forensic science

Technocracy XIII: All the way down to our DNA …

 “The year is 2025. The population is 325 million, and the FBI has the DNA profiles of all of them. Unlike fingerprints, these profiles reveal vital medical information. The universal database arrived surreptitiously. First, the Department of Defense’s repository of DNA samples from all military personnel, established to identify remains of soldiers missing from action, was given to the FBI. Then local police across the country shadowed individuals, collecting shed DNA for the databank. On the way, thousands of innocent people were imprisoned because they had the misfortune to have race-based crime genes in their DNA samples. Sadly, it did not have to be this way. If only we had passed laws against collecting and using shed DNA….”

—Professor David H. Kaye, ‘Science Fiction and Shed DNA’, 2006


The structure of part of a DNA double helix (wikipedia)

If you are not quite into tattoos and are repulsed by the idea of implanting your body with anything, then this will probably tip you over the edge. It seems that tagging our bodies just doesn’t cut the mustard and something even deeper is required. Consumerism and crime prevention is to be the precursor.

Recalling our brief foray into Verichip and Positive ID marketing, work at the University of Aveiro in Portugal intends to add to that obsession. Researchers are busy developing DNA barcode tags that will soon be applied to a wide variety of products from foodstuffs to toiletries. Each tag in question has: “… a unique combination of DNA base pairs that attach to most surfaces, and can later be collected, amplified, and sequenced.”

So, how might these DNA tags might be used?

“… in some schemes a DNA “fog” might be used to spray violent protesters when there are not enough law enforcement personnel to immediately subdue the lot of them. That tag will be unique, and mark anyone who bears it, at least for a while. Over time however, the signal will spread and degrade. Multiple tags could be used to mark multiple events or increase reliability of a single event. Clearly though, finding a way to contain your marking agent at the outset is the cleanest option. [1]

Drawing our attention to the parallel practice of tracking animals and identifying species by biologists over the years, John Hewitt of Extreme Tech mentions the barcode of life, a project with: “… over 200,000 animals catalogued in a searchable database.” He makes the chilling analogy: “Since things like animals already come pre-barcoded, all one need do is find some region in their DNA that tends to mutate fast enough over time so that each species can be expected to show enough variation.”

In 2012, proposals were published by the UK government outlining the creation of a DNA database of the British population within the National Health System (NHS) complementing the Police National DNA Database which at 5,950,612 individuals, has more samples per head of population than any other country. [2]The European Court of Human Rights forced the British government to water down the reach of the Nationwide DNA data base. By way of response to the Strasbourg ruling, the government launched a “consultation exercise” in May of 2009 (which can be read as a PDF document online). The case that ruffled the feathers of the UK government so comprehensively was caused by two plaintiffs who had been arrested but proven innocent, and further, had been told police would be holding on to their DNA profiles indefinitely. The two individuals argued that this was a breach of their human rights. The court ruled in their favour and ordered the DNA profiles be removed and that the DNA samples have a cut off period.

The government have been doing their level best to justify the DNA database and the retention of DNA samples based on a similar position to the US Dept. of Homeland Security. Officials believe that even when people are arrested and cleared of any wrongdoing they are just as likely to commit future crimes as those who have been convicted. More Pre-Crime thinking? The basis for this conclusion came from the government’s own consultation paper which was heavily sourced from the work by criminologist Professor Ken Pease. Based largely on statistical evidence, the science in the paper was so shoddy that it caused The Guardian’s journalist and science writer Ben Goldacre to brand it: “… possibly the most unclear and badly presented piece of research I have ever seen in a professional environment”. [3]

Lancaster University Professors Brian Francis and Keith Soothill from their research carried out by the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods concluded that the six year retention of DNA data was based on “flawed evidence.” They launched a withering attack on the validity of the paper, stating:

The notion of ‘arrest’ is the main criterion used for action in the consultation document. While police arrests are not whimsical, they come at the beginning and not the end of the criminal justice process. Some people are disproportionately at risk of being taken into questioning by the police and being arrested. In contrast, a conviction is the outcome of evidence being tested in court. In fact, arrests are useful indicators of police action but not of guilt. Re-arrests are dangerous indicators and making arrests the pivotal criterion encourages the notion that we are moving towards becoming a police state. [4] [Emphasis mine]

The push to expand the DNA databases both in the UK and in the US is understandable since the logic appears to be sound. Similarly, it is very difficult to argue against victims’ family who have had their sons, daughters and loved ones murdered by criminals who may have been caught prior to the event had DNA profiling been more rigorous and well established. The Story of a State of Virginia mother and her fight to see the DNA database expanded to include people convicted of Class 1 misdemeanors stems from her sincere hope that it will save lives and produce some good from the murder and abduction of her 20 year-old daughter.

Many criminals will be arrested and duly placed on the database. No doubt persons will be trapped by DNA evidence and crimes solved. But the Home Office intends to keep all DNA profiles for at least six years with innocent persons still classed as criminals. Therefore, there will be no distinction between the guilty and the innocent where potentially important nuances in a case will be deemed immaterial. An innocent bystander? Too late, you’re on the DNA database as a criminal or even worse, sexual offender. What of activists, protesters and a whole host of extenuating circumstances that are difficult to address in a court of law? How would this affect the outcome of a case where the jury knows that the person accused is already listed? DNA science is in its infancy and there is still much to learn. The key change in the law meshes conveniently with terrorism and civil liberties in that everyone is now presumed guilty rather than presumed innocent before a trial. This is a significant change, both in terms of perception and profits.

Remember that the security complex in the USA is a huge business which the UK government intends to emulate. Therefore, for the Home Office everyone is a potential criminal and by extension, a source of revenue, though you obviously won’t find any civil servant admitting to such a heinous accusation. But that is the trajectory – a corporate push to privatize the prison industry where crime is profitable. For the authorities, just as soon as everyone is on the data base the better for society. And their stock options.

Over 70,000 under-16s have now had their genetic fingerprints recorded and as of writing, Police authorities have yet to delete more than 165,000 innocent people from their records. [5]As UK politician for the Liberal Democrat party Lynne Featherstone said: “There is no purpose or justification for keeping the DNA record of anyone who is not charged with an offence,” adding: “With the growing concern about racial profiling and disproportionality in criminal investigations, the need to keep innocent people on the DNA database is questionable.” [6]

The United States has the largest DNA database in the world, with 10.7 million offender profiles and 1.8 million arrestee profiles.[7]  The US has the highest number of prisoners in the world at over 2 million and thethird largest incarceration rate. This translates as 1 in every 31 adults or half the world’s prison population of about 9 million held in the US. The prison-security complex rakes in billions of dollars a year, with the corruption of the law enforcement and justice system at all time highs the question of DNA profiling becomes ever more problematic.

1024px-CBP_chemist_reads_a_DNA_profileU.S. Customs and Border Control chemist reads a DNA profile to determine the origin of a commodity. (wikipedia)

The FBI has been collecting one million DNA samples a year under a new program that allows federal agents to take cheek swabs from people arrested for any crime including non-US citizens. They can also take DNA from any arrestee or ‘detained’ non-citizen and upload it to the FBI’s CODIS database networked to law enforcement authorities in over 50 states. In June of 2013, the United States Supreme Court ruled it constitutional to take DNA samples from people who have been arrested for serious crimes without a warrant, let alone a conviction. The federal government and 28 states across America already collect genetic samples from people arrested for crimes (felonies, certain misdemeanors) with the remaining 22 states that only take samples from people convicted of those crimes.

DNA profiles and their genetic markers can provide excellent supporting material when there is scientifically valid evidence in a case overall, such as placing a suspect at the scene of the crime. It becomes problematic when a jury assumes that DNA evidence is incorruptible and scientifically unassailable. Mistakes continue to occur and the probability will increase as the database expands. When you search for a match in an ocean of profiles the likelihood of finding an innocent person along with the perpetrator of the crime also increases. And what if the perpetrator is not in the database, but you still find a sequence of markers that denote a match?

This has been dubbed the “CSI Effect” when a jury places too much emphasis on DNA evidence. In one case, a 22-year old Farrah Jama, a Somali immigrant was sent to prison for 16 months for the rape of a 48-year-old woman – a rape that didn’t happen. A report in The Australian described how the prison sentence was quashed: “… after it was discovered the DNA sample that incriminated him was contaminated.” Although a cultural bias of the jury was also probably operating “… the Somali migrant was successfully prosecuted based solely on his DNA being found on the victim, despite the fact he had an alibi and there was no other evidence to connect him to the alleged crime.” [8]

A study from the New Scientist magazine in 2010 found DNA fingerprinting to be “highly subjective and prone to error,” which due to: ” incredibly small amounts of DNA in samples and pressure to gain a conviction can lead to bias…” The study involved DNA from a real crime scene which was sent to 17 experienced analysts in an U.S. laboratory. The results were a resounding failure since all the scientists conclusions were different:

The sample, from a gang rape, had already been used to convict a man  –  but only one of the 17 scientists came to the same conclusion. Four said the evidence was inconclusive and 12 said he could be excluded.

Itiel Dror, a University College London scientist who helped set up the investigation, said: ‘It is time DNA analysts accept that under certain conditions, subjectivity may affect their work.’

Christine Funk, a defence lawyer in the U.S., said: ‘The difference between prison and freedom rests in the hands of the scientist assigned the case.’ [9]

Jeremy Gruber, as President of the Council for Responsible Genetics is in no doubt that miscarriages of justice will occur more often as symptomatic of a system predicated on the very core problems that give rise to serious crimes in the first place.

He states:

We are not only building bigger and bigger databases, but expanding collection practices as well. Police are now using DNA dragnets, where DNA is taken from a selected population without individualized suspicion or of individuals who happen to live near a crime scene or who happen to match a certain physical profile. Some police departments are operating their own “off grid” DNA databases with little oversight and police and prosecutors in some cities and counties (such as Orange County, CA) are taking DNA “voluntarily” from individuals arrested for petty crimes in exchange for dropping charges against them.

Familial searching, a deliberate search of a DNA database conducted for the intended purpose of potentially identifying close biological relatives to the unknown forensic profile obtained from crime scene evidence, is becoming more widespread. Such searches virtually guarantee that DNA databases will create suspects out of innocent people, and because of the composition of DNA databases, those innocent suspects will disproportionately be people of color. Crime scene DNA has also been used to predict physical characteristics, such as certain shades of hair color, and to draw broad conclusions about genetic ancestry. Concerns have been raised about these predictions being used for crude profiling, potentially racially tinged, which have led Germany and several U.S. states to bar their use by police. Even so, new research on “molecular photofitting” (producing a crude image of a suspect’s face from DNA left at the crime scene) suggests that such reconstructions may soon be possible, giving police another investigative tool that could result in wrongful arrests and unjustified searches. [10]

Andrew Pollack writing in the New York Times was already sounding the alarm on DNA profiling back in 2009. Indeed, scientists “fabricated blood and saliva samples containing DNA from a person other than the donor of the blood and saliva,” and with access to: “…a DNA profile in a database, they could construct a sample of DNA to match that profile without obtaining any tissue from that person.” In effect, the danger of being framed and set up via a fabricated crime scene is very real. [11]This is precisely what happened to David Butler who was wrongfully jailed by UK courts for murder, spending eight months in prison on remand whilst facing murder charges: “after his DNA was allegedly found on the victim.”  He was accused of murdering Anne-Marie Foy in 2005 and arrested by Merseyside Police with “poor quality” DNA evidence and sourced from his DNA sample, already on record. According to a BBC report: “… he remained in prison – despite other CCTV evidence allegedly placing Mr Butler in the area where the murder took place being disproved.” [12] 

At the same time, exoneration of those who were thought to have committed crimes is an undeniable outcome of DNA profiling. The Innocent Project is a case in point, with over 325 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States in the last several years. So, DNA profiling is overturning convictions and setting people free on the one hand, and on the other, it is putting innocent people away based on faulty science and a corrupt intelligence apparatus, the latter of which is not decreasing but naturally increasing as a consequence of the push to profit and ubiquitous surveillance.

The FBI, who are the biggest supporters and sellers of the terror industry, are also a major force behind the expansion of DNA databases. Indeed, it seems the Bureau is still updating its whole retrieval and storage protocols under a CODIS Core Loci Working Group operational since May 2010. Ostensibly, this is an exercise in improving the system though in effect, it is an expansion until international data-sharing efforts are optimised. This is also about where massive amounts of data can be stored about the population and stored indefinitely. Once again, the State has all your information and the public has nothing. Given the current condition of government this is far from reassuring.


Clearly, this isn’t about throwing DNA analysis out of the window, nor any form of technology. What is needed is to see it in the context of what has gone before and to forestall a certain trajectory that falls straight into the hands of those overseeing societies and for whom long-term objective of social control is the prime directive. The justification for creating this huge database of samples is to combat crime and prevent terrorist acts.  Overall, crime is decreasing however and we know all about the nature of the Terror industry as a manufactured strategy of tension … When macro-social imperatives are still firmly inside Official Culture, discrimination and utmost caution is needed to keep such Establishment directives from ensnaring those most vulnerable. As we saw in The Politics of Entrapment despite safeguards in place, the wider awareness of ponerological forces is missing.

In general, the DNA database will probably lower crime as well as decreasing privacy. Yet, since the root causes of crime are not addressed the very need for a DNA database will inevitably morph overtime into a repressive tool of the state. Minimising risk by destroying DNA samples after cases have finished and even reducing the storage of sensitive information only needs a suitably horrific set of crimes and a large-scale terror attack for such measures to be repealed. This would follow the NDAA and Patriot Act rationalisations which have nothing to do with protection or civil liberties and everything to do with state control of the population.

This is why humans must become “pre-barcoded” as part of sequential phase of identifying, cataloging, tagging and monitoring. A global neo-feudal State requires a distinct species, separate from the Establishment Elite who consider themselves genetically superior. It may well be that the various strains of psychopathy currently jostling for supremacy in the corridors of power are merely seeking to expand their numbers. Surveillance is part of the armoury of technocratic science which gathers data and seduces the populace to regard this intrusion as normal and more importantly, something that is desired. The terror industry and national crime augment this propaganda.

As Jeremy Gruber summarises:

“We are at a critical juncture in the United States, as law and policy are rapidly allowing law enforcement greater access to Americans’ DNA with limited public discussion and debate. Continued expansion of the power of law enforcement to collect and store DNA must be guided by a transparent debate that balances legitimate public safety concerns with human rights and privacy interests and that is honest about the value of forensic DNA, recognizing the limited benefits of expansion beyond likely re-offenders.” [13]

There is a huge momentum currently behind new technology and the speed of its arrival in so many avenues of our lives. Networked databases present clear advantages in the hands of a benevolent culture – something that is however, only a working hypothesis.  Time is getting short for ethical safeguards and preventative measures to be implemented that could ensure this forensic tool is kept out of the hands of Pathocratic ideology.



[1] ‘Scientists create DNA tracking tags, might soon be used to track protesters as well as animals’ By John Hewitt,, on September 30, 2013.
[2] ‘Government revives plan for greater data-sharing between agencies’ The Guardian, by Alan Travis, 24 April 2012 | ‘The UK Police National DNA Database’ Gene Watch,
[3] ‘DNA database plans based on ‘flawed science’, warn experts’ The Guardian, July 19, 2009.
[4] ‘Reviewing the DNA database’Impact Case Study by Professors Brian Francis and Keith Soothill Lancaster University, ESCR Economics and Social Research Council. 2009.
[5] ‘Details of innocent people are still being held on DNA database’ The Independent, June 5 2012 | ‘Another 165,000 innocent people put on DNA database despite Coalition vow to wipe details’ By Rebecca Camber, The Daily Mail, 4 June 2012.
[6] ‘DNA database continues to swell’ BBC News, 4 January 2006.
[7]See FBI, CODIS-NDIS Statistics,
[8] Networked Knowledge, Media Report by Dr. Robert N Moles
[9] ‘DNA fingerprinting techniques ‘can sometimes give the wrong results’,By Fiona Macrae for the Daily Mail
18 August 2010.
[10]THE POLICE WANT YOUR DNA By Jeremy Gruber, GeneWatch 27-1 | Jan-Apr 2014.

[11] ‘DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show’ By Andrew Pollack, August 17, 2009.
[12] ‘DNA test jailed innocent man for murder’by Hannah Barnes, 31 August 2012,BBC News
[13] op.cit Gruber.

Satan’s Little Helpers II: Uncle Sam

 “… if purely material implements are capable of blowing up, from a few corners, the greatest cities of the globe, provided the murderous weapons are guided by expert hands – what terrible dangers might not arise from magical occult secrets being revealed, and allowed to fall into the possession of ill-meaning persons!”

– Helena Blavatsky, Studies in Occultism

Government, industry and intelligence agencies harbour pathological infections which have for several decades been channelled through the potency of occult activities. A potent mix of occult ritual spiced up with a ready supply of sexual abuse buffered by the military codes and high-level protection make it the ceremonial psychopath’s dream. Once again, as an arm of the Pathocracy, much of the the US military is suffering from ponerisation in a similar fashion to the Catholic Church and organised religion as a whole. Indeed, the military and religion have an obvious historical link for the  infection to spread.

Occult societies – in particular freemasonry – have been a open door for corruption and pathological contouring of its values. Hubris determines how severe the manifestation. Experiments in remote viewing and psychic powers [1]as well as advances in the application of neurological interface systems combining solider and machine have been well documented. The influence of Black Magick within corporate and military circles is less well known. It has become a label for many secret societies and cults which have been fused together over this century and the last, operating within a complex web of differing objectives and beliefs. [2] We’ll begin to take a necessarily brief look at some of these over the next few posts in the context of child abuse and mind control.

The influence of occult secret societies is ancient and pervasive having lodged itself in the majority of the Establishment institutions and centres of learning around the world. Though knowledge of the occult has increased through Hollywood and literature seldom has it explored the presence of military occultism in contemporary America. It seems that factions within the military operate a peculiar brand of Satanic occultism. What is known about the incidences of wide scale and systematic abuse within the military and its intersection with society has been researched by authors with much witness testimony to be found but the Establishment unsurprisingly keeps an extremely tight reign on its neophytes and initiaties since such a code of secrecy is already bound into the very notion of occult membership. Sexual abuse is a by-product of Satanic practice in mostly covert and sometimes overt forms. We will look at just a few examples suggestive of military-occult involvement.

1bMcMartin Pre-School

In 1983, 460 children were reported to have been sexually abused at the McMartin pre-school and Manhattan Ranch pre-school in Manhattan Beach; California. Many believe this was the spark that lit the Satanic abuse “witch hunts” and others consider it to show a true glimpse behind organised SRA.

Therapists at the Children’s Institute International interviewed and video-taped 400 children and another 60 at the Manhattan preschool. Over 410 children described being sexually abused. According to official correspondence between a Sergeant at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and an agent at the Academy of Behavioural Sciences Unit at the FBI:

Most children state they were photographed in the nude… They mention drinking a red or pink liquid that made them sleepy… Children disclose animal sacrificing (bunnies, ponies, turtles, etc.) and some of this occurred in Churches. Victims describe sticks put in their vaginas and rectums and also being ‘pooped’ and ‘peed’ on. Children say that the adults sometimes dressed in black robes, formed a circle around them and chanted. […] Children’s Institute International determined ‘a full eighty percent displayed physical symptoms, including vaginal or rectal scarring, anal bleeding, painful bowel movements, and the ‘anal wick reflex’ associated with violent penetration.’ [3]

Canandian journalist and author David McGowan states: “Some of the witnesses were former students in their teens and twenties and their stories corroborated those of the children. The older witnesses were not allowed to testify at the McMartin trials, however, as the statute of limitations for the crimes committed against them had expired.” This is loophole in the law that has been relied on by abusers time and time again.

Another supporting theory that was subsequently ridiculed as evidence of a hoax was the claims by children, that there were tunnels under the day care school itself where much of the abuse took place and supported by independent corroboration. After a survey was commissioned by the district attorney and used to officially disprove the idea of tunnels by concentrating work outside the building, McMartin parents hired their own independent and highly-respected archaeologist, E. Gary Stickel, PhD. This time their efforts would be focused inside the building. In 1990, they cut through the concrete slab and found accurate corroborations of the children’s’ pre-dig observations. What follows are extracts from a first-hand account by Dr. Roland Summit who personally examined the tunnels:

Joanie, 12 years old, was visiting her old preschool with her mother.  Dr. Stickel asked her, “Can you tell us where it was that you entered the tunnels and which way you turned?”  Joanie gave a meticulous description of every step along the way.  […] Under the classroom to the west the tunnel proceeded into a wide, room-like potential space of earth fill bearing remnants of timber, plywood, and tar paper which appeared to have shored up the ceiling of a ‘secret’ room. […]

The pattern of tunnels had absolutely no architectural or structural purpose.  The tunnels did not conform to expected trenching for foundations or utilities.  In fact, the profile of the shallow trench dug to accommodate the waste pipe leading across the main tunnel (Joanie’s reach-up-and-touch pipe) was clearly distinguishable as mechanically dug, showing the sharp angulation characteristic of a backhoe, whereas the tunnels had a rounded floor contour and shovel marks, showing that they had been dug by hand, presumably under the pre-existing concrete.

Two of the tunnel’s most definitive items were found just inside the foundation.  One, a tree root described by Joanie which had originally grown across the tunnel before being sawed away.  The proximal section of that root, still feeding the distant avocado tree, had partially healed and sent out new sprouts where it had been cut some years before.  The distal section, isolated at the other side of the tunnel was withered and dead.  Secondly, stainless steel pipe clamps joining an angle of the pipe where it crossed through the tunnel space had a different quality from the clamps elsewhere which had remained buried since installation. The other clamps were corroded from years of soil contact, while those crossing the tunnel looked shiny and new. [4]

The archaeological team itself found correspondences of the children’s descriptions including: two tunnel complexes, unrecognised structural features, multiple access routes and a “large cavernous artefact or “secret room.” Stickel himself concludes:

The McMartin Tunnel Project confirms that a functional pattern of tunnels once existed under the McMartin Preschool, that the tunnels provided access outside the walls of the structure, that they must have been constructed after the structure was built in 1966, and that they were subsequently completely repacked with extraneous soil and implanted artifacts at some time prior to May, 1990. While this project had no way of determining who dug these tunnels, or for what purpose, the discoveries stand in stark contrast to the sceptical position that the children only imagined what they described as activities underground.

If the stories of the children were bogus fantasies, there is no excuse for the tunnels discovered under the school. If there really were tunnels, there is no excuse for the glib dismissal of any and all of the complaints of the children and their parents. [5]

Though by no means definitive proof, the excavation turned up many artefacts and what appeared to be “occult-related objects” one of which was a toy tea-set plate – painted with three pentagrams – and an iron cauldron.  Some of these artifacts were mentioned in the children’s testimonies. This particular tunnel had a vital part to play in the abuse according to several of the McMartin children. They told their parents that they were led through the tunnel into the adjacent building and promptly loaded onto a van. (Remember, these are preschool children independently describing the same journey).

Various acts of necrophilia were described while another place called ‘the doctor’s house’ was consistently mentioned. Further details given by children led the parents to a mortuary and crematory as well as the aforementioned doctor’s residence. Interestingly, it was located in a wealthy community 20 miles away. It matched the description given by the children while police confirmed that the house was owned by a doctor.

The investigation was completed before the McMartin trails were over, but the evidence was refused by the prosecution and not reported by the local or national media. Other suspects independently verified by witnesses were left to fade into the background, much like the case itself. One of these was Robert Winkler who was recognised by McMartin children in news footage as the man they had known as the “Wolfman.” (Abusers often dress up in costumes to evade detection and play on the natural disbelief present in the public and some investigating teams. Hence children’s reports describing abuse from lions and gorillas etc.) Winkler had run a baby-sitting service in nearby Torrance, California at the Coco Palms Motel and was arrested for operating a paedophile ring. Children said that Winkler had often visited the school and had been responsible for supplying the drugs for use in ritual abuse. This abuse was said to have been conducted in churches, a cemetery, or a crematorium.

american-flag-e1315961912478_thumb© infrakshun

The Wolfman would not be the only one to turn up dead (allegedly of a drug overdose) on the eve of his trial. Judy Johnson, a key prosecution witness, whose initial complaint caused the McMartin preschool teachers to be arrested, was found dead in her home, right before her scheduled testimony hearing. Media and attorneys decried her alcoholism and mental problems all of which were untrue, at least prior to the abuse her child had suffered. That Johnson was frequently followed and received frequent threats before her death was never discussed in the media though other parents expressed their scepticism about her death. [6] Paul Bynum, who had been hired by parents of victims was also found dead just before his testimony with a gunshot to the head. He was about to testify about the disputed tunnels.

In 1984, Dr. Roland Summit who personally consulted Judy Johnson (and confirmed her sanity) was contacted by a mother of her two preschool aged clients. She believed her estranged husband was involved in drug dealing and large scale child prostitution. The children had told their mother that their father had taken them to a prearranged location for encounters with naked adults and other young boys and girls. The testimony of these children also confirmed the existence of the “Wolfman” and independent verification of the building known as the Coco Palms Motel. Seven area preschools would be linked under this corroboration. No action was taken with the evidence provided by Summit. The children recanted their complaints soon after the “Wolfman’s” death, a recantation that must be viewed as highly suspicious.

Presidio and the Colonel

The Presidio Affair is perhaps the most famous for alleged military-based satanic/ sexual abuse, this time in a child development centre run by the US military in San Francisco. Gary Hambright, a day-care teacher, was charged with 12 counts of sodomy, oral copulation, and lewd conduct. Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, his wife Lilith and another man were identified by some of the children as those involved in the molestations. No formal charges were ever brought against Aquino, and the case against Hambright was later dismissed.

maquino_lgvdNoreen Gosch, who we may remember as the mother of Jeff Gannon aka: James Guckert, made a point of singling out Aquino at Paul Bonacci’s civil action and was adamant that Aquino was a key player in a nationwide Satanic ritual abuse ring. She told the court:

“We have investigated, we have talked to so far, 35 victims of this said organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul, and they can verify everything that has happened,’ …

Gosch explained to the jury about the CIA’s involvement through MK-ULTRA and its offshoot programs before arriving at Michael Aquino:

“He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He’s founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. [Leader of the Church of Satan] The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children.” Once the personalities of the victims had been deliberately split into multiple identities questioning under oath, or hooked up to a lie-detector was a waste of time. Without knowledge of multiple personality disorder (MPD) no information will be forthcoming. Gosch continued: “They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white.” [7]

Allegations about persistent abuse began to surface in November 1986. One report was taken seriously concerning a boy who was alleged to have been sexually abused by the day care teacher. The Army was criminally lax in their response to the abuse. One parent described how it took 12 days to form a strategy group and a month for the Army “… to notify the parents of other children who had been in ‘Mr. Gary’s’ class that the incident had taken place, that their children might be at risk.” [8]

Nearly a year would pass before more than 59 other victims had been identified from children between the ages of 3 and 7 with more allegations surfacing from the children themselves. While the Army assured them that it was a one off case, the parents’ own children were already showing signs of sexual abuse. Even more strangely, the Presidio centre stayed open for over a year after one of the boys claimed that ‘Mr. Gary’ had hurt him.

Some of the key allegations were summarized by Linda Golton’s extensive report in the San Jose Mercury News:

  • Some of the children said they were taken from the day care center to private homes on the Presidio where they were sexually abused. Two houses were singled out on the Army post and at least one home off-post, in San Francisco.
  • One girl said she played ‘poopoo baseball’ at the home of one of her female teachers. The girl said the game involved throwing feces at the teacher.
  • Other children talked about playing the ‘googoo game’ with ‘Mr. Gary’. It involved Hambright having the children urinate and defecate on him. Then he would do the same to them. Sometimes, the children said, they were forced to drink urine and eat feces.
  • Some said they had blood smeared on their bodies.
  • One 3-year-old boy said he was sexually abused on his first visit to the center. That day was also his birthday.
  • A 3-year-old girl said ‘Mr. Gary’ used special pens, black, blue, pink and red — to doodle on her, starting at her legs and moving up over her genitals. The same child said she saw one of her friends at the center cry when ‘Mr. Gary’s’ friend, a woman, pointed a gun at the friend.
  • There were five confirmed cases of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, including two of the four daughters of one family.
  • Some children said they had guns pointed at them. Others said they were told they or their parents would be killed if they told what happened. [9]

There was plenty of evidence that serious molestation and child rape occurred at the centre, yet it was ignored in favour of promoting, once again, the “lone paedophile” scenario so enamoured of the law, justice and now the military. Just to make sure that Aquino and the military would remain outside further scrutiny, a convenient fire erupted which destroyed the Army Community Services building right next to the Presidio centre and with it the child development centre records. Three weeks later the four classroom day care centre itself was burned to the ground. According to the San Jose Mercury News, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms found that: “… both fires, contrary to the Army’s finding, had been arson.” [10]

A damning report completed in 1987 by Col. William J. Shaffer and which was never released, showed just how duplicitous the military had been in citing: “Dead Spots at nursery school where children-adults could hide, where some incidents of child molestation took place.” [11] (Shaffer is now dead according to the Air force Memorial Foundation).

The Presidio child day-care centre and its victims were left to fade away but the credibility of the accusations directed at Aquino still remains and are worth revisiting.

A former stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, former student at the National Defence University; holder of two advanced degrees in political science and a highly decorated military man who served in the Green Berets, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino managed to surface in all areas most secretive and unsavoury therefore arousing the most suspicion. A specialist in Psychological Warfare, he served as Liaison officer to NATO countries. A consulting faculty member of U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, he believes in the by now familiar looniness of a “Coming Apocalypse with annihilation except for a few elect.” Obviously, Aquino believes he is one of these “elect.” He worked with Anton LaVey the creator of the Church of Satan and writer of The Satanic Bible until 1975, (La Vey was associated with Roman Polanski, the Manson Family, Son of Sam etc.) until his initiation as a high priest and leader of his own church of the Temple of Set, a Satanic Church with its headquarters in San Francisco. [12] [13]

La Vey apparently conducted occult rituals patterned on ceremonies led by Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler in his own castle in Germany during the Third Reich. Aquino performed the rituals “to recreate an order of knighthood for followers of Satan,” a kind of inverted Knights of Camelot, if you will. He then encouraged his followers to study the beliefs of the Nazi terrorist group, the Vehm, the Thule Gesellshaft and the Ahnenerbe, three fanatically right wing, Aryan groups that existed before and during Hitler’s reign. Aquino’s book list for the Church of Set, includes Mein Kampf, Hitler: The Occult Messiah, and The Occult Roots of Nazism. It would seem reasonable to assume that Aquino had more than a passing interest in Nazism and thus its uses and applications. [14]


Anton LaVey

One of the crucial pieces of evidence that linked the Colonel to the case in the first place was the parents of one child who had noticed: “changes in their daughter’s behaviour after placing her in Gary Hambright’s class four or five times in September and October of 1986. The girl, who turned 3 in October, had begun having nightmares and would wet herself when frightened.” Eventually they took their daughter to a therapist at Letterman Army Medical Centre in February of 1987. Under therapy, the child talked of a man called ‘Mikey’ and another woman, as ‘Shamby’ at the military commissary:

On Aug. 12, 1987, the [parents] Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. Michael Aquino.

‘Yes, that’s Mikey,’ the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, ‘he’s a bad man and I’m afraid.’ As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino’s wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman.

‘Yes, that’s Shamby,’ the girl said.

The family went home and called the FBI. [15]

Later in the therapy she described their home, with black walls, cross-over ceiling, a distinct bathtub and the Satan rituals which were performed on her. San Francisco Police raided the apartment of Aquino only to find a description identical to the child’s:

When interviewed by authorities the next day, the girl identified Gary Hambright from a photo lineup and said she had been driven to Mikey and Shamby’s home by Hambright. There, she said, she was abused by Hambright, Mikey and Shamby in a room with black walls. She said that she had been photographed. She said Hambright and Mikey were dressed in women’s clothes and Shamby was dressed in man’s clothes.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth, the girl identified the house as the one where she met ‘Mikey’ and ‘Shamby.’ It was the Aquino’s house. […] [16]

No action was taken.

Much has been written about Aquino’s involvement and though there is proof of complicity for a court case he was protected by the military-occult complex until his death in October 2011. The circumstantial evidence and Aquino’s shadowy history alone do little to limit the “bad taste” one gets when presented with the cases like Presidio or McMartin pre-school. One Army spokesmen at the Pentagon label said regarding Aquino’s military career as “extraordinary” but that he was entitled to his religious beliefs. Concerning his top security clearance, they saw his openness about being a Satanist “made him much less of a security risk than a homosexual or someone with drug or money problems would be.” [17]

Be that as it may, the man had become a byword for Satanism, intelligence, mind control, assassinations and all things nefarious yet he remained untouchable, even appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show to protest his innocence and extol the virtues of the much misunderstood Satan. If Sammy Davis Jr. had been an esteemed member of his Church want on earth was all the fuss about? [18]

The uses of reverse psychology or making a person or populace believe one thing while doing another in “plain sight,” was second nature to men such as Aquino and he never concealed it – it was his bread and butter after all. He was the archetype of the dark lord with bony finger in every power-filled pie. He had been “investigated” by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in paedophile cases while carrying out his Satanic duties as leader of the Temple of Set, the most popular religion in the US. In addition to this, Aquino’s pioneering work in military PSYOPS whilst retaining the highest-level security clearances confirmed the nature of his role as a strange personification of all that one should distrust about Establishment and military-occult America, even to the point of obvious caricature. Aquino was a trickster in a manner befitting a black ops operative and sort after military asset.


Aquino and wife “Lilith”

The Colonel and his wife Lilith carefully refuted the many allegations. His consequent responses to internet allegations were found both at and David McGowan’s website  which proves interesting reading indeed. Aquino raises some valid points concerning the hysteria which sprang up around SRA with manufactured evidence and sensationalist reporting whipped up by Christian fundamentalists. In the Colonel’s words: “A review of my attorney’s district & appeals briefs & orals will glaringly expose what was actually taking place: a court cover-up of blatant Senatorial/Sec Army/CID misconduct – and simultaneous brushing-aside of numerous illegal actions against an Army officer and his wife of a ‘politically incorrect religion.’” He then proceeds to list his US military citations and awards, with further verbiage promoting the view that he is clearly a valuable asset and respected pillar of the community, which says little since most sexual predators cultivate such a social status, and hardly proof of anything other than an old boys’ network at play.

The nature of his work and associations will always cast a literal shadow on his proclamations of innocence in this matter and others like him. Conversely, the fact that Aquino was a member of the Temple Of Set and a high ranking military official is disturbing enough, but it does not necessarily equate his actions with ritual sexual abuse per se. What it does provide is a “turf war” between branches of pseudo-freemasonic Satanists and Christians where the alleged crimes of Aquino and the military apparatus in general become lost in “Satanic rituals,” while the real reason for such activities continue to be obscured. One cannot escape the fact that such perceptual cross-fires are Aquino’s speciality. The principles of Niccoli Machiavelli’s The Prince are the basic tenets of PSYOPS, closely related to the Black arts and mind control. Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was a primary specialist in this field.

It may well have been true that Aquino was drawn into a military sex ring which, with his delusions of priestly grandeur, looking down at ordinary folk from his Setian ebony tower. Given the nature of his role it is far more probable that Aquino was the designated and willing focus to deflect attention and attacks away from the presence of Satanic abuse networks in the military as a whole. Appearing on Oprah Winfrey show as the flamboyant Satanist advocating simply another religion and replying to online accusations claiming innocence may have all been part of the package of distraction for those who prey on children at the top of the pathocratic pile.



[1] The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex by W. Adam Mandelbaum. Published by Saint Martin’s Press, 2000 | ISBN-10: 031220955X.
[2] In the words of British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli during an address to the House of Commons in 1856: “It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads…. They do not want constitutional government; they do not want ameliorated institutions… they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil, and to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments … ”
[3] op. cit. McGowan (p.47)
[4] ‘The dark tunnels of McMartin.’ By Roland Summit, Journal of Psycho-history, Vol. 21.  397-406, 1994.
[5] ‘Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool site, Manhattan Beach, California,’ by E. Gary Stickel, Ph.D.
[6] ‘Sex Case Accuser is Discovered Dead.’ The New York Times, December 20 1986.
[7] “Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military” by Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, July 2, 1999. (Extracts can also be found in John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover up).
[8] ‘Army of the Night: Child Abuse at the Presidio, the Parents’ Agony, the Army’s Cover-Up, The Prosecution’s Failure By Linda Goldston, San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] ‘Scathing Report on Presidio Child-Care Center’ SA Chronicle, March 21, 1988.
[12] “Set was depicted most commonly as a human form with some sort of animal head, featuring a long, curved snout and upright ears. He was a god that went through periods of extreme popularity and unpopularity in Egypt, depending on the beliefs of the prevailing ruling class. At times Set was widely worshipped as a god representing individual consciousness, as well as the darker forces of nature (thunder, deserts, etc.). During other periods Set was looked at as being a god of evil, violence, and hostility. In some Egyptian myths, Set was born by violently bursting out of the side of his mother’s womb, killed his brother Osiris, and was in the business of stealing dead people’s souls in the underworld.” ( Not exactly a glowing endorsement for the US Army…
[13] Aquino stepped down in 1996 and handed over the reins to Don Webb who later handed on the beastly baton to High Priestess Zeena Schreck in September 2002. Zeena, Magister Aaron Besson, Magister Nikolas Schreck, and Magister Michael Kelly all resigned on 8 November 2002 as well as four other Priests. Temple of Set sources have claimed that perhaps sixty of the adepts, initiates and Setian high degrees have left the Church over the past several years. Obviously, Set drives a hard bargain.
[14] The Last Circle By Carol Marshall 1994 | | ‘The Pedophocracy’ Chapter III: ‘Uncle Sam Wants Your Children’ by David McGowan, August 2001.
[15] ‘Army of the Night: Child Abuse at the Presidio, the Parents’ Agony, the Army’s Cover-Up, The Prosecution’s Failure By Linda Goldston, San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid.

The Z Factor XVI: Bio-Piracy and Bio-Warfare

 ” ‘Israel is at the top,’ … ‘It has tentacles reaching out worldwide. [It has] a pyramid system at work that’s awesome … they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.’ “

Dr. Nancy Scheper-Hughes, UC Berkeley Professor of Medical Anthropology

As if all this were not horrific enough, it seems that for the psychopaths and morally deficient presently embedded in the Israeli government, military and medical establishment, even the dead bodies of Palestinians can be turned into a profit-making enterprise. Indeed, the trafficking of body parts had a head start in Israel as a major destination and transit point. From around 1997-2007 there existed an extensive Israeli transplant tourism/organ-trafficking network worth millions of dollars. It supplied only a few thousand Israeli patients worldwide with organs-to-order. Media attention and public recognition of the networks was made from the arrest of orthodox rabbi, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, where through his wheeling and dealing, links to New York hospitals and the organ trade were established.

In 2003, After living in Australia for several years, Rosenbaum and his wife arrived in the U.S. from Israel, settling in Brooklyn. Rosenbaum launched a company called Medicalink USA Inc. in 2000 and also managed a charity Kav Lachayim United Lifeline Inc. set up by a relation. It was designed to assist mostly Jewish sick and disabled persons by offering donor transplants. Rosebaum made millions from these “charities” in a relatively short period of time with “… four New York properties for a total $5.1 million and built the 6,745-square-foot brick house where he now lives” according to a Bloomberg News report from October 21, 2011. The report went on: “He previously rented a three-bedroom, two-bath apartment for about $1,500 a month, according to Yitzchok Krasne, who lives there now. In court, Mr. Rosenbaum said he worked in the real estate business.”

In July 2009, Rosenbaum was arrested by the New Jersey FBI as part of a major crackdown on money laundering and political corruption. Other rabbis and city mayors were also charged. Authorities gradually learned that the orthodox Rabbi was part of a major organ trafficking outfit involving the brokering and sale of kidneys by Israelis and who charged Americans as much as $160,000 a kidney. He created a scheme by which donor and recipient would deceive hospital workers who checked for illegalities. According to Rosenbaum’s attorney Ronald Kleinberg: “The transplant surgeries occurred in prestigious American hospitals, and were performed by experienced and expert kidney transplant surgeons.”

One has to wonder just how “rigorous” such an evaluation procedure really was and how much hospital authorities knew about these cases. A spokesman for the Johns Hopkins Hospital who was a client of Mr. Rosenbaum said: “… team of doctors and social workers subjects every donor and recipient to scrutiny.” And in a further statement: “All potential donors and recipients are interviewed multiple times by a team of providers during a rigorous screening process, However, no matter how thorough our policies and procedures are, the pre-transplant evaluation may not detect premeditated and skillful attempts to undermine and deceive the evaluation process.”

The first person to be convicted of organ trafficking in the United States: “Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, 60, pleaded guilty Thursday to three counts of organ trafficking and one count of conspiracy in federal court in Trenton, N.J. He said three ailing people in New Jersey paid him a total $410,000 to arrange the sale of kidneys from healthy donors and an undercover FBI agent paid him $10,000.” He is currently serving 20 years in jail.


Nancy Scheper-Hughes

The reason the NJ FBI was able to indict Rosenbaum was thanks to the assistance of whistleblower Dr. Nancy Scheper-Hughes professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, and director of the doctoral program in medicine and society. She is also the co-founder of Organs Watch an independent, medical human rights, research and documentation centre at UC Berkeley. Scheper-Hughes has been an expert on global organ trafficking since 1996 carrying out field research and tracking the routes from Brazil, Argentina, and Cuba, to Europe and Turkey, India, South Africa, and the United States. She discovered one of possibly several international networks of organ traffickers with a complex hierarchy of rogue transplant surgeons, their brokers, lawyers, kidney hunters, insurance and travel agents, safe house operators, and “baby sitters” to mind sick and anxious international “transplant tourists.”

Until Rosenbaum’s arrest it had been impossible for Scheper-Hughes to get the attention of the FBI to even consider her claims that organ harvesting was taking place but gradually evidence was gathered and the fabric of the network slowly began to unravel. Rosenbaum had played his part in this criminal network which originated in Israel under the direction of Jewish Mafia boss Ilan Peri. Although his business was a primary node in the organ trafficking network after initially being arrested, he was eventually released from a German jail and then in his native Israel through convenient judicial loopholes.

Two new laws were passed by the Israeli parliament in 2008, which established a threshold for brain deaths and the prohibition of buying, selling and brokering of organs for transplant. Despite these laws, the presence of the Russian-Jewish mafia in Israel has guaranteed that the business continues though it is much tighter operation. Peri continues to offer what is known as transplant tours which he maintains are wholly legal.

The reason the criminal justice system refused to believe Scheper-Hughes was due to the implicit conditioning that lies as a buffer across all Israeli and American-Jewish culture. To accuse – whatever the legitimacy of the claim – is to be equated with right wing anti-Semitism, a hot potato everyone wants to avoid. When combined with the horror that is organ trafficking then it becomes easy to look the other way and pretend such an accusation is either ridiculous or too horrible to believe.

1026117Rabbi Levy Izhak Rosenbaum

The rumours that Palestinian bodies were being harvested for their organs and skin were circulating throughout the 1990s. In 2009, with the arrest of Izhak Rosenbaum and as Scheper-Hughes’ efforts came to the attention of the media, another article was published in a left-wing, Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet on August 17th of that year by journalist Donald Boström which tackled directly the rumour-ville of organ harvesting in Palestine’s occupied territories by the Israeli Defence Force.

Based on his book Inshallah (2001) which explored the same themes, he revisited his research, summarising his findings under the title of: “Our sons are plundered of their organs”, referencing Palestinian families who were convinced their loved ones had been first murdered then violated for their organs. Boström offered largely circumstantial, albeit compelling – evidence that this was still the case. It was common knowledge that Israeli authorities and hospital managers directors and even civil servants were participating in an illegal but lucrative trade and any claims to the contrary were put down to Palestinian propaganda. He stated it was time to bring to light what was happening in the occupied territories since the intifada began, where: “… young Palestinian men disappeared, that they were brought back after five days, at night, under tremendous secrecy, stitched back together after having been cut from abdomen to chin.”

Needless to say, Israeli government officials, lobbyists and lawyers in Israel and the United States went berserk with accusations of anti-Semitism and the well-worn tag of “blood-libel” which came to be associated with any future claims of organ-trafficking. Pick a sound-bite and mix it with Jewish victimhood and the barrier to criticism remains.

Scheper-Hughes followed this story and was unsure that such a crime could be connected to her own investigations. As she states in her own 2010 article: ‘Israel’s National Forensic Institute: Organ Harvest’ for online politics journal Counterpunch:

With respect to the Swedish “blood libel” against the National Forensic Institute at Abu Kabir, the main issue that wasn’t raised in the avalanche of articles, editorials, and news columns published in Israel, Europe and the United States was one simple question, “Was the organ theft story true?” And were there any grounds for linking the tissue theft from the dead to the organization of illicit transplant tours for Israeli patients? Were there any grounds for linking the one story with another?

Not only was it true that the extent of the network was global, Israel’s L. Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine, otherwise known as The Abu Kabir Institute was at the centre of it all. Working under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, the institute is affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University (which is yet another body which carries out specialist genetics research) and also serves as the controlling entity for burials by the orthodox religious group Cheva Kadisha. It therefore has a respected status in Israeli society as a legal mortuary on the one hand and a covert role as the central source for illegal organ transplantation.


                       The Abu Kabir Institute

One man who was interviewed by Scheper-Hughes back in July 2000, as part of her research into “transplant tourism” proved to be the lynch-pin around which the whole network was organised. He had even boasted of its creation himself. The director of the Institute Dr. Yehuda Hiss was happy to talk about the illegal activities at the time since it was clear he believed he was operating under the unquestioning strength of his own moral compass. He saw an inadequate situation regarding transplants for Israelis and needed a proactive resolution which he intended to provide. His candour would soon change into complete denial several years later.

Having sat on the interview for ten years Scheper-Hughes for fear of reprisals she decided to publish in 2009, during the trial of Rosenbaum. However, concerned to give Hiss a chance to set the record straight she contacted him and a meeting was set up provided the director and his lawyers could vet the doctor’s questions. In the end, the Ministry of Health denied the chance for another interview under those circumstances. This was not the only effect of her visit. It seems the “blood libel” tag was back. In her own words:

While being interviewed about the effects of the changes in transplant laws and practices, several medical and transplant colleagues in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem often interjected disparaging references to the ‘despicable blood libel by the Swedish media,’ even though they knew full well – and knew that I knew – that tucked inside Boström’s tabloid story was a real medical and political scandal of international proportions. I understood their nervousness about the topic, but not their denial of a known fact that was being manipulated into a global political tool of the Israeli government.”

In the original audio-taped interview, the professor was given some highly revealing responses to her pointed questions. Hiss, freely discussed the: “ ‘informal’ procurement of organs and tissues from the bodies of the dead brought to the Institute for examination and autopsy”, and where there existed a: “‘presumed’ consent, one invented by him and shared with no one except, by example, with his medical students and residents and interns.” She further described his: “… quiet policy of aggressive tissue, bone, skin, and organ harvesting, purportedly for the greater good of his country, a country at war, and for the good of his countryman.”

Hiss, like all delusional and religious authoritarian personalities perceived himself to be following a higher law overlaid with a cold mask of scientific rationalism. As he saw it, his own moral code was in perfect alignment to the needs of the situation. That meant he would provide a service to Israelis whatever the perceived “rules.” Consequently, Professor Hiss was (and probably still is) seen as a hero in Jewish dominated US media as well as in his native Israel since Palestinian lives are worthless as they are all terrorists and suicide bombers anyway. So, what’s the problem of using their bodies as a resource for the superior race of the Jew? Obviously, many Israelis do not subscribe to such a view and are as horrified as any person with conscience across the racial divide. But the topic of organ harvesting – let alone from Palestinians – does not get a chance to be debated within Israeli culture, least of all, within politics.

Two colleagues of Scheper-Hughes, former professor at Hebrew University and anthropologist Meira Weiss, and Chen Kugel, M.D., a forensic pathologist who had worked with his mentor Yehuda Hiss at the Institute. They had both supported Scheper-Hughes and her investigations, urging her to make public the tape-recording of Hiss in 2000. Having been forced from their respective jobs for speaking out, it was now the turn of their colleague.

The Interview took place in Hiss’ office at the Institute on July 21st 2000 in the presence if Miera Weiss and another staff member. Yehuda Hiss’ account gave a thorough and extensive overview of the role that he and the Institute played in the procurement of organs and tissue. The key revelations from the interview, as published in Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ aforementioned Counterpunch article of 2010, are as follows:

  • A personal approach and Establishment connections are paramount. The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has a strong relationship with the Institute harvesting predominantly skin and corneas for several hospitals.
  • For autopsies permission of the families was always sought in the 1970s but by the 1990s this had changed. Due to resistance in Israel to the idea of autopsy – both Jewish and Arab – “… everything is done off the record, highly informal. We never asked for the families’ permission.” […] But we would harvest only from bodies that the family agreed to allow an autopsy. So, we would never harvest where there were objections to the autopsy.”
  • “The law demands permissions for autopsy, but not for harvesting. I read this in the law books… We were free to take skin from the back of legs. We took cornea. … In the beginning of the 1990s, we began to take some long bones from the legs. Then we were asked for cardiac valves, and we did a few of them, because of the lack of collaboration between us and major thoracic departments. Then, beginning in 1995, we started to do it more formally. It was done according to a certain list of priorities, established by various medical centers and specific departments. It was done as a kind of semi-legal thing. At that point, we would inform the Ministry of Health. Before that time [1995], it was only between me/the Institute and the various departments and medical centers – informally. Later, we decided that it should be done through the Ministry of Health.”
  •  “Independence is very important. We are now part of the Ministry of Health, and the director-general of the ministry is our boss, but we are actually completely independent. Until a few years ago, all medical centers were under the Ministry of Health, but in the late 1990s they have become independent. There are only a few still directly under the Ministry of Health. Since then, they are more interested in what we are doing here and in our capacities [to harvest tissues], and so we now get more demands and we feel that it should be regulated. We want to be on record, too, for the various costs that are involved in the harvesting of skin and cornea, bones, pulmonary values and so forth… . But until then, this was just between us and the various hospitals that we serviced, but we wanted there to be some control over this.”
  • Setting prices: “In 1996, we made up a list of the various medical services that we provided, a list of hundreds or thousands of shekels – there were expenses that we wanted to recoup. We would collaborate only with public hospitals. … Since then – about two years ago [1998] – we were told to ask permission for everything. [This is a reference to the late Sergeant Zeev Buzaglo of the Golani Brigade, who was killed in a training accident in April 1997. When his father, Dr. Haim Buzaglo, a pediatrician, came to see his son’s body, he saw that it had been harmed at the Institute – NS-H.” ]
  • “There is a special relationship between the Institute and the army because of the current political situation in Israel. All Israelis feel that we all have an obligation to help out in some way, and because we all served in the army, we all have a personal stake in the army ever after. We are all linked to the army. And because of this, we took it for granted. We never asked. We thought it was part of the duty of all Israelis to cooperate.”
  • “In Israel, 100 per cent of the skin harvested goes to Hadassah Hospital’s skin bank – it is for military purposes only – no biotech firms have access. There is another skin bank in the south of the country, to which the Institute is not linked – but I know that if something happens – if one of the burn centers need skin for a private patient, say, they can take skin from the Hadassah skin bank, but they have to repay it. Logistically, we are only linked to Hadassah.”
  • “Since six months ago, we have a new man working with us downstairs, who is a kind of mortuary assistant, and he is harvesting skin, bones, cornea, and bones. Before him, there was only an arrangement with the army – they used to send us here every week a plastic surgeon, who would come here to harvest skin for the skin bank in Hadassah. This lasted for many years. More than 12 or 13 years he did this. Since 1987-1988, every other week, a plastic surgeon would come here to harvest skin. But now we no longer have this direct relationship with the army since this latest scandal. Now, we have our own mortuary assistant, who is paid to harvest for us all the skin, bone, cornea, etc., that is needed. He helps out in other activities as well.”
  • The foundation to what has become the modern relationship with Russia and Israel and organ harvesting: “You can buy cornea from Russia for $300 each, I think…. In Moscow, you can get a kidney for $20,000 and cornea for a few dollars, because they really don’t care… At every autopsy, they take what they want, and they have a tremendous stockpile of organs that they can draw on. They have skin and cornea. In some large medical centers in Russia, you can get fresh kidney that they get from auto accidents – and in Turkey as well. So, in both places you can get transplanted organs for just $20,000 – including the kidney – because they have a stockpile of them. I know because I was part of a transplant procurement organization, and we studied this. It is very cheap. It is well done by very good surgeons there. In fact, there is a surplus of kidneys in Russia. They have surplus because fewer people there can afford transplants.”
  • Regarding Transplant Tourism: “… sometimes our surgeons would accompany our Israeli patients to Russia, and they would perform the surgery there and the kidney was from a Russian. The surgery would be performed by Israeli doctors in Russia, with Russian kidneys. Some are leading transplant surgeons from Israel…”
  •  “Many things in Israel are done on a personal basis and through connections… I think that in Israel everything should be as equitable as possible. One should not have to depend on connections or money. If advertising and the media would only persuade the Israeli population to donate organs from deceased victims from trauma… [ and even though there is nothing in Talmudic law against organ harvesting from the dead], a religious family will find a rabbi who will agree with them. I try to tell them how important it is to donate, and they will say, “I need to discuss this with my rabbi” – and nine times out of ten they come back with a negative answer. That is, the answer that they want…”

According to Israeli authorities since the disclosure of the organ trade and the whistle-blowing of Nancy Scheper-Hughes permission for autopsies and harvesting has been formalised and regulations introduced. The trade in organs harvested from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers was said to have ceased. However, recent allegations suggest that the industry merely went further underground. Perhaps it was unlikely that such a lucrative business would simply grind to a halt.

Israel’s popular newspaper Haaretz published a report on June 20th 2013 with the headline: ‘Israeli MDs harvesting organs for international trafficking ring.’ Costa Rican authorities had been working hard to break up an international organ trafficking ring and had finally achieved success as they carried out raids on several medical establishments. It was reported that several Israeli doctors had been at the centre of the network who: “specialised in selling kidneys to patients in Israel and East Europe.” The head of Nephrology Francisco Mora Palma, who worked at one of the largest state-run medical centers, Calderon Guardia Hospital, was arrested for his role in the trafficking ring. A police officer working with the doctor as a scout for potential donors was also arrested. Once again, the police implied that the ring was merely part of a larger global operation. With estimates of $16,000-20,000 paid for kidney donors, two way traffic from Israel to destination countries and the Ministry of Health’s protestations that it knew nothing about the trafficking – business is flourishing. As Attorney General Chavarria stated, this is likely just the “tip of the iceberg.”

If we cast our mind back to the problem of missing persons in the United States and across the world with such sums of money at stake, is it not logical to assume that many of the missing, mostly children are being abducted and sold for body parts? Well, sure enough this is exactly what the present research is suggests.


19-year-old Bilal Achmed Ghanan was shot and taken away by Israeli soldiers. His body was returned to his family brutally stitched up from the abdomen to the chin. Source: Israeli Organ Harvesting The New “Blood Libel”? by Alison Weir, 2009.

On October 18th 2013, The Telegraph’s Steven Swinford offered the first reported case of organ trafficking uncovered in the United Kingdom. A little Somalian girl was smuggled into the Island expressly to have her organs harvested for needy for those desperate for transplants. Child protection agencies warned that this was unlikely to be an isolated incident since the number of human trafficking victims in the UK has reached record levels, having risen by over 50 per cent in 2012.

Egypt too was suffering from the internal fractures of Western influenced meddling which has resulted in a tragic civil war offers rich pickings for the organ traffickers. IRN News a service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ran a story entitled: ‘EGYPT: Rising tide of child abductions’ which was published in December 2013. A coalition of 100 Egyptian child rights advocacy groups is continuing to apply pressure on the military government to take steps to halt the huge rise in child abductions across the country. The report quoted ex-policeman and security expert Maher Zakhry who stated: “The kidnapping of children has become a very worrying phenomenon,” … “Our country’s deteriorating security conditions make this crime more possible.”

Anywhere there is conflict and civilian casualties you will find organ traffickers on the prowl which is why the conflict in Syria and the 11 million refugees is a humanitarian disaster beyond imagining with children being prey not just to government and rebel bullets and shrapnel but the tangential obscenity of traffickers. Indeed, according to the latest reports the US-NATO backed Al-Qaeda outfit The Free Syrian Army has been accused not only of various atrocities, but indulging in a bit of outsourced organ trafficking on the side. Allegations of harvesting the body organs of Syrian civilians and army soldiers after kidnapping and murdering them have been reported by the Turkish paper Yurt. Though similar reports strangely no longer seem to exist on newspaper servers, a debate over whether this is propaganda or not will doubtless continue.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ courageous research showed that kidney trafficking in particular was overwhelming sourced from Israel. What is even more disturbing and which confirms yet again, why the idea of revenge and the cliche of self-loathing appears to play a part. Scheper-Hughes identified two motivations of the Israeli organ traffickers. The first was unsurprisingly: “greed” and the second was incredibly: “Revenge, restitution—reparation for the Holocaust.” where they described this further as: “… kind of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.’” [1]

Once again, this pathological entitlement to inflict revenge and retribution is drawn from a preceived passivity and acquiescence to that historical victimhood. This has become inverted and its dark shadow projected out into the world to contribute to the spread of that very same infection of evil into the world.

“The World Owes us.”


Chemical Weapons and Biological Warfare

And if murdered Palestinians can be used as a source for organ trafficking then it shouldn’t be surprising that such minds can think up other ways to desecrate and even extinguish the very idea of Palestinians as a race.

330px-WMD_world_map.svgBiological | Chemical | Nuclear | Radiological (wikipedia)

Israel has long had a reputation for developing chemical and biological weapons methods (CBW) for their most effective dispersal, preferably in the Palestinian population. Ethnic cleansing always seems to return as the primary mover for such actions, the Israeli occupation of Haifa on 23 April 1948, is an early case. It was thought to be under Arab control and thus under the “protection” of the British forces when it was used as one of the first experiments in Israeli chemical warfare. The city water supply still comes from a nearby village, Kabri, about 10 kms to the north, through an aqueduct. From 6 May to about 19 May, the city population was struck down by a sudden typhoid epidemic. Somewhere along this supply point Zionists injected typhoid into the water system.

The minutes of an emergency conference held at the Lebanese Red Cross Hospital in Acre on 6 May and attended by top level Army and Medical personnel determined the outbreak was “water borne” and “not due to crowded or unhygienic conditions as claimed by the Israelis.” [2]According to Dr. De Meuron of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) it was the first time something of this nature had ever happened in Palestine. The poisoning of Acre’s water supply ended with destruction of the city, the depopulation of its inhabitants, war crimes committed by Zionist soldiers including acts of rape, enforced poisoning by cyanide and the internment of civilians in concentration camps. Homes, farms, businesses and the denial of return to their city were sanctioned, euphemistically known as “Transfer” by Zionists. (It followed a similar pattern of experimental destruction which could be likened to the genocide inflicted on Iraqi inhabitants of Fallujah during the invasion of Iraq).

In 1999 Palestinian physician Dr. Salman Abu Sitta stated the facts to the UK House of Commons that during the 1948 War: “… bacteriological warfare was used by poisoning wells and infecting drinking water with malaria and typhus. This was the case in the summer of 1948, as Ben-Gurion admitted in his diary.” [3] Fast forward to the destruction wrought by the Israeli army on Beit Hanoun’s sanitations and sewage networks intentionally mixing them with potable water networks in the hope of causing environmental and health problems. The Association of Palestinian Hydrologists called on “all the legal institutions to work on disclosing the Israeli practices that aim at spreading diseases and epidemics in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun” in July of 2004. [4]

Another example of Zionist flirtation with toxic concoctions hit an upward curve in October 30, 1996. Rebels in Papua New Guinea accused Israel of providing government forces with “chemical bombs” dropped by helicopters, causing skin irritation and burning. Following the tradition of the US who happily sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein more than a decade before the first Iraq war, the Israeli government decided to yield to a more open stance of double standards by not submitting the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention to Knesset for ratification. On September 25 1997, Israeli MOSSAD agents attempted to poison Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal with fentanyl in Amman, Jordan. Meshaal is administered an antidote in exchange for Jordan’s release of captured agents.

Israeli’s love affair with micro-biology and chemical warfare is focused in the top secret facility of the Israel Institute for Biological Research, (IIBR) which is obviously very busy. According to one biologist who worked at IIBR: “There is hardly a single known or unknown form of chemical or biological weapon … which is not manufactured at the institute [IIBR].” In August, 1998 Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot published an exposé calling IIBR “metropolitan Tel Aviv’s most severe environmental hazard” which gave some publicity to Israelis living in the area who had launched an appeal to the Supreme Court to prevent the expansion of the institute without success.[5]

In October 2000, perhaps in response to encouraging noises from excited and well paid scientists, the Israeli military was allowed to test out their latest bag of tricks by shooting gas canisters into schoolyard and classrooms at T’ku, near Bethlehem. Over 24 children suffered from gas inhalation and required hospitalisation. Apparently, gas “differs from the standard tear-gas used around the world in dispersing demonstrations.” [6]

American filmmaker James Longley documented the use of unknown gas attacks that took place on February 12, 2001, in Khan Younis, located in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. His film “Gaza Strip” garnered several awards after revealing the reality of the suffering undergone by the victims many of whom were forced to remain in hospital for weeks. More repeated gas attacks followed over February and March with reports from locations near Bethlehem; East of Gaza city and the West Bank village of Al-Zawiya. Experts believe the chemical was a new, unknown type of nerve gas. [7]

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BBC Television produced one of the first in-depth investigations into Israel’s use of chemical weapons in March, 2003 called Israel’s Secret Weapon. The attacks in Gaza and the West bank were investigated. The programme’s conclusion was that: “The Israeli army has used new unidentified weapons. In February 2001 a new gas was used in Gaza. A hundred and eighty patients were admitted to hospitals with severe convulsions… Israel is outside chemical and biological weapons treaties and still refuses to say what the new gas was.” Unsurprisingly, even before the programme was aired the Israel PR reflex was in operation over the slightest possibility of criticism and considered “lodging a vehement protest” to banish any thought there may be “double standards” at work as alleged by the film. [8]

Regardless of the prohibition of chemical weapons in the 21st Century the Israeli government believes that riots and unrest provide a perfect opportunity to test the latest chemical weaponry they have in their possession.

By June of 2004, protests against the construction of the West bank barrier clinics in Al-Zawiya saw 130 patients treated for gas inhalation. This was not tear gas or any conventional chemical for crowd dispersal. Dr. Abu Madi stated: “The patients were children, women, old people and young men …there were a high number of cases of [tetany], spasm in legs and hands, connected to the nervous system. Pupils were dilated … Other symptoms included shock, semi-consciousness, hyperventilation, irritation and sweating.”

In a 2009 report entitled: Rain of Fire: Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza Human Rights Watch said: “Israel’s repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes.” The document provided detailed witness accounts of the “devastating effects that white phosphorus munitions had on civilians and civilian property in Gaza.” Fred Abrahams, senior emergencies researcher and co-author of the report stated: “In Gaza, the Israeli military didn’t just use white phosphorus in open areas as a screen for its troops. It fired white phosphorus repeatedly over densely populated areas, even when its troops weren’t in the area and safer smoke shells were available. As a result, civilians needlessly suffered and died.” [9]

Another paper from the New Weapons Research Committee reported: “the 2006 and 2009 Israeli bombings on Gaza left a high concentration of toxic metals in soil, which can cause tumours, fertility problems, and serious effects on newborns, like deformities and genetic pathologies.” [10] Further, from a Palestine Human Rights Information Centre report of 1989 chemicals in the tear gas canisters ensures the gas sticks to clothes, food and walls, for considerable periods of time long after they have been fired. The report states that: “Residues of CS gas, one of the gases in use, remaining on food, can break down into cyanide when the food is cooked, even long after exposure.” [11] Even the use of Napalm has been employed against the Palestinian people as far back as 1967. Keen to keep up with the new innovations being tested out on Vietnamese soldiers and civilians alike Israel signed on the dotted line in anticipation. [12]


On 17 January 2009, Israeli forces bombed a school run by the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip. Around 1,600 Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip, mostly families including young children, sought refuge at the school to escape Israeli air strikes that were targeting homes in densely populated areas. At least two children were killed in the attack and another dozen wounded by the white phosphorus bombs fired at the school.”  –  ‘Photostory: Israel attacks UN school in Gaza’ – The Electronic Intifada

The new Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University, has just finished patting itself on the back for establishing an anti-terrorism technology centre: “which envisions that the centre will become a world leader in developing anti-terrorism warfare technology, especially relating to chemical and biological anti-terrorism.” One has to wonder why? Especially as the Hebrew University: “… has received around $10 million annually from US government agencies in grants for infrastructure and applied research.” [13]  The absence of a real external threat other than some phony CIA/MOSSAD infiltrated Jihadist group or the conveniently ubiquitous Al-Qaeda threatening to show up in the next country targeted for invasion, this very brief look at chemical warfare shows that Israel and the US are obsessed with these fields of research.

During the Gaza and West bank incursions nerve gases were not the only examples inflicted on the Palestinians. In October, Italian investigators found forensic evidence that suggested that a drive to introduce a new form of chemical warfare in the occupied territories represented the near future of US “counterinsurgency warfare.” With photographic evidence and witness testimony from the many victims and doctors on the ground, the use of Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME) was said to be the most probable cause.[14]  Developed at the US Air Force Research Laboratory, DIME is a low collateral damage weapon (LCD) which produces a powerful blast within a small area, while allowing lower pressure but increased impulse in the area. It sprays a superheated “micro-shrapnel” of powdered Heavy Metal Tungsten Alloy (HMTA) that is geno-toxic (extremely harmful to human DNA.) as well as being dangerous to overall health. [15]

Chief of the emergency unit at Gaza’s largest hospital in Al-Shifa, Dr Joma Al-Saqqa had first-hand experience of the effects on the human body. As he was treating patients he observed that: “…despite the damage in internal soft tissue in the bodies of injured people, the fragments were not detected by X-ray. In other words, they had disappeared or dissolved inside the body.”  Dr. Al-Saqqa reported that: “When the wounds were explored no foreign material was found. There was tissue death, the extent of which was difficult to determine … A higher deep infection rate resulted with subsequent amputation. In spite of amputation there was a higher mortality.” [16]

He confirmed:

“… that there were dozens of wounded legs and arms. Many of them had been burned from the inside, and distorted to the point that they cannot return to life again.” … “When the shrapnel hit[s] the body, it causes very strong burns that destroy the tissues around the bones … it burns and destroys internal organs, like the liver, kidneys, and the spleen and other organs and makes saving the wounded almost impossible. As a surgeon, I have seen thousands of wounds during the Intifada, but nothing was like this weapon.” [17]

The doctor also concluded that the effects of the weapon seemed “radioactive.”

After his experiences Al-Saqqa is in no doubt that the Israeli Army was employing a new chemical weapon which had resulted in the deaths of 50 Palestinians and over 200 injured. Analysis of victims’ wounds proved impossible. Gaza’s only forensic crime laboratory was destroyed by the Israelis on June 27 of the siege which seems more than a little convenient.[18] In the Gaza conflict of 2008-2009 the exact same evidence of chemical warfare was found. Dr. Mads Gilbert and Dr. Erik Fosse, who were working on Palestinians who suffered wounds in the attacks, believed such injuries could only have come from a new type of weapon such as the DIME bomb. [19]

A 2004 study by the British Medical Association concluded that the world was perhaps only a few years away from “terrifying biological weapons capable of killing only people of specific ethnic groups, citing advances in “genetic weapons technology.” More than a twelve years ago Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz and I.Lewis Libby, Chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney had argued in draft policy statements to press for the further establishment of various imperialist polices including the development of biological weapons that can “target specific genotypes [and] may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” [20]

The now infamous report in the The Times back in 1998 described Israel’s claim to have successfully developed an “ethnic bullet” that targets Arabs. Indeed, no denials have been forthcoming and from the same report an Israeli government spokesman said: “we have a basket full of serious surprises that we will not hesitate to use if we feel that the state of Israel is under serious threat.” [21]

Translation: anything is acceptable as long as Israel can have its own way.

It seems a far cry from notions of peace and reconciliation though again ironic in its parallels to Nazism. This also connects to the expansion of the Human Genome Project and America’s love affair with eugenics which harks back to the brain-drain of Nazi scientists during and after the Second World War which in turn, created the principles upon which the CIA and the National Security State were formed. The crucial question we might ask here is: if Arabs can be targeted genetically, can the Israelis also target other “genetic lines,” such as peoples of black or Asian or Anglo-Saxon heritage? Stanford University biophysicist, Professor Steven Block makes this pertinent observation: “We’re tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever use these things, but not everybody is in their right mind.” [22]

Yet for the many in government, the military and intelligence circles, the only mind is the psychopath’s mind and everyone else must conform to its reality.

See also: Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey  It seems Israel and its proxy army ISIS can’t stop themselves…

The following link may have implications for producing ethnic-specific weapons for bio-warfare. This especially interesting since Putin is a major threat to the Three Establishment Model’s design for world order:

Putin: Someone is harvesting Russian bio samples for obscure purposes


[1] ‘Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine by Alison Weir, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, November 2009.
[2] ‘Traces of Posion – Israel’s Dark History revealed.’ By Salman Abu-Sitta, Al-Ahram Weekly Issue No. 62, Feb 27 – March 5, 2003.
[3] ‘Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control,’ by Avner Cohen, The Nonproliferation Review, Fall-Winter 2001, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 32.
[4] ‘Hydrologists warn of Israeli spreading diseases in N. Gaza’ China View March 3, 2004.
[5] Examples from 1990 – 1998 verified and sourced from Nuclear Threat Initiative; Israel Chronology 1998 – 2010 |
[6] Iran Republic News Agency (IRNA), October 29, 2000.
[7] ‘Israeli Army Fires Highly Toxic Quantities of Tear Gas at Civilians in Khan Yunis,’ Gaza, Palestine Monitor, February 15, 2001.
[8] ‘Israel considers protesting BBC show on `secret weapons’’ By Sharon Sadeh, Haaretz, March 14, 2003.
[9] ‘Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes – Indiscriminate Attacks Caused Needless Civilian Suffering’ Human Rights Watch, March 25, 2009.
[10] ‘Israel Poisons Palestinian Soil, Newborns’ By Fareed Mahdy IDN-InDepthNews Service, December 19 2009.
[11] PHRIC: ‘Uprising In Palestine.’ 1989 Report.
[12] Our Roots Are Still Alive – The Story of the Palestinian People, Written by the Peoples Press Palestine Book Project: Joy Bonds, Jimmy Emerman, Linda John, Penny Johnson, Paul Rupert Illustrations: Ron Weil of Gonna Rise Again Graphics Design: Leah Statman of Gonna Rise Again Graphics Layout: Joy Bonds and Leah Statman, Institute for Independent Social Journalism.
Chapter 13: June 1967 Seizing New Arab Land: “In the West Bank and the Golan Heights, Israeli planes bombed villages and dropped napalm. Napalm rained on areas around Arab Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the East Bank of the Jordan. Sami Oweida told the story of his family to a British professor. During the war his family left Jericho and tried to cross the King Hussein Bridge to the East Bank of the Jordan and relative safety. According to Oweida’s account: I saw a plane come down like a hawk directly at us. We threw ourselves on the ground and found ourselves in the midst of fire…. I tried to do something, but in vain. Fire was all around. I carried my burning child outside the fire. The burning people became naked. Fire stuck to my hands and face. I rolled over. The fire rolled with me. I saw another plane coming directly at us. I thought it was the end. I saw the pilot lean over and look at us. My daughter Labiba (four years old) died that night. Two children of my cousin also died. My daughter Adla (seventeen years old) died four days later.”
[13] ‘Hebrew U. company sets up anti-terror technology unit,’ by Batya Feldman, Globes, 22 April 2004.
[14] Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip, Haaretz, October 19, 2006.
[15] ‘Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME)’ / and Wikipedia .
[16] ‘Ministry of Health report on toxic Israeli weapons confirmed by Gaza City medical sources’, Palestine News Network, July 13,/2006.
[17] Ibid.
[18]Israel ‘is using chemical ammunition’ in Gaza, Centre for Research on Globalization/Gulf News, June 13, 2006.
[19] ‘Norwegian doctor: Israel used new type of weapon in Gaza’ by Amira Hass, Haaretz, January 19, 2009. “His best guess, he said, is that the pressure wave is caused by a dense inert metal explosive, or DIME, a type of bomb developed to minimize collateral damage. A military expert working for Human Rights Watch also told Haaretz that the nature of the wounds and descriptions given by Gazans made it seem likely that Israel used DIMEs.”
[20] p.60; ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century’ Project for a New American Century,
[21] Israel planning Ethnic Bomb as Sadaam caves in’ The Times, Novermber 15, 1998. – “The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host’s living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes. The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main research
facility for Israel’s clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. A scientist there said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of semitic origin. But he added: “They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people.” The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies. The research mirrors biological studies conducted by South African scientists during the apartheid era and revealed in testimony before the truth commission. The idea of a Jewish state conducting such research has provoked outrage in some quarters because of parallels with the genetic experiments of Dr Josef Mengele, the Nazi scientist at Auschwitz.”
[22] p.277; Seeds of Destruction The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl, Published by Global Research, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0973714727.

The Rule of Law? III: Forensics and Impression Management

“Our educated guess is that many practitioners in the field of law and psychology have faced a situation … where they have experienced difficulties in identifying the “true nature” of the psychopathic interviewee, until the situation has proceeded to the point where they’ve been fooled or some ways misled.”

– Helinä Häkkänen-Nyholm, Psychopathy and Law, a Practioner’s Guide

The British justice system is still at odds with reality where fathers’ rights in custody battles are considered an irrelevance. The opinions of children in this matter are ignored as is basic psychology that a child grows and develops best when he or she has both parents present in their lives and access to respective family relatives. Although surprising to some, family law courts in the United Kingdom and in a significant number of cases in the United States, heavily favour the rights of the mother.

Many pressure groups on behalf of fathers’ rights as well as social justice organisations campaigned for a change in the law that would view the rights of both parents as a prerequisite for a just and equitable resolution in custody cases, while also addressing the “shocking delays” in custody battles in general. In the United Kingdom, several years ago the government family justice report chaired by David Norgrove made a review of these claims. Certain aspects of the family courts were marginally improved, cutting down the time where decisions must be taken to no more than six months rather than years, though this has been a sporadic rather than a consistent success.  Moreover, the issue of equal parenting rights – with special focus on fathers’ rights – was deemed unworkable. A spokesman for the Norgrove report said: “While is it usually in the child’s interest to have contact with both parents, seeking to enshrine that right in law would lead to greater conflict and confusion.” David Norgrove stated that: “Fundamentally, this is not about the rights of parents, it’s about the welfare of children and we should be focused entirely on that.” [1]

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Many campaigners believe that the issue of children being granted accessibility of both parents was crucial factor in addressing the welfare of the child and were at a loss to see how such a conclusion could have been reached. With one in three children in the UK without a father it does tend to stretch credibility that these decisions would help to alleviate such a sad statistic. The Centre for Social Justice a UK charity and campaigning organisation on issues of poverty, crime and family law stated in their 2009 family law review, Every Family Matters that “…legislation should acknowledge that children are most likely to benefit from the substantial involvement of both parents in their lives.” [2]

Ken Sanderson, of the campaign group Families Need Fathers, said: “The core failing of the current family justice system is that the rights of children to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents, as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, are not adequately supported or enforced. By choosing not to address this issue, any other proposals… will be merely superficial adjustments to a fundamentally broken system.” [3] And these superficial adjustments are a common theme through the legal and justice systems in both the UK and the United States. Tinkering around the edges allows just enough leeway to placate media and pressure groups for a short time whilst altering very little.

Fathers 4 Justice Campaign Director Nadine O’Connor was even more scathing of the report and revealed the corrupt background of the legal system as a whole. In a detailed response to Norgrove she outlined some of the reasons for what campaigners believed were unreasonable and unjust conclusions arrived at by report members and suggested an agenda on behalf of those taking part. A long list of grievances were listed including the belief that the:

  • The report’s primary function was to look at procedure, not principle;
  • The review panel was not impartial – it excluded parents and users of the system;
  • The rejection of a 10,000 parent testimony
  • The highlighting of the support given by the report of “secret courts”
  • The rejection of “transparency and public accountability;”
  • The rejection of a parents right in law to see their children;”
  • Claims of gender bias despite 93 percent of residencies being awarded to mothers;
  • The rejection of the principle of equality and shared parenting, stating it was ‘not in the bests interests of the child.’ [4]

O’Connor also drew the intention of the media and public to the fact that the report acknowledged that “no records have been kept on the outcomes for children,” and logically asked the question: “How can the Family Justice Review panel know what is in the ‘best interests of a child’ without empirical evidence?” [5]  Further attention was given to failure of the report to address: “… the number of warring parents going to court and the impact government cuts to legal aid will have in the increase in the number of unrepresented parents going to court; condemnation of the court system itself “…which is run by an ‘unelected, unaccountable and unsackable judiciary operating in complete secrecy;’ the inappropriate nature of courts originally intended for criminals rather than dealing with family cases. [6] The review also concluded that it was still necessary for “…grandparents… to go to court to demand access to their grandchildren when it is denied” which many believe dismisses the value of family and community. Which also means a division opens up between the rich and poor once again, and where only the wealthy can find justice to pursue their familial rights. [7]

The above report represents a classic example of the kinds of stone-walling within government and the judicial system which campaigners face year in and year out, not least the thousands of parents and their children who get caught in this iniquitous system.

According to Saga an insurance and investment company for senior citizens: “…the [court] process is extremely difficult and many grandparents simply can’t face a court fight that they feel may be unfairly stacked against them. They had hoped that the law would recognise the importance of their rights properly.” [8] Saga Director-General Dr Ros Altmann opines: “The relationship between a grandchild and a grandparent can be an extremely special one, and can provide consistency for a child when the family unit breaks down. “This Review rightly points out that decisions should be made in the best interests of the child, however to give one adult ‘rights’ to access that can be withdrawn by the courts, whilst all others have to fight for any right to maintain a relationship with their child or grandchild is surely wrong.” [9]

In the United States, the story is the same though with a greater State by State and case by case variation. This is illustrated with the following examples. Firstly, according to Anne P. Mitchell, fathers’ rights attorney and Founder of Dads’ Rights:

Men absolutely, and often, get the short end of the stick financially in divorce. There is a big myth out there that men make out like bandits in divorce, and women get left in poverty. This is completely untrue. Ironically, it is this myth that causes women to resist fathers having more parenting time, as the less time the child is with Dad, the more money Mom gets. So fathers get the shaft twice: their time with their children is limited, and they get to pay for being pushed out of their children’s lives.” [10]

Judge Michele Lowrance, child of divorce, divorced mother and author agrees that unfair treatment of men is borne out by the statistics:

For example, 85 percent of non-custodial or non-primary residential parents are men who typically see their children only two out of 14 days. In addition, 40 percent of America’s children will spend at least part of their childhood without their fathers living together with them. This translates to over 21 million children. There is definitely cultural paranoia about each side having an advantage. Women think men have the advantage because, for example, it is hard to support the average family on a small percentage of the non-custodial parent’s income. If Dad earns $2,500 net and there is one child, in many jurisdictions Mom would only get $500 for support. Understandably that feels unfair to her, as clearly she might need more to support a child. [11]

While on the other hand, Scott Hampton director of Ending Violence:

When I was presenting a workshop at a national judges’ conference I asked those judges whether there was bias in family courts during divorce. Their answer: Yes, but usually it’s against women, not men. Their reasoning makes perfect sense. Society expects mothers, not fathers, to be the natural nurturers. So, if Mom falls just a bit short of the ideal parent, we unconsciously penalize her. In contrast, if Dad changes a couple of poopy diapers, we unconsciously give him extra credit. So if that’s true, then why do mothers more often have custody? The judges explained that it’s not the court’s bias against fathers. It’s men’s bias against fatherhood and dads who run away from their responsibility. Those are the ones who are skewing the numbers. It’s the men who fight paternity or who are abusive who are making responsible fathers and husbands look bad. The fact of the matter is, when men actually want and ask for custody, they are much more successful than some would have us believe. [12]

Father’s running away from their responsibilities, uncaring of their children, mothers taking advantage of a biased system and financially milking their ex-husbands remorselessly; false accusations of child abuse alongside authentic cases that somehow pass through judicial loopholes and the many corrupt judges open to those with the right money.

The system is broken and quite obviously ponerised.

There are many other similar cases where the male-dominated courts and judicial system do not necessarily override the apparent bias against fathers. Nevertheless, while negative attributions are fielded on both sides of the fence the statistics paint a very bleak picture for the father in the majority of cases. Despite psychopathic predominance in the male (at least so far, data is still being collected) the female pathological narcissist and psychopath also exist. As awareness of the bias against diagnosing women with psychopathy becomes more widely known, statistic are likely to reveal even more of a prevalence that is not necessarily seated in criminal activity but within domestic and public institutional settings.

Disturbing statistics that seldom get any airplay in the media denote an inversion of the female attributes that collectively express a highly significant reaction to the mass pathology inflicted on Western societies. As to how custody battles are reflected in statistical analyses these figures are from the late 80s’ and early 90s’:

  • 79.6 % of custodial mothers receive a support award
  • 29.9 % of custodial fathers receive a support award
  • 46.9 % of non-custodial mothers totally default on support
  • 26.9 % of non-custodial fathers totally default on support
  • 20.0 % of non-custodial mothers pay support at some level
  • 61.0  % of non-custodial fathers pay support at some level
  • 66.2 % of single custodial mothers work less than full-time
  • 10.2  %  of single custodial fathers work less than full-time  [13]

By 2007, five of every six custodial parents are mothers, yet the number of custodial mothers in poverty is 27.7 percent in contrast to the percentage of custodial fathers in poverty at 11.1 percent [14]  With one in four divorced Americans yet to receive child support or alimony and of those who are supposed to receive spousal support, 49 percent are not receiving any of it, fighting to get it, or have completely given up, what does this say about the system of allocating benefits to each parent and the ability of fathers to find work over mothers? What of the prevalence of mental illness and undiagnosed pathology hidden from view? [15]

In custody and criminal trials prosecutors will have no compunction in using gender myths as a strategy to win their cases or “… packaging the myth for persuasive purposes” depending on which position they are advocating. [16]

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Impression Management

It might be an idea to revisit the Female Psychopath in a court setting.

The female psychopath’s own formula of “impression management” is especially effective yet we have no way of knowing how many take advantage of the criminal justice system except through reading between the lines of statistics. Is it simply self-presentation or cunning manipulation of the jury and all participants, from detectives to judges? Impression management is a crucial tool of the psychopath yet relatively unexplored in forensic psychology. If the overriding need to control and win is a primary driver of psychopathic behaviour this suggests a huge psychological loop-hole that takes advantage of the idealised image of feminine passivity which is then ruthlessly exploited.

Criminal trial attorney Frank S. Perri and clinical psychologist Terrance G. Lichtenwald see law enforcement and the criminal justice system facing a serious challenge in their ability to correctly perceive, diagnose and bring to justice female psychopaths. For instance: “Diane Downs, the woman who killed her two children by shooting them, came to her jury trial pregnant, projecting the image that a mother could not commit such an act. [Serial killers] Golay and Utterschmidt projected a disposition of two elderly, grandmotherly-like women, and Karla Homolka projected the image that she was under the control over her husband when she helped kill three young women.”  [1]

Other examples of possible misdiagnosis and leniency include one Marie Noe, who in 1999: “… admitted to killing her eight children [and] received probation. It had been suggested that her 72-year-old appearance, mannerisms and her gender affected the decision and because society is reluctant to believe that women kill serially, law and prosecutions lacked the motivation to investigate and vigorously prosecute these women.” Another female serialist received only 10 years in prison after admitting to killing her five children, but the jury felt sorry for her because she had lost all the children in her life.”  [2]

The courts, forensics and law enforcement are areas more likely to encounter male and female psychopaths than any other profession. The absence of courses in psychopathy awareness is still not forthcoming where it is needed most and where: “…the study of violent offenders is lumped together under the same umbrella that somehow criminals are from the same mold.” The authors therefore pose the following questions:

Does this individual understand that parents who kill may not be mentally ill but possess psychopathy traits that, in fact, make them more prone to planning their child’s death? Does this person have training on how to spot psychopathic traits or are does he harbor the view that a mother is incapable of intentionally killing her child because of her gender? If the parent did plan the murder, could this professional participate in the evaluation of such a case without resorting to myths to resolve the “shock” he or she experiences? […]

It can be particularly unnerving for professionals to realize that a female is capable of brutal violence, especially homicide, and project normalcy to those she encounters. Unfortunately, many in the law enforcement and behavioral field resort to the myth in order to resolve an uncomfortable inconsistency between what they observe and what they want to believe. […]

Professionals’ beliefs about female aggression influence their approach to inquiry, interviews, investigation, and their reactions to female disclosures about their criminal acts have an enormous impact on who is labeled a victim or an offender… [3]

Given the custodial, socio-economic statistics and those for female psychopathic traits that point to high incidence of biological mothers as perpetrators of some forms of child abuse and child deaths, a massive overhaul of gender stereotyping and target training for police and the law courts, social services and child care is long overdue. The authors recommend several changes that must take place if professionals – investigators or examiners – are to meet the challenge of psychopathy:

  • Self awareness of one’s own gender bias
  • Management of cognitive dissonance in the face of incongruous evidence: “female as care taker and female as abuser, female as peace maker and female as perpetrator.”
  • During evaluation, confidence borne from a strong data set ready to test for different gender myths regardless of the individual being evaluated.
  • Awareness that the examinee “has much to gain and little to lose by manipulating.
  • The evaluation of the deception but also the quality of the deception i.e. “How did the examinee respond when the deception was exposed?”
  • Awareness that the examinee may be wearing a “mask of sanity” thus he must be ready to examine his emotions for countertransference “…such as the feeling of disappointment that the individual is not what she first seemed.”
  • A willingness to excuse oneself from the case if these criteria cannot be met.  [4]

Finally, the authors conclude that: “Violence, especially murder, is a human issue and not a gender-specific phenomenon.” a conclusion that must extend across all societal domains when evaluating anti-social personality disorders such as psychopathy and narcissism whether in relationships, business, organisations or social movements.

The above examples are admittedly from criminal psychopaths. Garden variety psychopaths happily go about their business deep inside society assisting in the sometimes subtle and slow ponerogenesis of normal human behaviour.  Therefore, since we already have a problem that is highly advanced in Western societies in particular, then it does not necessarily mean employing specific models to be absorbed into already ponerised arms of the Establishment. It may be a bit late for current Western societies to incorporate large-scale change without systematic radical upheavals. What it does mean is offering the opportunity for all of us to be super-aware of the depth and nature of psychopathy so that we may give inoculate ourselves and our love ones from its destructive effects. Only then will we begin to loosen the grip of  the global predators in our midst.



[1] Nation of broken families: One in three children lives with a single-parent or with step mum or dad’ The Daily Mail, By Steve Doughty, 25 June 2010.
[2] ‘Norgrove Report fails children by not giving fathers access rights, says Centre for Social Justice’ Press Release, November 3, Centre for Social Justice (CSJ)
[3] ‘Dads should NOT be given right to equal access to children, says review’ The Daily Mirror, November 3, 2011.
[4] Fathers 4 Justice
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Channel 4 News, F4J Respond to Norgrove Report, November 2011 | ‘Family justice review criticises ‘shocking delays’’ BBC News, November 3, 2011.
[8] ‘Norgrove review fails to grasp the nettle for grandparents’ By Dr Ros Altmann , Saga  4 November 2011.
[9] Ibid.
[10] ‘Do Divorced Dads Get a Raw Deal?’ By Tom Matlack, Mens’ Health, March 12th, 2011.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Ibid.
[13] 1988 Census ‘Child Support and Alimony: 1989 Series P-60, No. 173 p. 6-7. and U.S. General Accounting Office Report’ GAO/HRD-92-39FS January, 1992.
[14] U.S. Census Bureau, Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2005, released August 2007 | Ibid.
[15], Child Support Poll Results, conducted by GFK Roper Public Affairs and Media, 2007 | Ibid.
[16]] op. cit. Perri & Lichtenwald (p.63)
[17] Ibid. (p.64)
[18] Ibid.
[19] Ibid.
[20  Ibid.