Vladimir Putin

Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep-State Part III

By M.K. Styllinski


© infrakshun

Setting aside the possibility that Trump was “allowed in” at the eleventh hour once Killary was found to be a liability and hot on the heels of DNC vote rigging, [1]  there can be no doubt that he had a substantial platform of ordinary support. [2 ]Regardless of the complexities of the path Trump must now follow, in order to understand why so many voted for the man we have to a) understand the international and domestic background to his popularity b) whether or not he is going to be a significant impediment to the shadow government.

The intense dissatisfaction with government in both the United States and Europe was sourced from a decades long bubbling resentment against the Powers that Be and their corrupt, criminal enterprise we call the White House, Congress, its federal agencies and the European Union’s endless unelected bodies of Eurocratic corruption. Both perpetuate a neo-liberal economic monster the likes of which culminated in the sub prime housing crisis in the states encouraging a form of financial warfare between banks and corporations all due to a huge popping of a financial bubble the shock waves of which had serious repercussions in Europe. Hello austerity measures. Thanks very much said the banking cartels. It was to result in the further consolidation and centralisation of this economic model and a return to business as usual on a higher and more risky turn of socio-economic resource extraction (people being the ultimate resource).

This led to a massive financial bonanza for the rich whilst the poor and middle classes shouldered the cost producing a sharp rise in mental illness, poverty and hardship. Americans, who were already reeling from the Bush-Cheney era, unnecessary foreign wars and the commensurate rise of the police state bore the brunt of this cynical exercise in propping up a dying banking system. Most importantly, such obvious criminality gave rise to complete disillusionment, anger and fury against the Establishment and politics.  A large proportion of the American public saw through the veil and responded to Trump as a relative outsider who appeared to speak their language, appealed to traditional right wing America as well as Libertarians and those in between.

In one sense, the reasons why Trump found himself as president is not the point. Trumphobia is a side show and a distraction. What the new president elect is up against – indeed everyone who truly has a conscience set afire by our brother and sister’s suffering – are the engines or drivers of psychopathic infection which create our present Official Culture, its pathological enculturation and adjustment to a false normality. Moreover, these drivers encourage us to fuel our institutions, governments, military, and socio-economic infrastructures largely by default and with an alien perception of the psychopath and narcissist, spreading like a psycho-virus from the trusted but entirely broken model of statism – a belief in the state as both provider/enforcer and from which all our ills are created.


Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep State Part I

By M.K. Styllinski

“I’m a bit of a P. T. Barnum.” Trump, 1991

Indeed he is – and so the show goes on.

Whether you like or loathe Donald Trump he appears to have been the first in a long time to have been democratically elected offering a platform of nationalist capitalism. It remains to be seen if this trajectory will oppose the hybrid blend of cultural Marxism and cartel capitalism which has been destroying the socio-cultural fabric of America for decades. Although Trump, with help from the media is perceived as a sexist, racist and bigoted demagogue (all, or some of which may be true) he is getting down to business and attempting change, despite the media-led hysteria and propaganda. What I want to do in these series of articles is not just explore whether Donald Trump is the caricature of the ivory tower rich but to question the hysteria and focus of the the left in light of their rude awakening to such a presidency. Moreover, how this cognitive dissonance is actually feeding into the Establishment’s wishes.

It’s proving a very tough call indeed for many who consider themselves “progressive” and “left-liberal” to see the wood for the trees. Indeed, it seems the very notion of “wood” or “trees” simply doesn’t register. Gee, we gotta have the first female president already…That’s all that matters right? The fact that Hillary Clinton is one of the most repellent criminals ever to stain politics seems to be of secondary importance. And it was the same PR/marketing brand of an Establishment candidate that propelled Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” into office. “Wouldn’t it be neat to have the first black president and then the first female president? Keewwwwl.”  And when that didn’t work out the encroachment of reality meant collective fingers were thrust into ears and screaming tantrums exploded into protests; calls for a democratic re-vote were screamed from behind balaclavas contradicting the whole basis of democracy in the first place: Whaaaaaaaaaaa! – cue toys thrown out of pram.

If that wasn’t enough, then the predominantly twenty-something middle class voters accuse “fascist pig Trump” of exactly the same style of group-think fascism in calling for his assassination and abusing anyone who has the temerity to think differently. So much for free speech. It appears as if inclusiveness and cooperation, tolerance and humanitarianism is only for those in your own tribe. Otherwise, you can apparently “Go fuck yourself.”

The videos here here, and here  pretty much sum up the petulance and hypocrisy on display to the point where self-entitled snowflakes hurl abuse at all and everyone and self-proclaimed “anarchists” decide to trash property and commit violence on Trump supporters. Now, despite having a few issues with Conservative and Libertarian views, when Barack Obama was elected there was no such reaction from this sector of belief nor did they have very public and attention-seeking meltdowns of the kind we are getting from the left in tandem with usual MSM editorials. I resonate to anarchism in its original meaning, the origins of which these spoiled young narcissists appear to have no clue at all, preferring to vomit their unresolved issues everybody else. Be the change you’d like to see in the world? If that’s the case then America’s fallen into the path of Non-being…


World State Policies I

 By M.K. Styllinski

“There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists – to their mutual benefit. This alliance has gone unobserved largely because academic historians have an unconscious Marxian bias and are thus locked into the impossibility of any such alliance existing.”

Anthony C. Sutton, Wall St. And the Bolshevik Revolution (1974)

The David Rockefellers of this world have a long history of managing the hoi-polloi of ordinary folk like you and I who consider “auto-determination” a human right rather than a quaint historical footnote. Once we understand that such a perception of smug superiority is not a passing whim but an indelible stamp of elite-thinking that holds normal humanity in absolute contempt, then we will begin to understand that such people seek to bend the world to a singular reality without majority consent. And because they have been practicing this art of modern manipulation for at least 150 years, with access to cutting-edge resources from psychology to technology, history to economics – they have become exceedingly good at it.

So what is the objective of this Plan? We’ll look at a few of the main building blocks of Pathocratic rule such as the relationship between capitalism and collectivism, the role of a peculiar vision of science including eugenics; food as a weapon and advocates of depopulation. Once again, various ideologies, institutions, criminal cartels and political and social movements will be used as tools to achieve those ends. Certain themes can be discerned that will be obvious to everyone, the methods and the effects of which have been briefly discussed in previous posts.

We might call the broad brush changes that have helped to take over the world of normal people as the “4Cs” which can be viewed as both chronological and non-linear in nature whereby each gives rise to the other in an ascending spiral.

These are:

1. Commercialisation through deregulated capitalism

2. Consolidation through cartel corporatism and financial warfare

3. Centralisation through the transfer of power from local to global

4. Control and its maintenance once achieved.

Extreme commercialisation has affected every aspect of our lives from the quality of food we eat to the type of education our children receive. We are no longer people but “consumers.” The commoditisation of life and the short-term gains it offers relies on economic disparities, debt enslavement and perpetual war to keep the illusion of choice and economic growth in place. However, most of us are firmly trapped in this economic and materialist model that offers nothing more than a serious reduction in the quality of life for most on the planet. While it is true that capitalism has been the model for the rise of the West and as a result of the present increase in prosperity being enjoyed by Asia, the ecological, social and spiritual consequences of this economic paradigm have been disastrous. Yet nothing is allowed to challenge the concept of this version of cartel-capitalism which still determines the economic machinery of global economics. A widespread acceptance of models that would drastically improve the lives of millions is purposely avoided to maintain the status quo. Not only do alternative modes of commerce and more localised, community-based economies exist they are eminently workable.

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Viable alternatives are shackled by a mix of conscious and unconscious conditioning and the beliefs that rise up out of such insecurity. In the face of change at the local level which may be derived from models which go counter to the dominant systems of the 4Cs operating at national and global levels, it is extraordinarily difficult to implement and sustain alternative methodologies no matter how practical or sensible they may be. Opting out of this entrenched system is now no longer possible for most, economically and psychologically as we are completely inside the concept of market demand.

The rise of cartel-capitalism is a gargantuan pathology based on the exact same personality traits of the psychopath. When populations have to fight their way out of poverty and squalor only to be given the chance to inflict the same economic footprint of their eventual capitalist success on others, we see that this system is designed to erode responsibility, increase unsustainability and create a cycle of perpetual boom and bust; where the haves and have nots dance in an eternal cycle of resource competition. All of which, is inevitably and perhaps literally – soul-destroying.

“Globalisation,” “globalism” and “World State” mean the 4Cs. Your personal life and personal goals are unimportant to the planners unless those goals are consistent with the sociological, economic and “religious” goals of their global vision. To be useful to the Pathocrats you must be like a number in an algorithm, to be herded and managed into units of consumption. Is this the real goal of commercialisation: to dehumanize and devalue so that humanity become the products that they covet, so that psychopaths can roam free and increase their numbers finally eclipsing normal humanity completely?

Consolidation has been taking place at an ever faster rate since the Industrial Revolution and represents the move towards greater and greater centralisation. Corporate mergers trans-national entities, mass privatisation, monolithic agribusiness and media empires are all products of this phase of consolidation. In the manipulated economic crisis of 2008 (which is still continuing) JP Morgan, Citibank and Goldman Sacs were among the top mega-companies to make a killing in the wake of the crisis after having used billions of dollars of tax payers’ money given to them by the governments. Trillions were sunk into a “bailout” black-hole to keep the international banking system and its corporate partners afloat while the global economy began its final push towards even greater centralisation. What amounted to a form of financial warfare saw the asset spoils going to the bigger companies who bought up the bankrupted losers thereby consolidating their new positions. What’s more, societies of ordinary people were duped into paying for these “bail-outs” with “austerity measures”. How many of the elite do you think were effected by this imposition? Billions were wiped off social welfare, hikes in taxes, food prices and oil were imposed all of which maintained the financial system that bit longer so that they could extract more dividends and cream off what is left of the old crony capitalism before the final meltdown. In combination with the West’s proxy wars, Homelessness, repossessions, mass unemployment and an immigration exodus were the result.

Meanwhile, the rich are getting richer. The 1 percent of the wealthiest have made more profit from this global recession than ever before. The only ones pulling in the purse-strings are the middle and working classes. Ordinary people are being asked to “tighten their belts” work harder for less pay in the West so that the iniquitous banking model can be allowed to consolidate and centralise their operations still further. This translates into business as usual for countries like Africa which continue to be despoiled and invaded by Western corporations looking for the next consolidated “hit” backed by the same Banks who have been pleading governments to help them “survive.”

None of this is about improving the lot of humanity. It is about maintaining pure, legitimized greed which is then mandated by law. We are so irrevocably enmeshed in the system of the 4Cs that any attempts to jump ship at the national or individual level, creates insurmountable problems. The Establishment must convince its populations that their way is the only way and like good little school children you must obey Teacher. According to the “elected” authorities, we cannot and must not attempt to be the architects of the school itself.

The United States has been the defining inspiration for the capitalist model for over a hundred years. While it has been the source of all that is best in humanity, the country has declined since the Kennedy brothers assassinations and sharply after the September 11th Attacks on the Twin Towers. This deep-seated tendency to authoritarianism has given the American people a perverse rendering of history and an almost indelible stamp of para-moral rectitude. As we have seen, even more shocking is the realization that the form of government that dominates today is National Socialism which was of course, the socio-political ideology of choice for the Nazis. It was Benito Mussolini who suggested that fascism, was corporatism or as author and journalist Jim Marrs points out: “… in countries such as Italy and Germany before World War II the State took over the corporations. In the United States today, the corporations have taken over the State, but the end result is the same.” [1] We may not have the jackboots and swastikas but the suits and ties and thought police work just as well.

In a nut-shell, elite psychopaths can choose to employ past and the present, “traditional” and “progressive” according to their needs. (See below).

Inverted Totalitarianism / Huxleyian

Classical Totalitarianism / Orwellian

Corporate domination of State and economy

State domination of economy and business

Political apathy and ignorance

Active political mobilisation of the populace

Mask of Democracy

Open rejection of democracy

Classical and Inverted Totalitarianism

The ponerisation of the United States of America is what we have likened to a “soft” or inverted totalitarianism. It is because this descent is not obvious that it becomes more dangerous, lying as it does behind infotainment, corporatism and ponerised cultural “norms.” Political philosopher Sheldon Wolin refers to just such an inversion taking place but with distinct differences compared to more classical forms of totalitarianism as seen under Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union. [2]  Whereas in the Nazi Third Reich’s dictatorship it exercised State power over the economy and its players, with inverted totalitarianism, it is the corporate model which dominates the State. Similarly, where the Nazis were masters of propaganda aimed at mobilising the power of the people the reversal of totalitarian dynamics serves to put the people to sleep under a mass inversion. Here, it is the recurrent theme of sensation, pleasure and ignorance which keeps people in a state of servitude through an official culture founded on narcissism and the consequent open door to a range of mental and emotional addictions.

Finally, whereas democracy is openly rejected under classical forms of totalitarianism, the inverted model hides behind a mask of democracy where democratic principles exist only on paper, soon to be dispensed with altogether with the right “crisis.” This is perhaps the most important distinction between the past and the present. Pathocracy uses an inversion of known totalitarian principles so that it perfectly adapts to both the emerging culture of the Information Age whilst adhering to more Orwellian methods of the past.

 “The rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let society work for you. So long as we see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point….a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit.”

Frederick C. Howe, Confessions of a Monopolist (1906)

The Corporatist-Collectivist Chess board

A key ingredient in the capitalist-collectivist hybrid that currently infects societies today is the rise of Marxism, the important Hegelian tool of choice for Elite objectives.

Preceding World War I, Marxist theory was all the rage but the Zionist / Wall St. funded Communist revolution didn’t quite work out as planned in terms of mass appeal because workers could see that it wasn’t a panacea – it simply couldn’t deliver, and most certainly not in the West. Which is why cultural Marxism and its Fabian agents took gradualism to its heart in order to reshape the mass mind of the West toward Marxist principles by stealth while encouraging corporatism to grow alongside it. In fact, the European Union was founded on exactly the same principles that gave rise to both the U.S.S.R and the Nazi Third Reich. Indeed, the latter was instrumental in the visionary ideas that saw the development of the European Union as we have come to recognise it now. It is no surprise that Germany is its most powerful leader since the back-up plan of the Nazis was precisely this: if they could not win the war logistically and strategically then dominance would come in the future via economic power.

(For more on this see The EU: The Truth about the Fourth Reich How Adolf Hitler Won the Second World War By Daniel J. Beddowes and Flavio Cipollini).

It was this root that the same Synarchist-Fascist impulse was to create the European formation of the Gladio terrorist networks which sprung up in the 1950s and 60s and that saw American conservatives effect massive Cold War witch-hunts against a so-called Communist conspiracy. Their hunches were far more accurate than we realise if somewhat simplistic and to which huge derision was drawn from the liberal left. But they were wrong overall – they did not understand the hybrid of extremes which were attempting to join.

So, what form has this “socialism” in the West actually taken? Simply put, collectivism is the opposite of individualism, where group thought, philosophy, action and principle overrides the needs of the individual. The term can be divided into horizontal collectivism and vertical collectivism. The former is collective decision-making among largely equal individuals, and is therefore based on decentralisation, while the latter is drawn from hierarchical power structures and socio-cultural conformity, and is based on centralisation. [3] While such a drive to group endeavour can bring out the positive aspects of our interdependence and our shared experiences across the planet, the kind of collectivism we will explore is an overreaching form that employs both vertical and distorted horizontal forms into one vast entity – its expression having been ponerised by emerging strains of psychopathy. The onset of ponerogenesis will manifest by whatever channels deemed suitable in order to achieve Pathocracy. Remember that none of these ideologies are evil in themselves, but used in a pathocratic context, they become tools of destruction.

The war between collectivism and individualism continues to rage in the West, while in the Middle East, Asia and Africa a blend of Anglo-American influences amid certain theocracies combine Church and State, compelling citizens to accept a particular religious doctrine set against radical secularism – a fine breeding ground for numerous civil wars. We are all immersed in an array of belief systems from Conservatism to Liberalism, Communism, Neo-Conservatism and Zionism and on and on so that division is the keynote for Establishment leverage. To that end, money is the denominator in all things which goes way beyond simplistic ideas of trickle down. The state-shadowed Communism and corporate capitalism are blood brothers. As the late German historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler remarked in his Decline of the West (1991) “There is no proletarian, not even a Communist, movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, in the direction indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money–and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.”

While many globalists officially discard Stalinism they embrace collectivism and Marxist ideology quite happily. It is collectivism which is ideally suited to the more Huxleyian or inverted form of totalitarianism. If we take a look at the sprawling mess of the European Union we see the same hybrid of totalitarianism at work, this time from a mix of both the Liberal Establishment and European Synarchy. Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky warned in a speech that the European Union: “… represents a continuation of the totalitarian vision he had fought against in Russia … The former Soviet president Mikhail S. Gorbachev put it more succinctly when he told the official Russian news agency, Ria Novosti, last week that ‘It is all about influence and domination in Europe.’ ” [4]

Bukovsky is no reactionary. After the Soviets expelled him to the West in 1976 he has offered unique insights into the nature of the Soviet Communist Party drawn from direct experience of the regime. He was the one of the first to expose the use of psychiatric imprisonment against political prisoners in the former USSR and according to journalist Belgian Paul Belien: “… spent a total of twelve years (1964-1976), from his 22nd to his 34th year, in Soviet jails, labour camps and psychiatric institutions.” [5] In 1992 he was invited by the Russian government to serve as an expert at a trial to ascertain whether or not the Communist Party had been a criminal institution, Bukovsky was permitted access to a great many classified documents from secret Soviet archives. Only a handful of people have seen this information. What he managed to scan for his own records has become an intriguing confirmation of the pathology shaping the beliefs of collectivism as a tool for Pathocracy.

The Russian dissident takes up the story:

“In 1992 I had unprecedented access to Politburo Central Committee secret documents which have been classified, and still are even now, for 30 years. These documents show very clearly that the whole idea of turning the European common market into a federal state was agreed between the left-wing parties of Europe and Moscow as a joint project which [Soviet leader Mikhail] Gorbachev in 1988-89 called our common European home.

“The idea was very simple. It first came up in 1985-86, when the Italian Communists visited Gorbachev, followed by the German Social-Democrats. They all complained that the changes in the world … were threatening to wipe out the achievement (as they called it) of generations of Socialists and Social-Democrats – threatening to reverse it completely. Therefore the only way to withstand this onslaught of wild capitalism (as they called it) was to try to introduce the same socialist goals in all countries at once. Prior to that, the left-wing parties and the Soviet Union had opposed European integration…. From 1985 onwards they completely changed their view. The Soviets came to a conclusion and to an agreement with the left-wing parties that if they worked together they could hijack the whole European project and turn it upside down. Instead of an open market they would turn it into a federal state.” [6]

Many of these documents are freely available on a variety of websites on the internet. Interestingly, we see the same power brokers such as the Trilateral Commission and the Rockefellers in the thick of it:

“In January of 1989, for example, a delegation of the Trilateral Commission came to see Gorbachev. It included [former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro] Nakasone, [former French President Valéry] Giscard d’Estaing, [American banker David] Rockefeller and [former US Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger. They had a very nice conversation where they tried to explain to that Soviet Russia had to integrate into the financial institutions of the world, such as Gatt, the IMF and the World Bank…

“…the original idea was to have what they called a convergency, whereby the Soviet Union would mellow somewhat and become more social-democratic, while Western Europe would become social-democratic and socialist…. This is why the structures of the European Union were initially built with the purpose of fitting into the Soviet structure. This is why they are so similar in functioning and in structure.

“It is no accident that the European Parliament, for example, reminds me of the Supreme Soviet. It looks like the Supreme Soviet because it was designed like it. Similarly, when you look at the European Commission it looks like the Politburo. I mean it does so exactly, except for the fact that the Commission now has 25 members and the Politburo usually had 13 or 15 members. Apart from that they are exactly the same, unaccountable to anyone, not directly elected by anyone at all.” [7]

Vladimir Bukovsky’s point is crucial. Rather than revealing a communist conspiracy a totalitarian structure was carefully nurtured and organised by proponents of socialist and capitalist ideologies, the bridge between the two being Pathocratic objectives camouflaged by tailored belief systems:

“When you look into all this bizarre activity of the European Union with its 80,000 pages of regulations it looks like Gosplan … an organisation which was planning everything in the economy, to the last nut and bolt, five years in advance. Exactly the same thing is happening in the EU. When you look at the type of EU corruption, it is exactly the Soviet type of corruption, going from top to bottom rather than going from bottom to top.

“If you go through all the structures and features of this emerging European monster you will notice that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union. Of course, it is a milder version … It has no KGB – not yet – but I am very carefully watching such structures as Europol for example. That really worries me a lot because this organisation will probably have powers bigger than those of the KGB…. Can you imagine a KGB with diplomatic immunity?

“They will have to police us on 32 kinds of crimes – two of which are particularly worrying, one is called racism, another is called xenophobia. … Someone from the British government told us that those who object to uncontrolled immigration from the Third World will be regarded as racist and those who oppose further European integration will be regarded as xenophobes….

“The Soviet Union used to be a state run by ideology. Today’s ideology of the European Union is social-democratic, statist, and a big part of it is also political correctness. I watch very carefully how political correctness spreads and becomes an oppressive ideology

Look at this persecution of people like the Swedish pastor who was persecuted for several months because he said that the Bible does not approve homosexuality. France passed the same law of hate speech concerning gays. Britain is passing hate speech laws concerning race relations and now religious speech …. What you observe, taken into perspective, is a systematic introduction of ideology which could later be enforced with oppressive measures. Apparently that is the whole purpose of Europol ….

“It looks like we are living in a period of rapid, systematic and very consistent dismantlement of democracy. Look at this Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill. It makes ministers into legislators who can introduce new laws without bothering to tell Parliament or anyone. … This can make a dictatorship out of your country in no time.

“Major political parties have been completely taken in by the new EU project….. They have become very corrupt. Who is going to defend our freedoms?… The most likely outcome is that there will be an economic collapse in Europe, which in due time is bound to happen with this growth of expenses and taxes. The inability to create a competitive environment, the over regulation of the economy, the bureaucratisation, it is going to lead to economic collapse. Particularly the introduction of the euro was a crazy idea….

“Look to the huge number of immigrants from Third World countries now living in Europe. This was promoted by the European Union. What will happen with them if there is an economic collapse? … In no other country were there such ethnic tensions as in the Soviet Union…. This huge edifice of bureaucracy is going to collapse on our heads…. We are losing and we are wasting time.” [8] [Emphasis mine]

So far, with the likely collapse of the euro at some point in the near future and widespread economic hardship in Europe, the above analysis from 2006 has proved quite correct. Bukovsky is no politically motivated dissident on a mission of vengeance against modern Russia, a entirely different animal of the Soviet past. He sees the totalitarian structures, ideologies, plans in much the same way that Łobaczewski sees inevitable expansion of ponerogenic influences to which such bureaucracies are wide open. It is not a coincidence that the Soviet Union’s elimination of nationhood in favour of “Unions” and “blocs” is the same goal of the Anglo-American Liberal Establishment. On this point Bukovsky further observed:

“The ultimate purpose of the Soviet Union was to create a new historic entity, the Soviet people, all around the globe. The same is true in the EU today. They are trying to create a new people. They call this people ‘Europeans’, whatever that means.

“According to Communist doctrine as well as to many forms of Socialist thinking, the… national state, is supposed to wither away. In Russia, however, the opposite happened. Instead of withering away the Soviet state became a very powerful state, but the nationalities were obliterated….” [9]

Bukovsky  is convinced that the European Union “cannot be democratized” due to its latent totalitarian structure. So, why are we now so polarised between the myths of socialism and capitalism not seeing the how the web of neo-liberal economics offers the building blocks for a global power structure?


In fact, the idea of eliminating national boundaries and nation states was proposed from all sectors of the Establishment coloured with their respective ideologies. It is a matter of historical record but you won’t find it on most educational curricula. After the Second World War in that frenzied opportunity to build their edifices of future control, there were many voices suggesting blueprints for the elimination of nation states and the formation of vast federal Unions built on top of the NATO military alliance. A European Union did come out of it, even though the original Atlantic Union – as a precursor to an eventual Global Union – didn’t see the light of day – at least in that incarnation. But the Cold War wasn’t just about reflexive paranoia. Underneath Anglo-American and European elites was a persistent wish to see nation states disappear so that a capitalist-collectivist vision could manifest globally.

Journalist Matt Stoller’s article published in salon.com September 20th 2013, placed the Establishment in the spotlight by revisiting history amid the Edward Snowden revelations of NSA surveillance and the attempted invasion of Syria. “The Elites’ strange plot to take over the world” described just one of the influences from those steeped in Cold War paranoia, this time from journalist, Clarence Streit who contributed to the ideologues who were buzzing the honey-pot of the mass mind and waiting to shape it into the required form. Since it was broken it was highly suggestible and easily managed. Now was the time to erect the institutions of future authority.

Streit wrote a book called Union Now (1939) which, according to Stoller:

“… had a galvanizing effect on the anti-fascist youth of the time, a sort of cross between Thomas Friedman’s ‘The World Is Flat’ and Naomi Klein’s ‘The Shock Doctrine.’ Streit served in World War I in an intelligence unit, and saw up close the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles. He then became a New York Times journalist assigned to cover the League of Nations which led him to the conclusion that the only way to prevent American isolationism and European fascism was for political and economic integration of the major ‘freedom-loving’ peoples, which he described as America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and most of Western Europe. The Five Eyes surveillance architecture was created just a few years later, as was the international monetary regime concocted at Bretton Woods.”

Streit was yet another example of individuals having suffered the effects of war and basted in intelligence training and its tools of PR propaganda. He was present at the gathering together of a large number of social dominators at two of the most important meetings of the 20th Century: Versailles and The Paris Peace Conference which led to the League of Nations organisation and the impetus to reshape the geo-political fortunes of the world. Though Streit’s pitch was to fight totalitarianism wherever “civilised society” found it, ironically perhaps, it was used as a plan for precisely the same, by political and diplomatic leaders of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, many of whom went on to craft the multilateral institutions and international policies of the Cold War and the push for an Atlantic Union. Though many of these leaders were well-intentioned in their wish to head off a Communist take-over as they saw it, there were others who were equally cognizant of the need for the first phase in a Global Union /World State to expand the principles of world government which would eventually incorporate the Soviet Russia and Maoist China.

The 1970s were full of resolutions and hearings designed to make the Atlantic Union and nation states a thing of the past but firmly under the yoke of an Anglo-American trajectory. Federalism would be the socio-economic and political framework by which countries would be redesigned. Indeed, in 1971, a House Concurrent Resolution 163 was proposed: “… to create an ‘Atlantic Union Delegation,’ a committee of 18 ‘eminent citizens’ to join with other NATO country delegations and negotiate a plan to unite. According to the sub-Committee chairman Donald Fraser, it was to be an: “international convention to explore the possibility of agreement on a declaration to transform the present Atlantic alliance into a federal union, set a timetable for transition to this goal and to prescribe democratic institutions under which the goal would be achieved.”

It was no coincidence that the Establishment presidents and European leaders were on board and ambitious to change society. The mass of politicians were fairly clueless about the underlying psychopathy which was piggybacking such ideological drives for Union. The Two World Wars, the Cold War the Great Depression of 1929 and the rise of corporatism proved that nations were already suffering from exploitation driven by rapacious greed. Manipulation and distortion of otherwise sound principles was becoming the norm. Thus it offered a logical basis upon which the concept of political union, could be rationalised and extended. Though many politicians rightly saw the Depression as a result of failed monetary policies at the domestic level, which it was, they were not able to also see that for the bankers and the industrial powers of the time it was one of the effects of the 4C’s coming home to roost and a significant bonanza which would offer future opportunities to tweak the system in their favour.Though it drastically affected the common man and the fabric of society it only allowed the super-rich families of the day to regroup and start the process all over again.

Leaders assumed that calling for greater union would automatically mean greater economic certainty and stability. Yet, they failed to see that the economic crashes and poverty that were induced were part of a system of boom and bust; a debt-based framework by which a fiat currency could be made to work for the tiniest percentage of the population by exploiting the majority. Union would merely extend the 4C’s and its exploitation through gradual deregulation further afield and limiting self-sufficiency, autonomy and economic independence in a box. The objective was a Global Union of the 4C’s which had nothing to do with a socio-economic equilibrium. This was purposefully or naively lost on persons like Streit.

The same ill-informed romanticism of economic parity fuelled their dreams of an Atlantic Union which was to be grafted onto the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. The ‘Structural Adjustment Team’ of the IMF, the World Bank, The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or GATT and the The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were all partly inspired by the ideal of an Atlantic Union. The latter organisation was used as a tool by a Anglo-American Conservative-Synarchist drive to establish a European Super-state which could eventually form part of that Union.

Throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the Cold War provided the incentive and rationale for closer integration and a trans-Atlantic Union to freeze out Communist aspirations. Traditionally, the far right hated the idea on principle, as it was indicative of a socialist coup under cover of liberty and welfare, when in fact it was just another tool for eroding national sovereignty. In the future, the disappearance of the Nation State might arrive as a natural consequence of a family of societies whose psycho-spiritual maturity has come of age, but sadly this is not the reality. We are governed by very different persons whose objectives are clearly not focused on emancipation.

As Stoller mentions, though their intentions were faulty there was an important irony here:

“… as liberals gently chuckle at right-wing paranoia about what they perceive as an imagined plot to create a world government, it is the conservatives who have a more accurate read on history. There was a serious plan to get rid of American sovereignty in favor of a globalist movement, and the various institutions the right wing hates — the IMF, the World Bank, the U.N. — were seen as stepping stones to it. Where the right wing was wrong is in thinking that this plot for a global government was also a communist plot; it wasn’t, it was motivated by anti-communism. The proponents of the Atlantic Union in fact thought that this was the only way to defeat the USSR.”

Though Streit believed that an Atlantic Union would decrease the threat of dictatorship he had not seen that the seeds of an inverted totalitarianism lay within the very antidote he and so many others were proposing and which was doing the job of the Pathocrats so admirably. Federalism under such individuals could only lead one way.

(Thankfully, Vladimir Putin has comprehensively tackled the Russian Oligarchs and apparently outside the one world government ideology. He and his advisors appear to be the only people to whom we can rely upon to halt this reckless Anglo-American-Zionist hegemony. Putin is not perfect by any means, but he is all we have. Russia may yet be the Big Bear of Salvation having gone through decades of ponerisation and come out the other side.)

By the 1980s however, the push for Unions had become more complex and nuanced. The 3EM had clear lines of demarcation when it came to how it envisaged its capitalist-collective hybrid. Nationalist terrorism had a resurgence under the Conservatives and Synarchists while Anglo-American liberalism roared ahead with the Atlantic Unionists, even straddling American Zionism who favoured any kind of integration while extending its own separatism to further its interests. None of these concerns have disappeared. On the contrary, they have adapted and kept pace with the ebb and flow of domestic and foreign policy. Deregulation of the Reagan, Carter and Clinton years ensured that the Federal Reserve and the corporate-banking oligarchical influence dominated through their many varied social engineering interests, which could now take on new vigour.

The quest for global governance, a global economic infrastructure, a “global consciousness” and global ecology” under these terms has infiltrated all societal domains. The double-think ruse of international integration does not mean a furthering of human values but an increase in the 4C’s which leads to further economic slavery, and an unnatural homogenisation since it derives from poverty, mass unemployment, mass immigration and a boom and bust of national destabilisation. World government and the globalisation of an Official Culture of psychopathy already exists but is yet to be formalised and publically acknowledged in an open framework of apparent necessity.

As we have seen, the promise of an Atlantic and Americas Union has been comprehensively dismantled thanks largely to the late Hugo Chavez and other Latin American leaders. We must also not forget the recent BRICS partnership which will surely act as a welcome alternative to the US dollar reserve currency. However, a Global Union is still trying to be born, a gestation that is drawn from the presence of a military-intelligence and surveillance apparatus, where the global economy of the 4C’s is as ubiquitous and damaging as it ever was.  This is not something the pathocratic mind will relinquish any time soon.


[1] Jim Marrs, quoted in the documentary “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism Produced by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz 16:04 Jim Marrs – Corporate control of the state. Socialism and Fascism to benefit corporations. “National Socialism” (fascism is corporatism).
[2] Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism, By Sheldon Wolin, 2008.
[3] Horizontal and vertical dimensions of individualism and collectivism: A theoretical and measurement refinement Singelis, By T. M., Triandis, H. C., Bhawuk, D. P. S., & Gelfand, M. J. 1995. | http://www.ccr.sagepub.com/content/29/3/240.abstract
[4] ‘Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship’ by Paul Belien, Brussels Journal, February 27, 2006.
[5]  Ibid.
[6]  Ibid.
[7]  Ibid.
[8]  Ibid.
[9]  Ibid.


The Z Factor VIII: Chabad Lubavitch (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“A Jew was not created as a means for some other purpose; he himself IS the purpose, since the substance of all divine emanations was created ONLY to serve the Jews.”

 – Chabad Lubavitch leader, “The Great Rebbe” Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson; Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. (1999). Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Pluto Press, p.B8-62)

From the Russian-Jewish Mafiya to the messianic sect of Chabad Lubavitch. Virtually ignored in the MSM, it has been busy undermining mainstream Judaism while exerting a powerful hold on key positions of international power.

Chabad is a branch of Hasidic Judasim espousing a supremacist and authoritarian ideology ostensibly supported by Christian Zionists and Christian Evangelists alike. It has been able to gain access to presidential offices in America and Israel, along with a very close relationship to the Russian President Vladmir Putin. But Chabad Lubavitch’s greatest influence is undoubtedly in the United States. According to author Sue Fishkoff: “It’s not enough that Chabad’s man in D.C. knows the name and phone number of just about every congressman, senator and foreign ambassador in the nation’s capital — he also knows their legislative assistants, their secretaries and the people who clean their offices.” [1]


Chabad Lubavitch: a Jewish cult aligning itself to Hassidism and influential in American politics, Zio-Conservativism in particular. It is the largest Jewish religious organisation in the world.

The sect originated in the 18th Century between three Slavic States – Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Chabad, is an acronym for three words in Hebrew: “Chochma, Binah and Daas,” meaning “wisdom, understanding and knowledge.” Chabad describes the movement and Lubavitch is the name of the town in Ukraine where the movement was based during the nineteenth century and now part of the Smolensk region of Russia. Lubavitchers are a branch of the Hasidic Jews who draw their beliefs from the mystical side of Judaism: the Talmud, the Zohar (both seen as the foundation to Kabbalah) and finally the Tanya (or “Hatanya”) written by the founder of the Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, apparently in response to criticism of the new Hasidic movement for its “obscurantism and superstition.” [2] Though Chabad Lubavitch can definitely be called a sect or a cult from the way it conducts its political and doctrinal affairs, much of its teachings are drawn from mainstream Judaism.

Since the 1940s, the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch have been located in Brooklyn, New York. From the 1950s -1990s the sect was led by the Seventh, or last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Until his death in 1994, this latter “Great Rebbe,’  managed to create a Chabad presence in more than 900 cities world wide. The title of Lubavitcher “Rebbe” is handed down to successive leaders, organised on clan principles and the only movement to do so within Judaism. There is no religion where religious fanaticism is more applicable, but it is not Hassidism per se. Orthodox Judaism is made up of many different hues of Hasidic tribes all of which take exception to Chabad Lubavitch followers or conversely, are to some degree, aligned to its principles. This is where many who think critical attention to Chabadniks is also being directed to Hassidism in general which is not necessarily so. But Chabadniks are quite content to identify themselves with Hassidism and Judaism, much to the chagrin of those involved. [3]

The Jerusalem Post in October 19, 2001, gave a summary of Chabad Lubavitch as:

“a potent force: 2,600 institutions around the world, large numbers of English-speaking rabbis, control of most of Judaism in Italy as well as the chief rabbinate of Russia (its Russia budget alone is $20 million a year). It is an organization with immense world-wide financial resources . . . In fact, Chabad is a movement of monumental importance. Observant Jews are profoundly dependent on its emissaries all over the world … its rabbis dominate or are poised to dominate Jewish communities in a startling number of countries.” [4]


Lubavitch patriarch Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson on a poster in Safed, Israel, 2007. photo: Matzeab (wikipedia)

There are still many Rabbis who believe that Schneerson is not dead and will be resurrected for a coronation as the long awaited Messiah. He is seen as a demi-God, perfect in every way and to say otherwise is not recommended. There are others within Chabad who do not share the same view, and according to one recent report, this has frequently led to “violent brawls breaking out and spilling on the streets on a regular basis leading to scores of hospitalizations and arrests.” One Jewish journalist observed in response to the deification and idolatory of Schneerson: “Chabad members have become irrecovably fixated on their dead leader. If the seemingly inexorable rise of the vocal yellow pin brigade progresses apace, the movement founded to bring rigor and intellectualism to Hasidic Judaism may well face a benighted future.” [5]

However, it seems a little more serious, as its objectives may encompass more than just the Jewish people.

Very similar to the Dominionists, the aim of the Chabadniks (or Lubavitchers) is to fulfil their destiny as they see it, by helping to mold and manipulate world events in line with Biblical “End Time” prophecies which involves the second coming of the Messiah, a prerequisite of which is a final conflagration from which those suitably pure and distinctly Jewish will be saved, while the rest of us perish. Rising out of the chaos will be a New World Jewish Order fixed in place with ultra-orthodox Jewish laws. Crazy it may sound but very much grounded in fact.

By 2007, Chabad-Lubavitch Centres had multiplied across the globe with 278 new emissaries moved out to Jewish communities in that year alone. There were 20 Chabad Houses in the states of California and Florida and 17 new campus-based centers in Europe, the Americas and the Middle East. Several centres were also recently opened in France, Mexico and Argentina. [6]

Ukrainian Jewish community leader, activist and author Baron Eduard Hodos has traced the early influence of Chabad Lubavitch. He  has highlighted the period of movement leadership by the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe Joseph Isaac Schneerson and his run-in with Joseph Stalin, who: “… at one time had studied in Tiflis Theological Seminary and [was] versed in the issues of religion, expelled Chabad from the USSR as a fascist cult despite the fact that traditional Judaism continued to exist in Soviet territory.” [7]

9780300115314Up to the start of World War II a curious operation to spirit away the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe from Poland took place.  He was taken from Warsaw, across Third Reich territory to neutral Holland and finally to the United States. This mysterious event occurred: “As a result of an agreement between the U.S. Department of State and the head of German military intelligence (Abwehr), Admiral Canaris Yosef Yitzchak. The operation to transport the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe from occupied Poland was supervised by the Colonel of Abwehr, whose father was a Jew, Ernst Bloch.” [8]

It is an intriguing tale and best told by historian Bryan Mark Rigg in his book: Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe (2006). Rigg meticulously outlines causes that led to:  “… the instigation of American Lubavitchers and some sympathetic officials in FDR’s administration, highly placed German military men—including Helmut Wohlthat, an anti-Semitic aide to Göring who felt saving the rebbe would be a good public relations move, and Maj. Ernst Bloch, who had a Jewish father—conspired to spirit the ailing rebbe from Warsaw to Riga, and then Stockholm, where he sailed for New York.” [9]

This research gives further evidence of the doctrinal influence that not only explains the Judeo-fascism present in the Chabad sect but the fallout that required a sacrifice of ordinary Jews so that their spiritual and nationalistic objectives could materialise. It seems the “Messiah” Rabbi Menachem Schneerson had philosophically and spiritually squared his conscience on the subject of the holocaust having seen it as a necessary sacrifice for a grander collective destiny. It is here that the Zionists merge with Lubavitch designs in that they were quite willing to sacrifice ordinary Jews to the Nazis in return for their State of Israel. (See Ben Hecht’s Perfidy for a detailed explanation as well as Lenni Brenner’s: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, a synopsis of which is available at Counterpunch).

The Tanya is the mystical “Bible” of Chabad Hasidic philosophy, the ideological concepts of which were given a thorough airing via the pen of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, first published in 1797 in the thick of revolutionary and masonic resurgence. It had enormous influence on successive “Rebbes” of Chabad Lubavitch but remained highly controversial to those willing to look objectively at its contents. Eduard Hodos who has been sounding the alarm on the sect for many decades calls The Tanya “the second ‘Mein Kampf.’” *

In his book Jewish Hurricane (2007) the rabbi is unequivocal, equating the Lubavtich concepts to a form of Judeo-Nazism. He states: “According to Chabad canon, developed by Shneur Zalman, God created the world solely for the Jews; Jews possess Divine soul, the goyim (gentiles) have the soul of a lowest order – animal soul; Jews are the only ones to whom we can apply the concept of Man. The other nations of the world are compared to vomiting and filth. … Tanya is the main subject of study in Chabad schools on a par with the Torah and Talmud.” [10]

Hodos, along with many others, is convinced that a Judeo-fascism is expressing itself in virulent form through Chabad Lubavitch having effectively taken over Ukrainian and elements of Russian politics after a long process of infiltration within Judaism, eventually incorporating and merging with the Russian-Zionist mafia. The Rabbi explains that “the clearly defined goal” and long-term objective: “… was to entice and make Jewish-Russian hybrids employed in the structures of real power ardent followers of Chabad, vigorously supporting their careers and promotion. In this regard Chabad were ready to sacrifice their ideological dogmas and turn a blind eye to the lack of purity of blood. In contrast, to non-Jews the issue was simple–money [bribes].”  He further mentions: “Taking into account that from the time of opening of [Russia’s] borders, the Russian society did not have a currency while members of the “Committee of 300” held substantial foreign funds which Chabad used to purchase Russian real estate. [11]

Hodos explained that during the reign of Menachem Mendel Schneerson and the period of Gorbachev’s perestroika Chabad Lubavictch was able to expand into Russia care of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (which is known amongst top Chabadniks as the “Chernobyl miracle”) gradually insinuating itself into the “… vast majority of Jewish religious and financial structures”allowing the sect to become: “… a major force in the Jewish movement of the 20th and 21st Centuries.” [12]

In a recent interview from an online magazine Hodos opined that the power of Chabad Lubavitch cannot be overstated: “Over the past decade, the influence of Chabad cultists in the world has not only grown but also entrenched. This is the only Jewish religious sect, which, assuming the role of leader of world Jewry, climbed into world politics. Its presence greatly affected American politics. In addition, the heads of state of the former Soviet Union are listening to Chabad.” [13]

Although ostensibly opposed to Zionism theologically, they necessarily have parallel goals. Their members in the US political establishment and/or supporters past and present include: Alan Dershowitz a celebrity lawyer and academic (and well-known nemesis of Norman Finkelstein) US senators Joe Lieberman and John McCain; Sen. Carl Levin who is Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee; one-time Homeland Security Director and civil liberties eradicator Michael Chertoff; former Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer; [14] Rahm Emanuel Senior Clinton/Obama advisor; Stuart Eizenstat, former Deputy Treasury Secretary; General Michael Mukasey; Paul Wolfowitz, PNAC document author and one of the architects of the Iraq War and lastly, another PNAC co-author, dual-nationality Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

The latter individual is an important presence in the Zionist fifth column of the United States. He was the appointed Undersecretary of Defence and Comptroller from 2001 to 2004 under the George W. Bush administration and famously linked to the Pentagon’s missing $2.6 trillion announced by Donald Rumsfeld on 10th September, 2001 conveniently lost in the chaos of 9/11 the following day. And of course, the specific section of the Pentagon that was destroyed contained the year’s budgetary information, along with the accountants, book-keepers and budget analysts, many of whom died. (We’ll have much more on Zakheim’s influence in  future posts). [15]


Senator Carl Levin (left) Rabbi Dov Zakhiem (centre) Alan Dershowitz (right)


Zio-Conservative and Former World Bank Chief Paul Wolfowitz (left) Attorney General Michael Mukasey (centre) Senator John McCain (right)

Senator John McCain, as well as paying homage to Chabad leaders and their open pockets, also has Russian Mafiya connections via his campaign manager, Rick Davis, and Ukrainian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, long since recognised by the FBI as having ties to organized Russian crime and paying US politicians for political favours. [16] It may go some way to explain why he and his erstwhile colleague Joe Liberman are so vociferously against the Russian government of Vladimir Putin, though in recent years Putin too has been walking a tightrope between the needs of Russia and the demands  of Judaism and its sects. Hodos believes the struggle between the Russian Oligarchs and Putin’s government is actually a struggle between Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch. The Putin-led fight between oligarchical Jews like the late Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky and Mihaly Khodorkovsky was not based on anti-Semitism or political motives but the “… struggle of Chabad with Jewish capital” with Putin as: “merely a tool in the fight.” He further believes: “Putin is protected from such charges [of anti-Semitism], after which the carrier ends.” [17]

Vladimir Putin has an almost impossible struggle on his hands to balance forces of extremism emerging in Russia spear-headed by Mossad and Chabad mafia. At the same time, he must field US-NATO's bid to embroil him in a new Cold War via the destabilisation of Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin has an almost impossible struggle on his hands to balance forces of extremism emerging in Russia spear-headed by Mossad and Chabad mafia. At the same time, he must field US-NATO’s bid to embroil him in a new Cold War via the destabilisation of Ukraine. **

Chief Rabbi and head of Chabad Lubavitch in Russia is Berel Lazar who took over from the late Adolfa Szajewicza with the Kremlin intervening in to make sure Lazar won the election. In response Lazar gushed: “Never before has any Russian or Soviet leader done so much for Jews, as Vladimir Putin. In every respect it is unprecedented. In talks with me Ariel Sharon repeatedly emphasized that the Kremlin is the greatest friend of Jews and of Israel. Now, many mayors of Russian cities, provincial heads and ministers are Jewish. This became the norm …” [18] Indeed, according to a report from the Jerusalem Post Lazar is “… essentially a Kremlin appointee who has been made to neutralize the more outspoken and politically active leaders of rival Jewish organizations.” [19] As a result, the nucleus of the Putin government comprises a significant number of Hasidic Jews and followers of Chabad. In September 2005, Lazar became a member of the Public Chamber of Russia and remains a key player in mafia led politics.

This will begin to make sense when we recall Putin’s recent turnaround from being Iran’s supporter to partial detractor after meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister and Chabad devotee Benjamin Netanyahu. Though Putin said that “…in his opinion the spread of democracy in the Middle East should be allowed to go ahead without outside influence” Netanyahu described Russia and Israel as “on the same page” over the “Iran threat” with Putin adding “Jerusalem and Moscow share “friendly ties.” [20]

We will have to see if Putin remains his own man…

Netanyahu and Russian oligarch and reputed Russian Mafiya don, Arcadi Gaydamak were busy making preparations in early 2000’s to take on the helmsman ship of Israel along with Israeli fascist Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party. The latter has mafia connections and is a strong Netanyahu supporter. It is likely he will win the post of Prime-Minister very soon and with such a complex set of influences including Zionism, Chabad and the Russian Mafia all of whom are predicated on the idealism of a “Greater Israel” and the destruction of those not in alignment with such fascist principles.


Benjamin Netanyahu

Both the Netanyahu and George W. Bush puppets with their shared values of Likud and Neo-Conservative expansionism have been frequent sycophants at Lubavitch fundraising and ritual celebrations in and around Whitehouse circles. In 2002, Netanyahu gave “an eloquent speech to some 600 friends of Chabad of the Marina at The Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel…” and after extolling the virtues of Israeli oppression of Palestinians he reminded the suited rabbis in their opulent surroundings that he was honoured to be at an event that was “dedicated to the deeds and teachings of Rabbi Menachem. M. Schneerson,” the Great Rebbe of Chabad Lubavitch supporters. [21]
Meanwhile, later in the year Bush Jr. was busy doing his part by hosting: “… a delegation of 10 leading rabbis and officials from the Lubavitch Hasidic movement at the White House…” to venerate and “…mark the 100th birthday of the late Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson..” another stalwart defender and proselytiser of the Lubavitch messianic faith while adding “…his signature to a document declaring the late Rebbe’s birthday ‘The day of education and charity.’” [22]

These displays of mutual adoration and moist-eyed reverence would all be very touching if the background to such unfettered access to political insiders was a result of genuine humanitarian concerns. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. “If the rising alliance takes power in the next election, it could push Israel toward military confrontations with Iran, Syria or Hezbollah, while extinguishing any remaining flickers of hope in Israel’s peace camp regarding the Palestinians.” [23]  This is what we are facing should Netanyahu be successful.

The ignorance surrounding the presence of Chabad Lubavitch in high-level politics, its dominance within the Jewish Diaspora and the courting of Jewish/Zionist elites should be deeply disturbing to both Jew and gentile alike.

It seems everyone is being gently lowered into a simmering extremist soup …

* Edward Hodos doesn’t mince his words when he talks of Chabad leaders and their activities. From The Jewish Syndrome (2002) he states: “Chabad is now the head ‘roof’ organization which built the extensive network of countless Jewish formations and patronising their activities. Today, Chabad nests are scattered throughout the territory of the former USSR. The largest and strategically important are located in Ukraine and Russia. But, if in Russia the Chabad capital is, of course, Moscow, its capital in the Ukraine is Dnepropetrovsk – hometown of Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson. At this time, Chabad-Lubavitch movement has an unprecedented influence for a small ultra-Orthodox sect that has an impact not only on the microclimate in the countries of their ground-bases, but on global political and economic situation. The activities of the sect are very conspiratorial, at the same time hypocritically parading and showing off exceptional piety, religious tolerance and humility.

Unlike other members of Orthodox Judaism, Chabad cultists do not simply recognize Jesus, but express a vicious hatred. Chabad considers Christian Orthodoxy and its representatives its worst enemy. […] Chabad cultists actively oppose the process of assimilation of Jews and are fanatical fighters for the purity of blood. The main principle of fascist ideology of the sect is the following: Jews are above all, and Chabad is higher than the Jews.”

** For clarification on the strategy of Vladimir Putin as he deals with the “AngloZionist” attacks on Russia it may well be a case of keeping one’s enemies close so in order to contain them, as far as is possible. The Saker’s take on this can be found in his 2014 article: The Russian Response to a Double Declaration of WarPutin is fully aware that Russian-Jewish oligarchs and CIA-backed Nationalists are intent on serving The Greater Israel project for the Middle East. Russia is a long time enemy of Zionism.


[1] p.185; The Rebbe’s Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch by Sue Fishkoff, April 15, 2003 | ISBN-13: 978-0805241891. Fishkoff claims that her book is not about Chabad Lubavitch’s political involvement but of the culture and the “shlichim,” the young Luvavitch couples who act as Jewish missionaries with a view to setting up “Chabad Houses.” This book is largely irrelevant regarding an understanding of the core power structure and thus acts as a propaganda buffer highlighting the truth of “acts of kindness” within the sect as if this is the driving force of the upper hierarchy of Chabad Lubavitch as a whole, which of course it is not. With any organization that is ponerized such niceities are merely incidental to the cause.
[2] ‘The Lubavitcher Rebbe as a god’ By Saul Sadka, Haaretz, February 11, 2007.
[3] Jewish Hurricane By Eduard Hodos (2007) | http://www.antimatrix.org/Convert/Books/Eduard_Hodos/Yevreiski_Smerch/Yevreiski_Smerch.htm
[4] ‘A Messianism that Some Call Heresy’ By Jacob Neusner, The Jerusalem Post, October, 19 2001.
[5] Ibid.
[6] ‘Ranks of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries Grows by Close to 300’by Chabad.org Staff , wwwchabad.org, November 08, 2007.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe By Bryan Mark Rigg, Published by Yale University Press, 2006. | ISBN-10: 0300115318 | Publishers Weekly comment from amazon.com.
[10] op. cit. Hodos
[11] ‘Putin marionetką w łapach sekty Chabad Lubawicz.’ Henryk Pająk 2011,www,stopsyjonizmowi.wordpress.com/
[12] op. cit. Hodos.
[13] ‘Baron Eduard Hodos’www.tvoy-vibor.com.ua.
[14] ‘Ari Fleischer: Reform Lubavitch’, by James Besser, Baltimore Jewish Times, October 26,2001 “…Mr. Fleischer was an early leader and co-president of Chabad’s Capitol Jewish Forum, which brings together lawmakers and congressional and administration staffers for Jewish events study … In a show of bi-partisanship, both Mr. Fleischer and Mr. Lieberman lavished praise on the active Chabad effort that emphasizes the army of young staffers in government and political jobs.”
[15] This is an extraordinary story and I urge the reader to follow up on this simply because in combination with the events of 911 it is highly suspicious not least due to the magnitude of the money “missing”. In 2001 the Pentagon managed to loose the budget for the entire U.S. government. Think about that for a moment.
[16] ‘McCain aide linked to Russian billionaire’ – Connection raises questions about candidate’s opposition to Putin “Sen. John McCain has asserted his opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin a number of times, going so far as joining with Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., in 2005 to introduce legislation calling on President Bush to suspend Russia’s membership in the Group of Eight.” by Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com February 19, 2008.
[17] Ibid.
[18] pp. 280-283; The Last Transport to Katyn 10 04 2010, By Henryk Pająk. Fragment Rozdziału IX książki Wydawnictwo Retro, ISBN: 83-87510-42-4 | www. stopsyjonizmowi.wordpress.com/
[19] The Jewish Syndrome By Eduard Hodos Kharkov, Ukraine, 1999-2002.
[20] ‘Putin Demands War on Iran’ Nova News, July 4 2012.
[21] ‘Netanyahu Woos LA Jews’, Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, January 18, 2002.
[22] Bush Meets Lubavitch Rabbis to Mark Rebbe’s 100th Birthday, Haaretz, March 26, 2002.
[23] ‘Israel’s rising right wing’by Gregory Levey, Oct 9, 2007, Salon.com. | ‘Netanyahu Organizing Russian Mafia Government for Israel’ Southwest Asia News Digest, From Volume 5, Issue Number 48 of EIR Online, Published Nov. 28, 2006.

The Z Factor VII: MAFIYA (2)

“The unique situation in the former USSR, and the fact that Jews predominated in the Soviet bureaucracy, provides another link in the rise of the mafia. Jews predominated in the earlier and more primitive black market in Russia, and thus these groups were physically more ready to take advantage of the crisis in Russia beginning in the mid-1980s. Jewish organized crime, connected to both the KGB and Mossad, automatically had the skids greased to remain off the radar screen for allied intelligence agencies.”

— Dr. M. Raphael Johnson PhD.

clip_image001Semion Mogilevich

It is always difficult to approach subjects regarding Jewish and Zionist activities without being accused of anti-Semitism, most usually by academics and mainstream journalists who are desperate to maintain their careers. But in order to explore dispassionately any influences which become detrimental to the whole, no subject can be ignored. Yet, the buffers surrounding Israel politics and Jewish discourse are substantial creating an almost impassable hysteria that prevents any constructive criticism.

One point of contention which is obvious to anyone who has perused cultural history and politics is the fact that Jewish presence in the US is so closely aligned to the media, Hollywood and most notably, the pornography industry.Not a problem in itself – unless of course Zionism begins to overshadow it. And since 80 per cent of digital crime may now originate in some form of organised activity it is highly probable that that organised crime – thus an already present Russian-Jewish dominance –  is extended into the digital and internet domain. This is resulting in the creation of online pornography empires and their links between escort sites and human trafficking and organised crime.[1]

As we have briefly explored the nature of the MOSSAD, the sayanim network and the ruthless nature of Zionism as a political movement, then it become logical that centres of organised crime and affiliated domains would be targeted. Or, as Nathan Abrams explains in The Jewish Quarterly:

“… there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’. […] Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotica dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant Jews of German origin.” [2]

You can read just how far Jewish culture has dominated pornography by reading the full article HERE

As Abrams mentions in his essay, it is the self-confidence, intelligence, adaptability and “Chutzpah” that made the pornography industry an obvious choice to make huge profits as well an undercurrent of “atavistic hatred of Christian authority.” Quoted in Abram’s essay is ADL’s National Director and holocaust survivor Abraham H. Foxman who commented: ‘Those Jews who enter the pornography industry have done so as individuals pursuing the American dream.’”  Which is why we must question the genesis of that dream and by how much such adaptability and geopolitical opportunism has gained ground within the context of organised crime.

The B’nai B’rith’s powerful Anti-Deformation League (ADL) is one of the most well-known Jewish organisations that benefit directly from such largesse, acting as a key channel in providing finance to Russian-Jewish Mafia’s entry into American society. Consequently, the ADL was instrumental in persuading the FBI to call off investigations saying that it would “foster anti-Semitism” and prejudice Americans against genuine “Soviet-refugees.” [3] Successfully masquerading as a civil rights body countering anti-Semitic attacks, it is, in reality, a front for MOSSAD and the Zionist apparatus within America; the Russian-Jewish mafia, inescapably inside its inner workings. Even a former ADL General Counsel, Arnold Forster admitted “… that he was often a ‘source’ for the Mossad Israel’s CIA.” [4]


As the Russian economy collapsed so the black market provided support based on “brotherhoods” within the gulag system which were then transferred to the mainstream markets. This impenetrable and highly secretive network was ready to extend its reach far beyond Mother Russia:

Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s famous bill, the Jackson-Vanick law, linked Soviet trade privileges to the treatment of Soviet Jews. It was a bill lobbied heavily for by American Jewish organizations. And while non-Jews could not emigrate from Russia, Jews could. Quickly, the KGB took this opportunity to dump its hardcore criminals into the United States, many who were Jewish, as conservatives cheered, believing, naively as usual,to have scored a major victory against the USSR. Much of the Jewish mafia’s penetration into the United States came as a result of these Soviet “boatlifts,” which were partially financed by groups such as the ADL or the Hebrew Aid Society. [5]

As we have seen, the roots of Jewish organized crime go back to Tsarist times and beyond with a monopoly on slave trade and usury. Zionist crime syndicates gave Lenin a helping hand securing financial wherewithal from bank robberies and extortion rackets. Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organised crime syndicates were often joined at the hip since their intimidation methods were essentially the same.

Under Leonid Brezhnev in the 1970s, the Russian economy was effectively driven by the black market, and it was to be an easy transition for the Russian-Jewish mafia to capitalize on the death throes of an aging political and ideological dinosaur. As we are seeing in the United States, the fact that the economic infrastructure did not totally collapse in 2008 is partly due to this underworld crutch that fuses with the global financial architecture. Like Russia, it too will collapse from a variety of domestic and international factors, but unlike Russia, it does not have a strong state infrastructure to regain its place in the world. When the collapse comes, is likely to take an inordinately long period of time to recover.

The links between Israel, America and the Russian mafia go further. Apart from the historical ties between Russian and Israeli Jews there are other more disturbing reasons for the rapid international growth. In the 1970s, under pressure from Zionists within Washington the Soviet Union granted permission for Jews to emigrate. According to Friedman’s research the Communist leaders “… took this opportunity to empty its jails of thousands of hard-core criminals, dumping vast numbers of undesirables … on an unsuspecting America, as well as on Israel and other Western nations.” [6]

While thousands of legitimate Russian-Jewish immigrants entered the United States many were rapists, murderers and ex-mafia henchmen who had been jailed along with communists after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. No questions were asked. These and other criminals established their bases in Brooklyn, Miami and later Los Angeles. By now, their influence extends across the United States with a clearinghouse in New York where blackmail, extortion, money-laundering, human, sex and drug trafficking are organised.

Laura Radanko, who is also Jewish, has built on Friedman’s research on the Russian-Jewish mafia. Regarding the emigration of Soviet Jews under Leonid Brezhnev in the 1970s she also confirms that: “… thousands of hard-core criminals, many of them released from Soviet Gulags by the KGB, took advantage of their nominal Jewish status to swarm into the United States.” Furthermore: “In the 1970s, more than forty thousand Russian Jews settled in Brighton Beach. It was under the shadow of the elevated subway tracks on Brighton Beach Avenue, bustling with Russian meat markets, vegetable pushcarts, and bakeries, that the Russian gangsters resumed their careers as professional killers, thieves, and scoundrels…”

What is curious is that the FBI did not set up a dedicated task force until 1994 underscoring the fact that federal authorities in general have been remarkably slow to react to this mafia invasion. It seems were it not for their “own sluggishness in addressing the problem, the Russian mob in the United States would never have become as powerful as it is today.” Friedman states according to an FBI spokesman, that despite there being some five thousand “hard-core Russian criminals” in the New York region [as of 2000] “The Russian Mafia has the lowest priority on the criminal pecking order.” [7]

Such a cozy relationship with American and European intelligence and a virtual immunity from prosecution it is little wonder they have rocketed to the top of the organised crime league tables.


Brighton Beach | Ruskiy Narod, Eto Ruskaya Brigada

The Albanian gangs working in concert with the Cosa Nostra – the Sicilian mafia; the Chinese “Snake-heads,” and the high society connections of the Japanese Yakuza all play a significant part in the management, organisation and profits of the underworld economy. However, the Russian Godfathers still control 70 per cent of the Russian economy, with operations in up to 50 countries including Macau, China, illegal drug and car theft trafficking in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, money laundering in Cyprus, Israel, Belgium and England, trafficking in nuclear materials and prostitution in Germany. In Freidman’s words: “Italian organized crime in America is a pimple on a horse’s ass compared with Russian organized crime in America—and globally,” [The Russian Mafia]….have something no crime group in the world has. They have their own state to work from, in fact, a former superpower.” [8]

They also continue to run their global operations out of Israel with comparatively very little interference from the authorities. Estimates from Israeli analysts place the investment of the Russian-Jewish bosses in the Israeli economy at about $20 billion since the late 1970s. This explains why Israeli law enforcement remains apathetic in the face of such financial dividends and by extension, may even encourage mafia influence within its borders. [9]

Jewish investment in the weapons industry and global arms trade allows Israel to covertly support many so called “terrorist” groups such as Al-Qaeda, Colombian FARC, Kosovo’s KLA, and Islamic Jihadist groups of many denominations, all of which serve to accrue huge profits while serving ideological objectives for a “Greater Israel.” With financial dependency there is always control, hence the tradition of usury and banking where successive Israeli governments and their agencies can act in favour of their geo-political interests without recourse to official policy.

Since media outlets are largely controlled by the Zionist Establishment and thus the MOSSAD it is unsurprising that the public rarely hears a word about Russian-Jewish oligarchs such as Ukrainian and Soviet Jewish immigrant Marat Balagula who ran businesses in Brighton Beach named “The Odessa” a notorious hub for Russian Jewish workers assisting him in the running of prostitution, drugs trafficking, tax evasion schemes and petroleum distribution rackets.

Robert I. Friedman mentions a former associate who saw Balagula as a man who “had a heart” though the overall consensus is that this a rather scary character, like most criminal psychopaths:

“Marat was the king of Brighton Beach. He had a Robin Hood complex. People would come over from Russia and he’d give them jobs. He liked professional men. Guys came over and couldn’t practice medicine or use their engineering degrees. He sought them out. He was fascinated with intellectuals. He co-opted them. He put them into the gasoline business, he put them into car washes or taxi companies. He’d reinvest his own money in their business if they were having trouble.”

He was released from prison in 2004 after serving various convictions for gasoline bootlegging and credit card fraud. He obviously didn’t quite have the clout of one Semion Mogilevich, described by Friedman as “the world’s most dangerous man.”  A Jewish Ukrainian now based in Hungary, he is widely known to be the head of the Russian Mafia groups having particular input in arms dealing from his hungarian base and human trafficking and prostitution rackets in Israel.

According to Wikileaks, Mogilevich has been connected with corporations that include RosUkrEnergo, Raiffeisen Bank, and Russia’s state energy company Gazprom. Mogilevich was said to be a long term arms supplier for the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) famous for its atrocious human rights record. [10] The Mafia conduits for such activities serve as the middle-men between banks that are well-known for laundering money. Russian-Jewish oligarchs who are embedded in, or have substantial ties in the Russian Mafia itself can thus grease the wheels at either end of the legitimate and non-legitimate spectrum of business interests. The inability of NGO’s, governments and international organizations to regulate global arms imports and exports is allowing a bonanza for so-called legal and illicit arms sales of the type mentioned above. In fact, turning a blind eye is a necessary corruption that allows all concerned to prosper. Except of course, for civilians and civic society in general who remain squeezed between the state and criminal psychopath.

An Amnesty International report states that Israel is a dominant player in the international arms market, with “two thirds of its weapons production going to export” and topping the list of the 100 leading arms companies in the world. Israel’s four companies are: Elbit, RAFAEL, IMI (Israel Military Industries), and IAI (Israel Aircraft Industries). The report mentioned sales of weaponry from the United States to Israel, “… which … uses these arms in its military actions in the Palestinian territories, resulting in the death and injury of thousands, all in violation of the international humanitarian law.” Reference is also made to the selling of the US made Apache attack helicopters which included “… sub-systems manufactured by companies in Britain, Holland, and Ireland, which under the European Union regulations should not have allowed the direct sales of these arms systems to Israel.” [11]

For such a tiny country still embroiled in debate about the legitimacy of its historical existence, it seems to have a wildly disproportionate role in arms trafficking and official sales if we forget that it remains the seat of operations for the Russian-Zionist mafia. Contemporary Russia is all but controlled by the Mafia with frequent power struggles between government and the oligarchs. When extreme capitalism enmeshed with organised crime creates disorder there are opportunities for all. Analysts believe that seven Russian-Jewish business men in Russia “…control virtually half of the companies whose shares are rated the highest at the national stock market.” [12] In the last twenty years, the so-called “Big Seven” were: Rem Vyakhirev (Gazprom), Boris Berezovsky (Logovaz), Vladimir Gusinsky (Most Bank), Vaghit Alekperov (Lukoil), Alexander Smolensky (Stolichnyy Bank), Mikhail Khodorkovsky (Rosprom /Yukos Oil), Andrey Kazmin (Sberbank) with Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska gaining significant ground at the turn of the millennium.

The power of oligarchs diminished significantly after Vladimir Putin became president, with many coming under fire for various illegal activities, most notably tax evasion from businesses they acquired. However, it is widely speculated and believed that the charges were also politically motivated, the tycoons having fallen out of favour with the Kremlin. Vladimir Gusinsky (MediaMost) and the late Boris Berezovsky both escaped penalties and possible imprisonment by leaving of Russia, while the most prominent, Mikhail Khodorkovsky (Yukos oil), was arrested in October 2003, and sentenced to 9 years, which was subsequently extended to 14.

Then there are the “recognized” gangsters tracked by the U.S. government which include: Monya Elson, Evsei Agron, Emile Puzyretsky, the Nayfeld brothers, the aforementioned Marat Balagula and Semion Mogilevich, the Zilber brothers and Vyacheslav Ivankov.

In April 2005 the Russian-Jewish Media mogul Vladimir Gusinsky was implicated in a money laundering scam after the arrest of 25 staff at Hapoalim, in Tel Aviv, Israel’s biggest commercial bank. Gusinsky reportedly owns 27 per cent of Maariv (or Ma’ariv) Holdings, a big Israeli newspaper publisher. According to the Wall Street Journal Arnon Perlman, spokesman for former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, was vice chairman of Maariv Holdings. The New York Times quotes Jonathan Nitzan, associate professor at York University: “Many politicians there [Israel] are financed by organized crime, and Israeli politics has been penetrated very deeply by Russian money…” [13]

Indeed, the Russian mafia has taken advantage of Israel’s liberal immigration and banking secrecy laws to join the money laudering operations using immigrants as couriers or fronts. South Americans, Israelis and international diamond dealers are believed to have long used Israel as a money-laundering safe haven. The Israeli banking system offers limitless possibilities for recycling dirty money. Israeli banks have off-shore branches and firms in Europe, the Caribbean, the United States, Canada and Southeast Asia, effectively guaranteeing anonymity for deposits in hard currency, free circulation of funds throughout the world, and the possibility of converting them into gold.

It was only in 2002 that Israel passed some fragile money-laundering laws and was taken off an international register of nations blacklisted for extensive involvement in money laundering operations. $2.5 billion to $4 billion of laundered money has been funnelled through Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Israeli police sources cited in one recent press report quoted an estimate of “… $5 billion of Israel’s $17 billion in foreign exchange reserves may be attributed to money belonging to Russian organized crime.” [14]The Cocaine Triangle being a classic example, where underworld networking with Colombian drug barons funnel the money, ($8 billion in 2011) the Israelis launder it and the Russians provide the security and the muscle. [15]

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the exporting of Capitalism has been taken up by the Russian underworld in particularly ruthless fashion. Corruption, which was always a factor in the Communist State is now completely out of control. Some estimates range from 3,000 to 5,000 organized crime gangs within Russia which outnumber the size and scope of Organizatsiya syndicates. Stalin even took advantage of the “Organizatsiya” (The Organisation) for subduing his own population until he realised that they were cast from the same mold and thus rather difficult to control. Due to the endemic nature of crime networks the vast financial resources from armaments sales were plundered and sold to the highest bidder. Even the substantial reserves of Gold bouillion had all but vanished from Russian vaults by September 1991.

As writer David Guyatt outlines, this was all part of a policy of asset stripping:

“Gradually it became clear that the massive quantities of exported Roubles weren’t just coloured paper. Almost worthless on the international market they were repatriated through some of the 260 Mafia controlled banks that sprung-up around the country. Having gone full cycle from export through to repatriation, the laundered Roubles, now viewed as inward “investment”, were used to capitalise and finance the explosion of crooked Joint Venture companies that had mushroomed in the meantime. There followed a massive spending spree that continues to this day.” [16]

The sheer scale and speed of this mafia control is only understandable when the corruption of the Communist regime and the Bolshevik roots of this crime wave is seen for what it is: an unbroken succession of generational ties which broke like a damn in the wake of Glasnost and Perestroika and flowed into every domain of Russian business and government.

As is ever the case, women and children are still bearing the brunt of money laundering and the massive inflow and outflow of cash from narcotics and weapon sales which are used to further expand the industry in the sex trade. Ordinary Russians are destitute while Moscow is officially the fourth most expensive city in the world. And with prostitution among children rocketing, the defence of the innocent has long since taken a back seat in politics while a warped capitalism is feeding on the bodies and minds of a lost generation. Or to put it another way: “A 12-year-old girl, found on the street in Saratov [Russia] by police, said she was in prostitution to raise enough money to buy a Barbie doll.” [17]

The CIA had a vested interest in destabilizing the Soviet Union by any means necessary and did so not just by embroiling Russia in the war in Afghanistan, but allowing the seeds of decay to be facilitated with break-neck speed via the crime networks. The US knows very well that Russia is a key supplier of arms to China and has acquired the top place in oil and natural gas extraction thus holding unique bargaining advantages. Although the Cold War ended on September 11th the Islamic war shows that the Players still have a full deck of cards.

Although there has been an enormous amount of Western propaganda directed at Vladimir Putin, he has done his level best to find the balance between confronting this criminal overworld and maintaining and developing Russia’s socio-economic integrity. Not an easy task.

Back in the early 2000’s, Putin and the late Ariel Sharon were two individuals continuing the tradition of a particular financial strategy. In exchange for technology secrets from the Israeli spy rings in the US, a mass exodus of Russian Jews were to be allowed safe passage via routes which will bypass America in favour of the West bank. It was noted on several occasions in the MSM Sharon’s close ties to Putin. From a Pravada report back in 1999: “We highly appreciate Vladimir Putin’s policy and his personal guarantees, with which he repeatedly sides when the Israeli security is a matter of concern.” And with good reason. Russia also has the world’s largest oil reserves; more timber than the Amazon and substantial resources of gold, gemstones and other mineral wealth. Sharon and the US Zionists, ever on the prowl for leverage and control, see Russian politicians and the Mafia stronghold as assets for a number of opportunities. Though Ariel is dead, Prime Minister Netanyahu has extended the ties to the Russian-Jewish Mafia and built on Sharon’s relationships. However, Putin’s national and foreign policies may yet begin to chafe against Russian-Mafia and Zionist designs. Putin has an extremely complicated legacy of Old Mother Russia, the parasitical nature of the Jewish-Russian oligarchs and the present US-NATO hegmony. That’s a lot to juggle for so long.

Discarding the front of international concerns and foreign policy issues, we can see that there is another agenda at play. Notwithstanding the Israeli government’s links to Russian/Jewish mobsters, it has been reported that Sharon became a soviet asset as far back as 1981. [18] The deal is that Russia and by default, Israel riding on its back, gains a substantial foothold in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Obviously key to Russia’s role is to remain a major player despite the aggression from US-NATO forces attempting to bait the Bear into a Cold War re-enactment. By getting the US to fight its wars and with the straddling of resources from Russia from both politicians and the Mafia, Israel and its long-term agents at strategic places in various nations continues to provide enormous leverage.

As we can see with the recent shell game of Zionist gold confiscation, financial warfare and ultra-right wing politics in the Ukraine, Putin has managed to play a very clever geopolitical game by cutting off the head of US-NATO’s imperial designs. He has also managed to retain his popularity in his native Russia. As ex-KGB, Putin is no fool. He knows that Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs straddling oil and gas are largely Jewish and/or Zionist and he also knows that the Jewish Dissidents who helped topple the U.S.S.R. remain connected to the socio-political typography of the New Russia which is effectively a Russian-Jewish mafia state.  Ukraine has a Second World War history of Jewish persecution yet, how the tables have turned. Just as Zionists and Jewish fascists are in control in the occupied territories, so too has the dominance of Russian-Zionist mafia gained control of Ukrainian culture. Meantime, US-NATO games have installed an ultra-right wing government which swings to the other extreme, effectively allowing the genuine threat of anti-Semitism against ordinary Jews to mask a long known Zionist take-over of Ukrainian culture. Putin knows how to manage the field without causing so many fractures that threaten his power. And Russia is what matters most to him most. How long he can continune to manage these forces arraigned against him is anyone’s guess.

Meantime, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to deliver on the legacy of Sharon and quite a bit more. This is where the prophecies of Chabad Lubavictch and the coming of the Mélekh ha-Mashíah have worked their way into both hard line Zionism and the fortunes of both the Eagle and the Bear.

See also: New World Criminal Order: How the US Govt Funneled $40 Billion Cash to the Russian Mafia


[1] ‘Organised Crime in the Digital Age: The Real Picture’ Executive Summary of BAE Systems Detica and the John Grieve Centre for Policing and Community Safety  ‘Organised Crime in the Digital Age’ research report | http://www.baesystemsdetica.com/
[2]  See previous post: Nathan Abrams, The Jewish Quarterly 2010.
[3] ‘Jewish Group’s Tactics Investigated’ By Jim McGee, Washington Post, Oct. 19, 1993.
[4] ‘The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion’, by Y M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D. Barnes Review, May 27, 2006.
[5] op. cit. Friedman (p.66)
[6] op. cit. Raphael (pp.65-66)
[7] Ibid.
[8] p.7; ‘Eurasia’s Organized and Transnational organized Crime’. Jason D. Soderblom, World International Community Experts, September, 2005.
[9] ‘A Tale of Gazoviki, Money and Greed, by Hans Martin-Tillack, Stern Magazine, September 2007 | “Wadih el Hage, a top assistant to Osama bin Laden who is serving a life sentence for his role in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, visited Hatton Garden in the lead-up to 9/11 to raise funds for Al Qaeda by smuggling tanzanite gems from Tanzania. The Sunday Express reported that Al Qaeda financial front men associated with the Islamic charity, Mercy International Relief Agency, used Irish bank accounts to transfer money to Warsaw. The transactions were ultimately traced to a bank associated with Russian-Israeli mafia chief Semion Mogilevich, who was linked to the Marc Rich Benex-Bank of New York scandal. A senior FBI agent said, ‘Mogilevich is into more bullshit than you can shake a stick at.’ Some of the funds transfers, picked up by National Security Agency and British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) intercepts, were likely used to fund part of the 9-11 attacks. – p. 167; Jaded Tasks: Brass Plates, Black Ops, & Big Oil By Wayne Madsen, Published by Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2006.
[10] ‘Amnesty: Two thirds of Israeli arms – for exports’ YNet. February 10, 2006.
[11] ‘Capitalism in the New Russia’1998, Daniel W. Michaels, (a Fulbright Scholar and U.S. Defense Department Analyst)
[12] ‘Huge Money Laundering Operation Discovered at Tel Aviv Bank Branch’ by Mordecai Plaut and Yated Ne’eman Staff, http://www.chareidi.org | Wall Street Journal pA18 March 8, 2005.
[13] International Crime Threat Assessment Chapter III: “Israel.”… “Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Israel has become a significant operating area for Russian criminals, who take advantage of Israel’s large Russian immigrant community of more than 600,000 to conduct criminal activities in Israel and abroad and launder illicit proceeds. Several international criminal figures from Russia, Ukraine, and other NIS have obtained Israeli citizenship and passports, often fraudulently, for the purpose of establishing a safehaven in Israel and to facilitate their international travel. According to press reports, Israeli police officials have estimated that 10 to 15 organized crime groups from the former Soviet Union, including Solntsevo, have a presence in Israel. Russian criminals who have obtained Israeli citizenship appear to believe they are protected from foreign law enforcement investigations and that they will not be extradited to a foreign country to stand trial for crimes committed there. | http://www.clinton4.nara.gov/WH/EOP/NSC/html/documents/pub45270/pub45270chap3.html
[14] TrustLaw Scrapbook – $8bln laundered each year in Colombia’ By Anastasia Moloney, September 21, http://www.trust.org/
[15] Lt. Andrei Demikhov, Alessandra Stanley, ‘Russian Cities Weigh Legalization of Prostitution’ 3 March, 1998.
[16] ‘Gangster’s Paradise’ “ Organised crime in Russia is out of control.  Criminal “brigades” own everything of value and can “acquire” any commodity in any quantity if the price is right.  Ferocious criminal gangs ship out nuclear warheads with the same aplomb that they plunder train-loads of stolen bank-notes.  Fearless and ingenious they even ripped-off Russia’s entire gold reserves.”By David Guyatt | http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/gangsters_paradise.htm
[17] op.cit. Stanley.
[18] ‘Sharon and His Mafiya Allies Plot Israel Election Theft’ By Jeffrery Steinberg, January 10, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. “With Rich and the Russian Mafiya’s ties extended all the way up into the Office of the Vice President of the United States, it is no wonder that Ariel Sharon boasts that Israeli-American ties have never been tighter.”