Occult Zionism I

 By M.K. Styllinski

“Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA…

Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh quoting the founder of the Chabad movement Shneur Zalman of Liadi – Jewish Week – April 26, 1996.


“…in addition to a series of scurrilous sexual allegations against Jesus, the Talmud states that his punishment in hell is to be immersed in boiling excrement – a statement not exactly calculated to endear the Talmud to devout Christians.”

Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years

(Note: Before tackling this post, it might be a good idea to read: The Z Factor series; Religious Authoritarians and  World Revolution.)

Zionism is both anti-Jewish, and anti-Christian. It is an atheistic repudiation of every characteristic of the Christian principle and the more down-to-earth Jewish principles of altruism which exist in every moderate religious affiliation to truth. Zionism breathed life into what came to be known as Nazism since it was founded on the very same tenets of racism and supremacy. Ironically, it was Adolf Hitler funded and supported by Zionists who took the battle against Talmudic teachings and political deception of Zionism; an inverted and distorted version of a truth. Finally, it was Hitler’s despotism and Anglo-American desire for war which provided a further layer of propaganda for the true instigators of chaos. It is in this sense that Jews and the rest of humanity have been had. There is no doubt that Zionism is at the forefront of covert operations to continue and extend this chaos culminating in their prophesied World War III. For Occult Zionists this is both a political and ideological drive. Global in its ambitions it extends far beyond the remit of Israeli nationalism. Accordingly, this relatively modern incarnation of Ashkenazi supremacy represents the best tool for psychopaths to create periodic revolutions, with monotheistic religions as the fail-safe mechanism to make sure that humanity keeps to the rule book.

Conversely,  – and the point has to be hammered home – it is an absurdity to think that there is a strictly Jewish conspiracy when Judaism itself was merely the instrument to control the mass mind over centuries, with an extremely effective Middle Eastern imperialism taking precedence. It’s also true to say that Judaism itself has been hijacked from its very inception, as we will see. The inculcated psychology of Jewish victimhood and its historic propaganda was necessary for the fulfillment of psychopathic conquest. Ethnocentrism, race supremacy, blood and soil, and the institution of atheist totalitarian regimes under Communism, Nazism, corporatism and the neo-liberal economics of our present age – occult Zionism lies behind these major pathologies in some form of another. It is therefore hugely simplistic to make ordinary Jews culpable for what is after all, a very long unbroken exercise in social engineering. No wonder common traits in Jewish psychology display both a creative genius and a variety of neuroses in equal measure as the result of the distillation of a cognitive elite predicated on being “chosen.”

It is this cultural victimhood that is based on the reality of persecution yet, has morphed into a veritable industry that insulates the Jewish tribe and by default, Zionism from criticism from within and without. It has become a very effective vicious circle. Modern day Jews ARE victims but the tragedy is that the propaganda which has been created by Zionism prevents them from seeing the real nature of this bias which increasingly defines Jewish meaning. It points to a profound truth about their place in the world: that Establishment Zionists are using Jews for a specific purpose – to be the primary tools for pathocratic world vision. So, the authoritarian followers within Judaism and Judaic cults such as Chabad Lubavitch have been specially chosen not to act as inherently spiritual beings destined to preside over gentiles and inaugurate a new theocratic Eden for all – as if that weren’t bad enough – but chosen as the most convenient tribe to transform the world into Chaos from which a global Pathocracy can emerge. It is in this way that it is not about any race or religion it is purely about a psychopathic elite. 

By that token, it is evident from a spiritual perspective that the Palestinians have taken on the mantle of a collective sacrifice to wake up humankind, a tragic irony in light of the millions killed by the Nazis. It makes it all the more bizarre since there is no such thing as a Jewish race as many scholars are now discovering. Archaeology, history and anthropological finds of the last 200 years have shown us that Jewish peoples come from wide genetic variants of a Semitic base. The dominant band of Jews currently ensconced in Zionism and many nodes of power are the Rothschild-led Ashkenazis with their origins in Khazria who are, essentially, not Jewish at all. It appears that the Ashkenazi heritage is currently micro-managing the destiny of Jews, those whom have come up through the complex gene pool that makes up the Jewish tribe.

The foot soldiers of Zionism and their associated mythology of Israel – even vast tracts of biblical Judaism – is a deception against not just humanity but the religion of Judaism and its followers, most of whom the militant Zionists intend to sacrifice as a “final solution;” the practice run of which was seen in the partly Wall St. funded Third Reich. It is for this reason: to condone the legitimacy of the State of Israel requires a very different set assumptions compared to other nation states. This is what makes the very existence of modern Israel, in its present form, extremely problematic as it means condoning the invasion of Palestine in 1948 and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinian inhabitants. It means the acceptance of the Jews as the chosen people of “G-d” and therefore their exclusive right to possess Palestine “because it said so in the Torah,” – a truism that is repeated through the hammer of Christian Zionism with the Bible as the anvil of choice. It means this religious covenant gives them an absolute right to do as they please because of this much trumpeted special status. Zionists have taken these assumptions and perceived successes (deception, ethnic cleansing, massacres, blatant human rights abuses) as proof positive that God is on their side, thus affirming that the authoritarian way of Yahweh is the only way. So, it is little wonder that the peace process never gets off the ground since Zionists have no wish for peace; Yahweh has decreed, by blood and carnage, that such a covenant remains unchanged despite the inconvenient truth that Palestinians and Semitic groups were on the land for around 1,500 years or more.


Soldier and Girl by British graffiti artist Banksy found on the West Bank Wall

Due to the habitual lies and disinformation flooding our consciousness on this issue, it becomes impossible to speak about these taboos in general, let alone to many Jewish people. The institutions set up to police these lies are just too strong, too ingrained. To say that this will induce cognitive dissonance within most Jewish people is probably an understatement but wilful blindness to the voluminous evidence cannot be held at bay any longer. After all, most of the heroic dissent comes, as it should, from Jews themselves, most notably some of our well-known Jewish scholars alive today among them: Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon, Israel Shahak, Mordechai Vanunu and Eduard Hodos to name but a handful who have taken the courageous step to stand against the Zionist-MOSSAD machine. Of course, to the Zionist and Israeli lobbyists these are “self-hating” crypto-Jews who have sold out. But they are nothing of the kind. By cutting through the propaganda and mythos surrounding Jewish culture they enable us to elevate ourselves away from a perception bias and group-think;  to see not only the way the Zionist Establishment have progressively de-humanised Palestinians and occupied their land, but paved the way for a more courageous responsibility regarding the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and our relationship to its continuance.

We are ALL responsible for the rise of psychopathy in our midst and its hijacking of our social and cultural heritage, whether we are Jewish, Muslim, Christian or followers of the Human Potential movement. Psychopaths occur in every societal domain, race, nation and culture. Judaism and Zionism does have an exceptional part to play in this vast deception but it is not the root source. Jews are rather the victim of a manipulation through time as the designated fall-guys for what is a Grand Plan of control which  applies to everyone, now and in the future. The psychopaths goal is to replace normal human beings by a careful centuries old “pogram” for all. We are slap-bang in the middle of a World Revolution borne of the same unbroken stream of psychopathic currents which have comprised totalitarian regimes of every shade; behind all of these upheavals have been Talmudic agents, and in the modern age revisionist Zionism rooted firmly in a branch of “Jewish” freemasonry working in unison with the two other arms of the Three Establishment Model (3EM) the liberal Anglo-American set and the Conservative factions overseen by a small global occult body. And it is the occult faction of the Zionist Establishment with higher members of MOSSAD who I believe are causing the most chaos in the world today; a small number of black magicians who apply a modern form of techno-sorcery drawing on a mix of Crowleyian/Thelemic Babylonian and Talmudic black magick to hold the world to ransom.

One major strand – and it is only a strand – of this managed chaos to a singular “order” is Judaism – the authority of the Torah and Talmud – the belief that the Messiah will come to unite the Jewish people in the land of Israel. Alarmingly, its occult foundation is as influential as it was when it emerged out of Levitical authority during the Jewish “captivity” in Babylon. To understand how Talmudic black magicians of MOSSAD are currently invoking their “demons” on the world stage we need to discover why the Talmud is so important to the occult-Zionist Establishment.

Talmud_setThe Talmud set (wikipedia)

The Babylonian Talmud is a large collection of ancient mystical writings which forms the basis of Rabbinical and Jewish doctrine today. In amongst these 73 tomes is an amalgamation of ancient Jewish mystical writings influenced by the “Oral Torah” (Mishnah) and later fused in and around the 5th Century with the works of the Zohar or Midrash ha-Zohar the foundation to the Kabbalah. The latter is said to be the esoteric form of of the Talmud known as the Midrash, and thus plays a hugely important part in freemasonry today. It is split into two sections: the Mishnah: a compendium of the Torah’s oral tradition which dates from 200 CE and the Gemara: explanatory notes on the Mishnah, Kabbalah and the Hebrew Bible. With these respective commentaries are the Halakhah, covering legal and ritual matters and the Aggadah, which is concerned with theological and ethical discourse. Strict observation of Halakhah rules is mandatory for Orthodox Jews.

This in turn, is divided into six major sections, called sedarim (plural of seder, “order”). This is the sequence of the sedarim in the Soncino Talmud:

  • Seder Zeraim (seeds)
  • Seder Moed (festivals)
  • Seder Nashim (women)
  • Seder Nezikin (damages)
  • Seder Kodashim (sacrifices)
  • Seder Tohoroth (cleanness)

Each Seder contains between seven and twelve tractates, or books as follows: Sanhedrin, Berakoth, Shabbath, Yebamoth, Kethuboth, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah, Gittin, Baba Kamma, Baba Mezi’a, Baba Bathra, Abodah Zarah, Horayoth, Niddah, and Tohorot. [1]

(Confused? That’s the idea).

Written in Rabbinic Hebrew or “Tannaitic” and Aramaic, the Talmud as a whole is more than 6,200 pages long offering teachings from thousands of rabbis on topics as diverse as ethics, esoteric philosophy, law, social etiquette, sexuality, and many other opinions all couched in sometimes extremely obscure and often non-sensical dictums which some have likened to Zen koans and others as meaningless word salad.

First_page_of_the_first_tractate_of_the_Talmud_(Daf_Beis_of_Maseches_Brachos) First page of_the first tractate of the talmud daf beis of maseches brachos. (wikipedia)

First page of the first tractate of the talmud daf beis of maseches brachos. (wikipedia)

There are in fact, two editions of the Talmud; one composed by Babylonian Levite priests and one by Jews who lived in ancient Jerusalem. Between 530 BC and 70 AD saw the rise of the Babylonian Empire and the rule of the Jewish Levite priests. After the destruction of the first Temple in A.D. 70 by the Romans led by General Titus, this marked the beginning of the Second Temple period in Jewish history when the bulk of the Babylonian Talmud or “Bavli” was created.

A bit of history is order to place the BT in context.

Babylon plays an enormous part in the development of Judaism. The story of the Babylonian Jews begins with their exile in the 6 B.C. The well known biblical and Chaldean and Jewish King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (588-7 B.C.) was attempting to increase his rule in the area between Egypt, Phoenicia and Canaan. After annexing Western provinces of Syria, he went on to attack Jerusalem in 597 BC capturing the city, or what was left of it. Thereafter, he apparently deported large numbers of the Jewish population to Babylon, many of whose origins were from Judea. Despite the trauma, the Jewish tribes were allowed to retain their autonomy and religious identity. After the Babylonian Empire fell to King Cyrus in 53 B.C. many Jews returned to Palestine, which wasn’t necessarily a good move since Palestine had been ravaged by war. This may have been a factor for those who decided to stay. Those that made Babylon their home flourished, particularly in business and local politics while retaining their Jewish beliefs.


Nebuchadnezzar II inscribed on coin of the period

Back in Jerusalem in 132 AD a Jewish rebellion took place against the building of a new temple on the remains of the second temple (See Temple Mount) but was put down by the Romans. This caused a new influx of Jews to Babylon enriching Jewish life both in terms of population and political influence reaching about 150,000. Though many could have returned to Palestine, a cognitive elite of Jewish intellectuals stayed on, going from strength to strength. Is this not similar to what happened in America in relation to the manufactured state of Israel? Such parallels from ancient history to the present day is noted by historian Max Dimont:

“When history presented the Jews of Babylon with a passport to return to a reconstituted Palestine, they declined the invitation, just as American Jews declined a similar invitation to return to a reconstituted Israel. By this refusal, the Babylonian Jews created the Diaspora. By their refusal, the American Jews perpetuated the Diaspora. In Babylonia, Diaspora Judaism slowly gained intellectual ascendancy over Palestinian Judaism. In the 20th Century history placed the scepter of Diaspora Judaism in the willing hands of the American Jews.” [2]

Babylonia and the Jews do seem to reflect what we find in modern United States: intrinsic adaptability yet remaining culturally separated from the dominant culture; networked nepotism and strong business connections, rapid and accumulated wealth within small groups and inter-marrying within their own families. Israel is not and has never been the final refuge of a landless people. The Diaspora remains yet there is a strong draw from Zionists for Diaspora Jews to return to the homeland. This is not to fuse with the soul of Judaism however, but to be used as sacrificial bait on an altar of idolatry – a Grand Ritual for and by the Zionist elite.

It was probable that the sources for the Talmud were drawn from Jewish centres of Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq, which is an important point to remember for its modern relationship to occult Zionist ritual. It is also the source of black magick practices care of the Levite priests of the day and their obsession with Kabbalistic invocation. The Levite priests proved to have an enduring legacy.

Recent studies have placed the Levites along the Ashkenazi lineage and thus Khazar origins. [3] This will become important to remember as we proceed. The priests were said to have been drawn from one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Levi) and who were part of the emergence of the Pharisees. They were originally landless tribe priests with their origins in Judah and whose allegiance and authority came from the Jehovah (Yahweh) on Mount Sinai. In effect, they were the true authoritarians and progenitors of the harshest doctrines of Mosaic Law and thus the true fathers of Judaism. Their nomadic lifestyles meant they were able to indoctrinate many with the idea of Jehovah’s war of conquest where a New Jewish theocracy was the only way in which to manifest God on Earth.  The Levites set themselves up as “divine” Judges over the Jewish people. 


Detail from A Levite Priest holds up Holy Hands – James Tissot (1836-1902)

Compassion and love was inimical to Levitical judgement and in accordance with the bloody authority of Jehovah. As such they represent the ideological ancestors of Zio-Conservatism, Christian Fundamentalism and Jewish sects of Chabad Lubavitch today. Indeed, it is the Levite priests and their Talmudic law which gave rise to the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible and of the Jewish Torah named Deuteronomy. It was here that much of the seeds of slavery, war, genocide and revolution found their way into the Middle East and eventually Western societies. With the corralling of the Judahites and the imposition of a black magick infused Talmudism, A supposed oral Torah and Mosaic authoritarianism became the pathogen of psychopathy which infected the destiny of nations, perhaps more than any other socio-cultural and economic phenomenon.

The Levites set about compiling this apparently “secret” oral teaching of the Torah after the Assyrian conquest of Judah. By 621 B.C. Deuteronomy had been written and was socially engineering the masses from the Temple in Jerusalem. It was designed to create the maximum amount of fear for maximum control. And that is precisely what it did and in ways that would reverberate through time. 

Author and Journalist Douglas Reed’s Controversy of Zion (1956) describes the Babylon Talmud’s genesis and its defining quality under the Levite priests and their Old Testament wrath:

Deuteronomy is to formal Judaism and Zionism what the Communist Manifesto was to the destructive revolution of our century. It is the basis of the Torah (“the Law”) contained in the Pentateuch, which itself forms the raw material of the Talmud, which again gave birth to those “commentaries” which together constitute the Judaic “law”.

Therefore Deuteronomy is also the basis of the political programme, of worldly dominion over nations despoiled and enslaved, which has been largely realized in the West during this Twentieth Century. Deuteronomy is of direct relevancy to the events of our day, and much of the confusion surrounding them disperses if they are studied in its light.

It was read, in 621 BC, to so small an audience in so small a place that its great effects for the whole world, through the following centuries into our time, are by contrast the more striking.

Before Deuteronomy was compiled only the “oral tradition” of what God said to Moses existed. The Levites claimed to be the consecrated guardians of this tradition and the tribes people had to take their word for it (their pretensions in this respect chiefly caused the anger of the Israelite “prophets”). If anything had been written down before Deuteronomy was read, such manuscripts were fragmentary and in priestly keeping, and as little known to the primitive tribesmen as the Greek poets to Kentucky hills folk today.

That Deuteronomy was different from anything that had been known or understood before is implicit in its name, which means “Second Law”. Deuteronomy, in fact, was Levitical Judaism, first revealed; the Israelites (as already shown) “were not Jews” and had never known this “Law”.

Deuteronomy stood the earlier tradition on its head, if it was in harmony with the moral commandments. However, the Levites were within their self-granted right in making any changes they chose, for they held that
they were divinely authorized to amend the Law, as orally revealed by God to Moses […]

For that matter, they also claimed that Moses had received at Sinai a secret oral Torah, which must never be committed to writing. In view of the later inclusion of the Old Testament in one volume with the Christian New Testament, and the average Gentile’s assumption that he thus has before his eyes the whole of “the Mosaic Law”, this qualification is of permanent interest. [4]

The legacy of the Levites as the foreunners of our present day Zionists is never clearer. They both draw their aspiritual inspiration and action from other than what we consider to be the message of love, compassion and knowledge. Indeed, it is obvious that Mosaic Law became something very far from anything resembling “spiritual” under these priestly elect. The Pharisees, from which the Levites hailed had a less than impeccable pedigree. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia describes the Pharisees’ contribution in these terms:

“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature, and round it are gathered a number of Midrashim, partly legal (Halachic) and partly works of edification (Haggadic). This literature, in its oldest elements, goes back to a time before the beginning of the Common Era, and comes down into the Middle Ages. Through it all run the lines of thought which were first drawn by the Pharisees…” [5]

And according to Talmudic rabbis today, Talmudism seamlessly transformed from this Levite Talmdism with roots in Jehovah and Mosaic Law into Medieval Rabbinsim and to Modern Rabbinsim, thus modern Judaism as “the spirit of ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.” [6] Even more importantly, the Levite priests drawn from the Pharisees were the object of Jesus Christ’s wrath – an extremely rare occurrence for this “man of righteousness”. What was it that caused him to lose his temper when confronted with the actions of this authority? Possibly because Jesus knew very well that the blood and soil of Jehovah/Yahweh was nothing remotely to do with his message and rather they were a priestly order for a different “God” entirely. Jesus thought of the Levite priests as “Hypocrites, Vipers, Serpents” (Mt. 12:34, 23:33). He could not have been clearer in his description when he said: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44 (4) And he went further, viewing the council of priests as impostors: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie” (Rev 3:9)


Gustave Doré: Dispute between Jesus and the Pharisees

 Jesus knew exactly who these people were and was not having any of it. He knew that the Levite priests were using the temple to run their financial cartels, acting exactly like their father Jehovah who encouraged war, murder, rape and pillage in the name of God, where truth was non-existent and lies were the primary currency of their exchange. If you had the individual associated with the mythology of Christ condemning such people he must have had a pretty good reason to do so. It is here that we see the exact similarities to modern-day highly placed Zionists who are continuing the same tradition.

In exploring the roots of Jewish influence and separatism Reed highlighted the role of Levites and the lineage of the Pharisees sect. The narrative of a chosen people was carefully nurtured by the Pharisees who occupied “the second place in the pedigree of the sect which has brought about such large events in our time.”

Reed continues:

“The name ‘Pharisee’, according to the Judaist authorities, means ‘one who separates himself’, or keeps away from persons or things impure in order to attain the degree of holiness and righteousness required in those who would commune with God. The Pharisees formed a league or brotherhood of their own, admitting to their inmost councils only those who, in the presence of three members, pledged themselves to the strict observance of Levitical purity. They were the earliest specialists in secret conspiracy, as a political science.”  [7]

It is this political cunning that defines Levitical machinations and the engineering of Jewish destiny. Does it not remind us of  Zionist geopolitics and lobbying financed by the House of Rothschild?

Reed goes further:

Deuteronomy is above all a complete political programme: the story of the planet, created by Jehovah for this “special people”, is to be completed by their triumph and the ruination of all others. The rewards offered to the faithful are exclusively material: slaughter, slaves, women, booty, territory, empire. The only condition laid down for these rewards is observance of “the statutes and judgments”, which primarily command the destruction of others. The only guilt defined lies is non-observance of these laws. Intolerance is specified as observance; tolerance as non-observance, and therefore as guilt. The punishments prescribed are of this world and of the flesh, not of the spirit. Moral behaviour, if ever demanded, is required only towards co-religionists and “strangers” are excluded from it.” [8]

It was this hierarchical power base that allowed the ponerisation of what was essentially a vengeance-based ruse for land conquest with various Semitic peoples “chosen” as bait. No wonder Jesus threw out some of these priests from the Temple – he could SEE what they were and what this meant for his own message of self-knowledge and the development of conscience. What the Levite priests were proposing was an anti-Christian rule of law, according to some Jewish scholars based in part  on elements from the Platonic political system which was adopted as early as 142-63 BC. This law decreed: “… that every phase of human conduct be subject to religious sanctions which are in fact to be manipulated by the ruler …” [9] which appears to be forerunner of distinctly Zio-Conservative, Machiavellian tactics. The Levitical rule did not derive from the more moderate source of the Torah but was bastardised by their scribes who had taken the revisions and liberal expansions directly from the priests claiming it was the original doctrine orally bestowed on Mount Sinai. How could anyone argue?

One man did however, and saw it for what it was: a tactic to reintroduce pathocratic rule as a replacement to spiritual integration. Jesus Christ admonished the priests and warned people to have nothing to do with these manipulations when he said: “By the traditions of your elders you make void the Word of God.” (St Matthew 15). The Old Testament fury was re-engineering love and compassion into hatred, fear and separatism care of the Talmud. As Douglas Reed mentions, the difference between the Torah and Talmud is a crucial distinction in the evolution of Biblical theology and practice:

If not different, then why should not the anti-Christian Talmud be added to the Christian Bible? If that were done the entire work would extend along several shelves of a library, and the New Testament would be a tiny pamphlet, lost among and excommunicated by the Talmudic mass, the teaching of which is thus summarized by the Talmudic scholar Drach: ‘The precepts of justice, of equity, of charity towards one’s neighbours, are not only not applicable with regard to the Christian, but constitute a crime in anyone who would act differently … The Talmud expressly forbids one to save a non-Jew from death … to restore lost goods, etc., to him, to have pity on him’. The theological decision about the ‘equal divine authority’ of the Torah seems to have introduced an element of confusion into the Christian lesson from which Christianity itself in the end might not recover. The Talmudic precepts just quoted are not essentially different in nature from those included in Deuteronomy when that ‘second Law’ was made public a thousand years before the Palestinian Talmud was completed; they are merely given a specifically anti-Christian application.” [10]

The Babylonian Talmud and the priests graduated to a mix of superstitious occultism and the inclusion of blood sacrifice and bizarre rituals which Jesus understandably didn’t want to have anything to do with. (More on this later in the series). They were the prefect nemesis, using Divine law to cover their ambition for power. The message of “Love your enemies” was after all, supplanted by the Pharisaic Law of “hate your enemies”, so it didn’t take long before the template of spiritual dispensation to be rapidly eclipsed.

Over centuries the Talmud became the de facto barbed-wire fence around the Jewish tribe, or as Reed States: “‘the fence around the Law’; the outer tribal stockade around the inner tribal stockade.”  The Talmud had already “laid down the rules and regulations not only for the Babylonian Jews but for the whole of Judaism” and where “…The Jews throughout the world recognized the academies in Babylonia as the authoritative centre of Judaism, and regarded any laws they passed as binding.” The Talmud essentially took the place of the Torah, just as the Torah earlier had replaced the “oral traditions”. [11]


Babylonian Talmud (wikipedia)

As practiced by Jews for the last 1000 years or so, the Halakhah legal system of classical Judaism is maintained to this day as Orthodox Judaism and is based almost exclusively on the Talmud. Due to the impossible ( and intentional) complexity of the legal dialogue within these volumes, a progressive codification – even dilution – of the core Talmudic tracts has taken place,  thus it has been easier to cover up their controversial nature. It is this almost impenetrable complexity that defines the Talmud. Ever increasing complexity is the bane of our present culture since it allows secrecy, double-speak and paramoralistic discourse to flourish. We see complexity in the evolution of economics, corporations and government as it diffuses responsibility and personal accountability in favour of hierarchical rule thus encouraging obedience and blindness to the moral dimension. Though modern Jewish translators mostly rabbis with probable bias, have diluted and/or omitted passages from the original, it is no understatement to say that these tombs of Jewish mysticism are chock full of mystifying maxims, anecdotes, koans and general advice of such a bizarre nature it has taxed secular Jews and Rabbis alike, often tying themselves up in knots in order to place some of the teachings into something close to resembling a coherent and accessible narrative.

Indeed, the Talmud is so incomprehensible in parts that even one of the most devoutly Jewish authors – Herman Wouk in his 1961 book This is My God had to share his frustrations:

“Talmudic political judgment often shows the bitterness of a people trodden by wave after wave of oppressors.” […] “Since the Talmud reports the sayings of hundreds of savants over many centuries, it abounds in contradictory maxims, in conflicting metaphysical guesses, in baffling switches from cynicism to poetry, from misanthropy to charity, from dislike of women to praise for them …. In a word, one can say almost anything about this recording of the talk of wise men through seven centuries, and then find a passage to support it.”  [12]


“Portae Lucis by Joseph Gikatilla (1248 -1325) Augsburg, 1516 The book is a Latin translation by Paulus Ricius of Gikatilla’s most influential kabbalistic work” (wikipedia)

It could be said that the Kabbalah has some alchemical allusions to cryptic codes and thereby some measure of profundity – in places. However, the vast majority of Talmudic discourse can hardly be said to fall into the same category. For instance, the most minute and seemingly inconsequential minutiae of Jewish lives are placed under a prurient microscope, from toilet habits to medicinal remedies.

The 1939 edition of Hebraic Literature, Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim, and Kabbala by M. K Harris offers a few examples:

  • “One who eats an ant is flogged five times forty stripes save one.”
  • “Demons … have wings like angels … [and] they know the future.”
  • “For night-blindedness, let a man take a hair-rope and bind one end of it to his own leg and the other to a dog’s, then let the children clatter a potsherd after him, and call out, “Old man! Dog! Fool! Cock! …”
  • “The bald-headed, and dwarfed, and the blear-eyed are ineligible for the priesthood.”
  • “Only kings … eat roast meat with mustard.”
  • “It is not right for a man to sleep in the daytime any longer than a horse sleeps. And how long is the sleep of a horse? Sixty respirations.” [13]

Author Michael Hoffman also provides numerous examples and a detailed analysis in his Judaism Re-Discovered (2008). His research unveils everything from Kabbalistic Magick to ritual murder and many other less dramatic but no less distasteful instructions that seldom sees the light of day, yet remain a vital part of some sects of Orthodox Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch. Though Hoffman’s rendering of Judaism and Talmudic lore is very much in keeping with a kind of Christian, school-teacher puritanism that one might have imagined had disappeared a long time ago, he does offer an extraordinarily comprehensive analysis of the Talmud’s secrets (and if you can stand the lack of proper formatting and shocked Christian proselytising throughout). Hoffman provides further examples of inscrutable Talmudic “wisdom,” the worst of which indicates the cruder aspects of Kabbalistic black magick and bizarre forms of legalise:

  • Eating dates makes one ineligible to render legal decisions. (BT Kethuboth 10b).
  • The medicinal value of the excrement of a white dog: to heal the disease of pleurisy (“catarrh”) a Jew should “take the excrement of a white dog and knead it with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog’s excrement as it loosens the limbs.” (BT Gittin 69b).
  • Epilepsy is caused by standing naked in front of a lamp, or sexual relations with the light on. (BT Pesahim 112b).
  • Not burying cut fingernails causes miscarriages. (BT Moed Katan 18a).
  • Everyone has two kidneys, one of which inspires good deeds; the other, bad deeds. (BT Berakoth 61a).
  • After seven years, hyenas turn into bats. After even longer periods, they turn into thorns and demons. (BT Baba Kamma 16a).
  • Bad-temper is caused by birth on Monday; riches and sexual promiscuity caused by birth on Tuesday; those who desecrate the Sabbath by being born thereon will die on the Sabbath. (BT Shabbatb, 156a).
  • Solar eclipses caused by improperly mourning the death of particular Rabbis; Lunar eclipses caused by raising small cattle in Israel. (BT Sukkah 29a).
  • It is forbidden for dogs, women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads. (BT Pesahim, 111a).
  • Demonic danger is involved when one drinks water on the evenings of Wednesdays and Sabbaths. (BT Pesahim 112a).
  • Improper occupations: ass and doctors, butchers, etc., with some camel drivers, sailor, controversy concerning shopkeepers, sailors.(BTKiddushin 82a).
  • Sixteen million Israelite children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans at Bethar. (BT Gittin 58a).
  • Four billion Israelites were killed by the Romans in one city, the city of Bethar. (Some rabbis say “only” forty million were killed there). (BT Gittin 57b).
  • Zimri engaged Cozbi in sexual relations 424 times in one day. Also her womb was one-and½ feet wide. (BT Sanhedrin 82b).
  • Obed-Edom’s wife and eight daughters-in-law all give birth to six children at a time (BT Berakoth 63b).
  • Those who suffer extreme poverty, are afflicted with bowel diseases, suffer persecution by the Romans or have a bad wife, will not go to hell (BT Pesahim 113b).
  • He who stays unmarried, doesn’t wear phylacteries, or doesn’t wear shoes, cannot go to heaven (BT Pesahim 113b).
  • Women cannot conceive before they reach twelve years and a day, according to the Rabbis. When asked how it was possible that a gentile girl had conceived at age six, the Rabbi replied that gentiles are not human. (BT Niddah 45a). [14]

Apart from the consistent obsession with sex and toilet habits (which would explain a lot of the reasons behind the rise of Freudian psychoanalysis – more on this later) the above bar-room brawl trivia which seems to litter more solemn passages in the Talmud, it is the themes of Jewish supremacy, hatred of those outside the Jewish tradition (Gentiles) and their inherent inferiority that appear to be most common. What is apparent at the outset of perusing the Talmud is that the non-Jew is treated with the utmost contempt. There is no tolerance or compassion, only ways to deceive, out do, slander, abuse and even murder the “the other” or “the Goyim” (cattle). Quite simply, non-Jews are viewed as animals, a belief that has continued to be held by many in Israel – especially within military and right-wing groupings to this day. As we can see, anti-Christian abuse also forms the backbone of the Talmud and thus much of Judaism:

  • “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
  • “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
  • “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
  • What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
  • “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
  • “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
  • “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
  • “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
  • “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
  • “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
  • “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
  • “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
  • “Yashu’ [derogatory for ‘Jesus’] is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
  • “Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
  • “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
  • “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
  • “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
  • “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.”(Rosh Hashanah 17a)
  • A gentile who strikes a Jew deserves death. Striking a Jew is in God’s eyes an assault on the Divine Presence. (BT Sanhedrin 58b).
  • All the blessings which gentiles enjoy come to them only because of God’s regard for Israel. (BT Yebamoth 63a).
  • A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work (BT Sanhedrin 57a).
  • If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full. (BT Baba Kamma 37b).
  • The deeds of Israel are righteous, but the gentiles are capable only of sin. (BT Baba Bathra 10b).
  • Wine touched by a gentile renders has been defiled and is unfit for use by the Jews. (BT Abodah Zarah 72b).
  • Thieves of unknown ethnic background broke into a Jew’s building and touched his wine. Since he did not know who touched the wine, he was unsure whether or not the thieves had been gentiles and whether or not it had been defiled by a gentile’s touch. The rabbis ruled that since the majority of thieves in that city were Jews, the wine was undefiled. (BT Abodah Zarah 70a).
  • A sly rabbi debates God and through trickery defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate. (BT Baba Mezia 59b). [15] [16]

It seems that sex and their perverse corollaries are used as a means for pleasure, authority and retribution. The Abodah Zarah 17a states: “…that there is not a whore in the world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with and yet, in Hagigah 27a declares that no rabbi can ever go to hell.”  [17] All of this is rounded off with a Levitical totalitarianism in that “…whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell” (BT Erubin 21b). (So, at least you have the same punishment bestowed upon Jesus, if that’s any consolation). 


18th Century portrait of Moshe ben Maimon (“Maimonides”)

The contempt of Gentiles stems from the brainwashing of Jews in ancient times in the much the same way it occurs today. Though many modern liberal American Jews are unaware of the root belief, race supremacy lies at its heart, with fears of racial amalgamation with gentiles still a driving force in marriage and relationships, since maintaining the “purity” of the Judaic nation is paramount. The segregationist laws forbids the adoption of Gentile customs even when they are derived from the Bible: “The Yid should be distinguished from the goyim [slang for Gentile]…Firstly, the basic halacha is that any of the practices that goyim have for their worship are forbidden to the Yiddin. Furthermore, even if the Torah sanctions this worship, Yiddin may not engage in it, if this practice was subsequently adopted by the goyim.”  [18]

Since non-Jews are not considered neighbours (‘You shall not exploit your neighbor’ is written, and it is not written ‘a gentile’ (BT Baba Kamma 113a) distrust, suspicion, subterfuge, lies and hatred of non-Jews is the formal doctrine of Maimonides and Jewish law the final solution of which is murder if necessary. The former Gush Emunim leader Rabbi Israel Ariel summed up this belief when he stated: ‘A Jew who killed a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment and has not violated the religious prohibition of murder.” [19] Though the ultra-right wing Gush Emunin movement has thankfully dissolved, its common beliefs have not, concentrated as they are within the Zionist Establishment and MOSSAD. It also offers a possible reason why so many in the Israeli military see Palestinian lives as worth nothing more than animals and how easy it is for many Israelis to rationalise their active or passive support for the occupied territories and genocidal bombing campaigns such as we saw most recently in Gaza, in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2014.

The seeds of usury were also sown in the tracts of the Talmud. Zionists have used this tradition and financial acumen to great effect in order to circumnavigate economic laws and forge new socio-economic systems which benefit their political aspirations. Loss of prestige and power within Gentile society inevitably leads a denial of their objectives so strenuous efforts have been been made to monopolise and extend financial architecture, (Federal Reserve, Bank of England, deregulation etc.) all of which stemmed from the innovation of the House of Rothschild. Zionism and a Greater Israel is nothing without the money to make it happen. Which is why our present tax and debt-based economic frameworks are essentially legalised systems of theft which is encouraged according to Talmudic law:

  • Whoever returns a lost article to a gentile is under the curse of God. (BT Sanhedrin 76a).
  • Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it. (BT Baba Bathra 54b).
  • If a gentile loses something, a Jew may keep it, even if he knows the owner. (BT Baba Kamma 113b).
  • If the majority of people in an area are gentiles, a Jew may just keep the lost article. If the majority are Jews, an effort must be made to find the owner. (BT Baba Mezia 24a).
  • A gentile must pay wages to a Jew, but a Jew does not have to pay wages to a gentile. (BT Sanhedrin 57a).
  • The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.” (BT Baba Kamma 37b).  [20]

In the next post we will continue our look at the Babylonian Talmud with help from the late Israel Shahak.



[1] ‘Structure of the Talmud Files’ Caroline A Valentine, http://www.come-and-hear.com/structure.html
[2] p.47; Jews, God, and History by Max Isaac Dimont ( 1964) Signet Classics; 2nd edition (2004) ISBN-10: 0451529405
[3] Ibid; p.359.
[4] R. Travers Herford, writing for The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, s.v. Pharisees, Volume 8, page 474, available at http://www.come-and-hear.com/uje/uje_474.html
[5] Behar DM, Thomas MG, Skorecki K et al. (October 2003). “Multiple origins of Ashkenazi Levites: Y chromosome evidence for both Near Eastern and European ancestries”. American Journal of Human Genetics 73 (4): 768–779. doi:10.1086/378506. PMC 1180600. PMID 13680527.
[6] The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith, page xxi, available at http://www.come-and-hear.com/talmud/finkelstein.html#xxi
[7] p.14; The Controversy of Zion By Douglas Reed (1956) New edition published by Bridger House Publishers (1 Feb. 2012) ISBN-10: 0984473378.
[8] Ibid; p.15.

[9] op.cit Shahak; p.13.
[10] Ibid; p.88.
[11] Ibid.
[12] p.181; This Is My God Paperback By Herman Wouk (1961) reprint Edition published 1992 by Back Bay Books.
[13] Hebraic literature; translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala, with special introduction by Maurice H. Harris, D.D. [Édition de luxe] 2012.
[14] collated by Brother Nathanael Kapner at http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=156
[15] Jewish History, Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years (1994) By Israel Shahak. Pluto Press; First Edition edition (December 1, 1994) ISBN-10: 074530818X. p.75; Chapter 5, “The Laws Against Non-Jews.”

[16]  p. 658.5 / 2342; Judaism Discovered (2008) by Michael Hoffman (kindle edition)
[17]  Ibid; 684.3 / 2342
[18]  Ibid; 651.7 / 2342
[19]  Ibid; 624.0 / 2342
[20] Ibid.

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