Dark Green XIII: Geo-Engineering and Global Warming

 By M.K. Styllinski


“From Yale University and the ‘we had to burn the village to save it’ department: Geoengineering, an emerging technology aimed at counteracting the effects of human-caused climate change, also has the potential to counteract political polarization over global warming, according to a new study.” | Image credit: John J. Reilly Center, University of Notre Dame | Source:  ‘Nutty claim: Advent of geoengineering may help lower temperature of debate over climate change’ by Anthony Watts at www.wattsupwiththat.com

As if the mess couldn’t get any more dire, some global warming combatants have now reached into the stratosphere of idiocy by embracing geo-engineering to save the world – the ultimate in climate change hubris.

If the climate won’t do as it’s told then you can always force Nature’s hand …

Sure…That’s always worked.

Geo-engineering, the macrocosmic manipulation of global weather patterns using various forms of known and unknown technology has been going on for quite some time. An October 2013 piece in The Independent describes just one example of weather manipulation during the Vietnam War with “Operation Pop-eye” carried out between 1967 and 1972. It was the first official use of: “weather as an instrument of war” in which the US air force operated more than 3,000 flights: “… above the Ho Chi Minh Trail, where planes seeded clouds with silver iodide particles, causing storms and extending the monsoon season. ‘Popeye’ turned the strategic pass into a bog – and appalled the international community. In 1977, the Enmod (Environmental Modification Convention) treaty outlawed weather warfare.” [1]

In 1977, an international Convention was by The 1977 UN General Assembly ratified an international convention banning ‘military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.’ It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing –through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.’ Though such conventions provide an official record that such activities should be prohibited covert military programs continue to exist regardless of what the UN or any other body thinks about it, thus ratifications are merely exercises in finger-wagging.

Environmentalists and meteorologists remain largely ignorant of this dimension and the threat to ecosystems but weather warfare has been part of the armoury military intelligence operations during and since the collapse of the Cold War. Information dominance and the perpetual war objectives of the Pentagon ensure that military use of geo-engineering is likely a major weapon of choice since governments are able to oust regimes and target nations without any suspicion that it may part of a cogent geo-strategy.

Despite claims of its closure in 2014, the most obvious source of this technology still remains the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). (It is highly likely that the decades of research has merely been privatised care of DARPA and shunted elsewhere). [2] Officially claiming to conduct research into the ionosphere and climate change it is alleged to have the capacity to destabilise global agricultural and ecological systems. This includes the stimulation of earthquakes and severe weather patterns such as hurricanes and tornados.

A US Air Force research document makes it plain that weather warfare was seen as a serious consideration in 1996 where the technology: “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary” and with capabilities that include everything from the triggering of floods, droughts, hurricanes, and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”

clip_image002.jpgSample from USAF document: ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.’ (1996) http://www.csat.au.af.mil/2025/volume3/vol3ch15.pdf (no longer available)

Of particular note is the idea of cloud seeding and the current interest in “chemtrails”. What many activists, commentators and a small collections of scientists believe to be toxic chemical compounds, heavy metals and viruses being systematically sprayed into the upper and lower atmosphere in huge quantities causing a number of serious effects ranging from heavy metal poisoning, the increase in rare diseases, mass animal, plant and tree die-offs to a global ecological degradation. They believe that contrails – water vapour made of liquid droplets or ice crystals left behind aircraft – are in actual fact evidence of a global military-corporate conspiracy to dump massive quantities of poisonous substances behind aircraft into various sectors of the atmosphere.

There are several reasons to suggest this is, at least in part, a misinterpretation of genuine phenomena. Firstly, based on evidence of global cooling, the nature of the upper atmosphere is changing.

Journalist Niall Bradley of sott.net explains:

“Contrails are staying longer and becoming larger suspended in the sky for hours that often spread to become several miles wide, or even cover the sky from horizon to horizon if they live under or near busy flight traffic areas where many aircraft traverse at high altitude. A lingering contrail may even blow in your direction without you ever seeing any aircraft because our atmosphere has a number of layers and each layer has its own temperature and wind speed and direction and, very often, things in one layer take a very long time and distance to mix or mingle with other layers, IF they mix at all. Usually, the wind speeds in the upper layers are such that anything deposited there might only penetrate to lower layers after many thousands of miles of travel. In short, if it is in the troposphere and lingers there, it is probably just contrails in an altered planetary atmosphere layer, or it is a bounce screen for HAARP waves.” [3]

Though chemtrails may well be a reality in a limited number of localised cases, as a vast global conspiracy the logistical and financial incentive doesn’t add up, quite apart from the obvious fact there have been far more cost effective ways to dumb down and control populations. Why would a program of poisoning be sanctioned when our daily lives are already replete with habits and effects which are inherently toxic?  What of decades of atmospheric nuclear testing; frequent oils spills; the endless use of pesticides and GMO foods; the prevalence of depleted uranium munitions in war zones and the presence of PCBs in every sentient life-form? Why waste money doing more?

Most importantly, as Bradley notes:“… anything that precipitates to the ground under the area where it is sprayed must be released in the lower troposphere, not between 20 and 30,000 feet where most commercial jets fly.” He also observes that the prevalence of aluminium, barium and strontium found in soil and water does not mean they come from chemtrails as advocates suggest, but indicative of more natural causes, aluminium being: “… the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) and the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. Because of its high chemical reactivity, barium is never found in nature as a free element, but barium compounds are used as an ‘atmospheric aerosol spray for enhancing/refracting the signalling of radio/radar waves along military jet flight paths, missile test ranges.” [4]  Since the concentrations of barium are found along military flight paths this is also not surprising that forms of strontium have been present in radioactive fallout, the earth having endured nuclear testing on a phenomenal scale since 1945.

Again, this doesn’t mean the idea behind chemtrails is ludicrous. There is never smoke without some fire. Geo-engineering is taking place but the key issue is to discover the primary cause from which truth is transformed into disinformation by the media and delivered to the public.

Something strange IS going on because the atmosphere has changed, but isn’t necessarily down to chemtrails or the poisoning of people from the air.

Similarly, something IS going on in the climate but it isn’t anthropocentric global warming.

It seems that many are being suckered into the whole mythology of 1) chemtrails as a dastardly plot to kill us all, when they have already been successfully dividing and killing us for decades now without wildly uneconomical ventures in the air and 2) HAARP as the primary source of military weather control. The promotion of the idea that the government is poisoning the global population and /or seeking to comprehensively control the weather –  either militarily and /or to oppose global warming – appears to be a red herring. The latter especially should present a red flag. What if the spraying that is taking place is for other purposes, not for changing the weather but for creating a suitable screen for HAARP mind control waves? Whacky as this may sound, we have the possibility of the camouflaging of two core truths: mass manipulation of the mind through HAARP or adjunct technologies and global climate change linked to the cooling of the atmosphere and cyclic cosmological phenomena. (These possibilities will clarify if the reader peruses the Technocracy series).

As is always the case, when the Establishment would rather keep such activities secret, public questioning about the logical validity of such capabilities are met with decades of denial. Now that it is convenient to do so, geo-engineering has been allowed to filter through to the MSM having existed in “fringe” regions of conspiracy commentary.  Once again, this is not to say that geo-engineering isn’t taking place – it obviously is. But the manipulation of the weather may serve as an excellent buffer to the true nature of what is going above our heads.

It was back in January 9 2012 that a new study did the rounds on geo-engineering, this time from the University of Oklahoma political science Dept. and George Washington University’s Cultural Cognition Project entitled: ‘Geoengineering and Climate Change Polarization: Testing a Two-channel Model of Science Communication.[5] This idea was further promoted by none other than the IPCC in September 2013 by suggesting its use as a possible weapon against global warming. The IPCC’s Chief scientific adviser on climate change, David MacKay stated from the evidence of their new modelling religion: “Modelling indicates that [geo-engineering applications] if realisable, have the potential to substantially offset a global temperature rise.” Following the report’s release, this coalition called for more investment in research and development stating: “I am going to recommend that this is a public priority for the long-term.”

Earth has been viewed as one great petri-dish of possibilities with the public as unwitting participants. Stratospheric aerosols, ocean reflectors, artificial trees, space reflectors, afforestation, and cloud seeding are just some of the applications currently being deployed or under review in a bid to offset the effects of AGW. A veritable genie is about to be unleashed which would be very difficult to place back in its bottle with no evidence that such artificial changes in weather patterns would ever be controllable and more importantly would exacerbate the existing problems in ways unforeseen – even helping to speed up the very things they wish to avoid.

What a tangled web we weave …

Historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s extraordinarily comprehensive research comes as close as you are going to get to a unified overview of the complex factors which make up our understanding of climate science today – not least how much vital information has been purposely excluded. A short response to a questioner in relation to geo-engineering serves as a useful summary on subject that is in desperate need of proper research by all true scientists:

Weather is nonlinear and nobody in his right mind would meddle with it. Obviously they try to, but with very limited results and it usually backfires on them. Their inputs are just so small they don’t perturb the system very much. (The same applies to ‘anthropogenic global warming’.) Plus, notice the most important clue: that the weather is changing dramatically on the other planets in our solar system which suggests a more ‘cosmic’ cause. Also notice the other interesting phenomena such as increasing volcanic eruptions (keep in mind that 75% of the planet’s volcanoes are under water and appear to be erupting with greater frequency lately), sinkholes, torrential rains, landslides everywhere on a scale previously unknown, heating of the troposphere from internal heat of the earth, combined with cooling and sinking of the stratosphere, comet/meteor dust loading of the stratosphere resulting in noctilucent clouds being seen further south than ever before. Then, there is the meandering of the jet stream. Put that together with the really sad performance of the sun during this solar maximum, the puzzling decrease of the Earth’s magnetic field, the increase in electrical activity, including the now well-known ‘mysterious sounds’ phenomena, and you get the impression that something outside the solar system or at least at the edges of it, is ‘grounding the current flow’ through all the planets and things are definitely getting interesting.  [6]

Evidence that water vapour from aircraft contrails has not been dissipating in the past twenty years is compelling. The patterns which have been formed are like cirrus clouds usually found at higher altitudes than passenger airliners which means that we can conclude that the upper atmosphere’s colder layer has fallen to a lower level. This means that contrails are forming in air that is much colder and creating cirrus-like effects. Contrails haven’t changed but the atmosphere within which they form certainly has. With an extremely quiescent sun over the last few years, many scientists agree.

A NASA-funded study which was monitoring the thermosphere described a massive contraction of the vast layer of gas far above the earth’s surface – the biggest in 43 years. According to John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab it was a: “… a Space Age record.” His paper on the findings were published in the June 19th issue of the Geophysical Research Letters (GRL). During 2008-2009 the contraction (or collapse) took place during what is called the solar minimum. Although the thermosphere naturally contracts when there is little solar activity, on this occasion the collapse was spectacular at two or three times the normal rate which left researchers perplexed as to the cause. [7]

While AGW supporters claim that the oceans are absorbing the excess heat from global warming and hence the “pause,” in truth, scientists are as confused as the rest of us. Though there are many qualifications climatologists are trying to grapple with and which do not need to feature the influence of CO2 at all, it seems there are factors currently dragging AGW kicking and screaming towards global cooling. Firstly, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) consists of two complex circulation patterns that appear every 30 years or so in the North Pacific Ocean. It has a warm positive phase which heats land in the Northern Hemisphere and a cool, negative phase. We are now experiencing the negative effect hence the idea that oceans are absorbing the excess heat of global warming, though that, in truth, is another cycle.




[1] ‘Let’s play God: The scientific experiments that might save the world (or destroy it…)’ The Independent, October 2013  Memphis Parker.
[2] ‘HAARP Facility Shuts Down’ January 7 2013| http://www.arrl.org/news/view/haarp-facility-shuts-down extract: “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) isexpected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research ‘physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.'”
[3]  Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction’ By Niall Bradley, August 12, 2012.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Geoengineering and Climate Change Polarization: Testing a Two-channel Model of Science Communication Dan M. Kahan ; Yale University – Law School; Harvard University – Edmond J. Safra Center for EthicsHank C. Jenkins-Smith ; University of Oklahoma – Department of Political Science; Tor Tarantola University of Cambridge – Department of Psychology; Cultural Cognition Project at Yale Law SchoolCarol L Silva; University of Oklahoma – Main – Department of Political Science Donald Braman; George Washington University – Law School; Cultural Cognition Project, January 9, 2012, Annals of American Academy of Political & Social Sci., 658, 193-222 (2015), doi: 10.1177/0002716214559002
[6] op.cit. Bradley.
[7] ‘A Puzzling Collapse of Earth’s Upper Atmosphere’ NASA Science NewsJuly 15, 2010.

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