Earth / Climate Change

Strive For Simplicity, Economise on Energy (3)

“I have long held an opinion, almost amounting to conviction, in common I believe with many other lovers of natural knowledge, that the various forms under which the forces of matter are made manifest have one common origin; or, in other words, are so directly related and mutually dependent, that they are convertible, as it were, one into another, and possess equivalents of power in their action.”

— Michael Faraday, English Physicist and Chemist

Reading time: 20 mins


What is energy?

Energy is a property of matter, space, objects and fields. It can be transferred and converted, but it can’t be destroyed – or created. Energy can be chemical, thermal electrical and kinetic, all of which exists in and around the mind-body system.

For our focus it is potential energy which can be stored and qualitatively accumulated which is of interest.

Energy can be refined in order to get more vitality for your voltage, so to speak.

Since sufficient energy is the fuel for all manner of action, (and The Work) it stands to reason that the more energy you have within your mind-body system the more enhanced the capacity for change.  With enough stored, (and the “space” ready to store it) we have a greater chance of changing our physical, mental and emotional states.

With a greater store of energy on tap, this might even provide the “nourishment” and power needed to fuel overall meta-physical transformation.

At this point in history the demands on our time and energy are relentless. Many of us have become mentally ill or physically debilitated due to environmental and psycho-social factors. In this technological age there are reasons to fill every waking hour with activities and distractions which feed our restlessness but give little in terms of true nourishment. If we cut out the clutter and re-organise our daily lives so that things become simpler we make better use of our time. Time management goes hand in hand with simplicity. Economising conserving and simplifying are mutually inclusive.

What is crucial to your life and what is just repetitive, useless busy-ness? Is that moving centre sending into you spirals of pointless activity in order to displace energy that could be useful to personal transformation? Ask yourself honestly: Is your attention habitually fixed on getting things to feel better? Has this focus overshadowed what’s truly important in my life?

If that’s true and like so many of us, you have been caught up in finding too much satisfaction in possessions (or possessing people) then it’s a cue to simplify and to realise that attachment to beliefs and their possessions are often the greatest obstacle to living a more harmonious life. Or, as German poet and playwright Johann von Goethe expressed it: “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.”

To achieve simplicity we have to conserve our energy in thought and action. One thing is for sure, you’ll need every ounce of it if you are to transform your inner life. By gettting rid of that which ultimately drains you, it opens up the space for an ongoing process of spring-cleaning, much like you do with your flat or house. And it’s amazing how much more can be achieved by decreasing one’s complexity.


Reality Change IV: Full Circle

By M.K. Styllinski

“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”

– Carl Gustav Jung


We are all enmeshed in a vast network of interrelated and interconnected associations. Coming Earth changes might just be the catalyst to “flip the switch”. The question is: who are we and what do we see? The answer may determine where we are on that vast circuit board, and which reality we are likely to inhabit.

The onset of the next cometary bombardment does not necessarily mean a global catastrophe to end them all, but it would take care of the long-term emergence of Pathocracy should enough of us be armed with the knowledge of what has been going on here for centuries. It offers an enormous opportunity for a New World of balance, instigated along natural lines with inbuilt safeguards to prevent the entry of ponerological infections. At the very least, we would be on a level playing field where those that would seek to manipulate and lead by deception will be plainly seen for what they are. As such, we will be able to see make the choice not to share in the rebuilding of a replica of the past but use the knowledge to create a future without psychopathic inculcation.


Reality Change III: Comets, Cataclysms, Plagues and Pathocracies

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”

– George Santayana

An historical social science which includes a synthesis of shared data from all academic fields is essential if we are to have any chance of true progress where it matters. Prediction may then possible and applied with scientific rigour so that safeguards can be established for maintaining its long-term integrity. Needless to say, ponerology must feature as an adjunct to ALL disciplines if we are to make any sense of the human condition. We are writing the history of the future with the choices we make in the present.

A professor of ecology and mathematics at the University of Connecticut, USA and author of War and Peace and War: The Life-Cycles of Imperial Nations (Pi Press, 2006) Peter Tirchin is convinced that history can not only be about focusing on the minutiae but as a science that can “develop unifying theories and test them with data generated by history, archaeology and specialized disciplines.” The professor calls this new branch of science: ‘cliodynamics’, from Clio, the muse of history, and dynamics, the study of temporally varying processes and the search for causal mechanisms.” In his July 2008 article for science journal Nature titled: ‘Transforming history into science: Arise ‘cliodynamics’’ He proposes the collection of quantitative data and the creation of explanations which can be empirically tested from the gathered data: “… rather than on instances carefully selected to prove our pet narratives.” Tirchin reiterates the point: “To truly learn from history, we must transform it into a science.”


Reality Change II: “Hope for the best, Prepare for the Worst.”

“Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances.”

– ‘Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies’


“Don’t trust the banks. Most are bankrupt. Don’t put your gold and silver coins in the safe deposit box. Keep them at home and keep them secret. Don’t keep more cash in the bank than is necessary to cover about a month’s worth of bills. This is a flashing red alert. Many tens of thousands of people who have their trust in the government system (U.S. currency) are headed dead ahead into impoverishment.”

– Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty Digest

Not a pretty picture.

The above nebulous language introduced in recently amended regulations in the US code of military operations on domestic soil conveniently skipped over what these “activities” would be in order to quell civil disturbances. What it does do is give the US military carte blanche to do as they please in such a scenario which won’t exactly reassure American citizens that they are safe. Indeed, it suggests that the only “unexpected” thing here is just what the US military has planned in the face of the inevitable break down in social “order.” And when we factor in all kinds of natural disasters on the horizon you can understand why so many folks are leaving cities with high density populations and even leaving the country completely.

Not all of the disaster events in the last post will occur but since the main points on this list was first compiled in 2011, we are already seeing some of these scenarios playing out. And who knows? They may all arrive within a year… It really is a case of “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” as some bright spark once said …

Returning to our Machiavellian friend and insider Zbigniew Brzezinski, this man has had his finger on the pulse between pathocrat and the global public for several decades. Driven by an irrational and all-consuming hatred of Russia, Brzezinski is a master tactician and highly astute at deciphering the many possible futures currently jostling for supremacy.  If he is worried about the scope and depth of changes taking place, then you can be fairly certain he’ll telegraph his concerns to the pathocratic faithful so that contingencies can be updated.


Reality Change I: 16 ignition points

 By M.K. Styllinski

 “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

– James Baldwin

Unless you have been living in a small cave in the mountains for the last few decades (and that may still be an option) you have probably noticed that we are moving through extremely tumultuous times. Having successfully traversed the Grand Hype and misinterpretations of the 2012 Mayan Prophecy which did not say the world would end but indicate massive change – humanity is still here. Nonetheless, it seems we are in for some truly momentous events. In fact, there is a host of global indicators which, in isolation, or as a non-linear combination, could signal an epic meltdown in the fortunes of humanity whilst offering the possibility of a completely new world.

Do not take the following synopsis as inevitable and that we should all order a bulk supply of dehydrated chicken noodles and chlorinated water tablets, pack our bug bags and find our respective caves … Only that one, or several of these events have an extremely high probability of occurring over the next 2 -10 years. Our history appears to be one long bid to cover up the reality that this planet goes through cycles of catastrophic upheaval – a “reset” if you will. Those that learned to read the signs and took sensible measures to avoid unnecessary future hardship in the face of these dramatic environmental and infrastructure changes were the ones that survived. That means psychological as well as practical awareness.

In lieu of what has gone before in this series, I hope this list helps to place the events in context, whilst offering an easy summary of what we are all facing. A selection of links is included under each heading which are not definitive, merely relevant sources for further reading.


Official Culture Reprise VII: Moving Away From the Psychopath’s Dream (4)

“Perhaps the most important lesson of Ladakh has to do with happiness. Only after many years of peeling away layers of preconceptions did I begin to see the joy and laughter of the Ladakhis for what it really was: a genuine and unhindered appreciation of life itself. In Ladakh I have known a people who regard peace of mind and joie de vivre as their unquestioned birthright. I have seen that community and a close relationship to the land can enrich human life beyond all comparison with material wealth or technological sophistication.”

Helena Norberg-Hodge, Ancient Futures


Learning from Ladakh

One example of the social consequences of Official Culture meeting pathology-free communities is from the thousand year-old Buddhist people of Ladakh situated in the desert of the Western Himalayas known as : “little Tibet.” There is no romantic gilding here, theirs is a story of survival, endurance and physical hardship set against a harsh environment. The  essence and principles of their continued existence and the coming of Western “development” places in sharp relief the kind of values necessary to create a community and to see it function and thrive. Yet, the deep spiritual resource that the Ladakhis embodied and which pervaded every facet of their lives was a lesson in ancient humility and reverence for a sacredness that we have lost – to our absolute detriment. Simplicity, yes, raw nature, indeed. But the Ladakhis appeared to have a spiritual health that was far in advance of our own. Like many indigenous cultures, it is not so hard to see why. For all our intellectual feats of daring-do, our Western populations in particular, remain desperately unhappy and dangerously lost.

So, what does that mean?  That we all give up our i-pads and urban lifestyles and go and live in yurts and commune with nature?


Occult Zionism VII: Hexagrams and Comets

 “The Israeli national talisman is the hexagram which is called the Magen or “Star of David” and is supposed to be the ancient symbol of Israel. However, such an occult symbol is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. It was ‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia and formally adopted as ‘the Star of David’ in 1898 at the Second Zionist Congress in Switzerland.”

Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered

Star_of_DavidThe Star of David; David’s Shield or Magen Dawld

If you have have read through much of this series, you might see a certain divergence occurring within Saturn Worship toward cults of Sun/fire and moon worship. In fact, by the time the Silver Age had ended and the Bronze Age of man had begun, history had delineated a clear distinction between fire worship and other residues of Saturn Worship. Sun Cults and Saturn cults had begun to form, each descending further and further into their negative associations. Thus it could be said that early Christianity emerged from the Egyptian myths of the Fire/Sun cults whilst Islam and Judaism had their roots in Saturn, moon rituals. Each were birthed from the same Star-God which gradually diverged over the centuries. The Egyptian Sun cult was the basis for Christianity, with the Jesus myth as “saviour” and “the light of the world”; cyclic rebirth dominating and battling the “Satan” of Saturnine cults. One can see clear freemasonic, Establishment distinctions of a ruling “priesthood” derived from the super-ancient origins of Saturn as our original brown dwarf star-sun.

Whether it is the Roman Sun god of Apollo, the 18th Century fire worship of the Illuminists or the Arabian followers of Saturnine Ishtar and Israelite cult of Baal or the Elohim, all of these descendants are now fully “satanic” in the sense that the Light was Luciferian – a “Black Sun” which became contoured toward the worship of darkness as an end in itself. Their New World International Order was one of a ruling EL-ite warring amongst themselves yet moving collectively toward what they denote as the next New Age of Man – the Synthetic Age (or “Synthesis”) and their return as the original overshadowing “gods.” Which is why we have such a seemingly bizarre sharing of cultural iconography in the two religio-occult affiliations within the 3EM and the fractal replications on the sun/moon theme. It doesn’t matter if it is the Western Hermetic tradition or the Hassidic cult of Chabad Lubavitch, each seeks to enforce the same totalitarian doctrines upon humanity and their respective inversions of a cosmic spirituality, way beyond the mixtus orbis of duality.

And one particular icon has remained a shared focus of power throughout.

The Star of David (or David’s Shield) is more accurately a hexagram. Dispensing with the mythology of King David, it is unquestionably an extremely ancient symbol dating back many thousands of years. If we keep in mind the Four Ages of Man and the probability that a global culture distributed cultural icons between different peoples – hence the similarity of cultural disjecta membra – it means the hexagram represented something common to all, with Saturn/Moon worship and the accoutrements of magical inversion arriving later. It has been present in most cultures as far back as 3,000 B.C. including the Sumerian tablets and as a template design of Stone Henge, thus it was never a uniquely Jewish symbol.

0001The hexagram-hexagon star symbolism occurs throughout Vedic literature and is known as Shaktona. In the Hindu religion it plays a vital part in their iconography of the gods being found right across the Near and Far East; the Indian and African continents. It is also a common symbol in Buddhism, Islam, Jainsim, Japanese Shintoism and the Chinese “Book of Changes” or Yi Ching. It can be seen in European and North American Churches, Christian iconography and the Catholic Church, as well as the Great Seal on the US dollar bill. The symbolism of the star even crops up in the brewery tradition!


“The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.” (wikipedia, public domain)

The hexagram star has a very long history indeed but its association with Israel amounts to a clever mix of public relations and a tradition of ritual invocation. During the Second World War Jews were made to where the yellow star as a badge of death. When the war ended it became a symbol of Jewish resurrection and life. Yet, the Nazi use of the symbol – whilst abhorrent – was more accurate because of its ancient association to Saturn worship and death which was both the end desire of the Nazis and a pointed link to the tribe as a chosen people of Saturn rather than of G-d.

The question is, do most Jewish people realise the source of their emblem?

The magick associated with the six-pointed star and its hexagram were constantly found in talismans and amulets, largely for protection a key feature of the Talmud’s Jewish hijacking of the Medieval Arabic Cabala into the popular usage of the Kabbalah. The design appears in much of the Medieval Arabian traditions and was known as “Solomon’s Seal” which was mostly engraved on drinking cups and serving dishes. Jewish occultists saw the opportunity for another industry to form and began selling the seal as a from of magickal protection. King Solomon was likely another propaganda creation but the character’s mythology of occult nastiness provided centuries of inspiration for the Kabbalah and Western Hermeticism in general.

Nevertheless, despite King Solomon as the alleged builder of the first Temple in Jerusalem, King of Israel and a black magick practitioner (an interesting red flag in itself) the Talmud lauds Solomon as one of the 48 prophets, as does the Koran. Although mentioned in the Talmud and Midrash, Medieval Jewish mysticism incorporated the idea of Solomon’s magic rings into Kabbalah merchandizing ensuring the mythos of Solomon – and the concentration of magick that surrounded him – would reign supreme.

Solomon’s rings bestowed all kinds of occult feats of magical daring-do, giving further protective power to the Jewish tribe in the face of intermittent persecution and by extension, conferring the same powers onto those who bought the sales pitch. When set in a circle the six pointed star and hexagram is thought to act as a primary tool for the invocation of elementals and demonic entities. After all, in common magical parlance we: “… cast a spell on someone” or more accurately, “place a hex” upon them, the latter word derives from the divinatory “hexagram.” It is thus found in every kind of esotericism, white / black magick and New Age philosophy from Wicca to Raelianism; Theosophy to Martinism and of course, the Jewish Kabbalah.

German-born Israeli philosopher and historian Professor Gershom Scholem who wrote about these “amulets and protective charms” within Judaism were: “… found side by side with the invocation of demons, incantations…and even sexual magic and necromancy…”. The professor further states that these demons and devils were apparently under the rule of the Talmud and submitted to the Torah and thus: “… there were also good-natured devils who are prepared to help and do favors to men. This is supposed to be particularly true of those demons ruled by Ashmedai (Asmodeus) who accept the Torah and are considered ‘Jewish demons.’ Their existence is mentioned by the Hasidei Ashkenaz as well as in the Zohar.” [1]

sattalThe pentacle (left) The six-pointed star (right) (wikipedia) Notice the bull of Taurus-baal in the centre surrounded by planetary glyphs.

It is from the depictions of the seal of Solomon upon which the hexagram or “Star of David”, was eventually modelled to become the the symbol of Judaism in the modern period and placed on the flag of Israel. It was precisely because of its Medieval use and symbol of magick and its Saturnine origins that it was chosen as the emblem. In 1354, King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David’s shield and Solomon’s seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars.  Thus Israel’s magick and Saturn worship became synonymous with the State of Israel. [2]

Saturn’s star has never been an exclusively Jewish symbol. No Jewish authority knows exactly when and where Jews chose to make the six-pointed star or hexagram their own, although the 14th century was one of the first references  Although Jews were happy to stick with the 7 candles of the Menorah as their emblem, and which could be said to be the true symbol of Judaism, “modern” references cite the formal blessing of the star as “‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia.” (See quote above) Yet, the  the six-sided hexagram really took off as the Jewish emblem care of the Talmud and Lurianic Kabbalah in 17th Century Germany, kicking off the long tradition of German-Jewish freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. According to a variety of sources, it was the Viennese Jesuits at the behest of freemason German Emperor Ferdinand III who offered the hexagram as a mark of honour for the Jews of Prague for their assistance in the Thirty Years War.

Despite strong opposition to the hexagram star from many Rabbis due to is obvious pagan roots, the symbol spread within the Jewish communities most notably with the rise of the ambitious and Talmudic follower Mayer Amschel Bauer. He pointedly advertised his allegiance to Ashkenazi Jews and occult Zionism by changing his family name to “Rothschild” (‘Red Shield’) and incorporating the star of David hexagram into his family coat of arms. As he started up his financial brokering business in Frankfurt, it is said that the red shield emblazoned with the hexagram hung over the door. (This was not unnatural since the hexagram was hung outside synagogues and during Jewish festivals not long after its introduction – See House of Rothschild). Heavily funded by the Rothschilds, by 1897 the six-pointed star had become the insignia of Zionism; the iconic emblem of Israel and the international symbol of Jewish people everywhere.


Sefer_raziel_segulotSample page of Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, a medieval work of Jewish mysticism (wikpedia, public domain)

The hexagram contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. Rather than a microchip or bar-code so often attributed to the Mark of the Beast, perhaps it is the six-pointed star of a hexagram that is the culprit considering its dark history? It is rather alarming with all that we know up to this point about the authoritarianism of basic Judaism, the dark occult roots of the Talmud, and the input of Ashkenazi-Khazar Jews, we then discover that the Biblical warnings of the number of the beast (666) can be seen as the current Hexagram flying defiantly or brazenly on the Israeli flag. This is further evidence that Israel and the Jewish people have been led astray by a Kabbalistic magickal working overlaid onto the original Saturn King.

Keep in mind that we also have Cassiel for whom the Gnostics called “an angel of matter”, who appropriated the melancholy and darkness of the Saturn star. He is of particular importance within the Kabbalah, being one of the seven archangels of Sephiroth acting as intermediaries between “God” and physical life. Cassiel controls the moon, karma, time and presides over the death of Kings. The angel rules over the ancient Hebrew, ‘Shabbathai’ (Saturn) and Satur-day’s “Holy Sabbath.” Magic spells using his name are cast to create destruction, to scatter crowds, to cause a person to wander aimlessly, or to fall from a position of power. [3]

The archangel Azrael or more accurately “Azriel”, is often identified with the Archangel of Death in Hebrew, Sikhism lore, as well as Islam. The Qur’an never uses this name, rather referring to Malak al-Maut (which translates directly as Angel of Death). Also spelled Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azriel, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel, the Chambers English dictionary uses the spelling Azrael. The name literally means “One Whom God Helps” [4] in an adaptive form of Hebrew.

Azrael = Israel? Is it the shadow of Saturn as death over Israel or its protector? If protection, for what? Divine providence or a collective ritual sacrifice? There are hints that the latter may be the chilling reality.

KaphtzielQafsiel amulet from the 15th century (wikipedia)

Chapter 8 of the Book of Enoch (of John Dee’s Enochian Magick fame) assigns certain teachings to specific fallen angels:

“And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. … And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, , and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven …” [5]

But we are straying off the path somewhat a much more important facet of the six-pointed star and its origins needs to be told.



Saturn’s north polar vortex seen in (infrared) (animation) (wikipedia) Notice the obvious shape of a hexagram and an “All-Seeing-Eye” of Horus in the centre …

There are increasing numbers of academics in the last few decades who have been building on Immanuel Velikosvkys’ work of cyclic catastrophe, along with the importance of cometary swarms and the validity of an “Electric Universe”. Bill Napier, Victor Clube, Jim McCannery, Laura Knight-Jadczyk have all posited the idea that the role of the planets, Gods and certain Biblical narratives were scattered mythologising of pre-history cataclysmic earth changes heralded by electrically-charged comets. Put another way, star images were originally used to represent comets, and the names of planets were assigned to these fiery harbingers of change and later transferred back to planets, including people and events which formed our dominant myths.

And myths of course, can be used politically.


What is even more extraordinary is that we now have visual confirmation of such a relationship. On October 29th 2006 the infrared mapping spectrometer on NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured a clear six-sided hexagram (and thus the six pointed star) encircling the north pole of Saturn at around 78 degrees north latitude. Although discovered by NASA’s Voyager excursions in the early 1980’s, these photos, as NASA states that: “…that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn.” [6] | Saturn – North polar hexagon and vortex as well as rings (2 April 2014) (Wikipedia)

Similarly, it is clear that human sacrifice was undoubtedly associated with Saturn and its offshoots as it moved further away from the original custodial teachings. The root source of the names of the Babylonian ‘gods’ may have originally been names of comets/comet fragments. These meteors and comet swarms heralded catastrophic change which then became seared into the consciousness of the population of the time. These messenger comets were assigned certain “divine” names in accordance with the qualities and the effects of their arrival. Saturn is thus seen as a giant progenitor comet who burned a powerful presence into the psyche of humanity of the Age, to become a star-God with assigned psycho-spiritual attributes, most notably its massive size and brilliance which prompted ancient man to describe it as a second sun.

There are other possibilities in different cultures such as the presence of solar eclipses. For instance, in Mesoamerican mythology there is a “Black Sun” symbolised by the god Quetzalcoatl or the Plumed Serpent and his relationship to the Underworld. For the Aztecs there were indeed two suns: the young Day Sun and the ancient Dark Sun, the latter of which came about from the passage of total eclipses symbolised by the rebirth archetype of a butterfly.

Historian and metaphysician Laura Knight-Jadczyk explains the nature of ancient images, motif and myth which has given rise to “‘torches’, ‘bearded stars’ and ‘smoking stars’, ‘long-haired stars’ or ‘a great star scattering its flame in fire’, and … representations of Venus as a flaming serpent or dragon in the sky…” [7] How confusing it all becomes when planets are associated with these descriptions. Could it be that changes related to the Saturn brown dwarf sun, were deeply connected to the arrival of comets?

She offers the following table to make sense of the chronology and attributions:


Babylonian Divine name (very old, cannot be precisely dated)

Babylonian scientific name and late association with planets

Divine names used at the time of Plato, c. 430 BCE

Scientific names used in Greece after 200 BCE

Names of Roman gods attached to planets after 100 BCE



Star of Chronos





Star of Zeus





Star of Ares





Star of Aphrodite





Star of Hermes



From Comets and the Horns of Moses By Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Kindle Edition – 2013) ref: paragraph: 2.514

Knight-Jadczyk draws our attention to the time of Plato where ‘Star of____’ was still being used and representative of the: “…brilliant nature of the comets that had evoked these names. But by 200 BCE, the term ‘Star of’ had been dropped, and by 100 BCE, probably no one even remembered that the names had once belonged to comets.” [8]

She also presents some fascinating research on interpretations of the Saturn-King star-Comet as adopting various roles through time including Jerusalem temple worship of Salim, or the ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’ and Saturn as Ningirsu or Ninurta as protector of the Babylonian city of Lagas. Similar to Moses’ parting of the seas and consistent with tsunamis and floods after commentary bombardment: “… the cometary Saturn as Ninurta/Ningursu was hailed as ‘he who restrains the raging water’ and was credited with having ended the flood by ‘building a wall of stones.’” The pattern of catastrophe, and the consequent reconstruction and re-location becomes: “… conflated with the gods who had originally been the cause of the destruction.” [9]


Comet 17P/Holmes with blue Ionised Tail 2007| Image from Ivan Eder

Insipired by the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy, Knight-Jadcyzk goes on to describe the mythology of comets and Gods in great detail from Sumerian Ninurta epic to Phoenician legends. What is more interesting in the context of Saturn and comets is the “… well-known tendency of Greek writers to depict the ancient gods as human beings to whom divine honors were accorded after their death. A similar tendency is traceable in the Bible. …” [10] As time marches on, the mythological legends in popular culture transforms past deities into human beings thereby incorporating them into their national folklore.  This tendency is a repetition of how the “Star of Kronos” is transformed into the planet Saturn, not least the descent into child sacrifice which appears to be a consistent presence. It was not simply as a form of idolatrous worship and the wish for a better harvest and community cohesion for instance, it was largely based on a deep generational legacy of fear in the face of massive earth changes as a result of later cometary impact and cataclysm.

Quoting Lewy:

If, in consequence of a war, pestilence, or other public calamity, Saturn’s congregation was threatened with catastrophe, it was customary that the ruler of the respective community sacrificed his most beloved child to that planet. This custom, in turn, is explained by the legend that Saturn himself sacrificed his son on an altar when pestilence threatened his congregation. In fact, child-sacrifices appear to have been so typical a trait of the cult of the planet Saturn that still in the Middle Ages this star was known as the “children-devouring planet”. [11]

Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s Secret History of the World (Volume I) reiterates the likelihood that the original god of the peoples of Palestine and early Hebrews was a Saturn-God who demanded human sacrifice. She notes the similarities between the story of Jepthah’s daughter as a variation of the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham discussed previously and almost identical to a Vedic story of Manu.

She explains further that:

These acts were based on what was called sraddha, which is related to the words fides, credo, ‘faith’, ‘believe’ and so on. The word sraddha was, according to Dumezil and Levi, too hastily understood as ‘faith’ in the Christian sense. Correctly understood, it means something like the trust a workman has in his tools and techniques as acts of magic! It is, therefore, part of a ‘covenant’, wherein the sacrificer knows how to perform a prescribed sacrifice correctly, and who also knows that if he performs the sacrifice correctly, it must produce its effect. In short, it is an act that is designed to gain control over the forces of life that reside in the god with whom one has made the covenant. Such gods as make covenants have a tendency to get out of control if the sacrifices are not performed correctly, which can certainly describe our ‘comet gods’.

Mediaeval Arabic sources include legendary memories of the pre-Islamic Arabian religions, as practiced in the Near East before the Turks extinguished the last remnants of the ancient Semitic religions. Ad-Dimisqui … devotes a full chapter of his Cosmography to this star – or comet, as we should say – worship. He notes that a temple of Saturn ‘was built in the form of a hexagon, black [was] the color of the stone work and the curtains’. In the cuneiform sources, Saturn is known as the ‘black’ or ‘dark’ star. Al-Masudi suggests that, in the opinion of the worshippers of the stars, the Kaaba at Mecca used to be a shrine of Saturn, referring to the presence of the sacred black stone within the sanctuary. The name of the stone-idol was Hagar al-aswad. It appears that the Black Stone was worshipped in the Kaaba in pre-Mohammedan times. It was called Hubal then, a name that has the meaning of ‘He who violently deprives the mother of her children’.

There is a well-known legend about Mohammed’s grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, who was reported to have vowed to sacrifice one of his sons to Hubal if he would be blessed with ten sons. … In short, the god worshipped in the Kaaba accepted or even demanded, child sacrifice and such sacrifices were a trait of the worship of Saturn; thus, the Kaaba is also a sanctuary of Saturn. [12] [Emphasis mine]

ark3The cube within the Star-Hexagram| © infrakshun


A leather bound cube called “Tefillin” in Aramaic (“Totafot” in Hebrew) and sourced from the Jewish Ashkenazi tradition. The cube contains scrolls of verses from the Torah. | Deuteronomy 11:13-21 Ve-haya Im Shamoa states: “God’s assurance of reward for observance of the Torah’s precepts and warning of retribution for disobedience. […] tie them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be “totafot” between your eyes.” 

And on the other hand, we have Islam’s most esteemed religious structure, the black cube of the Kaaba set with a black stone. in Mina, Mecca:


The Kaaba in the Masjid el Haram, Mecca, 2010 | Mosquée Masjid el Haram à la Mecque (wikipedia)

“The ‘Kabballah’ of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from Kabba-Allah or “Cube-God” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles.” – Jordan Maxwell

According to Knight-Jadcyzk there are consistent relationships between wells, water (by inference the moon?) with the worship of Saturn which connects to “… the water miracles and words of power of Mithraism and Moses” with a further relationship to the Arabic legends which passed into the occultism of the Seal of Solomon myth.

She explains:

The six-pointed star, or hexagram, was believed by the Arabs to have given Solomon command over the whole Earth and over spirits, good and evil. There is a story in the Arabian Nights about a ghost who, having rebelled against King Solomon, was imprisoned in a bottle. The container was eventually found by a fisherman, and was sealed by a lead plug bearing ‘the seal of our lord, Solomon’. Exactly as Ninurta-Šulmânu confined the hostile spirits of the flood in the shaft of a well which was sealed by a stone, so Solomon by means of the six-pointed star emblem of Saturn, could confine a rebellious spirit to a bottle. Another tale is that the great god, by entrusting to Solomon the ring bearing his emblem, delegated part of his power to the king he had chosen to rule in his name over the inhabited Earth. Interestingly, the name Solomon is a diminutive of Šalmân, ‘little Šalmân’, implying that ‘great Šalmân’ was the god who chose Solomon.

So, just as the image of the god Hubal stood over the well in the Kaaba, connecting the sanctuary with the nether waters, so was Yahweh enthroned above the opening to the nether waters in the temple at Jerusalem. However, before Yahweh had the job of holding back the flood, the Eben Šetîįâ apparently held the position with the weighty sigil … of Saturn inscribed thereon. Both stony gods were wont to receive offerings of sacrificial blood and incense and, apparently, this was still going on in Jerusalem as late as 333 CE, as reported by the Itinerarium Burdigalense, which is the oldest known Christian itinerary that tells of the writer’s journey to the Holy Land. …What is so interesting about it all is the fact that this central element of Israelite worship was considered by the writers of the Old Testament to be objectionable and so it was redacted completely from the Old Testament, even if it was not removed from the customs and beliefs of the people. [13] [Emphasis mine]

As well as celestial bodies, the parallel worship of stones seems to have taken place among the same peoples. Falling meteorites or ‘stars fallen from the air’ was described by the Phoenician Sanchuniathon (also known as Sancuniates) whose lost works have survived via partial paraphrase and summary of a Greek translation by Philo of Byblos, according to the Christian bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. The essence of the Gods were thought to reside within the stones thus giving rise to the idea of scared stones to be worshipped. The Hağar al-aswad, the black stone in the Kaaba in Mecca, is one example of a possible meteorite that was revered in a sanctuary dedicated to the ‘Black Planet’, Saturn.

Therefore, we may suppose that the stone was thought to be a piece of the ‘Black Planet’, a part of the body of the great god, which therefore deserved the same veneration as the great Comet Saturn itself. This connects us back to the issue of the sealing of the nether waters in the well – waters that were undoubtedly released during some cometary cataclysm in the past – and, after the danger had passed, it was thought that one or another of the parts of the body of the god that may have fallen to Earth, could be assumed to be capable of stopping floods or bringing rain or preventing famine, and so on. [14]

Having a “piece of the god in the form of a meteorite” designated an immediate form of veneration without the need of a craven image. Knight-Jadczyk reinforces the clear link between such stone veneration and the presence of wells. It seems that some “holy” stones have been placed at certain locations in or besides wells as an act of mystical allegiance to the god in question but also as a ritual to manage/appease the gods creating these inundations and floods as they wreaked their “vengeance” upon the earth. Once the catastrophe passed the stones and wells lost, these locations were replaced with statues a symbolic reflection of the god in question. In this sense, she believes that in many cases the old religion of Saturn worship hadn’t been broken; the new regime was the old regime only camouflaged. She offers evidence “… that the legends surrounding the temple in Jerusalem and its divine founder are identical to the stories told about other centers of the Saturn cult …” along with a tradition of human sacrifice at the site and therefore Saturn worship. Most intriguingly: “… the temple of Solomon story was originally created to propagate the worship of the comet-god Saturn, and the six-pointed shield of David or Seal of Solomon is, in fact, a representation of their favored deity: Saturn in his comet incarnation and later, in the astral version of the religion connected to the planet then named Saturn, a dark lord indeed.” [15]


The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon’, oil on canvas painting by Edward Poynter, 1890 | Source: Edward PoynterArt Gallery of New South Wales (wikipedia)

Remember that the supposed Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (also known as the First Temple) was/is a large part of Jewish Kabbalah and freemasonic lore and pretty much the same “keep busy” activity to deflect and obfuscate the core truths within esoteric wisdom and Saturn Worship. The Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem, the seat of ritual sacrifice on Temple Mount, was destroyed by after the Siege of Jerusalem of 587 B.C. The Jews then slowly assimilated the mix of ancient comet religions and the astral religions from the ancient Near East. The Sumero-Akkadian-Assyro-Babylonian religion influenced Achaemenid-era Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and together with Egyptian and Greek traditions, in turn, strongly influenced Christianity, Mandeanism and Islam – all sourced from Comet-Gods and the disjecta membra of catastrophism. And it is here perhaps that we may see a turning point in the evolution of tribal Judaism and occult Zionism which may still continue to practice Satan/Saturn worship.

It all started in Babylon after the Jewish King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and when: “… the idea took hold that Yahweh was just a certain part of the body of the cosmic Saturn who had come to represent the whole universe”. [16]   As the Jews assimilated all and every aspect of ancient comet-nature religions into blood sacrifice and Mosaic Law, Yahweh/Jehovah as but one aspect of a Universal God had now come the monotheistic enforcer which had appropriated all the later unsavoury Saturnine influences which have eventually surfaced in the religio-occult and political ideology of Zionists. The Saturn God of pre-history, perhaps a super-ancient comet, was not a universal God of Creativity but the source of earthly totalitarianism, where satanic rituals were performed to invoke power manifesting under a diverse set of mystical accoutrements.

The idea that minor deities are part of the supreme god’s body, and thus executors of his will, implicitly suggests a universal supreme god. It is taken for granted in the Septuagint [The ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament Jewish scriptures] that El Elion, the Most High, assigned different peoples to different gods, and Yahweh was one of the lower deities assigned to the Jews. It was assumed that when a nation gained ascendency over other nations, its national god also assumed rule over the other gods of those people and places. Conversely, it might also be thought that a people wishing to gain control over the whole world might claim that their god is the sole universal god, as the authors of the Septuagint actually did. In their view, since the Jews had conquered Jerusalem in their re-writing of history, their god Yawheh was now conceived of as the supreme deity and other gods were just supposed to carry out his wishes, including the now demoted Šalim. Curiously, this replacement did not deprive Šalim of any of his characteristics; the name of the city was never changed. Extra-biblical evidence shows that such things as the Eben Šetîįâ and the related cycle of legends were still going as late as medieval times and must have featured as well-known ritual in the temple at Jerusalem throughout its existence. In spite of the Jews’ aversion to representations of the deity, they used a stone with the six-pointed star graven into it – the symbol of the Black Comet, Saturn – as an image of their faith. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jews were known as ‘the people of Saturn’ to astrologically-minded people who thought in terms of ‘planetary influences’ on the lives of individuals and peoples; they just didn’t know how accurate the appellation actually was, nor was it exclusive to the Jews. [17] [Emphasis mine]

This brings us back to the beginning and the origins of the six-pointed star or Mâgên Dâwîd. Central to the idea of Saturn/Moon worship, ritual sacrifice and present Establishment designs is the idea of cyclic cosmic catastrophe and the transmogrification of comets and stars into Kings, Stones and certain mythical narratives. These terrifying events burned themselves into the collective consciousness which were then identified in certain symbols such as the star of David, the focus and intention of which can be used for good or for ill. In combination with electro-plasma and electrophonic interactions could be “… perceived by humans as the ‘speech’ of the gods, and a dramatic electrical exchange at that scale would likely produce equally dramatic sound effects, including roaring that might sound like a cosmic bull.” [18] (strange humming and other anomalous sounds have been recorded over the last decade) A slow process of cultural adaption to spellbinding rulers and leaders reinventing these myths into their own religious doctrines saw the slow amalgamation of earthly gods like Baal and Moloch into a Primary God – complete with the same debased rituals and secret orders though covertly integrated, in true ponerological form.


The crescent moon and star pentegram symbol which pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. | © infrakshun

The origins of the hexagram star or “Mâgên Dâwîd” may be the iconic encapsulation of cataclysms heralded by the fiery power of comets. Knight-Jadczyk cites the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy’s comparisons between Judaism and Islam in this context:

In modern times, we find that Muslim mosques are topped by a crescent moon while Jewish synagogues are topped by the six-pointed star that is usually referred to as the Mâgên Dâwîd (Mogen David) or ‘the shield of David’ AKA the ‘Seal of Solomon’. Both stars and the symbol for the Moon are found in Mithraism and other ancient cults. Lewy notes that the same symbol of the Mâgên Dâwîd is found on two Old Assyrian seal impressions on cuneiform tablets now residing in the Louvre. On the first of the tablets, the Mâgên Dâwîd is in front of a god who is carrying in two hands something that looks like a Menora, or seven-branched candlestick. There is no evidence for the practice of the Jewish religion in the Old Assyrian period so we might speculate that both objects represent a comet … and its effects, possibly one with 7 tails or one that broke into seven pieces.

On the second tablet, the Mâgên Dâwîd is placed with the lunar crescent and the solar disc. So, we have a star, a sun, and the Moon which, again, suggests to me that the ‘star’ is a comet since stars, per se, would not ordinarily be presented as equivalent luminaries with the Moon and Sun, nor would planets. There would really have been no reason for the ancient astronomers to have singled out any of the fixed stars that blanket the sky unless there was something truly unusual about its behavior. Even the slow-traveling planets would not have excited much attention. But rapidly traveling comets with a dramatic appearance would definitely have been something that excited both attention and the necessity for recording same. Otherwise, a ‘star’ symbol on a tablet or monument or seal would have been just one of ‘billions and billions’ with nothing in particular to identify it or set it apart. The ancient astronomers were recording things they saw and a star that was as big and bright as the Sun and/or the Moon would be represented in this way. Again, these same elements are present in the Mithraic iconography. [19]

Such specific symbols might not only represent three planets known to the ancients: Jupiter, Mars and Saturn but could have all have been: “… names applied to a single, reappearing comet that rapidly changed form due to disintegration. The same could have originally been true of Mercury and Venus.” [20]All of the mythology appears to point to the cyclic return of comets heralding massive earth changes and molding culture and consciousness with their arrival and departure. Thus much of the Bible lore of the Temple of Solomon and the kingdom of Israel ruled by King David were actually historicized comet legends mixed in with a multitude of other narratives designed to propagandise and control:

One of the clues to this earlier layer of tradition is that Solomon was engaged in the practice of offering sacrifices on ‘high places’, which was the normal practice of celestial religions: the top of a mountain or hill (or Ziggurat) was the place to worship or confer with such gods. Of course, with the understanding that these gods were actually comets and not planets, the ‘worship’ on mountains and hills could have originated as astronomical observation points utilized as a sort of ‘early warning’ system. […]

In respect of Jerusalem, the alleged city of the Jews, it is recorded in the Old Testament that this land was ‘given’ to the Jews by Yahweh. One would then assume that he was the tutelary deity who had Palestine in his gift. But that actually turns out not to be the case, unless, of course, Yahweh was just another name for Saturn because the god who apparently ‘owned’ Jerusalem can be inferred from the name of the city as Ur-sa-li-im-mu which means that a god named Šalim was considered to be the creator and protector of Jerusalem. The city is even mentioned in one of the Amarna letters …. as Bît Šulmâni, or ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’. That is, the god Šalim or Šulmânu was the principal deity of Jerusalem, which was edited out of the ancient texts used during the writing of the Old Testament, as Russell Gmirkin proposes. The Assyrians identified him with their god, Ninurta who was, effectively, Saturn (though in comet form, certainly, not planetary). One bit of evidence that it was a comet is that the Assyrian astronomers and astrologers referred to Saturn as ‘the nocturnal sun’, or an object shining as bright as the sun in the night sky, a characteristic of a Giant Comet, for sure! [21]


The two faces of the god Janus / Apollo (sun and moon) and the Babylonian Nimrod otherwise known as Ninurta – both interpretations of King Saturn. There are endless cycles of names which lead back to the ultimate source.

Šalim, or the Šulmânu God during the time of King David’s “conquest of Israel” could have been the Saturn God-King that was worshipped down through the centuries, and via the Assyrians and their totalitarian impositions, it was absorbed by the religiously authoritarian followers of the tribal god Yahweh, who formed a cultic centre at Babylonian Jerusalem. The Levite Priesthood and the dark half of the Saturnine Talmud would set the course of history. She states: “It was members of this cult that later utilized many ancient texts to literally create the false history of Israel and it was in those stories that the names were forever inscribed in the minds of the people and could not be erased, nor changed, leaving testimony to the truth.” [22]

This brings us back to the source of the Babylonian Temple:

A very ancient temple in the environs of Jerusalem is known to have been built by the Hyksos but it was never a temple of Yahweh until extremely late, if it was ever a temple of Yahweh at all. It may very well be that the first temple of Yahweh was actually the one built by the small number of individuals who were sent to Palestine from Babylonian ‘captivity’ by Cyrus. The archaeological record shows that no more than 25% of the population was actually deported, and when descendants of this select group were sent back to establish an outpost of the Persian empire to guard the trade routes, they refused to integrate with the people of the land – the descendants of the 75% of people that had not been deported. That suggests strongly that the Yahweh cult had actually grown up and refined itself in Babylon and was not, actually, the religion of the ancient Hebrews resident in Palestine. However, even now it is uncertain what god was actually worshipped in the new temple, considering some later evidence that we will get to shortly. It is entirely possible that Herod’s alleged temple was the first, truly Jewish – as in, exclusive worship of Yahweh-Jehovah – temple ever built, and it was built based on myth and legend that a former temple of Yahweh had existed since the time of Solomon. [23]

What a tangled web we weave.

(More on Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s extraordinary work can be found at and further books at:

So, we see from this that Saturn may have either been one big comet or set against the background of massive cometary bombardment. Saturn worship wasn’t simply a case of a descent into black magick from day one. It was bound up with earth changes, cataclysm and cometary bombardment, in turn, segregating and facilitating an elite generation of “priests” and their accompanying religio-occult traditions which camouflaged essential psychopathy.

So, we have a large-scale cultural-tribal mythology from Arabia to Indo-Europe, which may have taken Saturn as a comet and metaphorically shattered an all encompassing reality into separate pieces, reflecting these core truths but adapted to the particular belief system and its subsequent evolution. Eclipses, black shrines, black cubes, star-shapes, All seeing eyes and all manner of “sacred” geometric symbolism was like a form of spiritual back-engineering, codified into forms of rituals including invocation and divination. This would depend on what quality of consciousness within the tribe or ruling elite had tapped into; whether fire/Sun or Earth/Moon worship – it was all from the Saturn’s entry into humanity’s consciousness in pre-history and the following companion stars.

The descent into literal black arts and blood sacrifice was a subversion which saw Saturn becoming the “devourer of children”, and something that populations through history embraced and took as an reality of appeasement. Similarly, it was Yahweh as a “lower god” and that was originally just one of many  in “… the body of the cosmic Saturn” and who became metastasized into a topological metaphor of monstrous proportions and a consistent element of ancient Israelite worship. This continued into the Middle Ages with Jews being labelled as the “Children of Saturn.” One thinks perhaps it wasn’t due to their famous acts of altruism not least, since the Levites set about re-writing history centuries before.

If the King David myth and other narratives were epic characterisations of a very ancient residue of cometary change then it is true enough to say it was not, at origin, a formation of a magickal working. That arrived later, as it became associated with the distortion of perennial symbols and ritual blood sacrifice and still later appropriated for world Jewry – for their ultimate sacrifice, by and for the very same psychopaths.


The Mâgên Dâwîd is an ancient template symbol that is not evil in the same way that a gun is not evil. However, it can be transformed from an inert piece of metal to a weapon of death when supplied with the ammunition of specific kinds of knowledge. So too, some invocational designs with certain esoteric formulae can facilitate material effects in the wrong hands. Communication with the Gods through the circuits of symbols has always been around. The question of who or what one contacts is a bit more problematical.

Our history attests to Priesthoods of Grand Masters of the black and white magical arts from East and West who think they are in control and unlocking the Secrets of the Ages. Yet they are deluded. The comets come and go, as they have always done and will underscore such delusion with a natural “invocation” of their own. Our human-cosmic connection goes far beyond symbols in matter since the communication we need is etched into our very DNA and the growth – or atrophy – of the soul. That needs only the water of humility to begin the journey, a laughable anathema to psychopaths in power.

In the next post we will turn to the possibility that the same ancient Babylonian and later Thelemic Magick can be discerned in the events of the 9/11 attacks and how the dark cults of Saturn worship are still alive and well and performing acts of weaponised sacrifice.



[1] p. 184; Gershom Gerhard Scholem, (1977) Kabbalah (Library of Jewish Knowledge)
[3]Gaster, (1998), The Wisdom of the Chaldeans,pp. 17-18,Holmes Pub Grou Llc, ISBN 1-55818-399-X
[5]The Book of Enoch, by R.H. Charles, [1917], at
[7] paragraph 2.513; Knight-Jadczyk, Laura, (2013) Comets and the Horns of Moses (kindle edition)
[8] Ibid. paragraph 2.514
[9] Ibid. paragraph 2.1012
[10] Ibid, paragraph 2.1026 quoting Lewy, Hildegard (1950) ‘Origin and Significance of the Magen Dawld’.
[11] Ibid. paragraph 2.1028
[12] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1029-2.1031
[13] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1038 – 2.1039
[14] Ibid. paragraph 2.1043
[15] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1046-2.1047
[16] Ibid. paragraph 2.1048
[17] Ibid. paragraph 2.1049
[18] Ibid. paragraph 2.991
[19] ibid. paragraphs 2.993 – 2.994
[20] Ibid. paragraph 2.996
[21] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1000 and 2.1008
[22] Ibid. 2.1010
[23] Ibid. 2.1011

Occult Zionism V: The Saturn King

 “And God hath put a girdle about his loins (the rings of Saturn), and the name of the girdle is Death”

– The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky — Vol. 2 Theosophical University Press Online Edition Vol. 2, Page 235.

Originally drawn from the Greek mythology of Hesiod and Ovid, the Ages of Man are split into four stages of evolution which have been simplified for our purposes. They have been embellished with conjecture from esoteric sources and with  inspiration from Troy D. McLachlan’s kindle book The Saturn Death Cult: The link between Planetary catastrophes, ancient mythology and occult ritual (2011) which is part analyses and as he mentions, part “intuition,”as will be this exploration. He has based his observations on Immanuel Velikovsky‘s work (Worlds in Collison) and studies on the Electric Universe theories. It will serve as a useful framework upon which to hang our focus on Saturn and its relationship to mythology and cyclic cataclysms. It will also give us our bearings in relation to the rise of a ruling Pathocracy and the very real probability that we are living through the beginning of yet another cycle of earth changes – a veritable “re-set” in response to the psychopathy of Occult Zionism currently making the most waves in Establishment control. 

So what were these ages that Hesiod and Ovid so usefully summarised?

Saturn_during_EquinoxSaturn during the equinox (wikipedia public domain)

Golden Age – The rule of Saturn and the “Chronian Age of Atlantis”; the forgotten epoch of Pre-Adamic Humanity; the time of the Olympian Gods, where human life remained connected to their overseers. Peace and harmony prevailed, food was abundant. (Perhaps 3-D reality and a fourth density reality were conjoined?) There was a “Spirit-Reality” manifesting as para-physicality which afforded human DNA a cleaner conduit to higher dimensions. This is the starting line for a period of cataclysmic upheavals and the foundational imprinting of most of our Earth-Cosmos myths and motifs. Planets, comets, climate and Earth changes interacted as titanic clashes of power, via the elements of earth, fire, air and water. It was to also to mark the beginning of Saturn’s inauguration of Linear Time. This age ended with the “Great Deluge” that destroyed Atlantis as described in many myths, the most famous of which is The Flood and Noah’s Ark.

Silver Age – The rule of the Sun and the rise of the priesthood elite and Custodians of ancient science and knowledge drawn from Atlantis and Mu. It was the time of the ancient temple builders, the formation of priestly royalty and their mysteries translated and perceived as magic. The planets Venus, Mars and Jupiter (Zeus) took over from Saturn’s rule. Periodic earth changes still occurred and the independence of humanity proceeded, carving out their own destiny away from their God Creators. It was the time of the megalithic builders who held the knowledge of Earth, sound, and light to be replaced by the pyramid builders and the rise of materialist hierarchy. Humanity was losing its spiritual origins in order to explore its habitat.

[It is around here that the “Stone Age” begins in conventional academia which includes the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. Needless to say, orthodox academia within archaeology, anthropology and history have yet to incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach regarding pre-history].

Bronze Age – Tribal wars and warrior kings. Individuality and leaders personified Heroic deeds and conquest. Armies and armour forged from Copper, Iron and alloys. Trading in minerals, grains and gold flourished. Agriculture and the seeds of capitalism were about to explode into reality. Earth changes and the human-cosmic connection began to fade in favour of idolatry and the deification of tribal gods. It was the age of ritual sacrifice and the distortion of perennial truths manifesting as new magick. Ritual and blood sacrifice was transferred to the Art of War and codified by scribes as latter-day civil servants justifying rape, torture and death as the Will of the Gods. Life was no more than a harsh ritual of appeasement which spread into all avenues of life. Ancient Babylonia became the epitome of excess and corruption of truth. There were many spokes in the wheel of Knowledge as Power, and included the control of money which ensured a steady trade in weapons, drugs and slavery to extend Empires and maintain hierarchical rule. Now it was authority of Kings, armies and nation building which reinforced the domination of the physical realm those that worshipped it. The Gods finally morphed into a retributive and vengeful God of Authoritarianism displacing Goddess Cultures and Nature religions that still contained tentative links to ancient wisdom.

Iron Age – It seems as if God had forsaken humanity but it was only a cyclic learning curve with experimentation in pathocratic Empire building. This is the onset of the Dark Ages and a primary descent right up to our present state of affairs. We have the original ancient priesthood sects incarnated as the 3EM: Liberal, Conservative and Zionist Establishment, members of which inhabit a smaller global occult fraternity for whom the ultimate God is Saturn/Satan and its connection to blood sacrifice practised in pre-history through to ancient Babylon. Occult Zionism and Western forms of existential Satanism now inform our current socio-cultural and political systems. Asymmetric warfare, corporatism, debt slavery, poverty and ecological degradation are the end-products of an exact same patterns of Saturn/Satan Worship and the required ritual sacrifice camouflaged with public relations and honed propaganda. Populations began to be conditioned from birth to see it as normal. Revolutions and the “clash of cvillisations” were carefully stage-managed attempts to move the mass mind toward the global alchemical imperative where the mandate of heaven was subverted toward establishing a world order made for pathocrats at the expense of the human population. The Iron Age is the apotheosis of evil.


The Four Ages of Man. After: Ambrosius Francken (1619)  Published by: Theodoor Galle. Print made by: Hieronymus Wierix (wikipedia)

We might posit a 5th Synthetic-Crystal Age as growing out of the Iron Age. “Synthetic” with reference to artificial systems based on polymer, plastic, alloy and the rise of hardware, software, robotics, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, virtuality, synthetic systems, biotechnology and nanotechnology. “Crystal” with reference – symbolic or otherwise – to aligned liquid crystal and the re-discovery and re-emergence of crystal generators for sound, light and vibration as applied to warfare. This marks the feedback loop to the same lust for power and innovation which saw the both the rise and fall of the Atlantean global civilisation. The 5th Age promises the arrival of a form of techno-sorcery harking back to the repeating Atlantean cycle. Consequently, we are in the midst of massive climate and Earth changes manifesting across all physical and non-physical densities and dimensions. Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, disrupted weather systems, tsunamis, comet and meteor strikes, electrical and geomagnetic anomalies are all playing there part as a prelude to cataclysmic change. On a more esoteric level, it is here that a strange convergence of cyclic time care of a more fluid Saturn  return (structure/order/Time) and the influence of Pluto (power/transformation) may once again appear and inaugurate a reality split(s). None of us will know within which reality we may find ourselves as this transition completes. You might say this will signify the arrival of a Cosmic Wave of trans-dimensional change taking us back to a higher turn of the spiral or sending us collectively into a new plug hole to do it all again…


The journey towards the mythical paradise of the Golden Age began in about 60,000 B.C. Prior to this was the time of primordial man otherwise known as the “Purple Dawn”, a dim and distant Dream-time, the faintest echoes of which were recorded and passed down in the oral and written traditions of ancient peoples across the Earth. What passed for a Sun during these times was the purple haze of the brown dwarf star Saturn in the north, Mars in the middle and the Earth in the south. These made up the polar configuration. (The purple colour was due to the radiation frequencies reflecting back from Saturn’s plasma sheath). Oceans were lower and thus geography radically different to today’s land masses. The environment was warm, humid and light. The electrical influence of Saturn meant lower gravity and thus huge animals and insects were able to survive.

McLachlan describes the extraordinary events which began to take place:

“As this polar configuration of Earth and brown dwarf star drifted through space, it would have done so in an upwardly spiralling motion. Unbeknown to an observer from Earth, the brown dwarf star’s protective plasma sheath, which blocked out all reference to outside stars, would have slowly started to spiral towards the Sun’s own protective plasma sheath, the heliosphere – with disastrous consequences.” [1]

From contact with Earth and the Brown Star would come the first cataclysmic upheavals manifesting as: “… a sudden and very bright flaring of its polar star into a fully-fledged sun” and was effectively “… a short-circuiting event between the two separate plasma sheaths as they brushed together with the lesser brown dwarf star experiencing a tremendous nova-like destructive surge of discharging electrical activity before swinging away from the Sun and back into interstellar space.”  [2]

The brown dwarf star became a polar sun – a massive “flare up” of light bathing the Earth in a radiance much greater than the purple haze of yesteryear. This inevitably changed the biosphere just as the centuries rolled by with Saturn inching closer to the Sun heliosphere, and its final capture would mark the end of the Golden Age. The result of Saturn’s contact with the Sun’s heliosphere was, over time, followed by the birth of Venus which appeared to come directly from Saturn itself as a “mighty black spiral coming from the orbs centre and winding itself around the now brightly lit orb.” To ancient man this was a frightening expression of chaos from their Sun-God and might have given rise to the fiery serpent/dragon images filtered down through the ages.


Modern day Venus reflected in the Pacific Ocean (wikipedia)

The “Evening Star” of Venus eventually followed a cyclic pattern of electrical activity manifesting as an eight-pointed star-burst set against the background of Saturn. As you can imagine, the Venus and Saturn partnership and their electrical outbursts continued to produce the foundation for centuries of layered, mythical symbolism through man’s imagination, one of the most powerful of which was the All-Seeing Eye most notably elevated and refined by the Egyptians as Ra/Osiris/Horus all the way through to the Greek Kronos and Roman Latin “Saturn.” It’s cause was the planet Mars as an appropriate blood-red warrior King intent on bringing forth inter-planetary warfare between its father Saturn and Mother Venus. Seen as a:

“…dark pupil in the All-Seeing Eye that was Saturn, made close approaches to Earth along the length of the visible yet translucent plasma current joining the string of planets. Looming large it would bombard the Earth with its martian rocks and thunderbolts before re-ascending to its position under Venus which would itself flare and stream light in awesome displays of cosmic lightening and beauty.”  [3]


Image credit: Troy D. McLachlan at

Climate and earth changes saw an increase electro-plasma energy (or Birkeland currents) between Saturn and the Earth along with aurora borealis-type activity at the Earth’s poles. From Saturn’s initial flaring of light and its polar position, massive changes were set in motion disrupting the gravitational pull and increasing the global presence of water over the northern hemisphere and the onset of huge deluges. The Golden Age of Saturn’s brown dwarf light and the electrical/meteorological phenomena which accompanied it saw the gradual formation of an ephemeral stairway of light stretching up to the heavens all the way to heaven, the fabled Axis Mundi and the illusion of a ladder reaching toward Saturn, later to be interpreted through ancient pictograms and petroglyphs as well as Jacob’s Ladder, and the phallic/serpent symbolism of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

The entry of the Golden Age was defined not only by a general period of material plenty and peace but by the concept of linear Time and intermittent cycles of catastrophic change. This Age also saw the gradual arrival of concentric bands of star debris otherwise known as Saturn’s seven rings and the equalisation of Saturn’s plasma sheath with the Sun’s heliosphere, allowing brighter stars to be seen from Earth. As the rings became clearer and more visible from the effects of the Sun’s radiance, other celestial bodies could be discerned orbiting Saturn. As sunshine penetrated further into the Earths various spheres, cycles of day and night, dawn and dusk began to take shape along with the calculation of Time. As McLachlan states: “The Saturnian system was now established.”  [4]



Saturn (wikipedia, public domain)

Of all the planets to be worshiped down through the ages, Saturn is the Big ritual father of them all. The sixth and outermost planet from the Sun and the second largest, Saturn reigned over the Earth in the “Golden Age”, associated with life and death, scarcity and abundance, material forms, social order, authority and conformity; a Divine order of creation and destruction on Earth. The massive rings of Saturn that surround its mammoth presence are said by astrologers to symbolise the ever-present limitations to which humanity must adapt, but seldom do, hence the rise and fall of empires and civilisations over which the planet presides.

Known as Kronos by the ancient Greeks and Chronus/Chronos by the Romans, Saturn was seen as the God of agriculture in Roman mythology – Saturnus – from which it takes its name. This was a planet that has been traditionally connected with child and animal sacrifice as an act of appeasement against cataclysmic upheaval.

The Roman Saturnalia was an annual event held at the The Temple of Saturn  (Templum Saturn) in the Roman forum on December 17th of the Julian Calender with general revelry continuing for several days. It was a ritual that fell within the Winter Solstice and which continued well into the 3rd and 4th Centuries. The cultural echoes of this celebration can be seen in our current Christian customs of Christmas “Christ-Mass” and the New Year. With the exception of the pre-Hellenic peoples, Kronos was perhaps not revered with the same importance. The Greek equivalent of this Bacchanalian period was called Kronia with harvest festival celebrations held at Attica which incorporated the city of Athens.  The Temple of Saturn was thought to date around 497 BC. The centre of a huge number of animal sacrifices, the sex of the animal had to correspond to the sex of the god or goddess to whom it was offered. White animals were sacrificed to the gods of the upper world whereas black animals to the underworld. Along with various foodstuffs and plants, Cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and sometimes dogs were all considered sacrificial fare.[5]


The Astrological glyph for Saturn

In astrology, Saturn traditionally rules the earth element and is associated with the earth and zodiac sign of Capricorn the Goat. The glyph is shaped like a scythe – “crescent below the cross” reflecting the connections to Death, the Grim Reaper, Satan and the Goat of Mendes, since its subversion to an exclusively negative expression embraces the worship of primal matter and absolutism of the material world. Appropriately enough, Saturn was depicted as an old man holding a scythe to reflect the Roman agricultural roots as the ancient Italian Corn God known as the Sower. [6]  So, it was both scythe and sickle, the cultivation of the land (sheaves of wheat) and separating the wheat from the chaff – soul harvesting for the esotericists. Saturn ruled over the fertility of the land and by extension, the first seeds of consciousness struggling up through the earth and thus the suffering of physicality, birth and the path to aging and death.

Agriculture, seasons and Nature’s cycles were personified in Saturn and were sourced from a very ancient development of Saturn/Chronus Chronology: the concept of linear Time. As the youngest of the legendary Twelve Titans and the son of Uranus (Sky/Father) and Gaia (Earth/Mother) he was advised by Mother Earth to castrate his unbending nature of his Father leading to the separation of Heaven and Earth. (The ritual of circumcision in some Arabic cultures and Judaism enters here). Kronos’ sickle was fashioned by Gaia for her son to carry his task. This shearing and cutting of life and perception of reality(?) was intimately connected with the dark associations of the moon as cosmic foetus which nourishes itself on Earth’s organic life, thus the crescent shape of the scythe/sickle reflected the ebb and flow of lunar influence: creativity, regeneration/decay and the dark transformation of shadows in the underworld. The inhabitants of the night (Nyx) came into being from the blood of Uranus which flowed from the act. According to both Greek and Roman mythology they were known as the horrific Furies (Erinyes) vengeful female spirits, drawn from the land and sea who would administer justice against those who had wronged the Gods. [7]

This turmoil initiated by Saturn’s emasculation of Uranus meant that the very notion of linear Time was introduced to Earth life by Saturn, now King of the Earthly matter and its cycles and thereby the very longevity and limitations of life processes. All was cut down and limited to more a microcosmic sphere of perception and practice. Saturn then took the now departed Uranus’ sister Rhea the Goddess of Necessity as his lover and who birthed Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Pluto and Neptune and Jupiter, all of whom Saturn promptly devoured to make sure they had no chance to usurp his throne.

However, one son escaped his pre-emptive action. Jupiter (Zeus) was hidden by Rhea by switching the child for a stone covered in clothes. Jupiter became a rival to Saturn and forced him to release his sisters and brothers from deep inside his body. With some teamwork the siblings then brought an end to King Saturn’s reign. It was then that Prometheus would seal the downfall of Zeus and the Olympian Gods’ power by igniting humanity with its own fire of independence and self-rule. In other words, it was the precusor to the Biblical Fall and the Lucifer as “Bringer of Light.”


Francisco Goya’s ” the madness of fear from the absurdities ” The Grim reaper during war and another of Saturn’s motifs.


Saturn devouring his Son (1823) by Francisco Goya

Whether the latter part of this myth denotes the final overthrow of Saturn worship or the perennial resistance of the transformative elements of Pluto’s Air, Neptune’s water and Death: the escape of soul consciousness from Saturn’s prison of matter – is a moot point. There are many other variations on a theme as you might imagine. But the overriding constant is the notion of separation, a fall and entirely different creation of the concept of Time. Such a process of prodigal return cannot take place without the imposition of Time and its destructive and constructive attributes. No longer is there a pre-Adamic state where Heaven and Earth were connected. Spirit flowed into matter and the Creative Universe began to experience life – through us. Life was no longer multi-dimensional but temporal; the soul was encased in a physical body which had a sell-by date, an exhaustion of energy. Time became the “devourer” of all things. And so, old age can be the result of accumulated wisdom and alchemical transformation of the indwelling soul, or an inner degeneration of spirit which flows further into primal matter and away from its original source.

To put another way, we might suppose that the “Light” that Kronos/Satan/Saturn and his son Lucifer/Prometheus/and the various interpretations of the Egyptian Isis/Osiris Gods all seem to be fragmented variations and offshoots of the same Saturnine lineage of humanity’s fall and which begins the indirect path back to God through the experience of matter and the underworld; the friction needed to create the fire within.


The old man of Saturn/Cronus devouring one of his children, by Peter Paul Rubens (1636) (wikipedia,)

The warring of Saturn, Mars, Venus and the Sun mythology can be traced back to the electric universe theory, cometary bombardment, earthquakes and great Floods, the immense power of which shaped the consciousness of humanity.

Troy D. McLachlan describes this pivotal process which saw the end of the Golden Age:

During Saturn’s initial flare up due to its first contact with the Sun’s heliosphere, part of the ensuing chaos that enveloped Saturn had seen two filaments of discharged material escape into space only to be captured by the Sun. There, for an unspecified time, they orbited their new star until such a time as when Saturn itself eventually became captured by the Sun.

These filaments were primarily composed of Saturn’s discharged particles of water, the remainder having being retained by Saturn to form that planet’s distinctive rings. In what caused the end of the Golden Age one of these frozen watery filaments collided with the Earth as the Saturnian string of planets was being captured by the Sun. This precipitated a deluge of water from space that lasted weeks.

The Axis Mundi, Earth’s fabled ladder to heaven, was irreparably damaged by this collision and a decidedly sick, blotchy and dimming Saturn was clearly starting to drift apart from its former system of planets. Severed from their electrical chain-like links to their original sun, the planets Venus and Mars ran amok. Those on Earth watched horrified as Venus took on comet-like aspects, turning into a Medusa and threatening the Earth with massive inter-planetary lightening displays as it swooped by on its way to finding its new orbit. [8]

It is hard to imagine the depth of all-encompassing change which gradually took place over thousands of years: The disappearance of the Axis Mundi, massive flooding, the electrical warring of Mars and Venus, the waning of Saturn’s dominance at the celestial north, and the challenge from the entry of an initially hidden Planet Jupiter; the return of cometary swarms and meteor bombardments – all of which set the seal for powerful myths in the consciousness of humanity. King Saturn was drifting away with its faithful rings and nine orbiting satellites and the Sun moved into its dominant position.

As the cycles of catastrophe continued characterised by physical Earth changes and planetary “warfare” it was to end with the Biblical mythology of the Great Flood and the onset of the Ice Age heralding the end of the Golden Age. It was during this epoch that the global civilisations of Atlantis and Mu were destroyed by floods and folded into the Earth by earthquakes of terrible ferocity, effectively re-forming the continents. New lands appeared whilst others disappeared entirely. Oral traditions held onto to the folklore and myths as best they could.

So, onwards to the Silver Age which saw the rise of Priesthoods and custodians of the Golden Age and their attempts to safeguard the traditions which warned new generations of cyclic catastrophe. New religions formed in praise of the old gods. They were accompanied by temples and built over monuments – remnants of ancient technology left over from pre-history interaction with “Olympian” Gods”. Custodial mystery schools were networked across the world and Knowledge accessed and maintained. With the introduction of writing, this allowed the elect to preserve the warnings of periodic cataclysmic change for posterity. The residues of Megalithic cultures and the techno-spirituality of Earth, sound, light and stone was also “switched off.” Many of these temples, monuments, city structures and strange archaeological anomalies would eventually be seen as the remains of “primitive” pagan worship rather than the disjecta membra of ancient science.

Archaic technology was eroded and finally lost as a pathological mind-set continued to acquire, suppress and invert wisdom and knowledge for their own individualistic ends. As a legacy of Kronos, a linear perception of Time, an emphasis on duality and cyclic rhythms took over, formalised by calendars and systems of weights and measurements. Separation and fragmentation was gaining ground.

At the same time, the purity of the message became lost as Custodianism morphed into eventual Elitism and secret fraternities bent on power rather than protection and prevention.

Bonaventura_Peeters_-_The_Great_Flood_-_WGA17128“The Great Flood” By Bonaventura Peeters (late 1600’s)

The Silver Age saw the inception of various hierarchical cults, secret societies and the accompanying seeds of psychopathy which thrived on camouflage and deceit. The foundation of conquest and predation was being laid for dominance far into the future. New forms of materialism based on gold gradually began to take over as did the concept of local, national and international commerce and banking; the inception of slavery by debt.

The prominence of hallucinogenic plants, herbalism and healing properties of the Earth as Gaia was a product of a belief that God resided in all things and where heaven was Nature was a “physical” expression of her material processes which had their reflection at a higher frequency. Known in the occult and esotercism as elemental energies under earth, fire, air and water, they were seen as a natural part of Earthly life, unseen but present to the higher senses, a neutral expression of a holonic energy matrix though certain qualitative differences aligned to their respective elemental colouring. Thus they could be invoked for good or for ill, and formed a part of white and black magick practices. These foci of para-physical energy forms would be clothed in cultural motifs in later folklore and given names such as fairies, nixies, sprites, dwarves, elves etc. Human DNA was inextricably enmeshed in Nature and her hyper-dimensional qualities, which could be accessed for a library of knowledge dependent on one’s quality of consciousness. Hence the presence of the ancient shamans who worked on behalf of communities to commune with Nature and her Gods.

But it was to be the beginning of a slow separation from Nature and by default, the conduit to the “heavens.” Authority of the Star-Gods grounded in the equilibrium of Nature was steadily eroded into the God of Economics and authoritarian rule. The memories and fears of planetary upheavals were transposed to a progressive descent along the ladder of spiritual evolution.

Yet, what a great game from which to learn our lessons?

Egypt and Sumeria with their ancient traditions of slave-race totalitarianism were the starting point of this new global financial bondage led by early merchant bankers. This ancient form of capitalism was tied to a similar cycle of psychopathic predation which inevitably imploded into its own psycho-social footprint. It would come to a significant climax in the lands that would become the Talmud’s Babylonia and the myth of the Tower of Babel. (We briefly looked at this myth in the context of Elite transhumanism and its inversion of the universal topological metaphor).

As we recall, the aftermath of such a monumental collapse saw widespread panic, famine and desolation. Such was the power of this event which has echoed through time, it may have also been accompanied by a return of meteorological-electrical changes and cometary bombardment. Comets are carriers of various interplanetary diseases since there is a correlation with plague and pestilence during their appearance. [9] The Tower of Babel, like Sodom and Gomorrah, may be personifications of all these catastrophic planetary and cometary events.


The Tower of Babel by Marten van Valckenborch (1595)

As one language became many, a diversified humanity was fragmented and separated as mass exodus ensued. Concepts of global finance was scattered to the four winds and the vacuum created was an open invitation to tribalism. The origins of humanity become further confused and authenticity blurred in favour of idolatry and tribal segregation. The Priesthood elite went underground whilst the seeds of psychopathy rose to power, facilitating spell-binders and schizoidal leaders herding humanity into clusters of authoritarian followers. Materialistic beliefs divorced from ancient wisdom would stake their claim to a new reality. New forms of slavery and feudalism came into being.

The Bronze Age was war, tyranny and tribal bloodshed unparalleled in humanity’s history. The presence of iconic art and literature vied with rivers of blood. This was the time of the archetypal Hero or Warrior King; the age of independence where individuals personified nations and collective aspirations – the age of the demi-god. As hierarchy, individuality and tyrannical rule was being expressed, the agricultural revolution emerged and thus a change in humanity’s diet, body and consciousness which would see the whole world re-shaped away from living in balance with Nature and her knowledge. The hunter-gather lifestyle of clustered nomadic communities was giving way to more permanent concentrations of people thus the formation of cities. It was to be the next phase in the disconnection of the world of matter to the world of Spirit. Slavery of the body was moving slowly toward a prison of the mind. With the change away from clusters of hunter-gatherers and the imposition of abnormal agricultural practices, mass migration and inter-species mixing in the animal and also the human kingdom, adaptation to the these radical changes produced new forms of problematic parasitical microorganisms which n negatively altered brain and intestinal chemistry. It was to be the gradual introduction of auto-immune disease which would slowly reduce the physical nature and quality of consciousness of humanity. This meant that receivership capability of higher energies beyond the five senses was irrevocably destroyed with each passing generation. “Heaven” became merely a dream, but hell became all too real.


Electric Volcano image credit: © unknown

The friction between masculine God of Mars and the feminine Goddess of Venus was reflected in the dominator/patriarchal seeds for monotheism as opposed to Pantheistic, matriarchal Goddess religions. Deep ecological knowledge about Earth as sentient consciousness expressed through the diversity of Nature and humanity still held sway. The conflict of Mars and Venus was a perfect metaphor for what was occurring on Earth and vice-versa. It is in the Bronze Age that the crystallisation of mystery schools with distorted teachings and tyrannical ancestry bestowed their “wisdom” upon the people. Planetary events, the cyclic manifestation of comets and meteors and the idea of redemptive sacrifice were debased into human rituals as a by-product of the negative half of the Creator Gods of pre-history. Physical re-enactment came through a corrupted version of Atlantean magick and its workings of psycho-spiritual power released through Tantric techniques, sound invocations, talismans and “sacred” geometry.

Troy D. McLachlan offers a concise synopsis of how Saturn’s mythology was reduced to crude rituals which were to facilitate the development of human psychopathy:

  • Old-man Saturn takes young Venus as a bride in the myths, so on Earth the king takes a virginal (read ‘child’) priestess of Aphrodite (Venus) and has sex with her.
  • Mars is the warrior god born of Venus who rebels against Saturn and ultimately ascends to heaven to have sex with his mother, so warrior-kings find themselves doing the same thing in defiance of their fathers (check out King David’s son Absalom in the Bible).
  • Saturn, under his Greek identity as the god Kronos, devours his own children,… so human kings have reportedly done the same with human children, possibly even their own as the occasion demands. (see the suspected antics of one Caligula)
  • Jupiter/Zeus determines to take Saturn/Kronos’ crown by gutting him to release his previously devoured sisters and brothers from Saturn’s bowels. Zeus then promptly marries his sister Hera. Naturally, earthly kings follow suit and end up marrying and having sex with their sisters – moronic inbreed heirs ensue and today we can see the legacy of this policy within our various political elites. [10]

Saturn,_Earth_size_comparisonSaturn and Earth in comparable size (wikipedia)

This was to be the ancient precursor of the kind of mind control and sexual ritual abuse so prevalent in the occult establishment of today. It was an ancient science of alchemy distorted out of all recognition. One could say that it was based on the extraction of energy via the manipulation of endocrine chemicals or physical “circuits;” a stimulation of Kundalini energy parallel to the invocation of “spirits” for whom a certain pay off would be demanded…Esoteric treatises describe overshadowing “demonic” entities offering suitable enticements for such energic harvesting. Saturn and the moon were their ancient icons for sacrifice – a complete inversion of the alchemical heritage of the human mechanism designed for ascension. Yet, it is the nature of such contracts, that practitioners of the occult seldom realise their Faustian bargain until too late. Nonetheless, the foundation for “downloading” entities into willing vessels continued apace.

Elite dynasties had serious delusions of grandeur, thinking themselves as direct bloodlines to demi-gods and thus with a Divine right to rule over the masses. Custodial knowledge was about retaining power rather than protecting essential spiritual truths in order for careful dissemination; to educate and inform communities through their spiritual agencies. Instead of co-creation, cooperation and respect for the power of Nature and the cosmological significance of “As above, So Below” which Hermeticism would purloin as its maxim, the Earth became a playground of ritual sacrifice and slavery at almost every level of consciousness, from the Latin American Aztecs, Incas and Mayans to West African tribes, Tibet and Chinese sects to the Phoenicians and Israelites. Saturn became Satan where a harvesting scythe reaped the energy of fear, violence, sex and death as a primary source of sustenance for Dark entities and to which the Priesthood Magicians were ritually bound.

Someone – or something – was laughing all the way to the energy bank.

powerpoint4© infrakshun

The results of endless Iron Age “revolutions” has been to dull the senses, dim the light of the soul and impede human potential for creativity and cooperation. Most of all, we are only just now waking up to who it is that has farmed and carefully sheared us of our self-knowledge over thousands of years: humanoids – conscienceless beings who embody Saturn and the moon – the dark half of God. They are evil made manifest; the vampires of the lower emotions and werewolves of instinct, pushing us to confront our own lies and denials.

Which brings us back to the Babylonian roots of Occult Zionism.



[1] Online edited  version of The Saturn Death Cult: The link between Planetary catastrophes, ancient mythology and occult ritual (2011) By Troy D. McLachlan can be found at: See also: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection (The Secret History of the World Book 3) (2014) by Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] The Roman Military Research Society |
[6] The Pimlico Dictionary Of Classical Mythologies By Arthur Cotterall published by Random House (2012)
[7] Iliad iii.278ff; xix.260ff See also: p.191; Antigone By Sophocles, Oxford University Press 2003.
[8] op.cit. McLachlan.
[9] op.cit. Lescaudron (p.87; Chapter 21: “Comets: Cycles and Origins.”)
[10] op.cit. McLachlan.

Technocracy XVIII: Occult Transhumanism (2)


“H+”  is the Transhumanism symbol |© infrakshun

There are many writers and historians that claim the human race was the result of genetic engineering by a race of “Gods,” our ultra-terrestrial cousins. This is not merely a modern speculation since it reappears in many creation myths, most notably in the Sumerian Tablets of 1600 B.C., the first Babylonian Dynasty. In our present context, transhumanism and their  technologies aim to re-engineer humankind and are, by their very nature, drawn from occult or alchemical principles as a cyclic set of redemptive patterns. Modern science is a reflection of the original alchemical imperatives, established to assist humanity in achieving a prodigal return after the fall. Yet, there are always two streams to this return: service to self or service to others, left hand path or right hand path, creativity, entropy, yin-yang. Learning to discern and discriminate the choices which lead to an increase in awareness rather than an unconscious decrease is determined by context.  And it seems the present context is dominated by a technological ascension that is entropic in nature.

If the reader recalls, many summaries in this series show the persistent push toward group consciousness, group-think, consolidation/centralisation, SMART societies, ecological fascism and the general hijacking of Truth in order to supplant and engineer a counterfeit reality which nonetheless, achieves the required energy – by the consent of the masses. For ceremonial psychopaths, free-will is still paramount and much tastier meal if the decision is given willingly.

One has to make the choice – even unconsciously – to be follow objective reality as far as is possible or to choose to be deceived.

splice_4Promotional still from “Splice” (2009) Warner Bros; Directed by Vincenzo Natali. “She’s not human … Not entirely.”

Since, by its very nature, genetic engineering is social engineering the advancement of GRIN technologies aligned to this science throws up intense moral and ethical questions moving us back into the realm of Babel, the Fall and Atlantean myth:  When does an animal become a human and how does acting as God to the animal kingdom react to this transformation? More to the point, when a new generation of plant, animal, human-machines are mixed with animal and human DNA, how will that transform our civilisation? How does conscience and consciousness feature? According to Farrell and De Hart these implications are defined by “law and jurisprudence” where genetic chimeras will (and by extension, bio-genetic robots) create huge moral mine-fields on the question of “human” rights relating to levels of self-awareness/sentience. Defined rights will inevitably shape our societies and cultures. But to what end?

Under U.S. patent law, an invention must fulfill four requirements in order to be patentable as intellectual property:

1) It must be original, i.e., it must not have been published or patented previously nor be too similar to a previous invention;

2) It must not be obvious, that is to say, you cannot patent a rock wrapped in a sock and call it a “non-scuff” door stopper;

3) It must have a clear and demonstrable function, which, in the case of chimerical life, as we have seen, could include specific research purposes, such as the study of immune system disorders in chimerical creatures with human immune systems, or human cognitive or mental disorders in creatures with predominantly human neural structures;

4) It must be enabling, in other words, the patent should function like a recipe, with clear enough descriptions of the technologies and techniques to allow anyone to reproduce it.57

Under these criteria, an animal-human chimera, even if, say, 99 percent human and only 1 percent animal (or vice versa), would be a patentable object and intellectual property….

….shades of the ancient Mesopotamian and Meso-American myths of the engineering of mankind as a slave race to the gods. [1]

The contemporary Elites within America (the latter-day Atlantis and New Babylon) are fixated on the idea of transformation. As discussed previously we can see that these Illuminist/Rosicrucian/Baconian roots have required centuries long social engineering efforts culminating in a precise set of phases in the 20th and 21st Centuries. The slow establishment of an Official Culture of mind-body addiction serves as a platform by which social and cultural experimentation can take place. We might say there are five main ideas implanted into the minds of the global population:

  1. The idea that the Earth is overpopulated and extreme measures are needed depopulation by all and any means.
  2. Human influenced global warming to create fear and finance; to camouflage cyclic environmental, cataclysmic and cosmic changes.
  3. Human induced Terror Industry to promote fear and finance.
  4. Genetic engineering to save humanity (cure diseases, disability, farming)
  5. Genetic engineering and bio-technology to “improve” humanity

The 4C’s of commercialisation, consolidation, centralisation and control underpin these three main strategies with: a) banking infrastructure predicated on credit and debt cycles and b) the Structural Adjustment Team organisations to implement debt and the maintenance of poverty and war. The final technological transformation and its religio-occult apocalypse care of monotheistic religions represent the “ascension”; a magical reversal of the Tower of Babel moment and a return to the States of both Babylon and Atlantis. A New World Order will rise out of the ashes and the template for a SMART World State will advance a breakaway society. This enclave of self-proclaimed New World Priesthood will oversee a chipped, genetically modified, modernised slave race – willingly accepted. The energy of the mass mind will serve as a mega-ritual of perceived alchemical ascension by a minority of psychopath masquerading as transhumanist saviours.

Will such a dystopian nightmare come to pass?

Well, the future is still open but the window of opportunity is slight.


Transgender symbol fusing with Transhumanism symbol? © infrakshun

Accordingly, the transformation of humankind across all domains is currently obsessed with socio-cultural “androgynous fusions” since it is the esoteric masculine androgyny that dominates the global occult Establishment. The engineering of these fusions is operating through genetics and chimeras, biology, agribusiness, entertainment, art, media, military R & D  and of course, transhumanism as the main hub for disseminating the new philosophy and the transformation of consciousness toward the prophesied Singularity.

Or, according to author Joel Garreau:

“… it means that any human being – a microcosm – will be capable of himself or herself becoming a macrocosm, of literally stretching out, via computer interfaces, to control robotic space probes, millions of miles away. The next step is towards true computer-enhanced telepathy and interface, “to rig a distant machine such that it can pipe what it is sensing directly into the brain of its human host. The goal is to seamlessly merge mind and machine, engineering human evolution so as to directly project and amplify the power of our thoughts throughout the universe.” [2]

This explains the Establishment expression of an inverted alchemy and its obsession with sexual subversion, androgyny as expressed through pathological elements of (Nazi) occult bi-sexuality, homosexuality and the now modern PR surrounding transgender studies surfacing in popular culture – often in combination with a transhumanist ethos. This is not to condemn the LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Gay and Transgender) movement at its core, only to raise questions about its appearance at this juncture and with awareness of what has been discussed. Recall that normal humanity – including normal gay men and lesbian women – are being used to fulfill an agenda that has nothing to do with social or spiritual emancipation. The occult elite are in control of the mechanism though not necessarily the inherent unpredictability. If indeed we are facing a omni-directional engineering of the social body then it is logical that these patterns of sexuality have surfaced throughout history where separation and persecution dominated, or an understanding of sexual orientation was allowed to occur, usually based on higher knowledge concerning its place in the whole and the key distinction between mere difference and obvious pathology.

The spiritual concept of the androgynous man is a symbol of bi-sexuality and asexuality of the Divine Unity – the completed Self. It is a symbol for the integration of all noble aspects not just sexual. However, sexual/creative  energy informs all. Indeed, rudimentary sex organs of both sexes are present in the human foetus – an embryonic androgyny. And as Farrell and De Hart propose, this may be the results of an actual scientific knowledge that man was literally made in the image of the God(s).

Down through history ancient culture across the globe has seen the  masculine associated with differentiation, and the feminine with union. This symbolism was rooted in an elite science that actually knew that biologically it was the male that indeed was responsible for the “primary differentiation” and sexual differentiation, with the feminine or reception as the “default” program  set to “female.”


The Mainstreaming of cyborg-erotica care of transhumanist “chic.” It is usually a male fantasy fusion, though Bjork’s lesbian android’s (top right) beat Jennifer Lopez’s standard hetero-android for cyber-fetish originality…

“alchemosexuality” was the echo of a scientifically-based ancient culture such as Atlantis which was destroyed as result of their all-consuming hubris, the knowledge was lost along with everything else. But if human males carry BOTH chromosomes and this was applied as a form of “analogical magic” this would be likened to: “…a symbol of the physical medium in which all distinctions are united.” And where such thinking as related to a primordial alchemosexuality: “… even finds expression in the ancient belief that male sperm: ‘was held to contain a particle of prima materia out of which everything was made.’ ” it is in this sense that: “… the phenomenon of androgyny itself is a residue of mankind’s actual primordial state – as is actually claimed by various traditions – and occasionally manifests itself for whatever reason, including the possibility that it is being deliberately, though covertly, sought and engineered.”

Even more importantly:

“…modern genetics falsifies the ancient metaphor in one significant way, in that it is the female rather than the male which is the “default” setting for the program of human embryonic development.

But i[t] also confirms the ancient metaphor in another significant way, in that it is the male that is a “special program” of differentiation, for without the Y chromosome, development would proceed along the lines of the female. We cannot help but recall the fact that in ancient Mesopotamian lore, the “gods” engineered mankind by a chimerical mixture between a proto-human “female” donor and a “god” male donor. [3]

Hence the distortion within the ruling power echelons where a predominance of paedophilia and gay sex magick within military-occult circles comes into play. The idea of the default setting of man is taken as an exclusive Will to Power, the masculine as the “Keys to Creation” rather than the integration and synthesis of both sexual energies. The Fall and subsequent re-engineering of humanity was accomplished when the genetic symbiosis of X, Y chromosome interrelation ceased to indicate androgyny but degenerated into mere sexual divisions.

If the unification of the sexes was indeed a reality in some dim and and very distant past, and the human race was divided into males and females, as also much later suggested by Plato and possibly Aristotle, it reinforces the sheer alchemical ambition foisted on humanity – viewed as Frankenstein by the Elite, a monster to be transmuted – is extraordinary to behold. It seems they have not – perhaps cannot – learn from the past. If individual consciousness is being sacrificed for group consensus and group consciousness based on androgynous fusions which are all rooted in an archaic re-enactment of an ancient Fall and the assumed ascent, most of humanity will flow into that “Great Work” voluntarily.

The only problem is, it is the usual hi-jacking of Truth; it is a trap which will provide a choice for the observer to apply the knowledge to truly SEE or to believe the lie, the latter signifying a return not to primordial androgyny but to primal matter.

Lucy (2014)

Scarlett Johansson starring as “Lucy” in the 2014 film of the same name. Directed by Luc Besson this is perhaps one of the most transhumanist films ever made offering a decidedly “Luciferian version of Creation”. For a fine exploration of these underlying themes within the film take a look at: “Lucy”: A Movie About Luciferian Philosophy” from the Vigilant Citizen website.

We see a strange reflection of this genetic dissection and manipulation across all domains of society. It is a forced fusion of opposites and coerced interplay of group-think and herd mentality being corralled towards a technocratic fusion of consciousness. Anomalies abound with transsexuals cast a drift in a sea of artificiality where once such individuals had a place in society as spiritual channels. Those that were half-man/half woman were revered in many ancient and indigenous cultures as they were seen as shamans given the task of attuning with higher realities in order to maintain the integrity of the community, by a communion with “Spirit.” The last thing they were subjected to was isolation and hatred. Yet, in this culture of extreme differentiation and sexual psychopathy is makes perfect sense that sexual minorities are also hijacked and co-opted for elite uses, subverting minority roles so that narcissistic tribal groupings and endless labels for “rights” and further differentiations dominate. Similarly, agriculture and animals become commodified just as the ecology of the mind and its external environment succumb not to the freedom of technology, but its further constriction.

The promise of technology to heal all physical ills is very real and to be welcomed. Meanwhile, the pay off from that healing is not being addressed and can be seen in current expressions within pop culture. While the undoubted interrelatedness and interdependence of the global populations is emerging as a very real global brain, the ponerological aspects of this manifestation is clear. Art, music and the Hollywood, gloss of cyber erotica, the Nazi roots of Sado-Masochism, bondage and porn is being mainstreamed. It is quite literally, coming online as the merging of man and machine is sold as sexy.

gigerartworks1© H.R. Gieger

Instantly recognisable as the concept and production design style used for the Alien films, Swiss artist Hans Ruedi Giger and his iconic, industrial, “bio-mechanical” art, best personifies the inverted gnosticism as occult transhumanism. It is a disturbing picture of cyborg-alien “eroticism”, exemplifying Satanic Egyptian-Babylonian ritual fantasy. Unsurprisingly, S & M fetishists find Gieger’s art popular. It is also no coincidence that in the final “Prometheus” film directed by Ridley Scott, the “Orion Gods” are introduced as the decidedly unfriendly geneticists who not only seeded humanity out of their very bodies, but were also responsible for unleashing the demonic Alien, originally inspired by Giger’s single artwork: Necronom IV. Once commenting that he initially used his works as art therapy, I can only say rather than exorcising whatever was there, it looks like he became its channel…

According to physics the Universe may be “hardwired” to produce observers so that in one sense, the Universe can know itself through the medium of a complex organism like humanity. This has been called the “Anthropic Cosmological Principle,” which includes four sub-principles. It is the fourth sub-principle – the Final Anthropic Principle – which concerns transhumanism and which exactly describes the abiding rationale behind such beliefs in that the processing of information must be brought forth in the Universe, and once it comes into existence, it cannot die out. This may be true, but it is a huge leap to assume that observers and participants all adhere to the essential qualitative energy of Universal Creativity. There is supreme intelligence of the machine and there is the omnipotent Gods of pre-history – neither of which designate ultimate benevolence.

Spirit is neutral but flows through the polarities of negative and positive. It is this underlying binary cycle of Light and Dark consciousness expressed through group endeavour that holds the most danger: a) through the networking of knowledge without prejudice and with a co-linear intent that it is group conscious; or b) through the development of belief, ideology and subjective evaluations designed to create group consciousness as a template for the future. The latter accentuates contraction, conformity and authority with the artifice of the opposite – the effort expressed that is equal, unchanging and constantly running on empty. It is the uniformity and crystallised “consensus” that drives hierarchical group consciousness, where the restriction of a singular authority impedes creativity and leads to entropy.

The former – a network of service to others – actually serves the self, as it strives to disburse accumulated energy in favour of both individuality and the community; creativity is expressed as part of an holistic organism, where each “cell” is a fractal representation of the whole – a contribution of unique effort which is shared and transformed. It is this uniqueness of individual experience that drives and enriches the network.

Transhumanism, if not presently located in an entropic spiral is rapidly heading that way. Since we might presume that individuals and humanity en mass, represent a vast storehouse of DNA transmission and receivership capability, the inherent quality must define these attributes; it must depend upon our conscious choices to expand awareness and therefore resist lies and deception in favour of group conscious creativity. Perhaps we then become transducers of qualitative energies that demand a transmutation of our inner ecology, thus leading to the potential to change our outer environment.

No intermediate machinery is needed, silicon, quantum or otherwise.



[1] p.96; Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas  By Joseph P. Farrell and Scott De Hart. Published by Feral House 2011/2012.
[2] Ibid; p.127; quoting Joel Garreau from Radical Evolution (2006).
[3] Ibid; p.252.

Technocracy I

By M.K. Styllinski

“Technopoly is a state of culture. It is also a state of mind. It consists in the deification of technology, which means that the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology. This requires the development of a new kind of social order, and of necessity leads to the rapid dissolution of much that is associated with traditional beliefs.”

– Neil Postman

Under the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) heavily funded by the Rockefeller Foundation we see the centralisation of food under agribusiness merging with SMART society. Technology is the key to delivering a world of plenty according to these scientists and financial backers. On the website we read: “The Rockefeller Foundation envisions a world with SMART Globalisation – a world in which globalisation’s benefits are more widely shared and social, economic, health, and environmental challenges are more easily weathered.” Recall too, our exploration into the scare-tactics of global warming, the implementation of UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development (SD) all of which is hijacking genuine concern for our planet in order to use it to advance a New World Control System, by stealth. On the one hand, we have overt geo-political deception forcing chaos into being upon which a Hegelian solution for that post-war (post-catastrophe?) world can be laid. On the other hand, the requisite, centralised “New International Order” is delivered as a “benign” ecological, socio-cultural and economic template incorporating urban, energy efficient and sustainable “human habitat” zones requiring a high-level population density.

2012-07-21 18.22.48© infrakshun

After great disasters, there are always great opportunities to create new institutions and infrastructure predicated on elite ideologies.  World War I and II were prime examples, and indeed partly initiated for this very purpose. Humanity’s spirit must be broken in order that such phases of a New Order are welcomed, albeit with inclusive-sounding labels for peace and prosperity. The aftermath of intense Earth changes and asymmetric warfare will provide the same opportunities for another phase in the Pathocratic encroachment over normal human beings. And what might we expect?

Think of it this way:

If the Pathocrats have their way, we will be carefully managed into SMART operated high-rises with uniform amenities and leisure parks, where metered energy consumption, automation and hyper-digitisation will be encased in an overarching surveillance – for your own “protection.” Only the new technocratic gentry will inhabit lands deep in the countryside. For the rest of us it will be off limits, our movements strictly monitored. In accordance with New World Religion protocols and the New World Civil Servant Resolutions Nature will be protected as “sacred” and barred from the mass of humanity. These Mega-cities will provide for our every need … Provided that is, conformity and compliance remains paramount for the New Collective and the maintenance of a group consciousness duly cultivated, as envisoned by Zone Council Resolutions. This will ensure the efficiency of our SMART society, the most important precept in the New Age.

Break consensus and community cracks. Serve the individual and promote the Self, SMART grid dysfunction and the potential for overall system failure is inevitable and thus a return to fragmentation and dissociation of the past. This cannot be permitted – for the good of the whole. Resistance is like an infection, before you know it, the whole grid would be infected.  As such, we must be treated like the historical virus that we are and protected from ourselves by the guiding hand of the Priesthood, otherwise, the potential despoiling of Mother Earth will occur. Accordingly, a vast number of protective measures have been put in place to maintain efficiency and inner happiness. We will want for nothing. To maintain optimum levels of sensate satisfaction, human habitats will have their own integrated “Malware” and “anti-virus” enforcement systems in place as envisioned and voted for by Neighbourhood, Zone Councils and Regional Elects – for the good of all. Community is all, group consciousness is all … Love life, the New SMART Consensus.

You can probably continue the narrative with all kinds of creative allusions inspired by various books and Hollywood flicks. This is the real inverted totalitarianism that both Orwell and Huxley warned about and countless myths and oral traditions.

So, are the checks and balances in place to prevent such a future? Or is it just a silly Dystopian fantasy?

When SD and SMART systems are set against the strangle-hold that our power brokers still maintain currently manifesting as ubiquitous surveillance and the erosion of civil liberties, then questioning the direction this form of technology is taking  becomes an absolute imperative. For once we have passed a certain point in technological know-how, artificial intelligence will offer us no way to turn back without wholesale destruction.

Society is rapidly changing thorough technological innovation advancing in ways that challenge the imagination. The horizon is limitless as to how technology will be used. The important question to ask is: do we have any say in how technological knowledge is being applied in the present and thus how it will shape our future? As with most things in life, there are always positives and negatives to any new innovation on a mass scale,  but it remains to be seen which one will gain ascendance. As always, this is dependent on who holds the overall power of technology and its uses. So far, we have an appalling track record. As it stands, the advantages are set to provide unquestionable benefits in the medical field communications sectors. But what are the dangers of an over reliance on digital technology applied to all other sectors of society? Will it augment the path to true freedom or be its demise? Already there are serious questions being asked on a number of issues from health to civil liberties, artificial intelligence to cyber warfare, all of which we will explore.


As this silicon revolution continues to submerge us in an ocean of Wi-Fi waves there are signs that our intense reliance on SMART networks may not be the most expedient way to take humanity forward. Nonetheless, selling the idea of convenience and efficiency is proving extremely seductive. It also offers untold benefits to intelligence agencies, in particular the National Security Agency (NSA) to complete its mission to own information and predict behaviour of every individual in America and the globe.

The acronym “SMART” is the new mnemonic buzzword which is being used to describe a network of gadgets, utilities, services, weapons, energy systems and new forms of governance bound together in a sea of digital and Wi-Fi-based technology. Each letter in the acronym stands for a particular objective which can be loosely interpreted. They are typically defined as follows:

S = Specific / Significant

M = Measurable / Motivational

A = Attainable / Assignable

R = Relevant / Realistic

T = Time-bound / Time-Related

The technology promises a broad range of practical and philosophical ideas which are already re-shaping the very concept of communication, travel, agriculture, medicine and city infrastructure. SMART uses computerised systems which incorporate digital metering to monitor and control energy from power plants to appliances within the home.  Another acronym used to describe this technological structure of Web-connected appliances and in-home devices is the “Internet of things” (IOT). Although domestic appliances such as fridges, freezers, lighting and televisions fall under the IOT, it is the energy companies and infrastructure –  including transportation, health, oil, gas and alternative energy systems – which are being incorporated into a vast SMART grid awash with Wi-Fi technology that will connect to the internet and allow devices to “speak to each other.”

Many corporations such as AT&T, General Electric, are changing their present system of distribution, storage, administration and the very core of their manufacturing towards the IOT and SMART philosophy. For software companies such as Cisco, IBM, Siemens, Microsoft and Intel, this is a lucrative time. As a September 2013 article by online magazine Standard Digital entitled: ‘Tomorrow’s smart cities’ explained: “In Singapore, Stockholm and California, IBM is gathering traffic data and running it via algorithms to predict where a traffic jam will occur an hour before it has happened. Meanwhile in Rio (Brazil), it has built a NASA-style control room where banks of screens suck up data from sensors and cameras located around the city.” IBM has 2,500 smarter cities projects worldwide and is confident in financial future of redesigning cities. To that end it has trademarked the term “smarter cities”.

The article also quotes Anthony Townsend, director of the Institute of the Future and author of Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia. Townsend puts his finger on the pulse when he states: “Some people want to fine tune a city like you do a race car but they are leaving citizens out of the process…” And in relation to a China’s massive new city building projects and huge central control rooms, one of which is already operational in Rio, Brazil: “The control room in Rio was created by a progressive mayor but what if the bad guys get in? Are we creating capabilities that can be misused?” Constant attempts to try and get the UK public to adopt a bio-metric, National ID card have failed, though a foreign ID card for immigrants was unveiled in 2008 as a possible “softening up” exercise for a re-introduction of the scheme. This seems to be one branch in the creation of database state in the UK and abroad. When all the databases are indexed by what is known in the UK as the National Identity Register (NIR) it is then that our lives will be defined by our NIR number and a host of invasive surveillance which may come into play.

The UK organization NO2ID which campaigns against the Database State sees “Transformational Government” as not just a threat to our civil liberties but a whole way of life. Indeed they state: “… what is being transformed is not government but its power over you.” The reason for this increasing disquiet over State interference in the lives of British people is drawn from broad range of measures integral to the emerging SMART society.

NO2ID outlines just some of the UK government’s plans currently evolving:

  • ID interrogation centres, for passports and ID cards
  • ePassports that help collect data about your travel
  • International eBorders schemes that exchange Passenger Name Record information with foreign countries as well as collecting them
  • Recording of all car journeys, using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
  • ‘Entitlement cards’ as part of, or linked to the ID scheme, logging use of public services
  • Centralised medical records without privacy
  • Biometrics in schools — fingerprinting children as young as 4 or 5
  • ‘ContactPoint’, a database collecting sensitive information on every child
  • Fingerprinting in pubs and bars — landlords forced to monitor their patrons
  • A greatly expanded National DNA Database (NDNAD)
  • New police powers to check identity
  • Increasing Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks for employees and volunteers
  • Businesses under pressure to verify ID of staff and customers with the government  [1]

Neil Postman’s reference to a “Technopoly” as a state of culture is another consolidation of Official Culture. It is a description of an emerging Pathocracy with emphasis on the scientific technique underpinning the dominance of technology and its applications. When combining the  Surveillance State, and SMART society we fuse Technopoly and Pathocracy to form: Technocracy. a system of society according to which government is controlled by scientists, engineers, and other experts. It is a scientific dictatorship as discussed in ‘World State Policies III: The Scientific Technique’ and to which UN Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is integrated.


Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert founded the Technocracy movement in 1932 during the Great Depression and produced what is seen by many as the Bible of the movement: The Technocracy Study Course. Rather than the “price system” the design was based on the metrics of energy and considered apolitical. It was primarily a technological panacea for global economic problems based on energy production and distribution together with precise monitoring and measuring as the pillars of its potential success.

It was a techno-Marxist plan which included nationalising public utilities abandoning the gold standard (which the financial oligarchs loved) and suspending the stock exchange. Why would you need one when the new currency was mainframe of automation and “digital” currency?

The Technocracy Study Course reads like a strange amalgamation of bureaucratic fundamentalism grafted on to a engineer/mathematician/accountant’s world view of humans as binary energy units. (Perfect for the Lucis Trust’s New World [Civil] Servants). They outline their meter reading diagnosis for society in typically precise fashion:

  • “Register on a continuous 24 hour per day basis the total net conversion of energy.
  • “By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.
  • “Provide a continuous inven­tory of all production and consumption
  • “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used.
  • “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.” [2]

Many younger online users attracted to hacktivism, spirituality and social networking have been taken in by the recent manifestation of technocracy in the very slickly produced and marketed Zeitgeist films and the affiliated Venus Project founded by Jasque Fresco. The first film included some excellent truths regarding the nature of the economic world in which we live, as well as an incisive deconstruction of government influence and false flag operations. But the second film entitled: “Addendum” revealed that it had some fatal flaws. Zeitgeist was designed to grab our attention and prime the not so discerning members of the public to accept another version of Elite control this time through systemic technology as saviour, where computers make key decisions. It is the same techno-Marxism that assumes everyone will be thoroughly happy with such a Brave New World of regimented, rule-based precision; where individuals become numbers integrated into a game theory mainframe of “efficiency.”



Naturally, no mention is made of authoritarians and social dominators pre-disposed to the distortion and co-option of well-intentioned technocrats. To say that such a scenario is unrealistic and naïve seems obvious, not least the undesirability of such a sterile future. It is the same old approach to people management with the blessing of the Rockefeller class, all of whom have been extremely active in the “information dominance” brand of social engineering. When you know the awareness is changing the mass mind then you offer the World State scenario under a different guise and adapt good intentions accordingly.

The Zeitgeist Mission Statement gives us all we need to know:

“This ‘Resource-Based Economic Model’ is about taking a direct technical approach to social management as opposed to a monetary or even political one. It is about updating the workings of society to the most advanced and proven methods Science has to offer, leaving behind the damaging consequences and limiting inhibitions which are generated by our current system of monetary exchange, profits, corporations and other structural and motivational components.”

The term “Technocracy” in Zeitgeist terms, is really another way of referring to the “scientific technique” dipped in coating of trans-humanist fervour. Think eco-aware, engineering geek meets bank manager, meets human resource chief. Throw in a goatee and there you have it. It’s the same story different wardrobe.

In America, appealing to the new generations born in the digital world is a vital part of the social engineering project reaching its apotheosis of the Rockefeller Foundation. The GMO/agriculture research arm of IRRI calls it: “SMART Globalisation”, a corporatist-collectivist vision that sounds wonderfully benign on the face of it. It is the latest meme designed to channel human activity into local, national and global SMART systems from which our finances, health and autonomy would be under complete and automatic control. In other words, a Global SMART Grid. It is here that we see technocracy and neo-feudalism come together in virtual “harmony,” developed with the best of intentions at the lower end of awareness but guided by the worst from the top. The current crisis in the capitalist economic order is all part of the phase to replace the old world with this new vision. Let’s just recall that David Rockefeller has been a long-time admirer of communist China and the hybrid vision of the capitalist-collectivist philosophy.


David Rockefeller and Mao’s deputy Zhou Enlai 1973.| The Rockefellers have been hard at work engineering this World State based on the Chinese model for many decades. For more information see Rockefeller Internationalism by William Banyan

Author Naomi Klein alerted us to the fact that Chinese authorities have taken SMART society to their hearts and created a “model city” of the future re-affirming the Rockefeller and Elite vision for the world. It only took 30 years, for Shenzen to be transformed from a barren wasteland to a SMART city of 21.4 million occupants who are living the “dream” and where 200,000 cameras currently monitor and survey the populace with over 2 million more planned. What this SMART Society provides is a police State testing ground comprising of “central planning, merciless repression and constant surveillance.” Fortune 500 technology companies are watching very closely indeed. So closely, in fact, that high-tech surveillance and censorship programs were provided by IBM, Honeywell, and GE people under the generic name of “Golden Shield,” and used as a test run for what will is envisaged for the US population (once it has been thoroughly broken by social and economic chaos that is…) [3]

Recall former US National Security State advisor under Carter and Obama head hunter Zbigniew Brzezinski and his 1968 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. It was a call to re-envision the technetronic era after a few abortive attempts during the 1930s depression. It was to be the inspiration and backbone to the formation of the Trilateral Commission and its support of the Tiger economies of Asia. It was no coincidence that the book was extraordinarily prescient. Brzezinski, like so many geo-political establishment intellectuals often broadcasts Elite visions under a predictive and softly critical narrative. The intent is to broadcast formulas to the faithful and engage a populist understanding of the principles and their future objectives. And by “populist” we mean not just the public but those who may be termed the worker bees in the hive mind of the global Establishment.  Between Two Ages served to ignite the fuse of a Technocracy, the seeds of which were planted in another era of economic depression and ready to download directly into our minds. Brzezinski writes: “In the technetronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.” [4]

between two agesWe are already immersed in the “ether” of radio, micro and now Wi-Fi waves * indicating that not only is this foundation for a Technocracy present, it is accelerating exponentially. For this growth to continue unabated, Brzezinski posits another future scenario that has come to pass, involving: “… the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values (of Liberty). Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” [5]

He warns us with apparent gravitas:

“Another threat, less overt but no less basic, confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific knowhow. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits.” [6]

There are two ways in which this Technocracy is being implemented both of which naturally intersect:

1) Economics and energy

2) Surveillance and state controls.

In the first instance, the energy issue is being promoted and reorganized via the digital automation of SMART technologies. The US Department of Energy defines these technologies as: “… an electrical grid that uses computers and other technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviours of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.” [7]A similar grid is underway in Europe under “SMART Grids European Technology Platform.” [8]

America’s old and out-dated power grid is ready for an overhaul and the SMART Grid technology will mean the installation of digital meters in each home and business and 24hr monitoring of energy consumption that goes with it. What SMART means in this context is that there can be communication with other related devices within the home to relay support data information without any contact with the customer. Rather like Homeland Security and its agencies, The SMART Grid Task Force “… is responsible for coordinating standards development, guiding research and development projects, and reconciling the agendas of a wide range of stakeholders.” [9]

SMART Grid technology is big money and represents a revolution, particularly in telecommunications and energy. In 2010, the countries investing the most in SMART grid systems were China at $7.32 billion, closely followed by the United States $7.09 billion, Japan at $807 million with Spain, South Korea, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Brazil all spending millions on transforming their societies’ infrastructure. [10]

Like so much of the post-911, military-corporate infrastructure outsourced both home and abroad, the Department of Energy’s mandate to push ahead with this overhaul did not get Congressional hearing. From October 2009 – January 2010 SMART grid project funding ear-marked for 183 projects in 43 states totalled $3.4 billion thanks to the Obama Administration picking up where the Bush Administration left off with the creation of The Office of Electricity Delivery in 2003. The Department of Energy’s press release gives details of what this will mean for the average electricity consumer:

  • More than 850 sensors called “Phasor Measurement Units” to monitor the overall power grid nationwide
  • 200,000 SMART transformers
  • 700 auto­mated sub­stations (about 5 per cent of the nation’s total)
  • 1,000,000 in-home displays
  • 345,000 load control devices in homes [11]

smartgridvillageThe SmartHouse/SmartGrid Vision c/o The 7th Framework Programme funded European Research and Technological Development from 2007 until 2013 Link:

Systems theory and cybernetics had always been attractive to technocrats as a web of relationships that facilitate economic and social control. “The Web of Life” concept of interdependence and interrelatedness of all things within ecological systems was taken on by a number of ecologists and New Age seers. The concept of equilibrium and balance was in fact, determined by vastly unpredictable and creative confluence of non-linear principles, which is why attempts to bottle such non-linear systems into a means of socio-economic control can never work. However, this is where the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Network of Things (NOT) comes in. It is essential to the mind-set who see people as numbers and assigned values to be moved around on a computer screen like a game of SIMS.


Ready to become part of a virtuality and SIMS-SMART?

With NOT, technocrats wish to bathe us in a sea of Wi-Fi waves, with cities and homes awash with wireless networks where automation rules. From your dimmer switch to powering your juicer; the garage door to the security code on the residential gates. No human intervention is necessary. With strict guidelines as to what they will be programming, the new armies of programmers will be told to download exactly what they want you to see and hear, changing it as they see fit and without your knowledge. If you refuse and wish to take it to an ombudsman or even a civil action, how are you going to watch your T.V. or eat your food if your utilities are switched off? Look at the nature of banking. When did you last see your bank manager or get a problem resolved whilst speaking to some low-wage slave in India you cannot understand? Distance is designed.

The SMART Grid is married to the Wi-Fi Alliance which is readying itself to implement Wi-Fi circuitry in every conceivable device in the home and business sector. It will operate in exactly the same way as Wi-Fi-enabled network modems and routers for personal computers to mobile phones currently being used by homes and businesses globally. Telecommunications electricity, and renewable energy resources will be functionally integrated into a system automatic provision, payment and monitoring. Gmail, i-Pod applications, your fridge and T.V. and the Wi-Fi “ether” that will activate them are ready to be absorbed into the SMART Grid where literally everything communicates with each other in a fully-automated, seamlessly connected world of man and machine.

And now, it means you can literally become part of the very fabric of SMART willingly and forever with electronic senors printed directly onto your skin… Oh, the convenience! Mike Orcutt of MIT’s Technology Review comments: “Such systems could be used to track health and monitor healing …” Sure. And if you fall on the wrong side of your friendly SMART government tracking and monitoring takes on a whole different meaning. But having your i-pad on your wrist as opposed to freedom of movement is clearly more important… More on this later. [12]

printable.skin_.electronics.2x299Now, you too can become SMART!

Another aspect of the Wi-Fi revolution that is not being talked about is the health effects of living our daily immersed in this type of constant radiation. There is a glut scientific, peer-reviewed papers out there which are unsurprisingly, barely receiving a whiff of recognition that they sorely deserve. Adverse biological effects from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz) have been complied by the UK campaign group Wi-Fi in Schools (You can visit them at and print out as many as you like). The many examples of extensive research undertaken by University and independent scientific research institutes provides disturbing evidence across a broad range of experiments carried out on mice, rats and tadpoles.

Some of the findings included:

  • Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices.
  • Decreases in human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation from the use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi.
  • Oxidative injury in rat testis and on oxidative stress in blood induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices.WI-FI_ZONE_01
  • A provocation study using heart rate variability shows Negative effects on autonomic nervous system from microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone.
  • Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG
  • 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells.
  • Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice
  • Cognitive impairment in rats was shown after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation.
  • Stimulation of production of tumor necrosis when exposed in vivo and in vitro to weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range
  • Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. [Source:]

Bearing in mind that 16v/m is the average level of exposure for these experiments and that when using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer we can be exposed to electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. This is only the beginning of research into these areas but the evidence for serious problems on the subtle layers of our biological and neurological make-up is already overwhelming. If we don’t put the brakes on for the health issues alone, then we will be looking at generations with behavioural difficulties, infertility, impaired cognitive ability and an epidemic of endemic brain tumours.

As smartphones begin to rain down from the technocratic ether, the most convincing evidence that mobile phones are causing brains tumours in the young has arrived from Dr. Boian Alexandrov from the Centre for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. His team have shown that terahertz (THz) waves gradually destroy human DNA which is fairly terminal for the human race. Since chips broadcasting THz waves are being considered for use in mobile phones as imaging systems tool across this SMART society and THZ scanner technology is already being used by the TSA at most of our airports, the question as to whether there are any health issues concerning terahertz technologies seems unimportant as the great wave of innovation roars ahead.

The medical establishment is encouraging the use for operations in which scanning will prove highly useful for otherwise invasive procedures while “exciting” innovations in consumer freedom will allow us all to see through objects and walls to find our lost car keys should we choose to buy into the gadget craze. Dr. Alexandrov and his team’s ground-breaking study (among others)  is lurking in the background as a minor impediment to the euphoria of “progress.” His team discovered that exposure to THz radiation builds cumulatively and affects human and animal tissue DNA, effectively “unzipping” the DNA molecule. In their paper ‘DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field,’ Alexandrov et al conclude:

“We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA. We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism. Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.” [13]

So, if we continue to breathe in the SMART hype, we’ll soon see where the real growth lies.


* “Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections.

See also:

TruthStream’s  Forcing a Total, Saturated 5G Future… Without Safety Checks

5 Ways Smart Phones Are Dumbing People Down


[2] p.232; The Technocracy Study Source, by Howard Scott and M.King Hubbard, published by Technocracy Inc. 1940 edition.
[3] ‘China’s All-Seeing Eye’ By Naomi Klein, Rolling Stone, May 14, 2008.
[4] Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski 1970 / ISBN-10 0313234981 (p.11)
[5] Ibid.(p.97)
[6] Ibid. (p252-253).
[7] U.S. Department of Energy. ‘Smart Grid / Department of Energy’
[8]”. 2011.
[9] Smart grid: an introduction US State Department.
[11] ‘Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?’ By Patrick Wood, August Review 03 March 2010.
[12] ‘Electronic Sensors Printed Directly on the Skin’ MIT Tech, Mike Orcutt, March 11, 2013.
[13] ‘DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field’ by B. S. Alexandrov, V. Gelev, A. R. Bishop, A. Usheva, K. O. Rasmussen. (Submitted on 28 Oct 2009) Biological Physics (; Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) Journal reference: Physics Letters A, Volume 374, Issue 10, 2010. Abstract: We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA. We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism. Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.

Dark Green XVIII: The IPCC’s All-Seeing-Eye (2)

By M.K. Styllinski

All_seeing_eye2 © infrakshun

To reiterate, tearing strips off the IPCC is not some exercise in criticising for its own sake but to highlight where science has been politicised and corrupted. Similarly, there is obviously a huge need to care for our environment and everything else in this precious biosphere. We cannot do this until we have climate science firmly outside activism and where ecological conservation has been innoculated against corporatism and Establishment influence.

If we go back to the Climategate 2.0 scandal, we can see that some of the emails relating to the IPCC are quite illuminating on these points. For example, Professor Jonathan Overpeck of the University of Arizona’s Department of Geosciences deciding what shouldn’t go into the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4):

“The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guide what’s included and what is left out. For the IPCC, we need to know what is relevant and useful for assessing recent and future climate change.”

Commenting on another section of an IPCC report he states:

“Need to convince readers that there really has been an increase in knowledge – more evidence. What is it?” [1]

Or Professor Phil Jones of East Anglia University searching for a suitable hurricane paper that dovetails into his beliefs and thus the IPCC AR4 report:

“Seems that this potential Nature paper may be worth citing, if it does say that GW is having an effect on TC [Tropical Cyclone] activity.” [2]

Each of the climate reports (CRs) are weighty, no more so than the 2007 report at 3,000 pages. No one is going to wade through all of that, least of all the sound-bite media. What is more concerning and goes straight to the heart of why science plays so little part in climate change policy, is the IPCC executive summaries which it prepares for the smaller reports that make up the CRs as a whole. Not more than 35 pages in length, this is called “Summary for Policymakers” which gives you an idea how the IPCC wants these summaries to be used, even though the depth of understanding and contextual analysis may be missing.

Scientists are tasked with drafting these documents which are then passed on to those who meticulously pore over each line so that a cleansed and white-washed copy can be presented for inspection by a clueless media and public. So, these will not be scientific documents at all. These “cleansing” meetings are not open to anyone but IPCC staff and suitably vetted observers from environmental groups or organisations. The media are not permitted entry. A core group of IPCC bureaucrats decide what goes into the reports.

A Climategate 2.0 email by Tim Carter of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and Climate Change Programme, writing to IPCC authors seems to confirm this fact even within the AGW brethren:

“Regarding the phrase ‘IPCC position’? Would it be wise to check that McCarthy /Watson have the same understanding as we do.”

And the reply:

[TC] You could try, but it has been tricky getting anyone to make statements about anything. It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core group.” [3]

Governments and organisations like the IPCC are complicit in the cover up and manipulation of scientific facts. Scientists who contribute to the CRs are being played and used for a political agenda and the short-term greed and the MSM has cheer-led this subterfuge from the beginning. A summary document given out as a press release to the world’s media and public has been put through the politician, bureaucrat and diplomat’s PR machine, vetted to make sure that it conforms to the AGW paradigm in secret and without oversight.

Devoid of facts but replete with conjecture, the media simply parrots the information and goes back to sleep. Indeed, regarding the draft reports the IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri openly stated that they are altered, stating: “we necessarily have to ensure that the underlying report conforms to the refinements.” [4]This means regardless of the validity (or not) of expert science, the authors are side-lined and what they have written is tweaked to give unanimous support to the political agenda, an agenda that has been crystallized within the IPCC for more than twenty years.

vendetta3IPCC as authoritarian climate science?

Scientists within the IPCC also have misgivings, such as Mike Hulme Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia. Commenting in a Climategate 2.0 email, he states: “I am increasingly unconvinced by the majority of climate impact studies – including some of those I am involved in – and feel we are not really giving the right message to our audiences.” [5]

There’s an understatement to beat them all.

One of the holy grails of climate change science is computer modelling which has been responsible for much of the perceived advances in recent years. As we saw with the Club of Rome, the nature of computer modelling is fraught with assumption yet fully embraced as if the world operated on perfectly plotted principles. Evolution of any system is defined by its creative unpredictability a mathematical complexity of non-linear and often chaotic events far from equilibrium. In climate modelling a virtual world is set up that seems to be insulated from the “flies-in-the ointment” that may appear in long-term predicative analysis. The opinions of modellers then become a new science divorced from the observational inquiry. As LaFramboise asserts, the climate modelling science of opinion: “… is a recipe for tunnel-vision. It is group think waiting to happen,” and yet another example of the “group mind” steamrolling the creative sparks of objective thought which are not only needed in science but are essential to its healthy functioning so that it remains free from a political and belief-driven consensus.

No rigorous evaluation of climate modelling by independent parties has taken place. (This is presumably due to the love affair our culture is undergoing in relation to technology in general). Instead, the IPCC asks the same modellers to evaluate their own work. This is hardly scientific. Lead author roles for modellers is not the way forward, as there is little chance of them coming to the conclusion that climate modelling may be barking up the wrong tree. Since no true cold-blooded analysis of these models has taken place there is no way to know if they are even useful.

LaFramboise has also discovered that sections in the attribution chapter of the IPCC CRs are also written by climate modellers, the most crucial part of the report which decides the direction of global warming and if it is a man-made or natural cycle. Christopher Monckton and Garth W. Paltridge discovered that is wasn’t just the unreliability of climate modelling that is cause for concern but a strange coded bureaucracy that goes with it. The authors point out:

The big danger is that, with the increasing model complexity and cost, the number of truly independent climate models around the world is decreasing. This is because great slabs of the computer code of a model are often exchanged between research groups so as to avoid writing the stuff from scratch. This sort of exchange satisfies a general bureaucratic tendency to abhor what seems to be a duplication of effort. The net result must surely be a natural decrease in the spread of total feedback over the various remaining models and a consequent joy at the apparent tightening of the range of forecast temperature rise – a tightening that may have nothing at all to do with an improvement in the representation of the physics. [6]

Climate modelling does not ensure the validity of human-influenced global warming claims but rather fits neatly into circumscribed beliefs waiting in the wings. That does not mean to say that global warming is not a reality in some form, but to leave it to climate modelling to define all the parameters by which we can make informed decisions is dangerous because the solutions will lean hugely towards the overarching agenda explored previously. After all, even a minor tweak in feedback representations covering temperature rises can drastically alter a given a picture which can stretch from 1 degree celsius to infinity and beyond. That means that only thing we can be sure of is the fact that the much trumpeted “consensus” on global warming remains a myth.


“Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid motion, and chemistry. To ‘run’ a model, scientists divide the planet into a 3-dimensional grid, apply the basic equations, and evaluate the results. Atmospheric models calculate winds, heat transfer, radiation, relative humidity, and surface hydrology within each grid and evaluate interactions with neighboring points.” (wikipedia)

Climate modelling also fails an important test when it comes to CO2 and temperature increase. In the 2007 IPCC report it even admits that the models do not seem to show the extra heat that should be there if we are to believe the theory. But they believe that the models are still correct and somehow the data out there in the real world is at fault. [7]

And here we come to a few important points relating to climate modelling and the temperature rise hysteria that the media and most academic establishments take for granted. Firstly, and very simply: Positive feedback = the reinforcement or magnification of disturbance. Secondly, Negative feedback = disturb the balance – a counteraction occurs. Thirdly, we have the greenhouse gas theory and the doubling of CO2 which might cause some warming of one degree celsius over a century. But there is the assumption that the climate responds to minute changes resulting in amplification of these changes by hundreds of percent. Positive feedback. But negative feedback is the dominant factor in almost every process in nature yet in climate science positive feedback is assumed to the culprit. Law professor Jason Johnston found in his study that: “climate catastrophe is not an “output of climate analysis but an input.” [8] In other words, the science is based on an assumption with no mention of the positive-negative feedback dichotomy anywhere in the reports.

LaFramboise points out the inevitable conclusion that:

“… the only reason climate models tell us we are at risk of eco apocalypse is because the climate modellers believe our climate system behaves in a manner that is opposite to the way most natural systems behave. If the modellers had split themselves into two groups, half programming-in negative feedback and half programming-in positive feedback, the first group of models would predict nothing alarming.” [9]

Yet, when we add this to protective bureaucracy, conflict of interest in both journals, media and activist-scientists in educational institutions and further include those IPCC personnel who “systematically conceal or minimize what appear to be fundamental scientific uncertainties,” in IPCC reports, it is a clarion call for major change. [10]

And major change is the selling point at UN conferences. But rather than practical and preventative solutions emerging from such meetings, there is a lot of talk and a lot of political posturing with non-elected representatives of civil society pushing a consensus that doesn’t exist, except for those with a political agenda. What does happen is the organisation and allocation of mountains of CASH. The UN conferences in this respect are like a vast auction of clamouring NGOs and eco-activist groups seeking a top-up or first time injection for the cause, but it is the green of the dollar bill that informs the climate industry more than anything else.

dollarbillClimate Change is a multi-billion dollar industry

As we have seen, the United Nations and the UNEP are green-dipped in the New Age tank so that the various beliefs stick like parasites to the decision-making process. Not to mention the corruption and sexual abuse scandals which have dogged the UN for years. When you have a vast bureaucracy and a constant stream of money flowing into and out of the body sitting on top a system which has virtually no accountability any issue – no matter how noble – is going to be contaminated by politics, power and greed. It is about as basic a human fable as it gets. Add ponerology to the mix and you have a UN with its charters and declarations which work on paper only.

Like the perpetual rubber-stamping of the IPCC and other agencies, it is a symbiotic relationship of collusion rather than transparency. If you are not the most morally responsible individual and the rules do not apply to you by virtue of your status and you know you can get away with all kinds of back-handers and bribes, the system actively encourages you to maintain that trajectory. This is so often the nexus point for international decisions that determine the fate of nations. If there is no accountability, why should it be any different for UN bureaucrats who juggle the money flow?


We have barely touched the surface regarding the problems within the IPCC. What should be clear by now is that it is not a scientific body but a political one fused with the beliefs of scientist-activists. This was illustrated by a Climategate 2.0 email from Professor Heinz Wanner of the University of Bern. On reporting his National Academy of Sciences panel critique of Michael Mann to the media: “I just refused to give an exclusive interview to SPIEGEL because I will not cause damage for climate science.” [11]
In the same way, politicians and environmental activists determine the form, content and outcome of IPCC reports that have been seen as the gospel truth for decades. Political discourse from more than 100 countries determines the direction. After all, it is worth potentially billions with a lot of academic posts, consultancies and companies riding on the AGW slipstream. Sounding the global warming bells in a variety of alarmist ways feeds into multiple agendas which have nothing to do with the truth. Consequently, to speak ill of AGW is to commit the outrageous sin of attacking the religious zeal of green militancy that has had a long and dark history.

wfarmsbirdsBirds flying into a wind turbines. Symbolic of IPCC climate science?

Is there any possibility that the IPCC can promote the same “radical shift” and “New value system” within its own ranks and which it insists society should adopt? Can it clean its own house to become the body of open-minded science that is so desperately needed?

Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer believes thinks the organisation can never be fixed for the simple reason:

“… that its formation over 20 years ago was to support political and energy policy goals, not to search for scientific truth. I know this not only because one of the first IPCC directors told me so, but also because it is the way the IPCC leadership behaves. If you disagree with their interpretation of climate change, you are left out of the IPCC process. They ignore or fight against any evidence which does not support their policy-driven mission, even to the point of pressuring scientific journals not to publish papers which might hurt the IPCC’s efforts.” [12]

The organisation has embraced the same constructs that every co-opted movement has done in the past, whilst avoiding the opportunity to lead by example and follow the principles it continually demands from society. [13]The inherent danger of science and political ecology is what historian Anna Bramwell calls “a value-saturated creed” which acts like an open door for the movement to become fully ponerised. [14] Science is infused not with objectivity and a quest for truth but with subjective desires peculiar to a historical mind-set of authoritarianism, regardless of the root values present at its inception. This is the story of ponerology.

The legion of World State rulers in waiting would be very happy that a scientific elite is redefining human values for us. The myth that governments respond to the will of the people has never been clearer. The real choices and thus the potential solutions have been denied to us all.  As the Under-Secretary to one time UN Chief Kurt Waldheim, Brian Urquhart declared: “The worst way to make an argument is by reason and good information. You must appeal to emotions and to their fears of being made to appear ridiculous.” [15]Irony aside, so it is with the IPCC and so many other connected bodies inhabited by the same men and women willing to stoop to the lowest common denominator.

The IPCC plays an extremely important role in the disseminating information on the science of climate change. If we cannot place our trust and faith in institutions who set themselves up to discover new solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time then it means precious resources of creative energy is being wasted and re-directed into collective gutters of non-action and short-term gain. It becomes yet another example of pathological infection striking at the heart of what we consider to be our mentors, protectors and pioneers; expert minds dedicated to improving humanities lot. That means acknowledging the danger that ecology, environmental activism and any scientific discipline exposed to ponerological influences, must come under the same scrutiny.

If a deep love of Nature and the environment can historically sit side by side with the most virulent form of fascism then it behooves us all to guard against its all too easy re-appearance.

Pol Pot, the Cambodian dictator was responsible for the deaths of 21% of his country’s people.  He was also a former geography teacher.


[1] Email #4755 and email #1922 Jonathan Overpeck
[2] Email #0170 Phil Jones
[3] email #3066 Tim Carter.
[4] ‘Food, Water Security threatened by Warming UN Panel says’ by Alex Morales,Bloomberg, February 16, 2011.
[5] email #0419 Mike Hulme.
[6] p.28; The Climate Caper: Facts and Fallacies of Global Warming by Garth W. Paltridge. Published by Taylor Trade Publishing, 2010. ISBN-10: 1589795482
[7] op. cit. LaFramboise (p.69)
[8] ‘Global Warming Advocacy Science: a Cross Examination’ by Jason S. Johnston, Law University of Pennsylvania Law School | “Legal scholarship has come to accept as true the various pronouncements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientists who have been active in the movement for greenhouse gas (ghg) emission reductions to combat global warming. The only criticism that legal scholars have had of the story told by this group of activist scientists – what may be called the climate establishment – is that it is too conservative in not paying enough attention to possible catastrophic harm from potentially very high temperature increases.”
“This paper departs from such faith in the climate establishment by comparing the picture of climate science presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other global warming scientist advocates with the peer-edited scientific literature on climate change. A review of the peer-edited literature reveals a systematic tendency of the climate establishment to engage in a variety of stylized rhetorical techniques that seem to oversell what is actually known about climate change while concealing fundamental uncertainties and open questions regarding many of the key processes involved in climate change. Fundamental open questions include not only the size but the direction of feedback effects that are responsible for the bulk of the temperature increase predicted to result from atmospheric greenhouse gas increases: while climate models all presume that such feedback effects are on balance strongly positive, more and more peer-edited scientific papers seem to suggest that feedback effects may be small or even negative. The cross-examination conducted in this paper reveals many additional areas where the peer-edited literature seems to conflict with the picture painted by establishment climate science, ranging from the magnitude of 20th century surface temperature increases and their relation to past temperatures; the possibility that inherent variability in the earth’s non-linear climate system, and not increases in CO2, may explain observed late 20th century warming; the ability of climate models to actually explain past temperatures; and, finally, substantial doubt about the methodological validity of models used to make highly publicized predictions of global warming impacts such as species loss.
Insofar as establishment climate science has glossed over and minimized such fundamental questions and uncertainties in climate science, it has created widespread misimpressions that have serious consequences for optimal policy design. Such misimpressions uniformly tend to support the case for rapid and costly decarbonization of the American economy, yet they characterize the work of even the most rigorous legal scholars. A more balanced and nuanced view of the existing state of climate science supports much more gradual and easily reversible policies regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction, and also urges a redirection in public funding of climate science away from the continued subsidization of refinements of computer models and toward increased spending on the development of standardized observational datasets against which existing climate models can be tested.”
[9] op.cit La Framboise (p.70)
[10] op. cit. Johnston.
[11] Email #1104 Heinz Wanner
[12] ‘Climategate 2.0: Bias in Scientific Research’ November 23rd, 2011 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D.
[13] ‘Western Lifestyle unsustainable says climate expert Rajendra Pachauri’ The Guardian, June 20, 2011.
[14] The Fading of the Greens, by Anna Bramwell, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1994.(p.28)
[15] ‘The UN and Its Discontents’: An Exchange April 26, 1990 Shirley Hazzard, reply by Brian Urquhart The New Yorker March 15, 1990 issue.

Dark Green XVII: The IPCC’s All-Seeing-Eye (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

All_seeing_eye© infrakshun

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave its full blessing to the Al Gore power-point revival as he made his merry way to a carbon trading pot of gold. However, before kneeling down at the altar of the IPCC we must have a peek behind the doors of an institution that has presided over a fiefdom of green belief.

The IPCC has been lauded for over twenty years as the guardian and protector of the planet, a scientific beacon in a dark age of industry and corporate irresponsibility. It has served as the primary reference for ecologists and environmentalists buttressing the religion of anthropocentric climate change. But does this organisation truly merit the global mantle of scientific authority it now enjoys? Or is it a pretender to the throne of open-minded science? A closer examination of the facts shows that the latter is closer to the truth, with serious consequences for climate science and environmental studies worldwide.

Maurice Strong’s United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) set up the IPCC in 1988 with a later endorsement from the United Nations General Assemblythrough Resolution 43/53. With 195 members worldwide, the intergovernmental body is currently chaired by Rajendra K. Pachauriwho steers the mission: “… to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts.” The IPCC describes itself as a scientific body which “… reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change.” [1] Scientists voluntarily contribute to the work of the body where an “objective” and “complete assessment of current information” takes place. In the IPCC’s view, due to its scientific and intergovernmental status, it embodies: “… a unique opportunity to provide rigorous and balanced scientific information to decision makers. By endorsing the IPCC reports, governments acknowledge the authority of their scientific content. The work of the organization is therefore policy-relevant and yet policy-neutral, never policy-prescriptive.” [2]

As a consequence of this so called objectivity and impartial information presented to policy makers, an international acceptance of its claims is now in place and supported by an overall “consensus” (there’s that word again…) from leading climates scientists and participating governments. Further, in recognition of its work, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was shared between the IPCC and Al Gorethe IPCC acting as the source for most of the information found in An Inconvenient Truth. This fact is enough to plant a question in any informed person’s mind about the nature of the science the IPCC advocates. So, let’s see if the self-penned, glowing descriptions of the organisation stand up to scrutiny.

The IPCC reports also known as “The Climate Bible” – which we will call the “CRs” – are produced every year and represent an unassailable doctrine of climate science which cannot be challenged and to do so amounts to a form of heresy. The CRs have had an enormous effect on government policy around the world and are routinely cited as the most authoritative source on Climate change. CO2 emissions as the greatest evil known to man and the reason carbon taxes exist are all down to these reports. It is a climate science lovingly fawned over by the world’s media, much of university and think-tank academia, the same people who believe unquestioningly in Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth. The problem is, they believe that all those reports have been toiled over by thousands of experts who are holding hands in a sacred communion of consensus across the world; they believe that the science is water-tight and anyone but a fool would think otherwise.

Rajendra Pachauri has chaired the IPCC since 2002 and in one sense, is the personification of the IPCC in much the same way that Prince Philip was for the WWF. He has fuelled the belief that the IPCC and their CRs are full to the brim with thousands of the best scientists, the finest quality expertise at the cutting edge of climate science which is all parroted ad nauseum by the world’s media. [3] Unfortunately, many scientists and their papers have been ignored. Whether it is hurricane research, tropical diseases or oceanography, unless the scientists tow the official party line of anthropocentric global warming (AGW) then they can expect a cold response indeed to submitted papers.

Pachauri has since been accused of “inappropriate” sexual behaviour by several women who worked at the IPCC and TERI a non-profit, scientific and policy research organisation which Pachauri is Director-General. According to one alleged victim as part of her testimony from 2005: “A sexual harasser 10 years back, a sexual harasser today. He did it to me and others then. He has done it to her and possibly others now … His physical advances and sexual innuendos and acts, often reduced to as ‘inappropriate behaviour’, have been common knowledge and corridor gossip.” [4]

As a result, Pachuari finally stepped down in March 2015.

This appears appropriately symbolic of the IPCC’s place in climate science.

Rajendra-Pachauri_ipccstructureRajendra Pachauri, still going strong as Chairman of the IPCC

With 40 years of experience in tropical diseases Paul Reiter thinks the papers on his specialist subject found in the CRs are full of inaccuracies and incorrect conclusions, made worse by the fact that none of the lead authors had actually penned a research paper. Much of the information in the CRs are not written by experts at all and gave testimony to that fact to the UK House of Lords. [5]

One would think that the IPCC would have been keen to recruit the best experts they could find but it appears they prefer students and the inexperienced rather than the world class scientists spoken of in the mainstream media. The UN seems quite happy that its organisation continues to promulgate lies on this point while peddling unsubstantiated and very biased beliefs instead.

Journalist Donna LaFramboise’s searing indictment of the IPCC highlighted the fact that “the world’s finest scientific minds” have been culled from a reservoir of young and inexperienced students and activists such as 25 year-old Richard Klein, a Master Degree student and Greenpeace campaigner drafted in to serve as IPCC lead author on what was eventually to be six reports, six years prior to the completion of his PhD. [6] Laurens Bouwer served as an IPCC lead author before he had completed his Masters in 2001. To compound the confusion still further, the chapter to which he was given responsibility dealt with financial services whilst his “expertise” was in climate change and water resources. [7] In 2008, Lisa Alexander was a research assistant at Monesh University, Australia and went on to earn her PhD in 2009. Yet from 2001 and 2007 she had been plucked from obscurity by the IPCC to author two reports, one as lead author and the other in a contributory role – all ten years before she had claimed her doctorate. [8] Sari Kovats hadn’t earned her PhD until 2010 yet 16 years previously before any academics papers had been written: “Kovats was one of only 21 people in the entire world selected to work on the first IPCC chapter that examined how climate change might affect human health.” Lead author twice and contributing author once, all before the completion of her PhD. [9]Nor are these exceptions to the rule. This has been normal practice for the body since the early 1990s.

So, what’s going on?

LaFramboise describes how the analyses of IPCC policies and procedures were to come under the microscope, but perhaps not in the way it would have liked. In 2010, an international science body called The Inter-Academy Council took the bold step in establishing the first committee to investigate the quality and structure of IPCC research which resulted in an extensive questionnaire on its website to which people were encouraged to respond. Over the last few years a wealth of interesting data totalling over 678 pages has accumulated for the dogged researcher to peruse.

Many recurrent gripes which surfaced amongst respondents’ answers was the lack of qualifications from lead authors; decisions being political rather than scientific and undue political correctness regarding gender and multiculturalism at the expense of science. Among these problems follows the deeper more intransigent factor of activism married with science. The IPCC tells the world it is a scientific body tasked with sifting conjecture and assumption to produce as much as is possible, scientific fact. Yet, the institution is infested with activists from top to bottom. How can this be an impartial and politically neutral body offering reputable science when beliefs are colouring the overall picture?

Environmental activist organisations cross-fertilise IPCC conclusions in the CRs and other publications citing each others papers to bolster predetermined results. Rajendra Pachauri routinely writes forewords and editorials for activist groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. As LaFramboise observes: “The IPCC’s role is similar to that of a trial judge. It examines the scientific evidence and decides whether or not human-produced carbon dioxide is guilty of triggering climate change. How much faith would you have in the impartiality of a murder trial if the judge was hearing evidence during the day and partying with the prosecution team during the evening?” [10]

A new breed of “activist scientist” is happiest hanging out in activist groups, universities and agenda-ridden institutions like the IPCC. Objectivity regarding scientific results is the first casualty. Scientific judgement is wide open to abuse from emotionally-driven views which consciously or unconsciously select the data that reinforces their beliefs. They often have access to a wide cross-section of interested parties from government to an annual influx of university students. Scientific credentials merely serve to reinforce beliefs and fit the data with a mind already made up. If it doesn’t fit, then it is made to fit through mental gymnastics and cherry-picking the data. Of course, this can work both ways. However, whereas many groups who do not follow the AGW line and do not have links to the fossil fuel agenda state their case with proven scientific data and expertise, the same cannot be said for the IPCC which sets itself up as an impartial arbiter when it is nothing of the kind. It is clearly AGW-biased, hiding behind the bogus claims of rigorous and objective research supported by “world class scientists.”

Michael Oppenheimer is one such example. A Director of Science, Tech. Environmental Policy, at Princeton University; Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Prior to the above posts and 20 years as Chief Scientist to Environmental Defence Fund (EDF). He is a lead author IPCC report 2007 and a Senior Author of the IPCC report in  2011. Remember his words when speaking on behalf of the EDF? “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.” Regardless whether one agrees or disagrees with this statement it is hardly the position required of a scientist let alone one who contributes regularly to the IPCC. He is an activist-scientist and thus seriously biased.

A sample of other activists working for the IPCC include:

  • Bill Hare – Greenpeace spokesperson 1992; Chief climate negotiator 2007 / Key member of Greenpeace International Climate team; Lead author IPCC reports 2007 Expert reviewer 2007.
  • Malte Meinhausen – Key member of Greenpeace International Climate team; Greenpeace spokesman 2002-2003; Co-author Kyoto Protocol Analysis; contributing author of IPCC reports 2007.
  • Ove Hoegh-Guldberg – Marine Biologis, Reef expert Greenpeace funded reports on coral reefs and climate change 1994-2000 WWF funded reports; Contributing author 2007; Coordinating author 2011.
  • Richard Moss – One time WWF vice-president; IPCC senior personnel.
  • Jennifer Morgan – WWF chief spokesperson; WWF Kyoto Protocol Delegation; WWF Global Climate Change Program; Climate Action Network; Director of Climate program World Resources Institute. IPCC report 2010.

The process by which CR authors are selected – for an organisation who claims to be transparent and open – is highly secretive. No one seems to know how top decisions are actually made. The Inter-Academy Council questionnaire makes interesting reading in this respect, with some of the respondents giving answers such as: “Selection of lead authors in my view is the most important decision in the IPCC process, and it is not transparent,” or: “After being [a lead author or contributing author] several times, I still have no idea how I was selected. This is unacceptable.” Another participant states: “It has always been unclear how this has been undertaken.” [11]Not a huge crime for any other low-level institution but the IPCC isn’t just anybody. It has told us that it is open, transparent and scientifically credible and wields enormous influence because of it.


The United Nations, UNEP, WHO and the IPPC are all closely related, as are their worldviews.

The IPCC receives nominations from governments but does not make it public the names of the nominees; it does not explain the selection criteria and when successful nominees are announced only the country of origin is mentioned, qualifications and credentials are nowhere to be seen. Based on past evidence one can see why they would want the secrecy to remain in place. Apparently, we are meant to guess that the candidates are experts and trust the IPCC’s word.

What makes matters worse is the organisation’s history of refusing to help journalists, researchers and academics in their quests to scrutinize sources, reports and data. Moreover, when problems have been raised with the report content, such as out-of-date source papers, incorrect citations or quoting from papers yet to be published, the shutters came down with a the rigidity of a spoilt child folding its arms and pouting. If you begin to rock the boat too much then you are stone-walled or threatened with expulsion. [12]

Yet, according to John Holdren, President Barack Obama’s science advisor the IPCC is: “… an immense edifice of painstaking studies published in the world’s leading peer-reviewed scientific journals. They have been vetted and documented in excruciating detail by the largest, longest, costliest, most international, most interdisciplinary, and most thorough formal review of a scientific topic ever conducted.” [13]Holdren has been told some porkies. In reality, the IPCC does none of the above and has no quality control procedures at all. Or, as one IPCC respondent states on page 384 of the public questionnaire: “Quality assurance and error identification is non-existent…” [14]  Which means when the body claims it uses peer-reviewed literature we find this is also incorrect. [15]The amount of peer-reviewed sources to support the findings in the IPCC reports is very low indeed; yet, people continue to believe it is true because it operates on the same belief as Al Gore. [16]IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri: “… has a history of systematically misrepresenting the process by which his organization produces reports. His declaration that the IPCC does not settle for anything less than peer-reviewed sources is wrong. Nor is it wrong by a trivial amount. When 21 out of 44 chapters have so few peer-reviewed references they score an F, a serious disjuncture exists between the facts and the IPCC’s fiction.” [17]

Nor is peer-review a fail-safe mechanism for detecting research misconduct and malpractice. The only way to safe-guard such problems is fully independent, scientific review where an assumption of the reliability of research papers before they have even appeared in print is not seen as the norm. Peer-reviewed science is only as good as the structure upon which it sits. If that is rotten then you have nothing. If Al Gore published papers for peer-review it would matter little that his credibility is zero because his talents lie in the performance designed to create maximum emotional response. Facts are secondary.

When trusts, foundations and institutions presenting themselves as scientific bodies dedicated to objective scientific analysis merge with the beliefs of green activism, however laudable, it produces a dangerous politicisation. Organising communication between professions and the media then becomes an exercise in maintaining the demands of lobbying. When substantial amounts of money are involved then science is just another tool for exploitation. Just as high quality journalism should inform activism so too science must act as the primary foundation to issues with science at their core. Without objective knowledge of the highest quality charges of passion without reason and the effects they induce cannot be countered.

LaFramboise, with an enormous network of voluntary assistance, found that 30 percent of the IPCC 2007 report was non-peer-reviewed. The sources which were included comprised of “… newspaper and magazine articles, unpublished masters and doctoral theses, Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund documents and yes, press releases.” The journalist highlights several points that should make us all think twice about the proclamations of unimpeachable sources and credentials when the media, UN and governments wax lyrical about the IPCC’s standing.

LaFramboise further observes:

Climate sceptics are frequently asked why they imagine their own judgment to be more reliable than the judgment of such esteemed bodies. The answer to that question is this: No science academy noticed that one in three references in the 2007 Climate Bible is actually to grey literature. [unpublished papers] If these academies are so well-informed why did it take a group of Internet-linked volunteers to bring this to the world’s attention? Why didn’t even one of these science academies subject chairman Pachauri’s rhetoric to rudimentary fact-checking? [18]

Could it be that IPCC personnel simply don’t care enough to have a hand in changing the direction of this behemoth and are quite comfortable with the way things are?

Not content with preaching to the rest of us on impeccable standards in climate research to which we must all adhere, the IPCC’s treatment of its voluntary army of expert reviewers falls very short of fair. The 2007 report invited reviewers to offer comments which were responded to by IPCC authors. Yet, unsurprisingly, they are at liberty to ignore most, if not all of the comments that don’t fit with their “group-think.” The body freely inserts new material in reports, rejects reviewer opinions and essentially undermines the whole review process which was designed to prove the rigorous and objective nature of the CR science.

Group think rises up through the ranks of academic journals which instead of being independent and thus offering valuable critiques, appear to be chosen for reviews, citations and source material because an IPCC insider is Editor-in-Chief. As LaFramboise comments on the late founding editor of Climatic Change Stephen Schneider and Club of Rome member: “The fact that Schneider, a senior figure at the IPCC, was routinely deciding what would – and would not – make it into the same scientific literature the IPCC would later cite as evidence doesn’t appear to have caused anyone concern.” [19]

Nor is this an isolated incident. In the next post, we’ll see why.



[2] Ibid.(organisation)
[3] ‘The Science is absolutely first rate’ June 5 2007, The Rediff Interview with Rajendra K. Pachauri | ‘The Rajendra Pachauri Interview’ by Amitabh Pal, The Progressive, May 2009 issue.
[4] ‘Harasser’ who lifts staff like little girls’ The Telegraph, Calcutta, India, Ananya Sengupta and G.S. Mudur, February 22 , 2015.
[5] Select Committee on Economic Affairs Written Evidence – Memorandum by Professor Paul Reiter, Institut Pasteur; Paris THE IPCC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. EXAMPLE: IMPACTS ON HUMAN HEALTH
[6] p.8; The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert by Donna Laframboise. Published by Createspace, 2011.
[7] Ibid. (p.9)
[8] Ibid. (p.10)
[9] Ibid. (p.11)
[10] Ibid. (p.18)
[11] Ibid. (pp. 185, 180 and p.28) | Review of the IPCC InterAcademy Council
[12] Ibid Chapter 8: “Clear as mud” See example 1: Steve McIntyre of p.30-35 correspondance between Susan Solomon.
[13] Ibid. (p.34)
[15] Ibid. (p.43) – Richard Tol found that in the Climate Bible (CRs) 2007 “IPCC authors had ignored the findings of peer-reviewed studies and had instead cited non-peer-reviewed material to make the opposite case.”
[16] Ibid. (pp.43 -50: “The Peer Review Fairy-Tale”)
[17] Ibid. (p.48)
[18] ‘Book excerpt: Conspiracy of silence Special to Financial Post, By Donna La Framboise, Oct 22, 2011.|
[19] Ibid. (p.62)

Dark Green XVI: I’ve been Gored!

By M.K. Styllinski

“… the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us, and I have invested in it but every penny that I have made I have put right into a nonprofit, the Alliance for Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge.”

– Al Gore


Logo of The Climate Reality Project founded by Al Gore | Source (WP:NFCC#4) (wikipedia)

With hedge funds popping up like bad sores in readiness for the carbon credit bubble it is these financial marauders who will benefit most rather than the environment or third world nations’ climate change projects. What we can be sure of is a substantial hike in the cost of living generally with special attention to electricity and manufacturing. All the while the imposition of caps is guaranteed to contribute precious little to limit carbon emissions, should the science on CO2 even be true.

The Nobel prize-winning Al Gore has been very busy playing at eco-activism and evangelising the message of AGW for many years. He has become smoothly effective as the political vanguard of environmentalism. Gore’s legendary capitalism masquerading as left-leaning liberalism is never more clearly seen when it comes to green corporatism, his favourite plaything. Gore was one of the first to implement the corporate structure of “public-private partnerships,” where the decision-making process was quietly shifted away from the people and transferred to unelected international corporations. And what we are seeing now is how effective such structural conversions can be when married to distorted environmental fears. Al Gore has excelled at being the guru of green-back sensationalism. He is a master of the slight-of-hand. However, it is difficult to say whether he is a “useful idiot,” desperately naïve (doubtful) or an opportunist of the very worst kind. Perhaps it is a mix of all three.

The Climate Reality Project founded by Gore in 2011 is another attempt to launch a frontal attack against so-called climate deniers (when all it does is cover up good science). “Join reality” “effect change”. You can also sign on to become a “Climate Reality Leader” within the Climate Reality Leadership Corp. and bludgeon everyone into becoming like Al Gore. Gore is creating an army of the faithful to do what? To reach net zero carbon emissions” which is apparently “… the key to our collective prosperity and well-being for all.”

Unfortunately, that probably isn’t the key. Not even close.

This is all about objective reality it seems…  Yet, the “The facts” page reads like a catalogue of supposition assumption where blaming nasty old fossil fuel folks for it all appears to mask barely concealed zealotry. That’s not to say that corporatism isn’t having a ripe old time stirring the propaganda pot with equal vigour. And that is also not to say greenhouse gases aren’t causing havoc and yes, we must try to reduce our pollution. But the overall campaign and impetus is that human beings are responsible for the overall climate change which are very probably the result of complex natural cycles and even vast cosmic processes. As my hamster Ernie belts around his plastic wheel the sheer power of his little cardiac footprint is not liable to produce massive climatic weather patterns.  (I don’t have a hamster but you get the analogy).

The whole idea that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused Earth’s temperatures over the past 50 years appears erroneous. BUT that doesn’t mean greenhouse gases are benign. It doesn’t mean they do not pose a problem such as ozone depletion. The real problem is how AGW science has obfuscated the subtle connections going on between a whole host of complex factors which have been reduced down to the level of Al Gore and his slide show hotly followed by the IPCC. And that does not provide a good basis upon which to inform the public.

You CANNOT change a natural cycle. And no amount of hectoring, deception and phoney science it going to alter that fact.  It amounts to an enormous hijacking of energy that could be better used in prevention against cataclysmic change that will come regardless of whether we have paid our carbon-free credits.  But by now, if you have been reading the previous posts on this blog you either think I am a deluded devil incarnate or one of the many who are seeing behind all the noise. Perhaps I am teetering between the two.

That said, let’s continue and find out a bit more about our Al and whether he’s one arctic roll short of an ice-cap.

gorepromoAl Gore (left) and promotional material for the DVD launch for An Inconvenient Truth: “the most terrifying film you will ever see.”

Gore has written over a dozen books on society, politics and environmentalism, most notably Earth in the Balance: Forging a New Common Purpose. (1992) The Assault on Reason. (2007) and An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It. (2006) which accompanied a film of the same name which won an Academy Award for Best Documentary. The film was directed by Davis Guggenheim, who stated that after the release of the film, “Everywhere I go with him, they treat him like a rock star.” It couldn’t have been more apropos for the likes of the Club of Rome who saw in Gore the popular appeal of their designs made manifest. The message is fear, catastrophe and guilt wrapped up in emergency environmental “education.” The science didn’t matter the message was all that counted.

Having already achieved humble martyrdom in running against the villainous Bush, he was as well placed to transfer this new found sainthood into the cause of climate change and make considerable amounts of money in the process. An Inconvenient Truth was designed to educate millions of citizens about the perils of global warming using Gore as messenger who would give an in-depth slide show presentation to a rapt audience interspersed with relevant footage. It premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opened in New York City and Los Angeles on May 24, of the same year. It became a critical and box-office success, garnering two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Best Original Song. It was also commercially successful earning $49 million internationally and becoming one of the highest grossing US documentary films of all time. [1]

Let’s turn our attention to two aspects of Gore’s journey, that of the science in the film and the financial aspects of Gore’s AGW platform. Firstly, the science.

In May 2007, a lawsuit was launched by a group of global warming sceptics over the UK government’s distribution of the film in UK schools. Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills heard the bid for an injunction preventing the screening of the film in English schools, on the premise that the film was imbalanced, impartial and political.

On 10 October 2007, High Court Judge Mr Justice Burton did not ban the film finding that it was largely drawn from scientific fact and research even though it was also politically motivated. He ruled that An Inconvenient Truth contained “nine key scientific errors” and could only be shown in British schools with explanatory notes on the errors “to prevent political indoctrination.” The judge said that showing the film without the explanations of error would be a violation of education laws. Judge Burton also stated that errors had arisen “in the context of alarmism and exaggeration” driven by Gore’s belief in AGW. [2]

In the synopsis of the film given by Paramount studios, the distributor gives a flavour of the content of the film which the judge ruled amounted to an “apocalyptic vision.” In a breathless example of sensationalism it implored: “If the vast majority of the world’s scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.” [3] The judge ruled that An Inconvenient Truth was “politically partisan and thus not an impartial scientific analysis of climate change.” It was, he ruled: “a political film.” [4]

Marketed as “… the most terrifying film you will ever see,” by online trailers, with commentary claiming audiences have been “shocked everywhere,” the dramatic images of global environmental destruction bombard the viewer with terrifying storms and even a nuclear explosion. This sets the tone for a mass-dumping of fear and danger in the younger generations and creates the antithesis of reason and constructive dialogue. Politics, alarmism and “apocalyptic visions” do little to educate children, especially when Agenda 21 is overshadowing the proceedings. While they may compel a sense of urgency and activism in the cause of “saving the planet,” if it is sourced from bad science and emotional reflex then this will play straight into the politics and the social frameworks recently discussed. It will have very little effect on the real, preventative climate change issues which could be addressed given the correct guidance. Exaggeration and alarmism merely helps to create fear and insecurity in the minds of children who are already having great difficulty processing the future. Neuroses in the young anxious about climate change, is becoming increasingly common.

Climate science journalist Björn Lomborg reviewed some startling results on this issue where “… a new survey of 500 American pre-teens, … found that one in three children, aged between six and 11, feared that the earth would not exist when they reach adulthood because of global warming and other environmental threats. An unbelievable one-third of our children believe that they don’t have a future because of scary global warming stories.” The same pattern exists in the UK with “half of young children aged between seven and 11 [whom] are anxious about the effects of global warming, often losing sleep because of their concern.” [5]

To draw out those fears and increase the likelihood of cash injection into the climate change industry we have Gore’s slick Hollywood production which uses emotive photos of cutsie animals and advanced animations taken out of context alongside endless replays of environmental destruction to illicit guilt and alarm. For example, smoke pouring forth from chimneys and cooling towers implying extreme CO2 production when in reality CO2 is invisible and benign. The message here is not scientific solutions but emotional manipulation.

Gore has yet to modify any of his statements made in film and print, the most obvious examples being the internationally discredited hockey stick temperature graph and his clinging to CO2 global temperature increases, despite the data that showed temperatures rose 400-800 years before CO2 and drove higher CO2 levels, a fact which had been confirmed for at least two years prior to Gore’s film. [6]But this was only the beginning. The following nine errors as outlined by Judge Burton include:

ERROR 1: Sea-level rise of up to 20 feet would be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland “in the near future”. [Judge] agreed that if Greenland melted it would release this amount of water – ‘but only after, and over, millennia’. The Armageddon scenario he predicts, insofar as it suggests that sea level rises of seven metres might occur in the immediate future, is not in line with the scientific consensus.”

ERROR 2: The film claims that low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls ‘are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming’ but the judge ruled there was no evidence of any evacuation having yet happened.

ERROR 3: The documentary speaks of global warming ‘shutting down the Ocean Conveyor’ – the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to western Europe. Citing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the judge said that it was ‘very unlikely’ that the Ocean Conveyor, also known as the Meridional Overturning Circulation, would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.

ERROR 4: Mr Gore claims that two graphs, one plotting a rise in CO2 and the other the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years, showed ‘an exact fit’. The judge said that, although there was general scientific agreement that there was a connection, ‘the two graphs do not establish what Mr Gore asserts’.

ERROR 5: Mr Gore says the disappearance of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was directly attributable to global warming, but the judge ruled that it scientists have not established that the recession of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro is primarily attributable to human-induced climate change.

ERROR 6: The film contends that the drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming but the judge said there was insufficient evidence, and that ‘it is apparently considered to be far more likely to result from other factors, such as population increase and over-grazing, and regional climate variability.’

ERROR 7: Mr Gore blames Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans on global warming, but the judge ruled there was “insufficient evidence to show that”.

ERROR 8: Mr Gore cites a scientific study that shows, for the first time, that polar bears were being found after drowning from ‘swimming long distances – up to 60 miles – to find the ice’ The judge said: ‘The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm.’ That was not to say there might not in future be drowning-related deaths of bears if the trend of regression of pack ice continued – ‘but it plainly does not support Mr Gore’s description’.

ERROR 9: Mr Gore said that coral reefs all over the world were being bleached because of global warming and other factors. Again citing the IPCC, the judge agreed that, if temperatures were to rise by 1-3 degrees centigrade, there would be increased coral bleaching and mortality, unless the coral could adapt. However, he ruled that separating the impacts of stresses due to climate change from other stresses, such as over-fishing, and pollution was difficult. [7]

Rather than just nine errors the Judge mentioned, there are so many serious errors in AIT that becomes much more of a concern about the film-makers understanding of the issues involved and certainly where Al Gore’s true perceptions lie. Former British MP Christopher Monckton and founding member of the Science and Public Policy Institute based in the UK found plenty more. All of the following have proven to be grossly exaggerated or simply false:

  • Thermohaline circulation “stopping”
  • 100 ppmv of CO2 “melting mile-thick ice”
  • Hurricane Caterina “manmade”
  • Japanese typhoons “a new record”
  • Hurricanes “getting stronger”
  • Big storm insurances losses “increasing”
  • Mumbai “flooding”
  • Severe tornadoes “more frequent”
  • The sun “heats the Arctic ocean”
  • Arctic “warming fastest”
  • Greenland ice sheet “unstable”
  • Himalayan glacial melt waters “failing”
  • Peruvian glaciers “disappearing”
  • Mountain glaciers worldwide “disappearing”
  • Sahara desert “drying”
  • West Antarctic ice sheet “unstable”
  • Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves “breaking up”
  • Larsen B Ice Shelf “broke up because of ‘global warming’”
  • Mosquitoes “climbing to higher altitudes”
  • Many tropical diseases “spread through ‘global warming’”
  • West Nile virus in the US “spread through ‘global warming’”
  • Carbon dioxide is “pollution”
  • The European heat wave of 2003 “killed 35,000”
  • Gore’s bogus pictures and film footage
  • The Thames Barrier “closing more frequently”
  • “No fact…in dispute by anybody.” [8]

In A Sceptic’s Guide to Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ (2007) senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) Marlo Lewis PhD, provides a meticulous analysis of the Al Gore’s book version of the film. Lewis’ Congressional Working Paper contains 324 references with extensive links to web sites for fact checking, a practice Gore would do well to emulate. Lewis’ conclusions on the book revealed:

  • Wrong statements, false statements—19;
  • Misleading statements—17;
  • Exaggerated statements—10;
  • One sided statements—25; and
  • Speculative statements—28. [9]

Environmentalists have drawn our attention to the fact that Marlo Lewis is a friend of the fossil fuel lobby and is a corporate lackey with a clear agenda. Be that as it may, the facts he provides are correct. It is unfortunate that facts have to surface from two extremes rather than a simple quest for truth.


This photo was widely used to promote the idea that polar bears were stranded due to global warming induced ice melt. In actual fact, it was faked. See HERE for more details.

As an ex-senator, businessman, journalist, lawyer and highly articulate orator and raconteur it seems bizarre that Gore has not only chosen to ignore his “errors” but continue to perpetuate them. Even worse, he has also repeatedly refused to debate publicly on the issue and will not participate in conferences, interviews or public forums with those who take the opposing view on AGW. This is bad for science and bad for open, rational discourse which is so desperately needed.[10] Not least, it is bad for Gore’s credibility as he clearly prefers hyperbole and rhetoric rather than scientific rigour. If he is correct and he has spent most of his life genuinely seeking to redress the balance for the Earth’s ecology then one would think he would have at least a basic understanding of the principals involved, given his position and responsibility. Yet, while he may have a nose for communication he doesn’t seem to have the first clue about truth – inconvenient or otherwise. Gore’s research has been drawn primarily from the IPCC, which offers even more cause for concern, as we shall see presently.

What of Gore’s financial interests in climate change and carbon credits? He is a partner in two hedge funds, Generation Investment Management (GIM) and Capricorn Investment Group LLC, set up to trade carbon credits. Remember the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) in the U.S. and the Carbon Neutral Company (CNC) in Great Britain? GIM exerts substantial influence over these firms in the following way: Having expended considerable amounts of cash to test the viability of carbon credits back in 2000, CCX has some of our well known players secreted within its membership. One begins to wonder if he has cloned himself to appear in all places and in all times but sure enough, Maurice Strong sits on the board of directors and has long since been considered as an Elder-guru to Gore. Other members who had undertaken to reduce their emissions by 2010 (some did some didn’t) are Amtrak, Ford Motor Company, Dow Corning, International Paper, Motorola, DuPont, American Electric Power and an assortment of other corporations and universities. Carbon-offset projects are also underway via “participant members.” ECX also has around 80 member companies, including Shell, Barclays, BP, Fortis, Calyon, Endesa, Morgan Stanley and … Goldman Sachs.

And here’s where come full circle back to the Goldman cartel once more.

GIM was founded by both Al Gore and Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs and financial criminal CEO, Hank Paulson. We already know that Goldman Sachs virtually owns the carbon credit markets including 10 percent of CCX shares and a stake in ECX. This is due, in part, to the fact that GIM is riddled with Goldmanites: Mark Ferguson, former co-head of GSAM pan-European research; David Blood, former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) and Peter Harris, who headed GSAM international operations. Peter S. Knight, who is the designated president of GIM with strong ties to Al Gore and Bill Clinton serving under them respectively.

World Economic Forum in Davos

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore speaks next to rapper Pharrell Williams during a panel session on the first day of the 45th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Jan. 21, 2015. | TIME magazine. |The World Economic Forum? Really? This is straight out of the Live Aid programming manual (It’s all right, just be happy…)

In 2008, Gore’s venture capital firm loaned $75m to Silver Spring Networks, a small Californian firm wishing to develop energy-saving technology. The company’s main production efforts go into hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. And in 2009, the US Energy Department announced a $3.4 billion boost in SMART grid grants more than $560 million going to utilities under contract to Silver Spring. [11]

To say that this would provide Gore with substantial profits would be an understatement. With an estimated $70 million he received for a 20 percent stake in the 2013 sale of the Current TV network, a slice of a $500 million pie paid out by Qatari-owned al-Jazeera Satellite Network, and a steady $1.2 million a year in salary and bonuses, he stands to make millions more in the long-term. Hence the media cry: “Will Gore be our first carbon billionaire?” Gore disputes this and is happy to be “putting his money where his mouth is.” A “one off investment” and “transformation of our energy infrastructure” towards energy that is free forever” is what’s needed according to Gore. He sees no hypocrisy radiating from his  green-messiah activism and Goldman Sachs plundering.

He goes on to say somewhat defensively: “Do you think there is something wrong with being active in business in this country?” … “I am proud of it. I am proud of it.” [12]

Goldman Sachs would certainly agree.



Cool itdocumentary by Bjorn Lomborg



[1] “Documentary 1982–present (film rankings by lifetime gross)”. Box Office Mojo.
[2] Stuart Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education & Skills”. England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions. 2007-10-10.
[3] ‘Al Gore’s ‘nine Inconvenient Untruths’ By Sally Peck, Telegraph, 11 Oct 2007.
[4] Ibid.
[5] ‘Scared silly over climate change’ by Bjorn Lomborg, The Guardian, 15 June 2009.
[6] ‘Climate myths: Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming’ by Catherine Brahic and Michael Le Page. New Scientist, 16 May, 2007.
[7] op. cit. Peck.
[8] ‘35 Inconvenient Truths – The errors in Al Gore’s movie’ By Christopher Monckton, http://www.scienceandpublic PDF version:
[9] ‘Al Gore’s Science Fiction: A Sceptic’s Guide to An Inconvenient Truth’ Congressional Working Paper By Marlo Lewis. 01/22/07 — Competitive Enterprise Institute ||
[10] ‘Al Gore Refuses To Dignify Debate: “It’s Not A Matter Of Theory”’ Huffington Post, April 5 2009.
[11] ‘Al Gore could become world’s first carbon billionaire’ Telegraph, November 3, 2009.
[12] Ibid.

Dark Green XIV: Global Cooling, Bilderberg and the Oceanic Wild-Card

By M.K. Styllinski

“In a 1996 report by the UN on global warming, two statements were deleted from the final draft approved and accepted by a panel of scientists. Here they are: 1)  ‘None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.’ 2) ‘No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to man–made causes.’  To the present day there is still no scientific proof that man-made CO2 causes significant global warming.

– Professor C. R DeFreitas |

With the precautionary principle being happily brushed aside yet again via the introduction of geo-engineering into the public arena, the craziness from our so-called “leaders” has reached stratospheric levels of lunacy as the stakes get higher. Nonetheless, let’s get back to meteorologist Dr. Roy Spencer and his take on Pacific Decadal Oscillation which, in his view and an increasing number of scientists: “… is critical to our understanding of global warming.”

He reiterates the point that small changes can have enormous impact over time, especially regarding the presence of global cloud cover and states: “… clouds represent the single largest internal control on global temperatures (through their ability to reflect sunlight), [therefore] a change in cloudiness associated with the PDO might explain most of the climate change we’ve seen in the last 100 years or more.” Not forgetting the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) – another variable natural cycle of around 60-80 years which occurs in the North Atlantic Ocean. It seems we are just starting a cool phase on that cycle too.[1] Both of these circulation patterns in our oceans have been occurring for about one thousand years.

Another theory contributing to the idea of global cooling is water vapour concentrations in the stratosphere which have decreased by about 10% after the year 2000, showing stratospheric water vapour is an important driver of decadal global surface climate change – rather than carbon dioxide. Factor in low solar activity and the continuing lack of global warming for 18 years – despite CO2 concentrations – there isn’t much of climate science which is pointing to the exclusivity of global warming. Most of the recent climate models have been entirely wrong in their predictions, yet climate activists and many scientists cling to excess CO2 levels as the main driver of climate change. There is no evidence for this.

As discussed previously, the scientific facts can be spun from either side of the divide and argued into eternity until we see who benefits from the politicising. Clearly, the global warming camp and its traditional left-liberal leanings work in concert with corporate sponsorship and elite ideology which has much to gain, as we shall see in the next post. Similarly, the fossil fuel industry is only too happy to jump aboard with those resisting AGW advocates simply because it fits in with their conservative-corporate views and short-term greed. Coupled with institutionalised science which is as divorced from an ethical discourse as any other activity we have a very heady brew of confusion that sends the public’s collective head spinning.

2013-01-15 15.10.15 Ice Age on the way? | © infrakshun

One obvious factoid which has rarely, if ever been placed under the microscope next to climate science is the Bilderberg group’s connection. It is not simply a glorified talking shop but a place where present and future leaders determine which direction international politics should go. Such (perceived) dignitaries included Henry Kissinger, Princess Beatrice of the Netherlands, arch Zio-Con strategist Richard Perle and Bill Gates. Which is why many of us pay attention when attendees and topics for discussion are sometimes leaked from its annual meetings as they are often indicators as to how domestic and geopolitical policy is going to play out in the coming months and years.

At the 58th Bilderberg Meeting of June 2010 in Stiges, Spain, tucked away in a list of conference subjects under discussion was the mention of “global cooling.” After all the hullabaloo in media and scientific journals decrying “climate deniers” and establishing a scientific consensus on global warming, it is more than a little curious that global cooling was even on the conference agenda, especially when the AGW-led Carbon Tax is a much loved and looming policy of the very kinds of Elite present at the meeting. It is more probable that knowledge of AGW as a social engineering project is generally known by many members, some of whom were responsible for its creation. Therefore, it becomes less surprising that global cooling was given top billing since it may represent a more authentic picture of climate change in the not so distant future. What does this have to do with the picture of global decarbonisation and Carbon Tax? If CO2 is not the villain of the story – by accident or decree – and it’s a lot more complicated than the Establishment thought, then it will require some substantial tweaking of the AGW script.

Back in 2006, glaciologists were able to show data from tropical ice cores that indicated two abrupt global climate shifts. By comparing ancient climate records trapped in ice cores from the South American Andes and the Asian Himalayas a huge shift from a warm climate to a cooler regime was discovered. This occurred over 5,000 years ago along with a more recent reversal to a much warmer world within the last 50 years. It seems the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) of 1,000 years warmed parts of the globe and was swiftly followed by the Little Ice Age (LIA) and a sudden onset of much colder temperatures, the vanguard of which was the advance of glaciers in Europe.

It seems the rise of a warm climate followed by an abrupt descent of an Ice Age has been happening as a natural cycle not only here on earth but on other planets so it seems even more unlikely that the microscopic activities of us humans are affecting the climate in the way that AGW advocates suggest. Furthermore, instead of the much trumpeted cehrry-picked media images of ice melting and polar bears stranded on floating boats of ice, the reverse seems to be true, at least in part. Antarctica’s land ice is decreasing at an accelerating rate but sea ice around Antarctica is increasing. These are two separate phenomena. A recent paper from Bristol University on the Greenland ice sheet (not ‘arctic ice’) shows that changes to the ice sheet mass indicates weather influences (shifting pressure systems in the North Atlantic, or El Niño and La Niña events) rather than anthropogenic climate changes.

Oceanography is another field very poorly understood in relation to climate change. In the 2013, August 7 edition of Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten a two part article included academic research on solar influence as well as the mystery of the oceans which stated: “… are generally regarded as the big wildcard in the climate discussion.”  The journal quotes Danish astrophysicist Henrik Svensmark to illustrate why this is so. He explains: “How should ocean water under 700 meters be warmed up without a warming in the upper part? … In the period 1990-2000 you could see a rise in the ocean temperatures, which fit with the greenhouse effect. But it hasn’t been seen for the last 10 years. Temperatures don’t rise without the heat content in the sea increasing. Several thousand buoys put into the sea to measure temperature haven’t registered any rise in sea temperatures.

The IPCC and its legion of computer modellers have assumed that AGW is an obvious fact with further increases of 1° F per decade and 5-6° C (10-11° F) by 2100 with CO2 as the cause. Yet, at the time of writing eighteen years have passed with no temperature increase and with record levels of cold being recorded over the last few years. Rather than simply a glitch in the global warming trend the decrease in temperature may indicate the underlying cause of climate change is one of cycles of global warming and cooling stretching back thousands of years.

Professor Don J. Easterbrook of Department of Geology, Western Washington University is one of an increasing number of scientists who think that the evidence is pointing in the direction of a global cooling trend and the onset of the “Little Ice Age.” Indeed, Professor Easterbook’s research summarised in his 2008 paper shows that: “Global climate changes have been far more intense (12 to 20 times as intense in some cases) than the global warming of the past century, and they took place in as little as 20–100 years.” Comparing over ten global climate changes in the last 15,000 years it is clear that: “….global warming of the past century (0.8° C) is virtually insignificant.” The professor is certain that human CO2 input is not a factor during these ancient global climate changes since anthropogenic CO2 emissions simply weren’t on the scene during these climatic upheavals. What is more likely is that the cause of the ten earlier ‘natural’ climate changes was … the same as the cause of global warming from 1977 to 1998.” [2]

Easterbrook spent decades studying alpine glacier fluctuations in the North Cascade Range (the Glacial Decadal Oscillation, (GDO) which showed a pattern of glacial advances and retreats that correlated with climate records. Furthermore, the warming and cooling of the Pacific Ocean (the Pacific Decadal Oscillation curve) also correlated with glacial fluctuations. The GDA and PDO data matched global temperature records suggesting a clear relationship. This had implications for the assumption that CO2 was the arch-culprit in anthropogenic global warming due to the fact that all but the latest 30 years of changes occurred prior to significant CO2 emissions. In truth, the tiny increase in anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere (0.008%) is likely not the cause of the warming, but a symptom of the natural cycles which have ebbed and flowed over the past 500 years.

The professor believes the significance of the correlation between the GDO, PDO, and the influence of sun-spot activity on global temperature is dramatic. He states: “… once this connection has been made, climatic changes during the past century can be understood, and the pattern of glacial and climatic fluctuations over the past millennia can be reconstructed. These patterns can then be used to project climatic changes in the future.”

Unlike the climate modelling of the IPCC using the climate pattern which had been established for several hundred years, in 1998 Easterbrook created a temperature curve based on past natural cycles which would predict changes from this century into the next and which suggested: “… global cooling for the first several decades of the 21st century to about 2030, followed by global warming from about 2030 to about 2060, and renewed global cooling from 2060 to 2090.” [3]

His research has so far been vindicated since it is clear that the IPCC forecast of global climate warming of 1° F was wrong so too the measures suggested to curb AGW in the form of carbon taxes and CO2-based reduction schemes. From 2007-2008 there was a marked cooling and a continuing decrease in global temperatures with: “… NASA satellite imagery confirming that the Pacific Ocean had switched from the warm mode it had been in since 1977 to its cool mode, similar to that of the 1945-1977 global cooling period. The shift strongly suggests that the next several decades will be cooler, not warmer as predicted by the IPCC.” [4]

100_5010© infrakshun

If the cooling is severe this could lead us into aforementioned Little Ice Age, something which has not only happened before but is likely to happen much, MUCH faster than we imagine. According to findings from a 2009 study led by UK geological sciences professor William Patterson, the earth’s climate can flip from warm to cold extraordinarily quickly.

In November 2013, a newspaper report quoted Patterson describing his research which involved hours of “scraping off layers of mud 0.5mm thick from a lake in Western Ireland” that yielded surprising results. The report went on: “Each layer represented three months of sediment deposition, so he could measure changes in temperature over very short periods. He found that temperatures had plummeted, with the lake’s plants and animals rapidly dying over just a few months. The subsequent mini Ice Age lasted for 1,300 years.” Patterson likened the speed of the arriving Ice Age as: “… the equivalent of taking Britain and moving it to the Arctic over the space of a few months.” The article goes on to make the point that while this is a ‘mini’ ice age in geological terms – 1,300 years is roughly 61 generations. That’s a considerable time and something which humanity may be facing.[5]

As 2013 was the coldest year for 200 years, Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov, of the St Petersburg Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory went on record in a UK report to warn about the validity Ice Ages.  The last big freeze, or “Little Ice Age” was between 1650 and 1850 the return of which Abdussamatov is convinced we are presently on an: “unavoidable advance towards a deep temperature drop.” He further commented: “Humanity has always been prospering during the warm periods and suffering during the cold ones. The climate has never been and will never be stable.”  [6]

Predictions by scientists backed by the IPCC have included sea level increases between 26 to 81 centimetres by the end of the century. This in turn, may cause expansion of the oceans and the melting of global ice formations. Despite feverish computer modelling churning out the worst case scenarios tied strictly to anthropocentric global warming and feeding into the public belief that it is fact, the embarrassing reality for AGW experts and the IPCC is that most of the dire warnings of horror and mayhem have not come to fruition. Embarrassing that is, if you have let well-intentioned passion succumb to ill-intentioned social engineers. For example, AGW advocates offer a flurry of explanations as to why the IPCC’s projections on global temperature rises have not been met. Warming has continued but the heat has been absorbed by the oceans, for instance. Those opposed to AGW believe there is not the slightest evidence for this and represents more computer modelling based on wishful thinking rather than concrete observational data.

Since minds and money were not brought to bear thirty years ago to initiate preventative measures and mitigate the effects of chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere it seems we are literally between the devil and the deep blue sea. This doesn’t mean that global cooling scenario alleviates the possibility of catastrophic change. Massive implications remain for agriculture, the total breakdown of the social fabric and city infrastructure, ecological destruction and species die-off, the signs of which are already appearing – with or without an ice age. A global warming scenario compared to a new ice age might actually be preferable. It prompted US climate change scientist Franklin Hadley to say in a 2009 article for MIT: “Given how catastrophic another ice age could be, one might be tempted to ask whether a human-caused increase in atmospheric and ocean temperatures will actually be a boon.” [7]

The frozen Thames 1677 by Abraham Hondius

So, what is the central issue that we need to be aware of in amongst the mire of politicised science?

Simply this: that preventative measures are being lost in favour of fake solutions which benefit only those who intend to cream off one last big financial bonanza before the globe goes belly up.

It is a horrendous truth to contemplate that there really are people out there that willingly use civilian casualties and environmental destruction to bolster their stock options at boardroom get-togethers. But it should be no surprise that massive scientific fraud and naive activism is similarly used to make big money. The Bilderbergers and other elite outfits are certainly aware of the ramifications of climate change since it is their business to analyse and predict socio-economic trends in order to load the dice toward the own plans. What is more compelling for many scientists and researchers is the reality that the weather is infinitely more complex than we ever realised and that’s without including more anomalous Earth changes and cosmological influences. There are factors that loom much larger than the idea that human beings can affect the outcome of meteorological phenomena on a scale which has been suggested.

I suspect the cosmos would laugh at such an idea…

What does appear to be true is that greenhouse gases, fossil fuels and terra firma destruction in general may have exacerbated and added to the naturally occurring cycle of climate change. In this sense, human beings are culpable. Sensible skepticism about the magnitude of greenhouses gases is necessary rather than claiming there is no validity to any of the climate theories. No one can argue that we are not collectively responsible for despoiling our planet and allowing psychopaths to rape the ecology of our minds, thus our external environment. However, once again, we must understand that science is not exempt from pathogenic infection and the ease to which the best of intentions can be subverted toward their cause.

We know there is Climate Change. We should know that there is more than a strong case that AGW and CO2 as the primary cause has been massively hyped. We also know that greenhouse gases and the ozone layer, the sun and natural cycles are all playing a crucial part. More importantly, the green spin tells us that if we adopt a host of new global economic and social laws and infrastructure changes then it will inevitably solve the problem.

It will not.

Excluding the purposeful design of control that is behind, UN Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, SMART society and a global warming fraud, if we ushered in an Ecotopia overnight it would not change the vast processes of cyclic change of which we are a part. This is much bigger than us. Therefore, the correct preparation and preventative measures would be welcome in the face of either global warming or global cooling based on reality and away from elite centralisation.

Sadly, it is unlikely we will be able to see the wood for the trees when the very heart of the debate is compromised.



[1]‘The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO): Key to the Global Warming Debate?’ By Roy Spencer, 2008.
[2] ‘Global Cooling is Here: Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades’ By Daniel Easterbrook, Global Research, October 2008.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] ‘Ice Age took just SIX months arrive 10-years’ Daily Mail.
[6]‘Scientist predicts earth is heading for another Ice Age.’ Daily Express.
[7] ‘Global Warming vs. the Next Ice Age,By Franklin Hadley Cocks ’63, SM ’64, ScD ’65 ‘MIT News Magazine December 21, 2009.

Dark Green XII: Climate Change: Divide and Conquer all over again…(2)

By M.K. Styllinski

… the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS [American Physical Society] before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. … I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion.”

– Hal Lewis, Professor Emeritus UCSB

Jumping into the climate change debate is like voluntarily submerging yourself in the quicksand of dogma and propaganda. Once you are in, it can be difficult to find your way out; the more you struggle to maintain a grasp of current scientific principles the more easy it is to be sucked under. A helping hand can come from one camp or another, only to realise they’re actually trying to push you further down into the mire. Such is the murky world of climate science and commentary.

Despite all that, it is possible to extricate ourselves from all the obfuscation, politicisation and horrible academic egos on show. Not easy, but possible. What needs to be born in mind is Cui Bono? Who benefits from all this confusion and suppression of information? The global warming industry and the panic, urgency and fear promoted by outfits like the ICLEI serve to embolden UN Agenda 21 and its various tributaries. It doesn’t matter that some form of climate change is real, it is the overall engineering of the crisis to support an agenda that has nothing to do with climate science itself – that is the key point to remember.

Climate science is informed by the same principles of our Official Culture, which means it undoubtedly suffers from the exact same self-serving beliefs, and overarching agendas we found in UN Agenda 21 and politics in general. When human nature is immersed in such endemic pathology then we have to be extremely suspicious of any science which is given the wholesale support of the Establishment and their bull-horning lackeys. The same can be said of the fossil fuel industry, yet this is all part of the Divide and Rule formula.

A Primer

Climate change science and the influences that contributed to the evolution of Anthropocentric Global Warming (AGW) can be traced back to the early 1800’s and the First Industrial Revolution. This radical change resulted in a large increase in green-house gas emissions and a spike in population growth due to better agriculture and sanitation. The traditional view of a stable system, self-regulated by natural feedback dominated. By the end of the 19th Century a handful of scientists had suggested that a change in the level of carbon dioxide gas might cause an ice age or global warming, but most believed such theories were impossible.

By the 1930’s, enough data had been accumulated to suggest that the planet was undergoing a warming trend. As the 1960’s approached, meteorologists found the opposite: that this trend had now changed to a marked cooling in just a couple of decades. Climate change began to be seen as infinitely complicated with some scientists preferring the warming model and others predicting a continuance of the cooling model. Now, this is where it gets interesting …

During the early 1970s and all the environmental hullabaloo which arrived on the squeaky, donkey-driven cart of Club of Rome science, the green-house gas issue was enough to push most scientists over to the idea that continued warming would prevail. The larger natural cycle of cooling was displaced in favour of the apparent evidence in ice flows, tree rings and other natural phenomena to support that the world was indeed warming. In fact, the summary of warming-cooling oscillations appeared in 30 year trends dated as follows:

  • 1882 – 1910 Cooling
  • 1910 – 1944 Warming
  • 1944 – 1975 Cooling
  • 1975 – 2001 Warming.

And from around 2009-2010 indications are that the planet has started to cool again, and will probably continue to do so until about 2030. If these fluctuations are correct, then it merely confirms what has been happening for a long time. [1]

If we go back to what is known as the Medieval Warm Period beginning at AD 1000 – 1300 it was virtually a Mediterranean climate in Europe as well as other regions around the world which were experiencing a significant rise in temperature.[2]By the time we reached the beginning of the 1400s we were fighting freezing temperatures of what is called the “Little Ice Age” which lasted to the end of the 1700’s. Since then temperatures have been rising steadily at 0.5°C per century since about 1750, as a process of recovery from that mini ice age. [3]Once these effects have passed, the evidence suggests that the temperature will return to the Medieval Warm Period, continuing a natural cycle which had been repeated during what is called the Roman Optimum and in the Holocene optimum. [4]

The Maunder Minimum is the term used for the period beginning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became extremely rare. The period happened to land right in the middle and coldest part of the Little Ice Age giving plenty of evidence that there is a strong causal relationship between low sunspot activity and the rise of cold, hard winters. [5]Solar UV output is also much more variable over the duration of a solar cycle than was previously thought linking terrestrial climate effects such as cold or warm winters according to that data. The effects of that vast ball of unimaginably white-hot fire the sun, has been strangely overlooked in much of mainstream climate science. As the Sun’s core is so hot that a piece of it the size of a pinhead would give off enough heat to kill a person 160 kilometres away, one would think perhaps it plays a small if not highly significant part in climate change science and in ways which may not fit conveniently into the current paradigm. [6]There is still much to be learned about the influence of the sun on climate change along with a host of other factors including cosmic rays.

sun_jove_earth_size_compareSource: Ethan Siegal Remember How Tiny We All Are

You think, just maybe … the Sun has more to do with Climate Change than we think?

Since the spectre of acid rain didn’t cut the mustard in the 1980s, carbon dioxide emissions has taken over as the stimulant to AGW hysteria, though there is still no compelling evidence that an increase in human produced CO2 levels is the main culprit of global warming. But one example, in a sea of refutation, critique and counter-critique is the discovery of “spurious bias” in satellite and modelling evidence as a result of “exaggerated estimates” and “faulty assumptions,” where it was found that: “… the new sensitivity estimate also suggests that warming over the last century cannot be explained by human greenhouse gas emissions alone, but instead might require a mostly natural explanation.” [7]

Another paper studied the IPCC’s projections for the mean global temperature anomaly and found the measurements to be incorrect, with global temperatures “even less than the projections with emission commitment held constant at year 2000”. As the Professor stated at the end of his findings: “It is crucial that public policy be based on facts. CO2 driven global warming is not supported by the data.” [8] As we shall see later on, the IPCC is about as far away from facts and impartiality as it is possible to be. Yet, this is the temple to which most climate scientists bow down in unquestioning homage.

Human caused CO2 emission levels did appear on the scene before about 1850 and were entirely insignificant when compared to current levels until after 1945. So, why the insistence that humans have contributed to a significant degree in destabilising the world’s climate?

One of the biggest examples of climate science controversy was the temperature graph given the nickname of the ‘’hockey stick,’ apparently showing a stable temperature from the year 1000 AD until the 20th century after which it began climb dramatically. The flat part of the line reminded people of the handle of an ice-hockey, while the upstick resembled the blade. It was appropriated by the IPCC and liberally used in its 2001 reports. It also featured heavily in Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

hocketst1The ‘hockey stick.’ (IPCC)

The problem with the climate activist viewpoint is that the studies carried out to check the veracity of the hockey stick data were carried out by the same small clique of researchers, using similarly flawed statistical techniques, and/or relying on the same dubious sources of data, something which happens quite often. It is therefore not a surprise that data is sought to reinforce beliefs rather than to find the truth. [9] The Hockey Stick revelation was made by a young American geophysicist named Michael Mann who had just been granted his PhD. Canadian mathematician Stephen McIntyre and economist Ross McKitrick published a paper questioning the statistical methods used in the Mann et al. paper showing that the shape of the graph was determined mainly by faulty tree-ring data. Indeed, it was even discovered that the computer algorithm Mann used was so inaccurate and biased that hockey sticks could be produced from random noise! Their criticisms were upheld in 2006 by two expert committees: a US congressional panel headed by statistician Edward Wegman and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Both parties heavily criticised the science behind the Hockey stick data yet it was still being used in IPCC’s 2007 climate reports with carefully “cherry-picked” data all of which were produced by Mann’s colleagues. [10]


With 95% confidence intervals (in red) shows a non-tree-ring temperature reconstruction published by Craig Loehle and Hu McCulloch in 2008, show a Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. The last point on the graph represents 1935. The temperature today is still below that during the MWP. (

Professor at the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg, Hans von Storch also offered substantial contribution to the critical storm, though the former authors have remained the more commonly quoted amongst climate sceptics. [11]

The way Michael Mann was given superstar status was bizarre to say the least. He was suddenly clasped to the bureaucratic bosom of the IPCC and the recipient of grants which fell like pennies from heaven. This was despite the fact that the institution never bothered to check the data, presumably because he fit so well into the preconceived beliefs rather than objective science the IPCC claimed to espouse. Consequently, Mann became  a new source of propaganda-fuelled cash injection.

Or in other words:

“If you look in GeoRef, which is the bibliography for publications in geology, you will find 485 papers on the Medieval Warm Period and you’ll find 1,413 on the Little Ice Age. So the total number of papers in the geologic literature is 1,900. And we’re expected to believe that one curve [based on] tree rings is going to overturn all of those 1,900 papers? I don’t think so.” [12]

So said Don Easterbrook, a professor emeritus of geology at Western Washington University, with B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Washington and who has studied global climate change for five decades. He has written many books, published more than 185 papers in professional journals, and presented 30 research papers at international meetings in 15 countries. He seems qualified to comment on the hockey stick temperature graph, which presented a totally new view of the temperature record, counter to the one long accepted by scholars. Not that this is necessarily indicative of skulduggery at this stage, nor should unorthodox contributions ever be dismissed, but it should give rise to caution at the very least. When coupled with the political interests within the climate change industry as a whole, it becomes highly suspicious. Indeed, as it stands, any departure from the Green Establishment line of AGW merits a tenacious orthodoxy which isn’t about to budge.

Former President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus describes the set of beliefs which make up the AGW, global warming “consensus” as “… an ideology, if not a religion.” He further states: “It lives independently on the science of climatology. Its disputes are not about temperature, but are part of the ‘conflict of ideologies’. Temperature is used and misused in these disputes. The politicians, the media and the public – misled by the very aggressive propaganda produced by the adherents of the global warming doctrine – do not see this. It is our task to help them to distinguish between what is science and what is ideology.” [13]

Which will be a tall order since science is about as far as it can be from being impartial and objective thanks to AGW supporters compromising much of the internet sources of information. Anyone perusing climate science articles on internet encyclopaedia Wikipedia would be forgiven for thinking that there is a scientific consensus on global warming.

Then there is the issue of “Climategate” which had climate activists scurrying around applying damage limitation editorials left, right and centre. It’s not difficult to see why.  In November 2009 The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) server was hacked at the University of East Anglia (UEA) by persons unknown. Possibly looking for maximum media coverage just prior to the Copenhagen Summit on climate change, over 4,000 emails and computer files were copied and uploaded to various locations on the Internet. Over 5,000 emails were hacked again in 2011 by a possible whistleblower calling himself “FOIA” and posted on his website. This was called “Climategate 2.0,” apparently timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the original Climategate leak and with the United Nations Climate Summit in Durban, South Africa.

The correspondence included a host of characters but most notably Professors Phil Jones and Dr. Mick Kelly. Jones happens to be a prominent contributor to the IPCC and has worked on temperature records of the last 1000 years with Michael Mann, of hockey stick fame. The unit has received research grants totalling £2,725,000.00 since 1990. Other emails included frequent appearances by Tom Wigley, a climate scientist for the University Corporation of Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and a major contributor to climate and carbon-cycle models; Kevin E. Trenberth head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research and lead author for IPCC reports for 1995, 2001 and 2007; Thomas R. Karl Director of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Centre; James Hansen Head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Gavin Schmidt founder of the RealClimate website and contributor to ocean and climate models. There were many other scientists also involved in the scandal.

It was a gift for climate sceptics and no doubt those in the fossil fuel lobby happy to ride on the confusion and noise created. Though this did not disprove the theory of AGW, for many climate sceptics this was cast-iron proof that there was indeed a conspiracy to manipulate and cover up data. This was a serious blow however, to the credibility of AGW research and a vindication from many other scientists that the field was compromised by politics. Unsurprisingly, the CRU rejected the accusations and tried desperately to cultivate a business-as-usual approach. Clinging to their academic life-jackets like survivors of the Titanic, the CRU and climate activists insisted that all the comments were taken out of context and “merely reflected an honest exchange of ideas.” [14]Yet, within that honest exchange lay blatant dishonesty, if not downright fraud which can only harm science in general.

Lon Glazer, a Chicago blogger at “Commission Impossible” gave a fine summary of the behaviour of those involved in the scandal the implications of which were being brushed under the carpet. He reveals that:

1. The scientists colluded in efforts to thwart Freedom of Information Act requests (across continents no less). They reference deleting data, hiding source code from requests, manipulating data to make it more annoying to use, and attempting to deny requests from people recognized as contributors to specific internet sites. Big brother really is watching you. He’s just not very good at securing his web site.

2. These scientists publicly diminished opposing arguments for lack of being published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In the background they discussed black-balling journals that did publish opposing views, and preventing opposing views from being published in journals they controlled. They even mention changing the rules midstream in arenas they control to ensure opposing views would not see the light of day. They discuss amongst themselves which scientists can be trusted and who should be excluded from having data because they may not be “predictable”.

3. The scientists expressed concern privately over a lack of increase in global temperatures in the last decade, and the fact that they could not explain this. Publicly they discounted it as simple natural variations. In one instance, data was [apparently] manipulated to hide a decline in temperatures when graphed. Other discussions included ways to discount historic warming trends that inconveniently did not occur during increases in atmospheric CO2.

4. The emails show examples of top scientists working to create public relations messaging with favourable news outlets. It shows them identifying and cataloging, by name and association, people with opposing views. These people are then disparaged in a coordinated fashion via favourable online communities.

What the emails/files don’t do is completely destroy the possibility that global climate change is real. They don’t preclude many studies from being accurate, on either side of the discussion. And they should not be seen as discrediting all science. [15] [Emphasis mine]

The latter paragraph in italics is important to remember. This is about valuing good science and discarding politics of belief and large egos. The above is an example of the pervasive spectre of “group-think” rather than free thought which needs to be countered vigorously whenever it raises its ugly head – which is often.

To give the reader a taste of what Glazer has summarised let me offer some of the verbatim quotes from the scientists themselves.

>Phil Jones reveals how he made his data show warming:

“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Mick Kelly, Professor of Climate Change at East Anglia University, on covering up recent cooling:

“Anyway, I’ll maybe cut the last few points off the filtered curve before I give the talk again as that’s trending down as a result of the end effects and the recent cold-ish years.”

Prof. Phil Jones’ view on the sharing of scientific data:

“PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!”

Dr. Mick Kelly confirms what we already knew:

Told Paul Horsman of Greenpeace “The IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] reports and the broader climate negotiations were working to the globalization agenda driven by organizations like the WTO [World Trade Organization].”

Prof. Michael E. Mann on “cleaning up” code:

“I did this knowing that Phil and I are likely to have to respond to more crap criticisms from the idiots in the near future, so best to clean up the code and provide to some of my close colleagues in case they want to test it, etc. Please feel free to use this code for your own internal purposes, but don’t pass it along where it may get into the hands of the wrong people.”

Tom Wigley on global warming:

“We probably need to say more about this. Land warming since 1980 has been twice the ocean warming – and skeptics might claim that this proves that urban warming is real and important.”

Thomas R Karl on data requests:

“I will continue to refuse such data requests in the future. Nor will I provide McIntyre with computer programs, email correspondence, etc. I feel very strongly about these issues.”

A CRU programming code for dealing with tree-ring data:

“Uses corrected MXD but shouldn’t usually plot past 1960 because these will be artificially adjusted to look closer to the real temperatures.”

Adam Markham to the CRU:

“… are worried that this may present a slightly more conservative approach to the risks than they are hearing from CSIRO. In particular, they would like to see the section on variability and extreme events beefed up if possible.”

Phil Jones’ true colours:

“I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.”

From Phil Jones to Australian Tom Wigley regarding the Medieval Warm Period:

“Bottom line – there is no way the MWP (whenever it was) was as warm globally as the last 20 years … this is all gut feeling, no science, but years of experience of dealing with global scales and variability.”

More evidence of Phil Jones covering up and deleting data. He warns Michael Mann about Steve McIntyre and Prof Ross McKitrick, the first individuals to comprehensively debunk the “hockey stick”, and who wish to look at CRU data:

“If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone … We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.”

Phil Jones to staff:

“PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!”

After FOI request from David Holland Phil Jones asks Michael Mann:

“Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise … Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same?”

Tom Wigley on ousting the editor of Geophysical Research Letters (which was achieved):

“If you think that Saiers is in the greenhouse sceptics camp, then, if we can find documentary evidence of this, we could go through official AGU channels to get him ousted.”

Phil Jones to Michael Mann on two sceptics’ papers:

“I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. K and I will keep them out somehow – even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!”

Michael Mann on removing the editor of Climate Science [This was achieved]:

“How to deal with this is unclear, since there are a number of individuals with bona fide scientific credentials who could be used by an unscrupulous editor to ensure that anti-greenhouse science can get through the peer review process (Legates, Balling, Lindzen, Baliunas, Soon, and so on).”

From Phil Jones to Michael Mann, on the death of Australian sceptic John Daly:

“In an odd way this is cheering news!”

IPCC lead author Kevin Trenberth privately tells colleagues that global warming is absent from the data and counter to climate model predictions:

“… where the heck is global warming? We are asking that here in Boulder where we have broken records the past two days for the coldest days on record. … The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” [16]

So, why so much emphasis on AGW? Is it just because the science says so?

When you read through the mountains of data you realise very quickly that underneath the teetering columns of graphs and pie-charts, references and citations there is still a whole lot of assumption and inconclusive data. No one really knows but so many want to know and are willing to jump to erroneous conclusions and blame humans for the whole kit and caboodle as a result. After all, it follows in a grand tradition does it not? And humans ARE destroying ecological systems and their wildlife at a terrific rate. Ergo…


Professor Phil Jones from the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia

‘University of East Anglia refused to share information on global warming’  |”The university at the centre of the ‘climategate’ scandal behaved in a “reprehensible” manner by refusing to release research behind the science of global warming, according to MPs.”

Roy Spencer, PhD was the Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2001; Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre; NASA U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He is a scientist well qualified to comment on the nature of global warming. Awarded NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for global temperature monitoring work with satellites with Dr. John Christy, he continues to provide congressional testimony on the subject of global warming. As he mentions on his website: “He has never been asked by any oil company to perform any kind of service. Not even Exxon-Mobil.” [16]

Dr. Spencer explains the logic which appeals to so many singing the AGW tune:

Earth’s atmosphere contains natural greenhouse gases (mostly water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane) which act to keep the lower layers of the atmosphere warmer than they otherwise would be without those gases. Greenhouse gases trap infrared radiation — the radiant heat energy that the Earth naturally emits to outer space in response to solar heating. Mankind’s burning of fossil fuels (mostly coal, petroleum, and natural gas) releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and this is believed to be enhancing the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect. As of 2008, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was about 40 percent to 45 percent higher than it was before the start of the industrial revolution in the 1800’s.

It is interesting to note that, even though carbon dioxide is necessary for life on Earth to exist, there is precious little of it in Earth’s atmosphere. As of 2008, only 39 out of every 100,000 molecules of air were CO2, and it will take mankind’s CO2 emissions 5 more years to increase that number by 1, to 40.

The “Holy Grail”: Climate Sensitivity Figuring out how much past warming is due to mankind, and how much more we can expect in the future, depends upon something called “climate sensitivity”. This is the temperature response of the Earth to a given amount of ‘radiative forcing’, of which there are two kinds: a change in either the amount of sunlight absorbed by the Earth, or in the infrared energy the Earth emits to outer space.

Spencer explains that the well-worn word: “consensus” sees the Earth’s sensitivity as high (about 0.25 deg. C to 0.5 deg. C) and warming every ten years as long as the use of fossil fuels continues as our main source of energy. The climate sensitivity is very high and thus the limiting of fossil fuels and CO2 production is the primary pillar of AGW beliefs. He thinks that knowledge on ‘climate sensitivity’ has been difficult to accrue and believes they are missing a vital point:

How atmospheric processes like clouds and precipitation systems respond to warming are critical, as they are either amplifying the warming, or reducing it. This website currently concentrates on the response of clouds to warming, an issue which I am now convinced the scientific community has totally misinterpreted when they have measured natural, year-to-year fluctuations in the climate system. As a result of that confusion, they have the mistaken belief that climate sensitivity is high, when in fact the satellite evidence suggests climate sensitivity is low.

The case for natural climate change I also present an analysis of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which shows that most climate change might well be the result of….the climate system itself! Because small, chaotic fluctuations in atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems can cause small changes in global average cloudiness, this is all that is necessary to cause climate change. You don’t need the sun or any other ‘external’ influence (although these are also possible…but for now I’ll let others work on that). It is simply what the climate system does. This is actually quite easy for meteorologists to believe, since we understand how complex weather processes are. Your local TV meteorologist is probably a closet ’sceptic’ regarding mankind’s influence on climate. Climate change — it happens, with or without our help. [17]

[Emphasis mine]

The climate change industry is hugely influenced by the idea that carbon dioxide emissions have been fingered as the evil villain of anything from freak tornadoes to flash floods and future sea-level rises where islands will cease to exist. Though human activity does indeed have a lot to answer for – certainly in terms of ozone depletion and rainforest destruction, to name but two examples – placing non-linear weather patterns and their effects at humanity’s door is both unrealistic and prescriptive, though it has provided a thriving industry of computer modelling and carbon credit companies. Without this much-touted “scientific consensus” climate change would be a very different beast indeed.

CFCs Climate Change

The graph shows the predicted path of global temperatures is set to continue their decline as a result of depletion of CFC’s in the atmosphere. Credit: Qing-Bin Lu, University of Waterloo Source:

One of the most recent studies from the University of Waterloo in Canada published in the International Journal of Modern Physics confirmed that Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are to blame for global warming since the 1970s and not carbon dioxide. An “in-depth statistical analysis” shows that: “CFCs are also the key driver in global climate change.” Qing-Bin Lu, a professor of physics and astronomy, biology and chemistry in Waterloo’s Faculty of Science state”: “Conventional thinking says that the emission of human-made non-CFC gases such as carbon dioxide has mainly contributed to global warming. But we have observed data going back to the Industrial Revolution that convincingly shows that conventional understanding is wrong,” he said. “In fact, the data shows that CFCs conspiring with cosmic rays caused both the polar ozone hole and global warming.” [18]

A correlation perhaps, but one certainly a whole lot more watertight than the present evidence for CO2.

Indeed, in a recent article by Paul Driessen he highlights the problems with the AGW climate change which clearly seems to have been going on throughout history reiterating the fact that: “… it is costly policies imposed in the name of preventing change: policies that too often destroy jobs, perpetuate poverty and kill people.”

He states further:

“Those perceptions are reinforced by recent studies that found climate researchers have systematically revised actual measured temperatures upward to fit a global warming narrative for Australia, Paraguay, the Arctic and elsewhere. Another study, ‘Why models run hot: Results from an irreducibly simple climate model,’ concluded that, once discrepancies in IPCC computer models are taken into account, the impact of CO2-driven manmade global warming over the next century (and beyond) is likely to be ‘no more than one-third to one-half of the IPCC’s current projections’ – that is, just 1-2 degrees C (2-4 deg F) by 2100! That’s akin to the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods and would be beneficial, not harmful.” [19] 

It doesn’t stop there. Steven Goddard’s Real Science blog also provides some interesting information direct from the National Climate Data Center. His comments follow each graph reproduced here:

There is only one piece of US climate data which correlates with CO2 –  the amount of data tampering NCDC is applying to US temperature.

ScreenHunter_3233 Oct. 01 22.59

All of the other relevant metrics show either no correlation, or negative correlation vs. CO2.  The whole thing is a 100% scam – from top to bottom.

Hot days show no correlation vs. CO2

ScreenHunter_3341 Oct. 05 06.14Severe tornadoes have declined as CO2 has increased

ScreenHunter_3337 Oct. 05 05.58

Measured (untampered) US temperatures show no correlation with CO2

ScreenHunter_3332 Oct. 05 05.19US hurricane strikes have declined as CO2 has increased

ScreenHunter_3328 Oct. 05 04.41US heavy rainfall events show no correlation with CO2

ScreenHunter_3315 Oct. 04 14.20East Coast sea level rise shows no correlation with CO2

ScreenHunter_3311 Oct. 04 11.20

Once again, if anything is going to have a drastic effect on temperature change and any possibility of warming trend it is the Sun, rather than CO2.


Clearly, there is much more to this subject than is possible to summarise, even in a whole book. The point to remember is that science is working for social engineering programs which incorporate both conscious and unconscious agents which are always determined by their psychological profile. This is true for all societal domains where psychopathy has a foothold and its psychological footprint has gained ground. The exact same indications of ponerisation appear in climate science as it does in all other spheres of Official Culture. The organising principle is one of confusion and disinformation which is propagated by large egos and beliefs. These latter attributes manage to create obstruction and stagnation quite nicely without any radical influence from agents on high. The ultimate agenda is to create so much hysteria, fear and co-opted scientific inquiry so that the real creative solutions are left by the wayside.

There is global warming but not of the type presented by most scientists and their media lackeys. Such a phenomenon may exist cyclically and precede global cooling, substantial earth changes ending with an Ice Age. If the World State ideologues knew very well about these epochal changes but wished to retain control when much of the population had been wiped out, do you think they would reveal such information to the public at large and risk the eventual dilution of their powerbase?  **

Blaming humans for what are very possibly complex cosmic processes far beyond the physical influences of humanity feeds into the same disinformation and ignorance we have been exploring in the last series of posts. More importantly, it once again distracts from the theories of cyclic catastrophes which have visited this planet over and over again, strangely enough, at the exact moment when Global Pathocracies are reaching their zenith.

Perhaps it is this knowledge that is really being concealed by the climate change debate?


* Reading Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion will bring the reader up-to-date on every aspect of the famous temperature graph and which reveals the same story of financial and ideological fraud running rampant in climate change science.

** I strongly urge readers to read Earth Changes and the Cosmic-Human Connection by Pierre Lascaudron which goes into the complex forces at work from the electric universe to cometary bombardment. From the book description:

“Jet Stream meanderings, Gulf Stream slow-downs, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteor fireballs, tornadoes, deluges, sinkholes, and noctilucent clouds have been on the rise since the turn of the century. Have proponents of man-made global warming been proven correct, or is something else, something much bigger, happening on our planet?

While mainstream science depicts these Earth changes as unrelated, Pierre Lescaudron applies findings from the Electric Universe paradigm and plasma physics to suggest that they might in fact be intimately related, and stem from a single common cause: the close approach of our Sun’s ‘twin’ and an accompanying cometary swarm.

Citing historical records, the author reveals a strong correlation between periods of authoritarian oppression with catastrophic and cosmically-induced natural disasters. Referencing metaphysical research and information theory, Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection is a ground-breaking attempt to re-connect modern science with the ancient understanding that the human mind and states of collective human experience can influence cosmic and earthly phenomena.”



[1] ‘Global Warming: A Classic Case of Alarmism’ by Dr. David Evans, Science and Public Policy Institute, SPPI Commentary & Essay Series, April 2, 2009. (PDF)
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] “The Holocene Climate Optimum (HCO) was a warm period during roughly the interval 9,000 to 5,000 years B.P.. This event has also been known by many other names, including: Hypsithermal, Altithermal, Climatic Optimum, Holocene Optimum, Holocene Thermal Maximum, and Holocene Megathermal.” (Wikipedia).
“Climate alarmists contend that the degree of global warmth over the latter part of the 20th century was greater than it has been at any other time over the past one to two millennia, because this contention helps support their claim that what they call the “unprecedented” temperatures of the past few decades were CO2-induced. Hence, they cannot stomach the thought that the Medieval Warm Period of a thousand years ago could have been just as warm as, or even warmer than, it has been recently, especially since there was so much less CO2 in the air a thousand years ago than there is now. Likewise, they are equally loath to admit that temperatures of the Roman Warm Period of two thousand years ago may also have rivaled, or exceeded, those of the recent past, since atmospheric CO2 concentrations at that time were also much lower than they are today. As a result, climate alarmists rarely even mention the Roman Warm Period, as they are happy to let sleeping dogs lie. In addition, they refuse to acknowledge that these two prior warm periods were global in extent, claiming instead that they were local phenomenon restricted to lands surrounding the North Atlantic Ocean. In another part of our Subject Index we explore these contentions as they apply to the Medieval Warm Period. In this Summary, we explore them as they pertain to the Roman Warm Period, beginning with Central Europe.” […] See: ‘Roman Warm Period (Europe – Central) – Summary’ further discussion.
[5] ‘Regular Solar Cycle Could Be Going on Hiatus’ by Nancy Atkinson on June 14, 2011 Universe Today at
[7] ‘Global Warming: Has the Climate Sensitivity Holy Grail Been Found? ‘ by Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. updated 7:00 a.m. CDT, June 30, 2008 Including a simplified version of a paper entitled “Chaotic Radiative Forcing, Feedback Stripes, and the Overestimation of Climate Sensitivity” June 25, 2008 for publication in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
[8] Ibid.
[9] The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science (Independent Minds) by Andrew Montford. Published by Stacey International, 2010. ISBN-10: 1906768358.
[10] Climate Audit by Steve McKntyre at
[11] ‘Corrections to the Mann et al. (1998) Proxy Data Base and Northern Hemisphere Average Temperature Series’ published in Energy & Environment 2003.Mcintyre, S. and R. McKitrick | Also see: “Hockey sticks, principal components, and spurious significance”. Geophysical Research Letters 32 (3): L03710. Bibcode 2005GeoRL..3203710M. 2005 | ‘The decay of the hockey stick’ by Hans Von Storch, May 3, 2007,
[12] ‘Don Easterbrook PhD, Mann Hockey Stick graph not supported by data’
[13] Václav Klaus, Magistral Lecture at the International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies, organized by the World Federation of Scientists, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 20 August 2012. (For full transcript see Appendix 15, Vol. III).
[14] ‘Sceptics publish climate e-mails ‘stolen from East Anglia University’ by Ben Webster, The Times (London). November 21, 2009.
[15] ‘Commission Impossible: ‘Men Behaving badly’ by Lon Glazer at
[16] ‘Bishop Hill’s compendium of CRU email issues’ November 22, 2009. | All email data and individual emails can be found on www.
[18] Ibid. (‘Global Warming’)
[19] ‘Global warming caused by CFCs, not carbon dioxide, new study says’ http://www.Phys Org, May 31, 2013.