
The Hissy Fit Generation and the Loss of Free Speech IV: The Narcissism Factor (2)

“…the oversensitivity of individuals today, including political correctness and microaggressions, all stem from this idea that people operating under the notion of the pristine self view you as evil because you are showing them something other than love.”

— Howard Schwartz, professor emeritus of Oakland University,

Continuing from the previous post which looked at how narcissism defines our present culture, and how it may feature in the younger generations of today. We now turn to the main sources manifesting normalised cultural and/or personality narcissism and its perpetuation.

Here are six key areas:


We have to differentiate between cultural narcissism and the kind of abuse that comes from neglectful parents or what is called the narcissistic family. In the latter, this is a form of emotional abuse or covert narcissism sourced from one or other of the parents’ needs and desires taking precedent over the child’s. From an emotionally deficient family life the child’s sense of self is warped leading to intense shame since the expectation of a nurturing environment is absent. Psychologist Joseph Burgo describes this trauma and arrested emotional development as a result of “disappointed expectations”. When the genetic inheritance that offers a “blueprint of normality” is disrupted in the child, he knows at a deep level, that his  fundamental development has gone awry and he feels insecure and unsafe. Burgo explains: “instead of instilling a sense of beauty, an abusive or traumatic environment leaves the infant with a sense of internal defect and ugliness.” [1]

This sense of disgust and shame at the self has huge implications for the processing of feelings and social functioning. However, such covert narcissism is likely not the primary cause of the cultural narcissism we are now witnessing. There is very little empirical data to support it, whereas more modern studies show clear evidence that inflated feedback is the primary cause. In other words, the conditioning of overpraising and over-protection, where the child or infant is told over and over again that s/he is special and unique.

Telling a child that s/he is super smart and intrinsically special has been taught for several generations. Far from providing a healthy self-confidence this focus has encouraged a prince and princess syndrome; a generation of entitled, spoiled children with little defence against the objective realities of this world. Such well-intentioned coddling often results in a role reversal where the child becomes precociously “adult” and the parent reverts to child-like infantilism due to the dominance of the child’s personality – a wholly abnormal state of affairs. Far from feeling a deep-seated shame, the child genuinely believes that s/he is special and superior since it comes from a learned behaviour of entitlement – wired into the brain.

Although authoritarian parenting is most certainly not the answer, the pendulum has now swung toward the opposite extreme where indulgence misinterprets nurturing. Discipline and structure is an essential part of a child’s navigation and learning, but such an “old-fashioned” view is now shunned in favour of letting the child do and have exactly what s/he wants; where the child is constantly love-bombed with no boundaries or limits. And when the child or young adult eventually faces the real world he comes face to face with the fact that his love-cocoon, this pristine self has programmed an essential weakness in the face of life’s vicissitudes. Far from creating self-reliance and resilience this parenting creates the exact opposite, namely, a generation of “snowflakes” where all aspects of living are seen as a form of bullying and act of offence.  The capitulation of university campuses when confronted by these collective hissy fits only makes matters much worse.


BREXIT BLUES: Dazed and Confused?

By M.K. Styllinski


 “Today, the imperialist designs of the United States, Britain, France, and Germany have not changed. What has changed is the pretext and justification for waging their neo-colonial wars of conquest. During the colonial period, the narratives and justifications for waging war were accepted by public opinion in the colonizing countries, such as Britain and France. Today’s “just wars” and “just causes” are now being conducted under the banners of women’s rights, human rights, humanitarianism, and democracy.”

— sociologist and award-winning writer Mahdi Darius Nazemroay, from: Preparing the Chessboard for the “Clash of Civilizations”: Divide, Conquer and Rule the “New Middle East.”

I’ll admit, I was pleasantly shocked when it was announced that Britain would be leaving the European Union.

And no, I’m not a racist, xenophobic, right-wing radical or crusty old misanthrope reliving the good ole’ days of the 1950s. I’m simply seeing the European Union for what it is: a “union” that is not designed to serve the people and never will be in its current form.

In today’s ridiculous climate of leave and remain hysteria encouraged as usual, by our ever-witless media it seems divisions and demarcations along tribal lines are being encouraged. It has given us the chance to see how the rise in nationalism and right wing sentiment is growing and it has also given us the opportunity to see how many who consider themselves left-liberal and “progressive” are reacting to such a growth. Thanks to the toxic influence of Thatcherism and Blairism in the UK we are living with a wholesale embrace of American neo-colonialism, imperialism and neo-liberal economics. This means that the banking sector, the corporation and the state have merged under the EU as never before.

Like many, I’ve seen a shift in the nature of the left and socialism in general and its inability to square the circle regarding this development, displaying both abject ignorance and denial that is extraordinary to behold. As a result and somewhat ironically, British conservatism has taken on the role of actually protecting people’s rights and values – at least for now. Yet, they too have the very real problem of the radical right flowing as an undercurrent within and threatening to wrest control from moderate principles. It still amazes me that those who see themselves fighting for a better world, a more progressive and humanitarian ethos choose to expend their energies in supporting the European Union that was never meant to be anything other than an economic outpost for highly damaging neo-liberal economics and the neo-colonial wars that go with it.

What happened to the traditional anti-war movement of the left?

What has happened to their ability to fight for the underdog?


Confronting the Authoritarian Mindset (Or Keep Your Eye on the Cheese Knife) Part II


‘Monster and Villagers’ (2006) by London-based artist and illustrator Tom Gauld.

Continued from this post. Please read first for the background.

As far as I can recall, here is the complete dialogue with my resident authoritarian border line personality type whom I have called “Ned.” Our Ned was a classic 71 year-old WASP Establishment figure, Corporate CEO and ex-military man. He sat across from me at a dinner party of around eleven people and had already established his lack of redeeming qualities well before we were shown to our seats. After a full hour of obnoxious oratory I decided to tackle his statements partly out of boredom and partly to rescue the poor guy sitting next to me who was receiving the full brunt of his mega-phone grandstanding. The dialogue that follows has inevitable holes, but I think it’s a fairly accurate summary.

Ned: Yup, it doesn’t matter what you do with people like Assad, Chavez and our despot of the day Putin, they always want more and they’re pretty darn good at gettin’what they want – sometimes over the very long-term…Sure.  This is where the U.S. has gotta step in to restore some order. Sometimes they don’t always get it right, I’ll be the first to admit that, but that’s more to do with leadership issues than foreign policy. On foreign policy we need to be strong to counter the Muslim threat and the terrorists.

Stephen: (Man sitting to his left): So, you’re not a fan of Mr. Putin then?

Ned: He’s a fuckin’ liability Simon –

Stephen: That’s Stephen…

Ned: – and lemmie tell ya somethin’ about this ex-KGB ass-wipe (takes a gulp of wine) he won’t be satisfied until he’s gotten control of the whole goddamn world – I’ll stake my military career on it. The guy’s as corrupt as a mafia don. Goodfellas’ has got nothin’ on this guy lemmie tell ya….”

S: Well, you might be right there …

Ned: Lemmie tell you Simon –

S: – Stephen…My name’s

Ned: – if I’m not right then why are we in the shit-hole we’re in now huh? Can ya tell me that? Huh?


Reality Change I: 16 ignition points

 By M.K. Styllinski

 “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

– James Baldwin

Unless you have been living in a small cave in the mountains for the last few decades (and that may still be an option) you have probably noticed that we are moving through extremely tumultuous times. Having successfully traversed the Grand Hype and misinterpretations of the 2012 Mayan Prophecy which did not say the world would end but indicate massive change – humanity is still here. Nonetheless, it seems we are in for some truly momentous events. In fact, there is a host of global indicators which, in isolation, or as a non-linear combination, could signal an epic meltdown in the fortunes of humanity whilst offering the possibility of a completely new world.

Do not take the following synopsis as inevitable and that we should all order a bulk supply of dehydrated chicken noodles and chlorinated water tablets, pack our bug bags and find our respective caves … Only that one, or several of these events have an extremely high probability of occurring over the next 2 -10 years. Our history appears to be one long bid to cover up the reality that this planet goes through cycles of catastrophic upheaval – a “reset” if you will. Those that learned to read the signs and took sensible measures to avoid unnecessary future hardship in the face of these dramatic environmental and infrastructure changes were the ones that survived. That means psychological as well as practical awareness.

In lieu of what has gone before in this series, I hope this list helps to place the events in context, whilst offering an easy summary of what we are all facing. A selection of links is included under each heading which are not definitive, merely relevant sources for further reading.


Chabadniks, Zionists & 9/11 Insiders (3)

“Over the past decade, the influence of Chabad cultists in the world has not only grown but also entrenched. This is the only Jewish religious sect, which, assuming the role of leader of world Jewry, climbed into world politics. Its presence greatly affected American politics. In addition, the heads of state of the former Soviet Union are listening to Chabad.”

– Ukrainian author /activist Rabbi Baron Eduard Hodos

Factions of those in the domination game include persons within Chabad Lubavitch and Zionist infiltrators. A Messianic Jewish theocracy is very much part of the overall, top level psychopathic designs merging into the totality that is Pathocracy. More importantly, these factions are nodes within an overarching global occult influence as will discover in greater detail further along. As one faction of this emergence, these would-be-leaders of Chabad working within Judaism have definite objectives tied to foundational beliefs. Let’s remind ourselves what some of those beliefs are:

  • The abolition of Christmas.
  • The labelling of Christians or Gentiles as “idol worshippers.”
  • The instruction to all Christians to give up their religion or be put to death.
  • The education and instruction of a belief that Jesus practiced sorcery; worshipped stone idols and was sexually immoral.
  • To establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion.
  • The forcing of US citizens to adopt a synthesized “religion” invented for a servant class.
  • A World theocratic Jewish State [1]

As bizarre as it may sound, these are all part and parcel of Chabad Lubavitch literature, most typically the Noahide (or Noachide) Laws which are revered, respected and taken very seriously indeed. As German author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert reminds us:

“By 1723 freemasonry had already incorporated the Noachidic statutes into its Constitutions… Charges & Regulations; freemasons have always called themselves ‘Noachids’. In 1991 when the first war on Iraq was started, George Bush Senior forwarded this peculiar “blessing” to the whole nation: The seven Noachidic laws were solemnly declared to be the foundation of the United States by the Congress and the President.” [2]

Which may, in part, offer an insight as to why the Jewish Kabbalah has been so important in freemasonry and how Zio-Conservatism has comprehensively infiltrated US politics. Lubavitchers – or if you prefer, Chabadniks – are also embedded in the socio-political infrastructure of the United States.

Now, doesn’t that feed into the red herring “conspiracy theory” of Jews hoping to control the world?

Hopefully, at this stage the reader will know it is much more complex than that. Ponerology dictates which cluster of psychopaths will mount the best defence of their realm, and it appears the religious authoritarian megalomaniacs within the rabbinical hierarchy of Chabad Lubavitch and Ashkenazi Revisionist Zionism are major candidates for that particular mantle. So, to imply that it is strictly a “Jewish conspiracy” across the military-corporate and media complex is to do a huge injustice to ordinary Jews. Similarly, the conspiracy at work is largely public having been normalised by a variety of puppets and players within the 3EM. In order to see their various strains of psychopathy within our culture, entrenched beliefs and parallel taboos cannot be ignored. Hence the exploration of Chabad Lubavitch.


With Chabad Lubavitch rabbis from around the world, U.S. President George W. Bush signs a presidential proclamation in honor of Education and Sharing Day, highlighting the important work of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. | Joyce N. Boghosian—Offical White House Photo

While many Hassidic Jews would not associate themselves with such beliefs. Others go further, interpreting Lubavitch doctrine in the strictest terms. Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman made an interesting comment in 2009 from the Jewish magazine Moment perfectly illustrating the minds of elder Chabadniks: “I don’t believe in Western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” [3] It seems that Friedman has taken his bizarre inspiration from the Yahweh-driven bloody wars of the ancient Israelites. The rabbi issued a statement not long after – in all probability at the request of Chabad hierarchy – so that he could “clarify” his initially, revealing prose. He was at pains to say that his opinion was his alone and that it did: “… not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.” [4]

Despite this, his statements are mild compared to what we would find in classical Jewish doctrine of the Talmud, the Tanya and a succession of Grand Rebbes’ proclamations. It seems he also forgot the legacy of Schneerson. Though he paid lip service to “compassion” it was clearly the words rather than the basic premise that gave rise to the invective which was “irresponsible” and “misleading.” Another fine example of paralogical and paramoralistic discourse at work. Like the banking, oil and weapons and hedge fund billionaires of today, philanthropy conceals a multitude of sins. With the Establishment hierarchy it is a conscious means to and end which has little to do with alleviating humanity’s suffering rather, philanthropy offers a way to  keep the illusion of altruism in place and to buffer the disconnect between what they say and what they do. Organised Religion, with its cults and sects are no different. The hierarchical structure comes first regardless of whether the moral and ethical pillars have long since been eaten away by parasites. The vast majority of responses from presumably Jewish readers condemned the Rabbi’s views in the strongest possible terms. Though there were scattered posts praising or excusing what are essentially statements celebrating a cold-bloodied religious psychopathy.


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

For high level Chabadniks and Zionists who lobbied the Bush Administration and now Barack Obama, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was more than a spiritual inspiration, he was perfection embodied; the Messiah or “Moshiach”. Accordingly, what he said was taken very seriously and encouraged to be interpreted literally. The “Great Rebbe” told his followers “The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the Golus,* to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries.” [5] Schneerson was telling the present generation of Jews to go out and “conquer and purify” the Gentile (non-Jew) nations as laid down in the Noahide Laws. Lubavitcher Bryan Ellison tells us that Chabad followers have a special duty; the generation of Jews after the creation of Israel:

“… is the last generation of exile and darkness, and the first generation of Moshiach and the Redemption. All of us — Jews and Noachides — have an urgent responsibility to transform the world immediately in order to bring Moshiach, and this involves going well beyond the minimum of the Law.” [6]

During the Bush Administration key positions were taken up by Chabadniks. Among those handed the keys to Office were Press Officer Ari Fleischer, Chief of Staff Joshua Bolton and Vice-Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. All three were great admirers of Schneerson and believed in his Messianic vision. Though Fleischer, Bolton and many others were highly effective in contouring political opinion and military support for Chabad designs it was Lubavitcher devotee Wolfowitz who was considered one of the key intermediaries between, Chabad, the Israeli-Zionist lobby and Neo-Conservative ideology and practice.


Paul Wolfowitz (wikipedia)

Whereas Dov Zakheim’s task was to oversee US Depart of Defence fiscal policy tipping the balance toward weapons shipments into Israeli hands, Wolfowitz’s influence and power extended into higher realms of foreign policy and geo-political strategy. His major contribution to the militarisation of the American energy policy necessarily included foreign interventions which were integrated into Cheney’s much quoted doctrine of perpetual war to defend and protect newly acquired resources. Wolfowitz was renowned for being the intellectual force behind radical Neo-Conservatism, the maturing of which was fostered by the late Albert Wohlstetter during his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the late 1960’s. Wohlstetter worked for the cold war strategy think tank the RAND Corp, [7] and besides being steeped in Zionist ideology, was a believer in the view that nuclear deterrence was not a satisfactory basis for strategic doctrine; the United States actually had to be not only the best in nuclear strategy but prepared to unleash the dogs of war in order deter the enemy –no doubt wiping out Israel’s perceived enemies in the process. (Consequently, the craziness of Wohlstetter was one of the inspirations for the film Dr. Strangelove.)

As Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz were transforming a largely Jewish, right wing agenda into Neo-Conservatism, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith – both fanatical Zionists – had already worked in high level positions in both the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Perle was also a protégé of Wohlstetter, bringing together two minds with a singular purpose: an Israeli-driven world revolution and a personal association that would remain through the intervening years. It was Wohlstetter, with the encouragement of Zionist insider and intellectual Bernard Lewis that lurked in the shadows encouraging Feith, Perle and Wolfowitz to help create the Iraq WMDs deception and the installation of CIA-stooge Ahmed Chalabi who would later become Prime Minister in Iraq. [8]

Albert Wohlstetter 1969

Albert Wohlstetter 1969 – (Source: wikipedia)

In the mid-1980s working as Middle East analyst at the National Security Council Douglas Feith was found to be passing classified information to the Israelis and was fired after a low-key FBI investigation. The fact that Neo-Conservative allies had multiplied in federal agencies, think-tanks and government it meant that Feith was back into power in just a few years, this time as undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon. Similarly, with Feith’s help Perle was able to attain a position at the Defence Policy Board.

Like Feith, Perle had long been seen as a possible Israeli agent since he had been doing exactly the same as Dov Zakheim and attempting to move all armaments purchasing to Israeli companies. The only differences to be seen was in the somewhat more prominent position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for international security policy in the Reagan administration and that he made sure he received a direct cut of profits. [9] As a veteran advisor he was able to transform Neo-Conservatism into a radical expression of Revisionist Zionism. He was a latter-day Jabotinsky with a supremely Machiavellian take on politics and warfare. The Zio-Conservative networks came alive through Perle and others, mostly through flagship lobbying think-tanks such as the Heritage Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) Hudson Institute, Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf and Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, to name but a few. Slowly, Zio-Conservative radicals were moving into key positions, with foreign policy as the prize.  Conveniently, when the New Pearl Harbour arrived, the PNAC dreams of pre-emptive attack were realised.


Douglas Feith (left) and Richard Perle

Richard Perle was to be the mentor for both Feith and Wolfowitz. As September 11th 2001 came and went, Feith and Wolfowitz worked together to make the invasion of Iraq and other countries a sure-fire reality by creating an official philosphical and ideological mandate for Empire. Yet, the evolution of what was to be called the “Wolfowitz doctrine” started long before the invasion policies of the Bush Reich and the police state which followed. This particular plan for American military domination came to fruition during the administration of George H.W. Bush Sr.

In 1992, Wolfowitz was working in the Department of Defence and was asked to write the first draft of a new national security strategy, a document entitled “The Defense Planning Guidance.” It was here that the full force of Neo-Con ideology took shape, pushing for dramatic increases in defence spending, pre-emptive attack and the use of unilateral military force with or without the support of allies. Perle had been working for Benjamin Netanyahu, who was Prime Minister of Israel by 1996. “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was their policy which set out a game plan that would solve Israel’s security problems in the Middle East by emphasising “Western Values.” It was another example of using the USA as a proxy nation to its bidding. The removal of Saddam Hussein and aggressive policies of invasion in the Middle East were advocated. One particular passage from the document openly reveals its agenda where “peace” was transformed into economic support from US taxpayers in order to increase a political ideology: “While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform.” [10]

By the year 2000, George W. Bush Jr. had taken office and the foundation of Jewish, Neo-Conservative power fused with the National Security State and its military-intelligence apparatus. This was to oversee the rise of ruthless corporate psychopaths Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, and Chabad supporter Deputy Secretary for Defence Paul Wolfowitz, all of whom had cut their teeth on the past administrations of Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr.

Paul Wolfowitz2

Paul Wolfowitz at a Friends of Israel meeting 2009


Zionist enablers out for all they can get – former Vice President Dick Cheney talks with his partner in crime the then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a video teleconference, 2006. (White House photo by David Bohrer)

As Michael Chertoff was busy reordering America’s fear and loathing into the Homeland Security State, 2005 saw the departure of Douglas Feith leading eventually to the Directorship of the Center for National Security Strategies and as a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Wolfowitz headed to  the World Bank in order to do further incalculable damage to any hint of normal human progress.

Having honed his knowledge of globalisation by redefining American dominance so that international treaties, the United Nations and World economic policy could benefit US neo-liberalism and Israeli economic and foreign policy. He was able to implement economic configurations such as “public-private partnerships” which not only placed corporations in the front line of a socio-cultural imperialism but allowed global warming legislation to mix with corporatism. The plan was scuppered just two years later resulting in: “Wolfowitz’s resignation and departure in disgrace over a sordid corruption scandal involving his role in securing improper salary raises for his mistress, and trying to cover it all up.” Columnist Dr. Srdja Trifkovic explained: “According to the Bank insiders, however, her employment contract was used as the handy pretext to get rid of Wolfowitz, the true reasons being gross mismanagement, utter misunderstanding the Bank’s role in the world, and an extreme display of arrogance.” [11]

The Wolf marking his territory once again?

Wolfowitz and his colleagues managed to fuse corporatist, Zionist, Chabad Lubavitch and other highly influential Zio-Conservative-based think-tanks into a powerful force for war. The Wolfowitz Doctrine lay behind  “Clear break” and PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defences” which defined the blueprint for Zio-Con conquest well into the future. The latter document was written in September of 2000, one year before the 9/11 attacks, where they acknowledged: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. …” And just one year later, their most pressing desire was fulfilled.

Paul Wolfowitz played a major role in the genesis of the 9/11 attacks either in its creation or taking full advantage of all the opportunities such a “catalysing event” could offer. What the Doctrine proved that this was an ideology of Straussian authoritarianism inspired by the Hegelian solution. By using the US as a proxy war machine the Zionists had pulled off a major coup in toppling Saddam Hussein and invading Iraq with their sites on monopolising oil reserves, the driving interest for corporatists like Rumsfeld and Cheney. But the full force of a religious-occult imperative would be revealed in the 9/11 false flag ritual which heralded the destruction of Iraq – the first phase of biblical and Chabad-led, Talmudic prophecy.

As reported by Munich-based author and journalist Wolfgang Eggert an “occult summit” was convened on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, February 21st, 2003. In attendance were: 0297829947.02.LZZZZZZZ

“… the head of the Operations Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose name wasn’t published and seven leading representatives of military intelligence, amongst them the three-star general Lowell ‘Jake’ Jacoby, Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency and Wolfowitz’ deputy Dr Linton Wells who manages the ‘nerve centre’ of the Pentagon” and mostly notably “Bible code specialist” Michael Drosnin and Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz.” [12]

The fact that top members of US government would be willing to trust the advice of Drosnin’s highly controversial study of predictive word codes is worrying enough. What is more concerning is the reliance not only on Biblical prophecy but the fusion of both Christian Evangelism, Jewish Messianism and occult Zionsim. Eggert explains that there was “only one item on the agenda” and that was to discover what the Bible said:

“… about the present situation in the Middle East, terrorism and about the fate of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden … It is said that a special interest was taken in decoding when devastation was expected to descend upon the Iraqi president. Result: the Jewish year of 5763 which corresponds to the year 2003 of the Christian calendar. The outcome of this conference is said to have been analysed immediately after by American and Israeli intelligence. The Americans “took it very seriously”, Drosnin later said. The White House started the campaign “Iraqi Freedom” within the prophesised time frame.” [13]

And they “took it seriously” because Zio-Conservatives and military-intelligence apparatus is saturated in occult workings all of which are underpinned by the Jewish Kabbalah in some form. One of these is based around the Jewish calendar of the Shemitah, its origins in the Old Testament. Originally a form of agricultural divination focused around debts and  blessings to it is now used as a tool of prediction for world events and calamitous occurrences. As Eggert observes, Chabad Lubavitch saw 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq as one long mythical war prophesised long ago and even cited in the sect’s magazine Emes News which stated: “While the press doesn’t foresee such a move and while the US-State-Department is denying any plan of attack against Iraq, those who know about the Lubavitcher Rebbe know quite well, that when he said, America would wage war against Basra [a city in Iraq], nothing in the world could stop such an event coming true.” [14]  It is for this reason that the Christian Zionists and Fundamentalists are so crucial to the Chabad’s messianic drive since they are well aware that they make up around 37 percent of voters in America. Head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder reaffirmed this strategic link in a recent interview where he said: “Evangelicals … are the critical support for Israel…We have one great friend: Evangelicals.” [15]


© infrakshun

Crucial to the End Times tribulation is the yearned for second coming induced by conflict at Temple Mount. The Iraq war started one and half years later on March 20th 2003, the Holy Day of Purim care of one of the main instigators of a Chabad ritual and the needed outbreak of war: Paul Wolfowitz. During the aftermath of the Iraq war, Chabad supporters Joseph Lieberman and Senator John McCain were the allotted PR figureheads for announcing that: “… the Iraqi conflict-based-strategy followed exactly that line which he himself together with his colleague had imposed in the US Congress by pushing through the ‘Iraq Liberation Act’.” [16]

At this point, the reader may be forgiven for thinking that all these war-mongering corporatists, Zionists and rapacious banksters are simply in it for the money and the power. Important as those things are for essential psychopaths there is also the underlying foundation of the military-occult complex suffused with a masonic branch of Existential Satanism which have traditionally relied on psychological warfare to achieve their ends. Within the Zionist Establishment, the Mossad hierarchy and Chabad Lubavitch is a form of Kabbalistic Satanism with links to Order of Zion freemasonry, in turn, connected to the overall global occult elite. Those whose personalities have been irrevocably altered and fragmented as a part of MK-ULTRA programs (which are the ones we know about) have undoubtedly been carefully positioned within the political establishment. This brings us back to the testimony of Kay Griggs and which will prepare us for the final series of posts exploring the occult significance of 9/11.


The Hebrew Kabbalah or Tree of Life / © Infrakshun

As you may recall, Griggs endured 11 years of bizarre behaviour and emotional abuse from her Navy SEAL husband, who was a victim of mind control operations inflicted on children of the military-intelligence apparatus from the 1950s to the 197os. Evidence has been mounting over the years that such programs resulted in a large number of assassins programmed to kill, commonly known as “Manchurian candidates.” After her husband went missing Griggs decided to go public after receiving death threats and psychological intimidation from members of military intelligence.

In 1996 she took her story to Sarah McClendon, a former senior member of the White House press corps and gained protection, as well as a wise confidante who gave her experienced advice on how to stay alive when dealing with military intelligence agents. By 1998 Griggs had sufficient confidence to make an eight hour video recording of her experiences for Pastor Strawcutter which found their way to the internet adding vital pieces of the puzzle regarding the hidden workings of military-intelligence groupings. Griggs, a committed Christian, gave evidence that was at times clearly difficult for her to relate due to the nature of the information. This included confirmation of government hit squads, Zionist cabals, brain-washing, murder and organised sex-cults of “Cap and Gown, and Skull and Bone society,” though not exclusive to the US Navy to which her husband and other high level Marine officials belonged.

Griggs’ information is derived from her discussions with the wives of US Army and Navy personnel, the harrowing experiences with her tragic husband and the details she was able to glean from his diary which was left behind following his disappearance. From the knowledge she was able to piece together Griggs believes that the handlers of these covert cults as well as the programmed child-victims who do their bidding for many decades: “…are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. PSYOPS is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player.” Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld are also named as those with German-Jewish origins, chosen for their psychological make-up to be handlers and/or operators assigned with particular roles.

Recall the testimony of Dr. Corey Hammond and his revelation of Greenbaum mind programming which provided evidence of a Hassidic element to “Dr. Green” – a probable codename for a group of programmers across the spectrum of mind control operations and which continues to this day. At root, the pathogenic nature of this psychological deviance manifested through a direct transference of Zio-Nazi black arts and their technology of mind. In other words, via Operation PAPERCLIP and the installation of numerous intelligence officers, psychologists and scientists, most importantly perhaps, the Nazi SS General Reinhard Gehlen, who was head of German intelligence operations. Under the cover and success of this Nazi brain drain he went on to be one of the leading architects of the modern CIA. The General was only one of numerous high level Germans who were to define the future of America.


Wolfowitz on 9/11 Commission: How we laughed.

Finding out who the various kingpins of the September 11th attacks is an impossible task as they will always be one step ahead, as the present disinformation and managed perceptions within the 9/11 truth movement attests. What we do know is that any well-known public figures which have been mentioned throughout this blog are likely not the true perpetrators of this crime against humanity. What we do have is a Catholic-based Nazism, tied to a Anglo-American Liberal-collectivism further complicated by Zionism – all of whom have their own take on building a New Order Empire, that will lock in once and for all a Golden Age of neo-feudalism where psychopaths rule.

9/11 was the global turning point.

The occult lies behind all major cabals, religions and organisation in the 21st Century ranging from the amateur to the sophisticated; forms of freemasonic Satanism, the maturation of various brotherhoods of Rosicrucian Illuminism and occult Zionism. Dispense with all the manufactured labels and “- isms” and the simple truth is a increasing psychopathy with its long term plan to dominate ordinary humanity. THAT is the real Secret of the Ages and the only conspiracy worth considering, everything else is just window-dressing. It is the probable mass inculcation of disturbed, pathological individuals who are insinuated into the social fabric and attached to suitable ideologies so that they may act as channels for ponerogenesis.

In one sense, all that has gone before in this series represents a careful, methodical prelude before presenting this information on occult Zionism since it is a tough one to contemplate, not least because it is using Judaism and the Jewish tribe as its vehicle. Zionists and Ashkenazis – Khazars – are not the ordinary Jewish people. Palestinians and Jews lived together for centuries, and there is good reason to believe that ordinary Jews and Muslims are still keen to live together in peace. They hold much more in common than we may think – not least their shared Semitic genes. Zionists however, by brainwashing Jews in particular, have effectively encouraged moral blindness and victimhood. Peace between these peoples is anathema for the pathological aggression that is the life-blood of Zionist existence.

Those psychopaths who lie within the middle and higher tiers of the Chabad/Zionist pyramid thrive on maximising conflict between the two Semitic peoples. History and myth reveal that they have socially-engineered Jewish culture to accept this conflict as a fight for survival while in reality it is merely another geo-political ruse to extend their rule over ordinary people. Consequently, it is metaphorically correct to call such actions “Satanic.” Futhermore, as we look deeper into the nature of occult forces which surround the nationalistic violence of Zionism and the theology of the upper most hierarchy within Chabad Lubavitch, we will see quite clearly that it is the influence of the Babylonian Talmud with its Levitical roots in Black Magick and Satanic lore which informs their operations in the 21st Century.

Admittedly, this is a very hard fact to swallow for most, since a) we have been awash with cultural conditioning and a superficial history told by the victorious that prohibits such discussions of occult practice, though its presence lies directly or indirectly behind all of our socio-political and economic institutions; and b) the Jewish culture of victimhood and inculcated ethnocentrism has similarly prevented any constructive criticism, reinforced by the Jewish cultural Marxism of political correctness. Once we accept such a hypothesis as at least a possibility, we will then be better able to absorb the information regarding the events of September 11th as the grand occult ritual that it was.

Before we do so, we need to take a closer look at the Talmud.  


* Golus is Hebrew for “exile” usually referring to the exile of the Jewish people from their perceived homeland. The word avodah means “work” and of a type that is carried out as a service to God.


[1] Paraphrased from ‘Merry Christmas, and Off With Your Head!’ by Carol A. Valentine, President, Public Action, Inc., May 15, 2002.
[2] op. cit. Eggert | See also: ‘Patronymic Paralogy’ – Excerpt: “March 20, 1991 President Bush signed into law a Congressional Joint Resolution entitled, “A Joint Resolution To Designate March 26, 1991, As Education Day, USA”. This joint resolution became Public Law 102-14. Public Law 102-14 states emphatically that all civilization from the beginning has been based upon a set of laws entitled “The Seven Noahide Laws” and thus officially put the United States under Noahide Law. These seven supposed universal laws, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, p. 737, state that they are “a Jewish Babylonian Talmudic designations for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently, binding upon all mankind.” The Encyclopedia Americana continues its explanation of the Noahide Laws, “Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all.” They are meant to be a substitute for the Ten Commandments. They are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind. According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called “B’nei Noach” (Children of Noah) or “Noahides” and may often network in Jewish synagogues.”-
[3] ‘Ask the Rabbis: How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?’Moment Magazine, May/June 2009. Rabbi Manis Friedman, Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, St. Paul, MN.
[4] ‘A Statement from Rabbi Friedman’ June 5, 2009 by maxinesp, Moment Magazine|
[5] Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746. |
[6] ‘The Law is Only a Minimum’ By Bryan J. Ellison.
[7] [RAND] had established itself as the leading think-tank for Pentagon, and had access to all its secrets. They were mainly economists by training, and had developed a vocabulary for ‘thinking about the unthinkable’ which had all the weaknesses of economic jargon. The universe of nuclear strategy was so difficult to comprehend, and the horrors it contained were so repugnant to normal people, that its study required the same clinical detachment as the study of venereal disease. But that very detachment tended to blind the experts to the human realities, and to enslave them to abstract concepts, the validity of which had never been tested.” – Denis Healey, The Time of My Life . Published by Penguin, 1989 ( p.246).
[8] p. 287; Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella. Published by Harcourt, 2008.
[9]  “Aide Urged Pentagon to Consider Weapons Made by Former Client”, By Jeff Gerth, New York Times, 17 April 1983.
[10] ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ – “Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.” The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.” – The Institute for Advanced and Strategic Political Studies, Jerusalem, Washington.|
[11] ‘Wolfowitz the Undead’ by Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles Magazine February 7, 2008. |
[12] op. cit Eggert
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ronald Lauder: ‘We have one great friend: the Evangelicals’ World Jewish Congress
[16] Ibid. Wolfgang Eggert quoting Rainer Apel, Eurasien ist gegen Irakkrieg, in: Neue Solidarität, February 6th, 2003.

Dark Green XVI: I’ve been Gored!

By M.K. Styllinski

“… the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us, and I have invested in it but every penny that I have made I have put right into a nonprofit, the Alliance for Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge.”

– Al Gore


Logo of The Climate Reality Project founded by Al Gore | Source (WP:NFCC#4) (wikipedia)

With hedge funds popping up like bad sores in readiness for the carbon credit bubble it is these financial marauders who will benefit most rather than the environment or third world nations’ climate change projects. What we can be sure of is a substantial hike in the cost of living generally with special attention to electricity and manufacturing. All the while the imposition of caps is guaranteed to contribute precious little to limit carbon emissions, should the science on CO2 even be true.

The Nobel prize-winning Al Gore has been very busy playing at eco-activism and evangelising the message of AGW for many years. He has become smoothly effective as the political vanguard of environmentalism. Gore’s legendary capitalism masquerading as left-leaning liberalism is never more clearly seen when it comes to green corporatism, his favourite plaything. Gore was one of the first to implement the corporate structure of “public-private partnerships,” where the decision-making process was quietly shifted away from the people and transferred to unelected international corporations. And what we are seeing now is how effective such structural conversions can be when married to distorted environmental fears. Al Gore has excelled at being the guru of green-back sensationalism. He is a master of the slight-of-hand. However, it is difficult to say whether he is a “useful idiot,” desperately naïve (doubtful) or an opportunist of the very worst kind. Perhaps it is a mix of all three.

The Climate Reality Project founded by Gore in 2011 is another attempt to launch a frontal attack against so-called climate deniers (when all it does is cover up good science). “Join reality” “effect change”. You can also sign on to become a “Climate Reality Leader” within the Climate Reality Leadership Corp. and bludgeon everyone into becoming like Al Gore. Gore is creating an army of the faithful to do what? To reach net zero carbon emissions” which is apparently “… the key to our collective prosperity and well-being for all.”

Unfortunately, that probably isn’t the key. Not even close.

This is all about objective reality it seems…  Yet, the “The facts” page reads like a catalogue of supposition assumption where blaming nasty old fossil fuel folks for it all appears to mask barely concealed zealotry. That’s not to say that corporatism isn’t having a ripe old time stirring the propaganda pot with equal vigour. And that is also not to say greenhouse gases aren’t causing havoc and yes, we must try to reduce our pollution. But the overall campaign and impetus is that human beings are responsible for the overall climate change which are very probably the result of complex natural cycles and even vast cosmic processes. As my hamster Ernie belts around his plastic wheel the sheer power of his little cardiac footprint is not liable to produce massive climatic weather patterns.  (I don’t have a hamster but you get the analogy).

The whole idea that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused Earth’s temperatures over the past 50 years appears erroneous. BUT that doesn’t mean greenhouse gases are benign. It doesn’t mean they do not pose a problem such as ozone depletion. The real problem is how AGW science has obfuscated the subtle connections going on between a whole host of complex factors which have been reduced down to the level of Al Gore and his slide show hotly followed by the IPCC. And that does not provide a good basis upon which to inform the public.

You CANNOT change a natural cycle. And no amount of hectoring, deception and phoney science it going to alter that fact.  It amounts to an enormous hijacking of energy that could be better used in prevention against cataclysmic change that will come regardless of whether we have paid our carbon-free credits.  But by now, if you have been reading the previous posts on this blog you either think I am a deluded devil incarnate or one of the many who are seeing behind all the noise. Perhaps I am teetering between the two.

That said, let’s continue and find out a bit more about our Al and whether he’s one arctic roll short of an ice-cap.

gorepromoAl Gore (left) and promotional material for the DVD launch for An Inconvenient Truth: “the most terrifying film you will ever see.”

Gore has written over a dozen books on society, politics and environmentalism, most notably Earth in the Balance: Forging a New Common Purpose. (1992) The Assault on Reason. (2007) and An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It. (2006) which accompanied a film of the same name which won an Academy Award for Best Documentary. The film was directed by Davis Guggenheim, who stated that after the release of the film, “Everywhere I go with him, they treat him like a rock star.” It couldn’t have been more apropos for the likes of the Club of Rome who saw in Gore the popular appeal of their designs made manifest. The message is fear, catastrophe and guilt wrapped up in emergency environmental “education.” The science didn’t matter the message was all that counted.

Having already achieved humble martyrdom in running against the villainous Bush, he was as well placed to transfer this new found sainthood into the cause of climate change and make considerable amounts of money in the process. An Inconvenient Truth was designed to educate millions of citizens about the perils of global warming using Gore as messenger who would give an in-depth slide show presentation to a rapt audience interspersed with relevant footage. It premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opened in New York City and Los Angeles on May 24, of the same year. It became a critical and box-office success, garnering two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Best Original Song. It was also commercially successful earning $49 million internationally and becoming one of the highest grossing US documentary films of all time. [1]

Let’s turn our attention to two aspects of Gore’s journey, that of the science in the film and the financial aspects of Gore’s AGW platform. Firstly, the science.

In May 2007, a lawsuit was launched by a group of global warming sceptics over the UK government’s distribution of the film in UK schools. Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills heard the bid for an injunction preventing the screening of the film in English schools, on the premise that the film was imbalanced, impartial and political.

On 10 October 2007, High Court Judge Mr Justice Burton did not ban the film finding that it was largely drawn from scientific fact and research even though it was also politically motivated. He ruled that An Inconvenient Truth contained “nine key scientific errors” and could only be shown in British schools with explanatory notes on the errors “to prevent political indoctrination.” The judge said that showing the film without the explanations of error would be a violation of education laws. Judge Burton also stated that errors had arisen “in the context of alarmism and exaggeration” driven by Gore’s belief in AGW. [2]

In the synopsis of the film given by Paramount studios, the distributor gives a flavour of the content of the film which the judge ruled amounted to an “apocalyptic vision.” In a breathless example of sensationalism it implored: “If the vast majority of the world’s scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.” [3] The judge ruled that An Inconvenient Truth was “politically partisan and thus not an impartial scientific analysis of climate change.” It was, he ruled: “a political film.” [4]

Marketed as “… the most terrifying film you will ever see,” by online trailers, with commentary claiming audiences have been “shocked everywhere,” the dramatic images of global environmental destruction bombard the viewer with terrifying storms and even a nuclear explosion. This sets the tone for a mass-dumping of fear and danger in the younger generations and creates the antithesis of reason and constructive dialogue. Politics, alarmism and “apocalyptic visions” do little to educate children, especially when Agenda 21 is overshadowing the proceedings. While they may compel a sense of urgency and activism in the cause of “saving the planet,” if it is sourced from bad science and emotional reflex then this will play straight into the politics and the social frameworks recently discussed. It will have very little effect on the real, preventative climate change issues which could be addressed given the correct guidance. Exaggeration and alarmism merely helps to create fear and insecurity in the minds of children who are already having great difficulty processing the future. Neuroses in the young anxious about climate change, is becoming increasingly common.

Climate science journalist Björn Lomborg reviewed some startling results on this issue where “… a new survey of 500 American pre-teens, … found that one in three children, aged between six and 11, feared that the earth would not exist when they reach adulthood because of global warming and other environmental threats. An unbelievable one-third of our children believe that they don’t have a future because of scary global warming stories.” The same pattern exists in the UK with “half of young children aged between seven and 11 [whom] are anxious about the effects of global warming, often losing sleep because of their concern.” [5]

To draw out those fears and increase the likelihood of cash injection into the climate change industry we have Gore’s slick Hollywood production which uses emotive photos of cutsie animals and advanced animations taken out of context alongside endless replays of environmental destruction to illicit guilt and alarm. For example, smoke pouring forth from chimneys and cooling towers implying extreme CO2 production when in reality CO2 is invisible and benign. The message here is not scientific solutions but emotional manipulation.

Gore has yet to modify any of his statements made in film and print, the most obvious examples being the internationally discredited hockey stick temperature graph and his clinging to CO2 global temperature increases, despite the data that showed temperatures rose 400-800 years before CO2 and drove higher CO2 levels, a fact which had been confirmed for at least two years prior to Gore’s film. [6]But this was only the beginning. The following nine errors as outlined by Judge Burton include:

ERROR 1: Sea-level rise of up to 20 feet would be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland “in the near future”. [Judge] agreed that if Greenland melted it would release this amount of water – ‘but only after, and over, millennia’. The Armageddon scenario he predicts, insofar as it suggests that sea level rises of seven metres might occur in the immediate future, is not in line with the scientific consensus.”

ERROR 2: The film claims that low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls ‘are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming’ but the judge ruled there was no evidence of any evacuation having yet happened.

ERROR 3: The documentary speaks of global warming ‘shutting down the Ocean Conveyor’ – the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to western Europe. Citing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the judge said that it was ‘very unlikely’ that the Ocean Conveyor, also known as the Meridional Overturning Circulation, would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.

ERROR 4: Mr Gore claims that two graphs, one plotting a rise in CO2 and the other the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years, showed ‘an exact fit’. The judge said that, although there was general scientific agreement that there was a connection, ‘the two graphs do not establish what Mr Gore asserts’.

ERROR 5: Mr Gore says the disappearance of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was directly attributable to global warming, but the judge ruled that it scientists have not established that the recession of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro is primarily attributable to human-induced climate change.

ERROR 6: The film contends that the drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming but the judge said there was insufficient evidence, and that ‘it is apparently considered to be far more likely to result from other factors, such as population increase and over-grazing, and regional climate variability.’

ERROR 7: Mr Gore blames Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans on global warming, but the judge ruled there was “insufficient evidence to show that”.

ERROR 8: Mr Gore cites a scientific study that shows, for the first time, that polar bears were being found after drowning from ‘swimming long distances – up to 60 miles – to find the ice’ The judge said: ‘The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm.’ That was not to say there might not in future be drowning-related deaths of bears if the trend of regression of pack ice continued – ‘but it plainly does not support Mr Gore’s description’.

ERROR 9: Mr Gore said that coral reefs all over the world were being bleached because of global warming and other factors. Again citing the IPCC, the judge agreed that, if temperatures were to rise by 1-3 degrees centigrade, there would be increased coral bleaching and mortality, unless the coral could adapt. However, he ruled that separating the impacts of stresses due to climate change from other stresses, such as over-fishing, and pollution was difficult. [7]

Rather than just nine errors the Judge mentioned, there are so many serious errors in AIT that becomes much more of a concern about the film-makers understanding of the issues involved and certainly where Al Gore’s true perceptions lie. Former British MP Christopher Monckton and founding member of the Science and Public Policy Institute based in the UK found plenty more. All of the following have proven to be grossly exaggerated or simply false:

  • Thermohaline circulation “stopping”
  • 100 ppmv of CO2 “melting mile-thick ice”
  • Hurricane Caterina “manmade”
  • Japanese typhoons “a new record”
  • Hurricanes “getting stronger”
  • Big storm insurances losses “increasing”
  • Mumbai “flooding”
  • Severe tornadoes “more frequent”
  • The sun “heats the Arctic ocean”
  • Arctic “warming fastest”
  • Greenland ice sheet “unstable”
  • Himalayan glacial melt waters “failing”
  • Peruvian glaciers “disappearing”
  • Mountain glaciers worldwide “disappearing”
  • Sahara desert “drying”
  • West Antarctic ice sheet “unstable”
  • Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves “breaking up”
  • Larsen B Ice Shelf “broke up because of ‘global warming’”
  • Mosquitoes “climbing to higher altitudes”
  • Many tropical diseases “spread through ‘global warming’”
  • West Nile virus in the US “spread through ‘global warming’”
  • Carbon dioxide is “pollution”
  • The European heat wave of 2003 “killed 35,000”
  • Gore’s bogus pictures and film footage
  • The Thames Barrier “closing more frequently”
  • “No fact…in dispute by anybody.” [8]

In A Sceptic’s Guide to Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ (2007) senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) Marlo Lewis PhD, provides a meticulous analysis of the Al Gore’s book version of the film. Lewis’ Congressional Working Paper contains 324 references with extensive links to web sites for fact checking, a practice Gore would do well to emulate. Lewis’ conclusions on the book revealed:

  • Wrong statements, false statements—19;
  • Misleading statements—17;
  • Exaggerated statements—10;
  • One sided statements—25; and
  • Speculative statements—28. [9]

Environmentalists have drawn our attention to the fact that Marlo Lewis is a friend of the fossil fuel lobby and is a corporate lackey with a clear agenda. Be that as it may, the facts he provides are correct. It is unfortunate that facts have to surface from two extremes rather than a simple quest for truth.


This photo was widely used to promote the idea that polar bears were stranded due to global warming induced ice melt. In actual fact, it was faked. See HERE for more details.

As an ex-senator, businessman, journalist, lawyer and highly articulate orator and raconteur it seems bizarre that Gore has not only chosen to ignore his “errors” but continue to perpetuate them. Even worse, he has also repeatedly refused to debate publicly on the issue and will not participate in conferences, interviews or public forums with those who take the opposing view on AGW. This is bad for science and bad for open, rational discourse which is so desperately needed.[10] Not least, it is bad for Gore’s credibility as he clearly prefers hyperbole and rhetoric rather than scientific rigour. If he is correct and he has spent most of his life genuinely seeking to redress the balance for the Earth’s ecology then one would think he would have at least a basic understanding of the principals involved, given his position and responsibility. Yet, while he may have a nose for communication he doesn’t seem to have the first clue about truth – inconvenient or otherwise. Gore’s research has been drawn primarily from the IPCC, which offers even more cause for concern, as we shall see presently.

What of Gore’s financial interests in climate change and carbon credits? He is a partner in two hedge funds, Generation Investment Management (GIM) and Capricorn Investment Group LLC, set up to trade carbon credits. Remember the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) in the U.S. and the Carbon Neutral Company (CNC) in Great Britain? GIM exerts substantial influence over these firms in the following way: Having expended considerable amounts of cash to test the viability of carbon credits back in 2000, CCX has some of our well known players secreted within its membership. One begins to wonder if he has cloned himself to appear in all places and in all times but sure enough, Maurice Strong sits on the board of directors and has long since been considered as an Elder-guru to Gore. Other members who had undertaken to reduce their emissions by 2010 (some did some didn’t) are Amtrak, Ford Motor Company, Dow Corning, International Paper, Motorola, DuPont, American Electric Power and an assortment of other corporations and universities. Carbon-offset projects are also underway via “participant members.” ECX also has around 80 member companies, including Shell, Barclays, BP, Fortis, Calyon, Endesa, Morgan Stanley and … Goldman Sachs.

And here’s where come full circle back to the Goldman cartel once more.

GIM was founded by both Al Gore and Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs and financial criminal CEO, Hank Paulson. We already know that Goldman Sachs virtually owns the carbon credit markets including 10 percent of CCX shares and a stake in ECX. This is due, in part, to the fact that GIM is riddled with Goldmanites: Mark Ferguson, former co-head of GSAM pan-European research; David Blood, former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) and Peter Harris, who headed GSAM international operations. Peter S. Knight, who is the designated president of GIM with strong ties to Al Gore and Bill Clinton serving under them respectively.

World Economic Forum in Davos

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore speaks next to rapper Pharrell Williams during a panel session on the first day of the 45th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Jan. 21, 2015. | TIME magazine. |The World Economic Forum? Really? This is straight out of the Live Aid programming manual (It’s all right, just be happy…)

In 2008, Gore’s venture capital firm loaned $75m to Silver Spring Networks, a small Californian firm wishing to develop energy-saving technology. The company’s main production efforts go into hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. And in 2009, the US Energy Department announced a $3.4 billion boost in SMART grid grants more than $560 million going to utilities under contract to Silver Spring. [11]

To say that this would provide Gore with substantial profits would be an understatement. With an estimated $70 million he received for a 20 percent stake in the 2013 sale of the Current TV network, a slice of a $500 million pie paid out by Qatari-owned al-Jazeera Satellite Network, and a steady $1.2 million a year in salary and bonuses, he stands to make millions more in the long-term. Hence the media cry: “Will Gore be our first carbon billionaire?” Gore disputes this and is happy to be “putting his money where his mouth is.” A “one off investment” and “transformation of our energy infrastructure” towards energy that is free forever” is what’s needed according to Gore. He sees no hypocrisy radiating from his  green-messiah activism and Goldman Sachs plundering.

He goes on to say somewhat defensively: “Do you think there is something wrong with being active in business in this country?” … “I am proud of it. I am proud of it.” [12]

Goldman Sachs would certainly agree.



Cool itdocumentary by Bjorn Lomborg



[1] “Documentary 1982–present (film rankings by lifetime gross)”. Box Office Mojo.
[2] Stuart Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education & Skills”. England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions. 2007-10-10.
[3] ‘Al Gore’s ‘nine Inconvenient Untruths’ By Sally Peck, Telegraph, 11 Oct 2007.
[4] Ibid.
[5] ‘Scared silly over climate change’ by Bjorn Lomborg, The Guardian, 15 June 2009.
[6] ‘Climate myths: Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming’ by Catherine Brahic and Michael Le Page. New Scientist, 16 May, 2007.
[7] op. cit. Peck.
[8] ‘35 Inconvenient Truths – The errors in Al Gore’s movie’ By Christopher Monckton, http://www.scienceandpublic PDF version:
[9] ‘Al Gore’s Science Fiction: A Sceptic’s Guide to An Inconvenient Truth’ Congressional Working Paper By Marlo Lewis. 01/22/07 — Competitive Enterprise Institute ||
[10] ‘Al Gore Refuses To Dignify Debate: “It’s Not A Matter Of Theory”’ Huffington Post, April 5 2009.
[11] ‘Al Gore could become world’s first carbon billionaire’ Telegraph, November 3, 2009.
[12] Ibid.

World State Policies I

 By M.K. Styllinski

“There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists – to their mutual benefit. This alliance has gone unobserved largely because academic historians have an unconscious Marxian bias and are thus locked into the impossibility of any such alliance existing.”

Anthony C. Sutton, Wall St. And the Bolshevik Revolution (1974)

The David Rockefellers of this world have a long history of managing the hoi-polloi of ordinary folk like you and I who consider “auto-determination” a human right rather than a quaint historical footnote. Once we understand that such a perception of smug superiority is not a passing whim but an indelible stamp of elite-thinking that holds normal humanity in absolute contempt, then we will begin to understand that such people seek to bend the world to a singular reality without majority consent. And because they have been practicing this art of modern manipulation for at least 150 years, with access to cutting-edge resources from psychology to technology, history to economics – they have become exceedingly good at it.

So what is the objective of this Plan? We’ll look at a few of the main building blocks of Pathocratic rule such as the relationship between capitalism and collectivism, the role of a peculiar vision of science including eugenics; food as a weapon and advocates of depopulation. Once again, various ideologies, institutions, criminal cartels and political and social movements will be used as tools to achieve those ends. Certain themes can be discerned that will be obvious to everyone, the methods and the effects of which have been briefly discussed in previous posts.

We might call the broad brush changes that have helped to take over the world of normal people as the “4Cs” which can be viewed as both chronological and non-linear in nature whereby each gives rise to the other in an ascending spiral.

These are:

1. Commercialisation through deregulated capitalism

2. Consolidation through cartel corporatism and financial warfare

3. Centralisation through the transfer of power from local to global

4. Control and its maintenance once achieved.

Extreme commercialisation has affected every aspect of our lives from the quality of food we eat to the type of education our children receive. We are no longer people but “consumers.” The commoditisation of life and the short-term gains it offers relies on economic disparities, debt enslavement and perpetual war to keep the illusion of choice and economic growth in place. However, most of us are firmly trapped in this economic and materialist model that offers nothing more than a serious reduction in the quality of life for most on the planet. While it is true that capitalism has been the model for the rise of the West and as a result of the present increase in prosperity being enjoyed by Asia, the ecological, social and spiritual consequences of this economic paradigm have been disastrous. Yet nothing is allowed to challenge the concept of this version of cartel-capitalism which still determines the economic machinery of global economics. A widespread acceptance of models that would drastically improve the lives of millions is purposely avoided to maintain the status quo. Not only do alternative modes of commerce and more localised, community-based economies exist they are eminently workable.

wallpaper-127321-horz_thumb.jpg© infrakshun

Viable alternatives are shackled by a mix of conscious and unconscious conditioning and the beliefs that rise up out of such insecurity. In the face of change at the local level which may be derived from models which go counter to the dominant systems of the 4Cs operating at national and global levels, it is extraordinarily difficult to implement and sustain alternative methodologies no matter how practical or sensible they may be. Opting out of this entrenched system is now no longer possible for most, economically and psychologically as we are completely inside the concept of market demand.

The rise of cartel-capitalism is a gargantuan pathology based on the exact same personality traits of the psychopath. When populations have to fight their way out of poverty and squalor only to be given the chance to inflict the same economic footprint of their eventual capitalist success on others, we see that this system is designed to erode responsibility, increase unsustainability and create a cycle of perpetual boom and bust; where the haves and have nots dance in an eternal cycle of resource competition. All of which, is inevitably and perhaps literally – soul-destroying.

“Globalisation,” “globalism” and “World State” mean the 4Cs. Your personal life and personal goals are unimportant to the planners unless those goals are consistent with the sociological, economic and “religious” goals of their global vision. To be useful to the Pathocrats you must be like a number in an algorithm, to be herded and managed into units of consumption. Is this the real goal of commercialisation: to dehumanize and devalue so that humanity become the products that they covet, so that psychopaths can roam free and increase their numbers finally eclipsing normal humanity completely?

Consolidation has been taking place at an ever faster rate since the Industrial Revolution and represents the move towards greater and greater centralisation. Corporate mergers trans-national entities, mass privatisation, monolithic agribusiness and media empires are all products of this phase of consolidation. In the manipulated economic crisis of 2008 (which is still continuing) JP Morgan, Citibank and Goldman Sacs were among the top mega-companies to make a killing in the wake of the crisis after having used billions of dollars of tax payers’ money given to them by the governments. Trillions were sunk into a “bailout” black-hole to keep the international banking system and its corporate partners afloat while the global economy began its final push towards even greater centralisation. What amounted to a form of financial warfare saw the asset spoils going to the bigger companies who bought up the bankrupted losers thereby consolidating their new positions. What’s more, societies of ordinary people were duped into paying for these “bail-outs” with “austerity measures”. How many of the elite do you think were effected by this imposition? Billions were wiped off social welfare, hikes in taxes, food prices and oil were imposed all of which maintained the financial system that bit longer so that they could extract more dividends and cream off what is left of the old crony capitalism before the final meltdown. In combination with the West’s proxy wars, Homelessness, repossessions, mass unemployment and an immigration exodus were the result.

Meanwhile, the rich are getting richer. The 1 percent of the wealthiest have made more profit from this global recession than ever before. The only ones pulling in the purse-strings are the middle and working classes. Ordinary people are being asked to “tighten their belts” work harder for less pay in the West so that the iniquitous banking model can be allowed to consolidate and centralise their operations still further. This translates into business as usual for countries like Africa which continue to be despoiled and invaded by Western corporations looking for the next consolidated “hit” backed by the same Banks who have been pleading governments to help them “survive.”

None of this is about improving the lot of humanity. It is about maintaining pure, legitimized greed which is then mandated by law. We are so irrevocably enmeshed in the system of the 4Cs that any attempts to jump ship at the national or individual level, creates insurmountable problems. The Establishment must convince its populations that their way is the only way and like good little school children you must obey Teacher. According to the “elected” authorities, we cannot and must not attempt to be the architects of the school itself.

The United States has been the defining inspiration for the capitalist model for over a hundred years. While it has been the source of all that is best in humanity, the country has declined since the Kennedy brothers assassinations and sharply after the September 11th Attacks on the Twin Towers. This deep-seated tendency to authoritarianism has given the American people a perverse rendering of history and an almost indelible stamp of para-moral rectitude. As we have seen, even more shocking is the realization that the form of government that dominates today is National Socialism which was of course, the socio-political ideology of choice for the Nazis. It was Benito Mussolini who suggested that fascism, was corporatism or as author and journalist Jim Marrs points out: “… in countries such as Italy and Germany before World War II the State took over the corporations. In the United States today, the corporations have taken over the State, but the end result is the same.” [1] We may not have the jackboots and swastikas but the suits and ties and thought police work just as well.

In a nut-shell, elite psychopaths can choose to employ past and the present, “traditional” and “progressive” according to their needs. (See below).

Inverted Totalitarianism / Huxleyian

Classical Totalitarianism / Orwellian

Corporate domination of State and economy

State domination of economy and business

Political apathy and ignorance

Active political mobilisation of the populace

Mask of Democracy

Open rejection of democracy

Classical and Inverted Totalitarianism

The ponerisation of the United States of America is what we have likened to a “soft” or inverted totalitarianism. It is because this descent is not obvious that it becomes more dangerous, lying as it does behind infotainment, corporatism and ponerised cultural “norms.” Political philosopher Sheldon Wolin refers to just such an inversion taking place but with distinct differences compared to more classical forms of totalitarianism as seen under Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union. [2]  Whereas in the Nazi Third Reich’s dictatorship it exercised State power over the economy and its players, with inverted totalitarianism, it is the corporate model which dominates the State. Similarly, where the Nazis were masters of propaganda aimed at mobilising the power of the people the reversal of totalitarian dynamics serves to put the people to sleep under a mass inversion. Here, it is the recurrent theme of sensation, pleasure and ignorance which keeps people in a state of servitude through an official culture founded on narcissism and the consequent open door to a range of mental and emotional addictions.

Finally, whereas democracy is openly rejected under classical forms of totalitarianism, the inverted model hides behind a mask of democracy where democratic principles exist only on paper, soon to be dispensed with altogether with the right “crisis.” This is perhaps the most important distinction between the past and the present. Pathocracy uses an inversion of known totalitarian principles so that it perfectly adapts to both the emerging culture of the Information Age whilst adhering to more Orwellian methods of the past.

 “The rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let society work for you. So long as we see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point….a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit.”

Frederick C. Howe, Confessions of a Monopolist (1906)

The Corporatist-Collectivist Chess board

A key ingredient in the capitalist-collectivist hybrid that currently infects societies today is the rise of Marxism, the important Hegelian tool of choice for Elite objectives.

Preceding World War I, Marxist theory was all the rage but the Zionist / Wall St. funded Communist revolution didn’t quite work out as planned in terms of mass appeal because workers could see that it wasn’t a panacea – it simply couldn’t deliver, and most certainly not in the West. Which is why cultural Marxism and its Fabian agents took gradualism to its heart in order to reshape the mass mind of the West toward Marxist principles by stealth while encouraging corporatism to grow alongside it. In fact, the European Union was founded on exactly the same principles that gave rise to both the U.S.S.R and the Nazi Third Reich. Indeed, the latter was instrumental in the visionary ideas that saw the development of the European Union as we have come to recognise it now. It is no surprise that Germany is its most powerful leader since the back-up plan of the Nazis was precisely this: if they could not win the war logistically and strategically then dominance would come in the future via economic power.

(For more on this see The EU: The Truth about the Fourth Reich How Adolf Hitler Won the Second World War By Daniel J. Beddowes and Flavio Cipollini).

It was this root that the same Synarchist-Fascist impulse was to create the European formation of the Gladio terrorist networks which sprung up in the 1950s and 60s and that saw American conservatives effect massive Cold War witch-hunts against a so-called Communist conspiracy. Their hunches were far more accurate than we realise if somewhat simplistic and to which huge derision was drawn from the liberal left. But they were wrong overall – they did not understand the hybrid of extremes which were attempting to join.

So, what form has this “socialism” in the West actually taken? Simply put, collectivism is the opposite of individualism, where group thought, philosophy, action and principle overrides the needs of the individual. The term can be divided into horizontal collectivism and vertical collectivism. The former is collective decision-making among largely equal individuals, and is therefore based on decentralisation, while the latter is drawn from hierarchical power structures and socio-cultural conformity, and is based on centralisation. [3] While such a drive to group endeavour can bring out the positive aspects of our interdependence and our shared experiences across the planet, the kind of collectivism we will explore is an overreaching form that employs both vertical and distorted horizontal forms into one vast entity – its expression having been ponerised by emerging strains of psychopathy. The onset of ponerogenesis will manifest by whatever channels deemed suitable in order to achieve Pathocracy. Remember that none of these ideologies are evil in themselves, but used in a pathocratic context, they become tools of destruction.

The war between collectivism and individualism continues to rage in the West, while in the Middle East, Asia and Africa a blend of Anglo-American influences amid certain theocracies combine Church and State, compelling citizens to accept a particular religious doctrine set against radical secularism – a fine breeding ground for numerous civil wars. We are all immersed in an array of belief systems from Conservatism to Liberalism, Communism, Neo-Conservatism and Zionism and on and on so that division is the keynote for Establishment leverage. To that end, money is the denominator in all things which goes way beyond simplistic ideas of trickle down. The state-shadowed Communism and corporate capitalism are blood brothers. As the late German historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler remarked in his Decline of the West (1991) “There is no proletarian, not even a Communist, movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, in the direction indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money–and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.”

While many globalists officially discard Stalinism they embrace collectivism and Marxist ideology quite happily. It is collectivism which is ideally suited to the more Huxleyian or inverted form of totalitarianism. If we take a look at the sprawling mess of the European Union we see the same hybrid of totalitarianism at work, this time from a mix of both the Liberal Establishment and European Synarchy. Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky warned in a speech that the European Union: “… represents a continuation of the totalitarian vision he had fought against in Russia … The former Soviet president Mikhail S. Gorbachev put it more succinctly when he told the official Russian news agency, Ria Novosti, last week that ‘It is all about influence and domination in Europe.’ ” [4]

Bukovsky is no reactionary. After the Soviets expelled him to the West in 1976 he has offered unique insights into the nature of the Soviet Communist Party drawn from direct experience of the regime. He was the one of the first to expose the use of psychiatric imprisonment against political prisoners in the former USSR and according to journalist Belgian Paul Belien: “… spent a total of twelve years (1964-1976), from his 22nd to his 34th year, in Soviet jails, labour camps and psychiatric institutions.” [5] In 1992 he was invited by the Russian government to serve as an expert at a trial to ascertain whether or not the Communist Party had been a criminal institution, Bukovsky was permitted access to a great many classified documents from secret Soviet archives. Only a handful of people have seen this information. What he managed to scan for his own records has become an intriguing confirmation of the pathology shaping the beliefs of collectivism as a tool for Pathocracy.

The Russian dissident takes up the story:

“In 1992 I had unprecedented access to Politburo Central Committee secret documents which have been classified, and still are even now, for 30 years. These documents show very clearly that the whole idea of turning the European common market into a federal state was agreed between the left-wing parties of Europe and Moscow as a joint project which [Soviet leader Mikhail] Gorbachev in 1988-89 called our common European home.

“The idea was very simple. It first came up in 1985-86, when the Italian Communists visited Gorbachev, followed by the German Social-Democrats. They all complained that the changes in the world … were threatening to wipe out the achievement (as they called it) of generations of Socialists and Social-Democrats – threatening to reverse it completely. Therefore the only way to withstand this onslaught of wild capitalism (as they called it) was to try to introduce the same socialist goals in all countries at once. Prior to that, the left-wing parties and the Soviet Union had opposed European integration…. From 1985 onwards they completely changed their view. The Soviets came to a conclusion and to an agreement with the left-wing parties that if they worked together they could hijack the whole European project and turn it upside down. Instead of an open market they would turn it into a federal state.” [6]

Many of these documents are freely available on a variety of websites on the internet. Interestingly, we see the same power brokers such as the Trilateral Commission and the Rockefellers in the thick of it:

“In January of 1989, for example, a delegation of the Trilateral Commission came to see Gorbachev. It included [former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro] Nakasone, [former French President Valéry] Giscard d’Estaing, [American banker David] Rockefeller and [former US Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger. They had a very nice conversation where they tried to explain to that Soviet Russia had to integrate into the financial institutions of the world, such as Gatt, the IMF and the World Bank…

“…the original idea was to have what they called a convergency, whereby the Soviet Union would mellow somewhat and become more social-democratic, while Western Europe would become social-democratic and socialist…. This is why the structures of the European Union were initially built with the purpose of fitting into the Soviet structure. This is why they are so similar in functioning and in structure.

“It is no accident that the European Parliament, for example, reminds me of the Supreme Soviet. It looks like the Supreme Soviet because it was designed like it. Similarly, when you look at the European Commission it looks like the Politburo. I mean it does so exactly, except for the fact that the Commission now has 25 members and the Politburo usually had 13 or 15 members. Apart from that they are exactly the same, unaccountable to anyone, not directly elected by anyone at all.” [7]

Vladimir Bukovsky’s point is crucial. Rather than revealing a communist conspiracy a totalitarian structure was carefully nurtured and organised by proponents of socialist and capitalist ideologies, the bridge between the two being Pathocratic objectives camouflaged by tailored belief systems:

“When you look into all this bizarre activity of the European Union with its 80,000 pages of regulations it looks like Gosplan … an organisation which was planning everything in the economy, to the last nut and bolt, five years in advance. Exactly the same thing is happening in the EU. When you look at the type of EU corruption, it is exactly the Soviet type of corruption, going from top to bottom rather than going from bottom to top.

“If you go through all the structures and features of this emerging European monster you will notice that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union. Of course, it is a milder version … It has no KGB – not yet – but I am very carefully watching such structures as Europol for example. That really worries me a lot because this organisation will probably have powers bigger than those of the KGB…. Can you imagine a KGB with diplomatic immunity?

“They will have to police us on 32 kinds of crimes – two of which are particularly worrying, one is called racism, another is called xenophobia. … Someone from the British government told us that those who object to uncontrolled immigration from the Third World will be regarded as racist and those who oppose further European integration will be regarded as xenophobes….

“The Soviet Union used to be a state run by ideology. Today’s ideology of the European Union is social-democratic, statist, and a big part of it is also political correctness. I watch very carefully how political correctness spreads and becomes an oppressive ideology

Look at this persecution of people like the Swedish pastor who was persecuted for several months because he said that the Bible does not approve homosexuality. France passed the same law of hate speech concerning gays. Britain is passing hate speech laws concerning race relations and now religious speech …. What you observe, taken into perspective, is a systematic introduction of ideology which could later be enforced with oppressive measures. Apparently that is the whole purpose of Europol ….

“It looks like we are living in a period of rapid, systematic and very consistent dismantlement of democracy. Look at this Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill. It makes ministers into legislators who can introduce new laws without bothering to tell Parliament or anyone. … This can make a dictatorship out of your country in no time.

“Major political parties have been completely taken in by the new EU project….. They have become very corrupt. Who is going to defend our freedoms?… The most likely outcome is that there will be an economic collapse in Europe, which in due time is bound to happen with this growth of expenses and taxes. The inability to create a competitive environment, the over regulation of the economy, the bureaucratisation, it is going to lead to economic collapse. Particularly the introduction of the euro was a crazy idea….

“Look to the huge number of immigrants from Third World countries now living in Europe. This was promoted by the European Union. What will happen with them if there is an economic collapse? … In no other country were there such ethnic tensions as in the Soviet Union…. This huge edifice of bureaucracy is going to collapse on our heads…. We are losing and we are wasting time.” [8] [Emphasis mine]

So far, with the likely collapse of the euro at some point in the near future and widespread economic hardship in Europe, the above analysis from 2006 has proved quite correct. Bukovsky is no politically motivated dissident on a mission of vengeance against modern Russia, a entirely different animal of the Soviet past. He sees the totalitarian structures, ideologies, plans in much the same way that Łobaczewski sees inevitable expansion of ponerogenic influences to which such bureaucracies are wide open. It is not a coincidence that the Soviet Union’s elimination of nationhood in favour of “Unions” and “blocs” is the same goal of the Anglo-American Liberal Establishment. On this point Bukovsky further observed:

“The ultimate purpose of the Soviet Union was to create a new historic entity, the Soviet people, all around the globe. The same is true in the EU today. They are trying to create a new people. They call this people ‘Europeans’, whatever that means.

“According to Communist doctrine as well as to many forms of Socialist thinking, the… national state, is supposed to wither away. In Russia, however, the opposite happened. Instead of withering away the Soviet state became a very powerful state, but the nationalities were obliterated….” [9]

Bukovsky  is convinced that the European Union “cannot be democratized” due to its latent totalitarian structure. So, why are we now so polarised between the myths of socialism and capitalism not seeing the how the web of neo-liberal economics offers the building blocks for a global power structure?


In fact, the idea of eliminating national boundaries and nation states was proposed from all sectors of the Establishment coloured with their respective ideologies. It is a matter of historical record but you won’t find it on most educational curricula. After the Second World War in that frenzied opportunity to build their edifices of future control, there were many voices suggesting blueprints for the elimination of nation states and the formation of vast federal Unions built on top of the NATO military alliance. A European Union did come out of it, even though the original Atlantic Union – as a precursor to an eventual Global Union – didn’t see the light of day – at least in that incarnation. But the Cold War wasn’t just about reflexive paranoia. Underneath Anglo-American and European elites was a persistent wish to see nation states disappear so that a capitalist-collectivist vision could manifest globally.

Journalist Matt Stoller’s article published in September 20th 2013, placed the Establishment in the spotlight by revisiting history amid the Edward Snowden revelations of NSA surveillance and the attempted invasion of Syria. “The Elites’ strange plot to take over the world” described just one of the influences from those steeped in Cold War paranoia, this time from journalist, Clarence Streit who contributed to the ideologues who were buzzing the honey-pot of the mass mind and waiting to shape it into the required form. Since it was broken it was highly suggestible and easily managed. Now was the time to erect the institutions of future authority.

Streit wrote a book called Union Now (1939) which, according to Stoller:

“… had a galvanizing effect on the anti-fascist youth of the time, a sort of cross between Thomas Friedman’s ‘The World Is Flat’ and Naomi Klein’s ‘The Shock Doctrine.’ Streit served in World War I in an intelligence unit, and saw up close the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles. He then became a New York Times journalist assigned to cover the League of Nations which led him to the conclusion that the only way to prevent American isolationism and European fascism was for political and economic integration of the major ‘freedom-loving’ peoples, which he described as America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and most of Western Europe. The Five Eyes surveillance architecture was created just a few years later, as was the international monetary regime concocted at Bretton Woods.”

Streit was yet another example of individuals having suffered the effects of war and basted in intelligence training and its tools of PR propaganda. He was present at the gathering together of a large number of social dominators at two of the most important meetings of the 20th Century: Versailles and The Paris Peace Conference which led to the League of Nations organisation and the impetus to reshape the geo-political fortunes of the world. Though Streit’s pitch was to fight totalitarianism wherever “civilised society” found it, ironically perhaps, it was used as a plan for precisely the same, by political and diplomatic leaders of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, many of whom went on to craft the multilateral institutions and international policies of the Cold War and the push for an Atlantic Union. Though many of these leaders were well-intentioned in their wish to head off a Communist take-over as they saw it, there were others who were equally cognizant of the need for the first phase in a Global Union /World State to expand the principles of world government which would eventually incorporate the Soviet Russia and Maoist China.

The 1970s were full of resolutions and hearings designed to make the Atlantic Union and nation states a thing of the past but firmly under the yoke of an Anglo-American trajectory. Federalism would be the socio-economic and political framework by which countries would be redesigned. Indeed, in 1971, a House Concurrent Resolution 163 was proposed: “… to create an ‘Atlantic Union Delegation,’ a committee of 18 ‘eminent citizens’ to join with other NATO country delegations and negotiate a plan to unite. According to the sub-Committee chairman Donald Fraser, it was to be an: “international convention to explore the possibility of agreement on a declaration to transform the present Atlantic alliance into a federal union, set a timetable for transition to this goal and to prescribe democratic institutions under which the goal would be achieved.”

It was no coincidence that the Establishment presidents and European leaders were on board and ambitious to change society. The mass of politicians were fairly clueless about the underlying psychopathy which was piggybacking such ideological drives for Union. The Two World Wars, the Cold War the Great Depression of 1929 and the rise of corporatism proved that nations were already suffering from exploitation driven by rapacious greed. Manipulation and distortion of otherwise sound principles was becoming the norm. Thus it offered a logical basis upon which the concept of political union, could be rationalised and extended. Though many politicians rightly saw the Depression as a result of failed monetary policies at the domestic level, which it was, they were not able to also see that for the bankers and the industrial powers of the time it was one of the effects of the 4C’s coming home to roost and a significant bonanza which would offer future opportunities to tweak the system in their favour.Though it drastically affected the common man and the fabric of society it only allowed the super-rich families of the day to regroup and start the process all over again.

Leaders assumed that calling for greater union would automatically mean greater economic certainty and stability. Yet, they failed to see that the economic crashes and poverty that were induced were part of a system of boom and bust; a debt-based framework by which a fiat currency could be made to work for the tiniest percentage of the population by exploiting the majority. Union would merely extend the 4C’s and its exploitation through gradual deregulation further afield and limiting self-sufficiency, autonomy and economic independence in a box. The objective was a Global Union of the 4C’s which had nothing to do with a socio-economic equilibrium. This was purposefully or naively lost on persons like Streit.

The same ill-informed romanticism of economic parity fuelled their dreams of an Atlantic Union which was to be grafted onto the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. The ‘Structural Adjustment Team’ of the IMF, the World Bank, The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or GATT and the The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were all partly inspired by the ideal of an Atlantic Union. The latter organisation was used as a tool by a Anglo-American Conservative-Synarchist drive to establish a European Super-state which could eventually form part of that Union.

Throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the Cold War provided the incentive and rationale for closer integration and a trans-Atlantic Union to freeze out Communist aspirations. Traditionally, the far right hated the idea on principle, as it was indicative of a socialist coup under cover of liberty and welfare, when in fact it was just another tool for eroding national sovereignty. In the future, the disappearance of the Nation State might arrive as a natural consequence of a family of societies whose psycho-spiritual maturity has come of age, but sadly this is not the reality. We are governed by very different persons whose objectives are clearly not focused on emancipation.

As Stoller mentions, though their intentions were faulty there was an important irony here:

“… as liberals gently chuckle at right-wing paranoia about what they perceive as an imagined plot to create a world government, it is the conservatives who have a more accurate read on history. There was a serious plan to get rid of American sovereignty in favor of a globalist movement, and the various institutions the right wing hates — the IMF, the World Bank, the U.N. — were seen as stepping stones to it. Where the right wing was wrong is in thinking that this plot for a global government was also a communist plot; it wasn’t, it was motivated by anti-communism. The proponents of the Atlantic Union in fact thought that this was the only way to defeat the USSR.”

Though Streit believed that an Atlantic Union would decrease the threat of dictatorship he had not seen that the seeds of an inverted totalitarianism lay within the very antidote he and so many others were proposing and which was doing the job of the Pathocrats so admirably. Federalism under such individuals could only lead one way.

(Thankfully, Vladimir Putin has comprehensively tackled the Russian Oligarchs and apparently outside the one world government ideology. He and his advisors appear to be the only people to whom we can rely upon to halt this reckless Anglo-American-Zionist hegemony. Putin is not perfect by any means, but he is all we have. Russia may yet be the Big Bear of Salvation having gone through decades of ponerisation and come out the other side.)

By the 1980s however, the push for Unions had become more complex and nuanced. The 3EM had clear lines of demarcation when it came to how it envisaged its capitalist-collective hybrid. Nationalist terrorism had a resurgence under the Conservatives and Synarchists while Anglo-American liberalism roared ahead with the Atlantic Unionists, even straddling American Zionism who favoured any kind of integration while extending its own separatism to further its interests. None of these concerns have disappeared. On the contrary, they have adapted and kept pace with the ebb and flow of domestic and foreign policy. Deregulation of the Reagan, Carter and Clinton years ensured that the Federal Reserve and the corporate-banking oligarchical influence dominated through their many varied social engineering interests, which could now take on new vigour.

The quest for global governance, a global economic infrastructure, a “global consciousness” and global ecology” under these terms has infiltrated all societal domains. The double-think ruse of international integration does not mean a furthering of human values but an increase in the 4C’s which leads to further economic slavery, and an unnatural homogenisation since it derives from poverty, mass unemployment, mass immigration and a boom and bust of national destabilisation. World government and the globalisation of an Official Culture of psychopathy already exists but is yet to be formalised and publically acknowledged in an open framework of apparent necessity.

As we have seen, the promise of an Atlantic and Americas Union has been comprehensively dismantled thanks largely to the late Hugo Chavez and other Latin American leaders. We must also not forget the recent BRICS partnership which will surely act as a welcome alternative to the US dollar reserve currency. However, a Global Union is still trying to be born, a gestation that is drawn from the presence of a military-intelligence and surveillance apparatus, where the global economy of the 4C’s is as ubiquitous and damaging as it ever was.  This is not something the pathocratic mind will relinquish any time soon.


[1] Jim Marrs, quoted in the documentary “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism Produced by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz 16:04 Jim Marrs – Corporate control of the state. Socialism and Fascism to benefit corporations. “National Socialism” (fascism is corporatism).
[2] Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism, By Sheldon Wolin, 2008.
[3] Horizontal and vertical dimensions of individualism and collectivism: A theoretical and measurement refinement Singelis, By T. M., Triandis, H. C., Bhawuk, D. P. S., & Gelfand, M. J. 1995. |
[4] ‘Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship’ by Paul Belien, Brussels Journal, February 27, 2006.
[5]  Ibid.
[6]  Ibid.
[7]  Ibid.
[8]  Ibid.
[9]  Ibid.


Puppets & Players IX: The Rockefellers

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

– David Rockefeller

The Rockefeller Foundation may be remembered as the primary financier of Alfred Kinsey’s “scientific” studies which helped to usher in massive changes to US and European society in the 1950s and 1960s. The much cultivated origins of their philanthropic deeds are still going strong in the form of the Rockefeller Foundation now based at 420 Fifth Avenue, New York City. However, the Rockefeller legacy has had more to do with public relations and the continuance of an ideological brand of corporatism than the official, mission “to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” The dynasty has funnelled vast amounts of money into areas as diverse as construction, medical health, population sciences, agricultural and natural sciences, arts and humanities, social sciences, oil, education, economics, conservation and international politics, they have exacted an unparalleled influence over American society.


The Brothers Rockefeller (from left to right) are: David, the last surviving Grand-child of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. Until recently he was Chairman of the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chase Manhattan Bank; Winthrop (deceased); John D. III (deceased) Nelson and Laurance. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) was set up in 1940 to fund international, philanthropic endeavours. The Rockefeller Foundation has a more independent remit.

The Rockefeller family made its largest fortune in the oil business, primarily through their company Standard Oil during the late 19th and early 20th century. Their long financial association with the Chase Manhattan Bank and JP Morgan finally merged their interests to form JP Morgan Chase in 2009. Alongside Goldman Sacs, they profited hugely from the 2008 financial warfare that consolidated and centralised their global wealth into trusted mergers. No one knows the combined wealth of the family’s assets and investments but with the backing of the Rothschilds since the days of Milner and the Round table, it is likely to be very much more than substantial.

The same old boys’ network is in evidence within the banking fraternities from whom the Rockefellers extract maximum financial dividends traditionally passed only to male family members. Shares in the successor companies to Standard Oil, real estate holdings and many other diversified investments are overseen by a hand-picked and powerful trust committee headed by a revolving door of high-profile individuals drawn from Wall St., commerce and academia. A whole team of professional money managers are employed to look after the principal holding company, Rockefeller Financial Services which falls into five main branches:

  • Rockefeller & Co.
  • Venrock Associates (Venture Capital)
  • Rockefeller Trust Company (Managing hundreds of family trusts)
  • Rockefeller Insurance Company (Managing liability insurance for family members)
  • Acadia Risk Management (Insurance Broker for the art collections, real estate and private planes.)

The total philanthropic donations from two generations of the family amounted to over $1 billion from 1860 to 1960. In November 2006, the New York Times reported that the present family patriarch David Rockefeller and his total charitable benefactions amount to about $900 million over his lifetime. [1] That’s an extraordinary figure. However, the question of whether the philanthropy was (and is) an unsullied wish to assist mankind or merely another manipulative mask in a box of corporate tricks could be argued long into the night. True philanthropy is surely unconditional and without an agenda of any kind. Everything the Rockefellers do has its origins in the desire to shape humanity’s development towards its own perception of reality. As author and journalist Gary Allen observed in his book The Rockefeller File: “By the late nineteenth century, the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the most efficient way to gain a monopoly was to say it was for the ‘public good’ and ‘public interest.’” [2]History shows this to be the case so we can logically assume that the legacy of philanthropy has been extremely successful in offering a cover for their less well known activities throughout American and British socio-cultural change.

There were some who saw through the mask of philanthropy to the real consequences of his actions.


“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

– David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405


“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

– David Rockefeller, at a 1991 Bilderberger meeting


“But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence.”

– David Rockefeller, speaking at the Business Council for the United Nations, September 14, 1994


“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

– David Rockefeller, statement about Mao Tse-tung in The New York Times, August 10, 1973

The early part of the 20th century saw John D. Rockefeller and his brother William Avery carve out a permanent place in US history to all but replace the Presidents’ heads carved out of the mountains at Rushmore. With many social “face-lifts” to fit  the culture of the day, the Rockefellers have been responsible for funding and promoting some of the most potent social engineering projects in America over the last one hundred years. The reason was to create an American populace that is preoccupied, docile, apathetic and ultimately accepting of a new form of global feudalism; this has always been the aim of the family and its agencies. Monopolistic control of business and people was the key driver of its ascendancy. Since politics and money are synonymous to the Rockefellers, they have been particularly busy influencing political candidates and their parties towards the goals they hold so dear.

In 1927, as a prelude to the coming Great Depression New York City Mayor John F. Hylan didn’t mince his words in an interview he gave to the New York Times. They remain as relevant now as they did then:

“The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self-created screen … At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.”

It was the ruthlessness and unswerving passion for making money that probably drew the attention of the House of Rothschild in using the Rockefellers as yet another agent for its global financial Empire. The Establishment families have an incestuous relationship across all domains, which is why so much of their funding has been thrown at political organisations and institutions that they either helped to create or best served their financial, political and ideological interests. Its support for a virtual “Who’s Who” of the Establishment speaks volumes.

Standard Oil CartoonJohn D Rockefeller’s Standard Oil company characterized as an evil octopus a common sentiment of the time. | Reproduced by the National Humanities Center Research Triangle Park, NC, 2005. Courtesy Library of Congress.

The promotion of cartel-capitalism is the Rockefeller’s’ overriding principle of world advancement. Many of these groups and their beliefs are unknown to the public and outside any democratic framework despite exerting a powerful “invisible hand” on political discourse. Most candidates in successive US administrations have been members of or affiliated to these organisations, a fact which should cause concern. As well as its funding of the Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies that advised the US State Department and the US government on World War II strategy and forward planning, other long time beneficiaries include a legion of think-tanks, trusts, foundations, organisations, NGOs, and federal agencies. The most well-known of these is the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London; London School of Economics; the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; the Brookings Institute and the World Bank.

These tentacles also reached a number of Universities such as Harvard, Yale, Colombia, McGill and Princeton University and the University of Lyon in France who benefit from grant funding, in particular the research in social sciences, natural sciences and medicine. Steady support for ideologies dear to their hearts include the Population Council of New York; Social Science Research Council (funding for fellowships and grants-in-aid); National Bureau of Economic Research; the new building of the medical school during the 1920s-1930s and the Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory. An emphasis on economics, social science and population control is always evident.


John D. Rockefeller Senior and Junior, 1921

The Rockefeller Foundation is ranked among the most influential NGOs in the world with 2010 assets totalling $3.5 billion with annual grants of over $139 million. [3] With a state charter for the foundation being granted by the New York Mayor in 1913 along with their many trusts that would emerge over the intervening years, this allowed a large portion of the Rockefeller’s fortune to fall outside the requirements for inheritance tax and therefore insulated from government and IRS control. When big money meets politics behind closed doors you can be sure that notions of transparent democracy cease to apply. In its first decade of socio-political influence, the Rockefeller foundation concentrated entirely on the sciences, public health and medical education. They knew that in order to affect long-term change according to their own agenda, it needed to be comprehensive and seemingly benevolent mask rather than at its core, an ideological and political one.

It was also in 1913 that the foundation set up the International Health Commission launching the foundation into international public health activities and forging the reputation to fund research into diseases in fifty-two countries on six continents and twenty-nine islands. The Commission established and endowed the world’s first school of Hygiene and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University and later at Harvard. It then spent more than $25 million  developing other public health schools in the US and in 21 foreign countries, helping to establish America as the world leader in medicine and scientific research. In the same year, it began a 20-year support program of the Bureau of Social Hygiene, whose mission was research and education on birth control, maternal health and sex education. Once again, this emphasis was key.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. became the foundation chairman in 1917 and a year later, established The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, named after his mother, shifting the focus of philanthropy more deeply into the social sciences, stimulating the founding of university research centres and creating the Social Science Research Council. This memorial fund was subsequently absorbed into the foundation in a major reorganisation in 1928/9.

rockefeller6The foundation also supported the early initiatives of notorious geo-political manipulator Henry Kissinger, such as his directorship of Harvard’s International Seminars and the early foreign policy magazine Confluence, both established by him while he was still a graduate student. Kissinger is the equivalent of the Shakespearian character of Iago in “Othello” whose job it is to play one group, government or individual against each other without them ever discovering the source of the intrigue. As an agent of the Rockefellers, Kissinger has been involved in every shady, geo-political form of skulduggery since he was National Security Advisor to Nixon and is seen as an elder geo-political statesman – the public face of those we rarely, if ever get to see. He has perhaps done more than anyone in contouring American politics and society towards Rockefeller and Elite objectives. It was he who spear-headed the concept of food as a weapon forged from the very same think-tanks and organisations we have been discussing.

1954 was a pivotal year for David Rockefeller’s global aspirations. The Bilderberg Group was founded and The Conference on International Politics, sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation was convened in Washington, D.C., in the same month. The leading lights of post-war political science were brought together including: Walter Lippmann, Kenneth W. Thompson, Hans Morgenthau, Kenneth N. Waltz, Paul Nitze, Arnold Wolfers, and Reinhold Niebuhr among others. The Rockefeller Foundation’s president chaired the conference while Waltz and Thompson helped to organize the meeting and discussions. The official objective was to explore “the state of theory in international politics” [4]

Though some commentators believe that there was a failure to arrive at a consensus towards unified theory of international relations, this was never the intention. By gathering together so many luminaries in the field of neo-realism as per the Rockefeller formula, their target was to assess an exact state of play in order to begin steering societies in the required direction at certain junctures. What better way to do this than to scan the greatest minds and extract the information? Perhaps even head-hunt the best and brightest to join the Foundation?

Kenneth W. Thompson was obviously singled out by the Foundation as a useful tool. In 1955, less than a year after the first Bilderberg conference he began working for the Rockefeller Foundation eventually becoming Vice President for International Programs, specialising in the area of institutional philanthropy and no doubt contributing – knowingly or unknowingly – to the Rockefellers’ fine-tuning of the field. As author Nicolas Guilhot observes: “One might reasonably ask whether, had he not played a crucial role within the Rockefeller Foundation for several decades, the field of IR would be the same, or whether it would exist at all.” [5]And that is surely the most obvious point of the whole conference: it was an exercise in establishing a dominant view of international relations under the cover of exploring diversity and economic prosperity. As political scientist professor Robert E. Muller Jr. comments, the conference may have helped establish:

“… a discipline separate from political science and rooted in an understanding of power politics and national interest dictated by the exigencies of the moment. And in this way, it may have invented the international relations theory that guided the thinking of American policy-makers well into the Vietnam era.” [6]

This is exactly where the Rockefeller Foundation excels.


Symbolic of the family’s titanic aspirations: Rockfeller Center’s GE Building, New York | Photo: Martin St-Amant (wikipedia)

A familiar political philosophy for the Elite families is derived from the fusion of Marxism and Capitalism; collectivism and fascism. These beliefs are attractive to corporatist families like the Rockefellers because they offer what they consider to be the best of both worlds. China is the best example since it incorporates both which is why the Rockefeller Foundation played an important role in rebuilding intellectual ties across the Atlantic after the Second World War. They did this by using their vast storehouse of money to be the self-appointed catalyst for increasing the hybridisation of Western capitalist ethos and communist-Marxist ideas via intellectual refugees and American thinkers. It is this literal capitalisation of economic ideologies and their applications that most interests true corporatists. In their minds, it offers the best framework by which a global neo-feudalist state can manifest.

Rather than the “universalist” credentials that the Rockefeller Foundation liked to promote it was actually a mask for this economic hybrid. Rockefeller president Lindsay F. Kimball offered his own advice as to the perception of the foundation in his report from the 1950s:

“The Senate and FBI investigation of the Institute of Pacific Relations [a Rockefeller beneficiary] and the charges proffered by Representative Cox indicate the belief in at least a few minds, that the Rockefeller Foundation is either unwittingly giving support to the enemies of our country or is itself fuzzy-minded, unrealistic, and even pinkishly inclined.” [7]

Though unfashionable in its day due to the spectre of McCarthyism and the Cold War, this belied the fact that the Rockefellers were much more than “pinkishly inclined” but an active promoter of World State influences and communist ideology, unbeknownst to Kimball himself, though his highlighting of these conclusions were obviously borne from his own concerns. This was unlike many artists and intellectuals of the day who genuinely saw socialism, communism or Marxism as at least a new possibility for social change and a step away from the relentless materialism which had engulfed America.

Indeed, the communication between top level staff at the Foundation indicated that they were favourable towards socialist and communist intelligentsia. The most important field of enquiry for the Rockefeller Foundation is best summarised by Hugh Wilford, discussing the Foundation’s influence in his book: The New York Intellectuals: From Vanguard to Institution, where he asks the question: “Are thoughts organically formed? Is it possible to control or manipulate thoughts externally to make them fit into the goals of organisations such as foundations?” [8]

The answer is an unequivocal “yes.”

To that end, another significant program within the Rockefeller Foundation was its Medical Sciences Division, which extensively funded women’s contraception and the human reproductive system in general. Other funding went into endocrinology departments in American universities, human heredity, mammalian biology, human physiology and anatomy, psychology, and the pioneering studies of human sexual behaviour by Dr. Alfred Kinsey whom we looked at in the Sex Establishment.

This brings us to the core belief system of the Rockefellers and their comrades: social control largely based around eugenics – a pseudo-science as strong as it ever was in Elite circles. The Rockefellers have been responsible for funding social engineering projects with just such a belief at their root. In 1933, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation, Max Mason, proclaimed that “The social sciences … will concern themselves with the rationalisation of social control …” and this has remained so ever since. [9]

In 1952, John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council the presidency of which just happened to be none other than Frederick Osborn, leader of the American Eugenics Society who held the position until 1959. Nine years later he wrote: “Eugenic goals are most likely to be achieved under another name than eugenics.” And so it is. From Social Darwinism to the now to the more academically bland social biology and genetics.

General Motors, the Ford Foundation, IBM and others were all involved in supporting the Nazi regime that was both ideological, logistical and material. [10]The Rockefeller family was perhaps the most active in providing assistance to the Nazi Third Reich contributing to the speed of its rapid ascent to power. It is still largely unknown that right from the start of its creation by John D. Rockefeller, the Foundation served as a principle financier of the German Eugenics initiative and even funded the program on which Josef Mengele worked before he went to Auschwitz. [11]Successfully joining financial forces with the Carnegie Institute and the Harrimans,a host of American academics from prestigious universities such as Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton happily embraced a racist, and fascist philosophy and practice existing in America at the time. The authoritarian nature of the eugenics belief was the basis upon which many of the institutions of the 1940s came into being.

When we understand that the updated, racist philosophy of Nazism is the driving force behind so called Rockefeller philanthropy and much of the Establishment’s world-view, we can begin to see the reasons for such support in a very different light. This is the reason why the Rockefeller Foundation’s main financial beneficiaries have been the very same organisations that have historically adhered to the same beliefs. Though it does not necessarily mean all subsequent generations of Rockefellers are cast in the same mold. However, the trajectory of the family and its objectives remain the same regardless of whether this is merely misguided results of brainwashed beliefs or the symptoms of inherited psychopathic traits.


New York Rockefeller Center with statue of the God Atlas. The Rockefeller institutions are often saturated in mythological and occult symbolism.

The Rockefeller Foundation underwent a significant re-organisation in 1928 giving the opportunity for an agriculture department to be incorporated into the Natural Sciences division. In order to protect the family’s investments and to ostensibly guard against communist influence the Foundation gave a grant to the Mexican government for maize research, undertaken with the help of Nelson Rockefeller via the US government. Applying the principles of John D. Rockefeller’s meteoric success with Standard Oil the science of corn propagation and the new agriculture was to mark out the early 1940s as a landmark in the rise of large-scale mono-farming joining together with the commensurate rise in mechanisation and fast food economy in the US.

With close assistance from the Ford Foundation Latin America and India were the next in line to “benefit” from the vast experiment in agribusiness which would soon to be labelled the “Green Revolution” and the ultimate answer to poverty. In reality, expanding crop yields created the exact opposite by displacing farmers and their communities, creating ecological catastrophes, reducing biodiversity, lessening soil fertility and saturating the environment with pesticides from the new offshoot businesses of the agrichemical industry. In concert with international banking and commerce, far from solving the world’s poverty it served to increase it, even though the existence of food mountains would be a feature of modern farming methods parallel to famine and interstate war.

For the Rockefellers, searching for ever more efficient means of making money and redesigning humanity to a sophisticated serfdom meant using corporatism grafted onto the global ecology –  stream-lining Nature’s bounty into a vast production line. It was only natural for the Foundation to support the advances in genetically modified organisms (GMO) foodstuffs and transgenic crop production where the eventual patenting of Nature herself became the economic goal. This conveniently merged with the ideas on eugenics and population control (as all goals towards centralisation ultimately do) best espoused by the Bill and Belinda Gates foundation who finance corporate-led, scientifically dubious vaccination and agriculture projects.

There is an important crossover towards the control of populations and how food, agriculture and technology can influence an outcome that is aligned to the belief system of the Rockefellers and their associates. The radical change from localised subsistence farming to the placing of power in a handful of agribusiness corporations has been in part, thanks to considerable Rockefeller funding. (Breaking the independent clusters of family farmers has always been an integral part of Elite-sourced technological “revolutions,” as we saw in “The Courage to Critique”) .To that end, generous financing has been poured into biotechnology research personified by trans-national corporation Monsanto which has a record of worker rights, environmental and business corruption unparalleled in corporate practice.

The wholly erroneous and disingenuous assumptions that GMO can solve the world’s food crisis, has nonetheless been given a healthy dose of support in industry and the MSM, where in reality, it is nothing more than another corporate tool of exploitation. For this to work members are activated within the auspices of humanitarian directives found the United Nations, WTO, IMF and The World Bank. They also need to appeal to the spiritual and occult-minded Elite presently residing in its most public face: The Lucis Trust, an occult organisation firmly embedded in the United Nations and its affiliated agencies.


“In 1917, John D. Rockefeller could have paid off the whole US public debt on his own. Today, Bill Gates’ entire fortune would barely cover two months’ interest.”

It was to be during the years between 1956 – 1960 that the Rockefeller Brothers’ Fund financed the Special Studies Projectwith the help of then President Nelson Rockefeller and directed by the ever faithful Henry Kissinger. This was to be a blueprint for the future, not for America but for the “global community.” The studies were published in a now hard to come by book entitled: Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. It is here that the full long-term nature of the World State philosophy can be discerned though suitably dressed up in euphemisms and platitudes. The objective of the studies were to create a long-term plan so that a progressive phasing in of a global government could materialise in a post-war environment. To do this large-scale social engineering was to take place using the Fabian method of gradualism so that the American people and eventually the world, would have no idea what was being sold to them. The future they have shaped has come of age.

(For more on these studies and Prospect for America please visit

See also: James Corbett’s excellent series on Big Oil and the Rockefellers:



[1] ‘Manhattan: A Rockefeller Plans a Huge Bequest’By Stephanie Strom, The New York Times, November 21, 2006.
[2] The Rockefeller File By Gary Allen. Published by ’76 Press, 1976.
[3] Return of Private Foundation, or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable TrustTreated as a Private Foundation 2010. Form 90-PF. | www.
[4] p.240; The Invention of International Relations Theory: Realism, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the 1954 Conference on Theory, by Robert E. Muller Jr.; Nicolas Guilhot, ed., New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
[5] op. cit. Muller (p.15)
[6] Review of The Invention of International Relations Theory: Realism, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the 1954 Conference on Theory, Edited by Nicolas Guilhot in Ethics & International Affairs, July 12 2012.
[7] ‘The Rockefeller Foundation vis a vis National Security,’ By Lindsley F. Kimball, November 19, 1951, folder 201, box 25, series 900, RG3, RFA, RAC.
[8] p.117; The New York Intellectuals: From Vanguard to Institution By Hugh Wilford, Manchester University Press, 1995 | ISBN-10: 0719039886
[9] Max Mason quoted in ‘Mental Health, Education and Social Control’ Part 2 By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D., September 2004 |
[10] IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation. By Edwin Black, Second paperback edition, Washington, DC: Dialog Press, 2009 | ISBN 13: 9780914153108
[11] Ibid.

Puppets & Players VII: Trilateral Commission

organigramme_Trilateral-commissionTrilateral Commission networking (Click on the image)

Founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in July 1973, the Trilateral Commission (TC) also describes itself as a non-governmental, non-partisan discussion group set up to encourage closer cooperation among the United States, Europe and Japan. Or in the TC’s own words it was formed: “…by private citizens of Western Europe, Japan and North America to foster closer cooperation among these three regions on common problems. It seeks to improve public understanding of such problems, to support proposals for handling them jointly, and to nurture habits and practices of working together among these regions.” [1]

The Executive Committee chooses members with a suitable insider pedigree, offering some form of expertise in their chosen field be it finance, economics, politics or media. Most important however is the kinship to globalist ideals. These members total around 350 for a three-year renewable period, meeting several times a year to discuss their work and organize TC strategies. As with the CFR and Bilderberg, TC annual reports are available and its beliefs and ideologies are clear. The real operations and strategies for the coming years are not revealed and to do so would be dangerous, the simple reason being that their objectives would be seen for what they are: irresponsible and undemocratic albeit dressed up in the civilised language of the government technocrat.

Disarmingly described as a high level “discussion group” it publishes a quarterly magazine called the Trialogue in which all kinds of barely restrained empire-building ideas clash to together in frightfully civilised fashion. Yet, as author Anthony Sutton wrote in Trilaterals over Washington: “… this group of private citizens is precisely organized in a manner that ensures its collective views have significant impact on public policy.” When combined with CFR and the Bilderberg Group along with a multitude of other branches we quickly realise that there is a very significant and powerful force at work which influences foreign and domestic policy. [2]

The suitably nebulous and vague terms used in the introduction to the TC found at serves to limit the attention from media and public alike. Indeed, the website itself looks sombre and dull enough to send even the most avid geo-political watcher straight to sleep. For all most disinterested people know, they might be meeting to play chess or past the time chatting good-naturedly over a game of golf while setting the world to rights for all. The impression given is one of economic benevolence; fatherly leaders and venerable statesmen doing rarefied work on the Great-Unwashed’s behalf; striving to bring the economic model of East and West together so that all may share its numerous bounties.

The TC membership operates along the same lines as the CFR and as might be expected, many members ping-pong between both groups. If the Council on Foreign Relations is the crucible of world state concepts and ideas then the Trilateral Commission is tasked with commissioning those ideas into reality extending their visions into the strategically important geography of Eurasia. Tucked away on the founding members page of the website there is finally a mention of Zbigniew Brzezinski who: “… played an important role in the formation of the Commission and served as its first director from 1973 to 1976. After serving in the Carter Administration, Dr. Brzezinski rejoined the Commission in 1981 and served on the executive committee until 2009.” [3]In 1970, as a young Polish intellectual, Brzezinski foresaw the rising economic power of Japan, and post-war Europe. Brzezinski was also a big fan of Karl Marx, adapting and expanding his theories. World-order politics was to be promoted through a trilateral economic linkage between Japan, Europe, and the United States. David Rockefeller was excited by Brzezinski’s vision of collectivism and capitalism which dove-tailed neatly into the Rockefellers’ love of China. This merging of corporatism and Maoism/Stalinsim was to be the template for the New Economy under Banking rule. Hand in hand, Rockefeller provided the income and Brzezinski academic clout and together they brought to bear a formidable network of high level contacts.


Trilateral Commission Executive Committee 2010 (

Like David Rockefeller and his family, Brzezinski’s chameleon-like influence is enormous (if not infamous) which is why his presence on TC is understated despite his conceptual echoes present on every page. As a geo-political strategist and tactician; a Machiavellian insider and all-round, intellectual genius, Brzezinski built a reputation for providing insights into the future that were both compelling and accurate, exemplified in his book: Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997). He would be an obvious choice to organise and manifest David Rockefeller’s equally neo-feudalist vision for integrating Asia into their ambitious visions of a “New Economic World Order.”

Brzezinski’s grooming and educating of Jimmy Carter to be Presidential material and aligned to TC’s interests – like Obama – began years earlier in 1973 when Carter was offered a place as founding member of the newly–created commission, which he duly accepted. It was to be a coup for the TC. The late former Republican Senator and opposing candidate Barry Goldwater saw the writing on the wall when he wrote:

“David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him win the nomination, and the presidency. To accomplish this purpose, they mobilized the money power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community – which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations – and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR, and the Trilateral.”[4]


Zbigniew Brzezinski

The Carter administration with Brzezinski as US National Security Advisor had 19 Trilaterals either with government posts or with cabinet positions. [5]That was a lot of political power directed in a decidedly Rockefeller-Brzezinski direction. Carter the peanut farmer, much like the law student Barack Obama would be a figurehead for something quite different to the political marketing. The perceptions which underpin the TC and CFR groups are Capitalist-Marxist philosophies. Capitalist in the sense that deregulated corporatism and privatisation reigns supreme and Marxist in the sense of Jewish-influenced Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School topped off with traditional Fabian socialism. This is why this belief system is so attractive to the Rockefeller dynasty and their worshippers – it provides the perfect template for World State rule and centralised control.

There is no conspiracy here at all.  They are very open in their views as they know the general public and most government and agency officials have little understanding of their true objectives, nor do they have the conceptual understanding of the long term strategy and the background of occult principles involved.

In Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages his belief hinged around the idea that three important stages of evo­lu­tion, had been passed and that mankind was presently midway through the fourth and final stage. Stage 1 was “Religious”, the second stage “nationalism” and the third stage was “Marxism” which he described as: “… a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision.” This would lead to the final transformative stage of the Technetronic Era where humanism, technocracy and a World State hybrid of capitalism and Marxism would be engineered around exact mechanisms of a “scientific technique.” Barry Goldwater suggested TC’s objective was: “… a skilful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical … [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future.” [6]

The Senator was correct in that they believe in an economic utopia but incorrect that such a vision extended to all. The TC, CFR game-plan has always been predicated on an Elite class which expects global serfdom to meekly roll over to their rulers, doffing their hats in subservient awe. Like all Trilateralists, Brzezinski believed that national sovereignty and: “… Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” And therefore: “… as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.” [7]

And this has been the constant siren call of the various sectors of the Three Establishment Model (3EM). This “threat” – and many others since – was certainly delivered in the guise of the September 11th attacks which served to speed up Anglo-American-Israeli hegemony in the form of the Police-Surveillance State, a brutal Middle Eastern resource grab and the emergence of a a new cold war, despite the best efforts of Vladimir Putin to prevent it. Russian-hater Brzezinski was well aware of what was coming down the pipeline, probably because he was one of the many advisory architects. American dominance can only be assured by maintaining conflict, breaking the spirit of the people and challenging Russia’s independence. It cannot be allowed to offer an alternative model – however imperfect – to the 3EM. The trilaterals are therefore very keen indeed to demonise Russia and the media propaganda has been put into action in ways not seen since the Bay of Pigs.

This brings us to the next and perhaps most important outpost for globalist strategy: the Bilderberg Group.

See also: The Trilateral Commission by Prof. Antony C. Sutton



[2] p.5; Trilaterals over Washington By Anthony C. Sutton. Published by August Corporation 1981. | ISBN-10 0933482012.
[3] Ibid.
[4] p.286; With No Apologies: The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater. Published by William Morrow and Company; 1st edition, 1979 | ISBN-10: 0688035477
[5] ‘America Plundered by the Global Elite’ by Patrick Wood, The August Review, December 13, 2005.
[6] op. cit. Goldwater (p.285)
[7] p.35; The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and It’s Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Published by Basic books, 1997. | p.211; Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era By Zibgniew Brezezinski, Published by The Viking Press, Inc. 1970.

Puppets & Players VI: Council on Foreign Relations

 “The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded … states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies … Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker … The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy.”

– Richard Haas CFR President February 12 2006.

infinite-cash.comProfessor Carroll Quigley described in Tragedy and Hope the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as “… the American Branch of a society which originated in England [and] believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.” [1]The founding members of CFR were some of the same members involved in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and the Round Table movement of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner. Many members were drawn from the emerging Military-Industrial complex, incorporating the fresh young blood of the intelligence apparatus of the US government. The CIA’s Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles had both been at the Paris Peace conference along with so many other world government enthusiasts and were founding members of the CFR. Allen Dulles became a member of CFR in 1926 and later its president. His brother John Foster, an in-law of the Rockefellers, Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was well placed for CFR steerage by the time he was Secretary of State under President Eisenhower. From a 1993 Annual report: “The Council on Foreign Relations is a non-profit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.”

This is vague enough to encompass almost any ideological and political persuasion while giving the impression of unsullied innocence. True to its Round Table origins its actual objectives are to forge a centralised system of global government based on an inter-locking financial and corporate architecture policed by a world Army. As Senator Earnest Hollings of South Carolina bluntly put it for the Congressional Record, June 30, of the same year: “If you ever run for President, you get very wonderful, embossed invitations from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, and you get the coffee and fine china, and, man, you are really a high muckety-muck. And then what they do is get you to swear on the altar of free trade an undying loyalty and support—free trade, free trade. That is all they want. And they co-opt every one of these young Senators that want to run for President.” [2]

Today, CFR membership is made up of presidents past and present, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, Joint Chiefs of Staff, international bankers, executives, ambassadors, think-tank executives, lobbyists, lawyers, NATO officiandos, Pentagon military leaders, Establishment press, media owners, academics, novelists, entertainers, university presidents, senators, and Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, and rich businessmen of every creed and colour. An ex-CFR member who seemed to wake up to the reality of what the organisation was promoting was former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, Retired Navy Admiral Chester Ward who wrote a scathing critique of CFR stating that their objective is the: “… submergence of U. S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government…” [3]

The overriding principles of a world government that would be based on the Chinese template of communist world state or world government and capitalist economy is still the dream of the CFR globalists as it was with J.D. Rockefeller. In 1962 a study titled, A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield states: “… if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government.” And of course, in order to achieve world government and its interlocking “unions” it is necessary to dispense with the idea of sovereignty, economic or otherwise. The CFR members espouse just such a directive for their brand of globalisation.In April 1974, former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner published an article in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs entitled: ‘The Hard Road to World Order’ in which he declared: “… the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down … but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”


Screen shots from the film clip: Council on Foreign Relations


The usual suspects crop up again and again …

Since the creation of the Office of Secretary of Defence in 1947, 14 DoD secretaries have been CFR members. Since 1940, every Secretary of State, except James Byrnes, has been a CFR member and/or a member of the Trilateral Commission. Equally, for the past 80 years, almost every key US National Security and Foreign Policy Advisor has been a member. The majority of top generals and admirals and many former presidential candidates were/are CFR, including Herbert Hoover, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter (and TC member), George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and John McCain.

CIA directors were/are CFR, including Richard Helms, James Schlesinger, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates, James Woolsey, John Deutsch, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta. Many Treasury Secretaries were/are also in the Club such as Douglas Dillon, George Schultz, William Simon, James Baker, Nicholas Brady, Lloyd Bentsen, Robert Rubin, Henry Paulson, and Tim Geithner. [4]

Virtually everyone who has held a position at the US administrative level in the US has been a member of the CFR. Some past and present members include: David Rockefeller, Thomas Foley, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Paul A. Volcker, Prince Edward, Prince Charles of Wales, Madeleine K. Albright, Robert S. McNamara, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George H.W. Bush, Donald E. Graham, Henry A. Kissinger, Richard N. Perle, George Soros, Lawrence H. Summers, John D. Rockefeller IV. Bankers, Alan Greenspan, and World Bank President Robert Zoellick. Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton. MSM CFR includes Katie Couric, Bill Moyers, Diane Sawyer, Tom Brokaw as well as foreign heads of state Mikhail Gorbachev, Benyamin Netanyahu and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and even the Dalai Lama. Corporate membership spans most of the Fortune 500 companies such as BP, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, Merck, NASDAQ, Pfizer and VISA.

One only has to take a look at the Council on Foreign Relations website to see that it has developed a sophisticated propaganda machine. Simply read the associated blogs and you’ll get an immediate flavour of what their objectives are all about. Unlike Le Cercle or Skull & Bones and occult groupings, this is indeed an open conspiracy. They are happy to court those in the entertainment business who usually have a very superficial understanding of Anglo-American designs but nevertheless due to their mass appeal and willingness to feed their egos and perceived social conscience, promote highly simplistic “solutions” while admirably serving the hidden interests of their backers.Actors such as George Clooney and Angelina Jolie are a case in point, the latter having become a satisfied CFR member last year and is busy doing her best to promote the organisation’s principles. She has very broad social appeal and represents quite a coup for the media focused think-tank.

To that end, social engineering and “information dominance” through the world’s media is essential part of CFR operations and has always played a major part in the shaping the minds of both old and new members so they may in turn, mould the public mind. As Quigley mentions: “The American branch of this ‘English Establishment’ exerted much of its influence through five American newspapers (The New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post, and the lamented Boston Evening News).” The RAND Corporation is most closely associated with the group and its expertise in PSYOPS is routinely used by a various members of the American Establishment and their promotional arms; from the internet to carefully stage-managed media press conferences. [5]

Most importantly for the CFR and other groups, the decision to infiltrate the left-wing and liberal leaning political movements as far back as 1917 by Round Table and J.P Morgan agents proved hugely important as the MSM evolved. Wall St. was a vital component in the placing of editors and staff amenable to their vision. A Congressional record verifies this fact from statements made by Congressman Oscar Callaway who stated: “… the J.P. Morgan [banking] interests …. and their subsidiary organizations got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the US … They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. … an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information …” [6] Quigley observes that the“… purpose was not to destroy … or take over but was really threefold:

(1) to keep informed about the thinking of Left-wing or liberal groups;

(2) to provide them with a mouthpiece so that they could “blow off steam,” and

(3) to have a final veto on their publicity and possibly on their actions, if they ever went “radical.” [7]

Sociologist Hadley Cantril wrote in his 1967 book The Human Dimension – Experiences in Policy Research: “Psycho-political operations are propaganda campaigns designed to create perpetual tension and to manipulate different groups of people to accept the particular climate of opinion the CFR seeks to achieve in the world.” They have been supremely successful in doing just that. Their policy of non-attribution where nothing that is said in public contradicts their message of openness and transparency as does their numerous secret meetings not open to the public. Twenty years ago, the CFR was relatively unknown. Now, with the information age, there is much greater awareness, which is why its slick media campaigns are highly sophisticated in order to match the changing times.

See also: Behind the Big News: Propaganda and the CFR  and The Mainstream Media (MSM)



[1] pp.951-952; Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope (1966)
[2] Senator Earnest Hollings (D) of South Carolina, Congressional Record, June 30, 1993, S8315.
[3] CFR Annual Report 1993-1994.
[4] The True Story of the Bilderberg Group By Daniel Estulin. Published by Trine Day, 2nd edition 2009. | ISBN-10: 0979988624.
[5] op. cit. Quigley The Anglo-American Establishment (1981).
[6] Congressman Oscar Callaway statements were included in the Congressional Record, vol. 54, February 9, 1917, p. 2947.
[7] op. cit. Quigley (1966)

Puppets & Players IV: The Round Table Group / Movement

“Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”

— Cecil Rhodes

The British Empire is the most recent expression of pathocratic rule to grace the shores of unsuspecting nations. Almost 90 percent of the globe had been invaded by Victorian stiff upper lips with only 22 countries ever escaping the glorious injection of Christian missionary and military zeal. [1]One individual who was the epitome of strong-arm, British imperialism was Cecil Rhodes. Though the inception of a distinctly British version of a World State extends far back into time we will take up the narrative as Rhodes made his way to South Africa in the year 1870, aged 17 years-old.

Born from a poor but religious family, the story goes that he was sent there to improve his health and to extend business interests with his brother Herbert, based in Natal as a planter on a cotton farm. By 1871, they had made a claim in the Kimberley diamond fields and rapidly amassed a fortune. After only a few years he returned to England and entered Oriel College, Oxford. Though his recurring ill-health is often sourced as the reason it is difficult to imagine how it was possible for a seventeen year-old from a poor family in Hertfordshire could return in just a few years with a fortune and be able to travel as he pleased between Africa and Oxford without completing his degree for almost ten years! The most probable reason for his rapid success and freedom from the normal constraints of Oxford students is that he had been selected by Nathaniel Rothschild to act as agent and facilitator for his African conquest. No doubt Rothschild recognised a kindred spirit in the young, ambitious Rhodes and decided that not only was he on the same page, he would be a very useful political and ideological asset.

In 1888, with the backing of N. M. Rothschild and Sons, Rhodes, at just 24 years-old bought out all rival mining companies in the Kimberley region. He quickly became a most powerful man, entering the Cape House of Assembly as member for Barkly and eventually taking office in the Cape Ministry. The mining industry was under his complete control eventually growing into De Beers Consolidated Mines. By 1890, he had become Prime Minister of the Cape Colony with enormous leverage over the Cape economy as a whole. [2]


John Ruskin

John Ruskin was a Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford and a major player in the rise of the Romantic Movement. He was an architect, philosopher and talented artist who also preached the doctrine of collectivism and elite rule, partly due to the influences inherent in his upper-middle class background and British Empire traditions. Ruskin was sincere in his beliefs and was one of the first true philanthropists of his age, giving away much of his wealth to the poor. His mix of art and elitism was extremely appealing to the Establishment who felt their elevated status and access to education and riches gave them a moral obligation to manage the masses. The rise of Marxism was entirely compatible with persons such as Ruskin as it combined the uplifting of the poor with the collectivist future for the world.

Rhodes was greatly influenced by John Ruskin’s romantic, imperialist philosophy while at Oxford, though Ruskin’s somewhat benevolent colouring was lost in Rhodes’ fanatical racism and belief in the British as the New Olympians. His unfailing confidence in the supremacy of the British Empire reflected his own dedication to white supremacy and the promise of an Anglo-Saxon Global Empire. He became the dominant colonist in expanding British territory, securing the charter for the British South Africa Company which was heavily involved with the slave trade. He made sure that Bechuanaland remained in British possession instead of falling to the Boers; developing the vast areas of land north and south of the Zambezi. The monopoly exerted by Rhodes over the diamond and gold mining industry was already creating tensions in the region most particularly between the Boers and the indigenous populations, the latter seen as less than human by both sides which meant that massacres were frequent and brutal.

The Transvaal region of South Africa was beset by prospectors looking to strike it rich. Kings College, Oxford educated, High Commissioner for South Africa and Governor of the Cape Colony Lord Alfred Milner was to prove vital to Rhodes’ and therefore, the Rothschild’s expanding ambitions. Like Rhodes, he was a great believer in British supremacy though less bullish insofar as his role as enforcer had a semblance of constructive diplomacy should it prove to be the only option. Rhodes, Milner and the overshadowing Rothschilds safely tucked up in London vowed to dominate the region by every possible means.


Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes

Biographer John Flint unearthed the original will of Cecil Rhodes made in June 2 1877 in his own handwriting entitled “Confession of Faith.” Considering the astounding influence this man had on his world and what he set in motion after his death it may be helpful for the reader to step inside Rhodes’ mind more fully and thus understand why he seems to have been used as  a Rothschild agent keen to establish their leverage via the British Empire. Without using British influence in the Middle East the creation of the State of Israel at this juncture would never have happened. The Rhodes document is a platform for extolling the virtues of a master race, systematic genocide, racism; a distinctly British colonialism and the creation of control via a new secret society:

It often strikes a man to enquire what is the chief goal in life; to one the thought comes that it is a happy marriage, to another great wealth, and as each seizes on his idea, for that he more or less works for the rest of his existence. To myself thinking over the same question the wish came to render myself useful to my country. I then asked myself how could I and after reviewing the various methods I have felt that at the present day we are rhodesactually limiting our children and perhaps bringing into the world half the human beings we might owing to the lack of country for them to inhabit that if we had retained America there would at this moment be millions more of English living. I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race.

Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives. I contend that every acre added to our territory means in the future birth to some more of the English race who otherwise would not be brought into existence. […] In the present day I became a member of the Masonic order I see the wealth and power they possess the influence they hold and I think over their ceremonies and I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end. […]

Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. […] 

… think of those countless 1000’s of Englishmen that during the last 100 years would have crossed the Atlantic and settled and populated the United States. Would they have not made without any prejudice a finer country of it than the low class Irish and German emigrants? All this we have lost and that country loses owing to whom? Owing to two or three ignorant pig-headed statesmen of the last century, at their door lies the blame. Do you ever feel mad? Do you ever feel murderous. I think I do with those men. I bring facts to prove my assertions. Does an English father when his sons wish to emigrate ever think of suggesting emigration under another flag, never – it would seem a disgrace to suggest such a thing I think that we all think that poverty is better under our own flag rather than wealth under a foreign one. Fancy Australia discovered and colonised under the French flag, what would it mean merely several millions of English unborn that at present exist we learn from the past and to form our future. We learn through having lost to cling to what we possess. We know the size of the world we know the total extent. Africa is still lying ready for us it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race more of the best the most human, most honourable race the world possesses. […]

To forward such a scheme what a splendid help a secret society would be a society not openly acknowledged but who would work in secret for such an object. […]

Let us form the same kind of society a Church for the extension of the British Empire. A society which should have its members in every part of the British Empire working with one object and one idea we should have its members placed at our universities and our schools and should watch the English youth passing through their hands just one perhaps in every thousand would have the mind and feelings for such an object, he should be tried in every way, he should be tested whether he is endurant, possessed of eloquence, disregardful of the petty details of life, and if found to be such, then elected and bound by oath to serve for the rest of his life in his Country. He should then be supported if without means by the Society and sent to that part of the Empire where it was felt he was needed. […] (In every Colonial legislature the Society should attempt to have its members prepared at all times to vote or speak and advocate the closer union of England and the colonies, to crush all disloyalty and every movement for the severance of our Empire. The Society should inspire and even own portions of the press for the press rules the mind of the people. The Society should always be searching for members who might by their position in the world by their energies or character forward the object but the ballot and test for admittance should be severe…) [3]

In 1891, fuelled by Rothschild funding and his Oxford-based intellectual elite, Rhode’s plans began to take shape. The Round Table and later the Council on Foreign Relations would be the culmination of just such a “secret society” incorporating all of the above principles, differing only in their euphemistic representation, being soft on the ear and easy on the eye, appealing to high society civility and champagne smiles. With well-known journalist William T. Stead and Reginald Baliol Brett, known as Lord Esher, friend of Queen Victoria, and eventual advisor to King Edward VII and King George V, Rhodes formed the membership of what would soon grow into an international organisation. In Professor Carroll Quigley’s second book The Anglo-American Establishment he tells us the plan for such an organization was to act as an inner circle: “… to be known as ‘The Society of the Elect’, and an outer circle, to be known as ‘The Association of Helpers.’ Within The Society of the Elect, the real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a ‘Junta of Three.’ The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Lord Alfred Milner.” [4]


“French cartoon depicting Cecil John Rhodes with a bottle of champagne while the Transvaal burns” Source:

However, by 1895, Cecil Rhodes suffered a setback. Large scale operations were carried out in the Transvaal in an attempt to quash insurgent attacks by increasingly hostile Afrikaans who wanted to oust British rule and monopolise the gold. The Jameson Raid was one of the bloodiest disasters for the British colonial designs and forced Rhodes to resign as Prime Minister of the Cape. By 1899, largely due to Milner’s intransigence and belief in British imperialism as the only way to proceed, war between the British and the Boers broke out in 1899, with the annexation of the two Boer states in 1901 and then claimed by the British Empire.

Milner was assigned the administration of the two states which meant he had to rescind the governorship of the Cape Colony, while still retaining the post of high commissioner. During the war concentration camps incarcerating over 27,000 Boer women and children were created with some records reporting more than 14,000 black South Africans died while imprisoned in the camps. [5]Though Milner privately expressed his opposition to the camps he did very little to prevent or to restrict the atrocities inflicted by Lord Kitchener on his departure from the Cape to the Transvaal. It was to be the imperialistic pioneering personalities of Rhodes and Milner who would form the nexus of a British Elite formed in South Africa based on the same Synarchist and supremacist beliefs bubbling away in the crème de la crème of upper class English society.

he remit was to not only spread British Rule throughout Africa but to lay the foundation for a wider global domination just as the British Empire itself was weakening. It was to be called the Imperial Federation of the British Empire. Members included: Lionel Hitchens, J. F. Perry, Robert H. Brand, Geoffrey Dawson, Philip Kerr, Leo Amery, and Lionel Curtis. By 1910 Milner, Cecil Rhodes, and Lionel Curtis had formed the European Round Table Group drawn from the mythology of the Knights of the Round Table and the search for the Holy Grail – Rhodes’ own romantic vision of a strictly British birth right. Lionel Curtis, as so many of his colleagues, also believed in the superiority of a white, Aryan race, harbouring the dream of a one world government that would oversee a New World Order run by an initiated Elite – another variant of the same old Synarchist beliefs.

Nathaniel Rothschild’s financial support was behind the existence of the Round Table through the auspices of his agents such as Rhodes and Milner but there is no evidence to confirm a direct link. For most members Rothschilds’ financial influence was likely immaterial since the momentum of power was extending into multiple avenues of interest for all. Psychopaths were cultivating their clustering abilities once again. Indeed, Rhodes was in it for power and white supremacy, Milner for a “natural” British imperialism and Curtis for a British global theocracy. Much like the degrees of difference that exist in the power brokers of today, the primary directives of world domination encompass all members.

Though Rhodes died before the Round Table was created he left considerable amounts of money in his will for the establishment of a secret society whose purpose was to establish British rule throughout the world. As caretaker of the Rhodes fortune, Milner brought this wish to fruition. Rhodes also set up scholarships at Oxford University so that carefully selected candidates could continue the work of British interests and his visions of a dominant, Anglo-Saxon race. Soon after its formation, the Round Table Publication was produced as an anonymous quarterly magazine containing several reports (or propaganda) that helped to found other Round Table groups all over the world. The first issue of The Round Table was largely written by Philip Kerr and appeared in November 1910. By 1914, the Round Table network was expanded in every dominion of the British Empire the role having been taken on with relish by Lionel Curtis. He would later go on to form the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) (or Chatham House) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) acting as a front for both, with a large share of the influence afforded to the corporate giant of J.P Morgan. Once again, Rothschild interests were also lurking in the background with all three making sure their power was at the forefront of operations.

The industrialist John Pierpont Morgan who financed much of the American Elite had originally begun his meteoric rise from London through Rothschild’s Peabody and Company and his own Grenfell Morgan & Co. It was at the Paris Peace Conference that Milner and Morgan’s Wall St. connections and legal acolytes would mingle and join forces.

In 1912, Woodrow Wilson had discussions with those in the American Democrat party organized by international banker Bernard Baruch. The Great War was essential to the plans of not only the Anglo-American establishment but the future of Zionism. The Zionists had an important stake in making sure the United States entered the war. While the Rothschild supported American Industrialists the Rockfellers and J.P Morgan were salivating at the chance to wrest financial control from the American people, the Round Table Group and the Zionists were striking a deal. Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff, and Colonel Edward Mandell (a Round Table agent and Wilson advisor) were all working on President Wilson so that he had nowhere to turn but toward Elite designs. The German people were further demonised while a false flag attack of the Lusitania “incident” was ushered in to turn the tide of public opinion. The same old pretext of “making the world safe for democracy” was used.

paul warburg-j-schiffZionist Industrialists Paul Warburg (left) and Jacob Schiff

Author Dr. Albert D. Pastore explains Round Table and Zionist wheeling and dealing so that the United States would enter the war by 1916:

The British government and the Zionist leaders struck a dirty deal. The Zionists were led by Chaim Weizmann, the man who one day become the first President of the State of Israel. The idea was for the Zionists to use their influence to drag the mighty USA into the war on Britain’s side, so that Germany and it’s Ottoman allies could be crushed. In exchange for helping to bring the USA into the war, the British would reward the Zionists by taking over Palestine from the conquered Ottomans after the war was over. The British had originally wanted to give the Zionists a Jewish homeland in an African territory. But the Zionists were fixated on claiming Palestine as their land. Once under British control, the Jews of Europe would be allowed to immigrate to Palestine in great numbers. […] it wasn’t long before the German, Austrian, and Ottoman Empires were defeated and their maps rewritten by the victorious powers at the infamous Treaty of Versailles in 1918. In addition to the numerous Zionist bankers who were influencing Versailles, the Zionists also had their own delegation which was headed by Chaim Weizmann.Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration in November 1917, the same month that Germany surrendered. But it had actually been prepared 20 months earlier in March 1916 with Weizmann’s influence. 13 The Declaration allowed mass Jewish immigration to conquered Palestine while promising to preserve Arab rights. The Arabs living in Palestine weren’t buying these promises. They protested, but there was nothing that they could do to stop the coming wave of Jewish immigration. This was the first step in creating what was to later become the state of Israel 20 years later. [6]

Everyone had something to gain from the puppetry of Wilson. He was inducted into the designs of the global governance crew and in return he was asked to give backing to the Federal Reserve and income tax, and anyone in the future cabinet. They also cautioned that if they managed to place Wilson in power then it would be wise to follow their guidance should there be a war in Europe, a war that many emerging corporatists like the Rockefellers, Harrimans and the Bush family were busy trying to support. He was offered a front seat on the gravy train and the power and status it offered.

Woodrow Wilson’s intelligence, socialist ideals and religiously tinged self-importance followed a very similar road to power as Fabian member Tony Blair. Wilson presided over 2 million deaths of young men for a road-map of geopolitical re-configuration and greed by several large weapons companies, while Blair oversaw and helped to ensure the invasion of Iraq as a key phase in a larger Middle Eastern push to secure resources, along with the construction and maintenance of Anglo-American network of oil pipelines. He also had a direct part in the deaths of over 1.5 million Iraqis based on the same impeachable religious self-belief despite all the evidence that the invasion had nothing to do with peace and democracy. Unlike Blair, Wilson later expressed dismay at how easily he had been duped.


Tony Blair (left) and Woodrow Wilson (right)

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson was elected President beating incumbent William Howard Taft, who had been against the imposition is of a central bank. As money and lobbying always determines the candidates in most elections, industrialist J.P. Morgan on the advice of Rothschild and Round Table members injected huge quantities of cash into Theodore Roosevelt’s Progressive Party thereby fracturing the Republican vote and placing the unknown Wilson in pole position. After constant pressure for a central bank had been plaguing Congressman for several years, the dream for the industrialists and the demise of democracy was set in motion.

In the same year the Federal Reserve Act was passed. Congressman Louis McFadden, House Committee on Banking and Currency Chairman (1920-31), stated: “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists … acting together to enslave the world … Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is — the Fed has usurped the government.” [7]There was nothing “Federal” about the bank. As it was then, it has remained so up to the present: a private company owned by a consortium of international bankers not subject to presidential congressional oversight, nor any auditing procedures. It gives international banking exactly what it wants – control of the domestic and international markets with speculative and insider knowledge atop a deregulated financial architecture that benefits the few at great expense to the majority.

In the last year of the First World War, a new idea had taken root for an antidote against such destruction. At least that was the propaganda that everyone was eager to believe. During the Paris Peace Conference of 1918 the floatation of a League of Nations was introduced. It was to be an international organization that would settle disputes between nations by using a raft of laws, treaties, and agreements, as opposed to war.

President Wilson’s post-World War I, 14-point plan for peace underscored this new internationalism and “A general association of nations.” In the fourteenth point of the plan it reads: “A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.” [8] In fact, it was British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey and the president’s private, non-elected, right-hand man Colonel Mandall House who “advised” Wilson to put forward the idea of the League instructed by the Round Table. Wilson’s well-intentioned League of Nations Commission of Mandates soon followed which was designed to brainstorm solutions to the problems of the world and was to be headed by Colonel House and Cecil Rhodes’ friend Lord Milner. Having already established a network of politically-minded, mostly socialist intellectuals, Milner’s helmsman ship was to prove incisive in the expansion of the Round Table and connected groups.

The League of Nations was the result of a design by Mandell House and Milner both of whom were “socialists” and dedicated to inaugurating a Fabian-led version of world government. Harvard Law graduate, Jerome D. Greene was secretary to the Reparations Commission at the Paris Peace Conference. He was general manager of the Rockefeller Institute from 1910-1912 going on to become a trustee to the Rockefeller Institute, the Rockefeller foundation, and to the Rockefeller General Education Board until 1939. He was also part of Milner and historian Arnold Toynbee’s Oxford intellectual set and well=placed to act as a co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations which was up and running as the American branch of the Round Table in New York on July 29, 1921. Founding members included Colonel Mandell House, and big names in international banking and commerce such as: J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, and Jacob Schiff who had all been involved in the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and a fiat currency. So, when the Paris Peace Conference arrived with their specially placed puppet Woodrow Wilson, Morgan and Rockefeller saw their opportunity to introduce their vision of global governance under the cover of Wilson’s peace plan.

Despite those carefully laid plans the US Senate with Senator Henry Cabot Lodge leading the charge rejected Wilson’s 14 Point Plan, primarily due to the restrictions and limitations on Americans’ way of life that would eventuate if the plan was allowed to go ahead. The Senators were not about let a socialist vision of a one world government riding on the fake idealism of internationalism destroy the idea of national sovereignty. On March 8, 1920 ratification in the membership of the League of Nations was rejected. Although the icing on the cake did not happen the idea of a League of Nations had been firmly planted in the minds of many, even if they had no awareness of its real intent. After the war many were looking for solutions so that such an appalling loss of life would never happen again. With the spirit broken in humanity it was easy to implement seemingly benign institutions that fed into that hope.

In 1913, just prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act President Woodrow Wilson published his book The New Freedom in which he declared that since he had entered politics his private discussions between his friends and fellow members of government had revealed what might be called a shadow government working behind the scenes: “Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” [9]Ironically, President Franklin Roosevelt was to reiterate the same point in a letter to none other than arch-insider and Wilson’s close advisor Col. Edward Mandell on November 21, 1933 where he stated: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson …” [10] A network now existed by which a slow but steady march towards world government could take place. Their future seemed assured in that many other international organisations could be overlaid onto the international infrastructure of Round Table Groups.


(left) Logo of The Round Table Movement as it is today apparently acting as no more than a cover for operations long since been submerged into the Anglo-American Liberal Establishment. (right) Logo of Chatham House aka The Royal Institute for International Affairs.

With the aftermath of the Second World War a new push to establish a further system of organisations and institutions from which yet another important phase of a New Order could come into being. Professor Carroll Quigley reminds us that the Round Table’s vision was to: “… create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole … controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” As we can see today, the organisations and groups responsible for this ideology are as determined as they ever were. With the Rothschilds and other dominators sitting on their thrones at the nexus of all these groups we can best re-visit and summarise their methods to shape the world by returning to Carroll Quigley’s observations from his book: The Anglo-American Establishment (1966). He offers three means by which they intend to shape societies: “(a) a triple-front penetration in politics, education, and journalism; (b) the recruitment of men of ability (chiefly from [certain universities) and the linking of these men to the [Group] by matrimonial alliances and by gratitude for titles and positions of power; and (c) the influencing of public policy by placing members of the [Group] in positions of power shielded much as possible from public attention.” [11]

Today, The Round Table and Rhodes’ legacy has been absorbed into the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and multitude of supportive think-tanks, PR fronts and parent organisations. There is a also The Round Table Commonwealth Journal which maintains a low-key presence with a token tip of the hat to its past. The editorial board is called “The Moot” and is made up of members of European industry and Commonwealth bureaucrats. The real power has certainly been disbursed and strengthened.



[1] Only 22 Countries Have Never Been Invaded by the British The Telegraph, November 5th, 2012.
[2] Chambers’ Encyclopeadia A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge, Volume VIII, 1908.
[3] John Flint, Cecil Rhodes, Little, Brown & Co, Boston 1974; and Hutchinson, London, 1976. pp.249-252
[4] p.3; The Anglo-American Establishment, From Rhodes to Cliveden, By Carroll Quigley, 1981, Books In Focus, NY,
[5] ‘The Boer War 1899 –1902’ By G. H Le Le May |
[6] Stranger than Fiction By Albert D. Pastore 2005
[7] Woodrow Wilson’s speech on “The Fourteen Points Plan” in Congress, January 8, 1918.
[8] Ibid.
[9] p.14; The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People By Woodrow Wilson Doubleday press 1913.
[10] Letter to Col. Edward Mandell House (21 November 1933); as quoted in F.D.R.: His Personal Letters, 1928-1945, edited by Elliott Roosevelt (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1950), (p. 373).
[11] p.15; The Anglo-American Establishment By Carroll Quigley, GSG Associates publishers, 1981 | ISBN-10: 0945001010

Puppets and Players II: The Pilgrims Society


Official logo of the Pilgrims Society | Source: – The Pilgrims’ logo was designed by Hugh Fisher. “It shows an ancient mounted pilgrim, with a lion (representing Great Britain) walking beside him and an eagle (representing the USA) perched upon the steed’s rump. Above this, another ancient pilgrim gazes with amazement at a motor car, bicycle, steamship, train and aeroplane. The motto “Hic et Ubique” translates as ‘Here and Everywhere’.”

The Pilgrims Society is a massively influential Anglo-American grouping of the Global Elite that remains unknown to the general public yet show-reels members who number some of the most powerful men and women for the last 100 years. If you look at the small print of major historical events Pilgrims show up with alarming frequency unlike any other organisation in the world.

Of course, great strides are taken to present the Society as a radiant centre for the most civilised and unbridled philanthropy, which of course it probably is. But this is not its exclusive remit. Though often real in their actions and benefits, the milk of human kindness as a driving force of what is an Establishment talking shop should be be summarily cast aside, knowing that this masks ideologies and agendas which are not about improving humanity’s lot. As always, it is concerned with leveraging and maintaining its Anglo-American power base. There is a Synarchist, aristocratic and conservative Skull & Bones flavour to the proceedings with a dash of Venetian Nobility coat-tails…

The London chapter was founded in 1902 by conservative politicians Chauncy Dephew and Harry Brittain with the New York chapter following a year later. The Society is effectively a very large Old Boys’ Club where power-brokers can do business interspersed with some good, old-fashioned plotting, while shuffling around vast golf courses, pulverizing game birds at exclusive shooting lodges, or tinkling their champagne glasses at lavish Establishment dinners at the behest of the Queen. This involves taking advantage of high-level networking, carefully wrapped up in traditional British pomp and ceremony. The tuxedo and ball-gown meetings serve to welcome successive U.S. Ambassadors and dignitaries serving the common cause and more importantly, to make sure everyone is more or less on the same page regarding Anglo-American policy – and if they aren’t, to politely threaten between the entrée and the dessert.

It is well to remember that the British occult-aristo-banking cartel changed with the times when it could not maintain sufficient control over all the chess pieces which are sometimes scattered by uncontrollable winds of change. It did not change its essential colours, however, or as professor Carroll Quigley stated: “… the existence of this Wall St., Anglo-American axis is quite obvious once it is pointed out. It is reflected by the fact that such Wall Street luminaries such as John W. Davis, Lewis W. Douglas, John Hay Whitney […] were appointed to be American ambassadors in London.” [1]To this end, the Pilgrim Society helps to maintain and strengthen age old Elite traditions of World banking Order, within domestic and international politics both in Britain and its former colonies, Europe, North America and Africa. As you may imagine the Rothschilds as self-proclaimed Judaic royalty (albeit Ashkenazi) makes a frequent appearance since they own the international banking industry.

The Pilgrims Society, though seemingly a glorified dinner club for members across the 3EM, follows the same framework for “open” secrecy as all the other “clubs” but the membership lists, details of meetings and almost zero reporting on the history and nature of the Pilgrims Society means it is even more removed from the public and thus democratic accountability. As Dutch investigative journalist Joël van der Reijden has discovered, there is very little to go on regarding its intentions with only the briefest mention in a handful of newspapers and almost nothing written by journalists in the major broadsheets of Europe as a whole. Yet, there is no denying that the institutions which come under the control of the Society and the events to which Pilgrims have exerted overt political and corporate influence is immense.

For example, The New York Federal Reserve presidents who have also been confirmed Pilgrims have numbered five out of the last nine, which are Benjamin Strong (1914-1928); George Harrison (1928-1940); Allan Sproul (1941-1956); Alfred Hayes (1956-1975) and Paul Volcker (1975-1979). The subsequent presidents were members of subsidiary groupings and banking institutions connected to the Society such as Council on Foreign Relations or Goldman Sacs. Indeed, all the key players involved in the major financial deregulation and economic restructuring of the last one hundred years plus have all been Pilgrims which include familiar banking names as Vanderlip, Strong, Warburg, Davison, Norton, and Aldrich all connected to wider network of Pilgrims in politics and corporations such as JP Morgan, George F. Baker, John D. Rockefeller, and Jacob Schiff.

It seems the US monetary system itself is crawling with Pilgrims. When analysing the Pilgrims Membership list van der Reijden found that 1 in 3 of the U.S. members were also members off the CFR along with a regular and strong executive presence from Carnegie Institute; Federal Reserve; J.P. Morgan; Chase Manhattan Bank; Skull & Bones and World Bank Presidents. As the presence of the Pilgrims is literally everywhere in Anglo-American banking, business and politics it is safe to assume, as van der Reijden points out: “… that the New York Federal Reserve Bank is owned by the Pilgrims … because New York itself is Pilgrims property.” [2]

Pilgrims have been described as: “principal custodians of what has come to be known as the Special Relationship” whose objective is “… the encouragement of Anglo-American good fellowship.” [3]

But what does this “relationship” and fellowship actually mean for the majority of the world’s people?

Forging creative ways to make the world a better place?

Or finding out the best ways to maintain Empire and monopoly?

Similarly, one only has to look at the membership list to get an idea as to what kind of world-view predominates – neo-liberal imperialism updated with technology. Nothing much has changed since the conception of the Rothshchilds’ British Empire over which the patron Queen Elizabeth II presides sitting, it seems, more and more uncomfortably as a pensioner who just wants to watch her soaps rather than be an English-Germanic figure-head of an antiquated cartel. But you are born into it and brainwashed. So, perhaps the Royals should be pitied rather than pilloried.

It seems the Pilgrims Society not only shows the close links between American and British foreign policy, serving as an inner circle of the Council on Foreign Relations but may also be the overseeing link between the Bilderberg Grp, the antecedents of the imperialist Round Table group and the that which has the label of the “Committee of 300” which is likely a red herring for a deeper form of occult membership. This would explain the ubiquitous presence of Pilgrims in every major Anglo-American, geo-political and financial event of last one hundred years.

After all, the motto on the Society’s official logo is the Latin Hic et Ubique which translates as “Here and Everywhere” which indeed, they are: from the 1906 Algeciras Conference to the 1913 establishment of the Federal Reserve to financing the Communist revolution; the Versailles Peace Conference and The Dawes Plan for German Economic regeneration to the financing of Nazi Germany from J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller associates, Averill Harriman, Ford Foundation and IBM; Knights of Malta and OSS led Vatican Rat lines through which thousands of Nazis were smuggled into Europe, South Africa and Latin America. Most commissions and inquiries into CIA activities and the events of 9/11 were fronted by Pilgrim Society members.

Some past Pilgrim Society members

imageHenry Kissinger: CEO Kissinger Associates, former National Security Advisor under Nixon and numerous political posts

imageThe late Lord Peter Carrington:  Former Foreign Secretary Under Thatcher, Former NATO Secretary General, Former Pilgrims Society president

imageGeorge P. Schultz: Former US Secretary of State, CEO of Betchtel

imageFrank Carlucci: Former CIA Deputy Director



[1] op. cit. Quigley Chapter 65 “American Confusions, 1945-1950” – ‘The American Branch Exerted Its Influence Through Five American Newspapers.’
[2] ‘The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American Establishment’ By Joël van der Reijden
uly 17, 2008. For more see:


World Revolution V: The House of Rothschild (2)

“In the United States today, of course, we find the journals of what we might call “Kosher Liberals” and “Kosher Conservatives” who—while angrily disagreeing on all other issues—still nonetheless fall into place in endorsing Jewish interests and the concerns of the state of Israel.”

– Michael Collins Piper

rothschild-empire-red-shield-clan_thumb.gifBy the 1820’s religion and freemasonry were coming together to hatch a plot to create cells of freemasonic influence in the Middle East. The Anglican Church Oxford University, Kings College of London University, the British Royal Family, Lord Palmerston’s freemasonic offshoot the Palladian Rite and Rosicrucian leader Edward Bullwer-Lytton were all guided by Scottish Rite freemasonry and the formation of terrorism for their Illuminati masters. Whether or not they were conscious of this fact is highly unlikely. Each to his own belief thinking himself a lion amongst men with his own spectacular roar.[1]

Benjamin Disraeli was a unique individual in that he was both the only Jewish Prime Minister to attend the Houses of Parliament while also being a Grand Master Freemason. It is a safe bet that when he wrote Coningsby, he was revealing the laws and manipulations of the Rothschilds to whom he was beholden. In the classic he warns: “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Disraeli also reiterated this point in a Parliamentary debate when he said:

“lt is useless to deny … a great part of Europe the whole of Italy and France, and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries are covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government. They do not want ameliorated institutions; they do not want provincial councils nor the recording of votes; they want … an end to ecclesiastical establishments …” [2]

The mid-19th Century saw US President Andrew Jackson do battle with the Rothschilds and perhaps the only American President to do so. He knew precisely what the Rothschilds and other banking cartels were up to and sought to re-design the US financial architecture so that bankers would be bound by democratic regulations rather than autocratic rules visited upon the populace and where the money system could actually work for the American people. Yet this was easier said than done when the emerging bankers and industrialists held the power. President Jackson had no doubt that his attempted assassination was conceived and paid for by the Rothschilds though he had no direct evidence to prove it. Despite this, their charter was not renewed and by 1836 the Rothschilds were ousted. It would be this event that would prepare the ground on which a perfect financial and economic plan could grow and would ensure total control over not only the money supply of the United States but the world. As Congressman Charles A. Lindberg Sr. would state more than 70 years later “From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” In 1913, the central bank of the Federal Reserve was created with the help of banking relatives the Schiffs and the Warburgs where the introduction of a fiat currency and prison of credit and debt would define global economics to the present day. We’ll return to this period of history later on.

by W. & D. Downey,photograph,1863

Lord Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston. Big on Title but very low on values (by W. & D. Downey,photograph,1863)

By the time President Abraham Lincoln came on the scene, the Rothschilds’ financial operations were entwined with the slave trade. For this reason and a legion of others, Lincoln was to be a fly in the ointment of their growing financial empire.  Scottish Rite Grand Master Freemason Lord Palmerston was the British Empire’s black operations Tsar. Palmerston’s long experience of freemasonic privilege and wealth allowed him to quickly ascend the ladder of political power including posts as Lord of the Admiralty, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and finally Prime Minister by 1830. Palmerston was a Cecil Rhodes clone and believed: “… the main objective of the government’s foreign policy should be to increase Britain’s power in the world.” [3]He had been tasked with the furthering the Illuminist model of intelligence whose main objective was dirty tricks and assassinations to maintain the iron clad grip on illegal dope trafficking and international opium trade, a particularly British monopoly.  Criminal connections were essential to this underworld economy on which the Empire depended, thus, a “fifth column” existed in the British government with Palmerston as its operational head overseeing a carefully managed cluster of criminal organisations at his disposal.

These comprised:

  • The Chinese “Triads,” or Societies of Heaven;
  • The Order of Zion and its American spinoff, the B’nai B’rith;
  • “Young Italy,” whose Sicilian law enforcement arm became known as the Mafia; [Originally a freemasonic youth organization]
  • The Jesuit Order based in decaying Hapsburg Austria;
  • Mikhail Bakunin’s bomb-throwing anarchist gangs;
  • Nearly every other inhabitant of Britain’s political netherworld. [4]

All of which: “… followed a chain of command that led through the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry directly to Lord Palmerston and his successors.” [5]

The Order of Zion was the most useful and accessible of the agencies under the British Board of Deputies. The activities of the Order of Zion were run by House of Rothschild and other Jewish, Ashkenazi families connected to British oligarchy and the Bank of England such as the Mocattas, Goldsmids and the Montefiores.

According to Dope Inc. written and meticulously researched by Jewish authors Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg as part of a US Labour Party investigative team, it was Sir Moses Montefiore described in many historical accounts as “Queen Victoria’s favourite Jew,” who was heading the dirty tricks division of the Order of Zion. It was preparing to launch a: “… covert campaign that would lead to both the Lincoln assassination, and the founding of organized crime in the United States. Through the efforts of Montefiore, later Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (the Earl of Beaconsfield), and the then nouveau riche Rothschilds, the Order of Zion nursed into being the leadership of the Confederacy.” [6]


Rothschild agent and yet another “dirty tricks” agent provocateur Moses Montefiore

The Order of Zion was closely followed in 1843 by its American Counterpart the B’nai B’rith, also called the Constitutional Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of the Covenant, located at 450 Grand Street in Manhattan. It was designed to be an official branch of the Scottish Rite for American Jews. In truth, it was a cover for the Montefiores and Rothschilds and just another mechanism in a criminal network:

Its American house organ, the Menorah, could not disguise its relationship to the Rothschilds. It chose to flaunt it: ‘The name Rothschild, in all countries is a synonym for honor and generosity, and no name in Europe has a popularity so great and so well merited. The Rothschilds in France occupy a social position even higher than that of the English branch of the family.’

The Menorah was also frank on the subject of the B’nai B’rith’s relationship to the Scottish Rite Freemasons: ‘Their reunions were frequent and several of them being members of then existing secret benevolent societies and especially of the Order of the Free Masons, and Odd Fellows, they finally concluded that a somewhat similar organization, but based upon the Jewish idea, would best obtain their object.’

Once in operation, the B’nai B’rith effectively merged its operations with another branch of the Scottish Rite, based in the Midwest and South — the Knights of the Golden Circle, the fore-runner of the Ku Klux Klan, the training ground for the entire Confederate military and political leadership. Its most important American operative was Judah P. Benjamin, a British subject and leader of the B’nai B’rith, whose amazing career included a brief term as Confederate Secretary of War and then Secretary of State, during the closing phases of the Civil War.

Another British subversive agent later worked together with Benjamin to found the Ku Klux Klan. He was Dr. Kuttner Baruch, B’nai B’rith leader and grandfather of Bernard Baruch, a leading Wall Street Anglophile. Their colleagues in that venture included Confederate General Albert Pike, a Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, and a Jesuit priest. The same group carried out the Lincoln assassination — which raises questions concerning the Defense Department’s refusal to release secret files concerning that assassination. Are they afraid to embarrass the now politically powerful B’nai B’rith?

The B’nai B’rith and its Confederate opposite numbers, the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Ku Klux Klan, were only three of the many parallel operations that Palmerston brought to life during the 1860s.


Disraeli, Moses Montefiore, and other leading British Hofjuden founded a new masonic-style order called, in the original French, the “Alliance Universelle Israelite.” It became known — and feared — under the name of its elite secret arm, the Order of Zion. Most of the Order of Zion’s funding was provided through the London and Paris banking houses of Rothschild, Montefiore, and de Hirsch. In crucial respects, the Order of Zion and Palmerston’s Scottish Rite of Freemasonry were indistinguishable. [7] [Emphasis mine]

Executive Intelligence Review’s US Labour Party team discovered substantial evidence that Order of Zion was behind Lincoln’s assassination acting in concert with Anglo-American intelligence. Much like the Kennedy assassination, there were many parties who wanted him removed for multiple reasons, thus causing the investigations and commissions to be compromised from the start. For the Rothschilds, it was an obvious answer to a financial dilemma. Lincoln, a friend to the democratic process and the people as well as the Tsar of Russia, was against the Rothschilds’ dream of a central bank and a believer in debt-free money – just like Kennedy.

In 1881, President James A. Garfield would die at the hands of an assassin in much the same way and likely for the same reasons. He said: “Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”  How right he was.

When President Lincoln was unable to obtain finance from the Rothschilds-controlled US banks to support the American Civil War he knew then that bankers had ultimate control. In 1862 almost $500,000 of debt free money was printed and distributed by Lincoln effectively signing his own death warrant. In April of that year he stated: “We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts.”

As the end of the 19th Century came, Russia, who had given so much to the growth of the Rothschild dynasty without compromising its own assets now became the target. Ideological principles of Zionism/Communism and financial needs of Wall St. corporatism contributed to shaping the destiny of nations backed by vast amounts of Rothschild capital. After widespread pogroms both in Russia, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania many thousands of Jews were killed most of whom were corralled into a max exodus to American cities and integrated into a useful Zionist network. Although the family power grew beyond the late 19th Century it was undoubtedly “The Age of the Rothschilds” which set the seal for Anglo-American relations across the whole spectrum of economic and socio-political activities.

According to Niall Ferguson and his recent – and slightly too friendly – biography of the Rothschild dynasty: The House of Rothschild: Money’s Prophet: “The rate of growth and size of their capital in the period before 1850 were unprecedented in banking history.” By 1818, the combined capital of all the five Rothschild houses was 500,000 pounds. Just ten years later it had reached 4,330,333 pounds. The figures for the time were truly staggering. And it obviously makes one wonder what kind of wealth we are talking about almost 200 years later. The British Empire itself could never have existed without the financial assistance of the Rothschilds. To all intents and purposes this family was the Empire and the imperialism that followed. Equally, the presence of the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Carnegies and Morgans would have been substantially slower without their backing. [8] The same could be said for many of the destructive events of the last one hundred years which had the House of Rothschild continually seeking leverage for monetary control. And it was the following succession of wars during this early period – all of which were financed to some degree by the various Houses – that helped to provide the family with their extraordinary rise to power:

  • War of 1812 1812
  • Hundred Days 1815 The return of Napoleon
  • Gurkha War 1813–1816
  • Third Anglo-Maratha War 1817–1818
  • First Ashanti War 1823–1831
  • First Anglo-Burmese War 1824–1826

With their Round Table movement and Cecil Rhodes carrying their instructions to finance the Kimberley diamond mines in South Africa this eventually allowed the Rothschilds to become the biggest shareholders of the De Beers Corporation and a permanent fixture in the exploitation of Africa already tenderised by the British Empire. Parallel to this new era of colonialism was an historic event which would change the face of the Middle East and the world.

The 1897 World Zionist Congress took place with the backing of the family and the placement of its agent Theodor Herzl, as Chairman. It is not a coincidence that the Rothschild Red Hexagram as the Zionist flag became the flag of Israel more than 50 years later. Once Israel was in place, the socio-political landscape of America was next. Not long after, Jacob Schiff blood relative of the Rothschilds would set up the Anti-Deformation League (ADL) in order to enforce the “anti-Semitic” reflex which would be used to great effect in protecting Zionist interests and most notably as a firewall against Rothschilds’ various international manipulations.

660px-Flag_of_the_First_Zionist_Congress_1897.svgThe flag of the First Zionist Congress

Long-time family friend Jacob Schiff, B’nai B’rith agent, and president of Kuhn Loeb Bank in New York was to be an important intermediary between a Wall Street cartel made up of the Rockefellers, Morgans and Carnegies: some of the most powerful industrialists of the time who were financed by the Rothschilds to stimulate a communist revolution in Russia. Jacob Schiff was the intermediary and financial handler of one Leon Trotsky who was given a warm welcome when in the arrived in the United States. He was given a US passport and enjoyed free travel back and forth from Russia and the US.

Trotsky’s Revolutionary fighters were given financial, organisational and logistical support by the Rockefellers and Schiffs. Once they had been sufficiently trained in terror tactics they were shipped off to start their Bolshevik Revolution with twenty million dollars’ worth of Jacob Schiff’s gold in hand. After the revenge killing of the whole Russian Royal family who had refused to play all with the Rothschilds decades before, the corporatists moved in and set their sights on the Caucasus oil fields. By 1927, the Rothschilds – via their Rockefeller Standard Oil – had monopolized the Russian oil market. You can see much the same process going in the 21st Century whether it be the KLA in Kosovo or Al-Qaeda in Syria.

By the end of the 19th Century just as the British Empire’s monetary power was effectively in the hands of the House of Rothschild. The wresting of the United States monetary policy followed suit when the family finally got their wish for a central bank known ironically as the “Federal” Reserve Bank of America. Backed by the guiding force of the Rothschilds, just about every major industrialist set about establishing their grand plan. They started by creating economic panic in 1907 via the Federal Reserve which would offer stability.” The Bank of England and the Rothschilds would ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stock holdings and subsidiary firms in New York. handled by J. P. Morgan Co. and Kuhn, Loeb & Co.  All roads led back to London and Baron Alfred Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the result of a secret meeting at Jekyll Island Georgia, owned by J.P. Morgan. If there was ever an archetypal, smoke-filled room full of plotting men greedy for power – that was it. Government and industrialist members included Paul Warburg, Partner in Kuhn Loeb and Co; Frank Vanderlip, President of Kuhn Loeb and Co., Henry Davidson, Senior Partner of J.P. Morgan Bank, Charles Norton, President of Morgan’s First National of New York, and Benjamin Strong, President of Morgan’s Bankers Trust Co., A. Piatt Andrew, Assistant secretary of the Treasury and Senator Nelson Aldrich.While there were undoubtedly pragmatic and viable reasons for altering the financial system at the time, to suggest, as some commentators have, that there was nothing nefarious going on here and that it it was simply standard and inevitable banking evolution is nonsense.

The Yales secret society of the Order of Skull and Bones offered up one of their “Bonesman” Pierre jay to be the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. This marked the beginning of the erosion of US constitution and one of the root causes of the present descent into a soft dictatorship. Debit-based economy had arrived introducing the dollar as fiat currency. It would irrevocably change the face of society allowing the first step to a capitalism based on unregulated and immoral consumerism partnered with a steady erosion of normal human values.

After a clever campaign of propaganda the act was pushed through Congress when most were on vacation. Bribes and coercion did the rest. The Rothschilds purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914 whilst J.P. Morgan, Warburg and Kuhn, Loeb & Co set about appointing their agents to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council. It was a mere formality that by the start of the War a handful of families all beholden to this powerful family would not only control the U.S. domestic banking system but the expansion of international banking and the ability to benefit from supporting both sides of those in war, whilst creating the bubbles leading to economic depressions that made those international and civil wars more probable.


The Eccles Building in Washington, D.C., which serves as the Federal Reserve System’s headquarters. (wikipedia)


The Rothschilds’ headquarters for further financial warfare would operate out of the district in England known as “The City”, or the “Square Mile.” In fact, there are three cities that belong to no nation and pay no taxes. The first is the United States’ Washington’s district of Colombia which is not part of the city of Washington or the United States. The second is the inner city of London which is not part of London or England and finally, Vatican City, which is not part of Rome or Italy. These city states have their own independent flag and separate laws. The Vatican for example, has its own Swiss Guard and prison. The incredible wealth of the Vatican includes investments and gold bullion from the House of Rothschild’s banks in Britain, France and the Federal Reserve in United States, as well as from oil and weapons corporations.

London’s inner city (now renamed “City of London Corporation is a privately owned corporation or a city state created in 1694 when King William of Orange delivered the Bank of England into the control of bankers. By 1812 Nathan Rothschild was ideally placed to manipulate the English stock market and wrest control of the Bank of England later to become its head. It is no surprise that the corporation of London is the most important and richest financial centre in the world.

The Bank of England is still under Rothschilds’ control, Lloyds of London, the London Stock Exchange as well as the branch offices of 385 foreign banks including 70 US banking firms. Like Vatican City, it is not part of Greater London, England or the British Commonwealth. It has its own courts, laws and police force and pays no taxes. The Crown Corporation of London is essentially an International money cartel and does not symbolise the Royal family crest. The Crown signifies the private, corporate city state of London. The Lord Mayor and his 12 member councils act as representatives for the world’s richest and most powerful banking families with the Rothschilds at the top of the throne. Warburg, Oppenhiemer, Schiff and other Elite families run the Corporation of London which extends to the Crown colonies of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British Cabinet and the Prime Minister are merely figureheads for these banking families.


City of London logo based on City of London website logo

Although geographically separate, the city states of the Vatican, London and the District of Colombia are an unknown international union of economic, military, religio-occult power that keeps the world locked into a singular economic pathway. The private City state of the Crown Corporation of London is the economic hub; the City State of the District of Colombia is the military-corporate hub and Vatican City is the occult-spiritual centre that is rooted in the Roman law, otherwise known as Lex Fori which is entirely outside the US constitution and totalitarian in concept.

Many believe that the British Empire gradually declined and disappeared but this is not the case. It simply went underground, its pathology adapting and become stronger. The Charter of Virginia signed by King James I in 1606 allowed future Kings and Queens and their subjects to colonise America and have authority over all US citizens. Just after America declared its Independence from Britain a treaty signed in 1783 specifically identified the King of England as the Crown Prince of the United States of America. Even though America won the war of independence on the battle fields, on paper, it was quite a different story. Despite this victory, King George III continued receiving debt and reparation payments for his initial colonising of America. The US president was subservient to the King of England under the 13th amendment in the US constitution better known as the “Title of nobility amendment.” The United States – economically at least – is still a Crown colony.

The dominance of the British Military-intelligence apparatus would be further cemented hundreds of years later. Officially formed in 1940 the British World War II Special Operations Executive (SOE) was the organization by which U.S. sovereignty was ceded to England under secret agreement between F.D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill in 1938. This was partly from pressure from the Tavistock Institute psychologists who wanted to gather data from the civilian bombings raids initiated by the two leaders under the guise of crowd psychology experimentation. [9]

Dr. John Coleman a former British Intelligence officer wrote extensively on three world power groups which he loosely termed the Wicca-Masons allied to a form of Communism, Maltese-Jesuits and their Catholic belief system and a “Black-Nobility” all of whom work under the Bavarian “Illuminati” or a global occult body which uses this off-shoot as a convenient namesake. (See the Three Establishment Model) Families who are plugged into this hub of delusion earnestly believe they are fated to fulfil an ancient lineage of world domination because they have been given the occult fairy-tale of colourful emperors of the Holy Roman Empires consisting of 13-15 ‘blue blood’ families. These descendants include Rothschild; Kuhn; Loeb; Lehman; Rockefeller; Sach; Warburg; Oppenheimer, Lazard; Seaf; Goldman; Schiff; Morgan; Schroeder; Bush and Harriman, all of which conform to psychopathic principles in their actions on the world stage. [10]

“not even the Saudi royal family has a comparable share of the world’s resources in its possession today.Nor can even the richest businessmen in the world claim without qualification to be as rich in relative terms as Nathan Rothschild was when he died at the height of his fortune.”

Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild: Money’s Prophet

Nothing to see here…

The Rothschild’s influence has not waned in the 20th and 21st centuries. From financing the Duke of Wellington’s defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo to the financial aid to Prince Metternich of Prussia, the Rothschilds have had a hand in every major European seismic shift for the last 200 years. They were the first to build the European railway network, the first to comprehensively monopolise the stock markets, gold trade, and the manipulation of foreign nations into debt. As any great Empire builder obsessed with power and control the Rothschild family name has long been associated with philanthropy as a buffer to criticism and public exposure, which is why they are not listed in Forbes or any other fortune 500 hundred listing. Yet they remain – despite accusations that there fortune has dwindled – possibly the richest family dynasties in the world.

Baron Edmund de Rothschild until his death in 1997 focused on ‘debt for equity’ schemes “… whereby Third World countries gave up ‘environmentally sensitive’ land as a payment for debts.” Evelyn de Rothschild is the current chairman of N.M. Rothschild and is a member of the board of the Daily Telegraph, owned by the Hollinger Group.[11]In the United States, Rothschilds Inc. in New York worked through Kuhn, Loeb and Co with the aforementioned financial leverage operating through the Morgan Empire via London and the Peabody and Co. “Control passed to J.S. Morgan’s son, John Pierpont Morgan, and the company acquired its present name of J.P. Morgan. The Morgan Empire now includes General Electric and all its subsidiaries, Morgan Guaranty Trust, National Bank of Commerce…” [12] The German Warburg banking family who were instrumental in setting up the credit and debt system of world banking and the US Federal Reserve are also strongly connected to the House of Rothschild. Their influence today extends to Bank of England, Bank of France, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the IMF and possibly the World Bank.

In summary, their power to adjust the world’s monetary policy is unprecedented.

Quoting from one of the few quality investigations available from Frederick Morton’s biography The Rothschilds (1962) the vast wealth accumulation in the hands of the Rothschilds family is at almost unimaginable levels. If the wealth was estimated at over $6 billion by 1850 representing an almost supernatural and exponential rise in tangible assets and  compounding that wealth after different returns on investment at around 4 percent – 8 percent, imagine the estimated riches over 162 years later:

  • $1.9 trillion (@ 4 %)
  • $7.8 trillion (@ 5 %)
  • $31.5 trillion (@ 6 %)
  • $125,189.1 trillion (@ 7 %)
  • $491,409.0 trillion (@ 8 %)

When we consider that US debt ceiling is currently over $16 trillion (without including other liabilities) this gives a level of wealth that is difficult to visualise let alone spend. It suggests that perception management to ensure that the channels by which such wealth remains viable becomes a necessity rather than a choice. What has allowed the Rothschilds dynasty to endure has been its ability to exercise its power by proxy, building up (or destroying) and employing families, corporations and international organisations that extract wealth that must by default, run through its hands. J.P Morgan, The Rockefellers, Warburgs and others have taken on the imagery at one time of another that they are the true movers and shakers when in fact camouflaged behind it all are the Rothschilds. And with this kind of wealth projection, you can see why.

Records from the National Archives have shown that J.P Morgan, Wachovia Bank, Yale University, Brown University, The Royal Bank of Scotland and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, all benefited financially from slavery, showing just how pervasive the practice was under the British Empire of the 18th and 19th Centuries. The Rothschilds claimed innocence and even cultivated the myth that they campaigned against slavery, yet in a 2009 report published in the Financial Times it was revealed how Nathan Mayer Rothschild made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with a slave owner. With such an unprecedented rise in financial power pre and post Industrial Revolution it is absurd to think that the Rothschilds were not involved in every possible avenue for making money as quickly and therefore as ruthlessly as possible.

A Rothschild spokesman said: “… against this background, these allegations appear inconsistent and misrepresent the ethos of the man and his business”. [13] Inconsistent they maybe, misrepresenting the facts they do not. What it does show is a fairly normal example of how banking and corporate families play the philanthropic card in order to act as a cover for the funding and promotion of weapons, slavery, smuggling and wars. It may have been a part of the fabric of the emerging industrialisation and corporate class but to say these institutions have changed is to say that the nature of the Wolf has transformed into Little Bo Beep – it can’t be done, but it can adapt to a new awareness in order to keep its empire safe.

In 2012, two pathocratic dynasties joined forces to exact a text book example of the consolidation of power. Lord Jacob Rothschild’s listed investment trust and Rockefeller Financial Services finally tied the knot. A Financial Times report read: “The partnership with RIT will focus on setting up investment funds, eyeing joint acquisitions of wealth and asset managers and granting each other non-executive directorships.” [14] The report is abject nonsense, since the Financial Times has ever been the arm of the oligarchy on economic matters large and small. The fact of the matter is the Rockefellers have been at the beck and call of the Rothschilds since they were in dynastic diapers. As such, a consolidation is merely an official rendering of what has been taking place for many, many decades.

Finally, from their website we read in dewy-eyed pride for over 200 years of financial warfare and debt slavery which has brought the world to its knees:

“As brokers and financiers, as bankers to royal houses and governments, as railway magnates, politicians, personalities, patrons and philantropists, the Rothschilds have never forgotten how to “walk with Kings – nor lost the common touch”.


LCF Rothschild Group, Established By Edmond de Rothschild and run by his son, Benjamin.

Clearly, with such a “common touch” from the Kings of Judah, we can take comfort in the above and conclude that the world has been safe in their hands rather than brought to extinction with unbridled greed.



[1] op. cit. Dreyfuss (p.113)
[2] Benjamin Disraeli in the House of Commons, July 14, 1856; quoted in Nesta Webster’s Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (Preface).
[3] Dope Inc.By Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg Published by Executive Intelligence Review 1981.
[4] op.cit; Kalimtgis; Goldman; Steinberg (p.26)
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] op.cit; Kalimtgis; Goldman; Steinberg (pp.27-29)
[8] From Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism stated that from 1820 on, it was the “Age of the Rothschild,” with “Only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild.”
[9] ‘Tavistock: The Best Kept Secret in America’ By Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD. July 31, 2001.
[10]  The Committee of 300 are supposedly descendants of this Venetian Black Nobility. Also known as The Olympians, it is said to be an international council which determines the political, economic, banking, media and the military policy for a global strategy of centralisation. Its origins are said to have started in 1727 from the ranks of those involved with the creation of the British East India Company and its hugely successful spread of British Empire imperialism. The committee is drawn from the Round Table Group, and oversees The Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group (all of whom we’ll look at presently).
Dr. John Coleman, a former MI6 British Intelligence agent, has written ten books focusing on or related to the Committee of 300, his most popular granddaddy of conspiracy theory being Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 from which some of the above information was taken. His research is allegedly sourced from direct encounters with the group from his work in intelligence. Coleman describes the Committee in these terms:
“The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to ‘go into business’ with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as ‘the commoners.’”
This will be on account of one of the Queen’s illustrious ancestors being none other than Vlad the Impaler. Vlad the Impaler: How is Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth related to him?’ CBS News, October 28, 2011.]  (Instead of impaling “the commoners” on stakes, she has carried on the tradition in purely economic terms).  [ op. cit. Quigley (p.61)] According to Coleman, the number “300” was derived from the 1909 article ‘Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs’ by Walter Rathenau of General Electric. Professor Carroll Quigley also mentions Rathenau as an influential member of the banking elite: “… a relatively small number of bankers were in positions of immense influence in European and American economic life. As early as 1909, Walter Rathenau said: “Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.” He was in a position to know since he had inherited from his father control of the German General Electric Company and held scores of directorships himself.
Other families who claim to be descendants of this nobility include the Giustiniani family who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian; Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back 600 years to the Luzzatos of Venice and Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name. The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs; Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family; the late Baron August von Finck; Franco Orsini Bonacassi (who trace their lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name) and the Alba family whose lineage goes back to the Duke of Alba and Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family.
Knowledge of the Committee is from Dr. John Coleman, and ex-MI6 intelligence officer. There are three reasons why this should be treated with caution: 1) He is the sole source. 2) He has a background in intelligence which is in the business of deception and perception management 3) the existence of the Committee of 300 cannot be verified nor can much of the history that is circumstantially compelling. What is worse is that for such an influential book there is are no footnotes or bibliography. Their lies the problem with the nature of our conspiratorial world. That is not to say that there is not much truth within Dr. Coleman’s books on the Committee but it is improbable that such knowledge would be given out if above a certain level of accuracy that could interfere with its working methods. Persons have been disposed of for much less. So, it is likely that it is supplies cover for an organization that does exist but must remain secret not so much due to the nature of its objectives which are probably quite similar to the Committee of 300 hypotheses, but from where those objectives derive. Nonetheless, in conjunction with other sources it can prove a useful yardstick for measurement.
[11] ‘The Rothschilds, LBMA, and Gold’ by Gold Eagle Digest
[12] Ibid.
[13] ‘Rothschild and Freshfields founders linked to slavery’ By Carola Hoyos, The Financial Times 26 June 2009.
[14] ‘Rockefellers and Rothschilds unite’By Daniel Schäfer, The Financial Times, May 2012.

World Revolution IV: The House of Rothschild (1)

“Does anyone seriously suppose that a great war could be undertaken by any European state, or a great state loan subscribed, if the House of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it? Every great political act, involving a new flow of capital, or a large fluctuation in the values of existing investments, must receive the sanction and the practical aid of this little group of financial kings.”

– J.A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study

rothschild-empire-red-shield-clan_thumb.gifTwo-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire on a Red Shield – Today this is the Russian coat of arms

While Israel tries to sabre-rattle its way to a war with Syria and Iran it is no coincidence that the latter country is one of only three left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Their banking methods have defined Western economics by rigging the market whether its gold or stocks or derivatives; ensuring that the political system works entirely for the banks and their corporations; making sure that huge loans are accepted can never be repaid so that countries are racked with debt and social conflict so that astronomical interest leads directly into the coffers of banking families – just like the Rothschilds.

When you have majority control of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the Federal Reserve, The Bank of England, The European Central Bank and the bank of International Settlements and own most of the wealth in the world, you can essentially do whatever you wish. [1]

Money as a giver of freedom or slavery has been largely in the hands of the Rothschilds since the 19th Century when merchants and industrialists first began to flex their considerable muscle. Once again, Jewish people have had to cope with having primary psychopaths nested in their religion and culture and who have turned it inside out and upside down with ease, redefining the very perception of money and economy in the process. No one will argue that the consequences of cartel-capitalism has proven to be a disaster for the globe but a coup d’état for a select few. What is more, like so many Khazar Zionists and international bankers, they are using the Jewish people as convenient front for their activities.* [2] 

The Rothschild family’s influence cannot be understated. Various members of the dynasty have often been cited as the core movers behind most large-scale banking shifts and international policy change. Yet, there has been little recorded in print about the family (although that is beginning to change). Much of what we know is hearsay and witness testimony which is enough to ratchet up rumours and conspiratorial legend that stands the test of time. This would not be reason enough to pay any heed to such allegations if were not for the fact that the history of the family seems to find itself at the heart of all financial manipulations for the last 200 years.

Rothschild Biographer Niall Ferguson reminds us that during the early days of Rothschilds’ ascendance to power, they rapidly gained:  “a mythic, talismanic status in the eyes of other Jews; not only the Jews of the Kings, but also the ‘Kings of the Jews’—at once exalted by their wealth and yet mindful of their own lowly origin.” [3] And as Michael Collins Piper notes: “… the Rothschilds did maintain a Talmudic and Judeo-centric attitude, despite their common intercourse with the Christian crowned heads and noble families of Europe. And this is noteworthy, inasmuch as other Jewish banking families in England did intermarry on a wide-ranging basis with scores of members of England’s aristocratic families.” [4]

What is more, the family was unquestionably guided by the principles of the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of mystical Jewish instructions rooted in the authority of Levite priests and magickal workings of the Kabbalah. And there is also the little matter of where they stand within the Zionist cabal and in turn, the Global Occult Establishment. What is certain is that Zionism was and is a driving force even a fanatical one. When the maintenance of that belief has an endless supply of money then you can be sure that the repercussions are immense. (More on this and its relevance to Rothschilds’ rule in the Occult Zionism series.)

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, son of Amschel Bauer, was born in 1743 in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt, Germany in which his ancestors lived. Although educated for a rabbi, he started as a money-lender and dealer in old coins before being offered a job based in Hanover by the Oppenhiemer family in 1755, shortly after the death of his father. Rothschild’s financial acumen and ambitious drive presented a fortuitous meeting with a General von Estorff for whom he ran various errands leading to rapid advancement and a junior partnership in his finances. Von Estorff would be the link to the German royal family and the palace of Prince William. When you have a gift for finance it’s not long before you come to the attention of those with wealth and inherited status. Loaning money to the aristocracy is far more profitable than the common man. Moreover, it allowed him to manage bigger loans secured by taxpayers.

By 1769 with Mayer a regular fixture at the Royal Court and business dealings with the Prince at an all-time high, he was permitted to hang a sign on the front of his business premises declaring that he is: “M. A. Rothschild, by appointment court factor to his serene highness, Prince William of Hanau.” [5] His father had adopted their name from the sign of the house (“Zum Rothen Schilde” or “Red shield”) derived from the Red Flag an emblem of the Khazar or Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe whose guiding light was that of Revolution. Understanding its deeper significance he changed his name to Rothschild and the royal sign and The Red Shield were then positioned side by side over his door. With his business protected the Rothschild enterprise took on new ambitions where financial known-how met ideology and perhaps the occult.

Mayer Amschel Bauer was going places.

The Illuminati and/or Rosicrucian lore is firmly rooted in fact as we saw in the previous posts. However, it was unlikely to have appeared out of nowhere, or just a product of Professor Adam Weishaupt’s megalomaniacal mind. Indeed, the first mention of the order was a 15th century Jewish-German occult sect which was alleged to have practiced a form of Satanism. Perhaps the principles of Illuminism were unearthed and given a dusting down in 18th Century Germany with M.A. Rothschild as the source, due in part to his enormous capital. He was either wholly responsible for, or more likely had a leading role in the creation of the Illuminati, which proceeded to insinuate itself in freemasonry, taking advantage of its inherent weaknesses. There simply isn’t any way possible that Rothschild and Weishaupt were unconnected in their respective meteoric ascents to power. Each were anti-Christian and each were ideologically and symbiotically bound to each other.

In the end, the Order of the Illuminati was as much a financial banking operation as it was an ideology and nothing could have been more effective in establishing a global banking house than a secret society firmly ensconced in Establishment Europe of the time. So it was perhaps, that Professor Adam Weishaupt was entrusted with the task of extending a money empire and anti-Christian, political ideology across the West and beyond. It was obvious to Mayer Rothschild that in order to realise unfettered control over the world’s money supplies which were hoarded under the monarchs of Europe, something had to be done to the Church, namely its destruction.

 “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Baron M.A. Rothschild

A Jewish-German who had converted to Catholicism early in his life, Weishaupt proved a highly capable Rothschild agent. A former Jesuit-educated Catholic priest turned atheist, he had come to loathe the Jesuit Order and everything they stood for. A passionate admirer of the revolutionary ideas of Voltaire (who was likely an Illuminist himself) Weishaupt sought to put into practice what would soon become reality in Revolutionary France, best summed up by Voltaire in a letter to King Frederick II which read:

“Lastly, when the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and infidelity strong enough, the final blow (is) to be dealt by the sword of open, relentless persecution. A reign of terror (is) to be spread over the whole earth, and… continue while any Christian should be found obstinate enough to adhere to Christianity.” [6]

After the marriage to his wife Gutle Schnaper the first of Rothschild’s son Amschel was born followed by Salomon a year later in 1774 and Nathan in 1777. The merchant banking firm of the House of Rothschild was founded in 1776 just as Adam Weishaupt officially completed his organisation of the Illuminati on May 1 of that year. The infiltration of freemasonry rapidly took place alongside the seduction of the gentry and intellectuals of the day. Lodges of the Grand Orient were established much to the chagrin of conventional freemasonry. The money which allowed Weishaupt to do this may have come from the rising wealth of the House of Rothschild.

Just about every method of deception and control from Illuminati agents was formulated and carried out in order to seduce or coerce those in positions of power. Sexpionage and extortion seeped into the Establishment with aim of establishing a comprehensive network of financial bondage. Once caught in the trap individuals would become agents to further the cause.  As we know, In 1785, the Illuminati’s true intent was discovered and the Bavarian government outlawed the sect, closing all the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient. Such was the shock and alarm both from freemasonry and government circles in Germany it prompted an extensive publication of the sect’s actions and future objectives entitled: The Original Writings of The Order and Sect of The Illuminati” which was sent to all the heads of Church and State. The details of the document were drawn from the chance finding of portion of Weishaupt’s papers on the body of an Illuminist agent killed from a lightning strike whilst on horseback. It was at this time, perhaps as a precautionary measure, the Rothschilds decided to move to Frankfurt, where two years previously the headquarters of Illuminised freemasonry were located.

With the birth of Karl Rothschild in 1788 and James a few years later, the sparks of the French Revolution which had been struck by Illuminati members began to catch fire in 1789 thanks in part to the lack of action from the Bavarian government’s warning and with only a handful of dissenters across Europe. This revolution was a bankers’ dream. It established a new constitution and passed laws that forbade the Roman Church from levying tithes (taxes) and also removed its exemption from taxation.

Amidst the backdrop of Illuminism and Napoleon’s rise to power, the Rothschild dynasty expanded its financial banking hubs across Europe. With his father’s capital, Nathan Mayer Rothschild set up a banking house in London and was so successful that by 1810 he was the most important banker in England, having accrued vast sums of money from royalty and the rich alike, in particular Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, one of Napoleon’s sworn enemies who had decided to leave $3,000,000 of his money with him for safe-keeping. Nathan invested the money in gold from the East India Company knowing that it would be needed for Wellington’s peninsula campaign. The Rothschilds supplied gold to both sides of the war (Nathan in England; Jacob in France) in order to receive the maximum return from a risk-free debt.

With the Illuminist network already in place it was less problematic to install an advanced courier postal service running along the most economic and efficient lines both geographically and logistically which would guarantee immediate and direct information straight to the Rothschilds, thus providing a form of financial prescience which was far in advance of any system of reconnaissance and communications of the day. Indeed, British royalty and the European elite relied on this service which meant that politically sensitive, confidential information could by-pass the mainstream media of the day. It also meant however, that it would be easy for Rothschild agents and therefore, perhaps the Illuminism of the day to have complete access to correspondence between British Royalty and the European elite. This inevitably led to the buying and selling of financial intelligence on companies and warring factions during the Napoleonic Wars and all future conflicts. As Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife said just before her death “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none,” perfectly summing up the past and present role of global banking today. [7]

So, we see here how essential this network was to be in the stimulation of geopolitical crises and the propagation of debt to exacerbate the need for international conflict and war – War after all, means money.

“The House of Rothschild has arisen from the quarrels between states, has become great and mighty from wars [and] the misfortune of states and peoples has been its fortune.”

Freidrich von Scherb, History of the House of Rothschild

Since the discovery of the Bavarian Illuminati the spread of occult power within Europe had been redirected through Carbonarism (“charcoal burners”) who were a disparate collection of freemasonic secret societies in Italy who believed in revolution and the destruction of the Church. Their influence over revolutionary groups in Europe was substantial and may even have extended to Russia. Author Fritz Springmeier’s research from his book Illuminati Bloodlines (1992) indicates that Amschel’s son Karl Rothschild was tasked with the responsibility for infusing Italian Carbonari lodges with Illuminsm. This gave rise to further systemised attacks against the Catholic Church with the notable document of the Alta Vendita which describes a Masonic plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church and spread Illuminist-led liberalism within it. It was eventually published by Jacques Crétineau-Joly in his book L’Église romaine en face de la Révolution in (1859) with official support by Catholic Popes of the time. By the mid-19th Century Rothschild links to freemasonry were assured with James Meyer Rothschild a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason and his brother Nathan a member of the Lodge of Emulation. Solomon Meir Rothschild became a freemason on June 14, 1809.

The five sons were made barons of the Austrian Empire in 1822 and who went on to expand banking operations into England, Italy, France, Austria and Prussia making it the most successful and powerful merchant bank of the time. The London branch was headed by son Lionel and then succeeded by Nathan M. Rothschild who gave Rhodes his important task of opening up South Africa for both the British and Rothschild’s resource monopoly. The other sons had branches in Paris, (James) Berlin (Amschel) Vienna (Soloman) Naples (Charles). Nathan M. Rothschild was elected head of the family following his father, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s death.

Nathan M. Rothschild also made sure to start selling a surfeit of British bonds (or consuls) on the Stock Exchange so that other traders thought that the British had lost the war against Napoleon thus pushing them to panic sell. When the consuls lost their value Nathan told his employees to purchase all the consuls they could so that when it was known that the British had won the war the consuls would shoot up in value thus allowing the House of Rothschild to make a killing, effectively controlling the British economy. When N.M. Rothschild did became governor he also owned and operated England’s Royal Mint Refinery which meant he became the primary gold agent to the Bank of England with all the power that such a position entails. So, it is that France and Britain remain a particular stronghold of Rothschild finance.

Over in the United States the banking charter for House of Rothschild had run out, with Congress voting against its renewal. Nathan, having spent time and energy threatening Congress, sided with the British and declared: “Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status.” The setback didn’t last long. The 1812 declaration of war by the Americans was the result of a several issues which had come to the boil. With the Rothschilds already backing the British and the French in the Napoleonic Wars the American war of independence was deemed more important. With a costly war against the British Empire the United States would be in debt, thus more amenable to renew the charter for Rothschilds’ bank. After the war, the Rothschilds managed to get back into the American money supply once again when Congress passed a bill for another banking charter, this time for twenty years.

Meyer Amschel Rothschild died on September 19, 1812. His will spelled out specific guidelines that were to be maintained by his descendants:

1) All important posts were to be held by only family members, and only male members were to be involved on the business end. The oldest son of the oldest son was to be the head of the family, unless otherwise agreed upon by the rest of the family, as was the case in 1812, when Nathan was appointed as the patriarch.

2) The family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins, so their fortune could be kept in the family, and to maintain the appearance of a united financial empire. For example, his son James (Jacob) Mayer married the daughter of another son, Salomon Mayer. This rule became less important in later generations as they refocused family goals and married into other fortunes.

3) Rothschild ordered that there was never to be “any public inventory made by the courts, or otherwise, of my estate…Also I forbid any legal action and any publication of the value of the inheritance.”  [8]

From 1814-1820 business with the Vatican proceeded successfully until the Rothschilds were firmly ensconced in Vatican City and their banking fraternities. They were less successful with the Tsar Alexander I of Russia, who, unlike Europe had not come under the Illuminist rule and the Rothschilds’ international banking network which was part of the designs of a Revolutionary World government. Indeed, the Russian aristocracy had actively resisted all of their financial terrorism and by refusing to do business with them it had cost the Rothschilds dear since they very much wanted to get their hands on Russian oil fields. As a consequence, the Tsar and his family of the House of Romanov would perish under those same plans channelled through a Wall St.-Zionist-led Bolshevik Revolution straight out of the text book of Illuminist philosophy.

It is hard to do justice to just how powerful the House of Rothschild and their financial empire had become by the mid-19th Century.  Jacob Rothschild in Paris, died in 1868 with a fortune worth, from today’s evaluation the equivalent to $300,000,000 with a yearly income of around $40,000,000. By 1913, that fortune was worth over $2,000,000,000. [9] This immense fortune accrued by family members was predicated on a religious and financial code of intermarriage within the Rothschild family, a practice long undertaken by aristocrats and royalty. For example, Jacob Rothschild married the daughter of his brother, Baron Salomon Rothschild of Vienna. As the Rothschild’s thought of themselves as Jewish royalty it was a natural move, although this was more to do with the prevention, as they saw it, of a dilution of their capital and thus their international leverage.[10]

Remaining true to the ethos of segregation from the world of gentiles, marriage was restricted to other Jewish members of banking families such as the the Cohens, Goldsmids, Samuels, the Brofmans of America and the Montefiores of England and the Sassoons in Asia. Indeed, the Rothschilds hounded out one of their own family for transgressing this unwritten law. In 1839, Nathan’s second daughter Hannah Mayer had the temerity to marry a gentile and convert to Christianity which was considered quite against the Jewish tribal code as well as the Rothschild plans to keep it in the family as financial strategy. James Rothschild in Paris wrote a letter to his mother summarising what should be done next, in lieu of the fact that she had:

“… robbed the whole family of its pride and caused us such harm that it can longer be addressed. You say, my dear Nat, that she has found everything except religion. However, I believe that [religion] means everything. Our good fortune and blessings depend on it. We shall therefore, wipe her from our memory and never again during my lifetime will I, or any other member of our family see or receive her. We now want to wish her all the best and banish her from our memory as if she never existed.” [11]

The rules of the Talmudic religion lay behind the Rothschilds operations, where the idea of Jewish Royalty was never far from their minds. After all, the European social elite were there to be exploited not to be joined. If not marriage of sons, daughters, cousins and siblings, then strong business ties cemented with freemasonic handshakes and proxy organisations such as the Round Table were the preferred route. The Sassoons for example, allowed them to extend their reach fully into all areas of Asia; via the Montefiores across Australiasia; the Oppenheimers through their control of the diamond trade in South Africa and their Round Table agent Cecil Rhodes, who was able to monopolise the gold and silver mining for the family.

The House of Rothschild was just beginning to get into its stride.


* Some academics suggest that The Rothschilds lineage is from the Khazars, an Asiatic, Mongolian race of people whose origins can be traced back to a country called Khazaria, now known as Georgia. The Khazars converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D. which means that claims that Israel’s unquestioning birth right is even harder to swallow when its heritage is sourced from about 80 percent of Jewish people known as Ashkenazi Jews who appear to be from a very mixed genetic pool indeed. Even so, it depends how far back one wants to go. In the end, it is the psychopath that counts not the ethnicity that is prey to its infection.


[1] | ‘Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks’ By Pete Papaherakles, American Free Press, February 10, 2012.
[2] The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage By Arthur Koestler, Published by Hutchinson, Random House; illustrated edition 1976 | ISBN-10: 0091255503 | See also: ‘Gene study hopes to settle debate over origin of European Jews’ Agence France-Presse, 17 Jan 2013: “Geneticist Eran Elhaik of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, trawled through this small mountain of data in search of single changes in the DNA code that are linked to a group’s geographical origins. […] “… Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, a hotchpotch of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries AD and, influenced by Jews from Palestine, converted to Judaism in the 8th century. The Judeo-Khazars built a flourishing empire, drawing in Jews from Mesopotamia and imperial Byzantium.
They became so successful that they sent offshoots into Hungary and Romania, planting the seeds of a great diaspora.
But Khazaria collapsed in the 13th century when it was attacked by the Mongols and became weakened by outbreaks of the Black Death. The Judeo-Khazars fled westwards, settling in the rising Polish Kingdom and in Hungary, where their skills in finance, economics and politics were in demand, and eventually spread to central and western Europe, according to the “Khazarian Hypothesis.”
“We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaised Khazars, Greco-Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews and Judeans,” says Elhaik.
“Their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga, with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.”
Many things are unknown about the Khazars, whose tribal confederation gathered Slavs, Scythians, Hunnic-Bulgars, Iranians, Alans and Turks. But, argues Elhaik, the tale sketched in the genes is backed by archaeological findings, by Jewish literature that describes the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism, and by language, too.” | See also more up-to-date research from: ‘The Khazars: An Overview, Israelite Tribes in Exile’ by Yair Davidiy –
[3] p.137; Ferguson, Niall The House of Rothschild: Money’s Prophets (1999) Published by Penguin, ISBN-10: 0140240845.
[4] p.127; Collins Piper, Michael, The New Babylon – Those Who Reign Supreme (2008)
[4] Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, 1908, Volume VIII: “Rothschilds”.
[5] ‘Voltaire and Frederick the Great’from Books and Characters, French and English by Lytton Strachey, 1915 edited by Geoffrey Sauer 1997.
[6] 1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
[7] ‘The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild’ By Kennthe Parsons
[8] op.cit Collins Piper p. 127
[9] Ibid.
[10] op.cit Ferguson, p.321.

The Z Factor XIII: Holocaustomania?

“The Maxim that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it applies to those Jews who refuse to come to terms with the Jewish past: they have become its slaves and are repeating it in Zionist and Israeli policies. The State of Israel now fulfils towards the oppressed peasants of many countries – not only in the Middle East but also far beyond it – a role not unlike that of the Jews in pre-1795 Poland: that of a bailiff to the imperial oppressor.”

Israel Shahak, The Causes of Hostility Towards Jews: An Historical Overview

For seeking the truth about any controversial subject we must surely have the freedom to question everything without fear of reprisal from cherished beliefs. Otherwise, ignorance and chaos multiply instead of courageous soul-searching which promotes knowledge and awareness for all. However, getting past those beliefs so often wired in by trauma and political expediency is a huge challenge indeed…

Contrary to accusations of anti-Semitism and the label of “holocaust denier” Historian Mark Weber disputes both of these labels acknowledging the catastrophe that was visited upon Jews by Hitler. He does not deny that the holocaust took place, rather he questions the evidence of an official extermination program which admittedly has little documented evidence and when set against an historical predisposition for propaganda that has traditionally paid dividends, demands a rigorous investigation. While questions should always be asked about the beliefs and predispositions of revisionists, the vast majority do not deny the Holocaust or harbour admiration for the Nazi Third Reich, but place the onus on rigorous research which must have a place in holocaust studies without the reflex accusations of “anti-Semite!”. The facts, after all, should speak for themselves.

Professor Norman G. Finkelstein illustrated deep awareness on this matter when he commented on David Irving, historian and Holocaust revisionist: “Irving, notorious as an admirer of Hitler and sympathiser with German National Socialism, has nevertheless made an ‘indispensable’ contribution to our knowledge of World War II.” [1]

One of the most shocking and tragic events of the 20th Century was the holocaust perpetrated by Germany’s Nazi Third Reich from 1933–1945. Up to six million Jews were said to have been murdered by the regime. It was a powerful mythological event in Jewish consciousness which has continued to play a part in defining their identity as a “chosen people”. Yet, it is also true that there were Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, Romani gypsies, Slavic, Polish and Soviet civilians that were intentionally murdered by the Nazi regime with estimates reaching ten to eleven million. This is quite apart from millions of lives lost during the War as a whole. Therefore, it begs the question: why has this been eclipsed in favour of a strictly Jewish and Zionist historical narrative?

The birth of Israel in 1948 led to the joining at the hip of the nation State and holocaust victims – a loss and a legendary gain. Many commentators draw our attention to the fact that as a matter of historic record, the Zionists were more than happy to sacrifice millions of Jews as long as the creation of Israel could be guaranteed. (That part of history doesn’t generally get taught in History classes yet gives ample opportunity to make a distinction between the ordinary Jew and the extremism of Revisionist Zionism). In the intervening post war years, shock and grief still held sway and the Jewish battle lines to create the mantle of “sole sufferers” would develop over the following decades. As Professor of History at Indiana University, Edward T. Lilenthal observed: “what came to be known as the Holocaust was often indistinguishable, in the immediate post-war years, from the millions of non-combatant casualties due to terror bombings of civilian populations, epidemic illness, or starvation. It was considered by most as simply part of the horror of war.” The holocaust was barely talked about and remained a marginal topic of interest in part due to a “war-weary American public” and the understandable wishes of those who witnessed the concentration camp horrors to put it all behind them. [2]

The fusing of the holocaust and the modern state of Israel served to nourish a new and negative Jewish identity, of the martyr grafted onto an already potent ancestral legacy of fear, anger, guilt and revenge; where Jewish tribalism would once more become clearly defined. At the same time, holocaust survivors were uncomfortable in Israel since they were reminders of the depths of Nazi evil as well as the possible shame and guilt that settled upon Jewish consciousness when faced with accusations of no resistance, thus conforming to the stereotypes of passive Jews. Much of Israel did not extend sympathy to holocaust survivors, the results of which are still felt to this day. [3] By the time the victory of the1967 Arab war had been achieved a new Jewish confidence and historical identity was born anew but the industry of victimhood and its myth-making machine would continue apace at the political level.

One of Hitler’s avowed aims was to turn Eastern Europe into part of greater Germany as Slavs and Poles were seen as ethnically inferior and deemed eminently expendable for the Nazi New World Order. The issue of collaboration has had a distinctly Jewish precedent in World War II unlike many other non-Jewish prisoners of war.[4] It was not an isolated dynamic but a common phenomenon which makes the pernicious attacks from Zionists that Christians, ethnic Poles and the allies did not do enough to save Jews somewhat diluted. Polish people were treated by the Nazis as equally deserving of annihilation with up to 2.8 million ethnic, non-Jewish poles perishing throughout World War II. [5] It seems many Jewish people still harbour a hostile perception of Poles and Slavs as somehow competing for the trophy of who suffered more. Their plight has largely been forgotten as Mark Weber notes:

“… there are no American memorials, ‘study centers,’ or annual observances for the victims of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, even though it is well established that Stalin’s victims vastly outnumber Hitler’s … The Holocaust has become both a flourishing business and even a kind of new religion for many Jews.

While we are endlessly told that the Germans murdered six million European Jews during the Second World War… the public is kept largely ignorant of the conflict’s non-Jewish victims. If you ask an average, reasonably educated American: ‘How many European Jews were killed by the Nazis during World War II?’ the almost automatic answer is, of course, six million. But if you ask that same person: How many Americans lost their lives in the Second World War, or, for that matter, how many British, or Chinese, or Germans, died, the response is usually an admission of ignorance.” [6]

Israel Shahak in a letter to an editor explains how reality regarding Jewish involvement in the Second World War has been systematically ignored and obscured by myth. As a survivor of both the Warsaw ghetto in Poland and then in Bergen-Belsen, he offers: “an immediate example of the total ignorance of daily life during the Holocaust: In the Warsaw ghetto, even during the period of the first massive extermination (June to October 1943), one saw almost no German soldiers.”

Shahak continues:

Nearly all the work of administration, and later the work of transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their deaths, was carried out by Jewish collaborators.

Before the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (the planning of which only started after the extermination of the majority of Jews in Warsaw), the Jewish underground killed, with perfect justification, every Jewish collaborator they could find. If they had not done so the Uprising could never have started.

The majority of the population of the Ghetto hated the collaborators far more than the German Nazis. Every Jewish child was taught, and this saved the lives of some them “if you enter a square from which there are three exits, one guarded by a German SS man, one by an Ukrainian and one by a Jewish policeman, then you should first try to pass the German, and then maybe the Ukrainian, but never the Jew”. […]

It is clear that such events were not exclusive to the Jews, the entire Nazi success in easy and continued rule over millions of people stemmed from the subtle and diabolical use of collaborators, who did most of the dirty work for them. But does anybody now know about this?

This, and not what is ‘instilled’ was the reality. […]

Therefore, if we knew a little of the truth about the Holocaust, we would at least understand (with or without agreeing) why the Palestinians are now eliminating their collaborators. That is the only means they have if they wish to continue to struggle against our limb-breaking regime. [7]

There are revisionist historians who have some interesting, if not compelling arguments regarding the statistics, numbers and logistical evidence concerning the methods of extermination that call into question a number of previously consensual conclusions. Even the existence of gas chambers and their quota of alleged deaths has been questioned not just by those whose pro-Hitler bias and right wing credentials are obvious, but by those simply interested in uncovering the truth. Professor Norman Cohn in his historical account of the Jewish Holocaust, Warrant for Genocide noted: “Only about a third of the civilians killed by the Nazis and their accomplices were Jews … Other peoples were marked out for decimation, subjugation, and enslavement, and the civilian losses of some of these [countries] amounted to 11 per cent to 12 per cent of the total population.”  Other respected Jewish scholars have arrived at similar figures. [8]

This does not mean that mass extermination took place but exaggeration, distortion and even habitual deception on this issue determines the outcome of how well the mythology of victimhood stays alive.[9] This does not help anyone – least of all Jewish people.

But it does prove useful for Zionists.

More and more Jewish and non-Jewish academics are beginning to see that the Holocaust has become a lucrative industry of the most cynical kind where private mourning and genuine loss has been coerced towards a public spectacle of exploitation. How are we to challenge this distortion when our cultures are saturated in a exclusively Jewish rendering of World War II and the holocaust? As James Young so eloquently phrased it: “Instead of learning about the Holocaust through the large lens of Jewish history, many Jews and non-Jews in America now learn the whole of Jewish history through the lens of the Holocaust.”[10]

“There is  no way a non-Jew could say what I did in “The Holocaust Industry” without being labeled a holocaust denier. I am labeled a holocaust denier too.” – Norman G. Finkelstein

Finkelstein_holocaust_industry_coverProfessor Norman G. Finkelstein’s 2000 bestseller The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering bravely addresses this very fact. Unsurprisingly, it created a firestorm of controversy on its publication which, along with his other books on Zionism and Israeli policy, led to the loss of his job at Hunter College and the denial of his tenure at Depaul University in 2007. In 2008, the Israeli government deported Finkelstein and banned him from entering the Jewish state for ten years. [11]

The professor remains a thorn in the side of Jewish extremism due to his impeachable credentials. Though his parents survived the Warsaw Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps, every other member of his family on both sides was exterminated by the Nazis. When his book was published in 2000 The Guardian with uncharacteristic boldness ran two lengthy extracts from the introduction.

Finkelstein opined that:

… too many public and private resources have been invested in memorialising the Nazi genocide. Most of the output is worthless, a tribute not to Jewish suffering but to Jewish aggrandisement. The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a ‘victim’ state, and the most successful ethnic group in the US has likewise acquired victim status. Considerable dividends accrue from this specious victimhood – in particular, immunity to criticism, however justified.

The time is long past to open our hearts to the rest of humanity’s sufferings. This was the main lesson my mother imparted. I never once heard her say: ‘Do not compare.’ My mother always compared. In the face of the sufferings of African-Americans, Vietnamese and Palestinians, my mother’s credo always was: ‘We are all holocaust victims.’” [12]

Finkelstein outlines a number of disturbing patterns in the exploitation of suffering, one of which is the pattern of corruption and embezzlement of Holocaust victims’ financial reparations. One particular chapter of his book which caused international outrage (mostly from those who stood to lose from being exposed) was the documentation of the holocaust industry’s blackmail of European governments for supposed holocaust victims. Threats and intimidation of holocaust victims by Jewish organisations were reported, who then proceeded to purloin the “Holocaust compensation” monies. [13]

A typical example of the kind of mass programming regarding Jewish victimhood was in evidence from a video recording of a lecture given by Finkelstein in 2010 at the University of Waterloo where he was taken to task by his “offensive” remarks. The video can be viewed here and a transcript of this instructive exchange follows:

STUDENT: During your speech you made a lot of references to Jewish people as well as certain people in the audience, not Jewish people in general, but especially in the audience – to Nazis. [Begins to cry] That is extremely offensive to certain people who are German and also extremely offensive who actually suffered under Nazi war…

FINKELSTEIN: I don’t respect that any more, I really don’t. I don’t like and I don’t respect the crocodile tears … (interruptions)… the crocodile tears … (clapping and cries from audience) … listen sir, allow me to finish … I don’t like to play to a foreign audience the Holocaust card but since now I feel compelled to – my late father was in Auschwitz, my late mother … please shut-up (applause)… My late father was in Auschwitz my late mother was in Mgdonevice concentration camp – every single member of my family on both sides were exterminated, both my parents were in the Warsaw Ghetto. They taught me and my two siblings that I will not be silenced by Israel over their crimes against Palestinians. I consider nothing more despicable than to use their suffering and their martyrdom to try to justify the torture, the brutalization and the demolition of homes committed against the Palestinians. I refuse any more to be intimidated, to be browbeaten by the tears. If you had any heart in you, you would be crying for the Palestinians. [14]

Over 65 million people died in World War II and it is said, up to six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, a number which is still disputed.  Whether 10,000, 500,000, one million or three million – it’s an obscenity, the results of psychopaths allowed to cluster into groups and hijack the population. The point to remember is that although the persecution of the Jews by the Third Reich is a fact of history yet so too, is the appropriation of victims and the suffering of non-Jews implying that “Gentiles” deaths are somehow less significant. What about the Stalinist and Maoist, genocides that far outnumber any Jewish Holocaust deaths? Where are the multi-million dollar monuments to all those people who died?

More disturbingly, the parallels of Nazi racial supremacy and Jewish supremacy are exactly the same – both see themselves as redeemers of the world tragically mirroring each other’s fundamentalist worldview and both have proved themselves to be adept in mass propaganda by setting themselves apart from others; elevating their race and destiny to romantic, metaphysical and fascistic dimensions while asserting unassailable claims of divine rights. The root mind-set in Zionist, Jewish Fundamentalism and Nazi ideology follow the same authoritarian and racist dynamic and the consequences that stem from these psychological extremes. Could there even be the slightest possibility that there may be something in Zionism, Judaism and the direction of the Jewish race that predisposes them to acts of persecution?

The French Zionist Bernard Lazare was also exploring these questions way back in 1894 before the Nazi persecutions and the modern mythologising that has been so pervasive in the 20th century.

He candidly observed:

Wherever the Jews settled [in their Diaspora] one observes the development of anti-Semitism, or rather anti-Judaism … If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local cause of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all nations amidst whom it settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of Jews belonged to diverse races, as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of anti-Semitism have always resided in [the people of] Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it. [15]

If that is even partially true, expressed by a Zionist, no less, liberating insights for the Jewish collective destiny could perhaps be achieved from a psychotherapeutically-based exploration of the Jewish psyche in this context. Many Jewish academics are doing precisely this, but nowhere near enough. This would naturally enrich not just Jewish and Israeli society but indirectly, the lives of us all. Untold tragedy and its victims could be truly honoured through re-enchantment and integrative self-empowerment rather than self-deception and cynical manipulation.

I think we may have a while to wait for that one.



[1] ‘The Great Taboo Broken’ by Haim. Breseeth, Reflections on the Israeli Reception of Schindler’s List -From Spielberg’s Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler’s List edited by Yoshefa Loshitsky.Indiana University Press, 1997 | ’40 percent of Holocaust survivors in Israel live below poverty line’, Haaretz, December 29, 2005.
[2] p.5; Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America’s Holocaust Museum By Edward T Linenthal. Published by Colombia University Press, 2001 | ISBN-10: 0231124074.
[3] op. cit. Piotrowski.
[4]AFP/Expatica, Polish experts lower nation’s WWII death toll,, 30 August 2009.
[5] ‘Debating the Undebatable: The Weber-Shermer Clash Exchanging Views on the Holocaust’ The Journal of Historical Review, Jan-Feb. 1996 (Vol. 16, No. 1), pages 23-34.
[6] ‘The business of death’ By Norman Finkelstein The Guardian, 12 July 2000.
[7] ‘Falsification of the Holocaust’ by Prof. Israel Shahak, published on 19 May 1989 in Kol Ha’ir, Jerusalem.
[8] p.15; Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Norman Cohn, Published by Harper and Rowe, 1966.
[9] ‘Wiesenthal Re-Confirms: ‘No Extermination Camps on German Soil’’ Institute of Historical Review: “…official claims of extermination and gassing at camps in Germany proper persisted until August 1960, when Dr. Martin Broszat of Germany’s semi-official Institute for Contemporary History acknowledged in a letter published in the Hamburg weekly Die Zeit that such allegations were not true. In doing so, Broszat implicitly also conceded that the “evidence” presented at Nuremberg and elsewhere for extermination and gassings in those camps is bogus.Here is a translation of the complete text of Broszat’s letter: “Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed. The gas chamber in Dachau was never entirely finished or put “into operation.” Hundreds of thousands of prisoners who perished in Dachau and other concentration camps in the Old Reich [that is, Germany in its borders of 1937] were victims, above all, of the catastrophic hygienic and provisioning conditions: according to official SS statistics, during the twelve months from July 1942 through June 1943 alone, 110,812 persons died of disease and hunger in all of the concentration camps of the Reich. The mass extermination of the Jews by gassing began in 1941-1942 and occurred exclusively in a few facilities selected and equipped with appropriate technical installations, above all in the occupied Polish territory (but at no place in the Old Reich): in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Sobibor on the Bug [river], in Treblinka, Chelmno and Belzec.
It is at those places, but not in Bergen-Belsen, Dachau or Buchenwald, where the mass extermination facilities, spoken of in your article [in an earlier issue of Die Zeit], were built and disguised as shower baths or disinfection rooms. This necessary differentiation does not, of course, change anything regarding the criminal character of the facility that was the concentration camp. However, it may perhaps help eliminate the annoying confusion that arises from the fact that some ineducable people make use of a few arguments that, while correct, are polemically torn from the context, and that, rushing to respond to them are other people who, although they have the correct overall view, rely upon false or mistaken information. – Dr. M. Broszat, Institute for Contemporary History, Munich.
[10] p. 307; The U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: Memory and the Politics of Identity by James Young.
[11] ‘US academic deported and banned for criticising Israel’ by Toni O’Loughlin, The Guardian, 26 May 2008.
[12] op. cit. Finkelstein, Guardian article 2000.
[13] p.79; The Holocaust industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein, second edition, published by Verso Books. 2003 | ISBN: 185-984-488-X.
[14] ‘Responding to Zionist Propaganda: Dr. Norman Finkelstein on Holocaust exploitation at the University of Waterloo’
[15] Anti-Semitism, Its History and Causes by Bernard Lazare, Britons Publishing Co., London, 1967.