
The Z Factor XIII: Holocaustomania?

“The Maxim that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it applies to those Jews who refuse to come to terms with the Jewish past: they have become its slaves and are repeating it in Zionist and Israeli policies. The State of Israel now fulfils towards the oppressed peasants of many countries – not only in the Middle East but also far beyond it – a role not unlike that of the Jews in pre-1795 Poland: that of a bailiff to the imperial oppressor.”

Israel Shahak, The Causes of Hostility Towards Jews: An Historical Overview

For seeking the truth about any controversial subject we must surely have the freedom to question everything without fear of reprisal from cherished beliefs. Otherwise, ignorance and chaos multiply instead of courageous soul-searching which promotes knowledge and awareness for all. However, getting past those beliefs so often wired in by trauma and political expediency is a huge challenge indeed…

Contrary to accusations of anti-Semitism and the label of “holocaust denier” Historian Mark Weber disputes both of these labels acknowledging the catastrophe that was visited upon Jews by Hitler. He does not deny that the holocaust took place, rather he questions the evidence of an official extermination program which admittedly has little documented evidence and when set against an historical predisposition for propaganda that has traditionally paid dividends, demands a rigorous investigation. While questions should always be asked about the beliefs and predispositions of revisionists, the vast majority do not deny the Holocaust or harbour admiration for the Nazi Third Reich, but place the onus on rigorous research which must have a place in holocaust studies without the reflex accusations of “anti-Semite!”. The facts, after all, should speak for themselves.

Professor Norman G. Finkelstein illustrated deep awareness on this matter when he commented on David Irving, historian and Holocaust revisionist: “Irving, notorious as an admirer of Hitler and sympathiser with German National Socialism, has nevertheless made an ‘indispensable’ contribution to our knowledge of World War II.” [1]

One of the most shocking and tragic events of the 20th Century was the holocaust perpetrated by Germany’s Nazi Third Reich from 1933–1945. Up to six million Jews were said to have been murdered by the regime. It was a powerful mythological event in Jewish consciousness which has continued to play a part in defining their identity as a “chosen people”. Yet, it is also true that there were Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, Romani gypsies, Slavic, Polish and Soviet civilians that were intentionally murdered by the Nazi regime with estimates reaching ten to eleven million. This is quite apart from millions of lives lost during the War as a whole. Therefore, it begs the question: why has this been eclipsed in favour of a strictly Jewish and Zionist historical narrative?

The birth of Israel in 1948 led to the joining at the hip of the nation State and holocaust victims – a loss and a legendary gain. Many commentators draw our attention to the fact that as a matter of historic record, the Zionists were more than happy to sacrifice millions of Jews as long as the creation of Israel could be guaranteed. (That part of history doesn’t generally get taught in History classes yet gives ample opportunity to make a distinction between the ordinary Jew and the extremism of Revisionist Zionism). In the intervening post war years, shock and grief still held sway and the Jewish battle lines to create the mantle of “sole sufferers” would develop over the following decades. As Professor of History at Indiana University, Edward T. Lilenthal observed: “what came to be known as the Holocaust was often indistinguishable, in the immediate post-war years, from the millions of non-combatant casualties due to terror bombings of civilian populations, epidemic illness, or starvation. It was considered by most as simply part of the horror of war.” The holocaust was barely talked about and remained a marginal topic of interest in part due to a “war-weary American public” and the understandable wishes of those who witnessed the concentration camp horrors to put it all behind them. [2]

The fusing of the holocaust and the modern state of Israel served to nourish a new and negative Jewish identity, of the martyr grafted onto an already potent ancestral legacy of fear, anger, guilt and revenge; where Jewish tribalism would once more become clearly defined. At the same time, holocaust survivors were uncomfortable in Israel since they were reminders of the depths of Nazi evil as well as the possible shame and guilt that settled upon Jewish consciousness when faced with accusations of no resistance, thus conforming to the stereotypes of passive Jews. Much of Israel did not extend sympathy to holocaust survivors, the results of which are still felt to this day. [3] By the time the victory of the1967 Arab war had been achieved a new Jewish confidence and historical identity was born anew but the industry of victimhood and its myth-making machine would continue apace at the political level.

One of Hitler’s avowed aims was to turn Eastern Europe into part of greater Germany as Slavs and Poles were seen as ethnically inferior and deemed eminently expendable for the Nazi New World Order. The issue of collaboration has had a distinctly Jewish precedent in World War II unlike many other non-Jewish prisoners of war.[4] It was not an isolated dynamic but a common phenomenon which makes the pernicious attacks from Zionists that Christians, ethnic Poles and the allies did not do enough to save Jews somewhat diluted. Polish people were treated by the Nazis as equally deserving of annihilation with up to 2.8 million ethnic, non-Jewish poles perishing throughout World War II. [5] It seems many Jewish people still harbour a hostile perception of Poles and Slavs as somehow competing for the trophy of who suffered more. Their plight has largely been forgotten as Mark Weber notes:

“… there are no American memorials, ‘study centers,’ or annual observances for the victims of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, even though it is well established that Stalin’s victims vastly outnumber Hitler’s … The Holocaust has become both a flourishing business and even a kind of new religion for many Jews.

While we are endlessly told that the Germans murdered six million European Jews during the Second World War… the public is kept largely ignorant of the conflict’s non-Jewish victims. If you ask an average, reasonably educated American: ‘How many European Jews were killed by the Nazis during World War II?’ the almost automatic answer is, of course, six million. But if you ask that same person: How many Americans lost their lives in the Second World War, or, for that matter, how many British, or Chinese, or Germans, died, the response is usually an admission of ignorance.” [6]

Israel Shahak in a letter to an editor explains how reality regarding Jewish involvement in the Second World War has been systematically ignored and obscured by myth. As a survivor of both the Warsaw ghetto in Poland and then in Bergen-Belsen, he offers: “an immediate example of the total ignorance of daily life during the Holocaust: In the Warsaw ghetto, even during the period of the first massive extermination (June to October 1943), one saw almost no German soldiers.”

Shahak continues:

Nearly all the work of administration, and later the work of transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their deaths, was carried out by Jewish collaborators.

Before the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (the planning of which only started after the extermination of the majority of Jews in Warsaw), the Jewish underground killed, with perfect justification, every Jewish collaborator they could find. If they had not done so the Uprising could never have started.

The majority of the population of the Ghetto hated the collaborators far more than the German Nazis. Every Jewish child was taught, and this saved the lives of some them “if you enter a square from which there are three exits, one guarded by a German SS man, one by an Ukrainian and one by a Jewish policeman, then you should first try to pass the German, and then maybe the Ukrainian, but never the Jew”. […]

It is clear that such events were not exclusive to the Jews, the entire Nazi success in easy and continued rule over millions of people stemmed from the subtle and diabolical use of collaborators, who did most of the dirty work for them. But does anybody now know about this?

This, and not what is ‘instilled’ was the reality. […]

Therefore, if we knew a little of the truth about the Holocaust, we would at least understand (with or without agreeing) why the Palestinians are now eliminating their collaborators. That is the only means they have if they wish to continue to struggle against our limb-breaking regime. [7]

There are revisionist historians who have some interesting, if not compelling arguments regarding the statistics, numbers and logistical evidence concerning the methods of extermination that call into question a number of previously consensual conclusions. Even the existence of gas chambers and their quota of alleged deaths has been questioned not just by those whose pro-Hitler bias and right wing credentials are obvious, but by those simply interested in uncovering the truth. Professor Norman Cohn in his historical account of the Jewish Holocaust, Warrant for Genocide noted: “Only about a third of the civilians killed by the Nazis and their accomplices were Jews … Other peoples were marked out for decimation, subjugation, and enslavement, and the civilian losses of some of these [countries] amounted to 11 per cent to 12 per cent of the total population.”  Other respected Jewish scholars have arrived at similar figures. [8]

This does not mean that mass extermination took place but exaggeration, distortion and even habitual deception on this issue determines the outcome of how well the mythology of victimhood stays alive.[9] This does not help anyone – least of all Jewish people.

But it does prove useful for Zionists.

More and more Jewish and non-Jewish academics are beginning to see that the Holocaust has become a lucrative industry of the most cynical kind where private mourning and genuine loss has been coerced towards a public spectacle of exploitation. How are we to challenge this distortion when our cultures are saturated in a exclusively Jewish rendering of World War II and the holocaust? As James Young so eloquently phrased it: “Instead of learning about the Holocaust through the large lens of Jewish history, many Jews and non-Jews in America now learn the whole of Jewish history through the lens of the Holocaust.”[10]

“There is  no way a non-Jew could say what I did in “The Holocaust Industry” without being labeled a holocaust denier. I am labeled a holocaust denier too.” – Norman G. Finkelstein

Finkelstein_holocaust_industry_coverProfessor Norman G. Finkelstein’s 2000 bestseller The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering bravely addresses this very fact. Unsurprisingly, it created a firestorm of controversy on its publication which, along with his other books on Zionism and Israeli policy, led to the loss of his job at Hunter College and the denial of his tenure at Depaul University in 2007. In 2008, the Israeli government deported Finkelstein and banned him from entering the Jewish state for ten years. [11]

The professor remains a thorn in the side of Jewish extremism due to his impeachable credentials. Though his parents survived the Warsaw Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps, every other member of his family on both sides was exterminated by the Nazis. When his book was published in 2000 The Guardian with uncharacteristic boldness ran two lengthy extracts from the introduction.

Finkelstein opined that:

… too many public and private resources have been invested in memorialising the Nazi genocide. Most of the output is worthless, a tribute not to Jewish suffering but to Jewish aggrandisement. The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a ‘victim’ state, and the most successful ethnic group in the US has likewise acquired victim status. Considerable dividends accrue from this specious victimhood – in particular, immunity to criticism, however justified.

The time is long past to open our hearts to the rest of humanity’s sufferings. This was the main lesson my mother imparted. I never once heard her say: ‘Do not compare.’ My mother always compared. In the face of the sufferings of African-Americans, Vietnamese and Palestinians, my mother’s credo always was: ‘We are all holocaust victims.’” [12]

Finkelstein outlines a number of disturbing patterns in the exploitation of suffering, one of which is the pattern of corruption and embezzlement of Holocaust victims’ financial reparations. One particular chapter of his book which caused international outrage (mostly from those who stood to lose from being exposed) was the documentation of the holocaust industry’s blackmail of European governments for supposed holocaust victims. Threats and intimidation of holocaust victims by Jewish organisations were reported, who then proceeded to purloin the “Holocaust compensation” monies. [13]

A typical example of the kind of mass programming regarding Jewish victimhood was in evidence from a video recording of a lecture given by Finkelstein in 2010 at the University of Waterloo where he was taken to task by his “offensive” remarks. The video can be viewed here and a transcript of this instructive exchange follows:

STUDENT: During your speech you made a lot of references to Jewish people as well as certain people in the audience, not Jewish people in general, but especially in the audience – to Nazis. [Begins to cry] That is extremely offensive to certain people who are German and also extremely offensive who actually suffered under Nazi war…

FINKELSTEIN: I don’t respect that any more, I really don’t. I don’t like and I don’t respect the crocodile tears … (interruptions)… the crocodile tears … (clapping and cries from audience) … listen sir, allow me to finish … I don’t like to play to a foreign audience the Holocaust card but since now I feel compelled to – my late father was in Auschwitz, my late mother … please shut-up (applause)… My late father was in Auschwitz my late mother was in Mgdonevice concentration camp – every single member of my family on both sides were exterminated, both my parents were in the Warsaw Ghetto. They taught me and my two siblings that I will not be silenced by Israel over their crimes against Palestinians. I consider nothing more despicable than to use their suffering and their martyrdom to try to justify the torture, the brutalization and the demolition of homes committed against the Palestinians. I refuse any more to be intimidated, to be browbeaten by the tears. If you had any heart in you, you would be crying for the Palestinians. [14]

Over 65 million people died in World War II and it is said, up to six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, a number which is still disputed.  Whether 10,000, 500,000, one million or three million – it’s an obscenity, the results of psychopaths allowed to cluster into groups and hijack the population. The point to remember is that although the persecution of the Jews by the Third Reich is a fact of history yet so too, is the appropriation of victims and the suffering of non-Jews implying that “Gentiles” deaths are somehow less significant. What about the Stalinist and Maoist, genocides that far outnumber any Jewish Holocaust deaths? Where are the multi-million dollar monuments to all those people who died?

More disturbingly, the parallels of Nazi racial supremacy and Jewish supremacy are exactly the same – both see themselves as redeemers of the world tragically mirroring each other’s fundamentalist worldview and both have proved themselves to be adept in mass propaganda by setting themselves apart from others; elevating their race and destiny to romantic, metaphysical and fascistic dimensions while asserting unassailable claims of divine rights. The root mind-set in Zionist, Jewish Fundamentalism and Nazi ideology follow the same authoritarian and racist dynamic and the consequences that stem from these psychological extremes. Could there even be the slightest possibility that there may be something in Zionism, Judaism and the direction of the Jewish race that predisposes them to acts of persecution?

The French Zionist Bernard Lazare was also exploring these questions way back in 1894 before the Nazi persecutions and the modern mythologising that has been so pervasive in the 20th century.

He candidly observed:

Wherever the Jews settled [in their Diaspora] one observes the development of anti-Semitism, or rather anti-Judaism … If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local cause of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all nations amidst whom it settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of Jews belonged to diverse races, as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of anti-Semitism have always resided in [the people of] Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it. [15]

If that is even partially true, expressed by a Zionist, no less, liberating insights for the Jewish collective destiny could perhaps be achieved from a psychotherapeutically-based exploration of the Jewish psyche in this context. Many Jewish academics are doing precisely this, but nowhere near enough. This would naturally enrich not just Jewish and Israeli society but indirectly, the lives of us all. Untold tragedy and its victims could be truly honoured through re-enchantment and integrative self-empowerment rather than self-deception and cynical manipulation.

I think we may have a while to wait for that one.



[1] ‘The Great Taboo Broken’ by Haim. Breseeth, Reflections on the Israeli Reception of Schindler’s List -From Spielberg’s Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler’s List edited by Yoshefa Loshitsky.Indiana University Press, 1997 | ’40 percent of Holocaust survivors in Israel live below poverty line’, Haaretz, December 29, 2005.
[2] p.5; Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America’s Holocaust Museum By Edward T Linenthal. Published by Colombia University Press, 2001 | ISBN-10: 0231124074.
[3] op. cit. Piotrowski.
[4]AFP/Expatica, Polish experts lower nation’s WWII death toll, expatica.com, 30 August 2009.
[5] ‘Debating the Undebatable: The Weber-Shermer Clash Exchanging Views on the Holocaust’ The Journal of Historical Review, Jan-Feb. 1996 (Vol. 16, No. 1), pages 23-34.
[6] ‘The business of death’ By Norman Finkelstein The Guardian, 12 July 2000.
[7] ‘Falsification of the Holocaust’ by Prof. Israel Shahak, published on 19 May 1989 in Kol Ha’ir, Jerusalem.
[8] p.15; Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Norman Cohn, Published by Harper and Rowe, 1966.
[9] ‘Wiesenthal Re-Confirms: ‘No Extermination Camps on German Soil’’ Institute of Historical Review: “…official claims of extermination and gassing at camps in Germany proper persisted until August 1960, when Dr. Martin Broszat of Germany’s semi-official Institute for Contemporary History acknowledged in a letter published in the Hamburg weekly Die Zeit that such allegations were not true. In doing so, Broszat implicitly also conceded that the “evidence” presented at Nuremberg and elsewhere for extermination and gassings in those camps is bogus.Here is a translation of the complete text of Broszat’s letter: “Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed. The gas chamber in Dachau was never entirely finished or put “into operation.” Hundreds of thousands of prisoners who perished in Dachau and other concentration camps in the Old Reich [that is, Germany in its borders of 1937] were victims, above all, of the catastrophic hygienic and provisioning conditions: according to official SS statistics, during the twelve months from July 1942 through June 1943 alone, 110,812 persons died of disease and hunger in all of the concentration camps of the Reich. The mass extermination of the Jews by gassing began in 1941-1942 and occurred exclusively in a few facilities selected and equipped with appropriate technical installations, above all in the occupied Polish territory (but at no place in the Old Reich): in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Sobibor on the Bug [river], in Treblinka, Chelmno and Belzec.
It is at those places, but not in Bergen-Belsen, Dachau or Buchenwald, where the mass extermination facilities, spoken of in your article [in an earlier issue of Die Zeit], were built and disguised as shower baths or disinfection rooms. This necessary differentiation does not, of course, change anything regarding the criminal character of the facility that was the concentration camp. However, it may perhaps help eliminate the annoying confusion that arises from the fact that some ineducable people make use of a few arguments that, while correct, are polemically torn from the context, and that, rushing to respond to them are other people who, although they have the correct overall view, rely upon false or mistaken information. – Dr. M. Broszat, Institute for Contemporary History, Munich.
[10] p. 307; The U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: Memory and the Politics of Identity by James Young.
[11] ‘US academic deported and banned for criticising Israel’ by Toni O’Loughlin, The Guardian, 26 May 2008.
[12] op. cit. Finkelstein, Guardian article 2000.
[13] p.79; The Holocaust industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein, second edition, published by Verso Books. 2003 | ISBN: 185-984-488-X.
[14] ‘Responding to Zionist Propaganda: Dr. Norman Finkelstein on Holocaust exploitation at the University of Waterloo’ 2010.wwwpalestineremembered.com.
[15] Anti-Semitism, Its History and Causes by Bernard Lazare, Britons Publishing Co., London, 1967.

The Z Factor VI: MAFIYA (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel.”

Red Mafiya: by Robert I. Friedman

According to the UN Development Fund for Women, trafficking in women for prostitution is one of the fastest-growing organised criminal activities in the world, and follows, in frequency, only the trade in narcotics and weapons. The sex trade brings in $7-12 billion annually rising every year. While Israel is far from the only country to profit from this trade it remains one of the primary destination and transfer points from Russia and the Middle East with the US State Department listing this little country on the second tier of human trafficking around the world. Tel Aviv’s lucrative sex trade industry made over $1 billion in 2005, profits of which are largely supported by a constant flow of trafficked women from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Russia with many smuggled in across the Egyptian border. [1]

This has continued to increase over the intervening years. The women, many of whom are young girls, are routinely subjected to violence, sexual abuse and rape which often ends in murder. There are hundreds of legal brothels in Israel with predominantly Slavic girls who sell for about $10,000 to $15,000 apiece. They are bought and sold by Russian-Jewish mafia figures and sent to Israel, America and Britain to work. No substantial effort from Tel Aviv has sought to stem this tide. Smuggling, fraudulent documents, and the collaboration between police and brothel owners is still commonplace. While progress has been made it has been painfully slow and Israeli law and protection for prostitutes and vulnerable women remains weak and ineffective. [2] So much so that even Israel’s own women are now being sold abroad. [3]

Over two thousand women each year are trafficked to Israel. Indeed, during the last decade, hundreds of thousands of women from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania in particular have been sold into slavery as prostitutes. Israel is one of the key centres for human trafficking where a hasty and inadequate law was passed only in July 2000 to make trafficking in women illegal. Before this date the buying and selling of women was not considered legal or even worth discussing. The law was only passed due to a paper by Amnesty International which strongly criticised Israeli authorities for allowing widespread trafficking of women to continue unabated.


Information poster on Ukranian Prostitutes in Israel: The poster reads: “Unlike Drugs a woman’s body can be sold over and over. Owners of Israeli brothels like this one in Tel Aviv can buy young women from Moldova or Ukraine for around $4,000 each. With ten prostitutes to service customers , even a small operation can make a million dollars a year. Traffickers posing as employment agents find victims in poor Eastern European towns and lure them abroad with the promise of good jobs. When the women arrive – in Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, the U.S. – they’re delivered to buyers who typically beat, rape, or terrorize them into compliance.”

With the breakdown of the Soviet Union in the late eighties, former soldiers, disenfranchised industrial workers and large numbers of prisoners released from penitentiaries contributed to a massive rise in crime. The ascendency of Russian-Jewish oligarchs living in the West, the Russian mafia has infused the global underworld, with special attention to Israel. Reports from over fifteen years ago show that this consolidation is complete with various Russian mafia groupings comprehensively controlling prostitution, arms, drugs and human trafficking. As emigration policies were relaxed in the 1990s, over half the population of Russian Jews left the country heading primarily for Israel, along with the United States, Germany, Canada, and Australia. However, the largest populations of Jewish peoples still reside in the nations of Russia.

Professor Ethan S. Burger, Senior Lecturer Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention at the University of Wollongong made a useful study of the Russian Mafia groups presented at the 2010 International Serious Organized Crime Conference in Melbourne, Australia. While he revealed just how little we know about the subject, what is certain is that the emergence of mafia states and “deep politics” – where the criminal underworld becomes the “Overworld” – is virtually complete.  Government, commerce and corporations are effectively filtered through criminal networks which means that there are now factions inside federal departments and intelligence agencies who are involved in turf wars directly related to organised crime, terrorism and political extremism. Quite a heady brew. These are signs that ponerological influences are reaching their apotheosis with consequences for for us all.

In his study, Burger highlights the possibility that Russia has inevitably become a “criminal state” with the dividing line between government and mafia groupings “not readily discernable.” Russian, Chechen, Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani criminal groups are separate but work together under the direction of the Solntsevskaya Bratva, the most powerful Jewish and Slavic grouping closely associated with Jewish mobster Semion Mogilevich. It is this group that sits at the top of a loosely defined hierarchy. In much the same way as Bolshevism was a predominately Jewish phenomenon * so too the present day Russian mafia and their the top leaders Ludwig Fainberg, Marat Balagula, Monya Elson, Vyacheslav Ivankov Vladimir Ginsberg, and of course, Mogilevich – are all Jewish. That isn’t designed to set the anti-Semites nodding happily, it is simply relying a fact.

Since we are exploring the background of Russian mafia and Zionist connections it is also important to point out that ethnic divisions are not a problem when it comes to creating empires of crime. However, the most powerful mafia groupings and oligarchs seem to be predominantly Jewish and/or Zionist since this is the most effective way extending reach, both culturally, economically and as a consequence of an historically nomadic and opportunistic tribal imperative.

As waves of anti-Jewish pogroms and expulsions from the countries of Western Europe marked the last centuries of the Middle Ages, a sizable portion of the Jewish populations moved to the more tolerant countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Many settled in Poland and Hungary which then led to Jews from Poland migrating in large numbers to the lightly populated areas of Ukraine and Lithuania.

Late in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Jews dominated and controlled the trade in white slavery or prostitution, running brothels in Shanghai, India, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil and New York City. It steadily increased in scope and complexity, with brothels serving the primary means of financial gain, as is still the case today. This formed an extensive network based in Eastern and Central Europe, trafficking women to all corners of the globe including all parts of North and South Africa, to India, China, Japan, Philippine Island, North and South America, and many European countries. Primary cities acting as transfer points included Bulgaria, Bosnia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. Although mainly non-Jewish women were the victims, the Jewish criminal underworld procured young women from their own communities who were often poor and with considerable societal pressure to either accept prostitution or succumb to the the extreme poverty existing at the time.

Poland became a major focus for bonded prostitution as early as 1899 with the city of Warsaw acting as the primary location. According to Edward Bristow one of the acknowledged 20th century experts in white slavery:

In 1905 the respectable part of the Jewish Warsaw community rioted against the brothels; 40 whorehouses — legal and illegal — were reported destroyed, 8 persons killed, and 100 injured). […] In Minsk, Jews ran all four legitimate houses of ill repute. In the Russian province of Kherson (which includes the city of Odessa) 30 of 36 licensed brothels were Jewish-owned. The American Consul in Odessa wrote in 1908 that the “whole ‘business’ of prostitution is almost exclusively in the hands of the Jews.” […] In Vienna, authorities knew of about 50 Jewish prostitution traffickers based in Czernowitz, “and they were a very inbred lot extending over two generations.” The most publicized ‘white slavery’ trial occurred in 1892, in Lemberg (once also called Lvov, then a Polish provincial capital, today called Lviv in Ukraine), where 27 traffickers — all Jews — were prosecuted for ensnaring women to go to Constantinople, Egypt, and India. Some of the women recruits understood their tasks, but others “were maids, others fieldworkers, one a butcher’s helper, all apparently promised honest jobs. [4]

Bristow confirms that this method of entrapment has not changed at all in over one hundred and fifty years. From Europe to Latin America, the Jewish Mafia was expanding their operations and by 1909 they owned half of the two-hundred brothels licensed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With the financial help from the United Jewish Philanthropies of Germany, Austria, France and Britain, and even after the persecution from the Russian and Polish pale the mafia were on hand to turn refugees into profitable commodities. This included Jewish ties in Cuba who established a trade route for prostitutes from Poland and the Balkans.

Russia and Eastern Europe had become an increasingly hostile place for Jews. Several 19th-century Russian writers, among them Dostoyevski and Gogol, have described the crime-wave from the Jewish underworld and destructive effects on Slavic peasant society as well as the perpetual condition of mutual hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs. The Mafia, and crime syndicates within Jewish communities knew how to exploit the suffering, including that of their own people.


New York: Lower East side’s Russian-Jewish “ghetto” of 1908

According to Dr. Mordechai Zalkin, senior lecturer in the Department of the History of the Jewish People at Ben-Gurion University, until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. Zalkin believes that the late 19th and early 20th century were bad years, in which the Jews of Eastern Europe did their best simply to survive. Between 1888 and the outbreak of World War I, in 1914, two million Jews from Eastern Europe moved to America. Perhaps mass poverty on such a scale produces methods of survival where those who can adapt in a strictly Darwinian sense do so. And they thrive. This was the hard won roots of the Jewish mafia where thrive they certainly did, with a particular ruthlessness borne from intense hardship:

“… The major catalyst for the consolidation of the Jewish criminal organizations was poverty, poverty so profound that there was no chance to break out of it. The Jews had it even harder, because they were a minority within a majority that placed restrictions on them. […] Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members. The large organizations operated in the cities, which they divided into sectors among themselves. Each organization had a charter, a clear hierarchy and internal courts, and its work was divided according to different areas, such as theft, protection money, prostitution, pick-pocketing and murder. The art of crime was treated seriously, as it was a major source of livelihood for many people. Between the world wars the idea was even raised of establishing a school for thieves in Vilna. [in Lithuania] It’s not known if the idea was put into practice.” [5]

However, although poverty was certainly the cause of widespread crime and prostitution Bristow argued that the 1914 League of Nations survey of 25 Jewish prostitutes in Buenos Aires showed that only 4 of them claimed to be poor before their new trade. Nine, however, stated that their family lives had been “immoral or abusive in some way.”

Similarly, Prof. Robert Rockaway, from the department of Jewish history at Tel Aviv University notes that Detroit’s Jewish Purple Gang members “were not products of crushing poverty, broken homes, or widespread economic despair. Most of them had been raised in lower middle class households where the father had a steady, if not well-paying, job.” (Interestingly, the centre of the Jewish trade in Polish girls was in a little town called Oswiecim or – “Auschwitz.”)

Essentially, the oppressive period of communism was also a time for the Jewish Bolsheviks to exercise their control within Russia, the Ukraine and the Slavic countries, coming down hard on the growing capitalism which included their Jewish compatriots in human trafficking. Enter the historical period of slave labour camps where many Russian and Ukrainian nationalists perished and for whom the Jewish identity and its underworld had become synonymous. Many enemies of the Jews died in these camps enabling in part, the Russian/Jewish underworld to gain a lasting ascendance. It was here that the roots of Russian crime – well established within Soviet bureaucracy – began to fuse with the extensive underworld and Zionist global connections. With the collapse of communism and the Soviet Union, the Jewish Networks and the Russian Mafia became one. As the late Russian-Jewish magnate and fervant Zionist Boris Berezovsky declared in 1996, and a candid response to his critics at the height of his obligarchal control: “Every Jew, regardless of where he is born or lives, is de facto a citizen of Israel,” …“The fact that I have annulled my Israeli citizenship today in no way changes the fact that I am a Jew and can again become a citizen of Israel whenever I choose. Let there be no illusions about it, ‘every Jew in Russia is a dual citizen’ ”.

Young students and those from poor backgrounds in Russia, Ukraine and the Slavic countries are still being lured by promises of big money and/or paid blue collar work only to find themselves working in brothels with no way out until their debt for the travel costs are paid back in full. Even then, the chances are that freedom will mean transportation to a new region and a new brothel to begin it all over again. One could see why Hitler and his twisted form of Gnostic fascism ostensibly chose the underworld Jewish mafia of the time as a caricature of the Jewish people as a whole and the pariah and projection of all the German peoples’ ills and frustrations. Obviously, many Jewish peoples wanted nothing to do with such crime and its Zionist roots, as is the case today. As Bristow mentions: “Jews were already blamed in central Europe for a financial crash in 1873 and economic competition between Jews and non-Jews was heightening. In Chicago, by 1907 Rabbi Emil Hirsch declared that 75 per cent of the “white slavery” in his city was controlled by Jews.

It was no accident that The Jewish Kehillah in New York City was formed together with the American Jewish Committee. The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies – religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah reached 688, and by 1921 over 1,000. An aggressive program from the Kehillah was implemented to make New York “a Jewish city”, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country. In the 1920s the United States of America had fielded a vast exodus of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe which brought with it an extensive network of mafia links which laid the foundations for a new form of crime organisation. They were by no means the only crime network, but they were certainly the most powerful.

1917 saw the Balfour Declaration and a home grown Zionist dream of a State of Israel was the beginning of a long cherished plan from a host of diverse parties all with their respective goals. The Protestants in Britain and forerunners of the Christian Zionists of today implemented the declaration itself, identifying themselves as the inheritors of the Israelites or the lost ten tribes. This support grew for restoration of the Jews as the rightful owners of “the Holy Land.” The movement was given succour by many that were that were distinctly unfriendly in their intentions. As we have noted, some branches of Protestantism posit that the Second Coming of Christ would only come only after the Jews were re-established in their land. Then there was the rising anti-Semitic backlash made up of individuals who saw the established Jewish homeland as a perfect solution to ridding the Europe of Jews. The British Empire also hoped that a Jewish Palestine would be an excuse for a British protectorate there, and would establish a power base in the Middle East that would ensure geo-political leverage well into the future. Once Israel was firmly established as a thriving hub of allegiance between crime networks in America, Israel’s “business” began to flourish and diversify from the HQ of a “promised” homeland.

Professor Rockaway believes that those coming straight from the survivalist rigours of their former homeland knew full well that economic advancement was not going to be an option. The underworld ties still in place abroad and the particular brand of US capitalism which was busy sharpening its teeth, offered a seamless homogenization and extension of Jewish crime organizations which had first been seeded in Russia and Eastern Europe. Zionist gangsters were among the frontline of organized crime during the start of the twentieth century. For an example, among many, Rockaway states: “Arnold Rothstein, was the head of the New York underworld in the 1920s. He created the largest gambling empire the U.S. had ever seen until then. He controlled most of the gangs in New York, including drugs and liquor. Rothstein was the first entrepreneur in the U.S. who created a well-oiled organization to smuggle liquor during Prohibition.” [6]

Criminals such as Abner Zwillman, Joseph Reinfeld, Bugsy Seigel and later Julius Berstein were at the forefront of US crimes including everything from extortion, contraband, gambling and the still rising profits of prostitution. Jewish-American gangsters such as the notorious Meyer Lansky who underpinned much of the outgrowth of Jewish crime had strong links to Israel and its development. His life-long associate Joe Stacher (the first official Israeli mobster) also helped in the struggle for Israel’s creation during the 1940s, by providing shipments of weapons and military hardware to the pre-state Haganah defense organization, the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces. According to Rockaway, tens of thousands of dollars from other Jewish underworld figures helped in the establishment of the new Zionist settlements. World War II only increased the cover of the Zionist movement as a whole.


(left) Meyer Lansky (right) Bugsy Siegel


(Left) Arnold Rothstein (right) Julius Bernstein

It was around the 1960s that leading figures in the Irgun Jewish terrorist group by suggestion or by their own volition, decided to bring key players within Jewish organized crime from the West into the heart of Israel, most notably Tel Aviv. This was due to the fact that key movers within the Irgun or “The Organization” were active in the underworld and fascist at their roots. They obviously abhorred anti-Semitism but aligned themselves with elements of the Mussolini doctrine. Arms, drug running and money laundering grew to staggering proportions, the latter being particularly notorious amongst Russian/Jewish banks within Israel and Wall Street.

Back in 1968, Israeli Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir, the creator of Israel’s “offshore” banking system, sponsored the first of many “millionaires conferences” in Jerusalem. All in attendance were in one way or another connected to the Israeli intelligence apparatus responsible for the weapons and money that helped create Israel in 1948. Among them were: Louis Boyar and Sam Rothberg, Max Fisher, Philip Klutznik, Henry Crown, Raphael Recanati, Ray Wolfe and Shaul Eisenberg. (If we remember from a previous post Eisenberg’s Israel Corporation had it’s beginnings in this secret meeting and which led to the Banque du Credit International money laundering scandal set up by Tibor Rosenbaum). The injection of capital into the designs of Israel is on-going and underworld crime naturally benefits. Indeed, if it is correct that 50 per cent of Russian wealth is owned by Russian Jews then it’s only logical that the capital – political and otherwise – is increasingly a factor in Israel’s ideological designs; not forgetting since 1973, Israel has cost the United States alone about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today’s population, that is more than $5,700 per person.

The Club of Isles (which allegedly has one time friend of Eisenberg and “philanthropist” Jewish George Soros as an active member) the Carlyle Group, Bilderberg Grp., The Club of Rome, or the Trilateral Commission and other glorified Old Boys’ Clubs all have members of a Zionist Elite. Not forgetting the ever present and hugely influential House of Rothschild dynasty …

Once again, our mixed up and fluid reality ensures that objectivity regarding the Jewish role is a veritable mine-field of beliefs and emotional reactions. This goes a long way in explaining its ascendency and continuing hold on most of the world’s future, let alone the lives of Palestinians. Israel and the Russian underworld are brothers in arms, trafficking and narcotics all of which merge into the intelligence apparatus.


Robert I. Friedman

Robert I. Friedman, the late Jewish, Ukrainian-American investigative journalist and expert on the Russian “Mafiya” – and who was murdered by poisoning in 2002 [7] was told by US State Department crime expert Jonathan Winer that: “There is not a major Russian organized crime figure whom we are tracking who does not also carry an Israeli passport.” He believed – and authorities concur – that Israel and Russia are the “principle residences of most Russian crime bosses…” and further: “Of all the nations where the Russian mob has established a presence, none has been more deeply compromised than the State of Israel,” which has led to the Russian mafia becoming: “… a grave threat to the stability of Israel.” [8] In fact, Friedman’s research confirms that: “… all 75 of the top Russian and Ukrainian crime kingpins the U.S. government was tracking worldwide at the end of the 1990s were citizens of Israel.” (More from Friedman in the next post)

Rather like Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, US Federal law enforcement’s efforts to investigate Russian Mafia leaders have been continually thwarted by high level officials in the US government or the tried and tested pretense of the anti-Semitism meme. Friedman believed that within the stocks, insurance, Medicare and credit card industries some of the biggest frauds in US history have been carried out by these Mafia groups and their respectable – often Jewish – fronts. The author explains how their dealings branch into counterfeit currencies, money laundering, narcotics and weapons trafficking, gambling and protection rackets, prostitution rackets and sex slave industries, and the appropriation of gasoline and other fuels. In fact, just about anything which can be criminalised the profit extracted as quickly as possible then the Russian Mafia have either cornered, stolen or created the market. To that end, the author states: “Ukrainian Jewish mafia kingpins also reportedly laundered about $9 billion through the Bank of New York during Russia’s financial meltdown in 1998, and are believed to be fixing games in the National Hockey League. Outside the United States, these crime syndicates are supplying weapons to insurgents, paramilitaries and drug traffickers in Colombia, Brazil and the Andean region.” [9]

If it wasn’t present at its inception, Zionism has now clearly merged with underworld financing with money laundering, sex slavery and narcotics as a few of the primary activities of Israeli crime syndicates. [10]


* The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Two volume work Two Hundred Years Together published in 2001-2002 provides the definitive open and shut case for Bolshevism and its Jewish roots in both belief and the eventual revolution itself. Yet, of course, Zionists and academic Jews had to come down hard on the Nobel Laureate and accuse him very quickly of anti-Semitism. Thankfully, most people were not convinced. In a recent guardian article Solzhenitsyn states:

“My book was directed to empathise with the thoughts, feelings and the psychology of the Jews – their spiritual component,” he said. “I have never made general conclusions about a people. I will always differentiate between layers of Jews. One layer rushed headfirst to the revolution. Another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back. The Jewish subject for a long time was considered prohibited. Zhabotinsky [a Jewish writer] once said that the best service our Russian friends give to us is never to speak aloud about us.”

‘Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution’ The Guardian, Nick Paton Walsh, January 2003.

And so it is with the Russian-Jewish mafia.


[1] ‘Human trafficking in Israel rakes in more than USD billion a year, findings in annual parliamentary survey show’ Miri Hasson, Israel News, March 23, 2005.
[2] Amnesty International 2000 report: “Israel’s Sex Industry”.
[3] ‘Israeli women being trafficked abroad’ The Jerusalem Post. March 13 2007.
[4] Prostitution and Prejudice: the Jewish Fight against White Slavery – 1870-1939, Edward J. Bristow.
[5] ‘World of our (god)fathers’ Basing his conclusions on carefully culled scraps of evidence, historian Mordechai Zalkin states that until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. By ‘our’ people. By Coby Ben-Simhon Haaretz, Oct. 21, 2004. | http://www.haaretz.com/world-of-our-god-fathers-1.137987
[6] ‘Segodnya’ Today, Nov. 14, 1996.
[7] But He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters by Prof. Robert Rockaway, Department of Jewish history, Aviv University, Gefen Publishing House, 2000.
[8] “The investigative stories of Robert I. Friedman (1951-2002) appeared from the early 1980s. Allegedly, he died of a tropical blood disease. But many had their doubts and believed he was poisoned. The daring Jewish journalist made headlines exposing politicians, bankers and mobsters who preyed on the powerless. The ADL maligned him, death threats poured in, and he was badly beaten by West Bank thugs. Friedman warned the FBI of the threat posed by the first World Trade Center bombers and delivered vital reports on the long arms of the Russian Jewish mafia, which offered $100,000 to have him killed.” – Y M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D
[9] p. 65; Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman, published by Little, Brown and Company; 1st edition, 2000 | ISBN-10: 0316294748
[10] ‘Russian Ukrainian Crime Groups Set to Corner Global Drug Market,’ Strategic Forecasting, April 8, 2002.