
The Hissy Fit Generation and the Loss of Free Speech II: Microaggressions and Trigger Warnings (1)

By M.K. Styllinski

“Never has never there been a modern age more saturated in irony and hypocrisy, where blind emotion shreds any semblance of measured reason.”

In the last post we explored the bedrock of postmodernist thinking which informs so much of the present left-liberal system of beliefs. The ridicule and disdain of so called conspiracy theorists – most of whom are merely highlighting the camouflaged nature of social and geopolitical realities – is a frequent hobby of the postmodernists who delude themselves and others into thinking that social constructivism and the very notion of free speech is …a delusion! Certainly, there is a case to made that much of our world is socially constructed and deterministic – especially when we factor in social engineering. However, broadly speaking, for postmodernists subjectivity is an end in itself, nullifying any attempts to arrive at an objective appraisal of reality, and thus the search for truth that potentially binds us together. It is a vacuum of endless open-ended relativity that shuns solutions in favour of an intellectual and epistemological void where anything goes because nothing really exists – its all in the mind as a materialist soup of interaction without practical meaning. Such people draw their emotional succor (masquerading as intellectualism) by focusing on a perceived institutionalised racism, sexism, and a social science that has over emphasised the ‘nurture’ interpretation of social dynamics. This has produced an unhealthy, wholly out-of-balance platform for change, elevating the rights of minority groups over the majority.

Being against Monsanto, the evils of capitalism and the general tenets of anti-globalisation is laudable on paper. However, what use is protest if one is high on the drama of division rather than solutions? Engaging directly with the beast merely feeds it. Peaceful protest is necessary but only as an adjunct to creating alternatives. It’s even worse if you are unknowingly in the pay of Establishment minions like fake philanthropist George Soros who funds various left leaning organisations and activist groups for an entirely different agenda. Hugely important issues raised from the spectre of of 9/11; state-sponsored terror; the weapons industry; child sex rings; human trafficking; the modern-day infiltration by CoIntelpro or even the obvious and continuing conspiratorial nature of the National Security State as a whole, are deemed strangely unworthy for much of the left and radical left, thus easily dismissed as conspiratorial nonsense.  (Noam Chomsky and the late Howard Zinn are prime examples of this conscious or unconscious gate-keeping).

We have witnessed how easily activists on the radical left have fallen for obvious psyops and limited hangouts which mobilised progressive and anarchist movements on behalf of the Deep State. Left academics lament Trump while ignoring overarching realities which encompass patterns of criminal corruption that traverse the right-left divide. Meanwhile, their erstwhile activist colleagues on the street demonstrate Trump and on occasions, turn out to be more violent than the local Neo-Nazis whom they frequently bait.

The wish for a just society and equality for all is the reason for this type of social activism, we are told. Yet, it can be as superficial as it is disingenuous, often based on nothing more than personal dissatisfaction with one’s lot and the sense of power and meaning that comes from being a member of a cause. It emboldens the ego and the individual’s idea that s/he is socially significant; that s/he has earned a self-righteous badge of honour in fighting for freedom and the emancipation of the oppressed. If you cannot or do not wish to see the core reasons for how easily crowd psychology can be used against you, that one is merely a pawn and fighting for nothing but one’s own fragile identity, such energy can be swiftly exploited for all its transient worth by those in power. Without the wisdom to accompany this adherence to “social justice” more false narratives and ineffective “solutions” will nibble at the edges of resolution.

“Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.”

— Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Identity politics reflects the same unhealthy postmodernist programming and activism of choice. Whatever dark projections of unresolved trauma one wishes to externalise in order to exercise meaning and/or exorcise pain – group identity becomes the arbiter of reality rather than substance and facts.  Of course, like any addiction that just makes it worse for the individual and much worse for all of us who have to deal with the psychic pollution and material chaos it creates. We don’t have social activism on the real issues. Instead, we have the collective hissy fit best represented by the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) who are neither warrior-like or just. We have the violent emergence of Antifa who label themselves as anarchist and anti-fascist yet in truth, they are about as far from true anarchism as it is possible to be, whilst employing distinctly fascist methods to impose their views.


World Revolution I

By M.K. Styllinski

 “Do you realize sufficiently what it means to rule – to rule in a secret society? Not only over the lesser or more important of the populace, but over the best of men, over men of all ranks, nations, and religions, to rule without external force, to unite them indissolubly, to breathe one spirit and soul into them, men distributed over all parts of the world? … And finally, do you know what secret societies are? What a place they occupy in the great kingdom of the world’s events? Do you think they are unimportant, transitory appearances?”

Adam Weishaupt, Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften, II

cultofoccult_cover_cultofoccultOccult games of the Elite. (Yawn).

It is almost impossible to do justice to such an immense spider’s web of control; these interrelated connections that seek to herd the global population into their pre-designed pens of cultural mediocrity and spiritual stasis. I may not reach a comprehensive overview, but I hope to synthesise a few topics to give at least an accessible snapshot of the psychopath’s footprints in the snow, as he happily trudges across the ever-freezing landscape of our collective conscience.

In terms of ponerology and its patterns, it is hoped that from the background given in previous posts we can begin to see things from the perspective of the psychopaths who persistently seek positions of influence at the micro and macro-social levels. The creation of beliefs, ideologies and religions can be seen in this light, paired down to the essential principle: a predator species within the human family which strives to find ever more ingenious ways to corral those with the potential for an active conscience and creativity. Or in spiritual terms: the capacity to develop their higher centres – possibly quite absent in the psychopath. Their world is subjectivity, entropy, exclusive desire and domination at any cost. If we can begin to see this complex dynamics of social chaos through the lens of ponerology (the scientific study of the nature of evil within institutions of power) then we will be well placed to absorb the implications of what follows.

The by-product of these individuals who presume to rule over us is an Official Culture of environmental destruction, continual cycles of economic disparity and the wars and debt slavery needed to keep a wholly iniquitous global financial architecture in place. Some of these individuals are conscious only of their rapacious desires to trap and feed, others are wholly aware of their place in the scheme of things; that they are a different minority and have set about ensuring plans for perpetual dominance. To that end, an overarching and compartmentalised conspiracy of social engineering does exist which needs only the slightest tweak here and there, since our culture runs on social norms which are anything but. Rather than a plan of one racial grouping, culture or belief system it is a conspiracy of the psychopath and his lesser nodes of pathological influence at work that is behind most of the seemingly intractable problems currently facing our world.

The dynamic of divide and rule operates at almost every level of society taking advantage of our fragile egos. Official Culture makes us emotional machines constantly shoring up our insecurities about our place in society and whether or not we fit into our peer group and its herd instinct. We can see this conformity at the local pub or in the hallowed halls of academia. (Who needs a conspiracy when self censorship rules?) For all our intellectual prowess we are still in the sand-pit when it comes to discerning how easily our emotions can be played time and time again like an atonal concertina.


 Revolution of the people or the subversion of genuine discontent? | © infrakshun

Members of our Global Establishment who take such a keen interest in our predictable behaviours fall into three distinct groupings which necessarily over lap. These will be explored later in the series. Though Zionism is one of the most effective tools of psychopathy, it is not the only political ideology to be employed within the Establishment. We will also see how the revolution meme has been used not as means for freedom for the proletariat or the oppressed but to let loose new forces of oppression; to distract from the growing knowledge of psychopaths in our midst. With pre-emptive, “coloured” revolutions, old structures break down only to be replaced by new ones with the same owners, crushing the destiny of ordinary men and women and replacing it with their own.

It was no coincidence that there were two major streams of socio-political influence at the turn of the 19th century: Zionism and Communism. The former aimed at solving the Jewish diaspora and the furtherance of extremists elements within of Jewish ideology by the creation of a Nation State as dictated by the religious imperialism; the latter designed to facilitate the dismantling of the nation state and the creation of collectivism care of Russian-Jewish Bolshevism. A Russian hammer came crashing down on the Zionist anvil and Wall St. Corporatism provided the financial means to make it happen. The common root to both was the concept of World Revolution and the carefully crafted idea that it was sourced from the spontaneous uprising of the common man against his oppressor. In reality, such genuine anger and outrage was either extinguished or channelled into a useful political tool for the Elite. Accordingly, the French revolution was not the result of a spontaneous uprising of peasantry against their evil oppressors and which ushered true humanitarian principles and egalitarian harmony, rather, it was planned and engineered by a small group of individuals designed to be the many precursors to a global revolution drawn from a considerably older occult doctrine. In Lord Acton’s words: “The appalling thing in the revolution is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The Managers remain studiously concealed and masked but there is no doubt about their presence from the first”. [1]

It has since become fixed in the minds of many in our present age who believe they are the descendants of those same men. Communism was its inheritor. The English Revolution (1640) the French Revolution (1789) and the Russian revolution (1917) all seemed to follow the same process, which will culminate in the last and final stage of a Global Revolution, the signs of which are never more apparent. The revolution in Russia became a political party, operating in all countries under orders from a central headquarters in Moscow. Though the instigators were a combination of American industrialists and Eastern Jews it enabled a much greater understanding as to who might be behind the first two revolutions. The Elite grouping of the Round Table used the same mechanism by which they would fund both sides and reap the benefits, something which had been perfected in South Africa of 1899 and the onset of the Boer War. Each revolution created immense change in the socio-political nature of “developed” nations irrevocably changing direction away from true civil rights and spiritual autonomy and toward the power of Statism and government control, regardless of whether conservative, fascist, socialist, libertarian or endless variations on a theme were dominating.

Many thousands of books have been written on the socio-political streams which have coursed through the veins of the West, sewn into the fabric of various Empires and the shrouds they cast over foreign cultures. What has remained unchanging is the presence of occult membership at the highest levels. Persecution and conquest has adapted with technocratic efficiency and emerged as inverted totalitarianism, where the global plunder of international banking still partners corporatism and deep politics. One of the primary sources of this tragic state of affairs is drawn from the crystallising of a singular perception which occurred more than three hundred years ago. It was accompanied by an undoubted surge of intellectual virtuosity, artistic creativity and “illumination.”

However, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow wasn’t what it seemed.


Renowned thinkers of the Age of Reason or Enlightenment – also many members of Illuminism – meet to discuss The French Encyclopédie,a primary work of the period. The Catholic Church came under particular attack form the new rationalists.

Illuminism and Enlightenment

The discovery of a secret society called the Illuminati in the late 18th Century is well-known to any Dan Brown fan (apparently they exist in abundance) though its history is far from fictional. It has been the designated dark crucible for all manner of nefarious activities down through the centuries. What is far more likely is that it was an off-shoot of a deeper more esoteric stronghold that has remained entirely unknown. Its presence was the result of a germination of ideas which took place within a cultural milieu which saw intellect and reason as the new science, where individuals such as Francis Bacon, Decartes and Newton had forged a mighty edifice upon which an “Age of Enlightenment” could rest. At the turn of the 18th Century individuals such as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Emanuel Swedenborg and the great Johann Wolfgang von Goethe were just some of its pioneers. [2]

Many of these men were immersed in alchemy or some form of occultism laced with Synarchist and Elitist views. That is not to say that these men were somehow aligned with evil intent. Many Rosicrucian and Illuminati followers were sincerely driven by service to others. Many of the finest romantic writers of the 18th century were influenced by Rosicrucian/Illuminati themes including that of Percy Bysshe Shelley who struggled with arcane principles of alchemy, sexual androgyny, anarchism, deism and atheism. He was acutely aware of the incendiary nature of these themes and the ever-present danger of inversion.

The idea of Revolution was of paramount importance and represented a new paradigm which embraced science, philosophy and the nature of man and the universe. It was a period which saw both destructive and creative forces at work, in secret and in public, which would determine the direction of Western power-brokers giving rise to some of the latter day corporate, occult, military and geo-political think-tanks currently shaping the future. It is this Revolutionary period that saw the emergence of so many key thinkers which would lay the foundation of many of our greatest theories in the realm of science and sociology. The British Thomas Robert Malthus and the German-born George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and his “Hegelian Dialectic” were two important visionaries. These were two of the men that would contribute to a rising belief placing  feudalism and elite rule at the centre of the revolutionary ideal, achieved under cover of working class emancipation.

As a reaction to this subterfuge, anarchism was both a philosophy and practical template for genuine social freedom. The movement was able to see through the monstrosity of a co-opted revolution before it was fatally subverted by governments into a form of class war terrorism. Anarchism today is still used to denote chaos and disorder when its original meaning was anything but. [3 ] While Illuminism was perceived by some as a high-brow branch of anarchism within, it was an entirely different beast, using Establishment principles and false dichotomies to offer something even more diabolical than Statism.


Promotional poster for the Film Angels and Demons (2009) based on Dan Brown’s book of the same name. A surge in interest about the Illuminati or “The Perfectibilitists” – likely an offshoot of Rosicrucianism – it has been encouraged by the entertainment industry.  As a possible insulating cover for the global occult body this is always a useful diversion as awareness grows concerning such fraternities.

The Illuminati is now seen as a product of pop culture though its influence appears vastly underestimated in contemporary political and historical discourse, despite being at the heart of the Enlightenment and quite possibly its primary sponsor. That said, in no way was this the primary source of elite control. It is much more likely that the flowering of Illuminism, while influential was a somewhat temporary Bavarian offshoot (possibly from Rosicrucian influences) let loose by design as further cover for a small group of pathocrats who did manage to influence the Western world in secrecy. The Priory of Sion mythology works in a similar way and indeed any secret society that just happens to become notorious and popularised is in all probability the furthest away from the core nexus of control. By maintaining a constant deflection from the true source, which is probably made up over only score of members at the most, the more conspiratorial mythology the better hence a steady stream of red herrings delivered to pop culture. The Weishauptian Illuminati is no different.

Evidence is clear from his relationship with Baron Adolph Freiherr Knigge that the structure of initiation within Illuminism was very much a bespoke affair and whose influence was destined to flare up and die quite quickly, at least in its formal structure, such as it was.[4]It was for this reason that it was a possible adjunct to a more subtle and measured influence from a global occult collective which remains unknown to this day. The core group of illuminism may certainly have had key agents from this occult fraternity tasked with setting the Illuminati ball rolling until such time the momentum lessened and a new vehicle could be found to initiate other forms of change. This is the nature of such change that in no way does it draw attention to itself. For this reason is a red herring. Nonetheless, it proves an instructive segment of the ceremonial psychopathic mind and one path of its trajectory. Certainly, Illuminism philosophy remains a strong factor in the present Three Establishment Model.

Set against this huge wave of change, a fortuitous event occurred which would blow wide open the nature of Illuminism and its apparently considerable hold on high society at the time. In 1785 a messenger, en route from Frankfurt-on-the-Main to Paris, was struck by lightning. Discovered on the dead body was a paper written by entitled, “The Original Shift in Days of Illumination,” the contents describing the future goal for “the New World Order through Revolution”. On the charred body, other papers also showed correspondence between an individual named “Spartacus” and the “Areopagites” which revealed the same plans for world-revolution which bore a striking resemblance to communism wrapped in occult symbolism. Two other Illuminist leaders were searched and similar papers were found which detailed the same theories for control.

“Spartacus” was eventually revealed to be one Professor Adam Weishaupt and the “Areopagites” his closest associates in the order. The Bavarian government had no doubt that the documents found from the lightning strike were authentic they allowed them to be open to inspection at the archives in Munich. There has been nothing to suggest they were fraudulent, before or since. Weishaupt was the dean of the faculty of law at the University of Ingolstadt when he founded the Illuminati, (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) on May 1, 1776. He did so with a membership of just five, two of whom were Anton Von Massenhausen, Counsellor of the fiscal authority, Munich and known as “Ajax” and Envoy in Regensburg, Max Edler Von Merz, Envoy in Regensburg known as “Tiberius.” [5]

Schooled and brought up by the Jesuits he studied every subject he could lay his hands on and though he hated everything they stood for, he was to adopt many of their methods of organisation and secrecy. By 1777, Weishaupt had been initiated into Freemasonry, in Munich, at the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel and by the summer of 1779, it was effectively under the control of the Order of Perfectibilists which later changed to the Order of the Illuminati. It was the influence of Hesse-Cassel family’s patriarch Baron von Knigge that the Illuminati were able to extend its infection throughout he ranks of high-level freemasonry. With the initiation of the Baron into the Order, an influx of new blood was prepared. At the time of the July 16, Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Hanau, Hesse-Cassel, chaired by “Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of the Order of Strict Observance Writer Alfred G. Mackey wrote in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry that: “… there were delegates from Upper and Lower Germany, from Holland, Russia, Italy, France, and Austria,” with the Baron Von Knigge representing the Order of the Illuminati, and it was: “… therefore surprising that the most heterogeneous opinions were expressed.” [6]

After returning from the Congress one freemason expressed his view common to many within the fraternity at the time: that there was a real threat of subversion to something entirely different to the Christian-based freemasonic principles that followed. The Comte de Virieu from a lodge at Lyon, France exclaimed: “I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the monarchy and the Church to escape from it.” And according to the biographer of Virieu, when he subsequently referred to freemasonry he could only speak it “with horror.” [7]


This is the original insignia of the Bavarian Illuminati. It pictures the owl of Minerva – symbolising wisdom – on top of an opened book. This version of the owl comes from an early pamphlet, printed around 1776. (wikipedia)

In 1785 the Duke of Bavaria issued an edict against the Illuminati, declaring the military, government officials, teachers, students – more or less everyone – were forbidden from joining the secret society followed by a ban on secret societies in general if they hadn’t officially registered their secretive nature, which probably defeated the whole object of the exercise. Once the edict was known more records would have been ordered destroyed or at least placed in very safe-keeping from prying eyes. Illuminism went deeply underground.

It was 1786, the year that the Bavarian government seized papers concerning Adam Weishaupt’s society of Illuminati and raided the dwellings of Weishaupt’s chief associates. The papers were subsequently published in 1787 revealing an overarching plan for world revolution which would see the destruction of religion, nation states and democratic governance. The existence of the Illuminati or “illumined minds” was well known to authorities in Germany before 1786, both in the Britain and later a little later in the US.

The political movement of Jacobinism came under suspicion of being part of Illuminist designs with their bid to restore the Stuart King James II of England and his heirs to the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland. As the Jacobites were fervently against parliamentary interference with monarchical succession it was believed that all manner of means and alliances would be at their disposal, which indeed they were. “They were accused by French Freemasons of converting Masonic rituals and titles into political support for this restoration” and providing the creation of a new Scottish rite of freemasonry by King James himself. [8]

The Illuminati papers themselves amounted to the same Existential Satanism which is so prevalent in today’s Intel-military and corporate occultism. This includes reason and science as the only arbiter of reality; the destruction of the Christian Church and nationhood and some counter-intelligence and propaganda techniques which intelligence agencies the world over would have been proud. Henry Martin offered this commentary regarding what Weishaupt was proposing in his grand plan to re-shape the world:

… the end of Illuminism the abolition of property, social authority, nationality, and the return of the human race to the happy state in which it formed only a single family without artificial needs, without useless sciences, every father being priest and magistrate. Priest of we know not what religion, for in spite of their frequent invocations of the God of Nature, many indications lead us to conclude that Weishaupt had, like Diderot and d’Holbach, no other God than Nature herself. From his doctrine would naturally follow German ultra-Hegelianism and the system of anarchy recently developed in France, of which the physiognomy suggests a foreign origin.” [9] [Emphasis mine]

Anarchy, pantheism, science, (but no pseudo-science) the end of the nation state and a return to family and implied community.  Sounds great to me. However, that wasn’t the whole picture.

Illuminsm was very far from true anarchy in that it had a monumental streak of elitism running through it, not least the obvious core principles of what would later incarnate as Cultural Marxism; a ruthless Machiavellian deceit and possibly the first organised use of terror and blackmail.

Despite Weishaupt’s protestations, his brotherhood was an example of precisely the kind of occultism he apparently disliked. Contradictions abound as is the always the case with such movements. Martin and many others since have suggested that Weishaupt may not have been the inventor of the movement but merely an elevated facilitator which seems probable judging by the recurring nature of the themes. Martin also picked up on the paganism and praise of the “Absolute;” or God of Matter so much a part – not just of Satanism – but the paths to an Eco-Fascism so dominant in Elite and British-German aristocracy.



[1] p. 97; Lord Acton: Lectures on the French Revolution.
[2] Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832) was a member of the Illuminati known as “Abaris”. Chief advisor to Karl August, Duke of Saxon-Weimar; poet, playwright, novelist, philosopher, painter, composer, scientist, economist, sociologist, politician with famous friends, colleagues and acquaintances which span all of the major Enlightenment thinkers. One of the most well-known classics is Goethe’s Faust which many believe to be about the great man himself and his the selling of his soul for mysteries of Illumimism, which though without proof is not beyond the bounds of possibility.
[3] For the full story of anarchism please read: Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism (London: HarperCollins, 2008) New Edition. Also published in the US (Los Angeles: PM Press, 2009).
[4]René le Forestier, Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande, Paris, 1914, Book 3 Chapter 2, pp202-226.
[5] pp.405. 407; Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Augustin Barruel, 1798, Real-View-Books Classics Reprint, 2002 edition.
[6] Albert G. Mackey. Mackey’s Revised Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry, under “Wilhelmsbad, Congress of.
[7] p. 18; World Revolution – The Plot Against Civilization 1921 by Nesta H. Webster (online versions)
[8] p.221; Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Published by Harper Collins, 2001 | ISBN 0060193689
[9] Henry Martin, Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’en 1789, XVI. 533. Quoted in Nesa Webster. Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, London, 1924, p. 207.