9/11: The Point of No Return?

By M.K. Styllinski

 “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.”

 – President G.W. Bush, at the United Nations, November 10, 2001

9-11_Truth_2Note: Let it be said right at the start: I am no 9/11 scholar. This is merely an attempt to refresh our minds about the nature of the September 11th attacks in the context of an emerging Pathocracy and the subjects previously discussed. Therefore, what follows in this series is in no way a comprehensive analysis of what is, after all a vast topic. That said, as part of an exploration of why humanity stands at the threshold of massive change, it would be foolish not to include a summary of the key elements involved in such a global marker. I hope the following posts help to at least clarify the subject for those beginning to take a serious look at the nature of our reality in this context.

September 11th 2001 and the World Trade Centre attacks are a signpost in the fortunes of social control. It was the day – perhaps more than any other in the last two hundred years – that saw geo-strategy and our societies change for the worse. With any major act of synthetic terror there is a window of opportunity to perceive the objective reality behind the noise and smoke before Official Culture brings the shutters down once more. Since 2001, anyone who has taken the time to carefully sift through the discrepancies, distortions and obvious lies of the official conspiracy theory will have to navigate through the minefield of individual and collective belief as to how the world works. We bridle at accusations that our thinking is often just second or third hand opinion lifted from mainstream radio, T.V., newspapers or blogs. Seldom do we truly question what we are being force-fed through the constant osmosis of “news”. What the mainstream media (MSM) and most of current academia believe doesn’t just impinge on our own evaluations but very often exclusively determines the quality and direction of our opinions. This is why the media has such a crucial role to play in the correct presentation and dissemination of information.

Unfortunately, we cannot trust the MSM to provide unbiased and objective analysis due to a variety of conflicting interests from corporate, government and Psychological Operations teams (PSYOPS) embedded in media institutions for decades and the internet since its inception. Our news is layered over with self-censorship and journalistic pride that will not touch subjects deemed taboo for fear of losing their job or even worse, losing respect and prestige so coveted in their respective fields. As a result, there are well-known journalists and academics for which the subject of 9/11 is off-limits because it is has evolved into such a “hot potato” of controversy that to address it would mean the end of their social standing.

It is also true that certain persons still operate from a hopelessly juvenile dictionary which they still prefer to use when appraising personal and external realities. They derive comfort in overly simplistic versions of national and international events, despite the apparent expertise and erudition in their chosen field. Their beliefs come first and reality is tailored towards it. They cannot and will not sanction the idea that a coup d’état could have taken place on September 11th and no amount of reasoning will alter such a position. The often smug, post-modern denials and ad hominem attacks are used as a battering ram against those wishing to find the truth and if you start to make some headway in connecting the dots you will likely be on the end of carefully targeted character assassination by the fearful and ill-informed.

Official Culture determines what is or isn’t possible regarding the nature of governments and the military-intelligence apparatus, which means an almost impenetrable wall preventing critical analysis and reasoned discourse. What is now labelled the 9/11 Truth Movement is no exception, having been thoroughly infiltrated by paid CoIntelpro agents tasked with sowing the seeds of in-fighting and disinformation.

Talk show host and “king of conspiracy theory”, Alex Jones is a prime example. Famous for his cringe-making rants and bombastic behaviour and extremely commercial internet websites, he manages to switch off anyone interested in discovering the objective truth about our world, though he naturally appeals to those of high school age just waking up to the world.  Jones exists to hoover up any and all information pertaining to conspiracy-related topics and thus helps to tarnish these subjects by association. If he happens to get invited on mainstream television he is so over the top and reactionary that any rational conversation is impossible. This is how CoIntelpro works: whether a conscious or unconscious agent, both will assist to deflect, distort and disinform.


Alex Jones Talk show host and “conspiracy king”.

Similarly, Go to the internet pages of the very popular encyclopaedia Wikipedia and search for the pages on 9/11 and you will come away thinking that the 9/11 Truth Movement is inhabited only by delusional nerds, that the official story is beyond repute and supported by cast-iron facts. Wikipedia is visited by millions of people every day who might be persuaded by the obviously skewed presentation; where voluminous pages expound on the official story, affording little time for critical appraisal and alternative arguments.

In reality, there are many well qualified, experienced, rational and sincere persons for whom the official story of 9/11 does not and cannot possibly be anything but a fictional account. Anyone who approaches the subject with an open but skeptical mind and are able to think critically about this issue will inevitably come away with the disturbing conclusion that something is very wrong with the narrative we have been sold. Yet, there is a constant maintenance of the official story by the MSM and governments world-wide.

Once you start digging, the propaganda, blatant lies, fallacies and distortions are so painfully obvious to those who take the time, that it becomes truly shocking how deeply managed our culture truly is. And be assured, you don’t have to go very far before the central premise of the official story shows itself to be no more than a house of cards waiting to tumble. But fear is the cement upon which the bricks of belief can be constructed. And it is sometimes terrifying to have all that one thought good and true scattered to the wind. But it must be done if we are to have any hope at all going beyond an illusion of democracy.

“I Believe…”

Two words which have determined the course of history.

We humans have a curious predisposition to seek belief instead of facts. All actions or non-actions are based around either direct verification by experience and attention to supporting evidence or a preference for belief which includes neither. Belief systems set a demarcation line that cannot be crossed. One is happy in one’s belief and reality defines it.  Our wishful thinking tends to offer temporary comfort from the demons in our subconscious shadows. The wish to believe provides it with a formal structure which we can re-affirm in the outer world, surrounding ourselves with others who have chosen the same “consensus” through which to live their lives. Threats to those constructs are often resisted with logical fallacies and emotional reactions:

“Because the Bible says so and the Bible is the word of God.”

“I believe in Science. If there is no empirical proof then as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t exist.”

“You don’t believe in all that 911 conspiracy theory nonsense do you?”

Peer groups and tribal memberships provide a rich reservoir of socio-cultural knowledge offering a ready template for custom-made ideologies. This is gradually adapted to one’s own personality and conditioned by long-term memory. If it fits with our need to survive in society, perhaps buffering us from pain, fear and uncertainty, then our social position, values, and objectives will conform to it. Conformity – at whatever degree or level – is a defining factor accompanied by a dictionary of interpretation which must exclude other forms of knowledge. When such a dictionary becomes out-dated and in conflict with the facts – even though new knowledge lies alongside it – that interpretation becomes a juvenile one, locked into the past and resistant to change.

Change, as we all know, can be very painful.

dreamstime_m_20965675© Krutoeva | Dreamstime.com – Through Rose Colored Glasses Photo

When assumption and ignorance are chosen as a way to protect ourselves from uncertainty, responsibility and unpleasant memories then abstract ideas provide the tool for social engineering and the seeds for ponerological influences. It logically follows that one’s beliefs can facilitate directions which – though founded on good intentions and “Christian principles” – may not be in the individual’s, groups’ or societies’ best interests. Any belief tends to reduce the potential for creative choices by limiting the field of awareness and therefore the quality of consciousness.

Psychopaths, social dominators and authoritarian personalities cling to their beliefs as a confirmation of their chosen, highly subjective reality. They serve any figure of authority be it a new age guru, academic lecturer or any type of leader that confers rewards for obedience. They prefer fantasy rather than what is, especially if, in the authoritarian’s case, it provides certainty against the unknown, however simplistic.

The psychopath will create reality according to his instinctive, primal desires which exclude all else. He will bend and force life into his twisted conceptions, whatever the cost and whatever the stakes. He turns the world into a poker game with guns and aces up his sleeve. Our wish to believe lends him momentum to achieve his goals; the projection of his self-belief is willingly received by those whose inner nature is vulnerable and without foundation. Belief restricts an open system of learning, which often includes suffering. Suffering accompanies self-growth as we discover what is, rather than what we would like it to be.

The world is conspiratorial by nature though this fact has been successfully glossed over by a combination of wishful thinking and perception management. After all, if you want to suggest that the government and its agencies have our best interests at heart then the denigration of those who offer an unprejudiced search for truth outside of traditional corporate controlled media is a standard tactic. It is also pertinent to mention recent university studies which reveal that the 9/11 official story “gatekeepers” fit the profile of irrational and emotionally unstable individuals when exposed to an alternative view of reality, no matter how sensible or logical that reality may be.  In June 17, 2013 online journal 21st Century Wire included a post entitled: ‘New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane, while government dupes are crazy and hostile’. Psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent found that:

“The research … showed that people who favoured the official account of 9/11 were generally more hostile when trying to persuade their rivals.” […] “For people who think 9/11 was a government conspiracy, the focus is not on promoting a specific rival theory, but in trying to debunk the official account.”

In other words, the stereotype of the conspiracy theorist as lunatic, fringe-fanatic, in fact generally described those who defend the official conspiracy theory provided by the governments and their media outlets.

Political scientist Professor Lance deHaven-Smith’s book Conspiracy Theory in America (2013) published by University of Texas Press provides further insights into the term “conspiracy theory.”

It is a matter of historical record, albeit widely unknown, that the CIA embarked on an illegal propaganda campaign to circulate the phrase so that it became a pejorative term. (See: “In 1967, the CIA Created the Label ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ … to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the ‘Official’ Narrative). So, when people began to question the 1963 assassination of J.F. Kennedy they would be ridiculed and defamed thus providing a psycho-social protection for the subject. As we know, there is nothing more powerful than the herd instinct for self-preservation. In the Professor’s own words: “The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.”


September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, 2001.

Studies have also shown cognitive dissonance and “confirmation bias” dominates the perceptions of those who prefer to believe in the 9/11 official story and many other official versions of historical conspiracies, despite many of those “theories” since proven to have been conspiracy fact. While hard-core skeptics and self-avowed debunkers tend to exhibit an absolutist  persona backed up by a militant belief in materialist science, what may be at the root of this apparent quest to find the truth is nothing more than an abnormal emphasis on the left brain, a neurological deficiency which limits the ability to see beyond their own authoritarian beliefs. This was revealed in spectacular fashion by Professor Bob Altemeyer’s studies on authoritarian followers.

There remains today a wealth of information on the internet and in published books regarding the events of September 11th 2001. You may be one of those people who consider themselves open-minded and well-read, willing to take on new sources of information in order to learn about our world in order to expand your awareness. Although there has been a sea-change in collective awareness you would still be in the minority. When we approach the subject with an open but skeptical mind, and sift through the media and US government’s official story of September 11th, then we will come up against a “conspiracy theory” that is logically inconsistent, defies the laws of physics, flies in the face of rational, deductive observations and fails to explain the reasons and causes of these events on so many different levels that we will likely suffer a change in our world-view. Depending how inured one is in Official Culture this will result in two emotional responses and the choices which must follow:

1) Shock and cognitive dissonance as a result of one’s cherished beliefs about the world coming under attack and the fear and stress induced. A shoring up of those beliefs may occur, calling a halt to any further research and a determined crystallisation of the official story. Depending on how deep the threat to one’s beliefs the information presents, the seeking out of groups and persons who can bolster and buffer those beliefs will take place where ridicule, disinformation and authoritarian precepts rule the day. No matter how illogical or irrational the stance, nothing must be allowed to penetrate these beliefs since they are bound up with identity.

2) A period of disbelief and sadness, perhaps even an initial rejection, followed by an interlude of reflection and soul-searching. This might lead to a re-visiting of the subject and the determination to find answers. The choice is made to seek a better understanding of the issues involved and arrive at more objective appraisal. The only way to do this properly is to network with others who have also recognised that something is seriously amiss.

That does not imply that all the answers are immediately forthcoming or even correct, only that the government story cannot be true and therefore a new, independent investigation must take place, however improbable such a possibility may be.

This brings us back to the idea that there are two types of people who will gravitate to either an a priori belief and the comfort it offers at the expense of truth, or the ability to think critically while maintaining an open mind – a healthy skepticism if you will. Authoritarians, drawn from both conservative and the liberal, function largely on emotions which are used to defend their worldview. The intent behind any assessment of new information is based not on the search for truth but the need to maintain that belief and thus to “feel good”. Unexamined assumptions inform the reality of fundamentalists or absolutists who prefer order and error to complex truth. Since irrational criteria is used for assessing facts which are filtered through the controlling belief, they cannot be aware of their own indoctrination and dogma.


Freedom lights anniversary (wikipedia)

Ideally, true critical thinkers, with a broad knowledge of many fields test the certitude of their conclusions. Experiential knowledge and networking without prejudice acts as the litmus test for evaluations. Lying to themselves does not feature and nor do manipulative appeals to the emotions. Impartiality and objective observation of each opposing camp is analysed while using their heads and their hearts to position themselves fairly, even if it leads to the break-down of a hidden bias or the discovery of a set of assumptions. They are aware of how easily it is to deceive themselves. This latter grouping is lacking in relation to the 9/11 inquiries and related fields – most especially ponerology.

This is what makes the events of 9/11 a highly controversial issue because it is not simply a matter of addressing the gargantuan holes in the government story; it is akin to peeling away the outer layers of an onion which can stimulate a parallel process to occur within ourselves. It is here that we find the crux of the challenge: this process of discovery is potentially more painful than simply pointing out errors in logical reasoning and scientific principles; far more sensitive than addressing social, cultural and geo-political justifications for why the official story doesn’t make sense. As you dig deeper you realise that what we considered to be truth and reality is turned upside down and that is akin to experiencing a form of withdrawal from our addictive, Official Culture. Our faith and trust in our valued institutions and the beliefs – so often based on a false interpretation of history – can be shaken to the core. So much so, that our world-view begins to unravel and thus our sense of self.

If you are one of those who consider themselves outside such cultural shocks then perhaps your particular belief hasn’t been discovered yet. The deceptions inherent in the 9/11 attacks may be easy for you to take on board but there are sure to be other “sacred cows” lying buried …We all have them. When we have not been suitably prepared and these revelations happen too quickly we can fall into loneliness, sadness and even depression as a result of knowing what we would rather not know, perhaps having shielded ourselves from what we knew to be true deep down. Or, we can go to the other extreme and become drunk on the new information, our intellect inflating to the extent it squeezes out emotional nuance and thus proper communication. We become trapped in that particular mirror and over identify with the subject in question, becoming fundamentalist in our quest. 

This is the greatest challenge to the uncovering of information and knowledge regarding 9/11 and other crimes, as it demands that we shine the light on the darkness in the outer world thereby highlighting our own inner complacency. Those factions within the Establishment who may have sanctioned and perpetrated the events of 9/11 rely on the fact that many will not go against a complex and tightly-woven set of beliefs and their societal constructs. This programming instinctively resists any attempts at disclosure and investigation in favour of the status quo. 


© Alphaspirit | Dreamstime.com – Businessman Like An Ostrich Photo

The events of 9/11 are unquestionably a rich field of discourse not just because the world changed into a more paranoid and dangerous place since that tragic event, but because the answers to so many questions about the role and function of government, the media and commerce lie within it. It is the central core from which various paths of deleterious influence fan out, and which can be traced back to providing tangible benefits to a select few. Machiavellian strategies are always in the shadows stimulating these collective traumas in the mass mind and suitably conditioned to accept the solutions proffered, however ridiculous. Qui bono always applies.

After the whitewash of the 9/11 commission, the still deafening silence of much of the MSM and infiltration of the 9/11 Truth Movement by CoIntelpro, it may be that researchers and investigative journalists have lost the initiative they might have had. Every year which goes by gives an advantage to those who perpetrated this ambitious crime. The dire consequences for the American people and for the world in general cannot be overstated. The present police state in the USA and geopolitical events in the Middle East and the Ukraine are testament to this fact.

Despite this, there is hope. More and more people are deciding to think critically about the events of that day and the surrounding geo-political narratives. It will be an arduous task to produce a consensus where it counts regarding the events of that day, let alone push for an independent investigation. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that our social systems have largely evolved to keep us compliant and docile and/or pathological and disturbed. The tranquility of mind and openness necessary to make informed choices on this subject must be hard won, especially when Establishment dynamics largely operate in secrecy along with policies in plain sight which require an understanding of their vocabulary and insider language. Thanks to independent internet journalism the blindfold might be slipping … slowly but surely.

As noted in previous posts, secrecy and conspiracy are the standard pillars holding up our Official Culture. A reminder from historian and researcher Richard M. Dolan will underscore the fact:

“Nearly everything of significance undertaken by the military and intelligence community in the past half-century has occurred in secrecy. The undertaking to build an atomic weapon, better known as the Manhattan Project, remains the great model for all subsequent activities. For more than two years not a single member of Congress knew about it, although its final cost exceeded the then incredible total of $2 billion. During and after the Second World war, other important projects, such as the development of biological weapons, the importation of Nazi scientists, terminal mind control experiments, nationwide interception of mail and cable transmissions of an unwitting populace, infiltration of the media and universities, secret coups, secret wars and assassinations all took place far removed not only from the American public, but from most members of Congress and a few presidents. Indeed, several of the most powerful intelligence agencies were themselves established in secrecy, unknown by the public or Congress for many years.” [1]

Undue secrecy and manipulation on the part of Empire always fails in the end, albeit going underground. The trick will be to predict how and when those roots may rise again. Hindsight is after all, a wonderful thing. But thanks to pioneers in the fields of psychopathy and ponerology we are now seeing a return to ancient wisdom, which, down through the ages may have been alerting us to the evil in our midst. That’s where a finely-tuned psycho-social conscience is crucial in preventing the ascendance of psychopaths in power, and when it becomes a matter of soul survival for the individual and his culture.

So, with this in mind, how did it get to a state of affairs where the American public (and much of the world) could so easily accept the Hollywood version of 9/11?

To answer this question, we must take a brief detour back to Mr. Edward Bernays who contributed to a very modern psychological coup against the US population and the consequent systematic dumbing down of its education.



[1] p.23; introduction; UFOs and the National Security State Chronology of a Cover-up – 1941-1973 (2002) By Richard M. Dolan. Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Co.

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