever they please, so too, the Christian groups have adopted the politically useful tool of philo-Semitism so that they can smile sweetly while guiding them into a second holocaust that will be potentially far worse than World War II. Once the Jews have performed their task, only a select few (144, 000) maybe proffered salvation through conversion. If not, then they will burn in a multi-denominational hell along with the rest of us.

God Works in Mysterious ways indeed…

For Christian Zionists and many Dominionists, Jews are the vital key to Rapture and salvation. But once the door is open the key can be thrown away. And since the Jews, in their eyes are the source of all the problems of the world then it is only Biblical logic that they should be “dispensed” with, which is why many Christians support Israel, above and beyond all reason. While Israel and Jewish people move in line with Biblical prophecy then support will be forthcoming.

Come “Judgment Day” – the gloves are off.

Commensurate with daggers and smiles is the economic elevation of Israel with sufficient amounts of weapons and military might to ensure its perceived survival. Unfortunately, this amounts to fattening up the Golden Calf for a nuclear slaughter. Moreover, on the road to sacrificing humans, there are customs and rituals of animal sacrifice with a long and bloody history. Sacrificial cults have played a large role in Jewish history all the way back to the Talmudic Babylonian sects and the Israelities’ clash with Mosaic Law. Even the Torah has pages about animal sacrifice. As the practice died out Judaism seemed to do quite well without it, just like everyone else who decided to grow and progress.


Panorama of the Temple Mount, seen from the Mount of Olives | Photo: Berthold Werner (wikipedia)

Jewish journalist and author Grace Hasell illustrates this point when she recounts a meeting she had with a retired Army Major named Owen who in early 1999, as part of a dispensationalist group called Concerned Christians, was arrested by Israeli police. He and other members were jailed and deported back to the US after being accused of: “… planning a ‘bloody apocalypse’ to hasten the Second Coming of Christ,” and further, “…plot[ting] the destruction of Jerusalem’s most holy Islamic shrine.” She accompanies Owen as they visit the Dome of Rock, the shrine located at Temple Mount and the City of Jerusalem which has been “… throughout its long history … predominantly and overwhelmingly Arab.”

Hasell describes the scene as their Jewish guide who is leading the group launches into his practiced spiel:

“There—” our guide said, pointing upward toward the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa mosque — “we will build our Third Temple. We have all the plans drawn for the temple. Even the building materials are ready. They are hidden in a secret place. There are several shops where Israelis work, making the artifacts we will use in the new temple. One Israeli is weaving the pure linen that will be used for garments of the priests of the temple.”

He pauses, then adds:

In a religious school called Yeshiva Ateret Cohanim the Crown of the Priests — located near where we are standing, rabbis are teaching young men how to make animal sacrifice.”

A woman in our group, Mary Lou, a computer specialist, seems startled to hear the Israelis want to return to the rites of the old Solomonic sacrificial altar of the temple.

“You are going back to animal sacrifice?” she asks. “Why?”

It was done in the First and Second Temples, our Israeli guide says. “And we do not wish to change the practices. Our sages teach that neglecting to study the details of temple service is a sin.”

Leaving the site, I remark to Owen that our Israeli guide had said a temple must be rebuilt on the Dome of the Rock site. But he said nothing about the Muslim shrines.

“They will be destroyed,” Owen tells me. “You know it’s in the Bible that the temple must be rebuilt. And there’s no other place for it except on that one area. You find that in the law of Moses.”

Did it seem possible, I ask Owen, that the Scripture about building a temple would relate to the time in which it was written — rather than to events in the current era?

“No, it is related to our era,” Owen says. “The Bible tells us that in the End Times the Jews will have renewed their animal sacrifice.”

In other words, I repeat, a temple must be built so that the Jews can resume their animal sacrifice?

“Yes,” said Owen, quoting Ezekiel 44:29 to prove his point.

Is Owen convinced that Jews, aided by Christians, should destroy the mosque, build a temple and reinstate the killing of animals in the temple — all in order to please God?

“Yes,” he replies. “That’s the way it has to be. It’s in the Bible.”

And does the building of the temple, I ask, fit into any time sequence?

Yes. We think it will be the next step in the events leading to the return of our Lord. As far as its being a large temple, the Bible doesn’t tell us that. All it tells us is that there will be a renewal of sacrifices. And Jews can do that in a relatively small building.”

Isn’t it atavistic, I ask, to go back to animal sacrifice? And what about a multitude concerned with animal rights in our modern age?

“But we don’t care what they say. It’s what the Bible says that’s important,” Owen stresses. “The Bible predicts a rebuilding of a temple. Now the people who are going to do it are not Christians but Orthodox Jews. Of course the Old Testament made out a very specific formula for what the Jews must follow regarding animal sacrifice. They can’t carry it out without a temple. They were observing animal sacrifice until 70 A.D. And when they have a temple they will have some Orthodox Jews who will kill the sheep or oxen in the temple, as a sacrifice to God.”

As Owen talks of reinstating animal sacrifice — a step he feels necessary for his own spiritual maturity — he seems to block from his awareness the fact that Muslim shrines stand on the site where he says God demands a temple be built.

That evening, after dinner, Owen and I take a long walk. Again, I voice my concerns about the dangers inherent in a plot to destroy Islam’s holy shrines.

Christians need not do it , Owen says, repeating what he told me earlier. “But I am sure the shrines will be destroyed.”

But, I insist, this can well trigger World War III.

Yes, that s right. We are near the End Times, as I have said. Orthodox Jews will blow up the mosque and this will provoke the Muslim world. It will be a cataclysmic holy war with Israel. This will force the Messiah to intervene.” Owen speaks as calmly, as softly as if telling me there’d be rain tomorrow.

“Yes,” he adds, as we return to our hotel. “There definitely must be a third temple” [8] 


Dome of the rock, Al-Aqsa mosque, Temple Mount, Jerusalem | Photo: Andrew Shiva.

The “Gush Emunim” or “Temple Mount Faithful” are as equally blasé as the Christians in the inevitability of death and bloodshed for everyone but their own tribe, utterly convinced as they are in their own special status certain that they have connected all the doctrinal dots in order to reserve their 1st class seat to heavenly bliss and World conquest. It is an apocalyptic picture that is painted with the same belief in blood and slaughter which saw the rise of the crusades. As one Temple Mount Rabbi enthused: “war is accompanied by destruction and death, on the other hand, it increases the power of the Messiah … Unfortunately, it is still impossible to achieve the completion of Redemption by any means other than war.” [9]

Whether it is the Christian belief in the Second Coming of Christ or the Jewish Messianists’ arrival of their Messiah it is unlikely either religious avatar would recognise him even if it were a reality. But you can be sure, should their geo-strategies be successful, that smoke, blood, bombs and horror will be very much at the heart of Israel during that process and possibly a large proportion of the world.

Do the Jewish Messianists have an ace up their sleeve perhaps? Nope. Just as the sacrifice of ordinary Jews during World War II was part of the plan for Statehood, so too the necessary and “inevitable” result of war may mean the levelling and destruction of many Jews for Lubavitchers , Christian Zionists and Dominionists as a necessary revenge. Gorenberg, views it like this: “The Jews die or convert. … If you listen to the drama they’re describing, essentially it’s a five-act play in which the Jews disappear in the fourth act.” [10] 

And the possibility of the fourth act being rushed through anytime in the next decade requires a speedy evaluation of living arrangements sooner rather than later if you happen to live in Israel. Such thinking hasn’t escaped the plotters and architects of terror. Pragmatism and survival is only logical. If you light the fire then you plan your escape route well in advance if you wish to rise phoenix-like from the ashes. Evidence of these preparations has been seen for decades in Establishment circles.

Journalist Wolfgang Eggert has been researching the subject for years and reports on lands in countries of Latin America currently being scouted as suitable refuges for the wealthy:

There is a storm brewing and thus it is not surprising that members of the controlling “caste” are looking around for safe harbours. Kawther Salam reports that the Israeli government is carrying out huge purchases of land at the other end of the world, in the remote Southern tip of South America. Her report coincides with revelations on the Internet, allegedly originating from German Intelligence Sources (Bundesnachrichtendienst), stating that this is an Israeli-American joint venture safety manoeuvre. Financial head of this venture: Paul Wolfowitz.

The truth is that almost a sixth part of Patagonia – which means a territory as big as Austria and Switzerland together – is now owned by 350 foreign “investors”. Media baron Ted Turner (CNN) only recently purchased a huge property including a safe water supply provided by a private river. George Soros, the Hungary-born Billionaire residing in New York, is one of the biggest private land owners in this area. The same is true for his associate Eduardo Elzstain, the Argentine business magnate and great Chabad donor. In the North of the American continent investments in building projects of the better-informed-circles are meanwhile being moved into the bowels of the earth. The Neo-Conservative US Vice-President Dick Cheney only recently had a sophisticated private bunker system installed under his home. [11]

Holy War is a means to an end. Just like the Neo-Conservatives, the Christian Zionists, occult groupings and Satanic practice itself, war is not a necessary evil but the means and the end rolled into one. This is where the depopulationists, eugenicists and eco-fascists align with the religious fanatics in the total disregard for human life, where culling of humans is for a global salvation serving a select few, the divine rights of which must be enforced. At this stage, the net results are the same, with religio-occult beliefs aligned in a common union of death for the “greater good” and on a grand scale.

The Pathocratic Elite and their military have been planning and spending considerable sums on private bunkers with the use of allocated funds far removed from Congress for decades. There are also those underground labyrinths left over from the Cold War presently undergoing refurbishments in order to serve the needs of the “continuity of government” in the face of nuclear attack or environmental catastrophe – or both. The overwhelming priority is the cull, survival and total control.

The influences of Chabad Lubavitch, Zionism and their connections to the Establishment in the US, UK and Israel cannot be viewed in isolation from religious fanaticism currently pervading Western politics. Moreover, these expressions of psychopathy and their probable trajectories cannot be understood further without taking a closer look at the dynamics of all three.



[1] “The most recent Palestinian uprising, this past September, began in the wake of the opening of Jerusalem’s “Hasmonean Tunnel,” which runs adjacent to the Haram al-Sharif, Islam’s Third Holiest Shrine, is the former site of the Temple of Herod, destroyed in A.D. 70 by Roman legions commanded by Titus.
Though the media repeatedly discounted it at the time, the Palestinians were enraged due to their fear that the opening of the Tunnel was the beginning of the end for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the start of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, which is the fabled goal to which most of the esoteric secret societies of the West and most especially the orders of Freemasonry, are oriented (indeed, masonic iconography is obsessed with a rebuilt Temple).
The establishment media, in a remarkable demonstration of the uniformity and power of their monopoly control of large scale communications, were able to stifle any substantial reporting in September, providing evidence that Palestinian fears on this subject had some justification.
In what James Shelby Downard terms a “cryonic process” (after the method by which Walt Disney’s mortal remains are supposedly preserved)–the freeze-wait-thaw operation–the truth about the intense concentration of the resources of both esoteric Zionism and esoteric Freemasonry on this “Temple Mount” complex, was frozen while the riots raged. When they subsided, a waiting period ensued as the crisis left the front pages and moved slightly to the rear of the consciousness of the group mind of the masses. After the waiting period, came the thaw, when the truth was taken out of the deep freeze and presented to the public. […]
The opening of the tunnel in September, 1996, with its ritual bloodshed, a precursor of the sacrificial blood ordained to flow if the Temple is rebuilt, was orchestrated in 1867. It was then that the future General Sir Charles Warren, England’s Commissioner of Police and co-conspirator in the occult ritual murder known to history as “Jack the Ripper,” had been dispatched on yet another masonic mission, to lay the groundwork for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. And so it was that in 1867, one of England’s most important Freemasons, a member of its “research lodge” (Ars Quator Coronatorum), “rediscovered” the claustrophobic, 500-yard tunnel.
The “implements” of the old Temple, according to the Talmud, were hidden on the Temple Mount before the destruction of the Second Temple. With Warren’s Tunnel now open, the “treasure hunt” begins, as the establishment media admitted, between the lines, during its mid-October “thaw.”
In the second week in October, Zionist zealots involved in crimes of terrorism linked to the hoped-for destruction of Al-Aqsa mosque, suddenly entered stage center from their establishment-imposed positions of obscurity. In the processing of the group mind, chronology is everything. Hence, mid October was the time designated for slowly pulling the curtain back and revealing the actual game afoot . At this juncture the establishment media unveiled Mr. Yehuda Etzion, head of Hai Vekayam, spearhead of the drive to rebuild Herod’s Temple upon the ruins of Islam’s revered Al-Aqsa mosque. As if on cue, seven Hai Vekayam “activists” were arrested by Israeli police when they tried to force their way onto the Dome of the Rock in October.
Also on cue, a petition was presented to the Israelis in October, dotting every “i” and crossing every “t” of every Palestinian fear about what the Zionists intend with their “tunnel.” The petition, put forth by the Temple Mount Faithful organization, a group financed by deep-pockets Judeo-Churchian fundamentalists in the U.S. and shadowy, international Zionist and masonic moneybags, calls for the removal of the mosque from the Temple Mount. James Shelby Downard and I have a term for that call: Truth or Consequences via Revelation of the Method. – From ‘Warren’s Tunnel, The Palestinian Riots and The Apocalypse’ by Michael A. Hoffman II. 1996. | http://www.revisionisthistory.org
[2] There is no evidence at all for the Temple of Solomon story both in terms of location and narrative. For more information on the nature of the Bible as very far from a historical document please read: Who Wrote the Bible? By Laura-Knight-Jadczyk at http://www.cassiopaea.org/category/volumes/who-wrote-the-bible/ | Shekhinah: “Shekinah, Shekinah, Shechinah, Shechina, or Schechinah, (Hebrew: שכינה‎) is the English spelling of a grammatically feminine Hebrew ancient blessing of the feminine aspect of God. The original word means the dwelling or settling, and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem.” (Wikipedia)
[3] “The most recent Palestinian uprising, this past September, began in the wake of the opening of Jerusalem’s “Hasmonean Tunnel,” which runs adjacent to the Haram al-Sharif, Islam’s Third Holiest Shrine, is the former site of the Temple of Herod, destroyed in A.D. 70 by Roman legions commanded by Titus.
Though the media repeatedly discounted it at the time, the Palestinians were enraged due to their fear that the opening of the Tunnel was the beginning of the end for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the start of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, which is the fabled goal to which most of the esoteric secret societies of the West and most especially the orders of Freemasonry, are oriented (indeed, masonic iconography is obsessed with a rebuilt Temple).
The establishment media, in a remarkable demonstration of the uniformity and power of their monopoly control of large scale communications, were able to stifle any substantial reporting in September, providing evidence that Palestinian fears on this subject had some justification.
In what James Shelby Downard terms a ‘cryonic process’ (after the method by which Walt Disney’s mortal remains are supposedly preserved)–the freeze-wait-thaw operation–the truth about the intense concentration of the resources of both esoteric Zionism and esoteric Freemasonry on this ‘Temple Mount’ complex, was frozen while the riots raged. When they subsided, a waiting period ensued as the crisis left the front pages and moved slightly to the rear of the consciousness of the group mind of the masses. After the waiting period, came the thaw, when the truth was taken out of the deep freeze and presented to the public. […]
The opening of the tunnel in September, 1996, with its ritual bloodshed, a precursor of the sacrificial blood ordained to flow if the Temple is rebuilt, was orchestrated in 1867. It was then that the future General Sir Charles Warren, England’s Commissioner of Police and co-conspirator in the occult ritual murder known to history as ‘Jack the Ripper,’ had been dispatched on yet another masonic mission, to lay the groundwork for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. And so it was that in 1867, one of England’s most important Freemasons, a member of its ‘research lodge’ (Ars Quator Coronatorum), ‘rediscovered’ the claustrophobic, 500-yard tunnel.
The ‘implements’ of the old Temple, according to the Talmud, were hidden on the Temple Mount before the destruction of the Second Temple. With Warren’s Tunnel now open, the ‘treasure hunt’ begins, as the establishment media admitted, between the lines, during its mid-October “thaw.”
In the second week in October, Zionist zealots involved in crimes of terrorism linked to the hoped-for destruction of Al-Aqsa mosque, suddenly entered stage center from their establishment-imposed positions of obscurity. In the processing of the group mind, chronology is everything. Hence, mid October was the time designated for slowly pulling the curtain back and revealing the actual game afoot. At this juncture the establishment media unveiled Mr. Yehuda Etzion, head of Hai Vekayam, spearhead of the drive to rebuild Herod’s Temple upon the ruins of Islam’s revered Al-Aqsa mosque. As if on cue, seven Hai Vekayam ‘activists’ were arrested by Israeli police when they tried to force their way onto the Dome of the Rock in October.
Also on cue, a petition was presented to the Israelis in October, dotting every ‘I’ and crossing every ‘t’ of every Palestinian fear about what the Zionists intend with their ‘tunnel.’ The petition, put forth by the Temple Mount Faithful organization, a group financed by deep-pockets Judeo-Churchian fundamentalists in the U.S. and shadowy, international Zionist and masonic moneybags, calls for the removal of the mosque from the Temple Mount. James Shelby Downard and I have a term for that call: Truth or Consequences via Revelation of the Method. – From Warren’s Tunnel, The Palestinian Riots and The Apocalypse by Michael A. Hoffman II. 1996. | http://www.revisionisthistory.org
[4] p.45; The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount By Gershom Geronberg. Published by Oxford university Press 2002. | ISBN-10: 0195152050.
[5] p.111; The Late Great Planet Earth By Hal Lindsey and Carol C. Colsen, Published by Zondervan 1970. | ISBN-10: 031027771X.
[6] Hal Lindsey, The 1980’s: Countdown to Armageddon By Hal Lindsey, Published by Bantam, 1981 ( p.179). | ‘Hal Lindsey’s The Late, Great Planet Earth and the Rise of Popular Premillennialism in the 1970s’ By Cortney S. Basham, Western Kentucky University January 8 2012.
[7] ‘Beyond Armageddon’ By Donald Wagner, 2007. www. christianzionism.org/article/wagner04.asp
[8] Forcing God’s Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and Destruction of Planet Earth By Grace Halsell. Published by Amana Publications 2002. | ISBN-10: 1590080157.
[9] ‘Temple Mount Fanatics Forment A New Thirty Years’ War,’ by Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, November 3, 2000.
[10] Gorenberg on CBS, 60 Minutes, October 6th, 2002, ‘Zion’s Christian Soldiers.’
[11] ‘Kein Zweiter Holocaust! By Wolfgang Eggert et al 2007 | http://www.apocalypse-no.net/en/

Religious Authoritarians V: Rapture and Killing for God

“Never so sure our rapture to create,

As when it touch’d the brink of all we hate.”

― William Hazlitt, author and philosopher

Alongside the burgeoning rise of all things eschatological we also have the religious marketing phenomena of the “Rapture,” a term that refers to being “caught up” in anticipation of the Second Coming and finally resurrected. The word was chosen due to the mix of meanings from ecstatic joy, spiritual rebirth and the act of transporting the supplicant from one plane of existence to another.

Those responsible for introducing the concept of the Rapture came from a scattering of individuals. Firstly from puritanical American preachers Mather and Increase Cotton, a father and son duo from 17th Century; the theologians Philip Doddridge and John Gill who helpfully introduced the actual word in popular religious discourse. Various sparks of religious fervour supporting this idea appeared throughout the 17th Century until the mid-18th Century Scottish minister and theologian Edward Irving passed the baton to John Nelson Darby who took hold of the idea with particular fervour and made it truly popular for royal and rabble alike. Though rejected by the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox churches and the Anglican Communion, the eschatology went into overdrive for the Protestants. It caused a stir in Baptist, Pentecostal and other fundamentalist denominations in both Britain and America; now they had something to really set their sights on, acting as a laser beam of focus within traditional eschatological movements as a whole. [1]


The Rapture: One in the Field Jan Luyken – Bowyer’s Bible, Bolton, England 1795 (wikipedia)

There are differing theories within the movement on timing: pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, pre Wrath, Partial and Post-tribulation (see chart below) but the general consensus is that Jesus Christ appears in the air and has a con-flab with the righteous immediately preceding his return to Earth. They believe that their salvation is assured provided they sign on the dotted line to manifest Armageddon so that He can return at the appointed time. Thus they can be plucked from seven years’ worth of apocalyptic “tribulation,” which they enthusiastically helped to create. (How is that for a twist on “create your own reality”?) Meanwhile, the rest of us will be gnashing our teeth and weeping and wailing in a pit of fire.  It’s appears to be a little more complicated then that however, as you can see from the chart below:


Diagram of the major tribulation views in Christian theology | LamorakOwn work uploaded by User B (wikipedia)

The faithful Dominionists are busy making sure that this is exactly the scenario that will play out. This is the bread-and-butter of fanaticism and should come as no surprise for anyone who has studied religious authoritarians. However, what makes this phenomenon chilling is the heavy, modern-day marketing of “Christian duty” which must have a guiding hand in its manifestation and furthermore, to rejoice in destruction. The absence of love and compassion in favour of vicious selfishness and spiritual greed is astonishing to behold.

Rapture prediction has been big business. Books, audio tapes and seminars offering sage advice in preparing for the Big Day have saturated the Christian market. Gracing our bookshops and internet outlets are The End-Times Survival Handbook: What to Expect before the Rapture and How to Survive It (2003) by Joan Hake Robie and Daymond R. Duck which seems to be somewhat oxymoronic. If all genuine Christians are going to be raptured then what is there to survive?

Then we have Jerry B Jenkins, ghost-writer for Tim LaHaye who seems to have cornered the market on apocalyptic writings using fiction to promote their message. With subtle titles such as: The Rapture: In the Twinkling of an Eye–Countdown to the Earth’s Last Days (2007); The Mark: The Beast Rules the World (2011) and The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon (2011) and the popular Box-set of ten volumes entitled: The Left Behind Collection (2003) the formula is most reminiscent of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Mission Earth series and equally lucrative.

Part of the success of the books is drawn from its sensationalist promotion of genuine fears which are already rising from the uncertainty of economic disruption and social dislocation. LaHaye is also the founder and president of the Council for National Policy, a secretive outfit known to very few but which exerts considerable influence. Formed in 1981 the CNP brings together a collection of disparate ultra-conservative groupings to focus and strengthen the right wing Christian agenda on Middle East foreign policy.

A New York Times report described CNP members as comprising of “a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country” who meet “behind closed doors at undisclosed locations … to strategize about how to turn the country to the right.” [2]  The group is chock full of Neo-Conservatives and Christian Zionists who share the same burning desire to see the Middle East reduced to an apocalyptic pile of rubble as a prelude to the Second Coming. George W. Bush, former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, devotee of Jewish messianic cult Chabad Lubavitch, were all members.

As author and journalist George Monbiot observed at the time:

“So here we have a major political constituency – representing much of the current president’s core vote – in the most powerful nation on Earth, which is actively seeking to provoke a new world war. Its members see the invasion of Iraq as a warm-up act, as Revelation (9:14-15) maintains that four angels ‘which are bound in the great river Euphrates’ will be released to slay the third part of men.” [3]

Though the Bush Administration has gone, the legacy remains within the Obama government.

US TV Evangelist Rev. Jack von Impe allegedly sent his pearls of wisdom directly into Bush’s ear and advised him on the religious stakes concerning the war in Iraq. Von Impe believes (and probably hopes) that Russia and the Arab nations will attack and destroy Israel as part of a nuclear Armageddon no later than the end of 2012. [4]  Thankfully, along with brains, prediction is not an Evangelist’s strongest suit.

Conversely, another Armageddon cheer-leader and Christian Zionist TV preacher John Hagee believes that the United States must stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel for the return of Christ at the appointed hour. Essential to this countdown to destruction is the Neo-Con doctrine of a pre-emptive strike against Iran which will initiate the countdown to a global holocaust. The fact that part of this mythology includes the required obliteration of Israel is conveniently left out of his proselytizing.


JCH_at_Podium Christian Zionist Pastor John C. Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio Texas at the U.S. Capitol on July 18, 2007 during CUFI’s annual conference | 18 July 2007. Source: Christians United for Israel | photo: Paul Wharton (wikipedia) (Star of David added)

Another Club which has grown into a comprehensive cabal is “The Fellowship” which had its beginnings in the 1930s care of spellbinding Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister, Abraham Verified. Having changed its name on various occasions since 1935 and cultivated a constant but modest presence throughout politics, its strength and influence is now considerable. Journalist and author Wayne Madsen asserts: “Its stealth existence has been perpetuated by its organization into small cells, a pyramid organization of ‘correspondents,’ ‘associates,’ ‘friends,’ ‘members,’ and ‘core members,’ tax-exempt status for its foundations, and its protection by the highest echelons of our own government and those abroad.” [5]

It seeks to present itself as a religious fraternity when it is nothing more than cult of political control working in tandem with other factions for totalitarian government. Like other nested military-intelligence cults, Fellowship members believe that the New World Government should consist of the Christian elect that will rise from the ashes and establish God’s dominion on Earth. Madsen connects the heritage from which The Fellowship draws its succour is none other than our favourite iconic despot Hitler, who:

“… planned for a ‘Thousand Year Reich’ over the planet. It is not a coincidence that Hitler desired and the so-called Christian Dominionists/reconstructionists now contemplate a thousand year reign. The Christian Dominionists are the political heirs of Hitler, the Norwegians Vereide and Quisling, Buchman, Opus Dei founder and fascist patron saint Josemaria Escriva and their political and religious cohorts.” [6]

This is essentially what we are talking about here: a virulent, religious fascism that has merged with all the many elements of the Conservative Establishment and melded with American-German Nazism to produce a potent political force. It is the new militant army that exerts near total control over the United States executive, its legislature and several state governments. The federal judiciary and the U.S. Supreme Court are sure to follow, as its influence in high-level international affairs continues to expand.

This sect may well be the source of the revival in Dominionism within the Bush and Obama administrations. Many top level members of the military are in its thrall appealing to the spellbinders and psychopaths that fancy cutting a retributive slice of messianic deliverance upon their enemy. Some of these members include those for whom sexual abuse and torture are part of God’s will for the New American-Israel, such as former Joint Chiefs Chairman General David Jones, former Marine Corps Commandant and current NATO commander General James L. Jones, Lt. Gen. Bruce Fister, the former head of the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, Iran-contra figure Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, current Joint Chiefs chairman General Richard Myers, and yes, the familiar presence of Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, the military head of Defence Secretary Rumsfeld’s intelligence branch who went on to create the torture and sexual molestation of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

The United States has become the battleground for millennial fanaticism of the kind that was last seen at the time of the crusades. Instead of swords, arrows and armies we have drones, smart bombs and technocratic psychological warfare.


The Crusades: Updated and re-packaged under Dominionists

Notice how religious, scientific and civic activism is engineered to conflict and fight out each other’s opposing force so that the population is kept busy and attention deflected away from those pushing the buttons of these movements? On the one hand you have atheists and humanists all waxing lyrical about the evils of the religious right while the latter hurls fire and brimstone accusations at the communist Anti-Christ minions of the left. All the while “Satan” puffs a cigar and warms his hands on the conflict from each.

There is no shortage of groups and individuals proclaiming a Rapture date from the 17th Century right up to the present. The well-publicized announcements of radio evangelist Harold Camping predicted the fateful / joyful day as September 6, 1994. Surprisingly enough, nothing happened that could be described as Rapturous. Camping revised his predictions and confidently told us that May 21, 2011 was in fact, the true date for a trans-spiritual pick-up. Again, nothing happened. Camping put this down to God’s Judgement. Even God can get his Rapture day wrong it seems.  So, October 21, 2011 was to be the new Departure point, which nonetheless, proved surprisingly – for Camping at least – a non-Rapture event. [7] (More ruptured than raptured?)

However, there may be some truth to the predictions of a specific time of “Tribulation,” the Rapture being the least important of the beliefs currently swirling in the vortex of Dominionist anticipation. This is where sects like The Fellowship, Christian Fundamentalism and Zionism link hands forming a circle around the Biblical icon of End Times prophecy:

Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.



[1] “What is ‘The Rapture?’” by Fr. Dimitri Cozby. Orthodox Research Institute.
[2] ‘Club of the Most Powerful Gathers in Strictest Privacy’ By David D. Kirkpatrick, New York Times, August 28, 2004.
[3] Their Beliefs are Bonkers…, George Monbiot, The Guardian, 2004.
[4] ‘Is Bush Getting Apocalyptic Advice?’, MSNBC, August 13th, 2003.
[5] ‘Expose: The “Christian” Mafia – Where Those Who Now Run the U.S. Government Came From and Where They Are Taking Us’ By Wayne Madsen, May 2005, waynemadsenreport.com/
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘Apocalypse (Not Quite) Now: Camping Picks New End-of-World Date’ May 24 2011. Laist.com

Religious Authoritarians IV: The Seven Mountains and Spiritual Warfare

“Having observed politics up close and personal for most of my adult lifetime, I have come to the conclusion that the rise of politicized religious fundamentalism may have been the key ingredient in the transformation of the Republican Party. Politicized religion provides a substrate of beliefs that rationalizes—at least in the minds of its followers—all three of the GOP’s main tenets: wealth worship, war worship, and the permanent culture war.”

Mike Lofgren, a Republican and former Congressional stafferThe Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted

Frederick Clarkson from the online journal public eye wrote an in-depth study of Christian Recontructionism and its twin: Dominionism in 1994. He concluded that the latter sought to: “… replace democracy with a theocratic elite that would govern by imposing their interpretation of ‘Biblical Law,’ ” where by the adopting tactics of stealth and deception the movement wishes to penetrate:

“… labor unions, civil rights laws, and public schools.” According to Clarkson this would make way for a New Order of Christian citizens where: “Women would be generally relegated to hearth and home. Insufficiently Christian men would be denied citizenship, perhaps executed. So severe is this theocracy that it would extend capital punishment [to] blasphemy, heresy, adultery, and homosexuality.”

In other words, the overriding objective is to “Rule the world for God.”

Sound familiar?

It’s just another form of psychopathy seeding and exploiting its potential for a genetic drive anyway it can, which is why according to one Dominionist: “… it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership positions whenever possible, God willing.” [1]

kingdom of Satan

“Seven Mountains of the Christian Industrial Complex – fanaticforjesus.blogspot.co.uk/

The Seven Mountains of Dominionism (7DM) a nested brand within Dominionism pathology

The father of Christian Recontructionism the late R.J. Rushdoony helped establish Dominionism through various individuals in the 1980s and 1990s, most notably through his son-in-law Gary North, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Gary Bauer, Herb Titus, the former Dean of Robertson’s Regent University School of Public Policy Charles Colson and a coterie of television and radio evangelists too numerous to mention. Communism and humanism were the evils to be thwarted and there needed to be a new political dispensation formulated if they were to be successful.


R.J. Rushdoony

From the 1970s onwards fundamentalist, Evangelical and Pentecostal camps jumped aboard the Dominionist train travelling widely across the whole religious ecology of America, picking up tens of thousands of passengers. This was partly due to the colonisation of TV and radio by evangelist preachers, in particular Pat Robertson who, as Katherine Yurica explains: “mobilized the millions of politically indifferent and socially despised Pentecostals and fundamentalists in America and turned them into an angry and potent army of political conquerors.” This resulted in Roman Catholics and Episcopalians joining the ranks in increasing numbers throughout the 1980s and 1990s. [2]  [3]

The politicizing of the fundamentalist cause was a great moral boost for its members who had been shunned by most normal thinking people as several packets short of a biscuit. Robertson gave them teeth and the ability to wield power as never before. As the media began to make inroads into satellite TV and talk show coverage, publishing saw the revival as another lucrative market. By tapping into the already simmering fears of the religious right and giving it a political imperative, End Times Dominionism became like a pyramid scheme where the more you evangelised the more money was made. it meant that every “sin” that was committed was for the greater glory of God and thus permitted. It also meant new Cults of Dominionism were cropping up such as the overtly fascistic Seven Mountains brand mentioned above. It’s allure lay in the fact that it calls out the “evil doers” and Satan’s wiley ways while using exactly the same methods for inculcating its flock and not just using twists on Old Testament theology. It uses real world applications across all domains of society.

By pointing the historical finger at forms of fascism and indicating where they went wrong, 7MD simply replaces the labels with its own lexicon. This overtly religious fascism is far more potent and appealing than any of the corporate and political forms of fascism since it’s perceived Divine imperative transcends any notion of human interference. It is God’s will flowing each and every elected “instrument” which has given himself over to such a power. Dominionism of this kind traverses it ALL with politics at the very centre of religious aspirations.  But such a New World needed an educated (brainwashed) flock so Universities and schools were organised, predicated on Fundamentalist / Dominionist principles in order to furnish a plentiful supply of the blindly faithful. To that end: “Robertson’s Regent University was given a $100 million endowment.” [4]

One of the most popular Evangelists was the late Billy Graham, the respected and world famous preacher, who was immensely influential in mid-town America. He once told an audience on the 700 Club show that: “The time has come when evangelicals are going to have to think about getting organized corporately … I’m for evangelicals running for public office and winning if possible and getting control of the Congress, getting control of the bureaucracy, getting control of the executive branch of government. I think if we leave it to the other side we’re going to be lost. I would like to see every true believer involved in politics in some way shape or form.” [5]


Rev. Billy Graham

Psychopathy is nothing if not adaptable. While criticising your foe you can use tactical and strategic tools to cloak it with religious values.

The modern cult of Religion: nothing like cornering the market …

Since the CIA has traditionally been associated with the religious right it is well within their scope to crank up the fanatical fever with suitable bribes and selective blackmailing. However, if a little more energy is needed to increase the momentum of such movements, such tactics are generally not needed. The decidedly Machiavellian approach of the Dominionists in using every tactic to gain control of the state is sourced from the belief that the spiritual elect are destined to lead since they automatically perceived as perfect in their roles. Whatever evil the Dominionist Christian perpetrates, it is permitted as part of God’s Divine Plan. It is here that the Neo-Conservatives and Straussian philosophy fits neatly into theocratic designs. Though traditionally associated with Zionism, the Neo-Cons and Republican right-wingers have all shapes and sizes catering for RWAs, Double High Social Dominators. As has been mentioned, “The end justifies the means” was an ethos powerful exemplified in the Bush-Cheney administration and represented a serious tearing of the fabric of the American Republic. These tears in the political fabric have allowed new and more dangerous brands of extremism to slink into the mainstream.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) the Neo-Conservative think tank was effectively a homage to Machiavelli, a figure whose political stratagems played a decisive role in the invasion of Iraq, the chaos inflicted on Syria, Libya, and now the pressing desire to tackle Iran. The Bush Administration did perhaps more than any other US government to allow the Christian right and Jewish Messianism a firm foothold in the corridors of power.

Neo-Con Michael Ledeen is a fellow at the right-wing think tank the American Enterprise Institute and one for whom the Bush Administration’s Karl Rove consulted on a regular basis, pre-Iraq and post 9/11. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also found Ledeen’s ideas seductive. But perhaps the real coup arrived when Dominionism hitched a ride on the coat-tails of such people as Paul Wolfowitz who was to become the architect of Neo-Zionist Conservatism or “Zio-Conservatism” which took Dominionism to whole new level.

Ledeen best represents the kind of modern religious crusade mentality that is rationalised and justified through Machiavellian discourse. He even wrote a book about it in 1999 entitled: Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli’s Iron Rules Are as Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries Ago. In it he states quite happily: “In order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to ‘enter into evil.’ This is the chilling insight that has made Machiavelli so feared, admired, and challenging. It is why we are drawn to him still…” [6]

And by “we” Ledeen means the Neo-Conservatives who have shown that evil is certainly no impediment to desire. Indeed, its very embodiment seems to materialise with remarkable ease, which is why he either doesn’t care or cannot see that evil multiplies exponentially by believing that: “… there are circumstances when only doing evil ensures the victory of a good cause.” It is precisely when good is being transformed into evil that the desired end ‘cause’ can only produce more evil. The ends do not justify the means – the means become the end in itself. But Ledeen is salivating at the prospect when he reveals: “Practicing deceit to fulfil your heart’s desire might be not only legitimate, but delicious![7]

Of course, the hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed families might have a slightly different take on the results of Mr. Leeden’s worldview.

Surprising as it may be, the principles of Machiavelli, Neo-Conservatism and an inversion of Christianity are actually creating a form of existential Satanism. Recall “Do what thou wilt under the Law,” the much quoted maxim from the Book of Thelma an occult treatise on Satanic Law written by Aleister Crowley. This keeps cropping up because it is drawn from exactly the same life philosophy and is merely an occult adjunct to the definition of: “the ends justify the means.”

As we continue, the reader will see how repeated instances of psychopathy will occur again and again under the most seemingly innocuous and unlikely of labels. In this context, journalist Katherine Yurica describes Pat Robertson’s propaganda where his:

“… transcribed television interviews and dialogs give shocking evidence to the legitimization of greed, hatred, violence and cruelty by members of the various fundamentalist branches of the American clergy and by elected officials of the Republican Party, which can be cited as evidence that Dominionism is not a Christian religion – that above everything else, Dominionism is synonymous with Machiavellianism: the ends justify the means. Under Dominionism, true Christianity is a target to destroy, not a goal to achieve.” [8]

Not only that, the populations within such a rise of theocratic power better be sure that they are followers of God because the mix of Neo-Conservative politics, corporatism and now Dominionism is a grave danger when it reaches positions of power.


Michael A. Leeden

Yurica draws our attention to the Bible and the much perused passage for Dominionists in Romans 13 where she states:

“… it can be read to mean that any lawful government is ordained by God to execute retribution and punishment upon those who challenge (resist or rebel against) unjust policies of a government. When read this way, it takes on a new and sinister meaning. Or, it can be read to mean that once a new government of the United States of America has been established under biblical law – then no citizen will have the right to resist it or rebel against its edicts. In other words, the Declaration of Independence will no longer be applicable to the regency established by the Dominionists.” [9]

Central to Dominionism is the mandate of The Seven Mountains a tool by which Dominionists can exercise complete control over not only politics but every domain of society. Founder Loren Cunningham and his YWAM or “Youth with a Mission” organisation states that: “every culture has seven areas of influence that mould the minds of the culture and shape the culture’s future.” The seven mind molders or mountains are said to be: Government; Economic & Business, Education; Art & Media; Science & Technology; Family and Religious. YWAM has an estimated 20,000 full-time workers in 171 countries, with YWAM Global Leadership Team (GLT) and advisers to the Team 3 leadership of YWAM International. [10]

While the Neo-Conservative think-tankers are happy to let the Dominionist philosophy ride their slipstream, it is tailor-made for the Republican religious right in general, and as of 2010, it seems to have merged quite comfortably into their ranks. Virtually every religious leader in the US has no problem with Seven Mountains theology, despite its theocratic basis. Indeed, one of the many spellbinders of Seven Mountains ideology who’s had particular success is Dr. Lance Wallnau. He has a strong presence on the internet showing his video presentations where he leaps about in front of his white board with magic marker in hand. He even believes that Seven Mountain Dominionism is the answer to the Occupy Wall St. phenomena.

Have a read of this transcript from one of his youtube.com videos and see if you agree:

Most believers on the Earth are more frightened at the prospect of taking on the insurmountable giants represented by the mountains near them in their nations. They’re more intimidated by trying to take possession of what is an opposition that has strength and fortification in the natural, from the IRS, to Hollywood, to whatever. Most believers are afraid, so they create a theology that eliminates the responsibility for having to take territory and rather focuses on just getting people saved so that when Jesus comes back he can repopulate the Earth with people that are followers and let him take over the planet.

There is just a little problem with that: the little problem is Heaven is his throne and the Earth is the footstool of his feet and he was told that he was to sit at the Father’s right hand until God made his enemies a footstool for his feet, which means He doesn’t come back until He’s accomplished the dominion of nations.

The point is this: God wants to have the tabernacle at the top of every one of these spheres. You want to know what the spheres are that shape a nation? This is how you take a nation: you have to get into the family – that is why same-sex marriage such a demonic agenda … because who ever shapes the family mountain shapes the idea of what culture is for a man and wife. You got to get into the education mountain, you know why? Because whoever’s ideology is shaping that little kid when he’s a child, by the time he’s 19, hey for all you know he could become part of the Hitler Youth movement and die for the Fuhrer. Hitler basically knew that if he educated them as kids, he’d have them as sons to go fight for him. Government mountain where your laws get legislated. Media mountain where the truth is debated. And the arts mountain which is where sports and creativity come along, and we’ve got business and finance. Is it possible that there are seven sovereign spheres of authority?

By the way, that’s how you take nations. It’s the only way you take nations. There has never been a nation taken as the result of an evangelism harvest. Shocking but true. Believers don’t know these things, which is why we get in trouble.

You realize that when you have 8 per cent of a population, that’s the key. 8 per cent, that’s all it takes. 8 per cent, according to the Center for Religious and Diplomacy, practice Jihad. 8 per cent, according to the research of James Davidson Hunter, are doing the same sex marriage initiative, You’ve got 80 per cent Jews, Catholics, Protestants, 35 per cent of Evangelicals, even Mormons – you have a very broad constituency of 85-90 per cent of the American population is not for same-sex marriage. How is it that 7 per cent can impose their agenda on the other 90 per cent? It’s not because we don’t have enough converts to an idea – it’s because when Satan is shrewder in his own generation than the Sons of Light, he makes sure that he has his prophets of Baal at the high places. So what you have is a well-positioned 8 per cent whose agenda is working with the will of Principalities and Powers while Christians are in pursuit of the supernatural or glory or prosperity, but they’re missing the apostolic assignment. They’re to take over spheres and administer them for the glory of God.. [11] [Emphasis mine]

For right-wing fundies, it doesn’t occur to them that replacing one trenchant authority with another isn’t the answer either. In fact, what this man is talking about is derived from exactly the same source as fascism from the overtly religious path. The “glory of God” in this context justifies literally anything. Again, it is a familiar pattern which has explained away genocide, atrocity and torture for greater good. And since we are talking about this Divine Glory then then there is no limitation as to what will be acceptable for ushering in such a New World. And what a wonderful tool for Pathocracy to hijack.

As usual, Wallnau can’t (or chooses not to) see past his own love of authority and the desire to please God his Father, that he will do whatever it takes to “conquer nations.” Just like Lt. General Jerry Boykin and his ilk if a professed “Jesus” put a gun in his hands and asked him to use it on his behalf – would he do it? Very possibly but he’d prefer that the gullible Christian hanging on his every NLP-soaked lecture to do it for him.

Transforming culture and enacting “spiritual warfare” is not just forcing what they consider to be love down everyone’s throats it is the overt militarisation and indoctrination of radical conservatism under the guise of religious compassion which if present at all, will take a distant back seat to authoritarianism and very quickly totalitarianism. Democracy is seen as an obstacle to divine intervention and once such people have control of the judiciary, which appears more likely by the day, then there is nothing to stop them instituting selective Biblical laws whereby heresy, so-called “terrorism” homosexuality, and other “un-Christian” practices are worthy of the death penalty. The laws are still there and all it takes is a sufficient “emergency” to reinstate them.  [12]

If a majority of Dominionists find their way into the US government then it spells the definitive end for democracy, civil liberties and any kind of social welfare at all. This – in combination with many other pathocratic wannabees – are currently dictating the political and social mores of contemporary America.

What takes down America will then be the factional squabbling between religious fanatics with their fingers on nuclear buttons, busy trying to save themselves on a rapture train that was never anywhere near the compassionate and loving face of God, but fixed purely on his entropic twin sun, seducing those with a satanic energy which has always offered an easy ride to those who were blind to their own shadows.



[1] ‘Christian Reconstructionism: Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence’ by Frederick Clarkson The Public Eye Magazine, Vol. VIII, Nos. 1 & 2, March/June 1994.
[2] op. cit. Yurica.
[3] ‘Moses Law for Modern Government: The Intellectual and Sociological Originsof the Christian Reconstructionist Movement,’ By J. Ligon Duncan, III . Premise, Vol. II Number 5, May 27, 1995.
[4] op. cit. Yurica
[5] Bare Naked Truth on the Religious Right By Stanley Tallitsch Published by Author House 2005. | ISBN:1-4208-9570-2. (p.110)
[6] Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli’s Iron Rules Are as Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries Ago. By Michael L. Ledeen. Published by Truman Talley Books, St. Martin’s Griffin, N.Y.1999. (p.91)
[7] Ibid. Ledeen (p.95)
[8] op. cit. Yirica
[9] Ibid.
[10] http://www.ywam.org
[11] ‘Lance Wallnau Lays Out Seven Mountains Dominionism’ YouTube.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAP5mQ6Kgtw
[12] This is how Romans 13 reads in the New English Version: “Every person must submit to the supreme authorities. There is no authority but by act of God, and the existing authorities are instituted by him; consequently anyone who rebels against authority is resisting a divine institution, and those who so resist have themselves to thank for the punishment they will receive. For government, a terror to crime, has no terrors for good behaviour. You wish to have no fear of the authorities? Then continue to do right and you will have their approval, for they are God’s agents working for your good. But if you are doing wrong, then you will have cause to fear them; it is not for nothing that they hold the power of the sword, for they are God’s agents of punishment, for retribution on the offender. That is why you are obliged to submit. It is an obligation imposed not merely by fear of retribution but by conscience. That is also why you pay taxes. The authorities are in God’s service and to these duties they devote their energies.”
This section, if taken literally as fundamentalists are apt to do, appears to prohibit any kind of resistance against the policies of a government, including peaceful protests, petitions, and writings. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia appears to endorse that position, for he quoted this same Romans 13 passage in his article, ‘God’s Justice and Ours,’ to prove that Christian doctrine states ‘government – however you want to limit that concept – derives its moral authority from God.’ Government is not only the ‘minister of God’ but it has the authority to ‘execute God’s wrath.’
The power of the sword is surely the power to kill or maim and certainly the power to intimidate. Scalia believes the power of the sword in this passage is “unmistakably a reference to the death penalty.”
At this point, Scalia demonstrates the absolute brilliance of the judicial rule created by Neo-Conservatives that requires a judge to determine the “original intent” of the writers of the Constitution. As Scalia himself describes it, ‘The Constitution that I interpret and apply is not living but dead… It means today not what current society… thinks it ought to mean, but what it meant when it was adopted.’
When I first read articles by authors who were exposing the Dominionists’ intention to extend the death penalty to cover ‘crimes’ like adultery, rebelliousness, homosexuality, witchcraft or effeminateness, I found the death penalty extension goal to be laughable. It couldn’t be done in America.
I was wrong. I now realize that we are very close to seeing the Dominionists achieve their goal. All they need to do is to appoint a majority of judges who will adhere to the “dead Constitution” construction rule of Scalia (or what Harry Jaffa called ‘the original intent’ construction rule). At the point when the Dominionist’s control the judiciary – that judiciary can roll back America’s body of legal jurisprudence to a century or more ago as Law Professor Patricia J. Williams pointed out.
Scalia spilled the beans in his article, ‘God’s Justice and Ours’ when he explained how he would determine whether the death penalty is constitutional or not. His reasoning goes like this: since the death penalty was ‘clearly permitted when the Eighth Amendment [which prohibits ‘cruel and unusual punishments’] was adopted,’ and at that time the death penalty was applied for all felonies – including, for example, the felony of horse-thieving, ‘so it is clearly permitted today.’
All a willing Dominionist Republican controlled congress need do to extend the death penalty to those people who practice witchcraft, adultery, homosexuality, heresy, etcetera, is to find those particular death penalty laws existing as of November 3, 1791, and re-instate them. No revolution is required. That’s why the battle over Bush’s judicial appointments is so crucial to the future of the America we know and love. And that’s why the clock is running out on freedom loving Americans.
Scalia himself appears to be a Dominionist, for he believes that Romans 13 represents the correct view – that government authority is derived from God and not from the people; he asserts his view was the consensus of Western thought until recent times. Like Pat Robertson, he laments that the biblical perspective was upset by “the emergence of democracy.” – Katherine Yurica: ‘The Dominionism Apostasy: The Despoiling of America by Christianity turned Evil’ The Yurica Report Wed, 11 Feb 2004.

Religious Authoritarianism III: Dominionism and the Second Coming

“When Jesus Comes Back, He’ll Be Carrying An AR-15 Assault Rifle.”

– Lt. General William “Jerry” Boykin

Data from 2005 showed that over 33 per cent of religious adherents of the world are practicing Christians, followed by Islam at 20 per cent and Hinduism at 13 per cent. That’s a sizable chunk of the planet’s population. Roughly 4.5 million Americans consider themselves Christian and within those mostly law-abiding and benevolent citizens there lies a growing problem. [1]

2012 saw a veritable hysteria of Christian fundamentalists, Jewish Messianics, and Islamists busy gnashing their teeth, wagging fingers and generally frothing at the mouth from various pulpits and podiums that we were all hopelessly lost in decadence and destined for a fiery descent into their respective cultural hells. Now that 2012 has come and gone it seems the anticipation on the part of the religious right has ascended to stratospheric levels. Ordinarily, we can switch channels, avoid barmy internet forums and simply walk on by as the righteous attempt to save our souls with yet another gaudy pamphlet proclaiming a Second Coming.

But there’s a hitch.

Contemporary politics is presently infested with right-wing religious authoritarians (RWAs) determined to save themselves by arranging our collective entry into a large global conflagration. They are also busying themselves with fermenting as much carnage as possible in order to make sure that Christ returns for the Big Judgement. The “End Times” and rapture fever have become entrenched in the United States and they mean to do everything in their power to drag their Christ back from whatever mythical or spiritual reality he has been hiding.

That means creating the potential for World War III in line with biblical prophecy.

It seems the Christian duty has become a little different to Christ’s message of love and compassion. Rather, they have interpreted scripture to not only believe in the objective reality of these End Times of tribulation but to actively have a hand in creating it. And if that isn’t doing the “devil’s work” then I don’t know what is.


© unknown

Fundamentalism or the Christian brand of Religious fanaticism made its presence known in the 19 Century and quickly combined with Millennialism and End Times prophecy to create a formidable belief system whereby fear and authority can exert significant control over the mass mind. Charismatic spellbinders usually take on the task of corralling individuals and playing the father figure to those in need of “punishment” and rigorous discipline to ensure the obedient sit at God’s side. If you think it sounds sado-masochistic then you’d be right: the role of domination and submission is rather similar. The Evangelical priests on TV and Church are roaring at his flock about how terminally wicked they are while the flock in return offers up pots of money in the acceptance of the spiritual “bribe” so that they can to continue to cleanse the world of sin and thus make room for more souls. This is probably why so many priests and preachers – especially on the right wing Republican side – have been caught with their pants down, in the most literal sense.

There are several groupings clamouring to be heard as the true word of God. British Dispensationalism was one of the most influential in its sales pitch of judgement day and “End Times” rhetoric. Revelation was revealed in stages or “Dispensations” each of which characterised a period of tribulation and all-round mayhem for those who had strayed from the path of righteousness. Which meant that anything that was not in the Bible was the Devil’s work and those not part of the in-crowd of believers were automatically Satan’s groupies. According to the Book of Revelations the final battle of Armageddon would see the return of Christ descending gently to earth surrounded by a host of angels, bent on saving dutiful Christians and ready to preside over a New Spiritual Order. This could only take place when humanity had been suitably culled so that only the righteous are left to experience the waiting Eden of milk and honey.

Underpinning these visions was the doctrine of inerrancy on the part of the Bible which, as it was the word of God, was therefore beyond error. The fact that human beings were fallible and remain so didn’t seem to feature. As we have discussed, reason plays no part at all in fundamentalism only insofar it can be useful in reaffirming belief and the avoidance of uncomfortable facts. Rather like Zionism which uses the meme of anti-Semitism to avoid criticism, so too the fundamentalists see the Bible as synonymous with God and thus beyond critical analysis or reproach. Thus an empty mind instead of an open mind is mandatory. Similarly, the Catholic Church and the Vatican acting as the All-Seeing Eye of redemption offers its own brand of millennialism, dispensing Papal edicts and declarations as a download from God and therefore beyond contention. Those who do not agree with the magisterium are condemned to a fiery hell by God’s unending compassion.[2]

By the start of the twentieth Century these beliefs had evolved into a broader synthesis of dogma which meant that all the Biblical accounts, the Virgin Birth; feeding of the five thousand, the creation of the earth in Genesis, the bodily resurrection and physical return of Christ etc., were not allegorical or elaborate teaching myths – they were literal truths. The development of what came to be known as Creationism in the 1920s was in direct response to the wildly popular theories of Darwinism which caused a major revival in evangelical preaching and “reaching out” to save souls from Satan’s encroachment.

The End Times (or the Eschaton) describes a period of conflict and global war leading to a redemptive transformation (usually for a select group) which is prophesied in most major religions. For Jews, the End times or “End of Days” refers to a Messianic Age, where the exiled Jewish diaspora will be gathered in to the promised land of Israel to reclaim their spiritual birth right. Under the coming of the Mashiach, olam haba, a resurrection of the Tsadikim or “righteousness” will take place.  Christianity’s take is much the same, with added ingredients of the Anti-Christ emerging just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and his gathering in the righteous faithful during the Great Tribulation. [3] Islamist belief concurs and describes its own version of a “Christ” or the al-Mahdi who will preside over the Day of Judgement or Yawm al-Qiyāmah; to vanquish the Masih ad-Dajjall (Anti-Christ) and send the faithful into paradise.

Christian fundamentalism, along with ultra-orthodox Judaism, is in danger of comprehensively wresting control of the United States military and political processes. Christian Reconstructionism advocates a Calvinist, right-wing, capitalist belief, laden with theocratic overtones. This movement has helped to introduce the concept of “Dominionism” which demands activism within civic society but most importantly, the domination of the political process as mandated by God. it is a belief that characterises Protestant Christian Evangelicals and Right-wing Fundamentalists in the United States and is best summarised by a passage from the Bible, Genesis 1:26:

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (King James Version). And further: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” (New International Version).

While most of us would interpret this to mean that Christians can choose to live as benign helpers and caretakers of the animal kingdom as well as humanity, the authoritarian personality will read this to mean that they should dominate and control secular institutions in order to suitably prepare the ground for Christ’s return – getting a huge kick out of it in the process. [4]


The Dominionist’s Version of Peace on Earth

While Dominionists all believe that straying from the literal word of the Bible has meant the rise of immorality and sin best expressed by liberalism of any kind, the real threat within dominionism comes from the hardliners and Social Dominators (psychopaths) who see theocracy as the only way forward. And that means authoritarianism leading to totalitarianism under the name of God which just about characterises every genocide, atrocity and military conquest of the last two thousand years. But because authoritarians have no capacity to understand the relevance of history these basic flaws in their theocratic wet dreams are quickly brushed under the carpet of the sub-conscious. What remains is the constant anticipation of a black and white, dangerously simplistic framework of good and evil. Again, Bush’s “If you’re not with us you’re with the terrorists” drivel was particularly delicious for the Dominionists. Hence, when you read Dominionist literature one may understand why Social Dominators are immediately attracted to the concept as it resonates with their perception of reality, whether they are in the military, preaching from a pulpit or strutting around Congress: the theme of domination – to carve out their own spiritual dominion – is at the core of their actions.

Dominionism easily aligns with the beliefs of Social Darwinism (eugenics) which is why it is so useful to the Conservative Establishment. Such beliefs indicates the amount of inversion which has occurred within fundamentalist Christianity and how it veers towards the ultimate and tragic irony of being more akin to Satanism than any compassionate and inclusive doctrine. That has to be the greatest irony to beat them all, yet it is precisely this kind of deception that the Bible warns about, where the “very elect” will be deceived.

Journalist Katherine Yurica describes it in much the same way. Like the old Levitical priests of Babylon, the Dominionists assign great importance to wealth and power as a sign of God’s blessing.

She notes:

“… out of the masses of people and the multitude of nations – wealth, in and of itself, is thought to indicate God’s approval on men and nations whereas poverty and sickness reflect God’s disapproval. The roots of the idea come from a natural twist of an Old Testament passage, … Essentially there were two elements necessary to establish Dominionism among Christians who previously believed helping the poor was a mandate of Christianity.

First, Old Testament law had to be accepted as an essential part of a Christian’s theology.

Secondly, the Christian had to undergo a second conversion-like experience that went beyond being born again and demanded not only a commitment to reestablishing the Old Testament legal structure but required the implementation of that law in the nations of the world (including the U.S.) based upon a different understanding of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20).[50] Under this concept Dominionists are to go into all the world to take dominion and ‘make disciples’ teaching the disciples to ‘observe all’ that Jesus ‘commanded.’ All nations under Dominionist’s teaching are to convert to biblical laws, which are ranked superior to secular laws that were not God given or God directed and are found wanting. The Christian therefore must be willing to overthrow all laws that are secular. In other words, a measure of one’s spirituality rested upon the individual’s willingness to accept the concept of taking dominion over not only the people of America, but taking dominion over the people of the entire world.” [5]

And this leads to yet another reprise for Pathocracy where the religious “elect” preside over mere mortals inadequate to the task of transposing God’s Kingdom on earth. As Yurica reminds us: “A Christian who raises his voice against the ‘elect’ could be labeled a ‘false prophet or a dreamer of dreams,’ and therefore, according to the Deuteronomic law ‘shall be put to death.’ ”

This belief in a sort of Divine blessing to wipe out undesirables is the stuff of authoritarian ecstasy and the basis upon which many serious abuses of power are now taking place in the United States. And if you happen to be in the US military then be prepared to be inaugurated into a New Christian Crusade against America’s enemies, which of course, means all Muslims, which are all te’rusts and heathens, so too anyone who claims otherwise …

Former Air Force Judge Advocate General Mikey Weinstein believes there is a Fundamentalist Christian tsunami sweeping through the US military.  He is the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, an organisation set up to offer support for victims of fundamentalist Christians within the military, seeking to defend against their influence in the Federal Courts and the news media. According to Weinstein, there are four main types of fundamentalist Christians currently making a bad situation much worse:

“The first is virulent anti-Semitism and virulent Islamaphobia. Then you’ve got virulent misogyny, the belief that women should be consigned to preparing food, selecting food, serving food, cleaning up after a meals, spreading their legs, getting pregnant. That’s pretty much it. Then there’s this virulent homophobia. And then, last is a great desire to subordinate what they view as flawed man’s law to this pristine, weaponized gospel of Jesus Christ that they propagate.” [6]

The West’s Middle Eastern Gladio creation that is ISIS has served to stimulate the resurgence of fundamentalism still further. One such example from many jumping on the New Crusade came from U.S. Air Force Colonel Mark H. Slocum, the Commander of Seymour Johnson AFB’s 4th Fighter Wing, who, according to Weinstein, was: “… busy marshaling his officers, enlisted troops and AF civilians stationed at the North Carolina F-15 fighter base to fight the good fight … against ISIS, under the banner of his “Lord’s” heaven.” Soldiers were either none too pleased or whipped up into a bloodlust to rival ISIS itself. If you care to visit Weinstein website you will find many other examples.

In the same vain you have influential individuals like Former Lt. General Boykin who shouldn’t be let anywhere near a blunt object let alone a whole army. A passionate advocate of Dominionism, he advocated a “weaponised gospel of Jesus Christ” with a decidedly aggressive form of attack to be levelled against the non-Christian world with the Second Coming of Jesus delivering the seal of approval for such blood-letting. Such thinking is essentially a form of religious fascism and its taking the Us military by storm.


Christian Dominionist and former Lt. General Boykin: Dominionist General Preaches: “Weaponized Gospel of Jesus Christ”  A classic Double High or just your garden variety Religious Authoritarian? (wikipedia, public domain)

James D. Parco PhD. writing for Center for Inquiry (CFI) Office of Public Inquiry Washington D.C., wrote a 2013 paper titled:  ‘For God and Country’ introducing some disturbing conclusions regarding the Christian Evangelisation of the U.S. military.

These key findings included:

  • Institutional support for fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity in the military has spread and entrenched since September 11, 2001, beginning in haste during the Bush administration and remaining unchallenged by the Obama administration.

  • Many of the military’s civilian overseers, along with many in the military’s commissioned leadership—to include flag officers, speaking on duty and in uniform—have repeatedly couched the American military’s civic and global role, and American military operations themselves, in the language of Christian religious crusades.

  • Through explicit leadership messaging, senior officers have created cultures and atmospheres of religious sectarianism in their commands and institutions, including the various service academies, even instructing subordinates to partake in actions for the express purpose of Christian evangelizing and proselytizing.

  • Officers who raise concerns about fundamentalist Christian proselytizing … when not ignored completely—have facedreassignment and other punitive actions.

  • Air Force training programs for Nuclear Missile Launch Officers featured Christian ethical justifications for the use of nuclear weapons and quotes from historical figures lauding morality guided specifically by the Bible.

  • To gauge the mental health of Soldiers, the U.S. Army developed and has relied upon a “Spiritual Fitness” evaluation system that leans heavily on theistic religious concepts, and marks as “spiritually” deficient any non-religious or religiously unorthodox Soldier who answers honestly.

  • Fundamentalist evangelical Christian organizations are given preferential access to numerous military installations, including the Pentagon and the various service academies, and have had their activities sanctioned and even promoted—in uniform and on duty—by religiously aligned military leadership.

  • Fundamentalist evangelical Christian organizations have attempted to use the deployed U.S. military as international missionaries, providing units in Afghanistan with Bibles printed in the native Pashto and Dari languages, the distribution of which is in direct violation of standing general orders.

If that doesn’t send chills down the spine I don’t know what would.  In the next post we will dig a little deeper behind the attraction to so many to Fundamentalism and why it has risen to the top of the present American brand of ponerology.



[1] World Religious Adherents data 2005, http://www.wikipedia.com
[2] p.328; Faith, Religion & Theology: A Contemporary Introduction By Brennan Hill, Paul F. Knitter, William Madges. Published by Twenty-Third Publications, 1997. “Catholic fundamentalists, like Protestant fundamentalists, stress the need for an absolute external authority to guid the thinking and decision making of the individual. They do so because of the sinfulness of the human person. Left to his or her own devices, the individual, they feel, will generally make bad judgements. Consequently, individual freedom must be directed by the right authority. In the case of Catholic fundamentlaism, this means literal adherance fully to past tradition, or who have difficulty assenting to every official statement of the hierarchial magisterium, are judged harshly. Such sinners, say fundamentalists, are condemned by God.”
[3] “The Great Tribulation (Greek: θλιψις μεγαλη, thlipsis megalē) refers to tumultuous events that are described during the ‘signs of the times’, first mentioned by Jesus in the Olivet discourse. The Great Tribulation is also referenced in the Book of Revelation.” (Wikipedia)
[4] For more information on Dominionism and its relationship to Christian Reconstructivism please read the excellent Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right By Sara Diamond. Published by Black Rose Books, 1993 | ISBN-10: 0921689640.

[5] ‘The Dominionism Apostasy: The Despoiling of America by Christianity turned Evil’ By Katherine Yurica, The Yurica Report, 11 Feb 2004.

[6] “The Weaponized Gospel of Jesus Christ”: Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation on fascists in the US military, By Nick Holt, January 18, 2010. |http://www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org/press-releases/2010/tgr_weaponized.html

Religious Authoritarians II: The Dominators

“I’m a fundamentalist in the true sense. That is to say, I follow the fundamentals of religion … But for over 1,400 years people have been interpreting and re-interpreting the religion to suit their own purpose! … These [extremist and terrorist acts] are not Islamic fundamentals any more than the Christians who burned people at the stake are fundamentalist. They are actually deviating from the teachings of the religion.”

― Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia 1981 – 2003

At this stage you will not be surprised to learn that religious fundamentalists of various denominations sink into authoritarianism like one would a hot bath.

Fundamentalism arose out of 19th century protestant evangelism in the United Kingdom and the United States. It militantly supports the literal interpretation of the Bible as “the Word of God” – thanks in part to the presence of Billy Graham in the 1960s – seeks to evangelise or “spread the word” to as many folks as possible in order to save their souls from hell-fire. Belief in the “End times” and the Second Coming of Christ is also very much part of the vision through which, due to their adherence to Bible rules, they will achieve salvation and be saved, looking on and nodding sagely as the rest of us slowly turn on the devil’s spit for all eternity. Which is why they true believers often see the protection of the environment, human rights issues and anything remotely humane as an irritating irrelevance when they believe the end of the world is nigh. What is much more worrying is the fact that many fundamentalists see a big chunk of their Christian duty is facilitate this apocalyptic conflagration as best they can. This of course, means that the Second Coming of Christ will arrive and therefore their promised salvation.

That is analogous to camping outside a high street store all night in order to get the best sale items and when the doors open they will drop kick babies and trample over their own grandmothers to obtain what they consider to be their spiritual goodies.  The glaring irony that these beliefs are the antithesis of Christian values doesn’t seem to occur to them because unfortunately for them – and it appears, everyone else – authoritarian followers tend to lack even a modicum of self-awareness and perspicacity which makes them easy prey for any spellbinding psychopath on a mission from “heaven.”

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Presently, Christian fundamentalists permeate both the US Congress and the US military rising in numbers annually. In America, the religious right was largely responsible for supporting the likes of George W. Bush and his apparent Christian crusade and all that followed. [1] They are also to be found supporting such luminaries of compassion and sound judgement as Sarah Palin, the late Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist; (investigated for corruption) Senate Minority Whip Mitch McConnell; Senate Republican and presidential candidate Rick Santorum; former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and not forgetting former US House of Representatives member and former House Majority leader Tom DeLay before he was removed on money laundering charges and subsequently sentenced to three years in jail.

Nothing describes quite as well the spiritual and social exploitation at which the fundamentalist mind-set seems to excel and has turned the freedom and liberty of the US into the “American Psycho” we are familiar with today. According to Bob Altemeyer’s survey results based on key questions, fundamentalists and evangelicals are essentially cut from the same rag: “… most evangelicals are fundamentalists according to our measure, and most Christian fundamentalists are evangelicals. Whether you are talking about Evangelicals or talking about Christian Fundamentalists, you are largely talking about the same people.” [2]  And the highest scores on the authoritarian scale repeatedly come from Conservative, Protestant, Christian Fundamentalists.

Indeed, everything mentioned about Right-Wing authoritarian personalities can be applied to Christian Fundamentalists.

Fundamentalism first or authoritarianism?

Chicken and Egg?

Altemeyer explains:

The evidence indicates authoritarianism is more basic. The RWA scale correlates better than the Religious Fundamentalism scale does with acceptance of government injustices, hostility toward homosexuals, willingness to persecute whomever the government targets, and most other things. …. So the problem’s not so much that some people are fundamentalists, but that fundamentalists so definitely tend to be authoritarian followers. But as I just said, religious fundamentalism does promote authoritarianism in some ways. And you can certainly see the influence of right-wing authoritarianism in many things that religious fundamentalists do. [3]

In Altemeyer’s surveys and scales Christian Fundies show what amounts to religious brain-washing when young and a constant religious presence in their lives. By emphasising this affiliation and distinction in religious terms:

“… you instantly create the category of people who are not that, who are different. You’re laying down an in-group versus out-group distinction. Even if you never say a nasty word about other religions, the enormous human tendency to think in ethnocentric terms will create a preference for ‘people like me.’” This plants the seeds of prejudice and bigotry with the fundies employing self-righteous indignation when called on it. However, “…fundamentalists still hold more racial prejudices than most people – a fact known to social scientists for over fifty years.” [4]

Interestingly, the professor also found a high sprinkling of authoritarian types attracted to feminism which should come as no surprise after our brief foray into that realm and the high incidence of narcissism within the movement itself.  The instances of authoritarianism was still far lower than religiously inclined RWAs however, who regularly and persistently trounce all other authoritarianism categories for sheer aggression, zealotry and dogmatism. [5]


The Disgraced (but God-fearing) Tom DeLay who was brought up on corruption charges whilst an avowed authoritarian Christian

As with the basic authoritarian mind, fundies are not noted for their intellectual prowess.

Altemeyer’s research confirms the findings from Mark Noll, an evangelical history professor at Wheaton College, who wrote The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, where he states in a somewhat exasperated tone: “In the United States … it is simply impossible to be, with integrity, both evangelical and intellectual.” And further: “Modern American evangelicals have failed notably in sustaining serious intellectual life.” [6] This is best represented by the refusal to question belief and the rejection of evolution – despite its fundamental flaws – in favour of creationism or “intelligent design” with periodically successful attempts to place the teaching and Bible dogma in the school curricula in America. This equates to “selective ignorance” and is always present when spending vast amounts of energy shoring up fear-based beliefs and the accompanying inability to think critically about anything.

When the mind is compartmentalised is very difficult to follow open-minded and creative discussions because for the RWA fundamentalist, everything must be obsessively scanned for psychological “malware” and suitably virus-checked for information that doesn’t conform to the already prescribed categories that rigidly define his mind. As Altemeyer observes: “They’re not really interested in coming to grips with what’s actually in the Bible so much as mounting a defence of what they want to believe about the Bible – come Hell or Noah’s high water.” [7]

Many fundies haven’t even read the good book like many of us heathens:

“Since fundamentalists insist the Bible is the revealed word of God and without error, you would think they’d have read it. But you’d often be wrong. I gave a listing of the sixty-six books in the King James Bible to a large sample of parents and asked them, ‘How many of these have you read, from beginning to end? (Example, if you have read parts of the Book of Genesis, but not all of it that does not count.) Nineteen per cent of the Christian High fundamentalists said they had never read any of the books from beginning to end …” [8]

Considering their wish to be seen as following God and Jesus while feeling obliged to expend enormous amount of time and energy proselytizing (its larger reflection present in the 21st century crusades gripping much of the Middle East) it is more than disturbing that even the Bible itself becomes irrelevant to the maintenance of belief.

To compensate for what might be misconstrued by the rest of us as abject hypocrisy, double standards and aggressive, vindictive behaviour, a flicker of guilt may surface in moments of weakness and it is this that constitutes a conscience for an RWA fundie. This would be put down to Satan’s influence (which is anything that sits outside the demarcation line of Fundamentalist belief) and suitably purged from awareness by asking God for forgiveness. This is drawn from the related get-out clause of the Roman Catholic ritual of having your sins absolved by the local priest and confession box, always on hand with three “Hail Mary’s” to relinquish all and every responsibility for your actions.

The late Jerry Falwell

The late TV Evangelist Jerry Falwell not one to mince his words in condemning virtually anyone who isn’t like him.

Yet while doing their level best to make the rest of us miserable, fundamentalists claim exquisite joy and contentment from having a “personal relationship” with God and his only son Jesus as their saviour who bestows an exclusive love upon them as a result of their diligent efforts to keep Satan at bay. Provided they continue to do so, they will be offered a place in heaven brimming over with eternal happiness. Which begs the question why it is that their own children leave this particular belief system in droves?

Perhaps because the only thing that Fundamentalism ultimately creates is chaos under cover of short-term gain.

Fundamentalist thinking is both ontologically and epistemologically absolutist and therefore bereft of any real imagination. An inability to be creative and open to other alternative modalities is a defining quality. Openness, curiosity and a non-judgmental attitude about life are components of creativity. The act of imagination must also relate to empathy and tolerance, neither of which authoritarian fundamentalists possess in any great measure. Those who embrace narcissistic and psychopathological attributes for domination naturally repulse those who do not. The latter demographic often suffers a breakdown due to their core nature being forced to embody what is essentially alien behaviour and against the individual’s conscience. What started off as an escape from trauma and life’s hardships rapidly becomes crystallized into negative traits seen as not only normal but superior.

Finally, from authoritarian followers, (High and Low types) and authoritarian Fundamentalists, we come to “social dominators”. These are the individuals who repeatedly attain high scores on all of the authoritarian scales with a clear penchant for power. Reading through Altemeyer’s research data it is clear that at minimum, he is talking about pathological narcissists reaching up toward psychopathy..

Social dominators (SDs) are inclined to be:


Media mogul and Evangelist Pat Robertson whose Christian values regularly include pouring scorn on all and everyone who thinks differently to him (and God).

…. intimidating, ruthless, and vengeful. They scorn such noble acts as helping others, and being kind, charitable, and forgiving. Instead they would rather be feared than loved, and be viewed as mean, pitiless, and vengeful. They love power, including the power to hurt in their drive to the top. Authoritarian followers do not feel this way because they seldom have such a drive to start with. But social dominators do not. Oh sure, they want their followers to be super loyal to the group they lead. But they themselves are not really in it so much for the group or its cause, but more for themselves. It’s all about them, not about a higher purpose. If trouble arises, don’t be surprised if they start playing “Every man for himself” and even sell out the group to save their own skin. [9]

Social dominators are your average wannabe-dictators in waiting. Unlike authoritarian fundies for whom empathy is residual at best, the social dominator’s empathy levels are non-existent, where manipulation, deceit, prejudice, hostility, one-upmanship and the “thrill of the chase” are all normal modes of behaviour. They revel in the law of the jungle and enthusiastically embrace it. Anything goes with the SD if it gets them to where they want to be, which is usually in positions of power. Indeed, for the SD – power is the overriding goal.

The real fireworks start when authoritarian followers, leaders, social dominators and what Altemeyer calls “Double Highs” (DHs) – a combination of high authoritarian personality types and social dominator psychological traits – meet for a barn-dance and begin to formulate plans for a New World Order of their own. These are broad personality types which typically make up the ponerological categories of “humanoids” such as narcissists (and its sub-variants) psychopaths (asthenic, skirtoidal) and characteropaths.

Many variants exist between low-scoring RWA, high-scoring RWA and SD types. For example, the professor found that: “persons who scored highly on the social dominance test were seldom High RWAs, and High RWAs were almost never social dominators.” DHs accrue the high scores for prejudice and domination from the SD and high RWAs and plummet to new depths. As the tests investigated both scales of submissive and dominating tendencies regarding authority one may question how could the DHs score highly on both?

The professor accounts for this seeming contradiction in this way:

Simply put, they are “religious” social dominators. They usually had much more religious upbringings than social dominators typically had, or they may have “got religion” as adults. As a group their fervor does not quite reach the levels found among ordinary right-wing authoritarians. But they go to church much more than most people in my samples do. Ditto for being religious fundamentalists. Ditto for being religiously ethnocentric. They thus respond to the religious content on the RWA scale, which ordinary social dominators do not, and that helps make them Double Highs. But how are they going to answer the Exploitive-MAD scale? It would seem difficult for a religious person who goes to church fairly regularly to rack up a high score on this measure, wouldn’t it? Indeed, ordinary high RWAs score rather low on this test. But not the Double Highs, who score way way up there when it comes to exploitation, manipulation, and so on. […]  They’ve usually combined the worst aspects of being a social dominator with the worst aspects of being a high RWA. Thus we saw that when it comes to prejudice, they pack an extra load of hostility toward their many targets. And they’re just as power hungry as the rest of the social dominators are, rather than being uninterested in personal power as ordinary RWAs are. But when they land in between ordinary dominators and ordinary high RWAs, they usually land closer to the worse outcome. [10]

What Bob Altemeyer found towards the conclusion of his studies is that the DH’s during George Bush’s reign scored highly in the US legislator of the 1990s. The statistical probability and consequent actions have since confirmed that DHs, using an authoritarian religious platform, have taken over not only the legislator, but the Republican party, the US military. and to a lesser extent the Democrats.

In what he calls the “Global Change Game” where students were set geo-political problems to solve, unmitigated nuclear disaster was the inevitable result when DHs were given the reins of power. What this means in the real world is that an American theocracy is in danger of becoming a reality a scenario that these simulations predicted with alarming accuracy based on detailed psychological tests over thirty years. What is more, the professor found that overtly “Nazi” sentiments, while laughed at in the 1990s by most people, are embraced by authoritarian personalities, though under cover of more modern ideological labels and rationalisations.

“The End justifies the means” is the maxim that becomes more and more applicable to today’s International politics dominated by the authoritarian-religious mind-set. If Altemeyer is right when he concludes that: “… the vast majority of us have had practically no training in our lifetimes in openly defying authority,” [11] it merely confirms Andrew Lobaczewski’s studies and explains why so many of us are continually duped by psychopaths in power.

It paints a bleak picture when covert or overt authoritarianism begins to increasingly interfere in our lives, not for reasons of belief, but at its primal core, for reasons of psychological domination by a minority. That is the hardest one to swallow for most people, yet it remains the most viable conclusion. As the great anarchist pioneer Peter Kropotkin stated quite simply: “Where there is authority, there is no freedom.” Mix that with religion and allow it to simmer and you have a recipe for doors wide open for immovable totalitarianism, as much of history has shown us.

Authoritarianism is the channel by which a gradual decay to take place on the inside of institutions and governments while the outside appears structurally sound, where original values and ethics appear to operate. It is the personality framework by which a slow but sure process of ponerogenesis can be allowed to come to fruition. Keeping in mind the propensity for authoritarian followers’ submission to leaders, whatever their pathological make-up, as well as the blindness to social dominators’ preference for amoral activities, what does this mean for the inner workings of the American government and its federal agencies? How is this religious fundamentalism reflected in foreign policy?

We’ll try to answer that question in the next post.



[1] ‘Fundamentalist bigotry reigns at US Air Force Academy’ By Patrick Martin, World Socialist Website http://www.wsws.org, 30 April 2005.
[2] Ibid. (p.76)
[3] Ibid. (p.34)
[4] op. cit. Altemeyer (p.111)
[5] Ibid. (p.112)
[6] The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by Mark A. Knoll, Published by B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., pages ix, 3.1994.Ibid.
[7] op. cit. Altemeyer (p.112)
[8] op. cit. Altemeyer (p.136)
[9] Ibid.   (pp.165-166)
[10] Ibid. (p.161)
[11] Ibid. (pp.179-180)