Old Testament

Occult Zionism VII: Hexagrams and Comets

 “The Israeli national talisman is the hexagram which is called the Magen or “Star of David” and is supposed to be the ancient symbol of Israel. However, such an occult symbol is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. It was ‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia and formally adopted as ‘the Star of David’ in 1898 at the Second Zionist Congress in Switzerland.”

Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered

Star_of_DavidThe Star of David; David’s Shield or Magen Dawld

If you have have read through much of this series, you might see a certain divergence occurring within Saturn Worship toward cults of Sun/fire and moon worship. In fact, by the time the Silver Age had ended and the Bronze Age of man had begun, history had delineated a clear distinction between fire worship and other residues of Saturn Worship. Sun Cults and Saturn cults had begun to form, each descending further and further into their negative associations. Thus it could be said that early Christianity emerged from the Egyptian myths of the Fire/Sun cults whilst Islam and Judaism had their roots in Saturn, moon rituals. Each were birthed from the same Star-God which gradually diverged over the centuries. The Egyptian Sun cult was the basis for Christianity, with the Jesus myth as “saviour” and “the light of the world”; cyclic rebirth dominating and battling the “Satan” of Saturnine cults. One can see clear freemasonic, Establishment distinctions of a ruling “priesthood” derived from the super-ancient origins of Saturn as our original brown dwarf star-sun.

Whether it is the Roman Sun god of Apollo, the 18th Century fire worship of the Illuminists or the Arabian followers of Saturnine Ishtar and Israelite cult of Baal or the Elohim, all of these descendants are now fully “satanic” in the sense that the Light was Luciferian – a “Black Sun” which became contoured toward the worship of darkness as an end in itself. Their New World International Order was one of a ruling EL-ite warring amongst themselves yet moving collectively toward what they denote as the next New Age of Man – the Synthetic Age (or “Synthesis”) and their return as the original overshadowing “gods.” Which is why we have such a seemingly bizarre sharing of cultural iconography in the two religio-occult affiliations within the 3EM and the fractal replications on the sun/moon theme. It doesn’t matter if it is the Western Hermetic tradition or the Hassidic cult of Chabad Lubavitch, each seeks to enforce the same totalitarian doctrines upon humanity and their respective inversions of a cosmic spirituality, way beyond the mixtus orbis of duality.

And one particular icon has remained a shared focus of power throughout.

The Star of David (or David’s Shield) is more accurately a hexagram. Dispensing with the mythology of King David, it is unquestionably an extremely ancient symbol dating back many thousands of years. If we keep in mind the Four Ages of Man and the probability that a global culture distributed cultural icons between different peoples – hence the similarity of cultural disjecta membra – it means the hexagram represented something common to all, with Saturn/Moon worship and the accoutrements of magical inversion arriving later. It has been present in most cultures as far back as 3,000 B.C. including the Sumerian tablets and as a template design of Stone Henge, thus it was never a uniquely Jewish symbol.

0001The hexagram-hexagon star symbolism occurs throughout Vedic literature and is known as Shaktona. In the Hindu religion it plays a vital part in their iconography of the gods being found right across the Near and Far East; the Indian and African continents. It is also a common symbol in Buddhism, Islam, Jainsim, Japanese Shintoism and the Chinese “Book of Changes” or Yi Ching. It can be seen in European and North American Churches, Christian iconography and the Catholic Church, as well as the Great Seal on the US dollar bill. The symbolism of the star even crops up in the brewery tradition!


“The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.” (wikipedia, public domain)

The hexagram star has a very long history indeed but its association with Israel amounts to a clever mix of public relations and a tradition of ritual invocation. During the Second World War Jews were made to where the yellow star as a badge of death. When the war ended it became a symbol of Jewish resurrection and life. Yet, the Nazi use of the symbol – whilst abhorrent – was more accurate because of its ancient association to Saturn worship and death which was both the end desire of the Nazis and a pointed link to the tribe as a chosen people of Saturn rather than of G-d.

The question is, do most Jewish people realise the source of their emblem?

The magick associated with the six-pointed star and its hexagram were constantly found in talismans and amulets, largely for protection a key feature of the Talmud’s Jewish hijacking of the Medieval Arabic Cabala into the popular usage of the Kabbalah. The design appears in much of the Medieval Arabian traditions and was known as “Solomon’s Seal” which was mostly engraved on drinking cups and serving dishes. Jewish occultists saw the opportunity for another industry to form and began selling the seal as a from of magickal protection. King Solomon was likely another propaganda creation but the character’s mythology of occult nastiness provided centuries of inspiration for the Kabbalah and Western Hermeticism in general.

Nevertheless, despite King Solomon as the alleged builder of the first Temple in Jerusalem, King of Israel and a black magick practitioner (an interesting red flag in itself) the Talmud lauds Solomon as one of the 48 prophets, as does the Koran. Although mentioned in the Talmud and Midrash, Medieval Jewish mysticism incorporated the idea of Solomon’s magic rings into Kabbalah merchandizing ensuring the mythos of Solomon – and the concentration of magick that surrounded him – would reign supreme.

Solomon’s rings bestowed all kinds of occult feats of magical daring-do, giving further protective power to the Jewish tribe in the face of intermittent persecution and by extension, conferring the same powers onto those who bought the sales pitch. When set in a circle the six pointed star and hexagram is thought to act as a primary tool for the invocation of elementals and demonic entities. After all, in common magical parlance we: “… cast a spell on someone” or more accurately, “place a hex” upon them, the latter word derives from the divinatory “hexagram.” It is thus found in every kind of esotericism, white / black magick and New Age philosophy from Wicca to Raelianism; Theosophy to Martinism and of course, the Jewish Kabbalah.

German-born Israeli philosopher and historian Professor Gershom Scholem who wrote about these “amulets and protective charms” within Judaism were: “… found side by side with the invocation of demons, incantations…and even sexual magic and necromancy…”. The professor further states that these demons and devils were apparently under the rule of the Talmud and submitted to the Torah and thus: “… there were also good-natured devils who are prepared to help and do favors to men. This is supposed to be particularly true of those demons ruled by Ashmedai (Asmodeus) who accept the Torah and are considered ‘Jewish demons.’ Their existence is mentioned by the Hasidei Ashkenaz as well as in the Zohar.” [1]

sattalThe pentacle (left) The six-pointed star (right) (wikipedia) Notice the bull of Taurus-baal in the centre surrounded by planetary glyphs.

It is from the depictions of the seal of Solomon upon which the hexagram or “Star of David”, was eventually modelled to become the the symbol of Judaism in the modern period and placed on the flag of Israel. It was precisely because of its Medieval use and symbol of magick and its Saturnine origins that it was chosen as the emblem. In 1354, King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David’s shield and Solomon’s seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars.  Thus Israel’s magick and Saturn worship became synonymous with the State of Israel. [2]

Saturn’s star has never been an exclusively Jewish symbol. No Jewish authority knows exactly when and where Jews chose to make the six-pointed star or hexagram their own, although the 14th century was one of the first references  Although Jews were happy to stick with the 7 candles of the Menorah as their emblem, and which could be said to be the true symbol of Judaism, “modern” references cite the formal blessing of the star as “‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia.” (See quote above) Yet, the  the six-sided hexagram really took off as the Jewish emblem care of the Talmud and Lurianic Kabbalah in 17th Century Germany, kicking off the long tradition of German-Jewish freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. According to a variety of sources, it was the Viennese Jesuits at the behest of freemason German Emperor Ferdinand III who offered the hexagram as a mark of honour for the Jews of Prague for their assistance in the Thirty Years War.

Despite strong opposition to the hexagram star from many Rabbis due to is obvious pagan roots, the symbol spread within the Jewish communities most notably with the rise of the ambitious and Talmudic follower Mayer Amschel Bauer. He pointedly advertised his allegiance to Ashkenazi Jews and occult Zionism by changing his family name to “Rothschild” (‘Red Shield’) and incorporating the star of David hexagram into his family coat of arms. As he started up his financial brokering business in Frankfurt, it is said that the red shield emblazoned with the hexagram hung over the door. (This was not unnatural since the hexagram was hung outside synagogues and during Jewish festivals not long after its introduction – See House of Rothschild). Heavily funded by the Rothschilds, by 1897 the six-pointed star had become the insignia of Zionism; the iconic emblem of Israel and the international symbol of Jewish people everywhere.


Sefer_raziel_segulotSample page of Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, a medieval work of Jewish mysticism (wikpedia, public domain)

The hexagram contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. Rather than a microchip or bar-code so often attributed to the Mark of the Beast, perhaps it is the six-pointed star of a hexagram that is the culprit considering its dark history? It is rather alarming with all that we know up to this point about the authoritarianism of basic Judaism, the dark occult roots of the Talmud, and the input of Ashkenazi-Khazar Jews, we then discover that the Biblical warnings of the number of the beast (666) can be seen as the current Hexagram flying defiantly or brazenly on the Israeli flag. This is further evidence that Israel and the Jewish people have been led astray by a Kabbalistic magickal working overlaid onto the original Saturn King.

Keep in mind that we also have Cassiel for whom the Gnostics called “an angel of matter”, who appropriated the melancholy and darkness of the Saturn star. He is of particular importance within the Kabbalah, being one of the seven archangels of Sephiroth acting as intermediaries between “God” and physical life. Cassiel controls the moon, karma, time and presides over the death of Kings. The angel rules over the ancient Hebrew, ‘Shabbathai’ (Saturn) and Satur-day’s “Holy Sabbath.” Magic spells using his name are cast to create destruction, to scatter crowds, to cause a person to wander aimlessly, or to fall from a position of power. [3]

The archangel Azrael or more accurately “Azriel”, is often identified with the Archangel of Death in Hebrew, Sikhism lore, as well as Islam. The Qur’an never uses this name, rather referring to Malak al-Maut (which translates directly as Angel of Death). Also spelled Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azriel, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel, the Chambers English dictionary uses the spelling Azrael. The name literally means “One Whom God Helps” [4] in an adaptive form of Hebrew.

Azrael = Israel? Is it the shadow of Saturn as death over Israel or its protector? If protection, for what? Divine providence or a collective ritual sacrifice? There are hints that the latter may be the chilling reality.

KaphtzielQafsiel amulet from the 15th century (wikipedia)

Chapter 8 of the Book of Enoch (of John Dee’s Enochian Magick fame) assigns certain teachings to specific fallen angels:

“And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. … And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, , and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven …” [5]

But we are straying off the path somewhat a much more important facet of the six-pointed star and its origins needs to be told.



Saturn’s north polar vortex seen in (infrared) (animation) (wikipedia) Notice the obvious shape of a hexagram and an “All-Seeing-Eye” of Horus in the centre …

There are increasing numbers of academics in the last few decades who have been building on Immanuel Velikosvkys’ work of cyclic catastrophe, along with the importance of cometary swarms and the validity of an “Electric Universe”. Bill Napier, Victor Clube, Jim McCannery, Laura Knight-Jadczyk have all posited the idea that the role of the planets, Gods and certain Biblical narratives were scattered mythologising of pre-history cataclysmic earth changes heralded by electrically-charged comets. Put another way, star images were originally used to represent comets, and the names of planets were assigned to these fiery harbingers of change and later transferred back to planets, including people and events which formed our dominant myths.

And myths of course, can be used politically.


What is even more extraordinary is that we now have visual confirmation of such a relationship. On October 29th 2006 the infrared mapping spectrometer on NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured a clear six-sided hexagram (and thus the six pointed star) encircling the north pole of Saturn at around 78 degrees north latitude. Although discovered by NASA’s Voyager excursions in the early 1980’s, these photos, as NASA states that: “…that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn.” [6] | Saturn – North polar hexagon and vortex as well as rings (2 April 2014) (Wikipedia)

Similarly, it is clear that human sacrifice was undoubtedly associated with Saturn and its offshoots as it moved further away from the original custodial teachings. The root source of the names of the Babylonian ‘gods’ may have originally been names of comets/comet fragments. These meteors and comet swarms heralded catastrophic change which then became seared into the consciousness of the population of the time. These messenger comets were assigned certain “divine” names in accordance with the qualities and the effects of their arrival. Saturn is thus seen as a giant progenitor comet who burned a powerful presence into the psyche of humanity of the Age, to become a star-God with assigned psycho-spiritual attributes, most notably its massive size and brilliance which prompted ancient man to describe it as a second sun.

There are other possibilities in different cultures such as the presence of solar eclipses. For instance, in Mesoamerican mythology there is a “Black Sun” symbolised by the god Quetzalcoatl or the Plumed Serpent and his relationship to the Underworld. For the Aztecs there were indeed two suns: the young Day Sun and the ancient Dark Sun, the latter of which came about from the passage of total eclipses symbolised by the rebirth archetype of a butterfly.

Historian and metaphysician Laura Knight-Jadczyk explains the nature of ancient images, motif and myth which has given rise to “‘torches’, ‘bearded stars’ and ‘smoking stars’, ‘long-haired stars’ or ‘a great star scattering its flame in fire’, and … representations of Venus as a flaming serpent or dragon in the sky…” [7] How confusing it all becomes when planets are associated with these descriptions. Could it be that changes related to the Saturn brown dwarf sun, were deeply connected to the arrival of comets?

She offers the following table to make sense of the chronology and attributions:


Babylonian Divine name (very old, cannot be precisely dated)

Babylonian scientific name and late association with planets

Divine names used at the time of Plato, c. 430 BCE

Scientific names used in Greece after 200 BCE

Names of Roman gods attached to planets after 100 BCE



Star of Chronos





Star of Zeus





Star of Ares





Star of Aphrodite





Star of Hermes



From Comets and the Horns of Moses By Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Kindle Edition – 2013) ref: paragraph: 2.514

Knight-Jadczyk draws our attention to the time of Plato where ‘Star of____’ was still being used and representative of the: “…brilliant nature of the comets that had evoked these names. But by 200 BCE, the term ‘Star of’ had been dropped, and by 100 BCE, probably no one even remembered that the names had once belonged to comets.” [8]

She also presents some fascinating research on interpretations of the Saturn-King star-Comet as adopting various roles through time including Jerusalem temple worship of Salim, or the ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’ and Saturn as Ningirsu or Ninurta as protector of the Babylonian city of Lagas. Similar to Moses’ parting of the seas and consistent with tsunamis and floods after commentary bombardment: “… the cometary Saturn as Ninurta/Ningursu was hailed as ‘he who restrains the raging water’ and was credited with having ended the flood by ‘building a wall of stones.’” The pattern of catastrophe, and the consequent reconstruction and re-location becomes: “… conflated with the gods who had originally been the cause of the destruction.” [9]


Comet 17P/Holmes with blue Ionised Tail 2007| Image from Ivan Eder

Insipired by the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy, Knight-Jadcyzk goes on to describe the mythology of comets and Gods in great detail from Sumerian Ninurta epic to Phoenician legends. What is more interesting in the context of Saturn and comets is the “… well-known tendency of Greek writers to depict the ancient gods as human beings to whom divine honors were accorded after their death. A similar tendency is traceable in the Bible. …” [10] As time marches on, the mythological legends in popular culture transforms past deities into human beings thereby incorporating them into their national folklore.  This tendency is a repetition of how the “Star of Kronos” is transformed into the planet Saturn, not least the descent into child sacrifice which appears to be a consistent presence. It was not simply as a form of idolatrous worship and the wish for a better harvest and community cohesion for instance, it was largely based on a deep generational legacy of fear in the face of massive earth changes as a result of later cometary impact and cataclysm.

Quoting Lewy:

If, in consequence of a war, pestilence, or other public calamity, Saturn’s congregation was threatened with catastrophe, it was customary that the ruler of the respective community sacrificed his most beloved child to that planet. This custom, in turn, is explained by the legend that Saturn himself sacrificed his son on an altar when pestilence threatened his congregation. In fact, child-sacrifices appear to have been so typical a trait of the cult of the planet Saturn that still in the Middle Ages this star was known as the “children-devouring planet”. [11]

Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s Secret History of the World (Volume I) reiterates the likelihood that the original god of the peoples of Palestine and early Hebrews was a Saturn-God who demanded human sacrifice. She notes the similarities between the story of Jepthah’s daughter as a variation of the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham discussed previously and almost identical to a Vedic story of Manu.

She explains further that:

These acts were based on what was called sraddha, which is related to the words fides, credo, ‘faith’, ‘believe’ and so on. The word sraddha was, according to Dumezil and Levi, too hastily understood as ‘faith’ in the Christian sense. Correctly understood, it means something like the trust a workman has in his tools and techniques as acts of magic! It is, therefore, part of a ‘covenant’, wherein the sacrificer knows how to perform a prescribed sacrifice correctly, and who also knows that if he performs the sacrifice correctly, it must produce its effect. In short, it is an act that is designed to gain control over the forces of life that reside in the god with whom one has made the covenant. Such gods as make covenants have a tendency to get out of control if the sacrifices are not performed correctly, which can certainly describe our ‘comet gods’.

Mediaeval Arabic sources include legendary memories of the pre-Islamic Arabian religions, as practiced in the Near East before the Turks extinguished the last remnants of the ancient Semitic religions. Ad-Dimisqui … devotes a full chapter of his Cosmography to this star – or comet, as we should say – worship. He notes that a temple of Saturn ‘was built in the form of a hexagon, black [was] the color of the stone work and the curtains’. In the cuneiform sources, Saturn is known as the ‘black’ or ‘dark’ star. Al-Masudi suggests that, in the opinion of the worshippers of the stars, the Kaaba at Mecca used to be a shrine of Saturn, referring to the presence of the sacred black stone within the sanctuary. The name of the stone-idol was Hagar al-aswad. It appears that the Black Stone was worshipped in the Kaaba in pre-Mohammedan times. It was called Hubal then, a name that has the meaning of ‘He who violently deprives the mother of her children’.

There is a well-known legend about Mohammed’s grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, who was reported to have vowed to sacrifice one of his sons to Hubal if he would be blessed with ten sons. … In short, the god worshipped in the Kaaba accepted or even demanded, child sacrifice and such sacrifices were a trait of the worship of Saturn; thus, the Kaaba is also a sanctuary of Saturn. [12] [Emphasis mine]

ark3The cube within the Star-Hexagram| © infrakshun


A leather bound cube called “Tefillin” in Aramaic (“Totafot” in Hebrew) and sourced from the Jewish Ashkenazi tradition. The cube contains scrolls of verses from the Torah. | Deuteronomy 11:13-21 Ve-haya Im Shamoa states: “God’s assurance of reward for observance of the Torah’s precepts and warning of retribution for disobedience. […] tie them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be “totafot” between your eyes.” 

And on the other hand, we have Islam’s most esteemed religious structure, the black cube of the Kaaba set with a black stone. in Mina, Mecca:


The Kaaba in the Masjid el Haram, Mecca, 2010 | Mosquée Masjid el Haram à la Mecque (wikipedia)

“The ‘Kabballah’ of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from Kabba-Allah or “Cube-God” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles.” – Jordan Maxwell

According to Knight-Jadcyzk there are consistent relationships between wells, water (by inference the moon?) with the worship of Saturn which connects to “… the water miracles and words of power of Mithraism and Moses” with a further relationship to the Arabic legends which passed into the occultism of the Seal of Solomon myth.

She explains:

The six-pointed star, or hexagram, was believed by the Arabs to have given Solomon command over the whole Earth and over spirits, good and evil. There is a story in the Arabian Nights about a ghost who, having rebelled against King Solomon, was imprisoned in a bottle. The container was eventually found by a fisherman, and was sealed by a lead plug bearing ‘the seal of our lord, Solomon’. Exactly as Ninurta-Šulmânu confined the hostile spirits of the flood in the shaft of a well which was sealed by a stone, so Solomon by means of the six-pointed star emblem of Saturn, could confine a rebellious spirit to a bottle. Another tale is that the great god, by entrusting to Solomon the ring bearing his emblem, delegated part of his power to the king he had chosen to rule in his name over the inhabited Earth. Interestingly, the name Solomon is a diminutive of Šalmân, ‘little Šalmân’, implying that ‘great Šalmân’ was the god who chose Solomon.

So, just as the image of the god Hubal stood over the well in the Kaaba, connecting the sanctuary with the nether waters, so was Yahweh enthroned above the opening to the nether waters in the temple at Jerusalem. However, before Yahweh had the job of holding back the flood, the Eben Šetîįâ apparently held the position with the weighty sigil … of Saturn inscribed thereon. Both stony gods were wont to receive offerings of sacrificial blood and incense and, apparently, this was still going on in Jerusalem as late as 333 CE, as reported by the Itinerarium Burdigalense, which is the oldest known Christian itinerary that tells of the writer’s journey to the Holy Land. …What is so interesting about it all is the fact that this central element of Israelite worship was considered by the writers of the Old Testament to be objectionable and so it was redacted completely from the Old Testament, even if it was not removed from the customs and beliefs of the people. [13] [Emphasis mine]

As well as celestial bodies, the parallel worship of stones seems to have taken place among the same peoples. Falling meteorites or ‘stars fallen from the air’ was described by the Phoenician Sanchuniathon (also known as Sancuniates) whose lost works have survived via partial paraphrase and summary of a Greek translation by Philo of Byblos, according to the Christian bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. The essence of the Gods were thought to reside within the stones thus giving rise to the idea of scared stones to be worshipped. The Hağar al-aswad, the black stone in the Kaaba in Mecca, is one example of a possible meteorite that was revered in a sanctuary dedicated to the ‘Black Planet’, Saturn.

Therefore, we may suppose that the stone was thought to be a piece of the ‘Black Planet’, a part of the body of the great god, which therefore deserved the same veneration as the great Comet Saturn itself. This connects us back to the issue of the sealing of the nether waters in the well – waters that were undoubtedly released during some cometary cataclysm in the past – and, after the danger had passed, it was thought that one or another of the parts of the body of the god that may have fallen to Earth, could be assumed to be capable of stopping floods or bringing rain or preventing famine, and so on. [14]

Having a “piece of the god in the form of a meteorite” designated an immediate form of veneration without the need of a craven image. Knight-Jadczyk reinforces the clear link between such stone veneration and the presence of wells. It seems that some “holy” stones have been placed at certain locations in or besides wells as an act of mystical allegiance to the god in question but also as a ritual to manage/appease the gods creating these inundations and floods as they wreaked their “vengeance” upon the earth. Once the catastrophe passed the stones and wells lost, these locations were replaced with statues a symbolic reflection of the god in question. In this sense, she believes that in many cases the old religion of Saturn worship hadn’t been broken; the new regime was the old regime only camouflaged. She offers evidence “… that the legends surrounding the temple in Jerusalem and its divine founder are identical to the stories told about other centers of the Saturn cult …” along with a tradition of human sacrifice at the site and therefore Saturn worship. Most intriguingly: “… the temple of Solomon story was originally created to propagate the worship of the comet-god Saturn, and the six-pointed shield of David or Seal of Solomon is, in fact, a representation of their favored deity: Saturn in his comet incarnation and later, in the astral version of the religion connected to the planet then named Saturn, a dark lord indeed.” [15]


The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon’, oil on canvas painting by Edward Poynter, 1890 | Source: Edward PoynterArt Gallery of New South Wales (wikipedia)

Remember that the supposed Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (also known as the First Temple) was/is a large part of Jewish Kabbalah and freemasonic lore and pretty much the same “keep busy” activity to deflect and obfuscate the core truths within esoteric wisdom and Saturn Worship. The Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem, the seat of ritual sacrifice on Temple Mount, was destroyed by after the Siege of Jerusalem of 587 B.C. The Jews then slowly assimilated the mix of ancient comet religions and the astral religions from the ancient Near East. The Sumero-Akkadian-Assyro-Babylonian religion influenced Achaemenid-era Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and together with Egyptian and Greek traditions, in turn, strongly influenced Christianity, Mandeanism and Islam – all sourced from Comet-Gods and the disjecta membra of catastrophism. And it is here perhaps that we may see a turning point in the evolution of tribal Judaism and occult Zionism which may still continue to practice Satan/Saturn worship.

It all started in Babylon after the Jewish King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and when: “… the idea took hold that Yahweh was just a certain part of the body of the cosmic Saturn who had come to represent the whole universe”. [16]   As the Jews assimilated all and every aspect of ancient comet-nature religions into blood sacrifice and Mosaic Law, Yahweh/Jehovah as but one aspect of a Universal God had now come the monotheistic enforcer which had appropriated all the later unsavoury Saturnine influences which have eventually surfaced in the religio-occult and political ideology of Zionists. The Saturn God of pre-history, perhaps a super-ancient comet, was not a universal God of Creativity but the source of earthly totalitarianism, where satanic rituals were performed to invoke power manifesting under a diverse set of mystical accoutrements.

The idea that minor deities are part of the supreme god’s body, and thus executors of his will, implicitly suggests a universal supreme god. It is taken for granted in the Septuagint [The ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament Jewish scriptures] that El Elion, the Most High, assigned different peoples to different gods, and Yahweh was one of the lower deities assigned to the Jews. It was assumed that when a nation gained ascendency over other nations, its national god also assumed rule over the other gods of those people and places. Conversely, it might also be thought that a people wishing to gain control over the whole world might claim that their god is the sole universal god, as the authors of the Septuagint actually did. In their view, since the Jews had conquered Jerusalem in their re-writing of history, their god Yawheh was now conceived of as the supreme deity and other gods were just supposed to carry out his wishes, including the now demoted Šalim. Curiously, this replacement did not deprive Šalim of any of his characteristics; the name of the city was never changed. Extra-biblical evidence shows that such things as the Eben Šetîįâ and the related cycle of legends were still going as late as medieval times and must have featured as well-known ritual in the temple at Jerusalem throughout its existence. In spite of the Jews’ aversion to representations of the deity, they used a stone with the six-pointed star graven into it – the symbol of the Black Comet, Saturn – as an image of their faith. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jews were known as ‘the people of Saturn’ to astrologically-minded people who thought in terms of ‘planetary influences’ on the lives of individuals and peoples; they just didn’t know how accurate the appellation actually was, nor was it exclusive to the Jews. [17] [Emphasis mine]

This brings us back to the beginning and the origins of the six-pointed star or Mâgên Dâwîd. Central to the idea of Saturn/Moon worship, ritual sacrifice and present Establishment designs is the idea of cyclic cosmic catastrophe and the transmogrification of comets and stars into Kings, Stones and certain mythical narratives. These terrifying events burned themselves into the collective consciousness which were then identified in certain symbols such as the star of David, the focus and intention of which can be used for good or for ill. In combination with electro-plasma and electrophonic interactions could be “… perceived by humans as the ‘speech’ of the gods, and a dramatic electrical exchange at that scale would likely produce equally dramatic sound effects, including roaring that might sound like a cosmic bull.” [18] (strange humming and other anomalous sounds have been recorded over the last decade) A slow process of cultural adaption to spellbinding rulers and leaders reinventing these myths into their own religious doctrines saw the slow amalgamation of earthly gods like Baal and Moloch into a Primary God – complete with the same debased rituals and secret orders though covertly integrated, in true ponerological form.


The crescent moon and star pentegram symbol which pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. | © infrakshun

The origins of the hexagram star or “Mâgên Dâwîd” may be the iconic encapsulation of cataclysms heralded by the fiery power of comets. Knight-Jadczyk cites the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy’s comparisons between Judaism and Islam in this context:

In modern times, we find that Muslim mosques are topped by a crescent moon while Jewish synagogues are topped by the six-pointed star that is usually referred to as the Mâgên Dâwîd (Mogen David) or ‘the shield of David’ AKA the ‘Seal of Solomon’. Both stars and the symbol for the Moon are found in Mithraism and other ancient cults. Lewy notes that the same symbol of the Mâgên Dâwîd is found on two Old Assyrian seal impressions on cuneiform tablets now residing in the Louvre. On the first of the tablets, the Mâgên Dâwîd is in front of a god who is carrying in two hands something that looks like a Menora, or seven-branched candlestick. There is no evidence for the practice of the Jewish religion in the Old Assyrian period so we might speculate that both objects represent a comet … and its effects, possibly one with 7 tails or one that broke into seven pieces.

On the second tablet, the Mâgên Dâwîd is placed with the lunar crescent and the solar disc. So, we have a star, a sun, and the Moon which, again, suggests to me that the ‘star’ is a comet since stars, per se, would not ordinarily be presented as equivalent luminaries with the Moon and Sun, nor would planets. There would really have been no reason for the ancient astronomers to have singled out any of the fixed stars that blanket the sky unless there was something truly unusual about its behavior. Even the slow-traveling planets would not have excited much attention. But rapidly traveling comets with a dramatic appearance would definitely have been something that excited both attention and the necessity for recording same. Otherwise, a ‘star’ symbol on a tablet or monument or seal would have been just one of ‘billions and billions’ with nothing in particular to identify it or set it apart. The ancient astronomers were recording things they saw and a star that was as big and bright as the Sun and/or the Moon would be represented in this way. Again, these same elements are present in the Mithraic iconography. [19]

Such specific symbols might not only represent three planets known to the ancients: Jupiter, Mars and Saturn but could have all have been: “… names applied to a single, reappearing comet that rapidly changed form due to disintegration. The same could have originally been true of Mercury and Venus.” [20]All of the mythology appears to point to the cyclic return of comets heralding massive earth changes and molding culture and consciousness with their arrival and departure. Thus much of the Bible lore of the Temple of Solomon and the kingdom of Israel ruled by King David were actually historicized comet legends mixed in with a multitude of other narratives designed to propagandise and control:

One of the clues to this earlier layer of tradition is that Solomon was engaged in the practice of offering sacrifices on ‘high places’, which was the normal practice of celestial religions: the top of a mountain or hill (or Ziggurat) was the place to worship or confer with such gods. Of course, with the understanding that these gods were actually comets and not planets, the ‘worship’ on mountains and hills could have originated as astronomical observation points utilized as a sort of ‘early warning’ system. […]

In respect of Jerusalem, the alleged city of the Jews, it is recorded in the Old Testament that this land was ‘given’ to the Jews by Yahweh. One would then assume that he was the tutelary deity who had Palestine in his gift. But that actually turns out not to be the case, unless, of course, Yahweh was just another name for Saturn because the god who apparently ‘owned’ Jerusalem can be inferred from the name of the city as Ur-sa-li-im-mu which means that a god named Šalim was considered to be the creator and protector of Jerusalem. The city is even mentioned in one of the Amarna letters …. as Bît Šulmâni, or ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’. That is, the god Šalim or Šulmânu was the principal deity of Jerusalem, which was edited out of the ancient texts used during the writing of the Old Testament, as Russell Gmirkin proposes. The Assyrians identified him with their god, Ninurta who was, effectively, Saturn (though in comet form, certainly, not planetary). One bit of evidence that it was a comet is that the Assyrian astronomers and astrologers referred to Saturn as ‘the nocturnal sun’, or an object shining as bright as the sun in the night sky, a characteristic of a Giant Comet, for sure! [21]


The two faces of the god Janus / Apollo (sun and moon) and the Babylonian Nimrod otherwise known as Ninurta – both interpretations of King Saturn. There are endless cycles of names which lead back to the ultimate source.

Šalim, or the Šulmânu God during the time of King David’s “conquest of Israel” could have been the Saturn God-King that was worshipped down through the centuries, and via the Assyrians and their totalitarian impositions, it was absorbed by the religiously authoritarian followers of the tribal god Yahweh, who formed a cultic centre at Babylonian Jerusalem. The Levite Priesthood and the dark half of the Saturnine Talmud would set the course of history. She states: “It was members of this cult that later utilized many ancient texts to literally create the false history of Israel and it was in those stories that the names were forever inscribed in the minds of the people and could not be erased, nor changed, leaving testimony to the truth.” [22]

This brings us back to the source of the Babylonian Temple:

A very ancient temple in the environs of Jerusalem is known to have been built by the Hyksos but it was never a temple of Yahweh until extremely late, if it was ever a temple of Yahweh at all. It may very well be that the first temple of Yahweh was actually the one built by the small number of individuals who were sent to Palestine from Babylonian ‘captivity’ by Cyrus. The archaeological record shows that no more than 25% of the population was actually deported, and when descendants of this select group were sent back to establish an outpost of the Persian empire to guard the trade routes, they refused to integrate with the people of the land – the descendants of the 75% of people that had not been deported. That suggests strongly that the Yahweh cult had actually grown up and refined itself in Babylon and was not, actually, the religion of the ancient Hebrews resident in Palestine. However, even now it is uncertain what god was actually worshipped in the new temple, considering some later evidence that we will get to shortly. It is entirely possible that Herod’s alleged temple was the first, truly Jewish – as in, exclusive worship of Yahweh-Jehovah – temple ever built, and it was built based on myth and legend that a former temple of Yahweh had existed since the time of Solomon. [23]

What a tangled web we weave.

(More on Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s extraordinary work can be found at www.cassiopaea.org/ and further books at: www.redpillpress.com/)

So, we see from this that Saturn may have either been one big comet or set against the background of massive cometary bombardment. Saturn worship wasn’t simply a case of a descent into black magick from day one. It was bound up with earth changes, cataclysm and cometary bombardment, in turn, segregating and facilitating an elite generation of “priests” and their accompanying religio-occult traditions which camouflaged essential psychopathy.

So, we have a large-scale cultural-tribal mythology from Arabia to Indo-Europe, which may have taken Saturn as a comet and metaphorically shattered an all encompassing reality into separate pieces, reflecting these core truths but adapted to the particular belief system and its subsequent evolution. Eclipses, black shrines, black cubes, star-shapes, All seeing eyes and all manner of “sacred” geometric symbolism was like a form of spiritual back-engineering, codified into forms of rituals including invocation and divination. This would depend on what quality of consciousness within the tribe or ruling elite had tapped into; whether fire/Sun or Earth/Moon worship – it was all from the Saturn’s entry into humanity’s consciousness in pre-history and the following companion stars.

The descent into literal black arts and blood sacrifice was a subversion which saw Saturn becoming the “devourer of children”, and something that populations through history embraced and took as an reality of appeasement. Similarly, it was Yahweh as a “lower god” and that was originally just one of many  in “… the body of the cosmic Saturn” and who became metastasized into a topological metaphor of monstrous proportions and a consistent element of ancient Israelite worship. This continued into the Middle Ages with Jews being labelled as the “Children of Saturn.” One thinks perhaps it wasn’t due to their famous acts of altruism not least, since the Levites set about re-writing history centuries before.

If the King David myth and other narratives were epic characterisations of a very ancient residue of cometary change then it is true enough to say it was not, at origin, a formation of a magickal working. That arrived later, as it became associated with the distortion of perennial symbols and ritual blood sacrifice and still later appropriated for world Jewry – for their ultimate sacrifice, by and for the very same psychopaths.


The Mâgên Dâwîd is an ancient template symbol that is not evil in the same way that a gun is not evil. However, it can be transformed from an inert piece of metal to a weapon of death when supplied with the ammunition of specific kinds of knowledge. So too, some invocational designs with certain esoteric formulae can facilitate material effects in the wrong hands. Communication with the Gods through the circuits of symbols has always been around. The question of who or what one contacts is a bit more problematical.

Our history attests to Priesthoods of Grand Masters of the black and white magical arts from East and West who think they are in control and unlocking the Secrets of the Ages. Yet they are deluded. The comets come and go, as they have always done and will underscore such delusion with a natural “invocation” of their own. Our human-cosmic connection goes far beyond symbols in matter since the communication we need is etched into our very DNA and the growth – or atrophy – of the soul. That needs only the water of humility to begin the journey, a laughable anathema to psychopaths in power.

In the next post we will turn to the possibility that the same ancient Babylonian and later Thelemic Magick can be discerned in the events of the 9/11 attacks and how the dark cults of Saturn worship are still alive and well and performing acts of weaponised sacrifice.



[1] p. 184; Gershom Gerhard Scholem, (1977) Kabbalah (Library of Jewish Knowledge)
[3]Gaster, (1998), The Wisdom of the Chaldeans,pp. 17-18,Holmes Pub Grou Llc, ISBN 1-55818-399-X
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azrael
[5]The Book of Enoch, by R.H. Charles, [1917], at sacred-texts.com: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe011.htm
[6] http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/
[7] paragraph 2.513; Knight-Jadczyk, Laura, (2013) Comets and the Horns of Moses (kindle edition)
[8] Ibid. paragraph 2.514
[9] Ibid. paragraph 2.1012
[10] Ibid, paragraph 2.1026 quoting Lewy, Hildegard (1950) ‘Origin and Significance of the Magen Dawld’.
[11] Ibid. paragraph 2.1028
[12] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1029-2.1031
[13] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1038 – 2.1039
[14] Ibid. paragraph 2.1043
[15] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1046-2.1047
[16] Ibid. paragraph 2.1048
[17] Ibid. paragraph 2.1049
[18] Ibid. paragraph 2.991
[19] ibid. paragraphs 2.993 – 2.994
[20] Ibid. paragraph 2.996
[21] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1000 and 2.1008
[22] Ibid. 2.1010
[23] Ibid. 2.1011

Occult Zionism VI: MOLOCH and BAAL

 “All human beings that are doomed lose the right to be redeemed; they must be put to death.”  

– Leviticus 27:28-29

So much for God’s benevolence.

It seems that child sacrifice of the pagan religions wasn’t so different to Old Testament proclamations forcing families to offer up their first born babies based on a tyrannical rule-book of who was considered “doomed.” Rather useful to smite your tribal competitors, if nothing else.  Yet, we are told that the Bible was against such idolatry. It depends on which God you think is on first, most especially when we consider that the Bible itself has been tampered with over centuries.

One example is the story of the exodus out of Egyptian slavery which is very unlikely to be true as is most of the history which makes up the roots of Judaism. (See The “Z” Factor XII) Though there is compelling evidence that these are myths describing interactions between planets (in particular Venus) and associated cometary phenomena, there is also a strong case for manipulation closer to Earth. After all, legendary epics are often the stuff of indoctrination by the victorious regardless of the veracity of truth. Or in the words of Egyptian author and researcher Dr. Ashraf Ezzat “… most archeologists didn’t set out to seek the historical truth, rather to enforce their Biblical narrative on the ancient history of Egypt and Palestine.” [1] Like other academics, he has discovered that Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor any Israelites offering some nice twists along the way.

On the exodus event so integral to Judiac mythology, Ezzat explains further:

“… the Hebrew book of tales, also known as the Hebrew Bible, never referred to Egypt as the land of the Exodus. The Story of Pharaoh and Moses according to the Hebrew book happened in a place called ‘Mizraim/Misrim’. … an obscure little village in south west of ancient Arabia and Faraon/فرعون (according to classical Arabic historians) was the Arabic title of its chieftain.

Some might wonder what on earth ancient Arabia has to do with Moses and Pharaoh. Actually, it was in ancient Arabia and North Yemen where the Israelites and Judaism really first appeared (Nothing in this world works in the way you think it does; history included)

Judaism is one of ancient Arabia’s cults that had absolutely nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Church or its Christianity. (Linking Judaism to Christianity is the result of a later Roman-Jewish deception) Hence the ‘Old-New Testament / Judeo-Christian’ epithet is nothing but a political setup. Actually the fraud kicked off by the Jewish-Greek complicity during the translation of the Hebrew book to the Greek language.

In the second century BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated to Greek at the legendary library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes, hence the designation Septuagint Bible, were assigned this task by the Ptolemies (Greek monarchy of Egypt) in which they cunningly replaced this obscure Mizraim and its Faraon with the mighty Egypt and its king (Rulers of ancient Egypt were called kings and queens and not Pharaohs).

Generations after generations have been fed this fake story of Pharaoh of Egypt and Moses of the Israelites. What added to the drama and made it all the more mesmerizing is the fact that Egypt, with its fame and glory in the ancient world, had been the theatre of the Exodus story.[2]


Promotional poster for Ridley Scott’s “Exodus” (2014) More myth than reality?

In the same way, the Ammonites, the hated enemy of the Israelites first mentioned in the Book of Genesis are given the Israel propaganda treatment that we are so familiar with today. Although initially ruling over the Israelites and also a Semitic race, thus closely related genetically, they were described as incestuous idolaters who worshipped false gods with their roots in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. According to the Book of Deuteronomy (23:3-4) the Ammonites were punished by Yahweh for not assisting the Israelites during their Exodus from Egypt and sworn away from marrying into such people. Wars continued between the two peoples which eventually saw the Ammonites as vassals to King Saul. [3]

Since the exodus almost certainly never happened it makes one wary of the connected stories which serve to elevate the Israelite destiny to mythical proportions.  The truth is, child sacrifice – with or without the influence from Ammon – was occurring within Israelite tribes and the Canaanites in general.

As author Douglas Reed also points out in his Controversy of Zion the myth of Exodus was in all likelihood, added to the narrative by Levite priests to exert control over their Jewish flock and plans for their future. Which makes sense as: “Baal-worship was extensively practised throughout Canaan, and the competition of this cult with Jehovah-worship was a particular grievance of the Levites.” Most importantly and something to remember throughout this series: “Whatever has survived of the former Israelite tradition is in Genesis and Exodus, and in the enlightened passages of the Israelite prophets. These more benevolent parts are invariably cancelled out by later, fanatical ones, which are presumably Levitical interpolations. [4]

The Levite priesthood are the closest you are going to get to occult Zionist ancestors of black arts in Babylon and their promotion of certain blood sacrifices. After all, this priesthood with its roots in Judah was all about enforcing their “statutes and judgments” with the use of terror and blood to program their people to “utterly destroy”, “pull down” and “root out”. Therefore, as Reed states – “Judah was destined to produce a nation dedicated to destruction.” And it was this that has determined the destiny of the Jewish people ever since. [5]

The point of highlighting the above is to show that pretty much the whole narrative of Israelite evolution describes the long process of manipulation of Jewish tribes as a whole. In terms of the tradition of ritual sacrifice and its relationship to modern occultism, the same lens of suspicion regarding its “prohibition” and its apparent demise must be used. The result of these sociopolitical wranglings heavily influenced by epic communications with certain “gods” caused a major erosion in the already fading knowledge of earth changes and the human-cosmic connection. Comets and planetary interactions were replaced with a Supreme deity exercising his power. If he was displeased he showed it; if he was satisfied he bestowed bountiful crops and a successful outcome for conquests. The prefix used with the Yahweh/Jehovah model is always “Do this or else!”.

In other words, an all-powerful God became the ultimate authority figure and a tool for tribal politics with a long-term agenda. Levite priests turned collective prescience based on cosmic knowledge into a ring-fence for self-aggrandisement and personal power. Saturn and all other manifestations of the Cosmos and earth were tools in their hands and a strictly tyrannical exercise. The way was then open for a new, emboldened ruling priesthood borne from the blood of tribalism to act as “intermediaries”, rubber-stamped by a Universal God. And this chance for a peaceable Universalism certainly envisaged in some groups within the Israelites was quickly co-opted into One God that would brook no other – on pain of retributive death and appeasement.  Therefore, this could not be allowed to revert to individual and direct communion since these self-elected intermediaries would lose their power. Rituals became more complex and understanding the messages hidden in physical and celestial events required new texts and codes which needed to be deciphered by the self-proclaimed “chosen”.

Welcome to organised religion.


“See, the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.” (Isiah. 66.15-18) A monotheistic conquest on behalf of fire-God Yahweh and its ritual sacrifice of babies is not so different to the same rituals of warfare we carry out in the name of democracy and Israeli rights of determination today. The same distorted Mosaic Law and the flames of Moloch sear the flesh of thousands of children in Iraq and Palestine just as they did in our Ancient past. The difference is that now, we are blind to it.

Monotheism would be a psychopath’s dream. The All-Seeing Eye of God had arrived and He had chosen a people to do his bidding. At least, that was the selling point from the Levites which the Israelites bought, lock stock and barrel. Esoteric redemption through psycho-spiritual sacrifice became a potent ritual on a bloody altar. It became an important tool for the ruling elite as did genocide and ethnic cleansing as ways to enforce this new religious authoritarianism where the spilling of the blood would further their power whilst appeasing Yahweh. It was the defining moment in the fortunes of God’s “chosen people” and the template for the Babylonian magick of the Talmud.

We can certainly see where the inversion of the topological metaphor can be seen in the myth of Saturn and its descent into idol worship. The ebb and flow of Saturn/ Chronus and degrees of benign (and not so benign) Moon worship appears to continue through the Canaanite version of the Egyptian god Set, a storm-and-fertility deity Ba’al-Hadad, and other more local manifestations of this “one god” such the variant of Beelzebub identified in the New Testament as another label for Satan, while the pre-Israelite epoch saw Baal as the weather-god of Syria-Palestine. [6] There is also strong evidence that Persian Mithraism and their rituals were adapted and refined by the Jewish Babylonian priests as further versions of Baal worship as was the Persian Ahura-Mazda which was reformed into a fire/Sun God. [7]  Since Baal and Yahweh tend to be fused with fire worship it was likely due to cometary bombardment impacting the region and interpreted as the wrath of Yahweh. [8]

The Levite priests were masters at adapting, integrating and re-working disparate beliefs into a workable formula for control. And here’s where the Babylonian Talmud and the connection to Israel – with implications for the modern state – begins to take form. The Canaanite sects in the Levantine region (which include the Phoenicians) were also using the blanket prefix of “ʾĒl” which still appears in modern English today, initially surfacing through much of the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and Kabbalistic lore for gods, angels and demons. Saturn/El fathered his sons Yam, Mot and the most popular: Ba’al Hadad Hadad, with horns featuring prominently in pictorial representations of the time. Ring a bell? 

Remember that Israel was constantly at war with its neighbours and taking an extreme moral high ground when the Israelite tribes where very far removed from Godliness. What they were accusing others of doing (blood sacrifice, rape, pillage, false idols etc.) was manifestly obvious in their own behaviour. Thus, it is no surprise that the name “ISRAEL” = IS-RA-EL is made up of the very same proto-gods of old.  Namely, the death cult of later dynastic families of ancient Egypt. The following is paraphrased from Betty Rhodes’ discoveries over at www.the-red-thread.net/

A brief trip over to ancient Egypt is called for:



IS = Egyptian Goddess “ISIS”

Isis was an Egyptian Goddess dating back to the 5th dynasty and who ruled over nature, royalty, fertility, protection, magic and a Pharaoh’s power. Remembered as the High Priestess wife of Horus, or, in later periods, as the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, and was worshiped as the archetypal wife and mother. In Egyptian mythology Isis is also considered Saturn’s eldest daughter:

“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods” [9]

RA = Egyptian God “RA”

A sun-god of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt his peak of popularity was also in the 5th dynasty.  He represented both the power of the Word and ruled over the midday Sun, the underworld and all of Creation. His daughters were the later underworld goddesses often associated with demonology in the wrong hands: Bastet symbolised as a cat and Ra’s instrument of vengeance, the sun-god’s eye.  Sekhmet is another warrior daughter of Ra. Sekhmet was depicted as a lioness and was an “eye of Ra”, also an instrument of the Ra’s vengeance. Finally Hathor (Venus) commonly depicted as a cow goddess and symbolised joy, beauty, sexuality, and motherhood.


Ra – A reworking of Saturn in Ancient Egypt | Image by Jeff Dahl – Own work redrawing of Amon-Re (Budge 1904), based on New Kingdom tomb paintings.

Ra was a Sun-God par excellence and the iconography included the golden disk and a circle with the point in the centre.

EL = source of Elill and Enlil According to Encyclopedia Mythica:


“The Akkadian god of earth and wind. He is the son of Ansar and Kisar, the primordial deities, and the father of the moon god Sin. [Original?]Together with Ea and Anu he forms a powerful triad of gods in the ancient Mesopotamian religion. He is represented wearing a headband which is decorated with horns. He is equivalent to the Sumerian god Enlil.”


“In ancient Sumero-Babylonian myth, Enlil (“lord wind”) is the god of air, wind and storms. Enlil is the foremost god of the Mesopotamian pantheon, and is sometimes referred to as Kur-Gal (“great mountain”). In the Sumerian cosmology he was born of the union of An heaven and Ki earth. These he separated, and he carried off the earth as his portion. In later times he supplanted Anu as chief god. His consort is Ninlil with whom he has five children: Nanna, Nerigal, Ningirsu, Ninurta, and Nisaba.

Enlil holds possession of the Tablets of Destiny which gives him power over the entire cosmos and the affairs of man. He is sometimes friendly towards mankind, but can also be a stern and even cruel god who punishes man and sends forth disasters, such as the great Flood which wiped out humanity with the exception of Atrahasis. Enlil is portrayed wearing a crown with horns, symbol of his power. His most prestigious temple was in the city Nippur, and he was the patron of that city. His equivalent is the Akkadian god Ellil.”

Betty Rhodes suggests that “El” and Yahweh are different Gods: the latter Levitical war god of Jehovah/Yahweh hailing from southern Palestine and who ended up in Judah, while the former El, had its home in Israel in Mesopotamia.

The Saturnine God “El” as a root word has come down to us in all languages and unsurprisingly, appearing in the context of law and various forms of education, instruction and religious and governmental authority. The most obivous examples are: elite, elder, elegy, elemental, elucidation, and more phonetic allusions such as evil (eve-el) temple (tem-pel)  bible (bi-bel) cathedral (cathe-drel) and even the cauldron of our dark elite:  Babylon (Ba-bel-on) and perhaps even the fire god Baal (ba-el) whom we will look at presently.

A further layer to add to the heady brew of subverted Saturnine influence is the little matter of the El-ohim the ancient Hebrew word for “gods” with its emergence in 7th to 6th century BCE in the Kingdom of Judah and Babylonian “captivity”. Though popular in the pantheon of Canaanite Gods, Rabbinical Judaism fell in love with the Elohim as a literary tool in the 2nd century CE and used to further muddy the waters in an already phantasmagorical potpourri of black magick, wisdom and authoritarianism. There are plenty of studies out there that see the Elohim as the original fallen angels and in some circles even clear myths of ultra-terrestrial or hyperdimensional entities of a negative orientation. But that is getting a little too far from our narrative for now ….


The fallen Angels of the Elohim? Detail from an illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”.

The point is, we can say that these are all interpretations on a slow arc of erosion, where the original spiritual principles of the Four Ages were reaching a Zenith of pathological decay. They derivatives of Saturn Worship – the original brown dwarf sun – which travelled through the pantheon of spin-off Saturn Gods, gradually moving away from the original meanings and closer and closer to the shadows of blood sacrifice and war, where a particular people were “chosen” to be the carriers of that change.

It is in this sense that fire worship of Baal and his cousin Moloch were hugely popular as Saturn/Satanic gods across ancient Mesopotamia and proved a popular form of social engineering to streamline the masses. Divide and Rule was in play just as much as it is today. The potency of the totalitarian God of Yahweh was only as effective as the next sacrifice (for or against) and the accompanying signs and portents as to whether or not the people had collectively erred by not doing his will. Divination and magick were useful to this end as was playing off different tribes against each other.

Encyclopedia Mythica’s author Alan G. Hefner summarises their influence:

“As far apart as Carthage and Palmyra were temples dedicated to Baal-Hammon, ‘the lord of the altar of incense,’ whom the Greeks identified with Cronos. On Mount Carmel it was the prophet Elijah who discredited King Ahab’s belief in the power of Baal, when at his request “the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice,” and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. Afterwards Elijah had the people slay “the prophets of Baal,” thereby assuring the survival of the worship of Yahweh in Israel. […]

Both Baal and his cohort Ashtoreth, or Astarte, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, were both Phoenician fertility symbols. Baal, the sun god, was fervently prayed to for the protection of livestock and crops. Priests instructed the people that Baal was responsible for droughts, plagues, and other calamities. People were often worked up into great frenzies at the prospects of displeasing Baal. In times of great turbulence human sacrifices, particularly children, were made to the great god Moloch.” [9]

Saturn’s sacrificial legacy was passed on in wrathful style via the Levites and the Old Testament and littered with exhortations to violence, war, animal and human sacrifice deleting earlier Israelite sects, some of whom reverenced a Universal God of love and compassion. Indeed, Ancient Israel was in the thick of ritual human sacrifice just like so many in the bronze age period.  The Hebrew Bible frequently mentions sacrifice as standard practice  in Leviticus 20:2; Deuteronomy, 12:31; 2 Kings, 16:3; 17:31; 23:10; Jeremiah, 7:30-32; 19:3-5 and Ezekiel, 16:20-21.

There is no doubt about the archaeological evidence either. Across Mesopotamia and Jerusalem, Phoenician Carthage, Canaanite Israel, Palestinian Megiddo, Gezer and Ta’anach all attest to the burnt offerings of sacrificial victims in honour of “false Gods.” Far from being a foreign practice as the Bible likes to confirm, it was in fact, a common expression of deity worship in Judah – the seat of Jewish populations, among many others. [10]


stone tablet image of Baal from Syria, in Damascus Museum. Image credit: http://www.bibleorigins.net/

Israelite child sacrifice In the Valley of Hinnom, near Judah, Tophet/Topheth meaning “roasting place” or “drum” was the designated place for the ritual sacrifice of animals and children to idols of Baal and Moloch, derivations of Saturn worship. Historians have discovered that Baal (meaning “Bull”) was probably a large-scale statue of the same, children being delivered into its mouth and burned alive. Gruesome indeed. Thankfully, the practice in this region seems to have waned after the religious reforms of Josiah the King of Judah. 

Phoenicians in Carthage (essentially the same culture as the early Canaanites) are the most infamous for their worship of Baal and as Mr. Hefner mentioned, it seems there was a competition between Saturnine idols of Baal, Melek/Moloch/Molech and other derivations in approximately 9 B.C. (Kings 18). And both competing forces offered animal and child sacrifices in order to see which God would respond most favourably. Although there is evidence that the Hebrew Bible Tanakh and the Torah prohibited human sacrifice many historians are convinced that child sacrifice occurred across the Israelite religion.

The infamous biblical story of Abraham’s close call with his son Isaac is a rather bizarre example which smacks of later “editing” to soften this Baal/Molochian influence. This particular voice of God stated: “Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you.” (Genesis 22:1-18) So, Abraham dutifully drags his son up a mountain, gets this son to assist him in building his own pyre and once done ties him to the altar. He then brandishes a knife to his throat ready to take his life, a theme that occurs all over the Old Testament. God then changes his mind at the last minute and orders roasted ram instead. It was apparently all just a simple test of faith.

One can’t help but consider the possibility that in the end, with the help of corrupt Levites, it was this cruelty and barbarism that informed the God of the Israelites and laid the foundations of Talmudic programming up to the present day.

Even though the books of the Old Testament prohibit sacrifice to Yahweh, in reality sacrifices to both Baal, Moloch (Yahweh) took place between various sects with or without permission of the elect priests. It is quite obvious from the books of Jeremiah VII. 31 and Ezekiel XX. 25 and 26, that both prophets saw human sacrifices as the natural thing to do. Namely, to offer and animals and children to Yahweh because that was how things were done. There appears to be some solipsistic reasoning from both Jeremiah and Ezekiel which amounts to semantics. Jeremiah claims no orders from Yahweh were forthcoming, while Ezekiel claims first-born sacrifices were permitted by Yahweh in order to serve as an example in intuiting who is the real Yahweh as opposed to the false one!  That’s some reverse psychology to beat them all.

Once again, there is no evidence at all that ritual sacrifice was introduced from foreign elements, rather it is probable that it was an outgrowth from the Israelite tribes upon which the Levite priesthood cynically capitalised. That does not mean that there were not prophets and priests who objected to it, but to imply that it was wholly an external phenomena that somehow polluted an original purity doesn’t hold water. (That said, and it bears repeating, there is an enormous difference between the ancient hebrews and the Canaanites who did indeed practice torture, contrary to some teachings of Judaism. But we are concerned with the strain that did not. And when it comes down to it, we are not talking about Jews or non-Jews – we are simply tracing a complex line of psychopathy and how it expresses itself through particular beliefs, most notably it seems, in modern Establishment Zionism. This is, after all, the primary vector to which some groupings of Ashkenazi, Chabad Lubatich and Jewish extremism have been drawn).


Moloch-Baal ritual sacrifice of the first-born

Baal and Moloch often followed the same variations on a theme of a calf/Bull statue made of bronze and hollowed out so that a fire could burn within, effectively turning it into a furnace. The heat of the fire was purposefully reflected within the eyes and mouth of the statue whilst other parts became so hot they glowed red, offering a macabe demonic vision of power for its worshippers. Researchers believe that some of these statues may have even been mechanical so that once children were placed on the hands of the statue, they could be raised to the mouth by a system of pullies upon which the children were deposited into the furnace against a backdrop of music, chanting and feverish praise by surrounding crowds.

The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated: “‘Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.'” [11] And further: “… he who approached the fire would receive a light from divinity” and “through divine fire all the stains produced by generations could be purged away.”

In essence: “children were made to pass through the fire unto Molech” (Jeremiah. 32:35) where fire worship was simply another re-enactment of a bizarre inversion of purification and redemption based on the “original sin.” Do evil to appease evil and so it goes around and around. This is ever the psychopath spell: to makes us think through fear and emotional dissociation that a culture becomes immune to conscience and embraces pathology while thinking it is what their chosen authority wants and decrees.


“An 18th-century German illustration of Moloch (“Der Götze Moloch” i.e. The Idol Moloch).” (wikipedia)

Moloch appears to be the closet derivation of Saturn/Satan Worship and like Baal fire rituals, was incorporated into the bloody proceedings. Whatever Babylonian God we are talking about from Nimrod, Baal, Moloch and other offshoots within North Africa and the Levant, a continuation of the original sin/myth is being played out as a terrible distortion in favour of a literal interpretation. Chronos / Saturn devours his children all over again whilst they are cleansed by fire –a thorough fusion of both Babylonian idolatry, corrupted Mosaic Law and pagan / occult ceremonies.

Journalist and author Carol A. Valentine brings more evidence to the table that the much vaunted testimonies of prohibition in the Old Testament are not as watertight as they may seem.  She points out that in one book (Judges 30) “God” accepts human sacrifice (in this case a virgin) and in another (Samuel 21) is appeased by it.[12] This is logical if we are aware of the nature of ponerology and the pathogenic nature of psychopathy, it is highly unlikely that such monotheism was able to restrict this corruption metastasizing into more virulent forms. She gives further convincing evidence from two passages from the Old Testament concerning child sacrifices to Moloch where the words “seed” and “children” are synonymous. Passages from the Talmud’s Gemara and Mishnah are then included.

One of the translators of the Soncino Tractate Sanhedrin (1934) Rabbi Dr. Freedom clarifies the passages under consideration highlighting: “… the fine point of distinction being drawn in the Mishnah and subsequent debates among the sages” and regarding the nature of the offence and penalties, in this case. He states: “As two separate offences, proving that giving one’s seed to Molech is not idolatry. The differences [sic] is, that if one sacrificed to Molech, or caused his son to pass through the fire to some other deity, he is not punished.” [13]

Valentine urges us to see for ourselves by reading the full Sanhedrin 64a and 64b which contain “… a rousing debate between the Sages concerning:

  • the circumstances under which worshipping an idol is idolatry,
  • which idols may be worshipped without indulging in idolatry,
  • which parts of child sacrifice in what combination are punishable, and
  • how children may be sacrificed without violating Leviticus.”  [14]

Similarly, is it just an odd coincidence that the 18th Century founder of Hassidic Judaism Rabbi Yisroel (Israel) ben Eliezer is often called “Baal Shem Tov” or the better known to many religious Jews as “the holy Baal Shem”? According to wikipedia, the Bibilcal rendering of Baal is drawn from: “… a North-West Semitic title meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu. A Baalist or Baalite means a worshipper of Baal.”

So, why on earth would the founder of Orthodox Judaism willingly be associated with honoring blood sacrifice by using the namesake of a one of Saturn’s demonic proto-Gods?

Does this not make the shrieking of “blood libel” at the merest hint of a continuing tradition of ritual sacrifice rather an odd coincidence in modern times?

If these distinguished Rabbis are translating the Talmudic instructions which are applied daily and directly to Orthodox Jewish thought and indirectly to the average Jew; where there is a clear instruction in the art of getting around penalties regarding acts of child sacrifice, what does this say to those already predisposed to the dark face of Kabbalistic occultism?

Stated another way: what does it say to those ceremonially inclined psychopaths who are embracing a book predicated on Saturn/moon worship, where the foundation of Judaism is saturated in magickal practices? Does it not offer an open door to the resonance of Moloch and its other deities? Talmudic demonology is then offering an open portal into contemporary society. (See Occult Zionism V: Ritual Sacrifice and Israel’s geopolitcal carnage in the Middle East for the evidence).


The familiar “Flower of Life pattern with the ten-point Kabbalah or “Tree of Life” overlaid.


According to some researchers the 10-pointed Hebrew Kabbalah is a false template, the real form having 12 points instead of ten. This indicates a possible manipulation since the number ten doesn’t appear to be a natural number in sacred geometry the 12 point template including the circle and the number six at its base. Although speculative, and much new age mumbo jumbo surrounds this possibility, it supports the idea of a separate Jewish “Kabbalah” and  Arabic “Cabala,” the latter being a more authentic companion to the Western tradition of alchemy. Does the present Lurianic Kabbalah truly represent the Tree of Life and thus spiritual emancipation? Or is it another reflection of the entwined serpent of Saturn/Moon Worship and the kind of mysticism that keeps you forever spinning in the wheel of endless occult promises and thus far removed from true inner work?

So, where does all this leave us?

We have a host of proto-Gods who have sprung out of a core Saturn worship, with left over remnants now mixed together in formal doctrines within Persian, Hindu and Judeo-Christian schools of thought. We have the Old man of Time Kronos/Chronus, Rhamiphan, Remphan Baal, Moloch, Chiun, Nimrod, Brahman, Sanat Kumara and Yahweh/Jehovah – all of whom were derivations of the original Saturn Sun (or even a comet?) which was the huge inspiration for an initial ascent and the distortion of a collective “alchemosexual” redemption of humanity.

The inexorable rise of ceremonial psychopaths who routinely seek to hijack spiritual truths – and every other principle of Truth – have twisted otherwise sincere ideologies and beliefs into service for a longstanding financial architecture of debt slavery, conceived in the Mystery traditions of Babylon and the Priestly orders of the Levites and Nicolaitans. These were but two of the ruling Priesthoods who played pivotal roles in the ancient development of psychopathic dominance and its relevance in myth and socio-political manipulation leading to the modern day equivalents within militant Zionism today. Weapons, slavery, religious authoritarianism and sexual perversion were pushed to their limits which is why, like any organism or system reflecting service to self or the law of entropy – it eventually falls into its own black hole.

The Priesthood lineage of Babylonian magicians drawn from Jewish cults of Israelite tribes continued to flourish, albeit camouflaged. Psychopathy had found a ruling class from which it could direct affairs in order to introduce more of its kind. After the fall of Babylon the seeds of pathology were sown into the ascendency of the Roman Empire which would ultimately lead to the Dark Ages and a response called forth from the Cosmos where comets, earth changes and significant revisions to the narrative of History took place.

Since we are exploring the residues of a pre-history, the development of blood sacrifice, occultism and the Zionist Establishment, it will be no surprise that the power of symbolism has served to personify and resonate a collective thought pattern regarding the above. Perhaps the most recognised and oldest example happens to be the emblem of Israel and the Jewish people: the six pointed “Star of David” or Mâgên Dâwîd and its relationship to Saturn.

Now go back and read Religious Authoritarians VI: Temple Mount …Temple Might VI: for context and the desire for the renewal of animal sacrifice on the Dome of Rock and the shrine located at Temple Mount in the City of Jerusalem. The return to the rites of the old Solomonic sacrificial altar of the temple may be an echo from the past that resonates to the present. Such ritual sacrifice may not lie purely within the minds of Jewish and Islamist extremist groups but the existential satanism of occult zionists in our modern age.


Update: Interestingly, we now have a blatant homage to the Zionist occult Establishment in the form of the God Baal now fittingly placed in none other than downtown New York… It’ll be right at home with all the other monuments to Saturn strewn across Washington D.C. and various other cities in our modern day Babylon…

April 2016: The Temple Of Baal Will Be Erected In Times Square In New York City

Replicas of the Temple of Baal Unveiled in New York and London on an Important Occult Date


[1] Exodus the True Story  By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat | ashraf62.wordpress.com/
[2] Ibid.
[3] New World Encyclopedia: “Ammon” | http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ammon
[4] p.23; Douglas Reed; The Controversy of Zion (1956) Also from Chapter 4: “Forging of the Chains”: “… the Levites in Babylon added Exodus, Genesis, Leviticus and Numbers to Deuteronomy. Genesis and Exodus provide a version of history moulded to fit the “Law” which the Levites by then had already promulgated, in Deuteronomy. This goes right back to the Creation, of which the Scribes knew the exact date (however the first two chapters of Genesis give somewhat different accounts of the Creation and the Levitical hand, as scholars believe, is more to be seen in the second chapter than the first).”
[5] Ibid; p.7.
[6] Jewish Virtual Library – “Encyclopedia Judaica: Baal Worship” | http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0003_0_01786.html
[7] http://www.crystalinks.com/mithraism.html
[8] See Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive (2006) Comets and the Horns of Moses (2013) and Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection By Pierre Lescaudron (2014)
[9] p.80; Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy (2011)
[10] Encyclopedia Mythica; Alan G. Hefner at http://www.pantheon.org/articles/b/baal.html
[11] p.283; Francesca Stavrakopoulou; King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities (2004).
[12]  Bible Gateway at https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=jeremiah%207:31-7:31&version=NIV
[13] ‘Blood Ritual 3: Human Sacrifice, the Talmud, and the Moloch Problem’ By Carol A. Valentine at http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/br_3.html
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ibid.





Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (3)

“Over the past decade, the influence of Chabad cultists in the world has not only grown but also entrenched. This is the only Jewish religious sect, which, assuming the role of leader of world Jewry, climbed into world politics. Its presence greatly affected American politics. In addition, the heads of state of the former Soviet Union are listening to Chabad.”

– Ukrainian author /activist Rabbi Baron Eduard Hodos

Factions of those in the domination game include persons within Chabad Lubavitch and Zionist infiltrators. A Messianic Jewish theocracy is very much part of the overall, top level psychopathic designs merging into the totality that is Pathocracy. More importantly, these factions are nodes within an overarching global occult influence as will discover in greater detail further along. As one faction of this emergence, these would-be-leaders of Chabad working within Judaism have definite objectives tied to foundational beliefs. Let’s remind ourselves what some of those beliefs are:

  • The abolition of Christmas.
  • The labelling of Christians or Gentiles as “idol worshippers.”
  • The instruction to all Christians to give up their religion or be put to death.
  • The education and instruction of a belief that Jesus practiced sorcery; worshipped stone idols and was sexually immoral.
  • To establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion.
  • The forcing of US citizens to adopt a synthesized “religion” invented for a servant class.
  • A World theocratic Jewish State [1]

As bizarre as it may sound, these are all part and parcel of Chabad Lubavitch literature, most typically the Noahide (or Noachide) Laws which are revered, respected and taken very seriously indeed. As German author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert reminds us:

“By 1723 freemasonry had already incorporated the Noachidic statutes into its Constitutions… Charges & Regulations; freemasons have always called themselves ‘Noachids’. In 1991 when the first war on Iraq was started, George Bush Senior forwarded this peculiar “blessing” to the whole nation: The seven Noachidic laws were solemnly declared to be the foundation of the United States by the Congress and the President.” [2]

Which may, in part, offer an insight as to why the Jewish Kabbalah has been so important in freemasonry and how Zio-Conservatism has comprehensively infiltrated US politics. Lubavitchers – or if you prefer, Chabadniks – are also embedded in the socio-political infrastructure of the United States.

Now, doesn’t that feed into the red herring “conspiracy theory” of Jews hoping to control the world?

Hopefully, at this stage the reader will know it is much more complex than that. Ponerology dictates which cluster of psychopaths will mount the best defence of their realm, and it appears the religious authoritarian megalomaniacs within the rabbinical hierarchy of Chabad Lubavitch and Ashkenazi Revisionist Zionism are major candidates for that particular mantle. So, to imply that it is strictly a “Jewish conspiracy” across the military-corporate and media complex is to do a huge injustice to ordinary Jews. Similarly, the conspiracy at work is largely public having been normalised by a variety of puppets and players within the 3EM. In order to see their various strains of psychopathy within our culture, entrenched beliefs and parallel taboos cannot be ignored. Hence the exploration of Chabad Lubavitch.


With Chabad Lubavitch rabbis from around the world, U.S. President George W. Bush signs a presidential proclamation in honor of Education and Sharing Day, highlighting the important work of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. | Joyce N. Boghosian—Offical White House Photo

While many Hassidic Jews would not associate themselves with such beliefs. Others go further, interpreting Lubavitch doctrine in the strictest terms. Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman made an interesting comment in 2009 from the Jewish magazine Moment perfectly illustrating the minds of elder Chabadniks: “I don’t believe in Western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” [3] It seems that Friedman has taken his bizarre inspiration from the Yahweh-driven bloody wars of the ancient Israelites. The rabbi issued a statement not long after – in all probability at the request of Chabad hierarchy – so that he could “clarify” his initially, revealing prose. He was at pains to say that his opinion was his alone and that it did: “… not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.” [4]

Despite this, his statements are mild compared to what we would find in classical Jewish doctrine of the Talmud, the Tanya and a succession of Grand Rebbes’ proclamations. It seems he also forgot the legacy of Schneerson. Though he paid lip service to “compassion” it was clearly the words rather than the basic premise that gave rise to the invective which was “irresponsible” and “misleading.” Another fine example of paralogical and paramoralistic discourse at work. Like the banking, oil and weapons and hedge fund billionaires of today, philanthropy conceals a multitude of sins. With the Establishment hierarchy it is a conscious means to and end which has little to do with alleviating humanity’s suffering rather, philanthropy offers a way to  keep the illusion of altruism in place and to buffer the disconnect between what they say and what they do. Organised Religion, with its cults and sects are no different. The hierarchical structure comes first regardless of whether the moral and ethical pillars have long since been eaten away by parasites. The vast majority of responses from presumably Jewish readers condemned the Rabbi’s views in the strongest possible terms. Though there were scattered posts praising or excusing what are essentially statements celebrating a cold-bloodied religious psychopathy.


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

For high level Chabadniks and Zionists who lobbied the Bush Administration and now Barack Obama, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was more than a spiritual inspiration, he was perfection embodied; the Messiah or “Moshiach”. Accordingly, what he said was taken very seriously and encouraged to be interpreted literally. The “Great Rebbe” told his followers “The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the Golus,* to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries.” [5] Schneerson was telling the present generation of Jews to go out and “conquer and purify” the Gentile (non-Jew) nations as laid down in the Noahide Laws. Lubavitcher Bryan Ellison tells us that Chabad followers have a special duty; the generation of Jews after the creation of Israel:

“… is the last generation of exile and darkness, and the first generation of Moshiach and the Redemption. All of us — Jews and Noachides — have an urgent responsibility to transform the world immediately in order to bring Moshiach, and this involves going well beyond the minimum of the Law.” [6]

During the Bush Administration key positions were taken up by Chabadniks. Among those handed the keys to Office were Press Officer Ari Fleischer, Chief of Staff Joshua Bolton and Vice-Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. All three were great admirers of Schneerson and believed in his Messianic vision. Though Fleischer, Bolton and many others were highly effective in contouring political opinion and military support for Chabad designs it was Lubavitcher devotee Wolfowitz who was considered one of the key intermediaries between, Chabad, the Israeli-Zionist lobby and Neo-Conservative ideology and practice.


Paul Wolfowitz (wikipedia)

Whereas Dov Zakheim’s task was to oversee US Depart of Defence fiscal policy tipping the balance toward weapons shipments into Israeli hands, Wolfowitz’s influence and power extended into higher realms of foreign policy and geo-political strategy. His major contribution to the militarisation of the American energy policy necessarily included foreign interventions which were integrated into Cheney’s much quoted doctrine of perpetual war to defend and protect newly acquired resources. Wolfowitz was renowned for being the intellectual force behind radical Neo-Conservatism, the maturing of which was fostered by the late Albert Wohlstetter during his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the late 1960’s. Wohlstetter worked for the cold war strategy think tank the RAND Corp, [7] and besides being steeped in Zionist ideology, was a believer in the view that nuclear deterrence was not a satisfactory basis for strategic doctrine; the United States actually had to be not only the best in nuclear strategy but prepared to unleash the dogs of war in order deter the enemy –no doubt wiping out Israel’s perceived enemies in the process. (Consequently, the craziness of Wohlstetter was one of the inspirations for the film Dr. Strangelove.)

As Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz were transforming a largely Jewish, right wing agenda into Neo-Conservatism, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith – both fanatical Zionists – had already worked in high level positions in both the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Perle was also a protégé of Wohlstetter, bringing together two minds with a singular purpose: an Israeli-driven world revolution and a personal association that would remain through the intervening years. It was Wohlstetter, with the encouragement of Zionist insider and intellectual Bernard Lewis that lurked in the shadows encouraging Feith, Perle and Wolfowitz to help create the Iraq WMDs deception and the installation of CIA-stooge Ahmed Chalabi who would later become Prime Minister in Iraq. [8]

Albert Wohlstetter 1969

Albert Wohlstetter 1969 – (Source: wikipedia)

In the mid-1980s working as Middle East analyst at the National Security Council Douglas Feith was found to be passing classified information to the Israelis and was fired after a low-key FBI investigation. The fact that Neo-Conservative allies had multiplied in federal agencies, think-tanks and government it meant that Feith was back into power in just a few years, this time as undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon. Similarly, with Feith’s help Perle was able to attain a position at the Defence Policy Board.

Like Feith, Perle had long been seen as a possible Israeli agent since he had been doing exactly the same as Dov Zakheim and attempting to move all armaments purchasing to Israeli companies. The only differences to be seen was in the somewhat more prominent position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for international security policy in the Reagan administration and that he made sure he received a direct cut of profits. [9] As a veteran advisor he was able to transform Neo-Conservatism into a radical expression of Revisionist Zionism. He was a latter-day Jabotinsky with a supremely Machiavellian take on politics and warfare. The Zio-Conservative networks came alive through Perle and others, mostly through flagship lobbying think-tanks such as the Heritage Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) Hudson Institute, Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf and Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, to name but a few. Slowly, Zio-Conservative radicals were moving into key positions, with foreign policy as the prize.  Conveniently, when the New Pearl Harbour arrived, the PNAC dreams of pre-emptive attack were realised.


Douglas Feith (left) and Richard Perle

Richard Perle was to be the mentor for both Feith and Wolfowitz. As September 11th 2001 came and went, Feith and Wolfowitz worked together to make the invasion of Iraq and other countries a sure-fire reality by creating an official philosphical and ideological mandate for Empire. Yet, the evolution of what was to be called the “Wolfowitz doctrine” started long before the invasion policies of the Bush Reich and the police state which followed. This particular plan for American military domination came to fruition during the administration of George H.W. Bush Sr.

In 1992, Wolfowitz was working in the Department of Defence and was asked to write the first draft of a new national security strategy, a document entitled “The Defense Planning Guidance.” It was here that the full force of Neo-Con ideology took shape, pushing for dramatic increases in defence spending, pre-emptive attack and the use of unilateral military force with or without the support of allies. Perle had been working for Benjamin Netanyahu, who was Prime Minister of Israel by 1996. “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was their policy which set out a game plan that would solve Israel’s security problems in the Middle East by emphasising “Western Values.” It was another example of using the USA as a proxy nation to its bidding. The removal of Saddam Hussein and aggressive policies of invasion in the Middle East were advocated. One particular passage from the document openly reveals its agenda where “peace” was transformed into economic support from US taxpayers in order to increase a political ideology: “While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform.” [10]

By the year 2000, George W. Bush Jr. had taken office and the foundation of Jewish, Neo-Conservative power fused with the National Security State and its military-intelligence apparatus. This was to oversee the rise of ruthless corporate psychopaths Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, and Chabad supporter Deputy Secretary for Defence Paul Wolfowitz, all of whom had cut their teeth on the past administrations of Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr.

Paul Wolfowitz2

Paul Wolfowitz at a Friends of Israel meeting 2009


Zionist enablers out for all they can get – former Vice President Dick Cheney talks with his partner in crime the then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a video teleconference, 2006. (White House photo by David Bohrer)

As Michael Chertoff was busy reordering America’s fear and loathing into the Homeland Security State, 2005 saw the departure of Douglas Feith leading eventually to the Directorship of the Center for National Security Strategies and as a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Wolfowitz headed to  the World Bank in order to do further incalculable damage to any hint of normal human progress.

Having honed his knowledge of globalisation by redefining American dominance so that international treaties, the United Nations and World economic policy could benefit US neo-liberalism and Israeli economic and foreign policy. He was able to implement economic configurations such as “public-private partnerships” which not only placed corporations in the front line of a socio-cultural imperialism but allowed global warming legislation to mix with corporatism. The plan was scuppered just two years later resulting in: “Wolfowitz’s resignation and departure in disgrace over a sordid corruption scandal involving his role in securing improper salary raises for his mistress, and trying to cover it all up.” Columnist Dr. Srdja Trifkovic explained: “According to the Bank insiders, however, her employment contract was used as the handy pretext to get rid of Wolfowitz, the true reasons being gross mismanagement, utter misunderstanding the Bank’s role in the world, and an extreme display of arrogance.” [11]

The Wolf marking his territory once again?

Wolfowitz and his colleagues managed to fuse corporatist, Zionist, Chabad Lubavitch and other highly influential Zio-Conservative-based think-tanks into a powerful force for war. The Wolfowitz Doctrine lay behind  “Clear break” and PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defences” which defined the blueprint for Zio-Con conquest well into the future. The latter document was written in September of 2000, one year before the 9/11 attacks, where they acknowledged: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. …” And just one year later, their most pressing desire was fulfilled.

Paul Wolfowitz played a major role in the genesis of the 9/11 attacks either in its creation or taking full advantage of all the opportunities such a “catalysing event” could offer. What the Doctrine proved that this was an ideology of Straussian authoritarianism inspired by the Hegelian solution. By using the US as a proxy war machine the Zionists had pulled off a major coup in toppling Saddam Hussein and invading Iraq with their sites on monopolising oil reserves, the driving interest for corporatists like Rumsfeld and Cheney. But the full force of a religious-occult imperative would be revealed in the 9/11 false flag ritual which heralded the destruction of Iraq – the first phase of biblical and Chabad-led, Talmudic prophecy.

As reported by Munich-based author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert an “occult summit” was convened on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, February 21st, 2003. In attendance were: 0297829947.02.LZZZZZZZ

“… the head of the Operations Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose name wasn’t published and seven leading representatives of military intelligence, amongst them the three-star general Lowell ‘Jake’ Jacoby, Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency and Wolfowitz’ deputy Dr Linton Wells who manages the ‘nerve centre’ of the Pentagon” and mostly notably “Bible code specialist” Michael Drosnin and Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz.” [12]

The fact that top members of US government would be willing to trust the advice of Drosnin’s highly controversial study of predictive word codes is worrying enough. What is more concerning is the reliance not only on Biblical prophecy but the fusion of both Christian Evangelism, Jewish Messianism and occult Zionsim. Eggert explains that there was “only one item on the agenda” and that was to discover what the Bible said:

“… about the present situation in the Middle East, terrorism and about the fate of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden … It is said that a special interest was taken in decoding when devastation was expected to descend upon the Iraqi president. Result: the Jewish year of 5763 which corresponds to the year 2003 of the Christian calendar. The outcome of this conference is said to have been analysed immediately after by American and Israeli intelligence. The Americans “took it very seriously”, Drosnin later said. The White House started the campaign “Iraqi Freedom” within the prophesised time frame.” [13]

And they “took it seriously” because Zio-Conservatives and military-intelligence apparatus is saturated in occult workings all of which are underpinned by the Jewish Kabbalah in some form. One of these is based around the Jewish calendar of the Shemitah, its origins in the Old Testament. Originally a form of agricultural divination focused around debts and  blessings to it is now used as a tool of prediction for world events and calamitous occurrences. As Eggert observes, Chabad Lubavitch saw 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq as one long mythical war prophesised long ago and even cited in the sect’s magazine Emes News which stated: “While the press doesn’t foresee such a move and while the US-State-Department is denying any plan of attack against Iraq, those who know about the Lubavitcher Rebbe know quite well, that when he said, America would wage war against Basra [a city in Iraq], nothing in the world could stop such an event coming true.” [14]  It is for this reason that the Christian Zionists and Fundamentalists are so crucial to the Chabad’s messianic drive since they are well aware that they make up around 37 percent of voters in America. Head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder reaffirmed this strategic link in a recent interview where he said: “Evangelicals … are the critical support for Israel…We have one great friend: Evangelicals.” [15]


© infrakshun

Crucial to the End Times tribulation is the yearned for second coming induced by conflict at Temple Mount. The Iraq war started one and half years later on March 20th 2003, the Holy Day of Purim care of one of the main instigators of a Chabad ritual and the needed outbreak of war: Paul Wolfowitz. During the aftermath of the Iraq war, Chabad supporters Joseph Lieberman and Senator John McCain were the allotted PR figureheads for announcing that: “… the Iraqi conflict-based-strategy followed exactly that line which he himself together with his colleague had imposed in the US Congress by pushing through the ‘Iraq Liberation Act’.” [16]

At this point, the reader may be forgiven for thinking that all these war-mongering corporatists, Zionists and rapacious banksters are simply in it for the money and the power. Important as those things are for essential psychopaths there is also the underlying foundation of the military-occult complex suffused with a masonic branch of Existential Satanism which have traditionally relied on psychological warfare to achieve their ends. Within the Zionist Establishment, the Mossad hierarchy and Chabad Lubavitch is a form of Kabbalistic Satanism with links to Order of Zion freemasonry, in turn, connected to the overall global occult elite. Those whose personalities have been irrevocably altered and fragmented as a part of MK-ULTRA programs (which are the ones we know about) have undoubtedly been carefully positioned within the political establishment. This brings us back to the testimony of Kay Griggs and which will prepare us for the final series of posts exploring the occult significance of 9/11.


The Hebrew Kabbalah or Tree of Life / © Infrakshun

As you may recall, Griggs endured 11 years of bizarre behaviour and emotional abuse from her Navy SEAL husband, who was a victim of mind control operations inflicted on children of the military-intelligence apparatus from the 1950s to the 197os. Evidence has been mounting over the years that such programs resulted in a large number of assassins programmed to kill, commonly known as “Manchurian candidates.” After her husband went missing Griggs decided to go public after receiving death threats and psychological intimidation from members of military intelligence.

In 1996 she took her story to Sarah McClendon, a former senior member of the White House press corps and gained protection, as well as a wise confidante who gave her experienced advice on how to stay alive when dealing with military intelligence agents. By 1998 Griggs had sufficient confidence to make an eight hour video recording of her experiences for Pastor Strawcutter which found their way to the internet adding vital pieces of the puzzle regarding the hidden workings of military-intelligence groupings. Griggs, a committed Christian, gave evidence that was at times clearly difficult for her to relate due to the nature of the information. This included confirmation of government hit squads, Zionist cabals, brain-washing, murder and organised sex-cults of “Cap and Gown, and Skull and Bone society,” though not exclusive to the US Navy to which her husband and other high level Marine officials belonged.

Griggs’ information is derived from her discussions with the wives of US Army and Navy personnel, the harrowing experiences with her tragic husband and the details she was able to glean from his diary which was left behind following his disappearance. From the knowledge she was able to piece together Griggs believes that the handlers of these covert cults as well as the programmed child-victims who do their bidding for many decades: “…are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. PSYOPS is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player.” Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld are also named as those with German-Jewish origins, chosen for their psychological make-up to be handlers and/or operators assigned with particular roles.

Recall the testimony of Dr. Corey Hammond and his revelation of Greenbaum mind programming which provided evidence of a Hassidic element to “Dr. Green” – a probable codename for a group of programmers across the spectrum of mind control operations and which continues to this day. At root, the pathogenic nature of this psychological deviance manifested through a direct transference of Zio-Nazi black arts and their technology of mind. In other words, via Operation PAPERCLIP and the installation of numerous intelligence officers, psychologists and scientists, most importantly perhaps, the Nazi SS General Reinhard Gehlen, who was head of German intelligence operations. Under the cover and success of this Nazi brain drain he went on to be one of the leading architects of the modern CIA. The General was only one of numerous high level Germans who were to define the future of America.


Wolfowitz on 9/11 Commission: How we laughed.

Finding out who the various kingpins of the September 11th attacks is an impossible task as they will always be one step ahead, as the present disinformation and managed perceptions within the 9/11 truth movement attests. What we do know is that any well-known public figures which have been mentioned throughout this blog are likely not the true perpetrators of this crime against humanity. What we do have is a Catholic-based Nazism, tied to a Anglo-American Liberal-collectivism further complicated by Zionism – all of whom have their own take on building a New Order Empire, that will lock in once and for all a Golden Age of neo-feudalism where psychopaths rule.

9/11 was the global turning point.

The occult lies behind all major cabals, religions and organisation in the 21st Century ranging from the amateur to the sophisticated; forms of freemasonic Satanism, the maturation of various brotherhoods of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism. Dispense with all the manufactured labels and “- isms” and the simple truth is a increasing psychopathy with its long term plan to dominate ordinary humanity. THAT is the real Secret of the Ages and the only conspiracy worth considering, everything else is just window-dressing. It is the probable mass inculcation of disturbed, pathological individuals who are insinuated into the social fabric and attached to suitable ideologies so that they may act as channels for ponerogenesis.

In one sense, all that has gone before in this series represents a careful, methodical prelude before presenting this information on occult Zionism since it is a tough one to contemplate, not least because it is using Judaism and the Jewish tribe as its vehicle. Zionists and Ashkenazis – Khazars – are not the ordinary Jewish people. Palestinians and Jews lived together for centuries, and there is good reason to believe that ordinary Jews and Muslims are still keen to live together in peace. They hold much more in common than we may think – not least their shared Semitic genes. Zionists however, by brainwashing Jews in particular, have effectively encouraged moral blindness and victimhood. Peace between these peoples is anathema for the pathological aggression that is the life-blood of Zionist existence.

Those psychopaths who lie within the middle and higher tiers of the Chabad/Zionist pyramid thrive on maximising conflict between the two Semitic peoples. History and myth reveal that they have socially-engineered Jewish culture to accept this conflict as a fight for survival while in reality it is merely another geo-political ruse to extend their rule over ordinary people. Consequently, it is metaphorically correct to call such actions “Satanic.” Futhermore, as we look deeper into the nature of occult forces which surround the nationalistic violence of Zionism and the theology of the upper most hierarchy within Chabad Lubavitch, we will see quite clearly that it is the influence of the Babylonian Talmud with its Levitical roots in Black Magick and Satanic lore which informs their operations in the 21st Century.

Admittedly, this is a very hard fact to swallow for most, since a) we have been awash with cultural conditioning and a superficial history told by the victorious that prohibits such discussions of occult practice, though its presence lies directly or indirectly behind all of our socio-political and economic institutions; and b) the Jewish culture of victimhood and inculcated ethnocentrism has similarly prevented any constructive criticism, reinforced by the Jewish cultural Marxism of political correctness. Once we accept such a hypothesis as at least a possibility, we will then be better able to absorb the information regarding the events of September 11th as the grand occult ritual that it was.

Before we do so, we need to take a closer look at the Talmud.  


* Golus is Hebrew for “exile” usually referring to the exile of the Jewish people from their perceived homeland. The word avodah means “work” and of a type that is carried out as a service to God.


[1] Paraphrased from ‘Merry Christmas, and Off With Your Head!’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc., http://www.Public-Action.com May 15, 2002.
[2] op. cit. Eggert | See also: ‘Patronymic Paralogy’ – Excerpt: “March 20, 1991 President Bush signed into law a Congressional Joint Resolution entitled, “A Joint Resolution To Designate March 26, 1991, As Education Day, USA”. This joint resolution became Public Law 102-14. Public Law 102-14 states emphatically that all civilization from the beginning has been based upon a set of laws entitled “The Seven Noahide Laws” and thus officially put the United States under Noahide Law. These seven supposed universal laws, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, p. 737, state that they are “a Jewish Babylonian Talmudic designations for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently, binding upon all mankind.” The Encyclopedia Americana continues its explanation of the Noahide Laws, “Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all.” They are meant to be a substitute for the Ten Commandments. They are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind. According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called “B’nei Noach” (Children of Noah) or “Noahides” and may often network in Jewish synagogues.”- http://www.files.meetup.com/1503563/Your%20Name%20Under%20the%20Law.pdf
[3] ‘Ask the Rabbis: How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?’Moment Magazine, May/June 2009. Rabbi Manis Friedman, Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, St. Paul, MN.
[4] ‘A Statement from Rabbi Friedman’ June 5, 2009 by maxinesp, Moment Magazine| http://www.momentmagazine.wordpress.com/2009/06/03/a-statement-from-rabbi-friedman/
[5] Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746. | http://www.noahide.com/rebbe.htm
[6] ‘The Law is Only a Minimum’ By Bryan J. Ellison. http://www.noahide.com/minimum.htm
[7] [RAND] had established itself as the leading think-tank for Pentagon, and had access to all its secrets. They were mainly economists by training, and had developed a vocabulary for ‘thinking about the unthinkable’ which had all the weaknesses of economic jargon. The universe of nuclear strategy was so difficult to comprehend, and the horrors it contained were so repugnant to normal people, that its study required the same clinical detachment as the study of venereal disease. But that very detachment tended to blind the experts to the human realities, and to enslave them to abstract concepts, the validity of which had never been tested.” – Denis Healey, The Time of My Life . Published by Penguin, 1989 ( p.246).
[8] p. 287; Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella. Published by Harcourt, 2008.
[9]  “Aide Urged Pentagon to Consider Weapons Made by Former Client”, By Jeff Gerth, New York Times, 17 April 1983.
[10] ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ – “Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.” The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.” – The Institute for Advanced and Strategic Political Studies, Jerusalem, Washington.| http://www.iasps.org/strat1.htm
[11] ‘Wolfowitz the Undead’ by Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles Magazine February 7, 2008. | http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/2008/02/07/wolfowitz-the-undead/
[12] op. cit Eggert
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ronald Lauder: ‘We have one great friend: the Evangelicals’ World Jewish Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJA7KhYvZIY
[16] Ibid. Wolfgang Eggert quoting Rainer Apel, Eurasien ist gegen Irakkrieg, in: Neue Solidarität, February 6th, 2003.

The Z Factor XIV: ZIONISM Rules

By M.K. Styllinski

“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist … There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”

Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.


“It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.”

Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

Zionists and apologists for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians believe that Arabs have no rights on the land before it was stamped “Israel” and that there was no indigenous Arab population there in the first place. This may serve to buffer crimes against Palestinians and the continuing spread of illegal Jewish settlements but it has no place in objective fact.

According to the latest in cultural, anthropological and genetic research the Palestinian people are: “the modern descendants of people who have lived in Palestine over the centuries and today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab.” The evidence further shows that: “Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of the Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core reaches back to prehistoric times.” And where: “a study of high-resolution haplotypes [DNA sequences] demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70 per cent) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82 per cent) belong to the same chromosome pool.” [1]

The outrageous irony in the face of all this carnage is that Palestinians and Jews are drawn from the same genes – they have the same Semitic origins. The ancestors of modern-day Palestinians have been present in Palestine for thousands of years. The idea that Palestinians migrated there in the last couple of centuries is a persistent myth which has been comprehensively debunked by many academics who haven’t been intimidated by Zionist threats . The evidence also suggests that many of the most vociferous Zionists may not be from what we perceive as traditional Jewish origins at all, but descended from the Khazars but that’s for another post.

Perhaps the most convincing is Norman Finkelstein’s Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (1995) which presents and open-and-shut case of the true history of Israeli-Palestinian origins and conflict and why these myths seem so intractable. [2] (His latest book: Old Wine, Broken Bottle addresses the toxic influences of Zionism and is a valuable companion). In truth, regardless of historical fictions, it should be obvious to anyone that what happened over two thousand years ago takes on less relevance when ethnic cleansing, dispossession, human rights abuses and an apartheid environment for modern Palestinians is any way to behave, most especially given Jewish history?

palestine-israel© infrakshun

We have taken a very brief look at the myths and propaganda that underpin the Zionist cause. While personally, I certainly have a problem with organised religion as a whole – including Judaism – it is important to reiterate that many Ultra-Orthodox and non-practicing Jews alike do not support Zionism. There are many forms of Zionism including Revisionist, General, Religious, Labour, and Green. The form of Zionism referred to on this blog includes religious and revisionist. It is these forms which are most closely tied to the intelligence apparatus, messianic cults and the Anglo-American establishment and therefore of most interest.

The overriding and common theme of all strains of Zionism is a claim to the land of Israel as a national, self-determined homeland for Jewish people based on the interpretation of religious tradition. These interpretations were riddled with historical inaccuracies at their inception both intentional and belief-based, along with empire-driven, fallacious arguments to justify the expulsion of Palestinians. The result is the Arab-Israeli conflict and the geo-political strategies that have intermingled with Jewish determinism ever since.

There is also the question of Israel as a democracy, which given its record of human rights and religious intolerance falls very short of being the only democratic country in the Middle East. Zionists like to sabre-rattle the importance of maintaining their security against Arab nations while sowing enormous seeds of destabilisation in the world. Israel does not confirm or deny obtaining nuclear weapons but is widely believed to possess them (Ask Israeli whistleblower Mordechi Vanunu [3]

It also harbours chemical and biological weapons which, as we will see, have been routinely used against Palestinian and Arabic peoples despite the international ban on their usage. This is all packaged within the buffer-zone of righteous indignation and moral certitude of Holocaust victimhood. Accusations of anti-Semitism allow Zionists to justify and enforce an apartheid state and the continuance of Palestinian oppression. But we must go back in time a little further to remind ourselves exactly why Zionism is such an important and influential tool of political ponerology in the 21st century.

The aim of the early 19th century Zionist movements was to colonise Palestine hand in hand with the imperial and corporate interests of the German, American, French, Russian interests. The British and Ottoman empires were perhaps the most important parties vying for control. But Revisionist Zionism was growing teeth by returning to Old Testament values and Leninist strategies to make it all happen. After ALL, emancipation meant integration and assimilation which could never be allowed under the old Mosaic Law of separatism.

With the Amaleks in mind, the objectives behind Zionism saw nothing less than the tools of ethnic cleansing and gradual genocide to achieve their aims. Even the Labour branch of Zionism with its “socialist” tint to invasion sought out: “… every tree and every bush to be planted by Jewish ’pioneers’ ” and “… to hire Jews and only Jews” thus helping to break the spirit and the long disenfranchisement and disconnection of Palestine to their land. [4]

Socialism became inverted as it rooted out undesirable workers. Haifa, Gaza, Jaffa, Nablus, Acre, Jericho, Ramle, Hebron, Jerusalem, and Nazareth were successful towns integrating Jews into a culturally diverse society. Foundation builders of modern Zionism such as the Hovevei, or Hibbat Zion (“Those who are Lovers of Zion”) had already established 20 new Jewish settlements in Palestine between 1870 and 1897. By the late 19th century tolerance turned to fear and resistance to both the Feudalist Ottoman Empire, Turkish dominance and the encroaching colonisation of Jewish settlers. By 1905 the World Zionist Congress had formerly acknowledged this resistance to Zionist designs.


“Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment… Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” – Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine,Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.

By the time the first Congress was held in Vienna, 1897, the rich Talmudic communities of Zionists in Russia ensured Dr. Theodore Herzl had embarked on a PR exercise that would span the globe bringing Zionism to fruition as an organized political force. By this time the Kabbalah was already doing its work by offering up a mysticism that appealed to the fizzling romantic aspirations of the British Establishment and glitterati. No better indication of the nature of this political movement would be understood than from a passage in Herzl’s diaries: “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse, this will assist in realization of our plans. I have an excellent idea. I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.” [5]

Herzl was used and summarily cast aside after suggesting Jewish emancipation for those in Russia.

Although the source of eventual support, there was initially strong resistance to revisionist Zionism in England where many rank and file Jews had no interest in moving from their respective homes. In 1915, as World War I progressed Jews came down firmly against the Zionist cause seeing it for what it was: an “enemy movement that did not have the vast majority of Jews’ best interests at heart:

“… the Anglo-Jewish Association, through its Conjoint Committee, declared that ‘the Zionists do not consider civil and political emancipation as a sufficiently important factor for victory over the persecution and oppression of Jews and think that such a victory can only be achieved by establishing a legally secured home for the Jewish people. The Conjoint Committee considers as dangerous and provoking anti-Semitism the ‘national’ postulate of the Zionists, as well as special privileges for Jews in Palestine. The Committee could not discuss the question of a British Protectorate with an international organization which included different, even enemy elements.’ ” [6]

By 1917, Zionists had cut a deal with German imperialist interests in the region which fit perfectly with the game-changing 1917 Balfour Declaration form the British who were rubbing their hands with glee. There is no question that Britain wanted the gateway into the Ottoman Empire and Africa which Israel could provide. Of equal importance was the part played by American and English Religious movement of millennialism or dispensationalists who saw the creation of Israel as integral to the manifestation of Biblical prophecy.

Author Gershom Gorenberg writes:

“On November 2, 1917, two days after General Edmund Allenby’s Egyptian Expeditionary Force took Beersheba from the Ottoman Turks and prepared to march north toward Jerusalem, the British government announced an entirely different rationale for the campaign: Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour sent a letter to British Zionist leader Lord Rothschild, informing him that the cabinet had approved “a declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations: His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…

Five weeks later, Allenby’s army took Jerusalem. For two days after the actual conquest, the general’s arrival was meticulously planned. … Christian armies were returning to the city for the first time since the Crusades. Allenby arrived at Jaffa Gate riding a white horse, with the pomp of a king. Then, before he entered the Old City, he dismounted and walked. A standard account of the general’s reason: His Savior had entered this city on foot, and so would he. [7]

A pomp and ceremony fusion of freemasonry and “End Times” fervour was fizzing away amid the imperialist desires. Or as Gorenberg observed: “Conquering Jerusalem had to not only be considered strategically, it had to be accomplished ‘according to prophecy.’ ” Which is why the Jewish people and Zionists have much to be suspicious about when it comes to so called Christian Zionists presently involved in smoothing the path to the promised land. Though many English politicians and strategists were not caught up in Christian Dominionism enough passengers were aboard this particular juggernaut of mutual interest who cared little about the occasional jostle in beliefs. There was money to be made whether or not souls were destined to be damned or saved.

A future president of the World Zionist Organisation had this comment to make regarding British involvement: “We can reasonably say that should Palestine fall within the British sphere of influence, and should Britain encourage Jewish settlement there, as a British dependency, we could have in twenty to thirty years a million Jews out there, perhaps more; they would develop the country, bring back civilization to it and form a very effective guard for the Suez Canal.” [8] British and US and banking interests aligned against Germany as well the aforementioned seeding of occult-romanticism harboured by the Establishment ensured that Arthur Balfour delivered a blueprint for Arab exclusion. Despite platitudes and placatory noises sent forth to shocked Arab nations, Balfour’s true sentiments were summed up in the following missive: “Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad is rooted in present needs, in future hopes of far profounder import than the desires of the 700,000-plus Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.” [9]

This has been the raison d’être for British foreign policy ever since.

800px-Balfour_portrait_and_declarationArthur Balfour’s letter to Lord Rothschild

In the 1920s, Zionism grew into its more militantly “Mosaic” expression with Vladimir Jabotinsky as leader and founder of the revisionist branch. As a thuggish spellbinder his oratory and unyielding declaration of an “Iron Wall” created a new directive to wrest Palestine from its Arab owners “by force or not at all.” [10]Inspired by Benito Mussolini, Jabotinsky’s vision appropriated the Nazi symbolism of steel and iron to forge an aggressive and pro-active form of Zionism which appealed to the more pugnacious and brutal proponents of the movement from Likud to the present-day Zio-Conservatives. Jabotinsky brought forth the undercurrents of Jewish fascism and its obsession with racial purity to stir the blood of the new invaders where he claimed:

Zev_Vladimir_Jabotinsky_uniform“The source of national feeling … lies in a man’s blood …in his racio-physico type and in that alone. … A man’s spiritual outlook is primarily determined by his physical structure. For that reason we do not believe in spiritual assimilation. It is inconceivable, from the physical point of view, that a Jew born to a family of pure Jewish blood can become adapted to the spiritual outlook of a German or a Frenchman. He may be wholly imbued with that German fluid, but the nucleus of his spiritual structure will always remain Jewish.” [11]

True to the tried and tested British Empire policy of breaking nations that continues to this day, the economic destabilisation of the indigenous Palestinian economy began in earnest, where Jewish investment and capital took precedence, effectively handing over the economic infrastructure to Jewish settlers. The settler community needed not only to displace and remove Palestinians but to extinguish their existence from Greater Israel and indeed from any map at all and the British helped them do it.

A serious uprising by indigenous Palestinians lasted from 1936 – 1939 with brutal attempts by the British military to quell it. Mass demolitions of homes ensued with the inevitable shadow of martial law following in its wake. Zionism in fact, sought to eradicate the farming, artisan and town communities of Palestinians and forcibly replace it with an entirely new workforce composed of the settler population. It was to be an ethnic cleansing based on Old Testament/Torah teachings. And true to form, much propaganda began to re-write history in favour of Jewish pre-eminence with Revisionist Zionism acting as the crusading sword.

By 1938, many thousands of Palestinians were assassinated, imprisoned, almost 150 executed and thousands of homes demolished and burned. Haganah was the name given to Zionist forces integrated with British intelligence and Jabotinsky’s National Military Organization or the Irgun. This pseudo-police force effectively acted as a mercenary unit in the pay of British interests, much like the private security firms trained by the CIA, MOSSAD and MI6 in what is now left of Iraq. [12]

After the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1947 and by the end of the Arab-Israeli war of the following year, the first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion showed the impetus behind the creation of the State and ambitions of Zionists as he addressed his General Staff prior to the last offensive:  “Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.” [13]

This was merely a military realisation of his aspirations expressed on a number of occasions to the Zionist faithful, one of which was voiced back in 1938 where he told the World Council of Poale Zion in Tel Aviv: “The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan [West Bank] and the Sinai.” [14]

Zionists have been using governments to slice up Palestine and the world ever since.

 “… it has become an open secret in our world today that there is a 300 pound gorilla in the room—the role of the Organized Jewish Community—generally, though not always correctly, known as “the Zionist movement”—that is a preeminent power in our modern society, not only in the United States but in most of the West and elsewhere across the planet.”

– Michael Collins Piper

The Yesha Rabbinical Counsel made an announcement in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna, Lebanon, in 2006: “according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such thing as ‘innocence’ among the enemy.” [15]

Such cold hatred is nothing new.

In 1947, when the United Nations partitioned Palestine, and May 15, 1948, when the State was formally proclaimed, the Zionist army and militia had seized 75 per cent of Palestine, forcing 780,000 Palestinians out of the country. By the time the Israeli-Arab war of 48’ had finished, several notorious massacres had reached international attention though they were not the only ones. The Zionist terror groups in the shape of IZL, the Irgun and the Lehi or Lohamei Herut (otherwise known as the Stern Gang) descended on the village of Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948, murdering over 100 men, women and children. [16]

Labour Zionist Israeli army and Israel Defence Forces or ZAHAL carried out a massacre at Dueima in the same year, an account of which by a soldier and participant in the atrocity was published in Davar, the official Hebrew daily newspaper:

… They killed between eighty to one hundred Arab men, women and children. To kill the children they [soldiers] fractured their heads with sticks. There was not one home without corpses. The men and women of the villages were pushed into houses without food or water. Then the saboteurs came to dynamite them.

One commander ordered a soldier to bring two women into a building he was about to blow up … Another soldier prided himself upon having raped an Arab woman before shooting her to death. Another Arab woman with her newborn baby was made to clean the place for a couple of days, and then they shot her and the baby. Educated and well-mannered commanders who were considered “good guys” … became base murderers, and this not in the storm of battle, but as a method of expulsion and extermination. The fewer the Arabs who remain, the better. [17]

In the 1950s massacres were part of the program of total expulsion and eradication of Palestinians from their land and continued in isolated pockets and larger scale attacks throughout the refugee camps and villages of Gaza. Once such massacre was carried out at the village of Kibya in October 1953 where once again, men women and children were murdered this time under the command of Ariel Sharon. The massacre at Kafr Qasim followed the same pattern in October 1956. There were even massacres that were lauded as especially valuable in strategic terms becoming part of the Israeli folklore of ethnic cleansing: “I have always said that if the deepest and profoundest hope symbolizing redemption is the rebuilding of the [Jewish] Temple … then it is obvious that those mosques [al-Haram al-Sharif and al-Aqsa] will have, one way or another, to disappear one of these days … Had it not been for Deir Yassin, half a million Arabs would be living in the state of Israel [in 1948]. The state of Israel would not have existed.” [18]

Deir-YasinDeir Yassin massacre April 9th 1948

In the 1960s the true agenda was beginning to reach the press. David Ben Gurion’s special adviser on Arab Affairs expressed his desire to: “… reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters, [19] and by the 1970s, when an Israeli government memorandum entitled “The Koenig report” was leaked by Israeli newspaper Al-Hamishmar it laid bare the policy of systemic expulsion of Palestinian people though somewhat euphemistically expressed. Regarding the Palestinian minority the only thing needed was the: “…objective thought that ensures the long-term Jewish national interests”… while stressing the examination of “… the possibility of diluting existing Arab population concentrations.” [20]

Indeed, the same Zionist policies and principles have expanded and developed under Jewish fundamentalism and extremist cults presently focused within the United States government. It is worth repeating the fact that many of the original Zionist settlers did not agree with this policy of expulsion and were not adverse to the idea of living with their Palestinian neighbours. It is this principle of Judaism that is also rising up to resist pathological takeover of those who have right human relations at heart, regardless of their religious or ideological affiliations. It is here that the hope for Israeli-Arab destiny lies. [21] 

In the 1980s on the American television show 60 Minutes, Mike Wallace interviewed the late Meir Kahane, the controversial Brooklyn rabbi and Israeli Knesset member. This Rabbi was an advocate for the expulsion of all Arabs from all of Palestine which included “Israeli Arabs” and Arabs living in the occupied territories:

Wallace : “You proposed a law for the Knesset to pass against Arabs that’s really astonishingly identical to the Nuremberg laws of the Nazis under Adolf Hitler.”

Kahane: “Mr. Wallace, one of the problems of Jews is that they wouldn’t know a Jewish concept if they tripped over one. I merely quoted from the Talmud. Most Jews think Judaism is Thomas Jefferson. It’s not.” [22]

And Kahane is correct. There are those Jewish men and women who call themselves Zionist yet appear to know nothing of its history and its true nature. Rather, they prefer to see Arabs as the cause of all their ills past and present thus rationalising and condoning the atrocious conditions that Palestinians live under every day of their lives. A lost generation of children suffering deprivation, abuse and poverty is the result of this acquiescence and support of oppression. Only further embitterment and anger can result.

A major player in the economic and ideological expansion of Zionism was Wall Street Banking cartels overseen by the Rothschilds dynasty. By the late 19th century, “almost two hundred Rothschild refineries were at work in Baku,” Russia’s oil rich region making the Rothschilds the richest family in the world, their five international banking houses comprising “one of the first multinational corporations.” [23]Indeed, as author Herbert Loffman mentions in Return of the Rothschilds, they: “… had long been involved in developing Czarist Russia’s nascent industry and banking system, while that country’s growing network of railroads was largely financed by Rothschild-managed loans.” [24]

With the monopoly on oil supply to Europe and the Far East established there was only one problem: another transportation route was needed in order to cope with the volume and the demand for oil. The Suez Canal proved more than economically viable and made Palestine vital to the Rothschilds and their corporate expansionism. Having enormous power in International banking and principle shareholders in most of the important banks of the time, it was easy to buy shares in the Suez Canal Company.

Edmond James de Rothschild began to push for a Jewish homeland in Palestine for two reasons:


Edmond James de Rothschild

1) to take the heat of the growing socialist dispensation in reaction to the Czar Nicholas II, who had instituted anti-Semitic pogroms against Jews, prompting a huge emigration of Jews Russia into Western Europe. The Rothschild’s oil interests were threatened by Russian Jewish émigrés’ strikes and disruptions to Russian business and thus Rothschilds’ profits. By channelling the political passion towards emigration to the new homeland this acted to release the pressure on their business interests until such time it would be safe to openly resume activate corporate ties in Russia.

2) His enthusiastic push to promote and fund the new Jewish State served to kill two birds with one stone: a new economic venture and leverage for the dynasty and offering further clout and manoeuvrability for short and long-term British interests.

It was preceding the war that a group of prominent Zionists wrote a letter to Hitler detailing their belief that there was no need for any disagreements between the Zionist-revisionists and the Nazis. After all, they only wished to be left alone to set up a “nationalist and totalitarian state” for the Jewish people, in the same way Hitler was busy creating the same for the German people. [25]

Why would the 1933 World Zionist Organization Congress defeat a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote of 240 to 43? In fact, the principle distributor of goods to the Nazi regime was the World Zionist Organization throughout the Middle East and Northern Europe. With the help of Wall Street finance, Ha’avara Bank was established in Palestine in order to cater for the wealthy elite of industrialists in Germany, Britain and the US. An indication of this ideological and business relationship between Nazis and Zionists was never more apparent than when Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service was invited to Palestine for a six-month visit:

This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. In May 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, the chief of the S.S. Security Service, wrote an article in which he separated Jews into ‘two categories.’ The Jews he favored were the Zionists: ‘Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them.’ In 1937, the Labor ‘socialist’ Zionist militia, the Haganah (founded by Jabotinsky) sent an agent (Feivel Polkes) to Berlin offering to spy for the S.S. Security Service in exchange for the release of Jewish wealth for Zionist colonization. Adolf Eichmann was invited to Palestine as the guest of the Haganah. [26]

Wall Street paved the way for Hitler by heavily investing in the Germany economy, building up a cartel system as part of an overall long term strategy for international banking control. Germany was key stage in this process and allowed the crucial directives of The Dawes Plan and The Young Plan to be implemented. Author Anthony C. Sutton describes the background deals which took place:

The Treaty of Versailles after World War I imposed a heavy reparations burden on defeated Germany. This financial burden — a real cause of the German discontent that led to acceptance of Hitlerism — was utilized by the international bankers for their own benefit. The opportunity to float profitable loans for German cartels in the United States was presented by the Dawes Plan and later the Young Plan. Both plans were engineered by these central bankers, who manned the committees for their own pecuniary advantages, and although technically the committees were not appointed by the U.S. Government, the plans were in fact approved and sponsored by the Government. [27]

The German cartel system proved vital in manipulating politicians and their idea of economics whilst allowing Hitler and the Nazis to gain power:

“American financiers were directly represented on the boards of two of these three German cartels. This American assistance to German cartels has been described by James Martin as follows: ‘These loans for reconstruction became a vehicle for arrangements that did more to promote World War II than to establish peace after World War I.’”  [28]

Zionism had an extraordinary influence on geo-politics during this tumultuous period. Jewish thought and Zionist lobbying exerted pressure not just on governments but through the media and social networking of the day. Indeed, as noted psychology professor at the California State University Kevin Macdonald mentions in his 2001 book: Culture of Critique:

During World War II they engaged in “loud diplomacy”…organizing thousands of rallies, dinners with celebrity speakers (including prominent roles for sympathetic non-Jews), letter campaigns, meetings, lobbying, threats to newspapers for publishing unfavorable items, insertion of propaganda as news items in newspapers, giving money to politicians and non-Jewish celebrities like Will Rogers in return for their support. By 1944, “thousands of non-Jewish associations would pass pro-Zionist resolutions” … In 1944 both Republican and Democratic platforms included strong pro-Zionist planks even though the creation of a Jewish state was strongly opposed by the Departments of State and War. […]

Jews not only had a prominent position in the U.S. media, they had seized the intellectual and moral high ground via their control of the intellectual and political movements… Not only were Jewish interests beyond the bounds of civilized political discussion, assertions of European ethnic interest became impermissible as well. Such assertions conflicted with the Boasian dogma that genetic differences between peoples were trivial and irrelevant; they conflicted with the Marxist belief in the equality of all peoples and the Marxist belief that nationalism and assertions of ethnic interests were reactionary; such assertions were deemed a sure sign of psychopathology within the frameworks of psychoanalysis and the Frankfurt School;and they would soon be regarded as the babblings of country bumpkins by the New York Intellectuals and by the Neo-Conservatives who spouted variants of all of these ideologies from the most prestigious academic and media institutions in the society. [29] [Emphasis mine]

MacDonald emphasises there are obviously other forces that “relegated the nativist mind-set to the political and intellectual fringe…” as well as the “… liberal Protestantism and the rise of the managerial state, but it is impossible to understand the effectiveness of either of these influences in the absence of the Jewish movements …” [30] Moreover, how ironic and revealing – especially from the bastions of psychoanalysis – that psychopathy should be used as a bludgeoning tool against those that question ethnic preeminence and political control. Such ideology has produced innumerable instances of psychologically compromised individuals at the fulcrum of many Zionist-inspired operations.


Palestinian Loss of Land 1946-2008 / Source: “The Maps Tell the True Story” from What Really Happened

The very nature of ethnic diversity means that there are necessarily differences which shouldn’t automatically present a problem. However, MacDonald reiterates the contention that the presence of a comprehensive Jewish ethnocentricity in intellectual and political life has ensured the rise of a “de-ethnicized non-Jewish elite … “… interwoven with a critical mass of ethnically conscious Jews and other ethnic minorities … unique to European and European derived societies.” [31]This activism has concentrated primarily on the social sciences and humanities, politics with a policy focus on immigration and ethnic and mass media. To that end, a paradox is seen in that while advocating separatism and superiority of the Jewish race, certain Jewish intellectual groupings of power established by Zionism within America sought to limit the Social Darwinism of the Anglo-American mind-set and promote the idea of the United States: “… as a set of abstract principles rather than an ethnocultural civilization.” He states further: “At the level of politics, Jewish organizations spearheaded the drive to open up immigration to all of the peoples of the world. Jewish organizations also played a key role in furthering the interests of other racial and ethnic minorities, and they led the legal and legislative effort to remove Christianity from public places.” [32]

But there were other reasons for this move, or it devolved into something entirely different under the general ponerogenesis of American culture. Either way, the Establishment was on the move and the domination of East coast Elite, European fascism and the emerging American Zionists were moving forward in their respective fields but largely aligned to the dream of a “New World Order” which had a distinctly homogenous undertow to its principles; a hybrid blend of collectivist and capitalist perceptions that advocate One World, One religion, a global army and global governance underpinned by a global financial architecture.

In point of fact, post-war history alone shows us that the rise of Jewish power has ensured that such principles hold sway to ensure a particularly Zionist flavour to this emerging Order, or, as MacDonald states:

“Since the 1960s a hostile, adversary elite has emerged to dominate intellectual and political debate. It is an elite that almost instinctively loathes the traditional institutions of European-American culture: its religion, its customs, its manners, and its sexual attitudes. […] This “hostile elite” is fundamentally a Jewish-dominated elite…. The emergence of this hostile elite is an aspect of ethnic competition between Jews and non-Jews and its effect will be a long-term decline in the hegemony of European peoples in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world.” [33]

And this hegemony is characterised by a particular cross fertilisation with Jewish Cultural Marxism and the Liberal Establishment programming of Fabian-led collectivism. The professor paints a vivid picture of Judeo-centric preoccupations as fertile ground for ponerisation. It is through inherent qualities missing from Judaism though present in European culture which he explains as “individualism, a lack of ethnocentrism, and concomitant moral universalism.” [34] The intellectual and political movements initiated by Jewish culture and Zionism thus exposed a weakness in the cultural and ethnic integrity of the West which allowed a minority to override it. This is not a problem for Jewish people as a whole when integrating into a new society in its pluralistic sense and without the dictates of Zionism to underpin it. Yet, sadly this is not the case.

To reiterate, MacDonald’s primary reasoning for this state of affairs derives from the idea that:

Europeans are relatively less ethnocentric than other peoples and relatively more prone to individualism as opposed to the ethnocentric collectivist social structures historically far more characteristic of other human groups, including—relevant to this discussion—Jewish groups. …The basic idea is that European groups are highly vulnerable to invasion by strongly collectivist, ethnocentric groups because individualists have less powerful defenses against such groups. The competitive advantage of cohesive, cooperating groups is obvious… This scenario implies that European peoples are more prone to individualism. […] Individualists form mild attachments to many groups, while collectivists have an intense attachment and identification to a few in groups …Individualists are therefore relatively ill-prepared for between-group competition so characteristic of the history of Judaism.

Historically Judaism has been far more ethnocentric and collectivist than typical Western societies…. I suggest that over the course of their recent evolution, Europeans were less subjected to between-group natural selection than Jews and other Middle Eastern populations. This perspective is consistent with ecological theory. [35]

So, from this monotheistic and separative background while turning European culture and values on their heads by claiming the opposite, this means that according to MacDonald: “America had entered into an era when it had become morally unacceptable to discuss Jewish interests at all. We are still in that era.” [36]

Whether criticising the undue influence of Zionism in national or international politics, pushing for US involvement in the Second World War, the creation of a Jewish State or the invasion of Iraq, Libya or Syria – the truth seldom matters when it comes to Zionist interests.


See also:

The Real Story of How Israel Was Created

Rogue state: Declassified Israeli docs spell out 60-year-long strategy to ethnically cleanse Arabs

Israel is ‘cleansing’ thousands of Palestinians from Greater Jewish Jerusalem



[1] p.221; Israel/Palestine By Alan Dowty, London, UK: Polity 2008 | ISBN 978-0-7456-4243-7. “Palestinians are the descendants of all the indigenous peoples who lived in Palestine over the centuries; since the seventh century, they have been predominantly Muslim in religion and almost completely Arab in language and culture.”
Moshe Gil,’the fact that at the time of the Arab conquest, the population of Palestine was mainly Christian, and that during the Crusaders’ conquest some four hundred years later, it was mainly Muslim. As neither the Byzantines nor the Muslims carried out any large-scale population resettlement projects, the Christians were the offspring of the Jewish and Samaritan farmers who converted to Christianity in the Byzantine period; while the Muslim fellaheen in Palestine in modern times are descendants of those Christians who were the descendants of Jews, and had turned to Islam before the Crusaders’ conquest.’ Moshe Gil, A History of Palestine, 634-1099 Cambridge University Press, 1983 pp.222-3.
[2] Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict By Norman Finkelstein. Published by 1995.
[3] See: ‘The Case of Mordechai Vannunu – Preeminent Hero of the Nuclear Age’ by Mark Gaffney. Counterpunch, January 21 2003: “In September 1986, Mordechai Vanunu was illegally abducted by agents of the Mossad for revealing to the world press information that confirmed the existence of Israel’s often-denied plutonium separation plant. The plant is buried eighty feet below ground in the Negev desert, and had long escaped detection. Since the 1960s it has been used to recover plutonium from spent fuel rods from the Dimona nuclear reactor, located nearby. The plant continues to be an integral part of Israel’s ongoing nuclear weapons program. Israel is believed to possess at least 200 nukes.
Then Prime Minister Shimon Peres ordered Vanunu’ s abduction to silence the whistleblower, and to bring him to trial for allegedly jeopardizing the securi ty of the state of Israel. But Vanunu’s real ‘crime’ was speaking the truth. And for that he was made to suffer a fate worse than death: eleven years and five months in solitary confinement. Isolation in a tiny cell is a well-known form of torture, and one that can cause deep emotional scars and mental impairment. During this period Vanunu was subjected to constant harassments and humiliations: an obvious attempt by the Mossad to ‘break’ his will, or drive him over the edge. Amnesty International described the conditions of his ordeal as “cruel, inhuman, and degrading.”
Yet, the prisoner held firm as a rock. Nor has Vanunu since wavered from the position of principle he articulated in the very beginning: that the only sane path is full disclosure and abolition of nuclear weapons. From his prison cell Mordechai wrote: “It is a dangerous illusion to believe they [nuclear weapons] can be defensive….Only peace between states can promise security.” / See also: ‘Israel’s Nuclear Programme’ BBC News, December 22, 2003: The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency recently urged Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and surrender its nuclear weapons in order to further peace in the Middle East.”
[4] History of Zionism By Walter Laqueur, London, 1972. “Later that year, he was jailed for 18 years after a trial for treason that was held in secret. Viewed as a traitor and a spy by most Israelis, Vanunu remains in prison to this day and has spent most of his sentence in solitary confinement. Israel’s former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, widely regarded as the architect of Israel’s nuclear weapons programme, testified at the trial that Vanunu had done serious damage to Israel’s security. Mr Peres subsequently said: ‘A certain amount of secrecy must be maintained in some fields. The suspicion and fog surrounding this question are constructive, because they strengthen our deterrent.’”
[5] Part I, pp. 16; The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl Volume 1 Published by Herzl Press and Thomas Yoseloff, 1960 – 1961. Raphael Patai (editor) Translated by Harry Zohn.
[6] p.267; The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed (1956) New edition published by Veritas Publishing Co Pty Ltd. 2004 | ISBN-10: 0958760225
[7] op. cit Gorenberg (p.84)
[8] Trial and Error: The Autobiography of Chaim Weizmann Published by Harpers, 1949. (p.149).
[9] p.96; The King Crane Commission: An American Inquiry in the Middle East by Harry N. Howard Kayhat, University of Michegan 1963 | Digitized August 2007.
[10] First published in Russian under the title O Zheleznoi Stene in Rassvyet, November 4, 1923. Published in English in Jewish Herald (South Africa), 26 November 1937. Transcribed & revised by Lenni Brenner.
[11] p.29; Jabotinsky’s Letter on Autonomy, 1904. Cited in Brenner, The Iron Wall.
[12] p.96; The 1936-1939 Revolt in Palestine by Ghassan Kanafani (New York, Committee for a Democratic Palestine). Published by Tricontinental Society., 1980.
[13] Ben-Gurion: A Biography by Michael Bar Zohar. Published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1978.
[14] David Ben Gurion, Report to the World Council of Poale Zion (the forerunner of the Labor Party), Tel Aviv, 1938. Cited by Israel Shahak, Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring 1981.
[15] The Palestinian Fascist leader Haj Hussein Al Ameini, the Grand Mufti visited Germany and was on friendly terms with Hitler. Thus we had the perfect seeds of a ponerogenesis that would see fascist leaders on both sides courting the principle destroyer. It would be this foundation of hatred that would propel the social fires burning. However, the power ratio was clearly with Zionst sympathisers and operatives working in Russia, America, England and Israel itself and which would gradually end up brutally suppressing a whole nation.
[16] The exact figure is not known but there is a consensus that it was not below 100. “On the evening of April 9th, the Irgun leader publicly exaggerated the death toll in order to terrorize Arabs in Palestine. This was near the end of the British Mandate as Arab-Jewish fighting escalated. The 254 figure is almost certainly an exaggeration, but not an Arab exaggeration.” – Deir Yasin remembered: deiryassin.org. Rather wholly peaceful civilians there was also armed resistance.
[17] Davar, June 9, 1979. Davar, the official Hebrew daily newspaper of the Labor-Zionist-run Histadrut General Federation of Workers.
[18] Cited in Israel: An Apartheid State, Zed Books, London 1987. By Peter Myers, November 22, 2000; update May 3, 2003.p.8.
[19] The Arabs in Israel by Sabri Jiryis, New York Monthly Review Press, 1976.
[20] The Koenig report – a confidential and internal Israeli government document authored in April 1976 by Yisrael Koenig, a member of the Alignment (then the ruling party), who served as the Northern District Commissioner of the Ministry of the Interior for 26 years.
[21] This small Jewish resistance movement to Zionism continues today. But one example is Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon, from his essay: “Not In My Name: An Analysis of Jewish Righteousness” sees Zionism as “… racist, it is nationalist, and it is Biblically inspired (rather than spiritually inspired). Being a fundamentalist movement, Zionism is not categorically different from Nazism. Only when we understand Zionism in its nationalist and racist context will we begin to comprehend the depth of its atrocities.” June 13, 2004. http://www.gilad.co.uk/
[22] 60 Minutes CBS Mike Wallace interviews Meir Kahane 1983.
[23] ‘Rabbinic Council Says Dead Lebanon Kids Not Innocent’ By Rev. Ted Pike, August 8, 2006.
[24] Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, A Reappraisal, By Lenni Brenner published by Lawrence Hill & Co.; Revised edition edition Dec 1983 | ISBN-10: 1556520778.
[25] pp 21-22; Aaronsohn’s Maps: The Untold Story of the Man who Might Have Created Peace in the Middle East By Patricia Goldstone, Published by Harcourt Trade, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0151011699
[26] p.81; Return of the Rothschilds: The Great Banking Dynasty Through Two Turbulent Centuries, Herbert R. Lottman I.B. Tauris, 1995 | ISBN-10: 1850439141
[27] p.23; Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony J. Sutton, published by ’76 press California, 1976 / New edition by Clairview Press, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1905570279
[28] Ibid. (p.28)
[29] op.cit; MacDonald (pp.16-19)
[30] Ibid. (p.19)
[31] Ibid. (p.21)
[32] Ibid.
[33] Ibid. (p.22)
[34] Ibid.
[35] Ibid. (p.25)
[36] Ibid. (p.16)

The Z Factor XI: Circumcision and Ethnocentrism

By M.K. Styllinski

“We are in a deep hole because we are so heavily biased in favour of Israel. And the whole world knows it.” And they are astounded by it. They can’t comprehend why America, with its great cherished traditions, would close its eyes to the dreadful punishment that we have enabled Israel to inflict on virtually defenceless people.”

– Paul Findley, US Congressman

If we are able to suspend our beliefs and knee-jerk reactions when discussing all things Jewish we’ll discover very quickly that this is one of the most important issues in the world today. Cool heads and critical analysis on this subject is fraught with difficulty. It’s safe to say that Zionists and some avenues of Jewish influence have used all manner of linguistic acrobatics, reverse psychology, double-speak and paralogistical discourse to entrench its socio-political and cultural pre-eminence. As a minority, its institutionalised propaganda is impressive. An industry of victimhood goes counter to the pluralism that popular Jewish discourse claims to espouse. Unfortunately, theological reality proves that these claims are far from true. The highly sensitive truth is that the Jewish community has allowed the parasite of Zionism to feed on a variety of hosts in order to use persecution and past atrocities as political leverage. By holding the world to ransom it secures positions of power.

Israeli policies in the occupied territories, Israeli lobbyists in America and the undercurrent of Zionism flowing through America will continue to create serious problems for the Jewish psyche and the hope for global peace if it is not seen for what it is: a political movement with a history of subterfuge, deception and extraordinary racism.

So, after reading the above paragraph and previous posts, have I immediately been assigned the label of “anti-Semite”?

Unquestionably for some.

Well, there are many taboos and hot potatoes regarding a free, constructive discussion of the issues within Judaism, the MOSSAD, Jewish sects and the Jewish tribe in general. Commentary veers between the bravest Jewish academics like Norman Finkelstein and philosophers like Gilad Atzmon and the more subjective and authoritarian gatekeepers of Zionism such as Alan Dershowitz, Cass Sunstein and David Axelrod. Then you have a layer of the ultra-right wing, anti-Semites stirring the pot … It’s a veritable mine-field of hysteria and pathology.

How did we reach a stage where fear and self-censorship regarding this subject pervades all domains of society?

Why does Jewish identity have the monopoly on suffering?

And is there an historical reason why so much hostility and hatred has been directed at the Jewish community?

I can’t say I’ll be able to answer that, but I can at least add to the chorus of reasonable persons who would like some answers for the sake even a small slice of peace in the world.

Similarly, if this blog is about exploitation of humanity’s psyche by a minority of psychopaths then Jews and Judaism have clearly been both the victims and perpetrators of such ponerological strains. For an ethnic minority of relatively few, the diverse tribe of Jewish people have also managed to exert an extraordinary influence in the modern world. Therefore, no exploration of this kind can be even partially complete without its inclusion. And if you’ve been reduced to walking on glass when discussing issues of “Jewishness” then you’ll hopefully understand why it’s necessary that there is a frank and open debate for everyone’s sake.

For what it’s worth, I consider my Jewish friends and Jewish people as a whole as some of the most creative people on the planet. In my life, I’ve met many young Jewish and Palestinian men and women who just want to live together despite their religious differences. However, Judaism and Zionism continue to play a hugely important – some would say – disproportionate role in Western society, culture and in particular geopolitics. But Zionism and government policies are designed to eradicate harmonious integration of ordinary Jews and Arabs and the natural tendency for humanity to get along.

Psychopaths have had a long and ruthless history hiding behind the label of Revionist Zionism just as they have with the Anglo-American Establishment. And so the Israeli-Arab schism remains one of the worst vortices of conflict on this beautiful planet costing many young lives and causing untold generational pain. That being so, we have to try and understand the incredible resilience and adaptability of this minority in the face of fluctuating hatred and an age-old persecution which never seems to fade. The complex history of the Jewish people is fascinating, and one to which I cannot possibly do justice. But what can be done is to explore the present status quo of Zionism and it effects. Judaism and its Jewish tribes are facing a period of massive soul searching it seems, which will be embraced voluntarily or it will be forced upon them as external events come to a head.

My fear is it will almost certainly be the latter.

Shlomo Sand’s “The Invention of the Jewish People”

“Sand traces how Zionist ideology drove the project of Jewish nationalism by turning Judaism “into something hermetic, like the German Volk …” (255). He argues that history and biology were enlisted “to bind together the frangible secular Jewish identity.” Together, these engendered an “ethnonationalist historiography” which was typified by the mid-19th century German Jewish historian Heinricht Graetz and his friend Moses Hess, who “needed a good deal of racial theory to dream up the Jewish people” (256).”

In 1947, following on closely from the outpouring of sympathy and grief for the Jewish Holocaust, Zionists were able to secure a vote at the United Nations for the partition of Palestine into two states. Israel served as a valuable strategic interest for the U.S. whereby continual financial assistance ensured a long-term channel into the Middle East. They did it by usurping the waning dominance of the British in the region. Since that time, it has resulted in the gradual ascendance of Orthodox Jewish fundamentalism, Zionist dogma and the present day intransigence of three primary objectives. Firstly, to make the destruction of Palestinian society palatable by claiming a religious moral high ground where paramilitary reprisals are seen as an evil attacking an exclusive mandate from God. Secondly, to expel or “transfer” Palestinians to areas outside Palestine and to “import” Jewish peoples from all over the world in line with messianic prophecy and to offset the increase in their population. Despite promises of free transportation, cash allowances and free housing from land stolen from the Palestinians themselves – this plan failed. But the objective to make life as unbearable as possible for Palestinians, they believe, must in the end pay dividends parallel to US proxy wars carving up the Middle East. This is what the Israeli Government is banking on with assistance from America, representing the third and most pertinent objective overall.

A recent UN-sponsored independent report comprising of academics and past and present government officials from 19 different countries said: “the conflict over Israel and the Palestinian territories is the central driver in global tensions.” At the same time, the UN itself has been severely co-opted and effectively acts as an apologist for the world’s only super power and partner in crime: Israel. [1] [2]

Understanding the root causes includes a comprehension of ponerological factors inherent in the situation. As we have already seen, truly humanitarian peoples have achieved enormous successes despite operating behind the bars of a system of control that defines their limitations. The inaction, ineptitude and total failure of the UN on a wide range of international issues is reflected and sourced from its affiliated agencies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank both established under the highly dubious 1944 Bretton Woods agreement which came into operation in 1947.

The World Bank earns almost as much from interest and loan repayments as it hands out in new loans each year. Over 60 per cent of the bank’s loans goes to suppliers outside the borrower countries for such things as consultancy services, machinery and of course, oil. Control of the bank is vested in a board of executives representing national governments, whose votes are apportioned according to the amount they have funded to the bank. Thus the USA has nearly 20 per cent of the vote and always appoints the board’s president. Consequently, resolutions, conventions, declarations, protocols, amendments and condemnations have little effect in a world held fast in the cement of opportunistic lies.

US and Israeli hostility towards the world is not a recent dynamic as we can see from the following resolution which both blocked with their habitual “NO” vote. it stated: “The right of every state to choose its economic social system in accord with the will of the people without outside interference in whatever form it takes.” How typical that both powers should block resolutions opposed to the intervention in the internal or external affairs of states or financing the training of journalists and strengthening communication services in the undeveloped world. How typical it is that both should oppose further resolutions regarding nuclear weapons including: a need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty; the call for Israel to renounce possession of nuclear weapons; cessation of all nuclear test explosions; declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states; World-wide action for collecting signatures in support of measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and promote disarmament; Prohibition of the development of new types of weapons of mass destruction and an Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues.


Following on from Israel’s refusal to place its nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards which was condemned by the UN in a resolution back in 1987, it makes the present day actions of Israel and its call for Arab states to disarm nothing more than the most blatant hypocrisy. It is nauseating to behold successive US governments sanctimoniously calling for weapons mass destruction while Israel sits on its own nuclear illegal facilities and expanding bio-chemical weaponry. The constant and regular dynamic of the US was to oppose all the above. The only exception was an abstention regarding a call for a “convention for the rights of the Child”. Nevertheless, they seem to have had their way by exacting the same petulant demands by covert means. Far from being the epitome of democracy, America reveals its true colours opposing virtually all social, economic, political, ecological and humanitarian resolutions unless it benefits Israel’s and its own interests. It seems Kofi Annan lost any shred of credibility with his support for the World Jewish Congress and its call for a UN general assembly resolution condemning anti-Semitism. It’s that old tired programming whereby criticism of Israel’s policies creates the hysterical reaction of anti-Semitism and any sensible opportunities for discourse on a range of issues gets lost in the froth.

An editorial from sott.net alternative news website put succinctly:

“… Simply stated, if a “goyim” does not at least unconditionally accept and ideally praise the actions of Israel and therefore agree with the opinions of pro-Israeli Jews, then by default, he or she “hates Jews because they are Jews”. The result of this deliberately manufactured “world wide rise in anti-Semitism” can only be bad for ordinary Jews around the world, who bear the brunt of Arab anger at the policies of Sharon and the “Zionists” in Washington. At the same time, this manipulated rise in “anti-Semitism” can only be good for Sharon and his cohorts, giving them, as it does, further carte blanche to viciously attack Palestine and its people in the name of protecting the interests and lives of ordinary Jews. Our conclusion in all of this is that ordinary Jews are being “set up” in some way by their own “leaders”, and there is much evidence that it would not be the first time that this has happened. Clearly, this is the reality of the situation at present, and we find it difficult to believe that Kofi Annan does not understand that this is the case. As such, we must conclude that Annan is a closet supporter of the genocidal policies of Sharon and the Washington “Zionists”, regardless of the moderate humanitarian face that Annan, as head of the UN, is compelled to present to the world.” [3]

And it is the ignorance of some world leaders and many Jewish peoples in general of the psychopathic nature of Zionism at Establishment levels that is driving world Jewry to a catastrophe of biblical proportions if it doesn’t wake up soon.

The various patriarchal oddities and inconsistencies in the Torah, Talmud and the complex mix of Kabbalistic teachings seem to have been appropriated by Chabad as a literal template for dominance by any means. We see the same caricatures and distortions in many religions from Islam, the Catholic Church and Christian evangelism rising up within attached cults. What is more problematic is the fact that standard Judaism offers a peculiar wealth of racist and separatist principles based on the idea of a chosen people which has sadly caused much of the historical persecution in the past. It is tragic because the Jewish people – whether Sephardic or Ashkenazi – have produced some of the greatest creative minds within the human family. Whether that is through the cultivation of a cognitive elite or through a more natural sociological adaptation is a moot point – Maybe it’s a bit of both. Regardless, this leads us to ask as a great many number of folks undoubtedly have albeit in hushed tones: just what is it within Jewish culture and religion that has made it the victim of so many rulers throughout the past? And why can extremism from Chabad to Revisionist Zionism seemingly draw on an endless well spring of essentially pathological concepts? Though Jewish peoples are diverse in belief, the fact remains that Judaism and Jewish identity encourages ethnocentrism and fundamentally supremacist values. This is so much a part of the theology of the Jewish tribal ethos it has become accepted as a convoluted norm. When mixed with transnational power politics it becomes actively antagonistic to the proper functioning of international societies.

Though you would never know it if you read much of the historical literature from the past two hundred years there is little mention of the fact that Matriarchy and the Great Mother Goddess religions flourished for thousands of years in the Neolithic cultures around 7000 B.C., in the Near and Middle East. This was before the arrival of the Grand Patriarch Abraham, the first prophet of the dominator male deity, Yahweh. Archaeologists trace Upper Palaeolithic culture’s Goddess Worship back to 25,000 B.C. with religious practice continuing well into ancient Rome. Abraham only arrived in Canaan between 1800 and 1550 B.C. Then everything changed. [4] (That is not to say that Matriarchy is something to embrace exclusively either, merely that a pivotal change to an authoritarian Patriarchy had detrimental consequences for women, the evolution of Western society and the emergence of Judaism).  Jews believe their spiritual and ethnic origins are sourced from Abraham, a wandering tribesman from the land of Ur now known as Iraq.

The story goes that God collared 75-year old Abraham and offered him a tempting deal. If he followed the Ten Commandments to the letter then he and God Inc. would place Abraham’s progeny and descendants under His protection, thus becoming a Chosen People and … Special. “For you are people consecrated to the Lord your God: of all the peoples on earth the Lord your God chose you to be His treasured people.” (Deuteronomy 7:6). But there was a hefty condition in the small print: the removal of the foreskins of new-born males by the time they reach the eighth day of birth. This must of seemed a tad bizarre even two thousand years ago. [5 ]“God … said to Abraham … You shall circumcise the flesh of the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me and you.” (Genesis 17:9-13). As compensation for this future foreskin hacking, Abraham was then given Canaan as some choice real-estate but with one snag: it was already taken. Since this future covenant of Israel was designed by God and his now Chosen people it was seen as a minor impediment to this God’s will which, as monotheistic Judaism attests, wasn’t a good idea to trifle with, foreskin removal of an infant being a reasonable indicator.

Apart from commanding a divinely ordained method to mark His people it also points to the foundation of Judaism as being an essentially racist doctrine marked out by genital mutilation to get things started. One might say that such an act inflicted on one so young and accepted for thousands of years, may have had negative psychological implications on those most vulnerable: namely the emerging authoritarians of the tribe. [6]  In other words, it becomes clear that this “covenant” between God and the Jewish people is a private contract enforced through the private parts. If that doesn’t engender fear imprinting at so young an age I’m not certain what does. One doesn’t have to be a doctor to see that snipping off the delicate and sensitive end of an infant’s penis is going to mark out some children as lacking something more than just the foreskin. [7]It seems to be nothing more than a form of abuse rationalized as something holy and scared but which in fact has harmful consequences on brain development and the future course of the male adult, one example of which is neuroses and a problem with the processing of emotions. [8]

Aside from the false assumptions, erroneous conclusions and incorrect medical information regarding the benefits of circumcision, what are the implications for children abused in this way as they try to process the relationship between spirituality, sexuality and authority?


“Freedom is Christ, for a man chooses Christ with his heart, not with his foreskin.”

– Israel Shamir

Circumcision has become the tribal stamp of male Jewish identity since its inception. Beliefs that this ritual protected the baby from danger to acting as a physical sign that you were half way through the mystical gates of heaven by having discarded this seemingly irrelevant piece of skin, were marketed to the Jewish faithful that this was a necessary for the infant male. The fact that God came to be so viscerally associated with the cutting – some might say mutilation – of the male member could be said to be pathological at the outset. Yet, it was also a reminder of the importance of seeding the new race so that it would one day establish a presumably Jewish interpretation of “God’s kingdom on Earth” drawn from the fear of a suitably wrathful Authority. More disturbing still, it was originally standard practice in circumcision ritual for the “mohel” (the expert who performed the circumcision) to take the baby’s “circumcised member into his mouth and with two or three draughts [and to suck] the blood out of the wounded part. He then takes a mouthful of wine from a goblet and spurts it, in two or three intervals, on the wound.” Such a practice still takes place but is confined to ultra-orthodox circles. [9]

However, there are reasons to be hopeful that the practice – also carried out by Islam and some elements of Christianity – is starting to decline. So, too the horrific practice of Female Circumcision.

(Some members of the Jewish community who are opposed to circumcision include the following: www.jewishcircumcision.org/ | www.jewsagainstcircumcision.org/ | www.circumcision.org/) Then of course, there are the occult origins of this practice of child abuse:

See also the excellent: The Foreskin: Why Is It Such A Secret In North America?

The idea of racial superiority and a divine super-race became cemented in what could be viewed as a ritual abuse and land grab philosophy which later found its modern reflection in Revisionist Zionism and Chabad Lubavitch. More left-leaning and Marxist Jews still believe that the Jewish people as a whole are going to lead the human race to salvation, so deep is the original covenant in Jewish traditions. The Israelite God of the Old Testament is vengeful, violent jealous and prone to fits of rage and emotional blackmail and extortion. Or as Nietzsche stated: “A God who Demands.” But what does this covenant, allegedly between “G-d,” actually reflect in the world of the past and today? The dogma enforced was primarily concerned with control using ownership, fear-based allegiance as the tools to accomplish certain objectives that have defined the Middle East and the earth for hundreds of years. Obsession with Israelite genealogies and pedigrees that demand ethnocentric principles of self-aggrandizement along with endless rules and regulations for every possible aspect of daily life exist as a matter of course in both the Torah and the Talmud, the two pillars of ancient Jewish wisdom, the latter believed to be the more influential source for practising Jews and Rabbis today. [10]Both are focused exclusively on the special nature of Jews. Thus, the Mosaic Law of the Ten Commandments such as “love thy neighbour” is really about loving your fellow Jew rather than anyone else outside the faith.

Rabbi Menachem Gerlitz explains the “neighbor” passage:

“ ‘And you shall love your neighbor like your own self ’ – this is an important rule of the Torah. Every Jew must love his fellow Jew with all his heart. The Baal Shem Tov [founder of the ultra-Orthodox Hassidim] used to explain this as follows: Our Torah teaches us to ‘love Hashem your G-d with all your heart.’ How can we prove to ourselves that we are really fulfilling this commandment? Only through the commandment of loving our fellow Jew like our own selves. Only by truly loving each and every Jew, every son of the Chosen People which Hashem selected from all other nations to love, just like a person loves the son of a dear friend.” [11] [Emphasis mine]

This benevolence is not universal in scope; it is an exclusive to a Jewish universe only. This stems from the belief that the gentile is a being of lesser, even animalistic origins, with a propensity for crime and sexual deviancy. Nor was this an angry reaction to perceived persecution but was a mainstay of original sacred texts. One Rabbi Ben-Haim states that “… that according to the prophets, and also according to our sages, the Gentiles are seen as beasts … It is possible that one may see these injunctions as racism; another may call it hatred of Gentiles, whoever he is; but as far as the Jew who adheres to the statement of the Torah of Israel is concerned, this is reality and a way of life which were set for the people of Israel by G-d.” [12](“G-d” is a Jewish spelling, the full word cannot be written) Racism against Gentiles is endemic in the Talmud, yet few non-Jewish academics touch it for fear of being labelled anti-Semitic, while Jewish academics leave it well alone for fear of being labelled a crypto-Jew and betrayer of Judaic law. This stale-mate understandably worries many liberal-minded Jews. The underlying principle in Chabad Lubavitch and extreme forms of both Zionism and ultra-right wing Jewish orthodoxy suggests that it is not simply a left-over legacy of a more brutal era that has no resonance as some Jewish academics would prefer to believe, but represents theory translated into practical action.

A 1987 autobiographical account by Evelyn Kaye, who was raised in an orthodox Jewish community in New York, describes the institutionalised racism which has been perpetuated up to the present day and which must cause great concern when such Rabbi leaders have a special place behind the political power brokers:

The mark of a truly devout Hasidic or Orthodox Jew, as well as many other Jews, is an unquestioned hatred of non-Jews. This is the foundation of ultra-Orthodox and Hasidic philosophy. It is as tenacious, unreasoned, and impossible as anti-Semitism, racism, and sexism. And as intractable…There is a complete litany of all the terrible things about non-Jews which apply to every single one and which are believed implicitly by the Orthodox. These include:

— all Goyim drink alcohol and are always drunk; — all Goyim are on drugs; — all Goyim hate Jews even when they seem friendly; — all Goyim are anti-semites, no matter what they say and do; — all Goyim have a terrible family life and mistreat their wives and children’ — all Goyim eat pork all the time; — Goyim are never as clever, as kind, as wise or as honest as Jews; — you can never ever trust Goyim.

There’s much more. The essence of anti-Goyimism is passed to Jewish children with their mother’s milk, and then nurtured, fed and watered carefully into a subconscious or full-blown phobia throughout their lives. In order to avoid being contaminated by these terrible creatures, the Ultra-Orthodox go out of their way to avoid them … Children … manage to grow up without seeing one of these dangerous people close up. Their attitudes are then perfectly formed. They know whom to hate.” [13]

The Judeo-centric vision that demands special treatment and constant psychological deference to a perpetual victimhood becomes somewhat ironic from this perspective. The late Israeli scholar Israel Shahak dug deeper and found that there is even an admonishment that a gentile’s life must not be saved, citing a line from in a book from the Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Avodah Zarah, 26b): “Gentiles are neither to be lifted (out of a well) nor hauled down (into it).” i.e., if a non-Jew falls into a well a Jew is religiously forbidden from saving his/or her life. The highly respected Jewish theologian Maimonides takes this example to comment that “it is forbidden to save [non-Jews] if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued.” [14]


Israel Shahak

If a source of spiritual wisdom and guidance has, at its root, a dictatorial invective that is set up to teach “special” people how to act, think and feel through a rigidly prescribed set of codified laws then it is surely not surprising that the intervening years were beset with bloodshed. As Evelyn Kaye explains: “The code of Jewish law dictates a range of regulations for sexual intercourse, including when and where it may be experienced, as well as what to think about during the act.” … “There are even rules, about what you may think about while you sit on the toilet.” [15]

As in the Babylonian Talmud, the existence in sacred Jewish texts of violence, xenophobia, child abuse and homophobia is common place, yet the denial of this fact has become an art form. Where are the benevolent, loving teachings which encourage free-will choice?

The Old Testament from which much of Judaic law is drawn is not about spiritual inclusiveness but based predominantly on authoritarian commands, the widening of separatist tendencies and the overriding conquest of land, all of which is grounded in the promise of rapacious gains and rewards on the earthly plane. It is a fear-based call to arms rather than altruism; a vast body of literature premised on what Shahak calls: “innate totalitarianism.” [16]

Pretty strong words from a Jewish author. Nor is he alone in his conclusions.

Traditional Judaism demands that its followers live apart from non-Jews and cultivate the knowledge that Jewishness is distinct from any other religious or secular teaching. This can be seen in almost every facet of Jewish life from the insistence of a nation state to the marriage laws that seek to keep the betrothed firmly within the Jewish community. Historically this separatism based on an assumed superiority has obviously fostered resentment both from other communities and races down throughout the ages culminating in the State of Israel that is indeed a nation apart in almost every possible way. Relationships outside business were strictly banned by the Rabbi hierarchy scared of the possibility of assimilation and the loss of Jewish identity. As already discussed, the “Gentile” meaning “non-Jew” (or the pejorative “Goyim”) was traditionally seen as a threat and like their genetically identical brothers the Arabs, an object of derision and ridicule. No more than twenty years ago in 1988, a survey discovered that “more than a third of Reform rabbis – traditionally the most ‘integrated’ and ‘outreaching’ of the major Jewish denominations – endorsed the proposition that ideally, one ought not to have any contact with non-Jews.’” [17]

During the Jewish diaspora * the resentment created stemmed not from the innocence of the Jewish tribes that romantically traversed the globe in search of spiritual succour but from the repeating patterns of elitism and dogma that meant others’ faith was non-existent. This kind of intolerance and inability to live harmoniously within other belief systems will inevitably lead to mirroring of the same. The tragedies which have befallen the Jewish people and the attachment to the culture of victimhood so often characterised in Jewish history and its relationship to non-Jews, stems not from an unsullied innocence but from a mind-set and religion that courts it.

Turning their sights on Egypt it appears that Abraham and the tribe of Israelites after a period of enslavement returned to Canaan to claim their perceived birth right, the exodus of which has been mythologized with the emergence of Mosaic Laws. The original Canaanites were tossed out amid a ferocious war which came to characterise early Israelite tribal excursions with violent struggles for power and control. Years of warring Israelite monarchies ensued with Israel in the north and Judah in the south. By the third century the diaspora was in effect and Jews were in exile after hundreds of years of fighting, corruption, human sacrifice, and massacres had taken their toll. This led to the end of the Israel of that period, the reflection of which can be found in the Bible. Destruction came on the back of Mosaic Law leading to the scattering of Jews all over the Roman Empire.The legacy of the Torah’s Mosaic Law and the Kabbalistic black magick of the Babylonian Talmud is one of terrible bloodshed enacted by Israelite tribes on behalf of their “G-d.” These are the genocidal roots from which Judaism and Judeo-Christianity has drawn its spiritual nourishment the repercussions of which we live with today. There are legions of examples of the most abject violence in order to secure the Holy Land. As we have seen, there were plenty of people living their lives on the “land of Israel” but ethnic cleansing was deemed the order of the day by none other than the sages of the Torah:

“Thus you shall do to all the cities which are very far from you, which are not cities here. But in the cities of the people that the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save nothing alive that breathes, but you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittites and Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, as the Lord has commanded.” [Deuteronomy 20:14-18]

Recall the siege of the city of Jericho as the superhero Joshua led yet another round of bloodletting:

“And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both men and women, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword …” [Joshua, 6-21]

This reads like a manual for psychopaths not the guidance from sacred source of spiritual wisdom for a “Chosen People.” It does beg the question: Chosen for what? Were the Israelites channelling something other than God? Or could it be turned on its head and reinvented towards a more politically correct solution? The religio-historical origins of Jews gleefully enacting destruction on behalf of a bloodthirsty God has been systematically photo shopped out of any self-respecting anthology of Jewish rights to victimhood, in perpetuity. For instance, the Almalekites were a war-like tribe that looked as though they might give the Israelite invaders a run for their money and had the bad luck to inhabit Southern Canaan when the Israelites decided to lay claim to it. The channeled presence of the entity called Yahweh was unequivocal in commanding them to: “… go and smite Amalek, and exterminate everything that is his. Don’t pity him, but kill man, woman, infant and nursling, ox, sheep, camel and ass.” [Samuel 15:2-3]

In Exodus 17:16 it was claimed that it would be necessary to enact a distinctly Zio-Conservative program of conflict so that: “the Lord will be at war with Amalek throughout the ages.” exod17-11It is not hard to see that Chief Amalek has since been transposed onto any ideology or person that takes a stance that is counter to Zionist and many Jewish beliefs. This may also go some way to explaining why Palestinians are treated so abysmally – they are the primary descendants of the Amaleks and thus worthy to be crushed underfoot. Moreover, the Zionist paranoia and aggressive geo-strategy is kept alive by the idea that much of humanity – the Goyim – are none other than the “children of Amalek” and thus to be dealt with in much the same way as they were thousands of years ago.

The only difference is that technological advanced weaponry is now in the hands of such people who have quite possibly inherited more than just monotheistic religion with its tradition of half-truths but perhaps even authoritarian followers who are genetically pre-disposed to primary narcissism and psychopathy, presently enjoying itself in American-Israeli positions of power. Many Rabbis continue to make the connection with the Amaleks and the Arabs in modern day Israel, representing another ponerological manifestation within the teachings of the Jewish community, or as Rabbi David Hartman described it: “…not just a lunatic fringe … but a “… diseased element that is capable of infiltrating into the Jewish self-understanding.” [18]

An equal number of Jewish academics and the public alike dismiss Jewish ethnocentrism and monotheistic roots of intense violence as having no relevance to today. It is true, the early Israelites and their genocidal antics are not exceptional – there are many similar tribes and leaders down through history that become vessels for pathocracies. Yet, we must take pause as our contemporary events show that the Jewish-Christian roots of extreme violence do indeed have special relevance not only in modern Israel but across the geopolitical spectrum presently monopolised by the Zionist elite and for whom such religio-occult principles are vital in an overarching philosophy of control.

The author Alfred Jospe decided to reframe Jewish suffering in a way that would perpetuate the accustomed hand-wringing of unworthiness and at the same time account for why G-d had forsaken them. It wasn’t because the Judaic Law was somehow wrong or not divinely kosher but due to past sins and the denial of their destiny that Jews were having such an appalling time. He stated: “The Jew was persecuted not because God had abandoned or rejected him; [The Jew] suffered because he was not equal to his moral task. In the words of the prayer book, ‘because of our sins, we were exiled from our land’ … Suffering was defined as punishment and punishment in turn was a call to duty. Exile was God’s call to return to the faithfulness inherent in Israel’s role as the ‘chosen people.’ The acceptance of punishment opened the gate to redemption and return to the land.” [19]

Ah, of course, then it all makes sense: punishment for following the dictates of G-d and perpetrating acts of debauchery and excess offers more than a few questions regarding the very idea of God and His Judgment. Yet, rather like the playthings on the chessboard of Greek Gods, the ancient Jewish tribes chose to accept their “duty” (at least according to whoever was creating the chronology of the time) and through incurring God’s wrath, punishment and authority became part of the Jewish identity. This is a co-dependent relationship with a God-like abuser which courted disaster by the very nature of the religion.

The legacy of that era right through the medieval period up to the present day shows that the supremacy of a chosen race still holds a tenacious grip on various strains of Zionism and the schools currently promoting the belief of hate – for that is precisely what it is. The old tired racism of the gentile / Goyim as genetically inferior is still doing the rounds giving striking similarities to Nazi ideology of Aryan purity.

Jewish authors Charles Liebman and Stephen Cohen have shown that students:

“… learn that the first two [Jewish] patriarchs, Abraham and Isaac, each had two sons so that the Jewish son might inherit pure genes whereas the corrupt, impure genes that Abraham inherited from his idolatrous ancestors could be passed on to the non-Jewish son. Only Jacob’s son — those of the third generation — inherited pure genes and were worthy of being Jewish … That there is no outcry against [this] being made part of the religious Zionist high school curriculum suggests the level that Jewish ethnocentrism has reached in some quarters.”[20]

And it is this Jewish ethnocentrism which needs quite a bit of propaganda to draw from and which provides the platform by which political and religious Zionism forges ahead unimpeded by moral or ethical constraints. Something which we’ll look at further in the next post.


* Diaspora: from “scattering, dispersion” the movement, migration, or scattering of people away from an established or ancestral homeland” (Webster’s Dictionary).


[1] ‘No clash of civilizations, says UN report’- A UN-sponsored group says the Israel-Palestinian conflict is the main cause of global tensions. By Dan Murphy, CS Monitor, November 14, 2006.
[2] William Blum’s Rogue State (2003) provided a random selection from the seventies and eighties of the U.S. and Israel’s consistent assault, on not only the Palestinians, but the Geneva Convention’s human rights articles and international ethics.
[3] ‘Annan condemns anti-Semitism rise’ Sott.net commentary, 21 June, 2004.
[4] ‘First Hebrews, Canaanites, and Philistines’ | http://www.factsanddetails.com/
[5] Circumcision has potential risks and alters normal, sexual functioning of the penis. If the foreskin is there for a biological reason. According to the venerated and much referenced Rabbi Moses Maimonides, in the Guide of the Perplexed, there is a moralistic and repressive reason for the removal of the foreskin: “As regards circumcision… [s]ome people believe that circumcision is to remove a defect in man’s formation; but every one can easily reply: How can products of nature be deficient so as to require external completion, especially as the use of the foreskin to that organ is evident. This commandment has not been enjoined as a complement to a deficient physical creation, but as a means for perfecting man’s moral shortcomings. The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired; it does not interrupt any vital function, nor does it destroy the power of generation. Circumcision simply counteracts excessive lust; for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment; the organ necessarily becomes weak when it loses blood and is deprived of its covering from the beginning.” This may also be seen as an abuse of the rights of the child to have a say in his own body and genitalia, a formal declaration of which took place in Anaheim, California March 3, 1989 called ‘Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision.’ attended by paediatricians, doctors and medical personnel. The text: “We recognize the inherent right of all human beings to an intact body. Without religious or racial prejudice, we affirm this basic human right. We recognize the foreskin, clitoris and labia are normal, functional body parts. Parents and/or guardians do not have the right to consent to the surgical removal or modification of their children’s normal genitalia. Physicians and other health-care providers have a responsibility to refuse to remove or mutilate normal body parts. The only persons who may consent to medically unnecessary procedures upon themselves are the individuals who have reached the age of consent (adulthood), and then only after being fully informed about the risks and benefits of the procedure. We categorically state that circumcision has unrecognized victims. In view of the serious physical and psychological consequences that we have witnessed in victims of circumcision, we hereby oppose the performance of a single additional unnecessary foreskin, clitoral, or labial amputation procedure. We oppose any further studies which involve the performance of circumcision procedures upon unconsenting minors. We support any further studies which involve identification of the effects of circumcision. Physicians and other health-care providers do have a responsibility to teach hygiene and the care of normal body parts and explain their normal anatomical and physiological development and function throughout life. We place the medical community on notice that it is being held accountable for misconstruing the scientific database available on human circumcision in the world today. Physicians who practice routine circumcisions are violating the first maxim of medical practice, Primum non nocere, “First, Do No Harm”, and anyone practicing genital mutilation is violating Article V of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.”
[6] Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All By Ronald Goldman, Ph.D. Vanguard Publications, 1997. | ISBN 0964489538.
[7] ‘Circumcision: Harm and Psychological Factors Ignored’ August 4, 2011 – Leading Jewish circumcision opponent Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., highlights the absence of the mention of the harms of circumcision in public discourse: “National medical organizations unanimously find no proven medical benefit for circumcision. The endless search for a medical benefit―from treating epilepsy, irritability, and masturbation in the late 1800s to preventing sexually transmitted diseases today―has always been suspect. Studies show that circumcision is significantly painful and traumatic. Some infants do not cry because they go into shock. After circumcision infants exhibit behavioral changes, and there are disruptions in mother-child bonding. Changes in pain response of circumcised infants have been demonstrated in baby boys at six months of age, evidence of lasting neurological effects and a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder. Anesthetics, if used, do not eliminate circumcision pain. Circumcision also has about two dozen surgical risks including, in rare cases, death. Some doctors and nurses refuse to perform or assist with circumcisions because of ethical considerations. Long-term harm is also a consideration, but circumcised American researchers also typically avoid the discomfort of studying the sexual and psychological harm (e.g., erectile dysfunction) associated with circumcision.”
[8] ‘Study Links Circumcision to Personality Trait Disorder’ Intact News, International Journal of Men’s Health, September 22, “Researchers find circumcised men have higher alexithymia scores than intact men. Alexithymia is the inability to process emotions.”
[9] p.45; Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma By Rosemary Romberg. Bergin and Garvey, Publishers, Inc. Massachusetts, 1985.
[10] The Torah is the source of Jewish history and sacred law. It is the Old Testament of the Bible in Christian tradition, which includes Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Many scholars belief this was really a “cut and paste” job that was not chronological at all but merely made to appear that way being in truth, a mix of different time lines and authors collected and combined together hundreds of years after the alleged events took place. (See: The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q & Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack). The Talmud came after the Torah and “… is the comprehensive written version of the Jewish oral law and the subsequent commentaries on it. It originates from the 2nd century CE. The word Talmud is derived from the Hebrew verb ‘to teach’, which can also be expressed as the verb ‘to learn’. The Talmud is the source from which the code of Jewish Halakhah (law) is derived. It is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah is the original written version of the oral law and the Gemara is the record of the rabbinic discussions following this writing down. It includes their differences of view. […] Between the 2nd and 5th centuries CE these rabbinic discussions about the Mishnah were recorded in Jerusalem and later in Babylon (now Al Hillah in Iraq). This record was complete by the 5th Century CE. When the Talmud is mentioned without further clarification it is usually understood to refer to the Babylonian version which is regarded as having most authority. – [BBC Religions Judaism – Talmud.] Edward Boraz writes in Undestanding the Talmud. A Modern Reader’s Guide for Study: “…the study of the Talmud may be so formidable, challenging, and complex … [that] one may ask, for what purpose? … [Boraz p.1]… [Aside from the ‘mishnaic’ Hebrew and Aramaic of the original texts] the classic commentaries to the Talmud are written in ‘medieval rabbinic Hebrew,’ which is a blend of both Hebrew and Arabic. The language barrier alone is arduous.” [Boraz, p.13] The Talmud also lacks “an inner order … [it] shift[s] from one subject to another in ways that are not readily apparent. Often, the pronominal references are unclear … In short, a talmudic passage seems scattered and diffused, rather than a well-reasoned dialectic inquiry.” Yet this provies a fertile ground for misinterpretation for extremist ends and endless keep busy activities that are akin to a maze where simplicity and truth are never found.
[11] p.195; In Our Leaders’ Footsteps. Volume One: The Baal Shem Tov By Menachem Gerlitz, Oraysoh Publishers and Distributors of All Judaic Works, Jerusalem, 5743, 1983.
[12] The Ascendance of Israel’s Radical Right. By Ehud Sprinzak, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Published by Oxford University Press, NY, Oxford, 1991. [13] p. 113- The Hole in the Sheet. A Modern Woman Looks at Orthodox and Hasidic Judaism, by Evelyn Kaye, Lyle Stuart, Inc., Seacaucus, NJ, 1987.
[14] op. cit. Shahak (p.80.)
[15] op. cit. Kaye (p.125 and p.17)
[16] Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years. By Israel Shahak, Pluto Press. London, Boulder, Colorado, 1994. p.15.
[17] p. 181, The Holocaust in American Life, by Peter Novick, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, 1999.
[18] Rabbi David Hartman, quoted by Israel correspondent Larry Derfner, The Jewish Week, Queens, NY, March 1117, 1994. Full quote: “There’s a lot in the Jewish religion that can lead to this type of racist understanding. It is there, but there are also many beautiful things there, many powerful things, many deeply spiritual things…What Goldstein did was remind me how dangerous it is to allow the language of Amalek to go unchallenged. Goldstein has challenged me to know the type of human, moral crimes you can commit in the name of making the Land of Israel the exclusive value, and sovereignty over the whole land the ultimate value…It’s not just a lunatic fringe. It is a diseased element that is capable of infiltrating into the Jewish self-understanding.”
[19] pp. 5-24; The Jewish Image of the Jew. Alfred Jospe, In Millgram, A.
[20] p. 60; Two Worlds of Judaism: The Israeli and American Experiences, by Cohen, Charles Liebman, Steven M Cohen, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1990.


The Z Factor IX: Chabad Lubavitch (2)

“Ideological concept of Lubavitch clan (the concept of Judeo-Nazism) is presented in the book “Tanya”, written by founder of Chabad-Lubavitch – Rabbi Schneur Zalman Schneerson.  According to Chabad canon, developed by Shneur Zalman, God created the world solely for the Jews ; Jews possess Divine soul, the goyim (gentiles) have the soul of a lowest order – animal soul; Jews are the only ones to whom we can apply the concept of Man. The other nations of the world are compared to vomiting and filth. [The] Book called Tanya is the main subject of study in Chabad schools on a par with the Torah and Talmud.”

Rabbi Eduard Hodos from ‘Jewish Hurricane’

As far as Eduard Hodos is concerned Zionists and Chabadniks are the two major causes for the current chaos which has engulfed the globe. And it’s all to do with supremacy. It is interesting that Zionism and Chabad Lubavitch appear at odds with each other since they are both fascistic philosophies predicated on a Jewish supremacy. But these are really theological semantics which belies the fact that they work together if need be to achieve the ultimate end of greater political control. But for that very reason, you will hear from moderate rabbis and ordinary Jews that neither of these extremist groupings are “Jewish” as they understand it, for they have no real compassion or love for their fellow man. The problem is, ordinary Jews are not aware of just how much influence they hold and how these power brokers hide behind philanthropy and compassionate platitudes.

George Bush Sr. signed the Noachide Laws Legislation in March 26th 1991. It become known as Presidential Proclamation 5956, recalling Joint House Resolution 173 reinforcing the principle that the ethical and moral principles of all civilizations come in part from the Seven Noachide Laws. This signing day of March 26 is now seen as “Education Day, U.S.A” which also happens to coincide with Public Law 102 as the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s birthday. “… Without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos”, … “society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society” [1]

The Lurianic Kabbalah named after 16th Century Jewish mystic Isaac Luria forms a large part of Chabad and Hasidic West Bank settler movement, and derived from the Babylonian Talmudic school of Jewish mysticism that saw a resurgence from the late 16th to the early 19th century. Middle Eastern Scholar Israel Shahak described its remit:

“One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Cabbala is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Cabbala, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews; the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary. If an influential Christian bishop or Islamic scholar argued that the difference between the superior souls of non-Jews and the inferior souls of Jews was greater than the difference between the human soul and souls of cattle, he would incur the wrath of all and be viewed as an anti-Semite by most Jewish scholars regardless of whatever less meaningful, positive statements he included.” [2]

This is something you don’t hear so often though it remains a central pillar of wisdom in both Hasidic and Chabad beliefs. The latter grouping attaches particular significance to the fact that non-Jews have “satanic souls” and therefore serve a role in the final conflagration if conversion is not an option. It runs parallel to the Catholic and Evangelist version of the damned where non-Jews are Satan embodied a theme that is common to both the Talmud and Halacha. Separatism is part and parcel of Judaism and thus lends itself to extremism. But this is seldom aired in polite Hebrew discussion on talk shows and synagogue community meetings.

Countless quotations of the true nature of Chabad Lubavitch seem to follow in the wake of rabbis when they give interviews to Jewish journals and periodicals. One such example comes from a leading Lubavitch Rabbi Yitshak Ginsburgh in 1996 and for whom the distinctions between Gentiles and Jews led to some very revealing proclamations:

“Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. […] If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. [3]

Charges of endemic racism in the teachings of Judaism and the purloining of these as central tenets of indoctrination by Chabad Lubavitch seem to get very little media airplay due to the constant fear of being branded anti-Semitic. Yet the charges have validity and remain problematic for Jewish academics. When such teachings are used in the hands of fanatics with considerable financial and political power then the Jewish community needs to sit up and take careful notice, for all our sakes.

1024px-Rabi_ginsburg_02Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg

Officially sanctioned for English translation by the Kehot Publication Society in New York, the Chabad Lubavitch’s publishing house, the primary texts of ‘Likkutei-Amarim Tanya’ or ‘The Tanya’ are prime examples.[4] Here’s a small nugget of the kind of racism which is littered throughout:

“The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean ‘kelipot’ (evil forces) which contain no good whatever,” […] “However, the ‘kelipot’ are subdivided into two grades, one lower than the other. The lower grade consists of the three ‘kelipot’ which are altogether unclean and evil, containing no good whatever. … From them flow and derive the souls of all the nations of the world and the existence of their bodies, and also the souls of all living creatures that are unclean and unfit for consumption” [5]

This belief seems to place “evil forces” and sentient life that is “unclean and unfit for consumption” into an arbitrary mixing bowl that contains other religious denominations and non-Jews.

It continues:

“To elucidate still further, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the verse, ‘The candle of God is the soul of (neshamah) of man.’ What it means is that the souls of Jews, who are called ‘man,’ are, by way of illustration, like the flame of the candle, whose nature it is always to scintillate upwards… Now this is a general principle in the whole realm of holiness… This stands in direct contrast to the so-called ‘kelipah’ (evil forces) and ‘sitra achara’ (the other, evil side), wherefrom are derived the souls of the Gentiles… Therefore they (the Gentiles) are called ‘dead’…” [6]

For Chabad Lubavitch, this means that only Jews are considered human. They teach that non-Jews are sub-human creatures who are thus called ‘dead’. Followers tend to draw out the plentiful examples of racism, Jewish pre-eminence and monotheistic extremism that would make many Jews wide-eyed with horror. Yet the fact that such ethnocentrism is present at all within much of standard Judaism and Revisionist Zionism should give cause for alarm not just for the cult of Chabad Lubavitch but the fertile nature of Judaic thought which has allowed such extremism to be fostered from its own monotheistic beliefs.

A Judeo-fascist theocracy to be established in the aftermath of an apocalypse and the return of a Jewish Messiahis very much the ideological goal of Lubavitchers. As Jewish Messianists see it: “In simple terms, we are at war. It is not a struggle merely for power, wealth, or some other material advantage; it is a titanic clash over the future of world civilization … This war has already spread into every nation, ever social institution, every human activity. It has thus become a world war in the ultimate sense.” [7] And it is this war that must see the simultaneous crumbling of Christianity while setting up the Clash of Islam as the fire that ignites the world – and their “Moshiach”.


Mass murderer Baruch Goldstein perpetrator of the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre | Source: La Storia / Baruch Goldstein, Falafel Cafè (March 2, 2010) (wikipedia)

American-Israeli Baruch Goldstein shot 29 Muslims to death as they prayed during Ramadan at the al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron in 1994. He was also an avowed Lubavitcher. Chabad Rabbis play a key role in Israel’s right-wing settler movement where atrocities such as Goldstein’s are merely part of campaign of terror against Palestinians encouraged by some Chabad leaders.  Indeed, Goldstein’s actions have passed into heroic mythology and is venerated as a saint by many orthodox and Hassidic Jews. Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba described Goldstein as “holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust, whilst Samuel Hacohen, a teacher at a Jerusalem college, said that he was “the only one who could do it, the only one who was 100 percent perfect.” [8] [9] Chabad followers in particular celebrated Goldstein’s actions by singing and dancing around his grave for months afterwards. [10]

In Israel Rabbi Sholom Dov Wolpo of Kiryat Gat and Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg of Kfar Chabad exert considerable influence. Wolpo is head of SOS-Israel an organisation against government opposition to illegal settlements. Ginsburg is leader of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, outside Nablus and came to notoriety by writing a book in praise of Baruch Goldstein. Chabad’s American leadership has publicly distanced itself from Wolpo and Ginsburg, yet both continue to enjoy wide acceptance in Israel.

Despite Israeli teachers devoting classes to explaining why such an atrocity had no place in a civilised society, in some schools there was still resistance to the idea that he was not in fact a martyr to the cause of Jewish supremacy. Journalist Larry Derfner describes it in the following way: “The level of support for a murderous lunatic and the identification with [Goldstein] among some sectors of the public have been greater than I’d estimated at first. I see in this the danger of an Israeli racism, or to be more precise, a Jewish racism.” [11]

Indeed, even the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin by a military-trained orthodox student, Yigal Amir took his cues from the standard teachings of the Babylonian Talmud where violence and extremism is enshrined as a normative tradition. This will confirm that it is not just Chabad Lubavitch that is the problem but the core of Jewish orthodoxy that has allowed such violence to manifest.

Rabbi Meir Lockshin believes that some serious soul searching is in order:

One just can’t ignore the fact that Amir and the other famous Orthodox murderer of the nineties, Baruch Goldstein, attended the finest modern Orthodox schools and excelled in their studies. They were not sociopaths. They were well-integrated and respected members of their communities; it was impossible to tell them apart from their colleagues and friends. As Rabbi Lichenstein said on the day before the assassination, the nationalist Orthodox community in Israel would have gladly shown off Yigal Amir as one of the great successes of its educational system. It is absurd then for the Orthodox community to say that he and Goldstein are not representative. [12]

Whether or not they were sociopaths is up for debate, but such an educational system can certainly assist in the fostering of latent pathologies. Returning to Chabad Lubavitch and spiritual leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson, we gain something of the nature of their beliefs behind the much lauded benevolence and why some in mainstream Judaism are waking up to the fact that this a dangerous cult.

If we have a look at the official website of JAHG-USA “Jews and Hasidic Gentiles United to Save America” at noahide.org, we find the following 1998 article entitled: “The Final War for Jerusalem – Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach” by the Committee for Israeli Victory. After indulging in a rousing call to arms so that a Lubavitch Elite may reign by divine right, they make it clear how these ends may be achieved: “… as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, by transforming the gentiles we can quickly create a vast army of supporters who will help us reveal Moshiach and bring all Jews back to the Torah … “Specifically, the Rebbe has emphasized that the ‘peace process’ in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles – especially through the campaign to teach the Noahide Laws.” [13]

Castle_romeo2© infrakshun

Like many of the Christian fundies, the peace process is not something Lubavitchers are keen to support as it is counter to the required chaos they seek. The Babylonian Talmud says that Gentiles will be permitted to enter Judaism as “proselytes” (converts) in the present or in the future messianic realm of milk and honey as long as these seven Noachide laws or commandments are followed to the letter.

So, what are these laws exactly?

They are listed in the Talmud as: Prohibition of Idolatry, Prohibition of Murder, Prohibition of Theft, Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity, Prohibition of Blasphemy and Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals. The seventh law is a judiciary to police the other laws. From a Chabad Lubavitch perspective many rabbis believe Gentiles should be forced to comply and given the right circumstances, conversion will happen either way. For such a Jewish Utopia to exist compliance is necessary. In other words, more authoritarianism. And no one else has done more to spread worldwide Noahide observance than the authoritarian personality of the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.

Jewish people enthusiastically anticipate the Second Coming of a Messiah they believe will bestow a Hebraic monotheism that will dominate the nations. For Chabad Lubavitch adherents, the peace process isn’t part of the equation as perpetual conflict in the Middle East is favourable for this “Final War.” Indeed, conflict is encouraged so that all true Jews are “liberated,” and and where they claim that such a: “’peace process’ in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles.” Similarly, in a Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2000 Allan Brownfeld stated: “Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the Suez area. He promised Israel divine favors if it persisted in occupying the land. After his death, thousands of his Israeli followers played an important role in the election victory of Binyamin Netanyahu. [14]

Judaism, according to Rabbi Schneerson, has to take care of the ones rejected by God, so that they may fulfil their prophesied task and render support, respect and earthly riches to the chosen ones. Chabad then selectively draws upon the non-biblical Noachidic laws in order to make sure that the Gentiles (everyone else) is bound and beholden to blood and brimstone Yahweh to the Israelite god of the Old Testament. Noachidism becomes the required religion for ordinary Gentiles while those of Jewish origins perform their destined role as a superior priesthood which gathers in the flock along pre-destined lines. Too bad if they are all cast into the hell as sacrificial lambs. Rabbi Schneerson taught: “It is obvious and self-evident that in modern times we must carry out the Divine Command we received through Moshe: ´To compel all human beings to accept the commandments enjoined upon the descendants of Noach.” [15]

If we place this in context with Rabbi Schneerson’s assertions, persistent cases of crime and abuse from Chabad Houses and high level activities surrounding Dov Zakheim, Paul Wolfowitz and others who manipulated public and political players into the Iraq war and funnelled US dollars and weapons to Israel – Chabad Lubavitch takes on a different hue. If these politicians condone their beliefs whilst sharing their public events and acting on their behalf, this may go some way in explaining why there is still so little peace in the Middle East. Remember too that although ostensibly anti-Zionist, both ideologies are aggressively political and both networks are merged in order to serve both messianic and geopolitical designs. To that end, leading Lubavitch and “unofficial rabbi of the Capitol” Levi Shemtov stated:  “… that the vast network of shlichim (emissaries) inside the US generates his political power… “We have shelichimin forty-seven states and in [at least] 310 districts. … People sometimes view the world of shelichim as three thousand people, but it’s not only three thousand people, its three thousand interconnected networks. So we can place a call from a constituent to almost any member of Congress.” [16]

According to the Jerusalem Post Thomas Kahn, Staff Director of the Democratic Budget Committee in the Congress, “There’s nobody who is more widely respected and warmly received in Congress, the administration, and the diplomatic corps.” The Post further describes his office in the Chabad “embassy” in Washington and photos of Sehmtov cheesing it with politicians: “… including former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a close personal friend. On the walls … a bipartisan array of other VIPs including President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.” [17]

Yet, ordinary Jewish people insist this sect has no undue influence in contemporary politics or Noachide laws and even less to do with mainstream Judaism.

Clearly, this is not the case.



[1] Bill 102nd Congress (1991-1992) H.J.RES.104.ENR.
[2] P.176; Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel By Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. London: Pluto Press, 1999.
[3 Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, April 26, 1996 – the largest Jewish publication in the United States.
[4] The Tanya (תניא) is an early work of Hasidic philosophy, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, first published in 1797. Its formal title is Likkutei Amarim (ליקוטי אמרים, Hebrew, “collection of statements”), but is more commonly known by its opening word, Tanya, which means “it was taught in a beraita”. It comprises five sections that define Hasidic mystical psychology and theology as a handbook for daily spiritual life in Jewish observance. The Tanya is the main work of the Chabad approach to Hasidic mysticism, as it defines its general interpretation and method.(Wikipedia).
[5] (Chapter 1 p.5 & Chapter 19, pp.77 and 79) Likkutei-Amarim Tanya Kehot Publications.
[6] Ibid. (Chapter 6, p. 25).
[7] ‘The Final War for Jerusalem – Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach’ 1998 by the Committee for Israeli Victory, http://www.noahide.com
[8] ‘Ruth Calderon in the wonderland of mutilated Israeli ideology,’ By Sefi Rachlevsky, Haaretz, 10 April 2013
[9] Brownfeld, Allan C. (March 1999). “Growing Intolerance Threatens the Humane Jewish Tradition”. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.
[10] ‘Hundreds Of Jews Gather To Honor Hebron killer’, By Clyde Haberman, New York Times, April 1, 1994.
[11] ‘Adulation of Goldstein Permeates Israeli Schools. Jewish Bulletin, by Larry Derfner, April-1-129924.
[12] ‘Orthodox Rabbis Muse Do Some Soul Searching’ by Meir Lockshin, Canadian Jewish News, January 18, 1996.
[13] The Seven Universal Laws of Man as listed by the Talmud (Sanh. 56a): Prohibition of Idolatry, Prohibition of Murder, Prohibition of Theft, Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity, Prohibition of Blasphemy, Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals. Requirement to have Just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly. These laws along with those who promote them, are telling people there are two sets of laws. One for the Jews (Yahudim) and the other for Gentiles (goyim). The Mishneh Torah written by Maimonides 12th century says that Gentiles should be compelled by Jews to practice Noahide law. This book is still extremely influential in contemporary Judasim4.
[14] Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2000, pp.105-106, Book Review: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel By Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. by Allan C. Brownfeld.
[15] Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21th Day of Kislev, 5745c in Sichos in English, vol. 24.
[16] ‘Jewish Agency Expands Israel Emissary Program in North America’ AP /PRWeb, Tue, Jun 26, 2012.
[17] Archived feature, Jerusalem Post By Janine Zacharia, October 22, 2000 | http://www.public-action.com/x/nh-jpost/

Religious Authoritarianism III: Dominionism and the Second Coming

“When Jesus Comes Back, He’ll Be Carrying An AR-15 Assault Rifle.”

– Lt. General William “Jerry” Boykin

Data from 2005 showed that over 33 per cent of religious adherents of the world are practicing Christians, followed by Islam at 20 per cent and Hinduism at 13 per cent. That’s a sizable chunk of the planet’s population. Roughly 4.5 million Americans consider themselves Christian and within those mostly law-abiding and benevolent citizens there lies a growing problem. [1]

2012 saw a veritable hysteria of Christian fundamentalists, Jewish Messianics, and Islamists busy gnashing their teeth, wagging fingers and generally frothing at the mouth from various pulpits and podiums that we were all hopelessly lost in decadence and destined for a fiery descent into their respective cultural hells. Now that 2012 has come and gone it seems the anticipation on the part of the religious right has ascended to stratospheric levels. Ordinarily, we can switch channels, avoid barmy internet forums and simply walk on by as the righteous attempt to save our souls with yet another gaudy pamphlet proclaiming a Second Coming.

But there’s a hitch.

Contemporary politics is presently infested with right-wing religious authoritarians (RWAs) determined to save themselves by arranging our collective entry into a large global conflagration. They are also busying themselves with fermenting as much carnage as possible in order to make sure that Christ returns for the Big Judgement. The “End Times” and rapture fever have become entrenched in the United States and they mean to do everything in their power to drag their Christ back from whatever mythical or spiritual reality he has been hiding.

That means creating the potential for World War III in line with biblical prophecy.

It seems the Christian duty has become a little different to Christ’s message of love and compassion. Rather, they have interpreted scripture to not only believe in the objective reality of these End Times of tribulation but to actively have a hand in creating it. And if that isn’t doing the “devil’s work” then I don’t know what is.


© unknown

Fundamentalism or the Christian brand of Religious fanaticism made its presence known in the 19 Century and quickly combined with Millennialism and End Times prophecy to create a formidable belief system whereby fear and authority can exert significant control over the mass mind. Charismatic spellbinders usually take on the task of corralling individuals and playing the father figure to those in need of “punishment” and rigorous discipline to ensure the obedient sit at God’s side. If you think it sounds sado-masochistic then you’d be right: the role of domination and submission is rather similar. The Evangelical priests on TV and Church are roaring at his flock about how terminally wicked they are while the flock in return offers up pots of money in the acceptance of the spiritual “bribe” so that they can to continue to cleanse the world of sin and thus make room for more souls. This is probably why so many priests and preachers – especially on the right wing Republican side – have been caught with their pants down, in the most literal sense.

There are several groupings clamouring to be heard as the true word of God. British Dispensationalism was one of the most influential in its sales pitch of judgement day and “End Times” rhetoric. Revelation was revealed in stages or “Dispensations” each of which characterised a period of tribulation and all-round mayhem for those who had strayed from the path of righteousness. Which meant that anything that was not in the Bible was the Devil’s work and those not part of the in-crowd of believers were automatically Satan’s groupies. According to the Book of Revelations the final battle of Armageddon would see the return of Christ descending gently to earth surrounded by a host of angels, bent on saving dutiful Christians and ready to preside over a New Spiritual Order. This could only take place when humanity had been suitably culled so that only the righteous are left to experience the waiting Eden of milk and honey.

Underpinning these visions was the doctrine of inerrancy on the part of the Bible which, as it was the word of God, was therefore beyond error. The fact that human beings were fallible and remain so didn’t seem to feature. As we have discussed, reason plays no part at all in fundamentalism only insofar it can be useful in reaffirming belief and the avoidance of uncomfortable facts. Rather like Zionism which uses the meme of anti-Semitism to avoid criticism, so too the fundamentalists see the Bible as synonymous with God and thus beyond critical analysis or reproach. Thus an empty mind instead of an open mind is mandatory. Similarly, the Catholic Church and the Vatican acting as the All-Seeing Eye of redemption offers its own brand of millennialism, dispensing Papal edicts and declarations as a download from God and therefore beyond contention. Those who do not agree with the magisterium are condemned to a fiery hell by God’s unending compassion.[2]

By the start of the twentieth Century these beliefs had evolved into a broader synthesis of dogma which meant that all the Biblical accounts, the Virgin Birth; feeding of the five thousand, the creation of the earth in Genesis, the bodily resurrection and physical return of Christ etc., were not allegorical or elaborate teaching myths – they were literal truths. The development of what came to be known as Creationism in the 1920s was in direct response to the wildly popular theories of Darwinism which caused a major revival in evangelical preaching and “reaching out” to save souls from Satan’s encroachment.

The End Times (or the Eschaton) describes a period of conflict and global war leading to a redemptive transformation (usually for a select group) which is prophesied in most major religions. For Jews, the End times or “End of Days” refers to a Messianic Age, where the exiled Jewish diaspora will be gathered in to the promised land of Israel to reclaim their spiritual birth right. Under the coming of the Mashiach, olam haba, a resurrection of the Tsadikim or “righteousness” will take place.  Christianity’s take is much the same, with added ingredients of the Anti-Christ emerging just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and his gathering in the righteous faithful during the Great Tribulation. [3] Islamist belief concurs and describes its own version of a “Christ” or the al-Mahdi who will preside over the Day of Judgement or Yawm al-Qiyāmah; to vanquish the Masih ad-Dajjall (Anti-Christ) and send the faithful into paradise.

Christian fundamentalism, along with ultra-orthodox Judaism, is in danger of comprehensively wresting control of the United States military and political processes. Christian Reconstructionism advocates a Calvinist, right-wing, capitalist belief, laden with theocratic overtones. This movement has helped to introduce the concept of “Dominionism” which demands activism within civic society but most importantly, the domination of the political process as mandated by God. it is a belief that characterises Protestant Christian Evangelicals and Right-wing Fundamentalists in the United States and is best summarised by a passage from the Bible, Genesis 1:26:

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (King James Version). And further: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” (New International Version).

While most of us would interpret this to mean that Christians can choose to live as benign helpers and caretakers of the animal kingdom as well as humanity, the authoritarian personality will read this to mean that they should dominate and control secular institutions in order to suitably prepare the ground for Christ’s return – getting a huge kick out of it in the process. [4]


The Dominionist’s Version of Peace on Earth

While Dominionists all believe that straying from the literal word of the Bible has meant the rise of immorality and sin best expressed by liberalism of any kind, the real threat within dominionism comes from the hardliners and Social Dominators (psychopaths) who see theocracy as the only way forward. And that means authoritarianism leading to totalitarianism under the name of God which just about characterises every genocide, atrocity and military conquest of the last two thousand years. But because authoritarians have no capacity to understand the relevance of history these basic flaws in their theocratic wet dreams are quickly brushed under the carpet of the sub-conscious. What remains is the constant anticipation of a black and white, dangerously simplistic framework of good and evil. Again, Bush’s “If you’re not with us you’re with the terrorists” drivel was particularly delicious for the Dominionists. Hence, when you read Dominionist literature one may understand why Social Dominators are immediately attracted to the concept as it resonates with their perception of reality, whether they are in the military, preaching from a pulpit or strutting around Congress: the theme of domination – to carve out their own spiritual dominion – is at the core of their actions.

Dominionism easily aligns with the beliefs of Social Darwinism (eugenics) which is why it is so useful to the Conservative Establishment. Such beliefs indicates the amount of inversion which has occurred within fundamentalist Christianity and how it veers towards the ultimate and tragic irony of being more akin to Satanism than any compassionate and inclusive doctrine. That has to be the greatest irony to beat them all, yet it is precisely this kind of deception that the Bible warns about, where the “very elect” will be deceived.

Journalist Katherine Yurica describes it in much the same way. Like the old Levitical priests of Babylon, the Dominionists assign great importance to wealth and power as a sign of God’s blessing.

She notes:

“… out of the masses of people and the multitude of nations – wealth, in and of itself, is thought to indicate God’s approval on men and nations whereas poverty and sickness reflect God’s disapproval. The roots of the idea come from a natural twist of an Old Testament passage, … Essentially there were two elements necessary to establish Dominionism among Christians who previously believed helping the poor was a mandate of Christianity.

First, Old Testament law had to be accepted as an essential part of a Christian’s theology.

Secondly, the Christian had to undergo a second conversion-like experience that went beyond being born again and demanded not only a commitment to reestablishing the Old Testament legal structure but required the implementation of that law in the nations of the world (including the U.S.) based upon a different understanding of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20).[50] Under this concept Dominionists are to go into all the world to take dominion and ‘make disciples’ teaching the disciples to ‘observe all’ that Jesus ‘commanded.’ All nations under Dominionist’s teaching are to convert to biblical laws, which are ranked superior to secular laws that were not God given or God directed and are found wanting. The Christian therefore must be willing to overthrow all laws that are secular. In other words, a measure of one’s spirituality rested upon the individual’s willingness to accept the concept of taking dominion over not only the people of America, but taking dominion over the people of the entire world.” [5]

And this leads to yet another reprise for Pathocracy where the religious “elect” preside over mere mortals inadequate to the task of transposing God’s Kingdom on earth. As Yurica reminds us: “A Christian who raises his voice against the ‘elect’ could be labeled a ‘false prophet or a dreamer of dreams,’ and therefore, according to the Deuteronomic law ‘shall be put to death.’ ”

This belief in a sort of Divine blessing to wipe out undesirables is the stuff of authoritarian ecstasy and the basis upon which many serious abuses of power are now taking place in the United States. And if you happen to be in the US military then be prepared to be inaugurated into a New Christian Crusade against America’s enemies, which of course, means all Muslims, which are all te’rusts and heathens, so too anyone who claims otherwise …

Former Air Force Judge Advocate General Mikey Weinstein believes there is a Fundamentalist Christian tsunami sweeping through the US military.  He is the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, an organisation set up to offer support for victims of fundamentalist Christians within the military, seeking to defend against their influence in the Federal Courts and the news media. According to Weinstein, there are four main types of fundamentalist Christians currently making a bad situation much worse:

“The first is virulent anti-Semitism and virulent Islamaphobia. Then you’ve got virulent misogyny, the belief that women should be consigned to preparing food, selecting food, serving food, cleaning up after a meals, spreading their legs, getting pregnant. That’s pretty much it. Then there’s this virulent homophobia. And then, last is a great desire to subordinate what they view as flawed man’s law to this pristine, weaponized gospel of Jesus Christ that they propagate.” [6]

The West’s Middle Eastern Gladio creation that is ISIS has served to stimulate the resurgence of fundamentalism still further. One such example from many jumping on the New Crusade came from U.S. Air Force Colonel Mark H. Slocum, the Commander of Seymour Johnson AFB’s 4th Fighter Wing, who, according to Weinstein, was: “… busy marshaling his officers, enlisted troops and AF civilians stationed at the North Carolina F-15 fighter base to fight the good fight … against ISIS, under the banner of his “Lord’s” heaven.” Soldiers were either none too pleased or whipped up into a bloodlust to rival ISIS itself. If you care to visit Weinstein website you will find many other examples.

In the same vain you have influential individuals like Former Lt. General Boykin who shouldn’t be let anywhere near a blunt object let alone a whole army. A passionate advocate of Dominionism, he advocated a “weaponised gospel of Jesus Christ” with a decidedly aggressive form of attack to be levelled against the non-Christian world with the Second Coming of Jesus delivering the seal of approval for such blood-letting. Such thinking is essentially a form of religious fascism and its taking the Us military by storm.


Christian Dominionist and former Lt. General Boykin: Dominionist General Preaches: “Weaponized Gospel of Jesus Christ”  A classic Double High or just your garden variety Religious Authoritarian? (wikipedia, public domain)

James D. Parco PhD. writing for Center for Inquiry (CFI) Office of Public Inquiry Washington D.C., wrote a 2013 paper titled:  ‘For God and Country’ introducing some disturbing conclusions regarding the Christian Evangelisation of the U.S. military.

These key findings included:

  • Institutional support for fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity in the military has spread and entrenched since September 11, 2001, beginning in haste during the Bush administration and remaining unchallenged by the Obama administration.

  • Many of the military’s civilian overseers, along with many in the military’s commissioned leadership—to include flag officers, speaking on duty and in uniform—have repeatedly couched the American military’s civic and global role, and American military operations themselves, in the language of Christian religious crusades.

  • Through explicit leadership messaging, senior officers have created cultures and atmospheres of religious sectarianism in their commands and institutions, including the various service academies, even instructing subordinates to partake in actions for the express purpose of Christian evangelizing and proselytizing.

  • Officers who raise concerns about fundamentalist Christian proselytizing … when not ignored completely—have facedreassignment and other punitive actions.

  • Air Force training programs for Nuclear Missile Launch Officers featured Christian ethical justifications for the use of nuclear weapons and quotes from historical figures lauding morality guided specifically by the Bible.

  • To gauge the mental health of Soldiers, the U.S. Army developed and has relied upon a “Spiritual Fitness” evaluation system that leans heavily on theistic religious concepts, and marks as “spiritually” deficient any non-religious or religiously unorthodox Soldier who answers honestly.

  • Fundamentalist evangelical Christian organizations are given preferential access to numerous military installations, including the Pentagon and the various service academies, and have had their activities sanctioned and even promoted—in uniform and on duty—by religiously aligned military leadership.

  • Fundamentalist evangelical Christian organizations have attempted to use the deployed U.S. military as international missionaries, providing units in Afghanistan with Bibles printed in the native Pashto and Dari languages, the distribution of which is in direct violation of standing general orders.

If that doesn’t send chills down the spine I don’t know what would.  In the next post we will dig a little deeper behind the attraction to so many to Fundamentalism and why it has risen to the top of the present American brand of ponerology.



[1] World Religious Adherents data 2005, http://www.wikipedia.com
[2] p.328; Faith, Religion & Theology: A Contemporary Introduction By Brennan Hill, Paul F. Knitter, William Madges. Published by Twenty-Third Publications, 1997. “Catholic fundamentalists, like Protestant fundamentalists, stress the need for an absolute external authority to guid the thinking and decision making of the individual. They do so because of the sinfulness of the human person. Left to his or her own devices, the individual, they feel, will generally make bad judgements. Consequently, individual freedom must be directed by the right authority. In the case of Catholic fundamentlaism, this means literal adherance fully to past tradition, or who have difficulty assenting to every official statement of the hierarchial magisterium, are judged harshly. Such sinners, say fundamentalists, are condemned by God.”
[3] “The Great Tribulation (Greek: θλιψις μεγαλη, thlipsis megalē) refers to tumultuous events that are described during the ‘signs of the times’, first mentioned by Jesus in the Olivet discourse. The Great Tribulation is also referenced in the Book of Revelation.” (Wikipedia)
[4] For more information on Dominionism and its relationship to Christian Reconstructivism please read the excellent Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right By Sara Diamond. Published by Black Rose Books, 1993 | ISBN-10: 0921689640.

[5] ‘The Dominionism Apostasy: The Despoiling of America by Christianity turned Evil’ By Katherine Yurica, The Yurica Report, 11 Feb 2004.

[6] “The Weaponized Gospel of Jesus Christ”: Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation on fascists in the US military, By Nick Holt, January 18, 2010. |http://www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org/press-releases/2010/tgr_weaponized.html