
Official Culture Reprise I: (Or… Don’t reach for the tranquilizers just yet)

 By M.K. Styllinski

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

William Blum, author and Former U.S. State Dept. Employee


© infrakshun

“In 1984, the government continually changed its past by creating new historical fictions to justify its present. I wondered if we had already gone beyond 1984, where, as Orwell said, “truth is falsehood,” and “ignorance is strength.”

Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control (1978)

As the Greek Philosopher Phaedrus wisely stated: “The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.”

Inducing insanity hasn’t been the aim of this blog, but after reading about many of these subjects (let alone experiencing them) it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise to succumb to a heavy heart after being confronted with so many entrenched iniquities. However, the Dark Night of the Soul should eventually liberate not imprison; providing a stepping stone to a richer, fuller appraisal of our world and ourselves. There are demons stalking the souls of our ancestors and the children of our modern world and it must cause concern, but not to the point it induces paranoia and paralysis. We cannot defend and then integrate the shadowlands if we are not aware that they exist and once we see them we do not understand their behaviour. We must become tacticians of the soul if we are to survive.

We have the chance to see evil for what it is – simply the natural expression of a dynamic which has been allowed to reach its extreme. Paradoxically, this also reaffirms the opportunity to reduce darkness and its destroyers and enhance the light with laser-like precision. Perhaps when we look at what is, we are in a better place to use the knowledge we have to imagine what could be. Having observed extreme negativity and its psychopathic stimulus, perhaps we are gradually becoming forewarned and forearmed, ready to break the chains of our psychological and spiritual slavery. This becomes a positive affirmation of the potential of humanity.

Yet, it is true to say that we have left it a little late…

You have to think positive. Things are never that bad.”

Despite this cliché being wheeled out in response to the fact that things ARE “that bad” and actually much worse for the majority of people, there is truth in the statement. The idea that balanced, positive thinking improves health and affects the lives of others in beneficial ways is now proven both clinically and experientially. It requires effort and persistence but it can be done. It’s just one of those essential ingredients in the cooking pot of emotional and mental defence which will decide whether we are victors in the face of evil, or its perpetual victims. Conversely, for that positivity to be worth anything at all it must lead to an application of knowledge that is based on as close approximation to objective reality as possible, otherwise, we are merely listening with our fingers in our ears.

As long as we are not blinded by the dazzle of our carefully cultivated inner suns, perhaps we can to do great things in the future. As Helen Keller once said: “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” And as the cycle turns – so shall we. But first we must be able SEE how inured in this manufactured reality we have become.

Until then no escape is possible.

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It may seem as though I am vociferously anti-Western and see everything as shadow devoid of any light. This is not the case. What I do see is the enormous potential of humanity and just how suppressed, dumbed down, weakened, maligned and soul-destroyed it has been for tens of hundreds of years. No more so than in the last century, although the methods by which we are kept asleep have become more sophisticated. I’ve also seen myself as an exact replica of those very qualities from which I’m slowly extricating myself. Once we begin to dig deep and actually start to shed those layers that make up our false, conditioned selves, there is the potential to realise that we are so much more than we are led to believe. What is more, we have chosen to love our ignorance, servitude and the formation of societal structures which lock us into an exclusively materialist definition of what it means to be human. And this has meant untold suffering and misery for so many souls. Therefore, our responsibility for the choices we make in our lives have repercussions for ALL since we are inextricably connected to the elected or forsaken responsibilities of others.

We can never exist in isolation however much at times, we wish it were so.

This time, I think there is an opportunity in the face of coming global changes, not for some utopia re-cast in a different guise but to go to the heart of the problem and take back the gold that we have allowed to be stolen from us. Knowledge of how psychopathy and its tributaries of evil manifests in the collective mind and its external realities is something so important that the ancients made it an integral part of their oral traditions whether we focus on Sufism of Persia to Native Americans, the Celts of Britain or the German fairy tales of the 18th Century – the akido of the soul is an art that is slowly being rediscovered.

At this stage, even though it may seem that the global horse has long since bolted and everything seems inevitable, not only is pragmatic optimism required for a richer and more fulfilling life it may also be a scientific inevitability that the fruits of that hope will descend when we least expect it. The unpredictable is not part of a psychopathic blueprint but is part of the Creative Universe. Whether or not we all overcome what is a concerted effort of the few to co-opt and destroy the creativity and peaceable nature of the majority, will depend on whether we can all work together to address the shadow side of humanity and acknowledging our part in its ascendance – wherever and whomever we are.

At the same time, when we decide not to follow what has become Official Culture and not to believe the lies, we necessarily go against the accepted beliefs of the day. This brings us face to face with our own deception – the lies we have told ourselves perhaps over many years which initially helped us survive but have now proved toxic, dimming the light of the soul as each day goes by. As African-American novelist James Baldwin observes it is: “Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience you must find yourself at war with your society.”

And with yourself.

This “war” should not be one of violence but a psychic battle between truth and lies which necessarily takes place through us, something I am belatedly discovering along my own path. Sometimes you cannot be shown, rather it must come from your self-inflicted lessons which are a natural “becoming.” A choice must then be made to allow such a process of inner change to proceed. Yet, strangely it is not something that can be initiated at will. To bring our accumulated shadows safely and effectively into conscious awareness must be carried out slowly and methodically over time and at different speeds for different people. We must acknowledge that we are far from whole, and to begin gathering in the scattered parts of our psyche so that we differentiate what is truly a part of our own experience and to thereby set some boundaries. Conscious and willed effort as part of a framework of sincerity to change is essential, even though the process is not actually under the control of the will. As Jungian psychologist M. Esther Harding mentions, to find a semblance of wholeness within oneself and therefore more resistance to forces that would turn one into bio-chemical play-thing, such a process: “… originates autonomously from a movement in the unconscious, and may be likened to physiological processes that go on without conscious control or assistance.” [1]

Nonetheless, understanding that our choices are, to a great degree, derived from the matrix of Official Culture, is our starting point. This can lead to the beginnings of an initial spark deep within our own being and will determine how our choices – therefore the quality of our awareness – will develop.We cannot hope to suitably address the external world with tangible results without having first addressed all manner of conflict within.

This is when the real journey begins.

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The events of 9/11 represented a watershed in the fortunes of America and the world.

When faced with questions which are born from objective evidence from not just the few, but from the many, we may then ask ourselves what in all conscience, are we prepared to accept? This includes taking on board the possibility that what we assumed to be true was in fact false; that the trust we placed in those currently in power may be wholly unfounded. It requires that we face the high probability that we have been lied to, beyond the bounds of mere coincidences and “failures of intelligence,” but from a systematic, purposeful propaganda strategy designed to fulfil a set of long known ideological and geo-political objectives. We have an opportunity to discover how much of this proffered evidence impinges on lives. However, we may have to re-evaluate the way in which we have understood the workings of democracy, government, media and human nature – even our own place in society and the world.

While uncertainty, fear and conflict have increased significantly since 9/11, the individual and collective responses to this important event will reveal how creatively we can act for freedom and truth, or how deeply we have chosen to believe the Lie. Pull a thread hard enough and for long enough, it will eventually reveal more than we might care to know. Yet when our preconceived ideas are shattered it can also open our minds, shock us into realisations and more choices as to what we can do with this information. We have the opportunity to see things as they really are which in turn will offer a chance to understand who we are and what we choose to see.

In the context of 9/11 and geo-politics if a pathological perception exists at the highest level of government, the logical conclusion is that there are people drawn from all political and religious persuasions who are psychopaths first, and who will adopt whatever belief will serve their predatory behaviour best. In one sense it doesn’t matter who’s on first: the only underlying constant is age-old predatory behaviour of the psychopath and sub categories of psychological deviance that lie behind all the manifestations of evil we see today. Factions with the US government and its agencies consciously engineered of the 9/11 attacks with many low level US officials unknowingly assisting in its final climax, partly due to the belief that it was yet another military exercise. The primary architects have elements within the Israeli government and intelligence apparatus. There is evidence of both a circumstantial and deductive nature that places Israel firmly at the scene of the crime not least because they had everything to gain from such a tragic event.

The information explored on 9/11 hasn’t even come close to scratching the surface. At the very top of our psychic food chain lies an occult body who enacted a huge sacrifice or “Mega-Ritual” designed to appease and invoke the archetypal forces associated with a variety of Gods and Goddesses and in line with Illuminist traditions of the 3EM. We may never know exactly who were responsible for this attack against humanity, so vast is the net of converging interests. It is also likely that while those at the top of this Pyramid are few indeed, the psychological footprint of their effects can be likened to slow-motion release of a neutron bomb, spreading a psycho-spiritual toxicity as dangerous as any radioactive cloud.

Whether we believe in any of the religio-occult principles which have surfaced over the course of this series, they are taken seriously by many members of international governments and military who are currently deciding the fate of nations.  9/11 is the most potent expression of orchestrated evil for centuries. It represents a nexus of aligned interests with occultism at its core and surrounded by strategies which buffer the observer from the true ritualistic nature of the operation. Yet, it is only one phase in a long tradition of social engineering that is about to reach its apotheosis over the next decade.

So, let’s summarise, very simply some of the themes which have appeared so far.


Spheres of Influence | © infrakshun

“The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults. We have been blinded to the depravity of our ruling elite by the relentless propaganda of public relations firms that work on behalf of corporations and the rich.”

— Chris Hedges

9/11 Occult Mega-Ritual: orchestrated as a monumental ritual sacrifice in plain sight. The source of this atrocity was carried out by a conglomeration of members drawn from the upper echelons of the Three Establishment Model of Liberal, Conservative and Zionist members. These are in turn, are filtered through memberships of freemasonic branches of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism under various names and lodges. In all probability there is a grouping entirely unknown and without any labels who oversee the whole Big Show. Their beliefs are a form of existential Satanism drawing from an archaic techno-sorcery: an intense and a sophisticated mastery of science, psychology and cosmology which effectively marks them out as the leaders of a breakaway society. They are essential psychopaths and the perfect embodiment of the dark side of humanity and its collective shadow. In one sense, they serve a spiritual purpose in the balancing of negative and positive poles. Hence the need to re-establish a level playing field where negative forces can be objectively SEEN and understood.

Military-Occult Intelligence groups: are the key players and intermediaries between governments, think tanks and the military. They are perhaps closet to the core, inner workings though highly compartmentalised and tightly controlled. The MI6-CIA/NSA-MOSSAD triangle is on first, linking hands with the Anglo-American banking families and US Zionist influences. They are the tools which enable mind control/PSYOPS operations, media propaganda, CoIntelpro, Eco-Intelpro, coloured revolutions and false flag terrorism whilst working through the economic architecture of the 4C’s and geostrategy. They are the key cogs on the vast turning wheel.

Organised Religion: Embedded in the 3EM. They are the strings which are attached to a complex system of puppetry which make up the beliefs and myths of religious indoctrination and scientific thought police. Most potent in this bunch are the religious fanatics on the Christian and Islamic divide which has been so carefully nurtured over the centuries. Chabad Lubavitch, Catholic Cults (Opus Dei) Christian Zionism; Neo-Conservatism, Christian Evangelism and various other sub-groupings of right wing authoritarianism are key in the development, disbursement and maintenance of anger, fear, suppressed emotion and thus a variety sexual pathologies. This sustains the negative clouds of emotion needed to prop up the many headed hydra of the “End Times” war. Aside from paid agents (spellbinders) such groupings are largely unconscious of the deeply rooted occult connections.

Corporatism: The 9/11 Mega-Ritual enabled the 4Cs of commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control to move ahead with unparalleled success employing a cross fertilisation of all the above groupings into food, oil, agribusiness, asymmetric warfare, weapons, bio and smart technology, banking, security and the tripartite consumption of human and narcotics trafficking which underpins them all.  Stimulated crisis and conflict through the “Shock Doctrine” is the route to further centralisation of all the above. Think tanks and private armies are both political and corporate tools, the presence of which is dictated by money and profits in a self-sustaining – but ultimately finite – feedback system; a symbiotic relationship between governments and big business. The State is the corporation and the corporation is the State. The Underworld has now fused with mainstream geopolitics to produce deep politics and the “Overworld.”

 “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”

— Frederic Bastiat

The terrorist threat is a vast and complex fabrication which has been entrenched in the collective consciousness through Hollywood programming and decades of largely British, American and Israeli psychological operations. The myth of an outside enemy is self-propagating. We tend to believe what the media and authoritative statements made by government officials and academics tell us until it becomes part of our own belief system. But if we look closely at history, it is a story of our governments fabricating, distorting and creating terrorist movements and the horrendous suffering they inflict on ordinary people. The  9/11 attacks and the spectre of Al-Qaeda (and now ISIL) have been the modern day tools of perception management used to justify all kinds of atrocities and anti-human actions at the local, national and international level.

If the knowledge that organised religion and global economics has been manipulated into a poker game that is loaded for the Establishment to win while everyone ultimately dies at the table, then the house of cards would begin to tumble very quickly. People would see through the media propaganda and learn the language of deceit, which would mean there would be no pretexts for waging war; no justification for the doctrine of pre-emption or the building and maintenance of vast network of bases around the world; no reason for mass surveillance or the hoax that is the War on Terror.

It would all be seen as a sham.

There are key beliefs promoted and created as a resource for World State ideologies. At there inception, they were benevolent and creative. With varying twists and turns in their evolution – some ancient, some more recent – they have all succumbed to forms of pathogenic infection by psychopaths otherwise known as “ponerisation.” The ideology of a World State is promoted primarily through the auspices of apparently benign, philanthropic and altruistic endeavours at both the local and international level. With advanced knowledge of crowd psychology, suppressed technology and occult directives, this minority of psychopaths have been allowed to initiate a phase by phase of extinction of the global population.

Global Strategy of Tension: A War against the People

The emerging Global Pathocracy has kept populations asleep, fearful, unthinking, addicted and poverty-stricken. Tribalism, religious extremism and a spiritually dead secularism has turned the family unit and the community ethos inside out. It has achieved this through a variety of tried and tested methods across the centuries and about which many artists, philosophers, and mystics have tried to warn us. A brief summary of some of the major components involved follows, and describes a national and international Hegelian formula for a “Strategy of Tension.” These various tools of social management and manipulation obviously interpenetrate and overlap.  They comprise:

Synthetic Terror“Strategy of Tension” the “Hegelian Dialectic” or “Problem-Reaction-Solution” and various false flag scenarios. This produces anger, fear, distrust, shock, grief, trauma and revenge. The net result is social dislocation and psychological weakness open to auto-suggestion and thus to ponerological influences. Religious fundamentalism is always waiting in the wings to invert conscience and morality toward the myopia of absolutism. Indeed, intel agencies have traditionally had many agents working within their ranks as part of the process of domestic entrapment. The Terror industry is lucrative, both financially and politically. Terrorism becomes an archetypal external threat which offers the public backing for the fulfillment of geopolitical goals lying behind coloured revolutions and regime changes. The extraction of negative human emotion is the most effective and potent means to justifying the unjustifiable. It is a tried and tested formula that the populace is slowly beginning to understand. That being so, bigger and better atrocities and greater distractions will be applied to keep pace with an increasingly aware public.

Social Engineering Culture, academia, social sciences, green issues, entertainment and education Includes: CoIntelpro and Eco-Intelpro. A subversion of normal development within societies – ethical, spiritual and civic movements; the elevation of belief and emotional reflex partnered with the lowest common denominator of human instincts. Sexuality is progressively ponerised so that there are no limits; where more extreme pathologies become mainstreamed disrupting natural development and causing loss of identity, psychological disorientation – in particular narcissism and addictive behaviour. The entertainment industries are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques and child abuse networks. Semiotics, psychic driving, Pavlovian conditioning, subliminals and Neuro-Lingusitic programming, Delphic technique – all hijack the sub-strata of instinctive symbolism and iconography as a form of double-think where words and images mean something entirely different to what is seen and heard. Destruction of religious/spiritual beliefs replaced with a materialist perception of reality and the promotion of “group-think” tribalism. Dispersal of memes such as “One world” “global governance” “global warming” etc. and a high level media propaganda. There is literally a social engineering program for everyone. There are key beliefs which are currently most suitable to promote One World philosophy and practice. These include:

  • Transhumanism / SMART society (SMART energy grid; infrastructure, etc.) and Sustainable Development – infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro so as to speed the delivery of technological mainframe for complete surveillance and containment under cover of “saving the world” through technology. The metaphor for this is akin to farming sheep – feeding, watering and making sure protection is given through biometric welfare so that they become not only docile but happy in their domestication. Meanwhile they “progressively” sheared of awareness.
  • Climate Change industry and environmental activism infiltrated by Eco-Intelpro and eco-fascistic principles where human beings are seen as viri and thus less important to the preservation of Nature. (The United Nations’ Agenda 21 and urban development is key in this regard – and no, while right wing patriots do embrace this reality it is not a conservative plot). This feeds into multiple vested interests on both sides of the divide.
  • New Age or Human Potential Movement infiltrated by agents of CoIntelpro to limit quality of consciousness and thus the potential for genuine expansion of awareness. This is achieved in much the same way as the subversion of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The exact same scenario as the transhumanist movement except through spiritual rituals.

State-Sanctioned Mind Control experiments / Ritual Sexual Abuse – Military use of mind control technology targeting populations worldwide (HAARP, MK ULTRA, MONARCH, biowarfare, etc.) Historical tradition of military families being used for mind control experimentation including assassinations and black operations on domestic targets. Child abuse networks are a source of Elite indulgence and fodder for future covert military training. (See Satan’s Little Helpers IV and read David McGowan’s Programmed to Kill ) Extensive internet-based propaganda serves to confuse and disorientate supporting both the “discourse of disbelief” and unsubstantiated conspiracies. Existence of intra-familial/generational Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) are extended and enhanced within the military-intelligence apparatus with crossovers between various religious and occult groupings from inherited “bloodlines”. Abuse in society is encouraged to provide cover for the Elite. The entertainment industries (popular music, movies) are awash with sophisticated psycho-subversion techniques which are both purposely designed and others which are symptomatic of the focus inherent in the medium. All indirectly encourage pathologies such as ADS, depression, narcissistic tendencies and dissociative disorders.

(Asymmetric) WarOrganised and facilitated by governments, corporations and the banking cartels in order to maximise and expand profits. A primary tool for ensuring the majority of the global population remains disempowered whislt extracting material and psychic capital. Culling and sterilisation of populations heads off cyclic disturbance in status quo such as group awareness, genuine revolutionary and social recovery leading to potentially dangerous levels of empowerment which would threaten the monopoly of the 0.01%. To ignite the need for war humanitarian pretexts and false flag atrocities are used. Methods of balkanisation and civil war are carried out along with heavy media and outsourced PSYOPS and PR companies on the ground. Obvious fallout from war is: Poverty, hunger, disease, individual and collective psycho-physiological trauma and a massive rise in pathologies; mass death, mass immigration and exodus of refugees; environmental destruction; opportunities to reconfigure tribal and political alliances and objectives; rape of societies and cultures and replacement with cartel capitalism and monoculture of the 4C’s. This proceeds to a critical breakdown resulting in social compliance to the new established order and eventually seen as normal. Through the creation and/or exacerbation of the division between rich and poor, a vacuum is always created where uncertainty and economic insecurity invites crime and social unrest which can then be manipulated according to elite directives.

Debt slavery – IMF/ World Bank/UN-International Banking cartels. Once war has broken the spirit, these organisations move in to create the conditions by which the newly “democractised” countries sign on to the neo-liberal model of economic slavery. Massive profits can be made from a corporate colonisation of virgin cultures. Multiple dividends for economic destabilisation through debt control by the Structural Adjustment Team of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Health Organisation, (WHO) and the United Nations. (See: The Shock Doctrine By Naomi Klein (2010) and Confessions of an Economic Hit-man by John Perkins). High frequency trading and speculation driven by artificial intelligence technology maintains the “Boom-bust cycles” and debt bubbles which ensure dividends for the 0000.1%.  A comprehensive rigging of every market exists from currency to gold/silver so that during each bubble burst “austerity measures” can be introduced in order to obtain funds from the public purse to repair the excess of the banking industry and maintain the global financial architecture. This cartel capitalism is overseen by the Bank of England in the City of London and the Federal Reserve in the United States which operate under exceptional laws and rulings effectively allowing these bodies to exist as private entities which serve corporate and banking interests. They are two of the primary wheels upon which a legion of banks, hedge funds, financial brokers, think tanks and government agencies inexorably turn. The dynasties of the Rothschilds, Morgans,  Rockefellers, Oppenheimers, along with European royalty and many other wealthy families are the nodes in a circuit of wealth and power within Official Culture that ensures the fiat currency of credit and debt slavery, as well as a concurrent monopolisation of all resources that remain entrenched. Governments already operate as global entities and offer periodic elections to keep the illusion of working democracies. Members of the state are usually deluded by their own lies, ignorance and self-importance thus oiling the wheels of World State operations. Very few in power realise what part they play in the wider game. Government and their federal/civil service personnel ensure the age-old key objectives remain fixed i.e. to disempower the public through information dominance, consumerism and debt.

Food monopoly / Food Contamination – Fast-food society with agri-business, genetically modified foods, chemical industry, animal foodstuffs and factory farming defining its expansion. This has led to severe environmental degradation of soil and desertification; destruction of forests and river pollution which destabilises the balance of eco-systems and expose populations to natural disasters. Mass migration to cities and expansion of slums results. International immigration inevitably increases placing further pressure on other countries’ infrastructure. Severe health problems from agricultural practices (pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilisers) chemical additives, irradiated and genetically modified food is visited on the economically disadvantaged which makes up most of world’s population. Supermarket culture displaces local businesses and increases total reliance on corporations who practice global trade divorced from socio-economic values. Self-sufficiency, autonomy are further eroded in favour of narrow dependence on exports. The nature of fast food causes dietary problems further exacerbating mental health issues. Endemic animal cruelty in factory farming is a reflection of a mechanistic and materialist view of animals as products. It also reinforces our disconnection from nature and ecologically responsible alternatives. The mind-body split is part of the formula for control as is the maxim of “Divide and Rule” and obviously has consequences for the healthy functioning of both. The food industry is to be integrated into SMART agrimatics utilising biotechnology and biometrics for maximum output and efficiency but yielding the minimum nutritional quality due to a purposeful exclusion of essential nutrients.

Depopulation through mass sterilisation, food as a weapon and indirect forms of reduction (economic disparities, debt slavery, war and GMOs) drawn from a resurgence in the support for genetic engineering and eugenics. The co-option of the well-intentioned with NGOs and the United Nations offers a platform of legitimacy. Such a worldview requires a reduction in specific racial types alongside colonisation and resource monopoly. Genocide, tribal warfare, gender imbalance, distortion of science by corporate interests, population anomalies, religious extremism, and profits for governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry are the net effects of such actions. The much promoted bad science of overpopulation is used to increase the pressure on scientists and environmentalists to push through predesignated “solutions”. In truth, with a radical return to just and equitable socio-cultural and economic principles much of the overpopulation propaganda would be overturned. The dysfunctional nature of our current economic and social infrastructures comprehensively limit truly creative solutions which would allow a natural return to balanced populations levels.

Big Pharma / Medical Establishment – medicalisation of health is drawn from the same formula for domination which can be seen in the banking industry and other sectors of society. The net result is an undue dependence on pharmaceutical corporations who, in combination with the insurance industry, have state health care and doctors inside their pocket. Greater privatisation and fake social benefits (such as Obamacare) ensure vulnerable sectors of society who are unable to pay, cannot access the health care they need. Just as arm manufacturers and financial institutions are intimately tied to global governments so too the huge profits are made by Big Pharma are accrued from their relationship to the medical establishment. Curing people is the last thing the medical cartels would like to see – quite the opposite. The marginalisation of complementary medicine continues with Big Pharma paying so called medical websites to indulge in propaganda and attacks on alternative healing modalities. Scientific reductionism and a serious abuse of the scientific method can be evidenced and used to support profit at the expense of healing and palliative care. Corruption in science is intimately linked to corruption throughout the corporatised medical establishment. Profit is obviously the overriding aim where natural and sometimes innovative methods of care have been overlooked. Campaigns of character assassination and disinformation are routinely used against those who go against this orthodoxy. This has resulted in a negative feedback loop between the mentally and physically ill who represent numbers on a spreadsheet for Big Pharma companies and state care. As society becomes more prone to infection by the dominating psychopathy then more symptoms will begin to appear in normal people thus increasing the profits of Big Pharma which, acting as a corporate predator in its perceptions will take out anything which threatens its monopoly. Dependence and over-reliance is secured if drugs and psychiatry are joined at the hip. An ill population is an essential revenue stream for Big Pharma. (A similar framework exists in vaccination programs whose overarching agenda is to lessen the integrity of DNA and resistance to specific viri as per psycho-social engineering for docility, sterility and depopulation agenda).

Technocracy – implementation of a “Smart Society” which integrates principles of sustainable development, state surveillance, invasive perception management and virtual reality leisure time. Economic parity and ultimate efficiency are the by-words for acceptance. It is a new form of materialist seduction with technology as the panacea for all ills. The glut of gadgets are showing highly negative effects on the neurology of the very young. Brain growth and the arc of developmental learning is suffering. Narcissism is enhanced in a push-button culture of synthetic networks divorced from the real. Great progress can be seen through internet-based journalism and information dissemination. This is one aspect of technology that for now permitted until it is possible that dissent of this kind can be eliminated. Firstly, the infrastructure and lifestyle must be tied to essential requirements such as income generation, energy in the home and health. Once these are inseparable from survival then if someone is not behaving, his ability to exist in such an etheric web of Wi-Fi relations will simply be switched off. A transposition of elite perception is set to move seamlessly into the new SMART societies.

Inducements of technological benefits will anaesthetise new generations into blindly accepting a total reconfiguration and restructuring of urban life. As a consequence, it will be increasingly difficult to opt out in favour of a genuinely self-sufficient and autonomous lifestyle. This will be equated with subversive and suspicious behaviour and thus citizens will be encouraged to alert the authorities for the good of the whole. Those who wish to opt out of this all encompassing bio-metric lifestyle will be seen as the new terrorists or “organics” strangely rejecting the post-human world of biogenetic integration with the digital world. Targeted through “Pre-Crime” software, they will be seen as the new bogeymen.

Paradoxically, by moving closer to a literal connection into a cybernetic machine of convenience we will be further disconnected from authenticity and the natural world. Objective reality will be replaced with subjective dream world  – a virtuality. This is exactly what the pathocrats would love to see. Transhumanism is the philosophy created to sell their group-think, collectivist dream. Once Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been allowed to proceed, innovation in the military and consumer worlds will tip the balance towards a redefinition of a host of principles and values attached to what it means to be human. You can be assured in such a scenario this will mean much, MUCH less freedom.

All the above listed strategies will be heightened and expanded under such a technocracy.

 “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death. It is easy to say you believe a rope is strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But, suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice? Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?”

— C.S. Lewis


Don those masks and look straight ahead…

One World?

Well, not at this level – not yet. But we might find the inversion of such a principle looming rather large in the near future.

All the above strategies are needed to promote the “One World” philosophy which appears so warm and fuzzy at first glance. But it requires the dissolution of national borders, self-determination and independence in favour of a homogenous, group consciousness which replicates across all societal domains. It demands an extreme deference to political correctness and liberalism while at the same time using conservative – even fascistic formulas – to enforce such directives. In truth, no political belief or philosophy is exempt from being used as a temporary tool to lever this One World Order into place. One World, One Humanity, One World Religion, One World Army are all euphemisms for a gradual, phase by phase implementation of a global, centralised control system across all sectors of human endeavour. Eventually, these people wish to see everything interlocking into a seamless, artificial World State of homeostatic, human management, where we will be literally cared for like pets: fed, watered and given our basic comforts. But only as long as we keep our place in this new techno-Feudalism. And keeping our place will mean allowing a Huxleyian slavery of docile “post-humans” to merge into the SMART framework with ultimate ease. If not, then you are “switched off” until you learn to be a good citizen. If the present American police state is anything to go by it will be a case of trading one Orwellian order for another.

It is the the noble aspiration of a world of interconnected and interrelated “Oneness” that serves as the platform for its inversion. It seems humanity has yet to grasp that such a concept is derived from ancient spiritual wisdom that describes what could be termed higher dimensions of consciousness rather than physical plane directives, where opposites collide and choices are known.

The above realities and possible futures describe our current reality but it need not necessarily continue.

Though the ideal of ultimate oneness may not be possible at this level of reality, that doesn’t mean to say that we cannot attain a more balanced civilisation – where even the word “unity” would exist in clusters. Before we can allow a hard-won pragmatism guided by an innate and natural guidance to take over, we must let go of our collective Messiah Complex where every charismatic leader is deified and seen as the next demi-God to lead us into a New Way. We must find our own path of access. And it is that process that will bind us to others searching for the Way, without beliefs which hinder and with a new socio-political and cultural imperative which leaves behind the dead-ends of Liberalism, Communism and Fascism and their various children. Maybe in that frightening void of acceptance and non-anticipation we will learn to find the balance between the sovereign rights of the individual married to the collective. That is, to become group conscious and to realise the value of networking as opposed to being submerged in group consciousness and our individuality squashed by instinct of the herd.

Before we can do this we perhaps we need to discover why it is that notions of authority have loomed so large in our minds and have given the illusion of free-will, from cradle to grave.



[1] (p.309) Harding, M.Esther; Psychic Energy (1962) Second Edition.

Technocracy XVI: A Post Human World? (2)

“One can’t deal with irrational luddites unless one understands them.”

– a transhumanist

It seems it’s not possible to be against some of the fundamental principles upon which transhumanism stands without being tarred with the Luddite brush.  This is despite the fact that Luddites were absolutely right in their fears, in that such an enforced change would rip out the heart of community and replace it with Blakes’ “Dark Satanic Mills” of the Industrial Revolution. Ultimately, it reinforced slave labour, poverty, class divides, the globalisation of the factory line and environmental destruction on a grand scale. This would develop into the corporatist-collectivist Three Establishment Model that would enforce a cartel banking system of debt sustained by perpetual war. The level of technological sophistication has advanced but the transhumanism revolution is based on the same mindset: Machines will do it all. It signifies “progress.”

Progress for who and by what means?

One might also say: “One can’t deal with irrational transhumanists unless one understands them – as tiresome as that may be.” (The last bit is optional).

TRANSHUMANThe Ultimate Hubris of Deux Ex Machina? | © unknown

Looking back at the themes in previous posts the reader may see that transhumanism and technocracy are potentially two sides of the same spinning coin which has yet to settle. Military, government, corporate and family dynasties are (s)warming to this new SMART vision of the world, a large percentage of whom follow specific esoteric traditions of the negative “left hand path” in occult fraternities. They believe themselves to be Divine Kings or mini-Gods in human form destined to rule over their inferior minions. It is largely for this reason that popular culture is now awash with transhumanist philosophy as part of a natural excitement surrounding the future of this technology and more covertly, as a continuance of social engineering care of Rockefeller social science and its numerous offshoots. Transhumanism is extremely important to the Elite despite what appears to be a hackneyed interpretation of biology and consciousness. Indeed, blurring the boundaries between man and machine is essential to the success of these extraordinary technologies.

The acronym “GRIN” is now commonly used to describe educational technology, information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, robotics, and artificial intelligence, all of which taken individually or as a generic platform have the capability to utterly transform societies. Ray Kurzweil agrees and recently told the Foresight Institute’s Eighth Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology: “By the end of this century, I don’t think there will be a clear distinction between human and machine,” [1] There is also the Harvard research team led by Professor of Chemistry Charles M. Lieber who has: “… developed a system for creating nanoscale ‘scaffolds’ that can be seeded with cells that grow into tissue.” Lieber reiterates the limited effectiveness of present monitoring and interaction of living systems but he believes: “Ultimately, this is about merging tissue with electronics in a way that it becomes difficult to determine where the tissue ends and the electronics begin.” [2]

If that fills you with dread then you might be holding on to the quaint notion that consciousness and the concept of immortality lie outside the limitations of the mind and body, let alone a bio-computer. Does that mean we cannot utilise technology to extend life as an add-on elixir fixed to matter alone? Perhaps not. Yet, it could be said that adding machine to flesh in an endless loop of self-assembly lines until the body is subsumed is a symptom of a human frailty; an official Culture of addiction and death as nihilistic void. In other words, the attachment to an idea – especially if it promises so much and casts out fear of the unknown – is tantalising beyond measure but that does not mean it is somehow anything more than another techno-religious overlay to assuage instinctual fears.  For transhumanists that’s probably a good thing until the complexity of machine literally outstrips biology. For with greater and greater complexity the more probability there is for consciousness to ignite. Nonetheless, for many, there is still a natural disquiet about the whole notion of the human BE-ing, with its mind made manifest in human form, left on the hard shoulder (or hard drive) of the information superhighway.

Rather than an obsession with what can be augmented and improved in the world of matter, ancient wisdom taught us to look within first, one might say to the world of “Spirit”, in order to change ourselves, to know ourselves and that this would naturally be reflected in external reality; building a centre within through which the Creative Universe may flow, unimpeded by implanted cortical processors and nanotubes. If we live from the assumption that the brain is all there is, if one’s belief system demands that there is no consciousness outside the friction of a man-made machine, where intelligence, intuition, biology (and countless anomalies) is merely a Darwinian by-product of selfish genes… then hitching a ride on the sparks created from such an effort may be as good as it gets. Where it will lead you however, might depend upon your essential “frequency” of awareness rather than the ever greater nanoengineering of your nervous system.

Is it possible to create a synthetic mimicry of soul growth? Is uploading the mind the same as uploading the soul? Do most transhumanists give credence to such a thing? Or is it merely a superstitious myth to be outgrown so that we may merge into something more akin to matter?

History tell us the latter comes by stealth every time, deceiving those whose bull-shit-o-meter isn’t sufficiently honed.


Illustration on Transhumanism and SMART society

Central to transhumanism is the idea that humanity is so imperfect as to be a bad evolutionary joke. Only machines can tip the balance towards the perfection we all supposedly long for, neatly packaged with the belief that man and toaster can be fused in perfect triadic harmony. Happiness and even hedonism are often seen as prerequisites for the transhumanist hipster. Aligned with the bio-ethical school of abolitionism which proposes the use of psychopharmaceuticals and genetic engineering to eliminate the possibility of painful sensations and emotions, we are again harking back to the work of Aldous Huxley’s use of certain drugs as a form of synthetic “paradise engineering.” Creating a form of emotional doping means that the ability to truly distinguish between objective and subjective reality becomes blurred. It becomes a) an escape into an inner comfort zone that uses a synthetic façade to dull the senses and cover up the human condition rather than confronting it. Or b) hot-wires the brain to create short-cuts to multidimensional pathways which may leave the mind reeling from such a premature exposure, though many have been changed positively from such revelations its a bit of a crap-shoot. Either way, this is useful to those overseeing a Technocracy. A neuro-pharmacological bind to virtual realities which by default, becomes Reality might be a rather convenient way to defang a generation of spiritual thinkers who already have the potential to ignite this Hieros Gamos, (the marriage of feminine/masculine) the alchemical seeds within, without recourse to merging with a fractal replication of low grade desire…

Perhaps part of humanity’s destiny is not to ping-pong from states of unhappiness to happiness but to go beyond this duality. Perhaps it is the case that for the human species to truly learn, suffering is part of our sojourn here on earth. When did anyone ever grow long-term wisdom from an artificially induced, state-mandated happiness? Most of the extraordinary creative brilliance has come from the “Dark Nights of the Soul” yet would these examples of creativity have had the chance to manifest under the philosophy of transhumanist hedonism that wishes to banish every shadow in favour of a subjective, synthetic perfection?

The drug culture of the 1960s and beyond may have led to spiritual revelation for many but it never reached practical application of that knowledge for the majority. In this sense, there is some cross-over between transhumanism and the less welcoming aspects of the New Age movement. The same lip-service is given to developing character and concepts of “Self” but little practical application above technology as saviour can be evidenced. Indeed, the very notion of what it means to struggle and forge a new human being within seems to be lost on transhumanists. This brand of transformation offers a complete “reboot” and upgrade – even a total refurbishment of the lowly organic.

Surely, instead of identifying exclusively with the external world and the technological horizons of urban life (which was already thoroughly disconnected with the natural world) they lose what it means to be biologically human. We may not need foreign bodies of nano-bots in the brain to realise our inherent potential because the latter may be beyond the whole idea of matter itself. Matter as tool, gross materiality as a symbol of higher dimensions, but not one to indulge and join. Unless that is, you choose the downward path of primal matter.

Primo_Posthuman Transhuman Body Prototype authored and designed by Natasha Vita-More (1997; 2009; 2012).

The assumption that we can simply adapt the human mind – dare we say, Spirit – to the parameters of a machine and assume that such an adaptation is “destiny” appears to display a “little picture” view of human potential whilst claiming the opposite. It may well be that the concept of evolution exists at many levels of perception, seen and unseen. After all, if you can get a tattoo, why not pay for a chip to be embedded in your brain so that you can be just like Keanu Reeves and download a karate program – eh viola! Instant learning. If you happen to be wealthy then your child’s education will move closer to brain-chip upgrades than any real notion of deep understanding and effort. Unpleasant memories? Just indulge in some cosmetic neurology and tinker around with the brain so that you can delete all the icky parts of your life you’d rather not remember, even though this is what makes us human and helps us build wisdom. The holographic nature of the brain and its plasticity also calls into question the spiritual efficacy of such augmentation. When non-local becomes local, does this root us to matter or as transhumanists claim, bootstrap us away from it into higher dimensions? Seems like we are back to the short cut route of psychopharmaceuticals.

As stated above, the more complex an organism whether made from circuits, flesh or combination of both, it is only a matter of time before consciousness develops and thus self-awareness. It may even be possible that there are no barriers to the seeding of sentience. However, the quality of that consciousness is the key issue. Once we are all plugged into SMART society we will be free to push our virtual reality to untold potentials – just as long as we’re plugged into the mainframe and suitably “modified and “enhanced” so that we can accommodate all that extra “intelligence.” Yet, enormously intelligent is surely not the same as enlightened. It just represents computational power. If that’s disbursed through a virtual matrix wired up to the same pathocratic visions, then all circuits and chips will lead to a technocracy characterised by yet another manifestation of neo-feudalism.

What is emerging is a cult of transhumanism which gives a bad name to technological progress because it offers a wholly simplistic view of the human being, while appealing to the biocentric narcissism. When you are divorced from healthy psychological living – which, to various degrees most of us are – no amount of wishful thinking will derive wisdom from external modalities grafted onto flesh or tapping into the personality – even dreams – no matter how efficient and certain such an environment may be. Nature’s unpredictability and the sticky, messy earthiness of organic life has a connection with the human condition, perhaps through our very DNA which is made up of exactly the same qualities that cannot be reduced down to rigid, silicon-based parameters, whatever the touted sophistication.

>Regardless of the tenuous link to “silicon as Nature” the latter will always find a way to make the seemingly perfect, imperfect in order to adhere to its Universal-Cosmic program of learning through friction and the experience of opposites. Rather than “improving” human beings, the net result may actually take us further down the road to techno-psychopathy and the degradation of what makes us human: the development of emotions and conscience.

Technology in this context has implications for the conception and act of creativity. When everyone can download a program to “paint” and click a button to “compose” everyone will be an artist/engineer but entirely divorced from originality and thus individuality. We will all begin to think and act the same way without having mastered the art of living through experience which is necessarily a slow process of building quality. If everything is at our fingertips, where is the effort and friction that creates new pathways of learning? We may have an increase in optimum efficiency and sensation at the expense of deeper feeling and the spark of original thought. With such an all-encompassing hard drive to implement a massive mainframe of effortless and instant technical know-how where does the impetus come from to challenge our self-satisfaction and self-importance? Tension and resistance is not about a puritanical masochism but the lodestar of creativity which may ultimately go beyond humans’ technological constructs.


“EXTANT” (2013) CBS TV series produced by Steven Spielberg and starring Halle Berry. This is the usual fusion of Artifical Intelligence and Extraterrestrial life and government projects. The propaganda is easy to read as it is in most of Spielberg’s films and TV series. The message is overwhelmingly in favour of technologically advanced aliens, loveable transhumanist lab workers, cutesy androids and that we are all rather ignorant and hurtful if we think otherwise.

Nature and art are reflecting more and more the replacement of a buffered and synthetic reality where the subjective (ignorance, illusion, self-deception, Non-Being) is God rather than striving to know (Objective truth, Love, Knowledge, Being). All artists will continue to create but they will do so not from any intrinsic connection to objective reality but from a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. This is the nature of replication. It’s wonderful for uniformity and functionality but lacks originality. It is necessarily divorced from the purely organic which ancient and modern wisdom alike tells us has a power or “chi” that is rooted in the bio-rhythmic cycles of Nature.

That does not mean that extraordinary new art forms cannot be born in virtual reality and new technology but cognitive roots must surely source their inspiration from the original as far as is possible. Otherwise, it can so easily lead to the homogenisation of “talent” where mediocrity rules, as explored in Official Culture. Inspiration and creativity demand the friction of experience tied to an organic emotional resonance; a direct contact with the elements of Earth, fire, air and water as a living, breathing system of  unmediated resonance. Just as social networks and technology are leading to definite benefits of networking there is also clear cognitive and neurological impairment in the young as well as increasing isolation and depression as a result of living our lives through mediated technology i.e. real-time separation through technological barriers as opposed to real-time contact.  It is the path of the alchemical shaman meeting the archetype of the trickster that lures you into lessons for soul growth, learning that shocks you awake, not by further augmenting our already inflated emotional buffers.

transhumanism-pop-culture1Transhumanism in popular culture

What of death?

Transhumanist philosophy, while rejecting religion, seems to embrace an evangelism against death as the archetypal grim reaper rather than a release and liberation; an aberration rather than the natural consequence of birth. The decay and renewal is part of organic life and it is the belief that we are separate from the natural world and not in control that distils a potent fear into an ideology that is supposedly sophisticated, but could just be an intellectually-heavy rationalisation stuck with software and hardware as insects to fly-paper. A techno-spiritual salvation as protection offers a short-term relief from uncertainty and eventual death of the body that lies behind it.

Freud would have been proud.

Antoine Wiertz Une tete de mort

“Une tete de mort” By Antoine Wiertz (1806-1865)

After all, a human being is not a computer though it may share many characteristics. As stated, the brain has remarkable plasticity and can change and grow according to an almost holographic template. We are made up of a microcosmic soup of infinite complexity at the cellular, molecular neuropsychological and perhaps even multi-dimensional level of consciousness. In this sense, is not transhumanism highly reductionist in its approach to social problems and their solutions? If so, implicit in these desires is the need for a fear-based immortality. Indefinite life-spans are to be engineered by transporting brain and mind (because the brain is the mind in the transhumanist reality) to a non-biological form. It is this same Social Darwinist assumption that the psychological sub-strata of all humans are alike and if we just manipulate the mass mind into a technological cure-all, everything will be rosy. Consciousness studies, neurology, quantum physics and the nature of awareness outside of the human body doesn’t even enter the picture.

With psychological reductionism aside, a total absence of psychopathy awareness handicaps any movement from the outset, whatever the perceived potential. Moreover, psychopathic personalities have no capacity for higher emotion and are ideally suited to the very technological accoutrements currently being pushed. If you have no conscience, no capacity for higher emotion and seek more and more sophisticated means from which to extract your “food”, what better way than to take your predation to the next level via high-end technology ? Yet, even here, the optimism of normal humanity is so in love with gadgetry that, with the best of intentions, this may be one Pandora’s Box that will be very difficult to close even halfway.

As Hadas Elber stated in her essay “Visions of Humanity between the post-human and the Non-Human.”:

“Contemporary history has been plagued by attempts to cure humanity of its schisms. The Third Reich, the Soviet Union and the Cultural Revolution in China were all ideological projects devoted to abolishing contradiction from the human subject and thus reconstituting him as the harmonious post-human. Whether or not these projects were faithful to Nietzsche’s original vision remains a matter of debate, but clearly they drew upon his tropes of human disease and post-human salvation.” [3]

The transcendent super-human as ideology is essential to this futurism and therefore doomed, precisely because of this  brand of hubris. If you have an external salvation there is no need for any sacrifice or faith which is where an inverted alchemy comes in. Sacrifice and faith is distorted to follow its shadow side. (More on this later).

As part of yet another curative attempt on behalf of this post-human harmony, early 2015 saw a landmark in human genetic modification. Despite significant scientific, ethical, and legal objections,the United Kingdom became the first country to allow human germline modification, genetic changes of which will be passed on to future generations. germline genetic modification allows “three-person in vitro fertilization,” which combines genetic material from two women and a man. Aside from giving more women the chance to have children – a laudable goal indeed – Marcy Darnovsky and Jessica Cussins of the Centre for Genetics and Society (CGS) highlighted the wide-ranging implications of what this really means:

“Genetic-engineering techniques now being developed, including “precision gene editing,” soon may enable specific changes to nuclear DNA in embryos that would directly influence specific inherited traits. How do we ensure that we don’t sleepwalk into a world of biotechnological eugenics in which genetic alterations or “enhancements,” driven by parental preference or fertility industry marketing, exacerbate existing social inequalities?” [4]

The answer is: we don’t. The genie is already out of the box.

geneticen.1Transhumanists are liberally sprinkled throughout the NSA and the DARPA team. Turning the human being into a programmable machine has long been the goal of the Elite, after all. Now it seems, they may have their wish by digitising our very DNA. With the usual preambles of “protection” “pollution control” and “greater healthcare” the White House gave tacit approval to the manipulation of DNA in the bid to create new life-forms. Of special note is the J. Craig Venter Institute which rivals Ray Kurzweil’s soaring optimism for automation and post human weirdness. Venter is a leading scientist in the field of gene mapping which has the omnipresence potential to merge with the surveillance state and the growing DNA database. Indeed, Venter’s goal is to plug into the Internet of Things in order to provide everyone with access to instant vaccines and “tele-transport medicine” via:

“… a box attached to a computer that would receive DNA sequences over the internet to synthesise proteins, viruses and even living cells.” He explains: “It could, for example, fill a prescription for insulin, provide flu vaccine during a pandemic or even produce phage viruses targeted to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

On the more fanciful side, Venter also imagines the ability to transport the information to colonists on Mars, but even that apparently can’t be completely brushed aside. As he clearly states, “‘This isn’t a fantasy look at the future. We are doing the future.”  [5]

It is not the overall hubris that is worrying since that has always been an all too human frailty. It is the choice of a singular perception, this “doing the future” as Promethean benefactor. It can only become tied to the same 0.00001%” who would use it just as they have a fiat currency, television, media and factory lines of the past. It is here that normality swiftly becomes pathology before we have had time to blink. Recall one time Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, who in 2004, a few weeks before the election of puppet psychopath George W. Bush had this to say about journalist Ron Suskind and others who might consider truth rather important:

Guys like [Suskind] were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”  [6]

A pathologically egotistical and reflexive call to action that brushes aside objective reality in favour of stuffing the Creative Universe into their own tiny, subjective perceptions of reality. It is akin to much of the New Age philosophy of Create-your-own-Reality meme and mirrors the tunnel vision of transhumanists. If Venter and others like him see life as nothing more than a software program so, of course, that’s where the trajectory will take us. Unfortunately, we will all be sucked into that “future” as defined by technocrats and genetic engineers who see Nature and the Cosmos as a laboratory specimen to be broken up and fragmented into constituent parts in order to be manipulated and “improved.”

When man and machine can’t be distinguished or separated will that mean that timeless, unbounded consciousness is “upgraded”? Perhaps the quality of consciousness is merely another analogue of Wi-Fi, and we the physical GWEN towers of its radiation. All we need are greater and greater upgrades to a techtopian perfection which doesn’t exist….

transformers-3God-like Cyborg Aliens and apocalyptic effects, Michael Bay (2013)

There are many engineering visionaries waiting in the wings of bio-genetic “innovation” ready to fuse man to a synthetic biology. Men such as George Church who display the same nonchalant, eugenic inevitability as the eco-fascist who sees the culling of a few million people as part of the same fateful Directive. Yet, Church’s logic is hard to refute when set against the current inexorable drive to expand bio-ethical and technological frontiers.

He states:

“Almost all technology in this area is banned until it works,” … “In vitro fertilization was banned, and now it is immoral to deny an infertile couple their birth-right to have a child produced by their bodies. At some point, someone will come up with an airtight argument as to why they should have a cloned child. At that point, cloning will be acceptable. At that point, people will already be choosing traits for their children. What politician will tell a parent that they can’t spend their hard-earned money on getting an extra 50 SAT points for their child as long as it’s safe?” [7]

ChimeraAnd if you are busy cloning your mind to upload into NASDAQ listed avatar it is hardly likely at this stage that cloning one’s synthetic offspring will prove morally challenging. Ethics and morality are already undergoing a strengthening in relativism which is not in accordance with what we consider to be our basic human values. Perhaps the innovations will extend to unaccountable R&D teams stretching the boundaries of stem-cell research and who indulge in the marriage of both nanotechnology, tissue and “chimeras” – named after the creatures of Greek mythology. Human stem-cells added to animal foetuses are taking place under federal mandated programs. With no guidelines ethical or otherwise, what will be the outcome? Who defines how human a chimera must be before regulation and rules are applied? Pigs being born with human blood in their veins; sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human and mice with human brain cells are not science fiction but cold-blooded fact. Medical advances may eventuate but what of other, more long-term societal implications? The Pathocrats would see no disadvantage at all in using human-animal hybrids just as we use machines.

>Robert Streiffer, a professor of philosophy and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin offers this chilling scenario: “Imagine a human-chimpanzee chimera endowed with speech and an enhanced potential to learn — what some have called a ‘humanzee.’ There’s a knee-jerk reaction that enhancing the moral status of an animal is bad, but if you did it, and you gave it the protections it deserves, how could the animal complain?” [8]  If we believe that those “protections” would be forthcoming in a world of enforced supply and demand and disappearing ethics then we are sorely mistaken. As Harvard Professor of Government Michael J. Sandel observed: “”Chances are we would make them perform menial jobs or dangerous jobs …” [9]

There are more human slaves on this Earth than ever in history. Now we have the potential for a state-sanctioned resource for more. What about a future conjoining of ape and machine? This makes the film The Rise of the Planet of the Apes another case of predictive programming. There is also a possible reference to the very small breakaway civilisation of an Occult Elite who see global humanity as merely unconscious bio-chemical “machines” at the level of ape consciousness. (Perhaps they are right). Yet, transhumanism offers the bridge between the animal-human to a new alchemical transcendence.

Be nice. Humanity is awakening…Evolution becomes revolution … Managed awakening.

2011_rise_of_the_planet_of_the_apes-wideRise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) “Evolution becomes Revolution”

aiSteven Spieberg’s Artificial Intelligence (2001) Appealing to our emotions in order that we anthropomorphize new technology.  “His love is real, but he is not.”

SMART society, UN Agenda 21, sustainable development, nano-technology, the surveillance state, the Human Genome Project, and animal /human genetic engineering amassed together under techno-pathocractic state control: this is the kind of integration of technology that is hitching a ride on the euphoria of transhumanist visions. More importantly, this is about imbuing with new energy an ancient re-enactment of a techno-spirituality – if we can call it such – as part of an occult eschatology of the World State Establishment.

It is the monotheistic delusion of Hadas Elber’s stated “salvation” based upon authoritarian violence against freedom of thought, freedom of bodily expression and freedom of emotion that creates a false deity, a blood-thirsty Yahweh of Judeo-Christian doctrine and which continues to bind humanity today. It is the totalitarian nature of organised religion that demands obedience to intermediaries so that self-empowerment and responsibility is sucked into its maw.

Monotheism is an enormous lie based on Bible propaganda and the falsification of history that cuts the umbilical cord to the Universal Spirit. It has replicated that same authoritarianism in countless smaller cults which promise salvation via the subjugation of individuality and the fear of divine retribution. Consequently, these legions of intermediaries have been created between humanity and their Patriarchal God/Allah etc. Yet, transhumanists offer up the same intermediaries in the form of technocracy and technology; bodily self-harm and defilement of God in microcosm, under the guise of a technological transcendence. The negation of the ebb and flow of natural order is the antithesis of free-will and freedom and gives rise to the science which has particular relevance from the standpoint of coerced “group consciousness” where society integrates towards a New World Synthetic Organism.

In a metaphysical sense, can it not be said that there has always existed the potential for a “Christ consciousness” to  flow through co-linear units of individual consciousness who, by dint of their self-development across the personality spectrum, live to serve? By serving others they naturally anchor a qualitative energy disbursed across that network. It is the “one in manyness”, different, yet going in the same direction, that of Truth and the hope of Unity.  Is not the true disjecta membra of ancient wisdom the science of the soul? Perhaps, as certain archaeological finds now suggest, there may have been extremely advanced technology in the very ancient past, empirical evidence of which has all but disappeared due to catastrophic environmental upheavals. Nonetheless, some experts increasingly cite evidence suggestive of ancient technology within civilisations long since destroyed.

According to the Bagavad Gita, the Sumerian Texts and passages from the Bible, cross-cultural mythology and recurrent motifs allude to a destruction intimately connected to the withdrawal of technological power which echos the myth of the Edenic Fall. Could it be when technology becomes the new messianic intermediary, where sensate power becomes paramount, that the descent of humanity is once again re-enacted?

ancient_technology_abydosThe Abydos carvings showing what appears to be helicopters and other futuristic Vehicles Located in the Temple of Seti The First – Abydos, Egypt. Does this rise of technology ultimately destroy us in cycles of catastrophe? Source:

The mythology of Atlantis is said to play a large part in occult lore, particularly within Rosicrucian circles (essentially behind the Illuminati flagship) who traditionally see Francis Bacon as an Illuminist forerunner of great distinction, not least due to his alleged role as the playwright behind Shakespeare but more importantly, his novel New Atlantis. The existence of Atlantis, though largely dismissed by much of mainstream academia, remains a compelling mystery with many collected nuggets of circumstantial evidence accumulated down through history, ranging from classic literature to archaeological remains which are still being revealed today. Many scholars on Atlantis agree that this was not a city or an Island but an Empire which extended across most of the globe around 9-10, 000 years ago. This would explain why so many nations and indigenous peoples have remarkably similar myths and folklore.

Illustration from the title page of one edition of New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon

Illustration from the title page of one edition of New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon

Reading between the lines of religious beliefs, much of the old theosophical “psuedo-history” and cross-fertilised mythology drawn from a variety of sources (Bible, the Bagavad Gitas, the Vedas, Plato, Sumerian Texts, Mayanism and modern day intuitive sources) all indicate that Atlantis was destroyed by a combination of earth changes, cyclic cosmic catastrophe and interestingly, as a result of the misuse of technology by an Elite priesthood that were initiates of an alchemical science which subsequently became ponerised.

According to Joseph Farrell and Scott De Hart writing in their 2011 book: Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas:

“The old Masters who made it the object of their lives to gather together once more these scattered fragments, and to thus reconstruct the Occult Doctrine of the Atlanteans, found a portion of their material in Egypt, in India, in Persia, in Chaldea, in Medea, in China, in Assyria, and in Ancient Greece, and also in the mystic records of the Hebrews, such as the Kabbalah and the Zohar. The common source, however, may be regarded as distinctly Oriental. The great philosophies of the East, in fact, may be said to have been built upon the base of these still more ancient teachings. Moreover, the great Grecian Secret Teachings are believed to have been based upon knowledge obtained from this same common source. So, at the last, the Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians may be said to be the Secret Doctrine of Atlantis, transmitted through the descendants of the people of that great centre of occult knowledge.

… an elite was established after the “Tower of Babel Moment,” after the fall of “Atlantis,” and that this elite was tasked to preserve the core doctrines that made the advanced civilization of “Atlantis possible.”

But what exactly was that doctrine?

Not surprisingly, the core of that doctrine is the by-now-familiar topological metaphor of the medium within Rosicrucian symbolical lore, the circle and cross, and even the swastika, become symbols of this primordial androgyny. But most importantly, this “bi-sexual” androgyny, or alchemosexuality. It is this bi-sexuality and in particular a masculine androgyny which has been interpreted materially in an atheistic framework.” [10]

And this “topological metaphor” was one of socio-cultural unity as a mirror of the Divine and achieved through a form of alchemy or esoteric self-development. The interest in powerful psychotronic weaponry, ethically dubious genetic engineering of food, animals and the resultant “Chimeras”  were all implicitly and explicitly described within these ancient writings and seen as a crucial part of both their ascendance and downfall. From one Edenic Fall to another within Atlantis itself. A similar “scientific technique” was the arbiter of what may have been a global totalitarian worldview. Rather than some obscure allegory or symbolism – though these are certainly present – such themes may suggest a recurrent fall from Edenic grace extending back to the very dawn of time.

Did the Atlantean elect and its people reach a point of cultural and socio-political decay as characterised by institutional psychopathy in much the same way that is manifesting today? Could we be facing an Atlantean re-run with the same patterns manifesting through a transhumanist reliance on technology as saviour?

Extremely speculative, but a line of inquiry that offers not only a vast field of possibilities, but distinct patterns of circumstantial confirmation.

Atlantis aside, America is clearly the nexus point of an historic pathology and together with Europe represents a modern Anglo-American Empire in the latter stages of a disintegration and prior to the strengthening of a full blown Pathocracy. The Occult Establishment might well be re-enacting the idea of an alchemical ascendance – an individual and collective spiritual “improvement” yet consciously inverted toward omnipotence as Divine Right. For this to occur, normal humanity has to be leveraged into its New World position according to such a Plan, where the philosophy of transhumanism as occult inheritance will allow a modern day hierarchical priesthood to become the Demi-Gods of old.

Perhaps this time, cognisant of cyclic catastrophes (if not their relationship to human-induced entropy) this breakaway elite is in the last phase of such a Grand Plan?

In the next post we will look at more ways in which transhumanism is very much part of the Occult Establishment traditions and how human sexuality and conscience is still being subverted to achieve a form of inverted alchemical transcendence for a select few.


* For more on the relics of ancient technology and hidden history a recommended article is: Houston anthropologist reveals irrefutable proof that recorded history is wrong by Debbie West,Tue, 12 Nov 2013.


[1] ‘Kurzweil: Rooting for the Machine,’ Wired News, 3 Nov 2000.
[2] ‘Merging the biological, electronic’ – Researchers grow cyborg tissues with embedded nanoelectronics.By Peter Reuvall, Harvard Gazette,August 26, 2012.
[3] ‘Visions of humanity between the Human and the Post Human’ by Hadas Elber-Aviram, Tel Aviv University, 2012.
[4] ‘Britain is on the Brink of a Perilous Vote for ‘Three-Person In Vitro Fertilization’ by Marcy Darnovsky and Jessica Cussins, Los Angeles Times, February 8th, 2015.
[5] ‘Craig Venter: ‘This isn’t a fantasy look at the future. We are doing the future’ By Zoë Corbyn The Observer, Sunday 13, October 2013.
[6] ‘Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush,’by Ron Suskind, New York Times MagazineOctober 17, 2004. Quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush (later attributed to Karl Rove).
[7] ‘Synthetic Biology Is Closer Than You Think’ Bloomberg November 5th, 2012.
[8] ‘Of Mice, Men and In-Between – Scientists Debate Blending Of Human, Animal Forms’, By Rick Weiss, Washington Post, November 20, 2004; Page A01.
[9] Ibid.
[10] p.220; Transhumanism – A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas By Joespeh P. Farrell and Scott De Hart Publishered by FERAL HOUSE 2012.

Technocracy XV: A Post Human World? (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 “The Purpose of Biotechnology is the End of Death.”

Martine Rothblatt, CEO Therapeutics Corp.


© infrakshun

The above quote sums up the whole drive behind transhumanism – fear of death and the (androgynous) bodycentrism as arbiter of consciousness.

It would be churlish in the extreme to say that aspects of new technologies in the realm of medicine do not have enormous potential. Researching cures for diseases and the general enhancement of human life are unquestionably benefits to be welcomed, yet, altruistic advancement is not the perception that dominates in centres of power and influence. The presumption of innocence has been discarded along with any notion of privacy and independence. It is the same persistent beliefs which are being enforced by societies’ self-proclaimed wardens that humanity needs micro-managing because, like an unruly child we will only resort to bad deeds unless we are placed in various forms of shackles – seen and unseen. Monitoring and tagging the population is proceeding in order to banish every trace of uncertainty; to prepare the masses for large-scale social, economic and even environmental upheaval.

To the techno-religious ideology that flows through the currents of a SMART Surveillance Society (SSS) it is transhumanism which is set to be at the forefront of humanity’s technological transformation. A Technocracy is closely embedded in such values despite genuine protestations to the contrary. Those that do reject such a notion are not likely to remain in the vanguard for very long.


© infrakshun

Technology, like any other tool in human hands, can be an extraordinarily powerful and liberating way to actualise our inner realities and manifest our desires. Since this series is about how psychopaths infect creativity and flip it on its head to induce entropy, then we should be monitoring very closely where this particular revolution is heading. From so-called primitive society, to the agricultural, industrial, and now the Eco-Smart-Information Age, there are extraordinary opportunities with their attendant risks. As new “change agents” work to manage and transform the old world into a new technocratic vision for all, the probability of this new transformation evolving into something other than the cherished ideals hold futurists so rapt, is very real indeed.

Awareness of ponerology in this context does not negate SMART society but perhaps considerably modifies its soaring ideals. This doesn’t mean we return to living in mud huts either. It does however demand that we use discernment and discrimination when new paradigms come along offering the kind of ideological Utopias so familiar down through history. This also doesn’t mean that technological change will not offer radical transformation. It just depends exactly what trajectory we are following and whether or not its coordinates have already been mapped in advance.

A revealing talk was given by South Korean Dr. Seang-Tae Kim, President of National Information Society Agency (NIA), South Korea on October 25, 2011 on the emergence of SMART growth. He spoke about the “Mega Trend of Future Society” and its “Paradigm shift” which will lead to SMART technologies redesigning the world. He believes this heralds a more “human-oriented” focus stemming from the rise of an aging population and the awareness of networking and a “knowledge-based economy.” Theories of “High Concept” creativity and empathy he believes, must be integral to SMART emergence to function. “Consumers” will be “Pro-sumers” generating enormous wealth outside of the normal capitalist channels thus stimulating a new innovation philosophy across bi-lateral networks of merging digital and analogue systems. A “Dream Society” characterises the New Revolution and it is brimming with hope and energy.

Seang-Tae Kim believes that a new technological humanism or human-oriented society can turn the highly volatile risks of an aging population, geo-conflict and the threat of Climate Change into a more streamlined and cost effective vision. Indeed, it is inevitable, he opines, due to the global budget deficit that demands change and where traditional government must be transformed into open government by the power of the people. For Seang-Tae Kim and other SMART-transhumanists, he advocates people power which is beyond the Fordism of the factory-line toward a more promising Post-Bureaucratic Age. He believes that local society and feudalism, government power and industrial society must naturally give way to an open-source infrastructure, an “eco-system of new values”, and a “value oriented eco-system.” This will apparently be predicated on a “platform strategy” which naturally encourages group power. (For a fascinating book on open source software and infrastructure see The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust by Robert David Steele).

Exciting as that sounds, can such system bypass the integration, dependency and invasive nature of the SMART Surveillance State (SSS) away from pathogenic control? Does an “open source everything” mixed with the philosophy of transhumanism represent an inevitable push away from State centralisation and bland techno-homogeneity? Or, is this merely an end-game reinvention of Empire at a higher turn of the spiral? If the latter, how can we avoid SSS ideals being vectored into the same old patterns? Denial of the dark side of human progress has persistently got us into collective pickles. Yet, we remain strangely blind to the fact.

Like the transformation of society, the metamorphosis of the human being is an integral part of transhumanism beliefs. Sandwiched between the SMART Grid implementation, post-modernism, cyber-activism and virtual reality, transhumanism, sees the merging of man and machine as just a cosmic nano-second away. Replacing an arthritic hip or elbow joint with the help of embedded nanotech is something desirable to most people. Yet, this is small fry for those who wish to use nano-devices and neuro-prostheses to change us into something other than human – a post human.

In March 2012, media entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov made the ambitious claim that he planned to ‘transplant’ a human mind into a robot body in 10 years. According to the Russian this would herald the next stage of science and a ‘new human body.’ The promise of an atheistic immortality is the driving force behind the project which Itskov claims has more than 30 scientists working on it. Uploading minds without surgery would be the next challenge where bodies are left behind in favour of cybernetic super-humans merging with a bio-genetic, virtual world of limitless potential. The project is modelled after the James Cameron movie Avatar where human soldiers use sophisticated technology to inhabit the bodies of human-alien hybrids as they embark on an invasion of another world. [1]


Smart Society Building design in Taiwan Source: From Danish in a smart society – Dream or Reality?’

This is a fairly accurate description of the dreams of your average transhumanist who believes that the merging of man and machine offer the best of all evolutionary outcomes. While the transhumanism movement has many different permutations of opposing views there are some fundamental themes that remain sacrosanct:

  • The evolution of humanity
  • Biotechnological enhancement that will extend and exceed ordinary human capabilities
  • A focus on longevity, radical life extension and immortality
  • A focus on human happiness that can become a permanent state of mind with the help of technology.

Transhumanists see the rise of the machines as a chance to reach an integration and synthesis of biology, genetics, cybernetics, naotechnology and artificial intelligence. In doing so, they believe we will transcend the limitations of human biology and the fixity of the machine to become a hybrid superman with a vastly more intelligent brain thus leading to a quantum leap in human evolution, otherwise known as the “Singularity.” This is a culmination of human evolution that has reached its sell-by date and must become fused with a SMART world convergence of biotechnology, robotics, and biometrics, inaugurating the next and most decisive step ever in the history of human evolution: The Post-Human Age. The technological component of the singularity posits a robotic “intelligence explosion” based on an exponential curve of “recursive self-improvement.” which will either draw humanity – or those choosing such a fusion – into its slipstream.

Another form of aggregate swarm intelligence; a technocratic version of the Hive Mind rather than true freedom and individuality?

Transhumanists tell us we can alter the nature and meaning of strictly organic evolution. The combination of new cognitive tools interfacing with artificial intelligence, molecular biology and the modification of emotional and mental states means the list of potential “enhancements” is never-ending. Although there is a chic, techno-spirituality, even an obvious alchemical metaphor within transhumanist discourse, the movement has historically remained an atheist/materialist ideology as the name implies. The belief has more potent implications for its direction than the mechanics of the movement itself as we shall see.

Moving back to our old Fabian and Social Darwinist Mr. Julian Huxley, it was he who coined the term ‘transhumanism’ in 1957, fitting technocracy neatly into his well-watered vision of evolutionary humanism, the genetic legacy of which he can thank his grandfather, Darwinist Thomas Henry Huxley. Transcendence, in strictly materialist terms was the goal. Transhumanism provided the imagination, hope and intellectual rigour to seed a new ideology and its conceptual framework. The systems theory of cybernetics would play a large part in its development and the parallel evolution of ecology and new physics which would be taken up with a passion, decades later.

Acting as a bridge to New Age philosophies that would surface in the late 1960s-1970s, a fusion of ecology, transhumanism and the Human Potential Movement can now be seen. (The influential Barbara Marx-Hubbard is one such Elite-lauded advocate of “bad seed” transhumanism). Two of Huxley’s close friends John Burdon, Sanderson Haldane and John Desmond Bernal who were major shapers of transhumanist thought also happened to be members of the communist party. Whereas Huxley was passionate about eugenics and saw it as integral to the development of transhumanism as a whole, Haldane was a population geneticist. Whilst not comfortable with what he saw as the “poor science” of eugenic theory, he nevertheless permitted its inclusion in the transhumanist vision. J.D. Bernal’s expertise lay in crystallography and molecular biology and shared his friend’s desire to see a new social order based around a gradual engineering of the social organism.

Another dear friend of Huxley’s was our equally dedicated Fabian guru of the 1920s and 30s: H.G. Wells. The writer’s extraordinary books did not just offer a way to funnel his eerily accurate predictions into popular literature but also served as microcosms of technocratic ideals. Wells saw Technocracy as the ideal way to manage the masses and he was wholly dedicated to the principle of neo-Feudalism as the way to control the destiny of nations.

NPG x12102; Sir Julian Sorell Huxley by Wolfgang SuschitzkySir Julian Huxley and Barbara Marx-Hubbard

By the 1960s other names were caught up in promoting the philosophy in popular culture and academia such as Ray Kurzweil, Frank P. Tipler, Eric K. Drexler, Hans Moravec and Marvin Minsky, all of whom contributed richer and more diverse versions of transhumanism and the Singularity. According to some, the human species has the potential to flower but not before artificial intelligence (AI) has competed for supremacy with humanity. Once this has been thrashed out in true Terminator-trilogy-fashion then humanity can get on with being the cyber-sapiens or Marx-Hubbard’s New Age version of “Homo-Universalis” and presumably upload themselves into any sector they choose.

Transhumanism reached a watershed in 1998 with the founding of the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) by philosophers Nick Bostrom and David Pearce, closely followed by their “Transhumanism Declaration.” This helped to bring prominence to other organisations and groups such as Extropy Institute and the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence. As the internet took off so did the transhumanist philosophy. Cyberspace was, after all, the natural medium for the propagation of the movement’s ideas.

Ray Kurzweil is perhaps the most well-known author, inventor and futurist introducing an almost evangelist fervour to his eschatological version of transhumanism. Kurzweil published The Age of Spiritual Machines, (1998) about the future of AI and biotechnology; Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever (2004) co-authored with medical doctor Terry Grossman and explored human health and nutrition; The Singularity is Near (2005) Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever (2009) and his latest How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed was published in 2012. All of the concepts contained in these books features in a recent documentary film Transcendent Man (2013)  exploring the life of Kurzweil.

What is more interesting however, February 2009 saw Kurzweil collaborate with Google and the NASA Ames Research Centre, to announce the creation of the Singularity University Training Centre for corporate executives and government officials. The mission of the university is to “assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity’s grand challenges”. [2] Ray Kurzweil does for transhumanism what Maurice Strong did for UN Agenda 21 since he appears to be on the advisory board of almost anything remotely AI or transhumanist-related. Which is why he is also on the board of Martine Rothblatt’s Therapeutics Corp.)


Raymond Kurzweil at the Singularity Summit at Stanford in 2006 (wikipedia)

Moscow was the venue for the Global Future International Congress “A New Era for humanity” which took place in February of 2012 and in June 2013. Organised by the Global Future 2045 (GF2045) a non-profit organization that has: “… the goal of creating a network community with the world’s leading scientists in the field of life extension and to support them as an investment hub, contributing to various projects.” [3]

Hosted by Kurzweil, it offered an uncompromising vision of a future for post-humanity where bio /nanotechnology, AI, cognitive applications, and cybernetics would allow the mass replacement of our drearily inadequate selves. The distinguished panel of speakers and guests were writers, anthropologists, astrophysicists, NASA scientists, historians, sociologists, psychologists, philosophers and many others from specialist fields of technology. The message was yet another indication that the “accelerated” nature of technology and the “race to save the world” hadn’t lessened in its intensity, nor had the belief in technology as saviour.

On the website an introductory 7 minute video with a soaring orchestral score has a narrative which imparts the following nuggets to look forward to:

  • 2012: the emergence of new transhumanist movements & parties amid the on-going socio-economic crisis
  • 2012-2013: new centres for cybernetic technologies to radically extend life
  • 2014: The “race for immortality” starts
  • 2015: “Find ways to transfer our personality to an artificial carrier – the robotic human copy or “Avatar.”
  • 2015-2020: Robots to replace human manufacturing & labour, servant tasks; thought controlled robots to displace travel needs; flying cars, thought-driven communications implanted in bodies or “sprayed on skin.” timecover
  • 2025: The creation of an autonomous system providing life support for the brain that is capable of ‘interacting with the environment’; brains transplanted into avatar bodies greatly expanding life and allowing complete sensory experiences.
  • 2030-2035: Reverse-engineering of the human brain already being mapped out, wherein science comes “… close to understanding the principles of consciousness.”
  • By 2035: First successful transplantation of personality to other data receptacles and the “epoch of cybernetic immortality begins.”
  • 2040-2050: Bodies “… made of nano-robots” taking any shape, alongside holographic bodies.
  • 2045-2050: Drastic changes to the social structure and sci-tech development. Tipping the hat to the UN, conflict and violence is “not permitted.” Instead, the priority is given to “spiritual self-improvement.” “A New Era of neo-Humanity Dawns”…

According to the website: the Russian GF2045 group met to draft a: “resolution that will be submitted to the United Nations demanding the implementation of committees to discuss life extension Avatar projects as a necessary tool in the preservation of humankind.”


Martine Rothblatt in 2010. (wiki)

An attendee of the follow up conference in 2013 was aforementioned Martine Rothblatt founder and CEO (and fittingly transgender) of biotech company United Therapeutics Corp. Rothblatt has introduced the concept of “mind clones” where the human mind is created from a “mind-file” of our social networking data and other personality sources. S/he believes the capability to do so will be made possible in under twenty years time. She even used the personality of her dead wife to create a droid template example of what transhumanists would love to see as commonplace.  Cartesian dualism and atheist paradise? Or merely the next stage in our evolution?

Rothblatt sees “… the market opportunities as limitless” where everyone will be seeking to make a digital copy of their thoughts of their memories, thoughts and feelings to be made manifest in a droid of their making. Grabbing a slice of the artificial action, Rothblatt believes is inevitable: “We all want an i-phone, we all want a social media account and we are all going to want a mind clone.” [4]

Speak for yourself Martine.

And what would you know? Amazon and Google are extremely keen on this type of artificial intelligence.

(The concept of transgenderism and androgyny has an occult-esoteric element within transhumanist discourse, something  which Rothblatt appears to personify and something that will be explored further in the Occult Transhumanism).

To reiterate, it could be said that these imaginative interpretations of one possible future without awareness of the ponerological basis of psychopathy “demanding” anything (and worse still, receiving it) would be a recipe not for human freedom but more ways to welcome its opposite. An alternative future that is drawn from exactly the same technocratic tenets will be a decidedly Dystopian one and no less probable should we allow ourselves to be guided down these grandiose beliefs. That’s not to say we have not been affected positively by technology since the Industrial Revolution. Improvements in health and sanitation; air travel; photography; computers, medical advances and information technology have positively reshaped the world. Once again, it is the perception of reality that will define how these technological innovations are used and whether a healthy techno-culture can exist.


“The biocomplexity spiral is a depiction of the multileveled complexity of organisms in their environments, which is seen by many critics as the ultimate obstacle to transhumanist ambition.” (wikipedia)

The other problem with transhumanism is the adherence to a belief that evolution is dependent on machines to take us to the next level. Nature is inherently unpredictable and disruptive since that is the whole reason how non-linear evolution occurs – far from equilibrium. It is therefore outside human-implanted notions of intelligent design. Aside from obvious hubris, attempts to replicate, emulate nature may be partially possible, but to try and go beyond bio-complexity itself is to re-enact an unnecessary mythology which is Promethean/Luciferian in its ambition. 

There are many advocates who advise caution in the development of technology. Kurzweil, to be fair, does his fair share of warning the faithful of its potential slip into Darth Vader territory. Nonetheless, once the momentum gains more traction it is unlikely that any safeguards will be present, let alone feature as a primary component to secure an ethical and moral foundation. Indeed, as this series of posts has hopefully indicated, there are signs it is being absorbed into exactly the same mainframe of Official Culture and its overseeing Establishment.

At present, such an ideology is highly attractive to a variety of intelligent people, many of whom are sincere in their beliefs to improve societies. One advocate defined transhumanism in simplest terms as: “… the idea that human kind can use science and technology to become more than what we are and help those interested in doing the same and in protecting the freedom for all to decide for themselves how to be happy, in other words ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’.”  Surely, is this not something we ALL want? Unfortunately, the reality of transhumanism routinely goes way beyond such simple definitions, and their lies the problem since it plays into – and is promoted by – the more pathological elements of the movement.

Moreover, it is precisely this pathology to which transhumanism in particular lends itself, namely: clusters of psychopaths and social dominators straddling all social domains for whom this ideology undoubtedly appeals to the workings of their “machine minds”. Naturally, this won’t be acknowledged by its adherents since the dependence on our chosen belief tends to prohibit negative associations. Consequently, wealthy techno-psychopaths bring with them a great deal of charisma, PR and investment disbursed through the various connected branches that make up the movement: from Hollywood, media, social science and the military-corporate complex.

As rapid advances in AI, quantum computing, neurology and robotics continue then it is simple logic that the time will approach when a digital map of the human brain will be placed into machines and eventually surpassed just as Rothblatt has indicated. It is then that a potential separation will occur between two types of human beings, perhaps labelled the “organics” and the “post-humans” and in much the same way as normal people are unconsciously separated from a variety of psychopaths and sub-categories of the same.

If we are already embedded in the SMART infrastructure how likely is it that we will have a choice which breakaway civilisation to follow? Or, will “group consciousness”, communitarian “consensus” and SMART “efficiency” simply decide for you?



[1] ‘Who wants to live forever? Russian project aims to transplant a human brain into a ‘Davros’-style robot body within 10 years’ By Rob Waugh Daily Mail, March 2 2012.
[2] ‘The Singularity Is Near: Mind Uploading by 2045?’by Tanya Lewis, June 17, 2013. | ‘Future of Artificial Intelligence in Mind Clones’,
[3] FAQ | “Singularity University.” September 9, 2008.