Religious Authoritarians VI: Temple Mount …Temple Might VI

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”

– Corinthians 3:16


Apparently the message from Corinthians above, might as well have been scrawled on a latrine for all the lack of attention it received. Temple Mount and the Dome of Rock remain the primary portal of enormous conflict where the indwelling spirit of God seems to be the last thing on the minds of the warring tribes of cultish monotheism.

One of the two most important lynch-pins of End Times prophecy in Judaism and Christian belief is firstly, the rebirth of Israel, support for which has become the central nexus of foreign policy and the jewel in the crown of religious fundamentalist prophecy. Secondly, the idea of the Anti-Christ in Dominionism and Rapture theory who signs a seven year peace treaty with Israel – before its annihilation. The rebuilding of Temple Mount in Jerusalem with support from both Muslims and Jews is part of this deal. This is necessary because the Anti-Christ’s double-cross involves its desecration with all manner of apocalyptic calamities drawn from the traditions of Moses so that Christ will be suitably impressed and venture forth to provide the Second Coming carnival. The eschatological rules must be obeyed and it seems for the Christian Fundies, Jews must convert at the last minute to save more Gentiles, while Israel is busy being purged and sacrificed for God’s Kingdom to reign once more.

The Jewish Messianics and Lubavitchers  however, see it in reverse.  Christians and Gentiles will be sacrificed with Israel reigning supreme over a Greater Israel. Armageddon does not feature. At least, certainly not in the sense that they are the main course.

The Temple Mount has been a sacred religious site for Judaism, Christianity, Islam and pagan cults for thousands of years. Despite the accuracy of the geographical location being called into question it remains the inspiration for the final curtain of the End Times. For Judaism it is the birthplace of the world, a place which brought forth the sacred book of the Talmud; Abraham’s sacrificial and ritualistic binding of Isaac. [1] Orthodox Jewish beliefs assign meaning to the Temple in the shape of a “… figurative ‘footstool’ of God’s presence.” [2]

Most importantly, it is considered to be the location for Solomon’s Temple a site which has significance for religion, freemasonry and other occult groups. [3] British freemasonry in particular and the most “lunatic elements” within the fraternity have been involved in ensuring that the destinies of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” and the Royal bloodlines conform to the prophecies stretching back to Babylon and ancient Egypt.

51ypKU42fxL._In Judeo-Christian theology The Temple of Solomon is thought to have been built by King Solomon, son of Davidin 957 BCE and represented the First Temple in eschatological thought. After being destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the Second Temple was apparently constructed on the same site first by the Persian King Cyrus the Great, (515 BC) completed under the reign of King Darius I (522 BC) and rebuilt and reconstructed by King Herod by 37 BC. The First Jewish-Roman war and The Siege of Jerusalem in the year 70 saw the destruction of the Second Temple. In Jewish traditions it is said that the Third and final Temple will be built on the same sacred site.

Islam’s contribution to the Temple mythology came from the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 637 BC and the subsequent construction of the Dome of the Rock on the site completed by 692 BC. This is where the Bible states that the Holy third Temple be built, which is why Sunni Muslims see this as the holiest site in Islam.

So, we have Christians, Muslims, Palestinians and Jews all claiming religious sovereignty over the site. We also have an alliance between ultra-right Christian Fundamentalists and Militant Zionists. The Christian Zionist and messianic sects in the US government – with particular attention to Chabad Lubavitch – require a precise biblical working out of a very, VERY old agenda with a spy vs. spy manipulation on a grand scale, with a global holocaust as their shared objective. For the Christian fundies, if Jews do not convert then they will be destroyed and the inherent anti-Semitism present in the religious right will be seen in all its Christian glory. Since these cycles of millennialism come and go and the world obviously doesn’t end, there is nonetheless, widespread carnage when shock, abandonment and disillusion sets in from what doesn’t happen, as much as what does.

If you find the notion that individuals and groups are actively seeking to stimulate World War III in the 21st Century a little hard to swallow, one of the best investigations of the subject is by Israeli author Gershom Gorenberg who confirms that this is indeed the dominant reality, where Christian Zionists, Jewish messianists and Muslim apocalyptic preachers are converging to do battle on the sacred site of Temple Mount with the rest of us as global collateral.

In this extract from Gorenberg’s book The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount he describes the reworking of eschatological scripts and the strange apocalyptic dances of the protagonists in question:

At the ‘End of the World,’ the believers of three faiths will watch the same drama, but with different programs in their hands. In one, Jesus is Son of God; in another he is Muslim prophet. The Jews messiah is cast in the Muslim script as the dajjal – another name for the Antichrist, the deceiver predicted by Christian tradition. The infidels in one script are the true believers of another. If your neighbor announces that the End has come, you can believe him, even if he utterly misunderstands what is happening.

It makes sense: Christianity’s scriptwriters reworked Judaism and Islam rewrote both. David Cook notes that from the start, apocalyptic ideas moved back and forth between the faiths; the global village is older than we realize. Some of the early spokesmen of Islamic apocalyptic thinking were converted Jews and Christians; they arrived with histories of the future in their saddlebags.

What’s more, a story’s end is when the truth comes out, the deceived realize their mistake. The deep grievance at the start of both Christianity and Islam is that the Jews refused the new faith – so the Jews must appear in both religion’s drama of the End, to be punished or recognize their error.

And the setting of the End is also shared. The crucial events take place in or near Jerusalem. After all, the script began with the Hebrew prophets, for whom Jerusalem was the center not only of their world but of God’s, and everyone else worked from their material. Isaiah’s announcement of the End of Days comes directly after he laments that the ‘faithful city [has] become a harlot.’ That sets up the contrast: In the perfected age,’ the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the top of the mountains’ and ‘out of Zion shall go forth the law.’ The Messiah’s task is to end the Jews’ exile and reestablish David’s kingdom – in his capital.

Christianity reworked that vision. Jesus, says the New Testament, was not only crucified and resurrected in the city, he ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives – and promised to return there. Without the Jews’ national tie to the actual Jerusalem, Christians could allegorized such verses. The Jerusalem of the end could be built on other shores, and countless millennial movements have arisen elsewhere. But the literal meaning is there to be reclaimed, particularly in a time of literalism, such as our own.

Most striking of all is Islam’s adoption of the same setting. For Muslim apocalyptic believers, Jerusalem is the capital in the messianic age. At the end of time, say Muslim traditions, the Ka’ba – Islam’s central shrine in Mecca – will come to Jerusalem. The implication is that in Islam, speaking of the apocalypse at least hints at Jerusalem – and a struggle over Jerusalem alludes to the last battle.

Curiously, academic experts often say that Islam assigns scant space to apocalypse. In the religion’s early centuries, believers attributed a vast body of contradictory traditions to the Prophet. Early Islamic scholars winnowed the sayings, establishing which were most reliable. Meanwhile, Islam became the faith of an empire, and it was time to talk softly of overthrowing the given order. So the authors of books containing the ‘most accurate’ traditions, the pinnacle of the canon, said little of the End. ‘High’ Islam appears un-apocalyptic. [4] [Emphasis mine]

So, we see the reason for Christians becoming Christian Zionists and the Dominionists jumping in bed with the Jewish Messianists – they seek to ditch the Jews at the last moment unless they fully repent and convert, which obviously isn’t going to happen. Meantime, they are useful players in this Biblical saga, as they are integral to the narrative of final redemption. Christian Zionists believe that the Second Coming will only take place if an “ingathering” of Jews is initiated in accordance with what they see as Biblical prophecy. They are the “chosen people of God” all right, but not quite in the way that Jews see themselves


© infrakshun

Described as the Father of Christian Zionism, Texan Evangelist Hal Lindsey gleefully exclaimed: “Only 144,000 Jews will remain alive after the battle of Armageddon. These remaining Jews – every man, woman and child among them – will bow down to Jesus. As converted Christians, all the adults will at once begin preaching the gospel of Christ. Imagine! They will be like 144,000 Billy Grahams turned loose at once!” [5]

The Late Great Planet Earth (1970) has been described by the New York Times as the “#1 Non-fiction Bestseller of the Decade.” and with approximately 35 million books sold worldwide [6] Lindsey taps into the sub-strata of collective fears and reaping not only huge profits but fanning the flames of dangerous sectarianism. Like so many End Times writers constant revisions of prophecies that never come to be make it an exercise in hyperbole, self-justification and prevarication further underscores his opinions, the sources and footnotes of which are absent.

Lindsey’s business acumen and clever marketing strategy is in keeping with End Times non-fiction. His extraordinary reach and popularity however is in part, a result of his ascent to power care of the Reagan Administration of the early 1980s and he was not alone in that revival. According to Presbyterian Minister and writer Don Wagner:

“The election of Ronald Reagan ushered in not only the most pro-Israel administration in history but gave several Christian Zionists prominent political posts … Once the Reagan Administration opened the door, leading Evangelical Christian Zionist televangelists and writers were given direct access to the President and cabinet members. Rev. Jerry Falwell, Christian Zionist televangelist Mike Evans and author Hal Lindsey among them” [7]

Despite the professed love for Jews by fundamentalist and Catholic Christianity the history of the Church paints a different picture. As anti-Semitism has been used by Jewish power brokers and Israel to do as exactly as they please to whomever they please, so too, the Christian groups have adopted the politically useful tool of philo-Semitism so that they can smile sweetly while guiding them into a second holocaust that will be potentially far worse than World War II. Once the Jews have performed their task, only a select few (144, 000) maybe proffered salvation through conversion. If not, then they will burn in a multi-denominational hell along with the rest of us.

God Works in Mysterious ways indeed…

For Christian Zionists and many Dominionists, Jews are the vital key to Rapture and salvation. But once the door is open the key can be thrown away. And since the Jews, in their eyes are the source of all the problems of the world then it is only Biblical logic that they should be “dispensed” with, which is why many Christians support Israel, above and beyond all reason. While Israel and Jewish people move in line with Biblical prophecy then support will be forthcoming.

Come “Judgment Day” – the gloves are off.

Commensurate with daggers and smiles is the economic elevation of Israel with sufficient amounts of weapons and military might to ensure its perceived survival. Unfortunately, this amounts to fattening up the Golden Calf for a nuclear slaughter. Moreover, on the road to sacrificing humans, there are customs and rituals of animal sacrifice with a long and bloody history. Sacrificial cults have played a large role in Jewish history all the way back to the Talmudic Babylonian sects and the Israelities’ clash with Mosaic Law. Even the Torah has pages about animal sacrifice. As the practice died out Judaism seemed to do quite well without it, just like everyone else who decided to grow and progress.


Panorama of the Temple Mount, seen from the Mount of Olives | Photo: Berthold Werner (wikipedia)

Jewish journalist and author Grace Hasell illustrates this point when she recounts a meeting she had with a retired Army Major named Owen who in early 1999, as part of a dispensationalist group called Concerned Christians, was arrested by Israeli police. He and other members were jailed and deported back to the US after being accused of: “… planning a ‘bloody apocalypse’ to hasten the Second Coming of Christ,” and further, “…plot[ting] the destruction of Jerusalem’s most holy Islamic shrine.” She accompanies Owen as they visit the Dome of Rock, the shrine located at Temple Mount and the City of Jerusalem which has been “… throughout its long history … predominantly and overwhelmingly Arab.”

Hasell describes the scene as their Jewish guide who is leading the group launches into his practiced spiel:

“There—” our guide said, pointing upward toward the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa mosque — “we will build our Third Temple. We have all the plans drawn for the temple. Even the building materials are ready. They are hidden in a secret place. There are several shops where Israelis work, making the artifacts we will use in the new temple. One Israeli is weaving the pure linen that will be used for garments of the priests of the temple.”

He pauses, then adds:

In a religious school called Yeshiva Ateret Cohanim the Crown of the Priests — located near where we are standing, rabbis are teaching young men how to make animal sacrifice.”

A woman in our group, Mary Lou, a computer specialist, seems startled to hear the Israelis want to return to the rites of the old Solomonic sacrificial altar of the temple.

“You are going back to animal sacrifice?” she asks. “Why?”

It was done in the First and Second Temples, our Israeli guide says. “And we do not wish to change the practices. Our sages teach that neglecting to study the details of temple service is a sin.”

Leaving the site, I remark to Owen that our Israeli guide had said a temple must be rebuilt on the Dome of the Rock site. But he said nothing about the Muslim shrines.

“They will be destroyed,” Owen tells me. “You know it’s in the Bible that the temple must be rebuilt. And there’s no other place for it except on that one area. You find that in the law of Moses.”

Did it seem possible, I ask Owen, that the Scripture about building a temple would relate to the time in which it was written — rather than to events in the current era?

“No, it is related to our era,” Owen says. “The Bible tells us that in the End Times the Jews will have renewed their animal sacrifice.”

In other words, I repeat, a temple must be built so that the Jews can resume their animal sacrifice?

“Yes,” said Owen, quoting Ezekiel 44:29 to prove his point.

Is Owen convinced that Jews, aided by Christians, should destroy the mosque, build a temple and reinstate the killing of animals in the temple — all in order to please God?

“Yes,” he replies. “That’s the way it has to be. It’s in the Bible.”

And does the building of the temple, I ask, fit into any time sequence?

Yes. We think it will be the next step in the events leading to the return of our Lord. As far as its being a large temple, the Bible doesn’t tell us that. All it tells us is that there will be a renewal of sacrifices. And Jews can do that in a relatively small building.”

Isn’t it atavistic, I ask, to go back to animal sacrifice? And what about a multitude concerned with animal rights in our modern age?

“But we don’t care what they say. It’s what the Bible says that’s important,” Owen stresses. “The Bible predicts a rebuilding of a temple. Now the people who are going to do it are not Christians but Orthodox Jews. Of course the Old Testament made out a very specific formula for what the Jews must follow regarding animal sacrifice. They can’t carry it out without a temple. They were observing animal sacrifice until 70 A.D. And when they have a temple they will have some Orthodox Jews who will kill the sheep or oxen in the temple, as a sacrifice to God.”

As Owen talks of reinstating animal sacrifice — a step he feels necessary for his own spiritual maturity — he seems to block from his awareness the fact that Muslim shrines stand on the site where he says God demands a temple be built.

That evening, after dinner, Owen and I take a long walk. Again, I voice my concerns about the dangers inherent in a plot to destroy Islam’s holy shrines.

Christians need not do it , Owen says, repeating what he told me earlier. “But I am sure the shrines will be destroyed.”

But, I insist, this can well trigger World War III.

Yes, that s right. We are near the End Times, as I have said. Orthodox Jews will blow up the mosque and this will provoke the Muslim world. It will be a cataclysmic holy war with Israel. This will force the Messiah to intervene.” Owen speaks as calmly, as softly as if telling me there’d be rain tomorrow.

“Yes,” he adds, as we return to our hotel. “There definitely must be a third temple” [8] 


Dome of the rock, Al-Aqsa mosque, Temple Mount, Jerusalem | Photo: Andrew Shiva.

The “Gush Emunim” or “Temple Mount Faithful” are as equally blasé as the Christians in the inevitability of death and bloodshed for everyone but their own tribe, utterly convinced as they are in their own special status certain that they have connected all the doctrinal dots in order to reserve their 1st class seat to heavenly bliss and World conquest. It is an apocalyptic picture that is painted with the same belief in blood and slaughter which saw the rise of the crusades. As one Temple Mount Rabbi enthused: “war is accompanied by destruction and death, on the other hand, it increases the power of the Messiah … Unfortunately, it is still impossible to achieve the completion of Redemption by any means other than war.” [9]

Whether it is the Christian belief in the Second Coming of Christ or the Jewish Messianists’ arrival of their Messiah it is unlikely either religious avatar would recognise him even if it were a reality. But you can be sure, should their geo-strategies be successful, that smoke, blood, bombs and horror will be very much at the heart of Israel during that process and possibly a large proportion of the world.

Do the Jewish Messianists have an ace up their sleeve perhaps? Nope. Just as the sacrifice of ordinary Jews during World War II was part of the plan for Statehood, so too the necessary and “inevitable” result of war may mean the levelling and destruction of many Jews for Lubavitchers , Christian Zionists and Dominionists as a necessary revenge. Gorenberg, views it like this: “The Jews die or convert. … If you listen to the drama they’re describing, essentially it’s a five-act play in which the Jews disappear in the fourth act.” [10] 

And the possibility of the fourth act being rushed through anytime in the next decade requires a speedy evaluation of living arrangements sooner rather than later if you happen to live in Israel. Such thinking hasn’t escaped the plotters and architects of terror. Pragmatism and survival is only logical. If you light the fire then you plan your escape route well in advance if you wish to rise phoenix-like from the ashes. Evidence of these preparations has been seen for decades in Establishment circles.

Journalist Wolfgang Eggert has been researching the subject for years and reports on lands in countries of Latin America currently being scouted as suitable refuges for the wealthy:

There is a storm brewing and thus it is not surprising that members of the controlling “caste” are looking around for safe harbours. Kawther Salam reports that the Israeli government is carrying out huge purchases of land at the other end of the world, in the remote Southern tip of South America. Her report coincides with revelations on the Internet, allegedly originating from German Intelligence Sources (Bundesnachrichtendienst), stating that this is an Israeli-American joint venture safety manoeuvre. Financial head of this venture: Paul Wolfowitz.

The truth is that almost a sixth part of Patagonia – which means a territory as big as Austria and Switzerland together – is now owned by 350 foreign “investors”. Media baron Ted Turner (CNN) only recently purchased a huge property including a safe water supply provided by a private river. George Soros, the Hungary-born Billionaire residing in New York, is one of the biggest private land owners in this area. The same is true for his associate Eduardo Elzstain, the Argentine business magnate and great Chabad donor. In the North of the American continent investments in building projects of the better-informed-circles are meanwhile being moved into the bowels of the earth. The Neo-Conservative US Vice-President Dick Cheney only recently had a sophisticated private bunker system installed under his home. [11]

Holy War is a means to an end. Just like the Neo-Conservatives, the Christian Zionists, occult groupings and Satanic practice itself, war is not a necessary evil but the means and the end rolled into one. This is where the depopulationists, eugenicists and eco-fascists align with the religious fanatics in the total disregard for human life, where culling of humans is for a global salvation serving a select few, the divine rights of which must be enforced. At this stage, the net results are the same, with religio-occult beliefs aligned in a common union of death for the “greater good” and on a grand scale.

The Pathocratic Elite and their military have been planning and spending considerable sums on private bunkers with the use of allocated funds far removed from Congress for decades. There are also those underground labyrinths left over from the Cold War presently undergoing refurbishments in order to serve the needs of the “continuity of government” in the face of nuclear attack or environmental catastrophe – or both. The overwhelming priority is the cull, survival and total control.

The influences of Chabad Lubavitch, Zionism and their connections to the Establishment in the US, UK and Israel cannot be viewed in isolation from religious fanaticism currently pervading Western politics. Moreover, these expressions of psychopathy and their probable trajectories cannot be understood further without taking a closer look at the dynamics of all three.



[1] “The most recent Palestinian uprising, this past September, began in the wake of the opening of Jerusalem’s “Hasmonean Tunnel,” which runs adjacent to the Haram al-Sharif, Islam’s Third Holiest Shrine, is the former site of the Temple of Herod, destroyed in A.D. 70 by Roman legions commanded by Titus.
Though the media repeatedly discounted it at the time, the Palestinians were enraged due to their fear that the opening of the Tunnel was the beginning of the end for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the start of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, which is the fabled goal to which most of the esoteric secret societies of the West and most especially the orders of Freemasonry, are oriented (indeed, masonic iconography is obsessed with a rebuilt Temple).
The establishment media, in a remarkable demonstration of the uniformity and power of their monopoly control of large scale communications, were able to stifle any substantial reporting in September, providing evidence that Palestinian fears on this subject had some justification.
In what James Shelby Downard terms a “cryonic process” (after the method by which Walt Disney’s mortal remains are supposedly preserved)–the freeze-wait-thaw operation–the truth about the intense concentration of the resources of both esoteric Zionism and esoteric Freemasonry on this “Temple Mount” complex, was frozen while the riots raged. When they subsided, a waiting period ensued as the crisis left the front pages and moved slightly to the rear of the consciousness of the group mind of the masses. After the waiting period, came the thaw, when the truth was taken out of the deep freeze and presented to the public. […]
The opening of the tunnel in September, 1996, with its ritual bloodshed, a precursor of the sacrificial blood ordained to flow if the Temple is rebuilt, was orchestrated in 1867. It was then that the future General Sir Charles Warren, England’s Commissioner of Police and co-conspirator in the occult ritual murder known to history as “Jack the Ripper,” had been dispatched on yet another masonic mission, to lay the groundwork for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. And so it was that in 1867, one of England’s most important Freemasons, a member of its “research lodge” (Ars Quator Coronatorum), “rediscovered” the claustrophobic, 500-yard tunnel.
The “implements” of the old Temple, according to the Talmud, were hidden on the Temple Mount before the destruction of the Second Temple. With Warren’s Tunnel now open, the “treasure hunt” begins, as the establishment media admitted, between the lines, during its mid-October “thaw.”
In the second week in October, Zionist zealots involved in crimes of terrorism linked to the hoped-for destruction of Al-Aqsa mosque, suddenly entered stage center from their establishment-imposed positions of obscurity. In the processing of the group mind, chronology is everything. Hence, mid October was the time designated for slowly pulling the curtain back and revealing the actual game afoot . At this juncture the establishment media unveiled Mr. Yehuda Etzion, head of Hai Vekayam, spearhead of the drive to rebuild Herod’s Temple upon the ruins of Islam’s revered Al-Aqsa mosque. As if on cue, seven Hai Vekayam “activists” were arrested by Israeli police when they tried to force their way onto the Dome of the Rock in October.
Also on cue, a petition was presented to the Israelis in October, dotting every “i” and crossing every “t” of every Palestinian fear about what the Zionists intend with their “tunnel.” The petition, put forth by the Temple Mount Faithful organization, a group financed by deep-pockets Judeo-Churchian fundamentalists in the U.S. and shadowy, international Zionist and masonic moneybags, calls for the removal of the mosque from the Temple Mount. James Shelby Downard and I have a term for that call: Truth or Consequences via Revelation of the Method. – From ‘Warren’s Tunnel, The Palestinian Riots and The Apocalypse’ by Michael A. Hoffman II. 1996. |
[2] There is no evidence at all for the Temple of Solomon story both in terms of location and narrative. For more information on the nature of the Bible as very far from a historical document please read: Who Wrote the Bible? By Laura-Knight-Jadczyk at | Shekhinah: “Shekinah, Shekinah, Shechinah, Shechina, or Schechinah, (Hebrew: שכינה‎) is the English spelling of a grammatically feminine Hebrew ancient blessing of the feminine aspect of God. The original word means the dwelling or settling, and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem.” (Wikipedia)
[3] “The most recent Palestinian uprising, this past September, began in the wake of the opening of Jerusalem’s “Hasmonean Tunnel,” which runs adjacent to the Haram al-Sharif, Islam’s Third Holiest Shrine, is the former site of the Temple of Herod, destroyed in A.D. 70 by Roman legions commanded by Titus.
Though the media repeatedly discounted it at the time, the Palestinians were enraged due to their fear that the opening of the Tunnel was the beginning of the end for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the start of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, which is the fabled goal to which most of the esoteric secret societies of the West and most especially the orders of Freemasonry, are oriented (indeed, masonic iconography is obsessed with a rebuilt Temple).
The establishment media, in a remarkable demonstration of the uniformity and power of their monopoly control of large scale communications, were able to stifle any substantial reporting in September, providing evidence that Palestinian fears on this subject had some justification.
In what James Shelby Downard terms a ‘cryonic process’ (after the method by which Walt Disney’s mortal remains are supposedly preserved)–the freeze-wait-thaw operation–the truth about the intense concentration of the resources of both esoteric Zionism and esoteric Freemasonry on this ‘Temple Mount’ complex, was frozen while the riots raged. When they subsided, a waiting period ensued as the crisis left the front pages and moved slightly to the rear of the consciousness of the group mind of the masses. After the waiting period, came the thaw, when the truth was taken out of the deep freeze and presented to the public. […]
The opening of the tunnel in September, 1996, with its ritual bloodshed, a precursor of the sacrificial blood ordained to flow if the Temple is rebuilt, was orchestrated in 1867. It was then that the future General Sir Charles Warren, England’s Commissioner of Police and co-conspirator in the occult ritual murder known to history as ‘Jack the Ripper,’ had been dispatched on yet another masonic mission, to lay the groundwork for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. And so it was that in 1867, one of England’s most important Freemasons, a member of its ‘research lodge’ (Ars Quator Coronatorum), ‘rediscovered’ the claustrophobic, 500-yard tunnel.
The ‘implements’ of the old Temple, according to the Talmud, were hidden on the Temple Mount before the destruction of the Second Temple. With Warren’s Tunnel now open, the ‘treasure hunt’ begins, as the establishment media admitted, between the lines, during its mid-October “thaw.”
In the second week in October, Zionist zealots involved in crimes of terrorism linked to the hoped-for destruction of Al-Aqsa mosque, suddenly entered stage center from their establishment-imposed positions of obscurity. In the processing of the group mind, chronology is everything. Hence, mid October was the time designated for slowly pulling the curtain back and revealing the actual game afoot. At this juncture the establishment media unveiled Mr. Yehuda Etzion, head of Hai Vekayam, spearhead of the drive to rebuild Herod’s Temple upon the ruins of Islam’s revered Al-Aqsa mosque. As if on cue, seven Hai Vekayam ‘activists’ were arrested by Israeli police when they tried to force their way onto the Dome of the Rock in October.
Also on cue, a petition was presented to the Israelis in October, dotting every ‘I’ and crossing every ‘t’ of every Palestinian fear about what the Zionists intend with their ‘tunnel.’ The petition, put forth by the Temple Mount Faithful organization, a group financed by deep-pockets Judeo-Churchian fundamentalists in the U.S. and shadowy, international Zionist and masonic moneybags, calls for the removal of the mosque from the Temple Mount. James Shelby Downard and I have a term for that call: Truth or Consequences via Revelation of the Method. – From Warren’s Tunnel, The Palestinian Riots and The Apocalypse by Michael A. Hoffman II. 1996. |
[4] p.45; The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount By Gershom Geronberg. Published by Oxford university Press 2002. | ISBN-10: 0195152050.
[5] p.111; The Late Great Planet Earth By Hal Lindsey and Carol C. Colsen, Published by Zondervan 1970. | ISBN-10: 031027771X.
[6] Hal Lindsey, The 1980’s: Countdown to Armageddon By Hal Lindsey, Published by Bantam, 1981 ( p.179). | ‘Hal Lindsey’s The Late, Great Planet Earth and the Rise of Popular Premillennialism in the 1970s’ By Cortney S. Basham, Western Kentucky University January 8 2012.
[7] ‘Beyond Armageddon’ By Donald Wagner, 2007. www.
[8] Forcing God’s Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and Destruction of Planet Earth By Grace Halsell. Published by Amana Publications 2002. | ISBN-10: 1590080157.
[9] ‘Temple Mount Fanatics Forment A New Thirty Years’ War,’ by Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, November 3, 2000.
[10] Gorenberg on CBS, 60 Minutes, October 6th, 2002, ‘Zion’s Christian Soldiers.’
[11] ‘Kein Zweiter Holocaust! By Wolfgang Eggert et al 2007 |

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