Fire worship

World Revolution II: The Hive

“The human race will then become one family, and the world will be the dwelling of Rational Men.
– Adam Weishaupt

Continuing our look into the roots of the conspiracy coat-hanger of occult naughtiness: the Illuminati.

bee_on_honeycomb-1969pxIn the Weishaupt papers was a diagram which gives a fascinating insight into the megalomania of the professor and the structure of the Order, where emphasis is placed on the bee hive’s honeycomb system of organisation and it’s potential for secrecy and subterfuge, the same system upon which Communism and subsequent intelligence cells would operate. The fascination with bee symbolism was in evidence not only in freemasonry but in Royalty and in many ancient mystery cults. Once symbolising the ethics of cooperation, industriousness and mutual assistance the bee hive became the perfect representation of the Illuminati methods of concealment, the efficacy of the Hive Mind and group consciousness, this time working with materialist, scientific precision.

What is made clear in the papers is the perfection of such a template for espionage. If one hexagonal unit is discovered it can be temporarily lost or easily repaired without affecting the operations of the whole. At the centre of the diagram lies Weishaupt and written above in his own hand: “I have two immediately below me into whom I breathe my whole spirit, and each of these two has again two others, and so on. In this way I can set a thousand men in motion and on fire in the simplest manner, and in this way one must impart orders and operate on politics”. [1]

In 1777 Bavaria and Greater Germany had been host to a spread of Illuminism like fire in a corn-field. By then, France, Italy, Austria, Poland England and even America had succumbed to their influence:

In the third year of operation Weishaupt boasts to Zwack that they have more than a thousand initiates. … Knigge recruits an additional 500 … – mostly masons – very shortly after his initiation in 1780; and by the third edict against the Order the Illuminati were estimated to have between 2000 and 3000 members. [VS] John Robison compiles an interesting statistic concerning the different lodges and locations: Munich, Hesse (many), Ingolstadt, Buchenwerter, Frankfurt, Monpeliard, Eichstatt, Stuttgart (3), Hanover, Carlsruhe, Brunswick, Anspach, Calbe, Neuwied (2), Magdeburg, Mentz (2), Cassel, Poland (many), Osnabrueck, Turin, Weimar, England (8), Upper Saxony (several), Scotland (2), Austria (14), Warsaw (2), Westphalia (several), Deuxponts, Heidelberg, Cousel, Mannheim, Treves (2), Strasburg (5), Aix-la-Chappelle (2), Spire, Bartschied, Worms, Bahrenberg, Düsseldorf, Switzerland (many), Rome, Cologne, Naples, Hannibal, Bonn (4), Livonia (many), Ancona, Courland (many), Florence, Franken Dahl, France, Alsace (many), Holland (many), Vienna (4), Dresden (4), America (several). [4]

The extent of Weishaupt and the Illuminati’s reach can be seen in the governing principles and a detailed administrative plan comprising of Regents, Local Superiors, Provincials and National Directors. It was Weishaupt’s will that a National Director should reside in every country so that they may be: “… in direct communication with our Fathers, the first of whom holds the helm of the Order.” [5] (See below).

The documents show only a part of the area over which the Illuminati had spread, it is therefore reasonable to assume that Weishaupt was answerable to a director above him, another segment in the larger hive. Though judging by the ad hoc nature of Weishaupt’s feverish attempt to create the higher degrees, it seems the organisation may have taken on a momentum regardless. As we have seen, construction of the Order allowed for accidental detection which would damage only the segment in question without affecting the security of the whole. Thus, if there were higher directorates above Weishaupt which seems likely, then they were never discovered.


Professor Adam Weishaupt

I. The Nursery

  • 1. Preparatory Literary Essay
  • 2. Novitiate (Novice)
  • 3. Minerval (Brethren of Minerva, Academy of Illuminism)
  • 4. Illuminatus Minor

II. Symbolic Freemasonry

  • 1. Apprentice
  • 2. Fellow Craft
  • 3. Master
  • 4.  a. Scots Major Illuminatus | b. Scots Illuminatus Dirigens (Directory)

III. Mysteries

  • 1. Lesser
  • a. Presbyter, Priest, or Epopt  |  b. Prince or Regent
  • 2. Greater
  • a. Magus | b. Rex or King [6]

The aims, methods and organisation of the Order were all explained in the papers. It seems he preferred the label of “Illuminati” for his new network because of the “image of the sun radiating illumination to outer circles.” This was due to his desire for the Order to be updated into a cult of fire worship and: “… the whole philosophy of Zoroaster or of the old Parsees.” [7] Henceforth, the Order was always represented in correspondence between members as a circle with a dot in the centre, reflecting Weishaupt’s fascination with Eleusinian and Pythagorean Mysteries. [8]

What was clear from the correspondence between “Spartacus” and his brethren was that the established authority, nationhood and religion, must all be removed by all and any means necessary in order to make the way clear for a neo-feudal class of Elite citizens or “illuminates” who would then guide the world into a New Order or Golden era. Weishaupt states: “Princes and nations will disappear … Reason will be the only code of man”.

The elimination of nationhood and the Church was of primary importance to the Illuminati just as it is to so many globalist think-tanks and (not so) secret societies today. The channel by which Weishaupt was able to garner so much support was through his Machiavellian tactic of good intentions and the appearance of “progressive” ideas, a manoeuvre used to great effect today through the auspices of seemingly benign groups and individuals on the liberal-left who often act as a back-door of more oppressive policies. [9] Indeed, examples of Conservative and Neo-Conservative beliefs in numerous lobbying and think-tank outfits are obvious in their bullish, Leninist force, such as PNAC, National Endowment for Democracy, American Enterprise Institute etc.  But the more internationalist or liberal-left luminaries such as Amy Goodman, Juan Cole, Noam Chomsky or the late Howard Zinn act as effective gate-keepers of these beliefs – probably unconscious – which can often provide cover for strategies which have nothing to do with the betterment of humankind, socialist or otherwise. Just look at the ingredients put together to produce the Obamamania marketing …

(An example of this is an irrational dismissal of unanswered questions surrounding the events of September 11th World Trade Centre and Pentagon attacks. Zinn and Chomsky both refused to engage on one of the most obvious and ambitious false flag operations of modern times, preferring to believe in the official conspiracy theory that any high school student could see is woefully inadequate).

Methods of subversion were visited upon the Church in trail-blazing fashion. Weishaupt ensured the employment of methods to swell the numbers of clergy entering the lower ranks of the Illuminati, thus giving the impression of support for the Church. One of these methods was to make up the idea of “a secret doctrine” which Jesus had incorporated in the Gospels and which could be discerned by those who had sufficient perception. The idea was that the New Religion of science and reason would sit side by side with a New World Religion based around Nature and summarily replace Christianity: “… when at last Reason becomes the religion of man so will the problem be solved”. Francis Bacon couldn’t have said it better. In private the Illuminists were having a grand old time.

Before his falling out with Weishaupt, Baron von Knigge as “Philo” wrote:


Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwid Baron Von Knigge (1752 – 1796) Member of the Illuminati (wikipedia)

“We say then, Jesus wished to introduce no new religion, but only to restore natural religion and reason to their old rights … There are many passages in the Bible which can be made use of and explained, and so all quarrelling between the sects ceases if one can find a reasonable meaning in the teaching of Jesus, be it true or not … Now therefore that people see that we are the only real and true Christians, we can say a word more against priests and princes, but I have so managed that after previous tests I can receive pontiffs and kings in this degree. In the higher Mysteries we must then (a) disclose the pious fraud and (b) reveal from all writings the origin of all religious lies and their connexion…”

Spartacus: “You cannot imagine what sensation our Priest’s degree is arousing. The most wonderful thing is that great Protestant and reformed theologians who belong to Illuminism still believe that the religious teaching imparted in it contains the true and genuine spirit of the Christian religion. Oh, man, of what cannot you be persuaded! I never thought that I should become the founder of a new religion”. [10]

The God of Reason and the God of Nature was not only ideologically close to the precepts of radical materialism (Satanism) combined with a fusion of Judaic ideology over Marxist planning. The dismantling of organised, Christian religion was an essential part of that process just as it would be under Stalinism. Weishaupt was Jewish and these teachings were the illuminist creed. Does that mean the much loathed cliche of a Jewish conspiracy is true? There is no evidence that a high proportion of the Illuminati were Jewish or that the overriding goal was the imposition of a strictly Judaic form of occult subversion. What it does show that once again psychopaths and their sub-deviants used Judaism and some Jews as a very early as a tool for manipulation, as discussed. The Babylonian Kabbalah is an integral part of Jewish mysticism and freemasonic lore, so, it is not surprising that alternative offshoots like Illuminism had at their helm a Jew, since in the beginning standard freemasonry did not allow Jews into the order, except that is in the 19th Century with the emergence of the Order Of Zion.

To reiterate, the Bavarian Illuminati were like a masonic-terrorist group which disdained both religious and esoteric explorations. In Weishaupt’s Illuminism – perhaps oddly for some – there was no room at all for other forms of occultism, spiritualism, alchemy and any forms of “magic” suspicious as he was of Jesuit infiltration. Yet a mix of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses Eleusis, fire worship, Zoroastrianism and Pythagorean thought he certainly favoured.

Progressing through the ranks of the Illuminati was akin to a process of mind control and brainwashing. Attaining wisdom or understanding didn’t feature, rather it was to be “remade into a totally loyal servant of a universal mission” and dare we say …”agent of change” on along revolutionary lines.[11] It was inferred that the novice would be under constant surveillance from his unknown superiors and was taught to inform on everyone around him, the logical conclusion being that his fellow Illuminists would be informing on him too. In this way trust was eroded in all things except the hierarchy of the Order. Terror was the teaching and application. In the end, he could trust no one. (Little wonder that such a template was introduced into the Russian Revolution to produce Stalinist Communism).

Everything possible was known about new recruits in order that they be “remade” and fixed to the path allotted to them without deviation. Blackmail, psychological warfare and exploitation featured heavily in Illuminist goals. Discovered with the papers were separate but related documents describing a variety of procedures, postulates, ideas and inventions, reading like a spy vs. spy rule-book. For the public of the day it was nothing less than macabre. This included the right to murder its own members if necessary; the description of a machine for the automatic destruction of secret papers; prescriptions for inducing abortion, the creation of poisonous perfumes, counterfeit seals and tracts in praise of atheism.[12]

The target to infiltrate and take over the Grand Orient Freemasonry was described in the Weishaupt papers in sufficient detail. He wrote: “I have succeeded in obtaining a profound glimpse into the secrets of the Freemasons; I know their whole aim and shall impart it all at the right time in one of the higher degrees”. With an almost gleeful rubbing of the hands Weishaupt instructs his Illuminist agents to “cover” themselves with Freemasonic principles the forerunner to being “undercover” as used in later communist espionage and counter-espionage activities. It remained the key principle of the Illuminati appropriation of freemasonry.

The director continued:

“If only the aim is achieved, it does not matter under what cover it takes place; and a cover is always necessary. For in concealment lies a great part of our strength. For this reason we must always cover ourselves with the name of another society. The lodges that are under Freemasonry are in the meantime the most suitable cloak for our high purpose . . . a society concealed in this manner cannot be worked against. . . In case of a prosecution or of treason the superiors cannot be discovered. . . We shall be shrouded in impenetrable darkness from spies and emissaries of other societies”. [13]

Prince Karl of the Royal House of Hesse and his membership of the Illuminati provided vital channels through which the Illuminati could flow, including the twin duchies and Office of Regent of Schleswig-Holstein and further links to the Danish court via his wife the Princess of Denmark, Mary Hanover and the King of Denmark and Frederik V Oldenburg. His associates were found in the British East India Co. and also included Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his son Nathan Mayer Rothschild. The House of Hesse would go from strength to strength harbouring Illuminati principles well into the future.

An even greater coup came from Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, and freemasonry’s Grand Master of the Order of Strict Observance, who had joined the Illuminati after he had convened the most important Congress of the 18th Century. He was to realise his mistake over ten years later in that he had unwittingly unleashed a pathogen within the ranks of freemasonry. In 1794 he expressed his shock and sadness at being duped by instigators of the French Revolution and the need to “cut out to the roots the abuse and error” which he had allowed to infect the Order. A momentous decision to dissolve the most powerful body within Freemasonry would commence:


Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

“…. We see our edifice crumbling and covering the ground with ruins; we see destruction that our hands no longer arrest… A great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. This sect is known to everyone; its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations … They began by casting odium on religion … the plan they had formed for breaking all social ties and destroying all order was revealed in all their speeches and acts … they recruited apprentices of every rank and in every position; they deluded the most perspicacious men by falsely alleging different intentions … Their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the government of the nations was to be directed by their nocturnal clubs. This is what has been done and is still being done. But we notice that princes and people are unaware how and by what means this is being accomplished. That is why we say to them in all frankness: the misuse of our Order … has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today. You who have been initiated, you must join yourselves with us in raising your voices, so as to teach peoples and princes that the sectarians, the apostates of our Order, have alone been and will be the authors of present and future revolutions … So as to cut out to the roots the abuse and error, we must from this moment dissolve the whole Order…” [14]

Meantime, the events which led up to this point had seen the creation of Jacobin clubs by Illuminist agents who were the driving force of cruel executions and various atrocities which came to be known by the generic title of the “Great Terror”. There seems little doubt that the Illuminati was at the root of the French Revolution and the destruction that followed. This was known well before the fire of “revolution” raged out of control.

In 1789 the journalist and essayist Marquis Jean-Pierre de Luchet published his Essai sur la secte des Illuminés, denouncing the leaders of the Bavarian Illuminati, their control of freemasonry in Europe and in particular his native home of France. His predictions were perhaps one of the most accurate appraisals of the events that were to follow:

“Learn that there exists a conspiracy in favour of despotism against liberty, of in capacity against talent; of vice against virtue, of ignorance against enlightenment … This society aims at governing the world … Its object is universal domination … No such calamity has ever yet afflicted the world …” […] “Deluded people. You must understand that there exists a conspiracy in favor of despotism, and against liberty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, or ignorance against light! … Every species of error which afflicts the earth, every half-baked idea, every invention serves to fit the doctrines of the Illuminati … The aim is universal domination.”  [15]

The actions of Comte de Mirabeau, a close associate and confidante of Weishaupt,  provided compelling evidence that the French Revolution was planned and initiated by Illuminati mind control and Jacobean muscle. This was no natural uprising of a disgruntled peasantry and exploited workers – that was largely a romantic myth. Mirabeau’s philosophy of secular upheaval and universal revolution were enlisted for the Illuminist cause and proved to be extremely effective.

As an “outstanding orator” in the National Assembly who used “evocative language” to popularise Illuminist concepts, he was able to swell membership and indoctrinate many high level power-brokers in Paris. He was a member of the Jacobin Club and had a directorial hand in the encouragement of the horrors themselves. It was no coincidence that the incendiary language he used included the invention of phrases which passed into bloody history such as “revolutionary,” “counter-revolution”,  “counter-revolutionary and “The Great Revolution.” [16]


Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau

Mirabeau used the Illuminati’s embryonic techniques of propaganda and emotional trigger words, the equivalent of what is now known as psychological training in perception management, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other forms of mind manipulation now used so extensively by the Establishment. Essentially, Mirabeau was a powerful spellbinder. You might say that he was an earlier incarnation of that much loathed figure and ultra-hypocrite Tony Blair whose oratory and persuasive appeals to the emotions managed to sway the more gullible members of parliament and public alike, regardless of the facts.

As is often the case with such people, the Count had been plagued by financial irregularities and spells in prison and had even worked as a secret agent long before he met Weishaupt. [17] His travels in Germany and fascination for the Prussian monarchy as well his own, culminated in his treatise: De la monarchie prussienne sous Frédéric le Grand (1788)  written with assistance of a Brunswick friend, Jakob Mauvillon.

In it Weishaupt and the Illuminati are mentioned by name:

“The Lodge Theodore de Bon Conseil at Munich, where there were a few men with brains and hearts, was tired of being tossed about by the vain promises and quarrels of Masonry. The heads resolved to graft on to their branch another secret association to which they gave the name of the Order of the Illuminés. They modelled it on the Society of Jesus, whilst proposing to themselves views diametrically opposed.” [18]

Drawing our attention to the fact that the above methods penned by Mirabeau matched perfectly with Weishaupt’s own correspondence, author and journalist Douglas Reed details a convergence of proof which suggests that had both been working together to unseat freemasonry and inaugurate a New Revolutionary Order, at least at the time of his writing in 1776, well over a decade before the revolution.

Reed explains:

“… his words suggest that the secret society of the Illuminati was founded with the express intention of gaining control of Freemasonry and of instigating and directing revolution through it. That Mirabeau was party to the whole undertaking from the start is suggested by the fact that the memoir of 1776 (the year in which the Illuminati were founded) ascribes to him the Illuminist “cover-name” of Arcesilas, so that he must have been a founder member, with Adam Weishaupt, and a leading Illuminate thereafter. Mirabeau, as the link between Weishaupt and the French Revolution, cannot be ignored. The editor of his Memoirs, M. Barthou, remarks that the “plan of reform” of 1776, found among Mirabeau’s papers, “resembles very much in certain parts the work accomplished later by the Constituent Assembly” (the revolutionary parliament of 1789). That is another way of saying that the work of the Constituent Assembly very much resembled Adam Weishaupt’s plan of 1776, when he and Mirabeau together were founding the Illuminati and planning together to gain control of Freemasonry.” [19]

It is highly probable that Weishaupt merely picked up the baton of occult belief circulating at the time and reinvented it according to his own pathologically narcissistic designs. As to whether he had “orders” from a group of Rosicrucian superiors remains probable, the House of Rothschild offered up as probable suspects by many authors. [20]Once freemasonry was co-opted with their enormous influence within the Establishment then it was only a matter of time before culture itself helped to sweep away the footprints of the Illuminati.

Though formed as a reaction against the Age of Enlightenment and the onset of the Industrial Revolution, the Romantic Movement was greatly influenced by the French Revolution. Poets such as Shelly, Byron, Coleridge and Wordsworth all latched onto the ideals of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” while choosing to ignore the Reign of Terror that followed in its wake. Come what may, this was to be an icon of a new dawn for those exploited workers who had suffered for so long. In the words of 19th Century historian Albert E. Hancock: “… the promise of a brighter day, the promise of regenerated man and regenerated earth. It was hailed with joy and acclamation by the oppressed, by the ardent lovers of humanity, by the poets, whose task it is to voice the human spirit.” [21]

This yearning to be free from the shackles of the psychopaths was a natural enough expression but it served to whitewash over the truth once again.



[1] Adam Weishaupt: A Human Devil by Gerald B. Winrod, Editor of The Defender Wichita, Kansas, 1935, Second Prim in j. Fourth Thousand.
[2] op. cit. Melanson. [Zoroastrianism: founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago and is seen as the first monotheistic religion. “Zoroaster was thus the first to teach the doctrines of an individual judgment, Heaven and Hell, the future resurrection of the body, the general Last Judgment, and life everlasting for the reunited soul and body. These doctrines were to become familiar articles of faith to much of mankind, through borrowings by Judaism, Christianity and Islam; yet it is in Zoroastrianism itself that they have their fullest logical coherence….” Mary Boyce, Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979 p.29]
[3] pp.94-95; Fire In the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, by James H. Billington, 1980 | ‘Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: Exegesis on the Available Evidence’ by Terry Melanson, Aug. 5th, 2005.
[4] Ibid.
[5] op. cit. Barruel (p.565)
[6] ‘Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the Available Evidence’ by Terry Melanson, Aug. 5th, 2005.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9 op. cit. Webster (p.217)
[10] op. cit. Webster (p.219)
[11] Op. cit. Billington; (p.94)
[13] Op. cit. Webster (p.219)
[14] op. cit. Reed (p.138)
[15] Essai sur la secte des Illuminés, Paris, 1789. By Jean Pierre Louis de, Marquis de Luchet.
[16] op. cit. Billington (pp.17-20)
[17] ‘Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau’ Encyclopaedia Britannica.
[18] De la monarchie prussienne sous Frédéric le Grand (1788) “The Prussian Monarchy Under Frederick the Great” by Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau.
[19] Op. cit. Reed (p.148)
[20] Some believe that Weishaupt was commissioned by the Rothschilds to update the mystery schools and inject new energy into the ancient goals of global conquest. No concrete evidence has as yet, been forthcoming. See: Terrorism and the Illuminati By David Livingston; Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier; The Rothschilds: The Financial Rulers of Nations by John Reeves; Illuminati: Fact or Fiction by Mark Dice and The Rise of the House of Rothschild By Egon Caesar Corti.
[21] p.7, 45-79; The French Revolution and the English Poets: A Study in Historical Criticism. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1899.