
Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep-State Part III

By M.K. Styllinski


© infrakshun

Setting aside the possibility that Trump was “allowed in” at the eleventh hour once Killary was found to be a liability and hot on the heels of DNC vote rigging, [1]  there can be no doubt that he had a substantial platform of ordinary support. [2 ]Regardless of the complexities of the path Trump must now follow, in order to understand why so many voted for the man we have to a) understand the international and domestic background to his popularity b) whether or not he is going to be a significant impediment to the shadow government.

The intense dissatisfaction with government in both the United States and Europe was sourced from a decades long bubbling resentment against the Powers that Be and their corrupt, criminal enterprise we call the White House, Congress, its federal agencies and the European Union’s endless unelected bodies of Eurocratic corruption. Both perpetuate a neo-liberal economic monster the likes of which culminated in the sub prime housing crisis in the states encouraging a form of financial warfare between banks and corporations all due to a huge popping of a financial bubble the shock waves of which had serious repercussions in Europe. Hello austerity measures. Thanks very much said the banking cartels. It was to result in the further consolidation and centralisation of this economic model and a return to business as usual on a higher and more risky turn of socio-economic resource extraction (people being the ultimate resource).

This led to a massive financial bonanza for the rich whilst the poor and middle classes shouldered the cost producing a sharp rise in mental illness, poverty and hardship. Americans, who were already reeling from the Bush-Cheney era, unnecessary foreign wars and the commensurate rise of the police state bore the brunt of this cynical exercise in propping up a dying banking system. Most importantly, such obvious criminality gave rise to complete disillusionment, anger and fury against the Establishment and politics.  A large proportion of the American public saw through the veil and responded to Trump as a relative outsider who appeared to speak their language, appealed to traditional right wing America as well as Libertarians and those in between.

In one sense, the reasons why Trump found himself as president is not the point. Trumphobia is a side show and a distraction. What the new president elect is up against – indeed everyone who truly has a conscience set afire by our brother and sister’s suffering – are the engines or drivers of psychopathic infection which create our present Official Culture, its pathological enculturation and adjustment to a false normality. Moreover, these drivers encourage us to fuel our institutions, governments, military, and socio-economic infrastructures largely by default and with an alien perception of the psychopath and narcissist, spreading like a psycho-virus from the trusted but entirely broken model of statism – a belief in the state as both provider/enforcer and from which all our ills are created.


Official Culture Reprise I: (Or… Don’t reach for the tranquilizers just yet)

 By M.K. Styllinski

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

William Blum, author and Former U.S. State Dept. Employee


© infrakshun

“In 1984, the government continually changed its past by creating new historical fictions to justify its present. I wondered if we had already gone beyond 1984, where, as Orwell said, “truth is falsehood,” and “ignorance is strength.”

Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control (1978)

As the Greek Philosopher Phaedrus wisely stated: “The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.”

Inducing insanity hasn’t been the aim of this blog, but after reading about many of these subjects (let alone experiencing them) it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise to succumb to a heavy heart after being confronted with so many entrenched iniquities. However, the Dark Night of the Soul should eventually liberate not imprison; providing a stepping stone to a richer, fuller appraisal of our world and ourselves. There are demons stalking the souls of our ancestors and the children of our modern world and it must cause concern, but not to the point it induces paranoia and paralysis. We cannot defend and then integrate the shadowlands if we are not aware that they exist and once we see them we do not understand their behaviour. We must become tacticians of the soul if we are to survive.

We have the chance to see evil for what it is – simply the natural expression of a dynamic which has been allowed to reach its extreme. Paradoxically, this also reaffirms the opportunity to reduce darkness and its destroyers and enhance the light with laser-like precision. Perhaps when we look at what is, we are in a better place to use the knowledge we have to imagine what could be. Having observed extreme negativity and its psychopathic stimulus, perhaps we are gradually becoming forewarned and forearmed, ready to break the chains of our psychological and spiritual slavery. This becomes a positive affirmation of the potential of humanity.

Yet, it is true to say that we have left it a little late…

You have to think positive. Things are never that bad.”

Despite this cliché being wheeled out in response to the fact that things ARE “that bad” and actually much worse for the majority of people, there is truth in the statement. The idea that balanced, positive thinking improves health and affects the lives of others in beneficial ways is now proven both clinically and experientially. It requires effort and persistence but it can be done. It’s just one of those essential ingredients in the cooking pot of emotional and mental defence which will decide whether we are victors in the face of evil, or its perpetual victims. Conversely, for that positivity to be worth anything at all it must lead to an application of knowledge that is based on as close approximation to objective reality as possible, otherwise, we are merely listening with our fingers in our ears.

As long as we are not blinded by the dazzle of our carefully cultivated inner suns, perhaps we can to do great things in the future. As Helen Keller once said: “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” And as the cycle turns – so shall we. But first we must be able SEE how inured in this manufactured reality we have become.

Until then no escape is possible.

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It may seem as though I am vociferously anti-Western and see everything as shadow devoid of any light. This is not the case. What I do see is the enormous potential of humanity and just how suppressed, dumbed down, weakened, maligned and soul-destroyed it has been for tens of hundreds of years. No more so than in the last century, although the methods by which we are kept asleep have become more sophisticated. I’ve also seen myself as an exact replica of those very qualities from which I’m slowly extricating myself. Once we begin to dig deep and actually start to shed those layers that make up our false, conditioned selves, there is the potential to realise that we are so much more than we are led to believe. What is more, we have chosen to love our ignorance, servitude and the formation of societal structures which lock us into an exclusively materialist definition of what it means to be human. And this has meant untold suffering and misery for so many souls. Therefore, our responsibility for the choices we make in our lives have repercussions for ALL since we are inextricably connected to the elected or forsaken responsibilities of others.

We can never exist in isolation however much at times, we wish it were so.

This time, I think there is an opportunity in the face of coming global changes, not for some utopia re-cast in a different guise but to go to the heart of the problem and take back the gold that we have allowed to be stolen from us. Knowledge of how psychopathy and its tributaries of evil manifests in the collective mind and its external realities is something so important that the ancients made it an integral part of their oral traditions whether we focus on Sufism of Persia to Native Americans, the Celts of Britain or the German fairy tales of the 18th Century – the akido of the soul is an art that is slowly being rediscovered.

At this stage, even though it may seem that the global horse has long since bolted and everything seems inevitable, not only is pragmatic optimism required for a richer and more fulfilling life it may also be a scientific inevitability that the fruits of that hope will descend when we least expect it. The unpredictable is not part of a psychopathic blueprint but is part of the Creative Universe. Whether or not we all overcome what is a concerted effort of the few to co-opt and destroy the creativity and peaceable nature of the majority, will depend on whether we can all work together to address the shadow side of humanity and acknowledging our part in its ascendance – wherever and whomever we are.

At the same time, when we decide not to follow what has become Official Culture and not to believe the lies, we necessarily go against the accepted beliefs of the day. This brings us face to face with our own deception – the lies we have told ourselves perhaps over many years which initially helped us survive but have now proved toxic, dimming the light of the soul as each day goes by. As African-American novelist James Baldwin observes it is: “Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience you must find yourself at war with your society.”

And with yourself.

This “war” should not be one of violence but a psychic battle between truth and lies which necessarily takes place through us, something I am belatedly discovering along my own path. Sometimes you cannot be shown, rather it must come from your self-inflicted lessons which are a natural “becoming.” A choice must then be made to allow such a process of inner change to proceed. Yet, strangely it is not something that can be initiated at will. To bring our accumulated shadows safely and effectively into conscious awareness must be carried out slowly and methodically over time and at different speeds for different people. We must acknowledge that we are far from whole, and to begin gathering in the scattered parts of our psyche so that we differentiate what is truly a part of our own experience and to thereby set some boundaries. Conscious and willed effort as part of a framework of sincerity to change is essential, even though the process is not actually under the control of the will. As Jungian psychologist M. Esther Harding mentions, to find a semblance of wholeness within oneself and therefore more resistance to forces that would turn one into bio-chemical play-thing, such a process: “… originates autonomously from a movement in the unconscious, and may be likened to physiological processes that go on without conscious control or assistance.” [1]

Nonetheless, understanding that our choices are, to a great degree, derived from the matrix of Official Culture, is our starting point. This can lead to the beginnings of an initial spark deep within our own being and will determine how our choices – therefore the quality of our awareness – will develop.We cannot hope to suitably address the external world with tangible results without having first addressed all manner of conflict within.

This is when the real journey begins.

 rainbow_landscape© infrakshun

The events of 9/11 represented a watershed in the fortunes of America and the world.

When faced with questions which are born from objective evidence from not just the few, but from the many, we may then ask ourselves what in all conscience, are we prepared to accept? This includes taking on board the possibility that what we assumed to be true was in fact false; that the trust we placed in those currently in power may be wholly unfounded. It requires that we face the high probability that we have been lied to, beyond the bounds of mere coincidences and “failures of intelligence,” but from a systematic, purposeful propaganda strategy designed to fulfil a set of long known ideological and geo-political objectives. We have an opportunity to discover how much of this proffered evidence impinges on lives. However, we may have to re-evaluate the way in which we have understood the workings of democracy, government, media and human nature – even our own place in society and the world.

While uncertainty, fear and conflict have increased significantly since 9/11, the individual and collective responses to this important event will reveal how creatively we can act for freedom and truth, or how deeply we have chosen to believe the Lie. Pull a thread hard enough and for long enough, it will eventually reveal more than we might care to know. Yet when our preconceived ideas are shattered it can also open our minds, shock us into realisations and more choices as to what we can do with this information. We have the opportunity to see things as they really are which in turn will offer a chance to understand who we are and what we choose to see.

In the context of 9/11 and geo-politics if a pathological perception exists at the highest level of government, the logical conclusion is that there are people drawn from all political and religious persuasions who are psychopaths first, and who will adopt whatever belief will serve their predatory behaviour best. In one sense it doesn’t matter who’s on first: the only underlying constant is age-old predatory behaviour of the psychopath and sub categories of psychological deviance that lie behind all the manifestations of evil we see today. Factions with the US government and its agencies consciously engineered of the 9/11 attacks with many low level US officials unknowingly assisting in its final climax, partly due to the belief that it was yet another military exercise. The primary architects have elements within the Israeli government and intelligence apparatus. There is evidence of both a circumstantial and deductive nature that places Israel firmly at the scene of the crime not least because they had everything to gain from such a tragic event.

The information explored on 9/11 hasn’t even come close to scratching the surface. At the very top of our psychic food chain lies an occult body who enacted a huge sacrifice or “Mega-Ritual” designed to appease and invoke the archetypal forces associated with a variety of Gods and Goddesses and in line with Illuminist traditions of the 3EM. We may never know exactly who were responsible for this attack against humanity, so vast is the net of converging interests. It is also likely that while those at the top of this Pyramid are few indeed, the psychological footprint of their effects can be likened to slow-motion release of a neutron bomb, spreading a psycho-spiritual toxicity as dangerous as any radioactive cloud.

Whether we believe in any of the religio-occult principles which have surfaced over the course of this series, they are taken seriously by many members of international governments and military who are currently deciding the fate of nations.  9/11 is the most potent expression of orchestrated evil for centuries. It represents a nexus of aligned interests with occultism at its core and surrounded by strategies which buffer the observer from the true ritualistic nature of the operation. Yet, it is only one phase in a long tradition of social engineering that is about to reach its apotheosis over the next decade.

So, let’s summarise, very simply some of the themes which have appeared so far.


Spheres of Influence | © infrakshun

“The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults. We have been blinded to the depravity of our ruling elite by the relentless propaganda of public relations firms that work on behalf of corporations and the rich.”

— Chris Hedges

9/11 Occult Mega-Ritual: orchestrated as a monumental ritual sacrifice in plain sight. The source of this atrocity was carried out by a conglomeration of members drawn from the upper echelons of the Three Establishment Model of Liberal, Conservative and Zionist members. These are in turn, are filtered through memberships of freemasonic branches of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism under various names and lodges. In all probability there is a grouping entirely unknown and without any labels who oversee the whole Big Show. Their beliefs are a form of existential Satanism drawing from an archaic techno-sorcery: an intense and a sophisticated mastery of science, psychology and cosmology which effectively marks them out as the leaders of a breakaway society. They are essential psychopaths and the perfect embodiment of the dark side of humanity and its collective shadow. In one sense, they serve a spiritual purpose in the balancing of negative and positive poles. Hence the need to re-establish a level playing field where negative forces can be objectively SEEN and understood.

Military-Occult Intelligence groups: are the key players and intermediaries between governments, think tanks and the military. They are perhaps closet to the core, inner workings though highly compartmentalised and tightly controlled. The MI6-CIA/NSA-MOSSAD triangle is on first, linking hands with the Anglo-American banking families and US Zionist influences. They are the tools which enable mind control/PSYOPS operations, media propaganda, CoIntelpro, Eco-Intelpro, coloured revolutions and false flag terrorism whilst working through the economic architecture of the 4C’s and geostrategy. They are the key cogs on the vast turning wheel.

Organised Religion: Embedded in the 3EM. They are the strings which are attached to a complex system of puppetry which make up the beliefs and myths of religious indoctrination and scientific thought police. Most potent in this bunch are the religious fanatics on the Christian and Islamic divide which has been so carefully nurtured over the centuries. Chabad Lubavitch, Catholic Cults (Opus Dei) Christian Zionism; Neo-Conservatism, Christian Evangelism and various other sub-groupings of right wing authoritarianism are key in the development, disbursement and maintenance of anger, fear, suppressed emotion and thus a variety sexual pathologies. This sustains the negative clouds of emotion needed to prop up the many headed hydra of the “End Times” war. Aside from paid agents (spellbinders) such groupings are largely unconscious of the deeply rooted occult connections.

Corporatism: The 9/11 Mega-Ritual enabled the 4Cs of commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control to move ahead with unparalleled success employing a cross fertilisation of all the above groupings into food, oil, agribusiness, asymmetric warfare, weapons, bio and smart technology, banking, security and the tripartite consumption of human and narcotics trafficking which underpins them all.  Stimulated crisis and conflict through the “Shock Doctrine” is the route to further centralisation of all the above. Think tanks and private armies are both political and corporate tools, the presence of which is dictated by money and profits in a self-sustaining – but ultimately finite – feedback system; a symbiotic relationship between governments and big business. The State is the corporation and the corporation is the State. The Underworld has now fused with mainstream geopolitics to produce deep politics and the “Overworld.”

 “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”

— Frederic Bastiat

The terrorist threat is a vast and complex fabrication which has been entrenched in the collective consciousness through Hollywood programming and decades of largely British, American and Israeli psychological operations. The myth of an outside enemy is self-propagating. We tend to believe what the media and authoritative statements made by government officials and academics tell us until it becomes part of our own belief system. But if we look closely at history, it is a story of our governments fabricating, distorting and creating terrorist movements and the horrendous suffering they inflict on ordinary people. The  9/11 attacks and the spectre of Al-Qaeda (and now ISIL) have been the modern day tools of perception management used to justify all kinds of atrocities and anti-human actions at the local, national and international level.

If the knowledge that organised religion and global economics has been manipulated into a poker game that is loaded for the Establishment to win while everyone ultimately dies at the table, then the house of cards would begin to tumble very quickly. People would see through the media propaganda and learn the language of deceit, which would mean there would be no pretexts for waging war; no justification for the doctrine of pre-emption or the building and maintenance of vast network of bases around the world; no reason for mass surveillance or the hoax that is the War on Terror.

It would all be seen as a sham.

There are key beliefs promoted and created as a resource for World State ideologies. At there inception, they were benevolent and creative. With varying twists and turns in their evolution – some ancient, some more recent – they have all succumbed to forms of pathogenic infection by psychopaths otherwise known as “ponerisation.” The ideology of a World State is promoted primarily through the auspices of apparently benign, philanthropic and altruistic endeavours at both the local and international level. With advanced knowledge of crowd psychology, suppressed technology and occult directives, this minority of psychopaths have been allowed to initiate a phase by phase of extinction of the global population.

Global Strategy of Tension: A War against the People

The emerging Global Pathocracy has kept populations asleep, fearful, unthinking, addicted and poverty-stricken. Tribalism, religious extremism and a spiritually dead secularism has turned the family unit and the community ethos inside out. It has achieved this through a variety of tried and tested methods across the centuries and about which many artists, philosophers, and mystics have tried to warn us. A brief summary of some of the major components involved follows, and describes a national and international Hegelian formula for a “Strategy of Tension.” These various tools of social management and manipulation obviously interpenetrate and overlap.  They comprise:

Synthetic Terror“Strategy of Tension” the “Hegelian Dialectic” or “Problem-Reaction-Solution” and various false flag scenarios. This produces anger, fear, distrust, shock, grief, trauma and revenge. The net result is social dislocation and psychological weakness open to auto-suggestion and thus to ponerological influences. Religious fundamentalism is always waiting in the wings to invert conscience and morality toward the myopia of absolutism. Indeed, intel agencies have traditionally had many agents working within their ranks as part of the process of domestic entrapment. The Terror industry is lucrative, both financially and politically. Terrorism becomes an archetypal external threat which offers the public backing for the fulfillment of geopolitical goals lying behind coloured revolutions and regime changes. The extraction of negative human emotion is the most effective and potent means to justifying the unjustifiable. It is a tried and tested formula that the populace is slowly beginning to understand. That being so, bigger and better atrocities and greater distractions will be applied to keep pace with an increasingly aware public.

Social Engineering Culture, academia, social sciences, green issues, entertainment and education Includes: CoIntelpro and Eco-Intelpro. A subversion of normal development within societies – ethical, spiritual and civic movements; the elevation of belief and emotional reflex partnered with the lowest common denominator of human instincts. Sexuality is progressively ponerised so that there are no limits; where more extreme pathologies become mainstreamed disrupting natural development and causing loss of identity, psychological disorientation – in particular narcissism and addictive behaviour. The entertainment industries are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques and child abuse networks. Semiotics, psychic driving, Pavlovian conditioning, subliminals and Neuro-Lingusitic programming, Delphic technique – all hijack the sub-strata of instinctive symbolism and iconography as a form of double-think where words and images mean something entirely different to what is seen and heard. Destruction of religious/spiritual beliefs replaced with a materialist perception of reality and the promotion of “group-think” tribalism. Dispersal of memes such as “One world” “global governance” “global warming” etc. and a high level media propaganda. There is literally a social engineering program for everyone. There are key beliefs which are currently most suitable to promote One World philosophy and practice. These include:

  • Transhumanism / SMART society (SMART energy grid; infrastructure, etc.) and Sustainable Development – infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro so as to speed the delivery of technological mainframe for complete surveillance and containment under cover of “saving the world” through technology. The metaphor for this is akin to farming sheep – feeding, watering and making sure protection is given through biometric welfare so that they become not only docile but happy in their domestication. Meanwhile they “progressively” sheared of awareness.
  • Climate Change industry and environmental activism infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro and eco-fascistic principles where human beings are seen as viri and thus less important to the preservation of Nature. (The United Nations’ Agenda 21 and urban development is key in this regard – and no, while right wing patriots do embrace this reality it is not a conservative plot). This feeds into multiple vested interests on both sides of the divide.
  • New Age or Human Potential Movement infiltrated by agents of CoIntelpro to limit quality of consciousness and thus the potential for genuine expansion of awareness. This is achieved in much the same way as the subversion of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The exact same scenario as the transhumanist movement except through spiritual rituals.

State-Sanctioned Mind Control experiments / Ritual Sexual Abuse – Military use of mind control technology targeting populations worldwide (HAARP, MK ULTRA, MONARCH, biowarfare, etc.) Historical tradition of military families being used for mind control experimentation including assassinations and black operations on domestic targets. Child abuse networks are a source of Elite indulgence and fodder for future covert military training. (See Satan’s Little Helpers IV and read David McGowan’s Programmed to Kill ) Extensive internet-based propaganda serves to confuse and disorientate supporting both the “discourse of disbelief” and unsubstantiated conspiracies. Existence of intra-familial/generational Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) are extended and enhanced within the military-intelligence apparatus with crossovers between various religious and occult groupings from inherited “bloodlines”. Abuse in society is encouraged to provide cover for the Elite. The entertainment industries (popular music, movies) are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques which are both purposely designed and others which are symptomatic of the focus inherent in the medium. All indirectly encourage pathologies such as ADS, depression, narcissistic tendencies and dissociative disorders.

(Asymmetric) WarOrganised and facilitated by governments, corporations and the banking cartels in order to maximise and expand profits. A primary tool for ensuring the majority of the global population remains disempowered whislt extracting material and psychic capital. Culling and sterilisation of populations heads off cyclic disturbance in status quo such as group awareness, genuine revolutionary and social recovery leading to potentially dangerous levels of empowerment which would threaten the monopoly of the 0.01%. To ignite the need for war humanitarian pretexts and false flag atrocities are used. Methods of balkanisation and civil war are carried out along with heavy media and outsourced PSYOPS and PR companies on the ground. Obvious fallout from war is: Poverty, hunger, disease, individual and collective psycho-physiological trauma and a massive rise in pathologies; mass death, mass immigration and exodus of refugees; environmental destruction; opportunities to reconfigure tribal and political alliances and objectives; rape of societies and cultures and replacement with cartel capitalism and monoculture of the 4C’s. This proceeds to a critical breakdown resulting in social compliance to the new established order and eventually seen as normal. Through the creation and/or exacerbation of the division between rich and poor, a vacuum is always created where uncertainty and economic insecurity invites crime and social unrest which can then be manipulated according to elite directives.

Debt slavery – IMF/ World Bank/UN-International Banking cartels. Once war has broken the spirit, these organisations move in to create the conditions by which the newly “democractised” countries sign on to the neo-liberal model of economic slavery. Massive profits can be made from a corporate colonisation of virgin cultures. Multiple dividends for economic destabilisation through debt control by the Structural Adjustment Team of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Health Organisation, (WHO) and the United Nations. (See: The Shock Doctrine By Naomi Klein (2010) and Confessions of an Economic Hit-man by John Perkins). High frequency trading and speculation driven by artificial intelligence technology maintains the “Boom-bust cycles” and debt bubbles which ensure dividends for the 0000.1%.  A comprehensive rigging of every market exists from currency to gold/silver so that during each bubble burst “austerity measures” can be introduced in order to obtain funds from the public purse to repair the excess of the banking industry and maintain the global financial architecture. This cartel capitalism is overseen by the Bank of England in the City of London and the Federal Reserve in the United States which operate under exceptional laws and rulings effectively allowing these bodies to exist as private entities which serve corporate and banking interests. They are two of the primary wheels upon which a legion of banks, hedge funds, financial brokers, think tanks and government agencies inexorably turn. The dynasties of the Rothschilds, Morgans,  Rockefellers, Oppenheimers, along with European royalty and many other wealthy families are the nodes in a circuit of wealth and power within Official Culture that ensures the fiat currency of credit and debt slavery, as well as a concurrent monopolisation of all resources that remain entrenched. Governments already operate as global entities and offer periodic elections to keep the illusion of working democracies. Members of the state are usually deluded by their own lies, ignorance and self-importance thus oiling the wheels of World State operations. Very few in power realise what part they play in the wider game. Government and their federal/civil service personnel ensure the age-old key objectives remain fixed i.e. to disempower the public through information dominance, consumerism and debt.

Food monopoly / Food Contamination – Fast-food society with agri-business, genetically modified foods, chemical industry, animal foodstuffs and factory farming defining its expansion. This has led to severe environmental degradation of soil and desertification; destruction of forests and river pollution which destabilises the balance of eco-systems and expose populations to natural disasters. Mass migration to cities and expansion of slums results. International immigration inevitably increases placing further pressure on other countries’ infrastructure. Severe health problems from agricultural practices (pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilisers) chemical additives, irradiated and genetically modified food is visited on the economically disadvantaged which makes up most of world’s population. Supermarket culture displaces local businesses and increases total reliance on corporations who practice global trade divorced from socio-economic values. Self-sufficiency, autonomy are further eroded in favour of narrow dependence on exports. The nature of fast food causes dietary problems further exacerbating mental health issues. Endemic animal cruelty in factory farming is a reflection of a mechanistic and materialist view of animals as products. It also reinforces our disconnection from nature and ecologically responsible alternatives. The mind-body split is part of the formula for control as is the maxim of “Divide and Rule” and obviously has consequences for the healthy functioning of both. The food industry is to be integrated into SMART agrimatics utilising biotechnology and biometrics for maximum output and efficiency but yielding the minimum nutritional quality due to a purposeful exclusion of essential nutrients.

Depopulation through mass sterilisation, food as a weapon and indirect forms of reduction (economic disparities, debt slavery, war and GMOs) drawn from a resurgence in the support for genetic engineering and eugenics. The co-option of the well-intentioned with NGOs and the United Nations offers a platform of legitimacy. Such a worldview requires a reduction in specific racial types alongside colonisation and resource monopoly. Genocide, tribal warfare, gender imbalance, distortion of science by corporate interests, population anomalies, religious extremism, and profits for governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry are the net effects of such actions. The much promoted bad science of overpopulation is used to increase the pressure on scientists and environmentalists to push through predesignated “solutions”. In truth, with a radical return to just and equitable socio-cultural and economic principles much of the overpopulation propaganda would be overturned. The dysfunctional nature of our current economic and social infrastructures comprehensively limit truly creative solutions which would allow a natural return to balanced populations levels.

Big Pharma / Medical Establishment – medicalisation of health is drawn from the same formula for domination which can be seen in the banking industry and other sectors of society. The net result is an undue dependence on pharmaceutical corporations who, in combination with the insurance industry, have state health care and doctors inside their pocket. Greater privatisation and fake social benefits (such as Obamacare) ensure vulnerable sectors of society who are unable to pay, cannot access the health care they need. Just as arm manufacturers and financial institutions are intimately tied to global governments so too the huge profits are made by Big Pharma are accrued from their relationship to the medical establishment. Curing people is the last thing the medical cartels would like to see – quite the opposite. The marginalisation of complementary medicine continues with Big Pharma paying so called medical websites to indulge in propaganda and attacks on alternative healing modalities. Scientific reductionism and a serious abuse of the scientific method can be evidenced and used to support profit at the expense of healing and palliative care. Corruption in science is intimately linked to corruption throughout the corporatised medical establishment. Profit is obviously the overriding aim where natural and sometimes innovative methods of care have been overlooked. Campaigns of character assassination and disinformation are routinely used against those who go against this orthodoxy. This has resulted in a negative feedback loop between the mentally and physically ill who represent numbers on a spreadsheet for Big Pharma companies and state care. As society becomes more prone to infection by the dominating psychopathy then more symptoms will begin to appear in normal people thus increasing the profits of Big Pharma which, acting as a corporate predator in its perceptions will take out anything which threatens its monopoly. Dependence and over-reliance is secured if drugs and psychiatry are joined at the hip. An ill population is an essential revenue stream for Big Pharma. (A similar framework exists in vaccination programs whose overarching agenda is to lessen the integrity of DNA and resistance to specific viri as per psycho-social engineering for docility, sterility and depopulation agenda).

Technocracy – implementation of a “Smart Society” which integrates principles of sustainable development, state surveillance, invasive perception management and virtual reality leisure time. Economic parity and ultimate efficiency are the by-words for acceptance. It is a new form of materialist seduction with technology as the panacea for all ills. The glut of gadgets are showing highly negative effects on the neurology of the very young. Brain growth and the arc of developmental learning is suffering. Narcissism is enhanced in a push-button culture of synthetic networks divorced from the real. Great progress can be seen through internet-based journalism and information dissemination. This is one aspect of technology that for now permitted until it is possible that dissent of this kind can be eliminated. Firstly, the infrastructure and lifestyle must be tied to essential requirements such as income generation, energy in the home and health. Once these are inseparable from survival then if someone is not behaving, his ability to exist in such an etheric web of Wi-Fi relations will simply be switched off. A transposition of elite perception is set to move seamlessly into the new SMART societies.

Inducements of technological benefits will anaesthetise new generations into blindly accepting a total reconfiguration and restructuring of urban life. As a consequence, it will be increasingly difficult to opt out in favour of a genuinely self-sufficient and autonomous lifestyle. This will be equated with subversive and suspicious behaviour and thus citizens will be encouraged to alert the authorities for the good of the whole. Those who wish to opt out of this all encompassing bio-metric lifestyle will be seen as the new terrorists or “organics” strangely rejecting the post-human world of biogenetic integration with the digital world. Targeted through “Pre-Crime” software, they will be seen as the new bogeymen.

Paradoxically, by moving closer to a literal connection into a cybernetic machine of convenience we will be further disconnected from authenticity and the natural world. Objective reality will be replaced with subjective dream world  – a virtuality. This is exactly what the pathocrats would love to see. Transhumanism is the philosophy created to sell their group-think, collectivist dream. Once Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been allowed to proceed, innovation in the military and consumer worlds will tip the balance towards a redefinition of a host of principles and values attached to what it means to be human. You can be assured in such a scenario this will mean much, MUCH less freedom.

All the above listed strategies will be heightened and expanded under such a technocracy.

 “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death. It is easy to say you believe a rope is strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But, suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice? Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?”

— C.S. Lewis


Don those masks and look straight ahead…

One World?

Well, not at this level – not yet. But we might find the inversion of such a principle looming rather large in the near future.

All the above strategies are needed to promote the “One World” philosophy which appears so warm and fuzzy at first glance. But it requires the dissolution of national borders, self-determination and independence in favour of a homogenous, group consciousness which replicates across all societal domains. It demands an extreme deference to political correctness and liberalism while at the same time using conservative – even fascistic formulas – to enforce such directives. In truth, no political belief or philosophy is exempt from being used as a temporary tool to lever this One World Order into place. One World, One Humanity, One World Religion, One World Army are all euphemisms for a gradual, phase by phase implementation of a global, centralised control system across all sectors of human endeavour. Eventually, these people wish to see everything interlocking into a seamless, artificial World State of homeostatic, human management, where we will be literally cared for like pets: fed, watered and given our basic comforts. But only as long as we keep our place in this new techno-Feudalism. And keeping our place will mean allowing a Huxleyian slavery of docile “post-humans” to merge into the SMART framework with ultimate ease. If not, then you are “switched off” until you learn to be a good citizen. If the present American police state is anything to go by it will be a case of trading one Orwellian order for another.

It is the the noble aspiration of a world of interconnected and interrelated “Oneness” that serves as the platform for its inversion. It seems humanity has yet to grasp that such a concept is derived from ancient spiritual wisdom that describes what could be termed higher dimensions of consciousness rather than physical plane directives, where opposites collide and choices are known.

The above realities and possible futures describe our current reality but it need not necessarily continue.

Though the ideal of ultimate oneness may not be possible at this level of reality, that doesn’t mean to say that we cannot attain a more balanced civilisation – where even the word “unity” would exist in clusters. Before we can allow a hard-won pragmatism guided by an innate and natural guidance to take over, we must let go of our collective Messiah Complex where every charismatic leader is deified and seen as the next demi-God to lead us into a New Way. We must find our own path of access. And it is that process that will bind us to others searching for the Way, without beliefs which hinder and with a new socio-political and cultural imperative which leaves behind the dead-ends of Liberalism, Communism and Fascism and their various children. Maybe in that frightening void of acceptance and non-anticipation we will learn to find the balance between the sovereign rights of the individual married to the collective. That is, to become group conscious and to realise the value of networking as opposed to being submerged in group consciousness and our individuality squashed by instinct of the herd.

Before we can do this we perhaps we need to discover why it is that notions of authority have loomed so large in our minds and have given the illusion of free-will, from cradle to grave.



[1] (p.309) Harding, M.Esther; Psychic Energy (1962) Second Edition.

Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (3)

“Over the past decade, the influence of Chabad cultists in the world has not only grown but also entrenched. This is the only Jewish religious sect, which, assuming the role of leader of world Jewry, climbed into world politics. Its presence greatly affected American politics. In addition, the heads of state of the former Soviet Union are listening to Chabad.”

– Ukrainian author /activist Rabbi Baron Eduard Hodos

Factions of those in the domination game include persons within Chabad Lubavitch and Zionist infiltrators. A Messianic Jewish theocracy is very much part of the overall, top level psychopathic designs merging into the totality that is Pathocracy. More importantly, these factions are nodes within an overarching global occult influence as will discover in greater detail further along. As one faction of this emergence, these would-be-leaders of Chabad working within Judaism have definite objectives tied to foundational beliefs. Let’s remind ourselves what some of those beliefs are:

  • The abolition of Christmas.
  • The labelling of Christians or Gentiles as “idol worshippers.”
  • The instruction to all Christians to give up their religion or be put to death.
  • The education and instruction of a belief that Jesus practiced sorcery; worshipped stone idols and was sexually immoral.
  • To establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion.
  • The forcing of US citizens to adopt a synthesized “religion” invented for a servant class.
  • A World theocratic Jewish State [1]

As bizarre as it may sound, these are all part and parcel of Chabad Lubavitch literature, most typically the Noahide (or Noachide) Laws which are revered, respected and taken very seriously indeed. As German author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert reminds us:

“By 1723 freemasonry had already incorporated the Noachidic statutes into its Constitutions… Charges & Regulations; freemasons have always called themselves ‘Noachids’. In 1991 when the first war on Iraq was started, George Bush Senior forwarded this peculiar “blessing” to the whole nation: The seven Noachidic laws were solemnly declared to be the foundation of the United States by the Congress and the President.” [2]

Which may, in part, offer an insight as to why the Jewish Kabbalah has been so important in freemasonry and how Zio-Conservatism has comprehensively infiltrated US politics. Lubavitchers – or if you prefer, Chabadniks – are also embedded in the socio-political infrastructure of the United States.

Now, doesn’t that feed into the red herring “conspiracy theory” of Jews hoping to control the world?

Hopefully, at this stage the reader will know it is much more complex than that. Ponerology dictates which cluster of psychopaths will mount the best defence of their realm, and it appears the religious authoritarian megalomaniacs within the rabbinical hierarchy of Chabad Lubavitch and Ashkenazi Revisionist Zionism are major candidates for that particular mantle. So, to imply that it is strictly a “Jewish conspiracy” across the military-corporate and media complex is to do a huge injustice to ordinary Jews. Similarly, the conspiracy at work is largely public having been normalised by a variety of puppets and players within the 3EM. In order to see their various strains of psychopathy within our culture, entrenched beliefs and parallel taboos cannot be ignored. Hence the exploration of Chabad Lubavitch.


With Chabad Lubavitch rabbis from around the world, U.S. President George W. Bush signs a presidential proclamation in honor of Education and Sharing Day, highlighting the important work of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. | Joyce N. Boghosian—Offical White House Photo

While many Hassidic Jews would not associate themselves with such beliefs. Others go further, interpreting Lubavitch doctrine in the strictest terms. Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman made an interesting comment in 2009 from the Jewish magazine Moment perfectly illustrating the minds of elder Chabadniks: “I don’t believe in Western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” [3] It seems that Friedman has taken his bizarre inspiration from the Yahweh-driven bloody wars of the ancient Israelites. The rabbi issued a statement not long after – in all probability at the request of Chabad hierarchy – so that he could “clarify” his initially, revealing prose. He was at pains to say that his opinion was his alone and that it did: “… not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.” [4]

Despite this, his statements are mild compared to what we would find in classical Jewish doctrine of the Talmud, the Tanya and a succession of Grand Rebbes’ proclamations. It seems he also forgot the legacy of Schneerson. Though he paid lip service to “compassion” it was clearly the words rather than the basic premise that gave rise to the invective which was “irresponsible” and “misleading.” Another fine example of paralogical and paramoralistic discourse at work. Like the banking, oil and weapons and hedge fund billionaires of today, philanthropy conceals a multitude of sins. With the Establishment hierarchy it is a conscious means to and end which has little to do with alleviating humanity’s suffering rather, philanthropy offers a way to  keep the illusion of altruism in place and to buffer the disconnect between what they say and what they do. Organised Religion, with its cults and sects are no different. The hierarchical structure comes first regardless of whether the moral and ethical pillars have long since been eaten away by parasites. The vast majority of responses from presumably Jewish readers condemned the Rabbi’s views in the strongest possible terms. Though there were scattered posts praising or excusing what are essentially statements celebrating a cold-bloodied religious psychopathy.


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

For high level Chabadniks and Zionists who lobbied the Bush Administration and now Barack Obama, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was more than a spiritual inspiration, he was perfection embodied; the Messiah or “Moshiach”. Accordingly, what he said was taken very seriously and encouraged to be interpreted literally. The “Great Rebbe” told his followers “The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the Golus,* to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries.” [5] Schneerson was telling the present generation of Jews to go out and “conquer and purify” the Gentile (non-Jew) nations as laid down in the Noahide Laws. Lubavitcher Bryan Ellison tells us that Chabad followers have a special duty; the generation of Jews after the creation of Israel:

“… is the last generation of exile and darkness, and the first generation of Moshiach and the Redemption. All of us — Jews and Noachides — have an urgent responsibility to transform the world immediately in order to bring Moshiach, and this involves going well beyond the minimum of the Law.” [6]

During the Bush Administration key positions were taken up by Chabadniks. Among those handed the keys to Office were Press Officer Ari Fleischer, Chief of Staff Joshua Bolton and Vice-Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. All three were great admirers of Schneerson and believed in his Messianic vision. Though Fleischer, Bolton and many others were highly effective in contouring political opinion and military support for Chabad designs it was Lubavitcher devotee Wolfowitz who was considered one of the key intermediaries between, Chabad, the Israeli-Zionist lobby and Neo-Conservative ideology and practice.


Paul Wolfowitz (wikipedia)

Whereas Dov Zakheim’s task was to oversee US Depart of Defence fiscal policy tipping the balance toward weapons shipments into Israeli hands, Wolfowitz’s influence and power extended into higher realms of foreign policy and geo-political strategy. His major contribution to the militarisation of the American energy policy necessarily included foreign interventions which were integrated into Cheney’s much quoted doctrine of perpetual war to defend and protect newly acquired resources. Wolfowitz was renowned for being the intellectual force behind radical Neo-Conservatism, the maturing of which was fostered by the late Albert Wohlstetter during his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the late 1960’s. Wohlstetter worked for the cold war strategy think tank the RAND Corp, [7] and besides being steeped in Zionist ideology, was a believer in the view that nuclear deterrence was not a satisfactory basis for strategic doctrine; the United States actually had to be not only the best in nuclear strategy but prepared to unleash the dogs of war in order deter the enemy –no doubt wiping out Israel’s perceived enemies in the process. (Consequently, the craziness of Wohlstetter was one of the inspirations for the film Dr. Strangelove.)

As Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz were transforming a largely Jewish, right wing agenda into Neo-Conservatism, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith – both fanatical Zionists – had already worked in high level positions in both the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Perle was also a protégé of Wohlstetter, bringing together two minds with a singular purpose: an Israeli-driven world revolution and a personal association that would remain through the intervening years. It was Wohlstetter, with the encouragement of Zionist insider and intellectual Bernard Lewis that lurked in the shadows encouraging Feith, Perle and Wolfowitz to help create the Iraq WMDs deception and the installation of CIA-stooge Ahmed Chalabi who would later become Prime Minister in Iraq. [8]

Albert Wohlstetter 1969

Albert Wohlstetter 1969 – (Source: wikipedia)

In the mid-1980s working as Middle East analyst at the National Security Council Douglas Feith was found to be passing classified information to the Israelis and was fired after a low-key FBI investigation. The fact that Neo-Conservative allies had multiplied in federal agencies, think-tanks and government it meant that Feith was back into power in just a few years, this time as undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon. Similarly, with Feith’s help Perle was able to attain a position at the Defence Policy Board.

Like Feith, Perle had long been seen as a possible Israeli agent since he had been doing exactly the same as Dov Zakheim and attempting to move all armaments purchasing to Israeli companies. The only differences to be seen was in the somewhat more prominent position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for international security policy in the Reagan administration and that he made sure he received a direct cut of profits. [9] As a veteran advisor he was able to transform Neo-Conservatism into a radical expression of Revisionist Zionism. He was a latter-day Jabotinsky with a supremely Machiavellian take on politics and warfare. The Zio-Conservative networks came alive through Perle and others, mostly through flagship lobbying think-tanks such as the Heritage Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) Hudson Institute, Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf and Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, to name but a few. Slowly, Zio-Conservative radicals were moving into key positions, with foreign policy as the prize.  Conveniently, when the New Pearl Harbour arrived, the PNAC dreams of pre-emptive attack were realised.


Douglas Feith (left) and Richard Perle

Richard Perle was to be the mentor for both Feith and Wolfowitz. As September 11th 2001 came and went, Feith and Wolfowitz worked together to make the invasion of Iraq and other countries a sure-fire reality by creating an official philosphical and ideological mandate for Empire. Yet, the evolution of what was to be called the “Wolfowitz doctrine” started long before the invasion policies of the Bush Reich and the police state which followed. This particular plan for American military domination came to fruition during the administration of George H.W. Bush Sr.

In 1992, Wolfowitz was working in the Department of Defence and was asked to write the first draft of a new national security strategy, a document entitled “The Defense Planning Guidance.” It was here that the full force of Neo-Con ideology took shape, pushing for dramatic increases in defence spending, pre-emptive attack and the use of unilateral military force with or without the support of allies. Perle had been working for Benjamin Netanyahu, who was Prime Minister of Israel by 1996. “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was their policy which set out a game plan that would solve Israel’s security problems in the Middle East by emphasising “Western Values.” It was another example of using the USA as a proxy nation to its bidding. The removal of Saddam Hussein and aggressive policies of invasion in the Middle East were advocated. One particular passage from the document openly reveals its agenda where “peace” was transformed into economic support from US taxpayers in order to increase a political ideology: “While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform.” [10]

By the year 2000, George W. Bush Jr. had taken office and the foundation of Jewish, Neo-Conservative power fused with the National Security State and its military-intelligence apparatus. This was to oversee the rise of ruthless corporate psychopaths Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, and Chabad supporter Deputy Secretary for Defence Paul Wolfowitz, all of whom had cut their teeth on the past administrations of Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr.

Paul Wolfowitz2

Paul Wolfowitz at a Friends of Israel meeting 2009


Zionist enablers out for all they can get – former Vice President Dick Cheney talks with his partner in crime the then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a video teleconference, 2006. (White House photo by David Bohrer)

As Michael Chertoff was busy reordering America’s fear and loathing into the Homeland Security State, 2005 saw the departure of Douglas Feith leading eventually to the Directorship of the Center for National Security Strategies and as a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Wolfowitz headed to  the World Bank in order to do further incalculable damage to any hint of normal human progress.

Having honed his knowledge of globalisation by redefining American dominance so that international treaties, the United Nations and World economic policy could benefit US neo-liberalism and Israeli economic and foreign policy. He was able to implement economic configurations such as “public-private partnerships” which not only placed corporations in the front line of a socio-cultural imperialism but allowed global warming legislation to mix with corporatism. The plan was scuppered just two years later resulting in: “Wolfowitz’s resignation and departure in disgrace over a sordid corruption scandal involving his role in securing improper salary raises for his mistress, and trying to cover it all up.” Columnist Dr. Srdja Trifkovic explained: “According to the Bank insiders, however, her employment contract was used as the handy pretext to get rid of Wolfowitz, the true reasons being gross mismanagement, utter misunderstanding the Bank’s role in the world, and an extreme display of arrogance.” [11]

The Wolf marking his territory once again?

Wolfowitz and his colleagues managed to fuse corporatist, Zionist, Chabad Lubavitch and other highly influential Zio-Conservative-based think-tanks into a powerful force for war. The Wolfowitz Doctrine lay behind  “Clear break” and PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defences” which defined the blueprint for Zio-Con conquest well into the future. The latter document was written in September of 2000, one year before the 9/11 attacks, where they acknowledged: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. …” And just one year later, their most pressing desire was fulfilled.

Paul Wolfowitz played a major role in the genesis of the 9/11 attacks either in its creation or taking full advantage of all the opportunities such a “catalysing event” could offer. What the Doctrine proved that this was an ideology of Straussian authoritarianism inspired by the Hegelian solution. By using the US as a proxy war machine the Zionists had pulled off a major coup in toppling Saddam Hussein and invading Iraq with their sites on monopolising oil reserves, the driving interest for corporatists like Rumsfeld and Cheney. But the full force of a religious-occult imperative would be revealed in the 9/11 false flag ritual which heralded the destruction of Iraq – the first phase of biblical and Chabad-led, Talmudic prophecy.

As reported by Munich-based author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert an “occult summit” was convened on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, February 21st, 2003. In attendance were: 0297829947.02.LZZZZZZZ

“… the head of the Operations Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose name wasn’t published and seven leading representatives of military intelligence, amongst them the three-star general Lowell ‘Jake’ Jacoby, Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency and Wolfowitz’ deputy Dr Linton Wells who manages the ‘nerve centre’ of the Pentagon” and mostly notably “Bible code specialist” Michael Drosnin and Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz.” [12]

The fact that top members of US government would be willing to trust the advice of Drosnin’s highly controversial study of predictive word codes is worrying enough. What is more concerning is the reliance not only on Biblical prophecy but the fusion of both Christian Evangelism, Jewish Messianism and occult Zionsim. Eggert explains that there was “only one item on the agenda” and that was to discover what the Bible said:

“… about the present situation in the Middle East, terrorism and about the fate of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden … It is said that a special interest was taken in decoding when devastation was expected to descend upon the Iraqi president. Result: the Jewish year of 5763 which corresponds to the year 2003 of the Christian calendar. The outcome of this conference is said to have been analysed immediately after by American and Israeli intelligence. The Americans “took it very seriously”, Drosnin later said. The White House started the campaign “Iraqi Freedom” within the prophesised time frame.” [13]

And they “took it seriously” because Zio-Conservatives and military-intelligence apparatus is saturated in occult workings all of which are underpinned by the Jewish Kabbalah in some form. One of these is based around the Jewish calendar of the Shemitah, its origins in the Old Testament. Originally a form of agricultural divination focused around debts and  blessings to it is now used as a tool of prediction for world events and calamitous occurrences. As Eggert observes, Chabad Lubavitch saw 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq as one long mythical war prophesised long ago and even cited in the sect’s magazine Emes News which stated: “While the press doesn’t foresee such a move and while the US-State-Department is denying any plan of attack against Iraq, those who know about the Lubavitcher Rebbe know quite well, that when he said, America would wage war against Basra [a city in Iraq], nothing in the world could stop such an event coming true.” [14]  It is for this reason that the Christian Zionists and Fundamentalists are so crucial to the Chabad’s messianic drive since they are well aware that they make up around 37 percent of voters in America. Head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder reaffirmed this strategic link in a recent interview where he said: “Evangelicals … are the critical support for Israel…We have one great friend: Evangelicals.” [15]


© infrakshun

Crucial to the End Times tribulation is the yearned for second coming induced by conflict at Temple Mount. The Iraq war started one and half years later on March 20th 2003, the Holy Day of Purim care of one of the main instigators of a Chabad ritual and the needed outbreak of war: Paul Wolfowitz. During the aftermath of the Iraq war, Chabad supporters Joseph Lieberman and Senator John McCain were the allotted PR figureheads for announcing that: “… the Iraqi conflict-based-strategy followed exactly that line which he himself together with his colleague had imposed in the US Congress by pushing through the ‘Iraq Liberation Act’.” [16]

At this point, the reader may be forgiven for thinking that all these war-mongering corporatists, Zionists and rapacious banksters are simply in it for the money and the power. Important as those things are for essential psychopaths there is also the underlying foundation of the military-occult complex suffused with a masonic branch of Existential Satanism which have traditionally relied on psychological warfare to achieve their ends. Within the Zionist Establishment, the Mossad hierarchy and Chabad Lubavitch is a form of Kabbalistic Satanism with links to Order of Zion freemasonry, in turn, connected to the overall global occult elite. Those whose personalities have been irrevocably altered and fragmented as a part of MK-ULTRA programs (which are the ones we know about) have undoubtedly been carefully positioned within the political establishment. This brings us back to the testimony of Kay Griggs and which will prepare us for the final series of posts exploring the occult significance of 9/11.


The Hebrew Kabbalah or Tree of Life / © Infrakshun

As you may recall, Griggs endured 11 years of bizarre behaviour and emotional abuse from her Navy SEAL husband, who was a victim of mind control operations inflicted on children of the military-intelligence apparatus from the 1950s to the 197os. Evidence has been mounting over the years that such programs resulted in a large number of assassins programmed to kill, commonly known as “Manchurian candidates.” After her husband went missing Griggs decided to go public after receiving death threats and psychological intimidation from members of military intelligence.

In 1996 she took her story to Sarah McClendon, a former senior member of the White House press corps and gained protection, as well as a wise confidante who gave her experienced advice on how to stay alive when dealing with military intelligence agents. By 1998 Griggs had sufficient confidence to make an eight hour video recording of her experiences for Pastor Strawcutter which found their way to the internet adding vital pieces of the puzzle regarding the hidden workings of military-intelligence groupings. Griggs, a committed Christian, gave evidence that was at times clearly difficult for her to relate due to the nature of the information. This included confirmation of government hit squads, Zionist cabals, brain-washing, murder and organised sex-cults of “Cap and Gown, and Skull and Bone society,” though not exclusive to the US Navy to which her husband and other high level Marine officials belonged.

Griggs’ information is derived from her discussions with the wives of US Army and Navy personnel, the harrowing experiences with her tragic husband and the details she was able to glean from his diary which was left behind following his disappearance. From the knowledge she was able to piece together Griggs believes that the handlers of these covert cults as well as the programmed child-victims who do their bidding for many decades: “…are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. PSYOPS is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player.” Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld are also named as those with German-Jewish origins, chosen for their psychological make-up to be handlers and/or operators assigned with particular roles.

Recall the testimony of Dr. Corey Hammond and his revelation of Greenbaum mind programming which provided evidence of a Hassidic element to “Dr. Green” – a probable codename for a group of programmers across the spectrum of mind control operations and which continues to this day. At root, the pathogenic nature of this psychological deviance manifested through a direct transference of Zio-Nazi black arts and their technology of mind. In other words, via Operation PAPERCLIP and the installation of numerous intelligence officers, psychologists and scientists, most importantly perhaps, the Nazi SS General Reinhard Gehlen, who was head of German intelligence operations. Under the cover and success of this Nazi brain drain he went on to be one of the leading architects of the modern CIA. The General was only one of numerous high level Germans who were to define the future of America.


Wolfowitz on 9/11 Commission: How we laughed.

Finding out who the various kingpins of the September 11th attacks is an impossible task as they will always be one step ahead, as the present disinformation and managed perceptions within the 9/11 truth movement attests. What we do know is that any well-known public figures which have been mentioned throughout this blog are likely not the true perpetrators of this crime against humanity. What we do have is a Catholic-based Nazism, tied to a Anglo-American Liberal-collectivism further complicated by Zionism – all of whom have their own take on building a New Order Empire, that will lock in once and for all a Golden Age of neo-feudalism where psychopaths rule.

9/11 was the global turning point.

The occult lies behind all major cabals, religions and organisation in the 21st Century ranging from the amateur to the sophisticated; forms of freemasonic Satanism, the maturation of various brotherhoods of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism. Dispense with all the manufactured labels and “- isms” and the simple truth is a increasing psychopathy with its long term plan to dominate ordinary humanity. THAT is the real Secret of the Ages and the only conspiracy worth considering, everything else is just window-dressing. It is the probable mass inculcation of disturbed, pathological individuals who are insinuated into the social fabric and attached to suitable ideologies so that they may act as channels for ponerogenesis.

In one sense, all that has gone before in this series represents a careful, methodical prelude before presenting this information on occult Zionism since it is a tough one to contemplate, not least because it is using Judaism and the Jewish tribe as its vehicle. Zionists and Ashkenazis – Khazars – are not the ordinary Jewish people. Palestinians and Jews lived together for centuries, and there is good reason to believe that ordinary Jews and Muslims are still keen to live together in peace. They hold much more in common than we may think – not least their shared Semitic genes. Zionists however, by brainwashing Jews in particular, have effectively encouraged moral blindness and victimhood. Peace between these peoples is anathema for the pathological aggression that is the life-blood of Zionist existence.

Those psychopaths who lie within the middle and higher tiers of the Chabad/Zionist pyramid thrive on maximising conflict between the two Semitic peoples. History and myth reveal that they have socially-engineered Jewish culture to accept this conflict as a fight for survival while in reality it is merely another geo-political ruse to extend their rule over ordinary people. Consequently, it is metaphorically correct to call such actions “Satanic.” Futhermore, as we look deeper into the nature of occult forces which surround the nationalistic violence of Zionism and the theology of the upper most hierarchy within Chabad Lubavitch, we will see quite clearly that it is the influence of the Babylonian Talmud with its Levitical roots in Black Magick and Satanic lore which informs their operations in the 21st Century.

Admittedly, this is a very hard fact to swallow for most, since a) we have been awash with cultural conditioning and a superficial history told by the victorious that prohibits such discussions of occult practice, though its presence lies directly or indirectly behind all of our socio-political and economic institutions; and b) the Jewish culture of victimhood and inculcated ethnocentrism has similarly prevented any constructive criticism, reinforced by the Jewish cultural Marxism of political correctness. Once we accept such a hypothesis as at least a possibility, we will then be better able to absorb the information regarding the events of September 11th as the grand occult ritual that it was.

Before we do so, we need to take a closer look at the Talmud.  


* Golus is Hebrew for “exile” usually referring to the exile of the Jewish people from their perceived homeland. The word avodah means “work” and of a type that is carried out as a service to God.


[1] Paraphrased from ‘Merry Christmas, and Off With Your Head!’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc., May 15, 2002.
[2] op. cit. Eggert | See also: ‘Patronymic Paralogy’ – Excerpt: “March 20, 1991 President Bush signed into law a Congressional Joint Resolution entitled, “A Joint Resolution To Designate March 26, 1991, As Education Day, USA”. This joint resolution became Public Law 102-14. Public Law 102-14 states emphatically that all civilization from the beginning has been based upon a set of laws entitled “The Seven Noahide Laws” and thus officially put the United States under Noahide Law. These seven supposed universal laws, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, p. 737, state that they are “a Jewish Babylonian Talmudic designations for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently, binding upon all mankind.” The Encyclopedia Americana continues its explanation of the Noahide Laws, “Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all.” They are meant to be a substitute for the Ten Commandments. They are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind. According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called “B’nei Noach” (Children of Noah) or “Noahides” and may often network in Jewish synagogues.”-
[3] ‘Ask the Rabbis: How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?’Moment Magazine, May/June 2009. Rabbi Manis Friedman, Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, St. Paul, MN.
[4] ‘A Statement from Rabbi Friedman’ June 5, 2009 by maxinesp, Moment Magazine|
[5] Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746. |
[6] ‘The Law is Only a Minimum’ By Bryan J. Ellison.
[7] [RAND] had established itself as the leading think-tank for Pentagon, and had access to all its secrets. They were mainly economists by training, and had developed a vocabulary for ‘thinking about the unthinkable’ which had all the weaknesses of economic jargon. The universe of nuclear strategy was so difficult to comprehend, and the horrors it contained were so repugnant to normal people, that its study required the same clinical detachment as the study of venereal disease. But that very detachment tended to blind the experts to the human realities, and to enslave them to abstract concepts, the validity of which had never been tested.” – Denis Healey, The Time of My Life . Published by Penguin, 1989 ( p.246).
[8] p. 287; Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella. Published by Harcourt, 2008.
[9]  “Aide Urged Pentagon to Consider Weapons Made by Former Client”, By Jeff Gerth, New York Times, 17 April 1983.
[10] ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ – “Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.” The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.” – The Institute for Advanced and Strategic Political Studies, Jerusalem, Washington.|
[11] ‘Wolfowitz the Undead’ by Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles Magazine February 7, 2008. |
[12] op. cit Eggert
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ronald Lauder: ‘We have one great friend: the Evangelicals’ World Jewish Congress
[16] Ibid. Wolfgang Eggert quoting Rainer Apel, Eurasien ist gegen Irakkrieg, in: Neue Solidarität, February 6th, 2003.

Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (2)

““Megabucks, rather than forces of Cabala, move the events in the Middle East.”

– Israel Shamir

Once the security had been taken over then planning could proceed accordingly. When the Towers did come down then ALL the evidence had to be cleared away and dispensed with, which indeed it was. The 9/11 terror architects had to be very sure that their meticulous operation was not discovered in the aftermath. The steel had to be quickly cut up, shipped off to Asian smelters so that it could be dealt with far from the prying eyes of forensic investigators. Christopher Bollyn’s meticulous research detailed in his book Solving 9-11 (2010) pinpoints several characters who spirited away any damning evidence that would connect them to the scene of the crime, all of whom were surrounding New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani like spokes to a wheel.

The Hugo Neu Schnitzer company run by Robert Kelman received, processed and shipped almost 230,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Centre with some of the steel transported directly from ground zero to waiting barges which were then ferried to Kelman’s New Jersey junk-yard. It was here that everything was cut, mixed and shipped to Asia including countries such as Malaysia, China, South Korea and Japan. Hugo Neu processed 250,000 tons (88%) of WTC steel in a severely depressed scrap market. As Bollyn remarks: “The price of scrap steel for export in 2001-2003 was at its lowest level in 50 years, between $70-80 per ton. Why would a steel trader in New Jersey spend $25 per ton to ship the WTC steel to distant Asian smelters when it could have been shipped for a fraction of the cost to U.S. steel companies?” [1]

Ten years later Hugo Neu has major shares in Agua-Agro Fund, an Israeli venture capital outfit. Managed by Nir Belzer who is co-founder of Israel’s Millennium Materials Technologies Funds with Oren Gafri who is particularly interesting in light of nanotechnology:

From 1979 to 1989, Gafri served as an executive of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Ltd (IAI), Bedek Division, as the Manager of Materials and Process, in charge of the Chemical, Metallurgical, Composite and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) facilities, Labs and R&D. He trained at Israel’s Nuclear Research Center (Dimona) in the Negev Desert. Gafri is a specialist in energetic nano-composite coatings exactly like the one that pulverized the 220 acres of concrete floors in the World Trade Center. Belzer and Gafri’s MMT Fund is invested in several companies that produce such coatings. [2]

Hardly coincidental one would think.


Evidence at Ground Zero being destroyed and shipped away as scrap metal (Source:

Other less well-known individuals in the Giuliani Partners consulting company all seemed to play crucial roles in the cover up and destruction of evidence. Two of these players were: “Pasquale J. D’Amuro, the FBI inspector in charge of the 9/11 investigation, who supervised the ‘non-investigation’ at the World Trade Centre, and Richard Sheirer, the ‘Jewish knight’ who oversaw the removal and destruction of the crucial steel evidence by having it sent to Zionist-run scrapyards in New Jersey…” [3] The Mayor had been a long time Zionist tool and Neo-Conservative war-hawk on Iraq and Iran for some time, regularly back-slapping the Israeli lobby and ADL. As Paul Craig Roberts asserts: “… practically every Giuliani advisor is a member of the Lobby.”  [4] It is not an exaggeration to say that without Giuliani much of the 9/11 cover up could never have run as smoothly as it did.

At a press briefing on the recovery operations at the World Trade Centre disaster area September 21, 2001 at the Emergency Operations Centre in New York City, Giuliani was accompanied by then Jerusalem Mayor and future Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert. Bollyn raises a vital question: when scores of Israeli agents were already being found to be running around military infrastructure of the United States, why did Giuliani hide: “… the fact that Olmert had been in New York City on the day before 9/11 and probably on the day itself.” And further: “Why was Olmert in New York City on 10 September 2001, and why has his visit been kept secret?” [5] (Since corruption is a normal state of affairs in politics, Olmert must have ruffled someone’s feathers since then, as he was given a six year sentence and fined $290,000 for accepting bribes).


Ultra-right wing trio: Likud’s Ehud Olmert mayor of Jerusalem with mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani and Republican Sen. John McCain at the Emergency Operations Center in New York on September 21, 2001. What was Olmert doing in a secret meeting one day before the 9/11 attacks? Why no mention of this apparent coincidence?

None of this would have been able to happen if Billionaire Chabad Lubavitcher Ronald Lauder of perfume corporation Estée Lauder had not been on the New York State Research Council on Privatization and lobbied for the privatization of the WTC.  [6] An active member of the Jewish National Fund, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the ADL, Jewish Theological Seminary and elected President of the World Jewish Congress in June 2007, Ronald Lauder was well-placed within the sayanim support network. The MOSSAD’s use of the art world as cover crops up again with Lauder who, as former US Ambassador to Austria: “…has a fabulous collection of paintings that has made him one of the most envied and influential figures on the world art market.”  [7] Enter Lauder’s secretive mistress Daniella Luxembourg and her business partner Amalia Dayan, both from art auctioneers Phillips, de Pury & Luxembourg. Dayan is the grand-daughter of Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defence Forces in the 1950s and later Defence Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel.


Ronald Lauder

The descendants of PNAC, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy think tanks are part of Lauder’s ideological base. As is the case with all his colleagues – he has the financial and military intelligence clout to assist the MOSSAD machine. As another Bush supporter who praised his “ideological vision,” a principle of Chabadism that demands an active ideology to supplant all else, Lauder reiterates the force tabled by the Great Rebbe:

“I am convinced that Israelis desire, and have a right to ask for, such a newly-invigorating ideological vision. They demand it from their leaders. Israelis want to know – Jews the world over want to know! — not only how the army is going to be strengthened or the financial system reformed, but where Israel is going. Why we are going there. What do we believe in – and how this is manifested in policy. Israelis need to believe in the justness, correctness and moral superiority of their path, and this can only come from a shared and well-tended ideological vision.”  [8]

This “moral superiority” is still being “manifested in policy” to a most dangerous degree from the likes of Lauder and his immense political leverage within Zionist and Lubavitch circles. With close ties to Benjamin Netanyahu and family links to the Federal Reserve, the cosmetics magnate is currently president of the World Jewish Congress, with multiple interests in real estate and Israeli media. As a dedicated follower of Chabad Lubavitch, he helped set up many Lauder Chabad elementary and high schools in Vienna, Austria. In 2009, he inaugurated the first Jewish University in the city “with a curriculum drawing on methods and courses used at the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania” and which includes a heritage centre directed by a Chabad rabbi. One article on the Chabad Lubavitch website reported on dinner in his honour following the event where he stated: “… that he owes all of his accomplishments in establishing Jewish education to the merit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. ‘Without me meeting his emissary, Rabbi Biderman, 20 years ago in this city (Vienna),’ said Lauder, ‘all of that I have done would not have happened.’”  [9]

It was also Lauder’s Chabadism which led him to endorse propaganda think-tank EMET which was aimed at buttressing support for Likudnik Ariel Sharon’s plans to scupper the Middle East peace process. Lauder: “… met with Sharon in September 2000—just before the latter staged his provocation at the Islamic holy sites on the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, triggering the on-going violence.” [10]

The foundation to EMET was drawn from billionaire members of the Zionist spy-group “Mega” headed by Edward Bronfman to which Lauder had direct links due to his fanatical devotion to the ideology of Lubavitch war. Or as Israel Shamir described: “The megabucks call themselves ‘Mega group.’ This name appeared in the media … as a name for the secret Israeli mole in the upper reaches of the U.S. establishment. It came up in an overheard phone conversation, later denied by the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The newshounds and spook watchers got it wrong. ‘Mega’ was not an agent, Mega was the boss.”  [11]


President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder in September 2014
(Photo: Michael Thaidigsmann via Wikimedia Commons)

It was in May 2001 at the Manhattan mansion of Edgar Bronfman, the head of the World Jewish Congress, where Lauder found himself amongst 50 of the “… richest and most powerful Jews of the U.S. and Canada. There was no press coverage, no limelight, just a few lines in the newspapers… They agreed to launch a PR program under the Orwellian codename of ‘Truth’ with the purpose of influencing American public opinion regarding Israeli policies.” Shamir goes on to say: “Megabucks, rather than forces of Caballa, move the events in the Middle East.” [12]  However, this would be to hugely underestimate the power of Zionism in the world today. Yes, there is a lot of money involved from the likes of 50 billionaires but this is only half the story as we consider the events of 9/11.

Not to be outdone by Frank Lowy’s Institute, Lauder founded the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy based in Herzliya, Israel. It is one of the most prestigious Universities in Israel and the US. With a great emphasis on psychology and counter-terrorism. With more than an obvious Israeli bias it effectively acts as a recruitment university for the IDF and the MOSSAD whose headquarters are just down the road. Uzi Arad is director of the institute of policy and strategy at the school after being a senior official in MOSSAD for 25 years. [13]

As with so many Israeli software companies, Odigo’s Research and Development (R&D) centre is based in Herzliya, North of Tel Aviv. It was the Israeli Odigo company who received at least two warnings two hours before that the 9/11 attacks were imminent and failed to alert the authorities. In fact, South East Asia News Corp tells us that more than 4000 Hebrew-speaking persons were warned of the impending attacks by Odigo’s messaging system. Nationality and religion had nothing to do it, despite the ADL attempting to paint such “conspiracy theories” as anti-Semitic rants. According to Bollyn: “Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by more than $267 million from ‘insider trading.’” A former Israeli military officer, the CEO of Comverse, Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, was charged on several counts of fraud but allowed to escape. (This did not stop him wiring $7 million to his his account before absconding to Nambia). [14]


Yakobi Alexander

As explored in The Z Factor series many scores of Israeli-based telecommunications and software companies are operating in the United States which are: “… sponsored by Mossad funding sources such as Cedar Fund, Stage One Ventures, Veritas Venture Partners, and others.”

Bollyn continues, that unsurprisingly:

“… the portfolios of these Mossad-linked funding companies contain only Israeli-based companies, such as Odigo. Reading through the strikingly similar websites of these Israeli ‘VC’ funds and their portfolio companies, one can’t help but notice that the key ‘team’ players share a common profile and are often former members of ‘Israel’s Intelligence Corps’ and veterans of the R&D Department of the Israel Air Force or another branch of the military. Most are graduates of Israel’s ‘Technion’ school in Haifa, Mossad’s Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) [15]

And under the Interdisciplinary Centre (IDC) also based in Herzliya, a private, non-profit university with a “research institute” which was headed by Shabtai Shavit, former head of the MOSSAD from 1989- 1996 is called the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism. The Lauder school comes under its auspices. With assets like this straddling the telecommunications and software infrastructure of Israel and the US what other utilities were monopolised during 9/11?

Quite a lot, it seems.

Ptech Software systems had the FAA, NATO, USAF, Congress, the White House and virtually all US Federal departments as clients during September, 2001. MITRE an important defence contractor were deeply connected to CIA/ MOSSAD front outfits and dual nationality, Zionist personnel. In fact, it seems: “Ptech software [was] loaded with trapdoors and Trojan Horses … sold and loaded onto the MOST sensitive computer systems that failed miserably, or performed well (depending on your view), on September 11, 2001. Ptech was with the MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency.”  [16]


NORAD emblem

It was the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) and the FAA who presided over so many delays and failures of procedure in tracking, intercepting and communicating the hijackings to relevant authorities. Claiming there were “oversights” or “errors of judgment” do not stand up to even the lightest scrutiny. NORAD has still not explained its role in the serious time lags and breakdown in protocol during the 9/11 attacks and remains one of the most suspect players in the whole charade. Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee; CFR member and Chabad supporter Sen. Carl Levin is of central importance on this issue. When Time Magazine named him “one of America’s 10 best senators” this was the moment that Levin had official Establishment approval, and it is not difficult to see why. The Michigan Senator is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation’s military, including military research and development, nuclear energy and the Department of Defence, National Security, military benefits and the Selective Service System. He is also an ex-officio on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and most importantly perhaps – the Select Committee on Intelligence. That’s a lot of power for a man who has publicly lauded Chabad Lubavitch in the Senate and has made a pastime of covering up Israeli financial transgressions. [17]  It appears these skills were honed during the 9/11 operation and beyond.


Senator Carl Levin during a Senate confirmation hearing

On September 13, 2001, when Vice-Chairman of the JCS, Gen. Richard Myers, and NORAD Commander Ralph Eberhart were meant to be grilled as to why, how and what went wrong regarding the hijacked flights, it was Sen. Carl Levin’s committee that allowed them to walk away without so much as a reprimand. Caroline A. Valentine was one of the first to alert us to the behaviour of Levin and rightly points out that a major part of the 9/11 hearing was vectored away from finding the truth just as it was with every other tightly controlled internal “commission” and “inquiry.”

Valentine includes a letter in her 2002 article “Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch” [18] from her fellow 9/11 investigator Dick Eastman who, on June 10, 2002 wrote an open letter to the editor of The Village Voice clearly showing how Levin “shielded” General Myers from critical questions from other panel members. General Myers appeared to be bumbling, unsure and could barely remember his name. But it was not a question of nervousness. Myers is not a delicate wall-flower but approved as one of the most capable men in the US military. Therefore, this was a case of intentional and disingenuous stalling fully aware of the stakes at hand. Valentine notes the discrepancy in her own forthright and humorous way:

Note how Levin jumped in to save Myers from Senator Nelson’s pointed questions getting at the heart of the matter of “what happened to the response of the defense establishment,” of WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED THAT THE MILITARY SUCKED EGGS FOR 40 MINUTES AFTER TOWER TWO WAS HIT LETTING THE PENTAGON EVENT HAPPEN. Levin very cleverly takes over the conversation — gets Myers off the spot — and diverts everything onto the trivial small picture detail question of the time of specific phone calls from Specific agencies — rather than the all-important broad system questions Nelson was going for. In fact, Levin, thinking that he was quicker than Myers, here jumped in with an answer that Myers could use to evade the really important and critical questions of Sen. Nelson. […] Senator Levin, you would not have jumped in with that remark if you were at all interested in getting to the bottom of the mystery of the 40 minute failure of the Air Force to intercept a plane attacking the Pentagon in Washington D.C. [19]

The dialogue effectively saved Myers from any more nonsensical blustering with Senator Levin’s remark drawing a line under any more questioning: “And in any event, but more important, if you could get us that information.” The subject of why jets were not scrambled; who phoned whom and when, and why NORAD did nothing as two jet-airliners cruised into the Twin Towers obviously wasn’t of sufficient importance for Myers to remember the basic facts. He was allowed to march happily away and criminality was set free. Needless to say, no other information was ever forthcoming, thanks to Levin.


Richard Bowman Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in September 2002.

The fact that General Myers’ behaviour was so odd and the whole committee meeting a waste of time prompted another cardboard cut-out, military brass-tack to be shoved into the spot-light to provide a get-out clause for all the non-answers.

Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, the French-Canadian second-in-command of the North American Aerospace Defence Command, suspected “… there might have been more than just the four aircraft involved.” Suspicions were drawn from the fact that: “… passengers left a grounded plane on Sept. 11, somewhere in North America.” And could the good Lieutenant-General provide the committee with answers as how 40 minutes of thumb-twiddling preceded two jet-airliners crashing into what should have been the most heavily defended location on globe? The General too, it seems, thought this quite normal stating: “From our perception, we think our reaction on that day was sufficiently quick that we may well have precluded at least one other hijacking. We may not have. We don’t know for sure.” [20]

One thing of which we can be sure, those “perceptions” didn’t include anything approaching the facts at the time of the attacks nor in front of the committee, which made the General’s testimony of no use at all. This may have been the real goal. But Pennie made another blunder. If, as the General mentioned: “In the minutes after the Sept. 11 attacks, control of the continent’s airspace was turned over to NORAD” and the last attack occurred at 9:38am, then as Valentine points out: “… it means NORAD did not respond until after the last hit, until after 9:38 a.m. Ahhh, so that means… Oui? Lt. Gen. Pennie thus contradicts American generals Myers and Eberhart. The operations officer at the time that control of North America’s airspace was transferred to NORAD happened to be a Canadian naval captain, Gen. Pennie said.” [21]

What was a Canadian Naval Captain doing responding to an air attack on the United States? The General wasn’t there just to look after his own skin but follow the implicit cues from Carl Levin, General  Myers and Ralph Eberhart.

Let us also remember that it was Senator Levin and co-conspirator John McCain who were given the job of drafting the National Defence Authorization Act bill, (NDAA) which permits the worldwide provision of indefinite detention without charge or trial of those far from any battlefield. The bill was passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without a single hearing. This gives us some idea as to whom such a bill would benefit: exactly the players who pulled off 9/11. [22] McCain’s lobbying companion Chabad-Zionist Joe Lieberman – who thankfully retired the Democratic party at the end of 2012 – is a supporter of the Iraq war and like all Likud accolytes, has urged action against Iran. Vehemently opposed to freedom of speech and any form of dissent, equating it with “terrorism” and drafting bills to hack away citizens’ rights, Lieberman was also famous for ordering search engine giant Google to flag blogs with a “terrorist content” icon. [23] Not content with supporting warrantless spy-tapping against American citizens, during a July 2012 press conference on Capitol Hill, Lieberman: “…urged fellow lawmakers to pass his Internet spying bill in order to prevent what he dubbed ‘a cyber 9/11 or a 9/11 Pearl Harbour.’” [24]

Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman

Where have we heard that before?

It was the actions of Levin and NORAD which prompted panel members Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton to begin to question the whole premise of the 9/11 Commission Report. Kean stated: “We to this day don’t know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth.” [25] Whilst senior counsel to the Report John Farmer, Jr. supported the misgivings of his colleagues going further by stating that “… what government and military officials had told Congress, the Commission, the media, and the public about who knew what when—was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue.” Farmer believed that “… the (NORAD) tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public.” [26]

Zionist appointees were scattered all over 9/11 panels, commissions and committees which sprang up immediately after the attacks, so it is not surprising that the heat remained directed toward Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and later the less than innocent Saudi Royal family. Meanwhile, Zionists and their relgious fanatics on the Chabad and Evangelical divide provide the perfect cover.



[1] ‘Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, April 18, 2011 |
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘Leaderless and Clueless: America Heads for the Trash Can of History’ By Paul Craig Roberts, Information Clearing House, November 28, 2007.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Governor George Pataki, Acting governor Di Francesco Laud Historic Port Authority Agreement to Privatize World trade Center, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Jul 24, 2001, Press Release Number: 101-2001.
[7] ‘Estee’s son and heir on the scent of a new life’ Daily Mail, March 14, 2006.
[8] Lecture Summary, 7th Conference 2007, Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, Founder, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya. |
[9] ‘Cosmetics Magnate Inaugurates Vienna’s Only Jewish University’ By Shmulik Laster, October 29, 2007.
[10] ‘Israeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss’’by Jeffrey Steinberg, Aug. 31, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[11] ‘Kugel Eaters’ By Israel Shamir, May 6,
[12] Ibid.
[14] ‘Mossad – The Israeli Connection To 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, Exclusive to American Free Press April 14 2005.
[15] Ibid.
[16] Ibid.
[17] ‘Senator Carl Levin’s,Arlen Specter’s ‘Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory’ vs JFK ‘Magic Bullet’ Assassination Theory’ by Tony Ryals, Philidelphia Independent Media Centre, August 20, 2009.
[18] ‘Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc. June 15, 2002.
[19] Ibid.
[20] ‘General suspects Sept. 11 plot was wider’ By Tu Thanhha, Montreal, Globe and Mail, Jun. 13 2002 / Apr. 22 2009.
[21] op. cit Valentine.
[22] “On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield.”
[23] ‘Joe Lieberman Wants Terrorist Labels on Blogs’ |
[24] ‘Lieberman claims his Internet spying bill would prevent ‘a 9/11 Pearl Harbor’’ By Stephen C. Webster, The Raw Story, July 24, 2012.
[25] The Ground Truth: The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11. By John Famer Jr.; Published by Riverhead Books. 2009. | ISBN 1-59448-894 (intro).
[26] Ibid. (p. 261) | ‘The Ground Truth’. By Harry Levins, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 6, 2009.

Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

– Voltaire

We have explored the influences of Dominionism and Authoritarianism in the United States, and there was also a brief look at  the powerful Jewish sect of Chabad Lubavitch presently embedded in Europe, the US government and part of the rising tide of religious extremism currently jostling for supremacy. Lubavitchers – or Chabadniks – draw their beliefs from the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and other classical works of Judaism with a strong emphasis on apocalyptic redemption which they hope will pave the way for a distinctly Jewish theocratic World Order. Recall that many high-level US officials are still keen supporters of Chabad Lubavitch such as Paul Wolfowitz, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Senator / retired General Carl Levin, and Orthodox Jewish rabbi Dov Zakheim whom we met previously.

On March 11, 2002, Zakheim gathered with over 500 emissaries of Chabad from all corners of the world in order to celebrate the birthday of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the spiritual guru of Chabad. The big bash took place just opposite the Pentagon 9/11 crash site. Considering what we have discovered so far about Chabad Lubavitch and Zionism it is more than a little ironic that there was a party for a guru who extolled the virtues of a messianic Jewish theocracy hosted by insider Dov Zakheim who had managed to furnish Israel with more weapons than any other Jewish individual in the history of arms brokering. As Journalist and historian Caroline A. Valentine observes: “Islam is the most vigorous religious rival to Judaism. How does the ‘peace for Israel’ sung about in ‘Oseh Shalom’ relate to 9-11? Think back to the massive slaughter of Palestinians (and other Muslims) Israel has been able to effect since 9/11. There is no sweeter peace to be found than at the graveyard of one’s enemy …”  [1]

Let’s just remind ourselves of the nature of the “spirituality” being taught by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson whose beliefs remained consistent throughout his long life and which gave rise to the official Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine so prominent in US politics and Chabad centres round the world. In his book Gatherings of Conversations (1965) we get to read exactly what the Rabbi believed.

The “Great Rebbe” states:

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…

…An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.” [2] [Emphasis mine]

There is little doubt that the vast majority of Jews have no idea what this man has been saying on their behalf. Yet, further analysis of these statements isn’t necessary since anyone who is able to to think rationally can see that the above takes the notion of Jewish tribal exclusivity and supremacy to new heights, specifically mentioning that anyone who isn’t Jewish naturally has one’s spiritual origins in “satanic spheres”. It will become apparent just how serious these statements are as we proceed.

In 1995, a year after the death of Schneerson the yearly commemorations took off with a posthumous award by Congress: the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honour possible for a civilian in the United States. The Baltimore Jewish Times, (who it seems, were equally perplexed) reported: “More than a year of intensive lobbying by Chabad forces generated some 225 House co-sponsors of the authorizing legislation” which made it possible for Schneerson to become the first religious leader to be the recipient of the coveted award. Furthermore, it seems the lobbying had a financial incentive whereby: “Copies of the gold medal — which was underwritten by donations from admirers of Rabbi Schneerson — are being sold by the Treasury Department. According to Washington sources, that could be a big money-maker for the federal government.” [3]


Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Chief, circa 2007.

In 2006, Chabad Lubavitch supporters and Zio-Conservative Michael Chertoff, then Homeland Security secretary and Joshua Bolton, the White House chief of staff had high-level talks with Chabad emissaries during a two-day commemoration of the 12th anniversary of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s death. Bolton and other White House officials “… assured Chabad representatives that President Bush would never force Israel to concede territory to the Palestinians without a quid pro quo,”… where Bolton admitted that: “Bush would follow Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s lead in deciding what concessions to support.” [4] Since Olmert is a militant Zionist that wouldn’t give Palestinians much to hope for. One might also ask the question right there: if the preceding information wasn’t known, how it is that that an honour of this kind can be given to Schneerson who presided over a sect that is evidently, at its root, one of the most racist and fascist movements on the planet?

The only change which has occurred under Barack Obama is that Chabad Lubavitch has grown stronger.

The American Friends of Lubavitch (AFL) was set up by leading Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Abraham Shemtov, one of the closest aides to the late Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Shemtov’s interests are adopted by the National Security Council and the State Department in that he has regular access and contact with a few dozen ambassadors. [5] It is ostensibly a humanitarian, educational and Jewish facilitation hub, but in reality, it is a Chabad indoctrination outfit extending deep into the heart of international politics with its: “… 3000 affiliated centres across the country and around the world,” and where:“… requests for assistance from the Washington Office arrive in a steady stream, often urgent in nature.”  [6]

This urgency takes on new meaning when we recognise how much influence Israeli lobby groups an religious organisations have over American politics. If we are to believe the “Great Rebbe” Schneerson is revered as the New Jewish Messiah, then it is his doctrine that pervades Chabad Lubavitch’s religious imperative as the following statement by a Lubavitcher confirms:

“Our supreme obligation is to submit to the orders. Only later on we can ask for explanations. As was said at the Sinai mountain, we will do and then listen. […] Today, we should insist and demand and not to ask and try to convince or negotiate, but demand. Demand as much as it is possible to obtain, and the most difficult part is, everything that is possible to obtain, the more the better.”  [7]

In June 2012, the lobbying continued under the AFL conference named “The Living Legacy” which saw Congressional leaders and top Obama administration officials rubbing shoulders with “… several hundred Chabad emissaries from across the United States.” Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the majority leader in the US House of Representatives, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the House minority whip; lawmakers such as Jeremy Bash, the Chief of Staff to Defence Secretary Leon Panetta; Bruce Reed, Vice President Joe Biden’s chief were all in attendance and dolling out the required applause. [8] Most importantly, all this socialising was to make sure that the US administration kept the “… bipartisan commitment to the US-Israel relationship” firmly handcuffed to fiscal policy and the need to keep that money flowing. [9]


Rabbi Abraham Shemtov speaks to supporters at the Hilton New York. (wikipedia)

In September 2001, Chabad Lubavitch already had its supporters in politics way before Bush or Obama and who may have proven to be crucial lynchpins in the 9/11 cover up. Remember Larry Silverstein, owner of Silverstein Properties, most of the World Trade Centre and close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu? Like Bibi, presently gunning for a conflagration with Iran as per Lubavitch prophecy, it seems Silverstein is also a closet Lubavitcher, at least when it benefits his financial goals. If Jewish businessmen and Chabad supporters suffered during 9/11 and the 2008 crash, after his billion dollar pay-out, Larry was certainly not amongst them. Nonetheless, never one to turn down a freebie, he turned up for some kosher nibbles at the Chabad House on Wall St. run by Rabbi Katz and his wife Rachel who, according to Chabad Lubavitch’s official website: “… maintains a dawn to midnight schedule of classes and tefillin regulars in some of New York City’s most high-powered corner offices. His Chanukah menorah lighting venues have become something of a legend.” Before 9/11, Rabbi Katz invited Silverstein to light the Chabad Wall St. Menorah (which must have been the most supremely ironic moment, even for Larry). This was followed by many other prominent Wall St. big-wigs showing their support for Chabad such as philanthropist George Rohr in the New York Stock Exchange boardroom and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg who hosted a menorah lighting ceremony in 2007.  [10]

Silverstein is just one part of a substantial network of Zionist-Lubavitcher businessmen who may have enabled the corporate-logistical elements of the 9/11 attacks to take place. They represent the “asset assistance” group for Zionist operations. Frank Lowy owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world; Ronald Lauder of Estée Lauder fame and Lewis Eisenberg who was the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during the attack on the World Trade Centre – all feature as businessmen whose wealth has been put to great use for the Chabad-Zionist cause in America.


Frank Lowy 2011 (wikipedia)

Ranked as #2 in’s list of Australia and NZ’s richest individuals, ex-Goldman Sacs Lowy, partnered Silverstein in the 99 year leasing arrangement and rented a shopping concourse area called the Mall at the WTC. Made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space it was just one in a number of retail outlets based in the US and Australasia. Bull-horned in one of their own press releases, Westfield America assets is: “… worth $59 billion, representing 124 shopping centres in four countries with over 10 million square meters of retail space. It is the world’s largest retail property group by equity market capitalization”. [11] Nothing unusual there, but it takes on a slightly different hue when we realise Lowy was also a member of the Jewish terrorist group Haganah and fought in the Israeli war of independence as a member of the Golani Brigade, one of the most highly decorated infantry units in the Israel Defence Forces – and the most questionable when it comes to Zionist fanaticism. [12]

With a military-corporate history like Lowy’s it will not come as a shock that he has fingers in both banking and politics. Having immigrated to Australia in the 1950s where he became chums with another tycoon Zionist Rupert Murdoch, he has been moving in banking circles for decades ending up on the board of Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia, which are effectively Australia’s Federal Reserve System and issuer of Australian dollars. Founded with his own money Lowy presides over the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, based at Tel Aviv University in Israel, an extension of the kind of academic Zionism that Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz would appreciate. Spending a few months of the year in Israel it gives him time to catch up with old friends which used to include Ariel Sharon and now Benyamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, all of whom are Chabad supporters and right-wing Likud Party militants. It was Avinoam Brog, Barak’s brother, who told the Sydney Morning Herald that Lowy’s “influence is such that if he wanted to talk to any politician in Israel, then he could. And they will listen.”  [13]

While Lowy has kept a very low profile indeed in relation to his involvement with 9/11 he has been busy behind the scenes in gathering together those that would have benefited from the attacks. The Lowy Institute for International policy is another “who’s who” of Zio-Conservatives, military intelligence, banking, corporate directors CEOs and Elite families coming together to direct global policy from an Australian perspective. It is the Asian stronghold of Brezezinskian economics. The RAND corporation, Brookings Institute, JP Morgan, Chevron, former Goldman Sacs executives and Homeland Security officials – they’re all there and more besides. [14] Most notably, Martin Indyk, former US Ambassador to Israel, President and Director of the Foreign Policy Program at the pro-Israel Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. Indyk’s right to use classified information was re-instated by then Secretary of State Madeline Albright in 2000 citing the turmoil in Israel and the Gaza Strip and “…for compelling national security reasons.” Nonetheless, the FBI still considers Indyk to be one of the prime suspects in the hunt for the Israeli spy known as “Mega.”  [15]  [16]

Assuming that the hunt wasn’t compromised from the start…


Martin Indyk

But should there be any PR problems then Likud supporter and media mogul Zionist Rupert Murdoch is always on hand. He has been associated with all three men and the recipient of awards from the ADL, the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), and the New York-based Museum of Jewish Heritage, mostly due to the substantial donations he has given to the organisations over the years.

Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn quoted Sam Kiley, veteran journalist on the Middle East for the London Times who wrote about the mogul’s involvement of the newspaper:

“‘Murdoch is a close friend of Ariel Sharon.’ Kiley said Murdoch’s friendship with Sharon, led senior staff at the paper to rewrite important copy. ‘Murdoch’s executives were so afraid of irritating him that, when I pulled off a little scoop of tracking down and photographing the unit in the Israeli army that killed Mohammed al-Durrah, the 12-year-old boy whose death was captured on film and became the iconic image of the conflict, I was asked to file the piece ‘without mentioning the dead kid,’ ” Kiley wrote. “After that conversation, I was left wordless, so I quit.’  [17]

The visit with Sharon included a trip for Murdoch and his editors from New York and London that ‘took them on a bird’s-eye tour of Israel aboard a helicopter gunship, flying over the Golan Heights, West Bank and settlements.’” 


The late Ariel Sharon (left) and media tycoon Rupert Murdoch were close friends

Like Lowy, another employee on the Goldman Sacs cartel conveyor belt and currently working as a senior adviser at a private equity firm, Lewis M. Eisenberg is an ardent Zionist and member of the planning board of the United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli pressure group. A financial supporter of the Bush-Cheney campaign and Dov Zakheim’s 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Eisenberg is your classic PNAC, Zio-Conservative and Wall St. predator. He believes that bankers have had a hard rap and unfairly “demonised” which should give you some idea as to where his loyalties lie. [18]

The crucial role that Eisenberg played as New York Port Authority Chairman was to make sure that Silverstein Properties had an exclusive deal on the 99 year-old lease for the WTC, dropping at the last minute a higher bid from opposing company Vornado Realty Trust and imposing a news blackout to safeguard discussions. He managed to give his view immediately after the 9/11 attacks claiming: “I just saw my two towers fall. I’m devastated beyond belief. In many respects this is significantly worse than Pearl Harbor, and we don’t know who the enemy is.” [19]

An early example of the Pearl Harbour script once again…

Lewis Eisenberg former Chairman of the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Chairman at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack of the World Trade Centre. More importantly, he was man repsonsible for transferring the lease for World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein.

Lewis Eisenberg former Chairman of the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Chairman at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack of the World Trade Centre.

How devastating could it really be when Governor George Pataki appointed yet another Goldman Sacs chief John Whitehead in 2001 as chairman of the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corp., who then received a $2 billion of New York’s $8.2 billion federal aid? It was obvious from the start the rebuilding of lower Manhattan was a lucrative exercise for the Zionist tag teams, much to the dismay of civic groups, and the families of victims and survivors of the attack. Understandably, they thought Silverstein wanted to avoid their own development plan which may have limited his profits.

When Silverstein went ahead and begin construction on the site of WTC Building 7 in July of 2002, Eisenberg was appointed head of the LNRC in order to keep things in the family. [20] (It is also interesting to note that on Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings). MOSSAD explosives experts were crawling all over the site immediately after the destruction of the Twin Towers. Was the security management of the WTC complex designed to be in the hands of the controllers who could then allow access to all necessary areas of the WTC complex for preparation?

The attempt to gain control of the New York Port Authority (PA) had been an on-going project since at least the 1980s. Recalling Isser Harel’s “prescient” prediction in 1979, it was just seven years later that would see an intelligence team of senior agents – who had worked directly under Harel for decades – obtain the security contract for the Port Authority of New York. That company was Atwell Security from Tel Aviv. It was not to last however, when Edward J. O’Sullivan, director of the Office of Special Plans at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, cancelled the contract shortly thereafter when it was discovered that it was merely a front for the MOSSAD. [21] Even before the contract had been awarded, most of the board of directors of the PA were Jewish with Zionist affiliations.

The late Peter “Zvi” Malkin was the security consultant and intermediary between Atwell Security and the PA, negotiating on the company’s behalf. Malkin had long been known as an Israeli intelligence officer famous for kidnapping notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960. Bollyn surmises that: “Malkin’s artist disguise is probably the inspiration for the ‘art student’ operation to infiltrate DEA offices in 2001. … Michael Chertoff’s mother, Livia Eisen, one of the first MOSSAD agents, owned an art gallery in Elizabeth, New Jersey, when Malkin was posing as a painter in nearby New York”. [22]

Like so many Zionists involved in PA security and transport infrastructure, PA executive director Stephen Berger and later Stanley Brezenoff, (1990-1995) Deputy Mayor for Operations and First Deputy Mayor under Mayor Edward Irving Koch, must have been fully aware of Malkin’s background and Atwell Security’s history but allowed the contract through, nonetheless.


Maurice “Hank” Greenberg

The recipient of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money for the bailout scam before it was sacrificed, AIG Corporation and its CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg joined forces with Silverstein buddy Israeli intelligence spook Jules Kroll and his investigative and security consulting firm Kroll Inc., becoming partner and co-owner in 1993. This took place prior to Greenberg forming a joint venture with the owner of MOSSAD run Amdocs telecommunications and provider of White House tele-software. [23] Greenberg is up to his neck in Chabad, Zionist and Israeli intelligence friends including Henry Kissinger who sat on the board of AIG and MOSSAD agent Shaul Eisenberg who had been responsible for the Asian division of Israel’s intel operations. He was also the owner of Atwell Security.


Jules Kroll

Kroll Associates have many friendships and business connections, all of whom have links to Zionist think-tanks, Israeli intelligence fronts and Jewish organisations, in turn leading back to the Goldman Sacs cartel. It has thus been described as a “private CIA.” [24] Which makes it all the more suspect when, following the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, Jules & Jeremy Kroll of Kroll Inc. was asked by the New York Port Authority to help design new security measures for the WTC complex paying them $2.5 million for the privilege. (Shades of the Silverstein formula?) Included in this massive overhaul was an extensive analysis of future terrorist threats and how they might be addressed, with assessments concluding that a second terrorist attack against the WTC was probable. Even more incredible, is the specific citing of terrorists deliberately flying a plane into the WTC towers.  [25]


John O’Neill, former New York FBI Counter terror chief responsible for the investigation into Osama bin Laden.

The managing director of Kroll at the time was militant Zionist Jerome M. Hauer who just happened to be the candidate chosen to run Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. It was here that former FBI chief of counterterrorism and specialist on Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden John O’Neill was invited by Hauer, then Managing director of the Kroll security, to be head of security for the World Trade Centre.

What makes this even more curious is that O’Neill was: 

“… Not only the world’s leading expert on bin Laden, but he was also regarded as a ‘loose cannon’, because of his record of working outside normal channels when normal channels were ‘blocked’. He knew FBI investigations into bin Laden and al-Q’aeda had been shut down in the summer of 2001 and it is extremely unlikely that he would have remained quiet about it. He also knew whether or not Osama bin Laden was capable of inflicting the amount of damage the US suffered on 9/11. In other words, if the conspirators were hoping to spread a Big Lie about Osama bin Laden, they would have had a short list of things they absolutely had to do.

Surely, one of the items on that list would be to silence John O’Neill.  And what better way than to entomb him at the scene of the crime?  [26]

O’Neill’s investigations into the roots of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the 2000 USS Cole bombing in Yemen – proven to have been carried out by MOSSAD – all led him into serious confrontations with the FBI and federal government. He was sacked from the Bureau in 2001 and by the end of the year he was dead, killed on his first day at work on September 11th. O’Neill is memorialised at the North Pool, on Panel N-63.

Not only was Hauer responsible for placing O’Neill in his own forensic crime scene and thus getting rid of a major detractor of the official story, he managed to be an “expert” on that official story even before it was public knowledge. On the morning of September 11th, 2001 Hauer read the same script to anchor man Dan Rather on CBS News, dutifully remembered though nervously imparted:

Dan Rather: Based on what you know, and I recognize we’re dealing with so few facts, is it possible that just a plane crash could have collapsed these buildings, or would it have required the, sort of, prior positioning of other explosives in the, uh, in the buildings? I mean, what do you think?


Jerome M. Hauer

Jerome Hauer: No, I, uh, my sense is just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building, uh, that burned, uh, the velocity of that plane, uh, certainly, uh, uh, had an impact on the structure itself, and then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat, uh, probably weakened the structure as well, uh, and I think it, uh, was, uh, simply the, uh, the planes hitting the buildings, and, and causing the collapse.

Dan Rather: What perspective can you give us? I mean, there have been these repeated reports that, well, yes, Osama Bin Laden, but some think he’s been over-emphasized as, as responsible for these kinds of events. I know many intelligence, uh, people at very high levels who say, listen, you can’t have these kinds of attacks without having some state, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, somebody involved. Put that into perspective for us.

Jerome Hauer: Yeah, well I’m not sure I agree that, umm, this is necessarily state-sponsored. Umm, it, as I mentioned earlier, certainly has, umm, the, uh, fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden.  [27]

A fairly shoddy example of the “Arabs-did-it” script backed up with the official story even before most people had barely the time to process these events. All presented by non-expert Hauer for prime-time TV.  After being brainwashed by these associations, what the public didn’t know was that Hauer was introduced to TV audiences as a former director of NYC’s Office of Emergency management (OEM). In fact, he was the managing director of the security company responsible for the Twin Towers.

Now, that would have been interesting to know.

Two months later, along with “peace” experts like Henry Kissinger, Jerome Hauer went on to capitalise on the all-knowing, all-seeing nature of his expertise by participating in the CFR sponsored white paper called “Independent Task Force on America’s Response to Terrorism.”

Their objectives were to explain:

“…our goals and rationale for the war in Afghanistan, and [outline] the evidence that the Al-Qaeda network was responsible for the 9/11 attacks; disseminate stories of particular victims to convey the range of people killed in the 9/11 attacks — stress range of religions, races, income levels, etc.; counteract [the] myth that Mossad was behind the attacks by showing Jews killed, etc.” and “Routinely monitor the regional press in real time to enable prompt responses.”

They did a fine job. We never hear any mention of Israel and 9/11 in the same sentence. And thanks to the ADL, B’Rin B’Raith and AIPAC, the spectre of anti-Semitism accusations and expert propaganda is a tight nut to unscrew.



[1] ‘Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and Chabad Lubavitch’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc. June, 2002.
[2] The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson quoted from pp.58-62; Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky Published by Pluto Press, 1999.
[3] ‘Washington Honors Lubavitcher Rabbi,’ By James Besser, Baltimore Jewish Times, June 6, 1995, p.32.
[4] ‘White House to Chabad: Bush won’t press Israel.’ Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) June 27, 2006.
[5] The Jerusalem Post October 22, 2000.
[7] The Man and Century Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
[8] ‘Chabad emissaries meet with lawmakers, Obama officials’ – The keynote speech was by Talmud scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz., The Times of Israel, June 25, 2012.
[9] Ibid.
[10] ‘Chabad of Wall Street Moves On, Does Not Forget 9/11’ by R. C. Berman – NYC, NY, September 10, 2008, Chabad Lubavitch World HQ,
[11] ‘The Westfield Group’s shopping centre portfolio is one of the largest in the world.” (Press release). Westfield Group. 20 August 2011.
[12] “Following the deployment of Golani soldiers in Hebron in December 2011, it has been reported that city residents have sensed a ‘manifest worsening of soldiers behavior’, as a result of ‘detention, intimidation, provocation and arrest of children and teenagers; arbitrary detention of Palestinians or blocking access to roads; beating or threatened beating of detained residents; religion-based provocation and insults; forcible entry into homes and violation of Palestinian property’ and ‘reprisals against local and international human rights activists.’” – ‘IDF brigade leaves an impression in Hebron’. Haaretz, By Amira Hass, Feb.13, 2012.
[13] ‘The quiet benefactor: Lowy’s close ties with Israel’ The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29, 2008.
[15] ‘U.S. Envoy to Israel Regains Clearance–for Duration of Crisis’ By Norman Kempster, Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2000
[16] ‘Israeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss’ by Jeffrey Steinberg EIR, August 31 2001.
[17] ‘Media Mogul’s Sinister Links to September 11: The Aussie Connection’ to – Exclusive to American Free Press, By Christopher Bollyn, July 10, 2003.
[18] ‘Lewis Eisenberg, Major Romney Donor, Accuses Obama Of Demonizing Wall Street’ (video) Huffington Post
[19] ‘World Trade Center Deal Remains in Doubt’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, March 17, 2001.
[20] ‘Downtown Renewal Head Vows Independent Effort’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, December 20, 2001 | ‘Developer’s Pace at 7 World Trade Center Upsets Some’ By Charles V. Bagli, The New York Times, January 31, 2002.
[21] op. cit. Bollyn.
[22] p.156; Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. By Christopher Lee Bollyn. Published by Christopher Bollyn, 2012.
[23] Extract from Christopher Bollyn’s 2012 book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World showing the dizzying connections of financial benefits accrued by the Kroll family prior to, during and after the events of 9/11:
• Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates “was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures.” “We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations,” Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.
• Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex in 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O’Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, who died on 9/11, reportedly his first day on the new job.
• Jerome M. Hauer, the former director of Mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management, was responsible for having the command bunker built in Larry Silverstein’s WTC 7. Hauer was a managing director for Kroll in 2001.
• Kroll revamped security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing. Kroll was reportedly responsible for security at the World Trade Center on 9/11. “Over the last two years, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has paid Kroll $2.5 million to overhaul security at the World Trade Center and evaluate procedures at the agency’s bridges, tunnels and airports,” the New York Times reported on September 1, 1994.
• Kroll was hired by Kuwait in October 1990 to find the hidden wealth of Saddam Hussein.
• Kroll began profiting from the war in Iraq in April 2003 when it received contracts to provide protection and security for government agencies and companies in Iraq.
• Jeremy Kroll serves on the board of the Israel-based Challenge Fund with Israeli government officials from the highest level, including Israel’s National Security Advisor and Head of the National Security Council, a former head of Shin Bet, former Directors General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, former Commanders of the Israel Air Force, Central Command, and the Technology and Logistic Branch of the IDF, as well as the head of Boeing (Israel) and the son of Yitzhak Shamir. The Challenge Fund uses money raised through the Bronfman and Andreas (ADM) families to fund Israeli companies, like ViryaNet.
[24] op.cit Bollyn
[25] ‘The Secret Keeper: Jules Kroll and the world of corporate intelligence.’ by William Finnegan. The New Yorker, October 19, 2009. /
[26] op. cit. Bollyn.
[27] ‘Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment’ February 26, 2007

Hello Israel II: Zakheim, Zelikow and the ADL

 By M.K. Styllinski

“‘According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’ Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.”

— CBS News, 1/29/02

A day before the September 11 attacks in an impossible proclamation of openness, the Secretary of State for Defence Donald Rumsfeld humbly acknowledged that the Pentagon had made a tinsy-winsy error and “could not track some $2.3 trillion in transactions” (one thousand times one billion = one trillion) the worst of the rot having set in during the Clinton Administration. This figure came from the Pentagon’s own Inspector General where according to a CBS News report: “Its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.” [1] Though the issue had been raised before, with explanations given that it was a systems and bureaucracy problem rather than core corruption, it still begs the question: why announce it then? Or was it another coincidence to add to the burgeoning pile? Looks like Rummie was taking the opportunity to announce wholesale corruption amidst the shock of 9/11.

Just add it to the mounting list of Zio-Conservative state crimes.

Donald Rumsf 2-3 Trillions Missiing

Donald Rumsfeld

$2.3 trillion is an almost unimaginable amount of money. In fact, it is equivalent to the entire budget of the U.S. government simply vanishing. It is also true that the Resource Services Washington, accounting offices and records at the Pentagon were destroyed along with the deaths of 34 0f 65 individuals most of whom happened to be civilian accountants, book-keepers and budget analysts, who were sitting at their desks when disaster struck. [2]

There are many researchers who have found convincing evidence that the 9/11 attacks were also planned as a cover-up for financial crimes dating back to 1991. Though by no means the only reason for engineering 9/11, one investigator in particular, Mr. E.D. Heidner, has provided compelling evidence that the secretive Black Eagle Trust Fund was at the centre of a huge money laundering operation totalling $200 billion in bonds. On the board were some of the most well-known US government hawks including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage and Paul Wolfowitz.

Funding a covert economic war against the Soviet Union beginning in 1991, such financial corruption required a massive laundering of money well outside of congressional and federal oversight. Wall Street and corporate investors pillaged Soviet oil, gas industries and destabilised the Soviet infrastructure while lining the coffers of Western government officials and related interests. The 9/11 attacks served to cover-up all the evidence and derail multiple federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation.

Heidner states:

“… hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically ‘cleared’ without anyone asking questions – which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its ‘emergency powers that very afternoon.’ ” [3]

Ending the Cold War and dismantling the Soviet Union required massive amounts of covert securities which were housed in the brokers’ vaults of the World Trade Centre. Just like everything else, they were pulverised on September 11th before they could be settled and cleared which was scheduled for September 12th. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) had been tasked with investigating these bonds and it is just so happens that the ONI headquarters was the primary target and completely destroyed during the Pentagon attack.


The Pentagon attack after the collapse of a section of the outer ring. The Naval Command centre was the hardest hit with all but one of the 30 ONI employees surviving the attack.

The three major securities brokers in the World Trade Centre were Eurobrokers, Garbon Inter Capital and Cantor Fitzgerald, the latter being the largest securities dealer in the US.

Heidner also found that:

“… 41 percent of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 24 percent of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 29 of 30 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. The Naval Command Center had been moved into that newly opened section of the Pentagon only a month earlier. And in the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed.

On that fateful day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership.” [4]

If you were similarly struck by a bolt of conspiratorial speculation you might even consider that incompetent accounting and securities fraud could conceal a host of operations that needed paying for. You might also recall that unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAP), better known as “black projects”, have currently siphoned off several trillion since 1998-2002. God only knows how much has been sucked out of the Amercian tax payer after another 13 years. (See Table below).





$3.4 trillion

Washington Times


$2.3 trillion

Congressional meeting


$1.1 trillion

Congressional meeting; Insight Magazine


$2.3 trillion

CBS quoting Rumsfeld


$1+ trillion

San Francisco Chronicle; CBS

Source: The Institute of Globalisation and Covert Politics [5]

Not a whisper of this astounding criminality reached the prime-time news. If it did gain a story it was wrapped up in bias which suggested this was a bureaucratic problem rather than systematic fraud that was part of “normal” government life.

One person to swiftly resign when the $2.3 missing trillions was announced was Rabbi Dov S. Zakheim the Comptroller of the Pentagon during the attacks. We must add another $1 trillion that was lost under Zakheim’s watch during his tenure from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Not only could he not account for this truly massive monetary drain of financial transactions, but dozens of missing tanks, missiles and planes. [6]

An adjunct scholar of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, he has published over 200 articles and monographs on defence issues. Zakheim is also a CFR member and signatory of the PNAC keynote paper “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” in 2000, which as the reader might recall, pushed for “a New Pearl Harbor.” [7] Zakheim’s resumé reads like a John le Carré novel, full of insider posts and covert dealing. If you were looking for a MOSSAD mole within the US administration allowed to do precisely as he pleased then Zakheim seemed to fit the bill.

zakheimDov Zakheim at a White House press briefing in 2002.

From 1985-1987 he was Deputy Under Secretary of Defence for Planning and Resources, before nesting down at the Congressional Budget Office. In 1998, Zakheim worked as a policy advisor during the Bush 2000 campaign and did such a good job that he was sworn in by the Bush Administration as Under Secretary of Defence (Comptroller) of the DOD in the following year. Zakheim also just happens to be an expert in ballistic missile technology which is somewhat unusual for a campaign advisor and Comptroller. Zakheim, who had been hob-knobbing around the Pentagon and US administrations for over 25 years had also been supplying the latest in offensive and defensive missile systems to Israel including F-15’s, F-16’s, patriot missiles, Merkava tanks, ICBM’s, nuclear smart bombs and even space satellite technology worth billions – a huge proportion of which was paid for with American tax dollars. [8] This would explain why Israel has become the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid, receiving close to $3 billion in largely military assistance each year. No wonder too, that Israel has one of the biggest air forces in the world. [9]


Israeli Merkava Mk I MBT in Yad la-Shiryon Museum, Israel. 2005. (wikipedia)

The Rabbi had been working very hard behind the scenes to benefit Israeli military interests. This, despite Navy Intelligence Analyst and Israeli mole Jonathan Jay Pollard who was discovered and arrested for stealing “… vast quantities of classified information on Israel’s behalf for almost 18 months.” He was also linked to another US national Ben-ami Kadish, who pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified information to Israel in the same year. [10]  Dov Zakheim had no need to carry out Pollard’s remit when he had clearance to do as he wished.

It becomes somewhat clearer when we look further back to 1996 when The Washington Post reported on a Defence Investigative Service’s confidential memo warning military contractors that the Israeli government was: “’aggressively’ trying to steal U.S. military and intelligence secrets, partly by using its ‘strong ethnic ties’ to the United States to recruit spies.” When we remember the MOSSAD’s intelligence operations within the US, employing thousands of sayanim * from a Jewish socio-cultural foundation, then the “ethnic ties” becomes easier to understand.

The Post’s report continued:


U.S. Peacekeeper missile after silo launch (wikipedia)

“…Israel ‘aggressively collects [U.S.] military and industrial technology,’ including spy satellite data, missile defense information, and data on military aircraft, tanks, missile boats, and radars.

Drawing on the example of the Pollard case and of other Israeli espionage operations in the United States, the memo said that the country’s recruitment techniques include ‘ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties’ of US citizens.

‘Placing Israeli nationals in key industries … is a technique utilized with great success,’ the memo said.” [11]

Sounds like Zakheim to me. The memo warning was nonetheless cancelled for reasons we will look at further on.

According to artist and author Uri Dowbenko in an article from Government Executive magazine, Zakheim admitted: “… we are in the business of fighting wars” which fits like a glove into the PNAC doctrine and explains his true role within the US administration. After Zakheim conveniently resigned and washed his hands of the little matter of the missing $3 trillion, Online Journal’s Jerry Mazza states: “In May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world. One of its clients then was Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama bin Laden. Booz, Allen & Hamilton then also worked closely with DARPA, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is the research arm of the Department of Defense.” [12]


Dov S. Zakheim giving a talk the Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy Initiative 2013 forum: “What Defense Does America Need?” Zakheim’s quote:  “There are things we can do, but what we shouldn’t do… is eliminate those capabilities that we will bitterly regret not having should some new contingency come up that of course we did not foresee.”  Zakheim is very big on “contingency.” Militarising America means strengthening Israel at any cost, both financially and ideologically.

Having retired as Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton in 2010, he became Senior Fellow at the CNA Corporation which operates the Centre for Naval Analyses a federally funded research and development centre founded in 1942 and serves the Departments of the Navy and other agencies. The centre pioneers research into: “… military preparedness, operations evaluation, systems analysis, foreign affairs, strategic relationships, humanitarian operations and logistics.” It has special field research studies dedicated to the Marine Corps and the “role of China in the International Order.” Their customers are essentially everyone operating within US intelligence and the Department of Defence. Its contract is administered by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) “which allows for task order awards via a DD Form 448 MIPR.” [13] (The latter being a military interdepartmental purchase request or MIPR).

Zakheim also finds time to act as a Senior Advisor at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies a right wing think-tank, and a Co-Vice Chair of Global Panel America (Global Panel Foundation) a corporate and ex-government think-tank with a globalist vision. Going back further, Dov’s grand-father Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka) was a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx and had a leading role in paving the way for the Bolshevik Revolution. Dov’s father Rabbi Jacob I. Zakheim on the hand, was a hard core Zionist and an active member of Betar terrorist organisation which forged links with Haganah, Irgun and the Stern gangs. [14]

Aside from this background which is alarming enough, what is a dual nationality Zionist rabbi doing in control of the accounting of the United States of America?

Is that not just slightly strange notwithstanding the uneasy spy vs. spy nature of America and Israel?

Why is it that our Dov keeps coming up time and again in connection to financial irregularity and the 9/11 attacks?

spcWhat is even more interesting is that before becoming the Pentagon’s financial Tzar, he was chief executive officer and president of SPC International and an executive at System Planning Corporation, (SPC) linked to DARPA, a weapons contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. The company specialises in advanced Command Transmitter Systems, designed to provide: “remote control and flight termination functions through a fully redundant, self-contained solid state system.” Although designed to control unmanned flights such as Global hawk from remote positions on the ground, one British aviation engineer said after 9/11: “the planes used in the attacks could have been equipped with, or suitable for, such remote control units.” [15]

If anyone was going to provide the technical and financial know how to turn hijacked planes into remotely controlled projectiles from the ground with hijackers as suicide patsies, then Zakheim was the man. Clearly, there should be a heavy weight suspicion concerning the role of Dov Zakheim, not just in the loss of inordinate amounts of American tax-payers’ money, his ties to militant Zionism and dubious weapons shipments to Israel, but his role in the 9/11 attacks.

Jerry Mazza mentions, coincidentally:

“… in May 2001, when Dov served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s) subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation of the first ‘terrorist’ attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center. From the ’90s through 2001, WTC Security was handled by Securacom, a Kuwait-American firm, on whose board Marvin Bush, the president’s brother, sat. After 9/11, Securacom was let go, changed its name to Stratosec, and was delisted from the Stock Exchange in 2002.” [16]

It is Securacom that was hired by owner of the World Trade Centre Towers, Larry Silverstein among whose closest friends is none other than former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was nearly falling over himself to suppress his glee on September 11th. As we might recall, when asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations: He replied: “It’s very good … Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel].” It was also Mr. Netanyahu, who back in 1986, coined the phrase “the War on Terror” and who is presently a stalwart supporter of messianic cult of Chabad Lubavitch who is also calling for the destruction of Iran as part of a divine prophecy. [17] (More on this in later posts).


Benjamin Netanyahu and Dov Zakheim cut from the same cloth – the difference is largely one of IQ.

Rabbi Dov Zakheim was merely a more obvious indication of the takeover of American politics by the Zio-Conservatives and their plans to set the USA on the road to perpetual war against Islam. Jewish-American top level posts within the administrations such as Elliot Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and more recently Rahm Emmanuel, all have their allegiance first and foremost to Israel. Everything was in place to launch “a catastrophic and catalyzing event” to move forward and actualise a Greater Anglo-American-Israeli domination of the Middle East.

Geo-political analyst Professor James Petras explains the broader rationale behind the 9/11 false flag:

The key to the success of the operation was to encourage terrorists and to facilitate calculated and systematic ‘neglect’ – to deliberately marginalize intelligence agents and agency reports that identified the terrorists, their plans and methods. In the subsequent investigatory hearings, it was necessary to foster the image of ‘neglect’, bureaucratic ineptness and security failures in order to cover up Administration complicity in the terrorists’ success. An absolutely essential element in mobilizing massive and unquestioning support for the launching of a world war of conquest and destruction centered in Muslim and Arab countries and people was a ‘catastrophic event’ that could be linked to the latter. [18]

And it was this “neglect” and the Intel/security “failures” which may have allowed a joint operation – despite the uneasy alliance with Israel – between top level officials of the US military, CIA, FBI and other US agencies and the MOSSAD to carry out the greatest false flag attack ever on US soil.

There is no doubt that members of the Bush Administration not only had access to intelligence reports and prior common knowledge of imminent attacks but lied under oath to the 9/11 Commission. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice among many others all covered up the fact that they knew at some point this was going to happen and likely had some part to play in its formation. However, they were clearly not the major players.

 “Al-Qaeda is the enemy,” they are an unslayable power.”

– Philip D. Zelikow, Honors College Commons lecture 2011

In 2011, author, academic, diplomat and arch-propagandist Philip D. Zelikow (another with dual US-Israel nationality) was wooed from his post as associate Professor for graduate academic programs in the University of Virginia, and appointed by President Barack Obama to his Intelligence Advisory Board. Zelikow’s special talents were crucial in persuading the public that America was on a Wild-West road to vengeful redemption and a cathartic reclamation of American values, but only if it was imposed with blood and bombs on the rest of the world. [19]

In the best tradition of Hollywood script-writing Zelikow was able to weave a fantasy for the 9/11 operation with a flourish of his propaganda quill that would have made Edward Bernays swoon with paternal pride. In a Millar Report from 1999 Zelikow writes of the importance of beliefs about history, calling attention to “‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events [that] take on ‘transcendent’ importance and, therefore, retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene.” [20] To that end, he also described himself: “as an expert in the ‘creation and maintenance of public myths.’ He defines ‘public myth’ as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.” [21] This is probably why he remains consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defence and offers his expertise to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

He became the natural choice for the appointment of architect and head of the 9/11 Commission Report, leading a grouping of suitably debriefed and/or clueless ex-government officials and Congressman who could be relied upon to tow the official line and support its findings. Zelikow was tasked with writing a report that would keep the truth about 9/11 from the scrutiny of the public, civil society and wayward journalists. Given Zelikow’s skills in formulating doctrines aligned to Zio-Conservative policy he was the perfect man for the job. Indeed, according to New York Times Investigative reporter Philip Shenon: “Zelikow had written all of the chapter outlines of the 9/11 Commission Report before the Commission even began its investigation. Zelikow completely controlled the investigation, ordering underlings to basically just fill in the chapter outlines of his pre-scripted novel. The Report became a “surprise bestseller” because it reads like a novel – which is exactly what it is.” [22]


Philip D. Zelikow, Like Dov Zakheim, is big on contingency and external threats – to Israel. The latter uses financial, geopolitical  and business strategy, the former uses propaganda and myth-making talents to maintain a fictional narrative. For Israel, he was the perfect man to act as executive director for the 9/11 Commission.

It’s also worth mentioning that several members and officials related to the Commission made it quite clear that they were extremely unhappy with almost every aspect of the Report. After the Report was finally released to the press, Former New Jersey Governor and Commission Chair Thomas Kean and Vice Chair Lee H. Hamilton, former Democratic U.S. Representative from the 9th District of Indiana wrote a book in 2006 about their experiences during and after the 9/11 Commission Report. They accuse officials and authorities within the Pentagon and FAA of ignoring their recommendations, putting out disinformation and misstatements to the media and overseeing systematic obstruction during the investigations. In summary, they charge that the 9/11 Commission Report was “set up to fail” right from the start. [23]

In a world where conflicts of interest are the norm when it comes to matters even partially related to 9/11, Zelikow’s meteoric rise from genius academic to Bush /Obama favourite not only shows the illusion of Republican and Democrat differences but his talent for telegraphing future scenarios. In that sense, he operates in much the same way as Zbigniew Brzezinski during his time at the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and in his influential books on geo-strategy. Propaganda and myth-making are cornerstones of the Zelikow world-view as it is with any Machiavellian neophyte.

In a 1998 issue of the PNAC Mark II think-tank magazine Foreign Affairs, he co-authored an article entitled: “Catastrophic Terrorism” where Zelikow served up what appeared to be a “warning” to the faithful, but was in fact a narrative of Zio-Conservative ideology and future policy, yet again mentioning that well-worn phrase: “Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States (sic) might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force…” He further states: “Belatedly, Americans would judge their leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more urgently.” [24]

Which then might lead to a situation of eyebrow-raised finger-wagging, followed by a decree to hand over ALL our freedoms and stop whining…

Zelikow was ordered by his colleague Condoleezza Rice to re-write America’s national security strategy immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was to be the sequel to PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” and equally important in priming minds still reeling from fear and anger from the events of 9/11. The document, “The National Security Strategy of the United States of America” was issued on September 17, 2002, and represented a turning point in the realisation of perpetual war for the world’s resources, under the guise of exporting American democracy. It would give significant credence to the formula of the “War on Terror” functioning as a propaganda nail driven into an already traumatised public mind. It was designed to bolster support for “future crime” scenarios where rogue nations would harbour Weapons of Mass Destruction intent on using them against an unprepared United States. [25]


Zelikow delivering a lecture at the University of Virginia, July 2010.

Although Zelikow had been against CIA torture during the Bush years and had actively written against “enhanced interrogation”– at least as official policy – it was only due to the fact that the fear and anxiety induced would eventually prove counter-productive and “be exploited by zealots and fools.” [26] Zelikow is a perfect example of Brzezinskian pragmatism. Yet for his 9/11 Commission fantasy to work, certain torture related “successes” had to be made viable. For instance, the whole official story, as 9/11 academic and journalist Keith Barrett explains, hangs on “… third-hand testimony taken under brutal torture from [supposed 9/11 mastermind] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who apparently had to be waterboarded 183 times in one month in order to brainwash him into remembering and parroting the details of Zelikow’s novel.” [27] Whether that is precisely true, Mohammed certainly claimed he provided a lot of false information which he assumed the interrogators wanted to hear in order to stop the torture, something that can be used as metaphor for almost every aspect of Zio-Conservative support for pre-emptive politics. [28]


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

It was for this reason that the 9/11 Commission proved to be nothing short of a whitewash thanks largely to the talents of Zelikow and his legion of presstitutes. Anyone who could think critically (which meant the MSM and Congress were automatically excluded) immediately saw the gaping holes and errors and which conveniently side-lined any reference to government culpability. To those who were naturally sceptical of the 9/11 Commission’s findings James Petras describes Zelikow’s response which was extremely telling in that he:

“… went on an insane rage, calling the sceptics ‘pathogens’ or germs whose ‘infection’ needed to be contained. With language reminiscent of a Social Darwinist diatribe, he referred to criticisms of the Commission cover up as ‘a bacteria (that) can sicken the larger body (of public opinion)’. Clearly Zelikow’s rant reflects the fear and loathing he feels for those who implicated him with a militarist regime which fabricated a pretext for a catastrophic war for Zelikow’s favourite state – Israel.” [29]

It is not simply fear and hatred operating here. We might be discerning a standard slipping of a “Mask of Sanity” so characteristic of embedded psychopaths who otherwise project an icy demeanour of clinical control and confidence. What is intriguing in the context of ponerology is the use of the exact same language, thoughts, ideas and concepts of their perceived enemies, projecting onto their accusers the very crimes of which they are guilty. In truth, Zelikow, Cheney, Karl Rove and so many others in successive US Administrations personify those “pathogens” who “sicken the larger body” of government. It is also clear that Zelikow’s allegiance is not to either the US constitution or the American people. While speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts regarding the possible implications of the September 11th attacks, he told a crowd at the University of Virginia on September 10, 2002: “I’ll tell you what I think the real threat [is] and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel …” [30]

Recall Prime Minister Netanyahu who told an audience at Bar Ilan University in September 2008 when he was acting head of the Likud party: “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” and further added that the events had “swung American public opinion in our favor.” [31] If a politician can so brazenly cater to cheap political ambitions in public it does make one wonder what he would be willing to sanction in private. And it is very obvious indeed that Israel has a huge stake in the “Clash of Civilisations” shtick, the “War on Terror” and the whole 9/11 charade.


Netanyahu embarrassing himself in front of the UN. Since Iran is on the list of regimes to topple Netanyahu must keep pressing for an attack on Iran to fulfil Ultra-Zionist religio-political imperatives. In the same way, the events of 9/11 were a vital phase in achieving the long sought after domination of the Middle East and the extermination of Arabs, seen as the ancient Amalekites. (Photo Source: AP)

With a history of involvement in the far-right politics overseeing intelligence agencies Shin Bet, the MOSSAD and serving as Israel’s Prime Minister at the time of the 9/11 attacks, Netanyahu is the most likely candidate as one of its primary insiders or architects. He has been a major mover in politics and a prominent member of the Likud Government since 1993. The Likud Party evolved from the Irgun Jewish terrorist organisation created by Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the  Jewish Self-Defense Organization and ODESSA fame and is enmeshed in covert Zionist operations abroad.

Though there was the Israeli concept of “TNT,” Hebrew for “Terror Neged Terror” (“terror against terror”) which existed in the 1970s [32] it was Netanyahu’s own book Terrorism: How the West Can Win written in 1986 which first introduced the term: “War on Terror.” With undercurrents of Straussian and ultra-right aspirations throughout, he explains how the West needs “a better understanding of terrorism” in order to mobilise against it, clearly desperate for “… a coherent and united international response” so that: “… a broad-based, vigorous campaign against the terrorists and their sponsors,” can begin to take place. In other words, it provides another clarion call for both the creation of and “resistance” to a joint Western-Israeli manufactured Global War on Terror and the manifesto for a Greater Israel. [33]


Vladimir Jabotinsky (Wikipedia)

The late expert on Arab-Israeli relations Edward W. Said spoke of the “low-level oddities” in the book which marked it out as a propaganda exercise:

Very few efforts are made to convince readers of what is being said: sources and figures are never cited; abstractions and generalizations pop up everywhere; and, except for three essays on Islam, historical argument is limited to the single proposition that terrorism has never before presented such a threat to ‘the democracies.’ I was also struck that the verb in the book’s subtitle, How the West Can Win, doesn’t seem to have an object: Win what? One wonders. So great is the number of contributors, so hortatory the tone, so confident and many the assertions, that in the end you retain little of what has been said, except that you had better get on with the fight against terrorism, whatever Netanyahu says it is. [34]

Obviously, whatever the threat may be, you can be sure it’s against Israel and we all have to step into its shadow.

Likud_Logo.svgLikud Party Logo

The forging of US-Israeli leadership in tackling the nature of terrorism was given major boost at the close of the 1970s when Netanyahu and Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak founded the Jonathan Institute named after Bibi’s brother Yoni, who was killed in the Israeli anti-terrorist raid in Entebbe, Uganda. This was partly thanks to the mentoring of Netanyahu by Betchtel board member and Reagan’s Secretary of State, George P. Shultz who saw Bibi’s fascist record as an effective tool in re-working the World Order and thus a another tool for Anglo-American dominance. To do that, he needed Zionism as much as Zionism needed the American Establishment. At that moment, Netanyahu was flavour of the month.

In June 1984, an international conference on terrorism was held in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Institute at which Shultz gave a keynote address to announce Paul Wolfowitz’s policy of pre-emptive force. He stated: “… a purely passive defense does not provide enough of a deterrent to terrorism and the states that sponsor it. It is time to think long, hard, and seriously about more active means of defense—defense through appropriate preventive or pre-emptive actions against terrorist groups before they strike.” [35] It was as if Bibi’s book and Wolfowitz’s vision had become one – all for Israel.

The conference was also the breeding ground for implementing the cooked up Intel for what would become the “axis of evil” and the invasion and destruction of Iraq. In relation to 9/11, many speculate that this was a centre for not just studying terrorism but planning it. Egyptian Intellectual, Dr. Hassan al Bana in a televised interview with a Middle Eastern TV station stated publicly that he thought Netanyahu planned 9/11 at the 1984 conference with other Establishment and Zio-Conservative luminaries.  [36] (See footnote for complete extract).


George P. Shultz circa early 80s and Paul Wolfowitz  (right)

Isser Harel, the recognised founder of Israeli intelligence; former head of Shin Bet, (1948–1952) and director of Mossad, (1947-1963) was likely the inspiration – if not one of the original architects – of an ambitious attack on US soil. Journalist and author Christopher Bollyn describes a dinner meeting between Harel and American Zionist Michael D. Evans where he is told that terrorism would come to America in no uncertain terms:


Isser Harel spymaster and Director of the MOSSAD

“Arab terrorists would strike the tallest building in New York City, ‘a symbol of your fertility,’ Harel said. Harel had dinner with Evans on September 23, 1979, according to Evans, and told him that America’s alliance with Saudi Arabia ‘was dangerous and would develop a tolerance for terror among Americans.’ Harel went on to say that ‘Islamic fundamentalists would ultimately strike America.’

When Evans asked where the Arab terrorists would strike, Harel said: ‘In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit.’

… ‘Isser Harel prophesised that the tallest building in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic fundamentalists twenty-one years ago,’ Evans said in the 2004 interview.” [37]

Unless Harel was psychic, there is little doubt that one of the first intelligence agents in the world knew about the long-term planning of such an Islamic terrorist attack, if he didn’t have a hand in the planning himself. As we continue we will see that the foundation and implementation of such a design was right under everyone’s noses.

The history of Zionist influence in contemporary America and the domination of Jewish thought in the media, entertainment and political lobbying acted as the backdrop to the presence of a vast Israeli spy ring and a Zionist “fifth Column” in the US government. It has allowed individudals like Zelikow and Zakheim to work their way up through the ranks with an agenda that is not only anti-American but fanatically pro-Israel to the exclusion of all else. For the planning and execution of September 11th attacks the US needed to be infiltrated not just within the departments of military intelligence but at the level of propaganda, the legacy of which had already been firmly pioneered by the genius of Edward Bernays and others.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has played a significant part in spying since its founding in 1913. It also happened to be the creation of B’nai B’rith founded in New York in 1843, by German-Jewish immigrants. Known as the “Sons of the Covenant” and rooted in a Jewish branch of freemasonry, it is the oldest “Jewish service organisation” in the world. [38] The House of Rothschild was involved in the manufacture of the religion which was a direct product of the criminal network agency of the Order of Zion and organised as a “covert intelligence front” to extend its PR financial Empire. [39]

ADL logoThe ADL describes itself as a “… civil rights/ human relations agency”, which “fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all,” doing so through: “information, education, legislation, and advocacy.” [40] This however, had to be squared with San Francisco Bay area activists who were spied upon by the ADL and who sued the organisation for violation of their privacy rights as provided under California law. The 1993 ruling by the District of Attorney of San Francisco: “… released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel’s policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments.” [41] The extensive nature of ADL’s spying activities included not just Arab Americans but “…members of Greenpeace, NAACP, the Mills College faculty and various other institutions, groups and individuals.” Political pressure caused Smith to later drop the charges settling the suit out of court in February 2002. [42]

During these investigations one of ADL’s operatives Roy Bullock was found to have been involved in CoIntelpro activities since 1960 and which even suggested an involvement in murder:

“Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country’s president, was trailed by Bullock on a trip through California who reported on it to the South African government.” […] After Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh was murdered, Bullock was discovered to have a key, and a floor plan, of the murdered man’s office.  This is evidence that ADL operatives may have helped plan and execute political assassinations in the US and abroad.  But don’t hold your breath for the FBI to investigate or charge Bullock, or any other ADLer, in connection to these murders.” [43]

The fact that the ADL can continue to operate under the status of a tax-exempt “religious and charitable” organisation is drawn from an historic court case where B’nai B’rith could have been prosecuted for failing to register as agents of a foreign power under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. A sworn testimony was given at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 1961, where Saul Joftes – former director general of the B’nai B’rith’s Office of International Affairs – revealed that B’nai B’rith “engages in international politics and more often than not does the bidding of the government of Israel. Its leaders make frequent trips to Israel for indoctrination and instructions.” [44]

By the 1970s however, the potato was too hot to touch and B’nai B’rith and the ADL were not prosecuted. This allowed them to carry on pretending they were charitable, religious and educational organisations rather than propaganda outposts of the Israeli government. The job of B’nai B’rith/ADL is to restrict all and every form of criticism levelled at Israel using the tools of anti-Semitism and psychological coercion.

“B’nai B’rith International’s Israel/Middle East policy includes issues such as fighting terrorism; supporting Israel’s right to defend itself; preventing Iran’s efforts to acquire nuclear weapons; preserving the unity of Jerusalem; promoting the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries; and supporting direct negotiations between the parties to the Middle East conflict while affirming the importance of Israel’s critical security needs.”


B’nai B’rith International logo

 (Since there inherent assumptions in this description from B’nai B’rith International’s website, we can deduce that Middle East policy actually serves not as a peace-making initiative for all peoples but yet another arm of Israeli propaganda, distorted geo-political ideology and Jewish ethnocentrism.

“B’nai B’rith Europe (BBE) is represented in 29 countries, with 7,000 members in more than 150 associations or lodges.  Based in Brussels, BBE has delegations at the European Parliament, the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the United Nations in Geneva, and UNESCO in Paris.”

That belies some serious political leverage.

You might be thinking what has this got to do with the war on terror and 9/11? Quite a lot. The ADL,  B’nai B’rith and other orgranisations like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) serve as powerful buffers to Zionist and Jewish supremacy using intimidation tactics which include spying on activists and academics critical of Israel’s lobbying and the treatment of the Palestinians, all of which has increased since 9/11. According to a Counterpunch report: “… at least 51 percent of the activities at its San Francisco office were devoted to defending Israel.” Its self-anointed role as an “education organization” seems tenuous in light of its activities or, as the report bluntly stated: “The settlement offered by the ADL is recognition on its part that it could not afford to go to a trial in front of a jury and face the likelihood that more of its dirty secrets would be revealed.” [45]

There has also been a curiously close relationship between the ADL and the FBI which has oiled the wheels of the organisation on more than one occasion. The FBI routinely display ADL posters in FBI offices throughout the country and have hosted ceremonies and conferences at FBI headquarters. One such event in 2000 saw an ADL press release announcing the participation of more than 500 representatives from Law Enforcement agencies from across The U.S. in a Joint ADL-FBI Conference on Terrorism in New York. The conference was held at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA titled: “Extremist and Terrorist Threats: Protecting America After 9/11.” This was apparently an: “outgrowth of ADL’s long-time involvement in providing information and training to law enforcement on threats posed by extremists.” Subjects under discussion were extremist groups, investigative techniques, counterterrorism strategies, domestic security and threat assessment.” [46]

ADL’s National Director Abraham H. Foxman proceeded to teach the FBI to suck eggs, exclaiming:

“Now more than ever, law enforcement must have the resources and know-how to prevent future acts of terrorism. In order to assess threats against the United States, law enforcement must have credible information about domestic and foreign extremists whose rhetoric promotes violence. Through our network of regional offices and our experts in the field, ADL is uniquely suited to aid in the war against terrorism.” Foxman went on to say that the conference was: “… an opportunity for law enforcement and extremism watchdogs to compare notes and forge alliances.” [47] [Emphasis mine]

What was being said in the above was not a plea to work together but a barely veiled command. What is a self-appointed human rights education and advocacy group doing sitting in the lap of the FBI? Could it be that the only reason for “comparing notes” and “forging alliances” from ADL’s perspective is to monitor and then subvert any FBI investigations that may be potentially threatening to the anti-Semitic barrier used to insulate it from criticism on Israel’s foreign and domestic policies?

On May 7, 2002, Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the FBI (someone who regularly lied about what he knew and didn’t know during 9/11 Congressional reports) addressed the ADL’s 24th National Leadership Conference where he said:

“A few months ago, Abe [Abraham H. Foxman] and Jess [Jess N. Hordes, ADL Washington representative] came by my office for a visit.  I appreciated their taking the time to meet with me. I have long admired and respected the work of ADL, and I appreciate your longstanding support of the FBI.  I know that under my predecessor, Louis Freeh, this partnership reached new heights. As I told Abe and Jess, I am absolutely committed to building on that relationship.” [48]

Appreciated them taking the time to meet him? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? This is the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation speaking as though he is about to take a scented bubble bath with dear old Abe and Jess and reveal more than just FBI secrets. The ADL now has access to government’s confidential investigative files with ADL employees even invited to take a ride with FBI agents making raids or arrests which are of interest to the organisation. The FBI is not wearing the trousers in this “relationship.”

It seems the FBI is still in the pocket of the ADL in 2015. Mueller’s successor was former US Deputy Attorney General during the Bush years and Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin weapons manufacturer James Comey Jr. who has been told to continue the obsequious tradition. In a speech to ADL members he reiterated that the organisation: “… has even greater reach;” which has meant the training of “…12,000 law enforcement personnel last year alone” and the mandatory programs on the  “Hate Crimes Training Manual” developed by the ADL and FBI. With the definitions of “terrorist” suitably blurred and the FBI’s penchant for entrapment formulas, this is nothing more than indoctrination which ensures a hyper-vigilance on anti-Semitism and politically correct reflexes out of all proportion. It does however, increase Israel’s bubble of socio-cultural protection against any and all criticism. [49]


Abraham H. Foxman National Director of the Anti-Defamation League; FBI director James Comey Jr. (top left) and former FBI Director Robert S. Muelller (top right) 

The ADL’s response to the Defence Investigative Service memo mentioned previously and reported by The Washington Post was an example of how to utilise the anti-Semitism canard in the face of more accusations of an Israeli spy ring. It was highly effective. Journalist R. Jeffrey Smith writes: “The warning, which described Israel as a ‘non-traditional adversary’ in the world of espionage, was circulated by the Defence Investigative Service with a memo noting similar intelligence ‘threats’ from other close U.S. allies. The warning about Israel was ‘cancelled’ and withdrawn by the Pentagon in December after senior officials decided its author had improperly singled out Jewish ‘ethnicity’ as a specific counterintelligence concern.” [50]

In a letter to Defence Secretary William J. Perry, the ADL Director Abraham Foxman launched into his job description which requires him to deflect any further scrutiny away from Zionist infiltration claiming: “This is a distressing charge which impugns American Jews and borders on anti-Semitism,” and earlier complaining about its reference to Israeli recruitment techniques but also its “harsh tone.” This thumb-sucking outrage and the mere thought that Israelis could ever employ recruitment techniques even though they are famous the world over for doing just that, all point to the real intent of the ADL. Therefore, it was of no consequence that: “Many military counterintelligence officials remain[ed] scarred by the 1985 revelation that Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Jay Pollard stole what the memo refers to as ‘vast quantities of classified information’ on Israel’s behalf…” [51]

When society is so fearful of being labelled anti-Semitic when levelling criticism of anything remotely Jewish and/or Israeli, then the outlook is bleak when it comes to exploring 9/11 and Israel’s role. It is for this reason that all the forces of the Israeli lobbies are committed to the prohibition of any and all discussion concerning Israel and 9/11 in the mainstream media. With social surveillance riding knee-jerk PC conformity across American society it is hardly shocking that an extensive Israeli spy ring was operating all over the US and in preparation for the participation in the events of September 11th.  Does that mean that acts of anti-Semitism do not occur? We know very well that they do. Yet, we must look at the ADL in context, as arms of the overall Israeli lobby and intelligence apparatus. Anti-Semitism is as essential to the perpetuation of cultural victim-hood and geo-political ideology as entrapment is to the FBI or CIA regime change. It all feeds into the vast illusion of the terror industry and the role of state sponsorship – most importantly, the role of Israel’s MOSSAD. Unless we understand this, we are doomed to fall into their ever-present engineering of the mass mind.

The military love-hate affair with Israel continues according to a 2012 Washington Post report where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “… plans to supervise the construction of a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex … at an Israeli Air Force base near Tel Aviv.” Operating under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program (FMS) the project is thought to be the largest yet, costing $100 million dollars of American tax payers’ money. The facility is no slap-dash affair with “… classrooms on Level 1, an auditorium on Level 3, a laboratory, shock-resistant doors, protection from non-ionizing radiation and very tight security. Clearances will be required for all construction workers, guards will be at the fence and barriers will separate it from the rest of the base.” [52]

The name of this base: “Site 9/11”.


* Sayanim – Describes persons of Jewish origin living outside Israel as foreign citizens and who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This includes medical care, financial support, research; intelligence gathering i.e. anything that can aid the Mossad in their global operations. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. This is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer agents than other intelligence agencies.

Update: See also: The dark history of the ADL: Terrorism, organized crime, pedophilia and murder


[1] ‘CBS Reports Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion’ “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’” Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.” CBS News January 29 2002. | ‘Defense Dollars’ PBS Online News Hour, February 12, 2001.
[2] South Coast Today Pittsburgh Post-Gazette December 20, 2001. |
[3] For much more information on securities fraud and Black Eagle Trust cover up read E.P. Heidner’s meticulously researched article: ‘Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001’ By E.P. Heidner:
[4] Ibid.
[5] ‘Unacknowledged Special Access Programs: US deep black programs out of control?’ By Joël van der Reijden, September 10, 2005. Institute for the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics. www. Veteran journalist Seymour Hersh has reported on just one USAP that he discovered set up to circumvent national and international humanitarian laws with full knowledge from Condeleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld, whereby in late 2001, early 2002 President Bush: “…had signed a top-secret finding, as required by law, authorizing the Defense Department to set up a specially recruited clandestine team of Special Forces operatives and others who would defy diplomatic niceties and international law and snatch — or assassinate, if necessary — identified ‘high-value’ Al Qaeda operatives anywhere in the world. Equally secret interrogation centers would be set up in allied countries where harsh treatments were meted out, unconstrained by legal limits of public disclosure. The program was hidden inside the Defense Department as an ‘unacknowledged’ special-access program, or SAP, whose operational details were known only to a few in the Pentagon, the CIA and the White House.” This would come under the net of subsequent drone attacks in Pakistan under the Obama administration amid condemnation by most people of conscience.
[6] ‘Military waste under fire / $1 trillion missing — Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting’ By Tom Abate, SanFrancisco Chronicle May 18, 2003.
[7] Radar Physics Group,, [cached] | Flight Termination System,, [cached] via http://www.911research ‘Missing Trillions Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01’
[8] ‘US: The Fatal Flaws in the Patriot Missile System’ by Jeffrey St. Clair, Counterpunch, April 17th, 2003. |‘Israel’s Palmachim Spaceport’ Space Today, 2005. “Israel is developing an Ofeq-7 spysat and a radar satellite known as Techstar, a radar satellite, both for launch in 2008.” | Judicial Inc. http://www.
[9] ‘Israel To Receive $8 Billion’ By Adam Entous March 18, Reuters, 2003.
[10] ‘Defense Memo Warned of Israeli Spying; ‘Ethnic Ties’ Charge Draws ADL Rebuke’By R. Jeffrey Smith, The Washington Post, January 30, 1996, p. A1.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘Following Zakheim And The Pentagon Trillions To Israel And 911’ By Jerry Mazza, Online Journal Associate Editor March 28, 2007.
[13] | 448 MIPR or “Department of Defence Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request” is a standard for the ease of transfer of funds between U.S. military organizations rather than limited to funding within a single entity. If one reads the reglulations and loopholes inherent in such a method it is easy to see how trillions can go missing. See: ‘Code of Federal Regulations, Title 48 – Federal Acquisition Regulations System – DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request.
[14] Ibid.
[15] ‘Dov Zackheim, Pentagon Comptroller, Has Misplaced A Trillion $’ by Likud Watch Monday, Jan. 31, 2005. Cleveland Indymedia.
[16] Op.cit. Mazza.
[17] A Day of Terror: The Israelis; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer’ By James Bennet, The New York Times, September 12, 2001.
[18] ‘Provocations as Pretexts for Imperial War: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11.’ May 25, 2008.
[19] ‘Zelikow Appointed to Obama’s Intelligence Advisory Board.’ By Rob Segal, UVA Today,
[20] ‘Thinking About Political History’. By Philip Zelikow. Miller Center Report, Winter 1999.
[21] ‘Zelikow: 9/11 Master Criminal Appointed By Obama’ Obama appoints 9/11 scriptwriter & master criminal Zelikow to Intelligence Advisory Board, by Kevin Barrett, September 2011, Veterans Today.
[22] p. 111; The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation By Philip Shenon. Published by Twelve, 2008. | ISBN-10: 0446580759.
[23 p.14; Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission By Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamiliton. Published by Alfred A. Knopf 2006.
[24] ‘Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger’. By Ashton B. Carter, John Deutch, and Philip Zelikow. Foreign Affairs, November/December 1998.
[25] ‘The National Security Strategy of the United States of America’. The Washington Post. September 17, 2002. “To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively.”
[26] ‘Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of the Dark Side’ By Scott Horton, Harper’s Magazine, 14 July 2008
[27] op. cit Barrett
[28] ‘ICRC Report on the Treatment of Fourteen “High Value Detainees” in CIA Custody’ (PDF).
[29] op. cit. Petras.
[30] p.456; Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil By Michael C. Ruppert. Published by New Society Publishers, 2004.
[31] ‘Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel’ “According to Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion.” By Haaretz Service and Reuters, April16, 2008.
[32] Brother Against Brother:Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination By Ehud Sprinzak Published by Free Press, 1999.
[33] Terrorism: How the West Can Win By Benjamin Netanyahu. Published by Douglas & McIntyre, 1986. (Preface)
[34] ‘The Essential Terrorist’ By Edward W. Said, The Nation, August 14, 2006.
[35] ‘Netanyahu’s Fascist Record: All Roads Lead to Shultz’ by Steven Meyer February 24, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[36] Egyptian Intellectual: Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Planned 9/11| September 11, 2004 TV Clip No. 278. The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian intellectual Hassan Al-Bana, that aired on Sahar 1 TV:
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “This is a book written by Benjamin Netanyahu on the uprooting of terrorism. He talks about attacking the Twin Towers. He talks about attacking the U.S. National Security Council, and about attacking the U.N. Take, for example, the Twin Towers operation. Such an operation doesn’t require placing a car bomb under the two towers but placing small nuclear bombs and detonating them. The scenarios were ready. This scenario was prepared by the Jews at the Jonathan Institute.”
Interviewer: “What scenario are you talking about?”
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “The scenario of bombing [the WTC]. I’m talking now about the bombing scenario and how it was a planned operation, and not an act of revenge. He had to find an excuse; a reason for intervention.”
Interviewer: “Dr. Hassan, you talk of the perpetrator. Are you saying there was an Israeli plan ready for operation?”
Dr. Hassan Al-Bana: “The scenario was prepared by Israel and the U.S. Henry Ford and George Bush attended the Jonathan Conference in 1984. They agreed with Netanyahu on the scenario for the bombing of the Twin Towers. When Netanyahu was asked how a force can be mobilized… He said: ‘In America you have religious factions that oppose abortions in hospitals. This religious sentiment can be exploited and channelled into these kinds of operations.’ This all exists [in writing]. Anybody who read Uprooting Terrorism [sic] and many other American books [would understand]. “Moreover, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. What conspiracy? George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. are the only American presidents to control the CIA. George Bush Jr. declared that the Twin Towers operation would remain completely secret.”
[37] ‘The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11’ By Christopher Bollyn, July 25, 2008.|
[38] “In 2000 it was reported that Mr. Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, was working with the Grand Master of Anglo-American Freemasonry HRH The Duke of Kent, the founder of the Jerusalem Lodge, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy Count Giuliano di Bernardo, and the Worshipful Master of the prestigious Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge Lord Northhampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount conducting studies. Evidently these mystical adepts intend to reconstruct the 2,500 year old King Solomons Temple. It seems the brethren are anticipating a forthcoming resurrection of Grand Master Abiff’s architectural endevours.” – ‘British Masons And US Fundis Launch Apocalypse’ by Mark Sonnenblick Executive Intelligence Review Nov. 1, 2000 | From B’nai B’rith – The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Appleton-Century, New York 1966: From the Forward pg. xi: “Those whose responsiblity it is to interpret B’nai B’rith to the public have a formidable task… from small beginnings, has grown into a vast enterprise of nearly half million men, women, and young people in forty-four countries. It has become so complex in its structure and activities that most of its members-to say nothing of others-have only a limited knowledge of its achievements, purposes, and scope. This book, the first full-length history of B’nai B’rith,…”
…From Chapter 2 – The very beginning: “B’nai B’rith was founded on October 13, 1843, for the expressed purpose of ending, or at least reducing, the chaos and anarchy in Jewish life-or, as one of the founders put it, of “uniting and elevating the Sons of Abraham. […] There were twelve founders, all in their twenties or thirties. All had been born in Germany, and had come to New York in the late 1820’s or 1830’s. All lived on the lower East Side, where most of them, at the time, were petty shopkeepers. The majority had not known one another in Germany, and only a few were acquainted before 1843…” […]  Those few included Henry Jones, Isaac Rosenbourg, William Renau, and Reuben Rodacher. They met, apparently, because they were members of the Free Masons or Odd Fellows, as well as of several secret benevolent socities…[…]  …There is a legend, which is occasionally mentioned to this day, that B’nai B’rith was founded because in 1843 Jews were barred from membership in the Masonic orders and the Odd Fellows. Obviously, that was not the case, since several of the Order’s founders were themselves members of those organizations. We have fragments of memoirs written by Jones, Rosenbourg, and Renau, as well as by others who joined B’nai B’rith soon after it was founded, which leave no doubt about this…
[39] p.27; Dope Iinc: Britain’s opium war against the U.S by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team directed by Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg. Konstandino. 1978.
[41] ‘Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case -The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues’ by Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier And Steve Zeltzer Plaintiffs In The Of ADL Spying Case, Counterpunch, February 25, 2002.
[42] ‘The Changing Role of B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League’ By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal,,June 1993,
[43] Ibid.
[44] ‘ADL -A History of Disinformation and Intimidation’ www.
[45] Ibid.
[46] ADL Press Release: June 6 2002: ‘Law Enforcement From Across The U.S. Participate In Joint ADL-FBI.
Conference On Terrorism’
[47] Ibid.
[48] Robert S. Mueller, III Director Federal Bureau of Investigation, Anti-Defamation League’s 24th Annual National Leadership Conference, Washington, D.C. May 07, 2002.
[49] ‘Remarks by James B. Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (As Prepared)To ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., April 28, 2014
[50] op. cit R. Jeffrey Smith.
[51] Ibid.
[52] ‘U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel’ By Walter Pincus, Washington Post, November 29. 2012.

Hello Israel I: Dancing Israelis and Artistic Pursuits

 By M.K. Styllinski

We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq. [The events] swung American public opinion in our favor.

– Benyamin Netanyahu, April 2008 


It’s very good.” … “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.

– Benyamin Netanyahu’s response after being asked what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel. [1] [2] 

Andrey Kosyakov, former assistant to the chairman of the Russian Congress and a specialist in International Security was in no doubt that only one state and one intelligence grouping could have the capability and knowledge to pull off the monumental false flag operation that was 9/11. With factions within the US administration and an extensive Israeli spy ring already ensconced within it, the logistical support and overall high level access was already present.

If you were told that a group of five “Middle Eastern men” had set up their video cameras prior to the attack and had been observed laughing, joking and video-taping themselves immediately after the two planes hit, you would be forgiven for being slightly sceptical, even bewildered by such a story. [3] According to many eye-witness reports this was no aberration or childish attempt to shock but a virtual celebration which continued against the backdrop of the smouldering Twin Towers for several hours.

New Jersey residents described their observations of the men who were : “… going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage,” and “… shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.” [4] Liberty State Park, a roof in Weehawken and later on in the day a Jersey City parking lot were all eye-witness scenes of laughter, “high fives” and general merriment. In particular, an eyewitness named “Maria” who had written down the license plate number of the van and called the police, later recalled: “They seemed to be taking a movie. They are taking video or photos of themselves with the WTC burning in the background.” Maria remembered their expressions which were: “… happy, you know… They didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange.” [5]

An anonymous phone-call also led police to be on the look-out for a white, 2000 Chevrolet van with “Urban Moving Systems” driven by “Arabs” acting suspiciously. Tunnels and Bridges in the New York area were closed and before the long the van was stopped on Route 3 in East Rutherford area and the eight occupants apprehended, minutes after the first plane hit. Rather than Muslims as one might expect, the five men first claimed to be Israeli tourists though later they admitted they worked for a moving company based in New Jersey. Sivan Kurzberg, the driver of the van told police officers: “We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.” [6] Strange, in view of the fact that the Palestinian struggle was hardly a pressing concern to NYPD officers. Unless of course, it was a projected concern of the Israelis who had just been laughing their heads off at the WTC destruction.

The other passengers were Sivan’s brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari all of whom were in possession of maps, with certain places highlighted and box cutters (as the alleged hijackers were meant to have used) foreign passports, photos of the men standing in front of the smouldering WTC grinning and the presence of explosives as indicated by sniffer dogs. [7] A top-level investigator from Bergen County law stated in 2006, that: “There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted … It looked like they’re hooked in with this [referring to the 9/11 attacks]. It looked like they knew what was going to happen…It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.” [8]

After weeks of interrogation the FBI concluded that at least two of the five were MOSSAD agents and all were on a MOSSAD surveillance mission with the Urban Moving Company providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation:

After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban Moving’s Weehawken, N.J., offices. The FBI searched Urban Moving’s offices for several hours, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The FBI also questioned Urban Moving’s owner. His attorney insists that his client answered all of the FBI’s questions. But when FBI agents tried to interview him again a few days later, he was gone.

Three months later 2020’s cameras photographed the inside of Urban Moving, and it looked as if the business had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the warehouse. The owner [Dominick Suter] had also cleared out of his New Jersey home, put it up for sale and returned with his family to Israel.” [9]

Recalling former MOSSAD agent Victor Ostrovsky’s observations, we see that this may not have been an isolated incident but rather a normal part of MOSSAD’s operating protocol from the Collections or “LAPS Dept.”where:  “Some business sayanim have a bank of 20 operators answering phones, typing letters, faxing messages, all a front for the MOSSAD. The joke is that 60 percent of the business of those telephone answering companies in Europe comes from the MOSSAD. They’d fold otherwise.” [10] One of the men later stated that: “our purpose was to document the event.” Although they were Initially held on immigration violation charges, they were released 71 days later and deported to Israel.

This should not be surprising either, since the FBI’s record on terrorism and CoIntelpro is widely known and best summed by a ridiculous statement from an FBI official who, after being asked to comment on the release of so many detained Israelis and the suggestion of foreknowledge told ABC News: “To date, this investigation has not identified anybody who in this country had pre-knowledge of the events of 9/11.” [11] It seems to have escaped the elite brains of the FBI as to how the Israelis would know there was an event to document without such foreknowledge. Since evidence abounds that this is clearly the case, the FBI proves yet again to exhibit stunning ignorance and naivety. More probable is that certain individuals were involved in a cover-up. Meanwhile, hundreds of MOSSAD agents appeared to be crawling all over the urban American landscape with moving companies and telecommunications serving as fronts.

The most widely referenced and oft quoted piece of reporting came from Carl Cameron’s December 2001, four-part news item which documented the existence of the largest spy ring ever to be uncovered in the history of US espionage. A total of 200 Israeli spies were arrested. [12] Ironically aired on Fox News, it was not long before the transcript was hurriedly removed from its own website closely followed by rapid attempts to purge the video and articles from all other media websites, with threats to prosecute should unauthorised use of the video and transcript be breached. Behind this panic attempt at erasing the report were the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and various other Jewish groups intimidating free speech. Fox News was running scared. Obviously, Cameron had touched a nerve.


Far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the report who said: “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.” Cameron carefully documents the presence of Israeli agents masquerading as art students just prior to the September 11th attacks which was part of an extensive intelligence operation designed to circumvent federal drug investigations. Parallel to these findings was the massive takeover of the telecommunications industry as cover for a network of eaves-dropping via companies such as Amdocs Ltd. [13]

It was in January 2000, that these Israeli “art students” began appearing at the offices of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in teams of eight each with an assigned team leader. Their apparent goal was to sell their artwork but when teams began appearing in over 42 towns and cities across the US with claims that students were enrolled in non-existent Universities that suspicions became more pronounced. [14] Sightings of the students were also reported in and around 36 Department of Defence locations leading to over 140 arrests and detainments of Israelis from March 2001 up to the day of the 9/11 attacks. In one KHOU Channel 11 report, Dallas was also targeted where: “… so-called students hit early this year at the city’s FBI building, the Drug Enforcement Administration and at the Earle Cabell Federal building, where guards found one student wandering the halls with a floor plan of the building.” [15] A further 60 found working at shopping mall kiosks were also detained and deported. [16]

A detailed 2002, DEA report was subsequently leaked to media and the internet which revealed the vast majority of Israeli art students interviewed by US investigators not only had family and security connections to the Israeli Army but specialist military backgrounds which included expertise in intelligence, electronic surveillance and explosives. The report concluded: “That these people are now traveling in the U.S. selling art seems not to fit their background.” [17]

You don’t say?

All this begs the question why an obvious Israeli spy ring was examined at the highest levels of the Bush administration, and with Intelligence Online editor Guillaume Dasquié in March 10, 2002: “… was informed by a Justice Department official that the DEA report had been handed over to the Department’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and that same day at a DEA press conference, Asa Hutchinson, the DEA head, said that he had passed the document along to ‘other agencies’ working on the matter.”

But nothing happened.

Investigative journalist Tom Flocco makes the inevitable conclusions:

“The evidence raises serious questions as to how the French government was able to report strong evidence of Israeli espionage in America, yet the FBI, CIA, NSA, Justice Department and the White House were unable to identify the spies while denying the existence of Israeli espionage despite a multi-billion dollar budget and the finest equipment and training.

Guillaume Dasquié reported that the Israeli operatives were living close to Arabs in San Diego, Little Rock, Irving, Texas and in South Florida where 10 of the 19 September 11 “hijackers” lived, speculating that the Israelis had advanced knowledge of the attacks but had not passed on the critical intelligence to the Bush administration who would likely spend blood and treasure to retaliate against Muslim terrorists—notwithstanding a little war profiteering on the side.

The independent AFP said “What is not clear is what the ring of more than 120 agents was up to and why some Israelis linked to the attacks in New York and Washington, DC were allowed to flee or were sent back to Israel after 9/11 on visa violations, rather than being charged and prosecuted.

According to other reports, alleged lead “hijacker” Mohammed Atta lived at 3389 Sheridan St. in Hollywood, Florida while a team of Israeli operatives lived a few blocks away at 4220 Sheridan.” [18] [Emphasis mine]

The classified military operation “Able Danger” created by the Joint Chief of Staff in 1999 and led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) was said to have uncovered various Al-Qaeda cells, including the 9/11 suspects in New Jersey. Yet, the key hijackers were allowed to move and around freely without interference from intelligence and US authorities. The fact that American intelligence operatives were routinely blocked and stone-walled has an enormous body of evidence, largely from intelligence whistle-blowers.  Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer is one of many who has publicly expressed serious doubts about the government’s version of 9/11, suggesting that some within the FBI and CIA were facilitating the 9/11 plot. [19]

Why is it beyond the realms of possibility that Israeli Zionists not only had “advanced knowledge of the attacks” but had a hand in the operation? Why else would MOSSAD agents be carting around explosives and ordinance maps in more than one white van? [20] But this is still classified, and according to Carl Cameron: “Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying is considered career suicide.” [21] It is little wonder that Zionist influence in the US is as strong as it has ever been and its relationship to the events of 9/11 remain unchallenged, the media judging it unimportant for public awareness.

mossad-sealAlthough many in the alternative media highlighted the presence of Israeli spies within the US pre and post-9/11 perhaps one of the most comprehensive and objective summaries given to the 9/11 Commission Report was the Shea Memorandum penned by Gerald Shea, a retired corporate lawyer. An alumnus of Phillips Academy, Yale and Columbia Law School, with many years experience working in the best Paris and New York law firms, Shea brought his considerable skills to bear on the subject of Israeli spies, offering a cogent and compelling evaluation of the facts. What follows is a lengthy extract from page 49 of the memorandum and which offers a 13-point summary of his findings:

Set forth below is a detailed summary of the tentative conclusions reached in this memorandum, which amply illustrate the urgent need for a public inquiry into the activities of the Israeli DEA Groups and the Israeli New Jersey Group. The inquiry must include, without limitation, the examination of members of the Israel Groups and related persons; officials of the Israeli government and certain of its agencies, including Mossad; FBI suspects, agents of the DEA, the INS and the FBI; certain local law enforcement officials; agents of the CIA (in camera to the extent required); other intelligence sources cited by the public press to the extent possible; the boxes of documents and computer hard drives (referred on page 29) seized by the FBI from the Israeli New Jersey Group; and of all other relevant documents, reports, communiqués and information.–

1. The Israeli DEA Groups were spying on the Drug Enforcement Agency and thus upon the United States. The DEA itself has concluded that they were probably engaged in organized intelligence gathering on our soil.

2. A highly regarded American journal knowledgeable about Israeli affairs, has concluded (a) based on its own sources, that the Israeli DEA Groups were spying on radical Islamic networks suspected of links to Middle East terrorism, and (b) based on the representations of a former American intelligence official regularly briefed on these matters by law enforcement officials, that (i) at least two members of the Israeli New Jersey Group were Mossad operatives, (ii) Urban Moving, the company used by the Israeli New Jersey Group, was a front for Mossad and its operatives, and (iii) the Israeli New Jersey Group was spying on local Arabs.

3. The intelligence sources of a substantial American television network report that the Israeli DEA Groups may have gathered information about the September 11 attacks in advance, and not shared it with the United States. One investigator said that evidence linking the Israeli DEA Groups to such intelligence gathering was classified and could not be disclosed.

4. The Israeli DEA Groups were comprised of 125 or more Israelis operating on our soil. Their leaders and apparent associates included military commanders and experts with military backgrounds in intelligence, electronic intercepts and telecommunications.

5. The wiretapping and intelligence expertise of members of both Israeli Groups, and the use of vans in local neighborhoods where the future hijackers were planning the attacks, and the extensive use by the hijackers of cell phones and land lines, made the Israeli Groups ideally suited to gather information regarding the hijackers’ plans.

6. The principal operation of the Israeli DEA Groups was located in and around Hollywood, Florida, the central training and staging ground for the hijacking of North and South Tower Planes and the Pennsylvania Plane. The addresses and places of residence of the members of the Israeli DEA Groups in Hollywood itself were within hundreds of yards those of the future hijackers.

7. The operations of both the Israeli New Jersey Group and the hijackers of the Pentagon Plane were centered in Hudson and Bergen Counties in New Jersey, within a common radius of about six miles.

8. All five celebrating members of the Israeli New Jersey Group arrested on September 11 were aware, when the North Tower Plane struck the World Trade Center, based on their immediate reaction to the attack and the information said to be contained in their van, that the attack had been planned and carried out by Arab terrorists.

9. After being questioned by the FBI on September 11, the leader of the Israeli New Jersey Group immediately fled the United States to Israel. His name and aliases appear, along with those of the hijackers and other FBI suspects, on the May 2002 FBI Suspect list.

10. Israeli intelligence officials have reported that two senior officials of Mossad warned the United States in August 2001 that as many as 200 terrorists on American soil were planning an imminent large-scale attack on high visibility targets on the American mainland. One press report states that in August Mossad provided the CIA with the names of future hijackers Khaled al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi.

11. The CIA’s explanation of how Mihdhar’s and Hazmi’s names were placed on the Watchlist through the spontaneous efforts of CIA and FBI agents is not only difficult to follow but, as the sole reason for the Watchlisting, hardly credible.

12. Mossad’s own information appears to have come from its sources inside the United States. All of the facts and circumstances set forth in this memorandum appear to show that Mossad’s two likely sources of information were: (a) the Israeli DEA Groups, comparable in number to that of the Arab suspects and who appear to have tracked the future hijackers in their central places of operation and in other states, and (b) the Israeli New Jersey Group, operating through their Mossad front in another principal locus of operations of the future hijackers, two of whom were Mossad agents, and five of whom appeared immediately aware of the origin of the attacks on September 11.

13. While little direct evidence supports the contention that the CIA was aware of or condoned the Israeli Groups’ tracking of Arab terrorist groups in the United States prior to September 11, the CIA’s pressing for the expulsion of members of the Israeli DEA Groups when they were detained before September 11, their failure to cooperate with the FBI, their circuitous explanation of how the above two hijackers were placed on the Watchlist, and other relevant considerations require that the issue be taken up as a part of the public inquiry into these painful events.

Unfortunately, Shea’s contribution to the 9/11 Commission missed the final report deadline, though it is doubtful the material would ever have been included should it have been submitted from the start.

What appears to be beyond doubt is that a very large Israeli spy ring with a specific remit regarding 9/11 was actively engaged within the United States several months prior to September 11th.  Moreover, Israeli agents were located in Hollywood, Fla., and in New Jersey, Bergen and Hudson – exactly the same areas where the alleged 9/11 hijackers lived and prepared their attacks.  None of this information was shared with US authorities, although some key officials were in the know.

If the Israeli spy ring was initially working with the CIA as an outsourced body whose task it was to monitor and collect data on Arab terrorism, there appears to have been a 5th column within American intelligence working with Israel on a huge entrapment/facilitation operation and/or the complete creation of the 9/11 false flag itself. Able Danger might have circumnavigated this large-scale black ops by converging with the covert planning of the attacks and therefore had to be reeled in. It was likely to be a very fine balance of “need-to-know” parried with downright obstruction of duty. This included willful ignorance of lead hijacker Mohammed Atta, who appeared to have  been given a free reign to do as he pleased.

Were they fully paid up agents sacrificed at the eleventh hour?

Indeed, like Lt. Colonel Shaffer and others,  J.D. Smith, was a defense contractor who also worked on “Able Danger” helping to gather open source information, analysis of government spending and statistics for the unit. He claims that he was: “…absolutely positive that he [Atta] was on our chart among other pictures and ties that we were doing mainly based upon [terror] cells in New York City…”  [22] Yet, he was purposefully ignored – even protected – by Israelis and high-level directors within the CIA and FBI, much to the frustration of many operatives.

To see how and why such a lop-sided state of affairs could exist, we have to go deeper into the various Israeli players operating as a social, political and economic fifth column inside the United States.



[1] ‘Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel’ According to Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion.’ By Haaretz Service and Reuters | Apr. 16, 2008.
[2] ‘A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer’ By JAMES BENNET, New York Times, September 12, 2001.
[3] ‘One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports,’ September 14, 2001, | ‘After the Attacks: The Investigation; Bin Laden Tie Cited.’ By David Johnston and James Risen, The New York Times, September 13, 2001.
[4] ‘U.S. arrests of Israelis a mystery – Most charged with immigration violations either have been deported or will be’ By Doug Sanders, The Globe and Mail, With a report from Associated Press, December 17, 2001 – Print Edition, Page A7. | ‘Five Israelis detained for ‘puzzling behavior’ after WTC tragedy’ By Yossi Melman, Ha’aretz September 17, 2001.
[5] ‘Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?’ By ABC News ABC20/20, June 21, www.
[6] Ibid.
[7] ‘Dozens of Israeli Jews are being Kept in Federal Detention’ By Tamar Lewin and Alison Leigh Cowan, The New York Times, November 21, 2001. | ‘Spy Rumours Fly on Gusts of Truth: Americans probing reports of Israeli Espionage.’by Marc Perelman, Forward March 15, 2002.
[8] ‘Five men detained as suspected conspirators’ By Paulo Lima Staff Writer Bergen Record, (New Jersey), September 12, 2001.
[9] op.cit ABC News
[10] op.cit Ostrovsky.
[11] op.cit ABC News.
[12] Part 1: Carl Cameron Investigates FNC December 17, 2001. This partial transcript of Special Report with Brit Hume, Dec. 11, was provided by the Federal Document Clearing House. c/o
[13] ‘Congress hides Israeli telecom spying, permits ‘classified’ FISA evidence’ By Tom Flocco, October 4, 2012. www.
[14] ‘Intelligence agents or art students?’ by Paul M. Rodriquez, Insight on the News, April 1, 2002.
[15] ‘Hundreds of MOSSAD Agents Caught Running Wild in America’ By Warren Royal, Originally posted at| ‘Israeli Caught up in Terror Sweep’ The Austin American-Statesman, November 25, 2001, pg. A-11.
[16] ‘The Israeli ‘Art Student’ Mystery,’ by Christopher Ketcham,, May 8, 2002.
[17] ‘U.S. Deports Dozens of Israelis,’ by Ted Bridis, Associated Press, March 6, 2002.
[18] op. cit Flocco.
[19] See profile on
[20] ‘Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11’ | “Rare recording of Police radio from September 11th 2001. Police capture 2 Mossad agents caught delivering a Truck Bomb next to the WTC building in New York City. Even though they were caught by Police and arrested, they were then let go back to Israel by the Bus administration.”
[21] op. cit Cameron.
[22] ‘Third Source Backs ‘Able Danger’ Claims About Atta’ August 28, 2005,

Osama and Al-Qaeda IV: The Bogeyman

“I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act.”

– Osama bin Laden, October, 2001.

The hunt for Osama Bin Laden cost the US government about the same amount of time and money it took to send men to the moon: ten years and $100 billion. But for some, this is a conservative estimate with more probable figures reaching as high as a trillion dollars. [1] This makes the behaviour of successive US administrations even more inexplicable until that is you accept the high probability that Osama bin Laden – the former CIA asset in 1980s Afghanistan and whose oil-banking family did business with the Bush dynasty – almost certainly died in the latter half of September 2001 from kidney failure. [2] There was even a funeral announcement published in the December 26, 2001 in an edition of the Egyptian newspaper Al Wafdeven.  

Though clearly a faithful of supporter of a Holy War against the United States and Zionism he did not take responsibility for the September 11th attacks, and actually expressed contempt toward the actions of whoever did perpetrate the atrocity. As a follower of Qutbism, a violent resistance against what he saw as the moral and spiritual decadence of the United States was unavoidable in order to be true to the tenets of Islam. This did not however extend to civilians, the deaths of which are traditionally a state-sponsored action to gain needed emotional ammunition from its population.

113634012-HOsama bin Laden: CIA asset that was setup?

In a rare interview, in all probability shortly before his death, bin Laden stated:

I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle. It is the United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children and common people of other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All that is going on in Palestine for the last 11 months is sufficient to call the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel. There is also a warning for those Muslim countries, which witnessed all these as a silent spectator. What had earlier been done to the innocent people of Iraq, Chechnya and Bosnia? Only one conclusion could be derived from the indifference of the United States and the West to these acts of terror and the patronage of the tyrants by these powers that America is an anti-Islamic power and it is patronizing the anti-Islamic forces. Its friendship with the Muslim countries is just a show, rather deceit. By enticing or intimidating these countries, the United States is forcing them to play a role of its choice. Put a glance all around and you will see that the slaves of the United States are either rulers or enemies of Muslims. […]

… we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in control of the American-Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word. [3]


Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633 Translation of article title: “News of Bin Laden’s Death and Funeral 10 days ago”  Read more

Though many will not agree with the above sentiments and an argument can be made that bin Laden exhibits the traits of classic religious fanaticism, the above does not fit with the history of what we know of the real bin Laden. Many of his statements are grounded in fact. He knew very well the nature of Anglo-American governments and their business interests believing that “[The American system] sacrifices soldiers and populations to achieve the interests of the major corporations.” He was deeply cognizant of contemporary Western thinkers and praised liberal academics like Noam Chomsky stating: “Chomsky is amongst the greatest [thinkers] of the West.” Bin Laden expressed repugnance at what he saw as American hypocrisy masquerading as a global moral crusade while creating the exact opposite in the world. It was not that Muslims hated them for their freedoms but how a nation pretending to be a democracy was imposed on others. In bin Laden’s eyes the US was indeed “The Great Satan.” He stated: “A man with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia. So how can we believe your claims … while you kill our children in all of those places?” [4]

Contrary to attempts by US media to extract a “confession” from spurious interviews no evidence ever came to light that bin Laden was involved with the attacks on 9/11 which was why, despite being on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list, no mention of 9/11 is made. There is no “hard evidence.” [5] However misguided and ruthless, bin-Laden was fully aware of the nature of the forces arraigned against him and his beloved Islam: “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse.” It was the strength of Islam viewed through his own beliefs which allowed his destiny to become the primary icon of CIA induced “blowback”; to be used as the perfect tool in a major false flag operation.

For a myth to continue to hold its power it must be injected with the requisite emotional ingredients and stirred for maximum effect, which is where PSYOPS comes in.

clapper-boardEveryone knows how easy it is to manipulate images. Whether using Photoshop for your holiday photos or the Computer Generated Images (CGI) of the Hollywood blockbusters which can literally create new worlds, reality can be malleable in ways undreamt of. In the hands of the military-intelligence apparatus with technological applications far in advance of the public market it is not just easy to align multi-media sophistication with public relations, but a necessity. No one can seriously entertain the idea that such possibilities are off limits to those without any scruples and who are willing to use technology to further their own desires.

The myth-making machine has been working over-time in relation to the Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden story with a blend of CIA-MOSSAD inspired PSYOPS. The nature of any kind of genuine fundamentalism – Islamic or otherwise – means that it reaches a crescendo of conflict where it is difficult to know what is fake and what is real. Jihad martyr videos are liberally uploaded to the internet, often after Intel agents have manipulated the content. Sleeper agents or unconscious dupes already integrated into Al-Qaeda cells can then carry out their duties on behalf of their paymasters – or Allah. It has never been easier to pull the wool over our eyes, even when video manipulation is shoddy in the extreme.

Recall the 1999 Washington Post article by William Arkin “When Seeing and Hearing isn’t Believing,” where he described the new technology of ‘voice morphing’ or ‘voice synthesizing’, explaining that, “if audio technicians have a recording of your voice, then they can create a tape in which your authentic voice says anything they wish.” [6] What we can be sure of is that a large proportion of videos circulated on the internet at politically opportune moments have proven to be fake.

In early 2003, Iraq provided another testing ground for not just planting stories in the world’s media but to create fake videos to keep the war on terror narrative alive in the public’s mind and therefore promote the objective of regime change and the toppling of Saddam Hussein. The CIA’s Iraq Operations Group floated ideas to show Hussein as a paedophile molesting a boy and “… to flood Iraq with the videos…” As cultural constraints made this concept unworkable, it was soon dropped. Other ideas included the interruption of Iraqi television programming with a fake special news bulletins and fake inserts or “crawls”—messages at the bottom of the screen—into Iraqi newscasts. The CIA also began playing with the idea of an Osama bin laden impersonator. The Washington Post reports that the CIA abandoned the projects leaving the way open for their revival in military circles. As one military official comments: “The military took them over,” due to the “… assets in psy-war down at Ft. Bragg,” at the Army’s Special Warfare Centre.[7] (One wonders how many paid bin Laden, Hussein and other high profile figures have been paraded for media consumption).


Hot on the heels of September 11th attacks, the CIA embarked on a massive propaganda campaign to fuse Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. With the help of Britain’s Tony Blair, the idea of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) was cooked up as a further PR exercise.

This matches the production quality of subsequent videos which appeared on the scene as the CIA project was taken over by the Pentagon at some point after 2003. This is most evident in the video released just prior to the 2004 election and an obviously digitally manipulated duplicate from 2007, in which bin Laden is sporting a trimmed, dyed beard and a bottled sun-tan. It was not just Intel groups having fun with their video collections. At the level of the mainstream US and British media videos were often edited in line with government policy.

When Osama Bin Laden videos periodically surfaced throughout the Iraq war and up to his alleged Hollywood-esque death it was inevitable that they would be thoroughly cleansed of all references and remarks that might prove problematic to the accepted “Osama-under-the-bed” formula. Obviously doctored and fully fabricated videos would be given unfettered access to the mass media outlets, with the Bush Administration taking media propaganda to new heights. From 2001–2011 more than 30 audio and video recordings were released, most of which found their way to the internet.

In October 2001, bin Laden appeared on Al Jazeera, in a pre-recorded video statement shortly after US-led strikes on Afghanistan begin. It was the first time the Al-Qaeda leader had apparently spoken after the 9/11 attacks. Sitting in a flack-jacket next to his right hand man Ayman al-Zawahiri he proceeds to softly berate the United States. No responsibility for the 9/11 attacks is forthcoming. A common and frustrating characteristic of the video and subsequent offerings was the lack of date or time stamp which meant there was no way to know when and where it was made. Bin Laden states: “What the United States tastes today is a very small thing compared to what we have tasted for tens of years.” He praises those responsible, saying, “I ask God Almighty to elevate their status and grant them paradise.” [8] Zionist and Bush Administration Press Secretary wasted no time in drawing our attention to the obvious fact that bin Laden “virtually took responsibility” for 9/11, despite explicitly denying his involvement. This soon turned bin Laden into designated arch-terrorist No.1 commensurate with Zion-Conservative planning. [9]

Saudi-born alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Lad

Osama bin Laden speech released October 2001. Date of video: unknown (AFP/Getty Images)

On December 13, 2001, a home video was apparently filmed without his knowledge and conveniently found in a house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. It was reportedly delivered to the CIA; by whom, no one knows. The video shows a conversation between Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda spokesman Suliman abu Ghaith, and Al-Qaeda veteran Khaled al-Harbi. The Pentagon delivered what could be loosely called a “translation” to all major news outlets which was so in line with the official 9/11 story of the day and similarly riven with errors and fallacies as to be wholly unbelievable. The Bush Administration screamed from their Neo-Con pulpit that this was definitive proof, effectively calling for an end to any doubts as to the intent of Al-Qaeda and their culpable Commander-in-Chief. However, it wasn’t long before even some within the MSM began to have serious doubts about its authenticity. So many people began scratching their heads that Bush was forced to comment exclaiming in true reactionary form that it was: “preposterous for anybody to think this tape was doctored. Those who contend it’s a farce or a fake are hoping for the best about an evil man.” [10]

Apart from the obvious fact this video could easily have been faked by anyone, it is also true that previous videos had usually been given their formal consent by bin Laden and passed through to the Arabic Al-Jazeera network. It didn’t happen on that occasion and subsequently many others. More importantly, the person in the video is clearly not bin laden no matter how hard the Bush administration and 9/11 debunkers scream and shout that it is. As 9/11 journalist and Islamic studies historian Dr. Kevin Barrett noted, the person in the video is “at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier, and his facial features [are] obviously different…” all of which led the video to be dubbed the “Fatty Bin-Laden tape” and widely ridiculed. [11]


A still from the “confession” video showing advisor Khaled al-Harbi speaking with “Osama bin Laden”. (

Dr. David Ray Griffin offered another problem with the video by pointing out that:

“… its stocky bin Laden praised two of the alleged hijackers, Wail M. Al-Shehri and Salem al-Hazmi, by name, and yet both the London Telegraph and the Saudi embassy reported several days after 9/11 that al-Hazmi was still alive and working in Saudi Arabia. Given the fact that the earlier video in which Osama confessed was clearly a fake, we should be suspicious of this latest apparent confession.” [12]

We then come to what this imposter actually said. The latest “bin-Laden” gave a convenient up-date on the technical details of the 9/11 narrative as if to quell any criticism of the official story :

“[W]e calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all… (inaudible)… due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is what we had hoped for.” He continues: “We had notification since the previous Thursday that the event would take place that day. We had finished our work that day and had the radio on. It was 5:30 p.m. our time.… Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We turned the radio station to the news from Washington.… At the end of the newscast, they reported that a plane just hit the World Trade Center … After a little while, they announced that another plane had hit the World Trade Center. The brothers who heard the news were overjoyed by it.” [13] [Emphasis mine]

The above passage is distinctive for its hackneyed attempts at creating a 9/11 script and placing it at the foot of bin Laden. Firstly, sentences in italics referring to the reasons and causes for the WTC destruction, are so closely aligned to the official story that it becomes far too pat. It is especially odd that “bin Laden” refers to the Twin Towers as made of iron rather than steel. For a trained civil engineer as he was, this is nonsensical. [14] The reference to not revealing information to the “brothers” until: “… just before they boarded the planes,” is also curious as all of the alleged hijackers bought their tickets for the 9/11 flights two weeks in advance, not forgetting flight training for the leaders. The pilots and the hijackers all knew each other and had contact with each other prior and during the flights which is the opposite to what is said in the video. [15]


Spot the Bin Laden. Clue: He isn’t on the left. Yet, US authorities would like you to believe that this is the same man captured on video in December 2001. Source: Reuters

A German TV show also confirmed that the translation provided by the Pentagon was seriously flawed. Professor Gernot Rotter, scholar of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the University of Hamburg found that the: “… tape is of such poor quality that many passages are unintelligible. And those that are intelligible have often been taken out of context, so that you can’t use that as evidence. The American translators who listened to the tape and transcribed it obviously added things that they wanted to hear in many places.”  [16]

Further incredulity was to arrive in January 2004, as research into several audio recordings allegedly made by bin Laden was carried out. Professor Richard Muller of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concluded there was evidence of “cut and paste” editing from past recordings, believing that the audio examples are fake and bin Laden either “dead or injured.” He pointed the finger at Al-Qaeda’s difficulties in countering American counter-terrorism rather than CIA fabrication. [17]

In the same year on October 29, immediately prior to the US elections (a curiously common occurrence for Al-Qaeda audio and video messages) an alleged bin Laden video recording was

released which came to be known as the “Towers of Lebanon Speech” in which he explained his vengeful reasons for planning 9/11: “As I looked at those destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the oppressor in kind by destroying towers in America, so that it would have a taste of its own medicine and would be prevented from killing our women and children.” The individual also heavily criticised Bush by highlighting some of his bizarre actions on that day: “It did not occur to us that the commander in chief of the American armed forces would leave fifty thousand of his citizens in the two towers to face this great horror on their own, just when they needed him most. It seems that a little girl’s story about a goat and its butting was more important than dealing with airplanes and their butting into skyscrapers.” [18] This was referring to Bush’s behaviour when told that America was under attack he continued reading to the class of schoolchildren and sat in the class for another half an hour so as not to “scare them.” The speech also criticised security, corporate control and US–Israel imperialism.

Perhaps the most important question to ask is who benefited from this particular video at pre-election time? It is widely accepted at the time that rather than hurting Bush’s popularity it would actually help to ensure his re-election by stirring the memories of 9/11 and America under attack, thus fuelling the fires of religious nationalism. [19] Bush sailed on to victory with ghost runner and fellow Bonesman John Kerry left in his wake.

An audio recording from May 2006 arrived in the post claiming to be the latest sermon from Osama. It asserts that Guantanamo Bay terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui could not have been involved in 9/11, because he had personally assigned the 19 hijackers involved in those events. The latest bin-Laden therefore contradicts his original and authentic message of December 2001 and suddenly confesses his responsibility for orchestrating the attacks. [20]

Sure, he just forgot…

And what of the identities of the hijackers themselves? It seems that seven of those he ‘personally assigned’ had nothing at all to do with 9/11 and turned out to be alive and well. More coincidences? Or flaws in an extensive cover-up characterised by an ever-present ineptitude?


Previous releases of tapes by Intelcenter the U.S. monitoring group which describes its role as providing: “counterterrorism intelligence when, where & how you need it” extends to manufacturing and fabricating video tapes on behalf of “Al-Qaeda.” The company delivered several videos to the Western media press from 2006–2008, even selling them on their website at Most of the videos have been conclusively proven to be culled together from old footage dating from five years previously, yet they continue to be seen as authentic by the MSM. [21]

Intelcenter is an offshoot of IDEFENSE, a web security company that monitors intelligence from the Middle East. It is positively crawling with ex-military intelligence veterans, US Army and Defence Intelligence Agency individuals, many of whom have ties to Zio-Conservatives of the last Bush Administration. IntelCenter has been caught red-handed fabricating video evidence in order to attribute it to Al-Qaeda terrorist networks on a number of occasions. 

siteIt was on another anniversary on September 11th 2007 that we saw another video shunted off the Al-Qaeda-CIA home movie production line with a contribution credit to Intelcenter. The “video” consisted of a still picture of Osama “provided” by the controversial US-Based SITE Institute and given to Associated Press on 7 September of that year. Describing itself as an organization “that provides information related to terrorist networks to the government, news media, and general public,” SITE’s non-profit status has earned it more than $500,000 from the government”, with “over $273,000” coming directly from taxpayers in 2004. [22] But “the organization believes such work is consistent with its exempt purposes”, which of course it would, raking in that amount of money.  [23]

SITE Executive Director Rita Katz co-founded the intelligence company with her husband and senior analyst Josh Devon, both committed Zionists with links to Israeli intelligence. Having worked with former terrorism Czar Richard Clarke and his staff in the White House, the Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Homeland Security garnering: “… wide attention by publicizing statements and videos from extremist chat rooms and Web sites, while attracting controversy over the secrecy of SITE’s methodology.” [24]  Professor Bruce Hoffman is also listed as a senior advisor and “currently a tenured professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Washington, DC.” Not only has Hoffman residing at the notorious recruiting ground for the Liberal arm of the 3EM, but had a post as Corporate Chair in Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency and a directorship
of the Rockefeller/Rothschild connected RAND Corporation, also conveniently in Washington DC. Recall that RAND has a long association with PSYOPS research. (Indeed, the description of the corporation’s successful PSYOPS implementation can be read in a 2007 178 page document originally prepared for the US Air Force titled: Project Air Force by Stephen T. Hosmer).


Rita Katz co-founder of the SITE Institute doing what she does best: keeping the war on terror narrative flowing by propagating (and possibly creating) numerous Al-Qaeda videos made fresh for the internet. BE AFRAID! Is the message. SITE is likely a PSYOPS front for MOSSAD masquerading as a legitimate intelligence gathering operation for mainstream media. By 2015, we have seen Katz getting behind the new bogeyman meme this time in the guise of ISIS/ISIL, better known as Islamic State, the new kids on the propaganda block designed to up the ante in emotional horror in the mass mind. 

Previous to her post as SITE director Katz worked as Research Director of “The Investigative Project on Terrorism” and served as a counsel for the plaintiffs—Families of victims of September 11 terrorist attacks who happen to be suing Saudi princes for $116 trillion of damages from the loss of life in September 11. She was also hired by 1,000 relatives of those who died on September 11th in order to research terrorism. A civil lawsuit was filed in 2002 against those suspected of financing terror plots. No doubt spurred on by the legacy of the Muslim Brotherhood, Katz however continued to earn substantial sums of money from the Homeland Security and intelligence raids on Muslim think tanks and institutions, much of it based on her own research alone.

She is also the author of Terrorist Hunter: The Extraordinary Story of a Woman who Went Undercover to Infiltrate the Radical Islamic Groups Operating in America published 2003 by HarperCollins, owned by ardent Israel supporter Rupert Murdoch. To say that this should be categorised as a work of fiction is an understatement. The breathless title gives you all you need to know as to the plot, and is thus utterly false since gender restriction means that fundamentalist gatherings would allow no woman to be present save Katz taking on some of the false beards and make-up seen in her own videos. Regardless, she has managed to create quite a money spinner. And like so many in the terror industry, the SITE Institute has much to gain financially by keeping the Intel flowing into American and Israeli military-security complex.

Katz and Devon are part of an outsourced unit that is effectively part of the Zio-Conservative and government intelligence apparatus. The website describes itself as a “monitoring service” on the Jihadist threat,” which is severely problematic considering the couple’s obvious lack of impartiality against anything associated with the Arab nationalism, let alone the war on terror. One might even say this is about as obvious an Israeli PSYOPS operation as its possible to be.  In other words, Katz’s handlers are MOSSAD.

With a fat new propaganda bogeyman in the guise of ISIL tearing up the Middle East it seems the SITE Institute’s PR role for the terror industry is set to continue. Geo-political analyst Professor James F. Tracey summed the sad state of affairs within the MSM: “Since mid-August 2014 major news organizations have conveyed videos allegedly found online by the SITE Intelligence Group. Unsurprisingly the same media have failed to closely interrogate what the private company actually is and whether the material it promotes should be accepted as genuine.” [25]


From one fake brand to another: Osama to ISIL hatchet man “Jihadi John”

This manufacturing of threats and the subsequent erosion of civil liberties has been going on a long time now. Timothy H. Edgar, National Security Policy Counsel for the ACLU testified in April 2005 before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security of the House Committee on the Judiciary stating:

“… federal agents seized confidential files, computer hard drives, books, and other materials from some of the most respected Islamic think tanks and organizations in the United States and raided the homes of many of the leaders involved in those organizations. The search warrants targeted two entities whose main purpose involves activities at the core of the First Amendment: the Graduate School of Islamic Thought and Social Sciences (GSITSS), an institute of higher education, and the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), an Islamic research institute and think tank, as well as the private homes of a number of their employees and scholars,”

Apart from the danger of slipping into “witch-hunts” on a whim and therefore breaching civil rights, it seems the evidence against the organisations was less than substantial. Mr. Edgar pressed on to highlight the most important points:

“The complaint in the civil rights action says the affidavit in support of the search warrants contained fabricated material facts regarding non-existent overseas transactions. The complaint also says the search warrant affidavit was drafted with the help of private author and self-styled ‘terrorist hunter’ Rita Katz, who was paid $272,000 for her advice by the federal government and has made much more in a book deal and as a consultant for news organizations. According to federal investigators, Katz ‘lost the trust of some investigators from the FBI and Justice Department’ as a result in part of the ‘reckless conclusions’ she drew in her book, …” [Emphasis mine]

With SITE as the only source for the video and disregarding other influences, surely we could be forgiven for thinking there are not only are there severe conflict of interests but financial and public relation concerns that cast serious doubt on the authenticity of the recording.

What of the video itself? Needless to say, a few “problems” came to light.

It seems the devoutly religious and moral “Osama” has suddenly undergone a midlife crisis and sort refuge in a make-over for his adoring minions. This has resulted in a chocolate brown dyed hair and a beard suitably clipped into a more suburban, Muslim-terrorist-about-town style, topped off with a garish gold ring just to show that his taste in contemporary jewellery and his adherence to Islam do not clash. It appears the rationale of wearing of a ring which is forbidden by Muslim law, and the magical transformation of a left-handed Osama to a right-handed one is all perfectly understandable in the world that some analysts prefer to inhabit.

The SITE Institute happily made up the claim that it is “common practice” amongst Muslim men to dye their hair when in fact, the opposite is the case. According to one BBC report other analysts: “… have suggested that rather than being dyed, it may be actually false, and that to help avoid detection he is clean-shaven these days.”  [26]  Ah, of course, the old false beard trick. Works well in the caves of Afghanistan or the market streets of Pakistan. If he was a paid Osama look-alike then you have to go with what’s available. Times are hard, after all…

Given the satellite and surveillance technology that is at least sophisticated enough to read the newsprint as you sit on the John, it appears it isn’t up to the job of finding a Muslim terrorist dressed in yellow grab and a false beard. Of course, if a gaggle of Muslim terrorists are intelligent enough to pull off the biggest false flag in history and penetrate the most heavily defended region on Earth then it is probable that they would have thought about the idea of sophisticated surveillance. Yet, we asked to place our trust in the logic of a false beard nonetheless.

Moreover, the tape itself has been so hacked, chopped and generally messed around with, that it represents a frozen CGI image manipulated to give the illusion of a living, speaking human being. In the whole 26-minute recording, two short sections are sandwiched into the 26 minute recording where the man said to be bin Laden is seen talking: one at the beginning and one towards the middle. For the remaining 23 minutes of the tape we are invited to watch a still image of the speaker. (It is all the more extraordinary that no one in the MSM considers this odd. If they did, they weren’t about to say so, for obvious reasons). Apparent to anyone who has been exposed to the usual diet of a TV we can see cuts and edits all over the place, even the introduction of sections which appear to be from different recordings altogether. As noted by computer analyst Dr. Neal Krawetz of the University of Winnipeg: “… the new audio has no accompanying ‘live’ video and consists of multiple audio recordings… and there are so many splices that I cannot help but wonder if someone spliced words and phrases together. I also cannot rule out a vocal imitator during the frozen-frame audio. The only way to prove that the audio is really bin Laden is to see him talking in the video.”  [27]

That seems to be a tall order since Osama appears to have long since met his Maker.


(left) “Osama bin Laden” makes his Towers of Lebanon Speech in 2004 Source: Al-Jazeera | (right) A frame from “Osama bin Laden’s” 2007 video. Source: Intelcenter

Krawetz also noticed remarkably similar themes and technical details from bin Laden’s previous video, released in 2004, a few days before the US presidential election:

“[T]his is the same clothing [a white hat, white shirt and yellow sweater] he wore in the 2004-10-29 video. In 2004 he had it unzipped, but in 2007 he zipped up the bottom half. Besides the clothing, it appears to be the same background, same lighting, and same desk. Even the camera angle is almost identical.” Krawetz also comments, “if you overlay the 2007 video with the 2004 video, his face has not changed in three years—only his beard is darker and the contrast on the picture has been adjusted.”  [28]

If the Pentagon can concoct fake Al-Zarqawi letters boasting about suicide attacks and then leak them to The New York Times, to be printed on the front page the next day, it is much more than probable that videos would most certainly not be off limits.

Now, take this analysis and apply it to the present chaos that is ISIL. We have had mass civilian carnage on a scale all supported by extremely fake-looking videos, with hostages likely agreeing to stage mock set ups over a year before the televised “beheadings”. The first high profile beheading victim, journalist and anti-Assad James Foley is an example. A UK Times article reported on the findings of forensic analysts’ conclusion that the video of Foley’s beheading” was staged. Several points are made to explain why this is so, including:

  • The sounds made by Foley are not consistent with beheadings.foley1
  • There is no blood shed while ‘several cuts’ are made to the neck of Foley.
  • Foley’s words appear to have been scripted.
  • The analysis highlights a blip in the imagery that could indicate the journalist had to repeat a line.
  • Sounds made by Foley do not appear consistent with what might be expected.
  • The video begins with a clip of President Barack Obama. This footage appears to have been downloaded directly from the White House website. [29]


The propaganda video by ISIL with the victim James Foley 2014. His murder likely took place off camera.

Apart from embedded journalism which was the first red flag, Foley also worked in Iraq for a known CIA front USAID in 2009. By 2011, he had been kidnapped by Gaddafi’s military and then happened to repeat a round of bad luck with his capture in Syria. As a hostage in Libya, then again in Syria and finally beheaded by ISIS. This is a little far-fetched to say the least. As journalist Michael Krieger notes, his resume: “… reads more like a James Bond film script than that of a journalist with a teaching background.” Proof of complicity? Not really. It’s usually a mix of lies and truth with patsies not even knowing they’ve been sacrificed until it is too late.

Regardless of whether individuals were CIA/MOSSAD agents as some have suggested, they had, in truth, been murdered a long time before their few minutes of tragic fame. Once again, agents and patsies are collateral for the greater vision which follows exactly the same formula every time:

  • create / fuel radicalism through a complex mix of genuine cells and manufactured ones
  • = embed agents in chosen grouping to incite ideology to fever pitch and making sure to eject moderates
  • = Make sure a good cluster of psychopaths are present for the bloodletting and ensuing mayhem
  • = supply with bombs and assorted weaponry
  • = direct toward geopolitical aims
  • = ensure propagandized coverage via mainstream media.

Nothing has changed. The same people are in charge as they were during Al-Qaeda’s reign. The revolving door of politics has no effect on shadow government machinations. If these shoddy attempts at video manipulation are the best that outsourced military PSYOPS can come up with and the public still believes that the enemy is “out there” rather than the government and its agencies, then we are surely in for a very dark future. [30]


[1] ‘Apollo 11 Moon landing: ten facts about Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins’ mission’ The Telegraph, July 18, 2009 | See also:
[2] Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? By David Ray Griffin, Published by Olive Branch Press July 2009. ISBN-10: 1566567831. Also read a great summary found surprisingly in The Daily Mail, not noted for the finest journalistic standards. This article is however, an exception: ‘Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years – and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?’ By Sue Reid
Daily Mail, 11 September 2009.
[3] Bin Laden: Authentic Interview by Carol A. Valentine, Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum, October, 2001.
[4] ‘Transcript of Osama Bin Ladin interview by Peter Arnett’The first-ever television interview with Osama Bin Ladin was conducted by Peter Arnett in eastern Afghanistan in late March 1997. Questions were submitted in advance. Bin Ladin responded to almost all of the questions. CNN was not allowed to ask follow up questions. The interview lasted just over an hour. | ‘CNN Transcript of Osama Bin Laden’s October Interview’ with Taseer Allouni February 5, 2002. Al-Jazeera reporter Allouni was sent to jail for having links to Al-Qaeda and financial irregularities. The interview in question is used by US authorities as proof that 9/11 was carried out by Bin Laden but no such proof is in evidence and allusions of which go counter to bin laden’s previous claims.
[5] ‘Osama bin Laden, among the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives”: Why was he never indicted for his alleged role in 9/11?’ By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 17, 2006.
[6] ‘When Seeing and Hearing Isn’t Believing’ By William M. Arkin, The Washington Post, Feb. 1, 1999.
[7] ‘CIA unit’s wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay’ By Jeff Stein, The Washington Post, May 25 2010.
[8] ‘Bin Laden Taunts US and Praises Hijackers’ By John F.Burns, The New York Times, October 8, 2001. | ‘Bin Laden’s warning: full text’ BBC News, 7 October, 2001.
[9] ‘Bush: Bin Laden “virtually took responsibility” October 8, 2001.
[10] ‘US urged to detail origin of tape’ By Steven Morris, The Guardian, December 15, 2001.
[11] p.179; Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie By Kevin Barrett Published by Progressive Press, 2007.
[12] ‘Osama Tape Appears Fake, Experts Conclude’June 1st, 2006,
[13] TRANSCRIPT OF USAMA BIN LADEN VIDEO TAPE (“Transcript and annotations independently prepared by George Michael, translator, Diplomatic Language Services; and Dr. Kassem M. Wahba, Arabic language program coordinator, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. They collaborated on their translation and compared it with translations done by the U.S. government for consistency. There were no inconsistencies in the translations).
[14] National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005,( p. 6 ) | op.cit US Department of Defense, December 13, 2001.
[15] op.cit US Department of Defense, December 13, 2001. | Flight tickets booked: |, ‘The British Breeding Ground’ By Neil Mackay, The Sunday Herald September 30, 2001.
[16] ‘Bin Laden Video: Faulty Translation as evidence?’By George Restle and Ekkehard Seiker, Monitor TV December 20, 2001.
[17] ‘The Voice of Osama bin Laden: Osama’s voice on tape proves that the leader of al Qaeda is still alive. Or does it?’ By Richard A. Muller, MIT Technology Review, Communications News, January 23, 2004.
[18] p.237; Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden, By Osama bin Laden (Author), Bruce Lawrence (Editor), James Howarth (Translator) Published by Verso, 2005. | ISBN-10: 1844670457.
[19] ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ -Recent Video of Bin Laden Airs; Iraq Missing Explosives Still an Issue Aired October 29, 2004. Transcript: www.
[20] ‘Osama Tape Appears Fake, Experts Conclude ’US government fabricating evidence to manipulate American public, scholars say. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) May 30, 2006.
[21] ‘CIA-Linked Intel Center Releases Highly Suspicious Bin Laden Tape’ By Paul Joseph Watson Prison, September 14, 2009.
[22] Ibid.
‘SO, A ‘Charitable Organization’ (The SITE Institute) Released the Bin Laden Video…,’ By Berni McCoy, Berni McCoy’s Journal/Democratic Underground, September 10, 2007 | ‘Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda’s Secrets. Firm Says Administration’s Handling of Video Ruined Its Spying Efforts,’ By Joby Warrick, Washington Post, October 9, 2007.
[25] ‘Who is Behind the Islamic State (ISIL) Beheadings? Probing the SITE Intelligence Group’ By Prof. James F. Tracy, Global Research, September 15, 2014
[26] ‘Trimmed Bin Laden in media-savvy war’ By Frank Gardner, BBC News, September 8, 2007.
[27] ‘Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. – by Robert Vamosi,, September 12, 2007. | op.cit BBC News, (Gardener.)
[28] Ibid.
[29] ‘Foley video with Briton was staged, experts say’ By Deborah Haynes, The Times, August 25 2014.
[30] For further analysis of the video fakery see this article from 2011: ‘Exclusive: Osama bin Laden’s Nose and Left Ear’ By Joe Quinn 08 May 2011.

Osama and Al-Qaeda III: The Muslim Brotherhood

“The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims …”

– Mohammed Badie, Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.


“In Egypt, as in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood has made itself into an appendage of the Western imperialist ruling class.  It has dutifully served these interests over the course of decades, though the names, faces, and propaganda have changed over the years.”

Eric Draitser, geopolitical analyst

Square_compasses.svgThe above quote by Mohammed Badie in October 2012 came after the turmoil in Egypt and the Arab Spring. This transition period was effectively manufactured in the majority of Arab nations and in the case of Egypt it was a more opportunistic revolution which was hijacked. The Muslim Brotherhood came to power via Mohammed Morsi who after promising to respect all international treaties promptly turned his back on them, much to the displeasure of the populace and the military who eventually took control. This was however, mostly due to the neo-liberal economic polices of the IMF which routinely demands severe austerity measures in order to conform to the correct levels of debt slavery which Morsi promised he would implement. Either way, the Anglo-American Establishment was working through the Muslim Brotherhood, the military and some protest movements as par the usual formula for coloured revolutions. With all bases covered the turmoil could play out in any direction and US and their allied interests would remain in control. The Muslim Brotherhood is still listed as a terrorist group by Egypt, along with Saudi Arabia, UAE and Russia.

So, who are the Muslim Brotherhood and why had Osama bin Laden been associated with its ideology?


The offices of Al Taqwa Bank Lugano, Italy, on the borders of Italy and Switzerland. [Source:]

In 2001, a 14-page document entitled: “The Project” was discovered by Swiss investigators in the home of Youssef Nada, the head of Al-Taqwa Bank based in Lugano Italy. In 2002 it was shut down and all assets frozen by US and UN officials for alleged ties to Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and other radical Islamic militant groups. Nada and other Al-Taqwa directors are all members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Nada claimed innocence thinking it merely an interesting historical document. “The Project” reveals a strategic plan for “the establishment of the reign of God over the entire world,” and a “… global vision of an international strategy of Islamic policy.” Emphasis on infiltrating local and national centres of power; supporting the Holy War in Palestine; fermenting anti-Semitism; the infiltration of existing entities without “… being located and neutralized” and the establishment of “… a network of religious, educational, and charitable institutions in Europe and the US to increase influence there.” [1]

This could almost be the Arab version of the Protocols of Zion and very possibly drawn from the same ideological source: a hoax for a hoax and the continuance of divide and rule. On the one hand we have a Greater Israel and a political Messianism which demands a Global Jewish Theocracy and on the other, a global Jihad to install a World Islamic Caliphate. All the Establishment has to do is to play them off against each other and divide the spoils from each …


Hassan al-Banna the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (wikipedia commons)

A major Sunni revivalist organisation, the Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun) was founded in the Egyptian town of Isma’iliyaa in March 1928 by school teacher, mystic and British Intelligence agent Hassan al-Banna. It was set up due to a number of diverse influences which included the abolition of the caliphate by Turkish reformer Kemal Ataturk, in 1924 and the destructive consequences of the World War I, to the eventual demise of the Ottoman Empire. From only 800 members in 1936, it grew to over 2 million by 1948 with branches in over 70 countries in 2011.

As with so many organisations born from economic hardship, poverty and political strife, its beginnings had an idealistic even altruistic design and with an emphasis on moral reform. A devout Muslim and well versed in the Koran, al-Banna founded an organisation called the Society for Moral Behaviour and soon after, the Society for Impeding the Forbidden. He was also a member of the Hasafiyya Brothers’ order which was focused on Sufi mysticism and that later led to al-Banna organising his own order, the Hasafiyya Society for Welfare. [2] He later became a freemason, a perfectly normal practice of the upper middle class aristocracy in Egypt of the day. Historian and author Peter Goodman tells us that: “… the Egyptian monarchs, from Khedive Ismail to King Fouad, were made honorary Grand Masters at the start of their reigns. From 1940 to 1957 there were close to seventy Masonic lodges chartered throughout Egypt.”  [3] In fact, many important Islamic leaders in Egypt were freemasons such as Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, the founder of the political pan-Islamic Salafiyya movement, and Mohammed Abdou his successor. Sheikh Mohammed Abdou the Grand Mufti of Egypt was also the Masonic Grand Master of the United Lodge of Egypt and used as a conduit to overturn the prohibition of banking so that British banking families could slowly monopolise the country.


“Muslim Brotherhood Emblem” (Source: Wikpedia commons)

It was from these interests that al-Banna was likely recruited by British freemasonic-intelligence agents to help open up the Middle East and the consequent Islamic subversion. Egypt had always been a natural magnet for freemasonry counting it as the major birthplace and historical lineage of modern day lodges. Goodman states: “Freemasonry appeared in Egypt soon after Napoleon’s conquest in 1798 when General Kleber, a French Mason and top commander in Napoleon’s army established the Lodge of Isis. French Masonry dominated Egypt until British lodges began to appear after the British occupation in 1882.” [4]

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) wished to liberate the Islamic homeland from foreign hands and like the Zionists, establish an Islamic-led theocratic state which would then be extended across the globe. According to al-Banna, the Caliphate had to govern all lands that were at one time under the control of Muslims. He stated:

We want the Islamic flag to be hoisted once again on high, fluttering in the wind, in all those lands that have had the good fortune to harbor Islam for a certain period of time and where the muzzein’s call sounded in the takbirs and the tahlis. Then fate decreed that the light of Islam be extinguished in these lands that returned to unbelief. Thus Andalusia, Sicily, the Balkans, the Italian coast, as well as the islands of the Mediterranean, are all of them Muslim Mediterranean colonies and they must return to the Islamic fold. The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea must once again become Muslim seas, as they once were. [5]

Looking closer through the magnifying glass of history, the Muslim Brotherhood was part of the British Illuminati branch of freemasonry firmly rooted in Egypt and Turkey care of Bertrand Russell, John Philby and T.E. “Lawrence of Arabia “the most effective British Intelligence agent in the Middle East at the time. Former British Intel Officer Dr. John Coleman, was in no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood was a creation of British intelligence, set up as a secret freemasonic order to “keep the Middle East backward so its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted.” Indeed, without the Muslim Brotherhood no checking of nationalist movements led by such figures as Nasser, Bhutto and the Shah of Iran would have been possible. The cover story was to be seen as a reaction to Western Freemasonry’s secular youth corps of “Young Societies.”


The Young Egypt movement founded in 1933 by lawyer and freemason Ahmed Hussein stoked the fires of an Islamic “Empire” which is exactly what the British Empire in apparent decline had long sought: a grand “Clash of Civilisations” with Christian and Muslim, Zionist and Islamist, Fascist and Communist, creating eternal divisions that would lead to a global conflagration and an ultimate New World Order. The “Young” Order was to replace the “Old” Order and the subversion of Islamic culture was an integral part of that strategy. As Peter Goodman commented in his long study of the MB, without the long-standing Round Table-sponsored British interference in the region: “… radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous …” [6]  Geo-politics historian and author Robert Dreyfuss also sees the MB with its beginnings in London: “… as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century …” and from which: “… a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.”

From a nexus of freemasonic influences partnered with their geo-political strategists under the authority of the Round Table: “The real Muslim Brothers are … the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.”  [7]

The MB embraced all the fascist paranoia of this period of history not least, the thought of the revenge for Zionist atrocities drawn from the ancient past right up to modern history and the British “concessions” of the Balfour agreement. As a natural consequence of persecuting Jews and Judaism, collaboration with German and Italian fascists followed. German military intelligence had already become bedfellows with Hassan al-Banna partly from the support they gave during the Arab revolt in Palestine in 1936 and partly due to fascist-freemasonic influences which shaped al-Banna’s thinking in the first place. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini was to become the intermediary between Nazi ideology and al-Banna’s new Brotherhood. He met with his chum Hitler on several occasions and actively assisted the Axis Powers during World War II in both propaganda and military recruitment. [8]


Grand MuftiAmin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler, December 1941. (Source: wikipedia commons)

Weaving in amongst a potent mix of tradition and modern politics, al-Banna was able to surf the wave of new visions seeking expression in yet another power vacuum in the Middle East. The MB’s members are “brothers,” operating in groups called “cells”, just as illuminated Freemasonry did and continues to do. The nature of Islam was not hierarchical which lent itself to subterfuge and the later difficulties in eradicating ideological corruption. He used the honeycomb structure of Adam Weishaupt, which journalist and historian Mark Erikson described as featuring: “… sophisticated governance structures, sections in charge of different segments of society (peasants, workers, professionals), units entrusted with key functions (propaganda, press relations, translation, liaison with the Islamic world), and specialised committees for finances and legal affairs – all built on existing social networks, in particular those around mosques and Islamic welfare associations.” [9]

It spread into Egyptian society from the principles adopted by al-Banna who initially at least, following orders directly from the British Establishment. Its success would never have happened without it. Focusing solely on Islam, unlike freemasonry which was multi-faith membership, the MB was strictly for Muslims, cultivating secrecy and pyramidal command overlaid onto a logistical honeycomb structure. As is the case with all occult groups, the objectives of the leaders at the apex of the pyramid were not known to the common neophytes at the lower most tiers. Within such an organisational structure based on occult, religious and political beliefs it was inevitable that ponerisation would be swift, not least because of al-Banna’s warming to the ideology of Nazism.

A para-military wing named the Special Order Group was formed from the fascist “Young Egypt” (Misr al-Fatah) movement, founded in October 1933 and modelled on Mussolini’s black-shirts whose slogan was: “believe, obey, fight” and under the MB was changed to: “action, obedience, silence”, and in keeping with the famous Rosicrucian maxim: “To know, to will, to dare and to keep silent.” An intelligence apparatus took shape and in the tradition of all agencies oversaw the implementation of black operations including, assassinations, terrorist attacks and eventually espionage. [10] It was used in much the same way as the Irgun Israeli terrorist group by carrying out guerrilla raids against British colonial rule of the 1940s until Hassan al-Banna was assassinated by government agents in 1949.

It was radical leader, poet, academic and fellow freemason Sayyid Qutb who laid the fascist framework that would be so appealing as a formidable tool for Western intelligence agencies and which would continue to shape Al-Qaeda’s destiny well into the future. Indeed, some historians believe that without Qutb, Al-Qaeda would not have existed. [11]

His conversion to radical Islam came about after being exposed to the culture of the United States during graduate studies from 1948-51. This grew to a hatred of all things American which flaunted churches as “entertainment centers and sexual playgrounds.” He joined the MB assuming the position of editor-in-chief of the organisation’s newspaper, soon becoming its intellectual figurehead. [12]Mark Erikson explains Qutb’s principle accomplishment which was:


Sayyid Qutb on trial in 1966 under the Gamal Abdel Nasser regime

“… to articulate the social and political practices of the Muslim Brotherhood from the 1930s through the 1950s – including collaboration with fascist regimes and organizations, involvement in anti-colonial, anti-Western and anti-Israeli actions, and the struggle for state power in Egypt – in demagogically persuasive fashion, buttressed by tendentious references to Islamic law and scriptures to deceive the faithful. Qutb, a one-time literary critic, was not a religious fundamentalist, but a Goebbels-style propagandist for a new totalitarianism to stand side-by-side with fascism and communism.” [13]

A powerful echo of lluminist belief is seen in Sayyid Qutb’s writings. Expert on Islamic Studies Dr. David Zeidan sees Qutb’s particular brand of Jihad as explicated in his book Milestones as “reminiscent of the French and Bolshevik revolutions” with Qutb’s thoughts aligned to “fascist and Marxist ideas,” and: “Whilst clothed in Islamic idiom, they actually seem to represent an invasion of Islam by extreme secular modern philosophies.” [14] And this is exactly the same “revolutionary” principle that has been used to divide and conquer,  successively seeded in the goodness of an initial idea.

As the Zionists pressed ahead with their designs, by the late 1940s the MB had decided to act against the Egyptian monarchy in true Weishauptian form. With the 1948 Arab-Israeli War taking place in the background, the conflict between the monarchy and the Brotherhood increased, leading to Prime Minister Mahmoud al-Nukrashi Pasha disbanding it in December of that year. Despite his condemnation of Hassan al-Banna’s murder, this led to Pasha’s own assassination. With both individuals out of the way this paved the way for even more extremist groupings under leader Sayyid Qutb.

By the 1960’s MB recruitment drive had netted one Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian physician would become the ideological right-hand man of Osama bin Laden and the channelling of the fundamentalist doctrine of Wahhabism that would produce the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and later Al-Qaeda. Another was the Islamic Group of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman who was also implicated in the 1981 assassination of President Sadat. Both men would go on to work closely with the CIA in fermenting militant Islamism. Osama was said to have been a follower of Qutbism hence the differing methods and focus of the two Al-Qaeda leaders. [15]

 “… fanaticism is no insurance against corruption; indeed, the two are highly compatible.”

– author and ex CIA agent, Miles Copeland

In 1952, Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Abdel Hadi was the target of a coup by a secret group of dissenting officers led by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser who went on to topple the pro-British monarchy with the full support of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The fact that MB was saturated with Western intelligence agents and the doctrine of the Islamic State was not on Nasser’s agenda, their mutual suspicion soon grew. Aimed at breaking up the Brotherhood, Nasser initiated a series of crackdowns culminating in a ruling to outlaw membership two years later. Many were jailed and tortured driving the movement underground. It was at this point that the association between radical Islam and Saudi Arabia became fused, acting as a magnet for many Islamist refugees from Arab states who were hostile towards the Brotherhood. As the oil-rich Saudi royal family was vehemently against communism, they became an even more useful strategic US ally. Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood and the American Intelligence apparatus joined hands. According to former CIA case officer Robert Baer: “With the CIA’s implicit approval, the Saudi royals channelled funds to the Brothers, who joined a US-backed anti-Nasser insurgency in Yemen in 1962.” [16]

Sayyid Qutb was jailed and periodically tortured by Nasser until his death in 1966, securing martyrdom and ideological support which would have enormous repercussions for the future. The disillusionment within the Arab world from the defeat in the 1967 Six Day War with Israel was profound. It was a defeat that shamed Nasser and discredited the Arab nationalist cause. Another wave of crackdowns ensued on the Brotherhood as popular support began to rise.


President Gamal Abdel Nasser

As the Cold War began to take shape led by the Eisenhower Doctrine in the early 1950s, it was a ripe fruit that fell straight into the lap of the CIA. While the Safari Club and CIA’s Kermit Roosevelt was busy flexing its covert muscles in overthrowing elected Iranian leader Mohammed Mossadegh and installing Reza Pahlavi as Shah, the now Arab-German fascist network was still a hotbed of intelligence ideas simmering away from the post-war Nazi brain-drain. It became the central conduit for a European-based Islamic fundamentalism.

As described by journalist Jerry Gordon:

“Former Nazi Muslim veterans from the Soviet Muslim satellites … were captured by advancing German forces during WWII in the Caucasus and Crimea. The CIA funded Hassan al Banna’s son-in-law to advance the MB cause via the World Muslim League.  This resulted in an MB beachhead in the US launched from the Munich Islamic Center.”  [17]

Hot on the heels of a successful coup in Iran, Colonel Nasser suddenly became strategically worthy and was courted by the CIA despite his crackdown on the MB. This resulted in a substantial build-up of Egypt’s intelligence and security apparatus along with an infusion of new blood into Nasser’s agents in Germany. The CIA, already infested with Nazi psychologists, scientists and military brass, wheeled in Knights of Malta member and ex-head of German military intelligence, Reinhard Gehlen. He in turn employed the services of SS colonel Otto Skorzeny of the ODESSA network fame. Rather than help Nasser directly which was considered impolitic at the time, the CIA: “bankrolled more than a hundred Nazi espionage and military experts to train Egyptian police and army units” while Munich became a centrepiece of Islamism. The 1950s was a busy time for intelligence skulduggery.  [18]


Otto Skorzeny (top) and Reinhard Gehlen 1950s

However, the handshake with Nasser was not to last. The General had become increasingly disaffected with the West and when he turned to Russia for his arms and threatened to nationalise the Suez Canal, things turned very sour. Heavily tied up with American, French and British banking interests led by the House of Rothschilds, the Suez Crisis precipitated an assassination attempt on Nasser from British activated MB agents. [19] This led to a new crackdown on the MB as a whole and as ex-CIA operative Miles Copeland stated in his Game of Nations:

Sound beatings of the Moslem Brotherhood organizers who had been arrested revealed that the organization had been thoroughly penetrated, at the top, by the British, American, French and Soviet intelligence services, any one of which could either make active use of it or blow it up, whichever best suited its purposes. Important lesson: fanaticism is no insurance against corruption; indeed, the two are highly compatible.”  [20]

Just as they would do in Afghanistan, Egypt had become the testing ground for CIA Islamic propaganda which would extend across the Middle East. The US became “… a de facto partner of the Brotherhood as it evolved from a mass-based social reform organization into the wellspring of Islamic terrorism.” [21] In order to supercharge Islamic proselytizing, the Saudis and the CIA founded the Muslim World League in 1962 with asset Said Ramadan as its head. It was composed mostly of MB members holding key positions which allowed the dissemination of anti-communist religious propaganda and the construction of mosques and Islamic centres throughout the world – all sponsored by Western Intelligence. [22]


President Anwar Sadat

The 1970s began with the death of Nasser which inaugurated a renaissance for the MB under President Anwar Sadat sympathetic to moderate elements within the Brotherhood, much to the satisfaction of the CIA. Through Sadat’s close relationship with the head of Saudi intelligence, it was a chance for the CIA and Henry Kissinger to jump aboard. Before long, Egypt became: “a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism” with Al-Qaeda spellbinders Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman and Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri establishing their power base. [23]

However, Sadat’s proposal to forge a peace process with Israel was partly responsible for his assassination eleven years later. Al-Zawahiri and Abdul-Rahman Brotherhood factions – the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Group respectively – were among those implicated. (Rahman is presently serving life for his part in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing and other terrorist attacks while al-Zawahiri was apparently killed in an airstrike by US forces having outlived his usefulness).

The encouragement and conscious inculcation of Islamic Fundamentalism took on monstrous proportions as a geo-political tool for Western intelligence. It was a lucrative means to launch a Jihad for assets like bin-Laden and those who simply wanted the cash and kudos. The Muslim Brotherhood network became instrumental in recruiting foreign Islamic volunteers amid Afghanistan’s cultural background suffused with the writings of Sayyid Qutb, which were translated into local Afghan dialects. Pakistan acted as financial go between, Saudi Arabia provided insurance and cash while the CIA oversaw the whole pantomime which would unfold as the War on Terror.

Osama bin Laden sits with his adviser and purported successor Ayman al-Zawahiri during an interview in Afghanistan, Barack Obama

A disaffected-looking Osama Bin Laden (left) and Dr. Al-Zawahiri sitting pretty in 2001. Their expressions tell it all…

After the Soviet 40th Army retreated from Afghanistan in 1989, followers of the MB Islamic doctrine of Qutb, Al-Qaeda had become the equivalent of the Pan-European fascist Gladio network scattered around Afghanistan. When bin-Laden moved back from Sudan this was to be the beginning of a new phase in global terror operations where Al-Qaeda and the militant wing of the MB vied for supremacy, with a host of intelligence assets and double dealing on a grand scale. From the creation of Islamic fundamentalism came a fabricated enemy that would re-shape the world – at least until ISIS/ISIL was moved into position for the next bloody phase.

In 1988, the Muslim Brotherhood founded the aforementioned Al-Taqwa Bank headed by Youssef Nada (Of “The Project” fame) Ahmed Huber and François Genoudon. The bank was located on both sides of the border between Switzerland and Italy, with branches in Liechtenstein and the Bahamas serving as offshore tax havens. All the co-founders of the bank had decidedly fascist beliefs – most particularly from Ahmed (Albert) Huber, a Swiss convert to Islam an ardent admirer of Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Islamic militancy. In between his work at the bank he managed to find time to forge links between Neo-Nazism and Islamic Fundamentalist groups. [24]

Francois Genoud, who died in 1996, was also a Swiss lawyer who was up to his neck in Nazi adoration and fostering ties between Algerian and Palestinian terror groups. After having met Hitler as a teenager this appeared to have set him on a pro-Nazi belief that was to direct the course of his life. He started off as a Nazi agent during World War II, becoming a financier of the secret ODESSA organization. He was friends and financial advisor to such Nazi loveables as Klaus Barbie and Adolf Eichmann and was well-known as being the executor of the last will and testament of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. [25] Many authors and researchers believe that he was actually the principal financial manager of the hidden Swiss assets of the Third Reich after World War II. [26]

As far back as 1997, the FBI was fully aware of Al-Taqwa Bank shareholders and their holdings according to the President of the bank, at the time: Youseff Nada. A list of over 700 names were apparently discovered by the agency in 1999 which included Yousuf Abdullah Al-Qaradawi, the Grand Mufti of the United Arab Emirates, and high-ranking member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Huta and Iman bin Laden, sisters of Osama bin Laden, other bin-Laden family members; members of Hamas, a terrorist group according to US law and members of Kuwait’s royal family. Most interestingly, Hassan al-Banna’s assets and holdings may have continued with his descendants.


Youseff Nada. In March 2015 the head financier of the Muslim Brotherhood has his assets unfrozen after fourteen years. (image credit: Middle Eastern Monitor)

There were also other individuals who had been connected to organisations with links to Al-Qaeda yet no action was taken against the bank or those involved and despite the reported wealth of $229 million in capital which the bank had amassed by 1997. [27] US State Department officials finally accused the bank of being “… the most important financial structure of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic terrorist organizations,”  [28] and it was shut down (very conveniently) shortly after the September 11th attacks. Though some members and co-founders of the Al-Taqwa Bank were well-known supporters of terrorism and had frozen their accounts by 2002, other financial entities operated by the directors continued to cooperate freely. [29] Many of the members of the 9/11 hijacking team had links to the Muslim Brotherhood, including ringleader Mohammed Atta, for whom the Brotherhood was, as one CIA case officer commented: “At every stage in Atta’s journey.”  [30]


Mohamed Atta, alleged lead hijacker on 9/11

When the 9/11 Commission released its report on terrorism financing in 2004 it was distinguished not by the veracity of its research but by the stark contrast of its conclusions when compared to the MSM, authors and researchers on 9/11. Though this was designed to be a report on terrorism, very few major terrorist organisations are mentioned. BMI Inc., Ptech, Al-Taqwa Bank, Holy Land Foundation, InfoCom, International Islamic Relief Organization, Muslim World League, Muwafaq (Blessed Relief) Foundation, Quranic Literacy Institute, and the SAAR network are not once referenced or referred to, either in this, or the final 9/11 Commission Report.  [31]

Author Douglas Farah had this to say on this paucity of relevant MB material:

“The biggest hole is the complete lack of attention to the role the Muslim Brotherhood has played in the financing of Al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups. While the ties are extensive on a personal level, they also pervade the financial structure of Al-Qaeda .… According to sources who provided classified briefing to the Commission staff, most of the information that was provided was ignored .… [T]he Commission staff simply did not include any information that was at odds with the official line of different agencies.”  [32]

This is not surprising given the record of the 9/11 Commission itself which is seen as a white-wash by those within the 9/11 field of research. Indeed, the “omissions and distortions, “implicit and explicit lies” catalogued are well-known thanks to the work of many researchers and journalists, most notably Dr. David Ray Griffin.

The military-occult and financial banking connections extending from and to the Muslim Brotherhood is substantial. The global players use their various tools and techniques as a poker player would his chips. Very often the gamble pays off, sometimes it doesn’t. But if you are both the banker, player and architect of the game itself and make sure others in the global casino attempting to cream off a multitude of subsidiary gains are kept out of the loop, then a financial empire is not only maintained it is subsidised by a continuing conflict with higher and higher stakes.

Zionism, Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIL are the aces in a loaded pack, with many false-flag jokers up the controllers’ sleeves. The religious intolerance and bloodshed in the Middle East has been systematically prolonged and encouraged by psychopathic groupings that see Islam and Christianity as the prefect tools to “lock-in” long term ideals. To do that, they need to stimulate certain separatist and fascist ideologies as caricatures of their own ancient global objectives. 9/11 was a major step forward in the game plan and represented a “full house” in terms of the momentum it has created. As to whether the chaos set in motion will take on a life of its own is also part of the gamble.

mossad-cia-MB-© infrakshun

Since the imposition of the Bush Administration’s brand of Neo-Conservatism and now into the Obama doctrine of drones and assassinations, black operations have been extended as never before. Even back in 2002, an illustration of the kind of mind-set operating in semi-public called for a ‘Proactive, Pre-emptive Operations Group’ (P2OG), to launch covert operations aimed at “stimulating reactions” among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction. The report emerged the Defense Science Board (DSB), a Pentagon advisory group and called for the following recommendations:

  • Develop an entirely new capability to proactively, preemptively evoke responses from adversary/terrorist groups
  • Form a new elite Counter-terrorism Proactive Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG) at the NSC level
  • Highly specialized people with unique technical and intelligence skills such as information operations, PSYOP, network attack, covert activities, SIGINT, HUMINT, SOF, influence warfare/deception operations
  • Reports to NSC principal level.  [33]

With a suggested starting figure of $100 million per year for operations and support one wonders if this was dropped into the blogsphere merely for journalistic consumption and something much worse had already been formalised a long time ago. It is undeniable that standard government policy is bad enough but black operations outside congressional oversight is where the action really takes place. The provocation of terrorist cells ensures a precipitate response (usually upon innocent civilians) which ensures a quick retaliation by the relevant US authorities whether CIA, FBI or the US military who can then claim they are protecting the Homeland and its citizens. [34] By now, if the reader has read up to this point, it will seem a very old story indeed. For the terror industry to do its job it must be a global phenomena; the creation, training and infiltration of terrorist groups linked to Al-Qaeda is necessary, which is where the Muslim Brotherhood and Zionist groups come in. They are ostensibly “enemies” but work together to achieve their respective objectives higher up the chain of command.

One recent example is the 2012 attempted regime change of President Al-Assad in Syria which has seen a complex groupings of Al-Qaeda mercenaries; the Pentagon’s private security firms, covert MOSSAD operations and NATO allies all packaged up under a United Nations pretext of humanitarian aid. [35] Atrocities have occurred on both sides which bear the hallmarks of classic Western intelligence thugs supporting the Free Syrian Rebel Army, the best route to regime change. Atrocities are necessary to increase the idea that “this is what dictators do when threatened by humanitarian and democratic assistance.” There is no question that the CIA is fully investing its intelligence in the rebel army with a view to demonizing Assad using the standard caveat of Chemical weapons use as pretext.  [36]

From the 9/11 attacks there are a multitude of fall-guys who can always take the blame except for those truly responsible. Disinformation regarding 9/11 is currently being promoted to indicate that all roads lead to the Saudis which, as Michel Chossudovsky observes, is: “… part of the US foreign policy agenda, to be eventually used to discredit the Saudi monarchy and destabilize the Saudi financiers, who oversee 25 percent of the World’s oil reserves, ten times those of the US.” This had always been a future blackmail/bargaining chip.[37]

Consequently, as 2015 gets underway and Russia is refusing to go along with the Anglo-American and Israeli World State plans, we are seeing precisely that: a shell-game of spy vs spy where all the usual suspects are attempting to see who has the bigger hand in a very dangerous game of geopolitical poker. US-NATO alliances, Israel and Saudia Arabia are all panicking as their World Order plans begin to unravel.



[1] ‘The Project’, unknown author, Le Temps, Geneva, October 6, 2005.
[2] op. cit Weaver.
[3] op. cit. Goodman.
[4] Ibid.
[5] p.19; Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan by Caroline Fourest, Published by Encounter Books, 2008.
[6] ‘The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists’ Secret Weapon’ By Peter Goodman, 2002.
[7] op.cit Dreyfuss.
[8] Hasseini personally recruited leading members of the Bosnian-Muslim “Hanjar” (saber) division of the Waffen SS. “He recruited Muslim volunteers for the German armed forces operating in the Balkans. Beginning in 1941, al-Husseini visited Bosnia, and convinced Muslim leaders that a Muslim S.S. division would be in the interest of Islam. In spite of these and other propaganda efforts, “only half of the expected 20,000 to 25,000 Muslims volunteered’The largest division was the 13th Handschar division, which conducted operations against Communist partisans in the Balkans from February 1944. The creation of this division displeased the Croatian government, which raised numerous minor obstacles to its activities, out of fear that it would serve as a basis for Muslim autonomy.” From Wikipedia and Sources: Breitman, Richard; Goda, Norman J. W. (2011). Hitler’s Shadow. | Medoff,, Rafael (1996). “‘The Mufti’s Nazi Years Re-examined”. – The Journal of Israeli History. 17. pp. 317–333.
[9] Islamism, fascism and terrorism (Parts 1- 3) By Marc Erikson By Mark Erikson, Asia Times December 4, 2002.
[10] Rosicrucian reference: Theosophy Vol. 26, No. 7, May, 1938 (pp. 290-296) (Number 22 of a 29-part series) Great Theosophists: The Rosicrucians | Ibid. (Erikson)
[11] p.332; The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. By Lawrence Wright. Published by Knopf. 2006.| ISBN 0-375-41486-X.
[12] p.78; Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith By Vartan Gregorian. Published by Brookings Institution Press, 2003.
[13] op. cit. Erkison.
[14] Book Review: Milestones by David Zeidan |
[15] After Jihad: American and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy by Noah Feldman. Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.
[16] ‘The CIA and The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA Set The Stage for September 11’ By Martin A. Lee, Razor Magazine, 2004.
[17] ‘How the CIA Helped The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrate the West’ by Jerry Gordon 2011. New English Review.
[18] ODESSA Network: | ‘The Swastika & the Crescent’ By Martin A. Lee, Intelligence Report. Spring 2002, Issue 105.
[19] Game of Nations by Miles Copeland Published by Simon & Schuster, 1970 | ISBN-10: 0671205323
[20] Ibid. (p.184)
[21] op. cit. Lee; Razor.
[22] Ibid.
[23] op. cit. Dreyfuss (pp. 147-162, 165)
[24] ‘Far-right has ties with Islamic extreme’By Hugh Williamson and Philipp Jaklin in Berlin, The Financial Times.November 8 2001.
[25] ‘Europe’s New Fascists’ Mother Jones Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 4, May 1987 ISSN 0362-8841. (p. 45-52)
[26] ‘Hitler’s Swiss Connection’ by David Lee Preston, The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 5, 1997.
[27] ‘Shareholders in the Bank of Terror?’ By Lucy Komisar, March 15, 2002. “A previously unpublished list reveals that backers of a bank that the U.S. says helped fund al-Qaida include prominent members of the Arab world.”
[28] Ibid.
[29] ‘Alleged terror financier operates in plain sight – Bush vowed to freeze his assets years ago, so why is he still in business?’ MSNBC, By Lisa Myers, Aram Roston & the NBC Investigative Unit, June 30, 2005.
[30] ‘Annals of National Security: The Syrian Bet’ By Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker July 28, 2003.
[31] 9/11 Commission, July 24 2004, (pp. 61); 9/11 Commission, August 21, 2004, (pp. 134-5)
[34] ‘The Secret War’ By William Arkin, The Los Angeles Times, 27 October 2002.
[35] ‘Syrian Conflict Part of Mideast ‘Geopolitical Game’ By RIA Novosti, Global Research, / STOP NATO, October 23, 2012. | ‘Syria: The Western Deception Over Regime Change Unravels. NATO Prepares for All Out War’ By Finian Cunningham, Global Research, March 08, 2012.
[36] ‘Obama authorizes secret U.S. support for Syrian rebels’ By Mark Hosenball, Reuters, Aug 1, 2012. | ‘CIA authorised to offer intelligence support to Syrian rebels’ The Telegraph By Amy Willis, Aug 2, 2012. | U.S. ‘planned to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’ By Louise Boyle, Daily Mail, UK, 29 Jan 2013.
[37] ‘“Revealing the Lies” on 9/11 Perpetuates the “Big Lie”’by Michel Chossudovsky, Text of Michel Chossudovsky’s keynote presentation at the opening plenary session (27 May 2004) to The International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11, Toronto, 25-30 May 2004. 27 May 2004.

Osama and Al-Qaeda I

By M.K. Styllinski

“The idea which is critical to the FBI¹s prosecution that bin Laden ran a coherent organisation with operatives and cells all around the world of which you could be a member is a myth. There is no Al Qaeda organisation. There is no international network with a leader, with cadres who will unquestioningly obey orders, with tentacles that stretch out to sleeper cells in America, in Africa, in Europe. That idea of a coherent, structured terrorist network with an organised capability simply does not exist.”

Jason Burke, author, quoted in The Power of Nightmares, documentary

The key to understanding some of the key reasons for the September 11th attacks lies in the history of bin Laden and the creation of Al-Qaeda. The problem is still perpetuated by a common public misconception that there is still a case of “us and them” between government forces and Al-Qaeda terrorism. The American public and some within the 911 Truth Movement and MSM are pressing for culpability for members of the Bush Administration and their part in allowing Al-Qaeda to launch attacks on the United States. So called politicians turned whistleblowers are largely criticising failure of intelligence or incompetence without seeing the root causes which lies at the heart the War on Terror as a piece of large-scale propaganda of which Edward Bernays would have been proud. As author and economist Professor Michel Chossudovsky mentions: “… in a bitter irony, the very process of revealing these lies and expressing public outrage has contributed to reinforcing the 9/11 cover-up. ‘Revealing the lies’ serves to present Al-Qaeda as the genuine threat, as an ‘outside enemy’, which threatens the security of America, when in fact Al-Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus.” [1]

Al-Qaeda is more of a mercenary tool of global intelligence than a real terrorist threat. Regime change and resource exploitation are some of its goals. This necessarily incorporates radicalised individuals who serve as patsies and agents furthering the overall geo-strategy. They are a common form of collateral and cannon fodder. There is a wealth of evidence  for the interested researcher confirming the myth of Al-Qaeda from the mouths of whistleblowers, ex-Intel operatives, politicians, statesmen, authors and academics.

Leonid Shebarshin ex-chief of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence Service, who heads the Russian National Economic Security Service consulting company, said in an interview for the Vremya Novostei newspaper, that Al-Qaeda was an “all-mighty ubiquitous myth deliberately linked to Islam” in order to target “… the oil-rich Muslim regions.” He further commented: “The U.S. has usurped the right to attack any part of the globe on the pretext of fighting the terrorist threat…” and with military bases in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, Shebarshin said, “the United States has already established control over the Caspian region — one of the world’s largest oil reservoirs.” [2]


The Shahada – the Flag of Jihad often seen flying with Al-Qaeda, Taliban and ISIL (Source: wikipedia)

It is here that the Three Establishment Model (3EM) interests converge. They do so from the seemingly innocuous beginnings of the Safari Club which had its relatively humble beginnings in homage to the colonial hunters of the British Elite, Cecil Rhodes and the Round Table.

Russell E. Train (cousin of John Train, the Pilgrims Society member and former financial advisor to CIA-ally John Hay Whitney) was a co-founder of the African Wildlife Foundation set up since 1961. According to Train’s biography his foundation had drifted away from the Safari Club which was in existence before 1958 and coyly described by him as “a newly formed organization set up by a local group of businessmen who had gone on a hunt together in Mozambique.” [3] Although certainly a white man’s big-game hunting troupe for Pan-European and Anglo-American big-wigs, one of these businessmen and founders was Kermit Roosevelt Jr. who had set up the club as an anti-communist outpost, the evolution of which was given the seal of approval by Henry Kissinger several years later. Among other states, Saudi Arabia had a large hand in financing operations in Morocco, Egypt and Iran, with a view to countering Soviet operations in the Middle East and Africa. [4]

The other important founder was Count Alexandre de Marenches, the director of French intelligence services representing Pan-European Synarchism in the region. It would thus represent the next phase in Anglo-American dominance in Africa. The WWF and the 1001 club were involved in its formation via Train, Arthur Windsor Arundel and Sue Erpf van de Bovenkamp [5]

With Nixon booted out over the Watergate Scandal 1974, this saw the arrival of a new breed of psychopaths in power who would preside over criminal rule just as they did on 9/11: Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld; Chief of Staff, Dick Cheney; Vice president Nelson Rockefeller (brother of David) and George H.W. Bush as CIA Director, who joined the Ford Administration and the Kissinger cabal. Under this motley crew, 1976 would see the consolidation of a coalition of intelligence agencies that would begin the comprehensive carving up of Africa. The Safari Club would become the central hub for American intelligence financing; the organisation of an international network of terrorists; the CIA’s role in the global drug trade; the emergence of the Taliban and the origins of Al-Qaeda.

The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) formerly a small Pakistani merchant bank was transformed into an ISI/CIA front for the biggest world-wide money laundering enterprise in history. Its job was to accrue a network of banks to finance intelligence in Africa and other nations. Under Bush, the intelligence groups in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran worked closely with the CIA who found could out-source their Intel operations through these nations which otherwise have been logistically difficult not least because French intelligence was still at the helm of the Safari Club.

1977 was the year that the Trilateral Commission were able to exercise their power more actively through Jimmy Carter’s administration, though in truth, the real power was sourced from Zbigniew Brzezinski as National Security Advisor, just one of many Trilaterals which infested the government at that time. Foreign policy would be steered towards Trilateral objectives which saw the colonisation of Eurasia as vital in eroding the power of the Soviet Union, seen as a continuing threat to US supremacy and resource scarcity. Iran would become the fulcrum of revolution which would lead to the destabilisation of Russia and her interests. “There was this idea that the Islamic forces could be used against the Soviet Union. The theory was, [that] there was an arc of crisis, and so an arc of Islam could be mobilized to contain the Soviets. It was a Brzezinski concept.” [6] The same old patterns of interference ensued.


Zibigniew Brzezinski 1977 (wikipedia)

In 1953, the United States’ CIA initiated a coup in Iran under the codename of Operation AJAX, which sought to remove the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh. Almost thirty years later the Royal Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the dictator of Iran was suddenly no longer useful and Anglo-American allegiances now supported the fundamentalist Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini in favour of containment regarding Russia and access to oil. The media propaganda went into full swing for Revolution as preparations for a military coup inside Iran. In 1979, a coup proved unnecessary and Ayatollah Khomeini was smoothly installed as the Ayatollah of an Islamic Republic of Iran.

Much like the kinds of US-NATO-led incursions we saw in Libya and Syria in the last few years, human rights abuses, real and imagined, were floated excessively in the media. As social tensions rose in Iran the Shah’s secret police the notorious SAVAK were encouraged by US diplomats to embark on a campaign: “of ever more brutal repression, in a manner calculated to maximize popular antipathy to the Shah.”

True to form, the Shah fell into the trap laid by Zbigniew Brzezinski who had advised him: “… to be firm” in the face of demonstrations. [7]

After assisting the installation of fundamentalist Islam and just prior to the Iran-Iraq war Brzezinski met with Saddam Hussein and gave his support for the war ensuring that arms would be secured with the support of Arab oil-producing nations such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. [8] Though this war provided a bonanza for weapons manufacturers in the US, Britain and Russia it also served the American interests in fermenting continuing radicalism in the region so that pockets of conflict and the background of war would serve as cover for securing economic interests.

Meanwhile, as Islamic fundamentalism had been seeded and watered in Iran, Osama bin Laden had left Saudi Arabia to train the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan which the US government were training, arming, and funding to the tune of $3 billion thanks again to Brzezinski transplanting the Islamic foreign policy over to the “holy War.” Very soon, as the late Robert I. Freidman describes in The CIA’s Jihad: “… young Muslim men from across the Arab world, as well as from the U.S., flocked to Mujahedeen base camps outside Peshawar, Pakistan, where they were instructed in everything from making car bombs to shooting down Russian MiGs with U.S.-made Stinger missiles. Most of these recruits were fanatical Islamic fundamentalists who despised America just as much as they hated the Communist occupiers, but the CIA was willing to overlook that.” [9]

Osama bin Laden’s leadership in Afghanistan was vital in driving out Russia. The pretext used on this occasion was that the incumbent Afghan government was communist, which it wasn’t. The enormous investment handled by the CIA meant the creation and consolidation of bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda terrorist network with the blessing of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – and American tax-payers’ money. [10]  Brzezinski’s strategy to lay a trap for Russia whereby the Mujahedeen’s guerrilla war would embroil the Soviet Union in their own Vietnam was supremely successful, leading to its withdrawal and eventual collapse. [11]


Afghan Mujahedeen,October 1987. By Erwin Lux (Wikipedia)

Now that the Safari Club had managed to send out word through its extensive network of intelligence, numerous new recruits were harvested for the glorious jihad and holy war taking place in Afghanistan. Ahmed Rashid writing in Foreign Affairs explained: “With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI, who wanted to turn the Afghan Jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan’s fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually, more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.” [12] Islamic fundamentalism provided ample opportunity for martyrdom with a fantasy paradise of umpteen virgins waiting for their courageous warriors should they take up arms against the Russian infidels.

Bcci_logoBy the time the Reagan Administration took over Vice President George H.W. Bush made sure the BCCI banking funds were on hand for an expansion of operations in Afghanistan and other regions primed for divide and conquer tactics. Journalist Seymour Hersh termed the Safari Club a “private intelligence group [which was] one of George H. W. Bush’s many end-runs around congressional oversight of the American intelligence establishment and the locus of many of the worst features of the mammoth BCCI scandal.” [13]

Australian journalist John Pilger also placed the onus firmly on the Anglo-American intelligence structure: “More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, in camps overseen by CIA and MI6, with the SAS [British Special Forces] training future al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts. Their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia. This was called Operation Cyclone and continued long after the Soviets had withdrawn in 1989.” [14]


Taliban fighters

In the early 1980’s Osama bin Laden already had firmly established ties between Saudi intelligence agency (GIP) their favourite Afghan warlord Abdul Rasul Sayyaf and the Intel chief, and possible middle man for the Mujahedeen groups – Prince Turki al-Faisal, bin Laden’s friend. Though bin Laden “… did have a substantial relationship with Saudi intelligence,” as journalist Steve Coll stated, he was likely not an agent. The CIA and the Safari Club were both working through al-Faisal and “ISI stooge and creation” war-lord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in Afghanistan as well as the Pakistani ISI which had now become a powerful adjunct to the CIA thanks to General (later President) Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s military coup of 1977 who assumed the presidency in 1978. [15] It was no coincidence that Haq passed pro-Islamic legislation, created Islamic banking systems, and Islamic courts and introduced a new religious tax for the creation of tens of thousands of madrassas, or religious boarding schools. This was an offshoot of US policy to build radical Islam, via education that would indoctrinate generations of future Islamic militants for decades to come. This extended to the Pakistani military where “Radical Islamist ideology began to permeate the military and the influence of the most extreme groups crept into the army…” [16]

In 1984, bin Laden moved to Peshawar, a Pakistani town on the border of Afghanistan, so that he could help set up and run Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) (meaning “Services Office” in English). This was a front organisation for the Mujahideen which funnelled weapons, money, and willing Jihad fighters from all over the burgeoning militant Islamic network straight into the increasingly ferocious Afghan war. [17] Meantime, Pakistan’s General Akhtar Abdul-Rahman met bin Laden on a regular basis in the city for Intel and financial dealings related to drug profits from the opium fields which by then were totalling around $100 million. By 1985, bin Laden and the ISI – effectively the CIA – were splitting the proceeds. [18]


George H. W. Bush and BCCI

Rahman was a close friend of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who by now, was a CIA asset and recognised as an international drug trafficker at Interpol. A top US official said that Haq “was our man … everybody knew that Haq was also running the drug trade” and that “BCCI was completely involved.” [19] Then CIA Director William Casey and Vice President George H. W. Bush were fully aware of the connection and while meeting Haq in Pakistan allowed him to move his drug money through the BCCI in return for his role in the program which was to provide Intel, keep the radical Islamic factions at fever pitch and finance the war on terror network. On one such secret visit to training camps near the Afghan border in 1984, the CIA director spoke of a strategy to “… take the Afghan war into enemy territory—into the Soviet Union itself. Casey wanted to ship subversive propaganda through Afghanistan to the Soviet Union’s predominantly Muslim southern republics.” [20] It proved easy to do so. However, it would only be 3 years later that the two Generals Rahman and Haq would both be killed in a plane crash in 1988, widely believed to have been sabotage conducted by the MOSSAD who were concerned about Pakistan’s nuclear proliferation instigated by Haq. [21]


Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq circa 1977

In 1990, the blind Egyptian cleric, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was travelling to the United States in style – and on a CIA-supported, one-year visa as a reward for his propagandizing lectures in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Much to the confusion and consternation of many intelligence agents he was also on a State Department terrorism watch list that should have barred him from the country. Hand-picked as a spellbinder in order to whip up disaffected Arab immigrants for the required Holy War and in turn, to stir the support for Muslim rebels needed to topple the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan, Rahman was proving an extremely useful part of a burgeoning Islamist network of agents. There were “Jihad offices” in Atlanta, Jersey City, and Dallas, the most important being the “Al-Kedah” (meaning “struggle”) set up in Brooklyn, New York, as the Al-Kedah Refugee Centre which served as fertile ground for Rahman and others’ spellbinding skills.

However, the winds of “blowback” were beginning to whistle through the ranks of Arab-CIA assets, most of whom gave lectures at Al-Kedah which would eventually be implicated in the World Trade Centre Bombings in 1993. Over $600 million was funnelled to this precursor organisation to Al-Qaeda and from several smaller outfits benefiting from CIA funds along with rich Pakistani and Saudi Arabian donors. [22] It would continue to be the main financial hub for CIA chaperoned, Al-Qaeda terrorists so that they could form the so-called network of cells within the United States, heavily monitored and managed by the FBI and CIA. In the words of private Washington attorney and former investigative counsel for the Senate Foreign Relation, Jack Blum: “We steered and encouraged these people. Then we dropped them. Now we’ve got a disposal problem. When you motivate people to fight for a cause – jihad – the problem is, how do you shut them off?” [23]


World Trade Centre Bombings 1993 – Another FBI entrapment set up?

But it was much more than simply forgetting to switch off a tap. This was adapted to a much larger, long-term objective where Al-Qaeda would come home to roost and serve as the bogeyman for a highly ambitious attack on American soil. The object of the CIA exercise was to keep other US agencies and even certain team members from looking too closely into the various issues related to assassinations and terrorist attacks on the homeland. As a growing number of FBI and CIA whistleblowers have proven – not always an easy thing to accomplish.

Another CIA asset rubbing shoulders with bin Laden was Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian preacher/spellbinder recruited from a small village Jenin, ostensibly as a diplomatic tool for uniting squabbling rebel factions in Pakistan. He became bin-Laden’s mentor persuading him to join the Jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Azzam was asset gold due to his connections the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi intelligence, and the Muslim World League and the Islamic Coordination Council in Peshawar, which supervised the military activities of the Arab Mujahedeen. Meantime, he could sip martinis and chat with the air stewardesses as he travelled for his frequent lectures in New York, at Al-Kifah and the Al-Farooq Mosque in Brooklyn and the Al-Salam Mosque in Jersey City calling for the “spark” of revolution “… that may one day burn Western interests all over the world.” As Freidman wryly mentions, a fact which drew so many of the CIA assets: “Azzam then asked his audience for donations, made out to his personal account at the Independent Savings Bank.” [24]

Having got too big for his Keffiyeh, Azzam was eventually murdered in a car bomb after accruing many enemies, including Osama bin Laden. No one really knew who had pressed the button but most were glad someone had. As with all allegations of foreknowledge and duplicity the CIA always plays dumb. As a New York investigator observed: “Left with the choice between pleading stupidity or else admitting deceit, the CIA went with stupidity.” [25]

From 1984 onwards, the CIA’s ability to twist itself into a spaghetti junction of lies became tragi-comic. As covert importation of Al-Qaeda terrorist and Islamic militants continued via MAK, one Ali Mohammed came to the attention of the media. A  major in the Egyptian army and a US operative he was tasked with training Islamic militants within the US. As yet another visitor to the Al-Kifah Centre and part of the army unit that was responsible for the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat he was involved in a special training program for foreign officers at the US Army Special Forces School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, as far back as 1981. Mohammed was apparently purged from the Egyptian Army after the assassination and joined the Green Berets, reportedly travelling to Afghanistan in 1992 to aid the Mujahedeen.

In 1984, US officials told the media that they were forced to remove Mohammed due to his religious beliefs which were considered too extreme. Mohamed found his way to the CIA in Egypt and asked to join as a spy. (It’s as easy as that). CIA subsequently decided that he couldn’t be trusted on account of his associations with Hezbollah. He found himself on a terrorist watch list order to prevent him from coming to the US. However, Mohamed turned up with a brand new visa and moved to America sailing through customs without any problems, with the US State Department choosing not to explain to a thoroughly confused media. [26] Like so many of these stories, they are quickly forgotten.

In 1995, it was revealed at the trial of terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, that Mohammed had been admitted to the US under a special visa program controlled by the CIA’s clandestine service. A subsequent search of his New Jersey home turned up forty boxes of evidence which had the D.A.’s office and the FBI looked at it more carefully, would have revealed an active terrorist conspiracy about to boil over in New York. In addition to discovering thousands of rounds of ammunition and hit lists with the names of New York judges and prosecutors, investigators found amongst the evidence classified U.S. military-training manuals. They also found a video made at Fort Bragg featuring the Green Beret Ali Mohammed lecturing U.S. officers and officials on the politics of Jihad. On the video, Ali Mohammed sounds oddly like a radical fundamentalist himself, declaring that the Muslim world will never accept the existence of Israel.

The CIA was lying again and not quite getting away with it. Nonetheless, no action was taken and before long, Mohammed had found himself a wife and had settled into the American dream.


cook_robinRobin Cook

The late Robin Cook as UK Foreign Secretary, was outspoken in his resistance to the Iraq war and the lies of the then Prime Minister Tony Blair. Cook was one of the very few who resigned over the issue to become an ordinary back-bencher, stating: “I can’t accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain now to military action in Iraq without international agreement or domestic support.” Cook also wanted to stop the export of aerospace jet fighters to General Suharto’s repressive regime in Indonesia. As he told the Guardian: “we will not permit the sale of arms to regimes that might use them for internal repression or international aggression. We shall spread the values of human rights, civil liberties and democracy which we demand for ourselves”. He was to be a vehement opponent and thorn in the side of the Blair government before his untimely death.

Many insiders believed that Cook was destined for a senior Cabinet post under the Brown premiership but this would have been problematic for the British Establishment who was set on Middle Eastern conquest. As Foreign Secretary, Cook would have had plenty of access to intelligence reports and related operations abroad. He is known to have considerably ruffled some feathers by breaking the official secrets act and discussing policy and future proposals. He was to do this in spectacular fashion by courageously speaking the truth regarding the War on Terror and the nature of Al-Qaeda which was “literally ‘the database’, and in Cook’s words: “… originally the computer file of the thousands of Mujahedeen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.” [27] The Guardian article appeared just after the 7/7 bombings and the incendiary speeches by Cook. Whatever ball the respected politician had started to roll it was not to last.

Robin Cook’s legacy in standing for truth was corroborated by a former French Intelligence agent Pierre-Henri Bunel, who wrote an article for the World Affairs journal based in New Dehli in 2004 where he repeated so many top level analysts’ conclusions: “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.[28]

This is where global drugs market comes in …



[1] ‘“Revealing the Lies” on 9/11 Perpetuates the “Big Lie”’ by Michel Chossudovsky – Text of Michel Chossudovsky’s keynote presentation at the opening plenary session (27 May 2004) to The International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11, Toronto, 25-30 May 2004. 27 May 2004.
[2] ‘Russian Intelligence Chief Says Al-Qaeda A Myth,’ MosNews| March 21, 2005.
[3] p.39; Politics, Pollution, and Pandas: An Environmental Memoir By Russell E. Train, Published by Island Press 2003.
[4] Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War and the roots of Terror by Mahmood Mamdani, Published by Three Leaves Publishing; Reprint edition, 2005. ISBN-10: 0385515375. (p.84)
[5] ‘World Wildlife Fund: The 1001 Club Mafia dons, intelligence agents, and raw materials executives striving for a sustainable future’
[6] p.67; Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale-Scott, Published by University of California Press, 2008. ISBN-10: 0520258711.
[7] Ibid. (p.81)
[8] The eight year Iran/Iraq war (1980-1988) is remembered as one of the most shockingly harrowing conflicts of the 20th century. It was reminiscent of the First World War in terms of sheer numbers of dead; territory shifting back and forth between the two sides like bone-dry seas, heavy with the burden of teenage corpses and the endless pain of grieving families. It was a lucrative time for the US, Russia, and various European nations eager to extend this barbarism in order to squeeze out the highest profits from a whole generation of beleaguered youths. Meanwhile, the rest of the Middle East looked on, until the final combined casualty list total reached one million. The combined profit from these arms deals however, is unknown, but we can guess at the obscene sums of money accrued. To further compound the misery and the arrogance of its leaders, nightmarish monuments were erected on the backs of an already broken people: the fountain of blood in Teheran, the soldier statuaries in Basrah and two giant crossed swords clasped by equally giant arms modelled on Hussein himself. They were also cast in a British foundry. It is testament to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s skill as a geo-political tactician and strategist as it is his cold absence of conscience.
[9] ‘The CIA’s Jihad’ By Robert I. Friedman, June 30, 2002. Current View Point
[10] ‘Who is Osama Bin Laden? BBC News, 18 September, 2001.
[11] ‘The Soviets’ Vietnam’. Richard Cohen Washington Post. April 22, 1988.
[12] ‘The Taliban: Exporting Extremism’, by Ahmed Rashid, Foreign Affairs, Issue November-December 1999.
[13] ‘Seymour Hersh and the men who want him committed’, by Matthew Phelan, February 28 2011.
[14] ‘Why Good Friends left behind.” By John Pilger, The Guardian, September 20, 2003.
[15] ‘It ain’t over till it’s over’ By Marc Erikson Asia Times November 15 2001.
[16] I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror: 18 Years Inside Afghanistan by Kathy Gannon, Published by Public Affairs, 2005. |ISBN-10: 1586483129. | (pp.138-142)
[17] ‘The Real Bin Laden’ by Mary Jane Weaver, The New Yorker, 2000.
[18] p. 29; Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11. By Gerald Posner, Published by Random House, 2003.| ISBN-10: 0375508791.
[19] op. cit. Dale-Scott, (pp. 73-75).
[20] ‘Anatomy of a Victory, the CIA’s Covert Afghan War’ by Steve Coll Washington Post, July 19 1992.
[21] ‘Editorial:Another clue into General Zia’s death’ Daily Times Pakistan, December 2005. […] “former US ambassador to India, John Gunther Dean, suspects that General Zia ul Haq was killed by the Israelis. This is interesting enough but perhaps would not have made it beyond the slew of conspiracy theories that have been cropping up since Zia was killed in a C-130 plane crash if the US State Department had not chosen to ignore Mr Dean and later cashier him on grounds of being mentally imbalanced.
According to Ms Crossette’s account under the title ‘Reflections — Who Killed Zia?’, Mr Dean suspects that General Zia, his top commanders, the US ambassador to Pakistan, Arnold Raphael, and a US brigadier-general were killed by the Israeli secret agency Mossad because Tel Aviv was concerned about Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions following a statement by General Zia in 1987 that Pakistan was a “screwdriver’s turn away from the bomb”.But when Mr Dean expressed his views to the State Department at the time and insisted that the US must thoroughly investigate the Israeli-Indian axis, the Department accused him of mental imbalance and relieved him of his duties; this, despite that fact that Mr Dean was a distinguished diplomat who had garnered more ambassadorships than most envoys. Ms Crossette says that Mr Dean, now 80, wants the stigma of mental imbalance removed and is collecting his papers and is ready to share his thoughts. He lost his medical and security clearance because of his views and was forced to seek retirement in 1988.”[…]
[22] pp. 279-280; Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam by Robert Dreyfuss (American Empire Project) Published by Metropolitan Books; 2005 | ISBN-10: 0805076522.
[23] op. cit. Freidman.
[24] Ibid.
[25] Ibid.
[26] ‘The Masking of a Militant’ By Benjamin Weiser and James Risen – A Soldier’s Shadowy Trail In U.S. and in the Mideast The New York Times, December 1, 1998.
[27] ‘The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means – The G8 must seize the opportunity to address the wider issues at the root of such atrocities’ By Robin Cook, The Guardian, July 8, 2005.
[28] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ By Pierre-Henri Bunel, Global Research, May 12, 2011 | Wayne Madsen Report 20 November, 2005.

The Terror Industry (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great,’ cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.”

former FBI assistant director Thomas Fuentes

twin-towersIt took over 35 years for the majority of Americans to realise that factions within their own government assassinated John F. Kennedy. Not exactly a hopeful premise from which to start. It was at this juncture that the ground was laid for a more serious threat to the freedoms of not just the American Republic but to the stability of the whole world. More than 14 years have passed since the September 11 attacks and more people than ever are studying the official story and coming away with many more questions than answers.

Opinion polls on 911 vary greatly, both in terms of the questions asked and the size of the number of respondents. Back in 2006 more than a third of the American public suspected that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East. [1] One in seven people in the UK believe the US government staged 9/11 and a recent poll sponsored by the German magazine Welt der Wunder resulted in 89 percent of the respondents saying they don’t believe the US government has told the whole truth about 9/11. [2] Interestingly, for the purveyors of State protection, a 2012 online poll by The Franklin Centre Library revealed that 77 percent thought 11 years after 9/11 that we were all less safe than before. [3]

With 75 top professors and leading scientists claiming  9/11 was ‘inside job’ in 2014, it appears academia is catching up with the public, though at a snails space. A more respectable 2,322 architects and structural engineers have also expressed their disbelief in all or some of the aspects of the official story over at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth ( There are hundreds of other 9/11 website organisations and non-profit educational charities who take issue with the governments version ranging from grassroots to academic.

The online encyclopedia of Wikipedia, (censored and guarded by suitable official story gatekeepers) provides the best summary of the US government and media-led “conspiracy theory” which has lodged itself in the public mind. The following represents the standard synopsis which is constantly wheeled out from media outlets and taken as the consensus.

Once upon a time…

“The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11) were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally flew two of those planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers also intentionally crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and intended to pilot the fourth hijacked jet, United Airlines Flight 93, into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; however, the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers attempted to take control of the jet from the hijackers. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, including all 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes. At the time of the attacks, media reports suggested that perhaps tens of thousands might have been killed, and the total number of casualties remained unclear for several days.

Suspicion quickly fell on Al-Qaeda, and in 2004, the group’s leader, Osama bin Laden, who had initially denied involvement, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives for the attacks. The United States responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, which had harbored Al-Qaeda. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. In May 2011, after years at large, bin Laden was located and killed.” [4]

So, let’s get this straight…

… What we are being told is that a handful of mostly Saudi Arabians without military or intelligence training, acting independently of government or Intel agencies, managed to outsmart the whole Anglo-American Intelligence network, Israel’s MOSSAD and NATO; as well as the National Security Agency with its massive surveillance of connected networks spanning the globe. Let’s add to this the so-called “failures” from the National Security Council; US Airport security; NORAD, Air Traffic Control and the US Air Force. Let’s not forget the world’s most powerful defence system overseen by the world’s greatest superpower which just happened to allow a handful of Arabs with minimal pilot’s training, armed with box-cutters fly two jumbo jet airliners into the financial heart of downtown New York exploding into the most famous icons of world trade, whilst another employed an impossible flight manoeuvre in order to crash into the military defence centre of the most powerful nation on earth. Then, just before Obama’s election time, Osama Bin Laden, a known CIA asset and a former close business associate of the Bush family is conveniently found after over a decade of being “on the run”. Despite being the most wanted terrorist on earth, he is not questioned – like so many in Guantanamo Bay who appear to be mostly innocent yet tortured nonetheless – he is assassinated and promptly dumped at sea. Mission accomplished.


© Rkaphotography | – US Wars Are State Sponsored Terrorism Photo

That has to be the worst conspiracy theory ever to insult the intelligence of a sixth grader.

Yet, that is the official story we are expected to accept – without question. Most shocking of all, that’s exactly what so many people do: accept a story that simply cannot be true. Moreover, to add insult to injury and the memory of the dead, no proposal for an independent investigation into why the most monumental “failure” in National Security could have happened has arisen from the President, Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the MSM; nor has anyone been reprimanded, let alone prosecuted. The reality has been constant resistance, stone-walling, disinformation, propaganda, threats, suicides, and murders. Add to the mix are the corrupted commissions and inquiries whose only remit is to push the official story that must be made to fit into official culture. Of course, such a coup d’état could never have been accomplished if societies hadn’t been suitably tenderized by decades of social engineering. Part of that success has been due to the global War on Terror, or “overseas contingency operations” as Obama likes to call it.

Al-Qaeda and the global war on terror is the continuance of a “Strategy of Tension,” which refers to a period in Italy from 1969 to 1974, which suffered a series of terrorist attacks with heavy civilian casualties. It was an offshoot of what has been called Operation Gladio and their state-sponsored terror teams in Europe. [5] The strategy had its roots in fascist beliefs of Synarchism within government, military and intelligence networks. Their objective was to ruthlessly exploit underlying fears and grievances in European nations so that people would believe that the attacks were carried out by a communist insurgency within Europe. Many of these terrorist organisations went underground and resurfaced to be periodically stimulated by their masters for bespoke objectives. They do not just arise out of the blue. Much like the ebb and flow of paedophile and sex abuse networks, terrorist atrocities are given the required camouflage so that the perpetrators and their handlers remain in the shadows.

There are many populist and academic sources that will prove the phoney nature of Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. Of particular note is the acclaimed UK documentary The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis Top where CIA officials openly admit that the creation and history of Al-Qaeda as a terrorist network is a fabrication. [6] As former French intelligence officer Major Pierre-Henry Bunel confirms:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” [7]

The CIA has used this ghost to buttress the fantasy that is Al-Qaeda (and the new proxy private army called ISIL), employing fake media reports and video appearances clearly from persons other than bin Laden himself which have fed into the aftermath of the new pearl harbour that was 9/11. [8] Even the name of “Al-Qaeda/Al-Qaida” has produced confusion, even dark amusement in Arab circles as one commentator wryly observed: “You have heard before that ‘Al-Qaeda’ roughly translates into ‘the base,’ but were you aware that ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is Arabic colloquial for ‘I’m going to the toilet’? Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit?” [9]

A fair point.

The common tactic that has been referred to before is known as the Hegelian Dialectic, though in truth Hegel described social changes rather than pointed manipulation in this context. However, it serves a suitable framework for the thinking behind state-sponsored terrorism which goes something like this:

1. The government creates or exploits a problem then attributes blame to others.

2. The populace react by asking the government for protection and help.

3. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.

4. Outcome: Rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

This is the geopolitical paradigm of our times largely unknown by the public, though thanks to the internet this is gradually changing. Government and military agencies at the mid to lower levels are equally unaware of this old formula which writer G. Edward Griffin described as: “… not a war on terrorism to defend freedom, but a war on freedom that requires the defense of terrorism.” [10] Meantime, the PR from the MSM and academia is still pushing the idea that America and Europe are overrun with teeth-gnashing terrorists hell-bent in renting asunder the fabric of our Western way of life. Since what is left of any civil rights in Europe and the US constitution has been eviscerated by the very same authorities who peddle these myths then might there be some mileage in the idea that they have something to gain from it all? For anyone who has taken the time to research the genesis of terrorism and the present-day nonsense passing for terrorist laws in the United States it is beyond doubt that the only thing American and European people need to fear is their governments.

According to a basic statistical analysis from 2013 the actual percentage of the US population who may be classified as a terrorist is around 0.00016%, or about 1 in 624,297 people. In this context, the writer Marc Salvo makes a pertinent observation about this topsy-turvy terror game when he said just a few months ago: “We’re not suggesting that terrorism doesn’t exist, but considering that 1 in 1000 Americans in 2010 were the subject of police misconduct ranging from excessive force beatings and murder to sexual assault and false arrest, perhaps the government should turn its surveillance on itself, rather than the 99.9% of Americans who want nothing more than to be left alone.” [11]

That is not to say there are not genuine terrorist plots, but the key issue here is what prevents terrorism from occurring and what actively encourages it? We know that invading Syria or Iraq has provided a massive surge of terrorist cells in those countries as a result and a bleed-through must have occurred in America and Europe. However, like some police trawling and entrapment operations in the UK, the lines between what is a genuine terrorist plot and creating home grown fanatics is more than blurred, it continues to stoke the needed fear and high profits necessary to sustain a terror industry.

As Al-Qaeda is wound down, ISIS takes over, funded with billions of dollars: a new brand with new bloody atrocities to market …



[1] ‘New National Poll: 36percent of Americans Believe 9/11 Was an Inside Job’ By Thomas Hargrove, Scripps Howard News Service Seattle. August 2, 2006.
[2] ‘One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy’- The belief is more common among younger people, with a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory By Alanah Eriksen, Daily Mail, 29 August 2011 | ‘German Poll: 89percent Question 9/11’ Welt-der-Wunder, January 24, 2011, 9/11 Truth News.
[3] ‘9/11 Online Poll’ The Franklin Center, September 11, 2012.
[4] ‘September 11th Attacks’ ( A far better starting point for an alternative “wikipedia” version of 9/11 can be found at wikispooks.)
[5] “Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.
The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. … The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.” – Operation GladioNATO/CIA “Stay-Behind” Secret Armies/ Truth Move / International Truth Movement,
[6] A partial listing for your own research follows: The Power of Nightmares BBC documentary by Adam Curtis. This is freely available to watch from various sources on the internet. ‘Al Qaeda and the ‘War on Terrorism’’ By Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2008. The Centre for Global Research: and read the updated version of his 2005 book: America’s War on Terrorism by Michel Chossudovsky,| ISBN 0-9737147-1-9 2005. “…new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy. According to Chossudovsky, the ‘war on terrorism’ is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.” | See also: ‘Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project’ by Andrew G. Marshall, Global Research, July 10, 2008 and ‘The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber’ By Joe Quinn,, 29 Jan 2007.
[7] ‘Al Qaeda: The Database’ by Pierre-Henry Bunel, Wayne Masden report November 18 2005. “In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.”
[8] ‘Researcher: Bin Laden’s beard is real, video is not’ – Digital evidence supports the theory that Al-Qaida is recycling old footage to create new messages. September 12, 2007.
[9] ‘Existence of ‘Al-Qaeda’ Is Crap; Quite Literally’ – Did Osama really choose to name his terror network after potty humor or was it a computer database he used to chat with his CIA handlers? By Paul Joseph Watson,| October 6 2006: “The origins of the name “Al-Qaeda,” and its real arabic connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News, or any individual who cites the threat of ‘Al-Qaeda,’ as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism, they are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.
An organization by the name of “Al-Qaeda” does not exist and has never existed outside a falsely coined collective term for offshoot loose knit terror cells, the majority of which are guided by the Pakistani ISI, Mossad, the Saudis, MI6 and the CIA, that were created in response to America’s actions after 9/11 – as the recent NIE report shows. According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous footage of Bin Laden marching around with armed soldiers was a ruse on the part of Osama himself, graciously propagated by the lapdog press, in which actors were hired off the streets, given uniforms and guns and told to look aggressive.” […]
[10] ‘The Chasm: The Future Is Calling’ (Part One) by G. Edward Griffin 2003, Revised March 17, 2011.
[11] ‘Odds That You Are a Terrorist: 1 in 624,297’ By Mac Slavo,, October 18th, 2013.


Puppets & Players I

By M.K. Styllinski

“What differentiates a sociopath who lives off the labors of others from one who occasionally robs convenience stores, or from one who is a contemporary robber baron – or what makes the difference between an ordinary bully and a sociopathic murderer – is nothing more than social status, drive, intellect, blood lust, or simple opportunity What distinguishes all of these people from the rest of us is an utterly empty hole in the psyche, where there should be the most evolved of all humanizing functions.”

Dr. Martha Stout, “The Sociopath Next Door”


“To give you some idea of the enormity of the problem that faces us, consider that there are at least 2 million psychopaths in North America; the citizens of New York City have as many as 100,000 psychopaths among them. And these are conservative estimates. Far from being an esoteric, isolated problem that affects only a few people, psychopathy touches virtually every one of us. Consider that the prevalence of psychopathy in our society is about the same as that of schizophrenia, a devastating mental disorder that brings heart-wrenching distress to patient and family alike. However, the scope of the personal pain and distress associated with schizophrenia is small compared to the extensive personal, social and economic carnage wrought by psychopaths. They cast a wide net, and nearly everyone is caught in it one way or another.”

Dr. Robert Hare, “Without Conscience”



Moloch of Totalitarianism – A Memorial dedicated to the victims of totalitarian regimes. Situated at Levashovo, Saint Petersburg, Russia. (wikipedia)

Perhaps all the empires of ancient and modern history were test runs for the psychopath; the ebb and flow of their rule as valuable cycles to hone their skills in understanding the curious majority of humanity who harbour conscience and creativity.

Pathocracy has been fleshed out under a variety of names most notably the New World Order, Globalisation, World State and the Last Great Empire. Total world domination amusingly popularised by James Bond villains and countless mercurial, dark-cloaked figures cackling at their own despotic genius simply harks back to a very real and ancient archetype of evil, tenaciously holding onto the long-term prize of absolute control by the select few.

The question is not whether the psychopath’s dream of ultimate control will succeed because we know it will not since the very nature of entropy means that it must eventually collapse. The concern is how much chaos they will stimulate during their deluded rise to omnipotence and whether or not we can modify and ameliorate the worst of its effects. To outwit the anti-humans we cannot become like them which is what they would heartily wish. We must learn to know their ways just as thoroughly as they know ours. We must start with plumbing the depths of their evil by comprehending that there is literally no limit for the psychopath, no depths to which he will not stoop to achieve his ends and no reasoning which might persuade him to give up.

Our first realisation is that the psychopath blends in with normal human beings in order to fit in. Once this is accomplished the institutional and ceremonial (occult) psychopaths set about subverting them. Meantime, he goes about his business unnoticed and unhindered, often seen as a trusted pillar of the community. As masters of mimicry and manipulation, he can insinuate himself into groups, organisations and institutions. His – or her – charisma, cold efficiency and fearless demeanour can serve to short-circuit the intuitions of his normal associates who might sense that something is “off.” However, when the dopamine and serotonin are flowing, critical faculties are replaced by wishful thinking and the projection of our values and conscience takes place and it is then that psychopath knows that he has us in the palm of his hand.

Official Culture is designed to deify the alpha male and the femme-fatale so that competitive dominance of the lowest instincts continues to appeal to the lowest yardstick of human aspiration. Who could believe that such a dynamic philanthropist and family man could be nothing more than a reaction-machine seeking to feed? Yet, you will find their footprints – known or unknown – in the blood of all the atrocities, genocides, wrong-doings and pointless wars throughout history. No historian will mention such a repeating pattern; no social scientist will attribute this to the presence of the psychopath endlessly doing “what he wilt,” safe in the knowledge of human ignorance.

Nothing is more useful to the psychopath than the mantle of the holy or just. Our incredulity is his most effective weapon for the continuance of emotional and physical carnage. Psychologist Dr. Andrew Łobaczewski mentions that when a suitable ground has been laid for ponerological influences to seed: “… one kind of evil feeds and opens doors for others regardless of any individual or doctrinal motivations.” Once the psychopath has been invited in, due primarily to a lack of psychological knowledge, it is almost impossible to prevent the fulfilment of his desires. Łobaczewski further states: “Since pathological factors are present within the syntheses of most instances of evil, they are also present in its continuum.” [1]

Hence the problem of our hamster-wheel of repeating lessons where the most vulnerable continually suffer.

When psychopaths rule society, their worldview is inevitably expressed to the detriment of us all. And because deceit is the means by which they enforce their will, it appears to be humane and eminently logical because we are not used to encountering such bare-faced lies and deception. In front of the psychopathic personality our ability to think critically is severely curtailed, thus paramoralisms, paralogical discourse and “doublethink” becomes institutionalised so that ethics and morality are steadily inverted eventually signifying the exact opposite of their original meaning. The spread of pathological disease follows the same vacuum, until: “The actions of this phenomenon affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every village, small town, factory, business, or farm. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country, creating a ‘new class’ within the nation. This privileged class of deviants feels permanently threatened by the ‘others.’” [2]

This time, instead of the Jews, Poles, gypsies and homosexuals – we are ALL in the psychopaths’ sights.


The Three Establishment Model (3EM)

Frequent mention of the word “Establishment” has been made in this series and it is time to look at its internal constituents. Although differing in methods and ideological roots, there are many groups and sub-factions seeking to herd humanity, all of whom are defined by the principles of neo-feudalism as a common objective. Whether it is Chabad Lubavitch or the Council on Foreign Relations, all believe in an ideal which encompasses occult, religious, corporate and military objectives and which guarantees some order of Elite rule over the mass of humanity. Isn’t that inevitable? Isn’t a certain amount of autocracy necessary? Not one our social systems are pathologically compromised and when both lead to and from each other.

In order to make at least a partial attempt at making sense of where all these players are on the field of psychopathy, talented Dutch researcher Joël van der Reijden of the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics has made and excellent structural contribution and it is from this that the following information is largely based. (You can find a mirror site now taken on by WikiSpooks here)

Reijden has created the template of a “Three Establishment Model” (3EM) which comprises of three major lines of force dominant in the world today, each of which has an ideology and belief system which stretches back centuries. These are Liberal, Conservative and Zionist each of which has a complex set of sub-groups, linked in common purpose though experiencing varying degrees of harmony or friction. Due to their close religious and political aims the United States and Europe are combined. The category boundaries are more blurred than they may appear, with all the groups and sub-groups working with each other when expedient.

I have used my own template from the same source information and with minor additions of my own below. This is obviously not a definitive version since no one can really know the nature of this occult body as it uses convenient proxy organisations and committees to act as vehicles for its social engineering which then filter into public life, with various degrees of success. It is probable that this upper most occult body has very few members indeed.


Source: M.K. Styllinski PDF notes.

© infrakshun


Magnification of Round Table Movement and Rothschild origins within Anglo-American/Liberal Establishment 

© infrakshun

The Liberal Establishment comprises the Anglo-American / Venetian Nobility with their spheres of influence predominantly focused within banking and commerce. British royalty, The Bank of England, The House of Rothschild, The Federal Reserve cartel, Goldman Sacs, JP Morgan Chase and Rockefeller-Kissinger interests are also to be found in this grouping. Round Table membership, The Royal Institute for International Affairs, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Grp. and Council on Foreign Relations are also here busy thinking ahead to the incremental deployment of their plans, perhaps more than 100 years in advance. (Yes, that’s right). One World Religion, New Age CoIntelpro and liberal-collectivist networks which have initiated so much social engineering are also to be found within this section. All have strong links to Freemasonic European occultism. Hundreds of NGOs under the umbrella of the United Nations derive their support and succour from this model with George Schultz’s Bechtel corporatism promoting Arab oil interests as the focus rather than Israeli expansionism. Eco-fascism and the 1001 Club while present, has a stronger connection to the Conservative Model, many of whom hold in disdain the gradualist, progressive and New Age elements.

Diplomacy over pre-emptive strike is preferred but the corporate fascism is exactly the same as the Conservative model. Most of the key members are found within The Pilgrim’s Society. The type of envisaged totalitarianism is Huxleyian / Fabian rather than Leninist / Orwellian in that social engineering is driven by developing a sensate culture that will be “Amused to Death” witht symptoms of Stockholm syndrome, where authority is exercised through dumbing down and Pavlonian pleasure techniques which delivers long-term servitude through proffered lifestyles of leisure and pleasure and which come to define individual and collective reality. The Technocratic-Google-based PR and transhumanist ethos is very much a part of this model and the emphasis on SMART/Sustainable Development.

Although essential psychopathy is clustered across the whole of the 3EM, we might venture to say that there is a predominance of pathological narcissists, schizoidal and aesthenic psychopaths or the more mentally polarized types of psychopathy found here.

The Conservative Establishment might best be summed up by the famous Statement of Dwight Eisenhower who warned against the uncontrolled power of the “defence establishment” or “military-industrial complex.” The military has a large undercurrent of occult and religious fascism sourced largely from the Nazi-nexus of Pentagon-CIA and Vatican influences most notably from Operation PAPERCLIP, ODESSA and the Rat Lines during and after the Second World War. Contained within Vatican and Synarchist objectives is the most secretive group: Le Cercle (The Circle) who represents the most fascist elements within European geo-politics via NATO and CIA–MI6 intelligence. Historically working with many fascist regimes of the past, Le Cercle is known for its protection of European child rape networks to drugs and arms running in Africa and Saudi Arabia. Sir Julian Amery was a powerful intermediary of Le Cercle liaising between 100 Club, the Safari Club, Round Table and Rothschild interests.

The Pan-European Synarchists also have an enormous influence in both politics and freemasonry. The American Security Council, National Security Apparatus, Police State crackdowns, and the emergence of Zionism working with Neo-Conservatism define the aggressive short-term strategies of this model. Due to the predominance of right wing religious authoritarianism there will be a high incidence of essential psychopaths and social dominators on the frontlines. Generally, this is the brutish, Leninist version of collectivism and Mussolini’s definition of fascism as corporatism that uses immediate crushing force to achieve its ends.

The loss of human and civil rights, the rise of Big Brother surveillance within the US and Europe are formulated in this model, though there are obvious ties across the 3EM as a whole. The Cult of the CIA and links to MI6 Synarchist factions are key in the continuation of the “War on Terror” and false–flag attacks with an uneasy assistance from the MOSSAD spy-network. Major child abuse networks of a non-ritual or occult ritualistic nature are found in all models but particularly prominent in Conservatism. Knights of Malta and Opus Dei express their designs within the Vatican Pan-European Networks with the late Otto von Habsburg, a traditional fascist, the last crown prince of the Vatican-allied Austro Hungarian Empire as a key mover and shaker. According to Reijden: “Its primary interest has been the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire by manipulating the European Union, although this agenda has met with stiff resistance from the Liberal Establishment.”

The Zionist Establishment has a Jewish socio-cultural platform in both Israel and America. It has a most effective 5th column which has been ensconced within successive US administrations (fiscal and defence departments) further complemented by an Israeli Lobby and the Ultra-Right wing, Messianic cult of Chabad Lubavitch at the highest levels of US politics.

Thanks to the advanced techniques and know-how of MOSSAD intelligence and American Zionism channelled through corporate and banking families established since the turn of the last century, the power of Israel’s political and economic leverage is considerable. Propaganda and lobbying are given particularly large teeth through media outlets which are designed to be sympathetic to Israeli policies over Palestinian human rights. Israel is also a destination and transfer hub for drugs and human trafficking via the Jewish-Russian Mafia which has its home in Russia (much to the Chagrin of Putin) the US and Israel acting as the biggest and most extensive International mafia organization. Though with far less think-tanks and organisations, the web of interconnected assets within both MOSSAD and American-Jewish sayanim networks makes the Zionist Establishment models one of the most far-reaching, complex and coercive methods of mass control in the world today.

Of course, the House of Rothschild empire has made its purpose to act as the primary financier of the Three Model Establishment and as such, has an unassailable position with the ever-present, latent animosity toward their Gentile comrades within the ruling Elite branches. They have their fingers in every possible monetary pie with older members of the board liasing with high level members of MOSSAD who is alleged to be involved with an Occult Zionism based on the black magick principles of the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah.

The Western tradition of freemasonic Illuminism / Rosicrucianism and its relationship to Occult Zionism is purely in the realms of even more speculation. My hunch is that the two paths are largely separate but come together in some form higher up within the small capstone of the overall pyramid – the Global Occult Body itself.



[1] p. 132; Łobaczewski; Political Ponerology.
[2] Ibid; p.117.

Satan’s Little Helpers VIII: Weimar, Magick and “Cherry Marines”

By M.K. Styllinski


Authentic US military badges with occult-themed insignias (See more here )

A recent article from Wayne Madsen reminded us of a child pornography ring in the 1980s that extended from Oregon to the San Francisco Bay area over to Chicago and Washington, DC. This involved many officers of the U.S. Navy and yet another breach in a sub-network which the author believes was covered up by one John Lehman, then Secretary of the Navy who engaged in similar cover-ups, sexual misdemeanours and crimes. Madsen has since had to vacate his U.S. home due to death threats.[1]


L. Ron Hubbard

The Navy has an odd history of pathogenic infiltration. The advances from MK-ULTRA experimentation permeated the U.S. military and in particular, Naval Intelligence. A former Navy Officer with serious mental problems which lent themselves to the creation of Scientology was L. Ron Hubbard and his rocket scientist friend, Jack Parsons. These men may have helped to subvert still further the military rituals of Navy personnel. Both were involved in Aleister Crowley’s Black Magick society Ordo Templis Orientis (OTO) which was attracting many converts from government, military and corporate sectors of society. (Now it seems the organisation has new recruits from the social network generation which, until recently, included Peaches Geldolf. How’s that for marketing? )

Hubbard was said to have been drafted in by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to break up a satanic cult that was spreading among top scientists with Parsons as the focus of the activity. It seems highly dubious that Hubbard was given the job of foiling such a ring should that even have been possible. Perhaps this had been the initial operation but whether during or after his assignment he played a vital role in either the creation of, or expansion of said cult rather than its disbandment. With the inspiration of Crowley’s integration of various sets of Magick, Hubbard and Parsons were engaging in their own Magickal studies by 1946, including an extended set of Sex Magick rituals called the “Babylon Working,” intended to summon a goddess or “moonchild.” [2]  Parsons continued to immerse himself in Crowleyian rituals believing he was the Anti-Christ only to die in a suspicious accident a year later. Meantime, Hubbard was about to write Dianetics which swiftly became the basis of Scientology, itself rooted in Black Magick as a consequence of Hubbard’s fascination with The Book of Law and Thelmic rituals.

After Crowley’s unceremonious death in 1947, the role of “the Beast” was wide open. According to Ron De Wolf, Hubbard’s son, his father took it upon himself to fully embrace Satanism, not as a form of worship but to understand that he himself was one with Satan. This realisation came from:

“… the creation of what they call embryo implants—of getting a demonic spirit to inhabit the body of a foetus. This would arrive care of Black-Magic rituals, including the use of hypnosis, drugs, and other destructive practices. One of the important things was to destroy the evidence if you failed at this Immaculate Conception. That’s how my father became obsessed with abortions.” [3]

An axe to grind? or was there truth to his son’s accusations?

Regardless, it seems Hubbard, Parsons and other participants were happily riding high on the infusion of narcotics and magickal practices that were busy doing the rounds on the intelligences circuits. Hubbard is unlikely to have found his brain-washing techniques from anywhere else. He used the workings of occult rituals and nuggets of mind control secrets going on at the time to launch his career from a failed science-fiction writer to a global multi-million dollar icon, creating the hugely successful religion of Scientology. [4]

Kay_Griggs__Colonels_Wife_TellAll_Interview_14__151525_thumb.jpgThe U.S. Navy’s role in sexpionage and ritual abuse was explored by Kay Griggs in 1998 with a 8-hour interview conducted by Pastor Rick Strawcutter in 1998. Kay had married Colonel George Griggs in the early 80s. Her husband was a Marine Corps Chief of Staff and head of NATO’s Psychological Operations, which over time, had given her an intimate knowledge of the true nature of “leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins.”  Her story further supports the increasing evidence that blackmail, sex rings and mind programming rituals are endemic within the military-intelligence world. It also allows us not only to understand why the military is obsessed with sex as a means of control, just like their Israeli counterparts, but why there is such a resounding silence on the cover-up of 9/11 when truth inevitably seeps out through the cracks of official culture. Blackmail and sex are the fail-safe modes of secrecy. The more extreme the sexual deviancy, the more certain is the guarantee of silence.


Or visit: Disclose.tvKay Griggs – Colonel’s Wife Tell-All Interview.1/4

Kay Griggs delivers a highly believable account based on her own observations, the people she met within these social circles and from her husband’s behaviour, but most importantly, from the extensive writings in his diary. While her Christian belief only occasionally veers towards proselytizing, her account is a sincere and honest one; enriching our understanding of how the U.S. Army and Navy intelligence networks operate behind the scenes.

When she begun to receive death threats due to this first-hand knowledge and her unique insights into this military cartel, she decided to go public in 1996. Sarah McClendon, former senior member of the White House press corps, and Army Intelligence veteran, took her in and gave her valuable advice as to what her next move should be. McClendon was the perfect ally offering her the needed psychological tools to survive the coming months and years. After Griggs had failed to get the media to take on her story and after McClendon advised Griggs to go public, this led to the now well-known video interviews with Pastor Strawcutter on his 500 watt pirate FM station at 99.3 in Lenawee County, Virginia. The interviews were released in 2000 as a 2hr edited video and a later an extended 8 hour version. Since that time, Kay Griggs has been living in her Virginia home giving occasional talks for interested parties.

In the interview, Griggs talks about key military officials who were rather worried about her husband Colonel George Griggs and his diary which is still in her possession. Brigadier General James R. Joy (ret.) General Charles C. Krulak, General Al Gray Cook (ret.) General James L. Jones, General Charles E. Wilhelm and General Carl Steiner are all implicated in secret black ops, one of which led to the highly suspect killings of civilians in the Waco massacre * and the 1983 bombing of a Beirut barracks in which 241 marines died and 80 seriously wounded. According to Griggs, both examples employed media manipulation and PSYOPS to cover the fact these were false flag operations. General Al Gray, USMC, 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, is an alleged enthusiastic participant in gay orgies within the military and at the time of writing, is still actively engaged in PSYOPS operations overseas and nationally. Many other high-ranking officials have participated in these ritual-sex initiation rites.

The video also supports the evidence that organised blackmail is not just a MOSSAD speciality but a way of life within the U.S. military special operations units. Linked to this are the University fraternities which, like several authors she confirms are recruitment centres for intelligence officers. Princeton University has a fraternity called “Cap and Gown” while Yale University has the not so secret society “Skull and Bones” both of which list a ‘who’s who’ of the rich and famous. Senator John Kerry, George Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. were all “Bonesmen.”

Griggs recounts her husband’s history as a member of the “Cap and Gown” where unusual sex acts were part of initiatory rituals designed to recruit and control participants. “Dining in,” “shell back,” the “Tail hook” and “cherry marines” are not just military terms but code names for group sex activities which are part and parcel of a homosexual induction. Young men are allegedly stripped, violated, humiliated and raped. Although the alleged orgies in question are predominantly homosexual, there were also bi-sexual orgies. General Al Gray, General Jim Joy, and General Sheehan were initiated “cherry marines,” and given the task of indoctrinating new recruits for a wide range of useful purposes.

While part of a standard formula for blackmail and mind control, this also serves as a means for rapid advancement through the ranks if you play the game. It has a high cost however – you become shadow government property and prone to emotional overload as the heavy weight of a suppressed conscience returns. The layers of programming designed to dehumanise don’t always strip the individual of their soul and they become the walking dead, unable to escape their fragmented mind. Consequently, many law enforcement and military personnel go off “pop” for precisely these reasons. It would seem that if you begin to question too much, the Army and Navy have facilities for using psychiatry as a means to detain those who become too vocal or manage to free themselves from programming. Eastern State Mental Hospital in Williamsburgh is one such place that is alleged to have a high quota of Army Intelligence personnel who have not played ball. Sectioning is a convenient method of removing troublesome men who ask too many questions. [5]

Wayne Madsen’s claim of a high level “X-file” secrecy standing for paedophilia and homosexual blackmail protocols within the US Navy and Marine Corp is given further support from Griggs. It is improbable that Grigg’s husband would have shared titbits of information regarding these bizarre rituals if they didn’t have a high percentage of authenticity. The revelations over the years of serial paedophilia networks in the world at large are an obvious reality so it is hardly illogical to assume that even worse takes place far from prying eyes.

Nazi philosophy, weapons technology and the sciences were not the only things to be injected into the United States psyche from Operation PAPERCLIP. Another strain which may have come through this conduit was known as “The Pink Triangle,” an infestation of occult driven sexual deviants which included rapists, criminals and paedophiles. The individuals were tagged with a pink triangle before being sent to concentration camps during War time Germany. Homosexual men and women were tragically included in this persecution, something which is seldom remembered. However, the key issue here is sexual psychopathy regardless of orientation. According to Griggs and others, thousands of these pink triangle candidates, were brought over to the States and distributed within the ranks of certain shadow government projects.

2011.04-PinkTriangle-300x177_thumb.jpg“The Pink Triangle”

Griggs’ testimony is not the only source that suggests gay sex dominates much of the ritual initiation process within the Navy SEALS and Marine Corp. Despite the Nazi Party’s opposition to homosexuality and persecution of gay men, homosexuality may have been partially institutionalised within the Nazi Elite in Germany at the time and focused within the SS guard. Obviously, this does not preclude the murder of thousands of homosexuals. The formula of scapegoating a minority in order to maintain the functioning of an Elite that harbours the same sexual orientation continues to this day. Whether we refer to paedophiles or homosexuals being compromised to take the heat of Establishment figures, or Zionists who routinely sacrifice Jews and gentiles alike to maintain the long term strategy of their plans, the same sexpionage continues its sordid path.

The Weimar Republic during the 1920s – as with much of Establishment circles within Europe in general – was host to a rising “cabaret” culture amongst artists, writers and the Elite which included a sub-culture of transvestites bi-sexual, and gay men and women. As is ever the case, decadence gives rise to greater extremes and the underworld is not long to follow. Brothels, pornographers and prostitutes were multiplying in Berlin as one of the most sexually liberal cities at the time. Gay culture was thriving. Yet the dark underbelly of these seemingly liberal values was also present. Exploration of sexual identity and freedom wasn’t the issue in pre-war Weimar as with other pre-pathocratic Empires, rather, it was the red flag of sexual deviance and debauchery that was a marker of a pathological indulgence to which the Nazi Elite happily encouraged.


The Salon I, Otto Dix 1921.

“The Nachtlokals (private nightspots) in particular teemed with non-German speaking thrill-seekers. For the newest clientele, humiliation and sexual degradation served as an equal attractant as the old Naked Dance revue itself. In one Lokal favored by Dutch vacationers, businessmen and their wives tossed foreign coins to any female German in attendance willing to strip completely nude. Outside the tourist hotels and downtown pensions, knowing gigolos and pretty boys, dolled up in rouge and mascara like wax mannequins, displayed their androgynous wares. The the merry-making Ausländer, Berlin was conducting a clearance sale on human flesh. Sex was everywhere and obtainable on the cheap. The Kaiser’s Germany, in the minds of many, was finally repaying its war debts.”  – Mel Gordon, Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin.  (courtesy of Metal on Metal)

The degeneration of the New Society in the Weimar Republic is quite apparent with the rise in bohemian art which became darker and darker from the period after World War I, culminating in the Nazi Pathocracy of the Third Reich. Sexual depravity, murder and the general denigration of women even led to a new art form of snuff painting where the female form was mutilated or an act of  murder was graphically depicted as a form of sadistic celebration. Otto Dix and George Grosz were two of the most enthusiastic proponents of sexual murder or “Lustmord” in German.  In a disturbing book about the Weimar Republic’s burgeoning avant garde and sexual “liberation”: Lustmord: Sexual Murder in Weimar Germany”, author Maria Tatar states:

“… often viewed as the birthplace of a transgressive avant-garde modernism, where representations of female sexual mutilation abound…. Tatar show that male artists openly identified with real-life sexual murderers–George Grosz posed as Jack the Ripper in a photograph where his model and future wife was the target of his knife–but she also reveals the ways in which victims were disavowed and erased.” [6]

This “aestheticized violence” was funded by a “transgressive energy” which seeped into the socio-political life of the German Elite. There appeared to be a simmering undercurrent of pathology surfacing in the collective unconscious of the Republic. Certain of these shadows were about to manifest as National Socialism.


Otto Dix “Lustmord” (1922)


Carl Hofer “Lustmord” (1923)

Freud’s nemesis and sexologist Wilhelm Reich among others, affirmed that many top Nazi leaders and Germanic fascism during the 1930s was in fact “a male state organized on a homosexual basis.” [7]  It is also interesting to note that while many homosexuals were sent to concentration camps there is a possibility that this was more a case of it being after the fact, rather than a conscious policy of persecution. Hitler’s own perceptions and treatment of women displayed distaste and confusion, if not contempt. Even if Mein Kampf revealed copious evidence for his hatred of Jews, Arabs, Communists and Eastern peoples there was not one word for those with a homosexual orientation. You could hardly say that this was due to a cultural sensitivity.

Hitler filled key positions with known or suspected homosexuals. His most trusted companions General Ernst Roehm was a gay man, as was Rudolf Hess. He was also a paedophile and transvestite in his spare time, similar to his colleague Herman Goering who was a drag queen when the fancy took him. Roehm, Hitler’s one-time protégé, eventually commanded the Nazi Storm Troopers more commonly known as the SA (an acronym for Sturmabteilung) and had a larger-than-life sexual appetite, often frequenting Turkish bars and gay clubs across Germany. He made it his personal quest to procure Roehm’s close knit coterie of strategists Edmund Heines, Karl Ernst, Ernst’s partner Captain Rohrbein, Captain Petersdorf, Count Ernst Helldorf, all of whom were homosexual.

It is safe to say that bi/homosexuality or some brand of sexual perversion were useful for advancing one’s career in the Third Reich. According to The Pink Swastika by authors Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams:

Himmler was not so much opposed to homosexuality itself as to the fact that non- qualified people were given high rank based on their homosexual relations with Roehm and others. For example, SA Obergruppenfuhrer (Lieutenant General) Karl Ernst, a militant homosexual, had been a hotel doorman and a waiter before joining the SA. “Karl Ernst is not yet 35,” writes Gallo, “he commands 250,000 men…he is simply a sadist, a common thug, transformed into a responsible official.” [8]

This strange brand of nepotism was a hallmark of the SA. By 1933, the elite grouping had grown far larger than the German army, yet the Vikingkorps (Officers’ Corps) remained almost exclusively homosexual. “Roehm, as the head of 2,500,000 Storm Troops … had surrounded himself with a staff of perverts. His chiefs, men of rank of Gruppenfuhrer or Obergruppenfuhrer, commanding units of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual he had no chance of advancement”. [9]

In point of fact, when perusing Nazi Reich propaganda and folklore in praise of the muscle-bulging, blonde, blue-eyed, Aryan archetype, it is replete with distinctly homo-erotic undertones. This has been passed down into gay erotica via the likes of Tom Findland with his kitsch renderings of black leather-clad beef-cakes donning Luftwaffe caps, high-top boots and whips. The Nazi overtones have also found their way into many sado-masochist gatherings in contemporary society where whips, PVC, black masks and various forms of mock torture tools of domination and submission form more than an echo of the SS and Nazi regalia.

Cabaret Dancer 1-horz

German Cabaret dancer circa 1930 (left) Contemporary S &M fashion (right)


Tom Findland’s art 1963

Elite insider Professor Carrol Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope, describes Captain Roehm and his cult of homosexual Storm Troopers as having staged the burning of the Reichstag, and used intimidation tactics to scare people into supporting Hitler and his Nazi party. A plot was hatched to burn the Reichstag building and blame the Communists, the historical veracity of which is now beyond dispute.

Quigley states:

“Most of the plotters were homosexuals and were able to persuade a degenerate moron from Holland named Van der Lubbe to go with them. After the building was set on fire, Van der Lubbe was left wandering about in it and was arrested…[…] Most of the plotters were homosexual [and that] ….most of the Nazis who were in on the plot were murdered during the ‘blood purge’ of June 30, 1934.” [10]

Kazimiers Moczarski a Polish journalist and anti-communist activist while in prison, conducted interviews with two German SS-men, SS-Sturmbannführer of BdS Krakau Gustaw Schielke and Nazi war criminal SS-Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop who reported on the continued presence of homosexuals in the Nazi hierarchy, despite their persecution in Germany society:

“A policeman well acquainted with Germany’s homosexual element [spoke up and said they] kept files on all known and potential pederasts. He remarked that very few homosexuals in the NSDAP were as “indelicately” treated as was Roehm …”So maybe a few of the fags in the party did get knocked off. There were plenty of others who made out just fine. They remained active party members… promotions… [and were] protected by the top NSDAP brass.” [11]

SS Women were present in concentration camps and security staffing at an administrative capacity but there were no female SS officers.

The peculiar degeneration of Germany at the time does not mean to indicate homosexuality as somehow partly culpable, but why it may have formed part of the Elite’s predispositions. It seems Nazi Germany’s chaos lent itself to a vast panoply of pathological “deviancy,” where channelling psychopathy from on high was characterised by the fascism and occult leanings of the time. [12]  Equating homosexuality with Nazism and psychopathy is obviously not the intention here, nor is it to be associated with a bigoted right-wing agenda that wishes to bury the very idea of homosexuality. Yet there remains a truth that this sexual orientation may well have formed a part of occult initiation in the context of ceremonial, sexual psychopathy of Heinrich Himmler’s SS and elements within the Gestapo. This in turn had implications for sexual psychopathy as a whole and according to the process of ponerisation. [13]

On this subject, author Peter Levenda offers his take:

Hitler…took a very broad-minded view of sex. Indeed, he said to have known about SA Leader Ernst Roehm’s homosexuality for years and tolerated it…a rather astounding generosity for that man in that time and place. In fact, a great many SA men were homosexuals, which should give the nervous nellies in the Pentagon pause: for the Brownshirts – the dreaded Storm Troopers; the brawling two fisted beer hall fighters; the drunken angry mob of volunteer militiamen who defeated Communism in Germany and who propelled Hitler to power – were the epitome of military machismo…and Roehm, their leader and queen was the ultimate fighting man. [14]

Although it is an established fact the Storm-troopers and many members of the Nazi military were homosexual and/or bi-sexual it is also true of those who seeded ideas into Hitler’s mind, most notably occultists Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels and Guido von List. Lanz was a former Cistercian monk who had been excommunicated for his homosexuality. After being expelled from the monastery, Lanz formed the occultic order Ordo Novi Templi or The Order of the New Temple (ONT). The ONT was an offshoot of the Ordo Templi Orientis (Order of the Eastern Temple) which practiced tantric sex rituals.

Surrounding the Greek-Hellenic, Aryan, blond-haired, blue-eyed youth worship in German high society at the time, was the Germen Ordnunq (Order) and the Thule Gesellschaft (Thule Society) infused by German folklore and Madam Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Hitler was introduced to the Thule Society by his occult mentor Deitrich Eckhart and went on to gain control of the German Workers Party on August 8, 1921. With General Roehm’s charismatic assistance he changed the party into the German National party, then Socialist Workers Party and ultimately the Nazi Party.

If the Nazi Elite that was funnelled into post war America was predominantly a pathogenic infection of psychopaths and sexual deviants, it is the whole package of Satanic perception which included, by default, a certain entropic way of life. Since there are paedophile and child rape networks operating in the States at the public level, are there also occult rituals framed around a Satanic belief system that employs Sex Magick and abuse at the apex of Establishment power?  **


                            Ernst Roehm

Kay Griggs believes that all those in special operations are bi-sexual due to the nature of the pyramid. If you want to rise to the top then it seems that one has to start at the bottom … so to speak. Sex is the key and blackmail ensures that once there you cannot open any other doors except those assigned to you. It is then that a literal “conspiracy of silence” becomes more understandable; in the context of chronic sexual abuse, it requires low maintenance.

If those who rebel and reject the reality of such a Faustian bargain, then threats and murder are two methods by which high ranking military officials are kept in line. Emotionally weak boys, who have low self-esteem, often from a poverty-stricken background, where mental disorders are common place, are systematically groomed for top government positions. Obviously these teenagers are easy to indoctrinate with promises of careers paved with gold which might lead to wealth and status. Meantime they become Manchurian candidates and/or part of units engaged in black operations. Based on mind control literature so far, it seems that there is a Germanic-Jewish demographic which has been most associated with such programming.

Though CIA mind control and sexual politics seems to have seeped that bit further into the Navy than other military departments, Griggs makes the assertion that the CIA is further down the ladder of influence in covert operations than we may think. This is also supported by Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control where it is said that the NSA is at the top of the “black arts” pyramid.

Griggs posits another grouping of criminals working within the government and military that she refers to as “The Joint” nested in the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) based in Casteau, Belgium. It is the primary base for illicit weapons sales, narcotics and money laundering, with the army running the whole show. NATO brass may act as its protector, while in return, The Joint, based in New York, ensures the funding channels are continually open. (This brings us full circle back to the infamous region of the Dutroux case).

She then makes the link to Naples, Italy, where it is alleged that the U.S. Navy practices paedophilia and group sex as a part of the methods of occult initiation for future blackmail, just as it did in war-time Italy with the help of Catholic priests. It was Italian mothers of procured children who were raped in these havens that banded together to stop such activities. As the media of the time would not listen, they sought out the wives of these soldiers and officers and alerted them to the actions of their husbands and eventually brought down the German government at the end of the war.

Let us remember that the constant theme of procuring children for sexual abuse and to train them to be mercenaries, agents and assassins appears right across the history of Naval and Army intelligence. Setting up despots across the world to do European and US bidding is nothing new. Griggs confirms Dave McGowan and others’ hypotheses that many of the dictators of the past, including Pol-Pot and Mao Tse Tung and numerous others were “turned” via Catholic priests in the pay of mind control programming and placed in strategic geo-political situations favourable to US and Israeli interests. They are taken out when no longer useful. If we cast an eye over a handful of dictators from the recent past we can see that that has clearly been the case and is a standard geostrategic formula alongside terror tactics and the balkanzation of a targeted country. (Think Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu, Idi Amin, Ayatollah Khomeini etc.)

From the brutal expression of Nazism there lies a “higher” expression of occult endeavour, though no less dangerous. The foot-soldiers of ceremonial psychopathy have their initiates who dispense the wisdom from on high in order to entrap the intelligentsia, having made a career of their mental acuity and hubris. Rather than being the exclusive province of the military, a sixty year old occult club has members from Christianity, academia, governmental agencies and NGOs across the globe, with centres of influence in virtually every nation in Europe and the Americas.

One of those clubs is the Lucis Trust and its various affiliations operating through the United Nations and a multitude of associated organisations. From the military-occult branch of the Anglo-American Establishment we have the theosophist, freemasonic and socialist beliefs expressing themselves as a the New World Religion in waiting, care of the Light Bringer – Lucifer himself.

We will take a closer look at the Lucis Trust in the next post.


* On April 19, 1993, in Waco, TX, Leader of the Branch Davidian David Koresh and his followers came under attack from the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the FBI. Despite the Federal authorities not obtaining a search warrant they decided to take the centre by force. According to the documentary, Waco: Rules of Engagement, and several accounts by surviving members, Federal agents acted recklessly and with intent to murder Davidian members finally setting the centre on fire and allowing more than Seventy-six men, women and children, including the sect leader, David Koresh, to die in the fire. Prior to the massacre an almost two month onslaught of PSYOPS was carried out with loud speakers which played sounds of rabbits being slaughtered, the sound of a dentist’s drill, and clips from talk shows about how David Koresh is much hated, played 24 hours a day along with flashing bright lights. For further details see the documentary film: WACO: Rules of Engagement (1997)
** It is noteworthy that Aleister Crowley and other occultists were firmly of the belief that young male children could be used as psychic portals via sexual activity during occult rituals. Bi-sexuality and sexual techniques of an infinite variety were part and parcel of satanic rituals. The pathogenic undercurrents gave rise to this dark inversion as a tool for the invocation of demonic influences and the initial power that comes with it. However, as is always the case with short-cut enlightenment based around intellect and material desires – it came at a price.


[1] ‘Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring’By Wayne Madsen, Online Journal, February 2005.
[2] L. Ron Hubbard – Messiah? Or Madman? Understanding Scientology by Margery Wakefield published in 1991 by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens (PO Box 290402, Tampa, Florida 33687), a now-defunct organization founded by Margery Wakefield.
Penthouse Interview With Ron De Wolf, L. Ron Hubbard Jr. – L. Ron Hubbard Jr. Penthouse, June 1983 | See also: Sinister Forces – A grimoire of American Political, Witchcraft By Peter Levenda (2006)].
[4] The Church of Scientology has attracted a huge number of critics as well as many Hollywood celebrities, the most vocal of which is the actor Tom Cruise. Accusations of corruption, intimidation, brainwashing, exploitation and cult-like activities have all been levelled at the organisation. They have also gained a reputation for aggressively pursuing their detractors with mafia-style intensity as many critics have discovered. With a founder like Hubbard it is small wonder that there are problems.
[5] The nature of psychiatry means that it can be easily used as a medical control for dissidents and whistleblowers. (United States District Court, District Of Connecticut: Elizabeth A. Marczeski v. Susan B. Handy, Sara Steere, Patrick K. Fox, M.D., Bruce Knox, Pramodini Desphande, M.D., Mark Puglisi, Vincent Franco And Garrell Mullaney Pre-trail detainees are a convenient way to ensure that those with legitimate concerns are kept out of the way of public scrutiny. Moreover, if they were not already fighting mental instability from the continual pressure and stress of initial circumstances then being locked up in a hospital for the criminally insane with a prescribed regime of drugs is enough to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. After all, “medication” can be a euphemism for an overwhelming injection of toxic substances and “quiet rooms” a place for solitary confinement.The issue of civil liberties is of the utmost importance in the US today as the constitution becomes irrevocably eroded. Someone may be involuntarily detained for psychiatric examination for a period of time (usually 24 to 72 hours depending on the state). Yet if a government official deems the individual a danger, at his opinion and in the opinion of hand-picked psychiatrists (with the required political bias) then a subject can be detained indefinitely. A judge has the power to detain, section or commit an individual based on his opinion.
As in the story of Sandra in “The Rule of Law” series illustrated, many judges are just as open to corruption as any other law and justice official. Involuntary commitment is commonly viewed as inherently unconstitutional. Though with little of the constitution left, it is logical that it is becoming wide open to politicisation and thus a perfect tool of a Pathocracy.
Many of us are aware of the Soviet Union, some Eastern European countries and presently China, using Political (and ponerized) Psychiatry to lock up dissidents and religious persons in psychiatric institutions. How many of us know that the US is gradually doing the same thing to its own people? Psychiatric Fascism is nothing new. (On June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Olmstead v. L.C., against unnecessary confinement of people with disabilities, including the mentally ill, in institutions. However, in the United States, 42 States have now passed legislation allowing court-ordered involuntary treatment of outpatients with psychiatric drugs. The United States Secret Service still obtains involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations of those it believes to be a danger to protectees, without any claim that these “dangerous” individuals are “mentally ill.” As the USSS incorporates the Department of Home Security, claims of “terrorist” or “sexual abuser” can be politicised and used as a means to incarcerate and detain persons indefinitely, whatever so called constitutional amendments are applied.) Pretrail detainees linked to the “war on terrorism” and other such bogus forms of propaganda have been rising significantly, most of whom have nothing to do with any form of genuine terrorism. (“Hundreds of detainees continued to be held without charge or trial at the US naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Thousands of people were detained during US military and security operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and routinely denied access to their families and lawyers.”- Amnesty International report on US 2005).
Detention has historically been associated with widespread abuses, from physical mistreatment to denial of detainees’ basic procedural guarantees. If we remember the ponerization via the medicalization of the law and justice system which is unequivocally fused with crime networks then we must be very worried indeed concerning the rights of dissidents and whistleblowers everywhere. The Pretrail detention system was already in a state of “crisis” some ten years previously even before the dangerous reflex of the “War on terror.” (‘The Pretrail Detention Crisis – The Causes and the Cure.’ By Douglas J. Klein, Journal of Urban and Contemporary law Vol. 52 /281. Washington University 1997.)
Abuses of detainees are still rolling in as the Pathocracy spreads its “pathogens.” Being presumed innocent until proven guilty seems to be a sadly quaint notion. Certainly, many are non-abductions and not necessarily slavery related. Nevertheless, as related in Chapter 17, the numbering of missing people in the United States continues to rise with statistics vague on root causes. The Federal government estimates over 2,300 Americans are missing everyday and around 900,000 persons per year. No wonder trafficking and slavery networks can run their businesses with relative ease.
[6] Tatar, Maria Lustmord: Sexual Murder in Weimar Germany (1997)
[7] pp.123-127; The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich, Published by Penguin, 1970.
[8] Lively. Scott; Abrams, Kevin, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party . Published Founders Publishing Corp. (1995) | ISBN-10: 0964760908.
[9]Summarised article: ‘Homosexuality and the Nazi Party’ The militant homosexual core of the National Socialist party, by Scott Lively, 1996, source: Leadership University.
[10] op. cit. Quigley (p.437)
[11] pp.38-39; Rozmowy z katem (Conversations with an Executioner) by Kazimiers Moczarski, published by Prentice-hall, Inc. 1977.
[12] The following quotation from Jose Landowsky’s banned Red Symphony written between 1936-1938. The conversation between a government Stalinist and his assassin explains the psychological “predisposition” at the time of Nazi Germany’s pathocratic rule and the Communist knowledge of its use for blackmail. The background to the dialogue is connected to a German officer of the Armed Forces High Command or the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) who is forced to become double agent for Russia when found by the Cheka Secret Police (GPU) having sexual relations with his lover called “Fritz.”
p.291: “In the war, in our war, we take advantage of the virtues and moral of the adversary… In your case, doctor, it’s the parental love. We turn those bourgeois principles into efficient weapons. But the bourgeoisie does not only possess virtues; it has also vices […] It is rare to find a person, especially if he belongs to certain families or occupies a high position, not having any flaws or vices. The thing is to find out what it is, to prove it and to use it against the person. Where death threats fail, a ‘chantage’ exerted with art, always wins. […] A man then goes back to his country. He will have to shut up or praise, according to each case. If he’s a politician he will have to serve us. If he’s a member of the military or a diplomat, he will have to betray. […] If the weapon we use was well known, then nobody would be surprised any more of all the very many unexpected treasons that are done in our favour.
[…] they must go on as if nothing had happened. […] Sabotaging, softening things out and changing the opinion of the sectors that are the most opposed to us. “It is an inexplicable and unexplained fact that we have big sympathies in the hierarchy of the German military and even inside the Nazi party. […] If in Versailles the factor of resentment and despair played a role, this intimate chaos inside every German also had a big part to play. Yes, those have been factors, but those who played with these factors were men, if we can actually call them men, whose degeneration put them in our hands.” (Landowsky, 1950) A German who is forced to become double agent for Russia from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht or German Armed Forces High Command (OKW) and his gay lover.
[13] The homo-eroticism inherent in much of gay S&M, black leather regalia comes down the generations with a decidedly strong homage to the SS jackboot and Nazi Chic. What is culturally significant is why the allusions and use of Nazi fashion in this particular form of sexual expression? It is noteworthy that much of the S&M ethos can be traced back to gay male leather culture, in turn stemming from the biker culture which formalized itself out of the group of men who were soldiers returning home after World War II.
[14] op. cit. Levenda, (p.129)



See also: Nazi Occult and Mind Control

Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep-State / Overworld Part III

Satan’s Little Helpers III: Nazi-Occult and Mind Control

“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes – crimes that infinitely out-distance every human measure – reach the light of day?”

The White Rose Society, a German resistance group whose members were imprisoned and executed during Hitler’s reign for creating and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets.

In his farewell address to the nation in 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower gave his famous warning about the military industrial complex. Eisenhower was a man who, like Woodrow Wilson many years before him, had a up-close-and-personal knowledge of whom he spoke:

“Our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime—or,indeed, by fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Eisenhower’s warnings were too little too late but they remain a stark description of the last fifty years. Those with authoritarian and fascistic perception of life have always been ready and willing to be used as tools for psychopathy to fully manifest. The US military in particular has come under the heat of such influences most notably in the wave of Nazi fascism which engulfed the Western world in the 1930s.


General Smedley D. Butler

General Smedley D. Butler a recipient of two esteemed Medals of Honor (the highest military honor in the U.S.) exposed major war corruption after retiring from the military. In 1933, under U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Butler was invited into a conspiracy to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship. Known as the “Business Plot” and funded by many Pilgrim Society members he shrewdly pretended to accept membership into this fifth column in order to discover its inner workings. To his shock, the same Wall St. insiders who had financed the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany (most notably Prescott Bush, Grandfather of George W. H. Bush) had been behind this bid to topple the US Presidency and Congress in line with increasing power of international banking. Amazingly, his 1934 testimony to Congress on the matter was blocked. However, according to Harper’s Magazine Butler’s testimony was reported: “in the New York Times and several other newspapers … and a special Congressional committee was created to conduct an investigation. The records of this committee were scrubbed and sealed away in the National Archives, where they have only recently been made available.” [1]

The point to remember in the above is that Smedley was a highly decorated military man with high code of ethics and patriotism and not one to fabricate. It was also Smedley who wrote the now famous 1935 book War is a Racket which has since become a classic exposé of the emerging military-corporate machine and a testament to how acutely aware this man was about politics and war, not least the mechanisms in place which make pathological infection inevitable.

In an excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by the General it gives an idea just how accurate his words have proved to be:

War is just a racket. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

The above is important for several reasons. Not only does it show that there are military men of conscience who do stand up for truth when they see it but that the presence of psychopathy in government and the military means that a complete descent into authoritarianism and  inverted totalitarianism is only a step away from manifestation. Yet, this is seldom revealed to the public until too late. Butler’s experience and doubtless many others since (military intelligence officer and whistle-blower Bradley Manning could be classed as a modern equivalent of Butler) have shown that Nazism did not die after the Second World War – but diversified its camouflage.

The United States has long historical ties with pre-war and post-war German Nazis. This example is but one of many where authoritarian followers are merging with this Nazi ethos. Their visions of eugenics are not so far away.

Just after the Second World War, when the Rockefellers and the House of Rothschild were busy building their corporate empires with help from Nazi Germany and the deaths of millions, US officials got in on the act and collaborated with the Third Reich to purloin their scientists and doctors. Only one day after Germany’s surrender, on May 10, 1945, under Operation OVERCAST, “the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to arrest all suspected war criminals, though advising him “… to make such exceptions as you deem advisable for intelligence and other military reasons.” Or, as another memo explained: “exploit chosen rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use.” [2] Which means: haggle with the Nazis and appropriate their talent. The Third Reich intelligentsia and their new advances in science and psychology were absorbed and pay-rolled into the Military-Industrial framework.

OVERCAST evolved into the 1946 “Operation / Project PAPERCLIP which oversaw the mass exodus of many hundreds of top Nazi scientists who would form the basis of a new experimentation into a range of advanced disciplines, from new technology to mass mind control. There was much more to PAPERCLIP than rocket science. This was an important bid to get to the crème de la crème of Nazi Elite and their research before the Russians. Nazi medical personnel, spies, saboteurs, assassins and psychological warfare experts were all invited into the warm, protective embrace of Uncle Sam. This was to be a key reason for the genesis of the American Pathocracy.


“President George W. Bush, Laura Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and former President George H.W. Bush sit surrounded by family in the Red Room, Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. Friends and family joined former President Bush and Mrs. Bush in celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary during a dinner held at the White House. Also pictured are, from left, Georgia Grace Koch, Margaret Bush, Walker Bush, Marvin Bush, Jenna Bush, Doro Koch, Barbara Bush, Robert P. Koch, Pierce M. Bush, Maria Bush, Neil Bush, Ashley Bush, Sam LeBlond, Robert Koch, Nancy Ellis LeBlond, John Ellis Bush, Jr., Florida Gov. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, Mandi Bush, George P. Bush, and Columba Bush.” – (wikipedia)

Perhaps the most notorious vessel for the relatively small clique of psychopaths who warmed to Nazi fascism as a natural expression is the Bush dynasty and who will be mentioned frequently in subsequent posts. However, if you wish to bring yourself up-to-date on the historical legacy of the Bush dynasty then authors Glen Yeadon and John Hawkin’s book: A The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century (2008) is an excellent overview of how Nazi philosophy and its corporatism has been allowed to infect the United States.


© infrakshun

Eventually, the Military-Corporate complex and the soon to follow National Security State would have key positions held by former Nazis principally in advanced aerospace and the weapons industry. Many of these high-ranking, Nazi intelligentsia had been exposed to, or were proponents of the Thule Society (German: Thule Gesellschaft) [3] having been embraced with particular fervour by Himmler’s SS and Rudolf Hess. Other sympathizers and /or members within the Third Reich included Hitler’s astrologer and advisor Dietrich Eckart, propagandist and Alfred Rosenberg,  intellectuals Julius Lehmann, Hans Frank, Gottfried Feder, and Karl Harrer. The psychic warfare of the CIA and NSA came directly from such Nazi traditions, a form of black Gnosticism, in other words: Satanism. [4]

While the War Department’s Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists, then director of the CIA, Allen Dulles had other ideas. Nazi Intelligence leader and PSYOPS expert Reinhard Gehlen met with the director and formed a close working relationship. As a master spy for the Third Reich he had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network which Dulles was keen to incorporate into the “New Amerika.” He effectively integrated Gehlen’s Intelligence unit into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) later to become the CIA, while covering up incriminating evidence regarding scientists’ and doctors’ case histories.

The existence of the Nazi Intelligence unit within the CIA was to lead to many umbrella projects inspired by their research discoveries. These included the notorious MK-ULTRA which arose from the 1951 Project ARTICHOKE along with other projects running from the 1940s through to the late 1960s. Despite growing disquiet in the 1970s and partial investigations by Congress they didn’t simply stop because they were told to. The CIA and especially the NSA have always been a law unto themselves. Under the Information Age and a new Technocratic imperative has built on the experimentation of the past and extended its reach in ways that boggle the mind. Research continues evolve under different code names. (More on this later).

The Nazi brain-drain also included doctors which were conducting mind control and eugenics experiments in the concentration camps. A potent mixture of Cold War paranoia, a home-grown Neo-Fascism and Nazi know-how created a US Shadow Government, with people moving behind the scenes to capture and enlist children to fight the Russian threat. A hidden lab-rat generation was produced, comprising of successful and aborted hypnotised operatives, assassins and couriers. This is the source of the popularised concept of the “Manchurian Candidate” from which the likes of Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley Jr., Timothy McVeigh and an untold number of soldiers have been associated. The Hollywood myth-making machine bases its movie formula around this factual byte which is often trivialised in the process. Nevertheless, the idea that intelligence agencies are involved in such activities are not based on fact not Hollywood fiction.

It is no secret that some of the CIA mind-control apparatus documents have been released and available since 1975, under Freedom of Information Act requests. MK-ULTRA, the CIA’s infamous research into behavioural modification, [5] vigorously explored the capabilities of drugs, radiation and electronic brain manipulation on military personnel, doctors, government agents, prostitutes, mentally ill patients, and members of the general public in the United States. Victims were subjected to induced amnesia in order to prevent recall of these invasive experiments.


Richard M. Helms

The major players involved included Richard Helms former head of the CIA, Chemist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who managed the day to day running of MK-ULTRA activities and Dr. John Gittinger, his assistant and protégé. With a substantial amount of money from an ignorant Congress, most, if not all of the experimentation took place without the subjects’ consent.

The bulk of the documents have still not been released due to the sadistic nature of the experimentation which very probably included more extreme examples of the torture already listed. To cover his own and many others’ reputations, Helms ordered the destruction of most of the documents in 1972. The program’s objective was find drugs that facilitated an alteration of the human neurological and sensory apparatus, the aim of which was to be used in military applications.

The unease around the rumours surfacing about mind control research was taken up by a few members of Congress over the subsequent decades, including Senator Ted Kennedy. They discovered from the Deputy Director of the CIA that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program: “… which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.’ Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations.’ At least one death, that of Dr. Frank Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.” [6] *

With a title that conjured up associations with low-budget pornography, Operation Midnight Climax was officially a branch of sex and drug research and a sub-division of MKULTRA. Unsurprisingly, none of the documents relating to the operation survived Helm’s shredding. Yet participants and agents involved with the experimentation mention a series of CIA run brothels in San Francisco and New York. While being guaranteed impunity from arrest and prosecution should the operation be discovered by outside law enforcement units, prostitutes were paid $100 a day to act as entrapment madams for unsuspecting participants. These unsuspecting victims who had their drinks spiked with LSD, prior to the subsequent sex “research.” CIA agents settled down for the night, armed with cigarettes, booze and clipboards; shielded from the action behind one-way mirrors. You can imagine the vast potential for blackmail and extortion.

Both operations ran from 1953 to at least, 1968, though we would be foolish to imagine that such experimentation has stopped. Virtually nothing is known of the NSA’s role in all this. It is highly probable that the operations were submerged into this shadow executive apparatus. In summary, no area of human experimentation was restricted. The extraction of information needed to keep ahead of the Russian and Chinese was all-consuming. Maintaining America as the supreme power (and unwittingly allowing further entry points for psychopathic dominance) reigned supreme. Hallucinogenic drugs, electro-shock and memory exploration sandwiched between a pot-pourri of occult rituals and chemicals of every variety continued to expand.

Underpinning all this was a foundation of Psychiatry headed by Dr. Ewan Cameron. It was this man who provided critical work on the MK-ULTRA projects and was an advocate of behaviourist and clinical psychiatry harbouring a powerful interest in unlocking the secrets of memory. It would be this fascination that would make up most of his contribution to the experiments.


Dr. Ewan Cameron

With Rockefeller Money he founded the Allan Memorial Institute on Mont Royal, Montreal Canada. And it was here while working for the CIA that he would subject his patients to his own experimentation, unaware of his true intent. Since his test subjects were outside the US it served as an added protection against liability as the illegality of such testing could be dismissed. It was while the Allan Memorial Institute was basking in its new findings from electro-shock treatment memory re-patterning and chemical and drug regimens that another form of institutional abuse was being unleashed.

In post-war Montreal, funding for orphanages was non-existent but funding for hospitals was readily available. So, the Catholic Church decided to class all its orphans (numbering more than 5,000) as “mentally deficient” thus winning government subsidies and unimpeded paperwork, where whole orphanages were converted into mental asylums for the young. This was to initiate some of the worst abuse cases ever recorded in Canada at the hands of sadistic nuns across many orders including: The Gray Nuns of Montreal, the Sisters of Providence, the Sisters of Mercy, the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, the Little Franciscans of Mary, and two orders of monks. Ice baths, sodomy, solitary confinement and beatings were routine. Children either died from the attacks or were scarred for life. [7]

The civil lawsuits started by those abused mirrored the cases of the 1990s and beyond. The medical profession were also implicated in aiding and abetting the abuse by signing perfectly healthy children as restarted or brain damaged. In reality, the children had never seen a doctor or been examined.

For over twenty years nuns and monks abused their flock, while other more purposeful, though no less sadistic abuse was taking place at the Allan Memorial Institute. There would have been no shortage of children or problems with access if Cameron had sought a steady supply of test subjects.

On March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation, [8] the late New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA brainwashing programs as young children. Radiation research was carried out, mostly on cancer patients, this was however a cover for a wide ranging system of projects. This proved to be decisive regarding the progressive disclosure of institutionalised mind control with not least the rumour and disinformation surrounding the whole idea of mind control programs.

Claudia de Mullin and Chris De Nicola recounted testimony which was later collated and set down in a book by John Rappaport in which the original committee documents are included. They make interesting, if harrowing reading. [9] Questions still remain how it was that Wolf’s patients were able to appear before the committee at all. It may have been due to Clinton’s proclivity to go his own way or simply damage control to prevent further encroachments into modern day state secrets of mind control projects. In any event, all of the committee testimony was ignored and no real action taken.

In summary, beginning in 1948 during the period of post war upheaval and when so much of the world was being redrawn under pathocratic lines, the Nazi inspired mind control program was initiated. Over a period of 4 decades, children from the US, Mexico and South America, were used as experimental fodder. The original reasons for the research were to control the minds of these children in order to create flesh and blood “robots” for a range of missions that would not be recalled because of hypnotically induced amnesia. This could be removed by their controllers and reinstalled at will, rather like a computer programme. Children were raised and conditioned to be hard core sexpionage agents with a view to blackmailing Establishment Americans or foreign dignitaries. But it did not stop there: “Eventually, people from the inner core of the CIA program filmed each other, and some of the centres where children were used as sex agents got out of control and turned into CIA-operated sex rings. Some children were considered expendable and simply murdered.” [10]

During Rappoport’s research with Valerie Wolf and her patients, one victim recounted that brainwashing techniques were applied to children from Mexico and South America and that: “They were considered expendable.” If we remember the rape camps of San Diego that enslaved many Mexican children this becomes less and less improbable. America’s “best and brightest” were saved for a different purpose though the patient could not remember what their ultimate objective was. Nonetheless, it was not to produce agents to combat the Soviets at that time, the aims were much more far-reaching. The subversion and control of the movers and shakers of our world is a primary goal of any covert dictatorship. The Nazi manipulation of their culture and intelligentsia was a key step in their dominance and later total ponerisation of a nation to become the “willing executioners” of history. Nazi scientists were not the only ones to hitch a ride on Uncle Sam’s gravy train.There were large-scale, state by state operations starting with children when they were very young until they effectively owned their minds. More than 150 sub-projects under the MK-ULTRA banner were initiated with the commensurate failures and “successes” unknown. We can however guess at the details by watching present world events and piecing together much of the puzzle.


President Bill Clinton’s Human Subjects Review Memo for Vice President and Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies in February 1994.

“Natural human reactions … strike the psychopath as strange, interesting, and even comical. They therefore observe us … They become experts in our weaknesses and sometimes effect heartless experiments.”

– Andrew Łobaczewski, p.90; Political Ponerology


Many mind control subjects still alive from the 1950s to the late 60s, often mentioned under hypnosis an individual named “Dr. Green” or “Greenbaum,” though it may have been a cover for a group team of experimenters. Carol Rutz, one former child victim of the MK-ULTRA experiments was certain that her programmer – going by the aliases of both Dr. Black and Dr. Green – was indeed, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the “Angel of Death” by World War II concentration camp victims.

Following his disappearance from Auschwitz on January 18, 1945, it is rumoured that he worked extensively on mind control operations for US Shadow Government agencies. Though the knowledge of their use of Nazis in such activity was common place and the chronological history of the time adds to the speculation, there is no evidence other than witness testimony that the doctor was present during the subsequent experiments. According to Rutz: “Trauma based programming was theoretically the reason for some of the torturous things perpetrated on survivors. It was the cruellest form of mental brainwashing, and left the child completely disassociated and open to programming. Josef Mengele was a master at this.” [11]


Josef Mengele, happy in his work

Psychologist Dr. D Corey Hammond’s data including many other doctors’ confirm Rutz’s assertions that the many layers of programming encountered by therapists is extremely difficult to dismantle and required a high level of patience from both participants. There were cases where intense pain or terror was experienced during hypnosis sessions if an attempt was made to go directly to the core source of programming installed by the MK-ULTRA doctors. On many occasions this proved impossible to reverse, some cases indicating a danger to the patient if attempts to de-programme were continued, even to the extent of death. Hammond went on to mention the creation of powerful unconscious programmes within the victim producing multiple personalities that were assigned specific tasks and jobs. These “programmed alters” fell into several levels. (See table below).

Other experiments took place in Tuscon, Arizona in the desert. Chris De Nicola testified before the President’s Committee that her controller was also a “Dr. Greene” who used her  during childhood in radiation experiments to determine effects on the body parts and as a further method of trauma induction. De Nicola told the committee she was taught how to: “… pick locks, be secretive, use [her] photographic memory to remember things and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to [her]self.” Forms of torture as punishment were also used if the children were not cooperative: ‘I was caught twice and Dr. Greene tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning on a table, putting shots in my stomach, in my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal …’ [12]

De Nicola related how her father was also involved in the experiments confirming generational involvement, from military and agency families which has proven to be a common pattern. Yet, the cultural and political climate is not conducive to open debate about state-sanctioned crimes, especially when it is likely that for a Nazi philosophy and practice to take place, it must have the fertile ground by which it can seed. What we are seeing now are full grown branches extending into many offices and departments, the most open expression is within the US, British and Israeli governments with their CIA/MI6/MOSSAD spider’s web of malignancy. Jon Rappoport commented on his work with the late Dr. Valerie Wolf and the fear involved with speaking up about State crimes:

“Dr. Wolf told me that when word got around she was going to testify before the president’s committee, she was contacted by about 40 therapists ‘in just the 10 days leading up to my trip to Washington.’ The therapists had heard similar CIA mind-control stories from their own patients. Many of these professionals are afraid to go on the record about their patients’ stories, as censure from their professional societies is a reality. The political mood these days is not conducive to granting an aura of credibility to revelations of CIA brainwashing.” [13]

Programming name



General programming within the control personality.


Sexual programming, i.e. producing and directing child   pornography, prostitution and sexual training for blackmail or personal use. All ethical and moral behaviour are eliminated to produce conscienceless “robots” (sociopaths) so that all functions can be carried out without emotional inhibition.


Sleeping assassin who feels no fear. They are trained in the use of specialist arms and combat.


Psychic killing and a product of a variety of occult traditions – from voodoo to Sex Magick; hermetic to Golden Dawn initiations. Most victims with THETA programming exhibit an unusually high level of extra Sensory perception or ESP in their daily lives and chosen because of this innate ability.


Self-destruct programming used to prevent victims going public. If the patient began to remember or a therapist was poking around a little too expertly, this programme would be initiated often utilising intense pain and fear as a precursor.

Table 1. MK-ULTRA programming. Testimony revealed an umbrella of programming names with key objectives

If we now compare the above information with a 1992 lecture given by Dr. Corey Hammond called the “Greenbaum Speech,” it all sounds remarkably similar.

An extract from Dr. Hammond’s lecture follows:

Along with them was a young boy, a teenager, who had been raised in a Hasidic Jewish tradition [**] and a background of Cabalistic mysticism that probably appealed to people in the Cult because at least by the turn of the century Aleister Crowley had been introducing Cabalism into Satanic stuff, if not earlier. I suspect it may have formed some bond between them. But he saved his skin by collaborating and being an assistant to them in the death-camp experiments. They brought him with them.

They started doing mind-control research for Military Intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of cult programming today. His name is known to patients throughout the country.

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this, in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, ‘You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.’ [14] [Emphasis mine]

The above confirms that the “name that is known to patients throughout the country” was “Dr. Green” or the German-Jewish variation of “Greenbaum” a man who may represent a collective of programmers or an individual. Dr. Ewan Cameron headed the American Psychiatric Association and was a Kinseyian advocate under long-term CIA contract playing a key part in the mind control of American children. Claudia Mullin, the other of Wolf’s patients who testified related her experiences with Cameron which started when she was only 7 years-old:

“In 1958, 1 was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called the ‘Society’ [the Human Ecology Society, a CIA front]. I was told to cooperate; answer any of their questions. Then, since the test ‘might hurt,’ I would be given ‘shots, x-rays, and a few jolts of electricity.’ I was instructed not to look at anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names,’ as this was ‘a very secret project’ but to be brave an all those things would help me forget …

‘A Dr. John Gittinger tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr. Greene the x-rays … By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath [of Tulane Medical School] gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind!

‘The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to ‘sexually please men.’ Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms (Deputy Director of the CIA), Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible…I was to become a regular little ‘spy’ for them, after that summer, eventually entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine when this kind of sexual humiliation began.’ [15]

Dr Hammond had the uncomfortable feeling that: “… from some past experience…when you look at this you will find the large proportion of ritual-abuse victims in this country [US] are having their on-going therapy monitored.”

He continues:

I remember a woman who came in about twenty-four years old, claimed her father was a Satanist. Her parents divorced when she was six. After that it would only when her father had visitation and he would take her to rituals sometimes up until age fifteen. She said, “I haven’t gone to anything since I was fifteen.” Her therapist believed this at face value. We sat in my office. We did a two-hour inquiry using hypnosis. We found the programming present.

In addition to that we found that every therapy session was debriefed and in fact they had told her to get sick and not come to the appointment with me. Another one had been told that I was Cult and that if she came I would know that she’d been told not to come and I would punish her. If anything meaningful comes out in a patient who’s being monitored like that — from what I’ve learned thus far, they’re tortured with electric shocks — my belief is if they’re in that situation you can’t do meaningful therapy other than being supportive and caring and letting them know you care a lot and you’ll be there to support them. But I wouldn’t try to work with any kind of deep material or deprogramming with them because I think it can do nothing but get them tortured and hurt unless they can get into a safe, secure inpatient unit for an extended period of time to do some of the work required. [16]

We could understandably take this as a collective moral panic if historical data were not available to support a percentage of what the patients are saying. An interview conducted a senior level Navy Captain’s wife, with Kay Griggs in 1998, also gives similar statements. (We’ll take a closer look at Griggs in the post after next). Here, we have data that comes from two disparate sources: a military housewife giving details from her husband’s diary and a respected psychiatrist and hypnotherapist providing testimonies from hypnotised abuse witnesses. This is set against the well-known historical perspective of US and Nazi associations culminating in shared mind control programs. The subject then begins to look more compelling. (Yet, keep in mind, this is the ABC introduction to the subject of mind control. The deeper you dig the more endemic is seems to be).

It is sexual humiliation and even sex magick that defines the parameters of so called “science” in this context. For Establishment neo-Nazis (as a generic term for pathocratic perception) any experience, no matter how sordid or cruel can be explained away under the rigours of the “scientific method” or for the glory of America the ends of which nobly justifies the means. It must also be remembered that the many books on the market that tout the: “I was a mind control victim” may be factually accurate, partially true or wholly delusional – even a mixture of all three. Such a field of secrecy will always have its opportunists. This cannot be taken as a negation of the central premise of mind/body programming that was launched against the US population without their knowledge, the legacy and new models of which are no doubt being honed and utilised if we are pay attention to current events.

We cannot also deny that the subject of mind control is seen as an opportunity to ridicule and disparage. This, in some ways, is justified due to many unsubstantiated accusations flying about hither and thither, adding to the confusion and disinformation. Judicially recognised in federal and state courts as an expert on mind and behaviour control, Professor Alan Scheflin reiterates the danger of disinformation – especially if you are one of its many victims:

“MK-ULTRA was a program of the CIA which had 149 sub-projects on every avenue of mind and behaviour control. We know that was a real project, and we know what the sub-projects under it are, but there are many names that have been circulated of other projects and they cannot be verified, and if they cannot be verified, and you can’t prove them, your belief in them will hurt you in a court of law and also in doing good therapy. ” [17]

Nevertheless, the above evidence so far, offers interesting implications regarding the nature of ritual abuse and how some cases remain resistant to any real understanding and appraisal. If some ritual abuse utilises programming and is an essential part of the bloodline of intra-familial and generational abuse, it gives a whole new dimension to the “discourse of disbelief” and the considerable control exerted by members of such cultic networks largely outside government influence.


* Frank Olson, a United States Army biochemist and biological weapons researcher, was given LSD without his knowledge or consent in 1953 as part of a CIA experiment, and allegedly committed suicide a week later following a severe psychotic episode. A CIA doctor assigned to monitor Olson’s recovery was supposedly asleep in another bed in a New York City hotel room when Olson jumped through the window to fall ten stories to his death. Many commentators believe Olson was assassinated which is a far more likely scenario than the CIA’s suicide as the cause of death. See: . ‘What did the C.I.A. do to Eric Olson’s father?’ Michael Ignatieff, April 1, 2001; The New York Times Magazine.
** Given our recent discussion on the origins and practice of Hassidic Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch this is an interesting connection. We will return to this and other possibilities in later posts.


[1] ‘1934: The Plot Against America’ Harper’s magazine, July 28, 2007. |
[2] ‘Our Nazi allies’ by Ken Silverstein, Salon at, May 3, 2000.
[3] The Thule Society (German Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group for Germanic Antiquity’, was a German occultist and Völkisch group in Munich, notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. Many of the occult ideas found favour with Heinrich Himmler who, like Hitler, had a great interest in mysticism.
[4] The Occult and the Third Reich: the mystical origins of Nazism and the search for the Holy Grail. By Jean-Michel Angebert, Published by Macmillan Publishing 1974 | ISBN 0-02-502150-8.
[5] A List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents (including subprojects) is available from the National Security Archive. The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research institute and library that collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, a public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information through the FOIA, and an indexer and publisher of the documents in books, microfische, and electronic formats. The National Security Archive was founded in 1985 by a group of journalists and scholars who had obtained documentation under the FOIA and sought a centralized repository for these materials.
[6] U.S Department of Energy: Supreme Court Dissents Invoke the Nuremberg Code: CIA and DOD Human Subjects Research Scandals.
[7] ‘Orphans of the 1950’s, Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec’ By Clyde H. Farnsworth, The New York Times, May 21, 1993.
[8] Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments set up by President Clinton in 1994.
[9] US Government and Mind Control Experiments on Children e-book by John Rappoport.
[10] ‘CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children’ by Jon Rappoport, October 2006.
[11] A Nation Betrayed, The Chilling and true story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People by Carol Rutz Fidelity Publishing, 2001 ISBN: 0-9710102-0-X.| Based on 18,000 pages of FOIA documents from the CIA and other sources
[12] p.37; In the Statement made by Chris De Nicola to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15, 1995.
[13] Ibid.
[14] ‘The Greenbaum Speech’ Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse By D. C. Hammond Ph.D. delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992. at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. Originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech.”
[15] p7. in the Statement made by Claudia S. Mullin to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15 1995 (inserts by Jon Rappoport, from his extract of the same in Oct. 2006).
[16] Ibid. C. Hammond, 1992.
[17] op. cit. Scheflin; International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) and International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).

The Z Factor XVI: Bio-Piracy and Bio-Warfare

 ” ‘Israel is at the top,’ … ‘It has tentacles reaching out worldwide. [It has] a pyramid system at work that’s awesome … they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.’ “

Dr. Nancy Scheper-Hughes, UC Berkeley Professor of Medical Anthropology

As if all this were not horrific enough, it seems that for the psychopaths and morally deficient presently embedded in the Israeli government, military and medical establishment, even the dead bodies of Palestinians can be turned into a profit-making enterprise. Indeed, the trafficking of body parts had a head start in Israel as a major destination and transit point. From around 1997-2007 there existed an extensive Israeli transplant tourism/organ-trafficking network worth millions of dollars. It supplied only a few thousand Israeli patients worldwide with organs-to-order. Media attention and public recognition of the networks was made from the arrest of orthodox rabbi, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, where through his wheeling and dealing, links to New York hospitals and the organ trade were established.

In 2003, After living in Australia for several years, Rosenbaum and his wife arrived in the U.S. from Israel, settling in Brooklyn. Rosenbaum launched a company called Medicalink USA Inc. in 2000 and also managed a charity Kav Lachayim United Lifeline Inc. set up by a relation. It was designed to assist mostly Jewish sick and disabled persons by offering donor transplants. Rosebaum made millions from these “charities” in a relatively short period of time with “… four New York properties for a total $5.1 million and built the 6,745-square-foot brick house where he now lives” according to a Bloomberg News report from October 21, 2011. The report went on: “He previously rented a three-bedroom, two-bath apartment for about $1,500 a month, according to Yitzchok Krasne, who lives there now. In court, Mr. Rosenbaum said he worked in the real estate business.”

In July 2009, Rosenbaum was arrested by the New Jersey FBI as part of a major crackdown on money laundering and political corruption. Other rabbis and city mayors were also charged. Authorities gradually learned that the orthodox Rabbi was part of a major organ trafficking outfit involving the brokering and sale of kidneys by Israelis and who charged Americans as much as $160,000 a kidney. He created a scheme by which donor and recipient would deceive hospital workers who checked for illegalities. According to Rosenbaum’s attorney Ronald Kleinberg: “The transplant surgeries occurred in prestigious American hospitals, and were performed by experienced and expert kidney transplant surgeons.”

One has to wonder just how “rigorous” such an evaluation procedure really was and how much hospital authorities knew about these cases. A spokesman for the Johns Hopkins Hospital who was a client of Mr. Rosenbaum said: “… team of doctors and social workers subjects every donor and recipient to scrutiny.” And in a further statement: “All potential donors and recipients are interviewed multiple times by a team of providers during a rigorous screening process, However, no matter how thorough our policies and procedures are, the pre-transplant evaluation may not detect premeditated and skillful attempts to undermine and deceive the evaluation process.”

The first person to be convicted of organ trafficking in the United States: “Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, 60, pleaded guilty Thursday to three counts of organ trafficking and one count of conspiracy in federal court in Trenton, N.J. He said three ailing people in New Jersey paid him a total $410,000 to arrange the sale of kidneys from healthy donors and an undercover FBI agent paid him $10,000.” He is currently serving 20 years in jail.


Nancy Scheper-Hughes

The reason the NJ FBI was able to indict Rosenbaum was thanks to the assistance of whistleblower Dr. Nancy Scheper-Hughes professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, and director of the doctoral program in medicine and society. She is also the co-founder of Organs Watch an independent, medical human rights, research and documentation centre at UC Berkeley. Scheper-Hughes has been an expert on global organ trafficking since 1996 carrying out field research and tracking the routes from Brazil, Argentina, and Cuba, to Europe and Turkey, India, South Africa, and the United States. She discovered one of possibly several international networks of organ traffickers with a complex hierarchy of rogue transplant surgeons, their brokers, lawyers, kidney hunters, insurance and travel agents, safe house operators, and “baby sitters” to mind sick and anxious international “transplant tourists.”

Until Rosenbaum’s arrest it had been impossible for Scheper-Hughes to get the attention of the FBI to even consider her claims that organ harvesting was taking place but gradually evidence was gathered and the fabric of the network slowly began to unravel. Rosenbaum had played his part in this criminal network which originated in Israel under the direction of Jewish Mafia boss Ilan Peri. Although his business was a primary node in the organ trafficking network after initially being arrested, he was eventually released from a German jail and then in his native Israel through convenient judicial loopholes.

Two new laws were passed by the Israeli parliament in 2008, which established a threshold for brain deaths and the prohibition of buying, selling and brokering of organs for transplant. Despite these laws, the presence of the Russian-Jewish mafia in Israel has guaranteed that the business continues though it is much tighter operation. Peri continues to offer what is known as transplant tours which he maintains are wholly legal.

The reason the criminal justice system refused to believe Scheper-Hughes was due to the implicit conditioning that lies as a buffer across all Israeli and American-Jewish culture. To accuse – whatever the legitimacy of the claim – is to be equated with right wing anti-Semitism, a hot potato everyone wants to avoid. When combined with the horror that is organ trafficking then it becomes easy to look the other way and pretend such an accusation is either ridiculous or too horrible to believe.

1026117Rabbi Levy Izhak Rosenbaum

The rumours that Palestinian bodies were being harvested for their organs and skin were circulating throughout the 1990s. In 2009, with the arrest of Izhak Rosenbaum and as Scheper-Hughes’ efforts came to the attention of the media, another article was published in a left-wing, Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet on August 17th of that year by journalist Donald Boström which tackled directly the rumour-ville of organ harvesting in Palestine’s occupied territories by the Israeli Defence Force.

Based on his book Inshallah (2001) which explored the same themes, he revisited his research, summarising his findings under the title of: “Our sons are plundered of their organs”, referencing Palestinian families who were convinced their loved ones had been first murdered then violated for their organs. Boström offered largely circumstantial, albeit compelling – evidence that this was still the case. It was common knowledge that Israeli authorities and hospital managers directors and even civil servants were participating in an illegal but lucrative trade and any claims to the contrary were put down to Palestinian propaganda. He stated it was time to bring to light what was happening in the occupied territories since the intifada began, where: “… young Palestinian men disappeared, that they were brought back after five days, at night, under tremendous secrecy, stitched back together after having been cut from abdomen to chin.”

Needless to say, Israeli government officials, lobbyists and lawyers in Israel and the United States went berserk with accusations of anti-Semitism and the well-worn tag of “blood-libel” which came to be associated with any future claims of organ-trafficking. Pick a sound-bite and mix it with Jewish victimhood and the barrier to criticism remains.

Scheper-Hughes followed this story and was unsure that such a crime could be connected to her own investigations. As she states in her own 2010 article: ‘Israel’s National Forensic Institute: Organ Harvest’ for online politics journal Counterpunch:

With respect to the Swedish “blood libel” against the National Forensic Institute at Abu Kabir, the main issue that wasn’t raised in the avalanche of articles, editorials, and news columns published in Israel, Europe and the United States was one simple question, “Was the organ theft story true?” And were there any grounds for linking the tissue theft from the dead to the organization of illicit transplant tours for Israeli patients? Were there any grounds for linking the one story with another?

Not only was it true that the extent of the network was global, Israel’s L. Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine, otherwise known as The Abu Kabir Institute was at the centre of it all. Working under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, the institute is affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University (which is yet another body which carries out specialist genetics research) and also serves as the controlling entity for burials by the orthodox religious group Cheva Kadisha. It therefore has a respected status in Israeli society as a legal mortuary on the one hand and a covert role as the central source for illegal organ transplantation.


                       The Abu Kabir Institute

One man who was interviewed by Scheper-Hughes back in July 2000, as part of her research into “transplant tourism” proved to be the lynch-pin around which the whole network was organised. He had even boasted of its creation himself. The director of the Institute Dr. Yehuda Hiss was happy to talk about the illegal activities at the time since it was clear he believed he was operating under the unquestioning strength of his own moral compass. He saw an inadequate situation regarding transplants for Israelis and needed a proactive resolution which he intended to provide. His candour would soon change into complete denial several years later.

Having sat on the interview for ten years Scheper-Hughes for fear of reprisals she decided to publish in 2009, during the trial of Rosenbaum. However, concerned to give Hiss a chance to set the record straight she contacted him and a meeting was set up provided the director and his lawyers could vet the doctor’s questions. In the end, the Ministry of Health denied the chance for another interview under those circumstances. This was not the only effect of her visit. It seems the “blood libel” tag was back. In her own words:

While being interviewed about the effects of the changes in transplant laws and practices, several medical and transplant colleagues in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem often interjected disparaging references to the ‘despicable blood libel by the Swedish media,’ even though they knew full well – and knew that I knew – that tucked inside Boström’s tabloid story was a real medical and political scandal of international proportions. I understood their nervousness about the topic, but not their denial of a known fact that was being manipulated into a global political tool of the Israeli government.”

In the original audio-taped interview, the professor was given some highly revealing responses to her pointed questions. Hiss, freely discussed the: “ ‘informal’ procurement of organs and tissues from the bodies of the dead brought to the Institute for examination and autopsy”, and where there existed a: “‘presumed’ consent, one invented by him and shared with no one except, by example, with his medical students and residents and interns.” She further described his: “… quiet policy of aggressive tissue, bone, skin, and organ harvesting, purportedly for the greater good of his country, a country at war, and for the good of his countryman.”

Hiss, like all delusional and religious authoritarian personalities perceived himself to be following a higher law overlaid with a cold mask of scientific rationalism. As he saw it, his own moral code was in perfect alignment to the needs of the situation. That meant he would provide a service to Israelis whatever the perceived “rules.” Consequently, Professor Hiss was (and probably still is) seen as a hero in Jewish dominated US media as well as in his native Israel since Palestinian lives are worthless as they are all terrorists and suicide bombers anyway. So, what’s the problem of using their bodies as a resource for the superior race of the Jew? Obviously, many Israelis do not subscribe to such a view and are as horrified as any person with conscience across the racial divide. But the topic of organ harvesting – let alone from Palestinians – does not get a chance to be debated within Israeli culture, least of all, within politics.

Two colleagues of Scheper-Hughes, former professor at Hebrew University and anthropologist Meira Weiss, and Chen Kugel, M.D., a forensic pathologist who had worked with his mentor Yehuda Hiss at the Institute. They had both supported Scheper-Hughes and her investigations, urging her to make public the tape-recording of Hiss in 2000. Having been forced from their respective jobs for speaking out, it was now the turn of their colleague.

The Interview took place in Hiss’ office at the Institute on July 21st 2000 in the presence if Miera Weiss and another staff member. Yehuda Hiss’ account gave a thorough and extensive overview of the role that he and the Institute played in the procurement of organs and tissue. The key revelations from the interview, as published in Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ aforementioned Counterpunch article of 2010, are as follows:

  • A personal approach and Establishment connections are paramount. The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has a strong relationship with the Institute harvesting predominantly skin and corneas for several hospitals.
  • For autopsies permission of the families was always sought in the 1970s but by the 1990s this had changed. Due to resistance in Israel to the idea of autopsy – both Jewish and Arab – “… everything is done off the record, highly informal. We never asked for the families’ permission.” […] But we would harvest only from bodies that the family agreed to allow an autopsy. So, we would never harvest where there were objections to the autopsy.”
  • “The law demands permissions for autopsy, but not for harvesting. I read this in the law books… We were free to take skin from the back of legs. We took cornea. … In the beginning of the 1990s, we began to take some long bones from the legs. Then we were asked for cardiac valves, and we did a few of them, because of the lack of collaboration between us and major thoracic departments. Then, beginning in 1995, we started to do it more formally. It was done according to a certain list of priorities, established by various medical centers and specific departments. It was done as a kind of semi-legal thing. At that point, we would inform the Ministry of Health. Before that time [1995], it was only between me/the Institute and the various departments and medical centers – informally. Later, we decided that it should be done through the Ministry of Health.”
  •  “Independence is very important. We are now part of the Ministry of Health, and the director-general of the ministry is our boss, but we are actually completely independent. Until a few years ago, all medical centers were under the Ministry of Health, but in the late 1990s they have become independent. There are only a few still directly under the Ministry of Health. Since then, they are more interested in what we are doing here and in our capacities [to harvest tissues], and so we now get more demands and we feel that it should be regulated. We want to be on record, too, for the various costs that are involved in the harvesting of skin and cornea, bones, pulmonary values and so forth… . But until then, this was just between us and the various hospitals that we serviced, but we wanted there to be some control over this.”
  • Setting prices: “In 1996, we made up a list of the various medical services that we provided, a list of hundreds or thousands of shekels – there were expenses that we wanted to recoup. We would collaborate only with public hospitals. … Since then – about two years ago [1998] – we were told to ask permission for everything. [This is a reference to the late Sergeant Zeev Buzaglo of the Golani Brigade, who was killed in a training accident in April 1997. When his father, Dr. Haim Buzaglo, a pediatrician, came to see his son’s body, he saw that it had been harmed at the Institute – NS-H.” ]
  • “There is a special relationship between the Institute and the army because of the current political situation in Israel. All Israelis feel that we all have an obligation to help out in some way, and because we all served in the army, we all have a personal stake in the army ever after. We are all linked to the army. And because of this, we took it for granted. We never asked. We thought it was part of the duty of all Israelis to cooperate.”
  • “In Israel, 100 per cent of the skin harvested goes to Hadassah Hospital’s skin bank – it is for military purposes only – no biotech firms have access. There is another skin bank in the south of the country, to which the Institute is not linked – but I know that if something happens – if one of the burn centers need skin for a private patient, say, they can take skin from the Hadassah skin bank, but they have to repay it. Logistically, we are only linked to Hadassah.”
  • “Since six months ago, we have a new man working with us downstairs, who is a kind of mortuary assistant, and he is harvesting skin, bones, cornea, and bones. Before him, there was only an arrangement with the army – they used to send us here every week a plastic surgeon, who would come here to harvest skin for the skin bank in Hadassah. This lasted for many years. More than 12 or 13 years he did this. Since 1987-1988, every other week, a plastic surgeon would come here to harvest skin. But now we no longer have this direct relationship with the army since this latest scandal. Now, we have our own mortuary assistant, who is paid to harvest for us all the skin, bone, cornea, etc., that is needed. He helps out in other activities as well.”
  • The foundation to what has become the modern relationship with Russia and Israel and organ harvesting: “You can buy cornea from Russia for $300 each, I think…. In Moscow, you can get a kidney for $20,000 and cornea for a few dollars, because they really don’t care… At every autopsy, they take what they want, and they have a tremendous stockpile of organs that they can draw on. They have skin and cornea. In some large medical centers in Russia, you can get fresh kidney that they get from auto accidents – and in Turkey as well. So, in both places you can get transplanted organs for just $20,000 – including the kidney – because they have a stockpile of them. I know because I was part of a transplant procurement organization, and we studied this. It is very cheap. It is well done by very good surgeons there. In fact, there is a surplus of kidneys in Russia. They have surplus because fewer people there can afford transplants.”
  • Regarding Transplant Tourism: “… sometimes our surgeons would accompany our Israeli patients to Russia, and they would perform the surgery there and the kidney was from a Russian. The surgery would be performed by Israeli doctors in Russia, with Russian kidneys. Some are leading transplant surgeons from Israel…”
  •  “Many things in Israel are done on a personal basis and through connections… I think that in Israel everything should be as equitable as possible. One should not have to depend on connections or money. If advertising and the media would only persuade the Israeli population to donate organs from deceased victims from trauma… [ and even though there is nothing in Talmudic law against organ harvesting from the dead], a religious family will find a rabbi who will agree with them. I try to tell them how important it is to donate, and they will say, “I need to discuss this with my rabbi” – and nine times out of ten they come back with a negative answer. That is, the answer that they want…”

According to Israeli authorities since the disclosure of the organ trade and the whistle-blowing of Nancy Scheper-Hughes permission for autopsies and harvesting has been formalised and regulations introduced. The trade in organs harvested from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers was said to have ceased. However, recent allegations suggest that the industry merely went further underground. Perhaps it was unlikely that such a lucrative business would simply grind to a halt.

Israel’s popular newspaper Haaretz published a report on June 20th 2013 with the headline: ‘Israeli MDs harvesting organs for international trafficking ring.’ Costa Rican authorities had been working hard to break up an international organ trafficking ring and had finally achieved success as they carried out raids on several medical establishments. It was reported that several Israeli doctors had been at the centre of the network who: “specialised in selling kidneys to patients in Israel and East Europe.” The head of Nephrology Francisco Mora Palma, who worked at one of the largest state-run medical centers, Calderon Guardia Hospital, was arrested for his role in the trafficking ring. A police officer working with the doctor as a scout for potential donors was also arrested. Once again, the police implied that the ring was merely part of a larger global operation. With estimates of $16,000-20,000 paid for kidney donors, two way traffic from Israel to destination countries and the Ministry of Health’s protestations that it knew nothing about the trafficking – business is flourishing. As Attorney General Chavarria stated, this is likely just the “tip of the iceberg.”

If we cast our mind back to the problem of missing persons in the United States and across the world with such sums of money at stake, is it not logical to assume that many of the missing, mostly children are being abducted and sold for body parts? Well, sure enough this is exactly what the present research is suggests.


19-year-old Bilal Achmed Ghanan was shot and taken away by Israeli soldiers. His body was returned to his family brutally stitched up from the abdomen to the chin. Source: Israeli Organ Harvesting The New “Blood Libel”? by Alison Weir, 2009.

On October 18th 2013, The Telegraph’s Steven Swinford offered the first reported case of organ trafficking uncovered in the United Kingdom. A little Somalian girl was smuggled into the Island expressly to have her organs harvested for needy for those desperate for transplants. Child protection agencies warned that this was unlikely to be an isolated incident since the number of human trafficking victims in the UK has reached record levels, having risen by over 50 per cent in 2012.

Egypt too was suffering from the internal fractures of Western influenced meddling which has resulted in a tragic civil war offers rich pickings for the organ traffickers. IRN News a service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ran a story entitled: ‘EGYPT: Rising tide of child abductions’ which was published in December 2013. A coalition of 100 Egyptian child rights advocacy groups is continuing to apply pressure on the military government to take steps to halt the huge rise in child abductions across the country. The report quoted ex-policeman and security expert Maher Zakhry who stated: “The kidnapping of children has become a very worrying phenomenon,” … “Our country’s deteriorating security conditions make this crime more possible.”

Anywhere there is conflict and civilian casualties you will find organ traffickers on the prowl which is why the conflict in Syria and the 11 million refugees is a humanitarian disaster beyond imagining with children being prey not just to government and rebel bullets and shrapnel but the tangential obscenity of traffickers. Indeed, according to the latest reports the US-NATO backed Al-Qaeda outfit The Free Syrian Army has been accused not only of various atrocities, but indulging in a bit of outsourced organ trafficking on the side. Allegations of harvesting the body organs of Syrian civilians and army soldiers after kidnapping and murdering them have been reported by the Turkish paper Yurt. Though similar reports strangely no longer seem to exist on newspaper servers, a debate over whether this is propaganda or not will doubtless continue.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ courageous research showed that kidney trafficking in particular was overwhelming sourced from Israel. What is even more disturbing and which confirms yet again, why the idea of revenge and the cliche of self-loathing appears to play a part. Scheper-Hughes identified two motivations of the Israeli organ traffickers. The first was unsurprisingly: “greed” and the second was incredibly: “Revenge, restitution—reparation for the Holocaust.” where they described this further as: “… kind of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.’” [1]

Once again, this pathological entitlement to inflict revenge and retribution is drawn from a preceived passivity and acquiescence to that historical victimhood. This has become inverted and its dark shadow projected out into the world to contribute to the spread of that very same infection of evil into the world.

“The World Owes us.”


Chemical Weapons and Biological Warfare

And if murdered Palestinians can be used as a source for organ trafficking then it shouldn’t be surprising that such minds can think up other ways to desecrate and even extinguish the very idea of Palestinians as a race.

330px-WMD_world_map.svgBiological | Chemical | Nuclear | Radiological (wikipedia)

Israel has long had a reputation for developing chemical and biological weapons methods (CBW) for their most effective dispersal, preferably in the Palestinian population. Ethnic cleansing always seems to return as the primary mover for such actions, the Israeli occupation of Haifa on 23 April 1948, is an early case. It was thought to be under Arab control and thus under the “protection” of the British forces when it was used as one of the first experiments in Israeli chemical warfare. The city water supply still comes from a nearby village, Kabri, about 10 kms to the north, through an aqueduct. From 6 May to about 19 May, the city population was struck down by a sudden typhoid epidemic. Somewhere along this supply point Zionists injected typhoid into the water system.

The minutes of an emergency conference held at the Lebanese Red Cross Hospital in Acre on 6 May and attended by top level Army and Medical personnel determined the outbreak was “water borne” and “not due to crowded or unhygienic conditions as claimed by the Israelis.” [2]According to Dr. De Meuron of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) it was the first time something of this nature had ever happened in Palestine. The poisoning of Acre’s water supply ended with destruction of the city, the depopulation of its inhabitants, war crimes committed by Zionist soldiers including acts of rape, enforced poisoning by cyanide and the internment of civilians in concentration camps. Homes, farms, businesses and the denial of return to their city were sanctioned, euphemistically known as “Transfer” by Zionists. (It followed a similar pattern of experimental destruction which could be likened to the genocide inflicted on Iraqi inhabitants of Fallujah during the invasion of Iraq).

In 1999 Palestinian physician Dr. Salman Abu Sitta stated the facts to the UK House of Commons that during the 1948 War: “… bacteriological warfare was used by poisoning wells and infecting drinking water with malaria and typhus. This was the case in the summer of 1948, as Ben-Gurion admitted in his diary.” [3] Fast forward to the destruction wrought by the Israeli army on Beit Hanoun’s sanitations and sewage networks intentionally mixing them with potable water networks in the hope of causing environmental and health problems. The Association of Palestinian Hydrologists called on “all the legal institutions to work on disclosing the Israeli practices that aim at spreading diseases and epidemics in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun” in July of 2004. [4]

Another example of Zionist flirtation with toxic concoctions hit an upward curve in October 30, 1996. Rebels in Papua New Guinea accused Israel of providing government forces with “chemical bombs” dropped by helicopters, causing skin irritation and burning. Following the tradition of the US who happily sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein more than a decade before the first Iraq war, the Israeli government decided to yield to a more open stance of double standards by not submitting the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention to Knesset for ratification. On September 25 1997, Israeli MOSSAD agents attempted to poison Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal with fentanyl in Amman, Jordan. Meshaal is administered an antidote in exchange for Jordan’s release of captured agents.

Israeli’s love affair with micro-biology and chemical warfare is focused in the top secret facility of the Israel Institute for Biological Research, (IIBR) which is obviously very busy. According to one biologist who worked at IIBR: “There is hardly a single known or unknown form of chemical or biological weapon … which is not manufactured at the institute [IIBR].” In August, 1998 Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot published an exposé calling IIBR “metropolitan Tel Aviv’s most severe environmental hazard” which gave some publicity to Israelis living in the area who had launched an appeal to the Supreme Court to prevent the expansion of the institute without success.[5]

In October 2000, perhaps in response to encouraging noises from excited and well paid scientists, the Israeli military was allowed to test out their latest bag of tricks by shooting gas canisters into schoolyard and classrooms at T’ku, near Bethlehem. Over 24 children suffered from gas inhalation and required hospitalisation. Apparently, gas “differs from the standard tear-gas used around the world in dispersing demonstrations.” [6]

American filmmaker James Longley documented the use of unknown gas attacks that took place on February 12, 2001, in Khan Younis, located in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. His film “Gaza Strip” garnered several awards after revealing the reality of the suffering undergone by the victims many of whom were forced to remain in hospital for weeks. More repeated gas attacks followed over February and March with reports from locations near Bethlehem; East of Gaza city and the West Bank village of Al-Zawiya. Experts believe the chemical was a new, unknown type of nerve gas. [7]

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BBC Television produced one of the first in-depth investigations into Israel’s use of chemical weapons in March, 2003 called Israel’s Secret Weapon. The attacks in Gaza and the West bank were investigated. The programme’s conclusion was that: “The Israeli army has used new unidentified weapons. In February 2001 a new gas was used in Gaza. A hundred and eighty patients were admitted to hospitals with severe convulsions… Israel is outside chemical and biological weapons treaties and still refuses to say what the new gas was.” Unsurprisingly, even before the programme was aired the Israel PR reflex was in operation over the slightest possibility of criticism and considered “lodging a vehement protest” to banish any thought there may be “double standards” at work as alleged by the film. [8]

Regardless of the prohibition of chemical weapons in the 21st Century the Israeli government believes that riots and unrest provide a perfect opportunity to test the latest chemical weaponry they have in their possession.

By June of 2004, protests against the construction of the West bank barrier clinics in Al-Zawiya saw 130 patients treated for gas inhalation. This was not tear gas or any conventional chemical for crowd dispersal. Dr. Abu Madi stated: “The patients were children, women, old people and young men …there were a high number of cases of [tetany], spasm in legs and hands, connected to the nervous system. Pupils were dilated … Other symptoms included shock, semi-consciousness, hyperventilation, irritation and sweating.”

In a 2009 report entitled: Rain of Fire: Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza Human Rights Watch said: “Israel’s repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes.” The document provided detailed witness accounts of the “devastating effects that white phosphorus munitions had on civilians and civilian property in Gaza.” Fred Abrahams, senior emergencies researcher and co-author of the report stated: “In Gaza, the Israeli military didn’t just use white phosphorus in open areas as a screen for its troops. It fired white phosphorus repeatedly over densely populated areas, even when its troops weren’t in the area and safer smoke shells were available. As a result, civilians needlessly suffered and died.” [9]

Another paper from the New Weapons Research Committee reported: “the 2006 and 2009 Israeli bombings on Gaza left a high concentration of toxic metals in soil, which can cause tumours, fertility problems, and serious effects on newborns, like deformities and genetic pathologies.” [10] Further, from a Palestine Human Rights Information Centre report of 1989 chemicals in the tear gas canisters ensures the gas sticks to clothes, food and walls, for considerable periods of time long after they have been fired. The report states that: “Residues of CS gas, one of the gases in use, remaining on food, can break down into cyanide when the food is cooked, even long after exposure.” [11] Even the use of Napalm has been employed against the Palestinian people as far back as 1967. Keen to keep up with the new innovations being tested out on Vietnamese soldiers and civilians alike Israel signed on the dotted line in anticipation. [12]


On 17 January 2009, Israeli forces bombed a school run by the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip. Around 1,600 Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip, mostly families including young children, sought refuge at the school to escape Israeli air strikes that were targeting homes in densely populated areas. At least two children were killed in the attack and another dozen wounded by the white phosphorus bombs fired at the school.”  –  ‘Photostory: Israel attacks UN school in Gaza’ – The Electronic Intifada

The new Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University, has just finished patting itself on the back for establishing an anti-terrorism technology centre: “which envisions that the centre will become a world leader in developing anti-terrorism warfare technology, especially relating to chemical and biological anti-terrorism.” One has to wonder why? Especially as the Hebrew University: “… has received around $10 million annually from US government agencies in grants for infrastructure and applied research.” [13]  The absence of a real external threat other than some phony CIA/MOSSAD infiltrated Jihadist group or the conveniently ubiquitous Al-Qaeda threatening to show up in the next country targeted for invasion, this very brief look at chemical warfare shows that Israel and the US are obsessed with these fields of research.

During the Gaza and West bank incursions nerve gases were not the only examples inflicted on the Palestinians. In October, Italian investigators found forensic evidence that suggested that a drive to introduce a new form of chemical warfare in the occupied territories represented the near future of US “counterinsurgency warfare.” With photographic evidence and witness testimony from the many victims and doctors on the ground, the use of Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME) was said to be the most probable cause.[14]  Developed at the US Air Force Research Laboratory, DIME is a low collateral damage weapon (LCD) which produces a powerful blast within a small area, while allowing lower pressure but increased impulse in the area. It sprays a superheated “micro-shrapnel” of powdered Heavy Metal Tungsten Alloy (HMTA) that is geno-toxic (extremely harmful to human DNA.) as well as being dangerous to overall health. [15]

Chief of the emergency unit at Gaza’s largest hospital in Al-Shifa, Dr Joma Al-Saqqa had first-hand experience of the effects on the human body. As he was treating patients he observed that: “…despite the damage in internal soft tissue in the bodies of injured people, the fragments were not detected by X-ray. In other words, they had disappeared or dissolved inside the body.”  Dr. Al-Saqqa reported that: “When the wounds were explored no foreign material was found. There was tissue death, the extent of which was difficult to determine … A higher deep infection rate resulted with subsequent amputation. In spite of amputation there was a higher mortality.” [16]

He confirmed:

“… that there were dozens of wounded legs and arms. Many of them had been burned from the inside, and distorted to the point that they cannot return to life again.” … “When the shrapnel hit[s] the body, it causes very strong burns that destroy the tissues around the bones … it burns and destroys internal organs, like the liver, kidneys, and the spleen and other organs and makes saving the wounded almost impossible. As a surgeon, I have seen thousands of wounds during the Intifada, but nothing was like this weapon.” [17]

The doctor also concluded that the effects of the weapon seemed “radioactive.”

After his experiences Al-Saqqa is in no doubt that the Israeli Army was employing a new chemical weapon which had resulted in the deaths of 50 Palestinians and over 200 injured. Analysis of victims’ wounds proved impossible. Gaza’s only forensic crime laboratory was destroyed by the Israelis on June 27 of the siege which seems more than a little convenient.[18] In the Gaza conflict of 2008-2009 the exact same evidence of chemical warfare was found. Dr. Mads Gilbert and Dr. Erik Fosse, who were working on Palestinians who suffered wounds in the attacks, believed such injuries could only have come from a new type of weapon such as the DIME bomb. [19]

A 2004 study by the British Medical Association concluded that the world was perhaps only a few years away from “terrifying biological weapons capable of killing only people of specific ethnic groups, citing advances in “genetic weapons technology.” More than a twelve years ago Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz and I.Lewis Libby, Chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney had argued in draft policy statements to press for the further establishment of various imperialist polices including the development of biological weapons that can “target specific genotypes [and] may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” [20]

The now infamous report in the The Times back in 1998 described Israel’s claim to have successfully developed an “ethnic bullet” that targets Arabs. Indeed, no denials have been forthcoming and from the same report an Israeli government spokesman said: “we have a basket full of serious surprises that we will not hesitate to use if we feel that the state of Israel is under serious threat.” [21]

Translation: anything is acceptable as long as Israel can have its own way.

It seems a far cry from notions of peace and reconciliation though again ironic in its parallels to Nazism. This also connects to the expansion of the Human Genome Project and America’s love affair with eugenics which harks back to the brain-drain of Nazi scientists during and after the Second World War which in turn, created the principles upon which the CIA and the National Security State were formed. The crucial question we might ask here is: if Arabs can be targeted genetically, can the Israelis also target other “genetic lines,” such as peoples of black or Asian or Anglo-Saxon heritage? Stanford University biophysicist, Professor Steven Block makes this pertinent observation: “We’re tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever use these things, but not everybody is in their right mind.” [22]

Yet for the many in government, the military and intelligence circles, the only mind is the psychopath’s mind and everyone else must conform to its reality.

See also: Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey  It seems Israel and its proxy army ISIS can’t stop themselves…

The following link may have implications for producing ethnic-specific weapons for bio-warfare. This especially interesting since Putin is a major threat to the Three Establishment Model’s design for world order:

Putin: Someone is harvesting Russian bio samples for obscure purposes


[1] ‘Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine by Alison Weir, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, November 2009.
[2] ‘Traces of Posion – Israel’s Dark History revealed.’ By Salman Abu-Sitta, Al-Ahram Weekly Issue No. 62, Feb 27 – March 5, 2003.
[3] ‘Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control,’ by Avner Cohen, The Nonproliferation Review, Fall-Winter 2001, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 32.
[4] ‘Hydrologists warn of Israeli spreading diseases in N. Gaza’ China View March 3, 2004.
[5] Examples from 1990 – 1998 verified and sourced from Nuclear Threat Initiative; Israel Chronology 1998 – 2010 |
[6] Iran Republic News Agency (IRNA), October 29, 2000.
[7] ‘Israeli Army Fires Highly Toxic Quantities of Tear Gas at Civilians in Khan Yunis,’ Gaza, Palestine Monitor, February 15, 2001.
[8] ‘Israel considers protesting BBC show on `secret weapons’’ By Sharon Sadeh, Haaretz, March 14, 2003.
[9] ‘Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes – Indiscriminate Attacks Caused Needless Civilian Suffering’ Human Rights Watch, March 25, 2009.
[10] ‘Israel Poisons Palestinian Soil, Newborns’ By Fareed Mahdy IDN-InDepthNews Service, December 19 2009.
[11] PHRIC: ‘Uprising In Palestine.’ 1989 Report.
[12] Our Roots Are Still Alive – The Story of the Palestinian People, Written by the Peoples Press Palestine Book Project: Joy Bonds, Jimmy Emerman, Linda John, Penny Johnson, Paul Rupert Illustrations: Ron Weil of Gonna Rise Again Graphics Design: Leah Statman of Gonna Rise Again Graphics Layout: Joy Bonds and Leah Statman, Institute for Independent Social Journalism.
Chapter 13: June 1967 Seizing New Arab Land: “In the West Bank and the Golan Heights, Israeli planes bombed villages and dropped napalm. Napalm rained on areas around Arab Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the East Bank of the Jordan. Sami Oweida told the story of his family to a British professor. During the war his family left Jericho and tried to cross the King Hussein Bridge to the East Bank of the Jordan and relative safety. According to Oweida’s account: I saw a plane come down like a hawk directly at us. We threw ourselves on the ground and found ourselves in the midst of fire…. I tried to do something, but in vain. Fire was all around. I carried my burning child outside the fire. The burning people became naked. Fire stuck to my hands and face. I rolled over. The fire rolled with me. I saw another plane coming directly at us. I thought it was the end. I saw the pilot lean over and look at us. My daughter Labiba (four years old) died that night. Two children of my cousin also died. My daughter Adla (seventeen years old) died four days later.”
[13] ‘Hebrew U. company sets up anti-terror technology unit,’ by Batya Feldman, Globes, 22 April 2004.
[14] Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip, Haaretz, October 19, 2006.
[15] ‘Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME)’ / and Wikipedia .
[16] ‘Ministry of Health report on toxic Israeli weapons confirmed by Gaza City medical sources’, Palestine News Network, July 13,/2006.
[17] Ibid.
[18]Israel ‘is using chemical ammunition’ in Gaza, Centre for Research on Globalization/Gulf News, June 13, 2006.
[19] ‘Norwegian doctor: Israel used new type of weapon in Gaza’ by Amira Hass, Haaretz, January 19, 2009. “His best guess, he said, is that the pressure wave is caused by a dense inert metal explosive, or DIME, a type of bomb developed to minimize collateral damage. A military expert working for Human Rights Watch also told Haaretz that the nature of the wounds and descriptions given by Gazans made it seem likely that Israel used DIMEs.”
[20] p.60; ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century’ Project for a New American Century,
[21] Israel planning Ethnic Bomb as Sadaam caves in’ The Times, Novermber 15, 1998. – “The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host’s living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes. The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main research
facility for Israel’s clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. A scientist there said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of semitic origin. But he added: “They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people.” The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies. The research mirrors biological studies conducted by South African scientists during the apartheid era and revealed in testimony before the truth commission. The idea of a Jewish state conducting such research has provoked outrage in some quarters because of parallels with the genetic experiments of Dr Josef Mengele, the Nazi scientist at Auschwitz.”
[22] p.277; Seeds of Destruction The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl, Published by Global Research, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0973714727.