sex trafficking

Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep-State Part III

By M.K. Styllinski


© infrakshun

Setting aside the possibility that Trump was “allowed in” at the eleventh hour once Killary was found to be a liability and hot on the heels of DNC vote rigging, [1]  there can be no doubt that he had a substantial platform of ordinary support. [2 ]Regardless of the complexities of the path Trump must now follow, in order to understand why so many voted for the man we have to a) understand the international and domestic background to his popularity b) whether or not he is going to be a significant impediment to the shadow government.

The intense dissatisfaction with government in both the United States and Europe was sourced from a decades long bubbling resentment against the Powers that Be and their corrupt, criminal enterprise we call the White House, Congress, its federal agencies and the European Union’s endless unelected bodies of Eurocratic corruption. Both perpetuate a neo-liberal economic monster the likes of which culminated in the sub prime housing crisis in the states encouraging a form of financial warfare between banks and corporations all due to a huge popping of a financial bubble the shock waves of which had serious repercussions in Europe. Hello austerity measures. Thanks very much said the banking cartels. It was to result in the further consolidation and centralisation of this economic model and a return to business as usual on a higher and more risky turn of socio-economic resource extraction (people being the ultimate resource).

This led to a massive financial bonanza for the rich whilst the poor and middle classes shouldered the cost producing a sharp rise in mental illness, poverty and hardship. Americans, who were already reeling from the Bush-Cheney era, unnecessary foreign wars and the commensurate rise of the police state bore the brunt of this cynical exercise in propping up a dying banking system. Most importantly, such obvious criminality gave rise to complete disillusionment, anger and fury against the Establishment and politics.  A large proportion of the American public saw through the veil and responded to Trump as a relative outsider who appeared to speak their language, appealed to traditional right wing America as well as Libertarians and those in between.

In one sense, the reasons why Trump found himself as president is not the point. Trumphobia is a side show and a distraction. What the new president elect is up against – indeed everyone who truly has a conscience set afire by our brother and sister’s suffering – are the engines or drivers of psychopathic infection which create our present Official Culture, its pathological enculturation and adjustment to a false normality. Moreover, these drivers encourage us to fuel our institutions, governments, military, and socio-economic infrastructures largely by default and with an alien perception of the psychopath and narcissist, spreading like a psycho-virus from the trusted but entirely broken model of statism – a belief in the state as both provider/enforcer and from which all our ills are created.


Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep-State Part II

By M.K. Styllinski

Trump1© infrakshun

“That’s why we’ve witnessed such fury from her supporters – they had wrapped themselves so tightly in the Hillary flag that a rejection of her felt like a rejection of them. And when you consider that many American colleges gave their students Wednesday off  class because they were too ‘upset’ to study, you can see that this wasn’t a battle for the White House – this became a genuine battle for America’s future direction. And, indeed, for the West.”

‘Two Fingers to a Politically Correct Elite’ by Ian O’Doherty

Image is everything in America right?

Bill Clinton’s jazz-cool sax playing and predatory behaviour towards women; Barack Obama’s winning smile and languid nonchalance care of a marketing ploy of the first Black American fused with mythic qualities of JFK and Martin Luther King…. Who wouldn’t want such a man proclaiming “Hope and Change” after the Organ Grinder and Monkey of the Bush-Cheney years?

Well, that fell as flat as a week old soda. But not before havoc and mayhem was caused on behalf of Deep State movers.


In the heady days of Obamamania – so cool so fake. See: OBAMA: A LEGACY OF ASHES (2017)

Obama was a gargantuan disappointment failing to deliver on his stunningly hyped message of progressive change as an antidote to the Bush Junta. In particular, African-American supporters were thrown into tail-spins of disillusionment or a psychosis of denial because he gave the U.S. population the exact opposite of emancipation and liberal dreams of equality: he became the figurehead of the same regime change foreign policy strategy killing hundreds of thousands in the process. Our ex-human rights lawyer tipped this country into a full-blown police state and allowed the NSA to transform America into a surveillance society. Despite Edward Snowden, Bradley/Chelsea Manning and other whistle-blowers the dark maneuvers of the NSA  became public knowledge but didn’t change. If anything, it got worse.

Barack Obama’s presidency, (as was his diabolical Nobel Peace Prize) was a carefully managed stage show, the same shadow marketing which has shaped successive presidents to ensure a role designed to whittle away corporate accountability and dismantle the constitution;  to preempt and degauss a restless population and enforce compliance by stealth on behalf of their banking masters.

The same worship of authoritarianism is as relevant now as it was just after the Industrial Revolution and the outgrowth of elite institutional directives post World War II.  Accordingly, the same divide and rule formula in combination with the conditioned “normality” of statism had been used against a dumbed down populace for more than one hundred and fifty years. Yet, we live in the Information Age, an equivalent to an internal expansion of the mind in the same vain that the Industrial Revolution was an expansion of external control. And yet, still – STILL – you have terminally deluded individuals who feel duty-bound to support and defend this war criminal against all the bloody evidence. Such objective proof batters on the door of people with conscience up and down the country pleading to be recognised. Unfortunately, it seems denial and lies have been inculcated to such an extent that a collective Stockholm Syndrome is still holding sway.


Trump Hysteria, Left Hypocrisy and the Four Drivers of the Deep State Part I

By M.K. Styllinski

“I’m a bit of a P. T. Barnum.” Trump, 1991

Indeed he is – and so the show goes on.

Whether you like or loathe Donald Trump he appears to have been the first in a long time to have been democratically elected offering a platform of nationalist capitalism. It remains to be seen if this trajectory will oppose the hybrid blend of cultural Marxism and cartel capitalism which has been destroying the socio-cultural fabric of America for decades. Although Trump, with help from the media is perceived as a sexist, racist and bigoted demagogue (all, or some of which may be true) he is getting down to business and attempting change, despite the media-led hysteria and propaganda. What I want to do in these series of articles is not just explore whether Donald Trump is the caricature of the ivory tower rich but to question the hysteria and focus of the the left in light of their rude awakening to such a presidency. Moreover, how this cognitive dissonance is actually feeding into the Establishment’s wishes.

It’s proving a very tough call indeed for many who consider themselves “progressive” and “left-liberal” to see the wood for the trees. Indeed, it seems the very notion of “wood” or “trees” simply doesn’t register. Gee, we gotta have the first female president already…That’s all that matters right? The fact that Hillary Clinton is one of the most repellent criminals ever to stain politics seems to be of secondary importance. And it was the same PR/marketing brand of an Establishment candidate that propelled Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” into office. “Wouldn’t it be neat to have the first black president and then the first female president? Keewwwwl.”  And when that didn’t work out the encroachment of reality meant collective fingers were thrust into ears and screaming tantrums exploded into protests; calls for a democratic re-vote were screamed from behind balaclavas contradicting the whole basis of democracy in the first place: Whaaaaaaaaaaa! – cue toys thrown out of pram.

If that wasn’t enough, then the predominantly twenty-something middle class voters accuse “fascist pig Trump” of exactly the same style of group-think fascism in calling for his assassination and abusing anyone who has the temerity to think differently. So much for free speech. It appears as if inclusiveness and cooperation, tolerance and humanitarianism is only for those in your own tribe. Otherwise, you can apparently “Go fuck yourself.”

The videos here here, and here  pretty much sum up the petulance and hypocrisy on display to the point where self-entitled snowflakes hurl abuse at all and everyone and self-proclaimed “anarchists” decide to trash property and commit violence on Trump supporters. Now, despite having a few issues with Conservative and Libertarian views, when Barack Obama was elected there was no such reaction from this sector of belief nor did they have very public and attention-seeking meltdowns of the kind we are getting from the left in tandem with usual MSM editorials. I resonate to anarchism in its original meaning, the origins of which these spoiled young narcissists appear to have no clue at all, preferring to vomit their unresolved issues everybody else. Be the change you’d like to see in the world? If that’s the case then America’s fallen into the path of Non-being…


The Eurocrats and Marc Dutroux I

By M.K. Styllinski

“Deep State”: “The wider interface in America between the public, the constitutionally established state, and the deep forces behind it of wealth, power, and violence outside the government “

– Peter Dale Scott,The “Deep State” behind U.S. Democracy

The above quote illustrates the daily reality of American hegemony which applies equally to the European Union, notwithstanding the differing cultural channels through which such an underworld flows to become what Professor Dale Scott calls the “Overworld” – the seamless interface between corruption, crime and deep state intelligence machinations. We might add to this scenario the comprehensive pathology of normality which has taken place thanks to the steady accumulation of psychopaths clustering together at strategic points of power.  If we want to understand why our institutions are so infested with sociopaths, psychopaths and other predators who naturally create networks of corruption, extortion and sexual abuse, we must travel to the hub of such European operations: Belgium.

Just what is it about this little country of Belgium that has marked it out as the centre of European autocracy and its accompanying abuses of power?

In the Brussels region alone, there were reports that 1,300 minors disappeared without trace between 1991 and 1996 – the period where glimpses of organised child abuse began to be revealed in a more consistent manner across Western societies as a whole.  And according to Child Focus, “over 200 juveniles go missing each year in Belgium, a small country with a population less than the Greater London Area, which the NGO believes are kidnapped expressly for sexual abuse. Few ever return.” [1]

The high degree of tolerance given to prostitution in Belgium has long been exploited by Eastern European traffickers. At the time of writing, no coherent policy of control regarding the industry exists. According to a 2002 report from Expatica, 2001 saw an estimated 30,000 prostitutes working in the country, half of which came from Eastern Europe, although the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) confirms statistics on sex trafficking are unreliable or sometimes impossible to obtain. However, it does not take a statistician or a historian to understand that this particular underworld business is expanding. Among EU member states Belgium is recognised as one of the top destination and transit countries for trafficking and the sex trade, with those destined for prostitution commonly aged between 21-30 and teenage girls under the age of 18. [2]

Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union and considered the centre of “progressive” policies. From Luxembourg’s Eurostat, the statistics agency that determines who gets regional aid to the long distrusted European commission: both have been embroiled in allegations of scandal, financial mismanagement and serious fraud. In March 2004 Hans-Martin Tillack, the Brussels correspondent for Germany’s Stern magazine, was held for 10 hours by the Belgian police, without access to a lawyer, after his office and home were raided by six officers. The EU’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) was rather peeved that Mr. Tillack was rooting around a little too extensively into allegations of corruption. He had managed to obtain the greatest archive of investigative files of any journalist working in Brussels, the basis for his book on European Corruption.[3] OLAF made a rather weak allegation that the investigative journalist had paid money to obtain a leaked dossier from within its departments two years before, which he denied. One wonders if there were a few Eurocrats a little nervous about Mr.Tillack’s findings.

In 1989, Calvin Williams, a qualified British auditor, drew Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s attention to the rampant fraud within the EU and was duly hounded out of his job with no pension. The former auditor of the European Court of Auditors Robert ‘Dougal’ Watt, was forced to flee Luxembourg in April 2002, following a letter he sent to over 500 MEPs in Brussels claiming that the EU’s financial watchdog was “awash with corrupt officials” with: “nepotism, recruitment irregularities and even sexual harassment.” This proved a little too much for Brussels and its tentacles and, as it turned out, Watt’s sense of security. He believed that his forays into the fiscal world of the EU led him to “a chilling underground network of masons (working externally with Italian Mafia groups) … operating in the EU Court of Auditors, the European Parliament, the European Investment Bank – and the EU’s own Anti-Fraud Office, OLAF.” [4]  Whether this is precisely what Mr. Watt uncovered remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the European Court investigations into continuing fraud and financial malpractice were consistently obstructed and finally closed down.

The connected case of one Antonio Quatraro displays the same kind of institutional corruption that forms part of our own Official Culture. Quatraro leapt from an office window in April 1993 effectively quashing any further investigations into the EU’s processed tobacco sales racket where “huge proportions of “intervention tobacco” held in storage was sold to the black market, through an EC ‘tender’ that Quatraro had personally handled. [5] Quatraro was deemed the primary instigator of the racket and the minimal investigations carried out by the OLAF were once again, halted. Since that time, the allegations of a high degree of masonic involvement have proved more compelling and the proclamations that Quatraro acted alone as a “bad apple” is less than credible.

In 2005, the European Union’s financial watchdogs noted improvements but refused to give Brussels a clean bill of health for the 11th year in a row. [6]  Against the backdrop of severe economic austerity implemented by the very same powers, by 2012 it was the same story. For the 18th consecutive year the European Court of Auditors charged the EU with wasting billions – almost 4% of allocated funds. [7]  If this wasn’t enough, in 2011, a report was carried by The Daily Telegraph that the European Court of Auditors itself was accused of: “… watering down if not completely removing criticism,” by former member of the ECA Maarten Engwirda who had been with the body for 15 years. According to Engwirda, rather than exposing endemic corruption they merely “swept it under the carpet” by applying “‘heavy pressure’ on investigators to tone down findings of abuse.” The Dutch employee also stated in the report that “… an endemic ‘cover-up culture’ within the court and wider EU institutions … had prevented the true extent of fraud from being disclosed.” [8]

If you are one of the 56,000 Eurocrats currently employed at Brussels HQ and beyond it means a comfortable insulation from the effects of a disastrous financial architecture which the EU both supported and enforced. While budgets, public spending, and civil service staffing levels have been sliced in half across Europe, corruption and wastage of the 1€ trillion budget hasn’t stopped the massive building boom in Brussels. In 2011, €20m was thrown at a multimedia tribute to itself just down the street at the Parliamentarium visitors’ centre while a year later €300m (£241m) plus was spent on converting an art deco shell into a habitable palace for the European president and another €100m to create the European parliament’s version of the continent’s post-war history in a nearby park. [9]  Meanwhile, other Western and Eastern European countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and the East European nations are suffering in ways unheard of. This hasn’t prevented European Parliament MEPs taking advantage of the financial claims from trips financed by lobbyists but only if hotel costs surpass €300 a night or if they are flown business class. [10]

eu bubble

“EUROPA” the European Council building in Brussels. Something appears to be expanding…

Manufactured States

Belgium lays claim to being the centre of Universal Jurisdiction over Human Rights Atrocities which include matters involving child prostitution, child pornography and human trafficking, no matter where such offences are committed, by or against whom.[11] The law was passed in 1993 and led to cases being launched against a number of international politicians and military figures including former president George Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell and US general Tommy Franks, Israel’s Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon and British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. This is one reason why it was repealed in 2003, as everybody knew that there wasn’t a hope in hell that such people would even get a parking ticket let alone get anywhere near a court. More officially, what followed were American accusations of hypocrisy, bigotry and arrogance over this international judiciary’s self-appointed position of “Judges of the world” which was a little rich coming from US government. The cases were dropped, regardless.

Bread and circuses…

The hypothesis of mafia, masons and anybody else, who utilise institutions of power at the public’s expense, is not such a difficult one to swallow when we look at Belgium’s history as a natural playground of the Eurocratic Elite. Perhaps Belgium’s curious history can account for the high proportion of pathological institutions residing in this little nation. Belgian ideologue Léon Hennebicq in 1904 described the country as “the laboratory of Europe.” They’ve been having a high old time ever since.

In the present-day Belgian Federal State there are four linguistic regions: the bilingual region of Brussels Capital, the Dutch-speaking region, the French-speaking region and the German-speaking region (about 60,000 people). It comprises of two peoples: the Dutch-speaking Flemings and French-speaking Walloons who make up the majority.  Originally, the country was part of the Netherlands but by 1830 the French revolutionists decided an annexation towards France would be in order. [12] This was the seating of further strains of psychopathy under the mantle of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organistion (NATO) which has come to oversee the expansion of financial warfare, narcotics, weapons, money laundering, human trafficking and the accoutrements of European Synarchy and Empire building.* It was to provide suitable European leverage for the Cold War hysteria with Russia and further military might behind Israel as their own power base in the Middle East. Belgium as a manufactured state essentially became an independent country to serve the needs of an aristocrats and Anglo-American elites. Thus a veneer of legitimacy was given to Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, who was also a member of the British Royal family. (Leopold may be remembered for his subjugation and genocide of what came to be known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo.) [13]

Writer and editor of the Brussels journal Paul Belien also makes the case that Belgium was a political experiment with a national “consciousness” which was not allowed to develop in the same ways as other European countries, primarily due to this late 19th century Belgian political Elite. They developed the ideology of “Belgicism” and sought to impose “a social-corporatist system” by artificially merging Flanders and Wallonia without the consent of the people. [14]  Using a unified Pan-European, corporatist welfare state run by “Social partners” which are by nature Belgian institutions that wield an enormous amount of political and financial power in both sectors of the country, it resulted in what the author calls a State that is “unloved by the people” and prone to corruption due to the absence of the rule of law and : “If the existence of the state is at stake, laws and even the constitution will be ignored in order to secure the continued existence of Belgium.” [15]  One example of these laws includes the declaration of persons as “invalids” which is “one of the methods by which the Socialists in Wallonia buy themselves clients. Some regions in Wallonia have the highest percentage of invalids in the whole of Europe.” [16]

Of course, this was a ruse of which criminal psychopath Marc Dutroux took full advantage by buying up houses all over Wallonia and using them as storage houses for “made to order” abuse. Therefore, the Belgian taxpayers, including the parents of the girls who were murdered by Dutroux, effectively ended up subsidising his crimes.  As Belien mentions: “Whether or not Dutroux was really an “invalid,” and how this unemployed invalid could afford nine houses, was never investigated by the authorities.” [17] To do so would be to address the whole top-heavy structure of European Establishment bureaucracy.

1_Belgium-country-shape-and-flag1-vertMarc Dutroux 2013

A Rule of Law assumes that government authority can only be exercised in accordance with written laws which were adopted through an established democratic procedure. This principle is intended to be a safeguard against arbitrary rulings in individual cases. Yet, this is not the case in Belgium as it’s laws are unusual and distinct, exploited to the full by the underworld and Elite. Whether one believes in the formation of a European Federalist Super-state and Belgium as a model for a “Greater Belgium” i.e. the rest of Europe, it hardly gives confidence that this is the most effective model to emulate, as the present crumbling of the European economic model illustrates.

Putting aside Brussels rhetoric, far from being a model, Belgian lawyers and their independence remain compromised from the undemocratically elected local bar associations and their associated abuses. Lawyers are still subject to fewer rights than ordinary citizens. They are denied the right to act for family members (which amounts to a breach of their human rights) and denied free access to the courts for summons regarding breaches of contract. These interdictions are upheld by the bar to protect corporate interests and to maintain a strange-hold on the legal process. In cruder form, this is much the same in America and much of Europe to variable degrees.  As evidenced during the Dutroux-Nihoul case, (which we will explore presently) lawyers are always vulnerable to outside influence. [18]

Belgium’s astonishing back log of judicial cases is further evidence not of a lack of organisation and structural capability but a deep and abiding unwillingness to uphold the principles of justice, due in part, to a cosy relationship to corruption. Article 22 of the 1994 amendment of the Belgian Constitution states: “Everyone has the right to the respect of his private and family life, except in the cases and conditions determined by law…” [19] which, if determined by a judiciary and government that is corrupt and self-serving should leave us rather worried.

Henri De Man, believed that Belgium must be built on what was to be “…as much federalism and as little separatism as possible,” so that “Belgium, exactly because it is not based on a unique national sentiment, can become the vanguard of the European Revolution, the principle on which the New European Order hinges.” [20] And by “New European Order” and “revolution” we may read something more akin to the European tradition of Synarchy **  an ultra- conservative tradition partnering Fabian collectivism the backdoor of “socialism” and “liberalism.” Factional differences with the same objectives. This, after all, is ever the Machiavellian modus operandi; implementing controls from a seemingly ethical foundation. Whether or not Belgium has a historically designed identity crisis for the furtherance of what has come to be known as a New International Order is one possibility that will begin to make further sense as we continue. [21]

As we saw in the last post masonic lodges have exerted a considerable amount of influence over the government and Judiciary in Belgium just as they have in the UK and France. It is inevitable that the Belgian public lost heart after the circus of the Dutroux-Nihoul case which served as a salutary reminder that the old boy’s network is still alive and well in Brussels and beyond.  One can muse as to how much influence these Elite have within such a highly focused and centralised concentration of European power. “Justice should not only be done but seen to be done” is a maxim for world law. When the Judiciary and government do not keep any centralized records or statistics of the number of complaints received or the actions taken in disciplining magistrates, this is hardly approaching transparency that Brussels sorely needs yet actively resists. [22] Though several new child welfare and trafficking units have been created and Belgium’s standing on international corruption has improved (slipping from 22nd in the world to 19th)  this does not encourage confidence for child rights when many children continue to go missing, high level prosecutions remaining a distant dream and child abuse networks still very much in place.

In a country where secrecy is the norm and truth seems to be way down the list of priorities, how exactly is this “blueprint for Europe” going to proceed? If this “European Union,” like the “United States of America” is in effect, a mask for an underworld that is rapidly gaining ascendance, one might then take a wild guess that Dutroux and his associates may have been working for those higher up in the chain of child prostitution and sexual slavery.

If so, are there glimpses of a global network finally unravelling or is it merely streamlining into more overt operations?


* Otherwise referred to as “The Joint” By Kay Griggs. See: Satan’s Little Helpers VIII: Weimar, Magick and Cherry Marines.
** The original meaning of Synarchy: joint rule [from Greek sunarchia, from sunarchein to rule jointly] (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) but this evolved into something quite different under the influential writings of Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842–1909), who used the term in his book La France vraie to describe his vision of an ideal form of government. He was both and occultist and fascist with his beliefs offering another rendition of Elite rule based on social differentiation and hierarchy – “Synarchy”, as opposed to “anarchy” which was being encouraged as the bogey-man of the day. Alveydre envisioned a Federal Europe of integrated states with a corporatist government composed of three councils rooted in academia, the judiciary, and commerce. As such, the European Union and its various economic offshoots are purely the result of synarchism as an expression of a shadow government which has distinctly plutocratic overtones as oppose to an oligarchical presence usually known to the public.


[2] ‘Sex trafficking in Belgium’ Expatica, April 2003.
[3] ‘Police search home and office of journalist who exposed fraud,’ Reporters without Boarders, March 20, 2004.
[4] ‘OLAF Poised to Investigate Masonic Network Within EU Institutions’ The Sprout, December 2, 2002.
[5] ‘Quatro Case: What Role did Legras Play?’ The Sprout, December 2, 2002.
[6] ‘Anger as £67 bn EU budget is rejected for 11th straight year.’ The Scotsman, November 16th 2005
[7] ‘EU budget watchdog says funds were wasted last year’ By Ian Traynor,, November 6, 2012.
[8] ‘EU financial watchdog ‘systemically sabotaged fraud investigations’’ By Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph, January 11, 2011.
[9] ‘A €1tn scandal or money well spent: where does the EU budget go?’ By Ian Traynor and Juliette Jowit,     The Guardian, November 22, 2012.
[10] ‘Rampant corruption is aggravating EU crisis’ By Nikolaj Nielsen, June 6, 2012.
[11] CCP Article 10ter. By Act of 10 February 1999, Moniteur Belge – Belgisch Staatsblad, 23 March 1999, several offencesof corruption were added (CCP Article 10quarter).
[12] Readers are encouraged to Read Douglas Reed’s 1956 book The Controversy of Zion regarding the evolution of the idea “revolutions” which are believed to be a manifestation of cultural pressure leading to democratic change. According to Reed and others these are merely implanted stages based around certain religio-political necessities sourced from Zionist influences. These are designed to lead to a singular World Revolution whereby Pathocratic control can take over Zionist reins. Historical revisionism has since been hijacked by those who claim that Nazism and Hitler were “good guys” thereby ruining certain valid arguments for clear historical distortions which serve Zionism and the coming global Pathocracy. Reed has his own bias but the overall veracity of his research regarding the manipulation of geo-politics by Anglo-American and Zionist elements remains an essential contribution to the understanding of 20th and 21st century geo-political discourse.
[13] The Congo Free State was subject to a terror regime, including sporadic atrocities and a virtual genocide of the indigenous tribes of the Congo region until its annexation in 1908. Estimates of the death toll in the Congo alone range from three to twenty-two million. Exercising its control in particularly cruel and brutal ways, this form of slave labour was Belgium’s forte. Under the ruse of a humanitarian exploration the Congo was to be the starting point of a piecemeal carving up of central Africa by European nations which has continued to this day. No different to most colonial powers one might say.
[14] ‘A Throne in Brussels – Britain, the Sax-Coburgs and the Belgianisation of Europe’ By Paul Belien published by
[15] ‘The Dark Roots of the EU’ The Brussels Journal, Paul Belien, December 2005.
[16] ‘Freedom for Flanders – Belgium threatened by crime, corruption, Flemish-Walloon strife’ National Review, Oct 28, 1996.
[17] op. cit. Belien, Dec. 2005.
[18] De Standaard, 24 April 2001, p. 9.
[19] Constitution of Belgium, available at English).
[20] Ibid.
[21] One symptom of this new vision is through the use of biometric cards. Following the publication of a royal order on 15 September 2004, Belgium was the first European country to generalise the electronic identity card. Close to 10 million cards were issued to the country’s citizens and a will continue over the next three to five years with phased improvement plans. The new ID card has been criticized by the Privacy Commission and civil liberties organizations as presenting a serious threat to individuals’ privacy. Belgium has spearheaded the clampdown on liberties which is making its way across Europe.
[22] Report of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers of 21 February 2000, nr. E/CN.4/2000/61, Commission on Human Rights, United Nations.