
Satan’s Little Helpers III: Nazi-Occult and Mind Control

“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes – crimes that infinitely out-distance every human measure – reach the light of day?”

The White Rose Society, a German resistance group whose members were imprisoned and executed during Hitler’s reign for creating and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets.

In his farewell address to the nation in 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower gave his famous warning about the military industrial complex. Eisenhower was a man who, like Woodrow Wilson many years before him, had a up-close-and-personal knowledge of whom he spoke:

“Our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime—or,indeed, by fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Eisenhower’s warnings were too little too late but they remain a stark description of the last fifty years. Those with authoritarian and fascistic perception of life have always been ready and willing to be used as tools for psychopathy to fully manifest. The US military in particular has come under the heat of such influences most notably in the wave of Nazi fascism which engulfed the Western world in the 1930s.


General Smedley D. Butler

General Smedley D. Butler a recipient of two esteemed Medals of Honor (the highest military honor in the U.S.) exposed major war corruption after retiring from the military. In 1933, under U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Butler was invited into a conspiracy to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship. Known as the “Business Plot” and funded by many Pilgrim Society members he shrewdly pretended to accept membership into this fifth column in order to discover its inner workings. To his shock, the same Wall St. insiders who had financed the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany (most notably Prescott Bush, Grandfather of George W. H. Bush) had been behind this bid to topple the US Presidency and Congress in line with increasing power of international banking. Amazingly, his 1934 testimony to Congress on the matter was blocked. However, according to Harper’s Magazine Butler’s testimony was reported: “in the New York Times and several other newspapers … and a special Congressional committee was created to conduct an investigation. The records of this committee were scrubbed and sealed away in the National Archives, where they have only recently been made available.” [1]

The point to remember in the above is that Smedley was a highly decorated military man with high code of ethics and patriotism and not one to fabricate. It was also Smedley who wrote the now famous 1935 book War is a Racket which has since become a classic exposé of the emerging military-corporate machine and a testament to how acutely aware this man was about politics and war, not least the mechanisms in place which make pathological infection inevitable.

In an excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by the General it gives an idea just how accurate his words have proved to be:

War is just a racket. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

The above is important for several reasons. Not only does it show that there are military men of conscience who do stand up for truth when they see it but that the presence of psychopathy in government and the military means that a complete descent into authoritarianism and  inverted totalitarianism is only a step away from manifestation. Yet, this is seldom revealed to the public until too late. Butler’s experience and doubtless many others since (military intelligence officer and whistle-blower Bradley Manning could be classed as a modern equivalent of Butler) have shown that Nazism did not die after the Second World War – but diversified its camouflage.

The United States has long historical ties with pre-war and post-war German Nazis. This example is but one of many where authoritarian followers are merging with this Nazi ethos. Their visions of eugenics are not so far away.

Just after the Second World War, when the Rockefellers and the House of Rothschild were busy building their corporate empires with help from Nazi Germany and the deaths of millions, US officials got in on the act and collaborated with the Third Reich to purloin their scientists and doctors. Only one day after Germany’s surrender, on May 10, 1945, under Operation OVERCAST, “the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to arrest all suspected war criminals, though advising him “… to make such exceptions as you deem advisable for intelligence and other military reasons.” Or, as another memo explained: “exploit chosen rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use.” [2] Which means: haggle with the Nazis and appropriate their talent. The Third Reich intelligentsia and their new advances in science and psychology were absorbed and pay-rolled into the Military-Industrial framework.

OVERCAST evolved into the 1946 “Operation / Project PAPERCLIP which oversaw the mass exodus of many hundreds of top Nazi scientists who would form the basis of a new experimentation into a range of advanced disciplines, from new technology to mass mind control. There was much more to PAPERCLIP than rocket science. This was an important bid to get to the crème de la crème of Nazi Elite and their research before the Russians. Nazi medical personnel, spies, saboteurs, assassins and psychological warfare experts were all invited into the warm, protective embrace of Uncle Sam. This was to be a key reason for the genesis of the American Pathocracy.


“President George W. Bush, Laura Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and former President George H.W. Bush sit surrounded by family in the Red Room, Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. Friends and family joined former President Bush and Mrs. Bush in celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary during a dinner held at the White House. Also pictured are, from left, Georgia Grace Koch, Margaret Bush, Walker Bush, Marvin Bush, Jenna Bush, Doro Koch, Barbara Bush, Robert P. Koch, Pierce M. Bush, Maria Bush, Neil Bush, Ashley Bush, Sam LeBlond, Robert Koch, Nancy Ellis LeBlond, John Ellis Bush, Jr., Florida Gov. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, Mandi Bush, George P. Bush, and Columba Bush.” – (wikipedia)

Perhaps the most notorious vessel for the relatively small clique of psychopaths who warmed to Nazi fascism as a natural expression is the Bush dynasty and who will be mentioned frequently in subsequent posts. However, if you wish to bring yourself up-to-date on the historical legacy of the Bush dynasty then authors Glen Yeadon and John Hawkin’s book: A The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century (2008) is an excellent overview of how Nazi philosophy and its corporatism has been allowed to infect the United States.


© infrakshun

Eventually, the Military-Corporate complex and the soon to follow National Security State would have key positions held by former Nazis principally in advanced aerospace and the weapons industry. Many of these high-ranking, Nazi intelligentsia had been exposed to, or were proponents of the Thule Society (German: Thule Gesellschaft) [3] having been embraced with particular fervour by Himmler’s SS and Rudolf Hess. Other sympathizers and /or members within the Third Reich included Hitler’s astrologer and advisor Dietrich Eckart, propagandist and Alfred Rosenberg,  intellectuals Julius Lehmann, Hans Frank, Gottfried Feder, and Karl Harrer. The psychic warfare of the CIA and NSA came directly from such Nazi traditions, a form of black Gnosticism, in other words: Satanism. [4]

While the War Department’s Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists, then director of the CIA, Allen Dulles had other ideas. Nazi Intelligence leader and PSYOPS expert Reinhard Gehlen met with the director and formed a close working relationship. As a master spy for the Third Reich he had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network which Dulles was keen to incorporate into the “New Amerika.” He effectively integrated Gehlen’s Intelligence unit into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) later to become the CIA, while covering up incriminating evidence regarding scientists’ and doctors’ case histories.

The existence of the Nazi Intelligence unit within the CIA was to lead to many umbrella projects inspired by their research discoveries. These included the notorious MK-ULTRA which arose from the 1951 Project ARTICHOKE along with other projects running from the 1940s through to the late 1960s. Despite growing disquiet in the 1970s and partial investigations by Congress they didn’t simply stop because they were told to. The CIA and especially the NSA have always been a law unto themselves. Under the Information Age and a new Technocratic imperative has built on the experimentation of the past and extended its reach in ways that boggle the mind. Research continues evolve under different code names. (More on this later).

The Nazi brain-drain also included doctors which were conducting mind control and eugenics experiments in the concentration camps. A potent mixture of Cold War paranoia, a home-grown Neo-Fascism and Nazi know-how created a US Shadow Government, with people moving behind the scenes to capture and enlist children to fight the Russian threat. A hidden lab-rat generation was produced, comprising of successful and aborted hypnotised operatives, assassins and couriers. This is the source of the popularised concept of the “Manchurian Candidate” from which the likes of Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley Jr., Timothy McVeigh and an untold number of soldiers have been associated. The Hollywood myth-making machine bases its movie formula around this factual byte which is often trivialised in the process. Nevertheless, the idea that intelligence agencies are involved in such activities are not based on fact not Hollywood fiction.

It is no secret that some of the CIA mind-control apparatus documents have been released and available since 1975, under Freedom of Information Act requests. MK-ULTRA, the CIA’s infamous research into behavioural modification, [5] vigorously explored the capabilities of drugs, radiation and electronic brain manipulation on military personnel, doctors, government agents, prostitutes, mentally ill patients, and members of the general public in the United States. Victims were subjected to induced amnesia in order to prevent recall of these invasive experiments.


Richard M. Helms

The major players involved included Richard Helms former head of the CIA, Chemist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who managed the day to day running of MK-ULTRA activities and Dr. John Gittinger, his assistant and protégé. With a substantial amount of money from an ignorant Congress, most, if not all of the experimentation took place without the subjects’ consent.

The bulk of the documents have still not been released due to the sadistic nature of the experimentation which very probably included more extreme examples of the torture already listed. To cover his own and many others’ reputations, Helms ordered the destruction of most of the documents in 1972. The program’s objective was find drugs that facilitated an alteration of the human neurological and sensory apparatus, the aim of which was to be used in military applications.

The unease around the rumours surfacing about mind control research was taken up by a few members of Congress over the subsequent decades, including Senator Ted Kennedy. They discovered from the Deputy Director of the CIA that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program: “… which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.’ Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations.’ At least one death, that of Dr. Frank Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.” [6] *

With a title that conjured up associations with low-budget pornography, Operation Midnight Climax was officially a branch of sex and drug research and a sub-division of MKULTRA. Unsurprisingly, none of the documents relating to the operation survived Helm’s shredding. Yet participants and agents involved with the experimentation mention a series of CIA run brothels in San Francisco and New York. While being guaranteed impunity from arrest and prosecution should the operation be discovered by outside law enforcement units, prostitutes were paid $100 a day to act as entrapment madams for unsuspecting participants. These unsuspecting victims who had their drinks spiked with LSD, prior to the subsequent sex “research.” CIA agents settled down for the night, armed with cigarettes, booze and clipboards; shielded from the action behind one-way mirrors. You can imagine the vast potential for blackmail and extortion.

Both operations ran from 1953 to at least, 1968, though we would be foolish to imagine that such experimentation has stopped. Virtually nothing is known of the NSA’s role in all this. It is highly probable that the operations were submerged into this shadow executive apparatus. In summary, no area of human experimentation was restricted. The extraction of information needed to keep ahead of the Russian and Chinese was all-consuming. Maintaining America as the supreme power (and unwittingly allowing further entry points for psychopathic dominance) reigned supreme. Hallucinogenic drugs, electro-shock and memory exploration sandwiched between a pot-pourri of occult rituals and chemicals of every variety continued to expand.

Underpinning all this was a foundation of Psychiatry headed by Dr. Ewan Cameron. It was this man who provided critical work on the MK-ULTRA projects and was an advocate of behaviourist and clinical psychiatry harbouring a powerful interest in unlocking the secrets of memory. It would be this fascination that would make up most of his contribution to the experiments.


Dr. Ewan Cameron

With Rockefeller Money he founded the Allan Memorial Institute on Mont Royal, Montreal Canada. And it was here while working for the CIA that he would subject his patients to his own experimentation, unaware of his true intent. Since his test subjects were outside the US it served as an added protection against liability as the illegality of such testing could be dismissed. It was while the Allan Memorial Institute was basking in its new findings from electro-shock treatment memory re-patterning and chemical and drug regimens that another form of institutional abuse was being unleashed.

In post-war Montreal, funding for orphanages was non-existent but funding for hospitals was readily available. So, the Catholic Church decided to class all its orphans (numbering more than 5,000) as “mentally deficient” thus winning government subsidies and unimpeded paperwork, where whole orphanages were converted into mental asylums for the young. This was to initiate some of the worst abuse cases ever recorded in Canada at the hands of sadistic nuns across many orders including: The Gray Nuns of Montreal, the Sisters of Providence, the Sisters of Mercy, the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, the Little Franciscans of Mary, and two orders of monks. Ice baths, sodomy, solitary confinement and beatings were routine. Children either died from the attacks or were scarred for life. [7]

The civil lawsuits started by those abused mirrored the cases of the 1990s and beyond. The medical profession were also implicated in aiding and abetting the abuse by signing perfectly healthy children as restarted or brain damaged. In reality, the children had never seen a doctor or been examined.

For over twenty years nuns and monks abused their flock, while other more purposeful, though no less sadistic abuse was taking place at the Allan Memorial Institute. There would have been no shortage of children or problems with access if Cameron had sought a steady supply of test subjects.

On March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation, [8] the late New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA brainwashing programs as young children. Radiation research was carried out, mostly on cancer patients, this was however a cover for a wide ranging system of projects. This proved to be decisive regarding the progressive disclosure of institutionalised mind control with not least the rumour and disinformation surrounding the whole idea of mind control programs.

Claudia de Mullin and Chris De Nicola recounted testimony which was later collated and set down in a book by John Rappaport in which the original committee documents are included. They make interesting, if harrowing reading. [9] Questions still remain how it was that Wolf’s patients were able to appear before the committee at all. It may have been due to Clinton’s proclivity to go his own way or simply damage control to prevent further encroachments into modern day state secrets of mind control projects. In any event, all of the committee testimony was ignored and no real action taken.

In summary, beginning in 1948 during the period of post war upheaval and when so much of the world was being redrawn under pathocratic lines, the Nazi inspired mind control program was initiated. Over a period of 4 decades, children from the US, Mexico and South America, were used as experimental fodder. The original reasons for the research were to control the minds of these children in order to create flesh and blood “robots” for a range of missions that would not be recalled because of hypnotically induced amnesia. This could be removed by their controllers and reinstalled at will, rather like a computer programme. Children were raised and conditioned to be hard core sexpionage agents with a view to blackmailing Establishment Americans or foreign dignitaries. But it did not stop there: “Eventually, people from the inner core of the CIA program filmed each other, and some of the centres where children were used as sex agents got out of control and turned into CIA-operated sex rings. Some children were considered expendable and simply murdered.” [10]

During Rappoport’s research with Valerie Wolf and her patients, one victim recounted that brainwashing techniques were applied to children from Mexico and South America and that: “They were considered expendable.” If we remember the rape camps of San Diego that enslaved many Mexican children this becomes less and less improbable. America’s “best and brightest” were saved for a different purpose though the patient could not remember what their ultimate objective was. Nonetheless, it was not to produce agents to combat the Soviets at that time, the aims were much more far-reaching. The subversion and control of the movers and shakers of our world is a primary goal of any covert dictatorship. The Nazi manipulation of their culture and intelligentsia was a key step in their dominance and later total ponerisation of a nation to become the “willing executioners” of history. Nazi scientists were not the only ones to hitch a ride on Uncle Sam’s gravy train.There were large-scale, state by state operations starting with children when they were very young until they effectively owned their minds. More than 150 sub-projects under the MK-ULTRA banner were initiated with the commensurate failures and “successes” unknown. We can however guess at the details by watching present world events and piecing together much of the puzzle.


President Bill Clinton’s Human Subjects Review Memo for Vice President and Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies in February 1994.

“Natural human reactions … strike the psychopath as strange, interesting, and even comical. They therefore observe us … They become experts in our weaknesses and sometimes effect heartless experiments.”

– Andrew Łobaczewski, p.90; Political Ponerology


Many mind control subjects still alive from the 1950s to the late 60s, often mentioned under hypnosis an individual named “Dr. Green” or “Greenbaum,” though it may have been a cover for a group team of experimenters. Carol Rutz, one former child victim of the MK-ULTRA experiments was certain that her programmer – going by the aliases of both Dr. Black and Dr. Green – was indeed, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the “Angel of Death” by World War II concentration camp victims.

Following his disappearance from Auschwitz on January 18, 1945, it is rumoured that he worked extensively on mind control operations for US Shadow Government agencies. Though the knowledge of their use of Nazis in such activity was common place and the chronological history of the time adds to the speculation, there is no evidence other than witness testimony that the doctor was present during the subsequent experiments. According to Rutz: “Trauma based programming was theoretically the reason for some of the torturous things perpetrated on survivors. It was the cruellest form of mental brainwashing, and left the child completely disassociated and open to programming. Josef Mengele was a master at this.” [11]


Josef Mengele, happy in his work

Psychologist Dr. D Corey Hammond’s data including many other doctors’ confirm Rutz’s assertions that the many layers of programming encountered by therapists is extremely difficult to dismantle and required a high level of patience from both participants. There were cases where intense pain or terror was experienced during hypnosis sessions if an attempt was made to go directly to the core source of programming installed by the MK-ULTRA doctors. On many occasions this proved impossible to reverse, some cases indicating a danger to the patient if attempts to de-programme were continued, even to the extent of death. Hammond went on to mention the creation of powerful unconscious programmes within the victim producing multiple personalities that were assigned specific tasks and jobs. These “programmed alters” fell into several levels. (See table below).

Other experiments took place in Tuscon, Arizona in the desert. Chris De Nicola testified before the President’s Committee that her controller was also a “Dr. Greene” who used her  during childhood in radiation experiments to determine effects on the body parts and as a further method of trauma induction. De Nicola told the committee she was taught how to: “… pick locks, be secretive, use [her] photographic memory to remember things and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to [her]self.” Forms of torture as punishment were also used if the children were not cooperative: ‘I was caught twice and Dr. Greene tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning on a table, putting shots in my stomach, in my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal …’ [12]

De Nicola related how her father was also involved in the experiments confirming generational involvement, from military and agency families which has proven to be a common pattern. Yet, the cultural and political climate is not conducive to open debate about state-sanctioned crimes, especially when it is likely that for a Nazi philosophy and practice to take place, it must have the fertile ground by which it can seed. What we are seeing now are full grown branches extending into many offices and departments, the most open expression is within the US, British and Israeli governments with their CIA/MI6/MOSSAD spider’s web of malignancy. Jon Rappoport commented on his work with the late Dr. Valerie Wolf and the fear involved with speaking up about State crimes:

“Dr. Wolf told me that when word got around she was going to testify before the president’s committee, she was contacted by about 40 therapists ‘in just the 10 days leading up to my trip to Washington.’ The therapists had heard similar CIA mind-control stories from their own patients. Many of these professionals are afraid to go on the record about their patients’ stories, as censure from their professional societies is a reality. The political mood these days is not conducive to granting an aura of credibility to revelations of CIA brainwashing.” [13]

Programming name



General programming within the control personality.


Sexual programming, i.e. producing and directing child   pornography, prostitution and sexual training for blackmail or personal use. All ethical and moral behaviour are eliminated to produce conscienceless “robots” (sociopaths) so that all functions can be carried out without emotional inhibition.


Sleeping assassin who feels no fear. They are trained in the use of specialist arms and combat.


Psychic killing and a product of a variety of occult traditions – from voodoo to Sex Magick; hermetic to Golden Dawn initiations. Most victims with THETA programming exhibit an unusually high level of extra Sensory perception or ESP in their daily lives and chosen because of this innate ability.


Self-destruct programming used to prevent victims going public. If the patient began to remember or a therapist was poking around a little too expertly, this programme would be initiated often utilising intense pain and fear as a precursor.

Table 1. MK-ULTRA programming. Testimony revealed an umbrella of programming names with key objectives

If we now compare the above information with a 1992 lecture given by Dr. Corey Hammond called the “Greenbaum Speech,” it all sounds remarkably similar.

An extract from Dr. Hammond’s lecture follows:

Along with them was a young boy, a teenager, who had been raised in a Hasidic Jewish tradition [**] and a background of Cabalistic mysticism that probably appealed to people in the Cult because at least by the turn of the century Aleister Crowley had been introducing Cabalism into Satanic stuff, if not earlier. I suspect it may have formed some bond between them. But he saved his skin by collaborating and being an assistant to them in the death-camp experiments. They brought him with them.

They started doing mind-control research for Military Intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of cult programming today. His name is known to patients throughout the country.

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this, in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, ‘You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.’ [14] [Emphasis mine]

The above confirms that the “name that is known to patients throughout the country” was “Dr. Green” or the German-Jewish variation of “Greenbaum” a man who may represent a collective of programmers or an individual. Dr. Ewan Cameron headed the American Psychiatric Association and was a Kinseyian advocate under long-term CIA contract playing a key part in the mind control of American children. Claudia Mullin, the other of Wolf’s patients who testified related her experiences with Cameron which started when she was only 7 years-old:

“In 1958, 1 was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called the ‘Society’ [the Human Ecology Society, a CIA front]. I was told to cooperate; answer any of their questions. Then, since the test ‘might hurt,’ I would be given ‘shots, x-rays, and a few jolts of electricity.’ I was instructed not to look at anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names,’ as this was ‘a very secret project’ but to be brave an all those things would help me forget …

‘A Dr. John Gittinger tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr. Greene the x-rays … By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath [of Tulane Medical School] gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind!

‘The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to ‘sexually please men.’ Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms (Deputy Director of the CIA), Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible…I was to become a regular little ‘spy’ for them, after that summer, eventually entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine when this kind of sexual humiliation began.’ [15]

Dr Hammond had the uncomfortable feeling that: “… from some past experience…when you look at this you will find the large proportion of ritual-abuse victims in this country [US] are having their on-going therapy monitored.”

He continues:

I remember a woman who came in about twenty-four years old, claimed her father was a Satanist. Her parents divorced when she was six. After that it would only when her father had visitation and he would take her to rituals sometimes up until age fifteen. She said, “I haven’t gone to anything since I was fifteen.” Her therapist believed this at face value. We sat in my office. We did a two-hour inquiry using hypnosis. We found the programming present.

In addition to that we found that every therapy session was debriefed and in fact they had told her to get sick and not come to the appointment with me. Another one had been told that I was Cult and that if she came I would know that she’d been told not to come and I would punish her. If anything meaningful comes out in a patient who’s being monitored like that — from what I’ve learned thus far, they’re tortured with electric shocks — my belief is if they’re in that situation you can’t do meaningful therapy other than being supportive and caring and letting them know you care a lot and you’ll be there to support them. But I wouldn’t try to work with any kind of deep material or deprogramming with them because I think it can do nothing but get them tortured and hurt unless they can get into a safe, secure inpatient unit for an extended period of time to do some of the work required. [16]

We could understandably take this as a collective moral panic if historical data were not available to support a percentage of what the patients are saying. An interview conducted a senior level Navy Captain’s wife, with Kay Griggs in 1998, also gives similar statements. (We’ll take a closer look at Griggs in the post after next). Here, we have data that comes from two disparate sources: a military housewife giving details from her husband’s diary and a respected psychiatrist and hypnotherapist providing testimonies from hypnotised abuse witnesses. This is set against the well-known historical perspective of US and Nazi associations culminating in shared mind control programs. The subject then begins to look more compelling. (Yet, keep in mind, this is the ABC introduction to the subject of mind control. The deeper you dig the more endemic is seems to be).

It is sexual humiliation and even sex magick that defines the parameters of so called “science” in this context. For Establishment neo-Nazis (as a generic term for pathocratic perception) any experience, no matter how sordid or cruel can be explained away under the rigours of the “scientific method” or for the glory of America the ends of which nobly justifies the means. It must also be remembered that the many books on the market that tout the: “I was a mind control victim” may be factually accurate, partially true or wholly delusional – even a mixture of all three. Such a field of secrecy will always have its opportunists. This cannot be taken as a negation of the central premise of mind/body programming that was launched against the US population without their knowledge, the legacy and new models of which are no doubt being honed and utilised if we are pay attention to current events.

We cannot also deny that the subject of mind control is seen as an opportunity to ridicule and disparage. This, in some ways, is justified due to many unsubstantiated accusations flying about hither and thither, adding to the confusion and disinformation. Judicially recognised in federal and state courts as an expert on mind and behaviour control, Professor Alan Scheflin reiterates the danger of disinformation – especially if you are one of its many victims:

“MK-ULTRA was a program of the CIA which had 149 sub-projects on every avenue of mind and behaviour control. We know that was a real project, and we know what the sub-projects under it are, but there are many names that have been circulated of other projects and they cannot be verified, and if they cannot be verified, and you can’t prove them, your belief in them will hurt you in a court of law and also in doing good therapy. ” [17]

Nevertheless, the above evidence so far, offers interesting implications regarding the nature of ritual abuse and how some cases remain resistant to any real understanding and appraisal. If some ritual abuse utilises programming and is an essential part of the bloodline of intra-familial and generational abuse, it gives a whole new dimension to the “discourse of disbelief” and the considerable control exerted by members of such cultic networks largely outside government influence.


* Frank Olson, a United States Army biochemist and biological weapons researcher, was given LSD without his knowledge or consent in 1953 as part of a CIA experiment, and allegedly committed suicide a week later following a severe psychotic episode. A CIA doctor assigned to monitor Olson’s recovery was supposedly asleep in another bed in a New York City hotel room when Olson jumped through the window to fall ten stories to his death. Many commentators believe Olson was assassinated which is a far more likely scenario than the CIA’s suicide as the cause of death. See: . ‘What did the C.I.A. do to Eric Olson’s father?’ Michael Ignatieff, April 1, 2001; The New York Times Magazine.
** Given our recent discussion on the origins and practice of Hassidic Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch this is an interesting connection. We will return to this and other possibilities in later posts.


[1] ‘1934: The Plot Against America’ Harper’s magazine, July 28, 2007. |
[2] ‘Our Nazi allies’ by Ken Silverstein, Salon at, May 3, 2000.
[3] The Thule Society (German Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group for Germanic Antiquity’, was a German occultist and Völkisch group in Munich, notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. Many of the occult ideas found favour with Heinrich Himmler who, like Hitler, had a great interest in mysticism.
[4] The Occult and the Third Reich: the mystical origins of Nazism and the search for the Holy Grail. By Jean-Michel Angebert, Published by Macmillan Publishing 1974 | ISBN 0-02-502150-8.
[5] A List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents (including subprojects) is available from the National Security Archive. The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research institute and library that collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, a public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information through the FOIA, and an indexer and publisher of the documents in books, microfische, and electronic formats. The National Security Archive was founded in 1985 by a group of journalists and scholars who had obtained documentation under the FOIA and sought a centralized repository for these materials.
[6] U.S Department of Energy: Supreme Court Dissents Invoke the Nuremberg Code: CIA and DOD Human Subjects Research Scandals.
[7] ‘Orphans of the 1950’s, Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec’ By Clyde H. Farnsworth, The New York Times, May 21, 1993.
[8] Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments set up by President Clinton in 1994.
[9] US Government and Mind Control Experiments on Children e-book by John Rappoport.
[10] ‘CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children’ by Jon Rappoport, October 2006.
[11] A Nation Betrayed, The Chilling and true story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People by Carol Rutz Fidelity Publishing, 2001 ISBN: 0-9710102-0-X.| Based on 18,000 pages of FOIA documents from the CIA and other sources
[12] p.37; In the Statement made by Chris De Nicola to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15, 1995.
[13] Ibid.
[14] ‘The Greenbaum Speech’ Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse By D. C. Hammond Ph.D. delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992. at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. Originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech.”
[15] p7. in the Statement made by Claudia S. Mullin to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 15 1995 (inserts by Jon Rappoport, from his extract of the same in Oct. 2006).
[16] Ibid. C. Hammond, 1992.
[17] op. cit. Scheflin; International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) and International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).

The Z Factor VI: MAFIYA (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel.”

Red Mafiya: by Robert I. Friedman

According to the UN Development Fund for Women, trafficking in women for prostitution is one of the fastest-growing organised criminal activities in the world, and follows, in frequency, only the trade in narcotics and weapons. The sex trade brings in $7-12 billion annually rising every year. While Israel is far from the only country to profit from this trade it remains one of the primary destination and transfer points from Russia and the Middle East with the US State Department listing this little country on the second tier of human trafficking around the world. Tel Aviv’s lucrative sex trade industry made over $1 billion in 2005, profits of which are largely supported by a constant flow of trafficked women from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Russia with many smuggled in across the Egyptian border. [1]

This has continued to increase over the intervening years. The women, many of whom are young girls, are routinely subjected to violence, sexual abuse and rape which often ends in murder. There are hundreds of legal brothels in Israel with predominantly Slavic girls who sell for about $10,000 to $15,000 apiece. They are bought and sold by Russian-Jewish mafia figures and sent to Israel, America and Britain to work. No substantial effort from Tel Aviv has sought to stem this tide. Smuggling, fraudulent documents, and the collaboration between police and brothel owners is still commonplace. While progress has been made it has been painfully slow and Israeli law and protection for prostitutes and vulnerable women remains weak and ineffective. [2] So much so that even Israel’s own women are now being sold abroad. [3]

Over two thousand women each year are trafficked to Israel. Indeed, during the last decade, hundreds of thousands of women from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania in particular have been sold into slavery as prostitutes. Israel is one of the key centres for human trafficking where a hasty and inadequate law was passed only in July 2000 to make trafficking in women illegal. Before this date the buying and selling of women was not considered legal or even worth discussing. The law was only passed due to a paper by Amnesty International which strongly criticised Israeli authorities for allowing widespread trafficking of women to continue unabated.


Information poster on Ukranian Prostitutes in Israel: The poster reads: “Unlike Drugs a woman’s body can be sold over and over. Owners of Israeli brothels like this one in Tel Aviv can buy young women from Moldova or Ukraine for around $4,000 each. With ten prostitutes to service customers , even a small operation can make a million dollars a year. Traffickers posing as employment agents find victims in poor Eastern European towns and lure them abroad with the promise of good jobs. When the women arrive – in Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, the U.S. – they’re delivered to buyers who typically beat, rape, or terrorize them into compliance.”

With the breakdown of the Soviet Union in the late eighties, former soldiers, disenfranchised industrial workers and large numbers of prisoners released from penitentiaries contributed to a massive rise in crime. The ascendency of Russian-Jewish oligarchs living in the West, the Russian mafia has infused the global underworld, with special attention to Israel. Reports from over fifteen years ago show that this consolidation is complete with various Russian mafia groupings comprehensively controlling prostitution, arms, drugs and human trafficking. As emigration policies were relaxed in the 1990s, over half the population of Russian Jews left the country heading primarily for Israel, along with the United States, Germany, Canada, and Australia. However, the largest populations of Jewish peoples still reside in the nations of Russia.

Professor Ethan S. Burger, Senior Lecturer Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention at the University of Wollongong made a useful study of the Russian Mafia groups presented at the 2010 International Serious Organized Crime Conference in Melbourne, Australia. While he revealed just how little we know about the subject, what is certain is that the emergence of mafia states and “deep politics” – where the criminal underworld becomes the “Overworld” – is virtually complete.  Government, commerce and corporations are effectively filtered through criminal networks which means that there are now factions inside federal departments and intelligence agencies who are involved in turf wars directly related to organised crime, terrorism and political extremism. Quite a heady brew. These are signs that ponerological influences are reaching their apotheosis with consequences for for us all.

In his study, Burger highlights the possibility that Russia has inevitably become a “criminal state” with the dividing line between government and mafia groupings “not readily discernable.” Russian, Chechen, Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani criminal groups are separate but work together under the direction of the Solntsevskaya Bratva, the most powerful Jewish and Slavic grouping closely associated with Jewish mobster Semion Mogilevich. It is this group that sits at the top of a loosely defined hierarchy. In much the same way as Bolshevism was a predominately Jewish phenomenon * so too the present day Russian mafia and their the top leaders Ludwig Fainberg, Marat Balagula, Monya Elson, Vyacheslav Ivankov Vladimir Ginsberg, and of course, Mogilevich – are all Jewish. That isn’t designed to set the anti-Semites nodding happily, it is simply relying a fact.

Since we are exploring the background of Russian mafia and Zionist connections it is also important to point out that ethnic divisions are not a problem when it comes to creating empires of crime. However, the most powerful mafia groupings and oligarchs seem to be predominantly Jewish and/or Zionist since this is the most effective way extending reach, both culturally, economically and as a consequence of an historically nomadic and opportunistic tribal imperative.

As waves of anti-Jewish pogroms and expulsions from the countries of Western Europe marked the last centuries of the Middle Ages, a sizable portion of the Jewish populations moved to the more tolerant countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Many settled in Poland and Hungary which then led to Jews from Poland migrating in large numbers to the lightly populated areas of Ukraine and Lithuania.

Late in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Jews dominated and controlled the trade in white slavery or prostitution, running brothels in Shanghai, India, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil and New York City. It steadily increased in scope and complexity, with brothels serving the primary means of financial gain, as is still the case today. This formed an extensive network based in Eastern and Central Europe, trafficking women to all corners of the globe including all parts of North and South Africa, to India, China, Japan, Philippine Island, North and South America, and many European countries. Primary cities acting as transfer points included Bulgaria, Bosnia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. Although mainly non-Jewish women were the victims, the Jewish criminal underworld procured young women from their own communities who were often poor and with considerable societal pressure to either accept prostitution or succumb to the the extreme poverty existing at the time.

Poland became a major focus for bonded prostitution as early as 1899 with the city of Warsaw acting as the primary location. According to Edward Bristow one of the acknowledged 20th century experts in white slavery:

In 1905 the respectable part of the Jewish Warsaw community rioted against the brothels; 40 whorehouses — legal and illegal — were reported destroyed, 8 persons killed, and 100 injured). […] In Minsk, Jews ran all four legitimate houses of ill repute. In the Russian province of Kherson (which includes the city of Odessa) 30 of 36 licensed brothels were Jewish-owned. The American Consul in Odessa wrote in 1908 that the “whole ‘business’ of prostitution is almost exclusively in the hands of the Jews.” […] In Vienna, authorities knew of about 50 Jewish prostitution traffickers based in Czernowitz, “and they were a very inbred lot extending over two generations.” The most publicized ‘white slavery’ trial occurred in 1892, in Lemberg (once also called Lvov, then a Polish provincial capital, today called Lviv in Ukraine), where 27 traffickers — all Jews — were prosecuted for ensnaring women to go to Constantinople, Egypt, and India. Some of the women recruits understood their tasks, but others “were maids, others fieldworkers, one a butcher’s helper, all apparently promised honest jobs. [4]

Bristow confirms that this method of entrapment has not changed at all in over one hundred and fifty years. From Europe to Latin America, the Jewish Mafia was expanding their operations and by 1909 they owned half of the two-hundred brothels licensed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With the financial help from the United Jewish Philanthropies of Germany, Austria, France and Britain, and even after the persecution from the Russian and Polish pale the mafia were on hand to turn refugees into profitable commodities. This included Jewish ties in Cuba who established a trade route for prostitutes from Poland and the Balkans.

Russia and Eastern Europe had become an increasingly hostile place for Jews. Several 19th-century Russian writers, among them Dostoyevski and Gogol, have described the crime-wave from the Jewish underworld and destructive effects on Slavic peasant society as well as the perpetual condition of mutual hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs. The Mafia, and crime syndicates within Jewish communities knew how to exploit the suffering, including that of their own people.


New York: Lower East side’s Russian-Jewish “ghetto” of 1908

According to Dr. Mordechai Zalkin, senior lecturer in the Department of the History of the Jewish People at Ben-Gurion University, until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. Zalkin believes that the late 19th and early 20th century were bad years, in which the Jews of Eastern Europe did their best simply to survive. Between 1888 and the outbreak of World War I, in 1914, two million Jews from Eastern Europe moved to America. Perhaps mass poverty on such a scale produces methods of survival where those who can adapt in a strictly Darwinian sense do so. And they thrive. This was the hard won roots of the Jewish mafia where thrive they certainly did, with a particular ruthlessness borne from intense hardship:

“… The major catalyst for the consolidation of the Jewish criminal organizations was poverty, poverty so profound that there was no chance to break out of it. The Jews had it even harder, because they were a minority within a majority that placed restrictions on them. […] Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members. The large organizations operated in the cities, which they divided into sectors among themselves. Each organization had a charter, a clear hierarchy and internal courts, and its work was divided according to different areas, such as theft, protection money, prostitution, pick-pocketing and murder. The art of crime was treated seriously, as it was a major source of livelihood for many people. Between the world wars the idea was even raised of establishing a school for thieves in Vilna. [in Lithuania] It’s not known if the idea was put into practice.” [5]

However, although poverty was certainly the cause of widespread crime and prostitution Bristow argued that the 1914 League of Nations survey of 25 Jewish prostitutes in Buenos Aires showed that only 4 of them claimed to be poor before their new trade. Nine, however, stated that their family lives had been “immoral or abusive in some way.”

Similarly, Prof. Robert Rockaway, from the department of Jewish history at Tel Aviv University notes that Detroit’s Jewish Purple Gang members “were not products of crushing poverty, broken homes, or widespread economic despair. Most of them had been raised in lower middle class households where the father had a steady, if not well-paying, job.” (Interestingly, the centre of the Jewish trade in Polish girls was in a little town called Oswiecim or – “Auschwitz.”)

Essentially, the oppressive period of communism was also a time for the Jewish Bolsheviks to exercise their control within Russia, the Ukraine and the Slavic countries, coming down hard on the growing capitalism which included their Jewish compatriots in human trafficking. Enter the historical period of slave labour camps where many Russian and Ukrainian nationalists perished and for whom the Jewish identity and its underworld had become synonymous. Many enemies of the Jews died in these camps enabling in part, the Russian/Jewish underworld to gain a lasting ascendance. It was here that the roots of Russian crime – well established within Soviet bureaucracy – began to fuse with the extensive underworld and Zionist global connections. With the collapse of communism and the Soviet Union, the Jewish Networks and the Russian Mafia became one. As the late Russian-Jewish magnate and fervant Zionist Boris Berezovsky declared in 1996, and a candid response to his critics at the height of his obligarchal control: “Every Jew, regardless of where he is born or lives, is de facto a citizen of Israel,” …“The fact that I have annulled my Israeli citizenship today in no way changes the fact that I am a Jew and can again become a citizen of Israel whenever I choose. Let there be no illusions about it, ‘every Jew in Russia is a dual citizen’ ”.

Young students and those from poor backgrounds in Russia, Ukraine and the Slavic countries are still being lured by promises of big money and/or paid blue collar work only to find themselves working in brothels with no way out until their debt for the travel costs are paid back in full. Even then, the chances are that freedom will mean transportation to a new region and a new brothel to begin it all over again. One could see why Hitler and his twisted form of Gnostic fascism ostensibly chose the underworld Jewish mafia of the time as a caricature of the Jewish people as a whole and the pariah and projection of all the German peoples’ ills and frustrations. Obviously, many Jewish peoples wanted nothing to do with such crime and its Zionist roots, as is the case today. As Bristow mentions: “Jews were already blamed in central Europe for a financial crash in 1873 and economic competition between Jews and non-Jews was heightening. In Chicago, by 1907 Rabbi Emil Hirsch declared that 75 per cent of the “white slavery” in his city was controlled by Jews.

It was no accident that The Jewish Kehillah in New York City was formed together with the American Jewish Committee. The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies – religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah reached 688, and by 1921 over 1,000. An aggressive program from the Kehillah was implemented to make New York “a Jewish city”, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country. In the 1920s the United States of America had fielded a vast exodus of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe which brought with it an extensive network of mafia links which laid the foundations for a new form of crime organisation. They were by no means the only crime network, but they were certainly the most powerful.

1917 saw the Balfour Declaration and a home grown Zionist dream of a State of Israel was the beginning of a long cherished plan from a host of diverse parties all with their respective goals. The Protestants in Britain and forerunners of the Christian Zionists of today implemented the declaration itself, identifying themselves as the inheritors of the Israelites or the lost ten tribes. This support grew for restoration of the Jews as the rightful owners of “the Holy Land.” The movement was given succour by many that were that were distinctly unfriendly in their intentions. As we have noted, some branches of Protestantism posit that the Second Coming of Christ would only come only after the Jews were re-established in their land. Then there was the rising anti-Semitic backlash made up of individuals who saw the established Jewish homeland as a perfect solution to ridding the Europe of Jews. The British Empire also hoped that a Jewish Palestine would be an excuse for a British protectorate there, and would establish a power base in the Middle East that would ensure geo-political leverage well into the future. Once Israel was firmly established as a thriving hub of allegiance between crime networks in America, Israel’s “business” began to flourish and diversify from the HQ of a “promised” homeland.

Professor Rockaway believes that those coming straight from the survivalist rigours of their former homeland knew full well that economic advancement was not going to be an option. The underworld ties still in place abroad and the particular brand of US capitalism which was busy sharpening its teeth, offered a seamless homogenization and extension of Jewish crime organizations which had first been seeded in Russia and Eastern Europe. Zionist gangsters were among the frontline of organized crime during the start of the twentieth century. For an example, among many, Rockaway states: “Arnold Rothstein, was the head of the New York underworld in the 1920s. He created the largest gambling empire the U.S. had ever seen until then. He controlled most of the gangs in New York, including drugs and liquor. Rothstein was the first entrepreneur in the U.S. who created a well-oiled organization to smuggle liquor during Prohibition.” [6]

Criminals such as Abner Zwillman, Joseph Reinfeld, Bugsy Seigel and later Julius Berstein were at the forefront of US crimes including everything from extortion, contraband, gambling and the still rising profits of prostitution. Jewish-American gangsters such as the notorious Meyer Lansky who underpinned much of the outgrowth of Jewish crime had strong links to Israel and its development. His life-long associate Joe Stacher (the first official Israeli mobster) also helped in the struggle for Israel’s creation during the 1940s, by providing shipments of weapons and military hardware to the pre-state Haganah defense organization, the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces. According to Rockaway, tens of thousands of dollars from other Jewish underworld figures helped in the establishment of the new Zionist settlements. World War II only increased the cover of the Zionist movement as a whole.


(left) Meyer Lansky (right) Bugsy Siegel


(Left) Arnold Rothstein (right) Julius Bernstein

It was around the 1960s that leading figures in the Irgun Jewish terrorist group by suggestion or by their own volition, decided to bring key players within Jewish organized crime from the West into the heart of Israel, most notably Tel Aviv. This was due to the fact that key movers within the Irgun or “The Organization” were active in the underworld and fascist at their roots. They obviously abhorred anti-Semitism but aligned themselves with elements of the Mussolini doctrine. Arms, drug running and money laundering grew to staggering proportions, the latter being particularly notorious amongst Russian/Jewish banks within Israel and Wall Street.

Back in 1968, Israeli Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir, the creator of Israel’s “offshore” banking system, sponsored the first of many “millionaires conferences” in Jerusalem. All in attendance were in one way or another connected to the Israeli intelligence apparatus responsible for the weapons and money that helped create Israel in 1948. Among them were: Louis Boyar and Sam Rothberg, Max Fisher, Philip Klutznik, Henry Crown, Raphael Recanati, Ray Wolfe and Shaul Eisenberg. (If we remember from a previous post Eisenberg’s Israel Corporation had it’s beginnings in this secret meeting and which led to the Banque du Credit International money laundering scandal set up by Tibor Rosenbaum). The injection of capital into the designs of Israel is on-going and underworld crime naturally benefits. Indeed, if it is correct that 50 per cent of Russian wealth is owned by Russian Jews then it’s only logical that the capital – political and otherwise – is increasingly a factor in Israel’s ideological designs; not forgetting since 1973, Israel has cost the United States alone about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today’s population, that is more than $5,700 per person.

The Club of Isles (which allegedly has one time friend of Eisenberg and “philanthropist” Jewish George Soros as an active member) the Carlyle Group, Bilderberg Grp., The Club of Rome, or the Trilateral Commission and other glorified Old Boys’ Clubs all have members of a Zionist Elite. Not forgetting the ever present and hugely influential House of Rothschild dynasty …

Once again, our mixed up and fluid reality ensures that objectivity regarding the Jewish role is a veritable mine-field of beliefs and emotional reactions. This goes a long way in explaining its ascendency and continuing hold on most of the world’s future, let alone the lives of Palestinians. Israel and the Russian underworld are brothers in arms, trafficking and narcotics all of which merge into the intelligence apparatus.


Robert I. Friedman

Robert I. Friedman, the late Jewish, Ukrainian-American investigative journalist and expert on the Russian “Mafiya” – and who was murdered by poisoning in 2002 [7] was told by US State Department crime expert Jonathan Winer that: “There is not a major Russian organized crime figure whom we are tracking who does not also carry an Israeli passport.” He believed – and authorities concur – that Israel and Russia are the “principle residences of most Russian crime bosses…” and further: “Of all the nations where the Russian mob has established a presence, none has been more deeply compromised than the State of Israel,” which has led to the Russian mafia becoming: “… a grave threat to the stability of Israel.” [8] In fact, Friedman’s research confirms that: “… all 75 of the top Russian and Ukrainian crime kingpins the U.S. government was tracking worldwide at the end of the 1990s were citizens of Israel.” (More from Friedman in the next post)

Rather like Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, US Federal law enforcement’s efforts to investigate Russian Mafia leaders have been continually thwarted by high level officials in the US government or the tried and tested pretense of the anti-Semitism meme. Friedman believed that within the stocks, insurance, Medicare and credit card industries some of the biggest frauds in US history have been carried out by these Mafia groups and their respectable – often Jewish – fronts. The author explains how their dealings branch into counterfeit currencies, money laundering, narcotics and weapons trafficking, gambling and protection rackets, prostitution rackets and sex slave industries, and the appropriation of gasoline and other fuels. In fact, just about anything which can be criminalised the profit extracted as quickly as possible then the Russian Mafia have either cornered, stolen or created the market. To that end, the author states: “Ukrainian Jewish mafia kingpins also reportedly laundered about $9 billion through the Bank of New York during Russia’s financial meltdown in 1998, and are believed to be fixing games in the National Hockey League. Outside the United States, these crime syndicates are supplying weapons to insurgents, paramilitaries and drug traffickers in Colombia, Brazil and the Andean region.” [9]

If it wasn’t present at its inception, Zionism has now clearly merged with underworld financing with money laundering, sex slavery and narcotics as a few of the primary activities of Israeli crime syndicates. [10]


* The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Two volume work Two Hundred Years Together published in 2001-2002 provides the definitive open and shut case for Bolshevism and its Jewish roots in both belief and the eventual revolution itself. Yet, of course, Zionists and academic Jews had to come down hard on the Nobel Laureate and accuse him very quickly of anti-Semitism. Thankfully, most people were not convinced. In a recent guardian article Solzhenitsyn states:

“My book was directed to empathise with the thoughts, feelings and the psychology of the Jews – their spiritual component,” he said. “I have never made general conclusions about a people. I will always differentiate between layers of Jews. One layer rushed headfirst to the revolution. Another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back. The Jewish subject for a long time was considered prohibited. Zhabotinsky [a Jewish writer] once said that the best service our Russian friends give to us is never to speak aloud about us.”

‘Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution’ The Guardian, Nick Paton Walsh, January 2003.

And so it is with the Russian-Jewish mafia.


[1] ‘Human trafficking in Israel rakes in more than USD billion a year, findings in annual parliamentary survey show’ Miri Hasson, Israel News, March 23, 2005.
[2] Amnesty International 2000 report: “Israel’s Sex Industry”.
[3] ‘Israeli women being trafficked abroad’ The Jerusalem Post. March 13 2007.
[4] Prostitution and Prejudice: the Jewish Fight against White Slavery – 1870-1939, Edward J. Bristow.
[5] ‘World of our (god)fathers’ Basing his conclusions on carefully culled scraps of evidence, historian Mordechai Zalkin states that until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. By ‘our’ people. By Coby Ben-Simhon Haaretz, Oct. 21, 2004. |
[6] ‘Segodnya’ Today, Nov. 14, 1996.
[7] But He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters by Prof. Robert Rockaway, Department of Jewish history, Aviv University, Gefen Publishing House, 2000.
[8] “The investigative stories of Robert I. Friedman (1951-2002) appeared from the early 1980s. Allegedly, he died of a tropical blood disease. But many had their doubts and believed he was poisoned. The daring Jewish journalist made headlines exposing politicians, bankers and mobsters who preyed on the powerless. The ADL maligned him, death threats poured in, and he was badly beaten by West Bank thugs. Friedman warned the FBI of the threat posed by the first World Trade Center bombers and delivered vital reports on the long arms of the Russian Jewish mafia, which offered $100,000 to have him killed.” – Y M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D
[9] p. 65; Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman, published by Little, Brown and Company; 1st edition, 2000 | ISBN-10: 0316294748
[10] ‘Russian Ukrainian Crime Groups Set to Corner Global Drug Market,’ Strategic Forecasting, April 8, 2002.