The Hissy Fit Generation and the Loss of Free Speech III: Millennials and Generation Z

“My life feels like a test I didn’t study for.”

– quote from a Millennial

“…if this nation has any chance of survival, of carrying its traditions deep into the 21st century, it will in no small part depend on members of my generation, Generation X, the last Americans schooled in the old manner, the last Americans that know how to fold a newspaper, take a joke, and listen to a dirty story without losing their minds … We are the last Americans to have the old-time childhood. It was coherent, hands-on, dirty, and fun.”Why Generation X Might Be Our Last, Best Hope’ By Rick Cohen, Vanity Fair

I am also part of Generation X. We experienced life without the internet, emails, cell and smart phones and navigated through different challenges and struggles, from the revolutions and socioeconomic upheavals of the 1970s; the celebrated greed of the 1980s and the structural transformations of the 1990s. The same challenges exist for today’s young adults but with many more layers of social and cultural complexity. Technology, under the direction of the social engineers is only making things worse, since it offers yet another form of addiction on top of intense political and ideological interference, all of which is channelled through these younger generations who have almost no defences against it.

I found making sense of our Official Culture immensely challenging during my twenties and early thirties manifesting as depression and panic attacks, the struggle of which took up most of my sense of self. It eventually required serious soul-searching and the confrontation of the root causes of these fears and traumas in order to move forward. I was lucky to have assistance in that endeavour even if it was a form of “tough-love” to get me to the place where a more objective perspective was possible. Such a process is deeply unpleasant; often like a form of dying as emotions are healed and the old, false self of programming and egoic survival is stripped away. This takes time, effort and a lot of patience, which is one reason why it is so assiduously avoided.

So, I have sympathy with the psychological crisis that millennials are facing and how important it is that they are given the information and assistance to turn their lives around. But it will be monumental task.

When children have been brought up to be narcissistic and entitled through no fault of their own; where society itself normalises those same qualities, young people have to attempt to navigate through such a morass of conflicting messages and superficial dross that it is no wonder they are floundering. Millennials have (literally) everything at their fingertips but wholly attached to unrealistic aims and ambitions, but detached from social skills and dynamics that would build and sustain them through the inevitable challenges they must face. In one sense, we are witnessing a re-run of the 1960s, that surge in potential awareness of what could be…This time, a genuine millennial passion is shackled by prior conditioning, an unstable  foundation that is constantly shifting beneath their feet making it all but impossible to orient themselves. They have been brought to believe themselves special; nurtured to anticipate and expect great things, but they do not have the inner resources to match the outer reality. Hence, the internal or external “hissy fit” when expectations fail to match that reality, be that from differing views or workplace demands.

When seeking to analyse and appraise younger generations and the challenges they must face, there are no doubt plenty of exceptions to this rule and a great many young adults who do not fit into the following psychological profile. Yet, it seems there are not enough, otherwise we wouldn’t be having the symptoms rising up in our youth that we do. Similarly, the following is not designed to rip apart millennials in order to feel better about my own generation. It is concerned with pin-pointing the problems in order to achieve clarity and possible solutions. The older generations have a  responsibility to assist those who come after since, as parents, we have also played a part in shaping them. With the right kind of mentoring and the right kind of knowledge, they might develop the self-awareness and life skills they need.  Building that knowledge-base will be up to them, as will  facing their fears and discovering their own higher nature and creativity within.  Our collective future depends on it.


Millennials (those born after 1985) are otherwise known as Generation WE, Generation Y, The Boomerang Generation and The Peter Pan Generation. We also have Generation Z which are those born after 1995. These young folks are presently battling the psychological legacy of the Baby Boomer Me Generation of the late 1940s to 1960s – and losing.

Christopher Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism: America In the Age of Diminishing Expections (1979) is now seen as a defining moment in psychoanalytical literature and highly prescient. Lasch was right in highlighting the rise of  narcissism, but wrong on diminishing expectations. Expectations of the young have gone through the roof. His theory that it was poor economics and the hardship it produced that turned people back to themselves. In fact, it is the opposite. The generations of World War II had to endure extreme economic hardship and bereavement yet they were the least narcissistic in modern times; suffering and collective trauma tend to widen one’s perspective in line with a hard-won humility. Yet, many commentators still prefer to use economic disparity as the primary culprit, despite the evidence to the contrary.[1]

Narcissism and the rise of psychopathy and other anti-social disorders across class and race may be seeded in economic hardship but its full-blown expression is in response to the effects of psychological pathogens leading to the degeneration of culture. It is the hysteriodal cycle and the consequent hystericisation of societies that allows such pathogenic infection, where the good times-bad times of economic boom and bust leads to a exponential increase in narcissism, becoming greater as each generation goes by. More on the narcissism curse here.

Millennials and their present struggle with a sense of self and meaning appears, in part, to have been inherited from the Baby Boomers (BB) of the 1960s (and the progeny of Generation X) when the hedonism, sexual revolution, communal goals of flower power and the drop-out generation fell flat on its face. All that remained was the survival of self-focus without any of the original universal principles and goals of social responsibility. Collective awareness had been hijacked by drugs, government CoIntelpro and a hedonistic “free love” which could only burn itself out. As a result, many of that generation who are now in positions of power and influence still can’t grow up. Such a position is ripe for exploitation by institutional evil.

According to essayist Paul Regala writing in Esquire – himself a member of that BB generation –  he puts it more brutally:  “Guys who once dropped acid are now downing Viagra; women who once eschewed lipstick are now getting liposuction. At the risk of feeding their narcissism, I believe it’s time someone stated the simple truth: The Baby Boomers are the most self-centered, self-seeking, self-interested, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing generation in American history.” He states, quite rightly, that this does not mean every member of any generation is narcissistic, only that it has a collective characteristic that seeps through into our cultural memory; what we remember and what we become known for and more importantly how such a legacy effects the children of that generation. It becomes somewhat hypocritical in the extreme when parents whine about their selfie-obesessed children and snowflake students when it was they who may have been getting high on counter-culture acid and fucking whomever they liked and putting it down to liberation and social emancipation, when actually most just wanted to get their rocks off. An ideological altruism was the perfect rationalisation.

Author Bruce Cannon Gibney goes one step further and claims the BB Generation has a large quota of sociopaths. And if we look at the way Western societies have developed over the last several decades it’s not difficult to see why. In his book A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America he believes that certain indicators ruined America. These included improvidence as expressed through disastrous economic policy and national debt; an utterly corrupt congress; criminal selling of manufacturing base for quick bucks; rampant consumerism (take, make and throwaway) sexual permissiveness (take, make out and throwaway). In other words, it was a culture that thrived on getting something for nothing, leaving the cost – both environmentally and psychologically – to the next generations.

What about civil rights and civil liberties legislation as well as the grand resurgence of environmental awareness and activism which came into effect from BB’s activism? Most baby boomers were actually too young to have taken part in such actions, with much of these advancements due to previous generations. If we have a big problem with millennials now,  if we think there’s partial validity to the nurture part of the nature dichotomy, then BB parents literally molded their children in their own image. Since parents are a child’s universe we can’t expect there to be no fall-out. And it seems the narcissism has sprouted from fertile ground.

The BB’s may have laid the groundwork for the millennial generations present narcissism and gender confusion but this would be a simplification of complex social dynamics. We can however, be sure that there are host of negative casual factors and it matters little whether it is economics or education since all societal domains have been infected by a top-down influence of psychopathy in high places.

So, life is not so easy for millennials and Generation Z. In terms of the US economy and the return of easy credit we have the exact same scenario that saw the initial bubble burst of 2008. This time, that bubble is waiting to burst globally, with the United States as the core source of this implosion. Young Americans are fairly broke due to these economic realities, indeed, they are the poorest income group in the USA. This includes exorbitant student debt, stuck in low wages that bear little connection to their degrees (which are increasingly irrelevant) and often forced to live with their parents. Indeed, such an outcome has reached a 75 year high despite a rebounding economy and job growth (however, fleeting that may prove to be). They can certainly thank the apathy and excesses of their parents for the chronic debt they now have to shoulder. [2] (It’s even reached the point where a couple of millennials have sought fit to sell their virginity online to pay bills and college fees…)

Psychologically, they seem ill-equipped to handle such realities, armed with unrealistically high expectations from their parents. The number of young folk choosing to live at home saw a huge jump during the housing crisis of 2008 and levelled out slightly in 2014, partly due to renting properties. [3] Hence the activist anger of income equality, student debt, and an often genuine passion to right social wrongs such as gender equality, sexism, racism and anti-corporatism. According to a government census report from 2016 ,”In 1975, only 25 percent of men aged 25 to 34 had incomes of less than $30,000 per year. By 2016, that share rose to 41 percent of young men.” [4] 81 percent of those living with their parents are working or going to school. One in four of those aged between 25 to 34 are not in school and do not work, in other words, they are playing video games and/or staying home. [5] All the while blue-collar jobs are shrinking and on top of spiralling debt, set to disappear due to robotic automation.

Yet, despite the very real economic difficulties which will see many college graduates paying back their student loans well into their 40s, a recent Citizens Bank survey found that a “… large number of millennials are unwilling to prioritise student loan repayment over spending on luxury and quality-of-life items.” For example, when asked what they’d be willing to give up in exchange for lower student loan payments, this is what the survey revealed:

  • Less than half (45 percent) were willing to cut what they spend on eating out.
  • Just 46 percent said they’d cut their entertainment and social event expenses.
  • A mere 40 percent were willing to limit their housing expenses (rent or mortgage).
  • Only half of millennials were willing to slash their spending on clothes, shoes, and accessories. [6]

And judging by budding former Occupy Wall Street organiser and Rolling Stone writer Jesse Myerson the solutions to this financial debacle is a call to activist arms by demanding (you hear that word a lot from millennials) they fight for 1. Guaranteed Work for Everybody, 2. Social Security for All, 3. Take Back the Land, 4. Make Everything Owned by Everybody, and 5. A Public Bank in Every State. If you decide to read the article (here) and come away thinking this was a compressed school-boy version of Das Kapital economics then you’d be right. Myerson is an admitted communist and a millennial himself – a classic mixture of idealism and zero comprehension of Official Culture realities.  He spouts the same rubbish that got the Occupy movement shoveled into the Wall St. skip and George Soros sweaty with excitement.  If Myerson is anything to go by, it doesn’t bode well that his fellow millennials will grab the Wall St. bull by the horns and find creative solutions outside of the neo-Marxist, postmodernist programming.

Although millennials have reason to be pissed, a great number are directing their anger in often petulant and destructive ways: the ultimate collective hissy fit based on a misinterpretation of the causes and effects. This is more about assigning blame and elevating their victimhood status as a way to bolster identity and a loss of meaning. They focus on what they haven’t got and channel that anxiety into a cause, as opposed to focusing on what they have got and using that humility to read the world correctly and thus adapt. It appears such an effort is still in potentia, if it arrives at all. As a result, these pressures – where fantasy and reality collide – has meant millennials are having a very hard time confronting things – and that ultimately means themselves.

A study of 2,000 young people found that they were anxious about starting higher education due to being unaware of what university life entails. Sleep disruption and panic attacks were the norm reaching 58 percent and 27 percent respectively. The study also discovered a lack of knowledge of basic finances including rent expenditure and even how one goes about paying a bill, despite claiming money acumen. Since only one-third of the would-be students polled had elected to tell the university about a pre-existing mental condition, it seems universities are also ill-prepared to support and treat such an influx of fragile students. [7] The same appears to be true in the workplace with several studies undertaken in the last several years confirming that anxiety is on the rise for millennials.

The most recent report comprised a review of phone screenings from 7,883 workers by workplace services firm Bersinger, DuPont & Associates (BDA) in April of 2015 discovered that 30 percent of young adults born between 1978-1999 professed workplace anxiety more than any other group in the study. (Baby boomers and Generation X’ers came in at around 25 percent). The study gathered accurate data from those who used the company’s employee assistance program, from January 2013 to June 2014. [8] The report also found that while other older workers were more likely to knuckle down and be present in the job, Millennials were more likely to call in sick and skip a day. Is the level of anxiety worse, or is the level of resilience absent? Perhaps one feeds the other. It is hardly surprising that young adults are finding it so difficult since technology isn’t helping – indeed it’s making it much worse.

I don’t often visit big cities these days but when I do it’s always shocking to me the number of young adults (and adults alike) who are staring trance-like into their smart phones. I sat in a cafe and it was the same. A young group of about six 18-20 year old’s sat around a large table large cappuccinos to their sides and smart phones to their faces. Every one. There would be an occasional comment but otherwise it was a silent communion of coffee and finger swishing. It’s the same walking in the street; at bus-stops, taxi ranks, airports and everywhere there is a break from work – it is filled up with smartphone attention where the mind is never still. Thus is was hardly a shock when another survey of 1,000 people conducted by The Bank of America found that Millennials “interact with their smartphone more than anything or anyone else,” which worked out at almost four in 10 Millennials. [9]

In fact, more Millennials own smartphones than any other generation at around 77 percent. They also spend more time staring into their screens (over two hours a day) according to a 2014 survey of 23,000 people by marketing firm Experian. This excludes the hours gobbled up through leisure and workplace time on lap tops and watching television. The report concluded: “…millennials spend so much time on their smartphones that they account for 41% of the total time that Americans spend using smartphones, despite making up just 29% of the population.” [10] This is unhealthy by anyone’s standard, but it seems to be the new normal for the young, which, far from improving interpersonal communication is actually eroding social skills and real time interaction. (This is quite apart from what cellphones do to your brain). Perhaps this is why an influx of millennials are joining social etiquette classes to offset this technologically induced deficit. [11]  (See Part VI)

For a generation priding itself on environmental awareness it seems throwing away perfectly good clothes is also part of millennial’s daily habits, hence clothing waste reaching unacceptable levels. Cuts to education and home economics classes may be one reason but another possibility is that many young people can’t be bothered. [12] If this generation can’t sow on a button or boil an egg then it will come as no surprise that they’re like fishes out of water when it comes to survival skills.

A UK survey conducted at the beginning of this year ahead of the London Boat Show found that a large proportion of this generation are clueless when it comes to basic survival skills which most of the grandparents took for granted. More than half of the young British adults polled were unable to tie a single knot, only a third knew how to spark a flame by natural means and less than one third had caught their own fish or seafood. Google maps as opposed to paper map reading was the preferred options for those below 44 years-old, with 44 percent of millennials having never experienced camping outdoors and 40 percent who had never swam in open water. [13] Technology is clearly offering some very diminished returns.

Alongside high anxiety and a dangerous lack of traditional knowledge, millennials’ techno-urban, sedentary lifestyles are creating a vicious circle which can only exacerbate the problem. Many serious diseases are now appearing in younger adults and increasingly children, matching the increase in mental illness. [14] Poor social skills leads to higher levels of stress and loneliness, which often translates into poorer physical and mental health.  The mind is the body and the body is the mind, after all. [15]

The mix of insecurity, entitlement, and sometimes basic laziness doesn’t sit well with material ambition. Despite this, millennials claim to be highly ambitious. If a psychological preparation is absent as well a lack of practical hands-on knowledge both seem to reflect a reliance on a purely subjective interpretation of the real world designed to serve narcissistic needs. If the inability to take care of oneself in daily urban life (let alone in the countryside or wilderness) this is causing intense anxiety and a contraction toward an unhealthy self-preservation. When the shit truly hits the fan and the stakes are even higher, these young souls are likely to break and break quickly. Research data suggest we may be seeing this confrontation with reality playing out before our eyes. What these generations really need are clear values, principles and skills to guide them during a time of intense and complex change.

However, the psychological floundering of these generations isn’t just about lacking social skills and a disconnection from the natural world. There is something much deeper going on here as the rise in Californian heroin use and the strangely numb and nihilistic view on sex attests. The former is due to the initial use of prescription pain-killers which has led, in some cases to a 75 percent increase in high school seniors seeking to blot out reality through being unable to cope with it. [16] While many millennials are literally hooked on the hook-up culture and associated addiction to porn. There is a proportion of millennials claiming disinterest in healthy sexual relations, which on the face of it may appear to be a positive swing to the search for intimacy rather than hook-up sex. But look a bit deeper and this too seems to be another effect of a culture of addiction transferred to technology and pornography; underscoring a debilitating lack of meaning in young lives.

An interesting piece in the Washington Post last year explored the nature of this trend toward communication as “anti-sexual.” The article states includes data from the journal of Archives of Sexual Behavior which found: “… that younger millennials — born in the 1990s — are more than twice as likely to be sexually inactive in their early 20s as the previous generation was. Even older millennials are more sexually active than this younger group is. Recent research also shows that overall, millennials — people born between the early 1980s and 2000 — have fewer sexual partners than the baby boomers and those in Generation X, the group immediately preceding them. Granted, the vast majority of young adults are still having sex, but an increasing number of them appear to be standing on the sidelines.” [17]

This does not mean that younger people are moving towards marriage as the answer either. In fact, they are taking a leaf out of the baby boomers book with both generations moving toward co-habitation which is effectively replacing traditional matrimony. While the boomers shift is down to a spike in divorce, Millennials’ reasons for shunning the idea of marriage appears to be both financial (saddled with enormous debts) and cultural (gender equality and gender roles confusion) which means marriage is no longer promising for 25 percent of this generation. [18]

Delaying sex, becoming more accepting of consensual sex and being discerning about who one shares one’s body with are all positive indicators for the promise of healthy relationships. However, some experts have doubts as to whether the root cause of this change – parallel to hook-up culture – is really healthy. Indeed, is this “drop off” in interest due to the difficulty in forming deep loving connections with the opposite sex? Experts cite the: “…pressure to succeed, social lives increasingly conducted on-screen, unrealistic expectations of physical perfection encouraged by dating apps and wariness over date rape” as possible causes of this shift, which, quite frankly, is more probable given the other factors shaping millennial lives. It is technology and the ubiquity of image and porn that appears to be warping the potential for intimacy and the decline in extramarital sex. As one millennial mentioned in the article regarding women: “I enjoy their companionship, but it’s not a significant part of life,” … “I’d rather be watching YouTube videos and making money.” This individual has never had sex but he “likes porn.” This is a virtual world, a chosen simulation of life based on chemical gratification.

As researcher and author of The Narcissism Epidemic Jean Twenge states: “People are not spending enough time alone just together. There’s another gorilla in the room: It’s whatever is turned on electronically.” With a highly ambitious generation afraid of real feelings and rooted in the assumption that society owes them something the safe space comes from their ever-present arbiter of reality: technology. The loss of interest in sex for some young adults maybe a symptom of a numbing overload. As this particular millennial casually explains: “I’ve seen so much of it …There isn’t really anything magical about it, right?” [19]

This attitude exhibited by some millennials may cross over into social and political beliefs and explain a rise in American conservatism when compared with other generations alongside the left-liberal, postmodern belief of choice. [20] Generation Z could already be the most conservative since World War II with millennials tuning in to left-liberal paramoralism in response. [21] Yet, the reasons for this rise are from a host of different factors. Narcissism cuts right across the culture wars.

Although this series is certainly focusing on the rise of left-liberal radicalism and its part in eroding free speech there is good reason to believe that there are a lot of conservative millennials out there. However, the influence of social networks and the echo chamber effect means that this is more likely a product of tunnel vision and the same backlash against inherent uncertainty than any measured, contemplative reasoning. It doesn’t matter much what political allegiance one has, the belief in question may just be resonating with innate predispositions and personality traits as opposed to deep research and soul-searching, something millennials aren’t exactly famous for. As British business psychologist Dimitrios Tsivrikos opined, social networks: “… are using only these algorithms to feed us with stories that are completely tailored to us. That doesn’t allow us to explore diversity to explore another opinion.” [22] It is the flipside of the left but sourced from the same increase in political tribalism and the polarisation it induces in young minds. When you congregate with those who agree with you, it becomes another comfortable tick in the box for security but a cross against compromise and challenging views which could enrich your worldview. But that would mean the internal safe space might be at risk…

This polarisation of tribal beliefs over rapid “swiping” of usually poor mainstream media information obviously has implications for the reception of true knowledge. A 2015 Harvard Institute of Politics survey confirmed the presence of this particular brand of ignorance and conservative belief by showing that over 60 percent of young Americans polled would be quite happy to send in more troops on the ground to fight ISIS in Syria but are less inclined to lead the charge themselves, with 85 percent of respondents not willing to join the military. [23] To call for war against a foe that was largely created by the very Western elites they presume to be democratic is the same old unthinking that caused the catastrophes of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Somalia etc. At least make the effort to analyse the true nature of the situation rather than throwing out hot-air opinions. Which is probably why the British Army’s recent £3 million recruitment drive failed to interest most millennials due to precisely this brand of self-interest which is high on opinion and ambition but low on action and authenticity. [24]

In this way, the new wave of conservatism parallel to the stronger cultural tide of political correctness stems from the same source, which is narcissistic fakery and/or pressure to conform – depending on one’s tribe of choice. In this context, no ideology or belief is genuine since it is borne of fear and the need to shore up one’s own lack of inner substance. Which is probably why those individuals feel a pull to conservatism – radical or otherwise – and those that resonate to the radical left and its various cheerleaders because it fits with their personality preferences rather than anything authentic. It’s all skin deep. In fact, a recent study by Grand Valley State University professor Karen Pezzetti highlights this disingenuous nature of current beliefs, with political correctness in particular shown to be only a vehicle for hot air. Which is essentially what the nature of postmodern values are all about.

This discrepancy between talking the talk about diversity, racism, sexism etc. whilst refusing to walk the walk – despite the fact that most of these issues incorporate myths, distortions and downright fabrications – then it bespeaks a familiar lack of ability to internalise and contemplate deeply a range of issues. Or in other words, as Pezzetti states: “…the ‘savvy’ ability of younger generations to speak the language of inclusivity without internalizing its tenets” means that the only thing that young folks have internalised is postmodernism and its non-values. This nihilism offers nothing for the young to hold onto except empty intellectulisations adrift in a sea of inculcated narcissism. She observes further: “Prospective teachers born after 1985 (Millennials) and 1995 (Generation Z) may simply have learned to participate in an educational discourse that only purports to eschew racism and value diversity” … “In other words, perhaps these young prospective teachers do not actually have more positive attitudes towards children from backgrounds that differ from their own, but are simply more savvy (or politically correct) about the ways they talk about students from diverse backgrounds.” [25] Thus inhibiting the emergence of real solutions through compromise and real world knowledge.

Taking all the above into account we may begin to understand why millennials are expressing a disconnect between free speech and the left-liberal mindset of choice. Free speech is the last of their worries -which makes the future even more alarming.

The millennial and Z generations – indeed all of us – would do well to remember these nuggets of simple wisdom as we go forward into an uncertain and challenging future:



[1] pp.62-63; Twenge; Jean M.; Campbell, W. Keith; The Narcissism Epidemic: Living In The Age of Entitlement (2009)
[2] ‘Percentage of Young Americans Living With Parents Rises to 75-Year High’ Wall St. Journal, Chris Kirkham, December 21st 2016.
[3] ‘How broke are Millennials? Pretty broke when you look at the data,’, 27 Nov 2015.
[4] ‘The Changing Economics and Demographics of Young Adulthood: 1975-2016’ Report Number: P20-579 By Jonathan Vespa
[5] Ibid.
[6] ‘Drowning in debt, college graduates refuse to give up luxuries’ Tactical Investor, 18 Jan 2017.
[7] ‘Research finds millennials aren’t ready for the ‘reality of life’ – suffer panic attacks and anxiety problems’ By Daisy Dunne, UK Daily Mail, 05 Jul 2017.
[8] ‘Young adults less adept at dealing with workplace stress than older coworkers’ Akane Otani, Bloomberg, 10 Apr 2015.
[9]  ‘Addicted to technology: Millennials spend more time engaged with their phones than with other humans’ Catey Hill, MarketWatch, June, 2016.
[10] Ibid.
[11] ‘Millennials attend etiquette classes to brush up on social skills’ Meg Oliver, CBS New York, 01 Mar 2017.
[12] ‘Heroin use fuels surge of emergency room visits among California millennials’ Susan Abram, Los Angeles Daily News, February 2017.
[13] ‘Millennials lack basic survival skills compared to older generations’ By Megan White,UK Daily Express, Jan 3, 2017.
[14] ‘Millennials face an epidemic of digestive diseases due to poor diets and sedentary lifestyle’ Mia de Graaf, UK Daily Mail, 28 Feb 2017.
[15] ‘Poor Social Skills A Danger To One’s Physical, Mental Health, Study Finds’ By Daniel Steingold,, 12 Nov 2017.
[16] ‘More millennials are avoiding sex, feeling ‘There isn’t really anything magical about it’ ‘ Tara Bahrampour, Washington Post, 03 Aug 2016.
[17] Ibid.
[18] ‘Baby boomers and Millennials are turning away from marriage in America’ By Edgar Wilson, Digital Journal, 28 Apr 2016.
[19] Op. c20it Brahrampour.
[20] ‘Americans are more politically polarized than ever with millennials more conservative than you think’ Jacqueline Howard, CNN, 07 Sep 2016.
[21] ‘The Next Generation of Conservatives (Gen Z) may be the Most Conservative Since World War II’ By Eric Metaxas, March 16th 2017.
[22] ‘Social media ‘echo chamber’ causing political tunnel vision, study finds’ Tom Cheshire, Sky News, 06 Feb., 2017.
[23]  ‘Majority of US millennials want boots on the ground against Daesh’, Russia Insider, 11 Dec 2015.
[24] ‘Head of British Army: Millennials’ narcissism making recruitment difficult’ RT11 Jan 2017.
[25] ‘Millennials know ‘politically correct’ talk, but don’t know what it means to apply it’ Toni Airaksinen, Campus Reform, August 23rd, 2017.

One comment

  1. Millenials cannot possibly understand Jordan Peterson’s too sophisticated (for them) message. They are too dumbed down…


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