BREXIT BLUES: Dazed and Confused?

By M.K. Styllinski


 “Today, the imperialist designs of the United States, Britain, France, and Germany have not changed. What has changed is the pretext and justification for waging their neo-colonial wars of conquest. During the colonial period, the narratives and justifications for waging war were accepted by public opinion in the colonizing countries, such as Britain and France. Today’s “just wars” and “just causes” are now being conducted under the banners of women’s rights, human rights, humanitarianism, and democracy.”

— sociologist and award-winning writer Mahdi Darius Nazemroay, from: Preparing the Chessboard for the “Clash of Civilizations”: Divide, Conquer and Rule the “New Middle East.”

I’ll admit, I was pleasantly shocked when it was announced that Britain would be leaving the European Union.

And no, I’m not a racist, xenophobic, right-wing radical or crusty old misanthrope reliving the good ole’ days of the 1950s. I’m simply seeing the European Union for what it is: a “union” that is not designed to serve the people and never will be in its current form.

In today’s ridiculous climate of leave and remain hysteria encouraged as usual, by our ever-witless media it seems divisions and demarcations along tribal lines are being encouraged. It has given us the chance to see how the rise in nationalism and right wing sentiment is growing and it has also given us the opportunity to see how many who consider themselves left-liberal and “progressive” are reacting to such a growth. Thanks to the toxic influence of Thatcherism and Blairism in the UK we are living with a wholesale embrace of American neo-colonialism, imperialism and neo-liberal economics. This means that the banking sector, the corporation and the state have merged under the EU as never before.

Like many, I’ve seen a shift in the nature of the left and socialism in general and its inability to square the circle regarding this development, displaying both abject ignorance and denial that is extraordinary to behold. As a result and somewhat ironically, British conservatism has taken on the role of actually protecting people’s rights and values – at least for now. Yet, they too have the very real problem of the radical right flowing as an undercurrent within and threatening to wrest control from moderate principles. It still amazes me that those who see themselves fighting for a better world, a more progressive and humanitarian ethos choose to expend their energies in supporting the European Union that was never meant to be anything other than an economic outpost for highly damaging neo-liberal economics and the neo-colonial wars that go with it.

What happened to the traditional anti-war movement of the left?

What has happened to their ability to fight for the underdog?

The European Union is the first within a plan for a global union of centralised, interlocking economic unions which, in practice means:

  1. The EU has overseen a gradual increase in unemployment, poverty, social exclusion and the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor since it came into being. This rose sharply after the latest crash in 2008.
  2. The EU represents a dominance of centralised political and financial power. The European Commission decides how the national budget of member states will be spent and regulated. This is designed to funnel contributions into the vast maw of the EU to fund its various projects. This money pot is routinely abused. This is tied to the goal through which manifest the ideology of Statism as a driver for progress when it is the very nature of the state that must be opposed in order to alleviate poverty and inequality and move toward self-sufficiency and autonomy. Maximising profit and expanding capital is the abiding desire of a conglomerate of states. Since neo-liberal economics dominates, the market price of extracted commodities remains the only value. Corporatism and the State are one and worshipped by the EU as a sustainable model.
  3. The EU and Brussels is the biggest centre of lobbyists on earth perhaps numbering 15 -30,000. Lobbyists provide the “new ideas” for the vast numbers of unelected euro-civil servants who decide policy for the rest of the member states. For example, this is why GMO foods, proven to be toxic to humans can safely pass controls under EU law. Why? because many within the EU Commission and their lobbyists have shares in the Food industry. This is a standard corporate dynamic.
  4. The ideology of the European Union is solely about economic integration, having all nations reading from the same book. This is akin to saying that all people are the same. Each nation has its own culture, its own personality made of up of a rich history of experience. To expect nations to conform to a one-size-fits-all monetary policy is at best impractical, at worst a system of organised debt slavery which naturally benefits only corporations, banks and bureaucrats.
  5. The EU authoritarianism cannot service long-term environmental concerns or regional and community values since its values are directed by neo-liberal economics and financial warfare. This is the antithesis of local, regional and national destiny and sovereignty and autonomy. It pays lip service to environmental concerns through abortive short-term projects and grants which are continually supplanted by its inherent injustice and economic iniquities. However, the pseudo-ecological environmental concerns are pushed under the mantle of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 which is largely an exercise in greenwashing and systematic social control.
  6. The EU and the U.S. negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is representative of the mindset that flows through this autocratic monolith. The TTIP  represents the greatest threat to Europe’s sovereignty by expanding the U.S. corporate and financial empire into Europe and giving carte blanche to transnationals to privatise and sell off Europe’s assets. It has yet to be ratified but it looks likely that it will be, as it offers a massive opportunity for the usual suspects to cream off more dividends at the expense of ordinary people. For more on this topic see here.
  7. The EU has yet to be given a clean bill of health by auditors. This is because corruption, nepotism and bureaucracy is endemic. This is always the case with heavily centralised systems of economic control where enormous waste and exploitation is the norm. The European Central Bank thrives on its debts which are distributed to transnationals who indulge in all manner of Ponzi schemes to buy back their own shares excluding honest investors. This is the 0.00.1% way of doing “business” in the EU which is a mirror of business in the United States.
  8. The EU encourages adherence to traditional forms of economic disparity including absolute authority to the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) the World Trade Organisation (WTO) all of which promote the “Shock Doctrine” of cartel capitalism euphemistically called “structural Adjustment” and “harmonisation.”  An inherently corrupt and destructive financial template offers massive loans to governments tied at the hip to transnational corporations with the condition that social infrastructure is destroyed to service a debt that becomes more and more difficult to pay back, so much so, that it becomes a form of slavery.  The EU promotes this neo-feudalism where, unlike the centuries old serfdom who parried a few scraps for their exploitation, the ordinary man and women receive nothing in return.
  9.  The EU floats on a legion of think tanks heavily biased toward neo-Marxist orthodoxies, both of which have caused social and cultural carnage in the last forty years. This includes a pernicious propaganda designed to bully and bribe nations into EU reductionism which forces the devolution of national powers and laws in favour of a centralised legislation to unelected Eurocrats in Brussels.  The dissolution of borders and the eradication of the concept of nation states is essential for transnationals and World State ideologues.
  10. The EU inevitably displaces domestic modes of production within member states in favour of cheap foreign imports thereby eroding generational and traditional modes of production and community that had nourished the social fabric of those nations. This leads to the impoverishment of towns and villages and the imposition of corporate, factory-farming practices which tie the farmer to transnationals;, the despoiling and erosion of the land through the use of pesticides, herbicides etc. and the automation and mainstreaming of traditional farming toward a SMART vision of agriculture which takes us further from traditional farming practices which trod lightly on the earth and respected her cycles. This is tied to the same neo-liberal exploitation with all the complex, non-linear feedback of negative effects that go with such a move.
  11. The EU, as part of the Anglo-American agreement to gain control of the Middle East has been a long time, active participant and supporter in numerous wars carried out by the United States and Israel. Accordingly, European intelligence agencies and outsourced private armies – in particular the United kingdom – have supported US-NATO-led acts of aggression against countries ripe for regime change causing millions of civilian casualties. This has caused massive destabilization and has led directly to the present immigration crisis, feeding the undercurrent of right wing radicalism.
  12. The EU is monolithic outpost of neo-imperialism. Although the strategy and tactics are determined in Berlin since Germany is the prime mover behind the EU superstate, Brussels is the centre of a military-corporate complex under the auspices of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).  This systemic and entrenched level of criminal activity incorporates a multi-billion dollar turnover from drug-trafficking, money-laundering, human-trafficking, out-sourced security (private armies) and a complete merger of the state and underworld to produce a nexus point of a European “Overworld.” In other words, Since the Treaty of Maastricht, all the members of the European Union are beholden and bound to the defence protocols of the United States. When the Pentagon decides on the countries targeted for economic warfare via the US Department of the Treasury (USDT), every member nation of the European Union and NATO are obliged to apply US sanctions.
  13. The EU has Brussels at the heart of past and present child trafficking and child rape networks which are intimately connected to European institutions and above criminal activity. They go hand in hand. (See links at the foot of this article)
  14. The EU is fully integrated into the phony war on terror and the inexorable move toward SMART Surveillance Superstate. Its intelligence agencies mirror the criminal acts of the United States in fostering false flag terrorism through Islamic fundamentalism. It supports the continuance of state-sponsored terror harking back to the red brigade armies of Operation Gladio in 1950s Europe and the CoIntelpro activities of the FBI and CIA in the civil rights era. Both of these deep state dynamics have continued under the Union and represents the true, disturbing true face of European Establishment rule.
  15. The EU is an authoritarian superstate in the making as per a Third Reich legacy and the Treaty of Rome, both designed to concentrate power in Germany. This has been the vision of all fascist groupings since the early 19th Century and best represented by the (until recently) ultra-secret organisation: Le Cercle, a Pan-European Synarchist group. And now, with a potential Brexit looming, a more desperate and blatant acceleration of these plans has taken place. A recent 9 page document leaked by Polish media outlet TVP Info. has shown that the oft derided “myth” of a superstate is profoundly true. Entitled: “A strong Europe in a world of uncertainties,” the paper is written by Jean-Marc Ayrault and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the foreign ministers of Germany and France – the two nations which hold the reigns of power in Europe as a whole. They propose nothing short of tyranny with:
    • An EU Directed military chain of command
    • A European Security Compact.
    • Expansion of internal security.
    • A strengthened Europol.
    • Expansion of security in Middle East, Africa, and all traditional U.S.-NATO occupations.
    • Common European asylum and migration policy including European Aslyum Agency linked to EU-controlled databases.
    • Fast tracking of the Economic and Monetary Union.
    • Development of a European Monetary Fund.
    • And the acceleration of a common taxation.

All justifed from the creation of Russia as the new Cold War bogeyman. You can read the full paper HERE.

And many people are actually protesting and demanding that we remain in such a bloated entity?

If you want to get the inside scoop on just how undemocratic and elitist the EU really is do watch the above documentary by Peter Vlemmix

Sure, it’s not all bad.

There has been an enormous amount of money sloshing around the EU in the form of subsidies and grants for member states, not least the cash for many environmental initiatives. It has also had significant progress in reducing greenhouse gases by 23% across Europe. However, these positives are dwarfed by its essential nature. Environmental legislation should be a common cause outside of a supranational entity. Dispensing money from a centralised system is a product of systemic debt dependency and precisely the lack of self-sufficiency that the EU encourages. We go to the EU coffers for handouts because of the inherent inequality of the economic system it represents and the lack of independence it demands to sustain its unworkable machinery. This is a federal Europe by non-violent means, but federalism nonetheless.

“In fourteen out of the EU’s 28 member states, one in three children are considered to be living in poverty.”

Alarming report reveals rampant poverty across Europe


“The extent of corruption in Europe is ‘breathtaking’ and it costs the EU economy at least 120bn euros (£99bn) annually, the European Commission says”

Corruption across EU ‘breathtaking’ – EU Commission, BBC News.

I received an email this morning which positively screamed at me in big bold letters: “FIGHT RACISM RESIST BREXIT!!” sign the petition for a second referendum!” It is this kind of knee-jerk reaction and idiocy that feeds into Establishment wishes. The immigration problem must be dealt with sensibly and with due pragmatism otherwise countries already straining under EU-banker imposed austerity measures will simply not cope. What appears to be lost on those screaming a racist conspiracy behind anyone who doesn’t have an open door policy to all and everyone is the salient fact that such a catastrophe is a direct result of US-NATO – and therefore EUROPEAN – war-mongering which has destabilised and displaced millions of people under the pretext of fighting ISIS, the terrorist upgrade from Al-Qaeda, both of which were/are Western backed tools for Middle Eastern regime change.  The ignorance on this point is astounding. Ergo, to equate the wish for sensible immigration policies, independence and self-determination with racism is juvenile and should be treated with the derision it deserves. Such fallacies continue to be popular in the so-called progressive camp who wouldn’t know objective reality if it hit them between the eyes.

Britain leaving the European Union is one step towards true sovereignty and the chance for alternative modes of resource management, sensible trade, home-grown economics, community, pragmatic and sustainable living to finally emerge outside of a government beholden to EU directives and EU law. This is simply common sense. It does not mean we escape from the shadow of corporatism but it is a step in the right direction, should it happen. Yet, we have a groundswell of progressive ideals seeking to reform the EU and offer “alternatives” and old style socialism to be grafted onto a system that is immoral and valueless at its very heart. One thing we cannot do is expect to solve problems by utilising the very same economic framework which spawned the problems in the first place!

This is when socialist, left-liberal ideals become extremely dangerous because they are founded on beliefs which do not incorporate knowledge of ponerology, remaining stubbornly fixed in the notion that a foundation rooted in a psychopathic worldview can be cured. The psychopath cannot be cured nor can its institutions. It amounts to repairing numerous holes in a sinking ship refusing to believe that the wood is riddled with wood worm. In this way, much energy is expended in a perpetual activity to repair and reform. Then as the boat begins to sink you realise too late that the boat itself was never designed for the sea…

Source: ‘Sinking European Economies a Threat to World Economies’. (Jafrian News)

To support Brexit has nothing to do with xenophobia or any other right wing reaction that the “Project Fear” campaign mounted by the UK government sought to instill in the British population. To leave the EU is to ignite the expression of true individuality within a commonality of nations. But to embrace such an opportunity one has to be fully cognizant of what the European Union – and its neighbour in crime the United States – has stood for since the cold war, namely a hybrid mix of cartel capitalism and a pseduo-socialism to benefit the few over the majority.

Closer ties between nation states is possible but it will never arrive if we follow the paramoral and paralogical notions so beloved of the Europhiles and who try to persuade us that its economic and social directives are normal, sensible and proper when they are anything but. True integration of values and sustainable fiscal policies can only materialise if we first become truly self-sufficient and autonomous nations, able to take care of ourselves yet open to meaningful exchange on REAL manufacturing and local business trading first, and second, with Europe and the world as a whole. Neither does this exclude the integration of  humanitarian principles and people’s propensity for natural cooperation. Yet we have to reject the common “EU-speak” culture of idealistic and politically correct euphemisms which often lead to the exact opposite.

If Britain and other nations in the EU were truly sovereign they could impose their own tailored regulations and rules based on their own economic and socio-cultural climate instead of overseeing the sell-off of their companies and the dependence on foreign investment and ownership. Where corporations close down factories and move on to the next killing as per EU directives and economic policy, it leaves behind mass unemployment, social dislocation and the interminable decline of what a creative community ethos used to mean.

It means to respect and honour each nations’ way of conducting their own destiny while working to assist each other when asked. When each country has reached a point where they have clawed back their identity free from interfering centralised control and financial exploitation, then we will eventually have stabilisation, self-regulation, and true strength of independence which comes from a sense of belonging. This is the right of every individual nation which is allowed to develop a healthy pride in its culture and people and which will naturally be reflected in its trade and partnerships with other countries in Europe. It is then that the collective impulse to grow together can work because it begins from a solid foundation of self-reliance and self-development, just as it must within a community, family or the individual who strives to be sustainable and successful.

“16.9 million people [are] out of work in the 17 countries making up the euro currency area. Compared to the same month a year ago, the number of people on the dole rose a staggering 1.4 million.”

EU unemployment soars to record high

Any potential for true social and cultural emancipation is lost when we have well-placed leaders and authoritarian followers acting as parasites who feed on that potential. Through the imposition of an obsessive consumerism and commercialisation, a materialism which is taken as a normal part of our socio-political paradigm, our way of life is inevitably reduced down to a GDP quota and dollar sign, all of which leads to ever greater control for banks and corporations who care little about the diminishing returns for most of society. This has led to an increase in serious mental illness and a loss of meaning which are natural reactions to the structural pathologies which cage us. It will not get better if we give away our creative power to those who care nothing for people’s suffering and indeed, actively encourage it to maintain their privilege. This is the legacy of the European Union and its American partners.

By the same token, the rise of nationalism and radical right is a very real danger. While I support the right of nations to determine their own destiny and do not agree with the erosion of national borders, there are reasons to be concerned about the undercurrent flowing within European Conservatism, American Republicanism and Euro-nationalist movements despite their present value in resisting U.S. and EU globalism. Nationalism and conservatism offer very real antidotes to the impractical and naive policies currently engineering societies and which flow like a tidal wave from the European left. We have gender confusion, politically correct group-think, the politicisation of minority sexuality and the serious decay of traditional values which gave meaning and authenticity to communities. However, there is no doubt that the ultra-right has hitched a ride on the genuine, balanced reasons for exiting Europe and with the inevitable economic hardship that will arrive from Brexit, should it materialise. With or without such a move, far right sentiment will spread like wild-fire as it always does when authority breaks down. (The Weimar Republic is an example and Europe is extremely close to those exact same elements which gave rise to extremism).

Authoritarian followers are found most commonly on the religious right and within nationalist movements yet can also be found on just as easily on the left, though the latter expresses itself in a covert “soft” totalitarianism rather than overt fascism. Call it Orwellian and Huxleyian – they are two sides of the same coin. Regardless of belief each defines their sense of self from those in authority so that  the confusion, uncertainty and fear can be exorcised. This insecurity can be channelled into charismatic figures who are traditionally found in reactionary organisations who seek to make a clear distinction between the “other” as the threat – implicit or explicit – and shore up the walls accordingly. We see this in reactionary figures like Donald Trump and to a much lesser extent Nigel Farage and UKIP. It is not so much the danger of these leaders as the pent up forces that they seek to unconsciously or consciously unleash and which quickly turn into more extreme forms of discontent which benefit no one. This is fuelled by very genuine suffering which channels a steady flow of emotional and instinctive fear that the Elite have habitually used to divide and conquer and driving us away from creative solutions which could mark the end of their control.

So, in one sense, the Brexit fear-mongering was right: there will be economic hardship and the potential for right wing radicalism to gain ground should we not navigate through this change very carefully indeed. The Establishment would like nothing better than to be “forced” to accelerate their surveillance and terror tactics under the guise of “protecting society” from itself. Maybe it is time we started to realise that it is the people that need to be protected from the State and the Union of European oligarchs presently trying to hold on to their corrupt power base.

And of course, it remains to be seen if Britain will actually leave the EU. But I suspect we won’t have to wait too long to find out.



The Eurocrats and Marc Dutroux I

The Eurocrats and Marc Dutroux II:  A Judge, a King, a Psychopath and His Lover

The Eurocrats and Marc Dutroux III: Satanic Signs

The Eurocrats and Marc Dutroux IV: Underworld Justice

Europhilia I

Europhilia II: Casa Pia and Catholic Rumours

See also Dmitry Orlov’s commentary: Firing Elites




































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