Andrew Łobaczewski

World State Policies III: The Scientific Technique

“Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen…”

Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society

Science is in crisis. A product of our official culture, fraud, corruption and a scientific thought police continue to circumscribe academic evaluation, shackling the best scientists and maintaining a materialist gridlock on open-minded and multidisciplinary approaches.  Consequently, in many quarters, the state of science resembles an authoritarian religion where money and inflated academic egos dominate, rather than a quest for truth.

Capitalising on the Age of Reason firmly set in place by the Illuminism and “Enlightenment” of the 18th Century, the “scientific method” or “technique” grew out of Germany and Prussia of the 1800s embracing the theories of the new scientific rationalists such as John Locke and Jean-Jacque Rousseau. This was to inaugurate a new educational system never before seen. Children would become the nuts and bolts of the State, bludgeoning generations of young people into a rigid prison of rationale and reason. Feelings would be irrelevant.

Hegel was one of the most influential philosophers of the modern age and the culmination of the German idealistic philosophy school of Immanuel Kant. Like the Prussian militarists who inspired utilitarian schooling so beloved of the corporatists, there was only one way to live and be – through the world of reason and a rejection of the heart as an organ of perception. To Hegel the state is the ideal of Absolute Reason where citizens gained their freedom from being subservient to the state. Hegel viewed the State through a lens of religious fascism where it: “… has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state.” It is therefore unsurprising that both fascism and communism have their philosophical roots in Hegelianism and Illuminism – flag bearers of the present Global Establishment. [1]

To bring all this up-to-date we need to introduce another mechanistic thinker who was to provide a massive contribution to our understanding of behaviour which was absorbed into the cult of control in the West of the 20th Century. His name was Burrhus Frederic (“B.F.”) Skinner who took his cues from Ivan Pavlov’s research into temperament conditioning and involuntary reflex actions. A scientist who sincerely wanted his ideas to benefit humanity he nonetheless, fell into the belief trap that populations could be controlled by a positive reinforcement which was simply a concealed method of coercion. In fact, Skinner was an early technocrat in his thinking and believed in a utopia of science and technology that could control populations rather than encouraging free-will. He stated: “It is a mistake to suppose that the whole issue is how to free man. The issue is to improve the way in which he is controlled.”


A Clockwork Orange (1971) which drew heavily from the ideas behind behaviourism. Theatrical release poster by Bill Gold (wikipedia)

Skinner was Influenced by the Age of Reason and its advocates. His social contract was to be extended to include a scientific elite which would make sure that populations stayed within certain parameters set down by an agreed upon “scientific technique.” It is for that reason that he held with the belief that specialists as “reinforcers” should impose “codified contingencies” to ensure that people – as the instinctive machines he believed them to be – should follow prepared lines of behaviour just as rats in his experiments were encouraged to go down certain paths in a maze.

Skinner introduced us to the ideas of behaviour therapy which included his discoveries of operant conditioning, aversion therapy, and desensitisation. Operant conditioning involves the reinforcement of certain behaviour accompanied by a stimulus such as light or sound. Reinforcement depends on the frequency and occurrence of the response and what type of reinforcement mechanisms are found in the immediate environment. Skinner used rats to illustrate his thinking by using simple experiments with food and water as rewards. When a rat depressed a bar it was rewarded with food. Regardless of how the bar was depressed is irrelevant, operant conditioning shows that it is the frequency or rate at which the operation is carried out (how many times the bar is pressed within a given time and how rapidly) which determines how successful operant conditioning has been.

Aversion therapy is exactly as it sounds: the individual is exposed to a stimulus alongside some form of reinforcement discomfort which is designed to create an aversion to the initial desire. This technique was used in the past to try and cure homosexuality or alcoholism. It was also graphically featured in Stanley Kubrick’s film A Clock-work Orange (1971) as a means of mind control. Skinner’s experiments with rats and pigeons were extraordinarily instructive and offered new insights into how our environment shapes our behaviour. However, he wanted to graduate to humans in a bid to find the perfect automaton, so he took the liberty of using his own daughter. (We don’t know what his mother had to say about this of course). The baby was placed him in a large, sound-proof box with one window where the temperature was carefully controlled. “The Skinner Box” as it would later be known, would go on to be used in many laboratories so that reinforcement and operant conditioning studies could be reliably employed. Skinner was untroubled by the use of his daughter in the experimentation proclaiming that: “crying and fussing could always be stopped by slightly lowering the temperature” and since the box was sound-proofed, everyone was a winner according to Skinner, as “… soundproofing also protects the family from the baby.”

Desensitisation describes a psychological technique whereby the subject is placed in a relaxed and suggestive state and exposed to images and /or accompanying sounds which are designed to evoke mild stress or anxiety. The images gradually become stronger in content until finally the image is so strong that the person shows no anxiety. He has been slowly desensitised to feeling associated with that particular imagery. As the reader can appreciate these methods induce both positive and negative results based entirely on the intent of the experimenter. Furthermore, he discovered that the level and frequency of the rewards determined how the required behaviour could be maintained.

Skinner at the Harvard Psychology Department, c. 1950 (wikipedia)

It was a breath of fresh air for those in Elite circles and enthusiastically incorporated into the psychological warfare of the emerging National Security State. The emphasis on instincts  espoused by Freud, the social engineering modalities of the Frankfurt School and the biological determinism of humans and life itself as nothing more than components of a machine all provided grist to the mill which psychopaths used to keep spinning their reality. Since Skinner’s main focus was developing a society that could be controlled, his contribution in the understanding of how behaviour operated in the modern world was seen by the Pathocrats in this context. The behaviourists were welcomed into the fold and put to work which has led to behaviourism as one of the most accepted and revered forms of psychology in authoritarian perception, not least because ethical science seems to be inimical to its applications. Changing behaviour and belief is vital to changing society with – and preferably without – consent.

Since B.F. Skinner’s experiments, aversive stimulation and knowledge of operant conditioning has been explored through the Cold War to the War on Terror, MKULTRA to the PSYOPS in Media propaganda and the black ops of regime change. Society itself is the new Skinner Box and official culture is both the cause and effect. With the advent of mass surveillance and SMART society, with an ever more integrated functionality from infrastructure to social networks, the behaviourists ethos of managed reflexes has evolved into new technocratic blueprints of managed societies and the ability to carefully control both the inner and outer environments of the human mind.

Perhaps the best representation of elite thinking on the “science technique” to shape society came through the intellectual leviathan that was British philosopher, educational theoretician and mathematician Bertrand Arthur William Russell. The mythology surrounding this man ensured that he was an ardent humanist, socialist and advocate of peace. His controversial views on the future of society have been largely air-brushed from the rose-coloured worship which periodically takes place in the halls of academia and the peace movement. Yet, there is ample evidence that he was one of the most scheming Machiavellian figures of the 20th Century who knew exactly how to play the public and leaders alike with his misanthropic views.  As Lyndon La Rouche summarised in his  1994 Schiller Institute article Russell’s mindset incorporated:  (1) a racism as virulent as Adolf Hitler’s; (2) a feudal-aristocratic socialist’s Ruskin-like hatred for modern European civilization; and (3) a utopian’s obsessive commitment to bringing about civilization’s descent into a parody of pre-Renaissance feudalism, or sometimes even pre-civilized barbarism.”

Russell channelled his beliefs into the Pugwash Movement which he founded in London July 9, 1955 using the Russell-Einstein Manifesto. This led to the first meeting in 1957 attended by many renowned scientists. He received many awards throughout his career and was highly influential in Elite circles. The impetus for creating Pugwash was drawn from his wish to give a scientific justification for world government by using the threat of the Cold War as pretext. Indeed, in his famous treatise: The Impact of Science on Society (1953) he makes his position clear regarding the nature of science and its purpose: “I do not believe that dictatorship is a lasting form of scientific society – unless (but this proviso is important) it can become world-wide.” [2]Whether the members of the movement held exactly the same beliefs as Russell remains to be seen. But as we know, there was certainly strong mass appeal for such ideas, Russell being one of a number of great minds to give vent to his authoritarian sentiments.

Russell believed that the empires of the past lost control over their dominions due to an inefficient social programming which should have been in embedded in the development of the centralised structure. He claims that the “Scientific technique” had removed this limitation. The future would be open for the establishment of a successful world government (Empire) if a “unifying principle” could be found that superseded the fear of war: “… unification under a single world government is probably necessary unless we are to acquiesce in either a return to barbarism or the extinction of the human race.” [3]

While explicating the evils of the Soviet era he clearly saw this as the forerunner of a more streamlined and cohesive social structure where: “… the very evils of the system help to give it stability. Apart from external pressure, there is no reason why such a regime should not last for a very long time.” [4]

As is the case with such a mind-set, it is always the rabble-rousing masses that are the cause of the chaos rather than the institution and creation of strictures that develop from it. Or as Russell mentions, “evil passions in human minds …” that stand in the way of a World State. The philosopher wishes to replace one society and dictatorship driven by the fear of war with another that would make war unnecessary due to the dumbed down compliance of the ordinary man-made stupidity. War would disappear but so would the basic human condition of love, creativity, freedom and spirituality, though this would only be a right and fitting state of affairs according to Russell, since the Elite were eugenically destined to dispense these qualities amongst the plebeians through a strictly behaviourist and Darwinist belief-set:

“War has been, throughout history, the chief source of social cohesion; and since science began, it has been the strongest incentive to technical progress. Large groups have a better chance of victory than small ones, and therefore the usual result of war is to make States larger. […] There is, it must be confessed, a psychological difficulty about a single world government. The chief source of social cohesion in the past, I repeat, has been war: the passions that inspire a feeling of unity are hate and fear. These depend upon the existence of an enemy, actual or potential. It seems to that a world government could only be kept in being by force, not by the spontaneous loyalty that now inspires a nation at war.” [5]

Could it be that these same “passions that inspire hate and fear” are primarily due to the very centralised systems Russell intends to enforce on the rest of us? No doubt we have the very manifestations of just such an “enemy, actual or potential” in the form of the War on Terror and false flag operations to keep the public allegiance to the State. The existence of an enemy has always been fabricated by authorities in order to maintain their power base, a state of affairs that became progressively ponerised once that door was opened. Russell’s solution to the creation of that “loyalty” is not by force but through a type of education that would result in a populace made suitably docile and unthinking. He understands very well the importance of mass psychology and believes it to be “immensely important” and “politically useful”. If Russell’s scientific dictatorship is to work, then modern methods of propaganda must target education. Instead of the threat of war we now have the children as the target of indoctrination. Mass psychology is to be used to this end:

This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. Anaxagoras maintained that snow is black, but no one believed him. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey. [6]

We see exactly the same vision of children as products envisaged by the American National Education Board and the Rockefeller mind-set where children’s minds are there to be beaten into shape so that they conform to a carefully prepared aversive conditioning. Is it not interesting to see the same perception appearing from a representative of the British intelligentsia bridging the same belief in the minds of industrialists and Fabians more than half a century before? Then of course, we have the same pattern appearing in the forces behind Illuminism and the outgrowth of Empires which underlie the sub-stratum of psychopathy as the unchanging progenitor.

It seems Russell is unable to step outside his own philosophical trap that State and science offers a panacea for human evolution despite the very presence of government always indicating otherwise. The comprehensive overthrow of freedom and the individual mind for peace and the “greater good” is in evidence once again:

It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte [German Philosopher] laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”  [7]  [Emphasis mine]

Now, if you are blinking your eyes at these statements and thinking perhaps such a noble laureate is not advocating such a position and is merely indicating a future state of affairs, you are mistaken. Remember that the goal of Bertrand Russell and others of his kind has always been the imposition of a scientific World State determined by an Elite. Any intellectual philosophising around that point with the accompanying nuggets of undoubted wisdom mean nothing when set against the framework of what is an authoritarian desire finally let off its leash and buffered by the security of his intellectual status.

Russell’s vision aligns closely with Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World (1932) which describe developments in reproductive technology and sleep-learning that combine to change society. The scientific technique is exacted so precisely that it produces mechanized human beings who are sealed into a tightly controlled artificial environment, separate from nature and the “perils” of intellectual creativity or free thinking. Science is only used as medium for social control just as Skinner and Russell advocate, where dehumanisation will ensure ignorance and weakness, which will thus ensure the end of war.

The framework of science under pathocratic control, sterilizes the natural rhythms of life, replaced with prescriptive values which have little to do with freedom or free-will. It is interesting that science – perceived as an entirely rational subject – can be employed to indoctrinate irrational inclinations. While it is science that the State uses to control its citizens, it is also science that brought about the need for totalitarian control in the first place. The degradation of normal people under the scientific dictatorship will be inevitable so that threats from creative individuals who can offer alternative visions would be inhibited, as is the case in any Pathocracy. And it is here that we see the same process occurring under the “democracies” of many political and academic institutions of the United Kingdom, America and other European countries. This knowledge about the existence of susceptible individuals and how to work on them will continue to be a tool for world conquest as long as it remains the secret of such “professors”.

As Andrew Łobaczewski observed, when ponerology becomes skilfully popularised science, it will help nations to develop immunity. Science can serve as liberator or prisoner of human consciousness, something which seems to have escaped Bertrand’s ambitious scope for world government. As Huxley wrote in BNW: “… we have our stability to think of. We don’t want to change. Every change is a menace to stability. That’s another reason why we’re so chary of applying new inventions. Every discovery in pure science is potentially subversive; even science must sometimes be treated as a possible enemy. Yes, even science.” [8]


Bertrand Arthur William Russell

This brand of vertical collectivism demands the erosion of national sovereignty necessary to usher in global governance, the start of which begins with the introduction of economic unions (European Union, Africa Union, Asia Union etc.) that will later be interlocked into one Global Union under the hammer of closer world integration. Russell shows an idealistic belief that in order to prevent the “barbarism” of war conducted by nation states: “Means must be found of subjecting the relations of nations to the rule of law, so that a single nation will no longer be, as at present, the judge in its own cause,” and where “… national liberty will have to be effectively restrained.” While preferring not to mention the obvious manipulations by industrialists and Zionist interventions, he goes on to state that once Russia and the United States have come under effective control of collectivism where:

“… either by victory or by an obvious military superiority, the preponderant Power can establish a single Authority over the whole world, and thus make future wars impossible. At first, this Authority will in certain regions, be based on force, but if the Western nations are in control, force will as soon as possible give way to consent. When that has been achieved, the most difficult of world problems will have been solved, and science can become wholly beneficent.” [9]

Of course, we must place our trust in Western nations and the rule of law and science as the beneficent arbiters of reality for the masses and bow down to their imposed “welfare.” The best answer for Russell is a Global Authority since he is a man cast from the authoritarian mould. Similarly, ensuring the comprehensive dilution of the genetic stock of normal human beings must be implemented and parallel methods of population control introduced through ostensibly benign reasons. Hence, the emphasis on the population explosion, its causes and effects.

Over 40 years later the same theme is in evidence, this time from one time US foreign policy advisor to President Jimmy Carter Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997). Brzezinski, CFR and Trilateral Commission member eloquently offers the same solution for American Hegmony under cover of United Nations protocols.

He states:

“In brief, the U.S. policy goal must be unapologetically twofold: to perpetuate America’s own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer still; and to create a geopolitical framework that can absorb the inevitable shocks and strains of social-political change while evolving into the geopolitical core of shared responsibility for peaceful global management. A prolonged phase of gradually expanding cooperation with key Eurasian partners, both stimulated and arbitrated by America, can also help to foster the preconditions for an eventual upgrading of the existing and increasingly antiquated UN structures. A new distribution of responsibilities and privileges can then take into account the changed realities of global power, so drastically different from those of 1945.” [10]

The overwhelming imperative is always global governance whether for ideology, power, greed, or psychopathic propagation. If we follow the beliefs of the Russells and Rockefellers of this world the kind of financial-scientific feudalism they so desperately desire will be very soul-less environments indeed and is precisely why they will always break down. As he exclaims: “The completeness of the resulting control over opinion depends in various ways upon scientific technique,” which means an array of suitable scientifically-based techniques must be found to ensure the resulting education will reflect their minority mind-set with all its psychological anomalies. Such people have no problems experimenting in altering the genetic structure of animals, plants and Nature itself in order to dominate and control rather than to work with or co-create. It is inevitable that under a Pathocracy and the knowledge of the Human Genome, the experimental bar on humans will rise, both in secrecy and in public.

It is interesting that like Rockefeller, Stalinist Russia is so often the example in Russell’s mind:

“When such methods of modifying the congenital character of animals and plants have been pursued long enough to make their success obvious, it is probable that there will be a powerful movement for applying scientific methods to human propagation. There would at first be strong religious and emotional obstacles to the adoption of such a policy. But suppose (say) Russia were able to overcome these obstacles and to breed a race stronger, more intelligent, and more resistant to disease than any race of men that has hitherto existed, and suppose the other nations perceived that unless they followed suit they would be defeated in war, then either the other nations would voluntarily forgo their prejudices, or, after defeat, they would be compelled to forgo them. Any scientific technique, however beastly, is bound to spread if it is useful in war – until such time as men decide that they have had enough of war and will henceforth live in peace. As that day does seem to be at hand, scientific breeding of human beings must be expected to come about.” [11]

And no doubt this “scientific breeding” to produce only the best and strongest will adhere to the same “beastly” precepts that gave rise to the legion of authoritarian principles down through the ages. But Russell doesn’t seem to be worried about that since his white, Oxford-educated Anglo-Saxon genes are beyond reproach and can only lead to a scientific destiny wholly in line with the same kind of British Empire perfection which so captured Cecil Rhodes.

Let’s remember what Russell wrote about education and his regime for the compliant child where: “… Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” And finally, the justification for applying the vertical collectivist dream: those totalitarian governments were not so bad … They just needed the right quality of intellectual steerage. Let’s not be too hasty. Russell may not be advocating explicitly such a state of affairs but by inference he means to suggest that such “atrocities” are nevertheless highly practical for an emerging World State and encouraging maximum stability:

“A totalitarian government with a scientific bent might do things that to us would seem horrifying. The Nazis were more scientific than the present rulers of Russia, and were more inclined towards the sort of atrocities that I have in mind. They were said – I do not know with what truth – to use prisoners in concentration camps as material for all kinds of experiments, some involving death after much pain. If they had survived, they would probably have soon taken to scientific breeding. Any nation which adopts this practice will, within a generation, secure great military advantages. The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilised. The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order to secure adequate cannon fodder. As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method. The unsterilised, if they desire the pleasures of love, will usually have to seek them with sterilised partners.

Sires will be chosen for various qualities, some for muscle others for brains. All will have to be healthy, and unless they are to be the fathers of oligarchs they will have to be of a submissive and docile disposition. Children will, as in Plato’s Republic, be taken from their mothers and reared by professional nurses. Gradually, by selective breeding the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (The Aztecs kept a domesticated alien tribe for purposes of cannibalism. Their regime was totalitarian.)

To those accustomed to this system, the family as we know it would seem as queer as the tribal and totem organisation of Australian aborigines seems to us… The labouring class would have such long hours of work and so little to eat that their desires would hardly extend beyond sleep and food. The upper class, being deprived of the softer pleasures both by the abolition of the family and by the supreme duty of devotion to the State, would acquire the mentality of ascetics: they would care only for power, and in pursuit of it would not shrink from cruelty. By the practice of cruelty men would become hardened, so that worse and worse tortures would be required to give the spectators a thrill.” [12] [Emphasis mine]

Neither democracy nor “The Rights of Man” are sufficient to avoid such “scientific horrors” only a World State determined by socialist principles. A world government with psychopaths at the helm would revel in just such a future.

Bertrand Russell was briefly a member of the Fabian society and resigned over the issue of “entente” or alliances that could lead to war. However, liberalism, socialism and pacifism were just labels for Russell stating: “I have never been any of these things, in any profound sense.” [13]It was his reaction against idealism and his work as a logician which defined his distaste for war and classical totalitarianism. Ironically, he merely advocated another form of dictatorship, its only difference being that it was inverted. He conforms to the Fabian worldview that society must be gradually “shattered to bits” on the anvil of socialism in order to be reformed into a world where a global scientific elite would dominate. Russell is an intellectual genius and knew exactly what he is saying. And though he includes profound insights into the nature of democracy and education his disdain for the common man and his myopic view of science used to dominate and enforce is crystal clear throughout. Though he falls short of recommending certain Dystopian conclusions his vision for enforcing peace through a scientific Elite is the defining reason for his book. And from an undoubted conscientious objector no doubt he really believed his own perceived altruism as so many do. All the same, they lead us down the path of destruction by offering an antidote that is merely more of the same.

One of the first targets of an emerging Pathocracy is within education and in particular the sciences. Łobaczewski had direct experience of this kind of “scientific” induction which was carried out under state Communism in Poland. Based on specific psychological knowledge only the psychopath could harbour and use, he described the process of personality disintegration which occurred as “transpersonification” dispensed from University professor as new tools of the State. According to Łobaczewski, these professors “… knew in advance that he would fish out amenable individuals, and even how to do it, but the limited numbers disappointed him. The transpersonification process generally took hold only when an individual’s instinctive substratum was marked by pallor or certain deficits. To a lesser extent, it also worked among people who manifested other deficiencies in which the state provoked within them was partially impermanent, being largely the result of psychopathological induction.” [14] *

It is the intellectual spellbinders from the Neo-Conservative movement to the Fabian and corporate libertarians of the past and present who act through the MSM as conduits for transpersonification and ponerogenesis. We place highly intelligent men like Russell on the pedestal of laudability, whilst disavowing their toxic legacy which can only encourage the receptivity of authoritarian minds. Such complacency in resisting seductive beliefs dressed up in surrounding wisdom sets up a verdant psychic landscape for future pathogens to flourish and should never be underestimated. Learning the language of psychopathic beliefs is vital, as they will inevitably give rise to state-mandated actions which have been given the veneer of time-honoured respectability.


* Drawn from Łobaczewski’s own experiences as a student in Communist Poland, a detailed explanation of the transpersonification process as seen through the scientific academia of the time. The extract is taken from the introduction in Political Ponerology: The Science of the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes.

 Pathocracy and “Transpersonification”

An extract from Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes By Andrew M. Łobaczewski, edited by Laura Knight-Jadczyk:

May the reader please imagine a very large hall in an old Gothic university building. Many of us gathered there early in our studies in order to listen to the lectures of outstanding philosophers and scientists. We were herded back there – under threat – the year before graduation in order to listen to the indoctrination lectures which recently had been introduced.

Someone nobody knew appeared behind the lectern and informed us that he would now be the professor. His speech was fluent, but there was nothing scientific about it: he failed to distinguish between scientific and ordinary concepts and treated borderline imaginings as though it were wisdom that could not be doubted. For ninety minutes each week, he flooded us with Naïve, presumptuous paralogistics and a pathological view of human reality. We were treated with contempt and poorly controlled hatred. Since fun-poking could entail dreadful consequences, we had to listen attentively and with the utmost gravity.

The grapevine soon discovered this person’s origins. He had come from a Cracow suburb and attended high school, although no one knew if he had graduated. Anyway, this was the first time he had crossed university portals, and as a professor, at that!

“You can’t convince anyone this way!” we whispered to each other. “It’s actually propaganda directed against themselves.” But after such mind-torture, it took a long time for someone to break the silence.

We studied ourselves, since we felt something strange had taken over our minds and something valuable was leaking away irretrievably. The world of psychological reality and moral values seemed suspended as if in a chilly fog. Our human feeling and student solidarity lost their meaning, as did patriotism and our old established criteria. So we asked each other, “are you going through this too”? Each of us experienced this worry about his own personality and future in his own way. Some of us answered the questions with silence. The depth of these experiences turned out to be different for each individual.

We thus wondered how to protect ourselves from the results of this “indoctrination”. Teresa D. made the first suggestion: Let’s spend a weekend in the mountains. It worked. Pleasant company, a bit of joking, then exhaustion followed by deep sleep in a shelter, and our human personalities returned, albeit with a certain remnant. Time also proved to create a kind of psychological immunity, although not with everyone. Analyzing the psychopathic characteristics of the “professor’s” personality proved another excellent way of protecting one’s own psychological hygiene.

You can just imagine our worry, disappointment, and surprise when some colleagues we knew well suddenly began to change their world view; their thought-patterns furthermore reminded us of the “professor’s” chatter. Their feelings, which had just recently been friendly, became noticeably cooler, although not yet hostile. Benevolent or critical student arguments bounced right of them. They gave the impression of possessing some secret knowledge; we were only their former colleagues, still believing what those “professors of old” had taught us. We had to be careful of what we said to them. These former colleagues soon joined the Party.

Who were they, what social groups did they come from, what kind of students and people were they? How and why did they change so much in less than a year? Why did neither I nor a majority of my fellow students succumb to this phenomenon and process? Many such questions fluttered through our heads then. It was in those times, from those questions, observations and attitudes that the idea was born that this phenomenon could be objectively studied and understood; an idea whose greater meaning crystallized with time.

Many of us newly graduated psychologists participated in the initial observations and reflections, but most crumbled away in the face of material or academic problems. Only a few of that group remained; so the author of this book may be the last of the Mohicans.

It was relatively easy to determine the environments and origins of the people who succumbed to this process, which I then called “transpersonification”. They came from all social groups, including aristocratic and fervently religious families, and caused a break in our student solidarity to the order of some 6 %. The remaining majority suffered varying degrees of personality disintegration which gave rise to individual searching for the values necessary to find ourselves again; the results were varied and sometimes creative.

Even then, we had no doubts as to the pathological nature of this “transpersonification” process, which ran similar but not identical in all cases. The duration of the results of this phenomenon also varied. Some of these people later became zealots. Others later took advantage of various circumstances to withdraw and re-establish their lost links to the society of normal people. They were replaced. The only constant value of the new social system was the magic number of 6 %.

We tried to evaluate the talent level of those colleagues who had succumbed to this personality-transformation process, and reached the conclusion that, on average, it was slightly lower than the average of the student population. Their lesser resistance obviously resided in other bio-psychological features which were most probably qualitatively heterogeneous.

I found that I had to study subjects bordering on psychology and psychopathology in order to answer the questions arising from our observations; scientific neglect in these areas proved an obstacle difficult to overcome. At the same time, someone guided by special knowledge apparently vacated the libraries of anything we could have found on the topic; books were indexed, but not physically present.

Analyzing these occurrences now in hindsight, we could say that the “professor” was dangling bait over our heads, based on specific psychological knowledge. He knew in advance that he would fish out amenable individuals, and even how to do it, but the limited numbers disappointed him. The transpersonification process generally took hold only when an individual’s instinctive substratum was marked by pallor or certain deficits. To a lesser extent, it also worked among people who manifested other deficiencies in which the state provoked within them was partially impermanent, being largely the result of psychopathological induction.

This knowledge about the existence of susceptible individuals and how to work on them will continue being a tool for world conquest as long as it remains the secret of such “professors”. When it becomes skillfully popularized science, it will help nations to develop immunity. But none of us knew this at the time.

Nevertheless, we must admit that in demonstrating the properties of this process to us in such a way as to force us into in-depth experience, the professor helped us understand the nature of the phenomenon in a larger scope than many a true scientific researcher participating in this work in other less direct ways.


As a youth, I read a book about a naturalist wandering through the Amazon-basin wilderness. At some moment a small animal fell from a tree onto the nape of his neck, clawing his skin painfully and sucking his blood. The biologist cautiously removed it — without anger, since that was its form of feeding — and proceeded to study it carefully. This story stubbornly stuck in my mind during those very difficult times when a vampire fell onto our necks, sucking the blood of an unhappy nation.

Maintaining the attitude of a naturalist, while attempting to track the nature of macro-social phenomenon in spite of all adversity, insures a certain intellectual distance and better psychological hygiene in the face of horrors that might otherwise be difficult to contemplate. Such an attitude also slightly increases the feeling of safety and furnishes an insight that this very method may help find a certain creative solution. This requires strict control of the natural, moralizing reflexes of revulsion, and other painful emotions that the phenomenon provokes in any normal person when it deprives him of his joy of life and personal safety, ruining his own future and that of his nation. Scientific curiosity therefore becomes a loyal ally during such times.



[1] p. 133; Philosophy of Right, “The State”, By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1821 Trad. S. W. Dyde, 2008. Cosimo, Google Print, p. 133.
[2] p.57; The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell, Published by Routledge; New edition edition, 1985 | ISBN-10: 041510906X
[3] Ibid. (p.27)
[4] Ibid. (p.51)
[5] Ibid. (p.27)
[6] Ibid. (p.31)
[7] Ibid. (p.52)
[8] Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932).
[9] op. cit. Russell (p.97)
[10] op. cit. Brzezinski (1997)
[11] op. cit. Russell, (p.29)
[12] Ibid. (p.53)
[13] p. 260; The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, By Bertrand Russell. Published by Routledge January 1950
[14] op. cit. Lobacwezki (p..27)

Satan’s Little Helpers IV: The Manchurian Reality (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“I never thought about laying down my life, but maybe I laid down a lot more than my life in service to my country. My soul?”

US Air-force Service man and mind control victim

“The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating multi-personality, with the aid of hypnotism. This is not science fiction. I have done it.”

George Estabrooks, Harvard University graduate, Rhodes Scholar, and chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University who hypnoprogrammed U.S. government agents during World War II.


© infrakshun

Mind control is very much in the public consciousness, largely as a product of Hollywood. Films such as Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971) or The Bourne Identity (2004) paint a specific picture of secret government mind control operations all of which fascinate us, not just for their brutality but because they are drawn from easily verifiable, historical facts. Though disinformation and distortion surround the issue of mind control in the past, the questions regarding how much investment has been devoted to the development of technology for individual and mass mind control applications remain as relevant as ever. Since the private sector and outsourcing has taken over a multitude of US government departments it is only logical that experimental data which was accrued over the cold war years was simply continued within deep black projects in known and unknown R & D companies. Taking a cursory look at marketing and advertising innovations it is clear that military technology is continuing to seep into the public domain. Once the province of conspiracy mythology, mind control and behaviour modification is as powerful as it ever was. But just how far has military-intelligence come with their dreams of automated assassins?

Organised religion, cults and self-help gurus have all used various psychological techniques to assist or control the devotee’s mind for the good of the group or attached belief system. Assimilation to a cause and strength in numbers is as old as the hills. But mind control for political ends using cutting edge experimentation of behaviour modification, neuro-psychopharmacology and even the occult, is something relatively new. And for it to be part of government black operations perhaps reaching a state of unimaginable sophistication is something profoundly disturbing. But it must be addressed if we are to have a chance to counter it.

Written by Richard Condon and published in 1958, The Manchurian Candidate is the definitive book about mind control and brainwashing. It was made into a film of the same name a few years later. The movie resonated with the public already immersed in Cold War fears and the US propaganda of brainwashing techniques by the Russian and Chinese communists.

The-Manchurian-Candidate_1962_thumb.jpgIt told the story of a US Army sergeant on active service during the Korean War, captured by the enemy and subjected to deep hypnosis. The idea was to ensure that the solider had no recollection of his actions which were buried deep behind a wall of amnesia. He is programmed to murder through carefully designed cues. On his return to the United States he kills a candidate for the Presidency and several other people who were threats to his secret mission.

Condon’s book was a work of fiction though extraordinarily accurate in all but the true pioneers of specific techniques of manipulating the human mind. Rather than the pesky “reds” who were out to brainwash the brave men and women of Uncle Sam, something more sinister was lying in wait much closer to home.

Out of print and hard to come by, Operation Mind Control (1978) by Walter Bowart exemplified the kind of investigative journalism which is so desperately needed in the mainstream media today. It remains a classic in mind control research. Using the Freedom of Information Act, a good measure of patience, tenacity and expensive payments to several researchers he managed to unearth many declassified documents and obscure government reports. He interviewed long forgotten victims for case studies drawn from mostly from Vietnam and Korean War veterans to US Army and Air-force military personnel. Bowart painstakingly cross-checked testimony of what remained in the federal archives, recording their stories in order to weave it into a polished narrative of non-fiction. After two years of research studying science reports and government documents from libraries he was able to piece together not only why it was that so many victims had amnesia but what type of behaviour had been controlled and to what end. Bowart’s research has been built upon by other researchers and victims and his findings remain just as pertinent and shocking as they did in the tumultuous 70’s.

 Operation & Mind Control

Mind control had already been perfected by the late 1940s and early 1950s by the use of drugs, knowledge of Pavlovian conditioning and the behavioural science of B.F. Skinner. The latter was to be one of the pillars of an extreme materialistic social biology used to experiment on the US population in order to “psycho-civillise” it to specific objectives. The brainwashing imagery was a useful mythology held to be almost a kind of magic that would control the victim’s mind. In fact, as Bowart states: “It was … none of these things. Techniques which seemed to change the beliefs of American POWs and others behind the Iron Curtain employed no hypnosis, no drugs, no new methods for the control of the mind and certainly nothing magical.” It was a supremely effective method of “fueling a home-grown fear of the Communists upon which the Cold War so greatly depended.” [1]

The author informs us:

The US used classic projection to take the potential heat from themselves by inventing the idea of brainwashing which was in fact practised by America vare of nazi techniques more than any other country. “They did not use drugs or hypnosis, nor did they invent any mysterious new devices for breaking the mind and will of a man.”

“The United States government did not have to stoop to the slow and exhausting process the Chinese and Russians used. In the age of electronic brain stimulation, neuro-psychopharmacology, and advanced methods of behavior modification and hypnosis, the government certainly didn’t have to resort to methods as unsophisticated as brainwashing. The techniques of mind control developed, even by 1967, were making brainwashing seem like the metaphor it was: a washboard and scrub-bucket technique which had little use in a world where the sonic cleaner, with high” frequency sound, higher than the human ear can hear, vibrates the dirt from the very molecules of matter—or the mind. [2]

Brainwashing was psychological indoctrination which can be said to take place in our religious and pop-cultures on a daily basis and as an adjunct to something quite different. It was the USA who had perfected not a system of brainwashing but a comprehensive system of mind control where a person was not only broken but a new personality installed and programmed. This was much more than torture and indoctrination this was mind rape; an emptying of the essence of the individual.

At the time and for many today, the idea of hypno-programmed political assassins is still the province of pulp fiction and conspiracy lore. Yet, it is beyond question that millions of dollars were spent on breaking persons within the military and civilian life so that they might create “zombies” who were designed to be conscienceless with dual or multiple personas in order to carry the bequests of their programmers. Essentially, sociopaths – made to order.

ThatsMyFace_lifesize_wearable_facemask.jpgPerhaps one of the most important points to remember from Bowart’s research is the realisation that mind control covers a multitude of domains and multidisciplinary branches operating under cover or within the public domain and with suitable fronts which accelerate the momentum of behaviour modification for the State. In much the same way as the defence or weapons industry, various levels of work take place which could be termed as benign right up to the morally dubious and criminal experimentation well beyond democratic purview. Each researcher, foundation and outsourced agency is allowed to know only what is necessary to know to accomplish the segment of research or testing which ultimately complements the whole. This now applies to technology in a way that did not during post-war America and Europe. As Bowart discovered mind control programs did not have a “single originating source, but several.” He further states:

“The operation is too widespread and complex for it to be created by a ‘cult.’ If a cult there must be, then it is a cult within a cult, in an interlocking chain of invisible minigovernments with unwritten rules, unwritten plans, and unwritten loyalties. It is the plan of a secret bureaucracy—what I call a cryptocracy—which conspires against our laws and our freedoms.

‘Cryptocracy’ is a compound of crypto, meaning ‘secret,’ and -cracy, meaning “rule, government, governing body. The cryptocracy, then, is the secret government whose identity and whereabouts have slowly and reluctantly been hinted at by the Congress through its investigations into Watergate, the CIA, and the rest of the intelligence community.” [3]

In other words, Cryptocracy is an outgrowth of Pathocracy.

As present events have revealed so clearly with the whistle-blower and former CIA intelligence analyst Edward Snowden the National Security Agency is far more likely to be the source of the financing and promotion of mind control operations large and small than the CIA which has traditionally been labelled the “baddie” of the intelligence underworld. Given the extraordinary depth of surveillance and snooping by the NSA and its feelers into future technology and Pentagon’s DARPA it is safe to say that only the very tip of a very cold iceberg has been revealed so far. (To that end, some may say Edward Snowden may yet prove to be a patsy in a turf war between the CIA and NSA. But that’s another story).

Whatever the case, an alliance still exists not just between factions within the NSA, CIA and Defence Intelligence Agency, the Office of Naval Intelligence and subsidiaries in military intelligence, but also within the civil service, private contractors, academic institutions and corporations. Psychopaths operate by clustering together and allowing a pathogenic infection to spread. There are no borders to ponerological ascendance once it has taken hold and mind control techniques are fully embedded in the emerging Pathocracy.

The creation of Manchurian candidates or “zombies” who serve to oil the wheels of geo-political strategy or contour the mass mind to accept new laws have a particular type of personality which is best suited to such endeavours. They are usually highly suggestible, sensitive, from abusive backgrounds, with low-self-esteem and even naïve. Other types may have sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies offering further possibilities. 99 percent of these testimonies had some form of amnesia in common. Memory from early childhood was mostly if not entirely absent and recollection as to their specific “secret” work alongside their standard posting was fragmentary or missing. In the US chosen guinea pigs of the pre-and post-war era were usually drawn from the US Army and US Air-force. Special barracks and locations for training and experimentation were set up with suitable cover such as supply men or nondescript administration jobs.

behravesh20110710205727530.jpgWalter Bowart related numerous cases of military men following a pattern of highly disturbing dreams in which they kill a friend, family member or unknown person in a variety of ways: “In their sleep, the memories of atrocities surface to vivid awareness among the victims of mind control. Night after night terrible images, suppressed by deeply conditioned responses, emerge as terrifying nightmares. Are they mythological? The stuff of dreams? Or are they recovered memories?” [4]

Back in the 1940s Dr. George Estabrooks chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University helped set the hypno-programming snowball in motion. The foremost expert on hypnosis he was brought to Washington immediately after the Pearl Harbour attack as an advisor in Washington. Estabrooks was obviously in his element telling his masters that he “… could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columnists,” if they so wished which evidently got them salivating at the prospect. [5] The creation of programmed assassins was about to commence and communist paranoia fed into the urgency for unquestioning mind control research and experimentation in the minds of the civil service and lower level contractors who had been taken in by the propaganda of highly advanced brainwashing techniques of the Soviets and Chinese.

Estabrooks was the first to suggest mass hypnosis experimentation on an easily accessible resource: the US Army. Numerous presentations of the power and efficacy of hypnosis were given by the Doctor as declassified and public documents attest. In one such demonstration he describes the possibility of mind controlled saboteurs already ensconced in the heart of America primed and ready to carry out their missions. In one demonstration he stated:

“Let us suppose that in a certain city there lives a group of a given foreign extraction. They are loyal Americans but still have cultural and sentimental ties to the old country. A neighborhood doctor, working secretly for a foreign power, hypnotizes those of his patients who have ties favorable to his plans. Having done this he would, of course, remove from them all knowledge of their ever having been hypnotized.

“Next comes a one-month period of indoctrination under hypnosis. By various means, including the offer of substantial rewards and educational processes designed to strengthen their ancestral loyalties, their cooperation is obtained.” […]

“All right, you say. This sounds beautiful on paper. But what about the well-known ‘psychological principle’ that no one will do anything under hypnosis that he wouldn’t do when he’s awake?” … “My experiments have shown this assumption is poppycock. It depends not so much on the attitude of the subject as on that of the operator himself … In wartime, the motivation for murder under hypnosis doesn’t have to be very strong,”… I am convinced that hypnosis is a bristling, dangerous armament which makes it doubly imperative to avoid the war of tomorrow.[6] [Emphasis mine]

This was akin to saying to a bunch of waiting wolves please don’t eat these lambs they are far too delicious to ensure a sound digestion. The direction of mind control research was set.


Dr. George Estabrooks

Eastabrooks continued to feed all kinds of nightmarish scenarios which could befall America. The ultimate irony is that he assisted in making these worst case scenarios real with the emergence of the OSS, then the CIA and the National Security State several years later. In effect, mind control was institutionalised at the start. And since the intelligence and shadow government apparatus had been infected with the psychopathy of Nazi influence – the pioneers of mind control experimentation – this was like pouring kerosene on growing embers.

By the early 1950s, electro-shock treatment and drugs as an aid to hypnotic induction caused the research to take on an unstoppable momentum. Eastabrookes had suggested: “… that new drugs would be discovered which would be capable of inducing deep hypnosis in virtually any individual regardless of his degree of cooperativeness.” [7]

By 1953, after Dr. Albert Hoffman had discovered the hallucinogenic and mind expanding properties of LSD the CIA had invested in the drug in order to corner the market and to use it in drug experiments with animals and human beings. With the eventual rise of LSD, cocaine and other designer chemicals as the drugs of choice for the Revolution it seems that this particular experiment had fast run away from them. After all, if LSD – despite its toxic effects – proved to expand the mind and thus allow the ability to see the folly of authority in all its guises this would eventually prove to be a major problem, as indeed it did. )The massive protest movement against the Vietnam War and the corollary of social reforms was one such unforeseen effect). This is why, in part at least, the New Age and the “psychedelia” or counter-culture movement was embedded with government informants and disinformation agents in order to defang and discredit their often genuine wish to expand the awareness and freedoms of the mass population. It became not a bastion of true spiritual freedom but a quagmire of dangers for the spiritually naive.


Albert Hoffman

Now that LSD and its associations were becoming emancipatory impure heroine certainly helped reverse the trend. Once the CIA controlled the distribution and availability of drugs it was free to use it as a resource and a tool of targeted social change. LSD began to dry up and became illegal by 1966. Heroine fresh from the CIA controlled Golden Triangle in Asia took over and was pushed particularly hard in ethnic minority towns and cities across the US. The youth caught between the utopian promise of drug-based counter-culture assumed heroine would do the same. A generation of addicts were created and awareness derailed once again. Even towards the end of the 1950s think-tanks had already been suggesting that addiction was a potent way to keep societies passive and malleable. (This was already well known to PR guru Edward Bernays with his perception management techniques for encouraging acceptance for commercial cigarette use). And since heroine did not “expand consciousness” it was a doubly effective on top of the daily inducements of alcohol and consumerism.

It was only by June, 1975, that the public was able to officially confirm in the mainstream media that government that the CIA had been using the US population as a drugs laboratory and feeding behaviour-influencing drugs to ordinary citizens for more than twenty years. The Rockefeller Report of 1975 revealed at least some of the details. The report stated that the drug research: “… was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behavior. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric shock, ultra-sound, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and harassment substances.” [8]

The fact that Rockefeller is headlining such a report should indicate the nature of the accountability. Nothing has changed with so called reports, commissions and suitably skewed media appraisals which are largely exercises in damage control so that the public is given a bone to chew and business returns to normal. Subsequent FOI requests from journalists for documentation on the Rockefeller report certainly revealed more information which was nonetheless, heavily redacted. This was closely followed by CIA director Richard Helms departure and not before he ordered the shredding of a huge quantity of files pertaining to mind control experiments. Nevertheless, what information did remain was disturbing enough.

“In 1949 the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) undertook the analysis of foreign work on certain unconventional warfare techniques, including behavioural drugs, with an initial objective of developing a capability to resist or offset the effect of such drugs. Preliminary phases included the review of drug-related work at

institutions such as Mount Sinai Hospital, Boston Psychopathic Hospital, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, Valley Forge General Hospital, Detroit Psychopathic Clinic, Mayo Clinic, and the National Institute of Health.

“This first project, code-named Project BLUEBIRD, was assigned the function of discovering means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction of information from them by known means. It was further assigned to investigate the possibility of control of an individual by application of special interrogation techniques, memory enhancement, and establishing defensive means for preventing interrogation of agency personnel.” [9]

Project Bluebird became Project ARTICHOKE which would handle most of the developments of hypno-programming and drug-enhanced behaviour modification. According to CIA documents by 1953 a cryptonym was in circulation named MKDELTA which evolved to become Project MKULTRA: “… an umbrella project for funding sensitive projects … approved by Allen Dulles on April 3, 1953. It’s remit covered: … policy and procedure for use of biochemicals in clandestine operations …” with experimentation in: “… radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, harassment substances” along with “paramilitary devices and materials.” [10]

The compartmentalised intelligence imperative has remained the same since the 1940s to the present day. Bowart reminds us of this fact by distilling the intent behind the experimentation into three key questions which they have been asking in order to direct their research:

  • Can accurate information be obtained from willing or unwilling individuals?
  • Can agency personnel (or persons of interest to this agency) be conditioned to prevent any unauthorized source or enemy from obtaining information from them by any known means?
  • Can we obtain control of the future activities (physical and mental) of any individual, willing or unwilling, by application of [mind-control] techniques?

If it sounds too Hollywood, this is entirely due to the diet of movies and pulp fiction we have grown up with since the late 1950s onwards. The fascination with something so insidious has always captured the public attention but only as a means of cathartic entertainment rather than an acceptance that such fictionalised accounts were based on real events, sometimes far more horrific than authors and film-makers could imagine. Yet, this is the inheritance of the Anglo-American and Conservative Establishments who welcomed the Nazi exodus and its development of the National Security State.

The military, mental institutions, hospitals, government agencies and civilians had become a vast resource of men and women who would become career-zombies for the state, often unaware of their double lives and clueless about the missions they undertook. The 1960s was positively awash with drugs and behaviour modification. Case studies in FOI requests documents reviewed in both Operation Mind Control and many other more recent literature on the subject have sourced official declassified documents. Though many of these are in the public domain still more documents were heavily redacted suggesting the advances and those responsible go much deeper.

Since many of the most sensational murders are perpetrated by psychopaths who have “broken down” and exhibit an inability to control their primitive desires, it seems the essential psychopath not only has a high degree of control in maintaining his “mask of sanity” but must remain attentive to his camouflage in all other endeavours. This includes those  employed at high level posts and those undertaking missions of a highly sensitive nature.

Since the world operates like a machine for the pathocrats, then its cogs and wheels must be finely tuned. Which is why the US Army and prisons are an ideal recruiting ground for those with a predisposition to violence and even accustomed to killing, but not necessarily psychopathic. An unpredictable, criminal psychopath was not an asset for mind control. Anti-social personality disorders and authoritarian followers with a high degree of emotional suppression are ideal since they are more likely to follow commands rather than act on impulse.

Once training is completed the individuals are selected for their particular talents, be it for assassination team-based black operations and sexpionage. Agents are often teamed together as male and female so that should the sexual urge raise its head, then each could service the other so that the mission had less chance of being compromised by the “primitive mind.”

Since the Anglo-American-Israeli nexus is the leader in such operations it brings into relief how darkly amusing International laws and treaties truly are. They are routinely flouted on a daily basis, whether it is engineering a coup, deploying PSYOPS units or engineering false-flag events in domestic or foreign settings. As is so often the case with the global state and its institutions, they serve to offer the illusion of civilisation while offering leverage to their psychopathic designers to corral the public and fatten it for the kill.


[1] (p.45) Bowart, Walter; Operation Mind Control (1978)
[2]   Ibid. (p.54)
[3]   Ibid. (p.24)
[4]   Ibid. (p.26)
[5]   Ibid. (p.59)
[6]   Ibid. (p.60)
[7]   Ibid. (p.72)
[8]   Ibid. (p.87)
[9]   Ibid. (p.101)
[10] Ibid. (p.102)

Satan’s Little Helpers III: Nazi-Occult and Mind Control

“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes – crimes that infinitely out-distance every human measure – reach the light of day?”

The White Rose Society, a German resistance group whose members were imprisoned and executed during Hitler’s reign for creating and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets.

In his farewell address to the nation in 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower gave his famous warning about the military industrial complex. Eisenhower was a man who, like Woodrow Wilson many years before him, had a up-close-and-personal knowledge of whom he spoke:

“Our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime—or,indeed, by fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Eisenhower’s warnings were too little too late but they remain a stark description of the last fifty years. Those with authoritarian and fascistic perception of life have always been ready and willing to be used as tools for psychopathy to fully manifest. The US military in particular has come under the heat of such influences most notably in the wave of Nazi fascism which engulfed the Western world in the 1930s.


General Smedley D. Butler

General Smedley D. Butler a recipient of two esteemed Medals of Honor (the highest military honor in the U.S.) exposed major war corruption after retiring from the military. In 1933, under U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Butler was invited into a conspiracy to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship. Known as the “Business Plot” and funded by many Pilgrim Society members he shrewdly pretended to accept membership into this fifth column in order to discover its inner workings. To his shock, the same Wall St. insiders who had financed the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany (most notably Prescott Bush, Grandfather of George W. H. Bush) had been behind this bid to topple the US Presidency and Congress in line with increasing power of international banking. Amazingly, his 1934 testimony to Congress on the matter was blocked. However, according to Harper’s Magazine Butler’s testimony was reported: “in the New York Times and several other newspapers … and a special Congressional committee was created to conduct an investigation. The records of this committee were scrubbed and sealed away in the National Archives, where they have only recently been made available.” [1]

The point to remember in the above is that Smedley was a highly decorated military man with high code of ethics and patriotism and not one to fabricate. It was also Smedley who wrote the now famous 1935 book War is a Racket which has since become a classic exposé of the emerging military-corporate machine and a testament to how acutely aware this man was about politics and war, not least the mechanisms in place which make pathological infection inevitable.

In an excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by the General it gives an idea just how accurate his words have proved to be:

War is just a racket. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

The above is important for several reasons. Not only does it show that there are military men of conscience who do stand up for truth when they see it but that the presence of psychopathy in government and the military means that a complete descent into authoritarianism and  inverted totalitarianism is only a step away from manifestation. Yet, this is seldom revealed to the public until too late. Butler’s experience and doubtless many others since (military intelligence officer and whistle-blower Bradley Manning could be classed as a modern equivalent of Butler) have shown that Nazism did not die after the Second World War – but diversified its camouflage.

The United States has long historical ties with pre-war and post-war German Nazis. This example is but one of many where authoritarian followers are merging with this Nazi ethos. Their visions of eugenics are not so far away.

Just after the Second World War, when the Rockefellers and the House of Rothschild were busy building their corporate empires with help from Nazi Germany and the deaths of millions, US officials got in on the act and collaborated with the Third Reich to purloin their scientists and doctors. Only one day after Germany’s surrender, on May 10, 1945, under Operation OVERCAST, “the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to arrest all suspected war criminals, though advising him “… to make such exceptions as you deem advisable for intelligence and other military reasons.” Or, as another memo explained: “exploit chosen rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use.” [2] Which means: haggle with the Nazis and appropriate their talent. The Third Reich intelligentsia and their new advances in science and psychology were absorbed and pay-rolled into the Military-Industrial framework.

OVERCAST evolved into the 1946 “Operation / Project PAPERCLIP which oversaw the mass exodus of many hundreds of top Nazi scientists who would form the basis of a new experimentation into a range of advanced disciplines, from new technology to mass mind control. There was much more to PAPERCLIP than rocket science. This was an important bid to get to the crème de la crème of Nazi Elite and their research before the Russians. Nazi medical personnel, spies, saboteurs, assassins and psychological warfare experts were all invited into the warm, protective embrace of Uncle Sam. This was to be a key reason for the genesis of the American Pathocracy.


“President George W. Bush, Laura Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and former President George H.W. Bush sit surrounded by family in the Red Room, Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. Friends and family joined former President Bush and Mrs. Bush in celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary during a dinner held at the White House. Also pictured are, from left, Georgia Grace Koch, Margaret Bush, Walker Bush, Marvin Bush, Jenna Bush, Doro Koch, Barbara Bush, Robert P. Koch, Pierce M. Bush, Maria Bush, Neil Bush, Ashley Bush, Sam LeBlond, Robert Koch, Nancy Ellis LeBlond, John Ellis Bush, Jr., Florida Gov. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, Mandi Bush, George P. Bush, and Columba Bush.” – (wikipedia)

Perhaps the most notorious vessel for the relatively small clique of psychopaths who warmed to Nazi fascism as a natural expression is the Bush dynasty and who will be mentioned frequently in subsequent posts. However, if you wish to bring yourself up-to-date on the historical legacy of the Bush dynasty then authors Glen Yeadon and John Hawkin’s book: A The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century (2008) is an excellent overview of how Nazi philosophy and its corporatism has been allowed to infect the United States.


© infrakshun

Eventually, the Military-Corporate complex and the soon to follow National Security State would have key positions held by former Nazis principally in advanced aerospace and the weapons industry. Many of these high-ranking, Nazi intelligentsia had been exposed to, or were proponents of the Thule Society (German: Thule Gesellschaft) [3] having been embraced with particular fervour by Himmler’s SS and Rudolf Hess. Other sympathizers and /or members within the Third Reich included Hitler’s astrologer and advisor Dietrich Eckart, propagandist and Alfred Rosenberg,  intellectuals Julius Lehmann, Hans Frank, Gottfried Feder, and Karl Harrer. The psychic warfare of the CIA and NSA came directly from such Nazi traditions, a form of black Gnosticism, in other words: Satanism. [4]

While the War Department’s Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists, then director of the CIA, Allen Dulles had other ideas. Nazi Intelligence leader and PSYOPS expert Reinhard Gehlen met with the director and formed a close working relationship. As a master spy for the Third Reich he had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network which Dulles was keen to incorporate into the “New Amerika.” He effectively integrated Gehlen’s Intelligence unit into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) later to become the CIA, while covering up incriminating evidence regarding scientists’ and doctors’ case histories.

The existence of the Nazi Intelligence unit within the CIA was to lead to many umbrella projects inspired by their research discoveries. These included the notorious MK-ULTRA which arose from the 1951 Project ARTICHOKE along with other projects running from the 1940s through to the late 1960s. Despite growing disquiet in the 1970s and partial investigations by Congress they didn’t simply stop because they were told to. The CIA and especially the NSA have always been a law unto themselves. Under the Information Age and a new Technocratic imperative has built on the experimentation of the past and extended its reach in ways that boggle the mind. Research continues evolve under different code names. (More on this later).

The Nazi brain-drain also included doctors which were conducting mind control and eugenics experiments in the concentration camps. A potent mixture of Cold War paranoia, a home-grown Neo-Fascism and Nazi know-how created a US Shadow Government, with people moving behind the scenes to capture and enlist children to fight the Russian threat. A hidden lab-rat generation was produced, comprising of successful and aborted hypnotised operatives, assassins and couriers. This is the source of the popularised concept of the “Manchurian Candidate” from which the likes of Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley Jr., Timothy McVeigh and an untold number of soldiers have been associated. The Hollywood myth-making machine bases its movie formula around this factual byte which is often trivialised in the process. Nevertheless, the idea that intelligence agencies are involved in such activities are not based on fact not Hollywood fiction.

It is no secret that some of the CIA mind-control apparatus documents have been released and available since 1975, under Freedom of Information Act requests. MK-ULTRA, the CIA’s infamous research into behavioural modification, [5] vigorously explored the capabilities of drugs, radiation and electronic brain manipulation on military personnel, doctors, government agents, prostitutes, mentally ill patients, and members of the general public in the United States. Victims were subjected to induced amnesia in order to prevent recall of these invasive experiments.


Richard M. Helms

The major players involved included Richard Helms former head of the CIA, Chemist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who managed the day to day running of MK-ULTRA activities and Dr. John Gittinger, his assistant and protégé. With a substantial amount of money from an ignorant Congress, most, if not all of the experimentation took place without the subjects’ consent.

The bulk of the documents have still not been released due to the sadistic nature of the experimentation which very probably included more extreme examples of the torture already listed. To cover his own and many others’ reputations, Helms ordered the destruction of most of the documents in 1972. The program’s objective was find drugs that facilitated an alteration of the human neurological and sensory apparatus, the aim of which was to be used in military applications.

The unease around the rumours surfacing about mind control research was taken up by a few members of Congress over the subsequent decades, including Senator Ted Kennedy. They discovered from the Deputy Director of the CIA that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program: “… which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.’ Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations.’ At least one death, that of Dr. Frank Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.” [6] *

With a title that conjured up associations with low-budget pornography, Operation Midnight Climax was officially a branch of sex and drug research and a sub-division of MKULTRA. Unsurprisingly, none of the documents relating to the operation survived Helm’s shredding. Yet participants and agents involved with the experimentation mention a series of CIA run brothels in San Francisco and New York. While being guaranteed impunity from arrest and prosecution should the operation be discovered by outside law enforcement units, prostitutes were paid $100 a day to act as entrapment madams for unsuspecting participants. These unsuspecting victims who had their drinks spiked with LSD, prior to the subsequent sex “research.” CIA agents settled down for the night, armed with cigarettes, booze and clipboards; shielded from the action behind one-way mirrors. You can imagine the vast potential for blackmail and extortion.

Both operations ran from 1953 to at least, 1968, though we would be foolish to imagine that such experimentation has stopped. Virtually nothing is known of the NSA’s role in all this. It is highly probable that the operations were submerged into this shadow executive apparatus. In summary, no area of human experimentation was restricted. The extraction of information needed to keep ahead of the Russian and Chinese was all-consuming. Maintaining America as the supreme power (and unwittingly allowing further entry points for psychopathic dominance) reigned supreme. Hallucinogenic drugs, electro-shock and memory exploration sandwiched between a pot-pourri of occult rituals and chemicals of every variety continued to expand.

Underpinning all this was a foundation of Psychiatry headed by Dr. Ewan Cameron. It was this man who provided critical work on the MK-ULTRA projects and was an advocate of behaviourist and clinical psychiatry harbouring a powerful interest in unlocking the secrets of memory. It would be this fascination that would make up most of his contribution to the experiments.


Dr. Ewan Cameron

With Rockefeller Money he founded the Allan Memorial Institute on Mont Royal, Montreal Canada. And it was here while working for the CIA that he would subject his patients to his own experimentation, unaware of his true intent. Since his test subjects were outside the US it served as an added protection against liability as the illegality of such testing could be dismissed. It was while the Allan Memorial Institute was basking in its new findings from electro-shock treatment memory re-patterning and chemical and drug regimens that another form of institutional abuse was being unleashed.

In post-war Montreal, funding for orphanages was non-existent but funding for hospitals was readily available. So, the Catholic Church decided to class all its orphans (numbering more than 5,000) as “mentally deficient” thus winning government subsidies and unimpeded paperwork, where whole orphanages were converted into mental asylums for the young. This was to initiate some of the worst abuse cases ever recorded in Canada at the hands of sadistic nuns across many orders including: The Gray Nuns of Montreal, the Sisters of Providence, the Sisters of Mercy, the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, the Little Franciscans of Mary, and two orders of monks. Ice baths, sodomy, solitary confinement and beatings were routine. Children either died from the attacks or were scarred for life. [7]

The civil lawsuits started by those abused mirrored the cases of the 1990s and beyond. The medical profession were also implicated in aiding and abetting the abuse by signing perfectly healthy children as restarted or brain damaged. In reality, the children had never seen a doctor or been examined.

For over twenty years nuns and monks abused their flock, while other more purposeful, though no less sadistic abuse was taking place at the Allan Memorial Institute. There would have been no shortage of children or problems with access if Cameron had sought a steady supply of test subjects.

On March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation, [8] the late New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA brainwashing programs as young children. Radiation research was carried out, mostly on cancer patients, this was however a cover for a wide ranging system of projects. This proved to be decisive regarding the progressive disclosure of institutionalised mind control with not least the rumour and disinformation surrounding the whole idea of mind control programs.

Claudia de Mullin and Chris De Nicola recounted testimony which was later collated and set down in a book by John Rappaport in which the original committee documents are included. They make interesting, if harrowing reading. [9] Questions still remain how it was that Wolf’s patients were able to appear before the committee at all. It may have been due to Clinton’s proclivity to go his own way or simply damage control to prevent further encroachments into modern day state secrets of mind control projects. In any event, all of the committee testimony was ignored and no real action taken.

In summary, beginning in 1948 during the period of post war upheaval and when so much of the world was being redrawn under pathocratic lines, the Nazi inspired mind control program was initiated. Over a period of 4 decades, children from the US, Mexico and South America, were used as experimental fodder. The original reasons for the research were to control the minds of these children in order to create flesh and blood “robots” for a range of missions that would not be recalled because of hypnotically induced amnesia. This could be removed by their controllers and reinstalled at will, rather like a computer programme. Children were raised and conditioned to be hard core sexpionage agents with a view to blackmailing Establishment Americans or foreign dignitaries. But it did not stop there: “Eventually, people from the inner core of the CIA program filmed each other, and some of the centres where children were used as sex agents got out of control and turned into CIA-operated sex rings. Some children were considered expendable and simply murdered.” [10]

During Rappoport’s research with Valerie Wolf and her patients, one victim recounted that brainwashing techniques were applied to children from Mexico and South America and that: “They were considered expendable.” If we remember the rape camps of San Diego that enslaved many Mexican children this becomes less and less improbable. America’s “best and brightest” were saved for a different purpose though the patient could not remember what their ultimate objective was. Nonetheless, it was not to produce agents to combat the Soviets at that time, the aims were much more far-reaching. The subversion and control of the movers and shakers of our world is a primary goal of any covert dictatorship. The Nazi manipulation of their culture and intelligentsia was a key step in their dominance and later total ponerisation of a nation to become the “willing executioners” of history. Nazi scientists were not the only ones to hitch a ride on Uncle Sam’s gravy train.There were large-scale, state by state operations starting with children when they were very young until they effectively owned their minds. More than 150 sub-projects under the MK-ULTRA banner were initiated with the commensurate failures and “successes” unknown. We can however guess at the details by watching present world events and piecing together much of the puzzle.


President Bill Clinton’s Human Subjects Review Memo for Vice President and Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies in February 1994.

“Natural human reactions … strike the psychopath as strange, interesting, and even comical. They therefore observe us … They become experts in our weaknesses and sometimes effect heartless experiments.”

– Andrew Łobaczewski, p.90; Political Ponerology


Many mind control subjects still alive from the 1950s to the late 60s, often mentioned under hypnosis an individual named “Dr. Green” or “Greenbaum,” though it may have been a cover for a group team of experimenters. Carol Rutz, one former child victim of the MK-ULTRA experiments was certain that her programmer – going by the aliases of both Dr. Black and Dr. Green – was indeed, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the “Angel of Death” by World War II concentration camp victims.

Following his disappearance from Auschwitz on January 18, 1945, it is rumoured that he worked extensively on mind control operations for US Shadow Government agencies. Though the knowledge of their use of Nazis in such activity was common place and the chronological history of the time adds to the speculation, there is no evidence other than witness testimony that the doctor was present during the subsequent experiments. According to Rutz: “Trauma based programming was theoretically the reason for some of the torturous things perpetrated on survivors. It was the cruellest form of mental brainwashing, and left the child completely disassociated and open to programming. Josef Mengele was a master at this.” [11]


Josef Mengele, happy in his work

Psychologist Dr. D Corey Hammond’s data including many other doctors’ confirm Rutz’s assertions that the many layers of programming encountered by therapists is extremely difficult to dismantle and required a high level of patience from both participants. There were cases where intense pain or terror was experienced during hypnosis sessions if an attempt was made to go directly to the core source of programming installed by the MK-ULTRA doctors. On many occasions this proved impossible to reverse, some cases indicating a danger to the patient if attempts to de-programme were continued, even to the extent of death. Hammond went on to mention the creation of powerful unconscious programmes within the victim producing multiple personalities that were assigned specific tasks and jobs. These “programmed alters” fell into several levels. (See table below).

Other experiments took place in Tuscon, Arizona in the desert. Chris De Nicola testified before the President’s Committee that her controller was also a “Dr. Greene” who used her  during childhood in radiation experiments to determine effects on the body parts and as a further method of trauma induction. De Nicola told the committee she was taught how to: “… pick locks, be secretive, use [her] photographic memory to remember things and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to [her]self.” Forms of torture as punishment were also used if the children were not cooperative: ‘I was caught twice and Dr. Greene tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning on a table, putting shots in my stomach, in my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal …’ [12]

De Nicola related how her father was also involved in the experiments confirming generational involvement, from military and agency families which has proven to be a common pattern. Yet, the cultural and political climate is not conducive to open debate about state-sanctioned crimes, especially when it is likely that for a Nazi philosophy and practice to take place, it must have the fertile ground by which it can seed. What we are seeing now are full grown branches extending into many offices and departments, the most open expression is within the US, British and Israeli governments with their CIA/MI6/MOSSAD spider’s web of malignancy. Jon Rappoport commented on his work with the late Dr. Valerie Wolf and the fear involved with speaking up about State crimes:

“Dr. Wolf told me that when word got around she was going to testify before the president’s committee, she was contacted by about 40 therapists ‘in just the 10 days leading up to my trip to Washington.’ The therapists had heard similar CIA mind-control stories from their own patients. Many of these professionals are afraid to go on the record about their patients’ stories, as censure from their professional societies is a reality. The political mood these days is not conducive to granting an aura of credibility to revelations of CIA brainwashing.” [13]

Programming name



General programming within the control personality.


Sexual programming, i.e. producing and directing child   pornography, prostitution and sexual training for blackmail or personal use. All ethical and moral behaviour are eliminated to produce conscienceless “robots” (sociopaths) so that all functions can be carried out without emotional inhibition.


Sleeping assassin who feels no fear. They are trained in the use of specialist arms and combat.


Psychic killing and a product of a variety of occult traditions – from voodoo to Sex Magick; hermetic to Golden Dawn initiations. Most victims with THETA programming exhibit an unusually high level of extra Sensory perception or ESP in their daily lives and chosen because of this innate ability.


Self-destruct programming used to prevent victims going public. If the patient began to remember or a therapist was poking around a little too expertly, this programme would be initiated often utilising intense pain and fear as a precursor.

Table 1. MK-ULTRA programming. Testimony revealed an umbrella of programming names with key objectives

If we now compare the above information with a 1992 lecture given by Dr. Corey Hammond called the “Greenbaum Speech,” it all sounds remarkably similar.

An extract from Dr. Hammond’s lecture follows:

Along with them was a young boy, a teenager, who had been raised in a Hasidic Jewish tradition [**] and a background of Cabalistic mysticism that probably appealed to people in the Cult because at least by the turn of the century Aleister Crowley had been introducing Cabalism into Satanic stuff, if not earlier. I suspect it may have formed some bond between them. But he saved his skin by collaborating and being an assistant to them in the death-camp experiments. They brought him with them.

They started doing mind-control research for Military Intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of cult programming today. His name is known to patients throughout the country.

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this, in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, ‘You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.’ [14] [Emphasis mine]

The above confirms that the “name that is known to patients throughout the country” was “Dr. Green” or the German-Jewish variation of “Greenbaum” a man who may represent a collective of programmers or an individual. Dr. Ewan Cameron headed the American Psychiatric Association and was a Kinseyian advocate under long-term CIA contract playing a key part in the mind control of American children. Claudia Mullin, the other of Wolf’s patients who testified related her experiences with Cameron which started when she was only 7 years-old:

“In 1958, 1 was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called the ‘Society’ [the Human Ecology Society, a CIA front]. I was told to cooperate; answer any of their questions. Then, since the test ‘might hurt,’ I would be given ‘shots, x-rays, and a few jolts of electricity.’ I was instructed not to look at anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names,’ as this was ‘a very secret project’ but to be brave an all those things would help me forget …

‘A Dr. John Gittinger tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr. Greene the x-rays … By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath [of Tulane Medical School] gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind!

‘The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to ‘sexually please men.’ Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms (Deputy Director of the CIA), Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible…I was to become a regular little ‘spy’ for them, after that summer, eventually entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine when this kind of sexual humiliation began.’ [15]

Dr Hammond had the uncomfortable feeling that: “… from some past experience…when you look at this you will find the large proportion of ritual-abuse victims in this country [US] are having their on-going therapy monitored.”

He continues:

I remember a woman who came in about twenty-four years old, claimed her father was a Satanist. Her parents divorced when she was six. After that it would only when her father had visitation and he would take her to rituals sometimes up until age fifteen. She said, “I haven’t gone to anything since I was fifteen.” Her therapist believed this at face value. We sat in my office. We did a two-hour inquiry using hypnosis. We found the programming present.

In addition to that we found that every therapy session was debriefed and in fact they had told her to get sick and not come to the appointment with me. Another one had been told that I was Cult and that if she came I would know that she’d been told not to come and I would punish her. If anything meaningful comes out in a patient who’s being monitored like that — from what I’ve learned thus far, they’re tortured with electric shocks — my belief is if they’re in that situation you can’t do meaningful therapy other than being supportive and caring and letting them know you care a lot and you’ll be there to support them. But I wouldn’t try to work with any kind of deep material or deprogramming with them because I think it can do nothing but get them tortured and hurt unless they can get into a safe, secure inpatient unit for an extended period of time to do some of the work required. [16]

We could understandably take this as a collective moral panic if historical data were not available to support a percentage of what the patients are saying. An interview conducted a senior level Navy Captain’s wife, with Kay Griggs in 1998, also gives similar statements. (We’ll take a closer look at Griggs in the post after next). Here, we have data that comes from two disparate sources: a military housewife giving details from her husband’s diary and a respected psychiatrist and hypnotherapist providing testimonies from hypnotised abuse witnesses. This is set against the well-known historical perspective of US and Nazi associations culminating in shared mind control programs. The subject then begins to look more compelling. (Yet, keep in mind, this is the ABC introduction to the subject of mind control. The deeper you dig the more endemic is seems to be).

It is sexual humiliation and even sex magick that defines the parameters of so called “science” in this context. For Establishment neo-Nazis (as a generic term for pathocratic perception) any experience, no matter how sordid or cruel can be explained away under the rigours of the “scientific method” or for the glory of America the ends of which nobly justifies the means. It must also be remembered that the many books on the market that tout the: “I was a mind control victim” may be factually accurate, partially true or wholly delusional – even a mixture of all three. Such a field of secrecy will always have its opportunists. This cannot be taken as a negation of the central premise of mind/body programming that was launched against the US population without their knowledge, the legacy and new models of which are no doubt being honed and utilised if we are pay attention to current events.

We cannot also deny that the subject of mind control is seen as an opportunity to ridicule and disparage. This, in some ways, is justified due to many unsubstantiated accusations flying about hither and thither, adding to the confusion and disinformation. Judicially recognised in federal and state courts as an expert on mind and behaviour control, Professor Alan Scheflin reiterates the danger of disinformation – especially if you are one of its many victims:

“MK-ULTRA was a program of the CIA which had 149 sub-projects on every avenue of mind and behaviour control. We know that was a real project, and we know what the sub-projects under it are, but there are many names that have been circulated of other projects and they cannot be verified, and if they cannot be verified, and you can’t prove them, your belief in them will hurt you in a court of law and also in doing good therapy. ” [17]

Nevertheless, the above evidence so far, offers interesting implications regarding the nature of ritual abuse and how some cases remain resistant to any real understanding and appraisal. If some ritual abuse utilises programming and is an essential part of the bloodline of intra-familial and generational abuse, it gives a whole new dimension to the “discourse of disbelief” and the considerable control exerted by members of such cultic networks largely outside government influence.


* Frank Olson, a United States Army biochemist and biological weapons researcher, was given LSD without his knowledge or consent in 1953 as part of a CIA experiment, and allegedly committed suicide a week later following a severe psychotic episode. A CIA doctor assigned to monitor Olson’s recovery was supposedly asleep in another bed in a New York City hotel room when Olson jumped through the window to fall ten stories to his death. Many commentators believe Olson was assassinated which is a far more likely scenario than the CIA’s suicide as the cause of death. See: . ‘What did the C.I.A. do to Eric Olson’s father?’ Michael Ignatieff, April 1, 2001; The New York Times Magazine.
** Given our recent discussion on the origins and practice of Hassidic Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch this is an interesting connection. We will return to this and other possibilities in later posts.


[1] ‘1934: The Plot Against America’ Harper’s magazine, July 28, 2007. |
[2] ‘Our Nazi allies’ by Ken Silverstein, Salon at, May 3, 2000.
[3] The Thule Society (German Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group for Germanic Antiquity’, was a German occultist and Völkisch group in Munich, notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. Many of the occult ideas found favour with Heinrich Himmler who, like Hitler, had a great interest in mysticism.
[4] The Occult and the Third Reich: the mystical origins of Nazism and the search for the Holy Grail. By Jean-Michel Angebert, Published by Macmillan Publishing 1974 | ISBN 0-02-502150-8.
[5] A List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents (including subprojects) is available from the National Security Archive. The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research institute and library that collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, a public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information through the FOIA, and an indexer and publisher of the documents in books, microfische, and electronic formats. The National Security Archive was founded in 1985 by a group of journalists and scholars who had obtained documentation under the FOIA and sought a centralized repository for these materials.
[6] U.S Department of Energy: Supreme Court Dissents Invoke the Nuremberg Code: CIA and DOD Human Subjects Research Scandals.
[7] ‘Orphans of the 1950’s, Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec’ By Clyde H. Farnsworth, The New York Times, May 21, 1993.
[8] Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments set up by President Clinton in 1994.
[9] US Government and Mind Control Experiments on Children e-book by John Rappoport.
[10] ‘CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children’ by Jon Rappoport, October 2006.
[11] A Nation Betrayed, The Chilling and true story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People by Carol Rutz Fidelity Publishing, 2001 ISBN: 0-9710102-0-X.| Based on 18,000 pages of FOIA documents from the CIA and other sources
[12] p.37; In the Statement made by Chris De Nicola to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15, 1995.
[13] Ibid.
[14] ‘The Greenbaum Speech’ Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse By D. C. Hammond Ph.D. delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992. at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. Originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech.”
[15] p7. in the Statement made by Claudia S. Mullin to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15 1995 (inserts by Jon Rappoport, from his extract of the same in Oct. 2006).
[16] Ibid. C. Hammond, 1992.
[17] op. cit. Scheflin; International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) and International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).

In the Name of the Father IV: Catholicism, Cathars, Psychopaths and Satanists


                     Monségur castle


“What seems to me white, I will believe black if the hierarchical Church so defines.”

― Ignatius of Loyola

The question of paedophilia – in many cases as a probable sub-category of psychopathy – has been explored. The prevalence of homosexuality within the Church is not the issue. The presence of hypocrisy and deception and even possible murder most certainly is. Paedophilia, pederasty, child rape – whether from homosexual or heterosexual preference is equally abhorrent and has been an infection within the Catholic Church, for a very long time, perhaps from its inception.

Sexual energy being forced into an unnatural repression for those who are nowhere near ready to lead a life of abstinence can also lead to disaster. The repression of instincts and desires on top of a maladjusted personality for whom such constraints are dangerous to himself becomes so for others. The Catholic sacraments require the clergy to become celibate and to renounce marriage for the observance of chastity – a view of virginity as the special prerogative of the Christian priesthood. In other words, it is a body-centric doctrine that requires the clergy to lead by example; to become one of the elect that is purified for Christ in order to transmit divine guidance based on the keynote of service.

Jumping back several centuries to a pivotal period for organised religion may be instructive.

The Cathars were a heretical, dualist sect which flourished in southern France, in the region of Languedoc in the 12th-14th century. The Vatican was so worried about them that it formed the notorious Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1233 to combat the spread of this form of heresy. This reached its climax in what came to be known as the Albigensian crusade. Catharism has a peculiar link not only to Catholicism but the nature of psychopathic dominance. Looking back at history we can see how it compares to modern day versions of the disease, acting as a progenitor of today’s emerging Global Pathocracy having spread beyond the confines of organised religion.

In the early 12th Century the Church was deeply threatened by the popularity of Catharism. So much so, it created the first systematic and organised form of inquisition which would later become the infamous Spanish Inquisition the template for much of the totalitarian forms of oppression and torture we have witnessed, from Stalin to Pol-pot, the Nazis to the inverted forms of totalitarianism of modern day government agencies in Europe and America. These were manifestations of a core change in societies which according to historian R.I.Moore led to the “… formation of a persecuting society” from the 1100s onwards and which would stay with us to the present day. [1]

The Catholic Church eradicated every last trace of Catharism, so that most of the writings and evidence for their existence comes from the inquisitors themselves or their supporters. While returning to the source of Old Testament barbarism this also serves to glimpse the true nature of organised religion. Once thoroughly ponerised it stands as a grand exemplar of inversion – what happens when psychopaths hollow out an ideology or belief system so that only the artifice of the original remains. Meanwhile, psychopaths and their sub-categories of authoritarian followers use it as a vehicle for bending reality to their desires.

It is fair to say that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church then was little different to the Church of today except in the crudity of their suppression and dogma. Whereas in the 13th century you could be burned at the stake, excommunicated, whipped through the streets for penance and other such draconian forms of punishment, these forms have been replaced by more subtle forms of coercion. Hidden criminality against ordinary people such as money laundering, extortion, cult and occult groupings and the immense wealth that drives matters at the political and civil level all have equally serious consequences for the idea of religious “service”. [2]

The crusade against the Cathars has remained shrouded in myth and mystery not just because of their beliefs but the brutal way in which they were exterminated from a region that was said to be hundreds of years in advance of the Renaissance. Much literal reading between the lines has been carried out over the intervening years by both specialists and romantics alike lending both authority and frippery to the legend. As a result, Catharism has become a flag-bearer for the New Age and occult tradition with various levels of credulity. Despite this, Catharism has a vital connection to the present in that we are witnessing the same genocide of truth across the world in a variety of complex forms.


Cathar cross

The word “Cathar” derives from the Greek word katharos meaning “pure.” The Cathars were quite literally more Christian than the Christians, following the Ten Commandments and New Testament more closely than the Papal clergy. They observed chastity and poverty rejecting all forms of luxury and material goods for life on the road. They revered Nature; refused to lie or swear oaths; were vegetarian; supported contraception, euthanasia, and held a belief in the transmigration of souls and reincarnation. Their dualist beliefs seemed to be rooted in both Eastern and Gnostic traditions of alchemy, where self-knowledge led to “purifying the vessel” which played a vital role in their teachings. Known for their ascetism, humility and compassion, practicing Cathars (or the “Parfait” meaning “the pure” or “perfected”) numbered no more than a thousand while the number of “credents” * (believers or lay-people) were many thousands more.

There was a rich culture of troubadours and poets aligned to Catharism whose poems and songs of chivalric love underpinned the teachings of the Parfait in populist form. These were travelling minstrels who entertained and educated with the equivalent pop songs of the day. With concepts known as “paratge,” which included honour, courtesy, nobility, chivalry and gentility as the starting point, the lyrics spoke of metaphysical principles that were profound and sophisticated and which greatly appealed to the population of South-West France. It eventually led to a natural rejection of the established Church and its ever-present corruption.

Having tried to muster support for a war against Languedoc and the Cathars for several years Pope Innocent III finally obtained his wish in 1209. The genocide against the Cathars and their followers began with the sacking of Beziers and gradually faded at the siege of Monségur in 1244. The Pope knew full well that any hope of converting the population with a war would fail so he turned it into a replica of the crusades that had raged in the Middle East, thereby appealing not just to the religious extremists but those who saw enormous an opportunity to rape, pillage and come away with substantial amounts of loot.

Béziers was the first city to fall victim to Simon De Monfort, the Pope’s military enforcer and supremely merciless medieval psychopath of the day. After slaughtering most of the inhabitants the city was intentionally set alight, a frightful precursor of what lay in store for so many Cathars, creydents and innocents. It was the type of carnage that was to characterise the next 25 years and lay waste the culture, ecology and spirit of the people of Languedoc.

Historian Stephen O’Brien describes the end:

Soon the entire city was ablaze. The soldiery gradually backed out of the inferno of Béziers. They staggered past the bridge, over the Orb and returned to where they had begun this strenuous afternoon of abattoir Christianity. As they watched the city was consumed in flames, literary a funerary pyre for what scholarly consensus estimates at 15,000-20,000 victims.

Everyone in the town from greybeard Cathar Perfect to newborn Catholic baby, was put to death in the space of a morning. In the days before gunpowder to kill that many people in so short a time required a savage single-mindedness that beggars the imagination. To the crusaders bitter about the lost booty of affluent Béziers there was consolation to be had in knowing that they had done God’s work so efficiently. Personal salvation had been ensured by this stunning victory. In his letter to Innocent Arnold [Amaury head of the Cistercian Order] marvelled at their success. “Nearly twenty thousand of the citizens were put to the sword, regardless of age and sex,” he wrote. “The workings of divine vengeance have been wondrous.” [3]

Over two generations or more of Languedoc men and women were put to the sword, burned alive or tortured to death without trial whilst the counts of Toulouse and many Cathar noblemen were dispossessed with their lands annexed to France. The educated and literate society of the region was replaced by a new Dark Ages and a descent into chaos. The Dominican order was formed to mop up and extinguish the last residues of resistance, taking advantage of the time to persecute and execute Jews whom the Catholic Church also did not trust.

The records of exactly what Catharism espoused is still mysterious. Since most of what we have to go on has come from inquisitorial records extracted under torture and therefore, not exactly the most reliable source from which to form an opinion on Cathar beliefs. From reading between the lines and the credents’ witness reports of the day, Catharism may not have concerned itself with a fear and loathing of the body as evidenced in Christian orthodox religions, but viewed the body as a tool to be respected and utilized for the production of “higher energies” or a form of alchemy of the soul. Their dualist perspective had many elements of a pragmatic holism rather than an enforced moralism.

During the governance of the Cathar councils over the churches in Northern Italy and Southern France, they advocated a spiritual practice for the lay-people that was incremental in its development. The eventual choice for celibacy was part of a natural condition for the very few Parfaits that felt the calling. It was for an elect that had sufficient objective quantities of love and wisdom which were obvious in their thoughts and actions. They were very probably genuine adherents of a living, spiritual faith which was not based on words but accessible, spiritually pragmatic actions which were in stark contrast to the hierarchical authoritarianism, ostentation and corruption of the Church. The maxim of: “By their fruits shall ye know them” was apt.

At its root, what made the Cathar crusade so ruthless and unrelenting may have nothing to do with belief at all, religious or otherwise. Rather it was the meeting of two opposing socio-cultural phenomena: a creative way of life which espoused a compassionate, spiritually practical worldview which met the full force of an entropic perception of life, thoroughly entrenched and unyielding.  As Cathar principles represented a living spirituality intimately connected to Nature and Mind it was logically practical and compassionate and therefore, easily translated into everyday life. Inevitably such teachings which emphasised a personal connection to God conflicted with the dominate purview of organised religion which was the current nesting ground for genetically predisposed psychopaths. The destruction of a way of life was the only conceivable solution in the face of a long term threat to a religious pathocracy.

Cathar coin found at Monségur the stronghold of Cathar parfaits and followers.

Cathar coin found at Monségur the stronghold of Cathar parfaits and followers 

The battle between Catholic orthodoxy and Cathar heterodoxy concerned the question of Good and Evil. Cathars were dualist: matter and spirit, yin and yang, light and dark. There were binary choices to be made in order to distinguish between what augmented the soul and what debased and thereby decreased it. Discerning the specific situation where good and evil battle is fraught with difficulty and knowledge of psychology was needed to discriminate accordingly. To that end, Hell was the Earth but escape was possible by learning to discern the presence of evil in yourself and the external world. Moreover, because the recycling of consciousness (reincarnation) was a key principle in Cathar teachings it inevitably made a mockery of most of the Catholic Church’s tenets and rules.

Who cared if you had sex before marriage if love was the driving force?

Who cared for silly rituals and oaths which made little difference to the essence of who you were?

If the task was to purify and refine your soul in order to escape the endless cycle of incarnation then it stood to reason that earthly concerns and the dogma of theology, nationalism, status and racial divides faded away when you knew that you could be born into the opposing camp. Muslim, Jew, Cathar or Catholic – all forms were on a spiritual wheel. The Light of God was in every man, woman and child and was there to be awakened and freed. Discipline was needed but it was an inner friction of conscious evolution, a choice to be made from within, not from an outside authority. It was the Cathars’ job to nurture that spark by example, something the Catholic hierarchy had abjectly failed to do. Love and empathy was inimical to the smooth running of the Church – fear was the primary weapon of psychological control.

Though Cathar teachings revered Nature as a symbolic version of Heaven made in matter, it was the earthly life that was the “World inside the Devil” and a creation of the forces of darkness. Matter was on the downward spiral away from salvation and ascension, thus corrupt. If systems and institutions were derived and built on the principles of matter and used for men’s desire alone then such systems deserved to be ignored. The authority of the Church was nonsense and a human construct inspired by the Lord of Matter, which was Satan.

For the Cathars and their creydents, it was no surprise that Satan had clothed his minions in the disguise of the self-professed saintly and divine. The self-denial, abstinence and conspicuous absence of wealth among Cathar elect brought into sharp relief the excess and opulence of the Catholic Church. It also fed into popular resentment from ordinary people that something was rotten in their ruling, religious Elite when it came to taxes and penance on behalf of God Almighty. The concept of hypocrisy became the whispered by-word of the people closely followed by disbelief and the reduction of fear. If paying taxes and tithes was a con-trick, this inevitably meant the loss of power and control which could never have been allowed to continue. This core principle of power hoarding is as relevant today as it was then.

The elevated status of women in the movement’s beliefs as well as the refusal to swear oaths of any kind was directly related to the nature of medieval society at the time. Women were deemed equal which was highly subversive. Yet the logic was fitting. If you were a high-ranking cardinal in one life and a prostitute in another – why consider anyone to be enjoying a higher status than the next person? This was also counter to the whole workings of feudal society where status was all important. The authority was maintained by everyone knowing their place in the hierarchy of serfs, vassals and nobles and clergy, a divinely sanctioned pecking order bound together by those same oaths that the Cathars refused to follow.

And here we come to the crux of the matter – the maintenance of power and control of feudalism in Medieval Europe was paramount. Strangely enough, it is precisely this vision of neo-feudalism that has been making a return in the halls of power in the 21st century. The only difference is it is masked by quite sophisticated history of perception management and social engineering.

One can easily discern in Cathar teachings echoes of Gnosticism and Eastern philosophy such as Chinese Taoism and by extension, later anarchistic thought. These perennial philosophies taught that society was inherently corrupt and beyond redemption due to the nature of its inception which was ego-based, desire led and promoted by darkness. The Path of Knowledge and self-improvement was the only way to escape based on the establishment of alternative communities of Truth.

Could it be that behind these great movements that were seemingly anti-society a kernel of truth was common to all in that the pathogen of evil lies in its ability to deceive and distract the mass populace until such time its ascendency has reached a critical mass? Perhaps the nodal points of this “darkness” allow the spread of this macro-social evil through genetically predispostioned “vessels” designed for that very purpose?

These men and women were not known by the terms “credents” or “Cathar” – these were pejoratives given by inquisitors. They called themselves not Cathars but Christians, and referred to their region not as Occitania but in terms of local places and lordships.

Perhaps, after all, they were the real Christians just as they claimed to be.


Modern symbol of the Cathars at Minerve


We are living in a potential age of renewal where in one very real sense we all have the choice to follow some of the principles of Catharism and right human relations or to believe those who profit from  lies and manipulations. Andrew Łobaczewski’s data gathered from his fellow psychologists and his own valuable but harrowing experiences provide us with the tools to understand the emergence of micro and macro-social manifestations of evil and to recognise the symptoms.

As regards religion, Łobaczewski had certain reservations at the beginning of his research that in some way his discoveries would lead to a dilution of his faith as a Christian. He knew that ponerology must bring about certain revisions in our way of thinking as to what constitutes morality and ethics. Perhaps like the Cathars before us who tried to embody the same evaluations and principles in their lives, he mentions that a true rendering of Christianity, without the distortions and many layered fabrications built upon it and an awareness of ponerology has the potential to:  “… bring our thought processes closer to that original and primeval method of perceiving moral knowledge.” [4]

Hysteroidal Cycle

What is fascinating about this period, its relationship to the modern era and the emergence of psychopathy and organised “evil” is that it is predicated on what Łobaczewski calls the “Hysteroidal Cycle” defined as a pattern of change from the psychological definition of hysteria: a psychological state of uncontrollable fear or exaggerated excitability. In this context Łobaczewski describes it as a “fear of truth” or fear of thinking about unpleasant things so as to not “rock the boat” of current contentment. So much of our atrocities and genocides occur precisely due to normal people’s refusal to see the writing on the wall until it is too late – a pathological adherence to a perceptual blindness. The primal fear of the psychopath and the evil that exists ironically causes an avoidance and projection of those fears to the extent that we collectively conjure the very thing we so desperately wish to avoid. Yet religion doesn’t have to be discarded entirely. Łobaczewski talks about the strength and cognitive introspection from the Gospel teachings that can help us understand our fellow man better and provide spiritual nourishment in times of hardship.

Yet, overall, religion cannot be trusted to overcome this cyclic disease due to the absence of a “naturalistic knowledge” i.e. an objective language formed from a psychological awareness and untainted by belief or egotistical demands. He reminds us that the pathogens of evil that eventually culminate as a Pathocracy have: “… certainly appeared many times in history, in various countries and in various social scales. However, no one has ever managed to identify it objectively because it would hide in one of the ideologies characteristic of the respective culture and era, developing in the very bosom of different social movements.” [5] It is this insinuation and successful germination of psychopathy within the structure of organised monotheistic religions of Islamic, Catholic and Judaic orthodoxy that proves so successful; the nature of subjective, authoriatarian doctrines guaranteeing their cyclic manifestation.

Although religion provides spiritual succour to the populace and acts as a regenerative source of strength in times of hardship it is often this very hardship that religion has in part been responsible for perpetuating due to the fundamental flaws built from its theological materials, a principle that applies to any institution that has fear at its root. Łobaczewski adds to this point stating that: “… religious faith and the phenomenon of Pathocracy are in fact at different levels of reality, the latter being more earthy. That also explains why there can be no true collision between religion and the ponerological knowledge about the macrosocial pathological phenomenon.” [6] Which is why the “truest values” regarding any religious faith and connected “societal defence” must stem from a purity of intent and the utmost transparency if pathocratic designs are to be blocked. Our present religions seem ill-equipped to do so.

The ponerisation of religion is a long, drawn out process. Any individual or group pathogens still remaining attached to the structure, even when ostensibly cleansed by reactions from normal people after suffering the sheer exhaustion and oppression that comes from such a dysfunctional state, it does not prevent the process from starting up all over again.

Łobaczewski states:

Human individuals cannot easily contain the entire process within their frame of reference, since such a state spans many generations; their criticism will thus be limited to the questions they are immediately familiar with. However, this gives rise to a gradual but uncoordinated pressure front of reasonable people, thereby instigating some kind of evolution within any group thus engendered. Such evolution will aim at reactivating the original religious values or at overcoming the deformations.

Whether this process achieves its definitive goals depends upon two conditions: If the original idea was contaminated by some pathological factor from the outset, the goal is unreachable. If it is attainable, our asymptomatic approximation will place us in a position wherein the definitive elimination of the effects of the surmounted illness requires an objective view of its essence and history. Otherwise it is impossible to eliminate the leftover pathological deformations which would survive as a factor opening the door to renewed contamination.

Some religious groups may have been started by persons who were carriers of certain psychological anomalies. Particular attention should be focused upon largely paranoidal characteropathies and their above-discussed role in instigating new phases of ponerogenesis. For such people, the world of normal human experience (including religious experience) succumbs to deformation; spellbinding of self and others easily follows, imposed upon other people by means of pathological egotism. We can observe marginal Christian sects today whose beginnings were doubtless of this nature.

If a religion which later fell apart into numerous doctrinal variations had such a beginning, the above-mentioned regenerative processes effected by healthy common sense will bring about a point of advancement that the said religion’s ministers perceive to be a threat to the religion’s existence. Protecting their own faith and social position will then cause them to employ violent means against anyone daring to criticize or bring about liberalization. The pathological process begins anew. Such is the state of affairs we may be actually witnessing today. [7]

Once religion is dominated by pathological individuals it has ceased to become anything remotely resembling spiritual guidance: “The religious idea then becomes both a justification for using force and sadism against nonbelievers, heretics, and sorcerers, and a conscience drug for people who put such inspirations into effect,” thereby allowing religious institutions to become enablers of far reaching, pathocratic directives. [8] In some instances, this can reach almost tragi-comical proportions such as the 1568 edict from the Catholic Church elect which condemned the entire population of the Netherlands to death for heresy. [9]

The Cult of Catholicism

Today, we face the same mass inculcation to obey authority under an array of disguises led by governments and agencies of the United States, Britain and Israel with suitable reactions of “paramoral indignation” should anyone criticise their imperialistic policies. And sometimes, large numbers of the population die for exactly the same reasons they did hundreds of years ago. As author Graham Green so aptly pointed out: “Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.”

burning_hereticsA community-based, dogma-free spirituality incorporating basic psychological knowledge of ponerology may be far better suited to prevent pathogenic infection of the kind that has characterised the genocide and totalitarianism of religious history of the last two thousand years.  What will be crucial is a gnosis that infuses the foundations of a spiritual reality with its outward appearances as close to the truth as possible. Such a break from ponerogenic influence may only be achievable as Łobaczewski terms it, “… whenever a given religion represents a current of gnosis and faith which was originally authentic enough.” [10]

All this encapsulates and symbolises the cover-up of historical truth so prevalent in the twisting and early Christian myth-making that took place around the man called Jesus. It is the arrogance and self-righteous denial fused with the rigidity of “faith” that seals up the cracks in the walls of Pathocracy serving to extend its presence and adaptive qualities. To admit that the infestation of child rapists and molesters has come about because of the Church rather than despite it, can shake the very foundations of that faith. When that faith is inverted, it becomes the new “crusade” that creates conflict when confronted with objective reality. Psychopaths thrive on the warm, dark corners of our minds that harbour such illusions. They are then able to inhabit the outward structures of those beliefs at great expense to our inner life.

The balm of Religion can guide and heal with its myths. The structural precepts of the Church however, appear to be designed for control. When ponerogenesis has taken place the original foundations of truth have no option but to crumble in the face of the physical manifestation of the debasement of truth: abuse, thus organised religion has become a “safe heaven” for paedophiles.  A systematic cover-up of this age-old tradition of abuse was already present and enforced through threat of excommunication. Once the flood-gates began to open, the Church used every tactic in the theological book to coerce its members into remaining silent and to toe the line.

These entropic dynamics allow us to understand just how easily monotheistic religion lends itself to abuse in past epochs being a civilised version of an acceptable Cult in the most literal sense. This allows other cults to lodge themselves within the Church as parasitical leeches on a dying host. Focolare, Communion and Liberation, the NeoCatchumenate and the Spanish, Ultra-Conservative Opus Dei, are all examples of ultra-traditionalist movements engaging in secret initiation ceremonies, brain-washing techniques, intimidation and dangerous “psychotherapeutic” practices. [11]


Seal of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei: “A cross embracing the world” (wikipedia)

Not content with refusing to engage in constructive discourse with his critics, the late Pope John Paul II chose to ride the spotlight of celebrity through the auspices of the Opus Dei movement, active in the world of finance, politics and journalism. He granted special legal status to the organization making it exempt from supervision. This is especially worrisome due not only to its fascist past, but its very real cult status which appeals to the young in ways the Vatican never could. The tacit approval of the late Pope John Paul acted as the perfect PR channel to extend the influence of these nested cults far beyond any rule or statute.

A Gnostic inversion of the sort experienced by Nazi Germany could easily have befallen the Vatican. Indeed, according to the late Jesuit priest and eminent theologian, Father Malachi Martin, there was a conscious Satanic component to the child molestation at the heart of the Catholic Church Corporation. Martin was convinced that Satanists had gradually infiltrated the Vatican which had led to a “… culmination of the rites of ‘The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer’ in the Vatican” and which took place after the installation of Pope Paul VI in 1963.

With the preceding 1962 Vatican document prohibiting all discussion of sexual abuse outside the remit of high level clergy it is hard not to dismiss this warning of Satanism out of hand.  Martin was adamant that Vatican Satanists clandestinely installed “Lucifer” through this ceremony which had been initiated at the St. Paul’s Chapel. While Catholic paedophilia has been located in almost every country that has dioceses, the Satanic references are seldom mentioned. Fr. Martin believed that: “The systematic organizational links of the network that had been established between certain clerical homosexual groups and Satanist covens had inordinate power and influence.” [12]

Whether or not these specific causes are true, the subversion of the Catholic Church was a forgone conclusion based around such sectarian ideology. The destruction of the Church however, which still gives meaning and direction to so many, begs the question, if the Vatican is rotten to the core, what will replace it?

Fr. Martin and others have interpreted the religious visions (and hoax) of the “Third Secret of Fatima” as the beginning of a redemptive period and the beginning of persecution of Christians in order that the Catholic Church may be renewed once again. Pope John Paul spoke in such terms in 1980 when he said:

“We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-to-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise.” [13]

The destruction of the Catholic Church and its consequent “renewal” could be seen as the inner elect emerging as wasps from a fruit having eaten up the insides. Only the shell remains on which a “New Order” may be formed. Much as the Church built on ancient Christianity and its perennial truths, so too, with the dissolution of monotheistic religion will the danger of a new branch develop, reconstructed into a new form of Pathocratic Rule. (See: The Light Bringer II: The Lucis Trust)

In 2003, the Archbishop of Manila died at the age of 76. He was hugely revered and greatly missed. His name was Cardinal Sin. [15] Let’s hope, unlike the Cardinal who seems to have acted as an example for his flock, that the Catholic Church can rid itself of its institutional “sin” in the same way either to transform or go to its meet its maker with a clear conscience. After all, the only authority that we need in our lives as responsible adults is the conscience of our own souls.

As comedian George Carlin expressed: “I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don’t have as many people who believe it.”


* French: croyants/croyantes; Latin: credents.


[1] The formation of a persecuting society: authority and deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250, by R.I. Moore, published by John Wiley & Sons, 2007. | A bizarre echo of Inquisitors of the 13th century and the Nazi “inquisitors” of the 20th century each required that the object of their persecution was required to sew something yellow onto their clothes. With the heretical sympathizers it was a cross and with the Jews a Star. See: pp. 11–12; The Yellow Cross: The Story of the Last Cathars, by René Weis, New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2000.
[2] For a passionate, detailed and searing indictment on the results of two thousand years of organised religion read God is Not Great: The Case Against Religion, by  (the late) Christopher Hitchens Published by Atlantic books, 2007. Or for a more scientific and less bombastic view try Richard Dawkin’s The God Delusion Published by Black Swan, 2007. Though in my view both are deeply flawed in my opinion, they are an entertaining and valuable analysis of the fallacies of organised religion.
[3] The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars by Stephen O’Shea, Published by Profile books, May 2001 | ISBN 1 86197 3500.
[4] op. cit. Lobaczewski (p. 269)
[5]    Ibid. (p. 191)
[6]   Ibid. (p.278)
[7]  Ibid. (p.279)
[8] Ibid.
[9] p. 538; Europe: A History By Norman Davies, 1997.
[10]  Ibid. (p.282)
[11] The Pope’s Armada, By Gordon Urquhart, published by Prometheus Books; 2nd Revised edition edition, Jun 1999 | ISBN-10: 157392699X.
[12] Windswept House: A Vatican Novel, (1996) and The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West (nonfiction), (1990) both by Malachi Martin.
[13] ‘Pope John Paul II and The Third Secret Of Fatima’ QUEEN Magazine, published by the Mantfort Fathers-Bayshore, New York, September, 1983.
[14] ‘Obituary: Cardinal Jaime Sin’ BBC News, June 21 2005.

The Rule of Law? I

By M.K. Styllinski

“We are not commonly aware of, nor do we usually identify, the larger number of nonviolent sociopaths among us, people who often are not blatant lawbreakers, and against whom our formal legal system provides little defense.”

Andrew Łobaczewski, “Political Ponerology

In the family courts of the US and Europe, fathers and mothers are routinely set against each other with children crushed in the ensuing fight. As always, there appear to be valid cases on both sides of the male-female divide, though judging from the carnage left after the numerous battle, you would never know it.

There legions of cases where families have been torn apart due to corruption, ineptitude and ignorance of psycho-social dynamics. For example, we have mothers who have discovered that their spouse has been molesting their child and have taken the appropriate action through the courts to grant them sole legal and physical custody, yet the child somehow happens to end up with the abuser. Similarly, we have individuals within the feminist movement and its breeding ground for covert narcissism and parental alienation syndrome victimising fathers and turning them against their children. The courts have turned justice into a tragi-farce with the alleged abusers  – male or female –  either getting unsupervised visitation rights and more frequently, full custody. In some countries fathers are also being denied access to their children based on out-of-date and unfair bureaucratic laws regardless of whether they have committed a crime. In effect, the laws are biased towards the mother in some courts and biased towards the father in others, according to the specifics of national law, cultural influences and widespread corruption. Indeed, family courts seem to be presenting the worst kinds of injustices in cases which are both complex and multifaceted.

In the US, by far the most reliable source of litigation is the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, in Denver. A recent study surveyed 9000 custody disputes in 12 family courts across the country. Only two percent involved child-sex-abuse charges. Although this is certainly small it is known that the psychological footprint is very large indeed from those that do. Domestic physical abuse is highly likely to involve a percentage of sexual sadism which is often mistaken for a purely violent and aggressive display of anger. While physical abuse is still being reported in a greater number of cases, the sexual abuse taboo naturally restricts the number of cases that see the light of day. Even before they get to the courts they must be taken seriously by doctors or paediatricians, notwithstanding the likelihood of such charges sticking. Increasingly, many health professionals fear child abuse cases due to the complex nature of the claims and the potential labyrinth of litigation.

In the UK, former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Professor Sir David Hall, told the Royal Society of Medicine that “recent high-profile cases in which doctors had been censured had undermined confidence in the regulatory authorities.” He believed that signs of abuse might go unreported until the indications were ‘all too obvious.’ Careers are apparently coming first. [1] Allegations of sexual abuse, paedophilia and child violence are more commonly made by mothers and can be voiced without challenge or a burden of proof. During the interim, access is denied and courts appear to accept accusations regardless of the possibility that this could be the product of hate and acrimony from an embattled relationship. If the father is innocent and when the claim is finally dropped, there is no penalty for making such a vindictive claim. By then the damage is done, which may partially account for the rise in father suicides relating to unfair agency payments and the ensuing custody battles. Unsurprisingly, a divorced father is ten times more likely to commit suicide than a divorced mother and three times more likely to commit suicide than a married father. [2] As one divorce consultant mentions: “It’s a little known fact that in the United States men initiate only a small number of the divorces involving children. Most of the men I deal with never saw their divorces coming, and they are often treated very unfairly by the family courts.” [3]


Back in the UK, each year, some 85,000 families with children younger than 16 undergo divorce. The standard aftermath includes disputes over how much the “non-resident parent” should see his children, which is generally the father. Though the cases are compelling, a range of societal factors could be involved, as the broader statistical picture suggests. America is not Britain (not quite yet anyway). In 1998, a Children First Government paper, indicated that 40 percent of separated mothers admit to thwarting contact, leaving fathers losing all contact with their children within two years of separation or divorce.[4] In 2015, nothing much has changed. According to one English solicitor I spoke to: “Some 80,000 parents issue proceedings a year, many of them fathers seeking reasonable contact with their children. A common outcome is permanent severance.”  With family Court welfare services providing under-trained personnel to evaluate and report on the welfare of children “Normal family men are routinely assessed as unfit to have significant contact with their children; normal children are routinely sentenced to years of ‘relationship-building programme[s]’ to condition them to withstand visits from ordinary Dads.” [5]

The patterns of bias vary from country to country with a trail of injustice due to poor judges, out-dated court procedures and corrupt agencies. Many fathers rightly cry foul and highlight the shared parenting concept that is constantly under attack by the blight of many in the feminist movement who consider fathers secondary to the mothering principle and inherently untrustworthy. At the same time, the shared parenting concept as well as parental alienation is of little value if one of those parents – male or female – is a closet molester or covert narcissist. The systems are not only ill-equipped to deal with the subtleties and nuances of lengthy custody battles and child abuse cases but bureaucratic delays mean that judges are often forced to speed up the process rather than let the case proceed in a measured way. In the words of one Colorado attorney: “If we ever sat down to design the worst possible system that protects the smallest number of children, it would look a lot like the family courts look today.” [6] However, there is much more to this than just a back-log of paper work. Fathers, mothers and children’s misery is being used as a means to make a lot of money. Breaking up families was never more lucractive.

In Kristen Lombardi’s award-winning article “Custodians of Abuse” she researched the background behind family court custody battles, interviewing almost 25 experts in custody litigation. Lombardi offered some enlightening reasons as to why these courts are failing children and parents, contributing to a further layer of what amounts to long-term, state-sponsored emotional abuse. [7] She found that family courts: “… do not rely on criminal investigators to examine child-abuse claims, but family advocates called guardians Ad Litem (GALs), whose charge is to investigate allegations of abuse, abandonment, and neglect and to represent the best interests of the children in disputed custody cases. More often than not, they are licensed psychologists or social workers. Sometimes, they are attorneys.” [8]

Ad items they have their own individual areas of expertise which do not however, qualify them to act as evaluators of the highly sensitive problem of child abuse. With the spread of Kinseyian sexology and psychoanalysis as the platform for most evaluations, the interviews, assessments and judgments are routinely carried out without the necessary qualifications. What is more, cultural bias is frequently operating where the gender of the alleged victim – parent and/or child – is crucial to the final judgement.

public domain-girl-railroadtracks-walking-1Family courts are now a law unto themselves. Judges can operate as mini-dictators where their opinions, beliefs, and gender bias (towards male or female) take precedent over the evidence. This has shown to be true in case after case, including “judges…hold [ing] hearings in which important rulings are made with only one party present (called ex parte hearings); such hearings violate basic constitutional rights of due process.” [9]  The courts do not have juries nor a mandated legal representation, so that the law for the rich imposes another law for the poor, reinforced by the inner circle of Establishment opinion that is intentionally set up to serve itself.

The American Judges Association confirmed findings from its 1996 report:  “Domestic Violence and the Courtroom,” which showed that “wife batterers and child molesters convince family-court officials that their ex-wives are ‘unfit’ or ‘undeserving’ of sole custody in roughly 70 percent of contested custody battles.” [10] What is seldom mentioned is the fact that when there was a fight over the children, “…fathers won primary or joint custody more than 70 percent of the time — whether or not there was a history of spousal or child abuse…” [11]

However, the data is sparse indeed on the presence of pathological narcissism and Munchausen By Proxy which is very much the province of the female. We can see how variable the data really is from country to country – even state to state. Statistics change for domestic violence as opposed to straight divorce cases.

Another study by respected social scientist Murray A. Straus, appears to show that “Family conflict studies, without exception, show about equal rates of assault by men and women.” (Keep in mind that there is considerable discrepancy as to what constitutes “violence.”) Straus mentions that though women score highly on physical violence: “Crime studies, without exception, show much higher rates of assault by men, often 90 percent by men.”[12] This may account for the quote that “every 15 seconds a woman is battered by their [intimate] partner in the United States.”[13] The latter conclusion needs to be kept in mind that the crime of assault against women is overwhelmingly the province of the male.

Conversely, the extent of husband battery is thought to be hugely underestimated. Men do not usually report their violent wives to police; similarly, children do not report their violent mothers to police. Meantime, women are far more likely to report men to relevant authorities. Straus believes that: “…neither side can give up their position because it would be tantamount to giving up deeply held moral commitments and professional roles. I conclude that society needs both perspectives. Neither side should give up their perspective. Rather they should recognize the circumstances to which each applies.”[14]

Easy to say but how to apply?


The Predator’s System

A “medicalisation” of the law can also be personified in the form of “interactional assessment” which uses intense observation by experts who are trained to look for signs of abuse. While working well in a classroom for a variety of different criteria, it is still an entirely unproven method of evaluation. Despite this, it is still widely used in the courts.

Advocates of this method believe: “validation of the abuse does not depend on the verbal disclosure of the child, confession of the perpetrator, or the conviction of the other parent that abuse has occurred. It depends on gathering and sifting through information from multiple sources.” [15] This represents a massive oversimplification and assumption regarding assessments of this kind. There is no evidence either way that behaviour cues can be used to determine whether abuse happened. Subtle signs of anxiety can be attributed to a host of different reasons, not least being present at the interview itself and most certainly being present in a courtroom.

The existence of such psychiatric and legalistic onslaughts has caused countless children to become easy targets for further manipulations leading to another layer of emotional trauma. Why would the child molester – male or female – worry about going to court when s/he has so much confusion circulating? In his domain, he is the master actor and manipulator, leading a double life and relying on the trauma-induced child he abused to complete the proceedings. After all, if he can be in the same courtroom as the victim – all the better. He can intimidate the child further and induce yet more trauma, causing the testimony to be less than believable. This is the psychological legacy of the last 50 years – which children are simply fabricating, that they should indeed be “seen but not heard.”

One specific book singing the praises of interactional assessment illustrates techniques including anatomical dolls and drawings to use as useful tools with no data or evidence to suggest that these techniques are even helpful. There are several drawings which the authors interpret as “signs,” of abuse such as missing ears, the absence of feet, and phallic shapes. References are sparse. Case histories can be interpreted a multitude of ways serving as a perfect example of how easily evaluations, with no proven record of efficacy, can lead to catastrophe despite the best of intentions. Meanwhile, the abuser – along with his lawyer – is laughing all the way to the bank. With naive theories and Faustian bargains made by lawyers who routinely pimp their principles for whoever pays the most, the attorney client privilege takes up the slack and banishes any other compelling evidence that may be offered.

At the same time, psychotherapy as a once useful tool in the hands of responsible professionals is under attack from the US government. A colleague of psychiatrist Corey Hammond and co-author of Memory, Trauma Treatment and the Law, Professor Alan Scheflin of Santa Clara University Law School is an expert on clinical and experimental research on hypnosis, memory and trauma treatment and their applications to the law system. In a recent interview he talked about the changing climate of psychotherapy and trauma assessment, where therapists are clearly being used in ways that undermine children’s’ best interests.  Third party liability suits brought against therapists and the invasion of privacy and the autonomy of the therapist-patient relationship are some of the changes imposed by business and government.

Scheflin explains:

A scheme in which physicians exercise principal control over decisions about the use of facilities, choice of treatment and determining what information should be disseminated to patients, has given way to a system in which competition and cost containment have become dividing forces, driving forces. Insurers and other large business entities exert great impact over treatment choices and hospitalization as well as selection of providers. […]

Unfortunately other professions and the uninformed have now stepped in to determine the standard of care. The standard of care being a legal standard is informed by good medical practice, but by being a legal standard, it can be manipulated by lawyers and propagandists and other people, and that is what has happened.

Therefore it is necessary for the mental health profession to wrest back control of the standard of care from the avaricious lawyers that are in the process of changing it. [16]

Psychotherapy is either co-opted or the therapists themselves are seduced by payments and propaganda. The law was never about who is innocent or guilty but the profits that can be extracted from the bloody battles that follow. On many occasions the “discourse of disbelief” and from psychologists with poorly applied evaluation techniques or False Memory Syndrome advocates of psychiatry are enough to allow children to go home with their abuser. The following case study illustrates this point.

Picture a wealthy businessman, accused by his wife of committing sexual abuse against his four year old daughter. These become the grounds for a lengthy custody battle. Psychological evaluations of the man’s relationship towards his daughter show: “…a very happy, spontaneous and positive relationship.” A history of sexual abuse is known by the psychologist but dismissed as irrelevant in court due to the man’s obvious disposition; his charm, amiability and more importantly – his status.


Power buys influence – truth is secondary | © infrakshun

While the court case is proceeding, the polygrapher with an excellent record enters the picture and is requested by the attorney defending the man, convinced as he is that his client is innocent. This highly professional and experienced polygrapher describes the details of the accuser’s confessions during the test:

She grabs his penis while he washes her in the shower and he has explained to her what a man does with it. When questioned further about how often this happens, he said about three or four times a week. When asked to give a high figure regarding the number of times that Julie has touched his penis he said about twenty times… […] He also acknowledges erections and masturbations in the showers while Julie is in the shower with him….Her father stated that he sleeps nude and stated that Julie likes to cuddle. He stated he likes to run her foot up and down his penis until he gets an erection and sometimes ‘things happen.’ […] He stated that she ‘loves’ to orgasm. ‘I’ll get her a vibrator. She’ll hold the handle against her peepee and giggle until she climaxes.’ [17]

Remember, this is a four year old girl.

The report by the polygrapher continues to relay the man’s inability to contain his excitement to the extent that he finally admits to severe child abuse. In fact, he can’t stop relating his exploits, confirming the pattern of the psychopath’s need for self-aggrandizement through communicating his “successes.” He knows his money and influence will protect him and that his self-assurance regarding the mechanisms of the law will allow him to get away with such audacious confessions such as the following: “She has licked and sucked his penis no more than five times, has given him two full ‘blow jobs.’ He has ‘69ed’ her. He has licked her vagina and has performed oral sex on her not more than ten times.” [18]

The polygrapher faxes the report to the attorney acting for the father but to no avail. The attorney-client privilege is enacted and the report suppressed.  The “audacity” is actually an utter self-confidence in the duplicity of the system. The custody battle ends in the man’s favour and an admitted child molester is recommended for full custody.

How could such a travesty take place?

The man was a wealthy businessman who used the exact same skills of manipulation and ruthlessness which allowed him to gain a substantial footing in the commercial world. A personification of our economic and corporate model. This afforded him the best attorney in town, supplanting the mother’s meagre attempts to find a similar worthy opponent to defend her child’s interests. Coupled with biased psychological evaluations and the ignorance of the nature of the psychopath, the child never had a chance. The spellbinding techniques of the man were so effective that the whole courtroom was captured in his thrall. This man could never have abused the child! The attorney reminded the judge and jury that there was a man of standing and impeccable character before them, and psychiatrists provided the pseudo-psychology for him to get away with it.

Now reverse the scenario with a feminine vampire/narcissist using the cultural advantage and female pity-me ploy which also works wonders with a jury. Both occur and the courts facilitate these manipulations. The possibilities for pathological narcissists, child rapists and paedophiles from each gender to pull the wool over the eyes of those with conscience has never been easier in a legal system that is loaded towards the desires of the psychopath.

The late psychiatrist Ralph Underwager was likely the leading US scholar on child sexual abuse in the 1980s and 1990’s. He wrote extensively about the over protection issue and anti-sexuality climate in the States. The essence of Underwager’s argument was however undermined by his actions. He represented an expensive resource for often high-level predators seeking to buy their way out of abuse, though courts have rejected his testimony on more than one occasion. This has been on the basis of the doctor’s unsubstantiated and clinically unproven sources and methods (such as learned memory) that serve to underline his belief that “90 percent of accusations against child molesters are wrong.”

While Underwager’s writings do have much validity in addressing the anti-sexuality present in Christian America, his defence of paedophiles undoubtedly acted against children. As discussed, there are plenty of psychiatrists and psychologists present who continue to blur the lines. Jim Peters, a senior attorney for the National Centre for the Prosecution of Child Abuse who investigated Underwager in the late 1980s believes that such psychiatrists present themselves as scientific observers, when more often than they are advocates for abuse inside and outside the courtroom. [19]

In 2005, an appellate level court in New York was the first to recognize the debate within the mental health community over whether “it is ethically proper” to give opinions on the best interests of the child when there is no empirical base to support them.” So said Matrimonial attorney and Albany Law School professor, Timothy Tippins. The article continued:

 “Psychologists and psychiatrists are unable to scientifically measure and predict the effects of different factors on the future well-being of a child. There is no way to ethically study, for example, the effect it would have on a child to place him in a home with schizophrenic parents. Therefore, after a mental health expert offers opinions regarding the effects of, for instance, depression or spousal abuse, the judge should be the one to opine as to the child’s best interest.” [20]

Psychopaths can attune to everyone’s ideal hero. The pervasive adulation which is afforded to the charismatic spellbinder in our societies allows the predator to slip between our shadows unnoticed. Children disappear in plain sight in exactly this way. There, behind closed doors they are abused and scarred for life with the blessing of family courts.



[1] ‘Doctors ‘fear child abuse cases’ BBC News, 5 January 2006.
[2] National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) – males actually commit suicide four times as often as females do, and have higher suicide rates in every age group, yet the statistics suggest that losing a job and divorce are the most frequent cause.
[3] Quoted from ‘Distraught Father’s Courthouse Suicide Highlights America’s Male Suicide Epidemic.’ By Glenn Sacks, San Diego Union-Tribune, 11 January, 2002.
[4] Children First Dept. Of Social Security, UK Government, 1998.
[5] Public Eye.Website of Political Research Associates, June 1989.
[6] ‘Deadbeat parents, system fail children’ Lansing State Journal, Michigan, April 13, 2003.
[7] ‘Custodians of Abuse’ by Kristen Lombardi’s The Boston Phoenix, Jan.9-16, 2003. This is required reading for anyone wishing to gain an insight into the nature of abuse, in this case from women’s perspective in the courts.
[8]  Ibid.
[9]  Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] ‘The Controversy Over Domestic Violence by Women: A Methodological Theoretical and Sociology of Science Analysis’ by Murray A. Straus. Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 1998.
[13] United Nations State of the World Report, 2000.
[14] op. cit. Straus.
[15] Children Speak for Themselves: Using the Kempe Interactional Assessment to Evaluate Allegations of Parent-Child Sexual Abuse by Clare Haynes-Seman and David Baumgarten Published by Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1994 (pp. 33-34) ISBN: 0876307454.
[16] From the Presentation entitled: Risk Management in Dissociative Disorder and Trauma Therapy by Professor Alan Scheflin given at the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) and International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) conferences at a joint session in Montreal on November 9, 1997.
[17] op. cit. Salter (p. 18-19)
[18] Ibid.
[19] ‘Witness for Mr. Bubbles’ Transcribed from “Australia 60 Minutes,” Channel Nine Network (Aired on August 5, 1990 in Australia) produced by Anthony McClellan; Reported by Mike Munro.
[20] ‘Custody Ruling Addresses Reliance on Expert Opinions’ By Mark Fass, New York Law Journal, 2005.

The Sex Establishment III: The Kinsey Legacy

“The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform.”

– Alfred C. Kinsey

As the US government gives Viagra to paedophiles and Europe offers Prozac to children, we could be forgiven for thinking that the world is indulging some very dark humour. Bizarre contradictions and paramoralistic laws are in place to facilitate such oddities. [1] Meantime, utter confusion of identity and sexual orientation is being normalised with the fostering of sexual expression that is nothing short of perverse; where pain, suffering and degradation are just “normal” indicators of a “liberal” society finding itself at last. Something is being found all right, but it doesn’t seem to be along the path to a more creative society.

Psychiatry that twists the nature of paedophilia and child molestation to pander for narcissistic desires seems to have partially taken root from the research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey. He and his co-researchers shaped our perceptions of sex and sexual habits and eventually inaugurated the “sexual revolution” and the age of “free love.” Under ponerological influences however, this could never end well. The time was certainly ripe to explore Western sexuality but it seems, once again, this need for awareness and healthy exploration was hijacked.

This culminated in Kinsey’s highly influential book: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male published in 1948 where 200,000 copies of the book were sold within the first two months of its publication. It was followed by his 1953 companion volume Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, which was seen as pioneering by most in the scientific Establishment, proof of which was sealed when Kinsey appeared on the cover of Establishment mouth-piece Time magazine in the same year.

To some he is one of the great minds in the science of sexuality. To others, he is merely one of many sexual psychopaths given the task of ensuring that our sexuality remains irrevocably distorted.


Alfred Kinsey on the cover of Establishment rag ‘TIME’ in 1953

The UK’s Channel Four television programme Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles, first broadcast in October 1998, revealed some interesting facts about Kinsey’s research where the so called “normal sexuality” of test subjects was displaced in favour of an inordinately high number of persons imprisoned for criminal sexual deviancy. Interviews took place with prostitutes, child molesters, rapists and an assortment of petty criminals and the collected information entered into a database as normal examples of the population. There were suspiciously high levels of homosexuality and bestiality. Under the new spirit of “scientific” sexual emancipation however, this wasn’t deemed so…sexy.  Moreover, his research department staffed by young males and females were expected to reveal their sexual histories and participate in explicit sex movies that were shot in Kinsey’s attic … All for research purposes, of course. In summary, the scientific methodology of data collection, statistical analysis and the results that followed were all deeply flawed. [2]

What was perhaps most controversial were the methods by which Alfred Kinsey obtained child orgasms. He stated confidently: “We have now reported observation on such specifically sexual activities as erection, pelvic thrusts, and several other characteristics of true orgasm in a list of 317 pre-adolescent boys ranging between infants of five months and adolescence in age.”

Come again? Did anyone at all consider this a red flag? Apparently not.

table34Table 34 from ‘Sexual Behavior in the Human Male’

This included the use of stop watches and “stimulation” of children’s genitals in order to time the duration of response leading to orgasm. His claims that infants “measured in the nursery with special instruments, were found to experience orgasms at the age of four or five months” and that “[o]ne preadolescent child had 26 orgasms in 24 hours,” apparently never caused researchers concern as to how he gathered this data. Indeed, Kinsey’s obsessions with infant and child reactions to stimulation was due to his own paedophilic tendencies.John Bancroft, M.D., emeritus director of the Kinsey Institute, confirmed this preoccupation as the driving forc behind his research in his paper, “Alfred Kinsey and the Politics of Sex Research” by stating that Kinsey was “particularly interested in the observation of adults who had been sexually involved with children.” [3]

What is even more worrying about the experiments, and certainly Kinsey’s own ability to interpret basic human distress is the descriptions he gives associated with infants and children during and after orgasm: “sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears (especially among younger children) … extreme trembling, collapse, loss of color, and sometimes fainting …,” “pained or frightened” expression, and “violent attempts to avoid climax …” [4] Testament to Kinsey psychopathology or ambition (or both) despite these reactions, he concluded that children, “derive definite pleasure from the situation.”

One wonders whose perception of “pleasure” he was really talking about.

According to arch Kinsey critic Judith A. Reisman’s research: “… anywhere from 317 boy infants and 2,035 total children” were subjected to the sex experiments for the Kinsey data in Chapter 5 of the Male and Female volumes of his reports. Kinsey’s methodology could be seen as obvious forms of abuse yet this did not seem to worry academics at the Indiana University of his day, nor those who are happy to highlight what might be labelled Reisman’s religious even conservative beliefs, but do not have answers for the questions she raises. The very nature of his research that focused on detailed charts of orgasmic toddlers and infants must lead us to re-evaluate the motives of such research.

It is now common knowledge that Kinsey’s sources for this data came from none other than: “… habitual paedophiles whom Kinsey encouraged to keep careful records of their ‘contacts’ with children, even suggesting that they time the ‘orgasms’ which these children supposedly experienced. One such Kinsey correspondent was a man who claimed to have molested hundreds of children, while another was … a Nazi storm trooper who sexually exploited children in occupied Poland and was eventually accused of murdering a 10-year-old girl in post-war Germany.” [5]

To say that there there were gargantuan flies in the ointment of scientfic rigour would be an enormous understatement.

What were the real reasons that lay behind Kinsey’s sponsored obsessions and why was his own paedophilia, and sadomasochistic preferences overlooked so comprehensively?  Even before the more bizarre aspects of Kinsey’s methodology came to light, the source of his funding provides a clue.

kinseyThe original patron of the Kinsey research in 1938 was the publicly funded Indiana University. In this case, it was the National Research Council and the Rockefeller Foundation who have had a long pedigree in social engineering under the cover of philanthropy as well as Nazi business dealings and psychological experimentation via none other than Joseph Mengele (an individual we will explore further in later posts).  The Rockefeller patriarchs also pioneered the support of eugenics in Germany and America and the belief in depopulation as an answer to poverty and “bad breeding.” Marketed as a philanthropic family with its many charitable and educational organisations, its history tells a somewhat different story.  [6]  Reisman states: “…The Rockefeller Foundation’s knowledge of the research flaws [in Kinsey’s data] is certain; however, they continued to fund its use in the Model Penal Code anyway.” [7]

They did so because their objective wasn’t to improve society’s sexual habits but to impose their own agenda.

She continues:

The continuously repeated misrepresentation by Rockefeller and Indiana University that Kinsey had a “well-developed methodology” is refuted by the 1950 report from Warren Weaver, then director of the Natural Science Division of the Rockefeller Foundation.  He documented for the Foundation what would have been an insurmountable fact for honorable men: that Kinsey’s data were totally invalid statistically. However, this stubborn scientific fact did not stop the official actions of the Rockefeller Foundation. By 1950, Rockefeller was funding the American Law Institute with the mission to re-craft “fixed” American law including the state laws regarding sex offenders based upon Kinsey’s invalid research. [Emphasis mine]

Without the support of the Rockefeller foundation it is unlikely that Kinsey’s work would have been allowed to come to fruition. What is important to keep in mind is that Rockefeller and Kinsey were on the same perceptual page, a belief that went far beyond the idea of liberating humanity from sexual repression but actively encouraging sexual mores that would inevitably swing to its polar opposite. To understand this better one needs to get inside the beliefs of the Rockefellers and others of their ilk, something we’ll come back to later on in this series.

Although Judith Reisman certainly has her own religious belief, she is more than qualified both academically and from her own experiences of abuse (her daughter was abused at 13) to offer compelling evidence that Kinsey was not what he seemed. She illustrates the depth of Kinsey’s subterfuge and the historical forces behind his placement via an extensive and meticulous research into what has been called the “Kinsey model” which is now used in many institutions and law courts all over America, often by proponents and advocates of Kinsey’s findings. Mix in narcissism, misguided feminism, reflexive political correctness, erroneous psychiatric evaluation atop endemic corruption and it is difficult to see how progress can be made under the current social engineering that makes up our current system of laws.

Reisman summarized the Kinsey Model in the following list from which the Kinsey team suggested to Americans that if they follow their conclusions derived from the analysis of human sexual conduct, American society would benefit in innumerable ways.  Kinsey’s “findings” included the following, suitably buttressed by the traditions of Freudian psychoanalysis to help them along:

  • All orgasms are ‘outlets’ and equal between husband and wife, boy and dog, man and boy, girl, or baby – for there is no abnormality and no normality.
  • As the aim of coitus is orgasm, the more orgasms from any ‘outlet,’ at the earliest age – the healthier the person.
  • Early masturbation is critical for sexual, physical and emotional health.  It can never be excessive or pathological.
  • Sexual taboos and sex laws are routinely broken, thus all such taboos and sex laws should be eliminated, including that of rape and child rape, unless serious ‘force’ is used and serious harm is proven.
  • Since sex is, can, and should be commonly shared with anyone and anything, jealousy is passé.
  • All sexual experimentation before marriage will increase the likelihood of a successful long-term marriage and venereal disease and other socio-sexual maladies will be reduced dramatically.
  • Human beings are naturally bisexuals Religious bigotry and prejudice forces people into chastity, heterosexuality and monogamy.
  • Children are sexual and potentially orgasmic from birth (‘womb to tomb’); are unharmed by incest, adult/child sex, and often benefit thereby.
  • There is no medical or other reason for adult-child sex or incest to be forbidden.
  • All forms of sodomy are natural and healthy.
  • Homosexuals represent ten to thirty-seven percent of the population or more. (Kinsey’s findings were always very fluid on this point.) Some educators have interpreted his findings by saying that only four to six percent of the population are exclusively heterosexual so the ‘heterosexual’ bias in the US should be eliminated. [8]

Reisman provides evidence that these “findings” and the 1948 Kinsey model as a whole, were swiftly incorporated into the educational establishment, including the health and social services, the military and most commonly from a Kinseyian “variant” sex model that draws heavily on the above. It is not difficult to see how these models have contributed to the effects we now see in our societies.

The net psychological fallout from this was not merely the hope of releasing sexual hang ups and “blockages” that might be interfering with one’s sexual identity or the ability to lead fulfilling lives. No one would say that this could not be viewed as positive. But what the Kinsey report actually served to do was to create a climate that was sourced not only from faulty data but to inculcate a preference for the pathological.


Alfred C. Kinsey

Inhibition and experimentation with a loving partner was one thing, but if you didn’t feel like indulging in sado-masochism, husband/wife-swapping, pederasty, fetishism, gay sex and orgies then of course there was clearly something wrong with your newly liberated self. After all, half of America was at it, shouldn’t you be too? The man and woman in a loving heterosexual relationship were wondering whether such normality was actually pedestrian.

Perhaps the standard sexual expression of the male-female and loving intimacy was passé?

Following the publishing of the Kinsey reports came in a veritable flood of old and new literature to imbibe the sexual revolution with suitable largesse – or guilty perversity, depending on your focus. As we have seen, the psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley goes into a lengthy discussion in Caricature of Love on the nature of the intelligentsia’s art –  including literature – which had a profound effect on the sexual consciousness of pre and post-war America and Europe. He included examples from Baudelaire, Huysmans, Strindberg, Whitman, Wilde, Swinburne, de Sade, Swift, Gide, and others, finding a remarkable common theme of antipathy towards women at best, and downright loathing and derision at worst. In fact, all authors exhibited pathologies of the perverse and delighted in an overt or passive aggressive narrative toward the feminine, the advocacy of sexual deviancy in general and the denigrating of normal sexual relations between a man and a woman.  (We might say that “normal” here, is where an affectionate and/or loving relationship exists with some form of commitment to each other. Mechanical sex as an end in itself is not the primary motivator).

Again, this is not about prudish aversion to different forms of sexual expression but the intent behind the sexual revolution that was set in motion.

Cleckley cited a number of books that took hold of the public’s newly acquired curiosities immediately after the bombshell of Kinsey’s findings. One of these books he listed was The Ethics of Sexual Acts (1934) by Kinsey’s friend author and occultist Rene Guyon and very pertinent to the mind-set under discussion. In the introduction to the book a doctor breathlessly presents the man as a sex philosopher and an expert in matters of passion, eroticism and sexual freedom serving as a welcome antidote to the anti-sexual puritanism. For this gentleman, the “science” of the Kinsey reports confirmed the doctor’s view that Guyon was a sexual visionary of the highest order.

For instance, he writes:

“… it is amazing how frequently Kinsey’s cold objective figures bear witness to the truth of Guyon’s assertions and tend to support his ideas, which at times may seem extreme.”

The same physician informs us:

“…that Neither Guyon nor Kinsey can find justification for the terms “normality” or “abnormality” in the sexual life of man.”

He also warns us:

Both Guyon’s and Kinsey’s books are high explosives. They are likely to blow sky-high many of our most sacred notions. What arguments can the anti-sexualists and professional moral-izers—forever on the warpath against men like Guyon—advance against Kinsey’s figures and charts? …

Faced by Guyon’s disconcerting candor (and also by Kinsey’s unimpeachable figures) even the liberal-minded scientist, believing himself quite free of prejudices, may suddenly discover that he too has retained childhood inhibitions and that his reasoning is impaired by some deeply embedded, ecclesiastical taboos and subconscious repressions. [9]

Rene GUYONCleckly reminds us that this individual was clearly elated with the antidote to all that repression that he believed Guyon and Kinsey were offering, as whole generations were. In part, of course, this was true. In the introduction refers to Kinsey as standing: “… closely behind Guyon, ready to back up this early crusader with science,” which is false. What this really meant was an exclusively mechanistic, Darwinian and Freudian theory of sexuality, heavily influenced by sex magick and paedophilia.

What the Kinsey report sowed in the mass consciousness and sexual identity was more than just the permission to indulge in sexual acts that could become as extreme as one liked. It was more than seeing the instincts as caged tigers to be let loose in pretty much in any way that men and women felt inclined, to be exacted on anyone who fitted the bill of one’s sexual desires, it was the imposition of a perception of sexuality as a mechanistic function devoid of higher possibilities and thus an open door to pathology. Now, the only limits on the proffered banquet of sexual acts is the landscape of our imagination overflowing with instinctual hunger and valueless desire but isolated from any hope of true intimacy.

Cleckley continues:

“By this theory the author repeatedly ‘proves’ that any and all means by which ejaculation can be attained are equally ‘natural’ ‘A sexual object,’ he announces, ‘is not essential or indispensable for the full satisfaction of the sexual sense. For this purpose, any one mechanical process may be as good as any other, whether this process involves the use of an object or not.’ […]

This being so, if the anal, oral and sexual mucous membranes are all equally suited to play their part in the mechanical process, they are all of equal value, and it is no more necessary to delimit these specific zones than to compare their relative efficacy …

In reality, all this amounts to nothing more than that the anal and oral zones behave like the genital zone …This behavior derives its value from the fact that the cavities in question have all more or less the same form; but we know very well that in onanism the prehensile members [hands] show themselves quite capable of creating an artificial cavity which serves the same mechanical purpose.” [10]

Cleckley highlights the theme of this “mechanistic theory of sexuality,” revealing that just as Kinsey believes “The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform” so Guyon attempts to prove the same, where exhibitionism, incest, paedophilia, pederasty, necrophilia, and coprophilia “are healthy and equally satisfactory expressions of biologic impulse, entirely normal and commendable.” [11] 

If the object of desire is a sentient being with consciousness rather than just a screw in a machine; (no pun intended) – a set of orifices that must be penetrated – then there is always a chance for the connection to responsibility, values, ethics, empathy, and the deeper potential of love to come into play. But this is not the case. In normalising the pathology listed above it places the mechanical, chemical dominator of instinct squarely in the human consciousness as the destroyer of principles and limits. Narcissistic sex for sex’s sake is to be not only natural, but hip and cool; the forerunner of “free love” and a free society. Is that really what the new flares of psychedelic and sexual freedom were about? Was it free love – or just a free for all? Healing our sexual selves by releasing repression in the Freudian tradition seems to have spilled over into something entirely different.

Guyon, after encouraging the enlisting of prostitutes to pad out the numbers for a good old fashioned orgies states: “It goes without saying also that its justifiability is never called into question by those who have rebelled against repression and have deliberately rejected it from their system of sexual ethics.” In other words, the system sexual ethics actually involves the absence of any ethics at all. Anything goes and you need not be concerned about consequences or the deeper substratum of the human being. Which goes surprisingly close to the idea of “Do what thou wilt,” the maxim of which forms the lynchpin of a particular Satanic occult practice we will look at presently.


The Freudian, Kinsey-Guyon view of sexuality

tumblr_nhrpkdBfkR1sfie3io1_1280(public domain: New Old Stock)

Those who see such free-spirited emancipation as something other than freedom of the body and mind are accused of prejudice, anti-sexuality and retrogression. While the prudish and puritanical are also part of the problem, the issue here is of psycho-subversion by pathological constructs paraded as sexual emancipation. Or, as Cleckley explains, Guyon sees: “…The psychology of these extraordinary acts [which] can be explained as a simple manifestation of preference, and cannot be looked upon as “morbid,” since it has a perfectly natural source…” where: “… all methods are equally normal.”

Now place this worldview in the context of how one views women as literal objects to penetrate and domesticate and man as nothing more than alpha-pistons re-fuelling their engines of desire to conquer and consume. What this perception increases is the idea of a world of consumption, without sexual limits, sex for its own sake and the erosion of values that surround the hope of loving, more cohesive and strengthened relations. Moral distinctions and thus values between communities and society play no part where sensation and the orgasm is the defining factor of liberation. It is a road map for a psychopath’s view of sex, as Cleckley reiterates:

Every mechanical means of producing sexual pleasure is normal and legitimate; there is no room for moral distinctions between the various available methods; all are equally justifiable and equally suited to their particular ends…The personal characteristics of the sexual partner have nothing to do with the physiological manifestations of sexual pleasure itself; the importance attributed to these characteristics is a matter of convention…. […] …the ‘sexual pervert’ has no real existence, nor any proper place in the nomenclature of disease . . . these are not pathological cases; they are, on the contrary, people who have remained in much closer touch with nature, truth and health than those who, willing or otherwise, have succumbed to repression. [12]

These books and others like them, set out to explore sexuality not always in favour of true freedom but to redefine sexual taste and change the normal person’s incentive which is naturally lacking towards what can be safely defined as pathology. Such strains of literary psychopathy infiltrating and warping cultural mores is defined by Łobaczewski as both essential psychopathy and in the case of some of the more literary classics: “asthenic psychopathy”: “This type of person finds it easier to adjust to social life. The lesser cases in particular adapt to the demands of the society of normal people, taking advantage of its understanding for the arts and other areas with similar traditions. Their literary creativity is often disturbing if conceived in ideational categories alone; they insinuate to their readers that their world of concepts and experiences is self- evident; also it contains characteristic deformities.” [13]

Thus, as part of a larger method of social engineering by psychopathological influences, this helps to contour such “tastes” towards their singular preferences – starting in childhood.

We are now in the early part of the 21st century, where we will be able to gauge how successful this direction has been.



[1] ‘US government gives free Viagra to paedophiles’ Times Online, By James Bone, May 23, 2005.
[2] Methods, Sex and Madness by Julia O’Connell Davidson and Derek Layder. Published by Routledge 1994, this edition 2001. ISBN 0415-09764-9.  See Chapter 4 The Survey Method p.83.
[3] Bancroft, J. (2004). Alfred C. Kinsey and the Politics of Sex Research. Annual Review of Sex Research, 15, 1-39.
[4]Kinsey, A. (1998). Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
[5] ‘Kinsey’s Crimes Against Children’ By Robert Stacy McCain, Washington Post, May 1999.
[6] For further reading on the Rockfeller dynasty’s relationship to Nazi eugenics and research in psychology read: ‘Rockefeller, Nazis, The UN, & Genocide’ by Anton Chaitkin and Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust by Edwin Black. Published by Dialog Press; First Edition edition, 2009. ISBN-10: 0914153099 / War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black Published by Dialog Press, 2008. ISBN-10: 0914153056.
[7] p. 201; Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences: The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme Third Edition, Judith A. Reisman, Published by IInst. Media Education, 2003 | ISBN-10: 0966662415
[8] Ibid. Reisman (pp. 170-171)
[9] op. cit. Cleckley (pp.182-183)
[10] Ibid. (pp.183-184)
[11] Ibid. (p.184)
[12] Ibid. (p.187)
[13] op. cit. Lobaczewski, (p.94 )

The Psychopath: A Different Species? IV

“The ultimate cause of evil lies in the interaction of two human factors: 1) normal human ignorance and weakness and 2) the existence and action of a statistically small (4-8% of the general population) but extremely active group of psychologically deviant individuals. The ignorance of the existence of such psychological differences is the first criterion of ponerogenesis. That is, such ignorance creates an opening whereby such individuals can act undetected.”


To reiterate: the main qualities that distinguish the psychopath from normal persons include the absence of a sense of guilt for antisocial actions; an inability to love authentically; a tendency to be verbose and talkative in a way that is inevitably subjective and self-referencing. Manipulative, insincere, confident, egocentric, cynical, quick to anger, dominating, sensation-seeking, vindictive, and aggressive and above all, wholly lacking any indications of empathy or fear. These are some of the common and wide ranging personality characteristics which conform to the conscienceless individual. Their sole preoccupation is to deceive with the accompanying charisma and magnetic charm that disable all but those who are not armed and ready with the requisite knowledge.

Yet, Those of conscience routinely underestimate the primal depths to which psychopathic individuals may plum.

Łobaczewski states:

… our social, psychological, and moral concepts, as well as our natural forms of reaction, are not adequate for every situation with which life confronts us. We generally wind up hurting someone if we act according to our natural concepts and reactive archetypes in situations which seem to be appropriate to our imaginings, although they are in fact essentially different.  As a rule, such different situations allowing para-appropriate reactions occur because some pathological factor difficult to understand has entered the picture. Thus, the practical value of our natural world view generally ends where psychopathology begins.

Familiarity with this common weakness of human nature and the normal person’s “naïveté” is part of the specific knowledge we find in many psychopathic individuals, as well some characteropaths. [1] [Emphasis mine]

The complexity of ponerology is deep, with variation upon variation creating rich hybrids of pathology that science has yet to just fully recognize, not least to counter. Their expert manipulations and “masks of sanity” are always one step ahead, whether at the heart of the family or the higher echelons of shadow executive governments. What is also problematic are the effects resulting from exposure to a psychopath or psychopathic grouping. “If someone has personally experienced such a nightmarish reality,” says Dr. Łobaczewski, “he considers people who have not progressed in understanding it within the same time frame to be simply presumptuous, sometimes even malicious.” “This experience,” he continues, “[is] unceremoniously rejected by … [people and] becomes a psychological burden for him, forcing him to live within a narrow circle of persons whose experiences have been similar.” When one has interacted with a psychopath and been lucky enough to escape it usually means you are changed for life. [2]

Once again, it bears repeating: the raw truth regarding psychopaths and their unqualified success stems from their absence of conscience. Their total inability to understand and experience empathy and higher emotional feeling, rather than an impediment, fuels their innate desire to consume, extract and deceive. The depths to which essential psychopaths will go to achieve this end is another reason why they can be so successful in corporations and the police or military where high levels of endurance and authoritarianism are required. It also explains why the results of their actions have such catastrophic effects: they will never give up on their selected objective … unless they meet another psychopath with a bigger pedigree.

If we understand that no treatment has ever been effective in curing the psychopath we may then begin to comprehend the pathological results of our society as listed above.

Quoting Łobaczewski :

Approximately 6 percent of the population constitute the active structure of the Pathocracy, which carries its own peculiar consciousness of its own goals. Twice as many people constitute a second group: those who have managed to warp their personalities to meet the demands of the new reality ….

This second group consists of individuals who are, on the average, weaker, more sickly, and less vital. The frequency of known mental diseases in this group is at twice the rate of the national average. We can thus assume that the genesis of their submissive attitude toward the regime, their greater susceptibility to pathological effects, and their skittish opportunism includes various relatively impalpable anomalies.…

The 6 percent group constitute the new nobility; the 12 percent group forms the new bourgeoisie, whose economic situation is the most advantageous. …Only 18 percent of the country’s population is thus in favor of the new system of government. [3]

Think again about the prevalence of schizoidal propaganda and how easily people project their own values and beliefs onto pathological material. Without sufficient discernment we can be bamboozled into believing the most outrageous lies. The average number of character disordered individuals may be as high as 20 percent of the population. That means that 80-90 percent of the population has the potential to awaken to the reality of macro-social manipulation. Factoring in recent discoveries of Severe Attachment Disorder, [4] autism and Asperger’s Syndrome which may also have in some cases psychopathic symptoms, the overall figure of psychological deviants may be higher. We may also add a quota of the global population who have had their innate creativity and emotional sensibilities eroded from mass education and post-modern culture of apathy and nihilism along with the speculative umbrella of HAARP and ionospheric experiments of mass mind control. From an equally bizarre contribution and unexpected source we can further include the incidence of potential psychopathy or related subset through the condition of toxoplasmosis. This involves the presence of brain parasites altering the personalities of up to half the world’s population, thus making them more susceptible to manipulation and control. This includes the inclusion of data on suicides, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. [5]

Many factors are undoubtedly at play.  That being so, any in-depth research on their effects are likely to bump up the percentage of pathologically compromised individuals to levels which exceed present estimates.

henry-kissingerHenry Kissinger – Sociopath?

tonyblair3Tony Blair – Pathological Narcissist?

Benjamin-Netanyahu_2641034kBenyamin Netanyahu – Essential Psychopath?

GTY_barack_obama_2_dm_130902_16x9_992Barack Obama – Schizoidal?

It is clear there is still much to learn regarding the true percentage of pathological deviations. It is also no coincidence that under any oppressive regime or form of covert/overt control “psychology is the first discipline to suffer from censorship and incursions on the part of an administrative body which starts claiming the last word as to what represents scientific truth.” [6] We saw this process only too well in downtown America where the Bush-Cheney administration was busy reordering and eliminating scientific thought that did not align with its own principles. This perception remains in place under Barack Obama and in some cases even expanded. Psychiatry with its history as a political tool against dissident oppression and its links to Big Pharma may be an exception to this rule. If it can be used as a way to give medical justification for imprisoning “terrorists” i.e. ordinary activists and citizens who disagree with the government – then it may form a crucial part of front line pathocratic rule.

The herd instinct is strong within humanity and is perhaps one of the most useful ways in which the Pathocracy and its cohorts shape the world towards its own ends. By subverting the networking principle of group consciousness to obliterate independent and creative thought, it becomes easy to erode the positive intuitions and instincts which could contain and isolate evil. Indeed, our lack of knowledge about its presence in politics means we work for it and sustain it, rather than calling it out. As Łobaczewski states: “Our zeal to control anyone harmful to ourselves or our group is so primal in its near-reflex necessity as to leave no doubt that it is also encoded at the instinctual level. Our instinct, however, does not differentiate between behavior motivated by simple human failure and behavior performed by individuals with pathological aberrations.” [7]

As we saw in our snapshots of Official Culture there are presently few opportunities for populations to cultivate the necessary discernment both in the psychological appreciation of their fellow man, the requisite internal observations and crucial environmental indicators. For instance, our ability to achieve silence and contemplation is negligible in the urban world. Our minds are seldom afforded the chance to step off the treadmill of sense-fixated production. Economic hardship is a result of an accumulation of wealth by the psychopathic few, or as cultural political scientist Michael Parenti explained:

We are told that wife-beating, child abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse, and other such pathologies know no class boundaries and are found at all income levels. This is true but misleading. The impression left is that these pathologies are randomly distributed across the social spectrum and are purely a matter of individual pathology. Actually, many of them are skewed heavily toward the low-income, the unemployed, and the dispossessed. As economic conditions worsen, so afflictions increase. Behind many of these statistics is the story of class, racial, sexual, and age oppressions that have long been among the legacies of our social order, oppressions that are seldom discussed in any depth by political leaders, news media, or educators. [8]

Our psychological survival and ability to live meaningful lives depends on our capacity to see these psychological differences in our local, daily life and adopt creative solutions to counter them. Yet, our culture is structured in a way that prevents any focus and attention toward the problems even while so many intuitively recognise and understand that: “in each society on earth contains a certain percentage of individuals, a relatively small but active minority, who cannot be considered normal.” The actions of this minority leave a disastrous psychic footprint upon the world. Our innate ability to retain subjectivity and to cling to comfortable reasons to deny this reality is reinforced by the very same ‘humanoids’.

Psychological ignorance is perhaps the greatest deficit within the field of human awareness, the knowledge of which remains the greatest threat to the minority of psychopaths’ intent on holding onto power. And like a rabbit in the headlights, we are habitually disabled when trying to operate on simplistic assumptions that all of us operate on similar humanistic principles, or as Łobaczewski mentions: when “… some unidentified psychopathological factor comes into play, the natural human world view ceases to be applicable.” [9] In other words, when human values are projected onto narcissists and psychopaths as a result of a standard barometer of a moral and ethical worldview, this is guaranteed to offer faulty judgments and reinforces the predator’s security. The original ideology or manifested group, business, or initiative – whatever it may be – can be imbued with the highest intentions though harbouring the pathogenic infection of its demise.

In Official Culture various domains such as agriculture, art, business and science had within them the initial seed of inclusive desire and group cooperation. Similarly, the peoples behind such ideas and those still adhering to the original principles may not be aware that the institution, government or agency has long been ponerised. After all, as  Łobaczewski observes: “The greater and truer the original ideology, the longer it may be capable of nourishing and disguising from human criticism that phenomenon which is the product of the specific degenerative process. In a great and valuable ideology, the danger for small minds is hidden; they can become the factors of such preliminary degeneration, which opens the door to invasion by pathological factors.” [10] 

It is probable that the Pathocrats (those members of a Pathocracy in key positions of power) believe they must maintain their control on the populace by either keeping us all in survival mode, embroiled in wars or drowning in sensation in order to ensure their genetic traits are perpetuated. To continue and extend their species they must incorporate fail-safe plans that reduce the populations of normal people and the ability of the affluent middle classes to sharpen their awareness and think “outside of the box”. Nonetheless, being a minority and therefore vulnerable, the Pathocrats’ dominance will inevitably weaken as normal people strive and obtain a more balanced playing field. For the psychopaths in all walks of life this would be a catastrophe. For those at the top of the military-corporate complex this is the worst case scenario because: “… the biological, psychological, moral, and economic destruction of the majority of normal people becomes, for the Pathocrats, a ‘biological’ necessity.” [11] This may give us some idea as to the source of eugenics and depopulation theories which have made an unwelcome resurgence of late. [12]

The massive PR machine is now tasked with keeping us locked into a media-led “social proof” and societal programming that keeps crime and abuse from being discovered. It has grown into an impenetrable barrier of fear where the herd instinct for self-preservation wins over any moral or humanitarian imperative.

As psychologist Professor Robert B. Cialdini points out:

To discover why canned laughter is so effective, we first need to understand the nature of yet another potent weapon of influence: the principle of social proof. This principle states that we determine what is correct by finding out what other people think is correct.

The principle applies especially to the way we decide what constitutes correct behavior. We view a behavior as correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.

Whether the question is what to do with an empty popcorn box in a movie theater, how fast to drive on a certain stretch of highway, or how to eat the chicken at a dinner party, the actions of those around us will be important guides in defining the answer.

The tendency to see an action as appropriate when others are doing it works quite well normally. As a rule, we will make fewer mistakes by acting in accord with social evidence than by acting contrary to it. Usually, when a lot of people are doing something, it is the right thing to do. This feature of the principle of social proof is simultaneously its major strength and its major weakness. Like the other weapons of influence, it provides a convenient shortcut for determining the way to behave but, at the same time, makes one who uses the shortcut vulnerable to the attacks of profiteers who lie in wait along its path. [13]

The Pathocrats profit from this self-organised instinct and the carefully selected path they have set before us as the only way – their way. A win-win situation develops as we become inured to the widening distances between what is and what is assumed. This social proof is applied to all areas of academic and media discussions and is a mighty barrier against obtaining true knowledge on the issues of social engineering and control. In the same way, while we decry the erosion of freedoms and the cloak of censorship, we are all self-censoring for the State. “Egotistic thought-terrorization is accomplished by the society itself and its processes of conversive thinking. This obviates the need for censorship of the press, theater, or broadcasting, as a pathologically hypersensitive censor lives within the citizens themselves.” [14]

Did you get the implications of that?  Are we able to see this viral influence in ourselves?

And what of a whole society?

Psychologist Anna Salter’s research into criminal psychopathy is also instructive regarding the stages of deception. Using interviews with psychopaths in US prisons she was able to illustrate why so many of the staff had been seduced by these individuals, not necessarily sexually, but where some form of compromise took place through sometimes highly subtle manipulations. She gives the psychopath’s formula for sniffing out their prey that can not only be applied inside the prison walls, but in the world at large:

Selecting a Targetkey factor: Vulnerability. Weaknesses are ruthlessly exploited via information gathering that appears to be just polite and friendly conversation. In reality, it is the stalking process.

The Law of Reciprocity – key factor: A reliance on a reciprocal response to ostensibly innocent requests, where the psychopath has already obliged the person to respond in kind. Cultural norms tailored to conscience are perfect for the psychopath’s armoury of manipulation.

The Demand and the Leverkey factor: Bonding and the Establishment of a “personal relationship” where the victim feels in control. Many Secrets are known about the victim and thus the psychopath has all the aces. Then the demand, which can be something seemingly minor in nature. But in one inmate’s words: “He’s crossed the boundary right there.” Once the request has been met the demands escalate until dominance is achieved.

Apply this to the home, school, or the family and it may be easier to see why pathologically compromised individuals are so slippery to prosecute, not least to identify.  What is even more disturbing is they can be superficially so likeable. That is, until they have extracted what it is they want from you, and like any arch-vampire, they leave you a shell of your former self – child or adult.

It is through widening our field of awareness that we can give hope to the children that are abused and sacrificed on the altar of psychopathy that continues to be built in our name. We must liberate our psychological awareness to free ourselves from a prison that has been forcibly erected deep inside our psyche. As Dr. Anna Salter stated so plainly: “why does it take thirty years of research for the rest of us to understand phenomena that inmates [psychopaths] grasp intuitively? It seems clear who the real experts are.” [15]



[1]  p.146-147; Political Ponerology.
[2] Ibid. (p.165)
[3] Ibid. (p.152)
[4] Severe Attachment Disorder in Childhood – A Guide to Practical Therapy by Dr. Niels Peter Rygaard authorized by D.P.A., Aarhus C, Denmark Translated from N. P. Rygaard, L’enfant abandonn6. Guide de traitement des troubles de I’attachement. 2005; Printed in Austria SpringerWien, NewYork; ISBN-10 3-211-29705-7.
[5] ‘The Return of the Puppet Masters’ by Carl Zimmer, January 17, 2006 | | ‘How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy’ By Kathleen McAuliffe, The Atlantic, March 2012 Issue.
[6] Lobaczewski (p.49)
[7] Ibid.
[8] Michael Parenti goes on to illustrate the full magnitude of this American Ponerogenic “infection”: “Conservatives are fond of telling us what a wonderful, happy, prosperous nation this is. The only thing that matches their love of country is the remarkable indifference they show toward the people who live in it. To their ears the anguished cries of the dispossessed sound like the peevish whines of malcontents. They denounce as “bleeding hearts” those of us who criticize existing conditions, who show some concern for our fellow citizens. But the dirty truth is that there exists a startling amount of hardship, abuse, affliction, illness, violence, and pathology in this country. The figures reveal a casualty list that runs into many millions.”
[9] op. cit. Lobaczewski (p.54)
[10] Ibid. (p.169)
[11] Ibid. (p.210)
[12] With a convenient mix of Malthusian and Darwinian Theory laced with a touch of eugenics, they have produced a perfect tool for the Pathocracy to decrease the numbers of the global population. While most of the problems of the world have been created by psychopaths in order to service their own needs they now intend to effectively “take out the rubbish” in order to survive. They intend to exploit the earth and what is left of normal well into their own grandiose eternity. For further reading see: The Inherent Rascism of Population Control by Paul Jalsevac (2004).
[13] “The psychologists speculated that, for at least two reasons, a bystander to an emergency will be unlikely to help when there are a number of other bystanders present. The first reason is fairly straightforward. With several potential helpers around, the personal responsibility of each individual is reduced: ‘Perhaps someone else will give or call for aid, perhaps someone else already has.’ So with everyone thinking that someone else will help or has helped, no one does. The second reason is the more psychologically intriguing one; it is founded on the principle of social proof and involves the pluralistic ignorance effect Very often an emergency is not obviously an emergency. Is the man lying in the alley a heart-attack victim or a drunk sleeping one off? Is the commotion next door an assault requiring the police or an especially loud marital spat where intervention would be inappropriate and unwelcome? What is going on? In times of such uncertainty, the natural tendency is to look around at the actions of others for clues. We can learn from the way the other witnesses are reacting whether the event is or is not an emergency.” Quoted from Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini, Published by Longman, 2004.
[14] op. cit. Lobaczewski; (pp.178-179)
[15]  op. cit. Salter, (p.152)

The Psychopath: A Different Species? III

“In any society in this world, psychopathic individuals and some of the other deviant types create a ponerogenically active network of common collusions, partially estranged from the community of normal people… Their sense of honor bids them to cheat and revile that ‘other’ human world and its values at every opportunity.”

  Andrew Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p.138)

While criminal justice and mental health systems are slowly beginning to take seriously the nature of female as well as male psychopathy, this pathogenic disease distributes and propagates the same essential evil in our world regardless of gender. Fundamental legal reform must be initiated if there is to be any hope of tackling this problem – a problem, as we shall see, goes to the heart of the human condition.

Is it possible that we can detain those with severe personality disorders in mental institutions even if no crime has been committed?  Our first reaction might be that such a measure is wholly outside what we would consider to be some of the basic tenets of a moral society that enshrines human rights and civil liberties as cornerstones of pluralistic and democratic visions. Ghandi wryly observed when a newspaper reporter asked “what do you think of Western civilisation?” I think it would be a good idea.”  And there lies the rub. Without preventative measures that would reduce and eventually eliminate the complete control that psychopaths and anti-social personalities now exert over almost every facet of our lives the hope of a more equitable and just society will remain a pleasant theory.

If it is true that the prevalence and widespread nature of anti-social behaviour exists primarily due to the increase in psychopaths at certain nodal points of power, then it is surely a logical step to accept that such dominance could only take place by first establishing fertile conditions so that their genetic code is propagated with ease. This may be what we have cyclically faced in the past and which we must now confront in the present.

Barbara Oakley reiterates the Machiavellian nature of anti-social personality disorders and sociopathic emergence:

“[T]he effect of the environment on those with a potentially Machiavellian genotype is not necessarily as straightforward as it might seem. For example, a talented boy with an underlying set of problematic genes might, as a result of abuse, descend by adulthood into obviously pathological behavior—borderline or psychopathic—that could result in his incarceration and removal from society. However, the same Machiavellian-oriented child with a mild upbringing might flower into a full Machiavellian as an adult—a charismatic man whose sinister influences could ultimately affect millions. [1] [Emphasis mine]

At the same time, psychopaths shape their environment and the people within it according to a pathological world view, whether in the heart of a family or the channels of government. Therefore, non-genetically predisposed narcissists and sociopaths can flower as a result of being exposed to these toxic influences which have subverted the chances of an otherwise normal personality growth.

psychopath3© infrakshun

Dr. Robert Hare, after decades of study is also convinced that psychopathy has an important genetic component. Could it be that the high rate of sexual promiscuity amongst male psychopaths and the subsequent abandonment of women involved indicate a high fertility rate which increases the probability of children inheriting a predisposition to psychopathy? [2] This means an increase in psychopaths or those with psychopathic tendencies within the population from causative factors which are both environmental and genetic. These somehow provide a feedback cycle that propagates and encourages a psycho-social “fertility”.

The basis for psychopathy having a strong genetic component is gaining ground from new research. One example comes from Dr. Essi Viding of the London Kings College Institute of Psychiatry and his colleagues who have discovered that “…early-onset anti-social behaviour in children with psychopathic tendencies is largely inherited.” The preliminary findings of a Twins Early Development study (TEDS) indicated that: “…within the early-onset group there are at least two etiologically [*] distinct groups of children. Antisocial beha ior in 7-year old children with callous and unemotional traits is under strong genetic influence, whereas antisocial behavior in children without such personality traits is primarily environmentally mediated.” [3]

The finds further showed that anti-social 7-year-olds “with callous and unemotional traits,”… “was strongly genetic in origin” with “a  group heritability of 80 percent”. [4] Dr. Viding stresses the preventative possibilities in achieving a tentative consensus whereby: “If these youths can be identified early, perhaps with a genetic test on cells from a cheek swab, one could target programs for them.” He stated further that: “Genes are not a blueprint that determines outcome,” … “Rather; they act together with other risk or protective factors to increase or reduce the risk of disorder.” [5] The study of East European adoptees makes a strong case in favour of environmental factors producing and selecting for sociopaths.

A psychiatrist working with so called attention deficit (AD) children recounted one experience where he was looking after a six-year old little girl with curly blond hair and blue eyes, who enthusiastically informed him she could: “‘… make the new teacher change colors!” The teacher was taken aback and asked the child to do so, curious as to what this innocent-looking child was talking about:

“We sit down with the teacher and the girl points to me and say ‘That ugly man put his hand down in my panties just now!’ Our new teacher turns pink/red, consuming this interesting piece of information. The girl smiles happily, then looks sternly at her and says ‘I know what you did yesterday to Tommy – I could tell the grown-ups all about it!’ The now quite pale woman had forgotten to pick up a child at the bus stop and had been too embarrassed to tell the other staff members. Thus the girl went on, and after a while she turned to me and triumphantly announced with innocent enthusiasm ‘You see – I can make her change colors any time!’ I told the girl to stop playing with the woman and go play with her bike instead, while I reassembled the teacher. This girl is aged six, and still cannot tell a person from a thing. To her a staff member is an advanced slot machine. A week later the girl hands me a dead pet rabbit which she has just sliced into four pieces with a pair of scissors and says unaffectedly, “It doesn’t work anymore, and it bleeds all the time – can’t you put it together again?’ – So much for happy childhood…’” [6]

What will this precocious child be like as an adult and what implications does it have for her relationships? Other cases depend on the level of exposure to sexual trauma, violence, neglect, etc.  which would indicate the need for counselling and psychotherapy rather than incarceration. The passage above is telling in its implications of mis-diagnosis and potential for accusations of abuse from psychologically deviant children. **

What seems to be a vital component in the awareness of psychopathy is the understanding that some children are born psychopaths. Evidence strongly suggests a genetically inherited factor is at play for essential psychopathy as opposed to conditioning by environmental factors. (i.e. the sociopath). Sometimes it is not the fault of a narcissistic family, parenting and social traumas but simply that the essence of the child is a psychopath. The hope is that those children with psychopathic tendencies psychological and psychotherapeutic “buffering” may be enough to ameliorate the severity of the effects against the rest of society in the future. [7]


The film Joshua (2007)  charts the rise of a disturbed child in a typical family setting and how his deceit and manipulations destroy the family unit whilst elevating his status to that of victim. Acknowledging dramatic licence, it is an instructive piece of film-making offering a window into the mind of a child psychopath and the cultural and medical ignorance surrounding the possibility that the cause of the chaos stems from the child alone.

As psychopathy becomes more clearly defined and when scientific research reaches an unassailable consensus that a t least an epigenetic factor is strongly indicated, (a fact that seems to be fast approaching) it ironically raises questions of how society will deal with these people without falling into a Brave New World mentality. Certain limitations would have to firmly enshrine in law. But how to do so when psychopaths and pathological narcissists are already ensconced within our institutions with the power to enact those ethical laws?

One journalist posed some related questions:

Once psychopathy as a genetically caused condition becomes accepted and genetic testing and genetic engineering becomes possible do you favor or oppose the use of either genetic testing (for selective abortion) or genetic engineering (perhaps delivered in utero) to prevent the development of psychopaths? Consider your other choices. Early and lifetime institutionalization of kids who are bad to the bone would prevent them from preying on others but conflict with the assumption of “innocent until one has committed a crime”, let alone “innocent until proven guilty”. The other option is what we do now: let those kids grow up and victimize people before being caught committing crimes. That latter option consigns some people to future victimhood and, worse yet, not all psychopaths are ever caught by the criminal justice system. “Successful psychopaths” with an increased corpus callosum but with a symmetrical hippocampus are much less likely to get caught by the police than psychopaths that also have an asymmetrical hippocampus. [8]

If psychopaths determine the socio-cultural, and by extension, political and geo-political standards for behaviour in our world, then it behooves us all to begin to join up the dots and develop some creative solutions that would provide an inoculation against their pervasive and damaging influence. It is the accumulative effects of psychopathology taking place at the global level of international relations which demands attention and which have enormous consequences for the ability of normal people to successfully establish and maintain genuine relationships and a truly civic society. Underestimating the importance of this trans-millennial problem has brought our world to the brink of collapse and promises new forms of servitude. It is for this reason we must begin to wrest back the propensity for the human spirit to bond, share, create, love and network by grounding our survival in the knowledge of the psychopath and its hold on humans with conscience.

Let’s return to Andrew Łobaczewski’s enormous contribution to the understanding of institutional psychopaths and in his book: Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes. [9]

ponerology2edThe author has created a compelling hypothesis from his own experiences and that of his colleagues in psychology as to why such horror and destruction continues to plague the earth and it inhabitants; accounting for the effects of a systemised pathology within our societies.

Having suffered greatly himself under the Nazi regime and then communist Poland, Łobaczewski sought to understand why it was that pathological social systems come into being and how easily they distort and deform the purity of the initial concept or ideology.  He was well placed for this type of research and was able to “ascertain the possibilities of understanding the nature of evil, its etiological factors and to track its pathodynamics,”where his personal experience and “refined methods in clinical psychology permitted reaching ever more accurate conclusions.” [10]

Due to the inadequacy of the conceptual framework within social science which do not seem to take into account biological, psychological and pathological premises, Łobaczewski and his colleagues introduced the science of ponerology from the Greek: poneros, meaning “evil.” This is a new branch of science arising from and utilising the disciplines of biology, and clinical psychology in order to study the causes and effects of the emergence and growth of evil. According to the author: “It clarifies unknown causative links and analyses the processes of the genesis of evil without giving a short shrift to factors which have so far been underrated.” [11] This process or “genesis of evil” was called, correspondingly, “ponerogenesis”. Biological, and psychological terminology were used “to bring into focus the true nature of the phenomenon” and to discover the core reasons for the wider formation of psychopathology under any system of beliefs.

To remind ourselves what globalisation is veering towards, Łobaczewski uses the term pathocracy: “a system of government … wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people,” and where “… a certain hereditary anomaly isolated as ‘essential psychopathy’ [is] catalytically and causatively essential for the genesis and survival of large scale social evil.” [12]

Or more simply put: the inmates take over the asylum.

Psychopathic activity seeds itself in governments and other institutions of power, developing exponentially into  destructive processes which eventually kill both the “host” and the progenitors involved. The carriers of these pathological factors are persons that are analogous to pathogens or biological agents that can cause disease and characterised by negative psychological deviations. This would explain why certain countries which have adopted the extremes of political ideologies and the authoritarian structures that accompany them result in a natural state of adaptive psychopathy. [13]

Thanks to Łobaczewski and his research colleagues, many of whom paid for their ground-breaking efforts with their lives, they were able to shine a powerful light on the reasons why it was that Western society repeated the mistakes of the past. Łobaczewski believes the qualitative analysis of such a phenomenon and their causal relationships can give rise to a new understanding and thus the possibility of ameliorating the effects by introducing protective measures which would offer a natural immunization against the growth of evil.


In order to get to grips with some of the different pathologies, the author lists the primary categories of psychopathy which effectively form a hive mind of connections and which act as “worker bees” for the national and international Pathocracy. These acquired deviations include:

Characteropaths – These are individuals who have suffered brain tissue lesions as children or adults. The condition is irreversible and manifests emotional violence, egotism, insufficient control of emotions and academic or behavioural difficulties. They can act as pathological agents for ponerogenesis with sub-categories of drug induced, paranoid, frontal characteropathy. These pathological symptoms can be covertly transferred to the population at large and which can be likened to a “tenderizing” of normal persons for the later stages of ponerogenesis. Characteropaths are often dispensed with by the Pathocracy once their job is done. Entire generations of people can grow up “with psychological deformities regarding feeling and understanding moral, psychological, social and political realities.” [14]

Paranoid characteropathy – includes adherence to beliefs which have been nurtured and nourished in order to maintain their specific worldview. They are often egoists and spurn true reasoning and logic.  The power of the paranoid stems from their ability to “… enslave less critical minds, e.g. people with other kinds of psychological deficiencies, who have been victims of the egotistical influence of individuals with character disorders, and, in particular, a large segment of young people.” [15] Not all paranoid individuals have brain lesions some are functional and behavioural.

Frontal characteropathy – defined as perinatal brain tissue lesions occurring at the frontal areas of the cerebral cortex. The author states that such damage occurs frequently in the past, usually near birth, but also later in life. It plays a less dominant role in present societies mostly due to improved health-care. The condition is distinguished by manifesting an overall blanket of hysteria which develops as the individual ages, encompassing an overdevelopment of the psychological functions that were not damaged. This overcompensation leads to the dominance of knee-jerk reactions and instincts. Charisma, brutality, ruthlessness, pathological egotism, cunning and debased intuition for selfish gain are the net results. Anomalies in personality development can eventuate from being exposed to the pathology of such people over an extended period of time i.e. parents effecting (“infecting”) their children. Disregarding these characteropathic pathologies allows further extreme manifestations of the ponerogenic process to appear.

Spellbinders have pathological egotism as the dominating attribute. Such people are characterized by fanaticism and charisma to garner the converts and supporters they need to keep their ideologies and belief systems strengthened and thus their chosen denial of objective reality. They can be found in both characteropaths and psychopaths.

Inherited deviations include Schizoidia, wherein the characteristics of this anomaly include hypersensitivity, pessimism, distrust, intellectual arrogance and a lack of emotional foundation. They are prone to stress which causes them to collapse easily, though a low sensitivity to true emotional feeling allows the development of the reasoning faculty. A lack of empathy and disdain for psychological realities leads them to erroneous interpretations of others’ activities and intentions. They are hyper-reactive which can lead to psychotic states, often mistaken for schizophrenia. A condition of obsessive compulsion appears to dominate the intellectually centered types. They gravitate towards activities which have a moral foundation a description of reality that is dangerously simplistic and prone to what the author calls “double-talk” from Orwell’s “newspeak” and “double-think.” *** The use of “paramoralisms” **** and conversive thinking ***** occur across the smorgasbord of psychopathological deviancy.

Essential psychopathyPsychopaths are characterized by an absence of conscience which affords them the ability to hone their predator sense to a very fine degree indeed. After all, without the encumbrance of conscience, where are the limits on manipulation and deception? Due to this fact, psychopaths have no checks and balances on their predatory behaviour, therefore, no domain of society is immune from their workings.

Though essential psychopaths are statistically small in number in any population, their psychological footprint is large. When combined with other sub-categories of pathology such as narcissism, addictive personalities and authoritarian followers the influence is exponentially increased as those with an evolutionarily normal “psychological substratum” are targeted as fair game.

Łobaczewski identifies 2 per cent of the population as having sub-categories of psychopathy which cannot be classed as essential (primary), though at this later juncture it is likely to be much higher. These include asthenic psychopathy, which is a form of weak or partial psychopathy found in individuals that exhibit a high degree of variation and intensity. They are characterised by hypersensitivity, fervent idealism, a less sexually focused “appetite” and superficial displays of conscience.

Other psychological anomalies are designated as carriers of schizoidia or schizoidal psychopathy for whom hypersensitivity, lack of trust and self-obsession mean that the feelings of others are seldom recognised. Their hypersensitivity causes them to assume extreme positions and react to seemingly trivial transgressions. They can be eccentric, strange, with a limited capacity to understand their own psychology and that of others. They project their often warped ideas of reality and self-importance onto others’ intentions whilst coloured with their own pessimistic view of human nature. They frequently believe themselves to be mentally superior to others and sometimes excel in intellectual activities and the capacity to exercise reason. This is due to their lack of emotional foundation and understanding.

Spheres of activity that require mental calculation and cold examination are attractive to schizoidal types or anywhere where humanistic qualities of emotion are not required to be at the forefront of activities. Consequently, parenting skills are poor and the “black and white” version of reality they inhabit tends to get them into trouble through their reliance on simplistic and moralistic evaluations. Łobaczewski tells us that “… their ponerogenic role can have macro social implications if their attitude toward human reality and their tendency to invent great doctrines are put to paper and duplicated in large editions.” We can also find clues to their psychology in their statements and writings. The author gives the following example, the typical expression of which he names the “schizoid declaration” where: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” [16] 

Thus elitism, fascism, synarchy and all forms of authoritarian rule are highly appealing to such types. Schizoidal types are the book-keepers, academics and ideologues who comprise any emerging pathocracy.

Skirtoids are recognized as tough and hardy individuals with strong constitutions, inflated egos and good psychological and physical endurance. Consequently, they are attracted to the military and ill-suited to peace-time. This is not your average family man, though they will defend and seek to protect conservative or fascist principles as an inverted declaration of “family values.” Hence we may look to America once again for a probable high percentage of drafted Skirtoids within the US Army and law enforcement. Judging by the listed recordings of police brutality currently rising in the United States it is easy to conclude that Skirtoids are thick  on the ground.  One study places the incidence of this psychopathy as 5 percent much higher than Łobaczewski’s estimate of around 1.5 percent. [17]

This also brings to mind intelligence and “black-ops” cannon fodder that Łobaczewski calls Jackals which would categorise some of those who work for private security firms, mercenary units, as well as assassins and hired thugs; those who delight in the “armed struggle” rather than the freedom they claim to follow. They are in a category all their own, defined by the lack of emotional feeling, though often endowed with mental alacrity and organisational ability. Łobaczewski believes that these individuals could be examples of a “hybridization” stating that: “A jackal could then be imagined as the carrier of schizoidal traits in combination with some other psychopathy, e.g. essential psychopathy or skirtoidism.” [18]


*     Etiology:  the study of the causes and origins of diseases.

**   For an instructive look at the reality of child psychopaths and the havoc they can cause have a look at the film Joshua (2007) and We need to talk about Kevin (2011).
*** Łobaczewski refers to components of Double-talk or Double-think in the following way “The main ideology succumbs to symptomatic deformation, in keeping with the characteristic style of this very disease and with what has already been stated about the matter. The names and official contents are kept, but another, completely different content is insinuated underneath, thus giving rise to the well-known double talk phenomenon within which the same names have two meanings: one for initiates, one for everyone else. The latter is derived from the original ideology; the former has a specifically pathocratic meaning, something which is known not only to the Pathocrats themselves, but also is learned by those people living under long-term subjection to their rule.” (Łobaczewski ; Chapter 5; p.207)
**** “Paramoralisms: The conviction that moral values exist and that some actions violate moral rules is so common and ancient a phenomenon that it seems to have some substratum at man’s instinctive endowment level (although it is certainly not totally adequate for moral truth), and that it does not only represent centuries’ of experience, culture, religion, and socialization. Thus, any insinuation framed in moral slogans is always suggestive, even if the “moral” criteria used are just an “ad hoc” invention. Any act can thus be proved to be immoral or moral by means of such paramoralisms utilized as active suggestion, and people whose minds will succumb to such reasoning can always be found.” In searching for an example of an evil act whose negative value would not elicit doubt in any social situation, ethics scholars frequently mention child abuse. However, psychologists often meet with paramoral affirmations of such behavior in their practice, such as in the above-mentioned family with the prefrontal field damage in the eldest sister. Her younger brothers emphatically insisted that their sister’s sadistic treatment of her son was due to her exceptionally high moral qualifications, and they believed this by auto-suggestion. Paramoralism somehow cunningly evades the control of our common sense, sometimes leading to acceptance or approval of behavior that is openly pathological.” – (Łobaczewski Chapter 4; p.151). The editor’s note referenced from the same passage is also worth including in this context: “Many examples of recent years include children beaten to death by their parents for “religious reasons”. The parents may claim that the child is demon possessed, or that they have behaved so loosely that only beating them will “straighten them out”. Another example is circumcision, both for boys and girls by certain ethnic groups. The Indian custom of suttee, where the wife climbs on the funeral pyre of her husband; or in Muslim cultures where, if a woman is raped, it is the duty of her male family members to kill her to wipe away the shame from the family name. All of these acts are claimed to be “moral”, but they are not, they are pathological and criminal.”
***** “Conversive thinking is highly contagious and acts a dangerous infection entry for truly pathological material. People who have lost their capacity for logical thought (and thus the ability to distinguish between truth and lies) are thus more prone to accepting the paralogic and paramorals of psychopaths and characteropaths. For example, observe the behavior of the ‘Christian Right’ and their uncritical acceptance of war propaganda.”



[1] op.cit; Oakley (p.282)
[2] op. cit. Hare.
[3] ‘The Origins of Antisocial Behaviour, Twin Study’ Medical News Today, 25 May 2005.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Severe Attachment Disorder in Childhood – A Guide to Practical Therapy by Dr. Niels Peter Rygaard authorized by D.P.A., Aarhus C, Denmark Translated from N. P. Rygaard, L’enfant abandonn6. Guide de traitement des troubles de I’attachement. 2005; Printed in Austria by SpringerWien New York. | ISBN-10 3-211-29705-7.
[7] ‘Study finds psychopaths have distinct brain structure’ By Kate Kelland, Reuters, May 7, 2012.
[8] ‘Ruthlessness Gene Discovered’ Nature April 5, 2008 |  “Some children ‘born bad’” by Debbie Andalo and agencies, The Guardian, May 25, 2005 | ‘Twins Study Finds Genetic Cause For Psychopathy’By Randell Parker, May 26, 2005.
[9] Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski, Translated from the original Polish by Alexandra Chciuk-Celt, Ph. D. Corrected by the author in 1998 Edited with Notes and Commentary by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Henri Sy. Published by Red Pill Press, 2006. | ISBN 1-897244-18-5.
[10] Ibid (p.99)
[11] Ibid. (p.180)
[12] Ibid. (p.197)
[13] “The conclusion is that the American way of life has optimized the survival of psychopaths with the consequence that it is an adaptive “life strategy” that is extremely successful in American society, and thus has increased in the population in strictly genetic terms. What is more, as a consequence of a society that is adaptive for psychopathy, many individuals who are NOT genetic psychopaths have similarly adapted, becoming “effective” psychopaths, or “secondary sociopaths.”– ‘Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?’ By Laura Knight-Jadczyk, July 30, 2003,
[14] op. cit. Lobaczewski (p.106)
[15] op. cit. Lobaczewski (p.111)
[16] Ibid. (p.128)
[17] “Construct Validity of Psychopathy in a Community Sample: A Nomological Net Approach”, Salekin, Trobst, Krioukova, Journal of Personality Disorders, 15(5), 425-441, 2001) quoted from Political Ponerology p.18.
[18] op. cit. Lobazewski (p.138) [6 Ibid. (pp.226-227)

The Rape of Conscience: I, Psychopath

By M.K. Styllinski

“It seems impossible to convince people that private behavior cannot be predicted from public behavior. Kind non-violent individuals behave well in public, but so do many people who are brutal behind the scenes.”

– Anna C. Salter PhD.





32 – 70+ million

Mao Ze-Dong

China, Tibet

1958-61, 1966-69

12+ million

Adolf Hitler




King Leopold II of Belgium




Jozef Stalin




Hideki Tojo




Ismail Enver




Pol Pot



1.6 million

Kim Il Sung

North Korea


1.5 million




1 million

Yakubu Gowon




Leonid Brezhnev




Jean Kambanda



 Genocides 19th – 20th Century / source:

Dr. James W. Prescott Ph.D. one time developmental neuropsychologist with the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development agrees there is direct link between economic disparity, poverty, mental instability and the manifestation of abuse. Indeed, the present foundations of our societies may even ellicit such imbalances. He states: “The problem of child abuse is not just a problem of certain adults assaulting certain children, but rather it is deeply rooted in the fabric of our entire society. Why do husbands beat their wives? Why do so many of us support capital punishment? Why do we find so much entertainment and enjoyment in films and television programs that depict physical violence? The answer is that we are a physically violent society and that child abuse represents merely one aspect of that violence.” [1]

Is that true?

From genocides of Maoist China to the Gulag’s of Stalinist Russia, the massacres in Rwanda and ethnic cleansing of the former Yugoslavia, is it a natural part of the human psyche, an indelible flaw in our evolution that demands the survival of the fittest at any cost? Are we less than animals operating on instinct alone, intermittently out of control because our ancient limbic brain demands it? Or does the cause have its roots in monotheistic religions which program us to see violence and separatism as part of a Divine justice? If it is in sown into the very fabric of our societies then is it a genetic pre-disposition that we all share?

Or is there something or someone loading the dice?

Well, that’s a lot of questions which we may or may not answer over this series but let’s see where it takes us…

On November 26th 2013, The Independent’s Heather Saul published a piece entitled: ‘Young children ‘are committing sex abuse on other children as part of gang violence.’’ Saul highlighted evidence cited as “profoundly distressing” from a report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England which found that children aged carrying sexual abuse and sexual assault on victims aged 11 or younger with shocking levels of sexual sadism in evidence. The commission report confirmed the awareness of paedophilia but realised the subject of: “… children abusing each other through gangs or groups is rarely acknowledged by society.” Perhaps most significantly, the commission found that rape was considered “normal” with sexual violence occurring across all levels of class from deprived areas to the more affluent areas of England. The article rightly commented: “The scale and nature of sexual attacks – including rape – indicates a “deep malaise” within society that needs to be addressed.”

This suggests something that is sourced not just from the accessibility of internet technology and multi-media images but a progressive psychological infection derived from an Official Culture of addiction and implanted psychopathology. The idea of fantasy, sexual violence and rape are being blurred, as is the line between consensual and forced sexual activity. Teenagers who are sexually active are hopelessly confused and children, while being peer-pressured into experimenting with sex so early, are doing so under the influence of glamourised and distorted messages, where violence and coercion is a normal part of sexual experience. (See: Pornucopia: Cult of the Body)

Sex and violence are fast becoming an integral part of a new rites of initiation in the young. The report is a vital warning that society is comprehensively failing our children in ways that adults cannot process. Where no suitable role models exist and with the ubiquity of distorted sexual messages underpinned by a deep materialism to be found literally everywhere, it is inevitable that new forms of meaning will be found to fill the emptiness.

Gender roles are being pushed where the young male must be the brutal macho rapist and the girl a submissive whore or feminist liberator who generally desires such abuse. The provocative dress code is now a normal part of pre-teen fashion thanks to advertising and marketing.

So, where is the rise in gang culture and sexual violence coming from?

In his ground-breaking book: Political Ponerology – A Science on the  Nature of Evil Adjusted for political Purposes (2007) the late Clinical Psychologist Andrew M. Łobaczewski discovered that psychopathy has a pathogenic quality, the seeds of which cyclically penetrate otherwise balanced social systems that may ordinarily have had a much greater probability of success. So much so, that he believes a basic understanding of the psychology of the psychopath and defences against the encroachment of such individuals into our public and private lives is essential for a healthy society to evolve. Without this understanding and knowledge all human endeavours will fail, just as an organism will eventually deteriorate both in vitality and functional ability if measures are not taken to counteract the symptoms of ill health.

Psychopathy has been traditionally studied from the victim’s experience rather than from the perpetrator’s view. After all, psychopaths do not seek help as he perceives nothing wrong with his immorality as a natural state of being. A new conceptual framework is desperately needed in order to place the magnifying glass firmly over the actions of evil and its genesis.

Rather than lapsing into the past habit of creating a theological construct over a psychological theory, Łobaczewski called this new science, “Ponerology” which the dictionary defines as: “n. division of theology dealing with evil; theological doctrine of wickedness or evil; from the Greek: poneros – evil”. Whether an organisation or an individual, the full expression of one or more psychopaths can obliterate the chances of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual harmony in the entity in question, leading to chaos and disequilibrium so severe that failure and death may eventuate. With this in mind we can realise that it is not any one “-ism” in any particular belief system that determines the eventual collapse into chaos – at least, not as a primary cause. Rather, it is the lack of awareness concerning the pathogenic factors involved which give rise to erroneous believes and which serve as channels for evil to evolve. Accordingly, Religious authoritarian personalities for instance, offer a perfect platform for the psychopath. Unless we become aware of the nature of psychopathy and the ways in which it can seed itself in our relationships and our government candidates we will continue to see the disastrous results manifesting in the world and explained away as a consequence of “human nature.”

If by “evil” we mean extreme negativity as a natural pathway then the psychopath is a perfect embodiment. Certain fashionable beliefs in New Age circles that evil does not exist and that we just need to pray for peace and send love and light has played a part in adding to the sophisticated cover afforded to these creatures who bear little resemblance to human souls and who lack any potential for higher emotion.  The advances in brain scan technology has allowed us to see the major neurological even physical differences in psychopath’s brains, in particular the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Observing the bloody course of history and the abject misery and suffering that has resulted when the psychopath gains positions of power is ample proof that these psychological dynamics, despite frequent warnings from the past, has remained largely camouflaged from normal peoples’ perceptions. We might say that they are the vampires and werewolves of folklore; the collective shadow made manifest. Perhaps the real hope for a more just and equitable world lies in education: the understanding of basic psychology and the rise of psychopathy in our social systems.

But it is right and proper that we don’t go down a eugenics path of neurological “pre-crime” whereby everyone is scanned for possible deficiencies. It may be that because the horse has bolted and we are currently seeing a genetic rise in psychopaths the danger of such technology in the wrong hands is very real indeed. However, surely an ethical balance can be achieved as part of a wide-ranging remedy of prevention? It is also characteristic of materialist science – just the kind of science we need to guard against – that all the answers are to be found in the brain. This is surely not the case and thus represents another avenue ripe for distortion. We need to take a highly multi-disciplined approach to this problem bring our intuition, innovation and intelligence to bear from a wide range of specialisations, from social science to psychology, history to neurology.

The social environment in which the individual finds himself appears to have a large part to play as well as the genetic component. Psychopaths may be born that way and negative environmental influences may make them “super-charged.” This may be especially true for “garden variety” psychopaths who go about their business as part of the herd instinct without overt predatory behaviour. Brain damage can also cause serious degradation in personalities which can result in the same set of behaviours characteristic of pathological narcissists and psychopaths, so due caution in this complex field is not misplaced.

Conversely, when a high proportion of psychopaths inhabit positions of power then it stands to reason that society will be progressively shaped, causing a feedback cycle of negative human behaviour as a reflection of those power centres which in turn, are emboldened by the disintegration and fragmentation of higher human values. This is the central premise of this blog after all. Looking at the incarceration rate of US prisons and the high number of psychopathic personalities who reside there; as more abusive childhoods occur and the socio-cultural influences become more and more degraded by pathological influence – sometimes helped by social engineering implemented by similar psychopathic perception – then it is not hard to fathom why we have ended up in the mess we have.

The kind of society we wish to create for the future must take on the possibility that the values of the psychopath have taken over that of the human being who values conscience.  As psychologist Martha Stout has mentioned in her book The Sociopath Next Door, why else would there be higher numbers of sociopaths in the Western world than in most other cultures and societies? With Eastern cultures sharing between 0.03% and 0.14% of psychopaths and the rising numbers reaching at least 5% in America (not counting pathological narcissists and other mental illnesses) there seems to be a very fertile ground for such genes to be cultured. This leads to many of us adopting psychopathological traits to varying degrees based on the insidious influence of normalising what was originally a pathological “infection” spreading through societies over differing time spans.

In Łobaczewski’s book Political Ponerology he lays out the background as to why we find ourselves dominated by a minority of psychopaths and psychological deviants. The cornerstones of Western civilisation’s beliefs are derived from Greek, Roman and Christian schools of thought which have been hopelessly inadequate in coping with both spirituality and psychology since they are largely rooted in materialism, authoritarianism and the Rule of Law. This had serious repercussions in the way we perceived reality and therefore our ability to recognise the methods and processes which gave rise to evil in our societies.

Greek culture drew its inspiration from nature, mythology and the literary tradition and Rome incorporated them into an overarching monolith of administration, politics and law, where the inherited Greek philosophy was designed to have real world applications with little room for psychological awareness. The legacy was a continuing impoverishment for knowledge of human psychology and devolution of morality at the individual and collective level. Instead of integrating the best of psychology and philosophy of the ancient cultures of the Middle East, which seemed to flower for the first few centuries of its existence, Christianity was subverted into something quite different to its original intentions, a long-term victim of a progressive “ponerisation.”

Łobaczewski takes up the story:

A civilization thus arose with a serious deficiency in the area which is supposed to protect societies from various kinds of evil, and we are the inheritors of this defect. This civilization developed formulations in the area of law – national, civil, and canon – which were conceived for invented beings, not human beings, and which gave short shrift to the total contents of the human personality and the great psychological differences between individual members of the species Homo sapiens. For many centuries, any understanding of certain psychological anomalies found among individuals was out of the question – even though such anomalies cause disaster.

Thus, Western Civilization is insufficiently resistant to evil, which originates beyond the easily accessible areas of human consciousness and takes advantage of the great gap between formal or legal thought and psychological reality.

In a civilization deficient in psychological cognition, individuals with dreams of imposing their power upon their environment and their society are not recognized as being fundamentally different, and they all too easily find a ready response in individuals with insufficiently developed consciousnesses. […] [2]  [Emphasis mine]

Although there are signs and portents in our cultural heritage that psychopathy followed a cyclic manifestation best expressed through empire-building, the core reasons for its domination has been cleverly concealed for eons. It is for this reason that Łobaczewski stresses the deep importance of cultivating correct psychological knowledge of our inner and outer environment in order to counter the effects of the psychopath and other inherited pathologies.

Since we are embedded in the society in which we find ourselves, the notion of free-will is somewhat a misnomer by the time we have unknowingly unlocked the predator’s cage. Once free, it begins to weave a spell that creates an array of seductive belief-traps which permit the illusion of freedom when in fact, it allows a Global Predator consciousness to progressively to corral its prey. As Łobaczewski tells us: “Human beings have a tendency to repress from their consciousness any associations indicating a causative conditioning of their world-view and behavior,” so the shadows of negative behavior both in ourselves and then the outer world are the first to be painted over. On top of this, is the “natural psychological, societal, and moral world-view” into which we are sheep-dipped from infant to adult. This raises some fundamental questions concerning the validity of our views about the world drawn from a natural tendency to follow a subjective set of principles so often cultivated by figures of authority and furnished with a sufficient amount of sweeteners to keep us there, if it is in their best interests to do so.

It is our emotions which dictate the direction we choose to take regarding the nature of reality. Psychopaths in power are not creative in the pure sense. But they have animal cunning and an innate understanding of human emotion, knowing perfectly how to mimic and inflame those emotions so that they can be used against us.

Łobaczewski continues:

It is thus significant that the main values of this human world-view of nature indicate basic similarities in spite of great spans of time, race, and civilization. It is thus suggested that the ‘human world view’ derives from the nature of our species and the natural experience of human societies which have achieved a certain necessary level of civilization. Refinements based on literary values or philosophical and moral reflections do indicate some differences, but generally speaking, they tend to bring together the natural conceptual language of various civilizations and eras.

People with a ‘humanistic’ education may have the impression that they have achieved wisdom, but here we approach a problem; we must ask the following question: Even if the natural world-view has been refined, does it mirror reality with sufficient reliability? Or does it only mirror our species’ perception? To what extent can we depend upon it as a basis for decision making in the individual, societal, and political spheres of life?

Experience teaches us, first of all, that this natural world-view has permanent and characteristic tendencies toward deformation dictated by our instinctive and emotional features. Secondly, our work exposes us to many phenomena that cannot be understood and described by natural language alone.

Considering the most important reality deforming tendency, we notice that those emotional features which are a natural component of the human personality are never completely appropriate to the reality being experienced. This results both from our instinct and from our conditioning of upbringing. This is why the best traditions of philosophical and religious thought have counseled subduing the emotions in order to achieve a more accurate view of reality. [3] [Emphasis mine]

Łobaczewski highlights the process of our natural egotism drawn from an insufficiently objective system of values which has become entrenched in our social customs. And it is the lack of attention to our emotions and instincts which have acted as an open door. This has led to the world being plagued by a phenomenon which is so outside the natural experience of normal human beings that we have refused to contemplate such predatory evil exists while gradually taking on its subtle traits – and we have done so through ignorance and pride. Meanwhile, psychopaths have consolidated their position and hunkered down for the long-term.

If, as Łobaczewski mentions: “Developing and popularizing the objective psychological world-view could thus significantly expand the scope of dealing with evil via sensible action and pinpointed countermeasures”, then now is the time to begin the process of knowledge dissemination if we as the majority are to wrest back control. But for us to do this we must recognize that we already live in the psychopaths’ world and are, to varying degrees, products of their reality.

In the last post we looked at the possibility of exploring “countermeasures” against the pathologies currently gripping our societies. Łobaczewski reiterates the challenge of understanding just how deep this recognition needs to be. Indeed, it stretches back through time, through myth and history:

Ever since ancient times, philosophers and religious thinkers representing various attitudes in different cultures have been searching for the truth as regards moral values, attempting to find criteria for what is right, for what constitutes good advice. They described the virtues of human character and suggested these be acquired. They created a heritage … which contains centuries of experience and reflections. In spite of the obvious differences among attitudes, the similarity or complementarity of the conclusions reached by famous ancients are striking, even though they worked in widely divergent times and places. After all, whatever is valuable is conditioned and caused by the laws of nature acting upon the personalities of both individual human beings and collective societies.

It is equally thought-provoking, however, to see how relatively little has been said about the opposite side of the coin; the nature, causes, and genesis of evil. These matters are usually cloaked behind the above generalized conclusions with a certain amount of secrecy. Such a state of affairs can be partially ascribed to the social conditions and historical circumstances under which these thinkers worked. Their modus operandi may have been dictated at least in part by personal fate, inherited traditions, or even prudishness. After all, justice and virtue are the opposites of force and perversity, the same applies to truthfulness vs. lies, similarly like health is the opposite of an illness.

The character and genesis of evil thus remained hidden in discreet shadows, leaving it to playwrights to deal with the subject in their highly expressive language, but that did not reach the primeval source of the phenomena. A certain cognitive space thus remains uninvestigated, a thicket of moral questions which resists understanding and philosophical generalizations. [4] [Emphasis mine]

The resistance to the comprehension of evil is profound. It penetrates into the heart of our cultures and represents a complex matrix of psycho-social blockades built over centuries. Ponerological disease has had a very long time to adapt to normal humans’ psychology and strategies have developed to transpersonify * particular sections of our modern societies, most of which we will explore over the coming months.

The pendulum always swings to extremes if we are unable to find the median point of creative tension. Forcing the issue and preferring to trust our insignificant human perceptions rather than the natural universal laws and rhythms of life has led to more and more excesses in search of an ideal that doesn’t exist and which has fed self-aggrandizement and personal power. It may be that humans function best in networked clusters of communities with service to others as the byword for a spiritually nourishing and sustainable future. Łobaczewski makes one of the most important insights into the nature of evil and how, in the future, we can prevent psychopathy from attaining widespread influence. Once the pursuit of exclusive pleasure for the self alone has become habitual and community cohesion forsaken then an endless cycle of “good times, bad times” ensues and which is reflected in the narcissistic psyche of 21st Century humanity. It is during these good times, according to Łobaczewski, that: “… people lose sight of the need for thinking, introspection, knowledge of others, and an understanding of life.”

The following crucial points are the primary reasons why psychopathy begins to insinuate itself into normal societies, a period of cyclic change Łobaczewski called the “Hysteriodal Cycle” which he describes in the following passage:

When things are ‘good’, people ask themselves whether it is worth it to ponder human nature and flaws in the personality (one’s own, or that of another). In good times, entire generations can grow up with no understanding of the creative meaning of suffering since they have never experienced it themselves. When all the joys of life are there for the taking, mental effort to understand science and the laws of nature – to acquire knowledge that may not be directly related to accumulating stuff – seems like pointless labor. Being ‘healthy minded’, and positive – a good sport with never a discouraging word – is seen as a good thing, and anyone who predicts dire consequences as the result of such insouciance is labeled a wet-blanket or a killjoy.

Perception of the truth about reality, especially a real understanding of human nature in all its ranges and permutations, ceases to be a virtue to be acquired. Thoughtful doubters are ‘meddlers’ who can’t leave well enough alone. ‘Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.’ This attitude leads to an impoverishment of psychological knowledge including the capacity to differentiate the properties of human nature and personality, and the ability to mold healthy minds creatively.

The cult of power thus supplants the mental and moral values so essential for maintaining peace by peaceful means. A nation’s enrichment or involution as regards its psychological world-view could be considered an indicator of whether its future will be good or bad.

During good times, the search for the meaning of life, the truth of our reality, becomes uncomfortable because it reveals inconvenient factors. Unconscious elimination of data which are, or appear to be, inexpedient, begins to be habitual, a custom accepted by entire societies. The result is that any thought processes based on such truncated information cannot bring correct conclusions. This then leads to substitution of convenient lies to the self to replace uncomfortable truths thereby approaching the boundaries of phenomena which should be viewed as psychopathological.” [5] [Emphasis mine]

It seems we are presently navigating through the after effects of an Hysteriodal Cycle where the outcome is unknown. While conscious awareness of this psycho-biological phenomena has been inadequate at best, there are signs it is beginning to cause ripples across public consciousness and fields of academia. As such this “Cult of Power” is at a decisive point in its influence across human awareness.

In the next few posts we’ll start to explore the behaviour and effects of the psychopath in order to better understand how he has re-ordered the world in his own image and what we may expect in the future.

* Transpersonification is a word coined by Łobaczewski to describe the negative effects on the mind and personality from persons with certain inherited or acquired psychopathologies.


[1] ‘Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents’ By James W. Prescott, Ph.D. From Hustler, October, 1977.
[2] p.35; Łobaczewski; Political Ponerology.
[3] Ibid. (p.38)
[4] Ibid. (p.69)
[5] Ibid. (p.62)

Good Intentions II: Feed The World

“… every seasoned aid worker knew then, and knows now, that there is no necessary connection between raising money for a good cause and that money being well spent, just as there is no necessary connection between caring about the suffering of others and understanding the nature or cause of that suffering.”

– Foreign Aid expert


Live 8 Promotional poster

Author and Professor of Engineering at Oakland University Barbara Oakley PhD names the entrenched idea of changing the world before changing oneself as a kind of “hyper-altruism” that has had a recent resurgence among the minds of mega-philanthropists such as Warren Buffet, George Soros, and Belinda and Bill Gates. They have donated billions to the needy in Africa and the sub-continent and have encouraged their fellow filthy rich friends to do the same. She quotes The Economist’s Matthew Bishop and Michael Green who termed this new phenomenon as “philanthrocapitalism” which continues to pump huge amounts of money into the foreign aid industry.

So, why are the same problems showing little signs of being affected by such massive financial contributions and in fact are largely getting worse?

According to Oakley:

“Financial altruism detached from strategic and objective thinking has been shown time and again to have detrimental consequences at exorbitant costs. […] Not all aid is bad but debate has continued regarding the efficacy of foreign aid and whether massive investments are of any use.” She makes the further and vital point: “Staring at pictures of starving children can in some sense, hijack analytical portions of the brain. Perhaps it is this that results in some of the ineffectual and pathologically altruistic behaviour that characterizes many foreign aid policies and programs.” [1]

Oakley then discusses the advances in neuroscience that strongly suggest:

“… developing dispassion – the ability to displace ourselves emotionally from a situation that arouses our primal, emote control responses – is vital in being able to help others. In a related vein, developing our ability to use our rational brain to feel compassion for others – without mirroring their emotions – is important for preventing compassion fatigue or burn out often seen in those who care for the suffering.” [2]

We know we need to cultivate objectivity as well as our more intuitive feelings modes so that they work in unison. However, there is something more here than the dynamics of how our rational brains are so easily bypassed by images which elicit the required response. Pathological altruism is exacerbated and encouraged by psychopathy at institutional levels and which requires a total subversion of nobler thoughts that lead to altruistic action. This merely results in the creation of further multi-layered problems rather than the needed long-term amelioration.

It is the reflex of empathy and its altruistic actions which can and do cause harm based as they are on a) guilt that we do not do enough for our fellow-man and b) a lack of knowledge as to how this selfless giving may actually manifest in the world. Rather than facilitate the easing of suffering it can compound the problems, adding insult to injury as this passage from Oakley quoting the Time’s Nancy Gibbs illustrates:

After the 2004 tsunami, aid poured in from all over the world. But included tons of out-dated or unneeded medicines that Indonesian officials had to throw out. People sent Viagra or Santa suits, high-heeled shoes and evening gowns. A year later after an earthquake in Pakistani, so much unusable clothing arrived that people burned it to stay warm. It may make us feel good to put together children’s care packages with cards and teddy bears – but whose needs are we trying to meet? It may not feel glorious but often the greatest need is accomplished quietly, invisibly. Either way, the same principle holds in helping as in healing: First, do no harm.  [3]

And if such a simple, genuine outpouring of good intentions can be so easily go astray, what does this say about the more complex dynamics of our global institutions and foreign aid organisations enmeshed in a world that is by nature operating on a model that is exploitative?

The role of celebrities as entertainers, image makers and icons is ready to be made use of should opportunities arise. When necessary, the good-will and compassion of the people with disposable income and an awakening conscience can move mountains. This show of “people power” is, however, consistently diverted by a financial system that is grossly and purposefully unjust. The role of the media and the celebrity-fest surrounding the Live Aid world-wide concert in 1984 and the Live 8 concert which followed in 2005 is a case in point. Coinciding with the latter concert was the annual G8 Summit hosted by the UK. The G8 is composed of the world’s leading industrialised nations (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States and Russia).

On the Live 8 website we read:

These concerts are the start point for The Long Walk To Justice, the one way we can all make our voices heard in unison. This is without doubt a moment in history where ordinary people can grasp the chance to achieve something truly monumental and demand from the 8 world leaders at G8 an end to poverty. The G8 leaders have it within their power to alter history. They will only have the will to do so if tens of thousands of people show them that enough is enough. By doubling aid, fully cancelling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa, the G8 could change the future for millions of men, women and children.[4]

Despite having no rules governing its own operations, no formal or legal powers and no mechanisms of accountability, the G8 wields huge economic, military and diplomatic power in the institutions of global governance. These institutions include the UN Security Council, World Trade Organisation (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. They are products of a system that is the antithesis of decentralisation, the driving force being to achieve new market access for their members. As one aid expert stated regarding Geldof’s initial Live Aid: “… every seasoned aid worker knew then, and knows now, that there is no necessary connection between raising money for a good cause and that money being well spent, just as there is no necessary connection between caring about the suffering of others and understanding the nature or cause of that suffering.” [5]

This applies as much to ourselves as it does to the world at large. “Understanding the true nature and cause of that suffering.” The unpalatable truth is that G8 leaders and those above seem to have neither the inclination nor the desire to alter history unless it benefits their own particular requirements.

These concerts illustrated the well-spring of genuine empathy and compassion which was allowed to be cynically used and exploited via the egos – however well-intentioned – of a collection of celebrities. It was a perfect opportunity for politicians to get in on the act and smile for the cameras while the feckless media sung along. The facts are rather different to the sophistry and rhetoric heard so often from the likes of Bono and Geldof. Their own positions of influence are conveniently used to promote an agenda diametrically opposed to their own wishes to cancel debt and end poverty in Africa.

One has to ask why eleven years later, did we need another Live Aid?

Why did all those in the G8 for whom the suffering of millions have never made the slightest impression, suddenly grow a conscience?

They doffed their hats to Sir Bob because it dove-tailed into their agenda.

Bush, Geldof and Bono

The seemingly inspiring and very well-intentioned Live 8 event served as an actual and symbolic rendering of how our subjectivity is used against us all, directly mirroring the issues in exploitation. In this instance, it is a more intangible but cynical twisting of a potential mass altruism and the devaluing of an innate desire to assist, since we are encouraged to be drawn into the sensation of compassion without due attention to cause or effect or where these emotions are taking us. The very same participants within a system who created that tangible suffering in the first place are also those taking full advantage of directionless conscience. It is a circular feedback that benefits only the status quo based as it is, on the ignorance of the mechanism of politics and bureaucracy and our wishful thinking that we can “change the world,” in this context.

Not one month after the famous Live 8 concert, a much touted headline read: “$55bn Africa debt deal ‘a victory for millions’ which was splashed across the front page of the Observer in June 12 2005 with Sir Bob Geldof’s rhetoric reaching epic proportions stating: “Tomorrow 280 million Africans will wake up for the first time in their lives without owing you or me a penny…”

Firstly, the G8 proposals for HIPC debt cancellation were already inadequate based on debt relief that will be granted to poor countries “… only if they are shown to be “adjusting their gross assistance flows by the amount given.” In other words, their aid will be reduced by the same amount as the debt relief, thus gaining nothing. Paragraph two states that “it is essential” that poor countries “boost private sector development” and ensure “the elimination of impediments to private investment, both domestic and foreign”.[6]

So, there we see the real reasons for the winks and smiles.

Let us not forget that debt payments rose in 2006 and have doubled in 2015. This alone dilutes the aforementioned “victory”. It is also the height of hypocrisy that while Bono, Geldof and other entertainers were wooing G8 leaders, British arms sales to Africa had reached £1bn a month before the concert and show no signs of slowing.[7]  This underlined the hollow nature of the event and the truth behind African poverty and debt.  (The hypocrisy is also underscored by Bono’s penchant for shifting his assets to offshore tax havens and investing in the very corporate franchises that he is telling us have to be reformed).[8]

The foundation of Africa’s wealth and resources are largely in the hands of trans-national corporations some of whom are directly or indirectly under the direction of G8 membership. The men in suits and soppy grins are the brokers and beneficiaries of this appalling suffering which continues under the euphemism of an “African Union.” This was signed into effect on July 11, 2000, by 54 nations of Africa. Like the European Union, it has only one peacekeeping force, one Central Bank, one Court of Justice, one currency, and so forth. Essentially, it is a blueprint for control that affords very little rights to Africans by promoting civil war and corruption from which the West can profit. They do this by keeping a cap on any independent development that might eclipse western interests.

Immediately after the Gleneagles meeting had wound down and G8 leaders had been chauffeured away to their sumptuous hotels the Belgian government was already hatching plans to give lenders greater control over poor countries and reneging on agreements to write off 100 percent of their debt. Belgian IMF representative Willy Kierkens is quoted in a document leaked to the activist group Jubilee Debt Campaign to an address to the IMF executive board that “rather than giving full, irrevocable and unconditional debt relief… countries would receive grants.” [9]

The then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that the agreed upon total of $48bn a year of aid by 2010 would also include a 100 percent cancellation of multilateral debts of the most indebted countries. Yet Gordon Brown brazenly claimed in a Treasury Committee that this aid increase includes money put aside for debt relief. Blair lied yet again and G8 member countries showed that their signatures symbolised nothing more than a temporary appeasement. [10]

Logo_of_the_African_UnionAfrican Union logo

From Making Poverty History a key working group, one activist argued that there existed the same old spin doctors doing what Alistair Campbell did so ruthlessly when covering up for Blair’s lies in the Downing Street Memos: “‘Our real demands on trade, aid and debt, and our criticisms of UK government policy in developing countries have been consistently swallowed up by white bands, celebrity “luvvies” and praise upon praise for Blair and Brown.” [11] [12]

Yet Make Poverty History is not the only one to be absorbed by the new politics masquerading as New Labour – the new evangelism of the US. It is this New Wave that is shackling African Countries into the false economy of the African Union and the realization that any allotted money can only be accessed if they sign up to World Bank and IMF economic policy conditions.

While Blair, a born opportunist, was busy jumping aboard the Make Poverty History train, he knew all along that the emotional fuel would run out. Why else would he be secretly cutting the government’s Africa desk officers and staff at the same time that the Department for International Development was forcing the privatisation of water supply in Ghana for the benefit of British corporations? [13]

Amelioration of poverty, disease and significant successes do take place. And Geldof is right when he said that there was a global change in attitude. But this has never been the problem. Most normal human beings are immensely keen to help those suffering and in need. But the outpouring of emotion is not enough unless it is supported by effective frameworks (untarnished by political pathologies) through which change can flow. Overall, while temporarily more children were able to go to school and less were hungry the dependency and cycle of that debt remains. The “support” addresses symptoms which, although worthy, amount to sops and buffers around the primary fences of poverty, prolonged and exacerbated by Western exploitation. This includes massive bias towards privatization which comprises one half of the World Bank expenditure on what it considers worthwhile projects. Worthwhile that is, to its own coffers.

More and more conditions have been added to the initial agreements which were already piecemeal and ineffective. There were no real high level negotiations between Bush and Blair other than how best they could capitalize on naivety and gullibility of nations. For this duo it was merely an exercise in extracting the juice of image and hype to buttress their plummeting support on a range of issues. The overriding stipulation surrounding the whole sham of debt relief and the Make Poverty History movement was that it be conditional and tied to the original economic structures that created the problems in the first place.

Throw as much money as you like at these problems it will not alter the cycle of debt and poverty until the structure is re-evaluated and radically reformed.

We can only do that by becoming aware of what we are dealing with and immunizing ourselves against this psychological pathogen in our midst. We do that by learning everything is to know about how such people think and act.  Meantime, compassionate peoples are played by seasoned psychopaths for whom getting fat on power and profit at the expense of others is easy. The fact that 7,000 Africans die every day means nothing. They rely on it to secure their spoils.

There are ample reasons to conclude that Live Aid in 1984 was harmful as well as positive in limited terms. Yet what exactly did all this achieve? A compassion that lends wings to long-term action based on objectively evaluated pragmatic solutions, or a deadly compassion that serves to play into the hands of global leaders? “The fact is that Ethiopia remains one of Africa’s poorest countries, and the whole of sub-Saharan Africa is, if anything, worse off today than it was after Live Aid. Geldof himself has been of two minds. He says that Live Aid “created something permanent and self-sustaining” but has also asked why Africa is getting poorer.” [14]

As well he might.

Yes, just as the Ethiopian famine was a hideous reality, the final results of this great resettlement served the G8 powers admirably. As journalist David Rieff stated, the: “… resettlement policy – of moving 600,000 people from the north while enforcing the “villagisation” of three million others – was at least in part a military campaign, masquerading as a humanitarian effort. And it was assisted by Western aid money…” In effect, UN institutions and donor governments helped a totalitarian project kill thousands of people under the pretext of humanitarian assistance, where “…aid to victims was unwittingly transformed into support to their executioners.” [15]  According to French NGO Medecin Sans Frontieres [16] the death total from deportation and raids came to as many as the lives that were saved. The result was good PR for G8 leaders and more misery for the poverty-stricken.

So, do nothing? Isn’t the “the positivity of the action better than the pessimism of the thought?” As we have seen, it is a little more complex than that. Geldof has to be commended for his seemingly genuine intent and ability to cut through apathy and despair. Yet his passionate comments in a recent report to answer his critics summarises so many whose dynamism and emotional drive are used against them:

‘Behind all of this bitter carping is the corrosively cynical view that none of this works. That because they, as critics, do nothing, nobody else should even try. Well, they’re wrong. You can alter policy. The individual is not powerless in the face of either political indifference or monstrous human tragedy. Let me say it embarrassedly, cornily, almost guiltily. Let me try to say it without sounding like some pious twat. You can change the world. And millions upon millions of you did that this year. This stuff works. Sometimes. [17]

He goes on to discuss the dying baby Birhan Woldu the “little scrap of humanity” now a grown women who was saved by the original Live Aid concert 20 years ago… “all of it was worth it for just her. For that single life.”

It is hard to disagree isn’t it?

In one very real sense he is absolutely right and nothing should prevent such a call to action. But how are we to confront the deeper issues behind this call that is “in the box” of a wider control system that demands the cycles of endless Live Aids? That for one life saved, millions of dead will follow due to a subjective activism that plays into the hands of those several steps ahead. Live Aid camouflages the core issues and thus leads to a perpetuating cycles of the same.

Perhaps what we are facing in the 21st century is not a call to end third world debt or to demonstrate against any one particular political atrocity, of which there are many. It is to raise our awareness to the fact that the very core actions of our world are purposely and intentionally created by a minority of psychologically deviant persons. Until we grasp that fact, which includes an in depth knowledge of the mechanisms of political psychopathy, Geldof’s well meaning, but ultimately naive mission will be co-opted with mathematical precision.

Contrary to what the musician states, this stuff does not work. It never has. As clinical psychologist Andrew Łobaczewski  states: “even normal people, who condemn this kind of [Pathocracy] along with its ideologies, feel hurt and deprived of something constituting part of their own romanticism, their way of perceiving reality, when a widely idealized group is exposed as little more than a gang of criminals.” [18]

And we are still duped by such a gang who know crowd psychology very well indeed.



[1]  (pp.239 -241) Pathological Altruism By Barbra Oakley
[2] Ibid. (p.242)
[3] Ibid. (p.243)
[5] “Cruel to be kind?” by David Rieff, The Guardian, June 24, 2005 – “Live Aid forced the world to confront the Ethiopian famine and raised more than £50m. But as Bob Geldof prepares his Live 8 reprise, aid expert David Rieff argues that guilt-stricken donations helped fund a brutal resettlement programme that may have killed up to 100,000.”
[6] “John Pilger isn’t celebrating victory -‘The illusion of an anti-establishment crusade led by pop stars” Daily Mirror, June 26, 2005.
[7 ‘UK arms sales to Africa reach £1 billion mark’ The Guardian, Antony Barnett, June 12, 2005.
[8] ‘U2 Under Fire For Tax Move’ Irish Examiner, August 9, 2006.
[9] ‘G8 debt deal under threat at IMF’ By Steve Schifferes BBC News, 15 July, 2005
[10] ‘How the G8 lied to the world on aid’ The truth about Gleneagles puts a cloud over the New York summit by Mark Curtis, The Guardian, August 23, 2005: “Russia’s increase in ‘aid’ will consist entirely of write-offs. A third of France’s aid budget consists of money for debt relief; much of this will be simply a book-keeping exercise worth nothing on the ground since many debts are not being serviced. […] … the deal applies initially to only 18 countries, which will save just $1bn a year in debt-service payments. The 62 countries that need full debt cancellation to reach UN poverty targets are paying 10 times more in debt service. And recently leaked World Bank documents show that the G8 agreed only three years’ worth of debt relief for these 18 countries. They state that “countries will have no benefit from the initiative” unless there is ‘full donor financing’.The deal also involves debts only to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the African Development Bank, whereas many countries have debts to other organisations. It is a kick in the teeth for the African Union, whose recent summit called for “full debt cancellation for all African nations”.
[11] “The Downing Street ‘Memo’ is actually meeting minutes transcribed during the British Prime Minister’s meeting on July 23, 2002. Published by The Sunday Times on May 1, 2005 it was the first hard evidence from within the UK or US governments that exposed the truth behind how the Iraq war began.  This site is intended to provide information about the Downing Street Memo and how it fits in with numerous other documents and events that relate to the Bush administration’s march to war.”
[12] ‘Make the G8 history’ By Stuart Hodkinson, Red Pepper, July 2005.
[13] If one visits the newly created Dept. of International Development (DFID) and the G8 websites one would be forgiven for thinking that everything is on track and the world is save in their hands. Toss in some rhetoric, statistics and self-effacing explanations of how hard it is to accomplish significant gains on the Millennium Development goals (yet drive to do all you can for the Department’s “Business Partnership Unit” which reveals the real intentions behind the Department as a whole) and there you have another quango headed by cabinet minister Hilary Benn MP with the inevitable cracks of impartiality will begin to appear if not intentionally created. Set up to filter direct action and further apply bureaucratic obstacles, political manipulation takes the place of clear, unambiguous directives. The case studies, and funding alone, although with merit, indicate a symptomatic and piecemeal approach that once again does not incorporate an overall strategy. that ensures a free-for-all competitive dash where the structure of suffering is allowed to be brushed under the global carpet.
[14] ‘Cruel to be kind?’ by David Rieff, The Guardian, Friday June 24, 2005.
[15] Ibid.
[17] ‘Geldof’s Year’ The Guardian, December 28, 2005.
[18] p.166; Political Ponerology – A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes By Andrew Lobaczewski.