
Occult Zionism VII: Hexagrams and Comets

 “The Israeli national talisman is the hexagram which is called the Magen or “Star of David” and is supposed to be the ancient symbol of Israel. However, such an occult symbol is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. It was ‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia and formally adopted as ‘the Star of David’ in 1898 at the Second Zionist Congress in Switzerland.”

Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered

Star_of_DavidThe Star of David; David’s Shield or Magen Dawld

If you have have read through much of this series, you might see a certain divergence occurring within Saturn Worship toward cults of Sun/fire and moon worship. In fact, by the time the Silver Age had ended and the Bronze Age of man had begun, history had delineated a clear distinction between fire worship and other residues of Saturn Worship. Sun Cults and Saturn cults had begun to form, each descending further and further into their negative associations. Thus it could be said that early Christianity emerged from the Egyptian myths of the Fire/Sun cults whilst Islam and Judaism had their roots in Saturn, moon rituals. Each were birthed from the same Star-God which gradually diverged over the centuries. The Egyptian Sun cult was the basis for Christianity, with the Jesus myth as “saviour” and “the light of the world”; cyclic rebirth dominating and battling the “Satan” of Saturnine cults. One can see clear freemasonic, Establishment distinctions of a ruling “priesthood” derived from the super-ancient origins of Saturn as our original brown dwarf star-sun.

Whether it is the Roman Sun god of Apollo, the 18th Century fire worship of the Illuminists or the Arabian followers of Saturnine Ishtar and Israelite cult of Baal or the Elohim, all of these descendants are now fully “satanic” in the sense that the Light was Luciferian – a “Black Sun” which became contoured toward the worship of darkness as an end in itself. Their New World International Order was one of a ruling EL-ite warring amongst themselves yet moving collectively toward what they denote as the next New Age of Man – the Synthetic Age (or “Synthesis”) and their return as the original overshadowing “gods.” Which is why we have such a seemingly bizarre sharing of cultural iconography in the two religio-occult affiliations within the 3EM and the fractal replications on the sun/moon theme. It doesn’t matter if it is the Western Hermetic tradition or the Hassidic cult of Chabad Lubavitch, each seeks to enforce the same totalitarian doctrines upon humanity and their respective inversions of a cosmic spirituality, way beyond the mixtus orbis of duality.

And one particular icon has remained a shared focus of power throughout.

The Star of David (or David’s Shield) is more accurately a hexagram. Dispensing with the mythology of King David, it is unquestionably an extremely ancient symbol dating back many thousands of years. If we keep in mind the Four Ages of Man and the probability that a global culture distributed cultural icons between different peoples – hence the similarity of cultural disjecta membra – it means the hexagram represented something common to all, with Saturn/Moon worship and the accoutrements of magical inversion arriving later. It has been present in most cultures as far back as 3,000 B.C. including the Sumerian tablets and as a template design of Stone Henge, thus it was never a uniquely Jewish symbol.

0001The hexagram-hexagon star symbolism occurs throughout Vedic literature and is known as Shaktona. In the Hindu religion it plays a vital part in their iconography of the gods being found right across the Near and Far East; the Indian and African continents. It is also a common symbol in Buddhism, Islam, Jainsim, Japanese Shintoism and the Chinese “Book of Changes” or Yi Ching. It can be seen in European and North American Churches, Christian iconography and the Catholic Church, as well as the Great Seal on the US dollar bill. The symbolism of the star even crops up in the brewery tradition!


“The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.” (wikipedia, public domain)

The hexagram star has a very long history indeed but its association with Israel amounts to a clever mix of public relations and a tradition of ritual invocation. During the Second World War Jews were made to where the yellow star as a badge of death. When the war ended it became a symbol of Jewish resurrection and life. Yet, the Nazi use of the symbol – whilst abhorrent – was more accurate because of its ancient association to Saturn worship and death which was both the end desire of the Nazis and a pointed link to the tribe as a chosen people of Saturn rather than of G-d.

The question is, do most Jewish people realise the source of their emblem?

The magick associated with the six-pointed star and its hexagram were constantly found in talismans and amulets, largely for protection a key feature of the Talmud’s Jewish hijacking of the Medieval Arabic Cabala into the popular usage of the Kabbalah. The design appears in much of the Medieval Arabian traditions and was known as “Solomon’s Seal” which was mostly engraved on drinking cups and serving dishes. Jewish occultists saw the opportunity for another industry to form and began selling the seal as a from of magickal protection. King Solomon was likely another propaganda creation but the character’s mythology of occult nastiness provided centuries of inspiration for the Kabbalah and Western Hermeticism in general.

Nevertheless, despite King Solomon as the alleged builder of the first Temple in Jerusalem, King of Israel and a black magick practitioner (an interesting red flag in itself) the Talmud lauds Solomon as one of the 48 prophets, as does the Koran. Although mentioned in the Talmud and Midrash, Medieval Jewish mysticism incorporated the idea of Solomon’s magic rings into Kabbalah merchandizing ensuring the mythos of Solomon – and the concentration of magick that surrounded him – would reign supreme.

Solomon’s rings bestowed all kinds of occult feats of magical daring-do, giving further protective power to the Jewish tribe in the face of intermittent persecution and by extension, conferring the same powers onto those who bought the sales pitch. When set in a circle the six pointed star and hexagram is thought to act as a primary tool for the invocation of elementals and demonic entities. After all, in common magical parlance we: “… cast a spell on someone” or more accurately, “place a hex” upon them, the latter word derives from the divinatory “hexagram.” It is thus found in every kind of esotericism, white / black magick and New Age philosophy from Wicca to Raelianism; Theosophy to Martinism and of course, the Jewish Kabbalah.

German-born Israeli philosopher and historian Professor Gershom Scholem who wrote about these “amulets and protective charms” within Judaism were: “… found side by side with the invocation of demons, incantations…and even sexual magic and necromancy…”. The professor further states that these demons and devils were apparently under the rule of the Talmud and submitted to the Torah and thus: “… there were also good-natured devils who are prepared to help and do favors to men. This is supposed to be particularly true of those demons ruled by Ashmedai (Asmodeus) who accept the Torah and are considered ‘Jewish demons.’ Their existence is mentioned by the Hasidei Ashkenaz as well as in the Zohar.” [1]

sattalThe pentacle (left) The six-pointed star (right) (wikipedia) Notice the bull of Taurus-baal in the centre surrounded by planetary glyphs.

It is from the depictions of the seal of Solomon upon which the hexagram or “Star of David”, was eventually modelled to become the the symbol of Judaism in the modern period and placed on the flag of Israel. It was precisely because of its Medieval use and symbol of magick and its Saturnine origins that it was chosen as the emblem. In 1354, King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David’s shield and Solomon’s seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars.  Thus Israel’s magick and Saturn worship became synonymous with the State of Israel. [2]

Saturn’s star has never been an exclusively Jewish symbol. No Jewish authority knows exactly when and where Jews chose to make the six-pointed star or hexagram their own, although the 14th century was one of the first references  Although Jews were happy to stick with the 7 candles of the Menorah as their emblem, and which could be said to be the true symbol of Judaism, “modern” references cite the formal blessing of the star as “‘bequeathed’ to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century by the Hermeticist, King Charles IV of Bohemia.” (See quote above) Yet, the  the six-sided hexagram really took off as the Jewish emblem care of the Talmud and Lurianic Kabbalah in 17th Century Germany, kicking off the long tradition of German-Jewish freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. According to a variety of sources, it was the Viennese Jesuits at the behest of freemason German Emperor Ferdinand III who offered the hexagram as a mark of honour for the Jews of Prague for their assistance in the Thirty Years War.

Despite strong opposition to the hexagram star from many Rabbis due to is obvious pagan roots, the symbol spread within the Jewish communities most notably with the rise of the ambitious and Talmudic follower Mayer Amschel Bauer. He pointedly advertised his allegiance to Ashkenazi Jews and occult Zionism by changing his family name to “Rothschild” (‘Red Shield’) and incorporating the star of David hexagram into his family coat of arms. As he started up his financial brokering business in Frankfurt, it is said that the red shield emblazoned with the hexagram hung over the door. (This was not unnatural since the hexagram was hung outside synagogues and during Jewish festivals not long after its introduction – See House of Rothschild). Heavily funded by the Rothschilds, by 1897 the six-pointed star had become the insignia of Zionism; the iconic emblem of Israel and the international symbol of Jewish people everywhere.


Sefer_raziel_segulotSample page of Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, a medieval work of Jewish mysticism (wikpedia, public domain)

The hexagram contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. Rather than a microchip or bar-code so often attributed to the Mark of the Beast, perhaps it is the six-pointed star of a hexagram that is the culprit considering its dark history? It is rather alarming with all that we know up to this point about the authoritarianism of basic Judaism, the dark occult roots of the Talmud, and the input of Ashkenazi-Khazar Jews, we then discover that the Biblical warnings of the number of the beast (666) can be seen as the current Hexagram flying defiantly or brazenly on the Israeli flag. This is further evidence that Israel and the Jewish people have been led astray by a Kabbalistic magickal working overlaid onto the original Saturn King.

Keep in mind that we also have Cassiel for whom the Gnostics called “an angel of matter”, who appropriated the melancholy and darkness of the Saturn star. He is of particular importance within the Kabbalah, being one of the seven archangels of Sephiroth acting as intermediaries between “God” and physical life. Cassiel controls the moon, karma, time and presides over the death of Kings. The angel rules over the ancient Hebrew, ‘Shabbathai’ (Saturn) and Satur-day’s “Holy Sabbath.” Magic spells using his name are cast to create destruction, to scatter crowds, to cause a person to wander aimlessly, or to fall from a position of power. [3]

The archangel Azrael or more accurately “Azriel”, is often identified with the Archangel of Death in Hebrew, Sikhism lore, as well as Islam. The Qur’an never uses this name, rather referring to Malak al-Maut (which translates directly as Angel of Death). Also spelled Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azriel, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel, the Chambers English dictionary uses the spelling Azrael. The name literally means “One Whom God Helps” [4] in an adaptive form of Hebrew.

Azrael = Israel? Is it the shadow of Saturn as death over Israel or its protector? If protection, for what? Divine providence or a collective ritual sacrifice? There are hints that the latter may be the chilling reality.

KaphtzielQafsiel amulet from the 15th century (wikipedia)

Chapter 8 of the Book of Enoch (of John Dee’s Enochian Magick fame) assigns certain teachings to specific fallen angels:

“And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. … And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, , and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven …” [5]

But we are straying off the path somewhat a much more important facet of the six-pointed star and its origins needs to be told.



Saturn’s north polar vortex seen in (infrared) (animation) (wikipedia) Notice the obvious shape of a hexagram and an “All-Seeing-Eye” of Horus in the centre …

There are increasing numbers of academics in the last few decades who have been building on Immanuel Velikosvkys’ work of cyclic catastrophe, along with the importance of cometary swarms and the validity of an “Electric Universe”. Bill Napier, Victor Clube, Jim McCannery, Laura Knight-Jadczyk have all posited the idea that the role of the planets, Gods and certain Biblical narratives were scattered mythologising of pre-history cataclysmic earth changes heralded by electrically-charged comets. Put another way, star images were originally used to represent comets, and the names of planets were assigned to these fiery harbingers of change and later transferred back to planets, including people and events which formed our dominant myths.

And myths of course, can be used politically.


What is even more extraordinary is that we now have visual confirmation of such a relationship. On October 29th 2006 the infrared mapping spectrometer on NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured a clear six-sided hexagram (and thus the six pointed star) encircling the north pole of Saturn at around 78 degrees north latitude. Although discovered by NASA’s Voyager excursions in the early 1980’s, these photos, as NASA states that: “…that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn.” [6] | Saturn – North polar hexagon and vortex as well as rings (2 April 2014) (Wikipedia)

Similarly, it is clear that human sacrifice was undoubtedly associated with Saturn and its offshoots as it moved further away from the original custodial teachings. The root source of the names of the Babylonian ‘gods’ may have originally been names of comets/comet fragments. These meteors and comet swarms heralded catastrophic change which then became seared into the consciousness of the population of the time. These messenger comets were assigned certain “divine” names in accordance with the qualities and the effects of their arrival. Saturn is thus seen as a giant progenitor comet who burned a powerful presence into the psyche of humanity of the Age, to become a star-God with assigned psycho-spiritual attributes, most notably its massive size and brilliance which prompted ancient man to describe it as a second sun.

There are other possibilities in different cultures such as the presence of solar eclipses. For instance, in Mesoamerican mythology there is a “Black Sun” symbolised by the god Quetzalcoatl or the Plumed Serpent and his relationship to the Underworld. For the Aztecs there were indeed two suns: the young Day Sun and the ancient Dark Sun, the latter of which came about from the passage of total eclipses symbolised by the rebirth archetype of a butterfly.

Historian and metaphysician Laura Knight-Jadczyk explains the nature of ancient images, motif and myth which has given rise to “‘torches’, ‘bearded stars’ and ‘smoking stars’, ‘long-haired stars’ or ‘a great star scattering its flame in fire’, and … representations of Venus as a flaming serpent or dragon in the sky…” [7] How confusing it all becomes when planets are associated with these descriptions. Could it be that changes related to the Saturn brown dwarf sun, were deeply connected to the arrival of comets?

She offers the following table to make sense of the chronology and attributions:


Babylonian Divine name (very old, cannot be precisely dated)

Babylonian scientific name and late association with planets

Divine names used at the time of Plato, c. 430 BCE

Scientific names used in Greece after 200 BCE

Names of Roman gods attached to planets after 100 BCE



Star of Chronos





Star of Zeus





Star of Ares





Star of Aphrodite





Star of Hermes



From Comets and the Horns of Moses By Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Kindle Edition – 2013) ref: paragraph: 2.514

Knight-Jadczyk draws our attention to the time of Plato where ‘Star of____’ was still being used and representative of the: “…brilliant nature of the comets that had evoked these names. But by 200 BCE, the term ‘Star of’ had been dropped, and by 100 BCE, probably no one even remembered that the names had once belonged to comets.” [8]

She also presents some fascinating research on interpretations of the Saturn-King star-Comet as adopting various roles through time including Jerusalem temple worship of Salim, or the ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’ and Saturn as Ningirsu or Ninurta as protector of the Babylonian city of Lagas. Similar to Moses’ parting of the seas and consistent with tsunamis and floods after commentary bombardment: “… the cometary Saturn as Ninurta/Ningursu was hailed as ‘he who restrains the raging water’ and was credited with having ended the flood by ‘building a wall of stones.’” The pattern of catastrophe, and the consequent reconstruction and re-location becomes: “… conflated with the gods who had originally been the cause of the destruction.” [9]


Comet 17P/Holmes with blue Ionised Tail 2007| Image from Ivan Eder

Insipired by the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy, Knight-Jadcyzk goes on to describe the mythology of comets and Gods in great detail from Sumerian Ninurta epic to Phoenician legends. What is more interesting in the context of Saturn and comets is the “… well-known tendency of Greek writers to depict the ancient gods as human beings to whom divine honors were accorded after their death. A similar tendency is traceable in the Bible. …” [10] As time marches on, the mythological legends in popular culture transforms past deities into human beings thereby incorporating them into their national folklore.  This tendency is a repetition of how the “Star of Kronos” is transformed into the planet Saturn, not least the descent into child sacrifice which appears to be a consistent presence. It was not simply as a form of idolatrous worship and the wish for a better harvest and community cohesion for instance, it was largely based on a deep generational legacy of fear in the face of massive earth changes as a result of later cometary impact and cataclysm.

Quoting Lewy:

If, in consequence of a war, pestilence, or other public calamity, Saturn’s congregation was threatened with catastrophe, it was customary that the ruler of the respective community sacrificed his most beloved child to that planet. This custom, in turn, is explained by the legend that Saturn himself sacrificed his son on an altar when pestilence threatened his congregation. In fact, child-sacrifices appear to have been so typical a trait of the cult of the planet Saturn that still in the Middle Ages this star was known as the “children-devouring planet”. [11]

Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s Secret History of the World (Volume I) reiterates the likelihood that the original god of the peoples of Palestine and early Hebrews was a Saturn-God who demanded human sacrifice. She notes the similarities between the story of Jepthah’s daughter as a variation of the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham discussed previously and almost identical to a Vedic story of Manu.

She explains further that:

These acts were based on what was called sraddha, which is related to the words fides, credo, ‘faith’, ‘believe’ and so on. The word sraddha was, according to Dumezil and Levi, too hastily understood as ‘faith’ in the Christian sense. Correctly understood, it means something like the trust a workman has in his tools and techniques as acts of magic! It is, therefore, part of a ‘covenant’, wherein the sacrificer knows how to perform a prescribed sacrifice correctly, and who also knows that if he performs the sacrifice correctly, it must produce its effect. In short, it is an act that is designed to gain control over the forces of life that reside in the god with whom one has made the covenant. Such gods as make covenants have a tendency to get out of control if the sacrifices are not performed correctly, which can certainly describe our ‘comet gods’.

Mediaeval Arabic sources include legendary memories of the pre-Islamic Arabian religions, as practiced in the Near East before the Turks extinguished the last remnants of the ancient Semitic religions. Ad-Dimisqui … devotes a full chapter of his Cosmography to this star – or comet, as we should say – worship. He notes that a temple of Saturn ‘was built in the form of a hexagon, black [was] the color of the stone work and the curtains’. In the cuneiform sources, Saturn is known as the ‘black’ or ‘dark’ star. Al-Masudi suggests that, in the opinion of the worshippers of the stars, the Kaaba at Mecca used to be a shrine of Saturn, referring to the presence of the sacred black stone within the sanctuary. The name of the stone-idol was Hagar al-aswad. It appears that the Black Stone was worshipped in the Kaaba in pre-Mohammedan times. It was called Hubal then, a name that has the meaning of ‘He who violently deprives the mother of her children’.

There is a well-known legend about Mohammed’s grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, who was reported to have vowed to sacrifice one of his sons to Hubal if he would be blessed with ten sons. … In short, the god worshipped in the Kaaba accepted or even demanded, child sacrifice and such sacrifices were a trait of the worship of Saturn; thus, the Kaaba is also a sanctuary of Saturn. [12] [Emphasis mine]

ark3The cube within the Star-Hexagram| © infrakshun


A leather bound cube called “Tefillin” in Aramaic (“Totafot” in Hebrew) and sourced from the Jewish Ashkenazi tradition. The cube contains scrolls of verses from the Torah. | Deuteronomy 11:13-21 Ve-haya Im Shamoa states: “God’s assurance of reward for observance of the Torah’s precepts and warning of retribution for disobedience. […] tie them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be “totafot” between your eyes.” 

And on the other hand, we have Islam’s most esteemed religious structure, the black cube of the Kaaba set with a black stone. in Mina, Mecca:


The Kaaba in the Masjid el Haram, Mecca, 2010 | Mosquée Masjid el Haram à la Mecque (wikipedia)

“The ‘Kabballah’ of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from Kabba-Allah or “Cube-God” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles.” – Jordan Maxwell

According to Knight-Jadcyzk there are consistent relationships between wells, water (by inference the moon?) with the worship of Saturn which connects to “… the water miracles and words of power of Mithraism and Moses” with a further relationship to the Arabic legends which passed into the occultism of the Seal of Solomon myth.

She explains:

The six-pointed star, or hexagram, was believed by the Arabs to have given Solomon command over the whole Earth and over spirits, good and evil. There is a story in the Arabian Nights about a ghost who, having rebelled against King Solomon, was imprisoned in a bottle. The container was eventually found by a fisherman, and was sealed by a lead plug bearing ‘the seal of our lord, Solomon’. Exactly as Ninurta-Šulmânu confined the hostile spirits of the flood in the shaft of a well which was sealed by a stone, so Solomon by means of the six-pointed star emblem of Saturn, could confine a rebellious spirit to a bottle. Another tale is that the great god, by entrusting to Solomon the ring bearing his emblem, delegated part of his power to the king he had chosen to rule in his name over the inhabited Earth. Interestingly, the name Solomon is a diminutive of Šalmân, ‘little Šalmân’, implying that ‘great Šalmân’ was the god who chose Solomon.

So, just as the image of the god Hubal stood over the well in the Kaaba, connecting the sanctuary with the nether waters, so was Yahweh enthroned above the opening to the nether waters in the temple at Jerusalem. However, before Yahweh had the job of holding back the flood, the Eben Šetîįâ apparently held the position with the weighty sigil … of Saturn inscribed thereon. Both stony gods were wont to receive offerings of sacrificial blood and incense and, apparently, this was still going on in Jerusalem as late as 333 CE, as reported by the Itinerarium Burdigalense, which is the oldest known Christian itinerary that tells of the writer’s journey to the Holy Land. …What is so interesting about it all is the fact that this central element of Israelite worship was considered by the writers of the Old Testament to be objectionable and so it was redacted completely from the Old Testament, even if it was not removed from the customs and beliefs of the people. [13] [Emphasis mine]

As well as celestial bodies, the parallel worship of stones seems to have taken place among the same peoples. Falling meteorites or ‘stars fallen from the air’ was described by the Phoenician Sanchuniathon (also known as Sancuniates) whose lost works have survived via partial paraphrase and summary of a Greek translation by Philo of Byblos, according to the Christian bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. The essence of the Gods were thought to reside within the stones thus giving rise to the idea of scared stones to be worshipped. The Hağar al-aswad, the black stone in the Kaaba in Mecca, is one example of a possible meteorite that was revered in a sanctuary dedicated to the ‘Black Planet’, Saturn.

Therefore, we may suppose that the stone was thought to be a piece of the ‘Black Planet’, a part of the body of the great god, which therefore deserved the same veneration as the great Comet Saturn itself. This connects us back to the issue of the sealing of the nether waters in the well – waters that were undoubtedly released during some cometary cataclysm in the past – and, after the danger had passed, it was thought that one or another of the parts of the body of the god that may have fallen to Earth, could be assumed to be capable of stopping floods or bringing rain or preventing famine, and so on. [14]

Having a “piece of the god in the form of a meteorite” designated an immediate form of veneration without the need of a craven image. Knight-Jadczyk reinforces the clear link between such stone veneration and the presence of wells. It seems that some “holy” stones have been placed at certain locations in or besides wells as an act of mystical allegiance to the god in question but also as a ritual to manage/appease the gods creating these inundations and floods as they wreaked their “vengeance” upon the earth. Once the catastrophe passed the stones and wells lost, these locations were replaced with statues a symbolic reflection of the god in question. In this sense, she believes that in many cases the old religion of Saturn worship hadn’t been broken; the new regime was the old regime only camouflaged. She offers evidence “… that the legends surrounding the temple in Jerusalem and its divine founder are identical to the stories told about other centers of the Saturn cult …” along with a tradition of human sacrifice at the site and therefore Saturn worship. Most intriguingly: “… the temple of Solomon story was originally created to propagate the worship of the comet-god Saturn, and the six-pointed shield of David or Seal of Solomon is, in fact, a representation of their favored deity: Saturn in his comet incarnation and later, in the astral version of the religion connected to the planet then named Saturn, a dark lord indeed.” [15]


The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon’, oil on canvas painting by Edward Poynter, 1890 | Source: Edward PoynterArt Gallery of New South Wales (wikipedia)

Remember that the supposed Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (also known as the First Temple) was/is a large part of Jewish Kabbalah and freemasonic lore and pretty much the same “keep busy” activity to deflect and obfuscate the core truths within esoteric wisdom and Saturn Worship. The Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem, the seat of ritual sacrifice on Temple Mount, was destroyed by after the Siege of Jerusalem of 587 B.C. The Jews then slowly assimilated the mix of ancient comet religions and the astral religions from the ancient Near East. The Sumero-Akkadian-Assyro-Babylonian religion influenced Achaemenid-era Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and together with Egyptian and Greek traditions, in turn, strongly influenced Christianity, Mandeanism and Islam – all sourced from Comet-Gods and the disjecta membra of catastrophism. And it is here perhaps that we may see a turning point in the evolution of tribal Judaism and occult Zionism which may still continue to practice Satan/Saturn worship.

It all started in Babylon after the Jewish King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and when: “… the idea took hold that Yahweh was just a certain part of the body of the cosmic Saturn who had come to represent the whole universe”. [16]   As the Jews assimilated all and every aspect of ancient comet-nature religions into blood sacrifice and Mosaic Law, Yahweh/Jehovah as but one aspect of a Universal God had now come the monotheistic enforcer which had appropriated all the later unsavoury Saturnine influences which have eventually surfaced in the religio-occult and political ideology of Zionists. The Saturn God of pre-history, perhaps a super-ancient comet, was not a universal God of Creativity but the source of earthly totalitarianism, where satanic rituals were performed to invoke power manifesting under a diverse set of mystical accoutrements.

The idea that minor deities are part of the supreme god’s body, and thus executors of his will, implicitly suggests a universal supreme god. It is taken for granted in the Septuagint [The ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament Jewish scriptures] that El Elion, the Most High, assigned different peoples to different gods, and Yahweh was one of the lower deities assigned to the Jews. It was assumed that when a nation gained ascendency over other nations, its national god also assumed rule over the other gods of those people and places. Conversely, it might also be thought that a people wishing to gain control over the whole world might claim that their god is the sole universal god, as the authors of the Septuagint actually did. In their view, since the Jews had conquered Jerusalem in their re-writing of history, their god Yawheh was now conceived of as the supreme deity and other gods were just supposed to carry out his wishes, including the now demoted Šalim. Curiously, this replacement did not deprive Šalim of any of his characteristics; the name of the city was never changed. Extra-biblical evidence shows that such things as the Eben Šetîįâ and the related cycle of legends were still going as late as medieval times and must have featured as well-known ritual in the temple at Jerusalem throughout its existence. In spite of the Jews’ aversion to representations of the deity, they used a stone with the six-pointed star graven into it – the symbol of the Black Comet, Saturn – as an image of their faith. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jews were known as ‘the people of Saturn’ to astrologically-minded people who thought in terms of ‘planetary influences’ on the lives of individuals and peoples; they just didn’t know how accurate the appellation actually was, nor was it exclusive to the Jews. [17] [Emphasis mine]

This brings us back to the beginning and the origins of the six-pointed star or Mâgên Dâwîd. Central to the idea of Saturn/Moon worship, ritual sacrifice and present Establishment designs is the idea of cyclic cosmic catastrophe and the transmogrification of comets and stars into Kings, Stones and certain mythical narratives. These terrifying events burned themselves into the collective consciousness which were then identified in certain symbols such as the star of David, the focus and intention of which can be used for good or for ill. In combination with electro-plasma and electrophonic interactions could be “… perceived by humans as the ‘speech’ of the gods, and a dramatic electrical exchange at that scale would likely produce equally dramatic sound effects, including roaring that might sound like a cosmic bull.” [18] (strange humming and other anomalous sounds have been recorded over the last decade) A slow process of cultural adaption to spellbinding rulers and leaders reinventing these myths into their own religious doctrines saw the slow amalgamation of earthly gods like Baal and Moloch into a Primary God – complete with the same debased rituals and secret orders though covertly integrated, in true ponerological form.


The crescent moon and star pentegram symbol which pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. | © infrakshun

The origins of the hexagram star or “Mâgên Dâwîd” may be the iconic encapsulation of cataclysms heralded by the fiery power of comets. Knight-Jadczyk cites the work of Assyriologist Hildegard Lewy’s comparisons between Judaism and Islam in this context:

In modern times, we find that Muslim mosques are topped by a crescent moon while Jewish synagogues are topped by the six-pointed star that is usually referred to as the Mâgên Dâwîd (Mogen David) or ‘the shield of David’ AKA the ‘Seal of Solomon’. Both stars and the symbol for the Moon are found in Mithraism and other ancient cults. Lewy notes that the same symbol of the Mâgên Dâwîd is found on two Old Assyrian seal impressions on cuneiform tablets now residing in the Louvre. On the first of the tablets, the Mâgên Dâwîd is in front of a god who is carrying in two hands something that looks like a Menora, or seven-branched candlestick. There is no evidence for the practice of the Jewish religion in the Old Assyrian period so we might speculate that both objects represent a comet … and its effects, possibly one with 7 tails or one that broke into seven pieces.

On the second tablet, the Mâgên Dâwîd is placed with the lunar crescent and the solar disc. So, we have a star, a sun, and the Moon which, again, suggests to me that the ‘star’ is a comet since stars, per se, would not ordinarily be presented as equivalent luminaries with the Moon and Sun, nor would planets. There would really have been no reason for the ancient astronomers to have singled out any of the fixed stars that blanket the sky unless there was something truly unusual about its behavior. Even the slow-traveling planets would not have excited much attention. But rapidly traveling comets with a dramatic appearance would definitely have been something that excited both attention and the necessity for recording same. Otherwise, a ‘star’ symbol on a tablet or monument or seal would have been just one of ‘billions and billions’ with nothing in particular to identify it or set it apart. The ancient astronomers were recording things they saw and a star that was as big and bright as the Sun and/or the Moon would be represented in this way. Again, these same elements are present in the Mithraic iconography. [19]

Such specific symbols might not only represent three planets known to the ancients: Jupiter, Mars and Saturn but could have all have been: “… names applied to a single, reappearing comet that rapidly changed form due to disintegration. The same could have originally been true of Mercury and Venus.” [20]All of the mythology appears to point to the cyclic return of comets heralding massive earth changes and molding culture and consciousness with their arrival and departure. Thus much of the Bible lore of the Temple of Solomon and the kingdom of Israel ruled by King David were actually historicized comet legends mixed in with a multitude of other narratives designed to propagandise and control:

One of the clues to this earlier layer of tradition is that Solomon was engaged in the practice of offering sacrifices on ‘high places’, which was the normal practice of celestial religions: the top of a mountain or hill (or Ziggurat) was the place to worship or confer with such gods. Of course, with the understanding that these gods were actually comets and not planets, the ‘worship’ on mountains and hills could have originated as astronomical observation points utilized as a sort of ‘early warning’ system. […]

In respect of Jerusalem, the alleged city of the Jews, it is recorded in the Old Testament that this land was ‘given’ to the Jews by Yahweh. One would then assume that he was the tutelary deity who had Palestine in his gift. But that actually turns out not to be the case, unless, of course, Yahweh was just another name for Saturn because the god who apparently ‘owned’ Jerusalem can be inferred from the name of the city as Ur-sa-li-im-mu which means that a god named Šalim was considered to be the creator and protector of Jerusalem. The city is even mentioned in one of the Amarna letters …. as Bît Šulmâni, or ‘city of the temple of the god Šulmânu’. That is, the god Šalim or Šulmânu was the principal deity of Jerusalem, which was edited out of the ancient texts used during the writing of the Old Testament, as Russell Gmirkin proposes. The Assyrians identified him with their god, Ninurta who was, effectively, Saturn (though in comet form, certainly, not planetary). One bit of evidence that it was a comet is that the Assyrian astronomers and astrologers referred to Saturn as ‘the nocturnal sun’, or an object shining as bright as the sun in the night sky, a characteristic of a Giant Comet, for sure! [21]


The two faces of the god Janus / Apollo (sun and moon) and the Babylonian Nimrod otherwise known as Ninurta – both interpretations of King Saturn. There are endless cycles of names which lead back to the ultimate source.

Šalim, or the Šulmânu God during the time of King David’s “conquest of Israel” could have been the Saturn God-King that was worshipped down through the centuries, and via the Assyrians and their totalitarian impositions, it was absorbed by the religiously authoritarian followers of the tribal god Yahweh, who formed a cultic centre at Babylonian Jerusalem. The Levite Priesthood and the dark half of the Saturnine Talmud would set the course of history. She states: “It was members of this cult that later utilized many ancient texts to literally create the false history of Israel and it was in those stories that the names were forever inscribed in the minds of the people and could not be erased, nor changed, leaving testimony to the truth.” [22]

This brings us back to the source of the Babylonian Temple:

A very ancient temple in the environs of Jerusalem is known to have been built by the Hyksos but it was never a temple of Yahweh until extremely late, if it was ever a temple of Yahweh at all. It may very well be that the first temple of Yahweh was actually the one built by the small number of individuals who were sent to Palestine from Babylonian ‘captivity’ by Cyrus. The archaeological record shows that no more than 25% of the population was actually deported, and when descendants of this select group were sent back to establish an outpost of the Persian empire to guard the trade routes, they refused to integrate with the people of the land – the descendants of the 75% of people that had not been deported. That suggests strongly that the Yahweh cult had actually grown up and refined itself in Babylon and was not, actually, the religion of the ancient Hebrews resident in Palestine. However, even now it is uncertain what god was actually worshipped in the new temple, considering some later evidence that we will get to shortly. It is entirely possible that Herod’s alleged temple was the first, truly Jewish – as in, exclusive worship of Yahweh-Jehovah – temple ever built, and it was built based on myth and legend that a former temple of Yahweh had existed since the time of Solomon. [23]

What a tangled web we weave.

(More on Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s extraordinary work can be found at and further books at:

So, we see from this that Saturn may have either been one big comet or set against the background of massive cometary bombardment. Saturn worship wasn’t simply a case of a descent into black magick from day one. It was bound up with earth changes, cataclysm and cometary bombardment, in turn, segregating and facilitating an elite generation of “priests” and their accompanying religio-occult traditions which camouflaged essential psychopathy.

So, we have a large-scale cultural-tribal mythology from Arabia to Indo-Europe, which may have taken Saturn as a comet and metaphorically shattered an all encompassing reality into separate pieces, reflecting these core truths but adapted to the particular belief system and its subsequent evolution. Eclipses, black shrines, black cubes, star-shapes, All seeing eyes and all manner of “sacred” geometric symbolism was like a form of spiritual back-engineering, codified into forms of rituals including invocation and divination. This would depend on what quality of consciousness within the tribe or ruling elite had tapped into; whether fire/Sun or Earth/Moon worship – it was all from the Saturn’s entry into humanity’s consciousness in pre-history and the following companion stars.

The descent into literal black arts and blood sacrifice was a subversion which saw Saturn becoming the “devourer of children”, and something that populations through history embraced and took as an reality of appeasement. Similarly, it was Yahweh as a “lower god” and that was originally just one of many  in “… the body of the cosmic Saturn” and who became metastasized into a topological metaphor of monstrous proportions and a consistent element of ancient Israelite worship. This continued into the Middle Ages with Jews being labelled as the “Children of Saturn.” One thinks perhaps it wasn’t due to their famous acts of altruism not least, since the Levites set about re-writing history centuries before.

If the King David myth and other narratives were epic characterisations of a very ancient residue of cometary change then it is true enough to say it was not, at origin, a formation of a magickal working. That arrived later, as it became associated with the distortion of perennial symbols and ritual blood sacrifice and still later appropriated for world Jewry – for their ultimate sacrifice, by and for the very same psychopaths.


The Mâgên Dâwîd is an ancient template symbol that is not evil in the same way that a gun is not evil. However, it can be transformed from an inert piece of metal to a weapon of death when supplied with the ammunition of specific kinds of knowledge. So too, some invocational designs with certain esoteric formulae can facilitate material effects in the wrong hands. Communication with the Gods through the circuits of symbols has always been around. The question of who or what one contacts is a bit more problematical.

Our history attests to Priesthoods of Grand Masters of the black and white magical arts from East and West who think they are in control and unlocking the Secrets of the Ages. Yet they are deluded. The comets come and go, as they have always done and will underscore such delusion with a natural “invocation” of their own. Our human-cosmic connection goes far beyond symbols in matter since the communication we need is etched into our very DNA and the growth – or atrophy – of the soul. That needs only the water of humility to begin the journey, a laughable anathema to psychopaths in power.

In the next post we will turn to the possibility that the same ancient Babylonian and later Thelemic Magick can be discerned in the events of the 9/11 attacks and how the dark cults of Saturn worship are still alive and well and performing acts of weaponised sacrifice.



[1] p. 184; Gershom Gerhard Scholem, (1977) Kabbalah (Library of Jewish Knowledge)
[3]Gaster, (1998), The Wisdom of the Chaldeans,pp. 17-18,Holmes Pub Grou Llc, ISBN 1-55818-399-X
[5]The Book of Enoch, by R.H. Charles, [1917], at
[7] paragraph 2.513; Knight-Jadczyk, Laura, (2013) Comets and the Horns of Moses (kindle edition)
[8] Ibid. paragraph 2.514
[9] Ibid. paragraph 2.1012
[10] Ibid, paragraph 2.1026 quoting Lewy, Hildegard (1950) ‘Origin and Significance of the Magen Dawld’.
[11] Ibid. paragraph 2.1028
[12] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1029-2.1031
[13] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1038 – 2.1039
[14] Ibid. paragraph 2.1043
[15] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1046-2.1047
[16] Ibid. paragraph 2.1048
[17] Ibid. paragraph 2.1049
[18] Ibid. paragraph 2.991
[19] ibid. paragraphs 2.993 – 2.994
[20] Ibid. paragraph 2.996
[21] Ibid. paragraphs 2.1000 and 2.1008
[22] Ibid. 2.1010
[23] Ibid. 2.1011