
Technocracy XVII: Occult Transhumanism (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

 “…modern science appears to be ascending back up the ladder of the descent of man as understood by the esoteric tradition and by the ancient mythologies of the Tower of Babel Moment and Fall of Man, and to be doing so in the exact order and reversal of that descent, suggesting once again that the goals of modern science have remained, at root, alchemically inspired…”

— Joseph P. Farrel and Scott De Hart, from: “Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas”


Prometheus: Yes, I caused mortals to cease foreseeing their doom.
Chorus: Of what sort was the cure that you found for this affliction?
Prometheus: I caused blind hopes to dwell within their breasts.
Chorus: A great benefit was this you gave to mortals.
Prometheus: In addition, I gave them fire.
Chorus: What! Do creatures of a day now have flame-eyed fire?
Prometheus: Yes, and from it they shall learn many arts.

— Aeschylus, Prometheus UnBound, P.B. Shelley

631px-transhumanism_barnstar_thumb© infrakshun

Early on in this series we explored the various groupings of the Three Establishment Model (3EM) drawn from an overarching global occult body. Many people can’t get their heads around the fact that occultism is bread and butter to the Elite. Official Culture consists of a public pantomime served up in the form of politicians, media circuses and the endless distractions away from the Great Oz Magician lurking behind that cultural curtain. Our Western societies in particular are largely a product of long-term social engineering predicated on occult directives.

The Rockefeller dynasty has shown itself to be one of the most influential in this Establishment Order since the early part of the 20th Century. From social science to corporatism, oil to agribusiness, genetics and eugenics, banking to academia, their continual role in re-shaping America and its people has never waned. Indeed, it has taken on new significance with the rise of technology and transhumanist discourse. Behind their trusts, NGOs, institutions, think tanks and massive philanthropic expenditure lies a common and urgent imperative seldom recognised by those employed in their vast monopolies, should they even care. That imperative is an occult legacy drawn from an ancient wish to micro-manage the lives of the “lower orders” of the global population. This is not solely a misguided authoritarianism but a deeply rooted existential belief, an occult theology of gnostic inversion that sees alchemy as the route to the transcendence of man and humanity. This form of alchemy is in fact, a path away from the principles of Knowledge, love, light and Truth toward what is effectively an existential form of Satanism with its historical roots in Illuminism and their Rosicrucian handlers.


The deeply occult-inspired “Prometheus” (2012) produced by Twentieth Century Fox and Directed by Ridley Scott. The quest for immortality, alien Gods, Artificial Intelligence, robots and merging of man and machine all feature. (the tagline to the film reads: “The search for our beginning could lead to our end.”

Perhaps the mythological Titan Prometheus is well suited to embody the aims of our planetary elite since he is meant to be the benefactor who brought fire of physical consciousness to humanity. Serving the wishes of the Olympian Gods with Zeus at the helm, Prometheus was therefore a warrior against Chronus and other Titans which, according to some interpretations is ultimately a sacrificial enterprise. This demi-god proves his worth but suffers eternal punishment and banishment due to his theft of fire, intent as he was to ignite humanity and bring forth a friction with matter: the potential of humanity’s road to collective awareness through earthly descent. Thanks to this Titan, the mortal gods of human beings were shaped in the likeness of their ruling Masters and certain qualities of the animal kingdom. So began the human kingdom. The Hellenistic Prometheus is in fact Lucifer the “Bringer of Light” the cosmic trickster and fallen angel that takes MATTER literally into his own hands and fashions the seeds of divinity into mortal beings. We must then find our way back to “immortality” by transcending both Prometheus/Lucifer and the Gods.

Then we have the other Titan in the guise of Atlas who held up the celestial sphere and embodied the primordial nature of Gaia, the Earth Goddess. There is also a link to Atlantis being: “Island of Atlas” i.e. the Atlantic Ocean. This will become pertinent as we continue. Incidentally, both these statues are right outside the Rockefeller Centre in downtown New York.


A gilded Prometheus, Rockefeller Centre, New York (wikpedia)


The primordial Atlas, the Titan holding up the heavens. Location outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Nr, Rockfeller Center, New York.

So, what does all this have to do with transhumanism?

To answer that we have to turn our attention to authors Jospeh P. Farrell and Scott de Hart whose book Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas sheds some light on what may be going on with the Establishment crowd and their occult agendas.

Drawing on a wealth of Western and Eastern estoterica the authors develop the idea that androgyny and “alchemosexual” themes run through masonic fraternities and Hermetic orders from ancient civilisation right up to the present day. Alchemy is the art and science of the soul, where self-development is symbolised by the transmutation of lead into gold. A Hermetic thread of ‘man as microcosmos’ ” (man as symbolic of the cosmos in man) and ‘universe as makanthropos’ (an Indo-Germanic creation myth of a giant Being that makes up the Universe), are in turn sourced from a continuous tradition or esoteric doctrine that they name the “Topological Metaphor” which they believe underlies most, if not all of the occult imperatives presently obsessing the global occult body. Such a metaphor describes a potential unity expressing itself in three ways:

a) As a sexual, or androgynous unity;

b) As a linguistic unity; and finally, and perhaps most importantly,

c) As a cultural-philosophical unity.

In this instance, the “Topological Metaphor” also reveals the fact that this ancient philosophy was exactly what the Medieval and Renaissance Hermeticists claimed it was, the prisca theologia, the “ancient theology.”   [1]

In the authors’ opinion this: ”unity in all its facets constituted some sort of threat to the gods or God, and had to be broken. Notably, when one looks at all the ancient records, the unity was indeed broken at each of the three levels noted above.”

This brings us back to what was described in the previous post regarding the collapse of ancient civilisations and the idea that the development of consciousness within humanity was a direct threat to the “Gods” presiding over their quarry. This was to be repeated through history, in particular during the ancient Empire of Atlantis and the subsequent Great Flood that followed. This is the also the point where earth changes and cosmological influences may intersect. [2]


Still from “Prometheus” (2012)

The Tower of Babel myth from the book of Genesis is also seen as an important aspect of the Fall, illustrating how man’s common language was fragmented into a “confusion of tongues” as a consequence of limiting humanity’s influence in relation to the Gods.

6 “And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.

7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.”

The Biblical Fall of Man saw the division of the sexes into male and female and the scattering of one language instead of one, later reaffirmed by Plato. The following “Tower of Babel Moment” derives an alchemical quest to retrieve knowledge and meaning and true Being so dispersed, and to ascend back up the ladder to individual and collective union once again. Yet there are other details which the authors found to re-occur, with three essential themes:

1) The unity of mankind is conceived to be in masculine-androgynous terms, i.e., as an original male-female sexual unity, and this unity is tied, somehow, to the “perfect” knowledge that mankind has, a point which is stressed over and over again in the passage;

2) This unity and knowledge in turn constitute some sort of threat to the gods;

3) The gods take the decision to curb mankind’s original unity in the now familiar pattern, by fragmenting mankind, only in this case, the fragmentation is, predictably, the division of the original androgyny into the sexes. Once this is accomplished, mankind loses his knowledge. The implication is that mankind’s original androgyny might have been tied either to immortality or longevity, and the division of the sexes results in the loss of that longevity or immortality, and consequently, in a loss of knowledge. [3]

The concept behind the Tower of Babel and the Fall that mankind is:

“…an original primordial androgyny”, whose experience of sensuality actually causes the fall, the loss of knowledge, and the division into the sexes. In some versions of this Fall “from androgyny” into “sexual division,” it is Brahma who destroys the knowledge that androgyny brings (and here let us understand that androgyny is not only a symbol of the fusion of sexes but of other polarities: motion and rest, being and becoming, and so on), and who replaces the implied idea of communion in consciousness and love with the idea of sacrifice.


The Tower of Babel unfinished by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1563)


The “unfinished” European Parliament building in Strasbourg

It was this alchemical sacrifice of the lower personality and the accumulation of energy for service to others that was inverted to manifest as a literal physical human sacrifice to appease the Gods. Original sacrifice was – according to the authors – of deeper significance in that it symbolised cosmically as primary differentiation of matter into form and diversity. God’s sacrifice to know itself further – through us. This sacrificial alchemy can be seen in the neophyte’s descent into the Underworld as well as the archetypal boiling of bones and flesh of the initiate in Siberian shamanism.

“As the original act of differentiation within the metaphor was perceived as an act of Love – for where there is no differentiation there cannot be any Love – then in the absence of love, the metaphor came to be understood literally, and the actual practice of sacrifice became perceived as the means whereby to analogically reproduce the processes of the medium and its differentiations itself, and thereby to affect or to “traumatize and shock” the physical medium. only be rationalized by positing the existence of those of evil intention, who viewed the practice simply as a means of acquiring power through this practice of “analogical magic.”

We are, in short, once again in the presence of the agenda of communion and union through actual acts of love, versus that of “communion” and “union” through a technique of sacrifice, whose true purposes and motivations are altogether different. The goal or agenda remains the same – the alchemical recreation of a higher alchemosexual union between “opposites”- but the methods of getting there are entirely different.”  [4]

It is this quest for a cultural-philosophical unity (and where transhumanism lies) that has been vicariously protected by occult custodians as a means to assist humanity in their collective ascension to higher states of consciousness. In a  metaphysical context, the nature of this material plane and the Dark Half of God as represented by evil/psychopathy spins counter to that goal, with lies and obfuscation offering obstacles to spiritual growth.

Intriguingly enough, the distortion and corruption of science and also its great achievements all have hermetic, alchemical origins. Some of the giants of modern science were in fact alchemists steeped in esoteric lore. Isaac Newton, Johann Kepler, Copernicus and Leibniz were just some of those for whom the scientific establishment is thoroughly indebted while   covering up their deep rooted alchemical role. Means and methods have changed but the drive towards the betterment and improvement of humankind remains an alchemical one, even if symbolic.

220px-GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689In one way or another, these scientists were inspired by or to actively search for the philosophers’ stone (lapis philosophorum ) the core motif in alchemical lore. Also known as the Holy Grail, it was a symbolic idea rather than actual object, the applied science of which was thought to turn base metals into gold. The attainment of these alchemical transmutations was believed to lead to immortality (another indication that transhumanism is shadow-reflection of the same).Efforts to discover the philosophers’ stone were known as the Magnum Opus (“Great Work”). Though it is believed that such transmutation of base metals into gold is also symbolic, there are also accounts – even today  that such a thing is physically possible.

newton_manuscript416_thumb.jpgAlchemical notes from Isaac Newton’s journals

Astonishingly, the authors provide snippets of evidence that even some hermetic/alchemical treatise and commentary include strange references to what could be a form of genetic engineering, where alchemy claimed to produce artificial life and thus introduce the concept of an apocalyptic transformation of man. It seems for transhumanism, rather than an inner transmutation, it is a metamorphosis of man and the cosmos that is sought based on the integration and synthesis of a computer-based, synthetic biology – a veritable Borg consciousness of artificiality. By default, transhumanists believe that this synthesis must interface with the core nature of the human being since man and machine will be one – and so too the Universe.  Modern physics may also be viewed: “… as but Hermetic metaphysics with “topological” equations, and by a similar process of examination, much of modern genetics may be viewed as but the myths of Sumer, Babylon, and even the Mayans, given flesh by the techniques of genetic engineering.” [5]Farrel and De Hart also explore the compelling evidence of Medieval Renaissance writers and 19th literary artists (Freemason Oscar Wilde, Illuminst P. B. Shelley for example) who subtly and not so subtly express the same alchemical agenda within their writings.

This inverted alchemy adopted and hijacked by a minority of Pathocrats have extended, phase by phase the alchemical transhumanist imperative across all societal domains, from food, agriculture, urban planning to art and sexual mores. Most importantly, monotheistic religions have influenced humanity in a large-scale induction of a counter-alchemy, a manifold schizophrenia based on authoritarianism and fear. This has amounted to a global social engineering project, or as the authors express it, the transmutation of this latent search for Unity: ”… into regions of ‘believer and infidel’ within human social and cultural space.” [6]


Gene Rodenberry’s Star Trek featured The Borg. A race of cyborgs whose job it was to race around the Cosmos assimilating all into a Hive mind – part man, part machine. The image shows the Borg spacecraft-Death Star represented as a cuboid form.

Inside this metaphor of Unity lies hidden an alchemical ascendance of the primordial androgyny, the transmuted man, where an integration of male and female energy of the higher centres is completed at the highest rung of the spiritual ladder of ascent. This mirrored the essential nature of the Divine which was naturally risen beyond the very notion of sexual duality to what the authors term “alchemosexuality”. This word was coined by the authors to denote an: “… entire constellation of concepts, and their deep connections to esoteric and alchemical traditions, societies, rituals, and agendas.” [7] Surrounding this idea is a hidden agenda connected to the acquiring knowledge, power and technology in order to facilitate a transformation of man according to certain alchemosexual principles. Not only this, but a definite, thematic symbolism which involved an evolutionary ladder of alchemo-chimeral man, alchemo-vegetable man and alchemosexual man. This esoteric symbolism can be explained accordingly:

“As the process of differentiations unfold, man descends through four realms, the heavenly, the mineral, the vegetable, and finally enters its current state of existence, the animal. There is, in other words, a “mineral man,” a “vegetable man,” and an “animal man.” In all these prior states, except the last, mankind is perceived as an “androgyny,” to such an extent that his reproduction in the vegetable stage, for example, is conceived to be plant-like.” [8]

They follow this by asking: “…why should all three of these things be so persistently, consistently, and alchemically linked, from the Vedas of India, the I Ching of China, to the neters of Egypt and even to the Popol Vuh of the Maya in Meso-America and the emanations of the Hermetica, of Plato, and of the Neoplatonists?” [9]

Hence we come back to pre-historical civilisations such as Atlantis, and their widespread agenda manifesting across the globe via the global Establishment. In this vain, notwithstanding alchemosexuality as a metaphysical first principle, there appears to be a persistent androgynous symbolism within the Western esoteric tradition which has been preserved by certain secret societies;  an archetypal battle between creativity and entropy, normal humanity and a pathocratic minority, ritual mega-sacrifice or collective redemption and ascension:

“…modern man is in a predicament, for he is about to be sacrificed, either upon an apocalyptic altar of alchemical science, or, … slaughtered by a righteous God come back to restore justice to the world by an unparalleled bloodletting, prior to mankind’s final transformation … into the very same sorts of alchemical creations as proffered by the transhumanist science they excoriate. Either way, the transhumanist gospels of Science or the revelations, prophets, … are saying the same thing: the New Age is here; prepare to die as part of your process of alchemical transformation.”  [10]

Excluding the offshoots of monotheism, the authors further wondered why it was that the basic ancient myths:

“… were based on the idea of mankind’s descent from a Primordial Androgyny, through the Mineral, through the Vegetable, and finally into the Animal Kingdoms? How could the ancient myths even speak of a “Mineral Man” or “Vegetable Man?” These images are disconcerting, even nonsensical, but the most disconcerting thing about them, as we discovered, was that they also reappeared in the snapshots of modern science that every so often make a column filler-article in a newspaper, or make their way around internet sites.

Why was it, we wondered, that ancient esoteric lore could speak of the lowest level of mankind’s descent, that of the Animal Kingdom, populating its mythological world with chimerical hybrid creatures, half animal, and half human, and modern science could speak of the same things – even calling them “manimals” – as a goal to be sought? […]

… Was it possible that the whole agenda of modern science was from top to bottom an alchemical agenda for the complete transformation of mankind? Was this genetically modified food for the alchemically modified man?

Ascending from there to the Mineral Man, again we wondered: why were so many within the “transhumanist” movement seeming to speak, through all their modern verbal coinage, nothing but the language of ancient lore and alchemy? Once again, there seemed to be an agenda that was nothing less than a quest for an “androgynous fusion” of man and machine, of man and the mineral.

This brought us to a consideration of the most disconcerting image of them all: androgyny itself, which more often than not stood for a fusion of many sorts of paired principles that seemed at first unrelated to the concept of androgyny in its most basic sense. It stood, in other words, precisely for that fusion of the human and the animal, of the human and the vegetable, of the human and the mineral, as it stood also for the fusion or union of the masculine and the feminine, of the male and the female.” [11]

The massive barrier erected between a true connection and a spiritual prodigal return to the Edenic State were the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam which rejected everything that went before it as “paganism” and therefore the work of evil. It was an incredible achievement of ponerological control which stamped out the archaic nature of humanity’s natural alchemical design. In its place was a collective lesion producing increased pathology in society and culture, with only remnants of a forgotten esoteric knowledge sometimes surfacing in pantheistic cults and genuinely revolutionary sects such as Catharism. Overall, freemasonry as custodian was to be hijacked by “service to self” or Satanic branches of an occult theology.


The Eye of Sauron From the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Is this the archetype harking back to the bloody days of Yahweh and Monotheistic Religion?

The Israelite God Yahweh is the personification of all that is psychopathic in the world of monotheistic religion, founded on violence and the progenitor of its continual manifestation. The purpose of these types of organised religions was to cement the inversion of the original “Topological Metaphor” and the reality of an essential Unity. It was a social perversion of a rich Truth and a “ Technique of Social Engineering and Construction Via Conflict”; a gradual implantation of division, narcissism, nihilism and spiritual disempowerment. If there was indeed an alchemical route to transformation for all humanity then it stands to reason there was it’s opposite: a mass mind programing designed to use humanity as energic food for a select few so that their neo-feudalism could reign once more.

Our present Official Culture is concerned with a sacrifice of meaning and Truth on the altar of many false beliefs including a transhumanist ethos, which has an inverted alchemical agenda at its shrivelled heart. Order through Chaos, a transformational and apocalyptic trial by fire is to be engineered through the world religions so that such a New Technocratic Age can arrive from the ashes. The Three Establishment Model requires these social intermediaries in order to create the correct conditions for the ultimate collective transformation. Which means total domination of normal humanity as a prelude to complete domination of the planet. And ultimately this encompasses the very Universe as espoused by a pre-apocalyptic battle between artifice and organic life: the Singularity and the techno-spiritual seeding of the Post-Human to all corners of the cosmos.

You may not believe it but they do and that’s what matters.

If the Tower of Babel Moment represents a  metaphor of the Fall of Man, including the  descent  from the “primordial androgyny of man, an image and symbol of the ‘androgyny’ of the physical medium, or of God, itself, through the mineral, vegetable, and finally, animal man,” then transhumanist arm of geneticists are carrying on the legacy of the philosophia Perennis – the “ microcosm of the universe” by dominating all the senses. This naturally includes sexuality and thereby consciousness as a precursor to the up and coming Singularity.

This appears to be an important aspect of the underlying occult agenda within the transhumanist movement as a whole, regardless of whether even most of its adherents are aware of it.

After all, to see humanity as a collective “Homunculus” – a Frankenstein – to be artificially created to its potential and to reverse this “descent” toward an apocalyptic denouement is one thing. However, under the tutelage of Elite deviance, this macrocosmic mega-ritual is a quest for immortality that is a grotesque short-cut for selfish ends. The final transformation of mankind is a means to an end and as we know, their belief is that the end justifies the means – any means – since omnipotent rule is a Divine right and a bloodline of “Royal” descent. Transforming mankind through the fires of hell may well be a genuine tool of freemasonic belief. Yet, existential Satanism has long since co-opted even that dubious lineage of assumed social engineering.

Now, such a transhumanist feat is in the hands of Prometheus as Lucifer: the “Bringer of Light.” By introducing, advancing and applying the perceived alchemical methods of technological transmutation: “… the way to do this is to create the fusions by “art,” i.e., by a technique and technology, to fill the space of creation with man, quite literally by “splicing” or merging him with the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.” [12]

Once again, by re-visiting the past explorations of the 3EM and understanding the central place the Rockefeller family has in its organisation, it will become evident that their agenda is indeed a total Promethean transformation not only of the United States but the world.

See also: World State Policies IX: Food as a Weapon and GM Crops Unleashed  and The Sex Establishment IV: The Kinsey Legacy



[1] p.72; Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas By Joseph P. Farrell and Scott De Hart. Published by Feral House 2011/2012.
[2] Ibid; p.72.
[3] Ibid; p.18.
[4] Ibid; p.18.
[5] Ibid; p.6; Introduction ref: Grids of the Gods By Joseph P. Farrell and Scott De Hart.
[6] Ibid; p.60.
[7] Ibid; p.4.
[8] Ibid; p.55.
[9] Ibid; p.11; Introduction.
[10] Ibid; p.5; Introduction.
[11] Ibid; p.8 Introduction.
[12] Ibid; p.92.

World Revolution III: The Courage to Critique

“Deluded people. You must understand that there exists a conspiracy in favor of despotism, and against liberty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, or ignorance against light! … Every species of error which afflicts the earth, every half-baked idea, every invention serves to fit the doctrines of the Illuminati …The aim is universal domination.”

Marquis de Luchet Essay on the Sect of the Illuminati January, 1789.

The Marquis De Luchet was initially in favour of the French Revolution until presumably joined the dots regarding his friend the Comte de Mirabeau and realised all was not well. He wasn’t the only one who thought the Revolution had been hijacked away from genuine grassroots uprising. Discerning politicians in America and Britain were also sounding the alarm, but these were lone voices in a sea of romantic resolve. The Irish philosopher and Member of Parliament Edmund Burke * issued stern warnings during the onset of the Revolution and incurred the wrath of the public and many of his colleagues as a result.


               Edmund Burke

Burke was an expert on change. He knew intuitively that radical change, too swift and sweeping, frequently led to the very same dynamics of tyranny. While he had given his support to the American Revolution, the causes of which in his opinion, were of an entirely different nature, he felt it duty bound to resist supporting the French people for reasons that will be become apparent.

Much like the media of today, hit pieces appeared in the press which were controlled by Illuminati agents hiding behind the cover of liberal sentiments. Suddenly, Burke’s once popular standing was swiftly reduced to rubble after his publication of Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). The treatise is now widely seen as the statesman’s defining moment for its erudition, prescience and wisdom. It consisted of a correspondence with “a Paris gentleman” a French aristocrat named Charles-Jean-François Depont who had asked Burke for his impressions of the Revolution. This resulted in two letters, the latter of which became Reflections.

As a protestant and a Whig, his conservatism was just and represented the benevolent aspect of a capitalism that grew into something quite different in this century. Liberty and power were entwined and represented a force for good or for ill depending on who was at the helm. A cardinal rule for Burke and for those of us paying attention to politics subsequently, is to recognise: “… in situations where those who appear the most stirring in the scene may possibly not be the real movers.” [1] Early on in the midst of Revolution euphoria he saw the much trumpeted “liberty” as counterfeit and cautioned people to see the Revolution for what it was – a carefully engineered coup against certain sections of society. (Such a plea for caution was levelled by many observers at the onset of Barack Obama’s election both in terms of the scale of expenditure involved and the “yes we can” Obamamania marketing which ensued. Obviously, not much has changed.

Burke wrote:

When I see the spirit of liberty in action, I see a strong principle at work; and this, for a while, is all I can possibly know of it. The wild gas, the fixed air, is plainly broke loose; but we ought to suspend our judgment until the first effervescence is a little subsided, till the liquor is cleared, and until we see something deeper than the agitation of a troubled and frothy surface. I must be tolerably sure, before I venture publicly to congratulate men upon a blessing, that they have really received one.

Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver, and adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings. I should, therefore, suspend my congratulations on the new liberty of France until I was informed how it had been combined with government, with public force, with the discipline and obedience of armies, with the collection of an effective and well-distributed revenue, with morality and religion, with the solidity of property, with peace and order, with civil and social manners. All these (in their way) are good things, too, and without them liberty is not a benefit whilst it lasts, and is not likely to continue long. [2] [Emphasis mine]

And he was right.

 Delacroix, Eugene Liberty Leading The People, 1830 , Paris, Louvre

Liberty Leading The People, Eugene Delacroix, 1830, Paris, Louvre

Burke was also acutely aware of the significance of the French Revolution that could remake Europe and even the world under tyrannical lines: “It appears to me as if I were in a great crisis, not of the affairs of France alone, but of all Europe, perhaps of more than Europe.” He was fully cognizant of the nature of the usurpers of power that were inspired by such thinkers as Rousseau and Voltaire who were avowed rationalists and believers in a ruling Elite – the forerunners a Hegelian World Order. Many of the the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment pioneers represented dangerous abstractions to traditionalists like Burke who knew that society was a complex organism that did not operate on simplistic laws which benefited a ruling class grounded in man’s power rather than God’s. He had no time for those who believed in authoritarian rule whether a divinely appointed monarchic Establishment or an Elite ruling class. Similarly, if a government was oppressive then the people should oppose it, therefore, rather than open revolution he preferred gradual constitutional reform.

Burke was well aware of the Order of Illuminati often referring to them as the “Philosophe sect” in many of his writings. He criticised the Enlightenment’s “social contract” which was a socio-political theory based on Goethe’s Faustian pact. One has to have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to give up one’s freedoms in exchange for what little rights may be left even though they may have been slowly eroded down to nothing, a process playing out in the West today, particularly in Britain and the United States. This surrendering to authority may be a Presidential court of law or the consensus of a majority. Either way, it is a backdoor to tyranny which is exactly why the Illuminati promoted this line of thinking.

The social contract was very much en vogue at the time. Burke granted credence to the idea that society is a contract: “But it is not a partnership in things subservient only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable nature” rather, it is: “a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.” He makes a pointed reference to the cold, rationalism of the Illuminists and the beliefs of materialism, deism and atheism that they were encouraging. He makes a case for the complexities of history and the links that humans created over time with a rich tapestry of social values which cannot be suddenly erased in favour of something perceived as socially responsible and harmonious, least of all by a sect which represented the “public” image of a far greater threat than even these lone voices realised.

Burke’s views also differed from Thomas Hobbes’ theory which effectively saw man and women as numbers on an economic chart to move around at will presaging the game theorists of later years. And here one can see why the Irish philosopher was so fiercely ridiculed on orders of Illuminists: he was the polar opposite of their ideals and precisely what was needed in large numbers to counter their plans.


giloriglil.jpg“The Reign of Terror” commenced from 1793 until 1794 under the dictatorship of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobin mob. There is a general consensus from past statistics of the Terror, the causes of which came from the Orwellian-sounding Committee of Public Safety and The Revolutionary Tribunal and which stood at approximately 16,000 and 41,000 deaths. Historian Dr Marisa Linton of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Kingston University quoted a figure of 16,594 death sentences and a total which excluded those “… that died without formal death sentences imposed in a court of law.” And further: “Many perished in overcrowded and unsanitary prisons while awaiting trial. Many of those who died in the civil wars and federalist revolts did not have their deaths officially recorded.” [3]

However, Linton continues:

“… recent estimates of the number of deaths in the Vendée have caused historians to revise that figure considerably. One historian, Pierre Chaunu, spoke of the Vendée with deliberate provocation as a ‘genocide’ and claimed that 500,000 rebels had died. More realistic estimates, such as that by Jean-Clément Martin, suggest up to 250,000 insurgents and 200,000 republicans met their deaths in a war in which both sides suffered appalling atrocities. Another group that was decimated by the unleashing of the Terror was that of the revolutionaries themselves. Successive revolutionary factions fell victim to the Terror that, in many cases, they had themselves helped to orchestrate.” [4]

Apart from other methods of execution such as hanging, firing squad and even drowning, the gruesome, mechanical evil of the guillotine sliced through the necks of anyone who disagreed with the Revolution. It was the manner in which this “social uprising” was conducted which cast a dark stain across its avowed principles. Many victims were also set upon and murdered by death squads which roamed the cities of France often as out-sourced mercenaries. As a microcosm of the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazi holocaust, the English Witch-hunts or Stalinist rule, Revolutionary France was not a place to be for any true progressive, peasant or aristocrat. Many were murdered through rumour, accusation or the denouncement of a business competitor or creditor even if entirely innocent.[5]


Anonymous print: “It is dreadful but necessary” (C’est affreux mais necessaire”) from the Journal d’Autre Monde 1794

Of the thousands to be condemned to the guillotine 8 percent (1031) were aristocrats, 6 percent (674) clergy, 14 percent (2923) middle class, and a whopping 72 percent (7878) were workers or peasants accused of hoarding, evading the draft, desertion or rebellion.[6] This tells you something important about the nature of the “People’s Revolution” in itself, namely, it was a text book example of despotic rule.

The Committee for Public Safety – a classic example of paramoralistic wording – allowed revolutionary tribunals to convict people without hearing evidence and which was called the Law of Prairial. In September 1793, the Convention passed a law called the Law of Suspects where the “public safety” actually meant people could now be put in prison without trial: “Suspects shall be locked up …. The proof necessary to convict enemies … can be any kind of evidence … If proof already exists there need be no further witnesses …The penalty for all offences under the law of revolutionary tribunal is death.” [7] It didn’t really matter who you were or what you did, once in the mouth of the machine there was little anyone could do. Very often French folk were condemned to death and executed the same day.

The following examples indicate the arbitrary nature of accusations which resulted in death:

Jean-Baptiste Henry, aged 18, journeyman tailor, convicted of having sawn down a tree of liberty, executed 6th September, 1793.

Francois Bertrand, aged 37, publican, convicted of having provided the defenders of the country with sour wine, condemned and executed the same day.

Henriette Francoise Marboeuf, aged 55, convicted of having hoped for the arrival of the Austrians and Prussians and of keeping food for them, condemned to death and executed the same day. [8]

As the terror came to gradual end in July 1794, revolutionary surveillance committees (Comité de surveillance révolutionnaire) with oversight by district committees continued the formula of repression for many years after.

There is ample evidence to suggest the eradication of counter-revolutionaries was part of a larger policy of depopulating France of “enemies of the people” which meant everyone who was not of the same mind. Author Nesta Webster suggested that the almost unimaginable slaughter of hundreds of thousands of French citizens during the Terror was indeed a deliberate campaign of genocide, an 18th Century example of an Elite belief which is so prominent and popular in political, academic and UN-led institutions today. Though conceived as part of the Committee’s plan, it has the classic hallmarks of the occult Establishment clique and so many World State believers: in order to return to an Eden ruled by a superior class of demi-Gods or Olympians a periodic culling of the rabble was necessary by whatever means available at the time.

As Steve Bonta describes in his article on effectively “Two Revolutions”:

The mad Marat, for whatever reason, had an idee fixe that demanded the massacre of 260,000 victims. But his blood lust was soon surpassed by his depraved “democratic” confreres. Jean Bon St. Andre averred that France’s population of 25 million “must be reduced by more than half.” Collot d’Herbois declared it must be reduced to 10 million. Carrier insisted only 6 million should survive. Guffoy said 5 million, whilst Robespierre is reported to have said that a population of 2 million would be more than enough. “Let us make a cemetery of France rather than not regenerate her after our manner,” declared Carrier. He and his confederates proceeded to do just that. After their abominable massacres in La Verdee, the revolutionists proudly reported back to the Convention in Paris, “we have left nothing behind us but ashes and piles of corpses.” All of this a century and a half before the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and other 20th-century genocidal dictators made mass extermination a jaded political cliché. [9]

Bonta shows us that the reality of an Age of Enlightenment was in fact a quality of “illumination” which set alight only certain aspects of human endeavour in the modern age. Moreover, it’s rapid descent into destruction showed it’s shadow side in dramatic fashion. It was: “… a Revolution that began with a proud rejection of Deity, and worship of the State, turned into a hideous, blood-soaked parody of civilization, where technology and reason were applied to mass murder in the name of enlightened social engineering.” This set the stage for a fractal replication within a Western geo-political context.

Indeed, does this not describe the United States and NATO expansionism of the last fifty years?

Once again, the Jacobin Club was host to a surfeit of brutal psychopaths more than willing to take on the blood-letting. Sensing predation in the air, sniffing out victims with a super-natural instinct, another pattern of unrelenting horror was st in motion, allowing their true selves to manifest with impunity since their actions were fully mandated by the authorities. Sadistic individuals like Jean Paul Marat and his army of “Marats” or “Mulattos” were at the forefront of this mass murder, a logical result of authoritarian followers and essential psychopaths being given – quite literally – a free Reign. Marat was only among a number of anti-human individuals who undertook their tasks with extraordinary relish and were deemed useful for suppressing dissent and revolt against the Convention. Massacres and mass executions began to appear on a scale that harked back to the decimation of Cathar credents by the Inquisition in Languedoc.

Of particular note was one Jean-Baptiste Carrier who became notorious for for creating a variety of horrific ways for victims to be put to death. One method which he favoured on more than one occasion was to cram large numbers of people into boats with trap doors in the floors which he ordered sent out into the Loire to be sunk. This manner of mass death was frequently employed against the clergy whom he hated with a passion and in one instance exclaimed: “I have never laughed so much as when I saw the grimaces those priests made as they died.” So many bodies were floating in the rivers of France that it became a health problem and drinking was prohibited.

Hundreds of prisoners were also lined up in fields and summarily shot by the National Guard; anti-revolutionaries – which sometimes numbered many hundreds – were mown down by fusillades and whole cities ransacked; children were clubbed, run through with sabres and shot en masse, a particular activity close to Carrier’s heart.

Perhaps no other city suffered as much as Nantes. It was almost entirely emptied of people who were then starved in its prisons, shot to death, guillotined and cut down in their homes on orders of Carrier and his minions. Special drains were installed in the Place de la Revolution in Paris to cope with the torrents of blood from the guillotine.


“True Believers” of the Reign of Terror: (left) Maximillien Marie Isidore de Robespierre (top right) Jean Paul Marat (bottom right) Jean-Baptiste Carrier

As various strains of anti-social pathologies take hold and subsequently elevated to positions of influence over ordinary men and women, large-scale psychological trauma and /or genocide on a macro-social scale is the inevitable result. Sophisticated ideals and morals are swiftly torn away and discarded like confetti, rapidly overtaken by the true purpose of a Revolution of this nature: political strategy thought up and carried out with psychopathic brutality. “The end justifies the means” is the mantra of the Elite Pathocrat where all is permitted for the cause of rending flesh from the the conscience of the normal psyche.

The parallels of pathology between the “Reign of Terror” and the “Red Terror” and even the evolution of the “War on Terror” appear to come from the same source. Just as Carrier enrolled companies of criminals or “mulattos”, the same dynamics were followed by Leninists troops as they were formed during the Communistic Terror in Hungary and by agent Trotsky who created terrorist troops as well as the Chinese gangs in Russia. Russian writer Alexsi Kuprin, questioned how it was possible that such a: “… bilious and dyspeptic chemist, anarchist, spy and plotter, whose speeches are full of such phrases as ‘roast on a slow fire’, ‘strangle’, ‘inundate with blood’, ‘cut off their heads’, should be seized by a blind fate and placed in the seat of power, instead of ending his days as a ‘sadist’ in a ward for violent lunatics?” [10]

In societies dominated by a rising tide of Pathocracy such people become valued political tools who find their natural place within the various tributaries of pathology, cloaking themselves in differing garbs of beliefs and ideals.

As writer George Rivers-Pitt states:

“Robespierre and Marat, like their ardent admirers, Lenin and AS at the present day, were animated by the same noble vision, not to relieve present distress and injustice by legislation, but only to annihilate all existing conditions, and “to exterminate all classes of the community except ‘the people’ over whom they hoped to rule supreme”. […] In their vision of the ‘New Birth of Society’, it is the blood of the Caesarean section they hope to practise on the expiring mother society, not the fate of the offspring which is their chief concern. […]Now that the terrorist period appears to have burned itself out to a very great extent in Russia, it is well that we should realise that it was an essential and deliberately designed phase of the Bolshevik plan, and that, as it was manifested with the same maniacal ferocity, wholesale butchery and bestiality, in Hungary, so would it be an inevitable prelude to any successful attempt to establish the same regime in any other European country. Mob licence and destruction would be encouraged and tolerated only as a means to preparing the way for the new dictators and for placing them in power.”  [11]

The vast upsurge of revolutionary ideas which led to the Great Terror needed anti-human individuals to facilitate a framework of control whereby such unbridled desires could be exercised against the populations without resistance and where sadism manifested across the whole psychopathic spectrum. This is essentially what systematic and organised atrocity means for those who perpetrate such deeds – a pleasure that matches sexual gratification. In the sacking and plunder of Toulouse in South-Western France, 19th century author of semi-fictional Cathar accounts Maurice Magre intuited such a contagion that stimulates and appeals to the lowest instincts in man and a natural state of psychopathy when the right conditions are in place:

“I had always believed that the affinity for theft and the desire for riches were at the roots of war. I realised that they were futile. The procession of women is the propelling force that pushes men to fight. The only thing the soldiers were talking about was the beautiful women they were going to take from the conquered cities … something akin to a sexual hallucination raged like a ghost in the back of everyone’s gaze.” [12]

The ceremonial psychopathy of Illuminism permitted such ponerological influences to emerge unhindered and driven towards a specific plan. The huge fire of anti-Catholic, anti-Christian feeling was lit and fanned by the members of the Illuminati in order to begin the eradication of religion itself. It was made more radical by the installment of the Revolutionary Calendar in the same year, perfectly in line with Illuminati designs. This resulted in a swift and systematic campaign drawn from a number of disparate groups which popped up from 1789 – 1801 until the signing of the Concordat which allowed some measure of civil status to return for Catholicism in France. It was a “Cult of Reason” that decimated not just Catholic institutions but any groups, Churches or organisations under the Christian faith; a veritable microcosm of Communist Russia. For example, a 1793 law made all non-juring priests and all persons who harboured them liable to death on sight. (Rather like those suspected of being Al-Qaeda can now be assassinated without any rights whatsoever).

Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du Jacobinisme (Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism) a four volume book published by French Jesuit priest, Abbé Augustin Barruel, proved to be a vindication of Edmund Burke’s warnings. The book was published in French in 1797-78 and translated into English in 1799. Although considered as a founding document for a right-wing or conservative interpretation of the French Revolution, this only serves to undermine the central premise and narrow down the critique to a “left-right” discourse. There are facts at work here that transcend the superficial question of whether someone has a political axe to grind.


French polemicist Augustin Barruel (1741-1820)

Barruel outlined the Illuminist conspiracy to overthrow the monarchy, religion and aristocratic society in Europe, a plot that was “one continuous chain of cunning, art, and seduction” carried out by a conglomeration of philosophes, freemasons, and Illuminati members. Burke wrote to Barruel clearly impressed by the book, seeing it as a vindication of his own views: “I cannot easily express to you how much I am instructed and delighted by the first volume of your History of Jacobinism,” he wrote, mentioning: “… the most judicial regularity and exactness …” of his documents and source materials. Most interesting of all is Burkes admission that he knew: “… personally five of your principal conspirators; and I can undertake to say from my own certain knowledge, that as far back as the year 1773, they were busy in the plot you have so well described, and in the manner, and on the principle you have so truly represented. To this I can speak as a witness.” [13]

Burke was not a sensationalist but a pragmatic father of liberal conservatism. It is precisely because of his wisdom and perspicacity that he was able to see through the propaganda and manipulation of the “Philosophe sect” and lend his support to Barruel’s work in the face of a legion of detractors, most of whom were riding on the new paradigm of science, reason and its domination of Nature and mind.

Ten years later, in 1798, the Scottish scientist John Robison, published a treatise under the long winded title of: Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of the Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies which confirmed much of the information in Barruel’s volumes. The author himself commented on in correspondence with Robison: “Without knowing it, we have fought for the same cause with the same arms, and pursued the same course.” [14] Though these men constructed their critiques on the same theses of belief this should not have overshadowed the facts. Anyone paying close attention would have to agree that history has proved these men quite correct.

Edmund Burke’s comments were extraordinarily accurate on the nature of Pathocracy once the doors had been opened. He had commented that the general disorder would make the army “mutinous and full of faction,” and then a “popular general,” commanding the soldiery’s allegiance, would become “master of your assembly, the master of your whole republic.” [15] After the execution of Robespierre, the Jacobins had outlived their usefulness as rent-a-mob for the sect and fell into rapid decline. By 1795, the Directory had control of the French state until 1799, which saw the rise of next the phase of theFrench Revolution this time under Napoleon, two years after Burke’s death.


Napoleon Bonaparte pictured crossing the Alps on horseback. Public domain image of the First Consul crossing the Alps at the Col du Grand St. Bernard in 1801 by artist Jacques-Louis David

The question as to whether Napoleon Bonaparte was a freemason has never been answered. In one sense, the disdain for organised religion, monarchy, aristocracy, the introduction of legal reform and the abolition of serfdom fits into the designs of Illuminism. The unimaginable changes that this one individual brought to Europe and eventually the world, in such a rapid time frame would probably have made many a French Illuminist and freemason proud. Whilst seeing it as an opportunity for his own political ambitions, he had been a supporter of the Revolution since it was obvious that corruption and elitism was eating France alive.  Extremely aware of the volatile and darker forces at work he had kept his down, avoided too much attention and bided his time.

Napoleon was highly intelligent with a philosopher’s mind entirely in keeping with the Age of Reason and Enlightenment principles. Indeed, it could be said that he personified the mentality, brute force, and the simultaneous bringer of New life, death and destruction that rationalism wrought on the collective mind. A gifted soldier and tactician first and foremost, he was unlike the Illuminists in respect to his code of honour which was as unimpeachable as his belief in the State. The use of terror tactics was an anathema to Napoleon and while his ruthlessness in war is undeniable, war crimes of rape, pillage and unnecessary death he studiously avoided, having men shot who flouted those principles. Despite certain historians with axes to grind portraying the man as a monster, he was no such thing. Certainly, he presided over hundreds of thousands of deaths on his quest for a New Napoleonic Order, but he was a soldier through and through – a warrior you might say.


Bas-relief of Napoleon I in the chamber of the United States House of Repres,Center>entatives (wikipedia)

He was perhaps too much his own man and as such, pride was his downfall. One thing that authoritarian leaders have is a large – if not gargantuan – ego. It is for this reason that it is unlikely that Napoleon was anybody’s secret strategist, since he believed the power which imbued his actions came from a Divine source, even though he had little time for religious theology which grated on his scientific mind. In one of Napoleon’s own writings his final couplet reads: “God helps those who helps himself. I approve of that idea myself.” This is a good summary of the practical, independent nature of his own spirituality. Ever open to arrange events and opportunities like pieces on a chess board for multiple future “check-mates” it is therefore, more likely that Napoleon  placated and used freemasonry and Illuminism for his own ends. Or as an American freemason suggested in a lodge newsletter: “The only matter of certainty is that he countenanced the institution [of freemasonry] and astutely made it subserve his own purposes”. [16]

Andrew Robert’s comprehensive and fascinating biography of Napoleon only mentions freemasonry once. At almost 900 pages, and with access to over 30,000 personal letters of Napoleon’s at the author’s disposal, one would have imagined he would have gleaned some minor indications of a freemasonic/Illuminist influence in his plans – but none were apparent. What Robert’s does show is that freemasons “tended to be supporters of his modernization programmes – especially in Italy.” He described but one meeting on December 2nd, 1797 with Napoleon as a guest of honour at a masonic lodge in Nancy as he was on his way to Paris. [17]

Weishaupt’s Order of the Illuminati, its infiltration of freemasonry and its fuelling of the Enlightenment was well-known in the New American Republic. Head of freemasonry in the fledging nation, President George Washington was more than satisfied that “the doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism” had: “spread in the United States.” Nonetheless, he was rightly convinced that original freemasonry was not at fault, rather that it was the result of individuals insinuating themselves into the lodges with their: “diabolical tenets” and “pernicious principles” and were thus: “too evident to be questioned.” [18]


“Washington as a freemason. A full-length portrait of George Washington, standing, facing slightly right, in masonic attire, holding scroll and trowel.” (wikipedia)

Thomas Jefferson took an entirely different view. So much so, that that it was he who had acted as conduit for the Illuminati to enter the newly organized lodges of the “Scottish Rite” in New England. Jefferson defended Weishaupt saying:

“As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot and priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles of pure morality. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment … If Weishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise and virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose.” [19]

Indeed, it is now difficult to know when benign freemasonry begins and Illuminism ends when the very foundation of the US constitution and political system was steeped in masonic rites.

Author David Livingston describes George Washington’s Dedication of the United States Capitol in September 18, 1793:

“Dressed in Masonic apron, the president placed a silver plate on the cornerstone and covered it with the Masonic symbols of corn, oil and wine. The plan of the city of Washington DC itself was designed by Freemason and architect Pierre Charles L’Enfante in the form of a pentagram, or five-pointed star. In 1848, in a Masonic ceremony, the cornerstone was laid of the Washington Monument, an obelisk or pillar, like those formerly dedicated to the dying gods of ancient Middle East. And, every president of the United States since Independence has purportedly been a 33rd degree Freemason.” [20]

What were freemasons to do when the nature of the pathogen was so embedded within the whole fraternity and with secrecy and psychological espionage as its by-word? The seeds of the downfall of “benevolent” freemasonry were always present within its structure. With such an ancient fraternity, its networks in every conceivable corner of the developed world and centred in all the Establishment outposts of law and governance, it was the perfect platform from which to attack society from within, or as President of the University of Yale Timothy Dwight observed, thereby introducing: “the ultimate objects of their union, … the overthrow of religion, government, and human society civil and domestic.” [21]

Another American President, John Quincy Adams offered this logical appraisal of the Illuminati and how such a perversion of its already questionable principles was always waiting to happen:

“… the society of Masons have discovered a science of government, or art of ruling society, peculiar to themselves, and unknown to all the other legislators and philosophers of the world; I mean not only the skill to know each other by marks or signs that no other persons can divine but the wonderful power of enabling and compelling all men, and I suppose all women, at all hours, to keep a secret. If this art can be applied, to set aside the ordinary maxims of society, and introduce politics and disobedience to government, and still keep the secret, it must be obvious that such science and such societies may be perverted to all the ill purposes which have been suspected …” [22]

Though these great men knew of the threat they had no solutions for countering it. As George Washington said, “truth or falsehood is immaterial to them, provided their objects are promoted,” and it is the same Hegelian tactic which cultivates friends and enemies alike in order to divide and conquer and thereby rule, just as it was then and as it remains today. [23] With the death of Washington in 1799 another great mind to counter the rot was lost and the suspicion of Illuminist infiltration slowly disappeared from view as the decades rolled away.

Weishaupt died in 1830 just as the Grand wave of Zionism and Communism was about to come crashing down on an unsuspecting world still reeling from the “romance” of the Revolution. The march to a World Revolution was very much still in the minds of the Elect.

A constant reiteration throughout series is the psychopaths’ code for doing “what thou wilt” by any means to satisfy the natural will of the archetypal Predator. The French revolutionary, writer and diplomat Comte de Mirabeau best summed up the keynote of this primal philosophy which has been handed down through history: “What matter the means as long as one arrives at the end?” – the ends justify the means. It was a belief that lies in the kernel of Illuminism and their antecedents and which has been used to justify all manner of horrors under the banner of civilised progress.[24]

Disempowerment of ordinary human beings is the key principle of any oligarchy or elite mind-set. As we will explore in subsequent posts, the Rockefeller’s “green” and GMO-based “revolutions,” the farmers and the poor become trapped in a spiral of costs which have negative consequences for both communities and their environment. They have been induced to believe the proffered pots of gold of agribusiness, having believed the multi-million dollar sales and marketing pitches. Similarly, we can see that the Reign of Terror was not directed against the aristocrats, many of whom were of the same mind-set and quite sympathetic to revolutionary goals. Part of the true objectives of the Elite was to unseat and disenfranchise the power base of the peasantry: the small farmers who refused to turn over their grain to the revolutionary tribunals in exchange for assignats. The independent farmer is a great threat to the global governance and World State ideologues because his own produce means personal capital, which gives him independence. Independent farmers and their communities thus present an impediment for World Revolution. Control of food is also power.

At first, the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia were convinced they had the beginnings of a World Revolution on their hands but were thwarted by the resistance of enclaves of independent farmers exploding the myth that such a form of control truly was for the worker or Proletariat. In fact, just as it was during the Reign of Terror, the Communist Party iconography of the tireless worker and devoted peasantry were systematically murdered and enslaved. The exact same patterns can be seen via latter-day corporatists and descendants of the “Age of Reason” who seek to crush the small farmers from India to America in order to wrest the reins of food management, distribution and production towards fully automated, genetically-modified, lab-based food. Consequently, a handful of conglomerates straddle agribusiness and biotech industries. This is what the Rockefeller controlled agricultural programs throughout Mexico and Latin America are really about.

All societal domains have been tainted with a familiar ideology which harks back to the tenets of Illuminist thinking, and the global occult body behind it. Signs of this anti-human perception of reality can be found in the Liberal Establishment’s  United Nations, government agencies, environmental activists and transhumanist thought, while American WASP and Euro-Synarchists’s cartel-capitalism and its debt-slavery is spread over the world care of the Structural Adjustment Team.

These two primary streams are converging to form another technological revolution in the guise of an emerging SMART society. For the Illuminists’ Age of Reason and Enlightenment visions, could they have imagined a better mnemonic acronym for their extraordinary success?


* I have to confess a personal interest in Edmund Burke since he is an ancestor of mine. He was an example of that thoroughly rare animal: the politician with scruples, integrity and conscience; an advocate of “human-heart” based conservatism who remained a believer of the State yes, but striving to retain a genuine benevolence in a period of immense social turmoil. Winston Churchill wrote this about him:

“On the one hand Burke is revealed as a foremost apostle of Liberty, on the other as the redoubtable champion of Authority. But a charge of political inconsistency applied to this life appears a mean and petty thing. History easily discerns the reasons and forces which actuated him, and the immense changes in the problems he was facing which evoked from the same profound mind and sincere spirit these entirely contrary manifestations. His soul revolted against tyranny, whether it appeared in the aspect of a domineering Monarch and a corrupt Court and Parliamentary system, or whether, mouthing the watch-words of a non-existent liberty, it towered up against him in the dictation of a brutal mob and wicked sect. No one can read the Burke of Liberty and the Burke of Authority without feeling that here was the same man pursuing the same ends, seeking the same ideals of society and Government, and defending them from assaults, now from one extreme, now from the other.”



[1] Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke online PDF version:
[2] Ibid. (p.8)
[3] ‘Terror in the French Revolution’ by Marisa Linton, Kingston University |…/filetodownload,20545,en.pdf
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Extract from a law introduced by the Committee for Public Safety, 17th September 1793.
[8] Execution Records,
[9] ‘Two Revolutions’ By Steve Bonta, The New American, October 12, 1998.
[10] The World Significance of the Russian Revolution by George Pitt-Rivers, Sacred Truth Publishing, With Perface by Oscar Levy, 1920, New Edition 2006.
[11] Ibid.
[12] The Blood of Toulouse by Maurice Magre, translated from French by James Bourne.
[13] Edmund Burke to Abbé Barruel, May 1, 1797, in Thomas W. Copeland, ed., The Correspondence of Edmund Burke, 10 Vols. (Chicago and Cambridge, 1958–1978), 9: 319–320.
[14] p.114; Enemies of the Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity by Darrin M. McMahon, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001 | ISBN 978-0-19-513685-2
[15] op.cit Burke; Reflections.
[16] Ars Quatuor Coronatorum vol. viii (1895). ed. G. W. Speth. Margate: Lodge Quatuor Coronati, No. 2078, London. pp. 188-89.
[17] Roberts, Andrew, Napoleon the Great (2014) (Kindle edition ref: location 3181) published by Allen Lane.
[18] George Washington, shortly before he died, read John Robison’s book Proofs of a Conspiracy and immediately expressed his belief to the preacher who had sent it to him, that the designs of the Illuminati were infecting our country. Letter to Reverend G. W. Snyder, Writings of George Washington, (p 518-519).
[19] p. 134; Livingston, David,Terrorism & the Illuminati: A Three-Thousand-Year History Published by Progressive Press, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1615773061
[20] Ibid.
[21] Yale Professor and President of the University of Yale Timothy Dwight The American Mind: selections from the literature of the United States, p. 220. 1798.
[22] op. cit. Reed (p.138)
[23] The Writings of George Washington, vol. 33. August 26, 1794.
[24] Honre-Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau, ‘The Great Terror’ Paris, 1789.

In the Name of the Father IV: Catholicism, Cathars, Psychopaths and Satanists


                     Monségur castle


“What seems to me white, I will believe black if the hierarchical Church so defines.”

― Ignatius of Loyola

The question of paedophilia – in many cases as a probable sub-category of psychopathy – has been explored. The prevalence of homosexuality within the Church is not the issue. The presence of hypocrisy and deception and even possible murder most certainly is. Paedophilia, pederasty, child rape – whether from homosexual or heterosexual preference is equally abhorrent and has been an infection within the Catholic Church, for a very long time, perhaps from its inception.

Sexual energy being forced into an unnatural repression for those who are nowhere near ready to lead a life of abstinence can also lead to disaster. The repression of instincts and desires on top of a maladjusted personality for whom such constraints are dangerous to himself becomes so for others. The Catholic sacraments require the clergy to become celibate and to renounce marriage for the observance of chastity – a view of virginity as the special prerogative of the Christian priesthood. In other words, it is a body-centric doctrine that requires the clergy to lead by example; to become one of the elect that is purified for Christ in order to transmit divine guidance based on the keynote of service.

Jumping back several centuries to a pivotal period for organised religion may be instructive.

The Cathars were a heretical, dualist sect which flourished in southern France, in the region of Languedoc in the 12th-14th century. The Vatican was so worried about them that it formed the notorious Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1233 to combat the spread of this form of heresy. This reached its climax in what came to be known as the Albigensian crusade. Catharism has a peculiar link not only to Catholicism but the nature of psychopathic dominance. Looking back at history we can see how it compares to modern day versions of the disease, acting as a progenitor of today’s emerging Global Pathocracy having spread beyond the confines of organised religion.

In the early 12th Century the Church was deeply threatened by the popularity of Catharism. So much so, it created the first systematic and organised form of inquisition which would later become the infamous Spanish Inquisition the template for much of the totalitarian forms of oppression and torture we have witnessed, from Stalin to Pol-pot, the Nazis to the inverted forms of totalitarianism of modern day government agencies in Europe and America. These were manifestations of a core change in societies which according to historian R.I.Moore led to the “… formation of a persecuting society” from the 1100s onwards and which would stay with us to the present day. [1]

The Catholic Church eradicated every last trace of Catharism, so that most of the writings and evidence for their existence comes from the inquisitors themselves or their supporters. While returning to the source of Old Testament barbarism this also serves to glimpse the true nature of organised religion. Once thoroughly ponerised it stands as a grand exemplar of inversion – what happens when psychopaths hollow out an ideology or belief system so that only the artifice of the original remains. Meanwhile, psychopaths and their sub-categories of authoritarian followers use it as a vehicle for bending reality to their desires.

It is fair to say that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church then was little different to the Church of today except in the crudity of their suppression and dogma. Whereas in the 13th century you could be burned at the stake, excommunicated, whipped through the streets for penance and other such draconian forms of punishment, these forms have been replaced by more subtle forms of coercion. Hidden criminality against ordinary people such as money laundering, extortion, cult and occult groupings and the immense wealth that drives matters at the political and civil level all have equally serious consequences for the idea of religious “service”. [2]

The crusade against the Cathars has remained shrouded in myth and mystery not just because of their beliefs but the brutal way in which they were exterminated from a region that was said to be hundreds of years in advance of the Renaissance. Much literal reading between the lines has been carried out over the intervening years by both specialists and romantics alike lending both authority and frippery to the legend. As a result, Catharism has become a flag-bearer for the New Age and occult tradition with various levels of credulity. Despite this, Catharism has a vital connection to the present in that we are witnessing the same genocide of truth across the world in a variety of complex forms.


Cathar cross

The word “Cathar” derives from the Greek word katharos meaning “pure.” The Cathars were quite literally more Christian than the Christians, following the Ten Commandments and New Testament more closely than the Papal clergy. They observed chastity and poverty rejecting all forms of luxury and material goods for life on the road. They revered Nature; refused to lie or swear oaths; were vegetarian; supported contraception, euthanasia, and held a belief in the transmigration of souls and reincarnation. Their dualist beliefs seemed to be rooted in both Eastern and Gnostic traditions of alchemy, where self-knowledge led to “purifying the vessel” which played a vital role in their teachings. Known for their ascetism, humility and compassion, practicing Cathars (or the “Parfait” meaning “the pure” or “perfected”) numbered no more than a thousand while the number of “credents” * (believers or lay-people) were many thousands more.

There was a rich culture of troubadours and poets aligned to Catharism whose poems and songs of chivalric love underpinned the teachings of the Parfait in populist form. These were travelling minstrels who entertained and educated with the equivalent pop songs of the day. With concepts known as “paratge,” which included honour, courtesy, nobility, chivalry and gentility as the starting point, the lyrics spoke of metaphysical principles that were profound and sophisticated and which greatly appealed to the population of South-West France. It eventually led to a natural rejection of the established Church and its ever-present corruption.

Having tried to muster support for a war against Languedoc and the Cathars for several years Pope Innocent III finally obtained his wish in 1209. The genocide against the Cathars and their followers began with the sacking of Beziers and gradually faded at the siege of Monségur in 1244. The Pope knew full well that any hope of converting the population with a war would fail so he turned it into a replica of the crusades that had raged in the Middle East, thereby appealing not just to the religious extremists but those who saw enormous an opportunity to rape, pillage and come away with substantial amounts of loot.

Béziers was the first city to fall victim to Simon De Monfort, the Pope’s military enforcer and supremely merciless medieval psychopath of the day. After slaughtering most of the inhabitants the city was intentionally set alight, a frightful precursor of what lay in store for so many Cathars, creydents and innocents. It was the type of carnage that was to characterise the next 25 years and lay waste the culture, ecology and spirit of the people of Languedoc.

Historian Stephen O’Brien describes the end:

Soon the entire city was ablaze. The soldiery gradually backed out of the inferno of Béziers. They staggered past the bridge, over the Orb and returned to where they had begun this strenuous afternoon of abattoir Christianity. As they watched the city was consumed in flames, literary a funerary pyre for what scholarly consensus estimates at 15,000-20,000 victims.

Everyone in the town from greybeard Cathar Perfect to newborn Catholic baby, was put to death in the space of a morning. In the days before gunpowder to kill that many people in so short a time required a savage single-mindedness that beggars the imagination. To the crusaders bitter about the lost booty of affluent Béziers there was consolation to be had in knowing that they had done God’s work so efficiently. Personal salvation had been ensured by this stunning victory. In his letter to Innocent Arnold [Amaury head of the Cistercian Order] marvelled at their success. “Nearly twenty thousand of the citizens were put to the sword, regardless of age and sex,” he wrote. “The workings of divine vengeance have been wondrous.” [3]

Over two generations or more of Languedoc men and women were put to the sword, burned alive or tortured to death without trial whilst the counts of Toulouse and many Cathar noblemen were dispossessed with their lands annexed to France. The educated and literate society of the region was replaced by a new Dark Ages and a descent into chaos. The Dominican order was formed to mop up and extinguish the last residues of resistance, taking advantage of the time to persecute and execute Jews whom the Catholic Church also did not trust.

The records of exactly what Catharism espoused is still mysterious. Since most of what we have to go on has come from inquisitorial records extracted under torture and therefore, not exactly the most reliable source from which to form an opinion on Cathar beliefs. From reading between the lines and the credents’ witness reports of the day, Catharism may not have concerned itself with a fear and loathing of the body as evidenced in Christian orthodox religions, but viewed the body as a tool to be respected and utilized for the production of “higher energies” or a form of alchemy of the soul. Their dualist perspective had many elements of a pragmatic holism rather than an enforced moralism.

During the governance of the Cathar councils over the churches in Northern Italy and Southern France, they advocated a spiritual practice for the lay-people that was incremental in its development. The eventual choice for celibacy was part of a natural condition for the very few Parfaits that felt the calling. It was for an elect that had sufficient objective quantities of love and wisdom which were obvious in their thoughts and actions. They were very probably genuine adherents of a living, spiritual faith which was not based on words but accessible, spiritually pragmatic actions which were in stark contrast to the hierarchical authoritarianism, ostentation and corruption of the Church. The maxim of: “By their fruits shall ye know them” was apt.

At its root, what made the Cathar crusade so ruthless and unrelenting may have nothing to do with belief at all, religious or otherwise. Rather it was the meeting of two opposing socio-cultural phenomena: a creative way of life which espoused a compassionate, spiritually practical worldview which met the full force of an entropic perception of life, thoroughly entrenched and unyielding.  As Cathar principles represented a living spirituality intimately connected to Nature and Mind it was logically practical and compassionate and therefore, easily translated into everyday life. Inevitably such teachings which emphasised a personal connection to God conflicted with the dominate purview of organised religion which was the current nesting ground for genetically predisposed psychopaths. The destruction of a way of life was the only conceivable solution in the face of a long term threat to a religious pathocracy.

Cathar coin found at Monségur the stronghold of Cathar parfaits and followers.

Cathar coin found at Monségur the stronghold of Cathar parfaits and followers 

The battle between Catholic orthodoxy and Cathar heterodoxy concerned the question of Good and Evil. Cathars were dualist: matter and spirit, yin and yang, light and dark. There were binary choices to be made in order to distinguish between what augmented the soul and what debased and thereby decreased it. Discerning the specific situation where good and evil battle is fraught with difficulty and knowledge of psychology was needed to discriminate accordingly. To that end, Hell was the Earth but escape was possible by learning to discern the presence of evil in yourself and the external world. Moreover, because the recycling of consciousness (reincarnation) was a key principle in Cathar teachings it inevitably made a mockery of most of the Catholic Church’s tenets and rules.

Who cared if you had sex before marriage if love was the driving force?

Who cared for silly rituals and oaths which made little difference to the essence of who you were?

If the task was to purify and refine your soul in order to escape the endless cycle of incarnation then it stood to reason that earthly concerns and the dogma of theology, nationalism, status and racial divides faded away when you knew that you could be born into the opposing camp. Muslim, Jew, Cathar or Catholic – all forms were on a spiritual wheel. The Light of God was in every man, woman and child and was there to be awakened and freed. Discipline was needed but it was an inner friction of conscious evolution, a choice to be made from within, not from an outside authority. It was the Cathars’ job to nurture that spark by example, something the Catholic hierarchy had abjectly failed to do. Love and empathy was inimical to the smooth running of the Church – fear was the primary weapon of psychological control.

Though Cathar teachings revered Nature as a symbolic version of Heaven made in matter, it was the earthly life that was the “World inside the Devil” and a creation of the forces of darkness. Matter was on the downward spiral away from salvation and ascension, thus corrupt. If systems and institutions were derived and built on the principles of matter and used for men’s desire alone then such systems deserved to be ignored. The authority of the Church was nonsense and a human construct inspired by the Lord of Matter, which was Satan.

For the Cathars and their creydents, it was no surprise that Satan had clothed his minions in the disguise of the self-professed saintly and divine. The self-denial, abstinence and conspicuous absence of wealth among Cathar elect brought into sharp relief the excess and opulence of the Catholic Church. It also fed into popular resentment from ordinary people that something was rotten in their ruling, religious Elite when it came to taxes and penance on behalf of God Almighty. The concept of hypocrisy became the whispered by-word of the people closely followed by disbelief and the reduction of fear. If paying taxes and tithes was a con-trick, this inevitably meant the loss of power and control which could never have been allowed to continue. This core principle of power hoarding is as relevant today as it was then.

The elevated status of women in the movement’s beliefs as well as the refusal to swear oaths of any kind was directly related to the nature of medieval society at the time. Women were deemed equal which was highly subversive. Yet the logic was fitting. If you were a high-ranking cardinal in one life and a prostitute in another – why consider anyone to be enjoying a higher status than the next person? This was also counter to the whole workings of feudal society where status was all important. The authority was maintained by everyone knowing their place in the hierarchy of serfs, vassals and nobles and clergy, a divinely sanctioned pecking order bound together by those same oaths that the Cathars refused to follow.

And here we come to the crux of the matter – the maintenance of power and control of feudalism in Medieval Europe was paramount. Strangely enough, it is precisely this vision of neo-feudalism that has been making a return in the halls of power in the 21st century. The only difference is it is masked by quite sophisticated history of perception management and social engineering.

One can easily discern in Cathar teachings echoes of Gnosticism and Eastern philosophy such as Chinese Taoism and by extension, later anarchistic thought. These perennial philosophies taught that society was inherently corrupt and beyond redemption due to the nature of its inception which was ego-based, desire led and promoted by darkness. The Path of Knowledge and self-improvement was the only way to escape based on the establishment of alternative communities of Truth.

Could it be that behind these great movements that were seemingly anti-society a kernel of truth was common to all in that the pathogen of evil lies in its ability to deceive and distract the mass populace until such time its ascendency has reached a critical mass? Perhaps the nodal points of this “darkness” allow the spread of this macro-social evil through genetically predispostioned “vessels” designed for that very purpose?

These men and women were not known by the terms “credents” or “Cathar” – these were pejoratives given by inquisitors. They called themselves not Cathars but Christians, and referred to their region not as Occitania but in terms of local places and lordships.

Perhaps, after all, they were the real Christians just as they claimed to be.


Modern symbol of the Cathars at Minerve


We are living in a potential age of renewal where in one very real sense we all have the choice to follow some of the principles of Catharism and right human relations or to believe those who profit from  lies and manipulations. Andrew Łobaczewski’s data gathered from his fellow psychologists and his own valuable but harrowing experiences provide us with the tools to understand the emergence of micro and macro-social manifestations of evil and to recognise the symptoms.

As regards religion, Łobaczewski had certain reservations at the beginning of his research that in some way his discoveries would lead to a dilution of his faith as a Christian. He knew that ponerology must bring about certain revisions in our way of thinking as to what constitutes morality and ethics. Perhaps like the Cathars before us who tried to embody the same evaluations and principles in their lives, he mentions that a true rendering of Christianity, without the distortions and many layered fabrications built upon it and an awareness of ponerology has the potential to:  “… bring our thought processes closer to that original and primeval method of perceiving moral knowledge.” [4]

Hysteroidal Cycle

What is fascinating about this period, its relationship to the modern era and the emergence of psychopathy and organised “evil” is that it is predicated on what Łobaczewski calls the “Hysteroidal Cycle” defined as a pattern of change from the psychological definition of hysteria: a psychological state of uncontrollable fear or exaggerated excitability. In this context Łobaczewski describes it as a “fear of truth” or fear of thinking about unpleasant things so as to not “rock the boat” of current contentment. So much of our atrocities and genocides occur precisely due to normal people’s refusal to see the writing on the wall until it is too late – a pathological adherence to a perceptual blindness. The primal fear of the psychopath and the evil that exists ironically causes an avoidance and projection of those fears to the extent that we collectively conjure the very thing we so desperately wish to avoid. Yet religion doesn’t have to be discarded entirely. Łobaczewski talks about the strength and cognitive introspection from the Gospel teachings that can help us understand our fellow man better and provide spiritual nourishment in times of hardship.

Yet, overall, religion cannot be trusted to overcome this cyclic disease due to the absence of a “naturalistic knowledge” i.e. an objective language formed from a psychological awareness and untainted by belief or egotistical demands. He reminds us that the pathogens of evil that eventually culminate as a Pathocracy have: “… certainly appeared many times in history, in various countries and in various social scales. However, no one has ever managed to identify it objectively because it would hide in one of the ideologies characteristic of the respective culture and era, developing in the very bosom of different social movements.” [5] It is this insinuation and successful germination of psychopathy within the structure of organised monotheistic religions of Islamic, Catholic and Judaic orthodoxy that proves so successful; the nature of subjective, authoriatarian doctrines guaranteeing their cyclic manifestation.

Although religion provides spiritual succour to the populace and acts as a regenerative source of strength in times of hardship it is often this very hardship that religion has in part been responsible for perpetuating due to the fundamental flaws built from its theological materials, a principle that applies to any institution that has fear at its root. Łobaczewski adds to this point stating that: “… religious faith and the phenomenon of Pathocracy are in fact at different levels of reality, the latter being more earthy. That also explains why there can be no true collision between religion and the ponerological knowledge about the macrosocial pathological phenomenon.” [6] Which is why the “truest values” regarding any religious faith and connected “societal defence” must stem from a purity of intent and the utmost transparency if pathocratic designs are to be blocked. Our present religions seem ill-equipped to do so.

The ponerisation of religion is a long, drawn out process. Any individual or group pathogens still remaining attached to the structure, even when ostensibly cleansed by reactions from normal people after suffering the sheer exhaustion and oppression that comes from such a dysfunctional state, it does not prevent the process from starting up all over again.

Łobaczewski states:

Human individuals cannot easily contain the entire process within their frame of reference, since such a state spans many generations; their criticism will thus be limited to the questions they are immediately familiar with. However, this gives rise to a gradual but uncoordinated pressure front of reasonable people, thereby instigating some kind of evolution within any group thus engendered. Such evolution will aim at reactivating the original religious values or at overcoming the deformations.

Whether this process achieves its definitive goals depends upon two conditions: If the original idea was contaminated by some pathological factor from the outset, the goal is unreachable. If it is attainable, our asymptomatic approximation will place us in a position wherein the definitive elimination of the effects of the surmounted illness requires an objective view of its essence and history. Otherwise it is impossible to eliminate the leftover pathological deformations which would survive as a factor opening the door to renewed contamination.

Some religious groups may have been started by persons who were carriers of certain psychological anomalies. Particular attention should be focused upon largely paranoidal characteropathies and their above-discussed role in instigating new phases of ponerogenesis. For such people, the world of normal human experience (including religious experience) succumbs to deformation; spellbinding of self and others easily follows, imposed upon other people by means of pathological egotism. We can observe marginal Christian sects today whose beginnings were doubtless of this nature.

If a religion which later fell apart into numerous doctrinal variations had such a beginning, the above-mentioned regenerative processes effected by healthy common sense will bring about a point of advancement that the said religion’s ministers perceive to be a threat to the religion’s existence. Protecting their own faith and social position will then cause them to employ violent means against anyone daring to criticize or bring about liberalization. The pathological process begins anew. Such is the state of affairs we may be actually witnessing today. [7]

Once religion is dominated by pathological individuals it has ceased to become anything remotely resembling spiritual guidance: “The religious idea then becomes both a justification for using force and sadism against nonbelievers, heretics, and sorcerers, and a conscience drug for people who put such inspirations into effect,” thereby allowing religious institutions to become enablers of far reaching, pathocratic directives. [8] In some instances, this can reach almost tragi-comical proportions such as the 1568 edict from the Catholic Church elect which condemned the entire population of the Netherlands to death for heresy. [9]

The Cult of Catholicism

Today, we face the same mass inculcation to obey authority under an array of disguises led by governments and agencies of the United States, Britain and Israel with suitable reactions of “paramoral indignation” should anyone criticise their imperialistic policies. And sometimes, large numbers of the population die for exactly the same reasons they did hundreds of years ago. As author Graham Green so aptly pointed out: “Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.”

burning_hereticsA community-based, dogma-free spirituality incorporating basic psychological knowledge of ponerology may be far better suited to prevent pathogenic infection of the kind that has characterised the genocide and totalitarianism of religious history of the last two thousand years.  What will be crucial is a gnosis that infuses the foundations of a spiritual reality with its outward appearances as close to the truth as possible. Such a break from ponerogenic influence may only be achievable as Łobaczewski terms it, “… whenever a given religion represents a current of gnosis and faith which was originally authentic enough.” [10]

All this encapsulates and symbolises the cover-up of historical truth so prevalent in the twisting and early Christian myth-making that took place around the man called Jesus. It is the arrogance and self-righteous denial fused with the rigidity of “faith” that seals up the cracks in the walls of Pathocracy serving to extend its presence and adaptive qualities. To admit that the infestation of child rapists and molesters has come about because of the Church rather than despite it, can shake the very foundations of that faith. When that faith is inverted, it becomes the new “crusade” that creates conflict when confronted with objective reality. Psychopaths thrive on the warm, dark corners of our minds that harbour such illusions. They are then able to inhabit the outward structures of those beliefs at great expense to our inner life.

The balm of Religion can guide and heal with its myths. The structural precepts of the Church however, appear to be designed for control. When ponerogenesis has taken place the original foundations of truth have no option but to crumble in the face of the physical manifestation of the debasement of truth: abuse, thus organised religion has become a “safe heaven” for paedophiles.  A systematic cover-up of this age-old tradition of abuse was already present and enforced through threat of excommunication. Once the flood-gates began to open, the Church used every tactic in the theological book to coerce its members into remaining silent and to toe the line.

These entropic dynamics allow us to understand just how easily monotheistic religion lends itself to abuse in past epochs being a civilised version of an acceptable Cult in the most literal sense. This allows other cults to lodge themselves within the Church as parasitical leeches on a dying host. Focolare, Communion and Liberation, the NeoCatchumenate and the Spanish, Ultra-Conservative Opus Dei, are all examples of ultra-traditionalist movements engaging in secret initiation ceremonies, brain-washing techniques, intimidation and dangerous “psychotherapeutic” practices. [11]


Seal of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei: “A cross embracing the world” (wikipedia)

Not content with refusing to engage in constructive discourse with his critics, the late Pope John Paul II chose to ride the spotlight of celebrity through the auspices of the Opus Dei movement, active in the world of finance, politics and journalism. He granted special legal status to the organization making it exempt from supervision. This is especially worrisome due not only to its fascist past, but its very real cult status which appeals to the young in ways the Vatican never could. The tacit approval of the late Pope John Paul acted as the perfect PR channel to extend the influence of these nested cults far beyond any rule or statute.

A Gnostic inversion of the sort experienced by Nazi Germany could easily have befallen the Vatican. Indeed, according to the late Jesuit priest and eminent theologian, Father Malachi Martin, there was a conscious Satanic component to the child molestation at the heart of the Catholic Church Corporation. Martin was convinced that Satanists had gradually infiltrated the Vatican which had led to a “… culmination of the rites of ‘The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer’ in the Vatican” and which took place after the installation of Pope Paul VI in 1963.

With the preceding 1962 Vatican document prohibiting all discussion of sexual abuse outside the remit of high level clergy it is hard not to dismiss this warning of Satanism out of hand.  Martin was adamant that Vatican Satanists clandestinely installed “Lucifer” through this ceremony which had been initiated at the St. Paul’s Chapel. While Catholic paedophilia has been located in almost every country that has dioceses, the Satanic references are seldom mentioned. Fr. Martin believed that: “The systematic organizational links of the network that had been established between certain clerical homosexual groups and Satanist covens had inordinate power and influence.” [12]

Whether or not these specific causes are true, the subversion of the Catholic Church was a forgone conclusion based around such sectarian ideology. The destruction of the Church however, which still gives meaning and direction to so many, begs the question, if the Vatican is rotten to the core, what will replace it?

Fr. Martin and others have interpreted the religious visions (and hoax) of the “Third Secret of Fatima” as the beginning of a redemptive period and the beginning of persecution of Christians in order that the Catholic Church may be renewed once again. Pope John Paul spoke in such terms in 1980 when he said:

“We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-to-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise.” [13]

The destruction of the Catholic Church and its consequent “renewal” could be seen as the inner elect emerging as wasps from a fruit having eaten up the insides. Only the shell remains on which a “New Order” may be formed. Much as the Church built on ancient Christianity and its perennial truths, so too, with the dissolution of monotheistic religion will the danger of a new branch develop, reconstructed into a new form of Pathocratic Rule. (See: The Light Bringer II: The Lucis Trust)

In 2003, the Archbishop of Manila died at the age of 76. He was hugely revered and greatly missed. His name was Cardinal Sin. [15] Let’s hope, unlike the Cardinal who seems to have acted as an example for his flock, that the Catholic Church can rid itself of its institutional “sin” in the same way either to transform or go to its meet its maker with a clear conscience. After all, the only authority that we need in our lives as responsible adults is the conscience of our own souls.

As comedian George Carlin expressed: “I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don’t have as many people who believe it.”


* French: croyants/croyantes; Latin: credents.


[1] The formation of a persecuting society: authority and deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250, by R.I. Moore, published by John Wiley & Sons, 2007. | A bizarre echo of Inquisitors of the 13th century and the Nazi “inquisitors” of the 20th century each required that the object of their persecution was required to sew something yellow onto their clothes. With the heretical sympathizers it was a cross and with the Jews a Star. See: pp. 11–12; The Yellow Cross: The Story of the Last Cathars, by René Weis, New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2000.
[2] For a passionate, detailed and searing indictment on the results of two thousand years of organised religion read God is Not Great: The Case Against Religion, by  (the late) Christopher Hitchens Published by Atlantic books, 2007. Or for a more scientific and less bombastic view try Richard Dawkin’s The God Delusion Published by Black Swan, 2007. Though in my view both are deeply flawed in my opinion, they are an entertaining and valuable analysis of the fallacies of organised religion.
[3] The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars by Stephen O’Shea, Published by Profile books, May 2001 | ISBN 1 86197 3500.
[4] op. cit. Lobaczewski (p. 269)
[5]    Ibid. (p. 191)
[6]   Ibid. (p.278)
[7]  Ibid. (p.279)
[8] Ibid.
[9] p. 538; Europe: A History By Norman Davies, 1997.
[10]  Ibid. (p.282)
[11] The Pope’s Armada, By Gordon Urquhart, published by Prometheus Books; 2nd Revised edition edition, Jun 1999 | ISBN-10: 157392699X.
[12] Windswept House: A Vatican Novel, (1996) and The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West (nonfiction), (1990) both by Malachi Martin.
[13] ‘Pope John Paul II and The Third Secret Of Fatima’ QUEEN Magazine, published by the Mantfort Fathers-Bayshore, New York, September, 1983.
[14] ‘Obituary: Cardinal Jaime Sin’ BBC News, June 21 2005.